2019 03 19 CouncilCITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 MARCH 19, 2019 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING ON TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 2019 3:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION | 4:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers: Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6; CITY DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: CHRIS ESCOBEDO, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY RESOURCES; AND EMPLOYEE ORGANIZATION: LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. REPORT ON ACTIONS(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web page: www.LaQuintaCA.gov CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 MARCH 19, 2019 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. RECOGNITION OF THE LA QUINTA HIGH SCHOOL’S BLACKHAWK GIRLS’ WATER POLO TEAM – WINNERS OF THE CIF-SS DIVISION 4 CHAMPIONSHIP CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE MINUTES OF MARCH 5, 2019 7 2. APPROVE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 12, 2019 15 3. ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMIT FOR CALLE TECATE FROM AVENIDA BERMUDAS TO AVENIDA MADERO [RESOLUTION NO. 2019-005] 19 4. APPROVE PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR MONTICELLO PARK WITH DAVE BANG ASSOCIATES, INC AND FOR DESERT PRIDE PARK WITH PLAY PACIFIC SYSTEMS, INC; AND APPROPRIATE $100,000 23 5. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED MARCH 1 AND 8, 2019 45 BUSINESS SESSION PAGE 1. CONSIDER PARTICIPATING IN THE 2019 INDIAN WELLS LA QUINTA IRONMAN 70.3 TRIATHLON 61 2. APPROVE X-PARK DESIGN; APPROPRIATE $300,000 FROM MEASURE G RESERVES; AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH SPOHN RANCH FOR A NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $3,057,000 73 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 MARCH 19, 2019 3. AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF THE GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL STATUS AND HOUSING ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTS TO THE OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH AND THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND DETERMINE THE ACTION IS NOT A PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 15478(b)(2) OF THE PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE 83 4. APPROVE 2019 LEGISLATIVE POLICY GUIDE UPDATES 143 STUDY SESSION PAGE 1. DISCUSS PROJECTS TO INCLUDE IN THE 2019/20 THROUGH 2023/24 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 153 2. DISCUSS PARK LIGHTING AFTER CURFEW HOURS 167 PUBLIC HEARINGS – NONE DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER – CITY OF INDIO 2 X 2 169 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK 4. COMMUNITY RESOURCES – REGIONAL PARKS MASTER PLAN AND SURVEY 171 5. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT – FEBRUARY 2019 MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT 173 6. FACILITIES – FEBRUARY 2019 MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT 177 7. FINANCE MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION (Evans) 2. CVAG ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Evans) 3. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Evans) 4. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (Evans) 5. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE (Evans) 6. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (Evans) 7. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (Evans) 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (Evans & Radi) 9. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (Fitzpatrick) 10. DESERT RECREATION DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick and Radi) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 MARCH 19, 2019 11. COACHELLA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick & Peña) 12. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFO EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 13. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (Fitzpatrick) 14. SILVERROCK EVENT SITE AD HOC COMMITTEE (Fitzpatrick) 15. CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peña and Sanchez) 16. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (Peña) 17. EAST VALLEY COALITION (Peña) 18. CVAG VALLEY-WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (Peña) 19. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMITTEE (Peña) 20. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (Radi) 21. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (Radi) 22. CITYWIDE SECURITY CAMERAS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Radi) 23. DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMITTEE (Radi and Sanchez) 24. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (Sanchez) 25. COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP (Sanchez) 26. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES – GOVERNANCE, TRANSPARENCY AND LABOR POLICY COMMITTEE (Sanchez) 27. RIVERSIDE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (Sanchez) ADJOURNMENT ********************************* The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on April 2, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on March 15, 2019. DATED: March 15, 2019 MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 MARCH 19, 2019 Public Notices  The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.  If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required.  If background material is to be presented to the Councilmembers during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting.  Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. 6 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 1 of 8 MARCH 5, 2019 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2019 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 3:01 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Mayor Evans said she would like to comment on Consent Calendar Item Nos. 9, 10, and 11. Council concurred. CLOSED SESSION 1.CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (1) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 NAME OF CASE: THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BY AND THROUGH, THE CITY OF LA QUINTA V. RICHARD BOZEK RIVERSIDE COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. INM1802766 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION: SIGNIFICANT EXPOSURE TO LITIGATION PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH (2) OR (3) OF SUBDIVISION (d) OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (NUMBER OF POTENTIAL CASES: 1) COUNCIL RECESSED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE MEETING AND MOVED INTO CLOSED SESSION AT 3:03 P.M. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 of 8 MARCH 5, 2019 MAYOR EVANS RECONVENED THE OPEN SESSION PORTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AT 4:01 P.M. WITH ALL MEMBERS PRESENT REPORT ON ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION: City Attorney Ihrke reported the following pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1 (Brown Act):  Closed Session Item No. 1 – no actions were taken 3 that require reporting;  Closed Session Item No. 2 – Council voted unanimously to authorize the filing pursuant to California Health and Safety Code a receivership action to replace and be in-lieu of the criminal action, after necessary court filings have been completed by the City Attorney’s Office to proceed with the receivership action; and  Closed Session Item No. 3 – no actions were taken 3 that require reporting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Fitzpatrick led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1. INTRODUCE DIVISION CHIEF ROBERT FISH WITH RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT Mayor Evans introduced Division Chief Robert Fish with the Riverside County Fire Department who gave a brief presentation of his background and experience. Added >>> INTRODUCE NEW CITY STAFF City Manager Spevacek introduced Public Safety Analyst Alexander Johnson who recently joined the La Quinta team. 2. CITY MANAGER UPDATE ON 2019 IRONMAN TRIATHLON City Manager Spevacek said Staff will schedule for Council consideration a Business Session Item regarding the 2019 Ironman triathlon for the March 19, 2019, meeting; explained Staff’s collaborative efforts with the Riverside County Police Department, City of Indian Wells, Ironman representatives, and other interested parties; Marketing Manager Graham noted three Community Outreach meetings will be held on March 7th at 6 pm at Red Robin, March 11th at 2 pm at La Quinta City Hall, and March 12th at 9 am at La Quinta Wellness Center to allow the community to provide feedback and vote on two proposed 8 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 of 8 MARCH 5, 2019 routes for the triathlon; and described the community outreach that will occur should the event be approved for 2019 in collaboration with neighboring cities, Police Department, and the Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Dale Tyerman, La Quinta – spoke in support of the Ironman triathlon event, asked Council to ensure the event is not disruptive to the community, and to improve communications regarding community outreach for the event. City Manager Spevacek explained in detail the on-going collaborative efforts over the last three months between the City, neighboring jurisdictions, and Ironman, and the timeline that led up to the scheduling of the Community Outreach meetings. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 5, 2019 2. APPROVE MINUTES DATED FEBRUARY 19, 2019 3. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR INTERIM MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT IN THE CLERK’S OFFICE TO ATTEND THE 2019 CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, APRIL 2-4, 2019 4. AUTHORIZE OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR COMMUNITY RESOURCES MANAGER TO ATTEND THE CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY LEADERSHIP ACADEMY IN SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, MARCH 11-14, 2019 5. ADOPT RESOLUTION TO REAFFIRM ADOPTION OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR COUNTY SERVICE AREA 152, AUTHORIZE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TO CONTINUE TO LEVY ASSESSMENTS, AND INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE COUNTY HARMLESS FOR LEVYING ASSESSMENTS ON CITY PARCELS [RESOLUTION NO. 2019-003] 6. APPROVE INVESTMENT BROKER MATTHEW D’AVANZO OF STIFEL, NICOLAUS & COMPANY, INC 7. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED FEBRUARY 8, 15, AND 22, 2019 8. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED JANUARY 31, 2019 9 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 of 8 MARCH 5, 2019 9. APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE EISENHOWER DRIVE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EISENHOWER DRIVE BETWEEN AVENIDA FERNANDO AND COACHELLA DRIVE (PROJECT NO. 2015-12B) 10. APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE DUNE PALMS ROAD WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED ON DUNE PALMS ROAD BETWEEN WESTWARD HO DRIVE AND BLACKHAWK WAY AND 330 FEET NORTH OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY STORM WATER CHANNEL (PROJECT NO. 2009-04) 11. APPROVE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, ENGINEER’S ESTIMATE, AND ADVERTISE FOR BID THE PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED ON AVENUE 52 BETWEEN SILVERROCK WAY AND JEFFERSON STREET (PROJECT NO. PMP 1819) 12. APPROVE UTILITY RELOCATION AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF LA QUINTA AND IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (DUNE PALMS ROAD WIDENING PROJECT NO. 2009-04) Mayor Evans said:  Consent Calendar Item No. 9 – the City purchased land located between the La Quinta Resort and Legacy Villas to improve the water retention, flood control, and storm drain; and Measure G funds are being used to improve the City’s infrastructure;  Consent Calendar Item No. 10 – the Dune Palms Road Widening project is in conjunction with the Dune Palms bridge project in collaboration with Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), and Measure G funds are being utilized for these capital improvements; and  Consent Calendar Item No. 11 – Pavement Management Plan improvements along Avenue 52, between SilverRock Way and Jefferson St, were originally slated to be completed last fiscal year, but the schedule was aligned to coincide with the Coachella Valley Water District pipe improvements and to avoid having to do the same work twice. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with Item No. 5 adopting Resolution No. 2019-003. Motion passed unanimously. 10 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5 of 8 MARCH 5, 2019 BUSINESS SESSION 1. ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SERVICES TO ESTABLISH A SECTION 115 PENSION TRUST; AND AUTHORIZE THE TRANSFER, FORMATION OF A NEW FUND, AND APPROPRIATE $6,540,000 TO THIS FUND [RESOLUTION NO. 2019-004] Finance Director Campos presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the City’s efforts to ensure pension obligations are funded; the City can change investments strategy at any point and to decide how to assign future Pension Fund allocations. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Sanchez to adopt Resolution No. 2019-004 to approve an agreement with Public Agency Retirement Services to establish a Section 115 Pension Trust; and authorize the transfer, formation of a new fund, and appropriate $6,540,000 to this fund; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ADOPTION OF THE PUBLIC AGENCIES POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS TRUST ADMINISTERED BY PUBLIC AGENCY RETIREMENT SERVICES (PARS) Motion passed unanimously. 2. APPOINT ONE COUNCILMEMBER TO SERVE AS CITY REPRESENTATIVE ON THE IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (IID) ENERGY CONSUMERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (ECAC) FOR A FOUR-YEAR TERM ENDING DECEMBER 2022 Council waived presentation of the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed that Councilmember Sanchez was re-appointed to represent the Council on the ECAC in December 2018 but his reappointment was not approved by the IID Board; appointing another Councilmember; ability for anyone to attend ECAC’s meetings as an observer; ability to ask the City Manager to appoint a Staff member to represent the City; lack of interagency courtesy on ECAC’s part; City of Indio is currently not participating either; requesting that the City’s resident representative report on ECAC’s business; and Council’s support for AB854 which seeks to add six additional Board seats for Riverside County to ensure that individuals who receive power from IID have a voice. 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 8 MARCH 5, 2019 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick to appoint Councilmember Peña to serve as City representative on Imperial Irrigation District Energy Consumers Advisory Committee for a four-year term ending December 2022. Motion died due to the lack of a second. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to appoint Councilmember Sanchez to serve as City representative on Imperial Irrigation District Energy Consumers Advisory Committee for a four-year term ending December 2022. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS CALLE TECATE PARKING SURVEY RESULTS Management Specialist Ferreira, City Engineer Bryan McKinney, and Traffic Engineer Steve Libring presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the survey results based on resident feedback regarding whether or not to keep the parking on the north side of the street; the total number of parking spaces along Calle Tecate; widening the road would require using conservation land; and reasons for the reported collisions along this street segment. Mayor Evans noted for the record that written comments were received by Marc Berger and Bill Cranham, both La Quinta residents, in support of removing the parking along the north side of Calle Tecate, replacing it with a bike lane, and reducing the speed limit to 30 miles per hour. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Noble Mandeville, La Quinta – said he has lived in the area for a long time; folks who park in the designated area are a nuisance to the residents; spoke in support to eliminate the parking on the north side of Calle Tecate, and move it to the south side or to the existing parking lots; and said implementing additional stop signs would not provide a solution. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Jeff Smith, La Quinta – said he is a member of the Steering Committee with the Cove Neighborhood Association; adding more stop signs has not been discussed with residents; the Steering Committee is in support to eliminate the parking and have bike lanes on both sides of the street, which would achieve the desired results by residents; commended the City for installing a parking lot; and residents are supportive to remove the parking because the safety gained outweighs the inconvenience of having guests that won’t be able to park along the street. 12 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7 of 8 MARCH 5, 2019 Council discussed the existing traffic survey allows Staff to reduce the speed limit from 35 to 30 miles per hour; residents are affected by the speeding on Calle Tecate; the recommended solution options do not have to be implemented at the same time and can be phased out; eliminating parking along Calle Tecate will possibly move the noise nuisance up north into the Avenidas; the land to the west is conservation land and would require approval from wildlife agencies in order to convert it into a public parking lot; benefits of moving the parking to the south side of the street; selecting one option does not preclude implementing the other options at a later time; and timeline on installing a restroom at the top of the Cove. Council reached a consensus to move forward and lower the speed limit from 35 to 30 miles per hour. Council provided general support to remove the parking along Calle Tecate all together and gather community feedback to evaluate results and how it is received by residents; and identify the land owners to the west of the existing parking lot and what would be the approval process to build another parking lot. PUBLIC HEARINGS – None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS All reports are on file in the City Clerk’s Office. 1-A. CITY MANAGER – MOBILE HOME PARK CODE ENFORCEMENT City Manager Spevacek presented the departmental report which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council discussed the need for additional staff resources in order to assume code enforcement responsibility from the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD); the City can notify HCD of any violations, and it is within HCD’s purview to determine if there are violations per state regulations and seek remedy from the mobile home park owner; if the City assumed code enforcement, it would be limited to imposing state regulations only; any interested party can file a complaint and HCD has an obligation to respond; compensation for acting as the enforcement agency is minimal and it is listed in state code; and looking into drafting an ordinance to identify the enforcement limitation under state law. Council reached a consensus and directed Staff to send out a letter to HCD listing the City’s concerns regarding the condition of the mobile home park and why and inquire when it was last inspected by HCD; and to identify the 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8 of 8 MARCH 5, 2019 resources needed to assume enforcement responsibility and the limitations under state law the City would be subject to. 1-B. CITY MANAGER – CITY BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT – CV LINK City Manager Spevacek presented the department report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council reached unanimous consensus and directed Staff to move forward with making a formal request with the City of Indian Wells to adjust the City boundary to include the property located directly behind the Point Happy shopping center. MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS – None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS La Quinta’s representative for 2019, Mayor Evans reported on her participation in the following organization’s meeting:  CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE La Quinta’s representative for 2019, Councilmember Peña reported on his participation in the following organization’s meeting:  CANNABIS AD HOC COMMITTEE (Peňa & Sanchez) La Quinta’s representative for 2019, Councilmember Radi reported on his participation in the following organization’s meeting:  SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Fitzpatrick to adjourn at 5:54 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 14 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 1 of 3 FEBRUARY 12, 2019 CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2019 CALL TO ORDER – City Council and Planning Commission A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Wright, Quill, and Chairperson McCune ABSENT: Commissioner Proctor PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Planning Commission Chairperson McCune led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS THE HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR AREA PLAN AND INTRODUCE CONSULTANT TEAM Planning Manager Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office; and introduced Mr. Kaizer Rangwala, AICP, Principal with Rangwala Associates, Woodland Hills, who gave a brief overview of the company’s background, mission, experience, and introduced the members of the team: Juan Gomez-Novy, Associate with Moule & Polyzoides Architects & Urbanists, Pasadena, California; Gary Lai, ASLA, RLA, Leed AP, Principal with AHBE Landscape Architects, Los Angeles, California; and Zachary Zabel, Associate with Nelson Nygaard, Los Angeles, California. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 15 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 2 of 3 FEBRUARY 12, 2019 CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Rangwala said Rangwala’s team is very excited about the opportunity to work with the City; understands the importance of the Corridor for La Quinta’s fiscal health; the team members’ experience and competencies are very well aligned with the scope of the project; and spoke about recent projects the firm has completed. General joint discussion followed regarding the components necessary to realize connectivity and walkability along the Highway 111 Corridor (Corridor); creating brand identity and experience through landscape and architectural plan and design; importance of shade because of the hot desert weather; strategically phasing shade structures with landscape design; use of lights as an affordable and creative option to create visually appealing effects; access to CV Link; alternative transportation options and depot areas; partnering with local transit agencies to explore solutions for first-mile – last-mile challenges to increase use of public transportation; need to improve signage along the Corridor; utilize the seas of asphalt to create positive experiences; the experience defines the brand and establishes the City’s identity; and the importance to keep an open mind and be innovative, engage the community and business owners, and balance regulations with the ability to stay flexible. Mr. Rangwala said a step in developing the Area Plan is to meet with the Planning Commission and Council to introduce Rangwala’s team, provide a forum for engagement, and seek input, which will be incorporated in the development of the Area Plan; the design process includes holding a community workshop in March, followed by a three-day charrette in April, an intensive planning session where citizens and other interested community members share ideas, give feedback to the designers, and collaborate on the vision of the Corridor. General joint discussion followed regarding the scope of work Rangwala Associates would conduct, which would include an analysis of the existing 11 Specific Plans along the Corridor and how they would interact with the visioning and design of the Area Plan; schedule of performance; and total contract amount. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Bradon Welker, Development Team with Sunridge Properties, Arizona – said Sunridge Properties has a pending application with the City for a hotel development along Highway 111 and spoke in support of developing an Area Plan for the Corridor. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Dale Tyerman, La Quinta – commended the City for initiating the revisioning of the Corridor; said he avoids Highway 111 because signage is not very good and stores are set back so far in that it is difficult to determine where to turn to get to where you are going; the Corridor is 16 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 3 of 3 FEBRUARY 12, 2019 CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION utilitarian – it’s functional, but it does not feel like La Quinta, the branding of the City’s image needs to be integrated in the Corridor. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Leila Namvar, La Quinta – said the Corridor is very functional and it offers a lot of variety within a single mile, but because of the high concentration of business, it lacks the experience; revisioning the Corridor can bring magic into the experience, make it more urban and inter- connected; suggested looking into designating land uses for the City’s streets; and noted she was pleased with the discussion tonight and the plan going forward. The following City Staff provided comments regarding the Corridor’s economic development opportunities; need for redesign to incorporate new trends of connectivity to accommodate pedestrians and alternative transportation uses; integrate the City’s brand and image; and strike a balance between business and regulations to ensure safety and compliance, and go-away from being only auto-centric:  Gilbert Villalpando, Assistant to the City Manager;  Danny Castro, Design and Development Director;  Cheri Flores, Planning Manager;  Bryan McKinney, City Engineer. COUNCIL AND COMMISSION MEMBERS’ ITEMS – None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California 17 18 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: ADOPT RESOLUTION DESIGNATING SPEED LIMIT FOR CALLE TECATE FROM AVENIDA BERMUDAS TO AVENIDA MADERO RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution designating a new posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour for Calle Tecate, from Avenida Bermudas to Avenida Madero. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The City Traffic Engineer recommended that the 2016 speed survey for Calle Tecate between Avenue Bermudas and Avenida Madero be re- evaluated due to the recent traffic calming analysis. •The speed survey accounts for: 1) prevailing speed, 2) accident history, and 3) roadway characteristics. •The roadway characteristics support a posted speed limit of 30 versus the current 35 miles per hour. FISCAL IMPACT Replacing these signs will cost $250; Gas Tax funds are available in the Traffic Control Signs budget (201-7003-60429). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS To enforce speed limits using radar, speed limits must be set in accordance with the California Vehicle Code (CVC). Per the CVC, vehicle speeds are determined by the behavior of a majority of drivers during normal driving conditions. Jurisdictions may not establish arbitrary speed limits. In 2016, the City retained Willdan to survey speeds on Calle Tecate, from Avenue Bermudas to Avenida Madero. The City Traffic Engineer recommended this speed survey be re-evaluated when it was discovered that the sight distance was limited, a condition that is not readily apparent to drivers, which allows the City Traffic Engineer to recommend a 5-mph reduction using engineering judgement. The 2016 Engineering and Traffic Survey presents the following recommended speed limit for this roadway segment: CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 19 Street Segment Posted Proposed Calle Tecate Avenue Bermudas to Avenida Madero 35 30 ALTERNATIVES No alternative is recommended. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer 20 RESOLUTION NO. 2019 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING SPEED LIMITS FOR CALLE TECATE FROM AVENIDA BERMUDAS TO AVENIDA MADERO WHEREAS, the California Vehicle Code authorizes cities to designate and regulate speed zones within their jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it appropriate to designate speed limits on the following local streets to facilitate safe and orderly traffic flow; and WHEREAS, said designation shall be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 2007-108 on November 20, 2007 designating speed limits for 54 street segments; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 2009-067 on August 4, 2009 designating speed limits for 16 additional street segments; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 2010-003 on January 5, 2010 designating speed limits for two street segments within the Village Area; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 2011-020 on March 15, 2011 designating speed limits for eight additional street segments; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution 2016-050 on December 20, 2016 designating speed limits for street segments on Calle Tecate; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it appropriate to re-designate speed limits for the street segment on Calle Tecate from Avenida Bermudas to Avenida Madero; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Title 12.20.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, an engineering and traffic survey has been performed on Calle Tecate from Avenida Bermudas to Avenida Madero; and WHEREAS, the following designated prima facie speed limits are based on the results of the engineering and traffic survey; and Street Segment Posted Proposed Calle Tecate Avenida Bermudas to Avenida Madero 35 30 21 Resolution No. 2019- Designate Speed Limits – Calle Tecate Adopted: March 19, 2019 Page 2 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: the aforementioned prima facie speed limits are most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and to be reasonably safe. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 19th day of March, 2019, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _____________________________ LINDA EVANS, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: ________________________ MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (CITY SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM: ___________________________ WILLIAM H. IHRKE, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California 22 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR MONTICELLO PARK WITH DAVE BANG ASSOCIATES, INC AND FOR DESERT PRIDE PARK WITH PLAY PACIFIC SYSTEMS, INC; AND APPROPRIATE $100,000 RECOMMENDATION Approve the purchase of replacement playground equipment from Dave Bang Associates, Inc. and Pacific Play Systems, Inc. for Monticello and Desert Pride Parks, respectively; appropriate $100,000; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreements. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The playground equipment at Monticello and Desert Pride Parks is due for replacement. •Staff received and reviewed proposals from four playground equipment vendors. •Playground equipment selection was based on cost, design, style, and play features. FISCAL IMPACT The cost to purchase and install the equipment is $101,423. The current balance in the Playground Equipment Replacement Fund, Capital Expenses, Parks (503-0000-71060) is $45,500. Staff requests an appropriation of $100,000 from the fund balance (currently at $3.2 million) to fund this equipment purchase and leave a balance to fund unexpected expenses that may occur this fiscal year. The per vendor cost is: •Dave Bang & Associates - Monticello Park $ 61,473 •Pacific Play Systems - Desert Pride Park $ 39,950 Total: $101,423 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The playground equipment at Monticello and Desert Pride Park is scheduled for replacement as it is beyond the useful lifecycle of five to seven years. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 23 Staff solicited proposals from playground companies and received four proposals: Play & Park Structures, Dave Bang Associates, Inc. (Dave Bang), Miracle Playgrounds, and Pacific Play Systems, Inc. (Pacific Play). Staff selected playground equipment for each park based on cost, design, and play features, from proposals submitted by Dang Bang (Attachment 1) for Monticello Park and Pacific Play (Attachment 2) for Desert Pride Park. Each company provided three fade resistant color options. The Community Services Commission reviewed and selected colors to finalize the equipment selection. ALTERNATIVES Council could direct staff to find alternate playground equipment selections. Prepared by: Robert Ambriz, Jr., Parks Superintendent Approved by: Steve Howlett, Facilities Director AttachmentS: 1. Dave Bang Design 2. Pacific Play Design 24 Shown with: Posts: Dark Brown Components: Green Rotomolded Plastics: Brownstone Sheet Plastics: Forest Green/Sand 2-Color Plastics: Forest Green/Sand Decks: Brown Drawing # C18157SPR3 19 March 11, 2019 Brittany Pulkrabek, Associate Designed for children ages: 2-12 Monticello LA QUINTA, CA ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 125 26 27 Description Concrete (Yds3) Total Weight (lbs)Users Design Number: C18157SPR3_19 - Compliance and Technical Data MONTECILLO PARK Pre- Consumer Recycled Content (lbs) CO2e Footprint (kgs) Install Hours Ref. No. Reference Document: ASTM F1487 Unit ASTM Status Active Play Events Post- Part No.Qty. The lay-out for this custom playscape, design number C18157SPR3_19, has been configured to meet the requirements of the ASTM F1487 standard. In addition, each of the above components listed as "Certified" have been tested and are IPEMA certified. Components listed as "Not Applicable" do not fall within the scope of the ASTM F1487 standard and have not been tested. IPEMA certification can be verified on the IPEMA website, www.ipema.org. In the interest of playground safety, IPEMA provides a Third Party Certification Service which validates compliance. The CO2e (carbon footprint given in Kilograms and Metric Tons) listed above is a measure of the environmental impact this play structure represents from harvesting raw materials to the time it leaves our shipping dock. Playworld Systems nurtures a total corporate culture that is focused on eliminating carbon producing processes and products, reducing our use of precious raw materials, reusing materials whenever possible and recycling materials at every opportunity. Playworld Systems elected to adopt the Publicly Available Specification; PAS 2050 as published by the British Standards Institute and sponsored by Defra and the Carbon Trust. The PAS 2050 has gained international acceptance as a specification that measures the greenhouse gas emissions in services and goods throughout their entire life cycle. The lay-out was also designed to meet the 2010 Standards published 15-Sep-2010, by the Department of Justice when installed over a properly maintained surfacing material that is in compliance with ASTM F1951 "Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment" as well as ASTM F1292, "Impact Attenuation of Surfacing Materials Within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment", appropriate for the fall height of the structure. Installation times are based on one experienced installer. A crew of three experienced individuals can perform the installation within the given time, each member working 1/3 of the given hours. [Eg. Installation Time = 30 hours. For a crew of three, each member will work 10 hours on the installation for a total of 30 hours on the project.] A measurement, in pounds, that qualifies the amount of material that was captured as waste and diverted from landfill during an initial manufacturing process and is being redirected to a separate manufacturing process to become a different product. E.g. 100% of our Aluminum Tubing is made from captured waste material during the manufacturing process of extruded Aluminum products such as rods, flat bars and H-channels. A measurement, in pounds, that qualifies the amount of material that was once another product that has completed its lifecycle and has been diverted from a landfill as a solid waste through recycling and is now being used in a Playworld Systems' product. E.g. **20% to 40% of the steel in our steel tubing and sheet steel have been diverted from landfills. Automobiles are scrapped and recyclable steel is purchased by the steel mill that produces our raw product. ** The amount of Post-Consumer recycled steel fluctuates daily based on the availability of the recycled steel. ASTM F1487 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design Installation Times Carbon Footprint Pre-Consumer Recycle Content Post-Consumer Recycle Content Monday, March 11, 2019 Page of3 3 Playworld.com 28 Quotation Quotation Date 3/11/2019 CA 137352 R1 To City of La Quinta Attn: Robert Ambritz 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 F.O.B. La Quinta Monticello Park Option 3 Estimated Shipping Date 4-6 Weeks Shipped Via Truck Sa...Brittany Pulkrabek Brittany Pulkrabek Net 30 TOTAL Subtotal Tax (7.75%) Terms Thank You! DateAccepted THANK YOU FOR THIS CHANCE TO QUOTE PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY WHEN ORDERING. Salesperson DAVE BANG ASSOICATES, INC OF CALIFORNIA IS PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE ABOVE QUOTATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SHOULD YOU PLACE AN ORDER, BE ASSURED IT WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. THIS QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED TERMS & CONDITIONS, AND IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS. THEREAFTER IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. P.O. Box 1088, Tustin, CA 92781 P: (800) 669-2585 F: (800) 729-2483 www.davebang.com LIC # 795052 THIS QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED TERMS & CONDITIONS DescriptionQuantity Unit Price Total Extended "North Area" Playworld # C18157SPR3_19, Custom Playstructure with powder coated aluminum posts, one piece powder coated aluminum hinged clamps, one piece Eco-Armor coated perforated steel decks, Ages 2-5 1 26,681.00 26,681.00 Playworld # ZZXX0843Z, Risk Management Sign, Ages 2-5 *FREE with qualifying purchase of list price over $10,000 1 0.00 0.00 Playworld # ZZXX9991Z, Biba Sign *FREE with qualifying purchase of Playstructure with list price over $25,000 1 0.00 0.00 Playworld # ZZXX9992Z, Biba Icons (set of 6) *FREE with qualifying purchase of Playstructure with list price over $25,000 1 0.00 0.00 "South Area" Playworld # 350-1814, Custom Challengers Playstructure with 3-1/2” OD powder coated galvanized steel posts with cast aluminum caps, one piece powder coated aluminum hinged clamps and one piece Eco-Armor coated perforated steel decks with (7) Active Play Events to accommodate (12) users, Ages 5-12 **2019 Buyer's Guide Sale - $6,592.00 1 9,889.00 9,889.00 Page 1 29 Quotation Quotation Date 3/11/2019 CA 137352 R1 To City of La Quinta Attn: Robert Ambritz 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 F.O.B. La Quinta Monticello Park Option 3 Estimated Shipping Date 4-6 Weeks Shipped Via Truck Sa...Brittany Pulkrabek Brittany Pulkrabek Net 30 TOTAL Subtotal Tax (7.75%) Terms Thank You! DateAccepted THANK YOU FOR THIS CHANCE TO QUOTE PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY WHEN ORDERING. Salesperson DAVE BANG ASSOICATES, INC OF CALIFORNIA IS PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE ABOVE QUOTATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SHOULD YOU PLACE AN ORDER, BE ASSURED IT WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. THIS QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED TERMS & CONDITIONS, AND IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS. THEREAFTER IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. P.O. Box 1088, Tustin, CA 92781 P: (800) 669-2585 F: (800) 729-2483 www.davebang.com LIC # 795052 THIS QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED TERMS & CONDITIONS DescriptionQuantity Unit Price Total Extended Playworld # ZZXX0843Z, Risk Management Sign, Ages 5-12 *FREE with qualifying purchase of list price over $10,000 1 0.00 0.00 cy of Zeager Bros. Inc. #WF-ZWC, WoodCarpet, Engineered Wood Fiber, IPEMA Certified and ADA Compliant when maintained and compacted. 100 24.00 2,400.00 Less Special Discount -10,410.75 -10,410.75 Subtotal 28,559.25 Shipping 4,600.00 4,600.00 Installation by a Licensed Contractor to INCLUDE prevailing wages 21,100.00 21,100.00 Demo by a Licensed Contractor to INCLUDE prevailing wages 5,000.00 5,000.00 **2019 Playworld Promotion Sale Pricing valid until December 2nd, 2019 - Total savings included above is $6,592.00 Page 2 30 Quotation Quotation Date 3/11/2019 CA 137352 R1 To City of La Quinta Attn: Robert Ambritz 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 F.O.B. La Quinta Monticello Park Option 3 Estimated Shipping Date 4-6 Weeks Shipped Via Truck Sa...Brittany Pulkrabek Brittany Pulkrabek Net 30 TOTAL Subtotal Tax (7.75%) Terms Thank You! DateAccepted THANK YOU FOR THIS CHANCE TO QUOTE PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN ONE COPY WHEN ORDERING. Salesperson DAVE BANG ASSOICATES, INC OF CALIFORNIA IS PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE ABOVE QUOTATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. SHOULD YOU PLACE AN ORDER, BE ASSURED IT WILL RECEIVE OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. THIS QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED TERMS & CONDITIONS, AND IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS. THEREAFTER IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. P.O. Box 1088, Tustin, CA 92781 P: (800) 669-2585 F: (800) 729-2483 www.davebang.com LIC # 795052 THIS QUOTATION IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED TERMS & CONDITIONS DescriptionQuantity Unit Price Total Extended The above price is based on utilizing the Labor Group 3 labor rate classification(s). If this job requires DIR project registration (PWC-100) please list this classification. If another labor classification is required, please let us know so we can revised this quote, if needed. *Doe NOT include wood fiber re-fill, only drop off. If install is needed please ADD an additional $2,500.00 Page 3 $61,472.59 $59,259.25 $2,213.34 31     PO BOX 1088, Tustin, CA 92781             1‐800‐669‐2585             DAVEBANG.COM             INFO@DAVEBANG.COM            LIC #795052      TERMS & CONDITIONS ‐ CALIFORNIA  REV (2) 9.18.18 ‐ AM  1. General Notes  *Assembly and Installation NOT included unless otherwise noted    *Payment and Performance bonds are NOT included unless otherwise stated.   If required, additional charges will apply.  Please call for details!    *Customer responsible for quoted quantities and model numbers, please  check!    *Price reflects quoted quantity. Please request revision if alternate quantity  is desired.  2. Payment / Ordering  *We require a completed friendly one‐page credit application or payment  with order    *TO ORDER, please sign quote and return via email or fax to avoid any  shipping delays.  Fax or email copy deemed to be legal equivalent of original.   If Payment with Order is required, please sign quote below and return with  payment.  All past due accounts subject to 1 ½% monthly finance charge.  In  the event legal action is required to effect collection venue shall be Orange,  CA.  3. Shipping / Unloading  *Shipped by Common Carrier – Customer will need 2‐4 people to unload.   Liftgate NOT included.  Items will be boxed and / or stretch wrapped to  pallets and customer is responsible for offloading.  Delivery Drivers do NOT  unload    **IMPORTANT:  Customer is responsible for receiving and checking  quantities and condition at time of delivery ‐ Please note any shortages or  damages on delivery copy.    *Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Contract Documents,  Customer understands that estimated shipment times for materials are an  estimate only. We have no control over shipment dates. We thus make no  guarantee to Owner or Customer regarding the projected shipment dates for  materials and shall not be liable for any loss caused by the timing of  shipments  4. Engineered Wood Fiber  *Customer to provide access for Engineered Wood Fiber delivery with tractor  truck and 53’ trailer.    *Compaction of the Engineered Wood Fiber is NOT included in the  installation cost, if desired, please request an updated proposal.  If  Compaction of the Engineered Wood Fiber was purchased, a high capacity  water source such as a hydrant must be available.  If applicable, the cost of a  meter and / or the cost of the water is NOT included in the proposal.  If we  need to acquire the meter and / or pay for the water, please request an  updated proposal  5. General Notes for Purchased Installation  *Installation does NOT include ground preparation, excavation, safety  surfacing, and/or safety surfacing borders, prep work, flat work, grading,  rerouting of water, electric, drainage or sprinkler lines unless otherwise  noted in the proposal  *Demo of existing equipment or safety surfacing is NOT included unless  otherwise stated in the proposal  *ROCK CLAUSE: Pricing is based on normal soil conditions which would allow  an auger on a tractor to dig footings. If rocks/boulders interfere with the  progress of the excavation, additional fees may apply.    *ACCESS CLAUSE: Installation based on clear access to area. Customer to  provide access for bobcat to work area, bobcat will be provided by installer.  Minimum access shall be 7’ wide and 7’ high.  If adequate access is not  provided additional charges may apply and repairs to landscape and  irrigation may be required. Customer is responsible for any repairs to  landscape if proper access is not provided.      *UTILITY CLAUSE: Installation to include marking of utilities by Dig Alert. Dig  Alert CANNOT locate any private lines, PVC or plastic water lines.  Installation  does NOT include repair or relocating any underground utilities, such as  drainage, irrigation, live water lines, main low voltage lines, gas, electrical,  communication, or sewer etc. Customers responsibility to provide locations  of any utilities prior to commencement of work.      *Customer is responsible for all landscape repairs such as, but not limited to  damaged trees, bushes, lawn, curbing, sidewalks and/or asphalt paving  caused by materials truck and/or 2‐ton bobcat needed to complete project.    *Installation does NOT include ground preparation, excavation, safety  surfacing, and/or safety surfacing borders unless otherwise noted    *Before we proceed with the playground installation, the playground area  MUST be compacted, be free of debris, and excavated accordingly.  Please  call for details.    *Concrete pad for surface mount items NOT included and MUST be provided  by customer unless otherwise stated.    *Private Utility Locator is NOT included unless otherwise noted.  Private  Utility Locator CANNOT locate any PVC or plastic water lines    *Installation does NOT include saw cutting and/or core drilling unless  otherwise noted    *Installation does NOT include jackhammering.  Please call for details.    *Area MUST have normal soil conditions and be level.    *All Athletic Equipment Goals such as soccer, football, etc, install location  MUST be marked out by customer prior to installation, if installation was  purchased  6. Temporary Fencing  *Security guards and/or temporary fencing to prevent injuries, vandalism  and/or accidental damage to install area or to the rubberized surface while it  sets is NOT included unless noted on quote.  If desired, the installers can put  up caution tape, but Temporary Fencing is recommended.  Although the  fencing, if provided, is intended to provide this security, the overall security  of the property is ultimately the responsibility of customer.  We are not  responsible for any vandalism or injuries even with the provision of the  fencing.        1 of 2  32     PO BOX 1088, Tustin, CA 92781             1‐800‐669‐2585             DAVEBANG.COM             INFO@DAVEBANG.COM            LIC #795052      TERMS & CONDITIONS ‐ CALIFORNIA  REV (2) 9.18.18 ‐ AM  7. ADA Access  *Play Equipment MUST be installed over an impact‐absorbing surface such as  ADA compliant Engineered Wood Fiber or Rubber Surfacing. If not quoted,  please call for details.    *This area is NOT ADA compliant without the installation of compliant  surfacing and an accessible route up to and into the playground area. Please  call for details.  8. Poured‐in‐Place Rubber Surfacing  *Rubber Surfacing cure time is normally 48‐72 hours and can vary depending  on weather conditions.    *Rubber Surfacing cannot be installed during extreme weather conditions  and may also not be installed if rain or frost is forecast during the cure time.    *48‐Hour Manned Security is NOT included for rubber.  9. Shade Shelters (non DSA)  *Shade Shelter installation price EXCLUDES – unless otherwise stated in this  quote ‐ engineering, permits, permit submittal, site plans, special  inspections, soil reports, impact fees, special assessment fees. Customer is  responsible for any and all of these items if required by the City.    *Shade Shelter manufacture time is 6‐8 weeks. Permitting can add 2‐4 weeks  or more to lead time. PLEASE NOTE: Shade Orders are NOT released into  production until permit is issued!    *Shade Shelter installation price EXCLUDES concrete pad, footings, masonry  columns, electrical wiring and lights unless otherwise noted.   10. Shade Shelters (DSA)  **6‐8 Week lead time is AFTER DSA approval by your architect of choice    * Customer to receive shade shelter.  If receiving by us is needed, please call  for pricing and details!    * Job to be completed in one mobilization. Additional moves will be  additional pricing if we are required to remobilize due to schedule issues,  stop work or a delay in work not caused by us    *Pricing does NOT include, architectural drawings, site/plot plans, DSA  submittal fees, job site inspector fees, shop welding inspection fees, and/or  permits    *DSA in‐plant Welding Inspector to be hired by the School District. Welding  Inspector fee has NOT been quoted.    *School District / Architect responsible for submission of plans to DSA for  DSA approval    *Fabrication cannot start until inspections have been coordinated, colors  have been selected, and approved plans received.    *Pricing does NOT include footings, steel cages, anchor bolts, or erecting of  shade shelter unless otherwise noted      11. Prevailing Wages  *Prevailing Wages NOT included unless otherwise noted. (ie: Davis Bacon,  TERO, ect.) If this is a Prevailing Wage project, please request alternate  pricing.    *If Prevailing Wages / Davis Bacon Wages were INCLUDED, all other special  work fees NOT included ‐ Additional Labor Charges may apply if alternate  labor is required.     *If DIR Project Registration is required, work may not begin until we receive  DIR Project ID number    12. Indemnity Provision  *Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any Contract Documents we  shall have no duty to defend or indemnify Owner, Customer, or any other  party we agree to defend or indemnify in any Contract Documents for that  portion of any claim arising out of the comparative fault of any party we  agree to defend or indemnify in any Contract Documents.    13. Insurance  Available Insurance  Umbrella / Excess Liability:  Each Occurrence ‐ $2,000,000.00  Aggregate ‐ $2,000,000.00  General Liability Limits:  Deductible ‐ $2,500.00  Each Occurrence ‐ $1,000,000.00  Damage to Rented Premises ‐ $100,000.00  Medical Expense ‐ $5,000.00  Personal & Adv Injury ‐ $1,000,000.00  General Aggregate (per project) ‐ $2,000,000.00  Products Comp/OP Agg ‐ $2,000,000.00  Excludes Contractual Liability  Available Endorsements:   Additional Insured Ongoing Operations CG2010   Additional Insured Completed Operations CG 2037  Primary Noncontributory IFG‐G‐0094  Waiver of Subrogation CG 2404  Per Project Aggregate IFG‐G‐0065  Per Location Aggregate IFG‐G‐0064  Auto Liability Limits:  (Any Auto, Hired Autos, Non‐Owned Autos)  Combined Single Limit $1,000,000.00  Available Endorsements:   Auto Blanket Additional Insured/Waiver of Subrogation CAT353   Workers Compensation and Employers Liability:  Each Accident ‐ $1,000,000.00  Disease (Ea Employee) ‐ $1,000,000.00  Disease (Policy Limit) ‐ $1,000,000.00  Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement available upon request  CA WC040306  2 of 2  33 34 CONTRACT Contractor Lic. # 957776 Class A/B/C61/D34/D12 Pacific Play Systems, Inc. Phone (760) 599-7355 Date 3/5/2019 Est. No.2019-227 Contractor City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Customer Project Playground Reno Terms Net 30 Valid for 30 Days www.pacificplayinc.com Attached Exhibit A (Terms and Conditions) shall be made a part of this Contract.Total PACIFIC PLAY SYSTEMS, INC. 3288 Grey Hawk Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010 - Phone 760-599-7355 or 855-599-7355 - Fax 760-599-7385 Description Qty Rate Total Scope of Work: Provide, equipment, materials and services as outlined per below: Equipment: Playcraft PR#PAC18DPP, Custom 5" OD Steel Play System, 2-12 age-group 1 20,875.00 20,875.00T Special VIP Customer Discount, Void if not accepted within 10 days -3,500.00 -3,500.00 Sub-total after discount 17,375.00 Labor: Demo, hauling and disposal of the existing playground equipment, remove footings only where needed 1 3,500.00 3,500.00 Labor: Installation labor, playground equipment with in-ground concrete footings using Playcraft Factory Certified Installers 1 13,500.00 13,500.00 Freight: Freight & delivery costs, playground equipment 1 1,554.69 1,554.69 Project Administration, Overhead Costs, Mobilization, Equipment Rental, Insurance Costs, General Conditions, etc. 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 EXCLUSIONS: This Contract only covers the cost of equipment, materials and services that are clearly outlined in the Scope of Work. All other equipment, materials and/or services that are not clearly outlined in this quotation are excluded. Exclusions include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Additional services, site work (hauling, grading, drainage, site drains, curbing, border, sidewalks, pavement, striping, etc.), filter fabric, top off of playground safety surfacing, site materials, site furnishings (shade, benches, picnic tables, trash receptacles, etc.), ADA accessible path of travel, payment and performance bond, builders risk insurance, furnishing plans, obtaining permits, dealing with inspections and/or permit agencies, engineering calculations, stamped engineered or architectural drawings, etc. 2. Inspection costs, testing and outside testing agencies, CPSI Inspection/audit/report, survey work of any kind, fencing, swpps, barricades, traffic control, flagging, erosion control, dust control, removal of hazardous materials or contaminated soils, digging through rock and rocky soils. 3. Modifications or repairs to the existing landscaping or irrigation system is excluded. Irrigation lines (if any) found during the excavation will be capped off. Owner shall be responsible for removal, replacement or repairs to the irrigation lines or utility lines encountered during the excavation process at owner's cost. 37 CONTRACT Contractor Lic. # 957776 Class A/B/C61/D34/D12 Pacific Play Systems, Inc. Phone (760) 599-7355 Date 3/5/2019 Est. No.2019-227 Contractor City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Customer Project Playground Reno Terms Net 30 Valid for 30 Days www.pacificplayinc.com Attached Exhibit A (Terms and Conditions) shall be made a part of this Contract.Total PACIFIC PLAY SYSTEMS, INC. 3288 Grey Hawk Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010 - Phone 760-599-7355 or 855-599-7355 - Fax 760-599-7385 Description Qty Rate Total 4. Customer shall hire a utility locating service to mark all underground utilities prior to the start of our work, in order to minimize any damage to utilities. Modifications and/or repairs to any existing or damaged utilities as a result of this work is excluded. If owner would like us to hire a utility locating company, additional cost will be $1,000. Initial here to authorize this additional service _________. 5. Additional move-in costs, if required (only one move-in cost is included in this quote), dealing with unforeseen conditions and extra work required as a result of these conditions and anything else that is not clearly outlined in this Contract. See Exhibit A, Terms and Conditions for a description of Unforeseen Conditions. LABOR RATES: Prevailing Wage rates. Required Statement for California Projects: Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the Contractors' State License Board which has jurisdiction to investigate complaints against contractors if a complaint regarding a latent act or omission is filed within four (4) years of the date of the alleged violation. A complaint regarding a latent act or omission pertaining to structural defects must be filed within ten (10) years of the date of the alleged violation. Any questions concerning a contractor may be referred to the Registrar, Contractors' State License Board, P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento, California 95826. This Contract is executed between Pacific Play Systems, Inc., a California corporation and Customer (also referred to as Owner), identified in the Customer section of this Contract. Either Customer or Pacific Play Systems, Inc. may be referred to as Party, together as Parties. The purpose of this Contract is for Pacific Play Systems, Inc. to provide Customer with equipment, materials and/or services as outlined in the Scope of Work section of this Contract in exchange for the sum of money as outlined in this Contract. By signing below, both Parties acknowledge that they are entering into a legally binding Contract, which includes Exhibit A. Customer acknowledges the receipt and review of Exhibit A (Terms and Conditions) which shall be made a part of this Contract and enforceable to the full extent allowed by law. 38 CONTRACT Contractor Lic. # 957776 Class A/B/C61/D34/D12 Pacific Play Systems, Inc. Phone (760) 599-7355 Date 3/5/2019 Est. No.2019-227 Contractor City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Customer Project Playground Reno Terms Net 30 Valid for 30 Days www.pacificplayinc.com Attached Exhibit A (Terms and Conditions) shall be made a part of this Contract.Total PACIFIC PLAY SYSTEMS, INC. 3288 Grey Hawk Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010 - Phone 760-599-7355 or 855-599-7355 - Fax 760-599-7385 Description Qty Rate Total ACCEPTED BY CUSTOMER: Customer’s Name: _____________________ Date accepted: ______________ Signature: ____________________________ Signed By: __________________ ACCEPTED BY PACIFIC PLAY SYSTEMS, INC.: Federal Tax I.D. #: 27-4620108 - DIR No. 1000012253 Date accepted: ______________ California Contractors License #957776, Classifications: A, B, C61-D12, C61-D34 Signature: ____________________________ Signed By: Ali Bemanian, President CA Sales Tax, Riverside County 8.75% 1,520.31 $39,950.0039 1 Pacific Play Systems, Inc. - 3288 Grey Hawk Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010, Phone 760-599-7355 - California Contractors Lic. #957776 EXHIBIT A- TERMS AND CONDITIONS (Revised 6-25-2018) 1. ATTORNEY FEES & EXPENSES: In the event of any dispute under this Contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit, including any fees and costs incurred in preparation of such suit. If timely payments are not made by Customer and collection becomes necessary, Pacific Play Systems, Inc. shall be entitled to collect interest and all reasonable collection and legal costs incurred to the extent allowed by law. 2. BUSINESS LICENSE: If obtaining a business license becomes necessary for a city in which Pacific Play Systems, Inc. does not hold a current license, Pacific Play Systems, Inc. shall obtain the required license and Customer shall reimburse Pacific Play systems, Inc. for its cost (including staff time) at cost plus 15%. 3. CHANGE ORDERS: Extra Work and change orders shall become part of the contract once the change order is prepared in writing and signed by the parties prior to the commencement of any work covered by the new change order. Change order shall describe the scope of the extra work or change, the cost to be added or subtracted from the contract and describe effects on the schedule (if applicable). 4. DEMOLITION: Unless other arrangements are made prior to the start of demolition, all demolition items shall be disposed of by Pacific Play Systems, Inc. in a manner selected by Pacific Play Systems, Inc. 5. DISCOUNTS: Discounts (if any) provided are valid only if Customer completely fulfills his or her obligations under this Contract, including making timely payments per Payment Terms outlined in this Contract. Customer’s failure to pay amounts due under this Contract in a timely fashion shall constitute forfeiture of all discounts provided under this Contract and shall increase Contract sum by the amounts of discounts provided. 6. ENGINEERED WOOD FIBERS (EWF) are sold in quantities of cubic yards. EWF will settle during and after installation, reducing its depth. Therefore, its depth cannot be guaranteed. Generally speaking, 18” of material settles to a compacted depth of 10”-12”. EWF require maintenance and some topping off from time to time. 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or between the Parties, written or oral, to the extent they relate in any way to the subject matter hereof. 8. EXPANSIVE SOILS: Pacific Play Systems, Inc. shall not be responsible for undesirable effects (poor drainage, settlement, expansion, contraction, finish surface cracking, etc.) of expansive and unstable soils (clay soils, etc.). If applicable, it shall be Customer’s responsibility to test soil samples and determine if the existing soil is suitable for the intended work. If applicable, expansive soils shall be removed at Customer’s cost. 9. FINAL INSPECTION: Customer shall perform a final inspection of the project while Pacific Play Systems, Inc. and its agents are still on site and shall report any concerns to Pacific Play Systems, Inc. at that time so that valid concerns can be corrected right away to avoid delays and additional trips to the job site. 10. GOVERNING LAW: This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the domestic laws of the State of California without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule that would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of California. Jurisdiction shall be the County of San Diego, North County Judicial District. 40 2 Pacific Play Systems, Inc. - 3288 Grey Hawk Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010, Phone 760-599-7355 - California Contractors Lic. #957776 11. INSURANCE: Pacific Play Systems, Inc. agrees to carry the following limits during the course of project: Liability Insurance: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence, $1,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury, $2,000,000 General Aggregate, $2,000,000 Products, Completed Operations Aggregate. Excess Liability Insurance: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence, $1,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury, $2,000,000 General Aggregate, $2,000,000 Products, Completed Operations Aggregate. Workers Compensation: $1,000,000 Commercial Auto Insurance: $1,000,000 Proof of insurance or additional insured certificates (issued to Customer only) shall be provided upon request. Any custom wording (Primary Wording, Waiver of Subrogation, Cancellation Notices, etc.) on insurance policies or certificates to multiple entities shall be provided at additional cost, if requested and only if available. Customer acknowledges that Pacific Play Systems’ subcontractors may have lower insurance limits and carry no excess liability insurance. 12. LABOR RATES: Unless otherwise noted in writing, all labor rates are Non-Prevailing Wage Rates. 13. LIABILITY LIMIT: Pacific Play Systems, Inc.’s liability on any claim of any kind, including negligence, for any loss or damage arising out of, connected with or resulting from this Contract, or from the performance or breach thereof, or from the manufacture, sale, delivery, installation, resale, repair or use of any products covered by or furnished under this Contract, shall in no case exceed the price of the products or parts thereof which gives rise to this claim. In no event shall Pacific Play Systems, Inc. be liable for special, incidental or consequential damages, or for damages in the nature of penalties. 14. LEAD TIME: Unless otherwise noted, lead time for delivery of equipment is approximately 8-12 weeks AFTER receipt of a signed Contract, deposit and color selection from the Customer. Lead time does not include time needed for shipping, site work and installation. Lead time may vary for different projects, depending on size and Scope of Work. 15. MAINTENANCE: Customer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all acquired items associated with this Contract, after completion, including but not limited to maintenance of equipment, materials, surfacing, drainage system, etc. 16. NOTICES: All notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and be delivered via United States Certified Mail, addressed to the party to whom such notices are directed. Either party may change its address for notices hereunder by giving notice to the other party in the same manner as provided herein. 17. OWNERSHIP: Once equipment and materials are delivered to the Customer's premises, it is considered delivered and Customer shall become responsible for its security. All costs associated with replacement of vandalized and/or stolen equipment, materials shall be Customer’s responsibility. Customer shall take necessary steps to secure site and protect the work under progress, including keeping traffic away from the equipment under construction and protect finished surfaces (concrete, PIP surfacing, etc.) for a minimum of 24 hours after pour. 18. OPTIONS, ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Equipment, materials and services listed under Options or Additional Services are not included in the Scope of Work (cost is extra). If Customer chooses to add any of these items, Customer shall notify Pacific Play Systems, Inc. in writing as soon as possible and prior to the ordering of equipment so that Contract can be modified to incorporate the added items. Once equipment and materials are ordered, it may be too late to make any changes, without incurring additional costs. 41 3 Pacific Play Systems, Inc. - 3288 Grey Hawk Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010, Phone 760-599-7355 - California Contractors Lic. #957776 19. PAYMENT TERMS: All payments are due per Contract ‘s Payment Terms. Past due balances are subject to an annual interest rate of 18%, or the maximum allowed by law, whichever is greatest. If payments are not received on time and collection becomes necessary, aside from adding interest, Pacific Play Systems, Inc. shall be entitled to collection costs incurred plus attorneys’ fees & expenses to the full extent allowed by the applicable laws. 20. PERMITS: Unless otherwise noted in writing, obtaining permits are excluded from this Contract and shall be the Customer’s responsibility. Prior to the award of this Contract, Customer shall perform his, her own due diligence and determine if a permit is required and advise Pacific Play Systems, Inc. in writing accordingly. If required, Customer shall obtain all required permits and licenses and pay all applicable fees. Unless otherwise noted or agreed upon in writing, if Pacific Play Systems, Inc. is instructed to obtain a permit, all associated costs shall be extra, billed at cost plus 20%. 21. PROTECTION OF EXISTING PLAYGROUND SURFACING: Site at some playground renovation projects may contain existing playground safety surfacing that may be either sand, engineered wood fibers, rubber tiles, PIP rubberized surfacing or a combination of these items that may need to be protected while new improvements are made. Unless otherwise noted in our Contract, Customer shall remove and stock pile filter fabric, sand and engineered wood fibers out of the way prior to the start of work to minimize its contamination during construction and shall be responsible to place it back after completion of our work. Customer acknowledges that some damage to the existing rubber tiles or PIP rubberized surfacing may occur due to our work and the use of machinery, regardless of various protection methods used. Customer shall be responsible for the cost of its repair or replacement, if damage occurs. 22. REPAIRS: If any part of the project requires repairs (during or after completion) and becomes a safety concern, Customer shall close site immediately and properly barricade the site until repairs are made. 23. RETURNS: Equipment, materials associated with this Contract are highly customized and shall be considered Non-Returnable. Once the Contact is signed and equipment, materials and services are ordered, it cannot be cancelled. No Returns or Substitutions are permitted under this Contract, unless agreed to in writing by Pacific Play Systems, Inc. If Pacific Play Systems, Inc. agrees to a change involving a reduction in the Scope of Work or the Contract Sum after the award of Contract, Pacific Play Systems, Inc. shall be entitled to charge Customer a fee in the range of 30% (as determined by Pacific Play Systems, Inc.) of the cost of items deleted for the time and effort put forth into processing those items. Additionally, any discounts (if any), associated with the deleted items shall be reversed. 24. SEVERABILITY: Any term or provision of this Contract that is invalid or unenforceable in any situation in any jurisdiction shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and provisions hereof or the validity or enforceability of the offending term or provision in any other situation or in any other jurisdiction. 25. SHADE STRUCTURES: Shade structures, shade sails, umbrellas, shelters and canopies (hereafter referred to as Shade Structures) included in the Scope of Work (if any) are non-engineered (no calculations or engineering drawings are provided), non-structural (not rated for fire, wind or earthquakes), unless otherwise noted in writing. Non-engineered, non-structural Shade Structures are considered temporary structures and will not be suitable for installation at locations that require obtaining a building permit. It shall be Customer’s responsibility to determine if a building permit is required for these Shade Structures and communicate same with Pacific Play Systems, Inc. in writing, prior to executing this Contract so that Shade Structures can be designed, fabricated and priced accordingly for the structural upgrades needed for engineered structures so that a building permit can be obtained by others. Unless otherwise noted, if Pacific Play Systems, Inc. is instructed to obtain a permit, all associated costs shall be extra at the rate of $120/hour, plus all necessary and applicable costs. 42 4 Pacific Play Systems, Inc. - 3288 Grey Hawk Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010, Phone 760-599-7355 - California Contractors Lic. #957776 26. SITE WORK: Site work includes all work that is needed to prepare the site for the installation of equipment and materials. Site work includes, but is not limited to demo, hauling, grading, installation of site materials/sub-base/ drainage/ curbing/ sidewalks/etc. and creating sufficient space to accommodate the Use Zone of the equipment. If site work is excluded from the Scope of Work: A. Customer shall prepare site so that it is ready for Pacific Play Systems, Inc. to move in. B. It shall be Customer’s responsibility to coordinate site requirements with Pacific Play Systems, Inc. and provide the proper rough grade elevation in order to have the site ready for installation. C. If site is determined to not be ready upon move-in by Pacific Play Systems, Inc. and additional move-ins become necessary, a $1,500 - $2,000 extra move-in charge shall apply for each additional move-in and Customer shall become responsible for the safety of the site and for the safekeeping of the equipment and materials that are delivered to the job site until Pacific Play Systems, Inc. is able to return and re-start installation. Some damage to the existing grounds and landscaping shall be expected due to Pacific Play Systems, Inc.’s operations. Unless otherwise noted in writing, repairs to the existing underground utilities, landscaping and irrigation system are excluded from Pacific Play Systems, Inc.’s scope of work and shall be Customer’s responsibility. Pacific Play Systems, Inc.’s liability for cleaning marks (tire marks, etc.) on pavement shall be limited to power washing. 27. SLAB: All concrete slabs associated with the Scope of Work (if any), shall be 4" nominal (3 1/2" thick) without any reinforcement, unless otherwise noted. 28. SUCCESSION & ASSIGNMENT: This Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties named herein and their respective successors and permitted assigns. A Party may not assign either this Contract or any of its rights, interests, or obligations hereunder without the prior written approval of the other Party. Customer shall not assign this Contract to any third-party implementation agencies such as property management companies, contract compliance agencies, etc. without the prior written consent of Pacific Play Systems, Inc. 29. SUB-CONTRACTORS: Pacific Play Systems, Inc. reserves the right to use subcontractors to perform labor without prior consent from the Customer as long as subcontractors used are licensed and insured. 30. TERMINATION: This Contract shall not be terminated by either party without material cause. Pacific Play Systems, Inc. may terminate this Contract with Customer for lack of payment and for other material breach, if not cured within 10 days of receipt of a written notice to Customer. If this Contract is terminated by any party for any reason, Customer shall remain fully liable for the cost of equipment and materials ordered, administrative and other time spent on the project and for services rendered to the full extent allowed by law. 31. UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS: Unforeseen conditions include, but are not limited to, having to deal with, modify or repair underground utilities (water, sewer, gas, electricity, irrigation lines & wiring, data, phone, drainage lines, etc.) found during excavation. Unforeseen Conditions shall also include having to excavate or remove boulders, rocks, rocky soil, etc. that cannot be cored through with a standard Bobcat, augur or excavated with a shovel and requires the use of a jack hammer or other means. Other examples of Unforeseen Conditions include unexpected items found during excavation that were not obvious or not disclosed by Customer, such as existing footings, curbing, border, pavement, tree roots, etc. found during the excavation for new footings, unless removal of these items was clearly noted in the Scope of Work. Finally, Unforeseen Conditions shall include any factors and/or conditions that adversely affect the cost of the project which were not disclosed by Customer in writing prior to the signing of this Contract. Cost of dealing with unforeseen conditions shall become extra and shall be added to the Contract sum at the rate of Pacific Play Systems, Inc.’s cost plus 20%. Customer shall indemnify Pacific Play Systems, Inc. from any liability associated with damage to underground utilities due to Unforeseen Conditions. 43 5 Pacific Play Systems, Inc. - 3288 Grey Hawk Court, Carlsbad, CA 92010, Phone 760-599-7355 - California Contractors Lic. #957776 32. UTILITIES: Utilities include but are not limited to water, sewer, gas, electricity, irrigation lines & wiring, data, phone, drainage lines, etc. To minimize damage to utilities, Customer shall mark, cap or relocate all underground utilities that are located within the work area, prior to the start of work. Pacific Play Systems, Inc. and its subcontractors shall do their best to minimize damage to underground utilities that are identified by the Customer prior to the start of construction. However, should unintended damage occur due to site operations, repairs or relocation of underground utilities shall be excluded from the scope of our work. If utilities are damaged, Customer shall repair, replace or relocate them at Customer’s cost as soon as possible to minimize delays. At Customer’s request, repairs may be made to damaged utilities by Pacific Play Systems, Inc. or its subcontractors at an additional cost of actual cost plus 20%. 33. UTILITY LOCATING SERVICE: For projects requiring excavation, prior to the start of work, Customer shall either clearly mark underground utilities and their depth, hire a utility locating service to locate them or authorize Pacific Play Systems, Inc. to hire a utility locating service to do so. Locating underground utilities is not an exact science and sometimes they are missed by utility locating companies or locations are not accurate, leading to unintended damage during excavation. Also, PVC or plastic pipes cannot be detected by these companies. Therefore, some potential damage to utilities should be expected. If utilities are damaged, Customer shall hold Pacific Play Systems, Inc., its subcontractors, employees and officers harmless as it relates to any potential damages or liabilities. If underground utilities are damaged, regardless of whether a utility locating service was hired or not, Customer shall be responsible for the cost of their repair, replacement or relocation. 34. WARRANTY: Equipment warranties are provided by equipment manufacturers and not by Pacific Play Systems, Inc. Material warranties are provided by the supplier of materials and not by Pacific Play Systems, Inc. When available, Pacific play Systems, Inc. shall provide copies of equipment and material warranties to Customer upon request. Pacific Play Systems, Inc. shall warrant all Labor provided in the Scope of Work for a period of one year from the date of completion. 44 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED MARCH 1 AND 8, 2019 RECOMMENDATION Approve demand registers dated March 1 and 8, 2019. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – None FISCAL IMPACT Demand of Cash: City 4,937,391.82$ Successor Agency of RDA 83.81$ Housing Authority 4,803.58$ 4,942,279.21$ BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Routine bills and payroll must be paid between Council meetings. Attachment 1 details the weekly demand registers for March 1 and 8, 2019. Warrants Issued: 121639-121700 2,522,040.78$ 121701-121768 2,056,907.38$ Wire Transfers 113,196.03$ Payroll Tax transfers 43,357.55$ Payroll Direct Deposit 206,777.47$ 4,942,279.21$ CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 5 45 The most significant expenditures on the demand register are: Account Name Amount Riverside County Various 2,258,411.42$ Nov-Dec 2018 Sheriff Department Police Services Burrtec Waste & Due to Waste 1,875,524.01$ Pass through Recycling Svcs Management Property Tax Pymnt for Waste Removal Landmark Golf Equipment Repairs 45,391.34$ Water Pump Management LLC Conserve Landcare Landscape Contract 42,921.00$ Feb - Parks Maintenance Hermann Design Design Services 33,635.98$ Various Capital Group Inc Projects PurposeVendor Wire Transfers: Six transfers totaled $113,196. Of this amount, $78,282 was for CalPERS, $15,000 for Wells Fargo Credit Card payment, and $14,000 for investments. (See Attachment 2 for a full listing). Investment Transactions: Full details of investment transactions as well as total holdings are reported quarterly in the Treasurer’s Report. Transaction Issuer Type Par Value Settlement Date Coupon Rate Maturity Johnson & Johnson Corporate $2,000,000 3/1/2019 1.125% Purchase U.S. Treasury Treasury $500,000 3/1/2019 1.875% Purchase Federal Home Loan Agency $500,000 3/1/2019 2.500% Bank Purchase Colgate-Palmolive Corporate $500,000 3/4/2019 1.950% Purchase Ally Bank CD $245,000 3/7/2019 2.500% ALTERNATIVES Council may approve, partially approve, or reject the demand registers. Prepared by: Bernice Choo, Account Technician Approved by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst Attachments:1. Demand Registers 2. Wire Transfers 46 3/1/2019 5:15:04 PM Page 1 of 7 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01896 - BC 03/01/2019 AmountVendor Name Payable Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 210.00Membership Dues03/01/19-03/31/20 - MEMBERSHIP M RA…022719INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF 101-1005-60351 800.00Training & Education/MOU02/28/19 - TUITION REIMB022819ESCOBEDO, CHRIS 101-1004-60322 606.00Community Experiences02/20/19 - INSURANCE DYO EVENT POL #…1023380ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES …101-3003-60149 50.00Miscellaneous Deposits02/27/19 - FACILITY RENTAL DEPOSIT REF…110182RIVERA, ELENA 101-0000-22830 340.00Sheriff - Other12/18/19 - LA183520072 POLICE TOW121818WOOD, RUSSELL DAVID 101-2001-60176 1,260.00Map/Plan Checking01/2019 ON-CALL ENGINEERING PLAN CH…124419HR GREEN PACIFIC INC 101-7002-60183 3,120.00Plan Checks01/2019 ON CALL BUILDING PLAN CHECK …124480HR GREEN PACIFIC INC 101-6003-60118 190.35Operating Supplies02/01-02/14/19 - WC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES1402055641AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 101-3002-60420 648.52Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/27/19 - AERO PROPS FY 18/19 PRINT &…214CLQAPR-FAPALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60461 2,022.79Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/26/19 - POP BRACKET GRIPS PRINT & P…214CLQPB-FAPALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-3007-60461 462.00Advertising01/12/19 - PC PHN SP2018-0002 #4613242234529DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 101-6002-60450 462.00Advertising01/11/19 - PC PHN ZOA 2018-0004 #4612…2234529DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 101-6002-60450 35,851.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/1924475CONSERVE LANDCARE 101-3005-60112 83.32Office Supplies01/29/19 - OFFICE SUPPLIES FIRE266488543001OFFICE DEPOT 101-2002-60400 49.80Office Supplies01/29/19 - OFFICE SUPPLIES CODE266488543001OFFICE DEPOT 101-6004-60400 382.33Forms02/07/2019 - CITYWIDE COPY PAPER271121040001OFFICE DEPOT 101-1007-60402 350.00Community ExperiencesJAN 2019 FY1819 ART ON MAIN &1ST TH…2899DESERT ENTERTAINER/DESERT…101-3003-60149 26.09Office Supplies02/09/19 - OFFICE SUPPLIES3404920682STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-3008-60481 350.00Blood/Alcohol Testing01/2019 - BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS357659DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 101-2001-60174 1,021.00Blood/Alcohol Testing01/15/19 - BLOOD ALCOHOL ANALYSIS37186BIO-TOX LABORATORIES 101-2001-60174 4,650.00Plan Checks12/2018 ON CALL BUILDING PLAN CHECK …46650INTERWEST CONSULTING GR…101-6003-60118 68.77Utilities - Cable02/12-03/11/19 - FS #32 CABLE504080020219TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 700.16Temporary Agency Services02/20/19 - CITY CLERK TEMP SERVICES52874218OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 100.00Sheriff - Other12/10/18 - POLICE TOW54342CLASSIC AUTO TRANSPORT 101-2001-60176 935.00Sheriff - Other01/27/19 - POLICE TOW LA19027000654881CLASSIC AUTO TRANSPORT 101-2001-60176 100.00Sheriff - Other02/05/19 - POLICE TOW54978CLASSIC AUTO TRANSPORT 101-2001-60176 650.00Annual Permits/Inspections01/31/19 - WC CA-OSFM COMPLIANCE RE…5809SHASTA FIRE PROTECTION, INC.101-3008-60196 900.00Maintenance/Services01/31/19 - WC FIRE INSPECTION/SHASTA5809SHASTA FIRE PROTECTION, INC.101-3008-60691 130.00Community Experiences02/08/19 - HEATERS TOAST TO LQ5APARTY TIME RENTALS 101-3003-60149 7,430.00Contract Traffic EngineerON-CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES617279WILLDAN 101-7006-60144 6,930.00Contract Traffic Engineer01/2019 ON-CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING …617283WILLDAN 101-7006-60144 61.00Pest Control02/06/19 - LQ PARK PEST CONTROL660200957TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 70.00Pest Control02/06/19 - WC PEST CONTROL660201102TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 78.00Pest Control02/06/19 - CITY HALL PEST CONTROL660201204TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 47.00Pest Control02/13/19 - PW YARD PEST CONTROL660201279TRULY NOLEN INC 101-3008-60116 99.00Security & Alarm12/19/18 - LQ PARK ALARM ZONES 5 & 873290ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-3008-60123 131.10Fire Extinguisher/First Aid Serv…01/28/19 - FIRE EXT SERVICE - WC737424DESERT FIRE EXTINGUISHER C…101-3008-60664 105.00Security & Alarm02/12/19 - FS #32 BELL 174683ALARM MONITORING SERVICE…101-2002-60123 7.86Postage02/02/19 - OVERNIGHT MAIL8890546ONTRAC 101-1007-60470 77.37Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellites01/2019 - SATELLITE PHONES9011274090NI GOVERNMENT SERVICES INC 101-2002-61304 17,787.33Non-Reimbursable Misc01/30/19 NEW AEDS - NEW AED FOR CITY…93454AED BRANDS, LLC 101-2002-60445 366.00Administrative Citation Services12/2018 - CODE CITATION PROCESSING96794DATA TICKET, INC.101-6004-60111 185.00Administrative Citation Services12/2018 - FALSE ALARM PROCESSING96922DATA TICKET, INC.101-6004-60111 -73.80Animal Shelter Contract Service10/2018 - ANIMAL SERVICES CREDITAN0000001486DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SER…101-6004-60197 12,287.07Animal Shelter Contract Service01/2019 - ANIMAL SERVICESAN0000001558DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SER…101-6004-60197 1,866.27Utilities - Electric - Civic Center…02/25/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICECSE144IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61103 507.31Utilities - Electric - Fritz Burns …02/25/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICECSE144IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61105 854.40Utilities - Water - Civic Center …02/25/19 - WATER SERVICECSW198COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61202 1,171.00Utilities - Water -Community P…02/25/19 - WATER SERVICECSW198COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61209 43.67Utilities - Telephone01/2019 - LQ PARK PHONEFEB'193452951FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…101-3005-61300 6,750.00Marketing & Tourism Promoti…02/25/19 - CITY ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER…GCVCC 8936THE CHAMBER 101-3007-60461 1,341.00HVAC01/31/19 - CITY HALL HVAC SVCI30162PACIFIC WEST AIR CONDITION…101-3008-60667 307.40Life Insurance Pay03/2019 - LIFE INSURANCEMAR'1964306800…STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20947 Attachment 1 47 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01896 - BC 03/01/2019 3/1/2019 5:15:04 PM Page 2 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payable Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 3,224.40Disability Insurance Pay03/2019 - DISABILITYMAR'1964306800…STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20955 437.01Add'l Life Insurance Pay03/2019 - ADD'L LIFE INSURANCEMAR'1964306800…STANDARD INSURANCE COMP…101-0000-20948 67.66Subscriptions & Publications03/2019 - NEWSPAPER WCMAR'19DS0464815DESERT SUN, THE 101-3002-60352 154.97Utilities - Water02/25/19 - WATER SERVICEPWW174COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-2002-61200 66.10Utilities - Water -Eisenhower P…02/25/19 - WATER SERVICEPWW174COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61203 37.06Utilities - Water -Velasco Park02/25/19 - WATER SERVICEPWW174COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…101-3005-61205 684,480.87Sheriff Patrol11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60161 14,202.38Police Overtime11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60162 144,208.12Target Team11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60163 57,676.80Community Services Officer11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60164 13,243.20Gang Task Force11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60166 13,243.20Narcotics Task Force11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60167 94,599.30Motor Officer11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60169 35,322.53Dedicated Sargeant11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60170 20,795.20Dedicated Lieutenant11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60171 32,710.26Sheriff - Mileage11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60172 3,760.95Special Enforcement Funds11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60175 661,805.45Sheriff Patrol12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60161 16,259.17Police Overtime12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60162 161,888.22Target Team12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60163 53,711.52Community Services Officer12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60164 13,243.20Gang Task Force12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60166 13,243.20Narcotics Task Force12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60167 99,085.43Motor Officer12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60169 36,298.92Dedicated Sargeant12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60170 20,795.20Dedicated Lieutenant12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60171 31,885.28Sheriff - Mileage12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60172 3,737.78Special Enforcement Funds12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…101-2001-60175 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total:2,345,131.49 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 631.33Traffic Control Signs02/14/19 - TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS1073094TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 85.59Safety Gear02/18/19 - RAIN GEAR/SAFETY1073155TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60427 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total:716.92 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 285.00Maintenance/Services02/07/19 - LIBRARY DOOR ADJ22564HENRY'S GLASS COMPANY 202-3004-60691 2,086.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/1924475CONSERVE LANDCARE 202-3004-60112 1,169.