2019 04 16 HA Quarterly MeetingHOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA 1 APRIL 16, 2019 QUARTERLY MEETING HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta QUARTERLY MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 2019 AT 4:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Authority Members: Evans, Fitzpatrick, Radi, Sanchez, Chairperson Peña VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENT – AB 23 [AUTHORITY SECRETARY] PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Housing Authority on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The Housing Authority values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA CLOSED SESSION – NONE ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - NONE CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. PAGE 1. APPROVE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 5, 2019 5 Housing Authority agendas and staff reports are available on the City’s web site: www.laquintaca.gov HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA 2 APRIL 16, 2019 QUARTERLY MEETING 2. APPROVE THREE MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY AND (1) COACHELLA VALLEY RESCUE MISSION, (2) MARTHA’S VILLAGE AND KITCHEN, AND (3) COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FOR HOMELESS PREVENTION SERVICES 9 3. RECEIVE AND FILE HOUSING SUCCESSOR ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/18 REGARDING THE LOW- AND MODERATE- INCOME HOUSING ASSET FUND PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34176.1 (F) FOR THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY 35 4. RECEIVE AND FILE THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/18 PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34328 45 BUSINESS SESSION – NONE STUDY SESSION – NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS – NONE DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS – NONE CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS – NONE ADJOURNMENT *************************************** The next regular quarterly meeting of the Housing Authority will be held on June 18, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Monika Radeva, Authority Secretary of the La Quinta Housing Authority, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Housing Authority was posted near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51321 Avenida Bermudas and 78630 Highway 111, on April 12, 2019. HOUSING AUTHORITY AGENDA 3 APRIL 16, 2019 QUARTERLY MEETING DATED: April 12, 2019 MONIKA RADEVA, Authority Secretary La Quinta Housing Authority Public Notices The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s Office at (760) 777-7092, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Housing Authority, arrangement should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at (760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Housing Authority during a meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Housing Authority regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the City Clerk counter at City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. 4 HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES Page 1 of 3 MARCH 5, 2019 SPECIAL MEETING HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2019 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta Housing Authority was called to order at 5:54 p.m. by Chairperson Sanchez. PRESENT: Authority Members: Evans, Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Chairperson Sanchez ABSENT: None VERBAL ANNOUNCEMENT – AB 23 was made by the Authority Secretary. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed CLOSED SESSION – None PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS – None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF DECEMBER 4, 2018 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Authority Members Evans/Fitzpatrick to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1. APPOINT HOUSING AUTHORITY CHAIRPERSON AND VICE- CHAIRPERSON TO SERVE DURING CALENDAR YEAR 2019 Council waived presentation of the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 5 HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES Page 2 of 3 MARCH 5, 2019 SPECIAL MEETING MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Authority Members Fitzpatrick/Evans to appoint Housing Authority Members Peña and Radi to serve as Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson during calendar year 2019. Motion passed unanimously. NEWLY APPOINTED CHAIRPERSON PEÑA ASSUMED RESPONSIBILITY AS PRESIDING OFFICER FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE MEETING 2. APPROVE FUNDING FOR AREA HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAMS Assistant to the City Manager Villalpando introduced Management Specialist Ferreira who presented the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Council expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the organizations’ hard work and dedication in providing homeless prevention services and solutions; support for funding Option No. 2 as presented in the staff report; Desert Healthcare District (DHCD) matching fund program; the need for additional non-shelter housing units; additional Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) funding received by Martha’s Village and Kitchen (MVK) and Coachella Valley Rescue Mission (CVRM); possible funding Option No. 3 to stay within the budget; the importance of providing funding and the difference it can make in peoples’ lives today; and the role of Path of Life Ministries (POLM) in providing support and services that may prevent people from becoming homeless. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Cheryll Dahlin, Management Analyst, Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), Palm Desert – spoke about the HEAP funding received by CVAG; CV Housing First Program; Damian O’Farrell is no longer CEO of POLM and CVAG Executive Committee will be reviewing the contract in April; and CVAG’s support to establish Homelessness Collaborative implementation plan. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Linda Barrack, President and CEO of MVK, Indio – thanked the City for its continued support and funding; said MVK was ranked no. 1 for its recuperative based on an analysis-gap; new and innovative housing solutions are important, but shelters keep people safe in the moment; 50% of MVK’s homeless are children and the additional $8,000 of funding would provide approximately 10,000 meals; and the HEAP funding is allocated over a 27-month period. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Darla Burkett, Executive Director of CVRM, Indio – thanked the City for its continued support and funding; said CVRM is 28 people over capacity tonight, its emergency shelter is full; spoke about the services and 6 HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES Page 3 of 3 MARCH 5, 2019 SPECIAL MEETING supports CVRM offers; the HEAP funding received will provide 50 additional beds in the gym area that are expected to be ready by June; and possibility to utilize some of the low-income housing units at the Washington Street Apartments. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Authority Members Fitzpatrick/Radi to approve Option No. 2 funding for area homeless prevention program as recommended and allocate additional funding of $17,667 over the existing budget of $250,000, for a total of $267,667 of City annual contribution allocated as follows: $83,333 to MVK; $83,333 to CVRM; and $100,000 to CVAG to receive DHD’s matching $100,000. Motion passed unanimously. STUDY SESSION – None PUBLIC HEARINGS – None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS – None CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS' ITEMS Authority Member Evans asked if housing funds can be utilized to bring the Dune Palms mobile home park in compliance since it is an affordable-housing mobile home park. City Attorney Ihrke replied housing funds are usually utilized for housing programs or construction of housing units, and not towards administration or compliance. REPORTS AND INFORMATION ITEMS – None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Authority Members Evans/Radi to adjourn at 6:28 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, Authority Secretary La Quinta Housing Authority 7 8 City of La Quinta HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING: April 16, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE THREE MEMORANDUMS OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY AND (1) COACHELLA VALLEY RESCUE MISSION, (2) MARTHA’S VILLAGE AND KITCHEN, AND (3) COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FOR HOMELESS PREVENTION SERVICES RECOMMENDATION Approve three Memorandum of Understandings between the La Quinta Housing Authority and (1) Coachella Valley Rescue Mission, (2) Martha’s Village and Kitchen, and (3) Coachella Valley Association of Governments for homeless prevention services, and authorize the Executive Director to execute the agreements. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •On March 5, 2019, the La Quinta Housing Authority (Authority) met and recommended allocating up to $266,666 to three area homeless service providers; Coachella Valley Rescue Mission (CVRM), Martha’s Village and Kitchen (Martha’s Village) and Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG). •Each Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Attachments 1-3) will expire December 31, 2019 and contain a metric reporting requirement. FISCAL IMPACT Authority funds are available in account 243-0000-60532 (Homelessness Assistance). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On November 21, 2018, the Authority met to discuss homeless funding options for the 2018/19. At that time, it was unclear if the Desert Healthcare District (DHD) was going to continue their matching program. The Authority directed staff to follow the status of the DHD program and to comeback for direction once a decision had been made. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 9 On March 5, 2019, staff provided funding options for the Authority’s consideration. They directed staff to allocate up to $266,666 in homeless prevention funding as follows: • $83,333 to CVRM • $83,333 to Martha’s Village • $100,000 to CVAG with a guarantee that funds will be matched in-kind by Desert Healthcare District (DHD) and restricted use to the eastern Coachella Valley and more specifically in La Quinta. The MOU term between each homeless prevention service provider would end December 31, 2019 and calls for metric reporting till the end of 2019. The first reporting period will begin May 1 thru August 31, 2019, and the second reporting period September 1, 2019 thru December 31, 2019. The Authority will release funds within ten (10) working days of the MOU being executed. Since staff was directed to wait for further direction on the DHD program, it caused a delay in program funding which triggered the term of the current MOU’s not lining up with the end of the 18/19 fiscal year. In the future, staff proposes that the Authority open-up discussion and provide direction for the MOU’s terms to coincide with either the fiscal year or the calendar year. CVAG will not be able to execute the MOU until it is presented at their Executive Committee meeting on April 29, 2019; however, staff has worked with CVAG with the preparation of the agreement and recommends approval. ALTERNATIVES Staff does not recommend an alternative at this time. Prepared by: Angela Ferreira, Management Specialist Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, Executive Director Attachments: 1. MOU with CVRM 2. MOU with MVK 3. MOU with CVAG 10 Page 1 of 7 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY AND COACHELLA VALLEY RESCUE MISSION This Memorandum of Understanding (the “Memorandum”) is made by and between the La Quinta Housing Authority, a public body, corporate and politic (“Authority”) and the COACHELLA VALLEY RESCUE MISSION, a California nonprofit corporation (“CVRM”), as of April _____, 2019 with respect to the following: RECITALS WHEREAS, the Authority is interested in providing food and shelter to those in need and, in that regard would like to support the CVRM; WHEREAS, the CVRM agrees to use the Authority funding for operation of the shelter this fiscal year; NOW, THEREFORE, the Authority and CVRM agree to the following: 1.0 TERM OF MEMORANDUM. The term of this Memorandum shall expire on December 31, 2019. 2.0 OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. 2.1 CVRM will provide food and shelter services at the CVRM facility, located at 47470 Van Buren St, Indio, CA 92201. CVRM shall provide the services set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (“Scope of Services”). CVRM shall deliver to the Authority periodic reports and compliance metrics as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated by this reference (“Compliance Reports”). CVRM shall comply with any and all federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable to CVRM, the Scope of Services, and the use of the Authority Financial Support Funds (as defined in Section 2.2 below) and the use of any other public moneys (collectively, the “Compliance Requirements”). 2.2 The Authority will provide financial support of Eighty-Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Three Dollars ($83,333) (“Authority Financial Support Funds”) to CVRM. Provided CVRM complies with its obligations under this Memorandum, the Authority shall disburse the Authority Financial Support Funds no later than 10 days after the execution of this Memorandum. CVRM agrees to provide the Authority with two (2) financial quarter Compliance Reports with reporting periods as follows: May 1 - August 31, 2019, and September 1- December 31, 2019. All Authority Financial Support Funds shall be used by CVRM for the Scope of Services and for no other purpose. If CVRM fails to timely deliver a Compliance Report, the Authority may 11 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 7 withhold an installment disbursement of the Authority Financial Support Funds that has not yet been disbursed. If CVRM fails to comply with any Compliance Requirements, the Authority may (i) withhold an installment disbursement that has not yet been disbursed, (ii) order a return to the Authority of any portion or all Authority Financial Support Funds that were no t used in compliance with this Memorandum or any other Compliance Requirements, and/or (iii) seek any other rights or remedies available at law or in equity. 3.0 INDEMNITY AND RELEASE. CVRM hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Authority and its officers, employees, agents and independent contractors (collectively, “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all of claims, causes of action, obligations, losses, liabilities, judgments, or damages, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of litigation (collectively “Claims”) arising out of and/or in any way relating to CVRM’s activities in the performance of this Memorandum, or to CVRM’s acts and/or omissions in providing or administering the same, excepting only those claims, actions, ob ligations, losses, liabilities, judgments, or damages arising out of the sole negligence, active negligence or willful misconduct of the Authority. 4.0 CVRM INSURANCE OBLIGATIONS. Without limiting the indemnification provisions provided herein, CVRM, at its sole expense, shall obtain and keep in force during the term of this Memorandum and any extensions thereof, a policy or policies of general liability insurance covering all injuries to persons and damage to property occurring in, upon or about the CVRM facility(ies) resulting from any actions or omissions of CVRM or any use of the CVRM facility(ies), or the CVRM’s invitees in accordance with the terms of this Memorandum. The po licy or policies evidencing such insurance shall name the Authority and its officials, officers, employees, and agents, as additional insureds, shall provide that same may not be cancelled or amended without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Authority, and shall provide for a combined single limit coverage of bodily injury and property damage in the amount of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000). Such policy or policies shall be issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of California and be rated A-/VIII or better by ambest.com. Prior to the date of this Memorandum, and upon renewal of such policies, CVRM shall submit to the Authority certificates of insurance and any applicable endorsements evidencing that the foregoing policy or policies are in effect. The coverage contemplated in this paragraph will be primary and the Authority’s coverage will not contribute. CVRM shall provide workers’ compensation insurance in accordance with California law. 5.0 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. 