MUP 2002-356r 1 Bri hter Than Shining g an E�•e. 0 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August 16, 2002 Mr. George E. Prine MDS Consulting 79-799 Old Avenue 52 La Quinta, Ca 92253 Mr. Gary Lemon Toll Bros. 50-400 Jefferson Street La Quinta, Ca 92253 • SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2002-356 (TEMPORARY PARKING LOT AND SALES TRAILER) Dear Mr. Prine & Mr. Lemon: (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 FAX (760) 777-7101 On June 25, 2002, the Planning Commission approved Site Development Permit 2002- 742 for the model home complex for Mountain View Country Club. Minor Use Permit 2002-353 was approved by the Community Development Department on August 14, 2002, for the permanent parking lot and sales office on Lots 149 (parking lot) and 148 (sales office) of Tract No. 30357. This Minor Use Permit is a request to establish a temporary parking lot and sales office to be located on Lots 1 and 2 of the same tract. The Community Development Department has reviewed your request for this temporary use and has approved it subject to the exhibit on file and the following conditions: 1. The temporary sales trailer shall conform to the exhibit on file with the Community Development Department. 2. Obtain the appropriate building permits. 3. Provide restroom facilities in the temporary sales office to accommodate personnel. P\Martin\MUP 02-356.wpd r 4. Mounted on the exterior of the sales trailer shall be a written notice providing emergency personnel you r 24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum 1 " high letters). 5. The temporary sales trailer shall meet all the requirements of the Riverside County Fire Marshal. 6. Install one 2A10BC fire extinguisher inside the sales trailer. 7. A total of 38 parking spaces shall be provided with two being designated for handicap individuals. Parking for handicap individuals shall comply with the American with disabilities Act provisions which require hard surfacing with proper striping and signs. 8. The installation of parking lot improvements (pavement, curbs, walkways, etc.) will require review and approval by the Public Works Department. The parking lot design and improvements shall comply with adopted City standards. 9. Dust control measures shall be employed during construction of the parking lot and sales trailer. Such control measures may include paving the parking lot and adding landscaping around the parking area. 10. The model home complex shall be permitted to remain for one year, until August 16, 2003, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Community Development Director may extend the permit for a set time period if needed. No fee is charged to extend this permit. 11. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. 12. The applicant/property owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), it's agents, officers and employees from any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by anyone provided they submit the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 with this office within 15 days of approval of this permit. P\Martin\MUP 02-356.wpd Should you have any questions please contact me at (760) 777-7068. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MARTIN MAGANA Associate Planner c: Tom Hartung, Building & Safety Tim Jonasson, Public Works P\Mar in\MUP 02-356.wpd Aug-13-02 09:01 From -MOBILE MODULAR +19093606622 T-350 P-002/002 F-658 r L� 0 .� C.0 5 ao .. lq;t Aug-12-02 , 11:09 From -MOBILE MODULAR +19093606622 T-297 P.002/004 F-577 Y�v1 YYM.L- 11�7 gj5Z,_?'t:2 D�111�j1�Gt EGG -f 2:p 'Nv 4121oINJeAl JA+147 -401?- f xlo �1"• . �"r11J�J01.1� � ❑ M1L OXTVP►,/" Pa7 A I pip/Pf r�z J�gJc�q� i�-ra'r,.l� y, -- Aug-12-02 , 11:09 From -MOBILE MODULAR +19093606622 T-297 P.003/004 F-577 V-45Vl t-ill"JA WpV/ *r�1ln1_j - TTlJ� f IJGJ I N LI GiV - l- 1�- AeV Nl/' vN �,+t ,Pof;;,T - ,I Ilz" umlml� (-,) 2.,g 1Z at-1 r�-P,r - �L.,ri 1s Wmr-?+T 6,r- gal L - T F-`l vilNel I 2x12 t/T, I.., fZ (p.r.� 97 z y L ►�" 1Fyt'�Yi � �� Sjc z �I,ZS 1�5j� 3 s� ,1 .°1 -12. . I,i *. Phi e- �lo : , A7. V__ C1-Zoo \ V �J1rQ(� 2 : ice I �' S 49 "f , �ix�7.rh �Jj•; �►j 2'`b, ( .� Zo�2 JN jo �� :.O K Aug-12-02 , 11:10 From -MOBILE MODULAR +19093606622 j4eTtNr-jltjA vipt/l." Cps .7 /o T-297 P-004/004 F-577 lyqj7 1 4r4pN10iL / C;l blli z�*w1 oz,- C rz.0 14 1 q'00ky -if y" d .11% 7// AUG-121-2002 MON 11:50 AM MOUTAINVIEWC/C •AME-12-02 10:2T Frog -MOBILE MODULAR 17605649510 P. 02 +16063606622 T-204 P•002/006 F-671 FACT SBEET 1NSTALLAnON of a MODULAR -BLSD NG in a „ SUBSET' DIMENSIONS: The "pit" should be taccavatead sA that the olzmll length rrf>0� with art, d [ r' grater omn that of the modular building. 