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/1924475CONSERVE LANDCARE 202-3006-60112 74.00Pest Control02/13/19 - LIBRARY PEST CONTROL660201103TRULY NOLEN INC 202-3004-60116 49.00Pest Control02/06/19 - MUSEUM PEST CONTROL660201156TRULY NOLEN INC 202-3006-60116 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total:3,663.00 Fund: 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 2,826.55COPS Robbery Prevention11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…212-0000-60178 11,029.77COPS Burglary/Theft Preventi…11/08-12/05/18 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034450RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…212-0000-60179 18,358.92COPS Burglary/Theft Preventi…12/06/18-01/02/19 - POLICE SERVICESH0000034571RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF D…212-0000-60179 Fund 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND Total:32,215.24 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 219.30Materials/Supplies02/12/19 - MAT'L HICKORY CREEK RUBBLE113472SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 931.01Materials/Supplies02/15/19 - MAT'L HICKORY CK RBL & BRI…113789SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 226.40Materials/Supplies02/15/19 - MAT'L HICKORY CREEK RUBBLE113791SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 237.08Materials/Supplies02/15/19 - MAT'L HICKORY CREEK RUBBLE113794SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 654.33Materials/Supplies02/15/19 - MAT'L HICKORY CREEK RUBBLE113795SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 87.57Materials/Supplies02/18/2019 - MAT'L DESERT GOLD DG114374SOUTHWEST BOULDER & STO…215-7004-60431 3,815.00Landscape ContractPARKS MAINTENANCE FY18/1924475CONSERVE LANDCARE 215-7004-60112 4,900.00Maintenance/Services02/21/19 - WC LANDSCAPE LABOR91265PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 4,500.00Maintenance/Services02/21/19 - EISENHOWER DR LANDSCAPE …91266PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 224.88Utilities - Electric02/25/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICEPW195IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 13.44Utilities - Electric - Medians02/25/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICEPW195IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 3,972.94Utilities - Water - Medians02/25/19 - WATER SERVICEPWW174COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…215-7004-61211 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total:19,781.95 48 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01896 - BC 03/01/2019 3/1/2019 5:15:04 PM Page 3 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payable Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 421.40Contributions to State Agency04/2018-06/2018 - SB1186 FEES 10%022819ADIVISION OF THE STATE ARCHI…230-0000-60480 424.40Contributions to State Agency07/2018-12/2018 - SB1186 FEES 10%022819BDIVISION OF THE STATE ARCHI…230-0000-60480 422.60Contributions to State Agency10/2018-12/2018 - SB1186 FEES 10%022819CDIVISION OF THE STATE ARCHI…230-0000-60480 Fund 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 Total:1,268.40 Fund: 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 70.32Operating Supplies02/14/19 - OFFICE SUPPLIES274528271001OFFICE DEPOT 241-9101-60420 21.74Operating Supplies02/15/19 - OFFICE SUPPLIES274528692001OFFICE DEPOT 241-9101-60420 Fund 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY Total:92.06 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 34.08Relocation Benefits12/27/18-01/28/19 - WSA RELOCATION B…JAN'19106978699…GAS COMPANY, THE 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total:34.08 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 100.00Design02/26/19 - CVWD'S FILING FEE TO BOR FO…022619BUREAU OF RECLAMATION, L…401-0000-60185 5,187.95Design12/2018 EISENHOWER DRAINAGE PRJ 201…1038594MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIO…401-0000-60185 225.00Design01/15/19 - WASHINGTON ST DRAIN SUBT…20188837DUDEK & ASSOCIATES INC 401-0000-60185 1,397.00Construction01/11, 01/18/19 - BID AD #33314242234529DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LLC 401-0000-60188 3,755.00DesignJAN 2019 DUNE PALMS WIDENING PRJ 09…3668BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 401-0000-60185 23,440.26DesignJAN 2019 DUNE PALMS BRIDGE LOW WAT…3669BENGAL ENGINEERING INC 401-0000-60185 -1,090.94Retention PayablePO#1819-17 RETENTION 5G702 5CONSERVE LANDCARE 401-0000-20600 21,818.74ConstructionFY18/19 QUINTERRA AND ADAMS BASIN, …G702 5CONSERVE LANDCARE 401-0000-60188 -74.25Retention PayablePO#1819-0017 RETENTION 6G702 6CONSERVE LANDCARE 401-0000-20600 1,485.00ConstructionFY18/19 QUINTERRA AND ADAMS BASIN, …G702 6CONSERVE LANDCARE 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total:56,243.76 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 2,488.02Fuel & Oil02/01-02/15/19 - VEHICLE FUEL1308TOWER ENERGY GROUP 501-0000-60674 535.00Car Washes02/15-02/16/19 VEHICLE WASHES242RAN AUTO DETAIL 501-0000-60148 178.89Parts & Maintenance Supplies02/14/19 - BATTERY DIESEL TRASH PUMP5560891759AUTOZONE 501-0000-60675 1,537.63Motorcycle Repair & Mainten…02/01/19 - POLICE MOTORCOP REPAIR6021103/1BMW MOTORCYCLES OF RIVE…501-0000-60679 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total:4,739.54 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2,475.00Software Licenses01/01-03/31/19 LONG RANGE FIN SOFTW…103198PFM SOLUTIONS LLC 502-0000-60301 131.59Utilities - Cable01/15-02/14/19 - CABLE SERVICE18105020319TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 18,900.00Consultants02/2019 FY 17/18 RIM MGMT INFORMAT…1817455CONVERGEONE, INC 502-0000-60104 2,079.00Utilities - Cable02/10-03/09/19 - CITY HALL FIBER452546020219TIME WARNER CABLE 502-0000-61400 -1,303.32Cell/Mobile Phones12/02/18-01/01/19 - CREDIT CELL SVC IPA…9821411224VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61301 66.52Utilities - Telephone01/02-02/01 - BACKUP SERVER SVC9823315802VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61300 1,339.76Cell/Mobile Phones01/02-02-02/01/19 - CITY CELL SVC IPADS9823315914VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61301 1,705.70Cell/Mobile Phones01/02-02/01/19 - CITY CELL SERVICE9823352852VERIZON WIRELESS 502-0000-61301 103.01Utilities - Cable02/10-03/09/19 - CITY HALL INTERNETFEB'191712626FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS…502-0000-61400 160.00Consultants02/19/19 - COUNCIL MTG VIDEOPR610-0219DESERT C.A.M INC 502-0000-60104 218.69Operating Supplies11/08/18 - DUAL ADAPTOR J TORRESPXJ0984CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-60420 116.86Computers12/20/18 - COMPUTER WARRANTY WCQLM1021CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80103 94.69Operating Supplies02/11/19 - PUBLIC SAFETY FS #93 REPLAC…RBM2522CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-60420 366.98Software Enhancements, D & D02/11/19 - D&D STAFF ADOBE LICENSERBQ0215CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-71042 922.42Software Enhancements, Co…02/11/19 - COMM RESOURCES CREATIVE …RBQ9878CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-71043 110.97Computers02/12/19 - PC REFRESH K GUNTERSONRBX5106CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80103 40.57Computers02/12/19 - COMPUTER SETUP ACCESSORY…RBZ1887CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80103 85.36Computers02/12/19 - PC ACCESSORY K GUNTERSONRBZ8000CDW GOVERNMENT INC 502-0000-80103 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total:27,613.80 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 8.00Bank Fees01/2019 - SRR ARMORED SERVICES20354041GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 132.14Bank Fees01/2019 - SRR ARMORED SERVICES70085879GARDAWORLD 601-0000-60455 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total:140.14 49 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01896 - BC 03/01/2019 3/1/2019 5:15:04 PM Page 4 of 7 AmountVendor Name Payable Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 740 - 2000-1 AGENCY REDEMPTION 30,400.40Maintenance/Services03/01/19 - LIQ ASSESS DIST 2000-1 PHASE…03012019COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DI…740-0000-60691 Fund 740 - 2000-1 AGENCY REDEMPTION Total:30,400.40 Grand Total:2,522,040.78 50 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01896 - BC 03/01/2019 3/1/2019 5:15:04 PM Page 5 of 7 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 2,345,131.49 201 - GAS TAX FUND 716.92 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 3,663.00 212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 32,215.24 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 19,781.95 230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 1,268.40 241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 92.06 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)34.08 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 56,243.76 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 4,739.54 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 27,613.80 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 140.14 740 - 2000-1 AGENCY REDEMPTION 30,400.40 Grand Total:2,522,040.78 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20947 Life Insurance Pay 307.40 101-0000-20948 Add'l Life Insurance Pay 437.01 101-0000-20955 Disability Insurance Pay 3,224.40 101-0000-22830 Miscellaneous Deposits 50.00 101-1004-60322 Training & Education/MOU 800.00 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servic…700.16 101-1005-60351 Membership Dues 210.00 101-1007-60402 Forms 382.33 101-1007-60470 Postage 7.86 101-2001-60161 Sheriff Patrol 1,346,286.32 101-2001-60162 Police Overtime 30,461.55 101-2001-60163 Target Team 306,096.34 101-2001-60164 Community Services Offic…111,388.32 101-2001-60166 Gang Task Force 26,486.40 101-2001-60167 Narcotics Task Force 26,486.40 101-2001-60169 Motor Officer 193,684.73 101-2001-60170 Dedicated Sargeant 71,621.45 101-2001-60171 Dedicated Lieutenant 41,590.40 101-2001-60172 Sheriff - Mileage 64,595.54 101-2001-60174 Blood/Alcohol Testing 1,371.00 101-2001-60175 Special Enforcement Funds 7,498.73 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 1,475.00 101-2002-60123 Security & Alarm 105.00 101-2002-60400 Office Supplies 83.32 101-2002-60445 Non-Reimbursable Misc 17,787.33 101-2002-61200 Utilities - Water 154.97 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Satell…77.37 101-2002-61400 Utilities - Cable 68.77 101-3002-60352 Subscriptions & Publicati…67.66 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 190.35 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 1,086.00 101-3005-60112 Landscape Contract 35,851.00 101-3005-61103 Utilities - Electric - Civic C…1,866.27 101-3005-61105 Utilities - Electric - Fritz Bu…507.31 101-3005-61202 Utilities - Water - Civic Ce…854.40 101-3005-61203 Utilities - Water -Eisenho…66.10 101-3005-61205 Utilities - Water -Velasco …37.06 101-3005-61209 Utilities - Water -Commun…1,171.00 101-3005-61300 Utilities - Telephone 43.67 101-3007-60461 Marketing & Tourism Pro…9,421.31 101-3008-60116 Pest Control 256.00 101-3008-60123 Security & Alarm 99.00 51 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01896 - BC 03/01/2019 3/1/2019 5:15:04 PM Page 6 of 7 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-3008-60196 Annual Permits/Inspectio…650.00 101-3008-60481 Office Supplies 26.09 101-3008-60664 Fire Extinguisher/First Aid…131.10 101-3008-60667 HVAC 1,341.00 101-3008-60691 Maintenance/Services 900.00 101-6002-60450 Advertising 924.00 101-6003-60118 Plan Checks 7,770.00 101-6004-60111 Administrative Citation Se…551.00 101-6004-60197 Animal Shelter Contract S…12,213.27 101-6004-60400 Office Supplies 49.80 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 1,260.00 101-7006-60144 Contract Traffic Engineer 14,360.00 201-7003-60427 Safety Gear 85.59 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 631.33 202-3004-60112 Landscape Contract 2,086.00 202-3004-60116 Pest Control 74.00 202-3004-60691 Maintenance/Services 285.00 202-3006-60112 Landscape Contract 1,169.00 202-3006-60116 Pest Control 49.00 212-0000-60178 COPS Robbery Prevention 2,826.55 212-0000-60179 COPS Burglary/Theft Prev…29,388.69 215-7004-60112 Landscape Contract 3,815.00 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 2,355.69 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 9,400.00 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 224.88 215-7004-61117 Utilities - Electric - Media…13.44 215-7004-61211 Utilities - Water - Medians 3,972.94 230-0000-60480 Contributions to State Ag…1,268.40 241-9101-60420 Operating Supplies 92.06 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 34.08 401-0000-20600 Retention Payable -1,165.19 401-0000-60185 Design 32,708.21 401-0000-60188 Construction 24,700.74 501-0000-60148 Car Washes 535.00 501-0000-60674 Fuel & Oil 2,488.02 501-0000-60675 Parts & Maintenance Supp…178.89 501-0000-60679 Motorcycle Repair & Main…1,537.63 502-0000-60104 Consultants 19,060.00 502-0000-60301 Software Licenses 2,475.00 502-0000-60420 Operating Supplies 313.38 502-0000-61300 Utilities - Telephone 66.52 502-0000-61301 Cell/Mobile Phones 1,742.14 502-0000-61400 Utilities - Cable 2,313.60 502-0000-71042 Software Enhancements, …366.98 502-0000-71043 Software Enhancements, …922.42 502-0000-80103 Computers 353.76 601-0000-60455 Bank Fees 140.14 740-0000-60691 Maintenance/Services 30,400.40 Grand Total:2,522,040.78 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**2,453,305.33 091004D 3,755.00 111205D 23,440.26 141517D 100.00 151612D 5,412.95 201603CT 23,303.74 52 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01896 - BC 03/01/2019 3/1/2019 5:15:04 PM Page 7 of 7 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount 201603RP -1,165.19 201802CT 1,397.00 201821E 4,900.00 201822E 6,855.69 DYOE 606.00 TOASTE 130.00 Grand Total:2,522,040.78 53 3/7/2019 6:51:20 PM Page 1 of 5 Demand Register City of La Quinta Packet: APPKT01906 - BC 03/08/19 AmountVendor Name Payable Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number Fund: 101 - GENERAL FUND 200.00Garnishments PayableGARNISHMENT0001813RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF 101-0000-20985 196.05LT Care Insurance PayLONG TERM CARE0001815CALPERS LONG-TERM CARE 101-0000-20949 42.00United Way DeductionsCONTRIBUTION0001816UNITED WAY OF THE DESERT 101-0000-20981 682.85Garnishments PayableGARNISHMENT0001817RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF'101-0000-20985 100.00Travel & Training03/23/19 - ANNUAL AWARDS DINNER 4 022219VFW POST 3699 INDIO 101-1001-60320 134.40Instructors02/28/19 - CARDIO & SUN STYLE TAI CH022819COHEN, ANN MARIE 101-3002-60107 21.00Instructors02/28/19 - ZUMBA022819MISELL, STACY 101-3002-60107 28.00Instructors02/28/19 - STRENGTH & BALANCE022819MILLER, TOBRUK S 101-3002-60107 22.40Instructors02/28/19 - TAI CHI CHUAN022819MEDEIROS, JOYCELEEN 101-3002-60107 105.00Instructors02/28/19 - TAEKWONDO022819ROJAS, MIGUEL ANGEL 101-3002-60107 21.00Instructors02/28/19 - PILATES022819BERETTO, LUCILLA 101-3002-60107 247.80Instructors02/28/19 - BALLROOM DANCING022819SHIRY, TERESA 101-3002-60107 295.40Instructors02/28/19 - CHAIR & GENTLE YOGA022819VIELHARBER, KAREN 101-3002-60107 33.60Instructors02/28/19 - EVENING YOGA022819WILSON, ALBA 101-3002-60107 21.00Instructors02/28/19 - SUNSET YOGA022819TRUE, ARTHUR ALLEN 101-3002-60107 2,494.26Due to Other Agencies02/08/19 - TOAST TO LQ TICKET SALES030419LA QUINTA HISTORICAL SOCI 101-0000-20300 2,096,962.45Due to Waste Management03/05/19 - FY 18-19 PROPERTY TAX PY030519BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLI 101-0000-20307 -208,152.13Franchise Taxes - Burrtec03/05/19 - FY 18-19 PROPERTY TAX PY030519BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLI 101-0000-41505 48.43Travel & Training02/26/19 - CERT MEETING REFRESHME030519JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER 101-2002-60320 500.00Miscellaneous Deposits02/27/19 - FACILITY RENTAL DEPOSIT R110521LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATI 101-0000-22830 2,200.00MarkeƟng & Tourism Promo05/02/19 - CALIF CUP SPONSORSHIP1121SILVERROCK RESORT 101-3007-60461 5,839.75FormsCITYWIDE ENVELOPES122CLQENPALMS TO PINES PRINTING 101-1007-60402 115.89Operating Supplies02/22/19 - DRINKING WATER12852924022219SPARKLETTS 101-7003-60420 190.35Operating Supplies02/15-02/28/19 - WC JANITORIAL SUPP1402064107AMERIPRIDE SERVICES INC 101-3002-60420 726.91Operating Supplies01/28/19 - 2020 BL DECALS190020BPRINTING PLACE, THE 101-6006-60420 -41.56Sales Taxes Payable01/28/19 - BUSINESS LICENSE PAPER SA190134PRINTING PLACE, THE 101-0000-20304 516.56Operating Supplies01/28/19 - BUSINESS LICENSE PAPER190134PRINTING PLACE, THE 101-6006-60420 134.18PM 10 - Dust Control02/18-03/17/19 - PM10 ANSWERING S190202190101ANSAFONE CONTACT CENTE 101-7006-60146 4,183.18Consultants01/31/19 ON CALL SVCS LA QUINTA AU19021102HERMANN DESIGN GROUP I 101-6001-60104 766.15Printing02/8/19 - FY19/20 BUDGET TABS19-29222XPRESS GRAPHICS 101-1006-60410 2,567.50Community Experiences01/2019 FY1819 ART ON MAIN SPONSO2234780DESERT SUN PUBLISHING, LL 101-3003-60149 8,280.44Dental Insurance Pay03/2019 - DENTAL INSURANCE2430377CIGNA HEALTH CARE 101-0000-20943 450.00Lighting Service02/12/19 - CONTROL LINK ANNUAL SVC 318796MUSCO CORPORATION 101-3005-60136 392.28Materials/Supplies02/06/19 - PARTS FOR BACKFLOW REPA3399929SMITH PIPE & SUPPLY CO 101-3005-60431 183.06Office Supplies02/14/19 - CODE OFFICE SUPPLIES3405160590STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-6004-60400 25.68Office Supplies02/21/19 - OFFICE SUPPLIES3405745418STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1004-60400 70.67Office Supplies02/21/19 - OFFICE SUPPLIES3405745419STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1004-60400 67.08Citywide Conf Room Supplie02/22/19 - CITY WIDE SUPPLIES3405822964STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 106.55Citywide Conf Room Supplie02/22/19 - CITYWIDE SUPPLIES COFFEE3405822965STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-1007-60403 268.71Fire Station02/23/19 - FS #70 OFFICE CHAIR3406039971STAPLES ADVANTAGE 101-2002-60670 162.58Operating Supplies01/16/19 - JAN LUNCHEON3583410054959SMART & FINAL 101-3002-60420 241.53Miscellaneous Supplies02/25/19 - FIRST AID KIT RESTK PUBLIC 5013022355CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 101-1007-60405 205.19Miscellaneous Supplies02/25/19 - FIRST AID KIT RESTK PUBLIC 5013022357CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 101-1007-60405 146.58Miscellaneous Supplies02/25/19 - FIRST AID KIT RESTOCK POO5013022358CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 101-1007-60405 215.86Miscellaneous Supplies02/25/19 - FIRST AID KIT RESTOCK WC5013022360CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 101-1007-60405 95.18Utilities - Cable02/24-03/23/19 - FS #93 CABLE SERVIC502415021419TIME WARNER CABLE 101-2002-61400 683.00Map/Plan Checking02/19/19 - ON-CALL MAP CHECKING SV5251RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 355.00Map/Plan Checking02/21/19 ON-CALL MAP CHKING SVCS 5252RASA/ERIC NELSON 101-7002-60183 958.80Temporary Agency Services02/15/19 - HUB TEMP SVC A DANIELS52874159OFFICE TEAM 101-6006-60125 958.80Temporary Agency Services02/15/19 - HUB TEMP SVC E KOLTWEIT52874181OFFICE TEAM 101-6006-60125 767.04Temporary Agency Services02/22/19 - HUB TEMP SVC E KOLTWEIT52892949OFFICE TEAM 101-6006-60125 671.06Temporary Agency Services02/25/19 - CITY CLERK TEMP SERVICES52894834OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 767.04Temporary Agency Services02/22/19 - HUB TEMP SVC A DANIELS52924625OFFICE TEAM 101-1005-60125 54 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01906 - BC 03/08/19 3/7/2019 6:51:20 PM Page 2 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payable Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 579.36Temporary Agency Services03/01/19 - FINANCE TEMP SVC E BEHA52933677ACCOUNTEMPS 101-1006-60125 255.00Sheriff - Other02/06/19 - POLICE TOW LA19037005355045CLASSIC AUTO TRANSPORT 101-2001-60176 255.00Sheriff - Other02/06/19 - POLICE TOW LA 19037005355108CLASSIC AUTO TRANSPORT 101-2001-60176 19.25LQ Police Volunteers02/15/19 - SHREDDING POLICE8126638777SHRED-IT USA - SAN BERNAD 101-2001-60109 172.05Citywide Conf Room Supplie02/18/19 - CITY WIDE COFFEE951121DAIOHS FIRST CHOICE SERVI 101-1007-60403 979.47Utilities - Telephone12/26/18-01/25/19 - LQPD CELL SERVIC9822958814VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2001-61300 44.52Utilities - Telephone01/11-02/10/19 - LQ TICKET WRITERS9823927410VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2001-61300 49.01Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellite01/14-02/13/19 - EOC CELL PHONES9824186210VERIZON WIRELESS 101-2002-61304 11.15Utilities - Electricity02/26/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICECSE145IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-2002-61101 1,418.19UƟliƟes - Electric - Fritz Burn02/26/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICECSE145IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 101-3005-61105 65.64Community Experiences01/17-02/13/19 - WALMART UA WELLNJAN'194593WALMART COMMUNITY 101-3003-60149 33.45Community Experiences01/17-02/13/19 - WALMART WELLNESS JAN'194593WALMART COMMUNITY 101-3003-60149 9.00Community Experiences01/17-02/13/19 - WALMART LED TEALIJAN'194593WALMART COMMUNITY 101-3003-60149 32.47Materials/Supplies01/17-02/13/19 - WALMART VOLLEYBAJAN'194593WALMART COMMUNITY 101-3005-60431 1,554.79UƟliƟes - Water -Fritz Burns 02/26/19 - WATER SERVICEPWW175COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101-3005-61204 470.11Utilities - Water02/26/19 - WATER SERVICEPWW175COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 101-3008-61200 86.20Tree Maintenance02/19/19 - TREES CIVIC CENTERREG001-10499VINTAGE ASSOCIATES 101-3005-60557 178.74Mobile/Cell Phones/Satellite02/23-03/22/19 - EOC SATELLITE PHONRU08186466ROADPOST USA INC.101-2002-61304 7,043.64Professional Services12/1/18-1/31/19 PLANNING & ENVIROTN1198113TERRA NOVA PLANNING & R 101-6002-60103 6,800.00Professional Services12/01/18-01/31/19 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS - TN1198113ATERRA NOVA PLANNING & R 101-6002-60103 Fund 101 - GENERAL FUND Total: 1,947,331.59 Fund: 201 - GAS TAX FUND 302.76Traffic Control Signs02/15/19 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS1073115TOPS'N BARRICADES INC 201-7003-60429 126.14Safety Gear02/09/19 - SAFETY BOOTS14552JERNIGAN'S, INC 201-7003-60427 207.30Asphalt02/19/19 - ASPHALT213126CALIFORNIA COMMERCIAL A 201-7003-60430 634.00Utilities - Electricity02/26/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICEPW196IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 201-7003-61101 Fund 201 - GAS TAX FUND Total: 1,270.20 Fund: 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,170.00Museum OperationsFEB 2019 -ARCHIVING SVCS FOR LQ HIS2-2019PARKOS-MARTINEZ, SHERRY 202-3006-60105 45.63Operating Supplies02/25/19 FIRST AID KIT RESTOCK MUSE5013022356CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 202-3006-60420 203.28Operating Supplies02/25/19 - FIRST AID KIT RESTOCK LIBR5013022359CINTAS FIRST AID & SAFETY 202-3004-60420 78.02Utilities - Electricity02/26/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICECSE145IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 202-3006-61101 41.45Operating Supplies01/17-02/13/19 - WALMART BOOKFESTJAN'194593WALMART COMMUNITY 202-3004-60420 Fund 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND Total: 1,538.38 Fund: 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 788.26Materials/Supplies02/19/19 - BRIMSTONE & DESERT GOL114678SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST 215-7004-60431 889.58Materials/Supplies02/27/19 - DESERT GOLD DG PATH ON 116594SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST 215-7004-60431 445.00Materials/Supplies02/18/19 - FIXTURE ELECTRICAL2169KRIBBS, BRUCE 215-7004-60431 -63.86Materials/Supplies02/20/19 - BRIMSTONE & DESERT DG C3134SOUTHWEST BOULDER & ST 215-7004-60431 3,000.00Maintenance/Services03/04/19 - DG PATH ON MAIN ST91310PWLC II, INC 215-7004-60691 2,318.58Utilities - Electric02/26/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICEPW196IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61116 1,398.09Utilities - Electric - Medians02/26/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICEPW196IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 215-7004-61117 4,794.78Utilities - Water - Medians02/26/19 - WATER SERVICEPWW175COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 215-7004-61211 Fund 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND Total: 13,570.43 Fund: 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND -13,286.31Burrtec AB 939 Fee03/05/19 - FY 18-19 PROPERTY TAX PY030519BURRTEC WASTE & RECYCLI 221-0000-41506 Fund 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND Total: -13,286.31 Fund: 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 223.03Utilities - Electricity02/26/19 - ELECTRICITY SERVICEPW196IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DIST 235-0000-61101 Fund 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND Total: 223.03 Fund: 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) 49.73Relocation Benefits12/2018 - WSA RELOCATION BENEFITS030719MEDITERRA APARTMENT HO 248-9102-60159 Fund 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014) Total: 49.73 Fund: 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 5,000.00Art Purchases03/07/19 - '19 APP CC ART PURCHASE - 030719LISA KRISTINE FINE ART 270-0000-74800 2,500.00Art Purchases03/07/19 -'19 APP CC ART PURCH - LA 030719THETFORD & SHAVIN ART EN 270-0000-74800 2,500.00Art Purchases03/07/19 - 50% PYMT MURAL PAINTIN030719CUEVAS, JOHN 270-0000-74800 6,700.00Art Purchases03/07/19 - '19 AP CC ART PURCHASE - 030719GARD, MICHAEL 270-0000-74800 55 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01906 - BC 03/08/19 3/7/2019 6:51:20 PM Page 3 of 5 AmountVendor Name Payable Number Description (Item)Account Name Account Number 1,600.00APP Maintenance03/01/19 - CC CAMPUS MOSAIC CLEANI16454CUSH TILE 270-0000-60683 1,800.00APP Maintenance03/01/19 - CC CAMPUS MOSAIC CLEANI16455CUSH TILE 270-0000-60683 Fund 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND Total: 20,100.00 Fund: 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 50.00Technical03/06/19 - NOTICE OF EXEMPTION JEFF030619COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 401-0000-60108 1,547.50Design11/30/18 ON CALL SVCS EISENHOWER 18121404HERMANN DESIGN GROUP I 401-0000-60185 11,195.00Design12/31/18 - RANCHO OCOTILLO NO LQ L19011502HERMANN DESIGN GROUP I 401-0000-60185 4,600.00Design12/31/18 ON CALL SVCS EISENHOWER 19011503HERMANN DESIGN GROUP I 401-0000-60185 4,830.80DesignHermann Design Group On-Call Landsca19020606HERMANN DESIGN GROUP I 401-0000-60185 6,979.50Design01/31/19 ON CALL SVCS EISENHOWER 19020608HERMANN DESIGN GROUP I 401-0000-60185 300.00DesignHermann Design Group On-Call Landsca19021103HERMANN DESIGN GROUP I 401-0000-60185 4,312.50Design12/29/18-01/25/19 WASHINGTON ST D20190327DUDEK & ASSOCIATES INC 401-0000-60185 4,303.75Design12/29/18-01/25/19 TAMPICO DRAINAG20190328DUDEK & ASSOCIATES INC 401-0000-60185 1,288.91Construction01/2019 TRAFFIC SIGNAL RESPONSE O5620024015SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC 401-0000-60188 172.63Construction02/26/19 - BID SET 2017-06871677PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYS 401-0000-60188 442.42Construction02/27/19 - CONSTRUCTION SET871810PLANIT REPROGRAPHICS SYS 401-0000-60188 Fund 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS Total: 40,023.01 Fund: 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 484.00Car Washes03/01/19 - VEHICLE WASHESR.A.N. AUT243RAN AUTO DETAIL 501-0000-60148 Fund 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT Total: 484.00 Fund: 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 211.98Utilities - Telephone02/4-03/03/19 - DSL SERVICEFEB'197771222FRONTIER COMMUNICATION 502-0000-61300 Fund 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Total: 211.98 Fund: 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 45,391.34Tamarisk Removal Pump Rep02/14/19 - PUMP REPAIRS FROM RESER102976LANDMARK GOLF MANAGE 601-0000-60214 Fund 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT Total: 45,391.34 Grand Total: 2,056,907.38 56 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01906 - BC 03/08/19 3/7/2019 6:51:20 PM Page 4 of 5 Fund Summary Fund Expense Amount 101 - GENERAL FUND 1,947,331.59 201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,270.20 202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,538.38 215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 13,570.43 221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND -13,286.31 235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 223.03 248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 201 49.73 270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 20,100.00 401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 40,023.01 501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 484.00 502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 211.98 601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 45,391.34 Grand Total: 2,056,907.38 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 101-0000-20300 Due to Other Agencies 2,494.26 101-0000-20304 Sales Taxes Payable -41.56 101-0000-20307 Due to Waste Managem 2,096,962.45 101-0000-20943 Dental Insurance Pay 8,280.44 101-0000-20949 LT Care Insurance Pay 196.05 101-0000-20981 United Way Deductions 42.00 101-0000-20985 Garnishments Payable 882.85 101-0000-22830 Miscellaneous Deposits 500.00 101-0000-41505 Franchise Taxes - Burrtec -208,152.13 101-1001-60320 Travel & Training 100.00 101-1004-60400 Office Supplies 96.35 101-1005-60125 Temporary Agency Servi 1,438.10 101-1006-60125 Temporary Agency Servi 579.36 101-1006-60410 Printing 766.15 101-1007-60402 Forms 5,839.75 101-1007-60403 Citywide Conf Room Sup 345.68 101-1007-60405 Miscellaneous Supplies 809.16 101-2001-60109 LQ Police Volunteers 19.25 101-2001-60176 Sheriff - Other 510.00 101-2001-61300 Utilities - Telephone 1,023.99 101-2002-60320 Travel & Training 48.43 101-2002-60670 Fire Station 268.71 101-2002-61101 Utilities - Electricity 11.15 101-2002-61304 Mobile/Cell Phones/Sat 227.75 101-2002-61400 Utilities - Cable 95.18 101-3002-60107 Instructors 929.60 101-3002-60420 Operating Supplies 352.93 101-3003-60149 Community Experiences 2,675.59 101-3005-60136 Lighting Service 450.00 101-3005-60431 Materials/Supplies 424.75 101-3005-60557 Tree Maintenance 86.20 101-3005-61105 UƟliƟes - Electric - Fritz 1,418.19 101-3005-61204 UƟliƟes - Water -Fritz Bu 1,554.79 101-3007-60461 MarkeƟng & Tourism Pr 2,200.00 101-3008-61200 Utilities - Water 470.11 101-6001-60104 Consultants 4,183.18 101-6002-60103 Professional Services 13,843.64 101-6004-60400 Office Supplies 183.06 101-6006-60125 Temporary Agency Servi 2,684.64 101-6006-60420 Operating Supplies 1,243.47 101-7002-60183 Map/Plan Checking 1,038.00 101-7003-60420 Operating Supplies 115.89 101-7006-60146 PM 10 - Dust Control 134.18 57 Demand Register Packet: APPKT01906 - BC 03/08/19 3/7/2019 6:51:20 PM Page 5 of 5 Account Summary Account Number Account Name Expense Amount 201-7003-60427 Safety Gear 126.14 201-7003-60429 Traffic Control Signs 302.76 201-7003-60430 Asphalt 207.30 201-7003-61101 Utilities - Electricity 634.00 202-3004-60420 Operating Supplies 244.73 202-3006-60105 Museum Operations 1,170.00 202-3006-60420 Operating Supplies 45.63 202-3006-61101 Utilities - Electricity 78.02 215-7004-60431 Materials/Supplies 2,058.98 215-7004-60691 Maintenance/Services 3,000.00 215-7004-61116 Utilities - Electric 2,318.58 215-7004-61117 UƟliƟes - Electric - Medi 1,398.09 215-7004-61211 UƟliƟes - Water - Media 4,794.78 221-0000-41506 Burrtec AB 939 Fee -13,286.31 235-0000-61101 Utilities - Electricity 223.03 248-9102-60159 Relocation Benefits 49.73 270-0000-60683 APP Maintenance 3,400.00 270-0000-74800 Art Purchases 16,700.00 401-0000-60108 Technical 50.00 401-0000-60185 Design 38,069.05 401-0000-60188 Construction 1,903.96 501-0000-60148 Car Washes 484.00 502-0000-61300 Utilities - Telephone 211.98 601-0000-60214 Tamarisk Removal Pump 45,391.34 Grand Total: 2,056,907.38 Project Account Summary Project Account Key Expense Amount **None**2,008,597.13 151612D 8,616.25 1819TMICT 1,288.91 201603D 16,325.80 201704D 13,127.00 201706CT 172.63 201706T 50.00 201802CT 442.42 201804E 4,613.98 ARCHIVEE 1,170.00 TOASTE 2,503.26 Grand Total: 2,056,907.38 58 City of La Quinta Bank Transactions 02/23/19 – 03/08/19 Wire Transaction Listed below are the wire transfer from 02/23/19 – 03/08/19 Wire Transfers: 02/25/2019 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 78,282.41$ 02/26/2019 - WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 1,720.49$ 02/27/2019 - WIRE TRANSFER - PERSHING LLC 14,000.00$ 03/06/2019 - WIRE TRANSFER - WELLS FARGO 15,000.00$ 03/08/2019 - WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 3,716.13$ 03/08/2019 - WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 477.00$ TOTAL WIRE TRANSFERS OUT 113,196.03$ ATTACHMENT 2 59 60 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: CONSIDER PARTICIPATING IN THE 2019 INDIAN WELLS LA QUINTA IRONMAN 70.3 TRIATHLON RECOMMENDATION Provide direction regarding participating in the 2019 Indian Wells La Quinta Ironman 70.3 Triathlon. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On December 9, 2018, over 2,400 athletes competed in the inaugural Indian Wells La Quinta 70.3 Ironman (Event). There were no fatalities or major injuries, however, there were major traffic disruptions and extensive delays. The City of La Quinta, City of Indian Wells, Ironman, and La Quinta Police Department held extensive after-Event meetings to dissect the issues, respond to resident reaction, and evaluate impacts. These meetings plus further public input resulted in new proposed routes that were developed to improve north/south circulation and access while minimizing impacts. Transient occupancy tax receipts were 11% or $80,000 greater in December 2018 than December 2017; year to year sales tax information will be available in April 2019. FISCAL IMPACT The cost would be $75,000; Ironman pays for police, traffic control, production, and permitting. Funds are available in the 2018/19 budget - $37,500 in the Community Experiences account (101-3003-60149) and $37,500 in the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) incentive account (101-1007- 60536). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS In December 2017, Council approved a three-year agreement to co-host the Indian Wells La Quinta 70.3 Ironman. This Event was held on December 9, 2018. Event related lane closures constrained traffic flow resulting in major BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 61 traffic congestion and anguished residents. Following the Event, staff responded to at least 45 phone calls, 85 emails, and 5 walk-in meetings. Additionally, the City sent out a direct mailer to the entire community apologizing for these impacts. Subsequently, meetings were held with the City of Indian Wells, Ironman, and La Quinta Police Department (LQPD) to address the issues and develop new route options. After extensively reviewing eight route options, two route options (Attachment 1) were proposed for a potential bike route through La Quinta. Both routes avoid Washington Street to allow north and south access across the City, improve traffic circulation to reduce congestion, provide easier access to the Highway 111 corridor, and provide better neighborhood ingress and egress. La Quinta, Ironman and Indian Wells’ staffs and LQPD presented these route options at four recent community workshops where they heard the negatives, positives, suggestions, and concerns from residents. Approximately 60 people attended these workshops. Attachment 2 presents the information that was considered for both the routes and the outreach efforts (Attachment 2). A public outreach guide (Attachment 3) was prepared, which summarizes planned outreach efforts. It includes circulating detailed digital and non-digital maps, mailers, flyers and signs, numerous GEM Publications, weekly team phone calls, and in person meetings with homeowner associations. The public outreach effort would be immediately initiated if Council elects to participate in Ironman 2019. City staff would also work closely with neighboring jurisdictions on route coordination, and with all regional entities on outreach/communications. Ironman Event Timeline If Approved March 19 – Council direction March 20 – Community outreach efforts commence May 31 – Traffic control finalized All permits secured - October 2019 Event - December 8, 2019 Financial Impact Staff reviewed credit card sales transactions for December 2017 and December 2018 utilizing Visa Vue data from the Greater Palm Springs and Visitors Bureau for Indian Wells and La Quinta. Staff also tabulated and compared transient occupancy tax (TOT) income for the same period. The results are listed below: December 2017 December 2018 Sales: $96,703,956 Sales: $102,522,588; 6% increase # of Cardholders: 512,309 # of Cardholders: 528,996 TOT: $707,267 TOT: $787,598; 11% increase 62 Sales tax income data will be available in April 2019; the State accounts for and disburses sales tax revenue quarterly, 90 days after the previous quarter ends. The City’s total Event expenditures were $102,270, which included the $75,000 participation fee, the one-time a pro rata share of the cost to purchase marine safety equipment for use at Lake Cahuilla of $21,500, and $5,770 for resident mailers. Ironman paid for all Event related police, traffic control, production, and permitting. La Quinta is a Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) city, events like this support health initiatives, and provide economic benefit for the region. The Event contributed to the City’s fitness and wellness brand and, according to Ironman, conservative estimates indicate that the economic benefit other host locations receive is $3,500,000 to $7,000,000. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect to modify the plan or not participate, which would end the City’s involvement in the 2019 Event. Prepared by: Jaime Torres, Management Analyst Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Attachment: 1. Routes 2. Summary of Community Input 3. Public Outreach Guide 63 64 IndioIndio Bermuda DunesBermuda Dunes Palm Des Palm Des Indian W Indian W MONROE JEFFERSONAVENUE 58 AVENUE 52 AVENUE 50 MILES START END MADISON¯ Legend Bike Route Option A March 2019 IRONMAN Bike Route ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 165 I n d i o I n d i o B e r m u d a D u n e s B e r m u d a D u n e s MONROE JEFFERSONDUNE PALMSAVENUE 58 AVENUE 52 AVENUE 48 MILES START END ¯ Legend Bike Route Option B March 2019 IRONMAN Bike Route 66 Ironman Workshop Summary 3/7/2018 Red Robin Positives & Suggestions o Members of the Salton Sea Bike Club saw positives & would want to continue o 85% athletes’ satisfaction per survey o Perhaps do a virtual tour of the two options o Utilize the Gem o Send days prior to the event o Place plenty of physical signs Concerns o Miles/Washington St. could still be a problem o Make sure people renting are notified o What is timing breakdown for removal of traffic control o Impacts to Indio Tamale Festival since it’s on the same date (Sunday only) o Fred Waring was and will continue to be a mess o More and different communication is needed o Why during peak season? o Emergency services unable to access o Concerned about North LQ crossing Miles o What was the tourism revenue? o Was there an initial study done? o Can City opt out? o What is the purpose of the March 19 meeting? o When do we get a detailed traffic plan with closures, detours, etc? 3/11/19 City Hall Positives & Suggestions o Metering at intersections o Cutoffs for riders & pick them up o Remove traffic control efficiently / break down plan o More distribution of route maps o Improve traffic flow / police intervention o Opportunity to meet athletes and their stories o Access for spectators at the Tennis Garden o Metering at Jefferson for Codorniz o End bike race at DSUSD and then run to Tennis Garden ATTACHMENT 2 67       o Washington St. and Fred Waring Dr. need to remain open o Economic benefits discussion o Use the farmland (south) for bike portion o Pre-event volunteer meeting  Concerns o Miscommunication and lack of information regarding open/closed routes o 15-minute normal route took 2 hours o Adverse impact to residents o Lack of organization related to volunteers (directions and tasks) o Clear cutoff times for athletes o Open streets right after last rider o Not enough traffic circulation efforts o Cross traffic should be allowed o This was not an unforeseen event o Directions to the tennis garden o Construction updates / closures / delays o Direct Pomelo residents on how to get to Washington St. o Police officers need to know alternative routes o Consider traffic from Interstate 10; more signage needed o More info to be provided to out of town visitors o El Dorado back up with traffic o Concerns about medical emergencies o Think about outside area: Palm Desert, businesses, churches 3/11/19 Trilogy  Positives & Suggestions o Officer training, improve traffic flow, timing at lights o Provide time frame for athletes at streets and road closures o Can riders use the channel? o Financial benefits for the City o Outreach to Trilogy first Friday, newsletter, 2 HOA boards, posters, and flyers o Billing Ironman for police and public works o Churches o Economic benefit vs resident impact o Eye on the desert w/ Patrick Evans for promotion o Metering along course; Avenue 60 & Jackson St.  Concerns o Avenue 50 shopping center access o No or very little notification o 60th & Jackson will it be metered 68       o What was the cost? Both direct and indirect o What did Ironman pay for? o Economic impact to be included in report to Council o La Quinta bears maximum impact o December is not a good month for the community because its busy o Close Monroe from 50 to Miles o How long is the wait to be metered at an intersection? o Has there been outreach to businesses; both employees and customers? o Washington St. is not a good choice o Improve deployment of officers and traffic equipment o Start community outreach earlier o Have motor and traffic officers leap frog to assist with traffic flow o Include pictures with communication signage o What additional signage will be provided 3/12/19 Wellness Center  Positives o Dune Palms traffic impact will be minimal o La Quinta is a pre-event training destination o Resident inconvenience vs. economic benefit o Outreach to churches  Concerns o Avenue 50 and Jefferson St. needs to have clear info as to which lanes are open o Directions on how to get to Indio from Washington St. o Indian Springs main entrance gate at Jefferson St. needs to be metered o Option B is better due to Sunday traffic at Jefferson o Avenue 50 is too narrow for racers 69 70 Ironman Outreach Plan 2019 Neighborhoods not on Route Neighborhoods on Route ATTACHMENT 3 71 Ironman Outreach Plan 2019 City of La Quinta Outreach 72 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE X-PARK DESIGN; APPROPRIATE $300,000 FROM MEASURE G RESERVES; AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH SPOHN RANCH FOR A NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $3,057,000 RECOMMENDATION Approve the X-park design; appropriate $300,000 from Measure G reserves; and authorize the City Manager to execute a contract amendment with Spohn Ranch for a not to exceed amount of $3,057,000. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •In October 2017 Council reviewed a feasibility study by Spohn Ranch for an extreme sports facility (XPark). •In January 2018 Council reviewed operations and management costs. •On June 5, 2018, Council approved a Design/Build Agreement with Spohn Ranch. •The cost ($3,057,000) to construct the final design (Attachment 1) is 9% or $257,000 greater than the estimated/contract cost of $2,800,000. •If the Council approves the final design, $300,000 must be appropriated from Measure G reserves and the Agreement with Spohn Ranch must be amended. •If the Council elects to add any of the additional features outlined in this report, then additional funds must be appropriated. FISCAL IMPACT The project budget is $3,501,639 with $3,400,000 appropriated from Quimby Funds (once reserved for a regional park) and $101,639 from the Community Center Developer Impact Fee (DIF) fund. Both of these funds can only be used for capital costs associated with new park and recreational facilities, and not for maintenance and operations. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 2 73 The chart below presents the revised construction cost; the original construction cost per the Agreement with Spohn Ranch was estimated to be $2,800,000. Revised Construction Cost Estimate Construction $1,920,000 Pro-shop Building 476,000 Amenities: Lighting, Fence, Landscape, Walkways 430,000 Design 171,000 Bonding 60,000 TOTAL $3,057,000 Estimated Cost per the Spohn Ranch Agreement $2,800,000 Deficit ($257,000) Project Budget $3,500,000 Current Design Estimate (3,057,000) Property Purchase Estimate (700,000) TOTAL ($257,000) If Council elects to appropriate the requested $300,000, these funds, as well as funding for any additional amenities, are available in the Measure G reserves ($6,968,857). The cost for contracted operations of the new facility is estimated to be $180,000 per year and would be paid through the General Fund. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City currently has two neighborhood skate parks at La Quinta Park (12,000 sq. ft.) and Fritz Burns Park (5,000 sq. ft.). In October 2017, Spohn Ranch presented a feasibility study during a Council Study Session that identified: • Examples of national and regional skate parks; • An analysis of regional and local skateboard/scooter/BMX demand, which was translated into a proposed XPark size of 30,000 sq. ft.; • A summary of features, amenities, and size from the user outreach meeting; • An analysis of two potential sites with the preferred site at the La Quinta Housing Authority property located on the southeast corner of Westward Ho (Black Hawk Way)/Dune Palms Road; and • A preliminary cost breakdown totaling $3.4 million. Council provided input on the size, location and amenities and directed staff to research the options and costs to manage/operate the proposed facility. 74 In January 2018 Council discussed the potential XPark operations and annual cost. The consensus was to create a supervised facility managed by an outside contractor who specializes in operating and promoting these types of facilities. The advantages for contracting include: •Supervision for safety and organized activities; •Operating hours after school until 10 PM; •User sign-in and data base for KPI and Social Networking; •Pro shop for concessions, equipment rental, and purchase; •An estimated $180,000 annual operations cost; •Liability costs are covered by contractor; •Reduction in vandalism and graffiti; and •Routine maintenance, minor repairs, and graffiti removal are performed by the contractor. On June 5, 2018, Council approved a Design/Build Agreement with Spohn Ranch (Project 151609) with a not to exceed amount of $2.8 million. The balance ($700,000) of the $3.5 million budget was designated to purchase the required property from the Housing Authority, and fund light and sound impact studies. Additionally, a water retention basin is being constructed adjacent to the same location to accept storm water from Westward Ho Drive. Spohn Ranch subsequently designed the facility based on user input from outreach meetings from the Community Services Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council. This version was presented again at a user outreach meeting on February 11, 2019. Some minor modifications were made. If constructed, the final design park would be the largest skate park in the Coachella Valley. With a pump track, this would be one of the largest facilities in California. Highlights of the $3,057,000 design include: •31,000 sq. ft; •20 parking stalls; •1,400 sq. ft. pro-shop with restrooms; •Bowls and features for beginners, advanced, and professional users; •Perimeter landscaping (desert efficient); and •Energy efficient/programmable lighting. Additional considerations that are not included in the $3,057,000 cost include: •Pump Track for $360,000 •Spectator seating for $45,000; •Additional shade structures for $114,000; and •Building enhancements for $200,000 (observation deck); Except for the building enhancements, these items may be installed later. Staff is seeking direction from Council. When approved, Spohn Ranch will prepare construction documents for review by the City building and engineering officials; construction would then begin in June 2019 (Attachment 3). 