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Vermont Systems Inc
for City of La Quinta Recreation Software Due April 13, 2018 Proposal Submission Vermont Systems, Inc. Vermont Systems Inc. City of La Quinta Luis Magallanez 78450 Avenida La Fonda La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. Magallanez: Vermont Systems, Inc. is pleased to respond to the Request for Proposal for Recreation Software for the City of La Quinta. Vermont Systems specializes in providing application software and related services for parks and recreation operations and is the current software vendor for the City. We are proposing our fully hosted, browser-based RecTrac Recreation Tracking Software as the primary solution for the City. The City currently owns RecTrac with its database residing on its own servers but we are proposing our cloud hosting services with NO transaction fees and the need for minimal City IT support. You have indicated a need for the following RecTrac modules: · Activity Registration - currently licensed · Facility Reservation - currently licensed · Pass Management - currently licensed · Point of Sale - currently licensed Other RecTrac modules that are available for consideration include League Scheduling (also currently owned by the City), Court Reservations, Trip Reservations, Personal Trainer, Equipment/Site Rentals, and Tee Times. RecTrac application software includes all of the capabilities listed in a single database, along with any necessary hardware, such as POS peripherals, making us most qualified to continue providing recreation management software to your organization. We are also proposing the continued use of WebTrac for real-time, online customer access. WebTrac brings your department to your patrons, anytime, anywhere with the power of the Internet. Proposed WebTrac options include: · Activity Registrations - currently licensed · Facility Reservations & Schedule viewing - currently licensed · Mobile WebTrac (included @ no cost) Vermont Systems provides complete managed hosting services for the proposed applications. VSI owns and manages redundant servers and communication devices installed at eastern and western data centers. Exhibit E presents details on our data center partners as well as the managed services our team provides. Vermont Systems software includes comprehensive support services. These include unlimited application support, software upgrades with new enhancements, project planning, on-site application training/installation services and available online training. The VSI team is here to help ensure your success. Please feel free to contact us should you require additional information. We look forward to continuing our rela- tionship with you and appreciate your consideration in this proposal process. Sincerely yours, John Willey Vice President, Sales Vermont Systems, Inc. Vermont Systems Inc. 12 Market Place Essex Jct. Vermont 877-883-8757 Vermont Systems, Inc. Company Background Vermont Systems, Inc. is a privately owned, Vermont Corporation with headquarters at 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, Vermont . The company was founded on July 1, 1985 by Bob Willey and son, Giles Willey, and was joined by daughters Laura and Kathryn in the same month. Since 1988, VSI has specialized in developing software products for managing recreation and parks operations on a national basis. VSI is 100% owned by its employees and management, and has required no outside sources of funding, other than normal banking relationships. VSI has no debt. VSI has established an excellent track record of paying bills on time, conducting business on a sound, ethical basis, and providing our customers with prompt, quality support services. All banking transactions are processed through the TD Bank in Burlington, Vermont. Please feel free to contact our bank officer, Gisele Kloeckner, Vice President, at 802-860-5534. The company was initially established as a Value Add Reseller of banking, municipal, and other software applications together with hardware components. In 1988, development began on a recreation and parks management software application in response to a bid for the City New Britain, CT. With the successful completion of the project for the recreation Department in New Britain, it was decided that the RecTrac application that was created, might fit the needs of other recreation organizations. As new accounts were quickly added, it became apparent that VSI had found its niche - providing innovative and comprehensive recreation management software solutions, and this has been our focus ever since. In 1992, VSI opened a second related market when it signed a contract with the Air Force to provide recreation software for all bases worldwide. This contract, along with a similar Army contract, provided a substantial boost to VSI's growth. Today VSI has over 1200 customers including over 950 municipal and county agencies, several private organizations, and the United States Army, Air Force, Marine, & Navy bases worldwide. VSI is 100% owned by its employees and management, and VSI's staff is fully committed to providing high quality application software products and responsive customer support. It was apparent early on the vision of the VSI founders was to build a company with a family atmosphere, and today eight employees over three generations sit at the same table during family gatherings. Vermont Systems employees join each other with many extracurricular activities, charitable events, and company outings and celebrations, often extending the table of eight to a table of ninety-three, solidifying the founders vision: ‘each employee is part of the family’. While we remain independent, we have developed partnerships with many companies. This concept allows us to stay focused on what we do best, and still deliver powerful capabilities to our customers. These capabilities include remote lighting control, credit and debit card authorization, gift cards, electronic check processing, numerous financial interfaces, brochure interfaces, continuous online backup options, qualified POS hardware, and extensive reporting options. We will continue to search out and work with industry leaders where it makes sense to enhance our applications. Vendor Profile—Vermont Systems, Inc. Firm Name: Vermont Systems, Inc. Location: 12 Market Place Essex Junction, VT 05452 Contact: John Willey Vice President Sales (x3012) Dave Wirtz Sales Manager (x3009) Giles Willey President (x3005) Robert Willey Chairman (x3003) Telephone/FAX: PH:877.883.8757 FAX: 802.879.6993 Email: Johnw@vermontsystems.com Davew@vermontsystems.com Gilesw@vermontsystems.com Bobw@vermontsystems.com Website: www.vermontsystems.com Length of Time in Business: Since 1985 Number of Installed Accounts by Product: RecTrac: 1150 GolfTrac: 210 MainTrac: 80 WebTrac: 650 Size of Staff by Department: Development Staff 15 Quality Assurance 7 Customer Support Staff 51 Hosting Services 5 Administrative & Sales Staff 14 Total Staff 92 Major Industry Concentration: Parks and Recreation Software Vertical Market (exclusively) Dun & Bradstreet #1506797019 Rating: Platinum Tax ID 03-0298641 Software Requirements The proposed RecTrac and WebTrac applications meet or exceed all of the listed software requirements in the City’s RFP. In addition, the City currently owns the application and we can offer full hosting services. We recommend migrating to the latest RecTrac 3.1 version of the cloud based software. We are happy to provide an online demonstration of the latest version to show you all of the current features and answer any questions the City may have. © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. i Certified Operating Systems & Client Hardware – VSI Hosted January 12, 2018 ii © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. Copyright Information © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. This document is the property of Vermont Systems, Inc. and is provided in conjunction with a n agreement between the customer and VSI for Licensed Software or Software as a Service (SaaS). The document(s) and software referred to in this publication may not be copied, distributed, electronically transmitted, posted on the web or altered in any way without the express written consent of Vermont Systems, Incorporated. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice Vermont Systems, Inc. 12 Market Place Essex Junction, VT 05452 www.vermontsystems.com Certified Operating Systems & Client Hardware – VSI Hosted RecTrac 3.1 © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. 