CSG ConsultantsOn-Call CIP Project Management & Engineering Services May 14, 2019 3707 W. Garden Grove Blvd, Suite 100 Orange, CA 92868 714.568.1010 phone 714.568.1028 fax www.csgengr.com PROPOSAL TO THE City of La Quinta PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 3707 W. Garden Grove Boulevard, Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868 Phone (714) 568-1010 | Fax (714) 568-1028 | www.csgengr.com i Cover Letter May 14, 2019 Bryan McKinney, PE City Engineer City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: On-Call CIP Project Management & Engineering Services Thank you for the opportunity for CSG Consultants, Inc. (CSG) to present its proposal to the City of La Quinta (City) for on-call CIP project management and engineering services. For over 27 years, CSG has been providing a host of professional municipal services to the public sector. Our staff currently serves over 175 California communities providing civil engineering design, project management, land development and map review, construction management and inspection, grant administration, and staff augmentation services. Based on our knowledge, experience, and broad selection of services we are well suited to fulfill the City’s on-call needs. Peykan Abbassi, PE, will serve as the primary contact for this contract. His contact information is as follows: Peykan Abbassi, PE | Principal-in-Charge 3707 W. Garden Grove Boulevard, Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868 (714) 568-1010 | peykana@csgengr.com The CSG Team’s strengths include: x Prior On-Call Contract Experience – CSG has experience in providing on-call professional engineering services for municipalities throughout California. We have similar on-call contracts and have successfully delivered projects to the cities of Glendora, San Fernando, South San Francisco, San Mateo, Marina, San Jose, Stockton, Pacifica, San Carlos, Belmont, Foster City, and Burlingame. x Expertise – CSG is multi-service consulting firm exclusively serving municipalities, providing support for Public Works and Engineering Departments. We draw upon staff with a wide range of experience and technical expertise to meet the specific needs of our clients. CSG employs experienced engineers who can assist in developing the CIP projects from feasibility and planning through design development, contract documents, bid and award, construction and post construction. x Experienced Project Managers – CSG’s project managers have a proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget. Many of our staff bring direct public sector experience providing the City with a unique perspective toward approaching projects. We are excited for the opportunity to provide CIP project management and engineering services to the City of La Quinta. This proposal will remain valid for 180 days from the due date. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mr. Abbassi. Sincerely, Cyrus Kianpour, PE, PLS President, CSG Consultants, Inc. Sincerely,, CKi PE PLS 1 SECTION PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES ii Table of Contents SECTION 1 Cover Letter .......................................................................... i SECTION 2 Table of Contents ................................................................. ii SECTION 3 Qualifications, Related Experience & References ............ 1 SECTION 4 Proposed Staffing & Project Organization ........................... 7 SECTION 5 Work Plan / Technical Approach ......................................... 8 SECTION 6 Cost & Price ........................................................................ 17 SECTION 7 Appendix: Non-Collusion Affidavit ..................................... 19 SECTION 8 Appendix: Insurance Acknowledgement ........................... 21 SECTION 9 Appendix: Contract Exceptions .......................................... 22 SECTION 10 Appendix: Staff Resumes ................................................... 23 2 SECTION PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 1 Qualifications, Related Experience & References FIRM OVERVIEW NAME OF FIRM: CSG Consultants, Inc. POINT OF CONTACT: Peykan Abbassi, PE Principal in Charge LOCAL OFFICE: 3707 W. Garden Grove Boulevard, Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868 (714) 568-1010 phone • (714) 568-1028 fax www.csgengr.com • info@csgengr.com REGIONAL OFFICES: 1177 Idaho Street, Suite 102, Redlands, CA 92374 550 Pilgrim Drive, Foster City, CA 94404 6200 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 3150 Almaden Expressway #255, San Jose, CA 95118 1303 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 930 Fresno Street, Newman, CA 95360 YEARS IN BUSINESS: 27 ● Founded in 1991 EMPLOYEES: 300 TYPE OF BUSINESS: California Corporation ● Incorporated June 15, 2000 ● Federal ID: 91-2053749 HOURS OF OPERATION: 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday ● Closed National Holidays Celebrating 27 years of operation exclusively in the public sector, CSG Consultants with 300 professional staff in offices throughout California have successfully delivered quality services and work products to more than 200 municipal customers. We can commit qualified staff for a wide range of municipal services encompassing engineering, planning, sustainability programs and information technology, and can fine- tune staffing levels while maintaining high levels of customer service. We employ design engineers, construction managers, program and project managers, who have worked directly for government agencies in the past. This has created a strong institutional knowledge base, a unique perspective, and contributes to an organizational culture sensitive to local agency issues and expectations. STAFF COMPOSITION Our municipal services staff relevant to this contract consists of the following professionals: x Civil Engineers x Transportation Engineers x Construction Managers & Inspectors x Program & Project Managers x Plan and Map Review Engineers x Structural Engineers x Program & Project Managers x Planning Professionals 3 SECTION PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 2 COMPREHENSIVE MUNICIPAL SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING & DESIGN x Capital Improvement Project Design: Transportation/Roadway Water & Sewer Utilities Traffic Engineering x Development Review, Plan Check, Surveying & Mapping x Storm Water Program Compliance (NPDES, QSP/QSD) CIP PROJECT & PROGRAM MANAGEMENT x Capital Improvement Program Development & Implementation x Federal & State Grant Administration x Rule 20A Undergrounding x Staff Augmentation including: Design Consultant Coordination, Project Scoping, RFP Preparation CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & INSPECTION x Contract Administration, including: Resident Engineer Oversight, Inspection & Construction Management x Constructability/Biddability Reviews x Cost & Schedule Control x Claims Avoidance PLANNING & SUSTAINABLILITY x Staff Augmentation for Current & Advance Planning x Project Management Including Plan Amendments x CEQA Environmental Review x Energy Efficiency, Water Conservation, Solid Waste Program Development x AB32 Compliance/Climate Action Plan Development & Implementation x Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies x Grant Writing & Grant Management FINANCIAL CONDITION CSG has a very stable economic base and workforce as a result of its two primary and complementary service lines, engineering and building/fire department services. CSG tripled its size over the past eight years, both in revenue and staff size, with 300 employees serving customers throughout California and Nevada. The company’s compensation and benefit plans are some of the most generous in the industry, which helps CSG maintain very low staff turnover. CSG is debt-free and has a commercial bank line of credit that it uses occasionally. The Company is well-positioned to provide services to the City. Upon selection for this work, CSG can provide further details regarding its financial stability up to and including reviewed financial statements. PENDING LITIGATION CSG has no legal matters currently pending or settled within the past five years related to the services requested in the City’s Request for Proposals. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CSG performs work solely for public agencies, eliminating the potential for conflicts of interest. CONTRACT PERFORMANCE CSG is not debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to contract with any other federal, state or local public agency. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 3 PROJECT EXPERIENCE CSG staff has provided professional engineering services of a similar nature to jurisdictions throughout California. Below, for the City’s review, are selected projects from similar contracts. GLADSTONE RESERVOIR TANK DEMOLITION | CITY OF GLENDORA, CA The City selected CSG to design and provide support for the demolition and removal of an existing 1.5 MG water tank, including booster station. In addition to the tank removal, CSG designed a parking lot with drought tolerant landscaping on the site of the removed water tank. HILLSIDE BOULEVARD REHABILITATION AND BEAUTIFICATION, PHASE 1 | TOWN OF COLMA, CA Winner of an APWA Silicon Valley Project of the Year Award for Small Cities/Rural Communities The Town of Colma selected CSG to manage the rehabilitation and beautification of Hillside Boulevard, an arterial, which spans 1.5 miles from the Daly City limit to the South San Francisco city limit. CSG was involved in planning, final design and construction of this beautification project. In the planning stage of the project, CSG conducted traffic studies, attended study sessions with various Town’s departmental directors, presented our conceptual design to the community at two public meetings and effectively coordinated with project stakeholders, City staff and City Council to review and approve an aesthetically pleasing design concept which was in compliance with the Town’s General Plan. Design elements incorporated sheltered left turns to act as traffic calming measures, additional street parking, continuous bike lanes, a continuous sidewalk where none exist before, curb ramps, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, and bio-retention areas or “rain gardens”. PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM | TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH, CA The $2.7 million project consisted of the analysis and design for roughly 30 miles of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation for residential, collector, and arterial streets in the hillsides of Hillsborough, CA. CSG served as design consultant managing all aspects of the PS&E package, including coordination with Town staff, management of subconsultants, pavement analysis and recommendations, recommendations for additional bicycle safety signage and striping, and preparation of PS&E for the 30 miles of street rehabilitation, a new 10,000 SF parking lot, a raised intersection, and resurfacing, striping and signage for Town Hall parking lot and two Fire Station parking lots. CSG coordinated the design teams of two separate projects (water line and water tank) to help reduce the overall cost of the projects. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 HILLCREST BOULEVARD STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS | CITY OF MILLBRAE, CA During intense storm events the existing storm drain system in a portion of Hillcrest Boulevard would be overwhelmed, and the excess water would flow over the sidewalk and down a driveway causing flooding and damage. A parallel storm drain was installed to increase the system capacity. The improvements included 925 linear feet of 24” diameter RCP storm drain, 32 linear feet of 18” diameter RCP storm drain, new manholes and a catch basin, and reconstruction of existing manhole and catch basin. BEACH -RESERVATION AND CORDOZA - RESERVATION ROUNDABOUTS | CITY OF MARINA, CA The project included widening on the north side of Reservation Road and Beach Road, realignment of the southern leg of Reservation to the west to accommodate the roundabout. The project included roundabouts at the two intersections (at Beach -Reservation and Cordoza-Reservation), street lighting, widening and overlay of the existing roadway section. Sidewalk improvements were constructed along the northern limits of the project to maintain continuity at existing pedestrian improvements. SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT | CITY OF MILLBRAE, CA The design of this sewer CIP project included 18 different sewer locations throughout the City. Stakeholder coordination was required with Caltrans Local Assistance for compliance with Federal funding guidelines (an E-76 was obtained for this project), as well as Caltrans Encroachment Permit Department for coordination with the state design review staff regarding Caltrans owned facilities. FAIR OAKS BIKEWAY AND STREETSCAPE | CITY OF SUNNYVALE, CA The City of Sunnyvale proposed to construct safety improvements along Fair Oaks Avenue between Old San Francisco Road and Evelyn Avenue, and between Kifer Road and Ahwanee Avenue. CSG’s scope included three public meetings and the development of several class I, II, and III bike lane alternatives along Fair Oaks Avenue. Design work included the installation of class III bikeways with shared-lane markings, or “sharrows” and appropriate signage, bicycle loop detectors and pull boxes, camera systems at intersections on existing signal mast arms with new conduits, and pedestrian push buttons post, and foundation. Additional scope of work included upgrades existing non-ADA compliant ramps to ADA compliance, concrete improvements, including sidewalk, curb and gutter, and valley gutter replacement, drainage inlet modifications, monument adjustment, and electrical pull boxes adjustments to finished grade. IMJIN PARKWAY BIKE LANES PROJECT | CITY OF MARINA, CA This project included the widening of the existing AC roadway and installation new bike lanes on both sides of Imjin Parkway for a mile and a half. Work also included improvements to concrete sidewalks, curb, gutter, and passageways, providing new striping and markings, metal guard rail construction, signage, traffic signal modifications, and an asphalt concrete overlay. The project utilized high visibility green bike lanes for road areas where vehicles would cross over the new bicycle lanes. The project received STP funding and required coordination with Caltrans Local Assistance to obtain the E76 Authorization to Proceed with Construction. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 5 UTILITIES PROGRAM MANAGEMENT & DESIGN | CITY OF MORGAN HILL, CA CSG is providing program management, design, and construction management services to the City for their $18 million sewer and water improvement program, as part of the City’s bond measure. In addition to program management services, CSG is providing the following tasks x Work with City in preparing each project scope of work, budget, and schedule. x Prepare RFP documents for design services per the City requirements for each project x Prepare documents required to obtain Authorization to Proceed with Construction x Coordinate with other stakeholders/agencies – Santa Clara Valley Water District, PG&E, Charter, and Verizon/Frontier x Oversee projects during the planning, design, and construction phases x Prepare contract award package per the City requirements x Attend City Council and public meetings and assisting with material preparation for the meetings x Perform construction management for various utility projects x Program and projects control and program close-out PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 6 REFERENCE Our track record of success with our clients is outstanding and we encourage you to contact our references with any questions or clarification you might require. CSG currently provides services to more than 175 clients throughout California. The following is a partial list of regional references for which CSG has provided similar services as those requested by the City. City of Glendora Alison Sweet Assistant Public Works Director / City Engineer 116 E. Foothill Boulevard Glendora, CA 91741 (626) 914-8246 asweet@cityofglendora.org On-Call Engineering & Building Plan Check Services 2014 – On-going City of Beverly Hills Erik Keshishian, PE Supervising Plan Review Engineer 455 North Rexford Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (310) 285-1141 ekershishian@beverlyhills.org On-Call Development Review & Building Plan Check Services 2017 – On-Going City of Inglewood Mandhir Singh Building Official One West Manchester Blvd, 4th Floor Inglewood, CA 90301 (310) 412-5294 msingh@cityofinglewood.org On-Call Development Review & Building Plan Check for Hollywood Park Development and General Building Plan Check Services 2013 – On-Going Town of Colma Brian Dossey City Manager 1198 El Camino Road Colma, CA 94014 (650) 997-8304 Brian.dossey@colma.ca.gov On-Call Engineering, Building, Fire, & Planning Services 2007 – On-Going Town of Hillsborough Daniel Gonzales Deputy Public Works Director 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, CA 94010 (650) 375-7400 dgonazles@hillsborough.net On-Call Engineering, Construction Management, & Building Services 2008 – On-Going City of Millbrae Khee Lim Deputy City Manager / Public Works Director 621 Magnolia Avenue Millbrae, CA 94030 (60) 259-2339 klim@ci.millbrae.ca.us On-Call Engineering, Construction Management, & Building Services 2010 – On-Going City of Marina Brian McMinn Public Works Director / City Engineer 211 Hillcrest Avenue Marina, CA 93933 (831) 884-1212 bmcminn@cityofmarina.org On-Call Engineering, Construction Management, Building, & Code Enforcement Services 2006 – On-Going City of Sunnyvale Thanh Nguyen Civil Engineer 456 W. Olive Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 730-7512 pubworks@sunnyvale.ca.gov On-Call Engineering & Construction Management Services 2008 – On-Going PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 7 Project Staffing & Project Organization ORGANIZATIONAL CHART CSG proposes the following organizational structure for this contract. Key personnel are denoted by (*). Resumes of proposed staff are provided in Section 10 of this proposal. Peykan Abbassi, PE* CONTRACT MANAGER Lawrence Lau, PE, PLS, QSD/P* Principal Engineer Michael Fisher, PE, QSD/P* Principal Engineer LEAD ENGINEERS Katherine Sheehan, PE, QSD/P* Green Infrastructure Design David Seto, PE* Roadway Civil Design Son Hoang. EIT Sewer Design Support DESIGN ENGINEERS Ed Slintak, PE Principal Engineer QA/QC REVIEW C ITY OF L A Q UINTA Ethan Edwards, AICP* Director of Planning Services Gena Guisar, ACIP Principal Planner Leila Carver, PTP* Transportation Planner PLANNERS 4 SECTION Nourdin Khayata, PE* Resident Engineer Dave Bishop* Resident Engineer Merrill Buck, PE* Resident Engineer Mahan Bozorginia, PE Assistant Resident Engineer RESIDENT ENGINEERS Bassam Badr Kevin O’Connell, PE Mojtaba Nahrvar, EIT Jun Osalbo* Ahmad Lame, PE* CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 8 Work Plan / Technical Approach PROJECT UNDERSTANDING CSG understands the City is looking for an engineering consultant to provide design engineering and project management services. Design engineering included the preparation of plans and specifications for capital improvement projects (CIP) of varying complexity. Project management services is the support of City staff for various CIP’s, including State and Federally funded projects, projects of varying complexity, budget, and size, and all phases of design and project management. GENERAL APPROACH TO WORK To serve the needs of the City, CSG draws upon our staff consisting of civil engineers, transportation engineers, project managers, construction managers, construction inspectors, and traffic engineers. CSG has successfully provided on-call contracts for numerous agencies including the Cities/Towns of Glendora, Marina, Colma, South San Francisco, Millbrae, Hillsborough, San Mateo, Foster City, Belmont, and San Carlos. Over the years, CSG has delivered projects for municipalities in California. The key to our success is the professional staff with direct government experience in Public Works. Following represents important considerations to ensure quality work products are delivered efficiently: x Understanding each project and the agency’s primary goals and objectives; x Understanding agency’s financial constraints while creating opportunities and optimizing resources; x Preventing project overruns by estimating all project elements accurately; x Preparing and monitoring project schedules and milestones; x Addressing stakeholders and policy makers’ concerns and resolving conflicts; x Complying with CEQA/NEPA procedures, mitigation measures, and best management practices; x Coordinating utility companies and permitting agencies early in the preliminary phases; x Designing to all applicable local codes, standards and plans; x Communicating with City staff and contractors on a weekly basis; x Monitoring and reporting project progress; x Anticipating project issues and proposing practical solutions; x Facilitating communication among Stakeholders x Communicating with permitting and/or regulatory agencies x Review for compliance with the approved Tentative Map and Conditions of Approval (maps) x Review for compliance with the California Subdivision Map Act x Review for compliance with the Professional Land Surveyor’s Act x Preparation of Staff Report for City Council Approval, if required x Conformance with the project improvement plans and other documents x Attend follow-up meetings with Planning staff, the applicant, or others as needed to resolve issues regarding the proposal. Review subsequent submittals of the proposal. 5 SECTION PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 9 DESIGN ENGINEERING APPROACH Following represents CSG’s approach for managing the City’s CIP projects from inception to completion: Project Management Plan CSG will implement a project management plan where all project elements are identified and documented. Our team will highlight any potential for change early in the project development to allow for alternate approach studies and associated costs. Scope/Control Management Scope control occurs with the development of a well written scope of work as defined by the City. As changes are identified, a change request process will be followed encompassing the cost and schedule impact of each potential change, as well as the additional scope description. Potential changes will be included in a report that will be discussed in regularly scheduled meetings with the City. As changes are approved, the appropriate revisions will be made to the Scope of Work, the schedule and cost. Schedule Management A baseline schedule will be developed and submitted for approval by the City for the selected projects. CSG ensures that only contractually required dates are constrained, and out-of-sequence activities are not present. Quality Management CSG’s QA/QC Implementation Plan will include a Project Quality Management Plan (QA) and the Quality Control (QC) process during construction. Budget/Cost Management As project estimate is finalized, and it will be included in the project budget. In case of a Change order, once the merit is established and the cost is negotiated and finalized the schedule and budget will be revised accordingly. All baselines revisions and change orders will be tracked and documented. Internal & External Stakeholders Coordination As a multi-disciplinary engineering firm, we understand that solid team building, and cooperation are required for the successful completion of an on-call contract. To ensure effective teamwork, our team will hold regular meetings with the City, utility companies, residents, and businesses to confirm project goals and objectives. A clear understanding of each person’s role in the project is essential and will be communicated to each team member. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 10 Design Checklist CSG ‘s general design approach checklist is shown below. We make sure to address these items with the agencies we work with to ensure a well-managed and designed project. 