NV5CITY OF LA QUINTA Bryan McKinney, PE City Engineer 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 ON-CALL CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES May 14, 2019 Prepared For: 42-829 Cook Street Suite 104 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Scott Vinton, PE Phone: 760.341.3101 | scott.vinton@nv5.com Contact Info Scott Vinton, PE Project Manager scott.vinton@nv5.com 760.341.3101 May 14, 2019 City of La Quinta Attn: Bryan McKinney, PE City Engineer 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services Dear Bryan, La Quinta is a vibrant city with many opportunities for community enhancements in the coming years. The City is in need of our engineering team to assist with the management and design of capital improvement projects. NV5 is the firm to protect the City’s interests, take ownership of each job, and assure work is completed safely, on time, and on budget. NV5 provides the following benefits on this City contract: Expertise in On-Call Consulting Services. NV5 is a leader in providing on call civil engineering consulting to public agencies, having performed on call and as needed services for more than 50 agencies throughout California. We are currently performing services for many agencies within Southern California, including the following: • City of Coachella On-Call Engineering Services • County of Imperial On-Call Civil Engineering Services • City of El Centro On-Call Engineering Services • City of Beaumont On-Call Inspection and Plan Check Services • City of National City On-Call Services • City of Imperial Beach City Engineering Services High-Quality, Responsive Service. Our highest priority is exceeding your desires and goals, so we will strive to constantly provide you with top-notch customer service. Our Project Manager, Scott Vinton, PE, will provide hands-on, customer-oriented, proactive management of your on-call contract. As your Principal-in-Charge, I have managed more than 10 on-call engineering design contracts and am currently providing engineering services for a number of local and regional agencies in Southern California. Several of our team members have established working relationships with staff at the City that will allow us to more easily work with you and your stakeholders, maximizing efficiency and quality. We will use our recent experience with these groups to minimize project impacts. Local Expertise. NV5 has delivered similar projects to local agencies throughout Riverside County, including the cities of Coachella, Indian Wells, and Palm Desert, as well as the County of Riverside, and the Coachella Valley Water District. Through this experience we have confronted similar challenges and have resolved them, identified ways to do it better, and developed the ability to anticipate your needs, expectations, and unique project concerns. This experience will allow us to foresee problems before they occur and complete projects in a timely manner. The City needs a partner to provide the highest quality project management and engineering services and NV5 has the team and experience to support your efforts. We look forward to contiuing our strong working relationship with you. This proposal is valid for 180 days from date of submittal. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, feel free to reach out to either myself at 858.385.0500 or carmen.kasner@nv5.com or Scott Vinton at 760.341.3101 or scott.vinton@nv5.com. Sincerely, NV5, Inc. Carmen C. Kasner, PE Scott Vinton, PE Principal in Charge Project Manager NV5 proposal #P27519-0003391.00 NV5,Inc. C rmen C Kasner PE &RRN6WUHHW6XLWH_3DOP'HVHUW&$_ZZZ19FRP_2IÀFH CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - INFRASTRUCTURE - ENERGY - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 4XDOLÀFDWLRQV5HODWHG([SHULHQFHDQG5HIHUHQFHV ______________________ 01 3URSRVHG6WDIÀQJDQG3URMHFW2UJDQL]DWLRQ _____________________________ 06 :RUN3ODQ7HFKQLFDO$SSURDFK _______________________________________ 08 &RVWDQG3ULFH _____________________________________________________ 12 $SSHQGLFHV  .H\6WDII5HVXPHV  ,QVXUDQFH$FNQRZOHGJPHQW  1RWHG([FHSWLRQV  1RQ&ROOXVLRQ$IÀGDYLW COMMITMENT! 19LVFRQÀGHQWRXU expertise in infrastructure projects, combined with our extensive local knowledge, makes us your ideal partner. With a strong local presence we have a personal commitment to continuing to build on our exceptional partnership with the City of La Quinta. EXPERIENCE. NV5’s team of consulting professionals offer the essential program management and civil engineering experience QHHGHGWRFRPSOHWHDOO \RXULQIUDVWUXFWXUHSURMHFWV. NV5 has proven expertise to successfully provide the required services for the City of La Quinta. SUCCESS. For the past 70 years NV5 has provided professional expertise to local public and private sector agencies. We talk with our clients and, more importantly, we listen. As a result, our clients trust us to provide the integrated consulting and management solutions that enable their success—regardless of project size or complexity. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES FIRM OVERVIEW NV5 is a provider of engineering and consulting solutions to public and private sectors. We provide services through five business verticals: infrastructure, construction quality assurance, energy, program management, and environmental solutions. With offices located throughout the United States and with extensive resources to provide services locally, we strive to bring projects from inception to completion. NV5 has been serving clients in southern California for over 70 years. Our longevity in the region — and our experience working with the cities and agencies throughout the Coachella Valley — will provide you with a team that has a clear understanding of your needs and key issues as they relate to the successful implementation of your engineering projects. Legal Company Name NV5, Inc Year Company Was Established 1949 Legal Form of Company California Corporation Number of Offices 100 Firm Wide / 7 in Southern California Location of Offices NV5 has seven offices within a short drive of the City of La Quinta including: Palm Desert, Corona, Irvine (2), San Diego (2), and Murrieta. Days and Hours of Operation 2IÀFH+RXUVDUHDPWRSP0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ Number of Employees 2,000 Firm Wide / Over 400 in Southern California Bankruptcy Status NV5 has never sought bankruptcy protection in its more than 70 year history. Debarment Status NV5 is not debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to contract with any federal, state or local public agency. Fiscal Responsibility NV5 is a leading provider of professional engineering and consulting solutions with an over 70-year history. Over the last several years, we have experienced steady year-over-year growth. Our longevity and continued growth is a testament to our financial stability and the strength of our professional capabilities. 51# Top 80 Healthcare Engineering Firms 23# Top 40 Multi-Family Engineering Firms 13# Top 55 University Engineering Firms 18# Top 30 Airport Engineering Firms #203 #34 Top 500 Design Firms 2019 Top 225 International Design Firms Top 100 Pure Designers 2019 #18 #87 Top 150 Global Design Firms #1 2017BD+C 7RS+RWHO Engineering Firms Fastest Growing Companies 2017#13 7235$1.