5.1 In all cases, the language in all parts of this Memorandum shall be construed according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against either party, if being agreed that the parties or their agents have all participated in the preparation of this Memorandum. 12 Page 3 of 7 5.2 This Memorandum contains the entire agreement of the Parties and supersedes any prior oral or written statements or agreements between the Parties regarding the operation of the CVRM. 5.3 No termination of this Memorandum shall release either party from any liability or obligation hereunder resulting from any acts, omissions or events happening prior to the termination of this Memorandum. 5.4 In the event either party brings any suit or other proceeding with respect to the subject matter or enforcement of this Memorandum, the prevailing party (as determined by California law) shall, in addition to such other relief as may be awarded, be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses and costs of suit or investigation as actually incurred (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses, and costs incurred in establishing the right to indemnification). 6.0 HOMELESS OUTREACH. The Authority shall utilize utilize the CVRM shelter and staff to provide emergency homeless services and prevention services to Coachella Valley individuals and families, and more specifically in the City of La Quinta, who are at risk of homelessness by providing face-to-face or telephone outreach, shelter (emergency and / or permanent), employment services, case management with referrals so as to help individuals stay in their current home or locate other permanent housing. CVRM will also provide food distribution, public meals, referrals to onsite non-emergency medical and behavioral health counseling as well as education. CVRM will address emergencies and engage individuals as well as families. CVRM will work with City of La Quinta Law Enforcement & Code Enforcement as well as the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department to support and maximize the effectiveness of emergency services. CVRM will accept drop-offs from these agencies provided that CVRM approves drop-off in advance. The following personnel are authorized to provide approvals for client drop-offs: 1) Martina Ochoa, Shelter Manager 760-835-0502 2) Mark Lash, Shelter Assistant 760-347-3512 x241 3) Tom Cox, Program Director 760-567-4912 4) Darla Burkett, Executive Director 760-578-0104 Authority shall initiate contact first with Martina Ochoa and then if unable to contact her, contact other personnel in the order listed above. CVRM will not accept any individual with criminal record of violence, sexual offense, or arson. Clients must be able to self-toilet and self-feed to receive services at the CVRM shelter facility. [signatures on next page] 13 14 Page 5 of 7 EXHIBIT A Scope of Services Provide homeless prevention assistance to those on the east side of the Coachella Valley, and more specifically in the City of La Quinta, who are at risk of homelessness by providing face-to-face or telephone outreach, shelter (emergency and/or permanent), employment services, emergency rental and utility service assistance, or other supportive services and resources to help individuals stay in their current home such as food distribution, free child care, health clinics, and education. 15 Page 6 of 7 EXHIBIT B City of La Quinta Reporting Metrics Eastern Valley Services Provide homeless outreach via face to face and/or phone: Number of interactions Number of Referrals / Resources provided (Also provide narrative of what type of Resources where used) Provide homeless prevention assistance to those who are at risk of homelessness through, emergency rental and utility assistance, or other directly provided resources to stay in current home such as Food Distribution, Free Child Care, Health Clinic, Education, etc. allowing successful diversion Type of Resources used Sheltering: Per person daily per diem cost (Submit narrative of what services are included) How many Individuals Sheltered Units of face to face case management Number of clients assessed by case manager Total Shelter nights Number of individuals placed into housing Provide Rapid Rehousing or similar type placement 16 Page 7 of 7 Number placed Housing Stability/ Three month follow up after financial support ends Provide Employment Services: Description of direct Employment Services offered (Submit narrative of what direct services are included) Number of Individuals served Units of Service 17 18 Page 1 of 7 2.2 The Authority will provide financial support of Eighty-Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-Three Dollars ($83,333) (“Authority Financial Support Funds”) to MVK. Provided MVK complies with its obligations under this Memorandum, the Authority shall disburse the Authority Financial Support Funds no later than 10 days after the execution of this Memorandum. MVK agrees to provide the Authority with two (2) financial quarter Compliance Reports with reporting periods as follows: May 1 - August 31, 2019, and September 1- December 31, 2019. All Authority Financial Support Funds shall be used by MVK for the Scope of Services and for no other purpose. If MVK fails to timely deliver a Compliance Report, the Authority may withhold an installment disbursement of the Authority Financial Support Funds that has not yet been disbursed. If MVK fails to comply with any Compliance 19 ATTACHMENT 2 Page 2 of 7 Requirements, the Authority may (i) withhold an installment disbursement that has not yet been disbursed, (ii) order a return to the Authority of any portion or all Authority Financial Support Funds that were not used in compliance with this Memorandum or any other Compliance Requirements, and/or (iii) seek any other rights or remedies available at law or in equity. 20 Page 3 of 7 6.0 HOMELESS OUTREACH. The Authority shall utilize utilize the MVK shelter and staff to provide emergency homeless services and prevention services to Coachella Valley individuals and families, and more specifically in the City of La Quinta, who are at risk of homelessness by providing face-to-face or telephone outreach, shelter (emergency and / or permanent), employment services, case management with referrals so as to help individuals stay in their current home or locate other permanent housing. MVK will also provide food distribution, public meals, referrals to onsite non-emergency medical and behavioral health counseling as well as education. MVK will address emergencies and engage individuals as well as families. MVK will work with City of La Quinta Law Enforcement & Code Enforcement as well as the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department to support and maximize the effectiveness of emergency services. MVK will accept drop-offs from these agencies provided that MVK approves drop-off in advance. The following personnel are authorized to provide approvals for client drop-offs: 1) Residential Floor 760-347-4741, Ext. 105 and 106 2) Rosa Torres, Senior Program Manager 760-347-4741, Ext. 109 3) Security 760-347-4741, Ext. 103 4) Linda Barrack, President & CEO 760-218-3200 Authority shall initiate contact first with the Rosa Torres and then if unable to contact her, contact other personnel in the order listed above. MVK will not accept any individual with criminal record of violence, sexual offense, or arson. Clients must be able to self-toilet and self-feed to receive services at the MVK shelter facility. 21 22 Page 5 of 7 23 Page 6 of 7 24 Page 7 of 7 25 26 Page 1 of 7 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY AND COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS This Memorandum of Understanding (the “Memorandum”) is made by and between the La Quinta Housing Authority, a public body, corporate and politic (“Authority”) and the COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (“CVAG”), as of April _____, 2019 with respect to the following: RECITALS WHEREAS, the Authority is interested in providing food and shelter to those in need and, in that regard would like to support the CV AG homeless prevention program in conjunction with Path of Life Ministries (“POLM”) and the Desert Healthcare District (“DHD”); WHEREAS, the CVAG agrees to use the Authority funding for homeless prevention measures in eastern Coachella Valley and more specifically in the City of La Quinta this fiscal year; NOW, THEREFORE, the Authority and CVAG agree to the following: 1.0 TERM OF MEMORANDUM. The term of this Memorandum shall expire on December 31, 2019. 2.0 OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES. 2.1 CVAG will work in connection with POLM to provide the services set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (“Scope of Services”). CVAG shall deliver to the Authority periodic reports and compliance metrics as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated by this reference (“Compliance Reports”). CVAG shall comply with any and all federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable to CVAG, the Scope of Services, and the use of the Authority Financial Support Funds (as defined in Section 2.2 below) and the use of any other public moneys (collectively, the “Compliance Requirements”). 2.2 The Authority will provide financial support of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) (“Authority Financial Support Funds”) to CVAG, to be used in eastern Coachella Valley and more specifically in the City of La Quinta. Additionally, CVAG has committed that the Authority Financial Support Funds will be matched in-kind by DHD which will be used in throughout the Coachella Valley. Provided CVAG complies with its obligations under this Memorandum, the Authority shall disburs e the Authority Financial Support Funds no later than 10 days after the execution of 27 ATTACHMENT 3 Page 2 of 7 this Memorandum. CVAG agrees to provide the Authority with two (2) financial quarter Compliance Reports with reporting periods as follows: May 1 - August 31, 2019, and September 1- December 31, 2019. All Authority Financial Support Funds shall be used by CVAG for the Scope of Services and for no other purpose. If CVAG fails to timely deliver a Compliance Report, the Authority may withhold an installment disbursement of the Authority Financial Support Funds that has not yet been disbursed. If CVAG fails to comply with any Compliance Requirements, the Authority may (i) withhold an installment disbursement that has not yet been disbursed, (ii) order a return to the Authority of any portion or all Authority Financial Support Funds that were not used in compliance with this Memorandum or any other Compliance Requirements, and/or (iii) seek any other rights or remedies available at law or in equity. 3.0 INDEMNITY AND RELEASE. CVAG hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Authority and its officers, employees, agents and independent contractors (collectively, “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all of claims, causes of action, obligations, losses, liabilities, judgments, or damages, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of litigation (collectively “Claims”) arising out of and/or in any way relating to CVAG’s activities in the performance of this Memorandum, or to CVAG’s acts and/or omissions in providing or administering the same, excepting only those claims, actions, obligations, losses, liabilities, judgments, or damages arising out of the sole negligence, active negligence or willful misconduct of the Authority. 4.0 CVAG INSURANCE OBLIGATION. Without limiting the indemnification provisions provided herein, CVAG, at its sole expense, shall obtain and keep in force during the term of this Memorandum and any extensions thereof, a policy or policies of general liability insurance covering all injuries to persons and damage to property occurring in, upon or about the CVAG facility(ies) resulting from any actions or omissions of CVAG or any use of the CVAG facility(ies), or the CVAG’s invitees in accordance with the terms of this Memorandum. The policy or policies evidencing such insurance shall name the Authority and its officials, officers, employees, and agents, as additional insureds, shall provide that same may not be cancelled or amended without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Authorit y, and shall provide for a combined single limit coverage of bodily injury and property damage in the amount of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000). Such policy or policies shall be issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of California and be rated A-/VIII or better by ambest.com. Prior to the date of this Memorandum, and upon renewal of such policies, CVAG shall submit to the Authority certificates of insurance and any applicable endorsements evidencing that the foregoing policy or policies are in effect. The coverage contemplated in this paragraph will be primary and the Authority’s coverage will not contribute. CVAG shall provide workers’ compensation insurance in accordance with California law. 28 Page 3 of 7 CVAG shall require that, for any recipient of any or all of the Authority Financial Support Funds from CVAG under this MOU, that recipient shall have the obligation provide and meet the same insurance requirements as CVAG set forth in this paragraph, including but not limited to naming the Authority and its officials, officers, employees and agents as additional insureds. 5.0 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS. 5.1 In all cases, the language in all parts of this Memorandum shall be construed according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against either party, if being agreed that the parties or their agents have all participated in the preparation of this Memorandum. 5.2 This Memorandum contains the entire agreement of the Parties and supersedes any prior oral or written statements or agreements between the Parties regarding the operation of the CVAG. 5.3 No termination of this Memorandum shall release either party from any liability or obligation hereunder resulting from any acts, omissions or events happening prior to the termination of this Memorandum. 5.4 In the event either party brings any suit or other proceeding with respect to the subject matter or enforcement of this Memorandum, the prevailing party (as determined by California law) shall, in addition to such other relief as may be awarded, be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses and costs of suit or investigation as actually incurred (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, expenses, and costs incurred in establishing the right to indemnification). [signatures on next page] 29 Page 4 of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Coachella Valley Association of Governments and La Quinta Housing Authority have executed this Memorandum as evidenced by the signatures contained below: LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCATION OF GOVERNMENTS By: By: FRANK J. SPEVACEK, Executive Director Dated: Name: Title: ATTEST: Address: By: City, State, Zip: MONIKA RADEVA, Authority Secretary Email: Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: By: WILLIAM H. IHRKE, Authority Counsel 30 Page 5 of 7 EXHIBIT A Scope of Services Provide homeless prevention assistance to those on the east side of the Coachella Valley, and more specifically in the City of La Quinta, who are at risk of homelessness by providing face-to-face or telephone outreach, shelter (emergency and/or permanent), employment services, emergency rental and utility service assistance*, or other supportive services and resources to help individuals stay in their current home such as food distribution, free child care, health clinics, and education. * Emergency rental assistance is to be issued for no more than one month’s actual rent in the rears, which cannot be above the fair market rate for the occupied unit. To be eligible for rental assistance the household must have a verifiable three day pay or quit notice and landlords must be contacted to insure that they will accept payment to bring the household to a state of good standing. To receive utility assistance households must have a verifiable shutoff notice for cost for, electric, gas, and/or water. These funds cannot be used for reconnection. Both rental and utility assistance can only be received once per MOU term, per household. Recipients of emergency aid must demonstrate financial ability to sustain household finances after aid has been received by presenting pay stubs, bank records or other supporting documents. All assistance payments are to be made out to verified landlords and utility companies only. **Please note priority is to be given to verified La Quinta residents for both types of emergency services. 