NAI ConsultingProposal ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 68-955 ADELINA ROAD CATHEDRAL CITY, CA (760) 323-5344 May 14, 2019 Your Partner for Project Delivery City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES i TABLE OF CONTENTS QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES...............................1 FIRM PROFILE.............................................................................................1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................1 QUALIFICATIONS...........................................................................................2 REFERENCES.................................................................................................3 KEY PERSONNEL............................................................................................4 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART...............................................................................6 WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH.................................................................7 DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES.................................................................7 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES.............................................................. 11 ADDITIONAL GRANT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES ........................................ 15 FEE SCHEDULE............................................................................................ 20 ATTACHMENT A:............................................................................................1 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM ...............................................................1 ATTACHMENT B .............................................................................................2 INSURANCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT...................................................................2 City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 1 QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES FIRM PROFILE Proposer's Name NAI Consulting, Inc. Type of Business S Corporation Date of Founding 1996 Current Size 5 Employees Work Week 9/8/80 Monday-Thursday from 7:00AM to 5:00PM Fridays from 7:00AM to 4:00PM With every other Friday off. President Nick Nickerson nnickerson@naiconsulting.com Phone (760) 323-5344 BACKGROUND NAI Consulting (NAI) is a small firm with strong ties to the Coachella Valley. We are headquartered in Cathedral City and have been an active partner in the Capital Improvement community for over 20 years. We have supported City Staff in delivering their Capital Improvement Programs through two recessions; numerous CVAG, Caltrans, and RCTC Directors; and large corporate buyouts of previously familiar firms. We have staffed employees who worked for public agencies and trained employees who now work at public agencies. We have provided Project Management, Engineering Services, and Grant Administrative Services to nearly every city in the Coachella Valley including La Quinta, Indio, Palm Springs, Coachella, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Cathedral City, and Desert Hot Springs. All things considered, NAI has remained a consistent staple of Coachella Valley capital project delivery and more importantly a continuing partner with the City of La Quinta. We appreciate the opportunity to continue to provide “On-Call CIP Project Management and Professional Engineering Services” to the City of La Quinta. Since we are a small, family owned business, our hours are flexible and you will be able to reach us by cellphone at any time. We do not have any conditions of bankruptcy, pending litigation, planned office closures, or mergers to disclose and we do not have any organizational conflicts of interest that may affect our ability to perform the required duties. We certify that any person within NAI in the capacity of owner, partner, director, officer, or manager is not currently under suspension, debarment, voluntary exclusion, or determination of ineligibility by any federal agency; has not been suspended, debarred, voluntarily excluded, or determined ineligible by any federal agency within the past three years; does not have a proposed debarment pending; and has not been indicted, convicted, or had a civil judgement rendered against them by a court of competent jurisdiction in any matter involving fraud or official misconducted within the past three years. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 2 QUALIFICATIONS Organizational Understanding NAI understands that the City of La Quinta, as a Charter City, maintains an Engineering Services Team who delivers the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects. The Engineering Services Team is managed by the City Engineer, Bryan McKinney, which operates under the Design and Development Department managed by the Director, Danny Castro. We understand that the Design and Development Department is continuing to refine their internal processes and structure and will be growing the team. The unique quality that has made NAI successful in the Coachella Valley is our ability to be utilized as much or as little as our public clients require. We focus on public work staff augmentation rather than replacement. Our goal is to integrate with the existing City organization without interfering with management decisions to expand department staff or reorganize as they see fit. This model allows our clients to utilize our services in one year to staff an open position and then scale back to only manage their large federal projects the next. Project Management Administration Experience This proposal will demonstrate that NAI is the most qualified consultant to provide the requested Project Management, Engineering, and Grant Administration services. We have experience in all aspects of public works project delivery from a basic Needs Analysis to final acceptance. We have been developing the Capital Improvement Programs for La Quinta and Indio over the past several years as well as managing specific projects as requested. We are familiar with the RCTC Measure A requirements, as well as the CVAG Regional Arterial Program. We have assisted our clients in leveraging federal and state resources to maximize their own local transportation funding. Since 2013, NAI has assisted our clients in securing $43M in federal, state, and regional grant funding. Throughout this time, NAI organized and managed the grant writing from reviewing the potential projects for grant applicability, to managing subtasks including traffic counts, to drafting the successful applications. We have managed projects funded with nearly all types of federal and state transportation funding including; HBP, HSIP, CMAQ, ATP (formerly SRTS/SR2S/BTA), STBG (formerly STP), and STIP. We have managed projects funded with regional funds including TDA Article 3 (SB821) and SCAG planning grants. You will see that NAI is not only capable of tracking project budgets and schedules, but also developing engineered drawings and specifications. We have written Request for Proposals for most public work services including bridge design, street design, signal improvements, drainage improvements, transportation planning, construction management, and even street maintenance contracts. