06-0662 (SFD) Structural & Truss Calcs4TH OUTSIDE I 86r o TOWER PER D� W. SCH. 16 ALL AROUND '� - _ i ---1 �I, o ---�ALI T. t; 16d 0 mircc : V }� 1 �yG p CA C 44 no /' SIM Q R. O.C. SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Jos No. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. Suite 206 CALCULATED BY McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED BY (208) 6348148 fax (208) 6344187 SCALE IV :.r (�oocQ Jy�vv� J J , 17. UJ x VQ &441e C IY" ? ` y °,' l cid "pyt--et 4() C.\4 Cc? • .. 2 � i �/r- x � =. �%F�- o� is Yar . `.. �•`...- �,,�,,•: 'wit � z�ST u y2 _l SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Jos No. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. - _ Suite 206 CALCULATED BY McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED 13Y --------- (208)634-8148 fax (208)-634-4157 ' SCALE M ev( YES C f. Q �v �; '► C `�4-� Cy + vv fS 'C!Cjovd ( .,o` 2 x vvs c LtoCc a S cr c . V 5e Vic/ 6z -Cc l71 ce o C z 764 e9-9 C I Al "s -C ty rofi t �„- zSe� � x4 LA � Q � C 12 o L R v }e : �'t AA - SUMMIT `y Z X� ✓"f? C' ,� G �-O 1 �c,✓w� dLrGr STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOB NO. 106 EAST PARK STREET SHEET NO. Suite 206 - CALCULATED BY McCall, ID 83638 CHECKED 8Y (208) 634-8148 tax (208) 6344157 SCALE 16.5; SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 106 EAST PARK STREET Suite 206 McCall, ID 83638 (208) 634-8148 fax (208) 634-4157 ( 6X Jos No. SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY- -4 Woodworks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Floor Bearnmbc Woodworks@ Sizer 97e May 18, 2006 14:09:09 COMPANY I P 6w EL Summit Structural Engineering I IQG E. Park Street, Suite 206 I , McCall, _daho 33638 i DESIGN CHECE - NDS -1357 Joist DESIG_4 DATA: material: Lumber -soft @ 12.0 :,in: spacing lateral support: Top= Full Bottom-- @Supports total length: B_00 (ft) repetitive factor: applied where permitted(refer to online help) Load Combinations: ASCE 7-55 LOADS: (force=lbs, oressure=psf, ud_`-plf', location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included-,< r, Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I ?attern I I I Start End I Start End I Load -------- -----I--------I----.---------- I ----------------- ----------------- 1 Dead Full Area 12 (12.0)- No 'Tributary Width (ir.) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) I 8.00 ft ---------- ------------------- Dead I 53 53 Live I Total 1 53 53 ' B.:.ergth I 1.0 1.0 ------as==_=aaa=a=�---=saga_=___aa U4fiflB8d$@9tj4Sl69ils}BNdfrtiilBdQU968d8dAd4NflrlHflditldflflilY68d69dPF9fl�tiSk88UCfl$N89B99 DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No.2, 2x4 @ 1.247 plf This section PASSES the design .ode check. ` d$$tiBddflt!888NRRdgfld${!�$BkdB,YR@$888i}fl&A&tii18$Nd68dBpdAflQ�kI1NN6fl9flif869iIN8i1i989 x . SECTION -vs. DESIGN CODES (stress-psi,Tdeflection-in) =Criterion -rI Analysis ValueaI Designs value I-Analysis/Design I -------------- I---------------- 1----------------I----------------= /� Shear fv @d = 14 F.I. 85 fv/F`t' _ 0.16 (] Bending(+) fb - 415 Fb' = _397. fb/Fb' U:3 Live Defl'r. negligible Total Defl'n 0.14 = L/674 0.53 = L/180 0.27 ?ACTORS: F CD cmCt CL CF CJ C=u Cr LCB Fb'+= 900 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.50 1.000 1.00 1.15 1 Fv' - 95 0.90 1.00 1.00 (Ca = '-0110) 17 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.10 - 1 ADDITIONAL DATA aBenling(+): LCNal = D only, M = 106 lbs -ft Shear . :,CII 1 - D only, V = ' 53, t@d - 49 Its Def'_ectior.: :,Cd 1 = D only EI= 8.57e06 lb -in= Tctal Deflecticn - 1.00IDef-'n dead) + Deflr._Live. (D -dead Lalive S=snow W=wind I=impact C -construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis outpuz) VESIGN NOTES- - -_ ----- "--- 1. Please verify that Lite default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. - 2_ S'adr: lumber bending members shall be•'aterall-y supported accordirg to the prnvisians of NDS Clause 4.4.1. - PAGE SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING'. PEone: (208)634-8146 Fax (208) 630-5079 106 a Park 3troer Ste. 206. McCall, ID • �a t Sladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A. Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 March 9, 2006 Project No. 544-06194 06-03-242 SHK Development 40283 Desert Creek Lane Rancho Mirage, California 92270 Project: The Hideaway — Lot 128 80-820 Via Portofino La Quinta, California Subject: Geotechnical Update Ref: Report of Observations and Testing During Fine Grading prepared by Sladden Engineering dated August 13, 2003, Project No. 544-2199, Report No. 03-04-225. Geofechnical Update prepared by Sladden Engineering dated February 25, 2003, Project No. 544-2199, Report No. 03-02-106. Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by Earth Systems Consultants dated September 22, 2000, File No. 07117-10, Report No. 00-09-772. Report of Testing and Observation During Rough Grading prepared by Earth Systems Southwest dated August 28, 2002, File No. 07117-11, Report No. 01-07-718. As requested, we have reviewed the above referenced geotechnical reports as they relate to the design and construction of the proposed single family residence. The project site identified as Lot 128 is located along Via Portofino within the Hideaway Golf Club development in the City of La Quinta, California. It is our understanding that the proposed residence will be a relatively lightweight wood -frame structure supported by conventional shallow spread footings and concrete slabs on grade. The lot was previously graded during the rough grading of the Hideaway project site and was subsequently regraded.. The rough grading included overexcavation of the native surface soils along with the placement of engineered fill material to construct. the building pads. The regrading included processing the surface soils along with minor cuts and fills to construct the individual building pads. Some additional overexcavation was performed in areas where the building envelopes were reconfigured. The initial site grading is summarized in the referenced Report of Observations and Testing During Rough Grading prepared by Earth, Systems Southwest and the regrading is summarized in the referenced Report of Observations and 'Testing During Fine Grading prepared'by our firm. March 9, 2006 -2- Project No. 544-06194 06-03-242 The referenced reports include recommendations pertaining to the construction of residential structure foundations. Based upon our review of the referenced reports, it is our opinion that the structural values included in the referenced grading report remain applicable for the design and construction of the proposed residential structure foundations. Because the lot has been previously graded, the remedial grading required at this time should be minimal. The building area should be cleared of surface vegetation, scarified and moisture conditioned prior to precise grading. The exposed surface should be compacted so that a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction is attained prior to fill placement. Any fill material should be placed in thin lifts at near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Allowable Bearing Pressures: The allowable bearing pressures recommended in the grading report prepared by Sladden Engineering remain applicable. Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed into properly compacted fill material a minimum of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad footings should be at least 2 feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings may be designed utilizing an allowable bearing pressure of 2000 psf. An allowable increase of 300 psf for each additional 1 foot of width and 300 psf for each additional 6 inches of depth may be utilized if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf. The recommended allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loading. The bearing soils are non -expansive and fall within the "very low" expansion category in accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) classification criteria. Pertinent 2001 UBC Seismic Design parameters are summarized on the attached data sheet. Previous soluble sulfate testing indicates that some of the surface soil within the Hideaway Development is potentially corrosive with respect to concrete. Special corrosion resistant concrete mixes may be necessary dependent upon the results of soluble sulfate testing performed prior to construction. If you have questions regarding this letter or the referenced reports; please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEER: BrettWAnderso Principal Engineer SER/pc �OPg0F O� L A?vVr g _ Q �P Z UJ o• C4 Z Cr Exp. ,f30;06 m C/VIL �rFCFr, IIFO�� Copies: 4/SHK Development Sladden Engineering 4, . r, March 9, 2006 -3- Project No. 54406194 06-03-242 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE SEISMIC DESIGN INFORMATION . The California Code of Regulations, Title 24 (2001 California Building Code) and 1997 Uniform Building Code, Chapter 16 of this code, contain substantial revisions and additions to earthquake engineering design criteria. Concepts contained in the code that will be relevant to construction of the proposed structures are summarized below. Ground shaking is expected to be the primary hazard most likely to affect the site, based upon proximity to significant faults capable. of generating larger earthquakes. Major fault zones considered to be most likely to create strong ground shaking at the site are listed below. • Approximate Distance: Based on our field observations and understanding of local geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable to this site is So, .generally described as stiff or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone "4. The following table presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction upon adoption of the 1997 code. Near -Source Fault Type Fault Zone From Site (1997 UBC) San Andreas 9.8 km A San Jacinto 26 km ' A Based on our field observations and understanding of local geologic conditions, the soil profile type judged applicable to this site is So, .generally described as stiff or dense soil. The site is located within UBC Seismic Zone "4. The following table presents additional coefficients and factors relevant to seismic mitigation for new construction upon adoption of the 1997 code. Near -Source Near -Source Seismic Seismic Seismic Acceleration' Velocity Coefficient Coefficient Source Factor, Na Factor, N, Ca C., San Andreas 1.01 1:22 0.44 Na 0.64 Nv San Jacinto 1.0 1.0 0.44 Na 0.64 N„ IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SHEET 3 OF5 SHEETS AMENDMENT NO. 2 TRACT NO. 29894-2 � -- OTY of LA CUftTA TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF' MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, INCLUSIVE, AND AMENDED TRACT 64t NO. 29894-2, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 327, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, INCLUSIVE, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF yo81 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, IN SECTIONS 9 & 10, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN AMENDING , LOTS 3 THROUGH 12, INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE, LOTS "A" AND "N" OF TRACT NO. 29894-2 AND AMENDING LOTS 1, 2, AND 13, LOTS "D", "L", "V" (RESUBDIVIDED AS LOT "K" OF ;TRACT No. 29894-3, M.B. 351/35-48), "X AND A PORTION OF LOT "Q" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-7. TETRA TECH, INC. a APRIL 2004 r--- ---—I---j—-------- T—F--------� a s �m 914019131111 BBehag a NAP _ a3 imr ' SHEET 6 T I I SHEET 7I I LOT ,V SHEET a M S (RES TRACT N AS LOT "K" OF I I TRACT m, 28894-3, STATEMENT OF CHANGES - f x N.B. JS/IJ9-48 .. • � — I — 00 I 6.F�{CaRY SEE SIIEE•f �NO� 4.. I I - � � •- ��I1Bg THIS MAP HEREBY AMENDS LOTS 3 THROUGH 11., INCLUSIVE, LOTS 64 SHEET 4 I — - 1_ (4M >m r THROUGH 76, INCLUSIVE AND LETTERED LOTS "A" AND 'N" OF TRACT. NO. ' AMFJiOfD I I to ♦aa +� �a, �° tm I 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF MAPS, PAGES 18 I. T*CT No. to ua 'V2 THROUGH 50, THEREOF, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE .COUNTY,, CALIFORNIA.208 0 MR 14, / t `L� 2la/ THIS MAP HEREBY DELETES' LOT 12 AND LOTS 77 THROUGH 84, INCLUSIVE' / P°0 /= 1 4 ° I OF TRACT N0. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 309 OF a % I TRACT • f rIgo ° MAPS, PAGES 18 THROUGH 50, THEREOF, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, NAP. Z ° a91/afr48 I I L� �a I CALIFORNIA. r T— ---_—N,— _ r I — — T — —� — a i Lary- THIS MAP HEREBY AMENDS LOTS 12 11 14 m e of a, a `• _ SHEET t0 ea 7;T--r.-ru 7°T �ro d y ` m OF T O o 6 s TI I I ee � a TRACT" RpG7 No. 2BBB4 2 LOT 2 I T I F/ 02 B0in . 87 °B / B N if1B`}a��laB".4B19 OW LOT V 1 —4 / 80 a I I (RESURACT N,, AS LOT 'K" OF I I BJ a TRACT No. 299P4—J. ,. LOT ) �/ A —T g I I SEE SHEET /1�SNOTE 4. >a; ,' TV _ ms I I �� I � gas a L 9L mr _ I zm 2 soo ,'�� wo I I i i r ,yr e N I a77 1ff / Lm F I I s+e 700y=da z44 I ,af as v � Tsa 187 - - I L < 240 'i - oal �. w 0 as j w 140/ a/ Lar e ®` o zW1 1�"ue 280 Ime°�� 11 / \l�r.p U Baaan a \ 1aa LOT QtI jee 44 I my Crim S10 sfoJ Y � I'411. a° _ I I-20 2aoJ. 1 f i 4, I ago a 1 1 O �2°a 0�� SO 2 - 1 � R gas � I I sn zs� ® I aas sof . ® !_J ® �re NO � f'qp 41 u`I° as LOT AA r Lar AA no I LaT AA �°O m -w 7 r Sam rao 25 i f 01 � to I X01 °� cafes no q °� coves i1 aoLv cowsE %-� eaz 1 /�LOT H � ~8B 20 n `I r20 62 saa L I rasa - i �� aaf 7 r 26 y I �" zza i 2ff 282 r me a- 4 Com+ aaa y 1 �e � 2 • I sza xf 201 gal -1 �a22 -Iso r �. sao .� 0 ISO �iy0�6�0\2�LY�see\y/ y(p�g0 ;eza�aaf >/ ��1 � v 1 , LOT AA , L----------=-----------------------=---------�---------- SHEET INDEX I% 1, 2, AND 13, AND LETTERED LOTS D , 'X', AND A PORTION OF LOT "0" OF AMENDED TRACT NO. 29894-2 AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 327 OF MAPS, PAGES 56 THROUGH 88, THEREOF, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. "NAP". INDICATES AREA BEING "NOT A PART" OF THIS AMENDMENT AND PROPERTY REMAINING UNAFFECTED BY THE RECORDATION OF THIS MAP. - y INDICATE UMITS:OF'THE AREA AFFECTED BY THIS AMENDMENT i fH93TOt i INDICATES SHEET REFERENCE GRAPHIC SCALE eao 0 no ma ,000 2000 IN PRET ) 1 inch - 600 R t ';� •' i i � �M y 9 �'I P6 'S `'W l 'M1 ".Y�. � .. .r, .f � .. f �,� }� •_ 5 •�f °w n�. �£, tet ' t "'� Vs [rh��F Bs ,��, t e,..g r., br v e r ; � �' � r� b a g �.it;r p fb r. •� . f ?)Y•f Y'�' •�•M�SY-:w� � `�:fi'r /. 4k` t-:�5a ,�g ti� `�r >4 y tiii�; ° ix ,� � t;7r, � �� ry .y .. r y Y �, 1�.�, .F+ifi`CR,fa �° 't�aj c.:,. ij �.+n .. , t, - :£ � nate, ""'� ai':. � ; C+•�' AGI e�J. � >: �r w � � �;� 2 �• ° S{RUC t?�;CALCV<LATIO • � ,��.�V,� ;���`�.�'''` `tr`.:p'a�,�� Rff u`� -�.. "F 3��"'f` r `�;a'> F Ali. l F;'�k .,t ��s .�r� �nii fip dy!.. i f i 5 1��.4�9' F" xgN<4r�",• gra i -� 3 v.t�,• s t�`�j y,�..a 14 �,'.. t„71 SU� `I14;UYRAL 4 , 1 INGx, ENGIN IER, ,!f 1��.4�9' F" xgN<4r�",• gra i -� 3 v.t�,• s t�`�j y,�..a 14 �,'.. t„71 SU� `I14;UYRAL 4 , 1 INGx, ENGIN IER, 'ttik�ts.4� it• - 1��.4�9' F" xgN<4r�",• gra i -� 3 v.t�,• s t�`�j y,�..a 14 �,'.. t„71 SU� `I14;UYRAL 4 , 1 INGx, ENGIN IER, 'ttik�ts.4� 53s pfd 'j�y�V�,$� 3'' n4 .`�y- 'L..,v°r *'°`yy.-hr,Yy+VS)!'Y .t>ti�p �iie+FLS';r} E �,•61,'b','jk7` CONSULTIN. }EtNGIANEERS y� (8�,66�) r86`2�'8148��3s�(�208) 630 5079rfax � .r ir, .. W - .iD r. 53T •'� yl y.: r •SA, 12, kkry � > r f.7 YZf Cn [L .>2.,M` .i h 'yJz .9M N.it*3: Srx� k Y?K •t- r17. � Yl DESCRIPTION PAGE DESIGN CRITERIA.............................................:...:...............................:.......:...1 ` DESIGN LOADS ................ .............. ..... ....... .............. 2 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION . ...... .. :. 3 ..... ......... SHEAR. WALL. SCHEDULE ........................................................ ......._4 SOIL REPORT........... ... .......................................................................5 VERTICAL ANALYSIS ............. ......................................................... �7-62 LATERAL ANALYSIS..............................................................................:.... Ll-1-44 nSUMIvflT.S;ERFT:....:... ' ENGIIQEERING.��.r�P6n"ue��(86`6}�862'81;48pt'�#Fa'c�'(ZOS) 630=5015,;�.�^�'°,�v�I06 E'��Petk'+SkYSte`?`2Q6 ' :.Mc,C,al(,.ID( SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 106 East Park Street Suite 206 a < McCall, ID 83638 ���DEStGt��C:RtTERIA�;FOR`�STR�`UC�T;��R�A `�3CA��CJ��A'�TlON�Sh - - The drawings, calculations, specifications and. reproduction are instruments of service to be used only for the specific project covered by agreement and cover sheet. Any other use is solely prohibited. The structural calculations included here are for the analysis and design of the primary structural system. . Non-structural elements and the attachment mechanism is the responsibility of the architects or designer, unless specifically shown otherwise. . All changes made to the subject project shall be submitted to Summit Structural Engineering in writing for review and comments. • Sketches and details in calculations are not to scale and may not present true conditions on plans.' Architect'or designer is responsible for drawing details in plan which represent true framing conditions and scale. ' Governing Code 2001 UBC Seismic Zone'.,4 Seismic Zone Factor 0.4 Wind Speed 70 mph:' Wind Exposure; C s Soil Report By: Earth Systems Consultants Report No. 00=04-707 Dated: April 4t' 2000 - Phone No.:: (760) 345-1588 Soil Bearing Pressure 1500 psf. Equivalent Fluid Pressure 30 (Active) +: Prime Professional/Project Architect: ` South West Concepts. . 78.-120 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA Phone No: (760) 564-4707x UMMIT�STRUCTURAL�ENGINEERINQ��'�}P,HONE�. ,8,66 862'-8148,,,,;Fax_�j208�,�6;3Qf5079y�i"�j�(����1O,6yE'FpARIC'5,1;`�'�MG,C�4LL�lDa t SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 106 East Park Street Suite 206 McCall, ID 83638 DESIGN LOADS Roof Loads - Sloped Clay Tile -mud set 22 psf. Sheathing (1/2" CDX) 1.5 psf. Framing 2.5 psf. Insulation 1.5 psf. Ceiling 2.5 psf. Misc. 0.0 psf. Total Dead Load 30 psf. Total Live Load 16 psf. rToft Roof Load X46 psf Floor Loads Sheathing (3/4" Plywd.) 2.5 psf. Framing 3.5 psf. Ceiling 2.5 psf. Misc. 8.5 psf. Total Dead Load .12 psf. Total Live Load 40 psf. uTotai' Floor Load Roof Loads Flat Roofing Exterior Wall Sheathing (1/2" CDX) 1.5 psf. Stucco 10.0 psf. Insulation Studs , 1.0 psf. .2.5 psf. Drywall 2.5 psf. Total Dead Load Misc. 1.0 psf 20 psf T�otal:Wal( Weight 15 0 psf Roof Loads Flat Roofing 3.5 psf. Sheathing (1/2" CDX) 1.5 psf. Framing 2.5 psf. Insulation 1.8 psf. Ceiling .2.5 psf. Misc. 3.2 psf. Total Dead Load IS psf. Total Live Load 20 psf Total RoofLoad 35_♦Psf Deck Loads 2x Decking 5.0 psf. Framing 2.0 psf Misc. 1.0 osf Total Dead Load 8.0 psf. Total Live Load 60 psf. . Interior Wall Drywall 5.0 psf. Studs 1.0 psf. Mechanical & Insulation 1.0 psf. Misc. 1.0 psf. Total Wall W®�gP. ht r z 10 0' psf SUMMIT"STRUCTWARi44ENGINEERINti};�F?FIONE($66)�8628t4"B�FnX(208j63U-5D7g��?�z 2 Member Fb(psi) Fv(psi) E(psi) Sawn Lumber (DF -L)* 2x Joists & Rafters (No.2) 1006 95 1.6x106 4x Sawn Beams (No.2) 875 95 1.8x108 6x Sawn Beams (No.2) 875 85 1.3x106 4x Sawn Beams (No.1) 1000 _ 95 1.7x106 6x Sawn Beams (No.1) 1350• 85 ' , 1.6x106 Values may be increased according to size, factor, CF . Manufactured Products Glu -Lem 2400 165 1.8x106 Paralam PSL 2900 290 2.0x106 ' Microllam LVL 2600 285 .1.8x106 ♦ Concrete: 'Application Strength 28 days Slab on grade 2500 psi Footings and grade beams 3000 psi Design is based on 2500 psi concrete. No inspection is required, unless noted otherwise.. # Reinforcing Steel: Bars Allowable stress #4 and smaller reinforcing bars shall conform to A.S.T.M. A - 615740. Fy=40,000 psi #5 and larger reinforcing bars shall conform to A.S.T.M. A - 615-60. Fy=60,000 psi *Structural Steel: Description Specification Pipe ASTM A-53 Type E. or S, Grade B Tube ASTM A-500, Grade B All other shapes ASTM A-36 Allowable stress Fy=30,000 psi Fy.=46,000 psi Fy=36,000 psi High strength bolts ASTM A-325 All other bolts ASTM A-307' *CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS All concrete masonry units shall conform to standard specifications for hollow load* bearing concrete masonry units (ASTM C-90, Grade N-11). SUAAMI�,$TRUCTURAL',��NGINEERIIV�O��i��PW01VE �,(8•,66),862=8,'L`4'8�tFAx"j(;208��,63,,Qrti50,7,9;�+�`�;x�+�'f'1t1'QC �u�k?AgICS,1�naMCCRI�lhj1QC 3 1 ERIN 0"6 C PHONES 866 `862-8 f�48' �FA�tt 208 r630�0�91c�& v 7� sr u? rta ° � f )t ., � i ) �1; nti4, ,c106.E PARKy3,1t McCAu.,,ID, SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Number Construction Plate' 106 East Park Street Suite 206 Anchor Bolt Shear McCall, ID 83638 Nailing Equiv.. Size and Value 16d sinker ERIN 0"6 C PHONES 866 `862-8 f�48' �FA�tt 208 r630�0�91c�& v 7� sr u? rta ° � f )t ., � i ) �1; nti4, ,c106.E PARKy3,1t McCAu.,,ID, Number Construction Plate' A35 Anchor Bolt Shear Nailing Equiv.. Size and Value 16d sinker Spacing 1 W or 5/8" Drywall unblocked, w/ 5d (6d @ 5/8") 8" 48":. 5/8" @ 48" 100 plf. •50 plf in zone cooler nails @ 7" o.c. @ edges 3&4 and field " W or 5/8" Drywall 8" 32" - 5/8" @ 48" 200 plf. unblocked, w/ 5d (6d @ 5/8") •100 plf in a cooler nails @ 7" o.c. @ edges zone a s a and field. Both Sides. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 2" 2" 8" 5/8" @ 16" 640 pif. 2 o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 2". 2-16d @ 2"- 4" 7/8" @ 12" 1280 plf. 2a o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. Both Sides. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 3" 3" 12" 5/8" @ 16" 490 plf. 3 o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d .nails @ 3". 2-16d @ 3" 6" . 7/8" @ 12" 980 plf. 3a o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. Both Sides. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 4" 4" 16" 5/8" @ 24" 385 plf. 4 o.c. @ edges and 12"o.c. • (limited to field. 350 plf.) 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 4" 2" 8" 3/4" @ 12" 760 plf. 4a o'c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. Both Sides. 3/8" Plywood, w/ 8d nails @ 6" 6" 24" 5/8" @ 32" 260 plf. . 6 o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c. field. 7 7/8" Stucco o/ paper backed lath w/ 16 8" 32" 5/8" @ 48" . 180 plf gauge staples @ 6" o.c. @'top, bottom, edge, and field. W Plywood, w/ 10d nails @ 2" 2" 7" 5/8" @ 16" 770 plf. 8 o.c. @ edges and 12" o.c- field. ERIN 0"6 C PHONES 866 `862-8 f�48' �FA�tt 208 r630�0�91c�& v 7� sr u? rta ° � f )t ., � i ) �1; nti4, ,c106.E PARKy3,1t McCAu.,,ID, o _ _ SUMMIT NGINEERING STRUC` TURAL .E +106 EAST PARK STREET 4= ' � a r >� a_ ,• k °'`;.r".r � t��-•�� �'"���#� SHEET NO'. — $UIte;206 i s r� _ _ +` � 'f = CALCULATED BY :: (208)`,634-8148 fau (108):"634' 57 SCALE I�1 VERTICAL ANALYSIS SUMMIT STRUCTURAL; ;106 EAST PARK STREET Site 206 F " 'McCall, ID;83638 (208):634;8148 fa (26i Jos No CALCULATED B CHECKED BY 'SCALE r 1 1 1 1� 1 ' WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS .Roof Beammbc WoodWorks@ Sizer 97e Dec. 49, 2005 17:03:32 COMPANY I PROJECT' Summit Structural Engineering I 270 North Main Donnelly, ID 83615 I DESIGN CHECK NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN'DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 8.50 [ft] --- Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) .»Self -weight automatically included<< ------ ---------------------------------------=-- ------------------- ____ ------- ------------------- Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude ( Location I Pattern I Start End I Start End I Load -I--------1-Full Area -I----------------- ------- --------- ---i .Dead - I-------- 30 (6.00) No 2 Live Full Area 20 (6.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs; length=in) 1 8.50 ft ---------i------------------- Dead 1 940 940 Live 1 510 510 Total 1 1450 1450 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8 @ 9..798 plf This section PASSES the design code check. #######################################'#################################### --------------- SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE I(stress=psi,. deflection=in) ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------ ------------ Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value 1 Analysis/Design I --------------I--------------- Shear fv @d = 45 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.42 Bending(+) fb = 714 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.48 Live Defl'n 0.05 = <L/999 0.28 = L%360 16 0. Total Defl'n 0.13 = L/790 0.57 = L/180 0.16 .23 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000_ 1.:00 1•.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 - (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 - Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL'DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 3069 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1444, V@d = 1232 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 309.37e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead). + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live 'S=snow W=wind., I=impact, C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: -----------------------------=--------------- 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application'. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Dec. 19, 2005 17:14:44 COMPANY I PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering 1 270 North Main Donnelly, ID 83615 I DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 1 Beam. -DESIGN -DATA: ___ material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total -length-====3=0o===(ft)________________________________________ Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force -lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load -1 Type I Distribution I' Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load I--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area30 (8.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (8.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length -in) 3.00 ft ----------I------------------- ' Dead I 417 417 Live 'I 240 240 Total I 657 657 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION:. D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x6 @ 7.185 plf This section PASSES the design code check. SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I --------------I----------------I----------------I------------------1 Shear . • fv @d = 23 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.2,1 Bending(+) fb = 213 Fb' = 1500. fb/Fb' = 0.14 Live Defl'n 0.00 = <L/999 0.10' = L/360 0.02 Total Defl'n 0.01.= <L/999 0.20 = L/180 0.03 FACTORS: F' CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 '1'.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1. 25 1.00 _1..00. (CH = 1.000) 2' Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 _ E' 1.6 'million, 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA ' Bending(+) LC# 2- D+L, M--===492 lbs -ft_________________________________ Shear LC# 2 = D+L,.V = 656, V@d = 455 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 122.01e06.1b-int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live 'S=snow W= -wind I=impact C=construct_ion). (All --LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate ,. for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall -'be laterally supported'according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE SUMMIT STRUCTUR AL INGINEERING ;;=,r , Phone.. (208);63 1r.4 �_ LO6;E Park..SUeet ,Ste:.206 IvicCall ID WOodWorkS® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS 1 Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Dec. 19, 2005 17:24:04 COMPANY ( - PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering 1 270 North Main Donnelly, ID 83615 1 1 1 �I 1 11 1 IJ DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 Beam, DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft - lateral support: T I op= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 7.00 (ft] Load -Combinations: -ASCE 7=95________________________________________ LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) _ »SQlf-weight automatically-incl.uded« Load I Type I Di-stribution I Magnitude ( Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start •End 1 Load - ----I--------I--r-----------I----------------- I -----------------I--- ---- 1 Dead Full Area 30 (4.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 2.0 (4.:0.0)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (4..00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) ------------___� ---------------- MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force -lbs, .length=in)c 1' 7.00 ft ---------- ------------------- Dead' I 658. 658 Live 1 280 280 Total I 938 938 .B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 .DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1,' 6x6 @ 7.185 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ##################################.######################################### .SECTION -vs. -DESIGN CODE--(-stress=psi, deflection=in)� - --------------------- Criterion I Analysis Value -1 Design Value I Analysis/Design I -------------- ------------- 7_1 ----------- ------------------ Shear fv @d = 40 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.3,8 Bending(+) fb = 708- Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb'. = 0.47 Live Defl'n 0..04 = <L/999 0.23 = L/360 0.15 Total Defl'n 0.12 L/710 0.47 � L/180 0.25 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00- 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000)' 2 Fcp'= .625 1.00 1.00 _ E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA _ Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 1637 lbs -ft________________________________ Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 935, V@d = 813 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 122.01e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) +-DeflnLive. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact_C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis.output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify .that the defaalt-de€lection limits.a-re appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions .of NDS Clause 4.4.1. - - - PAGE Io �-��,• SUMMIT STRUCTURt1L ENGINEERING Phone (208)t634 8[48 El Fnx (208) 630-5079•' ,.; a _°•g't, ti I06 0.0 Ste :206,1�itcCall; ID' �l WOOdWOrkS® SIZ@Y for ' ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Dec. 19, 2005 17:27:52 COMPANY I PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering 1 270 North Main Donnelly,.ID.83615 DESIGN CHECK -. NDS -1997 Beam --DESIGN- DATA: material: Timbersoft lateral support: Top=, Full Bottom= @Supports total length 6.50 [ft] Load Combinations ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft,) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load I Type i Distribution I Magnitude i Location I Pattern I 1 I Start End I Start .End I Load -----I--------I--------------6-----------------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30. (4.00)* No ' 2' Live- Full Area 20 (9.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (4.00)'* No. *Tributary Width (ft) ' MAXIMUM -REACTIONS- and -BEARING.LENGTHS---(force=lbs_length=in) - ---------�--- I 6.50 ft ----------I-----------=------- ' Dead'I 611 611 Live 1 260'. 260 Total 1 871 871 _ B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 - '########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x6 @ 7.185 plf This section PASSES the.design code check. #################################################'########################## SECTION vs.DESIGN CODE •(stress=psi, deflection=in) ------------ ________________________--------- ________ Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Desi'gn I --------------- 1---------------- I---------------- I ---•---------------I Shear fv @d = 37 Fv' =. 106' fv/Fv'0.3,5 Bending(+) fb = 611 Fb'. = 1500, fb/Fb' - 0.41 Live Defl'n 0.03 = ¢/999 0.22 = .L/360 0.12 Total Defl'n 0.09 = L/886 0.4,3 = L/180 0.20 ' FACTORS: -F-_---- CD- ----CM---_-Ct----- .CL -----CF-----CV- Cfu---- Cr ---LC# Fb'+= 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 .1.00 1.00 (CH'= 1.000) .2 ' l 625 1 . 00 1..00 E ^ E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending-(+).: LC# 2 D+L,.M'= 1411 lbs -ft Shear• LC# 2 = D+L, V 868, V.@d = .-746 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 122.01e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection=-1.00(Defln'dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) ,. (All LC's are listed in the Analysis•output)' DESIGN NOTES: ------------ ' 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for.your application, 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1.- PAGE SU1viMITS,TRUCTURAT ENGINEERING Phone (208);634 `8148 , Faz (208) 630=5079` ",, :� ?h,e w lO6;E ParkStreet;,Stq.206 McCall"ID, WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks@ Sizer 97e Dec. 19, 2005 17:30:24 COMPANY I' PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering I 270 North Main I Donnelly, ID 83615 j DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 ' Beam DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports '_____________ length====9=50===(ft)_________________ Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 ------------ LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl--plf, location=ft)" >>Self -weight automatically included<< Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load -----I-------- I--------------- I----------------- 1- ----------------- I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 (6.00)*. No 2 Live. Full Area 20 (6.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (6.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) ---------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in)' 1 9.50 ft ---------- I------------------ ' Dead 1 1352 1352 Live 1 570 570 Total 1 1922 1922 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 '########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x10 @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ############################### SECTION SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress psi deflection=in) Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I --------. ---------- -=----------- ' Shear. fv @d = 46 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' 0.43 Bending ('+) fb = 658 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.39 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.32 L/360 0.11 Total Defl'n 0.12 = L/971 0.63 L/180 0.19• ' FACTORS: F --CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00, 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA ' Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 4540 lbs -ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1911, V@d = 1593,lbs Deflection: LC# 2 D+L EI= 628.73e06 lb -int Total'Deflection = 1.00-(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. ' (D=dead L=live• S=snow. W=wind I=impact 'C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be'laterally supported according to h the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE SUMMIT $TRUCTUR:AL ENGINEERfNG *. ,. � P.fione (208)';634 ;8148 „,� lad (208) 63(Z=5079 .�,,,.; r7y � ., ��� ,- �L06.E'�Paik,Street, Ste.206, McCall; `ID Roof Beam.wbc Woodworks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Wood Works® Sizer 97e Feb. 1, 2006 18:16:26 .COMPANY I - PROJECT , Summit Structural Engineering 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 DESIGN.CHECK - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: - ----material--_--=---Glulam Unbala=d___________________________________ lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports ...total length: 9.50 (ft] Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure-psf, udl-plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load I Type 1, Distribution I Magnitude I Location I=Pattern I I Start End I Start End 1 Load -----I--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 15 _ (8.00)- No 2 Dead Partial Area 30 (6.00)• 0.00 4.50 No 3. Live Partial Area 20 (6.00)' 0.00 4.50 No 4 Dead Partial Area 30 (12.50)' 4.50 9.50 No . 5 Live Partial Area 20 (12.50)'. 4.50 9.50 No 6 Dead Point 3420 4.50 No 7 Live Point 2280 4.50 No {Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS = (force -lbs, length -in) _ I 9.50 ft I ----------I-------------- ---- Dead I 3591 3873 Live I 1941 2129 Total 1 5532 6002 B.Length 1 1.7 1.8 ` DESIGN. SECTION: VG West.DF, 24F -V4, 5:125x15 @18.260 plf This section PASSES.the design code check. SECTION vs DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) _ =Criterion =I Analysis Value I Design= Value I Analysis/Design= I= --------------I----------------I--------------- Shear fv @d = 97 Fv' - 237 fv/Fv' = 0.41 Bending(+) fb = 1271 Fb' = 3000 fb/Fb' = 0.42 Live 'Defl'n 0.04 = <L/999 0.32 = L/360 0.13 Total Defl'n 0.11 = <L/999 0.63 - L/180 0.18 FACTORS:,F CD = CM Ct. CL= CF CV Cfu = Cr a LC# Fb'+= 2400 .1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00*, 1.00 2 Fv'= 190 1.25 1.00 1.00 2 Fcp'- 650 1.00 1.00 E' = 1.8 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 20355 lbs -ft ' Shear LC# 2 D+L, V = 5892, V@d 4989 lbs Deflection:.LC# 2 = D+L EI=2594.49e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection - 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: om===o===vme======--------------------------------------a_=emm_ve��m==°seem 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate - for your application. 2. GLULAM: The loading coefficient KL used in the calculation -of Cv •. is assumed to be unity for all cases. This is conservative except where point loads occur at 1/3 points of a span (NDS Table 5.3.2). 3. GLULAM: bxd = actual.breadth x actual depth. 4. Glulam Beams shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 3.3.3. 5. 'GLULAM: bearing length based on smaller of Fcp(tension•), Fcp(comp'n).. PAGE r3 ......._ •....ti ' SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING��?�Phone F(208)r634 8+1A8 Fax (208)'630 5099 c A�sy l06 EP'aik Sheet Ste 20�G McCall ID, WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks@ Sizer 97e COMPANY I PROJECT 1 Summit Structural Engineering 1 270 North Main 1 Donnelly, ID 83615 I DESIGN CHECK. - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: material:' Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: . 2.50 [ft) 1 __=====Load,Combinations:-ASCE-7=95________________________________________ LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf,. location=ft) . »Self -weight automatically included<< ' 1 Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude 1' Location I Pattern I. I I Start End I Start End I Load --I.--------I-------------- I ------------------ 1----��1---------I------- 1 Dead Full Area 30. (20.00)* — No 1 2 Live Full Area 20 .(20.00)* `(� No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) I===2=50==ft I ---=------I------------------- 1 Dead 1 797 797 . Live -1 500 500 Total 1 1297 1297 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 1########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x6 @ 7.185 plf ' This section PASSES the design code check. ######################## 1 SECTION -vs. -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress=psi,-deflection=in)---------------------- Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design, I 1 Shearfv @d = 41 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.23 0..38 Bending(+) fb = 351 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' Live Defl'n 0.00 = <L/999 0.08 =. L/360 0.03 Total Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.17 = L/lB0 0.04 1 FACTORS F------CD-----CM-----Ct----CL-----CF----'CV -- -Cfu-----Cr----LC#- Fb'+= 12001.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00•-' (CH = 1.000) 2- Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 '-E---durationfactorfo0- 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live -load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L, M ====810 lbs -ft_________________________________ Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1296, V@d = 821 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 122.01e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live. S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) 1 (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output). DESIGN NOTES: 1 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 1 PAGE 1 Dec. 19, 2005 17:49:42 WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof'Beam.wbc WoodWorks6 Sizer 97e Dec. 19, 2005 17:50:44 COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering I t 270" North Main Donnelly, .ID 83615 I ' DESIGN CHECK' - NDS -1997 'Beam DESIGN DATA: - material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full. Bottom= @Supports ' total length: 6.50 [ft) ----'--Load-Combinations ASCE 7=95 .- LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< ' Load I Type I Distribution (. Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End 1 Load a -----I--------I-------------- I -----------------I------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 . (20.00) No 2 Live Full Area 20 (20.00)* .� No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 1 6.50 ft '----------I------------- Dead 1 2095 2095--- Live 1 1300 1300 Total 1 3395 .3395 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ' ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1,. 6x10 @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ######'##################################################################### ' SECTION -vs -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress=psi_-deflection=in) Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I --------------I----------------I----------------I------------------I Shear fv @d = 74 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.69 ' Bending(+) fb = 799". Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.47 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.22• = L/360 0.12 Total Defl'n 0.07 = <L/999 0.43-= L/180 0.15 'FACTORS: -F------CD-----CM---_-Ct--- -CL-----CF-----CV-_-Cfu-----Cr----LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00•'.1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2- Fcp'= 625 1.00- 1.00: _ ' E' 1.6'million ,1.00 1..00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load"= 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA ' Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L, M== 5.505 lbs -ft= Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 3388, V@d = 2563 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 628.73e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live.' (D=dead L=live S=snow W= -wind 'I=impact •C=construction) ' ' --_(All _LC's are -listed -in- the -Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to. the provisions of ,NDS Clause 4.4.1.' PAGE IS 5 S WNW STRUCTIIR 4L ENGINEERING „ , phone (208) 634 8:148 Faz:(208)=630 5079 ' Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer for .ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Dec. 19, 2005 17:53:26 UUMYANY I PROJECT Summit Struneer ing I 270 North Main I Donnelly, ID 83615 1 ctural Engi DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 ' Beam DESIGN DATA: material:' Timber -soft lateral support: Top=.Full- Bottom= @Supp total length: 7.50 (ft) Load Combinations: ASCE.7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< ' Load I Type .1 Distribution I Magnitude I Lo ( Pattern I I I Start End 1 Start ngth=in ####### ####### ysis/De /Fv' End I Load . 1 'Dead Full Area 30 (14.00)* No ' 2 Live Full Area 20 (14.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, le) I 7.50' ft ' Dead 1 1742' 1742 Live 1 1050 1050 Total 1 2792 2792 B.Length 1' 1.0 1.0 ############################################ ########## ############## DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1,.6x10 @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ################################0#######4############# ####'#########'# ' SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Anal sign I --------------I----------------1----------------1------------------I ' Shear fv @d = .63 Fv' = '106 fv O.S9 Bending('+) fb = 757 Fb''= 1687 fb/Fb' - Cfu-- 1.00 1.000) ction) e appro 0.45 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.25 = L/360 0.13 Total Defl'n 0.08 = <L/999 0.50 = L/180 0.17 'FACTORS: -F-----CD----- CM' ---_Ct--•-- CL. ---CF----CV-------Cr----LC#' Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 .1.00 (CH = 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00' 1.00 E' •1.6'million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA ' Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M� 5220 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2784, V@d = 2196,lbs ' Deflection: LC# 2 =-D+L EI 628..73eO6 lb-in2 Total Deflection = -1.00(.Defln dead) + Defln_Live. ' (D=dead L=live S=snow .W= -wind I=impact C=constru ---(All -LC's are listed in the Analysis output)- DESIGN NOTES:' ' 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits arpriate orts cation for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported a ccording to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE ' SUIvfMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING.. +� Phone (2Q8)s634 8I48°SFaz (308),630'5079 .•a ,;, ; ?h' 106'E Park=Street Sfe;:206 McCall; ID WOOdWOrkSO Sizer for "ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS- . Roof Beam.wbc ' ' WoodWorks@ Sizer 97e Dec. 20, 2005 15:24:02 ' COMPANY 1 PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering 270 North Main' 1 Donnelly, ID 83615 t I . DESIGN CHECK NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: material:' Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: - .10.50 (ft] ' Load Combinations:'ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) >>Self -weight automatically included<< Load'I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start . End I Start End I Load -----I--------I-------------- 1-- --------------- I ---- ----;--------1-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 (6.00)'' No 2 Live Full Area 20 (6.00)* �,� �`F No' 3 Dead Full Area 15 (6.00) No 'Tributary Width (ft) L L. --------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs,•length=in) --------------------------- 1 10.50 ft I ----------I------------------- Dead .1 1557 1557 Live 1 630 630 Total -1 2187 2187 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 #########################################################################'## DESIGN SECTION:, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 8x12 @20.486 plf- This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) Criterion I`Analysis Value I Design Value.1 Analysis/Design I - ------=------ I ---------------- I----------------I------------------I Shear. fv @d = 31 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.2'9 Bending(+) fb = 411 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.24 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 OAS = L/360• 0.06 Total Defl'n 0.07 = <L/999 0.70 = -L/180 0.11 FACTORS: -F CD CM Ct CI: CF CV Cf. Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00. 1.000 1.00 .1.00• 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625. 1.00 1.00 - E' = .1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA -------------- Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 5657 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2155, V.@d = 1762 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1520.85e06.lb-in2 Total -Deflection = 1.00(Defln'dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the defaultdeflection.limits are appropriate f c or your application. 2. Sawn'lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to, the provisions of NDS, Clause 4.4.1. PAGE $UIviMIT STRUCTURAL FNGiNEEWNG ;�.„ ,Phone (208),634,8148 : Ftix; (208) 630=5079 t ,L06•E PakStreet; $te.;206 IvIcCa1I; ID r] CJI WoodWorks® Sizer Roof Beam.wbc for I ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Wood Works® Sizer 97e COMPANY I PROJECT. Summit Structural Engineeriny 270 North Main Donnelly, ID 83615 1" DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1991 Beam DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top- Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 7.50 (ft]. . Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS =(force=lbs,=pressure=psfv udl=plfc location=ft)====________»_______ Self==eight=automatically >=ncluded« Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern 1 I I Start . End I Start End I Load -----I--------I--------------I-----------------1-----------------I------- 1 Dead Full'Area 30 (8.50)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (8.50)' No' 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)' No 'Tributary Width (ft) ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ MAXIMUM =REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS ===(force=lbs, length=in) 1 1.50 6.00 ft ----------1---------------------------- Dead I 1388 833. ' Live 1 797 478 Total 1 2185 1311 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 H########################################################################## DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, ,No. 1, 6x8 @-9.798 plf _ This section PASSES the design code check. SECTION =vs. DESIGN CODE= (stress psi =deflection=in)= Criterioh ]=Analysis=Value=I Design =Value =I Analysis/Design= I - -------------I---------.-------I---------------- I ------------------I Shear fv @d = 43 Fv' - 106 fv/Fv' = 0.41 Bending(+) fb = 428 Fb' = 1500, fb/Fb'.= 0.29 Bending(-) fb 122 Fb' - 1500 fb/Fb' 0.08 Live Defl'n 0.01 <L/999 0..10 = L/180 0.09 Total Defl'n 0.02 = L/730 0.20 - L/90 0.12 (a cantilever span governs deflection) FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LCM Z'=7=7200 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00. 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'-= 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH 1.000), 2 Fcp'- 625 1.00 1.00 _ E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load - 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA ===eema=asa==mv------------ava��vm==am=verse=>esmemm=vs=evae=me����mem�emeem Bending(+): LC# 2 = DL, M 1838 lbs -ft Bending(-)': LC# 2 = D+L, M = 523 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1482, V@d = 1191 lbs - Deflection: LC# 2 - D+L EI= 309.37e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W= -wind' I=impact C=construction) ==_(All=LC_s=are _listed _i==thewAnalysis=output)=_ DESIGN NOTES: 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate > for your application. . 2. Continuous or Cantilevered Beams: NDS Clause requires that normal grading provisions be extended to the middle 2/3 of 2 span beams and to the full length of cantilevers and other spans. 3. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4:4.1. - O \c Dec. 20, 2005 15:18:13 PAGE :. SUIv1MIT STRUCTUR 1L ENGI , E JNG',.'..(208);634 1;06 E Park:Sttee� Ster206, McCali; ID 11 11 i WoodWorks® Sizer. for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 16:09:28 COMPANY ( PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 I DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: material: 'Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 14.00 (ft) Load Combinations:. ASCE 7 -95 -------------- LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf', location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< -------------- Load I Type 1 Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load I --------I-------------- 1-----------------1-----------'------I-------- 1 -Dead Full Area 30 (4.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (4.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (6.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) -------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------- I 14.00 . ft I -------=-- I------------------ Dead 1 1573 1573 Live 1 560 560 Total 1 2133 2133 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x10 @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. #####################:###################################################### SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design 1 -------------- I------------------ 1--- ------------- 1------------ - ----- I Shear fv @d = 40' Fv' = 76 fv/Fv' = 0.5z Bending(+) fb 790 Fb' = 1215 fb/Fb' = 0.65 Live Defl'n 0.11 = <L/999 0.47 = L/360 0.24 Total Defl'n 0.42 L/404 0.93 = L/180 0.45 FACTORS: F CD . CM" Ct_ CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC#' Fb'+= 1350 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.000. 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00. 1 F.v' = 85 0.90 1.00 1.00, (CH = 1:000) 1 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 _ E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 1 = D only, M =' 5449 lbs -ft Shear : LC# 1 = D only, V = 1557, V@d = 1381 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 628.73e06.1b-in2 Total Deflection 1.00(Deflri dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application_ I . 2..Sawn lumber bending members shall'.be.laterally.supported according.to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE '--------------------------- 8148"N'<, `106 E Pa�lc'Street Ste 2 T UQVG 4SUMMiRAL0G, NieCall ID .-, " 13 WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks@ Sizer 97e. Feb. 2, 2006 16:14:39. COMPANY I PROJECT t Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 McCall, Idaho 83638 DESIGN CHECK NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: --------------------------------- material: Timber -soft lateral support:.Top=_Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 8.00 [ft] ' Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs,-pressure=psf, udl=plf., location=ft) --- »Self -weight automatically included<< ' Load.1 Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I f Start End I Start End I Load -----I--------I--------------I-----------------I---------------- 1 Dead Full Area. 30 .(14.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (14.00)' No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (6.00)* No. *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 1===8=00==ft ---------- I------------------- ' Dead 1 2099 2099 Live 1 1120 1120 Total 1 3219 3219 B.Length .1 1.0. 1.0 DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x10 @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### ' ' SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi; deflection=in) -------------- _______________________________________________________ Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I --------------I----------------I-------- ' Shear fv @d = 74 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' 0.70 Bending(+) fb = 931 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.55 Live Defl'n 0.04 <L/999 0.27 = L/360 0..15 Total Defl'n 0.12 = L/816 0.53 = L/180 0.22 FACTORS: F --CD- . CM Ct. CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1:00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 ' Fcp'= 625 1.00 . 1.00 _ E' = 1.6 'million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA ----------- Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 6419 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 3210, V@d = 2574 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 628.73e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00.(Defln dead)•+ Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W= -wind I=impact C=construction) ' (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: ' 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate �. for -your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE ' SUMMITSTRCJGTURALENGINEERING;�Phone (208)G348+148Fax(208)G30SQ79�°,;�1Q6EgPaikS,treet Ste 20G`McCall'ID Woodworks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS tRoof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering I ..270 North Main 1 Donnelly, ID 83615 I 11 DESIGN CHECK NDS -1997' Beam DESIGN DATA: --------------------------------------- ' material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 3..50 [ft] Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf,.udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load -1 Type I Distribution I Magnitude I. Location I Pattern I I I Start End 1 Start End 1 Load -----I--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30. (13.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (13.00)* No 3` Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width. (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) I 3.50ft 1 ----------I--=-----=---- Dead 1 799 799--- Live 1. 455 455 Total.1 1204 1209 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L,' No. 1, 6x6 @ 7.185-plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### SECTION -vs. -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress_psi,-deflection=in)-_-----�------------- Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I --------------I----------------I----------------I------------------ I' Shear fv @d = 99 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.41 Bending(+) fb = 455 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.30 . Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999. 0.12 = L/360 0•.06 Total Defl'n 0.02 = <L%999 0..23 = L/180 0.08 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 E' = 1.6'million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 1052 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1203,. V@d = 888 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 122.01e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live.- (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction). (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN'NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2 Sawn 1 mb b Dec. 20, 2005 15:35:01 u er ending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause PAGE7i \ -= .SUIyiMiTS.'['RUCT.iJI2a�L. ENGINEERING f ,:.; "r� _Phone (208)`63`4 8•t:_48 * Fax E208) 630=5079 ' ' " 11 i Roof Beam.wbc WOOdWOrkS® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' WoodWorks® Sizer 97e COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering j 270 North Main I Donnelly, ID 83615. I DESIGN CHECK. - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: _____________________________________________________ material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: .13.00 [ft) Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<<' Load I Type ( Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I' I I Start End.l Start -End I Load I--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30. (3.50)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (3.50)*' No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING.LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) _____________________ d 13.00 ft_ -----------I----------- Dead I 1050 1050 Live I 455 455 Total I 1505 1505 B.Length 1 1.0' 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1,.8x12 @20.486 plf This section PASSES the design code check. #######################################'#################'################### SECTION, vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi,, deflection=in) ----------------------------------------------------------- Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value•I Analysis/Design I ------------ ----------------I- --------------- I ------------------ I Shear fv @d = 22 Fv' = 106• fv/Fv' = 0.Z0 Bending(+). fb = 346 Fb' =-1687 fb/Fb' = 0.20 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.43 = L/360 0.07 Total.Def1'n 0.10 = <L/999 0.87 = .L/180 0.11 FACTORS: F -CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 -i.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1:00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 ` E' = 1.6 million .1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 4763 lbs -ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1466,'V@d = 1250 lbs. Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1520.85e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact_C=construction) ---(All -LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Dec. 20, 2005 15:41:42 2. Sawn lumber bending.members shall be.laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE SUMMIT STRUCTURt1L ENGINEERING , , ,,j- Phone (208);634 $ I,48 ,Far,(308) 630;5079 r `4106.E ParksStreet, Stei;,206 McCall; ID, WOodWOrkS® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks(D Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 16:02:34 COMPANY I PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, .Idaho 83638 I DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 ' Beam DESIGN DATA: ---------------------------------------------------- material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 13.00 [ft] Load • -Combinations: -ASCE -7_95________________________________________ LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< ' Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End IStart End 1 Load -----I--------I--------------1-----------------I-----------------I-------- • 1 Dead Full Area 30 (6.00)* No 2 Live Full'Area 20 (6".00)* No ' 3 Dead Full.Area 15 (6..00)* No *Tributary width (ft) -------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 1 13.00 ft ----------I------------------- Dead 1 1874 1879 Live 1. 780' 780 Total -I 2654 2654 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No..l, .6x12 @15.023 plf This section PASSES the design code check. - ' -SECTION -CODE. -vs. -DESIGN --(stress=psi,-deflection=in) - ------'------------- Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I --------------I---------------- I----------------I------------------I Shear fv @d = 53 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.50 , Bending(+) fb = 847 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.50 Live Defl'n 0.07 = <L/999 0.43 = L/360 0.16 Total Defl'n 0.23,= L/668 0.'87 = L/180 0.27 FACTORS: F------CD-----CM-----Ct-----CL----'CF-----CV----Cfu---- -Cr ----LC#- Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00' 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 ' E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ---------------------------------------------=--==-------- ADDITIONAL DATA ' Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L, M = 8556 lbs -ft_________________________________ Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2633, V@d = 2245 lbs . Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1115.29e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) +.Defln_Live.. ' alive--S=snow-wind--I=impact--C=construction) (All LC'are listed in thethe Analysis output) ' ---(D=deads DESIGN NOTES: ' 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to -.� the provisions of NDS Clause 9.9.1. :�: ' �:•�«.-.tea, - PAGE SUMMIT STRUCT[JRAL{ENGIN6ERING 's Phone 6348148ax(208),'G30 SQ79�z{106`E Park Streek'Ste''20G'McCal[ ' x(208) ID P_ I . . I., Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorksO Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ..i ,Wood Works® Sizer 97e Dec.,20, 2005 15:32:44 COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering 1 270 North Main Donnelly, ID 83615 1 : ,DESIGN CHECK - .NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 5.50 - [ft], ----_- Load -Combinations -ASCE -7-95--------------------------- LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load I Type I Distribution -1. Magnitude 1 Location j Pattern I I I Start End I Start End 1. Load -----1=- -----I------- -------.I ----------- ------I --------------- --I------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 (13.00)* No. 2' Live Full Area 20 (13.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and.BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 1 5.50 ft -- ----------I---------------- Dead 1 1186 1186--- Live I 715 715 Total 1. 1901 1901 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8 .@ 9.798 plf This section PASSES the design code check. SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) Criterion 1'Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design, I - -------------I----------------I-------------- I-------- --------- --1 Shear fv @d = 53 Fv' = -106 fv/Fv' = 0.50 Bending(+) fb = 607 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.40 Live, Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999. 0.18 = L/360 0.09 Total Defl'n 0.05 = <L/999 0.37 = .L/180 0.13 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu CT LC# Fb'+= 1200 1.25 -1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625. .1.00 1.00 El - =• 1.6.million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 =_D+L, M = 2608 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, v 1897, V@d = 1466 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 309.37e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead), + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live- S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1.. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members.shall be laterally-supported.accordirig to' the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE SUIvtMIT,STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING r ?:; � Pfione '(208j;634,8148 FaX;(208) 630=5079 ;,,y t s1F, i:f I06.E iPark',Street Ste:.206 McCaIf;;ID' Wood orks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc Woodworks® Sizer 97e Jan. 30, 2006 17:07:36 COMPANY I PROJECT . ' Summit Structural' Engineering I McCall, Idaho 83638 ^1r I DESIGN CH Cn_ - Ni1C- i yy7 --- Beam DESIGN DATA: ; ---------------------------------------------------- material: Ti -1— -Sufi• lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 5.00 (ft) ' Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »$elf -weight: automatically inciudedcc Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern j I I Start End j Start End I Load -----I--------I--------------I-----=-----------I------------ 1• Dead Full Area 30 .(11.00)* No VP N"t) I I Area No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 5.00 ft I -------=--I----------- t Dead I 920 920--- Live 1 550 550 Total 1 1470 1470 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 '########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x6 @ 7.,185 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ###4 M##j14#M### ' SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (Stress=psi, deflection=in)' Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I --------------I---------------- I ' tihear Tu @ = .,y W17 = Illh - ry/Mv_' Bending(+) fb = 794 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0:53 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.17 = L/360 0.15' Total Defl'n 0.07 = L/985 0.33 = L/180 0.20 FACTORS F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 . 1-00 1.00'' (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= b'GS 1,UU 1.00 . E' = 1.6 'million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL.DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = DSL, M = 1835 lbs -ft_________________________________ Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1468, V@d = 1199 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 122.01e06 lb -int Total Dcflcction = 1.00(Dcfln dcad) + Dcfln_L-Jvc. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) --- ------------------------------------------------------------ DESIGN NOTES: -1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate=====__ for your application. 2,. Sawn lumber bending members shall- be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1• PAGE -_=- SUMMIT STRUCTURAL;•ENGINEERINGr''` ''� ;�phon (208);6344,8148;= Faz' 208 630'S079x " �k ���"`' '""'" I V-- ---- --- - WoodWor.ks@ Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Jan. 30, 2006 17:12:37 COMPANY. I PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering 1 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 [ McCall, Idaho 83638 DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 ' Beam DESIGN DATA: -------- ------- ----------------- material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports. total length: 7.50 [ft] Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< ' Load ( Type ( Distribution 1. Magnitude I Location j Pattern I I I Start End 1 Start End I Load I--------I--------------1-----------'------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 .(16.50)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (16.50)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (6.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS . (force=lbs, length=in) 1 7.50 ft ----------1------------------- Dead 1 2249 2249 Live 1 1238 1236 Total 1 3486 3,486 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 '########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x10 @12.411' plf This section PASSES the design code check. SECTION - vs. -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress=psi_-deflection=in)---------------------- Criterion 1 Analysis Value 1 Design Value 1 Analysis/Design I --------------1=------------- Shear fv @d = 79 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.7g ' Bending(+) fb = 946 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.56 - Live Defl'n 0.04 ='<L/999 0.25 = L/360 0.15 Total Defl'n 0.11 = -L/857 0.50 = L/180 0.21 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 ' Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live.load ='1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = .6521 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 3478, V@d = 2744 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 628.73e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. ' (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate ' for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE ---: " SUMM1TtTR[3&URAL:ENGINEERING � ` '+ >z Ehone 208` 634 8148 iFax 208 G30 5079 x�' " . 106 E wea k Stree[+Ste 20G McCall ID; 1 �1 WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Jan. 30, 2006 17:19:58 wihrHNr I PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206' I' McCall, Idaho 83638 I DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 ' Beam DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top-- Full Bottom= @Supports total -length: A50 -[ft]________________________________________ Load Combinationsions:: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load -----I--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------I------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 . (6.00)* No 12 Live Full Area 20 (6.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS ' (force=lbs, length=in) ____________________ 1 13.50 ft ----- --I------------------- Dead 1 1597 1597 Live 1 810 810 Total 1 2407 2407 B.Length 1 1.0 .1.0 DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 8x12 @20.486 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### SECTION _vs. -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress=psi_-deflection=in)---------------------- Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I ------------- ------- --------- 1----------- -.------I ' Shear fv @d 35 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv'.= 0.33 Bending(+) fb = 580 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.34 Live Defl'n 0.06 = <L/999 0.45 = L/360 0.13 Total Defl'n 0.17 = L/940 0.90 = L/180 0.19 ------------ FACTORS:-F----_-CD-----CM-----Ct_----CL---=-CF-- --CV----Cfu-----Cr----LC#- Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 .(CH = 1.000) 2 I Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 _ E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 7985 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2366, V@d = 2030 lbs-' Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1520.85e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln Live. ' (D=dead L=live S=snow W= -wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: ' 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 1 . PAGE 1-11 Uv 1T STRUCTURAL'ENGINEERING °' Phohe (208) 6348148 'Fax (208) G30 `5079 ' ' u 106,E hPaik Sheet SEe`_ 20G McCall ID; aiA /----.WoodWo_rk*s@)Sizer for ANTHONY POWER, PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Jan. 30, 2006' 17:22:14 COMPANY I PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering. 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 (. 11 CHECK - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- material: Timber -soft .lateral support: Top= Full Bottom @Supports total length: 11.00 [ft] -------Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 ------------------------------------------------------ LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf,-location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< .Load*l Type I Distribution ( Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I _ I Start End I Start End I Load -----I--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------1-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 (6.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20. '(6.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)*. No *Tributary Width (ft) --------------------------------------------------=-- MAXIMUM REACTIONS and -BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) ---------------------- ----------------------------- 1 11.00 ft ----------1------------------- Dead 1 1301 1301 Live 1 660 660 Total 1 1961 1961 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 _____________________________________ ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 8x12 @20.486 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### --------------------------------------------------- SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) ------------------------------------------------------ Criterion I Analysis value I Design value I Analysis/Design I --------------I---------------- I----------------I------------------I Shear fv @d = 28 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.26 Bending(+) fb = 385 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.23 Live Defl'n 10.03 = <L/999 0.37 = L/360 0.07 Total Defl'n 0..08 = <L/999 0.73.= L/180 0.10 ------------ FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# -------------------------------------------------------------- Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00. 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ------------ ---------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL DATA ----------------------------------------------------------- Bending(+): LC#'2'= D+L, M = 5301 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 =.D+L, V ='1928, V@d = 1592 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1520.85e06-lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln.dead) + Defln_Live. ---(D=dead •L=live S=snow W=wind .I=impact C=construction). (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: ----------------------- -------------------------------- 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE 'Z1 9 ' SUMNt.1T STRUCTURAL�ENGINEERING � ,� �,� Phon �(208)`G3418148,�Fax� 208 .630 5079 � ��''�' } s��� � >* `' -:._�.4. <.. „z..�. -�_ �_ �,,-.,;...�,'�.�,.,.�,;�`:•,„,�:106E1ParkS�eet,�Ste�20G McCa11,IDi 0 Woodworks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc WoodW.orks@ Sizer 97e Jan. 30, 2006 17:24:23 COMPANY I PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering I. 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 McCall,.Idaho 83638 I DESIGN -CHECK =====NDS=1997=====_____________________ Beam. DESIGN DATA: material: Timber-soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports 00 total -length: ==AS--[ft)________________________________________ Load Combinatitionss:: ASCE 7-95 ---- LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) >>Self-weight automatically included<< ' Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I'Load -----I--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead. Full-Area 30 (6.00)* No ' 2 Live Full Area 20 (6.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2.00)* No 4 Dead Point _1301 8.00 No 5 Live Point 660 8.00. No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) ------------------------------------------------------ I - 13.00 ft - Dead 1 2038 2339 Live 1 1034 1186 Total 1 3072 3525 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: : D.Fir-L,. No. 1, 8x12 @20.486 plf ' This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### ------------------------------------------------------ SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) . ' Criterion. I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design, I -------------- I---------------- I---------------- I-------=----------I Shear fv @d = 53 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' _ 0.50 Bending(+) fb = 946 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' 0.56 Live Defl'n 0.08 = <L/999 0.43 = L/360 0.19 ' Total Defl'n 0.24 = L/643 0.87 = L/180 0.28 -------------------------------------------------------- FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= .1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' - 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 13055 lbs-ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 3352, V@d = 3055 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1520.85e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection- 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) '. DESIGN -NOTES___________________________________________________'_____=_____ • 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1.�^��� PAGE Z� _ SU MM4TSTROCTURAL°ENGINfiERING(208)`6348118Far(208)G305Q79�5x�„�'IQ6AEPazk$heetvSte:20G McCall ID`, '---' ~ ~ -' - ' - �''' ood�-' �����zer . for ANTHONY* POWER PRODUCTS ?��� �----^-- Root Beam.wbc WoodWorks@ Sizer 97e ^"=m`c ^c,"cc",al �*`�e,^"y ! zoo E. park o^e=t, suite 206 / mcc�� ,zuahm ozozo ' DESIGN cvscx - ueo= DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral l � / Bottom- wu"nno,ts ' total length: 7.50 (ft] ^ Load Combinations: ^oco /-s »se^f-weight automatically included*~ ' .Load / zvne / oi°t,m"ti"" / mao"it"ue / zocati""/ ,att°,n / Start . End / Start End / Load ------------- �j----------------- /----------------- /____ z Dead Partial Area 30 (1o.00)~ 0.00 4.00 No a Live Partial Area ' m (1o.00)~ 0.00 ^.00 No 3 Dead Full Area,z5 (2.00)* No � * Dead Par tial Area30 (1z.»n)- ' 4.007.50 No (12.00)*^ s Live ma"ti°l'x,°° `zo x�uo�~ ^.00 7.50 ' . No . o Dead au,* 2239 ^.00 No ' 7 Live Point- zzoo ^.00 ,o _ �*z,iu"t°"v Width (ft) MAXIMUM_ REACTIONS_ - and BEARING' -.'.^.~ .^~`~-l~' ^~~.,..^ 7.50 ft / -~~~~----- ---------- /_-________- o°au/ moo moz ~ Live zoo mom Total / 3736 msz ' o.Lenotx / 1.1 1.2 ' - DESIGN Fir - -. - -_ @15--_- _' . This section PASSES the design code check. w:oowwowwowxowxwxw�wxowxoxwowwxw�oo:ox:owmonwoow000:ow*mvxox0000woo:oxowwwo ~-~~~------~~~~---~~~----~~--~~~~----^~~--~~~------~~~~-- aaczzmw .s, 000zsw c000 (st=°"o~psi' deflection -in) cziteri°n / u"azvsi, Value / oe,io" value / Analysis/Design / -------------- /---------------- /,________ -/________/ Shear c. ou ~ os n.' ~ mo f./r.' ~0.78oerui"n(~) o, ~ 1043 ru' ~ zoon fu/Fb' ~ 0.62 Live oefz'" 0.03 ~ <uoyp 'o.xu ~ L/360 0.12 Total oefl'" 0.08 ~ <uoyo 0.50 ~ L/180 0.17 . FAC`onx. r cn cx ct CL cr cv cc" Cr uco _------- --------------- _----------------------------------- _____- n,'~~ 1350 1.25. 1.00 ' 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00, z ` m' ~ ys 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH ~ z.000) 2 ��'- ozs 1.00 1.00 ' E' ~ 1.6 "uzzi°o 1.00 1.00 z c"nt"m duration c"ot"r �r ii"° load - 1.25 . ADDITIONAL DATA Sending,(~): zCw 2 ~ u~L' x ~ 10536 lbs -ft ox°a, . LCO x ~ u~L' v ~ 4082. "mu ~ mm um ' Deflection: zCx z ~ o~L oz~zzzs.xoeoo Ib -i"2 ' Total Deflection z oo(o°xlo°fl� (D -dead �ai.e s~""o° w~°i"u � t,"ction) ',ul Lc's are listed in the Analysis output) --------------------------r-~-- - - --- -- -.~-- osoIsw vozoa. ___-_------------------- -------- _-_-___--__-______--_--__- z. pz°a"° verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. ya°" lumber m,nui"o members shall be latefauvsunnu,teu according to t»v v,°,isio"o of oou Clause 4.4.1. - , ` . . . PAGE��=�� AtdU � _ J WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 .1 DESIGN CHECK. - NDS -1997 ' Beam --DESIGN -DATA: _________________________________________________________ material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total -length: ======50===(ft)________________________________________ Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< ' Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load I--------I--------------I-----------------1=----------------I->------ 1 Dead Full Area 30 '•('12.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (12.00)* No ' 3 Dead Full Area 15' (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM.REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 1 7.50 ft 1 ----------I------------------ ' Dead 1 1531 1531 Live 1 900 900 Total 1 2431 2431 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0. '########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1,.6x12 @15.023 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### SECTION -vs. -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress=psi_-deflection=in)---------------------- Criterion I Analysis Vaiue I Design Value I*Analysis/Design 1' ------- - ------ I ---------------- ------ Shear fv @d = 43 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.4P �. Bending(+) fb = 449. Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.27 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 O`25 = L/360 0.06 Total Defl'n 0.04 = <L/999 0.50 = L/180 0.08 ' FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 ' Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ----------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------ ADDITIONAL DATA ' Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L, M = 4535 lbs -ft________________________'________ Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2419, V@d = 1801 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1115.29eO6 lb-in2' Total Deflection = 1.00.(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W= -wind I=impact C=construction) ' ---(All -LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN-NOTES: l. -Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be'laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE, ( Feb. 2, 2006 14:53:50 ' ,�;.•..-..opo ' SUMM'ITSTRCJCIURALENGINEERING Phone (208)6348148Fax(208),6305079hWwy106t.E�Parlc:Street Ste20G McCaIIID ,_ WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 15:02:42 COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 1 Beam DESIGN DATA: DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 - ------------- material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 8..50 iftl Load -Combinations: -ASCE -7=95====____________________________________ LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) _ »Self -weight automatically included<< Load -I- Type ---I-Distribution I ----Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load 1 Dead Full Area 30 (7.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (7.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (6.00)* No *Tributary width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in).. ------------------------- 1 8.50 ft ----------I----------------- ' Dead 1 1337 1337 Live 1 595 595 Total 1 1932 1932 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 '########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x10 @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. #####################'###################################################### SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) --Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I I --------- I ---------------- I ---------------- I ------------ --- --- I Shear fv @d = 45 Fv' = 106, fv/Fv' 0.42 Bending(+) fb = 593 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.35 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.28-=• L/360 0.09 Total Defl'n 0.08 = <L/999 0.57 = L/180 0.15 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv'= 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 ` Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 ' E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L, M = 4086 lbs -ft_________________________________ Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1923, V@d = 1565 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 628.73e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact, C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE7/ _- ' SUMMIT STRUCTiJRAL;ENGINEERING �, � �, « �� , Phone (208) _G34 Sl�i8'�Fax 208 . G30 SU'19�' '� x '` 11 [1 1 alo WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 15:15:41 COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural.Engineering. I 106.E. Park Street, Suite 206 I. McCall, .Idaho 83638 DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 8.50 (ft] Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS:. (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included« Load 1 Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern 6 I I Start End I Start End I Load - ----I--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 . (18.00)* No 2, Live Full Area 20 (18.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 10 (4.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM -REACTIONS -and -BEARING -LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=i m) 1 8.50 ft - 1 ^ ---------- -------------------- Dead 1 2543. 2543 Live 1 1530 1530 Total 1 4073 4073 B.Length .1 1.2 1.2 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x12 @15.023 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### --------------- SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) ------------------------------------------ --Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I ----------- I --------- Shear fv @d = 75 -I Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.7,0 ' Bending(+) fb = 854 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.51 Live Defl'n 0.04 = <L/999 0.28 = L/360 0.13 -Total Defl'n 0.10 = <L/999 0.57 = L/180 0.18 18 ------- ------------- FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 FV' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000)" 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA --------------- Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L, M = 8625 lbs -ft_________________________________ Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 4059, V@d = 3144 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1115.29e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln Live.• (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output,) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn,lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE 1 1 WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc Woodworks® Sizer 97e COMPANY 1 PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 1 DESIGN CHECK NDS -1997 Beam --DESIGN DATA: --- - --------------------------------------------_------_ material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 3.50 (ft) Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 -------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------- LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf; location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< ----------------------------------- -------------- Load I Type .1 Distribution.) Magnitude 1, Location I Pattern I I I Start, End I Start End ].Load -----I--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------1-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 .