31 Page 6 of 7 EXHIBIT B City of La Quinta Reporting Metrics Eastern Valley Services Only (East of Cook Street) Provide homeless outreach via face to face and/or phone: Number of completed interactions Number of Referrals/Resources provided (Provide narrative of what type of Resources used ) Provide homeless prevention assistance to those who are at risk of homelessness through, emergency rental and utility assistance, or other directly provided resources to stay in current home such as Food Distribution, Free Child Care, Health Clinic, Education, etc. resulting in successful diversion. Provide type of Resources used Emergency rental and utility assistance: Rental – Households served Expenditures Rental – La Quinta Households Expenditures Utility – Households served Expenditure Utility – La Quinta Households served Expenditures Sheltering: How many Individuals who were safely sheltered Units of face to face case management Number of clients assessed by case manager 32 Page 7 of 7 Number of individuals placed into housing Provide Rapid Rehousing or similar type placement Number placed Housing Stability/ Three month follow up after financial support ends Provide Employment Services: Description of direct Employment Services offered (Submit narrative of what direct services are provided) Number of Individuals served Units of Service Eligible reportable items with supporting documentation to be kept on file by service provider: Shelter -Direct Client Services with full benefits and Workman Comp costs: Staff -Outreach, Case Management, Employment Services, Emergency Assistance, Housing Placement, Kitchen, Maintenance and Security. Direct Shelter Costs: Rent Payment Utility Costs Cleaning Supplies Food for Prepared Meals Emergency Assistance: Rental payments Utility payments Rapid Rehousing or Similar Housing Placement Costs: Navigators and Case Managers with full benefits and Workman Comp costs Costs associated with placement – rent, deposits, and utilities 33 34 City of La Quinta HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING: April 16, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/18 PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34328 RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the Fiscal Year 2017/18 La Quinta Housing Authority Annual Report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY •California Health and Safety Code Section 34328 requires the Housing Authority (Authority) prepare and file an Annual Report (Report). •The Report (Attachment 1) presents all Authority activities for 2017/18. •The Report will be posted on the City’s website and filed with the City Clerk. FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Report reviews the Authority’s assets, budget, housing unit compliance, and affordable housing activities during 2017/18, and includes the following findings: •No bonds were issued nor were any affordable housing commitments made. •The Authority transferred Washington Street Apartments to an affordable housing developer for the rehabilitation of 72 units and the creation of an additional 68 units available for seniors and disabled adults. •The Authority remains in compliance with the Housing Affordability requirement wherein 50 percent of 1,285 total Authority assisted rental units are available to persons of very-low income. •The Authority has 386 silent second trust deed loans, and 1 residential rehabilitation loan, all of which provide affordability covenants and are monitored for compliance. •The Authority did not issue any domestic violence related termination notices. ALTERNATIVES No alternatives are recommended. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 45 Prepared by: Angela Ferreira, Management Specialist Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, Executive Director Attachment: 1. La Quinta Housing Authority Annual Report 46 ATTACHMENT 1 47 INTRODUCTION About This Annual Report SUMMARY California Health and Safety Code (“HSC”) Section 34328 states that “at least once a year, an authority shall file with the clerk of the respective city or county and with the Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) a report of its activities for the preceding year“(“Annual Report”). This Annual Report for the La Quinta Housing Authority (“Authority”) covers all the activities that have occurred during the 2017-18 Fiscal Year (“FY”), including housing unit compliance with affordability requirements, activities concerning existing debt obligations, as well as land transactions and development. LEGAL AUTHORITY It is the intent of the State legislature that housing authorities function as local entities with the primary responsibility of providing housing for very low and low income households. As such, housing authorities are distinct, autonomous, legal entities that derive their powers from State statute. The HSC, beginning with Section 34200, provides for the functioning of a local housing authority through a resolution of the local governing body. In the case of the City of La Quinta (“City”), the City Council of the City of La Quinta (“City Council”) resolved that the Authority could exercise its powers. The resolution adopted by the City Council must be accompanied by a finding that either of the following is true: (1) unsanitary or unsafe housing exists in the city or (2) there is a shortage of safe or sanitary housing available to persons of low income. On September 15, 2009, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2009-005, confirming that both aforementioned findings have been met to establish a housing authority in accordance with the California Housing Authorities Law (Health and Safety Code Section 34200, et. seq.). The Authority adopted Bylaws and Rules of Procedure on October 6, 2009 by Resolution HA 2009-001, which was amended by the Authority on April 15, 2014. ABx1 26 dissolved redevelopment agencies in California effective February 1, 2012. Health and Safety Code Section 34176(b)(2) allows the local housing authority to assume all rights, powers, assets, liabilities, duties, and obligations associated with the housing activities of a dissolved redevelopment agency. On January 17, 2012, the La Quinta Housing Authority adopted resolution HA 2012-002, electing to be the “housing successor” to the dissolved La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. Health and Safety Code Section 34179 requires the formation of oversight boards to approve transactions related to former redevelopment agencies. The Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was established on March 7, 2012. The Oversight Board subsequently approved the transfer of affordable housing properties to the La Quinta Housing Authority on April 18, 2012 via resolutions OB 2012- 008 and OB 2012-009. OBJECTIVES OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY The Authority was established to own rental properties in the City of La Quinta that were scheduled for substantial rehabilitation, and to hold title to vacant properties that will be developed with single and multi-family housing. A detailed inventory of Authority properties is presented in Tables 1a, 1b, and 1c. The Authority contracts with private entities to manage the occupied properties. The Authority’s objectives are: • Provide safe and sanitary housing opportunities for La Quinta residents; 48 • Rehabilitate properties that exhibit unsafe or unhealthy characteristics; and • Increase, improve, and preserve the community’s affordable housing stock. CONTENTS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY’S ANNUAL REPORT This Annual Report has been developed to: • Summarize the Authority’s activities during FY 2017-18, including any bond issuances, and loan or finance agreements that the Authority has entered into; • Show compliance with requirements of HSC Section 34312.3 such as the minimum amount of housing units affordable to lower income in projects assisted by the Authority, and document established base rents and/or maximum rental payments for lower income households; and • Document any domestic violence tenancy or Section 8 voucher termination as required by HSC Section 34328.1. HOUSING AUTHORITY DEBT OBLIGATIONS Pursuant to HSC Section 34328.1, the Authority must provide a complete report of all bond, loan and financing agreement transactions during the prior fiscal year. Authority activities permitted by HSC Section 34312.3 include issuing bonds, loans and financing agreements for multi-family rental housing projects. The Authority issued loans in the amount of $17,425,010 to Coachella Valley Housing Coalition in connection with the disposition, rehabilitation, and new construction of the Washington Street Apartments. LAND TRANSACTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT HSC Section 34312.3 permits housing authorities to undertake activities related to: • The development, rehabilitation, or financing of housing projects; • The purchase, sale, lease, ownership, operation, or management of housing projects assisted by the Authority; conveyance of surplus lands to a developer for permitted purposes; and • Establish a special trust fund or account funded with bond proceeds or developer funds. Washington Street Apartments ownership was transferred to the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition (CVHC) on March 15, 2018. The work to be completed as part of the affordable housing project includes, demolition, utility infrastructure upgrades, and rehabilitation of existing units, and the construction of 68 new units and associated community center. A combination of housing funds, bond proceeds, and tax credit financing is being used to pay for the design, architectural, engineering, and project management services in addition to vertical construction and rehabilitation. Presently the project is slated for completion in the fall of 2019. 49 HOUSING AUTHORITY ASSETS Housing Authority assets include real property assets owned or managed by the Authority, and include a breakdown of the current and anticipated income levels at each property where applicable. All Real Property Assets are shown on Table 1a and 1b. A summary of the seven (7) long-term loans made by the former La Quinta Redevelopment Agency to affordable housing developers is provided in Table 1c. These loans have been assumed by the Authority due to redevelopment dissolution. Real Property Inventory Table 1a Table 1a Project Name Parcel Nos.Description Very Low Low Moderate Above Mod.Total (≤ 50% AMI)(≤ 80% AMI)(≤ 120% AMI)(>120% AMI) 1 Coral Mountain Apartments 600-020-055 Ground Lease 36 138 2 176 2 Dune Palms at Westward Ho Apartments (future project) 600-030-004, 020, 021 Land holding TBD 3 Vacant Land - Calle Tamazula 770-174-002 Land holding TBD 4 Vacant Land - NWC Avenida Herrera/Calle Sonora 773-223-022 Land holding TBD 5 Vacant Land - Avenida Villa 773-233-019 Land holding TBD 6 Vacant Land - Avenida Navarro 773-234-015 Land holding TBD 7 Vacant Land - NWC Avenida Navarro/Calle Sinaloa 773-144-025 Land holding TBD 8 Vacant Land - Avenida Navarro 773-145-010 Land holding TBD 9 Vacant Land - NEC Avenida Navarro/Calle Sinaloa 773-145-011 Land holding TBD 10 Vacant Land - Avenida Bermudas 773-145-022 Land holding TBD 11 Vacant Land - NWC Avenida Bermudas/Calle Sinaloa 773-145-023 Land holding TBD TOTAL 36 138 2 0 176 Real Property Inventory La Quinta Housing Authority Unit Breakdown 50 Table 1b Project Name Parcel Nos.Description Very Low Low Moderate Above Mod.Total (≤ 50% AMI)(≤ 80% AMI)(≤ 120% AMI)(>120% AMI) Cove Rental Homes Listed Below Single-family rental units 28 28 1 51-395 Calle Kalima 770-166-019 2 51-395 Avenida Vallejo 773-083-021 3 51-805 Avenida Cortez 773-152-015 4 52-225 Avenida Vallejo 773-222-022 5 52-425 Eisenhower Drive 773-265-020 6 52-635 Avenida Diaz 773-281-020 7 52-565 Eisenhower Drive 773-295-017 8 52-985 Avenida Carranza 773-321-013 9 52-855 Avenida Ramirez 773-322-025 10 52-985 Eisenhower Drive 773-326-024 11 52-835 Avenida Villa 773-333-018 12 52-845 Avenida Villa 773-333-019 13 53-105 Avenida Obregon 774-044-017 14 53-155 Avenida Obregon 774-044-020 15 53-175 Avenida Obregon 774-044-021 16 53-105 Avenida Herrera 774-053-017 17 53-275 Avenida Navarro 774-094-014 18 53-565 Avenida Vallejo 774-122-016 19 53-523 Avenida Martinez 774-131-013 20 53-541 Avenida Martinez 774-131-014 21 53-825 Avenida Juarez 774-143-017 22 53-965 Avenida Diaz 774-151-023 23 53-775 Avenida Alvarado 774-153-014 24 53-795 Avenida Herrera 774-163-015 25 53-880 Avenida Navarro 774-175-007 26 53-940 Eisenhower Drive 774-171-010 27 54-245 Avenida Herrera 774-213-023 28 54-280 Avenida Madero 774-232-032 TOTAL 28 0 0 0 28 Unit Breakdown Real Property Inventory La Quinta Housing Authority Table 1c Project Name Description Developer Loan Amount 1 Mountain View Apartments Multi-Family Rental Pat & Lora Dean Dolce $350,000 2 Aventine Apartments Multi-Family Rental Spanos Corporation $217,723 3 Wolff Waters Place Multi-Family Rental Coachella Valley Housing Coalition $30,147,938 4 Coral Mountain Apartments Multi-Family Rental Coral Mountain Partners, LLC $29,000,000 5 Seasons Senior Apartments Senior Rental Linc Housing $2,112,847 6 Hadley Villas Senior Rental Senior Affordable Housing Corp. No. 3 $887,000 7 Washington Street Apartments Senior Rental Coachella Valley Housing Coalition $17,452,010 Long Term Loans La Quinta Housing Authority HOUSING UNIT COMPLIANCE As set forth by HSC Sections 34328 and 34328.1, housing authorities are required to: • Show compliance with requirements of HSC Section 34312.3 such as the minimum amount of housing units affordable to lower income households in projects assisted by the Authority, and document established base rents and/or maximum rental payments for these households; and • Document any domestic violence tenancy or Section 8 voucher termination as required by HSC Section 34328.1. 51 The following subsections provide a summary of the Authority’s progress toward the requirements listed above. Housing Affordability Requirement The authority shall require the owners of housing projects assisted pursuant to this section to accept as tenants, on the same basis as all other prospective tenants, in the units reserved for very low income households, any very low income households who are recipients of federal certificates for rent subsidies pursuant to the existing program under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1437f), or its successor. The authority shall not permit a selection criteria to be applied to Section 8 certificate holders that is any more burdensome than the criteria applied to all other prospective tenants. No resident in housing units assisted pursuant to this section shall be denied continued occupancy or ownership because, after admission, the resident's family income increases to exceed the eligibility level. However, the authority shall ensure that percentage requirements of this section shall continue to be met by providing the next available unit or units to persons of low income or by taking other actions to satisfy the percentage requirements of this section. Table 2 provides a summary of the Authority assumed enforcement responsibility for affordability covenants within privately-owned, former redevelopment-agency properties and shows how the current affordability mix of the Authority’s assisted projects meet established requirements within HSC Section 34312.3. The Authority has 386 silent second trust deed loans, and 1 residential rehabilitation loan, all of which provide affordability covenants on these properties. Silent second trust deed loans are not repaid unless there is a default on affordability covenants. Interest assessed only if there is a default on affordability covenants. (Due to the length of this list, it is attached as an appendix to this report.) Table 2 Project Name Description Address Very Low Low Moderate Above Mod.Total (≤ 50% AMI)(≤ 80% AMI)(≤ 120% AMI)(>120% AMI) 1 Aventine Apartments Multi-Family Rental 47-750 Adams 10 10 20 2 Hadley Villas Senior Rental 78-875 Avenue 47 79 79 3 Seasons Senior Apartments Senior Rental 50-915 Rainbow Court 54 38 92 4 Miraflores Senior Apartments Senior Rental 47-747 Gertrude Way 70 48 118 5 Mountain View Apartments Multi-Family Rental 51-020 Eisenhower 14 14 6 Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes Multi-Family Rental 44-950 Vista Dunes Lane 79 1 80 7 Wolff Waters Place Multi-Family Rental 47-795 Dune Palms Road 216 2 218 8 Coral Mountain Apartments Multi-Family Rental 79-625 Vista Coralina Lane 36 138 2 176 9 Habitat for Humanity Home/Ownership Single Family 53220 Avenida Alvarado 1 1 10 Habitat for Humanity Home/Ownership Single Family 53240 Avenida Alvarado 1 1 11 Cove Rental Homes Single Family See Table 1b 28 28 12 Silent Second Trust Deed Loans Single Family See Table 5 79 189 118 386 13 Washington Street Apartments*Senior Rental 42-800 Washington Street 72*72 TOTAL 643 423 147 0 1285 La Quinta Housing Authority Unit Breakdown Affordable Housing Covenants * Rental assistance for anyone at ≤ 50% AMI or lower 52 Base & Maximum Rents The Housing Authority monitors to ensure compliance of rental payments charged for its housing units and will make necessary adjustments to bring any rental payments that exceed the listed amounts in Table 3 into compliance. Table 3 Domestic Violence State law requires that a housing authority annually disclose data related to domestic violence incidents in units owned or operated by the housing authority. Specifically, the data must include: • Data on termination of tenancies and/or Section 8 vouchers of victims of domestic violence in housing authority units. • Summary of steps taken by the housing authority to address any termination of tenancies and/or Section 8 vouchers of victims of domestic violence. In Fiscal Year 2017-18, there were no terminations of tenancies or Section 8 vouchers of victims of domestic violence in units owned or operated by the Authority. In the future, information on any terminations of victims of domestic violence will be presented under separate cover to protect the privacy of the parties involved. 