2019 Annual Boards and Commission Recruitment (05.04.2019)PROOFOF
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P O : Commission Recruitment
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The City of La Quinla is looking for interested citizens to fill vacancies on the
following Commissions to serve a three-year term ending June 30, 2022. Appli-
cants must be a resident of La Quinta and a registered voter.
Community Services Commission — Vacancles: 2 Positlons
Primary functions include making recommendations to the City Council by ana-
lyzing community services' program effectiveness and needs; researching and
sollciling of grants and donations; preparing and maintaining community serv-
ices master plans; recommending fees and operations policies regarding parks
and recreation facilities; proposing recreation and social programs; reviewing
parks' maintenance standards and quality; encouraging and promoting under-
standing and cooperation between the City and public safety agencies; foster-
ing mutual understanding and respect among racial, religious, .cultural and na-
tionality groups. Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:30
}lousing Commission — Vacancies: t PosIII lon
Primary functions are to review and make recommend alions to the Housing Au-
thorty on matters regarding housing, policy procedures, proposals, and pro-
grams. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. on an
as needed basis, at least quarterly.
Financial Advisory Commission — Vacancles: 2 Positions
Primary functions are to review the City's financial policles and recommend ap-
proprele changes; review monthly treasury reports and note compliance with
the financial policies and adequacy of cash and investments for anticipated ob-
ligations; receive and consider other treasurer reports; meet with the independ-
ent auditor after completion of the annual audit of the City's financial state-
ments, and receive and consider the independent auditor's comments on audit-
ing procedures, intemal controls, and findings for cash and investment activi-
ties; revlew annual revenue derived transactlons and use tax to ensure funds
are used to provide services, programs and capital projects; serve as a resource
for the City Treasurer on proposed investments, internal controls, use of change
of financial institutions, custodians, brokers and dealers. A background In fi-
nance and/or securities with knowledge and/or experience in markets, financial
controls, and accounting Is preferred however we encourage a diverse candi-
dais pool with general business 16=4g ounds as well. Potential candidates must
agree to a ` _ YOU CAN MARE A 611`FEREHCEf
Planning C
Primary fur The City of is Quirrta is looking for interested citizens to fill vacaneles on the
Ring and . fa11°wing Commissions to serve a three-year term ending June 30, 2022. Appli-
seq. and & cants must be a reildent of La Quinta and a registered voter.
the City C Community services CommiWon - Vacancies: 2 Positions
ing the Cil Primary fundions Include making recommendations W the City Council by ana-
ments, anc Iyzing community see keV program effectiveness and needs; researching and
and landsc sollcffing of grants and donations; preparing and maintaining community serv-
month at 6: ices master plans recommending fees and operations Poflcles regardln9 parks
and recreation facilities; proposing recreation and sacral programs rev 10wM9
parks' maintenance standards and quality encouraging and promoting under -
Interested standing and cooperation between the City and puhlit safety agencies; foster -
fill out anc ing mutual understanding and respect among racial, religlaus, cultural and na•
nd-commis tionauty groups. meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:30
interviews p'`"'
thority me Housing Commission - Vaoricies:l Position
Contact the Primary functions are to review and make recommendations to the Housing Au-
thority on marten regarding housing, policyprocedures, proposals, and pro-
grams. Meetings areheld on the 2nd Wednesday of the month of 6 p.m. on an
as needed basis, at lease quarterly.
Finandal Advisory Commission - Vat2nOe5: 2 Positions
Mmary functions are to review the City& financial policies and recommend ap-
propriate changes; review, monthly treasury reports and note compliance with
the finandal policies and adequacy of cash and investments for anticipated ob-
Iigatiorrs receive and consider other treasurer reports; mP-et with the rndepend-
ent auditor after completion of rise annual audit of the Clty's finaancal state-
ments, and receive and consider the independent auditor's comments on audit-
ing procedures, internal controls, and findings for cash and Investment activl..
ties; review annual revenue derived transactions and use tax to ensure funds
are used to provide services, programs and capital projects serve cos a Te!sOurce
for the City. Treasurer on proposed Investments, internet controls, use of char e
of financial institutions, [ustodiaris, brokers and dealers. A background in V.-
nance and/or securltin with kntrwlrt a anrvar experience in markets, financial
confs ttu, and accounting is preferred however wa encouracpe a diverse candi-
date pool with general business backgrounds as well. potential candidates must
agree to a background check. Regularly sdiedufed meetings are the 2nd W4d-
nesday of each quarter at 4:00 p.m.
