05-2920 (RER) (TRUSS CALCS)'n BOB- ROFFMAN , Sftctural Rjoe r 14 0 ed r. Y'= 2 Ar "'00.7 one 4mit 40 el PTY OF LA ni fit, I xJUIL G & SAF DEPT R DA7P . . . . . . . . . . 0- Z, LU -� zO®O D w T H LL > �Q/�) Cc U) 0F co 66O zcc U O CO,M,DA /"%NY 494 S.- Fourth Street Bunning, CA 92220 951-922-2532 • Fax 951-922-2632 . "TRUSS" usfor quality! 1145 `yam i"j ✓ No rr, Ex : 12-31-06 topr'�TF of c `F°tea 1 1 �3.0�05 Elkins Tower Date: _ r 6259 Q - Customer Name: ``' Jnc�.�nh Elkins ' fix. I T 494 S. Fourth Street �. Phone 951-922-2532 Banning, CA 92220 'COMPANY' Fax 951-922-2632 We are a material supplier not a Sub -Contractor. Be certain that the dimensions and quantity as shown on these cales agree with your plans and ' are what you want. Consult;' with Building Contractor, Architect, Engineer or Building Consultant. Contact your Truss Designer immediately with any questions or corrections. o' - • . Signed authorization is required prior to fabrication • Engineering is valid only if manufactured by the Truss Company • Any product supplied by The Truss Company shall not be cut or' altered in any way without specific instruction from an authorized representative of the The Truss Company. CERTIFIED IN PLANT WOOD TRUSS INSPECTIONS BY NATIONAL INSPECTION ASSOCIATION, INC . IN ACCORDANCE WITH ENGINEERED PLAN SPECIFICATIONS AND THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARDS UBC, IBC AND ANSI NATIONAL STANDARDS LATEST. REVISIONS-. ICBO.1607 / ICBO RR2411 tL - J. }} "ember, a T.I i o rt r: r n - • '" ft .. ..... .'.4. ....... ... _ NOTICE * WARNING * NOTICE BE SURE ERECTION CONTRACTOR UNDERSTANDS BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS ENCLOSED High Tech Quality & Service Origination Date: May 2003 METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSS Revision - 1 - NON LIS ' TED FABRICATOR S IN - HOUSE QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTION The Truss Company, Banning, California Month Of: Jah ria✓y Start: 1-03-ag Finish: I -1�oc Fabricator's Quality, Control Ins .ection Requirements for Conformance with ICC ES AC 10 CATEGORYYes Non REMARKS O.K. Conf. Review Of Incoming Materials for Production is O.K. Q Lumber Grade is per Engineer Specifications or Greater p Joint Accuracy - 1/8 inch Maximum Ga Discrepancies Resolutions From Last Inspection Plate Placement od Per ANSI Standard Plate Size - Per Engineer Specifications or Greater Samples Taken Condition of'Plate Teeth Test Equipment That Requires Calibration Plate to Wood Tolerance - 1/32 inch Max Ga p Marking Lcigibiliq = Must Be Legible p Plant Stamp Verification - How Many on Site c P Stamps on Site Are Final Inspections being Completed In - Plant Q.C. Records - Are They Up To Date Comments: q The Truss C mpany Q.C. Sup rvisor's Signature NIA Auditor's Initials CATEGORY YES NO REMARKS Changes In Supervisory Personnel, Production Process d/ Any Test Performed or Witnessed Is There Product Tractability Any Discrepancies Resolutions From Last Inspection Any Shut Downs Or Disruptions In Production Any. Samples Taken Any Test Equipment That Requires Calibration Comments: q The Truss C mpany Q.C. Sup rvisor's Signature NIA Auditor's Initials �.-♦. ••- 'C. - - .. �_ .. LnternationaltAccreditation Se_ rvrcea Lnc: j a - it i .. "R. :�c'r. - - � �`.x''�e�:... .- ' - •`r _ i ,. `CERT1F1CATE gr1, a ,x,y CR-EDMOT . .i' w ! ^ - �: �Thtststosgntfytliat x ::a.sx >.aa;:;xME xsx;;R;x ** x : $ 4C:: _ xxx„d.=s`"..'C. ,x•.xx:"x`""? ^; - y • �:':::: xxx.xya".:l�x.x, x ::;x.x:x.xxx .:x{" + }. .xsxxxy xrr ”"^%r`.a " iso .s x �a"^ sr "'si j;. 8 ., r <., ;.xx .. aux x;s s X �r omm- :;s e ,. _, x... xx �' :'". P k"y w 1 s zx� K: !�° x 1 mx:....�4+xe R-EN::x,.-: l,r. ^t .t °�. s. r. .. - f a x x ... 3 .y x ♦ s,NATIONAL IN'SPEC4TI0N/1S:SOCIAT.IO NM INC:. i r �rMi =�dba:6ZUALITY.SYSTE`MS-MANAGE'MEN'T INC `' { > 81'50 B PTARM GAN ADEN UE ' ��. - . _ . • .. i r 4. 5x`8 -.'* _ ry. . 4 .-E'^:: F-�� -,� : Ron-f's'' ..�,''k"• *. ,n 7.. ` �,GILLET,TE,x WYOMING , a.s: t +a a , ^� :rte s .c •x a sa:` M:t s3 '"' ;' ..:x;.x *E���' s :e ;:s: .: ar,...'�x<� � t:;��: x r ;s �x e �K > `• f.. °:::::.x: s t.rte ;:.x. :x.xx;:xx. m: a x ;x , x g x xx.. xx MR,1 : M,- a.y s xzxs .,. 5....� ...° d£ti+.... a xx xxxxs: co -..-15111-M. ` ,:a:xxx x xc . .x,x _: R ; r x „ xxx ,;. Ins ectron.A enc' AA 583 :ko- SF r� P xg x. Y r� 6;s x�Yxxx a "¢ < < a a x °:9:; �: r :, — x:x,x sx,., xx�.:T eA::Th�rdPart Boal.xT ,;::x .:. ,1 #:; rxx ;<;., .x: YP �w Y) Y. ,xR _. xE�7.X� x:S:. f`€"'"'..xx..: w' ,a%'�.. • ,a; .xt';' �xa:.x a- a •.r _ E x+ s e: xsrey, .fix .xx ..:::>` :..<>n ,a,x;,:,x.<x, x xx .m°t x, ^x•.yx . _ n € r x s a o:°s nx.�ee.x x x _ : r, , .:ix xxS ,A. xxlua5t 4:x` ii.. :'',':••, .':: x",E,x'�:.«ki :x:« E::,:xi: -':" fix;::' Z... - ,Lxx,:xx,L:x." ia'C «5"` �:YS:"..'ex.::," a'.'.x.:: ..L:' &:. x: x :i xH =.,,.x o . :x r ;; xs s, .. t; izx xr z=; x c3.x e xk :xe:;x_ xa... a s Z : s xxxat.x,tr� �" ,'has -demonstrated com ,liarice w'thM ISQ/IEC Standard 17020x n enerdl criteYta rpt. r r - x ..:::::.. ...::� l?k ::,.w . _.:x:; ::T.: .:., _xx.,.n. ; ;, G Ifo heope of va ious ty of b , ; , c x xxxx i. at n53 •-- y. e : odtes -' 'er ormtna ins ection encom asset the=relevant re utrements of the ISO 9000 renes of standards aridahas'�b� accredited - �,cornmencin Au lust„1 2'003, to rovrde ins .'ectionserv'icesOpt :inWthe�a - pfta ^roved;"sco: e.of accreditation•.. g , x „g P l?-. PP ,Ox �� , � . T t� � . F. xxxxxx. , x. .n : ;xx; N>;, . m sx.. .c¢ x:x.: r i x3 '�' „. � + �..x � �x>xx�,� ,s:x ,s u;:wi ;::ti p ��� ox;x.. • cxxxxxxxxxx.x,. xxxxx . ,° :' sxxxxxxxx xxx x s x, xx.,< t ,x:x;xxxxe x. , u, xx..xs xa >: ,xxxx.xxxxx x,x .xx,.x x- :::s �Msxxxx... M . .s s x x � x.xxe:� x Fag, ~:.. i ..- .,s x.s:=r�xl - ,:x:=:;.�"'3:c. -€," xxs�xx :bx.::;.� ".s' �.. , x..: ea.: sF. xxxs x:x.x xx v i nc:S sY ,xx, a$.,x.s'` �r a"n�vx:r : x max 'n,tt: ,e 7 xx iR �. 3�; .Eexxxx #r�* , : €%xs,x ," .. ;Esxxx s . ,.xx , xx :3e : ix. l; s , c.x' x ?x:. : �a: a's# s_xxx.° IR Moll .� -, "?8 r� - .�.�:xx.,3.. .x;fr T,v r.+u 'fevw...•f..w®.,,„a F t ��' - ,. :xx.xxx(see••attached sco • e o accreilitatton• .or;;, .e;ran ex�•m. ethod'sgand "';roeecluresro •.zns'.ectton:; :«;kd R r AM •F c -• '� �, �� ,. k _a '•s` P '+ xs 3 Patrick' V . 1VIcCtilleii , . Y. 'Ra `ani P:E'. .� }, F C P.. m LLA r t Vice'Presclent x _.;�' ` »: -President` .. ". ,,Ax,.;zE a 3 ram 9` a s a.�w ° i`,.; r x +' • y :."x .x;� x'....« ,"'•::.�' `�: x. ., xxx <.xsz,r.- _ `This accreditation certificate supersedes any'IAS'accreditation certificatebear,;uig�an'earhex dates ;The certificate"beoomes invalid upon suspension- cancellation, revocation, or,expiration'of accreditation' See the`IAS Accreditation Listings on the web at www.iasonline.org for'current accreditation : a '•r- information; or contact,IAS directly at (562) 699 0541:. Print Date: 10/02/7003Page 1'of 2 ' Page 2 of 2 3 �. x. - '• 3 w� I;nz#ernational Ad' ft S�erruice, , he � , »;F»x,as& x, i i s� ,max x�r »RSCOENFAEDF3IAT { x x.x„� I OSN. Axf?ar� a .x: ?? 7r x a X£ ” �. e_, . •x a x , �'. ::..� y €r�.:>>� Ins echo�A enc a�AA 58� 3� .xx.xxxy •. _ ' :?,? - �u- ' e�� - Type�A(-g; Party) OR y� s Yf e r 'Agg" - � '`x Gx • � 1 Y i r• [ r s zs �' r e National lrispection Assoaatlon, lric �,r, -.. dba'Qualitm. y Systems Managernent,:lnc r xMA :15Keith A: Anderson as r�3x e' A,s �� 8?�. x ° �$ 8150 B. Ptarmlga_n A.,enue y � x �T,echnlcal Director xx d x : egg:sty M e &-T .x_" Gillette W omen ° 827128 �J x� �;xx� Y 9 .. .� x l 307 685-6331 e : g ax�anxxx �� a r > a r _ `H+r sx 1111. a, i, •;. °xFsxx t'^w>sx ' ���" ra„ s�xx»r fi s r "�s»fix, s xrrg .25 ffiffil Y, i^ Rr Y • 4;ro OURA. h, All MW ol t August 1;.2003 s- h x Xis s s - 1 s t r' M, s C 7 7 � 4m S C# 8 t r Commencement ate rffi5 s WMZ xs E; i P E. fir, C P: Raman .. resident This accreditation certificate supersedes any IAS accreditation certificate bearing an earlier date.' The certificate becomes'invalid.upon,suspension,.. �:. ; cancellation, 'revocat' o"r accreditation. See the IAS•Accreditdtion Listings on'the web afwww.iasonline.org for current accreditation 'information, or contact IAS directly at (562);699-0541:. Print Date' J10/02/2003'.• .. �� A. xi � ._x� ' ' ��x >�� 3� �� My ,xx� £ � . �xx,•� m� ,'Y'i ��.�-�"�- ��;�� � FIELDS xOFr ... � ,,� :T,YPx,E�ANDRAN�G�E O.F � �..x.x:x�x I, �SPECT�ION �M�E�THQDS . 4$INSP,ECTION�3 � FNSPECTIO.Nx'S. ��"�`�`AND'�PROC�EDUR, S gg� '� - miek<.,.exv... .S'"wCxx .xr'kxs:. c. 'Sx ..xis. �_£ xn a.� �x�v •�.:u3: aK.. �� v'v ��.'ex""�a' ..11.'k°r?�v�veP.�i'y' . -_Metal PI -ate Connected�Wood�Trusses �°�:..xxu••.:�x�.xx�, �Inu;Plant,.�•_Y ...?'°��:�,;,_•_ �:`�x:,;x::�•x: x,.�AN:SIf�TPilx�1.2' � -� � �}� xx � :;��.�" .� m �A.. x.x.;:�>ai:.""..x�"'`o- 6 ;#.H .9.. �02 Fxxxx,x.xr.v��xnxk��x.Tui::ivt' -.a°' �xx'Yv; xx.x � r7r x : ',jxxxx�.� �xx.>x�xxxxxx..�•s,z xxx6,."h> �-.:k::xr xxxxxxx.xx,xx+uxf.. "�'x�,� - 2:.:5;•_:xk:xixxk>x:x:x.t::°:'x x x..tt x �.'xk':�xx"x£`..x.::x"'x::i::."",u`�.;. .�:"'�xx�x•!_u•M xx.'::::::.x.xx ::��'�'•--�'..'av:T.".::`":� xv..'.3 � .. •.•:."3C'."5.:..`E�.E:.x ,nxS�"MFz�"a �• Ex� u..u.rrxr x xxsx x C "�.t":ib _, �_ �.@ �.' ...C',.,. �."; .' •S.`x'4d»»kx4'x•�'. x.x» 3� k ;Sx". .:':£,': x.�.=.�`-"- �c.�.�.i., � ;,c�qx`�..'�. : t s " Wood Framed Pr-efab"ncatedxSlear t:xxx�:: x '� �' } :��.t::�:�:u;w�.x���::.:�:x�:u�� ,. •'., la_nt,x�.." �u:�#���;IC`C ES,Inter�m�Critena AGy130 •Wall ' � .fix •...�» � r � ARM � ,�...�' _ � ��' Structural`Glued-Lamm'ated Timbers,, Y In -Plant ANSI%AITC A190�1 ��A ywc,-, m •o Certificate of Quality National Inspection Association, Inc. Quality Systems Management, Inc. National Testing, Inc. P.O. Box 3426 Gillette, WY 82717-3426 Weare an Auditing /Inspection Agency recognized by the International Code Conference, Inc., "ICC", and the International Accreditation Service, Inc., "IAS", that Audits /Inspects the Fabrication Process and In — House Quality Control Procedures, of Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Fabricators, under I.A.S. Report Number AA -583. This Is To Verify That : THE TR USS COMPANY BANNING, CALIFORNL4 Is under our Audited Quality Assurance Program and have been since: JUNE, 1998 We Audit the Fabrication & Q. C. Procedures under the following: Uniform Building Code, "UBC" International Building Code, "IBC" ANSI National Standards ICC ES AC 10 for Minimum Quality Control Manuals LATEST REVISIONS National Inspection Association, Inc. finds through observance, that the above mentioned Fabricator is in compliance with and or Exceeds all minimum Requirements to the Standards. The Truss Company FABRICATOR Na i al Inspec Association, Inc. M7 ����� Keith H. Anderson, Principle / Technical Director W— NIA—E 00 `t 4-0 4-0 NOTES: SET BACK SET BACK 1. OVERHANG g12" • 2. 2X4 TOP CHORDS ' 3. FLAT CEILING UNO. \ 4. ROOF PITCHa@ 5/12 = 5. 4 TRUSSES @ 24" OC UNO. 6. TRUSSES HAVE A 4 1/16" O HEELSTAND Z. Q 00 a. -------------------------------------- O ANC,y�T Robert &. Alcumbrac No. C-10381. >� REN: 8127107 VA F CN ALF 8-6 E L K T N S rE OWE R SALES REP LJH WO# Q6259 DUE DATE ^ a a D s0 S E LZ> H E L K T N S DSGNR/CHKR LTH / •LJH Date 11/28/2005 14:3C TC Live 16.00 psf TC Dead 14.00 psf DurFac-Lbr : DurFac-Plt 1.25 1.25 THE TRUSS COMPANY . 77810 CALL= TEMECULA 4 94' 'S . FOURTH STREET LA QUINTA, CA BC Live 0.00 psf O.C. Spacing : 29.0 BANNING',"LA 92220 909)922-25 32 760-564-1044 760250-8701 BC Dead 7. 00 psf Total 37.00 psf Design Spec : #Tr/4Cfg : 16 UBC -97 / 1 lJob Name: ELKINS TOWER Truss ID: A00 Qty: 2 BRG X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 459 3.50" 1.50" 2 8- 2- 4 ' 459 3.50" 1.50" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY on the truss material at each bearing MAX DEFLECTION (span) ' L/999 IN MEM 4-5 (LIVE) L= -0.01" D= -0.01" T= -0.02" CRITICAL MEM((B(ER FORCES: 2T3C615(D1U.25)/ TEN�(D11.. 0.122 1-2 615 1.25 / 113i(((1.603 0.12 BC COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(WR. CSI 4-5 _56(1.603/ 533(1.253 0.15 5-6 56(1.60 / 533(1.25 0.15 MB COMP.(DUR.)/ TENS.(DUR.) CSI 2-5 / 94(0.90) 0.05 TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEB 2x4 -HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH'REPORT #1607. Permanent bracing is regwired (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. Plating Spec • ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE.COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. IF HANGERS ARE INDICATED ON THIS DRAWING, THEY ARE BASED ON 1.5" HANGER NAILS FOR 1 -PLY AND 3" HANGER NAILS FOR MULTI -PLY GIRDERS. IF 2.5" GUN NAILS ARE USED, THE HANGERS MUST BE RE-EVALUATED (BY OTHERS) 44-2O 840 I 4-0-10 i 4-4-0 1-00 12 3 55 00 48t 48# -5.001 4-4 UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support 1 -118 lb Support 2 -118 lb This truss is designed using the UBC -97 Code. - Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No Exp Category = C MeaBldn rLenoofiheight0_OO11.006ft, midg phth_ 800.00 ft UBC Standard Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS ---------------- Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/TL. TC Vert 74.00 - 1- 0-.'0 74.00 0- 0- 0 0.15 TCVert 60.00 0- 0- 0 60.00 4- 0- 0 0.53 TCVert 85.62 4- 0- 0 85.62 4- 4- 0 0.53 TC Vert 60.00 4- 4- 0 60.00 8- 4- 0 0.53 TC Vert 74.00 8- 4- 0 74.00 9- 4- 0 0.15 BC Vert 19.98• 0- 0- 0 19.98 8- 4- 0 0.00 .Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 0.0 0- 1-12 1.00 TC Vert 25.3 4- 0- 0 1.00 TC Vert 22.2 4- 0- 0 0.00 TC Vert 25.3 4- 4- 0 1.00 TC Vert 22.2 4- 4- 0 0.00 TC Vert 0.0 8- 2- 4 1.00 4- 5 6 4-2 a 2 0� 4-2-0 8 4-0 - t 2-4-13 :SHIP T 0-4-1 y Truswal 3vstems Plates are 20 a. unless shown b "18"(18 ga H"(16, a.) or "M " TWMX 20 ng.), po itioned per Joint Details Report. Circled Iates and false frarrle fates are ositlonedyas shown atlove. Shlf[ Sble stud laces to avbld overlsa with structural laces or sta le . 