2019 04 10 FAC Special MeetingFINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION 1 APRIL 10, 2019
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the La Quinta Financial
Advisory Commission is hereby called to be held on Wednesday, April 10, at 4:00 p.m.
at the La Quinta City Hall located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 for the
following purpose:
1. Approve Minutes Dated March 20, 2019
2. Receive and File Revenue and Expenditure Report Dated January 31, 2019
3. Receive and File Revenue and Expenditure Report Dated February 28, 2019
1. Approve the Proposed Uses of Measure G Sales Tax Funds within the 2019/20
Capital Improvement Program
2. Review and Approve Accounts Receivable Write-Off and Unclaimed Property Policy
3. Receive and File Fiscal Year 2018/19 Third Quarter Budget Report
1. Discuss Fiscal Year 2019/20 Investment Policy
1. Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Verbal Update
2. Verbal Update on Request for Proposal for Banking and Merchant Services
3. Verbal Update on Request for Information for Investment Brokers
Dated: April 4, 2019 /s/ W. Richard Mills
W. RICHARD MILLS, Chairperson
JESSICA DELGADO, Management Assistant
I, Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant, do hereby declare that the foregoing notice
for the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission special meeting of April 10, 2019 was
posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle
Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78-630 Highway 111, and 51-321 Avenida Bermudas,
on April 4, 2019.
Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta
Roll Call: Commissioners: Batavick, Hunter, Lopez, Rosen, Turbow, Twohey and
Chairperson Mills
At this time members of the public may address the Commission on any matter not
listed on the agenda. Please complete a “Request to Speak” form and limit your
comments to three minutes. The Financial Advisory Commission values your comments;
however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not
appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b).
1. Approve Minutes Dated March 20, 2019
2. Receive and File Revenue and Expenditure Report Dated January 31, 2019
3. Receive and File Revenue and Expenditure Report Dated February 28, 2019
1. Approve the Proposed Uses of Measure G Sales Tax Funds Within the 2019/20
Capital Improvement Program
2. Review and Approve Accounts Receivable Write-Off and Unclaimed Property Policy
3. Receive and File Fiscal Year 2018/19 Third Quarter Budget Report
1. Discuss Fiscal Year 2019/20 Investment Policy
Financial Advisory Commission agendas and staff
reports are now available on the City’s web page:
1. Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Verbal Update
2. Verbal Update on Request for Proposal for Banking and Merchant Services
3. Verbal Update on Request for Information for Investment Brokers
The next regular quarterly meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission will
be held on May 15, 2019 commencing at 4:00 p.m. at the La Quinta Study Session Room,
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253.
I, Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare
that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission special
meeting was posted on the City’s website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at
78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78-630 Highway 111, and 51-321
Avenida Bermudas, on April 4, 2019.
DATED: April 4, 2019
Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant
City of La Quinta, California
Public Notices
The La Quinta City Study Session Room is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is
needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk’s office at (760) 777-7092, twenty-
four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.
If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Financial Advisory
Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at
(760) 777-7092. A one (1) week notice is required.
If background material is to be presented to the Financial Advisory Commission (FAC) during a
special FAC meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc.,
must be supplied to the Management Assistant for distribution. It is requested that this take
place prior to the beginning of the meeting.
Any Writings or documents provided to a majority of the Financial Advisory Commission
regarding any item(s) on the agenda will be made available for public inspection at the
Community Development counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta,
California, 92253, during normal business hours.
A special meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission (Commission) was
called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mills.
PRESENT: Commissioners: Batavick, Lopez, Rosen, Turbow, Twohey, and
Chairperson Mills
ABSENT: Commissioner Hunter
Commissioner Rosen led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
FEBRUARY 13, 2019
Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Twohey/Lopez to approve
the Consent Calendar, as submitted. Motion passed: ayes 6, noes 0, absent 1 (Hunter).
Finance Director Campos presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance
Commissioners Twohey and Hunter expressed their willingness to serve on the
Investment Strategy Sub-Committee for Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS).
Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Batavick/Mills to appoint
Commissioners Twohey and Hunter to serve on the Investment Strategy Sub-Committee
for PARS. Motion passed unanimously.
Financial Services Analyst Hallick presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance
Commissioners Turbow and Rosen expressed their willingness to serve on the Review
and Selection Committee for Investment Brokers and provide an update on current
investment broker changes.
Motion – A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Lopez/Twohey to appoint
Commissioners Turbow and Rosen to serve on the Review and Selection Committee for
Investment Brokers and provide an update on current investment broker changes.
Motion passed unanimously.
Facilities Director Howlett presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance
General discussion followed regarding the X-Park’s design; location; parking adequacy;
site amenities that may be provided; management of the facility and estimated managed
facility cost; possible fees and memberships; types of funds that will be used to build this
project; the capital replacement reserve analysis for the project; and Council’s approval
of design alternate additions and appropriation of Measure G funds at the March 19, 2019
City Council meeting.
City Attorney Ihrke and Risk Management Specialist Nieto discussed with the Commission
the potential liability exposure, state law, and insurance requirements.
Finance Director Campos, Management Analyst Mignogna, and City Engineer McKinney
presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department.
General discussion followed regarding appropriations included in the budget; Council’s
review of the 2019/20 Capital Improvement Program proposed budget on March 19,
2019; project timeframes and possible traffic impacts during construction and public
outreach; process for bidding and procuring contractors for the projects; summary of
current Measure G appropriation for projects; current proposed projects and their
designs; locations of transportation projects; funding sources for transportation projects;
completed improvements as of the 2018/19 third quarter; and capital improvement
revenue projections.
Staff provided the Commission with verbal updates on the following Departmental
Commissioner Turbow shared his experience at the Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan
Special Meeting Community Workshop held on Monday, March 18, at City Hall.
Staff noted that a calendar invite will be sent to the Commission for the upcoming 3-day
charrette for this event scheduled for April 24, 25, and 26.
Finance Director Campos mentioned that six banks have responded, proposals were
under review, and interviews are scheduled for early April. She announced the City’s joint
Council and Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 27, starting at 5:30
p.m. at the La Quinta Wellness Center.
Commissioner Batavick announced that the City will hold a Pillar of the Community event
on Wednesday, March 27 starting at 10:00 a.m. He mentioned former Commissioner
Mark Johnson will be recognized at this event.
Commissioner Mills inquired about funding for the La Quinta Indian Wells Ironman 70.3
Triathlon. Finance Director Campos replied that both the City of La Quinta and the City
of Indian Wells are contributing $75,000 each, and that the City’s portion is allocated
from the General Fund under the Community Resources Special Events budget.
Commissioner Mills thanked the Commission for their thoughtful input and participation
at this special meeting.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Turbow/Twohey to adjourn this meeting at 6:13 p.m. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant
City of La Quinta, California
City of La Quinta
Receive and file revenue and expenditure report dated January 31, 2019.
•The report summarizes the City’s year-to-date (YTD) revenues and period
expenditures for January 2019 (Attachment 1).
•These revenue and expenditure reports were also reviewed by the City
Council on March 5, 2019.
Below is a summary of the column headers used on the Revenue and
Expenditure Summary Reports:
Original Total Budget – represents revenue and expenditure budgets the
Council adopted in June 2018 for fiscal year 2018/19.
Current Total Budget – represents original adopted budgets plus any
carryovers (typically associated with long-term Capital Improvement
Projects (CIP) from the prior fiscal year) and any Council approved budget
amendments from throughout the year.
Period Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures
outlaid in the reporting month.
Fiscal Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures
outlaid YTD.
Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) - represents the dollar difference
between YTD collections/expenditures and the current budgeted amount.
Percent Used – represents the percentage activity as compared to budget
Top Five Revenue/Income Sources for January
General Fund Non-General Fund
Property Tax $ 1,176,477 County Government Revenue for Debt
Measure G Sales Tax $ 958,386 Finance Authority Debt Service Inco
Sales Tax $ 872,219 SilverRock Greens Fees
Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax $ 790,239 Allocated Interest
Public Works Permits $ 92,072 Gas Tax
Top Five Expenditures/Outlays for January
General Fund Non-General Fund
Civic Center payment to Finance Authority $ 667,511 SilverRock Maintenance
Greater Palm Springs Convention Bureau $ 120,644 Capital Improvement Program (CIP)- D
Marketing and Tourism Promotions $ 72,569 CIP - Construction(4)
Contract Legal Services $ 55,634 CIP - Professional Services(5)
On-call Planning Services $ 25,631 Vehicle Leases
(1) Redevelopment Successor Agency semi-annual debt service obligations
(2) Final reconciliation of 1996 Civic Center bond retired in October 2018
YTD Percent
of Budget
General Fund 4,356,636$ 17,716,720$ 32.58%
All Funds 13,875,900$ 38,357,379$ 25.73%
YTD Percent
of Budget
General Fund 1,860,992$ 17,177,744$ 28.54%
Payroll - General Fund 658,227$ 5,354,121$ 52.38%
All Funds 2,568,006$ 50,402,728$ 30.27%
January Revenues
January Expenditures
General Fund Non-General Fund
Property Tax 1,176,477$ County Government Revenue for Debt Service (1)7,540,182$
Measure G Sales Tax 958,386$ Finance Authority Debt Service Income (2)667,511$
Sales Tax 872,219$ SilverRock Greens Fees 390,676$
Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax 790,239$ Allocated Interest 370,115$
Public Works Permits 92,072$ Gas Tax 182,997$
General Fund Non-General Fund
Civic Center payment to Finance Authority 667,511$ SilverRock Maintenance 96,658$
Greater Palm Springs Convention Bureau 120,644$ Capital Improvement Program (CIP)- Design(3)74,136$
Marketing and Tourism Promotions 72,569$ CIP - Construction(4)52,984$
Contract Legal Services 55,634$ CIP - Professional Services (5)27,180$
On-call Planning Services 25,631$ Vehicle Leases 18,485$
(1) Redevelopment Successor Agency semi-annual debt service obligations
(2) Final reconciliation of 1996 Civic Center bond retired in October 2018
Top Five Revenue/Income Sources for January
Top Five Expenditures/Outlays for January
(3) CIP Design: Calle Tampico drainage improvements; SRR event site; SRR infrastructure Phase II; Eisenhower drainage project
(4) CIP Construction: Old Town parking lot project
(5) CIP Professional Services: Consulting related to Dune Palms projects; Village Complete Streets; Avenida Bermudas ADA
improvements; and drainage and turf conversion projects
(3) CIP Design: Calle Tampico drainage improvements; SRR event site; SRR infrastructure Phase II; Eisenhow
(4) CIP Construction: Old Town parking lot project
(5) CIP Professional Services: Consulting related to Dune Palms projects; Village Complete Streets; Avenida Bermudas ADA improv
The revenue report includes revenues and transfers into funds from other
funds (income items). Revenues are not received uniformly throughout the
year, resulting in peaks and valleys. For example, large property tax
payments are usually received in December and May. Similarly,
Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund payments are typically received in
January and June. Any timing imbalance of revenue receipts versus
expenditures is funded from the City’s cash flow reserve.
The expenditure report includes expenditures and transfers out to other funds.
Unlike revenues, expenditures are more likely to be consistent from month to
month. However, large debt service payments or CIP expenditures can cause
swings. All funds are generally on target or under budget regarding
Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst
Approved by: Karla Campos, Finance Director
Attachment 1: Revenue and Expenditure Report for January 31, 2019
For Fiscal: 2018/19 Period Ending: 01/31/2019
2/25/2019 Page 1 of 2
Revenue Summary
Total Budget
Total Budget
101 - GENERAL FUND 17,716,7204,356,63652,297,400 54,385,000 -36,668,280 32.58 %
201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,088,389182,9971,965,500 1,965,500 -877,111 55.37 %
202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,149,6443822,333,000 2,333,000 -1,183,356 49.28 %
203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G)200,0670200,000 203,000 -2,934 98.55 %
210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 0072,000 66,226 -66,226 0.00 %
212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 90,43316,667100,100 100,100 -9,667 90.34 %
213 - JAG FUND 26800213 55 125.88 %
215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 636,87601,586,100 1,586,100 -949,224 40.15 %
217 - DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT -22300800 -1,023 27.89 %
219 - ASSET FORFEITURE 0000 0 0.00 %
220 - QUIMBY FUND -3,5290367,000 383,000 -386,529 0.92 %
221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 11,4812,75863,700 66,200 -54,719 17.34 %
223 - MEASURE A FUND 338,83969,368971,708 974,708 -635,869 34.76 %
224 - TUMF FUND -10000 -10 0.00 %
225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND -160100100 -116 15.68 %
230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 11,5263,0524,000 10,000 1,526 115.26 %
231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 7,559,3357,540,182020,482,627 -12,923,292 36.91 %
235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 13,102051,500 51,500 -38,398 25.44 %
237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 1,5001,500012,005 -10,505 12.49 %
241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 327,87377315,000 543,000 -215,127 60.38 %
243 - RDA Low-Mod Housing Fund -1,20908,000 18,000 -19,209 6.71 %
248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)00010,000 -10,000 0.00 %
249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)208,52697,65530,000 170,000 38,526 122.66 %
250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 275,18031,262369,000 379,000 -103,820 72.61 %
251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 225,28022,528508,200 512,200 -286,920 43.98 %
252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 82,58910,362110,000 110,000 -27,411 75.08 %
253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 37,8403,78430,000 30,000 7,840 126.13 %
254 - COMMUNITY CENTER DIF 14,1431,41915,400 15,400 -1,257 91.84 %
255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 15,3081,27615,000 15,000 308 102.05 %
256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 4,4014404,000 4,000 401 110.03 %
257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 37,9854,76340,000 40,000 -2,015 94.96 %
270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 46,0878,70188,500 88,500 -42,413 52.08 %
275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 1,97502,100 2,100 -125 94.06 %
299 - INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND 1,230,927370,11500 1,230,927 0.00 %
310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 667,861667,511671,600 671,600 -3,739 99.44 %
401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 2,949,472011,955,941 55,543,794 -52,594,321 5.31 %
501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 474,76620,925923,700 938,700 -463,934 50.58 %
502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 551,3821,7591,189,800 1,496,800 -945,418 36.84 %
503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 325,3890675,000 690,000 -364,611 47.16 %
504 - INSURANCE FUND 460,0540923,600 923,600 -463,546 49.81 %
601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 1,681,263459,7814,092,800 4,147,800 -2,466,537 40.53 %
602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE -203070,000 70,000 -70,203 0.29 %
760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN -100000 -100 0.00 %
761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST -73,8150020,000 -93,815 369.07 %
Report Total:13,875,900 38,357,37982,049,749 149,059,573 -110,702,194 25.73 %
Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), published annually in
December, is the best resource for all final audited numbers.
For Fiscal: 2018/19 Period Ending: 01/31/2019
2/25/2019 Page 2 of 2
Expenditure Summary
Total Budget
Total Budget
101 - GENERAL FUND 17,177,7441,860,99251,153,413 60,178,941 43,001,198 28.54 %
201 - GAS TAX FUND 952,79766,0541,959,900 2,010,829 1,058,033 47.38 %
202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 536,18016,6491,628,200 1,793,400 1,257,220 29.90 %
210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 0072,000 66,226 66,226 0.00 %
212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 00100,000 100,000 100,000 0.00 %
215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 798,74674,4391,582,700 1,785,400 986,654 44.74 %
217 - DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 12,6492,77067,000 67,000 54,351 18.88 %
220 - QUIMBY FUND 384,69403,956,000 5,748,488 5,363,794 6.69 %
221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 35,6292,01535,000 95,000 59,371 37.50 %
223 - MEASURE A FUND 304,7320961,708 4,733,403 4,428,671 6.44 %
225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 00028,571 28,571 0.00 %
227 - State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP)3,013000 -3,013 0.00 %
230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 004,000 4,000 4,000 0.00 %
231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 12,947,699009,339,728 -3,607,971 138.63 %
235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 10,91810,24654,000 54,000 43,082 20.22 %
237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 10,3006,300012,005 1,705 85.80 %
241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 247,96216,251604,000 602,500 354,538 41.16 %
243 - RDA Low-Mod Housing Fund 00250,000 250,000 250,000 0.00 %
248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)899,0776,53201,451,947 552,870 61.92 %
249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)7,376,024007,416,000 39,976 99.46 %
250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 410,1570400,000 2,557,460 2,147,304 16.04 %
251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 0002,405,952 2,405,952 0.00 %
252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 60,7580110,000 115,952 55,194 52.40 %
253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 13,467030,000 35,952 22,485 37.46 %
254 - COMMUNITY CENTER DIF 000107,591 107,591 0.00 %
255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 16,279015,000 20,952 4,673 77.70 %
256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 3,96604,000 9,952 5,986 39.85 %
257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 4,149040,000 45,952 41,803 9.03 %
270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 47,4830322,000 722,000 674,517 6.58 %
310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 668,0380671,600 671,600 3,563 99.47 %
401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 3,214,728165,34411,955,941 55,554,801 52,340,072 5.79 %
501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 361,17929,708923,700 1,005,784 644,605 35.91 %
502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 545,56449,3421,090,700 1,574,200 1,028,636 34.66 %
503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 177,3615,366705,000 775,000 597,639 22.89 %
504 - INSURANCE FUND 739,9284,408921,100 918,500 178,572 80.56 %
601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 2,378,475251,5914,090,800 4,146,000 1,767,525 57.37 %
602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 50,200050,200 105,200 55,000 47.72 %
760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 12,833000 -12,833 0.00 %
Report Total:2,568,006 50,402,72883,757,962 166,510,286 116,107,559 30.27 %
Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), published annually in
December, is the best resource for all final audited numbers.
City of La Quinta
DATED February 28, 2019
Receive and file revenue and expenditure report dated February 28, 2019.
•The report summarizes the City’s year-to-date (YTD) revenues and period
expenditures for February 2019 (Attachment 1).
•This revenue and expenditure reports was also reviewed by the City
Council on April 2, 2019.
Below is a summary of the column headers used on the Revenue and
Expenditure Summary Reports:
Original Total Budget – represents revenue and expenditure budgets the
Council adopted in June 2018 for fiscal year 2018/19.
Current Total Budget – represents original adopted budgets plus any
carryovers (typically associated with long-term Capital Improvement
Projects (CIP) from the prior fiscal year) and any Council approved budget
amendments from throughout the year.
Period Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures
outlaid in the reporting month.
Fiscal Activity – represents actual revenues received and expenditures
outlaid YTD.
Variance Favorable/ (Unfavorable) - represents the dollar difference
between YTD collections/expenditures and the current budgeted amount.
Percent Used – represents the percentage activity as compared to budget
The revenue report includes revenues and transfers into funds from other
funds (income items). Revenues are not received uniformly throughout the
year, resulting in peaks and valleys. For example, large property tax
payments are usually received in December and May. Similarly,
Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund payments are typically received in
January and June. Any timing imbalance of revenue receipts versus
expenditures is funded from the City’s cash flow reserve.
The expenditure report includes expenditures and transfers out to other funds.