(10.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (10.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (9.00)* No 4 Dead Point 2160 2.00 No 5 Live Point 1440 2.00 No *Tributary Width (ft) ----------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) ------------------------------ 1 3.50 ft ---------- I------------ -------- Dead 1 1588 1896 Live 1 967 1173 Total 1 2555 3069 -B_Length 1 1.0 --1_p. ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x12 @15.023 plf This section PASSES the design code check. SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) Criterion I Analysis Value I Design, Value I Analysis/Design, I -------------- I----------------I----------------I------------- =----I Shear fv @d = 60 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.56 Bending(+) fb = 391 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.23 Live Defl'n 0.00 = <L/999 0.12 = i/360 0.02 Total Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.23 = L/180 0.03 ------------------------------------------------------- FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# ----------------------------------------------------------- Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00' 1.000 11.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 --------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 3948 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, v = 3037, V@d = 2515 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1115.29e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in. the Analysis output) ------------------------------------------------------ DESIGN NOTES: ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. Feb. 2, 2006 15:12:08 PAGE -34 SUMNiIT�;TR CI.CTURAL ENGITIEERING Ptiorie 208 634'8148 +Fax 208) 630 5079 � F 106 ErPackSheet S[e 206 McCall IDa WOodWorkS® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e COMPANY I PROJECT ' Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 I DESIGN -CHECK =====NDS=1997=====_____________________ Beam DESIGN DATA: ________________ material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports 5.50 total-length=ns:AS===(ft)________________________________________ Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 - LOADS:.(force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< ' Load I Type 1 Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load -----1--------I-------------- I ----------- ------ I --------------- --I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30'.(13.00)* No ' 2 Live Full Area 20 (13.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 10 (2.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) ----------------------------------------------------- ' 'MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) --------------------------------------------------- 1 5.50 ft ' ----------------------- Dead I 1158 1158 -----. Live -1 I 715 715 Total 1 1873 1873 B.Length 1" 1.0 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8 @ 9.796 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### ' SECTION -vs. -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress=psi_-deflection=in)------------------ Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I -------------- ----- -------- Shear fv @d = 53 Fv' = ,106 fv/Fv' = 0.49 Bending(+) fb = 598 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.40 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.18 = L/360 0.09 Total Defl'n 0.05 = <L/999 0.37 = L/180 0.12 ------------ ' FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1200 1.25 1.00 1..00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 ' Fcp'_ 625 1.00 1.00 - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ____________________ ADDITIONAL DATA ' Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L, M = 2570 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1869, V@d = 1495 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 309.37e06 lb-in2 ' -Total-Deflection = 1.00(Defln-dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2 -Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. Feb. 2, 2006 15:33:38 PAGE -- = SUMMIT STRUCI URAL ENGINEERING ti a Phone (208) 634 8148 `Eax*(208)_630 5079; gs 106 E pPaik Street Ste20G McCall ID 1. 1 1 . rl WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 15:37:07 COMPANY. I. PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering 1 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 1 McCall, Idaho 83638 I DESIGN CHECK' - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 7.00 [ft] Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically. included<< Load I Type I Distribution [, Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load -----I--------I--------------I-----------------1-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 .(14.00)* No' 2 Live Full Area 20 (14.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 10 (6.00)* No 4 Dead Point .1158 3.50No 5 Live Point 715 3.50 'No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 1 7.00 ft (------------------- Dead 1 2323 2323 Live 1 1338 1338 Total 1 3661 3661 B.Length 1 1.1 1.1 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION:. D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x12 @15.023 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) -------------------------------------------------------- Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design, I --------------1----------------I----------------I------------------- Shear fv @d 69 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.65 Bending(+) fb = 794 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.47 Live Defl'n 0.02•= <L/999 0.23 = L/360 0.09 Total Defl'n 0.06 = <L/999 0.47 = L/180 0.12 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 '1.000 1.00 1.00. 2 Ell = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 _ E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L,'M = 8025 lbs -ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, .V = 3649, V@d = 2906 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1115.29e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are .listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally -supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE - _- --� SUMMIT STRUCFURALENGINEERING �T tPhone 208 634 8148 .Faz 208 630 5079 s ' t4 ` ` �_ _1i �.-..;) .w _. ._. .06E ParkStree Ste 4206 McCall 1D WoodWorks@ Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc WobdWorks® Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 15:47:37 i COMPANY . I Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 PROJEC DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 9.00 [ft] Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load I_Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern 1 I Start End 1 Start . End :I'Load -----1-=------I------------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 .(14.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (14.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 10 (6.00)*' No *Tributary Width (ft)' MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 1 9.00 ft ----------I------------------- Dead 1 2242 2242 Live I. 1260 1260 Total 1 3502 3502 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x12 @15.023 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ################################################W########################## SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) . Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value 1 Analysis/Design I --------------1-------------- Shear fv @d = 65 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.6,1 Bending(+) fb = 777 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.46 Live Defl'n 0.04 = <L/999 0.30 = L/360 0.12 Total Defl'n 0.10 = <L/999 0.60 = L/180 0.17 FACTORS: F - CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1..00 .1.000• 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2. Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live,load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L,-M---=7847 lbs -ft_________________________________ Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 3488, V@d = 2745 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1115.29e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W= -wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to . the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE :--==: ✓ - ' SUMIviITSTRUCIURAL'ENGINEERING ra: Phone 208 6348148> a'c 208 W6305079 106'E<L'arkStree Ste 206 McCall ID _�..,... ..... x '`� �F int ( WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY- NY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® ' Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 15:50:23 COMPANY1 PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering 1 1 106 E. Park Street,'Suite 206 1 McCall, Idaho 83638 eam DESIGN DATA: DESIGN CHECK - "NDS -1997 B material: Timber -soft' . lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 8.00 [ft] Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 -------------------------------- LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight- automatically -included<< Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location ( Pattern I. -1-----_I Start End I Start End I Load --I--------I-------- I ----------------- I ---------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 . (9.00)* -1-------- 2 Live Full Area * No 3 Dead Full Area' 10 (6.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) No MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) I 8.00 ft ----------I----=- --------- Dead 1 1379 1379--- Live 1 720 720 Total.1 2099 2099 B.Length 1 1.0 1.'0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1,6x10 @12.911 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### SECTION -vs. -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress=psi,-deflection=in)---------------------- Criterion --- --------------I Analysis Value 1 Design Value 1 Analysis/Design 1 I-------= -------- 1 ---------=---- Shear fv @d = 98 -- I --------------- ---I Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' 0.9$ Bending(+) fb = 606 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.36 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.27 = L/360 0.10 -Total -Defl'n 0.08 = <L/999 0.53 = L/180 0.19 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 '1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 _ Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 2 ADDITIONAL DATA -------------------- Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 9179 lbs -ft ' Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V =:2090, V@d = 1676 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 628.73e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. '---(D=dead'live--S=snow--W=wind--I=impact--C=construction)-------------- (All LCs are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: --- ----------------------------------------------- 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application, 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 9.9.1. PAGE 1 WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS ' Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 15:17:19 COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering' I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 McCall, Idaho 83638 I DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: -------------- ------------------------ material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 4.50 (ft) 'Load -Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS:. (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load ( Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load I --------I--------------- I ----------------- I ----------------- I----=--- 1 Dead Full Area 30 '.(19.00)* No. ' 2 Live Full Area 20 (19.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 10 (4.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 4.50 ft I - ----------I------------------- Dead 1 1405 1405 Live 1 855 855 Total 1 2260 2260 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L,. No. 1, 6x10' @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################'################### SECTION -vs. -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress=psi, deflection=in)---------------------- i Criterion I Analysis Value I Design value I Analysis/Design I --------------I----------------I----------------I----------- Shear fv @d = .42. Fv' = 1.06 fv/Fv' 0.3P Bending(+) fb = 368 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.22 Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.15 = L/360 0.04 Total Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.30 = L/180 0.05 ___________________________________________ FACTORS: -F-----_CD-----CM-----Ct-----CL-----CF-----CV---_Cfu------Cr ----LC#- Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 _ El 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25' ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L,-M---=2537 lbs -ft_________________________________ Shear LC# 2 = D+L,,v = 2255, V@d = 1462 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 628.73e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln Live. ' (D=dead L=live S=snow W= -wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1.'x' PAGE SUMMIT STRUCTURAL<ENGINEERINGA Pho a ,(208j,6348148F�ne(2U8)�630 5079 ��`; r 06!.412 49Q 20G McCall ID; 0 33 ' WoodWorkS® Sizer. for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Feb: 2, 2006 15:53:31 COMPANY I PROJECT 'Summit Structural Engineering 1 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 1 McCall, Idaho 83638 DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 BeamDESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full. Bottom= @Supports total length: 9.50 [ft]. -Load-Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< -------------- Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude 1 Location I Pattern I. I I Start End I Start End I Load -----I--------I-------------- I------.--- --------- I ----------------- I•-------- 1 Dead Full Area 20 (6.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (6.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15. (6.00)* No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS"`(force=lbs, length=in) 1 9.50 ft ---------- -------------- :Dead 1 1067 1067 Live 1 570 570 Total 1 1637 1637 B.Length 1 •1.0 1.0 ################################################# ########################## DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, -No. 1, 6x10 @12.411 plf, This section PASSES.the design code check. ###################!######################################################## SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) Criterion I Analysis Value (.Design Value I Analysis/Design I --------------I---------------- I----------------I------------------I Shear fv @d = 39 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.37 Bending(+) fb = 560 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.33. Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.32 L/360 0.11 Total Defl'n 0.10 = <L/999 0.63 = L/180' 0.16 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct. I CL CF CV .' Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 " 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp,- 625 1.00 1.00 _ E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load 1.25. ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 3863 lbs -ft Shear" LC# 2 = D+L•, v = 1626, v@d = 1355 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 628.73e06 lb -int Total Deflection 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) ---(All -LC's are listed in.the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application.. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according. to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE 46 SUMivIIT STRUCTURA4,�ENGINEERING� � ��i: Pho e (208 G34`8148� aeric 208 4630"50'79' ; "`'�'����` �'�'� � ` � " �� ` ` WoodWorks® Sizer Roof Beam.wbc for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 15:54:19 COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 I DESIGN CHECK - 'NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: -------------- ---------____________ `material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total -length: =====6=0o===(ft)_____________ Load Combinations: ASCE.?-95 ___________________________ LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< ' Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End I Load - ----I--------I-------------- I-----------------I-----------------I--------. I1 "Dead Full Area 20 • (6.00)* No 2 Live Full Area 20 (6.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (6.00)* No *Tributary width (ft) --------------------------------------------------- MAXIMUM -REACTIONS- and -BEARING -LENGTHS ---(force=lbs_-length=in)--------�---- 1 8.00 ft 1 ----------I------------------- ', Dead 1 899 899 Live 1 480 480 Total 1 1379 1379 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ########################################################################### DESIGN.SECTION: D. Fir -L, No. 1, 6x10 @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### SECTION -vs -DESIGN -CODE ---(stress=psi,-deflection=in)---------------------- Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Valued Analysis/Design 1 -------------- ----- ----- L Shear fv @d = 32 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' 0.30 Bending(+) fb = 397. Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.24 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.27 = L/360 •0.07 Total Defl'n 0.05 = <L/999 0.53 = L/180 0.09 FACTORS:-F------CD-----CM-----Ct-----CLCF ------------CVCfu ------------CrLC# ----- Fb'+= 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 _ 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'=" 625 1.00 1.00 - E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ---------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 2739 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1370, V@d = 1099 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 628.73e06 lb -int ' Total Deflection 1.00(Defln-dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES:. 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally,supported according to - the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE =-- CT SUMfr, S= e [JURAL ENGINEERING °* Phone (208);634 8148 Faz (208 630 Sc079 106E ParicSo eet Ste 20G McCall ID; WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks® Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 16:22:27 COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 I DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: material: Timber -soft lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 6.00 [ft] ------Load -Combinations: -ASCE -7=95--'--------- ---------------------------- LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern f, I 1 -.,Start End I Start End I Load -----1--------I--------------I-----------------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 .(12.00)* ' No , 2 Live Full Area •20 (12.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (2:00)* No 1 *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 1 6.00 ft ---=------I--------------=---- Dead I 1209 1209 Live 1" 720 720 Total 1 1929 1929 B.Length 1 1.0 1.0 ############################ ############################################### DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x8 @ 9.798 plf This section PASSES the design code check. ########################################################################### SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress=psi, deflection=in) Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I --------------I----------------I----------------I------------------I Shear fv @d = 55 Fv' 106 fv/Fv' = 0.52 Bending(+) fb = 670 Fb' = 1500 fb/Fb' = 0.95 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.20 L/360 0.11 Total Defl'n 0.06 = <L/999 0.90 = L/180 0.15 ---------------------- ----_____________=_______ FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu' Cr LC# Fb'+= 1200 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2. Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 _ E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load = 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L, M = 2879 lbs -ft_________________________________ Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V =1919, V@d = 1520 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 309.37e06 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln Live. ' ---(D=dead L=live' S=snow W=wind I=impact- C=construction) ---(A11-LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1 Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to - the provisions of NDS Clause 9.9.1. PAGE SUMIv1IT STRGJCTLiRAL' ENGINEERING �';'#phone (208)634 8118Fax (208) G3Q 5079cux106^EPaikS`treet'Ste `206 N[cCallID� M �� 1 1 u 1 n 1 Roof Beam.wbc WoodWorks®:Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS WoodWorks® Sizer 97e COMPANY I - PROJECT. Summit Structural Enyineeriny I 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 } McCall, Idaho 83638 I DESIGN CHECK NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: - .lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 15.00 (ft) Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pressure=psf, .udl-plf,_location=ft) »Self -weight automatically included<< Load I Type .I Distribution I Magnitude I Location I Pattern 1 I I Start End I Start End I Load -----I--------1--------------I-----------------1-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 (12.00)No 2 Live Full Area 20 (12.00){ No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (7.00)' No ;'Tributary Width'(ft) MAXIMUM =REACTIONS and BEARING LENGTHS. (force=lbslength=i n) ---------- ----------------------------- ..Dead I. .1491 4513 1191 Live 1 746 2258 596 Total 1 2238 6771 1786 B.Length 1 1.0 2.0 1.0 DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, No. 1; 6x10 @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress -psi, deflection -in) Criterion I Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I= --------------I----------------'I------------- t ------------------I Shear fv @d.= 84 Fv' = 106 fv/Fv' = 0.79 Bending(+) fb = 503 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' 0.30 Bending(-) fb = 741 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' = 0.44 Live Defl'n 0.02'- <L/999 0.27.- .L/360 0.06 Total Defl'n 0.05" _ <L/999 0.53 = L/180' 0.09 FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF. CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb +_ =1350 1 25 1-00 = l-00 1.000 = 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2r Fb'-= 1350 '1.25 1.00 1.00" 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.25 1.00 1.00' (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 - 1.00 E'1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for'Live load 1.25,' ADDITIONAL DATA ------------- Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M - 3468 lbs -ft Bending(-): LC# 2.= D+L, M - 5112 lbs -.ft Shear : LC# 2 =.D+L, V = 3509, V@d = 2941 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 D+L EI- 628.73eO6 lb -int Total Deflection = 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W= -wind I=impact C=construction) .(All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Continuous or Cantilevered Beams: NDS Clause requires that normal grading provisions be extended to the middle 2/3 of 2 span beams and to the,full length of cantilevers and other spans. 3. Sawn lumber bending members shall be'laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE --- SbUMMITySTRUCPURALENGIN'thk VG z a x �Fhone 208'634 8148 Fae 20$ 630'S079ir 1 1 t 1 IJ Roof Beam.wbc Woodworks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS Wood Works® Sizer 97e Feb. 2, 2006 16:33:45 CDMPAt4`( I - PROJECT Summit Structural Engineering I 106 E. Park Street,. Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 I DESIGN CHECK - NDS -1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: - material ----=--==Timber soft=====___________________________ lateral support: Top= Full Bottom= @Supports total length: 17.50 (ft]. Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS =(force=lbs, pressure=psfc udl=plf, location -ft) --- »Self -weight automatically included<< ' Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude 1 Location I Pattern I I I Start End I Start End 1 Load- - I --------I-------------- I--- -------------- I -----------------I------ - - 1 Dead Full Area 30 (8.00)* No 2 Live Full Area- 20 (8.00)* No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (7.00)*' No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM -REACTIONS and -BEARING cLENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in)= _ ==----=5.50 7.00 5=00 ft=====_____ ------Dea--d I --I------------- 3372-------- 292---2 -27---------- Live I 1500 1300 Total I 4872 4222 B.Length I 1.4 1'.2 DESIGN SECTION:'. D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x10 @12.411 plf This section PASSES the design code check. SECTION =vs. DESIGN - =- CODE-==(stress=psi, deflection=in) _ --Criterion 7-=== Analysis Value I Design Value I Analysis/Design I ------I----------------I---------- Shearfv @d = 70 Fv' - 106 fv/Fv' - 0'.66 Bending(-) fb - 1135 Fb' = 1687 fb/Fb' - 0.67 Live Defl'n 0.14 = L/484 0.37 = L/180 0.37 Total Defl'n 0.44'- L/149 0.73 = L/90 0.60 (a=cacantilever span governs deflection) FACTORS: F =cCD--c--CMc -Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb�-= 1350 1.25 1.00 1 00 7.000 1.00 1.000 100 7.0; = 2 Fv' _ 85 1.25 1.00 1.00 (CH 1.000)_ 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 '1.00 E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load 1.25 ---------------------==_nom---------------------------------- ------e_m==mom_=m==m =-------------- ADDITIONAL DATA ` =Bending)-) LC # 2 - D+L M =-=7826 lbs -ft--===___ Shear LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2846, V@d = 2436 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 - D+L EI= 628.73e06 ib -int Total Deflection.- 1.00IDefln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: =1 cPlease verify that =the =default deflection limits are =appropriate for your application. 2. Continuous or Cantilevered Beams: NDS Clause requires that normal grading provisions be extended to the middle 2/3 of 2 span beams and to the full length of cantilevers and other.spans. 3. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. PAGE = i 1 i 1 r1l 71 1 J Roof Beam.wbc _WoodWorks® Sizer for ANTHONY POWER PRODUCTS WoodWorks® Sizer 97e COMPANY I PROJECT Summit Structural Enyineering 106 E. Park Street, Suite 206 I McCall, Idaho 83638 DESIGN CHECK - 14DS-1997 Beam DESIGN DATA: - - - -----=materialTimber-soft===='___'_=_____'_______________________ .lateral support: Top=.Full' Bottom= @Supports, total length: 6.00 [ft] Load Combinations: ASCE 7-95 LOADS: (force=lbs, pre ssure=psf, udl=plf, location=ft) =>S=1f=weight automat==ally=included<==-=___________- Load I Type I Distribution I Magnitude I Location- I Pattern I I Start End I Start End I Load I--------I-----------=-=I-----------------I-----------------I-------- 1 Dead Full Area 30 (6.00)• No". 2Live Full Area 20 ' (6:00)' No 3 Dead Full Area 15 (7.00)' No 4 Dead. Point •1379 1.00 - - No 5 Live Point 720 1.00. No 6 Dead Point 899 1:00 No 7 Live' Point 480' 1.00 'No 'Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS =and BEARING LENGTHS (force=lbs, length=in) 1. 6:00 ft -----=----I-------------------'.. Dead 1 2808 .. 1290 Live I 1360560 Total .I 4168 1850 B.Length 1 1.2 1.0 DESIGN SECTION: D.Fir-L, .No. 1, 6x12.• @15.023 plf This section PASSES the design code check. SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE (stress -psi, deflection -in). = Criterion= I=Analysis Value I Design Value IvAnalysis/Design 1=== --------------I----------------I----------------I------------------1 Shear fv @d 89 Fv' 106- fv/Fv' 0.84 Bending(+) fb 399 Fb' 1687 fb/Fb' 0.24 Live Defl'n 0.01 <L/999 0.20 L/360 0.04 Total Defl'n 0.02 <L/999 0.40 L/180 0.06 - FACTORS:=F= _= CD CM Ct = =CL CF CV. Cfu Cr =LC#. Fb'+- 1350 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00. 1.00 2 Fv' - 85 1.25- 1.00 1.00 (CH•=•1.000) 2 Fcp' 625 1.00 1.00 E' 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Custom duration factor for Live load 1.25 ADDITIONAL DATA Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L =M---=4027 lbs -ft Shear LC# 2 - D+L, V = 4158, V@d = 3756 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1115.29e06 lb -int - Total Deflection 1.00(Defln dead) + Defln_Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis. output) DESIGN NOTES: ------------------------- e=vem=e===oeme=--------------veno---------- 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 2. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. Feb. 2, 2006 17:24:25 PAGE 24f SUMMIT STRUCTURALENGINEERING�'ptione (208) G34 8148 Faz�(208)`G30 5079 t . "y IOGiEPark Stree Ste .20G McFall ID 4 m nib RAMRAM International File C:\Program Files\RAM Advanse 7.OEN\Data\kessler entry2.AVW Units system English Date 2/3/2006 2:30:08 PM Geometry data GLOSSARY Cb22, Cb33 : Moment gradient coefficients Cm22, Cm33 : Coefficients applied to bending term in interaction formula dO : Tapered member section depth at J end of member DJX : Rigid end offset distance measured from J node in axis X DJY : Rigid end offset distance measured from J node in axis Y DJZ : Rigid end offset distance measured from J node in axis Z DKK : Rigid end offset distance measured from K node in axis X DKY : Rigid end offset distance measured from K node in axis Y DKZ : Rigid end offset distance measured from K node in axis Z dL : Tapered member section depth at K end of member Ig factor : Inertia reduction factor (Effective Inertia/Gross Inertia) for reinforced concrete members K22 : Effective length factor about axis 2 K33 : Effective length factor about axis 3 L22 : Member length for calculation of axial capacity L33 : Member length for calculation of axial capacity LB pos : Lateral unbraced length of the compression flange in the positive side of local axis 2 LB neg : Lateral unbraced length of the compression hange in the negative side of local axis 2 RX : Rotation about X RY : Rotation about Y RZ : Rotation about Z TO : 1 = Tension only member 0 = Normal member TX : Translation in X TY : Translation in Y TZ : Translation in Z Nodes Node X YZ Floor Ift] Ift] Ift] 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 10.00 0.00 3 7.50 0.00 0.00 4 7.2444 0.00 -1.9411 5 6.4952 0.00 -3.75 6 5.3033 0.00 -5.3033 7 3.75 0.00 -6.4952 8 1.9411 0.00 -7.2444 9 0.00 0.00 -7.50 10 -1.9411 0.00 -7.2444 11 -3.75 0.00 -6.4952 12 -5.3033 0.00 -5.3033 _19MMIT $T.RlAE9QURAL EN®AVE EAST PAR @.BEET �• 0,00 18 0 00 x3;75 - Call ID 83 �� ..: ' f 5.3033 `(20);634-81.48.. fax: i(208). 634=4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JOB Nos 00 NO s CALCULATED BY p CHECKED: Paae1 " SCALE f' ' 19 -3.75 0.00 6.4952 0 20 -1.9411 0.00 7.2444 0 ' 21 0.00 0.00 7.50 0 22 1.9411 0.00 7.2444 0 23 3.75 0.00 6.4952 0 24 5.3033 0.00 5.3033 0 ' 25 6.4952 0.00 3.75 0 26 7.2444 0.00 1.9411 0 27 7.50 10.00 0.00 0 ' 28 7.2444 10.00 ;1.9411 0 29 6.4952 10.00 -3.75 0 30 5.3033 10.00 -5.3033 0 31 3.75 10.00 -6.4952 0 ' 32 1.9411 10.00 -7.2444 0 33 0.00 10.00 -7.50 0 34 -1.9411 10.00 -7.2444 0 35 -3.75 10.00 -6.4952 0 ' 36 -5.3033 10.00 -5.3033 0 37 -6.4952 10.00 -3.75 0 38 -7.2444 10.00 -1.9411 0 39 -7.50 10.00 0.00 0 ' 40 -7.2444 10.00 1.9411 0 41 -6.4952 10.00 3.75 0 42 -5.3033 10.00 5.3033 0 43 -3.75 10.00 6.4952 0 44 -1.9411 10.00 ,7.2444 0 45 0.00 10.00 7.50 0 46 1.9411 10.00 7.2444 0 47 3.75 10.00 6.4952 0 ' 48 5.3033 10.00 5.3033 0 49 6.4952 10.00 3.75 0 50 7.2444 10.00 1.9411 0 51 0.00 20.00 0.00 0 52 7.50 20.00 0.00 0 53 7.2444 20.00 -1.9411 0 54 6.4952 20.00 -3.75 0 ' 15 5.3033 20.00 -5.3033 0 56 3.75 20.00 -6.4952 0 57 1.9411 20.00 -7.2444 0 58 0.00 20.00 -7.50 0 59 -1.9411 20.00 -7.2444 0 60 -3.75 20.00 -6.4952 0' 61 -5.3033 20.00 -5.3033 0 62 -6.4952 20.00--- -3.75 0 ' 63 -7.2444 20.00 -1.9411 0 64 -7.50 20.00 0.00 0 65 -7.2444 20.00 1.9411 0 66 -6.4952 20.00 3.75 0 67 -5.3033 20.00 5.3033 0 68 -3.75 20.00 6.4952 0 69 -1.9411 20.00 7.2444 0 70 0.00 20.00 7.50 0 71 1.9411 20.00 7.2444 0 72 3.75 20.00 6.4952 0 73 5.3033 20.00 5.3033 0 74 6.4952 20.00 3.75 0 75 7.2444 20.00 1.9411 0 SUMMIT STRUCT,URAL:.ENGINEERING Jos No.'t 110&tAST PARK STREET ~SHEET NO:: Suite.206 T x . ' r n `` CALCULATED BY McCall, ID:.-83638 s CHECKEn:BY (208),634-8149 fax (208) 634-415.7 SCALE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Restraints Node TX TY TZ RX RY RZ 4 7 12 17 21 24 Members Member 1 1 1 1 1 1 NJ NK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Description 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section Material d0 [in] dL [in] Ig factor 1 21 70 ENTRY COL TS 6X6X.3750 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 24 73 ENTRY COL TS 6X6X.3750 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 17 66 ENTRY COL TS 6X6X.3750 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 12 61 ENTRY COL TS 6X6X.3750 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00. 0.00 0.00 5 7 56 ENTRY COL TS 6X6X.3750 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 4 53 ENTRY COL TS 6X6X.3750 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 7 45 46 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 46 47 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 47 48 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 •10 48 49 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 49 50 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 50 27 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 13 27 28 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 28 29 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 29 30 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 30 31 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 17 31 32 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 32 33 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 19 33 34 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 21 34 35 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 36 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 22 36 37 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 23 37 38 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 24 25 38 39 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 39 40 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 26 40 41 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 27 41 42 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 28 42 43 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 29 43 44 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 30 44 45 Clg beam TS 10X6X.2500 A500 GrB rectangular 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ :SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 'R " JOB No C 'fp 3 .106 EAST PARK STREET >�- 'Suite206 F � ,. � � "tom r a - +' ' r` 1 CALCULATED BY McCall, -10,63638: s c # CHECKED'BY 208):634-81:48...fax (208). 634=4157" p,,,oz SCALE RAMRAM International File C:\Program Files\RAM Advanse 7.OEN\Data\kessler entry2.AVW Units system English Date 2/3/2006 2:30:29 PM Loaa aaia ' GLOSSARY ' Comb : Indicates if load condition is a load combination (1= load combination. 0 = load case) Load conditions ' Condition Description Comb.. Category cdl dI+II 1 Self weight multipliers for load conditions Condition Description Self weight multiplier Comb. MUM MultY MultZ cdl dI+II 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Seismic (Dynamic analysis only) Condition a/g Ang. Damp. (Deg] i%] cdl 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,SUMMIT$TRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 'Y €� Jols No `106 EAST PARK STREET- NO. - r�-- Suite 206^ CALCuLATED BY r 'McCall, ID,83638�" = x _ CHECKED BY (208) 634=8148 . faX (208} 634-4757 ScaLE RAMRAM International File C:\Program Files\RAM Advanse 7.OEN\Data\kessler entry2.AVW Units system English Date 2/3/2006 2:31:02 PM Analysis Results Reactions Y �y Fy Mx . z Fx Fze� Mz� Direction of positive forces and moments Node FX Forces [Kiel FY FZ MX Moments [Kip*ftl MY MZ Condition cdl=dl+ll 4 -0.00616 5.96093 0.13073 0.45101 -0.01547 -0.02363 7 -0.15677 7.26627 -0.00597 -0.00297 0.01199 0.46795 12 0.11222 9.53569 0.07487 0.28583 -0.00062 -0.41565 17 0.05129 8.36652 -0.07592 -0.20852 -0.00615 -0.20443 21 -0.03913 5.78944 -0.03384 -0.07358 0.00714 0.09447 24 0.03855 6.54638 -0.08987 -0.27654 0.00890 -0.15540 SUM 0.00000 43.46522 0.00000 0.17523 0.00579 -0.23670 Points of interest in members J K F --•I DistJ Considered points . CONDITION cdl=dl+ll Plane 1-2 Plane 1-3 Dist to J Axial Shear V2 M33 Shear V3 M22 Torsion Station [ft] [Kip] [Kip] [Kip*ft] [Kip] [Kip*ft] [Kip*ft] UM TRU RAL INE G , u ur4 0 007: s Jos No 0 248 r 0 007 t10 2 �p6 Ei>p�ARK �a�EET0 000 0 000{ ' 0 000 ' 0 000 ` SHEET NO:S1. uite,,206 -i> ,n.ALCULATED BY - �ICCaI�,.�,.$$638p39 ^0 155 0.090 ' =0 277 0 009 ' k`�CHECKED?.BY (208)634-81"48 .fax '(208) 634-41`57 0-1:SCALE .1 48% 9.500 -6.546 0.039 -0.211 0.090 0.577 -0.009 100% 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 MEMBER 3 0% 0.000 -8.367 0.051 0.204 0.076 -0.209 0.006 48% 9.500 -8.367 0.051 -0.283 0.076 0.513 0.006 100% 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 MEMBER 4 0% 0.000 -9.536 0.112 0.416 -0.075 0.286 0.001 48% 9.500 -9.536 0.112 -0.650 -0.075 -0.425 0.001 100% 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 MEMBER 5 0% 0.000 -7.266 -0.157 -0.468 0.006 -0.003 -0.012 48% 9.500 -7.266 -0.157 1.021 0.006 0.054 -0.012 100% 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .0.000 0.000 0.000 MEMBER 6 0% 0.000 -5.961 -0.006 0.024 -0.131 0.451 0.015 48% 9.500 -5.961 -0.006 0.082 -0.131 -0.791 0.015 100% 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 MEMBER 7 0% 0.000 -0.003 -2.573 -2.951 0.016 -0.049 0.047 100% 1.958 -0.003 -0.762 0.314 0.016 -0.018 0.047 MEMBER 8 0% 0.000 -0.007 -0.762 0.315 0.014 -0.018 -0.036 43% 0.832 -0.007 0.008 0.629 0.014 -0.006 -0.036 100% 1.958 -0.007 1.049 0.034 0.014 0.010 -0.036 MEMBER 9 0% 0.000 -0.010 1.049 0.024 0.012 0.010 -0.043 100% 1.958 -0.010 2.860 -3.803 0.012 0.034 -0.043 MEMBER 10 0% 0.000 -0.108 -3.686 -4.319 0.033 0.025 0.746 .100% 1.958 -0.108 -1.875 1.126 0.033 0.090 0.746 MEMBER 11 0% 0.000 -0.113 -1.875 1.280 0.004 0.090 0.429 100% 1.958 -0.113 -0.064 3.179 0.004 0.098 0.429 MEMBER 12 0% 0.000 -0.110 -0.064 3.182 -0.025 0.098 -0.408 3% 0.049 -0.110 -0.019 3.184 -0.025 0.097 -0.408 100% 1.958 -0.110 1.747 1.534 -0.025 0.049 -0.408 MEMBER 13 0% 0.000 -0.100 1.747 1.376 -0.053 0.049 -0.791 100% 1.958 -0.100 3.558 -3.817 -0.053 -0.054 -0.791 MEMBER 14 0% 0.000 0.036 -2.403 -3.133. -0.021 -0.039 -0.183 100% 1.958 0.036 -0.592 -0.201 -0.021 -0.079 -0.183 MEMBER 15 0% 0.000 0.040 -0.592 -0.242 -0.011 -0.079 -0.124 100% 1.958 0.040 1.219 -0.856 -0.011 -0.101 -0.124 MEMBER 16 0% 0.000 0.041 1.219 -0.859 0.000 -0.101 0.101 100% 1.958 0.041 3.030 -5.019 0.000 -0.101 0.101 MEMBER 17 0% 0.000 -0.107 -4.236 -5.859 0.065 -0.113 1.029 100% 1.958 -0.107 -2.425 0.661 0.065 0.014 1.029 MEMBER 18 0% 0.000 -0.120 -2.425 0.905 0.035 0.014 0.822 100% 1.958 -0.120 -0.614 3.880 0.035 0.083 0.822 MEMBER 19 SUMMIT;STRUCTU.RAL; EN. 106 EAST PARK .ST T � F McCall, 1 U 83638 r nie x (208)..634=8148 .. fax. (208) 63 C�INEERINC a N0 EET No: L• CULAT.M BY` ECKED BY 0% 0.000 -0.125 -0.614 3.960 0.003 0.083 -0.210 35% 0.685 -0.125 0.020 4.164 0.003 0.085 -0.210 ' 100%. 1.958 -0.125. 1.197. 3.390 0.003 0.088 -0.210 MEMBER 20 0% 0.000 -0.122 1.197 3.220 -0.030 0.088 -1.080 100% 1.958 -0.122 3.008 -0.897. -0.030 0.030 -1.080 ' MEMBER 21 0% 0.000 , -0.110 3.008 -1.146 -0.060 0.030 -0.811 100% 1.958 -0.110 4.819 -8.809 -0.060 -0.088 -0.811 MEMBER 22 0% .0.000 -0.082 -4.716 -8.655. 01.048 -0.087: 0.654 100% 1.958 -0.082 -2.905 -1.194 0.048 0.007 0.654 MEMBER 23 0% 0.000 -0.091 -2.905 -0.984 0.025 0.007 0.941 ' 100% 1.958 -0.091 -1.094 2.931 0.025 0.057 0.941 MEMBER 24 0% 0.000 -0.095 -1.094 3.075 0.001 0.057 0.150 60% 1.175 -0.095 -0.008 3.722. 0.001 0.058 0.150 100% 1,.958 -0.095 0.717 ` 3.445 0.001 0.058 0.150 MEMBER 25 0% 0.000 -0.092 0.717 3.366 -0.024 0.058 -0.747 100% 1.958 -0.092 2.528 0.190 0.024. 0.012 -0.747 MEMBER 26 0% 0.000 -0.082 2.528 -0.010 -0.047 0.012 -0.770 100% 1.958 -0.082 4.339 -6.732 -0.047 -0.079 -0.770 MEMBER 27, 0% 0.000 -0.039 -4.028 -6.452 0.021 -0.073 0.418 100% 1.958 -0.039 -2.217 -0.339 0.021 -0.033. 0.418 MEMBER 28 0% 0.000 -0.043 -2.217 -0.220 0.010 -0.033 0.492 100% 1.958 -0.043 -0.406 2.347 0.010 -0.014 0.492 MEMBER 29 0% 0.000 -0.044 -0.406 2.395 -0.001 -0.014 0.132 ' 23% 0.441' -0.044 0.002 2.484 -0.001 -0.014 -0.132 100% 1.958 -0.044 1.405 1.416, -0.001 -0.017 -0.132 MEMBER 30 0% 0:000 -0.042 1.405 .1.333 0.013 -0.017 -0.494 100% 1.958 -0.042 3.216 -3.191 -0.013 -0.042 -0.494 _SUMMITSTRUCTURAL`ENGINEERING��';joallo�c�s%; ,,l.!06:',EASt,-P' RKSTREET r n rfiti' ' >-` .0 p! t9X Sutte 206 1 f . Y KSHEeT No d 't "u' i s s n t i"�pi4 E r CALCULATED BY a McCall, I� 83638 ` F d,.+% r z ref"�y�`�rixCHECKEDaBY );`634 SCALE . RAMRAM International File C:\Program Files\RAM Advanse 7.OEN\Data\kessfer entry2.AVW Units system English Date 2/3/2006 2:31:25 PM Steel Code Che Ck Design by group for controlling load condition Design code A S D CODECHECK MAX. INTERACTION RATIO PER DESCRIPTION REL.F = Bending stress ratio (if rel.f--NPC, it is not possible to calculate) S.Ratio = Shear interaction ratio Stat.b = Station where max. B.Ratio occurs Stat.v = Station where max. S.Ratio occurs NOTE, Non -steel members are not printed Important, Maximum values will only be computed from graphically selected elements MAX. INTERACTION RATIO IN DESCRIPTICCIg beam OCCURS AT MEMBER 21 SECTION TS 1OX6X.2500 OCCURS FOR CONDITION odl=dl+ll DESIGN STATUS OK B.RATIO Eqn STAT.B [ft] Axial [Kip] M33 [Kip*ft] M22 [Kip*ft] 0.19 1.96 -0.11 -8.81 -0.09 S.RATIO Eqn STAT.V [ft] V2 [Kip] V3 [Kip] Tor [Kip*ft] 0.09 F4 1.96 4.82 1 -0.06 -0.81 MAX. INTERACTION RATIO IN DESCRIPTICIENTRY COL OCCURS AT MEMBER 4 SECTION TS 6X6X.3750 OCCURS FOR CONDITION cdl=dl+ll DESIGN STATUS OK B.RATIO Eqn STAT.13 [ft] Axial [Kip] M33 [Kip*ft] M22 [Kip*ft] 0.12 1-11-3 9.38 -9.54 -0.64 -0.42 S.RATIO Eqn STAT.V [ft] V2 [Kip] V3 [Kip] Tor [Kip*ft] 0.00 F4 0.00 0.11 -0.07 0.00 ­­�- SUMMIT STRUCTURALEN GI-NEE'Rl+N'.YJos VN6 G.�:',i'."�,. 106 EAST PARK STREET,---, SHEETNOSuite, 2W,�t�" CALCULATEDZ, McCall ID "83638 ,3 �Q' BY 'CHECKED' _BY SCALE' (20.8) Op4- 415:7 1 1 1 1 1 FOUNDATION DESIGN Typical Exterior Footing DL + LL Roof Load 30 Floor Load 12 Wall Load 15 Allowable Soil Pressure (q) Minimum footing width (b) = W/q x Trib. Area = 16 x 14 40x 0= x 10 Total (W) 1000 psf 794 Ib / bmin' Use 12" wide x 12" thick footing. Typical Interior Footing DL + LL Roof Load 30 Floor Load 12 Wall Load 15 Allowable Soil Pressure (q) Minimum footing width (b) = W/q x Trib. Area = 16 x 14 = 40 x 0 x 15 Total (W) = 1000 psf 869 Ib / bmin= Use 12" wide x 12" thick footing SUMMIT STRUCTURAL 106 EAST PARK STREET --- Suite 206 `McCall, ID -83638. (208) 634=814&. fax (21 Load 644 0 150 794 1000 psf 9.53 in. Load 64.4 0 225 869 1000 psf 10.43 in. 'IN EERING3 J`ois No. CALCULATED BY CHECKED By - Y4-4157 ° 4 -41,57,; ScALE `` FOUNDATION DESIGN Grade Beam Design Grade Beam Line 1 DL + LL x Trib. Area = Roof Load 18 16 x 0 = Floor Load 12 40 x 0 = Wall Load 15 x 0 Point Load 1505 Total (W) Lateral Force (V)= 467 Ib. Height of applied force 8 ft. Allowable Soil Pressure (q) = 1500 psf Adjusted Soil Pressure (q') 1.33*q = 1995 psf Grade Beam Geometry b= 18" h= d= 21" toe = 4 ft heel = 4 ft Load General Stability Check Mot = V x (H+h) _ Mr= Wxtoe +(bxhx(toe + heel) xtoe x150pcf= General Stability O.K. Soil Pressure Check q = F x (H + h) / (b*Toe/2) = 389 psf Allowable Soil Pressure = 1995 psf Soil Pressure O.K. Grade Beam Strength Check Ms= Mu= 0.75 x (1.41D + 1.7L x 1.7(1.1 E)) _ fc= 2500 psi fy= 60000 psi b= 18" d= 21" 0 0 0 1505 1505 24" 3.736 ft -kip 5.2304 ft -kip As= 2 x # 5 rebar = 0.61 in.^2 T= As x fy= 36814.45 Ib. a = T/(0.85 x fc'x b)= 0.96 in. Mu'= 0.9 x (As x fy x (d -a/2)) = 56.65 ft -kip Mu'= 56.65 ft -kip > Mu = 5.2304 O.K. SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING;h x�Joa .106 EAST PARK STREETi SU1ite'206 r t i �' t # }' ', f �`R" t• 4' = F CALC '� w 11 i %McCall, ID'83638 �: ,c ` f` , , s �, �;;_ CNet (208); , 634 8148 fax_(20 , ). ' 4157; r11 1 11 Scat 4,670 ft.lb 82,820 ft.lb } Y 2 _,ATED BY '• FOUNDATION DESIGN 89,968 ft.lb Mr= W x toe + (b x h x (toe + heel) x toe x 150 pcf = 754,404 ft.lb General Stability O.K. Grade Beam Design Grade Beam Line 5 DL + LL x Trib. Area = Load Roof Load 18 Ms= 16 x 0 = 0 Floor Load 12 40 x 0 = 0 Wall Load 15 d= 27" x 0 0 Point Load 4872 110443.4 Ib. a=T/(0.85xfc'x b)= 2.17 in. 4872 214.68 ft -kip Mu'= 214.68 ft -kip > Mu = 107.96 O.K. Total (W) 4872 Lateral Force (V)= 5141 Ib. Height of applied force 15 ft. Allowable Soil Pressure (q) = 1500 psf Adjusted Soil Pressure (q') 1.33'q = 1995 psf Grade Beam Geometry b= 24" h= 30" d= 27" toe = 7 ft heel = 7 ft General Stability Check Mot = V x (H+h) = 89,968 ft.lb Mr= W x toe + (b x h x (toe + heel) x toe x 150 pcf = 754,404 ft.lb General Stability O.K. Soil Pressure Check q = F x (H'+ h) / (b-Toe/2) = 1,836 psf Allowable Soil Pressure = 1995 psf Soil Pressure O.K. Grade Beam Strength Check Ms= 77.115 ft -kip Mu= 0.75 x (1.4D + 1.7L x 1.7(1.1 E)) = 107.961 ft -kip Pc= 2500 psi fy= 60000 psi b= 24.. d= 27" As= 6 x # 5 rebar = 1.84 in.^2 T= As x fy= 110443.4 Ib. a=T/(0.85xfc'x b)= 2.17 in. Mu'= 0.9 x (As x fy x (d -a/2)) _ - 214.68 ft -kip Mu'= 214.68 ft -kip > Mu = 107.96 O.K. SUMMIT STRUCTU =106 EAST PARK STR. .. ` 'McCall, ID 83638 (208).634-81;48, ; fay Jos No ';i ��,x • Yt SFIEET INOS x k "CALCULATE6t 77777777 g` CHECKED La L ^° E SCALE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 FOUNDATION DESIGN Grade Beam Design Grade Beam Line 7 & 8 DL + LL x Trib. Area = Load Roof Load 18 16 x 0 = 0 Floor Load 12 40 x 0 = 0 Wall Load 15 x 0 0 Point Load 1450 1450 Total (W) 1450 Lateral Force (V)= 651 Ib. Height of applied force 13 ft. Allowable Soil Pressure (q) = 1500 psf Adjusted Soil Pressure (q') 1.33'q = 1995 psf Grade Beam Geometry b= 18" h= 24" d= 21" toe = 4 ft heel = 4 ft General Stability Check Mot = V x (H+h) = 9,765 ft.lb Mr= W x toe + (b x h x (toe + heel) x toe x 150 pcf = 82,600 ft.lb General Stability O.K. Soil Pressure Check q=Fx(H+h)/(b"Toe/2)= 814 psf Allowable Soil Pressure = 1995 psf Soil Pressure O.K. Grade Beam Strength Check Ms= 8.463 ft -kip Mu= 0.75 x (1.4D + 1.7L x 1.7(1.1 E)) = 11.8482 ft -kip fc= 2500 psi fY= 60000 psi b= 18" d= 21 As= 2 x # 5 rebar = 0.61 in.^2 T= As x fy= 36814.45 Ib. a = T/(0.85 x fc' x b) _ . 0.96 in. Mu'= 0.9 x (As x fy x (d -a/2)) = 56.65 ft -kip Mu'= 56.65 ft -kip > Mu = 11.848 O.K. _ -SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING »� 1 ' '� ti y F= 'JOBNo 1,06 EAST PARK STREET _ �° Ya ¢ ' , x ` xw n SHEET No.: Suite' 206 CALCULATED BY.. McCall ID 83638. *CHECKED BY 208 634-81487 fax 208 634-415;. SCALE { �. s.. FOUNDATION DESIGN Grade Beam Design Grade Beam Line B DL + LL x Trib. Area = Load Roof Load 18 16 x 0= 0 Floor Load 12 40 x 0 = 0 Wall Load 15 x 0 0 Point Load 12129 12129 Total (W) 12129 Lateral Force (V)= 7702 Ib. Height of applied force 15 ft. Allowable Soil Pressure (q) = 1500 psf Adjusted Soil Pressure (q') 1.33'q = 1995 psf Grade Beam Geometry b= 24" h= 30" d= 27" toe = 8 ft heel = 8 ft General Stability Check Mot = V x (H+h) = 134,785 ft.lb Mr= W x toe + (b x h x (toe + heel) x toe x 150 pcf = 1,325,832 ft.lb General Stability O.K. Soil Pressure Check q = F x (H + h) / (b'Toe/2) = 2,106 psf Allowable Soil Pressure = 1995 psf Soil Pressure O.K. Grade Beam Strength Check .Ms= 115.53 ft -kip Mu= 0.75 x (1.4D + 1.7L x 1.7(1.1 E)) = 161.742 ft -kip Pc= 2500 psi fy= 60000 psi b= 24" d= 27" As= 6 x # 6 rebar = 2.65 in.12 T= As x fy= 159038.4 Ib. a=T/(0.85xfc'xb)= 3.12 in. Mu'= 0.9 x (As x fy x (d -a/2)) = 303.45 ft -kip Mu'= 303.45 ft -kip > Mu = 161.74 O.K. SUMMIT STRUCTURAL. ENGINEERING `106 EAST PARK STREET T"z2• a c SHEET -mm® SUIte:206 -.v xer":, 4 sr r y s'CALCULATED BY ;McCall, ID,83638 �; _._ , � CHECKEDBY (208):634-8148. fax (208} o.4157 2001 UBC Lateral Analysis BLOCK B Wind and Seismic Load Distribution Weight of Materials Roof DL 30 psf Floor DL 12 psf Exterior Wall 15 psf Interior Wall 10 psf Design Base Shear V=(C„ I/RT) x W Z= 0.4 Na = 1 V= 0.752 x W Soil Profile Sa Nv = 1 1= 1 Vmax = 2.5Ca1/R x W . C„ = 0.64 Base C, 0.64 Vmax = 0.244 x W Ca = 0.44 Base Ca= 0.44 R = 4.5 h = 20 Vmin = 0.11Cal x W T= i4 Ct(hn)3 Vmin = . 0.0484 x W T= 0.189 Vmin2 = 0.8ZN„ I/R x W (Seismic Zone 4 only) Vmin2 = 0.071 Convert Design Base Shear from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design (1612.3.1) D + E/1.4 = 0.24444444 /1.4 = 0.175 V = 0.175 x W Design Wind Pressure (Method 2, Projected Area) P=CeCggslw Ce = 1.13 Cq = 1.3 P = 18.5 psf qs = 12.6 Iw = 1 ;SUMM '106 fA - Suite; _ McCall (208):.6 LRUCTURAL ENGINEERING �,`t's J,OB No.. " ARK STREET fir. t r s e tri r3 SHEET No:= L CALCULATED 63638 CHECKED: BY 148 . fax (208) 634-4157 .'SCALE" 2001 UBC Lateral Analysis BLOCK C Wind and Seismic Load Distribution Weight of Materials Roof DL 30 psf Floor DL 12 psf Exterior Wall 15 psf Interior Wall 10 psf Design Base Shear V=(C„ I/RT) x W Z= 0.4 Na = 1 V= 0.752 x W Soil Profile Sd Nv = 1 1= 1 Vmax = 2.5Ca1/R x W C„ = 0.64 Base Cv= 0.64 Vmax = 0.244 x W Ca = 0.44 Base Ca= 0.44 R = 4.5 h = 20 Vmin = 0.11Ca1 x W T= C,(h„)31a Vmin = . 0.0484 x W T= 0.189 Vmin2 = 0.8ZN„ I/R x W (Seismic Zone 4 only) Vmin2 = 0.071 Convert Design Base Shear from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design (1612.3. 1) D + E/1.4 = 0.24444444 /1.4 = 0.175 V = 0.175 x W Design -Wind Pressure (Method 2, Projected Area) P=CeCggslw 18.5 psf Ce = 1.13 Cq = 1.3 qs = 12.6 IW = 1 .. - SUMMIT STRUCTURAL -ENGINEERING `r Joa No. -106 EAST PARK STREET '> . SHEET NO; L o Suite 206 �` K CALCULATED BY . McCall, ID, 83638:CHECKED BY '(208).634-81:48 fax (208) 634=4157 SCALE 1 2001 UBC Lateral Analysis BLOCK D Wind and Seismic Load Distribution Weight of Materials Roof DL 30 psf Floor DL 12 psf Exterior Wall 15 psf Interior Wall 10 psf Design Base Shear V=(C„ I/RT) x W Z= 0.4 Na = 1 V= 0.752 x W Soil Profile Sd Nv = 1 1= 1 Vmax = 2.5Ca1/R x W C„ = 0.64 Base C„= 0.64 Vmax = 0.244 x W Ca = 0.44 Base Ca= 0.44 R = 4.5 h = 20 Vmin = 0.11 Cal x W - T= Ct(hn)3/4 Vmin = . 0.0484 x W T= 0.189 Vmin2 = 0.8ZN„ I/R x W (Seismic Zone 4 only) Vmin2 = 0.071 Convert Design Base Shear from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design (1612.3. 1) D + E/1.4 = 0.24444444 /1.4 = 0.175 V = 0.175 x W Design Wind Pressure (Method 2, Projected Area) P=CeCggslw Ce = 1.13 Cq = 1.3 P = 18.5 psf qs = 12.6 Iw = 1 SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Joa No ':106 EAST PARK STREET x ,' �` i4 SHEET NO { - �.-�--- ;SUR6e 206 k y Arch a x* t= CALCULATED BY ; -McCall, ID 83638 ,CHECKED:;B.Y r (208):634=8148 ;fax (208) 634=4157::' = w' �.. SCALE 2001 UBC Lateral Analysis BLOCK E Wind and Seismic Load Distribution Weight of Materials Roof DL 30 psf Floor DL 12 psf Exterior Wall 15 psf Interior Wall 10 psf Design Base Shear V=(C„ I/RT) x W Z= 0.4 Na = 1 V= 0.752 x W Soil Profile Sd Nv = 1 1= 1 Vmax = 2.5Ca1/R x W C„ = 0.64 Base Cv= 0.64 Vmax = 0.244 x W Ca = 0.44 Base Ca= 0.44 R = 4.5 h = 20 Vmin = 0.11 Cal x W T= C,(h„)"4 Vmin = . 0.0484 x W T= 0.189 Vmin2 = 0.8ZN„ I/R x W (Seismic Zone 4 only) Vmin2 = 0.071 Convert Design Base Shear from Strength Design to Allowable Stress Design (1612.3.1) D + E/1.4 = 0.24444444 /1.4 = 0.175 V= 0.175 x W Design Wind Pressure (Method 2, Projected Area) P=CBCggslw M 18.5 psf _ ;SUMMIT STRUCTU.RA 106,EAST PARK STREET ;Suite' 206 MC 11, ID.83638 - -J1'(20.8),634-8148- ' fax (2 Ce = 1.13 Cq = 1.3 qs = 12.6 Iw = 1 aINEERI 63.4=4157 ., M -tet CALCULATED BY CHECKED.BY SCALE 2001 UBC Lateral Analysis Rho Calculations Block Shear Line = a= b X= B&C C 85 ft. 80 ft. 23 ft. 17 ft. p = 2 - 2[(bA1/2/aA112)(1./x)] _ -0.63 sheIwall a IW x No b a = trib. depth b = width of block x = width trib. to shear wall Iw = length of shear wall rmax - (Vmax * 10/1.)/Vtotal p=2-201(r.`(Aa)A1n)= P = 2 - 2[(bI112/aA112)(1./x)] _ Block 7 Block D Shear Line = C & D Shear Line = g a = 80 ft. a = 12.5 ft. b = 85 ft. b = 25 ft. Iw = 16.5 ft. IW = 16 ft. X = 12 ft. x = 6 ft. p = 2 - 2[(bA'/?/aA vz)(IW/x)1= -0.83 p=2 -2[(b"2 /a1n )(l./x)]= -5.54- I,STRUCTURALENGNEERINGMMTf OB�No ` i`EAST PARK STREET r rSMEET NO 1 L.. 1 CALCULATED BY Call, 83638 ' Y' .CHECKED:' BY ID 6).,534-814&. :, (208), 6341415T SCALE ' Summit Structural Engineering Title Kessler Res. 106 East Park Street, Ste. 206 Job # sd-262 Dsgnr: Benjamin Date: McCall, ID 83638 Description.... ' (208) 634-8148 Steel Moment Column (208) 630-5079 fax FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V5.0.9- Page 1 Nodes... Node Node Coordinates I Fixed Fixed 0 I 0 Node Label X Y A ft I X Restraint I Y Restraint I Z Restraint I Temp J Property Label — Member. Le.gth deg F 1 2 0.000 1 0.000 0.0001 8.000 Fixed I Thermal I in/100d Fixed Fixed 0 I 0 Width Tw lyy ' Member... in in Radians k k k -ft Member Label Property Label Endpoint Nodes I Node J Node Member. Le.gth I End Releases I X Y Z J End Releases I X Y Z ' 1 P4std 1 1 2 8.000 Member Stress Check Data... Member Label Unbraced Lengths Lu: Z ft. Lu : XY, Slenderness Factors K : Z K: XY AISC Bending 8 Stability Factors Cm Cb . 1 8.000. 8.000 1 1.00 1:00 Internal Internal Materials... Member Youngs Label ksi Density kcf Thermal I in/100d Yield I ksi Default 1.00 0.000 0.000000 1.00 Steel 1.29,000.00 0.490 0.006500 36.00 Section Sections... Prop Label Material Area Depth Tf Ixx .Group Tag Label Width Tw lyy Default Default 1.000 Int 0.000 In 0.000 in. 1.00 in4 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.00 in4 P4std Steel 3.170 in2 4.500 in 0.000 in 7.23 in4 T ' I 0.000 in 0.237 in 0.00 in4 2 0.467k 1.500k 1.000 Load Combinations... Load Combination Stress Gravity Load Factors Load Combination Factors Description Increase X Y #1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label Load Combination Node Displacements Node Reactions Label X Y Z I X Y Z in in Radians k k k -ft ' 1 cd1 0 1 0 0 -0.46700 -1.50000 3.73600 2. cdl 0.65686 0.00157- -001026 0 0 0 Member End Forces... 1 Member Load Combination Node " I " End Forces Node " J " End Forces Label axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ft -k k k ft -k I I cal 1 1.50000 0.46700 3.73600 1 1.50000 -0.46700 0 Steel Stress Checks... Member I I Overall I Shear Left End 1/4 S an 1/2 Span 3/4 Span Ri ht En i Label Load Combination Maximum p p p g 1 I cd! 1 0.458 1 0.458 0.351 0.245 0.138 0.01, 0.008 2001 UBC Lateral Analysis ' Steel Column Drift Calculation ' Shear Line = 1 h = 8 feet ' T = T= 0.02*(h)13/4 = 0.10 < 0.7 sec. Therefore: R= 2.2 Max Allowable drift Arn = 0.025*h �S = 0.656 in Am = 2.4 ' �M = 1.4*0.71R*aS = 1.41 in. ' 1.41 < 2.4 O.K. 1 1 . 1 _ : 'STRUCTURAL ENGINEESUMMIT aNo: 4106 EAST PARK STREETSSHEET NO �•�--- �.Sulte;;206 �a. r 4CAtCULATEMBY z McCal I„ I D 83638"; 4 * z} ` s ;` u" > h ry' CHECKED .BY (268)'634-81'48 : fau (208.)'634 =4157Sca�E Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line L= V= Q1 = Load From Side Additional Load Unit Shear = Overturning Check Li h Unit Shear = 2 Roof level Block A 1368 / 18/ 2 = 0/ 2 = Total Load 14 ft.= 1368 0 0 1368 98 Ib./ft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 Ib./ft. 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 4/4/12 7 10 98 Mr = 5145 Mot = Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/2 Mr (Mot -.67 x Mr) / Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 2 = 60 7 1470 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 7 3675 Floor Load 12 psf x 0 = 0 7 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 7 0 Mr = 5145 Mot = 98 plf x 7 x 10 = 6840 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 7 ft- 0.33 ft. T = 509 Use HTT16 Cap. = 3480 Ib. SUMMIT.STRUCTURAL'ENGLNEERING u v • 1 Jos No .106 EAST PARK STREET r y C s �i is u 'x SHEET No 206. McCall, ID..83638 CALCULATED,BY s CHECKED' BY `" (208).:634-8148. fax (208) 634-41.57 ScaLE Lateral Analysis Load x ArM2/,, Mr Shear Wall Line 3 Roof level Block A & B 6.5 2535 L= 47.5 6.5 3168.75 V = 471 6.5 0 Q1 = 471 Ib/ft x 25/ 2 = 5887.5. Load From Side 152 Ib/ft x 18/ 2 = 1368 Additional Load 0 0 O �sa S Total Load 7255.5 3cp�-- A Unit Shear = 7255.5 / 47.5 ft. = 153 Ib./ft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 Ib./ft. 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @,414/12 Overturning Check Li 6.5 h 10 Unit Shear = 153 Dead Load 30 psf x 15 psf x 12 psf x 0 Roof/Clg Load Wall Load Floor Load Additional Pt. D.L. Mot = Tup = 153 plf x (Mot - .67 x Mr) / Tribituary Load x ArM2/,, Mr 4 = 120 6.5 2535 10 = 150 6.5 3168.75 0 = 0 6.5 0 0 6.5 0 Use HTT16 Cap. = 3480 Ib. 6.5 x 10 = 6.5 ft - 0.33 ft. Mr = 5703.75 9929 T = 990 SUMMIT STRUCTURAL.'ENGINEERING ORNO-'. y ` — t1 O6 EAST PARK STREET SHEET No. c — -�— SUItEf Z06—Y'' r CALCULATED BY' f McCaII,.ID'83638 iCHECKEDBY. (209),..634-81,49,: fax (208') 634=41'57. ScALE Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line L= V= Q1 = Load From Side Additional Load Unit Shear = 5 Roof level 3 964 964 Ib/ft x 0 Ib/ft x 0 Block B 32 / 2 = 0/ 2 = Total Load 15424 / 3 ft. _ Use steel moment column per plan. See calculations on following pages. CGP, V4 J,d,, C, � C, � j lam 15424 0 0 15424 5141 Ib./ft. VD I` Z - 2 r,c, 4 1 Zoo 3 3,3 3�2 PZ 05 csx12 K� �vc4O • �-env.-, �v/ 1�( .�r1 ' 3 ��.1 {S Jos N SUMMIT STRUCTURAL ENGINEERI oNG 1 Y 106 EAST PARK STREET' Z 'lit J, �s Y z ,h SHEET No'. CALCULATkM Y McCall ID,,83638 `°' �`" �` • i' � ' �� ir4:., � w;ae x.'`",�. ,$,," � ;CHECKEDBY . (208j;634=81'48 fax (208) 63.4=4157,' SCALE Member... Member Label I Property Label Endpoint Nodes I Node J Node Member Length I End Releases X Y Z' J End Releases I X Y Z X Y Z I X Y Z Summit Structural Engineering Title Kessler Res. k k k -ft 106 East Park Street, Ste. 206 Job # : sd-262 Dsgnr: Benjamin Date: McCall, ID 83638 (208) 634-8148 Description.... Steel Moment Column (208)630-5079 fax FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis v5.0.9- Page 1 ---- ---- Nodes.----------------------- Node Node Coordinates Node ' Label I X ft Y ft X Restraint Y Restraint Z Restraint Temp deg F 1 I 0.0001 0.0001 Fixed I Fixed Fixed0 2 0.000 I 15.000 1 I I 0 Member... Member Label I Property Label Endpoint Nodes I Node J Node Member Length I End Releases X Y Z' J End Releases I X Y Z Materials... Member Label Youngs ksi Density kcf Thermal I in/100d Yield ksi Default1.00 0.000 0.000000 1.00 Steel I 1 29,000.00 0.490 0.006500 36.00 Section Sections... Prop Label Material Area Depth Tf Ixx Group Tag �ebel Width Tw lyy Default Default 1.000 int 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.00 in4 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.00 in4 TS12x6x3/8 T Steel T 12.600 int 12.000 in 0.375 in 228.00 in4 . I I 6.000 in 0.375 in 77.20 in4 Node Displacements & Reactions 1 cdl Member Load Combination Node Displacements Node Reactions �ebel Load Combination X Y Z I X Y Z in in Radians k k k -ft 5,141.E-014 00 -5.14100 -0.50000 77.11500 2. cdl 1.51151 0.00025 . -0 01260 0 0 0 Member End Forces... 1 Member Node " I " End Forces Node " J " End Forces Label Load Combination Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ft -k k k ft -k Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line 6 Roof level Block B & C L= 22.5 V = 471 Q1 = 471 Ib/ft x 12 / 2 = 2826 -2 4- % 5-786 Load From Side 297 Ib/ft x Z,Z 2 24 / 2 = 3564 J Additional Load 0 0 _Total Load 6390 ak ec_>< C_ C,— c C Unit Shear = 6390 / 22.5 ft. = 284 Ib./ft. O -V\ c7 Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 Ib./ft. 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d@14/4/12 P �J ' �I o tC : 4" r 1 � lq Overturning P Check Li 22.5 - h 10 Q ac�j ►'l,� Unit Shear = 284 r'G •�c � I d'� — SPS, s �, J Cc 1 c Dead Load Tribituary Load x Arm2/4, Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x 2 = 60 22.5 15187.5 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 22.5 37968.8 Floor Load 12 psf x 0 = 0 22.5 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 22.5 0 Mr = 53156.3 Mot = 284 plf x 22.5 x 10 = 63900 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 22.5 ft - 0.33 ft. T = 1276 Use HTT16 Cap. = 3480 Ib. SUMMIT STRUCTURAL{ENGINEERING` Joa No CALCULATED BY • �MCC'all, ID:Z3(38 ;CHECKED BY 1208),634;w8_148.fax (208) 634=4157' Y SCALE Summit Structural Engineering Title Kessler Res. 106 East Park Street, Ste. 206 Job # sd-262 Dsgnr: Benjamin Date: McCall, ID 83638 Description.... 1 (208) 634-8148 Steel Moment Column (208) 630_5079 fax ------ --- FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V5.0.9- Page , Nodes... --- --- ---- --- —_— ------ — Node Node Coordinates Label I ft ft X Restraint Y Restraint Node Z Restraint Temp ' deg F 1 0.000 0.000 2 I 0.0001 8.000 I' Fixed I Fixed Fixed p I Member... I 0 ' Member Endpoint Nodes Member Label I Property Label I Length I I End Releases J End Releases I Node J Node n X Y X Z . I Y Z 1 P6std I 1 Member Stress Check Data... 2 8.000 MemberI Unbraced Lengths Slendenness Factors Label Lu: Z ft Lu: VK I AISC Bending & Stability Factors T1 ----F-8.000 : Z 8.000 K: XY Cm Cb Materials... 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal Member Youngs I Density Thermal Yield Label ksi kcf in/100d ksi Default 1.00 Steel 29,000.00 0.000 0.000000 1.00 Section Sections... 0.490 0.006500 36.00 Prop Label Material Area Depth Tf Ixx Group Tag Default Width 1.000 int Tw lyy Default 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.00 in4 P6std T Steel T 0.000 in 5.580 int 6.625 in 0.000 in 0.00 in4 0.000 in 28.10 in4 0.000 in 0.280 in 0.00 in4 Node Loads.... Node Label I Concentrated Loads and Moments Load Case Factors X Y Moment I 1#1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 1 2 1 1.927k 4.814k 1.000 Load Combinations... Load Combination Stress Description Increase Gravity Load Factors X Y # 1 Load Combination Factors # 2 #3 # 4 # 5 cdl 1.330 1.000 Node Displacements & Reactions ' Node Label I Load CombinationNode Displacements XY Node Reactions Z I X Y Z 1 in in Radians k k k -ft cdl. 2 cdl �927.014 0 738 0.00286 0 -0.01090 1.92700 4.81400 15.41600 Member End Forces... 0 0 0 1 Member Label Load Combination Node " I " End Forces Axial Node " J " End Forces Shear k Moment Axial Shear Moment ' 1 k ft -k k k ft -k -L cdl 1 Steel Stress Checks— -4.81400 1.92700 15 41600 4.81400 -1.92700 0 ' Member Label Load Combination Overall @ Left End 1/4 Span 1/2 Span Maximum 3/4 Span @ Right End Shear 1 cdl 0.720 0.720 .0.5540.387 0.220 0.03 0.018 tSummit Structural Engineering Title Kessler Res. 7 106 East Park Street, Ste. 206 Job # : sd-262 Dsgnr. Benjamin Date: McCall, ID 83638 Description.... ' (208) 634-8148 Steel Moment Column (208)630-5079 fax FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis v5.o.9_ Page Nodes... ------- — -- -- -- Node Node Coordinates Fixed Fixed 0 0 Label ksi Node Label ( X Y ft ft I X Restraint ( Y Restraint Z Restraint Temp Member Label Property Label I Endpoint Nodes I Node J Node Member Legth ft I I End Releases X Y Z deg F " 1 2 0.0001 0.0001 Fixed 0.000 13.000 I Fixed Fixed 0 0 Label ksi ' Member... ksi in . in Radians k k " k -ft Member Label Property Label I Endpoint Nodes I Node J Node Member Legth ft I I End Releases X Y Z J End Releases I X Y Z 1 TS6x6x3/8 1 2 13.000 Member Stress Check Data... Member Label I Unbraced Lengths Lu: Z ft Lu : XY ( Slenderness Factors K : Z K: XY AISC Bending & Stability Factors Cm Cb 1 13.000 13.000 1.00 1.00 1 Internal Internal Materials... Member Youngs Density Thermal Yield Label ksi kcf I in/100d ksi Default 1.00 0.000 0.000000 1.00 Steel 29,000.00 0.490 0.006500 36.00 Section Sections... Prop Label Material Area Depth Tf Ixx Group Tag Label Width Tw lyy Default Default 1.000 int 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.00 in4 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.00 in4 TS6x6x3/8 Steel T 8.080 in2 6.000 in 0.375 in 41.60 in4 T ' I I 6.000 in 0.375 in 41.60 in4 Node Loads.... Concentrated Loads and Moments Load Case Factors Node Label X Y Moment # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 1.500k 0.651 k 1.000 Load Combinations... — I Load Combination Stress Gravity Load Factors Load Combination Factors Description Increase X Y # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 rrll I � awn � Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label Load Combination Node Displacements Node Reactions Label X Y Z X. Y Z in . in Radians k k " k -ft 1 cal 1,500.E-014 0 0 -1.50000. -0.65100 19.50000 ' 2. cdl 1.57345 000043 -001513 0 0 0 Member End Forces... 1 Member Load Combination Node " I " End Forces Node " J " End Forces Label Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ft -k k k ft -k cai U.boiUU 1.50000 19.50000 1 0.65100 -1.50000 0 Steel Stress Checks... Member Load Combination Overall @ Left End 1/4 Span 1/2 Span 3/4 Span @ Right End Label Maximum I Shear 1 cd] 0.537 0.537 0.408 0.279 0.150 0.00: 0.017 Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line L= V= Q1 = Load From Side Additional Load 8 Roof level Block E 1 217 217 Ib/ft x 6/ 2 = 651 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2= 0 0 0 Total Load 651 Unit Shear = 651 / 1 ft. = 651 Ib./ft. Use steel moment column per plan. See calculations on following pages. SUMMIT STRUCTURAL`ENGLNEERIN_G , 1 , .� 'OB.No.. ;. . 106'EAST.PARK STREET r k z ,x ' -N Su w r � . Suite 206 a., 4 � CALCULATED BY a k ,-xsc McCall,. ID 83638 s ",CHECKED BY (208),,634-8148 fax :(208) 634=4.157. s ScA�E ' Summit Structural Engineering Title Kessler Res. 106 East Park Street, Ste. 206 Job # sd-262 Dsgnr. Benjamin Date: McCall, ID 83638 Description.... (208) 634-8148 Steel Moment Column (208) 630-5079 fax - -. _....... .._........_------- FastFrame 2-D.Frame Analysis „5.0.9_ Nodes... Page 1 Node Node Coordinates Section Sections... Label I X Y I X Restraint Y Restraint ft ft Node Z Restraint Temp deg F 1 0.000 0.000 Fixed Fixed. fixed 0 2 0.000 13.000,. i I I Depth p Tf Ixx 0 Member... Member Property Label Endpoint Nodes EndP Member I Lekgth I End Releases J End Releases Label DefaultDefault I Node Node J X Y Z X Y Z I 1 I TS6x6x3/8 I 1 2- 13.000 Member Stress Check Data... Member . Unbraced Lengths Slenderness Factors Steel T I I AISC Bending & Stability Factors Label Lu : Z ft Lu: XY K : Z K: XY I Cm Cb 1 13.000 13.000 1.00 1.00 Internal . Internal Materials... Member Youngs I Density Thermal Yield Label ksi kcf I in/100d . ksi Default 1.00 0.000 0.000000 1.00 Steel 29,000.00 0.490 0.006500 36.00 ' Node Label. Section Sections... X Node Displ cementsNode Reactions Label Z I Prop Label Material Area Depth p Tf Ixx cdl Group Tag Width Tw lyy ' DefaultDefault 1.000 in2 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.00 in4 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.00 in4 TS6x6x3/8. I I Steel T 8.080 int 6.000 in 0.375 in 41.60 in4 1 I 6.000 in 0.375 in 41.60 in4 Node Loads.... Node Label Concentrated Loads and Moments I Load Case Factors X Y Moment # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 2 1.500k 0.651 k 1.000 Load Combinations... Load Combination ( Stress Gravity Load Factors Load Combination Factors ' Description Increase X Y I # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 cdl 1 3' 1 00 0 Node Displacements & Reactions 1 Node Label. Load Combination ' X Node Displ cementsNode Reactions Label Z I I X Y Z in in Radians k k k -ft 1 cdl 500.E-014 0 0 -1.50000 -0.65100 19.50000 2. cdl 1 57345 0 00043 0 01 - . 513 0 0 0 Member End Forces... Member Load Combination Node " I " End Forces Node " J " End Forces Label Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ft -k k k ft -k 1 I l 1 -0.65100 1.50000 19.50000 0.65100 -1.50000 0 Steel Stress Checks... - Member t I Overall Label. Load Combination Maximum Left End 1/4 Span 1/2 Span 3/4 Span @ Right En Shear 1 cdl 0.537 0.537 0.408 0.279 0.150 0.00: 0.017 �b Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line L= V= Q1 = Load From Side Additional Load Unit Shear = B Roof level 12 107 107 Ib/ft x 329 Ib/ft x 0 7535 / Block A & B 24 / 2 = 38 / 2 = Total Load 12 ft.= 1284 6251 .0 7535 628 Ib./ft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 2 Capacity= 640 IbJft. 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 2/2/12 Overturning Check Li 12 h 10 Unit Shear = 628 Use HTT22 Cap. = 5250 Ib. SUMMIT,STRU CT' URAL`ENGINEERING_Jos No. 106 EAST SHEET NO Suite 206 `-- _ R 4 ' t CALCULATED BY McCall, ID 83638 w ? CHECKED BY (208) 634-8148 - fax (208)'634-4157- . SCALE . Dead Load Tribituary Load x ArM2/,, Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x. 12 = 360 12 25920 Wall Load 15 psf x 10 = 150 12 10800 Floor Load 12 psf x 0 = 0 12 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0 0 12 0 Mr = 36720 Mot = 628 plf x 12 x 10 = 75350 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 12 ft- 0.33 ft. T = 4349 Use HTT22 Cap. = 5250 Ib. SUMMIT,STRU CT' URAL`ENGINEERING_Jos No. 106 EAST SHEET NO Suite 206 `-- _ R 4 ' t CALCULATED BY McCall, ID 83638 w ? CHECKED BY (208) 634-8148 - fax (208)'634-4157- . SCALE . Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line B Roof level L= 2 V = 218 Q1 218 Ib/ft x Load From Side 673 Ib/ft x Additional Load 0 24 38 2 Total Load Block A & B 2616 12787 0 15403 Unit Shear = 15403 2 ft. = 7702 Ib./ft. Use steel moment column per plan. See calculations on following pages 16-T I I-? - � 61ks 4 34 Czz 2 73/F� P �4��xr,?�) -LOA n Tct'c, , sal 6y1at-, rrC9 C', A' SUMMI'TSTRUCTUJ'3 :106 EAST PARKSTREE McCall, ID �8148 faX ('�08) 634 Ar 3C P 7 D 13Y� C '-", - 41ft CUL M 1. 1 6 e CHECKED ,. Y` 1), 634,-415T SCALE Summit Structural Engineering Title : Kessler Res. 106 East Park Street, Ste. 206 Job # ' sd-262 Dsgnr: Benjamin Date: VJ McCall, ID 83638 Description...: (208) 634-8148 Steel Moment Column (208) 630-5079 fax FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V5.0.9. Page - Node Node Coordinates Node Label X Y X Restraint Y Restraint I Z Restraint Tern ft ft _ . I n nnn 1' n nnn deg 2 0.000 15.000 �yV Member... Member Load Combination Factors Endpoint Nodes Label I Property Label ( I Node J Nod 1 TS 12x6x1 /2 . I 1 2 Member Stress Check Data... Member f Unbraced Lengths . Label X I Lu: Z n Lu : XY I 1 I X Y 15.000 15.000 Materials... Member Youngs in Label k k ksi Stabilityr Factors Default 1.00 Steel 29,000.00 Section Sections:.. Prop Label Internal Area 1.79895 0.00208 Material 0 0 Group Tag Member End Forces... Thermal Default Default 1.000 in2 TS12x6x1/2 T Steel T 16.400 in2 rixeu I Fixed 0 0 Node Member Length Stress . I End Releases Load Combination Factors J End Releases Increase e #1 #2 #3 #4 # 5 X Y Z. X Y Z 1 1.000 15.000 I I X Z I X Y Z Slenderness Factors in in Radians k k AISC Bending & Stabilityr Factors K:Z. K:XY Cm Cb 1.00 1.00 Internal Internal 1.79895 0.00208 -0.01499 0 0 Density Member End Forces... Thermal Yield kcf I Member in/100d I ksi 0.000 0.000000 1.00 Axial 0.490 Moment I 0.006500 Moment 36.00 k k fl Depth ft -k Tf Ixx Width 115 53000 I Tw lyy 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.00 in4 0.000 in — 0.000 in 0.00 in4 12.000 in 0.500 in 287.00 in4 6.000 in n ann Shear Uo.vu in,4 lode Loads.... = Node Label I Concentrated Loads and Moments Load Case Factors X Y Moment I # 1 #2 #3 #4 #5 7 I '7 77no6 1.vuu Load Combinations... Load Combination Stress Gravity Load Factors Load Combination Factors Description Increase X Y #1 #2 #3 #4 # 5 cdl I 1.330 I 1 1.000 I I X Node Label Load Combination Node Displacements Node Reactions I I X Z I X Y Z in in Radians k k k -ft 1 2 cdl 7,702.E-014 0 0 -7.70200 -5.50000 115.53000 cdl 1.79895 0.00208 -0.01499 0 0 0 Member End Forces... Member Load Combination Node " I " End Forces Node " J " End Forces Label Axial Shear Moment I Axial Shear Moment k k fl k k ft -k 1 I cdl I -5.50000 7.70200 115 53000 I 5.50000 -7.70200 0 Steel Stress Checks... — Member Label Load Combination Overall Left End 1/4 S pan 1/2 Span 3/4 Span Right End Maximum Shear 1 I cdl 0.929 I 0.929 0.707 0.486 0:265 0.01: I 0.034 T t h d .Ma abb rp dhJo6 No ; IYi„ n t� i zX _ SUMMIT STRUCTURAL` ENGINEERING 106 EAST PARK STREET 6"- McCall, ID 83638 l" 208 .:634 8148 fax • 208 634=4157 " Y ? i SCALE .. j ). Lateral Analysis Shear Wall. Line C Roof level Block B, C, & D L= 23 V= 329 . . Q1 - 329 Ib/ft x 33/ 2 - 5428.5 Load From Side 168 Ib/ft x. 24/ 2 = 2016 .: Additional Load 1020 1020 Total Load 8464.5 Unit Shear = 8464.5 / 23 ft. = 368 Ib./ft. Use Shear Wall. Schedule No. 2 .Capacity = 640 IbJh. . 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 2/2/12 ((.: Cm"' ' Overturning. Check 6 �� Li 5 ' h 10 Unit Shear = 368 Dead Load Tribituary Load x .. Arm 2 Mr Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x. 2 = 60 .5 750 Wall Load .15 psf x ., = .150 5 1875 ' Floor Load .10 12 psf x 0 = 0 5 0 Additional Pt. D.L.. 0 0 5 0 Mr = 2625 Mot = 368 plf x 5 x 10 = 18401 Tup = (Mot -.67 x Mr) / 5 ft - 0.33 ft. T = 3564 Use HTT22 Cap. = 5250 Ib. T t h d .Ma abb rp dhJo6 No ; IYi„ n t� i zX _ SUMMIT STRUCTURAL` ENGINEERING 106 EAST PARK STREET 6"- McCall, ID 83638 l" 208 .:634 8148 fax • 208 634=4157 " Y ? i SCALE .. j ). Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line D Roof level L= 53.5 V = 329 Q1 = 329 Ib/ft x Load From Side 168 Ib/ft x Additional Load 1020 Unit Shear = 10627.5 / Block B, C, & D 39 / 2 = 38/ 2 = Total Load 53.5 ft. _ 6415.5 3192 1020 10627.5 .199 Ib./ft. Use Shear Wall Schedule No. 4 Capacity = 350 Ib./ft. 3/8" Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 4/4/12 Overturning Check Li 12.5 h 15 Unit Shear = 199 Roof/Clg Load Wall Load Floor Load Additional Pt. D.L. Dead Load 30 psf x 10 psf x 12 psf x 0 Mot = 199 plf x Tup= (Mot -.67xMr) / Tribituary Load 2 = 60 15 = 150 0 = 0 0 12.5 x 15 = 12.5 ft - 0.33 ft. x ArmZ/, Mr 12.5 4687.5 12.5 11718.8 12.5 0 12.5 0 Mr = 16406.3 37246 T= 2157 P(o k A o 4- v im$ � e Z4 / o Use HTT1,6 �✓�:1( Cap. = 3480 Ib. SUMMIT STRUCTURAL.EI .106.E. TPARK STREET 634-814a'.:' fax(208) �8/ lo�� fivYs�S GINEERING Jos No.. �SHEET NO:: l' CALCULATED BY '� F CHECKED BY 34-4157 SCALE' Lateral Analysis 1 a Shear Wall Line', - FF .Roof level • . Block C ' L= • .168 1 Q1 = -168 Ib/ft x 26/ 2 ; 2184 Load From Side 0 Ib/ft x 7. -,.,O / 2. = 0 1Additional Load 0 f` Total Load 2184 Unit Shear=.2184 ! 16.5 ft. _-. �' 132 Ib./ft. Use Sheai Wall'Schedule No. 4 Capacity - 350 IbJft. Plywd. CDX w/ 8d @ 4/4/12 Overturning Check h 8.0 : 1 Unit Shear132 = � Dead Load Tribituary Load x . ArM2/,, Mr ' Roof/Clg Load 30 psf x . 2 _ 60 8.5 2167.5 Wall Load 15 psf. x 10. _ '150 , 8.5 • 5418.75 1 Floor Load 12 psf x - ' ' ` 0 = 0-- 8.5 0 Additional Pt. D.L. 0- 0 8.5 0 Mr = 7586.25 Mot = '132 plf x' ., 8.5 x. 10 11251 Tup = y (Mot - .67 x Mr) / '-8.5 ft - 0,33 ft: T = 755 J Use HTT16 , .Cap. = 34801b. SUMMIT'STRUCTURA6 GINEERING��r r �, .���JOB ^ e+S ryv ' �`' b ••' l� X106 EAST,PARK STREET y ` SKEET Yi .e �Swte,206� �� �����z u�,� z r,Y� t�+s CALCULATED BY - 54 �M�cCall ID 83638 0 f� .��sw�.;xx _ L`�,. s �r. _ f, �tCHECKED BY c LI (208)'634 8148 s".faz .(208) 634-4157 x` .SCALE x z :� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lateral Analysis Shear Wall Line L V= Q1 = Load From Side Additional Load Unit Shear = G Roof level Block E 2 137 137 Ib/ft x , 20/ 2 = 0 Ib/ft x 0/ 2 = 0 Total Load 1370 / 2 ft. = Use steel moment column per plan. See calculations on following pages. _ :SUMMIT-STRUCTU F, :106 EAST PARK SIRE NfcCaII,.ID'$3638..;.. (208'634-81481:'M X 1370 0 0 1370 685 Ib./ft. INEERING x SHEET u, r 'V CALCULATED BY:' . -CHECKED.' BY 1-4157'} '.ScALe tSummit Structural. Engineering Title Kessler Res. 106 East Park Street, Ste. 206 Job # sd-262 Dsgnr. Benjamin Date: / McCall, ID 83638 Description.... (v^' ' (208) 634-8148 Steel Moment Column (208)630-5079 fax i FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis v5.0.9- Page 1 Node Node Coordinates Node Label X Y I X Restraint ( Y Restraint Z Restraint Temp ft ft deg F 1 0.000 0.0001 Fixed 1 Fixed Fixed 0 2 0.000 13.000 I 0. Member... Member Endpoint Nodes Member I End Releases J End Releases Property Label Length Label . 1 Node J Node I n ( X Y. Z X Y Z 1 TS6x6x3/8 1 1 2 1 13.000 Member Stress Check Data... Member I Unbraced Lengths Slenderness Factors AISC Bending & Stability Factors Label Lu: Z ft Lu: XY K : Z K: XY Cm Cb ' . 1 13.000 13.000 1.00 1.00 1 Internal Internal Materials... Member Youngs Density Thermal Yield Label ksi Df kcf I in/100d ksi e ault 1.00 1 0.000 1 0.000000 1.00 Sl 1 29,000.00 ' 0.490 1 0.006500 36.00 1 Section Sections... D Prop Label Material Area Depth Tf Ixx Group Tag . Label Width Tw lyy efault Default 1.000 in2 0.000 in 0.000 in 1.00 in4 0.000 in. 0.000 in 0.00 in4 . TS6x6x3/8 T Steel T 8.080 in2 6.000 in 0.375 in 41.60 in4 I 6.000 in 0.375 in Al Rn ind le I U.WR k 0.651 k V, 1.000 Load Combinations... Load Combination Stress Gravity Load Factors Load Combination Factors Description Increase X Y # 1 # 2 #3 #4 # 5 Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label Load Combination Node Displacements Node Reactions Label I X Y Z I ( X Y Z in in Radians k k k -ft 1 cal 0 0 0 -0.68500 -0.65100 8.90500 2. cdl 0.71854 000043 -000691 0 I 0 0 Member End Forces.. Member Load Combination Node " I " End Forces Node " J " End Forces Label Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ft -k k k ft -k Cal I -0.65100 0.68500 8.90500 1 0.65100 -0.68500 0 Steel Stress Checks... Member Load Combination Overall @ Left End 1/4 Span 1/2 Span 3/4 Span @ Right End Maximum Shear Label I na 1 1 cdl 1 0.247 0.247 0.188 0.129 0.070 0.00: 1 0.008 Telco MiTek Industries, Inc. 7777 Greenback Lane Suite 109 Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Telephone 916/676-1900 Re: 5767-6Y Fax 9161676-1909 ' The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been prepared by MiTek Industries, Inc. under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by Foxworth-Galbraith-Yuma, AZ. Pages or sheets covered by this seal: R21076845 thru 821076916 My license renewal date for the state of California is March 31, 2007. OQ�OFESS/p�9 S. TjNc�F2c 1 COQQ Fey CD m cy C 046433 m ' * EXP. 3-31-07 CI F C ' May 2,2006 Tingey, Palmer ' The seal on these drawings indicate acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the truss components shown. The suitability and use of this component for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, per ANSI/TPI-2002 Chapter 2. 1 840 r:` 8-0.0 li [ 12.10-8 20-7-8 10 Q314 PL T y 1=5 11/ 16" HEEL 10-0.3 4"PLT c c cc cc cc to Q P Q N DGRUR I a O b y • W O 8.2.8 7-12 3/4'• PLIT ' + _J.. _ �. 7.12.•• - .. rz En o �oc� v� m��i 0\,o 0\ C�nm Rs c p n o • 4 - •-- t e'` '. 5-.i. w.. .- y. _ r r y f ,,-� '1' CP I I I ' onC)���V n 1 N �� k n , te` ..• �: r Vi C4 _ N w . ' - 5-G-0 - 8-00 5-11-0 mn 1 V K.o_ -K NF ,• • •, -, _ . ' J148L c K 0.0.3/4"PLT ". ,• '. _ r 10 do 0-o i 10=0.3/4"PLT C, J rn r�, • J .5-8 2 33 2-00 2.0-0 ` r 10=0.3 4J PLT c J-0BL 2-0-0 113-8 y a ISI • � 'gip I ` o _ � 4 \ N V • • N w Vii' a w . �. w ' � - O .. — m o r ' Y ....., _ i-GRDR 10=0-3 r E , 10'03 4"PLT F121-0 1260 - _. •' . 25-7.8 840 r:` 8-0.0 li [ 12.10-8 20-7-8 10 Q314 PL T y 1=5 11/ 16" HEEL 10-0.3 4"PLT c c cc cc cc to Q P Q N DGRUR I a O b y • W O 8.2.8 7-12 3/4'• PLIT ' + _J.. _ �. 7.12.•• - .. rz En o �oc� v� m��i 0\,o 0\ C�nm Rs c p n o • 4 Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 ' R21076845 576716Y Al SCISSORS 1 1 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deFl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase Job Reference (optional) ro—mn a—rann, Tuma, —na ooaoo 6-8-3 5-3-4 4x7 M1120= 4 o.euu s uw 1s may u, —j—u cuuo rage , 5-3-4 3.14 6x8 M1120 % 3x5 M1120 Scale = 1:37.6 0ZZ: I�r,Q I� 2.00 FIT 11.11-8 I _17-2-12 I_ 21-0.0 i 5-3-4 5-3-4 3.14 Male UFTSe15 (A, T): LI:U-L-3,U-3-Uj LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deFl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.74 Vert(LL) -0.23 9-10 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.97 Vert(TL) -0.47 9-10 >529 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.80 Horz(TL) 0.22 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.10 9-10 >999 240 Weight: 75 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-9-4 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD - Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std *Except* 6-8 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-5-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1269/0-5-8,7=1269/0-5-8 Max Horz 1 =81 (load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=4075/0, 2-3=-3958/0, 3-4=3009/0, 4-5=-3030/0, 5-6=-2703/0, 6-7=1220/0 BOT CHORD 1-10=0/3746, 9-10=0/3754, 8-9=0/2567, 7-8=0/231 WEBS 3-10=0/166, 3-9=-982/22, 4-9=0/1321, 5-9=4/430, 5-8=-487/0, 6-8=0/2301 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Bearing at joint(s) 1, 7 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. LOAD CASE(S) Standard u May 2,2006 A WARNING - verj/y%design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED OUTER REFERENCE PAGE PM -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid (or.use on with MiTek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 9 N g N upon parameters shown. building for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610M1 Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TP11 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI7 Building Component iTek® Safety Information, avoiloble from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofdo Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 821076846 5767.6Y At -DRAG COMMON 1 1 BC 0.78 Vert(TL) -0.21 11-13 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO Job Reference (optional) roxwonn oaiorann, Tuma, —zona oosoo - 4-2-3 3.10-11 3-10-11 4x5 M1120= 5 o.euv s uw j s zuuo mi i ex inousmes, inc. mon may v i is:s rz i zvvo rage i 4-4-8 4-8-0 Scale =1:36.8 3x5 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 2x4 M1120 11 " 11-0 1 a -V is 4-2-3 3-10-11 3x8 M1120= 4-4-8 3x8 M1120= 4-8-0 H 3x4 M1120 11 2x4 M112011 Nlate tmsets (X,Y): 11:0-1-u,u-2-41,19:0-3-8,0-1-81.[19:0-1-8,0-1-0) LOADING (pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.58 Vert(LL) -0.12 11-13 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.78 Vert(TL) -0.21 11-13 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.41 Horz(TL) 0.07 8 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 90 lb LUMBER BRACING ` TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-2-2 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std'Except* 6-0-0 oc bracing: 8-9. 7-8 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 7-9 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-1-12 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1272/0-5-8.8=1272/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=7(load case 9) Max Grav1=1758(load case 4), 8=1627(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-3832/0, 2-3=-3544/0, 3-4=-3089/0, 4-5=2188/0, 5-6=-1974/0, 6-7=-2372/0, 7-8=-1528/0 BOT CHORD 1-13=0/3461, 12-13=0/2808, 12-20=0/2680, 11-20=0/2461, 10-11=0/2336, 10-21=0/2043, 9-21=0/2020, 8-9=-509/835 WEBS 3-13=0/123, 3-11=-505/0, 4-11=0/342, 4-10=-810/0, 5-10=0!753, 6-10=-403/218, 6-9=-457/0, 7-9=0/2058 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. " 2) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. - 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 7-0-0, 14-0-0 to 21-0-0 for 142.9 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard OQ?,OFESS/ONS S T�,yc�F2c cco of C W433 T May 2,2006 ® WARNING - ver(/]y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED i1DTER REFERENCE PAGE DW -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane 40 Desi n valid for use on with Walk connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g b g H pan parameters shown, and for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paromenfers and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown M1 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage. delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component . M ITek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 _ SPACING 2-0-0 CSI, DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud 821076847 5767-6Y A2 SCISSOR 5 1 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.83 Vert(TL) -0.73 Job Reference (optional) roxwonn Gaioraim, Yuma, Arizona 6w66 6.200 s um w 2005 rvn i ex muusmes, in, Vion niay 0 i 13.3,21i 2006 rage i 6-8-3 1 11-11-8 1 17-2-13 l 23-11-0 6.8-3 - 5-3-4 - -3-5 6-8.4 Scale = 1:41.9 5x7 M1120= 4 6x10 M11205 3x6 MI1205:- 2 00 12 _ - 3x6 M1120ZZ7 6x10 M1120-- 1 6-8-3 1 _ 11-11-8 1 .17-2-13 I 23-11-0 i 6-8-3 5-3.4 5.3-5 6-8-4 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-1-7,0-3-01,[7:0-0-15,0-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI, DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.98 Vert(LL) -0.36 8-9 >794 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.83 Vert(TL) -0.73 8-9 >393 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.50 Horz(TL) 0.38 7 n/a , n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.14 9-10 >999 240 Weight: 81 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 210OF 1.8E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std'Except* 4-9 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-5-14, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-5-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1453/0-5-8,7=1453/0-5-8 Max Horz 1 =56(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-4848/0, 2-3=-4731/0, 3-4=-3985/0, 4-5=-3985/0, 5-6=-4731/0, 6-7=-4848/0 BOT CHORD 1-10=0/4472, 9-10=0/4484, 8-9=0/4484, 7-8=0/4472 WEBS 3-10=0/149, 3-9=-814/58, 4-9=0/1873, 5-9=-814/69, 5-8=0/149 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANS195 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Bearing atjoint(s) 1, 7 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Q?,OFESS/ON CO 0 C 0464331 T ©IMVIW � OF r May 2,2006 ® WARN7NG - VerjJy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED hffTER' REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 A licabif of design aramenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610Mi pp ty g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the - erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage. delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. M ITek Job fusscuss ype Qty y Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 - TC 0.90 Vert(LL) -0.44 11-12 >653 360 R21076848 5767.6Y A2 -DRAG SCISSORS 1 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.37 Horz(TL) 0.43 8 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Job Reference (optional) r—ih oaiorann, Yuma, nn25na 65365 6.20u s um - 2005 Mi 1 en Muumn , in, Mun may 01 16.02.01 2006 rage I 4-2-3 8-0-13 11-118 15-10-3 198-13 i 23-11-0 4-2-3 3-10-11 3-10-11 3-10-11 3-10-11 4-2-3 Scale = 1:41.2 5x5 M1120= 4 4.00 12 3x4 M1120 4 3x4 M1120C 3 5 6x10 M1120 3.4 M1120 2 6 7 Y1 R - 7x 10 M1120= - 6 qq�01 12 10 t y 3x4 M1120 = 3x4 M1120 c �^ cd1 M1120 13 9 gg3x7 5 3x7 MII204 04' - 2.4 M1120 II 14 7x10 MII204 2x4 MI120 I 2.00 12 _ 7.8 M1120 402 M1120 I 4-2-3 8-0-13 I 11-11-8 I 15-10-3 19-8-13 I 23-11-0 4-2-3 3-10-11 3-10-11 3-10-11 3-10-11 4-2-3 Plate Offsets KY): f1:0 -1 -7,0-3-121,[1:3-3-10,0-3-0),[2:0-4-14,0-3-01,[8:0-1-15,0-1-151 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.90 Vert(LL) -0.44 11-12 >653 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.86 Vert(TL) -0.74 11 >387 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.37 Horz(TL) 0.43 8 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Weight: 89 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 210OF 1.8E t TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-2-5 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 210OF 1.8E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 'Except' 4-11 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 4-3-8, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-2-0 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=7453/0-5-8, 8=1453/0-5-8 SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. Max Horz 1=1453/ d case 4) Max Grav 1=1849(load case 4), 8=1526(load case 3) - FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-621710, 2-3=-6021/0, 3-4=-5036/0, 4-5=-4589/0, 5-6=-5079/0, 6-7=-0488/0, 7-8=-4754/0 BOT CHORD 1-13=0/5695,12-13=0/5704,11-12=0/6099, 10-11=0/6262.9-10=015846. 