Planning Commission - Vacancies: 4 Positions
Primary function is to carry out the power$ and duties as piescribtKd in the Plan -
Ong and Zoning Laws of the State of California pursuant to Section 6510Q et
seq. and the Clty's Zoning ordinance, as well as to serve as an advisory hody;to
the City Coupcll, Addltional resrsansibilities include developing and maintain-
ing the City's General Plan, and consldeiation of specific plans, zoninq Amend-
ments, and new develo merit appncatl'ons fag r zonincompliance, or[hltectuml
and landscape design. Meetings are held on the 2n� and 41tt Tuesday of each
month at 6:00 mm.
interested residents may get additional information oh sa h Commksinn and
fill out and suhmft an application httpcNwww,taquintam,gdvfdsisiiressrLoard"
nd•comrnlatom. hease submit your apppplkation by June 10, 2019 at 5;00 p.m.
Interviews and appointments are stheduied for the City CounciltHousing Au-
thority meeting on tune 15, 2019 - applicants must be presemt far eorWderation.
Contact the City Clerk's Office .st [7601777-''1016. Puiinshed: 514119
The City of La Quinta is looking for interested citizens to fill vacancies on the
following Commissions to serve a three-year term ending June 30, 2022.
Applicants must be a resident of La Quinta and a registered voter.
Community Services Commission – Vacancies: 2 Positions
Primary functions include making recommendations to the City Council by
analyzing community services’ program effectiveness and needs; researching
and soliciting of grants and donations; preparing and maintaining community
services master plans; recommending fees and operations policies regarding
parks and recreation facilities; proposing recreation and social programs;
reviewing parks’ maintenance standards and quality; encouraging and
promoting understanding and cooperation between the City and public safety
agencies; fostering mutual understanding and respect among racial, religious,
cultural and nationality groups. Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each
month at 5:30 p.m.
Housing Commission – Vacancies: 1 Position
Primary functions are to review and make recommendations to the Housing
Authority on matters regarding housing, policy procedures, proposals, and
programs. Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. on
an as needed basis, at least quarterly.
Financial Advisory Commission – Vacancies: 2 Positions
Primary functions are to review the City's financial policies and recommend
appropriate changes; review monthly treasury reports and note compliance
with the financial policies and adequacy of cash and investments for anticipated
obligations; receive and consider other treasurer reports; meet with the
independent auditor after completion of the annual audit of the City's financial
statements, and receive and consider the independent auditor's comments on
auditing procedures, internal controls, and findings for cash and investment
activities; review annual revenue derived transactions and use tax to ensure
funds are used to provide services, programs and capital projects; serve as a
resource for the City Treasurer on proposed investments, internal controls, use
of change of financial institutions, custodians, brokers and dealers. A
background in finance and/or securities with knowledge and/or experience in
markets, financial controls, and accounting is preferred however we encourage
a diverse candidate pool with general business backgrounds as well. Potential
candidates must agree to a background check. Regularly scheduled meetings
are the 2nd Wednesday of each quarter at 4:00 p.m.
Planning Commission – Vacancies: 4 Positions
Primary function is to carry out the powers and duties as prescribed in the
Planning and Zoning Laws of the State of California pursuant to Section 65100
et seq. and the City’s Zoning Ordinance, as well as to serve as an advisory body
to the City Council. Additional responsibilities include developing and
maintaining the City’s General Plan, and consideration of specific plans, zoning
amendments, and new development applications for zoning compliance,
architectural and landscape design. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th
Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Interested residents may get additional information on each
Commission and fill out and submit an application
Please submit your application by June 10, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.
Interviews and appointments are scheduled for the City
Council/Housing Authority meeting on June 18, 2019 - applicants
must be present for consideration. Contact the City Clerk’s Office
at (760) 777 – 7016.