1 VSI RecTrac 3.1 Software – Client Recommendations This document pertains to all customers. Note: The recommendations below represent our best estimate for client configurations based on current testing. We will continue to refine these recommendations. Please contact VSI at any time to confirm that you have the most up-to-date guidelines prior to the purchase of any new hardware. Client Operating System Requirements: Workstations with Peripheral Hardware A computer with peripheral hardware, such (but not limited to) as a Cash Drawer, Receipt Printer, Bar Code Reader, Magstripe Reader, or Touch Screen Monitor requires Windows 7/8 or Windows 10 using 32-bit or 64-bit computers or Windows 8.1/10 using 64-bit computers. Workstations with peripheral hardware also require installation of the Vermont Integration Client (VIC, the peripheral hardware management tool for RecTrac). VIC must be installed using Internet Explorer 10 or greater using elevated permissions. Elevated permissions means you run the IE icon using the right click, Run as Administrator option. Once VIC is installed, workstations can use current versions of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, as well as Internet Explorer 10 and 11 and Microsoft Edge to run the RecTrac application on a day -to-day basis as of 01/12/2018. In order to link profiles at the Workstation Level, the network must be setup to allow "Reverse DNS lookup”. Mobile Devices and/or Workstations without Peripheral Hardware Mobile Devices and workstations without peripheral hardware can use Internet Explorer 10 and 11, and Microsoft Edge, as well as current versions of Firefox, and Chrome, Apple iPhone & iPad with iOS 5 or higher and Safari, Android 4.0 or higher (Ice Cream, Sandwich, Jelly Bean), Web Browser (HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript); and Windows 7/8/8.1 & 10. Both 32-bit and 64-bit client computers with at least 2GB memory (4GB is recommended) are certified to operate with VSI 3.1 application software. RecTrac 3.x Notebook/Desktop Monitor Recommendation: While not a requirement, VSI recommends a monitor with 1920 x 1080 resolution to improve the screen display appearance and to minimize the need to use scroll bars. Certified Operating Systems & Client Hardware – VSI Hosted RecTrac 3.1 2 © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. Vermont Integration Client (VIC) In order to use hardware peripherals (Cash drawers, printers, Card Readers, etc.) the Vermont Integration Client (VIC) must be installed on the workstations to which these peripherals will be linked. Internet Access – VSI recommends that each location with clients utilizing the hosted RecTrac application have bandwidth capacity of at least 3Mbps up and 3Mbps down, with a latency of under 80ms to the hosted application. The actual bandwidth utilized can vary depending on the types of transactions and the types of data used per client, however the above recommendations should be sufficient to handle between 5-8 clients processing a typical workload. The bandwidth capacity at a location can be substantially impacted by other traffic, such as streaming video/music, VOIP, general internet usage, other applications, etc. It is important to note the 3mbps recommendation assumes dedicated bandwidth . While the above is our recommended bandwidth, acceptable performance has been realized in some cases with as a little as 1Mbps up and 1Mbps down, and latency under 80ms. If planning to use the system at locations that do not meet the recommended bandwidth please contact us to arrange access to a demonstration version of the software so you can test the processes which will be used at these locations to determine if system speed is acceptable. To verify your connectivity to the Internet, VSI recommends the use of a speed test tool such as speedtest.net. To verify latency to our data centers, please ping the following URLs: admin1.vermontsystems.com (east data center) admin2.vermontsystems.com (west data center) References Below we have listed three references for current Hosted RecTrac customers that have migrated to RecTrac 3.1. Oakland County Parks, MI Phil Castonia, Lead RecTrac User (248)858-0909, castoniap@oakgov.com Customer since September 2009 RecTrac – Activity Registration, Facility Reservations, Equipment/Site Rentals, POS/Inventory, Pass Management, Photo ID, GolfTrac, WebTrac, Access Control Arlington County, VA Michael Carrera, RecTrac Systems Analyst (703)228-3398, mcarre@arlingtonva.us Customer Since: 1990 Hosted RecTrac system with 52 users and modules of Activity Registrations, Facility Reservations, Pass Management, Point-of-Sale/Inventory Control/Tickets, League Scheduling, and Personal Trainer Scheduling, Photo ID, WebTrac and PayTrac BREC, LA 6201 Florida Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA, 70806 Christel Sims, IT Technical Support Specialist, (225)252-9388, csims@brec.org Customer Since: 2005 Hosted RecTrac system with 67 users and modules of Activity Registrations, Facility Reservations, Pass Management, Point-of-Sale/Inventory Control/Tickets, League Scheduling, Trip Reservations, Court Reservations, Equipment/Site Rentals, and Personal Trainer Scheduling, Photo ID, WebTrac, MainTrac, and PayTrac. Utilize system for zoo as well as Recreation Department. Software Maintenance Support Build/Upgrade Overview Our customers receive one major application database and program update every other year, along with multiple program only builds/updates every 6-8 weeks. The major release is scheduled for November/December, since this period appeals to many customers. However, each Customer decides its own upgrade schedule with the exception of our hosted customers. We also provide our customers, as well as new prospects, with online access to the live software with demonstration data on the VSI web site to enable them to review the latest release. This allows for unfettered access to the entire system. The goal is to avoid surprises to the extent possible. Software Warranty Period Vermont Systems’ software is warranted to operate as specified in the online Help. Further, the warranty covers each upgrade in the same manner. If Licensed, the warranty will be extended indefinitely provided that the annual maintenance and support fees are paid each year in advance, or that the monthly SaaS fees are paid by the first day of each month. The Software license and annual maintenance fees are priced separately. Software Maintenance Service Software Error Correction Procedures - If a user encounters a software use problem, the customer (Point-of- Contact) can either call the toll free (CONUS) VSI support number to discuss the problem with a support person or initiate a Support Ticket on the VSI web site at www.vermontsystems.com. Either way, the VSI support person will assist the Customer to determine that the problem is either operational or a bug in the software. If operational, the support person will assist the user to resolve the problem. If the problem appears to be programmatic, the support person will test to verify. If the bug is verified, the support person will enter a software repair request and submit it to the VSI programming staff for repair. A VSI programmer will correct the problem and submit it to the VSI Quality Assurance staff for testing. If the updated programs pass the testing phase, they will be included in the next software Build release, added to the Modification Listing, and made available on the VSI FTP site for downloading. VSI notifies all hosted customers in advance when a built is to be applied. Customer Support Please see the VSI Sales & Support Policies document for details. Standard 800 telephone support hours are 8am to 8pm EST, Monday-Friday; Pager support hours are from 8pm-10pm M-F and 8am-5pm Sat, Sun, and Holidays; and, Support Tickets can be entered on 24/7 basis. While a high percentage of VSI support calls are handled as they are received, most other calls and support tickets are acknowledged within one to two hours. Pager calls are returned within 15 minutes. VSI provides a critical call line to handle those issues that require immediate assistance. While any authorized individual may call our support line, you will find it more efficient to process your calls through your RecTrac Administrator. As a result, many of our customers prefer the central contact approach. Installation and Cost of New Releases The cost of all new releases is included in the annual maintenance fee or the monthly SaaS fee which is listed in the pricing section. All new customer hosted releases are fully automated so the user simply follows the upgrade instructions which accompany the upgrades. The VSI Hosting Team implements all software updates for hosted customers. Software Maintenance Support Continued Enhancement Design and Implementation VSI accepts Enhancement Requests via Support Tickets from all customers and periodically reviews the requests and tracks them by application, by module, by customer using an Enhancement Request Log. While we make a great effort to satisfy each user's requests, we do have to be careful to maintain a quality product. Each enhancement request is evaluated to determine: 1) How many other customers have made the same request? 