Kirkpatrick Landscaping - Qualifications ProposalW �W REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY (Use additional pages if needed) Company Name: Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Inc. Mission Statement: We strive to help Municipalities provide their residents quality landscape services. With so many visitors to the City of La Quinta we feel that having an attractive landscape will encourage these visitors to come back or even better move here. All of us at Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services appreciate the City of La Quinta staff and wholeheartedly welcome the opportunity to work again on our mutual goals. Statement of Values: Mr. Steven Kirkpatrick has built this business upon honesty, trust and creating long time relationships with those he does business with. He has taught each one of his staff members to respect one another and those that we work with. Kirkpatrick Landscaping has been providing Landscape Services to our neighbors here in the Valley for over 50 years. Work Schedule (Use additional pages or an alternate format if needed) Provide a proposed detailed schedule of work. The proposed schedule should also address weed control, plant replacement and include weekly/monthly strategies to improve the overall appearance of the City's medians. Proposed weekly schedule of work: We shall have 3 crews (we have included the areas with highlighted areas for each crew) Yellow highlighted crew shall have 2 Landscape Technicians Orange highlighted crew shall have 2 Landscape Technicians Blue highlighted crew shall have 3 Landscape Technicians There shall be 1 Dedicated Irrigation Technician There shall be a Spray Technician that sprays weeds in the turf areas and will assist as needed throughout the planter beds. There shall be a separate tree crew to prune trees and palm trees. This contract shall consist of 7 Dedicated Full Time Landscape Technicians and 1 Dedicated Full Time Irrigation Technician A Spray Technician, a Tree Crew, A Project Manager and Supervisor will Check on the areas and will be available as needed. The Full-time Landscape Technicians shall be responsible for the weed control, plant replacement (Unless we have a separate proposal - than a separate crew shall take care of installing). The Project Manager or Supervisor shall do monthly walk-thru of all areas for recommendations to the City for Landscape Beautification. I----.. ..4 1 r`;+...,,,;.a- KA�i,+­n�CrrhAriiilo S.F. Shrub S.F. Maxicom Trash Facility S.F. Turf G.0 Irrigation Trees or IQ Can Entrance - Acacia (Miles Ave/Seeley Dr) - 0 1,755 1,755 5 x Entrance - Cactus Flower (Dune Palms Rd) 0 1,850 1,850 8 - x Entrance - L.Q. Del Oro (Via Sevilla/Washington St) median & n/ side only 0 6,471 6,471 10 X Entrance - L.Q. Highlands (Miles Ave/Las Vistas Dr) 0 12,967 12,967 9 X Entrance - Rancho Ocotillo (La Palma Dr/Adams St) 0 2,440 2,440 10 X Entrance - Topaz (Miles & Dune Palms, SW) 0 1,200 1,200 0 X entrance Monument ( Hwy 111 & Jefferson) ( Home Depot 0 4,080 4,080 15 X Entrance Monument (Hwy 111 & Plaza La Quinta) 0 1,100 1,100 9 X Fire Station - P.G.A. West #70 (Ave 54 & Madison) 6,054 56,344 62,398 25 Fire Station - #93 (Adams St N of Miles Ave) 6,500 4050 10,550 38 Fire Station - #32 (New) & Maint. Yard (78-111 Ave 52) 1,500 23,000 24,500 22 Fire Station--- #32 (old) 78-106 Francis Hack Lane 1,600 100 7,700 4 Frontage - Calle Tampico (SW Avenida Bermudas) 0 9600 9,600 8 Median -Adams St (Ave 48-Hwy 111) 0 21,430 - 21,430 45 Median - Adams St (Hwy111 - BlackHawk Way) 0 2,060 2,060 0 X Median -- Airport Blvd (Madison St - Monroe) j ---------------- Art Turf 72,060 72,060 30 -- Median - Auto Center Dr & round about 0 7,268 7,268 7 Median - Ave 48 (Adams St -Jefferson St)9 0 49,180 49,180 22 x Median - Ave 48 (Washington St -Adams St) 0 34,500 34,500 20 Median - Ave 50 (Eisenhower Dr -Washington St) ' 0 30,550 30,550 61 x Median - Ave 50 (Evac Channel -Park Ave) 0 18,004 18,004 22 Median - Ave 50 (Orchard to Jefferson) 0 6,300 6,300 10 Median - Ave 50 (Park Ave to Orchard Ln) 0 16,720 16,720 17 Median - Ave 52 (Avenida Bermudas -Desert Club Drf 0 3,550 3,550 7 Median - Ave 52 (Desert Club Dr -Washington St) 0 28,900 28,900 27 Median - Ave 52 (Jefferson St east to Evac Channel) 0 6,300 6,300 20 Median --Ave 52 (Washington St to Jefferson ST) 0 122,350 122,350 150 Median - Ave 52 & N. Parkway (Evac Channel to Madison)' 0 40,400 40,400 41 X Mcrii-nn - ava S? Marlicnn StrPPt to MPriwpathP_r Wav 0 30,000 30,000 x Page 1 of 4 �w... .,.... ........ �.y....y ..,.., ... S.F. Shrub S.F. Maxicom Trash Facility S.F. Turf G.0 Irrigation Trees or IQ Can Median - Ave 54 (_Jefferson St -Madison St) 0 51,545 51,545 125 Median - Avenida Bermudas (Ave 52-CalleTampico;Triangles & Medians) 0 15,550 15,550 14 Median - Avenida La Fonda (Avenida Bermudas -Desert Club 0 2,000 5,000 45 X Median - Avenida La Fonda (Calle Tamazula-Calle Rondo) 0 27,554 27,554 12 Median - Calle Estado (Avenida Bermudas -Desert Club Dr) 0 2,000 5,000 55 X Median - Calle Paloma (Ave La Fonda) 0 1,560 1,560 1 Median - Calle Sinaloa (Eisenhower Dr -Avenida Bermudas) 0 11,292 11,292 17 X Median - Calle Sinaloa (Eisenhower Dr Round -a -Bout) 0 14,000 14,000 6 Median - Calle Tampico (Eisenhower Dr -Washington St)':' 0 30,400 30,400 52 X Median - Dune Palms Dr (Hwy 111 to Ave 48) 0 6,000 6,000 8 Median - Eisenhower Dr (Avenida Fernando-Hiden Canyon 0 14,500 14,500 40 X Median - Eisenhower Dr (CalleTecate-CalleTampico) 0 33,320 33,320 113 Median - Eisenhower Dr (Tampico to Ave 50) 0 10,000 10,000 15 Median - Eisenhower Dr. (Hidden Canyon to Washington St) 0 12,000 12,000 48 Median - Fred Waring Dr. (Washington To Adams) 0 39,200 39,200 126 f+ledian - Fred Waring Dr. (Adams to Dune Palms) 0 39,000 39,000 107 Median - Fredwaring Dr (Dune Palms to Jefferson 0 16,600 16,600 26 Median - Hwy 111 (west City limits: Cliff House to Adams S1 Art. Turf 32,145 32,145 27 X Median - Hwy 111 (Adams St. to Jefferson St.) Art. Turf 35,300 35,300 47 Median - Jefferson St (Hwy 111- Westward Ho Dr.) 0 13,000 13,000 21 X Median - Jefferson St & Round About (Hwy 111-Ave 54)q 0 225,505 225,505 303 X edian - La Quinta Drive (Hwy 111 to Auto Center) 0 750 750 3 ;Median - Madison St (Airport Blvd - Avenue 58) 0 64,800 64,800 70 Median - Madison St, Ave 54 to Ave 56 (Airport Blvd) "* 0 65,660 65,660 x Median - Madison St Ave 52 to Ave 54 0 85,000 85,000 x Median - Miles Ave (Dune Palms Rd.- Jefferson St) 0 14,000 14,000 20 Median - Miles Ave (Washington St -Seeley Dr) 0 23,400 23,400 23 X Median - Miles Ave (Seeley Dr to Dune Palms Rd) 0 30,800 30,800 27 Lariian _ Mnnrna Straat (Ava 5? to Ave 53) 0 16,000 16,000 50 Page 2 of 4 Landscape and Lighting Citywide maintenance acneauie S.F. Shrub S.F. Maxicom Trash Facility S.F. Turf G.0 Irrigation Trees or IQ Can Median - Monroe St. Ave 57 to 1,320 So 0 7,920 7,620 15 Median - Monroe St - Ave 53 to Ave 54 _ 0 15,840 15,840 25 Median - Navarro/Montezuma (Round -a -Bout & Parkwayl, 0 6,500 6,500 30 x Median - Seeley Dr.(Washington to Miles Ave) 0 8,675 8,675 30 Median -Washington (Fred Waring Dr -Miles Ave) 0 38,400 38,400 49 X Median - Washington St (Ave 47-Ave 48) 0 33,800 33,800 37 X Retention Basin - Washington St. (west side, south of Ave. 47) 0 30,000 30,000 27 Median - Washington ST (Ave 48 to Ave 50 0 30,600 30,600 82 X Median - Washington St (Ave 50-Ave 52) 0 30,000 30,000 44 X Median - Washington St (Channel Dr - Hwy 111) 0 1,200 1,200 2 X Median - Washington St (Hwy 111- Simon Dr) 0 2,350 2,350 2 X Median - Washington St (Miles Ave - Channel Dr) 0 17,500 17,500 17 X Median - Washington St (Simon Dr - Ave 47) 0 16,000 16,000 25 Median - Washington St (South east corner at Hwy 111) 0 1,400 0 0 Perimeter - Acacia (Miles Ave (N Harland Dr/Seeley Dr) 0 38,606 38,606 41 x Perimeter - Adams St West Side (Westward Ho Dr -Bayberry Ln) 0 21,415 21,415 40 Perimeter - Avenida Nuestra N side (E&W of Washington St) 0 38,910 38,910 0 "imeter - Ave 52 Lots , N91 (Desert Club to Mendoza) 0 91,000 91,000 8 Perimeter - Cactus Flower (Dune Palms Rd) 0 30,152 30,152 32 X Perimeter - Cactus Flower (Fred Waring Dr) 0 25,652 25,652 35 X Perimeter - Del Rey L.Q. Norte (Adams & Miles, SE) 0 14,378 14,378 25 X Perimeter - Eisenhower Dr west side (Tampico to the Bridge) 0 24,600 24,600 14 Perimeter - Eisenhower Dr east side (_Bridge to 750 ' north) 0 4,800 4,800 0 Perimeter - Inco / Century Homes (Adams St & Miles Ave) 0 52,614 52,614 53 x Perimeter - Jefferson St. E & W sides (Westward Ho to Vista Granda) 0 62,600 62,600 159 Page 3 of 4 Landscape and Lighting Utywioe Maintenance acneauie S.F. Shrub S.F. Maxicom Trash Facility S.F. Turf G.0 Irrigation