(' #1LOCATIONS WORLDWIDE EMPLOYEES 7(&+1,&$//< LICENSED 100 2,200 1,300 #36 Top 100 2017 CSE Cx Giants Top 25 #7 31# Top 40 Retail Engineering Firms 26# Top 30 Data Center Engineering Firms CLIENT PRAISE ´>19`GLGDQH[FHOOHQWMRERQ WKLVSURMHFWDQGZDVH[WUHPHO\ NQRZOHGJHDEOHµ 'RPLQLFN/RPEDUGL 5LYHUVLGH(FRQRPLF 'HYHORSPHQW$JHQF\ 5H&DED]RQ&LYLF&HQWHU6XUYH\ ´>19·V@SURIHVVLRQDOLVPUHVSRQVLYHQHVVDQG FRPPLWPHQWWRH[FHSWLRQDOFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHKDV JUHDWO\DVVLVWHGWKH&LW\LQSURFHVVLQJKHDY\FXUUHQW GHYHORSPHQWGHPDQGVDVZHOODVZRUNLQJWKURXJK DEDFNORJRIRYHUSURMHFWVWKDWSUHGDWHG19·V LQYROYHPHQWZLWKWKH&LW\µ - Amer Jakher &LW\RI%HDXPRQW City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES ON-CALL SERVICE EXPERIENCE NV5 is a leader in providing on-call services to public agencies. We understand that capacity, clear communication, strong project-management skills and technical excellence are the keys to efficient and effective on-call contracts and we will bring all of these skills to meet your needs. Past experience is the key indicator of future success. At NV5, we go out of our way to meet the increasingly complex needs of projects. We are committed to quality and believe that commitment is one reason why over 85% of our work comes from repeat clients — an obvious indicator of client satisfaction. The table below offers a brief list of agencies and references that can attest to our strength in providing local services. Our outstanding reputation to deliver projects on time and within budget has granted us multiple extensions on many of these contracts and we have maintained incumbent status for consecutive years. SPECIALIZED EXPERTISE A cornerstone of NV5’s expertise is the provision of engineering and project management for on-call, task-order-related contracts. We understand flexibility and responsiveness are critical in order to ramp up or scale down based upon changing conditions — such as project size, economic factors, emergencies, funding, and organizational changes. In terms of personnel, our firm is structured for agility so we can respond to the evolving needs of our clients. Throughout our history of on-call service work, NV5 has shown that we are quick to respond with the correct team to solve any issue. Our staff members are intimately familiar with the City’s processes and procedures. In the last few years, NV5 has provided survey services for more than a dozen projects working directly for the City. This experience partnering together provides NV5 with the opportunity to hit the ground running and approach projects with an intimate knowledge of the vision and expectations of the City. Of particular advantage to many clients is our ability to be a single-source solution for most projects. By providing access to specialists in an array of project management and engineering disciplines under one roof, our clients have come to experience better cost and schedule control. LOCAL CONTRACTS Client Contact Name/Phone/Email Dates of Service Services Provided City of La Quinta Leonard St. Sauver / 760.777.7045 / lstsauve@la-quinta.org 2014 - Present Survey, Construction Staking City of Coachella -RQDWKRQ+R\ jhoy@coachella.org 2008 - Present Civil Engineering, Surveying, Construction Staking City of Indian Wells Ken Seumalo / 760.776.0237 / kseumalo@indianwells.com 2018 - Present Engineering, Inspections City of Rancho Mirage Bill Enos / 760.770.3224 / bille@ci.rancho-mirage.ca.us 2015 - 2016 Civil Design, Surveying City of Twentynine Palms Frank Luckino / 760.367.6799 / fluckino@29palms.org 2018 - Present Civil Engineering, Surveying, Geotechnical City of Beaumont Amer Jakher / 951.769.8520 / ajakher@ci.beaumont.ca.us 2015 - Present Plan Checking, Inspections, SWPPP Management City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES ON CALL SURVEY SERVICES CITY OF LA QUINTA | LA QUINTA, CA ON CALL ENGINEERING SERVICES CITY OF COACHELLA | COACHELLA, CA NV5 is providing civil engineering services, under a multi-disciplinary on-call engineering services contract. Through this contract we have successfully completed the following task orders: Frederick Street Roadway Expansion: Civil engineering design, construction survey and construction phase consulting on this 1/2 mile road expansion for the City of Coachella. Bagduma Park Expansion Phase 1 and 2: Services consisted of staking a new soccer field with underground drainage system, parking lot and playground area along with the staking of the widening of Frederick Street. Caltrans Grapefruit Boulevard/Avenue 52: Provided construction staking services for the grade separation including all street improvements, underground and overhead utilities, bridge abutments, bridge deck and right-of-way lines. Bagduma Park Football Field: Provided construction staking and prepared as-built survey. Parks Aerial Topography: Prepared aerial topography of three city parks: Bagduma Park, De Oro Park, and La Colonia Park II. N Vanburen Street/Avenue 54: Provided aerial survey IURP+DUULVRQ6WUHHWWR9DQEXUHQ6WUHHWDQG9DQEXUHQ Street from Avenue 54 to Avenue 56. Also provided utility locations and mapping of existing right-of-way in order to design Avenue 54. Services Provided 9 Civil Engineering Design 9 Construction Survey 9 Construction Phase Consulting 9 Construction Staking 9 Aerial Survey 9 Utility Locating Services Provided 9 Surveying 9 Construction Staking 9 Aerial Survey NV5 is providing on-call services as requested by the Public Works Department, work requested included: • Street Cross Sections on Monroe Street at Mountain View Lane • Topographic Survey of the La Quinta Library • Construction Staking Services for the West Parking Lot of La Quinta Library • Topographic Survey of the Art Park of the Desert at Avenida Montezuma • Construction Staking services for Fritz Burns Park • Tie out of existing monument at the Intersection of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street All services were completed as scheduled and all information was provided to the city City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES PROJECT PHOENIX CITY OF TWENTYNINE PALMS | TWENTYNINE PALMS, CA ON-CALL STAFF AUGMENTATION/ ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION/SURVEYING CITY OF INDIAN WELLS | INDIAN WELLS, CA NV5 is currently under contract with the City of Indian Wells to provide in-house review services for new projects within the city. NV5 serves as an extension of city staff to review projects involving grading, street and drainage improvements, encroachment permits and mapping documents for conformance with city standards, regional and State regulations and generally accepted engineering design practices. NV5 has also been providing stormwater management support for construction, MS4 and industrial permits as staff extension to the city as well as construction inspection services and on-call survey services. Services Provided 9 ,Q+RXVH([WHQVLRQRI6WDII 9 Plan Check Review 9 Training 9 Public Works Inspection Services 9 Stormwater Program Management 9 NPDES Stormwater Inspection Services 9 On-Call Survey Services Services Provided 9 Civil Engineering Design 9 Surveying/Mapping 9 Aerial Survey NV5 provided civil design and survey for the downtown redevelopment project in Twentynine Palms called Project Phoenix. The development plan includes a multi-purpose community center, a housing facility, public parking lots, associated paseos, plaza, roadways, street improvements, sewer and water improvements, utility undergrounding, landscaping and lighting improvements. Our scope of work included providing aerial topography using our Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), base mapping, detailed cross sections, planning and vision development, geotechnical investigation, utility coordination for undergrounding existing utilities, sewer design, wastewater treatment system, street design, preliminary signal design, grading and paving design as well as project management and coordination. NV5 provided coordination with Southern California Edison, Frontier, Spectrum, Caltrans, Southern California Gas Company, San Bernardino County Fire Department, Twentynine Palms Water District, the Colorado Regional Water Quality Control Board as well as the City and their consultants. NV5 also prepared a Tentative Parcel Map and prepared right-of-way legal documents as part of this project. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES ON CALL CIVIL ENGINEERING SERVICES CITY OF MENIFEE|MENIFEE, CA PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION, SWPPP AND PLAN CHECK SERVICES CITY OF BEAUMONT | BEAUMONT, CA NV5 is providing review of development projects and public works inspection services to the city. NV5’s team of professionals reviews a variety of development applications—from several thousand lot, multi-phase planned residential developments to proposed floodplain development and structural review of bridges. We review all plans and associated technical reports for clarity, format, completeness, and conformance to the city’s grading and roadway criteria, industry-standard design procedures, permit requirements, and conditions of development. NV5 staff review projects, plans, and maps using previous project discretionary and environmental approvals and conditions. Reviews include improvement, grading and erosion control plans, sewer and storm drain plans, hydrology and hydraulic reports, water quality reports, geotechnical reports, structural calculations and cost estimates. NV5 has also been providing storm water management support for construction, MS4, and Industrial permits as staff extension to the city. We actively participated in assisting the city with a recent Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) audit. NV5 has also been instrumental in helping the city create templates and tracking logs to assist in enforcement efforts and regularly visit active construction sites to observe contractor compliance. NV5 has helped write storm water guidance for developers and city staff to use as well as their Local Implementation Plan which is submittal to the RWQCB each year. Services Provided 9 Inspection Services 9 SWPPP Management 9 Plan Checking 9 Geotechnical Engineering Review 9 Surveying and Mapping Services Provided 9 Civil Engineering 9 Structural Engineering 9 Surveying 9 Geotechnical NV5 is providing plan review, structural and civil engineering services to the City of Menifee for high profile and fast track infrastructure and public works improvements under as-needed and project specific contracts. One such project, Bradley Road Bridge will provide a 335-foot long, three span concrete box girder bridge over Salt Creek to replace an existing low flow crossing which is closed during wet weather, isolating residents of Sun City from the central portions of Menifee. NV5 provided engineering of the bridge structure, hydraulic analysis of Salt Creek, design of the roadway approaches, design of wet utility relocations/extensions including 12” and 24” water mains and a 48” recycled water main, as well as overall design management, preparation of project specifications and cost estimates. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ PROPOSED STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION Organization Chart * Key Personnel THE NV5 TEAM NV5 has assembled a team of highly qualified professionals to meet your on-call program management and engineering needs. Team members have been selected based upon their experience with the scope of services and their availability. By selecting NV5, the City will gain experienced, knowledgeable on-call specialists that you can trust. We will place top priority on providing exceptional services, completing projects on time, and using qualified professionals who have a thorough understanding of all guidelines and standards. This will assure continued quality and responsive service while maintaining our effective working relationship with City staff and stakeholder agencies. The organization chart, pictured below, illustrates our project team members’ roles and responsibilities. Resumes demonstrating individual qualifications of the key staff identified for this project are provided in the Appendix. The team we have assembled will be led by Carmen Kasner, PE who will be our proposed Principal- in-Charge. Carmen will be available for contract negotiation and team oversight. Scott Vinton, PE will be the Senior Project Manager and main point of contact. Scott has extensive experience providing professional engineering and program management services. Scott will oversee the daily needs of your projects and will manage the staff, schedule, and budget. PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE Carmen Kasner, PE* QA/QC -LP+HWWLQJHU3(/(('$3 SR. PROJECT MANAGER Scott Vinton, PE* CIVIL ENGINEERING Vickie Bridenstine, PE* Phil Kern, PE 30 Engineers 20 Designers STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Jack Abcarius, PE* Daniel Sun, PE, SE Phillip Reuss, PE SURVEYING AND MAPPING Jay Fahrion, PLS* Pete Golding, PLS Joel Paulson, PLS, GISP (GIS) Matt O’Brien (UAV/Aerial) +20 Surveyors and Mappers GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Gene Custenborder, PG, CEG* +24 Inspectors and Technicians PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Kirill Dolinskiy, PMP* Brian Roppe, PMP Ron Schultz (Scheduling) City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ PROPOSED TEAM MEMBER INFORMATION Name/Licenses/Role on Contract Experience Role/Responsibility Carmen Kasner, PE Professional Engineer, CA #C50856, AZ #50589 Principal-in-Charge 29 Carmen has 29 years of experience in municipal services, focusing on civil design of CIP projects, including water, sewer, and storm drain facilities; pipelines; street improvements; and site development. She offers vast insight into public participation, permitting and coordination, project and design standards, and site and access constraints. Scott Vinton, PE Professional Engineer, CA #C54703 Senior Project Manager 28 Scott is a licensed civil engineer in the state of California with 28 years of experience, including program management, project management, design, DQGFRQVWUXFWLRQPDQDJHPHQWVHUYLFHV+LVH[SHUWLVH includes public works, land development, energy, and transportation projects. Jack Abcarius, PE Professional Engineer, CA #C40459 Structural Engineering Lead 36 Jack is a career bridge engineer and an expert in California bridge design practices for both the design of new and replacement structures as well as the design of bridge UHWURILWUHSDLUVDQGUHKDELOLWDWLRQV+HKDVH[WHQVLYH experience performing QA/QC on structural projects. Vickie Bridenstine, PE Professional Engineer CA #C57142 Civil Engineering Lead 34 Vickie has over 34 years of civil engineering experience in SXEOLFDQGSULYDWHVHFWRUV+HUVSHFLDODUHDVRIH[SHUWLVH are sanitary sewer, water distribution, street design including reconstruction and rehabilitation, storm drain, hydrology and hydraulics, rough and final grading design. Jay Fahrion, PLS Professional Land Surveyor CA #LS8207 40 Jay is a survey manager with over 40 years of surveying and mapping experience+LVH[SHULHQFHLQFOXGHV boundary surveys, ALTA surveys, topographic surveys, construction staking, preparing and processing record of surveys, corner records and parcel maps.. Gene Custenborder, PG, CEG Professional Geologist CA #G3992 Certified Engineering Geologist CA #CEG1319 Geotechnical Engineering Lead 40 Gene’s experience in the field of engineering geology includes a wide variety of work throughout Southern California. This experience includes geotechnical feasibility studies and geotechnical investigations for commercial, residential and public works projects in many types RIWHUUDLQ+HKDVSHUIRUPHGJHRWHFKQLFDOVWXGLHVIRU roadways, electrical transmission lines, pipelines, water tanks and two rockfill dams. Kirill Dolinskiy, PMP Project Management Professional #1584705 Program Management Lead 20 Kirill has more than 20 years of program and project management, risk and change management, governance, compliance audit, and engineering experience (USA and International). KEY PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS PROPOSED STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ UNDERSTANDING OF THE CITY’S OBJECTIVES AND REQUIREMENTS A city’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is an essential part of providing the citizens needed infrastructure in keeping up with growth. It is a major part of the City’s budget as well. It is imperative that the City has a team that is proactive and responsive. The City has identified two types of services that NV5 can provide, Design Engineering Services and Project Management Services, in support of their CIP. The current CIP covers fiscal years 2018-2019 through 2022-/2023. Only projects that have identified funding sources have been listed in the five fiscal years of the program. Understandably, the first two years occupy the majority of the budget. Additional fund sources and projects will be identified during annual review and approval of subsequent Capital Improvement Programs. NV5 has a team of engineers and professionals to provide all manner of civil design services for any of the CIP projects that the City would choose to have designed. NV5 can provide pre-design services such as aerial and UAV topography, design survey for connections, and geotechnical services. Our final design services include civil, structural, water resources, dry utilities and landscape design. DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES NV5 has a systematic approach for their design process. This approach provides opportunities at several junctures to improve the projects value and minimize costs and impacts to the public. A typical design process for a project would include the following: 1. Define the need of the project. While this has been done as part of the CIP process, NV5 will ZDQWWRUHYLHZZLWKWKH&LW\WKHVSHFLÀFJRDOV and overriding expectations of each project and identifying the stakeholders. 