75 Prepared by: Steve Howlett, Facilities Director Approved by: Frank Spevacek, City Manager Attachments:1. Concept Design 2. Cost Estimate 3. Project Timeline 76 ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 177 78 SPOHN RANCH, INC. | P 626-330-5803 | F 626-330-5503 | W SPOHNRANCH.COM E INFO@SPOHNRANCH.COM | 6824 S CENTINELA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90230 DESIGN. BUILD. COME TOGETHER. COST ESTIMATE X PARK – CITY OF LA QUINTA MARCH 14, 2019 SPOHN RANCH SCOPE OF WORK – BASE: ESTIMATED COST: DESIGN: SKATEPARK DESIGN $55,000.00 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE $27,000.00 CIVIL ENGINEERING $71,000.00 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING $6,500.00 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING $6,500.00 PERMITTING $5,000.00 SKATEPARK: SKATEPARK – 31,000 SQ FT $1,920,000.00 BUILDING: BUILDING – SUPPLY & DELIVERY $341,000.00 BUILDING – FOUNDATION & INSTALL $70,000.00 BUILDING UTILITIES $65,000.00 SITE AMENITIES: PARKING LOT & ACCESS ROAD – CLASS II ROAD, 20 ASPHALT SPACES $40,000.00 SIDEWALK $30,000.00 LANDSCAPING & IRRIGATION $90,000.00 FENCE – 6’ WROUGHT IRON $82,000.00 LIGHTING $188,000.00 SUB-TOTAL: $2,997,000.00 GRAND TOTAL WITH BONDING: $3,057,000.00 ATTACHMENT 2 79 SPOHN RANCH, INC. | P 626-330-5803 | F 626-330-5503 | W SPOHNRANCH.COM E INFO@SPOHNRANCH.COM | 6824 S CENTINELA AVE. LOS ANGELES, CA 90230 DESIGN. BUILD. COME TOGETHER. SPOHN RANCH SCOPE OF WORK – ADD ALTERNATES: ESTIMATED COST: SPECTATOR SEATING $45,000.00 SHADE STRUCTURES $114,000.00 PUMP TRACK – CONCRETE PUMP TRACK $280,000.00 PUMP TRACK – ADDITIONAL FENCING $20,000.00 PUMP TRACK – ADDITIONAL LIGHTING $60,000.00 BUILDING ENHANCEMENTS & OBSERVATION DECK $189,000.00 SUB-TOTAL: $708,000.00 GRAND TOTAL WITH BONDING: $722,000.00 ASSUMPTIONS: • Estimate assumes 2019 prevailing wage determination • Estimate does not include 3rd party testing/inspections • Estimate does not include design/construction of retention basin(s) • Estimate does not include design/construction of fire hydrant • Estimate does not include landscaping beyond fence line • Estimate does not include lighting beyond skatepark, pump track and building • Estimate does not include any work not expressly described in Spohn Ranch’s scope of work 80 3/19 4/19 5/19 6/19 7/19 8/19 9/19 10/19 11/19 12/19 1/20 2/20 X Park - La Quinta, CA start end Design Development 03/04/19 03/29/19 90% Design Development 03/04 03/14 City Council Approval 03/19 03/19 100% Design Development 03/20 03/29 Construction Documents 04/01/19 06/19/19 80% Construction Documents 04/01 04/26 80% Plan Check 04/29 05/03 95% Construction Documents 05/06 05/24 95% Plan Check 05/27 05/31 100% Construction Documents 06/03 06/14 Permits 06/17 06/19 Construction 06/20/19 02/21/20 Off-Site Fabrication 06/20 10/15 Pre-Construction Meeting 06/20 06/20 Site Preparation 06/20 07/01 Clearing & Demolition 07/02 07/09 Utilities 07/10 08/01 Excavation & Grading 07/30 08/29 Form, Reinforce & Place Concrete 08/30 01/09 Building Install 12/26 01/07 Site Amenities Install - Fence, Lights,...12/26 01/17 Sidewalk, Parking Lot & Access Road 01/08 01/28 Irrigation & Landscaping 01/22 02/11 Detail Work & Clean-Up 02/10 02/21 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 381 82 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF THE GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL STATUS AND HOUSING ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORTS TO THE OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH AND THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND DETERMINE THE ACTION IS NOT A PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 15478(b)(2) OF THE PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE RECOMMENDATION Authorize submittal of the General Plan Annual Status Report and the Housing Element Annual Progress Report to the Office of Planning and Research and State Department of Housing and Community Development; and determine the action is not a project as defined in section 15378(b)(2) of the Public Resources Code. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •State Law requires incorporated communities to adopt a General Plan that regulates the land development within the city’s boundary and sphere of influence. •The 2035 La Quinta General Plan (General Plan) was adopted by Council on February 19, 2013. •A General Plan Annual Status Report (Report) was prepared to update the Planning Commission and Council on implementation. •The Housing Element Annual Progress Report (Housing Report) has been prepared in compliance with the 2017 SB 35 and AB 879 Housing Package, which requires all cities to provide an annual housing update. FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS California Government Code Section 65300 requires the City prepare and adopt a comprehensive, long-term General Plan. The General Plan addresses lands within the City’s boundaries and its sphere of influence (Attachment 1). Staff prepared this Report to inform the Planning Commission (PC) and Council on the status of the General Plan implementation. As a Charter City, preparation and submittal of a Report to the Office of Planning and Research (OPR) is optional. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 3 83 The Report was prepared according to the guidelines established by OPR and provides General Plan implementation status since adopted on February 19, 2013. The report reviews all goals, policies and programs for the mandated elements: Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Conservation, Open Space, Safety, and Noise (Attachment 2). Additionally, the Report reviews all optional elements such as the Livable Community, Economic Development, Parks, Recreation, and Trails, Air Quality, Biological Resources and Cultural Resources elements. General Plan implementation occurs regularly by all City Departments through the development and implementation of City programs, and review of development projects for consistency with the Land Use and Circulation Elements. The PC and Council are responsible for making General Plan consistency findings upon consideration of development projects. Implementation of General Plan goals, policies and programs may require new initiatives that extend beyond the development review process. Significant implementation efforts include the adoption of Zoning Map and Zoning Text Amendments for General Plan consistency and annual development code tune- ups. Other implementation efforts include: •Preparation of the Highway 111 Corridor area plan to implement land use and economic development goals to facilitate existing businesses and attract new business by maintaining flexible land use standards; •Pursuing funding to prepare a Citywide Active Transportation Plan to implement circulation goals by promoting active transportation; •City-sponsored events in various areas of the City to implement economic development goals to attract visitors to the area; •Enforcement and collection of transient occupancy tax (TOT) from Short- term Vacation Rental Program to implement economic development goals and while maintaining quality of life in residential neighborhoods; •Washington Street Apartments rehabilitation/additional unit development to implement housing goals and progress towards regional housing needs; •Installing new pickle ball courts and Cove trailhead improvements that promote the health and well-being of the community. Preparing and submitting the Housing Report to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and OPR is required by all cities pursuant to SB 35 and AB 879, enacted in 2017. Codified as Government Code 65400, this legislation requires cities to prepare an annual Housing Element Progress Report that outlines annual building activity, housing development applications received, and progress towards achieving a city’s regional housing needs allocation (Attachment 3). The City has made significant progress towards achieving its regional housing needs allocation; approximately 83% (302 units) of the City’s 364-unit regional allocation goal has been met for this housing cycle (2014-2021). 84 Council may elect not to authorize submittal of the reports to OPR and HCD or may request modifications to the reports. Prepared by: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. La Quinta General Plan Map 2. General Plan Annual Status Report 3. Housing Element Annual Progress Report Summary ALTERNATIVE 85 86 ATTACHMENT 1 Source: Cip of La Quinta General Plan. 03 07 2012 L I TERRA NOVA PW�Ne a nw.2n, me City of La Quinta General Plan Land Use Map La Quinta, California 2035 Gf}IE[A[P:Al1 87 88 City of La Quinta General Plan 2035 Weblink: http://www.laquintaca.gov/business/de sign-and- development/planning-division/2035-la-quinta- general-plan ATTACHMENT 2 General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018 89 Table of Contents Section Page Number Table of Contents 1 List of Abbreviations 2 General Plan Elements Land Use 4 Circulation 9 Livable Community 16 Economic Development 19 Housing 22 Parks, Recreation, and Trails 30 Air Quality 32 Energy and Mineral Resources 34 Biological Resources 35 Cultural Resources 36 Water Resources 37 Open Space and Conservation 38 Noise 40 Soils and Geology 41 Flooding and Hydrology 42 Hazardous Materials 43 Emergency Services 44 Water, Sewer, and Utilities 46 Public Facilities 48 General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018 1 90 List of Abbreviations Abbreviation Meaning ALRB Architecture and Landscape Review Board GP General Plan SOI Sphere of Influence PUD Planned Unit Development SP Specific Plan CVWD Coachella Valley Water District IID Imperial Irrigation District CVMSHCP Coachella Valley Multi Species Habitat Conservation Plan CIP Capital Improvement Plan STVR Short Term Vacation Rental ALUC Airport Land Use Commission ATP Active Transportation Plan PAT Process Action Team PMP Pavement Management Plan CVAG Coachella Valley Association of Governments LOS Level of Services LQMC La Quinta Municipal Code TSM Transportation Systems Management JPA Joint Powers Authority CEQA California Environmental Quality Act TMO Transportation Management Organization GHG Greenhouse Gas BRT Bus Rapid Transit NEV Neighborhood Electric Vehicles GPS Global Positioning System GIS Geographic Information Systems EIR Environmental Impact Report RHNA Regional Housing Needs Assessment AHO Affordable Housing Overlay LIHTC Transition Low Income Housing Tax Credit HUD Housing and Urban Development HCD California Department of Housing and Community Development EDA Riverside County Economic Development Agency MVK Martha’s Village and Kitchen CVRM Coachella Valley Rescue Mission LIHEAP Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program HERO Home Energy Renovation Opportunity DRD Desert Recreation District SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District TAC Toxic Air Contaminant LED Light Emitting Diode CNG Compressed Natural Gas General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018 2 91 MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act FY Fiscal Year SB California Senate Bill AB California Assembly Bill NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System dbA A-weighted Sound Level CNEL Community Noise Equivalent Level CM City Manager EOP Emergency Operations Plan EOC Emergency Operations Center FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency CERT Community Emergency Response Team DIF Development Impact Fees ISO Insurance Services Office General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018 3 92 Policy/Programs DescriptionStatusGoal LU-1Land use compatibility throughout the City.Policy LU-1.1The Land Use Map shall implement the goals and policies of the Land Use Element and the other Elements of the General Plan.Complete and Ongoing. The Land Use Map is updated on a periodic basis to be sure the land use patterns in the City reflect the goals and policies of the General Plan.Program LU-1.1aMaintain consistency between the Land Use Map and Zoning Map, consistent withthe Zoning Designations Consistency Matrix.Complete and Ongoing. Zone Change and General Plan Amendment Proposals are reviewed for consistency. Updated Overall Zoning Map Fall 2016Program LU-1.1bThe Zoning Ordinance will include design standards in all zoning districts that assure high quality development.Complete and Ongoing. Design guidelines are in effect for the Cove area and the Highway 111 area. Two former ALRB members a part of the Planning Commission. Specific Plans include separate design guidance approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. Citywide single-family residential design guidelines have been adoptedPolicy LU-1.2All land use decisions shall be consistent with all applicable General Plan policiesand programs and shall uphold the rights and needs of property owners as well as those of the general public.Ongoing. Required by law and findings during project approval.Policy LU-1.3 The City Council shall review the City's Sphere of Influence every five yearsOngoing. The General Plan was last updated in 2013 and the Sphere of Influence was considered then. Council Conduct Sphere of Influence review 2019.Policy LU-1.4No annexation affecting lands in the southern Sphere of Influence (also known as Vista Santa Rosa) shall occur until a Master Plan for this area has been adopted, unless the annexation is required for municipal purposes.No annexations in this area have been proposed since adoption of the General Plan Update.Program LU-1.4aThe Master Plan for Vista Santa Rosa will include an active and aggressive community participation program to ensure that community character is reflected in the Plan.No master plan has been initiated due to limited interest by development community for annexation.Program LU-1.4bThe Master Plan for Vista Santa Rosa can be initiated by the City or by property owners or developers who are willing to fund the project.No master plan has been initiated.Policy LU-1.5All annexation applications by land owners shall include fiscal analysis that fully addresses the fiscal impact of the proposed annexation. Subsequently, all annexation applications shall also include a Development Agreement application or mechanism other that demonstrates how the annexation will be revenue neutral or revenue positive for the City.Ongoing. No annexations have been proposed in the City since adoption of the General Plan Update. This policy will be applied to annexation requests. Require applicants to submit fiscal analysis and enter into development agreements when annexing properties. When annexation is City initiated, City will obtain fiscal analysis.Goal LU-2High quality design that complements the City.Policy LU-2.1Changes and variations from the Zoning Ordinance in a Specific Plan will be offset by high quality design, amenities and mix of land uses.Complete and Ongoing, Planned Unit Development (PUD) standards have been codified to further encourage mixed land use development. Encourage applicants to incorporate innovative, high quality design, amenities and mixed land uses in Specific Plans and Amendments.LAND USEGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018493 Policy LU-2.2Specific Plans shall be required for projects proposing the integration of recreation, tourist commercial and residential uses; and for all projects proposingflexible development standards that differ from the Zoning Ordinance.Ongoing. Specific Plans are encouraged by Staff for new development, As an alternative the PUD ordinance has been adopted to allow flexible development standards. Program LU-2.2aMaintain detailed requirements for the preparation of Specific Plans in the Zoning OrdinanceComplete. The Zoning ordinance has Specific Plan requirements. Review cases to make sure they are in compliance with Specific Plan requirements in the zoning ordinance.Program LU-2.2bThe Planning Director will determine substantial conformance in approved Specific PlansOngoing. Planning staff reviews cases to determine which are substantially conforming. Design and Development Director has final approval.Program LU-2.2cThe Planning Director has the authority to waive the need for a Specific Plan Amendment under the following circumstances: When changes to the land use allocation are less than 5%; When the off-site circulation pattern and turning movements will not be altered by the proposed change; When the change is considered minor in nature and does not conflict with the purpose and intent of the Specific Plan; or When no new land use is proposed.Ongoing and case-by-case. Planning staff reviews cases to determine which need Specific Plan Amendments. Design and Development Director has final approval. Review Specific Plan cases during pre-application reviews to determine if specific plans are necessary.Policy LU-2.3The City's outdoor lighting ordinance will be maintained. Ongoing. Standards are built into the Zoning ordinance to allow for the lighting ordinance to be maintained. Have developments prepare photometric study to prove compliance as required by application submittal requirements.Policy LU-2.4Planning for all major community facilities shall carefully consider the potential impacts to adjacent development, particularly residential development.Ongoing. Review of impacts required under CEQA unless exempt.Program LU-2.4aMaintain standards for municipal facilities, utility substations, schools and similar public facilities in the Zoning Ordinance.Complete. Section 13.24.110 of the Municipal Code discusses requirements for utilities, also Chapter 9.90 of the Municipal Code has standards for development of major community facilities.Policy LU-2.5Public and utility projects shall be subject to the same standards as the development community.Complete. Section 13.24.110 of the Municipal Code discusses requirements for utilities, also Chapter 9.90 of the Municipal Code has standards for development of major community facilities.Policy LU-2.6Participate in efforts to preserve and protect sensitive resources throughout the City and its Sphere of Influence, in support of the CVMSHCP.Complete and Ongoing. Chapter 3.34 of the Municipal Code includes requirements for paying the local development mitigation fee in support of the CVMSHCP. Also addressed through CEQA process; review of locations of Conservation Areas. Add Conservation Areas on Trakit mapping in 2019/2020.Program LU-2.6aMaintain and enforce the Hillside Preservation OrdinanceOngoing. Section 9.110.070 has development standards for the Hillside conservation Overlay District in order to preserve hillsides. AddHillside Conservation Overlay on Trakit in 2019/2010.Program LU-2.6bAmend the Land Use Map as necessary to ensure the preservation of sensitive resources through the designation of open space.Complete. Open space areas are currently designated on the Zoning and General Plan Land Use Maps.Program LU-2.6cEncourage the use of native landscaping and "links" golf courses that preserve areas of natural terrain and native vegetation.Complete and ongoing. Section 8.13 of the Municipal Code includes regulations for water efficient landscaping which promotes the use of native landscaping.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018594 Policy LU-2.47 Continue to include park facilities planning in neighborhood planning effortsOngoing. Zoning ordinance includes common area open space requirements.Program LU-2.7aContinue to utilize the Quimby Act to charge park fees and allow for park development.Ongoing. Quimby fees are collected prior to final Map recordation. Updated sheet on website with latest population factor reflected from 2010 Census data.Program LU-2.7bIncorporate park planning into annexation studies and annexation community outreach efforts.No annexations have been proposed in the City since adoption of the General Plan Update.Goal LU-3Safe and identifiable neighborhoods that provide a sense of place.Policy LU-3.1Encourage the preservation of neighborhood character and assure a consistent and compatible land use pattern.Ongoing. All applications are reviewed for compatibility with neighbors. Findings must also include compatibility. Program LU-3.1aPeriodically review land use designations to assure that changes in the community and marketplace are met.Ongoing. Currently, the land use designations are appropriate. Village master plan completed 2016. Continue researching changes in planning and development, such as changes in recreational preferences of residents and the aging population, and allow for changes in land use designations as necessary. Planning work with City Manager's office regarding Highway 111.Program LU-3.1bApply the City's discretionary powers and site development review process consistently to assure that subdivision and development plans are compatible with existing residential areas.Complete and Ongoing. The project review process allows for this. Plan check process to assure plans are following the standards.Policy LU-3.2Density transfers may occur in Specific Plans when common area amenities and open space are provided.Complete. Currently, Specific Plans allow for a density transfer process.Policy LU-3.3Maintain residential development standards including setbacks, height, pad elevations and other design and performance standards that assure a high quality of development in the Zoning Ordinance.Complete. Chapters 9.50 and 9.60 of the Municipal Code set forth residential development standards. Plan check process to assure plans are following the standards. City-wide residential guidelines approved.Program LU-3.3aProvide incentives in the Zoning Ordinance for creative and high quality development; projects that reduce the dependence on automobiles; projects that incorporate trails and paths for pedestrians and bicycles; and projects that incorporate transit and alternative transportation facilities into their designs.Complete. PUD and Mixed Use standards have been codified to further encourage mixed land use development and to allow for flexible development standards .Goal LU-4Maintenance and protection of existing neighborhoods.Policy LU-4.1Encourage compatible development adjacent to existing neighborhoods and infrastructure.Ongoing. All applications are reviewed for compatibility with neighbors. Findings must also include compatibility. Program LU-4.1aContinue to use creative planning techniques, including the merger of small residential lots in the Cove, to encourage development in existing neighborhoods.Case-by-case basis.Policy LU-4.2Capital improvement projects for developed areas in the City should be of first priority, to encourage infill development.Ongoing. CIP program identifies public projects that are planned for and prioritized by need.Program LU-4.2aRequire necessary improvement/extension of intervening roadways and infrastructure to serve new development.Ongoing. Conditions of Approval are the method for instituting this program.Goal LU-5A broad range of housing types and choices for all residents of the City.Policy LU-5.1Use development incentives to achieve a mix of housing, including affordable housing.Ongoing and case-by-case. Density bonuses, Mixed Use, PUD and SP regulations allow for a mix of housing.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018695 Program LU-5.1aMonitor the progress made to achieve Housing Element mandated goals for the provision of housing and consider amendments to the General Plan when necessary to help achieve those goals.Ongoing. Yearly report is prepared evaluating housing in the City. Provide Annual reports to Planning Commission and City Council on progress towards Housing Element goals.Policy LU-5.2Consider changes in market demand in residential product type to meet the needs of current and future residents.Ongoing. Trends in the market are being followed, such as less younger people are buying homes and are more interested in mixed use type development. Recent residential development modifications for Griffin Estates and Andalusia have been considered and approved based on changing consumer demands. Program LU-5.2aPeriodically review and update, as needed, the standards of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for changes in residential product types without the need for a Specific Plan.Complete. PUD regulations have been added to the zoning ordinance to promote changes in housing types without going through the Specific Plan processProgram LU-5.2bInclude detailed residential development standards in the Mixed Use Overlay zoning district.Complete. Section 9.140.090 of the Municipal Code includes regulations for Mixed Use residential development.Goal LU-6A balanced and varied economic base which provides a broad range of goods andservices to the City's residents and the region.Policy LU-6.1Commercial land use designations shall allow a full range of retail, office, resort and institutional businesses in the City.Complete. The commercial zones in the City allow for a full range of retail, office, resort and institutional businesses in the City.Program LU-6.1aAs part of the update of the Economic Development Plan, review the Land Use Map regularly to assure that sufficient lands are designated for commercial uses which support the needs of the community and surrounding areas.No Action. Economic Development Plan is not currently being updated.Program LU-6.1bEncourage the integration of a wide range of support services at employment centers, including child care, occupational health, fitness facilities and convenience retail shops.Complete. Mixed use regulations have been added to the zoning ordinance to promote support services.Program LU-6.1cMaintain economic and demographic statistical data and make this data available to the development community and other interested parties.Complete and ongoing. City website has demographic data on it whichis available for anyone to view and is updated on a regular basis as information is available.Policy LU-6.2Maintain commercial development standards in the Zoning Ordinance including set backs, height, pad elevations and other design and performance standards that assure a high quality of development.Complete. Chapters 9.90 and 9.100 include development regulations for commercial development.Policy LU-6.3Support and encourage the expansion of the resort industry as a key component of the City's economic base.Ongoing. New hotels are proposed for the Silverrock site and Short term vacation rental (STVR) program has been instituted, which collects TOT.Program LU-6.3aProvide standards for a broad range of tourist commercial land uses in the Zoning Ordinance.Complete. A variety of uses is provided for in Chapter 9.80 of the Municipal Code for tourist commercial development.Policy LU-6.4Support the development of a broad range of non-polluting, carefully planned industrial uses.Complete. The Commercial Park district of the City allows for light industrial uses.Program LU-6.4aInclude provisions for industrial development including development standards, permitted and conditionally permitted land uses in the Zoning Ordinance.No activity. Develop new standards for Industrial zoning district upon consideration of a masterplan for the Vista Santa Rosa area.Policy LU-6.5Industrial lands shall be located along major transportation corridors, and in areas that maximize all available infrastructure.Complete. Land Use map is consistent with this.Policy LU-6.6Encourage the development of vocation and technical programs in the educational system to help the industrial sector find qualified local employees.No activity.Policy LU-6.7Consider the airport Master Plan in all development proposals adjacent to the Jacqueline Cochran Airport.Ongoing. Required by law.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018796 Program LU-6.7aStandards for development adjacent to airports shall be developed which maximize the need for public safety.No activity. The Airport Land Use Commission has development regulations in place to accommodate public safety. This will be necessary for future projects in the Sphere of Influence adjacen to the Jacqueline Cochran Airport.Program LU-6.7bProjects located within the influence area of the Airport's Land Use Plan will include review and analysis of their conformance with the Land Use Plan in their application submittal.Ongoing. Projects sent to the ALUC if within a protections zone within the airport land use plan.Goal LU-7Innovative land uses in the Village and on Highway 111.Policy LU-7.1 Encourage the use of mixed use development in appropriate locations.Ongoing and case-by-case.Program LU-7.1a Establish a Mixed Use Overlay for all the commercial zoning designations.Complete. Mixed Use Overlay adopted in 2016.Policy LU-7.2Mixed Use developments within 300 feet of Highway 111 must include retail commercial development for at least 75% of the ground floor leasable area.Complete. Included in 2016 zoning update.Policy LU-7.3Encourage the use of vacant pads in existing commercial development on Highway 111 for residential use.Ongoing and case-by-case basisProgram LU-7.3aAmend the Zoning Ordinance to include standards for high density residential development within commercial zones.Complete. Added in 2016.Policy LU-7.4Develop incentives for Mixed Use projects.Complete. Added with Mixed Use Overlay in 2016.Program LU-7.4aConsider density bonuses, modified parking requirements, expedited entitlement and building permit processing and fee waivers for Mixed Use projects.Complete. Added with Mixed Use Overlay in 2016.Policy LU-7.5 Develop a Master Non-Motorized Transportation Plan for the Village.Complete and Ongoing. $7,3 million ATP Grant under way for complete street improvements. Policy LU-7.6Review and amend, as necessary, the Village Design Guidelines to allow maximum flexibility for Mixed Use projects.Complete. Village Design Guidelines were rescinded to allow more flexibility in design in the Village. Mixed Use Overlay standards apply to the Village Commercial District.Policy LU-7.7Continue to allow off-site parking through the payment of in lieu fees in the Village, as well as other creative parking alternatives.Complete. Parking studies in the Village are conducted on a semi-annual basis to determine parking needs. Flexible standards added to zoning ordinance in 2016.Program LU-7.7a Plan for and fund a City parking structure in the Capital Improvement Program.Complete. Included in Capital Improvement Program (CIP).Policy LU-7.8 Encourage the expansion of transit service to meet commuter needs.Staff works with Sunline during project review process.Program LU-7.8aExpand transit opportunities on Highway 111 and to the Village to allow a broad range of services (including special event shuttle services).Coordinate with Sunline during Highway 111 Area Plan process and in Village PAT discussions.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018897 Policy/Program DescriptionStatusGoal CIR-1A transportation and circulation network that efficiently, safely and economically moves people, vehicles, and goods using facilities that meet current demands and projected needs of the City.Policy CIR-1.1Maintain and regularly update a complete General Plan masterplan of roads, which includes provisions for as many modes of travel as possible….Complete and Ongoing. Currently in General PlanProgram CIR-1.1.aAnnual Monitoring of the roadway network, maintain a CIPOngoing. Program CIR-1.1.bEstablish and maintain a roadway pavement program (PMP) with timelines and schedules for maintenance of existing roads and establish funding levels each fiscal year.Ongoing. Evaluated on a 5 year basis. Last evaluated in 2015Program CIR-1.1.cThe General Plan Traffic Impact Analysis and associated modeling shall be updated every two years or as determined appropriate by the City Engineer.No Activity. Update of traffic model has not occurred since 2012. Policy CIR-1.2General plan street classifications- Highway 111, Major Arterial, Primary Arterial, Secondary Arterial, Modified Secondary, CollectorComplete. Currently in General PlanPolicy CIR-1.3PW standard plans setting forth roadway standards and specs shall be updated and maintained for ROW, lane dimensions and multi-use path designComplete and Ongoing. Engineering Bulletins and StandardsPolicy CIR-1.4PW director authorized to make consistency findings to permit modifications that do not compromise operational capacity of subject roadway or intersectionsOngoing and Case-by-CasePolicy CIR-1.5Where the construction of multi-use paths is called for but is determined to be infeasible sidewalks shall be constructed along at least one side of these roadways.Ongoing. Implemented on a case by case basis except La Quinta Cove. Implementation based on roadway improvements and available right of wayPolicy CIR-1.6Maintain LOS-D, unless infeasible and/or conflict with other goals.Ongoing. City enforces this standard for developmentPolicy CIR-1.7Allow flexible LOS standards in recognition of constraints on roadway expansion and as a means of creating streets that balance all modes of travel.Case-by-Case. At times this is permitted.Policy CIR-1.8LOS E and F conditions may be determined acceptable during peak travel periods and a level of service exemption or GP consistency determination may be approved if other feasible roadway improvements can be constructed and/or management programs implemented that mitigate for the loss and achieve acceptable LOS. Exemptions shall not affect the implementation of previously approved roadway and intersection improvements.Case-by-Case. At times this is permitted.Policy CIR-1.9Coordinate and cooperate with Caltrans, CVAG, Riverside County and adjoining cities to assure adequate transportation infrastructure, systems management coordination, preservation of capacity and maximized efficiency along Washington Street, Jefferson Street, Highway 111, Fred Waring Drive, Harrison Street and other major roadways.Ongoing. Consultant traffic engineer cooperates with adjoining agencies, signal timing and other concerns. Street improvement projects between jurisdictions.CIRCULATIONGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 2018998 Program 1.9.aMaintain a liaison with adjoining cities, Caltrans, CVAG Riverside County planning and engineering staff to study and implement effective means of preserving and improving capacity along Washington Street, Jefferson Street, Highway 111, Harrison Street and other major roadways serving inter-city traffic. Strategies shall include but are not limited to synchronized signalization, consolidation of access drived and restriction of access, construction of additional travel and turning lanes, raised median islands, and other improvements to critical intersections.Ongoing. Consultant traffic engineer cooperates with adjoining agencies, signal timing and other concerns. Street improvement projects between jurisdictions.Policy CIR-1.10Establish and maintain minimum standards of roadway geometries, points of access and other improvements that facilitate movement of traffic onto and off of the roadway network.Complete and ongoing. City implements these standards.Program CIR-1.10.aReview new and redeveloping projects along all major roadways with the intent of limiting access and aligning and/or consolidating access drives in a manner which minimizes conflicting turning movements and maximizes the use of existing and planned signalized intersections.Ongoing. Currently achieved with development review.Program CIR-1.10.bOn Major Arterials them minimum intersection spacing shall be 2,600 feet in residential areas, and may be 1,060 feet for commercial frontage. Intersection spacing may be reduced to 500 feet at the Whitewater Channel and La Quinta Evacuation Channel. The design speed shall be 55 miles per hour (mph). Left turn median cuts may be authorized if the proposed turn pocket does not interfere with other existing or planned left turn pockets. Right in/right out access driveways shall exceed the following minimum separation distances (in all cases, distances shall be measured between the curb returns: More than 250 feet on the approach left to a full turn; more than 150 feet on the exit leg from a full turn intersection; more than 275 feet between driveways. All access configurations shall be subject to City Engineer review and approval.Ongoing. Currently achieved with development review.Program CIR-1.10.cOn Primary Arterials the minimum intersection spacing shall be 1,060 feet. The design speed shall be 45 mph. Left turn median cuts may be authorized if the proposed turn pocket does not interfere with other existing or planned left turn pockets. Right in/right out access driveways shall exceed the following minimum separation distances (in all cases, distances shall be measured between curb returns): More than 250 feet on the approach leg to a full turn intersection; More than 150 feet on the exit leg from a full turn intersection; More than 275 feet between driveways. All access configuration shall require City Engineer review and approval.Ongoing. Implemented with development projects during development review.Program CIR-1.10.dOn Calle Tampico, between Eisenhower Drive and Washington, and on Eisenhower Drive, between Calle Tampico and Avenida Bermudas, full turn intersections may be permitted at a minimum distance of 500 feet, if the intersection complies with an approved Corridor Signal Plan.Ongoing. Implemented with development projects during development review.Program CIR-1.10.eOn Secondary Arterials, the minimum intersection spacing shall be 600 feet. The design speed shall be 40 mph. Full access to adjoining property shall be avoided and shall exceed the following minimum separation distances (in all cases, distances shall be measured between curb returns): More than 250 feet on the approach leg to a full turn intersection; More than 150 feet on the exit leg from a full turn intersection; more than 250 feet between driveways.Ongoing. Implemented with development projects during development review.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 20181099 Program CIR-1.10.fOn Collectors, the minimum intersection spacing shall be 300 feet. The design speed shall be 30 mph. Access driveways shall exceed there following minimum separation distances (in all cases, distances shall be measured between the curb returns): -More than 250 feet on the approach leg to a full turn intersection; -more than 150 feet on the exit leg from a full turn intersection; -more than 250 feet between driveways.Ongoing. Implemented with development projects during development review.Program CIR-1.10gOn Local streets, the minimum intersection spacing shall be 250 feet. The design speed shall be 25 mph. All access configurations shall be subject to City Engineer review and approval.Ongoing. Implemented with development projects during development review.Program CIR-1.10hWithin subdivisions, private streets may be designed to provide a reduced minimum paved width of 28 feet with no on-street or restricted on-street parking, subject to City Engineer and Fire Department approval, and in consideration of other improvements that encourage pedestrian and bicycle use.Ongoing. Implemented with development projects during development review.Program CIR-1.10.iStandards for all City streets, intersections and other appurtenances shall be maintained in the City Municipal Code.Complete. Maintained in the LQMCProgram CIR-1.10.jThe City Engineer shall establish and maintain a traffic-calming program that details acceptable traffic calming devices or concepts in residential neighborhoods. The City may review and finalize the 2008 "Neighborhood Traffic Management Program" for this purpose.No activity. No program in place.Program CIR-1.10.kConfer and coordinate with CVAG in efforts to secure state and federal funding sources for preservation and expansion of capacity on State Highway 111 and other important City arterials.Ongoing. Done as part of Capital Improvement Program (CIP)Program CIR-1.10.l New streets, which are extensions of existing streets, shall carry the same name for their entire length.Ongoing. As needed for development projectsPolicy CIR-1.11Apply Transportation Systems Management (TSM) strategies to intersections and roadway segments as a cost-effective means of optimizing the City's transportation infrastructure.Ongoing. Done as part of Capital Improvement Program (CIP)Program CIR-1.11.aPrepare a preliminary TSM assessment of candidate intersections and roadways, and prioritize projects for application of TSM solutions.Ongoing. Done as part of Capital Improvement Program (CIP)Program CIR-1.11.bAs part of the five-year Capital Improvement Program, incorporate TSM projects into other roadway improvements and enhancement projects.Ongoing. Done as part of Capital Improvement Program (CIP)Program CIR-1.11.cPrepare project-specific TSM strategies that take advantage of simply and low-cost solutions first, and optimize the hierarchy of TSM solutions.Ongoing. Incorporated into City's practicePolicy CIR-1.12As a means of reducing vehicular traffic on major roadways and to reduce vehicle miles traveled by traffic originating in the City, the City shall pursue development of a land use pattern that maximizes interactions between adjacent or nearby land uses.Ongoing. Encouraged during development review process.Program CIR-1.12.aLocate land uses that provide jobs and housing near each other to allow the use of alternative modes of travel and produce shorter work commutes.Complete. General Plan identifies land use.Program CIR-1.12.bEncourage, and where appropriate require, mixed-use and contiguous commercial development to provide optimum internal connections between uses.Case-by-CaseProgram CIR-1.12.cNew development shall provide pedestrian and bicycle connections to adjacent streets, and assure that infrastructure and amenities accommodate pedestrian and bicycle use.Ongoing and improvement needed. Staff determined that this program is not always adhered to. Improvement needed.Program CIR-1.12.dUpdate and facilitate use of the City's home occupation ordinance as a means of reducing the need for travel.No activity. Ordinance needs to be reviewed. General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201811100 Program CIR-1.12.eEncourage major employers to evaluate telecommuting opportunities, either home-based or at local centers as well as part-time options for employees.No activity. Policy CIR-1.13Coordinate with the Coachella Valley Water District and its consultants regarding its flood control facilities to assure the accommodation of all-weather crossings along critical roadways.Ongoing. Plans for such facilities incorporated within CIPProgram CIR-1.13.aCooperate in the planning and development of all-weather crossing as part of the community's Master Drainage Plan implementation.Ongoing. Incorporated within CIPPolicy CIR-1.14Private streets shall be developed in accordance with development of all-weather crossings as part of the community's Master Drainage Plan implementation.Case-by-caseProgram CIR-1.14.aPrivate street shall be developed in accordance with development standards set forth in the Municipal Code, relevant Public Works Bulletins and other applicable standards and guidelines.Ongoing. Enforced during development review process.Policy CIR-1.15Truck routes shall avoid or minimize potential impacts to residential neighborhoods shall be designated and limited to those shown on Exhibit 11-5.Ongoing. Truck Route Map enforced.Policy CIR-1.16Continue to implement the Image Corridor treatments throughout the City (See Exhibit 11-4) and identify new image corridors for streets brought into the City through annexation.Ongoing and case-by-case. Implemented on a project by project basisProgram CIR-1.16.aStandards for all Image Corridor shall be maintained in the City Municipal Code.Ongoing. Projects reviewed for General Plan Consistency by Staff, Planning Commission and Council.Program CIR-1.16.bWhere applicable, Image Corridor standards shall be superseded by the Village Design Standards in that land designation.Village Design Guidelines rescinded. Image Corridor standards apply.Program CIR-1.16.c.Secure easements adjacent to public road right-of-way along Image Corridors to enhance view protection and corridor accessibility.No activity.Policy CIR-1.17In order to preserve the aesthetic values on the City's streets, optimum landscape setbacks shall be maintained along all designated General Plan Image Corridors and shall be identified in the City's Municipal Code.Complete. Currently in LQMC and enforcedPolicy CIR-1.18Calle Cadiz, Calle Barcelona and Calle Amigo, in the Village area, shall be allowed to remain at a maximum 50-foot right-of-way.CompletePolicy CIR-1.19The City Engineer shall review individual development proposals located at critical intersections, and shall have the authority to request additional right-of-way if necessary.Case-by-casePolicy CIR-1.20 Building height limits along City Image Corridors shall be identified in the City's Municipal Code.CompletePolicy CIR-1.21Facilitate the design, installation and maintenance of a community locational/directional sign program to efficiently direct traffic to high use areas, including the civic center, parks, SilverRock golf course, Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport, and other facilities and major attractions and destinations in and around the City.Complete. Wayfinding signs installedPolicy CIR-1.22Coordinate and cooperate with the Riverside County Airport Commission (for the Jacqueline Cochran Airport) and the Palm Springs Regional Airport Authority to assure these airports continue to meet the City's existing and future transportation, commercial and emergency response needs. Complete and Ongoing. Representation by Council and resident representative on airport committeesGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201812101 Program 1.22.aConsult and coordinate with the County in updating the Jacqueline Cochran Regional airport Master Plan and encourage the expansion of facilities to accommodate commercial aircraft serving the eastern portions of the Valley.Ongoing. Councilmember sits on the Jacqueline Cochran regional airport authority- JPA. Goal CIR-2A circulation system that promotes and enhances transit, alternative vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian networks.Policy CIR-2.1Encourage and cooperate with Sunline Transit Agency on the expansion of routes, facilities, services and ridership especially in congested areas and those with high levels of employment and commercial services, and encourage the use of most energy efficient and least polluting transportation technologies.Ongoing. Council person on Sunline Board; Done with development projects.Program CIR-2.1.aConsult and coordinate with Sunline Transit Agency on immediate and long-term transit issues, and assure pro active representation on the Agency Board and its decision making process.Ongoing. Council person on Sunline Board; accomplished during development review of development projects.Program CIR-2.1.bInitiate consultation and as necessary meet with Sunline staff to identify areas where additional routes and increased levels and types of transit service are warranted by existing and future development.Ongoing. Coordinated through the development review process.Program CIR-2.1.cWhen reviewing development proposals, consult and coordinate with SunLine and solicit comments and suggestions on how bus stops and other public transit facilities and design concepts, including enhanced handicapped access should be integrated into project designs.Ongoing. Coordinated through the development review process.Program CIR-2.1.dWhen reviewing large-scale development proposals, consult and coordinate with Sunline to encourage the development of rideshare and other alternative, high occupancy transit programs for employers with sufficient numbers of employees.Ongoing. Coordinated through the development review process.Program CIR-2.1.eEncourage and proactively support the efforts of SunLine in organizing a Transportation Management Organization (TMO) among employers to provide an on-going information network, develop a rideshare plan, and determine opportunities for transit/shuttle operations.Ongoing. Information network coordinated by City of La Quinta Human Resources with Sunline for city employees.Program CIR-2.1.fEncourage SunLine to continue its efforts to utilize the most energy efficient and least polluting transportation technologies, including fuel cells, hybrid and other advanced technologies.Ongoing. Councilperson on Sunline Board has authority to advocate for this program.Policy CIR-2.2Encourage reduction of greenhouse has (GHG) emission by reducing vehicle miles traveled and vehicle hours of delay by increasing or encouraging the use of alternative modes and transportation technologies, and implement and manage a hierarchy of Complete Street multimodal transportation infrastructure and programs to deliver improved mobility and reduce GHG emissions.Complete and ongoing. City has created complete streets and trails, bikability plans.