BWFE2019-0048 Structural CalcsGCI D C- v, ?A k � - 0 () I-% MASONRY FENCE WALL Since 1946 SYSTEM STRUCTURAL DETAIL SET PR 01H U 2 1: Wallace Residence SITE WALLS 31-303 Columbus Way (Lot 10B) The Madison Club La Quinta, CA 92253 ,;, Bradshaw Construction z 81335 Thunder Gulch Way In ��TY�FLAQIJ�NTi�, W ga BUILDING DIVISION C�uinta, CA 92253 : o =IL REVIEWED FOR CLU 05 CODE c COMPLIANCE Detail Index C ®� ley ETAIL N.O. i?E�.�.I3,IP.�'�o.N Z � SO.0 COVER PAGE & DETAIL INDEX SLO TYPICAL, (� FENCE WALL DETAIL S2.0 12" OR 16" CMU WALL DETAILS V S3.0 COMBO WALL DETAIL S4.0 TYPICAL DETAILS �RpFES51py P X40 >iAhl "I" I' r WALLACE }Hz� RESIDEII�C E 6� n, NCS RY FENCE COVER PAGE & L 1p), n �a � u, SYSTEM r DETAIL INDEX U�T1]Q' 113?4 Tuxford St E Sun Va€ley, CA 191352 DATE: 03/12 OF CA�1F�4- (818) 767-e576 � �: muc, 019 CHECKED BY: C. PIEDRA 03"1 c iedra , caancelusblod.corn $' SRAI]Sti F[W 1 i1N112'"fi` 03;12 I••C C01�STRSUHd 10I N;:t SO LI pdatadJ:Sigued: Mar 12. 2019 No GENERAL NOTES? 1, CODE: 2016 CALIF. BLDG CODE (CBC) 2. GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS: SITE L' ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE -1500 PSF 113 INCREASE ALLOWED FOR WIND OR SEISMIC LOADING ALLOWABLE PASSIVE PRESSURE 00 PSFIFT COEFFICIENT OF FRIET.. .40 ACTIVE PRESSURE (LEVEL BACKFILL 5 PSFfFT 3- DESIGN DATA: A. RISK CAI EGORYI B- EARTHQUAKE DESIGN DATA: C. WIND DESIGN DATA: IMPORTANCE FACTOR—•k. = 10 BASIC WIND SPEEO--VIII. = 110 MPH SEISMIC DESIGN CAT ---D EXPOSURE CAT ----C SHORTACCELERATION--Sy = 1,522 I -SEC ACCELERATION ---S1 =0.719 4. INSPECTION AND OBSERVATIONS: A. SPECIAL INSPECTION NOT REQUIRED PER CBC SECTION 17042, EXCEPTION 2,'U' OCCUPANCY. B, STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REQUIRED: i. AFTER FOOTING REINFORCEMEN i AND DOWELS ARE TIED IN PLACE AND READY FOR CONCRETE. Ii AFTER MASONRY VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL REBAR REINFORCEMENT (WHERE OCCURS) IS IN PLACEANO READYFOR GROUT. CONCRETE NOTES: 5. STRENGTH OF CONCRETE F{ODTINWB-- —fc= 4500 PSF @ 28 DAYS G. CONCRETE SHALL BE NORMAL WEIGHT OF 145PCF GING HARD ROCK AGGREGATES CONFORMING TOASTM C33 MAX AGGREGATE SIZE I- P2 INCHES MIX SHALL BE DESIGNED BY AN APPROVED LABORATORY WATER SHALL BE CLEAN AND POTABLE REINFORCING NOTES - 7 RfJNFORCING STEEL. SHALL BE DEFORMED AND CONFORM TO ASTM A615 GRADE 60. A. PROVIDE LAP SPLICE LENGTHS OF MIN. 48 BAR DIAMETERS OR 24 INCHES. WHICHEVER IS GREATER B: CENTER VERTICAL REINFORCING IN CONCRETE BLOCK CELLS. C. STAGGER SPLICES A MINIMUM OF ONE LAP LENGTH AT HORIZONTAL RE.,BAR REINFORCING (WHERE OCCURS) 8 HORIZONTAL'LADDER' REINFORCING SHALL BECOLD•DRAWN.9GAGE DIAMETER WIRE AND SHALL CON 5ORM TOASTM AS2 A, PROVIDE LAP SPLICE LENGTHS OF MIN- 6 INCHES. MASONRY NOTES: 9. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (CMU): A CMU SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM C90. B. MIN COMPRESSION STRENGTH = 2000 PSI @ 28 DAYS, C. CMU SHALT. BE EITHER i. ANGELUS BLOCK (PRECISION; SPLIT FACE, BURNISHED OR SHOTBLAST) WITH OR WITHOUT MORTARLESS HEAD JOINTS (TONGUE -AND -GROOVE). OR ii. ANGELUS BLOCK SLUMPSTONE 10. MORTAR: A. MORTAR SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM C270AND CBCSECTION 2013. B. MORTAR SHALL BE. EITHER I. SPEC MIX TYPE S PRESLENDED MASONRY MORTAR AS MANUFACTURED BY E -Z MIX INC., OR ii. SPEC MIX IWR MASONRY MORTAR AS MANUFACTURED BY E -Z MIX INC. 11. GROUT: A. GROUT SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM 0476. B. SLUMP SHALL BE 8.11 INCH. C MIN COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH=2000PSI @28DAYS- 12. STRENGTH OF MASONRY (NET EFFECTIVE)- -- -- - ?m= 1500 PSI 13. CONCRETE BLOCK SHALL. BE LAID IN RUNNING SOND PATTERN WITH VERTUL CONTINUITY OF THE CELLS UNO. 14. VERTICAL CONTROL JOINT SHALL BE MAXIMUM 40 FEET ON CENTER, WHERE WALL IS TO BE STUCCO COATED OR MORTAR WASHED, JOINTS SHALL BE MAXIMUM 20 FEET ON CENTER. 15. FIRST BLOCK COURSE MAY BE WET -SET 1-1P2 =11 MAX INTO CONCRETE FOOTING WHILE CONCRETE IS PLASTIC. No rE: IT IS THE SOLE RF.SPOlM5191LTTY OF THE US:R OF TNS DETAIL TO VERIFY THE APPLICA&_ITV 4F THIS OEM ANk71TS ABOVE DEFINED DESIGN CRITEftMA.WCiWING PARAMBTFR$ 4NO DATA. Tt7TNE PROTECT WCOFIO SITE VdHEREAW PART OF THE THE DWPR CFITERN IS NOT APPLIL'ABLE• MkS DETAIL `.3WL7VpT wW.ED. GROUT ALL CELLS WITH REINF SEE NOTE 11DOWELS TO MATCH TYP VERT. REINF SIZE AND ol SPACING LAP 24' MIN GRADE I DIFFERENTIAL ON R WHERE PL OCCURS J VERT REINF: EITHER SIDE OF WAIL PROVIDE MIN 2.114' 6" WIDE CLR FROM F 0. WALL CMU. FTG, AND 1 ' VERT. REINF. TO PL II WALL CAP Wi REINF. MANUF BY i_ ! i_- f - (-• (OPTIONAL) ANGELUS BLOCK WET -SET HORIZ. REINF: CO_ INC. SEE NOTE 15 < co 96 STD LADDER TYPE MORTAR s w TYP .s (#5 STO FOR SLUMPSTONE) AS MANUF BY #4@24 -CC Z.'r I JOINT REINFORCING EZ -MIX INC. 1p @ BTM OF TOP COURSE, SEE NOTE 10 fl4 @ w0c; ,�•� @ TOP OF FIRST COURSE, TYP AND MAX 24" 0 C, GROUT ALL CELLS WITH REINF SEE NOTE 11DOWELS TO MATCH TYP VERT. REINF SIZE AND ol SPACING LAP 24' MIN GRADE I DIFFERENTIAL ON b J VERT REINF: OPPOSING SIDES X' BARS- SEE SCNED 6" WIDE FTG GROUT ALL CELLS NOM CMU AS _ r Wi REINF. MANUF BY i_ ! i_- f - (-• TOP ANGELUS BLOCK WET -SET o i CO_ INC. SEE NOTE 15 < co SEE NOTE 9 - s w TYP .s VULT=I10 MPH I A rwn GROUT ALL CELLS WITH REINF SEE NOTE 11DOWELS TO MATCH TYP VERT. REINF SIZE AND ol SPACING LAP 24' MIN GRADE I DIFFERENTIAL ON b SCHEDULE VERT OPPOSING SIDES EXPOSURE CAT BASIC WIND SPEED OF WALL SMIAI:L FTG FIHTGRADE NOT BE MORE , _ r REINF THAN 30" i_ ! i_- f - (-• TOP ? y SOF FTG • "I WET -SET + E)ISTANC£ TO �' SET SEE NOTE 15 BACK- 2 MIN* r CONT. AND FOOTING SCHEDULE VERT CONT.. EXPOSURE CAT BASIC WIND SPEED 'H' MAX FTG DEPT' 'D' CONT. 'H REINF MIN " _ 5'-0' MIN 6=0' 3" CLR.I. 2•-0` + E)ISTANC£ TO �' TYP. _DAYLIIGHT — BGTT.I - OF FTG REINF AND FOOTING SCHEDULE VERT FOOTING EXPOSURE CAT BASIC WIND SPEED 'H' MAX 'X' BAR DEPT' 'D' REINF MIN 6=0' #4@40'OC 2•-0` #4 @ 40'OC 2-0' EXP- c T-4' 94 @ 32'OC Z.0- VULT=I10 MPH 81-0' #4@24 -CC Z.'r 81•8' x'4 @ 2COC I p'.4• W -i fl4 @ w0c; ,�•� "NO SET-BACKIS REQUIRED FROM FACE OF WALL TO START OF SLOP WHERE SLOPE IS MIN 12 (V HI "DROP FOO FING WHERE T.0 FTG MIN DEPTH ON EITHER SIDE IS NOT MET 222�'HE WTZNTW7Hi% >Ei9EDET4,3)IS MONLY TOSET FCATMTHE pmFICkLrAcFEAEN,�M1"rRLCT1.6V4L.DIM43149W CH MAYBE USW 1) TOESTASUSHC05TSOFO,'IH3TR n0K2J TO MM CONgr' l=ft P'eR1A M 3) AS A MAA FOR FAW ATON kCLOR PRXVRDRNT 1X� RROLPdiEii SI RUCTURAL CUMYaWS AW EREM ENTS, W54iHf7UT AW OplenM CA iLTTIKWrLf Gly TI•E METH7D OF QORSTROCTIOMi TH98RFDIET"E DIETWaS [AW PECri PRSVR® a TI1E "TENT OF,�EfaiG Ti E DEMEE OFDRDWAFY.CARP KILL AND 3TANLIR'£) OF ESSIpN PRAcncE F cCB a1SE0 8V Pd PFWA&E PRDFEMOVI' F)"CMh* CGYSLL7A';rS WIDER THE SAMEOR W"AR CONDIM4 LIM4TATCM AW LOCAPON HOT® FAT THE a.� pJ C A GENERAL TIME OFTI•EDATE OY.E FTWA%0WGAND$IGpMOFTHrS+TF�S D<,+UAi@!r(S}NoOME WARFVXNT 0 15 CRI&PJEO-wDE. E> ( W FENCE WALL 41 SYSTEM r �I 11374 Tuxford St I Sun Valley, CA 19,1352 (818) 7iil-€s:i cNiedra@angell,stblQckcorn UPDATED/SI43INED: MAR 12, 2019 WALLACE RESIDENCE TYPICAL FENCE WALL DETAIL oiirc 7n.7, Sj'o I r.- Ii1 P. G� CTvQ'� �~ F dF CAG�FO�` UPDATED/SIONED: MAR 12, 2019 WALL. CAP 12" OR 16" (OPTIONAL) C18U HORIZ REINF (TYPj_ #6 STD LADDER TYPE (45 STD FOR SLUMPSTONE) JOINT REINFORCING @ BTM OF TOP COURSE, @ TOP OF FIRST COURSE; AND MAX 24" OC, TYP VERT REINF Q 12'" WALL: #4 @ 4WOC EA FACE @ 16" WALL: SEE DTL A MORTAR AS MANOF BY EZ -MIX INC. SEE NOTE 10TYP DOWELS TO MATCH VERT - REINF SIZE AND SPACING - LAP 24" MIN TYP GROUT ALL CELLS WITH REINF. SEE NOTE 11 TYP 112" CLR MIN @ 4"MIN — 12" WALL TYP A @ 16" WALLY • ,• i TYP (2)-#4 VERT- @ 48"OC 16" Sk CMU SECT. A ANGELUS BLOCK CO„ INC. SEE NOTE 9 TYP 1 T.O. _ �A FTG --. L_• WET -SET ` 4 JOATiONAL) SEF.. NOTE 15 �_` • .- �, •.�• 2'-r VIF, TYP GRADE DIFFERENTIALON OPPOSING SIDES OF WAI_I_ SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 30" (3)-#4 CONT #4 @ 16"OC FnTF.SFE9S_0 F9R GENERAL WT -F5 ANDy CHER 17EiAll Lb T..hgMn TW KrVECOFT Mf:SiEOETAILPj&06LYTO2ETFORD17'ESPECIFICAUf SUER13,MTffi1CRRMCES20VIlyW-FIWAY BEMM1]TOMABlWCOSTSOFR1llSIRi1CTm2) TO O$TAW ODUSTALPUION PERWM aj AS A CLEF i:OR FARWAPM AMKR PfZdp,MMafr DF RE9I m MWT1.Ri L C(>WPMENTS Aw WKNM "TMDI.R Aw Daman OR kflil TY ON ii &WTHMOF C04PRXTKW T" resE DETA+L[S}iiA"VE BEEN PREPARED WITH Tl --INTENT OP M EETHE OEO:a OP oomm GYti BKCLAm STAH0mOF PRCY" E1ICMSFP Sl REPUTABLE PAMtESSk]A EAFONEEP44 CONM&TAM U00M ThE SMq� 0R WMA W11WT'0S LLVaATIO\'S 0.+D LOCATION NOTED ACR AT vm GERERAL TIME OFT THE DATE CF THE STAMPING AND Srif W OFTHI3+RIE;E DUMWNTpj NO'JT+Si64A§ ry. DPP --MD ce 16GtD75Now VRt]IkC'r P' AM u F.Vl" WALLACE RESIDENCE MNCERv 12" OR 16" CMCJ WALL SYSTEM pin:r WALL DETAILS L13747uxfo (I St I Sun Va11£ay, CSA 1 91352 DATE: 03/12/2 9CHECKED BY: C. PIEDRA (818) 767-8576 ° r S2.0 oir, o3m cpiedra(p�ingelustrlock.aorn '�z .�.:::;s o_. "0 SC71TR. N0T TO SCALE SHF.E1" 3 of 5 AFI CONSULT CONTRACTOR FOR GAP BETWEEN WALLS DEINITEmrOF�pEiAR15j1 Ft! ptTrrosETroxrHTl,esvrtTFlcxurREFERFHCEp9TRLICnr DlsslcN{sjWlib1MAYOELGED$1110WA[%J9 WS TS OP0MaTMXTM21 TO C$747H CAki37R11GT€DN ! F$ 3) AS A GLIICE FOR Fd ylJTK7N AFAR PRpCiiiEAT@7T CF 5Tf;1iL"t1YrtAC ppSPOP&7JT5 AND 0.EM1%1lTC Wrr+IpLIT ,4145' I71RkCTKkJ Lei ,4ems0TaTr ori Tr,E GAFF F77LFO�JStR JOTCIY TrosrlrESEOETltyS7 rlAstav sEg+r n wms T1 rrtEarroF LIEEIPIG THE DEGREEOF%KWAW CAM a �•( P. A�N�C� Ua L AMSTANUOD( x M1n, myAtm� kocATON w 1m HEMN. Ar Trc :!Aw c p TPWTZE�s� � � o�T ir�s; c�nin�rn �E� S��°��o MAX 4" war�wr exi�-�ca WALL CAP l 12" 16, TYP CMIJ CMU 15'�a�SONRY ENC .a C�MSC WALL (OPTIONAL) HORIZ REINF (TYPL s 61CCJ�[py11JG �..