9-14=0/5824,8-14=0/4399 WEBS 2-13=0/118.2-12=-329/476,3-12=0/233,3-11=-1010/0, 4-11=0/2595,5-11=-920/0. 5-10=0/100, 6-10=0/436, 6-9=-18/39 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Bearing at joint(s) 1, 8 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 4) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 22-5-0 to 23-11-0 for 1333.6 1�OFESSIt Nq� plf. AQP R S LOAD CASE(S) Standard T W C 046,93 T May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED HITTER REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aramen[ers and proper incorporation of component is res Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 PP fY 9 p P P Po p responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consul[ ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. M ITek Job russ Truss I ype Qty Ply Lot 128 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0 -1 -7,0-3-121,f1:3-3-10,0-3-01,(2:0-4-14,0-3-01,[8:0-1-15,0-1-151 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 821076849 5767-6Y A2 -GBL SCISSORS 1 1 1 Vert(LL) -0.44 11-12 >652 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 Job Reference (optional) 4-2-3 8-0-13 r 4-2-3 3-10-11 5x5 M1120 = 4 a �w ro ewe rvin cn umuam m. rv�mi iay v i w.vc.ve cvvo rnyc , 15-10-3 19-8-13 } 23-11-0 3-10-11 - 3-10-11 4-2-3 Scale = 1:41.2 1 I M1120 2.4 M1120 11 ' ''Ue I" 7x8 M1120 4-2-3 8-0-13 + 11-11.8 1 15-10-3 1 19-8-13 1 23-11-0 1 4-2-3 3-10-11 3-10-11 3-10-11 3-10-11 4-2-3 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0 -1 -7,0-3-121,f1:3-3-10,0-3-01,(2:0-4-14,0-3-01,[8:0-1-15,0-1-151 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.90 Vert(LL) -0.44 11-12 >652 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.86 Vert(TL) -0.74 11-12 >387 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.37 Horz(TL) 0.43 8 n/a n/a SCOL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 89 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 210OF 1.8E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-2-5 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 210OF 1.8E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std `Except" 4-11 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 4-3-8, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-2-0 •. QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1453/0-5-8,8=1453/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=13(load case 9) Max Grav 1=1849(load case 4), 8=1519(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-6243/0, 2-3=-6054/0, 3-4=5072/0, 4-5=-4625/0, 5-6=-5112/0, 6-7=-4497/0, 7-8=4719/0 BOT CHORD 1-13=0/5762,12-13=0/5771, 11-12=0/6174, 10-11=0/6336,10-14=0/5923,9-14=0/5905,8-9=0/5757 WEBS 2-13=0/119,2-12=-337/485,3-12=0/236,3-11=-1013/0,4-1 1=0/2618, 5-11=-923/0,5-10=0/102,6-10=0/433, 6-9=-15/39 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Bearing atjoint(s) 1, 8 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 4) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 19-5-0 to 23-11-0 for 444.5 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �OQgo ESS/0/y�l S. CO a� cm IX C 046433-,- OF 464331 OF May 2,2006 © WARNING - Ver((y design parameters and READ NOTES ON TBIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MZT-7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane --® Design valid for use only with Mitek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation of component is res Citrus Heights, CA, 95610M1 PP Y 9 p P P Po p responsibility of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing, consult ANSI/71`11 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCS11 Building Component Welk Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrfo Drive, Madison, WI 53719. Job Truss cuss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 CSI DEFL in floc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 821076850 5767-6Y A3 COMMON - 2 1 . BC 0.72 Vert(TL) -0.35 8-10 >822 360 BCLL 10.0 Job Reference o tional WB 0.48 Horz(TL) 0.09 7 n/a n/a ' BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.06 8-10 >999 240 Weight: 831b LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 Sheathed or 3-10-12 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:23 2006 Page 1 I 6-1-8 11-11-8 I 17-9-8 I 23-11-0 - 6-1-8 - 5-10.0 5-10.0 6-1.8 Job Truss cuss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 CSI DEFL in floc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 821076850 5767-6Y A3 COMMON - 2 1 . BC 0.72 Vert(TL) -0.35 8-10 >822 360 BCLL 10.0 Job Reference o tional 4x7 M1120= - 4 ' 5x7 M1120= 10 - 9 8 3x4 M1120 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120= ' 8-0.13 - I I 15-10.3 I 8-0.13 7-9-5 Scale = 1:41.3 23-11-C &0.13 5x7 M1120= 3x4 M1120� Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-0-8,0-2-81,17:0-0-8,0-3-31 1 LOADING(pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in floc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.56 Vert(LL) -0.18 8-10 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.72 Vert(TL) -0.35 8-10 >822 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.48 Horz(TL) 0.09 7 n/a n/a ' BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.06 8-10 >999 240 Weight: 831b LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-10-12 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. ' WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-2-0, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-2-0 ' REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1459/0-5-8, 7=1459/Mechanical " Max Horz 1=56(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-3086/0, 2-3=-3001/0, 3-4=2769/0, 4-5=-2769/0, 5-6=-3001/0, 6-7=-3086/0 ' BOT CHORD 1-10=0/2810, 9-10=0/2060, 8-9=0/2060, 7-8=0/2810 WEBS 3-10=-424/65, 4-10=0/791, 4-8=0/791, 5-8=-424/66 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category Il, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. ' 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE(S) Standard S , S _ I v to May 2,2006 ' ® WARNING - verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with M -Tek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g b g b upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Applicability of design parameniers and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component - ' Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Welk' Job fuss Truss Type oty]Py�Lot (loc) I/dell Ud 128 _ TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.63 Vert(LL) -0.19 8-10 >999 360 821076851 5767.6Y A3 -DRAG COMMON - 1 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.48 Horz(TL) 0.11 7 n/a n/a Job Reference c tional rwcwom, oewrann, Tur . ozone ooaoo o.zuu a aw is mw nn i en uwuamea, w. own i w.ar.zo ww i 6.1-8 -1 11-11-8 1 417-9-8 1 23-11-0 I 6-1-8 5-10-0 5-10-0 - 6-1-8 Scale = 1:41.2 4x7 M1120- 4 5x8 M1120= 10 - 9 8 5x8 M1120= 3x4 M1120% 3x4 M1120= 3x5 M1120= ' 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120z�- 1 8.0-13 I r 15.10-3 123-11-0 i 8-0-13 - 7.9-5 8-0-13 0 la LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.63 Vert(LL) -0.19 8-10 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.82 Vert(TL) -0.37 8-10 >785 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.48 Horz(TL) 0.11 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 83 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-3-1 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E , BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-2-0, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-2-0 -QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1459/0-5-8,7=1459/Mechanical SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. Max Horz1=19(load case 9) Max Grav1=1845(load case 4), 7=1845(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-4099/0, 2-3=-3730/0, 3-4=-3246/0, 4-5=-3245/0, 5-6=-3728/0, 6-7=-4097/0 BOT CHORD 1-10=0/3715, 9-10=0/2185, 8-9=0/3060, 7-8=0/3733 WEBS _ 3-10=-475/0.4-10=0/854,4-8=0/855,5-8=476/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nohconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 111. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 16-0-0 for 125.0 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 A WARNING - Ver(fji design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED 11UTER REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with Miek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility ty of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 95610ml is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding , A �/ fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, OSB -89 and BCSII Building Component 'Y' iTe�do Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofdo Drive, Madison, WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 821076852 5767-6Y A -GBL COMMON 1 1 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.20 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 10.0 Job Reference (optional) F-rin uaima ...... mm,,. 00365 .6.200 s JUI 13 2005 MiTek ek indusmes, Inc. Mon May u i i3:37:24 2006 rage i i 1 4-2-3 1 8-0.13 1 11-11-8 l 16-6-0 4-2-3 3-10-11 3-10-11 4-6-8 4x7 M1120= - Scale = 1:32.4 5 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 5-7-3 6-4-5 3x8 M1120= 16-&0 4-6-8 H Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-2-12,0-2-121, [4:0-2-8,0-0-81 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.70 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.20 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.50 Horz(TL) 0.01 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 9416 LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 1 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 10-0-0 oc bracing: 11-12. OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-1-11 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=266/16-6-0, 16=568/16-6-0, 7=207/16-6-0, 10=566/16-6-0, 11=46/16-6-0, 12=45/16-6-0, 13=48/16-6-0, 15=33/16-6-0, 17=22/16-6-0, 18=116/16-6-0, 9=52/16-6-0, 8=27/16-6-0 Max Upliftl=-318(load case 8), 16=-437(load case 8), 7=-564(load case 9) Max Gravl=748(load case 4), 16=1340(load case 4), 7=895(load case 8), 10=626(load case 3), 11=47(load case 8), 12=45(load case 9), 13=48(load case 3), 15=35(load case 10), 17=45(load case 10), 18=148(load case 7), 9=59(load case 8), 8=63(load case 9) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1326/953, 2-3=-850/596, 3-4=-369/502, 4-5=-921/827, 5-6=-782/686, 6-7=-831/587 BOT CHORD 1-18=855/11234,17-118=-4301761, 16-17=160/521, 15-16=-655/888, 14-15=-470(703, 13-14=-254/487, 12-13=-230/463, 11-12=89/322, 10-11-329/562,9-10=-761/826.8-9=-521/586,7-8=-259/346 WEBS 3-16=-447/0,4-16=-1370/908, 4-10=-876/588,5-10=-463/0, 6-10=-835f757 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are 2x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. �pFESS/0 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. OQ 6) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 180 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 16-6-0 R S. for 180.0 plf. COI LOAD CASE(S) Standard C 04 33 * E 7 May 2,2006 A WARNING - Verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MH -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with M iTek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 9 N g N upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design parvidual web proper incorporation al temporary b is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding �/ fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component M ITe^® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Job Truss Truss Type aty Ply Lot 128 _ TCLL 20.0 - TC 0.67 Vert(LL) -0.12 8-9 >999 360 R21076853 5767-6Y 8 SPECIAL 8 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.62 Horz(TL) 0.09 7 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) 4x —Y rage 1 3-10-12 + 7.6.0 I 9-6-0 I 14-1-0 21-5-8 i 3-10-12 3-7-4 2-0.0 4-7-0 7-4-8 Scale = 1:38.0 45 M1120= A M 1-1-7 Ira Mllnn 11 4 _ :1%a MIICU= 8 5x7 MII20= 3x4 M1120 11 2.00 F12 . 5x12 M1120= 3-10-12 I 7-6-0 I 14-1-0 I - 21-5-8 3-10-12 3.7.4 6-7-0 7-4-8 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.67 Vert(LL) -0.12 8-9 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.62 "' Vert(TL) -0.23 8-9 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.62 Horz(TL) 0.09 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.04 7-8 >999 240 Weight: 83 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-1-9 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std `Except' 1-10 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E SLIDER Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-9-15 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 7=1300/Mechanical, 11=1300/0-5-8 Max Horz 11 =-76(load case 6) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-2236/0, 2-3=-2653/0, 3-4=-2611/0, 4-5=-2551/0, 5-6=-2481/0, 6-7=-2607/0, 1-11=-1235/0 BOT CHORD 10-11=-11/149.9-10=0/2112,8-9=0/1964.7-8=0/2354 WEBS 2-10=-617/0, 2-9=0/429, 3-9=-208/30, 4-9=0/1034, 4-8=37/690, 5-8=-484/61, 1-10=0/1963 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Bearing at joint(s) 11 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARMNG - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON TMS AND INCLUDED MITES REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane, Design valid for use on with Malek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g b g b eon parameters shown. and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design parvidual a and proper incorporation al component is responsibility of building designer - not truss t designer. . Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilrity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofdo Drive. Madison, WI 53719. MiTek Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 - TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.77 Vert(LL) -0.19 9-10 >999 360 821076854 5767-6Y B -DRAG SPECIAL - 1 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr . NO WB 0.88_ Horz(TL) 0.13 7 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) roxwonn �amrann, ruma, Anzona aoaoo 3-10-12 3.7.4 2-0-0 4x7 M1120 11 4 nn 171-9_ 2x4 M1120 11 4 4-7-0 o.zvv s uw is [uuo mn ex mausmes, mc. mon may u i u:oczo zuuo rage i 7-4-8 Scale = 1:38.6 11 6x10 mnzu = 8 13 6x10 M1120= 4x4 M112011 2.00 F12 5x12 M1120= 3x6 M1120C ` 3-10-12 I 7.6.0 I - 14-1-0 121-54 3-10-12 3.7.4 - 6-7-0 - - 7-4-8 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL' in floc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.77 Vert(LL) -0.19 9-10 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.92 Vert(TL) -0.29 8-9 >894 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr . NO WB 0.88_ Horz(TL) 0.13 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Weight: 83 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-5-14 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E *Except* BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied. 7-8 2 X 4 SPF 210OF 1.8E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 'Except 2-9 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E, 1-11 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 1-10 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-9-15 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 7=1300/Mechanical, 11=1300/0-5-8 Max Horz 11 =56(load case 3) Max Uplift7=-413(load case 9), 11=-688(load case 8) Max Grav7=2669(load case 3), 11=2996(load case 4) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-5609/1612, 2-3=-6245/1404, 3-4=-4749/0, 4-5=-3772/0, 5-6=-4609/188, 6-7=-5897/1326, 1-11=-2927/750 BOT CHORD 10-11=-48/300, 10-12=-1635/5389, 9-12=-1506/5401, 8-9=2630/6193, 8-13=-1543/5689, 7-13=-1543/5689 WEBS 2-10=-1762/680, 2-9=-1488/2210, 3-9=-238/0,4-9=0/1689,4-8=-175/1184, 5-8=-620/0, 1-10=1596/5113 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 4) Bearing at joint(s) 11 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 5) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 385 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 7-0-0 to 17-6-0 for 786.8 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �OQROFESS/pNgl S T�Nc �2c CCD � C 0464 3 T 1 *\ EXPA-'Z.47 /* , May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verify Qestgn parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MH -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with Mirek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g N g y upon parameters shown. and is for an individual building component CA95610 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, , M1 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the - erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component AYe iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. Jo Truss Truss Type Qty y Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.41 821076855 5767-6Y C SPECIAL 1 1 BC 0.59 Vert(TL) -0.16 1-8 >975 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) roxuwnn oaiorann, rums„ynzona oosoo o.— s Jw I Luw -i en mausmes, Inc. mon —y- i --:— cuuo rage r 6-8-14 532 1-3-4 l( 4x6 M1120= Scale = 1:29.5 J 4 4x4 M1120zz 5x8 M1120 It I 6-8-14 - 1 Y 12-0-0 1 13.3.4 6-8-14 532 1.3.4 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI” DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.41 Vert(LL) -0.08 1-8 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.59 Vert(TL) -0.16 1-8 >975 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.86 Horz(TL) 0.04 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) ' 0.03 1-8 >999 240 Weight: 54111 LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-11-5 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-6-8 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=863/1-0-0,6=863/0-3-8 Max Horz1=127(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-2093/0, 2-3=-1961/0, 3-4=-555/0, 4-5=-442/0, 5-6=893/0 BOT CHORD 1-8=0/1908, 7-8=0/1904, 6-7=0/18 WEBS' 3-8=0/259,3-7=-1416/0, 4-7=-163/29,5-7=0/980 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 It above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category Il, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Bearing atjoint(s) 1, 6 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 6) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-4=-88, 4-5=-88, 1-7=-44(F=-10), 6-7=-44(F=-10) I 13 • May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verih design pammetem and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7493 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design poromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCS11 Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. M iTek Job russ Truss Type Qty P yLot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC • 0.44 821076856 5767-6Y C7 SPECIAL 1 1 BC 0.50 Vert(TL) -0.12 1-8 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) roxwonn wiorann, Tuma, Anzona oosoo o.zou s uw 1,5 zuua mi i eK mausmes, mc. mon may u i i—vzo cavo rage i 6-1-12 - - 5-10-4 0-3-4 - 8x10 M1120 Scale = 1:27.8 5 N 5x8 M1120 11 6-1-12 I - 12-0-0 12-3,4 6-1-12 - 5.10-4 0-3-4 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC • 0.44 Vert(LL) -0.06 1-8 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.50 Vert(TL) -0.12 1-8 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.73 Horz(TL) 0.02 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) - 0.02 1-8 >999 240 Weight: 50 Ib LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-2-15 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD - Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-2-13 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=797/1-0-0,6=797/0-3-8 Max Horz1=135(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1864/0, 2-3=-1735/0, 3-4=987/0, 4-5=-983/0, 5-6=-701/0 BOT CHORD 1-8=0/1689, 7-8=0/1673, 6-7=-2/64 WEBS 3-8=0/217,3-7=-796/0,4-7=-249/11, 5-7=0/1207 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category Il, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 4) Bearing atjoint(s) 1, 6 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 5) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 9\j,OFESS/0N� 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 lZ�O �R S. Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-5=-88, 1-6=-44(F=-10) Q� �� m LU C 04433 EX,1 7 / 1t OF May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE AW 7473 BEFORE USE- 7777 Greenback Lane --40 Design valid for use on with MiTek connectors. This design is based on upon Suite 109 g H g b po parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown MI is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding �/ fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component M aTe^® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.45 821076857 5767 -BY C2 SPECIAL 1 1 BC 0.48 Vert(TL) -0.15 1-6 >949 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) 0-1 I - 8-49 11-11-15 6.4.9 5-7-6 6x6 1,111120% Scale = 1:27.6 4 5x7 M1120 11 6.4.9- I - 11-11-1 6-4-9 5-7-6 �= r CP LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.45 Vert(LL) -0.08 1-6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.48 Vert(TL) -0.15 1-6 >949 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.28 Horz(TL) 0.02 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.03 1-6 >999 240 Weight: 43 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-0-4 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E *Except* 3-6 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-4-4 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=779/1-0-0,5=779/0-3-8 Max Horz1=132(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1795/0, 2-3=-1671/0, 3-4=-1743/0, 4-5=-627/2 BOT CHORD 1-6=0/1629, 5-6=0/162 WEBS 3-6=-416/59, 4-6=0/1705 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Bearing at joint(s) 1, 5 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 4) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard Qq�OFESS/ 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 �O R S. % �\ Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-4=-88, 1-5= 44(F=-10)03 CD m W C 046433 May 2,2006 A WARNING - Ver((y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED 119TEE REFERENCE PAGE MY -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane ��® Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610Mf pp ty g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component - - Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. e Job - russ cuss Type ly y Lot 128 - CSI DEFL in 8x10 M1120 .. 5 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 821076858 5767-6Y C3 SPECIAL 1 1 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.47 Vert(TL) -0.12 1-8 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Job Reference (optional) Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:27 2006 Page 1 k 1 ' 5x7 M1120 11 1 6.1-12 12-0-0 6-1-12 5-10-4 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-1-9,Edge), [5:0-2-1,Edge) 6-1-12 12-0-0 12-314 1 ' LOADING (psf) - 6-1-1 3 2 5-10-4 04 CSI DEFL in 8x10 M1120 .. 5 k 1 ' 5x7 M1120 11 1 6.1-12 12-0-0 6-1-12 5-10-4 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-1-9,Edge), [5:0-2-1,Edge) ' LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) . I/deFl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.44 Vert(LL) -0.06 1-8 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.47 Vert(TL) -0.12 1-8 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.73 Horz(TL) 0.02 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.02 1-8 >999 240 Weight: 46 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-3-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-2-13 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=797/1-0-0, 6=797/0-3-8 Max Horz1=135(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1161/0,2-3=-173710,3-4=-986/0, 4-5=-982/0, 5-6-701/0 ' BOT CHORD 1-8=0/1691, 7-8=0/1674, 6-7=-2/64 WEBS 3-8=0/223, 3-7=-798/0, 4-7=-250/10, 5-7=0/1206 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead ' load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Bearing at joint(s) 1, 6 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 4) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15f) ' Uniform Loads (pl Vert: 1-5=-88, 1-6=-44(F=-10) It {I L! 1 t Scale = 1:27.8 May 2,2006 ' 7777 Greenback Lane ® WARNING -Verify design Parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED 61TTER REFERENCE PAGE 618.7473 BEFORE USE. elf Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design oromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp tY g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding MOW fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSE-89 and BCSII Building Component w iTeka ' Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofdo Drive, Madison, WI 53719. r - - Job cuss Truss Type Qty Ply 1ze PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.41 R21076859 5767-6Y C4 SPECIAL 1 i " Vert(TL) -0.16 1-8 >979 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) i 6-8-14 12-0-0 } 13-1-1 I 6-8-14 5-32 1.1-1 4x6 M1120= Scale = 1:29.4 4x4 M1120Z� 4 5x8 M1120 II 6-8-14 I 12-0-0 I 131-1 6-8-14 - 532 1-1-1 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.41 Vert(LL) -0.08 1-8 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.58 Vert(TL) -0.16 1-8 >979 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.87 Horz(TL) 0.04 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.03 1-8 >999 240 Weight: 54 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-11-13 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-6-8 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=851/1-0-0, 6=851 /Mechanical Max Horz1=128(load case 5) FORCES (1b)- Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension ' TOP CHORD 1-2=-2044/0, 2-3=-1914/0, 3-4=-495/0, 4-5=-372/0, 5-6=-883/0 BOT CHORD 1-8=0/1863, 7-8=0/1858, 6-7=0/26 WEBS 3-8=0/261, 3-7=-1429/0, 4-7=-216/29, 5-7=0/988 NOTES ' 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. ' 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 1 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard ` 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 14=-88, 4-5=-88, 1-7=44(F=-10), 6-7=-44(F=-10) �Oq?,0FESS/pNgl �Q.��ER S. TjNc�F2c 0 Q '� m Cr C 04433 I May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(jy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MH -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with MiTek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g b r only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design parvidual rs and proper incorporation al component is ting to insure of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for latero) support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilrity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality, control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSIITP11 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. M iTek Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.41 821076860 5767-6Y C5 SPECIAL 1 1 BC '0.69 Vert(TL) -0.19 1-8 >924 360 _ BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) roxworm ualoralm, Yuma. Anzona oodoo I o.Nu s JUI IS LWo M1 ex Inauslnes, Inc, mon may u t is:sr.Lo euuo rage I 6-8-14 5-3-2 2-95 4x6 M1120= - Scale = 1:29.9 4 0Z�- 6x8 M1120 II - 6-8-14 I 12-0-0 I 14-9- 6-8-14 4-9 6-8-14 5.3-2 2-95 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.41 Vert(LL) -0.10 1-8 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC '0.69 Vert(TL) -0.19 1-8 >924 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WE 0.81 Horz(TL) 0.06 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.04 1-8 >999 240 Weight: 58 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-5-4 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-6-8 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=963/1-0-0,6=963/Mechanical Max Horz 1 =1 19(load case 5) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-2494/0, 2-3=-2398/0, 3-4=-1048/0, 4-5=-986/0, 5-6=-930/0 BOT CHORD 1-8=0/2284, 7-8=0/2281, 6-7=-10/28 WEBS 3-8=0/253, 3-7=-1329/0, 4-7=0/203, 5-7=0/1090 ; NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are nol exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 6) Bearing at joint(s) 1 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-4=-88, 4-5=-88, 1-7=-44(F=-10), 6-7=-44(F=-10) ` �O99,0FESS/pN�l S. �Tjyc�cc2c/ Ul C04 ,033 T * E t-07 TE May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Vert(y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MTE%REFERENCE PAGE MN -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane ® Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation of component is res Citrus Heights, CA, 95610MI pp N g p p p po p responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quarity control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component M ITS^4 ® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. W153719. - Job russtoss ype City y Lot t28 3-7-13 3-10-13 - I 3-10-13 BC 0.84 R21076861 5767-6Y C6 SPECIAL 14 1 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) LUMBER Wind(LL) 0.13 TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 2100F 1.8E Job Reference (optional) r—nn—crann, TUma, —na 00300 0.No s dal 14 cow MI I- 1n 51nes, Inc. IVlun may U 110,4 JU -UD rage � i 4-2-5 8-1-3 1 12-0-0 1 15-10-13 19-9-11 24-0-0 4-2-5 3-10-13 3-10-13 3-10-13 3-10-13 4-2-5 Scale = 1:40.7 4x6 MII20 II 5 700 M1120 = z.uu l rz _ 700 M1120 0 4x12 M1120 2 9-64 4-2-5 8-1-3 12-0-0 15-10-13 0-" 3-7-13 3-10-13 I 3-10-13 I 3-10-13 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI , TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.98 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.84 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.35 BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) LUMBER Wind(LL) 0.13 TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 2100F 1.8E >999 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 2100F 1.8E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std *Except* 5-12 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 2-3-10, Right 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 2-3-10 19-9-11 3-10-13 DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud Vert(LL) -0.30 12 >952 360 Vert(TL) -0.61 11-12 >469 360 Horz(TL) 0.34 9 n/a n/a Wind(LL) 0.13 12 >999 240 BRACING 4-2-5 PLATES GRIP M1120 197/144 Weight: 92 Ib TOP CHORD Sheathed or 1-5-14 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1578/0-5-8, 1=1578/0-5-8, 9=1578/1-0-0 Max Horz 1=58(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-4575/0, 2-3=-4481/0, 3-4=4859/0, 4-5=-4048/0, 5-6=-4048/0, 6-7=-4859/0, 7-8=4481/0, 8-9=-4574/0 BOT CHORD 1-14=0/4149, 13-14=0/4171, 12-13=0/4679, 11-12=0/4679, 10-11=0/4171, 9-10=0/4148 WEBS 3-14=0/65, 3-13=0/513, 4-13=0/99, 4-12=-923/0, 5-12=0/2213, 6-12=-923/0, 6-11=0/99, 7-11=0/514, 7-10=0/65 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the extedor(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Bearing atjoint(s) 1, 9 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 6) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-5=-88, 5-9=-88, 1-12=-44(F=-10), 9-12=-44(F=-10) �OQ?,pFESS/pNgl S. coTjNC���G1 m w C 04 433 T May 2,2006 ® WARNING - VerVy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED 119TER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane __® Design valid for use only with MITek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for on individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 95610ml PP N 9 P P P Po P Po ty 9 9 9 9 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding �j A fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component A iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. ' Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 - 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:29 2006 Page 1 3.2-10 6-1-12 } 9.0-14 . .I 12-0-0 14-11-2. I 17-10-4 I 20-9.6 1 24-0-0 I 3-2-10 2-11-2 '2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 - 2-11-2 3-2-10 Scale = 1:41.2 . - 4x6 M1120 II - 6 400 12 3x4 M11205 3x4 M1120C 5 7 3x4 M1120% 3x4 M1120� 4 8 US M1120 % 3x9 M1120� g 9 2 10 d 1 15 11 16 7x8 M1120= 14 o 17 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120=13 la 18 3x10 M1120 3x10M1120zz 12 M)120:=2'00 1 III 6x10 MI1202x4 M1120 II 2 2x4 M1120 II 6x10 M1120= 7x10 MII20H � 7x10M1120H� � � � - ¢6� 3-2-10 I . 6-1-12 I 9-0-14. 1 12-0-0 I 14-11-2 1.. 17-10-4 1 20-9-6 1 24-0-0 i 0-6-8 2-8-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 - 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 3-2-10 ' Plate Offsets X,Y): [1:0-4-6,0-3-0], [1:1 -3-3, Edge], [11:0-4-4,0-3-10] (11:1-3-0, Edge],[ 13:0-2-12,0-1-81 [17:0-2-12,0-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.84 Vert(LL) -0.27 15 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.86 Vert(TL) -0.54 15 >528 360 M1120H 148/108 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.90 Horz(TL) 0.28 11 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Weight: 106 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 2100F 1.8E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-2-12 oc pudins. ' BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std *Except* 6-15 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-11-6, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-11-6 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE ' SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1574/0-5-8,1=1574/0-5-8,11=1574/1-0-0 Max Grav1=2207(load case 4), 1=1574(load case 1), 11=2207(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension ' TOP CHORD 1-2=-6151/0, 2-3=-5540/0, 3-4=-6737/0, 4-5=-5881/0, 5-6=-4539/0, 6-7=-4539/0,7-8=-5882/0, 8-9=-6737/0, 9-10=-5540/0, 10-11=6151 /0 BOT CHORD 1-18=0/5533, 17-18=0/4757, 16-17=0/5607, 15-16=0/4737, 14-"15=0/4737, 13-14=0/5607, 12-13=0/4757, 11-12=0/5533 WEBS 3-18=-337/10, 3-17=0/1737, 4-17=-358/122, 4-16=-681/86, 5-16=0/412, 5-15=-868/0, 6-15=0/2269, 7-15=-868/0, 7-14=0/412 8-14=-681/86, 8-13=-358/122, 9-13=0/1737, 9-12=-337/10 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Bearing at joints) 1, 11 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 5) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 6400 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 24-0-0 for 266.7 plf. RQFESS/� 6) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). COQ ' LOAD CASE(S) Standard hCV� _A�R S• T�NC F2 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 CO Uniform Loads (plf) D Q m Vert: 1-6=-88, 6-11=-88, 1-15=-44(F=-10), 11-15=-44(F=10) C 046 3 M * EXP -07 FOF I - May 2,2006 I Job Truss Truss Type ty Ply Lot 128 821076862 5767.6Y C6 -DRAG SPECIAL 2 1 ' Job Reference (optional) Job russfuss ype ly y Lot 126 I/defl Vd TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 821076863 5767-6Y C6 -GBL SPECIAL 1 1 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.81 Vert(TL) -0.50 12 >571 Job Reference (optional) roxwonn fjamrann, Yuma, Anzona aosao o.zuu s au1 i s zuua mi i en mausmes, mc. mon may u1 1ovz:4o euuo rage 1 3-2-10 6-1-12 9-0-14 12.0-0 1 14-11-2 1 17-10-4 20-9-0 24-0-0 3-2-10 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 3-2-10 Scale - 1:41.0 4x6 M1120 II 5.7 M1120 � axe Mnzu 5x8 M1120 = 2x4 M1120 II 2.00112 2x4 M1120 II 5x7 M1120 = 3x8 M1120 5x8 M1120= 9-6:1 3-2-10 1 6-1-12 9-0-14 I 12-M i 14-11-2 1 17-10-4 1 20-9-6 I 24-M 0-6-8 2-8-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 2-11-2 3-2-10 Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-3-6,0-2-14], [1:1-4-15,0-1-8], [1:2-1-0,0-1-8], [1:0-11-14,0-3-14], [2:0-4-10,0-2-8], [8:04-10,0-2-8], [9:2-1-0,0-1-8], [9:0-11-14,0-3-14], [9:0-3-6 .0-2-141.[9:1-4-15.0-1-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Vd TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.57 Vert(LL) -0.27 11-12 >999 360 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.81 Vert(TL) -0.50 12 >571 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.31 Horz(TL) 0.26 9 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 210OF 1.8E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 'Except* 2-15 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 5-13 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 8-11 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E ' SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-3-1, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-3-1 PLATES GRIP M1120 197/144 Weight: 109 Ib BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-5-1 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 Gc bracing. QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1455/0-5-8, 1=1455/0-5-8,9=1455/1-0-0 Max Grav 1=2520(load case 4), 1=1455(load case 1), 9=2520(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-7671/197, 2-3=-7574/0, 3-4=-6568/0, 4-5=-4867/0, 5-6=-4867/0, 6-7=-6568/0, 7-8=-7575/0, 8-9=-7671/197 BOT CHORD 1-16=-210/7061, 15-16=0/5872, 14-15=0/6122, 13-14=0/5017, 12-13=0/5017, 11-12=0/6123, 10-11=0/5872, 9-10=-210/7062 WEBS 2-16=-123/104.2-15=-300/1515,3-15=-337/195,3-14=-732/199, 4-14=-3/442, 4-13=-92110,5-13=0/2084, 6-13=-921/0, 6-12=-3/442, 7-12=-732/199, 7-11=-337/195, 8-11=-300/1515, 8-10=-123/104 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Bearing atjoint(s) 1, 9 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. ' 4) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 385 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 24-0-0 for 385.0 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Desi n valid for use on with M17ek connectors. This design is based on upon Suite 109 9 N g N Po parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Ml is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. WI 53719. ' A Job russ Truss Type ly. y Lot t28 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 R21076864 5767.6Y D SPECIAL 7 jP 1 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.37 Vert(TL) -0.12 - BCLL 10.0 Job Reference o tional ruawunn oaimm un ncuna wow o.cuu a uw ra zv— rvu i en uwwm in, mon may u i imor.ou euuo rage 1 I 6-8-12 1 10-3-11 I 13-2-12 I. 18-1-10 23-4-0 6-8-12 3-6-15 2-11-1 4-10-14 - 5-2-6 Scale = 1:41.4 4.00 12 4x6 M1120= 3 0.25 12 4 20= 3x4 M1120 3x4 M1120= 2x4 M1120 11 3x5 M1120= _ 4x12 M1120= 3x4 M1120 II 3x4 M1120= 6-8-12 1 10-3-11 I 13-2-12 1j�-8 18.1-10 1 23-4-0 6-8-12 3-6-15 2-11-1 0-2-12 4.8.2 5-2-6 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-2-0,0-2-01,[5:0-3-8,0-1-81 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.89 Vert(LL) -0.06 1-13 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.37 Vert(TL) -0.12 1-13 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.80 Horz(TL) . 0.02 10 n/a n/a- BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.02 1-13 ,>999 240 Weight: 85 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E - BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 6-0-0 oc bracing: 9-10. SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-5-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=723/0-5-8, 8=496/Mechanical, 10=1609/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=62(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1109/0, 2-3=-1012/0, 3-4=-1029/0, 4-5=0/557, 5-6=-723/0, 6-7=723/0, 7-8=-396/0 BOT CHORD 1-13=0/961, 12-13=0/657.11-12=0/657, 10-11=0/657, 9-10=-553/0, 8-9=0/156 WEBS 3-13=0/145, 4-13=0/339, 4-11=0/31, 4-10=-1334/0, 5-10=-825/0, 5-9=0/1327, 6-9=-433/24, 7-9=0/594 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 It above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verf fy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane oma® Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for on individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design oramenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610�� pp ty g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage. delivery, erection and bracing, consult " ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofdo Drive, Mad -son, WI 53719. M'T@k Job russ Truss Type LOADING (psf) 128 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 821076865 5767-6Y D -DRAG SPECIAL jQty�PlyLot 1 1 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.41 Vert(TL) -0.12 1-13 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Job Reference (optional) 6-8-12 o.<uu s uw r a euuo nu r — 111—Inub, 111, mon may u i --au cuuo rage i 10-3-11 I 13-2-12 I 18-1-10 3-6-15 - 2-11-1 4-10-14 4x6 M1120= 4.00 12 0.25 F12 3 5-2-6 Scale = 1:41.4 20= N 4x6 M1120 11 13 12 11 10 9 8 3x4 M1120 3x4 M1120= 2x4 M1120 11 3x5 M1120= 4x9 M1120= 3x4 M1120 II 3x4 M1120= I 6-8-12 I 10-3-11 I 13-2-12 131-8 18-1-10 I 23-4-0 6.8-12 3-6-15 2-11.1 0-2-12 4-8-2 5-2-6 date UTrsels (A,Y): h:U-J-U,U-Z-UJ, IS:U-J-S,U-7-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.53 Vert(LL) -0.07 1-13 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.41 Vert(TL) -0.12 1-13 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.61 Horz(TL) 0.03 8 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Weight: 85 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-6-15 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 'Except' 10-0-0 oc bracing: 1-13. 7-8 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E, 5-9 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-5-14 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=719/0-5-8, 8=490/Mechanical, 10=1620/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=-4(load case 9) Max Grav1=944(load case 4), 8=676(load case 3), 10=1725(load case 4) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1610/0,2-3=-1229/0, 3-4=-1354/0, 4-5=0/996,5-6=-975/0, 6-7=-1282/123,7-8=-571/0 BOT CHORD 1-13=0/1484, 12-13=-9/1143, 11-12=-9/1143, 10-11=-7/1144,9-10=-1342/343,8-9=-883/1149 WEBS 3-13=0/147,4-13=0/371, 4-11=0/32, 4-10=-1600/0, 5-10=-1045/0, 5-9=0/2050, 6-9=-439/0, 7-9=-219/1167 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 13-4-0 to 23-4-0 for 200.0 pill. LOAD CASE(S) Standard OQ,?,OFESS/pN� S. G C 04693 I *\ EX07 /* , ra May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver((y design parameters and READ NOTES ON TNIS AND INCLUDED AUTER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with Wek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for on individual building component. Suite 109 A licabilit of desi n aramenters and ro er incor Citrus Heights, CA, 9561MI" Applicability g p proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding � A fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component ® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison; WI 53719. i�iTek Job russtoss ype Qty y Lot 126 I/deft Ud TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 821076866 5767-6Y D-GRDR SPECIAL 1 2 Job Reference (optional) Foxwonh Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 16:05:16 2006 Page 1 3-6-6 6-8-12 10-3-11 13-2-12 16-0-0 19-9-4 2341-0 3-" 3-2-6 3-6-15 2-11-1 3-3-4 3-3-4 3-0-12 Scale - 1:40.9 4x4 M1120 = 4.00 F12 0.25 12 D= 5x9 M1120 = 606 M1120H = 7.8 M1120 = 10x10 M1120 = 3x5 MII20 II 3x9 M1120 11 1002 M1120 = 1 3-6-6 6-8-12 1 10-3-11 I 13-2-12 13,-$-8 16-6-0 19-9-4 i 2341-0 i 3-6-6 3-2-0 3-6-15 2-11-1 0-2-12 3-0-8 3-3-4 3-6-12 LOADING (psf) SPACING2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.57 Vert(LL) -0.07 14-15 >999 360 ' TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.81 Vert(TL) 0.15 14-15 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.90 Horz(TL) 0.02 12 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std `Except' 8-9 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 5-13 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 5-12 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 5-11 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 8-10 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=4595/0-5-8, 9=2806/Mechanical, 12=10809/0-5-8 Max Grav 1=4595(load case 1), 9=2819(load case 4), 12=10809(load case 1) PLATES GRIP M1120 197/144 M1120H 148/108 Weight: 202 Ib Sheathed or 5-0-6 oc purlins, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: 6-0-0 oc bracing: 12-13,11-12. FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-8013/0, 2-3=-5393/0, 3-4=-5395/0, 4-5=-2320/0, 5-6=-1202/0, 6-7=-3577/0, 7-8=3575/0, 8-9=-1632/0 BOT CHORD 1-15=0/7299, 15-16=0/7299, 14-16=0/7299, 13-14=0/2621, 12-13=-5975/0, 11-12=-5975/0, 10-11=0/1196, 9-10=0/400 WEBS 2-15=0/2263, 2-14=-2447/0, 3-14=0/2991, 4-14=0/2644, 4-13=-2764/0, 5-13=0/9279, 5-12=-7686/0, 5-11=0/7728, 6-11=-1312/0, 6-10=0/2639, 7-10=-218/0, 8-10=0/3504 NOTES ' 1) 2 -ply truss to be connected together with 0.131"x3" Nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 6 - 2 rows at 0-7-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 4) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 5) As requested, plates have not been designed to provide for placement tolerances or rough handling and erection conditions. It is the responsibility of the fabricator to increase plate sizes to account for these factors. ' 6) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 7) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chard live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 8) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. *9) Bearing atjoint(s) 12 considers parallel to grain value using ANSUTPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Continued on page 2 OQRpFESS/pN� S 0 LU C W433 T May 2,2006 ® WARMNG - Verj(y design Parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED BDTEK REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane ® Design valid for use on with MiTek connectors. This design Is based on u Suite 109 g M r Iv pori parameters shown, building for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability, of design parvidual a and proper incorporation al component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing. consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCS11 Building Component w ® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. piTAk toss fuss ype ly y Lot 128 821076866 5767-6Y D•GRDR SPECIAL 1 Z Job Reference (optional) ' Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 ' Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-88, 3-4=-88, 4-8=88, 1-16=-764(F=-730), 9-16=684(F=650) Job o.<uu a uw i a <uuo ml i — inauauies, inu. mull may u r io.va. I cuuo rage , © WARNING - Ver(& design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE MH7473BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with M.Tek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown. and is for an individual building component. Suite log A licobili of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 956 Tom[ PP N 9 P p p porotion of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding �/ fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing, consult ANSI/rPll Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component M iTe^® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onof6o Drive, Madison, WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 7-4-4 0-7-12 BC 0.76 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO 821076867 5767-6Y E COMMON 4 1 1 n/a BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Wind(LL) WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-6 Job Reference (optional) ra%Warm balorann, Yuma, Anzona oD4oD 6-0-0 4x8 M1120= 3 u.zuu s um is zuuo mi i ex mausmes, mc. mon May ui ia:srai zuuo rage Y B-0-0 Scale = 1:26.4 5x7 M112011 2x4 M1120 II 5x7 M112011 ' 10.7-121 B-0-0 15-4-4 116-0-0 0-7-12 7-4-4 7-4-4 0-7-12 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.91 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.76 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.24 BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) LUMBER 0.04 TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E n/a BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Wind(LL) WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-6 SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 4-1-14, Right 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 4-1-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1056/0-5-8,5=1056/0-5-8 DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud Vert(LL) -0.13 5-6 >999 360 Vert(TL) -0.22 5-6 >856 360 Horz(TL) 0.04 5 n/a n/a Wind(LL) 0.09 1-6 >999 240 BRACING PLATES GRIP M1120 197/144 Weight: 59 Ib TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-0-3 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Max Horz 1=39(load case 5) Max UplifH=-37(load case 3), 5=-37(load case 4) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1827/51, 2-3=-1720/78, 3-4=-1720/78, 4-5=-1826/51 BOT CHORD 1-6=-17/1631, 5-6=-17/1631 WEBS 3-6=-32/393 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-88, 3-5=-88, 1-5=-44(F=-10) May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(fy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED AUTER REFERENCE PAGE am -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aramenters and Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp ty g p proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component M iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. Job cuss , Hiss ype ty y Lot 128 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 821076868 5761-6Y E7 COMMON 6 1 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.80 Vert(TL) -0.25 5-6 >773 360 BCLL 10.0 Job Reference o tional 8-0-0 4x8 M1120 = 3 o.mu s um i o zuuo mn K mousmes, mc. man may u i --it cauo rage i 8-M Scale = 1:26.9 48 M1120 = 2.4 M1120 II 4.8 M1120 = 8-M 6-0-0 0-0-4 F9_ate urrsets (x,yy Il:u-u-ts,U-7-tSL Ib:u-0-ts,u-z-31 ' LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.91 Vert(LL) -0.15 5-6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.80 Vert(TL) -0.25 5-6 >773 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.25 Horz(TL) 0.04 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.05 1-6 >999 240 Weight: 50 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-2 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 4-1-14, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 4-1-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1056/0-5-8,5=1056/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=39(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1837/0,2-3=-1728/0.3-4=-1728/0, 4-5=-1836/0 BOT CHORD 1-6=0/1639, 5-6=0/1639 WEBS 3-6=0/409 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANS195 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-88, 3-5=-88, 1-5=-44(F=-10) OQ?,OFESS/pN� S. TjNc�F�c LU c� m W C 04 433 T *\ EVA,;X-07. /* 1 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with Miek connectors. This design 6 based only upon parameters shovm, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 A licabili of desi n aromenters and ro er incor Citrus Heights, CA, 9561Mill' Applicability g p proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilfity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibif ty of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component dD Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. iTek Job russcuss ype ty y Lot 128 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.91 Vert(LL) -0.16 5-6 >999 360 821076669 5767-6Y E7 -DRAG COMMON 2 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.25 Horz(TL) 0.04 5 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) F—,in G.R— u , An.... 85365 o.4V0 s Jui 13 2005 MiTek ex industries, mc. Mon May 01 16:05:95 2006 rage 1 8-0-0 8-0-0 Scale = 1:27.2 4xa M1120 = 4 3 50 MI120 11 2x4 M1120 II 50 M1120 11 8-0-0 0-04 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/dell L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.91 Vert(LL) -0.16 5-6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.80 Vert(TL) -0.25 5-6 >773 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.25 Horz(TL) 0.04 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Weight: 50 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-2 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 4-1-14, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 4-1-14 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1056/0-5-8,5=105610-5-8 PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE Max Grav 1=1377(load case 4), 5=1377(load case 3) SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-2675/0,2-3=-1810/0,3-4=-1810/0,4-5=-2674/0 BOT CHORD 1-6=0/2515, 5-6=0/2515 WEBS 3-6=0/409 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 16-0-0 for 125.0 plf. 4) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-88, 3-5=-88, 1-5=-44(F=-10) r,,J,��OIESS,o S T7Nc �2c I C 04+433 1 T L *\ EXZ-"3,.31-07. /*, May 2,2006 ® WARNING - verjfy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU 7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Des' n vafd for use on with Mifek connectors. This desi n is based on u Suite 109 Ig ty r fy pon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 9561Mill' Appficabifiy, of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilfity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component OTeka Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type aty PlyLot 128 TC 0.88 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.95 821076870 5767-6Y E -GBL COMMON 1 1 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) LUMBER TOP CHORD Job Reference (optional) ... 11-. '. ,.w,,,,ayv- ,.,.v,.v«vvv 'aye I 8-0-0 I 16-0-0 I 840 8-0-0 Scale = 1:27.1 4x8 M1120= 3 7x8 M1120 11 3x5 M1120 3x5 M1120 - 3x5 M1120z� 3x5 M1120zz� 7x8 M112011 8-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.88 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.95 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB. 0.07 BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Weight: 61 Ib BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 4-1-14, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 4-1-14 6-0-0 DEFL in floc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 M1120 197/144 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 Horz(TL) 0.03 8 n/a n/a Weight: 61 Ib BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-5-5 oc puffins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 2-10-4 oc bracing. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=510/16-0-0, 5=510/16-0-0, 9=289/16-0-0, 10=76/16-0-0, 11=34/16-0-0, 12=291/16-0-0, 8=76/16-0-0, 7=34/16-0-0, 6=291/16-0-0 Max Uplift1=-940(load case 8), 5=-939(load case 9), 11=-45(load case 7), 7=45(load case 10) Max Grav1=1798(load case 4), 5=1797(load case 3), 9=289(load case 1), 10=92(load case 7), 11=97(load case 10), 12=417(load case 7), 8=92(load case 10), 7=97(load case 7), 6=417(load case 10) - FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-4158/2688, 2-3=-973/1137, 3-4=968/1137, 4-5=-4158/2688 BOT CHORD 1-12=-2558/3740, 11-12=-1531/2728, 10-11=-504/1702, 9-10=0/1188, 8-9=0/1188, 7-8=-503/1701, 6-7=-1530/2728, 5-6=-2557/3739 WEBS 3-9=-240/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are 2x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 385 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 16-0-0 for 385.0 plf. 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 I Uniform Loads (plf) t Vert: 1-3=-88,3-5=-88, 1-5=-44(F=-10) v 0 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(jy design pammetem and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED WTER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with MTek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g iv g b upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown i is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component M iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 - PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.47 R21076871 5767-6Y F COMMON 3 1 BC 0.42 Vert(TL) -0.10 1-6 >999 360 SCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) 65-4 4x6 M1120= x 3 o.cvu a— i.—. m,ien rvrvu may u, ---cuuu re ye i 6-5-4 Scale = 1:21.8 4x6 M1120 11 2x4 M1120 11 4x6 M1120 11 6-5-4 6.5-4 l6 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.47 Vert(LL) -0.06 1-6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.42 Vert(TL) -0.10 1-6 >999 360 SCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.15 Horz(TL) 0.02 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.02 1-6 >999 240 Weight: 40 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-4-0, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-4-0 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=785/0-5-8,5=785/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=32(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1331/0.2-3=-1235/0,3-4=-1235/0, 4-5=-1331/0 BOT CHORD 1-6=0/1172, 5-6=0/1172 WEBS 3-6=0/257 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 It above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard t �oQ�pFESS/CID pN9l CD IX C 09 433 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver((g design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane 09 Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite He Applicability of design oramenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp y g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shovm is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding tobricotion, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPI) Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofdo Drive, Madison, WI 53719. MiTek Job runs Truss Type Qty Ply 128 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.61 Vert(LL) -0.17 9-11 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 821076872 5767-6Y F7 -GBL COMMON 1 1 WB 0.55 Horz(TL) 0.12 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Job Reference (optional) roxwonn uaiorann, ruma, —zona 0000D o.zuu s dw 10 cow mi i ex moumnes, mc. rvwn may u .or.ao zvuo raye i 5-33 1 10-7-8 1 15-5-13 1 . 21-3-0 - 5-33 4-10-5 4-10-5 5.9-3 Scale = 1:36.5 4x7 M1120= 4 5X8 M1120= 11 lu 9 _29 a 5x8 M1120= 46 M1120= 3x8 M1120= - - . 5-33 1 10-7-8 1 15-5-13 1 21.3-0 5-33 - 4-10-5 4.10.5 5.33 LOADING (pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.61 Vert(LL) -0.17 9-11 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.78 Vert(TL) -0.30 9-11 >852' 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.55 Horz(TL) 0.12 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 94 lb . LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-1-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-11-12, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-11-12 - QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1578/0-5-8,7=157810-5-8 SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. Max Gravl=1970(load case 4), 7=1970(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-4335/0, 2-3=-3959/0, 3-4=-2950/0, 4-5=-3014/0, 5-6=-3970/0, 6-7=-4349/0 BOT CHORD 1-11=0/3952, 10-11=0/3952, 9-10=0/3952, 9-29=0/4108, 8-29=0/3998, 7-8=0/3963 WEBS 3-11=0/173,3-9=-924/0,4-9=0/850,5-9=-910/0.5-8=0/167 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are 2x4 MI120 unless otherwise indicated. 3) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 12-10-9 to 21-3-0 for 238.9 plf. 6) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 FESS/� Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-7=-34 ��Q �R S. Nc ti Trapezoidal Loads (plf) ACV �� CO Vert:1=-98(F=-10)-to-4=-131(F=-43) 4= -131(F= -43) -to -7=-98(F=-10) r� , rn LU rn C 6433 * R -07 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED BDTEK REFERENCE PAGE BHI -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 A licabili of desi n aromenters and ro er incor ration of com onent is res Citrus Heights, CA, 9561Mill' Applicability g p proper incorporation p responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quarity control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPll Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component a G 1/0 ��ek Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. Job TruSSruss type aty Ply Lot 128 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.84 Vert(LL) -0.14 8-10 >999 360 821076873 5767-6Y F2 COMMON - 7 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.47 Horz(TL) 0.07 7 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) .gay I.W. I 4-5-6 9-7.8 1 14-9-8 20-3-0 i 4-5-6 5-2-1 - 5-2-0 - 5-5-8 Scale = 1:35.0 4x7 M1120= 4 1 6x10 M1120 11 'u ' - a 5x7 M1120= _ 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120= - , 6-1-13 6.1-13 6-11-6 7-1-13 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.84 Vert(LL) -0.14 8-10 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.76 Vert(TL) -0.28 8-10 >858 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.47 Horz(TL) 0.07 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.05 8-10 >999 240 Weight: 74 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-1-9 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 8 SPF 1950F 1.5E 2-4--11, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-9-13 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1337/0-5-8,7=1337/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=50(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-2405/0, 2-3=-2308/0, 3-4=2206/0,4-5=-2454/0, 5-6=-2645/0, 6-7=2730/0 BOT CHORD 1-10=0/2099, 9-10=0/1775, 8-9=0/1775, 7-8=0/2471 WEBS 3-10=-126/82, 4-10=0/486, 4-8=0/784, 5-8=-349/61 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 1�OFE$$/� Uniform Loads (plf) Q Vert: 1-4=-88, 4-7=-88, 1-7=44(F=10) �R S. %'✓C`�2 C 6433 K 07 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(fy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED 1UITER REFERENCE PAGE 111[I1-7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane tee® Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for on individual building component. Suite 109 A licabili of design aromenters and proper incorporation of component is res Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability 9 P p p po p responsibility of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilfity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison.Wl 53719. M iTek Job russ Truss Type aty Ply Lot 128 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.94 Vert(LL) -0.15 8-10 >999 360 821076874 5767-6Y F2 -DRAG COMMON 1 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.47 Horz(TL) 0.07 7 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) runvwrui vaimm un nwn. ovvvu v.cuv a uui i� cvw nn i.n uiuuau� w. rvi... i iay v, ivar av cuvv ray. i 4-5-6 1 9-7-8 1 14-9-8 I 20-3-0 4-5-6 5-2-1 5-2-0 5-5-8 Scale = 1:35.7 4x7 M1120= 4 6x10 M1120 II 10 9 11 8 5x7 M1120= 3x4 M1120=' - 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 1 6-1-13 1 13-1-3 1 20-3-0 i 6-1-13 6-11-6 7.1-13 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.94 Vert(LL) -0.15 8-10 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.76 Vert(TL) -0.28 8-10 >858 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.47 Horz(TL) 0.07 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 74 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-3-2 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 8 SPF 1950F 1.5E 2-4-11, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-9-13 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1337/0-5-8,7=1337/0-5-8 PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE Max Grav1=1660(load case 4), 7=1660(load case 3) SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-3105/0, 2-3=-2756/0, 3-4=-2397/0, 4-5=-2720/0, 5-6=-3246/0, 6-7=-3625/0 BOT CHORD 1-10=0/2710, 9-10=0/2565, 9-11=0/2565, 8-11=0/2309, 7-8=0/3286 WEBS 3-10=-257/154,4-10=0/552, 4-8=0/784, 5-8=-418/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. > 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 11-3-0 to 20-3-0 for 222.2 plf. 4) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-4=-88, 4-7=-88, 1-7-44(F=-10) �O9�pFESS/ON9l S LU T /NcF� 2 C 046433 OF May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Veryfy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE M7-7473 BEFORE USE. - 7777 Greenback Lane vim® Design valid for use on v ith MiTek connectors. This design B based on u Suite 109 ig N g b upon parameters shown, and for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibif fY of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. Y MiTek Jo russ russ ype Qty y Lot 128 Vert(LL) " 5-6 >999 360 R21076875 5767-6Y F3 COMMON 3 1 Horz(TL) 0.02 5 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) ro—onn uaiorann, ruma, —zona aoaoo o.ew s uw IJ euuo M1 i en mausmes, mc. mon may vi is:srao euuo rage i 3.3.3 I B-5-3 I 13-10-12 I r 3.3-3 5-2-0- 5-5-8 '5x7 M1120= Scale = 1:27.7 4.00 12 2 2x, 3x5 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 5x5 M1120 II i 6-7-11 - I 13-10-12 6-7-11 731 Plate urrsets (A,Y): IS:U-Z-1D,U-1-0J LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-9-12 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 5=839/0-5-8,7=839/Mechanical Max Horz7=-98(load case 6) CSI TC 0.45 BC 0.43 WB 0.47 (Matrix) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-89/16, 2-3=-1174/0, 34=-1365/0, 4-5=-1499/0, 1-7=-137/9 BOT CHORD 6-7=0/544,5-6=0/1341 WEBS 2-6=0/774, 3-6=454/45, 2-7=-800/0 DEFL in floc) I/deFl Ud PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.06. 5-6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 Vert(TL) -0.11 5-6 >999 360 Horz(TL) 0.02 5 n/a n/a Wind(LL) 0.01 5-6 >999 240 Weight: 53 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-11-11 oc purlins, except end verticals BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. ' 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load,'in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist,they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE(S) Standard I ^ d May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITES REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane --® Design valid for use only with Mifek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. - Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation of component is res Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 1 PP N 9 P p p po po responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilrity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. M Tek Job - russ Truss Type Qty Lot 128 SPACING 2-0-0 CSI - PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 821076876 5767-6Y F3 -DRAG COMMON 1 �Ply 1 BC 0.65 Vert(TL) -0.12 5-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.57 Job Reference (optional) ruavviur �aaiur. ...... i wy ray. i 3-3-3 I _ 8.5-3 I 13-10.12 I 33-3 - 5-2-0 5-5-9 5x7 M1120= Scale = 1:27.9 4.00 12 " . 2 2x, 3x5 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 5x7 M1120= I 6-7-11 I 6-10-12 -7-11 7-3-1 Hart vnocw tn, r �. ta.a-v-o,vrorol LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) . I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.52 Vert(LL) -0.07 6-7 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.65 Vert(TL) -0.12 5-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.57 Horz(TL) 0.03 - 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC971ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.01 5-6 >999 240 Weight: 53 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-0-13 oc puffins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-11-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-9-13 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND REACTIONS (Ib/size) 5=839/0-5-8, 7=839/Mechanical PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE Max Horz 7=-1 19(load case 16) SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. Max Uplift5=-606(load case 12), 7=-194(load case 11) Max Grav5=1523(load case 7), 7=1112(load case 8) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-468/484, 2-3=-2129/837, 3-4=-2751/1203,,4-5=-3238/1512, 1-7=-151/23 BOT CHORD 7-8=-1211778,6-8=-106/637,5-6=-1454/2946 WEBS 2-6=-50/903, 3-6=-568/159, 2-7=-1136/306 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category It, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANS195 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 5-4-12 to OFESS/ 13-10-12 for 235.3 plf. QR LOAD CASE(S) Standard Q� F� m IX C 446433 XI May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MH7473BEFORE USE. r 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with MTek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 9 N r b upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design parvidual rs and proper incorporation al component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage. delivery, erection and bracing, consult-ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Mi Tek Information- available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, MTe�adison. WI 53719. 1 R Job - Truss Truss Type DEFL in Py t28821076877 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.23 Vert(LL) -0.01 TJ.b M1120 197/144 5767-6Y F4 COMMON Fy 5-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.13 Horz(TL) -0.00 . 4 n/a ' n/a Reference (optional) BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00 6 >999 240 Weight: 331b LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 - 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:36 2006 Page 1 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 6=348/Mechanical, 4=348/0-5-8 3-6-7 r I 6-0-0 Max Horz6=21(load case 5) 3-6-7 '2-5-9 4z4 M1120= Scale= 1:26.5 ' -4.00 12 2 - - Job - Truss Truss Type DEFL in Py t28821076877 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.23 Vert(LL) -0.01 TJ.b M1120 197/144 5767-6Y F4 COMMON Fy 5-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.13 Horz(TL) -0.00 . 4 n/a ' n/a Reference (optional) 3x4 MI120a . 3x4 M1120 % - 3 " 1 6 5 2x4 M1120 II 3x8 M1120= 2x4 M1120 11 3-6.7 I 6-D-0 ! 3-6.7 2-5-9 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/def! L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.23 Vert(LL) -0.01 5-6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.06 Vert(TL) -0.01 5-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.13 Horz(TL) -0.00 . 4 n/a ' n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00 6 >999 240 Weight: 331b LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std REACTIONS (Ib/size) 6=348/Mechanical, 4=348/0-5-8 Max Horz6=21(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-176/1, 2-3=-164/3, 1-6=-300/0, 3-4=-323/0 BOT CHORD 5-6=-21/4.4-5=0/0 WEBS 2-5=-164/6.1-5=0/169.3-5=0/220 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are no exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE'S) Standard �OQRpFESS/pN�` S LU T�,yc �2c C 0*433 *\ VRA41-47 /*, May 2,2006 A WARNING - Ver{fy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED WTER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane sem® Design valid for use on with MiTek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 mmm g N g b upon parameters show, and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design parvidual rs and proper incorporation al component is responsibility of building designer- not Inks designer. Bracing shovn the In is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilliiy of the Pail erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding lm�[ fabrication, quality control. storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, OSB -89 and BCSI1 Building Component It Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onof6o Drive, Madison. WI 53719. MiTek F5 - HIP 1 1 Job Referenceotional Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:36 2006 Page 1 e i 1-8-8 { 56-7 h • 1-6-8 4-0.0 0-5-9 ' 4.00 12 4X4 M1120 - - 3x4 MII20= 3x4 M1120 % 2 3 1 1 I� 6 5 2x4 M112011 3x8 M1120= 2x4 M112011 i 1-6-8 1 6-0-0 I 1-6-8 . 4-58 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) -0.01 4-5 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.09 Vert(TL) -0'.02 4-5 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.17 Horz(TL) -0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00 5 >999 240 Weight: 32 lb ' LUMBER BRACING' TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std REACTIONS (Ib/size) 6=348/Mechanical, 4=348/0-5-8 Max Horz6=14(load case 3) 1 FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-160/0,2-3=128/0.1-6=-353/0,34=289/3 BOT CHORD 5-6=-14/0,4-5=0/0 WEBS 2-5=-206/15,3-5=0/161,1-5=0/281 ' NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANS195 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not 1 exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip• increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 1 LOAD CASE(S) Standard - OQ�OFESS/0, CD LU CO 4 1 _ Fo Job toss toss Type Qty 5767-6Y Scale= 1:23.0 May 2,2006 'A WARNING - Verj(y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with Mlek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 N g b upon parameters shown, and for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paramenlers and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI7 Building Componentss A dC Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. M Tek Ply Lot 726 . - 82tl- Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:36 2006 Page 1 e i 1-8-8 { 56-7 h • 1-6-8 4-0.0 0-5-9 ' 4.00 12 4X4 M1120 - - 3x4 MII20= 3x4 M1120 % 2 3 1 1 I� 6 5 2x4 M112011 3x8 M1120= 2x4 M112011 i 1-6-8 1 6-0-0 I 1-6-8 . 4-58 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.37 Vert(LL) -0.01 4-5 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.09 Vert(TL) -0'.02 4-5 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.17 Horz(TL) -0.00 4 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00 5 >999 240 Weight: 32 lb ' LUMBER BRACING' TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std REACTIONS (Ib/size) 6=348/Mechanical, 4=348/0-5-8 Max Horz6=14(load case 3) 1 FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-160/0,2-3=128/0.1-6=-353/0,34=289/3 BOT CHORD 5-6=-14/0,4-5=0/0 WEBS 2-5=-206/15,3-5=0/161,1-5=0/281 ' NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANS195 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not 1 exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip• increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 1 LOAD CASE(S) Standard - OQ�OFESS/0, CD LU CO 4 1 _ Fo Job toss toss Type Qty 5767-6Y Scale= 1:23.0 May 2,2006 'A WARNING - Verj(y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with Mlek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 N g b upon parameters shown, and for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paramenlers and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI7 Building Componentss A dC Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. M Tek Job Truss cuss Type Qty Ud Lot 128 - Vert(LL) -0.01 ' Foxwonh Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 - >999 3x4 M1120= 821076879 5767-6Y F6•GRDR SPECIAL 1 1 6 2x4M112011 LOADING (psf) 14 SPACING 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 ' LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1 5E Job Truss cuss Type Qty Ud Lot 128 - Vert(LL) -0.01 r >999 360 821076879 5767-6Y F6•GRDR SPECIAL 5-6 1 IPly 1 Horz(TL) -0.00 14 nla nla Job Reference (optional) o.zuv s uw i o zuw mi i ex mousmes, in, mon may vi ia:or:oo aouo rage i 3-0-0 I 6-0-0 i 3-0.0 3-0-0 2x4 M1120 II 3x4 M1120= 2 3 ru YO CS11. TC 0.19 BC 0.41 WB 0.48 (Matrix) �_ - 2x4 M112011 DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.01 5-6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 Vert(TL) -0.03 5-6 >999 360 Horz(TL) -0.00 14 nla nla Wind(LL) .0.01 5-6 >999 240 Weight: 29 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracin g. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std REACTIONS (Ib/size) 6=876/Mechanical, 4=876/0-5-8 ' FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-6=-633/0, 1-2=-58910,2-3=-589/0,3-4=-633/0 BOT CHORD 5-6=-0/0, 4-5=-0/0 WEBS 1-5=0/793, 2-5=-298/14, 3-5=0!793 ' NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 ' 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-3=-86, 4-6=-219(F=-185) �O9?,pFESS/0N� S. TjN �F2 03 0 a '� crrn LU C 09433 T Scale =1:18.7 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MN -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane ®_® Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design oramenters and Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 l pp ty g p proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer •not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component CD Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofno Drive, Madison, WI 53719. M iTek Job Tr ss Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 SPACING - - DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d 821076880 5767-6Y F7 MONO TRUSS 4 1 1-4 >955 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.28 Job Reference (optional) o.euu auui i.r cu... ien .—., iey.i —orar 1—re9c, 3x7 M1120 II 6-1-11 r i 6.1.11 Scale = 1:16.5 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-1-8,0-3-71 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.73 Vert(LL) -0.08 1-4 >955 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.28 Vert(TL) -0.13 1-4 >562 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.03 3 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00 1 "" 240 Weight: 22 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD " Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing._ SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-3-11 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=371/0-5-8, 3=267/Mechanical, 4=103/Mechanical Max Horz 1=75(load case 3) Max Uplift3=-27(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-97/0, 2-3=-34/67 BOT CHORD 1-4=0/0 r NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 It above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(fy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED AHTEK REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with M -Tek connectors. This design 6 based only upon parameters shown, and is for on individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aramenters and proper incorporation of component is res Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp ty g p p p po p responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and;BCSII Building Component 'Y' iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofdo Drive. Madison. WI 53719. - . Job russ Truss Type Qtyy PLATES GRIP Lot 128 Plates Increase 1.15 _ Vert(LL) n/a TIM 999 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 R21076881 5767-6Y F -GBL ' COMMON 1 1 ' Horz(TL) 0.01 6 n/a n/a - Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Job Reference (optional) roxwonn uaiorann, Yuma, Ari- a 85365 6.200 a j0i 13 2066 Mi i en i i..in - m0 may 01 .3.37.37 2666 ray. r 6-54 I 12-10-8 6-54 - 6.54 Scale= 1:21.9 4x7 M1120= 3 F,, 4x6 M1120= 3x4 M1120 3x4 M1120-- 3x4 M1120-- 3x4 M1120-- 4x6 M1120= I 6-54 1 - - 12-10-8 6-54 6-54 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.53 Vert(LL) n/a TIM 999 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 SC 0.35 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.06 Horz(TL) 0.01 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Weight: 48 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. - BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-4-0, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-4-0 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=462/12-10-8,5=462/12-10-8,8=339/12-10-8,9=-56/12-10-8 10=210/12-10-8, 7=-56/12-10-8, 6=210/12-10-8 Max Upliftl =-1 06(load case 8), 5=-106(load case 9), 9=-90(load case 7), 7=-90(load case 10) Max Gravl=889(load case 4), 5=889(load case 3), 8=339(load case 4), 9=6(load case 10), 10=270(load case 7), 7=6(load case 7), 6=270(load case 10) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1608/614, 2-3=-888/145,3-4=-888/145,4-5=-1608/614 BOT CHORD 1-10=-610/1440, 9-10=-24/913, 8-9=0/703, 7-8=0/703, 6-7=-24/913, 5-6=-610/1440 WEBS 3-8=-243/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are 2x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. - 6) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 12-10-8 for 155.3 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �OQ,?,pFESS/p�ql S ILLI T7i�c ��c C 046433 T t *\ EX��4R1tt- 7 /*i, May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Vert(y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND DVCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use any with NaTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation of component is res Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pP N 9 P P P Po p responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication- quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria. DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, MpAad'aon. WI 53719. < , 7 e ITek Job russ Truss Type Qty PlyLot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.70 R21076882 5767-6Y G COMMON - 2 1 BC 0.64 Vert(TL) -0.17 1-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) ro—onn oawrann, ruma, —zona oD0o0 o.Auu s uw rA Auw mi i en mousmes, mc. mon may u i roscor zuuo rage i 7-2-4 _ 7-2-4 Scale: 1/7"=1' 4x7 M1120= 3 5x5 M1120 11 2x4 M112011 4x8 M112011 7-7-A 6-6-8 0-7-12 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL Iin (loc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.70 Vert(LL) -0.10 1-6 >999 360 N11120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.64 Vert(TL) -0.17 1-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.22 Horz(TL) 0.03 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.03 1-6 >999 240 Weight: 49 lb LUMBER BRACING x TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E " . TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-0-10 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-8-12, Right 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-8-12 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=949/0-5-8,5=949/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=35(load case 5) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1623/0, 2-3=-1521/0, 3-4=1521/0, 4-5=-1621/0 BOT CHORD 1-6=0/1443, 5-6=0/1443 WEBS 3-6=0/358 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard FESS/ 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 S Q� Uniform Loads (plf) S. Tje /ql�.f Vert: 1-3=-88, 3-5=-88, 1-5=44(F=10) CID l� 0 C 046 M * EXP - May 2,2006 ® WARNING - vertjy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED IIHTER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane ��® Design valid for use only Wth Welk connectors. This design a based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation of component is res Citrus Heights, CA, 95610Mf PP ty 9 P p P Po p responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shovm is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding A fabrication, quality control, storage. delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component w iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply 12a PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 - 1.15 TC 0.70 R21076883 5767$Y G7 COMMON 7 1 BC 0.64 Vert(TL) -0.17 1-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) 7-2-4 7-2.4 Scale: 1/2"=1' 4x7 M1120= 3 5x5 M1120 11 2x4 M112011 4x8 M1120 It 0-3-4 6-11-0 6.6-8 0-7-12 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft . Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.70 Vert(LL) -0.10 1-6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.64 Vert(TL) -0.17 1-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.22 Horz(TL) 0.03 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.03 1-6 >999 240 Weight: 49Ito LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-0-10 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-8-12, Right 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-8-12 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=949/0-5-8,5=949/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=35(load case 5) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1623/0, 2-3=-1521/0, 3-4=1521/0, 4-5=-1621/0 BOT CHORD 1-6=0/1443, 5-6=0/1443 WEBS 3-6=0/358 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have'been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard QfES.S/� 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Q� Uniform Loads (plf)�< %) Vert: 1-3=-88, 3-5=-88, 1-5=-44(F=-10) CO O C 046433 T OF May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Vert& design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with Mlek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610M pp ty g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component db Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. M ITek Job russ Truss Type Oty Plates Increase Lot 128 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr 821076884 5767-6Y G2 COMMON 1 �Ply1 1 TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E WB 0.24 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 0.01 WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std n/a Job Reference (optional) i i 7.2-4 I 9-8-13 7-2-4 2-6-9 4x9 M1120= Scale = 1:20.8 3 2011 4x7 M112011 2x4 M1120// 3x5 M1120= p3-9 4-10-7 I 9-8-13 0-3-4 4-7-3 4-10-7 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 -0.05 LUMBER ,>999 TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E WB 0.24 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 0.01 WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std n/a SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-7-13 (Matrix) REACTIONS (Ib/size) 5=585/Mechanical, 1=585/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=68(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-842/0, 2-3=-715/0, 3-4=-42/69, 4-5=55/75 BOT CHORD 1-6=0/678, 5-6=0/475 WEBS 3-6=0/308, 3-5=716/5 CSI DEFL in (loc) Well Ud TC 0.52 Vert(LL) -0.02 1-6 >999 360 BC 0.33 Vert(TL) -0.05 1-6 ,>999 360 WB 0.24 Horz(TL) 0.01 5 n/a n/a (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.01 1-6 >999 240 PLATES GRIP M1120 197/144 Weight: 41 Ib BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING -Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITES REFERENCE PAGE MIT -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with MTek connectors. This design is based an u Suite 109 g H 9 h upon parameters shown. and is for an individual building component. Suit CA, 95610 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown s Heights,1 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component(1)p Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. M iTek Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 SPACING 2-0-0 - DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d R21076885 5767-6Y G3 COMMON - 1 1 I M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.31 Job Reference (optional) gay v„a.e,.ea <vvv ruyc , 7-2-4 I &4-0 I i 7-2-4 1-1-12 4x6 M1120= Scale = 1:20.4 3 3x5 M112011 4-2-0 - I 6-4-0 I 4-2-0 4-2-0 Plate Uttsets (X,Y): 11:0-2-12,0-5-141 - LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.75 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.31 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.72 Horz(TL) 0.02 4 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Weight: 38 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-7-10 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-7-3 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=805/8-0-12, 4=44/8-0-12, 6=-596/8-0-12, 5=746/8-0-12 Max Horz 1 =76(load case 5) Max Upliftl=-26(load case 3), 4=-3(load case 4), 6=-600(load case 7), 5=-39(load case 3) Max Gravl=805(load case 1), 4=44(load case 1), 6=149(load case 5), 5=746(load case 1) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1328/86, 2-3=-1208/117, 3-4=-11/11, 4-5=0/0 BOT CHORD 1-6=-117/1146, 5-6=-22/251 WEBS 3-6=-127/1187, 3-5=-735/63 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 5) Bearing atjoint(s) 4 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of pFESS/ bearing surface. 