2. Research the Project. Research records for existing plans, right-of-way and easements, utilities, IUDQFKLVHDJUHHPHQWVÁRRGSODLQDQGGUDLQDJH maps, and potential involvement with Riverside County, other cities, Caltrans, or resource agencies. 3. Provide fieldwork. It is essential that the designers and engineers walk the site and take pictures prior to beginning any design. We also have UAV that can scan and provide topographic survey of the site. Our survey crew would set targets, as well as provide detailed survey for the areas to which the project connects. Our geotechnical services can provide on-site and laboratory testing, and prepare geotechnical recommendations. 4. Establish constraints and specify requirements. It is essential to identify what elements of the project would constrain the design. This can vary from funding limitations, right-of-way, expensive utility relocations or environmental limitations. Each of these elements will help establish time lines and critical path items that need to be completed. 5. Brainstorm, evaluate, and select appropriate option. Does an option meet the needs outlined for the project in the CIP? What are the costs associated with an option? What are the impacts to existing facilities and properties? Are there DGGLWLRQDOLWHPVWKDWZRXOGEHQHÀWWKHSURMHFW\HW stay within the budget? NV5 will reach out to City staff to weigh in during this process. 19·V,QIUDVWUXFWXUH 'HVLJQ6HUYLFHV WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ 6. Prepare the plans. Where appropriate, NV5 uses Civil 3D ACAD design software. This software provides three-dimensional dynamic modeling that GHÀQHVDOLJQPHQWVVXUIDFHVSURÀOHVVHFWLRQV corridors, and grading. If a change is made to a SURÀOHWKHJUDGLQJFKDQJHVZLWKLW19KDVDOVR prepared dynamic blocks for items such as County standard catch basins. A catch basin may be selected and placed in the location. The designer then has the ability to dynamically select the length and depth of the catch basin, and it will adjust to WKRVHVSHFLÀFDWLRQV 7. Value Engineering. Value engineering may be included as an option on a project if the City desires and the project warrants it. 8. Conduct a constructability review. We have in- house construction managers who can review the SODQVDQGVSHFLÀFDWLRQVIURPDFRQVWUXFWDELOLW\ standpoint. Plans will be reviewed to see if there DUHUHVWULFWLRQVRUGLIÀFXOWLHVIRUDFRQWUDFWRUWR build the project. Staging of the project is important for keeping utilities in operation if a relocation is QHFHVVDU\7UDIÀFVWDJLQJPXVWEHORRNHGDWWR DFFRPPRGDWHWUDIÀFÁRZGXULQJFRQVWUXFWLRQ7KLV can be extremely valuable to reduce extras and change orders during construction. Any additions or adjustments can then be made to the plans. 9. QA/QC. QA/QC is an essential part of everything NV5 does prior to sending any deliverables to a client. We have a Quality Management Plan that outlines key personnel and their roles, as well as a systematic process for reviewing plans and documents prior to submittals. The review is done EHDTXDOLÀHGLQGLYLGXDOZKRLVQRWDSDUWRIWKH project, to have a completely independent look. 10. Quantities. Quantities are prepared by the design engineer, and independently checked. 11. Specifications.7KHVSHFLÀFDWLRQVZLOOEHSUHSDUHG in the format the City prefers. 12. Bid Documents. Bid documents will be prepared SHUWKH&LW\·VVSHFLÀFDWLRQV While these tasks are a systematic approach to completing the designs, there are a number of other reasons that make NV5 the right team to select for this role. EXPERIENCE WITH OUTSIDE AGENCY PROCESSES AND REQUIREMENTS NV5 has managed and administered many different local assistance projects through Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), San Bernardino Association of Governments (SANBAG), and Caltrans including Active Ttransportation Program (ATP), +LJKZD\%ULGJH5HSODFHPHQWDQG5HKDELOLWDWLRQ +%55 &RQJHVWLRQ0LWLJDWLRQDQG$LU4XDOLW\ Regional Surface Transportation Program (CMAQ/ 5673 +LJKZD\6DIHW\,PSURYHPHQW3URJUDP +6,3  Coachella Valley Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Programs, and many other programs. Paperwork and processing is complex and if not completed properly, can delay projects and funding reimbursements. Smaller local communities like La Quinta are very dependent on grants and getting projects selected can provide significant improvements in the community. EXPERIENCE WITH EROSION AND STORM WATER POLLUTION REQUIREMENTS BOTH DURING DESIGN AND POST CONSTRUCTION NV5 has a team of water quality experts focused specifically on completing each project’s stormwater requirements. Our water quality experts have helped many agencies process construction permits through the State’s Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS) online program. The regulations are ever changing and staying on top of WKHPUHTXLUHVDWHDPIRFXVHGRQVWRUPZDWHU+DYLQJD team with specific understanding of flood control and drainage can benefit the City. ADDRESSING PUBLIC NEEDS ON CONTROVERSIAL PROJECTS NV5’s in-house community outreach team of professionals are specifically focused on public outreach and helping local agencies get stakeholders engaged and supportive of difficult projects. Our Community Relations team consists of team members that are not engineers, but public relations professionals. They have worked with engineers their entire career helping the public understand design and construction projects. This team routinely complete surveys, engage stakeholders, prepare media releases, develop newsletters, explain issues to elected officials, and keep the community informed of construction schedules and impacts. WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ ABILITY TO PROVIDE A MULTI-DISCIPLINED APPROACH NV5 has almost 400 individuals in Southern California covering nearly all disciplines of expertise that would EHQHHGHGRQSURMHFWVIRU/D4XLQWD+DYLQJRXU own geotechnical, materials testing, environmental, landscape architectural and Phase I & II expertise on top of the traditional civil engineering experience — we can bring the right team to the table to address any type of project as a one stop shop. We are used to working as a team across disciplines and as such we are always looking at the bigger picture of projects. For example, we are completing a huge variety of projects for the City of Chula Vista’s Prop P Sales Tax CIP including restroom remodels, roof replacements, sidewalk and water fountain replacements as well as flow monitoring to update their wastewater Development Impact Fee program. ADEQUATE STAFF TO ASSURE TIMELY COMPLETION Our team members have experience that spans all engineering disciplines, but our civil/municipal group has over 30 individuals that focus exclusively on municipal projects. Our principal, Carmen Kasner, PE has a proven track record of getting projects done and done right. We are regularly adding staff in an effort to address increasing workloads to meet our client’s deadlines. LOCAL PRESENCE TO FACILITATE RESPONSIVENESS Our office is only minutes from the City. With our local office we can engage City staff quickly and evaluate any issues that may arise in a timely manner. PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES NV5 understands that timely, accurate, complete and value added services depend on well thought out processes and procedures. Our team is expert at delivering professional engineering, surveying and consulting services to its clients. In the course of providing such services, we have gained a very thorough understanding of the procedures and guidelines for completing on-call engineering services. We successfully deliver projects that are on time, within the agreed upon budgets and as expected. Our Project Management approach will be the same whether NV5 or another consultant is designing the project, and will continue throughout the duration of the project. It includes, but is not limited to, all work necessary to manage production efforts of in-house staff and consultants; coordination with project stakeholders, such as the City staff, the County, Caltrans, CVAG for projects receiving TUMF dollars, utility companies, and the public; administration of contracts and progress monitoring; and providing support during construction. While performing work on a project, discussions and or meetings with professionals from other agencies, departments and the public may be required. NV5 will participate when requested by the City in these discussions, answer questions, provide documents, and respond to requests for information. We will maintain records of these discussions and keep the City staff informed of any pertinent information. NV5 will provide these Project Management services for on-call projects based on the project type and needs: 1. Develop a draft outline for scoping the project, and discuss it with staff. 