07-2816 (PAT) (STRUCTURAL CALCS)31 Monday, -September 24;;2007 . Subject: Engineer of Record 'Attention: Building9fficial Gentlemen, This is to inform}Jou that Fox Engineering Inc.- shall remain as "Engineer of Record" 'for.the following ICC/ICBG plans: ICC ER -2640P 10, ,� 20 & 30 Patio Covers ICBO ER -5888P 10 2U�& 30 Patio Enclosure - + Our st.arnp has recently, been renewed, with an expiration date of 9/3(112009. i f . - a • If you .have any questions or comments, please contact me at the numbers , provided: r. - • QPpFESSIp Aq BScIJ 0 ' 21543 z Gregory FO 0 930 2009 rn Vice President FCF CA1.� • r 4 . t (562) 806-1337 • - 8060 -Telegraph Rd.. i g�hotinail.coin Fax: 927-2 09 Downey. CA 90240 Email: foxen 50JOB NUMBER: G F`07-2457 (56.2)$06-13 FAX: 927- 9 SHEET NUMBER: OF 3 email: foxeng@hotmaiLcom ' 8060 Telegra h Rd., CA 90240 CALCULATED G. FOX oaTE:3-'15-07 .,, PROPOSED ATTACHED LATTICE PATI.O-COVERS • 4 RES P`0 US I B.1'LITY FOX E NGINEERING WAS'ENGAGED_TO PROVIDE CACULATIONS AND CONSULTATION IN, NSO CONNECTION WITH TFAR AS HE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROJECT. WE EpV�WOAUTHORITY NER AND CONTRATTOR ARE CONTRACTOR'S OR OWNER'S PER CONCERN ADMONISHED TO�OBSERVE ALL SAFETY ORDINANCES FOR PROTECTION SOO OHO LD Rp�NNEL.'IN MAKING USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS, CONTRACTORGOWNE ENGINEERING HARMLESS FROM ALL COSTS OF LITIGATION -THAT EFINED BY THESE DOCUMENTSLEGED DAMAGES OR INJURIES ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK:DEF INCLUDING ATT.ORNEY'S FEES AND JUDGEMENTS, UNLESS IT IS PROVEN THAT SAID INJURIES OR DAMAGES`RESULTED FROM ERRORS IN OR OMISSIONFOX T SOULS MUSROTHEDTOCUMEN BE REVIEWED BY A ENGINEERING IS NOT A SOILS ENGINEER, ANY ISSUES W SOILS ENGINEER. TOX E5VGI9VEE 1RlXG I.XC. F (562) 806-1337 FAX 927-2509 E EMAIL foxeng@hotmail.com 8060 TELEGRAPH RD. DOWNEY, CA 90240 JOB NUMBER: QF - SHEET F - SHEET NUMBER: /L OF }% CALCULATED BY: G. FOX DATE: %% - 11 - C�-7 (FOX EXGIXEERIXG IXC. gi(562) 806-1337 FAX 927-2509 E EMAIL foxeng@hotmail.com 8060 TELEGRAPH RD. DOWNEY, CA 90240 G�.� i JOB NUMBER: GF07- 2' "�' SHEET NUMBER: OF CALCULATED BY: G. FOX DATE: -II-05-7 : 7 _c. : ,1 Property Address: 61677 Toro Canyon Way CONDMONALLY APPROVED .Dear Mr. & Mrs.' Graves: We are pleased to inform you that your plans for a patio extension and patio cover, received on 09[.11/2007, have been conditionally approved by the Design Review Committee per your submittal and the attached noted condition no.s 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 23, and 24. This approval does not constitute consent by the Association for the applicant to encroach, trespass, or build on any property other than that of the applicant. This approval is related solely to the items reserved for approval by the CC&R's in accordance with the Architectural Guidelines. The approval does not extend to the quality of work done by your architect, or contractor, or to any structural engineering, soils engineering, or site grading and , drainage design. You . are urged to obtain the services of a state licensed professional for consultation as needed. The Design Review Committee is composed of volunteers. As such, it does not review applications to ensure compliance with building ,codes, or other local or state laws. Please be advised that this approval, does not . relieve you from, obtaining any necessary building permits from the governmental agencies involved, to ensure compliance with these codes. Any violations of these ordinances will be your responsibility to correct. Thank you for your patience in this matter and for complying.with the Association's policies and standards. Sincerely, For