11/28/2005 WARNINGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Cust: _JOSEPH ELKINS This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer - WO: Dri ve_2_462 59_L00005_) 00001 ® and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads DS n r • L I H 9 ' #LC = 15 . WT : 32# TC Live TC Dead BC Live BC Dead TOTAL 16.00 psf 14.00 psf 0.00 psf 7.00 psf 37.00 p5f DU r Facs L=1.2 5 P=1.25 Rep Mb r Bnd 1.00 Rep Mb r Comp 1.00 Rep Mb r Tens 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec UBC -97 DEFL RATIO: L/240 TC: L/18- THE TRUSS ® CO" (CA) 4445 Northpark Or. CO 10 Springs, CO 80907 TKU�'PLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.2 utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is latey braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise notedrall. Bracing shown is for lateral support o1 components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shell rot be placed in any environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate mnosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brain this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Treswal software. •ANSUTPI V, WTCA 1'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (SCSI 1-03) and BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofdo Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA)islocated at111119thStreet. NW. Ste 800.Washington, DC20036. GENERAL NOTES .Trusses are not marked In any way to Identify the frequency or location of temporary bracing. Follow' the recommendations for handling, installing and temporary bracing of trusses. Refer to BCSI 1-03 Guide to Good Practi for Handling Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses for more detailed information. Truss Design Drawings may specify locations of permanent bracing on individual compression members. Refer to the BCSI-133 Summary Sheet - Web Member 2e m mach Bracing/Web Reinforcement for more information. All other permanent bracing design is the responsibility of the Building Designer. NOTAS GENERALES Los trussers no estan marcados de ningun modo que identifique la frecuencia o localizad6n de los arriostres (bracing) temporales. Use las recomendaciones de manejo, instalacl6n y arriostre temporal de los trusses. Vea el folleto BCSI 1-03 Guia dp Buena Practim nary pl trtanoin InstaladAn Elam de Metaloara pard mayor Informaci6n. Los dibujos de diseno de los trusses pueden especificar las localizadones de los arriostres permanentes en los mlembros individuales en compresl6n. Vea la hoja resume BCSI-133 oara los arriostres 2ermanentesy r f os d los mi mbros s ndari s (webs) para mayor informaci6n. EI resto de ardostres permanentes son la responsabilidad del Disenador del Edificio. QThe consequences of improper handling, installing and bracing may be a collapse of the structure, or worse, serious personal injury or death. EI resultado de un manejo, instalaci6n y arriostre inadecuados, puede ser la cafda de la estructura o a6m peor, muertos o herldos. HAND ERECTION — LEVANTAMIENTO A MANO QTrusses 20' or less, support at peak. _ ; % ; ; _ , of Trusses 30' or LJ less, support at quarter points. �t r , Levante Levante de del pito los los cuartos "O O trusses de 20 rJ( Check banding Revise los empaques de tramo los prior to moving antes de mover los pies o menos. F Trusses up to 20' Trusses hasta 20' I trusses de 30 pies o menos. Trusses up to 30' I Trusses hasta 30' HOISTING — LEVANTAMIENTO ®Hold each truss in position with the erection equipment until temporary bracing is installed and truss is fastened to the bearing points. Sostenga Cada truss en posici6n con la gr6a hasta que el arriostre temporal este instalado y el truss asequrado en los s000rtes. ® Do not lift trusses over 30' by the peak. No levante dei pito los trusses de mas de 30 pies. HOISTING RECOMMENDATIONS BY TRUSS SPAN 0 Banding and truss plates have sharp edges. Wear RECOMMENDACIONES DE LEVANTAMIENTO gloves when handling and safety glasses when POR LONGITUD DEL TRUSS cutting banding. Empaques y placas de metal tienen bordes afilados. Use guantes ylentes protectores cuando torte los empaques. a2 HANDLING - MANEJO Allow no more . No permita mas Use special care in than 3" of defiec- de 3 pulgadas de windy weather or tion for every 10' pandeo por cada 10 near power lines of span. pies de tramo. and airports. roa is 3� 6' 1 � _ �1K' ra I a QPick up vertical Levante de la cuerda bundles at the superior los grupos top chord. verticales de trusses. ONE WEEK OR LESS MORE THAN ONE WEEK Bundles stored on the ground for one week or more should be raised by blocking at 8' to 10' on center. Los paquetes almacenados en la Berra por una semana o mas deben ser elevados con bloques a cada 8 o 10 pies. QFor long term storage, cover bundles to pre- vent moisture gain but allow for ventilation. Para almacen-amiento por mayor tiempo, cubra los paquetes para prevenir aumento de humedad pero permita ven01aci6n. Utilice cuidado especial en dias ventosos o cerca de cables electricos o de aeropuertos. Qr Avoid lateral bending. — Evite la Flexi6n lateral. ®Do not store No almacene unbraced bundles verticalmente los upright. trusses sueltos. ®Do not store on No almacene en uneven ground. tierra desigual. `19IVA Z Loa 12 0 [ 81 F." Tagline Toe -ins EToe-in Spreader bar 1/2 to j� 2/3 truss length —� TRUSSES UP TO 60' TRUSSES HASTA 60' Greater than 1 MSS cle 1 ples 60' or less F Approx. 1/2 truss length TRUSSES UP TO 30' TRUSSES HASTA 30' Locate . Spreader bar Attach above or stiffback 10' O.C. mid -height max. ANI VV It_ Spreader bar 2/3 to Tagline 3/4 truss length �I1 TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60' TRUSSES HASTA Y SOBRE 60' BRACING - ARRIOSTRE Q Refer to B _ I -B2 Summary Sh - Truss Installa- tion and Temporary Bradng for more information. Vea el cumen B 1-B - In tala ion de Trusses4 ,LA[[jgstre Temporal para mayor informaci6n. i ® Do not walk on unbraced trusses. No Gamine en trusses sueltos. Locate ground braces for first truss directly in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral bracing. CologUe los arriostres de tierra para el primer buss directamente en linea con cada una de las filas de arriostres laterales temporales de la cuerda superior. Brace first truss well �— before erection of additional trusses. Top Chord Temporary Latera Bracing (TCTLB) min. Spreader bar for truss bundles Tagline "O O rJ( Check banding Revise los empaques prior to moving antes de mover los bundles. paquetes de trusses. Qr Avoid lateral bending. — Evite la Flexi6n lateral. ®Do not store No almacene unbraced bundles verticalmente los upright. trusses sueltos. ®Do not store on No almacene en uneven ground. tierra desigual. `19IVA Z Loa 12 0 [ 81 F." Tagline Toe -ins EToe-in Spreader bar 1/2 to j� 2/3 truss length —� TRUSSES UP TO 60' TRUSSES HASTA 60' Greater than 1 MSS cle 1 ples 60' or less F Approx. 1/2 truss length TRUSSES UP TO 30' TRUSSES HASTA 30' Locate . Spreader bar Attach above or stiffback 10' O.C. mid -height max. ANI VV It_ Spreader bar 2/3 to Tagline 3/4 truss length �I1 TRUSSES UP TO AND OVER 60' TRUSSES HASTA Y SOBRE 60' BRACING - ARRIOSTRE Q Refer to B _ I -B2 Summary Sh - Truss Installa- tion and Temporary Bradng for more information. Vea el cumen B 1-B - In tala ion de Trusses4 ,LA[[jgstre Temporal para mayor informaci6n. i ® Do not walk on unbraced trusses. No Gamine en trusses sueltos. Locate ground braces for first truss directly in line with all rows of top chord temporary lateral bracing. CologUe los arriostres de tierra para el primer buss directamente en linea con cada una de las filas de arriostres laterales temporales de la cuerda superior. Brace first truss well �— before erection of additional trusses. Top Chord Temporary Latera Bracing (TCTLB) min. BRACING FOR THREE PLANES OF ROOF EL ARRIOSTRE EN TRES PLANOS DE TECHO QThis bracing method is for all trusses except 3x2 and 4x2 parallel chord trusses. Este metodo de arriostre es para todo trusses excepto trusses de cuerdas paralelas 3x2 y 4x2. L) TOP CHORD — CUERDA SUPERIOR Truss Span Top Chord Temporary Lateral Brace (TCTLB) Spacing Longitud de Tramo Espaciamiento del Arriostre Temporal de IS Cuerda Superior Up to 30' 10' o.c. max. Hasta 30 pies 10 pies maximo 30' to 45' 8' o.c. max. 30 a 45 pies 8 pies maximo 45' to 60' V o.c. max. 45 a 60 pies 6 pies maximo 60' to 80'* 4' o.c. max. 60 a 80 pies* 4 pies maxlmo :Consult a Professional Engineer for trusses longer than 60'. `Consulte a un ingediero para trusses de mas de 60 pies. 21 See BCSI-B2 for TCTLB options. Vea el BCSI.82 para las opciones de TMB. I- /� Refer to BCSI-B6 Summary Sheet _ Gable End Frame Bracing- (� Vea el res6men l�J Repeat diagonal braces. BCSI-86 - Arriostre L� Repita los arriostres del truss terminal diagonales. d nt hoado aquas. Set first five trusses with spacer pieces, then add diagonals. Repeat 10 process on groups of four trusses until all tresses are set. Instale los cinco primeros trusses con espaciadores, luego los arriostres diagonales. Repita este procedimiento en gnupos de cuatro trusses hasta que todos los trusses esten instalados. :) BOTTOM CHORD — CUERDA INFERIOR Lateral braces 2x4x12'length lapped over two trusses. , - - , 10'-15' max. Diagonal braces every 10 truss spaces (20' max.) Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. ) WEB MEMBER PLANE — PLANO DE LOS MIEMBROS SECUNDARIOS Web Diagonal braces every 10 truss 10 spaces (20' max.) '-15' same In as bottom chord Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. lateral bracing DIAGONAL BRACING IS VERY IMPORTANT iEL ARRIOSTRE DIAGONAL ES MUY IMPORTANTE! BRACING FOR 3x2 AND 4x2 PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES EL ARRIOSTRE PARA TRUSSES DE CUERDAS PARALELAS 3x2 Y 4x2 Q, Refer to BCSj-B7 Summary Sheet - Temporary and Permanent Bracing for Parallel Chord Trusses for more information. ,0, 0=15 Maximum lateral brace spacing 10' o.c. for 3x2 chords 15' o.c. for 4x2 chords Vea el res6men j BCSI-B7 - Arriostre temporal y Permanente de The end diagonal trusses de cuerdas brace for cantilevered paralelas para mayor trusses must be placed informaci6n. on vertical webs in line with the support. Lateral braces 2x4x12' length lapped over two trusses. INSTALLING - INSTALACION Tolerances for Out -of -Plane. — Tolerancias para Fuera-de-Plano. LJ Length - r Max. Bow Max. Bow %r— .ngth Max. Bow Length =>•� Length 1'7( Tolerances for L� Out -of -Plumb. Tolerancias para I Fuera-de-Plomada. a � m 0/50 max ^. Plumb bob - D/50 D (ft.) 1/4* 1' 1/2 2 3/4" 3' 1' 4' 1-1/4" 5' 1-1/2" 6' 1-3/4" 7' 2' 1 a 8' Diagonal braces . every 15 truss spaces (30' max.) Max. Truss Bow Length 3/4" 12.5' 7/8" 14.6' 1' 16.7' 1-1/8" 18.8' 1-1/4' 20.8' 1-3/8' 1/2'1- 1-3/4' 2' CONSTRUCTION LOADING — CARGA DECONSTRUCCION QDo not proceed with construction until all bracing is securely Maximum Stack Height and properly in place. for Materials on Trusses No proceda con IS construcci6n hasta clue todos los arriostres esten colocados en forma aproplada y segura. Do not exceed maximum stack heights. Refer to BCSI-B4 Summary Sheet -Construction Loading for more information. No exceda las maximas alturas recomendadas. vea el res6men max. BCSI-B4 Carga de Construcci6n para mayor informaci6n. GDo not overload small groups or single trusses. No sobrecargue pequefios grupos o trusses individuales. Material Height (h) Gypsum Board 12" Plywood or OSB 16' Asphalt Shingles 2 bundles Concrete Block B" Clay Tile 3-0 tiles high QPlace loads over as many trusses as possible. Coloque las cargas sobre tantos trusses tomo sea posible. 1 /( Position loads over load bearing walls. lJ Coloque las cargas sobre las paredes soportantes. ALTERATIONS — ALTERACIONES QRefer to BCSI-85 Summary Sheet - Truss Damage. Jobsite Modifications and Installation Errors. Vea el res6men BCSI-BS Da"nos de trusses. Modificaciones en la Obra y Errores de Instalacl6n. Do not cut, alter, or drill any structural member of a truss unless specifically permitted by the Truss Design Drawing. No Corte, altere o perfore ning6n miembro estructural de los trusses, a menos clue este especificamente permitido en el dibujo del diseho del truss. Trusses that have been overloaded during construction or altered without the Truss Manufacturer's prior approval may render the Truss Manufacturer's limited warranty null and void. Trusses clue se han sobrecargado durante la construcd6n o han sido alterados sin Una autorizacl6n previa del Fabrlcante de Trusses, pueden reducir o eliminar IS garantfa del Fabricante de Trusses. NOTE: The Truss Manufacturer and Truss Designer must rely on the fact that the Contractor and crane operator (if applicable) are ca- pable to undertake the work they have agreed to do on a particular project. The Contractor should seek any required assistance regardinii construction practices from a competent party The methods and procedures outlined are Intended to ensure that the overall construction techniques employed will put A" and roof trusses Into place SAFELY. These recommendations for handling, installing and bracing wood trusses are based upon the collective experience of leading technical personnel In the wood truss industry, but must, due to the nature of responsibilities Involved, be presented only as a GUIDE for use by a qualified Building Designer or Erectbn/Installation Contractor. It is not Intended that these recommendations be interpreted as superior to any design specification (provided by either an Architect, Engineer, the Building Designer, the ErectbMnstallation Contractor or otherwise) for handling, Installing and bracing wood trusses and It does not preclude the use of other equivalent methods for bracing and providing stabllily, for the walls and columns as may be determined by the truss ErectiWnstallatlon Contractor. Thus, the Wood Truss Council of America and the Truss Plate Institute expressly discialm any responslbllity, for damages arising from the use, application, or reliance on the recommendations and Information contained herein. WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE One WTCA Center • 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, WI 53719 583 D'Onofrio Drive • Madison, WI 53719 608/274-4849 • www.woodtruss.com 608/833-5900 • wwwApinst.org B1 WARN13x17 031125 ®��`► :'�®�®4� w1"L��-ter • • p•C, ,r 8 � � o �. � � ,. aha. . • ��'ax•. ,• :0 • ,nax, Up t �, f, spahs•4p t " A - 4p to ,� � � .r4p t o 80: � • � �"'> o sa.'' .�' • -�. 7 j - The graphic above shows the inazimum on -center spacing EI dibujo ,(see * above), of T&LB based on,#uss span from the table in Step arriba muestra el mazimo espaciamiento del (vea * above) ALTOS basado en la ;tabla del Segundo 2 on•page 3" . k. ,�; -..rt - en la pagma 3 i'7 �.� paso • Ground•bracing not shown for clarity: % Arriostre de tierra no se..muestra para claridad • Apply diagonal brae ing o"risheathin9 immediately:_For spans over`60' the preferred 'sheathing t Aplique arriostre diagonal o entablado.'(sheathing)_ method is immediately. sinmediatamente. Para tramos mayores de 60 pies el - ` °rrietodo'preferido°es entablar inmediatamente. Q Spans over 60'.may;require'co n6lex temporary bracing. Consult a Professional Engineer. :r - Tramos mayores de 60' pies'pueden'necesitar arriostre temporal complejo: Consulte a; un Ingeniero.•„' t ~ b �'• , ,?