€�. WAL'( SYSTEM y Pv �� V VERT HEIHF [12 ClulU}: r DATE: 03 12 2p19 CnWKED BY! C. PIEDRA VERT REINF (16" CMU): crrladraaangel€15[110.k.com a A. .,. UPDATED/SIGNED:MAR 12, 2019 ,_ SCAl E- NOT T-1 SCRLT; SI-1F,F.T 4 of 5 MORTAR AS MANUF BY E7. INC SEE NOTE •. CMU AS MANUF BY -MIX 10 A46ELU5 BLOCK x TYP C4., INC. " SEE NOTE 9 c TYP DOWEL TYP - GROUT ALL CELLS WITH mit REINF. SEE NOTE 11 TYP ' FIN GRADE VIF, TYP 4"MIN +- 1 -II-I1- r; I GRADE I T.0, =17im ', 1. rid DIFFERENTIALON FTG _ -' OPPOSING SIDES WET -Sf OF WALL SHALL •' (OPTIONAL) •- ^ NOT BE MORE SF.ENOTE}5, _ : ' THAN 30" 6.0. �[ 'ATG - - . 1 — (4)-#4 CONT 3" W MIN #4 @ 16"OC TYP I CONT CONC FTG -- r TYP NOTE: 1. SEE S20 FOR WALL DETAILS NOT NOTED 2 SEE S1 C FOR GENERAL NOTES AND OTHER DETAILS NOT NOTED a ❑ RpF ES51Q DEINITEmrOF�pEiAR15j1 Ft! ptTrrosETroxrHTl,esvrtTFlcxurREFERFHCEp9TRLICnr DlsslcN{sjWlib1MAYOELGED$1110WA[%J9 WS TS OP0MaTMXTM21 TO C$747H CAki37R11GT€DN ! F$ 3) AS A GLIICE FOR Fd ylJTK7N AFAR PRpCiiiEAT@7T CF 5Tf;1iL"t1YrtAC ppSPOP&7JT5 AND 0.EM1%1lTC Wrr+IpLIT ,4145' I71RkCTKkJ Lei ,4ems0TaTr ori Tr,E GAFF F77LFO�JStR JOTCIY TrosrlrESEOETltyS7 rlAstav sEg+r n wms T1 rrtEarroF LIEEIPIG THE DEGREEOF%KWAW CAM a �•( P. A�N�C� Ua L AMSTANUOD( x M1n, myAtm� kocATON w 1m HEMN. Ar Trc :!Aw c p TPWTZE�s� � � o�T ir�s; c�nin�rn �E� S��°��o 0)-- war�wr exi�-�ca rtnwa BIOTALLACE RESIDENCE 15'�a�SONRY ENC .a C�MSC WALL s 61CCJ�[py11JG �..€�. WAL'( SYSTEM DETAIL Pv �� V 11374 Tuxford St Sun Valley, CA 9.1:352 (818) 767-8576 DATE: 03 12 2p19 CnWKED BY! C. PIEDRA F GA4 crrladraaangel€15[110.k.com .RIG r,:a�:b _ S3, UPDATED/SIGNED:MAR 12, 2019 SCAl E- NOT T-1 SCRLT; SI-1F,F.T 4 of 5 I� PROVIDE CONTROL JOINT AT STEP SEE WALT. DETAILS FOR MAX SPACING PROVIDE ADD'NL VERT REINF AND DOWEL AT EA SIDE OF STEP SEE WALL DETAILS FOR REINF SIZE TYP DOWEL TOP AND BOTT TO MATCH FTG BOTT REINF. WHERE TOP BARS OCCUR, TOP DOWEL TO MATCH FTG TOP REINF 24" M 2,V IN MIN UPDATED/SIGNED: MAR 12, 2019 4" MAX TYP MASONRY WALL AND REINF SEE WALL DETAILS, TYP — DOWEL SEE WAIL DETAILS, TYP FTG TOP BAR WHERE OCCURS TYP GONG FfG AND REINF, SEE WALL DETAILS, TYP TYPICAL FOOTING STEP DETAICA� NTS PROVIDE ADD'NL VERT REINF AND DOWEL AT EA SIDE OF ELK OUT. SEE WAIL DETAILS FOR REINF SIZE TYP MASONRY WALL, SEE WALL DETAILS TYP FTG TOP BAR WHERE OCCURS GONG FTG AND REINF. SEE WALT_ DETAILS NOTE: FOR SIDEYARD RETURN WALLS WHERE DRAINAGE SWALE OCCURS. A 112 ELK MAY BE.. LEFT OUT AT SWALE GRADE PROVIDE VERT AND DWL REINF AT .EITHER SIDE, SIM AS SHOWN 81X8' BLOCK -OUT DRAINAGE BLOCK-OUTDETAILOB NTS THE IN'I ENT OF THISI,"HESE DETAIL(S) ISARE ONLY TO SET FORTH 'I HE SPECIFICALLY REFERENCED I'Po,C"TLH�IL pESIG1Yl&) WICH MAY BE USED 11 TO ESTABLISH COSTS OF CONSTRUCTION, 21 TO OBTAIN CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, 3) AS A GUIDE FOR FABRICATION ANDIOR PROCUREMENT OF Rirrs,jr M STRUCTUft CG6PO4ENTS AND ELEMEN'-S, WITHOUT ANY DIRECTION OR AUTHORITY ON THE %IETHOD OF CONS RUCTION THISITHESE DETAIL (S) HAS4!A.VE BEEN PREPARED WITH THE INTENT OF MEETING THE DEGREE OF ORDINARY CARE, SKILL, PAA STAND.N2D OF PRACTICE EXCERISED BY REPUTABLE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERNG CONSULTANTS UNDER THE SAME OR SIMILAR CONDITIONS. UMIT..ATK:NS AND LOCATION NOTED HEREIN, AT THE SAME GFNFRAI TIMF OF THF n4TP n:TUI-.ITA—Kir A—o hIl ,c nc T1.111rer RRoIECT DR M F/ DRAWI A WALLACE RESIDENCE FEMASONRY ekae/mIWALL TYPICAL SYSTEM ' is DETAILS ,s 11:374'Tuxford S4. I Sun Valley, C,:A 191352 DATE: 03112 2019 CHECKED BY: C. PIEDRA (818) 767-8576 pied (ai [� S f C. �n ell�s.lklck.rom vz o� 0 a -ow - s� -�n,:ar:ES4, t! 0 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE SHEET 5 of 5 `'Bwr� 2'ttq-0a49 MASONRY FENCE WALL SYSTEM STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS Wallace Residence S ITE WALLS 31-303 Columbus Way (Lot 10B) The Madison Club La Quinta, CA 92253 IM LUF 1 Bradshaw Construction Uj 81335 Thunder Gulch Way La Quinta, CA 92253 lu ,r CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CODEpFss1� COMPLIANCE 4W -4 P P1 � 1a4ll-Y ,71, CALCULATIONS HEREIN SERVE AS 1�w ONLY A GUIDE FOR THE ENGINEER OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE IN MAKING ENGINEERING AND DETAILING Dated: March 11, 2019 DECISIONS, WHICH ARE FINALIZED Corporate Office AND CULMINATED IN THE 11374 Tuxford St. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. REFER Sun Valley, CA 91352 TO THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS (818) 767-8576 FOR THE FINAL DESIGN. CPiedra@AngelusBlock.com Table of Contents Item 5ht No. Cover Page / Table of Contents 1 Design Basis 2 Geo Report Excerpts 3-6 Grading Analysis/Wall Types 7-11 Wind & EQ Loading 12 S1.0 Dais + RetainPro Output 13-24 RetainPro Dsn Summary SS — S2.0 Dans 25-27 1� 1946 Design Basis General Information PROJECT NAME. WALLACE RESIDENCE LOCAT1ON LA QUINTA, CA FOR BRADSHAW CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER Ndu'A DESIGN BASIS C. PIEDRA MAR 2019 Project Name: WALLACE RESIDENCE - SITE WALLS Client/CustomerName: Bradshaw Construction Project Scope: (N) Masonry Site Walls Primary use: Fence/Site Walls for Property Physical Properties: 6", 12", & 14" CMU Walls, Max 10' Heighi Primary Materials: Conventional Masonry Wall Construction Site Coefficient (0.2 -sec): Conc. Masonry Units (CMU), Grout, Mortar, Reinfg; Conc. Foundations, Reinfc Project Location: 31-303 Columbus Way (Lot 10B) Fv = The Madison Club Wind Parameters La Quinta, CA 92253 Method of Design(s): Load & Resistance Factor Design (LRFD, Strength Design; Applicable Code(s): 2016 CBC -Part II, Title 24, Volume 2 II ASCE 7-1C Structural Desi n Parameters Structural Parameters Risk Category: Category I CBC Tbl 1604.5 Response Modification Coefficient: R = 3 ASCE 7Tbl 15.4-2,'AN ...reinfdmasonry..." Seismic Parameters Importance Factor: la = 1 Soil Site Class: Class D ASTM C90, Medium Weight MCE Response Accel. Parameter (0.2 -sec): Ss = 1.522 MCE Response Accel. Parameter (1.0 -sec): S, = 0.719 Site Coefficient (0.2 -sec): FA = 1.000 Site Coefficient (1.0 -sec): Fv = 1.500 Wind Parameters f� = 2,500 psi @ 28 days Reinforcing Steel: Basic Wind Speed: VuLT = 110.0 mph Roughness/Exposure Classification: Category C Geotechnical Parameters Allowable Bearing Pressure % = 1,500 psf Allowable Passive Pressure pP = 300 psf/ft Coefficient of Friction c = 0.40 Active Pressure (Level Backfill) p, = 35 psf/ff Material Properties Siructural Reinforced Masonry: CMU, Mortar, and Grout Masonry Assembly Strength fm = 1,500 psi CMU Block ASTM C90, Medium Weight P = 2,000 psi @ 28 days Grout ASTM C476 f � = 2,000 psi @ 28 days Mortar ASTM C270, Type S f = 1,800 psi @ 28 days Structural Reinforced Concrete: Normal Weight Concrete Concrete Compressive Strength f� = 2,500 psi @ 28 days Reinforcing Steel: Deformed Reinforcing Bars ASTM A615, Grade 60 Yeild Strength fy = 60 ksi ASCE 7 Tbl 1.5-2 See Geotechnical Report Excerpt Per Reqs ofthe City of La Quinta ASCE 7 §26.7.3 See Geotechnical Report Excerpt See structural details general notes for additional material property requirements not noted herein 2 * Sladden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave., Suite A, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 39-725 Garand Ln., Suite G, Palm Desert, CA 82211 (760) 772-3893 Fax (760) 772-3895 January 28, 2005 East of Madison, LLC 81-100 Avenue 53 La Quinta, California 92253 Attention: Mr, John Garnlin Project: Madison Club Tentative Tract Map 33076 NEC Avenue 54 and Madison Street La Quinta, California Subject: Geotechnical Investigation Project No. 544-4810 05-01-101 Presented herewith is the report of our Geotechnical Investigation conducted for the construction of the proposed golf club and residential development to be located on the northeast corner of Avenue 54 and Madison Street in the City of La Quinta, California, The investigation was performed in order to provide recommendations for site preparation and to assist in foundation design for the proposed residential structures and the related site improvements. This report presents the results of our field investigation and laboratory testing along with conclusions and recommendations for foundation design and site preparation. This report completes our original scope of services as outlined within our proposal dated December 13, 2004. We appreciate the opportunity to provide service to you on this project. if you have any questions regarding this report, please contact the undersigned Respectfully submitted, SLADDE ENGINEERING Brett L. Anderson Principal Engineer SEWpc Copies: 6/East of Madison, LLC 453gy � '�XP.91.301Q$ `,-• •. „-ter/-., t•. 