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 3 We have intimate knowledge of the project delivery process and look ahead to future project impacts with each decision made. We have value engineered projects to fit within prescribed budgets, and accelerated schedules to meet funding obligations. We understand the City of La Quinta’s specific project delivery method and expectations on delivery timelines. Engineering Services Experience NAI is a full-service Civil Engineering firm. Recent experience includes; designing street widenings; designing street rehabilitation plans; designing ADA improvements for roads and buildings; designing traffic control plans; designing signing and striping plans; preparing specifications and engineer’s estimates for our design projects. We prepare and review specifications and engineer’s estimates for projects we manage, including developing traffic signal equipment replacement specifications and providing plan check for signal interconnect installation and bridge plans. We are capable of providing plan check services for variety of different capital improvement projects and plans. REFERENCES NAI has maintained long standing relationships with all of our clients through on- call contract management. NAI provides similar on-call work through the following contracts: x Project Management and Contract Administrative Support Services for the City of La Quinta. Term of Agreement: May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019 (extension June 30, 2019). x Project Management Services for the City of Cathedral City. Term of Agreement: July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019. x As-Needed State and Federally Funded Transportation Project Management and Grant Administration for the City of Indio. Term of Agreement: December 21, 2016 to December 21, 2021. x On-Call Project Management Services for Various Federally Funded Transportation Projects for the City of Palm Springs. Term of Agreement: April 4, 2019 to April 4, 2022. CLIENT CONTACT PHONE EMAIL City of La Quinta Bryan McKinney City Engineer (760) 777-7045 bmckinney@laquintaca.gov City of Cathedral City John Corella Director of Engineering/Public Works (760) 770-0327 jcorella@cathedralcity.gov City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 4 CLIENT CONTACT PHONE EMAIL City of Indio Timothy Wassil Director of Public Works (760) 391-4017 twassil@indio.org City of Rancho Mirage Bill Enos City Engineer (760) 770-3224 bille@ranchomirageca.gov City of Palm Springs Joel Montalvo Assistant Director of Engineering Services (760) 322-8339 Joel.Montalvo@ palmspringsca.gov KEY PERSONNEL PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE AND SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER – Mr. Nick Nickerson Nick will provide management, coordination, review for quality assurance on this contract, and service the City of La Quinta as the day-to-day contact. He has over 30 years of experience as a Project Manager and Contract Administrator. He possesses a strong understanding of the project development process and time proven project management techniques. Complimentary to this experience is his knowledge of local, regional, state, and federal funding sources. Nick has earned a valley-wide reputation of quickly and efficiently resolving project related conflicts and delivering the project on time and within budget. Nick has established a proven track record that demonstrates our commitment to provide our clients the highest quality of work at the lowest possible cost. Typical services he provides include management and coordination of our efforts in public works delivery, funding opportunities and programming, and project implementation. PROJECT MANAGER AND LEAD CIVIL ENGINEER- Ms. Lorissa Gruehl, P.E. Lorissa will serve as a project manager, lead civil engineer, and additional day-to- day contact. She has over 14 years of experience working on a variety of infrastructure planning, design and construction projects, including design build. She has experience working directly with project development teams to create efficient and constructible projects which meet the objectives of the client. Through staff extensions, Lorissa has supported cities in becoming more efficient and successful in delivering capital projects. She has proven herself to be a capable asset to City On-Call Programs. Typical services she provides include: plan checking and estimating, value engineering analysis, request for proposal (RFP) preparation, project engineering support, preparation and tracking of project schedules and budgets, preparation of bid documents, preparation of bid summary comparisons, and construction support. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 5 In the City of La Quinta, Lorissa has been the lead civil engineer for over six (6) pavement management projects which have ranged from slurry seal, pavement rehabilitation, and traffic calming re-striping associated with over 160 streets; ADA related improvements at 15 different public facilities which have ranged from pavement reconstruction, sidewalk reconstruction, signing and striping modifications, and curb ramp reconstruction; and, various sidewalk and curb ramp improvement projects. PROJECT MANAGER AND FUNDING SPECIALIST - Mr. Joshua Nickerson, P.E. Josh will provide project management and grant administration services as needed for this contact. With over 8 years of experience in design and project management, he brings an array of knowledge to support capital improvement projects from cradle to grave. Throughout his career in the Coachella Valley he has developed a solid reputation for providing administrative and engineering support for federal and state aid projects. With his in-depth knowledge of state and federal procedures as well as his