2. Identify the project requirements and determine complexity of the work, technical activities, schedules and resources. Discuss and coordinate project requirements with City staff and designate project team contacts. 3UHSDUHDQGPDLQWDLQSURMHFWGHVLJQÀOHVDQG supporting documentation for correspondence, reports, design details and calculations of quantities that are included in the plans. 3. Prepare and acquire permits from other agencies if required. 4. Review consultant’s scopes of work and fees. Advise City staff of concerns, omitted items, or inordinate fees. 5. Prepare and submit documents for funding reimbursements and reporting per the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) or other grant requirements. focus team goal WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ 6. Provide support to the City including front-end bid documents and assistance with bidding procedures, bid openings, staff reports, reference checks, preconstruction meetings, and construction support. 7. Develop and maintain a project schedule (such as 0LFURVRIW3URMHFWRU3ULPDYHUD WKDWLGHQWLÀHVWKH deliverable items due dates, milestones, reviews, and meetings, that assures meeting the completion date objective. Identify all critical tasks in meeting the completion date. This schedule will be used to coordinate activities, meetings, and delivery dates. Submit an initial copy of the schedule and any revised schedules to the City. 8. Submit a monthly progress report providing a summary of the previous month’s accomplishments and activities, overall progress achieved toward completion of the task order, future month expectations, any issues or action items that need to be resolved or addressed with the City and partner agencies and all activities that will be undertaken during the succeeding month. Submit a progress report with each invoice. Deliverables for Project Management • Draft Outline of Project Scope • Final Project Scope • Permit Applications and Approvals • Documentation Relating to Right-of-Way Acquisition and Easements • Bid Documents • Public Meeting Documents, Information, or Exhibits • Project Funding Documents per the LAPM • Meeting Minutes • Initial Schedule and Revised Schedules • Discussion Notes • Monthly Progress Reports and Invoices NV5 PROJECT MANAGERS Scott Vinton, PE and Kirill Dolinskiy, PMP bring a diverse and large amount of project management and program management experience. These experiences have included clients such as county transportation commissions, cities, water districts, and utility agencies. We can fully support City staff with the City’s DIF program and the TUMF program. They will provide direction, oversight, and support on each project for the City. QA/QC PROCESS The NV5 Team has a longstanding commitment to the formalized process of Quality Control (doing it right the first time) and Quality Assurance (checking to make sure it was done right). We are committed to providing professional services to our clients that more than meets project requirements. Our team members take pride in their reputation for creative, thoughtful, and successful survey planning and execution. At NV5, we firmly believe that dedication to quality pays off. Most of our work comes from repeat clients because of our commitment to quality assurance and quality control. NV5 has a Quality Management Plan (QMP) provide professional quality plans and documents. The objectives of the QMP are to identify key project roles and resources; identify the process applicable to the project; serves as a reference tool for team members to carry out steps related to QA/QC; and demonstrate that standard of care is being met in the delivery of engineering services.Our QA/QC plan guide s u s t o a quality delivera b l e ! Name the Roles and Resources Explain Processes and Procedures Work as a Reference Tool Show How the Standard of Care is Being Met WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ COST AND PRICE NV5 CHARGE RATES NV5 would like to bill the City on a monthly basis. The billings will include fees earned for the billing period. Project will be billed on a Time & Materials not to exceed for each project authorization per the rate sheet included with this proposal. Possible additional charges if requested by the City may include geotechnical testing, UAV or aerial topography, and mileage if over 40 miles from the City. OFFICE Technical Services Engineering Aide/Planning Aide .................................................................................................$55.00/hour Project Assistant ..........................................................................................................................$70.00/hour Project Administrator ...................................................................................................................$85.00/hour CADD Technician I ........................................................................................................................$90.00/hour CADD Technician II .....................................................................................................................$110.00/hour CADD Technician III ....................................................................................................................$115.00/hour Senior CADD Technician/Designer ...........................................................................................$120.00/hour Design Supervisor ......................................................................................................................$130.00/hour Professional Junior Engineer/Planner/Surveyor .............................................................................................$75.00/hour Assistant Engineer/Planner/Surveyor ......................................................................................$100.00/hour Associate Engineer/Planner/Surveyor .....................................................................................$115.00/hour Senior Engineer/Planner/Surveyor ..........................................................................................$130.00/hour Structural Engineer ....................................................................................................................$150.00/hour Manager .....................................................................................................................................$165.00/hour Associate ....................................................................................................................................$195.00/hour Principal ......................................................................................................................................$210.00/hour FIELD Construction Management Junior Field Engineer .................................................................................................................$141.00/hour Assistant Field Engineer ............................................................................................................$166.00/hour Associate Field Engineer ...........................................................................................................$183.00/hour Senior Field Engineer ................................................................................................................$193.00/hour Construction Manager ...............................................................................................................$198.00/hour Surveying 1-Person Survey Crew ................................................................................................................$140.00/hour 2-Person Survey Crew ................................................................................................................$240.00/hour 3-Person Survey Crew ................................................................................................................$280.00/hour Survey Manager .........................................................................................................................