6) Non Standard bearing condition. Review required. �O R S T�NC`�� LOAD CASE(S) Standard Q� �� Cm ,r E O 07 ,t ` TFo A May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON TRIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MI -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenlers and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp ty g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication- quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSt/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. WI 53719. M iTek Job TrussTruss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.75 821076886 5767-6Y G -GBL COMMON 1 1 BC 0.88 Vert(TL) -0.21 1-6 >838 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 - 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:39 2006 Page 1 7-2-4 7-2-4 Scale = 1:24.3 4x7 M1120= 3 7-2-4 0 d 4X4 MI ILV 3-8-12 114-4-8 I 6-6-8 0-7.12 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.75 Vert(LL) -0.15 1-6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.88 Vert(TL) -0.21 1-6 >838 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.17 Horz(TL) 0.04 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 59 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-3-13 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-1-14 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-8-12, Right 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-8-12 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=877/0-5-8, 5=877/0-5-8 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE Max Uplifts=-469(load case 8), 5=-469(load case 9) SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. Max Gravl=2008(load case 4), 5=2008(load case 3) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-4224/1461, 2-3=1648/348,3-4=-1646/347,4-5=-4226/1457 BOT CHORD 1-6=-1335/4100, 6-19=-1286/2067,5-19=-1654/4100 WEBS 3-6=0/285 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are 2x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 3) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 6) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 385 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 12-6-0 for 442.8 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard OQ?,pFESS/pN9 S. T�,yc�F2c CO C 046A33 * EU07 May 2,2006 A WARNING - Verjfy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED WTER REFERENCE PAGE bM-7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane ® Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610ml pp N g p p p porafion of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component, A f�e�40 Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. 'fie Job russ Truss Type City Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC. 0.72 821076887 5767.6Y H SPECIAL 3 1 BC 0.59 Vert(TL) -0.17 6-7 >999 360 ' Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) 5-8.1 3x4 M1120 II 5-8-1 1 U.— s uw i o —3 mi i eK mousmes, mc. mon may u i --au cuuo rage i 5-4-9 58-1 9 5 7 48 M1120= 3x6 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 3x4 MI120= I 8-4-6 I 16-8-12 8-4-6 8-4-6 v d Scale = 1:37.2 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in floc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC. 0.72 Vert(LL) -0.10 7-9 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.59 Vert(TL) -0.17 6-7 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.51 Horz(TL) 0.03 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.02 6-7 >999 240 Weight: 66 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-3-3 oc puffins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std WEBS 1 Row at midpt 2-9 SLIDER Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-11-0 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 9=1012/Mechanical, 6=1012/0-5-8 Max Horz9=-174(load case 4) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-9=-206/17, 1-2=-131/23, 2-3=-1430/0, 3-4=-1501/0, 4-5=-1778/0, 5-6=-1916/0 BOT CHORD 8-9=0/968,7-8=0/968,6-7=0/1728 WEBS 2-9=-1144/0, 2-7=0/702, 4-7=-469/49 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verjjy design Parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE 0177.7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with Mlek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design romenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610MI pp ty g pa p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSIAPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSIt Building Component M iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type aty Ply Lot 128 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.89 Vert(LL) -0.17 10-11 >999 360 821076888 5767-6Y Hi -DRAG COMMON 1 1 I BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.84 Horz(TL) 0.11 10 n/a n/a Job Reference o tional o.�uu > am v wuo rvn i en inuuxn > w. ---y- v i w.w.vv <we rayc i 4-5-5 1 10-1-6 15-8-11 1 21-4-0 1 27-0-1 1 34-8-3 I 4-5-5 5-8-0 5-7-5 5-7-5 58-0 7-8-2 Scale= 1:61.9 4x8 M1120= 4.00 12 5 3x7 M112011 3x10 M1120= 4x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 3x9 M1120= 3x5 MI120= 3x4rM1120= 2x4 M1120 II 3x4 M1120zz: 1 4-5-5 1 10-1.6 1 15-7-15 15-j-11 21-4-0 1 27-0-1 1 34-8-3 4-5-5 5-8.0 5-6-9 0-0-12 5-7-5 5-8-0 7-8-2 0-3- v ]d LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.89 Vert(LL) -0.17 10-11 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.73 Vert(TL) -0.26 10-11 >877 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.84 Horz(TL) 0.11 10 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 146lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-5-7 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-6-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 'Except* WEBS 1 Row at midpt 2-16, 4-14, 5-14, 6-14, 8-12 1-18 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E, 1-17 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE ' SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 18=601/Mechanical, 14=2742/0-6-8 (input: 0-5-8), 10=870/0-5-8 Max Horz 18=28(load case 9) Max Upliftl8=-1702(load case 8), 10=-406(load case 9) ' Max Grav18=2699(load case 9), 14=4126(load case 3), 10=1853(load case 8) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-3918/2726, 2-3=-3767/3571, 3-4=-3104/2983, 4-5=-2217/3496, 5-6=841/2408, 6-7=-638/463, 7-8=1325/843, 8-9=-2769/905, 9-10=3841/1530, 1-18=-2607/1747 BOT CHORD 17-18=-1627/1790, 16-17=-920/1889, 15-16=-263/337, 14-15=-2275/2349, 14-19=-1774/2105, 13-19=-2469/2801, ' 12-13=-2469/2801,11-12=-1620/3658,10-11=-1620/3658 WEBS 2-17=-1058/1121, 2-16=-1983/923,4-16=-224/1091. 4-14=-1767/0,5-14=1964/172.6-14=-1334/0,6-12=0[757, 8-12=-1317/0, 8-11=0/291, 1-17=2823/3677 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) WARNING: Required bearing size atjoint(s) 14 greater than input bearing size. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 7300 lb. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 18-0-0 for 405.6 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 A WARNING - Vert/i/ design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITES REFERENCE PAGE MN -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane __® Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp N g p p p poralion of component is responsibility of building designer- truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility, of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control. storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component db Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofdo Drive. Madison, WI 53719. M oTek Job russ Truss Type Qty PlyLot 128 _ TCLL 20.0 " TC 0.61 Vert(LL) -0.11 10-11 >999 360 - R210176889 5767-6Y H2 COMMON 1 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.96 HOrz(TL) 0.03 10 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) .—Y 4-5-5 I 10-1-6 l 15-8-11 21-4-0 1 27-0-1 1 34-8-3 I 4-5-5 5-8-0 5-7-5 - 5-7-5 5-8-0 7-8-2 Scale = 1:60.7 4.00 F12 4x8 M1120= 5 its 11 10 la - 14 1J 12 11 2x4 M1120 11 3x8 M1120= 2x4 M1120 II 1 4-5-5 1 10-1-6 l.. 15-7-15 15-t11 21-4-0 I 27-0.1 I 34-8-3 4-5-5 5-8-0 5-6-9 0-0-12 5-7-5 5.8-0 7.8-2 v 1� LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.61 Vert(LL) -0.11 10-11 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.51 Vert(TL) -0.21 10-11 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.96 HOrz(TL) 0.03 10 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.0410-11 >999 240 Weight: 146Ito LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-0-8 oc puffins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 6-0-0 oc bracing: 14-16. SLIDER Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-14,6-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 18=598/Mechanical, 14=2748/0-5-8, 10=867/0-5-8 Max Horz 18=-110(load case 6) Max Gravl8=669(load case 7), 14=2748(load case 1), 10=897(load case 8) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP.CHORD 1-2=-774/10, 2-3=-284/127, 3-4=-209/185, 4-5=0/888, 5-6=0/890, 6-7=-247/103, 7-8=-389/61, 8-9=-1368/0, 9-10=-1476/0, 1-18=-598/0 BOT CHORD 17-18=-37/126, 16-17=-14/684, 15-16=-134/198, 14-15=-134/198, 13-14=0/289, 12-13=0/289, 11-12=0/1298, 10-11=0/1298 WEBS 2-17=-35/99, 2-16=-600/0, 4-16=0/466, 4-14=-1076/0, 5-14=-1011/0, 6-14=-1292/0, 6-12=0/687, 8-12=-1147/0, 8-11=0/266, 1-17=0/617 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13:0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANS195 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) All plates are 3x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. O 1�OFESS/� 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE(S) Standard c'�� S. IX C 046433 S May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(flj design parameters and BEAD NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane w® Design valid for use on with MTek connectors. This design B based on u Suite 109 g b g N upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quafty control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCS11 Building. Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. B ®C iTek Job russ Truss Type - _Qty CSI Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.74 821076890 5767-6Y H3 COMMON - 1 I 1 I BC 0.51 Vert(TL) -0.21 10-11 >999 360 ' BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) roxwonn baiorann, Tuma, Anzona o03oo o.LUa s JUI 1J Naa ml I en Inausines, inc. mon iviay u i ia:3r:9 i —vo rage i 1 4-11-4 1 10-7-5 1 16-2-10 1 21-9-15 I 27.6.0 + 35-2-2 1 4-11-4 5-8.0 5-7-5 5-7.5 5-8.0 7-8-2 Scale =1:61.4 5x7 M1120= 4.00 12 5 l 18 17 16 - 15 14 13 12 11 4x6 M1120 11 3x6 M1120= 3x8 M1120= 3x6 M1120= 2x4 M1120 11 4-11-4 1 10-7-5 1 16-1-14 16-j-10 21-9-15 1 27-6-0 1 35-2.2 4-11-4 5-8-0 56-9 0-0-12 5-7-5 5-8-0 7-8-2 v Id LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.74 Vert(LL) -0.11 10-11 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.51 Vert(TL) -0.21 10-11 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.97 Horz(TL) 0.03 10 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.0410-11 >999 240 Weight: 147 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-0-13 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-14,6-14 SLIDER Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14 ' REACTIONS (Ib/size) 18=627/Mechanical, 14=2789/0-5-8, 10=857/0-5-8 Max Horz 18=-108(load case 6) Max Gravl8=694(load case 7), 14=2789(load case 1), 10=892(load case 8) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension ' TOP CHORD 1-2=-853/8, 2-3=-279/129, 3-4=-203/187, 4-5=0/919, 5-6=0/920, 6-7=-231/109, 7-8=-373/67, 8-9=-1354/0, 9-10=-1461/0, 1-18=-611/0 BOT CHORD 17-18=-39/157, 16-17=-12/750, 15-16=-137/193, 14-15=-137/193, 13-14=-1/274, 12-13=-1/274, 11-12=0/1284, 10-11=0/1284 WEBS 2-17=0/121, 2-16=-673/0, 4-16=0/498, 4-14=-1108/0, 5-14=-1031/0, 6-14=-1292/0, 6-12=0/688, 8-12=-1150/0, 8-11=0/266, ' 1-17=0/615 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead ' load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANS195 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are no' exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) All plates are 3x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �OQ?,pFESS/p�ql ������R S. r�Nc�F�c 0 Q 'L m C 07-2/�-w * EXP * / May 2,2006 ® WARNING - verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED WTEK REFERENCE PAGE X17.7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane __® Design valid for use on with Miiek connectors. This design is based on upon suite 109 g only g y en parameters shown, building for an individual building component. citrus Heights. CA, 95610 Applicability of design paramenters and prcper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing. consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. - Job russ Truss Type Qty�Ply - 23-1-0 Lot 128 36-5-3 6-2-5 - 5-6-9 0-0-12 821076891 5767-6Y H4 COMMON 1 1 Job Reference (optional) rox nn l aiorann, T Uma, Anzona oosoo o."u s dui 1 s �uuo mi i eK mausmes, mc. mon may vi i s:or:ni zwo rage T 6-2-5 1 - 11-10-6 [ 17-5-11 - I. 23-1-0 1 '28-9-1 I 36-5-3 6-2-5 5-8-0 - 5-7-5 5.7-5 5-8.0 7-8-2 Scale: 3/16"=1' 5x8 M1120= 4.00 F12 - 5 5x: 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 J~� 4x5 M1120 II 3x4 10II20zz� 3x4 M1120 II 44 M1120= 3x4 MI120= 3x6 MI120= 3x8 MII20= 3x6 MI120= 3x4 MI120= 2x4 M112011 t6-2-5 1 11.10.6 1 17-4-15 17-j-11 - 23-1-0 28-9-1 - 36-5-3 6-2-5 5.8-0 5-6-9 0-0-12 5-7-5 1 1 5-8-0 i 7.8-2 v 1� Plate Offsets (X,Y): fl:Edge,0-2-0], [10:0-2-11,0-2-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in floc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.62 Vert(LL) -0.11 10-11 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.51 Vert(TL) -0.21 10-11 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.97 Horz(TL) 0.03 10 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.0410-11 >999 240 Weight: 151 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-1-8 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std `Except" WEBS 1 Row at midpt 4-14, 5-14, 6-14 1-18 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E SLIDER Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 18=700/Mechanical, 14=2897/0-5-8, 10=830/0-5-8 Max Harz 18=-101(load case 6) Max Gravl8=758(load case 7), 14=2897(load case 1), 10=877(load case 8) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1051/1, 2-3=-262/116,3-4=-120/193,4-5=0/999,'5-6=0/1001, 6-7=-189/128.7-8=331/83,8-9=-1315/0,9-10=-1422/0, 1-18=-648/0 BOT CHORD 17-18=-36/423, 16-17=-7/917, 15-16=-144/174, 14-15=-144/174, 13-14=-86/233, 12-13=86/233, 11-12=0/1247, 10-11=0/1247 WEBS 2-17=0/179,2-16=-866/0, 4-16=0/582, 4-14=-1191/0,5-14=-1085/0, 6-14=-1292/0, 6-12=0/691, 8-12=-1157/0,8-11=0/267, 1-17=0/499 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category Il, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 R�FES$/0 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. OQ 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections.�4� _n�R S. LOAD CASE(S) Standard (' m LU rn C 433 * -47 0 A r May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver((y design Parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLEWED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MH -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane moo® Design valid for use on with MiTek connectors. This design B based on u Suite 109 g b r Iv upon parameters shown, and is for individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design parvidual rs and proper incorporation al component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criferlo, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component ®�] iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. ewe r Job russ Truss Type Qly Ply Lot 128 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.51 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES 821076892 5767-6Y H5 COMMON - 4 1 TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 'Sheathed or 5-1-5 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1 Row at micipt 5-15, 6-15, 7-15 Job Reference (optional) ro—onn —Oran, Tuma, —zona aosoo o.<uu s am 10 4— M1 i erc mausmes, mc. man may u i —a—z <uuo rage i i 7.8-2 F 13-4-3 1 18-11.8 I 24-6-13 1 30-2.14 37-11-0 7.8-2 5-8-0 5-7-5 - 5-7-5 5.8.0 7-8-2 Scale = 1:66.2 5x8 M1120 4.00 F12 6 v 0 4x5 M1120 11 —...... 3x4 MI 120 16 17 16 15 14 ' 13 12 4x5 M112011 2x4 M112011 3x4 MII20= 3x6 MI120= 3x8 MI120= 3x6 MI120= 3x4 M1120= 2x4 M1120 It 3x4 MII20ZZ� 7-8-2 I 13-4-3 I 18-10-12 18-11-8 24-6-13 1 30-2-14 I 37-11-0 7-8-2 5-8-0 " ' 5-6-9 0-0-12 5-7--5 5-8-0 7.8-2 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.62 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.51 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.97 BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 'Sheathed or 5-1-5 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1 Row at micipt 5-15, 6-15, 7-15 SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=830/0-5-8, 15=2965/0-5-8, 11=830/0-5-8 DEFL in floc) I/defl L/d PLATES Vert(LL) -0.1111-12 >999 360 M1120 Vert(TL) -0.2111-12 >999 360 HOrz(TL)" 0.05 11 n/a n/a Wind(LL) 0.04 1-18 >999 240 Weight: 1521b BRACING TOP CHORD 'Sheathed or 5-1-5 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at micipt 5-15, 6-15, 7-15 Max Horz 1=85(load case 5) Max Grav1=878(load case 7), 15=2965(load case 1), 11=878(load case 8) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1426/0, 2-3=-1318/0, 3-4=-334/66, 4-5=-192/143, 5-6=0/998, 6-7=0/998, 7-8=-192/146, 8-9=-334/104, 9-10=-1318/29, 10-11=1426/0 BOT CHORD 1-18=1/1251, 17-18=-1/1251, 16-17=-100/236, 15-16=-100/236, 14-15=-100/236,13-14=-1 00/236, 12-13=0/1251, 11-12=0/1251 WEBS 3-18=0/268, 3-17=-1158/0,5-17=0/690, 5-15=-1289/0, 6-15=-1090/0, 7-15=-1289/0, 7-13=0/690, 9-13=-1158/0, 9-12=0/268 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 It above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy Category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard GRIP 197/144 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verf jy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MIT 7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane ® Design valid for use onlywith rv4Tek connectors. This design a based on u 'Suite 109 g y upon parameters shown, building for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610M� Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilrity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. A Job russ Truss Type. ty Ply Lot 128 -- R21076893 5767-6Y H5 -DRAG COMMON v 1 1 - Job Reference (optional)' I 7-8-2 I 13-4-3 I 18-11-8 I 24-6-13 I' 30-2-14 I 37-11-0 I 7-8-2 5-8-0 5-7-5 5-7-5 5-8-0 7-8-2 Scale = 1:66.2 5x8 M1120= - 4.00 F12 6 3x5 M11205- 3x5 M1120- 3x6101120% g 7 �34MI120zz�3x4 101120 %q 4 M1120Z�_ 3r 9 av 1 d 5x5 101120= 3x4 101120 % 5x5 M1120= 18 17 16 15 14 19 13 _ 12 3x4 M1120 2x4 M1120 11 3x4 M1120= 3x6 M1120= 3x8 M1120= 3x6 M1120= 3x4 M1120= - - 2x4 M1120 11 3x4 M1120z�- 7-8-2 I 13-4-3 I 18-10-12 18-11-8 24-6-13 I 30-2-14 1 37-11-0 7-8-2 5-8-0 5-6-9 0-0-12 5-7-5 5-8-0 7-8-2 male V1tseis (A,Y): LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.81 Vert(LL) -0.12 1-18 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.56 Vert(TL) -0.22 1-18 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.63 Horz(TL) 0.07 11 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 152 lb LUMBER '- BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-11 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 10-0-0 oc bracing: 12-13. SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14 WEBS 1 Row at midpt 3-17, 5-15, 6-15, 7-15, 9-13 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=830/0-5-8, 15=2965/0-5-8, 11=830/0-5-8 SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. Max Grav1=1153(load case 9), 15=3150(load case 4), 11=1338(load case 8) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-2114/0, 2-3=-1800/0, 3-4=-671/393, 4-5=-276/257, 5-6=0/1274, 6-7=0/1431, 7-8=-825/862,8-9=-1214/937' 9-10=-2287/384,10-11=-2623/501 BOT CHORD 1-18=-71/1932, 17-18=-71/1932, 16-17=-827/963, 15-16=-827/963, 14-15=-856/992,14-19=-856/992,13-19=856/992, 12-13=-13/1874,11-12=-444/2407 - WEBS 3-18=0/276, 3-17=-1210/0, 5-17=0/711, 5-15=-1304/0, 6-15=-1267/0, 7-15=-1313/6, 7-13=0/728, 9-13=-1257/0, 9-12=0/281 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 22-11-0 to 37-11-0 for 133.3 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard .. f/ r!'r n.\ 0 �6 May 2,2006 ® WARNING -Verify design parameters and BEAD NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERENCE PAGE MH -7473 BEFORE USE. .'777 Greenback Lane ��® Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aramenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp ty g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibirity of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCS11 Building Component pq Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive,. Madison. WI 53719. M 9Tek Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.62 Vert(LL) -0.11 11-12 >999 360 821076894 5767.6Y H6 COMMON 10 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.97 Horz(TL) 0.05 11 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Job Reference (optional) ......r<� a o.< I'll "1" 11 r1'Illy I I 1 7-8-2 1 13-4-3 1 18-11-8 1 24-6.13 I 30.2.14 37.11.0 1 7-8-2 58-0 5-7-5 5-7.5 5-8-0 7-8-2 Scale = 1:66.3 5x8 M1120= 4.00 12 6 1 4x6 M1120= ....... `..� rrmcv� 4x6 M1120= 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 3x4 M11207:-- 2x4 M112011 3x4 M1120= 3x6 M1120= 3x8 M1120= 3x6 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 2x4 M112011 3x4 M1120ZZ: 7-8-2 1 13.4-3 1 18-11-8 W 8 24-6-13 1 30-2.14 1 37-11-0 i 7-8-2 5-8-0 5-7-5 0-6.0 5.1.5 5-8-0 7-8-2 0 1� dale VTTsets (A,T): ll:U-U-d,U-Z-sI, hl:U-U-$,U-Z-3L 111:U-U-U,U-U-UI LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.62 Vert(LL) -0.11 11-12 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 SC 0.51 Vert(TL) -0.21 11-12 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.97 Horz(TL) 0.05 11 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.04 1-18 >999 240 Weight: 152 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=830/0-5-8, 15=2965/0-5-8, 11=830/Mechanical Max Horz 1=85(load case 5) Max Grav1=878(load case 7), 15=2965(load case 1), 11=878(load case 8) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-1-5 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 5-15, 6-15, 7-15 FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1426/0, 2-3=-1318/0, 3-4=-334/66, 4-5=-192/143, 5-6=0/998, 6-7=0/998, 7-8=-192/146, 8-9=-334/104, 9-10=-1318/29, 10-11=-1426/0 BOT CHORD 1-18=1/1251, 17-18=1/1251, 16-17=-100/236, 15-16=-100/236, 14-15=-100/236, 13-14=-100/236, 12-13=0/1251, 11-12=0/1251 WEBS 3-18=0/268, 3-17=-1158/0, 5-17=0/690, 5-15=-1289/0,6-15=-1090/0,7-15=-1289/0.7-13=0/690,9-13=-1 158/0, 9-12=0/268 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads., 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. ILOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 A WARNING • Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED AI TEH REFERENCE PAGE 111177-7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane ��® Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and it for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aramenters and proper incorporation of component Citrus Heights, CA, 95610M� PP fY 9 p p p po ponent is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilfity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fo brication. quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCS11 Building Component M iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Mad'aon, WI 53719. Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 " 1.15 TC 0.71 821076895 5767-6Y- H7 COMMON .. 1 1 ' 1 Vert(TL) -0.21 11-12 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 - 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:43 2006 Page 1 0 0 4x7 MI120 11 ---- 4X4 M1120 7-8-2 5-8-0 5-7-5 - 5-7-5 5-B-0 7-8-2 Scale = 1:65.7 5x8 M1120= r ` 4.00 12 6 18 17 16 15 14 13 2x4 M112011 3x4M1120= 3x6 MI120= 3x8 MII20= 3x6 MI120= 3x4 MI120= 1 oxv mnc�� 12 4x6 M1120= 2x4 M1120 II - 3x4 M1120-- 0160 7-8-2 I 13.4.3 - 1 18-11-8 1- 8 24-6-13 I 30-2-14 I 37-11-0 i 0-68 7-1-10 5-60 5-7-5 0-60 5.1.5 5-8-0 7-62 0 0 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in " (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.71 Vert(LL) -0.11 11-12 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.56 Vert(TL) -0.21 11-12 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.97 Horz(TL) 0.05 11 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.0411-12 >999 240 Weight: 156 lb LUMBER BRACING - TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-8-15 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std WEBS 1 Row at midpt 5-15, 6-15, 7-15 SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-11-14, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-14 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 15=2966/0-5-8, 11=830/Mechanical, 1=830/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=-85(load case 6) Max Grav15=2966(load case 1), 11=878(load case 8), 1=878(load case 7) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1419/0, 2-3=-1313/0, 3-4=-334/67, 4-5=192/145, 5-6=0/1000, 6-7=0/1000, 7-8=-190/146, 8-9=-332/104, 9-10=-1316/29, 10-11=-1423/0 BOT CHORD 1-18=0/1246, 17-18=0/1246, 16-17=-102/237; 15-16=-102/237, 14-15=-101/234, 13-14=-101/234, 12-13=0/1249, 11-12=0/1249 WEBS 3-18=0/259,3-17=-1152/0,5-17=0/690,5-15=-129010, 6-15=-1091/0,7-15=-1289/0,7-13=0/690,9-13=1158/0,9-12=0/268 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design: 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. QFESS/� 5) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. QR LOAD CASE(S) Standard CO C 433 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verjfy design Parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE M77-7473 BEFORE USE. i 7777 Greenback Lane moo® 09 Design valid for use on with MTek connectors. This design a based on upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. I Suite He g N g b en pa g pang sh Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 � Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/11`I1 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component A i���® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. M Job russ Truss I ype Oty Ply Lot 128 I/dell Ud TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase R21076896 5767-6Y H7-GRDR COMMON 1 2 Job Reference (optional) roxworm ualoralm, Yuma, Arizona 60360 b.ZUU s Jul 13 zum MI I ex maustnes, Inc. Mon May Ul 1b:ub:33 ZUub rage 1 5-3-13 9-10-6 14-4-15 18-11-8 25-2-3 31A-13 37-11-0 i 5-3-13 4-6-9 4-6-9 4-6-9 6-2-11 6-2-11 6.6-3 Scale = 1:65.8 1 11 5x7 M1120 = 4.00 12 4x10 M1120= 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 12 4x6 M1120= 4x5 M1120 = 4.8 M1120 � 3.8 M1120 II 6x6 MI120 = 08 M1120 = 4x8 MII20 = 4x8 MI120 = 3x4 M1120 = 2x4 M 120 II 3x4 M1120 8x10 M1120 = 04:0 5-3-13 9� 10=6 I 14A-15 18-11-8 19-i412 25-2-3 31-4-13 I 37-11-0 0-0-8 4-9-5 4-6-9 4-6-9 4-6-9 0-3-4 5-11-7 6-2-11 6-0-3 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0CSI 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E DEFL in floc) I/dell Ud TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.52 Vert(LL) -0.10 19-20 >999 360 ' TCDL 24.0 Lumber Inc rease 1.15 BC 0.76 Vert(TL) 0.20 19-20 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.99 Horz(TL) 0.04 16 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.0519-20 >999 240 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 165OF 1.5E *Except* 12-15 2 X 4 SPF 2100F 1.8E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std `Except* 6-18 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 2-8-15, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-4-8 PLATES GRIP MI120 197/144 Weight: 346 Ib BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-2-9 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-16 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 16=8330/0-6-9, 12=91/Mechanical, 1=3950/0-5-8 Max Harz 1=-87(load case 6) Max Uplift 12=-225(IGad case 7) Max Grav 16=8330(load case 1), 12=151 (load case 8), 1=4014(load case 7) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-7283/0, 2-3=-7204/0, 3-4=-4360/0, 4-5=-4327/0, 5-6=-854/61, 6-7=0/3161, 7-8=0/3174, 8-9=0/2184, 9-10=0/2099,10-11=-112/1229,11-12=-138/1180 BOT CHORD 1-20=0/6760, 19-20=0/6760, 18-19=0/4105, 17-18=0!748, 16-17=0/748, 15-16=-2028/0, 14-15=-2033/0, 13-14=-1092/130,12-13=-1092/130 WEBS 3-20=0/1986, 3-19=-2934/0, 5-19=0/3291, 5-18=-4277/0, 6-18=0/4709, 6-16=-5260/0, 7-16=-2450/0, 8-16=-1360/0, 8-14=0/623,10-14=-1364/0,10-13=0/286 NOTES 1) 2 -ply truss to be connected together with 0.131"x3" Nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 6 - 2 rows at 0-7-0 oc, 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 4) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chard live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 7) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. Continued on page 2 COQ ,0 ESS/pNgl S 03T/�cF�2�' 0 Q 'L m W, C 046433 m May 2,2006 ® WARNING - verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED M7TEK REFERENCE PAGE MH -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown. and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design ramenters and proper incorporation of component Citrus Heights, CA, 95610=� pp ty g pa p p po ponent is responsibility of building designer -not Truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibilrity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component T®4 Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio IYek Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Job NSS Truss Type yfly Lot 128 .. _ 821076896 5767-6Y H7-GRDR COMMON 1 2 Job Reference (optional) - Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 - - LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 ' Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-7=-88, 7-12=-88, 1-16=-449(F=-415), 12-16=-34 b.ZUv s Jul is euvo MI I ex Inausmes, Inc. Mon may ul 1o:uo:33 zuub rage z ® WARNING - Ver(/y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MIT7473BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design ramenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610M1 pp fy g pa p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing. consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCS11 Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 5153 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. M iTek Job rusS Truss 1 ype Qty My Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 R21076897 5767-6Y H -DRAG SPECIAL 1 1 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.74 Vert(TL) -0.23 7-8 >863 360 Job Reference (optional) roxwonn �aiorann, Tuma, —zona oodoo o.tou s Jul w tow mi i en mousines. inc. mon may u i io.uo:oz zuuo rage i 4-3-15 8-4 6 12-4-13 16-8-12 4-3-15 4-0-7 4-0-7 4-3-15 2x4 M1120 II - Scale = 1:34.7 1 3x5 M1120 = 3.4M]120= 3x4 MI120 = 4-3-15 '8-4-6 4-3-15 4-0-7 la 3x4 M1120 = 2x4 M1120 11 5,,8 101120 = 7.8 M1120 = 12-4-13 16-8-12 1 4-0-7 4-3-15 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deFl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.55 Vert(LL) -0.19 7-8 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.74 Vert(TL) -0.23 7-8 >863 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.93 Horz(TL) 0.09 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 82 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E `Except' TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-10-13 oc purlins, except end verticals. 4-6 2 X 4 SPF 210OF 1.8E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-1-0 oc bracing. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E *Except* 6-10 2 X 4 SPF 210OF 1.8E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Right 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 4-5-2 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 11=1012/Mechanical, 6=1012/0-5-8 Max Uplift 6=-1355(load case 4) Max Grav 11=1113(load case 4), 6=3379(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-11=-161/0, 1-2=-1780/1613, 2-3=-4072/2394, 3-0=-4911/1804, 4-5=-6020/3178, 5-6=-7958/3829 BOT CHORD 10-11=0/1479, 9-10=-767/2257, 8-9=-1520/4278; 7-8=-2075/5642, 6-7-3575/7464 WEBS 2-11=-1210/0, 2-9=01767, 3-9=-1015/0, 3-8=0/568, 5-8=-1094/38, 5-7=0/176 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 2) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. 3) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 4) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 385 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 16-8-12 for 385.0 plf. Q�()FESS/n LOAD CASE(S) Standard S. r��C��•2 CID 0 m LIJ C 04 433 E -07 ' y i QFC F May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verffy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED 11UTEK REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with Mitek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610Ml pp ty g p p p porafion of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component M ITek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. Job Truss - loss Type ty y Lot 128 - TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.60 Vert(LL) -0.19 8-10 >999 360 " 821076898 5767-6Y I COMMON 3 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.51 Horz(TL) 0.10 7 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) ' BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.06 8-10 >999 240 Weight: 89 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-7-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. ' WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std Fox rth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-2-15, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-3-12 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:45 2006 Page 1 1 6.2-4 12-0-15 1 18-2-4 1 24-7-0 1 6-2.4 5-10-12 6-1-4 6-4-12 - Scale = 1:42.4 - 4x8 M1120= ' r. Job Truss - loss Type ty y Lot 128 - TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.60 Vert(LL) -0.19 8-10 >999 360 " 821076898 5767-6Y I COMMON 3 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.51 Horz(TL) 0.10 7 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) 4 8-3-8 -0-0 8-3, ae ses X PI t Offt Y [1'038 Ed [7'008033 ( ' , ):' 3x4 101120 3x4 M1120= - 3x4 M1120= 3x4 101120 3x4 M1120= 1 B-3-8 1 16-3-8 1 24-7-0 LOADING(psf) get, ) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.60 Vert(LL) -0.19 8-10 >999 360 N11120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.78 Vert(TL) -0.37 8-10 >793 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.51 Horz(TL) 0.10 7 n/a n/a ' BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.06 8-10 >999 240 Weight: 89 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-7-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. ' WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 6 DF No.2 -G 3-2-15, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-3-12 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1500/0-5-8,7=1500/0-5-8 Max Horz 1 =-58(load case 6) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-3043/0, 2-3=-2932/0, 3-4=-2721/0, 4-5=-2862/0, 5-6=-3095/0, 6-7=3180/0 BOT CHORD 1-10=0/2727, 9-10=0/2090, 8-9=0/2090, 7-8=0/2900 WEBS 3-10=-372/74, 4-10=0!715, 4-8=0/855, 5-8=-448/67 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) A plate rating reduction of 20% has been applied for the green lumber members. e ]d 0= LOAD CASE(S) Standard O00,0FESS/pN� CO�`���ER S. Tjyc�F2c IX C 046 EXP r OF May 2,2006 WARNING - Verib design Parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITES REFERENCE PAGE 11111-7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane --40 Design valid for use only with PNTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design romenters and ro er incorporation of component is res Citrus Heights, CA, 95610101 PP fYPa P P Po p responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility, of the building designer. For general guidance regarding ' fabrication, quality control, storage. delivery. erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component p Tek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type Qty y Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.81 Vert(LL) n/a 821076899 5767-6Y I -GBL COMMON 1 - 1 n/a 999 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.97 Horz(TL) 0.04 Job Reference optional) o.euu aam ivww nui en umwm w. rvwn'my vi ioar.v.+cvvo ray. i 1 6-3-3 1 12-0-15 1 18.2-4 1 - 24-7-0 1 6-3-3 5-9-13 6-1-4 6-4-12 Scale =1:42.7 4x8 M1120= 4 6w 3x4 M1120% 3x6 M112011 3x4 M1120= 412 M1120= 3x7 M1120 II 3x4 M1120Z� 3x4 M1120i5; 1 6-3-3 1 12-0-15 18-2-4 1 24-7-0 i 6-3-3 5-9-13 6-1-4 6-4-12 v ]d Plate urrsets (A,Y): 1/:U -l -4,U -Y-151, I2D:U-1-1J,U-1-UJ, I2/:U-1-13,V-1-U1, 132:0-1-1Z,U-1-01. 136:0-1-12 0 -1 -OJ, 138:0-1-12 0-1-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.81 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.77 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.97 Horz(TL) 0.04 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 1241b LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 2100E 1.8E *Except* TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-5 oc purlins. 4-7 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-5-1 oc bracing. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 1 Row at midpt 3-14,5-14 WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std *Except* 5-14 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-3-7, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-3-12 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=378/24-7-0, 7=424/24-7-0, 19=393/24-7-0, 14=634/24-7-0, 10=539/24-7-0, 15=74/24-7-0, 17=35/24-7-0, ' 18=47/24-7-0, 20=66/247-0, 21=-28/24-7-0, 22=195/24-7-0, 13=73/24-7-0, 12=37/24-7-0, 11=30/24-7-0, 9=-138/24-7-0, 8=240/24-7-0 Max UplifYl=-1303(load case 8), 7=-542(load case 9), 19=-1008(load case 8), 10=-1505(load case 9), 21=-124(load case 3), 22=-35(load case 10), 9=-170(load case 4) ' Max Gravl=1921 (load case 4), 7=1242(load case 3), 19=1619(load case 9), 14=645(load case 4), 10=2363(load case 3), 15=74(load case 7), 17=35(load case 10), 18=52(load Case 3), 20=98(load case 3), 21=91(load case 10), ' 22=378(load case 3), 13=74(load case 7), 12=37(load case 4), 11' 36(load case 7), 8=272(load case 4) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-3900/3260, 2-3=-2645/2030, 3-4=-3040/2571, 4-5=-2350/1867, 5-6=-381/512, 6-7=2252/1752 BOT CHORD 1-22=-3044/3618, 21-22=-1468/1966, 20-21=-703/1277, 19-20=-105/680, 18-19=-382/957, 17-18=-1147/1722, ' 16 -17= -1224/1798,15 -16= -1912/2487,14 -15= -3442/4016,13-14=-65411247,12-13=-1419/2012,12-42=-1660/2252, 11-42=-1660/2252, 10-11=-1660/2252, 9-10=-1660/2252, 8-9=-1660/2252, 7-8=-1660/2252 WEBS 3-19=-1607/992, 3-14=-2141/1858, 4-14=-625/0, 5-14=-2948/2646, 5-10=-2281/1600 NOTES ' 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are 2x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) Gable studs spaced at 14-0 oc. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 385 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 16 -6 - for 573.6 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �OQRpFESS/0 CO Cr C 04433 1 May 2,2006 ® WARMNG - VerW design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. '777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with Mitek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 9 N g N pan parameters shown. and for an individual building component. Cilrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibif ty of the building designer. For general guidance regarding tobncolion, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component rya Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. M ITek Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 in (loc) ' Ud PLATES GRIP R21076900 5767-6Y I-GRDR COMMON 1 2. Job Reference (optional) roxwonn uaiorann, Yuma, Anzona ooseo c.zuu s sum i s zuuo mi i eK mausmes, mc. mon may u> > s:a r:vu couo rage 1 4-2-10 i 8-1-13 _ I 12-0-15 I 16-1-13 20-2-11 I 24-7-0 I 4-2-10 3-11-2 3-11-2 4-0-14 4-0-14 4-4-6 Scale = 1:43.3 6x6 M1120 4x8 MI120= 3x8 M1120 13 12 11 - 10 9 8 14 4x8 MI120= 3x8 M11205 7x8 M1120= 8x10 M1120= 8x10 M1120= 3x6 M1120 II 10x12 M1120H= 3x6 M1120 II 8x10 M1120= 3x8 M1120zz 4-2-10 1 8-1-13 I 12-0-15 1 16-1-13 1 20-2-11 1 24-7-0 i 4-2-10 3-11-2 3-11-2 4.0.14 4-0-14 4-4-6 e ld Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-11-5,0-3-4], [1:2-10-1,0-1-8], [1:Edge, 0-2-11], [2:0-4-14,0-2-4], [6:0-5-2,0-2-4] [7:0-4-15,0-5-0] [7:1-6-0 0-5-01 [9:0-3-8,0-4-0] [12:0-3-8 0-4-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.58 Vert(LL) -0.20 9-10 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.61 Vert(TL) -0.40 9-10 >727 360 M1120H 148/108 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.73 Horz(TL) 0.11 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 258 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E *Except* TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-10-0 oc purlins. 4-7 2 X 4 SPF 2100F 1.8E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. BOT CHORD 2 X 8 SPF 1950F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std *Except* 4-10 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3-11-3, Right 2 X 4SPF Stud/Std 3-7-10 PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=6478/0-5-8,7=6478/0-5-8 Max Horz 1 =268(load case 10) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1 3230/0,2-3=-1 1948/0, 3-4=-9677/0, 4-5=-9680/0, 5-6=12389/0,6-7=14088/0 BOT CHORD 1-13=0/12088, 12-13=0/12088, 11-12=0/11300, 10-11=0/11300, 9-10=0/11722, 8-9=0/13046, 8-14=0/13046, 7-14=0/13046 WEBS 2-13=0/1508, 2-12=-909/18, 3-12=0/2085, 3-10=-2776/0, 4-10=0/5685, 5-10=-3243/0, 5-9=0/2414, 6-9=-1465/0, 6-8=0/1499 NOTES 1) 2 -ply truss to be connected together with 0.131"x3" Nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 8 - 2 rows at 0-7-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated.' 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 23-1-0 to 24-7-0 for 1333.3 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-4=-88, 4-7=-88,14=449(F=-415) �OQRpFESS/pNgl S. 0CD IX C 046433 r May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(jy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED AITEH REFERENCE PAGE MH -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with MiTek connectors. This design is based on upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 9 N 9 N Pn pa g pong shown CiWs Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporarybracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPI] Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI] Building Component iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Ntad'aon, WI 53719. Job Truss _ uss ype Qty P y_ Lot 128 Vert(LL) -0.10 1-7 >999 Fox rlh Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 .821076901 4-4-8 , J • 44-8 4.00 1 2 1 Horz(TL) .710-ss.. 3x4 101120 � ' 4x8 M1120= , n/a i Job Reference o tional Plate Offsets (X,Y): fl:0-0-8,0-1-8) 0.01 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES ' BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-2-8 Job Truss _ uss ype Qty P y_ Lot 128 Vert(LL) -0.10 1-7 >999 360 .821076901 57676Y J COMMON 9 1 Horz(TL) .710-ss.. 6 n/a n/a Job Reference o tional 4-1-0 4x6 M1120= 4 5-3-8 Scale = 1:24.3 3x8 MIIZu= , 2X4 M112011 B-5-8 I - 13-9-0 l 8-5-8 5-3-8 CSI TC 0.97 BC 0.52 WB 0.49 (Matrix) DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP Vert(LL) -0.10 1-7 >999 360 b11120 197/144 Vert(TL) , -0.19 1-7 >877 360 Horz(TL) 0.02 6 n/a n/a Wind(LL) 0.01 - 1-7 >999 240 Weight; 50 Ib BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals BOT CHORD . Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. ' REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=830/0-5-8,6=830/Mechanical Max Horz 1=65(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension - TOP CHORD 1-2=-1501/0, 2-3=-1411/0, 3-4=-1041/0, 4-5=-1060/0, 5-6=-758/0 ' BOT CHORD 1-7=0/1338, 6-7=-1/161 WEBS 3-7=-472/40, 4-7=0/216, 5-7=0/813 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(/y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MTEE REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with M"Tek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g N g ly upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component A I�Pv®�® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onorrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. - ,Y, Job Truss Truss Type Qty PlyLot 128 R21076902 57678Y J1 COMMON - 2 1 Job Reference (optional) 4-10-2 8-58 12-0-1j 3-7-6 3-7-6 4x5 M1120= 4 4-1D-2 Scale = 1:28.7 5x7 M1120 11 5x8 MII20— 5x7 MII20 11 8-58 6-11- 8-5-8 a ln, �. l i.vv-u,r=uycl, lr .v -v -.r, r=u4c1. lo.v-y-u,uv-u1 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFIL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC" 0.23 Vert(LL) -0.10 7-8 >999 360 N11120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.59 Vert(TL) -0.19 1-8 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.36 Horz(TL) 0.05 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.02. 8 >999 240 Weight: 58 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-2-7 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing: WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-5-10, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-5-10 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1032/0-5-8,7=1032/0-5-8 Max Horzl=-41(load case 6) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1989/0, 2-3=-1882/0, 3-4=160410,4-5=-11604/0, 5-6=-1882/0, 6-7=-1989/0 BOT CHORD 1-8=0/1786, 7-8=0/1786 WEBS 3-8=-388/51, 4-8=0/602, 5-8=-388/52 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(iy design Parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MH 7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with Mitek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for on individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. iTek Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 - DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.28 821076903 5767-6Y J1 -DRAG COMMON 1 - 1 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.36 Horz(TL) 0.07 7 n/a ' n/a Job Reference (optional) any rry. I 4-10-2 I B-5-8 I 12-0-14 I 16-11-0 4-10-2 .3.7.6 3-7-6 4-10-2 - - Scale = 1:28.5 4x5 M1120= 4 5x7 M1120 11 3x6 M1120 . 5x8 M1120= - 5x7 M112011 I 8-5-8 1 16-11-0 I 8-5-8 8-5-8 r'Id LU UI IJCW kA, T J. I I.U-a-a, CUYUJ, tr.U-4-a,CUgUI, [C.V�-V,V-a-VJ LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.28 Vert(LL) -0.14 1-8 >999 360 MII20 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 _ BC 0.70 Vert(TL) -0.23 1-8 >898 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.36 Horz(TL) 0.07 7 n/a ' n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 58 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-4 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-5-10, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-5-10 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1032/0-5-8,7=1032/0-5-8 Max Grav1=1438(load case 4), 7=1438(load case 3) _ FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-3007/0, 2-3=-2623/0, 3-4=-2017/0, 4-5=-2016/0, 5-6=-2609/0, 6-7=-2993/0 , BOT CHORD 1-9=0/2858, 8-9=0/2858, 7-8=0/2698 WEBS 3-8=-468/0, 4-8=0/610, 5-8=-487/0 r NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. ' 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 2-0-0 for 1000.0 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(fq design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED GDTER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown - Citrus Heights, CA, 95610M1 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSII Building Component dIi Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. ' Tek Job russ Truss Type oty PlyLof 728 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.55 Vert(LL) -0.17 7-8 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 R21076904 5767-6Y J1 -GBL COMMON 1 - 1 WB 0.36 Horz(TL) 0.09 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Job Reference (optional) 4-10-2 - 3-7-6 , 3-7-6 4-10-2 * 4x5 M1120= 4 Scale = 1:28.8 5x8 M1120= - 5x8 M1120= 5x8 M1120= 8-5-8 - 8-5-8 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.55 Vert(LL) -0.17 7-8 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.87 Vert(TL) -0.26 7-8 >795 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.36 Horz(TL) 0.09 7 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 72 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-3-5 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650E 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std ` SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-5-10, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-5-10 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND Ilk PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=1032/0-5-8,7=1032/0-5-8 Max Upliftl=-115(load case 8), 7=-115(load case 9) Max Grav 1 =1 925(load case 4), 7=1925(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-4190/558, 2-3=-3445/61, 3-4=2522/0, 4-5=-2525/0 5-6=-3470/86, 6-7=-4214/579 BOT CHORD 1-8=-632/3793, 8-27=-990/4151, 7-27=-659/3819 WEBS 3-8=-604/71, 4-8=0/616, 5-8=-572/39 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are 2x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 3) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 260 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 11-11-0 to 16-11-0 for 879.7 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard FESS Oqw- 1Otis • 2`� ER S• T/ �\ C -D 2G C 046 * EXP - • OF v d May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verifij design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED 187TEE REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite log Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofdo Drive, Madison, WI 53719. , A Job russ Truss Type Oty Ply Lot 128 CSI DEFL in - PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 821076905 5767-67 J -GBL COMMON 1 1 1 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.22 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 Job Reference (optional) o.cuu a wi i� cuvu mir.n uruwu� , ice. muir may .. --- ewe ray. r I 4-4-8 1 8-5-8 I 13-9-0 i 4-4-8 4-1-0 5-3-8 Scale = 1:24.5 4x8 M1120= 4 3x8 MIIzu= 3x4 MUD 11 8-5-8 - I 13.9.0 8-5.8 5-3-8 a> 0 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-2-0,0-2-0], [3:0-1-9,0-0-121,15:0-2-8, Edge], [14:0-1-12,0-1-0] 7777 Greenback Lane moo® LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 Suite 109 Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Vd PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. TC 0.36 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.22 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.58 Horz(TL) 0.01 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Weight: 62 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc puffins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std *Except* 5-6 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 2-2-8 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=367/13-9-0,6=168/13-9-0,8=833/13-9-0,9=68/13-9-0, 10=1/13-9-0, 11=133/13-9-0, 7=93/13-9-0 Max Upliftl=-254(load case 8), 6=-511(load case 9), 10=-13(load case 3) Max Gravl=850(load case 4), 6=763(load case 8), 8=1068(load case 4), 9=70(load case 7), 10=18(load case 10), 11=155(load case 3), 7=166(load case 9) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-1579/850,2-3=-1249/561, 3-4=-5891618.4-5=-947/916,5-6=-695/454 BOT CHORD 1-11=-766/1407, 10-11=-3571998.9-10=-144/785,8-9=0/610,7-8=-641/833, 6-7=-43/251 WEBS 3-8=-646/0, 4-8=-545/0, 5-8=-968/658 NOTES ` 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are 2x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 13-9-0 for 145.5 plf. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(fy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MB -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane moo® Design valid for use on with MTek connectors. This design is based on upon 9 N g N Pn parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer •not truss designer. Bracing shown Suite 109 Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI I Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. WI 53719. iTek® Job russ Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.08 Vert(LL) -0.00 6 >999 360 821076906 5767-6Y K COMMON 6 1 8CLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.07 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a Job Reference (optional) .—Y '.Vo , I 3-0-0 I 6-0-0 I 3-0-0 3-0-0 4x4 M1120= Scale = 1:13.4 4.00 F12 3 3x5 M1120 11 3-0-0 3-0-0 3x5 M1120 II v 6 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.08 Vert(LL) -0.00 6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumberincrease 1.15 BC 0.12 Vert(TL) -0.01 1-6 >999 360 8CLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.07 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a BCOL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) -0.00 1 >999 240 Weight: 19 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-6-5, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-6-5 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=366/0-5-8,5=366/0-5-8 Max Horz 1=-17(load case 6) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-519/0, 2-3=-449/0, 3-4=-449/0, 4-5=-518/0 BOT CHORD 1-6=0/426, 5-6=0/426 WEBS 3-6=0/122 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category II, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. LOAD CASE(S) Standard �OQROFESS/ONgI S. cr C 0 6433 * E -0Y OF May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verjjy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MN -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane ® Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for on individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp N g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shovm is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component eT�1C® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. WI 53719. epi' 1 Job fuss cuss ype ty - Ply Lot t28 - " 821076907 5767-6Y K•DRAG COMMON 3 1, Job Reference (optional) ' Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 - - 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 1337:49 2006 Page 1 r 3-a0 + 6-0-0 .. - 3-60 4x4 M1120= Scale= 1:13.4 4.00 12 ' 3 - 4 4 1 2 1 5 0 6 3x4 MII20 % - - 6 2x4 MII2011 3x4 MII20� ' 4x5 M1120 I I 4x5 M1120 11 340.. 3o l s-ao , 3-0-0 3-0-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-2-0,0-2-01, [5:0-2-11,0-2-01 ' LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) Udell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.24 Vert(LL) -0.00 6 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.21 Vert(TL) -0.01 1-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.07 Horz(TL) 0.00 5 n/a n/a ' BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSl95 (Matrix) Weight: 19 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. ' WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-6-5, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-6-5 QUALIFIED BUILDING DESIGNER SHALL REVIEW THE INPUT LENGTH AND PLACEMENT OF CONNECTION TO TRANSFER LATERAL FORCES TO THE REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=366/0-5-8,5=366/0-5-8 SUPPORTING STRUCTURE AS STATED IN THE DRAG LOAD NOTE BELOW. ' Max Upfiftl=-240(load case 8), 5=-240(load case 9) Max Gravl=882(load case 4), 5=882(foad case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension t TOP CHORD 1-2=-1533/592,2-3=-1056/193,3-4=-1055/193, 4-5=1526/586 ' BOT CHORD 1-6=-540/1326, 5-6=-540/1326 WEBS 3-6=0/122 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 2000 Ib. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 6-0-0 for 333.3 plf. ' LOAD CASE(S) Standard �oQROFESS/pN�l Tjyc F2 S.03 m LU C 04 33 ' * E 1, 07 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verib design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITES REFERENCE PAGE MH.7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenlers and proper incorporation of component Citrus Heights, CA, 95610M1 pp ty g p p p po ponent is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibility of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. �A _ , iY iTek Job russ Truss Type Qty. y - Lot 128 6.0.0 3-0-0 1 &0.0 821076908 5767-6Y K -GBL COMMON 1 1 I CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP Job Reference (optional) runwurur vaarurar urr rrcurrc v��w u.cvu aur r�cw�niir cn rrruuaur r�..rvrvrri ray —9. r 3-0-0 I 6-0-0 3-0-0 30.0 4x4 M1120= - Scale = 1:13.4 4.00 12 3 '1 3x5 M1120 11 3x4 M1120 2x4 M112011 3x4 M1120ZZ 3x5 M1120 II 1 3-0-0 6.0.0 3-0-0 1 &0.0 i Plate Offsets (X,Y): [1:0-1-12,0-2-121,(5:0-2-7,0-2-121 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.21 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.12 Vert(TL) .n/a n/a 999 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.01 Horz(TL) 0.00 .6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) : Weight: 19 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-6-5, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-6-5 REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=282/6-0-0, 5=282/6-0-0, 6=168/6-0-0 Max Upliftl=-82(load case 8), 5=-82(load case 9) Max Gravl =561 (load case 4), 5=561 (load case 3), 6=168(load case 4) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-871/310, 2-3=-527/108, 3-4=-527/108, 4-5=-867/307 BOT CHORD 1-6=-295/733, 5-6=-295/733 WEBS 3-6=-41/0 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 3) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 180 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 6-0-0 for 180.0 plf. t LOAD CASE(S) Standard �OQROFESS/ON9l cCO C 046 3 * EX - 7 TFOF E May 2,2006 ® WARNING - VerjN design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED 119TER REFERENCE PAGE MZT-7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane tee® Design valid for use on with i•N'Tek connectors. This design Is based on u - Suite 109 g H g b pan parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design individual rs and proper incorporation of component is to insure of building designer • not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication. quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPI) Quality Criteria, OSB -89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, ivlad'aon, WI 53719. 7 pp ne V 9 iTek Job russ Truss Type Qty�Ply1Lot DEFL in 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.39 R21076909 5767-6Y - L1-GRDR MONOTRUSS 2 BC 0.37 Vert(TL) -0.07 2-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) 1-9-7 "1 5-8-15 - i 7-6-15 1-9-7 5-8-15 - 1-10-0 2x4 M112011 Scale = 1:19.0 4 3x4 M1120= - - J^ <V 3x5 M1120= 5-8-15 I 7.6.15 i 5-8-15 1-10-0 LOADING(pso SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.39 Vert(LL) -0.04 2-6 .>999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.37 Vert(TL) -0.07 2-6 >999 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.42 Horz(TL) 0.01 5 ". n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.01 2-6 >999 240 Weight: 29lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std *Except* 3-6 2 X 8 SPF 1950F 1.5E REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=881/0-5-10,5=1179/Mechanical Max Horz2=96(load case 3) - FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/42, 2-3=-1175/0, 3-4=-53/0 BOT CHORD 2-6=0/1026,5-6=0/1026 WEBS 4-5=-5/22, 3-6=0/1174, 3-5=-1588/0 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 4) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 1000 Ib down at 5-9-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 5) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-4=-88, 2-5=-34 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 6=-1000(F) May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(fy design Parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED BITTER REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. ?777 Greenback Lane 1—s® Design valid for use on with miTek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g N g b upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. 95610 CA, Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, Mi is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage. delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/rPll Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component r iTek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. WI 53719. , A Job Tr ss Truss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.42 821076910 5767.6Y L2 JACK 4 1 - Vert(TL) -0.11 2-5 >641 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) 1-9-7 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:50 2006 Page 1 6.2-5 1-3-4 4 - Scale= 1:17.2 2x4 M1120= 6.2.5 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.42 Vert(LL) -0.06 2-5 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.27 Vert(TL) -0.11 2-5 >641 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00 ' 2 "" 240 Weight: 22 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=553/0-5-10, 6=462/0-1-8 Max Horz 2=94(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/42, 2-3=-160/17, 3-4=-35/0, 5-6=0/99, 3-6=-353/19 BOT CHORD 2-5=-4/72 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Bearing at joint(s) 6 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate at joint(s) 6. LOAD CASE(S) Standard oQ�OFESS/p�,q S. CO (D C 046433 lmt: IIIAI Q 12 May 2,2006 . ® WARNING - Ver{/y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED IID7'EH REFERENCE PAGE MH -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane sem® Design valid for use on with rv4Tek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g y g N pan parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paramenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Hei g 1 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing. consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. - M ATek Job russ Truss Type aty Ply Lot 128 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 821076911 5767.6Y L3 JACK 4 1 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.25 Vert(TL) -0.10 2-5 >694 360 BCLL 10.0 Job Reference (optional) -1-g-7 i 197 o.evuavm iamw miier<ummm w. munmeyui ioar.uv muv rage r 6.0.8 l 7-4-11 6-0.8 1-4-3 4 arab, = 1-17 n 2x4 M1120= 6-48 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [2:0-1-7,0-0-21 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.40 Vert(LL) -0.06 2-5 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.25 Vert(TL) -0.10 2-5 >694 360 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANS195 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00 2 "" 240 Weight: 21111 LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=54310-5-10,6=461/0-1-8 Max Horz2=93(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/42, 2-3=-147/26, 3-4=-37/0, 5-6=0/96, 3-6=-355/19 BOT CHORD 2-5=-4/61 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category Il, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANS195 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Bearing at joint(s) 6 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate atjoint(s) 6. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 0 FESS/ON�I • ; S. Tj�,c�F2c C0 a '� m CD W C 04 433rn * E 07 ' OFC F May 2,2006 ® WARNING - ver(y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED i1OTER REFERENCE PAGE DW 7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane --® Design valid for use only with MTek connectors. This design B based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation of component Citrus Heights, CA, 95610M1 PP tY �9 P p p po poneni is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding tobdcotion, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. WI 53719. - M iTek Job russ Truss Type aty Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 _ - 821076912 5767-6Y L4 JACK 4 1. BC 0.26 Vert(TL) -0.10 ` 2-5 >694 360 BCLL ., 10.0 Rep Stress Incr Job Reference (optional) wxwv�.„ va�o.e „„ ... ...... . oy -1.9.7. } 6-0-8. 7-2-12 1-9-7 6-0-8 1-2-3 Scale= 1:17.9 4 2x4 MI120= 60.8 60-8 V L6 N o T LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI - DEFL in floc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.44 Vert(LL) -0.06 2-5 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC 0.26 Vert(TL) -0.10 ` 2-5 >694 360 BCLL ., 10.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00, 2 240 Weight: 21 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD . Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=546/0-5-10,6=443/0-1-8 Max Horz2=92(load case 3) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/42, 2-3=-156/17, 3-4=-32/0, 5-6=0/96, 3-6=-336/18 BOT CHORD 2-5=-4/69 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) Bearing at joint(s) 6 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate at joint(s) 6. LOAD CASE(S) Standard May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(& design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MD -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use on with M-Fek connectors. This design is based on u Suite 109 g y g b upon parameters shown, and for an individual building component. Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer- not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, OSB -89 and BCSII Building Component 6Tek® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. Job russcuss Type Qty Ply Lot 128 1.15 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 821076913 5767-6Y L4-GRDR 3x5 MI 2�IAL 4 1 1 WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a Job Reference (optional) roxwonn uaioraiur, ruma, 'ui '717"..' mIr xMII21 5 6 7 24 Iw. rvwn may ur i�.�r.0 r euuo raye i 4 2-59 2-59 2-59 x 2-59 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 3x5 M1120 = 3 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud TC 0.56 Vert(LL) -0.00 3-4 >999 360 BC 0.04 Vert(TL) -0.00 3-4 >999 ' 360 WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 3 n/a n/a (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.00 4 "" 240 BRACING PLATES GRIP A11120 197/144 Weight: 9 Ib TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-6-1 oc pudins, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (Ib/size) 4=516/Mechanical, 3=499/Mechanical FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-4=-479/4,1-5=0/0, 5-6=0/0, 6-7=0/0, 2-7=0/0, 2-3=-462/4 BOT CHORD 3-4=0/0 WEBS 1-3=-0/O NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 250 Ib down at 0-6-0, and 250 Ib down at 1-3-0, and 250 Ib down at 2-0-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 6) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: 1-2=-88, 3-4=-34 Concentrated Loads (lb) / Vert: 5=-250(F) 6=-250(F) 7=250(F) Scale = 1:6.8 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Ver(jy design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MH -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for on incMduot building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 956101 pp ty g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding A �/ fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSIAPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component w iTe^® Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison. WI 53719. Job russ Truss Type Oty Ply Lot 128 PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.45 R21076914 5767-6Y L-GRDR COMMON 1. n L - Job Reference (optional) ro—unn mamrann, ruma, —ona oosoo It 1-9-7 5-9-5 o.mu s Jul i o wuo M1 i ex mausin-, inc. inion may u i --az <uuo rage i 1-11-0 1-11-0 5-9.5 4x6 M112011 4x8 M1120 4 1-9.7 Scale= 1:31.0 - 2x4 M1120 11 10x10 M1120= 2x4 M1120 II lg LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension CSI DEFL in (loc)- I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.45 Vert(LL) -0.12 9 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 6 - 3 rows at 0-4-0 oc. BC 0.58 Vert(TL) -0.23 9 >762 360 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.35 Horz(TL) 0.06 6 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.05 9 >999 240 Weight: 131 lb LUMBER �QSER BRACING CO Cm TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Q TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-10-1 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD ; Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 8 SPF 195OF 1.5E *Except* - 3-9 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std, 4-9 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Uniform Loads (plf) E -07 5-9 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std t REACTIONS (Ib/size) 2=3292/0-5-10,6=3292/0-5-10 Max Horz2=49(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=0/48, 2-3=-8247/0, 34=7366/0, 4-5=-7366/0, 5-6=-8247/0, 6-7=0/48 BOT CHORD 2-10=0/7708, 9-10=0/7708, 8-9=0!7708, 6-8=0/7708 WEBS 3-10=0/844, 3-9=-1044/0, 4-9=0/4369, 5-9=-1044/0,5-8=0/844 NOTES 1) 2 -ply truss to be connected together with 0.131"x3" Nails as follows: Top chords connected as follows: 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. Bottom chords connected as follows: 2 X 6 - 3 rows at 0-4-0 oc. Webs connected as follows: 2 X 8 - 2 rows at 0-9-0 oc, 2 X 4 - 1 row at 0-9-0 oc. 2) All loads are considered equally applied to all plies, except if noted as front (F) or back (B) face in the LOAD CASE(S) section. Ply to ply connections have been provided to distribute only loads noted as (F) or (B), unless otherwise indicated. 3) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 4) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 70 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) Hanger(s) device(s) Q��FESS/�� Q q S. or other connection shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 2400 Ib down at 7-8-5, and 1000 Ib �QSER down at 9-7-5, and 1000 Ib down at 5-9-5 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of CO Cm others. Q C7 LOAD CASE(S) StandardC 04 433 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=1.15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (plf) E -07 Vert: 1-4=-88, 4-7=-88, 2-6=-34 t Continued on page 2 OF May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED OUTER REFERENCE PAGE ffiD-7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane 09 Design vorid for use only with MTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and 6 for on individual building component. Suite He Applicability of design oramenters and proper incorporation i Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp N g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery. erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPI) Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component 1" Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'OnofrioDrive. Madison, W153719. 1 M 6Tek Job Truss Truss TypeLot 126 R21076914 5767-6Y L-GRDR COMMON 1 JobReference bon Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:52 2006 Page 2 LOAD CASE(S) Standard Concentrated Loads (Ib) ' Vert: 10=-1000(F) 9=-2400(F) 8=-1000(F) t 1 ® WARNING - Ver(y design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU 7473 BEFORE USE. X777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MwTek connectors. This design k based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design paromenters and proper incorporation of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construc lion is the responsibillity, of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BC511 Building Component db Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, WI 53719. _ eTek Job russ Truss Type all Ply Lot tza LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 R21076915 5767-6Y M -GBL COMMON - 1. 1 Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC Job Reference (optional) i 3-2-12 I. 6-2-0 I 9-1-4 I 12-4.0 3-2-12 - - 2-11-4 - 2-11-4 3-2-12 Scale = 1:21.1 4x5 M1120= 4 1 3x5 MI120 II 3x4 MI120- 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120= 3x4 M1120-- 3x5 M1120 II 4-2-8 - 8-1-8 12-4-0 I I 4-2-8 3-11-0 4-2-8 r 6 ndra vuacm kA, rt. ti.a-r-ic,u-4-141,tv.u-c-u,u-u-dl,V.u-c-r,a-c-rcl, t[c.u-a-u,u-u-ul LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.20 Vert(LL) n/a n/a 999 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 SC 0.14 Vert(TL) n/a n/a 999 BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB -0.21 Horz(TL) 0.00 11 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code USC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Weight: 51lit _ LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. ' BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing, Except: WEBS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 10-0-0 oc bracing: 12-13,9-10. OTHERS 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-7-11, Right 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std 1-7-11 ' REACTIONS (lb/size) 1=205/12-4-0,7=205112-4-0,12=416/12-4-0, 10=416/12-4-0, 11=70/12-4-0, 13=1112-4-0, 14=95/12-4-0, 9=1/12-4-0, 8=95/12-4-0 Max Upliftl=-250(load case 8), 7=-250(16ad case 9), 12=-94(load case 8), 10=-94(load case 9), 13=11(load case 3), ' 9=-11(load case 4) Max Gravl=583(load case 4), 7=583(load case 3), 12=778(load case 4), 10=778(load case 3), 11=71(load case 2), 13=20(load case 10), 14=118(load case 3), 9=20(load case 7), 8=118(load case 4) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-962/698, 2-3=-663/423, 3-4=-325/426, 4-5=-325/426, 5-6 663/423, 6-7=-958/698 BOT CHORD 1-14=-616/881,13-14=-265/491, 12-13=-25/238,11-12=-282/443, 10-11=-282/443, 9-10=-25/238, 8-9=265/491, 7-8=-616/881 WEBS 3-12=-344/0, 4-12=-716/410, 4-10=-716/410, 5-10=-344/0' NOTES ' 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) All plates are 2x4 M1120 unless otherwise indicated. 3) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 4) Gable studs spaced at 1-4-0 oc. �QFES$�� 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. oQ ' 6) This truss has been designed for a total drag load of 180 plf. Connect truss to resist drag loads along bottom chord from 0-0-0 to 12-4-0 Q� �R S. for 180.0 pill. LOAD CASE(S) Standard C 433 * -a7 May 2,2006 ® WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITER REFERENCE PAGE MU -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 pp N g p p p poration of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing of the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute. 583 D'Onotdo Drive, Madison, WI 53719. . - M ITek ' - 5x7 M1120= 3 — 4-2-8 B-1-8 12-4-0.. 1 I 1 4-2-8 _ 3-11-0 4-2-8 Plate Offsets (X,Y): [6:0-5-0,0-6-01,(7:0-5-0.0-6-01 LOADING(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.15 TC 0.54 Vert(LL) -0.11 6-7 >999 360 M1120 197/144 TCDL 24.0 Lumber Increase 1.15 BC . 0.64 Vert(TL) -0.22 6-7 >643 360 ' BCLL 10.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.34 Horz(TL) 0.04 5 n/a n/a BCDL 7.0 Code UBC97/ANSI95 (Matrix) Wind(LL) 0.05 6-7 >999 240 Weight: 53 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-7-11 oc purlins. ' BOT CHORD 2 X 8 SPF 1950F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E *Except` 2-7 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std, 4-6 2 X 4 SPF Stud/Std f REACTIONS (Ib/size) 1=3188/0-5-8,5=3188/0-5-8 Max Horz 1 =29(load case 5) FORCES (Ib) - Maximum Compression/Maximum Tension TOP CHORD 1-2=-5555/0, 2-3=-5570/0, 3-4=-5570/0, 4-5=-5555/0 ' BOT CHORD 1-7=0/5059, 6-7=0/3906, 5-6=0/5059 WEBS 2-7=0/412, 3-7=0/2095, 3-6=0/2096, 4-6=0/412 NOTES 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. ' This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated 70 mph winds 25 ft 2) by at above ground level, using 13.0 psf top chord dead load and 6.5 psf bottom chord dead load, in the exterior(2) zone roof zone on an occupancy category 11, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC97/ANSI95 If end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are not exposed to wind. If porches exist, they are not exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads- 4) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase=l..15, Plate Increase=1.15 Uniform Loads (pIf) �QFES$/0 Q Vert: 1-3=-88, 3-5=-88, 1-5=-449(F=-415) �,R S, 1 w03 F� cm rn t C 04P63 ,t EX - 7 _ lFOF E May 2,2006 I Job Truss cuss ype Qty Lo1728 " 821076976 5767bY M-GRDR COMMON 1 1ply 1 Job Reference (optional) Foxworth Galbraith, Yuma, Arizona 85365. 6.200 s Jul 13 2005 MiTek Industries, Inc. Mon May 01 13:37:53 2006 Page 1 .I 3-2-12 I 6-2-0 [ 9-1-4 12-4-0 1 3-2-12 .. 2-11-4 - 2-11-4 3.2-12 Scale =1:20.4 ® WARNING - Ver(jy design parameters and READ NOTES ON TRIS AND INCLUDED JUTEK REFERENCE PAGE AM -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 1 PP ty 9 P p p poralion of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing or the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. MiTek ® WARNING - Ver(jy design parameters and READ NOTES ON TRIS AND INCLUDED JUTEK REFERENCE PAGE AM -7473 BEFORE USE. 7777 Greenback Lane Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component. Suite 109 Applicability of design aromenters and proper incorporation Citrus Heights, CA, 95610 1 PP ty 9 P p p poralion of component is responsibility of building designer -not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of individual web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stability during construction is the responsibillity of the erector. Additional permanent bracing or the overall structure is the responsibility of the building designer. For general guidance regarding fabrication, quality control, storage, delivery, erection and bracing, consult ANSI/TPII Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSII Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, WI 53719. MiTek Symbols Numbering System ® General Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION Failure to Follow Could Cause Property 3/4' *Center plate on joint unless x, y offsets are indicated. Dimensions are in ft-in-sixteenths. 6 4-8 dimensions shown in ft-in-sixteenths Damage or Personal Injury Apply plates to both sides of truss 1. Additional stability bracing for truss system, e.g. and securely seat. diagonal or X-bracing, is always required. See BCSI1. 0-'h6" 2. Never exceed the design loading shown and never 1 2 3 TOP CHORDS C1-2 c2-3 4 stack materials on inadequately braced trusses. 3. Provide copies of this truss design to the building designer, erection supervisor, property owner and o WEBS all other interested parties. * `' ��' p 4. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. For 4 x 2 orientation, locate U e_ plates 0-'/d' from outside a "CL 5. Place plates on each face of truss at each edge of truss. c�-s cv-� cs-s � joint and embed fully. Knots and wane at joint BOTTOM CHORDS locations are regulated by ANSI/TPII . *This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in 8 7 6 5 6. Design assumes trusses will be suitably protected from connector plates. the environment in accord with ANSI/TPI 1. 'Plate location details available in MTek 20/20 7. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber shall not exceed 19% at time of fabrication. software or upon request. JOINTS ARE GENERALLY NUMBERED/LETTERED CLOCKWISE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO 8. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for PLATE SIZE THE LEFT• use with fire retardant or preservative treated lumber. 4 x 4 The first dimension is the width to Second CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT NUMBERS/LETTERS. 9. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to perpendicular slots. camber for dead load deflection. dimension is the length parallel to slots. 10. Plate type, size, orientation and location dimensions LATERAL BRACING CONNECTOR PLATE CODE APPROVALS shown indicate minimum plating requirements. Indicated by symbol shown and/or BOCA 96-31, 95-43, 96-20-1, 96-67, 84-32 11. Lumber used shall be of the species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than that by text in the bracing section of the specified. output. Use T, I or Eliminator bracing if indicated. ICBO 4922, 5243, 5363, 3907 12. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at spacing shown on design. BEARING SBCCI 9667, 9730, 96046, 951 1, 9432A 13. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft. spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. • Indicates location where bearings (supports) occur. Icons vary but 14. Connections not shown are the responsibility of others. reaction section indicates joint number where bearings occur. ffd 15. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of a professional engineer. Industry Standards:M-1 MiTek® 16. Install and load vertically unless indicated otherwise. ANSI/TPII: National Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construction. DSB-89: Design Standard for Bracing. • BCSI1: Building Component Safety Information, Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. MTek Engineering Reference Sheet: MII-7473 © 2004 MiTek® i1:111IiV1►111W►'''1'_ I Truss TechnologVl II;I '11-11111. Always Diagonally Brace for Safety What NOT to do - The leading cause of truss collapse is improperly installed or inadequate temporary bracing. Protect yourself, your crew and your project by using temporary diagonal bracing, that braces the bracing. Aiwi (Actual photos of projects.) WARNING! Setting trusses is extremely dangerous if there is not complete and proper bracing Always Diagonally Brace! Trianglesbracing strong. i i' e 7 , 1N Triangles make trusses strong. G:pyright 0 2002 Wood Truss Council of America, Inc. TTBTemp-020218 O leave construction materials on lifting equipment until installation, if possible. stack materials along outside supports or directly over inside supports of properly braced structures. DON'T stack materials at locations that will produce instability, such as on cantilevers or near truss -to -girder connections. DON'T drop loads on trusses. The impact can damage the trusses even if the load is small. I .11 Trusses have NO CAPACITY to carry load UNLESS they're PROPERLY BRACED or SHEATHED. ' Make sure that the truss assembly is properly braced according to the guidelines in WTCA's TTB—Always Diagonally Brace for Safety and the Job Site Warning Poster. Wood Truss Council of America Truss Technology IN BLIILDIN+G One WTCA Center An informational series designed to 6300 Enterprise Lane • Madison, Wl 53719 address the issues and questions 608/274-4849 • 608/274-3329 (fax) faced by professionals in the www.woodtruss.com • wtca@wooatruss.com building construction process. Copyright 0 2CO2 wood Truss Council of America. Inc. Reproduction of this document, in any form, is prahibited wwi?hewt written permission from wTCA. This document should appear in more than one color. ' Front Fhoto courtesy of Chambers Truss Option 1: Continuous Temporary Lateral Bracing and Diagonal Bracing See WTCA's Warning Poster for more detailed information. Temporary Diagonal Bracing every 20' Temporary Diagonal Bracing • Spans 45' - 60' Use spacing no greater than 6 ' ' Spans between 30' - 45'. Use 8' spacing 1! ' Spans up to 30': Use 10' spacing - Continuous Temporary Lateral Bracing -- &'---- I a ---- or; or1D (where possible place 8or at each top chord jcint) 00" �d g 8 \\ 20' 20' 2 x 4" x 10' Length lapped over two trusses Spans over 60' require complex temporary bracing. Consult a professional engineer. II I Supplemental information that applies to each of the five (5) options provided. Do NOT use temporary continuous lateral bracing/spacers alone... Always include diagonal bracing, ' For all bracing and spacing members: Always use 2 -10d, 12d or 16d nails into each truss for both lateral and diagonal members. Drive nails flush, or use double headed nails for easiest brace removal. It is very important to use this TTB document with 'NTCA's Warning Poster. Please see "BEGINNING THE ELECTION PROCESS" (sample A.) and "BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR 3 PLANES OF ROOF` (sample B+) The WTCA Warning Poster provides additional information needed to properly and safely install and temporarily brace trusses, a I Note: Locate ground braces for first truss directly in line with all rows of top chord continuous lateral bracing (either temporary or permanent). Web members Brace the bracing Another source of similar information is TPI's HIB -91. ,5* ' ''`�`��' Bottom chords 1l� Copyright ) 2002 Wood Truss Council of America, Inc. Option 2A:c Short Plece Temporary Continuous, Speicers,.and Diagonal Cross Bracing Spans 45'`60' Usespacingno greater than:'ti' 'Spans between 3U --..45'-,',6s0: 8spacing t DO NOT set more than 5 trusses before you diagonally brace as shown. This approach will NOT work without diagonal bracing applied early and often! - � i �• I +; ,:.�-,r.- •Spans tip to"30' iUs_e::10� speejng ; .�+ ry: + Con_ tenuo Temporaus Temporary , `n Diagonal + y6i 8 or10' ?6 a cr:io s Lateral Spacers Bracing;„ B% (where possible place: p e o, 'at each too. chord joint) O ; Spans over 60' r IL.require complex temporary , bracing. Consult a - professional engineer. eer. i 45 If nails splitr _ spacer piece, - do NOT use it. Tem ora Aia onal T " . _ - , x Min, 26" P ry 9 of 26" Laterat_Spacers: R LONOE� \• Bracing' repeated (use of longer spacers'wlll entire length of building` I reduce splitting potential) _ f + Truss 1 "Seet,WTCA's Warning Poster for more. detailed information.. ,used :as.;shown: Truss 2 ....,�a . r� 00ti:oni°2B Short Piece Temporary Continuous, Spacers and'Diagonal°Bracing Atspans4s'=6o.Use!spacing�nogf atertharr:6''' DO NOT set more than 5 trusses before you diagonally brace as shown. This approach will NOT work without diagonal bracing applied early and often! F, •Spans between 30' --45': Use; 8' spacing: i ,! Spans up to,30:;Use °10,.,spacing Temporary 6 Continuous_Ti mporary Diagonal -� s ; e or to' .6 6 -or 16 Lateral Spacers Bracing: s"e (where.poss+ble. place at each top' chord,joini)' O :e:. B'01' •. Spans over 60' require complei temporary bracing. ' Consult a professional an ineer H nails split spacer piece, 2",x4" x22'%z" do NOT. use it. 8'. Lateral Spacers �! Temporary Diagonal' Bracing repeated, �. eniireaength of building - See WTCXs Warning Poster for more'detailed information. used as shown: Copyright 02002 Wood Tris Council of America, Inc_ r RU E EERIN�i 4r _T R,U,, > , THIS SUBMI L HAS BEEN REVEIWED FOR << PUANCE WITH THE DESIGN A Company You Can T x LN EXCEPTIONS TAKEN. CITY ® & SAFETY DEPT'. p REVISE AND RESUBMIT BUILDI p MAKE CORRECTIONS AS NOTED APPROVED' P P ROVED O REJECTED FOR CONcTRUCTION 75-110 ST. CHARLES PLACE SUITE 11 A oaT� a� BY k 6 Pic' �'Y JOB No.: �Un� PALM DESERT, CA 92260 , PHONE: 760-341-2232, FAX: 760-341-2293 -NAME: • PROJECT: 4f r L-59, j MANUFACTURING YARD: 55755 TYLER STREET, THERMAL, CA. 92274 FAX: 760-399-9786 APR 2 0 2006 • By �j CATEGORY CONFOAMIM NON -CONFORM. REMARKS NA410NAL INSPECTION ASSOMATION QTc. NIA ....... E Quality Systems Management. Inc. Joint Accuracy is within 118' Per AC -99 __ _ Plate Placement �. s National Testing, Inc. UrigEriatiari Date 37-2003 dl 611169 ICC ES Revision No. C . Accredited Quality Assurance /Control Akeney MS AA -583 AF,1,13 MeA it Plate Connected Wood Truss Any Test / Measuring Equipment That Requires Calibration Alon Listed Fabricator's Audit Report Number: A'1385.. Audit Date/Arrive/Depart: _� s-4 r� Q % 35-cL,• Fabricator's Name: Location: Does the Fabricator have a current Agreement with. the Agency for Audit? ...........................:::... Yes . No' Is the Qualiitr System Manual, "QSM" up to date per AC -1d & AC -98? ....................................... Yes No Has the QSM been reviewed'~ within a twelve month period?...: ......... I ................ Are. materials used in Production per National Standards & Ergineers Specifications? .:.:.......... Yes lir No Is .an acceptable; In -House Quality Control System according to National Standards in place?.. Yes. No Are In -House Quality Control Inspections being conducted Per National Standards?*. ................ Yes _— No Is Final Inspection of the Trusses completed prior to Labeling & Shipment'! ..............`................. Yes v- No Is there a Systern in placeto deal with Non -Conforming Materials? ............. ............................... Yes No Are written Q.C. Inspection Reports and Agency Audits kept for at least two years? .................. Yes No Have any Corrective Action Requests, "CAR", been issued during this Audit?.......................:.... Yes No ✓ . Product Claeck. CATEGORY CONFOAMIM NON -CONFORM. REMARKS Lumber Grade Per AC -28 Joint Accuracy is within 118' Per AC -99 __ _ Plate Placement ANSI / TPI 2002 _ Plate Slze dl 611169 ICC ES Plate to Blood Tolerance Is within Mr' Per AC -98 Label Legibikty.=Labels an Slte - Stamps Labels rim I Per AC -98 ^—1 CATEGORY YES NO REMARKS Changes 4r.. Supervisory Personnel, Production. Process Per AC -28 Any Test Performed or Witnessed ! Per AC -99 Is Them Product Tractability --� Per AC -98 Any "CAR" Reports From Last Audit ✓� i Per AC -98 Any Shut Downs or Disruptions In Production I Per AC -98 Any Samples Taken rim I Per AC -98 ^—1 Any Test / Measuring Equipment That Requires Calibration <✓-� Per AC -98 Does the Final Product meet UBC / 1113C and National Standards? -- Required Signatures Fabricator OZ. Supervisor , Auditor for Natlona: Inspection Asscclation P.O. Box 3426 E-sliail: NIAdlette vcn.cvrri (307) 685-6331 Ufjue Gillette;. Wyoming 82717-3425 CeUular Phone: (307) 089-5977(307) G85-5331 Rax. Pape One oj'71va v 8X10 RAFTERS BY m BY OrrHERS Cal "MM 101'1:3007 EW DM VIM SOF CA�1E��� Q� a Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 TRU S S WORK S STEVE SWC 80820 KESSLER RESIDENCE VIA PORTIFINO LbT128 SALES REP DUE DATE DSGNR/CHKR SB JOLO / JOLO WO# PDO1103 Date : 4/6/2006 7:44 TC Live 16.00 psf DurFac-Lbr : 1.25 TC Dead 24.00 psf DurFac-Plt 1.25 A Company You Can Truss! @THE HIDEAWAY, LAQUINTA, CA. BC Live 0.00 psf O.C. Spacing : 24.0 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A BC Dead 7.00 psf Code : CBC -01 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 #Tr/#Cfg : 180•/ 101 Total 47.00 psf /Job Nbme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: Al Qty: 1 Drwq: G K -IAC REACT SIZEREQ'D 1 t;. 0- 1-12 624 3.50 . 1.50• 2 18- 8- 02430 12.00• 3.48• 3 37- 9- 4 719 3.50• 1.50• G REQUIRffiNTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -1078 0.00 0.51 0.51 2-3 -573 0.00 0.51 0.51 3-4 1061 0.14 0.41 0.55 4-5 1061 0.14 0.41 0.55 5-6-574 0.00 0.51 0.51 6-7 -1079 0.00 0.51 0.51 BC FORCE ARL BND CSI 8-9 965 0.08 0.33 0.42 9-10 -220 0.00 0.42 0.42 0-11 -221 0.00 0.42 0.42 1-12 966 0.08 0.33 0.42 WEBFORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-9 -629 0.22 5-10 -1065 0.70 '3-9 658 0.23 5-11 658'0.23 3-10-1065 0.70 6-11 -629 0.22 4-10 -1090 0.91 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE 3-10, GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Install interior support(s) before erect i Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. 10-5 PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. on. Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This trues requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the trues plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 6-10-5. 6-0-9� 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-10-5� 6-10-5 12-10-15 18-11-8 25-0-1 31-0-11 37-11-0 18-11-8 I 18-11-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7r 400 4.00 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -70 lb Support 2 -332 lb Support 3 '-91 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1. Trues Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 Mean roof height = 15.32 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf T 6-11-8 SHIP 0 3-1-� B1 B2 B3 W:308 18-8-0 W:1 W:308 11:624 11:2430 R:719 U:-70 U:-332 U:-91 37-11-0 11" 8 9 10 11 12 9-10-10, 9-014 9-0-14 9-1010 9-10-10 18-11-8 28-0-0 37-11-0 00 ft MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 10-11 (LIVE) LC L= -0.12" D= -0.04" T= 7-== Joint Locations =-==- =1 0- 0- 0 7 37-11 0 2 6-10- 5 8 0- 0- 0 3 12-10-15 9 9-10-10 4 18-11- 8 10 18-11- 8 5 25- 0- 1 11 28- 0- 6 6 31- 0-11 12 37-11- 0 OVER 3 SUPPORTS - All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer end done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss l is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will "use the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% andfor cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install PalmDesertCA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, 'ANSFTPI 1','WTCA 1' . Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responslbllhies,'BUIL.DING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. Eng. Job: EJ. Chk:JOLO Dsgnr:JOLO TC Live 16.00 psf TC Dead 24.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 7.00 psf TOTAL 47.00 psf 6 Scale: 3/32" = V WO: PD01103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 16" lJob Mime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A10 Qtv: 1 Drwa: I G S -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D 1 4; 19- 3-12 1818 3.50 . 2.61" 2 19- 3-12 1818 3.50" 2.61" 3 37- 9- 4 1931 3.50• 2.77• G REQUIREMENTS shorn are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -1252 0.00 0.46 0.46 2-3 -2798 0.15 0.36 0.51 3-4 -4898 0.38 0.36 0.74 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 5-6 6685 0.61 0.14 0.75 6-7 5929 0.54 0.18 0.72 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -498 0.40 2-6 1250 0.41 2-5 -2118 0.95 3-6 -1355 0.45 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 210OF-1.813 WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL ELK 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. (+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). Thia truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 19 S1 5-10-1 5-10-1 za ®Web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (TX01087001-001 revl). Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1. Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 Mean roof height = 15.14 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 6-0-9 6-10-5� 11-10-11 18-9-0 -4.00 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 7.3 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 $ live loads. D.P. = 1.33 Horiz. reaction = 7.3 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -674 lb Support 2 -674 lb Support 3 -561 lb HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) support 1 -259 lb support 2 -259 lb support 3 -259 lb 00 MAX DEFLECTION (span) ft L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= -0.20" D= -0.13" T= - Joint Locations =-- =1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 5-10- 1 6 8-11-10 3 11-10-11 7 18- 9- 0 4 18- 9- 0 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by 'W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. IN _Iri viA.vvV Scale: 7/32"= V 33" WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 TR U S SWO RKS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that wlll rause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a nd brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSI1TPI 1', VrTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 33" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: All Qty: 3 Drw : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ;D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) ' 1-`21- 7-12 772 3.50" 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -183 lb - 2 37- 9- 4 866 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -127 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shoves are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. HORIZONTAL•REACTION(S) In the truss material at each bearing This truss is designed using the End verticals are designed for axial loads support 1 -228 lb All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. CBC -01 Code. only unless noted otherwise. support 2 -228 lb TC FORCE AxL BND CSI Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Extensions above or below the truss profile Chk: JOLO 1-2 -59 0.00 0.28 0.28 Truss Location = End Zone (if any) have been designed for loads 2-3 -10300.01 0.51 0.52 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 3-4 -1532 0.02 0.51 0.53 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft the end of the extensions have not been A Company You CTl p y anrussnoted. Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 24.00 Mean roof height = 14.75 ft, mph - 80 considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any psf BC FORCE AxL END CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf otherwise unsupported wall may create a BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 5-6 509 0.06 0.27 0.33 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSIITPI 1','WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design ResponslbllRies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. hinge effect that requires additional design Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 6-7 1395 0.19 0.26 0.45 consideration (by others). Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 1-5 -98 0.06 2-6 664 0.23 2-5 -821 0.51 3-6 -633 0.21 k MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= -0.06" D= -0.04" T= - 3-6-1 6-0-9 6-1� Joint Locations 3-6-1 9-0-11 16-5-0 1= 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 3- 6- 1 6 6- 7-10 3 9- 6-11 7 16- 5- 0 1 2 3 4 4 16- 5- 0' -400 1.5-3 3-4 5-9-10 5.5 6-1-0 3-4 LO" 7 B2 C ' W:308 W:308 R:772 R:866 U:-183 -127 *I ® 0-0 16-5-0 21B s 7 OFIC 6-7 9-9-6 STUB 6-7-10 16--0 4/6/2006� All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4"= 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You CTl p y anrussnoted. Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 24.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Charless environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 9pl. Desert, Palm Desert and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSIITPI 1','WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design ResponslbllRies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 LO" lJob Uame: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: Al2 QW: 1 Drwa: MG X_ LOC REACT SIZERBQ'D 1 21- 7-12 1197 3.50"1.50• 2 23- 1-15 747 3.50" 1.50" 3 24- 9-13 713 3.50• 2.77- 4 26- 5-12 707 3.50" 1.50• 5 28- 1-10 1278 3.50• 1.50" 6 29-11- 2 775 3.50" 1.50" 7 31- 8-11 786 3.50" 1.50" 8 33- 6- 3 680 3.50" 1.50" 9 35- 3-12 1118 3.50" 1.50• 10 37- 9- 4 1104 3.50" 1.50" !RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY In the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AIR, END CSI 1-2 -374 0.00 0.34 0.34 2-3 -240 0.00 0.57 0.57 3-4 -1398 0.00 0.57 0.57 BC FORCE AXL HND CSI 5-6 0 0.00 0.20 0.20 6-7 0 0.01 0.50 0.50 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -167 0.10 2-6 -1019 0.62 2-5 -1036 0.64 3-6 -835 0.28 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPF 165OP-1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Lumber shear allowables are per HIS. Install interior support(s) before erection. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 s of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 5-9-10 3-63 61 3-0-1 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. Mark all interior bearing locations. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 185 lb support 5 832 lb support 9 1146 lb support 10 -1475 lb 6-0-9 6-10-5� 9-6-11 16-5-0 -4� + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Designed for 3.0 K lbs drag load applied WO: PDO1103 evenly along the top chord to the bottom This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer chord continuously, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=1.33. and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to beverMedbythe component manufacturer and/or building designer prior tofabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Continuous bearing reaction - 183 Plf. Connection (by others) must transfer equal DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 load to each ply (or add-on) shown. utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibllities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCS11-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. UPLIFT REACTIONS) : O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBI: -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Support 1 -364 lb Support 2 -137 lb Support 3 -131 lb Support 4 -130 lb Support 5 -235 lb Support 6 -142 lb Support 7 -144 lb Support 8 -125 lb Support 9 -205 lb Support 10 -186 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.75 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS -------------- Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/ TC Vert 80.00 21- 6- 0 80.00 37-I1- 0 0. TC Vert 94.00 37-11- 0 94.00 38-11- 0 0. BC Vert 430.15 21- 6- 0 430.15 37-11- 0 0. 6-1-0 1 SHIP MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC L- -0.01" D- -0.02" T. - ===== Joint Locations =--- 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 3- 6- 1 6 6- 7-10 3 9- 6-11 7 16- 5- 0 4 16- 5- 0 21-6_ 0 5 STUB 6 6-76-710 6-7-10 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOINR'-----"- All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 114" = V M 03" WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job:. EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to beverMedbythe component manufacturer and/or building designer prior tofabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr:JOLO TC Live 16.00 psf TC Dead 24.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 TRUSSWORKS A Company You Can Trussl utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Palm Desert, Charlespl. s Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibllities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCS11-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 7.00 psf TOTAL 47.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBI: -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 03" lob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A2 Qty: G x -LOC REACT sxzEREQ-D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Web bracing required at each location shown 1, a- 1-12 656 3.50 . 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E ® See standard details (TX01087001-001 revl) 2'19- 3-12 2399 3.50• 3.06• WEB 2x4 HF STUD - Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 3 37- 9- 4 616 3.50• 1.50• PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF G REQDIREMNTS shoorn are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. the trues material at each bearing Install interior support(s) before erection. Mark all interior bearing locations. TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1204 0.01 0.47 0.48 2-3 -956 0.01 0.47 0.48 3-4 481 0.05 0.40 0.45 4-5 622 0.07 0.42 0.48 5-6-836 0.00 0.47 0.48 6-7 -1084 0.00 0.47 0.48 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 8-9 1082 0.16 0.21 0.37 9-10 193 0.00 0.23 0.24 0-11 -841 0.01 0.17 0.18 1-12 -974 0.01 0.16 0.17 2-13 -234 0.00 0.24 0.24 3-14 968 0.14 0.21 0.36 WEB FORCE CSI ' WEBFORCE CSI 2-9 -512 0.11 4-12 900 0.31 3-9 877 0.30 5-12 -846 0.45 3-10 -841 0.44 5-13 881 0.31 4-10 906 0.31 6-13 -512 0.11 4-11 -2323 0.86 1 66-1� 6-0-9� 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-10-5 6-10-5 12-10-15 18-11-8 25-0-1 31-0-11 37-11-0 ( 18-11-8 i 18-11-8 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 41 00 6.6 -0.00 UPLIFT REACTIONS) Support 1 -80 lb Support 2 -319 lb Support 3 -74 lb This trues is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 15.32 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf T- _= Joint Locations - 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0 0 2 6-10- 5 9 6- 0-14 3 12-10-15 10 15- 3-15 4 18-11- 8 11 19- 3-12 5 25- 0- 1 • 12 22- 7- 1 6 31- 0-11 13 29-10- 2 7 37-11- 0 14 37-11- 0 3-4 3-4 T 6-7-12 5-5 5-5 6-7-12 SHIP 3-4 3-4 _` 4 �f 0-3-15 3-45 5 2 5.5 g.4 OJ -1 V�c'�C�O• Ell B2 B3 W:308 19 3-12 yy 308 W: 0� R:656 R:2399 R: 16 U•�'� U:-80 U:-319 U: 74 37-11-0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Off` (� 8-0-14 7-3-2 N 7-3-2 8-0-14 8-0-14 15-3m�d,+� 29-1 37-11-0 OF CA���O a` 4/6/2006 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8"= V ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responslbilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 'Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 13" Job Mime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss I RG X_ LOC REACT SIZE REQ D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1. 5E 1 0- 1-12 656 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E 2 19- 3-12 2399 3.50• 3.06• WEB 2x4 HF STUD 3 37- 9- 4 616 3.50• 1.50• PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. n the trues material at each bearing Install interior support(s) before erection. TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1204 0.01 0.47 0.48 2-3 -956 0.01 0.97 0.48 3-4 481 0.05 0.40 0.45 4-5 622 0.07 0.42 0.48 5-6-836 0.00 0.47 0.48 6-7 -1089 0.00 -0.47 0.48 BC FORCE AXL HND CSI 8-9 1082 0.16 0.21 0.37 9-10 193 0.00 0.23 0.24 0-11 -841 0.01 0.17 0.18 1-12 -974 0.01 0.16 0.17 2-13 -2340.00 0.24 0.24 3-14 968 0.14 0.21 0.36 D: A3 Qtv: Web bracing required at each location shown ® See standard details (TX01087001-001 revl) Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Mark all interior bearing locations. 1 NEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI VV Vf VV 2-9-512 0.11 4-12 900 0.31 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" = V 3-9 877 0.30 5-12 -846 0.45 Chk' JOLO _ 3-10 -841 0.44 5-13 881 0.31 4-10 906 0.31 6-13 -512 0.11 4-11 -2323 0.86 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Charlespl. s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 6-10-5 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-10-5 Palm Desert, A. and brace this tress In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilitles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WrCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 6-10-5_ - _ -12-10-15 - - 18-11-8- . _ . -25-0-1 31-0-11 37-11-0 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 18-11-8 18-11-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4.00 00 6-6 T 6-7-12 1 3-4 x 0-3-15 B1 W:308 R:656 U:-80 R:2399 U:-319 C UPLIFT REACTIONS) - Support 1 -80 lb Support 2 -319 lb Support 3 -74 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed= Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 15.32 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf T 6-7-12 SHIP 0-3-15 C B3 4.�/ R:651f = R 46 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 9-10 (LIVE) LC L= -0.07" D= -0.06" T= = Joint Locations -- 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0 0 2 6-10- 5 9 8- 0-14 3 12-10-15 10 15- 3-15 4 18-11- 8 11 19- 3-12 5 25- 0- 1 12 22- 7- 1 6 31- 0-11 13 29-10- 2 7 37-11- 0 14 37-11- 0 13" 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8-0-14 7-3-2 ^� 7-3-2 8-0-14 8-0-14 15-3-15 mld�,l� 29-10-2 37-11-0 VV Vf VV 4/ 6/2006 ' OVER 3 SUPPORTS ' All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not tress system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCan Trussl p you Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Charlespl. s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, A. and brace this tress In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilitles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WrCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 13" J_ob Nbme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A4 Qtv: 4 Drwa: GX-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D lt.: 0- 8- 4 691 3.50• 1.50• 2 19- 4-12 2354 5.50" 3.00• 3 37- 9- 4 625 3.50" 1.50• G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -1136 0.01 0.39 0.40 2-3 -898 0.00 0.44 0.44 3-4 432 0.04 0.42 0.47 4-5 595 0.07 0.42 0.48 5-6-863 0.00 0.47 0.48 6-7 -1111 0.01 0.47 0.48 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 8-91008 0.09 0.19 0.28 9-10 219 0.01 0.19 0.19 0-11 -786 0.00 0.19-0.19 1-12 -948 0.01 0.16 0.17 2-13 -211 0.00 0.24 0.24 3-14 993 0.15 0.21 0.36 WRB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-9 -470 0.10 4-12 901 0.31 3-9779 0.27 5-12 -847 0.45 3-10 -809 0.43 5-13 880 0.30 4-10 889 0.31 6-13 -511 0.11 4-11 -2284 0.85 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT 01607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. T 6-7-12 1 ®Web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (TX01087001-001 revl). Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Mark all interior bearing locations. 6-10-5 6-06-0 9 6-06-09 6-06-0� 6-0-09 6-10-5 12-10-15 18-11-8 25-0-1 31-0-11 2 3 4 5 6 4.00 6.6 4.00 UPLIFT REACTIONS) . Support 1 -86 lb Support 2 -311 lb Support 3 -76 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 15.32 ft, mph80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = =12.6 pef Joint Locations -- =1-0 - ==10- 0- 0 8 0- 0-0 2 6-10- 5 9 8- 0-14 6-106-10_5 3 12-10-15 10 15- 3-15 4 18-11- 8 11 19- 4-12 37-11-0 5 25- 0- 1 12 22- 7- 1 6 31- 0-11 13 29-10- 2 7 37-11- 0 14 37-11-.0 7 R:691 R:2364 U:-86 U:-311 37-11-0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8-08-0-14 7-3-2 M 7-37-3 2 8-0-0-14 8-0-14 153-15 g, 29-10-2 37-11-0 T -7-12 .4 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. 4/6/2006 Scale: 1/8" = V ®VVAKNINU T R U S S W O R KS Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Eng. Job: EJ. Chk' JOLO DS nr: JOLO g w0: PDO1103 TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss I p y Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI Council 'BUILDING BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 1% WTCA V- Wood Truss of America Standard Design Responsibilities, COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION- (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 14" Job Nkme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: MA Qty: 5 Drwg: I Gx-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Web bracing required at each location shown. 1} 0- 5- 8 635 11.00• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E ® See standard detail (TX01087001-001 revl). 2 19- 4-12 2580 5.50• 3.70• WEB 2x4 HF STUD Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 3 37- 9- 4 581 3.50• 1.50• 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E 3-12, 12-5 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. the truss material at each bearing Mark all interior bearing locations. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. 0-3-15 3-4 5-5 5� 3-4 Install interior support(s) before erection. TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1200 0.01 0.39 0.40 2-3 -270 0.00 0.46 0.46 3-4 1290 0.16 0.46 0.62 4-5 1338 0.18 0.41 0.59 5-6-452 0.00 0.52 0.52 6-7 -946 0.00 0.52 0.52 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 8-9 1065 0.16 0.04 0.20 9-10 1086 0.16 0.11 0.27 10-11 1089 0.09 0.25 0.34 11-12 -395 0.00 0.38 0.38 12-13 -579 0.00 0.42 0.42 13-14 840 0.06 0.33 0.39 WEBFORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-10 44 0.02 4-12 -1249 0.93 2-11 -927 0.26 5-12 -1050 0.68 3-11 639 0.22 5-13 668 0.23 3-12 -985 0.65 6-13 -627 0.21 6-10-5� 6-0-9 6-0-9 i 6-0-9� 6-0-9 6-10-6 6-10-5 12-10-15 18-11-8 25-0-1 31-0-11 37-11-0 18-11-8 18-11-8 1 2 3 14 5 6 7 F4.00 -4.0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -100 lb Support 2 -320 lb Support 3 -73 lb This trues is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed- Yes, importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 15.32 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf 4-4 T 3-4 3-4 T 6-7-12 6-0 1 5-5 6-11-8 3-4 SHIP s 1.5.3 1-6-3-4= 0-3-15 3-4 5-5 5� 3-4 0-3-1 B1 W:1100 2'00 1 200 19-4 1-4 17. W: W: 508 W: W:308 R:635 l R:2580 R:581 U:-100 U:-320 U:-73 1U1 8 I- 9-1-4 r ' 89 � 10 U 12 9-1 4 1813 8-1110 141' dddl 9-9� 0-11 8 0-11-8 5-10=13 , 6-10-5 ,. _14 19-2-0 , 28-1-10 37-11-0 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 12-13 (LIVE) LC L. -0.13" D= -0.02" T= - _= Joint Locations = 1 0-0- 0 8 0- 0- =0 2 6-10- 5 9 0-11- 8 3 12-10-15 10 6-10- 5 4 18-11- 8 11 10- 0-12 5 25- 0- 1 12 19- 2- 0 6 31- 0-11 13 28- 1-10 7 37-11- 0 14 37-11- 0 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. ® WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. R has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DSgnr: JOLO T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf A Company You -Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf PalmDesertCA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, 'ANSFrPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf /,\,i 6 2006 PQM 4/6/2006 Scale: 3/32" = V WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 14" lJob Mime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A4D Qtv: 1 Drwa: RG S -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D 1 0- 1-12 548 3.50 . 1.50• 2 � 2- 7- 8 191 3.50• 3.70" 3 4- 5- 5 30 3.50• 1.50• 46- 3- 1 33 3.50" 1.50• 5 8- 0-14 584 3.50" 1.50• 6 9-10-10 64 3.50• 1.50- 7 11- 8- 6 61 3.50• 1.50" 8 13- 6- 3 62 3.50• 1.50- 9 15- 3-15 590 3.50" 1.50- 10 17- 1-12 62 3.50• 1.50• 11 18-11- 8 62 3.50• 1.50• 12 20- 9- 4 62 3.50• 1.50• 13 22- 7- 1 590 3.50• 1.50• 14 24- 4-13 62 3.50• 1.50• 15 26- 2-10 61 3.50• 1.50• 16 28- 0- 6 63 3.50• 1.50• 17 29-10- 2 584 3.50• 1.50• 18 31- 7-15 33 3.50• 1.50• 19 33- 5-11 30 3.50• 1.50• 20 35- 3- 8 191 3.50• 1.50• 21 37- 9- 4 454 3.50• 1.50• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E 10-4, 4-11 GBL ELK 2x4 HF STUD Install interior support(s) before erection. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 4.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord along partial continuous bearing(s) indicated, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration -1.33. Partial continuous bearing reaction - 551 Plf Max. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 15.32 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -54 lb Support 2 -40 lb Support 3 -19 lb Support 5 -136 lb Support 9 -149 lb Support 13 -149 lb Support 17 -136 lb Support 19 -19 lb Support 20 -40 lb Support 21 -78 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 1109 lb support 2 -625 lb support 5 -1509 lb support 9 -1562 lb support 13 1562 lb support 17 1509 lb support 20 622 lb support 21 -1106 lb TC FORCE A%L SND CSI WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO 1-2 -898 0.00 0.44 0.44 are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads 2-3 -166 0.00 0.44 0.44 utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl 3-4 -135 0.00 0.43 0.43 noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 4-5 -135 0.00 0.43 0.43 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a nd brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 5-6 -166 0.00 0.44 0.44 BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 6-7 -898 0.00 0.44 0.44 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. ` Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 6-10-5 i 6-0-9 6-0_9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-10-5 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 6-10-5 12-10-15 18-11-8 25-0-1 31-0-11 37-11-0 6-9 0 0.00 0.27 0.27 18-11-8 9-10 0 0.00 0.02 0.02 1 1 2 3 t4 18-11-8 5 6 7r 0-11 0 0.00 0.02 0.02 1-12 0 0.00 0.02 0.02 2-13 0 0.00 0.27 0.28 400 -4.00 WEB 2-9 FORCE CSI -518 0.11 WEB FORCE 4-11 -665 CSI 0.42T 4-4 T 3-9 -704 0.63 5-11 -684 0.36 I 5-5 5-5 3-10 -684 0.36 5-12 -704 0.63 4-10 -665 0.42 6-12 -518 0.11 6-7-12 2-4 D2-0 6-11-8 SHIP 3-4 3-_ _ 0-3-15 0-3-1 3-4 5-5 5-5 3-4 Q' G 1f 37-11-0 I V �•"'� 8 9 10 11 12 13 8-0-14 7-37-3 2 7-3--2 7-3-2 8-0-14 8-014 15-3-15 22-7-1 29-10-2 37-11-0 OF TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 8-0 (LIVE) LC L= -0.01" D= -0.01" To - -=== Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 6-10- 5 9 8- 0-14 3 12-10-15 10 15- 3-15 4 18-11- 8 11 22- 7- 1 5 25- 0- 1 12 29-10- 2 6 31- 0-11 13 37-i1- 0 7 37-11- 0 rip 4/6/2006 Scale: 3132" = V D2" WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr:JOLO TRUSSWORKS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a nd brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA I'. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 D2" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A5 Qty: 5 Drw : RG X_ LOC REACT SIZE REQ•D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1. 5E Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 o- 5- 8 638 11.:0• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E ® See Standard details (TX01087001-001 revl). Support 1 -96 lb 2 19- 4-12 257a 5. . 3. . WEB 2x4 HF STUD Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -329 lb 3 37 - 9- 4 586 3.50• 1.50• 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE 3-11, 11-5 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 3 -69 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shove are based ONLY PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. This truss is designed using the a the trues material at each bearing Mark all interior bearing locations. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. CBC -01 Code. Install interior-support(s) before erection. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI Truss Location'= End Zone 1-2 -1183 0.01 0.38 0.39 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -308 0.00 0.46 0.46 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 12800.16 0.46 0.62 Mean roof height = 15.32 ft, mph 80 4-5 1327 0.17 0.41 0.59 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load =12.6 psf 5-6-468 0.00 0.52 0.52 6-7 -962 0.00 0.52 0.52 BC FORCE AxL BND CSI 8-91049 0.16 0.04 0.20 9-10 1076 0.13 0.27 0.40 - 0-11 -367 0.00 0.38 0.38 1-12 -569 0.00 0.42 0.42 2-13 855 0.06 0.33 0.39 MAX DEFLECTION (span) WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI L/999 MEM 10-11 (LIVE) LC 2-10-869 0.26 5-11 -1051 0.68 L- -0.13" D= -0.10" T= - 3-10 662 0.23 5-12 669 0.23 3-11 -996 0.66 6-12 -626 0.21 4-11 -1242 0.92 Joint Locations =-- =1== 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 6-10- 5 9 0-11- 8 3 12-10-15 10 10- 0-12 4 18-11- 8 11 19- 2- 0 5 25- 0- 1 12 28- 1-10 6-10-5 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 66-10-55 ,. 6 31- 0-11 13 37-11- 0 -� 7 37-11- 0 6-10-5 12-10-15 18-11-8 25-0-1 31-0-11 37-11-0 18-11-8 1 18-11-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4.00 -4.00 4-4 TT 3-4 3-4 6-7-12 5-55_5 6-11- 1 rF� x 3-4 3-4x 0-3-15 3-4 5 3-4 0-3-1 '1 BI B2 133 R 680 1R 2 R863 2.00 -2.00 257 5 U 1��•��� O U:-96 $ 91-4 U:-329 U:-69 * 1 9-1-A 110 37-14-0 48_Q.0 13; 011,0 111 -8 89 10� is -0 28-1-10 37 8-11-10 12 -0 q OF C�`���� . ppR OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3132" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that wlll cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a nd brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead CBC Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (SCSI 1.03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 7.00 psf Design Spec -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 22" Job Mime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A6 Qty: 1 Drw : RGx-LOC REACT SIZE REQ D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.513 Web bracing required at each location shown. UPLIFT REACTIONS) 1, a- 8-15 841 3.50 . 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E ® See standard details (TX01087001-001 revl). Support 1 -109 lb 2`19- 4-12 2588 5.50• 3.71• WEB 2x4 HF STUD Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Support 2 -347 lb 3 37- 9- 4 677 3.50• 1.50• 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E 3-11, 11-5 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 3 -90 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY WEDGE 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. CBC -01 Code. Install interior support(s) before erection. Mark all interior bearing locations. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AAL BND CSI Permanent bracing is required (by others) to Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -1090 0.01 0.38 0.39 prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -210 0.00 0.58 0.58 and ANSI/TPI 1. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft 3-4 1309 0.16 0.58 0.74 Mean roof height = 15.32 ft, mph = 80 4-5 1358 0.18 0.48 0.66 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 5-6-458 0.00 0.60 0.60 -------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- 6-7 -952 0.00 0.60 0.60 Dir L.Plf L.LOc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T TC Vert 80.00 0- 7- 3 80.00 37-11- 0 0.4 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI TC Vert 94.00 37-11- 0 94.00 38-11- 0 0.3 8-9 -985 0.00 0.09 0.10 BC Vert 14.00 0- 7- 3 14.00 37-11- 0 0.0 9-10 1006 0.12 0.31 0.43 ..Type... lbs X. Loc LL/TL 0-11 -405 0.000.43 0.43 TC Vert 350.0 0- 8-15 0.34 1-12 -602 0.00 0.48 0.48 TC Vert 0.0 37- 9- 4 1.00 2-13 846 0.06 0.38 0.44 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI MAX DEFLECTION (span) 2-10 -891 0.27 5-11 -1052 0.68 L/999 MEM 10-11 (LIVE) LC 3-10 592 0.21 5-12 669 0.23 L= -0.13" D= -0.10" T= - 3-11 -984 0.65 6-12 -626.0.21 4-11 -1256 0.94 _ --_= Joint Locations =-- - =1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0-=0 2 6- 3- 2 9 0- 4- 5 3 12- 3-12 10 9- 5- 9 6-36-3 2 6-06-09 6-0-9 6-0-9� 6-0-9 6-10-5 4 18- 4- 5 11 18- 6-13 6-3-2 12-3-12 18-4-5 24-4-14 30-5-8 37-3-13 5 24- 4-14 12 27- 6 - 7 6 30- 5- 8 13 37- 3-13 I 18-4-5 F 18-11-8 i 7 37- 3-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 400 -4.00 4-4 T5 3-4 3-4 T 6-7-12 350# 3� 5-5 6-11-8 SHIP t4tie = 4-4166-3 3-4 = � 0-6-5 3.4 0-3-15 81 3$ B2 B3 W:508 W:308 R:841 2.00 -2.0 18-9-9 R:2588 R:677 U:-109 U:-347 U:-90 0-il5 I 9-1-4 37-313 os 1 ^ i1�P:r112Q�1 0 7-3 189 9-1.4 10 11 X12 13 �DA� 99-1� 99-1� 8-11-10 9-9_6 ST 4-5 95-9 18-0-13 27.6-7 37-3-13 q' ` OF CP�\��- Ap 0 4/6/2006 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3132" = V ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDo1103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will "use the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 nd bra" this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a 'ANSI/TPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsib111tles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' • BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-01) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 22" Job Nhme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A7 Qty: 1 Drw : RG 8 -LOC REACT SIZE REQ,a TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1` 2- 3- 6 818 3.50• 3.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -107 lb 2 19- 3-12 2402 3.50• 3.44• WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -338 lb 3 37- 9- 4 710 3.50•, 1.50• 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E 3-10, 10-5 PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -96 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Mark all interior bearing locations. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing Permanent bracing is required (by others) to Install interior support(s) before erection. CBC -01 Code. prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL HND CSI and ANSI/TPI 1. Truss Location End Zone 1-2 72 0.01 0.34 0.35 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -447 0.00 0.53 0.53 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 1103 0.14 0.52 0.66 Mean roof height - 15.32 ft, mph = 80 4-5 1149 0.15 0.47 0.62 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 5-6 -547 0.00 0.59 0.59 - ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- 6-7 -1047 0.00 0.59 0.60 Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T TC Vert 80.00 2- 1-10 80.00 37-11- 0 0.4 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI TC Vert 94.00 37-11- 0 94.00 38-11- 0 0.3 8-9 961 0.11 0.33 0.44 BC Vert 14.00 2- 1-10 14.00 37-11- 0 0.0 9-10 -290 0.00 0.43 0.43 ..Type... lbs X. Loc LL/TL 0-11 -364 0.00 0.53 0.53 TC Vert 350.0 2- 3- 6 0.34 1-12 936 0.08 0.35 0.43 TC Vert 0.0 37- 9- 4 1.00 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 3-8 -818 0.15 3-10 -956 0.63 MAX DEFLECTION (span) 8-1 -514 0.09 4-10 -1130 0.94 L/999MEM 9-10 (LIVE) LC 2-8 -1028 0.55 5-10 -1047 0.68 L= -0.17" D= -0.21" T= - 2-9 -626 0.19 5-11 645 0.22 - 3-9 597 0.21 6-11 -630 0.21 =_ = Joint Locations = 1= 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 4-8-11 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-10-5 2 4- 8-11 9 7-11- 2 --1 3 10- 9- 5 10 17- 0- 6 4-8-11 10-9-5 16-9-14 22-10-7 28-11-1 35-9-6 4 16- 9-14 11 26- 0 - 0 16-9-14 18-11-8 5 22-10- 7 12 35- 9- 6 6 28-11- 1 13 0- 0- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 35- 9- 6 04� 4-4 T T 3-4 3-4 6.4-13 3500 4-4 5-5 6-11-8 1.5-3 SHIP ][0-9.9 51%-3 3 5156 3 .3-4 5 S 62 5-6 .130-31 C, W:308 5 6 W:308 W:308 R:818 1 2.00 2.00 17-2-2 u 2338 R:7110 :07 --= u.. C11 39" 0-30 7-7-10 18-9-0 1 r 3 ,8 9 9-1-4 10 11 12 2-1-10 Q` 6 7-11-2 9-1-48-11-10 9-9-0 STUB d}gTfpF �® 7-11-2 17-0-0 26-0-0 35-9-0 GA��F� 4/6/2006 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 118" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. Wo: PDo1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFaes L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTl p youanruss Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s environment that will "use the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm DesertCA. 9pl. + and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1'. WTCA 1' Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - (SCSI 143) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, De 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 39" lJob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A8 Qtv: 1 Drwa: I RGX-LOC REACT SIZE RHQ'D 1 . 3- 1- 0 805 3.50 . 3.50• 2 19- 3-12 2315 3.50• 3.32• 3 37- 9- 4 727 3.50" 1.50" RG REQUIREMENTS shoran are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 62 0.01 0.28 0.29 2-3 -496 0.00 0.54 0.54 3-4 1006 0.13 0.53 0.66 4-5 1050 0.13 0.47 0.60 5-6-604 0.00 0.59 0.59 6-7 -1098 0.00 0.59 0.59 BC FORCE AXL HND CSI 8-9872 0.10 0.30 0.40 9-10 -251 0.00 0.42 0.42 0-11 -258 0.00 0.53 0.53 1-12 985 0.09 0.35 0.44 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 3-8 -805 0.15 3-10 -935 02 8-1 -482 0'.09 4-10 - .6 1067 0.88 2-8 -954 0.37 5-10 -1046 0.68 2-9 -501 0.15 5-11 648 0.22 3-9 544 0.19 6-11 -625 0.21 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E 3-10, 10-5 PLATE VALUES PER ICBGRESEARCH REPORT #1607 Mark all interior bearing locations. Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BCLL. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to Install interior support(s) before erection prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. 63-4 350# 1.5-3 1 10I-11-2 61-49 W:308 R:805 U:406 3-11-1 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-10-5 3-11-1 9-11-11 16-0-4 22-0-13 28-1-7 34-11-12 16-0-4 18-11-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 400 4-4 400 6-10-0 18-9-0 1 9-1.4 01-12 22-118 9 10 11 12 l 77-1-8 9-1-4 8-11-109-9-6 STUB 7-1-8 16-2-12 25-2-0 3411-12 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Support 1 -106 lb WO: PDO1103 Support 2 -335 lb This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Support 3 -102 lb This truss is designed using the and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Truss Location = End Zone DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Mean roof height = 15.32 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS -------------- Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/ TC Vert 80.00 2-11- 4 80.00 37-11- 0 0. TC Vert 94.00 37-11- 0 94.00 38-11- 0 0. BC Vert 14.00 2-11- 4 14.00 37-11- 0 0. .Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL 1','WTCA of SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WrCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, TC Vert 350.0 3- 1- 0 0.34 TC Vert 0.0 37- 9- 4 1.00 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. T 6-11-8 SHIP Ap, 6330-3-15 W:308 R:727 U:-102 NJ, MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999MEM 9-10 (LIVE) LC L- -0.17" D= -0.21" T= - ===== Joint Locations =- 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 3-11- 1 9 7- 1- 8 3 9-11-11 10 16- 2-12 4 16- 0- 4 11 25- 2- 6 5 22- 0-13 12 34-11-12 6 28- 1- 7 13 0- 0- 0 7 34-11-12 - 4/ 6/2006 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/8" = 1' 38" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO g are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss l p y Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 ste-11 A 75-110 St. Charles s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 pl. PalmDesert CA. 9pl. Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards:'Joim and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI 1'. Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 1','WTCA of SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WrCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 38" Wob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A9 Qtv: 1 Drwa: RG B -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D 1, 3- 3-14 801 3.50 . 3.50• 2 419- 3-12 2289 3.50• 3.28• 3 37- 9- 4 731 3.50• 1.50• RG REQDIREIENTS shown are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ABL BND CSI 1-2 59 0.01 0.27 0.28 2-3 -506 0.00 0.55 0.55 3-4 978 0.12 0.53 0.66 4-5 1022 0.13 0.47 0.60 5-6 -6180.00 0.59 0.59 6-7 -1112 0.00 0.59 0.59 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 8-9 841 0.09 0.29 0.39 9-10 -241 0.00 0.42 0.42 0-11 -228 0.00 0.53 0.53 1-12 998 0.09 0.35 0.44 NEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 3-8 -801 0.15 3-10 -927 0.61 8-1 -472 0.09 4-10 -1049 0.87 2-8 -929 0.33 5-10 -1046 0.68 2-9 -464 0.14 5-11 648 0.22 3-9 527 0.18 6-11 -624 0.21 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E 3-10, 10-5 PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607 Mark all interior bearing locations. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to Install interior support(s) before erection prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. 3-83 8� 6-06-0 9 6-06-09 6-06-09 6-0-9� 6-10-5� 3-8-3 9-8-13 15-9-6 21-9-15 27-10-9 34-8-14 15-9-6 I 18-11-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 400 13-3-143-4 6-2-12 350#44 1.5-3 0-11-10 156 -5-0 B1 3 W:308 5-5 R:801 2.00 U:-105 4.00 4-4 5 g B2 3-4 W:308 2.00 16-1-10 R:2289 U:-334 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Support 14 -105 lb WO: PDO1103 Support 2 -334 lb This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Support 3 -103 lb This truss is designed using the and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor. - 1.00 ere to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Mean roof height = 15.32 ft, mph 80 is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/7 TC Vert 80.00 3- 2- 2 80.00 37-11- 0 0.4 TC Vert 94.00 37-11- 0 94.00 38-11- 0 0.3 BC Vert 14.00 3- 2- 2 14.00 37-11- 0 0.0 ..Type... lbs X.LOc LL/TL TC Vert 350.0 3- 3-14 0.34 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. (BCSI "3) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 O'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, TC Vert 0.0 37- 9- 4 1.00 Design Spec CBC -01 5.5 6-11-8 3-4 -0-3-1 B3 W:308 R:731 U:-103 0-30 6-7-2 18-9-0 1 9-1-4 4-8-14 3-23-2 2 8 9 10 11 12 6-1� 99-1-4 8-1- 110 9-9-6 STUB 6-10-10 15-11-14 24-11-8 34-8-14 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 9-10 (LIVE) LC L- -0.17" D= -0.20" T- - ===== Joint Locations =- 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- =0 2 3- 8- 3 9 6-10-10 3 9- 8-13 10 15-11-14 4 15- 9- 6 11 24-11- 8 5 21- 9-15 12 34- 8-14 6 27-10- 9 13 0- 0- 0 7 34- 8-14 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. 4/6/2006 Scale: 1/8" = V 37" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr:JOLO ere to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 TRUSSWORKS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, BC Dead Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. (BCSI "3) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 O'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 37" /Job NAme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A9D Qtv: 1 Drwa: I RGK-LOC REACT' SIZE REQ'D 1 .. 3- 1- 8 804 3.50 . 3.50• 2 19- 3-12 2310 3.50• 3.31• 3 37- 9- 4 728 3.50• 1.50• RG REQDIREHENTS shotra are based ONLY n the trues material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 61 0.01 0.28 0.29 2-3 -498 0.00 0.54 0.55 3-4 1001 0.13 0.53 0.66 4-5 1045 0.13 0.47 0.60 5-6 -606 0.00 0.59 0.59 6-7 -1101 0.00 0.59 0.59 SC FORCE ABL BND' CSI 8-9 867 0.10 0.30 0.40 9-10 -250 0.00 0.42 0.42 0-11 -253 0.00 0.53 0.53 1-12 987 0.09 0.35 0.44 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 3-8 -804 0.15 3-10 -934 0.62 8-1 -480 0.09 4-10 -1063 0.88 2-8 -950 0.37 5-10 -1046 0.68 2-9 -494 0.15 5-11 648 0.22 3-9 .541 0.19 6-11 -625 0.21 TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E 3-10, 10-5 Mark all interior bearing locations. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBGRESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 0.0 R lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord O ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 $ live loads. D.F. - 1.33 Horiz. reaction = 0.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + UPLIFT REACTIONS) : WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Support 1 -106 lb WO: PDO1103 Support 2 -334 lb This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Support 3 -102 lb This truss is designed using the and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Mean roof height - 15.32 ft, mph 80 Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T TC Vert 80.00 2-11-12 80.00 37-11- 0 0.4 TC Vert 94.00 37-11- 0 94.00 38-11- 0 0.3 BC Vert 14.00 2-11-12 14.00 37-11- 0 0.0 ..Type... lbs %.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 350.0 3- 3-14 0.34 'ANSUTPI I% WTCA 1'. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, TC Vert 0.0 37- 9- 4 1.00 Design Spec CBC -01 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 9-10 (LIVE) LC L. -0.17" D= -0.21" T= - ===== Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 3-10-9 6-0-9 6-0-9 6-06-0 6.0-9 6-10-5 2' 3-10- 9 9 7- 1- 0 -4 -� -� 3 9-11- 3 10 16- 2- 4 3-10-9 9-11-3 15-11-12 22-0-5 28-0-15 34-11-4 4 15-11-12 11 25- 1-14 5 22- 0- 5 12 34-11- 4 15-11-12 18-11-8 6 28- 0-15 13 0- 0- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 34-11- 4 400 -4.00 4-4 T T3-4 3 4 63-2 350# T 4-4 5-5 6-11.8 1.5-3 I SHIP 1;0-11 -4 3 34 11I 61.4-10 3 5-8 B2 3-4 3 0-3-15 W:308 5.5 W:308 W:308 �'� (�r*0 R:804 2,00 2.00 16_-0 R:2310 R:-10 V U:-106 � � U:-334 U:-102 O -W 6-9-8 18-9-0 1-0-0 p0.C11 94.1 34-11-4 , 1RgQi 2-11-12 8 9 10 11 12 STUB 71-0 16-2-425--1 -34� trJA ���tOQ►� ® V �®® OFC 4/��/2006 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 118" = V 38" WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job:. EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live • 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 Charlespl. s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, A. and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSUTPI I% WTCA 1'. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 7.00 psf - Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 38" lJob Nbme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: 131 Qty: 1 Drwq: G X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 968 3.50" 3.50" 2 2- 8- 7 91 3.50• 3.31• 3 4- 7- 2 48 3.50• 1.50- 45-13 5-13 54 3.50• 1.50• 5 8- 4- 8 216 3.50• 1.50" 6 21- 1- 4 1019 3.50• 1.50• G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing �TC FORCE AXL BIRD CSI 1-2 -1994 0.03 0.30 0.33 2-3 -1406 0.02 0.24 0.25 3-4 -1409 0.01 0.32 0.34 4-5 -2076 0.05 0.31 0.35 BC FORCE AXL SND CSI 6-7 2405 0.27 0.31 0.59 7-8 1935 0.26 0.26 0.52 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -6390.38 4-7 -731 0.43 3-7 452 0.16 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.53 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.SE WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord along partial continuous bearing(s) indicated, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration -1.33. Partial continuous bearing reaction = 239 Plf Max. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 5-8-10 4-1014 4-10-14 5-8-10 5-8-10 10-7-8 15-" 21-3-0 10-7-8 F 10-7-8 1 2 3 4 5 400 4-4 4.00 IF 7 1010-7-8 10-7-8 10-7-8 213-0 104 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -201 lb Support 2 -14 lb Support 4 -108 lb Support 5 -74 lb Support 6 -188 lb HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) support 1 2613 lb support 2 -357 lb support 5 -2404 lb support 6 -380 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.93 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf =0-3-15 T OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC L- -0.08" D= -0.29" T - Joint Locations =-- 1 = 0- 0- 0 5 21- 3- 00 2 5- 8-10 6 0- 0- 0 3 10- 7- 8 7 10- 7- 8 4 15- 6- 6 8 21- 3- 0 Scale: 3/16" = V 37" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCTrussl p youan is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 pl. PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI BC Dead 7.00 Phone (760) 341-2232 1', WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by W I CA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 37" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: B2 Qty: 3 Dfw : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 3- 4 924 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -162 lb 2' 19- 7-12 924 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -163 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shoves are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BCLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing CBC -01 Code. uflllzetl on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -2065 0.03 0.27 0.30 - Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -1437 0.02 0.27 0.29 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -1433 0.02 0.23 0.25 - Mean roof height = 14.93 ft, mph - 80 4-5 63 0.01 0.23 0.24 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf BC FORCE AXL HND CSI - 6-7 1909 0.26 0.30 0.56 7-8 1553 .0 .21 0.30 0.51 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -649 0.39 4-8' -1716 0.76 3-7 475 0.17 5-8 -143 0.03 4-7 -272 0.16 l 3-10-7 4.4 1 To -4-7 B7 W:308 R:924 U:-162 5-7-2 4-10-14_, 4-10 4-3-2 5-7-2 10.6-0 15-4-14 19-8-0 10-6-0 I 9-2-0 1 1 2 3 4 5 400 4.00 4-4 T,. 3-10-7 1.5-3 SHIP I0-9-12 03-8 B2 W:308 R:924 U:-163 19-8-0 - 1 6 7 8;_ STUB 10 0-" 9-2-0 -0 STUB MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC L= -0.04" D= -0.18" T= .23n ===== Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 5 19- 8- 0 2 5- 7- 2 6 0- 0- 0 3 10- 6- 0 7 10- 6- 0 4 15- 4-14 8 19- 8- 0 R No.C11� ` !J EXP OKE / tog 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted.' Scale: 7132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Ds nr: JOLO g TRUSSWORKS uflllzetl on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss! Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm DesertCA. 9pl. Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1', WTCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: B2 I Qty: 3 Drw : RG a -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 3- 4 924 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -162 lb 2'19- 7-12 924 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -163 lb RG REQDIREMIn"S shown are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607-. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing CBC -01 Code. DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE A%L END CSI Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Truss Location = find Zone 1-2 -2065 0.03 0.27 0.30 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category.- C 2-3 -1437 0.02 0.27 0.29 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -1433 0.02 0.23 0.25 BC Live 0.00 psf Mean roof height = 14.93 ft, mph 80 4-5 63 0.01 0.23 0.24 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1', WTCA V Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUIL.DING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf BC FORCE ARL HND CSI 6-7 1909 0.26 0.30 0.56 7-8 1553 0.21 0.30 0.51 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -649 0.39 4-8 -1716 0.76 3-7 475 0.17 5-8 -143 0.03 4-7 -272 0.16 T 3-10-7 4-4 1 z0 -4 B1 W:308 R:924 U:-162 0-1-8 STUB . f 5-75-7 4-10-14 4-1_ 014 4-3-2� 5-7-2 10-" 15-4-14 19-8-0 10-6-0 I 9-2-0 i 1 2 3 4 5 4� -0.00 -� 4-4 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC L- -0.04" D- -0.18" T= J23- -==== -=== Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 5 19- 8- 0 2 5- 7- 2 6 0- 0- 0 3 10- 6- 0 7 10- 6- 0 4 15- 4-14 8 19- 8- 0 Ti Wi Www All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Ds JOLO TRUSSWORKS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g nr: TC Live 16.00 psi DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Charless 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will rause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or "use connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 901. Palm Desert Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1', WTCA V Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUIL.DING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, psf Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI (TPI) at Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - . 0 Job Nime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: B3 Qty: 5 Drw : RG r -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 3 -4 925 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -173 lb 2'19- 7-12 924 3.50• 1. so• WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. - Support 2 -173 lb RG REQUIRMONTS shown are based ONLY SLIDER 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This trues is designed using the n the trues material at each bearing Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. CBC -01 Code. and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1', `WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 of - (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS'by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL SND CSI Fax # (760) 341-2293 (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -2055 0.03 0.26 0.29 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -1434 0.02 0.26 0.28 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -1422 0.03 0.38 0.41 Mean roof height = 16.93 ft, mph80 =12.6 4-5 -1655 0.02 0.66 0.69 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = psf 4-5 -178 0.00 0.66 0.66 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 6-7 19000.26 0.23 0.48 ' 7-8 1490 0.22 0.23 0.45 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -639 0.36 4-7 -203 0.12 3-7 415 0.15 SLDRL -1643 0.16 1 3-10-7 4.4 -4-7 B1 W:308 11:925 U:-173 5-75-7 2 4.10-14 5-7-2 10-" 2 3 400 4-4- MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC L= -0.06" D= -0.23" T= =1_= Joint Locations = 0- 0- 0 5 19- 8 =0 2 5- 7- 2 6 0- 0- 0 3 10- 6- 0 7 10- 6- 0 4-10-14� 4-3-2 4 15- 4-14 8 19- 8- 0 15-4-14 19-8-0 4 5 400 B2 W:308 R:924 U:-173 19-8-0 7 0-1-8 6 � 10.6-0 � 9-2-0 8� 1 5� STUB 10-" 19-8-0 STUB All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss I Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Charless environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 9pl. Palm Desert Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1', `WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 of - (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS'by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 29" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: B3D ' Qty: 1 Drw : W:308 RG x-LOC.REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) U:-163 10- 1-12 931 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -163 lb STUB FCA PR 0 6 2006 2'19- 7-12 930 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF' STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -163 lb - RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY SLIDER 2x4 SPF 1650F-1. 5E PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Thistruss is designed using the and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions n the truss material at each bearing PLT BLK 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. CBC -01 Code. g T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. + + + + + r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied Truss Location End Zone O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesert CA. 92211 Desert, 1-2 -2100 0.05 0.29 0.34 BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 evenly along the top chord to the chord Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C 2-3 . -1453 0.02 0.29 0.31 TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft 3-4 -1440 0.03 0.39 0.41 with dead + 0 $ live loads. D.F. .= 1.33 Mean roof height = 14.93 ft, mph - 80 4-5 -1670 0.02 0.67 0.70 Horiz. reaction = 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 paf' 4-5 -339 0.01 0.67 0.68 Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. BC FORCE AXL BND CSI + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 6-7 2521 0.35 0.21 0.57 w . 7-8 2448 0.34 0.17 0.51 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -768 0.46 4-7 -520 0.31 3-7 431 0.15 SLDRL -1665 0.16 •. MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC L- -0.13" D- -0.26" T= - - - -_= Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 5 19- 9- 8 2 5- 8-10 6 0- 0- 0 • 3 10- 7- 8 7 10- 7- 8 5-8-10 4-1� 44-1� 4-34-3 2 4 15- 6- 6 8 19- 9- 8 5-8-10 10-7-8 15-" 19-9-8 1 10-7-8 2 I 9-2-0 3 4 5 40 -4.0 4-4 1 3-10-7 4-4 TO -3-15 •T . I 3-10-7 SHIP 1-010-9-121 C.. 39" B1 B2 W:308 �y W:308 V N& CM Q R:931 R:930 U:-163 U:-163 19-9-8 6 7 8 1 on 1-5�_ 10 19-9-8 STUB FCA PR 0 6 2006 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDo1103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl p y is laterally braced by the roof or Boor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 24.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesert CA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSIrrPI 'BUILDING BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 1', YYTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 39" 10 o Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: 64 Qtv: 1 Drwa: RG x -LOC REACT SIZE RHO,D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1. SE 1 0- 1-12 758 3.50" 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2'13-11-12 664 3.50" 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD RG REQUIRE20NTS eboora are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL n the truss material at each bearing noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC FORCE ARL BND CSI 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Charless environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 1-2 -1312 0.01 0.36 0.37 BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrto Drive, Madison, 2-3 -622 0.00 0.36 0.36 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 11111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 3-4 -583 0.00 0.13 0.13 BC FORCE ASL HND CSI 5-6 1205 0.16 0.26 0.42 6-7 101 0.00 0.26 0.26 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -727 0.43 4-6 646 0.22 3-6 93 0.03 4-7 -673 0.14 Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 5-8-10 4-10-14 3." 5.8-10 10-7-8 14-1-8 10-7-8 3-" 1 2 3 4 4.01 0 4-4 4.00 I UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -151 lb Support 2 -143 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 16.93 ft, mph80 CSC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = =12.6 psf 3-10-7 1.5-3 3-4 T I Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. h has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO 4-2-3 and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO 2 -7 SHIP 3.4 rn IO -3-15 _ T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss I �S`A_ 2-4 -=== Joint Locations = == 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0-0 2 5- 8-10 6 10- 7- 8 3 10- 7- 8 7 14- 1- 8 4 14- 1- 8 B1 B2 W:308 W:308 *' V V1� R:758 R:664 iQ/�1/l007 U:-151 U:-143 "� 14-1-8 p 6 2006 5 6 7 7-1-8 10-7-8 3.6-0 4/6/2006 -7.g � 4$ � STUB All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5N6" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a Copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. h has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss I Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Charless environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 9pl. Desert, Palm Desert and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrto Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 11111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 24" /job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: 135 Qtv: 2 Drwa: RG E -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE 1 0- 1-12 775 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F 1.5E 2'14- 4- 0 681 3.50• 1. . WEB 2x4 HF STUD RG REQUIREENTS shown are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. n the truss material at each bearing noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC FORCE ARL END CSI 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 1-2 -1361 0.01 0.35 0.36 'ANSFTPI 1'. WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilitles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - 2-3 -674 0.00 0.35 0.36 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI: The Truss Plate Institute (TPI( is located at S83 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, 3-4 -641 0.00 0.15 0.16 TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 BC FORCE AEL END CSI 5-61251 0.17 0.26 0.42 6-7 96 0.00 0.26 0.26 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -722 0.43 4-6 676 0.23 _ 3-6 93 0.03 4-7 -684 0.14 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. ' PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -155 lb Support 2 -145 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.93 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 24" 3-10-7 TO -3-15 5-8-10 4-10-14 3-10=4 5-8-10 10-7-8 14-5-12 10-7-8 I 3-10-4 1 1 2 3 4 4.01 0 4-4 4.00 2-4 d T 4.2-3 2.7-0 SHIP T �s��Nw1 B1 B2 W:308 W:308 R:775 R:681 U:-155 U:-145 1-0-0 14-5-12 5 6 7169- 10-7-8 3-10-4 10-7- � 14-5-12STUB ---_= Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 5- 8-10 6 10- 7 8 3 10- 7- 8 7 14- 5-12 4 14- 5-12 NO. C1119101 i7 MOM OFC R 0 6 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO antl done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that Ne loads Dsgnr: JOLO T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: *Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1'. WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilitles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI: The Truss Plate Institute (TPI( is located at S83 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsln 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 /Job Name: STEVE KESSLER •RESIDENCE Truss ID: B5D Qtv: 1 Drwa: RG K -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 843 3.50 . 1.50• 2 , 14- 4- 0 749 3.50" 1.50• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY a the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL HND CSI 1-2 -1706 0.01 0.35 0.36 2-3 -930 0.00 0.35 0.36 3-4 -641 0.00 0.15 0.16 BC FORCE. ASL BND CSI 5-61984 0.24 0.22 0.46 6-7 -2000 0.28 0.15 0.43 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -922 0.55 4-6 958 0.31 3-6 143 0.05 4-7 -759 0.15 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE WEB 2x4 HF STUD Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 live loads. D.F. - 1.33 Horiz. reaction = 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -155 lb Support 2 -145 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.93 ft, mph80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = =12.6 psf 30" 3-10-7 TO -3-15 5-8-10 4-10-14 33-10-4 5-8-10 10-7-8 14-5-12 10-7-8 I 3-10-4 1 2 3 4 4.00 4.00 I 4-4 -4 T 4.2_ 2-7-0 T 2-4 71 Joint Locations = == 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 5- 8-10 6 10- 7- 8 3 10- 7- 8 7 14- 5-12 4 14- 5-12 B1 B2 W:308 W:308 =� U NO" �M R:843 R:749 U:455 U:445 1 -0-0 5 14-5-12 6 7 6 9� �l'9 UP OMTE SOF APR V 10-7-8 3-10.4 CauF 10-- -8 14-5-12STAB 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. Wo: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Charles 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A pl. s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, A. and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' avallable as output from Truswal software, 'ANSU'TPI 1', WTCA 1' Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibiiities,'SUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - of INFORMATION'- 1.03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341.2293 (BCSI and'BCSI and (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: 136 Qtv: 3 Drwa: G B -LOC REACT SIZEREQ-D TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E 1 9- 1-12 258 3.50 . 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE 2' 14- 4- 0 258 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD G REQUIREMENTS shove are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BCLL the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ABL BND CSI 1-2 -105 0.00 0.08 0.08 2-3 -137 0.00 0.19 0.19 HC FORCE ABL END CSI 4-5 34 0.00 0.05 0.05 5-6 -34 0.00 0.05 0.05 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-4 -251 0.06 3-5 106 0.04 1-5 208 0.07 3-6 -233 0.05 2-5 -197 0.06 Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 11-7-8 3-10-4 1-7-8 5-5-12 1-7-8 3-10-4 1 2 3 4.0' 0 -4.001 4-4 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -75 lb Support 2 -39 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.93 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf _= Joint Locations =-- = =1= 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0-0 2 1- 7- 8 5 1- 7- 8 3 5- 5-12 6 5- 5-12 3-4 t 3-4 3-10-7 3-10-7 3-3-15 SHIP 21 .3-8 24 2-4 M U .Clio * B1 B2 iayst�oo� W:308 W:308 R:258 R:258 U:-75 U:-39 �� EXPDAM 5-5-12 �OF C��� 4 5 6 4/ 6/2006 9-0-0 6-9-4 g1 3, All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by V fftr HS 20 ga gauge, positioned ...ntBetall Sggts available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 13132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is loran individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO T R S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads U utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the fowl building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss l Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1','WTCA 1' Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responslbilitles,'SUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - of INFORMATION' - 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WrCA and TPI. The TM55 Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofdo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (BCSI (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: B6D Qty: 1 Drw : RG %-IAC REACT SIZEREQ'D 1 9- 1-12 1317 3.50•1.89• 2 '14- 4- 0 1317 3.50• 1.89• RG REQDIRRMENTS shown are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AEL BND CSI 1-2 -329 0.00 0.19 0.19 2-3 -860 0.10 0.16 0.26 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 4-5 2000 0.28 0.03 0.31 5-6 2000 0.28 0.03 0.31 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-4 -1310 0.32 3-5 1781 0.65 1-5 1396 0.45 3-6 -1294 0.33 2-5 -321 0.09 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 4-4 3-10-7 3-3-15 B1 W:308 R:1317 U:-977 11-7-8 1-7-8 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 3-10-4 5-5-12 1-7-8I 3-10-4 1 2 3 4.0' 0 -4.00 4-4 2-4 2-4 3.6 3-10-7 SHIP 2-7-0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 $ live loads. D.F. - 1.33 Horiz. reaction 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -977 lb Support 2 -977 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.93 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 62 " �• 0191 ' W:308,� R:1317 ..AA OAgE U:-977 ` - 5-5-12 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 I I IAC CA��, 9-0-0 4 5 6, 6-9-4 1.7 8 3-19-4 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "M (fgr HS 20 gaug gauge, positioned pe. Jvnrt Retail Sngrts available from Truswal software, unless noted. = Joint Locations== 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0-=0 =1= 2 1- 7- 8 5 1- 7- 8 3 5- 5-12 6 5- 5-12 APR p 6 2006 4/6/2006 Scale: 13132" = 1' 01" Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ®VVAKNINU This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T S WO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO R U S R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Charlespl. s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or rause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, A. and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 'BUILDING I% WTCA i'. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 01" Job Nawme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: B7 Qty: 1 Drw : RG K -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) 1 9- 1-12 625 3.50 . 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS .THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -139 lb a '14- 4- 0 625 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -139 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. ..This truss is designed using the a the truss tnaterial at each bearing Permanent bracing is required (by others) to Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. CBC -01 Code. prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 End verticals are designed for axial loads Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI and ANSI/TPI 1. only unless noted otherwise. Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -159 0.00 0.01 0.01 - Extensions above or below the truss profile Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -140 0.00 0.03 0.03 (if any) have been designed for loads Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -311 0.15 indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at Mean roof height = 16.83 ft, mph80 the end of the extensions have not been CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = =12.6 psf BC FORCE A2L BND CSI considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- 5-6 34 0.00 0.04 0.04 otherwise unsupported wall may create a Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T 6-7 259 0.04 0.20 0.24 hinge effect that requires additional design TC Vert 80.00 9- 0- 0 80.00 14- 5-12 0.4 7-8 -34 0.00 0.24 0.24 consideration (by others). BC Vert 148.15 9- 0- 0 148.15 14- 5-12 0.3 WEB FORCE CSI WEB ,FORCE CSI 1-5 -525 0.13 3-7 248 0.09 1-6 454 0.16 4-7 327 0.11 _ 2-6 29 0.01 4-8 -407 0.08' 3-6 -382 0.11 m 3-2-12 MAX DEFLECTION (span) _ L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC �' 5-5-12 L= -0.01" D- -0.02" T= - 1-0 0 1-3-0 3-2-12 - _= Joint Locations - 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0 0 1 2 3 4 2 1- 0- 0 6 1- 0- 0 s 3 2- 3- 0 7 2- 3- 0 4 5- 5-12 8 5- 5-12 F4.00 -4.00 4$ ' 5-5. . 3-4 3.4 3-7-16 3-3-15 3-7-15 . 2.7-0 SHIP ' FF 3-4 No.C11M1 2-4 2-4 * ilttlsl/1001 3-8 W:308 W:308%�` R:625 R:625 ` OF C U:-139 U:-139 5-5-12 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded b��ge or "H sfor 16 gau e, positioned pgr2)gifNt Detail 4�om Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7116" = 1' WARNING ReaTfiall note��s this sheet and copy of it#1e Erecting GOntraCtOr. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01103 This design is for an individual building component not truss system. h has been bane oti.apecifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO ,00�and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise _ noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: *Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, Charles pl. s 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, - Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 03" Job Nsme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: BJ Qty: 2 Drw : WARN I NO Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the F ge4ing Contractor. xGX-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) Chk' JOLO 1 2- 8- 0 356 3.50 .1.50^ BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -44 lb 2 . 9-11- 4 166 1.50• 1.50- WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -69 lb 3 9-11- 4 182 1.50- .1.50^ Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -38 lb RG REQDIREPIENTS shcna are based ONLY Install interior support(s) before erection. Mark all interior bearing locations. HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) a the truss material at each bearing This truss is designed using the Shim bearings (if needed) for req. support. support 1 112 lb O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 CBC -01 Code. and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, 'ANSI/TPI Truss Council America Standard Design Responslbilitles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- support 3 112 lb TC FORCE AXL BND CSI Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 ' Fax # (760) 341-2293 1-2 51 0.01 0.26 0.27 Truss Location = End Zone Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 2-3 -72 0.00 0.27 0.27 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 3-0 -2 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 16.68 ft, mph 80 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 364 0.04 0.21 0.26 5-0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-4 58 0.02 2-5 -386 0.19 2-4 -446 0.11 2-102-10-1 0 4-7-2 2-10-10 7-5-12 1 2 3 4.01 0 3EA 3-4 W:308 R:356 U:-44 3-7-15 B2 W:108 R:166 U:-09 Bs * " {+18•Clio" W:108 iQls�rloa7 R:182 ,,pp��� EXP DATE U:-38 %ice MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.02" D= -0.11" T. - ===== Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0�=0 2 2-10-10 5 7- 5-12 3 7- 5-12 I 'r 7-5-12 L " 4/ 6/2006 4 5 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless pr 2-0-4 HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint D9tfllgeports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7H6" = V WARN I NO Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the F ge4ing Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 pl. PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, 'ANSI/TPI Truss Council America Standard Design Responslbilitles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 1'. WTCA 1' - Wood of (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 13" /Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C1 Qty: 1 Drwg: TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.58 GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gableverticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 3-11-8 m mm mm m mm �m mm �m m mm�m 3-11-8 m m l�1TT� 3-111-8�v��v��Yr�Y�$J�P��Y 23-11-0 I 11-11-8 I 11-11-8 ,� 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4.00 -4� 4-4 This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf Z0=4-4 1 23-11-0 1 0� 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 287 28 29 30 311 3-11-8 jT�11'T' T vT T vTa T vT T vT Z3 -0 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A envlronment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf PalmDesertCA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, 'ANSIrrPI 1', MITCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf === Joint Locations- - 1 0- 0- 0 17 3-11- 8 2 3-11- 8 18 5- 3- 8 3 5- 3- 8 19 6- 7- 8 4 6- 7- 8 20 7-11- 8 5 7-11- 8 21 9- 3- 8 6 9- 3- 8 22 10- 7- 8 7 10- 7- 8 23 11-11- 8 811-11- 8 24 13- 3- 8 9 13- 3- 8 25 14- 7- 8 10 14- 7- 8 26 15- 8- 1 11 15-11- 8 27 15-11- 8 12 17- 3- 8 28 17- 3- 8 13 18- 7- 8 29 18- 7- 8 14 19-11- 8 30 19-11- 8 15 23-11- 0 31 23-11- 0 16 0- 0- 0 i 4/6/2006 Scale: 5132" = V WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 .fob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C10 Qtv: 1 Drwa: RG* X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ -D 1 0- 5- 8 797 11.00" 1.50• a 'la- 5- a 1014 3.So• 3.50• RG REQOIREZGMS shown are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -1952 0.03 0.76 0.79 2-3 -755 0.01 0.35 0.36 3-4 -705 0.00 0.20 0.20 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 5-6 1768 0.26 0.08 0.35 6-7 1795 0.27 0.18 0.44 7-8 1798 0.27 0.23 0.50 8-9 253 0.00 0.19 0.19 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 70 0.03 4-8 729 0.25 2-8 -1110 0.72 10-9 -1014 0.69 3-8 91 0.03 9-4 -955 0.69 TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.SE BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1. Trues Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph = 80 CSC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads 0 indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an ft otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 6-46-4-10 6-4-10 5-6-1- 4 22-7-6 11-11-8 14-6-14 I 11-11 8 I 2-7-6 1 2 3 4 4.01 0 �.0 4-4 350# 3-4 10 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -150 lb Support 2 -191 lb HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) support 1 129 lb support 2 129 lb ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/7 TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 14- 6-14 0.4 BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 14- 6-14 0.0 ..Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 0.0 0- 0- 0 1.00 TC Vert 350.0 14- 5- 2 0.34 T 1-15 478 SHIP '� Q� A B1 B2 W1100 2.00 -2.00 W:308 11:797 Chk: JOLO R:1014 U:-150 0-34 U:-191 1-M0111-4 1 ) 2-3-14 1 are to be verifled by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads (110jd-6-14 1 U 56 7 8 9 9-4-2 0-114 55-5� 5.65.6-14 22-7� STUB 0-11-4 6-4-10 11-11-8 14-6-14 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC L- -0.08" D- -0.16" T= ===== Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 6 0-11- 4 2 6- 4-10 7 6- 4-10 3 11-11- 8 8 11-11- 8 4 14- 6-14 9 14- 6-14 5 0- 0- 0 10 14- 6-14 v N0.C11W ' 1 Q� EXP OA�tE , oF�! p pR ® 6 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. R has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R S S WO R KS are to be verifled by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO U utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Ill Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install *Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert CA. 9pl. Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI Phone (760) 341-2232 1', wTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WrCA and TPI. The Truss Plate institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 23- IJob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C11 Qtv: 1 Drwa: X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ,D 0- 1-12 445 3.50• 1.50• 2- B- 1 134 3.50•3.50• 4- 6- 5 29 3.50• 1.50• 6- 4-10 31 3.50• 1.50• 8- 2-15 482 3.50' 1.50• 9-11- 3 59 3.50• 1.50• 11- 7- 6 57 3.50• 1.50• 13- 3-10 60 3.50• 1.50• 14-10- 2 693 3.50" 1.50• REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -544 0.00 0.49 0.49 2-3 -189 0.00 0.49 0.49 3-4 45 0.01 0.15 0.16 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 5-6 0 0.00 0.22 0.22 6-7 0 0.00 0.02 0.02 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -520 0.13 3-7 '-297 0.15 3-6 -108 0.07 4-7 -445 0.11 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Mark all interior bearing locations. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 6-1-10� 5-0-14 � 3-0-6 6-3-10 11-11-6 14-11-14 11-11-8 , 3-" , 1 2 3 4 F-4.00 x.00 14-10-2 4-4 350# 3-4 3-4 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : VVAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. Support 1 -100 lb This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Support 2 -34 lb Support 3 -3 lb Support 4 -5 lb Support 5 -146 lb utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Support 6 -4 lb A Company You Can Trussl Support 7 -4 lb Support 8 -4 lb TC Dead 24.00 psf Support 9 -130 lb environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 support 1 770 lb BC Dead 7.00 psf support 2 -313 lb . 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is located 583 D'Onotrio Drive, support 5 -278 lb Fax # (760) 341-2293 support 9 -178 lb Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 14.16 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - 12.6 psf , ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS -------------- Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/ TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0. TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 14-11-14 0. BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 14-11-14 0. ..Type... lbs X.LOc LL/TL TC Vert 0.0 0- 1-12 1.00 TC Vert 350.0 14-10- 2 0.34 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 5-0 (LIVE) LC L- 0.00" D- -0.01" T. - a -_- Joint Locations - - l 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 6- 4-10 6 8- 2-15 T 3 11-11- 8 7 14-11-14 4 14-11-14 4-7-8 3-3-10 SHIP 1 �ZEa€o� *(" No.C119M ' 1WMI2007 SIP DATIE 14-11-14 Q� 6 2 00 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 S s 7 8-118-112 �FCALA, �Q� 6-2-15 4/ 6/2006 8 2-1� 14-11 14-11- 14 STUB ' OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9/32" = 1' D1" VVAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01103 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk- JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 76-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm DesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSIfTPI 1', WTCA t' Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilhies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 . 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is located 583 D'Onotrio Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI [TPI) at Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 D1" ljob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C12 Qtv: 1 Drwa: G" K -LOC REACT SIZE REQ -D 10- 0- 0 644 3.50• 1.50• 2 ' 2- 5- 7 168 3.50• 3.50• 3 4- 1- 1 50 3.50• 1.50• 4 5- 8-12 1103.50" 1.50• 5 14-10- 2 654 3.50• 1.50• G REQUIREMENTS shovra are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -1212 0.01 0.36 0.37 2-3 -918 0.01 0.36 0.37 3-4 39 0.00 0.12 0.12 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 5-6 1087 0.13 0.18 0.31 6-7 366 0.04 0.25 0.29 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -472 0.11 3-7 -609 0.31 3-6 599 0.21 4-7 -118 0.03 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. Install interior supports) before erection HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) support 1 1080 lb support 2 217 lb support 4 -1087 lb support 5 137 lb 4-3-12 =0-3-15 Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Mark all interior bearing locations. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 6-410 6-410 546-14� 3-" 11-11-8 14-11-14 I 11-11 8 I 3.0.6 1 2 3 4 4.01 0 4-4 4.00 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -124 lb Support 2 -54 lb Support 3 -73 lb Support 4 -32 lb Support 5 , -138 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 1.5-3 T 3-3-10 1 B5 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC L= -0.08" D= -0.09" T= ===== Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0 0 2 6- 4-10 6 7-10-13 3 11-11- 8 7 14-11-14 4 14-11-14 4-7-8 7-10-13 7-1-1 7-10-13 1411-14 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. ' 1I1h Scale: 9132" = V 17" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions W are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO T R U S S O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the root or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted: Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A envlronment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1% WTCA 1'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responslb[itles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 17" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C1A Qty: 1 Drw : Eno. Job: EJ. RGA X -LOC RRACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) 1 ; o- 0- 0977 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -194 lb a 1-11- 0 aha 3.50• 3.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -29 lb 3 23- 9- 4 1197 3.50• 1.72• Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -210 lb RG REQUIRMCUMS shown are based ONLY Install interior support(s) before erection. Mark all interior bearing locations. HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) n the truss material at each bearing This trues is designed using the Phone (760) 341-2232 support 1 1632 lb Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. CBC -01 Code. Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 support 2 -1632 lb TC FORCE AXL END CSI Bldg Enclosed = Yee, Importance Factor = 1.00 support 3 -387 lb 1-2 -2471 0.05 0.42 0.47 Truss Location - End Zone 2-3 -2142 0.05 0.30 0.35 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C 3-4 -2250 0.04 0.36 0.40 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 4-5 -2598 0.05 0.36 0.41 Mean roof height - 14.16 ft, mph80 =12.6 CSC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - psf BC FORCE AXL END CSI 6-7 2273 0.34 0.22 0.56 7-8 1579 0.21 0.18 0.40 8-9 2407 0.33 0.18 0.51 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -456 0.11 3-8 697 0.24 3-7 552 0.19 4-8 -504 0.12 T 4-3-12 • T =0.3.1 6-4-10 5-64 5-0� 6.410 6-4-10 11-11-8 17-6-6 23-11-0 11-11-8 I 11-11-8 1 2 3 4 5 400 -4.00 4-4 1 23-11-0 6 7 8 9 88-215 7-5-3 8-28-215 8-2-15 15-8-1 23-11-0 T 4-7-8 TSHIP =0-3-15 13 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC L= -0.11" D= -0.20" T= - ===== Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 2 6- 4-10 7 8- 2-15 3 11-11- 8 8 15- 8- 1 4 17- 6- 6 9 23-11- 0 5 23-11- 0 OF Q' v 1d0. Clio v 11Q/siJ2Q07A 11 OIYOATH 4/6/2006 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/32" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eno. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or Floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a nd brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Derail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI V. Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 1% WTCA of SAFETY INFORMATION'. (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 31" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C2 Qty: 13 Drw : 61 46 RG" x-1606 REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 210OP-1.8E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) / Qw Z • 1 0- 5- 8 1218 11.001.75BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.513 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -210 lb 2'23- 5- 8 1218 11.00"" 1.75• WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -210 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing R ®6 CBC -01 Code. A Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE ABL END CSI 1-2 -3283 0.07 0.83 0.91 2-3 -3941 0.11 0.46 0.57 3-4 -3610 0.09 0.08 0.17 4-5 -3007 0.06 0.07 0.14 5-6 -3007 0.06 0.07 0.14 6-7 -3610 0.09 0.08 0.17 7-8 -3941 0.11 0.46 0.58 8-9 -3283 0.07 0.83 0.91 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 0-11 2985 0.45 0.11 0.56 1-12 3011 0.45 0.42 0.87 2-13 3084 0.46 0.42 0.88 3-14 3848 0.57 0.06 0.63 4-15 3396 0.51 0.05 0.56 5-16 3396 0.51 0.05 0.56 6-17 3848 0.57 0.06 0.63 7-18 3084 0.46 0.42 0.88 8-19 3011 0.45 0.42 0.87 9-20 2985 0.45 0.11 0.56 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-12 -174 0.03 6-15 -563 0.14 2-13 741 0.26 6-16 241 0.08 3-13 -131 0.02 7-16 -434 0.10 3-14 -434 0.10 7-17 -131 0.02 4-14 241 0.08 8-17 741 0.26 4-15 -563 0.14 8-18 -174 0.03 5-15 1627 0.56 3-7-3 TC ick �h �T_ Jf.,433-73 -323-11-0 11-11-8 { 11-11-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 400 4-4 4.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf =0-3-15 T MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 15-16 (LIVE) LC L= -0.23" D= -0.44" T= - = - _= Joint Locations = - 1 0- 0- 0 11 0-11- 4 2 3- 7- 3 12 3- 7- 3 3 6- 4-10 13 6- 4-10 4 9- 2- 1 14 9- 2- 1 5 11-11- 8 15 11-11- 8 6 14- 8-15 16 14- 8-15 7 17- 6- 6 17 17- 6- 6 8 20- 3-13 18 20- 3-13 9 23-11- 0 19 22-11-12 10 0- 0- 0 20 23-11- 0 67" 4-0 3-4 1.5-3 r-1 Q���S D. 61 46 W:1100 2.00 2.00 WAIN l / Qw Z R:1218 R:1218 U: V MQ.01M -210U:-210 1_ 4 0 444A 1 , 11-0.4 23-14-0 11-0-4 1C191/200� 101 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0-11-4 �Tm m T 1 C6 T �3-7-3 STn1` 0�23T -0pF�F �EXPCOAALTF Z®Oes R ®6 A 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job:. EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibllhles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 67" J6b Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C2D Qty: 1 Drw : RGA x -LOC 'REACT SIZE RBQ•D TC 2x4 SPF 210OF-1.8E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 5- 8 1218 11.00• 1.75• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -210 lb 2 -23- 5- 8 1218 11.00• 1.75• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -210 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CBC -01 Code. Designed for 0.0 K lbs drag load applied Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE A%L BND CSI evenly along the top chord to the chord Truss Location End Zone 1-2 -3283 0.07 0.83 0.91 ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -3941 0.11 0.46 0.57 with dead + 0 % live loads. D.F. - 1.33 Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -3610 0.09 0.08 0.17 Horiz. reaction - 0.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Mean roof height - 14.16 ft, mph 80 4-5 -3007 0.06 0.07 0.14 'Connection (by others) must transfer equal CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf 5-6 -3007 0.06 0.07 0.14 load to each ply (or add-on) shown. 6-7 -3610 0.09 0.08 0.17 - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 7-8 -3941 0.11 0.46 0.58 8-9 -3283 0.07 0.83 0.91 BcFORCE AXL BND CSI 0-11 2985 0.45 0.11 0.56 - 1-12 3011 0.45 0.42 0.87 2-13 3084 0.46 0.42 0.89 3-14 3848 0.57 0.06 0.63 4-15 3396 0.51 0.05 0.56 MAX DEFLECTION (span) 5-16 3396 0.51 0.05 0.56 L/999 MEM 15-16 (LIVE) LC 6-17 3848 0.57 0.06 0:63 - L= -0.23" D= -0.44" T= -C. 3084 0.46 0.42 0.88 8-19 3011 0.45 0.42 0.87== = Joint Locations = 9-20 2985 0.45 0.11 0.56 • 1 0- 0- 0 11 0-11- 4 2 3- 7. 3 12 3- 7- 3 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE 'CSI 3 6- 4-10 13 6- 4-10 2-12 -174 0.03 6-15 -563 0.14 4 9- 2- 1 14 9- 2- 1 2-13 741 0.26 -131 0.02 6-16 241 0.08 3-7� +n 7-16 -434 0.10 �71 ch m m ik-,23-111-0 , 3-7-33-13 5 14-11- 8 15 14-11- 83-14 -434 0.10 7-17 -131 0.02 3-7-3 ^' 1 i � A 6 14- 8-15 16 14- 4-14 241 0.08 - 8-17 741 0.26 11-11-6 11-11-6 7 17- 6- 6 8 20- 3-13 6-15 17 17- 6- 6 18 20- 3-13 a-ls -563 0.14 a-lB -174 0.03 , 1 2 3 i 4 5 6 7 8 9, 9 23-11- 0 19 22-11-12 5-15 1627 0.56 - 10 0- 0- 0 20 23-11- 0 400 -4� 4-6 3-4 1.5-3 T 4-7-8 SHIP =0-3-15 v •i B1WA 100 2.00 zl oo a s w 110o R:1218 R:1218 U:-210, y _ U:-210 .. 1rYRr1� 11-0-4 IT O +f ' 1 4 23-1, -0 1 O� M QQy 101 12 11 13 14 15 .16 17 180-11-4 a2B A U o_„� 1 �T �T �T� T �T &1A23-11-0 _.._. DA . OF CAS\FAQ rip 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gaugeor "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5132" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: PDo1103 This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk:JOLO and done In accordance with Ne current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company YCTl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rlgld sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p youanruss noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 'ANSUTPI 1•, WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) 15 located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 57- Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C3 Qty: 1 Drw : RG• x -Lac REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 210OF-1.8E Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 5- 8 1218 11.00• 1.75• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1. 5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -210 lb 2 '23- 5- 8 1218 11.00• 1.75• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -210 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CBC -01 Code. Designed for 0.0 K lbs drag load applied Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AxL BND CSI - evenly along the top chord to the chord Truss Location - End Zone 1-2 -3283 0.07 0.83 0.91 ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -3941 0.11 0.46 0.57 with dead + 0 % live loads. D.F. - 1.33 Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -3610 0.09 0.00.17 8 Horiz. reaction = 0.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph 80 4-5 -3007 0.06 0.07 0.14 Connection (by others) must transfer equal CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - 12.6 psf 5-6 -3007 0.06 0.07 0.14 load to each ply (or add-on) shown. 6-7 -3610 0.09 0.08 0.17 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 7-8 -3941 0.11 0.46 0.58 8-9 -3283 0.07 0.83 0.91 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 0-11 2985 0.45 0.11 0.56 1-12 3011 0.45 0.42 0.87 2-13 3084 0.46 0.42 0.88 3-14 3848 0.57 0.06 0.63 4-15 3396 0.51 0.05 0.56 5-16 3396 0.51 0.05 0.56 6-17 3848 0.57 0.06 0.63 7-18 3084 0.46 0.42 0.88 8-19 3011 0.45 0.42 0.87 9-20 2985 0.45 0.11 0.56 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-12 -174 0.03 6-15 -563 0.14 2-13 741 0.26 6-16 241 0.08 3-13 -131 0.02 7-16 -434 0.10 3-14 -434 0.10 7-17 -131 0.02 4-14 241 0.08 8-17 741 0.26 4-15 -563 0.14 8-18 -174 0.03 5-15 1627 0.56 3-7-3m ro +3-7-3 3-7� d�, ^ J..A 23-11-0 , 11-11 8 I 11-11-8 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4.0 -4.00 4-t 4.7.8 SHIP _3.151 _tom ==­ Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 11 0-11 4 2 3- 7- 3 12 3- 7- 3 3 6- 4-10 13 6- 4-10 4 9- 2- 1 14 9- 2- 1 5 11-11- 8 15 11-11- 8 b 14- 8-15 16 14- 8-15 7 17- 6- 6 •17 17- 6- 6 8 20- 3-13 18 20- 3-13 9 23-11- 0 19 22-11-12 10 0- 0- 0 20 23-11- 0 4-6 s� 1.5-3 a-6 B2 g 0. G B1 1100 z.00 2.0o W:1100 Q� Q�� ql RA218 �R: 1218 U:-2IT101rcm 1:0 11-0-4 10:q �Clio � 4-0 14 101 12 11013 14 23115 16 17 18 a28 1O/S1J20OT 0.1� ':m rm n ,.� rc6 n �m3'7'3 i ��TE „� 'T� �T �T �T1T r�L123_„-0� OFC,PR 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 6/32"= 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDo1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO TC Live 16.00 psf TC Dead 24.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 , T R U S S WO R KS A Company You Can Trussl utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1','WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilhies,'SUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 7.00 psf TOTAL 47.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 i7" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C4 Qty: 1 Drw : Eng. Job: EJ. ;RG' K -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650E -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 5- 8 893 11.001.50 BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -164 lb 2 '16- 5-12 1111 3.50•• 3.50•• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -204 lb A Company YCan Trl p you uss RG REQUIRMONTS shown are based ONLY Permanent bracing is required (by others) to PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any In the truss material at each bearing prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 End verticals are designed for axial loads CBC -01 Code. O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' avallabie as output from Truswal software, and ANSI/TPI 1. only unless noted otherwise. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1.03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI( is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, TC FORCE AXL BND CSI Fax # (760) 341-2293 Extensions above or below the trues profile Truss Location = End Zone Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 1-2 -2371 0.05 0.93 0.98 (if any) have been designed for loads Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -1335 0.02 0.38 0.41 indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -1320 0.02 0.27 0.29 the end of the extensions have not been Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph = 80 considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf BC FORCE AXL BND CSI otherwise unsupported wall may create a ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- 5-6 2158 0.32 0.10 0.43 hinge effect that requires additional design Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T 6-7 2189 0.33 0.22 0.55 consideration (by others). TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 7-8 2199 0.33 0.31 0.64 TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 16- 7- 8 0.4 8-9 192 0.00 0.21 0.21 BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 16- 7- 8 0.0 ..Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI TC Vert 0.0 0- 0- 0 1.00 2-7 72 0.02 4-8 1217 0.42 TC Vert 350.0 16- 6-12 0.34 2-8 -947 0.62 10-9 -1111 0.41 3-8 357 0.12 9-4 -1055 0.41 34" 6-4-10� 5-0� 4-8-0 6-4-10 11-11-8 16-7-8 11-11-8 4-8-0 1 2 3 4 400 -4.00� 4-4 16-6-12 4-7-8 1 SHIP = Joint Locations - 1 0- 0- 0 6 0-11� 4-• 2 6- 4-10 7 6- 4-10 3 11-11- 8 ' 8 11-11- 8 4 16- 7- 8 9 16- 7- 8 5 0- 0- 0 10 16- 7- 8 3.4 10 B1 B2 W1100 2.00 -2.00 W:308 R:893 R:111 U:-164 0-W U:-204 1-0-OD111-41 I 4-4-8 44-n-4 16-7-8 56 7 8 9 7-3-8 00-1� 55-5-6 5-6-14 4-8-0 STUB 0-11-4 6-4-10 11-11-8 16-7-8 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr:JOLO areto be verified by the component manufacturer andlor building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 TRUSSWORKS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company YCan Trl p you uss is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' avallabie as output from Truswal software, BC Dead 7.00 Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1.03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI( is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 :fob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C5 Qty: 1 Drw : 81 RG• x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) R:789 U:-114/9 0-" I ( 2-1-12 1 R:1006 U:-190 Q 6 1 0- 5- 8789 11.00• 1.50 BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -149 lb 2 '14- 3- 0 1006 3.50• 3.50•• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -190 lb All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9132" = 1' RG REQUIREMENTS shoves are based ONLY Permanent bracing is required (by others) to PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer a the truss material at each bearing prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 End verticals are designed for axial loads support 1 132 lb and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO and ANSI/TPI 1. only unless noted otherwise. support 2 132 lb g TC FORCE AXL END CSI This truss is designed using the Extensions above or below the truss profile ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise 1-2 -1916 0.03 0.75 0.78 CBC -01 Code. (if any) have been designed for loads Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T 2-3 -706 0.01 0.35 0.35 Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 3-4 -652 0.00 0.19 0.20 Truss Location = End Zone the end of the extensions have not been TC Vert 80.00 0- 0-10 80.00 14- 4-12 0.4 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 14- 4-12 0.0 BC FORCE AXL END CSI Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width - 20.00 ft otherwise unsupported wall may create a ..Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL 5-6 1734 0.26 0.08 0.34 Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph - 80 hinge effect that requires additional design TC Vert 0.0 0- 0- 0 1.00 6-7 1761 0.26 0.17 0.43 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf consideration (by others). TC Vert 350.0 14- 3- 0 0.34 7-8 1763 0.26 0.22 0.48 8-9 259 0.00 0.19 0.19 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 70 0.03 4-8 695 0.24 - 2-8 -1122 0.73 10-9 -1006 0.72 3-8 98 0.03 9-4 -945 0.72 6.46.4-101 5-6-1_ 4 22-5-4 6-4-10 11-11-8 14-4-12 11-11-8 2-5-4 1 2 3 4 F-4.00 �. 4-4 350# T 2-0-4 T 1-5-12 1 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 7-8(LIVE) LC L- -0.08" D= -0.15" T- _ _= Joint Locations = 1 0- 0-.0 6 0-11- 4 2 6- 4-10 7 6- 4-10 3 11-11- 8 8 11-11- 8 4 14- 4-12 9 14- 4-12 5 0- 0- 0 10 14- 4-12 23" 3-4- 10 81 82 W1100 2.00 -2.00 W:308 1015//2007 R:789 U:-114/9 0-" I ( 2-1-12 1 R:1006 U:-190 Q 6 - 1T 114U-4-12 Ij�O f CA1.1F 56 7 8 99-8- 00-11-4 55-5�. 2-5� 5-6-14 0-11.4 6.4-10 11-11-6 14.4-12 STUB 4/ 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabAcation..The building designer must ascertain that the loads g T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Com an You Can Trussl Comp is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise y, noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or rause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1','WTCA 1'. Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilhies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CIBC. -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 of - (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrfo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 23" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C6 Qty: 1 Drw : WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. RG* x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ -D TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions nr• DS JOLO 1 0- 5- 8 735 11.00• 1.50^ BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -141 lb DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS 2 '13- 1- 0 951 3.50• 3.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -182 lb noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Permanent bracing is required (by others) to PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 9,1211 a the truss material at each bearing prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 End verticals are designed for axial loads support 1 150 lb Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf and ANSI/TPI 1. only unless noted otherwise. support 2 151 lb TC FORCE AEL BND CSI This truss is designed using the Extensions above or below the truss profile ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- 1-2 -1691 0.02 0.65 0.68 CBC -01 Code. (if any) have been designed for loads Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T 2-3 -333 0.00 0.41 0.41 Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 3-4 -265 0.02 0.00 0.02 Truss Location = End Zone the end of the extensions have not been TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 13- 2-12 0.4 4-5 -139 0.01 0.02 0.02 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 13- 2-12 0.0 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft otherwise unsupported wall may create a ..Type... lbs X. Loci LL/TL BC FORCE AEL BND CSI Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph 80 hinge ,effect that requires additional design TC Vert 0.0 O- O- 0 1.00 6-7 1525 0.23 0.07 0.30 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf consideration (by others). TC Vert 350.0 13- 1- 0 0.34 7-8 1550 0.23 0.15 0.38 8-9 1548 0.23 0.16 0.40 9-10 251 0.03 0.13 0.17 FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 68 0.03 4-10 -561 0.12 -1275 0.83 11-10 -951 0.92 1] 359 0.12 10-5 -403 0.95 6-4-10 5.6-14 m m 6-4-10 11-11-8 m r 11-11 8 1-3-4 1 2 34 5 4.01 0 15-3 3-4 T 2-2-10 1-8-1 �1 3-4 11 B1 B2 W:1100 2.00 1 1-2.00 W:308 R:735 R:951 U:-141 0-3H8 U:-182 I-" 0 11-4 0-11-12 I -8 SHIP Joint Locations =--== =1 0- 0-.0 7 0-11- 4 2 6- 4-10 . 8 6- 4-10 3 11-11- 8 9 11-11- 8 4 11-11- 8 10 13- 2-12 5 13- 2-12 11 13- 2-12 6 0- 0- 0 67 1 8 9 10 " 6/^006 10-8-4 4/ 0-114 5-5-6 5-6-14 1 o L F�UB All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded03y1'4111X" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for ISVOge, positioned per Joint Detail RW(Wavailable frof�wwat software, unless noted. Scale: 6/16"= 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. Wo: PDO1103 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions nr• DS JOLO areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g ' TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 9,1211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1','WTCA V- Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responslbilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 r Phone (760) 341-2232 of - (BCSI 1-03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 18" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C7 Qty: 1 DnN : W:1100 RGA x -LOC. REACT SIZE REQ 'D TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 11:927 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 0-3A 1 0- 5- 8. 711 11.00• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -137 lb Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise 2 �12- 6-14 927 3. so.3.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. 75-110 St. Charles ste-11 A Support 2 -179 lb BC Live 0.00 psf RG REQUIREMENTS shovra are based ONLY 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE 11-4 PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) . of SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1.03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, a the truss material at each bearing End verticals are designed for axial loads Permanent bracing is required (by others) to support 1 157 lb only unless noted otherwise. prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 support 2 157 lb TC FORCE AXL END CSI Extensions above or below the truss profile and ANSI/TPI 1. This truss is designed using the ' 1-2 -1589 0.02 0.61 0.63 (if any) have been designed for loads CBC -01 Code. 2-3 -1490 0.01 0.33 0.35 indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at Bldg Enclosed - Yea, Importance Factor 1.00 3-4 -140 0.00-0.04 0.04 the end of the extensions have not been Truss Location = End Zone considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C BC FORCE AXL END CSI otherwise unsupported wall may create a Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 5-6 1430 0.21 0.07 0.28 hinge effect that requires additional design Mean roof height - 14.16 ft, mph = 80 6-7 1455 0.22 0.13 0.35 consideration (by others). CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - 12.6 psf 7-8 272 0.02 0.13 0.15 ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- 8-9 253 0.03 0.02 0.05 Dir L.Plf. L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T 9-10 311 0.04 0.02 0.06 TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 12- 8-10 0.4 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 12- B-10 0.0 2-7 -380 0.07 4-9 511 0.18 ..Type... lbs X. Loc LL TL 3-7 1372 0.48 11-10 -927 0.46 TC Vert 0.0 0- 0- 0 1.00 3-9 -399 0.08 10-4 -952 0.46 TC Vert 350.0 12- 6-14 0.34 " 6-4-10 5-0-14^' m -. MAX DEFLECTION (span) 6-4-10 11-11-8� L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC L- -0.06" D= -0.12" T= - 4-3-12 I0-3-15 11-11-8 q-9-2 I 1 2 3 4 . 4.00 35 0 6-8 I4 T 2-3-10 1-9-2 1 3-4 11 B1 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. B2 W:1100 2.00 -2.00 W:308 R:711 and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions 11:927 U:437 0-3A U:-179 -0-0 q ,, a ' 0-�-10I utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord 4-7-8 SHIP A No. 56 7 880 11-2.6 0-11-4 5-5-6 5-6-1a m 0-11-4 6-4-10 11-11 6 UB All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available al software, unless noted. ==_- Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 7 6- 4-10 2 6- 4-10 8 11-11- 8 3 11-11- 8 9 11-11- 8 4 12- 8-10 10 12- 8-10 5 0- 0- 0 11 12- 8-10 6 0-11- 4 i Vn �� ® 4 OF CA�� ,4/6/2006 Scale: 11132" = 1' WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 17" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf 75-110 St. Charles ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf pl. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a nd brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1', wTCA V- Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT BC Dead 7.00 psf Phone (760) 341-2232 of SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1.03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf ==_- Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 7 6- 4-10 2 6- 4-10 8 11-11- 8 3 11-11- 8 9 11-11- 8 4 12- 8-10 10 12- 8-10 5 0- 0- 0 11 12- 8-10 6 0-11- 4 i Vn �� ® 4 OF CA�� ,4/6/2006 Scale: 11132" = 1' WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 17" lJob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C8 Qtv: 1 Drwa- jRG• X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ`D 1 0- 5- B 712 11.00• 1.50• 2 12- 7- 4 928 3.50• 3.50• jRG REQUIREMENTS shova are based ONLY )n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AEL HND CSI 1-2 -1595 0.02 0.62 0.64 2-3 -1496 0.01 0.33 0.35 3-4 -161 0.00 0.04 0.04 BC FORCE AXL BIRD CSI 5-6 1436 0.21 0.07 0.28 6-7 1461 0.22 7-8 270 0.02 0.13 0.15 8-9 251 0.03 0.01 0.04 9-10 308 0.04 0.01 0.05 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -379 0.07 4-9 499 0.17 3-7 1370 0.47 11-10 -928 0.99 3-9 -395 0.08 10-4 -937 1.00 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. ®Web bracing required at each location shown. See standard details (TX01087001-001 revl). Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 6-4-1� 6-4-10 5.6-14 11-11-8 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Support 1 -137 lb WO: PDO1103 Support 2 -179 lb This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 157 lb and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions support 2 157 lb This truss is designed using the areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Truss Location = End Zone DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 14.16 ft, mph=80 CSC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - 12.6 psf TC Dead 24.00 psf ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 12- 9- 0 0.4 BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 12- 9- 0 0.0 ..Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL BC Dead 7.00 psf TC Vert 0.0 0- 0- 0 1.00 Fax # (760) 341-2293 TC Vert 350.0 12- 7- 4 0.34 TOTAL 47.00 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : c6 N L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC L- -0.06" D- -0.12" T= -( 11-11-8 q_g$ 1 2 3 4 4.00 3' 0 6-8 4w .11 T 2-3-9 1-9-1 1 B1 132 W1100 2.00 -2.00 W:308 R:712 R:928 U1-" 11-4 0;§-0. 0U:-179 ===== Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 7 6- 4-10 2 6- 4-10 8 11-11- 8 3 11-11- 8 9 11-11- 8 4 12- 9- 0 10 12- 9- 0 5 0- 0- 0 11 12- 9- 0 6 0-11- 4 -7-8 1 SHIP QkN� �r�5 uG46.' * No.C11�91 ' 1Qi*d112o07 e 11 0 56 5-5_6 7 5-6-14 890 11-2-0 4/ -=4 � 1 � 0-11-4 6-4-10 11-11-8 ttUB All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available al software, unless noted. PQM 6/2006 Scale: 11132" = 1' 17" WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R SSWO R KS areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads DS g nr• JOLO U utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI `wTCA Phone (760) 341-2232 1'. V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsiblllties,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 (BCSI and'BCSI and Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 1WIsconsInS3719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 17" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: C9 Qty: 1 Drw : B2 U W.W"rr-- RGA X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ•D TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1. SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) U:-141 OJ3 1-0��„-a U:-183 � 1 0- 5- 8 739 11.00^ 1.50^ BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -141 lb 0-114 5-5� 5-6-14 2 '13- 2- a 95s 3. '0.3.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -183 lb This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Permanent bracing is required (by others) to PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) Dsgnr: JOLO n the truss material at each bearing prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 End verticals are designed for axial loads support 1 148 lb DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS uillized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss I is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise and ANSI/TPI 1. only unless noted otherwise. support 2 148 lb noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any psf TC FORCE AXL BND CSI This truss is designed using the Extensions above or below the truss profile ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- 1-2 -1715 0.02 0.67 0.69 CBC -01 Code. (if any) have been designed for loads Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T 2-3 -1615 0.03 0.34 0.37 Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 3-4 -316 0.00 0.05 0.05 Truss Location = End Zone the end of the extensions have not been TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 13- 3-14 0.4 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 13- 3-14 0.0 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft otherwise unsupported wall may create a ..Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL 5-6 1548 0.23 0.07 0.30 Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph80 =12.6 hinge effect that requires additional design TC Vert 0.0 0- O- 0 1.00 6-7 1574 0.23 0.14 0.37 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = psf consideration (by others). TC Vert 350.0 13- 2- 2 0.34 7-8 311 0.04 0.13 0.17 8-9 281 0.04 0.03 0.07 9-10 288 0.03 0.01 0.05 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -369 0.07 4-9 533 0.18 3-7 1332 0.46 11-10 -955 0.90 3-9 -338 0.07 10-4 -960 0.90 6-4-10 5-6-14 ,c 6-4-10 11-11-8 v 11-11 8 1-4-6 1 2 3 4 4.01 O 350# -4 6-8 T 2-2-7 1-7-'J 4 3-4 11 MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC L= -0.06" D= -0.13" T= -11! ---== Joint Locations =- 1 0- 0- 0 7 6- 4-1; 2 6- 4-10 8 11-11- 8 3 11-11- 8 9 11-11- 8 4 13- 3-14 10 13- 3-14 5 0- 0- 0 11 13- 3-14 6 0-11- 4 131 B2 U W.W"rr-- W:1100 2.00 -2.00 W:308 iw�i R:739 R:955 U:-141 OJ3 1-0��„-a U:-183 � . , 0"204,lO-,a ; I OF CAS\F�� P`P 56 7 89 10 10-7-2 4/6/2006 0-114 5-5� 5-6-14 m All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless precedecDW! MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for ffitAOge, positioned per Joint Detail Rt pbftt8 av b� from UB swat software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: XJ. WO: PDO1103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS uillized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss I is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 24.00 Rep Mbr Bird noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any psf 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Charless environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 9pl. Palm Desert Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSITTPI 1','WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI "3) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, KIN, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 l Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D1 ON: 1 Drwa: .G K -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 1- 1-12 1060 3.50• 1.52• 2 2- 9-12 295 3.50• 1.50• 3 16- 8- 4 1798 3.50• 2.20• 9 18- 4-12 917 3.5 . 1.50• .G REQUIRECMS shown are based ONLY . the trues material at each bearing Tc FORCE AEL END CSI 1-2 -1476 0.02 0.43 0.45 2-3 -925 0.00 0.50 0.51 3-4 695 0.05 0.48 0.53 BC FORCE A2:L END CSI 5-0 1745 0.23 0.42 0.65 5-6 1745 0.24 0.14 0.39 6-7 1467 0.05 0.33 0.37 7-8 2000 0.28 0.16 0.44 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -530 0.13 4-7 -1575 0.35 3-6 661 0.22 4-8 1317 0.40 3-7 -1088 0.82 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD WEDGE 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E GBL BLK 2x4 HP STUD Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 n o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 a of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 5-7:12 5-7-12 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. Install interior support(s) before erection. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 5-10-0 6-0-12 11-5-12 17.6-8 11-5-12 I 6-0-12 i r1 2 3 4 400 4-4 4.00 B1 W:30_ R:1060 U:-1 "IRK 11:295 R:1798 U:-264 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 $ live loads. D.F. = 1.33 Horiz. reaction 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -180 lb Support 2 -264 lb Support 3 -184 lb Support 4 -1264 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf T4-5-14 r HIP 2-5-10 1 5 6 7 86-5-0 STUB 11� 7-7-1 8-0-13 7-7-1 15-7-15 TUB B4 W:308 R:917 U:426 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC L= -0.09" D= -0.10" T= - = _= Joint Locations - =1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0 0 2 5- 7-12 6 7- 7- 1 3 11- 5-12 7 15- 7-15 4 17- 6- 8 8 17- 6- 8 01 5o.��yo � ,0' 01 Q Q TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 OVER 4 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. 4/7/2006 Scale: 7132" = V 19" WAKNINIU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are tbe verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utilizeo d on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss I is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Charless 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or rause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 9pl. Palm Desert Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSUTPI 1% %TCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilhies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20035. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 23175 19" lJob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D10 Qtv: 1 Drwa: I G K -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 3- 8- 4 1015 5.50^ 5.50• 2 '24- 8-12 1001 5.50• 1.So- G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the trues material at each bearing TC FORCE A%L END CSI 1-2 -2321 0.06 0.32 0.38 2-3 -2436 0.04 0.21 0.26 3-4 -2454 0.08 0.43 0.52 4-5 -3601 0.11 0.84 0.95 BC FORCE ArL BND CSI 6-7 73 0.01 0.07 0.08 7-8 29 0.01 0.33 0.34 8-9 2290 0.34 0.05 0.39 9-10 3370 0.50 0.17 0.67 0-11 3371 0.90 0.08 0.98 1-12 3324 0.95 0.00 0.95 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI BB 1 -1015 0.07 2-9 75 0.02 1-6 32 0.15 3-9 1099 0.38 8-2 -408 0.39 4-9 -1051 0.75 1-8 2088 0.72 4-10 66 0.03 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E 2x4 HF STUD 7-2 FILL CHD 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD BRG BLK 2x6 HF 1650F -1.5E GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 4-5-13 4-5-14 6-12 B7�^tl W.51 .5 3-- R:1015 U:-1802-4 TIE 3-5-8 STUB Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [r] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max O.C. from to BC 109.00" 18- 5- 8 24- 0- 4 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -180 lb Support 2 -171 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1. Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 00 ft MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 9-10 (LIVE) LC L- -0.19" D- -0.39" T. - ---== Joint Locations = - 1 0- 0- 0 7 4- 4 4 4-9-12 4-2-8 5-9-15 6-7-13 2 4- 4- 4 8 4- 4- 4 3 8- 6-12 9 8- 6-12 4-9-12 9-0-4 14-10-3 216-0 4 14- 4-11 10 14- 4-11 5 21- 0- 8 11 20- 1- 4 9-0-4 12-5-12 6 0- 0- 0 12 21- 0- 8 4.01 0 4-4 4.00 I 5-6-12 4-662 @k�J�ys 0 �%_1 2.00 -2.00 W:508Q /► "Z R:1001 U NO- V'�� / 4-6-0 11-6-8 U:-171 /�1 0-12 21-6-0 o^,,�, IWSIM07 6 6 12 78 9 10 -� 4-9-12 44-2-8 5-9-15� 5-8� m A 4-9-12 9-0-4 14-10-3 20.6-12 OF r, c A 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 7/32" = 1' 58" WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0n -0-0nd pl. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a dbrace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 'WTCA Wood Truss Council Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 1',1' . of America COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 58" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D2 Qty: 1 Drw : RGA x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1. SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) 11- 1-12 1083 3.50• 1.55• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -194 lb 2 '21-10'-12 1083 3.50" 1.55` WEB 2x4 .HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -196 lb RG REQUIREMENTS sbaan are based ONLY WEDGE 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT 81607. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing GBL ELK 2x4 HF STUD Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. CBC -01 Code. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE ArL BND CSI at 16.0 " -o.c. unless noted otherwise. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +• Truss Location = End -Zone 1-2 -1970 0.03 0.69 0.72 Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied Hurricane/Ocean Line - No Exp Category = C 2-3 -1690 0.04 0.37 0.40 at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. evenly along the top chord to the chord Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -1488 0.03 0.34 0.36 Additional design considerations may be ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph80 =12.6 4-5 221 0.01 0.32 0.33 required if sheathing is attached. with dead + 0 % live loads. D.P. - 1.33 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = psf [+] indicates the requirement for lateral Horiz. reaction - 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. BC FORCE AEL END CSI bracing (designed by others) perpendicular Connection (by others) must transfer equal 6-7 2496 0.27 0.43 0.70 to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. load to each ply (or add-on) shown. 7-8 1927 0.27 0.14 0.42 Bracing is a result of wind load applied + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 8-9 2449 0.34 0.12 0.47 to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI designed by others, applied to the truss 2-7 -499 0.12 4-8 343 0.11 face providing lateral support for webs in 3-7 674 0.22 4-9 -1604 0.59 the truss plane and creating shear wall 3-8 457 0.15 5-9 -195 0.03 action to resist diaphragm loads. i3" 5-7-12 i 5-1� 5-10-0� 3-8-12 5.7-12 11-5-12 17-3-12 21-0-8 11-5-12 i 9-0-12 i 1 2 3 4 5 4.00 -4.00 4-4 == = _= Joint Locations === 1 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 2 5- 7-12 7 7- 7- 1 3 11- 5-12 8 15- 4- 7 4 17- 3-12 9 21- 0- 8 5 21- 0- 8 3-6 ,� �„BI B2 '"rf W:308 W:308 11:1083 R:1083 V' U:-19¢-0-0 1-0-0 U:-196 Q� H 21-0 8 �i V No•Cl4% 6 7 1� 7-7� 7 8 9 1�1 7-9-5 5 8-1 2 iQf STUB 7-7-1 15-4-7 21-0-8 STUB S �ppp OQ� PR ®6 24 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 OFC /6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3116" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss l is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19%andlor cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20035. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 `Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D3 Qtv: 1 Drwa: K -LOC' REACT SIZE REQ'D 1- 1-12 417 3.50" 1.55• 2-10-12 42 3.50" 1.55• 4- 9- 9 26 3.50" 1.50" 6- 8- 5 27 3.50" 1.50- 8- 7- 1 875 3.50" 1.50" 10- 6-14 74 3.50• 1.50- 12- 6-11 43 3.50" 1.50- 14- 6- 8 104 3.50" 1.50• 21- 9-12 686 5.50" 1.50" REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AEL HND CSI 1-2 -375 0.00 0.42 0.42 2-3 144 0.00 0.42 0.42 13-4 -643 0.00 0.36 0.36 X14-5 59 0.01 0.32 0.32 BC FORCE AXL HND CSI i6-7 0 0.00 0.02 0.03 7-8 386 0.06 0.09 0.15 '.8-9 689 0.09 0.11 0.20 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -515 0.13 4-8 -225 0.06 3-7 -661 0.46 4-9 -831 0.31 3-8 252 0.09 5-9 -179 0.03 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD WEDGE 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E GBL BLK 2x4 FIF STUD Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 a o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. Install interior support(s) before erection. HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 341 lb support 2 -103 lb support 5 153 lb support 8 -386 lb support 9 128 lb 5-75-7� 5-10-0 5-10-0� 3-812 5-7-12 11-5-12 173-12 21-0-8 I 11-5-12 i- 9-6-12 I 1 2 3 4 5 400 4-0 4.00 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -95 lb Support 2 -5 lb Support 5 -218 lb Support 7 -9 lb Support 8 -17 lb Support 9 -139 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1. TrussLocation = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf e9�N`� j 1F0-0 11-04 21-0-8 6 7 8 9 1� 7-7-1 7-9-5 5-8-1 2-11-0 r - STUB 7-7-1 15-4-7 21-0-8 1STUB 00 ft MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 8-9 •(LIVE) LC L= -0.01" D= -0.04" T= - Joint Locations =-- 7==0 - 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 2 5- 7-12 7 7- 7- 1 3 11- 5-12 8 15- 4- 7 4 17- 3-12 9 21- 0- 8 5 21- 0- 8 N�•�y1� 1'Iroo� OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. R p 6 2406 al- 6/2oos Scale: 3/16" = V DS" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are tobeverifiedbythe component manufacturer and/or building designer prior tofabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the toads Dsgnr:JOLO TRUSSWORKS A Company You Can Trussl utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Live 16.00 psf TC Dead 24.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, Phone (760) 341-2232 - environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1','WTCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 7.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 DS" Job Nime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D4 Qty: 1 Drw : RG X=LOC REACT SIZE REQ ,D TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 1- 5- 8 1096 11.00• 1.57• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-I.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -197 lb 2 -21- 9-12 1070 S. .1.53• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -193 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY WEDGE 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This trues is designed using the n the trues material at each bearing Shim bearings (if needed) for req. support. Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END "*CSI Truss Location = End Zone -- 1-2 -2460 0.05 0.40 0.45 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -2967 0.09 0.36 0.45 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -2287 0.04 0.19 0.23 Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph - 80 4-5 -2292 0.04 0.28 0.33 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 5-6 -2622 0.10 0.48 0.58 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 7-8 2254 0.34 0.42 0.76 8-9 2360 0.35 0.40 0.75 9-10 2834 0.42 0.04 0.47 0-11 2489 0.37 0.07 0.44 1-12 -34 0.00 0.11 0.11 WEB FORCE CSI 'WEB FORCE CSI 2-8 -260 0.05 5-10 -341 0.12 MAX DEFLECTION (span) 2-9 481 0.17 5-11 -256 0.05 ". L/999 MEM 8-9 (LIVE) LC -3-9 55 0.01 6-11 2432'0.84 L=-0.14^ D=.-0.28" T= - 3-10 -691 0.24 6-12 -1026 0.19 4-10 1163 0.40 _ - _= Joint Locations = 1= 0- 0- 0 7 0- __ 0 0 2 3- 8- 7 8 3- 8- 7 3 7- 7- 1 9 7- 7- 1 3-8-7 33-1� 33-1� 33-1� 6-81 4 11- 5-12 10 11- 5-12 3-8-7 7-7-1 11-5-12 15-4-7 21-0$ 5 15- 4- 7 11 15- 4- 7 .. 6 21- 0- 8 12 21- 0- 8 11-5-12 9-6-12 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 400 -400 4-4 T3-4 3-4- 4-5-12l 3.4 4-5-14 3-12 JW 4.10 3� 1-10-15 SHIPO..'T� I0 7-13 6 6 TO -11-10I 0-0 2 1.5 3 1 2-4 B1 B2 Q� 2.00' 2.00 R:10 0 R:1096 T C1�%A O U ��� ? u:-1�1-0U:-193 11-s-12 10-0 21-0-8 1-0-0 STus 3 Sa 7a-1 11 -s -1z 1st -7 z1-0 s srus `�IFOF CA���� R ®6 2®O 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/16" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDo1103 This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Com an You Can Truss! is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bind 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 'ANSVTPI 1'. WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilkles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 :2" Job Mime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D5 Qty: 4 Drw : TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 UPLIFT REACTION(S) environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 1 1- 5- 8 1222 11.00• 1.75• BC Dead 2x4 SPF 2100F -1.8E 5-9 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF 7.00 psf Support 1 -211 lb Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf 2 '24- 6- 0 1125 11.00• 1.61• BC 2x4 SPP 1650P -1.5E MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -185 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY FILL CHD 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing WEB 2x4 HF STUD Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. CBC -01 Code. WEDGE 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE Shim bearings (if needed) for req. support. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AxL BND CSI Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. - Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -2405 0.05 0.30 0.34 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -3484 0.11 0.34 0.45 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -3393 0.100.09 0.19 Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph - 80 4-5 -2916 0.07 0.08 0.16 CSC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 5-6 -2914 0.06 0.07 0.14 6-7 -3572 0.08 0.09 0.17 7-8 -3975 0.12 0.45 0.57 ' 8-9 -3403 0.08 0.83 0.91 BC FORCE AXL HND CSI ' 0-.11 2173 0.32 0.42 0.75 1-12 2344 0.35 0.42 0.77 2-13 3423 0.51 0.05 0.56 3-14 3207 0.48 0.06 0.53 4-15 3356 0.50 0.05 0.55 MAX DEFLECTION (span) 5-16 3864 0.58 0.06 0.64 L/999 MEM 14-15 (LIVE) LC 6 -17 3197 0.48 0.41 0.89 L= -0.21^ D= -0.40^ T= - 7-18 3132 0.47 0.41 0.88 8-19 3103 0.46 0.12 0.58 ---_= Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 11 2- 8-12 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2 2- 8-12 12 5- 7-12 2-11 a -435 0.08 6-14 -617 0.16 loan 0.35 6-1s 263 0.09 2-6-12 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 3-8-12 3 5- 7-12 13 8- 6-12 -1a 3-12 -233 0.04 7-15 -488 0.12 2.8.12 5-7-12 8-6-12 -� 11-5-12 14-4-12 17-3-12 20-2-12 23-11-8 4 8- 6-12 5 11- 5-12. 14 11- 15 14- 5-12 4-12 3-13 -205 0.05 7-16 -93 0.02 6 14- 4-12 16 17- 3-12 4-13 130 0.05 8-16 654 0.23 I 11-5-12 12-5-12 ) I 7 17- 3-12 17 20- 2-12 4-14 -459 0.12 8-17 -157 0.03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 20- 2-12 18 23- 0- 4 5-14 1566 0.54 9 23-11- 8 19 23-11- 8 � � 10 0- 0- 0 41 00 -4.00 1 TT 4-5-14 4-5-12 1 1 10-7-13 0-0-2 4-4 B1 0- W:1100 2.00 R:1222 U:-2 to -0. 11-5-12 2.00 T 3-4 4-5-14 __ SHIP S =0-3-15 1.5-3 c 4-6 B2 WA, R:11 .... U: -v 1-"10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 STUB �2-8-12 2-11-0 2-11-0 •, 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-9-8 2-8-12 5-7-12 8-6-12 11-5-12 . 14-4-12 17-3-12 20-2-12 23-0.4 La R® OFC 4/ 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/16" = 1 ® TRUSSWORKS WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in aaccordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions re to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Eng. Job: EJ. Chk' JOLO DSg nr: JOLO WO: PD01103 TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Charlespl. s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, A. and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: *Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead Design Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSIRPI t','WTCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION. (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 7.00 psf Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 - Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 51^ glob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D5A Qty: 1 Drwg: G x -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D 1 1- 5- 8 1222 11.00• 1.75- 2 *24- 6- 0 1125 11.00• 1.61- G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -2405 0.05 0.30 0.34 2-3 -3484 0.45 3-4 -3393 0.10 0.09 0.19 4-5 -2916 0.07 0.08 0.16 5-6 -3018 0.06 0.07 0.14 6-7 -3572 0.08 0.09 0.17 7-8 -3975 0.12 0.45 0.57 8-9 -3403 0.08 0.83 0.91 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 0-11 3818 0.54 0.34 0.88 1-12 3950 0.55 0.34 0.90 2-13 4630 0.65 0.07 0.72 3-14 4305 0.60 0.06 0.67 4-15 4215 0.59 0.07 0.66 5-16 4754 0.67 0.07 0.74 6-17 4316 0.61 0.35 0.96 7-18 4258 0.60 0.35 0.95 8-19 4213 0.59 0.17 0.76 WEB FORCE CSI NEB FORCE CSI 2-11 -435 0.08 6-14 -736 0.18 2-12 1193 0.39 6-15 317 0.10 3-12 -317 0.06 7-15 -596 0.14 3-13 -445 0.11 7-16 -222 0.04 4-13 246 0.08 8-16 940 0.31 4-14 -645 0.16 8-17 -157 0.03 5-14 1643 0.54 TYPICAL PLATE: 3-4 TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1. 5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 ® 2x4 SPF 210OP-1.8E 5-9 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PILL CED 2x4 SPP 1650P-1.SE PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607 WEB 2x4 HF STUD Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. WEDGE 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E Shim bearings (if needed) for req. support. Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. ++++++++++++++++++++++ 114-4 4-2 1 1 I0-7-13 0-0-2 Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 % live loads. D.F. = 1.33 Horiz. reaction - 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2-82 8� 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-110 2-11-0 2-110 2-11-0 3-812 2-8-12 5-7-12 8-0-12 11-5-12 14-4-12 17-3-12 20-2-12 23-11-8 l 11-5-12 I 12-5-12 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4r 00 -4.00 4-4 s -v B7 0-" W:1100 2.00 R:1222 U: -2A!". 11-5-12 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -211 lb Support 2 -185 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf T 4-5-14 SHIP =0-3-15 n%V 1. X11-1 B2 2.00 1.5-3 W: 1-M 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 �2-8-12 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-9 8 STUB �� � � 2-8-12 5-7-12 8-0-12 11-5-12 14-0-12 17-3-12 20-2-12 23-0-4 =1 R:11125 U:-185 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 13-14 (LIVE) LC L= -0.22- D= -0.40" T= -==- Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 11 2- 8-12 2 2- 8-12 12 5- 7-12 3 5- 7-12 13 8- 6-12 4 8- 6-12 14 11- 5-12 5 11- 5-12 15 14- 4-12 6 14- 4-12 16 17- 3-12 7 17- 3-12 17 20- 2-12 8 20- 2-12 18 23- 0- 4 9 23-11- 8 19 23-11- 8 10 0- 0- 0 �Sp, r �y i '��� 4 Of G4` 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/16" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss I Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSI/TPI 1', 1NTCA 1'. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 52" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D6 Qty: 2 Drw : 5 6 D. Qq ,l�Cf W1100 R:1214 2.00 RG x -LOC REACT SIZEREQ D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 0-11A �YQ• 10 1-0-0.102-8-12 23-11-8U 11 12 13 14 1 1- 5- 8 1214 11.00• 1.74• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -209 lb 2-8-12 2-8-12 5-7-12 8-0-12 11-5-12 14-4-12 2 -24- 3- 4 1133 5.50• 1.62• FILL CHD 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -187 lb Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY WEB 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1','1NTCA 1' Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf n the truss material at each bearing WEDGE 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. CBC -01 Code. Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and'BCSI (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Shim bearings (if needed) for req. support. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AEL BND CSI Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -2386 0.04 0.29 0.34 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -3452 0.11 0.33 0.44 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, B1dg,Width = 20.00 ft 3-4 -3356 0.10 0.09 0.19 Mean roof' height = 14.24 ft, mph - 80 4-5 -2874 0.07 0.08 0.16 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 5-6 -2874 0.07 0.08 0.15 6-7 -3505 0.110.11 0.22 - 7-8 -3879 0.14 0.25 0.38 8-9 -1464 0.02 0.42 0.44 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 0-11 2156 0.32 0.42 0:74 1-12 2326 0.35 0.42 0.77 2-13 3391 0.51 0.05 0.56 3-14 3172 0.47 0.05 0.53 4-15 3303 0.49 0.05 0.54 MAX DEFLECTION (span) 5-16 3726 0.55 0.07 0.62 L/999 MEM 14-15 (LIVE) LC 6-17 3333 0.49 0.30 0.79 L= -0.19" D= -0.37" T= - 7-18 3259 0.48 0.34 0.82 8-19 1318 0.19 0.08 0.28 ---_= Joint Locations = 1 0- O 11 2- 8 12 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 8- 2 2- 8- 12 12 5- 7-12 2-11 2-12 -432 0.08 1008 0.35 6-14 -603 0.153 6-15 228 0.08 2$� 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11� 2-11-0� 3 8-1� 5- 3-12 -229 0.04 7-15 -404 0.10 2-8-12 � 5-7-12 8-6-12 11-5-12 14-4-12 17-3-12 20-2-12 23-11-8 4 8- 6-12 511- 5-12 14 11- 15 14- 5-12 4-12 3-13 -209 0.05 7-16 -37 0.01 - 6 14- 4-12 16 17- 3-12 4-13 132 0.05 8-16 404 0.14 11-5-12 12-5-12 1 4-14 -964 0.12 8-17 -181 0.03 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 20- 2-12 18 23- 0-4 5-19 1546 0.53 8-18 -2074 0.52 9 23-i1- 8 19 23-11- 8 10 0- 0- 0 41 00 400 1 4-4 T T 3-4 3� T I I 34 3-4 4-5-14 4-5-12 3-4 4-12 4-5-I14 6 SHIP 4-10 3-4 1-11-11 3-43-0 IO L 3-4 -7-13 1.5-3 =b.3.11 6 0-0-2 3-4 Q B1 0-"I �B23 5 6 D. Qq ,l�Cf W1100 R:1214 2.00 -2.00 w:508 R: 1133 0-5-8 9! Q� U:-297ro-0I 11-5-12 U:487 0-11A �YQ• 10 1-0-0.102-8-12 23-11-8U 11 12 13 14 15 11� 16 17 18 i iotg��a0? STUB 22-11_-0 22-11_ 0 2-112-11 0 2-11- 0 22-11-0 22-11_ 2-9-8 �I � r0X� a\ 06 2-8-12 2-8-12 5-7-12 8-0-12 11-5-12 14-4-12 17-3-12 20-2-12 23-0-4 4/ 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/16" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDo1103 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer andlor building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS Wllized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will rause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1','1NTCA 1' Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 -Wood of 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and'BCSI (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 56" IJob Nairne: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D6D Qtv: 1 Drwa: G .x-1.00 REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E 1 1- 5- 8 1214 11.00• 1.74• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1. 5E 2 '24- 3- 4 1133 5.50• 1.62• FILL CHD 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY WEB 2x4 HF STUD the truss material at each bearing WEDGE 2x4 SPP 165OF-1. SE 75-110 St. Charles ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -2386 0.04 0.29 0.34 2-3 -3452 0.11 0.33 0.44 3-4 -3356 0.10 0.09 0.19 4-5 -2882 0.07 0.08 0.16 5-6 -2981 0.07 0.08 0:15 6-7 -3505 0.11 0.11 0.22 7-8 -3879 0.14 0.25 0.38 8-9 -1464 0.02 0.42 0.44 BC FORCE ARL HND CSI 0-11 3803 0.53 0.34 0.87 1-12 3933 0.55 0.34 0.89 2-13 4602 0.65 0.07 0.71 3-14 4272 0.60 0.06 0.66 4-15 4190 0.59 0.06 0.65 5-16 4673 0.66 0.07 0.73 6-17 4472 0.63 0.28 0.90 7-18 4406 0.62 0.28 0.89 8-19 3013 0.42 0.08 0.50 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-11 -432 0.08 6-14 -726 0.18 2-12 1187 0.39 6-15 301 0.10 3-12 -316 0.06 7-15 -558 0.13 3-13 -449 0.11 7-16 -165 0.05 4-13 248 0.08 8-16 697 0.23 4-14 -648 0.16 8-17 -181 0.03 5-14 1626 0.53 8-18 -2074 0.52 114-4 l l 4_,0 IO -7-13 C Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Heel plates analyzed for eccentricity. Shim bearings (if needed) for req. support. Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 live loads. D.F. = 1.33 Horiz. reaction 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2-82 812 22-11-0 22-11-0 22-11-0 22-11-0 2-11-0 2-110 3-8-12 2-8-12 5-7-12 8-0-12 11-5-12 14-4-12 17-3-12 20-2-12 23-11-8 11-5-12 ( 12-5-12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1- 400 -400 4-4 3-1 3-4 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -209 lb Support 2 -187 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf T 4-5-14 1 SHIP 3-4 1-11-1 3-43-0 1.5-3 L 3 4 5-0-3-15 -=== Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 11 2- 8-12 2 2- 8-12 12 5- 7-12 3 5- 7-12 13 8- 6-12 4 .8- 6-12 14 11- 5-12 5 11- 5-12 15 14- 4-12 6 14- 4-12 16 17- 3-12 7 17- 3-12 17 20- 2-12 8 20- 2-12 18 23- 0- 4 9 23-117 8 19 23-11- 8 10 0- 0- 0 0-0.2 3-4 1.53 'X% B1 11000 2.00 z.00 B sob 5-6 0-5-8 . k�`Q��So• ��q, Cl R:1214 R:1133 *� /► �yy U: -2 -0-0I 11-5-12 I U:-187 0-11 z3-11-8 11-6-8 i 10MIM7 1-0-0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ��" �2-8-12 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-11-0 2-110 2-11 2-9-8 � tit �(1, 0(p CAM �Q.. R STUB 2-8-12 5-7-12 8.6-12 11-5-12, 14-4-12 17-3-12 20-2-12 23-0-4 "/�� n�..►1\�[0�� ` • o 6 ®® 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3116" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDo1103 ® This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 pl. PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead 7.00 Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilftles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TP01s located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 58" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D7 Qty: 1 Drw : ` RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : 1 0- 2-12 1201 5.50• 1.72• BC 2x4 SPF_ 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -207 lb 2 -23- 3= 4 11a6 5.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -189 lb RG REQDIPJMSNTS shova are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing CBC -01 Code. DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE Alit. BND CSI - Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -2561 0.05 0.34 0.39 - Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -2217 0.04 0.34 0.38 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width =. 20.00 ft 3-4 -2122 .0.05 0.32 0.37 BC Live 0.00 psf Mean roof height = 14.16 ft, mph 80 - 4-5 -2439 0.05 0.54 0.59 - CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf BC FORCE ARL BND CSI Phone (760) 341-2232 1', WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1.03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 6-7 2368 0.32 0.16 0.48 Fax # (760) 341-2293 7-8 1567 0.18 0.22 0.40 TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 8-9 2239 0.33 0.28 0.62 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -491 0.12 3-8 543 0.19 - 3-7 671 0.23 4-8 -431 0.10 T 4-3-14 6-46 4-12 55-7-0 • 5-7-0 6-4-12 6-4-12 ,11-11-12 17-6-12 23-11-8 11-11-12 11-11-12 1 2 3 4 5 4� d� 4-4 . T 4-7-10 SHIP 4-4 U =0-3-15 B1 B2 ( W:508 W:508 0 R:1201 R:1146 U:-207 U:-189 10H-0 - 23-11-8 6 7 8 9 8-38-3 1 7-57-5 5 8-3-1 8-3-1 15-8-7 23-11-8 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC L- -0.11" D= -0.20" T- - - _= Joint Locations =- 1 10- 0- 0 6 0- 0 0 2 6- 4-12 7 8- 3- 1 3 11-11-12 8 15- 8- 7 4 17- 6-12 9 23-11- 8 5 23-11-,8. EXP CAS 47.6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/16" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss l Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 pl. Desert, PalmDesertCA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI Standard Design Responsibilities,'SUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 1', WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1.03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 31" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D7D Qty: 1 Drw : RG X -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D 1 0- 1-12 569 3.50 . 1.72• 2 2- 8- 1 178 3.50• 1.50• 3 4- 6- 7 29 3.50• 1.50• 4 6- 4-12 34 3.50• 1.50• 5 8- 3- 1 866 3.50• 1.50• 6 9-11- 5 56 3.50• 1.50• 7 11- 7- 9 78 3.50• 1.50• 8 13- 3-12 41 3.50• 1.50• 9 15- 0- 0 527 3.50• 1.50• 10 23- 9-12 553 3.50• 1.50• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ABL HND CSI 1-2 -948 0.00 0.45 0.45 2-3 291 0.01 0.45 0.45 3-4 -553 0.00 0.44 0.44 4-5 -1087 0.00 0.44 0.45 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 6-7 0 0.00 0.25 0.26 7-8 1608 0.23 0.38 0.60 8-9 1400 0.20 0.14 0.34 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-7 -596 0.14 3-8 690 0.23 3-7 -800 0.51 4-8 -600 0.14 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLR 2x4 HF STUD Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Install interior support(s) before erection. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 3.0 R lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord along partial continuous bearing(s) indicated, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=1.33. Partial continuous bearing reaction = 200 Plf Max. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + T 4-3-14 1 =0-3-15 6-412 6-4-12 �2 41 00 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -74 lb Support 2 -31 lb Support 3 -15 lb Support 5 -207 lb Support 8 -174 lb Support 9 -115 lb Support 10 -90 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S).: support 1 638 lb support 2 -610 lb support 5 1770 lb support 9 -1607 lb support 10 -301 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 14.16 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 8-9 (LIVE) LC L- -0.05" D= -0.14" T= - 55-7-0 5-7-0 6-46-4 _ _= Joint Locations ===== 1= 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 11-11-12 17-6-12 23-11-8 2 6- 4-12 7 8- 3- 1 11-11-12 3 11-11-12 8 15- 8- 7 I i 4 17- 6-12 9 23-11- 8 3 4 5 5 23-11- 8 400 4-0 T 4-7-10 SHIP 4 � T(1-3-15 %1C B10 L9" 23-11-8 68 ppZE Q. 9 �7 7-5-5 Sr'qOF 8-3-1 23-1-18 SA C ppR TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 4/6/2006 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN V �I All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3116" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that Ne loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 24.00 noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Derail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA 1' . Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilitles,'SUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) 15 located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 L9" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D8 Qty: 6 Drw : WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. RG' x -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D' TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1. 5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 This design based on chord bracing applied 1 3- 8- 4 1101 5.50 .3.50^ BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF per the following schedule: 2 •24- 8-12 1010 5.50• 1.50• FILL CHD 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.SE MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. max o.c. from to RG REQUIPJMBNPS shown are based ONLY WEB 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. BC 109.00" 18- 5- 8 24- 0- 4 n the truss material at each bearing Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Shim bearings (if needed) for req. support. UPLIFT REACTION(S) 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf This truss is designed using the Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Support 1 -202 lb TC FORCE AXL BND CSI CBC -01 Code. BC Dead 7.00 psf Support 2 -171 lb 1-2 -2171 0.04 0.22 0.26 Bldg Enclosed Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 2-3 -2507 0.07 0.29 0.36 Truss Location = End Zone 3-4 -2501 0.08 0.41 0.50 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category C 4-5 -3613 0.12 0.86 0.97 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph - 80 BC FORCE ASL END CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 6-7 82 0.00 0.05 0.05 7-8 2149 0.32 0.12 0.44 8-9 3386 0.51 0.19 0.70 9-10 3380 0.90 0.09 0.99 - 0-11 3334 0.95 0.00 0.95 IWEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -1101 0.17 2-8 199 0.07 6-1 -1085 0.17 3-8 1059 0.37 1-7 2045 0.71 4-8 -1015 0.72 2-7 -493 0.09 4-9 70 0.02 33-2-4 5-10-0 5-10 66-742 3-2-4 9-0-4 14-10-4 21 6-0 i 9-0-4 I 12-5-12 I 1 2 3 4 5 4� 00 : 4-4 n B 508 s 5-6-12 a.6 R A 101 2.00 -2.00 U:-202 0 1 8-8-12 + 0-Ih� 21 6-0 14-6-8 ; 3-5-8 6 7 8 9 10 STUB 3-2-4 55-1� 55-1� 5-8-8 v 3-2-4 9-0-4 14-10-4 20-0-12 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 8-9 (LIVE) LC L= -0.19" D= -0.38" T. Joint Locations = 7-0 - 0- 0- 0 7 3- 2-=4 2 3- 2- 4 8 9- 0- 4 3 9- 0- 4 9 14-10- 4 4 14-10- 4 10 20- 6-12 5 21- 6- 0 11 21- 6- 0 6 0- 0- 0 12 0- 0- 0 l 4-5-1411 - SHIP &D so_3_15 Q�v��SD. Gq9� R 10 0 8 No. U:-171 10ftn/2007 . WTEE OF C00 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/16"= 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on speclfications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 • T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSI1TPI 1', WTCA 1' -Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responslbilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20039. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 S7" /Job Ntzime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D81) QW: 1 Drwa: G K -LOC REACT SIZE REQ -D 1 3- 8- 4 1101 5.50 . 5.50• 2 '24- 8-12 1010 5.50• 1.so- G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing �TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -2023 0.03 0.23 0.26 2-3 -2604 0.07 0.29 0.36 3-4 -2873 0.07 0.33 0.40 4-5 -3612 0.08 0.72 0.81 BC FORCE A%L BND CSI 6-7 2029 0.28 0.04 0.33 7-8 3644 0.51 0.09 0.60 8-9 4126 0.58 0.26 0.84 9-10 4117 0.90 0.08 0.99 0-11 4061 0.95 0.00 0.95 WEB FORCE CSI WEBFORCE CSI 2-6 -1101 0.07 2-8 936 0.47 6-1 -1092 0.07 3-8 1290 0.42 1-7 1912 0.66 4-8 -1435 0.75 2-7' -579 0.11 4-9 85 0.03 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1. 5E Web bracing required at each location shown. 2x4 SPP 210OF-1.8E 3-5 ® See standard details (TX01087001-001 revl). BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 FILL CHD 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. 2x6 HF 1650F -1.5E 12-1 PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. ++++++++++++++++++++++ This truss is designed using the Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied CBC -01 Code. evenly along the top chord to the chord Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently Truss Location = End Zone with dead + 0 % live loads. D.F. = 1.33 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Horiz. reaction = 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Connection (by others) must transfer equal Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph - 80 load to each ply (or add-on) shown. CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load= 12.6 psf ++++++++++++++++++++++ 3-2-4 5-1� 5-1� 6-7-12� 3-2-4 9-0-4 14-10-4 21-6-0 9-0-4 i 12-5-12 i 1 2 3 4 5 4.00 -4� 4-4 -8 B1 '$ W:508 5-6-12 4-0 11:1101 2.00 -2.00 U:-203 0- 1:�-0!i 8.6-12 i 0:,l 1:j 21-0-0 116 e 3-5-8 �6 7 8 9 10 STUB 3-2-4 5-10-0 5-10-0 5-8-8 3-2-4 9-0-4 14-10-4 20-6-12 This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. from to BC 109.00" 18- 5- 8 24- 0- 4 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -203 lb Support 2 -171 lb 4-5-14 ' TSHIP =0-3-15 B2 W:508 R:1010 U:-171 Joint Locations .;=== --- =1 0- 0- 0 7 3- 2- 4 2 3- 2- 4 8 9- 0- 4 3 9- 0- 4 9 14-10- 4 4 14-10- 4 10 20- 6-12 5 21- 6- 0 11 21- 6- 0 6 0- 0- 0 12 0- 0- 0 511 v N0. C11" ,00/20 � N�ow '�'oFCA��F°� IP ® 6 2®®6 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk- JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf 'A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or Boor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached. unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf and brace this tress in accordance with the following standards: *Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 'ANSFTPI 1','WTCA 1' . Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilitles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onof io Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 51719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf 4/6/2006 Scale: 3116" = 1' WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 57" fob Nime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: D9 Qtv: 2 Drwa: G X_ LOC REACT SIZE REQ�D 1 3- 8- 4 1015 5.50` 5.50• 2 '24- 8-12 1001 5.50• 1.50• G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL HND CSI 1-2 -2321 0.06 0.32 0.38 2-3 -2436 0.04 0.21 0.26 3-4 -2454 0.08 0.43 0.52 4-5 -3601 0.11 0.84 0.95 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 6-7 73 0.01 0.07 0.08 7-8 29 0.01 0.33 0.34 8-9 2290 0.34 0.05 0.39 9-103370 0.50 0.17 0.67 0-11 3371 0.90 0.08 0.98 1-12 3324 0.95 0.00 0.95 NEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI BB 1 -1015 0.07 2-9 75 0.02 1-6 32 0.15 3-9 1099 0.38 8-2 -408 0.39' 4-9 -1051 0.75 1-8 2088 0.72 4-10 66 0.03 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1. 5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF 2x4 HF STUD 7-2 MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. FILL CHD 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. WEB 2x4 HP STUD End verticals are designed for axial loads BRG BLK 2x6 HP 1650F -1.5E only unless noted otherwise. Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Extensions above or below the truss profile This truss is designed using the (if any) have been designed for loads CBC -01 Code. indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 the end of the extensions have not been Truss Location = End Zone considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C otherwise unsupported wall may create a Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft hinge effect that requires additional design Mean roof height = 14.24 ft, mph 80 consideration (by others). CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf TOTAL 47.00 psf 4-5-13 4-5-14 6-12 wB1 51 R:1015 U:-1802-4 TIE This design based on chord bracing applied per the following schedule: max o.c. from to BC 109.00" 18- 5- 8 24- 0- 4 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -180 lb Support 2 -171 lb MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM. 9-10 (LIVE) LC L= -0.19" D. -0.39" T= - Joint Locations =1-0 - 1= 0- 0- 0 7 4- 4- 4 4-9-12 4-2-8 5-9-15 6-7-13 2 4- 4- 4 8 4- 4- 4 -� 3 8- 6-12 9 8- 6-12 4-9-12 9-0-4 14-10-3 - 21-6-0 4 14- 4-11 10 14- 4-11 5 21- 0- 8 11 20- 1- 4 9-0-0 12-5-12 6 0- 0- 0 12 21 0- 8 1 2 3 4 5 4.00 d� 4-4 3� 34 4-5-14 ;46-Z6SHIP 48I13-0 1112 3 38 D) 1 =0-3 f is s� 3-4 t. 4rJ 2.00 5-0-12 4-0 2.00 W 4-" I I 11-0-8 i i U:-1 4.0-12 21-6-0 04,'x-.( 33-5-8 6 78 9 10 12 STUB 4-9-12 ,�, 4-2-8 5-9-15 6-8-9 -4� 1 m 4-9-12 46 9-0-4 14-10-3 20-6-12 No, 10!41j2007 �lD TE . j All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. s APR ® 6 4/6/2006 Scale: 7132" = 1' ® T R U S S WO R KS WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Eng. Job: EJ. Chk- JOLO Dsgnr: JOLO w0: PDO1103 TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company YCTrussl p youan Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 e nd brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead 7.00 Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANStfTPI 1', WTCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, psf Design Spec CBI: -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 58" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: E1 Qtv: 1 Drwa: TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.513 GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 pef live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Right Overhang(s) are not to be removed. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED IIP TO 3" MAX.1 Right Overhang Soffit loading - 0.0 psf 4-2-0 m m 4-2-0 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 This truss is designed using the THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF CBC -01 Code. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.53 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf $fiT . r 1s-4-0 8-2-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 88 9 400 -4.00 I 4-4 ----= Joint Locations =-- = 1 0- 0- 0 10 0- 0- 0 2 4- 2- 0 11 4- 2- 0 3 5- 6- 0 12 5- 6- 0 4 6-10- 0 13 6-10- 0 5 8- 2- 0 14 8- 2- 0 6 9- 6- 0 15 9- 6- 0 7 10-10- 0 16 10-10- 0 8 12- 2- 0 17 12- 2- 0 9 16- 4- 0 18 16- 4- 0 r 114,1 lir .� v ' 16-4-0 ' 1OVA, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2-0 18 E7tP DAA 20 t" t, t" t" 11iSOF CAL TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 4/6/2006 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 114" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles ste-11 A environment that will rause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 pl. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead 7.00 CBC Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responslblitles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, psf Design Spec -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste'800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Nhme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: E2 Qty: 1 Drw : RG X -LOC REACT SIZE} REQ•D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE - Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(SI 11- 5- 8 902 3.50• 1.50" BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -177 lb 2 X15- 7- 0 816 3.50" - 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -159 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY WEDGE 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n,the trues material at each bearing + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CBC -01 Code. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAX.I Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI Overhang Soffit loading 0.0 psf, Truss Location = End Zone L- 1 26 0.00 0.07 0.08 + + + + + + +.+ + t + + + + + + + + + + t t 3-0-10 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category C 1-2 -1064 0.01 0.78 0.78 3-4 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 2-3 -1070 0.01 0.54 0.55 SHIP Mean roof height = 14.53 ft, mph80 =12.6 3 -OR 26 0.00 0.07 0.08 �1f�� 1.5-3 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load psf BC FORCE AXL HND CSI 3 1-3-12. W:308 ' W:308 0-7d t UD.b11�7, - 4-5 923 0.13 0.30 0.44 1 412007 U:-159 � 5-6 923 0.13 0.18 0.31 16-4-0 4 5 6 88-2-08-2-0 - WEBFORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI PR p 6 2 A 4/6/2006 2-5 97 0.04 - WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. - WO: PDO1103 19" . MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC - L= -0.06" D= -0.12" T- -C. Joint Locations =- - ' 1= 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0 0 2 8- 2- 0 5 8- 2- 0 88-2-0 88-2-0 3 16- 4- 0 6 16- 4- '0 8-2-0 16-4-0 8-2-08-2-0 1 ry. 2 3 4-4 . T 3-0-10 3-4-6 3-4 34 . SHIP �I =0-3-151 �1f�� 1.5-3 3 1-3-12. W:308 ' W:308 0-7d t UD.b11�7, R:902 11:816 U:-177 1 412007 U:-159 � EXP VATE 16-4-0 4 5 6 88-2-08-2-0 OF C 8-2-0 16.4-0 PR p 6 2 A 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by ••MX•' for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, 'unless noted. Scale: 114" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S W O R KS utlllzed on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Charlespl. s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, A. anE brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1','WTCA 1' Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - of 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, psf Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 19" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: E3 Qty: .2 Drw : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 1- 5- 8 806 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -146 lb 2 '15- 7- 0 824 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -163 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shoes are based ONLY WEDGE 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing +++++++++++++++++++++t 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. CBC -01 Code. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAXI Eng. Job: EJ. Bldg Enclosed = Yea, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI Overhang Soffit loading = 0.0 psf Chk' JOLO Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -1084 0.01 0.56 0.57 + + + + + ♦ + + + t + + + + t + + + + + + + Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -1094 0.01 o.sa 0.54 are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 3 -OR 26 0.00 0.07 0.08 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf Mean roof height = 14.53 ft, mph80 =12.6 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss l Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = psf BC FORCE AXL BND CSI noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf 4-5 947 0.14 0.28 0.42 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf 5-6 947 0.14 0.16 0.30 Palm Desert CA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards:and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI Phone (760) 341-2232 1', WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is BC Dead 7.00 psf 2-5 94 0.04 Fax # (760) 341-2293 (BCSI and (TPI) located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf 8-28-2-00 8-2-0 8-20 16-0 I 8-2-0 I 8-2-0 I 1 2 3 400 4-4 -4.010 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= -0.06" D= -0.12" T= - === Joint Locations -- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 8- 2- 0 5 8- 2- 0 3 16- 4- 0 6 16- 4- 0 T , 3-4-6 SHIP 18" KXUb R:824 -C U:-146 t):-163 NO -.C1 16--0 ' 1a3 4 �5_ 8-2-0 8-2-0 P 6 2 0 8-2-0 16--0 OF CA��F�Q APR 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on speciflcations provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss l Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert CA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards:and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI Phone (760) 341-2232 1', WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 (BCSI and (TPI) located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 18" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE' Truss ID: E4 Qty: 1 Drw : RG -.a-LOC REACT SIZE REQ -D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) 1 2- 7- 4 851 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -153 lb 2 '15- 1-12 653 3.50" 1.50` WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -148 lb 3 16- 2- 4 189' 3.50• 1.50• WEDGE 2x8 DFL #2 PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -146 lb RG REQOIRBMENTS shown are based ONLY 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE 2 Mark all interior bearing locations. This truss is designed using the a the trues material at each bearing Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. install interior support(s) before erection. CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CS1 Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -841 0.00 0.74 0.74 _ Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -845 0.01 0.48 0.48 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 0.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.53 ft, mph 80 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI - CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6-psf,- 4-5 720 0.09 0.56 0.65 5-0 720 0.09 0.25 0.33 - 5-6 -720 0.00 0.35 0.36 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI - > 2-5 91 0.02 MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 5-0 (LIVE) LC L- -0.09" D= -0.21" T= -C. Locations --- 1= 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 8- 2- 0 5 8- 2- 0 8-2-0 ` 8-2-0 3 16- 4- 0 6 16- 4- 0 � -� 8-2-016-4-0 8-2-0 I 8-2-0 ( . 1 2 3 400 4.00 3-0-10 3-4-6 3-4 3 4 SHIP t TO -3-15 1.5-3 2-5 8 W:308 15-1-12 W:308 W:306R:851 R-189 Q' U:453 U:6148 U446 U No. Cl I 4 5. 88-2-0 6 8-2-0 8-2-0 16.4-0 �lFOF CAS\FAQ APS 4/6/2006 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4"= 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utllized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 'ANSUTPI 1% `WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI: The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, - Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Segn T6.5.0 - 0 30" /.lob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: E413 Qty: 1 Drwp: 3RG X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D I. 7- 4 459 3.50• 1.50• 2 4- 4- 5 77 3.50• 1.50• 36- 3- 3 42 3.50^ 1.50• 4 6- 2- 0 662 3.50• 1.50^ 5 9-10- 8 26 3.50• 1.50• 6 11- 7- 0 21 3.50• 1.50• 7 13- 3- 8 108 3.50• 1.50• 8 15- 0- 0 388 3.50• 1.50• 9 15- 1-12 388 3.50• 1.50• 10 16- 2- 4 414 3.50" 1.50• 3RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY in the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL HND CSI 1-2 -251 0.02 0.31 0.33 2-3 1116 0.15 0.28 0.43 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 4-5 592 0.08 0.14 0.23 5-6 1517 0.21 0.16 0.37 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 -640 0.14 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-l.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD WEDGE 2x8 DFL #2 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E 2 GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord along partial continuous bearing(s) indicated, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=1.33. Partial continuous bearing reaction = 159 Plf Max. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Mark all interior bearing locations. Install interior support(s) before erection. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 88-2-0 8-2-0 . 88-2_� 16-4-0 I 8-2-0 I 8-2-0 I 1 2 3 400 4-4 4.00 6- -0-0 4-0 4 5 s 88-2-0 8-2-0 88-2-0 16-4-0 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -129 lb Support 2 -50 lb Support 4 -164 lb Support 7 -13 lb Support 8 -126 lb Support 9 -126 lb Support 10 -300 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 376 lb support 2 591 lb support 4 2000 lb support 8 1517 lb support 9 1517 lb support 10 -261 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1. Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 Mean roof height - 14.53 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf 00 ft MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-0 (LIVE) LC L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T- =--= = Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0 0 2 8- 2- 0 5 8- 2- 0 3 16- 4- 0 6 16- 4- 0 T .6 . 3.4 1SHIP TO -3-15 B10 Q�C� Q�t�S D. Gq,9p C111 ? 10317 �TE TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 r'r OF CA` OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. 4/6/2006 Scale: 1/4" = V DO" WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDQ1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer andfor building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO TR U SSWO RKS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss l Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Charlespl. s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, A. and this truss In accordance with the fallowing standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, YTbrace 'ANSUTPI 1', NCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilkies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WrCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 O'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 DO" Job Nime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: E5 • Qty: 1 Drw : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ`D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 5- 8 783 11.00" 1.50" BC 2x4 SPF '1650F -1.5E * THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -144 lb 2 •16- 2- 4 846 3.50" 1.50" WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -164 lb,� RG REQDIRSIO;NTS shove are based ONLY, This truss is designed using the PLATS VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. n the truss material at each bearing CBC -01 Code. - + i' • .. - Bldg Enclosed Yes; Importance Factor 1.00 e TC FORCE •AXL END CSI - - Truse Location = End Zone 1-2 -1398 0.01 0.53 0.54 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No Exp Cate=.0 2-3 - -1393 0.04 0.61 0.65, Bldg Length = '40.00 ft, Bldg Width gory .20:00 ft Mean roof height - 14.53 ft, mph 80 t " BC FORCE AXL BND CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf r - r 4-5 1241 0.17 0.30 0.47 • - - ' . .r. 5-6 1241" 0.19 0.35 0.53 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSZ- 2-5 190 0.08 • -. •. ._ , - yr ,. • J, l.. �. _ _ ,. car - - c�,` - - •,) " 4^ - MAX DEFLECTION (span) • " - � 1 `- I% + L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE).LC t.. - o - '� _ .4 s -'h. - ! r. ; _ . • .. "i L= -0.07" D= -0.16" T- - ,� y t 3• - v ___= Joint Locations ===== 1 o- o- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 8- 2- 0 5 8- 2- 0 8-2-0 " + v a ' 3 16- 4- 0 6 16- 4- 0 x, 8 88-2� T8-2-0 16 4-0 .f z t t y 7 r r i 1, tl 8-2-0'- t + f l ` 8-2-0 , 1 fa - aa 4 „ w 4� 00 4-4 -46 ' 31-4 3-4 q SHIP,,- �. - =0-3-15 =03-151 G�kN�+ a R Y 1.5-3 • f 3 Q�G �s p ��'�/1�� , B1 B2 b T W:110o c ` w 30 9� - r R:783 K + • d ' t - R:846 T f. 4.k u:-164 * NO. IIM� - x - - 16-4-0" + 4 6 8-2-0 8� ' a _ 8-2-0 16-4.0 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01103 This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss! Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise - noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf + O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'ECSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf - Segn T6.5.0 - 0 JQb Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: E6 Qty: 2 Drw : RG I: -LOC REACT SIZE REQ -D TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 5- 8 880 11.00• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650P -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -170 lb 2 16- 2- 4 844 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -163 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY This truss is designed using the PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607.' In the truss material at each bearing CBC -01 Code. U��Q.1 C�� Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance/Factor - 1.00 88-2 - 8-2-0 I TC FORCE AXL END CSI Truss Location = find Zone , 1-2 -1387 0.01 0.53 0.54 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp'Category = C ' 2-3 -1381 0.04 0.62 0.65 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft 6.2-0 16-4-0 p Mean roof height = 14.53 ft, mph - 80 BC FORCE ASL BND CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 1230 0.17 0.29 0.46 ' )F CA���� 5-6 1230 0.18 0.35 0.53 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, rioted. - WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. 2-5 186 0.08 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer 88-2-0 8-2-0 8-2-0 16-4-0 I 8-2-0 I 8-2-0 I 1 2 3 -00 400 -4 4-4 T 3-4-0 HIP =0-3-15 ts MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= -0.07" D= -0.16^ T= -- _= Joint Locations =- 10 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0600 2 8- 2- 0 5 8- 2- 0 3 16- 4- 0 6 16- 4- 0 4" B1B2 W:1100 W:306 o mil R:880 U:-170 R:844 -0-0 -0-0.-163 16-45 �� 4 6 U��Q.1 C�� 88-2 - 8-2-0 I 6.2-0 16-4-0 p 4/6/2006 )F CA���� All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, rioted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' ' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DB are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g nr:JOLO TRUSSWORKS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 PSf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI1TPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responslbllities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, oc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 4" Job fame: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: E7 Qty: 4 Drw : RG .X -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1. 5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 5- 8 880 11.00• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -170 lb 2.16- 2- 4 750 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES- Support 2 -137 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY This truss is designed using the PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. , In the truss material at each bearing CBC -01 Code. utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI Truss Location - End Zone Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A 1-2 -1387 0.01 0.53 0.54 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 2-3 -1381 0.04 0.62 0.65 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA 1' -Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - Mean roof height = 14.53 ft, mph = 80 Design Spec CBC -01 ' Phone (760) 341-2232 BC FORCE AXL END CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - 12.6 psf - Fax # (760) 341-2293 4-5 1230 0.17 0.29 0.46 TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 5-6 1230 0.18 0.35 0.53 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI. - 2-5 186 0.08 8-2-0 8-2-0 8,2-0 164-0 8-2-0 8-2-0 1 2 3 4�. -4007 4-4 -T 3-0-10 IO -3-15 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L- -0.07" D= -0.16" T= -C.2 --= _= Joint Locations -- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 8- 2- 0 5 8- 2- 0 3 16- 4- 0 6 16- 4- 0 T 3-4-0 SHIP ' IO -3-15 W: 1100 w 306 1 11:880 R:750 U:-170 U:-137 16-4-0 0. Cts O 4 8-2-0 5 S 2-0 1--r 6.2-0 16-4-0 � �cn��oQ�c: APR gTFOF C 4/ 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' ' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO T R S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 U utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will rause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or rause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSI/TPI 1','WTCA 1' -Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 ' Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at $83 D'Onofrto Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPAI is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 4" lJob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: E8 Qtv: 1 Drwa: x -LOC REACT SIZEREQ D 0- 1-12 683 3.50• 1.50• 3- 0- 5 790 3.50• 1.50• 4- 8-14 203 3.50• 1.50• 6- 5- 7 3403.50• 1.50• 8- 2- 0 687 3.50• 1.50• 10- 0- 0, 1551 3.50• 1.50• 11- 8- 1 192 3.50• 1.50• 13- 4- 3 787 3.50• 1.50• 16- 2- 4 586 3.50" 1.50• REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ABL BND CSI 1-2 -786 0.00 0.48 0.49 2-3 -787 0.00 0.49 0.49 BC FORCE ABL BND CSI 4-5 0 0.00 0.25 0.26 5-6 0 0.00 0.25 0.25 IWEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 -339 0.07 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BC 2x6 HF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Install interior support(s) before erection. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the trues plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Mark all interior bearing locations. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord continuously, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration -1.33. Continuous bearing reaction - 122 Plf. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 88-2-0 8-2-0 88-2-0 16-4-0 8-2-0 8-2-0 1 2 3 4� M. 400 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Support 1 -123 lb ® Support 2 -145 lb Chk' JOLO Support 3 -37 lb and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Support 4 -62 lb Support 5 -126 lb Support 6 -286 lb T R U S S WO R KS Support 7 -35 lb A Company You Can Trussl p y Support 8 -145 lb Support 9 -104 lb noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) rle s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A support 1 1368 lb BC Live 0.00 psf support 2 -1114 lb and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Report' available as output from Truswal software, support 5 1000 lb Phone (760) 341-2232 support 8 1102 lb 7.00 psf support 9 -1351 lb Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. This trues is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.53 ft, mph80 =12'.6 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = psf ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 16- 4- 0 0.4 BC Vert 195.15 0- 0- 0 195.15 16- 4- 0 0.3 ..Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 0.0 0 -1-12 1.00 BC Vert 1200.0 10- 0- 0 0.34 2-4 Q�v ON, D. �9G 1200# 16-4-0 * NO.C11991 ' 4 5 6 10/31/2007 88-2-0 8-2" 8-2-0 16-" EXP DATE TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-0 (LIVE) LC L -0.01" D- -0.02" T= - =_= Joint Locations - - 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 8- 2- 0 5 8- 2- 0 3 16- 4- 0 6 16- 4- 0 �r PR ®� 4/6/2006 Scale: 1/4" = 1' WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 03" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf rle s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19%andfor cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf 9pl. PalmDesert Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Report' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSVTPI 1% WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCSI 1-03) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 7.00 psf Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-0 (LIVE) LC L -0.01" D- -0.02" T= - =_= Joint Locations - - 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 8- 2- 0 5 8- 2- 0 3 16- 4- 0 6 16- 4- 0 �r PR ®� 4/6/2006 Scale: 1/4" = 1' WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 03" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: F1 RG K -LOC REACT SIZE REO'D 1 0- 2-12 4487 5.50" 2.39" 2 '13- 9- 4 4393 5.50" 2.34" RG REQUIREMENTS shorn are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ABL BND CSI 1-2 -8165 0.21 0.57 0.78 2-3 -8165 0.21 0.57 0.78 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 4-5 7726 0.30 0.59 0.88 5-6 7726 0.30 0.59 0.88 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 4430 0'.77 TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1. 5E BC 2x8 DFL #1 & Btr. WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See SCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " D.C. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is for PLF loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to each ply equally. On multi -ply with hangers use 3" nails min. into the carrying member. For more than 2 ply, use additional fasten- ers as indicated from the back plys, or use any other approved detail (by others). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2-PLYI Nail w/10d BOR, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 3 WEBS- 2 *APER FOOTI" 77-0-0 7-0-0 77-" 14-0-0 7-" 7-0-0 2-PLYS 1 2 3 REQUIRED 4.01 0 4.00 R4-0 2 Drwg: VVAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: *.EJ. UPLIFT REACTIONS) ® This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Support 1 -853 lb Support 2 -835 lb Dsgnr: JOLO This truss is designed using the are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads CBC -01 Code. TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord Truss Location = End Zone is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 Mean roof height = 13.33 ft, mph 80 BC Live 0.00 psf CSC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1', `WTCA V. Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' • ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- Phone (760) 341-2232 Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/7 TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 0- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 14- 0- 0 0.4 BC Vert 547.65 0- 0- 0 547.65 14- 0- 0 0.3 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.09" D= -0.17" T= - .26" 7- -_= Joint Locations =--- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 3 14- 0- 0 6 14- 0- 0 Ell B2 W:508 W:508 R:4487 R:4393 Q M Q�' U:-853 U:-835 V Nin-GiA , 14-0-0 4 .5 6 pW ori 77-" 77-" TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 7-" 14-" OF CPQ-�� All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. f 6 6/2006 Scale: 5116" = 1' VVAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: *.EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 9pl. and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1', `WTCA V. Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 of - (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: F2 Q : 3 Drw : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REOD TC 2x4 'SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 752 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -151 lb 2 '13-10- 4 658 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -125 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY This truss is designed using the PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. n the truss material at each bearing CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes,.Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AEL BND CSI Truss Location - End Zone 1-2 -1231 0.02 0.41 0.43 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C. 2-3 -1231 0.02 0.41 0.43 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft e Mean roof height = 13.33 ft, mph SO BC FORCE A%L BND CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 1101 0.16 0.25 0.42 - 5-6 1101 0.16 0.25 0.42 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 181 0.07 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= -0.04" D= -0.09" T- -C.1; 7-" 7-0-0 Joint Locations =-- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 . 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 7-" 14-0-0 3 14- 0- 0 6 14- 0- 0 1 2 3 4.00 4.00 4-4 S IO -3 -- SHIP B1 B2 Q�4��'X450•�g1 W:308 W:308 �'% R:752 11:658 Z U:-151 U:-125 U N0• C11" _ � � 10/91/2007 n I NE 77-0-0 77-0� AS\FAQ A 7-0-0 14-0-0 OFIC / 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 6116" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. Wo: PDO1103 This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards, No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy, Dimensions DS nr: J01 -0T R U S S W O R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer andlor building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr End 1.15 s,pl. te-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 75-110 St. Charles PalmDesertrte 9pl. s and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards:'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Desert, 'ANSIrrPI 1', WTCA 1' • Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L- -0.02" D= -0.04" T= -C.06" _= Joint Locations 7-0-0 7-0-0 1= 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 7-0-0 14-0-0 2 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 3 14- 0- 0 6 14- 0- 0 7-0-0 7-0-0 2-PLYS 1 2 3 REQUIRED 4.01 0 • -4.00 4-4 2-7.15 - 2-11-11 3-4 �34 SHIP ' 1 I0-3-15 TO -3-15 o Ell B2 W:308 W:308 Q R:752 R:658 U:-151 U:-125 -0-0 -� *0-4,4-05 6 sp(P 7-0� 7-0� q OFC 7-" 14-0-0 4/ 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" =,' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T RU S SWO RKS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 _ 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, Charles pl. s 'ANSFTPI 1', WTCA 1' • Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofric Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Nalme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: F2A Qty: 2 Drw : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 752 3.50^ 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -151 lb 2 •13-10- 4 658 3.50^ 1.50^ WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -125 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n the trues material at each bearing Nail pattern shown is for PLP loads only. 2-PLYI Nail w/10d BOX, staggered (per NDS) CBC -01 Code. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to in: TC- 2 BC- 2 WEBS- 2 --PER FOOTI-- Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI each ply equally. On multi -ply with hangers, Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -1231 0.01 0.22 0.23 - use 3" nails min. into the carrying member. y Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -1231 0.01 0.22 0.23 For more than 2 ply, use additional fasten- Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, B1dg'Width = 20.00 ft ers as indicated from the back plys, or use Mean roof height = 13.33 ft, mph - 80 BC FORCE ASL BND CSI any other approved detail (by others). CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - 12.6 psf 4-5 1101 0.08 0.15 0.23 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - 5-6 1101 0.08 0.15 0.23 WEB FORCE CSI NEB FORCE CSI ., 2-5 181 0.04 - MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L- -0.02" D= -0.04" T= -C.06" _= Joint Locations 7-0-0 7-0-0 1= 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 7-0-0 14-0-0 2 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 3 14- 0- 0 6 14- 0- 0 7-0-0 7-0-0 2-PLYS 1 2 3 REQUIRED 4.01 0 • -4.00 4-4 2-7.15 - 2-11-11 3-4 �34 SHIP ' 1 I0-3-15 TO -3-15 o Ell B2 W:308 W:308 Q R:752 R:658 U:-151 U:-125 -0-0 -� *0-4,4-05 6 sp(P 7-0� 7-0� q OFC 7-" 14-0-0 4/ 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" =,' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T RU S SWO RKS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 _ 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, Charles pl. s 'ANSFTPI 1', WTCA 1' • Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofric Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: F3 Qty: 1 Drw : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REp'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 508 3.50^ 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -117 lb 2 7- 2- 4 5oa 3.50^ 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -69 lb 3 13-10- 4 400 3.50• 1.50^ Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -89 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Install interior support(s) before erection. Mark all interior bearing locations. This truss is designed using the In the truss material at each bearing W:308 R:400 CBC -01 Code. No C U:-117 U:-09 U:-89 Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI jW311200i Truss Location = find Zone 1-2 -482 0.00 0.43 0.44 Ar, 7-" 14-0-0 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -483 0.00 0.41 0.42 SUPPORTS , All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" = V Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width = 20.00 ft Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Mean roof height = 13.33 ft, mph = 80 BC FORCE ARL BND CSI and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 392 0.05 0.31 0.36 are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads U KS 5-0 392 0.06 0.33 0.39 TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise 5-6 392 0.06 0.33 0.39 noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture Content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 2-5 -302 0.06 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1% WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC 17 L= -0.06" D= -0.09" T- -C.1, _ = Joint Locations = 7-" 7-" 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0- 0 . 5 . 7- 0- 0 7-" 14-" 3` 14- 0- 0 6 14- 0- 0 7-M 7-0-0 1 3 2 4.01 0 -4.00 4-4 T T 2-7-15 3� 1 2-11.11 3� SHIP =0-3-15 =o-3-15 t, , 1.5-3 B2 B1 7-2-4 B3 Q Q� `9 W:308 R:508 W:308 R:502 W:308 R:400 No C U:-117 U:-09 U:-89 1-0-0 I jW311200i 14-0 4 5 6 °`_� VXP DATE \ 6 Ar, 7-" 14-0-0 OFC /6/2006 OVER 3 SUPPORTS , All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO T R S S WO R are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads U KS utllized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise ' noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture Content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm DesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1% WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - (SCSI "3) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Nine: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: F4 Q : 3 Drw : RG a -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 508 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -117 lb 2 7- 2- 4 502 3.50• 1. so• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -69 lb 3 13-10- 4 400 3.50• 1.50• Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -89 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Install interior support(s) before erection. Mark all interior bearing locations. This truss is designed using the In the truss material at each bearing CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -482 0.00 0.43 0.44 Hurricane/Ocean Line = NO , Exp Category = C 2-3 -483 0.00 0.41 0.42 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 13.33 ft, mph80 =12.6 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load psf 4-5 392 0.05 0.31 0.36 5-0 392 0.06 0.33 0.39 _ 5-6 392 0.06 0.33 0.39 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 -302 0.06 ' MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.06" D= -0.09" T= - = 77-" 77-0-0 =Joint Locations --- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- =0- 0 2 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 7-0-0 14-0-0 3' 14- 0- 0 6 14- 0- 0 7-" 7-" 1 2 3 4.01 0 4-4 4.00 I IO 3-15/f�Y'\ 1-01 V• B1 B2 133 W:308 • 7 2� W:308 W:308 U 140• R:508 R:502 R:400 1013J00 -i. U:-117 U:-09 U:-89 gooAf6 4 14-M 6q�FpF CP��F� 0 6 00� 7" 77-0-0 AP 7-" 14-0-0 4/6/2006 OVER 3 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from .Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/16,= V ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions TRUSSWORKS aretobeverified bythe component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr:JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will "use the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 75-110 St. Cha PalmDesertrle 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, 'ANSFTPI 1% WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 14" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: F5 Qtv: 1_ Drwa: G B -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D 1 0- 1-12 456 3.50 . 1.50• 2 . 6- 7-12 527 3.50• 1.50• 3 8- 3- 2 34 3.50• 1.50• 4 9-10- 8 212 3.50• 1.50• 5 13- 1-12 433 3.50• 1.50• G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE ABL BIRD CSI 1-2 -601 0.00 0.37 0.37 2-3 -898 0.00 0.34 0.34 SC FORCE ABL BIRD CSI 4-5 1037 0.04 0.28 0.32 5-6 1317 0.04 0.33 0.37 IWEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 -333 0.07 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLit 2x4 HF STUD Install interior support(s) before erection. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 x lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord along partial continuous bearing(s) indicated, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=1.33. Partial continuous bearing reaction = 600 Plf Max. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + T 2.6-8 1 Io -3-15 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 6-76-7-12 6-7-12 6-7-12 13-3-8 6-7-12 6-7-12 1 2 3 4.01 0 4-4 -4.00 11 ,i-0_1 13-3-8 4 5 6 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -127 lb Support 2 -65 lb Support 3 -141 lb Support 4 -37 lb Support 5 -88 lb HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) support 1 241 lb support 2 1317 lb support 4 -1317 lb support 5 252 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 13.27 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf --=- Joint Locations =- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0 0 2 6 - 7-12 5 6- 7-12 3 13- 3- 8 6 13- 3- 8 T 135 No. CIA �t 101W12001 2DA OF 6-7-12 6-7-12 �. a TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 6-7-12 13-3-8 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. ® WAKNIN U Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. This designIs for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions TRUn �, w /O �'/ S are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO J Yv n utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf PalmDesertCA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, 'ANSOTPI 1','WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Phone (760) 341-2232 - (SCSI 1.03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onafrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, OC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf 4/6/2006 Scale: 5116" = V WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 0" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: G1 Qty: 1 Drw : TYPICAL PLATE: 3-4 6-0-0 RG K -LOC REACT SIZE RSQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) ® 1 0- 1-12 260 3.50^ 1.50• BC 2x4_ SPF 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -65 lb 2 1-10-14 63 3.50^ 1.50^ WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support* 2 -10 lb 3 3- 0- 0 106 3.50• 1.50• Mark all interior bearing locations. -PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -26 lb 4 4- 1- 2 63 3.50• 1.50• Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced Install interior support(s) before erection. Support 4 -10 lb 5 5-10- 4 260 3.50• 1.50• at 16.0 " O.C. unless noted otherwise. HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) Support 5 -65 lb RG REQDIRENENTS shown are based ONLY Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load support 1 214 lb This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. support 5 -214 lb CBC -01 Code. Additional design considerations may be Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AxL BND CSI required if sheathing is attached. Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -159 0.00 0.05 0.05 [f) indicates the requirement for lateral Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -159 0.00 0.05 0.05 bracing (designed by others) perpendicular Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Mean roof height = 12.66 ft, mph - 80 BC FORCE AEG BND CSI Bracing is a result of wind load applied CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 to member.(Combination axial plus bending). 5-6 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss WEB FORCE CSI ' WEB FORCE CSI face providing lateral support for webs in 2-5 -113 0.02 the'truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 3-" 3-" 3-0-0 6-" 3-0-0 3-0-0 1 2 3 4.00 M. 2-4 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-0 (LIVE) LC I.= 0.00" D= 0.00" T= .00" - == Joint Locations =- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0 0 2 3- 0- 0 5 3- 0- 0 3 6- 0- 0 6 6- 0- 0 T 1-7-11 10-3-15 I - GA,qL Gild r. tioro�P�o' otip 01M Rp6 4/6/2006 Scale: 9/16" = V WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 11-0i OFCI TYPICAL PLATE: 3-4 6-0-0 4 5 6 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted WARNING Read all notes on this sfieet and give copy of it to the Erecting o tractor. Eng. Job: EJ. ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system3l" been based on specifications provided biSt"mponent manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Ds nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf TRUSSWORKS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can "Truss! is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf PalmDesert CA. 9,1,111 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA 1' Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responslbllities,'BUILDING COMPONENT BC Dead 7.00 Phone (760) 341-2232 . of SAFETY INFORMATION. 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WrCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, psf Fax # (760) 341-2293 (BCSI and'BCSI (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Rp6 4/6/2006 Scale: 9/16" = V WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 [Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: G2 Qtv: 1 Drwa: .G • 8 -LOC REACT SIZE REQ•D 1 0- 1-12 380 3.50• 1.50` 2 - 4- 2- 0 264 3.50• 1.50• 3 5-10- 4 557 3.50• 1.50• .G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each. bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -554 0.02 0.12 0.14 2--3 -922 0.07 0.12 0.19 HC FORCE AXL HND CSI 4-5 1021 0.14 0.06 0.20 5-6 1021 0.14 0.10 0.24 IWEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 122 0.04 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HP STUD Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 a o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+] indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. T 1-3-1 J0-3-15 B1 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Install interior support(s) before erection. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord along partial continuous bearing(s) indicated, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=1.33. Partial continuous bearing reaction - 1091 Plf Max. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3-" 3-" 3-0-0 6-" 3-" 1 2 4.00 4.4 3 ,I-" ,1-" UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -83 lb Support 2 -131 lb Support 3 -83 lb HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) support 2 1521 lb support 3 -1521 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 12.66 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.01" D= 0.00" To ===== Joint Locations =-- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0-0- 0 2 3- 0- 0 5 3- 0- 0 3 6- 0- 0 6 6- 0- 0 1-7-11 I0-3-15 1. SHIP Q��S r4# NO; �vacm 6 TYPICAL PLATE: 3-4 b_U_U i `-4/ V V C/2006 4 5 6 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9116" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting CoAtractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss systema been based on specifications provided biSt"mponent manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized Wllized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the focal building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A envlronmerd that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSIf TPI 1', WTCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 il" Job NAme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: G3 Qty: 1 Drw : RW X-LdC REACT SIZE REQ -D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 1- 1-12 455 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF - Support 1 -111 lb 2 5-10- 4 310 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -64 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shoeon are based ONLY WEDGE 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the . a the truss material at each bearing Left Overhang(s) are not to be removed. CBC -01 Code. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAX.1 Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI Left Overhang Soffit loading - 0.0 psf Truss Location End Zone L- 1 -26 0.00 0.07 0.08 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 1-2 -230 0.00 0.16 0.17 Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg width = 20.00 ft 2-3 -225. 0.00 0.10 0.10 Mean roof height - 12.66 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf BC FORCE A%L HND CSI 4-5 190 0.02 0.08 0.10 5-6 190 0.02 0.07 0.09 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 40 0.01 T 1-3-1 T 10-3-15 3-M 3-M 3-" 1 2 F 4.00 4-4 3-" 6-0-0 3-" ,.3 -4.00 TMAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= 0.00" D- -0.01" T= -C.0 -- _= Joint Locations = - 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 3- 0- 0 5 3- 0- 0 3 6- 0- 0 6 6- 0- 0 I0. W:305 W:308 v ryU• V 1 17111 RASS R:310 R 1 U:-111 u:-04 EXP DATE ®® 6-0-0 OFC �Q� APR /6/2006 4 5 6 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by 'W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9116" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give J copy of it to the Erecting Coritractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss systema)" been based on specifications provided bEt"mponent manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will "use the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert Charles 9pl. s and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, 'ANSFrPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 1" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: G4 Qty: 1 Drw : RG a -LAC REACT SIZE REQ•D TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1. SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) TYPICAL PLATE: 3-4 1 0- 1-12 315 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -68 lb All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9116" = V 2 3- 2- 0 289 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -39 lb This design is for an Individual building component not truss system3l" been based on specifications provided b6U"mponent manufacturer 3 5-10- 4 455 3.50• 1.50^ Mark all interior bearHF ing locations. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -68 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shora are based ONLY Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced Install interior support(s) before erection. HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) TC Live 16.00 psf a the truss material at each bearing at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + support 2 1393 lb is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied support 3 -1393 lb Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Tc FORCE AXL BND CSI at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. evenly along the top chord to the bottom This truss is designed using the a nd brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Jointand Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1','WTCA 1' -Wood Truss Council oT America Standard Design Responsibllities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION- 1-2 -451 0.04 0.13 0.17 Additional design considerations may be chord along partial continuous bearing(s) CBC -01 Code. 2-3 -765 0.08 0.14 0.23 required if sheathing is attached. indicated, concurrently with dead loads, Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor 1.00 [+] indicates the requirement for lateral and 0 % live load. Duration=1.33. Partial Truss Location - End Zone BC FORCE AXL BND CSI bracing (designed by others) perpendicular continuous bearing reaction - 706 Plf Max. Hurricane/Ocean Line = No Exp Category = C 4-5 923 0.13 0.06 0.19 to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Connection (by others) must transfer equal Bldg Length = 40.00 ft; Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 5-6 -470 0.00 0.17 0.17 Bracing is a result of wind load applied load to each ply (or add-on) shown. Mean roof height - 12.66 ft, mph 80 to member.(Combination axial plus bending). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load - 12.6 psf WEB FORCE CSI was FORCE CSI This truss requires adequate sheathing, as 2-5 -197 0.03 designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 3-" 3-0-0 MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 3-0-0 6-0-0 L= -0.01" D= 0.00" T= _j 3-" 3-" 1 2 3 4.01 0 -4.00 1 4-4 T T 1 3 �0-3-15 1-7-11 10-3-15 I SHIP B1 1a ---== Joint Locations 1 0- 0- 0 4 0 _ ;-- 0 2 3- 0- 0 5 3- 0- 0 3 6- 0- 0 6 6- 0- 0 01" C1 1$51* U 6-0-0 A TYPICAL PLATE: 3-4 OF C1 _ 4/6/2006 4 5 6 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9116" = V WARNING Read all notes on this Sheet and give a copy of it to the Frecting Conitractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system3l" been based on specifications provided b6U"mponent manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS ulllized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a nd brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Jointand Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1','WTCA 1' -Wood Truss Council oT America Standard Design Responsibllities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 01" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: G5 Qty: 3 Drw : RG K -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 10- 1-12 296 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -71 lb 2 3- 3-12 97 3.50• 1. . WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -15 _ lb 3 4- 0- 4 146 3.50• 1.50• Mark all interior bearing locations. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -28 lb 4 5-10- 4 226 3.50• 1.50• This truss is designed using the Install interior support(s) before erection. Support 4 -59 lb RG REQUIREt03NTS shown are based ONLY CBC -01 Code. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system34)W been based on specifications pyo ide �t"mponem manufacturer n the truss material at each bearing Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is r_.7 me for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO Truss Location - End Zone are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The bulldin ner must ascertain that the loads TC FORCE AXL BND CSI Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl 1-2 -197.0.00 0.07 0.07 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width - 20.00 ft Rep Mbr Bnd noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any 2-3 -98 0.00 0.06 0.06 Mean roof height = 12.66 ft, mph 80 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' • Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI (SCSI 1.03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 4-5 166 0.02 0.05 0.08 TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 5-0 166 0.02 0.05 0.07 5-6 166 0.02 0.05 0.07 6-7 58 0.01 0.07 0.08 NEB FORCE CSI PLEB FORCE CSI - - 2-5 -42 0.01 2-6 -162 0.03 ' 3-" 3-" 3-" 6-" 3-" 3-" 1 2 3 4.00 -4.00 4-8 T T 1_S_1 3-43.4 - rn �0-3-15 103-15 I SHIP MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T= =1-Joint Locations ===== 0- 0- 0 5 3- 0- 0 '2 3- 0- 0 6 4- 0- 4 3 6- 0- 0 7 6- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 1" 1.5-3 1311 3 133 B4 �,`���V�%►C W:308 3-3-12 4-0-4 308 W:308 W:308 Q = R:286 R:97 R:146 R:226 U 14�• v��f U:-71 U:-15 U:-28 U:-59 1� - v � 11-" 0kPa �� OR 6-0-0 FIC CR��F�Q4� 6/2006 4 5 6 7 OVER 4 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned pe r Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9/16" = 1' 42 WARNING Read all notes on this s est and give J copy of it to the Erecting CoAtractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system34)W been based on specifications pyo ide �t"mponem manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is r_.7 me for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The bulldin ner must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 24.00 Rep Mbr Bnd noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any psf 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' • Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 1" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: G6 Qty: 1 Drw : WARNING Read all notes on this slieet and give copy of it to the Erecting CoAtractor. RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 434 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -65 lb a 1-10-14 169 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -76 lb 3 3- o- 0 106 3.50• 1.50• Mark all interior bearing locations. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -26 lb 4 a- 1- a 169 3.50• 1.50• + + + + a r + r r + + + + + + + + + + t + + Install interior supports) before erection. Support 4 -76 lb 5 5-10- 4 434 3.50• 1.50• Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) Support 5 -65 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY evenly along the top chord to the bottom support 1 214 lb This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing chord continuously, concurrently with dead support 2 -486 lb CBC -01 Code. loads and 0 % live load. Duration -1.33. support 3 1000 lb Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI Continuous bearing reaction = 333 Plf. support 4 486 lb Truss Location - End Zone 1-a =615 0.06 0.12 0.18 Connection (by others) must transfer equal support 5 -214 lb Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -615 0.06 0.12 0.18 load to each ply (or add-on) shown. Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft ++++++ .+++++r ♦ +++t ++++ Mean roof height = 12.66 ft, mph80 =12.6 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = psf 4-5 0 0.00 0.16 0.16 5-6 0 0.00 0.16 0.16 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI _ 2-5 -113 0.02 3-" 3-" 3-" MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 4-0 (LIVE) LC 35 L= -0.01" D= 0.00" T= - .0 ===== Joint Locations =--- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 3- 0- 0 5 3- 0- 0 3 6- 0- 0 6 6- 0- 0 T� WARNING Read all notes on this slieet and give copy of it to the Erecting CoAtractor. T WO: PDO1103 3-4 This design is for an individual building component not truss systemal" been based on specifications provided brt"mponent manufacturer 3-4 1 �LO-3-15 0-3-15 1-7-11 I SHIP 2-4 81P 00. V%�'nrrn�\F� 6-0-06/2006 4 5 6 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9116" = V WARNING Read all notes on this slieet and give copy of it to the Erecting CoAtractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss systemal" been based on specifications provided brt"mponent manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO R U utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss! Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 rle s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 9pl. Palm Desert and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI s Phone (760) 341-2232 1'. WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilhies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- "3) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is located BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 (BCSI and'BCSI and (TPI) at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036, TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 1" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: G7 Qty: 1 Drw : RG 2' -LOC REACT SIZE REQ•D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 1- 1-12 455 3.50• 1.50- BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -111 lb 21 5-10- 4 310 3.50- 1.50• WEB • 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -64 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY WEDGE 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing Left Overhang(s) are not to be removed. CBC -01 Code. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAX.1 Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AxL BND CSI Left Overhang Soffit loading 0.0 psf ' Truss Location - End Zone L- 1 26 0.00 0.07 0.08 - Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 1-2 -230 0.00 0.16 0.17 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft 2-3 -225 0.00 0.10 0.10 Mean roof height = 12.66 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf BC FORCE AXL BND CSI - 4-5 190 0.02 0.08 0.10 - 5-6 190 0.02 0.07 0.09 - - WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 40 0.01 .. 3-M _ 3-0-0 MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM. 5-6 (LIVE) LC 3-0-0 6-0-0 L= 0.00" D= -0.01" T= -C.01- Joint .O1"Joint Locations =- 3-0-0 3-"1= 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 3- 0- 0 5 3- 0 0 1 2 3 3 6- 0-t0 6 6- 0- 0 • - 4 4.01 0 �•.4.� • ~-. F .• , • - . • 4.4 1-3-1 . - 3-4 3-4 rn 1-7-11 LU 10-3-15 I0-3-15 SHIP 3 J l \����EO ARC�yjTFc B1 B2 1-0-0 W:308 r W:308 z01 � do R:455 R:310 1a0• U:-64otpo p 6-0-0 'pp - OFCP��F / 6/2006 4 5 6 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9/16" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this s set and give J copy of it to the Erecting CoAtractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system3l" been based on specifications provided b�(omponent manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf - O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 PalmDesertCA92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Desert, . 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1'. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI( is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: G8 Qty: 1 Drw : RG X-C REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 350 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -83 lb 2' 4- 8- 8127 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -27 lb 3 6- 0- 0 275 3.50• 1.50• Mark all interior bearing locations. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -67 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shove are based ONLY HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) Install interior support(s) before erection. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing support 2 345 lb CBC -01 Code. TC Dead 24.00 psf support 3 -345 lb 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -359 0.00 0.07 0.07 Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -365 0.00 0.05 0.05 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Mean roof height = 12.66 ft, mph - 80 BC FORCE AXL END CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 318 0.05 0.05 0.10 - 5-6 318 0.05 0.05 0.09 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 25 0.01 T 1-3 1 J0-3-15 B1 3-0-0 3-0-0 3-" 6-0-0 3-0-0 3-0-0 1 2 3 4.01 0 -4.00 4-4 1-00.0 -" MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= 0.00" D= -0.01" T= -C.01- ===== Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 3- 0- 0 5 3- 0- 0 3 6- 0- 0 6 6- 0- 0 1-7-11 ' i0-3-15 I SHIP 6-0-0 4/ 6/2006 4 5 6 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9YI6" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give J copy of it to the Erecting CoAtractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system3raW been based on specifications provided bSUgWmponent manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss l Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will rause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1% WTCA V. Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, COMPONENT SAFETY BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 of INFORMATION'- 1.03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and'SCSI and (TPI) at D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: H1 Qty: 1 Drw : TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 This truss'is designed using the BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF CBC -01 Code. GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Truss Location End Zone at 16.0 n o.c. unless noted otherwise. 11 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load 8- 4- 0 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. 6 Mean roof height = 13.33 ft, mph 80 Additional design considerations may be 9- 8- 0 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf required if sheathing is attached. 14 14- 0- 0 [+] indicates the requirement for lateral � 4-4-0 CO l 14-0-0 bracing (designed by others) perpendicular TYPICAL PLATE: L5-3 to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. 4� I 2006 Bracing is a result of wind load applied All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per -Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. to member.(Combination axial plus bending). WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This truss requires adequate sheathing, as WO: PDO1103 ® designed by others, applied to the truss Chk: JOLO face providing lateral support for webs in and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO g the truss plane and creating shear wall are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads action to resist diaphragm loads. T R U S S WO R KS 4-4-0m 9' m ;_I.; m 4-4-0 4-4-0 i � ; m Y o' 14-" 7-0-0 7-0-0 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 4.00 -4.00 4-0 ===== Joint Locations =--- 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 4- 4- 0 9 4- 4- 0 3 5- 8- 0 10 5- 8- 0 4 7- 0- 0 11 7- 0- 0 5 8- 4- 0 12 8- 4- 0 6 9- 8- 0 13 9- 8- 0 7 14- 0- 0 14 14- 0- 0 A. �s o �q9 1—� 1— 14-0-0 9% 8 9 .10 11 12 13 14 4d-0 4-4-0 ��� ^®o \� A � 4-4-0 CO l 14-0-0 A�OFCA��F�Q� e TYPICAL PLATE: L5-3 4� I 2006 OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per -Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9132" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO g are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl p y is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwlse , TC Dead 24.00 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or "use connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1'. INTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, ' Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Nayne: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: H2 Q : 1 Drw : RG S -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.SE Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 6- 0 719 12.00• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -142 lb 2'12-10- 4 784 3.50• 1. So• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -161 lb RG EEQDIRSNENTS shcva are based ONLY WEDGE 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing Right Overhang(s) are not to be removed. CBC -OS Code. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED IIP TO 3" MAX.I Bldg Enclosed Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI Right Overhang Soffit loading 0.0 psf Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -937 0.01 0.39 0.40 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -928 0.01 0.46 0.46 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 3 -OR 26 0.00 0.07 0.08 l Mean roof height = 13.33 ft, mph 80 J CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf BC FORCE AEL END CSI , 4-5 812 0.26 , 5-6 812 0.12 0.16 0.27 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 3-4 2-11-11 SHIP 2-5 92 0.04 - 11" - MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.03" D- -0.07" T= -C. _= Joint Locations =- - 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 7-M 7-0-0 2 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 3 14- 0- 0 6 14- 0- 0 7-" 14-0-0 7-0-0 I 7-0-0 ) 1. 2 3 J 4.01 0 -4.00 4-4 2- 7-15 3-4 1 3-4 2-11-11 SHIP IO -3-15 =0-3-15 1.5-3 AR s. BI B2 3 8L10 - :1 WW:308 �y R:719 R:784 / QQ U:442 U:-161 14-0-0 . 4 6 7-" 7-0-0 �rq OFCA�'� 4/ 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9132" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. w0: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl p y Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise TC Dead 24.00 Rep Mbr Bnd noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any psf 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will rause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesert CA92211 Desert, . and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1%IAITCA 1' Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responslbllities,'BUILDING COMPONENT BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBI; -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - of SAFETY INFORMATION'- 1-03) and'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onefrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 11" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: H3 Qty: 1 Drw : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ�D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1. 5E Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995• UPLIFT REACTIONS) 1 0- 6- 0 745 3-50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -153 lb 2 13- 6-•0 752 12.00• 1.50" WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -150 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Left Overhang(s) are not to be removed. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material. at each bearing OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAX.i A Company You Can Trussl CBC -01 Code. - -Left Overhang Soffit loading = 0.0 psf Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE APL BND CSI Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A Truss Location - End Zone L- 1 26 0.00 0.07 0.08 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C 1-2 1065 0.01 0.37 0.38 r Phone (760) 341-2232 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 2-3 -1065 0.01 0.33 0.35 Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Mean roof height = 13.33 ft, mph - 80 TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 4-5 936 0.13 0.14 0.27 5-6 936 0.13 0.14 0.27 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 122 0.05 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.02" D= -0.'04" T= -C. --==Joint Locations =--- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 3 14- 0- 0 6 14- 0- 0 R:745 R:752 U:-153 U:-150 ,4-0-0 ?-0-0 , I 4 5 6 77-0-0� 77-0-0 • 7-" 14-" N0. C11!! jW31/200I QFC All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions - are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO T R U S S WO R KS ut",zed on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or "use connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 7.00 r Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSIfTPI 1'. WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilitles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. 1.03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located BC Dead psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and'SCSI and (TPI) at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 07" Job Mme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: H4 Qty: 7 Drw : RGX-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 6- 0 745 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -152 lb 2 13- 6- 0 745 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -152 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the In the truss material at each bearing OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAX.1 CBC -01 Code. Overhang Soffit loading = 0.0 psf Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . Truss Location, = End Zone L- 126 0.00 0.07 0.08 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C 1-2 -1067 0.01 0.37 0.38 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 2-3 -1067 0.01 0.37 0.38 Mean roof height = 13.33 ft, mph - 80 3 -OR 26 0.00 0.07 0.08 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 4-5 938 0.13 0.14 0.26 5-6 938 0.13 0.14 0.26 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 124 0.05 MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L- -0.02" D- -0.04" T= -C. t ==_- Joint Locations =- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0-=0 2 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 7-0-0 7-0-0 3 14- 0- 0 6 14- 0- 0 7-0-0 14-" 7-0-0 I 7-0-0 (. 1 2 3 4.00 -4.0� 4-4 T l 2-7-15 2-11-11 3-4 3-4 1 SHIP 1 IO -3-15 1621I0-3-15 p 1.5-3 ��'`�` S 0 Gq 61 82 9�p_ 0-4-4 W:308 W:308 0-4-4 +j R:745 R:745 t Z��/�11ant U:-152 U:-152 , V -0� MLA W31 12007 14-0-0 4 5 6 °A 7-" 7-" 7-" 1"_0 OF CA��F Q ®6 Z O • 4/ X12006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 9/32" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: XJ. WO: PDO1103 This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. H has been based an specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chard is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will "use the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert CA. 92211 and bra" this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, r . 'ANSI/TPI 11% 'MCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 11111111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Segn T6.5.0 - 0 07" Job NhMe: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: H5 Qty: 1 Drw : 0 O� \` RG x -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01 103 1 0- 6- 0 613 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -131 lb and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions 2. 10- 6-10 481 3.50• 1.5o• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -96 lb RG REQDIREMENTS ahova are based ONLY Permanent bracing is required (by others) to PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the A Company You Can Truss l is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise a the truss material at each bearing prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 CBC -01 Code. TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A and ANSI/TPI 1. BC Live 0.00 psf Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 PalmdesertCA. 92211 Desert, TC FORCE ANL HND CSI Left Overhang(s) are not to be removed. Truss Location = End Zone 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION- BC Dead 7.00 psf L- 1 26 0.00 0.08 0.09 OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAX.1 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 1-2 -655 0.00 0.44 0.44 Left Overhang Soffit loading = 0.0 psf TOTAL 47.00 psf Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 2-3 -597 0.00 0.28 0.28 Mean roof height - 13.33 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf BC FORCE ABL BND CSI ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- 4-5 546 0.06 0.18 0.26 Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.LOc LL/T 5-6 64 0.00 0.16 0.16 TC Vert 80.00 - 1- 0- 9 80.00 0- 0- 0 0.4 TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 10- 8- 6 0.4 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 10- 8- 6 0.0 2-5 -78 0.02 3-6 -480 0.09 3-5 571 0.20 MAX DEFLECTION (span) _ L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.03" D= -0.06" T= - Joint Locations = 7-0-0 38-6 1== 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 7-" 10-8-6 2 7- 0- 0 5 7- 0- 0 3 10- 8- b 6 10- 8- 6 7-0-0 3-8-6 1 2 3 F4.00 -4.0� - dd 2-7-15 IO -3-15 09" 4 5 6 3-3- 7-0-0 3 8� STUB 0 O� \` '9appltE 7-0-0 10-8-6 �OFCP+1.\F, All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. 2006 Scale: 3/8" =,' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01 103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are tbe verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads . TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilizeo d on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Truss l is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will "use the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmdesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 09" IJob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: H6 Qtv: 1 Drwa: I TC 2x4 SPF 1650P -1.5E BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the trues profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). Left Orverhang(s) are not to be removed. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAX.[ Left Overhang Soffit loading = 0.0 psf 4-4-0 4-4-0 Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required. if sheathing is attached. (+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. v C v+ v v a m 7-" ; 3-0-14 ; 1 2 3 4 5 B 4.01 0 4-4 -4.00 I This truss is designed using the ti 7-0 0- 0- 0 CBC -01 Code. 0- 0 0 2 Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 9 Truss Location = End Zone 3 5- 8- 0 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 5- 8- 0 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft 11 Mean roof height = 13.33 ft, mph 80 8- 4- 0 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf 6 ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS -------------- 9- 8- 0 Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/ TC Vert 80.00 - 1- 0- 9 80.00 0- 0- 0 0. TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 10- 0-14 0. BC Vert 14.00 0- 0- 0 14.00 10- 0-14 0. _= Joint Locations -- =1 ti 7-0 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0 0 2 4- 4- 0 9 4- 4- 0 3 5- 8- 0 10 5- 8- 0 4 7- 0- 0 11 7- 0- 0 5 8- 4- 0 12 8- 4- 0 6 9- 8- 0 13 9- 8- 0 7 10- 0-14 14 10- 0-14 2-4 Q IW3i/2007 _ 2® jX 10-0-14 s 9 10 11 12 is 3-11-2 SOF CA��F P TYPICAL PLATE: 1.53 4-0-0 4/ 6/2006 f� .0p O OUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" foiT6 gauge, positioner Joint` Reporit-lilable r� wal software, unless noted. Scale: 13132" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigld sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A envlronment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 'ANSITTPI 1','WTCA t' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 7111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 IJob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: 11 Qty: 1 Drwq: I TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.513 BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. (+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the trues face providing lateral support for webs in thetruss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 44-3 8 vTd, rbvT�mTdtvT�T�vT7TavTTvT°3T 24-7-0 12-3-8 I 12-3-8 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F-4.00 4.00 This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Trues Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.21 ft, mph80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = =12.6 psf Joint Locations =-- = - 0- 0 16 0- 0- 7-00 2 4- 3- 8 17 4- 3- 8 3 5 - 7- 8 18 5- 7- 8 4 6-11- 8 19 6-11- 8 5 8- 3- 8 20 8- 3- 8 6 9 - 7- 8 21 9- 7- 8 7 10-11- 8 22 10-11- 8 8 12- 3- 8 23 12- 3- 8 9 13- 7- 8 24 13- 7- 8 10 14-11- 8 25 14-11- 8 11 16- 3- 8 26 16- 1- 7 12 17 - 7- 8 27 17- 7- 8 13 18-11- 8 28 .18-11- 8 14 20- 3- 8 29 20- 3- 8 15 24- 7- 0 30 24- 7- 0 TT 4-4 Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 4.5.2 3-4 50-15 ]]jt�3 4-8-14 , 3 5-5 50-3-15SHIP are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise 1� Q Cyy 16 24-7-0 17 18 19 20 21 222 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 QQ 30 U No. Cli � C6 4338 m mm m mm 9, m m m m a, vTNTvTmT�vTTvTTTTmvTmT 43 8 79 24_ -0 ,1��7 20 pl. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1','WTCA V. Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' E Design Spec CBC -01 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 of - (BCSI1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, 0 CP4/612006 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. OVER CONTINUOUS SUPP Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5132" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This designis for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr• JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 at. Charles ste-11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 pl. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1','WTCA V. Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 • Phone (760) 341-2232 of - (BCSI1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: 12 Qty: 3 DnN : RG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQ•D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating Spec ANSI/TPI - 1995- UPLIFT REACTION S) - 1 0- 1-12 1155 3.50• 1:66• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -189 lb 2' 24- 5- 4 1249 3.50 .1.79• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -213 lb RG REQOIRE[QBNTS shc"'n are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing - CBC -01 Code. ° Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor 1.00 TC FORCE ARL BND CSI Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -2740 0.06 0.40 0.45 6-6-10 5-8-14 5-8-14 6-6-10 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -2377 0.05 0.40 0.44 6.6-10 12-3-8 18-0-6 24-7-0 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -2377 0.05 0.40 0.44 I 12-3-8 -8 I 12-3 I ' 1 2 3 4 5 Mean roof height = 14.21 ft, mph = 80 4-5 -2740 0.06 0.40 0.45 r� 4.00 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf BC FORCE AXL END CSI 4-4 6-7 2540 0.38 0.15 0.53 T 1.5-3 T 7-8 1692 0.19 0.21 0.40 4-5-2 4-8-14 8-9 2540 0.38 0.15 0.53 3-6 3.6 - - WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI - SO-3-15R41r,=-0-3-151 2-7 -526 0.13 3-8 704 0.24 ,. ,• _ 3-7 704 0.24 4-8 -526 0.13 _ 2" MAX DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC 35 L= -0.13" D- -0.19" T- - - - --_= Joint Locations =-- =1 0- 0- 0 6 0- 0- 0 2 6- 6-10 7 8- 5- 9 ° 3 12- 3- 8 8 16- 1- 7 - 4 18- 0- 6 9. 24- 7- 0 6-6-10 5-8-14 5-8-14 6-6-10 5 24- 7- 0 6.6-10 12-3-8 18-0-6 24-7-0 • I 12-3-8 -8 I 12-3 I ' 1 2 3 4 5 r� 4.00 4-4 T 1.5-3 T ` 4-5-2 4-8-14 3-6 3.6 SHIP SO-3-15R41r,=-0-3-151 3-4 5-5 W:308 1 0 5 R: 249 �5�s D/TFCC -u:-18s U:-213 ;, 9Cy 1 � 24-7-0 ti 6 8-5-9 f 7-7-13 �8 8-5-9 8-5-9 16-1-7 24-7-0 10=� 6 20 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or °'H'° for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/32" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk_ • JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO T R S S WO R KS areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads U utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss/ Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesert CA. 9pl. Desert, and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA 1' Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - - 1.03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrio Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and'BCSI and (TPI( at Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 2" Job Mime: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: 13 G X -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D 1 0- 1-12 5981 3.50`3.2. 2* 24- 5- 4 6 07 5 3.50` 3.24` G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -16644 0.48 0.39 0.87 2-3 -12449 0.27 0.24 0.51 3-4 -9738 0.17 0.09 0.26 4-5 -9738 0.18 0.09 0.26 5-6 -12449 0.27 0.24 0.51 6-7 -16644 0.48 0.39 0.87 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 8-9 15869 0.49 0.34 0.83 9-10 15689 0.48 0.34 0.82 0-11 11467 0.35 0.14 0.50 1-12 11467 0.35 0.14 0.50 2-13 15689 0.48 0.34 0.82 3-14 15869 0.49 0.34 0.83 WEB FORCE CSI WEBFORCE CSI 2-9 2739 0.47 5-11 -2914 0.30 2-10 -4458 0.44 5-12 2614 0.45 3-102614 0.45 6-12 -4458 0.44 3-11 -2914 0.30 6-13 2739 0.47 4-11 5733 0.99 TC 2x4 SPP 210OP-1.8E BC 2x8 DFL SS WEB 2x4 HF STUD WEDGE 2x6 HF 165OF-1.5E + + + + + + + + + + + +.+ + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is for PLF loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to each ply equally. On multi -ply with hangers, use 3" nails min. into the carrying member. For more than 2 ply, use additional fasten- ers as indicated from the back plys, or use any other approved detail (by others). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2-PLYI Nail w/10d BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 2 WEBS- 2 **PER FOOT[** ii Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. ' Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. + + + + + + + + + ... + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord O ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 % live loads. D.F. = 1.33 Horiz. reaction = 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 5-35-3 3 3-6-3 3-63-6_ 3.6-3 3-0-3 5-3-3 5-3-3 8-9-5 12-3-8 15-9-11 19-3-13 24-7-0 �- 12-3-8 I 12-3-8 2-PLYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REQUIRED 4.00 -400 4-5-2 MX/5-16 =0-3-15 R5-0 2 Drwg: UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support 1 -981 lb Support 2 -996 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 14.21 ft, mph = 80 CSC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 pef ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 24- 7- 0 0.4 TC Vert 94.00 24- 7- 0 94.00 25- 7- 0 0.3 BC Vert 406.65 0- 0- 0 406.65 24- 7- 0 0.3 T 4-8-14 SHIP T((1-3-15 61 440 4-10 B2 W:308 W:308 /Q R:5981 - R:6075 U:-981 U:-996 1 " 24-7-0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5-35-3_-3 3.63.6_ 3-6-3 3-0_-3 3-0-3 i 5-3-3 5-3-3 8-9-5 12-3-8 15-9-11 19-3-13 24-7-0 0 So. C110A) jaM/2007 EV J*XE All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted ® WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf A Company You Can Truss l Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Palm Desert, CA. 92211 'ANS brace this WTCA V W Wood Truss Council of America tandard Design R sponsibing D itieis,'BU1LDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMeports' available as output from Truswal ATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf ' MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/813 MEM 11-12 (LIVE) LC L. -0.36" D= -0.70" T= - ===== Joint Locations =- -- 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0 0 2 5- 3- 3 9 5- 3- 3 3 8- 9- 5 10 8- 9- 5 4 12- 3- 8 11 12- 3- 8 5 15- 9-11 12 15- 9-11 6 19- 3-13 13 19- 3-13 7 24- 7- 0 14 24- 7- 0 v P�p6 P 4/6/2006 Scale: 5/32"= 1' WO: PDO1103 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 35" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: A RG K -LOC REACT SIZE REQ 'D 1 0- 1-12 2:04 3.500• 2.31• 2� 9-10- 4 2804 3.50• 2.31• RG REQUIREMENTS shoern are based ONLY n the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -4384 0.06 0.20 0.27 2-3 -4 0.00 0.13 0.13 BC FORCE A2:L HND CSI 4-5 -1 0.00 0.37 0.37 5-6 4017 0.19 0.45 0.64 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-4 -1818 0.17 2-6 -4292 0.48 1-5 4648 0.80 3-6 -151 0.01 2-5 1274 0.22 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E BC 2x6 HF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL SLK 2x4 HF STUD Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " O.C. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 a of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 15 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at the.end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). 2-PLYI Nail w/10d BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 3 WEBS- 2 • PER FOOTI•- 2 DnN UPLIFT REACTIONS) Support 1 -806 lb Support 2 -806 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 15.96 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 10.2 psf ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T TC Vert 70.00 0- 0- 0 70.00 10- 0- 0 0.5 BC Vert 490.88 0- 0- 0 490.88 10- 0- 0 0.4 6-0-0 5-0-0 L= -0.06" D= -0.07" �T=_- 6_" 10-0-0 ---_= Joint Locations = --- 1 0- 0- 0 .4 0- ;=-==o 2 5- 0- 0 5 5- 0- 0 3 10- 0- 0 6 10- 0- 0 1 2 2-PLYS 3 REQUIRED 0.21 5 3 10 3-8 Trnrn U Lu T 2.2 8 2-0-0 2-2-8 rn O AR�y/lF Q� s ° 049 2-4 7-6 3-8 C N0. C19991 B, B2 1 Q�2°o' W:308 W:308 D(P DATE � R:2804 R:2804 U:-806 OF CA��`C��� 6 200 U:-806 0 PpR TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 4 5 6 w/ 6/2006 - 55-0� 5-0-0 �F V All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 15132" = V ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss l is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 15.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 nd brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 a 'ANSVTPI 1','WTCA 1' -Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036., TOTAL 42.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 13" J b Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: J2 Qty: 8 Drw : RGx-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1. 5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1, 0- 1-12 420 3.50^1.50^ BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -120 lb 2 9-10- 4 420 3.50^ 1.50^ WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. - Support 2 -120 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shoves are based ONLY Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the, n the truss material at each bearing R:420 u:-120 End verticals are designed for axial loads CBC -01 Code. 10-0-0 OFCAL\F� 6 only unless noted otherwise. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AEL BND CSI Extensions above or below the truss profile Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -614 0.00 0.31 0.31 Eng. Job: EJ. (if any) have been designed for loads. Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -4 0.00 0.31 0.31 indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Dsgnr: JOLO T R S S WO R KS the end of the extensions have not been Mean roof height = 15.96 ft, mph 80 BC FORCE AXL END CS1 - utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 10.2 psf 4-5 -1 0.00 0.07 0.07 - otherwise unsupported wall may create a 5-6 649 0.10 0.06 0.15 _ hinge effect that requires additional design environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 consideration (by others). BC Dead 7.00 psf WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI of SAFETY INFORMATION' -, 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, 1-4 -391 0.08 2-6 -697 0.38 TOTAL 42.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 1-5 652 0.23 3-6 -133 0.03 - 2-5 -154 0.03 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC 55-0-0 5_"L= -0.01" D= -0.02" T - 5-0-0 io-"_= Joint Locations =---- =1= 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 5- 0- 0 5 5- 0- 0 3 10- 0- 0 6 10- 0- 0 1 22 3 0.21 5 1.5-3 TT 2-2-8 2-" T�. D3" M 3.4 I I Qv Q' 2-4 3-4 I U Na. B1 B2 W:308 W:308 R:420 u:-120 R:420 u:-120 10-0-0 OFCAL\F� 6 4 5 6 4 006 55-0� 55-0� All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 15/32"= 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDo1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO T R S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads U utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss l is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 15.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANStrrPI 1', NYTCA V- Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 of SAFETY INFORMATION' -, 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and'BCSI and (TPI) at Madison, Wisconsin 53719- The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 42.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 D3" Jpb Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: J2D Qty: 1 Drw RGK-LOC REACT SIZE REQ ,D 1, 0- 1-12 594 3.50• 1..1 2 9-10- 4 594 3.50• 1.50• RG REQDIRHMNTS shown are based ONLY a the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -808 0.00 0.31 0.31 2-3 -502 0.00 0.31 0.31 BC FORCE AXL HND CSI 4-5 -2000 0.28 0.05 0.33 5-6 1398 0.20 0.05 0.25 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-4 -567 0.10 2-6 -1366 0.75 1-5 1394 0.45 3-6 -133 0.03 2-5 -417 0.11 TC 2x4 SPP 165OP-1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. End verticals are designed for axial loads Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load only unless noted otherwise. at 20 psf live load and 15 psf dead load. Extensions above or below the truss profile Additional design considerations may be (if any) have been designed for loads required if sheathing is attached. indicated only. Horizontal loads applied at [+) indicates the requirement for lateral the end of the extensions have not been bracing (designed by others) perpendicular considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. otherwise unsupported wall may create a Bracing is a result of wind load applied hinge effect that requires additional design to member.(Combination axial plus bending). consideration (by others). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. T 2-2-8 2-" 1 55-0� 10-0-0 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord O ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 % live loads. D.F. = 1.33 Horiz. reaction - 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -153 lb Support 2 -153 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 15.96 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 10.2 psf -4 LU 2,2-8 4-4 2-4 4-4 Vol ---==Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 5- 0- 0 5 5- 0- 0 3 10- 0- 0 6 10- 0- 0 B1 B2 No. C1 i W:308 w: { 1018'tj200i R:594 R:59 U:-153 , -0-0 U:-15 q� OF CA1-\F �� TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 4 10 5 6 �/2006 5-0-0 5-0-0 , All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H"forfor 16 gauge, per Joint Detail Reports ayailabl� swal software, unless noted. Scale: 15/32" = 1' 03" WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads DS nr: JOLO g TC Live 20.00 psf TC Dead 15.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 T R U S S WO R KS A Company You Can Trussl utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A PalmDesert CA. 92211 Desert, Phone (760) 341-2232 Fax # (760) 341-2293 environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1% WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at $83 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111119th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. BC Live 0.00 psf BC Dead 7.00 psf TOTAL 42.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Design Spec CBC -01 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 03" lJob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: J2D Qtv: 1 Drwa: RG X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ -D 10- 1-12 594 3.50• 1.50• 2� 9-10- 4 594 3.50• 1.50• RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY a the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -0028 0.00 0.31 0.31 2-3 -502 0.00 0.31 0.31 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 4-5 -2000 0.28 0.05 0.33 5-6 1398 0.20 0.05 0.25 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-4 -567 0.10 2-6 -1366 0.75 1-5 1394 0.45 3-6 -133 0.03 2-5 -417 0.11 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL ELK 2x4 HF STUD Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 20 psf live load and 15 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Drainage must be provided to avoid ponding. End verticals are designed for axial loads only unless noted otherwise. Extensions above or below the truss profile (if any) have been designed for loads indicated only: Horizontal loads applied at the end of the extensions have not been considered unless shown. A drop -leg to an otherwise unsupported wall may create a hinge effect that requires additional design consideration (by others). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the chord ® ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently with dead + 0 % live loads. D.F. = 1.33 Horiz. reaction = 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -153 lb Support 2 -153 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 15.96 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 10.2 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : 5-0-0 '5-00 L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.01" D= -0.02" T= - 5-0-0 10-0-0 === Joint Locations - 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0 0 2 5- 0- 0 5 5- 0- 0 1 22 3 3 10- 0- 0 6 10- 0- 0 0.21 5 4-4 4-4 TTrn 2-1 2-0-01 2.2-8 D. GAA cr 4.4 4-4v �i0. CIO, 2-4 j1Mj207 W:308 W:308 ap DATE R:594 R:594A U:-153 U:-153 OFC R��F 6 200 10-0-0 ppR TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 4 5 6 4/6/2006 / 6/20006 5-0-0 --15-0-0 �F V All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 15132" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. h has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 20.00 psf DurFacS L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss[ is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 15.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environmerd that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1', 1NTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responslbilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI.1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 42.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 03" JQb Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: K1 Qty: 1 Drw : TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1. 5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 This truss is designed using the BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF CBC -01 Code. • GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 - Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. . Truss Location - End Zone at 16.0 " O.C. unless noted otherwise. Hurricane/Ocean Line - No ,. Exp Category = C Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Mean roof height = 13.19 ft, mph80 =12.6 Additional design considerations may be CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load psf required if sheathing is attached: 3-6-0 ° 3-0-0 [+) indicates the requirement for lateral TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 3.66.0 bracing (designed by others) perpendicular L V to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT Bracing is a result of wind load applied All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx•' for HS 20 gauge or •'H'• for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. to member.(Combination axial plus bending). WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a Copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. This truss requires adequate sheathing, as ' WO: PDO1103 ® designed by others, applied to the truss Chk: JOLO face providing lateral support for webs in and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO the truss plane and creating shear wall are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads action to resist diaphragm loads. T R U S S W O R KS T 2-4-10 T=0-3-15 r 3-6-0m m i16 m m m 3-6-0 36� Y 1P V m 124—� 6-2-0 6-2-0 " 1 22 3 4 5 6 ".7 r F- 4.00 4.0� , - 4-4 T SHIP -== Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 8 0- 0- 0 2 3- 6- 0 9. 3- 6- 0 3 4-10- 0 10 4-10- 0 4 6- 2- 0 11 6- 2- 0 5 7- 6- 0 12 7- 6- 0 6 8-10- 0 13 8-10- 0 7 12- 4- 0 14 12- 4- 0 �l0. C1189'� IW31/2007 ' 123-0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 �AM P 3-6-0 ° 3-0-0 QFC TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 3.66.0 Lb �r�� Sr�� 12-4-0w�g�i�00C 6 6 L V OVER CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx•' for HS 20 gauge or •'H'• for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a Copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S W O R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss! Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm DesertCA. 92211 aIRnd brace t'W1'his truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSPI i',TCA - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION. BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20035. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: K2 Qty: 2 Drw : xG x -LOC REACT SIZE REQD TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 580 3.50^ 1.50^ BC 2x8 DFL #2 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -112 lb 2' 12- 2- 4 580 3.50^ 1.50^ WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -112 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shove are based ONLY WEDGE 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing 2-PLYI Nail w/10d BOX, staggered (per NDS) + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + + + CBC -01 Code. 6-2-0 6.2-0 in: TC- 2 BC- 2 WEBS- 2 -PER FOOTI•• Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL BND CSI WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. evenly along the top chord to the chord Truss Location - End Zone 1-2 -1612 0.00 0.16 0.17 O ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -1612 0.00 0.16 0.17 are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads with dead r 0 $ live loads. D.F. = 1.33 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss I Horiz. reaction 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Mean roof height = 13.19 ft, mph 80 BC FORCE AXL END CSI noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Connection (by others) must transfer equal CSC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 2022 0.10 0.16 0.26 O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 load to each ply (or add-on) shown. BC Dead 7.00 psf 5-6 2022 0.10 0.16 0.26 - of - 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, - ++++++++++t+++++++++++ Fax # (760) 341-2293 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 2-5 432 0.07 6-2-0 66-2-0 6-2-0 12-4-0 6-2-0 6-2-0 2-PLYS - 1 2 3 REQUIRED 4.OI 0 4.00 4-4 10-3-15 T 1-10 1 SHIP MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC 38 L= -0.07" D= -0.06" T=. -C.1 = _= Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 6- 2- 0 5 6- 2- 0 3 12- 4- 0 6 12- 4- 0 3" 3-6 3-6 I I 'P- D. 6q,9 BI - B Q; W:308 W 08 R:580 R:' 80 tJ 1`40 U:412 12-4-0 u: 1 W3112007 n ofn 4 A 6-2-0 6.2-0 s IA�OF CP�\�® 66-2� 12-4-0 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 3/8" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss I is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or rause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1'. WTCA 1' Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibllhies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - of - 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and'BCSI and (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 11111111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 3" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L1 Qtv: 1 Drwa: G X -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 1-12 335 3.50 . 1.50• 2' 7- 0-12 704 3.50• 1.50• 3 11- 7- 8 45 3.50• 1.50• 4 13- 1- 7 49 3.50• 1.50• 5 14- 7- 5 406 3.50• 1.50• 6 16-11- 0 536 3.50• 1.50• G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing �Tc FORCE AXL BND CSI 1-2 -267 0.00 0.48 0.48 2-3 -559 0.00 0.48 0.48 3-4 -994 0.00 0.61 0.61 �BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 5-6 631 0.02 0.30 0.33 6-7 891 0.12 0.14 0.26 7-8 891 0.01 0.55 0.55 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -458 0.09 3-7 -53 0.01 3-6 -563 0.14. TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 a o.c. unlesa noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). Thi8 truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord along partial continuous bearing(s) indicated, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=1.33. Partial continuous bearing reaction = 378 Plf Max. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. 7-07-0� � � 7-0-12 t on 8-5-8 16-11-0 8-5-8 I 8-5-8 1 2 3 4 4.00 4-8 4.00 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -74 lb Support 2 -136 lb Support 4 -85 lb Support 5 -144 lb Support 6 -105 lb HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) support 1 197 lb support 3 891 lb support 5 943 lb support 6 -1835 lb This trues is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, importance Factor 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 13.57 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/642 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= -0.13" D= 0.00" T= -L ===== Joint Locations ===== 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 7- 0-12 6 7- 0-12 3 8- 5- 8 7 8- 5- 8 4 16-11- 0 8 16-11- 0 5 6 7 7-07-0� m 7-0-12 ?' m 8 88-5-8 16-11-0 0 1 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOW All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This designis for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr:JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior tofabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TRUSSWORKS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss I Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% andfor "use connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI BC Phone (760) 341-2232 1','WTCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilriles,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 IJQb Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L1 Qtv: 1 Drwa: I G X -LOC BRACT SIZE REQ�D 1 0- 1-12 335 3.50•1.50• 2 7- 0-12 704 3.50• 1.50- 3 11- 7- 815 3.50• 1.50• 4 13- 1- 7 49 3.50• 1.50" 5 14- 7- 5 406 3.50• 1.50" 6 16-11- 0 536 3.50• 1.50" G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE . AXL HND CSI 1-2 -267 0.00 0.48 0.48 2-3 -559 0.00 0.48 0.48 3-4 -994 0.00 0.61 0.61 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 5-6 631 0.02 0.30 0.33 6-7 891 0.12 0.14 0.26 7-8 891 0.01 0.55 0.55 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-6 -458 0.09 3-7 -53 0.01 .3-6 -563 0.14 TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HP STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 a o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. (+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63"intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBORESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. Install interior support(s) before erection. .+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord along partial continuous bearing(s) indicated, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=1.33. Partial continuous bearing reaction = 378 Plf Max. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 7� $ ,LP7-0-12 o) 88-5� 16-11-0 8-5-8 i 8-5-8 -1 1 2 3 4 400 4-8 4.00 6 7 8 7-0-12 m 8-5-8 7-0-12 m 16-11-0 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -74 lb Support 2 -136 lb Support 4 -85 lb Support 5 -144 lb Support 6 -105 lb HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) support 1 197 lb support 3 891 lb support 5 943 lb support 6 -1835 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor 1.00 Truss Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 13.57 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/642 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= -0.13" D= 0.00" T= - ===== Joint Locations ===== = 1 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0-0 2 7- 0-12 6 7- 0-12 3 8- 5- a 7 8- 5- a 4 16-11- 0 8 16-11- 0 T 3-5-8 SHIP IO -3-15111 y TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. � v r nOOG PQM 4/6/2006 Scale: 1/4" = 1 13" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utllized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss! Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 rle s 75-110 St. CharieS pI. Ste -11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 9pl. Palm Desert Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSI/TP11', WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities. 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - (BCS11-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 13" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L2 WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Qty: 2 Drw : ® Rc a -IAC REACT SIZE REQ+D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) Dsgnr: JOLO 1 0- 1-12 795 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -145 lb 2+ 16- 9- 4 889 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD -MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 Support 2 -171 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shorn are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 CBC -01 Code. environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 9pl. Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tnrswal software, Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 'TC FORCE AXL BND CSI 'ANSVTPI 1%%TCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 -1516 0.04 0.65 0.69 Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -1516 0.04 0.65 0.69 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 13.57 ft, mph = 80 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf 4-5 1356 0.20 0.37 0.57 _ 5-6 1356 0.20 0.37 0.57 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 221 0.09 " MAX DEFLECTION (span) • L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.07" D- -0.17" T= -C. Joint Locations =---- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0- 0 2 8- 5- 8 5 8- 5- 8 88-$� 8-5-8 3 16-11- 0 6 16-11- 0 8-5-8 16-11-0 8-5-8 8-5-5 400 -400 4-4 T 3-1-12 3-4 1 I[)-3-15 B1 W:308 R:795 U:-145 4 5 8-58 8.5-8 B2 W:308 R:889 U:-171 6 8-5-8 16-11-0 ,T 3-5-8 SHIP TO -3-15 i 4/ 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO S are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 9pl. Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tnrswal software, Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSVTPI 1%%TCA I'- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin $3719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 24" Jpb Nhme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L2D Qty: 1 Drw : xGs+LOC REACT SIZE REQ -D TC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1,- 0- 1-12 795 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -145 lb 2 16- 9- 4 889 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -171 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the a the truss material at each bearing + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CBC -01 Code. Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE ABL BND CSI evenly along the top chord to the chord Truss Location - End Zone 1-2 -1559 0.04 0.65 0.69 ® ea. bearing (unless noted),.concurrently Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -1559' 0.04 0.65 0.69 with dead + 0 % live loads. D.P. = 1.33 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft Horiz. reaction = 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Mean roof height - 13.57 ft, mph 80 BC FORCE ABL END CSI Connection (by others) must transfer equal CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 1933 0.27 0.42 0.69 load to each ply (or add-on) shown. 5-6 1933 0.27 0.42 0.69 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 221 0.09 MAIC DEFLECTION (span) L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= -0.16" D- -0.17" T- - Joint Locations = -- - 1= 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0 0 2 8- 5- 8 5 8- 5- 8 88-5-8 8-5-8 3 16-11- 0 .6 16-11- 0 8-5-8 16-11-0 5-5-8 8-5-8 1 2 3 - 40 -4.0 4-4 T. 3-5-8 SHIP IO -3-15 5 B1 B2 W:308 W;308 Q Q R:795 R:889 Q U: -145U:-171 v gyp, cis 4 _ 5 6 8 55 1-1-0 OFCP� PQ . 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports, available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 1/4" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This design is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 15.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-11 O St: Charles pl. Ste -11 A enAronment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 d brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 an 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA V. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Segn T6.5.0 - 0 32" Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L3 R:743 R:672011/ Qty: 1 Drw : U:-143 U:-132 /2�7 10:r3113-11-0 RG X_ LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1, 4- 9- 4 743 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DfiSIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OP Support 1 -143 lb 2 16- 9- 4 672 3.50^ 1. so• WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -132 lb �F V RGREQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Loaded for.10 PSP non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the Eng. Job: EJ. n the trues material at each bearing ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO CBC -01 Code. and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr• JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g • TC Live 16.00 psf Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any Truss Location = End Zone 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A 1-2 294 0.04 0.360.40 O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 anal brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: *Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -821 0.01 0.64 0.65 Fax # (760) 341-2293 (BCSI and'BCSI and (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height - 13.57 ft, mph = 80 BC FORCE A%L END CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 " 5-6696 0.09 0.29 0.38 6-7 696 0.10 0.41 0.51 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-4 -71 0.01 2-5 -1073 0.48 1-5 -245 0.05 2-6 188 0.07 - MAX DEFLECTION (span) . L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC - L= -0.08" D= -0.19" T= - MAX DEFLECTION (cant) 55-5-8 8-5-8 L/999MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T= 5-5-8 - - 13-11-0 Joint'Locations =---- 5-5-8 8-5$ 1 0- 0- 0 5 1-10- 4 1 y 3 2 5- 5- 8 6 5- 5- 8 3 13-11- 0 7 13-11- 0 a 4 0- 0- 0 4.0 0 • 4.00 + 4-8 28" 00" T� W:308 W:308 C% MO. Cllr v R:743 R:672011/ U:-143 U:-132 /2�7 10:r3113-11-0 -01�i EXP DAtE o 3 -10� 3-7-4 8-5-8 � 8-5_8 STUB _i w�Pc c ��OOV 1-10-4 5-5-8 13-11-0 �F V All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 6116" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PD01103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr• JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g • TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl p y is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will "use the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 anal brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: *Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1', WTCA 1' Wood Truss Council America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - - of 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (BCSI and'BCSI and (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 28" 00" Jpb Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L4 Qty: 1 Drw : RGx-LOC RRACT SIZE REQ -D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) 1, 4- 9- 4 743 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -143 lb 2 16- 9- 4 578 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -105 lb RG REQDIRIMENTS shown are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the In the trues material at each bearing - - CBC -01 Code. ' " DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 U Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC "FORCE AXL END CS1 is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 294 0.04 0.36 0.40 - Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -821 0.01 0.64 0.65 Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width 20.00 ft environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf Mean roof height - 13.57 ft, mph - 80 BC FORCE AXL END CS1 , and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards:'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf 4-5 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- 5-6 .696 0.09 0.29 0.38 Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232. 6-7 696 0.10 0.41 0.51 - NEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf 1-4 -71 0.01 2-5 -1073 0.48 . - 1-5 -245 0.05 2-6' 188 0.07 - 3 5-5-8 8-5-8 5.5-8 13-11.0 l 5-5-8 i 8-5-8 ' 1 2 3 4� 00 -4.00 4-8 - .t MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC 21 L= -0.08" D= -0.19" T= -C. DEFLECTION (cant) : L/999 MEM 4-5 (LIVE) LC 23 L= 0.00" .D= 0.00" T= C. _ Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 5 1-10 4 2 5-;5- 8 6 5- 5- 8 3 13-11- 0 7 13-11- 0 4 0- 0- 0 W:308 R:743 U:-143 33-0�4 5 6 1-10-4 3-7� STUB 1-10.4 55-8 7 8-6-8 , 13-11-0 B2 - W:308 R:578 U:-105 6 r`• 4/ 6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/16" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. Wo: PDO1103 This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk: JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO T R S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 U utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead .24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards:'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232. (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Oncfrio Drive, Madison, - Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 8" 10. Job Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L5 Qty: 1 Drw : 3-1-12 - RGI x -LOC REACT SIZE RRQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1.SE - Plating spec :ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTIONS) . 1 5- 1- 8 765 12.00• 1.50^ BC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -147 lb - ZO-3-15 2. 16- 9- 4 561 3.50• 1.50^ WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -101 lb - B1 WA: B2 W:30) RG REQUIREMENTS shove are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the U:-147 a the truss material at each bearing X2007 13-11-0 � OC 62 CBC -01 Code. � 2-1-8 3-4-0 8-5-6 sruB � � 2-1-8 5-5-8 13-11-0gOFCP�\�OQ ppR Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by'•MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from TC FORCE AXL BND CSI WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 Truss Location = End Zone Chk- JOLO 1-2 173 0.02 0.07 0.09 and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category - C 2-3 -654 0.00 0.45 0.45 - utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft 3-4.. -742 0.01 0.70 0.71 noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Mean roof height = 13.57 ft, mph 80 BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf 1% WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate BC FORCE AXL BND CSI - Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and'BCSI and Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 5-6 0 0.00 0.06 0.06 6-7 109 0.00 0.33 0.33 7-8 618 0.09 0.45 0.54 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -77 0.01 2-7 753 0.26 - 1-6 -158 0.03 3-7 -173 0.04 - 2-6 -734 0.14 - _ - MAX DEFLECTION (span) _ - L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC_ L- -0.09" D= -0.21" T= - MAX DEFLECTION (cant) L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L. 0.00" D= 0.00" T= 2-1-8 3-4-0 8-5_ 8 =1= Joint Locations 2-1-8 55-8 13-11-0 0- 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 2- 1- 8 6 2. 1- 8 5-5-8 8-5-8 3 5- 5- 8 7 5- 5- 8 1 I` 3 l 4 4 13-11- 0 8 13-11- 0 t142 ' 00 . F4.00 t 4.00 30" DO" 4-4 3-4 3-1-12 3-4 _ 3-1-12 - SHIP 1-3-15 34 rip ��0 f�I�//��. ZO-3-15 O G FCS 1.5-3 3-4- `y't�C. r 1-7 8 __r B1 WA: B2 W:30) V R:765 N61 U:-147 U: -10i y$ X2007 13-11-0 � OC 62 3-M 5 6 7 8 � 2-1-8 3-4-0 8-5-6 sruB � � 2-1-8 5-5-8 13-11-0gOFCP�\�OQ ppR 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by'•MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. it has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk- JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions TRUSSWORKS a re to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr:JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss I Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will "use the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or "use connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install 'Joint BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 PalmDesertCA. 92211 Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI Phone (760) 341-2232 1% WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. 1-03) SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 (SCSI and'BCSI and Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, Dc 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 30" DO" Jqb Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L6 Qty: 4 Drw : RG a -LOC REACT SIZEREQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F-1. 5E Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1, 5- 5-12 789 3.50 .1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 1650P -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -152 lb 2 16- 9- 4 544 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -96 lb RG REQUIREMMS shown are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE AXL END CSI Truss Location = End Zone 1-2 209 0.03 0.09 0.12 Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -597 0.00 0.45 0.45 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -693 0.01 0.69 0.70 Mean roof height = 13.57 ft, mph - 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf BC FORCE AXL BND CSI ,. 5-6- 0 0.00 0.06 0.06 6-7 -133 0.00 0.34 0.34 , 7-8 571 0.08 0.46 0.53 WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-5 -94 0.01 2-7 750 0.26 1-6 -185 0.04 3-7 -215 0.05 2-6 -760 0.15 3-1-12 T 1-3-15 - 3-4 1A 2-5-12 2-11-12 8-5-8 2-5-12 5-5-8 13-11-0 5-5-8 8-5-8 1 2 3 4 40 4.00 4-4 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC L= -0.09" D= -0.21" T= MAX DEFLECTION (cant) : L/999 MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T= ---= Joint Locations ===== 1 0 - 0- 0 5 0- 0- 0 2 2- 5-12 6 2- 5-12 3 . 5- 5- 8 7 5- 5- 8 4 13-11- 0 18 13-11- 0 2� B7 0 B2 4 Q v W:308 W:308 = �1 r R:789R:544 V �9• '( �` U:-152 13-11-0 U:-96 1,•t4� n 33-0-05 6 7 8 sTus 2-5� 5.5-8 13-11 -0 STATE Of 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/16" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 This designis for an individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise p y noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. Ste -11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 Palm Desert, it Charles 92,111 and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, r 'ANSFTPI 1', WTCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' • BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1.03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 30" D1" J b Ni3me: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L7 Q : 2 Drw : RG x -LOC BRACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2.4 SPF 1650F-1.SE Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 5- 5-1a 789 3.50• .1.50• SC 2x4 SPF 1650P-1. SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -152 lb 2 16- 9- 4 638 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HP STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -123 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BOLL. PLATE VALUES PER ICBG RESEARCH REPORT #1607. This truss is designed using the n the trues material at each bearing ' 3-4 CBC -01 Code. BI 2-4-0 Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE A8L END CSI JC 1 CLQ' - Truss Location - End Zone 1-2 209 0.03 0.09 0.12 U:452 U:423 1� pA� Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 -597 0.00 0.45 0.45 QfC 3-" Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -693 0.01 0.69 0.70 STUB � -14/ 6/2006 Mean roof height - 13.57 ft, mph = 80 • All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" = 1" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf BC FORCE ARL BND ,CSI This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. H has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO - 5-6 0 0.00 0.06 0.06 DS nr: JOLO 6-7 -133 0.00 0.34 0.34 T R U S S WO R KS , 7-8 571 0.08 0.46 0.53 A Company You Can Truss I p y ' WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 1-5 -94 0.01 2-7 750 0.26 BC Live 0.00 psf O.C,Spacing 2- 0- 0 - 1-6 -185 0.04 3-7-215 0.05 Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 - 2-6 -760 0.15 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf 2-52-5-1 2 2-112-1112 - 88-5-8 2-5-12 5-5-8 13-11-0 5-5-8 8-5-8 1 2 3�. 4 F4.00 -4.00 ' 4-4 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 7-8 (LIVE) LC L= -0.09" D= -0.21" T= - MAX DEFLECTION (cant) : L/999MEM 5-6 (LIVE) LC L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T- _ - _= Joint.Locatione = 1 0- 0- 0 '5 0- Oa=0 2 2- 5-12 6 2- 5-12 3 5- 5- 8 7 5- 5- 8 4 13-11- 0 8 13-11- 0 3.1.12 3-4 .. 3-4` T 3-5-8 SHIP 1-3-15 1 3-4 ��pp/� T-0.3-15-15 I�rtitFcf 3-4 $p. Ggq� ' 3-4 BI 2-4-0 W:308 W:308 JC 1 CLQ' R:789 R:638 OQ r U:452 U:423 1� pA� 5 6 7 8 QfC 3-" OF 2-5-12 2-11-12 8-5-8 STUB � -14/ 6/2006 2-5-12 5-5-8 13-11-0 • All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "W" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" = 1" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDo1103 ® This design Is for an individual building component not truss system. H has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk• JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions DS nr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads g T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Truss I p y Is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 rle pl. s 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C,Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, end brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detall Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSVTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 30" D1" Jpb Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L8 Qty: 1 Drw : RG 8 -LOC REACT SIZE REQD TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.SE Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1, 5- 5-12 419 3.50• 1.50• BC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1. SE THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -187 lb 2 7- 9- 0 43 3.50• 1.50^ WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 3 -88 lb 3 8- 5- 8 335 3.50• 1.50• GBL SLK 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 7 -151 lb 4 10- 2-11 26 3.50• 1.50^ Mark all interior bearing locations. Loaded for 10 PSF non -concurrent BCLL. Support 8 -88 lb 5 11-11-13 27 3.50• 1.50^ Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced Install interior support(s) before erection. HORIZONTAL REACTION(S) 6 13- 9- 0 30 3.50• 1.50• at 16.0 a o.c. unless noted otherwise. This truss is designed using the support 1 103 lb 7 14- 2- 4 447 3.50- 1.50• Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load CBC -01 Code. support 2 -123 lb 8 16- 9- 4 185 3.50• 1.50^ at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, importance Factor = 1.00 support 3 113 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Additional design considerations may be Truss Location = End Zone n the truss material at each bearing required if sheathing is 'attached. Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C [+) indicates the requirement for lateral Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft TC FORCE A2L BND CSI bracing (designed by others) perpendicular Mean roof height = 13.57 ft, mph - 80 1-2 178 0.03 0.09 0.11 to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load 12.6 psf . 2-3 -64 0.01 0.17 0.17 Bracing is a result of wind load applied 3-4 -113 0.00 0.35 0.35 to member.(Combination axial plus bending). 4-5 74 0.01 0.35 0.36 This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss BC FORCE AXL BND CSI face providing lateral support for webs in 6-7 0 0.00 0.05 0.05 the truss plane and creating shear wall 7-8 0 0.01 0.04 0.05 action to resist diaphragm loads. - 8-9 56 0.00 0.01 0.02 MAX DEFLECTION (span) 9-10 56 0.00 0.04 0.05 L/999 MSM 9-10 (LIVE) LC L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T= WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI MAX DEFLECTION (cant) : 1-6 -97 0.01 2-8 135 0.05 2-5-12 2-11-12 5-8-12 2-8-12 L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC 1-7 -.151 0.03 3-8 -361 0.09 L= 0.01" D= 0.00" T= 2-7 -317 0.06 4-9 -443 0.08 2-5-12 5-5-8 11-2-4 13-11-0 ---== Joint Locations - 5-5-8 8-5-8 1 0- 0- 0 60- 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 2- 5-12 7. 2- 5-12 3 5- 5- 8 8 5- 5- 8 4 11- 2- 4 9 11- 2- 4 5 13-11- 0 10 13-11- 0 4.0' 0 4.00 4-4 T3.4 3-1-12 3 4 s T 3 -5 - SHIP 1-3-15 3-4 1 I0-3-15 (`R�D /�Qn \ �l 3-43-4 2 B1 B7 B8 2-4-0 4-s-0 10-14e2 a Q No. C1101 10/3172007 >� Rp6200 13-11-0 EXP 3-0�6 7 10 2-5-12 2-11-12 8 5-8-12 s 2-8-12 OFC TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 STUB -� � /� / (�'200(�` 2-5-12 5-5-8 11-24 13-11-0 T v vv OVER SUPPORT AS SHOWN All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "MX" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5116" = 1' ® WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDo1103 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions T R U S S WO R KS are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr: JOLO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can TfUSSI is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed In any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf. O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 'ANSUTPI 1','WTCA 1'. Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 00" 01" JQb Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: L9 Qty: 1 Drw : Eng. Job: EJ. RG x -LAC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions 1, 5- 5-12 1164 3.50• 1.50 BC 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -692 lb 2 7-10-12 1161 3.50• 1.50• WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -624 lb 3 14- a- 4 679 3.50• 1.50• GBL ELK 2x4 HF STUD PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Support 3 -126 lb 4 16- 9- 4 673 3.50• 1.50• Mark all interior bearing locations. Loaded for 10 PSP non -concurrent BCLL. Support 4 -417 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced Install interior support(s) before erection. This truss is designed using the n the truss material at each bearing at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + CBC -01 Code. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor - 1.00 TC FORCE ArL END CSI at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. evenly along the top chord to the chord Truss Location - End Zone 1-2 220 0.03 0.09 0.12 Additional design considerations may be @ ea. bearing (unless noted), concurrently Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C 2-3 598 0.00 0.18 0.19 required if sheathing is attached. with dead + 0 % live loads. D.F. = 1.33 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width - 20.00 ft 3-4 -720 0.00 0.34 0.34 [+] indicates the requirement for lateral Horiz. reaction = 2.0 K lbs. ea. bearing. Mean roof height = 13.57 ft, mph - 80 4-5 1354 0.19 0.24 0.43 bracing (designed by others) perpendicular Connection (by others) must transfer equal CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. load to each ply (or add-on) shown. BC FORCE A%L BND CSI Bracing is a result of wind load applied + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 6-7 0 0.00 0.07 0.07 to member.(Combination axial plus bending). 7-8 -1944 0.25 0.07 0.33 This truss requires adequate sheathing, as 8-9 954 0.13 0.07 0.21 designed by others, applied to the truss 9-10 954 0.13 0.05 0.19 face providing lateral support for webs in 0-11 1311 0.18 0.07 0.26 the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. WEB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 1-6 -97 0.01 3-8 -534 0.12 1-7 -195 0.04 3-9 152 0.05 2-7 -1091 0.25 4-10 -545 0.09 2-8 1241 0.40 2-52-5-1� 12-11-12 2-5-12 5-5-8 5-8-12 2-8-1_2 11-2-0 13-11-0 5-5-8 i 8-5-8 1 2 3 4 5 4.01 0 4-10 3-1-12 3-0 1 T 1- 4.00 ' R:1164 U:-092 R:1161 U:-624 MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 10-11 (LIVE) LC L= 0.01" D= 0.00" T= MAX DEFLECTION (cant) : L/999 MEM 6-7 (LIVE) LC L= -0.02" D= 0.00" T= - _= Joint Locations = 1 0- 0- 0 7 2- 5 12 2 2- 5-12 8 4-10-12 3 5- 5- 8 9 5- 5- 8 4 11- 2- 4 10 11- 2- 4 5 13-11- 0 11 13-11- 0 6 0- 0- 0 3-5-8 3� SHIP c T4-3-15ot B3 B4 Q W:308 W:308 U�®� ^ V Ot c t R:679 R:673 U:426 1 U:417 � IOM/2007 EXP DATE 3-"6 7 e 9 10 11 . 2-52-5-12 2.5� 5.8-1 2-8-12� F TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 STUB 2-5-12 4-10-12 Lg 11-2-4 13-11-0 OVER 4 SUPPORTS All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" or 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. il?2'0 06 Scale: 5116" = 1' Din 03" WAKNINU Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that Me loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A s environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, Install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2-0-0 PalmDesert CA. 9pl. Desert, and brace this truss In accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, BC Dead Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANSUTPI 1', NUCA V- Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibllkies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'. (BCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Din 03" lJob Name: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: M1 Qtv: 1 Drwa: '.GX-LOC REACT SIZE REQ -D 1. 0- 1-12 524 3.50 . 1.50• 2 2- 8- 4 212 3.50• 1.50• 3 4- 6-12 34 3.50• 1.50• 4 6- 5- 4 253 3.50• 1.50• 5 8- 3-12 34 3.50• 1.50• 6 10- 2- 4 212 3.50• 1.50• 7 12- 8-12 524 3.50• 1.50• .G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY . the trues material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -907 0.00 0.28 0.29 2-3 -807 0.00 0.28 0.29 BC FORCE AXL BND CSI 4-5 0 0.00 0.31 0.32 5-6 0 0.00 0.31 0.32 IWBB FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 -213 0.04 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-3 TC 2x4 SPF 1650F-1.SE BC .2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E WEB 2x4 HF STUD GBL BLK 2x4 HF STUD Install interior support(s) before erection. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Designed for 2.0 K lbs drag load applied evenly along the top chord to the bottom chord continuously, concurrently with dead loads and 0 % live load. Duration=1.33. Continuous bearing reaction - 155 Plf. Connection (by others) must transfer equal load to each ply (or add-on) shown. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1. Truss Location = End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 Mean roof height - 13.24 ft, mph 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Mark all interior bearing locations. Gable verticals are 2x 4 web material spaced at 16.0 " o.c. unless noted otherwise. Top chord supports 24.0 " of uniform load at 16 psf live load and 24 psf dead load. Additional design considerations may be required if sheathing is attached. [+) indicates the requirement for lateral bracing (designed by others) perpendicular to the plane of the member at 63 -intervals. Bracing is a result of wind load applied to member.(Combination axial plus bending). 00 This truss requires adequate sheathing, as designed by others, applied to the truss face providing lateral support for webs in ft the truss plane and creating shear wall action to resist diaphragm loads. 6-5-4 6-5-4 6-5_4 12-10-8 6-5.4 I 6-5-4 1 2 3 4.01 0 4-4 -4.00 1 2-4 12-10-8 4 5 6 6-5-4 6-5-4 6-5-4 12-10-8 UPLIFT REACTIONS) : Support 1 -101 lb Support 2 -48 lb Support 3 -24 lb Support 4 -70 lb Support 5 -24 lb Support 6 -48 lb Support 7 -101 lb HORIZONTAL REACTIONS) support 1 810 lb support 2 -714 lb support 4 1000 lb support 6 714 lb support 7 -810 lb T T-0-3-15 SHIP MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 MEM 4-0 (LIVE) LC L= -0.01" D- -0.01" T= - Joint Locations = =1-0- 0- 0 4 0- Oa=0 2 6- 5- 4 5 6- 5- 4 3 12-10- 8 6 12-10- 8 �Q�C' QS D. Gq9 -cC'j, No. Cil d 0131/2007 ap WE OVER'CONTINUOUS SUPPORT All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. 4/6/2006 Scale: 5116" = V WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. WO: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads T R U S S WO R KS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will muse the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf P C 2- 0- 0 O..$acin P g Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and bracethis truss In accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1', WTCA 1' Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 -Wood - 1113) and 'BCS] SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA TPI. The Truss Plate Institute Is located 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 (BCSI and (TPI) at Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) Is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 Job Nate: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: M2 Qty: 3 Drw : RGx-LAC REACT SIZE REQ'D TC 2x4 SPF 1650F -1.5E Plating Spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) 1 0- 1-12 699 3.50^ 1.50^ BC 2x4 SPP 165OF-1.5E THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF Support 1 -143 lb 2� 12- 8-12 699 3.50• 1.50" WEB 2x4 HF STUD MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Support 2 -143 lb RG REQUIREMENTS shoovn are based ONLY This truss is designed using the PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. TC Live 16.00 psf a the truss material at each bearing m CBC -01 Code. utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 TC FORCE Aar. BND CSI Truss Location = find Zone Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Cha rle s Charles pit ste-11 A 1-2 -1121 0.01 0.34 0.35 Hurricane/Ocean Line = No , Exp Category = C O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 9pl Desert, PalmDesert 2-3 -1121 0.01 0.34 0.35 Bldg Length = 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft - Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANS rrPI 1', INTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Mean roof height = 13.24 ft, mph = 80 Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 BC FORCE Aar, END CSI CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 4-5 1002 0.15 0.21 0.36 5-6 1002 0.15 0.21 0.36 WEE FORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-5 165 0.07 09" 6-5-4 6-5-4 66-5-4 12-10-8 6-5-4 6-5-4 1 2 3 ` 4.0 0 4-4 -4.00 1 B1 B2 W:308 W:308 R:699 R:699 U:-143 U:-143 IA7L--, 1A-0-1 12-10-8 4 5 6 66-5-4 6-5-4 6-5_4 12-10-8 =-=== Joint Locations =- 1 0- 0- 0 4 0- 0 0 2 6- 5- 4 5 6- 5- 4 3 12-10- 8 6 12-10- 8 T 297 SHIP IO -3-15 0. 1OMIN07 W(PD 4/6/2006 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. Scale: 5/16" = 1' WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. Wo: PDO1103 ® This design is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done In accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions Dsgnr: JOLO R KS areto be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 T R U S S WO utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading Imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Cha rle s Charles pit ste-11 A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 9pl Desert, PalmDesert and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: 'Joint and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Tmswal software, - Phone (760) 341-2232 'ANS rrPI 1', INTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilities, 'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION'- (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 111111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 lJob Nblme: STEVE KESSLER RESIDENCE Truss ID: T1 Qtv: 4 Drwa: GS -LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1, 0- 2-12 5607 5.50"2.01" 2 16-10- 4 5607 5.50• 2.01" G REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY the truss material at each bearing TC FORCE AXL END CSI 1-2 -17436 0.16 0.54 0.70 2-3 -22046 0.27 0.49 0.77 3-4 -20456 0.23 0.06 0.29 4-5 -20455 0.23 0.06 0.29 5-6 -22046 0.27 0.49 0.77 6-7 -17436 0.16 0.54 0.70 BC FORCE AXL END CSI 8-9 16126 0.60 0.20 0.80 9-10 16379 0.39 0.54 0.93 0-11 17246 0.41 0.54 0.95 1-12 21344 0.50 0.12 0.62 2-13 21345 0.50 0.12 0.62 3-14 17247 0.41 0.54 0.95 4-15 16379 0.39 0.54 0.93 5-16 16126 0.60 0.20 0.80 WEBFORCE CSI WEB FORCE CSI 2-10 -1341 0.06 5-12 -1594 0.07 2-11 4276 0.37 5-13 406 0.04 3-11 406 0.04 6-13 4276 0.37 3-12 -1594 0.07 6-14 -1341 0.06 4-12 12589 0.34 TC 2x4 SPF 165OF-1.5E BC 2x6 HF 1650F -1.5E 2x4 SPP 1650F -1.5E 8-9, 15-16 WEB 2x4 HF STUD 2x8 DPL #2 12-4 Lumber shear allowables are per NDS. Permanent bracing is required (by others) to prevent rotation/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and ANSI/TPI 1. 4-PLYI Nail w/10d BOX, staggered (per NDS) in: TC- 2 BC- 4 WEBS- 2 • PER FOOTI-• Nail in layers as each ply is attached. 1/2" thru-bolts [or Simpson SDS or' USP WS61 (1/4")x6" wood screws at 24" o.c. max. must be installed in addition to nailing (only in chords with tie-in trusses or framing.) Plating spec : ANSI/TPI - 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. + + + + a + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Nail pattern shown is for PLP loads only. Concentrated loads MUST be distributed to each ply equally. On multi -ply with hangers, use 3" nails min. into the carrying member. For more than 2 ply, use additional fasten- ers as indicated from the back plys, or use any other approved detail (by others). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + t t + + + + + + 3-4-11 2-0-15 2-6-15 2-0-15 2-6-15 3-4-11 3-4-11 5-11-9 8-6-8 11-1-7 13-8-5 17-1-0 I 8-0-8 I - 8-6-8 I 4-PLYS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REQUIRED4.00 4-6 -4.001 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -1023 lb Support 2 -1023 lb This truss is designed using the CBC -01 Code. Bldg Enclosed = Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Trues Location - End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line - No , Exp Category = C Bldg Length - 40.00 ft, Bldg Width = 20.00 ft Mean roof height = 13.59 ft, mph = 80 CBC Special Occupancy, Dead Load = 12.6 psf ----------LOAD CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS --------------- Dir L.Plf L.Loc R.Plf R.Loc LL/T TC Vert 94.00 - 1- 1- 0 94.00 0- 0- 0 0.3 TC Vert 80.00 0- 0- 0 80.00 17- 1-0 0.4 TC Vert 94.00 17- 1- 0 94.00 18- 2- 0 0.3 BC Vert 359.65 0- 0- 0 359.65 17- 1- 0 0.3 ..Type... lbs X.Loc LL/TL TC Vert 0.0 0- 2-12 1.00 TC Vert 0.0 16-10- 4 1.00 BC Vert 3500.0 8- 6- 8 0.34 T_ 3.6-3 SHIP T03-15 5-0 3500# 6-8 Wo: PDO1103 B1 This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO B2 W:508 2.00-2.00 W:508 R:5607 are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr:JOLO R:5607 U:-1023 DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 TRUSSWORKS U:-1023 89 7-7-4 17-1-0 04U4 10 11 12 13 14 1S 00-1� 2-52-5 7 2-6-15 2-615 2-0-15� 2-6-15 1 2-5-7 !IT environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf 0-11-4 3-4-11 5-11-9 8.6-8 11-1-7 13-8-5 16-1-12 J Akin;/c D. p2007 All plates are 20 gauge Truswal Connectors unless preceded by "Mx" for HS 20 gauge or "H" for 16 gauge, positioned per Joint Detail Reports available from Truswal software, unless noted. MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/955 MEM 12-13 (LIVE) LC L= -0.21" D= -0.41" T= - Joint Locations = 7-0 - 10- 0- 0 9 0-11- 4 2 3 - 4-11 10 3- 4-11 3 5-11- 9 11 5-11- 9 4 8- 6- 8 12 8- 6- 8 5 11- 1- 7 13 11- 1- 7 6 13 - 8- 5 14 13- 8- 5 7 17- 1- 0 15 16- 1-12 8 0- 0- 0 16 17- 1- 0 e APR p 6 4/6/2006 Scale: 7/32" = 1' 61" WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Eng. Job: EJ. Wo: PDO1103 ® This design Is for an Individual building component not truss system. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer Chk' JOLO and done in accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No responsibility Is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are to be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building designer must ascertain that the loads Dsgnr:JOLO TC Live 16.00 psf DurFacs L=1.25 P=1.25 TRUSSWORKS utilized on this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code and the particular application. The design assumes that the top chord A Company You Can Trussl is laterally braced by the roof or floor sheathing and the bottom chord Is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any TC Dead 24.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 75-110 St. Charles pl. ste-11A environment that will cause the moisture content of the wood to exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install BC Live 0.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 Palm Desert, CA. 92211 and brace this truss in accordance with the following standards: and Cutting Detail Reports' available as output from Truswal software, 'ANSFTPI 1', WTCA 1' - Wood Truss Council of America Standard Design Responsibilhies,'BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATION' - BC Dead 7.00 psf Design Spec CBC -01 Phone (760) 341-2232 (SCSI 1-03) and'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA and TPI: The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Fax # (760) 341-2293 Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1111 19th Street, NW, Ste 800, Washington, DC 20036. TOTAL 47.00 psf Seqn T6.5.0 - 0 61" JL A I. 2x4 POST ATTACHED TO EACH TRUSS PANEL POINT AND OVERHEAD PURLIN•p 02.4'.0" 2. 20 NI HF OR 02 DF PURLINS 4' -0"O.0 = 3. 20 01 HF OR 02 DF CONTINUOUS STIFFENER ATTACHED TO POST. I 4. HIP TRUSS 111 SETBACK FROM END WALL AS NOTED ON TRUSS DESIGN, o 1KT _N PLAN I 7 S. l EXTENDED END JACK TOP CHORD (TYPICAL) 6 COMMON TRUSS. 6 r 7. HIP CORNER RAFTER. II N ' S. 1x4CONTINUOUS LATERAL C (� e 3 S .&A 1 1 9. EXTENDED BOTTOM. �1 tDATE HIP FRAMING DETAIL 1/21/98 SETBACK AS NOTED ON TRUSS DESIGN. ®o C� I HIP TRUSSES 24" O.C. (TYPICAL) ADEQUATE CONNECTION BY OTHERS (TYPICAL). The FWARNIN(al Rand an r a ael a 9hv a copy of It to the Ending Conbaol" ',�` � Yscm _b M �gngW�'°Of'N r nlr o j69� 1"1o�M err Wiw�Wwomew �lor o.. p yr�Ipn a f/INTO b 4tntrwn TM OW WiY 4MpW WI rGrbw Mr M IotIYa wrnlrp OW Cr time cowl 4f by*w'q' k"&'4 CQft My &M~ VW tln lop Chad r wwr/ DwAd Oy IM � mllwlm,S>I!S wowr m+r�ra° w.o o ie'Iwi b'�0i�wtargby a rod'" n„wt�w.rw.cyr.u.a..r..aew.w.«.dw..arlf°�°wr _ mwpaw Y *. hvd Ww�a w IRLGWAL 3YU M6 C0014 MAIgN la'O0D T11WON1!M bib rwlawr 'T11U!)COb �bY ' WW".'CUAL)TV CorMWt b N DAFIDF 1 NlITAL PLATE Oam mal a ONMCRo SUMItAII►E1y;R1' Oy iA. TTb• A pW I AWft N6 Ab Y11f = UVAL PLAT! COfMICT[O WOOD TirJttli' • 1��1) MS'1f1F�1 P.Pw AtfOltrgA lKiAlY berfe a l ~RP9 AM NW. liNOWiOYiYDt�R WOra4WrOoi4n STIP. TIb AdWWMPaWw4 P>dwfOlOw Arf, MW, 61f 9DD. YIV111t+paL DC ZOD.Y . ■ EL ENCARGARSE DEL SITIO DETRABP L. Bono n espor (. porn los ormoduras n ton aha . mayores enYomoiso � - � GENERAL _ La* bmiliaridod con Las DOCUMENTOS DEL DISENO DE' CONSTRUCCION, .los DIBUJOS DEL DISENO DE ARMADURAS (CABRII.lAS)_Y los 121P OS DE LA pOSICION DE ARMADURAS (CABRILLASI (si u re par par los TODAS IAS ARMADURAS (CABf21WSj DEBEN SER RECOGIDAS POR lA�G11dofsen las omaduras ( EN � ppCl1MENT05 DEL pISENO DE CONSTRUCGON) es requerido para conectomente leventor, reforror Y con-edor Las � 1°6 ad VERTICAL - L EI correct corge dobe ser hecho arca del edif uo q,;7 ara Z ci, el swwmiemo. NO RC omiodurm (eabrilbs) d sistemo de edhio. correct hosts qul.b inswbdbn empiete. La erecci6n a mono de Las ormodwos (cobrNlw) es permilido, Tod. el addodo Y que son emudto can Las disefws Y b fobricocion de las armodums (cobrillas) de modem d6n que el esceso doblaje Lateral sea prevenido. ' pueden ur orries9odw si Las omaslums (wbn'llos) ra son correctomente mcneiados, kvonwdw Y refortados. LAS . CO NSECUENCIAS DEL IMPROPIO MANEJO DE LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) PUEDE RESULTAR. EN UN - HUNDIMIENTO DE LA ESTRUCTUP A ESTO PUEDE RESULTAR EN UNA PERDIDA SUBSTANCUI DE TIEMPO, MATE- y RIAS; Y POR LAS PEORES EN UM PERWDA DE VIDA. LA MAYORIA DE LOS ACQDENTES CON lAS'/JiMADURAS (CABRILLAS) OCURRE DURANTE U fNSTAIAQON DE LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) Y NO COMO UN RESULTA- DO DE LOS DISE%105 M LA FABRICAQON NPROPIA' r• Antes de b emcci6n de los armoduros (cobrilbs), el conomdor necesito munirse can Las miembros de b constnrcci6n _ para uno revnibn sobm b seguridad Y b plonihexi6n. pom osegwcr que coda miembro entierdo sus Popeles Y �. . respow.bilidodes dumrde d procmo de LA coramsmbn. No A1MA@LE WATOS EN FORMA DEREQN SIN SOS NO ALAAAtF/E EN Aldo QUEBRADO . EL REFUERZO TEMPORAL DE CONSTRUCCION b ir Las armoduro,' (cobnllmr ) na wn n,acodas an ningwra moa Isom Ider6Rcor ecuendc m b dnie C rehsx- to temporal de ow&uad6n- Tedos Las rekmmas bmporoles deben cumpl6 con b m6s neva edio6n dde Commmentary ,• and Recommendations For Hondfing, Installing 8 Bmcing Mewl Plate Connected Wood Trusses (HIB), publicodo par el Truss Plate Inst nse Y/o coma espedfic6 an Las DOCUMENTOS DEL DISENO DE CONSTRUCGON que son PmPora- ; dos par el d'oerador dd edrfido. SI 1. nmoduros Ic.b Qo4 an aFnrKnodc...ri--ra: debars w Si im arrnadurar 10c6A"I' wn conab canna m hedwmimdomwue Yut.boM� �_.on—. pom redudr a dohloj' 4nery+tia� Y9 ` REFUERZOPERMANENTE DE ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) USECUIDADOCUANDOOUITELAS TIRASPARA EvrrARAVEpwLAS ARMADURAS RI EI rehrorto pennon to par el tecta o Las ormodums (cabrillos) del suet es responwbilidod del diseiador del edifido - prom " ". }, w If debe ser moarodo en Las DOCUMENTOS DEL DESENO DE CONSUUCC16R las situociones del refsrerto penia- Dumme el olmacenoje o Largo pbw, Las am,odums (oabnllasl deben ur prate 4 mad,»+,;,,,c,�.' ton nente par Las individuales mlembros de compresl6n de uno or adum (Cabrillo) de modem son mostrodos en los DIBU• era que permge venKbci6n wBderde de Las ,6. El ms (eabnlbes re Las �Iq'wf �riodos'v�'� � � JOS DEL DLSENO DE ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS), Y deben ur imtolodos pa el cormotisto del edi icio o el eontmtlsto Lay fines necesiton eswr obierws para verd loci6rs EI pl6st act no es rec de b con*ucci6n. Este refuerw m necssano para el procedimienw prow de Las ormoduros (cobrillw) irdividuolrs i derdro del sistena def tecta a el suet. EI daeia Y La jwrNro de los relVenm o las ormodums (cabrillas) Y entonces al EL L E VA Td"A� sister, total del ed'dicio son los responsaWhdodm del disebodor del ed'dido. Y es en adid6nol pion del refuerso Per- a r i, u...s.. i ' AN SER SOPOI marante, quem wmbi6rs espedficodo par c•I diserador del edditb. r • - TODAS LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) CUE SON LEVE?f,,A . 'DE't , u.,) �.r:. CON SEGURIDAD EN POSIOON POR LOS EQUIPOS DEsC aloe—UCQ WASTD El T1EMP0 CUE N ASI REFUERZOS NECESMOOS EVEN MSIAIADOS 105`• , DE OSr6TlCHILl05 DE ARAMDl1RA SON ASI DOS AL EDIFICIO. r"r�T E.-.. LAZERAL . ITA EU 0B yi • ^' In mbnl<o f DE 'ESPECIAL .i , -_ e�'+5: 5$r was-••: - r - ...-... � �a�� 'Ula r 110 )esLotePtodct dad! .nslenos �, d LOS REQUISITOS DISENO Las requ stw de daeAo espedo1, wl cons d mluerw de vienw, el nduerm de pct Wil• s l ormodurw `( iafrogs de Las de seporocion u onw el de cargo de 6.nderercia 1 sus tars b E84PA DE p ' k paredes sitsad6n modem neces an ser aonsidemdos open par el disNwdor de a iilicio, quien debe dderminw el lomoia, - _ C _ OEHfRO • -' Pam todos los refuerws cones, rrecesorio pare resafir estw'fuercos. Y el tnttado de iurdwos act. _ y� r - COI ` O S r� i DESCARGAR Y LEVANTAR DEMRO ,11EMIrR 'yY ...... '^ a J lam: ossai �1 • EVITA EL DOBLAJE LATERAL • 1 s 60pw nm a as b sdleaa ' -Use b burro de esporc dor m TODAS ohos uhmoones. Debe se notodo que Las knew de Las Bees deb k deben 'CONFORMARSE AFUER •CONfORMARSE DEN1R0': si esws tineas Fr Las omadurm Ie espotcida doblen ei b Wad. , - :. .. • Lf� �... LA BARBA BE • ' . � h'—rl E . NUNCATRATE LAS ARMADURAS (CABRILLAS) EN FORMA PLANA de deeorgo todos Las lases de cowtnraibn, necesib uwr cudodo pain e.itar EL DOBIA r a b e..s.tr k l AI pdrscipio del proceso Y par 16minas de pmum. s ssm w asp «60 0 A LATERAL de.bs ennodums (eoWllos), que puede cousor dorso a b modem Y:los L15E C116AD0 ESPECIAL EN Cllhbl VENTOSO.Pam DE UN HIlO DE ELECTRIQDAD, PONGASE EN CONTACTO CON LA kvantor or alums (cabrgbs) m6s de 60 pies, w mcwnwJO& que una bona de etporcidor sea usod 10 burro de esporcidw debe ter wjetodo a b cuerdo de ambo Y los miembtw de sed a Las irdery SI 115A UNA GRIIA DB RRO DE 10 PIES COMPAN(A DE ENERGIA LOCAL ilusnodo. aprwimodomente 10 pies-Ifts, b born de esporcidor dobe ser o b chum media a ercimo b allura medic (cabnlbs) Pum ser de alguno mokno can b hm . la burro de ede mpedu v.leso SI USA UNA GRUA DENTRO DE 5 AARIAS DE UN AEROPUERTO, PONGASE EN CONTACTO CON EL AEROP• SOBRE ALGUHAS.MCAAS'DE SEGURIDAD QUE para omadums armor ciendeon d de omadum Y de b tigd� suiideste pore tests od el levanall UERTO 30 DIM MITES DE U CONSTRUCCION PARAAPRENDER de Las u�s (cabnllot�llw N;(-FSrrF,N SER OBEDECIDAS. s _ ' ®Ia�O► ixUSWAL. k`►s�►.►`►i SYS EMS TRUSWAL SYSTEMS CORPORATION 4445 NORTHPARK'ORIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80907' (800) 322.4045 (719) 598.5660 ' FAX (719) 598.6463 DETAILS FOS C®NVENTIONALLI( FRAMED VALLEY SETS. Notes: The maximum Total.Top Chord Load = d8 PSF' TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. Minimum Top Chord Dead Load = 7 PS,F The design for lateral loads and their =Jnneclions is GIRDER DESIGNED TO SUPPORT the responsibility of the Building Designer. The details T IE "TIE-IN' TRUSSES Provided address gravity and wind uP51 loads only per the UBC. Tho maximum wind speed is 85'MPH. 25 fl Mean Roof B Height (max.). Exp. C. ' O 16d box nails are IYpical throughout, except as noted (in details )_ The Center Ridge Rafler ( CRR ) is 2 x 5 slud. Attach [his to the 1 x 8 with 4-16d loe nails (2 from each face ). Attach the C opposite and to Iha truss the same. PLAN VIEW A ELEVATION VIEW The Valley Rafters, purlins, and blockin .mlenal are 2 x 4 stud. The blocking must be spaced 24' O.C. and be adequately braced in the lateral direction at 6-0-0 O.C. Attacch this. blocking to the Valley Rafter with 3-16d. Attach this blocking to the purlin with 2-16d. The trusses below the valley are spacei; 24' O.0 The purlins are full lenglh under the vallvl• set and must be installed at• 24•.O.C. They are to be attached to each overlapping truss lop chord with 2-16d nails. If ;hey are. not one continuous length• add a 12' long DETAIL A CENTER RIDGE: nailer to the face of the truss lop chord with 4-16d End one purlin section. DETAIL g , on the truss and begin the additional seCl.on on the nailer. RAFTER' VALLEY RAFTER c? A 1 x 8 perimeter runner must be attached through the sheathing and into each truss below with 3-Sd box nails. This t x 8 follows the outside prortie VALLEY RAFTER I of the valley. (TYP ) The Valley Rafters, are spaced 24' O.C. Attach Them to the CRR with 1 5 2-16d toe nails. Attach the opposite and to the 1 x 8 with 3-9d toe nails. 2 -16C2-X 4 BLOCK TOE NAILS WITH 3 . 16d (TYP) 2 X4, CK W17y a R7 �F,9 I .. ;RA ?LANVEW a io o=rAl L C I J__ AIL D 2 X 4 a 5 ? MITER t PURLIN RU N=R 2 X 4 VALLEY BLOCK ®^ RA=ttcR.' WITH 2 ..1� g/ _. 2-16c TO= f NAILS Cy'GSS ., TRUSS TOP OqO TOp CHORD 7116' .' SH— THING ELEVATION VIEW EL VAT1Ot4 VI=W PEAK PLATE: 3-4 (2x41 5.5 (241- 6.6 (201 MAXIMUM 1'-0' EAVE WITH hJ"'9'"` 6'-0" MAXIMUM BLOCKS @ 32"o.c. OR 2'-0" EAVE, / BRACE SPACING MAXIMUM. WITH 4x2 p2 OR BTR. J OUTLOOKERS CUT INTO GABLE @ I II 32' o.c. � I 21(4 #2 MINIMUM CONTINUOUS 1I II STRONGHACK BRACED TO ROOF STRUCTUIIE AT 6'-0" MAXIMUM. STRONGBACIC AT; 2x4 STRONGBACK BRACED 4'-10" CLEASPAN, 70 MPH AT EVERY 6'-0' MAXIMUM 1.5-3. TYPICAL \ 4'.-1.5"CLEA11SPAN, 80 MPH CONNECTION MINIMUM GRADE CHORDS AND �\ TSTUDS TO BE MAXIMUM 24"o.c.. BC SPLICE; 3-4 (2x4( 5-5 (2x6) 6.6 (2x8) q GABLE END FRAMING CONNECTION DETAILS (MIN. NAIL REQUIREMENTS SHOWN) 9Y4 SOLID BLOCK CONTINUOUS BEARING WALL HEEL, PLATE: 3-4 12x4) 5.5 12x6) . I 6.6 (2X8) WITH 3.16d NAILS Bd AT 6" ox, .MAXIMUM 40 PSF LIVE LOAD. SHEATHING TO GABLE EA. END AND 8d NAILS FROM SHEATHING DO MPH WIND EXPOSURE C, TRUSS, Bd AT 6" o.c. TO BLOCK AT 6"o.c. / LESS THAN 20'-0" WALL HEIGHT. ti 1-16d BRACING DETAILS I / 2.16d 1 Y," NOTCH @ 32" o.c. 1 SOLID BLOCK t WITH 2.16d TOE - 2x1 i ; :;.,;; 2-16d NA!I.F-D EA. FND 2x4 BRACE WALL BRACING PER BUILDINGI DESIGNER.. �- 2x4 CONTINUOUS BACKING WITH 16d NAILS AT 24" o.c. TO THE WALL PLATE. WITFI 4-16d NAILS PLATE CODE SPAr6'IG DATE - WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of to the Erecting Contractor. MODEL 20 UBC CONTINUOUS 2/11/99 This design Is for an individual building component. 11 has been based on spea6r..alions Provided by me componenl manuleclurer and done in ' s accordance wllh the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No resoonsiblhry is assumed la dimensional accuracy. Dimensions are b. Fsa►. to two verified by Ilia component manufacturer and/or budding designer prior to fabrication. The building designer small aseenain mal the bads in ilisrirl on IIIts design meet or e,ceed the loading imposed by the total budding code. It is assumed that the top chord is laterally braced by the runt Or flop Shoalhing and lite bottom chord is laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached. unless olhe/vdse noted. erasing ahbwn is 10( lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. This component shall not be placed in any environment that &MA WA SY 3 IT M •.viii cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 195 and/or cause cotlnecior plate corrosion. Fabricate. handle. install and brace this truss in G/� R rr T /� ('� L D H L J IIRISWAI S+STEMS COfX'ORAIION acco'danca with the lotlowmg standards: 'TRVSCOM MANUAL' by Tlllswal,'DUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTEC mwo intISSES' • (OST.88).'HANDLING INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES'.• (HIB -91) and'HIB•91 LJ L. 1 i\ L.�, SUTAMAnY 514EET' by TPI The Truss Plate Institute ITPI! is located at 563 O'Onohro Dime. Madison. Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and CO Papw Atsnaalirm (AFPA) is Ionated at 1250 Connecticut Ave, Nw. Sig 200. Washmgtbn; OC 20036. RECOMMENDED CONNECTION DETAILS THESE DETAILS ARE .INTENDED TO SHOW MINIMUM REQUIRED CONNECTIONS RECOMMENDED BY TRUSWAL SYSTEMS. THE DETAILS DO NOT REPLACE OR SUPERSEDE ANY DETAILS SPECIFIED BY A PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT ON A PART C'ULAR PROJECT, NOR HAVE THEY BEEN. ANALYZED FOR SEISMIC AND WIND FORCES ACTING ON THE CONNEC- TIONS FROM THE RESPONSE OF THE STRUCTURE TO SUCH LOADS. IT IS RECOMMENDED TIiAT THE APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT BE OBTAINED BEFORE USING THESE DETAILS. BEARING REQUIREMENTS SHOWN ON SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGNS MUST BE SATISFIED, INCLUDING CONNECTIONS FOR UPLIFT REACTIONS. TRUSS CONNECTION TO EXTERIOR BEARING WALLS TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. (TYP.) A BLOCK- BLOCK BLOCK w - O STUDS @ AL f 16" O.C. (TYP. ) J BLOCK TOP PLATES Sj / SECT. A -A PROCEDURE: -Li-,j 1 TOE-NAIL.BLOCK TO TRUSS WITH 1=16d COMMON NAIL. 2 PLACE NEXT TRUSS AGAINST BLOCK AND TOE -NAIL TRUSS TO TOP PLATE WITH 2-16d COMMON NAILS. 3 END .NAIL THROUGH•TRUSS INTO BLOCK WITH 1-16d COMMON NAIL. - 4 PLACE NEXT BLOCK AGAINST TRUSS AND REPEAT STEPS1 THROUC..i -3. 5 BLOCKS MAY BE ATTACHED TO TOP PLATE WITH SIMPSON.A35F (0k EQUIV.) FRAMING ANCHORS. SEE MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG FOR DE~AILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. TRUSS CONNECTION TO INTERIOR BEARING WALLS ' X' .BRACING �� B.C. OF TRUSS. OR � END VERTICAL RUN THROUGH'TO BEARING.. WALL MUST BE AT HEIGHT SPECIFIED ON THE DESIGN DRAWING OR MUST BE SHIMMED TO THE CORRECT HEIGHT. USE 2-16d COMMON.NAILS TOE -NAILED INTO THE TOP PLATE THROUGH EACH TRUSS. DIAGONAL 'X' BRACING IS REQUIRED AT ENDS OF THE BUILDING (OR WALL) AND AT A MAX.. OF 16' INTERVALS ALONG WALL., 'X' BRACING IS MIN. 2x3'MATERIAL.WITH 2-8d NAILS EACH END. BLOCKING SIMILAR TO EXTERIOR WALL DETAIL IS RECOMMENDED. TRUSS CONNECTION TO NON-BEARING PARTITION WALLS' WALL PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSS , WALL PARALLEL TO -TRUSS BOT CHORD B'2 TOP PI TI 1-16d COMMON NAIL OR 0. SIMPSON STC G.OR EOUIV.1 T FILE NO. CD -1 DATE: 9/10/92 REF.: DES. BY: L. M. TRUSS (TYP.) 2X4 BLOCKING BOT CH uARI GBARI .,0 2X SECT. C TOP PLATE 1=4 1-16d COMMON_ NAIL OR O.C. SIMPSON STC (OR EQUIV. o'o �IMTYP.) TRUSS CLIP yA Y: WFAMiNMA SYSTEMS J. '••� • Alternate Saki Conttvction vi%h 51a Ivs, ' �. Stud NUTS: Vent Mocks mai' lx omitteJ Connection where no vent is required. \ DESIGN FOR TYPICAL CABLE END TRUSS U, -]l, T-34 8 I4ga I -Crown I l/4"long Y D-2.5/1 - T-31 or equal N ; ' o t f `\ 12 0 ' •' it � V 1 � n :+ o w D-3'4, T-34 ' 1 f' i D-7/, T.-Jl `CADLE Varlcn I END TIlUSS to cult vent or.outlooker. 2-16 Cutout for 2x4 InIJ flit Cutout for 2x4 laid flat (Spacing per building plana (; (Spaeing per building tans) �' . TRUSS .•;.�� ,'� _ 1 2-16d nail �o Truss / It <,X 1� "I 1x1 Add-on b+� t with 8dnailn at 16"o, r. 2-1fiJ nails (by builder) I:! "OFF STUD')CUTOUTS "ON STUD"CUTOUTS Plate LI DETAILS FOR 2 x 4 OUTLOOKERS GABLE END 'BRACING :: � t*I/ryY tOn,4 ROwl II I.l`y r, •1 N^- Y..r•t ro ,... 111..1 1 �-. w'•.+ •w... <..1 Y.< ... ♦.,ry.:w<,. woo-::. routlp,..A: n.-,[ v.r a oc.d � w. �a.. r..� w'r«�.< F.Ue No. Cable End Truss . vrolw«Y.<►[r•� T1:/. �w �.1 ..Ir,I1 sq.iw �..•M W+I wti w4 w.1�.J{ •.IMM. .. bl v. ••.v w.. m.cp .�pn nom ^. ..MA ^w ^�'< •�; Dale: 12/4/76 Un Mr•1.ww.IMI'��:�r.a.r.�.l.w,.h"..�'bl fwb.l�w••.,..11-•'[..wn,•..M nu.�l�b. w. .n...na.... Don\MOC\fl \410[RJ.RMwerll . 1a Ck,D Rtf: Dea.Dy: JN i AID[91.•earw[►IY•4'71-I:ICw,•MNI^...10',1-b•`/1.w�Y[Wwv�MMM1. Y.lt�[.11"..\MM•. I,. ie l:,y IS./w D•roe�M111 r. •oO vrl No.�n w1VW tYw.o w.M.lc.4o.n<Ilal..nn[il0 nr... [day"tooam »e.....,.nl ..�rl«n.�.r,. y t. � TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 (800) 322-4045 FAX: (719) 598-8463 8/3/00 To whom it may concern: It is permissible to repair a False frame* joint with the procedure. outlined below, provided that the foilowing statements are true: • . Ceiling loading is 10 PSF or less. • Trusses are spaced 24" o.c. or less.. • False Frame verticals are spaced 6'-0° o.c. or less. • No additional point loads or uniform .loads are prE>ent on the false . frame that would cause the loads to exceed 10 PSF for any reason. • . The joint(s) to repair does not have a support bearing 0.1rectly underneath the joint. • There is no damage _ to .the, lumber at the -joint, such as excessive splits, cracks, etc. The joint fits tightly (within all TPI tolerances). • All lumber in the false frame is 2x4 or 2x3. Repair as follows: 1: Cut a /2CDX APA Group 1 plywood (or equivalent. 0.S:.B.) gusset, 4' wide by 8" long, or larger. 2. Apply gusset to the face of the truss at each joint with a missing plate. If one face of truss has missing plate, then.'gusset is required on only that face. If both faces of the joint are unplated, then. the gusset is required on each face. 3. Use (3) 8d nails into each member, from each face (see detail below). Typical Joint False frame refers only To non-structural members ` (zero design forces): T ` x:40 r / j.y r PIGGYBACK DETAIL (2)'16d TOENAIL PIGGYBACK CONT. 2X4 4050 C�-S� SUPPORT TRUSS - 3 ,1/2"Y,8"X1/2 PLYW00 GUSSET AT EACH END OF TRUSS .(AND 6'-0" O.C. FOR SPANS 36' AND • LARGER) ATTACH WITH (4) 1.5 72" b. C.- TYP. LONG 8d NAILS. USE 2X4 AS-AN 1630 (I-S=3) ALTERNATE WITH (4) 16.d EACH END. �Gti1TE�P P3260 ��Q D GAR(,9� 1630 y �co .� v 5 aO�'�� o'1 �o ow 1630 STATE 0' . 3245 - 1630 1630 1630 SP 3260 ' 1.5X3 CTyP }"— — — 24" 2X4 CONTINUOUS SUPPORT BRACING. r Fri d6-ST-GN. ATTACH TO THE TOP SIDE OF TOP CHORD OF • REQUIRES 2X4 BRACE WHEN TRUSS SUPPORTING PIGGYBACKS WITH (2) tOd VERTICAL EXCEEDS 5'-0" 2 NAILS" /� ��+vt BRACES AT" 10'-0" ETC. SHOULDER DETAIL PB LATERAL LOADS IN LINE WITH .THE CHORDS HAVE NOT BEEN. CONSIDERED. THESE LOADS AND THEIR REQUIRED CONNECTIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILI'T'Y 'OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER. 12 ANY PITCH SECTION MAXIMUM WIND SPEED IS 85 MPH. CAP.TRUSS 2-16d NAILS TOENAILED1 1 112" ( 2x4 BRACE 2-10d NAILS. � \ . f BOTTOM TRUSS REFER TO THE APPROPRIATE t TRUSWAL DESIGNS FOR THE REQUIRED WEB CONFIGURATION %,), FOR BOTH THE CAP TRUSS ANDS(. CaARC� THE SUPPORTING BOTTOM TRUSS. ����b 4+ `r car k cc cr < N� pp 2 .. .STATE OF GP 2x4 CONTINUOUS LATERAL BRACING APPLIED AT. 24"o.c.+ CHORD/WEB SIZE ARE ATTACH EACH BRACE TO THE PER THE APPROPRIATE BOTTOM TRUSS WITH 2-10d _ TRUSWAL DESIGN. NAILS AT EACH INTERSECTION. i TOE -NAIL THE CAP TRUSS TO THE BRACE WITH 1-16d NAIL` FROM EACH SIDE AT EACH JP. INTERSECTION. `' \\ CODE SPACING DATE WARNING Read Of notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting Contractor. The design Is for an Individual building component. It has been based on specifications provided by the component manufacturer and done in '„� accordance with the current versions of TPI and AFPA design standards. No respon3�bihry is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Otmensrons are UBC 24"o.c. 4-30-98 10 be verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to labri.Ahon. The building designer sn0I1 ascenam mat Ina loads' utilized on this design most or exceed the loading imposed by the local budding code. It isassumed that the loo chord is laterally braced by the fool or floor sheathing, and the bottom chord I$ laterally braced by a rigid sheathing material rhreclly altaehn0. unless otherwise no d Bracing shown is for lateral support of components members only to reduce buckling length. Th.s combnnent snarl not u pfaced m any environment mat CAP CONNECTION DETAIL 11MAZ �ttWA SYSiEMs will cause the moisture content of the wood exceed 19% and/or cause connector plate corros.on. Fabricate. handle. install and brace this trust IRUSWAL SYsf EMS CORPORAf1ON arcordanca with the following standards: 'TRV3COM MANUAL' by rfUswat.'OUALI TY CONTROL 3TANOARO FOR ! FETAL PLATE CON ECr-c0 WOOD TRUSSES' • (OST.611).'HANDLING INSrALUNG AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' • IHIB.91) and 'HIS.91 SUMMARY SHEET' by TPI. The Truss Plate Institute (TPI) is located at 563 0•OnOfri0 Orne. Madison. Wisconsin SOT I o The Amencan Forest and CO T Paper Association (AFPA) is located at 1250 CdnneglCuI Ave. NW. SIO 200. Wasninglon. OC 20076. TyPl�-L- O/JAJ�LrT�oAl FOP- P-I:&6y - ISGIU 1�4P 772-0 S S /iAAYC. UP [,.zPl- 120 A --F EOD.5 vF cAP ' . /AA+X. Sri -E -A,12- 730 R�A- CSF A)OT Z4o.c�. Z A-TEJL 13 (ZA CAP --1-255 ST)2-0N6, -TQC LS:: A Z, IPL ISTP -SSS ToP A�,p (aoT'TaN(� <S tsi�iN D.� mss, F�1Gt4 .f3P�4-cG y PRESSURE BLOCKING DCTAIL FOR END JACK BOTTOM CHORD UP TO' 10"-0" AT HIP NO. I WITH CEILING LOAD OF 5 PSF y BOTTOM CHORD OF 2'-0'', O.C.TYPICAL 141P NO. I TRUSS NOTE: ATTACH 2X4 DOUG FIR PRESSURE BLOCK TO BOTTOM CHORD OF.HIP NO. I WITH 4-16d NAILS. BOTTOM CHORDS OF END JOINTS ARE ATTACHED WITH 3-1 Od HALLS AT EACH Ern PLATE CODE SPACING TW20, UBC NA A. OAJ.E 5/15/97 slrt I�t:�; I T RUS3 3-I0d t SIDE VIEW END JACK PRESSURE BLOCK 3-10d II IS r11E nESnOrIS IBllltr W Otl4a t t (000E'OKq IV"[aI• 111,E II IrE Ol0�05'Iw�OSE00Nb,Nli'SIOt CI1'Olitj�o OnECOg05 III'iIOnICiIO "En01nVC •tFBUIl01(rGCt ISI OI"USr• O11'1100'On IVr Onn^�iull.I 00w" "'C'"O" 1 CQ"IE CrI On'LIiIES IOr55•aE 1 6 G(.C''S r5°IC If I(Ol nn7"'IS" TRUSWALnU vt ESIGIu�(pl n(t105B(ofoWll �5oirilJin� ni; ocro'cs SPIC1 l CVUEI IVINVAI �u[nAn CI110"OiIfS�CEO���Ol11', O'tr(/1 at IE pUIgrO IS 11151 CI .Or r v n191U r.l UN15Ir�f IOn CNpnO '0 n( CONI INUOVSI. p�•'gU55 wfrnfOn'rINO ua•I !fU IQ B r•S�r.nrlrlGglPgl ti Ont arl -� � lu' 0' rl it^�1G i5 ON4.C';' if S'u(p r.q n' 10 ',,I no,10- pr01'U 1 U'u.Uv' C'V110•rfU 10 BOr :no flnjC�10•r '���'{�'+��'.[[�������(+r �1+J1LlILJ wull.0 IS '(nirSngCg411i'l5'iNr Srlr nn0'(SSITn: ICf -IG . E'w(: n. url ur n iU 0 nnt.'rl ru 1pnn(Ino u1D 00.1 No IIIA. - q(rin rp •gn'C lao .9n0 ioU55li Co '"er'Id4 1'rl IRUSWAL SYSTEMS COPPOPANON CI(u11r w'n. j IOCiIIONr't nr Cpy'Vi10" rer IrIS' CO'ICfgNlrry onpn(q rI1:U. f"((11011, Irl I' 1On r •^111 5• C•Nrll E'rl a5, urp I't S ll•110'r n'l�SSfi 511•ll npl ( n pgnp3 W hq 11'1155 1p on(.1'•1 1-oapo(o 0I'1 "rl (n'rinONwf NI nvl rlll C•US( I"l w0151 u"[ CO•I Or 1- r110V IU lrCll 11 19t u"L'U^ UVSE CO,;,,1c 10115 •rr'11[•11011 Or FtnfaICNCCC [NU lj;faCOnnQS 10" C•rB(q, rN(N rrEtE 55'ar. IS bE 51 0(i(a 'IQ 0 ' -E ( 0 E IS OVt S10f nr( SCOPE O< nESn0'KIBII III Or IAW-IL Job Name: STANDARD HIP RAFTER 8SETBACK Truss ID: RAF -4 EIRS X -LAC REACT SIZE REO'D TOP CHDRD 2x4 FL #1 & etr. t l Drw : 1 0- 2- 8 623. 4.95" 1.50" Plating spec 'ANSI/TPI - 1995 UPLIFT REACTION(S) ; T 2 11- 2-11 761 .1.50" 1.50" THIS DES1C>rJ I5 THE COMM O5ITE RESULT OF uTp°r 1. 2 -12 SLIDER 2x4 FL H1 & Btr. MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. Perms VALUES -PER b�aciEngl9�sOrequtred�(�othe�s o lm�� his designed using the prevent rotaticn/t Itr See HIB -91 aril Bldg Enc =Yes, End Zone = No ANSI/TPI 1-1995; and Hurricane Ocean Line = No ,.Category C Bldg L - 99.00ft, Bldg kidth = 30.ODft, Mean rooi height = 18.32ft, MPH =. 70 CLassificatitn = 4, Dead Load = 12.0 psf CASE #1 DESIGN LOADS Dir L.PIf L.Loc R.PLf R.LDc LL/TL TC Vert .0 0-0-0 142.3 9-10-13 .53 TC Vert 30.0 9-10-13 30.0 11- 5-12 .53 11 _1-1.2 t 1 2 F Vk/1sFI5 , - /,��Q` .GAR 3 5� 4-(. /'rte, t cj rV 1 (o•-% Z -I1 -s. 4.1.1 3-(o I SHIP 10-3-12 i 1/2" GAP MAX i 2-9-15. 11-3-74. 11-1-12"�. C `•ii 3/15/99 !'ruGvat Systems Plates are 20 ga. unless shown by ""i8""I' ya.) or Scale: 5/16" = 1' i "H"(16 a.), positioned per Joint Report. Circled plates and false frame fates are ositioned as shown above. i WARNING Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy ofit to the Erecting Contractor. TBF: 29.3 WO: LLM10 This design is for an Individual building component It has been based on specificatigns provided by the component manufacturer and done in accordance with the current version of TPI and AFPA design staodards. No responsibility is assumed for dimensional accuracy. Dimension are W be Chk' Customer Name: TRUSWAL verified by the component manufacturer and/or building designer prior to fabrication. The building de6ignor shall ascertain that the Inds utilized on Dsgnr : #LC = 5 I this design meet or exceed the loading imposed by the local building code, It is assumed that the lop chord is laterally braced by the roof or floor SYSTEMS sheathing and the bottom chord 6.1ateially braced by a rigid sheathing material directly attached, unless otherwise noted. Bracing shown Is for lateral TC Live 16.0 psf Durfaes L=1.25 . P=1.25 support of coenpooeth?s membnra only to reduce'buckling length. This component shall Dot be pbced in any environment that will cause the moisture TC Dead 14.0 psf Rep Mbr Bnd 1.00 consent of the wood as 19% and/or cause connector plate corrosion. Fabricate, handle, install and brace this truss in accordance with the foliow1 9 ' 4443 Northpark Dr., Colo Springs, 00 80907 staodards:. `TRUSCOM MANUAL', by Truswal, 'QUALITY CONTROL STANDARD FOR METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' . BC Live . 0 psf 0. C. Spa c 1 ng 2- 0- 0 t (QST -88), 'l1ANDLINO INSTALLING AND BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES' - (IIID -91) and 'HIB -91 SUMMARY BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Spec UBC -97- 11111' by TPI. The Truss Plate Instituto (TPI) Is bleated at 583 D'Onofrin Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719. The American Forest and Paper o Tp5.0 Version 09.30:98. Association (APPA) is located at 1250 Connecticut Ave, NW, Ste 2011, Washington, DC 20036.TOTAL 40.0 psf Deft Ratio: L/240 TC: L/180 - Warning GENERAL Familiarity with the CONSTRUCTION DESIGN DOCUMENTS, the TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS, and TRUSS PLACEMENT PLANS (II required by the CONSTRUCTION DESIGN DOCUMENTS) is required to propery erect, brace, and connect the lasses to the building system. All of the pre and quality Involved In the design and manufacture of wood trusses can be jeopardized "the trusses are not property handled, erected, and braced. THE CONSEOUENCES OF IMPROPER HANDLING, ERECTING, AND BRACING MAY BE A COLLAPSE OFTHE STRUCTURE, WHICH AT BEST IS A SUBSTANTIAL LOSS OFTIME AND MATERIALS, AND AT WORST IS A LOSS OF LIFE THE MAJORITY OF TRUSS ACCIDENTS OCCUR DURING TRUSS INSTALLATION AND NOT AS A RESULT OF IMPROPER DESIGN OR MANUFACTURE Prior to truss erection. the buildederector shall meet with the erection crew for a safety and planning . meeting, making sure each crew member understands his or her roles and responsibilities during the erection Process TEMPORARY ERECTION BRACING Trusses are not marked In any way to Identify the frequency, or location of temporary erection bracing. All temporary bracing shall crampy with the latest edition of Commentary and Recommendations nor Handling, Installing 8 Bracing Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses (HIB), pub- ILshW by the Truss Plate Institute, andlor as specified In the CONSTRUCTION DESIGN DOCUMENTS prepared by the buildkg designer. ' PERMANENT TRUSS BRACING Permanent bracing for the roof or floor trusses is the responsibility of the Wilding designer and should be shown on the CONSTRUCTION DESIGN DOCUMENTS. Permanent bracing locations for Individ- ual compression members of a wood truss are shown on the TRUSS DESIGN DRAWINGS, and shall be installed by the Wilding or erection contractor. This bracing Is needed for the proper performance of individual trusses within the roof or floor system. The design and Connection of the bracing to the truss and then to the overall building tion to the permanent bracing plan, which is also pspeeclWem Is the bby the buildllity, of the ing designer. goer, and is in eddi- SPECIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS Special design requirements, such as Wind bracing, portal bracing, seismic bracing, diaphragms, shear walls, or other load transfer elements end their connections to wood trusses must be considered separately by the building designer, who shall determine size, location, and method of connections for 'all bracing as needed to resist these forces. UNLOADING & LIFTING AVOID LATERAL BENDING NEVER HANDLE TRUSSES FLAT Beginning with the unloading process, and throughout all phases of constmalon. care must be taken to avoid LATERAL BENDING of trusses. -which can Cause damage to the lumber and metal connector plates at the jobds. USE SPECIAL CARE IN WINDY WEATHER. IF USING A CRANE WITHIN 10 FEET OF AN ELECTRIC LINE, CONTACT THE LOCAL POWER COMPANY. IF USING A CRANE WITHIN 5 MILES OF AN AIRPORT, CONTACT THE AIRPORT 90 DAYS PRIOR TO ERECTION TO LEARN ABOUT ANY SAFETY REGULATIONS THAT MUST BE FOLLOWED. JOB SITE HANDLING Spreader bar for ® _ • e larger trusses ALL TRUSSES SHOULD BE PICKED UP AT THE TOP CHORDS IN A VERTICAL POSITION O Proper banding and smooth ground allow for unloading of trusses without damage. This shook done as dose to the building site as possible to minimize handling. DO NOT break banding until in lation begins. Hand erection of busses is allowed. provided ertcessne lateral banding; is preventer DO NOr STORE UNBRACED BUNDLES UPRIGHT DO NOT SMRE ON UNEVEN GROUND ZL It muses are stored very."shat ba UraeeA Ina it trusses am slor.d hortrontety. ttWd*V sh-W be m m,er trial wit premm tpph or rapproV. Generaty. on eigm to tan bol orders. or as r@gAvcL YD mink auttrtg of the banding b done luM Pe" b bntWW— IeterN EerrJrg ertd rrdllafule 9a� . CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN REMOVING BANDING TO AVOID DAMAGING TF USSI During ting term storage, treses shall be protected from the erMromment to a:marmer that prowl for adequate ventilation of the trusses. H tarpautiro or other material is Uied,4n6 emits shad be left of for ventilation. Plastic is not recommended, since If n> Can trap misture."�:_ .. . . ALL TRUSSES THAT ARE ERECTED ONE AT' A TIMESHAH; BE HFJ:D SAFELY'TN POSiTI BY THE ERECTION EOUIPMENT UNTIL SUCHTUAE'AS'ALL*ECES' FFY.BRACING HAS BE INSTALLED AND THE ENDS OF THE TRUSSES ARE;SECURELY FASTENEDTO THE,BUILDINf _ up to so feel r Up to blr Teel —"1 • raymrc . Tagline ' Use spreader bar in ALL other cases. II should be rated that the lines from One ends of the spreac bar `TOE IN'; H these limes should 'TOE OUT- the truss may fold in hall. STRONGBACKISTRONGB W SPREADER BAR: SPREADER BAR L— .qAPPML 241 tr ss �a1 I - bode le go j_ over 60 feet ' —�"I—'11 over 60 feet Tagline TBE Far rdting busses with spans in excess of 60 leeL it is me mrnended that a sb°^gbaWspreader bar I used as illustrated. The strongWdJsPreader bar should be attached to the top chord and web membe at intervals of approafmately 10 feel Further, the strongback/spreader bar should be at or above 0 mibhe'rghl of the buss to prevent overturning. The soongbaddspreader bar Can be of any material* sufficient strength to safely carry the weight of the truss and sufficient rigidity to adequately resist ben kg of the thus. SUPPORT REQUIRED EVERY 4'-0" MAXIMUM. 48" MAX B. A TYPICAL END JACK WITH VARYING TOP CHORD n LENGTHS. II. HIP GIRDER. (ONE OR.MORE PLY). HIP TRUSSES 0 OR r CONNEC?'InN OF lq BASED ON BRACE FORCES DETERMINED' BY THE BUILDING DESIGNER. BEARING SUPPORT FOR TOP CHORDS OF END JACKS WHERE THEY CROSS SUPPORTING MEMBERS 1. FOR REACTIONS OF 300# OR LESS THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)10d NAILS.' 2, FOR REACTIONS GREATER THAN 300#, THE DETAILS BELOW MAY BE USED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BEARING SUPPORT. 3. SIZE OF WEDGE, BRACE OR BEVEL CUT IS DETERMINED BY THE REQUIRED BEARING AREA (OR LENGTH) AS SHOWN ON THE INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGNS. 4. FOR EACH DETAIL BELOW THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)"1 Od NAILS. S. UPLIFT REACTIONS, IF THEY EXIST, MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL CONNECTION CONSIDERATIONS IF THEY EXCEED THE VALUE OF THE -TOE- NAIL CONNECTION: S. OTHER OPTIONS MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDING DESIG,nl.-12, 7. I'tFER TO OTHER DETAILS FOR SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO A HIP SYSTEM THAT ARE NOT SHOWN HERE. NOTE: BEVEL�D'LEDGER MAYBE USED INSTEAD OF DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE. LEDGER MAY BE ATTACHED TO EITHER FACE OF TRUSS WITH 10d NAILS. SPACING OF NAILS IS DEPENDENT ON LOADING CONDITIONS AND SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY BUILDING DESIGNER. ., THIS DETAIL IS PROVIDED AS A SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO THE APPLICATION' SHOWN ONLY, IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCEDE ANY SIMILAR DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING: DESIGNER. IT IS ® CHE,RE3i'ONSISILIVY OF OTHERS TO VERIFY THE`ADEQUACY ;:� ',ys UETAII IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICATION ANO INTENT WNW IV APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE, TRUSWAL SYSTEMS ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR FIELD INSPECTION OR WORKMANSHIP QUALITY. END OF LATERAL BRACE. (BRACE MAY 0V;9R:,AP WITH )K(,i.SS CHQ`-'D - NAIL CHORD TO FACE OF BRACE WITH (2) 10d) -'` DATE' 8125r99 REF:. HJ -1 BEVEL CUT ON TOP CHORD OF TRUSS JR "SEC RY" T P C RD d � 33 T1' T HEIGHT. I WEDGE OR ` BEVELED TOP PLATE UNDER JACK TOP CHORD EXTENSIONS. FOR WEDGE, USE (1.) 'i"d TOE -1; .` 'a1. v•eiR . q PLA 3L:, Q G' O.C. INTO TOP CHORD OF HIP GIRDER. 0 OR r CONNEC?'InN OF lq BASED ON BRACE FORCES DETERMINED' BY THE BUILDING DESIGNER. BEARING SUPPORT FOR TOP CHORDS OF END JACKS WHERE THEY CROSS SUPPORTING MEMBERS 1. FOR REACTIONS OF 300# OR LESS THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)10d NAILS.' 2, FOR REACTIONS GREATER THAN 300#, THE DETAILS BELOW MAY BE USED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE BEARING SUPPORT. 3. SIZE OF WEDGE, BRACE OR BEVEL CUT IS DETERMINED BY THE REQUIRED BEARING AREA (OR LENGTH) AS SHOWN ON THE INDIVIDUAL TRUSS DESIGNS. 4. FOR EACH DETAIL BELOW THE TOP CHORD MAY BE TOE -NAILED TO THE SUPPORTING MEMBER WITH (2)"1 Od NAILS. S. UPLIFT REACTIONS, IF THEY EXIST, MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL CONNECTION CONSIDERATIONS IF THEY EXCEED THE VALUE OF THE -TOE- NAIL CONNECTION: S. OTHER OPTIONS MAY BE USED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE BUILDING DESIG,nl.-12, 7. I'tFER TO OTHER DETAILS FOR SPECIFICATIONS RELATING TO A HIP SYSTEM THAT ARE NOT SHOWN HERE. NOTE: BEVEL�D'LEDGER MAYBE USED INSTEAD OF DETAILS SHOWN ABOVE. LEDGER MAY BE ATTACHED TO EITHER FACE OF TRUSS WITH 10d NAILS. SPACING OF NAILS IS DEPENDENT ON LOADING CONDITIONS AND SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY BUILDING DESIGNER. ., THIS DETAIL IS PROVIDED AS A SUGGESTED SOLUTION TO THE APPLICATION' SHOWN ONLY, IT IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE OR SUPERCEDE ANY SIMILAR DETAIL THAT MAY HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY THE BUILDING: DESIGNER. IT IS ® CHE,RE3i'ONSISILIVY OF OTHERS TO VERIFY THE`ADEQUACY ;:� ',ys UETAII IN RELATION TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT, AS TO ITS APPLICATION ANO INTENT WNW IV APPLIED TO THIS OR ANY SIMILAR ISSUE, TRUSWAL SYSTEMS ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR FIELD INSPECTION OR WORKMANSHIP QUALITY. END OF LATERAL BRACE. (BRACE MAY 0V;9R:,AP WITH )K(,i.SS CHQ`-'D - NAIL CHORD TO FACE OF BRACE WITH (2) 10d) -'` DATE' 8125r99 REF:. HJ -1 BEVEL CUT ON TOP CHORD OF TRUSS JR "SEC RY" T P C RD d � 33 T1' T HEIGHT. I BEGINNING THE ERECTION PROCESS 11 is nportanl Cot Are in r or erection cosmic, Ip puovide anbalantial bmarsg lar are first tress erected The Mo or mote busses making Wan real or the brat am are tied to and rely upon the Atoll truss let stability. Lbteeise, after this W set w busses ls adequatety aoss-araced. are MMIAIN lasses installed rely Wan Ilhis first 9e1 for alabdmy.71•as, the periorm- ance w the ata bracing oyeam depends ro a great Odom on how wen he first group of trusses is braced. GROUND BRACE -EXTERIOR . GROUND BRACE - INTERIOR One safist. o y method ties 1hie arsf u it d trusses c 1 m Another satisfactory mearod'ahere height of buTdmg or a series of braces that are attached W a stake driven Into ground Cono itidns Prohibit bmo% from the eMeiot ls to the ground and securely anchored• The ground brace tie the first truss ngdly, In place Iron the interior at are itself slhould be supported as shown bete" cr a Is apt to floor level. provided the floor Is substantially complsred Budde. Additional ground braces In the opposite drat- 'and capable of supporting the ground bracing force& lion, inside are busdrg, are also recommended. Securely Fasten the first Inas to the middle of the build. Note: Locale ground braces Ing. Brace the bracing airman to ederior ground bracing for first. truss directly in On shown at IefL Set trusses from are middle tohvad the end with as rows of Chard con- of me building. Property cross -brace the first eel Of truss- anuats lateral ivaerg (other as before removing floor braces and setting mmillning , lemporary d pammanent). trusses .. 2nd, 3rd 8 4th busses r First truss 2 X 4 minimum Temwa Parary supD� n or tertpo2ry sceffoldm9 (helps when instating. long dao span basses), First thus re be wet OraeeO before erection Grand of Additional uNb. Brace etre bracing Bearing for fusses Ground bracing vp ram'_ ae ah'aMa 1 ound snakes ., Moment lova 16d Double Headed Naas `2x4 minimum We ,$ . This level MWMMM t 12' tion story aPPlpaeeru . Chord INADEQUATE SIZE OF BRACING MATERIAL OR INADEQUATE FASTENING IS A MAJOR CAUSE OF ERECTION DOMINOING. T ! ..ERECTION TOLERANCE. :1. tl• T T Length W r . =161.3Z=2' �IV to 37 .a t• xi • Plumb Bob 37 6 over 2• Complying with rimiCU rh 101erardos Is ebiral to ah kAV an acceptable roof a too arm. AND M ACCOMPLISHING EFFECTIVE BRACINt3. Setting busses wWin-tolearhce•am fust ams to prevent the need for the harowdeua Practice w reapecing a e*nuug trusses when cool sheathing a root Pumas em I steno. Tresses We"a bowing can rause rheas to r go, the top chords ivfrern alheatrbg w applied. and ueate cum -five Dresses on the bracing, wNcih ls e frequent cause of dahbwng. WHEN SHEATMNG• MAKE SURE MADS ARE DRIVEN INTO THE TOP CHORD OF THE TRUSSES. BRACING DO kri.INSTALL TRUSSES . DO NOT -WALK ON DO NOT WALK ON TRUSSES ON -TEM TPORARILY . UNBRACEDTRUSSES OR GABLE ENDS LYING FLAT CONNECTEDtUPPORTS direction Aendhora. hangers. tie-d-ts, Be. treating ledgers, of �� I ets r ass arta, that are pert of Oiw aii7pertin0 !nuchae shell be �a brace accurately and property, placed .and' pemanerdy, anached before truss ksla0ation. Eegins,140 allows _ shelf ever be installed on ancibis a bee amt have ton :': di of ce p01ary corrneetiorn W the DpPeN^9 sbiucam. Cho of km NAILING SCABS -M THE END OF THE BUILDING'TO / ._—aCti IiR9 BRACE THE FIRST TRUSS IS NOT RECOMMENOM ' ' Al n°%ig w beteg should be dare tie Chat nab we WELL NAILED NAILS'IN WTfHDRAN driven perpandcuisr- ale drerson w force.. as at". (PERPENDICULAR TO FORCE) (PARALLEL TO :FORCE) . ,ri Itgi>L BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR 3 PLANES OF ROOF . Tar po uT Co. W.*V mut be applied W throe planes a the roof ar amto osure � GIaPlane l nePerpendicular1) Top horn (sheathing). Plein 2) Bosom Chwd to "" plane), and, Pram 3) Web Member Wena UUML 1) TOP CHORD PLANE Most nporlard W iM Ander o 2) BOTTOM CHORD PLANE. n order W hold p'Pe' . erecticn contractor Is bracing nam plane w the top spacing on the bottom Chord, temporary bracing ls mC- ,' , ' Truss lop Chorda an wDzPatile W labral Arddi+hg ommenoed on an top w the bottom dwrd. bekre they tie bread a "aamQ . Continuous, . Top Cha � WeD member lolersl braang Contirwoua .feral . Drerng laarel Bottom Dlagotnl rawr9B, brace Minimum 2.4x1( Bosom L'Inard Minimum 2x4.1( lateral bmdrg tapped tip of force over luno tosses at lateral bracing lapped ' to 1(' each end. over leo busses a each and. 45. W Commd and Not b !Cale. of bracing to rigid' bmcing support or ado diagonal 217 eWOMW brad peate0 ovary ri intervalsalrapeal aulboM ends). 45• angio 10 trusses -. . Long spans, heavy pads Or War spacing configurations EXACT SPACING BETWEEN TRUSSES SHOULD BE may require closer spacing between lateral bracing' And MAINTAINED AS BRACING IS INSTALLED W avoid the ebser Intervals between dag"Is. CanuAl Are buddrg hasard_s lee of mmo+krj l>�9 W ���e- designer MIB, Era (RecommendedqofMetDesign ectadSpedgood pact for T 7 Br 9.w Metae Technology Gorror B WoodBuilders Ing, This act w -ao wWV spaci g, con cause trusses to Trusses or WICA% Truss TeehnwogY for Builoers topple it mmecri" are removed at the wrag fine. Temporary Bracing W. . GONAL OR CROSS -BRACING IS VERY IMPORTANT! DIA 3) WEB MEMBER PLANE. -X- BRACING, AS SHOWN, IS CRITICAL IN PREVENTING TRUSSES FROM LEANING OR DOMINOING. REPEAT AS SHOWN TO CREATE A SUCCESSION OF RIGID UNITS Cerhtiiawu5 X-bradrg Lateral bracing Web members 'T'4 mahL.' max X -bracing should be Mulled on vertical web members wherever possible, at er new lateral bracing. Pywocd sheathing may be substibded for X-broeng. DO NOT USE SHORT BLOCKS TO BRAC& INDIVIDUAL TRUSSES WRHOUT A. SPECIFIC BRACING PLAN DETAILING THEIR USE a'a Web members. ' +tea race the BRACING REQUIREMENTS USING THE PoQw°�e� ung SAME PRINCIPLES APPLY TO PARALLEL CHORD TRUSSES' Bottom Chords •' w Note: Tal�wwnaadeM make drowk9s mote readable. ' STACKING MATERIALS DO NOT PROCEED WITH BUILDING COMPLETION UNTIL ALL BRACING IS SECURELY AND PROPERLY IN PLACE NEVER STACK MATERIALS ON UNBRACED OR INADEQUATELY BRACED TRUSSES NEVER STACK.MATERIALS NEAR A PEAK NEVER STACK MATERIALS ON THE CANTILEVER OF ATRUSS NEVER OVERLOAD SMALL GROUPS OR SINGLE TRUSSES. POSITION LOAD OVER AS MANY TRUSSES AS POSSIBLE NEVER CUT ANY STRUCTURAL MEMBER OF ATRUSS. Pladwm mut be rigidly broad Proper distribution of corLLnrdfonh.metonals Is a taut during consotda^• wan Ahrays'IBCA materials A""' Iwic or anew Maws. Not to exceed 4V mi dmrn tram bearing . 4v . 4V— Roca, Roca, apt meenelW cororod= are cautioned to materials owe abg members C, directly owa supporting Trusses Be Ad dgind lot dynamic Wads (La, rrhovkg +valhldes). Extreme ore Duped be taken when loading and Mocking mrumdlon materials (rolled Moa^g. mednannraI aqui►iP menti tip.) on am row or floor "en. z rim Panel POW . Shapers for metdhen oti equipment should! be located al pend pekoe Dal ma) a over man suppor" nmmboM and owe an muses enar he" been designed for suc.h Wads CAUTION -NOTES Errant in building ims•andror o imeruio s. or wham by ethers shoe be corrected by an contractor a wsporumb con' stmdfon wade subantrawa a supplier BEFORE erection w mace begM. Cubing wo rslnucNml overhangs isConsidered a part w hwhnal arespn and BMs be done by the butder or erection tour• tractor.' Any Sold modification that kwwves the Cutting, t1r8'rg. or relocation d any -In dunit buss member or oowmdor Plate shall not be done withao am appeal of the thus manufacturer a a iaroed design pwbssk^aL . The mathoaa ad procedures awned ars Mahead to amus thn ww awns mmwudim Wdrhigrea anpleyad www door aM roar wshos SAFELY In pace in a corhdaea structure. Thm recd m onatkrs for bravrg wood trusses arigisata from Ow maacYva atpa• rferhm o1 racing taHHml penamwl fo aw flood ata i du4att but musL as to am nature of waPauSifMas Yrvdvad. be presented Annercli ally as a GUIDE for use by a qualified Ad6r9 ba4har. Aida. a aactpn oawacta T� ere Trusse Wood Council kMma• eirressty dsdaara art responsibility for deeugea arisr9 wan M ur, apPaWve or Yen rxhntaYra Iwratin. ' Solaced loot and figures wfera ced a repod x*d bcm HIB and DSB by permission of pia Thos Plals khabb4e, Madison, WI. WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA yy im"' One WTCA Center 6300 Enterprise Lane Madison, WI 53719 6O8t274-4849 •608/274.3329 fax WtCa®WOodlruss.com a WWw.woodM=.CDM Cop/vyx O tealAct Wood Trues Council or Mnedca . r �, fl plAjp Ofl AVBABRO DE u ICED. >< REFtx�IZ0. COMO NO USE LOS BLOOUEi CORTOS F!RA fffORZAR' _MPEZAR EL ,PROCESO DE ERECCION M°^°°'�°'""01AS1A�` IAS/WeLADURAS(CABRILIAS)'"°�°"�"`� .IASL SE p.QINEN O mGAN F104L OE DObBNd. =Mlco, PLAN ESPECIFlCO DE REFUERZO QUE I. am,odrxo (mbnia) MO; L O PNU CRFAR 11NA SUCES16N DE GRUPOS RIG10ALES 06. DEMIEN SU LISO ". LimponoNs pe d.ons.udar o d mimofipo de aeddn moremrga b. reba.m auaondd. Per- P^nar obserar mm mabadad. • B r.ltram bi . & Rdtersa ' Ia. vguiMn omed.m (mbrRb>♦ dd purer buho.aan otadm d pima brdb. Eee peace. Y ee'Vrril+e 0� _ - rdmerte, dnprEs a,d d P bubo d, cmmdnm (mt,doml mte opopbdaneme ^moo en tip+de out. d Yee de bs orrriodurm T cWirsrro .briBml in.d.d.. d.P.rden mwe, bubo pm obienr astob,'Rd.d Aa, b cddod dd riacrra de rederas.n bs amwdums lmh 11ad 1-15, porde mudw m d siterrio de r.ber.m dd win- buho. •. � tet niembms do b red rssdarsn . ndomo . EL REFUERZO DE SLIELO • EXTERIOR EL REFUERZO DE RaO - INTERIOR merodo wti -w jo mo d pvnao grvpo de bs omwdum Otm mead. wh.kdab Quo b whom de edge° o bA canddo � X;,kww dobe ser isaolodo er b e ie+nbmr de b red vertical cl r sbriBo.) de rAw ..rb da bs rakes. W -.;. set suiebdm a m Porte de —4. pahbsn Ica reluer.m d eeaiar m ora b pMra amedu• deq.Lem Quo m pmRsk en o cam dd relrraro b made. e n do+odo en d such r m andodo can Y,ww. B rdueea m (.,6m0 r;0dmr.de on pmidM dd Lmrtror d d+d dd pito, con s epnaadnPado 016iab puede Ter P,stBsaado For - , ' r —1. ort micro deb. sa opepd. aomo mumbo aboia o m W d. Ru. d pia rca ombodo wftndobre+m T .pw d. soaate• 1w rriarsbro. bred . .vans. o eanbec Md. r.lrnr.m d. ado en b dee.den op_m. Ie. hers._ de bs nberam ds suet. Rduerm d rehYra bl cvnro d . tenor dd edge.. wn amn.jodm tamNtrr. - • rek— d. P- W-96 d isp.e"d°I• S`,m e°" s°T" . pMra amod.a 1.1,4.) c.. -I*-- holo d In dd eddico f•`e el 1°h10fID LOS REQUISROS DE REFUERZO QUE USEN LOS' Nob: edam b r.b.m. d..ab os b Canecaname r.krc d pdmee gm. d. wn dmm k< baw) en r PRINOPIOS MISMOS APUCAN A LAS ARMADURAS p... came.. g.� w a d .e.nad. bet o d. am omn deR.Ra Im -I— de 0- r calocm d men ; (CABNJAS) DE CUERDA EN PMALELO e. coda can ada Ica gm 6 b owde de de Ica —ad— kabdll-)- + -bm6rB) � '0'`�P Ica aerdm ansa b0m I , b pave 5 Zs4 m4imo d hn,d ' °°t°r Nob: 1.s a—I. de —61- t 0111— miembm d. b red m an • dbt bra i -d- moemd.+. Pao Mcm b. dbulm cad. 601,6: 45 b onmd,vo lotatasl d.e. v �e LAS; MATERIAS DE. AMONTONAR �deim.o hYY.,ea d b.mv d lil. o d.'".to rLo t�ieP' ml.m �.a. b. avpa.d ou ds ba NO CON INUE CON LA TERWHA06N DE EDIRCIO NASTA QUE TODOS l05 d ad` REFUERZOS ESTEN COLOCADOS CON SEGURIDAD mbwa d duam lu pu.da Pe. b • • rto� - to rr.Otfim Y labraml P `o apunabdo can ngde. '.•.. send - - , ammdudeN �b�°^ada�y� •. . ��• • a..A+mo e. er.m. art vm po+Y r.ab N. +` r OtarBm d. b armi6a M b a.advr./ , E LAS EN LAS i TAMANG' CWt DOy K �.. „ MATERIAS DE REFORZAR O EL OERRE INADECUADO ES UNA CUASA PRIN- N(C�w� � NO FSTEt4 R60RZADASS 0 SEAN 1a "n ` � m ]PAL DEI I SDE COa�NSIR QON.. char oo mvaddn ' . i L . ' REFORIADu\S BLIDEQJAD'1AAB4TE EATOLERANCIA DE ERECCION ��b . Traro Tmrro 1 - . T _ �.,5A, end y . � pored d. - f .. Ta 37 cmo 16 t m6se 4' L mpwt. de mgo. " &f.dm o Poe Y PARA RF/WIAB El REFUERZO EF4 d NUNCA AMONTCN4E IAS MAiE1BAS CEitCJ� DE UNA OAdA Jd.?C�locv4m _ "' 4` �vrcmdod b oodunb. P^tiP� de Ica omwdr.os Imb.'Ros) v?.d�-ote^�' d' {� .'� 'loa "'��b.Aa .n "'�` a"'S, ba"e ` .w6f.no m .dime.. r w•den LOS rya;'eeM ir,d.odr�e no.debbdr"j'ir;�s.�m'nOi..., ��1O'�t xt RENSTE, ASEGUAA OVE LOS m: PmnwmtaRrsno"dm�m�i 1m,m!u.nmdb}'a�•y` Nmo,6`•de.,Rdr"`�eerl?rm!Jd..." - ' ]AV05 501( CIAV�SrDEM40.0E IA°tl1EAO�iLDEfAAR®7LY,pE - �DE .. . , a� . �. ,. J.•,.f.+,. ry fr C 3C�� �1 - onwraan Ica noYrim pa .roro d. dm a cad. amodna 4VnAd..d.t 0-k NLMCA MAONTONE IAS MATERUS IN LA VOIADRA OE ? * UNAARMADURA(CA ALAJ �---j- a r A NOA#LaKDURAS NO CJ1iiI1NE B1 NO'CJd+Y'Etni lAS ARMADUR• -wow. e d. Yew t meaen co an ane .+odm aY a n. (CABRI11115)"�ENj105sPORTES MMADU,RAS�ICABRRIQUE AS'KABRItiASj 4� LOS FINES DE a v b. mea m .ob.Y.Y wo b. r:a.6 m a. to Y d. cant JUNTAD05aTFMPOR/�'ES AGUfCiSN QUE'ESTEH PLAN05 , + b< o d:.dm wr pe• . cane b. m anbm bre Lam d• .puede . t, • : - NO SE -- --- RIADAS A - Lm ydilm d. am+oduu ro an dbe.odm per b. carate dad.' AiY +�°"°" 7 k- NUNCA SOBRECARGUE l05 GRUPOS KQL1EN0S NI Iwr Amb; los v.NaAm m6.ie4. a aad.do.emme dab. r Udw las —1m, rrdw+ ate tree. crate. mryado f arwrtasad. b. maaios h cane,'.. m.P r ac_ a,a an Poe.' Ba710 mhuduro,de awne SOIAS. COLOCA U calaodm con.aa+ad!'r�,peKesAn i F" •"� El.`v LAS MMADURAS (CABRIUASI den Ro rdwn+bm «.dodo• d ev'"P° memrtm. aa.) .n d t.dn ram.mata ortm dd oomeea de�.�adq,��&'�, a e�4` t" �a , UItGA L94CIMA DE VAAIAS ARMADURAS (CABWLIAs) � '. YN '. amadarm Imbdo4 Imonrs.dum'i• ' F '� -a >d bald.dm en Ica orvdm okbs aadnm+Mraa'"rY rmnpaob+ a b eamcn.o:db.apor,., Ica 4mai p la' r aTsleri0 M,�r r s CLAVA LOS ESOLIIROL73`'.ILCaflI:E EL EDIT CIO PARA =t dr dei 'dew+ REFORM LA PRIMER ARMADC! CAB�IL�"*HO'�ES�y loom A y. rte ti. RECOMENDAD0. Ted. d dmwde�+61 e'rm Bebe sa hedn /� y� y'3,; - �• Ica done srsn do...... yapaid�ad" orm Fc . d LOS QAVOSIEN RETIRAQK dd.d.''i'o'Nuiim urtie3md r: 0 6 d'.a &~rp"ti1CtAVAC�O BIEN • . e Nr Pond+ . .(Ei4. PMAlE1dD A°IA1.flJBLZAj'` +s a A IA FUFRZA) • tet Ham po! d .vrron ^Kod� d.ba .er cobmdm o bs wit. Pmd G.msl o pm ancirna bs pi,dPc gmianhrm awnbloda LOS AEOUISITOS E�REFUEFiZOS PARA 3 PLANOS DE TECHO WMA COM NN" MVAW DE , Ybnam..n b. dam d. --,I-w h" t^a +n n1 " ' as Y �a irm``#`d�� dd'`o�iaa�.d.' y dY P� mob evotiREod. R6no q 1. C..& D. ESTRUCNRA DE UNA M.MADMA IC MLA) pot lm carom wra calm. El.rihwrm b lsrrrpordrprarho W aplkudo' .� . . mtO p.rperrd• . N OTA S DE A DV E R T E N C I A, 11 fl PlA1q DE lA G191G DE ARA18A EI rd sora a d pbro d. 21 fl RA►10 OE lA WEFDA MAS @LLA Poet roe d apodo m• b euersb de o.bo m b cads bnpeesat• Pae d ooemeudor o d can• redo en b coerda cad+ baio, d rcherto, t.rr,pord n'� bet bs film de omndwo rrrod.m. p.m..Om '.mica d...cddrr I. amodum (oabrmm) de bs aradm d. arib. b m bo de b cvodo cad+ 6ofa Lm aroi o de bs Rnem do b+ d1A161° —p.. no dobe w CO&N w de bs rmpormhigdodm mnrpd son suss pbbb o rmmba ars d. arw s.on r.lorsodm o rsweidm. dd .gid. o d motor Dae ams drab- tm e.vWund a d Pbro dd bbdmm. d. bs oadp4 Yr prmatodas abmMe cone us crs..B�s Pa d mruroti.a o Oa d .rrheen• Iredro do b .pobaddn GLRA p� d m. por un ds.Aodor mpop'le b cede b.rM .edea d. corria00 d. mratrucdon de can8- csrdu7m d. mrodno O M aMimda Pte' do d..da*% M conmuda a un cow. is to .d b et .d•. m bad, nob Pad .u,&*imda'ANTES DE 1. cao- ba d d, dead.. de—rPmoddn. Por ea, d Wood Tet. sarw mA.rY h b me 110 • _ .wcddn de bs .. il- d. arrrwdum son Cooed d mwim nego * ampem I. mfdm f b. Pa..&l iedm rpe b awde v.b t1� eaiw . - ' d—dw sae sa:dm bderrdma Pia ew — inponob3dod.s pot .• I b �� .ar bee EI cabr de b. s Bent- ro earsrNdes m B r Ous lode' Mcrdm carr SE & cot P� 61 66. do dd use. 6 opRmddn O deo.^d""d° d - mo Oms de b m.ars+cdd^ nor. .de, 1 . Padre^ en bt tvgeti,rim 110 idmnodd4 aw m r». "v and se hedw pa d aaeauda o d dM er w mftd,_ _.O- IW. .O- o Ica csdi• kNdo Aul to• d em.r.ea...1d v5 co..oseo de rasromreddre bs de mroduro del. Pia r dd t.dw. Eam ad. to op.,da'1 . red Bas de . B sem wl.do ad Lm Tqum mendorode. Alguro modl'rcaodn de b.tb.la dd —0- reader. •u9en I0 �°^eYd. rcpodre k de NIB r OSB pa' pamise d pub Ydure. d mea. d bbdrar. o d c im cobce a dd mgor pasorot .en ed en b Lrw Pba butiNe, Mod+m. WL . J. oro bmdM mrevo.de'dgmm de W educe. de nrdri0as de omrodw? de .S• .(D' \ R b"brt.nRort d WTCA b r e Pr.m..ariotiat Rare Ed. 1. itwrdon & WTCA.0.bsme a bodrooat p �o E� b Sp A& NTCA b nm able b Ps�re thm aR d m - d. bglm. ErparoL WECAm ■+mpm pm.aio pi. It b dmbm oY cmd>.d dF.m.o* 1�• Rd�.ra tryud av+s - s ` , d. 1. badrrr do .on mod. o .reaarrr =I- d&. I- - 4aa20 `Wi °+ L.at�......��-�+ems WOOD TRUSS COUNCIL OF AMERICA d. mi..r a. Cn. Coaad.bbre.da.ve'- r.r,r a F YePes • a.oa �L' One WTCA Cmdrx EL ESPACIO ERACTQ ENTRE LAS ARAMDLIRAS (CABRUAS) DERE ' lm m.ergodurm l.rgm,b mrgm Dmf o arms n+eddas ddrc - 6300 Enterprise Lone b SER.MAMENIDO DURAME LA INSTAlAC ON OE REFUERZO pm epode nec , d ,.d. nes coca"° e"11a d rchsarm bterd Modison.'WI 53719 ovula b oseturrb. Pipet 6 wiar d rebrmm Peet rnodr'Boa d f bs bstavdm cads mmm edn fagadm. C.—be d dh• gado. er ocro de 'm.dlicade d e.podo• wad. mora ar. Ica eA.da add edifdo o NIB r 'DI lRemm;.aded De>:9^ , 608874-4849, • 608/!71. Fac omr.d.m Imb;;Rm) Y •eau.^ abs ir.tm son P4sadm d sismpo SpedRmtiorr br bmpaaP Biodr9 dAbd Pbae Comeded Wood _ _ vdea@-oodtru" Cm vsww.vv • oodtmdhvts.com y Tmswl Pm demur. _ .. . LEL C REFUERZO DE CRUZ DIAGONAL ES MUY IMPORTANTE! `� . . _ Cop/right O 2000 Wood Truss Council of America . TRUSWAL SYSTEMS 4445 NORTHPARK DRIVE, SUITE 200 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 (800) 322-4045 FAX:(719) 598-8463 COCA 003160A 1/10/01 Users of Truswal engineering: The TrusPlusTM engineering software will correctly design the location requirements for permanent continuous lateral bracing (CLB) on me.r.pers for which it is required to reduce buckling length: Sealed engineering d-rawings from Truswal will show the required number and approximate locations e"•braces for each member needing bracing. - In general, this bracing 'is done .,y using Truswal Systems Brace-ItTM or a 1x or 2x member (attached to the top o, bottom edge of • the member) running perpendicular to the trusses and adequately' designed, connected and braced to the building per the building designer (See ANSI/TPI current version). The following are other options (when CLB bracing is not possible or desirable) that will also satisfy bracing needs for i^:-dividual members (not building system bracing): 1. A 1x or 2x structurally graded "T"brace may be nailed flat to tie edge of the member with 10d common or box nails a'i 8" o.c: if only one brace is-. required, or may be nailed to both edges of the member if two braces are required. The "T". brace must extend a minimum cf. 90% of the member's length. 2. A scab (add-on) of the same. size and structural grade as the. ;member may be nailed to one face of the. member with 10d common; or box nails at 8 o.c. if 'only one brace is required, or may be nailed to both faces of the member if two braces are required. A minimu,; of 2x6 scabs are required for any member exceeding 14'-0" in length. .Scab(s) must extend a minimum of 90% of the members Iength. 3. Any member requiring more than two braces must use perpendicular bracing or a combination of scabs and "T" braces, or anv other approved method, as specified and approved by the building cPsigner.. EXAMPLES NCE SI 90% L 90% L I enginee 2. are any questions. fir �,s,� �% • :S� rA PLAN VIEW (3) 16d TOENAILED HIP TRUSSol . cc ti ii Ems. uP CNovLc> DFiAEL "A' I ,(Ear. ENp o F �.. LEDGER ATTACHE! TO FACE OF TRUSS HIP TRUSS ESE. � AIIL IfA<< ;ALTL_RNATE) BAILER ATTACHED -O KING POS? Gam) r cp d C� -rlo s ►. , vc�7 T El"m' M 1r6q'A LHIP