2) Will the enhancement benefit other customers and have broad appeal? 3) Will it require a database change and program change or program change only? 4) Which release will contain the enhancement? Software Reporting Options The proposed RecTrac V3.1 software includes many standard reports, each with multiple print options and selec- tion criteria by report. In addition, the standard software includes a powerful, integrated report writer to enable the users to generate any number of custom reports. If desired, customers can use third party report writers to access the ODBC compliant VSI application database. Support Activities/User Groups Our customers are the primary source of new enhancements, and therefore, a vital part of our research and devel- opment. We attempt to maintain open communications with our customers through a variety of means. These include attending over 35 national, regional, and state recreation conferences, newsletters, our website, technical bulletins, toll free phone access, and user group meetings. We have determined that state or regional user group meetings benefit more customers at a lower cost. Cost Proposal Vermont Systems is proposing our Hosted RecTrac, Recreation Tracking Software, as the primary application for the City of La Quinta. Pricing for all proposed Vermont Systems solutions is included in this section. What is a Concurrent User RecTrac software licensing is based on concurrent system users. We have based the pricing on 15 Concurrent Users since this is what the City currently owns. The proposed cost includes modules already licensed by the City but we have also included training days for migrating to the latest RecTrac 3.1 version, VSI hosting services, and an EMV credit card reader. Product Modules/Add Ons Total Number of Training Days RecTrac & PayTrac (currently licensed) Activity Registrations Facility Reservations Pass Management with Photo ID Point of Sale Incident Processing System Administration General Ledger Interface 5 WebTrac (already licensed) Activity Registrations Facility Reservations Mobile WebTrac Web Splash Page Design Web Style Sheet N/A Full Hosting Silver Level (Please see our SLA for level descriptions) N/A Hardware Credit Card—Chip Device N/A Proposal Summary Pricing VSI Quote Number: 68714 Please See Detail Breakdown on Following Pages Description:Hosted RecTrac RFP Prepared For:City of La Quinta, La Quinta, CA Contact Name:Luis Magallanez, Community Resources Coordinato Phone Number:(760)777-7189 Contact Email:lmagallanez@la-quinta.org Fax Number: Approved By:Michelle Berthiaume, Bid Coord. (michelleb@vermontsystems.com)Quote Date:04/06/2018 Purchase Annual Estimated Total Description Price Maint/Svs Shipping*Price RecTrac - Workgroup Multi-User Software Application Software $0.00 $3,010.00 $0.00 $3,010.00 Progress OpenEdge Software $0.00 $602.00 $0.00 $602.00 Hosting Services $0.00 $12,600.00 $0.00 $12,600.00 VSI-Add-Ons $0.00 $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 Support Services - Training & Expenses $8,293.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,293.00 Total RecTrac: $8,293.00 $16,512.00 $0.00 $24,805.00 ID Systems - Workgroup Multi-User Software Application Software $0.00 $190.00 $0.00 $190.00 Progress OpenEdge Software $0.00 $38.00 $0.00 $38.00 Total ID Systems: $0.00 $228.00 $0.00 $228.00 WebTrac - Basic Edition Application Software $0.00 $1,645.00 $0.00 $1,645.00 Progress OpenEdge Software $0.00 $329.00 $0.00 $329.00 Total WebTrac: $0.00 $1,974.00 $0.00 $1,974.00 PayTrac - Workgroup Multi-User Software Application Software $0.00 $600.00 $0.00 $600.00 Payment Card Readers $860.00 $0.00 $16.00 $876.00 Total PayTrac: $860.00 $600.00 $16.00 $1,476.00 VSI TOTALS Application Software $0.00 $5,445.00 $0.00 $5,445.00 Progress OpenEdge Software $0.00 $969.00 $0.00 $969.00 Payment Card Readers $860.00 $0.00 $16.00 $876.00 Hosting Services $0.00 $12,600.00 $0.00 $12,600.00 VSI-Add-Ons $0.00 $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 Support Services - Training & Expenses $8,293.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,293.00 Grand Totals: $9,153.00 $19,314.00 $16.00 $28,483.00 * NOTE: Shipping is FOB - Origin (Plus Tax Where Applicable / Includes Shipping FOB - Origin) 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 www.vermontsystems.com Page # 1 RecTrac Workgroup Multi-User Software Recreation Tracking Software VSI Quote Number: 68714 Please Review Notes on Last Page Software Pricing Is Valid For 120 Days Hardware Pricing Is Subject to Change Description:Hosted RecTrac RFP Prepared For:City of La Quinta, La Quinta, CA Contact Name:Luis Magallanez, Community Resources Coordinato Phone Number:(760)777-7189 Contact Email:lmagallanez@la-quinta.org Fax Number: Approved By:Michelle Berthiaume, Bid Coord. (michelleb@vermontsystems.com)Quote Date:04/06/2018 Unit Extended Annual Qty Unit Description Price Price Maint/Svs Application Software 1 Each Activity Registration - currently licensed (V-RT-MU-AR) $2,750.00 $2,750.00 $490.00 1 Each Facility Reservations - currently licensed (V-RT-MU-FR) $2,750.00 $2,750.00 $490.00 1 Each Pass Management - currently licensed (V-RT-MU-PM) $2,750.00 $2,750.00 $490.00 1 1 Each Point-of-Sale/Inventory Control/Tickets - currently licensed (V-RT-MU-PS) $2,750.00 $2,750.00 $490.00 2 1 Each Incident Processing and Reporting (V-RT-MU-IC) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 Each Systems Administration (required) (V-RT-MU-SA) $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 3 13 Each Additional Users Over 2 (concurrent) (V-RT-MU-AU) $300.00 $3,900.00 $650.00 1 Each VSI-Discount for previously licensed modules (VSI-DISCOUNT WRKGRP) $15,300.00- $15,300.00- $0.00 Total Application Software: $0.00 $3,010.00 Progress OpenEdge Software 1 Each OpenEdge Workgroup Appl Server & RDBMS (T-PG-MU-OE) $0.00 $0.00 $602.00 4 Total Progress OpenEdge Software: $0.00 $602.00 Hosting Services 1 Month VSI Full Hosting Services - Silver, First 5 Users, Monthly (V-HS-S1) $650.00 $650.00 $7,800.00 5 1 Month VSI Full Hosting Services - Silver, 10 Add Users, Monthly (V-HS-S2) $400.00 $400.00 $4,800.00 6 Total Hosting Services: $1,050.00 $12,600.00 Other Available Products of Interest VSI Full Hosting Services - Gold, First 5 Users, Monthly Price: $850.00 VSI Full Hosting Services - Gold, 10 Add Users, Monthly Price: $450.00 VSI Full Hosting Services - Platinum, First 5 Users, Monthly Price: $1,050.00 VSI Full Hosting Services - Platinum, 10 Add'l Users Monthly Price: $550.00 VSI-Add-Ons 1 Each RecTrac General Ledger Interface - currently licensed (V-RT-IN-GL) $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $300.00 7 1 Each Discount for previously licensed Interface (VSI- DISCOUNT NON-PR) $1,500.00- $1,500.00- $0.00 Total VSI-Add-Ons: $0.00 $300.00 Support Services - Training & Expenses 5 Day(s)Installation/Training, Municipal, On-Site/Day (X-S-TNG-01) $770.00 $3,850.00 $0.00 1 Day(s)Travel Time (X-S-TNG-09) $385.00 $385.00 $0.00 7 Each Travel Expenses (estimated - pay actual only) (X-X-EXP) $280.00 $1,960.00 $0.00 8 7 Each Expense Meals Per Diem (X-X-MLS-PDIEM) $64.00 $448.00 $0.00 9 1 Each Expense Airfare (estimated-pay actual only) (X-X-AIR) $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 3 Hour(s)3.1 Test Database Upgrade Overview via Web (X-S-TNP-01) $150.00 $450.00 $0.00 10 Total Support Services - Training & Expenses: $8,293.00 $0.00 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 www.vermontsystems.com Page # 2 RecTrac Workgroup Multi-User Software Recreation Tracking Software VSI Quote Number: 68714 Please Review Notes on Last Page Software Pricing Is Valid For 120 Days Hardware Pricing Is Subject to Change Description:Hosted RecTrac RFP Prepared For:City of La Quinta, La Quinta, CA Contact Name:Luis Magallanez, Community Resources Coordinato Phone Number:(760)777-7189 Contact Email:lmagallanez@la-quinta.org Fax Number: Approved By:Michelle Berthiaume, Bid Coord. (michelleb@vermontsystems.com)Quote Date:04/06/2018 Unit Extended Annual Qty Unit Description Price Price Maint/Svs Total Software, Hardware and Support Services $8,293.00 $16,512.00 Grand Total - RecTrac: $24,805.00 * NOTE: Shipping is FOB - Origin (Plus Tax Where Applicable / Includes Shipping FOB - Origin) 