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201813102 Program CIR-2.2.aCreate an interconnected transportation system that allows a shift in travel from private passenger vehicles to alternative modes, including public transit, golf carts/NEVs, ride-sharing, bicycling, bicycle-sharing, and walking. To the extent practicable apply the following: a. Ensure transportation centers that are multimodal, facilitate changes in travel modes, and are conveniently located. Convenient locations may be in the vicinities of: 1. Washington/Fred Waring/Via Sevilla 2. Miles/Adams 3 Adams/111/47th 4. 47th/Caleo Bay 5. Washington/ Calle Tampico 6. Eisenhower/Avenida Montezuma b. Support SunLine bus routes and service, to include Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along Highway 111 and along Harrison Avenue. c. Expand golf cart/NEV routes, and bicycle routes to connect residential and activity centers with transportation centers. d. Support and encourage community car-sharing to provide "station cars" and/or golf carts/NEVs for shorttrips to/from transit centers. e. Include parking spaces for car-share vehicles at convenient locationsaccessible to public transit. f. Ensure transit stops are safe and sheltered, with adequate seating, lighting,trash receptacles, cleaning and maintenance. g. Implement transit-preferential measures such as transitsignal priority and bypass lanes. h. Support "Smart bus" technology, using GPS and electronic displays attransit stops to provide customers with "real-time" arrival and departure time information. i. Implementbicycle-preferential measures such as deployment of video detection at traffic signals, and development ofbicycle stations at transportation centers. k. Adopt bicycle parking standards that accommodate at least 5%of project parking demand at all public and commercial facilities. l. Conduct bicycle and pedestrian safetyeducational program to teach drivers, riders, and walkers the laws, riding protocols, routes, safety tips, and"healthy community" benefits.Ongoing. More coordination efforts by the City for implementation of this program required.Program CIR-22.b Modify the Zoning Ordinance to encourage integrated, shared and reciprocal parking design and management as a means of better matching parking availability with varying parking demand distributed during the day.Complete. Zoning Ordinance allows shared parking but does not include guidance for reciprocal parking design.Program CIR-2.2.c The City's Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to specifically address vehicular and pedestrian interconnection between adjacent commercial properties in order to facilitate access between adjacent or nearby businesses and increase efficiency and safety. Zoning Ordinance amendments shall also address opportunities to provide direct pedestrian access between commercial and adjacent residential development.No activity. Zoning ordinance only provided provisions for connectivity in mixed use overlay projects.Program CIR-2.2.dPromote ridesharing programs that shift demand to the greatest available source of unused travel capacity - empty seats in private vehicles. Require the designation of parking spaces for ride-sharing vehicles at employment and activity centers in conditions of approval.No activity.Program CIR-2.2.eAdopt a comprehensive parking policy that encourages the use of alternative transportation, including requiring new commercial and retail developments to provide preferred parking for electric vehicles and vehicles using alternative fuels.No activity. Consider in conditions of approval and include in future zoning text amendments.Program CIR-2.2.fModify the Zoning Ordinance to incorporate parking space maximums.Complete. Implemented with 2017 Zoning Text Amendments.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201814103 Program CIR-2.2.gModify the Zoning Ordinance to recognize and provide a parking credit program for developments that provide spaces and facilities for golf carts, NEVs and bicycles.Complete and ongoing. Parking credit program in mixed use overlay develop a credit program for other developments and include in Municipal Code.Program CIR-2.2.hDuring consideration of the Zoning Ordinance updates, explore opportunities for Transit Oriented Development Overlay Zones within one-quarter mile radii of intersections where existing or future bus lines intersect, including at Highway 111/Adams and Highway 111/Harrison Street.Complete. Mixed Use Overlay adoption in 2016.Policy CIR-2.3Develop and encourage the use of continuous and convenient pedestrian and bicycle routes and multi-use paths to places of employment, recreation, shopping, schools, and other high activity areas with potential for increased pedestrian, bicycle, golf cart/NEV modes of travelCase-by-case. City coordinates with CVAG for development of the CVLINK.Program CIR-2.3.aMaintain and periodically update the Circulation element master plan of bikeways, golf cart routes and multi-use paths, and develop or require the development of secure bicycle and golf cart/NEV storage facilities, and other supporting facilities which increase bicycle and golf cart/NEV use.No activity. Charging station plan for EV under development.Program CIR-2.3.bThe construction of bikeways shall conform to the Caltrans manual "Planning and Design Criteria for Bikeways in California." Bikeways shall be a minimum of 6 feet in width. Alternative designs required by constraints may be acceptable, as approved by the Public Works Director.Ongoing. Staff ensures conformance based on new and planned bikeways.Program CIR-2.3.cSidewalks shall be provided on both sides of all arterial, secondary and collector streets, except where there is a multi-use path on one side.Complete. This is the current standard enforced.Program CIR-2.3.dGolf carts shall be permitted on designated routes, as depicted in Exhibit II-7 and Exhibit II-8, and on all public local streets. Specific street crossings for golf carts from the cove onto collector and arterials shall be designated by the City Engineer.Complete. Signs identify golf cart access.Policy CIR-2.4The City shall set an example for the community in the implementation of ridesharing programs and those that encourage the use of alternative modes of travel by City employees.Ongoing. The Human Resources Division coordinates potential ridesharing opportunities for city employees with SunLine.Program CIR-2.4.aTo the extent practical, prepare and implement a ridesharing plan for City employees to serve as an example for area employers. This plan should include meaningful incentives for employees to walk, bike, or rideshare to complete their work commutes.Ongoing. The Human Resources Division coordinates potential ridesharing opportunities for city employees with SunLine. No incentives available.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201815104 Policy/Program DescriptionStatusGoal SC-1A community that provides the best possible quality of life for all its residents.Policy SC-1.1 Continue to work with the CVWD on water conservation measures.Ongoing. Regular contact with CVWD applications and landscape plans routed to CVWD for plan checkProgram SC-1.1aReview the Landscape Ordinance every two years, and update as necessary to maintain consistency with State and CVWD standards.Complete. Currently the landscape ordinance is in compliance with CVWD and State standards.Program SC-1.1bDevelop joint incentive programs with CVWD for water conservation programs, including landscaping retrofits for individual homes and master planned projects, irrigation improvementsand indoor plumbing fixtures. Consider allocating City funds to these incentive programs on a matching basis with CVWD.No activity.Policy SC-1.2Reduce water consumption at a minimum consistent with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (also see Air Quality Element).No activity. Review GHG plan to assure water consumption reduction is consistent.Program SC-1.2aImplement quantifiable water conservation measures at all City facilities.Ongoing. City hall currently implements low flow fixtures in all areas that use water.Program SC-1.2bConsider financial incentives for new development and existing homes and projects as funds allow.Complete and ongoing. Incentives are included in the Mixed Use Zoning OverlayProgram SC-1.2cAggressively pursue grants and other outside funding sources for City-funded and private sector water conservation improvements.No activity. Policy SC-1.3Encourage the use of more environmentally friendly storm water management techniques such as bioswales, permeable surfaces and other methods as they are developed, in all new development.Ongoing. Currently the design and development department reviews this in design review or pre application reviewsProgram SC-1.3aThe Public Works Department shall prepare and distribute materials on environmentally friendly storm water management techniques for new development.Ongoing. Handouts displayed and provided at the HubPolicy SC-1.4Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions at a minimum consistent with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (also see Air Quality element).No activity. Encourage applicants to incorporate energy saving measures, solar planels into developmentsProgram SC-1.4aRequire all new development proposals to demonstrate consistency with the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan.No activity. Add requirement to application submittal.Program SC-1.4bRevise the Transportation Demand Ordinance to current standards, and implement it with all new qualifying projects.Complete. Included in Zoning Code update 2017Program SC-1.4cDevelop programs to encourage and incentivize the installation of energy efficient appliances and fixtures, green roofs, white roofs and solar panels on residential, commercial, institutional and resort buildings.No activity. Since IID is the electricity provider, they have incentives for energy efficiency for buildingsPolicy SC-1.5All new development shall include resource efficient development principles.Ongoing. Design and Development encourages energy efficiency in design with applicationsProgram SC-1.5aAll new development shall be constructed to meet or exceed Cal Green Building Codes. Ongoing. The Building division staff plan checks for developments to meet Title 24 codes. 2016 Cal Green Code adopted.Program SC-1.5bAmend the Zoning Ordinance to provide incentives and development standard concessions for mixed use or energy efficient design.Complete. PUD ordinance and Mixed Use Overlay was passed to allow for more mixed use projects.Program SC-1.5cNew development projects shall include vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle connections to the greatest extent possible, both through the project and connecting adjacent projects.Ongoing. Encouraged during initial submittals and checked via plan check on a project by project basisLIVEABLE COMMUNITYGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201816105 Program SC-1.5dNew commercial and mixed use projects shall incorporate useable public spaces, and interconnect those public spaces consistent with resource efficient design principles.Ongoing. Encouraged during initial submittals and checked via plan check on a project by project basisPolicy SC-1.6Expand the City's alternative transportation network. Ongoing. Planning and Engineering Services consistently working towards expanding alternative transportation network. Currently golf cart and bike routes are marked with special markings to alert residents of interconnecting routes. Prepare for autonomous vehicles and Citywide Active Transportation Plan.Program SC-1.6aAssess the current gaps in the City's multi-use path and sidewalk system, and program improvements to connect those gaps into the Capital Improvement Program.Ongoing. City Council includes $25,000 in yearly budget for sidewalks including gapsProgram SC-1.6bEncourage existing walled communities to include pedestrian gates and paths to adjacent development to improve connectivity.No activity.Program SC-1.6cExpand the Golf Cart Routes to interconnect throughout the City to the greatest extent possible.No activity. Staff identifying new opportunities to provide golf cart paths in Cove areas.Program SC-1.6dWork with SunLine Transit Agency to expand service into La Quinta neighborhoods ahead of demand.Ongoing. Interagency review required during development review process with Sunline to determine where service is neededPolicy SC-1.7Encourage the retrofitting of existing buildings and projects with resource efficient design principles to the greatest extent possible.Ongoing and case-by-caseProgram SC-1.7aAmend the Zoning Ordinance to provide incentives for the redevelopment of existing projects toinclude residential development, pedestrian and other design features.Complete. Planned Unit Development (PUD) ordinance and Mixed Use Overlay was passed to allow for more mixed use projects.Program SC-1.7bDevelop an enhanced program for the processing of entitlements for redevelopment projects which incorporates substantial resource efficient components, or propose conservers ion to mixed use.No activity. Identify potential code amendments that would allow faster development review process.Program SC-1.74cDevelop a financial incentive program for creative redevelopment of commercial projects into mixed use projects, particularly those that provide added economic development to the City.Complete and Ongoing. PUD ordinance and Mixed Use Overlay was passed to allow for more mixed use projects. Limitations to financial incentives due to loss of redevelopment.Policy SC-1.8Expand the City's participation in Healthy City programs.Ongoing. Wellness center has programs available for residentsProgram SC-1.8aImplement Healthy City principles throughout the community, to the greatest extent feasible. Ongoing. Maintenance and expansion of bicycle infrastructure. Village Active Transportation improvements planned for the Village in 2018. City provides guides for trails and City park facilities. City provides reduces rebates for Fritz Burns pool and SilverRock golf course to residents. Prepare Citywide Active Transportation Plan.Program SC-1.8bCoordinate park and trail improvement plans to assure connectivity between parks and the neighborhoods they serve.Ongoing. Facilities Department reviews park and trail plans on a monthly basis.Program SC-1.8cEncourage farmers' markets outside the Village, accessible to all parts of the City. No activity. Work with the existing certified farmer's market and Community Resources Department on other opportunities for farmer's market.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201817106 Program SC-1.8.dPlan and implement a community garden project at the Civic Center. Monitor its success, and implement at other City parks if successful.Ongoing. wellness center has a community garden available for residents. Monitor the success of the community garden work with Riv Co Resource Conservation DistrictProgram SC-1.8eWork with Desert Sands and Coachella Valley school districts to improve food selection in lunch programs, exercise programs, and Safe Routes to School programs.No activity. Work with community resources for outreach programs.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201818107 Programs/PolicyDescriptionStatusGoal ED-1A balanced and varied economic base which provides fiscal stability to the City, and a broad ranger of goods and services to its residents and the regionPolicy ED-1.1 The Land Use Element shall maintain a balance of land use designations to address economic needs, meet market demand, and assure a wide range of development opportunities.Complete and Ongoing. General Plan Map adopted with General Plan Update in 2013. City considers proposed changes to General Plan land use map with development projects on a case-by-case basis.Program ED-1.1.aUse the City's GIS capabilities to annually monitor the remaining capacity of vacant and under-utilized lands to assure that sufficient inventory exists to address market needs.Ongoing. Planning maintains GIS database and coordinates with the City Manager's office on mapping needs.Program ED-1.1.bDevelopment proposal review for commercial development shall include consideration of the proposal's compatibility with surrounding existing uses, its efficient and revenue-generating use of the land, and its compatibility with the City's Economic Development PlanOngoing. Staff, Planning Commission, and Council review developmentproposals and are required to make findings regarding compatibility with surrounding uses. The City Manager's office analyzes new commercial development proposals. There is no updated Economic Development PlanPolicy ED-1.2Support and assist in the retention of existing businesses, and the recruitment of new businesses.Ongoing. City Manager's office conducts regular business outreach andmarketing assistance. There are limited resources to assist existing and new businesses due to elimination of redevelopment. Program ED-1.2.aContinue to annually update and implement the City's Economic Development PlanNot updated.Program ED-1.2.bParticipate, where feasible and justifiable, in public/private partnership or other means for the retention of existing businesses, and the development of new projects which generate significant economic activity.Ongoing. Public/private partnership occur on a case-by-case basis. City is currently coordinating with auto dealerships for landscape and signage improvements along Highway 111.Program ED-1.2.cFocus marketing and publicity efforts on the commercial and resort sectors, as revenue generation sources.Ongoing. City Manager's office coordinates with businesses and resorts on marketing and publicity.Program ED-1.2.dEvery five years, in the Economic Development Plan, complete an analysis of existing commercial projects to identify under-performing locations, and developstrategies and public/private partnership to improve or redevelop these projects.Ongoing. Monitoring of existing commercial projects and underperforming locations conducted by City Manager's office.Program ED-1.2.eEstablish a program to regularly monitor City costs and revenues based onexisting development and projected development allowed under the Land Use Map. Consider amendments to the Land Use Map to increase revenue generation potential, based on the cost revenue analysis and sound economic forecasting.No cost revenue analysis or economic forecasting program established. The City has adopted a Mixed use Overlay to increase revenue generation potential.Program ED-1.2.fImprove and enhance the City's application process for commercial development proposalsComplete and Ongoing. Planning applications have been streamlined. Other streamline efforts that benefit commercial development proposals include the 2016 Development Code Tune Up and subsequent yearly updates. The City adopted the Village Build Out Plan EIR to streamline environmental review of development projects.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201819108 Policy ED-1.3Encourage the expansion of the Village as a specialty retail, dining, and residential destination.Ongoing. The City Manager's office markets city owned properties for future development. The City adopted the Village Build Out Plan EIR tostreamline environmental review of development projects. The City adopted Village Code amendments that allow for a reduction of on-site parking on a case-by-case basis.Program ED-1.3.a: Maintain, in the Zoning Ordinance, standards and guidelines that encourage the development of a pedestrian-friendly, interconnected neighborhoods with a balance of residential and commercial developmentComplete and Ongoing. A Zoning Consistency Analysis was performed and the Zoning Map has been brought into compliance with the General Plan map. The Zoning Code includes standards for pedestrian friendly interconnected neighborhoods.Program ED-1.3.b Include the Village in the Mixed Use Overlay in the Zoning OrdinanceComplete. Mixed Use Overlay adopted and includes the Village Commercial Zoning District.Program ED-1.3.c Continue to sponsor and support special events in the Village and at the Civic Center, as a means of attracting visitors to the area.Ongoing. The City leads or supports Village events on a regular basis. 2017 events include Art on Main, Brew in LQ, and Village Make. 2019 events will include Tacos and Tequila and Brew in LQ in the Village.Policy ED-1.4 Support and facilitate the reuse and redevelopment of commercial projects on Highway 111Ongoing. Staff is coordinating with the auto dealerships on landscape and signage improvements. The Mixed Use Overlay was adopted that provides opportunities for redevelopment with a combination of commercial and residential. The City has begun a visioning effort for the Highway 111 corridorProgram ED-1.4.aAs provided in the Land Use Element establish comprehensive standards for Mixed Use development in commercial zones.Complete. A Mixed Use Overlay was adopted in 2016 for all commercial districts.Program ED-1.4.bDevelopment proposals for the reuse and redevelopment of existing projects shall be encouraged to implement creative design, include pedestrian access, and facilitate transit and alternative transportation.Ongoing. Planning staff encourages creative designs, pedestrian access and alternative transportation for all development projects. TheMixed Use Overlay encourages these design elements for potential projects.Policy Ed-1.5Projects proposed on commercial land shall be evaluated for their job creating and revenue generating potential.Ongoing. City Manager's office requests fiscal analysis for proposed commercial developments.Program ED-1.5.aThe City may require the preparation of fiscal impact analyses for commercial projects when deemed appropriate in the application review process.Ongoing. Staff will require fiscal impact analyses when deemed appropriate for commercial projects. Policy ED-1.6 Assure that all revenues due to the City are collected Ongoing. The Finance Department requires that all revenue due to the City are collected. The Finance Department currently working to ensure residential development projects that require remitting mitigation payment to the City are doing so.Program ED-1.6.a Establish and maintain a comprehensive program to enforce the payment of transient occupancy tax, sales tax, and other fees and licenses to the City.Ongoing. The City ensures collection of payments due to the City. The City has an existing professional contract to ensure homes used for short term rentals are licensed and operate in compliance with the City's short term rental requirements.Policy ED-1.7All annexation applications by land owners shall include a fiscal analysis that fully addresses the fiscal impacts of the proposed annexation. Subsequently, all annexation applications shall also include a Development Agreement application or other mechanism that demonstrates how the annexation will be revenue neutral or revenue positive for the City.Ongoing. This policy will be applied with annexation requests. There are currently no annexation requests and limited inquiries to the City. General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201820109 Policy ED-1.8Aggressively lobby for the passage of legislation that restores redevelopment funds to local jurisdictions, or provides other equivalent economic development toolsOngoing. The City has an existing contract with a lobbyist consistent with this policy.Goal ED-2The continued growth of the tourism and resort industries in the CityPolicy Ed-2.1 Actively pursue the build out of the SilverRock ResortOngoing. Purchase and Sale Agreement executed with the SilverRock Development Company for development of the SilverRock Resort. Site Development Permits have been approved for the 140 room Montage hotel, 200 room Pendry hotel, Golf Course Clubhouse, 10 golf villas, 29 Montage braded single-family residential units, 66 Pendry branded condominium units, shared services and meeting facility. Future Site Development Permits anticipated in 2019 for mixed use area of the SilverRock Specific Plan.Program ED-2.1.aThrough the City's Economic Development Plan, annually review the land use allocation within SilverRock's Specific Plan to assure that future development meets market need and generates a long term revenue stream for the City.Ongoing. The City Manager's office reviews the SilverRock Specific Plan annually to assure the development meets market need and generates long-term revenue stream for the City.Program ED-2.1.bContinue to promote professional and amateur golf tournaments, activities and events that publicize SilverRock in the local, state and national media.Ongoing. The City's Manager's Office marketing team assist to promote golf tournaments and other events on a regular basis.Policy ED-2.2Support increased room occupancy at the City's existing hotels and resorts. Ongoing. The City has created a branding and marketing program to attract tourists and increase hotel room occupancy. The City has also implemented a transit occupancy tax incentive program with the City's hotels.Program ED-2.2.aContinue to participate in co-op marketing and include the City's resorts and hotels in City-sponsored marketing and advertising efforts.Ongoing. The City is engages businesses and resorts in City-sponsoredmarketing. The City collaborates with Coachella Valley Visitor's Bureau to promote the City of La Quinta as a tourist destination.Program ED-2-2.bIncorporate short term vacation rentals into the City's transient occupancy tax revenuesComplete. The City has implemented a short term vacation rental program and collects transient occupancy tax revenues.Program ED-2.2.cConsider incentive programs for hotel remodeling and refurbishing, tied to increased transient occupancy tax revenue generation in the future.No action.Policy ED-2.3Actively pursue the development of additional hotel properties in all economic ranges, to accommodate all segments of the visitor market.Ongoing. Hotel uses are encouraged in commercial districts and in potential land use amendments. General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201821110 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGoal H-1Provide housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City’s existing and projected population.Policy H-1.1Identify adequate sites to accommodate a range of product types, densities, and prices to address the housing needs of all household types, lifestyles, and income levels. CompleteThe City’s General Plan is proposed to be updated during the planning period, beginning in late 2009. The update process provides an ideal opportunity to investigate potential land and policy resources for new housing construction. Policy H-1.2Focus housing growth within existing City boundaries until it is necessary to pursue annexation or development in planning areas for affordable housing.No changeProgram H-1.2.aWhile the development capacity of land identified in the vacant and underutilized land inventory has the potentialto meet RHNA under current zoning designations, upzoning key sites will increase capacity and may facilitate thedevelopment of housing affordable to a range of incomes.No changeProgram H-1.2.bSmaller homes on smaller lots create potential for market-­-driven affordable housing to be developed in LaQuinta, and is an appropriate form of housing for first-­-time homebuyers, small households, and seniors. Theordinance would create additional housing potential on small infill sites. Such an ordinance would includeconsideration for incentivizing small lot developments such as fee reductions, flexible development standards,allowances for small-­-lot, market-­-rate projects to utilize parking and other development-­-related density bonusincentives usually reserved for affordable projects, and expediting review of small-­-lot subdivision maps.Complete. PUD added to Zoning in 2017Policy H-1.3Direct new housing development to viable areas where essential public facilities can be provided and employmentopportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are available.Complete and Ongoing. Added Mixed Use to Zoning in 2017Policy H-1.4Support the construction of new affordable housing by rezoning, where appropriate and desirable, to permit higher density residential development.Ongoing. Case-by-case basisPolicy H-1.5Pursue land banking opportunities for housing that exceeds the 2006– 2014 RHNA. No changeProgram H-1.5.aThe recent downturn in the market reduces competition for purchasing vacant and underutilized residential sites. Land costs are a critical concern for the affordable housing development community. By purchasing land as it becomes available, the Redevelopment Agency will be able to provide sites at low or no cost to the developer for the purpose of subsidizing development to meet the RHNA. For example, the Agency sold a 15-­-acre site to Coachella Valley Housing Coalition for $1 to develop Wolff Waters Place, a project providing 218 affordable units completed in 2009. The City will continue to acquire and consolidate parcels associated with Site U8, in particular related to continuing discussions with the owners of the existing 10.3 acre trailer park.Ongoing. Housing Authority pursuing purchase of property. Redevelopment no longer available.HOUSINGProgram 1.1.aCompleteGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201822111 Program H-1.5.b...An Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) would permit higher density development to occur in specific parts of theCity provided the residential project dedicate at least 25 percent of the housing for lower income households.Property owners would not be required to develop affordable housing on their sites; however, projects that do sowould be permitted to develop housing at densities of 20–24 units per acre. Moreover, the 24 unit per acre densitywould serve as the base level for the application of a density bonus under State law. Projects with an affordabilitycomponent under 25% could be granted specific density bonus incentives they may not otherwise qualify for.Under existing provisions, affordable housing projects would be eligible for an additional 35 percent density bonusand could reach a maximum of just over 32 units per acre. Projects developed under the AHO would require adensity of at least 20 units per acre. The AHO would also set forth financial and other incentives that could bemade availate services that help a person maintain a stable, housed, life. This use is not currently addressed in theZoning Code.In addition, the City will process affordable projects on AHO sites at a priority or ‘fast track’ level, andwill consider flexible development standards that exceed the allowances under density bonus provisions, given the appropriate project....Complete. Mixed Use added to Zoning in 2017Program H-1.5.cResidential uses at 20 to 24 units per acre will be permitted in several commercial zones (Program 1.5) and onspecific residential sites following standards similar to those established for the High Density Residential zone.Higher density housing and vertically mixed-­-use development, including affordable housing projects, maybenefit from regulations tailored to this use, especially with regard to parking standards.Complete. Mixed Use added to Zoning in 2017. 9.110.100 Affordable Housing Overlay applicable to CC, CP, CN, RC, and VC districts Program H-1.5.dEncourage future development or redevelopment of High Density Residential sites for multifamily housing byincreasing the maximum density from 16 to 24 units per acre. Higher density housing may provide additionalopportunities for housing types affordable to moderate and lower incomehouseholds. This would be a land use action associated with the City’s 2011 General Plan Update process.Complete. Mixed Use and Village Commercial Build-Out Master Plan added to Zoning in 2017Program H-1.5.eThe City will report on the status and implementation of the AHO including development occurring on identifiedsites to determine whether Program incentives are providing the necessary catalyst to ensure that development isoccurring consistent with the buildout projections described in Tables C-­-1 and C-­-2. As necessary, the City willrevise this program to ensure the AHO remains a realistic and viable development strategy to accommodate theCity’s remaining regional need for lower-­-income households throughout the planning period...Ongoing. Continually monitored. Need has not occurred. City undertaking projects.Goal H-2Assist in the creation and provision of resources to support housing for lower and moderate income households.Policy H-2.1Increase housing choices for lower and moderate income households.Ongoing. Coral Mountain Apartments complete. Washington Street Apartments construction nearly complete.Pursue a variety of forms of private, local, state, and federal assistance to support development of affordable housing.Policy H-2.2Policy H-2.3On-going. City Manager's office supports affordable housing efforts.On-going. City Manager's office supports affordable housing efforts.Support public, private, and nonprofit efforts in the development of affordable housing. General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201823112 Program H-2.3.bEncourage the development of second units, guest houses, and employee quarters through a promotional brochure designed to define a second unit, explain local development requirements, and describe the local entitlement process. This information will be provided at City Hall and on the City’s website. Press releases and other free forms of media may also be used to inform the public of its availability. Second units and guest/employee quarters (referred to in La Quinta as “casitas”) provide housing opportunities for lower income households. Employee quarters, per the City’s Municipal Code, are rent-­-free and therefore affordable to extremely low income households.Limited activity. No brochure developed. Second unit ordinance amended 2017. City staff shall create a brochure and add website information recording second units in 2019.Program H-2.3.cFacilitate the development of rent-free guest and employee housing by permitting as an accessory use without a Minor Use Permit, and expanding the definition of guest and employee housing units to allow full bathroom and kitchen facilities. Full bathroom and kitchen facilities will improve the quality of life for lower and extremely low income employees in La Quinta.Complete. The zoning update in 2017 included elimination of prohibition of kitchens. No Minor Use Permit required.Program H-2.3.dThe City updated its density bonus law in 2008, but will need to reflect additional changes brought through AB 2280. Density bonuses allow the development community to construct densities higher than the maximum allowed, and receive other incentives for providing affordable housing.Complete. Density bonus ordinance current.Program H-2.3.eThe City shall meet with parties interested in affordable housing development to discuss types of land and financial incentives available and requirements for obtaining assistance, discuss appropriate sites for affordable housing, and foster professional collaboration between the City and affordable housing stakeholders. By supporting projects that maximize the leveraging of private, state, and federal financial resources the Agency’s funds will assist in the development of more units.On-going. City Manager's office works with developers for potential affordable development regarding available incentives. Washington Street apartment construction begins March 2018Program H-2.3.fAffordable Housing Renter-­-to-­-Owner Transition Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) provides federal tax credits for private developers and investors that agree to set aside all or a portion of their units for low income households. LIHTC projects can transition from rental to ownership units. The units must remain rentals for 15 years, at which time some projects convert to ownership units. Typically a portion or all of the rent paid for the 5 years prior to the conversion is put toward the purchase of the unit. This enables lower income households to invest in the property in which they have been living and benefit from its appreciation.On-going. City Manager's office coordinates to obtain tax credits to support affordable housing development. Washington Apartments is a tax credit project and the tax credits were awarded September 2017.Program H-2.3.gThere are many resources that the City, nonprofits, or for-­-profit developers may utilize to subsidize the construction and maintenance of affordable housing. Some of the most prominent resources are described below.On-going. Affordable housing efforts coordinated through the City Manager's Office.Program H-2.3.hSweat equity and shared equity programs provide lower and moderate income households with ownership assistance. Sweat equity refers to the exchange of time and effort, usually in the form of construction activities, for an affordable ownership opportunity. Shared equity refers to the exchange of a portion of the home appreciation for an affordable ownership opportunity.On-going. from CM office. State law permits jurisdictions “buy down” existing residential projects by restricting previously above moderate income units for lower income households. The City may meet a portion of its RHNA by restricting existing projects or purchasing and deed- restricting foreclosed homes.Program H-2.3.aOn-going. City Manager's office identifies opportunities to support affordable housing efforts. Limited Housing Authority funds exist. General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201824113 Program H-2.3.iInvestigate the feasibility of purchasing foreclosed homes and offering them to residents at prices affordable to low and moderate income households. HUD’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program makes emergency assistance grants available to local governments for the acquisition, redevelopment, and renting or resale of foreclosed properties at-­-risk of abandonment.No Activity. No funds available to City from HUD's Neighborhood Stabilization.Program H-2.3.jIn second trust deed loan programs jurisdictions and agencies assist lower or moderate income households purchase a home by providing a mortgage subsidy. The City will explore utilizing a silent second trust deed program to facilitate homeownership.Ongoing. Assistance provided by City for the Watercolors senior homes and Cove homes.Program H-2.3.kThe Department of Housing and Community Development is preparing to establish a grant program to assist in the development of parkland in lower income areas. The City will track the process of the Housing Related Parks Program and seek funding should the City qualify under the finalized program guidelines.No Activity. City not eligible in previous attempts. City staff to check eligibility requirements for future solicitations. Goal H-3Create a regulatory system that does not unduly constrain the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing affordable to all La Quinta residents.Policy H-3.1Remove unnecessary regulatory constraints to enable the construction or rehabilitation of housing that meets the needs of La Quinta residents, including lower income and special needs residents.Complete. Development Code Tune Up in 2017 and 2018.Policy H-3.2Coordinate the development of affordable housing with the provision of key utilities to ensure prompt and adequate service.Ongoing and case-by-casePolicy H-3.3Incentivize the development of affordable housing to facilitate the development of housing for the City’s lower and moderate income households.Complete. Mixed Use added to Zoning in 2017Program H-3.3.aThe City’s Assessment District/Water/Sewer Subsidy Program alleviated some of the financial hardship on lower and moderate income households by providing assistance to cover the cost of assessment districts, plumbing installation fees, and sewer connection fees.No Activity. Subsidy Program not in effect. No funds available for reinstatementProgram H-3.3.bIn compliance with state law, the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) must create procedures to provide priority water and sewer service to lower income residential project. The law also prohibits the denial or conditioning the approval of service without adequate findings, and requires future water management plans to identify projected water use for lower income residential development.No action required by City. CVWD responsible for compliance with law.Program H-3.3-cStudy permitting fees and processing times to identify any potential opportunities to streamline the process and reduce the cost of the entitlement process for projects with an affordable housing component.Complete and ongoing. Trakit permitting software monitors processing times. Fees are hours based. The Development Code Tune Up 2017 & 2018 were implemented to streamline development process. General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201825114 Program H-3.3.dThere are several potential opportunities to reduce parking standards for special types of development in La Quinta. While the City already has special parking standards for multifamily senior housing, there is potential to further reduce those requirements, particularly for lower and moderate income senior housing.The compact, mixed-­-use character of the Village area may also foster opportunities for parking reductions or joint-­-use opportunities. Lower and moderate income households may own fewer vehicles than above moderate income households, and be more inclined to walk or use public transportation. Incentives such as reduced parking requirements could be offered for affordable housing developments.Complete. Zoning update in 2017 included reduced parking standards. Staff will monitor future citywide use of autonomous vehicles and identify further reductions that can be supported.Program H-3.3.eSeveral small lots in the Village Commercial would have improved development potential through lot consolidation. The City will study, identify, and adopt regulatory incentives to encourage and facilitate lot consolidation. Potential incentives include fee deferral or reductions, City-­-assisted parcel assemblage and mergers, parking requirement reduction, and relief from various other development standards that could potentially increase the cost of the project.Complete. Village Master Plan & EIR finished 2017Goal H-4Conserve and improve the quality of existing La Quinta neighborhoods and individual properties.Policy H-4.1Protect the quality of La Quinta's neighborhoods through the rehabilitation of both affordable and market-rate homes.In Progress. Rehabilitation of Washington Street Apartments (affordable housing) is anticipated to be complete in 2019.Policy H-4.2Promote financial and technical assistance to lower and moderate income households for housing maintenance and improvements.Ongoing. City provides information on the HERO program. City staff to conduct research on technical assistance available by agencies.Policy H-4.3Encourage the retention and rehabilitation of existing single-family neighborhoods and mobile home parks that are economically and physically sound.No activityPolicy H-4.4Enhance neighborhoods that presently provide affordable housing with drainage, lighting and landscape amenities, and parks and recreation areas.Ongoing. Landscape improvements opportunities identified in the City's Capital Improvement Program. Parks are distributed throughout the City. Program H-4.4.aThe Residential Rehabilitation Program provides low interest loans up to $25,000 for property and structural repairs and rehabilitation of single-­-family homes and small multifamily projects. The Residential Rehabilitation Program encompasses a code compliance component to assist lower income homeowners that have been cited for minor code violations.No activity. Limited resources due to removals of Redevelopment.Program H-4.4.bTo better understand the City’s housing needs the quality and condition of the housing stock must be inventoried on a regular basis. The inventory should focus on older neighborhoods, such as those south of Calle Tampico, west of Washington Street, and north of Highway 111.No activity. City staff to conduct housing stock inventory in 2018-2019Program H-4.4.cThe Minor Senior Home Repair program allocates grants up to $250 per year for lower income seniors for minor housing repairs, such as painting doors or trim, or repairing a window. The Enhanced Senior Home Repair Program provides major rehabilitation and repair for low income seniors, providing a one-­-time grant for repairs to homes owned and occupied by seniors and/or persons with disabilities. The maximum level of assistance for this program is $3,000 per yearOngoing. City Housing staff coordinates with lower income households and refers to County EDA. City does not run its own senior home repair program. General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201826115 Program H-4.4.dThe County of Riverside Economic Development Agency Home Repair Program provides lower income households with up to $6,000 for home repairs such as a new roof, new air-­- conditioner, or a handicap ramp. As a jurisdiction in Riverside County, lower income La Quinta households are eligible for this grantOngoing. City Housing staff coordinates with lower income households and refers to County EDAProgram H-4.4.eLower and moderate income homeowners may need assistance in