53 AUTHORITY BUDGET Table 4 presents the Authority’s actual expenditures for FY 2017- 18 as well as the estimated budget for FY 2018-19. Estimated Budget Table 4 La Quinta Housing Authority FY 17/18 FY 18/19 Requested Actual Budget PERSONNEL $31,845 $195,400 Salaries-Permanent Full Time $18,755 $142,600 Commissions and Boards $1,550 $3,000 Benefits $11,540 $52,500 SUPPLIES & SERVICES $141,238 $152,100 Contract Services $109,603 $100,000 Printing $0 $0 Training $1,018 $2,000 Legal advertising for Housing Commission $0 $0 Membership Dues $0 $0 Office Supplies $2,217 $2,000 Other - Insurance $28,400 $48,100 DEBT SERVICE $141,436 $0 Interest Expense - Provident $79,256 $0 Interest Expense - USDA/WSA $10,192 $0 Principal Payment - Provident $36,600 $0 Principal Payment - USDA $15,388 $0 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM $1,553,565 $255,000 La Quinta Rental Program $1,553,565 $255,000 HOMELESSNESS $259,000 $250,000 TOTAL $2,127,084 $852,500 54 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) 51-810 Ave. Alvarado 773 163 003 3 4-Feb-2003 6-Mar-2003 2003-16114 6-Mar-2048 NA 51-815 Ave. Alvarado 773 162 015 4 10-Mar-1988 30-Sep-1998 421168 [1998]30-Sep-2028 10/5/2004 52-085 Ave. Alvarado 773 213 015 3 20-Jun-1988 20-Aug-1999 1999-376465 20-Aug-2029 NA 52-845 Ave. Alvarado 773 313 018 3 18-Apr-2002 10-Jun-2002 2002-314061 10-Jun-2047 4/29/2005 53-195 Ave. Alvarado 774 043 022 3 19-Feb-1988 19-Oct-2004 2004-0875799 19-Oct-2049 NA 53-220 Ave. Alvarado 774-044-011 3 2011 2-Feb-2018 8-Feb-2063 NA 53-240 Ave. Alvarado 774-044-12 4 2011 8-Sep-2017 8-Sep-2062 NA 53-620 Ave. Alvarado 774 114 004 4 4-Jun-2003 9-Jul-2003 2003-509669 9-Jul-2048 NA 53-760 Ave. Alvarado 774 154 002 3 1999 5-Jan-2000 2000-003383 5-Jan-2030 NA 53-785 Ave. Alvarado 774 153 015 3 9-Aug-2002 21-Aug-2002 2002-464180 21-Aug-2047 NA 54-840 Ave. Alvarado 774 293 005 3 19-Sep-2001 5-Dec-2001 2001-600547 5-Dec-2031 11/1/2017 51-535 Ave. Bermudas 773 145 015 4 16-Jan-2002 8-Feb-2002 2002-073249 8-Feb-2032 NA 51-705 Ave. Bermudas 773 145 019 3 28-Nov-2000 22-Dec-2000 2000-510918 22-Dec-2030 NA 51-945 Ave. Bermudas 773 184 022 3 1-Dec-1992 29-Dec-1998 563328 [1998]29-Dec-2028 NA 51-985 Ave. Bermudas 773 184 024 3 12-Jan-2001 30-Jan-2001 2001-039597 30-Jan-2031 NA 52-165 Ave. Bermudas 773 235 019 3 21-Feb-2002 20-Mar-2002 2002-141561 20-Mar-2047 7/29/2005 52-205 Ave. Bermudas 773 235 021 3 17-Jan-2003 31-Jan-2003 2003-076561 31-Jan-2048 NA 52-445 Ave. Bermudas 773 275 020 3 16-Sep-1993 1-Oct-1993 387089 1993]1-Oct-2033 3/28/2003 52-050 Ave. Carranza 773-221-001 3 7-Jun-2011 19-Jul-2012 2012-0338014 19-Jul-2057 NA 52-380 Ave. Carranza 773 261 008 4 1979 15-Apr-1997 127934 [1997]15-Apr-2027 NA 52-475 Ave. Carranza 773 285 013 3 1979 12-Dec-2011 2011-0547500 12-Dec-2056 NA 52-800 Ave. Carranza 773 322 003 3 15-Jun-1999 10-Sep-1999 1999-08449 10-Sep-2029 NA 52-965 Ave. Carranza 773 321 011 3 1988 29-Dec-2004 2004-1028966 10-Dec-2049 NA 53-195 Ave. Carranza 774 045 021 3 1989 30-Jun-2006 2006-0476282 30-Jun-2051 NA 54-120 Ave. Carranza 774 211 006 3 11-Jul-2011 31-May-2012 2012-0252283 31-May-2057 NA 54-845 Ave. Carranza 774 294 017 3 26-Jan-2003 11-Jul-2003 2003-518291 11-Jul-2048 NA 51-590 Ave. Diaz 773 121 002 3 19-Mar-2003 3-Apr-2003 2003-236346 3-Apr-2048 12/13/2007 51-610 Ave. Diaz 773 121 003 3 15-Jul-2003 31-Jul-2003 2003-578621 31-Jul-2048 NA 52-250 Ave. Diaz 773 252 002 3 15-Feb-2002 21-Mar-2002 2002-145090 21-Mar-2047 NA 52-575 Ave. Diaz 773 281 016 3 15-Feb-1978 11-Sep-1998 387949 [1998]11-Sep-2028 NA 52-608 Ave. Diaz 773 282 005 3 1979 8-Apr-2011 2011-0157264 8-Apr-2056 2/22/2017 52-625 Ave. Diaz 773 281 019 3 30-Sep-1999 29-Oct-1999 1999-478426 29-Oct-2029 NA 52-645 Ave. Diaz 773 281 021 3 13-Jun-1988 18-Jun-2002 2002-332780 18-Jun-2047 NA 54-175 Ave. Diaz 774 194 021 3 29-Feb-1980 15-Oct-1998 44607 [1998]15-Oct-2028 NA 51-530 Ave. Herrera 773 133 002 3 29-Mar-2002 8-May-2002 2002-241302 8-May-2047 NA 51-614 Ave. Herrera 773 133 005 3 1978 15-Jul-1997 249008 [1997]15-Jul-2027 NA 51-785 Ave. Herrera 773 172 014 3 28-Aug-2001 17-Sep-2001 2001-449104 17-Sep-2031 1/18/2006 Property Address 55 HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 51-805 Ave. Herrera 773 172 015 3 21-Aug-1998 2-Dec-1998 523128 [1998]2-Dec-2028 NA 51-965 Ave. Herrera 773 172 023 3 1996 24-Jul-1997 261872[1997]24-Jul-2027 8/16/2004 51-975 Ave. Herrera 773 172 024 3 20-Jun-1997 23-Jul-1997 259290 [1997]23-Jul-2027 NA 52-690 Ave. Herrera 773 294 010 3 23-Oct-1989 2-May-2000 2000-163729 2-May-2030 NA 52-930 Ave. Herrera 773 325 010 3 18-Jul-2001 2-Aug-2001 2001-363999 2-Aug-2031 NA 52-940 Ave. Herrera 773 325 011 3 18-Jul-2001 6-Aug-2001 2001-369330 6-Aug-2031 NA 53-035 Ave. Herrera 774 053 013 3 6-Jun-2003 27-Jun-2003 2003-478706 27-Jun-2048 10/24/2007 53-055 Ave. Herrera 774 053 014 4 6-Jun-2003 27-Jun-2003 2003-478701 27-Jun-2048 NA 53-385 Ave. Herrera 774 083 018 3 14-Mar-2002 5-Apr-2002 2002-176110 5-Apr-2047 6/15/2015 53-495 Ave. Herrera 774 083 022 4 6-Nov-1987 21-Mar-2000 2000-101840 21-Mar-2030 N/A 53-555 Ave. Herrera 774 123 015 3 18-Jul-2003 1-Aug-2003 2003-586642 1-Aug-2048 NA 53-640 Ave. Herrera 774 124 008 3 29-Jul-2003 26-Nov-2003 2003-932184 26-Nov-2048 NA 53-880 Ave. Herrera 774 164 009 4 30-Dec-1977 30-Jun-1997 229976 [1997]30-Jun-2027 NA 51-905 Ave. Juarez 773 154 020 3 22-Nov-2000 6-Dec-2000 2000-484537 6-Dec-2030 NA 51-930 Ave. Juarez 773-155-009-7 3 2000 30-Oct-2001 2001-533511 30-Oct-2031 NA 52-300 Ave. Juarez 773 251 002 3 13-Jan-2000 15-Feb-2000 2000-055208 15-Feb-2030 NA 53-385 Ave. Juarez 774 034 019 3 15-Dec-2000 22-Dec-2000 2000-509883 22-Dec-2030 NA 54-495 Ave. Juarez 774 232 031 3 16-Nov-1977 9-Jun-1997 202152 [1997]9-Jun-2027 NA 79-435 Ave. Las Palmas 604-460-001 3 25-Jul-2001 20-Mar-2002 2002-141339 20-Mar-2047 11/15/2013 51-920 Ave. Madero 773 154 009 3 12-Oct-2001 26-Oct-2001 2001-526313 26-Oct-2031 6/4/2004 53-380 Ave. Madero 774 034 007 3 10-Sep-1998 30-Mar-2005 2005-0249333 15-Mar-2050 3/24/2005 53-790 Ave. Madero 774 143 002 3 30-Mar-1993 31-Jan-2002 2002-059809 31-Jan-2032 NA 51-552 Ave. Martinez 773 142 004 3 31-May-2002 27-Jun-2002 2002-354182 27-Jun-2032 NA 52-365 Ave. Martinez 773 271 016 3 23-Oct-1989 30-May-2001 2001-239124 30-May-2031 NA 52-600 Ave. Martinez 773 302 004 3 6-Dec-1993 29-Dec-1993 52660 [1993]29-Dec-2033 NA 53-045 Ave. Martinez 774 061 014 4 14-Aug-2002 10-Sep-2002 2002-502324 10-Sep-2047 NA 53-300 Ave. Martinez 774 092 003 4 7-May-2003 15-Aug-2003 2003-629492 5-Aug-2048 NA 53-340 Ave. Martinez 774 092 005 3 25-Jul-2003 11-Aug-2003 2003-610114 11-Aug-2048 NA 53-380 Ave. Martinez 774 092 007 3 30-May-2003 3-Jul-2003 2003-497914 3-Jul-2048 NA 53-425 Ave. Martinez 774 091 021 3 3-Oct-2001 5-Nov-2001 2001-546740 5-Nov-2031 NA 53-436 Ave. Martinez 774 092 011 3 25-Jul-2003 13-Aug-2003 2003-619149 13-Aug-2048 NA 53-445 Ave. Martinez 774 091 022 3 21-Sep-2001 20-Dec-2001 2001-633973 20-Dec-2031 NA 53-925 Ave. Martinez 774 171 021 3 12-Dec-1988 29-Sep-2006 2006-0722968 29-Sep-2051 NA 54-015 Ave. Martinez 774 221 014 3 4-Dec-2001 24-Dec-2001 2001-640233 24-Dec-2031 NA 51-720 Ave. Mendoza 773 143 011 3 20-Dec-2001 31-Jan-2002 2002-058389 31-Jan-2032 NA 51-780 Ave. Mendoza 773 182 002 3 18-Aug-1999 31-Aug-1999 1999-393219 31-Aug-2029 NA 52-195 Ave. Mendoza 773 232 021 4 1988 8-Dec-2004 2004-0974016 8-Dec-2049 NA 52-445 Ave. Mendoza 773 272 021 3 19-Dec-1994 11-Feb-1998 50109 [1998]11-Feb-2028 11/29/2017 52-681 Ave. Mendoza 773-302-020 3 7-Jun-2011 25-Jun-2012 2012-0291690 25-Jun-2057 NA 52-900 Ave. Mendoza 773 333 009 4 21-May-2003 6-Jun-2003 2003-413385 6-Jun-2048 NA 56 HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 52-935 Ave. Mendoza 773 332 023 3 6-Mar-2002 24-Apr-2002 2002-213080 24-Apr-2047 NA 52-970 Ave. Mendoza 773 333 012 3 10-Oct-2001 26-Oct-2001 2001-526877 26-Oct-2031 10/31/2003 53-060 Ave. Mendoza 774 063 003 3 6-Nov-2003 10-Dec-2003 2003-966850 10-Dec-2048 6/16/2006 53-080 Ave. Mendoza 774 063 004 3 24-Nov-2003 23-Dec-2003 2003-999396 23-Dec-2048 NA 53-175 Ave. Mendoza 774 062 021 4 19-Sep-2001 17-Oct-2001 2001-503965 17-Oct-2031 NA 54-040 Ave. Mendoza 774 223 003 3 14-Sep-2001 28-Sep-2001 2001-471684 28-Sep-2031 7/15/2004 51-780 Ave. Morales 773 152 002 3 12-Jul-1996 6-May-1997 155371 [1997]6-May-2027 NA 51-400 Ave. Navarro 773 104 009 3 22-Oct-2002 30-Oct-2002 2002-618003 30-Oct-2047 NA 51-510 Ave. Navarro 773 145 001 3 11-Jan-2002 8-Feb-2002 2002-072232 8-Feb-2032 NA 51-870 Ave. Navarro 773 184 006 3 8-Jan-2002 22-Jan-2002 2002-035156 22-Jan-2032 NA 51-930 Ave. Navarro 773 184 009 3 12-Dec-2001 28-Dec-2001 2001-648898 28-Dec-2031 NA 52-155 Ave. Navarro 773 234 019 3 6-Dec-1993 22-Dec-1993 521256 [1993]22-Dec-2033 NA 52-355 Ave. Navarro 773 274 016 3 6-Dec-1993 22-Dec-1993 524997 [1993]22-Dec-2033 NA 52-385 Ave. Navarro 773 274 018 3 1-Mar-1993 30-Apr-1993 162018 [1993]30-Apr-2033 NA 53-185 Ave. Navarro 774 064 021 3 1988 28-May-2003 2003-380632 28-May-2058 NA 53-205 Ave. Navarro 774 064 022 3 14-Mar-1989 14-Jun-2006 2006-0428536 14-Jun-2051 NA 53-645 Ave. Navarro 774-134-017 3 29-Aug-2012 25-Oct-2012 2012-0513298 25-Feb-2057 NA 53-655 Ave. Navarro 774 134 018 3 13-Feb-2001 21-Mar-2001 2001-114889 21-Mar-2031 12/15/2004 53-800 Ave. Navarro 774 175 003 3 7-Aug-2001 28-Sep-2001 2001-474645 28-Sep-2031 10/20/2009 53-835 Ave. Navarro 774 174 017 4 29-Jul-2002 4-Sep-2002 2002-491362 4-Sep-2047 NA 51-785 Ave. Obregon 773 163 014 3 27-Oct-2000 15-Nov-2000 2000-456029 15-Nov-2030 NA 51-925 Ave. Obregon 773 163 020 3 8-May-2003 30-May-2003 2003-391677 30-May-2048 NA 52-010 Ave. Obregon 773 215 001 3 9-Sep-1996 24-Sep-1996 367376 1996]24-Sep-2026 NA 52-030 Ave. Obregon 773 215 002 3 9-Sep-1996 22-Oct-1996 404700 [1996]22-Oct-2026 NA 52-355 Ave. Obregon 773 254 016 3 20-Feb-2002 15-Mar-2002 2002-133703 15-Mar-2047 NA 52-440 Ave. Obregon 773 255 009 4 31-Mar-1993 30-Apr-1993 162025 [1993]30-Apr-2033 NA 52-450 Ave. Obregon 773 255 011 3 2-Feb-2001 23-Feb-2001 2001-073983 23-Feb-2031 5/5/2010 52-585 Ave. Obregon 773 284 017 3 25-Jun-2003 22-Jul-2003 2003-545819 22-Jul-2048 NA 52-880 Ave. Obregon 773 315 007 3 13-Feb-2003 3-Mar-2003 2003-148491 3-Mar-2048 NA 53-230 Ave. Obregon 774 045 011 3 1-Jun-2001 22-Jun-2001 2001-286692 22-Jun-2031 N/A 54-845 Ave. Obregon 774 293 017 4 25-Jul-1988 3-Jul-1997 236840 [1997]3-Jul-2027 NA 52-120 Ave. Ramirez 773 222 006 3 17-Jan-2001 26-Jan-2001 2001-036310 26-Jan-2031 NA 52-585 Ave. Ramirez 773-291-016 3 10-Apr-03 5-May-03 2003-319084 5-May-2048 NA 52-665 Ave. Ramirez 773 291 020 3 1988 26-Aug-2003 2003-658021 26-Aug-2048 NA 52-720 Ave. Ramirez 773 292 010 3 13-Jan-2004 3-Feb-2004 2004-0077754 3-Feb-2049 N/A 52-900 Ave. Ramirez 773-323-008 4 1988 14-Dec-2011 2011-pending 14-Dec-2056 NA 53-785 Ave. Ramirez 774 161 016 4 15-Mar-1990 6-Jul-2007 2007-0442342 6-Jul-2052 NA 54-445 Ave. Ramirez 774 243 022 3 27-Oct-1999 15-Nov-1999 1999-202128 15-Nov-2029 NA 51-800 Ave. Rubio 773 162 003 3 12-Jun-1998 11-Sep-1998 388025 [1998]11-Sep-2028 12/13/2002 51-840 Ave. Rubio 773 162 005 3 10-Mar-1998 28-Sep-1998 414304 [1998]28-Sep-2028 NA 57 HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 52-105 Ave. Rubio 773 212 015 4 1991 30-Oct-1997 394888 [1997]30-Oct-2027 NA 52-160 Ave. Rubio 773 213 008 3 4-Mar-1991 25-Aug-1997 306657 [1997]25-Aug-2027 NA 52-445 Ave. Rubio 773 252 020 4 6-Dec-1993 29-Dec-1993 521244 [1993]22-Dec-2023 3/17/2004 52-625 Ave. Rubio 773 282 019 3 1988 8-Dec-2005 2005-1014078 8-Dec-2050 NA 52-675 Ave. Rubio 773 282 021 4 15-Dec-1993 28-Aug-1998 366309 [1998]28-Aug-2028 3/24/2003 52-695 Ave. Rubio 773 282 022 3 6-Dec-1993 22-Dec-1993 521232 [1993]22-Dec-2033 NA 53-125 Ave. Rubio 774 042 018 3 21-Jan-1980 29-Sep-2000 2000-383798 29-Sep-2030 NA 53-260 Ave. Rubio 774 073 001 3 23-Jul-1990 2-Aug-1997 319288 [1997]2-Aug-2027 NA 53-465 Ave. Rubio 774 072 020 3 21-Oct-1999 29-Oct-1999 1999-478724 29-Oct-2029 NA 53-660 Ave. Rubio 774-113-007 3 27-Sep-1993 1-Oct-1993 1993-387077 1-Oct-2033 10/17/2003 53-710 Ave. Rubio 774 113 010 3 1979 23-Mar-2011 2011-0128558 23-Mar-2056 NA 51-460 Ave. Vallejo 773 084 011 3 2-Jul-2003 28-Jul-2003 2003-563863 28-Jul-2048 NA 51-620 Ave. Vallejo 773 132 005 3 7-Apr-1993 3-May-1993 1993-168669 30-Apr-2033 5/4/2001 51-645 Ave. Vallejo 773 131 018 3 7-Jul-2001 16-Nov-2001 2001-568481 16-Nov-2031 4/8/2005 52-020 Ave. Vallejo 773 223 001 3 26-Feb-2002 16-Apr-2002 2002-196523 16-Apr-2047 NA 52-350 Ave. Vallejo 773 263 005 3 28-Mar-2002 2-May-2002 2002-232129 2-May-2047 NA 52-435 Ave. Vallejo 773 262 020 4 14-Mar-2001 31-May-2001 2001-242207 30-May-2031 NA 52-455 Ave. Vallejo 773 262 021 3 23-May-2001 2-Jul-2001 2001-302922 2-Jul-2031 9/27/2007 52-660 Ave. Vallejo 773 293 009 3 26-Oct-2001 21-Nov-2001 2001-577957 21-Nov-2031 NA 52-685 Ave. Vallejo 773 292 020 3 1978 5-Aug-2011 2011-0344870 5-Aug-2056 NA 53-065 Ave. Vallejo 774 052 015 3 8-Dec-1999 22-Dec-1999 1999-552163 22-Dec-2029 NA 53-305 Ave. Vallejo 774 082 015 3 22-Oct-2003 5-Nov-2003 2003-878941 5-Nov-2048 NA 53-760 Ave. Vallejo 774 163 001 3 1989 18-Aug-2006 2006-0610282 18-Aug-2051 NA 53-780 Ave. Vallejo 774 163 002 3 15-Sep-1989 3-Jul-2003 2003-497765 3-Jul-2048 NA 54-900 Ave. Vallejo 774 302 025 3 6-Nov-1987 31-Oct-1996 2003-046339 31-Oct-2026 NA 51-325 Ave. Velasco 773 085 016 3 21-Nov-2000 14-Dec-2000 2000-497628 14-Dec-2030 NA 51-580 Ave. Velasco 773 134 003 3 14-Sep-2000 29-Sep-2000 2000-385500 29-Sep-2030 NA 51-800 Ave. Velasco 773 174 003 3 6-Feb-2001 7-Mar-2001 2001-091944 7-Mar-2031 NA 51-880 Ave. Velasco 773 174 007 4 14-May-2001 8-Jun-2001 2001-256879 8-Jun-2031 NA 52-080 Ave. Velasco 773 225 004 3 19-Jul-1999 30-Jul-1999 1999-343577 30-Jul-2029 NA 52-100 Ave. Velasco 773 225 005 3 19-Jul-1999 13-Aug-1999 1999-364771 13-Aug-2029 NA 52-120 Ave. Velasco 773 225 006 4 19-Jul-1999 4-Aug-1999 1999-348729 4-Aug-2029 NA 52-280 Ave. Velasco 773 265 003 3 1979 11-Mar-2011 2011-0112250 11-Mar-2056 NA 52-325 Ave. Velasco 773 264 015 3 4-Feb-2002 22-Feb-2002 2002-093348 22-Feb-2032 NA 52-680 Ave. Velasco 773 295 010 3 7-Jul-2005 8-Jul-2005 2005-0545192 7-Jul-2050 NA 52-700 Ave. Velasco 773 295 011 3 9-Jun-2005 5-Jul-2005 2005-0531056 5-Jul-2050 12/8/2006 52-760 Ave. Velasco 773 326 001 3 25-Jul-2002 7-Dec-2001 2001-608559 7-Dec-2031 NA 52-848 Ave. Velasco 773 326 005 3 3-Dec-1992 3-May-1993 163730 [1993]3-May-2033 9/26/2002 52-865 Ave. Velasco 773 325 019 3 6-Dec-1993 29-Dec-1993 1993-521251 29-Dec-2033 NA 53-140 Ave. Velasco 774 055 006 3 11-Mar-2003 10-Apr-2003 2003-250853 10-Apr-2048 NA 58 HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 54-160 Ave. Velasco 774 215 008 3 13-Sep-2001 26-Sep-2001 2001-465723 26-Sep-2031 NA 54-300 Ave. Velasco 774 252 004 3 2-Jul-1989 1-Jul-2005 2005-0526838 1-Jul-2050 NA 51-685 Ave. Villa 773 143 021 3 6-Jan-2002 31-Jan-2002 2002-059795 31-Jan-2032 NA 51-805 Ave. Villa 773 182 015 3 10-Jul-2002 31-Oct-2002 2002-623927 31-Oct-2047 NA 52-810 Ave. Villa 773 334 004 3 1-Nov-2001 30-May-2003 2003-391265 30-May-2048 NA 52-885 Ave. Villa 773 333 021 3 7-Mar-1979 27-Aug-1998 361307 [1998]27-Aug-2028 NA 52-950 Ave. Villa 773 334 011 3 11-Dec-2000 22-Dec-2000 2000-511035 22-Dec-2030 NA 53-080 Ave. Villa 774 064 003 4 25-Nov-1998 7-Jul-2006 2006-0498625 7-Jul-2051 NA 53-100 Ave. Villa 774 064 004 3 19-Jul-2007 14-Sep-2007 2007-0584160 14-Sep-2052 NA 53-145 Ave. Villa 774 063 019 3 20-Mar-2003 5-Nov-2003 2003-878934 5-Nov-2048 NA 53-175 Ave. Villa 774 063 021 3 20-Mar-2003 20-Jun-2003 2003-458254 20-Jun-2048 NA 53-189 Ave. Villa 774 063 022 3 20-Mar-2003 11-Apr-2003 2003-256273 11-Apr-2048 NA 53-820 Ave. Villa 774 174 004 