�5it !� CS K h�`� R 1 Y\LYLaF1 `Y.'V'l 4 • / -4 \ U 1 a� }'X 1?iif • • 44t v+S 5,� Mo�35��`�.� Y¢jni`A �y •.= W �' 1\� �I �i''i "" +y y +4 v +t t,!i. }', y IT4�� 9`�,�+y S�`6� _tL-^Yo_�x��''s'.'d�—Y11� G d.f��, _ 4 ,l � .p5�;� S4 "4'� -L � �S� y� 9 E {� ; �, • / - • • ��1{,.a � �c�p� ""�,—c "? " l� R� ?� gy�.�`Yf� �S C %. ��Mi. � �e a�� . _��Cyt �T4 syy a � ; _, .�e-.C�k}�d 1+���1' .w q� ' o\ / •.:VM"'C^�T`i (� y ! FIr\�{�� j9}may `'�l jT / - / • I I 'll 1\'tx j'� . �.ti•.�.�i }7 Q�';:1 fy�-�'n � • / •/• • i. biY3 l�Y�ry}"^�-.� '�`f.�� i'f `'_ _r�r...i.E:3`:1:9 x'7'.1 �-�.� • - • - A;9'.�„Tl.y� �f'M c „+...,.,....f 7y�. �j I arm + 4tA r i¢4 _FSC f IM'" M� f yi 9,� E�4il ib 4. t fmp 1, p - �+b _ drLFt .r 'dry �7i"jY sX:a:.fl..`L +-i�'`� I �- 0_4891:4 ®��`► :'�®�®4� w1"L��-ter • • p•C, ,r 8 � � o �. � � ,. aha. . • ��'ax•. ,• caf � ,nax, Up t �, f, spahs•4p t " A - 4p to ,� � � .r4p t o 80: � • � �"'> o sa.'' .�' • -�. 7 j - The graphic above shows the inazimum on -center spacing EI dibujo ,(see * above), of T&LB based on,#uss span from the table in Step arriba muestra el mazimo espaciamiento del (vea * above) ALTOS basado en la ;tabla del Segundo 2 on•page 3" . k. ,�; -..rt - en la pagma 3 i'7 �.� paso • Ground•bracing not shown for clarity: % Arriostre de tierra no se..muestra para claridad • Apply diagonal brae ing o"risheathin9 immediately:_For spans over`60' the preferred 'sheathing t Aplique arriostre diagonal o entablado.'(sheathing)_ method is immediately. sinmediatamente. Para tramos mayores de 60 pies el - ` °rrietodo'preferido°es entablar inmediatamente. Q Spans over 60'.may;require'co n6lex temporary bracing. Consult a Professional Engineer. :r - Tramos mayores de 60' pies'pueden'necesitar arriostre temporal complejo: Consulte a; un Ingeniero.•„' t ~ b $2Temp 200401011 CHECK THESE ITEMS BEFORE STARTING ERECTION/ INSTALLATION AND CORRECT AS NEEDED REVISE ESTOS PUNTOS ANTES DE EMPEZAR LA INSTALACION Y CORRIJA [Jf Building dimensions match the construction plans. Q Trusses are the correct dimension. Dimensiones del edilicio concuerdan con pianos de Dimension de los trusses es correcta. construccion. Q Tops of bearing walls are flat, level and at the correct Q Supporting headers, beams, walls and lintels are elevation. accurately and securely installed. La parte superior de las paredes de sostener son Travesanos (headers), vigas y linteles estan precisa y planas, nivelada y a la elevacion correcta. seguramente instalados. Q Jobsite is backfilled, clean and neat. Q Hangers, tie -downs, and bracing materials are on site and accessible. Colgadores (hangers), soportes de anclaje (tie -downs) y materiales de arriostre estan accesibles en la obra. Q Erection/installation crew is aware of installation plan and bracing requirements. La cuadrilla de instalacidn Bebe tener conocimiento del plan de instalacion y requerimientos de arriostre. Q Multi -ply trusses, including girders, are fastened together prior to lifting into place. Trusses de varias capas, incluyendo trusses soportantes estan conectados juntos antes de levantarlos en el lugar que les corresponde. Q Any truss damage is reported to Truss Manufacturer. Refer to SCSI -B5 Summary Sheet — Truss Damage, Jobsite Modifications and Installation Errors. Cualquier dano a los trusses ha sido reportado al fabri- cante de trusses. lea el resumen BCSI-85 — Dan"o a los Trusses, Modificaciones en la Obra y Errores de Insta- lacion. Q Load bearing walls are plumb and properly braced. Paredes soportantes estan a plomada y ccrrectamente arriostradas. STEPS TO SETTING TRUSSES PASOS PARA EL MONTAJE DE TRUSSES Terreno en la obra esta relleno, limpio y piano. Q Ground bracing plan for first truss is based on site and building configuration. Pianos de arriostre de Berra para el primer truss estan basados en el terreno y forma del edificio. Interior Exterior If ground level is too far from truss for exterior ground bracing, use interior ground bracing. Si la altura de los trusses al piso exterior es mucha, arriostre al piso interior. Establish Ground Bracing Procedure: Exterior or Interior 1 ■ Estabiezca e/ Procedimiento de Arriostre de Tierra: Exterior o Interior 1i TCTLB �J TCTLB � Bracing to wall or end jack for hip set IJ/ Fest Wu (or pale .r..., end o -,n )of dacse n w... Ground h ac. Roue d Wass df.ponal Oland N.c. . wr �— First truss Ground br— wnkst ewe vw tnamd � aw a �wr c Wnd swne f— Wall bracing Drtm W mc. labr.l .an aave stake bwr Nob: 8—ne dear SWt` ah.l M..db .Pb .upwn pre B.dW Pound b ab —• T End dw Ffodzotll.l W rtulnEx Mh nvApb st.kas 1i Memo • 2Calculate Ground Brace `Locations ` .r 1i Calcule. Localization de los Arriostr@S de •Tierra '~ Q . Use truss span to determine•, " ' > TCTLB i bracing interval of Top Chord' SEs aciamiento del ALTOS r Up to 30',4 = Temporary Lateral Braces R '.Hasta 30 pies 10 ies maximo, from.table:. 8' o.c. max. 30 a 45 pies 8 pies maximo 145't6 60' Use la longitud'de tramo para, ' 6 pies maximo' 60' to 80'* deferminar el e'spaciamiento 60 a 80 pies*9 pies maximo del arriostre lateral temporal de la cuerda superior en la ' .. ;Truss Span - - TCTLB Spacing, Lon itud de Tramo SEs aciamiento del ALTOS r Up to 30',4 = = 30' o.c. max,' '.Hasta 30 pies 10 ies maximo, L 30''to 45'. 8' o.c. max. 30 a 45 pies 8 pies maximo 145't6 60' 6' o.c: max. 45 e 60 Pies 6 pies maximo' 60' to 80'* 4' o.c:"max. 60 a 80 pies*9 pies maximo a a adYunra. --*Consult'a Professional Engineer for trusses longer than 60'. ' - + 4 *corisulte a un it geniero para trusses de rnas de 60 pies. JULB ' + dd t— " 10" or greater • '. A 5'-6' S'$ 5'A' a'- a' i J. 4'4' Truss attachment 33•$S e. required at support(s) - � Q Locate additional TCTLBs at.each Q Locate additional TCTLBs over ' Q Locate'a 'vertical ground brace at change of pitch bearings if the heel height is' 10" each TCTLB location Localice ALTCS adicionales en'cada or greater. ' t Localice un arriostre de tierra verti-' cambio de inclination, Localice-ALTCS adicionales cal en cada ALTCS.' '. v sobre los soportes; si la altura del ' extremo (heel height) es de 10 ' ,pulgadas o mas? Set�First Truss and Fasten Securely to Ground Braces ; . ♦ .Y 3o' � .Coloque el Primer Truss y Conectelo en Forma Segura a los Arrios N • - 9 ties de Tierra. •+_ • , t. ill .• Q Set first truss or gable•end frarh and fasten securely to ground'brace verticals and -to the wall, or as directed by the Building Designer. Example of first truss.installed. , Coloque el primer truss`y conecte'lo en foiina segura a los 'arrio_ stres de tierra verticales y a, la pared, o tomo indique el disenador del edificio. Ejemplo del primer truss'instalado. t ', TCTLB _ TCTLB " 'locations -"�,. locations ' 'TCTLB `" •' - locations;` • ` - ' it �' � � y � � �' � ":x, ' • - - • - ��pRR' OST���a`R:4 ESE a „- r� PRIOR € ' iac, xorurat>rrer.wi:rsc.ri ;4 !� IMP,ORTANT SAFETY WARNINGI'6`. First truss must be attached securelyto all.ground'braces'prior to removing the hoisting supports: ' 6 ADVERTENCIA IMPORTANTE DE SEGURIDAD 6 • E/ primer truss debe ser sujeto en forma !sequra a todos los 4a rriostrcis de tierra,; • - '9 antes de quitar los soportes de la grua: ,; - W 01.31 -DA *UlalPIRM CC9 . Set Next Four Trusses with TCTLB in Line with Ground Bracing 1 4 ■ Coloque los Siguientes Cuatro Trusses con los ALTCS en Linea con los Arriostres de Tierra • • • '1 /I• 1 •I• II 11. • 1I• • I I •' I I I 1 ��1�� y��4\ ->•�' - t,�(J ".�i, �y'�,ya'A�i..L a� 9' ' .§3- �'�': � ,�'a I� ' `` '� �����;'^��., trk�,Yj��•a.� "�2�� H'. ��-iwf �i %�:�F.� T'9 ' ''^b���hh��� .. .��`�l Y+}Ej t,w, v'1r.J'.cff�r;� '}ri ,'--r. ,a1,irx` '2 g*-, 0 �'Y°riy �r 7�':�a 3' ado c o �o�jJ�j.. fes} rTe�iX '`"'M.v �rt E L ��'r 'S:�f°. Y`¢, a�°.�h tai`iLV �, 'i7�7'r`L�..lZ-�.�ui�l�7'7CI� 8d���aJ�!'7Ird$ "�- ° 1�.i; q' �Qr. ° 4 C'r' y �, ',u'F 0 ''' ATS c f C�•S �; 3 ��=�f�,�>r r '�� �,.,�� `�� ' _�"r•....��..+ -" i '�,� e��i: y+.• -�::' .:..,.„�.� t 7.....2.:x. $.'',..�w�s...�.,.,..� -vs_w � z:.:;.:.�__>, 2 The three options for installing TCTLB spacer pieces. Las tres opciones para instalar piezas de espaciamiento para ALTCS. Option i Top Nailed Spacer Pieces connection 2 clavos en cada coneccion 27"+ Do not use split spacer pieces. . Nouse piezas de espaciamiento con rajaduras. 221/2" Option 2 End -Grain Nailed Spacer Pieces Opcidn 2 Piezas de espaciamientos conectadas al extremeo 51 Use 2-16d deformed shank nails minimum 2 2 I'le at each spacer to truss connection. Do not use split Use tomo minimo 2 spacer pieces. claves largos (16d shank nails) en Cada coneccion ho use piezas de de los espaciadores con espaciamiento con el truss. rajaduras. . Option 3 Proprietary Metal Bracing Products Opcion 3 Productos de refuerzo de metal patentado See manufacturer's specifications. 22 / , F _ lea las especificaciones del fabricante. t�. IMPORTANT SAFETY WARNING! Never release the truss from the hoisting supports until all top chord temporary lateral braces are installed and bearing attachments are made. kJ ADVERTENCIA IMPORTANTE DE SEGURIDAD Nunca suelte el truss de los soportes de la grua hasta que todos los arriostres laterales de la cuerda superior esten instalados y el truss este conectado a los soportes. Opcidn 1 Piezas de espaciamiento clavadas arriba 2� 7_+ 1 11/2" minimum t end distance 1 % pulgadas distancia de extremo 2 nails at every minima connection 2 clavos en cada coneccion 27"+ Do not use split spacer pieces. . Nouse piezas de espaciamiento con rajaduras. 221/2" Option 2 End -Grain Nailed Spacer Pieces Opcidn 2 Piezas de espaciamientos conectadas al extremeo 51 Use 2-16d deformed shank nails minimum 2 2 I'le at each spacer to truss connection. Do not use split Use tomo minimo 2 spacer pieces. claves largos (16d shank nails) en Cada coneccion ho use piezas de de los espaciadores con espaciamiento con el truss. rajaduras. . Option 3 Proprietary Metal Bracing Products Opcion 3 Productos de refuerzo de metal patentado See manufacturer's specifications. 22 / , F _ lea las especificaciones del fabricante. t�. IMPORTANT SAFETY WARNING! Never release the truss from the hoisting supports until all top chord temporary lateral braces are installed and bearing attachments are made. kJ ADVERTENCIA IMPORTANTE DE SEGURIDAD Nunca suelte el truss de los soportes de la grua hasta que todos los arriostres laterales de la cuerda superior esten instalados y el truss este conectado a los soportes. i u�aa-oc •7Nru•IHe(1 9nCC1 41' BRACING MATERIAL AND CONNECTIONS MATERIALES DE ARRIOSTRE Y CONECCIONES Q Bracing material must be at least 20 stress -graded lumber unless specified otherwise by the Building Designer. Material de arriostre Bebe ser por to menos 2x4 madera graduada por esfuerzo a menos que el disenador indique diferente. Q All bracing and spacing members must be connected with at least the nails shown at right, except for the spacers shown in Step 4, Option 2, which require 16d deformed -shank, ring, barb or screw nails. 10d (0.128x3") Todos los arriostres y miembros espaciadores deben ser 12d (0.128x3.25") '0' conectados por to menos con los clavos mostrados a la 16d (0.135x3.5") derecha, con excepci6n de los espaciadores mostradas en el Paso 4, Opci6n 2, que requieren clavos largos 16d (shank nails), anillos, plias, o tornillos. R1 Drive nails flush or use double -headed nails for easiest brace removal. Penetre los clavos al raso o use clavos de dos cabezas para quitar los arriostres mas facilmente. Install Top Chord Diagonal Bracing a Instale Arriostre Diagonal en la Cuerda Superior Q Attach diagonal bracing to the first five trusses. Example of diagonal bracing on first five trusses. Coloque arriostre diagonal en los cinco primeros trusses. Ejemplo de arriostre diagonal en los cinco primeros trusses. rf eIGT�ruoRti�[,o,40,bskAAft, �TtTREitttJplvAC�rt�. _� 1+i�asr2be}Yr�kxx►rio8lusaa[tu,i� i{ i ....... .. .0 o bE'Yi�likd.YYR�PAYha.d6.re�oe�rn Q Or start applying permanent roof sheathing. Example of permanent roof sheathing installed on first five trusses. O empiece el entablado permanence. Ejemplo de entablado permanente instalado en los cinco primeros trusses. awl -Di auI"1mmmi ancc1 7 Install Web Member Diagonal Bracing 6 ■ Instale el Arriostre Diagonal de Miembros Secundarios Q Temporary web member diagonal'bracirg acts with the top Web members chord and bottom chord temporary lateral bracing to form triangulation perpendicular to the lane of the truss and 9 p p p prevents trusses from leaning or dominoing.�., _ El arriostre diagonal temporal de los miembros secundarios trabajan con los arriostres temporales de la cuerda supe- rior y de la cuerda inferior para formar una triangulation Diagonal braces perpendicular at Plano del truss y evita que los trusses se every 10 truss inclinen o caigan tomo dominos. 1o' -1s' max. spaces (20' max.) Same spacing Q Install at about 450 on web members (verticals whenever as bottom chord possible); locate at or near bottom chord lateral bracing lateral bracing Some chord and web members not shown for clarity. locations. Repeat at the interval shown. , Instale a aproximadamente 450 en los miembros secundarios (verticales cuando sea posible); coloque abajo o cerca de las localizaciones de los arriostres laterales de la cuerda inferior. Repita a los intervalos mostrados. Q Permanent lateral web bracing requirements are specified separately on the Truss Design Drawing. Refer to BCSI-B3 Summary Sheet — Web Member Permanent Bracing/Web Reinforcement for more information. Requerimientos de arriostre permanente lateral de los miembros secundarios son especificados por separado en el dibujo del diseno del truss. lea el Resumen BCSI-B3 — Refuerzos y Arriostres de los Miembros Secundarios para mayor information. .�----� Q Mono pitch trusses, deep flat trusses and similar high -end -type trusses require temporary lateral and diagonal bracing at the end. Trusses de una sola pendiente, trusses planos profundos y trusses similares con un extremo profundo requieren arriostre temporal, lateral y diagonal en los soportes a el final. Install Bottom Chord Bracing 7 ■ Instale el Arriostre de la Cuerda Inferior Q Lateral and diagonal bottom chord bracing stabilizes the bottom chord plane. Arriostre lateral y diagonal en la cuerda inferior estabilizan el plano de la cuerda inferior. Q Install temporary lateral bracing at 15' on -center maximum. Remove, if desired, after the permanent ceiling diaphragm is Lateral braces in place. 