Gladwell Gov ServicesProposal for La Quinta – Records Retention Schedules
Submitted by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. 909.337.3516 page 1
This proposal will result in the following benefits to La Quinta:
1. Ensure efficiency and consistency.
2. Free Office and Storage Space.
3. Ensure fast response times and excellent customer service levels.
4. Provide an efficient “base” for operations in future years.
The President of Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc., Diane R. Gladwell, is a Master
Municipal Clerk that has developed records management programs for over 100 California
cities. Ms Gladwell was a City Clerk for six years, and has an excellent knowledge of
government operations and document imaging. She is recognized as a leading expert in
records management and has an excellent knowledge of the industry, products and vendors as
well as hands-on user and administration experience with many systems. Ms. Gladwell is the
author of several publications on records management, business process reengineering (BPR),
and document imaging, and is a noted speaker (including AIIM, ARMA, and COMDEX). In
addition, Ms. Gladwell has received multiple awards for document imaging / records
management and administration.
GGS’s legal research and knowledge in the retention of California government records is
unsurpassed, as noted by one of our clients:
“Her knowledge of municipal government and its structure are immense and her legal
research was flawless."
Ms. Gladwell has no vendor affiliations, and therefore can provide objective advice and
recommendations, where appropriate.
A recent Coopers & Lybrand study showed that records and information systems
often represent 50% of the total cost of doing business, and
the average office makes 19 copies of each document.
Average Costs:
• $20 to file each document
• $1.50 to retrieve each document
($20 x 19 copies = $380 to file)
The average office loses 1 out of 20 office documents. It then costs:
• $120 to search for the document
• $250 to recreate it, if lost
(1 lost document = $370)
Proposal for La Quinta – Records Retention Schedules
Submitted by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. 909.337.3516 page 2
Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (GGS) will analyze, review and suggest changes in the
legal citations and retention periods to the City’s existing records retention schedules using
“Track Change” format.
Missing records will be identified in each department, and added where appropriate.
All past policies and work will be taken into consideration in developing the new retention
schedules and analyzed for legal sufficiency and options the City may consider in reducing
retention periods, if possible.
Diane R. Gladwell, MMC will then meet with each department over the period of one day, and
provide information to employees, and obtain changes from them, then make the agreed upon
changes and any additional requested changes to the schedules.
Analysis, review and revision of records retention schedules
Meetings with each Department / Function to review and/or update their Records
Retention Schedules
One day of on-site meetings
Draft resolution of adoption
Draft staff report
Total Cost $3,900
Additional Records Management Analysis, Advice, Recommendations at the direction of the
$120 an hour, not to exceed $480
Proposal for La Quinta – Records Retention Schedules
Submitted by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. 909.337.3516 page 3
Diane R. Gladwell is a Master Municipal Clerk with over twenty years experience managing in public
and private sectors. Recipient of multiple awards recognizing excellence in municipal clerk
administration. Facilitator, author and instructor for document imaging, best practices and reengineering
in over 200 organizations, including AIIM, ARMA and COMDEX.
Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. 1989 to present
Clients have included over 200 California Cities, Special Districts and Counties. Projects have included:
1. Organization-wide and Department-level Records Management Programs:
Retention Schedules, Procedures, Manuals and Training
2. ECMS / Document Imaging / Trustworthy Electronic Records System Acquisition or Remediation
3. E-mail and electronic records
4. Educational Programs and Publications in Technology, Business Process Reengineering,
Best Practices, Records Management and other subjects.
5. Facilitation of Business Process Reengineering.
6. Elections Management.
City of San Luis Obispo 1992 to 1995
City Clerk
As a member of the management team, responsible for records management, election administration,
municipal code maintenance, FPPC disclosures, special event permits, City Council support, and
coordination of over 20 boards and commissions for the City of San Luis Obispo. Administration of the
agenda process and all public notification and advertisement.
Received the Presidents Award of Distinction for Excellence in Organization and Administration from the
California Clerks Association (1994). Reduced expenses by 22% while increasing services to the public;
developed “InfoSLO” computerized information kiosk, electronic advertising and electronic agendas;
reengineered all programs and processes in the Division.
City of Glendale 1989 to 1992
Assistant City Clerk
As a member of management, responsible for records management, election administration, municipal
code maintenance, FPPC disclosures, business licensing, film permits and special events for Glendale
(population 187,000). Supervised Council and Redevelopment Agency agendas, packets and minutes
preparation as required; administrated publication and mailing of legal notices, bids, and process claims
for the City. Develop, presented and administrated City Clerk annual budget of $800,000. Acted as
Public Information Officer for the City during emergencies (Glendale fire, storm damage). Supervised a
staff of nine who serve a culturally diverse community.
Developed, implemented, and administrated a Citywide records management program based on optical
disk technology which has received international, national and state awards for exceptional records
management programs.
Proposal for La Quinta – Records Retention Schedules
Submitted by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. 909.337.3516 page 4
Food 4 Less / Market Basket / Viva / Boys Markets 1980-1989
Credit Management Services Supervisor
Administered payment systems and collections for a chain of 50 grocery stores (over five million
transactions annually.) Records management for payment transactions, criminal and civil incidents for
chain. A key member of the management team that developed and implemented computerized
Electronic Funds Transfer for checks and credit cards as well as several custom applications to track
returned items and issue check cashing cards. Budget development and administration for four Divisions
representing expenditures of over $8,000,000.