Trees or IQ Can Perimeter - L.Q. Del Oro (Washington St/Via Sevilla) 0 20,910 20,910 12 X Perimeter - L.Q. Highlands (Adams St) 17,946 - 2,484 20,430 32 X Perimeter - L.Q. Highlands (Fred Waring Dr) 48,539 16,356 64,895 88 X Perimeter - Marbella (Miles Ave/Adams St) 0 44,266 44,266 71 Perimeter - Parking Lot (Bermudas & Montezuma 0 6,000 6,000 52 X X Perimeter - Quinterra (Miles Ave) 0 28,520 28,520 29 Perimeter - Rancho Ocotillo (Adams St) 0 16,704 16,704 28 X Perimeter - Rancho Ocotillo (Fred Waring Dr) 0 29,332 29,332 9 X veri.meter -. Sports Complex Ave 50) 0 0 9,500 3 Perimeter - Topaz ( Dune Palms Rd) 0 26,040 26,040 72 X Perimeter - Topaz (Miles Ave s/o Bridgette) 0 13,208 13,208 0 Perimeter - Topaz (Miles Ave) 0 51,212 51,212 85 X Perimeter - Washington St East Side (Ave 50-Ave 52) 0 27,000 27,000 78 Perimeter - Washington St East Side (Sagebrush Ave-600' South) 0 3,600 3,600 15 Perimeter - Washington St West Side (100' S of Ave 47-Simon Dr) 0 27,800 27,800 38 X Perimeter - Washington St West Side (Ave 52-Avenida.--La Fonda) 0 5,000 5,000 9 Perimeter -Adams St (Ave 47 to 550 ft So) SW corner 7,600 9,000 16,600 11 Tecate/Bermudas - south side (Madero to Madrid) 0 20,000 0 0 X Eisenhower Dr. (Durango to Tampico) Palms Trees 0 0 0 110 Ave Obregon (Chihuahua to Cul-de-sac) Palm Trees 0 0 0 160 Ave Montezuma N & S sides (Eisenhower to Navarro) PalmTi 0 0 0 75 Nature Preserve (Ensenada to Chillon) Total Combined Projects 89,739 2,539,754 2,629,293 3812 Page 4 of 4 --�-.i-Ai1P'ilR NIA---� EQUIPMENT TO BE USED (Use additional pages or an alternate format if needed) List equipment to be used on this project and include any specialized equipment, do you have a preventative maintenance program, and how often is maintenance performed. Equipment List: (3) Trucks (monthly inspection) (2) Trailers (monthly inspection) (1) Sprayer - 100 gallon (every 3 months) (1) Exmark - 2 bag (monthly inspection) Weedeaters (monthly inspection) Edgers (monthly inspection) Blowers (monthly inspection) Loppers (monthly inspection) Pole Prunner (monthly inspection) Hedge Shears (monthly inspection) Chainsaws (monthly inspection) Aerator (every 6 months) Chipper Boom Chipper Truck (inspect every 2 weeks) Yes we have a preventative maintenance program. Please see above in ( ) on timing CERTIFICATIONS List any certifications that apply to this project held by your company and/or staff and how many staff members have those certifications. Certification: (1) Contractors State License Board C27 and C61 /D49 503360 Exp. 12/31 /2020 Certification: (1) State of California Maintenance Gardner Pest Control - 36601 Certification: (1) CVAG - Overseeding Certification Course Certification:— (2) International Society of Arboriculture - Certified Arborist Certification : (3) CVWDWater Management Seminar for Professional Landscapers Certification : (1) Department of Pesticide Regulation - Qualified Applicator License #104569 Certification:— (1) Irrigation Association Certified Water Auditor (CLIA and CIT) Certification: (1) College of the Desert Degree of Associate Science - Ornamental Horticulture Certification: Certification: Certification: Additional Comments: PROPOSED PERSONNEL Provide a list of proposed personnel for this project, include any details as to what would make your staff more qualified than anyone else. Include the size of the assigned Supervisor's and Foreman's territory and other Munis, Businesses, and HOA's. Occupation/Title: Larry Layton - Project Manager (Munis, Businesses, HOA's) CV Gabriel Navarette - Supervisor (Munis, Businesses, HOA's) CV Occupation/Title: Occupation/Title: Angelica Arellano - Foreman - City of La Quinta Occupation/Title: Isidro Andrade - Foreman - City of La Quinta Occupation/Title: Prisciliano Lopez - Tree Crew - (Munis, Businesses, HOA's) CV Occupation/Title: Bartolo Rivera - Tree Crew - (Munis, Businesses, HOA's) CV Occupation/Title: Joaquin Burgos - Spray Technician - Coachella Valley Occupation/Title: Jose Molina - Irrigation Technician - City of La Quinta The other 5 landscape technicians shall have at least 2 years Occupation/Title: experience. Occupation/Title: Occupation/Title: Additional Comments: Having performed Ladscape services for the City of La Quinta we know the expectations of the City personal & homeowners. We have a dedicated crew some of