7028PUBLIC WORKS DE' PAR TIYIENT APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Date: Tract No: See attached parcel maps Prdjeet.Name: 0543 - 7PFA013G - H 41D0 � vicinity: 2s' 010 Cagle Monk-cv.wq , 12`F• Ego call-e AjavGrfU 4k;P ✓4-WodS Purpose of Construction. (Ex: Rough Grading, Offsite Street,ctc.) To install PVC piping and various sized hand holes for fiber optics Description -of Construction (Ex: See Plan .Set No. 01234) See attached maps and plans Dimension of Installation or Removal: See attached maps and plans Approximate Construction- StartDate: Z— 1 O -7 Approximate: Construction Completion Date: Estimated Construction Cost: $ 'q3 ) 5�c7 Estimated Construction Cost shall include the removal of all obstructions; materials, and debris, back -filling, compaction and placing pennanentresurfacing and orreplacing improvements Contaet.Name:.Darywl Bowden PhoneNumber:909-608-1358 Name -of Applicant/Owner: Ve'rizorl Applicant Address:. 870 Mountain Ave, Upland,' CA 91786 .Applicant Telephone: Number: 909-608-1358 Name of :Contractor: Contractor Address: Contractor TelephoneNumber: .Contractor State LiccnseN.umber: Contractor City -.Business. License Number: d A 'COPY'OF TIIF, CURRENT INSURANCE CERTIFICATE MUST iZF PROVIDED � Applicant or Contractor General.Liab.ility:Insurance .Company.: Applicantor .Contractor General Liability Insurance Policy Number.: Office Use Only: Inspection Fee: ,g Fcrmit Pec: �`�' oo . - As -Built 1 Deposit: �p Dust Control Deposit: Credit TOTAL, FEE DLILs: Z q 057. I. Office Use -Only: .AssignedPermit.Number: —70 Q. Approval Date: . Expiration Date: Issue Date: ►t,4770M S wI rArnr 7'1j E 44 Qu-(AfA Cove Authority:----: 1 Dear Timothy: Please find enclosed herewith in a Verizon permit application packet complete with encroachment application, area map, assessor's maps, location detail for fiber distribution hub, hub location pictures, and placement/construction work order map. Assigned contractor will provide license and insurance documents to city of La Quinta, before beginning work. The Verizon contact is Darywl. Bowden and may be contacted at (909) 608-1358. If you require any further assistance please contactme at (909) 985-6643. Sincerely, Jim Bishop Cendera Technologies, Inc 820 N. Mountain Ave Upland, CA 91786 (909) 985-6643 Page 2 of 2 CONTACT LIST CUSTOMER COMPLAINT LINE 760-342-0551 (local, leave message) 1-888-828-2015 (8:am —10:pm EST) INSPECTORS: Ken Clark office 760-347-5634 cell 951-723-0810 Dave Guerrero office 760-347-8152 cell 760-219-0408-- John Durbin office 760-347-2874 cell 760-218-0691 COORDINATOR: J. Mike Hickey office 760-347 8202 cell 760-567-4162 PLACING Local Manager: Bill Schrader office 760-347-8019 cell 760-218-1566 SPLICING Local Manager: Bill Schrader office 760-347-9019 cell 760-218-1566 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: John Viereck office 951-672-4279 cell 951-295-2520 i PERMIT NO.7028 Verizon Upgrade #11/Install PVC piping & various sized hand holes for fiber optics/W.O. 0543 — 7PFA01BG - H4007 In addition to the standard permit conditions, the following shall apply: Pursuant to Section 14.16.320 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), all work shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction (SSPWC) and as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 2. Prior to commencing the excavation of a trench 5 feet in depth or greater and into which a person will be required to descend, the Contractor shall first obtain a permit to do so from the Division of Industrial Safety pursuant to 7-10.4.1. 3. "The permittee shall not construct an improvement that reduces vehicular sight distances. of such improvement is found to reduce the vehicular sight distance, then the permittee shall relocate the improvement prior to sign off of their encroachment permit." 4. The permittee shall not install improvements with the intention of providing video transmission services unless the permittee obtains a valid Franchise Agreement. The pennittee shall remove any underground utility markings that are no longer being used for this project. The permittee shall remove markings on paved areas using high pressure wash or a method equivalent and at the discretion of the City Engineer. 6.. Any asphaltic or concrete repairs shall closely match the existing paved areas in color at the discretion of the City Engineer. A finish product with a checkerboard appearance will not be accepted. 7. The.pennittee shall maintain the existing pedestrian path of travel and must maintain ADA complaint pathways leading to areas for use. of public transportation systems. No stockpiling of any materials will .be allowed within. the City R/W without an approved permit explicitly stating the use for stockpiling and/`or storage. 9. The following city streets have or will obtain a newly placed slurry seal and cutting through these streets will not be allowed without the approval of the City Engineer.. (Please see attached street list) 10. The pennittee shall provide a list of individuals that can provide immediate assistance to the public. The permittee is responsible for assisting the public which have inquires with regard to this project. The list shall be provided to the city and attached to this permit. This list of individuals with phone numbers shall be identified on the proposed door hangers which the permittee shall provide 48hrs prior to start of any work, which includes marking of the underground utilities. The individuals identified on this list shall be capable of responding on any work day and within 1 hour of any work day. Special Conditions Page 1 of 7 PERMIT NO.7028 Verizon Upgrade #11/Install PVC piping & various sized hand holes for fiber optics/W.O.0543 — 7PFA01BG - H4007 11. Door hangers shall be provided to all residents affected by the project. At a minimum, the door hanger shall provide the following information: a. Short description of the improvements. (Include Verizon as the applicant and permit number.) b. Schedule of the improvements C. Suggested alternate routes of travel d. Phone numbers and individuals .for questions and answers with the city being the last phone number, (760)-777-7075. 12. This permit or copy of it shall be on the work site (usually the job trailer) for inspection during the actual work performed. 13. Verizon and TBD Contractor, hereinafter referred to as "Permittee", shall be responsible for providing continuous dust and erosion control. 14.. Streets shall be kept clean. They shall be completely cleaned at the end of each working day and more frequently, if required. 15. Pursuant to Section 6.08.050 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 18 §' 1, 1982), throughout the work site, the Permittee shall comply with City regulated work hours. Operation and maintenance of equipment within one-half mile of human occupancy shall be performed only.during the following time periods: October 1 st to April 30: Monday -Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. May 1 st to September 30: Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a-.m. to 5:00 p.m. Work shall be prohibited on legal holidays and Sundays.. Note: Construction work (including setting up traffic control devices) is not permitted on any Arterial street (i.e. any 4 lane street) before 8:00 a.m. 16. Work within 500 feet of a signalized intersection shall be performed between the hours of 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Traffic control shall be set up after 9 a.m. and removed before 3 p.m. The Permittee shall contact the Riverside Country Traffic Signal Maintenance Department at (951) 955-6894 if signal operation at the intersection is to be altered in any way. 17. Pursuant to Section 14.16.110 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), Permittee shall assume responsibility for repair of any pavement damage to any public or private street and for any damage to other City streets or facilities as a result of work performed under this permit. Special Conditions Page 2 of 7 V PERMIT NO.7028 Verizon Upgrade #11/Install PVC piping & various sized hand holes for fiber optics/W.O. 0543 — 7PFA01BG - H4007 18. This permit is not valid until the permittee submits, to the Public Works Department 2 weeks prior to start of construction, a letter from any owners of the driveways/access ways that will be closed down due to the construction. The letter must be approved by the city and at minimum state from the owner the following: A. Approval of the construction B. Plan identification C. Time Frame -of Closure D. Alternative Routes 19. The permittee shall place temporary no parking signs along the parking area affected by the construction. The signs shall be placed along the area 48hrs prior to the start of closing the area, and removed immediately after the construction completion date. 20. Pursuant to Section 14.16.250 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), at residential streets, advance warning signs and traffic control shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Cal Trans Standards or the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH Manual). A traffic control plan shall .be prepared in accordance with the WATCH Manual. On Collector to Major Arterial Streets, the permittee must submit a traffic control plan which shall be prepared under the guidance of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2003 Edition with Revision No. 1 Incorporated, dated November 2004 (HTML) and the California Supplement. As of October of 2006, these documents can be observed at http://mutcd.thwa.dot.gov/HTM/2003rI/Tart6/Tart6-toc.htm and http://www.dot.ca. og v/hq/traffops/signtech/mutcdsupp/pdf/CA-Cliap6A-ChV6F.pdf, respectively. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to appropriately detour and barricade all construction sites. Pursuant to Section 14.16.290 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), street closures shall not be permitted. A minimum of two (2) travel lanes of paved surface shall be maintained at all times. 21. Prior to excavating, if required, the Permittee shall contact Underground Service Alert at 1-800-422- 4133. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to notify the Public Works Department of anticipated excavation which impact City facilities, including but not limited to traffic signal conduits and loops, irrigation lines, electrical conduits, and storm drain facilities. 22. Should additional work, materials, or modifications of the work be required in order to meet City standards, safety requirements, signage requirements, or to fit actual field conditions, the work shall be performed by the Permittee as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer at no cost to the City of La Quinta. 23. The permittee shall be responsible for calling the city inspector to arrange the city inspector to observe random trench compaction testing performed by a city approved material testing firm. If the inspector's phone number is unknown, the permittee shall call the Public Works front counter phone at 777-7075 or special Conditions Page 3 of 7 !J PERMIT NO.7028 Verizon Upgrade #11/Install PVC piping & various sized hand holes for fiber optics/W.O..0543 — 7PFA01BG - H4007 the Assistant Engineer I at 777-7047 to determine the.city inspector's phone number. The inspector shall determine the number and location of the test location/s. The above testing does not relieve the permittee's responsibility for future repairs due to settlement at and near the locations of the work area. Materials testing must be performed under direct supervision of a California Registered Civil Engineer. 