$160.00/hour EXPENSES 3ORWWLQJDQG,Q+RXVH5HSURGXFWLRQ ..............................................................................................1.15 x Cost Subsistence .....................................................................................................................................1.15 x Cost Other Expenses - Including Subconsultants & Purchased Services through Subcontracts ......1.15 x Cost Mileage - Outside Local Area .......................................................................................Per Accepted IRS Rate Rates are effective one year from issuance. If contract assignment extends beyond that date, NV5 will meet with the city to confirm a mutually acceptable increase not to exceed the Consumer Price Index for Riverside County rates based on “Prevailing Wage” (PW) for Construction Management and Surveying. Note: Each individual project will be based upon a detailed not-to-exceed fee proposal using a project specific scope of services. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services 19&20_ APPENDIX ('8&$7,21 BS Civil Engineering (;3(5,(1&( 29 years 5(*,675$7,216 Professional Engineer — CA #C50856 — AZ #50589 $)),/,$7,216 American Public Works Association (APWA) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) $'',7,21$/352-(&7 (;3(5,(1&( Avenue 42 Construction Staking Services, Indio, CA Commercial Construction Staking, Cathedral City, CA San Diego International Airport/On-Call Surveying Services, San Diego, CA SDG&E On-Call Surveying Services, San Diego, Riverside and Imperial Counties, CA Pavement Management Plan Update, City of Imperial Beach Street and Drainage Improvements, City of Big Bear Lake Annual Street Resurfacing, Drainage and Sidewalk Projects, City of Del Mar &$50(1.$61(53( 35,1&,3$/,1&+$5*( Carmen has 29 years of experience in municipal services, focusing on civil design of CIP projects, including water, sewer, and storm drain facilities, pipelines, street improvements and site development. She offers vast insight into public participation, permitting and coordination, project and design VWDQGDUGVDQGVLWHDQGDFFHVVFRQVWUDLQWV+HUVROLGGHVLJQH[SHULHQFH enables her to quickly identify issues of concern during the design or construction phases. 352-(&7(;3(5,(1&( $(5,$/7232*5$3+<6859(< &,7<2)&2$&+(//$_&2$&+(//$&$ Principal-in-charge for the aerial topography of three city parks. Oversaw the VXUYH\WHDPWKDWSODFHGDHULDOWDUJHWVIRUDOORIWKHVLWHVDQGSURYLGHGÀHOG surveying and mapping of the existing utilities and street cross sections. $9(18(*5$3()58,7%28/(9$5'*5$'(6(3$5$7,21 &,7<2)&2$&+(//$_&2$&+(//$&$ Principal-in-charge for providing construction staking services for the Avenue 52/Grapefruit Boulevard Grade Separation. The scope of services includes control survey, staking of existing and future right-of-way, underground utilities, street improvements, and a bridge structure that spans over the H[LVWLQJ8QLRQ3DFLÀF5DLOURDG 352-(&73+2(1,; &,7<2)7:(17<1,1(3$/06_7:(17<1,1(3$/06&$ Principal-in-charge overseeing the team that is providing aerial topography using our Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), base mapping, detailed cross sections, planning and vision development, geotechnical investigation, utility coordination for undergrounding existing utilities, sewer design, wastewater treatment system, street design, preliminary signal design, grading and paving design as well as project management and coordination. 21&$//38%/,&:25.6,163(&7,21$1'3/$1&+(&.6(59,&(6 &,7<2)%($80217_%($80217&$ Principal-in-charge for the review of all Tract Maps, Parcel Maps, Lot Line $GMXVWPHQWVDQG&HUWLÀFDWHRI&RUUHFWLRQV5HYLHZVLQFOXGHLPSURYHPHQW grading, and erosion control plans, sewer and storm drain plans, hydrology and hydraulic reports, water quality reports, geotechnical reports, structural calculations and cost estimates. 21&$//&,9,/(1*,1((5,1*6(59,&(6 &,7<2)0(1,)((_0(1,)((&$ Principal-in-charge providing oversight and guidance to the team that is supporting the City’s CIP development efforts with plan review, structural and civil engineering services on an on-call basis. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX ('8&$7,21 BS Civil Engineering (;3(5,(1&( 28 years 5(*,675$7,216 Professional Engineer — CA #C54703 $'',7,21$/352-(&7 (;3(5,(1&( State Route 71, Chino/Chino +LOOV&$ State Route 30 (I-210), San Bernardino, CA Azalea Park Shelter, San Diego, CA Buena Vista Creek Trail, Vista, CA Vista Village and Vista Way Intersection Improvements, Vista, CA Wilson Creek/Oak Glen Road Crossing, Yucaipa, CA Pavement Rehabilitation and Pedestrian Crossings, Vista, CA Interstate 10/Apache Trail Interchange, Cabazon, CA 6&2779,17213( SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER Scott is a licensed civil engineer in the state of California with 28 years of experience, including experience in program management, project PDQDJHPHQWGHVLJQDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQPDQDJHPHQWVHUYLFHV+LVH[SHUWLVH includes commercial/institutional, public works, land development, energy DQGWUDQVSRUWDWLRQSURMHFWV+LVWUDQVSRUWDWLRQH[SHULHQFHLQFOXGHVSURJUDP management for SANBAG working with CALTRANS for freeway design DQGFRQVWUXFWLRQIRU6$1%$*·V0HDVXUH,SURJUDP+HKDVDOVRZULWWHQ specifications for a freeway interchange on Interstate 10 in Cabazon. Scott’s experience in construction management includes serving as a resident engineer for a $3 million double box crossing using federal funding. 352-(&7(;3(5,(1&( $9(18(,03529(0(176 &,7<2)&2$&+(//$_&2$&+(//$&$ Project Manager. Provided project management and design engineering services for the street improvement plans, signing and striping, storm drain, ZDWHUUHORFDWLRQDQGXWLOLW\FRRUGLQDWLRQ+LVHIIRUWVLQFOXGHGUHGHVLJQRI driveways, redesign of drainage and water facilities due to encountered underground obstructions and providing the surveyors additional information needed for the construction staking. $9(18(:,'(1,1* &,7<2)&2$&+(//$_&2$&+(//$&$ Project Manager. Provided design engineering services for the street improvement plans, signing and striping and utility coordination, tying the new improvements into existing streets. The project included street improvements to three lanes in each direction. -$0$&+$%28/(9$5',03529(0(176 &2817<2)6$1',(*2_6$1',(*2&$ Project engineer for design services for this ½-mile road-widening project. The project provides for the design of the widening of Jamacha Boulevard between Spring Glen Lane and Sweetwater Springs Boulevard in an unincorporated area of San Diego County. The two-lane road was expanded to four lanes, including curb and gutter, sidewalk and parkways, bike lanes, a striped median, retaining wall and a water quality basin. ,17(567$7(+29:,'(1,1* 6$1%$*_6$1%(51$5',12&2817<&$ Project manager responsible for 10 miles of construction on Interstate 10 for SANBAG’s Measure I Program including freeway and bridge widening, local road construction, storm drain crossings, consultant selection, and community awareness. Responsibilities during construction included review of all pay item paperwork, schedule review and input, dispute resolution between the contractors and CALTRANS, and meetings and presentations to keep the community aware of progress and issues. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX ('8&$7,21 BS Geotechnical Engineering (;3(5,(1&( 34 years 5(*,675$7,216 Professional Engineer — CA #C57142 LEED Accredited Professional $)),/,$7,216 Past Planning Commissioner/ Chairperson, Town of Yucca Valley Past Board of Directors President/Member Boys & *LUOV&OXERIWKH+L'HVHUW Yucca Valley Chamber of Commerce, Past Board of Directors President/Member American Public Works Association, Desert Chapter Member, American Society of Civil Engineers 9,&.,(%5,'(167,1(3(/(('$3 CIVIL ENGINEERING TEAM LEAD Vickie has over 34 years of civil engineering experience in public and private sectors. She has prepared designs and specifications as well as managed the design of many private and municipal engineering projects. +HUVSHFLDODUHDVRIH[SHUWLVHDUHVDQLWDU\VHZHUZDWHUGLVWULEXWLRQ street design including reconstruction and rehabilitation, storm drain, hydrology and hydraulics and rough and final grading design. With hands-on experience in state-of-the-art computer aided design and drafting, combined with practical field experience, Vickie has provided comprehensive consulting services from the preliminary planning stages through construction for private sector and public works projects. 