the Design Review Committee Barry Stereo Association Business 'Manager Enclosures cc: Board of Directors Design Review Committee Professionally Managed by Action Property Management, Inc. 60-750 Trilogy Parkway, La Quinta, CA 92253-7717 760-777-6059 800-400-2284 760-777-6097 f= www. actionlife. com .3- • 0 TRILOGY AT LA QUINT. CONDITTONS OF APPROVAL Property Address.. � D}2p g:!W UA Pate Reviewed Conditions of' Your plans have been approved, provided that you meet the items checked below and all work is consistent Approval with the Design Guidelines dated April 20, 2005, contained in the TLQMA Handbook: I . The patio cover material must be Alumawood or other similar wood like construction. Roofing — materials shall match the roof material of the dwelling or be open wood lattice. 2. The color of the patio cover matches the home's stucco, trim, accent, fascia or white. 3. Any patio cover or awning to be installed and attached to the home must be installed in such a manner that it does not compromise the integrity of the water permeability of the home. wo -- 4. Due to the patio cover's size it must be constructed with variable heights or must be constnlcted ui r sections with a separation in between. 5. The size of the patio cover is limited to the size of the proposed patio slab. 6. The proposed retractable awning may not be a striped awning. It must be a neutral color that blends with the home. Please submit a sarnple of the fabric. 7. Obtain services of a state licensed professional for consultation. 8. Obtain necessary building permits from the city of La Quinta, meeting setback requirements per city code and maintain the existing drainage. 9. Maintain positive drainage in accordance with the Trilogy Design Guidelines (Section 3.8). 10. The screen door must be the color of the house stucco or be black. — H. ] . 1f underground drainage is installed, the drain needs to terminate in the grass shale and be flush �viU) the turf. mpl l2. Pool, spa, fountain and air bnditio conditioning equipment set backs eased inust coa manneryso as)totnot ty obe vies able from codes. All equipment a any.lot or street and the noise from the equipment attenuated for the adjacent property owners. Pool se backs are 6" for hardscape and 18" to water line. 13. The color of the proposed concrete is natural or a neutral tone. 14. Rear yard may not exceed 70% hardscape and must have a minimum of 3o% softscape, measured from the rear building face of wall to the side property lines. 15. Proposed planting meets with the Trilogy Rear Yard MiPlant List nimum ne laintI De9igning eGuideliller.ment standards and al plants are included on the Revised Approved all 16. The proposed wall or iron work to match ttcheexiting it`nghe developer r es color or shall be the Fraz retaining win materal, sry ilc and ee Paint colo p 17. Replace block wall per Shea Homes standard aardd block atbrtspectiotnaof rebarremoving before cap ns i�nos'talled)t the block wall to gain access to rear or side y (requires 18. Refer to Exhibit "F" in the Design Guidelines. (Block Wall Design) 19. \VLen ��'orlc is couipleted, please submit Notice Of Completion forth attktchcd!_--- X lies to Boll wur._ I 20. Make sure rear y�rd property line pins (markers) remain during constructlon (app -- only). _ ith Association r 21. All contractors must meet wepresentative prior to commencln� cunsu_ucuon 22. Resubmit showing drainage flowiplans. 23. See notes — �( on plans (if any). - _-- X 24. An independent irrigation controller must be used for the rear yard, it cannot be tied into the front )'3 � ► �. , .. Wer _ li �q$SC)C'I:'•. I'lilh�•. 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