continuously developing network of agency contacts, he is able to successfully manage the projects through the federal and state funding requirements. This ongoing support requires a significant amount of interagency coordination between the cities, the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), the California Transportation Commission (CTC), and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). He has an intimate knowledge of local standards as well as state standards; including the Local Assistance Procedures Manual, the Local Assistance Program Guidelines, the Project Development Procedures Manual, the Caltrans Construction Manual, etc. Typical services he provides include: Project budgeting and scheduling; FTIP coordination/updating; RCTC, CTC, and Caltrans coordination; request for authorization (RFA) preparation for federally funded phases of work; request for allocation for state funded phases of work; NEPA review; federal and state invoicing; federal RFP preparation; federal project specifications preparation, etc. PROJECT MANAGEMENT SUPPORT – Ms. Jennifer Gonzalez Jennifer will provide project management support on this contract. She has served as a project assistant for a variety of capital improvement and federally funded projects. She has experience working directly with project managers, project development teams, and city staff to ensure efficient and timely project delivery that meets the objectives of the client as well as satisfy federal and state requirements. As an integral part of our process for project delivery, Jennifer is very familiar with federal funds and the capital improvement process. She is capable of assisting with project specifications, bid comparisons, federal forms, federal and state invoicing, project closeouts, and other duties as necessary. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 6 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART City of La Quinta Lorissa Gruehl, P.E. Project Manager Lead Civil Engineer Engineering Support Staff Josh Nickerson, P.E. Project Manager Funding Specialist Project Management Staff Jennifer Gonzalez Nick Nickerson Principal in Charge City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 7 WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES The following tasks detail our understanding and approach to a generic transportation project. This hypothetical scope of work program describes the effort needed for the preparation of construction documents including final design plans, specifications, and construction cost estimates. NAI always will employ value engineering techniques to analyze design/construction alternatives that may improve the design or make the project more cost-efficient. The following tasks are ones that NAI can carry out as the lead designer or as a project manager. Project Coordination To facilitate the review and approval process, we will work closely with the key individuals at the City who are responsible for review of specific elements of the project and will submit draft copies of significant work items before the milestone submittal date. This gives us a clear understanding of what the reviewers expect and they have a preview of what will be submitted before the actual submittal is made. Our past experience working on projects with City oversight has taught us the importance of maintaining accurate and detailed meeting minutes, decision logs and action item lists during the project development process. Utilizing this technique documents decisions, ensures consistency in decisions, and provides a concise list of tasks to be accomplished by each participant and a specific time schedule to complete the task. We will hold a meeting with the City prior to beginning any significant work. The purpose of this meeting is to: x Solicit input regarding the goals for the project desired by each agency. x Agree on the intended scope of the project. x Agree on the basic design standards to be met. x Review status of design and plan preparation for other street improvements or development projects near or adjacent to the proposed project site and obtain any mapping and design file information that may be available for these other projects. Review Existing Information Once we have prepared the final scope documents and are issued a Notice to Proceed, we will begin the design phase of the project. This will consist of research and data collection, reviewing the documents provided by the City, coordination and investigation; field surveying; utility identification; and pavement evaluation. We will prepare our preliminary plans based on information obtained from our research, data collection, survey, and pavement testing. After 65% review and approval by the City, we will incorporate comments and begin work on the final PS&E. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 8 Field Survey NAI can obtain a surveyor or NAI can coordinate with one of the City’s on-call surveyors. We will coordinate encroachment permits for surveys not within City right- of-way. In addition to cross-section surveys, the surveying task will locate all existing structures and improvements within and behind existing street right-of-way and adjoining streets in areas of the proposed improvements that may be pertinent to or in conflict with the proposed design and identifying surface features that may not have been visible in aerial photographs. This may include such features as structures, utility poles, fire hydrants, catch basins, signs, water valves, manholes, driveways, and walkways. Utility Conflict Map/Utility Coordination NAI will consult, coordinate, and perform related follow-up with the affected utility companies regarding the specific project-imposed impact locations to identify design controls and considerations necessary for plan preparation and approvals. Requests for information will include requests for future utility projects that may be affected by the proposed improvements. We will keep the City informed of the contact with the utility companies. Plan submittals will be forwarded to the utility companies for verification of their facilities known by them. The existing franchise agreements with each affected utility will determine whether the plans indicate the necessary modifications / relocations be performed as a part of the project or whether the utility company must perform and pay for their own work. This will be determined for each utility company and facility. Right of Way and Permitting If the project requires right of way, rights of entry, or encroachment permits, NAI can obtain a right of way consultant or surveyor as needed or NAI can coordinate with the City’s on-call surveyor. Typical information and procedures may include recommendations for impacted areas, negotiated agreements, coordination with property owner or agency. Geotechnical Information If the project requires a geotechnical recommendation or street borings, NAI can obtain a Geotech or NAI can coordinate with the City’s on-call Geotech. Typical information and procedures may include recommendations for location of borings, review of draft recommendations, and coordination. Hydrology and/or Hydraulics If the project requires a hydrology study and/or needs hydraulic calculations, NAI can obtain a firm to conduct the needed information. Typical information and procedures may include recommendations for area of impact, proposed and existing roadway profile, recommendations for the size of storm to calculate, and coordination. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 9 Geometric Base Maps This task will include the development of plans showing proposed geometry and other pertinent alignment data of the proposed engineering including typical sections, profiles, superelevations, proposed right-of-way limits, approximate wall locations, and other clarifying information as necessary. They will be generated using the project report geometric plans. The geometric base maps (GBM) will be submitted to the City for approval before proceeding with final design. The GBM will form the basis for the final design’s skeleton sheets. After the base sheets are developed, we will perform a field review to document existing field conditions and determine where additional information or field data may be required to provide adequate information to complete the conceptual widening alternatives and to confirm the location and type of utilities and other improvements. Roadway Plans NAI will prepare roadway design plans to satisfy the project requirements as follows: x Street Widening – The plan set typically will include an alignment, profile, and widening details. Utility relocations will be identified and drainage improvements will be included as required. In most cases, roadway widenings occur in areas with existing improvements within the City’s right of way. NAI will design the improvements to minimize conflicts to the furthest extent possible and will provide positive drainage at all driveways within the right of way to the furthest extent possible. NAI will also design the profile to minimize the amount of existing pavement to be reconstructed. x Pavement Rehabilitation and/or Reconstruction– The plan set typically will include a plan view of the streets with the limits of each type of rehabilitation or reconstruction method, i.e. crack fill, slurry seal, grind and overlay, etc. NAI can make recommendations on the type of pavement rehabilitation/reconstruction method or we can prepare the plans based on the recommendation of a geotechnical report. The plans will show all valves and manholes in the pavement that the Contractor will need to raise/lower or cover to protect in place depending on the rehabilitation method. For reconstruction projects the plan set will include an alignment, profile, and reconstruction details. The profile may be omitted depending on if the profile will be adjusted. If the profile is changing significantly, the plans will identify utility line conflicts. x Median Addition – The plan set will include an alignment and profile. The profile may be omitted depending on if positive drainage can be maintained along the alignment if placed at the existing elevation on the road. Typically, this cannot be maintained at new left turn pockets since the curb is typically placed on the opposite side of the crown. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 10 Where the City does not wish to reconstruct the pavement a curb opening can be designed to prevent water from ponding at low spots. Where landscaped medians are requested, NAI can contract with a Landscape Architect or coordinate with one of the City’s on-call Landscape Architects. The plans will identify utility line conflicts. x ADA Compliant Sidewalks and Access Ramps – The plan set will include the limits and special details where required to reconstruct or install an ADA compliant sidewalk. The scale to prepare sidewalk and access ramp plans is typically 1”=20’ or 1”=10’ depending on the length so that adequate detail can be shown. NAI will verify that the location where the sidewalk joins is ADA compliant. NAI will verify that the sidewalk can be constructed to ADA standards. If it cannot, special details such as short retaining walls will be designed. NAI will inspect each existing ramp to determine the most cost- efficient way to bring the ramp into compliance. For instance, if a curb ramp meets all standards except it does not have truncated domes. The curb ramp will be protected and domes will be added. Traffic Plans NAI is capable of preparing signing and striping and traffic control plans for the roadway project we are designing. However, NAI can also coordinate with the City’s on-call Traffic Engineer as needed. Contract Specifications/Bid Documents Project Specifications will conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, City, and Caltrans Standard Specifications as applicable. NAI will use the City’s boilerplate front-end documents and prepare final special provisions for items, details, materials, procedures and other conditions not adequately covered by the City, Caltrans or Public Works Standard Specifications. A listing and copy of all standard plans required for the project will be provided in the appendix and copies of any plans used, that are not standard, will also be included. After incorporating first plan check comments, we will prepare final technical specifications and/or special provisions for the proposed construction work. Construction Cost Estimates NAI will prepare a preliminary estimate of probable construction costs for the project that will include a proposed bid item list, estimated quantity, line item cost estimates and estimate of construction working days for the improvements in accordance with City format. At the first plan check, NAI will develop a preliminary estimate of probable construction costs for comparison with previous project budget estimates. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 11 After incorporating first plan check comments, NAI will prepare the final estimate of probable construction costs for the project that will include a proposed estimate of construction working days for the improvements in accordance with City format. NAI will refine the preliminary estimate and provide quantity take-offs with appropriate unit prices and extensions. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Quality Assurance / Quality Control is a key element of NAI’s overall approach to the management and control of the work. This helps ensure the City will be receiving a successful project on time and within budget. As part of the program a competent designer will review the work provided by the project engineer. During this review, the checker will mark-up the plans and discuss any proposed changes with the project engineer. Changes to the plans, specifications, and calculations are only made after the differences are reconciled. Final PS&E Package After incorporating review comments for the plans, specifications and cost estimate, NAI will submit an electronic copy of all documents prepared for the project. At the request of the City, NAI will also submit bond hard copies of the final package. Bid Support/Construction Support The NAI team will perform support services to the City during the advertising, bidding and construction of the project as requested. These services will include written interpretation and clarification regarding the intent of the plans, specifications and special provisions. NAI will provide professional review of shop drawings and contractor submittals for conformance to the bid documents. NAI will also provide recommendations on progress pay estimates and change requests. Upon completion of construction, NAI will perform a field review and include the contractor’s as-built redlines and provide record drawings to the City. PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES General Contract Management As detailed in the requested services, NAI will actively manage the consultant contracts as assigned. This will include attending PDT meetings, reviewing schedules, approving consultant invoices, managing project submittals, and maintaining project budgets. Without this active management, we have found that many contacts will stagnate as the consultants lose direction of the project needs. Coordination with Various Funding Partners Administering regional, county, state or federal funding begins with the grant application and does not end until the final report of expenditures is accepted and final payment is received by the city. NAI has successfully delivered several hundred million dollars’ worth of projects partially funded with grant monies. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 12 NAI’s Project Team has a better than average understanding and working knowledge of the various grant requirements and/or procedures and stay current on the ever- changing environment. This knowledge and experience will ensure the successful delivery of capital projects that are partially funded with these restricted sources. Our team knows that there are state and federal regulations that extend beyond the life of a single project. Every year the City must submit updated DBE and ADA forms specifying how the local agency is planning to comply with these federal requirements throughout the year. Every five years, the City must update its Quality Assurance Program (QAP) to ensure that the construction material testing and certifications are kept current. We know all of these ancillary state and federal requirements and will assist the City in maintaining good standing with Caltrans Local Assistance. We will be responsible to track and update the DBE/ADA annual forms in accordance with LAPM Chapter 9 "Civil Rights and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises", and ensure the City's QAP is in compliance with Caltrans procedures outlined in the Caltrans QAP Manual. Coordination with Other Agencies and Stakeholders As a representative of the City for each assigned project, NAI will maintain a positive relationship with other impacted agencies, stakeholders, and the public. This includes utilities agencies, flood control districts, regulatory agencies, the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) and adjoining jurisdictions that share public improvements. As part of this on-going coordination NAI will hold stakeholder or public engagement meetings as necessary to ensure the project is well received and meets the expectations of everyone involved. Prepare and Track Project Schedules. At the beginning of the fiscal year the NAI Team will meet with city staff and assist in prioritizing the delivery of each project listed within the city’s capital improvement program (CIP). NAI will prepare an overall critical path Gantt chart schedule which clearly illustrates when objectives for each project will be accomplished and the time relationship with other projects. This timeline “plan” is invaluable in managing staff workload, design consultant deliverables and anticipating approvals by city management and elected policy makers. Assistance During Bidding and Contractor Procurement This critical objective begins with the preparation of biddable specifications, constructible plans, and realistic engineer’s estimate (PS&E) package. The NAI Team fully experienced with city procedures and will respond to contractor requests for information (RFI), prepare any necessary addenda to the bid documents, prepare bid comparison summaries that compare the bids received to the engineer’s estimate and/or each other, perform due diligence on the low bidder, and prepare a staff report with award findings and recommendations for consideration by the City Council. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 13 Project Scoping When a project scope is complete and thorough it is a powerful tool that can be used for many different documents, such as the CIP, staff reports, and funding applications. Typical items NAI prepares or coordinates are as follows: 1. Identify the project limits. 2. Identify above ground utilities and other obstructions. 3. Identify existing right of way using parcel maps or other maps as available. 4. Research record drawings from the City’s database. 5. Layout proposed improvements for quantities and other potential impacts (utilities and right of way). 6. Coordinate Preliminary Hydrology as needed. 7. Coordinate a Traffic Study as needed - Typical information may include recommendations for signal synchronization, signal optimization, interconnect, and coordination. 8. Prepare detailed scope and assumptions. 