Project 2018-07 PMP FY 18/19 Ave 52 Pavement and Striping Mods (03/15/19 & 03/22/19)PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF LA QUINTA 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 I am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the United States and not a party to, or have interest in this matter. I hereby certify that the attached advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in type not smaller than non pariel) in each and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: 03/15/19, 03/22/19 i acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the printer" of The Desert Sun, printed and published weekly in the City of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, State of California. The Desert Sun was adjudicated a Newspaper of general circulation on March 24, 1988 by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California Case No. 191236. i certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct.. Executed on this 12th of April 2019 in Green Bay_ WL County of Brown. C)Onk_ 4�a4 DECLARANT Ad#:0003437472 PO: # ofAffidavits :1 PO Box 23430 mod to grou p 30 Tereen Bay. Wl: 760-778 4157830Fax 47 0-778-4731 PART OF THE USATODAY NETWORK Email: leg als@thedesertsun.com SECTION 1100 INVITATION TO BID PROJECT NO. 2018-07 PMP FY 18/19 - AVENUE 52 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION AND MISCELLANEOUS STRIPING MODIFICATIONS SEALEDBIDSwill be received by the City of La Quinta (City) at the Office of the City Clerk located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, until 1:00 P.M. on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at which time they will be publicly opened and read for performing work as follows: The proposed work includes 2 -inch grind and overlay on Avenue 52 from SilverRock Way to Jefferson Street; including full depth asphalt concrete dig outs, striping, and additional signage. Proposed work also includes various signing and striping modifications; streets include Blackhawk Way, Miles Ave- nue, Dune Palms, Highway 111, Avenue 48, and Avenue 50. All project ork and ^^I cental items Ica comnleln thr• nr, ,-t �h,u r Ince with. SECTION 1100 the 8b INVITATION TO 610 PROJECT NO. IOIB-07 ring the PMP FY 18119 - AVENUE 52 PAVEIMENT REHARILITATION AND :000 an fV11SCELLAKEOl1S STRIPING MODIFICATIONS Thir 5EALED BIDS will be received by tfie City of to Cufnta (City) at the off ire of the id in i City. Clerk located .at 78.495 CMle Tampico, La Oulnta, California, 92253, until the 1= P.M. an Wednesday. April 3, 20'19 at which time they will be publicly #I�i opened and read for performing work as follows: QS(ul y follt the proposed work includes 2 -inch grind and overlay on Avenue 52 from SilverRock Way to Jefferson Street; including full depth asphalt concrete dig A Fouts, striping, and additional signage. Proposed work also includes various the Put signing and striping modifications; streets include Blackhawk Way, Miles Ave- _495 Cal nue, Dune Palms, Highway 111, Avenue 48, and Avenue 50. All project work and Incidental items to complete the project shall be performed in accardance with tfre plans, sperificatium. and other provislons of the contract. All the above improvements are to be constructed in a workmanlike manner, leaving the enfire project in a neat and presentable condition. Refer to Sections 3000 and 4000 for more Informatfoh. IM. ym tha Bid ext Bid am sub awa mar jest he n-iD Purr Milk sher and safe corn sub- Purs bidd( mine Thes latior Purs contr unlet contr mati( //wH Pur list,.. 1, 21 morn conlr on a Relal Pur5L proje( ment Purst certit bor S vide Sb Pursu Iracto. Contr This project shall be comp leted• within 26 working days from the date specified oom Irl the Notice to Proceed. Time for the commencement and completion of the isure work is Important and Is to be of the essence of the Contract. The successful bidder should plan to order any long lead time equipment Items immediately fallowing "Notice of Award". 11 be Apre-bid conference is 5rhedulud for 1:00 P.M., Thursday, MarCh 21, 2019 in the Public Works conference room at City of La Quinta, City Hall located at 78.495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253. Lollar to be Complete sets of the bidding documents may be purchased o dine at: 1-r, 11 www-pl apltplanroom.corn melt IMPORTANT: If you. are not on the plan holders list through Planit Planroom S re - you will not receive addendums. it Che responsibitEty of the bidder to ensure scRrt #hat they are placed on the plan holders list. Ridding. procedures are' prescribed iwtht Project Specifications. Rids shall be executed upon the irorrm hound and made a part of said Specifications. sub_ Bid security In an amount not less than ten percent (1096) of the total bid dolfar uate amount and conforming to the prescribed bidding procedures is requlred to be f life submitted with each bid, as a guaranty to be forcifed should the bidder, it able awarded the contract, fail to enter into. the same, or fails to furnish In a timely ; not nQrmef the bonds andlor proof of insurance. The City reserves the ri�ht'to re - jest any or all blds, and to waive any Irrsgularitics In the bids. Bid log sheets can and Cert at httprlhwvw.taquintaca.gov/buiinessldesign"and.deveiopmantibid-o n -jabs. essful ,f.t rsuarn to the provisions of California Labor Code Sectlon 6707, each bid sub- leler- mined