which ave been with it pa ric an scaping for over 30 years. We pride ourselves on being an original owed company servicing the TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES/PROCEDURES Provide a detailed explanation of the traffic control measures and procedures utilized by your company. Include a list of the equipment used for traffic control. Procedures: We follow the watch manual - 2014 or most current CAMUTCD manual. We use cones / flashing warning lights / arrow boards on trucks and/or trailers & signs and we close sidewalks as needed. (LLDs) At times we may use Tops & Barricades to close streets Equipment: Cones, Signs, Arrow Boards on truck and/or trailers, Safety Vest CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD ""'°'�"""."•°• ACTIVE LICENSE qw 'ii f'� E �c�ItmDr EnN CORP �t� � SERMES M, a «+c5 C27 C61ID49 o,. 12131 I2020 www. csfb. ca. goer SECTION 1200 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS DATE: 5/8/2019 The undersigned, as proposer, declares that we have received and examined the Request for Proposal (RFP) Contract Documents entitled Citywide Landscape Maintenance Services for the Landscape and Lighting Assessment District 89-1, Project No. 2018-30 and will contract with the City, on the form of Agreement provided herewith, to do everything required for the fulfillment of the contract for said work at the prices and on the terms and conditions herein contained. We agree that the following shall form a part of this RFP: SECTION TITLE 1200 Contract Documents 1205 Examination of Contract Documents 1210 Compliance Form 1220 Certification of Proposers Experience and Qualifications 1230 Non -Collusion Affidavit 1240 Summation Form 1250 Notice to Enter into Contract We acknowledge that the following addenda/s have been received and have been examined as part of the Contract Documents. Addendum # Date Received Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Inc. Name of Proposer (760) 347-6926 Proposer Telephone Number Initials 5/8/2019 Date kls@klsinc.net Email Address Page 1 1 1200-1 If our proposal is accepted, we agree to sign the agreement without reservations and to furnish the performance bond and payment bond and the required evidences of insurance within ten (10) calendar days after receiving written notice of the award of the contract. We further agree, if our proposal is accepted, and a contract for performance of the work is entered into with the City, to plan work and to prosecute it with such diligence that the work shall be completed within the time stipulated. Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Inc. Company Name 43752 Jackson St. Indio, CA. 92201 Address of Proposer California State of Incorporation 1000008332 Department of Industrial Relations No. Signature f oposer itness Steven J. Kirkpatrick Owner's Representative 503360 Contractor's License No. 12/31 /2019 License Expiration Date (760) 347-6926 Telephone Number President Title of Signatory Project Manager Title of Witness Page 1 2 1200-2 SECTION 1205 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CITYWIDE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LANDSCAPE & LIGHTING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 89-1 PROJECT NO. 2018-30 Proposal to the City of La Quinta, In compliance with the Request for Qualifications/Proposals, the undersigned Contractor: Has examined the contract documents, site of work, and being familiar with the conditions to be met, hereby submits the following Proposal for furnishing the material, equipment, labor, and everything necessary for the completion of the work listed and agrees to execute the contract documents and furnish the required bonds and certificates of insurance for the completion of said work, at the locations and for the prices set forth on the inside pages of this form. Understands that services of this project shall be in accordance with all applicable specifications in this document. Agrees that, upon receipt of a Notice of Award, from the City, the contractor will execute the contract documents. Work shall be completed within one (1) year (twelve [12] months), by June 30, 2019, beginning on July 1, 2020 as specified in the Notice to Proceed. The City may elect to exercise an extension to renew this contract for four (4) additional one-year terms with a ninety (90) day notice, on a year to year basis, contingent upon satisfactory work of the contractor. Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Inc. Name of Proposer 5/8/2019 Date Page 1 3 1200-3 SECTION 1210 COMPLIANCE FORM AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT 89-1, PROJECT NO. 2018-30 Read and initial one of the paragraphs below, then sign at the bottom. I have read and understand the conditions of the Contract Services Agreement jfr�thce Landscape and Lighting District 89-1 for landscape maintenance services. If I ain selected to perform landscape maintenance services for the City, I am willing and able to comply with all contract documents. I have read and understand the conditions of the Contract Services Agreement for Landscape and Lighting District 89-11andscape maintenance services but am not able commit to all of the conditions required. Below are the portions I contest. Changing the described items would enable me to comply. (If you need more space please attach more pages and fill in the number of sheets at the bottom of the page. Any requested changes to the Contract Services Agreement must be approved by the City Attorney.) Steven J. Kirkpatrick Print Name Signa e 5/8/2019 Date Page 1 4 1200-4 SECTION 1220 CERTIFICATION OF PROPOSER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS The undersigned Proposer certifies that he is, and shall be, throughout the period of the contract, licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, to do the type of work contemplated in the Contract Documents. Proposer shall further certify that it is skilled and regularly engaged in the general class and type of work called for in the Contract Documents. The Proposer represents that it is competent, knowledgeable, and has special skills on the nature, extent, and inherent conditions of the work to be performed. Proposer further acknowledges that there are certain peculiar and inherent conditions existent in the construction of the particular facilities, which may create, unusual or peculiar unsafe conditions hazardous to persons and property. Proposer expressly acknowledges that it is aware of such peculiar risks and that it has the skill and experience to foresee and to adopt protective measures to adequately, and safely, perform the landscape maintenance work with respect to such hazards. The Proposer shall list below three (3) contracts completed in the last seven (7) years of similar size and complexity that indicate the Proposer's experience as a Landscape Maintenance Contractor. The projects must be similar in scope of work. Please indicate on a additional paper if a quality control program was implemented, and managed, as part of the work efforts, and if written proof of the quality control program can be provided to the City of La Quinta prior to the award of Proposal for this previous assignment. h1 Project Name: City of La Quinta LLDs Owner: City of La Quinta 458 532.00/annual annual contract Contract Amount: $ Contract Time: Calendar Days Owner's Representative. James Lindsey Telephone No: 760-777-7052 Duration of Contract: 5 Years from July 1, 2011 Prevailing Wage: Yes X No Project Name: LMA 4 and 7 (currentl Owner: City of Palm Desert to June 30, 2016 Contract Amount: $1.5 million over past 5 years Contract Time:annual contract Calendar Days Owner's Representative. Randy Chavez Telephone No: 760-346-0611 Duration of Contract: 19 Years from July 2000 to ongoing Prevailing Wage: X Yes No Page 1 5 1200-5 Prn;ect Name: Homeowners Associations J Owner: Thunderbird Cove, Rio Del Sol, Mission Lakes and Luminaire 1.8 million over past 5 years Maintenance Contract Amount: $ Contract Time: Calendar Days Owner's Representative:Chris Bremseth Telephone No: 760-773-0123 Duration of Contract: ongoing Years from up to 5 years ago to current Prevailing Wage: Yes X No Signed this 08th day of May Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Inc. Name of Proposer 43752 Jackson St. Indio, CA. 92201 Address roposer Signature f oposer Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Inc. Company Name California State of Incorporation 2019. 