2x4x12' length lapped over Instale los arriostres laterales temporales Cada 15 pies como two trusses. maximo. Quitelos, si asi to desea, despues que el diafragma permanente del cielo raso este colocado. Q Install permanent lateral bracing at 10' on -center maximum. Specified spacing may be less; check with the Truss Design ago Drawing and/or the Building Designer. Instale los arriostres laterales permanentes cada 10 pies como maximo. EI espaciamiento especificado puede ser menor; vea el dibujo del diseno truss o verifique con el 10'-1s' max. disefiador del edificio. Diagonal braces every 10 truss spaces (20' max.) QInstall diagonal bracing at intervals of maximum 20'. Some chord and web members g g not shown for clarity. Instale arriostres diagonales a intervalos de 20 pies maxmo. © IMPORTANT SAFETY WARNING! Do not remove ground bracing until all top chord, bottom chord and web bracing is installed on at least the first five trusses. ® ADVER TENCIA IMPORTANTE DE SEGURIDAD 6 No quite el arriostre de tierra hasta que todos los arriostres de la cuerda superior, de la cuerda inferior y de los miembros secundarios este instalada por to menos en los cinco primeros trusses. v Repeat Steps Four Through Seven on Groups of Four-Trusses Using Option A or 6 - • on ' Repita los Pasos 4 al 7 en Grupos de Cuafro Trusses Usando la Opcion A•o la Opcion 8 ;Option A: Install long, lateral braces on each group of... Option B: Install diagonal bracing on each group of four four trusses that have been set with spacer pieces• Install trusses that have been set with: spacer: pieces. diagonal braces every 20' maximum.' <. Opeion B: Instale arriostre diagonal e-n.cada grupo de Opcion A: Instale. arriostres laterales largos en cada grupo` cuatro trusses que han sido colocados con .espaciadores. de cuatro trusses que han sido colocados con espaciadores. Instale arriostre diagonal cada 20 pies maximo. TCTLB / TCTLB Lateral bracesy spacing spacing ` 2x4xl2' length lapped over two trusses.- w" Spacer options on pg• 4• ate ` Diagonal braces ,.. `Repeat every `10 truss ` '� r diagonal yspaces (20' max.) �.t r • ^t braces 1 •4 a . - ., {J �. 1 • ; i a • ' ENSURE THAT ALL TRUSSES ARE PROPER LY. DIAGONALLY BRACED AT THE END OF EACH DAY'S WORK 'Sheath early... sheath often: Do not wait until all trusses'' sa f r rt are set to.apply sheathing.- ASEGURESE QUE-TODOS,LOS TRUSSES ESTEN a f �• �j PROPIAMENTEARRIOSTRADOSDIAGONALMENTEAL % TERMINO DE CADA DIA DE TRABAJO, Entable temprano' :', entable,con frecuencia. No espere f`"' '• hasta que todos los trusses esten instalados para aplicar ` el entablado. _ ' 6 WARNING! Remove only:as much bracing as-,is necessary to nail'down the next sheet.'. DO NOT EXCEED TRUSS DESTGN LOAD WITH CONSTRUCTION LOADS. (SEE BCSI-B4) & ADVERTENCIA! Quite solo; tantos arriostres como sea necessaro para clavar la siglyiente hoja de entablado. NO EXCEDA LA CARGA DE DISENO CON CAR GA DE CONSTRUCCION.(VEA BCSI-B4) ALTERNATE INSTALLATION METHOD.BUILD IT ON THE GROUND'AND LIFT IT INTO PLACE 5 METODO ALTERNO DE�INSTALACION: ARMELO EN. LA- TIERRA Y LEVANTELO EN POSICION [J1 Position trusses on the.ground a "• s Ensamble los trusses en la tierra. RI Install web and bottom chord bracing as required 'by the building designer. Instale los arriostres de los miembros secundarius y de la cuerda inferior como. j indique el disenador del edificio. Instali"ermanent sheathing. for stability. � p 9. tY• � - Instale e'l.entablado Permanente para estabilidad. Q Pickup the assembly and set iC in place: - Levan - te el ensam bla e col" u o elo • I y q en pos�cion. Q Be sure to get the proper professional engineering guidance to lift the entire system into place safely and efficiently. Asegurese de obtener la propia guia profesional de ingenieria para levantar el si terra corripleto a;su lugar en forma segura y eficiente.. i• ; bd.=-DA NUMIVIAKY bfICCI , This document applies to all sloped and flat chord trusses manufactured from 2x lumber such as: Este documento aplica a todos los trusses inclinados y pianos construidos de madera 2x tales como: Scissor Truss. Mono Truss For flat trusses manufactured with 3x2 or 4x2 lumber, see Section B7 of the BCSI 1-03 Booklet or the BCSI-B7 Summary Sheet — Temporary and Permanent Bracing for Parallel Chord Trusses. Para trusses pianos fabricados con madera 3x2 o 4x2, vea la Seccidn B7 del folleto BCS11-03 o el Resumen BCSI-B7 _ Arriostre Temporal y Permanente para Trusses de Cuerdas Paralelas. See Section B2 of the BCSI 1-03 Booklet for special conditions such as: Vea la Seccidn B2 del folleto BCS11-03 para condicionek especiales tales como: Piggyback Trusses Field -Spliced For trusses spaced more than 2'-0" on center, see Section B10 of the BCSI 1-03 Booklet or the BCSI-B10 Summary Sheet — Post Frame Truss Installation and Bracing. Para trusses espaciadas a mas de 2 pies, vea la Secci6n B10 del folleto BCS11-03 o el Resumen BCSI-B10 — Instalacidn y Arriostre de Trusses Post -Frame. This document replaces WTCA's f;= TTBWTCAB2 - Always Diagonally==�=g-� WARR= ADVEn7EMA! Brace for Safety�_ =-=min This document summarizes Part 2 of an 11 -part informational series titled: Building Component Safety Information BCSI 1-03 - Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. Copyright © 2004 Wood Truss Council of America and Truss Plate Institute. All Rights Reserved. This guide or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. Printed in the United States of America. WILR WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA One WTCA Center 6300 Enterprise Lane - Madison, WI 53719 608/274-4849 • www.woodtruss.com TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 D'Onofrio Drive Madison, WI 53719 608/833-5900 " www.tpinst.org is Construction loads come from workers, equipment, and building materials on an unfinished structure. For example, bundles of panel sheathing or gypsum board stacked on trusses temporarily create construction loads. Cargas de construccion vienen de trabajadores, equipo, y materiales de construccion en Una estructura sin acabar. Por ejemplo, bultos de entablado de panel o tabla de yeso amontonada sobre los trusses creando cargas de construccion. Q Make sure that the truss assembly is properly braced ac- cording to the guidelines in BCSI-131 and BCSI-132 before placing any construction loads on an unfinished structure. Asegurese que el montaje de truss este adecuadamente arriostrado seg6n el directriz en BCSI-Bl y BCSI-B2 antes de colocar alguna carga de construccion en Una estructura sin acabar. Q Stacking excessive construction loads on floor or roof trusses is an unsafe act. Failure to follow these recommendations could lead to property damage, or worse, serious personal injury or death. Apilando cargas de construccion excesivas en trusses de piso u techo es un acto peligrc-o. Fallar en seguir estas recomendaciones puede causar dano a la propiedad, o peor, grave herida personal o muerte. Q Trusses that have been over -stressed due to excessive construction loading will usually a:now excessive sagging (deflection), or in more severe cases may show broken webs and/or chord members or Neb members that have pulled out of the plated joints. Trusses que han sido estresados de mas debido a cargas de construccion excesivas usua'mente demuestran Una desviacion excesiva, o en casos mas severos pueden demostrar miembros secundarios cuebrados y/o miembros de cuerda o miembros secundarios que han jalado fuera de la lamina de coyunctura. CONSTRUCTION LOADING DSS AND DON"TS QUE HA CER Y NO HACER CON LAS CARGAS DE CONSTRUCCION DON'T stack materials on unbraced trusses. NO amontone materiales sobre trusses que no esten arriostrados. NO sobrecargue los trusses. w r9 DON'T exceed stack heights listed in the _able. NO exceda la altura de monton indicada en la tabla que sigue Maximum Stack Height for Maaerial on Trusses Maximua Altura de Mont6n par Material arriba de los Trusses Material — Material Gypsum Board — Tabla de Yeso Height — Altura 12" — 12 pulgadas Plywood or OSB — Madera Contrachapadu u OSd 16" — 16 pulgadas Asphalt Shingles — Teja de Asfalto 2 bundles — 2 bultos Concrete Block — Bloque de Concreto 8" — 8 puigadas Clay Tile — Azulejo de Barro 3-4 tiles — 3-4 azulejos Q DO distribute loads over as many trusses as possible. Position sheets flat with the longest edge perpendicular to the trusses as shown. SI distribuye cargas sobre el mayor nurrero de trusses que sea posible. Posicione laminas con el filo mas largo perpendicular a los trusses como indica el dibujo. DON'T allow the stack to lean against walls, or stack materials so they overload single or small groups of trusses. NO permite que el mont6n se incline contra ninguna pared, o apile materiales para sobrecarguen uno u grupos pequen"os de trusses. Q DO stack materials along outside supports or directly over inside supports of properly braced structures. SI apile materiales a el lado de los soportes de afuera o directamente sobre los soportes de aoentro de estruc- turas que estan arristradas apropiadamente. iMOS /ice �� I �1 7 1711 DON'T overload trusses with materials midway between supports. NO sobrecargue los trusses con materia'es a mitad de los soportes. DON'T drop loads on trusses. The impact can damage the trusses even if the load is small. NO deje caer cargas arriba de los trusses. El impacto puedo danar los trusses aun que sea pequena la carga. 3ss'M I�I� I�!�1►�%I� ■ 0✓ DO leave construction materials on lifting equipment until installation, if possible. SI deje materiales de construcccion arriba de el equipo de levantar hasta la instalacion si es posible. DON'T stack materials at locations that will produce instability, such as on cantilevers or near truss -to -girder connections. NO agile materiales en un lugar que puede producir in- estabilidad Como en voladiza o cerca de las conecciones de trusses a viga. This document replaces WTCA's TTB Construction Loading This document summarizes Part 4 of an 11 -part informational series titled: Building Component Safety Information BCSI 1-03 - Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected W3od Trusses. Copyright © 2004 Wood Truss Council of America and Truss Plate Institute. All Rights Reserved. This guide or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. Printed in the United States of America. bY1CR WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA One WTCA Center 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, WI 53719 608/274-4849 • www.woodtruss.com 2 CONSTRUCTION LOADING TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 D'Onofrio Drive Madison, WI 53719 608/833-5900 • www.tpinst.org '1^ IMPORT -ANT SAFETY WARN'I'NG! � f Trussesyalone' are N®T`deslgri�ed to SUPPORT fall; TALL rKU I tL I lUN ANIV VVUUU I KUD,tb FALL PROTECTION PLANS — PLANES DE PROTECCION DE CAIDA Regulations and information on fall protection and erection/installation of trusses in residential construction is contained in Standard 29 CFR Subpart M from the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The OSHA Construction Standard section 1926.501(b)(1) states in part: "Each employee on a walking/working surface with an unprotected side or edge which is 6 feet or more above a lower level shall be protected from falling by the use of guardrail systems, safety net systems, or personal ( /1 fall arrest systems." For sample Fall Protection Plans for residential construction refer to Section 1926 Subpart M of the Construction Resource Manual online at www.osha.gov or contact a licensed Design Professional experienced in the elimination/control of fall hazards. Normas e informaci6n sobre protecci6n de caida y erecci6nlinstalaci6n de trusses en construcci6n residencial es contenido en Standard 29 CFR Subpart M del U.S. Departamento de Labor, Seguridad Ocupacional, y Administraci6n de Salud (OSHA). EI Standard de Construccon de OSHA secci6n 1926.501(b)(1) dice en parte: "Cada empleado en un superficie de caminarltrabajar con un lado u orilla sin protecci6n que es seis pies o mas arr;aba de un nivel mas bajo Bebe ser protegido de caerse por el use de un sistema de baranda, un sistema red de seguridad, o sistema de arrestar la caida personal."Para ejemplos de planes de protecci6n de caida para construcci6n residencial vea la secci6n 1926 subpart M de Manual de Recursos de Construccion en Internet en www.osha.gov o contacte un Profesiona/ de Diseno licenciado que tenga experiencia en la eliminaci6n/control de peligros de caidas. SUGGESTIONS FOR SAFE INSTALLATION — SUGERENCIAS PARA INSTALACION SEGURA Option 1— Opci6n 1 Scaffolding Andamio Use a scaffolding system with personal fall arrest system following OSHA's guidelines. Use un sistema de andamio con un sistema de arrestar la caida personal siguiendo la directriz de OSHA. Option 2 — Opci6n 2 Use a Roof Peak Anchor Use Ancla de Cumbre de Techo Sheath and brace a portion of the roof (per BCSI-61 and 62) and use a roof anchor and personal fall arrest system following OSHNs guidelines. Entable y arriostre una porci6n del techo (por BCSI-82) y use Una ancla de techo y sistema de arrestar la caida personal siguiendo la directriz de OSHA. R S xr�Q? LJ L 4i Option 3.— Opci6n 3 Ground Assembly Montage de Terreno Position the truss system on the ground. Sheath and brace for stability. Lift and set in place. This pre -assembled section can then be used as a tie -off point. Posicione el sistema de truss en el terreno. Entable y arriostre para estabilidad. Levante y ponga en su lugar. Esta secci6n pre-montada puede ser usada como un punto de atar. This document replaces WTCA's TTB Fall Protection and Wood Trusses This document summarizes Part 11 of an 11 -part informational series titled: Building Component Safety Information BCSI 1-03 - Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. Copyright © 2004 Wood Truss Council of America and Truss Plate Institute. All Rights Reserved. This guide or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. Printed in the United States of America. WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA One WTCA Center 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, WI 53719 608/274-4849 • www.woodtruss.com 2 BCSI-611 SUMMARY SHEET TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 D'Onofrlo Drive Madison, WI 53719 608/833-5900 • www.tpinst.org PS REPORT TIA ER -1607 Reissued June 1, 2001 ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc. 5360 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, California 90601 . www.icboes.org Filing Category: FASTENERS—Steel Gusset Plates (066) MODEL 20, TW18 AND TW16 METAL CONNECTOR PLATES FOR WOOD TRUSSES TRUSWAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION 1101 NORTH GREAT SOUTHWEST PARKWAY ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76011 1.0 SUBJECT Model 20, TW18 and TW 16 Metal Connector Plates for Wood Trusses. 