24. The issuance of this permit and the City approval of the related construction improvement plans do not provide a vested entitlement for all design parameters that may have been utilized for the plans. As such, plans approved for this permit maybe "at risk" for further modifications as it relates to any follow up improvement plan requirements as required by the city or existing errors & omissions by the architect or engineer of record. 25. This permit is not valid until the permittee submits, to the Public Works Department 2 weeks prior to start of construction, the name of the City approved contractor, who shall submit to the City the following items: a. General Liability Insurance Company and Policy Number b. City Business License c. Contractors State License Number 26. The permittee shall not encroach upon private property without prior written approval (submit to the Public Works Department, attention to the Assistant Engineer I) of the private land owner whom is being encroached upon. 27. Prior to performing construction work and closing any lanes in the Public Right of Way, the permittee shall call the City at (760) 777-7097 at least 48hrs prior to work and request an appointment for a preconstruction meeting with the City Inspection staff. . 28. The permittee shall haul all offsite debris to a certified landfill. Prior to hauling debris, the permittee shall inform the City (Inspection staff or 777-7047) of the name and location of the certified dump site. 29.. Prior to excavating in native soils, the owner of the project shall have employed by proposal contract an archaeological observer for the site excavations within native undisturbed soils. A copy of the contract must be submitted to the Public Works Department and attention this to the Assistant Engineer I. If the archaeologist determines the site note to be required to be observed, please submit a letter signed by the archaeologist stating their determination. 30. If public traffic lanes are required to be closed, this permit is not valid until the permittee submits, to the Public Works Department, an approved traffic control plan at least 2 weeks prior to start of construction or. parking on the paved R/W. 31. The permittee is required to. provide an informative message board (approved by the City Engineer) informing the commuters using the affected public Primary Arterial roads or heavier traffic of possible traffic delays, time of construction, and if possible alternate routes. The message board shall be provided for the commuters 48 hours prior to the start of traffic delays. Special Conditions Page 4 of 7 4 PERMIT NO.7028 Verizon Upgrade #11/Install PVC piping & various sized hand holes for fiber optics/W.O. 0543 — 7PFA01BG - H4007 32. Pursuant to Section 14.16.370 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), backfill compaction within street rights -of -way shall conform to Section 306-1.3 of the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC), except as otherwise specified herein. Native material may be used as backfill material provided that minimum compaction, achieved in the manner prescribed herein, is achieved. Backfill shall be performed by mechanical means; no water densified compaction -via jetting or flooding or other means shall be allowed. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to provide appropriate geotechnical supervision, testing, and inspection, onsite, at all times during backfill operations. Backfill compaction shall be achieved by the following conditions: A. When a firm foundation is not encountered due to soft, spongy or other unsuitable material, such material shall be removed to the limits directed by the Geotechnical Inspector and/or the City Inspector and the resulting excavation backfilled with pipe bedding material. B. Backfill materials shall be brought to or maintained at appropriate moisture content for compaction. The appropriate moisture content range shall be established at the onset of the project and ensured prior to use of the materials through progress testing on the stockpiles. C. The first length of trench backfilled shall be backfilled in the presence of the City Inspector. Compaction shall be tested at random depths at approximate three-foot vertical intervals as backfill is placed to ensure the effectiveness of the compaction methods and to establish the depth of lift that can be compacted. D. If lifts greater than one foot are attempted in this trial length of trench, compaction tests shall be taken within the lifts to ensure that the full depth of the lift is compacted. Upon satisfactory completion of this portion of trench, the City Inspector shall establish the maximum lift thickness to be compacted for the remainder of the project. E. In subsequent lengths of trench, the frequency of compaction tests shall equal one per each lift of backfill, per 300 linear feet of open trench, at randomly selected locations within the open length of trench. F. The depth of the randomly selected compaction tests shall also be randomly selected except that where multiple tests are required in a given length of trench, the tests shall be no closer than three feet (vertically) from each other. G. If any compaction test fails, previously placed backfill (in the same length of open trench or previous lengths of trench) which is represented by the failing test (as determined by the City Inspector), shall be tested for compliance with compaction requirements. Special Conditions Page 5 of 7 J PERMIT NO.7028 Verizon Upgrade #11/Install PVC piping & various sized hand holes for fiber optics/W.O. 0543 — 7PFA01BG - H4007 H. - All costs incurred due to the conditions above shall be borne by the Permittee. Copies of all test results shall be furnished to the City Inspector. 33. All excavations within City of La Quinta right-of-way shall be backfilled, and temporarily paved if within the existing travel way, at the end of every workday as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for the protection of the public. Lengths of open trench shall not greatly exceed that which can not be backfilled in the same day. Excavated trenches shall not.be allowed open overnight; however, Permittee may leave a length of excavated trench, not to exceed twenty (20) feet in length, open overnight at a point where construction will begin the next day, provided that this length of trench is completely covered by -steel plating. 34. All landscaping, irrigation, decorative rock, decorative. concrete, lighting, etc., shall be replaced to its original condition. 35. Access and egress to all local properties shall be maintained at all times. 36. Pursuant to Section 14.16.375 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982), permanent pavement replacement shall be completed no later than seven (7) days after the completion of the work. Permanent pavement replacement shall conform to the following conditions: A. Existing asphalt concrete pavement shall be sawcut one (1) foot beyond trench edges. Edges shall be straight and clean. B. Permanent pavement replacement structural section, within all trenches, shall be 1" thicker than existing of asphalt concrete over the same existing thickness of crushed aggregate base or crushed miscellaneous base, meeting the requirements of Sections 200-2.2 and 200-2.4 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. The replaced pavement and base material shall be compacted to 95% relative compaction and respectively tested, for each 300 linear feet of trench. Verify exact structural replacement section thicknesses with the City prior to installation. C. Permanent pavement replacement shall be installed using a City approved 1/" max medium asphalt concrete as the base course lift and a City approved'/2" max medium finish course lift for capping. Asphalt concrete mix design shall be approved by the City prior to its placement. D. Cold -Mill and Overlay - The existing pavement which was properly protected in place during the trenching operation located adjacent to the trench saw cut shall be cold -milled to a depth of 0.10 feet with butt joint created next to the existing unmilled pavement surface. The cold -milled area and base asphalt concrete in the trench area shall be overlaid with a City approved C2-AR-4000 asphalt concrete mix. The width of the cold milling area shall .be as follows: For longitudinal trenches located in a parking lane: three (3) feet outside the sawcut removal lines. Special Conditions Page 6 of 7 PERMIT NO.7028 Verizon Upgrade #11/Install PVC piping & various sized hand holes for fiber optics/W.O. 0543 — 7PFA01BG - H4007 • For longitudinal trenches located in a traffic lane: three (3) feet outside the sawcut removal lines, or to the lane line striping, whichever is greater. For transverse trenches across existing street: two(2) feet outside the sawcut removal lines. E. If grinding and capping operations are not performed in the same day as base paving operations, the base course lift of 3/" max medium asphalt concrete shall be installed from saw -cut edge to saw -cut edge flush with the existing street surface. The base course lift of paving shall not be left 0.10' low in anticipation of grinding and capping. F. Any existing lane striping or any existing detour lane striping affected by this resurfacing shall be replaced in kind by the Permittee, as directed by and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Affected traffic signal loops shall be removed and replaced in kind. The finished pavement surface shall be smooth, consistent, and shall conform to the surrounding grades. 37. Permittee shall permanently stabilize any and all soil that was disturbed as a result of work performed under this permit with an approved dust control treatment. Soil stabilization shall be done immediately after completing the operation. 38. Pursuant to Chapter 12.56 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (Ordinance 10 § 1 (part), 1982) the City has designated certain city streets as Truck Routes. The weight limit for restricted streets (i.e., streets not part of the Truck Route network) is three (3) tons; trucks exceeding the weight limit may use a restricted street if making a delivery or pickup on the subject street, or if this permit specifically grants permission to use the street to deliver street construction materials and/or equipment. 39. The City of La Quinta reserves the right to revoke, suspend or void this permit at any time. 40. The permittee shall indemnify, hold harmless and assume the defense of the City from all damages, delay costs, costs or expenses in law or equity that may arise out of work under this permit. 