9 Design kick off meeting with the City, and record and distribute minutes 9 Identify permits required and prepare documentation 9 Right of way research and mapping 9 Coordination with affected property owners 9 Utility and other stakeholder coordination, mailing letters of intent, and determination and coordination of any required relocations or conflict resolutions 9 AutoCAD base map development, using AutoCAD Civil 3D. Field assessments of existing features 9 Identification of applicable City/County/Caltrans Standard Plan details or development of customized construction details 9 Prepare reports and recommendations (including CEQA/NEPA compliance) 9 Develop plans, specifications & estimates for construction 9 PS&E submittal review meetings with the City 9 Attend the City’s Design group to Construction group “Hand-off” meeting 9 Bid and award 9 Construction management support 9 Conduct “Lessons Learned” meeting Project Coordination and Review Meetings CSG prides itself on its ability to effectively communicate, build relationships, and partner with its clients. CSG staff will actively participate in meetings, provide progress updates, and provide clear lines of communication for the City. CSG strongly believes open and concise communication with internal and external stakeholders is the key to the successful delivery of any project. CSG’s Project Manager will act as the single point of contact with the City and check in on a regular basis to discuss and coordinate project details and issues with the City. Coordination efforts will consist of conference calls, emails, and in-person meetings. In addition to on-going coordination, CSG will meet with City staff at the kick off meeting and the design review meetings. During these in-person meetings to review the progress of the project, the PM discusses any review comments provided by the City and stakeholders, reviews the project schedule and budget, discusses any project issues with design, and identifies action items for all parties. CSG will also be readily available during the bid and award process as well as construction phase of the project. Bid Phase and Construction Support CSG will readily provide bid phase and construction support on an as-needed basis to answer any technical questions that may arise. These services may include, but are not limited to, the following: x Responding to requests for information (RFI’s); x Issuing plan clarifications; x Attending pre-construction meeting; x Attending post-construction meeting; x Review and approve submittals; x Respond to Requests for Information (RFIs); x Prepare change orders; x Attending field meetings; x Record drawings preparation PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 11 VARIOUS DESIGN ELEMENTS Following is our approach to design of various elements in street improvement, roadway widening, and rehabilitation/reconstruction project: x Roadway / Complete Streets CSG has designed many roadway and complete street improvements projects for public agencies throughout California. Each of these improvement projects has had its own set of challenges, which include but are not limited to existing physical constraints, jurisdictional restrictions, community opposition, and budgetary limitations. CSG will identify and understand these challenges based on discussions with the City, project stakeholders, and the community. We propose design concepts in compliance with the latest City’s Standards and design requirements, Caltrans Highway Design Manual, California Highway Capacity Manual, AASHTO’s Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, National Association of City Transportation Officials’ Urban Street Design Guide, FHWA Transportation Research Board’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). x Curb Ramps Providing accessibility to sidewalks and curb ramps is critical for roadway projects in order to meet ADA requirements. Depending on the physical constraints, there are limitations to the type of curb ramps that can be constructed. During the selection process, CSG’s staff would evaluate the existing grades, right-of-way limitations, drainage patterns and proximity to drain inlets, sign relocations, stop bars and striping, signal foundations, pull boxes, and pedestrian push button relocations. Being cognizant of these items during design will limit changes in the field during construction and prevent potential change orders. x Bulb-Outs Bulb-outs not only effectively channelize vehicles and reduce high speed vehicle turning movements, but they also create a safer environment for pedestrians by shortening the “at-risk” crossing distance. They provide a refuge area that gives pedestrians a greater sight distance of oncoming vehicles without having to encroach into the street. Bulb-outs should be designed to allow for proper truck turning movements without blocking or restricting bicycle travel and should contain gradual curves that still allow for street sweeping. CSG proposes bulb-outs and the associated pedestrian and bicyclist safety measures with consideration of National Association of City Transportation Officials’ Urban Street Design Guide, Caltrans Standard and Specifications, and City’s Standards. x Signing and Striping Consideration should be given to include crosswalk markings, yield lines, and appropriate signage at key intersections, particularly adjacent to schools to enhance visibility and increase pedestrian safety. On a typical roadway improvement project, the stop bar, stop legend, stop sign, and crosswalk marking may require addition and relocation, depending on the pedestrian path of travel alignment between curb ramps. The use of pedestrian awareness equipment, such as in-road-warning-lights, flashing beacons, LED enhanced flashing signage, pedestrian countdown signals, street lighting, should be considered to increase the visibility, safety, and awareness of pedestrians. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 12 x Sidewalks / Pedestrian Improvements CSG has completed many pedestrian accessibility projects throughout the State of California. CSG staff includes CASp certified personnel, in addition to ADA designers and construction inspectors. x Bicycle Improvements CSG has completed numerous bicycle and trail projects throughout the State of California. CSG staff includes complete Streets and ATP designers with extensive experience designing class 1, 2, 3, and 4. CSG engineers are familiar with all the current bicycle standards, Caltrans standards, ADA and pedestrian standards, MUTCD ASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, NATCO’s Urban Bikeway Design Guide, and ITE’s Recommended Design Guideline to Accommodate Pedestrian and Bicycles at Interchange. x Stormwater Improvements CSG performs hydrology and hydraulic analysis for existing systems, prepares drainage reports, and proposes drainage improvements using the latest versions of industry software such as HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, and HydraFlow, following the City’s design standards. CSG also performs stormwater quality and hydromodification analysis of the permanent treatment measures using the Stormwater Quality Manual and Handbook. CSG is knowledgeable in the hydrologic investigation of storm drain systems to evaluate drainage capacity, and condition assessment of existing storm drains. Using the results of these basic investigations, CSG has evaluated the storm drains for rehabilitation and/or replacement. CSG is also experienced in the design of repairs for slopes damaged by inadequate storm drain system. x Wastewater Improvements CSG has completed a variety of wastewater improvement projects by developing innovative solutions and incorporating new technologies that enable various agencies to optimize the rehabilitation of sanitary sewer assets to meet hydraulic and regulatory requirements. A common challenge for many agencies is prioritizing CIP projects to improve the overall operation and performance of the system within a limited funding structure. CSG has partnered with our clients in evaluating cost-effective solutions for both short and long-term projects. Traditional open cut installations and replacements are still practical for most applications, however CSG staff has experience in the application of various techniques for trenchless construction. Trenchless construction techniques have been effective in minimizing traffic disruption in high-volume streets, avoiding potential damage to other utilities, and reducing pavement replacement. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 13 PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH Project management is central to the services provided by CSG. We take full ownership of our efforts, seeking solutions and offering recommended courses of action, drawing upon our extensive municipal project experience. Partnerships with our clients protect their interests while supporting the communities they serve. What separates a program from individual projects is the complexity and longer duration, but also the need to work through uncertainties, refine alternatives and unify the various stakeholders through a process that focuses on identifying, prioritizing, integrating and tracking the efforts comprising an implementation plan. Despite a well-funded program with highly experienced and technically capable engineers, a project can still falter if not expertly integrated and managed to meet the budget, schedule and anticipated quality. Capital Project Program Development & Implementation CSG provides program-level project management, administration, and engineering services. We manage multi-million-dollar water and sewer rehabilitation programs; roadway network assessments using the Metropolitan Transportation Commission pavement management program; development and implementation of property-owner, cost-shared, sidewalk repair programs; and offer full municipal engineering staff augmentation services. Program Management—CSG is experienced in management of a variety programs including Wet Weather Programs, Joint Jurisdictional Sewer Line Replacements, Water and Sewer Bond-Funded Capital Improvement Programs, Public Facilities Improvement Program. Federal and State Grant Administration—CSG excels at guiding projects through the CEQA/NEPA approval process and navigating the federal project administration, entitlement and authorization process utilizing the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. CSG was asked by six different agencies to expedite, manage and administer their American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Stimulus Package projects. Work scopes involved completing the mandatory Field Review and Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) forms, working with Caltrans Local Assistance to obtain the needed environmental clearance (NEPA), preparation of the Request for Construction Authorization (E- 76) package, and completion of the plans and specifications. CSG also assisted in the continued delivery of construction management projects by providing Resident Engineer, construction administration and inspection services. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 14 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT APPROACH CSG’s experienced construction managers and inspectors provide construction administration for all types of public works infrastructure projects including transportation, underground utilities, parks and public facilities. Our staff is familiar with Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications, and uses the provisions along with agency standards, project plans, specifications and other applicable reference documents to enforce contract provisions. Most CSG construction managers have served as Resident Engineers on projects involving Caltrans oversight and are accustomed to incorporating the higher standard of project documentation required of a project subject to a federal audit. We employ a web- based, integrated project control system closely following the Caltrans standards, monitoring all project documentation including correspondence, submittals, RFIs, diaries, schedules, material testing, contract change orders and progress payments. We also furnish photo and video documentation. Construction Management CSG acts as jurisdictional agent during the construction of CIP projects and is responsible for the successful completion of construction by overseeing contractors’ activities. CSG staff is responsible for ensuring that all work is built to the standards defined by the contract documents. Typical duties performed by CSG’s construction managers include: x Communicating and coordinating with project participants including the jurisdiction, contractor, testing forces and regulatory/permitting agencies x Monitoring and assessing project budgets and providing cost control x Tracking project progress against the schedule and contract duration x Resolving, as necessary, project issues that may cause project scope, cost or duration to vary x Completing contract administration paperwork including, but not limited to, processing and reviewing RFI’s, submittals, potential change orders, progress payments, and potential claims x Supervising construction inspection efforts x Coordinating and participating in weekly progress meetings to discuss and resolve project issues x Reviewing and ensuring the accuracy of the contractors’ red-lined record drawings, preparing the final punch list and overseeing punch list item resolution Construction Inspection Our inspectors are responsible for observing, measuring, and documenting contractors’ operations. Typical duties performed by our inspectors include: x Fully understanding requirements in plans and specifications, and maintaining an open dialog with construction managers for clarifications as necessary x Monitoring and coordinating operations with contractors to ensure that critical operations are observed x Bringing unacceptable work or material to the attention of the contractor and, if not resolved promptly, bringing the matter to the attention of the construction manager for resolution x Maintaining complete, up-to-date and accurate diaries and photo logs reflecting equipment utilized; compliance with contract documents; work completed including the location, quantity and methods; testing results; communications with the contractor including instructions, suggestions and requests; instructions from the engineer; and communications with the public or other agencies x Reviewing construction staking x Reviewing, measuring and calculating quantities for progress payments PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 15 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Staff Augmentation—Staffing fluctuations and temporary vacancies can often disrupt an agency’s ability to provide core services. CSG offers full and part-time help on short notice. We integrate seamlessly into agencies and jurisdictions as an extension of staff to overcome temporary workload spikes, run an entire program, or assume responsibility for an entire public works, building or engineering division. Typical staff augmentation design coordination and administration duties include: x Performing initial design assessments, alternatives analysis, utility conflict analysis and services in support of preliminary design x Preparation of Request for Proposals (RFPs) and defining projects’ design intent and scope of work x Management of municipal public works projects from the preliminary design stages through project completion and acceptance, including: meeting attendance, preparation of minutes, performing plan checking, preparing and reviewing specifications and contract documents, coordination with project stakeholders and outside agencies, performing constructability reviews, managing the bidding and award process, and providing design support during project construction x Review and approval of infrastructure projects associated with development activity x Providing City Council or Board of Supervisors support through development of staff reports, exhibits, drawings, and presentation materials PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 16 QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL CSG’s in-house QA / QC Implementation Plan utilizes a peer review process on every project. Our dedicated QA/QC Manager will be responsible for the following: x Establishing guidelines & assigning accountable personnel and responsibilities for each task. x Assuring that all deliverables are reviewed, including products from subconsultants. x Monitoring the process to assure that the schedule and budget are followed. x Participating in the internal and external reviews. x Reviewing and signing off on deliverables before submittal to the clients. Our 3-Level QA/QC process which ensures quality deliverables is graphically shown below: The Implementation Plan highlights that quality control is the responsibility of every team member of our staff at every level and at every milestone of the project development processes. All deliverables, including technical engineering reports, studies, design drawings and calculations, and maps are subject to a multi-tiered approach for review to ensure that all products are checked for accuracy, correctness, completeness and conformity with the City’s municipal code and design guidelines and standards, State, Federal and regulatory agencies requirements. The QA / QC Manager conducts periodic audits of the QA / QC process to ensure that all reviews are being properly conducted and documented by all team members. Deliverables will be reviewed for: x Compliance with approved formats, criteria, specifications, and professional standards of practice x Adequacy, clarity, ease of interpretation x Consistency x Constructability x Compatibility of design discipline interfaces x Errors and discrepancies x Coordination with related designs and project elements x Integration of design disciplines x Incorporation of design changes x Conformance to required environmental mitigation and governmental regulations QA DOCUMENTATION QA/QC IMPLEMENTATION PLAN DESIGN ENGINEER •Conform to agency’s Municipal Code, Standards & Specifications LEVEL 1 PROJECT MANAGER •Check for consistency •Ensure client’s objectives are met LEVEL 2 QA/QC MANAGER • Constructability Reviews • Comprehensive PS&E Reviews LEVEL 3 PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 17 Cost & Price Engineering and public works services are billed on a time-and-materials basis according to our standard rates. Professional Engineering Services Hourly Rate Administrative Assistant $75 Analyst $125 Engineering Designer $135 Construction Inspector $140 Senior Analyst $150 Assistant Resident Engineer $165 Assistant Engineer $145 Associate Engineer $165 Senior Construction Inspector $155 Senior Engineer $190 Senior Land Surveyor $190 Resident Engineer $200 Structure Representative $200 Senior Structural Engineer $210 Senior Project Manager $210 City/Principal Engineer $220 Senior Principal Engineer $240 Two-Person Survey Crew $320 6 SECTION PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Professional Planning Services Hourly Rate Planning Technician $85 Assistant Planner $105 Associate Planner $120 Senior Planner $135 Principal Planner $150 Planning Manager $185 Planning Director $205 All hourly rates include overhead costs including, but not limited to, salaries, benefits, Workers Compensation Insurance, travel and office expenses. On each anniversary of the contract start date, CSG rate increase will be calculated based on published CPI-U for the year. CSG will mail an invoice at the beginning of every month for services rendered during the previous month. PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 19 Appendix: Non-Collusion Affidavit CSG’s signed non-collusion affidavit is provided on the following page. 7 SECTION NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, __________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows: I am ______________________________ of _________________________, (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: _______________________________________ Proposer Name: _______________________________________ Proposer Title: ______________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Cyrus Kianpour President CSG Consultants, Inc. Cyrus Kianpour President CSG Consultants, Inc. 3707 W. Garden Grove Blvd, Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868 ______________ PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 21 Appendix: Insurance Acknowledgement CSG is a fully insured corporation and currently maintains the insurance coverage indicated below and the coverage required by the City. CSG will provide a certificate of insurance prior to contract execution. COVERAGE Limits of Liability WORKERS COMPENSATION Statutory COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury $2,000,000 General Aggregate AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY $5,000,000 Each Claim 8 SECTION PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 22 Appendix: Contract Exceptions CSG has reviewed the City’s sample Professional Services Agreement, including insurance requirements, and confirm our ability to meet the requirements of the Agreement. 9 SECTION PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ENGINEERING SERVICES 23 Appendix: Staff Resumes Resumes of proposed staff are provided on the following pages. 10 SECTION 24 Peykan LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | 51996 LEED AP Certificate United States Green Building Council Project Management Certificate Bureau of Engineering City of Los Angeles Certificate in Effective Negotiation Karrass Institute EDUCATION Master of Science, Civil Engineering University of Southern California Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering University of Southern California PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS APWA member ASCE member Abbassi PE, LEED AP Principal Engineer Mr. Abbassi is an experienced executive level leader for large programs in Public Works, Transportation, Development and Municipal Engineering. Through creation of a team environment and project ownership atmosphere he achieved outcomes above and beyond the expected performance levels. He consistently developed cohesive management teams, established and monitored short-range and long-range goals, budgets, and schedules. Mr. Abbassi has worked with regulatory agencies such as Army Corps of Engineers, California Coastal Commission, and California Department of Fish and Game, and has engaged with development firms to reach common grounds. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City Engineer | City of City of Half Moon Bay, CA Mr. Abbassi was responsible for complex and technical tasks related to capital infrastructure, utilities, traffic studies and management, land development and other public works-related projects and programs ensuring compliance with all codes and regulations. His work included managing consultants for storm drain and sewer master plans as well as design consultants for the Capital Improvement Projects. Under his supervision, the City developed a comprehensive and robust 5-year capital program. It included a new Net Zero and LEED certified library as well as Highway 1 “Safety and Operational Improvements” projects. Mr. Abbassi assisted the City with its Solid Waste contract as well managing activities with the JPA for the Wastewater Treatment Facility and pumping plants throughout the City. Chief Development Officer | North County Transit District (NCTD) Mr. Abbassi was responsible for directing and managing the activities of the Development Services Division (DSD) comprised of Engineering and Capital Programs, Facility, Real Estate, Maintenance of Way Departments and Signals and systems including Positive Train Control. The Engineering department performed the oversight of the work performed by SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) on LOSSAN Corridor capacity enhancement (double tracking the railroad right of way) and the replacement of 22 bridges in the 60 miles of right of way. In addition, Development Services Division collaborated with the Planning Division in advancing efforts for Transit Oriented Development (TOD) projects in NCTD right-of-way. Project Manager | City of Los Angeles Coordination, review and approval of Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s EXPO II, and Regional Connector projects and their interface with the City’s infrastructures and facilities. Reviewed the preliminary design and RFP, coordination with the Design/Build contractors and their consultants through completion of design and approval of the projects’ plans for construction. Closely managed the MTA’s projects interface with the City of Los Angeles, coordinated deliverables with the City’s departments, to ensure accurate and timely execution of public improvements, in accordance with the prescribed standards, and uninterrupted and safe service delivery to the public. Private Development Plan Checking Group | West Los Angeles District Office, City of Los Angeles, CA Mr. Abbassi helped establish Public Works Improvement Requirements and Conditions for Subdivision and Land Use projects; these included street, storm drain, sanitary sewer, grading, erosion control and review of Environmental Impact Report (EIR), preparation and review of construction bonds documents for improvements in conjunction with private development projects. Led and directed the group responsible for the issuance of over 500 private development projects’ plan check permits and construction. 