352-(&7(;3(5,(1&( $9(18(:,'(1,1* &,7<2)&2$&+(//$_&2$&+(//$&$ Project Engineer. Provided design engineering services for the street LPSURYHPHQWSODQVVLJQLQJDQGVWULSLQJWUDIÀFVLJQDOGHVLJQDQGXWLOLW\ coordination and tying the new improvements into existing streets. The project included street improvements to three lanes in each direction. +,*+:$<:,'(1,1* %,*+251'(9(/230(17_3$/0'(6(57&$ This project involved adding acceleration and deceleration lanes. This project included lane widening, addition of a shoulder and approximately one mile RIFXUEDQGJXWWHUDVZHOODVVWRUPGUDLQLPSURYHPHQWV+\GURORJ\VWXGLHV were performed to determine flow rates and storm volumes. Due to vertical clearance issues, a multi-barrel storm drain system was designed, which included standard and special design catch basins in order to pick up existing flow and safely outlet it. The processing of an encroachment permit through Caltrans District 8 was also part of this project. 3('(675,$15$03,03529(0(17352-(&7 &,7<2)5$1&+20,5$*(_5$1&+20,5$*(&$ Design Engineer. This project included the survey and analysis of over 450 pedestrian access ramps within the City of Rancho Mirage to determine the level of ADA compliance. Based upon a complex ranking system and physical locations of the ramps, 100 were selected to be replaced with ramps that meet the current Federal and state ADA requirements. Vickie was the lead GHVLJQHULQWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKHSODQVDQGVSHFLÀFDWLRQVIRUWKLVSURMHFW 7</(5675((73$9(0(175(+$%,/,7$7,21 &,7<2)&2$&+(//$_&2$&+(//$&$ Design Engineer. The project included the reconstruction of approximately 3,300’ of Tyler Street between Avenue 53 and Avenue 54 in the City of Coachella. The plan included pulverizing existing pavement and using it for base and repaving matching existing pavement, curb and gutter where they exist. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX ('8&$7,21 BS Civil Engineering (;3(5,(1&( 36 years 5(*,675$7,216 Professional Engineer — CA #C40459 $)),/,$7,216 American Society of Civil Engineers (Former Director) Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of California (Former Director) American Public Works Association American Society of Civil Engineers, Transportation Group -$&.$%&$5,863( STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING TEAM LEAD -DFNKDVEHHQDFLYLOHQJLQHHULQ&DOLIRUQLDVLQFH+HLVDFDUHHUEULGJH engineer and an expert in California bridge design practices for both the design of new and replacement structures as well as the design of bridge retrofit repairs and rehabilitations. Jack has extensive experience performing 4$4&RQVWUXFWXUDOSURMHFWV+HKDVSURYLGHGWKHVHW\SHVRIGHVLJQVHUYLFHV for numerous bridge projects including those funded under the Federal +LJKZD\%ULGJH3URJUDP +%3 +LVWHFKQLFDOH[SHULHQFHFRYHUVDOODVSHFWVRI the field from planning to final design, to construction inspection and support services. 352-(&7(;3(5,(1&( ($67&$7+('5$/&$1<21%5,'*(:,'(1,1* &,7<2)&$7+('5$/&,7<_&$7+('5$/&,7<&$ 3URMHFWHQJLQHHUIRUSUHOLPLQDU\VWXGLHVÀQDOGHVLJQSODQVDQGVSHFLÀFDWLRQV for widening a four span, cast-in-place slab bridge supported on pile bents in FRQMXQFWLRQZLWKZLGHQLQJ+LJKZD\7KHEULGJHOHQJWKLVDSSUR[LPDWHO\ 160 feet with an ultimate width that varies from 100-120 feet with 45 degree skews. 1257+)25.6$1-$&,1725,9(5 6(,60,&5(752),7 &2817<2)5,9(56,'(_81,1&25325$7('5,9(56,'(&2817<&$ Was assigned the task of Project Manager halfway through the environmental process for the replacement of an existing functionally obsolete and structurally deficient bridge. Upon the client’s acceptance, assumed that role without disruption or loss of continuity. 5,9(552$'%5,'*(&5266,1*29(57+(6$17$$1$5,9(5 &2817<2)5,9(56,'(_81,1&25325$7('5,9(56,'(&2817<&$ Design Engineer. This project included the survey and analysis of over 450 pedestrian access ramps within the City of Rancho Mirage to determine the level of ADA compliance. Based upon a complex ranking system and physical locations of the ramps, 100 were selected to be replaced with ramps that meet the current Federal and state ADA requirements. Vickie was the lead GHVLJQHULQWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKHSODQVDQGVSHFLÀFDWLRQVIRUWKLVSURMHFW %5$'/(<52$'%5,'*('(6,*1 &,7<2)0(1,)((_0(1,)((&$ Project manager responsible for providing preliminary design and construction documents for this project to improve Bradley Road between Rio Vista Drive and Potomac Drive within the City of Menifee. This improvement consists of providing an all-weather crossing at Salt Creek in lieu of the existing two-pipe culvert. Such an improvement is necessary for the surrounding communities that get stranded after a 5-year storm event as the roadway gets completely ÁRRGHGDQGEHFRPHVLPSDVVDEOH7KLVLVDVDIHW\FRQFHUQWRWKHVHQLRU citizen community because emergency vehicles cannot reach them without having to go through a lengthy detour. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX ('8&$7,21 BS Civil Engineering (;3(5,(1&( 40 years 5(*,675$7,216 Professional Land Surveyor — CA #LS8207 $'',7,21$/352-(&7 (;3(5,(1&( South Palm Canyon Road Aerial Survey, Palm Springs, CA Riverside EDA Avenue 56 Pipeline Replacement, Thermal, CA Whispering Sands Pipeline, 'HVHUW+RW6SULQJV&$ Avenue 66 Staking and Grading, Mecca, CA Mountain View Villas Phase II Channel Lining Project, Indian Wells, CA Cabazon Civic Center Site, Cabazon, CA Calhoun and Van Buren Street Improvement Projects, Coachella, CA Parks Aerial Topography, Coachella, CA -$<)$+5,213/6 SURVEYING AND MAPPING TEAM LEAD Jay brings over 40 years of surveying and mapping experience in Northwest 1HZ0H[LFRDQG6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD+HZRUNHGLQWKHSXEOLFVHFWRUIRU6DQ Juan County Public Works in Aztec, New Mexico for eight years where his duties included right-of-way surveys and acquisitions, topographic surveys, DQGFRQVWUXFWLRQVWDNLQJ+LVH[SHULHQFHLQFOXGHVERXQGDU\VXUYH\V$/7$ surveys, topographic surveys, construction staking, preparing and processing record of surveys, corner records and parcel maps. 352-(&7(;3(5,(1&( 21&$//6859(<,1*6(59,&(6 &,7<2)/$48,17$_/$48,17$&$ Survey manager for this on-call services contract as requested by the Public Works Department, work requested includes: • Street Cross Sections on Monroe Street at Mountain View Lane • Topographic Survey of the La Quinta Library • Construction Staking Services for the West Parking Lot of La Quinta Library • Topographic Survey of the Art Park of the Desert at Avenida Montezuma • Construction Staking services for Fritz Burns Park • Tie out of existing monument at the Intersection of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street All services were completed as scheduled and all information was provided to the city. $9(18(*5$3()58,7%28/(9$5'*5$'(6(3$5$7,21 &,7<2)&2$&+(//$_&2$&+(//$&$ Survey manager for providing construction staking services for the Avenue 52/Grapefruit Boulevard Grade Separation. The scope of services includes control survey, staking of existing and future right-of-way, underground utilities, street improvements, and a bridge structure that spans over the H[LVWLQJ8QLRQ3DFLÀF5DLOURDG $(5,$/7232*5$3+,&6859(< &,7<2)&2$&+(//$_&2$&+(//$&$ Survey manager for the aerial topography of three city parks for the City of Coachella. Managed the survey team that placed aerial targets for all of the VLWHVDQGSURYLGHGÀHOGVXUYH\LQJDQGPDSSLQJRIWKHH[LVWLQJXWLOLWLHVDQG street cross sections. Also prepared topographic maps, along with record boundary information, prepared and processed plats and legal descriptions for the acquisition of additional right-of-way. 352-(&73+2(1,; &,7<2)7:(17<1,1(3$/06_7:(17<1,1(3$/06&$ Survey manager overseeing survey services for 11.2 acres of downtown Twentynine Palms that included the following tasks; aerial topographic survey ZKLFKZDVÁRZQE\RXU8$9VXSSOHPHQWDOWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\ERXQGDU\ survey, location of existing utilities and preparation of a base map provided to the client. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX ('8&$7,21 BS Geology (;3(5,(1&( 40 years 5(*,675$7,216 Professional Geologist — CA #3992 &HUWLÀHG(QJLQHHULQJ Geologist — CA #1319 *(1(&867(1%25'(53**( *(27(&+1,&$/(1*,1((5,1*7($0/($' Gene’s experience in the field of engineering geology includes a wide variety RIZRUN+HKDVSHUIRUPHGJHRWHFKQLFDOVWXGLHVIRUURDGZD\VHOHFWULFDO transmission lines, pipelines, water tanks and two rockfill dams. Gene has evaluated potential geologic hazards due to landslides, slope instability, coastal processes, surface fault rupture, liquefaction and seismic shaking. Geologic investigative techniques include field mapping, in-hole and up-hole geologic logging and sampling of borings and trenches, seismic refraction surveys, various technical computer applications and aerial photographic analyses of landforms. 