3 4 January 28, 2005 -5- Project No. 544-4810 05-01-101. The recommendations provided in the preceding paragraph are based on the assumption that all footings will be supported upon properly compacted engineered fill soil. All grading should be performed under the testing and inspection of the Soil Engineer or his representative_ Prior to the placement of concrete, we recommend that the footing excavations be inspected in order to verify that they extend into compacted soil and are free of loose and disturbed materials. Settlements: Settlements resulting from the anticipated foundation loads should be minimal provided that the recommendations included in this report are considered in foundation design and construction. The estimated ultimate settlements are calculated to be approximately one inch when using the recommended bearing values. As a practical matter, differential settlements between footings can be assumed as one-half of the total settlement. Lateral Design: Resistance to )ateral loads can be provided by a combination of friction acting at the base of the slabs or foundations and passive earth pressure along the sides of the foundations. A coefficient of friction of 0.40 between soil and concrete may be used with consideration to dead load forces only. A passive earth pressure of 250 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth, may be used for the sides of footings that are poured against properly compacted native or approved non -expansive import soil. Passive earth pressure should be ignored within the upper 1 foot except where confined (such as beneath a floor slab). Retaining Walls: Retaining walls may be necessary to accomplish the proposed construction. Lateral pressures for use in retaining wall design can be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pef for level free -draining native backfill conditions. for walls that are to be restrained at the top, the equivalent fluid weight should be increased to 55 pef for level free - draining native backfill conditions. Backdrains should be provided for the full height of the walls. Expansive Soil: Because of the prominence of "very low" expansion category soil near the surface, the expansion potential of the foundation bearing soil should not be a controlling factor in foundation or floor slab design. Expansion potential should be reevaluated subsequent to grading. Concrete Slabs -on -Grade: All surfaces to receive concrete slabs -on -grade should be underlain by a minimum compacted non -expansive fill thickness of 24 inches, placed as described in the Site Grading Section of this report. Where slabs are to receive moisture sensitive floor coverings or where dampness of the floor slab is not desired, we recommend the use of an appropriate vapor barrier or an adequate capillary break. Vapor barriers should be protected by sand in order to reduce the possibility of puncture and to aid in obtaining uniform concrete curing. Reinforcement of slabs -on -grade in order to resist expansive soil pressures should not be necessary, However, reinforcement will have a beneficial effect in containing cracking because of concrete shrinkage. Temperature and shrinkage related cracking should be anticipated in ail concrete slabs-on-p,ade. Slab reinforcement and the spacing of control joints should be determined by the Structural Engineer. Sladden Engineering E 1� (W S9ad en Engineering 5 45090 Golf Center Parkway, Suite F, Indio, CA 92201 (760) 863-0713 Fax (760) 863-0847 6782 Stanton Avenue, Suite C, Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-1369 450 Egan Avenue, Beaumont. CA 92223 (951) 845-7743 Fax (951) 845-8863 800 E. Florida Avenue, Hemet, CA. 92543 (951) 766-8777 Fax (95 t) 766-8778 May 7, 2018 Kristi Hanson Architects 72-185 Painters Path, Suite A Palm Desert, California 92260 Subject: Geotechnical Update Project: Proposed Custom Residence 81-303 Columbus Way — Lot 1013 The Madison Club La Quinta, California Project No. 544-18135 18-04-209 Ref; Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by Sladden Engineering dated January 28, 2005; Project No. 544-4810, Report No. 05-01-101 Report of Testing and Observation During Rough Grading prepared by Sladden Engineering dated March 2, 2006; Project No. 522-4810; Report No. 06-02-120 In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the above referenced geotechnical reports as they relate to the design and construction of the proposed custom residence to be constructed on the site located at 81-303 Columbus Way (identified as Lot 1013) xvithin the Madison Club development in the City of La Quinta, California_ It is our understanding that the proposed residential structure will be of relatively lightweight wood -frame construction and will be supported by conventional shallow spread footings and concrete slabs on grade. The subject lot was previously graded during the rough grading of the Madison Club project site. The rough grading included over -excavation and recompaction of the native surface soil along with the placement of engineered fill material to construct the building pads. The site grading is su3nmarized in the referenced report of Testing and Observation During Rough Grading along with the compaction test results. Because the lot has been previously rough graded, the remedial grading required at this time should be minimal provided that the building area falls within the previously assumed building envelope. The building area should be cleared of surface vegetation, scarified and moisture conditioned prior to precise grading. The exposed surface should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction prior to fill placement. The previously removed soil and any fill material should be placed in thin lifts at near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Slander Engineering ti71U11'.SIa[Ill(_'JlL'lla IIICSI'lllg_CG77I May 7, 2018 -2- Project No. 544-18135 18-04-209 The referenced reports include recommendations pertaining to the construction of residential structure foundations. The previous reports also address the potential for liquefaction, subsidence and differential settlement. Based upon our review of the referenced reports, it is our opinion that the structural values included in these reports remain applicable for the design and construction of the proposed residential structure foundations. The allowable bearing pressures recommended in the referenced Geotechnical Investigation report remain applicable. Conventional shallow spread footings should be bottomed into properly compacted fill material a minimum of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Continuous footings should be at least 12 inches wide and isolated pad footings should be at least 2 feet wide. Continuous footings and isolated pad footings should be designed utilizing allowable bearing pressures of 1500 psf and 2000 psf, respectively. Allowable increases of 300 psf for each additional 1 foot of width and 300 psf for each additional 6 inches of depth may be utilized, if desired. The maximum allowable bearing pressure should be 3000 psf. The recommended allowable bearing pressures may be increased by one-third for wind and seismic loading. Lateral forces may be resisted by friction along the base of the foundations and passive resistance along the sides of the footings. A friction coefficient of 0.48 times the normal dead load forces is recommended for use -in design. Passive resistance may be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf. If used in combination with the passive resistance, the frictional resistance should be reduced by one third to 0.33 times the normal dead load forces. The bearing soil is generally non -expansive and falls within the "very low" expansion category in accordance with the 2016 (CBC) classification criteria. Sladden has reviewed the 201.6 California Building Code (CBC) and summarized the current seismic design parameters for the proposed structure. The seismic design category for a structure may be determined in accordance with Section 1613 of the 2016 CBC or ASCE7. According to the 2016 CBC, Site Class D may be used to estimate design seismic loading for the proposed struclures. The 2016 CBC Seismic Design Parameters are summarized below. .Risk Category (Table 1.5-1): I/II/111 Site Class (Table 1613.3.2): D Ss (Figure 1613.3.1): 1.522g S1 (Figure 1613.3.1): 0.719g Fa (Table 1613.3.3(1)): 1.0 Fv (Table 1613.5.3(2)): 1.5 Sms (Equation 16-37 {Fa X Ssll: 1.5228 Smt (Equation 16-38;Fv X Si)): 1.079g SDS (Equation 16-39 (2/3 X Sms)): 1.014g SDI (Equation 16-40 {2/3 .X Smll): 0.719g Seismic Design Category: D Sla(Men Engineering )I%ii)iiv.Slrrdderrerigirreeruig.co,rrr 6 7 WALLACE RESIDENCE DATE. FEB 2019 CK CJNC. ATI()�, LA QU I NTA BRADSHAW CONSTRUCTION LOO. — I�In�r 1946 < E,;GrvEER C. PIEDRA est l s��ff1t valley.i�1135z—.. (818)7b'7-6576 ITEM: GRADING ANALYSIS S"No 1 OF 4 Inwangelusblock.com PLAN ANALYSIS See below for excerpts from the 'Precise Grading Plan (Wallace Residence)' Sheet G2, prepared by McGee Surveying Inc (MSI# 4374), dated Dec 3, 2018 Nall sections below will be used to group walls and see detail conditions required. � 1 i. - .- . _:t�_F':�f Ck`•,^.1'. ti-,s�-1"�rsi �v'�, �� *' -y , �_♦�lf rj>ri'•Yrs�r: � �- �.s;:� i ' I.=.M1•r• . l oco' +00242' 100130"I0392 �� I ' Ir rX I.- .S• hs e, 1010' - 1010' V� 1010' T.O,WALL 1002.33' T.O.FTG 1 'f- 7'-9" 1004 30 to 100}.9q 1 f002.z10 1001.10, 1004 �.i 100233' f001.D�-.1•1f,7{1 18" WALL r l 14'1NALL r VV 1000 ba' { +0032 OD6.5' �W loor 101 a5 , . loop as Fl`S 14c- r�+f' u 0597! unit SM-ts tl -�OIEC', NAME WALLACE RESIDENCE I LOCA�101N LAQUINTA DATE: FEB 2019 BRADSHAW CONSTRUCTION !S(Acm 1946 ENGINJEEN C. PIEDRA Qr 8 18)7678576 EET b Fim SH GRADING ANALYSIS NO.: 20F4 ini aNel4s lockcomloos ss v �,���3f - -'f�_'_3 • Cr3,� �__� �• 1 I1 d A 7 14" WALL v �,���3f - -'f�_'_3 • Cr3,� �__� �• 1 I1 d A - #1 , L PRO lECP NAME_ I - _JsLccK.00.,1Mc_ :Since 1946 11 7hTUXford�tl Sun Valky. GA.1.91352 (818)767-8576 !'FEP4 �lnfnCmv&kciln k.mm oCATION: DiGINE%x: Ll t ct.irL.. (�D - to/o, C'/ 01-711 - �, Not. -t • i� NC*F iZ-- 1,c.04.r WALLACE RESIDENCE LA QU I NTA 9 DATE FEB 2019 BRADSHAW CONSTRUCTION C. PIEDRA 51 i�F� L: !:--�[—' �p ] �� ! 