2.0 DESCRIPTION 2.1 General: Model 20, TW18 and TW16 are metal connector plates for wood trusses. The plates are manufactured to various lengths, widths, and thicknesses or gages, and have integral teeth that are designed to laterally transmit load between truss wood members. Plans and calculations must be sub- mitted to the building official for the trusses using metal con- nector plates described in this report. Floor -ceiling or roof - ceiling assemblies described in this report using wood trusses with metal connector plates have one-hour fire -resis- tive ratings. 2.2 Materials: 2.2.1 Model 20 and TW18 Connector Plates: Model 20 plates are manufactured from minimum 20 -gage -thick [0.036 inch (0.91 mm)], ASTM A 653, Grade 37, structural -quality steel with a hot -dipped galvanized zinc coating designated G60. TW18 plates are manufactured from minimum 18 -gage - thick [0.047 inch (1.19 mm)], ASTM A 653, Grade 37, structur- al -quality steel with a hot -dipped galvanized coating desig- nated G60. Each plate has slots approximately 7/16 inch (11.1 mm) long that have been punched along the longitudinal axis of the plate. Each punched slot forms two opposite -facing, sharply pointed teeth protruding at right angles from the parent metal. The punched slots are spaced approximately 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) on center across the width of the plate and approximate- ly 1 inch (25.4 mm) on center along the length of the plate, with adjacent longitudinal rows staggered approximately 1/8 inch (3.2 mm). Connector plates are available in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) increments of width and length. Minimum plate width and length are 1 inch (25.4 mm) and 3 inches (76.2 mm), respec- tively. See Figure 3 for details of plate dimensions. There are eight teeth per square inch of plate surface. The length of each tooth, including the thickness of the parent metal, is approximately 3/8 inch (9.5 mm), and the width of each tooth is approximately % inch (3.2 mm). The shank of each tooth is concave and the tip of each tooth is twisted approximately 35 degrees with respect to the plate width. Ad- jacent longitudinal rows of teeth are twisted in the opposite di- rection. 2.2.2 TW16 Connector Plates: TW16 plates are manufac- tured from minimum 16 -gage -thick [0.058 inch (1.47 mm)], ASTM A 653, Grade 37, structural -quality steel with a hot - dipped galvanized zinc coating designated G60. Each plate has slots approximately 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) long that have been punched along the longitudinal axis of the plate. Each punched slot forms two opposite -facing, sharply pointed teeth protruding at right angles from the parent metal. The punched slots are spaced approximately 1/3 inch (8.5 mm) on center across the width of the plate and approximate- ly 11/4 inches (31.8 mm) on center along the length of the plate, with adjacent longitudinal rows staggered approxi- mately 5/8 inch (15.9 mm). Connector plates are available in 1 -inch (25.4 mm) increments of width and 11/4 -inch (31.8 mm) increments of length. Minimum plate width and length are 3 inches (76.2 mm) and 71/2 inches (190.5 mm), respectively. See Figure 4 for details of plate dimensions. There are 4.8 teeth per square inch of plate surface. The length of each tooth, including the thickness of the parent metal, is approximately 7/16 inch (11.1 mm), and the width of each tooth is approximately 5/32 inch (4 mm). The shank of each tooth is concave and the tip of each tooth is twisted approximately 42 degrees with respect to the plate width. Ad- jacent longitudinal rows of teeth are twisted in the same direc- tion. 2.3 Allowable Loads: 2.3.1 Model 20, TW18, and TW16 Plate Connectors: Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 provide allowable lateral loads, tension loads, shear loads, and reduction factors for Model 20, TW18, and TW16 plate connectors. These values are based on the National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, ANSI/TPI 1-1995. A copy of the ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 standard must be supplied to the building depart- ment when requested by the building official. 2.3.2 Lateral Resistance: 'Each Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plate must be designed to transfer the required load without exceeding the allowable load per square inch of plate contact area, based on species, the ori- entation of the teeth relative to the load, and the direction of load relative to grain. Design for lateral resistance must be in accordance with Section 11.2.1 ofANSI/TPI 1-1995. Table 1 specifies allowable lateral loads for the metal connector plates. 2.3.3 Tension Resistance: Each Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plate must be designed for tension ca- pacity, based on the orientation of the metal connector plate relative to the direction of load. Design for tension must be in accordance with Section 11.2.2 of ANSIIrPI 1-1995. Table 2 specifies allowable tension loads for the Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plates. Additionally, the net sec- tion of the metal connector plates for tension joints must be designed using the allowable tensile stress of the metal ad- justed by the metal connector plate tensile effectiveness ra- tios shown in Table 2. 2.3.4 Shear Resistance: Each Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plate must be designed for shear capacity, REPORTS'" are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. �.Ny.lvm v cw j Page 1 of 6 Ii Page 2 of 6 based on the orientation of the plate relative to all possible lines of shear. Design for shear must be in accordance with Section 11.2.3 of ANSI/TPI 1-1995. Table 3 provides allow- able shear loads for the Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plates. Additionally, the net section of the metal connector plates for heel joints and -other joints. involving shear must be designed using the allowable shear stress for the metal connector plates adjusted by the shear resistance effectiveness ratios shown in Table 3. 2.3.5 Metal Plate Reductions: Several allowable load re- duction factors for the metal plates must be considered cumu- latively, when applicable, in the design of metal connector plates used in fabricated wood trusses. The load reduction factors are as follows: 1. Allowable lateral resistance values for the Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plates must be reduced by a strength reduction factor, QR, shown in Table 4, when the plates are installed in lumber with a single -pass, full -embedment roller system. The strength reduction factor, QR, is applicable for roller diam- eters equal to or greater than roller diameters shown in Table 4. This reduction does not apply to embedment hydraulic -platen presses, multiple roller presses that use partial embedment followed by full embedment rollers, or combinations of partial embedment roller/hydraulic-plat- en presses that feed trusses into a stationary finish roller. When trusses are fabricated with single -pass roller press- es, the calculations for the truss design submitted to the building department for approval must specify the mini- mum diameter of the roller press and the appropriate strength reduction factor from this report. 2. Allowable lateral resistance values for the Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plates must be re- duced by 15 percent when the plates are installed on the narrow face of truss lumber members. 3. Allowable lateral resistance values must be reduced by 20 percent when the Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plates are installed in lumberhaving a moisture content greater than 19 percent at the time of truss fab- rication. 4. Allowable lateral resistance values for Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plates installed at the heel joint of fabricated wood trusses must be reduced by the heel -joint reduction factor, HR, as follows: HR = 0.85 — 0.05(12tanO — 2.0) where: 0.65<_HR_0.85 8 = angle between lines of action of the top and bottom chords as shown in Figure 5. This heel -joint reduction factor does not apply to conditions with top chord slopes greater than 12:12. 2.3.6 Combined Shear and Tension: Each Model 20, TW18, and TW16 metal connector plate must be designed for combined shear and tension capacity, based on the orienta- tion of the metal connector plate relative to the directions of loading.. Design for combined shear and tension must be accordance with Section 11.2.4 of ANSI/TPI 1-1995. 2.3.7 Combined Flexure and Axial Loading: Metal con- nector plates designed for axial forces only are permitted as splices in the top and bottom chord located within 12 inches (305 mm) of the calculated point of zero moment. Design of metal connector plates located at splices in the top and bot- tom chord not located within 12 inches (305 mm) of the calcu- lated point of zero moment must include combined flexure and axial stresses. ER -1607 2.4 Truss Design: Plans and calculations must be submitted to the building offi- cial for the trusses using metal connector plates described in this report. The truss design must show compliance with the code and accepted engineering principles. Allowable loads for the metal connector plates may be increased for duration of load in accordance with Section 2304.3.4 of the code. Cal- culations need to specify the deflection ratio or the maximum deflection for live and total load. For each truss design draw- ing, the following minimum information should be specified by the design engineer: 1. Truss slope or depth, span and spacing. 2. Dimensioned location of truss joints. 3. Model, size and dimensioned location of metal connector plates at each joint. 4. Truss chord and web lumber size, species, and grade. 5. Required bearing widths at truss supports. 6. Top and bottom chord live and dead loads, concentrated loads and their locations, and controlling wind or earth- quake loads. 7. Design calculations conforming to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 or UBC Section 2343 (which is based on the Design Specifi- cation for Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, TPI -85), and any adjustments to lumber and metal con- nector plate allowable values for conditions of use. 2.5 Truss Fabrication: Model 20, TW18, and TW16 plate connectors shall be installed by an approved truss fabricator who has an ap- proved quality assurance program covering the wood truss manufacturing and inspection process in accordance with Sections 2343.7 and 2343.8 of the code and. Section 4 of ANSI/TPI 1-1995, National Standard for Metal Plate Con- nected Wood Truss Construction. The allowable loads recog- nized in this report are for plates that are pressed into wood truss members using hydraulic -platen embedment presses, multiple roller presses that use partial embedment followed by full embedment rollers, or combinations of partial embed- ment roller/hydraulic-platen presses that feed trusses into a stationary finish roller press. When truss fabricators use single -pass rollerpresses, the rollers must have minimum 16 - or 20 -inch (406 or 508 mm) diameters, depending on the re-. duction factor, QR, specified in the design calculations. 2.6 One-hour Fire -resistive Floor -ceiling or Roof -ceiling Assemblies: 2.6.1 Assembly No. 1: See Figure 6 for details. Trusses: Wood trusses are parallel -chord trusses having an overall minimum depth of 12 inches (305 mm). Trusses are spaced a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on center. Strongback Bracing: Bracing must be minimum 2 -by -6 grade -marked lumber oriented vertically, and must be installed perpendicular to trusses on maximum 10 -foot (3048 mm) centers. Braces are attached to each truss with a mini- mum of three 10d nails. Roof. -Floor Sheathing: Floor or roof sheathing shall be minimum 19/32 -inch -thick (15.1 mm) tongue -and -groove plywood. Long edges are installed perpendicular to trusses. Plywood sheathing is attached in accordance with Section 2322 of the code. Ceiling Membrane: Two layers of 1/2 -inch -thick (12.7 mm) USG Gold Bond Fire Shield® Type X wallboard are applied directly to the bottom chord members of the wood truss. The base ply is applied perpendicular to the trusses and is attached to the wood chord members with 11/4 -inch - long (31.8 mm), Type S drywall screws or 17/8 -inch -long (47.6 mm), 6d cooler or box nails, spaced 24 inches (610 mm) on center. The face ply is also applied perpendicular to the Page 3 of 6 trusses with side and butt joints staggered 24 inches (610 mm) from the joints of the base ply. The face ply is attached 'to the bottom chord members with 17 /8 -inch -long (47.6 mm), Type S'drywall screws spaced 12 inches (305 mm) on center, or 23/8 -inch (60.3'mm), 8d cooler or box nails spaced 7 inches (178 mm) on center. Additionally, 11/2 -inch -long (38.1 mm), Type G drywall screws are installed 3 inches (76.2 mm) from the face ply butt joints and are spaced 12 inches (305 mm) on center. Face layer joints and screws or nailheads are cov- ered with joint compound and are taped. 