1U desired deA is 28 inchm R8=PV mast be provided at bath Gads to allow for driv h ugh aces. Maxiuiuia s]npe should bo 1:12. DRAINAGE- Proper drainage is essential to mxi� tl�c i�al sec of the building• If the cal* Under the raodeflar bwldia8 be es saturnted, settling will most likdiy 0000. The "pit" sltat►]d be graded au,cA that w . �C°a 6 .� v 314d races dtaiaaSe is best to acl:ieva 30°/e Com}]acnan . Also, roof sy�, gam, or pump, must be inffmUdd TO remwx mndiag g. flso, +a to ran -Off shauid be diraotad 90 that it does not collect under � the aust�ss iw all a proper dra.mage SY5t= will 1i1w1y result iu == expense COSTbeastaBELOW upon rcmrn of the building st lease md. I SEE ``EQU PMFNT cross -$low vt�lation is raquixed ID prOW24 MC[6 se from rO41eti� VB:N'rILATION: Adze uridex the i�tiild�. Excessjvc =is = trapped =&w the building will cw"' dme to t�= -oM and steel stmcmre. • The Unifoxm Bailding Coda MBQ spectres 1 squ= feat of vemt per 150 square feet of floor splrA distabuLad evenly an all four sides. CRAWL SPACE: An 18" x 24" minimum op4mmg is roVirad to access tho crawl space vadfflio-,� the modular building. RFMFORCED neat be m led aGrmmd the pe:d== of the buildiDZ PrW r TO SIGRTING: RaixMiri d alerting is bacl3�ia8 the area with sail. p'silure To 1Latall 'this "barrier*" will Mot in die to the axle a=embty and The un&reaxnW itself. All lurubcr that is used fOr sWztina the badi og. and which maku watast wirh the ground. mu6t be "pure tasted" or its cgpivalam AUG-12-2002 MON 11:50 AM MOUTAINUIEWC/C 17605849510 P. 03 Aug-12-0Z 10:ZT From -MOBILE NODULAR +19063606622 T-N4 P,003/006 F-511 page 2 PERWTS/ for the foundation of modular b&Wdia�s. INSPECTIONS: TA x�Y cases persmts arc h Pexmit� and assocs -d ibes uv tlse respousi%ility of the M=ffW- EQuuwh=T I'i� Mowing axe typlcg 005ts that may apply 1 in tj= � eevent that the above COSTS: prated= is ant follvw�ed and tbs `,pie, is improperly cov d Axle / harga kit repl,,,=.t.cuL S 250.00 + tax per axk >;•Itzch reel Mawa 150.00 + ws1dinB do labor Extra labor 15.00 per bmr Qawrtd= 50.00 peat hour Any damage w tlaa �rlaga tir Mb&d r struMM due to improper = will be evabi=d and the cost to repair said items will bs quatad at time of repair. SITE 1VO&AC can sCc s INSPECTION: To hure cip ensthst the ramaval Process 90" fft , site cbeck To assist is avabuafMg [bo sin CQU&IIMS and the gr6PWW6U= raTli ed for Tha timely removal ❑fthe bull Eng. Thcm will be a charge for this service. r AUG-1Z-2002 MON 11:51 AM MOUTAINVIEWC/C Aus-12-02 10:28 From -MOBILE MODULAR 17605649510 P. 04 +18088808822 T-284 P-004/005 F-671 �&WOW FACT SHEET RM40VAL of a MODULAR BU]MING from a "sue sIE'r,f LXCAVAnON: It is the cuBtomR'c,s xupansihtZM to a von the W so that the OvorA 1 0& wd width ate 6 fact grazer tban chat of tine filar building. A rjM most be ' provided at the hits typically %be A/C end but not always, to allow foot remwval of the building. Mwdmum slope should be 1:12. REMOVAL of REINFORCED tins r[�razial tl�sc2vca, ar having SSIR';1TING: The aumm�"r hag the option Of r=ovmg MMMC -emve n. If you wish hEVMC W pmvidc tljs sctvica, th= is a cost of $6.00 per hn- ft. to rcntave and stack it nea1Y ax the situ fvr sa k== di%N sal; Or S7.D0 per iin. ft. to r=0've and haul ti:e IrwerW away for disposal. VENTILATION: The grading and r moval of be skomg maumal sb be e°a"pkw an adequase numbcr of days poor To the dcsired return data of the building to f5f *A tlp- �'r a , rs=ves adequatc vmfiladon and drying time. An ` q asumber of d,a,ys" wail vary bayed as each individual arm. WeL C M&li= will rwilt iu a delay of removal of the bud&38 f = tho site - EQUIPMENT cons tl� may apply is the c:vemt that the above COSTS: The follawmg ale wim, ee that the Wvas prod is tact foliowcd, and/or in the improparly constructed upon hLqwztiom Axle / hauw kt roplaccalcm S 250.00 t UXper axle MT& replaompmt 150.00 + wel&ng & labor bm babor 15.00 pac hour Downdme $0.00 pas hour Any darwip to this un&rcUfi*e Or modular suuctuae duo to impmper irtsrallat Will be "uaced and the Cast to .capon' said ItaM will be wed at tha time of topair. AUG-IZ 2002 MON 11:51 AM MOUTAINVIEWC/C -Au4-12-02 10:26 From -MOBILE MODULAR 17605649510 P. 05 +10063606622 T-204 P•005/005 F-6T1 pap 2 srm C oa the s� of fa ma INSPECTION: IL zs t = QUWM 3 tespon b�iry to u is Nit+ wnetons. Hownw, m hclp mm= tit tha xcuuaval grocass fives may. axwc= and N0 4mc C= 9401we S site dark to asnA in cvduwzg ft M c W� �C a t� pleg8r dow required� tb, CC tidy removal of the bw1dmg, MwEe d]2 fie fbr this sendm. l