affording important home repairs and improvements. The City can assist these households by compiling and sharing a listing of local, state, and federal programs offering rehabilitation assistance.Ongoing. City Housing staff coordinates with lower income households and refers to the appropriate agencies for assistanceGoal H-5Provide equal housing opportunities for all persons.Policy 5.1Provide the regulatory framework to create an environment in which housing opportunities are equal.Complete and ongoing. City complies with all housing laws. City staff to update Municipal Code as needed.Policy 5.2Encourage and support the enforcement of laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in lending practices and in the sale or rental of housing.Ongoing. The City complies with all housing laws. City staff to update Municipal Code as needed.Policy 5.3Encourage support services for the Coachella Valley’s senior and homeless populations through referrals and collaborative efforts with non-­-profits and other jurisdictions.Ongoing. City participates in CVAG's homelessness programs and provides financial assistance to MVK and CVRM for homeless prevention services.Policy 5.4Assist in the creation of a continuum of care for the homeless population and those transitioning into permanent housing.Ongoing. City participates in CVAG's homelessness programs. The City has housed a homeless family in Coral Mountain apartments through the Homeless Prevention Program.Policy 5.5Improve quality of life for disabled persons by facilitation relief from regulatory requirements that may create barriers to accessible housing and promoting universal design.Complete. Amended Zoning for reasonable accommodation.Program H-5.5.aThe City of La Quinta seeks to provide fair regulations to guide development within the community. The City must ensure that amendments to the Zoning Code do not enact regulations causing or contributing to discrimination against any residential development because of race, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, or disability of its owners or intended occupants.Ongoing. City complies with all housing laws. City staff to update Municipal Code as needed.Program H-5.5.bSHARE is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to promote home sharing. Home sharing programs provide referral/matching services to people with limited incomes seeking housing, and homeowners who wish to share their home. SHARE targets senior citizens and estimates that 50 percent of these matches involve economically disadvantaged groups, with 25 percent of these matches involving very low income households.No activity. City staff to research SHARE programProgram H-5.5.cManufactured homes on permanent foundations are a cost effective alternative to the traditional single-­-family detached home.Complete. Zoning standards allows manufactured homes on foundations in residential districts.Program H-5.5.dDisabled individuals or those acting on their behalf may need to request reasonable accommodation from land use, zoning, or building rules, practices, and/or procedures of the City in order to obtain adequate housing.Complete. Amended Zoning for reasonable accommodation.Program H-5.5.eUniversal design refers to barrier-­-free and accessible design that may incorporate personal assistance technology. Universal design creates spaces that are accessible to persons with disabilities, but also designed for general use. Broad-­-application of universal design standards would result in new and rehabilitated homes that are appropriate for an entire lifecycle, from infant to elder. By incorporating universal design features the ability of the housing stock to meet existing and future needs would be greatly improved.Universal design standards implemented at Washington Street ApartmentsGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201827116 Program H-5.5.fContinue to support and collaborate with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Homelessness Committee efforts to create a regional homeless facility that will provide housing as well as supportive services. The Strategic Plan created by the Homelessness Committee establishes a continuum of care for the Coachella Valley.Ongoing. City participates in CVAG's homelessness programs.Program H-5.5.g...Emergency shelters are usually the first step in a homeless continuum of care program designed to allow homeless people a temporary place of stay. Although the Municipal Code lists emergency shelters as a permitted use in all commercial zones, no definition is provided for this use. Furthermore, transitional shelters are defined as temporary or more emergency-­-basis uses in the Municipal Code and are conditionally permitted in the Regional Commercial (CR) and Major Community Facilities (MC) zones. However, actual transitional housing typically accommodates homeless people for up to two years as they stabilize their lives and does not meet emergency needs. Transitional housing includes training and services that are vital for rehabilitating and enriching the lives of the formerly homeless. Transitional housing facilities provide families and individuals with a safe place within which to rebuild their lives and prepare for independence. Permanent supportive housing is affordable housing with on- or off-site services that help a person maintain a stable, housed, life. This use is not currently addressed in the Zoning Code.Complete. Zoning Ordinance amended to define homeless shelters, transitional shelters.Program H-5.5.hFair housing organizations provide dispute resolution and legal assistance to tenants and landlords in conflict. Such services are particularly important for lower and moderate income households unable to afford counsel.Ongoing. City staff coordinates with residents and County on fair housing issues.Program H-5.5.iWhile numerous services are available to special needs and lower income households, it can be difficult to readily have access to these resources. A directory provides the contact information necessary to seek housing assistance.Ongoing. Referrals provided by City staff to the LIHEAP federal program for low income energy payment assistance. City Housing staff coordinates with lower income households and refers to County EDA Housing staff add special needs services to website. Goal H-6Provide a regulatory framework that facilitates and encourages energy and water conservation through sustainable site planning, project design, and green technologies and building materials.Policy H-6.1Promote higher density and compact developments that increase energy efficiency and reduce land consumption. Complete. Zoning added Mixed Use and PUD in 2017.Policy H-6.2Facilitate housing development and rehabilitation that conserves natural resources and minimizes greenhouse gas emissions.Complete. GHG Reduction Plan adopted with General Plan includes conservation measures.Policy H-6.3Encourage and enforce green building regulations or incentives that do not serve as constraints to the development or rehabilitation of housing.Complete. Building Code is adopted per State requirements. 2016 Update includes Green Building requirements.Policy H-6.4Focus sustainability efforts on measures and techniques that also assist the occupant in reducing energy costs; therefore reducing housing costs.Complete. GHG Reduction Plan adopted with General Plan includes conservation measures.Policy H-6.5Use and encourage emerging technologies to reduce high demands for electricity and natural gas including use of passive solar devices and where feasible other renewable energy technologies (e.g., biomass, wind, and geothermal).No activity required. Title 24 Energy Code required building design address energy efficiency.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201828117 Program H-6.5.aThe City Council has identified the conservation of natural resources as a critical concern in La Quinta. In July 2007 the City Council directed staff to initiate the development of the Green and Sustainable La Quinta Program, a comprehensive program to reduce the environmental impact of existing structures, rehabilitation efforts, and new construction. Progress to date includes participating in local energy reduction and water conservation programs. The formal Green and Sustainable Program may include energy conserving standards for street widths, streetscapes, and landscaping to reduce heat loss. Energy consumption in existing homes could be improved by incentivizing energy-­-efficient retrofits prior to the resale of homes.Complete. General Plan included Livable Community Element with conservation policies and programs.Program H-6.5.bIn working toward a sustainable La Quinta, the City and its residents will need to collaborate with utilities and service providers. Partnerships with the Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District, Southern California Gas, Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services, Sunline Transit District, Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Southern California Association of Governments and other entities will be an important component of making La Quinta a more sustainable city.Ongoing. City coordinates with utilities to participate in energy upgrade programs for residents.Program H-6.5.cThe Redevelopment Agency upgrades the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and other equipment in their Cove Homes during the rehabilitation process prior to sale. In 2008 the City Council approved collaborative efforts between the Agency and Coachella Valley Water District. The Agency is participating in the Coachella Valley Cooperative Water Management Program to improve water efficiency in Cove Homes.No activity. Limited resources available to City due to removal of Redevelopment.Program H-6.5.dIn 2008 the City formed a partnership with the Coachella Valley Water District to start a citywide Landscape Water Management Program. The program provides affordable landscape design and consulting services to assist homeowners in making landscaping improvements to reduce sprinkler runoff and reduce the amount of water used for landscaping. In accordance with the program the City amended the Municipal Code to provide more restricted water efficient landscaping standards. The City adopted a landscape water management program that will reimburse homeowners up to $1,000 to replace inefficient landscape design, materials, and irrigation systems.Ongoing. City promotes CVWD programs for turf conversion and amends the water efficient landscape ordinance as necessary.Program H-6.5.eThe Imperial Irrigation District (IID) is proactive in energy savings via conservation programs, product rebates, and general tips. An average home owner can save up to 10 percent on energy/energy bills by taking advantage of IID programs. Home owners can utilize the free “Check Me!” program, which checks the refrigerant charge and airflow of their air conditioning/heating units. IID also offers a rebate on the purchase of higher efficiency air conditioning units, high efficiency refrigerators, programmable thermostats, and ENERGY STAR equipment. City staff has held several meetings with IID representatives to discuss opportunities for collaboration to conserve energy in La Quinta, including water management opportunities for golf courses and golf-­-oriented communities.Ongoing. City promotes IID programs for electric use reduction.Program H-6.5.fThe Federal Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program, in conjunction with state and local programs, provide low or no cost weatherization and insulation services to reduce the heating and cooling costs for low income households.Ongoing. City Housing staff refers residents to available programs when inquiries are made. Program arranged by SoCal Gas General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201829118 Program/PolicyDescriptionStatusGoal PR-1A comprehensive system of parks, and recreation facilities and services that meet the active and passive needs of all residents and visitors.Policy PR-1.1Expand or modify community services to meet the health, well-being, and recreational needs of the community.Ongoing. New pickle ball courts and Cove trailhead improvements complete. Outdoor fitness equipment installed at La Quinta Community Park X Park Planned; Skate Park improvements at Fritz Burns Park. Additional trailhead improvements at the top of the Cove and new event site at SilverRock.Policy PR-1.2Continue to provide a minimum standard of 5 acres of parkland for every 1,000 residents.Complete. Not including SilverRock, the City maintains over 236 acres of parks and open space. Current population is 41,000 or 201 acres. Staff to continue to monitor park acreage with new developmentProgram PR-1.2.aAnnually review parks and recreational facilities as part of the City's long-range planning.Ongoing. Facilities Department does this monthly and examined as part of the annual budget process. X Park and SilverRock public parks part of long-term planning efforts.Program PR-1.2.bIdentify those areas where residents live more than one-half mile from a public or private park, nature preserve, or other recreational area and identify acquirable parcels of land that could be developed into parks within underserved areas.Complete and Ongoing. Facilities Department utilizes a map from the 2007 Community Services Master Plan for capital improvement projects that identifies park service radius. North La Quinta and Cove communities are adequately served. Private communities are not directly served and include their own private amenities. There have been no significant population changes since the 2007 Community Services Master Plan. Policy PR-1.3Identify all visible financing mechanisms for the funding of construction, maintenance, and operation of parks and recreational facilities.Complete and Ongoing. Facilities Department monitors funds available from Quimby park fees, Art in Public Places funds, and the General Fund.Policy PR-1.4The design and construction of parks and recreational facilities shall comply with all the development standards that apply to privately constructed facilities.Ongoing. Construction plans reviewed through Engineering and Building permittingPolicy PR-1.5Coordinate with partner agencies and neighboring communities to expand recreational opportunities and access to recreational facilities.Ongoing. City works with Desert Recreation District, Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, County, Coachella Valley Water District, and youth sports associations to expand recreational opportunities. Coordinate additional trailhead improvements at the top of the Cove with CVWD. Expand pool operations with DRD for year-round operations. Program PR-1.5.aContinue to work with adjacent cities and the County of Riverside on the Regional Bicycle Trails Master Plan and future regional sports facilitiesOngoing. Staff works with CVAG on the regional non-motorized transportation plan and CV Link. Continue Bike lane Striping and pavement management. Coordinate bike lane continuity with adjacent cities.Program PR-1.5.bContinue to explore the potential for the joint use of recreational facilities with the Desert Sands and Coachella Valley Unified School District.Complete. The City has a partnership with the Desert Sands Unified School District for joint use of Sports Complex and Paige Middle School fields. City also works with County and DRD for shared events and programs.PARKS RECREATION TRAILSGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201830119 Program PR-1.5.cContinue to work with adjacent cities and the Coachella Valley Water District to utilize the Whitewater Channel as an intercity trail opportunity.Ongoing. City plans for CV Link improvements to begin as early as 2019. The connection under the Adams street bridge has already been completed. Dune Palms bridge will accommodate CV Link as well as planning for additional connectors. Policy PR-1.6Encourage patterns of development that promote safe pedestrian and bicycle access to schools, public parks, and recreational areas.Ongoing. Pavement Management Plan that is coordinated with our Capital Improvement Program. Planning staff, Planning Commission and Council evaluate development projects to address safe connections.Policy PR-1.7Identify opportunities to integrate public health concerns into parks and trails planning.Ongoing. Park and trail planning implementation ensures positive public health outcomes. Policy PR-1.8Promote a healthy and active lifestyle for all residents.Ongoing. Wellness Center facility and programs promote this policy. Community Resources provides events and programs for healthy and active lifestyles.Program PR-1.8.aStrive to provide residents with affordable access to fitness facilities such as the public pool, fitness center, and golf course.Complete. SilverRock golf access available at discounted rate to residents at $55 versus $135 nonresident. Wellness Center fitness facility discounted at $50 for membership. Fritz Burns pool discounted at $2 for children and $3 for adults. Community Resources provides events and programs for healthy and active lifestyles. Fritz Burns pool will be expanded to year-round operations. Program PR-1.8.bPromote the consumption of healthy foods by encouraging healthful foods to be sold at concessions in all public buildings and parks.Ongoing. At annual meeting with sports association staff encourages health food options for concession stands. Human Resources provides opportunities and programs for staff and Community Resources provides opportunities and programs for the public. Program PR-1.8.cPromote and improve public access to farmers markets and grocery stores that sell fresh produce and healthy foods.Complete. Farmer's Market in Old Town initiated by City of La Quinta. Fresh produce and healthy foods available in various stores near Cove and Highway 111. City staff participates with a booth at the Farmers Market.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201831120 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGoal AQ-1A reduction in all air emissions generated within the City. Policy AQ-1.1 Coordinate with the South Coast Air Quality Management District to assure compliance with air quality standards.Case by case basis when AQMD Permits are required.Program AQ-1.1.aParticiapate in monitoring, managing, and eforcing SCAQMD rules for criteria pollutants, TACs, GHGs and all other regional air pollutants of concern.CEQA mitigation measures when required. Dust control plans when grading occurs. Implementation of the City of La Quinta GHG Reduction PlanPolicy AQ-1.2Work to reduce emissions from residential and commercial energy use by encouraging decreased consumption and increased efficiency.Implementation of the 2016 building codeProgram AQ-1.2.aWork directly with the major utility providers, including The Gas Company, Imperial Irrigation District and the Coachella Valley Water District to develop incentives and rebates to encourage energy savings, subject to funding availability.Contact with utilities has been sporadic.Program AQ-1.2.b Encourage Imperial Irrigation District to diversify and expand the use of alternative energy sources. No activity.Policy AQ-1.3 Work to reduce emissions from mobile sources by encouraging a decrease in the number of vehicle miles traveled. Implementated by following Muni Code Chapter 6.12 Mobile Source Air Pollution ReductionProgram AQ-1.3.a Work with Sunline Transit Agency to expand public transportation routes.SunLine is included in project reviews, and provides comments.Program AQ-1.3.b Encourage public and private schools to establish alternative transportation programs for students.No private schools have been developed. Village traffic calming underway.Program AQ-1.3.cAdopt and implement a Transportation Demand Management Ordinace for businesses with 50 or more employees. Fulfilled by Ordinace No. 550. Muni Code Chapter 9.180 "Transportation Demand Management"Program AQ-1.3.dExpand routes for golf carts and other neighborhood electric vehicles and plan for access and recharging facilities at retail, recreational, and community centers.Highway 111 Corridor Plan under way. Potential for golf cart path extensions to include CV Link.Program AQ-1.3.eExpand pedestrian and bicycle routes and provide safe and convenient access to retail, recreational, and community centers.Highway 111 Corridor Plan under way. CV Link planned for 2019. Traffic calming in Village.Program AQ-1.3.fFacilitate mixed use development concepts in specific identified areas of the community to allow the combination of residential and non-residential uses, such as live-work-shop designs, as described in the Land Use Element. Village Master Plan and EIR complete.Program AQ-1.3.gWhere permitted by the Land Use plan, and where appropriate, encourage high density residential development within walking distance to commerical, educational and recreational opportunities. Centre @ La Quinta residential project approved next to Walmart.Policy AQ-1.4Protect people and sites that are especially sensitive to airborne pollutants (sensitive receptors) from polluting point soucres. Case by case basis when CEQA is processed for projects.AIR QUALITY General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201832121 Program AQ-1.4.aUses such as manufacturing, auto body shops, and other point source polluters should be reasonably separated from sensitive receptors.Ordinance 550 modified auto uses and limits them to commercial zones.Policy AQ-1.5 Ensure all construction activities minimize emissions of all air quality pollutants. All development projects must be in complaince with CEQA requirements.Program AQ-1.5.a All grading and ground distrubance activities shall adhere to established fugitive dust criteria. All development projects must be in complaince with CEQA requirements.Program AQ-1.5.b Fugitive Dust Control Plans shall be reviewed and approved for development projects. All development projects must be in complaince with CEQA requirements.Policy AQ-1.6 Proposed development air quality emissions of criteria pollutants shall be analyzed under CEQA.All development projects must be in complaince with CEQA requirements.Policy AQ-1.7Greenhouse gas emissions associated with a development project shall demonstrate adherence to the City's GHG Reduction Plan. No activity. Enforced through CEQA.Policy AQ-1.8The City shall adopt a comprehensive greenhouse gas reduction plan that sets forth reduction targets, timelines, and measures to achieve targets. Adopted with General Plan. Update required.Program AQ-1.8.aImplement the GHG reduction measures detailed in the GHG Reduction Plan. No activity.Program AQ-1.8.bEstablish a comprehensive database to maintain an inventory of city government resource use and conservation with interdepartment access.No activity. work with CM and Facilities to inventory resourcesProgram AQ-1.8.cCoordinate with Burrtec to establish and implement programs that divert wastes from landfills, such as the composting of food waste and plant debris and the expanded re-use and recycling of materials, to reduce methane emissions. Annual reporting per State requirements. General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201833122 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGoal EM-1The sustainable use and management of energy and mineral resources.Policy EM-1.1Strongly encourage conservation of energy sources.case-by-caseProgram EM-1.1.aReview and amend, as appropriate, Zoning Ordinance procedures and standards to include site orientation, solar control and use of passive heating and cooling techiniques. No activityPolicy EM-1.2Support the use of alternative energy and the conversion of traditional energy sources to alternative energy.Ongoing.Program EM-1.2.aEncourage installtion of alternative energy devices on new and existing development. Programs may include City-funded incentive programs; matching fund programs with IID, The Gas Company and alternative energy providers, as well as other programs as they become available. CIP - 201313 - Citywide Preventative Maintenance Plan Improvements - Phase II is meant to install newer systems to more energy efficient resulting in energy cost reductions. Program EM-1.2.bAs funding and applicability allows, incorporate Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), hybird or electric vehicles into the City fleet as vehicles are replaced with a target to complete the converson by 2035.City is researching implementation of hybrid and electric vehicle fleet to meet 2035 target.Program EM-1.2.cContinue participation in the Sunline Transit Agency, and promote the use of alternative fuel technologies for its buses.Sunline Transit Agency continues to provide public transportation via two service lines, Line 111 and Line 70. All busses are CNG and there is a hydrogen cell bus.Program EM-1.2.dAs appropriate, incorporate LED or other energy-efficient lighting in signals and lights throughout the City. Implemented.Program EM-1.2.e Explore opportunities to provide a CNG and other alternate fuel fueling station in the City. Highway 111 Corridor Plan under way.Program EM-1.2.fImplement, as appropriate, energy-efficient improvements in City buildings and facilities using Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant or similar funds. CIP - 201313 - Citywide Preventative Maintenance Plan Improvements - Phase II is meant to install newer systems to more energy efficient resulting in energy cost reductions. Goal EM-2The conservation and thoughtful management of local mineral deposits to assure the long-term viability of limited resources. Policy EM-2.1Preserve mineral resources identifed by the Department of Mines and Geology to the greatest extend possible. No activityProgram EM-2.1.bReview and amend the Zoning Ordinanace as appropriate to require that mineral extraction occuring in the city be subject to the requirements of the California Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA), and the City's Zoning procedures. Section 16.02.010 provides for thisENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCESGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201834123 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGoal Bio-1The protection and preservation of native and environmentally significant biological resources and their habitats. Policy Bio-1.1 Continue to implement the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP). Enforced by the City through building permits. Program Bio-1.1.aBuilding permits shall not be issued for projects required to pay the MSHCP local development mitigation fee until such time as the fee has been paid to the City.Enforced by the City through building permits. Program Bio-1.1.bFor lands identifed by the MSHCP as slated for conservation within the City, the Planning Department will refer land owners and developers to the Coachella Valley Association of Government and/or Coachella Valley Conservation Commission for guidance and permitting assistance. No activityProgram Bio-1.2.cPrior to the issuance of any ground disturbing permit for fallow lands outside Conservation areas, the City will require a protocol compliant survey for burrowing owl. Enforced through CEQA process.Policy Bio-1.3Publicly owned conservation lands, including those for the MSHCP, shall be designated as Open Space on the Land Use Map. Currently designated as such. Policy Bio-1.4 Comply with the requirements of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) Enforced through CEQA process.Program Bio-1.4.aThroughout the City, prior to the removal of vegetation on development site between March and August, a qualified biologist shall determine wheter any bird nests or young occur on the site, and if they occur, provide mitigation measures compliant with the MBTA.Enforced through CEQA process.Policy Bio-1.5Comply with the regulatory requirements of the California Department of Fish and Game, the US Army Corps of Engineers, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board as they relate to "waters of the State of California" and/or "waters of the United States." Enforced through CEQA process.Program Bio-1.5.aPrior to the initiation of any project within any defined blueline stream as identifed on Exhibit III-3, the City will require that consultation and/or permitting by CDFG be demonstrated in writing. Enforced through CEQA process.Policy Bio-1.6Native desert plant materials should be incorporated into new development project to the greatest extent possible. Invasive, non-native species shall be discouraged. Enforced through landscape plan checksPolicy Bio-1.7Sensitive habitat areas, including conservation areas for the MSHCP, should be buffered from urban development to the greatest extent possible. Enforced through CEQA process.Program Bio-1.7.aUse zoning standards and the design review process to assure that adequate buffers are provided in environmentally sensitve areas. Enforced through CEQA process.BIOLOGICAL RESOURCESGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201835124 Policy/Program DescriptionStatusGoal CUL-1The protection of significant archaeological, historic, and paleontological resources which occur in the City.Policy CUL-1.1 All reasonable efforts should be made to identify archaeological and historic resources in the City. Ongoing. Enforced through CEQA process.Program CUL-1.1.a Any development application for a vacant site, or a site previously or currently used for agricultural purposes, shall be accompanied by a Phase I archaeological and/or historic analysis conducted by a qualified archaeologist. Such analysis shall be paid for by the project proponent.Ongoing. Enforced through CEQA process.Program CUL-1.1.bCity staff will maintain open channels of consultation with local Native American tribes, the Eastern Information Center at the University of California, Riverside, the Historical Society, and the Coachella Valley History Museum.Ongoing. Enforced through CEQA process, SB18 and AB52.Program CUL-1.1c City staff shall maintain a database of known prehistoric resources in the City. No ActivityProgram CUL-1.1.dThe City shall update its historic inventory at a minimum of every 10 years, subject to available funding.The City has funding FY 2018-19 to update historic inventory. RFP for consultants is being prepared.Policy CUL-1.2 Assure that significant identified archaeological and historic resources are protected.Ongoing. Enforced through CEQA process.Program CUL-1.2.aThe City will be proactive in the protection of archaeological and historic resource preservation funding, including regional, state and federal funds.No ActivityProgram CUL-1.2.bConsider the use of all potential sources of funding for archaeological and historic resource preservation funding, including regional, state and federal funds.No ActivityProgram CUL-1.2.cEncourage owners of qualified historic buildings to take advantage of tax credits and other programs for the preservation and restoration of historic structures. Case-by-caseProgram CUL-1.2.dContinue to implement the Historic Preservation Ordinance.Complete and ongoing. Historic preservation ordinance amended in 2016Policy CUL-1.3Educate the public about the City's history and paleontology. Ongoing. The La Quinta Museum hosts historical programsProgram CUL-1.3.aEncourage property owners and others to nominate qualified properties to the City's historic inventory. Case-by-caseProgram CUL-1.3.bContinue to support efforts at curation and exhibition of the City's history.Ongoing. Implemented by La Quinta Museum. City sponsors a permanent exhibit of the City's History at City Hall beginning in 2017.Program CUL-1.3.c Consider expanding collections to include paleontological resources. Ongoing. Implemented by La Quinta Museum.Program CUL-1.3.dEncourage the Desert Sands and Coachella Unified School Districts to include local history and tribal history in the community. No ActivityPolicy CUL-1.4Make all reasonable efforts to identify paleontological resources in the City.Ongoing. Enforced through CEQA process on a case by case process during development review with development projects.Program CUL-1.4.aAny development application for a vacant site located on soils identified as Lake Cahuilla Beds or Pleistocene shall be accompanied by a Phase I paleontogical analysis conducted by a qualified geologist or paleontologist. Ongoing. Enforced through CEQA process.Program CUL-1.4.bAs part of the geotechnical analysis conducted for grading and building permits, soil borings shall be examined by a qualified geologist or paleontologist to assure that no Pleistone or older soils occur at depth in areas to be excavated. Monitoring shall be required if Pleistone or older soils will be impacted by excavations. Ongoing. Conditions of Approval will be required for development projects that require soil borings for geotechnical analysis to be examined by qualified geologists or paleontologists.Policy CUL-1.5 All reasonable efforts should be made to preserve paleontological resources in the City. Ongoing. Enforced through CEQA process.Program CUL-1.5.aSignificant paleontological resources identified on a site shall be professionally collected, catalogued and deposited with a recognized repository. Ongoing. Enforced through CEQA process.CULTURAL RESOURCESGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201836125 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGoal WR-1The efficient use and conservation of the City's water resources.Policy WR-1.1 Support the Coachella Valley Water District in its efforts to supply adequate domestic water to residents and businesses. Ongoing. Continue coordination with CVWDProgram WR-1.1.aThe City shall continue to implement its Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance and Building Codes, and update them as needed to meet or exceed State standards for water efficiency and conservation.Ongoing. Water efficient landscape ordinance updated in 2016. Implemented with new or revised landscape plans.Program WR-1.1.bContinue to work with CVWD to implement independent and joint programs, rebates, and discounts that promote water conservation.No activity. No resources available to supplement CVWD rebate programs.Policy WR-1.2Support the Coachella Valley Water District in its efforts to recharge the aquifer.Ongoing. Continue coordination with CVWDProgram WR-1.2.aSupport CVWD's efforts to increase recharge at its La Quinta facility and elsewhere in its district. Ongoing. Continue coordination with CVWDProgram WR-1.2.bWork with CVWD to implement new or improved recharging techniques in golf course and lake design, turf and agricultural irrigation recharging techniques in golf course and lake design, turf and agricultural irrigation methods, and the use of tertiary treated water for irrigation and other uses. CVWD continues to expand tertiary treatment. Project approvals limit water feature and similar high consumption uses.Policy WR-1.3 Support the Coachella Valley Water District in its efforts to expand tertiary treated (i.e. reclaimed)water distribution. Ongoing. Continue coordination with CVWDProgram WR-1.3.aWork with CVWD to provide tertiary treated water for future recreational facilities and landscaping irrigation to the greatest extent possible. Ongoing. Continue coordination with CVWDPolicy WR-1.4Protect stormwater from pollution and encourage its use to recharge the aquifer.Ongoing. City enforces NPDES requirementsProgram WR-1.4.aImplement federal, regional and local standards pertaining to the discharge and treatment of pollutants in surface water for all development projects. Ongoing. City enforces NPDES requirementsProgram WR-1.4.b Coordinate with CVWD in its review of projects which impact drainage channels.Ongoing. Continue coordination with CVWDProgram WR-1.4.cRequire on-site retention for new development projects to the greatest extent possible, to provide added recharge of the aquifer.Ongoing. New developments are required to provide on-site retention. Policy WR-1.5Development within drainage areas and stormwater facilities shall be limited to recreational uses such as golf courses, lakes, sports or play fields and similar uses. Ongoing. Watercourse or open space designation allow only for golf courses, lakes, sports or play fields and similar uses. Policy WR-1.6Encourage the use of permeable pavements in residential and commercial development projects.Case-by-case. Encouraged when development applications are submitted.WATER RESOURCESGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201837126 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGoal OS-1Preservation, conservation and management of the City's open space lands and scenic resources for enhanced recreational, environmental and economic purposes. Policy OS-1.1 Identify and map lands suitable for preservation as passive and active open space. Ongoing. None identified beyond what is shown in GP Land Use Map.Program OS-1.1.aIdentify lands suitable for preservation as natural open space on the General Plan Land Use map. Ongoing. None identified beyond what is shown in GP Land Use Map.Program OS-1.1.bConfer with adjoining communities and other responsible agencies to periodically review and update information on regional open space, and to coordinate preservation efforts.Ongoing. Coordinated through CVAGPolicy OS-1.2Continue to develop a comprehensive multi-purpose trails network to link open space areas. Ongoing. Interactive trail map in place. Participation in CV Link ongoingProgram OS-1.2.aCoordinate with, and obtain approval from, local utility providers, including the Coachella Valley Water District, to use flood control and utility easements as a trails network which links open space and recreation areas. Ongoing. CV Link planned for 2019 on CVWD bank.Program OS-1.2.bExplore opportunities for additional trails connectivity adjacent to and along watercourses, irrigation canals, and flood control improvements.Ongoing. CV Link planned for 2019 on CVWD bank.Policy OS-1.3The City shall encourage community involvement and volunteerism in open space maintenance and improvement as a means to leverage local funds, improve open space and increase public awareness of the City's Open Space areas. Ongoing. City support local programs that increase public awareness of the City's Open Space areas and support trail clean up activities.Goal OS-2Good stewardship of natural open space and preservation of open space areas. Policy OS-2.1 Unique and valuable biological resources should be preserved as open space, to the greatest extent practical. Ongoing. Implemented through the CEQA process.Policy OS-2.2Where appropriate, geological hazard zones, including but not limited to earthquake fault lines, areas susceptible to liquefaction, floodways, and unstable slopes should be preserved as open space. Ongoing. Implemented through the CEQA process. Site-specific geotechnical reports requiredOPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENTGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201838127 Policy OS-2.3 Encourage the preservation of open space in privately owned development projects.Ongoing. Implemented with individual development applications.Program OS-2.3.aUtilize flexible development standards, density incentives, and/or other means to encourage the provision of open space in new planned developments. Complete. Planned Unit Development entitlements requires Open Space.Goal OS-3 Preservation of scenic resources as vital contributions to the City's economic health and overall quality of life. Policy OS-3.1To the greatest extent possible, prohibit development on lands designated as open space which are elevated and visually prominent from adjacent developed areas or are located within or in close proximity to areas identified as critical wildlife habitat. Complete and ongoing. Implemented through the Hillside Preservation Ordinance.Program OS-3.1.aContinue to implement the Hillside Preservation Ordinance. Ongoing. City legally required to enforce this ordinance. Program OS-3.1.bMinimize the loss of open space resources. Ongoing. Implemented through the CEQA process.Policy OS-3.2 Any development that is permitted within areas designated as Open Space should minimize grading for structures and access and should be visually subordinate to and compatible with surrounding landscape features.Ongoing. Implemented through Hillside Preservation Ordinance.Policy OS-3.3Explore and utilize a variety of measures to preserve privately owned properties within hillside and alluvial fan areas, including private covenants, deed restrictions, and land transfers.Ongoing. Implemented through Hillside Preservation Ordinance.Program OS-3.3.aIdentify agencies and property owners which hold fee simple title to properties located in hillside and alluvial fan areas, and encourage agreements which assure that such lands remain undeveloped in perpetuity. Ongoing. Implemented through Hillside Preservation Ordinance. General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201839128 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGoal N-1A healthful noise environment which complements the City's residential and resort character.Policy N-1.1Noise standards in the City shall be consistent with the Community Noise and Land Use Compatibility scale described in this Element.Complete. Ordinance No. 550 was adopted on November 15, 2016. The amendment was implemented in order to comply with the General Plan 2035 EIR.Program N-1.1.aPropose to City Council an amendment to the Municipal Code (Section 9.100.210) to allow 65 dBA CNEL for sensitive land uses.Complete. Implemented by Ordinance No, 550.Policy N-1.2New residential development located adjacent to any roadway identified in Table IV-4 as having a building out noise level in excess of 65 dBA shall continue to be required to submit a noise impact analysis in conjunction with the first Planning Department application, which demonstrates compliance with the Community Noise and Land Use Compatibility scale.Ongoing. Implemented through the CEQA process.Policy N-1.3 New non-residential development located adjacent to existing residential development, sensitive receptors or residentially designated land, shall be required to submit a noise impact analysis in conjunction with the first Planning Department application, which demonstrates that it will not significantly impact the adjacent residential development or residential land.Ongoing. Implemented through the CEQA process.Program N-1.3.aProvide accommodation for special events in the public interest, such as concerts and festivals, which may temporarily exceed the maximum allowable decibel level. Ongoing. Enforced through Special Event Permit process. Applied to Coachella & Stagecoach events, Golf Challenge concerts, etc.Policy N-1.4All Mixed Use projects shall be required to submit a noise impact analysis in conjunction with the first Planning Department application, which demonstrates compliance with the City's noise standards. No activity. No mixed use projects reviewed.Policy N-1.5All noise impact analysis will include, at a minimum, short-term construction noise and noise generated by the daily operation of the project at build out. Ongoing. Implemented through the CEQA process.Policy N-1.6The City may require remedial noise control plans and/or improvements for areas experiencing noise in excess of adopted City standards.No activityProgram N-1.6.a Remedial improvements will be included in the Capital Improvement Program.No activityPolicy N-1.7Noise impact analysis shall be included in all City Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and developer-required roadway widening projects to demonstrate compliance with City noise standards. Ongoing. Implemented through CEQA process.Policy N-1.8Maintain a truck route plan restricting truck travel to arterial roadways. Ongoing. Enforced by Engineering DivisionNOISE General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201840129 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGoal GEO-1Protection of the residents' health and safety and of their property, from geologic and seismic hazards.Policy GEO-1.1The City shall maintain and periodically update an information database and maps that identify local and regional geologic and seismic conditions.No activityProgram GEO-1.1.aThe City shall periodically confer with the California Division of Mines and Geology, Riverside County, neighboring communities, and other appropriate agencies to improve and routinely update the database.No activityPolicy GEO-1.2The City shall continue to require that development in areas subject to rockfall, landslide, liquefaction and/or other geotechinical hazards described in this Element, prepare detailed geotechnical analyses that include mitigation measues that minimize such hazards.Ongoing. Implemented through the CEQA process.Policy GEO-1.3 The City shall require that development in areas subject to collapsible or expansive soils conduct soil sampling and laboratory testing and implement mitigation measures that minimize such hazards. Ongoing. Implemented through the CEQA process.Program GEO-1.3.aThe Building and Safety Department shall review and determine the adequacy of soils and/or other geotechnical studies conducted for proposed projects and enforce the implementation of mitigation measures. Ongoing. Currently implemented. Policy GEO-1.4 The City shall require that all new structures be built in accordance with the latest adopted version of the Building Code. Ongoing. Enforced by the City.Policy GEO-1.5The City shall continue to require that structures that pose a safety threat due to inadequate seismic design are retrofitted or removed from use, according to law.Case-by-case.Policy GEO-1.6 The City shall coordinate and cooperate with public and quasi-public agencies to ensure that major utilities continue to be functional in the event of a major earthquake.Ongoing. Enforced through EOP.Program GEO-1.6.aThe City shall maintain working relationships and strategies between the Public Works Department, utility providers, and other appropriate agencies to strengthen or relocate utility facilities and take other appropriate measures to safeguard major utility distribution systems. Ongoing. Enforced through EOP.SOILS AND GEOLOGYGeneral Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201841130 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGOAL FH-1Protection of the health, safety and welfare of the community from flooding and hydrological hazards. Policy FH-1.1The City shall monitor and update its 2009 Master Drainage Plan every 5 years, or as needed, to reflect changes in local and regional drainage and flood conditions. Public Works currently monitors Policy FH-1.2 The City shall coordinate efforts to update floodplain mapping in all areas of the City, particularly those where potential flood impacts are not yet known.Public Works currently monitors Policy FH-1.3The City shall continue to implement development standards that