41. If it is the intent of the permittee to. cut the pavement and have it restored by a third party, the permittee shall postpone cutting the pavement until the intended third party has acquired a permit from the City to perform- the required restoration work. Special Conditions Page 7 of 7 City of La Quinta ,z The following General and Special Provisions are attached to and made a part of Permit Number 7028 The following shall always apply: ENCROACHMENT ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: This permit authorizes work to be accomplished within the City of La Quinta's right of way ONLY. Whenever construction extends within private property, it is the responsibility of the permittee for his contractors to secure permission from abutting property owners. Such authorization must be secured by the permittee prior to starting work. TRACK -LAYING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Cleated track -laying construction equipment shall not be permitted to operate on any paved surface unless fitted with smoother -faced street pads. All mechanical outriggers shall be fitted with rubber street shoes to protect the paving during excavations. Rubber -tired equipment only shall be used in backfill operation in paved areas. If the existing pavement is scarred, spalled, or broken during the term of this contract or if the pavement is marred, City of La Quinta shall request that these portions of road be resurfaced over their entire width. Resurfacing shall consist of one coat of two inches (2") of A.C. surfacing plus appropriate seal coat as specified above. PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC: All excavations and work areas shall be properly lighted and barricaded as deemed necessary by the City Engineer or City of La Quinta Public Works Inspectors. Suitable detours and detour signs shall be placed and maintained for the duration of the project. The City shall be notified twenty-four hours (24) in advance of any traffic detours or delineation. CARE OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES: Any drainage structure to include corrugated metal pipe, concrete pipe, steel culvert and concrete structures encountered during excavation which necessitate removal shall be replaced in kind. In the event it becomes necessary to remove or cut existing drainage structures, City of La Quinta shall be notified prior to commencement of this work. Drainage structures and open drains shall be kept free of debris at all times for proper drainage. RIGHT-OF-WAY CLEANUP: Any surplus material resulting from excavation and backfill operations shall be removed from the right of way. All paved surfaces shall be broomed clean of earth and other objectionable materials immediately after backfill and compaction. Existing gutter line and drainage ditches shall be replaced to their original standard or better. All excess material shall be removed prior to paving. Water tanker shall be used, as required, to sprinkle the job site to keep down dust conditions and shall be used immediately after backfill. DE -WATER OPERTATIONS: If de -watering operations are required and pumps are forcing water on City of La Quinta roads, it shall be the responsibility of the permittee (contractor) to control this water and to provide off-street barricades when necessary. CLOSING STREETS: No street shall be closed. A minimum of one lane of traffic shall be maintained at all times to provide limited access for the adjoining property owners and emergency vehicles. In the event it is felt by the permittee that he must close a street for any length of time, permittee shall contact this office to obtain the necessary permission. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following shall apply when indicated: ® R1 NOTIFICATION: Permittee shall be notified the City at (760) 777 - 7097 at least forty-eight hours (48) in advance of starting construction. ® R2 UTILITY CLEARANCE: (Substructures) Prior to making any excavations within the City of La Quinta right-of-way authorized by permit, the permittee shall contact all concerned utility companies relative to the location of existing substructures. Damage to existing substructures resulting from operations conducted under this permit shall be the sole responsibility of the permittee. ® R3 UTILITY CLEARANCE (Surface Structures) No work shall be done under this permit until all utilities are clear of the proposed work site. The permittee shall notify all concerned utility companies of the proposed work. ❑ R4 PAVEMENT WIDENING: Area between the proposed concrete gutter line and the existing road pavement shall be surfaced with ( " N/A " ) inches of A.C. paving placed on ( " N/A " ) inches of ( " N/A " ) aggregate sub -base course having an "R" value of not less than ( " N/A ") and in conformance with the City of La Quinta Road Improvement Standards and Specifications, Ordinance #461. ® R5 PARKWAY GRADING: Area between the property line and top of the proposed concrete curb shall be graded to a slope of one-fourth inch ('/<") to one foot (1'). ❑ R6 GRADE CHECKING: City of La Quinta shall check grades upon receipt of plan and profile and/or grades as established by a licensed engineer. ❑ R7 CURB REMOVAL FOR DRIVEWAYS: A portion of the existing concrete curb and/or curb and gutter ('" N/A ") feet shall be removed. Curb and/or curb and gutter shall be saw cut prior to removal. Depressed curb, matching concrete gutter and concrete driveway approach shall be constructed in conformance with City of La Quinta Standard #207. ❑ R8 DRIVEWAYS: A.C. driveways shall be constructed as not to alter existing drainage pattern. Surfacing between the property line and the existing road paving shall be two and a half inches (2 %") of A.C. paving on ('" N/A ") of class (" N/A " ) aggregate base. ® Rg SIGHT CLEARANCE: Sight Clearance of six -hundred feet (600') in all directions shall be assured and maintained at all times. ❑ R10 SOIL STERILIZER: The area to be surfaced shall be treated with soil strerilizer. Rate of application shall comply with the manufacturer's specifications. City of La Quinta ® R11 COORDINATE WORK: The proposed work shall be subordinated to any operation, which the State of California or City of La Quinta may conduct in this area during the period of this permit. Work shall be coordinated with the State or City of La Quinta forces to preclude delay or interference with State or City of La Quinta projects. ® R12 SURVEY MONUMENTS: Prior to excavation or beginning of construction, all survey monuments which exist on the centerline of all streets or property lines when included shall be completely tied out so they may be readily and correctly, replaced by a licensed civil engineer or surveyor at the expense of the permittee. A complete set of notes showing the ties to these monuments shall be furnished to the City Engineer prior to the removal of any monuments. This office shall be notified upon completion or replacement of all survey monuments for proper clearance. ® R13 PAVEMENT CUTTING: Pavement will be mechanically saw cut to a straight edge prior.to excavation. Method of pavement cutting shall be approved through the office of the City Engineer. (Under no circumstances shall excavating equipment be used to excavate prior to cutting or pavement.) Excavation material shall be placed in such a position as to best facilitate the general flow traffic. Prior to final paving operations, any damage to pavement straight edges shall be corrected. ❑ R14 LIMIT OF EXCAVATIONS: Excavations shall be limited to one -thousand feet (1000') of open trench before backfill operations must begin. All excavations shall be properly barricaded with lights overnight, on weekends and holidays for the protection of the traveling public. The Public Works Inspector shall determine the suitability of excavation barricading in each case. No excavation shall remain open for a period exceeding five (5) days. No excavation shall be made unless the construction material is actually on the work site. ® R15 BACKFILL MATERIAL: Backfill shall be free of brush, roots or other organic substance detrimental to its use for purposes of producing and adequately consolidated backfill. Ant material which the City of La Quinta deems unsuitable (spongy or saturated material) which is encountered during excavation shall not be used for backfill, but shall be supplemented or replaced by an approved sand or gravel. ❑ R16 BACKFILL SAND: Backfill shall be approved transit -mix sand or equivalent and shall be placed on lifts not greater than three feet (3') and vibrated using vibrostamper or equivalent equipment. Alternate methods may be substituted, but in any case, a relative compaction of ninety-five percent (95%) shall be maintained with the structural section of the roadway. ❑ R17 BACKFILL PLACEMENT: Backfill shall be applied in layers of not more than fifty percent (50%) of the total depth of the trench before flooding or a maximum of five feet (5) lifts where trenches are of excessive depths. Care is to be exercised that the backfill material is not subjected to extreme swell by flooding operations. Backfill material shall be placed so that the resulting compaction shall not be less than ninety percent (90%) or equivalent to the surrounding ground, whichever is the greater compaction. Where ponding or flooding is used for a maximum settlement, adequate dikes will be constructed to retain the water. Where jetting is used, the jets shall be of sufficient length to reach the bottom of each layer and the water supply shall be continuos. ❑ R18 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the inspector, compaction test shall be made at intervals of not more than one - thousand (1000') feet and a maximum of one (1) test on each road. One (1) copy of each test shall be forwarded tot the City Engineer for approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs. Compaction tests shall be made as outlined in Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. ❑ R19 COMPACTION TESTS: If so required by the Inspector, compaction tests shall be made for each crossing or service line. One (1) copy of each test shall be forwarded to the City Engineer for approval and filed prior to making permanent repairs. Compaction tests shall be made as outlined in Sections 6.3.001 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. ® R20 TEMPORARY PAVEMENT REPAIRS: After completion of backfill and compaction operations, a temporary patch consisting of two inches (2") of SC-800 shall be placed on a prepared sub -grade. The SC-800 temporary paving shall be placed after a maximum of three -thousand linear feet (3000') or trench has been excavated and backfill operations completed, but in no case shall the placement of the temporary pavement exceed a five (5) day limit. ® R21 PERMANENT PAVEMENT REPAIR: After backfill and compaction have been completed, a temporary patch consisting of two inches (2") of SC-800 shall be placed immediately. A permanent patch of ( " N/A " ) inches of A.0 surfacing placed on a ( " N/A ") inch ( crushed ) aggregate base shall be placed no later than ( 5 ) days after completion of temporary road repair. ❑ R22 FOG SEAL: A fog seal coat consisting of an application of asphaltic emulsion shall be applied over all patch areas as determined by the City Engineer. ® R23 STREET RESTRIPING: Where street striping is still visible on street to be excavated, such striping shall be replaced upon completion of permanent repairs. ® R24 TREE RELOCATION OR REMOVAL: Tree relocation within the City of La Quinta road right-of-way shall be accomplished by a licensed, bonded and insured tree service, and handled safely without interference or hazard to the traveling public. It shall be the responsibility of the permitte to maintain the tree in a vigorous growing condition at its new location. Trees to be removed shall be in sections, which can be handled safely without interference or hazard to highway traffic. The entire width of the tree stump, shall be removed and disposed of so that no debris remains in view of the highway. The stump hole shall be backfilled and thoroughly compacted as specified in the following paragraph. Where it becomes necessary to restrict traffic, the work shall be restricted to a maximum of five -hundred feet (500') at any one time. Adequate signs, flagmen and or barricades shall be provided to protect the traveling public at all times. Large holes resulting from tree removal shall be backfilled and compacted to not less than ninety percent (90%) or equivalent tot the surrounding ground, whichever is the greater compaction as determined by the impact or field method. Compaction tests shall comply with Section 6.3.01 of the Standard Specifications, Division of Highways, State of California, dated January 1973. UJ ENCROACHMENT PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION For the construction of public or private curbs, driveways, pavements, sidewalks, parking lots, works improvements in connection with MINOR IMPROVEMENTS and APPROVED SUBDIVISIO Finance Revenue Code E-1 FEB 15 2007 wins_ and Subdivision Improvement Permit - Class III Minor Improvement Permit Class IV DATE:February 9, 2007 LOCATION