4 16-Mar-1995 11-Sep-1998 387975 [1998]11-Sep-2028 NA 53-880 Ave. Villa 774 174 007 3 3-Dec-1992 26-Apr-1996 276539 [1996]15-Jun-2029 NA 77-780 Calle Chihuahua 773 331 026 3 9-Jun-2003 7-Jul-2003 2003-501721 7-Jul-2048 2/3/2006 51-288 Calle Hueneme 770 164 003 4 29-Jan-2003 20-Mar-2003 2003-196990 20-Mar-2048 NA 51-380 Calle Hueneme 770 164 008 3 20-Feb-2003 7-Mar-2003 2003-163232 7-Mar-2048 NA 51-335 Calle Iloilo 770 164 016 3 16-Aug-2001 18-Sep-2001 2001-451645 18-Sep-2031 NA 51-355 Calle Iloilo 770 164 017 3 9-Nov-2000 28-Nov-2000 2000-472043 28-Nov-2030 NA 51-418 Calle Iloilo 770 165 007 3 22-Apr-2003 2-May-2003 2003-318004 2-May-2048 NA 51-455 Calle Iloilo 770 164 022 3 22-Nov-2000 20-Dec-2000 2000-505700 20-Dec-2030 NA 51-280 Calle Jacumba 770 166 002 3 28-Apr-1992 20-Aug-1997 301887 [1997]20-Aug-2027 NA 51-415 Calle Jacumba 770 165 020 4 9-Jul-1992 12-Sep-1997 333311 [1997]12-Sep-2027 NA 51-450 Calle Jacumba 770 166 011 3 25-Feb-2003 14-Mar-2003 2003-179954 14-Mar-2048 NA 51-395 Calle Kalima 770 166 019 3 28-Jun-2002 31-Jul-2002 2002-417895 31-Jul-2047 12/21/2005 77-825 Calle Nogales 773 332 001 3 7-Oct-2002 23-Jan-2003 2003-052940 23-Jan-2048 NA 77-330 Calle Sonora 773-212-011 3 19-May-2011 3-Jul-2012 2012-0310236 3-Jul-2057 NA 78-590 Carnes Circle 604 223 020 4 1-May-1992 30-Apr-1997 149209 [1997]30-Apr-2027 NA 79-651 Cassia St.600 320 003 3 13-Feb-2002 5-Apr-2002 2002-175694 5-Apr-2032 NA 79-683 Cassia St.600 320 005 4 18-Mar-2002 8-Apr-2002 2002-178025 8-Apr-2032 NA 79-731 Cassia St.600-320-007 4 7-Nov-01 7-Jan-02 2002-008883 7-Jan-2032 NA 79-747 Cassia St. 600 320 008 4 7-Jan-2001 21-Dec-2001 2001-635336 21-Dec-2031 NA 79-795 Cassia St. 600 320 011 3 28-Nov-2001 13-Dec-2001 2001-620306 13-Dec-2031 NA 79-811 Cassia St. 600 320 012 4 21-Nov-2001 14-Dec-2001 2001-625529 14-Dec-2031 NA 79-915 Cassia St. 600 330 006 3 29-Feb-2000 3-Mar-2000 2000-079471 3-Mar-2030 NA 79-250 Cool Reflection 600-410-040 2 11-Feb-2008 5-Nov-2008 2008-0587703 5-Nov-2053 5/19/2017 79-260 Cool Reflection 600-410-041 3 11-Mar-2008 30-Oct-2009 2009-0563950 30-Oct-2054 NA 79-270 Cool Reflection 600-410-042 2 11-Mar-2008 29-May-2009 2009-0274114 29-May-2054 6/2/6016 79-280 Cool Reflection 600-420-038 3 15-Feb-2007 18-Nov-2009 2009-0598376 18-Nov-2054 NA 79-290 Cool Reflection 600 410 044 3 11-Mar-2008 23-Sep-2008 2008-0517309 23-Sep-2053 10/12/2017 59 HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 79-320 Cool Reflection 600 410 004 2 19-Jun-2006 30-Jun-2006 2006-0480838 30-Jun-2051 1/20/2017 79-326 Cool Reflection 600 410 005 3 6-Jun-2006 16-Jun-2006 2006-0437522 16-Jun-2051 NA 79-332 Cool Reflection 600 410 006 3 1-Aug-2006 10-Aug-2006 2006-0585839 10-Aug-2051 3/1/2017 79-338 Cool Reflection 600 410 007 2 11-Aug-2006 24-Aug-2006 2006-0626769 24-Aug-2051 6/9/2017 79-344 Cool Reflection 600 410 008 2 11-Dec-2006 24-Jan-2007 2007-0054756 24-Jan-2052 NA 79-350 Cool Reflection 600 410 009 3 11-Aug-2006 1-Sep-2006 2006-0651684 1-Sep-2051 10/3/2011 79-356 Cool Reflection 600 410 010 2 17-May-2006 26-May-2006 2006-0386656 26-May-2051 NA 47-610 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 052 2 9-Mar-2007 11-May-2007 2007-0317839 11-May-2052 4/12/2013 47-630 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 053 3 16-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0141889 28-Feb-2052 NA 47-645 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 057 3 18-Jan-2008 22-Feb-2008 2008-0088802 22-Feb-2053 NA 47-650 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 054 2 9-Mar-2007 13-Apr-2007 2007-0251486 13-Apr-2052 NA 47-655 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-058 3 5-Feb-2008 28-Oct-2008 2008-0573994 28-Oct-2053 11/6/2015 47-665 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 059 2 5-Feb-2008 22-May-2008 2008-0276528 22-May-2053 NA 47-670 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 055 2 6-Mar-2007 30-Mar-2007 2007-0220737 30-Mar-2052 5/29/2013 47-675 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 060 3 5-Feb-2008 16-Apr-2008 2008-0190080 16-Apr-2053 NA 47-685 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 061 2 22-Jan-2008 6-Mar-2008 2008-0110380 6-Mar-2053 NA 47-690 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 056 3 2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0140805 28-Feb-2052 NA 47-695 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 062 2 6-Feb-2008 21-Mar-2008 2008-0139573 21-Mar-2053 2/21/2014 47-705 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 063 3 3-Jul-2007 11-Sep-2008 2008-0499841 11-Sep-2053 NA 47-715 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-064 3 7-Feb-2008 23-Jul-2009 2009-0382539 23-Jul-2054 7/31/2017 47-725 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 065 2 7-Feb-2008 4-Feb-2009 2009-0053790 4-Feb-2054 NA 47-735 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-066 2 7-Feb-2008 7-Aug-2009 2009-0053790 7-Aug-2054 9/11/2017 47-740 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 071 3 3-Jul-2007 31-Jul-2007 2007-0493013 31-Jul-2052 4/5/2017 47-745 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-067 2 7-Feb-2008 14-Nov-2008 2008-0603615 14-Nov-2053 NA 47-752 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 072 3 3-Jul-2007 28-Dec-2007 2007-0768618 28-Dec-2052 NA 47-755 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 068 3 5-Jul-2007 21-Feb-2008 2008-0083723 21-Feb-2053 12/4/2015 47-764 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 068 2 27-Jun-2007 30-Jul-2007 2007-0491203 30-Jul-2052 6/23/2015 47-765 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 069 3 7-Feb-2008 29-Apr-2008 2008-0217073 29-Apr-2053 10/30/2015 47-775 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-070-7 3 2007 17-Dec-2009 2009-0649354 17-Dec-2054 11/27/2017 47-776 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 069 3 27-Jun-2007 30-Jul-2007 2007-0490819 30-Jul-2052 NA 47-785 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 028 3 8-Feb-2008 28-Apr-2008 2008-0215830 28-Apr-2053 NA 47-788 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 060 2 5-Jul-2007 12-Oct-2007 2007-0636115 12-Oct-2052 NA 47-795 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 029 2 8-Feb-2008 7-Mar-2008 2008-0112893 7-Mar-2053 12/29/2015 47-800 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 061 3 6-Jul-2007 28-Sep-2007 2007-0608303 28-Sep-2052 N/A 47-805 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 030 3 8-Feb-2008 18-Jul-2008 2008-0395698 18-Jul-2053 2/17/2016 47-812 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 062 3 5-Jul-2007 31-Jul-2007 2007-0493006 31-Jul-2052 NA 47-815 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 031 3 22-Jan-2008 28-Apr-2008 2008-0214933 28-Apr-2053 2/14/2018 47-824 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 057 2 9-Jul-2007 28-Aug-2008 2008-0474074 28-Aug-2053 NA 47-825 Dancing Butterfly 600-410-032 2 8-Feb-08 10-Oct-08 2008-0549531 10-Oct-53 NA 47-835 Dancing Butterfly 600-410-033 3 8-Feb-08 6-Nov-09 2009-0577520 6-Nov-54 7/13/2017 60 HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 47-836 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 058 3 6-Jul-2007 29-Feb-2008 2008-0101470 2/29/2053 NA 47-845 Dancing Butterfly 600-410-034 3 8-Feb-2008 31-Oct-2008 2008-0582842 31-Oct-2053 NA 47-848 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 059 2 6-Jul-2007 23-Sep-2008 2008-0517328 23-Sep-2053 NA 47-855 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 035 3 11-Feb-2008 31-Jul-2008 2008-0421923 31-Jul-2053 NA 47-860 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 050 3 27-Jun-2007 19-Jul-2007 2007-0469172 19-Jul-2052 NA 47-865 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 036 3 22-Jan-2008 31-Jan-2008 2008-0051354 31-Jan-2053 7/1/2014 47-872 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 051 3 27-Jun-2007 13-Jul-2007 2007-0458725 13-Jul-2052 NA 47-875 Dancing Butterfly 600-410-037 3 22-Jan-2008 25-Jan-2008 2008-0041160 25-Jan-2053 10/25/2012 47-884 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 048 2 16-Jul-2007 28-Dec-2007 2007-0768611 28-Dec-2052 NA 47-885 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 038 3 3-Jan-2008 29-Jan-2008 2008-0041086 28-Jan-2053 NA 47-895 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 039 3 18-Jan-2008 15-Feb-2008 2008-0077880 15-Feb-2053 NA 47-896 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 049 3 10-Jul-2007 21-Nov-2007 2007-0705383 21-Nov-2052 5/1/2017 49-650 Date Palm Dr. 646 070 009 3 27-Jun-2001 15-Aug-2001 2001-390769 15-Aug-2031 NA 78-255 Desert Fall Way 770 031 031 3 1995 20-Nov-1997 428744[1997]20-Nov-2027 NA 78-265 Desert Fall Way 770 031 032 3 11-Sep-1996 24-Sep-1996 367401 [1996]24-Sep-2026 NA 78-300 Desert Fall Way 770 032 002 3 17-Sep-1999 29-Oct-1999 1999-476800 29-Oct-2029 NA 78-310 Desert Fall Way 770 032 001 4 23-Sep-1999 20-Jan-2005 2005-0054910 5-Jan-2050 NA 79-640 Desert Willow St. 600 320 054 4 12-Apr-2002 23-Apr-2002 2002-209662 23-Apr-2032 NA 79-660 Desert Willow St. 600 320 052 3 25-Apr-2002 28-Jun-2002 2002-356516 7-Jun-2032 NA 79-670 Desert Willow St. 600 320 051 3 12-Apr-2002 19-Apr-2002 2002-207137 19-Apr-2032 NA 79-680 Desert Willow St. 600 320 050 4 25-Apr-2002 8-May-2002 2002-241045 8-May-2032 NA 79-765 Desert Willow St. 600 320 043 3 28-Dec-2001 8-Jan-2002 2002-0864685 8-Jan-2032 NA 79-770 Desert Willow St. 600 320 046 3 28-Dec-2001 4-Jan-2002 2002-006238 4-Jan-2032 10/25/2002 79-775 Desert Willow St. 600 320 044 3 28-Dec-2001 2-Jan-2002 2002-000320 2-Jan-2032 NA 51-820 Eisenhower Dr. 773 175 004 3 13-Aug-2001 31-Aug-2001 2001-425404 31-Aug-2031 NA 51-940 Eisenhower Dr. 773 175 010 4 1-Apr-1999 13-Dec-2002 2002-748711 13-Dec-2047 NA 52-120 Eisenhower Dr. 773 231 006 3 6-Sep-2001 28-Dec-2001 2001-648962 26-Dec-2031 NA 52-360 Eisenhower Dr. 773 271 005 4 13-Aug-2001 5-Sep-2001 2001-430542 5-Sep-2031 NA 52-900 Eisenhower Dr. 773 331 009 4 1978 21-Nov-2001 2001-0545208 21-Nov-2031 7/7/2005 53-165 Eisenhower Dr. 774 055 018 4 7-Sep-1995 28-Dec-1995 432979 [1995]28-Dec-2025 NA 53-295 Eisenhower Dr. 774 085 015 3 1-Sep-2000 20-Sep-2000 2000-369638 19-Sep-2030 NA 53-305 Eisenhower Dr. 774 085 016 3 1-Sep-2000 27-Sep-2000 2000-379306 27-Sep-2030 NA 53-365 Eisenhower Dr. 774 085 019 3 28-Jan-1988 7-Mar-2005 2005-0273897 7-Mar-2050 NA 53-940 Eisenhower Dr. 774 171 010 3 22-Sep-1989 16-Dec-2005 2005-1042063 16-Dec-2050 NA 54-165 Eisenhower Dr. 774 215 020 3 14-Jun-1989 9-Oct-1997 367256 [1997]9-Oct-2027 NA 54-565 Eisenhower Dr. 774 284 016 3 24-Mar-1994 29-Apr-1994 177711 [1994]29-Apr-2034 NA 47-738 Endless Sky 600 420 001 3 25-Jul-2006 2-Aug-2006 2006-0566923 2-Aug-2051 NA 47-745 Endless Sky 600 420 075 3 3-Jul-2007 28-Sep-2007 2007-0610591 28-Sep-2052 1/17/2017 47-752 Endless Sky 600 420 002 2 28-Aug-2006 22-Sep-2006 2006-0704600 22-Sep-2051 6/1/2015 47-755 Endless Sky 600 420 074 2 3-Jul-2007 31-Aug-2007 2007-0558847 31-Aug-2052 NA 61 HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 47-765 Endless Sky 600 420 073 3 3-Jul-2007 2-Nov-2007 2007-0674102 2-Nov-2052 NA 47-766 Endless Sky 600 420 003 3 19-Dec-2006 31-Jan-2007 2007-0073531 31-Jan-2052 7/6/2018 47-775 Endless Sky 600 410 067 3 5-Jul-2007 24-Sep-2007 2007-0598256 24-Sep-2052 11/27/2017 47-780 Endless Sky 600 410 025 3 24-Aug-2006 7-Sep-2006 2006-0663361 7-Sep-2051 6/22/2018 47-785 Endless Sky 600 410 066 2 27-Jun-2007 13-Jul-2007 2007-0458888 13-Jul-2052 6/21/2013 47-794 Endless Sky 600 410 026 2 14-Dec-2006 1-Jun-2007 2007-0364556 1-Jun-2052 9/18/2018 47-795 Endless Sky 600 410 065 3 5-Jul-2007 4-Jan-2008 2008-0005306 4-Jan-2053 NA 47-805 Endless Sky 600 410 064 3 6-Jan-2007 28-Nov-2008 2008-0629875 28-Nov-2053 8/22/2017 47-808 Endless Sky 600 410 027 3 16-May-2006 1-Aug-2006 2006-0564861 1-Aug-2051 NA 47-815 Endless Sky 600 410 063 3 6-Jul-2007 15-Jul-2008 2008-0386619 15-Jul-2053 5/9/2017 47-822 Endless Sky 600 410 018 3 17-May-2006 31-May-2006 2006-0396416 31-May-2051 12/20/2013 47-825 Endless Sky 600 410 056 3 9-Jul-2007 17-Jan-2008 2008-0026901 17-Jan-2053 10/28/2016 47-835 Endless Sky 600 410 055 3 9-Jul-2007 9-Jan-2009 2009-0010998 9-Jan-2054 11/30/2018 47-836 Endless Sky 600 410 019 3 21-Nov-2006 8-Dec-2006 2006-0905218 8-Dec-2051 3/10/2014 47-845 Endless Sky 600 410 054 3 9-Jul-2007 18-Jun-2008 2008-0332891 18-Jun-2053 10/26/2018 47-850 Endless Sky 600 410 016 3 17-May-2006 26-May-2006 2006-0387254 26-May-2051 NA 47-855 Endless Sky 600 410 053 2 9-Jul-2007 31-Aug-2007 2007-0561533 31-Aug-2052 6/17/2010 47-864 Endless Sky 600 410 017 3 19-May-2006 28-Jun-2006 2006-0470131 28-Jun-2051 8/30/2017 47-865 Endless Sky 600 410 052 3 10-Jul-2007 30-May-2008 2008-0295916 30-May-2053 NA 47-875 Endless Sky 600 410 047 3 16-Jul-2007 24-Sep-2007 2007-0598249 24-Sep-2052 8/22/2017 47-878 Endless Sky 600 410 003 3 10-Oct-2006 24-Oct-2006 2006-0779472 24-Oct-2051 NA 47-885 Endless Sky 600 410 046 2 18-Oct-2007 8-Sep-2008 2008-0493132 5-Sep-2053 NA 47-892 Endless Sky 600 410 002 2 16-May-2006 15-Jun-2006 2006-0434410 15-Jun-2051 NA 47-895 Endless Sky 600 410 045 3 18-Oct-2007 8-Aug-2008 2008-0437240 8-Aug-2053 5/9/2013 47-906 Endless Sky 600 410 001 3 16-May-2006 31-May-2006 2006-0396411 31-May-2051 NA 79-343 Horizon Palms Circle 604 110 051 3 1987 28-Aug-1998 365570 [1998]28-Aug-2028 NA 79-776 Independence Way 604 502 008 3 17-May-2002 3-Jun-2002 2002-299139 24-May-2047 NA 79-790 Independence Way 604 502 007 3 29-May-2002 12-Dec-2002 2002-743815 12-Dec-2047 NA 79-910 Memorial Place 604 501 007 3 29-Jul-2002 17-Sep-2002 2002-514065 13-Sep-2047 NA 78-820 Nolan Circle 604 233 013 3 29-May-1997 9-Jun-1997 202511 [1997]9-Jun-2027 NA 79-255 Rose Dawn 600 420 080 2 27-Jun-2007 13-Jul-2007 2007-0458881 2-Jul-2052 10/7/2014 79-260 Rose Dawn 600 420 047 3 8-Mar-2007 13-Apr-2007 2007-0251502 13-Apr-2052 6/12/2018 79-264 Rose Dawn 600 420 048 3 15-Feb-2007 27-Feb-2007 2007-0134877 27-Feb-2052 NA 79-265 Rose Dawn 600 420 079 2 29-Jun-2007 21-Mar-2008 2008-0141894 21-Mar-2053 8/1/2013 79-268 Rose Dawn 600 420 045 3 15-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0140799 28-Feb-2052 NA 79-272 Rose Dawn 600 420 046 3 8-Mar-2007 8-May-2007 2007-0307017 8-May-2052 10/1/2014 62 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) 51-810 Ave. Alvarado 773 163 003 3 4-Feb-2003 6-Mar-2003 2003-16114 6-Mar-2048 NA 51-815 Ave. Alvarado 773 162 015 4 10-Mar-1988 30-Sep-1998 421168 [1998]30-Sep-2028 10/5/2004 52-085 Ave. Alvarado 773 213 015 3 20-Jun-1988 20-Aug-1999 1999-376465 20-Aug-2029 NA 52-845 Ave. Alvarado 773 313 018 3 18-Apr-2002 10-Jun-2002 2002-314061 10-Jun-2047 4/29/2005 53-195 Ave. Alvarado 774 043 022 3 19-Feb-1988 19-Oct-2004 2004-0875799 19-Oct-2049 NA 53-220 Ave. Alvarado 774-044-011 3 2011 2-Feb-2018 8-Feb-2063 NA 53-240 Ave. Alvarado 774-044-12 4 2011 8-Sep-2017 8-Sep-2062 NA 53-620 Ave. Alvarado 774 114 004 4 4-Jun-2003 9-Jul-2003 2003-509669 9-Jul-2048 NA 53-760 Ave. Alvarado 774 154 002 3 1999 5-Jan-2000 2000-003383 5-Jan-2030 NA 53-785 Ave. Alvarado 774 153 015 3 9-Aug-2002 21-Aug-2002 2002-464180 21-Aug-2047 NA 54-840 Ave. Alvarado 774 293 005 3 19-Sep-2001 5-Dec-2001 2001-600547 5-Dec-2031 11/1/2017 51-535 Ave. Bermudas 773 145 015 4 16-Jan-2002 8-Feb-2002 2002-073249 8-Feb-2032 NA 51-705 Ave. Bermudas 773 145 019 3 28-Nov-2000 22-Dec-2000 2000-510918 22-Dec-2030 NA 51-945 Ave. Bermudas 773 184 022 3 1-Dec-1992 29-Dec-1998 563328 [1998]29-Dec-2028 NA 51-985 Ave. Bermudas 773 184 024 3 12-Jan-2001 30-Jan-2001 2001-039597 30-Jan-2031 NA 52-165 Ave. Bermudas 773 235 019 3 21-Feb-2002 20-Mar-2002 2002-141561 20-Mar-2047 7/29/2005 52-205 Ave. Bermudas 773 235 021 3 17-Jan-2003 31-Jan-2003 2003-076561 31-Jan-2048 NA 52-445 Ave. Bermudas 773 275 020 3 16-Sep-1993 1-Oct-1993 387089 1993]1-Oct-2033 3/28/2003 52-050 Ave. Carranza 773-221-001 3 7-Jun-2011 19-Jul-2012 2012-0338014 19-Jul-2057 NA 52-380 Ave. Carranza 773 261 008 4 1979 15-Apr-1997 127934 [1997]15-Apr-2027 NA 52-475 Ave. Carranza 773 285 013 3 1979 12-Dec-2011 2011-0547500 12-Dec-2056 NA 52-800 Ave. Carranza 773 322 003 3 15-Jun-1999 10-Sep-1999 1999-08449 10-Sep-2029 NA 52-965 Ave. Carranza 773 321 011 3 1988 29-Dec-2004 2004-1028966 10-Dec-2049 NA 53-195 Ave. Carranza 774 045 021 3 1989 30-Jun-2006 2006-0476282 30-Jun-2051 NA 54-120 Ave. Carranza 774 211 006 3 11-Jul-2011 31-May-2012 2012-0252283 31-May-2057 NA 54-845 Ave. Carranza 774 294 017 3 26-Jan-2003 11-Jul-2003 2003-518291 11-Jul-2048 NA 51-590 Ave. Diaz 773 121 002 3 19-Mar-2003 3-Apr-2003 2003-236346 3-Apr-2048 12/13/2007 51-610 Ave. Diaz 773 121 003 3 15-Jul-2003 31-Jul-2003 2003-578621 31-Jul-2048 NA 52-250 Ave. Diaz 773 252 002 3 15-Feb-2002 21-Mar-2002 2002-145090 21-Mar-2047 NA 52-575 Ave. Diaz 773 281 016 3 15-Feb-1978 11-Sep-1998 387949 [1998]11-Sep-2028 NA 52-608 Ave. Diaz 773 282 005 3 1979 8-Apr-2011 2011-0157264 8-Apr-2056 2/22/2017 52-625 Ave. Diaz 773 281 019 3 30-Sep-1999 29-Oct-1999 1999-478426 29-Oct-2029 NA 52-645 