1olQ +77)�,� 14 1 L - ► - l"T��'Pi �ip�.l� (E) /(!:)or=J ids/ ILfs trt � � rr. •, t� G� 0�� PP,OJECINAME: 77777 777 l _4f- .aLoC!( CO., INC. I l 'Since 1946 1 110374 TVA' StI S _Valfel CAJ 91852 (818) 767.8576 . r,.p ...— . ITEM: E7J�1;�iEER: J r I� 10 WALLACE RESIDENCE DATE FEB 2019 _ LA QU I NTA BRADSHAW CONSTRUCTION C. PIEDRA SEE NOTE BELOW m NOTE: PER CLIENT/CUSTOMER, "PL WALLS" TYPE WILL NOT BE REQUIRED, AS "TYP CONCENTRIC WALLS" WILL BE DESIGNED USING A TRENCH FOOTING WITH APPROPRIATE WALL SET BACK FROM PROPERTY LINE PRo)EcTNANE, WALLACE RESIDENCE DATE FEB 2019 «<ATI,)NLA QU I NTA E�h BRADSHAW CONSTRUCTION BLOCK. �0., IMG. sm'.1946 E,�NEE C. PIEDRA x 9 E zr_d tl. un Vailer.CAJ913a2 T oaneel sblock i�M: GRADING ANALYSIS sNo 1 OF 4 nfoCa�aneel�isblockcom PROPERLINE LINE SET BACK STUDY FOR TRENCH FOOTING PLAN VIEW SKETCH 1 "-ish +1.1875" 1.1875" 5.825" WALL ACT'L THICKNESS 8" FTG ACT'L THICKNESS 11 12 "ROIECTNAME WALLACE RESIDENCE Ll -)CATION: LA QUI NTA, CA DATE: MAR 2019 FOR: BRADSHAW CONSTRUCTION T 5ince1946 ENGINEER C. PIEDRA r_d+St 154nvallky.- .9.13. _ aaneeldsblo 76 ;�M WIND LOADING 1ra)aneel �sblock.com Wind Loading p 4 G = 0.85 Cr ✓ CASE A & B Applies w/ any B/s value ✓ CASE C Applies w/ B/s 2 2.0 ✓ Wall Geometry Wall varies in lengths and heights. For simplicity, use governing ratios for conservative designs B = use ratio B/s = 0.5 , min, conservatively; = 0.8 assumed s = use ratio s/h = 1.0 , min, conservatively; >_ 0.8 assumed h = use ratio L, = use ratio L,/s < 0.3 , min, conservatively ✓ CASE A & B z 1.550 ✓ CASE C = does not apply 1.550 % K, 0.85 K,t 1.0 Kd = 0.85 V„it = 115.0 mph _ 0.00256 * K, * K,t * Kd * V�itz = 24.46 psf (Strength Level) = G*Ct*qz*A *A psf (Strength Level) p = 32.23 CHECK EQ @ T WALL: Cs =. SDS / (R / le) =.34 ASSUME FULLY GROUTED 6" WALL V = -58 PSF X Cs = 19.7 psf (Strength Level), < Wind Loading THEREFORE, WIND GOVERNS FOR 6" WALLS (NOTE: ALL WALLS RETAIN LESS THAN +/- 30" SOIL HT FROM FTG) CHECK EQ a OTHER WALLS: 12" WALL w/ REINF @ 48"OC V = —75 PSF X Cs = 25.5 psf (Strength Level), < Wind Loading THEREFORE, WIND GOVERNS FOR 12" WALLS 16" WALL w/ REINF @ 48"OC V=SAY 100PSF XCs = 34 psf (Strength Level), > Wind Loading THEREFORE, EQ GOVERNS FOR ALL 16" WALLS 13 DESERT LEXUS DEALERSHIP FEB 2019 rLocr<c a�� CATHEDRAL CITY, CA GONZALES CONSTRUCTION I_41nte 19. 46 I �174_T,aid5tIS.uwalww (818) 7'7-8576 rnfo@arigd sblockcom ITEM: C. PIEDRA SHEET NO.: S1.0 - VERTICAL REINFORCING RetainPro Dsn Sum. WALL DETAIL: S1.0 - TYP FENCE WALL DETAIL siso Reference Code: --- RETAIN'D WALL HT OUTPUT LOAD CASE..F` STEM REINFORCING DESIGNS STEM REINF (PER RETAINPR0) ACT'L RW VERT'L REINF'X' BARS ,- fj? ReinJ'g Reinf'g (in 2) # (in') NO BAR SPAC'G per DCR OF SPAC'G per DCR linear BARS NO. linear foot foot OK? 6.000 ft Wf WIND ' 74 @40 ina.c 0.819 (1)- 74 @40 in ox. 6.667 ft wIWIND #4 040 in ox. ,.7a Lo1z (1)- #4 @40 in ox. ;inntko v 4=... 7,333 ft wf WIND #4 @3z in a.c. (1)- #4 @32 in ox. Dx 8.000 ft wl WIND 41 52, 1 N4 @24 in o.c ,.;;:2.9 0.943 (1) - #4 @ 24 in ox. 8.667 ft wf WIND 3s at lit -t 774 @ 24 in O.C. , [?zt9 1.065 (1) - #4 @ 24 1n ox. S SAVOK 9.333 ft w�WIND i7 -'z ,% p4 @16 in ox. s<i 0.863 (1)- #4 @16 in ox. 14 I-L-Ap f _ JF I �AMF DESERT LEXUS DEALERSHIP I DATE FEB 2019 IIBLOCK cO., INC-1-__- 5mcc 1146 1 spa) Valley 5 (818)76'.7-8576 ITEP �@angelu-sblock.com LOCATION ONFE S1.0 - FOOTINGS POLE ('TRENCH') FOOTING DESIGNS Uses CBC Chapter 18, Unconstrained 9'-4" WALL HEIGHT d = assumed depth = 30.0 in = 2.50 ft A = Code Factor Force 83.1 Ibs OTM 918.1 #-ft h 11.0 ft b 14.4 in S1 670.0 = 0.241 d' = required depth = 1.83 ft OK 8'-8" WALL HEIGHT d = assumed depth = 28.0 in = 2.33 ft A= Code Factor Force 126 lbs OTM 883.1,H -ft h 7.0 ft b 14.4 in S1 625.3 = 0.392 d' = required depth = 1.94 ft OK 8'-0" WALL HEIGHT d = assumed depth = 26.0 in = 2.17 ft A = Code Factor Force 113.2 lbs OTM 761.8 #-ft h 6.7 ft b 14.4 in S1 580.7 = 0.380 d' = required depth = 1.87 ft OK CATHEDRAL CITY, CA GONZALES CONSTRUCTION C. PIEDRA SHEET NO.: Force = See RP Output OTM = See RP Output h = Theoretical Height (OTM/Force) b = Assumed 8"wx 12"L strip of ftg Passive Pressure = 400 psf = (300 x 413 incr) V-4" WALL HEIGHT d = assumed depth = 24.0 in = 2.00 ft A= Code Factor Force 100.3 lbs OTM 648.9 #t -ft h 6.5 ft b 14.4 in 51 536.0 = 0.364 d' = required depth = 1.80 ft OK 6'-8" WALL HEIGHT d = assumed depth = 24.0 in = 2.00 ft A = Code Factor Force 87.4Ibs OTM 544.7 #•ft h 6.2 ft b 14.4 in S1 536.0 = 0.317 d' = required depth = 1.64 ft OK 6'-0" WALL HEIGHT d = assumed depth = 24.0 in = 2.00 ft A = Code Factor Force 87.4 lbs OTM 544.7 #i -ft h 6.2 ft b 14.4 in S1 536.0 = 0.317 d' = required depth = 1.64 ft OK ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusblock.com Project Name/Number : -S1.0 Dsns (W Title S2.0 Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description.... 9'-4., Page: 1 Date: 4 MAR 2019 This Wall in File: S:\Angelus Wall Systern\AWS - Site Specific Projects\Wallace Project CMU Walls (La RetaiuPro (c) 1987.2019. Build License: KW -06064304 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 License To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC Criteria Retained Height = 0.33 ft Wall height above soil = 9.00 ft Slope Behind Wal! = 0.00 Height of Soil over Toe = 4.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 Used for Sliding & Overturning Axial Load Applied to Stem -111 Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 In Design Summary Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 1.14 Ratio Sliding = 4.20 OK Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Active Hee! Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 110.00 pcf FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Soil height to ignore 806 psf for passive pressure - 12,00 in Lateral Load Applied to Stem 0.0 psi OK Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Load Type = Wind (W) less 100% Friction Force = - (Strength Level) Wind on Exposed Stem = 32.2 psf <1. Total Bearing Load = 1,068 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 4.89 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 81 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 576 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 114 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 806 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 3.2 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 0.0 psi OK Allowable = 58.1 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force = 138.9 lbs less 33 % Passive Force = - 49.8 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 533.8 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK (Strength Level) Wind acts left-to-right toward retention side. Stem Construction Bottom Stem OK Design Height Above Ftg ft = 0.00 5! Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Design Method = LRFD Thickness = 6.00 Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = 16.00 Rebar Placed at = Center Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.863 Total Force @ Section Service Leve! lbs = Strength Level lbs = 287.0 Moment.... Actual Service Level ft-#= Strength Level ft-#= 1,401.6 Moment..... Allowable = 1,621.9 Shear..... Actual Service Leve! psi = Strength Level psi = 8.2 Shear ..... Allowable psi = 69.7 Anet (Masonry) in2 = 35.07 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 2.75 Masonry Data fm psi= 1,500 Fy psi = 60,000 Solid Grouting = No Modular Ratio'n' - 21.48 Wall Weight psf = 47.0 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Adjacent Footing Load Footing Width Eccentricity Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio LRFD LRFD 139.50 139.50 Load Factors Building Code CBC 2016,AC1 Equiv. Solid Thick. in= 4.50 Dead Load 1.200 Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Live Load 1 600 Masonry Design Method = LRFD Earth, H 1.600 Concrete Data Wind, W 1.000 fe psi= Seismic, E 1 000 Fy psj= U.0 W - 0.00 ft 0.00 in 0.00 ft Line Load = 0.0 ft 0.500 LRFD x�G S6413� 9TF� 15 ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusblock.com Project Name/Number : _S1.0 Dsns (W Title S2.0 Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description.... 