OF CONSTRUCTION (Street address or Description): Various locations in the Cove including Monterey ad Navarro PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION: Install PVC piping and various sized hand holes for fiber optics DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION: See attached maps and plans DIMENSION OFINSTALLATION OR REMOVAL: See attached maps and plans APPROXIMATE TIME WHEN WORK WILL BEGIN:Will call TIME OF COMPLETION:2 months from start public ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST: $93,500.00 (Including removal of all obstruction, materials, and debris, backfilling, compaction and placing permanent resurfacing and/or replacing improvements) COMMENTS: /V*41 04 COAl M7Zr, In consideration of the granting of this permit, the applicant hereby agrees to: Indemnify, defend andsave the City, its authorized agents, officers, representatives and employees, harmless, from and against any and all penalties, liabilities or loss resulting from claims or court action and arising out of any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken under the permit granted pursuant to this application. Notify the Administrative Authority at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time when work will be started at (760) 777- 7075. Comply with all applicable City Ordinances, the terms and conditions of the permit and all applicable rules and regulations of the City of La Quinta and to pay for any additional replacement necessary as the result of this.work. Signature of Applicar or Agent Verizon - Darywl Bowden 870 Mountain Ave. Upland, CA 91786 (909) 608-1358 Name of Applicant (please print) Business Address . Telephone No. TBD Name of Contractor and Job Foreman Business Address Telephone No. TBD Contractor's License No. City Business License No. TBD TBD Applicant's Insurance Company Policy Number FEES: Subdivision Improvement Permit -. Class III Minor Improvement Permit - Class IV Inspection Fee Permit Fee As -Built Deposit Cash Deposit -Surety Bond, if required TOTAL . $ 2,805.00 $100.00 $ $ S 2,905.00 Public improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs Private improvements: 3% of estimated construction costs See attached schedule PERMIT NO.7028 DATE APPROVED: PF8.1$4 ZCO7 EXPIR TION D TE: FL-8 • /S, 2� BY: Administrative Authority ' )1� 1 M Ieeh;;1Io.Idgliy5 August 3, 2006 Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer 78-495 Caller Tampico La Quinta, CA. 92253 Reference:. Encroachment. Permit for the City of La Quinta, Plan #0543-7PFAOBG-H4007 Location: - La Quinta, CA. 92253 — Avenida Bermudas *Avenida Navarro *Avenida Villa *Avenida Mendoza *Avenida Martinez *Eisenhower Dr *Avenida Velasco *Avenida Herrera *Avenida Vallejo *Avenida Ramirez *lane Closures Materials:- Conduit- - 4" PVC 110 ft 1.25" PVC a3�`�, ft` 1.5" PVC — ft 2" PVC — ft 1.25" Shadow Conduit 50�i ft Boxes - 17" x 30" Hand Holes 22 24" x 36" Hand Holes 10 36" x.60" Pull Box 15" x 20" Hand Holes 10 Construction - , Bore Footage TqA Trench Footage qO' Page 1 of 2 DTIICDCTnr rn R J a - p 3ANO a.'&A-Z c ------------- n I [ +A;Y07 c% � Tons wo-eeo via O 0 - a Vd13dIbI3H P%h MV3AV a A f;Xo OO F O L O 0 o0 a OP377MA t►O/H3wd o + 6 n• �4 � g I' w ®o� 00000�o 0 00079 0 - Q. 0 N� �N . zo Q 0 p sa �� I o fi p e I, to m Z 0 ;OO©g®©o000 p® - 00 R n p5 oS ~ oS OS PS Oy' vav Jd'[ OS PS OS l• — � O Qa °T a e � v 4>I og or, V d2/Vddbt>� 0 acOe r d+0IN3AY � LL Rat a Q " �pica��pv i e`4 �4 Le$eaa 300o p a Y p q 2 S q ■ p �f p•� e O\ d� �+ V to n • L9ai 3Nn� �170rJ :t1Ng0.7 30/SN3A/� ' 9a •ad bL L �s da�w s,B�OSS3SSD' �sf•er N� 60 aai•ea Jr aa°•aa NO rt>° $F/6/Sp/ Od ON1I/Vn VINI170 d7370A.LV D1I73iYd/ O WIVIVS ape 377D'•0 u t— e p p e v$ 1 •• °8 O e : i/ Fe FI ° al ® e // E/ ova oa ° d/® F/ ° e¢ °a �'®a/ ©"j. pa of o o�fa'C �' Z� S/ ° °s os °� =yaao as og i4' C ° • o° o ♦•�pa,G ooi ° °O� ° o // ® O b/ // ®por a 8 COI JO D/ ® sr ® Al a A w ® c/ SI o/ ® si i o/Q o� sl Z e I s z a' VIE I o¢ $� 6 ® ® 9/ o B [/ +san ns°'© �• f g ©1 O 6/ •u o 98 O Oa B ®Ll C — s�fa•o s ® ®Oa s ® ® /a F ® Vaz 0 x A 6 !� 9/ B ® oao-oao ®LI flu Ji r © BI 9CD 9 $/ "bso I rAu 9 © 0a © as . r �a ra - - - - sa a Q fa W. 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O tiC Q � r a 6 •1 q, a� a • 717 4- 0 9 HIS W WAS PREPARED.fkM ASSESSSICKI PURPDSCS OtDT, HO LIABILITY T.R.A. 020419 ISIS FOR THE ACOURA Df IHC DATA SHOM. ASSESSOR'S Pp�CEL POR , $� 12 T 65 , R �� . 020-�15 NAY HDT OLT WITH LOCAI lOT-�C17 6l BIIICDINC SITE OPDIfLNLYS, CITY OF LA QUIN1A o2o-oa9 05 020-076 020-109 as 093 p94 095 020 062 091 092 o C°v � d a — eaB BO Sa0.OB•Bb! eeB, 1° - 100' g�z IeBDo � BB ea r�B.o 1 a' ea 13 1 + e° Oee o 1 e4 1313 R ee $ ,eB _ is& _ Be 30 IA. 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I I ac9 ea A 9.e0 I MAR 0 91998 280 ,- •,,, F4 L I •- e60 as a-Sa-B46 9aB n n T 6A A — . CL' rn m a !S 0E B BOY ai MB 19/)B.SANTA CARMELITA AT. ASSESSOR'S QUINTA UNIT NO 24 e 1 B ASSESSOR'S NAP BK: 774•P.C. 09 Fab ISS,8 Rit,mide Csunly, Calif, ��xro�'e4-.;:.-w+^*Tr�a'_,,,,+•� , ra^F�L+ ;•y;^.av^•Y' _ '¢.+ r1<.;.,.„. '.,,•7�,.'i,''.n" . ... _-...---_....�.._ -...--..,,,-�.,.,.,.�.�.e�s�m•�om,-+rrt•...�—q-,�..-oa!r.! .. '].:.::. •;Y:. _.... i.:. ..t r:�.,�"'7•i''��. .•'.'f•'. .... .. ...._. •v, ..... .. :.iE.�kr<'a:?i'r1; s' Tr B! 9ur('3 Se ,\ L0C AZi >— S JG�ecxV,�. t L� O PROJECT LOCATIONS AND. LIMITS Avenida Diaz Avenida Diaz Avenida Diaz Avenida Juarez Avenida Juarez Avenida Juarez _ �� NB/SB NB/SB NB/SB NB/SB NB/SB . NB/SB •,��a� tub Caile Durango n/s Calle Sinaloa Ns . Avenida Montezuma Ns Calle Durangon1s. di —He Ns Avenida Montezuma n/s t:ane.5lnaioa s/s Caile Sinaloa s/s .. Avenida Montezuma s/s Calle Yucatan.s/s Calle.Sinaloa Vs Avenida Montezuma sls: Calle.Yucatan s/s. 20;000,, 19,840. 14,400 22;080 19,840 12.8 23,680 Avenida La Fonda Avenida Madero EB/WB Desert Club Drive e/s Washington Street w/s. 63,680 Avenida Madero NB/SB NB/SB Calle Ouran o Ns Calle Sinaloa n/s Calle:SinaldA.SM. Avenida,Montezuma s/s 20;460 Avenida: Montezuma NB/SB . Cape Ensenada s/s. Calle Durango nis 9,900. 39;750 Avenida Montezuma NB/SB Cape Durango Ns .. Avenida,:Rubio w/s 64,050 Avenida Montezuma EB/WB Avenida Rubio w/s. Avenida:Carranza W/s 37,120 37,175. Avenida.Montezuma EB/WB Avenida CaFranza w/s EisenhowerDrive w/s Avenida Montezuma EB/WB Avenida Juarez w/s. Avenida.Alvarado.w/s 30;400 Avenida Morales NB/SB Avenida Montezuma s/S . Calle Duran o:Ns 30,200 Avenida Obre on NB/SB Cane Durango n/s' Calle Sinaloa sm, i 9,840: Avenida.0bre on NB/SB Calle S6aloa`Ns Avenida Montezuma•s/s , 28,000. Avenida Obre on NB/SB Avenida Montezuma:n/s Avenida Montezurna:res.s 2,880 AvenidaAbregon NB/SB Avenida Alvarado w/s CDS: 18,763 Avenida Ramlrez NB/SB Cane Duran' o Ns. Caile Sinaloa s/s 19,520 Avenida. Ramirei NB/SB Caile Sinaloa Ns. Avenida:Montezumas/s 41 120. Avenida Ramirei NB/SB Avenida:Montezuma n(§ CDS . 22,624 Avenida Rubio NB/SB , Gaffe, Duran .n/s Calle .Sinaloa:s/s . 12,680. Avenida Rubio NB/SB Calle.S•inaloa n/s i Avenida Montezuma /s 17,120 Avenida Valle NB/SB Avenida Montezuma Ns'. Caile;Yucatan:s/s' 19,680. Avenida Valle o NB/SB Calle.Duran o n/s . Caile:slnaloa es . 20,625 Avenida Valle o NB/SB Calle Sinaloa Ns Avenida:Monteiuma 42,7$5 Avenida Valle o NB/SB Avenida Montezuma n/s CDS 24,340. Avenida Velasco NBISB Calle Sonora s/s Calle Duran o n7s 18,400 Avenida Velasco NB/SB Cade Durango s/s. Calle Sinaloa.Ns 19,840 Avenida Velasco NB/SB Avenida Montezuma n/s CDS . 23,549 Avenue 47 EB/WB Washington Street e/s Adams Street w/s 108,145 Bayberry Lane •Lane EB/WB Coldbrook Lane e/s Deerbrook lane Ws 30,600 Ba a E8/WB Deerbrook Lane e/s Sunbrook Lane w/s 7,920 Ba Lane EB/WB Sunbrook Lane e/s Adams Street wiS 4.680 Birchcrest Circle. NB/SB Lane Ns. Ba be Lane Ns . 44,800 Blaiin Star Lane NB/SB Flower Trail Ns 4Buttercup Butte rcu w/s. 38,160 BlazingStar Lane EBNVB Lane w/s .Lane Dune. Palms Road e/s 29,520 Bradford Circle Seele Drive End 23,040 Brid ette Way NB/SB Desert Stream n/s . Miles•Avenue s/s 54,000 Page 1 Cif C 1 P No. 2006ro\ Buttercup Lane Butter Lane NB/SB ' End Blazing Star Trail Ns 14;400 Calico Cirde NB/SB Blazing Star Trail sls Marigold Lane n/s 13,44.0 Cane DurangoNB/SB NB/S I Blazin Star Trail Ns CDs - 19,159 Cagle Guatemala Eisenhower Drive e/s Avenida Bermudas w/s 40,000 Galle Hidal o NB/SB Avenida Nuestra Ns Avenida La Fonda s/s 19,840 Celle Hida► EBNVB Avenida Obre e/s Avenida Carranza w/s 7 200 o Celle Hidal o EB/WB Avenida Carranza e/s Avenida Ramirez w/s 7.040 Cage Hidal EBANB Avenida Ramirez els Avenida Vall o.w/s 7,040 o Celle Hidai EB/WB Avenida Vallejo e/s Avenida Herrera w/s 7,040 o Calle 11 EB/WB Avenida Hen'era e/s . Avenida Velasco w/s 7,Q40 o Celle Hueneme EB/WB Avenida Velasoo e/s Eisenhower Drive w/s Z;040 Cagle Iloilo NB/SB Avenida Nuestra Ns Avenida La Fonda s/s . 19,840. Cagle Jacumba NB/SB : Avenida Nuestra Ns Avenida La Fonda s/s.' 19,840 ' . CageKaGma " NBISB Avenida La Fonda sts . Avenida Nuestra n/s .19,840 Ca1ld1e:Tam lco NB/SB . AvenNuestra Ns Avenida Nuestra CDs 22,999 Celle: Yucatan : Eisenhower Drive e/s Aved a>Bermudas`w!s .,. -e/s 7.7,880 Cameo PPalmDrive Avenida Alvarado w/s .Avenida Juarez 27,04p:s Camino AM S.in i Palms sis NB/SB CDS Highland Palms'N 55,880. Camino Del Oro EB/WB Ocotillo Drive w/s Camino Rosada Ns' Camino Akul 33,230 Camino La Cresta . NB/SB: Camino: Del Oro Ns e/s CDS 21,601) 16;439: Canterma Drive EBANB OcoUOo Drive e/s CDS' 14,999 14999 , Canterra Drive EB/WB Ocotillo:Drive w/s Mila o Drive 480. Carmen Place NB/SB Villeta Drive Ns CDS, 12 525 Games Circle EBNVB. Seele Drive CDS 19,800 Carrie Lane . NB/SB Victoria Drives/s Ashf Piace:s/s 18,900. 1900 Cind Court EB/WB Debbie Drive w!s CDS: 18,900 ' 679 Coldbrook Lane NB/SB Miles Avenue s/s. Sunbrook Lane n/s .5,400 Coldbrook Lane NBISB Sunbrook lane s/s Rockb Court Ns 57,060. Crestview=Terrace NB/SB • Hi hland PaInI ` . Cameo Palms Ns•. 13,160 Cristol Place NBISB : Villeta Drive CDS _ 10,125 Oalea Circe NB/SB : Blazing Star Trail CDS. 16,919 Debbie Drive - NB/SB Vctorla Dnve.:Ns Kristen CourtNs 40,320 Desert Air Drive NB/SB Desert Stream n/s CDS .43.279 Desert Crest•Ddve EBANB Desert Air e/s Dune Palms Road w!s 42;180. Desert: Eagle Court NB/SB Desert Stream CDS: 20,480 QesertFox Drive Desert NB/SB DesedfStrearn n/s Desert Crest Drive s/s 27750 Fox Drive NB/SB Desert Crest Ns . _ CDS. -. 16;480' Desert:Hitls Court NB/SB . Deser .Crest Ns CDS 1.6,640 Desert R6&Court EBNVB Desert Fox w/s .: CDS 18.679 Desert Sand Court NB/SB Desert Crest Ns . CDS. 16.;480 Desert Stream Drive EB/WB Dune. Pain Road w/s Brtd ett lNa . of/s 52;355 Desert Stream Drive EBANB Brid ette WaY w/s Carrie Cane els. _ 38,480 Desert View Court NB/SB Desert Crest n/s . CDS' . 16,480 Desert Wind Court EB- B DesertAir els CDS- 19,959 Diane Drive EBN11B . tundgetteWay Wls Debbie Drive e/s. •. 22,755-. Dlane.Ddve EB/WB , Debbie Drive w/s CDS. 11,200 Eisenhower. Drive Cage Madrid s/s Avenida Bermudas Ns_ Eisenhower Drive NB/SB Avenida Montezuma sls Celle Sinaloa sls. 83,040 Eisenhower Drive Calle-Sinaloa s/s Calle .N les•sls Eisenhower Drive Calle Nogales sls Calle Colima Ns Eisenhower Drive Calle.Coiima Ns Calle Madrid s/s Forbes Circle Seele Drive e/s Via Coronado e/s 29,880 Foxtaii Circle NB/SB . Buttercup Lane s/s CDS 17,879 Fred Waring Drive EB. JeBerson.Street w/s Dune Palms Road wls 185,500. Fred W.adng Drive Palm Royal w/s Washington Street e/s 114,375 Page 2 Fronterra Drive NB/SB Ocotillo Drive s/s Laderra Drive n/s 1.8;240 Goldenrod. Cirde NB/SB Buttercup Lane Ns C•DS 20;759 Mi hland Palms EB/WB Washington Street w/s End 38720 Iris-Couft`' • EB/WB Blazing38,720. Star Trail w/s CDS Irwin Circle EB/WB North Harland Drive CDS 23;569 23,565 Kara -Court EB/WB Brid ette.Wa w/s CDS 800 Kaye Court EB/WB Debbie Drive w/s CDS 14.679. Kristen'Court EB/WB Debbie Drive. w/s CDS .