352-(&7(;3(5,(1&( ),(/'$1'/$%25$725<7(67,1*)25',$021'9$//(< 5(6(592,5 0(75232/,7$1:$7(5',675,&72)6287+(51&$/,)251,$_5,9(56,'( COUNTY, CA As a consultant representing the owner’s quality control/quality management WHDP*HQHPDQDJHGDWHDPRIÀHOGDQGODERUDWRU\VRLOVWHVWLQJWHFKQLFLDQV during construction of the dams for the reservoir project. The reservoir required construction of three separate dam structures that were designed as HDUWKÀOOGDPVZLWKLPSHUPHDEOHFOD\FRUHV 81,9(56,7<3$5.352-(&7 &21),'(17,$/&/,(17_6$1%(51$5',12&$ *HQHSURYLGHGJHRWHFKQLFDOSHHUUHYLHZ+HUHYLHZHGWKHDYDLODEOH geotechnical studies for the project and nearby facilities and also reviewed the proposed civil engineering design for the proposed hard-rock tunnels. Site reconnaissance and cursory examination of core samples from the extensive drilling program were also performed. Evaluations of cost-effective design alternatives and alternate locations for various component facilities were discussed during a week-long session. (0(5*(1&<%5,'*(5(3$,5352-(&7 ,03(5,$/&2817<'3:_,03(5,$/&2817<&$ Lead Investigator for foundation and bridge repair. The existing bridge abutment and timber foundation piles were relatively old with rot damage and are to be replaced with concrete driven piles. Geotechnical studies included drilling borings approximately 50 to 70 feet at each bridge location. Bulk and relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained and tested. 1257+(51$/,*10(176*(2/2*,&$/678',(6 6$1',(*2&2817<:$7(5$87+25,7<_6$1',(*2&$ 3URYLGHGJHRWHFKQLFDOÀHOGVXSSRUWVHUYLFHVIRUWKHJHRORJLFDOVWXGLHV,Q general, tasks included existing data compilation and review, coordination of various drilling activities, logging and sampling of the rock-core borings, core review and laboratory point-load testing. Responsibilities also included rock core management and storage. Exploratory boring logs, laboratory test results, and other geotechnical data were compiled. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX ('8&$7,21 MS Civil and Environmental Engineering BS Civil Engineering (;3(5,(1&( 20 years 5(*,675$7,216 Project Management Professional — #1584705 .,5,//'2/,16.,<303 PROJECT MANAGEMENT LEAD Krill has more than 20 years of program and project management, risk and change management, governance, compliance audit, and engineering experience (USA and International). Below are the key elements of Mr. Dolinskiy’s expertise: • Program Management • Project Management • Governance and Compliance Audit • Project Controls • Program/ Project Delivery Models • Risk Management • Change Management • QA/QC Management • Contract Management • Document Management • Design Management • Engineering Services during Construction • EPC Management • Construction Management • Contact Negotiations • &RQÁLFW5HVROXWLRQ 352-(&7(;3(5,(1&( 1($57(50:$7(56833/<&,3 (/6,125(9$//(<081,&,3$/:$7(5',675,&7_/$.((/6,125(&$ Project Manager. Serves on behalf of the District as a Project Manager for District’s Engineering Department implementation of $70M Near-Term Water Supply Capital Improvements Program. Successfully manages assigned contracts, provides management of design consultants and technical review of design deliverables, coordination of projects requirements with various District’s departments as well as Riverside county and other government agencies, projects coordination and communication with the District’s on-call public outreach and environmental consultants. 385(:$7(5352*5$0 &,7<2)6$1',(*2_6$1',(*2&$ Responsible for establishing the methodology, policies, business processes and procedures to manage program and project-specific risks, changes and quality to assure deliverable and services of the highest quality are provided in all phases of the program from early planning through commissioning; training all program and project team members on the requirements established in the program’s Risk, Change and Quality Management Plans; running analyses on the program and projectspecific risks to identify highest risks and determine whether adequate contingencies are available to address those risks; and performing program and project-specific audits to monitor compliance with all program policies, directives, business process procedures and standards. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX INSURANCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT NV5 has reviewed and confirms that we carry sufficient insurance to meet or exceed the City’s required coverage as outlined in Exhibit E of the Request For Proposals and evidenced by the attached sample insurance certificate. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CERTIFICATE HOLDER © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CANCELLATION DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE LOCJECTPRO-POLICY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: OCCURCLAIMS-MADE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES (Ea occurrence)$DAMAGE TO RENTED EACH OCCURRENCE $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $RETENTIONDED CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR $ AGGREGATE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) INSRLTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)LIMITS PERSTATUTE OTH-ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ $ $ ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below (Mandatory in NH) OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ $ $ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSD ADDL WVD SUBR N / A $ $ (Ea accident) (Per accident) OTHER: THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: INSURED PHONE(A/C, No, Ext): PRODUCER ADDRESS:E-MAIL FAX(A/C, No): CONTACTNAME: NAIC # INSURER A : INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS.  &DYLJQDF $VVRFLDWHV  % 6WUHHW 6XLWH  6DQ 'LHJR &$  &HUWLILFDWH 'HSDUWPHQW  FHUWLILFDWHV#FDYLJQDFFRP 9DOOH\ )RUJH ,QVXUDQFH &RPSDQ\  19,1&&RQWLQHQWDO &DVXDOW\ &R 19 ,QF  $YHQXH RI 6FLHQFH 6XLWH  6DQ 'LHJR &$  &RQWLQHQWDO ,QVXUDQFH &RPSDQ\  1DWLRQDO )LUH ,QV +DUWIRUG  %HUNOH\ ,QVXUDQFH &RPSDQ\   $; ; ;&URVV /LDE6HY,Q  ; 'HGXFWLEOH   ;     6WRS *DS /LDELOLW\  % ;    &;;  &8( ;    ' 1 :&  ;    ( 3URIHVVLRQDO 3ROOXWLRQ /LDELOLW\$(&   (DFK &ODLP $JJUHJDWH   )RU ,QIRUPDWLRQDO 3XUSRVHV 2QO\ 3URIHVVLRQDO /LDELOLW\  &ODLPV PDGH IRUP GHIHQVH FRVWV LQFOXGHG ZLWKLQ OLPLW 6SHFLPHQ &HUWLILFDWH City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX NOTED EXCEPTIONS We at NV5 pride ourselves in quality service, satisfied clients, and a cooperative approach to working relationships. This is borne out by a decades-long track record of successful projects and clients offering repeat business. The request for proposal requested a description of possible exceptions to the sample Professional Services Agreement. Our review of the agreement has determined that we respectfully request the following edit. 8.3 Retention of Funds. City may withhold from any monies payable to Consultant sufficient funds to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages it reasonably believes were suffered by City due to the default of Consultant in the performance of the Services required by this Agreement. We have every confidence that mutually agreeable language can be found for this detailed provision of the agreement. City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM APPENDIX NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, __________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows: I am ______________________________ of _________________________, (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: _______________________________________ Proposer Name: _______________________________________ Proposer Title: ______________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Carmen Kasner, PE Regional Managing Director NV5, Inc. Carmen Kasner, PE Regional Managing Director NV5, Inc. 42-829 Cook Street, Palm Desert, CA 92211 ____________________________________________________ City of La Quinta | On-Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Services NV5.COM