Ave. Diaz 773 281 021 3 13-Jun-1988 18-Jun-2002 2002-332780 18-Jun-2047 NA 54-175 Ave. Diaz 774 194 021 3 29-Feb-1980 15-Oct-1998 44607 [1998]15-Oct-2028 NA 51-530 Ave. Herrera 773 133 002 3 29-Mar-2002 8-May-2002 2002-241302 8-May-2047 NA 51-614 Ave. Herrera 773 133 005 3 1978 15-Jul-1997 249008 [1997]15-Jul-2027 NA 51-785 Ave. Herrera 773 172 014 3 28-Aug-2001 17-Sep-2001 2001-449104 17-Sep-2031 1/18/2006 Property Address 63 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 51-805 Ave. Herrera 773 172 015 3 21-Aug-1998 2-Dec-1998 523128 [1998]2-Dec-2028 NA 51-965 Ave. Herrera 773 172 023 3 1996 24-Jul-1997 261872[1997]24-Jul-2027 8/16/2004 51-975 Ave. Herrera 773 172 024 3 20-Jun-1997 23-Jul-1997 259290 [1997]23-Jul-2027 NA 52-690 Ave. Herrera 773 294 010 3 23-Oct-1989 2-May-2000 2000-163729 2-May-2030 NA 52-930 Ave. Herrera 773 325 010 3 18-Jul-2001 2-Aug-2001 2001-363999 2-Aug-2031 NA 52-940 Ave. Herrera 773 325 011 3 18-Jul-2001 6-Aug-2001 2001-369330 6-Aug-2031 NA 53-035 Ave. Herrera 774 053 013 3 6-Jun-2003 27-Jun-2003 2003-478706 27-Jun-2048 10/24/2007 53-055 Ave. Herrera 774 053 014 4 6-Jun-2003 27-Jun-2003 2003-478701 27-Jun-2048 NA 53-385 Ave. Herrera 774 083 018 3 14-Mar-2002 5-Apr-2002 2002-176110 5-Apr-2047 6/15/2015 53-495 Ave. Herrera 774 083 022 4 6-Nov-1987 21-Mar-2000 2000-101840 21-Mar-2030 N/A 53-555 Ave. Herrera 774 123 015 3 18-Jul-2003 1-Aug-2003 2003-586642 1-Aug-2048 NA 53-640 Ave. Herrera 774 124 008 3 29-Jul-2003 26-Nov-2003 2003-932184 26-Nov-2048 NA 53-880 Ave. Herrera 774 164 009 4 30-Dec-1977 30-Jun-1997 229976 [1997]30-Jun-2027 NA 51-905 Ave. Juarez 773 154 020 3 22-Nov-2000 6-Dec-2000 2000-484537 6-Dec-2030 NA 51-930 Ave. Juarez 773-155-009-7 3 2000 30-Oct-2001 2001-533511 30-Oct-2031 NA 52-300 Ave. Juarez 773 251 002 3 13-Jan-2000 15-Feb-2000 2000-055208 15-Feb-2030 NA 53-385 Ave. Juarez 774 034 019 3 15-Dec-2000 22-Dec-2000 2000-509883 22-Dec-2030 NA 54-495 Ave. Juarez 774 232 031 3 16-Nov-1977 9-Jun-1997 202152 [1997]9-Jun-2027 NA 79-435 Ave. Las Palmas 604-460-001 3 25-Jul-2001 20-Mar-2002 2002-141339 20-Mar-2047 11/15/2013 51-920 Ave. Madero 773 154 009 3 12-Oct-2001 26-Oct-2001 2001-526313 26-Oct-2031 6/4/2004 53-380 Ave. Madero 774 034 007 3 10-Sep-1998 30-Mar-2005 2005-0249333 15-Mar-2050 3/24/2005 53-790 Ave. Madero 774 143 002 3 30-Mar-1993 31-Jan-2002 2002-059809 31-Jan-2032 NA 51-552 Ave. Martinez 773 142 004 3 31-May-2002 27-Jun-2002 2002-354182 27-Jun-2032 NA 52-365 Ave. Martinez 773 271 016 3 23-Oct-1989 30-May-2001 2001-239124 30-May-2031 NA 52-600 Ave. Martinez 773 302 004 3 6-Dec-1993 29-Dec-1993 52660 [1993]29-Dec-2033 NA 53-045 Ave. Martinez 774 061 014 4 14-Aug-2002 10-Sep-2002 2002-502324 10-Sep-2047 NA 53-300 Ave. Martinez 774 092 003 4 7-May-2003 15-Aug-2003 2003-629492 5-Aug-2048 NA 53-340 Ave. Martinez 774 092 005 3 25-Jul-2003 11-Aug-2003 2003-610114 11-Aug-2048 NA 53-380 Ave. Martinez 774 092 007 3 30-May-2003 3-Jul-2003 2003-497914 3-Jul-2048 NA 53-425 Ave. Martinez 774 091 021 3 3-Oct-2001 5-Nov-2001 2001-546740 5-Nov-2031 NA 53-436 Ave. Martinez 774 092 011 3 25-Jul-2003 13-Aug-2003 2003-619149 13-Aug-2048 NA 53-445 Ave. Martinez 774 091 022 3 21-Sep-2001 20-Dec-2001 2001-633973 20-Dec-2031 NA 53-925 Ave. Martinez 774 171 021 3 12-Dec-1988 29-Sep-2006 2006-0722968 29-Sep-2051 NA 54-015 Ave. Martinez 774 221 014 3 4-Dec-2001 24-Dec-2001 2001-640233 24-Dec-2031 NA 51-720 Ave. Mendoza 773 143 011 3 20-Dec-2001 31-Jan-2002 2002-058389 31-Jan-2032 NA 51-780 Ave. Mendoza 773 182 002 3 18-Aug-1999 31-Aug-1999 1999-393219 31-Aug-2029 NA 52-195 Ave. Mendoza 773 232 021 4 1988 8-Dec-2004 2004-0974016 8-Dec-2049 NA 52-445 Ave. Mendoza 773 272 021 3 19-Dec-1994 11-Feb-1998 50109 [1998]11-Feb-2028 11/29/2017 52-681 Ave. Mendoza 773-302-020 3 7-Jun-2011 25-Jun-2012 2012-0291690 25-Jun-2057 NA 52-900 Ave. Mendoza 773 333 009 4 21-May-2003 6-Jun-2003 2003-413385 6-Jun-2048 NA 64 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 52-935 Ave. Mendoza 773 332 023 3 6-Mar-2002 24-Apr-2002 2002-213080 24-Apr-2047 NA 52-970 Ave. Mendoza 773 333 012 3 10-Oct-2001 26-Oct-2001 2001-526877 26-Oct-2031 10/31/2003 53-060 Ave. Mendoza 774 063 003 3 6-Nov-2003 10-Dec-2003 2003-966850 10-Dec-2048 6/16/2006 53-080 Ave. Mendoza 774 063 004 3 24-Nov-2003 23-Dec-2003 2003-999396 23-Dec-2048 NA 53-175 Ave. Mendoza 774 062 021 4 19-Sep-2001 17-Oct-2001 2001-503965 17-Oct-2031 NA 54-040 Ave. Mendoza 774 223 003 3 14-Sep-2001 28-Sep-2001 2001-471684 28-Sep-2031 7/15/2004 51-780 Ave. Morales 773 152 002 3 12-Jul-1996 6-May-1997 155371 [1997]6-May-2027 NA 51-400 Ave. Navarro 773 104 009 3 22-Oct-2002 30-Oct-2002 2002-618003 30-Oct-2047 NA 51-510 Ave. Navarro 773 145 001 3 11-Jan-2002 8-Feb-2002 2002-072232 8-Feb-2032 NA 51-870 Ave. Navarro 773 184 006 3 8-Jan-2002 22-Jan-2002 2002-035156 22-Jan-2032 NA 51-930 Ave. Navarro 773 184 009 3 12-Dec-2001 28-Dec-2001 2001-648898 28-Dec-2031 NA 52-155 Ave. Navarro 773 234 019 3 6-Dec-1993 22-Dec-1993 521256 [1993]22-Dec-2033 NA 52-355 Ave. Navarro 773 274 016 3 6-Dec-1993 22-Dec-1993 524997 [1993]22-Dec-2033 NA 52-385 Ave. Navarro 773 274 018 3 1-Mar-1993 30-Apr-1993 162018 [1993]30-Apr-2033 NA 53-185 Ave. Navarro 774 064 021 3 1988 28-May-2003 2003-380632 28-May-2058 NA 53-205 Ave. Navarro 774 064 022 3 14-Mar-1989 14-Jun-2006 2006-0428536 14-Jun-2051 NA 53-645 Ave. Navarro 774-134-017 3 29-Aug-2012 25-Oct-2012 2012-0513298 25-Feb-2057 NA 53-655 Ave. Navarro 774 134 018 3 13-Feb-2001 21-Mar-2001 2001-114889 21-Mar-2031 12/15/2004 53-800 Ave. Navarro 774 175 003 3 7-Aug-2001 28-Sep-2001 2001-474645 28-Sep-2031 10/20/2009 53-835 Ave. Navarro 774 174 017 4 29-Jul-2002 4-Sep-2002 2002-491362 4-Sep-2047 NA 51-785 Ave. Obregon 773 163 014 3 27-Oct-2000 15-Nov-2000 2000-456029 15-Nov-2030 NA 51-925 Ave. Obregon 773 163 020 3 8-May-2003 30-May-2003 2003-391677 30-May-2048 NA 52-010 Ave. Obregon 773 215 001 3 9-Sep-1996 24-Sep-1996 367376 1996]24-Sep-2026 NA 52-030 Ave. Obregon 773 215 002 3 9-Sep-1996 22-Oct-1996 404700 [1996]22-Oct-2026 NA 52-355 Ave. Obregon 773 254 016 3 20-Feb-2002 15-Mar-2002 2002-133703 15-Mar-2047 NA 52-440 Ave. Obregon 773 255 009 4 31-Mar-1993 30-Apr-1993 162025 [1993]30-Apr-2033 NA 52-450 Ave. Obregon 773 255 011 3 2-Feb-2001 23-Feb-2001 2001-073983 23-Feb-2031 5/5/2010 52-585 Ave. Obregon 773 284 017 3 25-Jun-2003 22-Jul-2003 2003-545819 22-Jul-2048 NA 52-880 Ave. Obregon 773 315 007 3 13-Feb-2003 3-Mar-2003 2003-148491 3-Mar-2048 NA 53-230 Ave. Obregon 774 045 011 3 1-Jun-2001 22-Jun-2001 2001-286692 22-Jun-2031 N/A 54-845 Ave. Obregon 774 293 017 4 25-Jul-1988 3-Jul-1997 236840 [1997]3-Jul-2027 NA 52-120 Ave. Ramirez 773 222 006 3 17-Jan-2001 26-Jan-2001 2001-036310 26-Jan-2031 NA 52-585 Ave. Ramirez 773-291-016 3 10-Apr-03 5-May-03 2003-319084 5-May-2048 NA 52-665 Ave. Ramirez 773 291 020 3 1988 26-Aug-2003 2003-658021 26-Aug-2048 NA 52-720 Ave. Ramirez 773 292 010 3 13-Jan-2004 3-Feb-2004 2004-0077754 3-Feb-2049 N/A 52-900 Ave. Ramirez 773-323-008 4 1988 14-Dec-2011 2011-pending 14-Dec-2056 NA 53-785 Ave. Ramirez 774 161 016 4 15-Mar-1990 6-Jul-2007 2007-0442342 6-Jul-2052 NA 54-445 Ave. Ramirez 774 243 022 3 27-Oct-1999 15-Nov-1999 1999-202128 15-Nov-2029 NA 51-800 Ave. Rubio 773 162 003 3 12-Jun-1998 11-Sep-1998 388025 [1998]11-Sep-2028 12/13/2002 51-840 Ave. Rubio 773 162 005 3 10-Mar-1998 28-Sep-1998 414304 [1998]28-Sep-2028 NA 65 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 52-105 Ave. Rubio 773 212 015 4 1991 30-Oct-1997 394888 [1997]30-Oct-2027 NA 52-160 Ave. Rubio 773 213 008 3 4-Mar-1991 25-Aug-1997 306657 [1997]25-Aug-2027 NA 52-445 Ave. Rubio 773 252 020 4 6-Dec-1993 29-Dec-1993 521244 [1993]22-Dec-2023 3/17/2004 52-625 Ave. Rubio 773 282 019 3 1988 8-Dec-2005 2005-1014078 8-Dec-2050 NA 52-675 Ave. Rubio 773 282 021 4 15-Dec-1993 28-Aug-1998 366309 [1998]28-Aug-2028 3/24/2003 52-695 Ave. Rubio 773 282 022 3 6-Dec-1993 22-Dec-1993 521232 [1993]22-Dec-2033 NA 53-125 Ave. Rubio 774 042 018 3 21-Jan-1980 29-Sep-2000 2000-383798 29-Sep-2030 NA 53-260 Ave. Rubio 774 073 001 3 23-Jul-1990 2-Aug-1997 319288 [1997]2-Aug-2027 NA 53-465 Ave. Rubio 774 072 020 3 21-Oct-1999 29-Oct-1999 1999-478724 29-Oct-2029 NA 53-660 Ave. Rubio 774-113-007 3 27-Sep-1993 1-Oct-1993 1993-387077 1-Oct-2033 10/17/2003 53-710 Ave. Rubio 774 113 010 3 1979 23-Mar-2011 2011-0128558 23-Mar-2056 NA 51-460 Ave. Vallejo 773 084 011 3 2-Jul-2003 28-Jul-2003 2003-563863 28-Jul-2048 NA 51-620 Ave. Vallejo 773 132 005 3 7-Apr-1993 3-May-1993 1993-168669 30-Apr-2033 5/4/2001 51-645 Ave. Vallejo 773 131 018 3 7-Jul-2001 16-Nov-2001 2001-568481 16-Nov-2031 4/8/2005 52-020 Ave. Vallejo 773 223 001 3 26-Feb-2002 16-Apr-2002 2002-196523 16-Apr-2047 NA 52-350 Ave. Vallejo 773 263 005 3 28-Mar-2002 2-May-2002 2002-232129 2-May-2047 NA 52-435 Ave. Vallejo 773 262 020 4 14-Mar-2001 31-May-2001 2001-242207 30-May-2031 NA 52-455 Ave. Vallejo 773 262 021 3 23-May-2001 2-Jul-2001 2001-302922 2-Jul-2031 9/27/2007 52-660 Ave. Vallejo 773 293 009 3 26-Oct-2001 21-Nov-2001 2001-577957 21-Nov-2031 NA 52-685 Ave. Vallejo 773 292 020 3 1978 5-Aug-2011 2011-0344870 5-Aug-2056 NA 53-065 Ave. Vallejo 774 052 015 3 8-Dec-1999 22-Dec-1999 1999-552163 22-Dec-2029 NA 53-305 Ave. Vallejo 774 082 015 3 22-Oct-2003 5-Nov-2003 2003-878941 5-Nov-2048 NA 53-760 Ave. Vallejo 774 163 001 3 1989 18-Aug-2006 2006-0610282 18-Aug-2051 NA 53-780 Ave. Vallejo 774 163 002 3 15-Sep-1989 3-Jul-2003 2003-497765 3-Jul-2048 NA 54-900 Ave. Vallejo 774 302 025 3 6-Nov-1987 31-Oct-1996 2003-046339 31-Oct-2026 NA 51-325 Ave. Velasco 773 085 016 3 21-Nov-2000 14-Dec-2000 2000-497628 14-Dec-2030 NA 51-580 Ave. Velasco 773 134 003 3 14-Sep-2000 29-Sep-2000 2000-385500 29-Sep-2030 NA 51-800 Ave. Velasco 773 174 003 3 6-Feb-2001 7-Mar-2001 2001-091944 7-Mar-2031 NA 51-880 Ave. Velasco 773 174 007 4 14-May-2001 8-Jun-2001 2001-256879 8-Jun-2031 NA 52-080 Ave. Velasco 773 225 004 3 19-Jul-1999 30-Jul-1999 1999-343577 30-Jul-2029 NA 52-100 Ave. Velasco 773 225 005 3 19-Jul-1999 13-Aug-1999 1999-364771 13-Aug-2029 NA 52-120 Ave. Velasco 773 225 006 4 19-Jul-1999 4-Aug-1999 1999-348729 4-Aug-2029 NA 52-280 Ave. Velasco 773 265 003 3 1979 11-Mar-2011 2011-0112250 11-Mar-2056 NA 52-325 Ave. Velasco 773 264 015 3 4-Feb-2002 22-Feb-2002 2002-093348 22-Feb-2032 NA 52-680 Ave. Velasco 773 295 010 3 7-Jul-2005 8-Jul-2005 2005-0545192 7-Jul-2050 NA 52-700 Ave. Velasco 773 295 011 3 9-Jun-2005 5-Jul-2005 2005-0531056 5-Jul-2050 12/8/2006 52-760 Ave. Velasco 773 326 001 3 25-Jul-2002 7-Dec-2001 2001-608559 7-Dec-2031 NA 52-848 Ave. Velasco 773 326 005 3 3-Dec-1992 3-May-1993 163730 [1993]3-May-2033 9/26/2002 52-865 Ave. Velasco 773 325 019 3 6-Dec-1993 29-Dec-1993 1993-521251 29-Dec-2033 NA 53-140 Ave. Velasco 774 055 006 3 11-Mar-2003 10-Apr-2003 2003-250853 10-Apr-2048 NA 66 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 54-160 Ave. Velasco 774 215 008 3 13-Sep-2001 26-Sep-2001 2001-465723 26-Sep-2031 NA 54-300 Ave. Velasco 774 252 004 3 2-Jul-1989 1-Jul-2005 2005-0526838 1-Jul-2050 NA 51-685 Ave. Villa 773 143 021 3 6-Jan-2002 31-Jan-2002 2002-059795 31-Jan-2032 NA 51-805 Ave. Villa 773 182 015 3 10-Jul-2002 31-Oct-2002 2002-623927 31-Oct-2047 NA 52-810 Ave. Villa 773 334 004 3 1-Nov-2001 30-May-2003 2003-391265 30-May-2048 NA 52-885 Ave. Villa 773 333 021 3 7-Mar-1979 27-Aug-1998 361307 [1998]27-Aug-2028 NA 52-950 Ave. Villa 773 334 011 3 11-Dec-2000 22-Dec-2000 2000-511035 22-Dec-2030 NA 53-080 Ave. Villa 774 064 003 4 25-Nov-1998 7-Jul-2006 2006-0498625 7-Jul-2051 NA 53-100 Ave. Villa 774 064 004 3 19-Jul-2007 14-Sep-2007 2007-0584160 14-Sep-2052 NA 53-145 Ave. Villa 774 063 019 3 20-Mar-2003 5-Nov-2003 2003-878934 5-Nov-2048 NA 53-175 Ave. Villa 774 063 021 3 20-Mar-2003 20-Jun-2003 2003-458254 20-Jun-2048 NA 53-189 Ave. Villa 774 063 022 3 20-Mar-2003 11-Apr-2003 2003-256273 11-Apr-2048 NA 53-820 Ave. Villa 774 174 004 4 16-Mar-1995 11-Sep-1998 387975 [1998]11-Sep-2028 NA 53-880 Ave. Villa 774 174 007 3 3-Dec-1992 26-Apr-1996 276539 [1996]15-Jun-2029 NA 77-780 Calle Chihuahua 773 331 026 3 9-Jun-2003 7-Jul-2003 2003-501721 7-Jul-2048 2/3/2006 51-288 Calle Hueneme 770 164 003 4 29-Jan-2003 20-Mar-2003 2003-196990 20-Mar-2048 NA 51-380 Calle Hueneme 770 164 008 3 20-Feb-2003 7-Mar-2003 2003-163232 7-Mar-2048 NA 51-335 Calle Iloilo 770 164 016 3 16-Aug-2001 18-Sep-2001 2001-451645 18-Sep-2031 NA 51-355 Calle Iloilo 770 164 017 3 9-Nov-2000 28-Nov-2000 2000-472043 28-Nov-2030 NA 51-418 Calle Iloilo 770 165 007 3 22-Apr-2003 2-May-2003 2003-318004 2-May-2048 NA 51-455 Calle Iloilo 770 164 022 3 22-Nov-2000 20-Dec-2000 2000-505700 20-Dec-2030 NA 51-280 Calle Jacumba 770 166 002 3 28-Apr-1992 20-Aug-1997 301887 [1997]20-Aug-2027 NA 51-415 Calle Jacumba 770 165 020 4 9-Jul-1992 12-Sep-1997 333311 [1997]12-Sep-2027 NA 51-450 Calle Jacumba 770 166 011 3 25-Feb-2003 14-Mar-2003 2003-179954 14-Mar-2048 NA 51-395 Calle Kalima 770 166 019 3 28-Jun-2002 31-Jul-2002 2002-417895 31-Jul-2047 12/21/2005 77-825 Calle Nogales 773 332 001 3 7-Oct-2002 23-Jan-2003 2003-052940 23-Jan-2048 NA 77-330 Calle Sonora 773-212-011 3 19-May-2011 3-Jul-2012 2012-0310236 3-Jul-2057 NA 78-590 Carnes Circle 604 223 020 4 1-May-1992 30-Apr-1997 149209 [1997]30-Apr-2027 NA 79-651 Cassia St.600 320 003 3 13-Feb-2002 5-Apr-2002 2002-175694 5-Apr-2032 NA 79-683 Cassia St.600 320 005 4 18-Mar-2002 8-Apr-2002 2002-178025 8-Apr-2032 NA 79-731 Cassia St.600-320-007 4 7-Nov-01 7-Jan-02 2002-008883 7-Jan-2032 NA 79-747 Cassia St. 600 320 008 4 7-Jan-2001 21-Dec-2001 2001-635336 21-Dec-2031 NA 79-795 Cassia St. 600 320 011 3 28-Nov-2001 13-Dec-2001 2001-620306 13-Dec-2031 NA 79-811 Cassia St. 600 320 012 4 21-Nov-2001 14-Dec-2001 2001-625529 14-Dec-2031 NA 79-915 Cassia St. 600 330 006 3 29-Feb-2000 3-Mar-2000 2000-079471 3-Mar-2030 NA 79-250 Cool Reflection 600-410-040 2 11-Feb-2008 5-Nov-2008 2008-0587703 5-Nov-2053 5/19/2017 79-260 Cool Reflection 600-410-041 3 11-Mar-2008 30-Oct-2009 2009-0563950 30-Oct-2054 NA 79-270 Cool Reflection 600-410-042 2 11-Mar-2008 29-May-2009 2009-0274114 29-May-2054 6/2/6016 79-280 Cool Reflection 600-420-038 3 15-Feb-2007 18-Nov-2009 2009-0598376 18-Nov-2054 NA 79-290 Cool Reflection 600 410 044 3 11-Mar-2008 23-Sep-2008 2008-0517309 23-Sep-2053 10/12/2017 67 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 79-320 Cool Reflection 600 410 004 2 19-Jun-2006 30-Jun-2006 2006-0480838 30-Jun-2051 1/20/2017 79-326 Cool Reflection 600 410 005 3 6-Jun-2006 16-Jun-2006 2006-0437522 16-Jun-2051 NA 79-332 Cool Reflection 600 410 006 3 1-Aug-2006 10-Aug-2006 2006-0585839 10-Aug-2051 3/1/2017 79-338 Cool Reflection 600 410 007 2 11-Aug-2006 24-Aug-2006 2006-0626769 24-Aug-2051 6/9/2017 79-344 Cool Reflection 600 410 008 2 11-Dec-2006 24-Jan-2007 2007-0054756 24-Jan-2052 NA 79-350 Cool Reflection 600 410 009 3 11-Aug-2006 1-Sep-2006 2006-0651684 1-Sep-2051 10/3/2011 79-356 Cool Reflection 600 410 010 2 17-May-2006 26-May-2006 2006-0386656 26-May-2051 NA 47-610 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 052 2 9-Mar-2007 11-May-2007 2007-0317839 11-May-2052 4/12/2013 47-630 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 053 3 16-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0141889 28-Feb-2052 NA 47-645 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 057 3 18-Jan-2008 22-Feb-2008 2008-0088802 22-Feb-2053 NA 47-650 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 054 2 9-Mar-2007 13-Apr-2007 2007-0251486 13-Apr-2052 NA 47-655 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-058 3 5-Feb-2008 28-Oct-2008 2008-0573994 28-Oct-2053 11/6/2015 47-665 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 059 2 5-Feb-2008 22-May-2008 2008-0276528 22-May-2053 NA 47-670 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 055 2 6-Mar-2007 30-Mar-2007 2007-0220737 30-Mar-2052 5/29/2013 47-675 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 060 3 5-Feb-2008 16-Apr-2008 2008-0190080 16-Apr-2053 NA 47-685 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 061 2 22-Jan-2008 6-Mar-2008 2008-0110380 6-Mar-2053 NA 47-690 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 056 3 2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0140805 28-Feb-2052 NA 47-695 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 062 2 6-Feb-2008 21-Mar-2008 2008-0139573 21-Mar-2053 2/21/2014 47-705 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 063 3 3-Jul-2007 11-Sep-2008 2008-0499841 11-Sep-2053 NA 47-715 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-064 3 7-Feb-2008 23-Jul-2009 2009-0382539 23-Jul-2054 7/31/2017 47-725 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 065 2 7-Feb-2008 4-Feb-2009 2009-0053790 4-Feb-2054 NA 47-735 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-066 2 7-Feb-2008 7-Aug-2009 2009-0053790 7-Aug-2054 9/11/2017 47-740 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 071 3 3-Jul-2007 31-Jul-2007 2007-0493013 31-Jul-2052 4/5/2017 47-745 