503360 Contractor's License No. 12/31 /2019 License Expiration Date President Title of Signatory Page 1 6 1200-6 A quality control program was not implemented, and managed, as part of the work efforts, and is if written proof of the quality control program is not available. SECTION 1230 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TO BE EXECUTED BY POPOSER ANDSUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL State of California ) ss. County of Riverside ) Steven J. Kirkpatrick , being first duly sworn, deposes and say that he or she is Presdient of Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Ing. the party making the foregoing proposal that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly sought by contract, agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. ignature Steven J. Kirkpatrick Name of Proposer President Proposer Title Kirkpatrick Landscaping Services, Inc. Company Name 43752 Jackson St. Indio, CA. 92201 Address Page 1 7 1200-7 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT A Notary Public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State of California County of�� On before me, C/1 A W 74, Y> AT) , Notary Public-, (Here insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared S+C/y Y� I Y t &Y-- , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(�whose name(Wis/ar, subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/(e/th4 executed the same in his/h t�r authorized capacity(, and that by his/h/th�ir signature( on the instrument the person(, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(} acted, executed the instrument. certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. .�grrr�tivt.tinrLvvtvly. vt•. +.vw�.tivrv.�,•.titiwrw.w.ti,^. MARLA GUZMAN f • COMM. #2115525 x W N"inyidandoffic' lI se a NOTARY PUBLIC e CALIFORNIA"O X RIVERSIDE COUNTY Commission Ex ires JUNE 14 2019 Signatur(Notary Seal) ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT L -)n A�-A Aavl� "- Vy--)----tM � w� ('title or description of attached document) (Title or description of attached document continued) Number of Pages Document Date (Additional information) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER ❑ Individual (s) ❑ Corporate Officer (Title) ❑ Partner(s) ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee(s) ❑ Other INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THiS FORM An), acknourledgrnent completed in California must contain verbiage exactly as appears above in the notar7, section or a separate acknowledgment farm must be proper/), completed and attached to that document. The onl}, exception is if a document is to be recorded outside of California. Iry such instances. any alternative acknowledgment verbiage as may be printed on such a document so long as the verbiage does not require the notary, to do something that is illegal for a notary in California (i.e. certifying the atrthori_ed capacity of the signer). Please check the document carefully for proper notarial Wording and attach this for"rn rf required • State and County information must be the State and County where the document signer(s) personally appeared before the notary public for acknowledgment. • Date of notarization must be the date that the signer(s) personally appeared which must also be the same date the acknowledgment is completed. • The notary public must print his or her name as it appears within his or her commission followed by a comma and then your title (notary public). • Print the name(s) of document signer(s) who personally appear at the time of notarization. • Indicate the correct singular or plural forms by crossing off incorrect forms (i.e. he/she/fie}- is /ate ) or circling the correct forms. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to rejection of document recording. • The notary seal impression must be clear and photographically reproducible. impression must not cover text or lines. If seal impression smudges, re -seal if a sufficient area pen -nits, otherwise complete a different acknowledgment form. • Signature of the notary public must match the signature on file with the office of the county clerk. ❖ Additional information is not required but could help to ensure this acknowledgment is not misused or attached to a different document. ❖ Indicate title or type of attached document, number of pages and date. ❖ Indicate the capacity claimed by the signer. if the claimed capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). • Securely attach this document to the signed document