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 www.vermontsystems.com Page # 3 ID Systems Workgroup Multi-User Software Pass Management Photo/Plastic Photo ID Card System VSI Quote Number: 68714 Please Review Notes on Last Page Software Pricing Is Valid For 120 Days Hardware Pricing Is Subject to Change Description:Hosted RecTrac RFP Prepared For:City of La Quinta, La Quinta, CA Contact Name:Luis Magallanez, Community Resources Coordinato Phone Number:(760)777-7189 Contact Email:lmagallanez@la-quinta.org Fax Number: Approved By:Michelle Berthiaume, Bid Coord. (michelleb@vermontsystems.com)Quote Date:04/06/2018 Unit Extended Estimated Annual Qty Unit Description Price Price Shipping*Maint/Svs Application Software 1 Each Pass Mgmt ID Integration - Photo ID Card - licensed (V-RT-MU-PMI) $1,080.00 $1,080.00 $0.00 $190.00 1 Each VSI-Discount - currently licensed Photo ID (VSI-DISCOUNT WRKGRP) $1,080.00- $1,080.00- $0.00 $0.00 Total Application Software: $0.00 $0.00 $190.00 Progress OpenEdge Software 1 Each OpenEdge Workgroup Appl Server & RDBMS (T-PG-MU-OE) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $38.00 4 Total Progress OpenEdge Software: $0.00 $0.00 $38.00 Total Software, Hardware and Support Services $0.00 $0.00 $228.00 Grand Total - ID Systems: $228.00 * NOTE: Shipping is FOB - Origin (Plus Tax Where Applicable / Includes Shipping FOB - Origin) 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 www.vermontsystems.com Page # 4 WebTrac Basic Edition Real-Time Internet Software VSI Quote Number: 68714 Please Review Notes on Last Page Software Pricing Is Valid For 120 Days Hardware Pricing Is Subject to Change Description:Hosted RecTrac RFP Prepared For:City of La Quinta, La Quinta, CA Contact Name:Luis Magallanez, Community Resources Coordinato Phone Number:(760)777-7189 Contact Email:lmagallanez@la-quinta.org Fax Number: Approved By:Michelle Berthiaume, Bid Coord. (michelleb@vermontsystems.com)Quote Date:04/06/2018 Unit Extended Annual Qty Unit Description Price Price Maint/Svs Application Software 1 Each WebTrac Internet Software - currently licensed (V-WT-SU-IS-6) $3,750.00 $3,750.00 $750.00 11 1 Each WebTrac Activity Registrations - currently licensed (V-WT-SU-AR) $950.00 $950.00 $190.00 12 1 Each WebTrac Facility Reservations - currently licensed (V-WT-SU-FR) $950.00 $950.00 $190.00 12 1 Each Mobile WebTrac (V-WT-SU-MWT) $0.00 $0.00 $390.00 13 1 Each WebTrac/RecTrac Sm Workgroup Agents - currently licensed (V-WT-SU-AU) $625.00 $625.00 $125.00 14 1 Each VSI Web Discount 1-15 users (V-WT-SU-DSC) $6,275.00- $6,275.00- $0.00 Total Application Software: $0.00 $1,645.00 Progress OpenEdge Software 1 Each OpenEdge Application Server & RDBMS (T-PG-SU-WB) $0.00 $0.00 $329.00 4 Total Progress OpenEdge Software: $0.00 $329.00 VSI-Add-Ons 1 Each WebTrac Splash Page Template - previously purchased (V-WT-CP-SP2) $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 15 1 Each WebTrac Style Sheet Service - previously purchased (V-WT-IN-SS-1) $750.00 $750.00 $0.00 16 1 Each Discount for Non-Progress Licenses (VSI- DISCOUNT NON-PR) $1,750.00- $1,750.00- $0.00 Total VSI-Add-Ons: $0.00 $0.00 Total Software, Hardware and Support Services $0.00 $1,974.00 Grand Total - WebTrac: $1,974.00 * NOTE: Shipping is FOB - Origin (Plus Tax Where Applicable / Includes Shipping FOB - Origin) 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 www.vermontsystems.com Page # 5 PayTrac Workgroup Multi-User Software VSI Quote Number: 68714 Please Review Notes on Last Page Software Pricing Is Valid For 120 Days Hardware Pricing Is Subject to Change Description:Hosted RecTrac RFP Prepared For:City of La Quinta, La Quinta, CA Contact Name:Luis Magallanez, Community Resources Coordinato Phone Number:(760)777-7189 Contact Email:lmagallanez@la-quinta.org Fax Number: Approved By:Michelle Berthiaume, Bid Coord. (michelleb@vermontsystems.com)Quote Date:04/06/2018 Unit Extended Estimated Annual Qty Unit Description Price Price Shipping*Maint/Svs Application Software 1 Each VSI Workgroup ERI Credit Card Interface - currently l icense (V-PT-MU-ERI) $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $600.00 17 1 Each Discount for ERI Credit Card Interface (VSI- DISCOUNT NON-PR) $3,000.00- $3,000.00- $0.00 $0.00 Total Application Software: $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 Payment Card Readers 1 Each CCard EMV (Chip Device - Budget Purposes Only (H-PIN-99) $860.00 $860.00 $16.00 $0.00 18 Total Payment Card Readers: $860.00 $16.00 $0.00 Total Software, Hardware and Support Services $860.00 $16.00 $600.00 Grand Total - PayTrac: $1,476.00 * NOTE: Shipping is FOB - Origin (Plus Tax Where Applicable / Includes Shipping FOB - Origin) 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 www.vermontsystems.com Page # 6 Proposal Summary Pricing VSI Quote Number: 68714 Please See Detail Breakdown on Following Pages Description:Hosted RecTrac RFP Prepared For:City of La Quinta, La Quinta, CA Contact Name:Luis Magallanez, Community Resources Coordinato Phone Number:(760)777-7189 Contact Email:lmagallanez@la-quinta.org Fax Number: Approved By:Michelle Berthiaume, Bid Coord. (michelleb@vermontsystems.com)Quote Date:04/06/2018 1 Standard PMP software enables (optional) capture of photo image during registration, and display of photo during Visit Check-In. You can also add the PMP ID software interface to print multi-color plastic photo ID cards. 2 In order to use the graphical touch screen option in other modules, you must also license the POS Inventory module. 3 The Workgroup System is quoted for those organizations with 2-39 concurrent users. The pricing for the actual number of licensed concurrent users is found on the RecTrac quote page under the Application Software section. Two concurrent users are included with the purchase of the first RecTrac module. Additional concurrent users are priced as Additional Users Over 2 (concurrent). 4 VSI uses Progress OpenEdge software to develop and deploy its' software applications, and also embeds the required Progress OpenEdge Enterprise or Workgroup RDBMS (Relational Database Management Software) with its' applications. 5 The base Hosting Services Fee does NOT include the VSI application software and Progress software annual maintenance fees. Prior to selecting the hosting option, we require customer to test/verify connectivity from all locations to ensure satisfactory performance. Please contact VSI Sales for additional information and scheduling, 877-883-8757 - Option #2 or email sales@vermontsystems.com. 6 The Additional User Hosting Services Fee does NOT include the VSI application software and Progress software annual maintenance fees. Prior to selecting the hosting option, we require customer to test/verify connectivity from all locations to ensure satisfactory performance. Please contact VSI Sales for additional information and scheduling, 877-883-8757 - Option #2 or email sales@vermontsystems.com. 7 You can select any of the over 100 standard GL interfaces and AP interfaces at this price. If a custom interface is needed, VSI will provide a quote, after reviewing the requirements. The implementation procedures for all interfaces are as follows: The VSI trainer will select (default) the appropriate vendor interface in RecTrac/GolfTrac and show customer how to generate the batch export file that contains the summary or detailed transactions for the day (or any date range). At this point, it is the customer's responsibility to contact the financial software vendor to arrange for assistance to import the batch file for posting to the cash receipts or general ledger system. 8 The included expenses are ESTIMATED for airfare, lodging, parking, tolls, and rental vehicle (for non-flying trips, car rental can be more due to tolls and gasoline usage). Actual expenses are billed after each trip. For states with Cashless Tolls, there may be a delay in billing these charges as we sometimes don't get these bills from the car rental companies until weeks after a trip is complete. Meals are listed separately. 9 The Meal Per Diem rate is based on the GSA/DOD rates for your location. 10 Time quoted is estimated. Actual time used will be billed. 11 WebTrac Internet Software, which includes all patron mobile WebTrac functions, enables your patrons to process WebTrac transactions real-time using a browser. The WebTrac software does NOT include hosting services, which are quoted separately. If your IT department or your off-premise web hosting vendor doesn't allow third party software to be installed on its web server, then VSI can provide this web hosting service for a nominal monthly fee. Please discuss this issue with your IT department or your off-premise web hosting vendor to determine whether or not VSI should quote the web hosting fee. VSI bills the web only hosting fee on an annual basis. After the first year, this amount is added to your annual maintenance invoice. 