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-067 2 7-Feb-2008 14-Nov-2008 2008-0603615 14-Nov-2053 NA 47-752 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 072 3 3-Jul-2007 28-Dec-2007 2007-0768618 28-Dec-2052 NA 47-755 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 068 3 5-Jul-2007 21-Feb-2008 2008-0083723 21-Feb-2053 12/4/2015 47-764 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 068 2 27-Jun-2007 30-Jul-2007 2007-0491203 30-Jul-2052 6/23/2015 47-765 Dancing Butterfly 600 420 069 3 7-Feb-2008 29-Apr-2008 2008-0217073 29-Apr-2053 10/30/2015 47-775 Dancing Butterfly 600-420-070-7 3 2007 17-Dec-2009 2009-0649354 17-Dec-2054 11/27/2017 47-776 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 069 3 27-Jun-2007 30-Jul-2007 2007-0490819 30-Jul-2052 NA 47-785 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 028 3 8-Feb-2008 28-Apr-2008 2008-0215830 28-Apr-2053 NA 47-788 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 060 2 5-Jul-2007 12-Oct-2007 2007-0636115 12-Oct-2052 NA 47-795 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 029 2 8-Feb-2008 7-Mar-2008 2008-0112893 7-Mar-2053 12/29/2015 47-800 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 061 3 6-Jul-2007 28-Sep-2007 2007-0608303 28-Sep-2052 N/A 47-805 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 030 3 8-Feb-2008 18-Jul-2008 2008-0395698 18-Jul-2053 2/17/2016 47-812 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 062 3 5-Jul-2007 31-Jul-2007 2007-0493006 31-Jul-2052 NA 47-815 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 031 3 22-Jan-2008 28-Apr-2008 2008-0214933 28-Apr-2053 2/14/2018 47-824 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 057 2 9-Jul-2007 28-Aug-2008 2008-0474074 28-Aug-2053 NA 47-825 Dancing Butterfly 600-410-032 2 8-Feb-08 10-Oct-08 2008-0549531 10-Oct-53 NA 47-835 Dancing Butterfly 600-410-033 3 8-Feb-08 6-Nov-09 2009-0577520 6-Nov-54 7/13/2017 68 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 47-836 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 058 3 6-Jul-2007 29-Feb-2008 2008-0101470 2/29/2053 NA 47-845 Dancing Butterfly 600-410-034 3 8-Feb-2008 31-Oct-2008 2008-0582842 31-Oct-2053 NA 47-848 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 059 2 6-Jul-2007 23-Sep-2008 2008-0517328 23-Sep-2053 NA 47-855 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 035 3 11-Feb-2008 31-Jul-2008 2008-0421923 31-Jul-2053 NA 47-860 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 050 3 27-Jun-2007 19-Jul-2007 2007-0469172 19-Jul-2052 NA 47-865 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 036 3 22-Jan-2008 31-Jan-2008 2008-0051354 31-Jan-2053 7/1/2014 47-872 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 051 3 27-Jun-2007 13-Jul-2007 2007-0458725 13-Jul-2052 NA 47-875 Dancing Butterfly 600-410-037 3 22-Jan-2008 25-Jan-2008 2008-0041160 25-Jan-2053 10/25/2012 47-884 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 048 2 16-Jul-2007 28-Dec-2007 2007-0768611 28-Dec-2052 NA 47-885 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 038 3 3-Jan-2008 29-Jan-2008 2008-0041086 28-Jan-2053 NA 47-895 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 039 3 18-Jan-2008 15-Feb-2008 2008-0077880 15-Feb-2053 NA 47-896 Dancing Butterfly 600 410 049 3 10-Jul-2007 21-Nov-2007 2007-0705383 21-Nov-2052 5/1/2017 49-650 Date Palm Dr. 646 070 009 3 27-Jun-2001 15-Aug-2001 2001-390769 15-Aug-2031 NA 78-255 Desert Fall Way 770 031 031 3 1995 20-Nov-1997 428744[1997]20-Nov-2027 NA 78-265 Desert Fall Way 770 031 032 3 11-Sep-1996 24-Sep-1996 367401 [1996]24-Sep-2026 NA 78-300 Desert Fall Way 770 032 002 3 17-Sep-1999 29-Oct-1999 1999-476800 29-Oct-2029 NA 78-310 Desert Fall Way 770 032 001 4 23-Sep-1999 20-Jan-2005 2005-0054910 5-Jan-2050 NA 79-640 Desert Willow St. 600 320 054 4 12-Apr-2002 23-Apr-2002 2002-209662 23-Apr-2032 NA 79-660 Desert Willow St. 600 320 052 3 25-Apr-2002 28-Jun-2002 2002-356516 7-Jun-2032 NA 79-670 Desert Willow St. 600 320 051 3 12-Apr-2002 19-Apr-2002 2002-207137 19-Apr-2032 NA 79-680 Desert Willow St. 600 320 050 4 25-Apr-2002 8-May-2002 2002-241045 8-May-2032 NA 79-765 Desert Willow St. 600 320 043 3 28-Dec-2001 8-Jan-2002 2002-0864685 8-Jan-2032 NA 79-770 Desert Willow St. 600 320 046 3 28-Dec-2001 4-Jan-2002 2002-006238 4-Jan-2032 10/25/2002 79-775 Desert Willow St. 600 320 044 3 28-Dec-2001 2-Jan-2002 2002-000320 2-Jan-2032 NA 51-820 Eisenhower Dr. 773 175 004 3 13-Aug-2001 31-Aug-2001 2001-425404 31-Aug-2031 NA 51-940 Eisenhower Dr. 773 175 010 4 1-Apr-1999 13-Dec-2002 2002-748711 13-Dec-2047 NA 52-120 Eisenhower Dr. 773 231 006 3 6-Sep-2001 28-Dec-2001 2001-648962 26-Dec-2031 NA 52-360 Eisenhower Dr. 773 271 005 4 13-Aug-2001 5-Sep-2001 2001-430542 5-Sep-2031 NA 52-900 Eisenhower Dr. 773 331 009 4 1978 21-Nov-2001 2001-0545208 21-Nov-2031 7/7/2005 53-165 Eisenhower Dr. 774 055 018 4 7-Sep-1995 28-Dec-1995 432979 [1995]28-Dec-2025 NA 53-295 Eisenhower Dr. 774 085 015 3 1-Sep-2000 20-Sep-2000 2000-369638 19-Sep-2030 NA 53-305 Eisenhower Dr. 774 085 016 3 1-Sep-2000 27-Sep-2000 2000-379306 27-Sep-2030 NA 53-365 Eisenhower Dr. 774 085 019 3 28-Jan-1988 7-Mar-2005 2005-0273897 7-Mar-2050 NA 53-940 Eisenhower Dr. 774 171 010 3 22-Sep-1989 16-Dec-2005 2005-1042063 16-Dec-2050 NA 54-165 Eisenhower Dr. 774 215 020 3 14-Jun-1989 9-Oct-1997 367256 [1997]9-Oct-2027 NA 54-565 Eisenhower Dr. 774 284 016 3 24-Mar-1994 29-Apr-1994 177711 [1994]29-Apr-2034 NA 47-738 Endless Sky 600 420 001 3 25-Jul-2006 2-Aug-2006 2006-0566923 2-Aug-2051 NA 47-745 Endless Sky 600 420 075 3 3-Jul-2007 28-Sep-2007 2007-0610591 28-Sep-2052 1/17/2017 47-752 Endless Sky 600 420 002 2 28-Aug-2006 22-Sep-2006 2006-0704600 22-Sep-2051 6/1/2015 47-755 Endless Sky 600 420 074 2 3-Jul-2007 31-Aug-2007 2007-0558847 31-Aug-2052 NA 69 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 47-765 Endless Sky 600 420 073 3 3-Jul-2007 2-Nov-2007 2007-0674102 2-Nov-2052 NA 47-766 Endless Sky 600 420 003 3 19-Dec-2006 31-Jan-2007 2007-0073531 31-Jan-2052 7/6/2018 47-775 Endless Sky 600 410 067 3 5-Jul-2007 24-Sep-2007 2007-0598256 24-Sep-2052 11/27/2017 47-780 Endless Sky 600 410 025 3 24-Aug-2006 7-Sep-2006 2006-0663361 7-Sep-2051 6/22/2018 47-785 Endless Sky 600 410 066 2 27-Jun-2007 13-Jul-2007 2007-0458888 13-Jul-2052 6/21/2013 47-794 Endless Sky 600 410 026 2 14-Dec-2006 1-Jun-2007 2007-0364556 1-Jun-2052 9/18/2018 47-795 Endless Sky 600 410 065 3 5-Jul-2007 4-Jan-2008 2008-0005306 4-Jan-2053 NA 47-805 Endless Sky 600 410 064 3 6-Jan-2007 28-Nov-2008 2008-0629875 28-Nov-2053 8/22/2017 47-808 Endless Sky 600 410 027 3 16-May-2006 1-Aug-2006 2006-0564861 1-Aug-2051 NA 47-815 Endless Sky 600 410 063 3 6-Jul-2007 15-Jul-2008 2008-0386619 15-Jul-2053 5/9/2017 47-822 Endless Sky 600 410 018 3 17-May-2006 31-May-2006 2006-0396416 31-May-2051 12/20/2013 47-825 Endless Sky 600 410 056 3 9-Jul-2007 17-Jan-2008 2008-0026901 17-Jan-2053 10/28/2016 47-835 Endless Sky 600 410 055 3 9-Jul-2007 9-Jan-2009 2009-0010998 9-Jan-2054 11/30/2018 47-836 Endless Sky 600 410 019 3 21-Nov-2006 8-Dec-2006 2006-0905218 8-Dec-2051 3/10/2014 47-845 Endless Sky 600 410 054 3 9-Jul-2007 18-Jun-2008 2008-0332891 18-Jun-2053 10/26/2018 47-850 Endless Sky 600 410 016 3 17-May-2006 26-May-2006 2006-0387254 26-May-2051 NA 47-855 Endless Sky 600 410 053 2 9-Jul-2007 31-Aug-2007 2007-0561533 31-Aug-2052 6/17/2010 47-864 Endless Sky 600 410 017 3 19-May-2006 28-Jun-2006 2006-0470131 28-Jun-2051 8/30/2017 47-865 Endless Sky 600 410 052 3 10-Jul-2007 30-May-2008 2008-0295916 30-May-2053 NA 47-875 Endless Sky 600 410 047 3 16-Jul-2007 24-Sep-2007 2007-0598249 24-Sep-2052 8/22/2017 47-878 Endless Sky 600 410 003 3 10-Oct-2006 24-Oct-2006 2006-0779472 24-Oct-2051 NA 47-885 Endless Sky 600 410 046 2 18-Oct-2007 8-Sep-2008 2008-0493132 5-Sep-2053 NA 47-892 Endless Sky 600 410 002 2 16-May-2006 15-Jun-2006 2006-0434410 15-Jun-2051 NA 47-895 Endless Sky 600 410 045 3 18-Oct-2007 8-Aug-2008 2008-0437240 8-Aug-2053 5/9/2013 47-906 Endless Sky 600 410 001 3 16-May-2006 31-May-2006 2006-0396411 31-May-2051 NA 79-343 Horizon Palms Circle 604 110 051 3 1987 28-Aug-1998 365570 [1998]28-Aug-2028 NA 79-776 Independence Way 604 502 008 3 17-May-2002 3-Jun-2002 2002-299139 24-May-2047 NA 79-790 Independence Way 604 502 007 3 29-May-2002 12-Dec-2002 2002-743815 12-Dec-2047 NA 79-910 Memorial Place 604 501 007 3 29-Jul-2002 17-Sep-2002 2002-514065 13-Sep-2047 NA 78-820 Nolan Circle 604 233 013 3 29-May-1997 9-Jun-1997 202511 [1997]9-Jun-2027 NA 79-255 Rose Dawn 600 420 080 2 27-Jun-2007 13-Jul-2007 2007-0458881 2-Jul-2052 10/7/2014 79-260 Rose Dawn 600 420 047 3 8-Mar-2007 13-Apr-2007 2007-0251502 13-Apr-2052 6/12/2018 79-264 Rose Dawn 600 420 048 3 15-Feb-2007 27-Feb-2007 2007-0134877 27-Feb-2052 NA 79-265 Rose Dawn 600 420 079 2 29-Jun-2007 21-Mar-2008 2008-0141894 21-Mar-2053 8/1/2013 79-268 Rose Dawn 600 420 045 3 15-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0140799 28-Feb-2052 NA 79-272 Rose Dawn 600 420 046 3 8-Mar-2007 8-May-2007 2007-0307017 8-May-2052 10/1/2014 70 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 79-276 Rose Dawn 600 420 037 3 7-Mar-2007 8-Jun-2007 2007-0378969 8-Jun-2052 NA 79-275 Rose Dawn 600 420 078 3 1-Mar-2007 31-Aug-2007 2007-0561540 31-Aug-2052 3/28/2013 79-280 Rose Dawn 600 420 038 3 15-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0141884 28-Feb-2052 NA 79-285 Rose Dawn 600 420 077 2 29-Jun-2007 25-Jan-2008 2008-0041149 25-Jan-2053 NA 79-295 Rose Dawn 600 420 076 2 29-Jun-2007 30-Oct-2007 2007-0664244 30-Oct-2052 12/18/2018 79-315 Rose Dawn 600 420 010 2 17-May-2006 6-Jun-2006 2006-0409978 6-Jun-2051 8/1/2013 79-320 Rose Dawn 600 420 029 3 15-Feb-2007 27-Feb-2007 2007-0134872 27-Feb-2052 NA 79-324 Rose Dawn 600 420 030 3 6-Mar-2007 18-May-2007 2007-0333523 18-May-2052 NA 79-325 Rose Dawn 600 420 009 2 4-Aug-2006 16-Aug-2006 2006-0603660 16-Aug-2051 3/14/2018 79-328 Rose Dawn 600 420 021 3 1-Mar-2007 8-Jun-2007 2007-0377932 8-Jun-2052 2/15/2018 79-332 Rose Dawn 600 420 022 2 28-Feb-2007 7-May-2007 2007-0303986 7-May-2052 7/22/2013 79-335 Rose Dawn 600 420 008 2 19-Dec-2006 1-Feb-2007 2007-0078631 31-Jan-2052 10/7/2013 79-336 Rose Dawn 600 420 023 3 16-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0140815 28-Feb-2052 NA 79-340 Rose Dawn 600 420 018 3 6-Mar-2007 30-Mar-2007 2007-0218378 29-Mar-2052 NA 79-344 Rose Dawn 600 420 019 2 28-Feb-2007 25-May-2007 2007-0345852 25-May-2052 7/2/2015 79-345 Rose Dawn 600 420 007 2 19-Dec-2006 19-Jan-2007 2007-0048047 19-Jan-2052 NA 79-348 Rose Dawn 600 420 020 3 15-Dec-2007 27-Mar-2007 2007-0206941 27-Mar-2052 NA 79-355 Rose Dawn 600 420 006 2 17-May-2006 6-Jun-2006 2006-0409984 6-Jun-2051 NA 47-905 Rosemary St. 600 320 021 4 14-Dec-2001 13-Mar-2002 2002-129030 13-Mar-2032 5/14/2004 78-595 Sagebrush Dr. 646 311 009 3 28-May-1992 11-Jul-1997 245360 [1997]11-Jul-2027 NA 79-370 Sierra Vista Way 604 440 037 3 16-Oct-2000 30-Oct-2000 2000-428474 30-Oct-2030 NA 79-257 Sign of Spring 600 420 051 3 9-Mar-2007 26-Jun-2008 2008-0350420 26-Jun-2053 11/27/2013 79-261 Sign of Spring 600 420 050 2 9-Mar-2007 20-Apr-2007 2007-0269554 20-Apr-2052 10/17/2013 79-265 Sign of Spring 600 420 049 3 8-Mar-2007 13-Apr-2007 2007-0251491 13-Apr-2052 5/24/2013 79-269 Sign of Spring 600 420 044 3 16-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0140810 28-Feb-2052 NA 79-273 Sign of Spring 600 420 043 2 8-Mar-2007 8-May-2007 2007-0307011 8-May-2052 NA 79-277 Sign of Spring 600 420 042 3 8-Mar-2007 22-Aug-2008 2008-0464958 22-Aug-2053 NA 79-281 Sign of Spring 600 420 041 3 9-Mar-2007 1-May-2008 2008-0225533 2-May-2053 NA 79-285 Sign of Spring 600 420 040 2 7-Mar-2007 24-May-2007 2007-0342649 24-May-2052 2/24/2015 79-289 Sign of Spring 600 420 039 3 16-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0140832 28-Feb-2052 6/1/2012 79-293 Sign of Spring 600 420 036 3 16-Feb-2007 30-Jul-2007 2007-0491210 30-Jul-2052 NA 79-297 Sign of Spring 600 420 035 2 7-Mar-2007 13-Jul-2007 2007-0458895 13-Jul-2052 7/9/2012 79-301 Sign of Spring 600 420 034 3 6-Mar-2007 29-Jun-2007 2007-0428063 29-Jun-2052 11/6/2016 79-305 Sign of Spring 600 420 033 3 6-Mar-2007 25-Jun-2007 2007-0412040 25-Jun-2052 NA 79-309 Sign of Spring 600 420 032 2 6-Mar-2007 28-Feb-2009 2009-0098010 28-Feb-2054 11/25/2015 79-313 Sign of Spring 600 420 031 3 21-Feb-2007 28-Feb-2007 2007-0141894 28-Feb-2052 4/30/2010 79-317 Sign of Spring 600 420 028 3 21-Feb-2007 16-May-2007 2007-0326630 16-May-2052 NA 79-321 Sign of Spring 600 420 027 2 5-Mar-2007 9-Nov-2007 2007-0685555 13-Nov-2052 NA 79-325 Sign of Spring 600 420 026 3 5-Mar-2007 22-Feb-2008 2008-0087254 22-Feb-2053 NA 79-329 Sign of Spring 600 420 025 3 1-Mar-2007 27-Mar-2008 2008-0151078 27-Mar-2053 3/6/2014 79-333 Sign of Spring 600 420 024 3 1-Mar-2007 30-Mar-2007 2007-0216188 30-Mar-2052 NA 71 CITY OF LA QUINTA HOUSING PROGRAMS - SINGLE FAMILY OWNERSHIP Updated 12/31/2018 APN Unit Size (bdrms) Date of Completion (CofO) Date of Recordation County Recorder Doc # Expiration of Covenants Assumption Date (most recent) Property Address 79-337 Sign of Spring 600 420 017 3 23-Feb-2007 16-May-2007 2007-0324488 16-May-2052 NA 79-341 Sign of Spring 600 420 016 3 22-Feb-2007 22-May-2009 2009-0261716 22-May-2054 9/23/2011 47-810 Silverberry St.600 330 023 3 17-Mar-2000 14-Apr-2000 2000-139606 13-Apr-2030 12/19/2002 47-900 Silverberry St.600 330 020 5 29-Feb-2000 29-Feb-2000 2000-074664 2/29/2030 NA 47-615 Soft Moonlight 600 420 015 4 22-Feb-2007 29-Jun-2007 2007-0428056 29-Jun-2052 NA 47-635 Soft Moonlight 600 420 014 3 21-Feb-2007 23-May-2007 2007-0338930 23-May-2052 3/17/2015 47-655 Soft Moonlight 600 420 013 2 23-Feb-2007 13-Apr-2007 2007-0251497 13-Apr-2052 NA 47-675 Soft Moonlight 600 420 012 2 21-Feb-2007 25-May-2007 2007-0345859 25-May-2052 NA 47-695 Soft Moonlight 600 420 011 2 21-Feb-2007 21-Mar-2007 2007-0193287 21-Mar-2052 4/7/2016 47-745 Soft Moonlight 600 420 005 2 9-Oct-2006 24-Oct-2006 2006-0781321 24-Oct-2051 4/26/2013 47-755 Soft Moonlight 600 420 004 3 9-Oct-2006 20-Oct-2006 2006-0775125 20-Oct-2051 1/30/2019 47-765 Soft Moonlight 600 410 024 3 19-Sep-2006 29-Sep-2006 2006-0723730 29-Sep-2051 NA 47-775 Soft Moonlight 600 410 023 3 17-Oct-2006 27-Oct-2006 2006-0791658 27-Oct-2051 4/8/2014 47-785 Soft Moonlight 600 410 022 3 24-May-2006 26-May-2006 2006-0387264 26-May-2051 10/1/2015 47-795 Soft Moonlight 600 410 021 3 21-Nov-2006 29-Dec-2006 2006-0956436 29-Dec-2051 NA 47-805 Soft Moonlight 600 410 020 2 17-May-2006 6-Jun-2006 2006-0409973 6-Jun-2051 NA 47-815 Soft Moonlight 600 410 015 3 19-May-2006 6-Jun-2006 2006-0409968 6-Jun-2051 4/15/2011 47-825 Soft Moonlight 600 410 014 3 14-Dec-2006 30-Jan-2007 2007-0070033 31-Jan-2052 NA 47-835 Soft Moonlight 600 410 013 2 21-Nov-2006 3-Jan-2007 2007-0005611 3-Jan-2052 9/17/2010 47-855 Soft Moonlight 600 410 012 3 12-May-2006 26-May-2006 2006-0387259 26-May-2051 5/15/2018 47-875 Soft Moonlight 600 410 011 3 17-May-2006 31-May-2006 2006-0395661 31-May-2051 6/19/2017 78-260 Springtime Way 770 031 007 2 9-Oct-1995 31-Oct-1997 397596 [1997]31-Oct-2027 NA 78-280 Springtime Way 770 031 005 3 9-Oct-1995 23-Oct-1995 352644 [1995]23-Oct-2025 NA 78-290 Springtime Way 770 031 004 3 9-Oct-1995 23-Oct-1995 352639 [1995]23-Oct-2025 3/16/2001 78-300 Springtime Way 770 031 003 3 24-Jan-1996 5-Jan-1996 004470 [1996]4-Jan-2026 1/8/1999 78-310 Springtime Way 770 031 002 4 9-Oct-1995 29-Mar-1996 113921 [1996]29-Mar-2026 NA 47-785 Sumac St. 600 330 015 3 21-Mar-2000 30-Mar-2000 2000-116894 30-Mar-2030 NA 45-160 Sunberry Court 604 412 011 3 21-Dec-1999 30-Dec-1999 1999-564949 30-Dec-2029 NA 78-615 Via Corrido 646 290 036 3 13-Aug-1991 29-Aug-1997 316053 [1997]29-Aug-2027 NA 78-250 Winter Cove Court 770 031 025 3 28-Oct-1996 20-Mar-1997 093718 [1997]15-Jun-2029 7/1/2010 78-255 Winter Cove Court 770 031 009 3 11-Sep-1996 24-Sep-1996 366106 [1996]15-Jun-2029 NA 78-260 Winter Cove Court 770 031 024 3 11-Sep-1996 20-Sep-1996 359918 [1996]15-Jun-2029 NA 78-265 Winter Cove Court 770 031 010 3 11-Mar-1996 31-Oct-1997 397891 [1997]31-Oct-2027 12/31/2001 78-275 Winter Cove Court 770 031 011 4 6-Aug-1998 17-May-2004 2004-0366704 30-Sep-2028 NA 78-285 Winter Cove Court 770 031 012 3 13-Oct-1995 26-Oct-1995 358070 [1995]15-Jun-2029 NA 78-305 Winter Cove Court 770 031 014 3 13-Oct-1995 27-Oct-1995 359206 [1995]15-Jun-2029 NA 78-310 Winter Cove Court 770 031 020 3 8-Apr-1996 16-Apr-1996 136421 [1996]15-Jun-2029 NA 78-315 Winter Cove Court 770 031 015 3 13-Oct-1995 29-Mar-1996 113461 [1996]15-Jun-2029 NA 78-320 Winter Cove Court 770 031 018 4 19-Oct-1995 26-Oct-1995 358065 [1995]15-Jun-2029 NA 78-325 Winter Cove Court 770 031 016 4 3-Jul-1996 5-Jul-1996 251473 [1996]15-Jun-2029 NA 78-330 Winter Cove Court 770 031 017 4 19-Oct-1995 26-Oct-1995 358060 [1995]15-Jun-2029 NA 72 City of La Quinta HOUSING AUTHORITY MEETING: April 16, 2019 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: RECEIVE AND FILE HOUSING SUCCESSOR ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017/18 REGARDING THE LOW- AND MODERATE-INCOME HOUSING ASSET FUND PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34176.1 (F) FOR THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY RECOMMENDATION Receive and file the La Quinta Housing Successor Annual Report regarding the Low and Moderate Income Asset Fund pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1 (f). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  The Housing Successor Annual Report (Report) is a State requirement for Housing Successors to Redevelopment Agencies.  The Report provides the Housing Authority a comprehensive representation of the City’s housing assets and activities.  Once filed, the Report will be posted on the City’s website and filed with the City Clerk. FISCAL IMPACT – None. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The Report must provide the Housing Successor’s Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Asset Fund (LMIHAF) balance, deposits, expenditures, transfers, current projects, acquisitions, obligations, income test, senior housing test, and excess surplus test. The Report for 2017/18 reflects the following findings:  A total of $1,362,138 was deposited into the LMIHAF; the majority of the deposits originated from rental revenue generated by Authority-owned affordable housing properties and a $305,277 loan repayment from Coral Mountain Apartments.  A total of $2,127,084 was expended from LMIHAF for maintenance, monitoring, administration expenses, and homeless prevention funding.  A total of $52,969,381 in assets owned by the Housing Successor was reported, assets consist of notes and loans, land, building and improvements and accumulated depreciation. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 3 35  Senior Housing Test reflects that 22 percent of 1285 total Housing Successor Assisted rental units are restricted to seniors.  The Housing Successor reports no computed excess surplus; therefore, no plan exists for eliminating excess surplus. The Report will be submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development to comply with California Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1(f). ALTERNATIVES As this is a receive and file action, there is no alternative. Prepared by: Angela Ferreira, Management Specialist Approved by: Frank J. Spevacek, Executive Director Attachment: 1. La Quinta Housing Successor Annual Report 36 HOUSING SUCCESSOR ANNUAL REPORT December 30, 2018 LOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING ASSET FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-18 PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34176.1(f) FOR THE LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY ATTACHMENT 1 37 HOUSING SUCCESSOR ANNUAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1 AMOUNT DEPOSITED INTO LMIHAF ........................................................................................... 1 ENDING BALANCE OF LMIHAF ................................................................................................... 1 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURES FROM LMIHAF ................................................................... 1 TABLE 1: DESCRIPTION OF LMIHAF EXPENDITURES STATUTORY VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY HOUSING SUCCESSOR ................................. 2 TABLE 2: STATUTORY VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY HOUSING SUCCESSOR DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFERS ................................................................................................... 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................................................ 2 TABLE 3: PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS STATUS OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 33334.16................................................................ 3 TABLE 4: SECTION 33334.16 COMPLIANCE DESCRIPTION OF OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS UNDER SECTION 33413. ......................... 4 INCOME TEST ................................................................................................................................ 4 SENIOR HOUSING TEST ............................................................................................................... 4 TABLE 5: SENIOR HOUSING TEST EXCESS SURPLUS TEST .............................................................................................................. 5 TABLE 6: EXCESS SURPLUS TEST 38 LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY Page 1 INTRODUCTION This Housing Successor Annual Report (“Report”) addresses the requirements of California Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1(f) regarding the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund (“LMIHAF”). This Report outlines the financial and housing covenant details of the La Quinta Housing Authority (“Housing Successor”) for 2017-18 (the “Fiscal Year”). The purpose of this Report is to provide the governing body of the Housing Successor an annual report on the housing assets and activities of the Housing Successor under Part 1.85, Division 24 of the California Health and Safety Code, in particular sections 34176 and 34176.1 (“Dissolution Law”). This report includes discussion on the deposits to, ending balance of, and expenditures from the LMIHAF. A description of the Housing Successor’s assets, and any transfers of assets to other housing successor agencies are addressed as well. The report also discusses the Housing Successor’s current projects, acquisitions of any real property since February 1, 2012, or any outstanding obligations. Finally, as required by law, three separate test are discussed – the income test, senior housing test, and excess surplus test. This Report is to be provided to the Housing Successor’s governing body by December 31, 2018 (six months after the end of the Fiscal Year); however, due to internal audits the submittal of this report was delayed. In addition, this Report and the former redevelopment agency’s pre-dissolution Implementation Plans are to be made available to the public on the City’s website. http:www.laquintaca.gov) AMOUNT DEPOSITED INTO LMIHAF This section provides the total amount of funds deposited into the LMIHAF during the Fiscal Year. Any amounts deposited for items listed on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (“ROPS”) must be distinguished from the other amounts deposited. A total of $1,362,138 was deposited into the LMIHAF during the Fiscal Year. Of the total funds deposited into the LMIHAF, a total of $0 was held for items listed on the ROPS. These deposits originated from rental revenues generated at City-owned affordable housing properties and a $305,277 loan repayment from Coral Mountain. ENDING BALANCE OF LMIHAF This section provides a statement of the balance in the LMIHAF as of the close of t he Fiscal Year. Any amounts deposited for items listed on the ROPS must be distinguished from the other amounts deposited. At the close of the Fiscal Year, the ending balance in the LMIHAF was $21,690,187, of which $0 is held for items listed on the ROPS. DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURES FROM LMIHAF 39 LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY Page 2 This section provides a description of the expenditures made from the LMIHAF during the Fiscal Year. The expenditures are to be categorized. There was a total of $2,127,084 expended from the LMIHAF, divided into the following categories: TABLE 1: DESCRIPTION OF LMIHAF EXPENDITURES Description of Expenditures Total Expenditures Maintenance, Monitoring and Administration Expenditures $1,868,084 Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Services Expenditures $259,000 Housing Development Expenditures (Total of Next Three Lines) $0.00 Expenditures on Low Income Units $0.00 Expenditures on Very Low Income Units $0.00 Expenditures on Extremely Low Income Units $0.00 Total LMIHAF Expenditures in Fiscal Year $2,127,084 STATUTORY VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY HOUSING SUCCESSOR This section provides the statutory value of real property owned by the Housing Successor, the value of loans and grants receivables, and the sum of these two amounts. TABLE 2: STATUTORY VALUE OF ASSETS OWNED BY HOUSING SUCCESSOR Asset Type Statutory Value of Assets Notes and Loans $26,736,918 Land $25,031,979 Building and Improvements $742,453 Accumulated Depreciation $458,031 Total Assets $52,969,381 * Reduction to Land and Building to Improvements due to disposition of WSA DESCRIPTION OF TRANSFERS The Housing Successor did not make any transfers in the Fiscal Year. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS This section describes any project for which the Housing Successor receives or holds property tax revenue pursuant to the ROPS and the status of that project. The following is a description of project(s) for which the Housing Successor receives or holds property tax revenue pursuant to the ROPS as well as the status of the project(s): TABLE 3: PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Project Name Status Washington Street Apartments Demolition, Sitework, Infrastructure Improvements and Construction started in April 2018 Washington Street Apartments Washington Street Apartments ownership was transferred to the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition (CVHC) on March 15, 2018.The work to be completed as part of the affordable housing project includes demolition, utility infrastructure upgrades, and rehabilitation of existing units, and he construction of 68 new units and associated community center . A combination of housing funds, bond proceeds, and tax credit financing is being used to pay 40 LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY Page 3 for the design, architectural, engineering, and project management services in addition to vertical construction and rehabilitation. Presently the project is slated for completion in the fall of 2019. STATUS OF COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 33334.16 This section provides a status update on compliance with Section 33334.16 for interests in real property acquired by the former redevelopment agency prior to February 1, 2012. For interests in real property acquired on or after February 1, 2012, provide a status update on the project. Section 34176.1 provides that Section 33334.16 does not apply to interests in real property acquired by the Housing Successor on or after February 1, 2012; however, this Report presents a status update on the project related to such real property. With respect to interests in real property acquired by the former redevelopment agency prior to February 1, 2012, the time period described in Section 33334.16 shall be deemed to have commenced on the date that the Department of Finance approved the property as a housing asset in the LMIHAF; thus, as to real property acquired by the former redevelopment agency now held by the Housing Successor in the LMIHAF, the Housing Successor must initiate activities consistent with the development of the real property for the purpose for which it was acquired within five years of the date of the DOF approved such property as a housing asset. The following provides a status update on the real property or properties housing asset(s) that were acquired prior to February 1, 2012 and compliance with five-year period: TABLE 4: SECTION 33334.16 COMPLIANCE Address of Property Date of Acquisition Deadline to Initiate Development Activity Status of Housing Successor Activity Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030-004) 6/8/2006 6/8/2016 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030-009) 6/13/2006 6/13/2016 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030-003) 1/17/2007 1/17/2017 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030-008) 4/27/2007 4/27/2017 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Washington Street and Hidden River Road (APN 609-040-028) 10/15/2007 10/15/2017 Deadline met- Sold to affordable housing developer and currently under construction 41 LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY Page 4 Avenida Mendoza and Avenida Montezuma (APN 773-077-014) 11/30/2007 11/30/2017 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030-002) 6/12/2009 6/12/2019 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive (APN 600-030-005) 1/26/2010 1/26/2020 Deadline met- City has initiated site programming and developed conceptual plans Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16 required former redevelopment agencies to initiate activities, such as zone changes or disposition and development agreements within five years of acquiring a property. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33334.16, the legislative body is authorized to extend the deadline to initiate activities by an additional five years upon affirming the intention to develop housing affordable to households of low and moderate income. In 2011, the Housing Authority extended development of the abovementioned properties by adopting Resolution 2011-070. The following provides a status update on the project(s) for property or properties that have been acquired by the Housing Successor using LMIHAF on or after February 1, 2012. The Housing Successor did not acquire property on or after February 1, 2012. DESCRIPTION OF OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS UNDER SECTION 33413.This section describes the outstanding inclusionary housing obligations, if any, under Section 33413 that remained outstanding prior to dissolution of the former redevelopment agency as of February 1, 2012 along with the Housing Successor’s progress in meeting those prior obligations, if any, of the former redevelopment agency and how the Housing Successor plans to meet unmet obligations, if any. The housing successor does not have any obligations to fulfill under Section 33413. INCOME TEST This section provides the information required by Section 34176.1(a)(3)(B), or a description of expenditures by income restriction for a five year period, with the time period beginning on January 1, 2014 and whether the statutory thresholds have been met. Reporting of the Income Test is not required until 2019. The Housing Successor has not historically tracked expenditures on extremely low income households. At this time, the Housing Successor does not possess sufficient information to provide details of expenditures on extremely low income households over the last five years. Expenditures in the previous Fiscal Year can be distributed based on known household incomes (refer to Table 1 for the distribution of expenditures by household income level for the Fiscal Year). Going forward, starting fiscal year 18/19, the Housing Successor will be tracking expenditures by income level such that the Housing Authority can report on expenditures by household income over a five-year period SENIOR HOUSING TEST This section provides the percentage of units of deed-restricted rental housing restricted to seniors and assisted individually or jointly by the Housing Successor, its former Redevelopment Agency, and its host jurisdiction within the previous 10 years in relation to the aggregate number of units of deed-restricted rental housing assisted individually or 42 LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY Page 5 jointly by the Housing Successor, its former Redevelopment Agency and its host jurisdiction within the same time period. For this Report the ten-year period reviewed is 2007 to 2017. TABLE 5: SENIOR HOUSING TEST Unit Category # of Units Assisted Senior Rental Units 289 Total Assisted Rental Units 1285 Senior Housing Test (%) 22% EXCESS SURPLUS TEST The Housing Successor does not presently retain a computed excess surplus pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34176.1. For the purpose of this section of the Report, pursuant to Section 34176.1(d), “’excess surplus’ shall mean an unencumbered amount in the account that exceeds the greater of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or the aggregate amount deposited into the account during the housing successor’s preceding four fiscal years, whichever is greater.” If the Unencumbered Amount (See Table 6) does not exceed the greater of the aggregate amount deposited into the LMIHAF during the preceding four fiscal years or $1,000,000, whichever is greater, there is no excess surplus. The Housing Successor computed excess surplus is noted below in table 6. TABLE 6: EXCESS SURPLUS TEST FY 2017-18 Unencumbered Amount (Available Housing Successor Funds) $12,466,982 Aggregate Deposited for Last Four Years $12,353,431 Greater of Aggregate Deposited for Last Four Years or $1,000,000 $12,353,431 Computed Excess Surplus None 43 44