2.6.2 Assembly No. 2: See Figure 7 for details Trusses: Wood trusses are labeled Truswal Space - Joists®, and must comply with evaluation report ER -3687. Overall minimum truss depth is 103/4 inches (273 mm). SpaceJoist trusses are spaced a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on center. SpaceJoist trusses must have SpaceJoist metal webs having minimum 5/16 -inch -long (8 mm) teeth. The continuous portion of the metal web member of the Space - Joists must be located at the bottom chord, and the break in the web member must be located at the top chord. Splices in the bottom wood chord member are permitted provided they occur outside the middle third of the truss span. See ER -3687 for details of the Truswal SpaceJoist. This fire -resistive assembly using Truswal SpaceJoists re- quires a factory -installed TrusGuard-, a No. 30 gage [0.013 inch (0.33 mm)] steel channel, attached along the entire length of the bottom wood chord member of the truss. The TrusGuard is attached to the bottom chord with metal connec- tor plates pressed through the sides of the steel channel. Splices in the TrusGuard must occur at metal connector plate locations and must be lapped a minimum of 6 inches (305 mm). Roof -Floor Sheathing: Floor or roof sheathing shall be minimum 23132 -inch -thick (18.2 mm) tongue -and -groove plywood with exterior glue. Long edges are installed perpen- dicular to trusses, and end joists are staggered a minimum of 4 feet (1219 mm). Plywood sheathing is attached with mini- mum 6d ring-shanked nails with spacing in accordance with Table 23 -I -Q of the code. A 3/8 -inch (9.5 mm) bead of AFG-01 adhesive is applied to the top chord of the trusses and in the plywood grooves before installation of sheathing. A single layer of minimum 23/32 -inch -thick (18.2 mm) tongue -and -groove structural wood -based sheathing under- layment, having a minimum floor span rating of 24 inches (610 mm), may be used as an alternate to the plywood sheathing. Lightweight Concrete Floor Topping (Optional): Optional pedite or vermiculite aggregate or gypsum concrete may be placed on top of the wood sheathing without affecting the fire -resistive rating. Minimum thickness of the concrete fill is 3/4 inch (19 mm). A plastic or paper vapor retarder should be placed on the wood sheathing before placement of the concrete. Forta-Fill (ER4147) and Gyp -Crete (ER -3433) may be placed on the flooring without affecting the fire -resistive rat- ing, provided the topping is installed in accordance with its evaluation report. Strongback Bracing: Bracing must be minimum 2 -by -6 grade -marked lumber oriented vertically and must be installed perpendicular to trusses on maximum 10 -foot (3048 ER -1607 mm) centers. Braces are attached to each truss with a mini- mum of three 10d nails. Ceiling Membrane: One layer of 5/8 -inch -thick (15.9 mm), USG, Type C wallboard is applied directly to the bottom chord members of the wood truss. All joints must be blocked with minimum 31/2 -inch -wide (89 mm) steel channels or wood members. All wallboard edges are attached to the wood chord members or blocking with 15/8 -inch -long (41.3 mm), Type S drywall, spaced 8 inches (203 mm) on center. Wall- board joints and screws are covered with joint compound and are taped. 2.7 Identification: Model 20, TW18 and TW16 plates are embossed with the identifying marks "TW20,' "TW18," and "TW16," respectively, stamped into the parent metal. 3.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Test data in accordance with National Design Standard for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction, ANSI/TPI 1-1995, for the Model 20, TW18 and TW16 plates. 4.0 FINDINGS That the Model 20, TW18 and TW16 metal connector plates for wood trusses comply with the 1997 Uniform Building Code', subject to the following conditions: 4.1 Plans and calculations must be submitted to the building official for the trusses using metal con- nector plates described in this report. 4.2 Model 20, TW18 and TW16 metal connector plates are designed to transfer the required loads using the design formulae in ANSI/TPI 1-1995. A copy of the ANSI/TPI 1-1995 standard must be supplied to the building department when this is requested by the building official. 4.3 The allowable loads for the metal connector plates comply with this evaluation report. 4.4 Metal connector plates are not permitted to be lo- cated where knots occur in connected wood truss members. 4.5 Metal connector plates are installed in pairs on op- posite faces of truss members connected by the plates. 4.6 Trusses using metal connector plates described in this report must be fabricated by a truss fabricator approved by the building official in accordance with Sections 2311.6 and 2343.8 of the code. 4.7 Allowable loads shown in the tables in this report may be increased for duration of load in accord- ance with Section 2304.3.4 of the code. 4.8 Allowable loads shown in the tables in this report are not applicable for metal connector plates em- bedded in lumber treated with fire -resistive chemi- cals. 4.9 Where one-hour fire -resistive construction is re- quired, refer to Section 2.6 of this report, or to eval- uation report ER -1352 or ER -1632, for descriptions of code -complying floor -ceiling or roof -ceiling fire - resistive assemblies. This report is subject to re-examination in two years. Page 4 of 6 ER -1607 TABLE 1 -ALLOWABLE LATERAL RESISTANCE VALUES FOR THE MODEL 20, TW18, AND TW16 METAL CONNECTOR PLATES For SI: 1 psi = 6.89 kPa. ISee Figure I*for an explanation of the position of plates with respect to wood grain and teeth orientation. 2Metal connector plates must be installed in pairs on opposite faces of truss members connected by plates. ;Values are based on the Gross Area Method. TABLE 2 -ALLOWABLE TENSION VALUES AND TENSION EFFICIENCY RATIOS FOR MODEL 20, TW18, AND TW16 METAL CONNECTOR PLATES PLATE MODEL LUMBER TW16 DIRECTION OF GRAIN AND LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH OF PLATE1,2•3 PLATE MODEL Species Specific Gravity AA EA AE Allowable Load (pounds per square inch of plate contact area) EE 0.54 Douglas fir 0.49 157 161 III 132 1,091 Hem -fir 0.43 108 120 86 99 845 Southern pine 0.55 156 159 140 131 TW16 Spruce -pine -fir 0.42 112 110 81 93 Spruce -pine -fir, 0.50 136 150 119 117 Timber Strand@ 0.69 181 172 132 153 Western woods 0.36 101 114 79 50 Douglas fir 0.49 186 169 143 133 Hem -fir 0.43 150 125 117 114 Southern pine 0.55 195 172 181 154 TW 18 and Model 20 Spruce -pine -fir 0.42 187 131 1 126 116 Spruce -pine -fir 0.50 189 163 159 142 Timber Strando 0.69 1 198 178 181 166 Western woods 0.36 1 ' 130 116 105 101 For SI: 1 psi = 6.89 kPa. ISee Figure I*for an explanation of the position of plates with respect to wood grain and teeth orientation. 2Metal connector plates must be installed in pairs on opposite faces of truss members connected by plates. ;Values are based on the Gross Area Method. TABLE 2 -ALLOWABLE TENSION VALUES AND TENSION EFFICIENCY RATIOS FOR MODEL 20, TW18, AND TW16 METAL CONNECTOR PLATES PLATE MODEL DIRECTION OF LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH OF PLATE t 0° 90° 0° 90° ALLOWABLE TENSION LOAD (pounds per linear inch per pair of plates) TENSION LOAD EFFICIENCY RATIO TW16 1,906 1,133 0.72 0.43 TW18 1,032 1,160 0.48 0.54 Model 20 789 882 0.48 0.54 For SI: I pound/inch = 0.175 N/mm. 'The length of plate refers to the dimension of the longitudinal axis of the area of the plate from which the plate teeth were sheared during plate fabrication. See Figure 2 for a visual explanation. TABLE 3 -ALLOWABLE SHEAR VALUES AND SHEAR EFFICIENCY RATIOS FOR MODEL 20, TW18, AND TW16 METAL CONNECTOR PLATES For SI: 1 pound/inch = 0.175 N/mm. TABLE 4 -ALLOWABLE LATERAL LOAD ADJUSTMENT FACTOR, QR, FOR MODEL 20, TW18, AND TW16 METAL CONNECTOR PLATES INSTALLED WITH SINGLE -PASS ROLLER PRESSES PLATE MODEL DIRECTION OF LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH OF PLATE DIRECTION OF LOAD WITH RESPECT TO LENGTH OF PLATE ROLLER PRESS DIAMETER (Inches) 20 0° 1 30° 1 60° 1 90° 1 120° 1 150° 0° 30° 60° 1 90° 120° 150° PLATE MODEL 0.49 ALLOWABLE SHEAR LOAD (pounds per linear inch per pair of plates) 0.99 0.50 0.76 SHEAR LOAD EFFICIENCY RATIO TW16 1,091 1,094 1,441 1,088 943 789 0.61 0.62 0.81 0.61 0.53 0.44 TW18 845 917 1,046 616 673 630 0.59 0.64 0.73 0.43 0.47 0.44 Model 20 640 693 1 792 473 509 483 0.59 0.64 0.73 0.43 0.47 0.44 For SI: 1 pound/inch = 0.175 N/mm. TABLE 4 -ALLOWABLE LATERAL LOAD ADJUSTMENT FACTOR, QR, FOR MODEL 20, TW18, AND TW16 METAL CONNECTOR PLATES INSTALLED WITH SINGLE -PASS ROLLER PRESSES PLATE MODEL LUMBER SPECIES SPECIFIC GRAVITY1 16 ROLLER PRESS DIAMETER (Inches) 20 TW16 0.49 1.00 0.89 0.50 0.80 0.89 TW 18 and Model 20 0.49 0.92 0.99 0.50 0.76 0.94 For Sl: 1 Inch = 25.4 mm. IThe QR value for the lumber species specific gravity of 0.49 applies to all wood species combinations with published average specific gravity of 0.49 or lower, and the QR value for the lumber species specific gravity of 0.50 applies to all lumber species combinations with published average specific gravities of 0.50 or higher. F � � Page 5 of 6 ER -1607 LOAD • LOAD ' uullll IIIIIIII 11111111 - - - LAD _– __ – _ LOAD IIIIIIiI LOAD IIIIIIIIII Illllllll LOAD = = 11111111 IIIIIIiII IIIIIIIII - - � � - Illtllllll 111111111 = LOAD LOAD AA ORIENTATION AE ORIENTATION EA ORIENTATION EE ORIENTATION rlcjuKL I — PLATE ORIENTATIONS LENGTH WIDTH=�{ (IIIIIIIII llllllllll zLj 1111111111 111111111 3 = = = — = = 1111111111 iflllillll 0 DEGREE PLATE ORIENTATION 90 DEGREE PLATE ORIENTATION FIGURE 2 — PLATE WIDTH and LENGTH Longitudinal Axis 4" 0 0 0 0 :O O o 0 O O O O - O O O O Width = 3' O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/ a' 1/814— I --7/16' For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm. FIGURE 3—TRUSWAL MODEL 20 and TW18 CONNECTOR PLATE Longltudinal Axis Tip of tooth hos a spiral 2 1/2' rotation of approximately 35 degrees r/r to the base 3/8' 0 T 5/32'T-7 /32' J of the tooth (Not Shorn). Note* All ENLARGED.TOOTH DETAIL dimensions am anpjnAnratw For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm. FIGURE 3—TRUSWAL MODEL 20 and TW18 CONNECTOR PLATE Longltudinal Axis 2 1/2' 0 T 5/32'T-7 /32' J O O O O 0 . O Width = 3' O O O 0 �- 5/8' Tip or tooth has o spiral T 1 roto tion of approximately 42 degrees ./r to the base 7/16, of the tooth (Not shown). ENLARGED TOOTH DETAIL NM.• ell dlmnn<inn< �,. �mn..,xl;nat. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. FIGURE 4—TRUSWAL TW16 CONNECTOR PLATE i � 1 FIGURE 5—HEEL JOINTS TO WHICH THE REDUCTION FACTOR, HR, APPLIES Page 6 of 6 ER -1607 2 19/32" 12" Minimum -T 4 1/2". 1/2" 1. Minimum 19/32" (11.9 mm) thick T&G plywood 2. Minimum 12" (305 mm) depth Truswal F.IorTrusTM truss spaced 24" (610 mm) o.c. maximum 3. 2x6 strongback bridging/bracing at 10'-0" (3048 mm) o.c. - 4. Two layers of 1/2" (12:7 mm) thick USG Gold Bond Fire Shield® Type`X wall board For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. FIGURE 6—ONE-HOUR FIRE ASSEMBLY NO. 1 (SEE SECTION 2.6.1 FOR COMPLETE DETAILS) 23/32" 4 10 3/4" Minimum 5 5/8" • 1. Optional lightweight floor topping 2. Minimum 23/32" (18.2 mm) thick T&G structural wood sheathing 3. Minimum 10 W (273 mm) depth Truswal SpaceJoist® truss spaced 24" (610 mm) o.c. • maximum - 4. 2x6 strongback bridging/bracing at 10'-0" (3048 mm) o.c. 5. Factory -installed TrusGardTm No. 30 gage steel channel 6. One layer of 5/8".(15.9 mm) USG Type C wall board For SI: I inch = 25.4 nun. FIGURE 7—ONE-HOUR FIRE ASSEMBLY NO. 2 (SEE SECTION 2.6.2 FOR COMPLETE DETAILS) TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 (800) 322-4045 FAX:(719)•598-8463 C001003160 . 9/10/02 Users of Truswal engineering: TX01087001 The TrusPlusTm engineering software will correctly design the location requirements for permanent- continuous lateral bracing (CLB) on members for which it is required to reduce buckling length.., Sealed engineering drawings from Truswal will show. the required number and approximate locations of braces for each member needing bracing. , In general, this bracing is done by using Truswal Systems Brace-ItTM or a 1 x or 2x member (attached to the top or bottom edge of the member) running perpendicular to the trusses and adequately designed, connected and braced to the building per the building designer (See ANSI/TPI current version). The following are other options (when CLB bracing is not possible or desirable) that will also satisfy bracing needs for individual members (not building system bracing): 1. A 1x4 or 2x4 structurally graded "T brace may be nailed flat to the edge of the member (up to 2x6 web members only) with 10d common or box nails at 8" o.c. if only one brace is required, or•.may be nailed to both edges of the member if two braces are required. The "T" brace must extend a minimum of 90% of the member's length. For 2x8 and larger web: members, bracing must be done per building designer, or 2. A scab (add-on) of the same size and structural grade as the member may be nailed to one face of the member with 10d common or box nails at 8" o.c. if only one -brace is- required, or may be nailed to both faces of the member if two braces are required. A minimum of 2x6 scabs are required for any member exceeding 14'-0" in length. Scab(s) must extend a minimum of 90% of the members length. 3. Any member requiring more .than two braces must use perpendicular bracing or a combination of scabs and "T" braces, or any other approved method, as specified and approved by the building designer. is ( EXAMPLES 2. 90% L 90% L Please contact a Truswal engineer if there are any questio cAmsoffice\w. nworMbrace•new.let TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 (800) 322-4045 FAX:(7.19) 598-8463 8/3/00. To whom it may concern: It is permissible to repair a False Frame* joint with the procedure outlined below, provided that the following statements are true: * Ceiling loading is 10 PSF or less. * Trusses are spaced 24" o.c. or less. ® False Frame verticals are spaced 6-0" o.c. or less. ® No additional point loads or uniform loads are present on the false frame that would cause the loads to exceed 10 PSF for any reason. ® The joint(s) to repair does not -have a -support bearing directly, underneath the joint. ® There is 'no damage to the lumber at the joint, such as excessive splits, cracks, etc. ® The joint fits tightly (within all TPI tolerances). ® All lumber in the false frame is 2x4 or 2x3. Repair as follows - 1 . ollows:1. Cut a '/2" CDX APA Group '1 plywood (or equivalent O.S.B.) gusset, 4" wide by 8° long, or larger. 2. Apply gusset to the face of the truss at each joint with a missing plate. If one.. face of truss -has missing plate, then gusset is required on only that face. If both faces of the joint are unplated, then the gusset is required on each face. 3. Use (3) 8d nails into each member, from each face (see detail .below). * False frame refers only To non-structural members (zero design forces). Typical Joint Qp,UFESS/O,y CO w J No 4 982 rnZ :]o m. xp. 12/ 1/06 � 1_ C/V1� �oF C,atriFoe� I THEISE DETAILS ARE INTENDED TO SHOW MINIMUM REQUIRED CONNECTIONS RECOMMENDED BY TRUSWAL SYSTEMS. THE DETAILS DO .NOT REPLACE OR SUPERSEDE ANY DETAILS SPECIFIED BY A PROJECT•ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT ON A PARTICULAR PROJECT, NOR HAVE THEY BEEN ANALYZED FOR SEISMIC AND WIND ' FORCES ACTING ON THE CONNEC- TIONS FROM THE RESPONSE OF THE STRUCTURE TO SUCH LOADS. IT IS RECOMMENDED TlaT THE APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT BE OBTAINED BEFORE USING THESE DETAILS. BEARING REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGNS MUST BE SATISFIED, INCLUDING CONNECTIONS FOR UPLIFT REACTIONS. TRUSS CONNECTION TO EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. (TYP.) A ® �. �dCHORD BLOCK BLOCK - BLOCK 6�3 BLOCK -- TOP PLATES -STUDS @ ALL 16" O.C. TRUSS' (TYP�) SECT. A -A (TYP.) PROCEDURE: lLlj_ .1 � TOE -NAIL BLOCK TO TRUSS WITH 1=16d COMMON NAIL. 2 PLACE NEXT TRUSS AGAINST BLOCK AND TOE -NAIL TRUSS TO TOP PLATE WITH 2-16d COMMON NAILS. 