12 WebTrac modules require respective RecTrac licensed modules in order to process web transactions. 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 www.vermontsystems.com Page # 7 Proposal Summary Pricing VSI Quote Number: 68714 Please See Detail Breakdown on Following Pages Description:Hosted RecTrac RFP Prepared For:City of La Quinta, La Quinta, CA Contact Name:Luis Magallanez, Community Resources Coordinato Phone Number:(760)777-7189 Contact Email:lmagallanez@la-quinta.org Fax Number: Approved By:Michelle Berthiaume, Bid Coord. (michelleb@vermontsystems.com)Quote Date:04/06/2018 13 Mobile WebTrac provides patron access to select functions using a smart phone mobile browser. Since Mobile WebTrac is browser based, it is device/operating system independent. Functions such as booking a tee time, enrolling in a class, viewing a calendar of events, making a payment, and displaying their pass barcode are a few of the operations that patrons will be able to access on their phone. All patron related functions that are developed for Mobile WebTrac will be available under this one license fee. In summary, Mobile WebTrac encompasses all of the functions that have been developed across all WebTrac modules. Mobile Hardware Options: any modern smart phone with or without a bar code scanner, depending on the the application. 14 WebTrac Agents needed are provided to process WebTrac online transactions. Each Agent can service approximately 20 simultaneous requests. 15 Splash Page Options: 14 templates available for 10.3 18 templates available for 3.1 These templates are available on the VSI website for your review. All 18 templates have been created using responsive design. The $1000 fee includes access to one template of your choice along with VSI support to implement the template on your site. This typically takes 2-4 hours. Any time over 4 hours due to change requests will be charged at $150/hour. Any design changes to a template that requires custom programming will be charged at $175/hour. The Splash Page will display using responsive design. If you are licensed for Mobile WebTrac, all WebTrac screens, in addition to the Splash page, will display properly for patrons accessing WebTrac from their mobile device (responsive design). Please contact sales for additional information about Mobile WebTrac. 16 VSI will customize the WebTrac stylesheet to match the appearance of your web site as closely as possible. After you have finalized your WebTrac page specifications, you will be asked to sign an approval form. VSI will provide the stylesheet programming services and then ask you to verify that the results match your specs. If you ask for additional changes following the completion of the initial styling then each major change request is priced at $750.00. Minor & Seasonal change requests are priced at $375.00 each. 17 The VSI ERI (External Redirect Interface) fee applies to any of the credit card vendor options. 18 The specific credit card EMV (Chip and Pin) device delivered depends on the PayTrac solution you select. This line item is used as a placeholder for budgeting purposes. The different devices range in price from $500-$860. The device in most cases will be purchased directly from the approved Gateway of your choice. 12 Market Place, Essex Junction, VT. 05452 877-883-8757 www.vermontsystems.com Page # 8 © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. i Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement April 6, 2018 ii © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. Copyright Information © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. This document is the property of Vermont Systems, Inc. and is provided in conjunction with a n agreement between the customer and VSI for Licensed Software or Software as a Service (SaaS). The document(s) and software referred to in this publication may not be copied, distributed, electronically transmitted, posted on the web or altered in any way without the express written consent of Vermont Systems, Incorporated. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice Vermont Systems, Inc. 12 Market Place Essex Junction, VT 05452 www.vermontsystems.com Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement _____ VSI Initials _____ Customer Initials 3 Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement This SOFTWARE LICENSE, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT AGREEMENT (“Agreement”), is made and entered into on ___________________________, by and between Vermont Systems, Inc., a Vermont corporation (hereinafter “VSI”, and ____________________________________________ (hereinafter “Customer”), collectively referred to herein as the “Parties” or singularly “Party”. In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations expressed herein, the Parties agree to the following: Article 1 – Software License 1.1 VSI hereby grants the Customer and the Customer thereby accepts a perpetual, non-transferable, and non-exclusive right to use the Licensed Software and Related Materials, as described in the attached Exhibit B price quote. The Licensed Software includes Related Materials, such as online User Reference Manuals, Sample Reports, Installation Planning Guides, Installation Instructions, On-Line Help, and Sample Training Database with Tutorials. 1.2 VSI uses the Progress OpenEdge V11 Development software to develop its’ applications and deploys using the OpenEdge Workgroup or Enterprise RDBMS (embedded database) with RDBMS support for 4GL, SQL, ODBC, JDBC, and Enterprise Cluster Manager Integration, and OpenEdge Application Server, Basic and Enterprise Editions with Replication. Therefore, Progress software with RDBMS is required to operate the application software by platform type, and pricing is included in the attached Exhibit B. The client uses a standard HTML and Java Script browser interface 1.3 The license granted herein authorizes the Customer to install the Licensed Software on the designated computer platform using one copy of the programs to support live processing, training, and disaster recovery databases without incurring additional license charges. Further, the Customer can make copies of the Licensed Software for safe keeping purposes. Article 1.3 does not apply, if VSI is providing full hosting services. 1.4 At any time, the Customer can add software and user licenses under the terms of this Agreement by paying the additional license and maintenance fees. The total number of authorized user workstations permitted to use the Licensed Software is limited to the number listed in Exhibit B pricing. Article 2 – Annual Software Maintenance and Support Services 2.1 VSI shall provide the Customer with Software Maintenance and Software Support services for the Licensed Software in accordance with VSI standard Sales and Support Policies , as described in Exhibit A. The extent of support services being provided to the Customer are specifically listed in Exhibit B pricing. 2.2 The Annual Software Maintenance & Support fee includes ongoing software repairs and enhancements, subsequent to the initial installation. VSI uses the Evergreen method for program updates. Minor “Builds” that do not require any downtime are released every 3 -4 weeks. Two or three times per year, VSI “Updates” the database schema, which does require the database to be down briefly. In most cases Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement 4 © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. the down time is limited to one hour or less. Both Builds and Updates are completed using automated scripts to minimize user interaction. If VSI is providing full hosting services, VSI will provide software “build” and “update” installation services and coordinate both with each Customer. Article 2 – Annual Software Maintenance and Support Services - continued 2.3 The Software Maintenance and Support fee will be billed annually, and it becomes effective on the first day of your January 1st __, May 1st__, July 1st __, or __October 1st fiscal year for one year. New customers will be charged on a prorated basis from the first day of the installation month through the end of the current fiscal year. 2.4 The required Software Maintenance and Support Agreement will automatically renew annually, unless the Customer notifies VSI in writing prior to the end of the fiscal year that the Customer is terminating VSI Maintenance Support. VSI reserves the right to increase the annual maintenance fees up to 3% annually, although VSI has rarely increased these fees in the past. Customers can contact VSI in advance to obtain a firm quote for the next fiscal year. 2.5 The Customer is licensed to use the VSI software indefinitely, even if it terminates annual maintenance support. The Customer is the sole owner of its’ data, whether Customer hosted or VSI hosted. If VSI hosted and the Customer terminates use of the VSI software, VSI agrees provide a copy of the database to the Customer in readable format. Article 3 – Software Training and Installation Services 3.1 Training is offered at the Customer site, at VSI (12 Market Place, Essex Junction, Vermont), and remotely based on a quoted daily or hourly rate, as described in the Exhibit A, VSI standard Sales and Support Policies. 3.2 Any training services and estimated charges for each Customer, including the number of training days, and travel, lodging, meals, and other expenses, are itemized in Exhibit B. All training dates must be mutually agreed upon by VSI and the Customer. The Customer can request a change of training dates and number of training days. However, if a change is made after travel arrangements have been completed, the Customer will be responsible for any additional costs incurred as a result of the changes. 3.3 If VSI is providing other Installation Services, such as hardware and network operating system installation and setup services, they will be listed in Exhibit B pricing, as well. 3.4 The Customer is responsible for reimbursing VSI for all reasonable expenses, such as travel, lodging, meals, and other expenses necessary to complete the training, as requested by the Customer. VSI quotes per diem for meals based on GSA rates, unless the Customer requests actual receipts. While the other estimated out-of-pocket expenses are also listed in Exhibit B, only the actual expenses will be billed to the Customer, unless the Customer requires a fixed price in advance. 3.5 VSI will honor training and other services quotes for up to 120 days, but reserves the right to modify these rates thereafter. Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement _____ VSI Initials _____ Customer Initials 5 Article 4 – VSI Hosting Services 4.1 Web Server Hosting Service - if the WebTrac software is being licensed, it requires a web server, either in-house or hosted, to link the Customer’s transaction server with the internet. If the Customer selects the VSI web server hosting service, as described in Exhibit D, for a minimum of one year, the fee will be included in Exhibit B and it will be billed annually in advance. New customers will be charged on a prorated basis from the first day of the installation month through the end of the current fiscal year. Web Server Hosting does/does not apply to this Agreement. 4.2 Full Hosting Services - if the Customer selects full VSI hosting services for a minimum of one year, whereby the VSI application software and Progress software are installed on VSI servers at either VSI’s Eastern or Western data center, the monthly fee for this option will be included in Exhibit B. Full Hosting Services includes web server hosting, as described in Article 4.1. Since VSI will/will not be providing full hosting services for the Customer, Exhibit E hosting services specifications do/do not apply to this Agreement. 4.3 The Full Hosting Services guaranteed rate for one year, includes the Platinum/Gold/Silver level services and features, as described in Exhibit F. Article 5 – Charges and Payment 5.1 Customer On-Premise Hosted Software – if the Customer is installing the software on its own servers, the Licensed Software charges will be billed to the Customer following the initial training session, and will be due within 30 days. The initial Software License fee includes downloading the software and documentation from VSI’s FTP web site. All major software upgrades with database changes are obtained the same way. Customers are alerted when program only updates become available, so that they can download at their convenience. Article 5.1 does/does not apply to this Agreement. 5.2 VSI Full Hosted Software: if VSI is installing the software on VSI servers at either its’ Eastern or Western data center, the Licensed Software charges will be billed to the Customer when the software applications become available for Customer use, and will be due within 30 days. 5.3 VSI Full Hosting Services: the first partial month for full hosting services payment will be invoiced on the first day of the month following availability for Customer use, and all subsequent monthly payments are due on the first day of each month, unless the Customer has agreed to an annual payment in adv ance. 5.4 The Customer shall pay all applicable sales, consumer use, and other taxes required by law, unless it is exempt from any or all of these taxes. If tax-exempt, the Customer must provide a tax exemption certificate. 5.5 VSI will invoice the Customer for training and installation services, along with travel and other expenses, immediately following the completion of each occurrence of training or other services. Article 6 – Security of Programs 6.1 The Customer shall be solely responsible for the supervision and control of the licensed Customer hosted software to ensure that it is stored in a secure location for Customer use only and that no Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement 6 © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. unauthorized and unlicensed third party gains access to it. VSI is responsible for the security of all VSI hosted software. 6.2 Under no circumstances shall the Customer be authorized to perform Reverse Engineering of the software object code, in order to illegally generate source code. Article 7 – Warranties 7.1 VSI warrants that it has the right to license the Licensed Software, and that there are no pending liens, claims, or encumbrances against the software. 7.2 VSI warrants that the software shall conform to its published specifications in the Related Materials, including, but not limited to, the Capabilities Summary, On-Line Help, Reports Manual, User Reference Manual, and Training Tutorials. VSI warrants that the software is merchantable, in that it will properly install and operate according to the specifications herein. 7.3 VSI warrants to the Customer that it is solvent, not in bankruptcy proceedings or receivership, nor is it engaged in any proceedings, which would have an adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement. 7.4 VSI warrants that there has been no violation of copyrights or patent rights in connection with the Licensed Software in this Agreement. VSI shall indemnify and save harmless the Customer from any suit or proceeding brought against the Customer by reason of any such infringement or any wrongful use. VSI will defend or settle any such claim, although the Customer shall be entitled to be independently represented by counsel of its own choice. Article 8 – Limitation of Liability 8.1 Except for the warranties specified in Section 7, VSI grants no warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, it is expressly agreed that neither VSI nor the Customer shall be liable to the other Party for special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages, or for any loss or claim by either Party. 8.2 Liability Insurance. VSI provides the Customer with a Certificate of Liability Insurance with the Customer named as the Certificate Holder. The standard coverage’s with limits and insurer(s) are listed in the attached Exhibit C. If a customer requires insurance coverage beyond the standard limits provided by the VSI Certificate of Insurance, then the customer can either accept the VSI standard coverage at no additional charge or pay for the additional insurance coverage at VSI cost. 8.3 Cyber Liability Insurance. The Certificate of Liability Insurance, Exhibit C, also includes Cyber Liability Insurance with up to $2,000,000 for each occurrence. Article 9 – Risk of Loss 9.1 For Customer hosted installations, the risk of loss or destruction, regardless of the cause, shall be the responsibility of VSI until the Licensed Software and Related Materials have been delivered to the Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement _____ VSI Initials _____ Customer Initials 7 Customer's premises or downloaded to the Customer’s servers. For VSI hosted installations, VSI will be responsible for the risk of loss or destruction. 