2019 02 12 CC Minutes CC & PC Joint Special MeetingSPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 1 of 3 FEBRUARY 12, 2019 CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2019 CALL TO ORDER – City Council and Planning Commission A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None PRESENT: Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, Wright, Quill, and Chairperson McCune ABSENT: Commissioner Proctor PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Planning Commission Chairperson McCune led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS THE HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR AREA PLAN AND INTRODUCE CONSULTANT TEAM Planning Manager Flores presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office; and introduced Mr. Kaizer Rangwala, AICP, Principal with Rangwala Associates, Woodland Hills, who gave a brief overview of the company’s background, mission, experience, and introduced the members of the team:  Juan Gomez-Novy, Associate with Moule & Polyzoides Architects & Urbanists, Pasadena, California;  Gary Lai, ASLA, RLA, Leed AP, Principal with AHBE Landscape Architects, Los Angeles, California; and  Zachary Zabel, Associate with Nelson Nygaard, Los Angeles, California. SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 2 of 3 FEBRUARY 12, 2019 CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Rangwala said Rangwala’s team is very excited about the opportunity to work with the City; understands the importance of the Corridor for La Quinta’s fiscal health; the team members’ experience and competencies are very well aligned with the scope of the project; and spoke about recent projects the firm has completed. General joint discussion followed regarding the components necessary to realize connectivity and walkability along the Highway 111 Corridor (Corridor); creating brand identity and experience through landscape and architectural plan and design; importance of shade because of the hot desert weather; strategically phasing shade structures with landscape design; use of lights as an affordable and creative option to create visually appealing effects; access to CV Link; alternative transportation options and depot areas; partnering with local transit agencies to explore solutions for first-mile – last-mile challenges to increase use of public transportation; need to improve signage along the Corridor; utilize the seas of asphalt to create positive experiences; the experience defines the brand and establishes the City’s identity; and the importance to keep an open mind and be innovative, engage the community and business owners, and balance regulations with the ability to stay flexible. Mr. Rangwala said a step in developing the Area Plan is to meet with the Planning Commission and Council to introduce Rangwala’s team, provide a forum for engagement, and seek input, which will be incorporated in the development of the Area Plan; the design process includes holding a community workshop in March, followed by a three-day charrette in April, an intensive planning session where citizens and other interested community members share ideas, give feedback to the designers, and collaborate on the vision of the Corridor. General joint discussion followed regarding the scope of work Rangwala Associates would conduct, which would include an analysis of the existing 11 Specific Plans along the Corridor and how they would interact with the visioning and design of the Area Plan; schedule of performance; and total contract amount. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Bradon Welker, Development Team with Sunridge Properties, Arizona – said Sunridge Properties has a pending application with the City for a hotel development along Highway 111 and spoke in support of developing an Area Plan for the Corridor. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Dale Tyerman, La Quinta – commended the City for initiating the revisioning of the Corridor; said he avoids Highway 111 because signage is not very good and stores are set back so far in that it is difficult to determine where to turn to get to where you are going; the Corridor is SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 3 of 3 FEBRUARY 12, 2019 CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION utilitarian – it’s functional, but it does not feel like La Quinta, the branding of the City’s image needs to be integrated in the Corridor. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Leila Namvar, La Quinta – said the Corridor is very functional and it offers a lot of variety within a single mile, but because of the high concentration of business, it lacks the experience; revisioning the Corridor can bring magic into the experience, make it more urban and inter- connected; suggested looking into designating land uses for the City’s streets; and noted she was pleased with the discussion tonight and the plan going forward. The following City Staff provided comments regarding the Corridor’s economic development opportunities; need for redesign to incorporate new trends of connectivity to accommodate pedestrians and alternative transportation uses; integrate the City’s brand and image; and strike a balance between business and regulations to ensure safety and compliance, and go-away from being only auto-centric:  Gilbert Villalpando, Assistant to the City Manager;  Danny Castro, Design and Development Director;  Cheri Flores, Planning Manager;  Bryan McKinney, City Engineer. COUNCIL AND COMMISSION MEMBERS’ ITEMS – None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Fitzpatrick/Radi to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California