in response to this Invitation to Bid shall contain, as a bid itern, adequate ions. sheetn shoring, and bracing, of equivalent method, for the protectlon of life I Re - and limb in trenches and open excavation, which shall conform to applicable safety orders- By listing this sum, the bidder warrants that its action doffs riot convey tort Ilakill lty to the Crty. Its consultants, and their employees, agents, and sub ronsultanu. sub- nject Pursuant to Section 1770, et. seq., of the Callfnmia Labor Code, the sucro dul the bidder shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of pet. dlem wanes as deter- nfor- mrned by the Director of the Calrfomia Department of Industrial Rt Iauorts. These wage rates are available from the Callfomta Department of'Industriaf Re- htlp lotions' Internet website at httpYAvvwv.dir.ca-gov- Pursuant to Section 1725.5 of the Calffornla Labor Lode, no contractor or sub- ry be contractor may be awarded a contract frac public work on a public works project Iarvll unless registered with the Department o1 Industfial Relations at the time -the llTer- contract is awarded. Contractors and subcontractors may Find additional infor- mation for registering at the Department of Industrial Relations website. at http sub- J]www.dir.ra.gDwPublfc"Works+PubIkWorks.html - +/ork Pursuant to Labor Code section 1771..14 ho contractor or subcontractor may be 'trial listed on a bid proposal for a public. works. project submitted an or after March 1, 2015 unfess registered with the Deppartment of industrial Relations. Further- more, ali bidders and contractors are. kneteby notified that no contractor or sub- this contractor may Lm awarded, un or after April 1, 2015, a contract for pubtic work Part- on a public works prefect unless registered with the Oepartmerrt of Industrial Relations. Pursuant to Labor Code section} 1771.4, all bidders are hereby notified that this Tonic project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Depart- if La- ment of Industrial Relations, pro- nline Pursuant to 56854, ail contractors and subcontractors must furnish elecosinic certified payroll records directly to the Labor Commisslorter (aka Division of La- bor Standards Enforcement). Alt contractors and subcontractors must also pro- vide a copy and proof to the City of online submittal within 2 days of online Con- submission.,the re - Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, For monies earned by the Can - tractor and withhold by the Ctty Yo ensure the performance of the Contract, the Cotdraclor may, at its option, choose to substitute securities mooting the re qulrements of said Public Contract Code Semon 22300. All bidders shall be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the auslness and Professions Code of the State of California to do thepe of work rpritemptatA In the project- In accordance with provisions of California Public Contract Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the General Contras-, -tor shall possess a valid Class A (General Contractor) andlor a C12 (Ea'khwork and Paving Contractor), at the time that the bid is submitted. Subcontractors shall possess valid, suitable licenses for the work they will perforin. Failure to possess the specified 1icense(s) shalt rend or the bid as non-respomive. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Labor and Materials bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (10095] of the Contract price, as well as a Faithful Performance Bund, in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price. Each bidder shall submit with its bid a statement setting forth its experience on the forms included in the Bid Proposal. Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid forms received after the desig- nated time will not be accepted. Bidders and their authorized agents are invit- ed to attend. No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening of bids. Approved By: Bryan McKinney, P.E. City Engineer Published By: Monika Radeva City Clerk Published; 3/15, 3/22/2019 gwrements or said ruouc contract uoae section 2z3uu. All borders shall be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California to do the type of work contemplated in the pro ect. In accordance with provisions ..of California Public Contract Code Section 3 00, the City has detarrnined that the General Conlrac- tor shall possessa valid CIass A (General Contractor) and/or a C12 (Earthwork and Paving Contractor), at the lime that the bid is submitted. Subcontractors shall possessvalid, suitable licenses for the work they will perform. Failure to possess the specified license(s) shall render the bid as nonresponsive. The Successful bidder will be required to furnish a Labor and Malerlals bond in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract ' as wall as a Faithful Performance Bond, in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price. Each bidder shall submit with .its bid a statement setting forth its experience on the forms included in the Bid. Proposal. Telephones will not be available to bidders. Bid forms received after the desig- nated lime will not be accepted. Bidders and their authorized agents are invit- ed to attend. No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening of bids. Approved By: Bryan McKinney, P.E. City Engineer Published By: Monika Radeva City Clerk Published: 3115, 3/22/2019