provide for a reduction in runoff from developed lands and are consistent with local and regional stormwater management plans. Implemented as development applications are submitted.Program FH-1.3.a New development shall continue to be required to construct on-site retention/detention basins and other necessary stormwater management facilities that are capable of managing 100-year stormwater flows. Implemented as development applications are submitted. Policy FH-1.4The City shall coordinate with CVWD regarding the implementation of measures which protect bridge crossings from the scouring and erosive effects of flooding.Continued coordination with CVWD. Program FH-1.4.aThe Public Works Department will work with CVWD to inspect bridge crossings for scour damage during and after significant flooding events.Continued coordination with CVWD.Program FH-1.4.bThe City shall coordinate with the appropriate state agencies to participate in the state’s bridge scour inventory and evaluation program.Public Works currently monitors Policy FH-1.5 The City shall coordinate with CVWD to minimize the potential for the occurrence of inundation from levee or water tank failure, including seismically induced inundation.Continued coordination with CVWD.Program FH-1.5.aThe City shall annually request a status update from the Coachella Valley Water District of their monitoring of the structural safety of the levees around Lake Cahuilla and along the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel and the La Quinta Evacuation Channel.Continued coordination with CVWD.Program FH-1.5.bThe City shall annually request a status update from the Coachella Valley Water District of their monitoring of the structural integrity of above-ground water tanks and reservoirs, and where needed, the implementation of bracing techniques to minimize potential structural damage and/or failure.Continued coordination with CVWD.Policy FH-1.6 Major drainage facilities, including debris basins, retention/detention basins, and flood control facilities shall provide for the enhancement of wildlife habitat and community open space to the greatest extent feasible, while still maintaining their functional qualities. landscaping required in new projects Policy FH-1.7 New critical facilities shall not be constructed within the boundaries of the 100-year flood plain. Village Master Plan of Drainage updated in 2016-2017.Policy FH-1.8 Development within drainage areas and stormwater facilities shall be limited to recreational uses such as golf courses, lakes, sports or play fields, and similar uses.Watercourse or open space designation allow only for golf courses, lakes, sports or play fields and similar uses. Policy FH-1.9The City shall periodically monitor and update, as needed, evacuation routes to ensure safe ingress and egress for residents and emergency vehicles in the Cove and southern neighborhoods in the event of a major flood.Implemented by Emergency Operations PlanFlooding and Hydrology General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201842131 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGOAL HAZ-1Protection of residents from the potential impacts of hazardous and toxic materials.Policy HAZ-1.1 The storage, transport, use and disposal of hazardous materials shall comply with all City, County, State and federal standards.Ongoing. Burrtec Waste & Recycling Services provides an e-waste disposal program and the Riverside County 24-hour hotline provides the LQ residents with proper disposal facilities. Program HAZ-1.1.aContinue to coordinate with all appropriate agencies to assure that local, State and federal regulations are enforced.Ongoing. Coordinated through fire departmentProgram HAZ-1.1.bDevelopment plans for projects which may store, use or transport hazardous materials shall continue to be routed to the Fire Department and the Department of Environmental Health for review.Ongoing. Implemented through the CEQA process.Program HAZ-1.1.cThe City’s Emergency Services Division shall maintain a comprehensive inventory of all hazardous waste sites within the City, including underground fuel storage tanks.Ongoing. Policy HAZ-1.2 To the extent empowered, the City shall regulate the generation, delivery, use and storage of hazardous materials.Ongoing. Implemented through Fire & Police, County Environmental Health.Program HAZ-1.2.aAll facilities which produce, utilize, store or transport hazardous materials shall be constructed in strict conformance with all applicable Building and Fire Codes.Ongoing. Implemented through building plan checksPolicy HAZ-1.3Support Household Hazardous Waste disposal.Ongoing. coordinate with burrtec Program HAZ-1.3.aContinue to work with the County to assure regular household hazardous waste disposal events are held in and around the City.Regular events scheduled in cooperation with Burrtec, CVAG. Program HAZ-1.3.bEducate the City’s residents on the proper disposal of household hazardous waste through the City’s newsletter and by providing educational materials at City Hall.Ongoing. Burrtec Waste & Recycling Services provides an e-waste disposal program and the Riverside County 24-hour hotline provides La Quinta residents with proper disposal facilities.Hazardous Materials General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201843132 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGOAL ES-1 An effective and comprehensive response to all emergency service needs.Policy ES-1.1The City shall continue to work with the Riverside County Fire Department to accurately forecast future needs and provide adequate and timely expansion of services and facilities based on service capabilities and response times.Ongoing. Fire Department participates in project review with City staff for development projects.Program ES-1.1.aMaintain the Fire Facilities component of the City’s Development Impact Fee to assure that new development pays its fair share of future fire stations.Ongoing. Currently enforced. Policy ES-1.2New development proposals shall continue to be routed to the Fire Department to assure that project access and design provide for maximum fire and life safety.Ongoing. Fire Department participates in project review.Policy ES-1.3The City shall continue to work with the Fire Department to maintain or improve the current ISO rating in order to reduce insurance premiums for City residents and businesses.Fire Department coordinates fire rating with ISO, based on facilities and response times.Policy ES- 1.4The City shall coordinate with adjacent jurisdictions to consider joint funding of fire facilities based upon service area.Complete and ongoing. existing reciprocal agreements in placePolicy ES-1.5The City shall continue to work with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department to accurately forecast future needs and provide adequate and timely expansion of services and facilities.Ongoing. City does this on an annual basis and with new development proposals.Policy ES-1.6 New development proposals shall continue to be routed to the Police Department to assure that project access and design provide for defensible space and maximum crime prevention while maintaining City design standards and codes.Ongoing. Police Department participates in project review.Policy ES-1.7The City shall coordinate with the Sheriff’s Department to assure that community-based policing and community programs that encourage resident participation are implemented to the greatest extent possible. Ongoing. Part of contract review with sheriff, ask Emergency ServicesPolicy ES-1.8The City should maintain an emergency response program consistent with State law, and coordinate with surrounding cities, Riverside County and other emergency service providers.Ongoing. Enforced by the EOCProgram ES-1.8.a Periodically review and update the Emergency Operations Plan to address the City’s growth in population and built environment, as well as new emergency response techniques.Ongoing. Implemented by Public Safety DivisionProgram ES-1.8.bCoordinate all emergency preparedness and response plans with neighboring cities, the County of Riverside, local health care providers and utility purveyors, and the California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA).Ongoing. Implemented through EOC.Emergency Services General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201844133 Program ES-1.8.cContinue coordinated training for City Emergency Response Team members, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers, and related response agency personnel.Ongoing. Continued training at City. The basic 20 hour FEMA CERT training course is offered year round thru Riverside County Office of Emergency Services Policy ES-1.9Critical facilities, such as police and fire stations, hospitals and clinics, schools and utility substations, should be sited away from identified hazard areas.Complete. General Plan Land Use Map implements this.Program ES-1.9.aReview and amend, as appropriate, development regulations to ensure critical facilities are not located in an area identified in the General Plan as a hazard area.Case-by-casePolicy ES-1.10The City should provide education programs and literature to its residents, business people and property owners on earthquake preparedness, fire safety, flooding hazards and other emergencies.Ongoing. The Community Services Department Emergency Services is responsible for this.Program ES-1.10.aMaintain and distribute emergency preparedness information and handouts at City Hall, the Senior Center and Library, and at community events. Additionally, the City’s website and other media resources shall be utilized to inform and educate residents and business owners on emergency preparedness matters.Ongoing. Emergency Services regularly provides information and training to the public.Program ES-1.10.bThe Emergency Services Division will continue to coordinate city-wide emergency response exercises as appropriate, as well as training programs for City staff and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers, and will publicize training sessions to City residents and business owners.Ongoing. Continued training at City. The basic 20 hour FEMA CERT training course is offered year round thru Riverside County Office of Emergency Services General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201845134 Policy/ProgramDescriptionStatusGOAL UTL-1 Domestic water facilities and services which adequately serve the existing and long-term needs of the City.Policy UTL-1.1The City should coordinate with the Coachella Valley Water District to assure that sufficient water supplies are available to sustain current and future development. Ongoing. CVWD participates in project review.Program UTL-1.1.aWork with the Coachella Valley Water District to expand the availability of tertiary treated water, non-potable canal water, and encourage its use for landscape irrigation purposes, especially for irrigating golf courses and other large landscaped areas.Public Works coordinates this. Project along Tampico and Washington in progress to extend teritary water in the City.Program UTL-1.1.bContinue to work with CVWD on water conservation programs (such as landscaping conversion and smart irrigation control) to reduce domestic water use, which will result in the need for fewer domestic water facilities and services to adequately serve the existing and long-term needs of the City.Ongoing. Water efficient landscaping ordinance; building code requirements. All landscape plans must be approved by CVWD. Water efficiency certification is required of landscape businesses.Policy UTL-1.2 The City should encourage the conservation of water.Ongoing. Water efficient landscaping ordinance; building code requirements. All landscape plans must be approved by CVWD. Water efficiency certification is required of landscape businesses.Program UTL-1.2.aDevelop programs, both in conjunction with the Coachella Valley Water District and independently, to allow and encourage the retrofitting of existing water-intensive appliances and irrigation systems in existing development.No Activity. Limited resources to support these programs.Program UTL-1.2.bCity and private sector development projects shall implement water efficient landscaping plans which meet or exceed current water efficiency standards.Ongoing. Water efficient landscaping ordinance; building code requirements. All landscape plans must be approved by CVWD. Water efficiency certification is required of landscape businesses.Policy UTL-1.3New development shall reduce its projected water consumption rates over “business-as-usual” consumption rates.Ongoing. Water efficient landscape ordinance requires water efficiency. 2016 Building Code expanded water efficiency requirements.Policy UTL-1.4 Review and amend Development Standards to require that all new development demonstrate a reduction of domestic water consumption equivalent to, or exceeding, the CalGreen Tier One standards in effect at the time of development.2016 Building Code expanded water efficiency requirements.GOAL UTL-2Sanitary sewer facilities and services which adequately serve the existing and long-term needs of the City.Policy UTL-2.1 All new development should be required to connect to sanitary sewer service.Ongoing. This is a requirement.Water, Sewer, & Utilities General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201846135 Program UTL-2.1.aReview and amend Development Standards and Review Procedures to ensure coordination with the Coachella Valley Water District and assurance that existing sewer service along with the extension of sewer service is capable of meeting the needs of current and forecasted development.No activity. Development standards have no been amended to reflect that all new projects are required to connect or expand sewer systems in order to be part of the exisiting sewer system. This will be considered in 2018 Code amendments.Policy UTL-2.2Septic systems for the treatment of sewage should be replaced with sanitary sewer service throughout the City.All new projects located in proximity to sewer are required to connect or expand sewer systems in order to be part of the exisiting sewer system. Conitnued coordination with CVWD regarding status of septic tanks.Program UTL-2.2.aCoordinate with the Coachella Valley Water District and encourage the elimination of septic systems where they occur within the City.All new projects located in proximity to sewer are required to connect or expand sewer systems in order to be part of the exisiting sewer system. Conitnued coordination with CVWD regarding status of septic tanks.General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201847136 Policy/Program DescriptionStatusGOAL PF-1Public facilities and services that are available, adequate and convenient to all City residents. Policy PF-1.1 The City shall expand or modify municipal services to meet the needs of the communityOngoing. Annually with City BudgetPolicy PF-1.2Periodically evaluate the demand for municipal services and facilities, and include construction andexpansion of these facilities to assure timely completion.Ongoing. Implemented through DIF and CIP. Annually with City BudgetProgram PF-1.2.aThe City will annually review municipal facilities as part of its Capital Improvement Program planning.Ongoing. CIP updated annually.Policy PF-1.3The City shall identify all viable financing mechanisms for the funding of construction, maintenance and operation of municipal facilities.Ongoing. Implemented for each CIP project.Program PF-1.3.aThe Development Impact Fee program shall be monitored regularly to assure it is providing current and effective funding contributions to the City.DIF program evaluation is currently in progress.Policy PF-1.4The design and construction of municipal facilities shall comply with all the processes and development standards that apply to privately constructed facilities.Ongoing. Implemented as projects are constructed.Policy PF-1.5The City shall continue to coordinate with the County of Riverside to assure that library facilities and services are expanded as demand warrants.Ongoing. Community Resources Department regularly coordinates with the libraryPolicy PF-1.6 The City shall coordinate with the Desert Sands and Coachella Valley Unified School Districts and encourage the Districts to plan for and construct new schools to meet demand.Ongoing. Community Resources coordinates with school districtsProgram PF-1.6.aDevelopment proposals will continue to be routed to the appropriate District for review and comment early in the planning and entitlement process.Ongoing. School Districts are provided project plans and opportunity to comment.Program PF-1.6.bThe City shall continue to support the payment of school impact fees by all eligible new development projects.Ongoing. School fees must be paid prior to building permit issuance.Program PF-1.6.cThe City shall modify the Land Use Map to show new school facilities as Major Community Facilities as new schools are developed.Ongoing. Included in Land Use Map.Policy PF-1.7 The City shall continue to explore the potential for the joint purchase or use of recreational facilities with the Desert Sands and Coachella Valley Unified School Districts, as well as the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District.Ongoing. Facilities Department currently does this.Public Facilities General Plan 2035 Annual Status Report Calendar Year 201848137 138 1 CITY OF LA QUINTA - HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT- 2018 CALENDAR YEAR The Housing Element Annual Progress Report (APR) was prepared to identify the City’s progress in satisfying its share of the regional housing needs and Housing Element programs. This report was prepared to be consistent with the guidelines by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The APR includes the following information: 1. Housing Development Applications Submitted (Table 1) a. Includes data on housing units and developments for which an application was submitted and deemed complete during the 2018 Calendar Year. b. Applications are for discretionary entitlements or building permits. 2. Annual Building Activity Report Summary (Table 2) a. Includes data for very low, low, moderate and above moderate income housing and mixed-income projects b. Includes data on net new housing units and developments that have received an entitlement, building permit or certificate of occupancy during the 2018 Calendar Year 3. Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress (Table 3) a. Provides a summary of permitting activity in the current planning cycle (2014-2021) b. Includes permitting activity, by affordability, for the 2018 Calendar Year 4. Sites Identified or Rezoned to Accommodate Shortfall Housing Need a. Includes information regarding a shortfall of housing sites identified in the housing element, an unaccommodated need of sites or identification of additional sites. b. The Housing Element does not identify any of these sites. 5. Program implementation status a. Includes status/progress of housing element program and policy implementation b. This information is included in Attachment 2. 6. Commercial development bonus approved a. Pertains to commercial development that has agreed to contribute affordable housing through a joint project or two separate projects encompassing affordable housing where a development bonus has been implemented through an agreement with the City. b. The City does not have any projects like this to report for Calendar Year 2018. ATTACHMENT 3 139 2 Table 1. Housing Development Applications Submitted Single Family Detached Single Family Attached 2-4 Units 5+ Units Accessory Dwelling Unit Mobile Homes Total Infill Units* New Building Permit Applications 134 11 0 72 0 0 217 11 New Entitlement Project Applications ** 82 0 0 24 0 0 106 0 Total 323 *Infill Units are those that are located in urban areas with developed land around them. **ENTITLEMENT PROJECT APPLICATIONS: Floresta – 82 units The Peak – 8 units Desert Club Apartments – 16 units Table 2. Annual Building Activity Report Summary Very Low Income Low Income Moderate Income Above Moderate Income Total Single Family Detached 15 23 39 127* 204 Single Family Attached 4 5 0 0 9 2-4 Units 0 0 0 0 0 5+ Units 0 0 0 0 0 Accessory Dwelling Units 0 0 0 0 0 Mobile Homes 0 0 0 0 0 Total 19 28 39 127 213 *Includes 82 Floresta Units 140 3 Table 3. Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) prepared a Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) to identify the housing needs for each jurisdiction within the SCAG region. SCAG, through the RHNA process assigned La Quinta a share of the region’s new housing units that should be constructed in the 2014-2021 planning period to satisfy regional housing needs. SCAG determined the City’s share of RHNA to be 364 units. Total RHNA Need by Income 2014-2021 Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Total 91 61 66 146 364 25% 16% 18% 40% 100% City’s Progress in Meeting its Share of RHNA for Period 2014-2021 Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Total Projected Need 91 61 66 146 364 2014-2016 Units 36* 138* 2* 176 2017 Reported Units 0 0 0 102 102 New Units (2018) 19 28 39 45 131 Remaining Need 36 0 25 0 61 Projected Units (2019) 45** 17** -- -- 62 *Coral Mountain Apartments were completed in 2014, however they were not previously reported to the HCD. They will be reported on this year’s report. **These units include the new Washington Street Apartment units and does not include the rehab units. 141 142 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE 2019 LEGISLATIVE POLICY GUIDE UPDATES RECOMMENDATION Approve the Legislative Policy Guide updates and authorize the Mayor, one Council Member, and City Manager to issue letters within the scope of these policies. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The updated 2019 Legislative Policy Guide (Guide) presents the Council’s position on proposed legislation and allows the City to weigh in on legislative matters that may impact the City. •The Guide has been updated to incorporate legislative proposals that surfaced this calendar year and includes proposed legislation that would the City in areas such as transportation, public works, community development, public safety and the environment. •The Guiding Principles presented in the Guide serve as the Council’s direction on pending legislation and enable staff to immediately respond to proposed legislation in a timely matter. FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The legislative landscape is constantly changing, producing pending legislation that may impact the City’s ability to conduct business and provide services. The Guide (Attachment 1) enables the City to have a voice on emerging issues and allows staff to take immediate action on pressing legislation. Current issues before the legislature that may impact the City are: •AB 10 (Chiu) Income taxes: credits low-income housing: farmworker housing – bill would increase the State’s Low-Income Housing Tax Credit by $500 million to build and rehabilitate much needed affordable housing. These state tax credits will leverage additional federal tax credits and tax-exempt bond authority, which will help build significantly more units. It will also spur economic activity, creating additional jobs and contribute to state and local tax revenues. BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 4 143 • AB 147 (Burke) Use taxes: collection: retailer engaged in business in this state: marketplace facilitators - Modernizes California law consistent with the United States Supreme Court holding in Wayfair, which allows this state to impose a use tax collection duty on remote retailers with specified levels of economic activity in California, even though they do not have a physical presence here. • AB 1657 (Garcia)- Salton Sea: Office of the Salton Sea: Salton Sea Oversight Committee – The Salton Sea Restoration Act requires the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency, in consultation and coordination with the Salton Sea Authority, to lead Salton Sea restoration efforts. This bill would establish an Office of the Salton Sea within the Natural Resources Agency. The bill would require the secretary to establish a Salton Sea Oversight Committee. • AB 854 (Mayes) Imperial Irrigation District: Retail Electric Service: bill would require the membership of the board of directors of IID to increase from 5 to 11, with the 6 additional directors meeting certain qualifications, including that each be a resident of and qualified to vote in the County of Riverside. The Guide presents the policies that guide the City’s legislative advocacy initiatives which include: enhance local authority, sustain fiscal responsibility, foster economic development, promote health and wellness, support public safety, and encourage preservation of the environment. In addition, the Guide provides an overview of important legislative developments arising in 2019 and connects them to emerging trends in our area. It also itemizes the Council’s policy position on key legislative areas such as economic development, finance, transportation, and public safety among others. The City receives informational updates on legislative efforts through a variety of channels, including the League of California Cities, City lobbyist Gonsalves and Son, and the City Attorney. Gonsalves and Sons provide weekly phone updates with staff and Legislative Reports with an overview of each bill and current status. ALTERNATIVES As the Legislative Guide is a resource for both Council and Staff to expedite responses on legislative matters, staff does not recommend an alternative. Prepared by: Gil Villalpando, Assistant to the City Manager Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager Attachment: 1. Legislative Policy Guide 2019 144 2019Legislative Policy Guide ATTACHMENT 1 145 2019 LEGISLATIVE POLICY GUIDE The Legislative Policy Guide (Guide) is a tool for the City to navigate through the legislative landscape. This document details the City’s policy positions on priority issues and provides a comprehensive approach to allow staff to take immediate action on pressing legislation under City Council direction.  The guide identifies legislative trends and active legislation that may have an impact on the City’s interests and affairs, and supplements other Council-established goals and policies.  It is intended to be updated on a regular basis. GUIDING PRINCIPLES I. Enhance Local Authority The City of La Quinta is a charter city that supports legislation aimed at preserving local authority.  Additional regulation or mandates that undermine local control are detrimental to quality service delivery. II. Sustain Fiscal Responsibility The City of La Quinta has been able to successfully maneuver through redevelopment dissolution and economic downturn through prudent, disciplined spending and cost-effective stewardship of City resources.  Therefore, the City supports measures that promote fiscal stability. III. Foster Economic Impact The City of La Quinta generally supports legislative efforts designed to foster economic development tools and funding options for effective service delivery. IV. Promote Health and Wellness The City of La Quinta actively seeks to promote a healthy and vibrant community that provides various recreational activities and opportunities for residents to enjoy the unique benefits of La Quinta. V. Support Public Safety The City of La Quinta strongly supports community safety by providing high quality law enforcement and fire services and maintaining health and safety standards for its residents. VI. Encourage Preservation of Environment The City of La Quinta is a thriving desert oasis that supports a proactive and thoughtful stance regarding the enhancement and conservation of the desert environment that surrounds us including the Salton Sea. 146 The Guide is to intentionally promote the adoption of legislation that will establish sound public policy for responsible governance; protect and enhance public health, safety and welfare; and aid the City’s delivery of high quality services to its residents.  The Guide is intended to articulate the City’s positions on issues that are currently, or are anticipated to be, the focus of future legislation.  The positions contained in the Guide are intended to supplement the broad range of goals, policies and programs reflected in the General Plan, the Municipal Code, and other adopted documents. Therefore, advocacy efforts may be based on references articulated in these policy documents as they provide current direction for the City organization.  City departments are encouraged to review proposed legislation to determine how it relates to the City’s Legislative platform and  recommend a  position that they determine to be “high priority” and recommend that the Mayor write letters, contact legislators, and otherwise communicate the position of the City as appropriate. The Mayor, or designee, after conferring with City Manager, may authorize staff to make contact with legislators to advocate for or against legislation which is consistent with the City’s legislative platform. 147 LEGISLATION IMPACTING US The public policy landscape is constantly changing and it is incumbent on the City to stay up to date on the latest developments.  Anticipating the effects emergent legislation may have on the community is therefore imperative.  Below is a short outline of impact in key areas. TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC WORKS This bill would establish the California Smart City Challenge Grant Program to enable municipalities to compete for grant funding for emerging transportation technologies to serve their transportation system needs and would specify certain program goals. The bill would require the commission to form the California Smart City Challenge Workgroup on or before July 1, 2020, to guide the commission on program matters, as specified. AB 659 (Mullin) - Transportation: Emerging Transportation Technologies: California Smart City Challenge Program Governor's Transportation Budget: The Governor’s budget provides a total of $23.5 billion from all fund sources for the state’s transportation departments and programs in 2019‑20. This is a net increase of $1.4 billion, or 6 percent, over estimated expenditures for the current year. Specifically, the budget includes $14.6 billion for the California Department of Transportation, $2.8 billion for local streets and roads, $2.8 billion for the California Highway Patrol (CHP), $1.2 billion for the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), $1 billion for transit assistance, and $1.1 billion for various other transportation programs. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AB 147 (Burke) Use Taxes: Collection: Retailer Engaged in Business in this State: Marketplace Facilitators. This bill is a measured approach to California’s implementation of the landmark US Supreme Court holding of South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., (2018). The implementation of the Wayfair decision will result in the collection of hundreds of millions of dollars for state and local agencies from out of state and Internet-based sales. This measure will help level the playing field for brick and mortar retailers and is an improvement over CDTFA’s proposed implementation of Wayfair based upon existing law. AB 10 (Chiu) Income Taxes: Credits Low-income Housing: Farmworker Housing This bill would increase the State’s Low-Income Housing Tax Credit by $500 million to build and rehabilitate much needed affordable housing. These state tax credits will leverage additional federal tax credits and tax- exempt bond authority, which will help build significantly more units. It will also spur economic activity, creating additional jobs and contribute to state and local tax revenues. 148 PUBLIC SAFETY Existing law authorizes a medicinal cannabis licensee to sell or transfer cannabis or cannabis products to a person who is 18 years of age or older and who has a medicinal cannabis card or a referral from a physician or who is the primary caregiver for a person with a medicinal cannabis card or a referral from a physician. Violation of these provisions may result in a felony charge and the suspension, revocation, or probation of the commercial cannabis license and specified fines. This bill would make technical, no substantive changes to these provisions. AB 3 (Cooper) - Cannabis: Sale to Minors AB 1657 (Garcia) - Salton Sea: Office of the Salton Sea: Salton Sea Oversight Committee The Salton Sea Restoration Act requires the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency, in consultation and coordination with the Salton Sea Authority, to lead Salton Sea restoration efforts. This bill would establish an Office of the Salton Sea within the Natural Resources Agency. The bill would require the secretary to establish a Salton Sea Oversight Committee. ENVIRONMENT AB 854 (Mayes) -Imperial Irrigation District: Retail Electric Service This bill would require the membership of the board of directors of the Imperial Irrigation District to increase from 5 to 11 members, with the 6 additional directors meeting certain qualifications, including that each be a resident of and qualified as eligible to vote in the County of Riverside. The bill would authorize the district board to adopt a resolution decreasing the number of directors and the divisions from which they are elected from 11 to 5 if a public utility district is formed that provides electricity outside the territory of the Imperial Irrigation District and consists of a board of directors with a majority of seats representing the County of Riverside. 149 POLICY POSITIONSECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The City of La Quinta supports economic development policies and funding mechanisms that foster a hospitable and thriving business environment. In light of budget shortfalls, the City supports public-private development opportunities that encourage economic activity and promote health and wellness within the City. The City supports retaining financial flexibility and authority with regard to redevelopment dissolution matters. Opposes measures that would make the City more dependent on the State for financial stability. Supports legislation that facilitates the recoupment of City costs derived from State and Federal mandates. FINANCE The City of La Quinta is a charter city that relies on contract services to provide efficient service delivery. Opposes any change in revenue allocations which would negatively affect local governments. Opposes any action that would preempt local control over locally imposed taxes and other funding sources. HOUSING Supports legislation that develops programs to increase housing opportunities to meet growth demand in our area. Supports legislative efforts that provide incentives to local governments and private developers to develop additional housing opportunities including affordable housing for low income and disabled seniors, adults, and veterans. ENVIRONMENT The City of La Quinta supports the preservation of our environment. Supports financial incentives for water reuse and legislation that encourages the treatment of municipal wastewater for non-potable reuse and promote the development of reasonable regulations to encourage and maximize the responsible use of reclaimed water as an alternative to California’s fresh water supply. 150 POLICY POSITIONSTRANSPORTATION & INFRASTRUCTURE The City of La Quinta supports measures that provide financing tools for increasing effective, clean transportation. Supports clean energy alternatives that are adequately funded. Supports State clean energy programs that are financially viable and direct funding to local government to invest in clean energy. The City of La Quinta supports developing vital infrastructure and streamlining the local, state, and federal process for infrastructure development in order to better meet local needs. Supports legislation that strengthens local authority over land use and infrastructure development. PUBLIC SAFETY The City of La Quinta generally supports legislation that strengthens local law enforcement and safeguards communities. Supports measures aimed at providing sustained support for law enforcement to deal with the additional supervision and enforcement requirements of State-mandated realignment provisions. Opposes expansion of "early release" for offenders without necessary mechanisms in place for local law enforcement to provide corresponding services. TOURISM The City of La Quinta strongly supports attracting tourism. Supports efforts that help promote the City's hospitality, parks and recreation, health and wellness offerings, and entertainment venues. Supports working closely with public and private agencies to help boost advertisement and other means of garnering tourism. Supports measures that provide funding for parks and recreation programs. 151 MONTHLY OVERVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE CALENDAR FOR 2019 Below is an overview that summarizes major legislative events and key dates that occur month to month. January: The previous year’s laws go into effect during this month. Legislature reconvenes to discuss the new year of legislation ahead, and all bill requests must be submitted before the end of the month. Budgets must be submitted by the Governor during the beginning portion of the month.    February: The last day for bills to be introduced occurs at the end of February.    April: Spring Recess occurs at the end of the month. April 11 – April 22, 2019.    May: The beginning of this month marks the last day for policy committees to hear and report to fiscal committees regarding fiscal bills being introduced. Policy committees must also report non- fiscal bills by the middle of the month. Policy committees are given their last day to meet before convening in June near the end of this month, and report Floor bills for their house.    June: Floor session conducted in the beginning of the month, the last day for bills to be passed out of the house of origin occurs, and the committee meetings resume. All budgets must be passed by middle of month.    July: The last day for policy committees to meet and report bills occurs during the month before Summer Recess begins. July 12 – August 12, 2019.    August: Legislature reconvenes from Summer Recess. The last day for fiscal committees to report bills to the floor occurs at the end of the month. Floor session begins at the end of the month as well.    September: The last day to amend bills on the Floor occurs at the beginning of the month, with the last day for each house to pass bills occurring in the middle of the month. Interim Study Recess begins shortly after. Additionally, October 13 is the last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature before September 13 and are in the Governor's possession on or after September 13 152 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS PROJECTS TO INCLUDE IN THE 2019/20 THROUGH 2023/24 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RECOMMENDATION Discuss projects to include in the 2019/20 through 2023/24 Capital Improvement Program and provide Staff direction. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a five-year plan for major construction projects such as bridges, streets, traffic signals, drainage facilities, landscaping, lighting, parks, and other facilities. •Based upon Council and resident input over the past year, Staff developed a preliminary scope and budget for various projects for the 2019/20 CIP budget. •Following this Study Session, a draft CIP will be prepared for consideration by the Financial Advisory Commission and Council. •Council will be requested to appropriate funds for the 2019/20 CIP improvements when the operating budget and final CIP is considered by Council in June 2019. FISCAL IMPACT This review does not generate fiscal impacts. The Landscape Renovation, Citywide Drainage Enhancements, Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation, Village Art Plaza and Corporate Yard Projects would use Measure G funding. The La Quinta Village Complete Streets Project would use on Senate Bill 1 (SB-1), Measure A and Active Transportation Program (ATP) Grant Funding. Revenue sources are identified in Attachment 1. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Staff recommends the following projects be included in the 2019/20 CIP: STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 1 153 Transportation Projects Transportation projects are generally funded through the Pavement Management Plan (General Fund), Transportation Development Impact Fees (DIF), Gas Tax, Measure A and ATP funds; SB-1 funds are also included this year. • 2019/20 Pavement Management Plan (General Fund: $1.0M) The City of La Quinta’s current Five-Year Pavement Management Plan (Attachment 2) spans from 2016 to 2021. The first two fiscal years of projects are now complete and included slurry sealing various streets in the City. The scheduled 2018/19 Washington Street pavement rehabilitation project is being moved to 2020/21 to accommodate the La Quinta Village Complete Streets project. The Avenue 52 pavement rehabilitation project and the slurry seal of Madison Street south of Avenue 54, Avenue 54, and Avenue 58, in southern La Quinta have each been moved up one year to 2018/19 and 2019/20, respectively. • La Quinta Village Complete Streets/Road Diet Project (Measure A: $1.05M, SB-1: $682K, Federal ATP $7.3M) This project was approved by Council as part of the 2015/16 CIP. Staff recommends the addition of Measure A and SB-1 funds to supplement the ATP funds; these funds will be used to enhance landscaping and crosswalks, and provide locations for public art. • Jefferson Street at Avenue 53 Roundabout (Measure A: $75K) This project will construct a roundabout at the Hideaway/SilverRock entrances along Jefferson Street and include striping modifications on Jefferson Street. Staff recommends Measure A funds be used. • Avenue 50 Bridge Spanning the Evacuation Channel (DIF Transportation: $84K, CVAG/Federal Highway Bridge Program: $2.84M) This improvement will replace the at grade crossing on Avenue 50 at the La Quinta Evacuation Channel with a new four lane, all weather bridge. The improvements will include a 200-foot, three span bridge, raising the roadway approach grades, concrete slope protection, utility relocation, and right-of-way acquisition. Drainage Improvements • Citywide Drainage Enhancements (General Fund: $477K) This project will upgrade drainage facilities along Calle Tampico from Eisenhower Drive to Washington Street for minimum 150-year storm protection in accordance with the Focused Drainage Study. Available funding may also be used to supplement the Eisenhower Drive Retention Basin Improvement and Dune Palms Retention Basin Improvement. 154 • Citywide Catch Basin Modification (General Fund: $250K) In accordance with the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Stormwater Trash Order, this improvement will update the City's catch basins to include a trash capture system at approximately 75 locations. Parks and Facilities Projects • La Quinta Landscape Renovation Project (Measure G: $3.8M) A continuation of the multi-year initiative to refurbish the neighborhood parkways for the communities north of Highway 111. The Year 4 phase will focus on the Topaz, Marabella, Sierra Del Rey and Desert Pride parkways per the schedule presented in Attachment 3. • Landscape and Lighting Median Island Improvements (General Fund: $500K) This project entails refurbishing City-owned parkways and medians south of Highway 111, prioritized over five years. Staff is developing an implementation strategy that will recommend priorities and landscape materials. • Corporate Yard Facility ($412K) This improvement will complete the Phase II Corporate Yard Facility Improvements. Space planning and facility design would occur in 2019/20. • La Quinta Skate Park Conversion (Quimby Fund: $263K) This project would convert the skate park at La Quinta Park into basketball or pickleball courts. This skate park will be replaced by the xPark. • Fire Station 70 Revitalization (Fire Tax Fund: $500K) This project would revitalize and refresh Fire Station 70, located at Avenue 54 and Madison Street. • Village Art Plaza Promenade (Measure G: $310K, NEA Grant Funds: $200K) The Village Art Promenade would be constructed on the vacant City property southwest of Avenida Navarro adjacent to the former lumberyard building. Improvements would include, but not be limited to, seating and socializing area, landscape and irrigation, walkways, permanent and temporary art spaces, and shade structures. The Village Art Promenade would be designed in a manner that allows for connectivity to the adjacent Village Art Plaza (prior lumberyard building) and the City Museum. 155 •Village Art Plaza Site Improvements (Library Fund: $300K) This project would complete the Village Art Plaza. Improvements would include the converting the old Lumber Yard structure and surrounding grounds to a Village Art Plaza and providing connectivity to the Museum and Village Art Promenade. The $300,000 budget would fund space planning and design during 2019/20. Other Adjustments •Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation (Measure G: $1M) Implement the Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan improvements, which may include landscape, connectivity and circulation improvements, entry monuments, wayfinding, catalyst project sites, lighting, and art installations. •Highway 111 Auto Dealership Signage (General Fund: $300K) This project would complete the dealership frontage improvements slated for City right-of-way and entails monument signs. •Citywide Miscellaneous American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvements (CDBG: $103K) This is a continuation of implementing ADA improvements at City parks, buildings, intersection curb ramps and sidewalks based upon the City's ADA Transition Plan Report. Reimbursements for Existing Developer Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreements (Transportation DIF: $400k) The City entered into reimbursement agreements with nine development entities who constructed improvements for the benefit of the City in anticipation of being reimbursed at a later date from development impact fees. In 2017 the Council set reimbursement priorities; 9 of 11 developers submitted the required documentation and have been included in the approved repayment plan (Attachment 4). Projects on the Horizon The CIP also identified future year projects; those that may be of particular interest to the Council entail the following: •Monroe Street Pavement Rehabilitation (Avenue 52 to Avenue 53; and Near Ave 61) (2020/21) •Dune Palms Road Pavement Rehabilitation (Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue) (2021/22) Staff seeks direction on all projects included in the draft CIP (Attachment 4). After incorporating Council’s comments, staff will present the CIP to the Finance Advisory Commission prior to presenting for Council’s consideration in April. 