- 1.4;679 La -Palma Drive EB/WB Adams Street w/s Las Vistas e!s 57600 La Paima.Drive EBI B Camino Azul:w/s Adams Street.e/s 6;440; Ladera Drive EB/WB Los.Manos.Ddve w/s Fronterra Drive Ns ' 12.600: Ladera.Drive ` EB/WB Fronterra Drive. End - 18,360 LakeLa:Quinta EB/WB Washington Street Caleo:Bay, g 0. Las Vistas:Drive NB/SB Fred Waring Drive s/s Villeta Diive Ns 28.690 Las Vistas Drive NB/SB Villeta Drives/s . Sanita D..rive'Ns 22140 Circe EBNVB Los Manos Drive e/s CDS 12;439. ne.Court : rLa EB/WB. Bri ette,Wa :w/s CDS i6119 Manos Drive NB/SB Miles Avenue its Qcotiilo Drive e/s 33600. We Drive EBNVB _ Seeley.Drive w/s North:Harland Drive,w/s. 30;240` Malia;Circle .. NB/SB; Ladera Drive CDS .8,919 Ma erite: Court NB/SB Star Flower Trail n/s CDS 1 Ma. d:Lane' NB/SB . BlazingStar Trail `s/s Buttercup Lane.s/s, ..279: 31,200 Man a Court NB/SB Blazing Star Trail n/s CDS 17;239 Mila o Drive NB/SB Canters Dnve:s/s' Ocotillo Drive Ns 14 200 Nolan Circle EB/WB North. Harland Drive CDS 22;694 : North Harland.Drive NB/SB Miles Avenue Ns West Harland'Drive.s/s . 36;000 Pala Circle NB/SB Canterra Drives/s. CDS :. 7:639' Park Avenue NB/SB Calle Tam ioo Ns Pig Horn Trail Ns 109,200' Parkbrook.Court EBNVB Birchcrest Circle w/s . CDS 11;405: Rambiew(jod;Court EB/WB Sunbrook Lahe End 1,3,719 Saffron'Court NB/SB ; Star Flower Trail ri/s CDS 16279 $anita:Drive.. NB/SB Arosa:Wa s/s CDS _ 65;039 Sonesta'W6y NB/SB Villeta Drive Ns Villeta.DdVe;Ns '40 320 . S 'n tirook,Court NB/SB Sunbrook lane:Ns' CDS .... 7799. . Star Flower:Trail . EBNVB. ; Dune Palms.Road.e/s. CDS 46 879; Summerbrook Court. EB/WB Coldbrook Lane.w/s CDS 8;279: sunberry Court., . NB/SB Birchcrest Circle ri/s: CDS: 5376. Sunbrook Lane NB/SB . Bayberry LaneVs. ' Raimiewood Court e/s . 54,900. Sunbrook:L•ane.. NB/SB Rambl6vood Court: CDS: 41;819 Sweetbush.Lane• . NB/SB Buttercu .Lane Ns. ,.... CDS 20.9.19; Tiara:Place NB/SB Villeta. Drive ;nls CDS' ` U tola.Cirde : NB/SB . Lade4l)iive' CDS.. _:_:._.11;799 S Z59 V. erbenia Drive: N$/SB. . Star Flower Trail Ns. . _ CDS,., 16 279: Via Call nte` EB/WB. Via Del Monte a/,s End `:12,580' Via Coronado. -NB/SB-, Forbes Circle s/s CDS, ; 30J 1.9 Via Del.Mohte NB/SB Via Sevilla s/s, Vla Calierite s/s 1:.1;655 Via_Del°Sol: NB/SB Via -Sevilla Ns COS .: Via Sevilla EB/WB Via Coronado w/s . Washin ton Street e/s 80;845 Victoria.Drive. EBNUB Brid ette Wayw/s Adams:SUeet e7s 42,1.80. Villeta:Orive NB/SB . Sanita Drive n/s Sonesta.Drive:s/s. 129.600. . Violet Court EBMB Bri ette Wa . w/s CDS • 1'6.119 Washington Street NB/SB Calle Tampico Ns Avenue:50. n/s .. 20.5,540 Washin ton Street Frontage NB/SB Singing Palms Ns. Highland Paims.p/s 54,000 West Harland Drive North Harland Drive e/s Las Vistas a/s. 30;060. Willow Court NB/SB Blazing Star Trail s/s CDS' 13879: . Senlor.Center/Librdry Parking Lot 67;550. Cit Hall North Parkin :Lot 20;250. ICity Hall South Parking Lot 68;000: Totals 4,974,864 Page 3 VERIZON LEGEND . BURIED PLANT O BORE PIT FIBER CALLOUT REFERENCE - U HNIMM CALLOUT REFERENCE El -N- PL 1-4" PVC "- 110' 3 SUBDUCT CALLOUT REFERENCE 8 E/W 3=1.25" SD TERMINAL CALLOUT REFERENCE . FIBER DISTRIBUTION HUB (FDH) ❑ NEW HANDHOLE rL) NEW MANHOLE PL FDH 432 SLACK STORAGE LOOP Q PL FDH 432 HAND HOLE ASSEMBLY I . III GROUND ROD 36"X36"X36"- M# 11014049 PL250GROUND Q CABLE IN CONDUIT AERIAL —Q POLE ANCHOR ® POLE =� DOWN GUY u RISER DETAIL GENERAL - ® PROPERTY ADDRESS •121' ® SPLICE PROPOSED RUNNING LINE FDH BOUNDARY 35' —CF— CURB FACE 3' --EOP— EDGE OF PAVEMENT —FIL— FENCE LINE - ---- RIGHT OF WAY • GUARDRAIL —COM— COMMUNICATIONS LINE ' —DRN— STORM DRAIN LINE • —GAS— GAS LINE ' —PWR— POWER LINE OW -SAN— SANITARY SEWER LINE -� N 11) I —WTR— WATER LINE • � � - - {—H--} RAILROAD TRACKS --- CENTER LINE bo I . 04 O e.o..mmR,es CALLE "MONTEREY aaa...cme . Dia u.n tmtmanm ■®e.. m e. u®.e eru. Ch Cp _ - rwrm aqu.n ta.rc®e..� - nderu—d On 1v •. 00 OW - . I • &w . 1$oo.a7ae00 7� 6 ' n ,1 R Q 32t D. m vrnaorc .�. er.,� . U U CALIFORNIA ' '. Pg.N 879 Gr(d#:F2 twn tre LAOUINTA twrcmDt Ro. ' Z• O w O 0 wom ®tree LA OUINTA ®a 0543 ` Q ,. Da IJ M BISHOP I 7PFAOOG Dm '1 .. . M omercDDan 7FFAOA• 6 DT JBISHOP AM SCALP _ . � 07 +roe N.T.S. FDN Number - - - . - " CtlAnt"WRWE IDE H4007 PERNR - EAtDR06CMMENi t•rry neeR mEr. Rovre 2 ov 4 VERIZON LEGEND BURIED PLANT • O BORE PIT - COKYRACITIRNOM o FIBER CALLOUT REFERENCE ALL MOTES APPLY UNLESS CROSSED OUT 4 THE TELEPHONE, carPAMrMAE, duodrerArrEMPrHV TO CORRECTLY LOCATE AND SMOW ALL SUSTING SANI. - O NXIMX CALLOUT REFERENCE ' POaLaves AND oTmr sYSsTRUCTdeS IN TWE WCOTr OPTHE WORK, BUT MO COMPANY DOES Nor aUIRAMEBTMERBARHMOOMHRauBareuCrURM PA/LYAHOPTrd COOANrrOAMOITAu A•sAWtur - p - FACM LESS }RENQIII SUBDUCT CALLOUT REFERENCE aVdarRYC7=93 IN TPIR CORRECT LOCATION WILL NOT BE A BASIS MR CLAIM FOR EXTRA HORN AMD ASPMAIratlRFACa VAE/ES Wa1CONTRACIDR SMALL m RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL AAMAaES FO SUearRYCTURES WMSfTBR ANOMN OR Nor. dIRESr SUBSURFACE VARIES , TERMINAL CALLAUT REFERENCE ALL WORK SNALL CONFORM TO TTB"TESTESITION OF INS 61AMDARD SPEC/FTTJATTOMS FOR PUBLIC WORKS e�4-&UBDUVI` WARNdO rApu 7r anow SURFACE AND SUPPLANEWTV TMeRETD (AVWA/AGc. aRECKBa.Q AND To THE ar"aARD PLANS AMD APEC/NCATOm OF ' FIBER DISTRIBUTION NUB (FOX) FIE WnM 7NEOIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORK& aS- MGL COVER TElO REYBDM9 TID 7NE CITY OR COUNTYREWEWED CONSTRUCTION DRAWING SMALL BEMADEAT 71W XWJWlTON OF A' TO /S BAMD BASE FOR TUB C/TT OR COUNrr CONVERt/C7IGN/NSPEC7oR PROTremmarauBDUCr NEW XANDHOLE r ALL MEWCOIIITRYC9TONOMABDVEaR01/MDAPPUArT]YNCESJSMAtL comramr? aTTANDCOYNr►SOMMOAND .11L�_ I v NEW MANHOLE SURRIMSIDN ORMAWNCE& _ SLACK I STORAGE LOOP TIAWANueTONwoRKdARTTmuaHIaMWAI'DBAualeermArA.arwrwaool+ooroPnrTWealeMArA 7WfEAMD LTORII MOurts earWESnLmO arwNo cDOPK tnAEsewu LBADa ALERT LAARKd ITAOHON C/Tf CONTRACTOR TD7RDICN s7NErM cUAB GLITTER ARM SIDEWA L AND BApPILL TO Aa - S►AMDARDS GROUND ROD . FOLLOW/MOSWWMC Mr COMPLEWONOPPiPLOCONSIRUCrMM 77IECONrRACTORMUSTRHAMIMALL WA MOM 2501RI ' D/O ALERf MIRI®MAD80MCT STRESSS. CURBS. OVrrEASANDAIDEITALIm BAGTILL MUsraECOPMATm" EMIGRE coNCRLTBAND AaPMALi O CABLE IN CONDUIT TO FACIYfATPACCESS TD /NTEROm LOG1fONS OPWORK, TAI!CONTNACTOR MUST APPLYFOR A • 7La0.ORARr NO PARN/MO PERMIT FROM TIB CIrYAMUNTI S PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. . AERIAL . TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS sMALL mPROARES AND aueal/Tm FOR REVIeWAMD APIROYEO or mo L77rxoumm CONaTRIICTON TxAPFICE CONTROL PLAN PREPARATON GUIDELUEM NO TWO CONSEZUTfM TYPICAL 14' TRENCH dToaerndNA SMALL an CLOAID. - � POLE ANCHOR a. CONrAC►TELEPHONE COMPAN►dSPECTOA AS MOYJIS IN ADVANCE OF CONSAtUCnOM S. NDTFrALL UTILITIES. Orman AMD I/PPHRORd/MD SERVICE ALERT(fbW.i3 4in)� - w ® POLE TWO MORNING DA TV PRIOR TO COMSTRYCTOM. - � DOWN GUY -a MOTFT•LOCAL FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS AS HOURS IN ADVANCE 70 CONSTRUCTTON. & NGT1Y OPAT TOAta�r -(f RISER DETAIL _AD wuw dVANce OF COA07RUCTIORL Apia YMm r T a CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN A SrATo DIVISION OFINDUSTRIAL, SAFETY EKG VA TOM PERMT.(SEC SBS) OF THE I GENERAL •- ' CALIFORNIA LABOR CODSDATED 3wM LOCAL CONTROL/C7TOADpmMM/r8 D0 NOf east T/a aEaUlREYFJVf. �meN �waesrmA�r W9�T I. COM7RAC70ESPOIM/rFOMMN JOD&nVArA 1M®. mMr ^' ® PROPERTY ADDRESS . - .. .& 7RIIFPMB CONTROL iDmYAMi.VM®BY SraPING68ARR/GBAP"T/IG.BTC mSFEC/FlED ON SMa wtAVAoIA m cur• ___._ ._._ - _ ® SPLICE PERMIT. P PROPOSED RUNNING LINE AL COMETRVCTIONAND MATERIAL USEDID TO CONFORM W/TM VERIZON fELEPMOMDCOIPAN►DIEC6JCA7JON& ,�®LAN slwFarraAo FDN BOUNDARY • To' CONTACTOR TO "TOUT MAMMM" PRIORI'DANra VATWMWSUWACEAWASL"MMWNMOEYPA7e FIYH OR MORE FROM SECTION/d0 PO WWW74 NOTPr TEANWOME DMPECTDR. ENGINEERING SMALL SH i �_\_PSGWIrD YAKFEET EaaaareeREW7D AecuAa —CF— CURB FACE CONSULTED FO DETEBAUMEIP TIIEiDEVUTON WILL CONFLICT WTM , WDB � c - SOP— EDGE PAVEMENT • 77. MANNOLE"WORPYLLBOKES To Be PLACED BEFORE eoImYTvueEMEtvr. aspezN328a ,so+. _ LINE —FIL= FENCE LINE TS PRECASTMAMMOLES AND OR PULL BOXES TO BE SET AN A MIN/NUM OF MR(6) IMCMES OF COARSE ROCK OR w+AARsr�aeraAo ---- RIGHT OF WAY &AND A464 GaP a2a.aOAiAA AND Gap P"4D"loca ATVVTMN JWGY�CeI . fX MANHOLES AND PULL BASES FO BE RACKED rD VOUMIN APEdRGTON UNLESS a7NH/ wSHOWN ON GUARDRAIL DaTAGAGSP &?Dd02.ffi/ ANDGSP9I1.200010CA, vaoFlLe 1NREAD /M BAasl 1N,TOKT'LOMO dIVA —CON— COMMUNICATIONS LINE Ta rnMPLef®IrALL raeKNESSANo rANrroLe Ne:eK LNaw7Ms fGRaoaTO eerueGJ TD BHeMOWN. •. / m AES,—Deem INTO- NOLeaLoumNS PROWceD1. Pt.Ca' —DIN— STORM DRAIN LINE 7& PuLL/NO INdOND FOaEPLACED o/RECRYee<OTrFufVRH OYCflMTRAMCaAAMO OR oPPOS/TRWAu - �"�' ----- w�A 'NAAC•TmMOMAL eLoor ovEn eft/& AAcuRedFLnra RTlfx talAB1®[MYr. —GAS—'GAS LINE FROMFUrUJWDUOreNfAANCe - IS. enlcBaama wxxewAe./Admmarro:AeoaS, roLnL oa NANNdEs wmTCDMo,RITaMwu ee NrarPMn rrPLeaL NaNDNoLE PLAcanwr m... FND GROUNDING DETAIL —PWR— POWER LINE mYUr+EOWIM PULI. d /RONa W7TM LATERAL IN SIDEWALK —SRN— SANITARY SEWER LINE 17. ALL OY7fERAMDiOR mR®CABLE TO MAMAY/NBMr wameDvm BnOW SPITTED ORADAXVFLOW LMM unESaePeaTcm orNAeraa PYu m Ir —WTI— WATERLINE fa. IN AoaOWArAReAW/mIE FROFOd® manvaD&ASE Mae wvrmE PLAczc�"ADDITIONAL '. . T7PICAL RISER DETAIL RAILROAD TRACKS AONTg/I ne7 GAMMI TO fMEMDIRTWI COYAt BEIOWTMHPIIOPOdm GUrTFRORAAH AR FLOII LING • - . _ _ — CENTER LINE . f& araWcomuTANnan d CARLEGALEGRRUMA COVER LJA ACETro AUMNIM.4,47— . YSALONO fREMCM AMAATAMYOTNER IOIMr WIDRBFOvm orrFAa BYserAMfIYLY FROM PROPOSES AYlRA AVERAGE � &"DUCT 4rPaf�nt WnOa ' m (LENOW VARIES) es0m aalaNaT/a�De�®L 1}•FOAIOYR. PROPOSED NANAMBLE ' . CeAr �mn• •DID ANNL NMmmoum NrmhvbtM WaO ONNrN . Jt. PA&TTND VaiJN70UC7ARH AafR/RBID AUROTOTIBCONBTRf/CITdI MRCF3T MeT ML4rm EXISTING 4FD7WlLL OCL w8TN0 NAMRREL•2. PED �DOO;/ _DUCT _ Pro ' ZIAWLIDRRII IYrRaAa DSIO! �mhb WluNAb'w10 MNNIA ' Fsf®Dla AlrLLa rvmtrn om 'a aMTenro CMP!/T WILL REQUIRE RFA/dA1a0M/AIr(RaIae LONER OA&ILAn TDPERIOfPROPER — Und.,V—ndSarwlAWAN r'^PARMOTfOrABaIRLCTIROORPRARIVE/TRAMOFINID MIAMNDLL& Ai ALRaMIW rL = wed mJ alD@H ANALLmMNMfAdmABOYG IFLOA OAe[dlDe Alm mS1BM `� - e' . auEsfRRnerRNm. lmraON BaOaNnaareanPTm/ BOREPmil . x ALL RAMLESLIrxw AD'Tomloa:Asm Wfmcwam CRNCmIe PEAmpNaLaeneae2afosmT;aoAONDUIT BETWEEMPEDSOPPER CONACTOS TO VESPrWALL TO WALL ARDOR WALL ro AS.T AR, �:• al. ILA2;TOlTWOITAI&glLL Roved d/CT /NDIGIID - � '�' :,I' ,. •`•.�.� . . •. .m MdlMINI WALL 1fRC1OmdD wDT�l. GeO/O BM.4m� ,. gg JI. p '•wti`4� a°"� ..cLm�r :....; i',+„•N Ce0 i I-SM=7.2600 AS.dAMO ORW/RRI fOmLOWMOAfORCm /MO GtSIMa IIMFM AAMD NYSmL /ROWOHA MRPH /RCM S/DEWALK�'�: .g._ � tt88ff ..A. � " - `A• . eGLwremMEMmD or cAMda ay:...=p.:. . SUING PLAN m TtnnWLLIRAaFArnTTmLADESaAmANDOYSTvtere TYP/CAL FOR USING EXISTINGCONOU? . aT. emeoROFENmENCNFOReuArFDueL4aPLIcea•Ee7MAreaReaY/mLAGTaNsrom A r �.TMl .'T�rand.eG.s.l e•/rrahNruureo-J .De...mi`N.