3 END NAIL THROUGH TRUSS INTO BLOCK WITH 1-16d COMMON NAIL. 4 PLACE NEXT BLOCK AGAINST TRUSS AND REPEAT STEPS 1 THROUGH 3. 5 BLOCKS MAY BE ATTACHED TO TOP PLATE WITH SIMPSON A35F (OR EQUIV.) FRAMING ANCHORS. SEE MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG FOR DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. TRUSS CONNECTION TO INTERIOR BEARING WALLS �� 'X' BRACING, B.C. OF TRUSS OR END VERTICAL RUN THROUGH TO BEARING. SOI? OFESSIO WALL MUST BE AT HEIGHT SPECIFIED ON THE DESIGN DRAWING ORQ z o MUST BE SHIMMED TO THE CORRECT HEIGHT. w N 0 82 rn USE 2-16d COMMON NAILS TOE -NAILED INTO THE TOP PLATE #E 2�3 06 M. THROUGH EACH TRUSS. DIAGONAL 'X' BRACING IS REQUIRED AT ENDS OF THE BUILDING (OR WALL) AND AT A MAX. OF 16' INTERVALS ALONG WALL. _X' BRACING IS MIN. 2x3 MATERIAL WITH 2-8d NAILS EACH END. �OFCALlf BLOCKING SIMILAR TO EXTERIOR WALL DETAIL IS RECOMMENDED. TRUSS CONNECTION TO NON-BEARING PARTITION WALLS WALL PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSS WALL PARALLEL TO TRUSS -Z-BOT CHORD BOT CH 2X4 BLOCKING B 2X I ` 2X cmn TOP PLATE U , I - SECT. C C TOP PLATE SECT. B 1-16d COMMON NAIL OR 1-16d COMMON NAIL OR SIMPSON STC (OR EQUIV.) TRUSS CLIP 24" O.C. SIMPSON STC (OR EQUIV. (TYP.) TRUSS CLIP FILE NO. CD -1 DATE: 9/10/92 REF.: DES. BY: L.M. CK. BY: 0 AMAWMA SYSrIMS Root' LL+DL - 30 psf. maximum VA1..I.LY FILL TO 201-011 A -A B II FRAMING DETAILS FOR CONVENTIONAL FRAMED VALLEY FILL NOTES: (1) Valley rafters to be minimum 2x4 Can. Gr. Hem -Fir and not to exceed 81-0'I clear span. (2) Nailing per UBC Except as noted. DETAILS: (A) 2x4 post to 1/2 valley width purlin. (B) 2x4 post to bearing. Gable End or Girder truss. A o 15 rea is _ 9 LI I 2x4 Valley rafters with 3-16d toe -nails to ridge typical. I1I` i • 6 0` Ii'FOR UP TO LL+DL = 60 PSF MAXIMUM, USE 'POSTS AT 4'-0" O.C. MAXIMUM IN BOTH +'DIRECTIONS. CONVENTIONALLY FRAMED 'I VALLEY FILL DETAIL ALSO APPLIES TO "CRICKET"DETAIL OR ANY OVER FRAMING i WHERE THE TRUSSES BELOW ARE SUPPORTED 2. 1 A B p,O r E5 I LATERALLY BY SHEATHING OR BRACING. . 2 SECTION A -A Q m 2 w �No. C 5 2 m J7 j xp- 12/31 /O6 -_D Provide solid block between trusses to support ridge if necessary J. C -/If 1� �P File No. V F - 2 0 nua�.l, conllcctcas » r .[. r ,rlu. a«IW nlwu..a +... r.r .,r .n eul.o..e.� « vu...: wano.ew. ►yr. r+a r I...w « eoeu r ppQg /`� a gyp[ [��a Date: 12 l .h 1!elcl-rIl.a1ce41b Mr'y •TI Hp. .W ow.m p[q. lo,.11-[.[t-tor.T[[v..n nu[W l.e ,[r M4 [I1. e'[./.-.. [. wWI c[e1[ryr. ee1sW etU yl� [[ 11—wY.e eWr.l✓rM. T.e�O/�f'�� ��SY'b S / /90 aen[I-1[Iw . ayp.f�•Y•1 1.,...Ya n..1..... w,. ..<. ANdHEIS Ref: 5-25-1 Des. By: M Ck. By: ae-r ldlrou..e.. I�•o•I lo[•.al.[•.•aa...ua[�.e Ir. [e••,r. r..o.r.w«n....r.[w.... r..[. onmumlc�anctor�utz DNAHEI '^ ••Ier dW 0..y. v. W.., li[I. c. e. o. -aa [fool. 9 v C- Lo Varies ' z 'luil•vcnl our ovalookc C �< �C: 00 <x w M '—s V w / c o •i 3 . ac cl N . r •'1' r M O •• r W r far r A C -O R a ^a s N 7 t • n v Rep a F C i ti o• � , • �f7 n 0 M L 0 .. Z C / v w < � < � O w • p M H Q .. j� 0. ( •' 0 � as a a [ I7 4 A 0 y I 1 i a �. 0 -• a �'fJit N Z �• • at 94 a b alx_ c c n a r�( � J � �Z!t.f N :. C. 1r N > r .. N i r•. :1 t r a b JD , 4 . O C y N i m r Z : u w rD r D o> • zom v C- Lo Varies ' z 'luil•vcnl our ovalookc C �< �C: 00 <x w M '—s V w / c o •i 3 . ac cl N . r •'1' r M O •• r W r far r A C -O R a ^a s N 7 t • n v Rep a F C i Optional vent 3-4 F GENERAL GABLE DETAILS FOR WIND LOAD BRACING S=3-4 S=3-4 Connectorplates shown are for example only. See actual truss design forrequired plate sizes and orientation. Structural gable trusses will generally have diagonal and vertical members other that those shown above. Gable truss is continuous bearing except as may be noted on individual design drawings. END (FACE) VIEW REGULAR GABLE END TRUSS REQUIREMENTS 1) ALL GABLE BRACING DESIGN AND CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER, PER THE LATEST VERSION OF ANSI/TPI REFERENCED BY THE MODEL BUILDING CODES. 2) TRUSWAL SYSTEMS APPROVED ENGINEERING DESIGN DRAWINGS WILL INDICATE ANY NEED FOR WIND BRACING, AND THE REQUIRED BRACE INTERVAL LENGTH AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. THE BRACE INTERVAL ON THE DRAWING IS BASED ON THE LOADING AND WIND SPEED INDICATED ON THAT DRAWING ONLY, AND THAT BRACING IS REQUIRED TO PREVENT THE GABLE STUDS FROM BUCKLING DUE TO WIND PRESSURE ACTING ON THE FACE OF THE GABLE TRUSS AND AXIAL STRESSES CAUSED BY THE INDICATED APPLIED VERTICAL LOADS. LOADS ACCOUNT FOR 12" EAVE MAX. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 3) IF THE GABLE TRUSS IS INTERIOR TO THE STRUCTURE AND THEREFORE IS NOT EXPOSED TO WIND LOAD APPLIED TO THE FACE OF THE TRUSS, THE BRACE SPACING INTERVAL MAY BE INCREASED TO ONLY ACCOUNT FOR THE LID LIMIT OF 50 FOR COMPRESSION MEMBERS (i.e. FOR 2X LUMBER, THE MAX. BRACE INTERVAL IS 6'-3"). 4) IT IS ASSUMED THAT THE GABLE TRUSS RESTS ON A CONTINUOUS BEARING WALL EXCEPT AS MAY BE NOTED ON THE INDIVIDUAL APPROVED TRUSS DESIGN. 5) SHEATHING OF PLYWOOD, OSB, WOOD BOARD SIDING, HARDBOARD SIDING, SHEETROCK, STUCCO, WAFERBOARD OR OTHER MATERIAL MAY BE PLACED ON ONE OR BOTH FACES OF A REGULAR (NON-STRUCTURAL) GABLE END. 6) LATERAL LOADS IN LINE WITH THE CHORDS (SHEAR / DRAG LOADS) HAVE NOT BEEN CONSIDERED UNLESS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, AND ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER TO TRANSFER THROUGH RESISTING DIAPHRAGMS. is ineering dard DWG# C0.02065035 Max. 12" eave unless noted on drawing. Gable End Truss / IZZ III nailing of diagonal brace, attached to sheathing and truss each end, typ. fpicai zx_ strongoacK Truss spacings per designs. 'haler) brace along back ce of gable, braced with or - 45 degree diagonal c (typ.) braced to roof mathing as shown. WALU BEARING SUPPORT Indicates stud members that require bracing! SIDE VIEW ADDITIONAL STRUCTURAL GABLE TRUSS REQUIREMENTS 7) ALL ITEMS 1-6 LISTED UNDER "REGULAR GABLE END TRUSS REQUIREMENTS APPLY TO STRUCTURAL GABLES ALSO, PLUS THOSE LISTED BELOW. 8) WEIGHTS OF ANY MATERIALS LISTED IN #5 MUST BE ACCOUNTED FOR, EITHER IN STANDARD DEAD LOAD PSF LOADING, OR BY ADDITIONAL LOADS. ADDITIONAL LOAD ARE INDICATED BY "LOAD CASE #1" CHART ON THE DESIGN DRAWING. 9) STRUCTURAL WEBS AND CHORDS MUST BE BRACED IF INDICATED, AND THIS BRACING IS SEPERATE FROM THE GABLE BRACING INTERVAL. SEE REFERENCED STANDARD DRAWING TX01087001-001. 10) TRUSS MAY OR MAY NOT BE CONTINUOUS BEARING, AND IS APPROVED FOR THE CONDITION(S) INDICATED ON THE INDIVIDUAL DESIGN DRAWING ONLY. 2X NOTCHES CUT INTO TOP CHORDS NOTCHING FOR OUTLOOKERS IS ALLOWED ON REGULAR GABLE END TRUSSES AND ON STRUCTURAL GABLE END TRUSSES IF NOTED ON APPROVED INDIVIDUAL DESIGNS. THIS DETAIL IS PROVIDED AS A SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO THE APPLICATION SHOWN ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCEDE ANY SIMILAR ® DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING. DESIGNER. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS TO VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THIS DETAIL IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICATION AND INTENT ®_�► V ggrdSYSTEMS APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE. TRUSWAL SYSTEMS ASSUMES NO � occonuc�ou Iry rno 0o n wcerntvnu no unevawucwn nnwi Iry Q � UJ __j NO- 4598 Z cc M m Exp, 2/31/06 � �qT EVIL �P DATE: 3/20/200 L)FREF: GBA L.M. STANDARD BOTTOM CHORD FALSE FRAME DETAILS THIS DETAIL APPLIES TO ANY PITCH, ANY SPAN, ANY TOP CHORD LOADING AND ANY TRUSS WEB CONFIGURATION FOR 24" O.C. MAX. SPACING AND 10 PSF MAX. CEILING LOAD., WITH THE EXCEPTIONS / \ DO NOT USE THIS DETAIL FOR: ) 12'. MIN 1. STRUCTURAL BEARINGS UNDER THE FALSE FRAME (NOT PARTITIONS). BLOCK VERT. 2. INTERIOR BEARINGS AT ANY LOCATION ON THE TRUSS. 3. LOADS IN EXCESS OF 10 PSF CONNECTED TO THE FALSE FRAME. DO NOT 4. DRAG LOADS CONNECTED TO THE FALSE FRAME. OVERLAP 5. TOP CHORD APPLIED FALSE FRAMES. 6. LUMBER GRADES LESS THAN SPECIFIED ON THIS DETAIL. 7. VERTICALS SPACED APART MORE THAN PANEL POINTS (IF > 6-0"). T PARTITION WALL 8. FALSE FRAMES ON CANTILEVER SECTIONS OF A TRUSS. SUPPORT (TYP.) R140P APPLIED FIELD APPLIED SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGN IS SEPARATE FROM THIS DETAIL USE #2 OR BETTER (1450F FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME CHORDS - USE STANDARD OR STUD (900F FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME WEBS - LOCATE VERTICALS AT 6-0" O.C. MAX., OR SEE NEXT OPTION. IF FALSE FRAME CHORD IS THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE STRUCTURAL CHORD, THEN VERTICALS MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN + OR - 12" OF THE PANEL POINTS ALONG THE BOTTOM CHORD (EVEN IF GREATER THAN 6-0" O.C.). USE A TRUSWAL 20 GUAGE 2.5-3 MIN. PLATE AT THE HEEL CONNECTION. USE TRUSWAL 20 GUAGE 1.5-3 MIN. PLATES AT EACH END OF EACH VERTICAL WEB. ALL PLATES ARE REQUIRED ON BOTH FACES OF EACH JOINT. - IF NEEDED, A 2X4 FALSE FRAME BOTTOM CHORD MAY BE SPLICED WITH A TRUSWAL 20 GUAGE 3-4 MIN. PLATE AT ANY CONVENIENT LOCATION, OR A TRUSWAL 20 GUAGE 5-5 MIN. PLATE AT ANY VERTICAL (JOINT SPLICE). ' APPLY REQUIRED BRACING (SEE BELOW). - OPTIONAL PLANT SHELF MAY BE USED (SEE PICTURE ABOVE) UP TO 24" MAX. - FALSE FRAMES MAY BE SIMILARLY APPLIED TO FLAT BOTTOM CHORD TRUSSES *LATERAL BRACING IS NORMALLY REQUIRED ON THE STRUCTURAL BOTTOM CHORD OF THE ORIGINAL TRUSS. SINCE MANY FACTORS AFFECT THE NUMBER OF REQUIRED BRACES, SUCH AS LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE, WIND LOADS, BEARING LOCATIONS, ETC. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DEVELOP A STANDARD FOR BRACING, EXCEPT TO SAY THAT IN NO CASE MAY THE BRACING EXCEED 10'-0" O.C. FOR A SINGLE -PLY TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD. REFER TO SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGNS TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED BRACING FOR THE STRUCTURAL BOTTOM CHORD (MAY BE INDICATED AS BOTTOM CHORD PURLIN SPACING). BRACING SHOULD ALSO BE APPLIED TO THE FALSE FRAME CHORD AT 10'-0" O.C: IF THERE IS NO SHEATHING MATERIAL APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE FALSE FRAME CHORD. BRACING MATERIALS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE - SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGN IS SEPARATE FROM THIS DETAIL - USE #2 OR BETTER (145OF FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME CHORDS - USE STANDARD OR STUD (900F FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE FRAME WEBS - LOCATE VERTICALS AT 6-0" O.C. MAX., OR SEE NEXT OPTION. - IF FALSE FRAME CHORD IS THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE STRUCTURAL CHORD, THEN VERTICALS MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN + OR - 12" OF THE PANEL POINTS ALONG THE BOTTOM CHORD (EVEN IF GREATER THAN 6'-0" O.C.). - PLACE FALSE FRAME CHORD IN -PLANE WITH THE TRUSS. - CUT VERTICALS TO LAP BOTH THE STRUCTURAL CHORD AND THE FALSE FRAME CHORD, TO BE PLACED AT EACH END IN ADDITION TO ABOVE REQ. - JOIN VERTICALS TO ALTERNATING FACES OF THE TRUSS WITH (3)10d OR 16d NAILS AT EACH END OF EACH VERTICAL. (12" MIN. VERTICAL BLOCK) - MAY USE A 12" LONG 7/16" PLYWOOD (OR OSB) GUSSET AND 8d NAILS @ 3" O.C. AT THE FALSE FRAME HEEL JOINT IF DESIRED. - IF NEEDED, THE FALSE FRAME BOTTOM CHORD MAY BE SPLICED WITH A 12" LONG MIN. BLOCK SCAB, CENTERED ON THE SPLICE JOINT, ATTACHED WITH (4)10d OR 16d NAILS ON EACH SIDE OF THE SPLICE JOINT (ONE FACE ONLY). APPLY REQUIRED BRACING (SEE BELOW LEFT). OPTIONAL PLANT SHELF MAY BE USED (SEE PICTURE ABOVE) UP TO 24" MAX. - FALSE FRAMES MAY BE SIMILARLY APPLIED TO FLAT BOTTOM CHORD TRUSSES WITHOUT THE NEED FOR REPAIR NOT INVOLVE CUTTING OR DAM LOAD CONDITIONS OR SUPPO CHANGE BASED ON THE NE CUT AN DED THE MODIFICATION DOES L MEMBERS, OR CHANGING NG REQUIREMENTS MAY 'y w Q No. /-45 82 DO rn m 2 Ex . 12131/06 .� y¢ sT CIVIL q�OF CA1.�FOP FF -1 THIS DETAIL IS PROVIDED AS A SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO THE APPLICATION SHOWN ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCEDE ANY SIMILAR ® IrdmA2MIrTHE DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING DESIGNER. IT IS RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS TO VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THIS DETAIL IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICATION AND INTENT SJVSrEr" APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE. TRUSWAL SYSTEMS ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR FIELD INSPECTION OR WORKMANSHIP QUALITY. CUT AN DED THE MODIFICATION DOES L MEMBERS, OR CHANGING NG REQUIREMENTS MAY 'y w Q No. /-45 82 DO rn m 2 Ex . 12131/06 .� y¢ sT CIVIL q�OF CA1.�FOP FF -1 STANDARD PRESSURE. BLOCKING. DETAIL USE (6)1Od BOX NAILS PER BLOCK AS SHOWN, TWO NAILS BOTTOM CHORD OF HIP GIRbER PLACED ATC FROM EACH END OF BLOCK AND TWO NAILS EVENLY SPACED IN THE CENTER OF THE BLOCK :iSSOR HIP OPTION THE VERTICAL OFFSET IS:MORE 1 OR MORE PLY HIP IAN 1^, USE A PRESSURE BLOCK fROER TRUSS 4E SIZE LARGER THAN THE BOTTOM 40ROOF THE GIRDER, OTHERWISE END OF PRESSURE BLOCK IE BLY BLOCK MABE THE: SAME SIZE.AS IE GIRDER BOTTOM CHORD. (Lowered to match. Jack) JACK BOTTOM CHORD MAXIMUM SUPPORT REACTIONS", LBS. PER JACK TRUSS BLOCK: 2X4' 2:BOX NAILSTO:BLOCK 2X6 3:BOX NAILS:TO,BLOCK DURATION: 1.00 1.15 :1.25 - 1.00 1.15 1-25 S.PINE 132 152 152 198 228 248 DFI 112 129 140 168 193 210 HEM -FIR 105 121 131 158 182 1S8 S•P•F 90 104 113 135 155 169 'REACTIONS ARE EITHER UPWARD OR. DOWNWARD. sloe vlEw 1 OR MORE PLY HIP rlwnFw TQI KA E4D.OF PRESSURE BLOCK JACK BOTTOM CHORD USE (2) 10d BOX NAILS THROUGH BOTTOM CHORD OF END JACK INTO END OF PRESSURE BLOCK FOR 2X4, USE (3)10d BOX NAILS FOR 2X6 UMBER. SEE TABLE AT LEFT. 1 SUPPORT REQUIRED EVERY 4'-0" MAXIMUM. 48" MAX QQ O A TYPICAL END JACK WITH VARYING TOP CHORD LENGTHS. -_ HIP GIRDER (ONE OR MORE PLY). HIP TRUSSES L WEDGE OR BEVELED TOP PLATE UNDER! JACK TOP CHORD EXTENSIONS. FOR WEDGE, USE (2) 10d TOE -NAILS EA. FOR TOP PLATE, NAIL Wl10d @ 6" O.C. INTO TOP CHORD OF HIP GIRDER. BEARING SUPPORT FOR TOP CHORDS OF END JACKS WHERE THEY CROSS SUPPORTING MEMBERS. 1. FOR REACTIONS OF 300# OR LESS THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)10d NAILS. 2. FOR REACTIONS GREATER THAN 300#, THE DETAILS BELOW MAY BE USED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BEARING SUPPORT. 