156 Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer Attachments: 1. Project Revenue Summary from Draft 2019/20 through 2023/24 CIP 2.2016 Pavement Management Update - 5 Year Plan 3.La Quinta Landscape Renovation Project Schedule 4.DIF Reimbursement Agreement Repayment Schedule 157 158 Project #Project Description General Fund Operating Measure G Sales Tax SB 1 Road Maint/Rehab Quimby Funds DIF Transportation Measure A Other Revenue Other Revenue Source Total 2019/2020 1920ADA ADA Accessible Ramps - Various Locations 20,000 20,000 1920CPM Citywide Preventative Maintenance Plan Improvements 50,000 Equip Replacement Fund 50,000 1920PMP Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 1920STI Sidewalks - Various Locations 55,000 55,000 1920TMI Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance Improvements 168,037 168,037 201503 La Quinta Village Complete Streets - A Road Diet Project 681,994 1,051,990 7,363,000 Federal ATP Grant/CVWD Reimbursement 9,096,984 201512 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 477,000 477,000 201603 La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvement 3,859,103 3,859,103 201702 Developer Reimbursement for DIF Eligible Improvements 400,000 400,000 201709 Jefferson Street at Avenue 53 Roundabout 74,289 74,289 201804 Landscape and Lighting Median Island Improvements 500,000 500,000 201805 Corporate Yard Administrative Offices and Crew Quarters 411,013 411,013 201901 Village Art Plaza Promenade 310,000 200,000 NEA Grant Funds 510,000 201902 Avenue 50 Bridge Spanning the Evacuation Channel .83,745 2,836,755 CVAG/Federal HBP 2,920,500 201903 La Quinta Skate Park Conversion to Other Activity Amenity 263,000 263,000 201904 Village Art Plaza Site Improvements (Museum/Lumberyard Building)300,000 Library Funds 300,000 201905 Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation 1,000,000 1,000,000 201906 Highway 111 Auto Dealership Signage 300,000 300,000 201907 Fire Station 70 Revitalization 500,000 Fire Funds 500,000 201908 Citywide Catch Basin Modification 250,000 250,000 201909 Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Improvements 103,227 CDBG/1920ADA/1920STI 103,227 FY 2019/2020 SUBTOTAL:2,602,000 5,580,116 681,994 263,000 483,745 1,294,316 11,352,982 22,258,153 2020/2021 2021ADA ADA Accessible Ramps - Various Locations 20,000 20,000 2021CPM Citywide Preventative Maintenance Plan Improvements 50,000 Equip Replacement Fund 50,000 2021PMP Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 2021STI Sidewalks - Various Locations 55,000 55,000 2021TMI Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance Improvements 235,000 235,000 201503 La Quinta Village Complete Streets - A Road Diet Project 692,230 440,560 1,132,790 201512 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 477,000 477,000 201603 La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvement 1,408,356 1,408,356 201702 Developer Reimbursement for DIF Eligible Improvements 400,000 400,000 201804 Landscape and Lighting Median Island Improvements 500,000 500,000 201805 Corporate Yard Administrative Offices and Crew Quarters 2,772,890 2,772,890 201902 Avenue 50 Bridge Spanning the Evacuation Channel .893,005 12,535,495 CVAG/Federal HBP 13,428,500 201904 Village Art Plaza Site Improvements (Museum/Lumberyard Building)700,000 2,000,000 Library Funds 2,700,000 201905 Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation 1,000,000 1,000,000 202001 Monroe Street Pavement Rehabilitation (Avenue 52 to Avenue 53; and Near Ave 61)941,000 941,000 FY 2020/2021 SUBTOTAL:2,052,000 5,881,246 692,230 0 1,293,005 1,616,560 14,585,495 26,120,536 CITY OF LA QUINTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REVENUE SUMMARY ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1159 Project #Project Description General Fund Operating Measure G Sales Tax SB 1 Road Maint/Rehab Quimby Funds DIF Transportation Measure A Other Revenue Other Revenue Source Total 2021/2022 2122ADA ADA Accessible Ramps - Various Locations 20,000 20,000 2122CPM Citywide Preventative Maintenance Plan Improvements 50,000 Equip Replacement Fund 50,000 2122PMP Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 2122STI Sidewalks - Various Locations 55,000 55,000 2122TMI Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance Improvements 235,000 235,000 201512 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 477,000 477,000 201702 Developer Reimbursement for DIF Eligible Improvements 400,000 400,000 201804 Landscape and Lighting Median Island Improvements 500,000 500,000 201905 Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation 1,000,000 1,000,000 202101 Washington Street at Washington Park Turn Lane Improvements 320,000 320,000 202102 Caleo Bay at Avenue 47 (New Traffic Signal)430,000 430,000 202103 Washington Street at Lake La Quinta Drive (New Traffic Signal)430,000 430,000 202104 Dune Palms Road Pavement Rehabilitation (Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue) 702,613 702,613 202105 Washington Street at Miles Avenue (Dual Left Turn Lanes)382,500 382,500 City of Indian Wells 765,000 FY 2021/2022 SUBTOTAL:2,052,000 1,000,000 702,613 0 1,260,000 937,500 432,500 6,384,613 2022/2023 2223ADA ADA Accessible Ramps - Various Locations 20,000 20,000 2223CPM Citywide Preventative Maintenance Plan Improvements 50,000 Equip Replacement Fund 50,000 2223PMP Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 2223STI Sidewalks - Various Locations 55,000 55,000 2223TMI Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance Improvements 235,000 235,000 201512 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 477,000 477,000 201702 Developer Reimbursement for DIF Eligible Improvements 400,000 400,000 201804 Landscape and Lighting Median Island Improvements 500,000 500,000 201905 Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation 1,000,000 1,000,000 202201 Fred Waring Drive Pavement Rehabilitation (Washington Street to Palm Royale Drive)713,153 350,000 1,063,153 202202 Highway 111 at Simon Drive (Dual Left Turn Lanes)650,000 650,000 202203 Dune Palms Road at Corporate Center Drive (New Traffic Signal)430,000 430,000 FY 2022/2023 SUBTOTAL:2,052,000 1,000,000 713,153 0 400,000 1,665,000 50,000 5,880,153 2023/2024 2324ADA ADA Accessible Ramps - Various Locations 20,000 20,000 2324CPM Citywide Preventative Maintenance Plan Improvements 50,000 Equip Replacement Fund 50,000 2324PMP Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 2324STI Sidewalks - Various Locations 55,000 55,000 2324TMI Citywide Traffic Signal Maintenance Improvements 235,000 235,000 201512 Citywide Drainage Enhancements 477,000 477,000 201702 Developer Reimbursement for DIF Eligible Improvements 400,000 400,000 201804 Landscape and Lighting Median Island Improvements 500,000 500,000 201905 Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation 1,000,000 1,000,000 202301 Avenue 58 Pavement Rehabilitation (Jefferson Street to Madison Street)1,441,000 1,441,000 0 0 0 0 FY 2023/2024SUBTOTAL:2,052,000 1,000,000 0 0 400,000 1,676,000 50,000 5,178,000 TOTAL FISCAL YEARS 2019/20 THROUGH 2023/24:10,810,000 14,461,362 2,789,990 263,000 3,836,750 7,189,376 26,470,977 65,821,455 160 SH-111 54TH AVE 60TH AVE MONROE ST50TH AVE MADISON ST52ND AVE 48TH AVE ADAMS ST49TH AVE LIGA AVENUE 52 WASHINGTON STCITRUS AIRPORT BLVD PGA BLVD58TH AVEAVENIDA VALLEJOAVENIDA RAMIREZAVENIDA HERRERARI VI E RAAVENIDA VELASCOAVENIDA CARRANZAOAK HI LLAVENIDA VILLAOAK TREE AVENUE 58AVENIDA MARTINEZSHIELDS RDWINGED FOOTHERMITA GEAVENIDA NAVARROHJORTH STMERION 51ST AVEEISENHOWER DRDUNE PALMS RDCALLE TAMPICO JEFFERSON STMANDARINA WEISKOPF 55TH AVECLINTON STVIA DONAROSS AVEDEL GATO DREL DORADO DRVIA SAVONA INVERNESSPINA VIA PAESSARO 47TH AVE 46TH AVE PARK AVELIMA VILLAGE DRAVENIDA MENDOZASHOAL CREEKCETRINO SOUTHERN HILLSBONITA TRLAN D A L USIACALEO BAYC O ACHELLA D R MISSION DR EQUAI L RUN LNARACENA S P A N I S H B A Y CALLE SINALOA TOM FAZIO LN N RI VI ERA AVETIBURON DR AVENIDA LA FONDA YOUNGS LNVIA CC TROON WAYVIA VALEROSAAVILA DRWESTWARD HO DR MISSION DR WR O N D AFIRESTONE ULRICH DRMOUNTAIN VIEW61ST AVE V ILLAG E C LU B D R MERV GRIFFIN WAYVIA DDSTILLWATER DRIROQUOIS DR BAFFIN AVE TOM FAZIO LN SVISTA ESTRELLAPOMELO ST VIA PISAP R IS M D RAVENIDA BERMUDASDESERT CLUB DRVIA CARMELMUIRFIELD VILLAGE TORONJA BAYA TEE ST CEREZATANGLEWOODPARK LNBALBOA PLLIVING STONE DRPALM DR TIGRIS AVE CAHUILLA PARK RDBELLERIVE POLO RD MARY LN FIESTA DR VERANO DRV IA C A P R ISAND DR59TH AVE CASSIA ST JASMINE LN DEACON DR WV IA ME L ODIA BRAE BURNTRILOGY PKWY53RD AVE SEMINOLE DRCABRILLO PLALMONTEVIA PALACIOTANGELOJEREZINTERLACHENNATIONAL D R DULCE DEL MARARAPAHOE VIOLET STROCK ROSE DRMAGELLAN PLAVERY DR JACK NICKLAUSMARBELLA CTBRADSHAW TRLVIA SORRENTOVIA STRADACALLE NORTE PEAR STVISTA LAGUNAMONTANA WAYCLARET CVWASHINGTON ST FRONTAGELA QUINTA DRSAGEBRUSH AVE PEERLESS PLPECOS PL CONTENTOBUNKER LNSILVER ROCKVIA PORTOFINO TANGELO DRVIA RITA SAGUARO RD VIA BRAVA VERANDA AVE CEDAR CRESTARDENNAIS DRMARQUIS LNSTONEGATEBAY CLUB DRAVENIDA OBREGONM A ST E R S CIR PEBBLE BEACHQU A R RY LN SHADOW TRL S VALLEY LNHARRY RAU RDALI CTCROQUET CTP I N E H U R S TROADRUNNER LNVIA PONTITOSEVILLERIO SECO LAREDO CT VIA SOLANAAVENIDA ULTIMO NAUTICAL DRST FRANCIS AVESTONEMONT DRCALLE CONCHITABARRISTO CIRCASTLE PINES DR TAOS TRL ASHLEY PL VIA PALMILLAVIDA BELLA DRVISTA CALICOW H ITE SAGE DR SERENATA DRVISTA PALOM INOBRIARWOOD RENEWAL STLATROBE LNCALLE DEL SOLV IST A G R A N D E RED BLUFF RD EAGLE CLAW DR PASEO DE NIVEL VIA ENCINITAS CA LL E B RI SA SANTO THOMASSALT RIVER ST9TH ST HIGGINS CTVIA NICEVICTO RIA LN HARVARD CT CARBO NERAS GAUNT WAY SABITA DR LOREN CTPOMOROSE DAWN ACROPOLIS STVIA SAN CLARA SEABISCUIT WAY REVOIR PL D ES E R T D R AVENIDA OBREGONMADISON STADAMS STAIRPORT BLVD RIVIERA MADISON STADAMS STWASHINGTON STJEFFERSON STADAMS STCity of La Quinta Draft 5 Year Plan 2016-2021 ®Legend COLQCtrlines <all other values> 5 Year Plan 2016-2021 2016-2017 Zones 1,2 &5 CITY-WIDE STRIPING Digouts & Slurry Seal Crack Seal & Slurry Seal Grind & Overlay 2017-2018 Zone 2 Grind & Overlay 2018-2019 Zone 2 Crack Seal & Slurry Seal 2019-2020 Zone 2 Grind & Overlay 2020-2021 Zone 3 Crack Seal & Slurry Seal ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 2161 162 163 164 DEVELOPER(RESPONSIVE / CONFIRMED)AGREEMENTDATECIP PROJECT DESCRIPTIONNTE AMOUNT TOTAL POINTSACCRUED FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 FY 24/25 FY 25/26 FY 26/27 FY 27/28 FY 28/29ND La Quinta Partners, LLC 4-Dec-07 Avenue 52 - Improved One Lane of Travel & Installed Raised/Landscaped Median 1,344,690$ 1865,455$ 65,455$ 66,536$ 77,563$ 90,000$ 90,000$ 101,106$ 101,408$ 140,021$ 204,400$ 225,000$ 117,747$ East of Madison, LLC 4-Dec-07 Avenue 52 - Improved One Lane of Travel & Installed 1/2 Raised/Landscaped Medi669,920$ 1761,818$ 61,818$ 62,839$ 73,254$ 85,000$ 85,000$ 95,489$ 95,775$ 48,926$ -$ -$ -$ East of Madison, LLC (Part 1) 26-Jan-16 Madison Street - Improved One Lane of Travel & Installed Raised/Landscaped Med976,266$ 1450,909$ 50,909$ 51,750$ 60,327$ 70,000$ 70,000$ 78,638$ 78,873$ 108,905$ 158,978$ 175,000$ 21,976$ Toll Brother's Inc. (Part 1) 6-Feb-08 Avenue 50 - Installed Full Median Curb & Median Island Landscape 179,062$ 1347,273$ 47,273$ 48,054$ 36,463$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ East of Madison, LLC (Part 2) 26-Jan-16 Avenue 54 - Improved One Lane of Travel & Striped 1/2 width Painted Median 524,010$ 1140,000$ 40,000$ 40,661$ 47,400$ 55,000$ 55,000$ 61,787$ 61,972$ 85,568$ 36,622$ -$ -$ ND La Quinta Partners, LLC 26-Jan-16 Madison Street - Improved One Lane of Travel 418,400$ 1140,000$ 40,000$ 40,661$ 47,400$ 55,000$ 55,000$ 61,787$ 61,972$ 16,580$ -$ -$ -$ Lennar Homes of California, Inc6-Jun-11 Fred Waring Drive - Installed full Median Curb & Median Island Landscape 103,083$ 1036,364$ 36,364$ 30,356$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Sam's Real Estate Business Trus10-Oct-12 Dune Palms Road - Installed Full Median Curb & Median Island Landscape228,697$ 932,727$ 32,727$ 33,268$ 38,782$ 45,000$ 45,000$ 1,193$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Toll Brother's Inc. (Part 2) 6-Feb-08 Avenue 52 - Median Island Improvements (Landscape Only)95,596$ 725,455$ 25,455$ 25,875$ 18,812$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,539,723$ 110400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 400,000$ 139,723$ $Denotes the final payment due to the DeveloperDEVELOPER(NON-RESPONSIVE)AGREEMENTDATECIP PROJECT DESCRIPTIONNTE AMOUNT TOTAL POINTSACCRUED Greystone Clubhouse Assoc., LL12-Jun-08 Avenue 52 - Improved One Lane of Travel & Installed Raised/Landscaped Median 463,894$ 15T.D. Desert Development LLP 12-Oct-06 Avenue 50 - Installed 1/2 Median Curb (with Landscape) 186,900$ 10650,794 25CITY OF LA QUINTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMDEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT REPAYMENT The above listed developers (two total) have not submitted the appropriate invoices or documentation, and are therefore considered as "Non‐Responsive". The repayment plan above does not include the total of the Non‐Responsive Developers ($650,794) in its total ($4,539,723). TOTAL DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT:TOTAL DEVELOPER REIMBURSEMENT:This repayment plan is applicable to the Developers who have submitted invoices to the City, and the City has reviewed / approved  repayment.This method  calculates the overall percentage based on the Total Points Accrued, and allows the Developers to receive annual payments accordingly, until the Agreement has been satisfied. The percentage of (Total Points Accrued / Total Points) was determined for each Developer Reimbursement Agreement and multiplied by an annual anticipated payment of $400,000 to determine how much each Developer shall receive each year. In the event that a Developer's Agreement was fulfilled in a year, and there was a remainder of the anticipated $400,000, a new percentage, excluding the points from the previously repaid developer, was calculated and redistributed within that same Fiscal Year.  ATTACHMENT 4ATTACHMENT 4 165 166 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 19, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: DISCUSS PARK LIGHTING AFTER CURFEW HOURS RECOMMENDATION Discuss extending park lighting hours for walkways and restrooms after curfew hours. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •Per La Quinta Municipal Code (Code), City park lighting turns off at 10:00 PM. •Due to safety concerns, Council would like to consider extending lighting parks until dawn. •Staff inquired with other Coachella Valley cities regarding park lights after curfew hours. FISCAL IMPACT Additional electric costs incurred by operating park lights through the night and the costs for additional wear and replacement of the lighting is to be determined. Park operational costs are funded by the General Fund. The current annual budget is $2,070,500. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Park curfew per City Code 11.44.060, Section S, is 10:00 PM to dawn. Lights at all parks, sports fields, parking lots, restrooms, and walkways are tuned off at 10:00 PM to as part of enforcing the curfew. Due to recent safety concerns at La Quinta Park, Council directed staff to review leaving the park lights on throughout the night. Staff contacted neighboring cities regarding their park lighting policies; the following cities responded: •City of Coachella – parking lot, walkway, and security lighting remain on till dawn. •City of Indio – parking lot, walkway, restroom, and shelter lights remain till dawn. Sports fields and basketball/tennis court lights turn off at 10:00 PM. STUDY SESSION ITEM NO. 2 167 •City of Palm Desert – walkway and restroom lights remain on till dawn; park lights turn off at 10:00 PM. •City of Rancho Mirage – all park lighting turns off at 10:00 PM. It is not recommended to light sports fields after 10:00 PM due to light intrusion to neighbor’s homes, additional electrical costs, and the enticement of after hour loitering. ALTERNATIVES Council may choose not to light parks past curfew hours. Prepared by: Robert Ambriz, Jr., Parks Superintendent Approved by: Steve Howlett, Director 168 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Gil Villalpando, Assistant to City Manager DATE: March 19, 2019 SUBJECT: CITY OF INDIO 2 X 2 During a recent Council meeting, Council members suggested that instituting 2x2 meetings with the City of Indio may improve communications between neighboring cities. The City currently participates in 2x2 meetings (involving 2 elected officials each and respective staff) with the Coachella Valley Water District, Desert Sands Unified School District, and Desert Recreation District; the City previously conducted said meetings with Coachella Valley Unified School District. The meetings are held quarterly with agendas prepared in advance with items of mutual interest submitted by both entities. Should this be amenable to Council, staff is seeking Council direction on two of its members to be appointed to this committee. This item would be scheduled for the April 2, 2019 Council meeting for action. Staff would also contact the City of Indio to ascertain their interest in holding these meetings. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 1 169 170 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING DEPARTMENT REPORT TO: Madam Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director DATE: March 19, 2019 SUBJECT: REGIONAL PARKS MASTER PLAN AND SURVEY On February 15, 2019, the City and Desert Recreation District (DRD) held a 2x2 meeting. Council Members Radi, Fitzpatrick and City staff met with DRD Board Member Acosta and their staff. DRD is working with local cities and the County on a regional park master plan, which will identify known park space and future recreation needs. As part of their master plan effort, DRD is preparing a Coachella Valley wide telephone survey to better understand residents’ needs and desires for parks and recreation facilities, programs and services. Residents of La Quinta and all desert communities will be surveyed. DRD has requested the City’s financial participation in the amount of $11,500 to share in the survey cost. If Council choses to contribute, the City would receive a customized report based on the survey responses from La Quinta residents; the City would also be able to customize the online survey. DRD indicated that regardless of the City’s decision, they plan to move forward with the survey effort. If Council decides not to participate financially, City staff could still be involved in the master plan discussions. DRD would share Coachella Valley wide survey results, however, the data would not be La Quinta specific. Staff is seeking Council direction on DRD’s financial request and whether or not City staff should participate in the master plan effort. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 4 171 172 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T -   F E B R U A R Y   2 0 1 9 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 R E P O R T T H E D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P R E S E N T S O N E O F S I X C I T Y D E P A R T M E N T S , A N D C O N S I S T S O F S I X D I V I S I O N S : T H E H U B , P L A N N I N G , B U I L D I N G , P U B L I C W O R K S D E V E L O P M E N T , E N G I N E E R I N G S E R V I C E S , A N D A D M I N I S T R A T I O N .     Design and Development Department the HUB The Hub serves as a one-stop shop for La Quinta patrons.  It is the central location for obtaining permits for planning, building, engineering, garage sales, and special events.  The Hub assists customers through the permitting process from initial questions and pre-application meetings through inspections and final certificate of occupancy.  Below are some February 2019 metrics: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Permit and Project Fees Collected $276,537 $1,159,691 Active STVRP Business Licenses 827 8981,395 30 262 Phone Calls Received Total Customers Served Total Issued Permits  Total  E-TRAKiT Permits TOT Collected In June 2016, The Hub launched a survey to measure the satisfaction of its customers.  The  survey  uses a one to five point rating system, with five points being 100% excellent. The Hub Customer Satisfaction survey results for the month of February 2019 averaged at 94.2%. 0 25 50 75 100 Wait TimeHelpfulnessQualityDEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 5 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 5173 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T -   F E B R U A R Y   2 0 1 9 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 R E P O R T Design and Development Department PLANNING ACTIVITY BUILDING The Building Division administers all building permit applications and plans for compliance with requirements established in the entitlement process, La Quinta Municipal Code, and all currently applicable California Building Standards Codes.   Includes sign applications, temporary use permits, minor use permits, final landscaping plans, etc. Planning Permits 2019 2018 February Year Year to Date 923 2,079 905 1,837 2019 2018 February Year Year to Date 7 17 17 26 Building Permits Issued 20182019 28 335 140140 30 352 Year February February E-TRAKiT Year to Date 20182019 154 24 337 143 34 339 Year February February E-TRAKiT Year to Date Building Permits Submitted Building Inspections Building Applications  Submitted Submitted Applications Building Permits Issued The Planning Division works with residential and commercial property/business owners and developers to ensure development in the City is constructed consistent with the City’s goals and policies. 174 D E S I G N A N D D E V E L O P M E N T D E P A R T M E N T R E P O R T -   F E B R U A R Y   2 0 1 9 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 R E P O R T Design and Development Department TRAFFIC & CIP SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL THE PROGRAM The Short Term Vacation Rental Program, Vacation LQ,  continues to grow, as new properties register each month. During the month of February 2019, the following permits were issued and TOT collected: The Development Division provides engineering assistance with a variety of permits. During the month of February 2019, the following number of permits and applications were processed: The Engineering Services Division provides engineering design and construction oversight and traffic support on a variety of infrastructure projects that help keep La Quinta safe and beautiful.  Highlighted below are some activities for February 2019:   ENGINEERING SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT CIP PROJECTS IN PROGRESS TRAFFIC A contract has been awarded to Hardy & Harper, Inc. for the Avenida Bermudas ADA Improvements project.  On-site construction continues at private development projects including Andalusia, Griffin Ranch, Monterra, Codorniz, Washington Street Apartments and The Citrus.   63 requests for service were recorded in City’s GORequest system in February 2019, including: · Operational checks of crosswalks, warning beacons, and flashing stop signs- Level 1 Preventative Maintenance - Annual MMU Testing - Various street light repairs  STVRP TOT Collected Permits Issued in February 2017 2016Year January $109,867.25 $75,323.58 Currently Active Permits 115 1,013April$405,334.02 $221,904.07 2017Year 2016 20182019Year February Year to Date 9 26 17 39 20182019Year February Year to Date 11 60 6241 STVRP Permits Project Reviews Completed Permits Issued STVRP TOT Collected Year February 2019 2018 $582,671 $158,003 $716,773 $369,245Year to Date 175 176 FACILITIES DEPARTMENT February 2019 The Facilities Department is comprised of three Divisions; Public Works Maintenance, Parks, and Buildings. MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES •Public Works $37,936 •Parks $12,714 •Buildings $9,197 •Total Expenditures: $59,307 •Total Hours: 1,301 For the month of February, 279 requests were received from residents and staff. Request topics are listed on Attachments 1, 2,and 3. Maintenance expenditures and task hours are recorded in GoRequest. Top Requests in February:  Public Works - Pothole or Street Repair  Public Works - Debris Litter Removal  Parks– Inspection Maintenance  Parks - Irrigation/Weeds/Tree Trimming  Buildings - Fire Stations  Buildings - Plumbing POSITIVE SURVEY FEEDBACK FROM RESIDENTS:  “Thank you for your quick service! Much appreciated”.  “Quick and awesome results. Thank you”.  “Excellent job. Very impressed with quality of work done.” ATTACHMENTS: 1. Public Works Maintenance Expenditures by Task for February. 2. Parks Maintenance Expenditures by Task for February. 3. Building Maintenance Expenditures by Task for February. 4. Customer Satisfaction Survey Details for February. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT ITEM NO. 6 177 178 ’ Graffiti $1,280.44 Vandalism Repair $815.59 Landscape Irrigation Contract Mgt $5,148.59 Seminars/Training $102.00 Office Work $1,082.61 Debris/Litter Removal $6,181.54 Tree Issues $657.55 Yard Maintenance $1,224.86 Channel Maint $370.39 Concrete Sidewalk Repairs $3,390.39 Vehicle Equipment $998.27 Pothole or Street Repair $8,014.49 Pavement Marking $343.34 Flood Control $3,605.44 Lighting -Medians $168.38 Storm Drain Maint $2,091.93 Street Signs $1,494.41 Inspection $966.27 Graffiti Vandalism Repair Landscape Irrigation Contract Mgt Seminars/Training Office Work Debris/Litter Removal Tree Issues Yard Maintenance Channel Maint Concrete Sidewalk Repairs Meetings Vehicle Equipment Pothole or Street Repair Pavement Marking Flood Control Lighting - Medians Storm Drain Maint Street Signs InspectionTotal Monthly Maintenance: $37,936 Public Works Monthly Maintenance for the Month of February 2019 ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 1179 180 Eisen hower Median 181 182 183 184 185 186 WELLNESS CENTER PARKING LOT 187 188 ESTADO ART INSTALLATION “BLUE HERON” 189 190 LA FONDA ART INSTALLATION “HUMMING BIRD” 191 192 LIBRARY POTTERY INSTALLATION 193 194 DECOMPOSED GRANITE PATH ON MAIN STREET 195 196 Fencing Repairs $102.38 Playground Inspection $369.66 Gopher & Dog Holes Pest Control $183.11 Sign Maint $1,094.21 Meeting $65.96 Irrigation/Weeds Tree Trimming $1,515.06 Debris/Litter Removal $420.85 Inspection Maintenance $7,216.81 Tree/Plant Flower Installation $472.04 Shelter/Equipment Repair $98.94 Trail Maint $369.66 Graffiti $805.28 Fencing Repairs Playground Inspection Gopher & Dog Holes Pest Control Sign Maint Meeting Irrigation/Weeds Tree Trimming Debris/Litter Removal Inspection Maintenance Tree/Plant Flower Installation Shelter/Equipment Repair Events Trail Maint Graffiti Total Maintenance Expenditures: $12,714 Parks Monthly Maintenance Expenditures for February 2019 ATTACHMENT 2 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 Painting $394.98 Carpentry/Hardware $695.81 Electrical $662.90 Facilities Maint $363.96 General Repairs $1,151.75 HVAC $103.89 Personnel Requests $858.85 Plumbing $1,711.59 Preventative Maint $87.03 Library $1,033.92 Museum $396.88 Fire Stations $1,735.45 Painting Carpentry/Hardware Electrical Facilities Maint General Repairs HVAC Personnel Requests Plumbing Preventative Maint Library Museum Fire Stations Total Maintenance Expenditures: $9,197 Buildings Monthly Maintenance by Task for February 2019 ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMEMENT 3207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 Customer Satisfaction Survey Details 02/01/2019 to 02/28/2019 Request: 36599 Survey Entered: 02-04-2019 Request Entered: 01/25/2019 Closed: 01/28/2019 Days Open: 3 Topic: Landscape/Irrigation Contract Management - 1050 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Sonia Millan Description: Please trim the shrubs in the center median island at Jefferson St & Hideaway Club Drive. The shrubs are blocking the view of the northbound traffic as you try to turn left into the Hideaway from southboud Jefferson St. Thank you! Reason Closed: Trimmed shrubs in center median the were blocking the view of northbound traffic. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded How can the City improve?: Thank you for the quick customer service! Much appreciated. Request: 36630 Survey Entered: 02-04-2019 Request Entered: 01/27/2019 Closed: 01/28/2019 Days Open: 1 Topic: Parks Inspection Maint -1031 Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: Minerva Ochoa Description: Large puddle of dried blood on sidewalk by library staff entrance. Also blood on flower bed concrete by entrance gate. Reason Closed: Disinfected and removed blood. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Average Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Good In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met How can the City improve?: All of blood was not cleaned up first time. Request: 36653 Survey Entered: 02-04-2019 Request Entered: 01/29/2019 Closed: 02/04/2019 Days Open: 6 Topic: Library/Misc; General Repairs Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Minerva Ochoa Description: Front entrance door to library gets stuck open. right side as you walk in. Reason Closed: Work is done. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Average Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Average Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met How can the City improve?: Door was not fixed first time company worked on it. ATTACHMENT 4 ATTACHMENT 4215 Request: 36666 Survey Entered: 02-05-2019 Request Entered: 01/30/2019 Closed: 02/05/2019 Days Open: 6 Topic: Library/Janitorial Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Minerva Ochoa Description: Need sink in children's craft closet cleaned. Sink is stained with paint. Reason Closed: work done How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded How can the City improve?: Quick and awesome results. Thank you Request: 36677 Survey Entered: 02-05-2019 Request Entered: 01/30/2019 Closed: 02/05/2019 Days Open: 6 Topic: Library Personnel Request Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Minerva Ochoa Description: Please pick up Dell desktop computer. Belongs to City of La Quinta. It has been sitting on a book cart for a long time. Reason Closed: Work is done. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded How can the City improve?: Very Efficient Request: 36697 Survey Entered: 02-08-2019 Request Entered: 01/31/2019 Closed: 02/01/2019 Days Open: 1 Topic: Graffiti in Parks - 1030 Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: eric Description: Photo submitted Reason Closed: Removed graffiti off of pillars. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded 216 Request: 36725 Survey Entered: 02-08-2019 Request Entered: 02/02/2019 Closed: 02/06/2019 Days Open: 4 Topic: Parks/IrrigationWeeds/Tree Trimming Employee: Robert Ambriz Jr. Customer: Jovie Schrager Description: Water valve leaking Reason Closed: Diagnosed reason for leak and tried repairing but back flow valve had to be replaced. Went to Smith Pipe to purchase back flow valve and irrigation materials. Dug out and replaced back flow valve. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: No answer Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: No answer In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded Request: 36726 Survey Entered: 02-06-2019 Request Entered: 02/02/2019 Closed: 02/05/2019 Days Open: 3 Topic: Landscape/Irrigation Contract Management - 1050 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Jovie Schrager Description: Water retention vasin on corner ofAshley Way and Desert Air Dr. Reason Closed: Removed pan stucked on tree How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: No answer Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: No answer In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded Request: 36727 Survey Entered: 02-06-2019 Request Entered: 02/02/2019 Closed: 02/05/2019 Days Open: 3 Topic: Landscape/Irrigation Contract Management - 1050 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Jovie Schrager Description: Quite a few valve boxes are missing/ half broken covers and have exposed wires. Easy to step into them and get hurt. Reason Closed: Replaced broken and missing covers and replaced broken valve boxes. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your servic e request?: No answer Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: No answer In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded 217 Request: 36729 Survey Entered: 02-12-2019 Request Entered: 02/02/2019 Closed: 02/05/2019 Days Open: 3 Topic: Debris/Litter Removal/Right of Way Maint - 1011 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: David Marzane Description: Debris on right hand side Eisenhower La Quinta Resort to Washington. Reason Closed: Removed debri from street. Work done How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Good Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Good Were we courteous and professional?: Good In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met How can the City improve?: This street should be reviewed by the city on a weekly basis. Reporting trash on the right of way should not be required. Request: 36735 Survey Entered: 02-13-2019 Request Entered: 02/04/2019 Closed: 02/05/2019 Days Open: 1 Topic: Graffiti Removal (Right-of-Way) - 1071 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Tokiyo Ochi Description: Wash basin, Desert Stream. Reason Closed: Removed graffiti from retention basin cement channel. Work done How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: No answer Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: No answer Were we courteous and professional?: No answer In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Met Request: 36738 Survey Entered: 02-07-2019 Request Entered: 02/04/2019 Closed: 02/07/2019 Days Open: 3 Topic: Library Personnel Request Employee: Alfred Berumen Customer: Minerva Ochoa Description: Need book cart repair. Metal cart needs some re-enforcement on shelves and painted. Reason Closed: work done. How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded How can the City improve?: Excellent job. Very impressed with quality of work done. 218 Request: 36777 Survey Entered: 02-14-2019 Request Entered: 02/05/2019 Closed: 02/07/2019 Days Open: 2 Topic: Graffiti Removal (Right-of-Way) - 1071 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Minerva Ochoa Description: Carving on outside of window in the back corner of children's area by emergency exit. Red paint writing on window pane by emergency exit in adult area. Reason Closed: Complete How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded How can the City improve?: Still have carved graffiti on window in children's area. Request: 36838 Survey Entered: 02-26-2019 Request Entered: 02/12/2019 Closed: 02/19/2019 Days Open: 7 Topic: Landscape/Irrigation Contract Management - 1050 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Andee Wright Description: This needs updating.....really looks bad. Reason Closed: Messaged Resident How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Average Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Average Were we courteous and professional?: Average In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Below How can the City improve?: Essentially my suggestion was ignored.....obviously this is not an important issue. Request: 36898 Survey Entered: 02-26-2019 Request Entered: 02/15/2019 Closed: 02/19/2019 Days Open: 4 Topic: Debris/Litter Removal/Right of Way Maint - 1011 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Eric Koltweit Description: RESIDENT REPORTED LARGE AMOUNT OF GLASS IN THE STREET THAT WAS NOT THERE AT 9AM. NEAREST INTERSECTION IS MONTICELLO AVE AND MORRIS AVE. HEADING SOUTH ON MONTICELLO JUST BEFORE GROUP OF MAILBOXES. Reason Closed: No glass found How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded 219 Request: 36902 Survey Entered: 02-26-2019 Request Entered: 02/17/2019 Closed: 02/19/2019 Days Open: 2 Topic: Lighting - Medians & Public Right-of-Way - 1083 Employee: James Lindsey Customer: Larry Wagner Description: The four or more flood lights at the intersection of Miles Avenue (south side) and Bridget Drive have been out of service for several weeks. These lights used to illuminate the entrance to Del Ray sub division with the intersection being very dark during the night time hours at present. The lights on the north side of Mile avenue at this location are working. It would be nice to have them placed back in service. Regards, Larry K. Wagner 808-463- 4225 Reason Closed: Good afternoon, As per our conversation this morning. I arrived at location troubleshot not power to fixtures, after resolving power issue I replaced severely aged damaged fixtures as needed. See attached photos for details and locations. Thank you in advance, Joel Montano Lighting Maintenance Manager How pleased were you with the helpfulness of the city employee who initially took your service request?: Superior Rate our knowledge and ability to process your request timely: Superior Were we courteous and professional?: Superior In general, how pleased are you with the city services you received during the past year?: Exceeded How can the City improve?: The department jumped on this extremely quickly and not only restored the service however also installed a number of new lights that had completed their service life. This repair was completed within a couple of hours upon the opening of business on the first working day after I called in the request. This was Five Star service and I really appreciated their dedication to service. Job well done! 220 HAND OUTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 19, 2019 I n d i o I n d i o B e r m u d a D u n e s B e r m u d a D u n e s JEFFERSONAVENUE 58 AVENUE 52 MILES START END MONROE¯ Legend Bike Route Option CMarch 2019 IRONMAN Bike Route COUNCIL MEETING - MARCH 19, 2019 HAND-OUT BY STAFF BUSINESS SESSION ITEM NO. 1 - OPTION "C" ROUTE FOR INDIAN WELLS LA QUINTA IRONMAN 70.3 TRIATHLON POWER POINTS CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 19, 2019 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 1 City Council Meeting March 19, 2019 City Council Meeting Meeting Date B1 – 2019 Ironman 70.3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 2 Purpose/Objective •Ironman 2018 •Event after-action •Community input •Economic benefit •Routes & traffic minimization Ironman 2018 •First Event –December 09, 2018 •No serious injuries •Major traffic congestion and delays CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 3 Event After-action •Staff responded to: –45 phone calls, 85 emails, and 5 walk-in meetings •All-party extensive after-action –Understand impacts –Reviewed & redesigned route options and public outreach plan Community Input •4 community workshops –60 attended •Concerns included: –Improving traffic circulation, economic impact, and opening road closures as soon as possible CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 4 Economic Impact December 2017 December 2018 Sales: $96,703,956 Sales: $102,522,588; 6% increase # of cardholders: 512,309 # of cardholders: 528,996 TOT: $707,267 TOT: $787,598; 11% increase •Sales tax report will be available after April 2019. •2018 Expenditures: $75,000 hosting agreement; $21,500 Marine Safety  Equipment; $5,770 resident mailer for total of : $102,270. •2019 Expenditures: $75,000 hosting agreement. Routes •Avoid Washington St. •Improve circulation •Better neighborhood ingress and egress •Reduce congestion •Easier access to Hwy 111 corridor CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 5 City Council Meeting March 19, 2019 B2 – Approve XPark Design and Contract Amendment CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 6 Purpose •Approve Xpark Design •Appropriate $300,000 •Amend Contract with Spohn Ranch February 11, 2019 User Input CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 7 XPark Design XPark Design CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 8 Project Schedule Project Cost CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 9 Pump Track Building Enhancements CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 10 Building Enhancements Additional Alternates CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 11 Questions CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 12 City Council Meeting March 19, 2019 B3 – 2018 General Plan Status and Housing Element Progress Purpose •Required to adopt a General Plan •Latest General Plan adopted 2013 •General Plan Annual Status Report not required but recommended •Housing Element Annual Progress Report is annually required CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 13 General Plan Annual Status •Purpose –Review goals, policies and programs –Identify progress towards implementation –Identify areas to improve •Voluntary Reporting –Charter cities exempt from reporting Goals, Policies and Programs CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 14 Implementation Highlights •Economic Development and Land Use Goals –Preparation of Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan –Enforcement of short-term vacation rentals •Parks, Recreation, and Trails Goals –New facilities, parks •Circulation Goals –Citywide Active Transportation Plan funding Housing Element Annual Progress Report •Purpose –Outline annual building activity and housing development applications received –Identify progress towards Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) –Identify progress towards Housing Element goals •Housing Element updated and adopted-2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 15 Housing Element Annual Progress Report •La Quinta in 2014-2021 RHNA cycle •SCAG allocates RHNA for the region •City has made significant progress in meeting RHNA goals RHNA Progress CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 16 Community Development Land Use Economic Development Circulation Park, Recreation and Trails Livable Community Housing CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 17 Natural Resources Air Quality Cultural Resources Energy and Mineral Resources Water Resources Biological Resources Open Space and Conservation Environmental Hazards Noise Flooding and Hydrology Soils and Geology Hazardous Materials CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 18 Public Infrastructure and Services Emergency Services Water, Sewer and other utilities Public Facilities City Council Meeting Meeting Date B4 – Legislative Policy Guide Update CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 19 Objective •Update Legislative Policy Guide 2019 In Review  •AB 147 (Burke) – Use taxes: collection •AB 854 (Mayes) – IID •AB 1657 (Garcia) – Salton Sea Oversight  Committee •Executive Order – N‐01‐19 – Affordable  housing CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 20 Lobbyist Joe A. Gonsalves and Son •Provides Weekly Legislative Reports •Monthly calls with Staff •Notification of Urgent legislation items •Distributes City legislative letters CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 21 City Council Meeting March 19, 2019 S1 – 2019/20 through 2023/24 Capital Improvement Program Purpose and Timeline •Review CIP – 5 year plan •City Council –Review today –Public Hearing: April 16, 2019 –Appropriate first year funds: June 18, 2019 •Finance Advisory Commission –March 20, 2019 –April 10, 2019 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 22 Current Project Updates •Projects in Design: 15 •Projects in Construction:6 •Projects completed (2018/19): 4 •Measure G Funded: 5 CIP Interactive Storymap STORY MAP CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 23 Projects in Construction •March 2019 through January 2020 •14 CIP projects Transportation Projects •Slurry Seal Project (PMP) –Madison Street south of Avenue 54 –Avenue 54 –Avenue 58 •La Quinta Village Complete Streets/Road Diet –5 roundabouts –4 lanes to 2 lanes –Room for pedestrian, bicycles and golf carts –Additional landscape and drainage CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 24 La Quinta Village Complete Streets •Anticipated Construction Schedule La Quinta Village Complete Streets CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 25 Transportation Projects •Jefferson Street at Avenue 53 Roundabout –Entrance for SilverRock Resort and Hideaway –Roundabout –Landscape center island –Jefferson Street 6 lanes to 4 (from Ave 52 to Ave 54) –Room for pedestrian, bicycles and golf carts Transportation Projects •Avenue 50 Bridge Spanning the Evacuation Channel –Replace low water crossing –4 Lane all weather bridge CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 26 Drainage Improvements •Citywide Enhancements –Calle Tampico from Eisenhower Drive to Washington Street –Minimum 150-year storm protection •Citywide Catch Basin Modification –Update catch basins to include trash capture system –75 locations Parks and Facilities Projects •Landscape Renovation –Renovate northern parkway over 5 years –Topaz, Marabella, Sierra Del Rey and Desert Pride •Landscape and Lighting Median Island Imps. –Refurbish southern parkway over 5 years –Implementation strategy, recommended priorities, and landscape materials under development CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 27 5 Year Landscape Renovation Plan Landscape Renovation Project CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 28 Parks and Facilities Projects •Corporate Yard Facility –Phase II of improvements –Space planning and facility design in 2019/20 •Fire Station 70 Revitalization –Refresh Fire Station 70 on Ave 54 and Madison •La Quinta Skate Park Conversion –Convert skate park into basketball or pickleball courts Parks and Facilities Projects •Village Art Plaza Promenade –Seating, landscape, walkways, temporary art spaces and shade structures –Connectivity to Village Art Plaza and Museum –Submitted NEA grant application •Village Art Plaza Site Improvements –Convert Lumberyard structure –Art Promenade and Museum connectivity CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 29 Other CIP Projects •Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation •Highway 111 Auto Dealership Signage •Citywide Miscellaneous ADA Improvements DIF Reimbursements •Pay down existing obligations –In lieu of approving new Transportation DIF Projects –$400,000 per year –Anticipated completion: 2028/29 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 30 Projects on the Horizon •Monroe Street Pavement Rehab (2020/21) –Avenue 52 to Avenue 53 –Near Ave 61 •Dune Palms Road Pavement Rehab (2021/22) –Fred Waring Drive to Miles Avenue CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 31 2019/20 CIP •Staff seeks direction •Present CIP to Finance Advisory Commission and Council CITY COUNCIL MEETING ‐ MARCH 19, 2019 32