25 Lawrence LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | C57397 Professional Land Surveyor State of California | L7934 Qualified Stormwater Designer/Practitioner | 23449 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University |San Luis Obispo, CA PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Council of Engineering Companies East Bay Chapter Past President (2013-2014) American Public Works Association American Society of Civil Engineers Lau PE, PLS, QSD/P Principal Engineer Mr. Lau has over 24 years of civil engineering design and project management experience. He possesses a strong technical background in the master planning, design, and construction of Caltrans and local roadways, complete streets, roundabouts, parking lots, drainage and utility improvements for public agencies. He is also experienced in site layout, grading, drainage, and backbone infrastructure improvements for low, medium, and high density residential and mixed-use developments. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 2016-17 Street Resurfacing Project | City of Stockton, CA Mr. Lau served as the Project Manager for this federally funded pavement rehabilitation project along four arterials and collectors. He oversaw the preliminary and final design of pavement rehabilitation and preparation of a PS&E bid package in an aggressive design schedule. He managed a design team to conduct pavement section investigations select and recommend the most appropriate pavement treatments, perform life cycle cost analysis for each selected pavement treatment alternative, develop a pavement recommendation report with preferred treatments identified for each roadway, locate existing survey monuments and right-of-way, assist the City to file corner records after alterations to the survey monuments, coordinate with utility companies on adjustments of their facilities to finished grades, and prepare layout, striping, traffic handling and detour plans, construction cost estimate and specifications. 2016 Local Street Sealing Project| City of Campbell, CA Mr. Lau served as the Project Manager for this slurry seal, microsurfacing, and crack seal project. He performed a “project-level” field assessment of their street network to determine the actual condition and technical needs of various residential and neighborhood-collector streets and assembled a list of candidate street with pavement rehabilitation options including slurry seal, microsurfacing or future asphalt rubber cape seal. After prioritizing the treatment options based upon adjacent street batching, dig outs repairs, surface texture and raveling as an indicator of timeliness and conflicts with planned utility work or other CIP projects, he managed a design team to determine the most appropriate treatment option based on the City’s budget and prepare a bid package within a tight design schedule. Magnolia Ave / Grande Ave & Mission Rd/Evergreen Ave Safety Improvements | City of South San Francisco, CA As project manager, Mr. Lau was responsible for overseeing the final design and preparation of PS&E for two intersections at accelerated schedule in order to secure E-76 Authorization for Construction and meet the funding deadline. He oversaw the design of new traffic signals, bulbouts with ADA-compliant curb ramps, drainage inlets, and pipes. He also conducted the QA/QC of PS&E packages, Right-of-Way and Utility Certificates for processing Caltrans Local Assistance E-76 Application. Walnut Ave Rule 20A | County of Merced, CA Mr. Lau was the project manager responsible for managing the final design and preparation of PS&E documents for the reconstruction of a three-quarter mile long Walnut Avenue from Santa Fe Drive to California Street. He also coordinated with utility companies to determine the locations of the proposed joint trench and the placements of utility vaults in order to minimize the conflicts with the proposed roadway and drainage improvements as well as the impacts to the adjacent private properties. Mr. Lau oversaw the design of roadway improvements including new pavement sections, curb and gutter, bulbouts, speed table, Class II bike lane, storm drains and inlets, retention basin and streetlights. He reviewed plat and legal descriptions for acquisitions of right-of-ways from six adjacent properties. 26 Michael LICENSES and CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | 56550 Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, San Jose State University |San Jose, CA PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS South Bay Transportation Offices Association (SBTOA), Past President Toastmasters International Club: 04840677 Fisher PE, QSD/P Principal Engineer Mr. Fisher is a civil engineer with over 24 years of experience in civil/roadway design, drainage design, traffic engineering, specification writing, engineering report writing and project management. He has managed teams of engineers, working to deliver over a dozen projects ranging in size from $20,000 to $22,000,000 with project status ranging from project initiation/feasibility/study phase to approval/environmental phase to final design and construction. Mr. Fisher has experience managing the design of pavement rehabilitation projects through various means, including alternative overlay to full depth structural sections. He is also experienced in providing value engineering to ensure the client’s pavement management budget has maximum impact. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Various Streets & Roads Project | City of Millbrae, CA Mr. Fisher served as the Project Manager for this pavement project which involved a major City arterial, Millbrae Avenue, and a residential Street, Magnolia Avenue. The project also included pavement coring sample testing, surveying, pavement recommendations report, traffic handling plans, ADA curb ramp upgrades, traffic signal repair and traffic detours. Stakeholder coordination was required with Caltrans Local Assistance for compliance with Federal funding guidelines (an E-76 was obtained for this project), as well as Caltrans Encroachment Permit Department for coordination with Caltrans design review staff regarding Caltrans owned facilities. 2016 Street Reconstruction at Various Locations | City of San Mateo, CA Mr. Fisher served as the Project Manager for this street reconstruction project. The project involved mobilization; traffic control; sign relocations; concrete improvements, include installation of ADA curb ramps, sidewalks, curb & gutter and driveways. Concrete road pavement removals and replacements; asphalt concrete grinding; asphalt concrete deep lift digout repairs; roadway reflective cracking mitigation via crack sealing, subgrade enhancement geotextile; hot mix asphalt paving; utility adjustments to grade; catch basin, RCP and HDPE storm drain pipe installation; tree removal; pavement striping, markings, and markers; and other related work. Junipero Serra at King Boulevard Intersection Improvements | City of South San Francisco, CA Project Manager for this Bicycle and pedestrian friendly traffic signal upgrade project. The project goal was to improve mobility for all modes, and brings the intersection up to current standards for bicyclists, pedestrians, and ADA access. Project included preliminary design, community outreach, agency coordination including Caltrans. The project scope included redesign of the existing medians and right-turn islands to improve intersection geometry and provide ADA compliance, replacement of the existing traffic signals located in the median with mast arm signals to improve visibility, addition of a speed feedback sign on southbound Junipero Serra, and extension of existing bike lanes along Junipero Serra Boulevard through the King Drive intersection to improve bicycle safety. 27 Katherine LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | 82702 Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner | 25313 Certified LEED Green Associate EDUCATION Master of Science, Civil Engineering Santa Clara University | Santa Clara, CA Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Santa Clara University | Santa Clara, CA PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Public Works Association (APWA) APWA Engineering and Technology Committee East Bay Municipal Engineers (EBME) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Toastmasters International Vice President, Membership Club: 4840673 Sheehan PE, QSD/QSP Senior Engineer Ms. Sheehan has over five years of experience in municipal engineering. She has helped assemble over twenty municipal plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E) packages and has engineered the designs for several roadway rehabilitation, pedestrian and bicyclist accessibility, and storm drainage projects. She is highly proficient in AutoCAD Civil 3D and has excellent verbal and written communication skills. Recently, she was appointed to the national APWA Engineering and Technology Committee. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Railroad Avenue Storm Drain Rehabilitation Project | City of Pittsburg Ms. Sheehan served as the Project Engineer for this storm drain improvement project, which involved the construction of a parallel storm drain to supplement the existing capacity and mitigate flooding to private properties. She prepared the 65% through final bid documents (plans, specifications, and estimates), for this project, and provided construction support to work around unforeseen utility conflicts. Hearst Avenue Complete Streets Project | City of Berkeley, CA Ms. Sheehan served as the Project Engineer for this federally-funded complete street project, which included the reconfiguration of Hearst Avenue to include dedicated bike lanes, shared lanes, new sidewalks, and ADA Improvements. She prepared Local Assistance technical memoranda, peer reviewed the 65% plans, and prepared a preliminary bioretention area design. On-Call Drainage and Civil Design Services | City of Berkeley Ms. Sheehan served as the Project Engineer for on-call contract, which included various projects within the City of Berkeley, including pipeline rehabilitation and drainage improvements at five locations within the City, and two pilot green infrastructure projects. Low impact development designs included permeable pavers, a detention vault, bioretention areas, and valley gutter improvements. She also served as Construction Inspector for the Allston Way Permeable Paver Project. She prepared the project PS&Es at each submittal stage. First Street and City Alley Resurfacing Project | City of Los Altos, CA Ms. Sheehan is the Project Engineer for these two resurfacing projects, which involve rehabilitation of 20 city alleyways as well as First Street between West Edith Avenue and State Street. She prepared the project PS&E package, Basis of Design Report, and coordinated with utility owners for adjustments of their facilities. Safe Routes to School Project | City of San Mateo, CA Ms. Sheehan serves as the Associate Engineer for this federally-funded project, which involves curb extensions, curb ramps, and rectangular rapid flashing beacons. In addition to preparing the PS&Es for work adjacent to three school sites, she helped to coordinate the work of four design consultants and assemble a single bid schedule and set of technical specifications in anticipation of the Caltrans E-76 Request to Proceed with Construction on behalf of the City. Grant Street and Seaport Drive Rehabilitation Projects | City of Vallejo, CA Ms. Sheehan served as the Project Engineer and prepared the project PS&Es for these roadway rehabilitation projects. The Grant Street project involved two-phase concrete and roadway rehabilitation, valley gutters, road alignment adjustments, curb ramp reconstruction, and full depth reclamation. The Seaport Drive project involved full depth reclamation and curb ramp reconstruction. 