Unlike revenues, expenditures are more likely to be consistent from month to
month. However, large debt service payments or CIP expenditures can cause
swings. All funds are generally on target or under budget regarding
Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick, Financial Services Analyst
Approved by: Karla Campos, Finance Director
Attachment 1: Revenue and Expenditure Report for February 28, 2019
YTD Percent
of Budget
General Fund 6,658,494$ 24,492,179$ 45.03%
All Funds 8,392,194$ 46,890,895$ 31.46%
YTD Percent
of Budget
General Fund 2,259,709$ 19,437,453$ 32.30%
Payroll - General Fund 669,984$ 6,024,105$ 58.94%
All Funds 3,298,264$ 53,720,768$ 32.26%
February Revenues
February Expenditures
General Fund Non-General Fund
Property Tax in lieu of Vehicle License Fees 2,053,157$ Lighting and Landscape District Assessments 498,999$
Property Tax 1,506,828$ SilverRock Greens Fees 476,716$
Measure G Sales Tax 1,000,091$ Surface Transportation Program Grant(1)188,606$
Sales Tax 948,015$ Gas Tax - SB1 116,640$
Transient Occupancy (Hotel) Tax 563,498$ SB 821 Grant(2)109,500$
General Fund Non-General Fund
Sheriff Contract (October-November)1,123,986$ Capital Improvement Program (CIP)- Design(4)181,827$
Marketing and Tourism Promotions 79,193$ SilverRock Maintenance 158,045$
Fire Service Costs 59,265$ Museum Operations 50,010$
Professsional Sevices- Planning (3)40,000$ Makerspace Operations 41,298$
Contract Legal Services 38,172$ CIP- Professional Services (5)39,184$
(1) Grant associated with Capital Improvement Project - Dune Palms Bridge
(2) Grant associated with Capital Improvement Project - LQ High School ADA Improvements
Top Five Revenue/Income Sources for February
Top Five Expenditures/Outlays for February
(3) Planning services- traffic analysis study for Dune Palms
(4) CIP Design: SilverRock (SRR) Phase II infrastructure and Dune Palms Bridge
(5) CIP Professional Services: Consulting related to multiple CIP projects including Dune Palms Bridge and road improvements;
Village Complete Streets; SRR Event Site; and traffic, drainage, and turf conversion projects
For Fiscal: 2018/19 Period Ending: 02/28/2019
3/25/2019 10:32:02 AM Page 1 of 2
Revenue Summary
Total Budget
Total Budget
101 - GENERAL FUND 24,492,1796,658,49452,297,400 54,385,000 -29,892,821 45.03 %
201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,205,029116,6401,965,500 1,965,500 -760,471 61.31 %
202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 1,149,8662212,333,000 2,333,000 -1,183,134 49.29 %
203 - PUBLIC SAFETY FUND (MEASURE G)200,0670200,000 203,000 -2,934 98.55 %
210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 0072,000 66,226 -66,226 0.00 %
212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 90,4330100,100 100,100 -9,667 90.34 %
213 - JAG FUND 26800213 55 125.88 %
215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 1,135,875498,9991,586,100 1,586,100 -450,225 71.61 %
217 - DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT -22300800 -1,023 27.89 %
219 - ASSET FORFEITURE 0000 0 0.00 %
220 - QUIMBY FUND -3,5290367,000 383,000 -386,529 0.92 %
221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 14,2782,79663,700 66,200 -51,922 21.57 %
223 - MEASURE A FUND 405,00466,165971,708 974,708 -569,704 41.55 %
224 - TUMF FUND -10000 -10 0.00 %
225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND -160100100 -116 15.68 %
230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 13,8302,3044,000 10,000 3,830 138.30 %
231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 7,559,3430020,482,627 -12,923,284 36.91 %
235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 13,102051,500 51,500 -38,398 25.44 %
237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 1,5000012,005 -10,505 12.49 %
241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 376,57324,350315,000 543,000 -166,427 69.35 %
243 - RDA Low-Mod Housing Fund -1,20908,000 18,000 -19,209 6.71 %
248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)00010,000 -10,000 0.00 %
249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)208,526030,000 170,000 38,526 122.66 %
250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 303,60028,420369,000 379,000 -75,400 80.11 %
251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 245,76020,480508,200 512,200 -266,440 47.98 %
252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 92,0099,420110,000 110,000 -17,991 83.64 %
253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 41,2803,44030,000 30,000 11,280 137.60 %
254 - COMMUNITY CENTER DIF 15,4331,29015,400 15,400 33 100.22 %
255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 16,4681,16015,000 15,000 1,468 109.79 %
256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 4,8014004,000 4,000 801 120.03 %
257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 42,3154,33040,000 40,000 2,315 105.79 %
270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 47,7801,69388,500 88,500 -40,720 53.99 %
275 - LQ PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER 1,97502,100 2,100 -125 94.06 %
299 - INTEREST ALLOCATION FUND 1,331,102100,17500 1,331,102 0.00 %
310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 667,8610671,600 671,600 -3,739 99.44 %
401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 3,247,578298,10611,955,941 55,543,794 -52,296,215 5.85 %
501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 478,8664,100923,700 938,700 -459,834 51.01 %
502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 553,3051,9231,189,800 1,496,800 -943,495 36.97 %
503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 325,3890675,000 690,000 -364,611 47.16 %
504 - INSURANCE FUND 460,0540923,600 923,600 -463,546 49.81 %
601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 2,228,550547,2874,092,800 4,147,800 -1,919,250 53.73 %
602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE -203070,000 70,000 -70,203 0.29 %
760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN -100000 -100 0.00 %
761 - CERBT OPEB TRUST -73,8150020,000 -93,815 369.07 %
Report Total:8,392,194 46,890,89582,049,749 149,059,573 -102,168,678 31.46 %
Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), published annually in December, is the best resource for all final
audited numbers.
For Fiscal: 2018/19 Period Ending: 02/28/2019
3/25/2019 10:29:57 AM Page 2 of 2
Expenditure Summary
Total Budget
Total Budget
101 - GENERAL FUND 19,437,4532,259,70951,153,413 60,178,941 40,741,488 32.30 %
201 - GAS TAX FUND 1,015,88363,0861,959,900 2,010,829 994,947 50.52 %
202 - LIBRARY & MUSEUM FUND 646,682110,5031,628,200 1,793,400 1,146,718 36.06 %
210 - FEDERAL ASSISTANCE FUND 0072,000 66,226 66,226 0.00 %
212 - SLESA (COPS) FUND 00100,000 100,000 100,000 0.00 %
215 - LIGHTING & LANDSCAPING FUND 866,52467,7791,582,700 1,785,400 918,876 48.53 %
217 - DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 12,649067,000 67,000 54,351 18.88 %
220 - QUIMBY FUND 384,69403,956,000 5,748,488 5,363,794 6.69 %
221 - AB 939 - CALRECYCLE FUND 41,1625,53335,000 95,000 53,838 43.33 %
223 - MEASURE A FUND 304,7320961,708 4,733,403 4,428,671 6.44 %
225 - INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 00028,571 28,571 0.00 %
227 - State Homeland Security Programs (SHSP)3,013000 -3,013 0.00 %
230 - CASp FUND, AB 1379 004,000 4,000 4,000 0.00 %
231 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 RORF 12,947,699009,339,728 -3,607,971 138.63 %
235 - SO COAST AIR QUALITY FUND 11,20929154,000 54,000 42,791 20.76 %
237 - SUCCESSOR AGCY PA 1 ADMIN 13,3000012,005 -1,295 110.79 %
241 - HOUSING AUTHORITY 305,72240,984604,000 602,500 296,778 50.74 %
243 - RDA Low-Mod Housing Fund 00250,000 267,667 267,667 0.00 %
248 - SA 2004 LO/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2014)922,83023,75301,451,947 529,117 63.56 %
249 - SA 2011 LOW/MOD BOND FUND (Refinanced in 2016)7,376,024007,416,000 39,976 99.46 %
250 - TRANSPORTATION DIF FUND 410,1570400,000 2,557,460 2,147,304 16.04 %
251 - PARKS & REC DIF FUND 0002,405,952 2,405,952 0.00 %
252 - CIVIC CENTER DIF FUND 60,7580110,000 115,952 55,194 52.40 %
253 - LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT DIF 13,467030,000 35,952 22,485 37.46 %
254 - COMMUNITY CENTER DIF 000107,591 107,591 0.00 %
255 - STREET FACILITY DIF FUND 16,279015,000 20,952 4,673 77.70 %
256 - PARK FACILITY DIF FUND 3,96604,000 9,952 5,986 39.85 %
257 - FIRE PROTECTION DIF 4,149040,000 45,952 41,803 9.03 %
270 - ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND 50,4833,000322,000 722,000 671,517 6.99 %
310 - LQ FINANCE AUTHORITY DEBT SERVICE 668,0380671,600 671,600 3,563 99.47 %
401 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS 3,445,802231,07411,955,941 55,554,801 52,108,998 6.20 %
501 - FACILITY & FLEET REPLACEMENT 388,77927,601923,700 1,005,784 617,004 38.65 %
502 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 570,89625,3331,090,700 1,574,200 1,003,304 36.27 %
503 - PARK EQUIP & FACILITY FUND 184,1586,797705,000 775,000 590,842 23.76 %
504 - INSURANCE FUND 786,46446,536921,100 918,500 132,036 85.62 %
601 - SILVERROCK RESORT 2,764,761386,2864,090,800 4,146,000 1,381,239 66.69 %
602 - SILVERROCK GOLF RESERVE 50,200050,200 105,200 55,000 47.72 %
760 - SUPPLEMENTAL PENSION PLAN 12,833000 -12,833 0.00 %
Report Total:3,298,264 53,720,76883,757,962 166,527,953 112,807,185 32.26 %
Accounts are subject to adjusting entries and audit. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), published annually in December, is the best resource for all final
audited numbers.
City of La Quinta
Approve the proposed use of Measure G sales tax funds within the 2019/20
Capital Improvement Program.
• The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a five-year plan for major
construction projects such as bridges, streets, traffic signals, drainage
facilities, landscaping, lighting, parks, and other facilities.
• Based upon Council and resident input over the past year, Staff
developed a preliminary scope and budget for various projects for the
2019/20 CIP budget.
• In March, a draft CIP was presented to City Council and the Financial
Advisory Commission (FAC) during Study Sessions.
• Council will be requested to appropriate funds for the 2019/20 CIP
improvements when the Operating and Capital Improvement Program
Budget is considered by Council on June 18, 2019.
$5,580,116 of Measure G funds are proposed in the 2019/20 CIP program.
Total anticipated Measure G revenue for 2019/20 is $10,246,500 for a total
remaining unappropriated balance of $4,666,384. In addition, the current
Measure G reserve balance is anticipated to end the 2018/19 fiscal year at
The FAC provides oversight of Measure G sales tax revenue. The 2019/20 CIP
Program proposes using $5,580,116 of Measure G funds for four projects. All
projects identified fall within the scope of the sales tax measure.
On March 19, 2019 staff presented the 2019/20 through 2023/24 Capital
Improvement Program to City Council. Subsequently the same report was
presented to the FAC on March 20, 2019. Both City Council and the FAC agreed
with the recommended projects as presented. This report focuses on projects
and operations funded with Measure G revenue.
The following capital projects are proposed to receive Measure G funding in
Parks and Facilities Projects
• La Quinta Landscape Renovation Project (Measure G: $3,859,103)
A continuation of the multi-year initiative to refurbish the neighborhood
parkways for the communities north of Highway 111. The Year 4 phase
will focus on the Topaz, Marabella, Sierra Del Rey and Desert Pride
parkways per the schedule presented in Attachment 3.
• Corporate Yard Facility (Measure G: $411,013)
This improvement will complete the Phase II Corporate Yard Facility
Improvements. Space planning and facility design would occur in
• Village Art Plaza Promenade (Measure G: $310,000 National Endowment
of the Arts Grant Funds: $200,000)
The Village Art Promenade would be constructed on the vacant City
property southwest of Avenida Navarro adjacent to the former
lumberyard building. Improvements would include, but not be limited to,
seating and socializing area, landscape and irrigation, walkways,
permanent and temporary art spaces, and shade structures. The Village
Art Promenade would be designed in a manner that allows for
connectivity to the adjacent Village Art Plaza (prior lumberyard building)
and the City Museum.
Economic Development
• Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Implementation (Measure G:
Implement the Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan improvements, which
may include landscape, connectivity and circulation improvements, entry
monuments, wayfinding, catalyst project sites, lighting, and art
Measure G Sales Tax Summary
A summary of inception-to-date Measure G revenue and expenditures is below.
This fiscal year (2018/19), revenue projections were adjusted with the Mid-
Year and Third Quarter Budget Reports, for an adjusted revenue budget of
$10,145,000. These new projections set the tone for the 2019/20 budget
projections, which are estimated at $10,246,500.
All unappropriated revenues remain in Measure G Sales Tax Reserves. The
estimated reserve balance at fiscal year-end is $6,908,857.
ALTERNATIVES: The FAC may recommend only some or none of the projects
be funded.
Prepared by: Karla Campos, Finance Director
2016/17 Actual 1,462,650$
2017/18 Actual 9,967,657
2018/19 Estimated Budget (Adjusted)*10,145,000
TOTAL 21,575,307$
Expenditures Operational Capital Reserves
2016/17 Eisenhower Dr. Retention Basin 750,000
Measure G Reserves 2016/17 (Xpark)-
2017/18 Public Safety Fund 300,000
North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 1,802,576
Citywide Drainage Enhancements 2,407,373
La Quinta Village Road Diet Project 1,000,388
Measure G Reserves 2017/18 4,309,970
2018/19 Public Safety Fund 200,000
Public Safety Services 2,750,000
Citywide Drainage Enhancements 1,166,500
North La Quinta Landscape Improvements 2,129,613
SilverRock Event Space 1,300,000
Xpark (Used 16/17 & 17/18 Reserves)860,000
Measure G Reserves 2018/19 (Adjusted)*2,598,887
TOTAL 3,250,000$ 11,416,450$ 6,908,857$
* Includes an anticipated 2018/19 3rd quarter budget adjustment to increase revenue by $800,000.
18/19 Reserves are increased by the new anticipated revenue.
In 2018/19, the City allocated $860,000 from reserves for the XPark. 2016/17 ($712,650) and a portion of 2018/19 ($147,350)
City of La Quinta
Review and approve an Accounts Receivable Write-Off and Unclaimed Property
• The Financial Advisory Commission (FAC) is asked to review and discuss
further changes to the Policy.
• The Policy is new and would facilitate operational processes, provide
written procedures for the collection and write-off of accounts
• Staff, City Attorney, and an independent auditing firm have reviewed the
proposed Policy. The Policy conforms to current laws and governmental
accounting best practices.
• Subsequent to FAC approval the policy will be presented to City Council
for adoption.
The adoption of this policy does not have a monetary impact. However, the
approval of this policy will facilitate internal processes and result in a reduction
of administrative processing time.
As an advisor to the Finance department, the FAC is asked to review, discuss,
and approve the recommended Accounts Receivable Write-Off’s and Unclaimed
Property Policy (Policy).
The City does not currently have a policy governing accounts receivables or
write-offs. This policy is to ensure all reasonable due diligence has been used
to collect accounts receivable, improve measurement of the City’s accounts
receivables and ensure the most efficient use of City revenue collection
The policy establishes guidelines for the escheatment of unclaimed money,
including unclaimed checks, from the City, consistent with the provisions of
Government Code Sections 50050 through 50057. This policy also ensures
year-end financial statements reflect actual collectible accounts.
To ensure compliance with current laws and regulatory requirements, the Policy
was reviewed by staff, City Attorney, and an independent governmental
accounting auditing firm.
The purpose of this item is to get input from the Commission. The Commission
may either approve as presented or recommend further changes.
Prepared by: Karla Campos, Finance Director
Attachment: 1. Accounts Receivable Write-Off’s and Unclaimed Property
Accounts Receivables Write-Offs and Unclaimed Property Policy
I. Purpose.
It is the City of La Quinta’s (City’s) policy to prevent the creation of accounts receivables
by requiring payment at the time of or before services are rendered. In some cases,
however, an accounts receivable account may be established and may become
delinquent. It is the City’s policy to actively pursue collection of all receivables, regularly
review the status of past-due accounts, and write-off accounts determined to be
This policy is to ensure all reasonable due diligence has been used to collect accounts
receivable, improve measurement of the City’s accounts receivables and ensure the most
efficient use of City revenue collection resources.
The policy establishes guidelines for the escheatment of unclaimed money, including
unclaimed checks, from the City, consistent with the provisions of Government Code
Sections 50050 through 50057. This policy also ensures year-end financial statements
reflect actual collectible accounts.
II. Scope.
This policy applies to all City departments and Funds. Types of receivables covered by
this policy include but are not limited to business licenses, permits, transient occupancy
tax, fees for services, mitigation fees, reimbursements, recovery of damage to City
property, fines, fees, penalties, false alarms, and legal judgements. Unclaimed property
includes but is not limited to uncashed checks and overpayments.
III. Accounts Receivables and Write-Off Procedures.
A. Accounts Receivable Processing
Terms of payment for all debts to the City shall be net 30 from the invoice date, unless
otherwise provided in a contract. Because normal City business is conducted Monday
through Friday, due dates that occur on a Saturday or Sunday shall be advanced to the
following Monday. Due dates that occur on a City observed holiday shall be advanced to
the next business day.
B. Written Disputes of Debts
If a customer submits a written dispute of the debt, the originating department will have
thirty (30) days to evaluate the validity of the dispute and reach a decision. The collection
process will be put on hold until completion of the appeal process. A response letter shall
be sent to the customer notifying them of the decision. If an appeal is upheld, a new
invoice summarizing the amount due will be issued.
C. Late Fees and Interest Charges
Late fees and interest charges may begin accruing on all eligible accounts receivables
not paid within 10 days after the invoice due date. In accordance with Government Code
section 16583.1, the City may impose a reasonable fee, not to exceed the actual costs,
to recover the collection costs on a past due account. For purposes of this paragraph,
eligible accounts are defined as those adopted by resolution with a City fee study.
The City shall routinely notify customers when payment is due. To facilitate recovery of
the principal balance the elimination of penalties, interest, and/or any other fee(s) that
has been applied to an accounts receivable item due to delinquency may be written-off
in accordance with the approval authorities in Section G of this policy.
D. Payment Plans
Payment plans may be granted by City staff with the approval of a direct Manager or
Supervisor and the Finance Director or their designee. Payment arrangements may be
approved under the following conditions:
• All debt due must be paid within 24 months.
• A promissory note with a payment schedule must be signed with an agreement
including a provision that calls for full payment if the note is defaulted upon.
A write-off of from the City’s accounting records does not constitute forgiveness of the
debt or gift of public funds. Subsequent collection of an account previously written off
will be treated as reimbursable revenue in the appropriate Fund.
E. Collection Agency
Only delinquent accounts over 365 days past due and $100.00 or more may be
considered for collections. Accounts transferred to a collection account would be
considered written off. If a payment is received from the collection agency it will be
deposited as miscellaneous revenue in the appropriate Fund.
F. Designation of an Account as Uncollectible
An account will be considered uncollectible if it meets one or more of the following
• The City’s collection procedures have been followed and the account remains
unpaid for greater than 365 days after the due date shown on the original
• The debtor cannot be located, nor any of the debtor’s assets in the event the
assets could be seized, claimed or otherwise used to satisfy debt obligations;
• The debtor has no reasonably available assets that may be used for payment
of the debt, and there is no reasonable expectation they will have any in the
reasonably foreseeable future;
• The debt is disputed, and the City has insufficient documentation to pursue
collection efforts;
• The debtor has died and there is no known estate or guarantor;
• The debtor is a company which is no longer in business;
• The debt is discharged through legal action (bankruptcy or court judgement).
G. Approval Authority for Write-Offs
The Finance Department will periodically (but not less than bi-annually) review all
accounts receivables. Write-off requests shall include all necessary due diligence
documentation. Once Finance staff has prepared the write-off request(s), the
qualified accounts will be presented to the Senior Accountant or their designee for
review and subsequently obtain the corresponding approval(s) based on the following
authority levels:
IV. Under and Overpayments.
A. Underpayments
Underpayments of less than $5.00 may be waived at the desecration of the City upon
approval of the Finance Director; unless the under collected fee constitutes a third-party
liability or pass through payment, which must be collected and remitted in full.
B. Overpayments
In accordance with Government Code Section 50053, individual items of less than
$15.00, or any amount if the depositor’s name is unknown, that remain unclaimed in
the official custody of the City for the period of one year or upon an order of the court
may be transferred to the General Fund by the City Council without the necessity of
publication in a newspaper. A formal request for refund may be made within one year
by the payee.
Write-Off Approver(s) Approval Limit (per item)
Finance Director Up to $15,000
City Manager Up to $50,000
City Council Over $50,000
Commented [KC1]: Mirrors current Purchasing
Policy limits.
V. Escheatment of Unclaimed Money Procedures.
Escheatment is the process of identifying customer deposits or unclaimed checks that
are considered abandoned.
A. Public Notice
Money that is not the property of the City that remains unclaimed for a period of
more than three (3) years shall become the property of the City forty-five (45) days
after publication once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation published in the local agency and the City website. When any such money
becomes the property of the City and is in a special fund, the City Council may
transfer it to the General Fund.
Public notice shall include the following information:
• The individual or business name as shown on the issued check;
• The amount of the issued check;
• The fund in which it is held;
• A statement announcing that the money shall become the property of the City on
the date that is forty-five (45) days nor more than sixty (60) days after the first
publication of the notice.