Pacific Southern University, Los Angeles: Bachelor of Science, Business Administration
California Polytechnic University, Pomona: Business administration courses
Citrus College, Azusa: Associate of Science, Business Administration
UCLA: Business management courses
Institution de Technologico, Yucatan, Mexico: Attended institute as a foreign exchange student
ESRI Geographic Information Systems (GIS) training
Olsten Award for Excellence in Records Management Programs;
Association of Records Management Administrators (ARMA)
President’s Award of Distinction for Excellence in Organization and Administration;
City Clerks Association of California (CCAC)
Records Management Award for Exceptional Municipal Programs Utilizing Alternative Technologies;
International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC)
President’s Award for Excellence in Public Presentations and Published Articles;
City Clerks Association of California (CCAC);
Rotary, International, Lake Arrowhead Chapter: (2) Special Service Awards for Projects which raised
over $40,000 for fire victims.
(3) Honorary Service Awards (California PTA, for outstanding service to youth and community)
Life Member: Delta Mu Delta, Alpha Gama Sigma and California Scholarship Federation
Listed in Who's Who of Executives and Professionals
2017 Woman of Distinction Award, California 23rd Senate District
University of Riverside, Extension / Technical Track for Clerks: Records Management, Elections
AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management)
ARMA (Association of Records Mangers and Administrators)
IIMC (International Institute of Municipal Clerks)
CCAC (City Clerks Association of California)
Government Technology Conference
Co-Author: Ballot Counting Procedures and Guidelines (various voting systems)
Author: Document Imaging
Efficient Filing
Funding Records Management Projects
Elections Management and Performance Measurement
Various articles published by ARMA, ICMA, IIMC and NAGARA
AIIM Professional Level Member
Association of Records Managers and Administrators
City Clerks Association of California (Past First Vice President, Past Second Vice President)
International Institute of Municipal Clerks (Past Chair, Resource Committee, Membership Task Force,
Past Chair, Records Management Committee)
National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA)
Rotary, International
Monika Radeva
Sent:Friday, March 08, 2019 3:34 PM
To:Monika Radeva
Subject:My proposals
Attachments:Proposal - Records Management Manual.doc; Proposal - Records Retention.doc
Follow Up Flag:Follow up
Flag Status:Flagged
Hi, Monika,
Thank you for including me in the RFI.
I have attached 2 proposals in response.
Diane R. Gladwell, MMC
President, Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.
office 909.337.3516
cell 951.288.7360
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From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 6:14 PM
To: 'Monika Radeva' <>
Subject: RE: La Quinta, CA: Records Retention Schedule Update
Hi, Monika,
Diane R. Gladwell, MMC
President, Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.
office 909.337.3516
cell 951.288.7360
This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the addressee (or authorized to receive for the addressee), you may
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From: Monika Radeva <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 8:11 AM
Subject: La Quinta, CA: Records Retention Schedule Update
Good morning Diane,
I have attached .PDF copies of both resolutions as well as a .PDF for the Request for
Information which has links to the resolutions available through the City’s document
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Thank you.
Monika Radeva, CMC | City Clerk
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253
Tel: (760) 777‐7035
From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 6:06 AM
To: Monika Radeva <>
Subject: RE: La Quinta, CA: Records Retention Schedule Update
Hi, Monika,
Thank you for sending this to me!
When I click on the link for the Retention Schedule and Manual, it asks for a user name and password …. Can you help?
Diane R. Gladwell, MMC
President, Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.
office 909.337.3516
cell 951.288.7360
This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the addressee (or authorized to receive for the addressee), you may
not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message. If you have received the message in error, please advise us by
reply e-mail (, and delete the message. Thank you very much.
From: Monika Radeva <>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 6:13 PM
To: Diane R. Gladwell, MMC <>
Cc: Monika Radeva <>
Subject: La Quinta, CA: Records Retention Schedule Update
Good afternoon,
The City of La Quinta is seeking proposals to the Request for Information for Record
Retention Schedule Update.
The deadline for submittals is Monday, March 11, 2019, at 5:00 p.m.
Thank you.
Monika Radeva, CMC | City Clerk
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253
Tel: (760) 777‐7035
From: <>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 6:11 PM
To: Monika Radeva <>
Content Updated: This RFP has been previously sent out.
Department Building and Safety, City Clerk, City Manager, Community Development, Community Services, Finance,
Public Works, Senior Services, LQ 2035 General Plan , City Council, Facilities Department, Community Resources, Design
& Development
Category Public Works/RFP Subscribers, Administration
RFP Number 20190304
Start Date 03/04/2019 5:46 PM
Close Date 03/11/2019 5:00 PM
RFP Post Status Open
The purpose for this Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit competitive proposals from qualified persons and/or firms
to provide comprehensive records retention consulting services for the City of La Quinta.
The City would like to update its current Records Retention Schedule to ensure records efficiency and consistency,
and compliance with current federal and state regulations.
The City Council adopted the City’s Records Retention Schedule on
August 6, 2013 – Council Resolution 2013‐036.
Additionally, the City Council adopted the City’s Records Manual on
February 16, 2010 – Council Resolution 2010‐016.
RFI Issue Date: 03/04/2019
Deadline for proposals: 03/11/2019 at 5:00 p.m.
Proposals can be submitted via e‐mail, hand delivery, or mail. All proposals must be submitted by the deadline listed
Please contact City Clerk Monika Radeva at (760) 777 – 7035 or with any questions or
additional information.
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