3. SIZE OF WEDGE, BRACE OR BEVEL CUT IS DETERMINED BY THE REQUIRED BEARING AREA (OR LENGTH) AS SHOWN ON THE INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGNS. 4. FOR EACH DETAIL BELOW THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2) 1 O NAILS. 5. UPLIFT REACTIONS, IF THEY EXIST, MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL CONNECTION CONSIDERATIONS IF THEY EXCEED THE VALUE OF THE TOE- NAIL CONNECTION. 6. OTHER OPTIONS MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. 7. REFER TO OTHER DETAILS FOR SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO A HIP SYSTEM THAT ARE NOT SHOWN HERE. DETAIL OPTIONS NOTE: BEVELED LEDGER MAY BE USED INSTEAD OF DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE. LEDGER MAY BE ATTACHEDi TO EITHER FACE OF TRUSS WITH 10d NAILS. SPACING OF NAILS IS DEPENDENT ON LOADING CONDITIONS AND SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY BUILDING DESIGNER. 0 c wJ No C 45 82 m CC E D. 12/3 06 x OF!;,k1 �tiP BEVEL CUT ON TOP CHORD OF TRUSS OR "SECONDARY" TOP CHORD MEMBER. NOTE THAT HEIGHT OF TRUSS MUST ALLOW FOR THIS. Y END OF LATERAL BRACE. (BRACE MAY CONNECTION OF OVERLAP WITH LATERAL BRACE IS TRUSS CHORD - BASED ON BRACE NAIL CHORD TO FORCES DETERMINED FACE OF BRACE BY THE BUILDING WITH (2) 10d) j_v_v DESIGNER. NOTE: BEVELED LEDGER MAY BE USED INSTEAD OF DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE. LEDGER MAY BE ATTACHEDi TO EITHER FACE OF TRUSS WITH 10d NAILS. SPACING OF NAILS IS DEPENDENT ON LOADING CONDITIONS AND SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY BUILDING DESIGNER. 0 c wJ No C 45 82 m CC E D. 12/3 06 x OF!;,k1 �tiP BEVEL CUT ON TOP CHORD OF TRUSS OR "SECONDARY" TOP CHORD MEMBER. NOTE THAT HEIGHT OF TRUSS MUST ALLOW FOR THIS. END -JACK /RAFTER STANDARD DETAILS (CALIFORNIA STYLE) TRUSS PLATES AND LUMBER AS SHOWN, OR PER INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGNS. (3-4 ALT.) 2-6 CONNECTION DETAIL "A" (TOP CHORD TO HIP GIRDER) Fu JACK TOP CHORD RUNS OVER GIRDER TOP CHORD. (2) 10d or 16d NAILS, THROUGH JACK T.C. INTO GIRDER TOP CHORD, TOE - NAILED, OR ADEQUATE MECHANICAL HANGER PER MANUF. CATALOG. OPTIONAL EXTENSION 3-4 A HIP GIRDER CHORDS B CONNECTION DETAIL "B" (BOT CHORD TO HIP GIRDER) (2) 10d or 16d NAILS, THROUGH JACK B.C. INTO GIRDER BOT CHORD, TOE - NAILED, OR ADEQUATE MECHANICAL HANGER PER MANUF. CATALOG. NOTE: IF 2'-0" SIDE JACK BOTTOM CHORDS ARE USED (INSTEAD OF WEDGES AT THE WALL), THEY MAY BE ATTACHED TO THE BOTTOM CHORD OF THE FIRST END JACK AS PER DETAIL "B". JACK TOP CHORD: 2X4; #2 OR BETTER DF -L, #1/#2 OR BETTER CAN S -P -F, #1 OR BETTER S -P -F, #2 OR BETTER HEM -FIR, OR 165OF MSR ANY SPECIE JACK BOT CHORD: 2X4; #2 OR BETTER ANY SPECIE, OR 165OF MSR ANY SPECIE CORNER RAFTER: 2X6; SELECT STRUCTURAL ANY SPECIE, OR 165OF MSR ANY SPECIE, OR DOUBLE (STACKED) 2X4 PER OTHER STANDARD DETAILS, OR 2X8 #2 OR BETTER ANY SPECIE. -TOP CHORD LENGTH MAY VARY FROM 6" MINIMUM TO 8'-0" MAXIMUM, WITH EXTENSIONS SUPPORTED AT 48" O.C. MAXIMUM BEYOND. -TOP CHORD MAY BE SPLICED AS SHOWN, ABOVE THE HIP GIRDER ONLYI -BOTTOM CHORD LENGTH MAY VARY FROM 6" MINIMUM TO 8'-0" MAXIMUM. -DO NOT SPLICE THE BOTTOM CHORD. -TOP CHORD PITCH MAY VARY FROM 4/12 MINIMUM TO 8/12 MAXIMUM. -BOTTOM CHORD PITCH MUST BE FLAT (0112). -2X6 RAFTER MAY BE SEAT CUT AT WALL, AND TRIMMED TO 2X4 WIDTH (3.5") FOR OVERHANG UP TO 34" (24" @ 45 DEGREES) MAX. -THIS DETAIL APPLIES TO 45 DEGREE HIPSET JACKS AND CORNER RAFTERS ONLYI CONNECTION DETAIL "C" (TOP CHORD TO RAFTER) r JACK TOP CHORD MUST BE SINGLE BEVELED OR DOUBLE BEVELED 10d or 16d NAILS, THROUGH EACH JACK T.C. INTO RAFTER, TOE -NAILED, PER SCHEDULE BELOW, OR ADEQUATE MECHANICAL HANGER PER MANUF. CATALOG. NAILING REQUIRED: 2'-0" & 4'-0" JACK T.C. (2) NAILS 6'-0" JACK T.C. (3) NAILS 8'-0" JACK (ONE FACE OF - - RAFTER ONLY) (4) NAILS TC Live 16.00 psf Buffacs L=1.25 P=1.25 DESIGNED FOR 10 PSF NON -CONCURRENT BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LOAD. TC Deed 14.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 PLATES & NAILS DESIGNED FOR GREEN LUMBER VALUES. BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 WIND LOADED FOR 75 MPH, EXPOSURE "C", MAXIMUM. BC Dead 10.00 psf Design Spec UBC -97 NO POINT LOADS, MECHANICAL UNITS, HVAC, SPRINKLERS, OR OTHER ITEMS CAUSING ADDITIONAL LOADS ON THE STANDARD JACKS IS TOTAL 40.00 psf DEFL RATIO: L240 TC: U180 ALLOWED, WITHOUT SPECIAL DESIGN. THIS DETAIL IS PROVIDED AS A SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO THE APPLICATION A ki,` SHOWN ONLY. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCEDE ANY SIMILAR `ON DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING DESIGNER. IT IS TRUSvirpx THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS TO VERIFY THE ADEQUACY OF THIS DETAIL IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICATION AND INTENT �y�p �B� ®® &QW- /S S EP41S APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE. TRUSWAL SYSTEMS ASSUMES NO 1 -PLY OR MORE GIRDER B B B C B C RAFTER C 7 J No.45982 Cr- Exp./12131 /06 12/31/06 m DATE: C REF: EJ -1 Q �OF OAS C A B l DATE HIP FRAMING DETAIL 1/21/98 or, I. 2x4 POST ATTACHED TO EACH TRUSS PANEL POINT AND OVERHEAD PURLIN e 2. 2x4 H I HF OR H2 DF PURLINS 4' - 0 " O.0 ]. 2x4 H I HF OR H2 DF CONTINUOUS STIFFENER ATTACHED TO POST. 4. HIP TRUSS HI SETBACK FROM END WALL AS NOTED ON TRUSS DESIGN. S. EXTENDED END JACK TOP CHORD (TYPICAL) 6. COMMON TRUSS. 7. HIP CORNER RAFTER. 8. 1X1 CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING. V22 9. EXTENDED BOTTOM CHORD. /r SECTION A LATERAL STABILITY OF ROOF SYSTEM IS PER BUILDING DESIGNER. SETBACK AS NOTED ON TRUSS DESIGN. HIP TRUSSES 24" O.C. (TYPICAL) e� ESS/ �O SECTION BADEQUATE CONNECTION I<�2 �y ,9 F BY OTHERS (TYPICAL). Q No. C 4 98 w Exp. 1 31/06 * gRNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. his design Ls for an individual budding component. b has bean based on specifications provided by the compunenl manufacturer and clone in accordance with file Current versions 01 TPI and AFPA design Standards. No responsibility is assumed fid dimensiomt accwacy. Dmens a s are 14 dd _111-0 by Ine component manufacturer ahu/OI Uudding designer pilot to Idbnc<fion The budding deagner shall ascertain tM the 104" ulaicee on flus design meet or exceed the loading mpused by the lowl building code. It is assumed Ind the lop chord rs laterally braced by Ina ruol or IIOOr sheathing and ma bottom chord is laterally btdcad by a ngid shealhing malorial directly allactiod, utuass otherwise mteo, erac-g shown is I0r la16ral suppon of components memoirs only to reduce buckling length. This component snail not be placed Many onvuortmary Irii1 ®�® war ",isu Iha moisture content of the wood a -coed 19% and/or cause cannuctw plaid cObosion. Fdurt"ie, rWndlo, inSWU and Waee pox truss in IRLISWAL SYSTE ION W coidancu with the following stand -os: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL' by Truswal,'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED W000 TRUSSES' • (OST88). 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' • (HIS -911 and -HIS-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Imtnuta (TPI) is located a1587 D'Onclho Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 57719. The American Fdresa and Paper Associalion (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste 200. Washington. OC 20078. . n I. 2x4 POST ATTACHED TO EACH TRUSS PANEL POINT AND OVERHEAD PURLIN e 2. 2x4 H I HF OR H2 DF PURLINS 4' - 0 " O.0 ]. 2x4 H I HF OR H2 DF CONTINUOUS STIFFENER ATTACHED TO POST. 4. HIP TRUSS HI SETBACK FROM END WALL AS NOTED ON TRUSS DESIGN. S. EXTENDED END JACK TOP CHORD (TYPICAL) 6. COMMON TRUSS. 7. HIP CORNER RAFTER. 8. 1X1 CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING. V22 9. EXTENDED BOTTOM CHORD. /r SECTION A LATERAL STABILITY OF ROOF SYSTEM IS PER BUILDING DESIGNER. SETBACK AS NOTED ON TRUSS DESIGN. HIP TRUSSES 24" O.C. (TYPICAL) e� ESS/ �O SECTION BADEQUATE CONNECTION I<�2 �y ,9 F BY OTHERS (TYPICAL). Q No. C 4 98 w Exp. 1 31/06 * gRNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. his design Ls for an individual budding component. b has bean based on specifications provided by the compunenl manufacturer and clone in accordance with file Current versions 01 TPI and AFPA design Standards. No responsibility is assumed fid dimensiomt accwacy. Dmens a s are 14 dd _111-0 by Ine component manufacturer ahu/OI Uudding designer pilot to Idbnc<fion The budding deagner shall ascertain tM the 104" ulaicee on flus design meet or exceed the loading mpused by the lowl building code. It is assumed Ind the lop chord rs laterally braced by Ina ruol or IIOOr sheathing and ma bottom chord is laterally btdcad by a ngid shealhing malorial directly allactiod, utuass otherwise mteo, erac-g shown is I0r la16ral suppon of components memoirs only to reduce buckling length. This component snail not be placed Many onvuortmary Irii1 ®�® war ",isu Iha moisture content of the wood a -coed 19% and/or cause cannuctw plaid cObosion. Fdurt"ie, rWndlo, inSWU and Waee pox truss in IRLISWAL SYSTE ION W coidancu with the following stand -os: 'TRUSCOM MANUAL' by Truswal,'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED W000 TRUSSES' • (OST88). 'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' • (HIS -911 and -HIS-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Imtnuta (TPI) is located a1587 D'Onclho Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 57719. The American Fdresa and Paper Associalion (AFPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste 200. Washington. OC 20078. DUTCH HIPSET DETAILS H ADEQUATE -RANGER OR (2) 160 NAILS (2) lbd'NAILS 70E -NAILED TRUSS'PLATE.OR \(2) 16d NAILS (2) 16d NAILS END -NAILED TOE -NAILED END VIEW 6 A D G i RFNI� FAN A - DUTCH HIP GIRDER B - 2x NAILER (BY OTHERS) C - END JACKS D - CORNER JACKS E - CORNER JACK B.C. WEDGES H - HIP RAFTER R - BLOCKING FOR DIAGONAL BRACE X - DIAGONAL BRACE (2) i &d NA -ILS .y C x R \A TRUSS PLATE OR �(2) 16d NAILS (2) 16d NAILS END NAILED 'TOE -NAILED .JACK OPTION 1 JACK OPTION 2 OQ?,OFpEpSrS/0�9 DIAGONAL BRACES "X" ARE REQUIRED AT CENTERLINE AND AT 10'-0" O.C. FROM CENTERLINE. Qz y \-• � BLOCKING "R" -IS REQUIRED FOR EACH DIAGONAL BRACE "X", ATTACHED WITH (2)16d NAILS, �� Q 9 2 END NAILED INTO TRUSS TOP CHORD. LOCATE BLOCKING AT TOP OF DIAGONAL BRACE co Q AND IN BETWEEN NEXT TRUSSES EACH DIRECTION (3 BLOCKS TOTAL). BLOCK MAY BE <J' � 459 � 1'7'1 OFFSET FROM RIDGE, OR A DOUBLE BLOCK MAY BE USED TO PROVIDE A FLUSH FIT WITH LJ m DIAGONAL BRACE. cr_Exp. 31/ 6 -0 DUTCH HIP GIRDER, JACKS, AND HIP RAFTER REQUIRE SPECIFIC DESIGN CONSIDERATION, OR OTHER DETAILS NOT SHOWN. isc MAXIMUM NAILING AL LOD, AN GOODSFORBASED ANY SPAN,BANY"P�H, ANDEA14YCLU BERSSIZEFAND GRADE. CONNECTIONSDFOR �OF V CAL \, WIND AND SIESMIC LOADS ON THE BUILDING MUST BE DONE BY THE BUILDING DESIGNER. � F DUTCH HIPSET DETAILS FILE NO. DATE: 1991 REF.: DES. BY: L.M. CK. BY: Lw9m LATERAL LOADS IN LINE WITH THE CHORDS HAVE NOT BEEN CONSIDERED. THESE LOADS AND THEIR REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. IF THE PURLIN SPACING ON THE APPROVED TRUSS DESIGN IS MORE THAN THIS DETAIL SPECIFIES (.r- -# _L), THEN THIS DETAIL SHALL CONTROL. 6-0-0 (MAX.) PANEL TOP 6 BOTTOM FOR CAP TRUSS SECTION. 3-16d TOE NAILED BOTTOM CHORD OF CAP TRUSS (2 FROM ONE FACE) 2X4 BRACE^--,\ 2-16d 1.5" TOP CHORD OF BOTTOM TRUSS PIGGY -BACK CONNECTION (VERTICAL LOADS ONLY) TOP CHORD OF WIND SPEED <= 100MPH, USE 4X2 PURLINS (S.G.>=.42) @ BOTTOM TRUSS 24"O.C.(MAX.), ATTACHED W/TWO(2) 16d NAILS ALONG FLAT TOP CHORD SECTION OF MAIN TRUSS. ATTACH CAP BOTTOM CHORD TO EACH PURLIN WITH 3-16d TOE NAILS, TWO NAILS FROM ONE FACE. FOR WIND SPEEDS >100 MPH, ATTACH PURLINS @ TOE -NAIL BOTTOM CHORD OF TH 16"O.C.(MAX.) PIGGY BACK (CAP TRUSS) TO E LATERAL BRACE WITH 3-16d NOTE: THE PIGGY BACK BOTTOM TRUSS DESIGN MUST BE DESIGNED (2 FROM ONE FACE) WITH A MAXIMUM PURLIN SPACING AS FOLLOWS: WIND SPEEDS LESS THAN 100 MPH = PURLINS @ 24"O.C. (MAX.) ARE REQUIRED. WIND SPEEDS MORE THAN 100 MPH = PURLINS @ 16"O.C. (MAX.) ARE REQUIRED. REFER TO THE APPROPRIATE TRUSWAL DESIGN FOR THE REQUIRED WEB CONFIG. IN BOTH THE SLOPING AND FLAT SECTION OF THE HIP TRUSS, AND CAP TRUSS T v9� yam\LUNo. 45 m Cr- EX . 12/31/06 .� CIVIL OF�rLW WAHNINGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design Is for an individual building component not buss system. It hes been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer CODE(S) SPACING DATE and don. in accordance wb the curte t—lons of TPI and AFPA design smndards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. UBC 24" O.C. 1-17-2003 Oimansians.n to be verified by the component manufacturer andlw building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain thin IBC / IRC Me loads Qued on this design ..at or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code end the particular application. The design assumes TRUSWAL that the top chord U latently braced by me roof or floor sheathing and No bottom chard Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material da.ctty attached. unless athervdse noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This componard e� ®SYSTEMS shag not be pieced N any wnft... m that w(0 cause the m.10— cordmd of the wood to—.ad 19%andk .....anrh.emr plate ceno.i n. ' 4445 Northpark Dr. Fabricate, handle, Install and brace this buss in accordance with 'JOINT DETAILS by Tru-1,'ANSWPI 1', WTCA 1' -Wood Trust Council CO10 Springs, CO 80907 &Araedee Standard Design Raspon NIN.s,'FUWDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' ' T r u s Pl u s 6_0 Ver: T6.3.5 '(HI &91) and YiIB-91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Tnrss Plate Institute (TPI) is located al D'OrwMo 06,,e. Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The Am.A.- Fwa Pepe, AD 1SS29 t and As..ciation (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street NW. Ste 800, Washington, DC 20039. 0 O%Z Q64L �EST�aJ « REOUIRES 2X4 BRACE WHEN VERTICAL EXCEEDS 5'-0" 2 BRACES AT 10'-0" ETC. n cl (2) 16d TOENAIL co 2X4 J r SUPPORT TRUSS —� 72" O.C. TYP. 12 �5 PIGGYBACK DETAIL PIGGYBACK 3 1/2"X8"X1/2" PLYWOD GUSSET AT EACH END OF TRUSS (AND 6'-0" O.C. FOR SPANS 36' AND LARGER) .ATTACH WITH (4) 1.5" LONG 8d NAILS. USE 2X4 AS AN ALTERNATE WITH (4) 16d EACH END. Cr• S-3� n 2X4 CQNTINUOUS SUPPORT BRACING. ATTACH TO THE TOP SIDE OF TOP CHORD OF TRUSS SUPPORTING PIGGYBACKS WITH (2) 10dQ�UFESS/O NAILS ��Oy � 'T Q� 9� RNATE SHOULDER DETAIL 0 N.C4582 m E p. 12/3:P/06 Zo s� Civ�� gTFOF CAL1FU