9.2 For Customer hosted installations, the Customer shall be responsible for verifying that the Licensed Software and Related Materials have been received, installed on the designated computer(s), and are operational, unless the Agreement specifies that VSI will install the Licensed Software as part of the on - site training. For VSI full hosted installations, VSI will be responsible for installing the software on either its’ Eastern or Western data center server. Article 10 – Personal Information Protection 10.1 Customer On-Premise Hosted Software & Database: if the Customer installs the VSI application software on its’ own servers, the Customer will be responsible for the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to protect confidentiality of patron data flow between the server and the user workstations. To protect data at rest, VSI offers the chargeable Progress TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) software option to encrypt user - selected sensitive data fields to secure them from unauthorized access. 10.2 VSI Hosted Software & Database: VSI will provide the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate for the hosting servers to protect the flow of data between the hosting servers and the Customer’s remote users, as described in Exhibit E. The Progress TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) software to protect data at rest is included with VSI hosting services at no additional charge. If a breach occurs, VSI will notify the Customer immediately regarding the extent of the breach, so that the Customer can notify its’ patrons that a breach of security has occurred. 10.3 VSI is covered with Cyber Liability Insurance up to two million dollars for each occurrence. This applies primarily to Network Security and Privacy Liability, as part of Exhibit C described in Article 8. Article 11 – Application Source Code 11.1 The Source Code for all VSI application software, along with a list of licensed customers, is held in escrow by VSI's Escrow Agent, Kolvoord, Overton, & Wilson, Attorneys, at 6 Joshua Way, Suite B, Essex Junction, Vermont 05452, Attn: Jason Ruwet 802-878-3346, jfr@essexvtlaw.com. The source code held in escrow is updated after each software release. If VSI defaults in providing software maintenance support due to company failure, or bankruptcy, or discontinuance of said service by VSI, it will notify the Customer and the Escrow Agent that it is in default. The Escrow Agent will then make the source code available to the Customer within thirty days of written notice for Customer support use only. Article 12 – Independent Contractor 12.1 In performing the work under this Agreement, VSI acts as an Independent Contractor and is solely responsible for necessary and adequate workers’ compensation insurance, as well as personal injury and property damage insurance. Software License, Maintenance and Support Agreement 8 © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. Article 13 – Change Orders or Extensions 13.1 The Customer may require changes in the scope of services to be performed by VSI. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in compensation amount, must be mutually agreed upon in writing by the Customer and VSI. VSI shall be compensated for all authorized changes in services. Article 14 – Governing Laws & Venue 14.1 The Parties agree that the laws of the State of Vermont will govern this Agreement, and that the venue for legal resolution shall be in Chittenden County, Vermont. Article 15 – Authorization and Entire Agreement 15.1 Each party represents and warrants that it has the power and ability to enter into this Agreement, to grant the rights stated herein, and to perform the duties and obligations described herein. 15.2 This Agreement and the attached Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F constitute the entire Agreement between Vermont Systems and the Customer. Exhibit D does/does not apply to this Agreement. 15.3 If any term or other provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or incapable of being enforced, then all other conditions and provisions of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect. Vermont Systems, Inc. Customer Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Giles Willey, President Printed Name and Title Printed Name and Title Date Date © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. i Exhibit E: Vermont Systems Cloud Computing Services VSI Eastern & Western Data Centers January 16, 2018 ii © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. Copyright Information © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. This document is the property of Vermont Systems, Inc. and is provided in conjunction with a n agreement between the customer and VSI for Licensed Software or Software as a Service (SaaS). The document(s) and software referred to in this publication may not be copied, distributed, electronically transmitted, posted on the web or altered in any way without the express written consent of Vermont Systems, Incorporated. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice Vermont Systems, Inc. 12 Market Place Essex Junction, VT 05452 www.vermontsystems.com Exhibit E: Vermont Systems Cloud Computing Services VSI Eastern & Western Data Centers © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. 1 1. Full Hosting Services VSI owns and manages redundant servers and communications devices that are installed at its Eastern and Western data centers. These systems are operational on a 24/7/365 basis. VSI provides its hosting services customers with Progress deployment software support, Progress RDBMS database support, and extended hours Pager support as described in VSI’s Sales & Support Policies (Exhibit A in the VSI Sales Agreement). Initially, this includes live hosting phone support from 8:00am to 8:00pm ET, Monday – Friday, plus no charge 24/7 Pager support for all other hours. Hosted Services Support is specific to application availability. If users are unable to access the application software, they would contact Hosted Services Support. As the number of hosting customers grows, live hosting phone support will be expanded accordingly. 2. Eastern & Western Data Center Hosting Services Tech Vault and FORTRUST are VSI business partners that assist VSI to provide full hosting services for VSI customers. The Tech Vault Data Center has a Green Building Council Silver Certification (Leed Silver) and is HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and SSAE-18 SOC 2 compliant. Tech Vault has also applied for LEED Gold certification. FORTRUST Data Center has been awarded an M&O Stamp of Approval with Tier III Gold Certified and SSAE-18 Services Organization Control (SOC) 1 Type 2, SOC 2 Type 2, SOC 3 SysTrust Services Organization, BBB A+ Accreditation, HIPAA, and GLBA reporting colocation facility with 100% uptime. Data Center Space • Multi-level security access to the server facility. • HIPAA-compliant facility with exterior walls built to Homeland Security specifications. Data Center Cooling & Environment • Industry-leading cooling with integrated humidification. • Fully redundant N + 1 architecture. Security & Access • Man-Trap access-only with dual-factor finger biometric scan and integrated HID proximity reader. • Keycard and biometric facility access. • Authorized VSI access 24/7/365. • Video surveillance cameras, internal and external, 24/7/365 basis. Power • Fully redundant battery and automatic generator backup. Exhibit E: Vermont Systems Cloud Computing Services VSI Eastern & Western Data Centers 2 © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. Internet Services • Data Centers are ISP Carrier neutral facility. • Multiple tier-one providers. • Internet utilizes Border Gateway Protocol to provide 100% internet availability. Additional Data Center Features • 24/7/365 Facility Environmental Monitoring by Data Center staff. • Hardware Monitoring (SNMP) and Diagnostics. • 100% uptime for bandwidth and power. 3. VSI Managed Hosting Services • Redundant hosting servers, routers, and switches with automatic fail-over. • Progress Deployment software support and Progress RDBMS database support. • Automatic VSI program updates. • Database daily backup and database restore, as requested, and copy live to demo. • RecTrac and WebTrac only generated email service. (Not to be used as a general mail server) • Monthly Internal/External Vulnerability Scan both data centers by Trustwave. 