B. Filing a Claim
A party of interest may file a claim at any time until the date on which the money
becomes the property of the City. The City shall obtain proper identification and
assurance that the claimant is owed the money prior to re-issuing such payment.
Proof of ownership may include but is not limited to:
• The claimant’s name, address, telephone number, and Social Security Number or
Federal Employer Identification Number;
• Proof of identity such as a copy of a driver’s license, social security card, or birth
• Amount of the claim(s);
• The grounds on which the claim is founded.
If a claim is rejected, the party who submitted the claim may file a verified complaint
seeking to recover all, or a designed part, of the money in a court of competent
jurisdiction within the county in which the notice was published. A copy of the complaint
and the summons shall be served within thirty (30) days of receiving notice that the
claim was rejected. The City shall withhold the release of the portion of unclaimed
property for which a court action has been filed until a decision is rendered by the court.
The Finance Director shall review this Policy at a minimum of every five (5) years and
recommend any changes to the City Manager and City Council.
Commented [KC2]: Must be in local paper.
Governed by Government Code section 50051.
But we can also post online – progressive and
increases notification availability.
Commented [KC3]: Per Government Code section
50053. Can include approval in quarterly budget
reports or separate staff report to Council.
Commented [KC4]: Not to exceed 60 days is in
Government Code Section 50051.
Commented [KC5]: Per Government Code section
City of La Quinta
Receive and file 2018/19 Third Quarter Budget Report.
• The 2018/19 Third Quarter Budget Report (Attachment 1) provides an
update of the City’s fiscal activities from July 2018 to March 2019.
• Quarterly, a budget report is prepared to assess the budget and
incorporate adjustments based on current economic conditions and
operational requirements.
• Additional adjustments may be considered and approved prior to June 30,
Staff recommended adjustments to funds as outlined below. All adjustments
were approved by City Council on April 2, 2019.
Fund Revenues Expenses
General Fund (101)1,325,250$ 938,500$
Gas Tax Fund (201)*- -
Library and Museum Fund (202)(20,000) -
Development Agreement Fund (217)30,000 30,000
Emergency Management Program Fund (226)12,000 12,000
State Homeland Security Programs Fund (227)6,000 6,000
CASp Fund, AB 1379 (230)- 15,000
Capital Improvement Fund (401)260,000 260,000
SilverRock Golf Resort (601)*- -
2000-1 Assessment District Funds (740 & 741)114,651
PARS Supplemental Pension Trust Fund (760)800 12,850
TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS 1,614,050$ 1,389,001$
* Revenue adjustments result in no overall increase.
2018/19 Third Quarter Adjustment Requests (All Funds)
Throughout the fiscal year each Department monitors their budget and
proposes adjustments to reflect current conditions and ongoing operational
needs. Requests are reviewed and discussed with the City Manager, Finance
Director and Executive Team before presenting recommendations for Council
consideration. City Funds with no adjustments are excluded.
This report was presented to the City Council on April 2, 2019. Staff will
provide a verbal update to the FAC of discussions from the City Council
meeting. All adjustments presented within the report were adopted by Council
as presented. Additional adjustments may be presented to City Council for
approval prior to June 30, 2019.
There are no alternatives recommended.
Prepared by: Karla Campos, Finance Director
Attachment: 1. 2018/19 Third Quarter Budget Report
Adjustments are based on current year-
to-date activity and updated forecasts
and provide resources to implement
anticipated operational needs to end
the fiscal year. Updated revenue
projections are a foundation for the
upcoming 2019/20 Budget.
The California Department of Tax and
Fee Administration appears to have
resolved most of the software-driven
reporting issues which affected the first
and second quarter sales tax
distributions. In addition, economic conditions
remain strong, resulting in increased sales tax revenue. An increase of
$400,000 in Bradley Burns sales tax for a total budget of $9,300,000 and
$800,000 for Measure G sales tax for a total budget of $10,145,000 are
recommended. Measure G sales tax revenue will remain in reserves until
appropriated by Council. If approved, at fiscal year-end the Measure G sales tax
reserve balance is anticipated to be $6,908,857.
Assessment District 2000-1 Bonds, used to fund Cove sewer improvements,
were fully paid and remaining funds (totaling $144,651) were distributed to the
General Fund ($114,250) for administration expenses and Coachella Valley Water
District ($30,401) for the sewer infrastructure maintenance. Expenses associated
with these restricted funds are depicted in Exhibit 2.
Adjustments to fees and
service charges totaling
$11,000 reflect current and
anticipated activity to end the
fiscal year.
April 2, 2019
2018/19 Third Quarter
Budget Report
Proposed Budget Adjustments are
detailed in Exhibits 1 and 2. A summary
for the General Fund is provided below.
Cannabis Delivery Licenses (5,000)
Fire Plan Review Fees 5,000
Fire Inspection Fees 7,000
General Plan Amendments (5,000)
Tentative Parcel Map 5,000
Short-Term Vacation Rental Inspections 4,000
Adjustment to Various Fee/Service Charges
As noted in the 2018/19 First Quarter Budget Report, costs associated with responding to public
records requests involving extensive research have resulted in increased legal oversite. An
adjustment of $50,000 is requested to ensure enough funds are available for operational legal
After a 90-day pilot program of the public safety camera system is completed (May 2019), the
City will issue a third-party survey anticipated to cost $30,000.
The City was awarded a $1,971,000 Highway Safety
Improvement Grant which is being utilized for the traffic
signal interconnect project. Anticipated project costs have
increased by $260,000 for the installation of metal conduit,
replacement of existing pull boxes, and the removal of
existing copper wiring. The current project budget includes a
General Fund contribution of $30,000. If approved, the
adjusted General Fund contribution would be $290,000 for a
total project budget of $2,261,000. The Capital
Improvement Fund would recognize the $260,000 revenue (transfer in) and capital expenditure
adjustments as noted in Exhibit 2.
A General Fund transfer out of $30,000 to the Development Agreement Fund supports costs
associated with Village area parking lot construction improvements, which are further described
in the “Other Special Revenue Funds” section of this report.
Multiple days of rain, frost and high winds during the recent winter months, which is typically peak
play season, have resulted in decreased golf course revenues, including golf play, golf pro-shop
and restaurant sales. The current budget anticipated an operational shortage of $50,000.
However, based on updated SilverRock golf course projections an additional $400,000 from the
General Fund to the SilverRock Operating Fund is recommended.
A transfer out of $168,500 from the General Fund to the Gas Tax Fund is needed to support
anticipated expenses. In 2018, the State Board of
Equalization failed to enact an anticipated gas tax rate
increase to Section 2103 Local Street and Roads, which
has resulted in lower gas tax revenue for all agencies.
This fund is restricted for road maintenance and
improvements. Without this transfer, programmed
expenditures for street striping, the replacement of
traffic control signs, and storm drain maintenance
would be reduced and/or postponed.
After nine months of operations several
budgetary adjustments have been
incorporated into the General Fund. A
summary of approved adjustments,
including those proposed in this report,
reflect an anticipated adjusted budget
surplus of $781,637 to end the fiscal year.
Additional adjustments may be presented for
consideration and City Council approval until
June 30, 2019.
After the year-end audit is complete, a final
year-end budget report will be presented in
November 2019.
Adjusted Measure G sales tax revenue is allocated as follows for this fiscal year.
29% for Public Safety
45% for Capital Improvements
26% for Measure G Reserves
General Fund Current Budget
Original Budget 52,297,400
Capital Carryovers 4,996,815
Operational Carryovers 2,186,500
1st Quarter Adjustments, Reserves 295,000
Fire Positions, Fire Property Taxes 90,600
Measure G Reserves (SRR Park)1,300,000
2nd Quarter Adjustments 1,997,000
Pension Trust Reserves 6,540,000
Measure G Reserves (Xpark)860,000
3rd Quarter Adjustments 1,325,250
Total Revenues 71,888,565
Original Budget 51,153,413
Capital Carryovers 4,996,815
Operational Carryovers 2,186,500
1st Quarter Adjustments 295,000
Fire Positions (2)90,600
SilverRock Event Space 1,300,000
2nd Quarter Adjustments 147,213
Pension Trust 6,540,000
Xpark Enhancements 860,000
3rd Quarter Adjustments 938,500
Total Expenditures 68,508,041
Budget Surplus 3,380,524
Measure G Reserves (2,598,887)
Adjusted Budget Surplus 781,637
Public Safety Fund 200,000
Public Safety Services 2,750,000
Citywide Drainage 1,166,500
Landscape Improvements 2,129,613
SilverRock Event Space 1,300,000
Measure G Reserves 2,598,887
TOTAL 10,145,000
2018/19 Measure G Expenses
Special Revenue Funds are restricted to specific expenditures. Adjustments to these funds include
amended revenue projections, state pass-through payments, capital improvement expenses, an
assessment district closure, and pension obligation. A summary by fund is presented below with
line item details located in Exhibit 2.
A decrease in Gas Tax Fund revenue ($168,500) is due to a suspended gas tax rate increase in
2018. The General Fund supports the Gas Tax Fund to ensure properly maintained roads. With
this proposed adjustment the total General Fund support for 2018/19 would be $423,500.
Creation Station Makerspace opened in the summer of 2018, a decrease of $20,000 in revenue
for a total budget of $5,000 reflects current memberships. A budget increase is anticipated in
2019/20 as programs expand and popularity increases.
The Development Agreement Fund is restricted for Village Area parking improvements and
revenue is limited to development agreements. To extend available parking, in 2017/18 the City
purchased the vacant lot adjacent to the Frontier building. Improvement costs included a utility
line removal, lot surveying, and site preparation. A budget increase of $30,000 is requested to
supplement these costs. Total project costs, including the acquisition of land, are estimated at
The City was awarded a $12,000 Emergency Management Program Grant which will be used
for emergency operation center tools and equipment. Additionally, a $6,000 grant from the State
Homeland Security Program was awarded for CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)
Training. Adjustments in these funds recognize new grant revenues and programmed expenses.
In January 2018, with the passage of SB 1186, the Division of State Architect increased an ADA
compliance business license fee from $1 to $4 per license. Quarterly the City remits 10% of fee
revenue collected to the State. With increased revenue the City is anticipating a $1,500 increase
Fund Revenues Expenses
Gas Tax Fund (201) *- -
Library and Museum Fund (202)(20,000) -
Development Agreement Fund (217)30,000 30,000
Emergency Management Program Fund (226)12,000 12,000
State Homeland Security Programs Fund (227)6,000 6,000
CASp Fund, AB 1379 (230)- 1,500
Capital Improvement Fund (401)260,000 260,000
2000-1 Assessment District Funds (740 & 741)144,651
PARS Supplemental Pension Trust Fund (760)800 12,850
TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS 288,800$ 467,001$
* Revenue adjustments result in no overall increase.
2018/19 Third Quarter Adjustment Requests (Special Funds)
to the state contribution. As mandated by AB3002, revenue and expenses for this fee are
segregated in a CASp (Certified Access Specialist) Fund.
In 2011, under economic hardship, the City established a supplemental pension plan with
PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services). The plan was established with an initial lump sum
contribution of $200,054 and was used as a fiscally responsible reduction plan offered to
employees eligible for retirement. The adopted plan requires an annual contribution of $12,850.
Adjustments recognize interest earnings of $800 and annual expenses associated with the plan.
The current pension plan fund balance is $104,400.
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
101-0000-41320 Sales Tax 400,000
101-0000-41326 Measure G Sales Tax 800,000
101-0000-49500 Transfer In from 2000-1 AD 114,250
101-0000-41601 Cannabis Delivery Licenses (5,000)
101-0000-42420 Fire Plan Review Fees 5,000
101-0000-42446 General Plan Amendments (5,000)
101-0000-42448 Tentative Parcel Map 5,000
101-0000-41411 Short-term Vacation Rental Inspections 4,000
Total Revenue Adjustments 1,318,250$
City Attorney
101-1003-60153 Legal Expenses, Records Requests 50,000
Community Resources
101-2001-60103 Professional Services, Camera Survey 30,000
Design and Development
101-1007-99900 Transfer Out, HSIP Traffic Signal
Interconnect (Project Number 201602)260,000
101-1007-99900 Transfer Out, Frontier Parking Lot 30,000
101-1007-99900 Transfer Out, SilverRock Operating Fund 400,000
101-1007-99900 Transfer Out, Gas Tax Fund 168,500
TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1,318,250$ 938,500$
General Fund (Fund 101)
City of La Quinta FY 2018/19 Recommended Third Quarter Budget Adjustments
Exhibit 2
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
201-0000-42900 Gas Tax Section 2103 (146,000)
201-0000-42922 Road Maintenance Rehab Act (SB1)(22,500)
201-0000-49500 Transfer In from General Fund 168,500
Fund Total - -
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
202-0000-42218 Membership Fees - Makerspace (20,000)
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
Transfer In from General Fund for
Frontier Parking Lot Improvements
(Project Number 201814)
217-0000-74010 Land Acquisition and Improvements 30,000
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
226-0000-43120 EMP Grant Revenue 12,000
226-0000-60432 Tools/Equipment 12,000
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
227-0000-43120 SHSP Grant Revenue 6,000
227-0000-60320 Travel and Training 6,000
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
230-0000-60480 Contributions to State Agency 1,500
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
Transfer In from General Fund for
HSIP Intersection Interconnect
(Project Number 201602)
401-0000-60188 Construction 260,000
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
601-0000-44000 Green Fees (350,000)
601-0000-44002 Merchandise Sales (50,000)
601-0000-49500 Transfer In from General Fund 400,000
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
740-0000-99900 Transfer Out to General Fund 113,908
740-0000-60691 Sewer Maintenance to CVWD 30,401
741-0000-99900 Transfer Out to General Fund 342
Fund Total 144,651
Account No. Description Revenues Expenses
760-0000-41900 Allocated Interest 800
760-0000-50199 Annual PARS Contribution 12,850
TOTAL ALL OTHER FUNDS 288,800 467,001
PARS Supplemental Pension Plan (Fund 760)
Gas Tax (Fund 201)
Capital Improvements (Fund 401)
2000-1 Assessment District (Funds 740 & 741)
CASP Fund, AB 1379 (Fund 230)
Development Agreement (Fund 217)
Library and Museum (Fund 202)
Emergency Management Program (Fund 226)
State Homeland Security Programs (Fund 227)
SilverRock Golf Resort (Fund 601)
City of La Quinta
Discuss the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Investment Policy draft and provide input.
•As part of their work plan, The Financial Advisory Commission (FAC) is
asked to review the City’s Investment Policy annually.
•Any suggested changes are sent to City Council for consideration by
June of each year.
For Fiscal Year (FY) 2018/19, the City submitted the Policy for certification by
the California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA); the City was granted
the certification, and the reviewers offered suggestions to further clarify the
document and ensure consistency throughout. There were no new regulatory
changes in FY 2018/19 that affected the City’s policy; however, based on the
suggestions received and other research conducted, staff has highlighted
some edits which are identified as red lined in Attachment 1.
The following is a summary of the proposed changes by section:
•Table of Contents will be updated to reflect correct page numbers
when final draft is completed.
•Sections XVI and XVII were moved and incorporated into Section III-
•Section VIII updated with correct reference to Personnel Manual and
added a reference to the City Code regarding Conflicts of Interest.
•Section IX updated to add an annual review of the approved
broker/dealers and financial institutions.
•Section X updated to include a heading for the section regarding
collateralization of funds. A portion of IX.2 was moved here and
incorporated as well.
• Section X updated with minor changes regarding government agencies
such as the removal of the Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie
Mae) which is no longer a government sponsored enterprise.
• Section XI added clarifying language and state code references for
investment pools.
• Section XII removed reference to a process that is no longer
completed as part of the interest allocation.
• Section XVI (new) created a new section calling for an annual review
of the investment portfolio to confirm adherence to the policy.
• Edits to Appendix C, Segregation of Major Investment Responsibilities,
to reflect accurate titles for responsible parties by related function.
• Footnoted Appendix D, Listing of Approved Financial Institutions, to
reflect the ongoing Request for Information (RFI) for broker services
and Request for Proposals (RFP) for banking services.
If necessary based on input from the Commission, the policy may be amended
further, and will be presented to the FAC for approval on May 15th, in order
to move forward to City Council approval in June.
The purpose of this item is to get input from Commissioners; the Commission
may either approve as presented or incorporate further changes.
Prepared by: Rosemary Hallick
Approved by: Karla Campos, Finance Director
Attachment: 1. Draft Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2019/20 (red-lined)
2. Draft Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2019/20
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Fiscal year
Table of Contents
Section Topic
Executive Summary
I General Purpose 3
II Investment Policy 3
III Scope 3
IV Objectives 3
V Maximum Maturities 5
VI Prudence 5
VII Authority 5
VIII Ethics and Conflicts of Interest 6
IX Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions 6
X Permissible Deposits and Investments 7
XI Investment Pools 9
XII Payment and Custody 10
XIII Interest Earning Distribution Policy 10
XIV Internal Controls and Independent Auditors 10
XV Reporting Standards 12
XVI Financial Assets and Investment Activity Not subject to this Policy 12
XVII Investment of Bond Proceeds 12
XVIII Financial Advisory Commission – City of La Quinta 12
XIX Investment Policy Adoption 13
Topic Pag
A City of La Quinta Municipal Code Ordinance 2.70 – Financial Advisory Commission 14
B City of La Quinta Municipal Code Ordinance 3.08 – Investment of Moneys and Funds 15
C Segregation of Major Investment Responsibilities 17
D Listing of Approved Financial Institutions 18
E Investment Management Process and Risk 19
F Glossary 20
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Investment Policy
Fiscal Year 2018/20192019/2020
Executive Summary
The general purpose of this Investment Policy is to provide the rules and standards that must
be followed in administering the City of La Quinta's (the “City”) deposits and investments.
The City's Investment Policy conforms to all state and local statutes and applies to all
deposits and investments of the City, with the exception of bond proceeds and those
noted in section XVI III herein.
It is the City's policy to deposit and invest public funds in a manner that shall provide safety
of principal, liquidity to meet all of the City’s obligations and requirements that may be
reasonably anticipated, and a risk-based market rate of return.
Authority to manage the City's investment portfolio is derived from the City Municipal Code.
Management responsibility for the investment program is delegated to the City Treasurer,
who shall establish and implement written procedures for the operation of the City's
investment program consistent with the Investment Policy.
The City Manager, City Treasurer and city employees involved in the City's banking and
investment process shall conduct the City's business in an ethical manner and refrain from
any activity or relationship that may be, or have the appearance of, a conflict of interest.
The Investment Policy shall be adopted by resolution of the La Quinta City Council on an
annual basis, before the end of each fiscal year (June).
3 of 24
City of La Quinta
Statement of Investment
Policy July 1, 2018 through
June 30, 2019 Adopted by
the City Council on May 15,
2018 July 1, 2019 through
June 30, 2020 Adopted by
the City Council on XXXX XX,
The general purpose of this document is to provide the rules and standards that must
be followed in administering the City of La Quinta's deposits and investments.
It is the policy of the City of La Quinta to deposit and invest public funds in a
manner that shall conform to all State and local statutes governing the investment
of public funds and set forth the permissible deposits and investments of the City's
funds and the limitations thereon.
Except as further detailed in Sections XVI and XVII , this Investment Policy applies to
all deposits and investments of the City of La Quinta, the Successor Agency to the City
of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, and the City of La Quinta Financing and Housing
Authorities (hereafter referred to in this document as the "City" or the “Agency”).
These funds are reported in the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
and include all funds within the following fund types:
➢ General
➢ Special Revenue
➢ Capital Projects
➢ Debt Service
➢ Enterprise
➢ Internal Service
➢ Trust and Agency
➢ Any new fund types and fund(s) that may be created.
Financial assets and investment activity not subject to this policy
The City's Investment Policy does not apply to the following:
➢ Cash and Investments raised from Conduit Debt Financing;
➢ Funds held in trust in the City's name in pension or other post-
retirement benefit programs;
➢ Cash and Investments held in lieu of retention by banks or other
financial institutions for construction projects; and
➢ Short or long term loans made to other entities by the City or Agency,
➢ Short term (Due to/from) or long term (Advances from/to) obligations
made either between the City and its funds or between the City and
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➢ Investment of bond proceeds
The City's Investment Policy shall not govern bond proceeds and bond reserve
fund investments. California Code Section 5922 (d) governs the investment of
bond proceeds and reserve funds in accordance with bond indenture provisions.