�mr.Wr D®er varaoM aMFeCIOR, casrRAcroa in-��•aPLIcaFlreAnLOrewlGroa coMPLETaPae7ra - ram NLUDAea aP ' • >Z GHLaa_IA/q_aALAG OD _:Almtd&F'ES FOOT._. . . � - ixmi arwAe MRen . . ' - x /P EDIT®GtB1EBPlAC®dO/EN rRENCI{AA1rD BaC1PILL WILL BH REOWABA. AAAMOMl1WwTmLD1I SORE PIT & NANDNOLE PLACEMENr DETAIL AMD Nraeove rxecAeLe rwESaleAClnRu m m rrFe+aDaTm (A►Wa} CONSTRUCTION KOM ewRRr meeaemu arLmmta INTS) x vmaoM RMrsFecTOR ro LmoRARNAre rAeLeneLlvmrwNovLAceAmlr.'eRMrun . �rY,�,�,y aemAaeMcrerAMLwm eDAPAenoMr >2 MOIRES F'aOR fO BiARTHADCNSIAULTOK fAEM/OIIE MRamFB ANmrpomDrR �N�FrwL mRmIMA16wi& Y[yRMAY I01®A BILL TrV LITY WILL YARN ' aa. AduWeRYANm LANmeeaN+No wat ee RF/LACm fo TES SAILF.IrnOINw FRo/ESrr oWMmm GOVdImI►ALAGE/iPC� sormtarM. wAm Ara RarArvrAunTee lD .IOW OOTaVzrD eTaaIITMDs r[mrlxAllm UMA A a aEFwnMOa TO rnMBORMTo avHCWLG7rawwTrBrnrw"adNrw. TLOTNm 14IOIA>r1IW L'AIGWINWDA ..a.DT,asADtrNPmL7ROMMmnA,DAa W aonucrmoYT --A--� . YERazor ARWA erArm eDrNa MrmWrOT Rcm.rr. . CALIFORNIA n. coerwcrce was RraromANrLurAr•^oa oTrmW/se oet/rmATm efwMMq F�vLamTLwnaMrgm DWmaw 7lwtaae tame• Pg.0:878GTidTtf2 ' RAamFwvEMArrrAwatus, vwdrarTawcLartMrrsMALLmoom To nre &ATPFAerroMw7Ne I.crDrae MluNrcPaurroRcouNrr/NYDLYEa IRAlorlou �RAD• . x TW/LLmnm owmLACMaa RPrPwaDDTVTO PRonse rRaTic wllTAot waAoweaaRD OMwu rAATRAaTeamAMD ONAMrorxRDR rueuc MrAHro/wArwe aRrcrm er rrmarArg LMUMrr, oR PROFILE �+ S MANDIBLE �� LA OUINTA Loucwunaarr. TfB coeraromarcurAmdn/eem pace IAMBS raoioam RLaMANoe ��� �n x eoNrwaeMAaNwu MrauNr NousrxoarlTa riLm lTm coMmnAlm tueeAmxACPDL HousuaammvaovrmRervERLmM - "O7 rW�ucr. INmm� ' LA OUINTA 0543 • A0. ALLTBAR Ra7RDYTRI/HUES ARE TO moECYNRHD WTHA{'•XBGROMMD Am AND ro GROUND MAIL raLc re oMMa .um/mlar - TYPICAL VACUUM LOCATE DETAIL ae• ROES FIELD" WIN B„ IM S JIMBISHOP _ 7PFAOBG — 07/3/106 DETAIL FOR USING ' EXISTNG CONDUCT D®wmn m EP JIM BISHOP 7FFAOAF SCALE . • - - —07 1106 N.T.S. FDN IAanDRr ' COUNT', or mmf va H4007 EXCROACNWPNT PAtMT • PTI9 FIBER DMT. ROUTE FWRT 3 OP 4' �. '. VERIZON. ' LEGEND' • BURIED PLANT COMFRACTVRMOTEB - O BORiPIT ALL MOTESAPPLTUNLESS CROSSED OUT , - FIBER CALLOVT REFERENCE Q 1. TNE7ELmNOMBCBLO•ANYMAS OWQZMRrarrELmrsD TOLroRRECTLr LOCATBANDaxosALL MSTIMO w/4.5aB COMPANY DOES NOT � � P/PELMPD AND OTHER SUBSTRUCTURES INMeVWJX?rY OF ME TFORK BUT MIS W/DTH GUM RB ARAEUrHMMANOOTNERdUDSrR&VMREM FAILURBOPMe COMPAIRrodNOWALL � i- XHIMN CALLOVT REFERENCE � WaSTRUC7URED /N THEIR CORRECT LOCATION WILL MOT BEA BASIS FOR ACLAM MR EXTRA ROARAND ` TMe CONTRACTOR SHALL ee ReSPOAmtmz PoRALLDAMAGES TB dUBaRIUCrURw WK97x R SHOWN OR ,-��J' SUBDUCT CALLOUT REFERENCE NOT. ALL WORMEMENCONFORMro7TmuTFdr EDITION OPMe ALL AM FOR vUSNCWORRd TERMINAL CALLOUT REFERENCE . INSORO314AD PLAIN AMD dUDPLe1E1t8TItFA870(APN.VAOC.OR(ZMmO.q AMD roTT/edrALmaao vLANeAMD aPEurru7roxa or FDE WIN "m DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC MORKS. roE.o REYISmINarofMB CTY MCOUMrREnEWEDCONSMUCROMDRAMMBSMA WAE BAT"WD=WnaMOI FIBER DISTRIBUTION NUB(FDN) THE CITY OR COUNTY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR' CH NEW XANOMOLE �•• N CONTOWWON(A ASOmaRou"A RTENANCeS)SHALLBoNFBRMro D9ANDCOUNITZOLNNGAM dUBOMdlOM OEDIIYANCeB ' - CTJ NEW MANHOLE - roI MAJUMALL OU FBONIVATSAMAM CKff 40OBJECT 0ALERT KAOPEMADEONCITA ANV WORK SBETIMARTEEN ��,A BETWEEN AITD AOO PY YNLEaTALL YdAOIG ALERT LLW1fS MADE ON CITY SLACK/STORAGE LOOP Q ETVALX 'Y 2"HEIGHT FOLLow/xG amAvrruNr avrvterroM of FIELD coxaTRucrroAL Me wxTR.aeroRMuaraEroveALL USA aO A{ER►MARMB MADEON CrTYST9EETV, CURBS. all"M D AND SIDEWKS AL GROUND ROD 2Sohm W FACtUrAWACCESS TO INTENDED LOCATIONS OF WORK, 710e CONTRACTOR MUST APPL►FOR A IMICRARYNB PARMINO PER107FROM TIE Cr Y1COUMrVT PUBLIC IWAXV DEPARTMENT. O CABLE IN CONDUIT' TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS WALL wroREPARED AND mmurr1E0 FOR RmEW AMm APPROVED 6Y7HE Crrrn=mm . AERIAL CONSTRUCTION TRAFICE CONTROL PLAN PREPAINTIOM GUIRIMMUB NO TWO CONSECUTIVE INTE10ECT IONS SMALL BE clBaea 2 CONTACT TELePMONB CMW.WY IMdPECrOR dB HOURS IN ADV"w Or CONSTRUCTION. —Q POLE ANCHOR - a. NOTIFY ALL UTILITIES, OTHER SUBSTRUCTURE 9=94 AND UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT(1BQit2A•A1AT) ' Tom NORADW mm PRIOR TO COAITTRUKrwm ® POLE A NOTIFY LOCAL FIRH AND POLICE DEPARTIMMM 48 MOURS IMAOYANCE TO COXS7VUCTFBlIL 2O" DEPTH DOWN GUY S. NOTIFY OF AT _HOURS IN ADVANCE OF CONSTRUCTION *` 75 LBS RISER DETAIL • a CONTRACTOR MA OF INDUSTRIAL. (SEC Me - OAMML'MWRSSAPS" fRWMDOMP7NEI/T. VEA4TAW EVX/?ZION AWRCTV SREOUIZE GLIPoRMm LABOR cone CAfED 9•F72 LOCAL COAMTRLmTIORD PEAM/►8 DO MOT MEC7 MIS REODUONEYEIf.I. ' GENERAL C7DRDPOL ro BEONUMEDB SMPIM LL7MC PEDESTAL MOUNT ® PROPERTY ADDRESS . , TO a TNAFICe CONTROL ro eeMAnrrwrNID erdTR/PrNG, BARRICAO$ vLATINoere AS avecrroED ON Me . TR4FFT PERMIT. - ® SPLICE A CONSTRUCTION AND MA7ZIUQLUS" IS TO CONFORM N9TI/ VERIMN TELIDMoxB COMPAN►SPECIPIunoRB �44/2�6 FDH PROPOSED RUNNING LINE 10 COMTRACTORro LAYOUTMAMMO ES PgMrO NT'eZGAVArFON/FaURIAWMEWUREa MDe Mrove FDH BOUNDARY ff ENWLD:PRRIMO SMALL Be . FOESUL NTHEDEVd EDRE DETERROM MINEDEVIATION FV LCONFLOTIFY ICT WIN CABLE CONsuLTEDroDereerfNe IF The DenA1ION WILL CONFLICT WIN CABLE OROPJ7PD. —CF— CURB FADE 8"X'l2M OPENING 11. MAIGIOIEAMDOR w•1Q^---roeevucmaeROReeaNDYnvueoErr. Gazaz sm. 24.SaA WIDTH /N PAD SOP— EDGE OF PAVEMENT " Iz PRECASTAIAMMOLE9 AND OR PULL BOLA TO Off SET ON MINIMUM OFSLY (0) INCMQS OF COARBEROCIF OR —FIL— FENCE LINE SAND mag, Gdv BmSOD.ZdO AND GdP BI t mapatoa& ---- RIGHT OF WAY tl MANHOLES AMD PULL DOWN TO Be RACAEV 70 VERQON SP'ECIRC471OM INLeda 07M UMM SHOTTN ON - GUARDRAIL DEFARS GOP= AND GOP S11.2o0B1Del t6 DOAPWrEOWALL MICAMESSAAMAL4 /OLENECRLENOMMa(a""MeaL)row BMOMR —COM— COMMUNICATIONS LINE 15. PULLING IN IRONS TO HE PLACID DlRECnY BELOW FUTURE DUCTENTFANCE36 AND OR OPPOSITE WALL . - —DRN— STORM DRAIN LINE FROM IrTI/Re DUCT ENTRANCE . —GAS— GAS LINE tS BPLMCB BOIDN N'IDmIAAH JOINID 700RMI160E4 POLES, OR AlWN01ID MITHCONDUT SMALL BE - ' + EQUIPPED MITI, PULL IN IRONS —PWR— POWER LINE —SAN— SANITARY SEWER LINE I: ALL CUTTER AW,VRWIVEDCABLB TO M WA NUUWMOFAB-COvEM BELOIT GOTTEN WADAim FLOM LINE uxL�BsvEurrcm o7xEeMaE 42" —WTR— WATERLINE ' 19. MRO,iBMArAReA NIrEAe PADPDdID aYB.ROAB eAee HAB NOT eEEAM PLACEµ AN ADO/RONAL _ 42"HEIGHT ❑ • i--�--F� RAILROAD TRACKS CUTTER _ EGNTEEI ry87lNCIma roTMSY/x/MDMI COYED BEOMTRe/ROPOSID GRADE OR FLOW LINE - 10. elrDIr CONDUTANDOR BURIED CABLECABle GROYNE covEA�IADIACE1T70MANMDLS%AT So- --- CENTERLINE INroTAUALOArD rReNGMAEDATAN►Bnmt FmNT WMIDB coven mroERa aYaarAMTIALLrPRON AveaAaE - ffi MaxwELAU Dt2rS FOR QRLALIIf DxeLTr. •'•".• WBe1g-PDRa-oucr,a�-TEAR;-DUCTµ - �me.M Iwo. - ag-PoaA-Doer. _ • - a.cllm Aa18M71)sm. oo.M�L coA. . Oro Arn MAIN. r. MCRdIINDVA(JJNTOUCTAR80ISTIMBED OYRDlG 1MS ODAMTR12TImI FROCeda, }7mIMUISTBE . . Mve®_Wr M W fao•G m. AMa In 8•anb• �1A G. rmt ALL/mABldl • FSTm DI a.0 lOOdIBrO CONDVIY MILL REDUIRe REARRAIIQAEIf (RAIaC LONER OR aPLAYJroPEDAOTPROIEt ' rYiea uDaelHrouad nd Service '•"^IRON OTIPR SUBSTRUCRUffd OR PROPER ENTRANCV INTO AIM NOLES so" 2L AMDIM/MCIIARWCEOIW(a)�aIMLLBEAYDITY ABOVFBILON,ORBINOeIFmea/dTI1N0 20"DEPTH - dYBSTRYCNRE reDMBN aEL9NDARYER'm7FD.1 _ - 75 a6 ALL RAOI LEID TRAM dT ro eeeNCAam NIT7/ Clla9 ao coxcae.e vED aaP PRACTICE aa+oa.Tvs, aaa. . m CONTIYCIOAroVlR/rYWALL roMILL AMIIOR WALL roeND OIOURefRUCTIlABAPASUaEtOYTa . APAaR/AEIfEIB ro SE RECOaEDroTI1P MEARldTPDOi drPE NPAaUR/MG TAPE MUBI BEYa® - ' m,fIDOEDKE.11ALLro1GLL.6AaUREMEN/EDNaEDf/ON.OJMGER,DDITEIISHTM:MHDLE PEDESTAL MOUNT PAD FOR FDH 144, 216,. 288 & 432 CAB/NETS n.. ruL:;soarvAwrLENa wu RossaoucrnmrcAT® �D ffi MUmIUAI MALL MIWIBkD oraTEEL 4AdfMD aMAL BB_ 2161288 FDH . Call:1.800227-2600 m Bum oaaw/MrroeecowN oa Fmrcxo arTo uaorA N7mreAlm ISuae4 FaonDta MRED tNCM . aE•• AT eOTM EMW OICASIMµ - TNENCMNG 31" W/DTH . - m TLBOORLDIOISIOIIITIDI/LrDEa nrae AND ouT7EL ere . a1. edaeoa ovE/TREWrN PoAetIRlIDCAeuE apace (A•ZaT MAreeaeouuIS lDCAtiOPIS rose - ' DeTewm�D ar vEALmArOMrEQroR wITIRACYOAroeACILlu avucevnswFTED eFNIC/MaIS • a rweleIS_PADL _GAYER om :ANDLBS VED TOOT^_• 48"HEuGNT aa. IF BUEm,..vyBISPLACIDWovEN mErcR aANn CACKFiLL NILL BBREOUAIID. AramruMOPT BEI.OM. AND WABOWTHE C491E TRENCH BACIWLL TO Be TYPE 4a 00(APMA,. . M VEIQOM rMdPECTORrocOORalAum cABLearvvmrAMm PYCEIEIl. CONTACT T2MarRIS PRroAroarARrrNa eoNarRucrrDAL. srLePwoMmNULm�. - ' as dHRUSERYA" LWOSCAPOIG MILL BE RIPLACID ro THE SATISFACTION OF FAOPED►T OXMIN OR YaAM DM ooveMMmIrALADnrer. ' 20" DEPTH M WFAWIQ 0 TO CONFORM TO dFEC/ICATION Or TIE CRY OF LA QUANTA. - YmMMON - AABA erATo CALIFORNIA - aT. CONTRACTOR WILL RESTORE ANY DAAUAGID OR OTIOSNNde OBUTIXATED arRmMµ PAVEMENT MATRONµ OR - OIvmIIn 7IIDTLAe wmeA P9.6:879 Grid#f2 ' RAISED PAVEMENT MAINERS,PAINT RlAtACEE/fdlNe,• BEDOW ro ITS SATISFACTION Or THE ruNmPAunoaeoYMrrlNvolve0 !!S LBS _ CRY OF CONTIDLM0. ML TNIL es IHe COMFRACmIre aP LNJ80?froFROVID87R/RJC CENTRES ARROW RETIRE OM Au , . MAlBR ARIEDIEa AND DNANT Ofr/EAPWHLUC maxraFMArAs maeGTIDerTr�er�Te, LOUMry OR _ - {OfJL AUTNOAIR. 1NH lY7dTISTD BH lMCLR/DIDWITIB BID PRICA . . AQUINTA as eoxTRACToa SMALL MOUNT NOYMNOATTIM1FMe TINT PEDESTAL MOUNT COXWTAND BAae ARB vucm MOWINOro Be roROnDED er vEDL:oN. -. LA QU N A 0"3 neLDeD en Bn JIM BISHOP] 7PFA01343 432 FDH ' AD ALL FISED OlarwB,mON NUJBD ARe ro08OAOUlNOID IYT/A }•.a'BRouNB AOD.Fm"QaouND NrRE F,A,M•�D,�• • � . AIM 07 1 - D®IOMMDen 7FFAOAF Bn JIM BISXOP SCALE . FDH 01—bDr . - - ' Caumv w kwonjBe H4007 . IXCRDACIDiFM FERMR . PTIP FIBER DUST. ROYTB PROR 4 OF 4 VERIZON LEGEND Table OCJ(CA). Top at Lon011u GI toHafar Iampottery Ito Ilia Cool ml Zan oa Speed S (kmfhl Mlnlmunt lopar Lon01h" In, wide. .1011.13.6 in I W I Molglag L Imp Shifting U2 Imp Shoulder U3 Imp Canlllcr' W Inn) 31.1 21 IU 7 3U 40 37 to 12 30 60 be 29 10 30 60 84 42 20 30 70 158 71) 63 JO 00 1so go 60 JD 00 203 TO, 1. 00 JO 100 226 113 75 JD Ifs 240 124 03 30 ' Maximum ehsnne5zer spacing for all speeds on one4onelpwoway tapers is 0Am (20 fl). Maximum chanticleer spacing lot e0 6 peals on cimnslraam lopals is 0.1 m (20 4). Ali What tape., eta es shorn. •' Use an Inlem edialo and shad -term projects bt Input and tangent sections whets liters sto no pavement merkNgs or Martin Thom is o conflict between existing pavement markings and channellsess. On Slate hiphways o spacing ol3m 110 111Is iecmmmended for leper and tangent sections shown on TA-31. and TAJ2. Table OF-107 Maximum Spacing of Chonnollzor Spuclno Speed fkmfhl Maximum Clunnallear 5pae1.11 Tape,' Imp faults., Imp Conflicr' Imp 30 6 12 3 40 U 16 4 50 to 70 00 12 24 6 70 14 20 7 0o 16 32 0 00 10 36 0 1W 20 40 t0 110 72 44 tl ' Maximum chonnoezer spacing lot all speeds on ono4reat-y Inputs is 13.1m (20 f0. Maximum ehannalizel spacing lot o0 speeds on dp4nsueam lopem is 0.1 m (2011). All other lepers ma as shown. "Use on inlofmodeto and short-term pejeeN lot toper and lo.genf auctions whole theta to no pasemonl markings of v4iRo three Is a conflict between existing Pavement mmkini p and channebzats. On Stele IdDirnzys n spacing of 3 in (1011) Is recommended (of leper and tangent sections eleven on TA-31 and TA-32. NOTES Unless otherwise specified in the special provisions, all temporary warning signs shall have black legend on orange background'. California code are designated by (CA). Otherwise, Federal codes are shown. SIGN PANEL SIZE (Min) ❑A 900 mm x 900 mm © 914 mm x 914 mm © 750 mm x 750 mm ❑D 914 mm x 457 mm TYPICAL SHOULDER CLOSURE U3 D y_ 30m to 100m 30m to 100m • • ,(Y'{ '�////�•j • - 30 m 150 m \ r• SHOULDER SHOULDER SHOULDER TAPER RonoNvott WORK CLOSED SHIFT= U3 C14 (CA)' ❑A �B W21 _5 W21-5A See Note 3 NOTES 1. Where approach speeds are low, advance warning signs rnoy be placed at 90 m spacing and placed closer in urban areas. 2. Each advance warning sign shall be equipped with at least two flags for daytime closure. Each flag shall be at least 400 mm x 400 mm in size and shall be orange or fluorescent red —orange in color. Flashing beacons shall be placed at the locations indicated for lone closure during hours of darkness. 3. A C14 (CA) "END ROAD WORK" sign, as appropriate, shall be placed at the end of the lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious, or ends within o larger project's limits. 4. If the W20-1 sign would follow within 600 m of o stationary W20-1 or C11 (CA) "ROAD WORK IJEX.T MILES", use o C20 (CA) sign for the first advance warning sign. 5. All cones used for lane closures during the hours of darkness shall be filled with retroreflective bonds (or sleeves) as specified in the specifications. 6. Portable delineators, placed at one—half the spacing indicated for traffic cones, may be used instead of cones for daytime closures only. 7. Flashing arrow sign shall be either Type I or Type 8. The maximum spacing between cones along a tangent shall be 15 m and along o toper shall be approximately as shown in Table 1. 