9'-4" This Wall in File: S:Wngelus Wall System\AWS - Site Specific Projects\Wallace Project CMU Walls (La Page : 2 Date: 4 MAR 2019 RetainPro (c) 1987-2019, Build License: KW -06064304 License To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 Footing Dimensions & Strengths Footing Design Results 109.7 Toe Width = 2 75 ft M ftggl Heel Width = 0.50 Factored Pressure = 114 806 psf Total Footing Width = 3.25 Mu': Upward = 1,169 0 ft-# Footing Thickness = 13.00 in Mu': Downward = 986 0 ft-# Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0,00 ft fc = 1,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm= 3.00 in Mu: Design = 183 0 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 3.19 0.00 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 30.98 30.98 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 8.54 in, #5@ 13.24 in, #6@ 18.79 in, #7@ 25.63 in, #8@ 33.75 in, #9@ 42 Heel: Not req'd: Mu < phi"5"lambda*sgrt(fc)'Sm Key: No key defined Min footing T&S reinf Area Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot If one layer of horizontal bars: #4@ 8.55 in #5@ 13.25 in #6@ 18.80 in 0.91 int 0.28 int ft If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 17.09 in #5@ 26.50 in #6@ 37.61 in F-Sumniary of Overturnina & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ' ft-# lbs ft ft-# HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) 35.1 0.47 16.6 HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 10.3 Hydrostatic Force Buoyant Force = 1.63 Sloped Soil Over Heel = 35.1 0.47 16.6 Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = -174.0 5.92 -1,029.7 Total = -138.9 O.T.M. _ -1,013.1 Resisting/Overturning Ratio1.14 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = .1.067.6 lbs Soil Over HL (ab, water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel, water tbl) Watre Table Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = " Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weighl = Key Weight = Vert. Component = 3.25 3.25 3.25 100.8 1.88 189.1 4387 0.25 109.7 528.1 163 858.2 Total = 1,067.6 lbs R.M = 1,156.9 Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. 16 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS consider '�the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. SEE USE IN FOOTING Tilt DESIGNS Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall cine to settlement of _soil OQAOFESSio (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) ��r4 y�N( P P/,F^ r� UIT CD Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci S6413 m Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.047 in d Th ove calculatign is of v it the heel soil bearing ressure excgeds thgl of lhg toe, * PV because the wall would then tend to rotate into Ihe rglained sgil_ �J �U N F OF CAl]F�/� ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 i cpiedra@angelusblock.com Project Name/Number : -S1.0 Dsns (W Title S2.0 Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description.... 8'-8" Page : 1 Date: 4 MAR 2019 This Wall in File: S:\Angelus Wall System\AWS - Site Specific Projects\Wallace Project CMU Walls (La RetainPro (c) 1987-2019, Build Licom;e : KW -06964304 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 License To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC I Criteria - 300.0 psf/ft Retained Height = 0.33 ft Wall height above soil - 8.33 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00 Height of Soil over Toe = 4 00 in Water height over heel 0 0 ft Surcharge Loads - 300.0 psf/ft Surcharge Over Heel - 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 Used for Sliding & Overturning Soil height to ignore Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Live.Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary 58.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning - 1.12 Ratio Sliding = 4.17 OK Total Bearing Load = 952 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 5.55 in Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Active Heel Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure - 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 110.00 pcf FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Soil height to ignore Wind (W) for passive pressure - 12.00 in Lateral Load Applied to Stem 24 psf OK Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Load Type = Wind (W) ACI Factored @ Heel = (Strength Level) Wind on Exposed Stem = 32.2 psf <1. Soil Pressure @ Toe = 24 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 611 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 33 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 855 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 2.3 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 0.0 psi OK Allowable = 58.1 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force 126.0 lbs less 33 % Passive Force = - 49.8 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 475.9 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ...for 1.5 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK (Strength Level) Wind acts left-to-right toward retention side. Stem Construction _ Bottom Ratio > 1 0 Design Height Above Ftg ft= 0.00 5! Wall Material Above "Hit" = Masonry Design Method - LRFD Thickness = 6.00 Rebar Size - # 4 Rebar Spacing = 24.00 Rebar Placed at = Center Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa 1.065 Total Force @ Section Service Level lbs = Strength Level lbs = 265.5 Moment.... Actual Service Level ft-#= Strength Level ft-#= 1,208.1 Moment..... Allowable = 1.133.3 Shear..... Actual Service Level psi = Strength Level psi = 11.4 Shear..... Allowable psi = 69.7 Anet (Masonry) in2 = 23.38 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 2.75 Masonry Data fm psi= 1,500 Fy psi = 60,000 Solid Grouting - No Modular Ratio 'n' - 21.48 Wall Weight psf = 43.0 Adjacent Footing Load r Adjacent Footing Load - O.O lbs Footing Width = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall = 0.0 ft Poisson's Ratio = 0.500 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures Load Factors Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E CBC 2016,ACI 1.200 1.600 1 600 1.000 1 000 Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method Concrete Data fc Fy LRFD LRFD LRFD 13950 139.50 in= 410 = Medium Weight = LRFD psi = psi = 17 ��oFfSSrpy M UJ S6413 m o= � OF CA11F�� Project Name/Number : _S1.0 Dsns (W ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. Title S2.0 11374 TUXFORD ST Dsgnr: C. Piedra SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 Description.... 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusbiock.com 8'-8" This Wall in File: S:lAngelus Wall SystemlAWS - Site Specific ProjectslWallace Project CMU Walls (La License : KW -06064304 License To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC Fao#ing Dimensions &Strengths EMEEM Toe Width Toe Heel Width = 0.50 Total Footing Width = 3.00 Footing Thickness = 13.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft fc= 1,500 psi Fy= 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150,00 pcf Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm = 3.00 in 18 Page : 2 Date: 4 MAR 2019 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 Footing Design Results Min footing T&S reinf Area 0.84 in2 Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot 0,28 in2 A If one layer of horizontal bars: If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 8.55 in #4@ 17.09 in #5@ 13.25 in #5@ 26.50 in #6@ 18.80 in #6@ 37.61 in Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) 351 0.47 16.6 HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 10.3 Hydrostatic Force Buoyant Force = 1.63 Sloped Soil Over Heel = 351 0.47 16.6 Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = -161.1 5.58 -899.6 Total -126.0 O.T.M. _ -883.1 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.12 IN Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure 951.8 lbs Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) Watre Table Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert. Component = 325 325 3.25 91.7 Toe Heel Factored Pressure - 33 855 psf Mu': Upward - 817 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 822 0 ft-# Mu: Design = -4 0 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 2.31 0.00 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 30.98 30.98 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 8.54 in, #5@ 13.24 in, #6@ 18.79 in, #7@ 25.63 in, #8@ 33.75 in, #9@ 42 Heel: Not req'd: Mu < phi*5*lambda*sgrt(fc)*Sm Key: No key defined Min footing T&S reinf Area 0.84 in2 Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot 0,28 in2 A If one layer of horizontal bars: If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 8.55 in #4@ 17.09 in #5@ 13.25 in #5@ 26.50 in #6@ 18.80 in #6@ 37.61 in Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) 351 0.47 16.6 HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 10.3 Hydrostatic Force Buoyant Force = 1.63 Sloped Soil Over Heel = 351 0.47 16.6 Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = -161.1 5.58 -899.6 Total -126.0 O.T.M. _ -883.1 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.12 IN Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure 951.8 lbs Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) Watre Table Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert. Component = 325 325 3.25 91.7 1 75 160.4 372.6 0.25 93.2 4875 1.50 731.3 Total = 951.8 lbs R.M = 984.8 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS consider in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance, SEE USE IN FOOTING Tilt DESIGNS Q?,riF SSE 0 (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) C y�Gf Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pct w S6413 m Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.047 in d The ak ve calcuIallos7 i of valid if the Heel 5 it b arigg pressure exceeds of the toe. !n 1. yA R CTbecause the wall M61d ftn tend to. rotate>,]F���-,�� ��_ OF CA��F: ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusblock.com Project Name/Number : _S1.0 Dsns (W Title S2.0: Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description.... 