Arbitrage Requirement - The US Tax Reform Act of 1986 requires the City to
perform arbitrage calculations as required and return excess earnings to the US
Treasury from investments of proceeds of bond issues sold after the effective date
of this law. These arbitrage calculations may be contracted with an outside source
to provide the necessary technical assistance to comply with this regulation.
Investable funds subject to the 1986 Tax Reform Act will be kept segregated from
other funds and records will be kept in a fashion to facilitate the calculations.
The City's investment position relative to the new arbitrage restrictions is to
continue pursuing the maximum yield on applicable investments while ensuring
the safety of capital and liquidity. It is the City's position to continue
maximization of yield and to rebate excess earnings, if necessary.
The objectives of the City's investment activity, in order of priority and importance, are:
Safety of Principal
Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the City's investment
program. Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to
ensure the preservation of principal of the overall portfolio in accordance
with the permissible deposits and investments.
The City shall endeavor to preserve its investment principal by making
only permissible deposits and investments, undertaken in a controlled
manner to minimize the possibility of loss or misappropriation through
malfeasance or otherwise. Investments not backed by the full faith and
credit of the United States Government shall be diversified by allocating
assets between different types of permissible investments, maturities,
and issuers as a means to mitigate credit risk and interest rate risk.
Credit Risk is the risk of loss from the failure of the security issuer or
backer. Credit risk may be mitigated by:
➢ Limiting investments to investment grade securities as permitted in
Section X; and
➢ Diversifying the issuers of the securities in the investment portfolio
so that potential losses due to issuer failure or individual securities
downgrades may be minimized.
Interest Rate Risk is the risk that market values of securities in the
portfolio will decline due to changes in general interest rates. Interest
rate risk may be mitigated by:
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➢ Structuring the investment portfolio so that securities mature to
meet cash requirements for ongoing operations, thereby avoiding
the need to sell securities on the open market prior to maturity;
➢ Investing operating funds primarily in shorter-term securities.
Liquidity Risk is the risk that a security cannot be liquidated because of
its unique features or structure or because it is thinly traded. Liquidity
risk is not a material issue for the City's portfolio because of the
permissible deposits and investments (see Section X). A discussion of
the City's investment process and risk is presented in Appendix E.
Provide Liquidity
The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all of the
City's cash needs that may be reasonably anticipated. This is accomplished
by structuring the portfolio so that sufficient liquid funds are available to
meet anticipated demands. Furthermore, since all possible cash needs
cannot be anticipated the portfolio should be diversified and consist of
securities with active secondary or resale markets.
The City's policy is to generally hold securities and other investments to
maturity. Accordingly, securities may be sold prior to maturity under certain
circumstances as follow:
➢ A security with declining credit quality can be sold early to minimize loss of principal.
➢ Unanticipated liquidity needs of the portfolio require that one or more securities
be sold.
➢ When a sale/repurchase is fiscally advantageous based on market conditions and
fits the needs of the portfolio
Yield a Risk-Based Market Rate of Return
The City's investment portfolio shall be structured with the objective of
yielding a risk- based market rate of return throughout budgetary and
economic cycles. Return on investment is less important than the safety
and liquidity objectives described above.
The City's Investment Policy does not specify a single benchmark as a goal or
target yield for a rate of return on its investment portfolio. The portfolio's rates
of return will be influenced by several factors, including actions by the Federal
Reserve Board, the marketplace, and overall economic perceptions and
Performance Standards: As a basis for comparison only, the Treasurer's
quarterly reports will display the rates of return on the three-month Bill, six-
month Bill, and one and two-year U.S. Treasury Note, comparable-period rates
for commercial paper, and the yield for the State Treasurer's Local Agency
Investment Fund (LAIF). The Treasurer may use these or any other published rates
of return that the Treasurer deems appropriate for comparison to the return on
the City's investment portfolio.
The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of obtaining a
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market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles,
commensurate with the investment risk constraints and the cash flow needs.
It is the City's policy to generally hold securities and other investments until
maturity. This buy- and-hold policy shall not prevent the sale of a security as
listed in section IV.3
The general buy-and-hold strategy requires that the City's investment portfolio be
structured so that sufficient liquid funds are available from maturing investments
and other sources to meet all reasonably anticipated cash needs. To meet
anticipated cash needs, it is essential that the Treasurer have reliable, diligently
prepared cash flow projections.
The City shall follow Title 5 of the California Government Code §53601 (the “State
Code”) regarding maximum maturities, in that “no investment shall be made in any
security…that at the time of the investment has a term remaining to maturity in
excess of five years”.
The City shall follow the State Code §53600.3 regarding fiduciary duty and the
Prudent Investment Investor Standard as follows:
Except as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 27000.3, all governing bodies of local
agencies or persons authorized to make investment decisions on behalf of those local
agencies investing public funds pursuant to this chapter are trustees and therefore
fiduciaries subject to the prudent investor standard. When investing, reinvesting,
purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling, or managing public funds, a trustee shall
act with care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then pr evailing,
including, but not limited to, the general economic conditions and the anticipated
needs of the agency, that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiarity
with those matters would use in the conduct of funds of a like character and with like
aims, to safeguard the principal and maintain the liquidity needs of the agency. Within
the limitations of this section and considering individual investments as part of an
overall strategy, investments may be acquired as authorized by law.
Authority to manage the City's investment portfolio is derived from section 3.08 of
the City's Municipal Code. Management responsibility for the investment program
is delegated to the City Treasurer for a period of one year pursuant to the City
Council's annual adoption of the Investment Policy.
The City Treasurer shall establish written procedures for the operation of the
investment program consistent with the Investment Policy. Procedures should
include reference to safekeeping, wire transfer agreements, banking service
contracts, and collateral/depository agreements. Such procedures shall include
explicit delegation of authority to persons responsible for investment transactions.
No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the
terms of this Investment Policy and the procedures established by the City
Treasurer. The City Treasurer shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken
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and shall establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate
The City Manager, City Treasurer and city employees involved in the City's
banking and investment process shall conduct the City's business in an ethical
manner and refrain from any activity or relationship that may be, or have the
appearance of, a conflict of interest. Any questionable activity or relationship shall
be reported immediately and inThe City will maintain compliance with the
procedures set forth in the City of La Quinta Personnel Manual Section 1.402.2 -
Conflicts of Interest and Acceptance of Gifts and other Gratuities of the City of La
Quinta Personnel Manualand the City’s Municipal Code Chapter 2.60 Conflicts of
Interest. Any questionable activity or relationship shall be reported immediately
and Rreporting must be made in accordance with the personnel policies of the City
and, until resolved, the officer or employee shall refrain from participating in the
City's business related to the matter.
The City Manager, City Treasurer and City employees may conduct personal
business with banks, brokers, and other financial institutions that are authorized
to conduct business with the City provided that the terms of the activity to the
accountholder with the City are the same as those that are available to the public
in general.
The City Treasurer maintains a listing of financial institutions which are approved
for direct investment purposes, as well as. In addition, a list will also be
maintained of approved broker/dealers. selected by credit worthiness.
Broker/Dealers who desire to become bidders for direct investment
transactions must supply the City with the following:
➢ Current audited financial statements;
➢ Proof of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Certification;
➢ Trading resolution;Proof of State of California registration
➢ Resume of Financial broker; and
➢ Completion of the City of La Quinta Broker/Dealer questionnaire, which
contains a certification of having read the City's Investment Policy.
The City Treasurer shall evaluate the documentation submitted by the
broker/dealer and independently verify existing reports on file for any firm
and individual conducting investment related business.
The City Treasurer will also contact the following agencies during the
verification process:
➢ Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Public
Disclosure Report File (1-800- 289-9999).
➢ State of California Department of Corporations (1-916-445-3062).
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A professional investment manager or management firm, if engaged by the
City pursuant to Section X of this policy, may utilize their own list of
approved broker/dealers on the condition that any such list is provided to
the City upon request.
All Broker/Dealers and financial institutions that provide investment services will
be subject to City Council approval.
Each securities dealer shall provide monthly and quarterly reports filed
pursuant to U.S. Treasury Department regulationsAn annual review of the
financial condition and registrations of approved broker/dealers will be
conducted by the City Treasurer or designee. Current audited financial
statements and/or SSAE 16 internal control (SOC-1) reports will be maintained
on file for each financial institution and broker/dealer with which the City
conducts business. Each mutual fund shall provide a prospectus and statement
of additional information.
Financial Institutions will be required to meet the following criteria
in order to receive City funds for deposit or investment (see Appendix
D, "Listing of Approved Financial Institutions"):
➢ Insurance - Public Funds shall be deposited only in financial institutions
having accounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
➢ Collateral- The amount of the City's deposits or investments not
insured by the FDIC shall be collateralized by securities with market
values of 110%, or by mortgages with market values 150%, of the
amount of invested funds plus unpaid interest earnings.
➢ Disclosure - Each financial institution maintaining invested funds in
excess of the FDIC insured amount shall furnish the City a copy of the
most recent Call Report.
The City shall not invest in excess of the FDIC insured amount in banking
institutions which do not disclose to the city a current listing of securities
pledged for collateralization in public monies.
It is the City’s policy to follow the applicable State Code in regard to allowable securities,
and to be sufficiently diversified with regard to security type and issuer. Permissible
deposits and investments, as allowed by Chapter 4, Part 1, Division 2, Title 5 (hereinafter
cited by §), include, but are not limited to, the following:
Checking. Savings. and Sweep Accounts - The City will only maintain
checking and savings, accounts with state or national banks, savings
associations, federal associations, and/or credit unions in accordance with
➢ Collateralization: Collateral- The amount of the City's deposits or
investments not insured by the FDIC shall be collateralized by securities
in accordance with California code §53652. In addition, tThe Treasurer
may invest in an interest-bearing active deposit account as approved in
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§53632. The deposit account must be collateralized with securities that are
in accordance with §53632.5(c). In addition, the market value of the
collateralized securities must be maintained in accordance with §53652(a),,
and be held by a custodian in accordance with the requirements of §53656.
The proposition proportion of the City's share of the deposit account shall be
determined in accordance with §53658.
Certificates of Deposit (Negotiable and Non-negotiable) - The City
may invest in Non- Negotiable and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits (CD)
up to 30% of the overall portfolio §53601(i). In no instance shall a CD or
combined CD’s with a single issuer exceed the FDIC or NCUSIF insurance
limit of $250,000.
U.S. Treasury Bills. Notes. and Bonds and Government National
Mortgage Associations (GNMA) securities - The City may invest in U.S.
Treasury bills, notes, and bonds and GNMA securities directly issued and
backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. The City's
Investment Policy provides for investments in U.S. Treasury issues and
GNMA's of 100% of the portfolio §53601(b).
U.S. Government Agency Securities and Federal Government
Securities - The City may invest in securities issued by U.S. Government
instrumentalities and agencies (commonly referred to as government
sponsored enterprises or GSE's) §53601(f). These securities are notmay not
be backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government (with the
exception of Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) securities).
Publicly ownedExamples of GSE's include Federal National Mortgage
Association (FNMA), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) and
Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA). Non-publicly owned GSE's
include the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal Farm Credit Bank
(FFCB), Federal Land Bank (FLB), and Federal Intermediate Credit Bank
(FICB), and GNMA securities.
The City's Investment Policy allows investment only in securities of GNMA,
FNMA, FHLMC, FHLB and FFCB. For Fiscal Year 2018-192019-20, the
maximum face amount per issuer is $20 million and the maximum face
amount per purchase is $10 million.
Prime Commercial Paper - As authorized in §53601(h), a portion of the
City's portfolio may be invested in commercial paper of the highest
rating as provided for by a nationally recognized statistical rating
organization (NRSRO) such as; i.e. Moody’s, Fitch, or S&PStandard &
Poor’s (S&P).) There are a number of other qualifications regarding
investments in commercial paper based on the financial strength of the
corporation and the size of the investment.
Per state code, "Eligible commercial paper shall have a maximum maturity
of 270 days or less. Local agencies, other than counties or a city and
county, may invest no more than 25 percent of their moneys in eligible
commercial paper. Local agencies, other than counties or city and county,
may purchase no more than 10 percent of the outstanding commercial
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paper of any single issuer”.
Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) - As authorized in §16429.1 and
by LAIF procedures, local government agencies are each authorized to
invest a maximum of
$65 million per account in this investment program administered by the
California State Treasurer. The City Treasurer may not invest more than $65
million per account in LAIF.
Money Market Mutual Funds - As authorized in §53601(l), local agencies
are authorized to invest in shares of beneficial interest issued by diversified
management companies (mutual funds) in an amount not to exceed 20% of
the agency's portfolio. There are a number of other qualifications and
restrictions regarding allowable investments in corporate notes and shares
of beneficial interest issued by mutual funds which include (1) attaining the
highest ranking or the highest letter and numerical rating provided by not
less than two of the three largest nationally recognized rating services, or
(2) having an investment advisor registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission with not less than five years' experience investing in
the securities and obligations and with assets under management in excess
of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000).
Corporate Notes - As authorized in §53601(k), local agencies may invest in
corporate notes. The notes must be issued by corporations organized and
operating in the United States or by depository institutions licensed by the
United States or any other state and operating in the United States. The
City's Investment Policy allows investment in corporate notes authorized by
the Government Code with the following limitations:
➢ Maximum 30% of the portfolio;
➢ Maturities shall not exceed five years from date of purchase;
➢ Eligible notes shall be regularly quoted and traded in the marketplace;
➢ Eligible notes shall be rated in a rating category of "AA" or better by an
NRSRO; and
➢ The maximum aggregate investment in each issuer shall not
exceed $5 million (PAR value).
Professionally Managed Account(s)- The City Treasurer may place up to
50% of the portfolio with a professional portfolio management/investment
management firm (firm) The firm will be approved by the City Council based
upon the City Treasurer's recommendation pursuant to completion of a
public request for proposal (RFP). The firm shall have:
➢ An established professional reputation for asset or investment
➢ Knowledge and working familiarity with State and Federal laws
governing and restricting the investment of public funds;
➢ Substantial experience providing investment management services
to local public agencies whose investment policies and portfolio
size are similar to those of the City;
➢ Professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance and fidelity
bonding in such amounts as are required by the City; and
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➢ Registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940
Before engagement by the City and except as may be specifically waived or
revised, the firm shall commit to adhere to the provisions of the City's
Investment Policy with the following exceptions:
➢ The firm may be granted the discretion to purchase and sell
investment securities in accordance with this Investment Policy;
➢ The firm is not required to adhere to a buy-and-hold policy; and
➢ The firm does not need City Manager or City Treasurer approval
to make permissible investments.
Local Agency Bonds and California Local Agency Obligations - The
City may invest in California local agency obligations pursuant to §53601(a)
and §53601(e). 53601(a) pertains to investing in bonds issued by a local
agency, or by the department, board, agency or authority of the local
agency. 53601(e) pertains to investing in bonds and other defined
indebtedness of any local agency, or department, board, agency or
authority of the local agency within the State of California. The Agency
obligations must be invested in the long-term rating category of A or better
by S&P, Moody's or Fitchan NRSRO.
In the case of an initial public offering, including refinancings, the Treasurer
may purchase directly from the Bond Underwriter. In the case of secondary
issues, the Treasurer will rely on the approved Broker/Dealers.
There are three (3) types of investment pools:
➢ State-run pools (e.g., LAIF);
➢ Pools that are operated by a political subdivision where allowed by law and the political subdivision is the trustee (e.g., County Pools, and Joint Powers Authorities such as the California Asset Management Program (CAMP)); and
➢ Pools that are operated for profit by third parties (e.g. money market funds).
The City's Investment Policy permits investment in pools and money market funds as
authorized by Government Codes §16429.1, 53601(l) and 53601(p).
The City shall engage qualified third-party custodians to act in a fiduciary capacity
to maintain appropriate evidence of the City's ownership of securities and other
eligible investments. Such custodians shall disburse funds received from the City
for a purchase, to the broker, dealer or seller only after receiving evidence that
the City has legal, record ownership of the securities.
Even though ownership is evidenced in book-entry form rather than by actual
certificates, this procedure is commonly accepted referred to as the delivery
versus payment (DVP) method for the transfer of securities.
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Interest earnings are generated from pooled investments and specific investments.
The following provisions apply to the calculation and distribution of interest earnings.
1. Pooled Investments - It is the general policy of the City to pool all
available operating cash of the City of La Quinta, Successor Agency to the
City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, La Quinta Financing Authority,
and La Quinta Housing Authority, and to allocate interest earnings as
Payment to the General Fund of an amount equal to the total annual
bank service charges as incurred by the general fund for all operating
funds as included in the annual operating budget.
Payment to the General Fund of a management fee equal to 5% of
the annual pooled cash fund investment earnings.
Payment to each fund of an amount based on the average
computed daily cash balance included in the common portfolio for the
earning period.
2. Specific Investments - Specific investments purchased by a fund
shall incur all earnings and expenses to that particular fund.
The City Treasurer shall establish a system of internal controls to accomplish the
following objectives:
➢ Safeguard assets;
➢ The orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to management policies;
➢ Prevention or detection of errors and fraud;
➢ The accuracy and completeness of accounting records; and
➢ Timely preparation of reliable financial information.
While no internal control system, however elaborate, can guarantee absolute
assurance that the City's assets are safeguarded, it is the intent of the City's
internal control to provide a reasonable assurance that management of the
investment function meets the City's objectives.
The internal controls shall address the following:
➢ Control of collusion. Collusion is a situation where two or more
employees are working in conjunction to defraud their employer.
➢ Separation of transaction authority from accounting and record
keeping. By separating the person who authorizes or performs the
transaction from the people who record or otherwise account for the
transaction, a separation of duties is achieved.
➢ Custodial safekeeping. Securities purchased from any bank or dealer
including appropriate collateral (as defined by State Law) shall be
placed with an independent third party for custodial safekeeping.
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➢ Avoidance of physical delivery securities. Book entry securities are
much easier to transfer and account for since actual delivery of a
document never takes place. Delivered securities must be properly
safeguarded against loss or destruction. The potential for fraud and
loss increases with physically delivered securities.
➢ Clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members.
Subordinate staff members must have a clear understanding of their
authority and responsibilities to avoid improper actions. Clear
delegation of authority also preserves the internal control structure
that is contingent on the various staff positions and their respective
responsibilities as outlined in the Segregation of Major Investment
Responsibilities appendices.
➢ Written confirmation of telephone transactions for investments and
wire transfers. Due to the potential for error and improprieties
arising from telephone transactions, all telephone transactions shall
be supported by written communications or electronic
confirmations and approved by the appropriate person. Written
communications may be via fax or email if on letterhead and the
safekeeping institution has a list of authorized signatures. Fax
correspondence must be supported by evidence of verbal or written
➢ Development of a wire transfer agreement with the City's bank and
third party custodian. This agreement should outline the various
controls, security provisions, and delineate responsibilities of each
party making and receiving wire transfers.
The system of internal controls developed by the City shall be reviewed annually
by the independent auditor in connection with the annual audi t of the City's
Financial Statements. The independent auditor's letter on internal control over
financial reporting and compliance as it pertains to cash and investments, if any,
shall be directed to the City Manager who will direct the City Treasurer to provide a
written response to the independent auditor's letter. The auditor's letter, as it
pertains, to cash and investment activities and the City Treasurer's response shall
be provided to the City's Financial Advisory Commission for their consideration.
Following the completion of each annual audit, the independent auditor shall meet
with the Financial Advisory Commission and discuss the auditing procedures
performed and the review of internal controls for cash and investment activities.
See Appendix C, "Segregation of Major Investment Responsibilities."
The City Treasurer shall submit a monthly quarterly Treasurers Report to the City
Council and the Financial Advisory Commission that includes all cash and
investments under the authority of the Treasurer. In addition, the City Treasurer
or designee shall ensure investment transactions are reported as they occur
throughout the quarter. The Treasurer's Report shall summarize cash and
investment activity and changes in balances and include the following:
➢ A certification by the City Treasurer;
➢ A listing of purchases and sales/maturities of investments;
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➢ Cash and Investments categorized by authorized investments, except for LAIF
which will be provided quarterly and show yield and maturity;
➢ Comparison of month end actual holdings to Investment Policy limitations;
➢ Distribution of cash and investment balances by fund;
➢ A two-year list of historical interest rates.