9.For approach speeds over 80 km/h, use the "Traffic Control System for Lone Closure On - Freeways And Expressways" plan for lone closure details and requirements. 1OV/hen specified in the special provisions, o W4-2 "LANE ENDS" symbol sign is to be used in place of the C20 (CA) "RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD" sign. BURIED PLANT 0 BORE PIT QFIBER CALLOUT REFERENCE O^ HHIMH CALLOLIT REP ERENCE SUBDUCT CALLOUT REFERENCE 8 TERMINAL CALLOUT REFERENCE FIBER DISTRIBUTION HUB (FDH) ❑ NEW HANDHOLE ©M NEW MANHOLE Y SLACK I STORAGE LOOP —III GROUND ROD 26ahm Q. CABLE IN CONDUIT AERIAL —Q POLE ANCHOR ® POLE �— DOWN GUY RISER DETAIL GENERAL ® PROPERTY ADDRESS ® SPLICE PROPOSED RUNNING LINE FDH BOUNDARY —CF— CURB FACE —EOP— EDGE OF PAVEMENT —FIL— FENCE LINE ---- RIGHT OF WAY' GUARDRAIL —COM— COMMUNICATIONS LINE —DRN— STORM DRAIN LINE —GAS— GAS LINE —PWR— POWER LINE —SAN— SANITARY SEWER LINE —VJrR— WATER LINE -I—I--F�• RAILROAD TRACKS -- CENTER LINE Imwn.nl a„Isn s.euan aama v a ur. Oe.wwn.,,l fee. rw4ulm . ors N+q lewnantaoorf �� G.r to Mlwwwd bMa.w ', ab YswY'wnIMHK nor year qp Narl Le.NanMrealh Cant ua, n wa eyAfu varuzox wslar. CALIFORNIA Olvleloaf 1Na Mwa auwaa PDA. GridN: CRY Of algynaL Na, rlNH tatROu UICN, I IELOIa eri .wL n JIM tlItiHOP w uww• tits, suwNso erg BCALE n JIM tlIFH(1P N.T.s. I NumW art... H TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE �- L- Advance warning signs_ See Table 6C-3 See Note 1 tg to e ID m ® 0 0 0 0 30m to 100m 30m to 100m 30m to 100m a O WORK AREA N � as O ah-0—F-1 0- a 1 150 m 1 t See Note 7 EN11 ' ROAII SYOR ROAD C14 (CA) 1YORK RIGHT LA RIGHT LA AHEAD CLOSED CLOSED 1 See Note 3 AHEA AHEA VJ20-1� C20 (CA) (Rt) C20 (CA) (Rt) W4-2R See Notes 2 and 4 See Note 10 SIGN PANEL SIZE (Min) AE] 900 mm x 900 mm ❑B 914 mm x 914 mm © 914 mm x 457 mm NOTES I. Where approach speeds are low, advance warning signs moy be placed at 90 m spacing and placed closer in urban areas. 2. Each advance warning sign shall be equipped with at least two flags for daytime closure.. Each flog shall be at least 400 mm x 400 mm in size and shall be orange or fluorescent red —orange in color. Flashing beacons shall be ploced'at the locations indicated for lone closure during hours of darkness. 3.A C14 (CA) "END ROAD WORK" sign, as appropriate, sholl be placed at the end of the lone closure unless the end of work area is obvious, or ends within o larger project's limits. 4. If the W20-1 sign would follow within 600 m of a stationary W20-1 or C11 (CA) "ROAD WORK NEXT MILES", use o C20 (CA) sign for the first advance warning sign. 5. All cones used for lane closures during the hours of darkness shall be filled with retroreffective bonds (or sleeves) as specified in the specifications. 6. Portable delineators, placed at one—half the spacing indicated for traffic cones, may be used instead of cones for daytime closures only. 7. Flashing arrow sign shall be either Type I or Type 1 I. 8. The maximum' spacing between cones along a tangent shall be 15 m and along o taper sholl be approximately as shown in Table 1. 9. For approach speeds over 80 km/h, use the "Traffic Control System for Lone Closure On Freeways And Expressways" plan for lone closure details and requirements. 1OWhen specified in the special provisions, o W4-2 "LANE ENDS" symbol sign is to be used in place of the C20 (CA) "RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD" 'sign. Table BCJICA). Taper Length Criteria for Temporary7.utgc Conlrol Zonac IAlnlmum lspar Longlh" for Width of 011sot 3.0 in 1W) Speed 8 lkmfh) Merging L Ira) Shilling U2 Ira) Shoulder U3 Ira) Connlcr' U3 (m) 3D 21 IU 1 7 30 40 37 19 12 30 50 60 29 i0 30 60 04 42 20 30 70 150 79 W 30 00 100 90 60 30 90 2a3 lot 06 30 10D 225 113 70 JD 110 240 124 jo D3 J0 . Maximum ehannolltar spacing for oil speeds an ona.lonen—tay lopms is 6.1m (20 (1), fAoximum chennelizer spacing for all speeds oa 11—all—tro lariats is 6A no 120 A). All other tapers coo as shovm. " Use on Intermediate and shan.lerm projects for toper and tangent sections whole there are no pavement markings of vthoto there is a conflict batrtoen axisling pmomenl markings and channolixers. On Biala hlglatays o spacing of 3 m [Wit) is recommended lot toper and tangent sections an— on 7A.31 and TAJ2. Unless otherwise specified in the special provisions, all temporary warning signs sholl have block legend on orange background. California code ore designated by (CA). Otherwise, Federal codes are shown. LEGEND 0 Traffic Cone Temporary Sign Direction of Travel Flashing Arrow Sign (FAS) 1 0o FAS Support or Trailer Portable Flashing Beacon Table 6F.IOL Maximum Spacing of Channelltor Spacing Spas Ikmfh) fAoximum channallter Spncin leper' Ira) ltsngent far) connler' Iml 30 6 12 3 40' a 16 4 5D 10 20 I 5 60 12 24 6 70 14 20 7 00 16 32 0 DO 10 36 0 100 20 40 11 10 tip 22 44 I1 f4eximum ehanneltter spacing 101 all speeds an ore lane/lv Way tapers Is SAM 120111. Maximum ehanneltter spacing lot ell speeds on dalmptream lepers is 0.1 in (200). All other, tape.. me as ehost. " Use on Inlemledoto and shos•lemt projects for toper and tangent tecliom vhete Insta are no pmeemcnl markings of vMero he's is a eonnfel botvtaen existing plowmen mntkingt and channelfzen. On Stale highways a spacing of 3 in oto n11s recommended lot toper and IonOenl eact.. shetm an TA.31 end TAJ2. 1AUTCD 2003 w/CALIF❑RNIA SUPPLEMENT VERIZON LEGEND BURIED PLANT �I BORE PIT QFIBER CALLOUT REFERENCE HHIMH CALLOUT REFERENCE a'' //te BUBDUCT CALLOUT REFERENCE TERMINAL CALLOUT REFERENCE FIBER DISTRIBUTION HUD (FON) ❑ NEW HANDHOLE NEW MANHOLE (® Y BLACK I STORAGE LOOP �I1 GROUND ROD 25ahm O CABLE IN CONDUIT AERIAL —� POLE ANCHOR ' ® POLE DOWN GUY RISER DETAIL T . GENERAL . ® PROPERTY ADDRESS ® SPLICE PROPOSED RUNNING LINE FDH BOUNDARY --CF— CURB FACE S —EOP— EDGE OF PAVEMENT —FIL— FENCE LINE t.� ---- RIGHT OF WAY GUARDRAIL 'IS —COM— COMMUNICATIONS LINE —DRN— STORM DRAIN LINE —GAS— GAS LINE —PWR— POWER LINE —SAN— SANITARY SEWER LINE —WTR— WATER LINE { }—I—I--t RAILROAD TRACKS =* --- CENTER LINE a , I,near4nlNWa Meaen 4t1Y4] 1e el Uw oowawd �4� ts4ulrw � Otp IUM1 Y,rr1111aY,n NunlMr le en Ir,w4 aeo,r. •M,n111e eusw4` Mn Mwr14. eq ysrr qp tuws L0. NaeNr sin cnn. CALIFORNIA Nerve oUmu g,if: Gridtl: :onrwL no, wtuatNrew ) aIIGNr N.T.S. Tale, PON Numbs H LEGEI4D 0 Traffic Cone lemporory Sign *fi— Direction of Travel ® Flashing Arrow Sign (FAS) 6,0_0 FAS Support or Trailer Portable Flashing Beacon See Note 4 C 14 (CA) LRII ROAM IYOR a Tablo GCJ(CA). Taper Lon Dili CilIall a for Tom posoryTsollia Conl,ol Zan aa Minimum lapor Length" lot Width of Offset 0.0 m (W speed 6 INmll,) Moffiing L Im1 Sl,llllnu U2 Im) Shouldal U0 Im) conuicr' LI0 Iml 00 21 10 7 011 40 07 10 12 01) 60 60 2a 111 05 Go G4 42 20 00 70 150 70 53 20 00 100 i 00 60 90 00 A fill GO a0 100 225 113 75 00 /10 240 124 00 00 Maximum channegzet spacing lot all speeds on one•lonellw ay lopers a 0. tm (70 nl Maximum channollzet spacing los all epoods on dwmshoam lepers is 0.1 m (20 n). All olhot tape. too as shown "Use on lntetmedlalo and shod•letm plojects lo, toper and tangent sections x nna Ihoto aro no pawmenl markings at whole Iho,o is o conflict between existing powment markings sad ehennehzols. On Slots highways a spacing of 0 in (10 (1) Is toeammended lot lapel and tangent sections at,— on TA•01 and TAJ2. Teblo 6F•102 Maximum Spoc(ng of Channellso, spacing Speed Ikmlh) Moxlmun, Channel—, Gna cln loner (m) tangent lml Cenlllcr' (m) i0 6 17 7 40 a IG 4 50 10 70 5 60 12 24 6 70 14 20 7 80 to 72 a g0 In oG 0 1010 20 40 it)Ito 22 44 11 Maximum ehonndize, spacing 1., all epads on 0.0.1... Awo. way tape,. I. a.tm (20 n). Maximum channahzel spacing to, all speed, an donnsl,natn lope$. Is 0.1 in (2001. NI Wnel lope$. .,a .1 shown. "Use on inloneadolo and chml•lerm pteloc$. lol lopes and tangent each.., whir'. Ihe,. we no pawmonl markings at whom Ihero Is a connlcl between existing pawmenl meskinaf and ehannehzan. On SI810 highways n spacing of 0 m 110 n) is tecommended lot lope, and tangent .actions shown on TA•01 and TA•92. L I D Advance warning signs, ®42 — 30m to 100m 30m to 100m 30m to 100m 19 L of o ,\ Min A 60 m PORK 4CE ❑ AHEAD See Note 8 ❑ 1-4L W20-1 C20 (CA) (Rt) See Notes 3 and 5 FYI 7XI MPH W13-1 See Note 9 NOTES 1. Where Approach speeds are low, advance warning signs may be placed of 90 m spacing and placed closer in urban areas. 2. Al least one person shall be assigned to provide full time maintenance of traffic control devices for lone closure unless, otherwise directed by the Engineer. 3. Each advance worning sign in each direction of travel shall be equipped with at least two flogs for daytime closure. Each flog shall be at least 400 mm x 400 mm in size and shall be orange or Iluorescenl red —orange in color. Flashing beacons sholl be placed of the locations indicated for lone closure during hours of dorkness. 4. A C14 (CA) "END ROAD WORE" sign, as appropriate, shall be placed at the end of the lone closure unless the end of work area is obvious, or ends within o larger project's limits. See Note 8 SIGN PANEL SIZE (Min) 0 900 mm r. 900 mm 914 mm x 914 mm © 750 mm x 750 mm O 914 mm x 457 mm W9-3 W20-1 CE?ffE>R ROAD a m WORK TYPICAL LANE CLOSING W/CENTERLINE AHM AHEA L I / L 30m to loom See Note 10 See To le 6C-3 See Toble- 6C-3 9 a — ® Io to 1 to ORK AREA 5. If the W20-1 sign would follow within 600 m of a stationary W20-1 or C11 (CA) "ROAD WORK NEXT MILES", use o C20 (CA) sign for the first advance warning sign. 6. All cones used for lone closures during the hours of darkness shall be fitted with relrorefleclive bonds (or sleeves) as specified in the specifications. 7. Portable delineators, placed at one—half the spacing indicated for traffic cones, may be used instead of cones for daytime closures only. 8. Flashing arrow signs shall be either Type I or Type I. 9. Advisory speed will be determined by the Engineer. The W13-1 Sign will not be required when advisory speed is more than the posted or maximum speed limit. El W1-4R MPH 9W13-1 See Note 9 10. The maximum spacing between cones along a tangent shall be 15 m and along a taper shall be approximately as shown in Table 1. 11. For approach speeds over 80 km/h, use the "Traffic Control System For Lone Closure On Freeways And Expressways" plan for lane closure details and requirements. 12. Unless otherwise specified in the special provisions, the ( 1 /2 L) shown between the two (L). lone closure tapers sholl be used. 13. When specified in the special provisions, a W4-2 ' "Lone Ends" symbol sign is to be used in place of the C20 (CA) 'RIGHT (LEFT) L.A14E CLOSED AHEAD" sign. I 30m to. 100m Advance warning signs Seu Note 1 — 4 (CA) O See Note 4 NOTES Unless otherwise specified in the special provisions, all temporary warning signs sholl hove block legend on orange background. California code are designated by (CA). Otherwise, Federal codes are shown. VERIZON LEGEND BURIED PLANT —� BORE PIT FIBER CALLOUT REFERENCE HHIMH CALLOUT REFERENCE SUBDUCT CALLOUT REFERENCE TERMINAL CALLOUT REFERENCE M FIBER DISTRIBUTION HUD (PON) ❑ NEW HANDHOLE ED NEW MANHOLE Y SLACK / STORAGE LOOP GROUND ROD 26ohm Q. CABLE IN CONDUIT AERIAL — < POLE ANCHOR ® POLE —� DOWN GUY RISER DETAIL GENERAL PROPERTY ADDRESS ® SPLICE PROPOSED RUNNING LINE PDH BOUNDARY —CF— * CURB FACE —EOP— EDGE OF PAVEMENT —F/L— FENCE LINE ---- RIGHT OF WAY GUARDRAIL —COM— COMMUNICATIONS LINE —DRN— STORM DRAIN LINE —GAS— GAS LINE —PWR— POWER LINE —SAN— SANITARY SEWER LINE -WfR— WATER LINE RAILROAD TRACKS -- CENTER LINE Im�ra.nlNWs w,4lon �ala4an au. oe.w.ww.l ree. errealm .alp r4w11awunspw Ma,na.r s ti I.r..e k.lwrr 'hwn111. e.o.xr.,.• will ti w4k. rw y,.tt Us N.r1 so. M,slwt sill Cell, 1.600-227-2601) e141u CALIFORNIA xini Wiaa. PD.q: Gridth 11 g1r46 p-.. I oxx., LEGEND ® Traffic Cone Temporary Sign E-1-- Direction of Travel ® Flashing Arrow Sign (FAS) 000 FAS Support or Trailer I ` Portable Flashing Beacon See Note 4 C 14 (CA) ENa Rona iron D 7 obla OCJ(CAI. Taper Lan0111 Clltelln toe Tempo,a,y IWIlo Central Zones Speed S lkmlh) Witon m 1. par Len011,11 la, Wicill, of Offset 3.0 n, Motaing L Iml Shilling UZ Im) shoulder U3 Im) conflict' U3 Im) 30 'LI I 10 1 30 40 37 10 12 30 . 