3. VSI Managed Hosting Services (Continued) • Quarterly Internal/External Penetration Test both data centers by Trustwave. • Managed hosting services anti-virus protection. • All VM services are hosted in a private cloud. • VSI will routinely install server operating system updates, as released by the vendors. • Progress Replication between data centers for Disaster Recovery site* • Progress TDE Encryption available for data at rest protection** • Failover to warm Disaster Recovery site is controlled manually by VSI staff. Since each data center has localized redundancies built-in, a catastrophic event would need to occur before failover would be initiated. Alternate URL's for RecTrac/WebTrac will be provided to customers in case a Disaster Recovery event occurs. ** Depending on the Site License Agreement, additional licensing fees may apply. Exhibit E: Vermont Systems Cloud Computing Services VSI Eastern & Western Data Centers © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. 3 4. VSI Additional Chargeable Hosting Services • Periodic database performance audits and tuning. • Assisted HTML development of splash pages and implementation. 5. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate VSI will provide the SSL Certificate for the hosting servers. While the flow of data between the hosting servers and the Customer’s remote users is encrypted using the SSL provided, VSI is not responsible for any loss of data beyond our control. 6. Cyber Liability Insurance VSI is covered by Cyber Liability Insurance, as listed with limits in Exhibit C. 7. Fire Wall Rules VSI is responsible for configuring and maintaining the firewall rules for the hosting servers and will notify the Customer of any changes that would impact the Customer’s access to the application database. The Customer is responsible for configuring and maintaining firewall rules for all Customer locations. 8. Periodic Hosting Servers Maintenance VSI will provide the Customer with advance notice when the hosting servers will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. VSI will coordinate with the Customer to minimize down time for scheduled maintenance. 9. VSI Hosting Servers Technical Support If the source of a technical problem exists within the systems or technology under VSI management, no charge will apply. For example, a technical issue, such as, your hosting server becomes unreachable due to a network or hardware failure. This example is for reference purposes only and should not be misconstrued as the only issue that might arise over time . 10. ERI PayTrac License The Customer must license one of the VSI certified ERI credit card interfaces to process office (Retail, MOTO) and online (ecommerce) payments and to ensure that credit card data is encrypted and secure. If pin debit card payments are to be accepted, then a VSI ERI pin debit card interface will be required for the same processor. If check payments are to be processed electronically, a VSI eCheck interface will also be required. Exhibit E: Vermont Systems Cloud Computing Services VSI Eastern & Western Data Centers 4 © 2018 by Vermont Systems, Inc. 11. Hosting Penalties There shall be no downtime penalty for scheduled operating system upgrades, scheduled Progress software updates, application software upgrades, DNS outages, and application database upgrades. Except for these scheduled downtimes, VSI expects over 99.7% uptime. Therefore, if the software applications are unavailable for customer use for more than 2 6 hours of a total 8760 hours in a calendar year due to hosting services, VSI will credit the c ustomer with a prorated amount for any lost time exceeding 26 hours to the nearest 15 minutes. W:\Sales & Marketing\Sales Documents\Standard Agreements\Hosting Services 3.x Feature Checklist - Exhibit F.xlsx 1 Item Description Silver Gold Platinum 1.Flat monthly fee (no transaction fees) based on Service Level and number of concurrent users.Yes Yes Yes 2. No forced convenience fee passed on to patrons. VSI customer can elect to charge a convenience fee to the patron for WebTrac transactions, but this is a user- defined parameter. Yes Yes Yes 3. Servers managed by VSI in two secure data centers located in eastern and western regions of the United States. All server hardware and operating system maintenance is provided by trained VSI professionals. Yes Yes Yes 4. RecTrac Email Archiving tracks emails sent in report format to include address, recipent, subject, email body, and RecTrac user who sent the email, along with the list of BLOB attachments. Does not guarantee delivery or receipt. Yes Yes Yes 5. All VSI application upgrades will be performed by VSI. If these upgrades involve "planned" downtime, they will be coordinated with the customer to occur during off-peak hours. Any planned downtime for software upgrades will occur after 11:30 ET for the Eastern data center and 11:30pm MT for the Western data center. Yes Yes Yes 6. Test application upgrade performed prior to the live database upgrade so that a customer will have an accurate understanding of the planned downtime period needed to perform the upgrade. Chargeable Chargeable Yes 7. After Image (.AI) snapshot window in minutes. These snapshots reduce the potential data loss if a system failure takes place. A lower value equates to greater "insurance coverage". This coverage extends backwards 7 days from the current day. 180 120 60 8. Daily Live Database Backups and nightly off-premise backups are performed by VSI on a rolling 7 day basis. In addition, VSI maintains a rolling quarter-end backup and a rolling annual backup for three years. Yes Yes Yes 9.Toll Free phone support including WebEx diagnostic sessions.Yes Yes Yes 10. ODBC Connection for third party access to reporting database updated once every 24-hours to accommodate dashboards and custom reporting. Unavailable Unavailable Yes EXHIBIT F - VSI FULL HOSTING SERVICES 3.x Software Service Level Feature Comparison 11/30/2017 W:\Sales & Marketing\Sales Documents\Standard Agreements\Hosting Services 3.x Feature Checklist - Exhibit F.xlsx 2 11. Redundant servers, power supplies, bandwidth in and out of the hosted servers, network connections, RAID 10 disk arrays, and SAN/NAS configuration. Yes Yes Yes 12. Progress OpenEdge Replication provides automatic, real- time database failover or disaster recovery at an alternate site with minimal or no disruption. Maintains data integrity between source and target databases. Yes Yes Yes 13. Progress Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) provides the option to encrypt user-selected sensitive data fields to protect from unauthorized access, while data is at rest.Yes Yes Yes 14.Monthly third party external PCI scan provided by Trustwave Yes Yes Yes 15.Automatic checks every "X" minutes to be sure WebTrac home page is accessible.90 Min 60 Min 30 Min 16.Library of WebTrac Splash Pages available for loading into a customer's hosted database.Chargeable 50% Disc Each Yes 17.WebTrac Style Sheet and image changes required due to VSI upgrade changes will be updated by VSI.Yes Yes Yes 18. Staff training using phone and WebEx when applicable. These hours can be used to train new staff; refresher sessions for existing staff; or to learn a new function in a VSI hosted application. Each training segment is a maximum of four hours and is limited to number of sessions listed. Chargeable (Standard Training Rate Applies) One Session Annually Two Sessions Annually 19. Library of Membership Card, Gift Card, and Ticket templates available for loading into a customer's hosted database. Yes Yes Yes 20.Maximum recovery time associated with any unplanned outage at Primary data center.12 Hours 6 Hours 2 Hours 21. Maximum recovery time associated with any unplanned outage that requires switching to a Secondary data center. This would only occur, if the Primary data center outage is expected to exceed 8 hours. 16 Hours 10 Hours 6 Hours 22. 24/7 Pager Support related to hosting issues included at no additional charge. Hosting support ends at the RecTrac login screen. Then standard application software support services become effective, as soon as a user can login into RecTrac or other VSI application software. Yes Yes Yes 23.LIVE to DEMO database copies performed by VSI during off-peak hours every Tuesday and Thursday.Yes Yes Yes EXHIBIT F - VSI HOSTING SERVICES 3.x Software Service Level Feature Comparison 7/1/15 W:\Sales & Marketing\Sales Documents\Standard Agreements\Hosting Services 3.x Feature Checklist - Exhibit F.xlsx 3 Item 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pay As Incurred10/12/16 Description End-User Training (on-site or remote) Application Software & Database License & Annual Maintenance fees or Application Software & Database SaaS (Software as a Service) fees. Services Outside The Hosting Agreement EXHIBIT F - VSI HOSTING SERVICES 3.x Software Hardware Purchases Shipping Fees Travel Expenses Database schema training associated with an ODBC connection. Any assistance provided to a customer helping them to understand tables and fields in a VSI database so that they can create an external dashboard, report, export, or similar result, is chargeable.