The City's Investment Policy does not apply to the following:
➢ Cash and Investments raised from Conduit Debt Financing;
➢ Funds held in trust in the City's name in pension or other post-
retirement benefit programs;
➢ Cash and Investments held in lieu of retention by banks or other
financial institutions for construction projects; and
➢ Short or long term loans made to other entities by the City or Agency,
➢ Short term (Due to/from) or long term (Advances from/to) obligations
made either between the City and its funds or between the City and
The City's Investment Policy shall not govern bond proceeds and bond reserve
fund investments. California Code Section 5922 (d) governs the investment of
bond proceeds and reserve funds in accordance with bond indenture provisions.
Arbitrage Requirement - The US Tax Reform Act of 1986 requires the City to
perform arbitrage calculations as required and return excess earnings to the US
Treasury from investments of proceeds of bond issues sold after the effective date
of this law. These arbitrage calculations may be contracted with an outside source
to provide the necessary technical assistance to comply with this regulation.
Investable funds subject to the 1986 Tax Reform Act will be kept segregated from
other funds and records will be kept in a fashion to facilitate the calculations.
The City's investment position relative to the new arbitrage restrictions is to
continue pursuing the maximum yield on applicable investments while ensuring
the safety of capital and liquidity. It is the City's position to continue
maximization of yield and to rebate excess earnings, if necessary.
The securities held by the City must be in compliance with this Policy at the time of purchase. Due to
market conditions, some securities may no longer comply subsequent to the date of purchase,
therefore an annual review of the portfolio will be conducted to identify any securities which may have
fallen out of compliance. Any major incidences of noncompliance identified during such review will be
reported to the Financial Advisory Commission for confirmation of staff recommendation regarding
course of action.
The Financial Advisory Commission (FAC) is composed of seven members from the public
that are appointed by the City Council. Background information will be requested and
potential candidates must agree to a background check and verification. On an annual
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basis, in conjunction with the Political Reform Act disclosure statutes, or at any time if a
change in circumstances warrants, each commissioner will provide the City Council with a
disclosure statement which identifies any matters that have a bearing on the
appropriateness of that member's service on the FAC. All commissioners shall report
annually every June to the City Clerk on Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests, any
activities, interests, or relationships that may be, or have the appearance of, a conflict of
The FAC must meet at least quarterly to:
➢ Review at least annually the City's Investment Policy and recommend appropriate changes;
➢ Review at least quarterly the treasury report and note compliance with the
Investment Policy as well as adequacy of cash and investments for anticipated
➢ Receive and consider other reports provided by the City Treasurer;
➢ Meet with the independent auditor after completion of the annual audit of the City's
financial statements, and receive and consider the auditor's comments on
auditing procedures, internal controls and findings for cash and investment
➢ Review at least annually the revenue derived from the one percent (1%) transactions
and use tax instituted by voters in November 2016 to ensure these funds are used
to provide services, programs, and capital projects in the city of La Quinta
➢ Serve as a resource for the City Treasurer on matters such as proposed
investments, internal controls, use of or change of financial institutions,
custodians, brokers and dealers.
The FAC will report to the City Council after each meeting either in person or
through correspondence at a regular City Council meeting. See Appendix A:
"Financial Advisory Commission Provisions."
The City's Investment Policy will be reviewed annually by the City's Financial
Advisory Commission and the City Treasurer. The Financial Advisory Commission
will forward the Investment Policy with any revisions to the City Manager and City
Attorney for their review and comment. A joint meeting will be held with the
Financial Advisory Commission, City Manager, City Attorney, and City Treasurer to
review the Investment Policy and any comments prior to submission to the City
Council for their consideration. The Investment Policy shall be adopted by
resolution of the City Council annually before the end of June of each year.
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Appendix A
General rules regarding the financial advisory
commission. Number of members.
Qualifications of
members. Powers
and duties.
2.70.010 General rules regarding the financial advisory commission.
Except as set out below, see Chapter 2.06 for general provisions.
2.70.020 Number of members.
The financial advisory commission ("FAC") shall initially consist of seven members
appointed by, and serving at the will of the city council. The city council may
increase or decrease the number of members from time to time but in no event
shall the membership exceed nine members or be less than five members.
2.70.030 Qualifications of members.
A. In addition to the qualification requirements set forth in Section 2.06.040 of this
code, a minimum of three of the members shall be finance professionals and shall
have a verifiable background in finance and/or securities, preferably with
knowledge and/or experience in markets, financial controls and accounting for
B. For those applying for the professional position, background information will be
requested and potential candidates must agree to a background check and
verification by the city manager or designee.
2.70.040 Powers and duties.
A. The principal functions of the FAC are:
1. Review at least annually the city's investment policy and recommend
appropriate changes;
2. Review at least quarterly the treasury report and note compliance with
the investment policy and adequacy of cash and investments for anticipated
3. Receive and consider other reports provided by the city treasurer;
4. Meet with the independent auditor after completion of the annual
audit of the city's financial statements, and receive and consider the auditor's
comments on auditing procedures, internal controls, and findings for cash and
investment activities;
5. Review at least annually the revenue derived from the one percent (1%)
transactions and use tax instituted by voters in November 2016 to ensure these
funds are used to provide services, programs and capital projects in the city of La
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6. Serve as a resource for the city treasurer on matters such as proposed
investments, internal controls, use of or change of financial institutions,
custodians, brokers and dealers.
B. The FAC will report to the city council after each meeting either in person or through
correspondence at a regular city council meeting.
2.70.050 References to the Investment Advisory Board.
If any other chapter(s) or section(s) in this code refers to the Investment Advisory
Board, that chapter(s) or section(s) shall be deemed to refer to the Financial
Advisory Commission established by the ordinance amending chapter 2.70 of this
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City of La Quinta Municipal
Code Chapter 3.08
3.08.010 Investment of city moneys and deposit of securities.
3.08.020 Authorized investments.
3.08.030 Sales of securities.
3.08.040 City bonds.
3.08.050 Reports.
3.08.060 Deposits of securities.
3.08.070 Trust fund administration.
3.08.010 Investment of city moneys and deposit of securities.
Pursuant to, and in accordance with, and to the extent allowed by Sections 53607
and 53608 of the California Government Code, the authority to invest and
reinvest moneys of the city, to sell or exchange securities, and to deposit them
and provide for their safekeeping, is delegated to the city treasurer, which, for
purposes of this chapter, is defined in Section 2.12.010 of this code. (Ord. 529 §
1, 2015; Ord. 2 § 1, 1982)
3.08.020 Authorized investments.
Pursuant to the delegation of authority in Section 3.08.010, the city treasurer is
authorized to purchase, at their original sale or after they have been issued,
securities which are permissible investments under the city council adopted city
investment policy and any provision of state law relating to the investing of
general city funds, including, but not limited to, Sections 53601 and 53635 of the
California Government Code, as said sections now read or may hereafter be
amended, from moneys in the city treasurer's custody which are not required for
the immediate necessities of the city and as he or she may deem wise and
expedient, and to sell or exchange for other eligible securities and reinvest the
proceeds of the securities so purchased. (Ord. 529 § 1, 2015; Ord. 2 § 1, 1982)
3.08.030 Sales of Securities.
From time to time the city treasurer shall sell the securities in which city
moneys have been invested pursuant to this chapter, so that the proceeds may,
as appropriate, be applied to the purchase for which the original purchase money
may have been designated or placed in the city treasury. (Ord.2 § 1 (part),
3.08.040 City bonds.
Bonds issued by the city and purchased pursuant to this chapter may be
cancelled either in satisfaction of sinking fund obligations or otherwise if proper
and appropriate; provided, however, that the bonds may be held uncancelled and
while so held may be resold. (Ord. 2 § 1 (part), 1982)
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3.08.050 Reports.
The city treasurer shall make a quarterly report to the city council of all
investments made pursuant to the authority delegated in this chapter and as
permitted by Section 53646(b)(1) of the Government Code. (Ord. 529 § 1, 2015;
Ord. 2 § 1, 1982)
3.08.060 Deposits of securities.
Pursuant to the delegation of authority in Section 3.08.010, the city treasurer is
authorized to deposit for safekeeping, the securities in which city moneys have
been invested pursuant to this chapter, in any institution or depository
authorized by the city council adopted investment policy and terms of any state
law, including, but not limited to, Section 53608 of the Government Code, as it
now reads or may hereafter be amended. In accordance with said section, the
city treasurer shall take from the institution or depository a receipt for the
securities so deposited and shall not be responsible for the securities delivered to
and receipted for by the institution or depository until they are withdrawn
therefrom by the city treasurer. (Ord. 529 § 1, 2015; Ord. 2 § 1, 1982)
3.08.070 Trust fund administration.
Any departmental trust fund established by the city council pursuant to Section
36523 of the Government Code shall be administered by the city treasurer in
accordance with Section 36523 and 36524 of the Government code and any other
applicable provisions of law. (Ord. 2
§ 1 (, 1982)
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Appendix C
Function Responsible Parties
Develop and Recommend
Modifications to City's Formal
Investment Policy
Review City's Investment Policy
and Recommend City Council
Action Adopt Formal
Investment Policy
Implement Formal
Investment Policy
Review Financial Institutions & Select
Acknowledge Investment Selections
Execute Investment
Transactions Confirm Wires
(if applicable)
Record Investment Transactions
in City's Accounting Records
Investment Verification (match broker
confirmation to City investment records)
Reconcile Investment Records
to Accounting Records and Bank
Reconcile Investment Records
to Treasurers Report of Investments
Security of Investments at City
Security of
Investments outside
City Review Internal
Control Procedures
Financial Advisory
Commission, Financial
Services Analyst and
City Treasurer
City Manager
and City
City Council
City Treasurer or
Financial Services
City Manager or
his/her designee
City Treasurer, Financial Services
Analyst, or City Manager
Senior Accountant or
Financial Services
21 of 24
Senior Accountant or
City Treasurer and Financial
Services Analyst
Financial Services Analyst
Senior Accountant or Financial
Services Analyst
Senior Accountant or
Management Assistant
Third Party Custodian
External Auditor
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Appendix D
Listing of Approved Financial Institutions
Banking Services(1)
Wells Fargo Bank, Government
Services, Los Angeles, CA
(Banking Services)
Rabobank N.A., Government
Banking Group, Roseville, CA
(Collateralized Bank Deposits)
Custodian Services The Bank of New York Mellon/Pershing
Deferred Compensation International City/County Management
Association (ICCMA) Retirement
Broker/Dealer Services(1) Bank of America Securities/Merrill Lynch
Morgan Stanley
First Empire Securities Stifel, Nicolaus, &
Company, Inc.(2)
Government Pool State of California Local Agency
Investment Fund (LAIF)
Bond Trustee US Bank (31)
Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust California Employers' Retirement
Benefits Trust (CERBT)/CalPERS
(1) RFI for broker/dealer services and
RFP for banking have been issued
by the City in 2019. List may
change during the 2019/20 fiscal
year subject to FAC review and
City Council approval.
(2) Stifel acquired the City’s former
broker, First Empire Securities, in
2019 and the name change was
approved by City Council in March
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(31) US Bank is the fiscal agent for all of the fo
Project Area 1&2; 2001 RDA Project Area 1; 2002 RDA Project Area 1; 2003 RDA Project Area
1; 2004 Local Agency Revenue; 2013 Successor Agency; and 2016 Successor Agency to the La
Quinta RDA Assessment Districts.
Formatted: Space Before: Auto, After: Auto
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Appendix E
Investment Management Process and Risk
Except as provided for in Section 27000.3, Government Code Section 53600.3
declares as a trustee each person, treasurer, or governing body authorized to
make investment decisions on behalf of local agencies. Trustees are subject to the
prudent investor standard. These persons shall act with care, skill, prudence, and
diligence under the circumstances then prevailing when investing, reinvesting,
purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling, and managing funds. Section 53600.5
further stipulates that the primary objective of any person investing public funds
is to safeguard principal; secondly, to meet liquidity needs of the depositor; and
lastly, to achieve a return or yield on invested funds (Government Code Section
27000.5 specifies the same objectives for county treasurers and board of
Risk is inherent throughout the investment process. There is investment risk
associated with any investment activity and opportunity risk related to
inactivity. Market risk is derived from exposure to overall changes in the
general level of interest rates while credit risk is the risk of loss due to the
failure of the insurer of a security. The market value of a security varies
inversely with the level of interest rates. If an investor is required to sell an
investment with a five percent yield in a comparable seven percent rate
environment, that security will be sold at a loss. The magnitude of that loss will
depend on the amount of time until maturity.
Purchasing certain allowable securities with a maturity of greater than five years
requires approval of the governing board (see Government Code Section 53601).
Part of that approval process involves assessing and disclosing the risk and
possible volatility of longer-term investments
Another element of risk is liquidity risk. Instruments with call features or special
structures, or those issued by little known companies, are examples of "story
bonds" and are often thinly traded. Their uniqueness often makes finding
prospective buyers in a secondary market more difficult and, consequently, the
securities' marketability and price are discounted. However, under certain market
conditions, gains are also possible with these types of securities.
Default risk represents the possibility that the borrower may be unable to repay
the obligation as scheduled. Generally, securities issued by the federal
government and its agencies are considered the most secure, while securities
issued by private corporations or negotiable certificates of deposit issued by
commercial banks have a greater degree of risk. Securities with additio nal credit
enhancements, such as bankers acceptances, collateralized repurchase
agreements and collateralized bank deposits are somewhere between the two on
the risk spectrum.
The vast majority of portfolios are managed within a buy and hold policy.
Investments are purchased with the intent and capacity to hold that security
until maturity. At times, market forces or operations may dictate swapping
one security for another or selling a security before maturity. Continuous
analysis and fine tuning of the investment portfolio are considered prudent
25 of 24
investment management.
The Government Code contains specific provisions regarding the types of
investments and practices permitted after considering the broad requirement of
preserving principal and maintaining liquidity before seeking yield. These
provisions are intended to promote the use of reliable, diverse, and safe
investment instruments to better ensure a prudently managed portfolio worthy of
public trust.
Chapter II. Fund Management from the Local Agency Investment Guidelines
Issued by California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission
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(Adopted from the Municipal Treasurers Association)
The purpose of this glossary is to provide the reader of the City of La Quinta investment
policies with a better understanding of financial terms used in municipal investing.
AGENCIES: Federal agency securities and/or Government-sponsored enterprises.
ASKED: The price at which securities are offered.
BANKERS' ACCEPTANCE (BA): A draft or bill or exchange accepted by a bank or trust company.
The accepting institution guarantees payment of the bill, as well as the issuer.
BID: The price offered by a buyer of securities. (When you are selling securities, you ask for a
bid.) See Offer.
BROKER: A broker brings buyers and sellers together for a commission.
CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (CD): A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a
certificate. Large- denomination CD's are typically negotiable.
COLLATERAL: Securities, evidence of deposit or other property which a borrower pledges to secure
repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposits of public
COMMERCIAL PAPER: Short-term unsecured promissory notes issued by a corporation to raise
working capital. These negotiable instruments are purchased at a discount to par value or at par
value with interest bearing. Commercial paper is issued by corporations such as General Motors
Acceptance Corporation, IBM, Bank America, etc.
COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR): The official annual report for the City of
La Quinta. It includes five combined statements for each individual fund and account group
prepared in conformity with GAAP. It also includes supporting schedules necessary to
demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal and contractual provisions, extensive
introductory material, and a detailed Statistical Section.
CONDUIT FINANCING: A form of Financing in which a government or a government agency lends
its name to a bond issue, although it is acting only as a conduit between a specific project and bond
holders. The bond holders can look only to the revenues from the project being financed for
repayment and not to the government or agency whose name appears on the bond.
COUPON: (a) The annual rate of interest that a bond's issuer promises to pay the bondholder
on the bond's face value. (b) A certificate attached to a bond evidencing interest due on a
payment date.
DEALER: A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and
selling for his own account.
DEBENTURE: A bond secured only by the general credit of the issuer.
DELIVERY VERSUS PAYMENT: There are two methods of delivery of securities: delivery
versus payment and delivery versus receipt. Delivery versus payment is delivery of securities
with an exchange of money for the securities. Delivery versus receipt is delivery of securities
27 of 24
with an exchange of a signed receipt for the securities.
DERIVATIVES: (1) Financial instruments whose return profile is linked to, or derived from,
the movement of one or more underlying index or security, and may include a leveraging
factor, or (2) financial contracts based upon notional amounts whose value is derived from an
underlying index or security (interest rates, foreign exchange rates, equities or commodities).
DISCOUNT: The difference between the cost price of a security and its maturity when quoted
at lower than face value. A security selling below original offering price shortly after sale also
is considered to be at a discount.
DISCOUNT SECURITIES: Non-interest- bearing money market instruments that are issued
at discount and redeemed at maturity for full face value
DIVERSIFICATION: Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering
independent returns.
FEDERAL CREDIT AGENCIES: Agencies of the Federal government set up to supply credit to
various classes of institutions and individuals, e.g., S&L's, small business firms, students, farmers,
farm cooperatives, and exporters.
FNMAs (Federal National Mortgage Association) - Like GNMA was chartered under the Federal
National Mortgage Association Act in 1938. FNMA is a federal corporation working under the
auspices of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It is the largest single
provider of residential mortgage funds in the United States. Fannie Mae, as the corporation is
called, is a private stockholder-owned corporation. The corporation's purchases include a
variety of adjustable mortgages and second loans, in addition to fixed-rate mortgages. FNMA's
securities are also highly liquid and are widely accepted. FNMA assumes and guarantees that all
security holders will receive timely payment of principal and interest.
FHLBs (Federal Home Loan Bank Notes and Bonds) - Issued by the Federal Home Loan
Bank System to help finance the housing industry. The notes and bonds provide liquidity
and home mortgage credit to savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks,
cooperative banks, insurance companies, and mortgage-lending institutions. They are
issued irregularly for various maturities. The minimum denomination is $5,000. The notes
are issued with maturities of less than one year and interest is paid at maturity.
FLBs (Federal Land Bank Bonds) - Long-term mortgage credit provided to farmers by
Federal Land Banks. These bonds are issued at irregular times for various maturities
ranging from a few months to ten years. The minimum denomination is $1,000. They
carry semi- annual coupons. Interest is calculated on a 360-day, 30-day month basis.
FFCBs (Federal Farm Credit Bank) – Debt instruments used to finance the short and
intermediate term needs of farmers and the national agricultural industry. They are issued
monthly with three- and six-month maturities. The FFCB issues larger issues (one to ten year)
on a periodic basis. These issues are highly liquid.
FICBs (Federal Intermediate Credit Bank Debentures) - Loans to lending institutions used
to finance the short-term and intermediate needs of farmers, such as seasonal
production. They are usually issued monthly in minimum denominations of $3,000 with a
nine-month maturity. Interest is payable at maturity and is calculated on a 360-day, 30-
28 of 24
day month basis.
FHLMCs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) - a government sponsored entity
established in 1970 to provide a secondary market for conventional home mortgages.
Mortgages are purchased solely from the Federal Home Loan Bank System member
lending institutions whose deposits are insured by agencies of the United States
Government. They are issued for various maturities and in minimum denominations
of $10,000. Principal and interest is paid monthly.
Other federal agency issues are Small Business Administration notes (SBA's),
Government National Mortgage Association notes (GNMA's), and Tennessee Valley
Authority notes (TVA's), ).and Student Loan Association notes (SALLIE-MAE's).
FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (FDIC): A federal agency that insures bank
deposits, currently up to $250,000 per deposit through December 31, 2013.
FEDERAL FUNDS RATE: The rate of interest at which Fed funds are traded. This rate is
currently pegged by the Federal Reserve through open- market operations.
FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS (FHLB): Government sponsored wholesale banks (currently 12
regional banks) which lend funds and provide correspondent banking services to member
commercial banks, thrift institutions, credit unions and insurance companies. The mission of
the FHLBs is to liquefy the housing related assets of its members who must purchase stock in
their district Bank.
FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE (FOMC): Consists of seven members of the Federal
Reserve Board and five of the twelve Federal Reserve Bank Presidents. The President of the New
York Federal Reserve Bank is a permanent member, while the other Presidents serve on a rotating
basis. The Committee periodically meets to set Federal Reserve guidelines regarding purchases and
sales of Government Securities in the open market as a means of influencing the volume of bank
credit and money.
FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM: The central bank of the United States created by Congress and
consisting of a seven-member Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., 12 regional banks and
about 3,000 commercial banks that are members of the system.
Securities influencing the volume of bank credit guaranteed by GNMA and issued by mortgage
bankers, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and other institutions. Security
holder is protected by full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Ginnie Mae securities are
backed by the FHA, VA or FMHM mortgages. The term "pass-throughs" is often used to describe
Ginnie Maes.
LAIF (Local Agency Investment Fund) - A special fund in the State Treasury which local
agencies may use to deposit funds for investment. There is no minimum investment period, the
minimum transaction is $5,000., in multiples of $1,000 above that, with a maximum balance of
$50,000,000 for any agency. and the City follows the state guidance for maximum total
balance. The City is restricted to a maximum of ten transactions per month. It offers high
liquidity because deposits can be converted to cash in 24 hours and no interest is lost. All
interest is distributed to those agencies participating on a proportionate share basis
determined by the amounts deposited and the length of time they are deposited. Interest is paid
quarterly. The State retains an amount for reasonable costs of making the investments, not to
Commented [RH4]:
29 of 24
exceed one-half of one percent of the earnings.
LIQUIDITY: A liquid asset is one that can be converted easily and rapidly into cash
without a substantial loss of value. In the money market, a security is said to be liquid if the
spread between bid and asked prices is narrow and reasonable size can be done at those
LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL (LGIP): The aggregate of all funds from political
subdivisions that are placed in the custody of the State Treasurer for investment and
MARKET VALUE: The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased
or sold.
MASTER REPURCHASE AGREEMENT: A written contract covering all future transactions between
the parties to repurchase--reverse repurchase agreements that establish each party's rights in the
transactions. A master agreement will often specify, among other things, the right of the buyer-
lender to liquidate the underlying securities in the event of default by the seller-borrower.
MATURITY: The date upon which the principal or stated value of an investment becomes
due and payable.
MONEY MARKET: The market in which short-term debt instruments (bills, commercial paper,
bankers' acceptances, etc.) are issued and traded.
agency recognized by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Examples include Fitch
Ratings, Inc., Moody’s Investor’s Services, Inc., and S&P Global Ratings, among others.
OFFER: The price asked by a seller of securities. (When you are buying securities, you ask for
an offer.) See Asked and Bid.
OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS: Purchases and sales of government and certain other securities
in the open market by the New York Federal Reserve Bank as directed by the FOMC in order to
influence the volume of money and credit in the economy. Purchases inject reserves into the
bank system and stimulate growth of money and credit; sales have the opposite effect. Open
market operations are the Federal Reserve's most important and most flexible monetary policy
PORTFOLIO: Collection of all cash and securities under the direction of the City Treasurer,
including Bond Proceeds.
PRIMARY DEALER: A group of government securities dealers who submit daily reports of market
activity and positions and monthly financial statements to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
and are subject to its informal oversight. Primary dealers include Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) registered securities broker- dealers, banks and a few unregulated firms.
QUALIFIED PUBLIC DEPOSITORIES: A financial institution which does not claim exemption from
the payment of any sales or compensating use or ad valorem taxes under the laws of this state,
which has segregated for the benefit of the commission eligible collateral having a value of not less
than its maximum liability and which has been approved by the Public Deposit Protection
Commission to hold public deposits.
30 of 24
RATE OF RETURN: The yield obtainable on a security based on its purchase price or its current
market price. This may be the amortized yield to maturity on a bond the current income return.
or RevRepo): A holder of securities sells these securities to an investor with an agreement to
repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date. The security "buyer" in effect lends the "seller"
money for the period of the agreement, and the terms of the agreement are structured to
compensate him for this. Dealers use RP extensively to finance their positions. Exception: When the
Fed is said to be doing RP, it is lending money that is increasing bank reserves.
REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS (RRP or RevRepo) - A holder of securities sells these
securities to an investor with an agreement to repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date. The
security "buyer" in effect lends the "seller" money for the period of the agreement, and the terms of
the agreement are structured to compensate him for this. Dealers use RRP extensively to finance
their positions. Exception: When the Fed is said to be doing RRP, it is lending money that is
increasing bank reserves.
SAFEKEEPING: A service to customers rendered by banks for a fee whereby securities and
valuables of all types and descriptions are held in the bank's vaults for protection.
SECONDARY MARKET: A market made for the purchase and sale of outstanding issues fol lowing
the initial distribution.
SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION: Agency created by Congress to protect investors in
securities transactions by administering securities legislation.
SEC RULE 15C3-1: See Uniform Net Capital Rule.
SSAE 16: The Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16 (SSAE 16) is a set of
auditing standards and guidance on using the standards, published by the Auditing Standards Board
(ASB) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) for redefining and updating
how service companies report on compliance controls. The Service Organizational Control report
(SOC-1) contains internal controls over financial reporting and is used by auditors and office
STRUCTURED NOTES: Notes issued by Government Sponsored Enterprises (FHLB, FNMA,
SLMA, etc.) and Corporations which have imbedded options (e.g., call features, step-up
coupons, floating rate coupons, and derivative-based returns) into their debt structure.
Their market performance is impacted by the fluctuation of interest rates, the volatility of
the imbedded options and shifts in the shape of the yield curve.
SURPLUS FUNDS: Section 53601 of the California Government Code defines surplus funds as
any money not required for immediate necessities of the local agency. The City has defined
immediate necessities to be payment due within one week.
TREASURY BILLS: A non-interest- bearing discount security issued by the U.S. Treasury to
finance the national debt. Most bills are issued to mature in three months, six months or
one year.
TREASURY BONDS: Long-term coupon-bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct
obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities of more than 10 years.
Formatted: Font: Bold
31 of 24
TREASURY NOTES: Medium-term coupon-bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct
obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities from two to 10 years.
UNIFORM NET CAPITAL RULE: Securities and Exchange Commission requirement that
member firms as well as nonmember broker-dealers in securities maintain a maximum ratio of
indebtedness to liquid capital of 15 to 1; also called net capital rule and net capital ratio.
Indebtedness covers all money owed to a firm, including margin loans and commitments to
purchase securities, one reason new public issues are spread among members of underwriting
syndicates. Liquid capital includes cash and assets easily converted into cash.
UNIFORM PRUDENT INVESTOR ACT: The State of California has adopted this Act. The Act
contains the following sections: duty of care, diversification, review of assets, costs, compliance
determinations, delegation of investments, terms of prudent investor rule, and application.
YIELD: The rate of annual return on an investment, expressed as a percentage. (a) INCOME YIELD
is obtained by dividing the current dollar income by the current market price for the security. (b)
NET YIELD or YIELD TO MATURITY is the current income yield minus any premium above par or plus
any discount from par in purchase price, with the adjustment spread over the period from the date
of purchase to the date of maturity of the bond
Fiscal year
Table of Contents
Section Topic
Executive Summary
I General Purpose 3 II Investment Policy 3 III Scope 3 IV Objectives 3 V Maximum Maturities 5 VI Prudence 5 VII Authority 5 VIII Ethics and Conflicts of Interest 6 IX Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions 6 X Permissible Deposits and Investments 7
XI Investment Pools 9 XII Payment and Custody 10
XIII Interest Earning Distribution Policy 10 XIV Internal Controls and Independent Auditors 10 XV Reporting Standards 12 XVI Financial Assets and Investment Activity Not subject to this Policy 12 XVII Investment of Bond Proceeds 12
XVIII Financial Advisory Commission – City of La Quinta 12
XIX Investment Policy Adoption 13
Appendices Topic Page
A City of La Quinta Municipal Code Ordinance 2.70 – Financial Advisory Commission 14
B City of La Quinta Municipal Code Ordinance 3.08 – Investment of Moneys and Funds 15
C Segregation of Major Investment Responsibilities 17 D Listing of Approved Financial Institutions 18 E Investment Management Process and Risk 19
F Glossary 20
Investment Policy
Fiscal Year 2019/2020
Executive Summary
The general purpose of this Investment Policy is to provide the rules and standards
that must be followed in administering the City of La Quinta's (the “City”) deposits
and investments.
The City's Investment Policy conforms to all state and local statutes and applies to
all deposits and investments of the City, with the exception of bond proceeds and
those noted in section III herein.
It is the City's policy to deposit and invest public funds in a manner that shall provide
safety of principal, liquidity to meet all of the City’s obligations and requirements
that may be reasonably anticipated, and a risk-based market rate of return.
Authority to manage the City's investment portfolio is derived from the City
Municipal Code. Management responsibility for the investment program is delegated
to the City Treasurer, who shall establish and implement written procedures for the
operation of the City's investment program consistent with the Investment Policy.
The City Manager, City Treasurer and city employees involved in the City's banking
and investment process shall conduct the City's business in an ethical manner and
refrain from any activity or relationship that may be, or have the appearance of, a
conflict of interest.
The Investment Policy shall be adopted by resolution of the La Quinta City Council
on an annual basis, before the end of each fiscal year (June).
City of La Quinta
Statement of Investment
Policy July 1, 2019 through
June 30, 2020. Adopted by
the City Council on
The general purpose of this document is to provide the rules and standards that
must be followed in administering the City of La Quinta's deposits and investments.
It is the policy of the City of La Quinta to deposit and invest public funds in a manner
that shall conform to all State and local statutes governing the investment of public
funds and set forth the permissible deposits and investments of the City's funds and
the limitations thereon.
Except as further detailed in Sections XVI and XVII, this Investment Policy applies
to all deposits and investments of the City of La Quinta, the Successor Agency to
the City of La Quinta Redevelopment Agency, and the City of La Quinta Financing
and Housing Authorities (hereafter referred to in this document as the "City" or the
“Agency”). These funds are reported in the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report (CAFR) and include all funds within the following fund types:
Special Revenue
Capital Projects
Debt Service
Internal Service
Trust and Agency
Any new fund types and fund(s) that may be created.
Financial assets and investment activity not subject to this policy
The City's Investment Policy does not apply to the following:
Cash and Investments raised from Conduit Debt Financing;
Funds held in trust in the City's name in pension or other post-retirement
benefit programs;
Cash and Investments held in lieu of retention by banks or other
financial institutions for construction projects; and
Short or long term loans made to other entities by the City or Agency,
Short term (Due to/from) or long term (Advances from/to) obligations
made either between the City and its funds or between the City and
Investment of bond proceeds
The City's Investment Policy shall not govern bond proceeds and bond reserve fund
investments. California Code Section 5922 (d) governs the investment of bond
proceeds and reserve funds in accordance with bond indenture provisions.
Arbitrage Requirement - The US Tax Reform Act of 1986 requires the City to perform
arbitrage calculations as required and return excess earnings to the US Treasury
from investments of proceeds of bond issues sold after the effective date of this
law. These arbitrage calculations may be contracted with an outside source to
provide the necessary technical assistance to comply with this regulation. Investable
funds subject to the 1986 Tax Reform Act will be kept segregated from other funds
and records will be kept in a fashion to facilitate the calculations.
The City's investment position relative to the new arbitrage restrictions is to
continue pursuing the maximum yield on applicable investments while ensuring
the safety of capital and liquidity. It is the City's position to continue maximization
of yield and to rebate excess earnings, if necessary.
The objectives of the City's investment activity, in order of priority and importance,
1. Safety of Principal
Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the City's investment program.
Investments shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation
of principal of the overall portfolio in accordance with the permissible deposits and
The City shall endeavor to preserve its investment principal by making only
permissible deposits and investments, undertaken in a controlled manner to
minimize the possibility of loss or misappropriation through malfeasance or
otherwise. Investments not backed by the full faith and credit of the United
States Government shall be diversified by allocating assets between different
types of permissible investments, maturities, and issuers as a means to mitigate
credit risk and interest rate risk.
a. Credit Risk is the risk of loss from the failure of the security issuer or
backer. Credit risk may be mitigated by:
Limiting investments to investment grade securities as permitted in
Section X; and
Diversifying the issuers of the securities in the investment portfolio
so that potential losses due to issuer failure or individual securities
downgrades may be minimized.
b. Interest Rate Risk is the risk that market values of securities in the
portfolio will decline due to changes in general interest rates. Interest
rate risk may be mitigated by:
Structuring the investment portfolio so that securities mature to
meet cash requirements for ongoing operations, thereby avoiding
the need to sell securities on the open market prior to maturity; and
Investing operating funds primarily in shorter-term securities.
c. Liquidity Risk is the risk that a security cannot be liquidated because of
its unique features or structure or because it is thinly traded. Liquidity
risk is not a material issue for the City's portfolio because of the
permissible deposits and investments (see Section X). A discussion of the
City's investment process and risk is presented in Appendix E.
2. Provide Liquidity
The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all of the City's cash
needs that may be reasonably anticipated. This is accomplished by structuring the
portfolio so that sufficient liquid funds are available to meet anticipated demands.
Furthermore, since all possible cash needs cannot be anticipated the portfolio should
be diversified and consist of securities with active secondary or resale markets.
The City's policy is to generally hold securities and other investments to maturity.
Accordingly, securities may be sold prior to maturity under certain circumstances
as follow:
A security with declining credit quality can be sold early to minimize loss of principal.
Unanticipated liquidity needs of the portfolio require that one or more securities
be sold.
When a sale/repurchase is fiscally advantageous based on market conditions and
fits the needs of the portfolio
3. Yield a Risk-Based Market Rate of Return
The City's investment portfolio shall be structured with the objective of yielding
a risk- based market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles.
Return on investment is less important than the safety and liquidity objectives
described above.
The City's Investment Policy does not specify a single benchmark as a goal or target
yield for a rate of return on its investment portfolio. The portfolio's rates of return
will be influenced by several factors, including actions by the Federal Reserve Board,
the marketplace, and overall economic perceptions and conditions.
Performance Standards: As a basis for comparison only, the Treasurer's
quarterly reports will display the rates of return on the three-month Bill, six-month
Bill, and one and two-year U.S. Treasury Note, comparable-period rates for
commercial paper, and the yield for the State Treasurer's Local Agency Investment
Fund (LAIF). The Treasurer may use these or any other published rates of return that
the Treasurer deems appropriate for comparison to the return on the City's
investment portfolio.
The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of obtaining a market
rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the
investment risk constraints and the cash flow needs.
It is the City's policy to generally hold securities and other investments until
maturity. This buy- and-hold policy shall not prevent the sale of a security as listed
in section IV.3
The general buy-and-hold strategy requires that the City's investment portfolio be
structured so that sufficient liquid funds are available from maturing investments
and other sources to meet all reasonably anticipated cash needs.
The City shall follow Title 5 of the California Government Code §53601 (the “State
Code”) regarding maximum maturities, in that “no investment shall be made in any
security…that at the time of the investment has a term remaining to maturity in
excess of five years”.
The City shall follow the State Code §53600.3 regarding fiduciary duty and the
Prudent Investor Standard as follows:
Except as provided in subdivision (a) of Section 27000.3, all governing bodies of
local agencies or persons authorized to make investment decisions on behalf of
those local agencies investing public funds pursuant to this chapter are trustees and
therefore fiduciaries subject to the prudent investor standard. When investing,
reinvesting, purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling, or managing public funds,
a trustee shall act with care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances
then prevailing, including, but not limited to, the general economic conditions and
the anticipated needs of the agency, that a prudent person acting in a like capacity
and familiarity with those matters would use in the conduct of funds of a like
character and with like aims, to safeguard the principal and maintain the liquidity
needs of the agency. Within the limitations of this section and considering individual
investments as part of an overall strategy, investments may be acquired as
authorized by law.
Authority to manage the City's investment portfolio is derived from section 3.08 of
the City's Municipal Code. Management responsibility for the investment program is
delegated to the City Treasurer for a period of one year pursuant to the City
Council's annual adoption of the Investment Policy.
The City Treasurer shall establish written procedures for the operation of the
investment program consistent with the Investment Policy. Procedures should include
reference to safekeeping, wire transfer agreements, banking service contracts, and
collateral/depository agreements. Such procedures shall include explicit delegation
of authority to persons responsible for investment transactions. No person may
engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this
Investment Policy and the procedures established by the City Treasurer. The City
Treasurer shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a
system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate officials.
The City Manager, City Treasurer and city employees involved in the City's banking
and investment process shall conduct the City's business in an ethical manner and
refrain from any activity or relationship that may be, or have the appearance of, a
conflict of interest. The City will maintain compliance with the procedures set forth
in the City of La Quinta Personnel Manual Section 2.2 - Conflicts of Interest and
Acceptance of Gifts and other Gratuities of and the City’s Municipal Code Chapter
2.60 Conflicts of Interest. Any questionable activity or relationship shall be reported
immediately, and reporting must be made in accordance with the personnel policies
of the City and, until resolved, the officer or employee shall refrain from participating
in the City's business related to the matter.
The City Manager, City Treasurer and City employees may conduct personal
business with banks, brokers, and other financial institutions that are authorized to
conduct business with the City provided that the terms of the activity to the
accountholder with the City are the same as those that are available to the public
in general.
The City Treasurer maintains a listing of financial institutions which are approved
for direct investment purposes, as well as, a list of approved broker/dealers.
1. Broker/Dealers who desire to become bidders for direct investment
transactions must supply the City with the following:
Current audited financial statements;
Proof of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Certification;
Proof of State of California registration
Resume of Financial broker; and
Completion of the City of La Quinta Broker/Dealer questionnaire, which
contains a certification of having read the City's Investment Policy.
The City Treasurer shall evaluate the documentation submitted by the broker/dealer
and independently verify existing reports on file for any firm and individual
conducting investment related business.
The City Treasurer will also contact the following agencies during the verification
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Public Disclosure Report File
(1-800- 289-9999).
State of California Department of Corporations (1-916-445-3062).
A professional investment manager or management firm, if engaged by the City
pursuant to Section X of this policy, may utilize their own list of approved
broker/dealers on the condition that any such list is provided to the City upon
All Broker/Dealers and financial institutions that provide investment services will be
subject to City Council approval.
An annual review of the financial condition and registrations of approved
broker/dealers will be conducted by the City Treasurer or designee. Current audited
financial statements and/or SSAE 16 internal control (SOC-1) reports will be
maintained on file for each financial institution and broker/dealer with which the
City conducts business. Each mutual fund shall provide a prospectus and statement
of additional information.
2. Financial Institutions will be required to meet the following criteria in
order to receive City funds for deposit or investment (see Appendix D,
"Listing of Approved Financial Institutions"):
Insurance - Public Funds shall be deposited only in financial institutions
having accounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Disclosure - Each financial institution maintaining invested funds in excess
of the FDIC insured amount shall furnish the City a copy of the most recent
Call Report.
The City shall not invest in excess of the FDIC insured amount in banking
institutions which do not disclose to the city a current listing of securities pledged
for collateralization in public monies.
It is the City’s policy to follow the applicable State Code in regard to allowable
securities, and to be sufficiently diversified with regard to security type and issuer.
Permissible deposits and investments, as allowed by Chapter 4, Part 1, Division 2,
Title 5 (hereinafter cited by §), include, but are not limited to, the following:
Checking. Savings. and Sweep Accounts - The City will only maintain
checking and savings, accounts with state or national banks, savings
associations, federal associations, and/or credit unions in accordance with
Collateralization: Collateral- The amount of the City's deposits or
investments not insured by the FDIC shall be collateralized by securities
in accordance with California code §53652. The Treasurer may invest in an
interest-bearing active deposit account as approved in §53632. The deposit
account must be collateralized with securities that are in accordance with
§53632.5. In addition, the market value of the collateralized securities must
be maintained in accordance with §53652, and be held by a custodian in
accordance with the requirements of §53656. The proportion of the City's
share of the deposit account shall be determined in accordance with §53658.
Certificates of Deposit (Negotiable and Non-negotiable) - The City may
invest in Non- Negotiable and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits (CD) up to
30% of the overall portfolio §53601(i). In no instance shall a CD or combined
CD’s with a single issuer exceed the FDIC or NCUSIF insurance limit of
U.S. Treasury Bills. Notes. and Bonds - The City may invest in U.S.