8'-0" Page: 1 Date: 4 MAR 2019 19 This Wall in File: S:\Angelus Wall System\AWS - Site Specific Projects\Wallace Project CMU Walls (La RetainPro tc)1987-2019, Build License : KW -06064304 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 License To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC Criteria Retained Height = 0.33 ft Wall height above soil = 7.67 ft Slope Behind Wall - 0.00 Height of Soil over Toe = 4 00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Surcharge Loads = 300.0 psf/ft Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 Used for Sliding & Overturning Soil height to ignore Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary Sliding Calcs Wall Stability Ratios Lateral Sliding Force = Overturning = 1.28 Ratio Sliding = 4.52 OK Total Bearing Load = 923 lbs ..resultant ecc = 4.61 in Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Active Heel Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 110.00 pcf FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Soil height to ignore Wind (W) for passive pressure = 12.00 in Lateral Load Applied to Stem 71 psf OK Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Load Type = Wind (W) 762 psf (Strength Level) Wind on Exposed Stem = 32 2 psf <1. Soil Pressure @ Toe = 71 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 544 psf OK Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 100 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 762 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 2 3 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 0.0 psi OK Allowable = 58.1 psi Sliding Calcs Concrete Data Lateral Sliding Force = 113.2 lbs less 33 % Passive Force = - 49.8 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 461 6 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK (Strength Level) Wind acts left-to-right toward retention side. Stem Construction Bottom Bar Lap/Emb Design Height Above Ftg ft = 0.00 5! Wall Material Above "Ht" - Masonry Design Method - LRFD Thickness = 6.00 Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = 24.00 Rebar Placed at = Center Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.907 Total Force @ Section Service Level lbs = Strength Level lbs = 244.0 Moment.... Actual Service Level ft-#= Strength Level ft-#= 1,029.2 Moment..... Allowable = 1,1333 Shear..... Actual Service Level psi = Strength Level psi = 10.4 Shear..... Allowable psi = 69.7 Anet (Masonry) int = 23.38 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 2.75 Masonry Data fm psi= 1,500 Fy psi = 60,000 Solid Grouting = No Modular Ratio'n' 21.48 Wall Weight psf = 430 Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing Load 0.0 lbs Footing Width 0.00 ft Eccentricity - 0.00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist = 0.00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil 1.600 at Back of Wall - 0.0 ft Poisson's Ratio = 0.500 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. LRFD LRFD 139.50 139.50 LRFD Load Factors Building Code CBC 2016,AC1 Equiv. Solid Thick in= 4.10 �SOESBlp�. Dead Load 1,200 Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight Q, Live Load 1.600 Masonry Design Method = LRFD Q:;� �.� ►.�c• Earth, H 1.600 Concrete Data y Wind, W 1.000 fc psi = C7M w S6413 rn Seismic, E 1.000 Fy psi = Zu qT� OF CAS-�FQe`� ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusblock.com Project Name/Number : _S1.0 Dsns (W Title S2.0: Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description.... 8'-0" Page : 2 Date: 4 MAR 2019 This Wall in Fiie7 SAAngelus Wall SystemlAWS - Site Specific Projects%Wallace Project CMU Walls (La RetainPro (c) 1987.2019, aulld License : KW•06064304 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CSC 2016.ACl 318 -14 -ACI 530-13 cense To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC Footing Dimensions & Strengths Toe Width = 2.50 ft Heel Width = 0.50 Total Footing Width = 3.00 Footing Thickness = 13.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0 00 ft fc = 1,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm= 3 00 in Footing Design Results Buoyant Force = 1.63 Sloped Soil Over Heel = 35.1 0.47 16.6 Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = -148.3 5.25 -778.4 Total = 113.2 O.T.M. _ -761.8 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.28 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure 923 2 lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weighl = Key Weight = Vert, Component = 91 7 Toe Heel Factored Pressure = 100 762 psf Mu': Upward = 886 0 ft-# Mu': Downward = 822 0 ft-# Mu: Design = 65 0 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 2.31 0.00 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear = 30.98 30.98 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd #6@ 18.80 in Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Summary of Overturning & Resisting Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 8.54 in, #5@ 13.24 in, #6@ 18.79 in, #7@ 25.63 in, #8@ 33.75 in, #9@ 42 Heel: Not req'd: Mu < phi*5*lambda*sgrt(fc)*Sm Key: No key defined Buoyant Force = 1.63 Sloped Soil Over Heel = 35.1 0.47 16.6 Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = -148.3 5.25 -778.4 Total = 113.2 O.T.M. _ -761.8 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.28 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure 923 2 lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weighl = Key Weight = Vert, Component = 91 7 1.75 Min footing T&S reinf Area 0.84 int 0.25 86.0 487,5 Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot 0.28 int eft If one layer of horizontal bars: If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 8.55 in #4@ 17.09 in #5@ 13.25 in #5@ 26.50 in #6@ 18.80 in #6@ 37.61 in Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) 35.1 047 16.6 Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) 3.25 HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 10.3 Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 3.25 Hydrostatic Force Watre Table 3 25 Buoyant Force = 1.63 Sloped Soil Over Heel = 35.1 0.47 16.6 Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = -148.3 5.25 -778.4 Total = 113.2 O.T.M. _ -761.8 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.28 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure 923 2 lbs Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weighl = Key Weight = Vert, Component = 91 7 1.75 1604 344.0 0.25 86.0 487,5 1.50 731.3 Total = 923.2 lbs R.M = 977.7 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. 20 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS consider in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. SEE USE IN FOOTING Tilt DESIGNS Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) 4�c� P P14�9�F, Q � Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci V m LU S6413 rn Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.047 in d Zo The above calculation is not valld i1 the heel soif bea%,-Ws that of the -tae. because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. 'OF CA�1F� ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusblock.com Project Name/Number : _S1.0 Dsns (W Title S2.0 Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description._ 7'-4" Page: 1 Date: 4 MAR 2019 This Wall in File: S:\Angelus Wall System\AWS - Site Specific ProjeclslWallace Project CMU Walls (La stain ro(c] 87-2019, Build License: KW06064304 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,ACI 530-13 License To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC Criteria Retained Height - 0 33 ft Wall height above soil = 7.00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00 Height of Soil over Toe = 4.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 00 Used for Sliding & Overturning Soil Pressure Less Than Axial Load Applied to Stem j r Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary 0.0 psi OK Wall Stability Ratios 58.1 psi Overturning = 1.27 Ratio Sliding = 4.67 OK Total Bearing Load = 837 lbs ...resultant ecc. - 4.63 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 48 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 561 psf OK Allowable - 1.500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe - 67 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 785 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 1.8 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 0.0 psi OK Allowable = 58.1 psi Sliding Calcs 1 000 Lateral Sliding Force = 100.3 lbs less 33 % Passive Force = - 49.8 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 418.7 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability = 0 0 lbs OK Soil Data I Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Active Heel Pressure = 350 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 110.00 pcf FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Soil height to ignore 1.000 for passive pressure = 12.00 in Lateral Load Applied to Stem Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Load Type = Wind (W) (Strength Level) Wind on Exposed Stem = 32.2 psf (Strength Level) Wind acts left-to-right toward retention side. Stem Construction Bottom_ Bar Lap/Emb Design Height Above Ftg ft = 000 1.5! Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Design Method = LRFD Thickness = 6.00 Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = 32.00 Rebar Placed at = Center Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.993 Total Force @ Section Service Level lbs = Strength Level lbs = 222.5 Moment.... Actual Service Level ft-#= Strength Level ft-# = 864.4 Moment... Allowable = 869.5 Shear..... Actual Service Level psi = Strength Level psi = 12.7 Shear..... Allowable psi = 69.7 Anet (Masonry) in2 = 17.53 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 2.75 Masonry Data fm psi= 1,500 Fy psi = 60,000 Solid Grouting = No Modular Ratio'n' - 21.48 Wall Weight psf = 42.0 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures Load Factors - Building Code CBC 2016,AC1 Equiv. Solid Thick. Dead Load 1.200 Masonry Block Type Live Load 1.600 Masonry Design Method Earth, H 1.600 Concrete Data Wind, W 1.000 fc Seismic, E 1 000 Fy Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent 1~oofing Load = 0-0 lbs Footing Width = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wall to Fig CL Dist = 0 00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil = 0.0 ft at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio - 0.500 LRFD LRFD LRFD 139.50 139.50 in= 3.90 = Medium Weight = LRFD psi = psi = 21 PQw P. P/FQ L U S6413 m iQ 1t'A_ -eti/_ * OF ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusbiock.com Project Name/Number : _S1.0 Dsns (W Title S2.0: Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description.... 7'-4" Page : 2 Date: 4 MAR 2019 This Wall in File: S: Angelus Wall System\AWS - Site Specific Projects%Wallace Project CMU Walls (La RetainPro (c) 1987.2019, Build License : KW -06064304 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 License To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC If one layer of horizontal bars: Footing Dimensions & Strengths L.Footing Design Results Toe Width = 2.25 ft IQg Heel Heel Width = 0.50 Factored Pressure = 67 785 psf Total Footing Width = 2.75 Mu': Upward = 666 0 ft-# Footing Thickness = 13.00 in Mu': Downward = 672 0 ft-# Key Width = 0.00 in Mu: Design = -6 0 ft-# Key Depth = 0.00 in Actual 1 -Way Shear = 1.83 0.00 psi Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Allow 1 -Way Shear = 30.98 30.98 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd fc = 1,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover @Top 2.00 @ Btm= 3.00 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 8.54 in, #5@ 13.24 in, #6@ 18.79 in, #7@ 25.63 in, #8@ 33.75 in, #9@ 42 Heel: Not req'd: Mu < phi*5*lambda*sgrt(fc)*Sm Key: No key defined Min footing T&S reinf Area 0.77 int Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot 0.28 int /ft If one layer of horizontal bars: If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 8.55 in #4@ 17.09 in #5@ 13.25 in #5@ 26.50 in #6@ 18.80 in #6@ 37.61 in Summary of OvertUrninc I & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft fill HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) 35.1 0.47 16.6 HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 10.3 Hydrostatic Force Buoyant Force = 1.63 Sloped Soil Over Heel = 35.1 0.47 16,6 Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = -135.4 4.92 -665.5 Total = -100.3 O.T.M. _ -64889 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.27 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 837.4 lbs Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) Watre Table Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert. Component = 3.25 3.25 3.25 825 1.63 134.1 308.0 0.25 770 446.9 1.38 614.5 Total = 837.4 lbs R.M.= 825.5 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS consider n the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. SEE USE IN FOOTING Tilt DESIGNS Horizontal Defiection_al Too of Wall gl,tie„to settlement Qf sail ��t�pFE (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) �4' �F,V P PIF ySoil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci C3 COS6413 Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.047 in 5 The a0ye Calculalion is riot valid it the heel sQ11 karings1resswe exceleds thal of the toe,it (PJ�1.,, lyecayse the wall it lin lead to rolat� info the retained soil_ 9� . U[iT F of cA1��F� 22 rn m Zu *J ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 16piedra@angelusbiock.com Project Name/Number : _S1.0 Dsns (W Title S2.0 Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description.... 6'-8" Page: 1 Date: 4 MAR 2019 This Wall in File: S'lArngelus Wall System\AWS - Site Specific Projects\Wallace Project CMU Walls (La RetainPro (c) 1987-2019, Build 11,19.65.08 License: KW -06064304 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 License To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC Criteria Soil Data Retained Height = 0.33 ft Wall height above soil = 6.33 ft Slope Behind Wall = 000 Height of Soil over Toe = 4.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Surcharge Loads 87 psf OK Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 Used for Sliding & Overturning 122 psf Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design 5umMary Sliding Calcs Wall Stability Ratios Lateral Sliding Force = Overturning - 1.50 Ratio Sliding = 5-16 OK Total Bearing Load = 803 lbs ...resultant ecc - 3.85 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 87 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 496 psf OK Allowable 1.500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 122 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 695 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 1.8 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 0 0 psi OK Allowable = 58.1 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force = 87.4 lbs less 33 % Passive Force = 49.8 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 401.3 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Active Heel Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure - 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel - 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe - 110.00 pcf FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 Soil height to ignore 1.600 for passive pressure = 12.00 in Lateral Load Applied to Stem Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft ...Height to Top - 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Load Type = Wind (W) (Strength Level) Wind on Exposed Stem = 32 2 psf (Strength Level) Wind acts left-to-right toward retention side. Stem Construction Botto Ratio > Design Height Above Ftg ft= 1.5! Wall Material Above "Ht" = Mas Design Method - L Thickness = 6 Rebar Size = # Rebar Spacing = 40 Rebar Placed at - Ce Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 1. Total Force @ Section Service Level lbs = Strength Level lbs = 20 Moment.... Actual Service Level ft-#= Strength Level ft-# = 71 Moment..... Allowable = 70 Shear..... Actual Service Level psi = Strength Level psi = 1 Shear..... Allowable psi = 6 Anet (Masonry) in2 = 14 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 2 Masonry Data - fm psi= 1, Fy psi = 60, Solid Grouting = Modular Ratio'n' - 21. Wall Weight psf = 4 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures Load Factors Building Code CBC 2016,AC1 Dead Load 1.200 Live Load 1.600 Earth, H 1.600 Wind, W 1.000 Seismic, E 1 000 Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing Load = 0-0 lbs Footing Width = 0 00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist 0.00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil _ at Back of Wall 0.0 ft Poisson's Ratio = 0.500 m - 1.0 0.00 onry RFD LRFD LRFD LRFD 00 4 .00 nter 012 10 3.9 5.0 4.3 9.7 03 .75 500 000 No 48 1.0 139.50 139.50 Equiv. Solid Thick. in= 380 ESSjp� Masonry Block Type = Medium Weight 4�0,i P. Masonry Design Method = LRFD �4, Cj Q Concrete Data ! c y fc psi = w S6413 Fy psi = cc OF 23 Project Name/Number : _S1.0 Dsns (W ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. Title S2.0: Page : 2 11374 TUXFORD ST Dsgnr: C. Piedra Date. 4 MAR 2019 SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 Description.... 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusblock.com 6'-8" This Wall in File: S:\Angelus Wall System\AWS - Site Specific Projects\Wallace Project CMU Walls (La RetainPro (c) 1987-2019, Build License: KW -06064304 License To: ANGELUS BLOCK CO INC Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 Footing Dimensions & Strengths Footing Design Results 68.3 Toe Width = 2.25 ft 1.38 Toe Heel Heel Width = 0.50 Factored Pressure = 122 695 psf Total Footing Width = 2.75 Mu': Upward = 705 0 ft-# Footing Thickness = 13-00 in Mu': Downward = 672 0 ft-* Mu: Design = 33 0 ft-# Key Width = 0 00 in Actual 1 -Way Shear = 1.75 0.00 psi Key Depth = 0.00 in Allow 1 -Way Shear = 30.98 30.98 psi Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd fc = 1,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Footing Concrete Density = 150 00 pcf Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Min, As % = 0.0018 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm = 3.00 in Toe: #4@ 8.54 in, #5@ 13.24 in, #6@ 18.79 in, #7@ 25.63 in, #8@ 33,75 in, #9@ 42 Heel: Not req'd: Mu < phi*5*lambda*sgrt(fc)*Sm Key: No key defined Min footing T&S reinf Area 0.77 in2 Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot 0.28 in2 fit If one layer of horizontal bars: If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 8.55 in #4@ 17.09 in #5@ 13.25 in #5@ 26.50 in #6@ 18.80 in #6@ 37.61 in Summa of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING..... .....RESISTING...... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# HL Act Pres (ab water tbl) 35.1 0.47 16.6 HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 10.3 Hydrostatic Force Buoyant Force = 1.63 Sloped Soil Over Heel = 35.1 0.47 16.6 Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = -122.5 4.58 -561.2 Total = -87.4 O.T.M. _ -544.7 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 1.50 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 802.7 lbs Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS consider in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) Watre Table Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight = Vert. Component = 3.25 3.25 3.25 82.5 1.63 134.1 273.3 0.25 68.3 446.9 1.38 614.5 Total = 802.7 lbs R.M = 816.8 " Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. �_ SEE USE IN FOOTING Tilt DESIGNS Horizo nta I Dgf lg&jigo al TgI2 gf Wa 11 d ge to settleme nt of so it (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.047 in The abovecalculalion is not v:-,{: El«:- soil bear r)q nreMire exceeds that of the toe becausethe wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil_ 24 FESS P. P F�9�fi W 56413 m cL C�L�- �F OF CAG�F� 25 / PRO)ECTNFlMI DESERT LEXUS DEALERSHIP FEB 2019 LOCATION. CATHEDRAL CITY, CA FOR. _ GONZALES CONSTRUCTION BLacK Glp.,.I sin« 1946 ENGINEER C. PIEDRA i141- dStI5vpVaIILy I-91,3. (818)767-8576 ITEM. SHEET Irafo@angelL sblock com No.: COMBO WALL DSN CONSIDERATIONS VERTICAL REINF'G DSNS FOR 12" WALLS, SEE RETAINPRO OUTPUT -- #4 VERT @ 48"OC IS OKAY FOR 16" WALLS, USE SIMILAR DESIGN AS 12" WALLS FOR VERT'L REINF. FTG DSNS Combo Wall Ftg Geometry Loading h = see detail = 8 in DL-> W12 = 0,600 kips Wall Width = 11.625 in t = assumed -Sin W16 = 0.800 kips Wall Width = 15.625 in b=2*t+Wall Widths =3.604ft WFTG =0.721 kips d = assumed = 16 in EQ-> PEQ = 0.476 kips MEQ = 1.904 kips Bearing (w/ ♦Overturning) Pressure LC2 LC 2 DL Factor (Only) 1 DL Factor 0.9 EQ Factor 0.714 LC 1 LC 2 gmax = max bearing pressure = 588.4 psf EQ Moving to Right (Governs) qa = max allowable pressure = 1500.0 psf OK R = Vertical Load or Resultant = 1.909 kips x= Dist toR =2.513ft e = eccentricity from CL of FTG = 0.711 ft R outside middle third qmax = max bearing pressure =1388.4 psf qa' = max allow. pressure w/ 113 incr. = 2000.0 psf OK BEARING OKAY Sliding LC 2 DL Factor 0.9 EQ Factor 0.714 Vmax = = 0.340 kips Vallow = = 1.909 kips OK SLIDING OKAY Footlna Roinf 0.0018 x Section = 1.2456 in /#4 4 Bars 0.0018xStrip =0.0288 in /H4 = 1Bar ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusblock.com This Wall in File: S:\Angelus Wall System\AWS - Site License: KW-� License To Criteria Project Name/Number : -Combo Dsns Title Combo Wall Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description.... 8'-0" Projects\Wallace Project CMU Walls (La Cantilevered Retaining Wall INC Retained Height = 0.33 ft Wall height above soil - 7.67 ft Slope Behind Wall - 0.00 Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 1,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Active Heel Pressure = 35.0 psf/ft Height of Soil over Toe = 4.00 in 0.0 lbs = Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Passive Pressure = 300.0 psf/ft Design Summary Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf 0 psf Soil Density, Toe = 110.00 pcf Sliding = FootingIlSoil Friction = 0.500 6.9 psi OK Soil height to ignore 58.1 psi Sliding Calcs for passive pressure = 1200 in Surcharge Loads Lateral Load Applied to Stem Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Lateral Load = 0,0 #/ft Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning -.Height to Top = 0.00 ft Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft Used for Sliding & Overturning Axial Load Applied to Stem Load Type = Wind (W) (Strength Level) Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary 0.00 in Wall Stability Ratios 0 psf Overturning = 1.52 OK Sliding = 5.34 OK Total Bearing Load = 1,040 lbs ...resultant ecc. = 8.90 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 0 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 1,808 psf NG Allowable = 1,500 psf Soil Pressure Exceeds Allowable! 0.00 in ACI Factored @ Toe = 0 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 2,531 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 1.2 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 6.9 psi OK Allowable = 58.1 psi Sliding Calcs Lateral Sliding Force = 108.9 lbs less 33 % Passive Force = - 61.9 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 519.8 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Wind on Exposed Stem = 32.2 psf (Strength Level) Wind acts left-to-right toward retention side. Stem Construction Bottom Stem OK Design Height Above Ftg ft= 0.00 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Design Method = LRFD Thickness = 12.00 Rebar Size = # 4 Rebar Spacing = 48.00 Rebar Placed at = Center Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0.811 Total Force @ Section Service Level lbs = Strength Level lbs = 244.0 Moment.... Actual Service Level ft-#= Strength Level ft-# = 1,029.2 Moment.....Allowable = 1,267.7 Shear..... Actual Service Level psi = Strength Level psi = 10.0 Shear.....Allowable psi = 69.7 Anet (Masonry) in2 = 24.34 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 5.75 Masonry Data fm psi= 1,500 Fy psi = 60,000 Solid Grouting = No Modular Ratio 'n' = 21.48 Wall Weight psf = 75.0 Page : 1 Date: 11 MAR 2019 Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing Load - 0Z lbs Footing Width = 0.00 ft Eccentricity = 0.00 in Wall to Ftg CL Dist - 0 00 ft Footing Type Line Load Base Above/Below Soil = at Back of Wall 0 0 ft Poisson's Ratio - 0.500 Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of soil bearing pressures. Load Factors - Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E CBC 2016,AC1 1.200 1.600 1 600 1.000 1.000 Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method Concrete Data fc Fy LRFD LRFD LRFD 139.50 139.50 in= 650 = Medium Weight = LRFD psi = psi = 4RpFESSId P; c 4; u S6413 d *qR TP OFCA� 26 m m 27 ANGELUS BLOCK CO. INC. 11374 TUXFORD ST SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818.767.8576 1 cpiedra@angelusblock.com Project Name/Number : _Combo Dsns Title Combo Wall Dsgnr: C. Piedra Description.... 8'-0" Page: 2 Date: 11 MAR 2019 This Wall in File: S:1Angelus Wall System=VS - Site Specific ProjectMWallace Project CMU Walls (La RetainPro (r) 1967-2019, Build 11.19. 3.08 UCnnse: KW -06064304 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Code: CBC 2016,AC1 318-14,AC1 530-13 1 1cen T NGELUS BLOCK CO INC se n • A . Footing Dimensions & Strengths Toe Width Heel Width= 1.63 Total Footing Width _ = 2.25 Footing Thickness = 14.00 in Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft fc = 1,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Min. As % - 0.0018 Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm= 3.00 in Footing Design Results Summary of Overturnin & Resistinci I4�Heel Factored Pressure = 0 2,531 psf Mu': Upward = 0 584 ft -4 Mu': Downward = 89 89 ft-# Mu: Design = -89 -495 ft-# Actual 1 -Way Shear = 1.17 6.90 psi Allow 1 -Way Shear - 30.98 30.98 psi Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Watre Table 1.94 Heel Reinforcing None Spec'd 1.13 Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Sloped Soil Over Heel = 39.4 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings 19.7 Surcharge Over Heel = Toe: Not req'd: Mu < phi" 5"lambda"sgrt(fc)`Sm Heel: Not req'd: Mu < phi'5 lambda'sgrt(fc)`Sm Surcharge Over Toe = Key: No key defined Axial Dead Load on Stem = Summary of Overturnin & Resistinci Min footing T&S reinf Area 0.68 int Min footing T&S reinf Area per foot 0.30 in2 /ft If one layer of horizontal bars: If two layers of horizontal bars: #4@ 7.94 in #4@ 15.87 in #5@ 12.30 in #5@ 24.60 in #6@ 17.46 in #6@ 34 92 in Forces & Moments .....OVERTURNING.........RESISTING..... Force Distance Moment Force Distance Moment Item lbs ft ft-# lbs ft ft-# HL Act Pres (ab water tbi) 39.4 0.50 19.7 Soil Over HL (ab. water tbl) 22.9 1.94 7.2 HL Act Pres (be water tbl) 12.2 Soil Over HL (bel. water tbl) 1.94 7.2 Hydrostatic Force Watre Table 1.94 Buoyant Force = 1.13 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = 39.4 0.50 19.7 Surcharge Over Heel = Surcharge over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Surcharge Over Toe = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Adjacent Footing Load = ' Axial Live Load on Stem = Added Lateral Load = Soil Over Toe = 22.9 1.94 44.4 Load @ Stem Above Soil = -148.3 5.33 -790.7 Surcharge Over Toe = -. Stem Weight(s) = 600.0 1.13 675.0 Earth @ Stem Transitions= Total -108.9 O.T.M. _ Footing Weighi = 393.8 1.13 -758.8 443.0 Key Weight = Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1.52 Vert. Component = Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,039.6 lbs Total = 1,039.6 lbs R.M = 1;169.5 Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Sliding Resistance. Vertical component of active lateral soil pressure IS considered in the calculation of Overturning Resistance. Tilt %f��R� SSA, ti (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) P PIF Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Defl To of Walla w S6413 m @ p (approximate only) 0.198 in cL Ibe alg4ye calculation is not valid If the heel soil bearing -pressure exceeds €hal of.Ihe toe ec u e the I M u I� tbQn Ig rid Jp_[pfate_ Into I he rgJgiagQj.QqI. , d'f R�I�Y u'.• ��R�I �� OF CA