2019 03 27 CC Minutes Special Meeting - Joint Boards & Commissions SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 1 of 5 MARCH 27, 2019 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, & CITY COMMISSIONS AGENDA SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS & CITY COMMISSIONS MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 2019 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council and City Boards, Commissions, and Committees was called to order at 5:36 p.m. by Mayor Evans at the La Quinta Wellness Center, 78450 Avenida La Fonda, La Quinta, California. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Peña, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Kevin McCune Loretta Currie Philip Bettencourt Mary Caldwell Paul Quill Michael Proctor COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSIONERS: Dori Quill Sharrell Blakeley Brandon Marley Doriel Wyler HOUSING COMMISSIONERS: Veronica Gaeta-Mejia Everett Howard Long Gwendolyn Davidson Virginia (Gia) Casto Michelle McDonough FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSIONERS: Richard (Dick) Mills Javier Lopez Sherwyn Turbow Cory Hunter George Batavick Steven Rosen CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS Kay Wolff COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO & VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT BOARD: Douglas Hassett SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 2 of 5 MARCH 27, 2019 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, & CITY COMMISSIONS AGENDA CVAG COACHELLA VALLEY CONSERVATION COMMISSION – TRAILS MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (La Quinta Representative): Jeff Smith PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION Kathleen Hughes PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Fitzpatrick led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA – Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA PUBLIC SPEAKER: Teresa Dees, La Quinta – said pedestrian sidewalk access is inconsistent throughout the City, which poses challenges to people with disabilities who are not able to easily get around the City independently, provided some examples, and asked Council to look into the matter; and expressed her gratitude to Mayor Evans and Councilmember Radi for participating at John Glenn Middle School’s Career Day on March 26, 2019, and said the children were very excited. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS – None STUDY SESSION 1. UPDATES ON CITY PROJECTS AND DISCUSSION OF CITY- RELATED MATTER OF MUTUAL INTEREST City Manager Spevacek, Finance Director Campos, Facilities Director Howlett, Community Resources Director Escobedo, Design and Development Director Castro, and Assistant to the City Manager Villalpando provided updates on each Department’s roles and responsibilities, pending projects, events and work items, and key priorities, including:  2019/20 Budget  Financial Policies  Banking and Investment Broker Services Request for Proposals  Audits  SilverRock Event Site Construction  X-park Design and Construction  Fritz Burns Pool Operations  Monticello and Desert Pride Playground Park Equipment Upgrade SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 3 of 5 MARCH 27, 2019 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, & CITY COMMISSIONS AGENDA  La Quinta Corporate Yard Upgrade  Landscape Contracts  Top of the Cove Trailhead / Restroom  Rising Police Costs  Personnel Policies Update  Indian Wells La Quinta 70.3 Ironman Triathlon Event  False Alarms  Economic Development Projects and Initiatives  Marriott Residence Inn Hotel  Floor and Decor  Storage Facility  Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Design  SilverRock Resort Development Member/City Representatives of the Boards, Commissions, and Committees listed below provided a brief description of each entity’s roles and responsibilities, scope of purview, past, current, and future projects, including: Planning Commission  Marriott Residence Inn Hotel  SilverRock Event Site  SilverRock Resort – Hotel and Residential Development  California Desert Museum of Art  Floresta Residential Development  Floor and Décor New Retail  Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan  Mixed Use and Residential Projects in the Village Financial Advisory Commission  Oversight of Measure G Sales Tax Revenue and City Investments  Banking Services Proposals  Broker Services Proposals  Pension Plan Investment Strategy  2019/20 Budget  Various Financial Policies Community Services Commission  Art  Art throughout the City  Art Map  La Quinta Murals  Events SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 4 of 5 MARCH 27, 2019 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, & CITY COMMISSIONS AGENDA  Brew & LQ  Sunset Hours  Tequila and Tacos  Rocket Launch  Bike Nite 2020  Recreation  Old Town Artisan Studio  Fitness Center  GOGA Passport – “get out & get active” Children Initiative  “Splash Pad” in the Cove Housing Commission  Washington Street Apartments Rehabilitation and New Units  Affordable Housing Consulting Services Proposals  Homelessness Funding Palm Springs International Airport Commission  Working with airline carriers to extend the period they service the Coachella Valley, usually only October through March  Working with the Greater Palm Springs Coachella Valley Convention Visitors Bureau Construction Board of Appeals  Alternative construction materials use Coachella Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District Board – 10M operating budget  History of the District  Control measure to combat fire ants, mosquitos, viruses, etc.  Financial state, transparency, and awards  Salton Sea challenges  Vector control and drones  Union negotiations  District’s video advertisement  Practice “dump it, drain it, and scrub it clean”  Serving as the District’s President and honoring those who served previously CVAG Coachella Valley Conservation Commission – Trails Management Subcommittee  Trails throughout the Coachella Valley are being worn out due to high usage and funds are needed to be able to maintain them and keep them safe SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Page 5 of 5 MARCH 27, 2019 CITY COUNCIL, CITY BOARDS, & CITY COMMISSIONS AGENDA  The Cities of La Quinta, Palm Desert, and Indio are the only valley cities currently providing financial contributions for trail maintenance Mayor Evans and Councilmembers expressed their gratitude for each Member’s commitment and dedication to actively serve the City and the community. Mayor Evans noted the City held the Pillars of the Community event this morning at City Hall and recognized Mark Johnson, Sally Shelton, Juan Salas. All Members of the City’s Boards, Commissions, and Committees shared with the group what they individually appreciated about serving the community. PUBLIC SPEAKER: Linda Williams, La Quinta – expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to attend and participate in such inclusive forums; and commended Council and Staff for their openness to new ideas, positive energy, and inclusiveness. MAYOR’S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS’ ITEMS – None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Radi/Peña to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California