60 50 29 to 30 00 04 42 20 30 160 70 53 30 180 00 00 30 aji 207 101 00 30 225 113 76 30 240 174 03 30 . Me-num ehanna0ret spacing lot all speeds an one-lane/l—ay lapels Is O.lm (20 n) Molimunt channalizet spacing lot on speeds on damslleam Inputs Is 0.1 m (20 0). All other lopots are as shown. 1, Use oil Intorinedlalo and ehall-letnl pulse[$ let toper and tangent 6actions Winio Inuto are no pavement markings of whole there Is o conflict bolween existing pawmenl markings and channalizms. On State highways o spacing o13 In (10 Ails recommended lot topol and tangent sections allown an TA-31 and TA-32. Tnldo eF•102. 1Anelmum sp4elno al ehennallret Spnelnp speed Ikm/111 Meet mum Cl,nnnaWar 5 ,acln lope,• Iml lan0anl Iml Conflict' (ml 30 a 12 3 411 0 10 4 50 10 20 5 6o 12 24 a 70 t4 20 7 00 to 32 0 UD 111 3D 0 100 20 40 10 110 22 44 t1 Maximum channol¢ot cglcmp lm all speeds on onolencllwo-May legate is 0. tm (200). fAorimum channe6zm sparing lot all speeds on downtlroam lopes is GA m 120 n). NI other lapels are as •hums 11 U30 on inlelmedolo and shoil•loun ryeiacts lot [owl and longenl saegaas vellelo meta are no pavement morhngs ar w seta India is a eonflrcl Ilalwaen onelmg pavement markings and channeltlen. On Slate Nphw4ys a apaein0 Of 3 In (10 In Is recommended let lapel and tangent sections an- on TA-31 and TA•32. TYPICAL CLOSING OF HALF ROADWAY See Note 8 See Notes 3 and 5 C20 (CA) (U) C20 (CA) (U) r\ DTr IANC LEFT IANI: ,1 I CLOSED CLOSED AIIKAD AIIEAII o a o W4-2L See Note 13 'll a a W20-1 Ron WORK AHEAD 0 / 1/2 L D L 30m to 100m 30m to loom 30m to t OOm � L L � See Table 6C-3 See Noie 12 See Table 6C-3 See IJole 10 See Table 6C-3 $ee TaL Table 6C-3 _ g+i — — U or b� Advance warning signs ® I I IS too 0 e See Note 1 Advance warning signs, I I v See Note 1 0 O WORK AREA — 30M to loom 30m to 100m 30m to loom O 8b i Q 61 0 Ci ij♦ o old\ A I I A C14 (CA) 60 ENU flOAn 11'OA \ ❑ 1RYORK RIGHT LACLOSEI VJ1-4L A See Note 4 AHEAD AHEAD ' ' e See Note 8 O © O Xx SIGN PANEL SIZE (Min) W1 —4R W20-1 C20 (CA) (RU W4-2R MPH C See Notes 3 and 5 NOTES 1. Where Approach speeds ore low, advance warning signs may be placed at 90 m spacing and placed closer in urban areas. 2. Al least one person shall be assigned to provide full lime maintenance of traffic control devices for lone closure unless, otherwise directed by the Engineer. 3. Each advance warning sign in each direction of travel shall be equipped with at least two flogs for, daytime closure. Each flog shall be at least 400 mm x 400 mm in size and sholl be orange or fluorescent red —orange in color. Flashing beacons shall be placed, of the locations indicated for lone closure during hours of darkness. 4. A C14 (CA) "END ROAD WORE" sign, as appropriate, shall be placed of the end of the lone closure unless the end of work area is obvious, or ends within o larger project's limits. See Note 13 W13-1 ❑A 900 mm x 900 min ii See Note 9 0 914 min x 914 min t4PH N13-1 © 750 mm x 750 mm See Note 9 ❑D 914 mm x 457 mm 5. If the W20-1 sign would follow within 600 m of a stationary W20-1 or C11 (CA) "ROAD WORK NEXT MILES", use o C20 (CA) sign for the first advance warning sign. 6. All cones used for lone closures during the hours of darkness shall be filled with retroreflective bands (or sleeves) as specified in .the specifications. 7. Portable delineators, placed at one—half the spacing indicated for traffic cones, may be used instead of cones for daytime closures only. 8. Flashing arrow. signs shall be either Type I or Type I I. 9. Advisory speed will be determined by the Engineer. The VJ13-1 Sign will not be required when advisory speed is more than the posted or maximum speed limit. 10. The maximum spacing between cones along a tangent sholl be 15 m and along o toper shall be approximately as shown in .Table 1. 11. For approach speeds over 80 km/h, use the "Traffic Control System For Lane Closure On Freeways And Expressways" plan for lone closure details and requirements. 12. Unless otherwise specified in the special provisions, the ( 1 /2 L) shown between the two (L) lane closure tapers shall be used. 13. When specified in the special provisions, a W4-2 "Lane Ends" symbol sign is to be used in place of the C20 (CA) 'RIGHT (LEFT) LA14E CLOSED AHEAD" sign. NOTES Unless otherwise specified in the special provisions, oil temporary worning signs shall hove black legend on orange background. California code are designated by (CA). Otherwise, Federal codes are shown. MUTCD 2003 w/CALIEORNIA SUPPLEMENT VERIZON LEGEND BURIED PLANT BORE PIT QFIBER CALLOUT REFERENCE , a^' HH1MH CALLOLIT REPERENCE IfUBDUCT CALLOUT REFERENCE TERMINAL CALLOUT REFERENCE FIBER DISTRIBUTION HUG (FOH) ❑ NEW HANDHOLE NEW MANHOLE (© YI SLACK I STORAGE LOOP III GROUND ROD 26ohm G) CABLE IN CONDUIT AERIAL —Q POLE ANCHOR ® POLE DOWN GUY RISER DETAIL T GENERAL ® PROPERTY ADDRESS ® SPLICE PROPOSED RUNNING LINE PDH BOUNDARY -CF- CURB FACE -EDP- EDGE OF PAVEMENT -FIL- FENCE LINE ---- RIGHT OF WAY GUARDRAIL -COM- COMMUNICATIONS LINE -DRN- STORM DRAIN LINE -GAS- GAS LINE -PWR- POWER LINE -SAN- SANITARY SEWER LINE -WTR- WATER LINE {-{-�-F RAILROAD TRACKS - --- CENTER LINE N•el N W— esoa•n 4s�a4ass a,- a...mmwn oee• r.•w • ols ru.n se.mn,sue, Mvm-I b M 1-11.4 -b• •••m,l l le aae..•e.• Mil - wr11 1p 1-1 ola N•11 LD, nun-e-a, Calls 1-1100.227.20130 DM., Don vaacon ru,tu, errlra, CALIFORNIA DIVIe10N, 1N0„PO Galaan PDA: Grid#: any or conraas no. wins uM- sa", 11e I.—avi ^•^^•^••, or, JIM BISHOP Iw en aJI1A n15HOP OGALE D..n N.T.S. Fort Numb• rnW H VERIZON LEGEND NOTES Unless otherwise specified in the special provisions, all temporary warning signs shall hove black legend on orange background. Colifornio code ore designated by (CA). Otherwise, Federal codes are shown. See Note 3 C14 (CA) I:nu noun Iran O mmumilmffRfle e Troffic' Cone O Traffic Cone (optional toper) Temporary Sign Direction of Travel •I• Portable Flashing Beacon TFlogger TYPICAL LANE CLOSURE WITH REVERSIBLE CONTROL C37 (CA) TRAFFIC CONTROL WAIT AND FOLLOW PILOT CAR E❑ See Note 9 Mox -�-- D See Table 6C-3 Closure: Cones or barricades G Li ® 0 —U- O G-0 0 r+ O) Advance warning signs, See Note 1 G O I' 30m to t00m 30m to loom , 30m to room , 30m to loom O DC .1. Df ONEIAN eDaD AD MICOAD 40RK W20-4 F1 U W20-IR See Notes 2 and 4 , C9A (CA) \3-4 ® BE RCPARED TO TOP B o C29 (CA) See XXX FT Note 10 n Sete Note 7 30 m Mox See Note 11 NOTES 1. Where approach speeds are low, odvonce warning signs may be placed at 90 m spacing, and closer in urban areas. 2. Each advance yarning sign in each direction of travel shot] be equipped with at least Into flogs for daytime closure. Each flog shall be at least 400 mm x 400 mm in size and short be orange or fluorescent red-oronge in color. Flashing beacons shall be placed of (lie locations indicated for lone closure during hours of darkness. 3. A C14 (CA) "END ROAD WORK" sign, as appropriate, shall be placed at the end of the lane control unless the end of work area is obvious, or ends within o larger project's limits. 4. If the W20CI si wfould follow within 600 m of a stationary W20-1 or 11 (CAn) "ROAD WORK NEXT MILES", use o C16 (CA) sign for the first advance warning sign. 5. All cones used for lone closures during the hours of darkness sholl be filled with relrorelleclive bonds (or sleeves) as specified in the specifications. 6. Portable delineators, placed of one -hall the spacing indicated for trolfic cones, may be used instead of cones for daytime closures only. Cones See Note 7 0, . W3-4 C9A (CA) GPA\✓ VT C29 (CA) See \ Fx_x_x__F_T_1 Note 10 �p F See Notes 2 and 4 W20-4 W20-1 UDOM WORKhlJEAD AHEA � 0 � Advance warning signs, See Note 1 Gote cones ,WORK AREA 0 SIGN PANEL SIZE (MINIMUM) LANE CLOSED q 1200 mm x 1200 mm - Speed of 70 km/h or more 900 mm x 900 mm - Speed less than 70 km/h O m 70 C30 (CA) See Note 8 9149mmxx9141mm Speed less thank70/ km/h P / © 762 mm x 762 mm OD 914 mm x 457 mm 0 914 mm x 1067 mm 0 914 mm x 229 mm 7.. Additional advance fragge.rs -may be required. Flogger should stand in,,9 conspicuous place, be visible to approaching traffic as well as approaching vehicles after the first vehicle has slopped. During the hours of darkness, the flagging -station and flogger short be illuminated and clearly visible to approaching traffic. The illumination footprint of the lighting on the ground short be at least 6 m in diameter. Place o minimum of four cones at 15 m intervals in advance of flogger station as shown. 8. Place C30 (CA) "LANE CLOSED" sign at 150 to 30D m intervals throughout extended work areas. They are optional if the work area is visible from the flogger station. 9. When a pilot car is used, place o C37 (CA) "TRAFFIC CONTROL -WAIT AND FOLLOW PILOT CAR" sign' ai all intersections within traffic control area. Signs short be clean and visible at all limes. 10. An optional C29 (CA) sign may be placed below the C9A (CA) sign. 11. Traffic cones or barricades may be placed on the optional toper as shown, barricades sholl be Type or I 1 1. v Table CCJ(CA). Toper Length Criteria for Temporary Traffic Control Zones Speed S (kmlh) Minimum Toper Length" for Width of Othol3.6 m (W Merging L Im) Shining U2 im) Shoulder U3 Im) Conlller• L13 Im) 30 21 10 7 30 40 37 i 10 12 30 50 50 20 10 30 60 04 42 20 JO 70 110 70 53 30 Oo tOD 00 60 30 90 .ISO 101 60 30 too 225 113 75 30 110 240 124 03 JO 'Maximum ehanneiiter spacing Jar oil speeds on o—onell—ay lapels is 6. tm 120 n) Maximum Cho ... liter spacing for all speeds an durmsheom lacers Is 6A m (20 4). All other topers eta as shovm. " Uso on Inlann.M.I. and eh.rl•lemi proiecls lot lope, and tangent eaclions 14,110 the,, ale no pavement markings or whet. there is a conflict belwee0 ,xlnling pmomenl markings end ehannehten. j On Slate highways o spacing at in (10 it) I, recommended for lopes and tangent eactions 1 shwm on 7A•31 and TAJ2. 1� ROAIEINYOR C14 (CA) O See Note 3 Table OF•102 Maximum Spacing of Chennollter Spacing Speed Ikmlh) Maximum Ch.—Oter Spac)n I.Pal' Im) Tangonl Jet Cannlcr' Im) 30 6 12 3 40 0 16 4 50 10 20 5 60 12 24 6 70 M 20 7 60 16 32 0 0o to 36 0 0 20 40 I 10 110 22 4n 11 ' Maximum ehameotel spacing lot oil epaeds on onedenelly vmy lopenl is aim (20111. Maximum channelnetspacing to, oO ,coeds on dwmsneam topers is 6.1 no (20 no. All other lepers ale os an—. Use on InlanneUalo and ahoddalm p,glaeia lot lapel and lanpe.nl sections when, there a,e AO cowmen markings of vdlelo theta Is a Conflict behteen existing pawemenl mailtMgl and cnennei,ten. On Stele hlghtwys a spacing at 3 In (10 n) Is neeommenced lot leper and tangent sections .holm on TA•31 and TA•32. ` IIAiUTCD 2003 of/CALIEORNIA SUPPLEMENT BURIED PLANT 0BORE PIT QFIBER CALLOUT REFERENCE Q^ HHIMH CALLOUT REFERENCE ( • ) BU:DUCT CALLOUT REFERENCE r�J/ TERMINAL CALLOUT REFERENCE Jul FIBER DISTRIBUTION HUD (FDH) ❑ NEW HANDHOLE NEW MANHOLE nO YI SLACK I STORAGE LOOP - III GROUND ROD 25ohm O CABLE IN CONDUIT AERIAL ---Q POLE ANCHOR ® POLE --�— DOWN GUY RISERDETAIL GENERAL ® PROPERTY ADDREBS ® SPLICE PROPOSED RUNNING LINE FDH BOUNDARY --CF— CURB FACE --EOP— EDGE OF PAVEMENT —FIL— FENCE LINE -- RIGHT OF WAY GUARDRAIL —COM— COMMUNICATIONS LINE —DRN— STORM DRAIN. LINE —GAS— GAS LINE —PWR— POWER LINE —SAN— SANITARY SEWER LINE —WTR— WATER LINE }—}—I—} RAILROAD TRACKS --- CENTER LINE I,npen•nl wwo. e.euan 4aaM4tlk a uw ae.•n•„.„1 ta. r••.Ir•• • olr •1•,I 1•nrurleaa,ren Nva••r u w i••VM •.w,w. •r•m,ll b us.•w• will M.•116 wexlxan AIW ""', CALIFORNIA alwlegN, Its gVlax• PB.11: Gridlf: car as cowrao,. no. was ainw use, ri, ,1, n ..,..,.w,,, JIM HISHOP w ,eve s».• n eJIM BISHOP SCALE N.T.S. FUH Number lS