Treasury bills, notes, and bonds directly issued and backed by the full faith
and credit of the U.S. Government. The City's Investment Policy provides for
investments in U.S. Treasury issues of 100% of the portfolio §53601(b).
U.S. Government Agency Securities and Federal Government
Securities - The City may invest in securities issued by U.S. Government
instrumentalities and agencies (commonly referred to as government
sponsored enterprises or GSE's) §53601(f). These securities may not be
backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government (with the exception
of Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) securities). Examples
of GSE's include Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Federal Home
Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal
Farm Credit Bank (FFCB), Federal Land Bank (FLB), Federal Intermediate
Credit Bank (FICB), and GNMA securities.
The City's Investment Policy allows investment only in securities of GNMA,
FNMA, FHLMC, FHLB and FFCB. For Fiscal Year 2019-20, the maximum face
amount per issuer is $20 million and the maximum face amount per purchase
is $10 million.
Prime Commercial Paper - As authorized in §53601(h), a portion of the
City's portfolio may be invested in commercial paper of the highest rating
as provided for by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization
(NRSRO) such as Moody’s, Fitch, or Standard & Poor’s (S&P). There are a
number of other qualifications regarding investments in commercial paper
based on the financial strength of the corporation and the size of the
Per state code, "Eligible commercial paper shall have a maximum maturity of
270 days or less. Local agencies, other than counties or a city and county,
may invest no more than 25 percent of their moneys in eligible commercial
paper. Local agencies, other than counties or city and county, may purchase
no more than 10 percent of the outstanding commercial paper of any single
Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) - As authorized in §16429.1 and
by LAIF procedures, local government agencies are each authorized to invest
a maximum of $65 million per account in this investment program administered
by the California State Treasurer. The City Treasurer may not invest more than
$65 million per account in LAIF.
Money Market Mutual Funds - As authorized in §53601(l), local agencies
are authorized to invest in shares of beneficial interest issued by diversified
management companies (mutual funds) in an amount not to exceed 20% of
the agency's portfolio. There are a number of other qualifications and
restrictions regarding allowable investments in corporate notes and shares of
beneficial interest issued by mutual funds which include (1) attaining the
highest ranking or the highest letter and numerical rating provided by not
less than two of the three largest nationally recognized rating services, or (2)
having an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission with not less than five years' experience investing in the
securities and obligations and with assets under management in excess of
five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000).
Corporate Notes - As authorized in §53601(k), local agencies may invest in
corporate notes. The notes must be issued by corporations organized and
operating in the United States or by depository institutions licensed by the
United States or any other state and operating in the United States. The City's
Investment Policy allows investment in corporate notes authorized by the
Government Code with the following limitations:
Maximum 30% of the portfolio;
Maturities shall not exceed five years from date of purchase;
Eligible notes shall be regularly quoted and traded in the marketplace;
Eligible notes shall be in a rating category of "AA" or better by an NRSRO; and
The maximum aggregate investment in each issuer shall not exceed $5 million (PAR value).
Professionally Managed Account(s)- The City Treasurer may place up to
50% of the portfolio with a professional portfolio management/investment
management firm (firm) The firm will be approved by the City Council based
upon the City Treasurer's recommendation pursuant to completion of a public
request for proposal (RFP). The firm shall have:
An established professional reputation for asset or investment management;
Knowledge and working familiarity with State and Federal laws governing and
restricting the investment of public funds;
Substantial experience providing investment management services to local
public agencies whose investment policies and portfolio size are similar to
those of the City;
Professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance and fidelity bonding in
such amounts as are required by the City; and
Registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940
Before engagement by the City and except as may be specifically waived or
revised, the firm shall commit to adhere to the provisions of the City's
Investment Policy with the following exceptions:
The firm may be granted the discretion to purchase and sell investment
securities in accordance with this Investment Policy;
The firm is not required to adhere to a buy-and-hold policy; and
The firm does not need City Manager or City Treasurer approval to make
permissible investments.
Local Agency Bonds and California Local Agency Obligations - The City
may invest in California local agency obligations pursuant to §53601(a) and
§53601(e). 53601(a) pertains to investing in bonds issued by a local agency,
or by the department, board, agency or authority of the local agency.
53601(e) pertains to investing in bonds and other defined indebtedness of
any local agency, or department, board, agency or authority of the local
agency within the State of California. The Agency obligations must be
invested in the long-term rating category of A or better by an NRSRO.
In the case of an initial public offering, including refinancings, the Treasurer
may purchase directly from the Bond Underwriter. In the case of secondary
issues, the Treasurer will rely on the approved Broker/Dealers.
There are three (3) types of investment pools:
State-run pools (e.g., LAIF);
Pools that are operated by a political subdivision
where allowed by law and the political subdivision is
the trustee (e.g., County Pools, and Joint Powers
Authorities such as the California Asset
Management Program (CAMP)); and
Pools that are operated for profit by third parties
(e.g. money market funds).
The City's Investment Policy permits investment in pools and money market funds
as authorized by Government Codes §16429.1, 53601(l) and 53601(p).
The City shall engage qualified third-party custodians to act in a fiduciary capacity
to maintain appropriate evidence of the City's ownership of securities and other
eligible investments. Such custodians shall disburse funds received from the City
for a purchase, to the broker, dealer or seller only after receiving evidence that the
City has legal, record ownership of the securities.
Even though ownership is evidenced in book-entry form rather than by actual
certificates, this procedure is commonly referred to as the delivery versus
payment (DVP) method for the transfer of securities.
Interest earnings are generated from pooled investments and specific investments.
The following provisions apply to the calculation and distribution of interest
1. Pooled Investments - It is the general policy of the City to pool all available
operating cash of the City of La Quinta, Successor Agency to the City of La
Quinta Redevelopment Agency, La Quinta Financing Authority, and La
Quinta Housing Authority, and to allocate interest earnings as follows:
Payment to each fund of an amount based on the average computed
daily cash balance included in the common portfolio for the earning
2. Specific Investments - Specific investments purchased by a fund
shall incur all earnings and expenses in that particular fund.
The City Treasurer shall establish a system of internal controls to accomplish the
following objectives:
Safeguard assets;
The orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to management policies;
Prevention or detection of errors and fraud;
The accuracy and completeness of accounting records; and
Timely preparation of reliable financial information.
While no internal control system, however elaborate, can guarantee absolute
assurance that the City's assets are safeguarded, it is the intent of the City's
internal control to provide a reasonable assurance that management of the
investment function meets the City's objectives.
The internal controls shall address the following:
Control of collusion. Collusion is a situation where two or more employees
are working in conjunction to defraud their employer.
Separation of transaction authority from accounting and record keeping.
By separating the person who authorizes or performs the transaction from
the people who record or otherwise account for the transaction, a separation
of duties is achieved.
Custodial safekeeping. Securities purchased from any bank or dealer
including appropriate collateral (as defined by State Law) shall be placed
with an independent third party for custodial safekeeping.
Avoidance of physical delivery securities. Book entry securities are
much easier to transfer and account for since actual delivery of a
document never takes place. Delivered securities must be properly
safeguarded against loss or destruction. The potential for fraud and loss
increases with physically delivered securities.
Clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members. Subordinate
staff members must have a clear understanding of their authority and
responsibilities to avoid improper actions. Clear delegation of authority
also preserves the internal control structure that is contingent on the
various staff positions and their respective responsibilities as outlined
in the Segregation of Major Investment Responsibilities appendices.
Written confirmation of telephone transactions for investments and
wire transfers. Due to the potential for error and improprieties
arising from telephone transactions, all telephone transactions shall
be supported by written communications or electronic confirmations
and approved by the appropriate person. Written communications
may be via fax or email if on letterhead and the safekeeping
institution has a list of authorized signatures. Fax correspondence
must be supported by evidence of verbal or written follow-up.
Development of a wire transfer agreement with the City's bank and third
party custodian. This agreement should outline the various controls,
security provisions, and delineate responsibilities of each party making
and receiving wire transfers.
The system of internal controls developed by the City shall be reviewed annually by
the independent auditor in connection with the annual audit of the City's Financial
Statements. The independent auditor's letter on internal control over financial
reporting and compliance as it pertains to cash and investments, if any, shall be
directed to the City Manager who will direct the City Treasurer to provide a written
response to the independent auditor's letter. The auditor's letter, as it pertains, to
cash and investment activities and the City Treasurer's response shall be provided
to the City's Financial Advisory Commission for their consideration. Following the
completion of each annual audit, the independent auditor shall meet with the
Financial Advisory Commission and discuss the auditing procedures performed and
the review of internal controls for cash and investment activities. See Appendix C,
"Segregation of Major Investment Responsibilities."
The City Treasurer shall submit a quarterly Treasurers Report to the City Council
and the Financial Advisory Commission that includes all cash and investments under
the authority of the Treasurer. In addition, the City Treasurer or designee shall
ensure investment transactions are reported as they occur throughout the quarter.
The Treasurer's Report shall summarize cash and investment activity and changes
in balances and include the following:
A certification by the City Treasurer;
A listing of purchases and sales/maturities of investments;
Cash and Investments categorized by authorized investments, except for
LAIF which will be provided quarterly and show yield and maturity;
Comparison of month end actual holdings to Investment Policy limitations;
A two-year list of historical interest rates.
The securities held by the City must be in compliance with this Policy at the time of
purchase. Due to market conditions, some securities may no longer comply
subsequent to the date of purchase, therefore an annual review of the portfolio will
be conducted to identify any securities which may have fallen out of compliance.
Any major incidences of noncompliance identified during such review will be
reported to the Financial Advisory Commission for confirmation of staff
recommendation regarding course of action.
The Financial Advisory Commission (FAC) is composed of seven members from the
public that are appointed by the City Council. Background information will be
requested, and potential candidates must agree to a background check and
verification. On an annual basis, in conjunction with the Political Reform Act
disclosure statutes, or at any time if a change in circumstances warrants, each
commissioner will provide the City Council with a disclosure statement which
identifies any matters that have a bearing on the appropriateness of that member's
service on the FAC. All commissioners shall report annually every June to the City
Clerk on Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests, any activities, interests, or
relationships that may be, or have the appearance of, a conflict of interest.
The FAC must meet at least quarterly to:
Review at least annually the City's Investment Policy and recommend
appropriate changes;
Review at least quarterly the treasury report and note compliance with the
Investment Policy as well as adequacy of cash and investments for
anticipated obligations;
Receive and consider other reports provided by the City Treasurer;
Meet with the independent auditor after completion of the annual audit of the
City's financial statements, and receive and consider the auditor's
comments on auditing procedures, internal controls and findings for cash
and investment activities;
Review at least annually the revenue derived from the one percent (1%)
transactions and use tax instituted by voters in November 2016 to ensure
these funds are used to provide services, programs, and capital projects in
the city of La Quinta
Serve as a resource for the City Treasurer on matters such as proposed
investments, internal controls, use of or change of financial institutions,
custodians, brokers and dealers.
The FAC will report to the City Council after each meeting either in person or through
correspondence at a regular City Council meeting. See Appendix A: "Financial
Advisory Commission Provisions."
The City's Investment Policy will be reviewed annually by the City's Financial
Advisory Commission and the City Treasurer. The Financial Advisory Commission
will forward the Investment Policy with any revisions to the City Manager and City
Attorney for their review and comment. A joint meeting will be held with the
Financial Advisory Commission, City Manager, City Attorney, and City Treasurer to
review the Investment Policy and any comments prior to submission to the City
Council for their consideration. The Investment Policy shall be adopted by resolution
of the City Council annually before the end of June of each year.
City of La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 2.70
Appendix A
2.70.010 General rules regarding the financial advisory commission.
Except as set out below, see Chapter 2.06 for general provisions.
2.70.020 Number of members.
The financial advisory commission ("FAC") shall initially consist of seven members
appointed by, and serving at the will of, the city council. The city council may
increase or decrease the number of members from time to time but in no event
shall the membership exceed nine members or be less than five members.
2.70.030 Qualifications of members.
A. In addition to the qualification requirements set forth in Section 2.06.040 of this
code, a minimum of three of the members shall be finance professionals and shall
have a verifiable background in finance and/or securities, preferably with knowledge
and/or experience in markets, financial controls and accounting for securities.
B. For those applying for the professional position, background information will be
requested, and potential candidates must agree to a background check and
verification by the city manager or designee.
2.70.040 Powers and duties.
A. The principal functions of the FAC are:
1. Review at least annually the city's investment policy and recommend
appropriate changes;
2. Review at least quarterly the treasury report and note compliance with the
investment policy and adequacy of cash and investments for anticipated
3. Receive and consider other reports provided by the city treasurer;
4. Meet with the independent auditor after completion of the annual audit
of the city's financial statements, and receive and consider the auditor's
comments on auditing procedures, internal controls, and findings for cash and
investment activities;
5. Review at least annually the revenue derived from the one percent (1%)
transactions and use tax instituted by voters in November 2016 to ensure these
funds are used to provide services, programs and capital projects in the city of La
6. Serve as a resource for the city treasurer on matters such as proposed
investments, internal controls, use of or change of financial institutions, custodians,
brokers and dealers.
B. The FAC will report to the city council after each meeting either in person or
through correspondence at a regular city council meeting.
2.70.050 References to the Investment Advisory Board.
If any other chapter(s) or section(s) in this code refers to the Investment Advisory
Board, that chapter(s) or section(s) shall be deemed to refer to the Financial
Advisory Commission established by the ordinance amending chapter 2.70 of this
Appendix B
City of La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 3.08
3.08.010 Investment of city moneys and deposit of securities.
Pursuant to, and in accordance with, and to the extent allowed by Sections 53607
and 53608 of the California Government Code, the authority to invest and reinvest
moneys of the city, to sell or exchange securities, and to deposit them and provide
for their safekeeping, is delegated to the city treasurer, which, for purposes of this
chapter, is defined in Section 2.12.010 of this code. (Ord. 529 § 1, 2015; Ord. 2 §
1, 1982)
3.08.020 Authorized investments.
Pursuant to the delegation of authority in Section 3.08.010, the city treasurer is
authorized to purchase, at their original sale or after they have been issued,
securities which are permissible investments under the city council adopted city
investment policy and any provision of state law relating to the investing of general
city funds, including, but not limited to, Sections 53601 and 53635 of the California
Government Code, as said sections now read or may hereafter be amended, from
moneys in the city treasurer's custody which are not required for the immediate
necessities of the city and as he or she may deem wise and expedient, and to sell
or exchange for other eligible securities and reinvest the proceeds of the securities
so purchased. (Ord. 529 § 1, 2015; Ord. 2 § 1, 1982)
3.08.030 Sales of Securities.
From time to time the city treasurer shall sell the securities in which city moneys
have been invested pursuant to this chapter, so that the proceeds may, as
appropriate, be applied to the purchase for which the original purchase money may
have been designated or placed in the city treasury. (Ord.2 § 1 (part),
3.08.040 City bonds.
Bonds issued by the city and purchased pursuant to this chapter may be cancelled
either in satisfaction of sinking fund obligations or otherwise if proper and
appropriate; provided, however, that the bonds may be held uncancelled and while
so held may be resold. (Ord. 2 § 1 (part), 1982)
3.08.050 Reports.
The city treasurer shall make a quarterly report to the city council of all investments
made pursuant to the authority delegated in this chapter and as permitted by
Section 53646(b)(1) of the Government Code. (Ord. 529 § 1, 2015; Ord. 2 § 1,
3.08.060 Deposits of securities.
Pursuant to the delegation of authority in Section 3.08.010, the city treasurer is
authorized to deposit for safekeeping, the securities in which city moneys have been
invested pursuant to this chapter, in any institution or depository authorized by the
city council adopted investment policy and terms of any state law, including, but
not limited to, Section 53608 of the Government Code, as it now reads or may
hereafter be amended. In accordance with said section, the city treasurer shall take
from the institution or depository a receipt for the securities so deposited and shall
not be responsible for the securities delivered to and receipted for by the institution
or depository until they are withdrawn therefrom by the city treasurer. (Ord. 529 §
1, 2015; Ord. 2 § 1, 1982)
3.08.070 Trust fund administration.
Any departmental trust fund established by the city council pursuant to Section
36523 of the Government Code shall be administered by the city treasurer in
accordance with Section 36523 and 36524 of the Government code and any other
applicable provisions of law. (Ord. 2
§ 1 (, 1982)
Appendix C
Function Responsible Parties
Develop and recommend modifications to the City's
formal Investment Policy
City Treasurer, Financial Services Analyst,
and Financial Advisory Commission
Review City's Investment Policy and recommend
City Council action City Manager and City Attorney
Adopt formal Investment Policy City Council
Implement formal Investment Policy City Treasurer
Review financial institutions and select investments City Treasurer or Financial Services Analyst
Acknowledge investment selections City Manager or his/her designee
Execute investment transactions
City Manager, City Treasurer, or Financial
Services Analyst
Confirm wires Senior Accountant or Accountant
Record investment transactions in City's accounting
records Senior Accountant or Accountant
Investment certification- match broker confirmation
to City's investment records City Treasurer or Financial Services Analyst
Reconcile investment records to accounting records
and bank statements Financial Services Analyst
Reconcile investment records to treasurer's report
of investments
Senior Accountant or Financial Services
Security of investments at City Senior Accountant or Management Assistant
Security of investments outside of City Third Party Custodian
Review internal control procedures External Auditor
Appendix D
Listing of Approved Financial Institutions
Banking Services(1)
Wells Fargo Bank, Government
Services, Los Angeles, CA
(Banking Services)
Rabobank N.A., Government
Banking Group, Roseville, CA
(Collateralized Bank Deposits)
Custodian Services The Bank of New York Mellon/Pershing LLC
Deferred Compensation International City/County Management
Association (ICCMA) Retirement
Broker/Dealer Services(1) Bank of America Securities/Merrill Lynch
Morgan Stanley
Stifel, Nicolaus, & Company, Inc.(2)
Government Pool State of California Local Agency
Investment Fund (LAIF)
Bond Trustee US Bank (3)
Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Trust
Pension Trust
California Employers' Retirement
Benefits Trust (CERBT)/CalPERS
Public Agency Retirement Services
(1) RFI for broker/dealer services and RFP for banking services have been issued by the City in
2019. List may change during the 2019/20 fiscal year subject to FAC review City Council
(2) Stifel acquired the City’s former broker, First Empire Securities, in 2019 and the name change
was approved by City Council in March 2019.
(3) US Bank is the fiscal agent for all of the following bonds: 1998 RDA Project Area 1&2; 2001
RDA Project Area 1; 2002 RDA Project Area 1; 2003 RDA Project Area 1; 2004 Local Agency
Revenue; 2013 Successor Agency; and 2016 Successor for Agency to the La Quinta RDA
Assessment Districts
Appendix E
Investment Management Process and Risk
Except as provided for in Section 27000.3, Government Code Section 53600.3
declares as a trustee each person, treasurer, or governing body authorized to make
investment decisions on behalf of local agencies. Trustees are subject to the prudent
investor standard. These persons shall act with care, skill, prudence, and diligence
under the circumstances then prevailing when investing, reinvesting, purchasing,
acquiring, exchanging, selling, and managing funds. Section 53600.5 further
stipulates that the primary objective of any person investing public funds is to
safeguard principal; secondly, to meet liquidity needs of the depositor; and lastly,
to achieve a return or yield on invested funds (Government Code Section 27000.5
specifies the same objectives for county treasurers and board of supervisors).
Risk is inherent throughout the investment process. There is investment risk
associated with any investment activity and opportunity risk related to
inactivity. Market risk is derived from exposure to overall changes in the general
level of interest rates while credit risk is the risk of loss due to the failure of the
insurer of a security. The market value of a security varies inversely with the
level of interest rates. If an investor is required to sell an investment with a five
percent yield in a comparable seven percent rate environment, that security will
be sold at a loss. The magnitude of that loss will depend on the amount of time
until maturity.
Purchasing certain allowable securities with a maturity of greater than five years
requires approval of the governing board (see Government Code Section 53601).
Part of that approval process involves assessing and disclosing the risk and possible
volatility of longer-term investments
Another element of risk is liquidity risk. Instruments with call features or special
structures, or those issued by little known companies, are examples of "story bonds"
and are often thinly traded. Their uniqueness often makes finding prospective
buyers in a secondary market more difficult and, consequently, the securities'
marketability and price are discounted. However, under certain market conditions,
gains are also possible with these types of securities.
Default risk represents the possibility that the borrower may be unable to repay the
obligation as scheduled. Generally, securities issued by the federal government and
its agencies are considered the most secure, while securities issued by private
corporations or negotiable certificates of deposit issued by commercial banks have
a greater degree of risk. Securities with additional credit enhancements, such as
bankers acceptances, collateralized repurchase agreements and collateralized bank
deposits are somewhere between the two on the risk spectrum.
The vast majority of portfolios are managed within a buy and hold policy.
Investments are purchased with the intent and capacity to hold that security
until maturity. At times, market forces or operations may dictate swapping one
security for another or selling a security before maturity. Continuous analysis
and fine tuning of the investment portfolio are considered prudent investment
The Government Code contains specific provisions regarding the types of
investments and practices permitted after considering the broad requirement of
preserving principal and maintaining liquidity before seeking yield. These provisions
are intended to promote the use of reliable, diverse, and safe investment
instruments to better ensure a prudently managed portfolio worthy of public trust.
Chapter II. Fund Management from the Local Agency Investment Guidelines Issued
by California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission
(Adopted from the Municipal Treasurers Association)
The purpose of this glossary is to provide the reader of the City of La Quinta
investment policies with a better understanding of financial terms used in municipal
AGENCIES: Federal agency securities and/or Government-sponsored enterprises.
ASKED: The price at which securities are offered.
BANKERS' ACCEPTANCE (BA): A draft or bill or exchange accepted by a bank or trust
company. The accepting institution guarantees payment of the bill, as well as the issuer.
BID: The price offered by a buyer of securities. (When you are selling securities, you
ask for a bid.) See Offer.
BROKER: A broker brings buyers and sellers together for a commission.
CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (CD): A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by
a certificate. Large- denomination CD's are typically negotiable.
COLLATERAL: Securities, evidence of deposit or other property which a borrower
pledges to secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to
secure deposits of public monies.
COMMERCIAL PAPER: Short-term unsecured promissory notes issued by a
corporation to raise working capital. These negotiable instruments are purchased at a
discount to par value or at par value with interest bearing. Commercial paper is issued
by corporations such as General Motors Acceptance Corporation, IBM, Bank America,
the City of La Quinta. It includes five combined statements for each individual fund
and account group prepared in conformity with GAAP. It also includes supporting
schedules necessary to demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal and
contractual provisions, extensive introductory material, and a detailed Statistical
CONDUIT FINANCING: A form of Financing in which a government or a government
agency lends its name to a bond issue, although it is acting only as a conduit between
a specific project and bond holders. The bond holders can look only to the revenues
from the project being financed for repayment and not to the government or agency
whose name appears on the bond.
COUPON: (a) The annual rate of interest that a bond's issuer promises to pay the
bondholder on the bond's face value. (b) A certificate attached to a bond evidencing
interest due on a payment date.
DEALER: A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying
and selling for his own account.
DEBENTURE: A bond secured only by the general credit of the issuer.
DELIVERY VERSUS PAYMENT: There are two methods of delivery of securities:
delivery versus payment and delivery versus receipt. Delivery versus payment is
delivery of securities with an exchange of money for the securities. Delivery versus
receipt is delivery of securities with an exchange of a signed receipt for the securities.
DERIVATIVES: (1) Financial instruments whose return profile is linked to, or derived
from, the movement of one or more underlying index or security, and may include a
leveraging factor, or (2) financial contracts based upon notional amounts whose value
is derived from an underlying index or security (interest rates, foreign exchange rates,
equities or commodities).
DISCOUNT: The difference between the cost price of a security and its maturity when
quoted at lower than face value. A security selling below original offering price shortly
after sale also is considered to be at a discount.
DISCOUNT SECURITIES: Non-interest-bearing money market instruments that are
issued at discount and redeemed at maturity for full face value
DIVERSIFICATION: Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering
independent returns.
FEDERAL CREDIT AGENCIES: Agencies of the Federal government set up to supply
credit to various classes of institutions and individuals, e.g., S&L's, small business firms,
students, farmers, farm cooperatives, and exporters.
FNMAs (Federal National Mortgage Association) - Like GNMA was chartered under
the Federal National Mortgage Association Act in 1938. FNMA is a federal
corporation working under the auspices of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD). It is the largest single provider of residential mortgage funds
in the United States. Fannie Mae, as the corporation is called, is a private
stockholder owned corporation. The corporation's purchases include a variety of
adjustable mortgages and second loans, in addition to fixed-rate mortgages.
FNMA's securities are also highly liquid and are widely accepted. FNMA assumes
and guarantees that all security holders will receive timely payment of principal
and interest.
FHLBs (Federal Home Loan Bank Notes and Bonds) - Issued by the Federal
Home Loan Bank System to help finance the housing industry. The notes and
bonds provide liquidity and home mortgage credit to savings and loan
associations, mutual savings banks, cooperative banks, insurance companies,
and mortgage-lending institutions. They are issued irregularly for various
maturities. The minimum denomination is $5,000. The notes are issued with
maturities of less than one year and interest is paid at maturity.
FLBs (Federal Land Bank Bonds) - Long-term mortgage credit provided to
farmers by Federal Land Banks. These bonds are issued at irregular times for
various maturities ranging from a few months to ten years. The minimum
denomination is $1,000. They carry semi- annual coupons. Interest is calculated
on a 360-day, 30-day month basis.
FFCBs (Federal Farm Credit Bank) – Debt instruments used to finance the short and
intermediate term needs of farmers and the national agricultural industry. They are
issued monthly with three- and six-month maturities. The FFCB issues larger issues
(one to ten year) on a periodic basis. These issues are highly liquid.
FICBs (Federal Intermediate Credit Bank Debentures) - Loans to lending institutions
used to finance the short-term and intermediate needs of farmers, such as seasonal
production. They are usually issued monthly in minimum denominations of $3,000
with a nine-month maturity. Interest is payable at maturity and is calculated on a
360-day, 30-day month basis.
FHLMCs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) - a government sponsored
entity established in 1970 to provide a secondary market for conventional home
mortgages. Mortgages are purchased solely from the Federal Home Loan Bank
System member lending institutions whose deposits are insured by agencies of
the United States Government. They are issued for various maturities and in
minimum denominations of $10,000. Principal and interest is paid monthly.
Other federal agency issues are Small Business Administration notes (SBA's),
Government National Mortgage Association notes (GNMA's), and Tennessee
Valley Authority notes (TVA's).
bank deposits, currently up to $250,000 per deposit through December 31, 2013.
FEDERAL FUNDS RATE: The rate of interest at which Fed funds are traded. This rate is
currently pegged by the Federal Reserve through open- market operations.
FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS (FHLB): Government sponsored wholesale banks
(currently 12 regional banks) which lend funds and provide correspondent banking
services to member commercial banks, thrift institutions, credit unions and
insurance companies. The mission of the FHLBs is to liquefy the housing related
assets of its members who must purchase stock in their district Bank.
FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE (FOMC): Consists of seven members of the
Federal Reserve Board and five of the twelve Federal Reserve Bank Presidents. The
President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank is a permanent member, while the
other Presidents serve on a rotating basis. The Committee periodically meets to set
Federal Reserve guidelines regarding purchases and sales of Government Securities in
the open market as a means of influencing the volume of bank credit and money.
FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM: The central bank of the United States created by
Congress and consisting of a seven-member Board of Governors in Washington, D.C.,
12 regional banks and about 3,000 commercial banks that are members of the system.
Mae): Securities influencing the volume of bank credit guaranteed by GNMA and
issued by mortgage bankers, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and
other institutions. Security holder is protected by full faith and credit of the U.S.
Government. Ginnie Mae securities are backed by the FHA, VA or FMHM mortgages.
The term "pass-throughs" is often used to describe Ginnie Maes.
LAIF (Local Agency Investment Fund) - A special fund in the State Treasury
which local agencies may use to deposit funds for investment. There is no minimum
investment period, the minimum transaction is $5,000., and the City follows the
state guidance for maximum total balance. The City is restricted to a maximum of
ten transactions per month. It offers high liquidity because deposits can be converted
to cash in 24 hours and no interest is lost. All interest is distributed to those agencies
participating on a proportionate share basis determined by the amounts deposited
and the length of time they are deposited. Interest is paid quarterly. The State
retains an amount for reasonable costs of making the investments, not to exceed
one-half of one percent of the earnings.
LIQUIDITY: A liquid asset is one that can be converted easily and rapidly into cash
without a substantial loss of value. In the money market, a security is said to be
liquid if the spread between bid and asked prices is narrow and reasonable size can be
done at those quotes.
LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL (LGIP): The aggregate of all funds from
political subdivisions that are placed in the custody of the State Treasurer for
investment and reinvestment
MARKET VALUE: The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be
purchased or sold.
MASTER REPURCHASE AGREEMENT: A written contract covering all future
transactions between the parties to repurchase--reverse repurchase agreements that
establish each party's rights in the transactions. A master agreement will often specify,
among other things, the right of the buyer- lender to liquidate the underlying securities
in the event of default by the seller-borrower.
MATURITY: The date upon which the principal or stated value of an investment
becomes due and payable.
MONEY MARKET: The market in which short-term debt instruments (bills, commercial
paper, bankers' acceptances, etc.) are issued and traded.
rating agency recognized by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Examples
include Fitch Ratings, Inc., Moody’s Investor’s Services, Inc., and S&P Global Ratings,
among others.
OFFER: The price asked by a seller of securities. (When you are buying securities, you
ask for an offer.) See Asked and Bid.
OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS: Purchases and sales of government and certain other
securities in the open market by the New York Federal Reserve Bank as directed by the
FOMC in order to influence the volume of money and credit in the economy. Purchases
inject reserves into the bank system and stimulate growth of money and credit; sales
have the opposite effect. Open market operations are the Federal Reserve's most
important and most flexible monetary policy tool.
PORTFOLIO: Collection of all cash and securities under the direction of the City
Treasurer, including Bond Proceeds.
PRIMARY DEALER: A group of government securities dealers who submit daily reports
of market activity and positions and monthly financial statements to the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York and are subject to its informal oversight. Primary dealers include
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registered securities broker- dealers, banks
and a few unregulated firms.
QUALIFIED PUBLIC DEPOSITORIES: A financial institution which does not claim
exemption from the payment of any sales or compensating use or ad valorem taxes
under the laws of this state, which has segregated for the benefit of the commission
eligible collateral having a value of not less than its maximum liability and which has
been approved by the Public Deposit Protection Commission to hold public deposits.
RATE OF RETURN: The yield obtainable on a security based on its purchase price or
its current market price. This may be the amortized yield to maturity on a bond the
current income return.
AGREEMENTS (RRP or RevRepo): A holder of securities sells these securities to an
investor with an agreement to repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date. The
security "buyer" in effect lends the "seller" money for the period of the agreement,
and the terms of the agreement are structured to compensate him for this. Dealers
use RP extensively to finance their positions. Exception: When the Fed is said to be
doing RP, it is lending money that is increasing bank reserves.
SAFEKEEPING: A service to customers rendered by banks for a fee whereby securities
and valuables of all types and descriptions are held in the bank's vaults for protection.
SECONDARY MARKET: A market made for the purchase and sale of outstanding issues
following the initial distribution.
SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION: Agency created by Congress to protect
investors in securities transactions by administering securities legislation.
SEC RULE 15C3-1: See Uniform Net Capital Rule.
SSAE 16: The Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No. 16 (SSAE 16)
is a set of auditing standards and guidance on using the standards, published by the
Auditing Standards Board (ASB) of the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA) for redefining and updating how service companies report on
compliance controls. The Service Organizational Control report (SOC-1) contains
internal controls over financial reporting and is used by auditors and office controllers.
STRUCTURED NOTES: Notes issued by Government Sponsored Enterprises (FHLB,
FNMA, SLMA, etc.) and Corporations which have imbedded options (e.g., call features,
step-up coupons, floating rate coupons, and derivative-based returns) into their
debt structure. Their market performance is impacted by the fluctuation of interest
rates, the volatility of the imbedded options and shifts in the shape of the yield
SURPLUS FUNDS: Section 53601 of the California Government Code defines surplus
funds as any money not required for immediate necessities of the local agency. The City
has defined immediate necessities to be payment due within one week.
TREASURY BILLS: A non-interest-bearing discount security issued by the U.S.
Treasury to finance the national debt. Most bills are issued to mature in three
months, six months or one year.
TREASURY BONDS: Long-term coupon-bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as
direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities of more than 10
TREASURY NOTES: Medium-term coupon-bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as
direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities from two to 10
UNIFORM NET CAPITAL RULE: Securities and Exchange Commission requirement
that member firms as well as nonmember broker-dealers in securities maintain a
maximum ratio of indebtedness to liquid capital of 15 to 1; also called net capital rule
and net capital ratio. Indebtedness covers all money owed to a firm, including margin
loans and commitments to purchase securities, one reason new public issues are spread
among members of underwriting syndicates. Liquid capital includes cash and assets
easily converted into cash.
UNIFORM PRUDENT INVESTOR ACT: The State of California has adopted this Act.
The Act contains the following sections: duty of care, diversification, review of assets,
costs, compliance determinations, delegation of investments, terms of prudent
investor rule, and application.
YIELD: The rate of annual return on an investment, expressed as a percentage. (a)
INCOME YIELD is obtained by dividing the current dollar income by the current market
price for the security. (b) NET YIELD or YIELD TO MATURITY is the current income
yield minus any premium above par or plus any discount from par in purchase price,
with the adjustment spread over the period from the date of purchase to the date of
maturity of the bond.
April 10, 2019
April 10, 2019
Financial Advisory Commission
Special Meeting
April 10, 2019
Financial Advisory Commission
Special Meeting
April 10, 2019
B1 – Approve the Proposed Uses of Measure G Sales Tax
Funds within the 2019/20 Capital Improvement Program
Measure G Summary
•1% increase in revenue from 2018/19 to 2019/20
–18/19 at $10,145,000
–19/20 at $10,246,500
•8 projects underway/funded
•4 projects proposed for 2019/20
–Total budget $5,580,116
•Remaining funds for police services/reserves
•North La Quinta Landscape
–4th year of the 5 year project
–Total investment to date
–Measure G portion of
investment $3,932,189
2019/20 Project
•Corporate Yard Facility
–Measure G $411,013
–Space planning for Phase II
19/20 Project
•Village Art Plaza Promenade
–Measure G Investment $310,000
–Total Cost $510,000
–Connect museum and lumber yard with
vacant lot to the East
19/20 Project
•Highway 111 Corridor Area
–Measure G $1,000,000
–75% of sales tax revenue
–CV Link connectivity,
–Tourism, retail planning,
community identity
Thank You
Financial Advisory Commission
Special Meeting
April 10, 2019
B2 – Review and Approve Accounts Receivable Write-Off
and Unclaimed Property Policy
Accounts Receivables and Refunds
• Cashier/Technician
• Cash Reconciliation
• Deposit Verification
• Bank Reconciliation
• Cashier/Technician
• Supervisor Approval
•Accounts Payable
• Supervisor Approval
• Bank Reconciliation
Write‐Offs & Under/Over Payments
• Not available now
• Overstate A/R
• Some debts are
• Limits based on
Purchasing Policy
• Not available now
• Under $5, write‐off
• Over up to $15, keep
unless refund is
16/17 ‐ 57 Checks, Totaling $408.57
17/18 ‐ 44 Checks, Totaling $289.20
18/19 YTD – 48 Checks, Totaling $281.33
Discussion and Questions
Thank You
Financial Advisory Commission
Special Meeting
April 10, 2019
B3 – 2018/19 Third Quarter Budget Report
3rd Quarter Overview
Sales tax revenue State reporting resolved
State mandates and revenue reductions
Assessment District Bond closure
Capital Improvement & Grant Adjustments
Inclement weather impacting operations
Year‐to‐date budget summary
General Fund
3rd Quarter Adjustment
Revenue Expenses
Sales Tax $400,000
Measure G Tax 800,000
Assessment District 114,250
Various Fees/Services 11,000
Legal Services 50,000
Camera Survey 30,000
CIP Projects (2) 290,000
SilverRock Operations 400,000
Gas Tax Operations 168,5000
Totals $1,325,250 $938,500
Updated revenue projections
Foundation for 2019/20
Assessment District Bond
Extensive record requests
Project costs
Weather impacts
State revenue deferred
General Fund Current Budget
Original Budget 52,297,400
Capital Carryovers 4,996,815
Operational Carryovers 2,186,500
1st Quarter Adjustments, Reserves 295,000
Fire Positions, Fire Property Taxes 90,600
Measure G Reserves (SRR Park) 1,300,000
2nd Quarter Adjustments 1,997,000
Pension Trust Reserves 6,540,000
Measure G Reserves (Xpark) 860,000
3rd Quarter Adjustments 1,325,250
Total Revenues 71,888,565
Original Budget 51,153,413
Capital Carryovers 4,996,815
Operational Carryovers 2,186,500
1st Quarter Adjustments 295,000
Fire Positions (2) 90,600
SilverRock Event Space 1,300,000
2nd Quarter Adjustments 147,213
Pension Trust 6,540,000
Xpark Enhancements 860,000
3rd Quarter Adjustments 938,500
Total Expenditures 68,508,041
Budget Surplus 3,380,524
Measure G Reserves (2,598,887)
Adjusted Budget Surplus 781,637
Other Fund
Capital Projects
Grants received, total of $18,000
State pass through payment
Assessment District Bond closure
Supplemental pension plan
Fund Revenues Expenses
Gas Tax Fund (201) * - -
Library and Museum Fund (202) (20,000) -
Development Agreement Fund (217) 30,000 30,000
Emergency Management Program Fund (226) 12,000 12,000
State Homeland Security Programs Fund (227) 6,000 6,000
CASp Fund, AB 1379 (230) - 1,500
Capital Improvement Fund (401) 260,000 260,000
SilverRock Golf Resort (601)* - -
2000-1 Assessment District Funds (740 & 741) 144,651
PARS Supplemental Pension Trust Fund (760) 800 12,850
TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS 288,800$ 467,001$
* Revenue adjustments result in no overall increase.
2018/19 Third Quarter Adjustment Requests (Special Funds)
Summary of
Revenues increased by $1,614,050
$800,000 Measure G reserves
Expenses increased by $1,389,001
or Questions
Financial Advisory Commission
Special Meeting
April 10, 2019
S1 – Discuss Fiscal Year 2019/20 Investment Policy
Annual Update
•18/19 Policy certified by California Municipal
Treasurers Association
•Some reviewer suggestions were incorporated
into the draft for 19/20
•No new regulatory changes for 19/20
Overview of Changes
•Moved verbiage or added headings
–Section III ‐ updated to include funds not under
the scope of the policy (formerly sections XVI and
–Section X ‐ updated with a new heading and
information formerly in IX
•Section IX (updated) and Section XVI (new) ‐
annual review of approved broker list and
Overview of Changes
•Section VIII, XI, and Appendix C ‐ updated with
correct references to other codes, policies, or
job titles
•Section X and Glossary ‐ removed reference to
Sallie Mae
•Section XII – removed reference to a process
that is no longer relevant
•Appendix D ‐ footnoted to reflect ongoing RFP
and RFIs
Thank You
Financial Advisory Commission
Special Meeting
April 10, 2019
D1 – Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan
•Survey available online
–Link on home page under “news”
•Up to 3 FAC Commissioners may attend
•3‐day charrette on
–Location: 78920 Highway 111, La Quinta
–April 24 to 26 (Wednesday – Friday)
•12:00noon inspirational talks
•6:00PM input from community
Discussion and Questions
Thank You
Financial Advisory Commission
Special Meeting
April 10, 2019
D2 – Proposals for Banking & Merchant Services
•6 proposals received
•Wells Fargo ‐ Interviewed
•Opus Bank
•Bank of the West ‐ Interviewed
•US Bank
•Bank of America
•East West Bank ‐ Interviewed
•2nd Interview of top 2 banks will be in late
April or early May
•City Council recommendation on 5/21/19
Financial Advisory Commission
Special Meeting
April 10, 2019
D3 – Proposals for Broker Services Update
Financial Advisory Commission
Next Regular Quarterly Meeting is on
May 15, 2019
A Special Meeting will be held on
June 5, 2019