28 David LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer State of California | C78138 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering University of California Davis Davis, CA PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Public Works Association (APWA) Toastmasters International Secretary Club: 4840677 Seto PE Senior Engineer Mr. Seto is a Senior Engineer with over 12 years of experience in the transportation field. Mr. Seto has been a project engineer for multiple transportation projects and was responsible for the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates for traffic signals, lighting, traffic operation system, ramp metering, streetscape improvements, roadway intersection, grade separations, and stage construction projects. He is knowledgeable of and has prepared designs to Caltrans, Counties, and Cities standards. He is proficient in the use of MicroStation and AutoCad Civil 3D. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Beach and Reservation Road Roundabouts | City of Marina, CA Mr. Seto was the Project Engineer for this roundabout project for the City of Marina. The project created two roundabouts, at one of the city’s main entrances adjacent to a freeway interchange. The project helped create a gateway entry statement to one of the City’s main commercial corridors. The scope also included decorative lighting, bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements, and landscaping improvements to create an attractive entry to the city. Fair Oaks Bikeway and Streetscape | City of Sunnyvale, CA Mr. Seto served as the Project Engineer for this project. The scope involved the installation of Class III green bicycle markings and bicycle detector markings along with various intersection improvements. Work included the detailed grading design of several curb returns to meet ADA requirements, restriping of various intersections and replacement of concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter. 2017 Pavement Rehabilitation Project | City of Sunnyvale, CA Mr. Seto served as the Project Engineer for this annual street pavement rehabilitation project. The scope involved the rehabilitation of 2 streets in the City of Sunnyvale. Work included the design of grind and HMA overlay, digouts, utility adjustments, curb ramps, concrete sidewalk, curb, gutter and driveway replacement, and striping plans. 2016 Street Reconstruction at Various Locations| City of San Mateo, CA Mr. Seto served as the Design Engineer for street improvements at various locations throughout San Mateo. The project involved concrete road pavement removals and replacements of various streets, installation of ADA curb ramps, sidewalks, curb & gutter, and driveways. Also included were utility adjustments to grade, installation of catch basins, RCP and HDPE storm drain pipe installation, pavement striping, markings, and markers; and other related work. He also managed the preparation of Caltrans encroachment permit. Mary Avenue Bike Lane | City of Sunnyvale, CA Mr. Seto served as CSG’s design engineer for this project. The scope involved installing a class II bike lane on both sides of Mary Ave from Fremont Ave to Maude Avenue (3 miles). Civil scope of work includes concrete improvements, asphalt concrete digout repairs, crack sealing, slurry seal, utility adjustments and other related work. Measure J and L & Annual Pavement Rehabilitation 2015 | City of Orinda, CA This Measure J & L project rehabilitated local/residential roads with a PCI value less than 25. The scope included identifying various depths of full depth rehabilitation to rehabilitate 23 local roads and two collector roads. As Project Engineer, Mr. Seto was responsible for the field assessments, utility company coordination, and development of PS&E documents. He also assisted in the preparation of addendums and bud support. 29 Kelly LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | 57167 Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) | 00477 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Civil and Environmental Engineering California Polytechnic State University | San Luis Obispo, CA TRAINING Stormwater Treatment Facility Inspections | SCVURPPP CASQA Stormwater Quality Effectiveness Evaluation Measures | BASMAA Sustainable Stormwater Management: Integrated Planning and Green Infrastructure | ICMA Sustainable Streets Workshop (Green Streets) | San Mateo County Advance Your Sustainability Initiatives through Improved Stormwater Management | ICMA Construction Site Management Controls | SFEP/ RWQCB Rural Roads/ Rural Public Works BMPs Wetlands Design and Construction | RWQCB Construction Site Management Controls | SFEP/ RWQCB Creek Restoration and Re-Construction | RWQCB Bio-retention Sizing Tool (web-based) | Clearcreek Solutions Carroll PE, QSD Senior Project Manager Ms. Carroll has 20 twenty years of experience in project management and program development, with 10 years of experience managing staff and mentoring interns. Prior to joining CSG, she served as Program Manager and Business Administrator for the West Valley Clean Water Program. In this role, she managed a partnership between the Cities of Campbell, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, and Town of Los Gatos to implement municipal stormwater protection and public education programs to meet State required actions under an NPDES Stormwater Permit. Ms. Carroll is skilled in project management as well stormwater program management. She has expertise in development of local implementation plans and in reviewing projects for compliance with NPDES permit requirements, Local Ordinances, Project Conditions of Approval, and any other permits or regulations enforced at the municipal, state, or federal level. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Project Manager – C.4 Inspection Programs | Cities of San Carlos and Half Moon Bay, and Town of Colma, CA Ms. Carroll currently manages C4 Inspection services for Cities of San Carlos, Half Moon Bay and Colma. She provides oversight and guidance to Inspectors and coordinates communication and deliverables to City Staff. Project Manager – C3(h) Inspection Programs | Cities of Half Moon Bay and Burlingame, CA Ms. Carroll currently manages C3(h) Inspection services for Cities of Half Moon Bay and provides in- field and training services to City of Burlingame. She provides oversight and guidance to Inspectors and coordinates communication and deliverables to City Staff. Program Manager/Business Administrator | West Valley Clean Water Program (Cities of Campbell, Monte Sereno, Saratoga &Town of Los Gatos, CA) Ms. Carroll managed a partnership between four public agencies to implement municipal stormwater protection and public education programs to meet State required actions under an NPDES Stormwater Permit. Under renewed MOU and organization restructure, Ms. Carroll was also responsible for business, administration, and finance management, including development and implementation of office protocols for finance and administrative functions, as well as communication protocols for the Oversight Committee. Additional duties included permit management and analysis, program development and implementation, and report documentation and submittal. Program Manager | West Valley Clean Water Program Ms. Carroll established a start-up program and developed, coordinated and implemented common municipal permit-required stormwater protection programs, tasks and reporting sections for four smaller (non-full service) municipalities of similar background and size. Assistant Engineer | City of Los Altos, CA As an Assistant Engineer, Ms. Carroll coordinated and managed Public Works’ Capital Improvement Projects, issued public works permits, conducted public works inspections, and implemented the City’s newly adopted stormwater program. 30 Sandra LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | 52583 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Washington State University | Pullman, WA Meditch PE Senior Engineer Ms. Meditch is a seasoned civil engineer with over 25 years of professional experience. During her career, she has served as project engineer on a variety of projects from residential to commercial. Her experience includes project design and staff oversight, coordination of communication between clients, sub-consultants and public agencies; preparation of specifications, creation of cost estimates and construction administration. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Gladstone Reservoir Tank Demolition | City of Glendora, Ca Ms. Meditch served as the Project Engineer for the demolition and removal of an existing 1.5 MG water tank, including booster station. In addition to the tank removal, she designed a parking lot with drought tolerant landscaping on the site of the removed water tank. Acting Development Engineer | Cities of Milpitas, Gilroy, Marina Ms. Meditch reviewed planning applications for tentative maps, demolition, grading, building, and site improvement permits. She was also a project manager for in-house and off-site review and approval associated with residential improvements; and managed construction issues with City staff and contractor. While with the City of Marina, Ms. Meditch provided technical support to the City Strategic Development Center. Project Engineer | Various Cities As a Project Engineer, Ms. Meditch was responsible for design of grading, utility (storm, sanitary, and water supply), and striping plans, preparation of cost estimate and construction coordination, and AutoCAD aspects of the project. She supervised in-house staff and coordinated design work with sub-consultants, clients, and all other public agencies. Her notable projects included: x Hollister Pavement Reconstruction Project, Phase II & III | City of Hollister x Eagle Ridge | City of Gilroy x Memorial Drive/Sunnyslope Road Intersection Reconstruction | City of Hollister x Westside Drive Widening and Improvements | City of Hollister x East 14th Street/ Mission Blvd. / State Route 185 | City of Hayward x Pacific View | City of Pacifica x Various Commercial Projects | City of Pleasanton x Mountain View Lightrail | Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, San Jose x Winchester Lightrail Corridor| Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, San Jose x Capital Lightrail Corridor | Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, San Jose Design Engineer | Various Cities Ms. Meditch was responsible for design work and specifications using Caltrans Standard Specifications. Her notable projects included: x Will Rogers Court Homes | City of San Jose x Hesperian Boulevard, Industrial Boulevard | City of Hayward x Commercial Development | City of Mountain View x City of San Jose 31 Nourdin LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | C52446 Trench Excavation Safety Confined Space Training Cal OSHA 40-Hour HAZMAT Storm Water Pollution Prevention Training EDUCATION Master of Science, Civil Engineering Tennessee State University | Nashville, TN Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering University of Texas | Austin, TX PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Earthquake Engineering Research Institute American Public Works Association (APWA) Silicon Valley Chapter Khayata PE Resident Engineer Mr. Khayata has over 27 years of experience in project management, civil & municipal engineering, and construction management. He has served as a resident engineer on many transportation, public works, development, and infrastructure projects throughout California. He managed projects from inception through close out including administrating federally funded projects. Mr. Khayata worked for Caltrans before joining the private sector. His background experience includes earthwork, asphalt concrete pavement, PCC pavement, traffic signalization, concrete barriers, soundwalls, drainage, box culverts, erosion control, and traffic control. Mr. Khayata is proficient in interpretation of contract documents, writing, and negotiating contract change orders, reviewing and approving contract’s submittals, and supervision of field inspectors. Mr. Khayata manages the construction management division for CSG Consultants. Mr. Khayata’s municipal experience includes serving as the City Engineer for the City of Marina for the last 8 years. He is responsible for the overall coordination and direction of the public works processes and the day to day management of the municipal engineering division. His duties include managing and implementing the capital improvement program (CIP), managing design and construction projects and overseeing development projects. Mr. Khayata exemplifies strong leadership and management skills. He is strategic, politically astute and has a good understanding of the big picture and vision outlined by the City Council. He is interpersonal and possesses good communication, presentation, and writing skills. Mr. Khayata has earned the respect and trust of City staff, City manager, Council and the businesses & residents by delivering projects that meet the needs of the broader Community. Recently, Mr. Khayata has served as Construction Manager / Resident Engineer for projects in the City of Sunnyvale and City of Cupertino. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City Engineer | City of Marina, CA Since 2006, Mr. Khayata has been providing staff augmentation services in the capacity of a City Engineer. He is responsible for the overall coordination and direction of the public works processes and the day to day management of the municipal engineering division He manages a capital Improvement program budget of $300 million and development budget of over $700 Million. Blossom Hill Rd. Improvements | Town of Los Gatos, CA Mr. Khayata was the resident engineer for this state funded project performed under a Safe route to School program. The work involved road widening, resurfacing, overlay, new parking area, storm drain, utility relocation, new C/G, sidewalk, curb ramps & driveways, bike lanes, striping, signing, street lights and lighted crosswalks. Highway 101/Tennant Avenue Interchange | City of Morgan Hill, CA Mr. Khayata was the resident engineer for this project to widen the existing Tennant Avenue overcrossing at Highway 101 to four lanes and improve the traffic flow through the interchange. Work included the construction of a new bridge structure, northbound 101 on- ramp loop for eastbound Tennant traffic, high occupancy vehicle (HOV) bypass lane, ramp- metering infrastructure, joint trench installation for the underground conversion of electrical and communications utilities, asphalt concrete pavement, traffic signal modifications, safety and street lighting, drainage and erosion control improvements, 12” main water line installation, concrete structures and flatwork (i.e. sidewalk, driveways, access ramps), signage, landscaping restoration, and pavement. 32 David LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | C71287 Caltrans Resident Engineers Academy ICBO Certified Special Inspector Reinforced Concrete NASSCO PACP Certified CPR Certification New Concepts for Improving Public Works Construction Inspection Skills EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering San Jose State University | San Jose, CA PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Water and Environment Federation (WEF) California Water Environment Association (CWEA) American Public Works Association (APWA) Bishop PE Resident Engineer Mr. Bishop is a licensed Professional Civil Engineer and Principal Engineer for CSG Consultants, Inc. and has over 24 years of experience in program management, geotechnical, civil & municipal engineering, and construction management. With his experience as an Assistant City Engineer, project manager, CIP Manager, and resident engineer, in various cities throughout San Mateo County, he has the extensive experience necessary to successfully design, manage, and achieve compliance with contract plans and specifications. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE During the last three years Mr. Bishop has been managing a variety of projects in San Mateo County. Most recently he has managed several projects in the Cities of Burlingame, Millbrae, San Mateo, Pacifica and the Town of Colma. Prior to this time, Mr. Bishop has been working in the Town of Hillsborough as the Assistant City Engineer. He has played a key role in identifying, scoping, planning, budgeting, and managing numerous capital improvements for Sewer, Water, Storm Drain, Street, and Public Facility projects over the past twenty years. His CIP management experience has allowed for successful completion of over 50 projects totaling more than 30 million dollars while in Hillsborough. His experience with capital improvements has allowed him to assist Public Works divisions to identify and remedy several emergency projects and regulatory compliance efforts including sewer overflows, water main breaks, and storm drain flooding. While in Hillsborough, Mr. Bishop played a primary role in sewer collection system compliance efforts, by managing the development of a 20 - year sewer master plan and developing a 5 – Year CIP program totaling over $41 million dollars. He if familiar with the area and has managed several projects in conjunction with and adjacent to the City of Millbrae in the past. Mr. Bishop has experience utilizing many replacement and rehabilitation techniques to maximize I & I reduction including: open trench, pipe bursting, slip lining, pipe reaming, and CIPP lining. Various Streets and Roads Pavement Project | City of Millbrae, CA Mr. Bishop served as the Resident Engineer for this pavement project for a major City arterial, Millbrae Avenue, and a residential street, Magnolia Avenue. The project included pavement rehabilitation, ADA curb ramp upgrades, traffic signal repair, traffic handling plans, and traffic detours. Manhole Replacement – DAPS Influent Line | City of San Mateo, CA This project consisted of replacing several severely corroded manholes (>20’ deep) that had lost structural integrity. Mr. Bishop scoped, designed, and managed the project for the City of San Mateo. As the designer and project manager he was able to save the City significant money by providing innovative solutions to the manhole replacement project. In-lieu of replacing the structures by traditional means he designed the project to allow contractors to bid on installation of polymer-manhole inserts systems. This saved the City approximately 60% in overall cost and reduced the time of installation in half. Hillside Beautification Improvement Project Phase I | Town of Colma, CA The project consisted of a road diet with full depth pavement reconstruction, pedestrian accessibility/safety enhancements, 14 new ADA compliant ramps, bulb-outs, high visibility cross walks, storm drain modifications and improvements, traffic signals, installation of approximately 2300 linear feet of new sidewalk, installation of 30 new LED street lights and retrofit of 30 existing cobra head street lights, new bicycle lanes and 11 new bio-retention basin installations. 33 Merrill LICENSES and CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer State of California | 55365 EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Santa Clara University | Santa Clara, CA Buck PE Senior Principal Engineer Mr. Buck has 25 years of civil engineering experience, fifteen of which have been spent working directly for public agencies. Prior to joining CSG he served as the Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer for the City of San Bruno. Mr. Buck has held increasingly responsible engineering positions in the cities of Mountain View, Millbrae and Redwood City. In his 10 years with CSG, he has served the cities of San Carlos, Sunnyvale and Tracy in project management and municipal staff augmentation assignments. His wealth of experience includes: x Project in the areas of Water, Sewer, Storm, Streets, Facilities and Traffic x Design, Construction Management and Inspection x CIP Program and Project Management, Contract Administration x Land Development Review and Permitting RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Public Works Superintendent | Union City Mr. Buck is currently serving as the part-time Superintendent for the City of Union City where he supports the Parks, Streets, Fleet and Facilities Divisions. In this capacity, Mr. Buck helps with day to day decisions, prepares staff reports, tracks the Division budget and manages Maintenance related Capital Project delivery. CIP Program Management & Project Delivery | San Bruno & San Carlos For the cities of San Bruno and San Carlos, Mr. Buck developed and managed a comprehensive CIP work plan to schedule and track the status of the City’s capital projects over time. He developed spreadsheets to help communicate project delivery expectations with upper management while also balancing project workload among available staff. Mr. Buck has also managed an assortment of CIP projects directly, through the design and construction phases. City Engineer | San Bruno & San Carlos Mr. Buck served for four years as Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer for the City of San Bruno. In addition to managing the Design, Construction, Traffic and Land Development Sections, he was responsible for the delivery of the City’s Capital Improvements Program. He served as the City’s Traffic Engineer and staff liaison to the Traffic Safety and Parking Committee and presented various Division agenda items to the City Council. While at CSG, Mr. Buck assisted the City of San Carlos in a similar capacity, serving as Acting City Engineer while they recruited to fill the vacant position. Construction Management | Mountain View & Sunnyvale Mr. Buck served as a Senior Engineer in the Construction Section with the City of Mountain View. He also assisted the City of Sunnyvale for three years as the Construction Section Manager in a staff augmentation assignment where he coordinated a staff of four inspectors and a project engineer. Construction projects that Mr. Buck has managed include street resurfacing and reconstruction, sidewalk repair, water, sewer and treatment plant system upgrades, building and facility renovations. On federally funded projects, Mr. Buck served as the Resident Engineer, and is very familiar with Caltrans Local Assistance requirements. Engineering Design & Pavement Management| Tracy & Redwood City Mr. Buck has managed the design of numerous projects over his career, with an early emphasis on those involving street resurfacing. He has lead efforts involving the use of slurry seals, micro surfacing, rubberized cape seals, AC overlays, rubberized AC overlays, full depth reclamation (FDR) and dig out repairs. Earlier in his career, Mr. Buck worked for the City of Redwood City where he was responsible for the implementation of the City’s Pavement Management Program. 34 Jun EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts, National University | San Diego, CA Osalbo Construction Inspector Mr. Osalbo has over 30 years of public sector experience in the fields of construction management, construction inspection, and quality assurance. Prior to joining CSG, Mr. Osalbo worked as a Construction Coordinator and Resident Engineer for the City of Oakland. This role has allowed him to administer construction contracts for several capital improvement projects. The variety of projects include: engineering and architectural projects, new park construction, traffic signal installation, main storm and sanitary sewer construction and rehabilitation, right of way construction, streetscape, asphalt paving, sidewalk, curb and gutter, irrigation, landscaping and public facility construction. As a Construction Inspector, Mr. Osalbo’s responsibilities include administering construction contracts from Notice to Proceed through Notice of Completion, reviewing construction drawings and recommending changes to adhere to construction standards. Mr. Osalbo also negotiates change orders, processes monthly payments, maintains contract construction records, and inspects construction work in compliance with project plans and specifications. Jun works with the public and agency officials, coordinating work with consultants, engineers, architects, utility companies, City staff, and stake holders. His responsibilities also include enforcing conditions of approval and municipal codes, monitoring various construction works from grading to landscaping. Mr. Osalbo is familiar with Caltrans design, traffic, as well as construction manuals and Local Assistance Procedure Manuals. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Permit Engineer / Permit Inspection| City of Union City, CA Mr. Osalbo performed review of encroachment permits, capital improvement inspections, NPDES inspections, and provided daily inspection reports to the City. He performed inspection of pavement rehabilitation, sidewalk/curb ramp improvements, and residential development projects. Construction Inspector | City of Dublin, CA Mr. Osalbo performed construction inspection for various development as well as CIP projects. Inspections included streetscape, sewer, water, wastewater, and storm drain improvements for various aspects of these projects. Additional duties included inspection of encroachment permits, SWPPP, and grading. Cape Seal/ Overlay and HMB Trail | City of Half Moon Bay, CA Mr. Osalbo was the construction inspector/assistant resident engineer for two pavement rehabilitation projects in Half Moon Bay Street Resurfacing - Cape Seal and Overlay Project. The work required daily inspection and reports, writing change orders, processing progress payments and coordination with City Maintenance. Street Resurfacing Project | Town of Hillsborough, CA Mr. Osalbo was the construction inspector for this city-wide repaving project. The work involved daily inspection of asphalt paving, crack seal installation, cape seal preparation and completion. This work included quantity verification and quality assurance on asphalt paving, digout, striping and pavement structure reinstallation. Sewer Rehabilitation by CIPP | City of Los Altos, CA Inspection of 3 sections of sanitary sewer pipe rehabilitation by CIPP method with extensive bypass piping and traffic control. Mr. Osalbo reviewed the pre-video submittal, the CIPP installation and the post-video acceptance. 35 Ahmad LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer California | #C44820 EDUCATION M.S. in Structural Engineering University of Colorado Boulder, CO B.S. in Civil Engineering San Jose State University San Jose, CA Lamé PE Construction Inspector Mr. Lamé has over 25 years of civil engineering experience on numerous bridge and highway projects in California, and construction management experience for multi-level steel and concrete frame residential building projects overseas. His background also includes, but is not limited to, fabrication designs for precast/pre-stressed concrete bridge girders, seismic retrofitting, and Caltrans specifications. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Construction Management & Inspection Mr. Lamé has provided or is currently providing construction management and inspection services for the following CSG client agencies: x CIP & Permit Inspection | City of South San Francisco Mr. Lamé provided public works inspection services for this CSG client for a five-month period. During this time, he performed capital improvement project and permit inspections in commercial and residential areas. Improvements included, but were not limited to streets, sidewalks, sewer, and storm water. x Storm Water Construction Inspection | City of Half Moon Bay Mr. Lamé performed inspections for C4 (Industrial & Commercial Discharge), C6 (Construction Inspection), and C3 (New Development & Redevelopment). x Construction Inspection | City of Millbrae Mr. Lamé provided inspection services for a sanitary sewer pipeline smoke testing project. x Construction Management & Inspection | City of Foster City Mr. Lamé performed utility construction management inspection for several land development projects in Foster City, including the Gilead Sciences Campus, the BioMed Reality site, and the Triton mixed use development. x Permit Inspection | City of San Carlos Mr. Lamé provided permit inspection services. Assistant Structure Representative | City of Bakersfield, CA Mr. Lamé served as the Assistant Structure Representative on the $21M Hosking Avenue/State Route 99 Interchange Project. The project included removal of a four-span CIP/PS box girder bridge over SR99 under traffic detours. Lead Structural Inspector | County of San Bernardino, CA This project consisted of more than a dozen new bridges and bridge widenings including over railroad tracks, ramp improvements, numerous traditional retaining walls, MSE walls, and soil nailing walls. Mr. Lamé was responsible for all aspects of construction inspection from foundation (large CIDHs), temporary shoring adjacent to rail road tracks to superstructures (precast and cast-in-place) pre-stressed concrete bridges. Field Inspector | City of San Jose, CA Mr. Lamé was a field inspector of residential buildings. His responsibilities included structural inspection of building structures including reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, holdowns, shear walls and structural framings in accordance with structural plans and details. 36 Ethan EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Urban and Regional Planning California State Polytechnic University | Pomona, CA PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Planning Association | Orange County Chapter Los Angeles Chapter American Institute of Certified Planners International City/County Management Association Edwards AICP Director of Planning Services Mr. Edwards serves as the Director of Planning Services for CSG Consultants. To this role, he brings expertise in current and advanced planning, design review, coastal development review, CEQA compliance, project and planning staff management – from over 20 years of increasingly complex land use planning and management experience in Orange and Los Angeles Counties, northern California and multiple jurisdictions within the State of Oregon. Prior to joining CSG, Mr. Edwards served as an Associate Planner at the City of Huntington Beach where he managed complex entitlement projects and coordinated the Zoning Administrator agenda and review process. He recently served as the Acting Community Development Director and before that the Acting Planning Manager at the City of Carson and Principal Planner at the City of El Segundo. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Acting Community Development Director/Planning Manager | City of Carson, CA Mr. Edwards recently served as the Acting Planning Manager and Community Development Director for the City of Carson where his duties included oversight of the Planning Department (which includes CSG staff), project management, scheduling, budgeting, agenda review and participation in public hearings. He also managed the City’s comprehensive General Plan Update. Principal Planner | City of El Segundo, CA As a contract Principal Planner, Mr. Edwards manages complex discretionary and administrative permits including Development Agreement negotiation, environmental impact report management; prepares agendas, reviews and prepares reports; conducts presentations to elected officials, commissions, and citizen groups. Associate Planner | City of Huntington Beach, CA While working with the City of Huntington Beach, Mr. Edwards managed discretionary and administrative permits; mentored staff; prepared agendas, reviewed and prepared reports, and interpreted zoning regulations as the Zoning Administrator Liaison; oversaw environmental consultants; and provided City management solutions for permit processing streamlining and customer service strategies. Planning Manager | Baysinger Partners Architecture, Portland, OR Mr. Edwards’ duties as Planning Manager included: supervising the planning and entitlement division; managing staff priorities and department budget; preparing and processing applications for public and private development projects; and providing consultant coordination and project management. Associate Planner | City of Beaverton, OR As Associate Planner for the City of Beaverton, Mr. Edwards provided project management for current planning projects; assisted in design review code revisions; led code update workshops for elected officials, commissions, and citizen groups; and was staff liaison for an inter-jurisdictional commuter rail project. Associate Planner | Civic Solutions, San Juan Capistrano, CA Mr. Edwards provided contract planning services for the City of Rancho Santa Margarita and City of Santa Monica. Assistant Planner | RBF Consulting (now Michael Baker Int.), Irvine, CA Mr. Edwards prepared development code updates and design guidelines, assisted with urban design community outreach and revitalization implementation plans, and provided contract planning services including the General Plan Update for the City of San Gabriel. 37 Leila CERTIFICATIONS Professional Transportation Planner Transportation Professional Certification Board EDUCATION Master, Urban and Regional Planning California State Polytechnic University | Pomona, CA Bachelor of Arts, Political Science California State University | Fullerton, CA AWARDS Superior Accomplishment Award, 2015 Participation and leadership on the Caltrans LD-IGR Geobased Tracking System (GTS) software application project MEMBERSHIPS American Planning Association (APA) | Community & Agency Outreach Liaison, Board Member for APA CA Orange Section Carson Toastmasters Club | VP of Public Relations Carver PTP Transportation Planning Ms. Carver serves as a Senior Planner for CSG Consultants. Ms. Carver has expertise in CEQA, GIS and demographic research and excels in project management, leadership and customer service. She gained skills and knowledge in many areas of transportation from her nine years of experience with Caltrans where she coordinated intergovernmental review of environmental projects from local jurisdictions and facilitated responses to partner cities. Ms. Carver is an independent worker, has outstanding verbal and written communication skills, and is an integral part of the CSG team. She is currently serving as a Contract Planner at the City of Carson and serves as a Board Member for the APA California Chapter, Orange Section. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Associate Planner | City of Carson As a contract Associate Planner, Ms. Carver reviews various development plans, prepares comment letters, conducts research, presents to Planning Commission, and provides transportation planning expertise. A few examples of Ms. Carver’s recent projects include: x Birch Specific Plan (BSP), a 32-Unit condominium project; x Victoria Greens, 175-unit townhome project; x Carson Apartments, a 300-unit apartment mixed-use project; x Carson Town Center Façade and site remodel of former Super K-mart; x McDonald’s Façade remodel; x Kia Auto Inventory Storage Facility, an off-site auto storage facility; x Mobile Mini cargo container storage facility with three modular office buildings, and maintenance canopy; x DWP Utility Corridor Truck Yard project; x Calpak Warehouse, a 100,000 square foot logistics facility and new company HQ; x Over 50 small cell wireless communication facilities for major carriers; x Assist in implementation of Community Facilities District and Development Impact Fee. Associate Transportation Planner | Caltrans District 12 Planning & Local Assistance Division in County of Orange, CA & Caltrans District 11 Planning Division in County of San Diego & Imperial, CA Ms. Carver provided transportation planner services for Caltrans District 11 and 12. Her duties included: local development-intergovernmental review and CEQA review coordinator and specialist; participating in internal working group for GP guidance 2013 update and SB-743, Level-of-Service and auto delay alternative analysis with OPR; participating on the Caltrans project management team for the CA HSR Project; participating in Caltrans project development process and delivery; participating in Excess Land reviews; serving as Treasurer and Board Member for District 11 Employee Fitness Center; participating in District Director’s External Advisory Liaison Committee for District 11; and conducting field observation and studies. Transportation Planner | Caltrans District 11 As a transportation planner for Caltrans District 11, Ms. Carver provided CEQA/local development-intergovernmental review LD-IGR coordinator services and served as District 11’s liaison on the California Interregional Blueprint (Statewide Evaluation and Visioning of Transportation Systems and Programs in California). She performed duties including: reviewing environmental impact reports and technical studies; reviewing private development plans and provided support to the Encroachment Permit; serving as lead person for District 11 LD-IGR online tracking system including participating in development of Phase 2 with SANDAG and Caltrans GIS groups; and preparing quarterly reports for HQ Local Development-IGR statewide program.