9. Prepare engineer’s estimate and add allowances for unknowns. Consultant Procurement The NAI Team has a strong working knowledge of the City’s Consultant Selection Process for both small and large projects. We will draft comprehensive Request for Proposal (RFP) and/or Request for Qualifications (RFQ) that clearly define the project scope and intent and identifies critical path schedule or administrative issues. We will negotiate the consultant’s scope of work, negotiate the right fee, prepare resultant professional services agreement, and prepare a staff report with consultant selection findings and recommendations for consideration by the City Council. Project Status Coordination The NAI Team will provide project specific input to the departments “Master Schedule” which provides a status of critical path project issues. We will be prepared to report all project matters related to budget, expected expenditures and deliver schedule in the Departments monthly Master Schedule meeting or any necessary impromptu meeting. We will also prepare for and attend the bi-monthly meeting with Finance Department staff. Prepare staff reports for City Council consideration. We understand that the City typically prepares the required staff reports with support from the NAI Team. However, when requested we will prepare necessary staff reports to ensures the successful deliver of assigned capital projects. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 14 Grant Applications One quality that NAI provides above managing grant funded projects is the ability secure the regional, state, or federal funding. Besides CVAG's well known 75% project funding support for projects listed in the Transportation Project Prioritization Study (TPPS) report, there are numerous other grant opportunities that we will assist and manage in applying. Common transportation grant opportunities include: 1. TBA Article 3 (SB821) Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities through RCTC; 2. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) through CVAG; 3. Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) through RCTC; 4. Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) through Caltrans; 5. Active Transportation Program (ATP) through CTC; 6. Highway Bridge Program (HBP) through Caltrans; and 7. State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) through CTC. As grant opportunities arise, we will work with the City in drafting the language in the application. We will prepare all information necessary for successful application. 5 Year Capital Improvement Program Updates NAI Consulting understands that the City prepares the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) with the assistance of NAI; however, at the City’s direction, NAI is ready, willing, and able to take the lead to prepare the CIP update yearly. We have prepared the City’s CIP in the past and have an intimate knowledge of the process. We understand the impact of early and frequent coordination with the various departments in the City to ensure that all projects and funding sources are identified and that priority projects are fully scoped and ready for implementation. There are many moving parts when preparing a CIP including ensuring that all funding is being allocated correctly and that together with the CIP, Measure A and SB1 funds need to be reviewed, update, and forecasted. Prepare and/or Manage the City’s Development Impact Fee Update The City is currently updating the Development Impact Fee Study with NAI assisting with the Project Management. The NAI Team is thoroughly familiar with the City’s Development Impact Fee Study. We understand all of its components and are fully capable of updating the fee study or managing the update. We also have considerable experience working with the Desert Valley Builders Association (DVBA) staff. This experience will prove invaluable during future Fee Study updates. Assistance with the Coachella Valley Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program NAI’s Principal Manager was instrumental in the development of the Coachella Valley Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program while serving as the Director of Transportation and Planning for the Coachella Valley Association of Governments. As such, NAI is more qualified than most to assist the City with TUMF related issues. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 15 Assistance with the Measure A ½ Cent Sales Tax Capital Improvement Plan and Maintenance of Effort Requirements. The Measure A ½ Cent Sales Tax policies and procedures were also developed by CVAG in conjunction with its TUMF Program. NAI has full knowledge of these requirements and will continue to advise the City on any matter necessary to remain in compliance to ensure the City’s local funding share is not forfeit. Project Management and Control System In addition to utilizing Trackit to process CIP projects, NAI utilizes a very basic but streamlined project management and control system. We track project history, deliverables, and action items with Microsoft Excel. This allows us to quickly update pertinent project information for minimal cost and very little training. To supplement the Project Status Sheets, we use Microsoft Project to track both a master schedule of all projects and a detailed schedule of individual projects. By using Excel and Project, we ensure all of our clients have the same project management and control system tools to take over project delivery at any point. This approach fits with our vision of integrating seamlessly into our client support. In addition to the project management and control system, NAI maintains a business cloud account with Citrix Sharefile. With Sharefile, we are able to provide our clients with unlimited cloud-based storage and document delivery as necessary. This service can be used to mirror all the NAI files associated with this as needed support so that the City can access everything NAI produces at any time. ADDITIONAL GRANT ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Agency Coordination Throughout the contract period, NAI will work closely with the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to ensure the City’s State and Federally funded projects are processed correctly. Through RCTC, NAI will update the FTIP with appropriate project changes; provide a general City update to RCTC every two years; provide a list of projects to be included in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP); and provide any funding, invoice, or other project related update request by RCTC. In coordinating with the Caltrans Department of Local Assistance, NAI will document submittals, meeting requests, and maintaining an open communication channel. We will often contact Caltrans Local Assistance when preparing a document to discuss their initial feedback and to inform them of the pending submittal. If any comments are received, we are quick to correct the documents and return to Caltrans so that our projects remain first in line. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 16 For state funded projects, we will coordinate with the CTC to ensure correct and on- time submittals. In coordinating with the CTC, we work with both Caltrans and RCTC to ensure all project details are correctly outlined. Assist with Consultant Selection for Federally Funded Projects NAI will coordinate with the City to identify the services required for each contract. Whether planning, environmental, design, right of way, or construction management, NAI will develop the scope of work programs to include in a Request for Proposals (RFP). In addition, NAI will prepare an Independent Cost Estimate to use during negotiations. NAI will use this estimate to determine the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal for the RFP. In accordance with Chapter 10 – Consultant Selection of the LAPM, NAI will prepare the RFP to select the most qualified firm for the services required. This will include reviewing the City’s standard RFP and adding any federal language necessary. NAI will also review the City’s standard Professional Services Agreement and add any additional federal aid clauses that are required. NAI will coordinate with the City’s Consultant Selection Committee to ensure everyone has signed the Conflict of Interest Statements and is using the appropriate evaluation forms. As part of the Consultant Selection Committee, NAI will evaluate the submitted proposals and rank the consultants based on the evaluation form. NAI will review the scope and fee of the top ranked consultant and negotiate a fair and equitable price for the City. For Contracts with federal reimbursement over $150,000, once NAI and the City have negotiated a final contract with the top ranked proposer, NAI will assist the prime consultant in compiling the necessary financial documents for submittal to Caltrans. NAI will prepare the 10-C Form for Caltrans review and approval before the City can execute the final agreement. This task will include compiling any additional information or forms necessary for the complete submittal. Review PES and Environmental Technical Studies Transportation projects using federal funds must meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in addition to CEQA. The NEPA document must be accepted by Caltrans as part of their stewardship agreement with FHWA. As such, the City must submit a Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) to Caltrans that outlines the environmental setting for the project. As necessary, we will provide assistance in reviewing the PES form and any technical studies that may be required. We have thorough experience managing projects through the NEPA process and will provide invaluable experience on how to scope the environmental setting in the PES to avoid unnecessary and costly technical studies. We will also review technical studies to ensure the study is scoped properly to avoid unnecessary mitigation measures. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 17 Our reviews will follow the guidelines outlined in LAPM Chapter 6, "Environmental Procedures", and the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER). Review/Draft PS&E Certification Prior to bidding any federally funded project the City must certify that the PS&E is prepared in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal standards. Depending on the type of construction, whether or not the project is on the National Highway System (NHS), and the size of the project, Caltrans may or may not specify what design standards to use per LAPM Chapter 11, "Design Standards". This PS&E Certification also includes a checklist of federal contract language that must be included in the project specifications. We will work with the consultant from the beginning of a design project to ensure proper design standards are used, and we will review existing PS&E documents to ensure all items in the PS&E Certifications are completed adequately. This may include securing any design exceptions or public interest findings as needed. The PS&E Certification will be completed in accordance with the guidelines outlined in LAPM Chapter 12, "Plans, Specifications, and Estimate". Prepare City Boilerplate Specifications with State and Federal Provisions Project Specifications for State and federal aid projects must include additional provisions, including establishing DBE goals, and bidder forms for the bid to remain eligible for federal reimbursement. NAI will work with the currently adopted standard specifications for the City to include the additional provisions and forms. The additional clauses can either be inserted into the general specifications section or we can create a new section titled "Special Federal Specifications". All language will be added in accordance with LAPM Chapter 12, "Plans, Specifications, and Estimate". Review/Draft Utility Agreements For State or Federally funded transportation projects, the City must determine who is fiscally responsible for the utility relocation or adjustment and have a utility agreement defining the roles of each agency. If the utility is responsible for adjusting their facilities (City has prior rights) then a simple utility agreement is adequate. If the City is responsible for adjusting the facility (utility has prior rights) then a Caltrans-specific utility agreement is required along with Specific Authorization from FHWA for the relocation to be eligible for federal reimbursement. Depending on the complexity of the project, we will either support the project by drafting utility agreements or we will review utility agreements prepared by others for conformance with Caltrans procedures. Utility agreements must be executed prior to receiving ROW Certification. All utility agreements will be prepared per the guidelines outlined in LAPM Chapter 14, "Utility Relocations". City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 18 Review/Draft ROW Certification Before any federal project can begin the construction phase, the City must certify that it has secured all property rights and easements to all properties being accessed. This Right-of-Way (ROW) Certification is then submitted to Caltrans for review and approval. The ROW Certification could include full acquisitions with relocation assistance, possession and use agreements, temporary construction easements, and/or utility agreements among other