RFP - Addedum No. 1 Project No. 2017-01 ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 TO: All Prospective Consultants FROM: Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer DATE: March 21, 2019 SUBJECT: Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes, City Project Number 2017-01 The following questions and answers are provided for the above referenced project. The request for proposal and prior Amendments shall remain in force.  Clarifications Q-1. How is the project being funded? A.1 The project is being funded with Regional Funds through CVAG. The remaining funds are being split using local funds through the City of La Quinta, the City of Palm Desert, and the City of Indian Wells. Q-2. What is the estimated construction cost? A.2 The anticipated construction cost is approximately $1 million. This cost includes the cost for temporary easements and the purchase of right-of-way. However, we expect the design consultant to refine the cost estimate as part of the design. Q-3. What is the City’s desired schedule? A.3 In order to comply with the funding requirements, the project needs to be in construction by May 1, 2020. Q-4. Who prepared the initial concept? A.4 The initial concept was originally prepared by RBI Traffic for the City of La Quinta and subsequently refined by the City of Palm Desert and NAI Consulting. Q-5. Will the plans be reviewed only by La Quinta, or will Indian Wells and Palm Desert staff also be reviewing the plans. A.5 It is anticipated that the City of Palm Desert and Indian Wells will have an opportunity to review the plans. Q-6. Which City’s standards will apply to the design? A.6 It is anticipated that each City’s Standards will apply in their jurisdictional boundaries. Q-7. It appears from the concept that the widening will remove existing landscaping to stay within existing right of way. Is it the intention of the project to remove existing landscaping for the widening and not replace it? Will a Landscape Architect be required if landscaping does need to be replaced back? A.7 Generally, it is anticipated that landscaping and irrigation will be modified as needed by the Contractor. Where turf area is modified, it is anticipated that the Contractor can be directed to modify the irrigation as needed and place the turf back that is removed as part of the construction activities. Where planter beds are modified it is anticipated that the landscaping will be removed where improvements will now be and that irrigation will be capped and modified as required by the Contractor. Where there is space to place back landscaping in kind the Contractor should be directed to do so. A Landscape Architect is not anticipated to be required for the minor modifications needed. However, Consultants may propose a Landscape Architect as an optional scope and fee with explanation as to why they feel they are required. Q-8. The RFP does not mention pot holing, geotech investigations, or drainage study. Does the City desire any or all of those services be included in the proposal? A.8 Consultants should include an option scope and fee for the potholing of the new locations of signal poles. If the Consultant recommends additional potholing for other items it is at their discretion and expertise to include in the proposal. The City does not have subsurface information beyond Record Drawings. It is not anticipated that any new catch basins are being placed, only reconstructed to the ultimate condition so a drainage study should not be required. It is anticipated that the existing pavement section should be used for the widening so a Geotech investigation should not be required. Q-9. It appears from the concept that the project will displace existing utilities if the widening is to remain in the right of way. Is it the intent of the City that the utility companies are to secure their own easements for relocating utilities onto private property? A.9 It is anticipated that the Cities all have prior rights and the utility companies will be required to relocate using their own funds. However, the design and discussions with the utility companies impacted should consider ways to minimize their impacts. For instance, if there is an above ground feature, could it be placed underground or moved where there is public right-of-way space? Q-10. Can an exhibit map be presented on 11x17 sized pages? A.10 Yes, exhibit maps may be presented on 11x17 pages. Q-11. Section F. Appendices, (2) Insurance Acknowledgement asks for a signed insurance acknowledgement(s). In lieu of an acknowledgement(s), can a sample insurance certificate be submitted in its place? A.11 Yes. Q-12. Are subconsultants required to submit the Non-Collusion Affidavit Form or is this just a requirement for the prime? A.12 Only the prime is required. Q-13. Section E.3.1 is requiring an endorsement with an edition date of 1992; underwriters are currently using the edition date of 07/04. Can the edition date be changed to the latest? A.13 We can update the language to reference an edition date of 1992 or newer. Q-14. Section E.3.9 states that all subcontractors provide the same minimum coverage. Our insurance company would not have a way to verify the subcontractors’ coverage. Can this section be removed and in its place this statement be allowed: “insurance carried by our subconsultants will meet the City’s requirements and proof of such coverage will be provided upon award of contract.” A.14 The consultant is not required to provide the insurance coverage for its subcontractors or provide verification to the City of the subcontractors’ insurance. However, it is the consultants responsibility to ensure insurance carried by the subconsultants will also meet the City’s insurance requirements.