items. Depending on the complexity of the project, we will either support the project by drafting the ROW Certifications or we will review ROW Certifications prepared by others for conformance with Caltrans procedures. All ROW Certifications will be prepared per the guidelines outlined in LAPM Chapter 13, "Right of Way". Assist with Bidding Procedures and Provide Construction Support For federally funded projects, we understand the challenges that cities face once the authorization to proceed with construction (E-76) is received. Before construction begins, we will sit down with the City and outline all federal construction requirements. We will assist the City in establishing bid advertising procedures as required, attending any pre-bid meetings, reviewing bid documents for federal compliance, preparing bid summary sheets, reviewing DBE goals and good faith efforts, and submitting the award package to Caltrans. During construction we will manage the construction management team by reviewing subcontractor request forms, labor compliance, progress payments, and contract change orders. We will ensure that the City complies with all guidelines outlined in LAPM Chapter 15, "Advertise and Award Project", Chapter 16, "Administer Construction Contracts", and the Caltrans Construction Manual as needed. Prepare and Submit Request for Federal Project Number A federal project number is required for all federally funded projects. Before we can submit any documents for Caltrans approval, we will need to apply for a federal project number. The request for federal project number will follow the procedures outlined in LAPM Chapter 3, "Project Authorization". A field review form performed in accordance with LAPM Chapter 7, "Field Review", must be included with the request for federal project number. Prepare and Submit Request for Allocation (State Funded Projects) A request for funding allocation is required for all state funded phases of a project. Typical phases of a capital improvement project subject to state funding include the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) Phase; the Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) Phase, the Right-of-Way (ROW) Phase, and the Construction (CON) Phase. Allocation is required prior to performing any reimbursable work beginning with the date that the CTC meets to approve the allocation. The request for allocations will follow the currently adopted guidelines established in the LAPG for each particular state funding source. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 19 Prepare and Submit RFA for Federally Funded Projects The request for authorization (RFA) is required for all federally funded phases of a project. Typical phases of a capital improvement project subject to federal funding include Preliminary Engineering (PE), ROW, Utility Relocations, and CON. Authorization is required prior to beginning any reimbursable work beginning with the date that the FHWA representative signs the project authorization document (E- 76). The RFA will follow the procedures outlined in LAPM Chapter 3, "Project Authorization". Each RFA requires differing levels of project information. We will work closely with the City to ensure proper documentation is provided. Assist with Project Funding Cost Adjustments Throughout the life of a capital improvement project, the funding may need to be adjusted. This could occur if the project has cost overruns and requires additional funding from the grant administrator, or if the project needs to adjust funds within a specific phase of work, i.e. from Construction Engineering to the Construction Contract. We will prepare the finance letter and other appropriate documentation required for the cost adjustments, including any backup documentation required. Assist with State and Federal Project Invoicing Throughout the project, any state or federally funded phase requires diligent project invoicing. We will work hard to make sure that the City receives the programmed reimbursement in a timely manner. Caltrans reimbursement requests must be submitted at least once every six (6) months, but not more frequently than once per month. Submitted invoices will follow the procedures outlined in LAPM Chapter 5, "Invoicing". We will maintain a log of all invoices paid on the project to contractors and consultants for quick reference when preparing the request for reimbursement. We will prepare the invoice backup and tracking log and bring to the City for signature prior to mailing to Caltrans. We will quickly respond to any Caltrans comment and keep the City informed of all progress. Prepare and Submit Final Report of Expenditures Upon project completion, NAI will prepare and submit the Final Report of Expenditures for federal aid projects. We will work with the City to ensure the material certification is filled out properly, noting any exceptions. We will compile the contract change order summary, final detail estimate, and final inspection form. We will ensure the contractor submits final DBE paperwork prior to issuing the Notice of Completion to include in the Final Report of Expenditures. A successful project closeout is contingent upon following proper federal procedures throughout the life of the project, and we will be there every step of the way. City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES 20 FEE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF HOURLY FEES NAME DISCIPLINE HOURLY RATE Lloyd "Nick" Nickerson PRINCIPAL $165.00 Lorissa Nickerson PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER $155.00 Josh Nickerson PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER $155.00 Jennifer Gonzalez PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR $85.00 Michelle Vecsernyes ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT $75.00 ADDITIONAL HOURLY FEES (WHEN APPLICABLE*) NAME DISCIPLINE HOURLY RATE SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER $155.00 DESIGN ENGINEER $105.00 CAD DRAFTSMAN $95.00 *Additional hourly fees will only apply upon approval from Contract Manager. Please note that NAI Consulting will provide the reimbursable expenses (reproduction, messenger service and postage) at cost without markup. Appendix Your Partner for Project Delivery City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES ATTACHMENT A: NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM City of La Quinta Design and Development RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPSOSAL: ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES ATTACHMENT B INSURANCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT