AdvantecPROPOSAL FOR City of La Quinta Professional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes Project 2017-01 Date: March 27, 2019 Submitted by: PROPOSAL FOR City of La Quinta Professional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes Pro ject 2017-01 Date: March 27, 2019 SSSSSSSSSSSubmittttttttttttted by:::::Submiiiiiiiiiiittttttttted byyyyy: PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Table of Contents | i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 1 1.1. ADVANTEC Consulting Engineers 1 1.2. Comprehensive Team Experience 1 1.3. Technical Competence 2 1.4. Subconsultants 4 1.5. References 4 1.6. Project Team Qualifications 5 2. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 7 2.1. Project Understanding 7 2.2. Key Project Elements and Strategies 8 2.3. Project Approach 12 2.4. Project Management Approach 12 2.5. Quality Assurance (QA) / Quality Control (QC) Plan 12 3. SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM 14 3.1. Scope of Work 14 4. PROJECT SCHEDULE 20 4.1. Project Schedule 20 APPENDIX Non-Collusion Affidavit Form Insurance Acknowledgement PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 1 SECTION 1: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 1.1 ADVANTEC Consulting Engineers ADVANTEC Consulting Engineers, a California Corporation, is a DBE/SBE consulting firm specializing in Public Works, Transportation Planning and Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Traffic Engineering, Traffic Signal Timing, Coordination and Operations, Active Transportation, and Civil Engineering. ADVANTEC’s mission is to provide quality engineering to the community that would result in perceptible improvements towards the quality of life, safety, and efficiency of transportation. Founded in 1998, We maintain our reputation by upholding our firm’s high standards of quality, client service, and professional integrity. Our unparalleled expertise has led to ADVANTEC to provide professional planning, engineering, and construction support services to over 100 public agencies including: Caltrans District 7, Caltrans District 8, Los Angeles County, Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), San Bernardino Association of Governments (SANBAG), Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), Riverside County, cities of Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, La Quinta, Coachella, Culver City, Irvine, Anaheim, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Covina, Glendale, Pomona, Chino Hills, Rancho Cucamonga, Inglewood, Irwindale, and Los Angeles. 1.2 Comprehensive Team Experience We have prepared the following matrix outlining similar current projects and recently completed projects and their associated elements of work. The ADVANTEC Team has worked on similar intersection improvement projects throughout southern California. In addition, our Project Manager, Mr. Carlos Ortiz, has managed over 40 public works projects in the Coachella Valley. PROVEN EXPERIENCE FOR EVERY MAJOR PROJECT ELEMENT Environmental Support Services Intersection Improvements Development of Conceptual Plans Level-Of Service Analysis Vehicle and Truck Turning Analysis Roadway Improvements Traffic Signal / ITS Improvements Signal Timing Stage Construction / Traffic Handling Services Co-Op Agreement / MOUs Construction Support Coachella Valley Association of Governments Region-wide Traffic Signal Synchronization x x x x x x x City of Coachella Five Intersection Improvements x x x x x x x x City of Palm Springs HSIP Cycle 8 Improvements at 14 intersections x x x x x x x x x City of Palm Desert Traffic Signal Improvements x x x x x x City of Mission Viejo Alicia Pkwy at Marguerite Pkwy Intersection Improvements x x x x x x x x City of Mission Viejo Santa Margarita Pkwy at Marguerite Pkwy Intersection Improvements x x x x x x x x Riverside County Ethanac Road at Sophie Street Improvements x x x x x x x x Riverside County Serfas Club Sidewalk Improvements x x x x x City of Norwalk Intersection Improvements at 19 Locations x x x x x x x x City of Rancho Mirage Traffic Engineering On-Call Services x x x x x x x x PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 2 PROVEN EXPERIENCE FOR EVERY MAJOR PROJECT ELEMENT Environmental Support Services Intersection Improvements Development of Conceptual Plans Level-Of Service Analysis Vehicle and Truck Turning Analysis Roadway Improvements Traffic Signal / ITS Improvements Signal Timing Stage Construction / Traffic Handling Services Co-Op Agreement / MOUs Construction Support Project Director: Carlos Ortiz, PE, TE, PTOE and Project Manager: John Dorado, PE Relevant Experience in the Coachella Valley City of La Quinta Washington Street at Highway 111 Triple Left-Turn Lanes Improvements x x x x x x x x x City of Palm Desert Highway 111 at Highway 74 Intersection Widening x x x x x x x x x City of Palm Desert Highway 111 at San Pablo Avenue Widening x x x x x x x x x City of Indio Jefferson Street Widening x x x x x x x x x x x City of La Quinta, Indian Wells, Palm Desert Washington Street Widening x x x x x x x x x x x City of Indian Wells Indian Wells Tennis Stadium Improvements x x x x x x x x x x 1.3 Technical Competence ADVANTEC has provided similar professional planning, design, and construction support services to agencies in Southern California including intersection widening, ADA ramps, bicycle facilities, transit facilities, traffic signals, and ITS infrastructure improvements. Some of our related Projects are described below. City of La Quinta – Washington Street at Highway 111 Triple Left-Turn Lanes Mr. Carlos Ortiz and Mr. John Dorado, under their previous firm, prepared a Traffic Engineering Report for the City of La Quinta to analyze the Washington Street at Highway 111 intersection level-of-service (LOS) under existing and future conditions in order to determine preliminary geometric design and improvement alternatives that will mitigate operational deficiencies. The analysis primarily focused on adding 3rd northbound and southbound left-turn lanes, adding 2nd eastbound right-turn lane, adding an exclusive westbound right-turn lane. As part of the analysis, the traffic signal operations was evaluated to determine the overall intersection deficiencies and included the following: right turn overlap phasing, and southbound defacto right-turn lane. Further analsysis was conducted to minimize right-of way take, and included the following: lead-lag traffic signal operations for northbound/southbound left-turn movements, reduction of lane widths for westbound through traffic to minimize impacts/relocation to the existing high pressure gas vaults, and merging analysis along the west leg of the intersection. Intersection Geometric Drawings, utility research and right-of-way mapping was provided. In addition, two alternatives preliminary geometric intersection plans were provided and probable construction cost for the selected alternative was provided. After the approval of the preferred alternative, Final PS&E and cosntruction support was provided to the City of La Quinta. PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 3 City of Coachella - Five Traffic Signal Improvements This project consisted of the preparation of conceptual and final plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for roadway improvements, signing/striping, traffic signal, and signal communications improvements at five (5) unsignalized intersections. The City of Coachella conducted traffic signal warrants at these locations and based on the evaluation, these intersections warranted the installation of traffic signals. After the project was awarded, the City expanded our scope of services to include roadway improvements, signal timing plans, additional bike lanes, and wireless communications. Ultimately, these signals will be interconnected via the City’s proposed fiber optic communication system and to the new Traffic Management Center (TMC). Critical project elements include close coordination with the utility companies especially the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) for overhead line/power pole relocations and service (power) for the signals, and the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for relocation/removals of their existing facilities. City of Mission Viejo – Intersection Improvements This project consisted of the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) for signing/striping, traffic signal modifications, raised median/roadway improvements, ADA pedestrian ramps, landscaping improvements, and street lighting improvements at two signalized intersections, Alicia Parkway/Marguerite Parkway, and Santa Margarita Parkway /Marguerite Parkway. The objective of the project was to increase capacity and improve traffic flow at each intersection by providing dual left- turn lanes and increasing the width of existing Class II bicycle lanes; hence providing de-facto right turn lanes. The primary project elements and street improvements include median modifications, new pavement sections at full- depth AC (12” minimum), pavement overlays when transitioning from new to existing pavement, slurry seal within the limits of new striping and pavement markings, maintain existing drainage patterns, maintain existing roadway cross slopes, removal existing and construction of a new catch basin within the Alicia Parkway median, maintain the existing landscaping “theme”, retrofit existing or provide new water savings type irrigation nozzles, replacement and/or relocate median trees and plants, upgrade traffic signal pole(s) as necessary in order to provide the proper signal head placement for the new dual left turn lanes and re-aligned through traffic lanes, provide potholing at proposed signal pole location(s), provide new countdown pedestrian heads, provide layout of new roadway striping and pavement markings that are consistent with the proposed roadway improvements, construct ADA compliant pedestrian ramps, and new advance and presence loops for vehicle and bicycle lanes. City of Palm Springs - HSIP Cycle 8 Project The project consists of providing traffic engineering, civil engineering, and environmental services to secure environmental documentation approvals; Caltrans encroachment permits; and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for 14 signalized locations including construction support for the City’s Traffic Signal Improvements (HSIP Cycle 8) project. The purpose of this project is to improve safety and visibility of the traffic signals by upgrading traffic signal equipment and signing/striping to the latest standards, protected left turn phasing, ADA compliant access ramps, and install advanced dilemma zone detection for high speed approaches at the 14 intersections. The proposed project improvements include, but not limited to: removing existing five-section protected/permissive signal heads, mast arms, and signal poles; installing signal heads on new mast arm and traffic signal pole; implementing advanced dilemma zone protection; installing ADA compliant pedestrian access ramps; providing new striping and signing; and establishing connections of the traffic signals to the Traffic Management Center (TMC) at City Hall. This project also requires the preparation of environmental documentation to meet the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements and clearances. In addition, this project includes a left -turn phasing and level of service (LOS) analysis to determine the left-turn phasing, as well as signal timing upgrades that are associated with the implementation for advanced dilemma zone detection system. PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 4 1.4 Subconsultants We bring outstanding professional firms to support us on this project. Dudek is a California-based environmental firm with 12 offices and over 400 employees. Dudek has one of California’s largest, most experienced teams for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document preparation. In Dudek’s 36-year history, their environmental planners have prepared and processed more than 2,400 CEQA/NEPA documents for a variety of large and small development, restoration, and conservation projects throughout the State. Combining comprehensive analysis and evidence-based findings, Dudek provides legally defensible documents that are supported by substantial evidence, none of which have ever been successfully challenged in court. Dudek’s environmental experts work collaboratively with clients; local, regional, state, and federal agencies; and the public to clearly define project objectives, address concerns, and outline appropriate processes. Dudek applies practical CEQA/NEPA knowledge to comply with current laws and regulations, and help clients creatively solve regulatory challenges within financial and scheduling constraints. Mark Thomas provides civil engineering, structural engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, and planning & urban design services to clients throughout California. Since the company’s founding in 1927, they have focused on providing excellent client service and delivering projects with a tailored approach to meet clients’ goals. Their reputation is realized through more than 200 team members in offices that are strategically located to support communities throughout California. Their staff is very knowledgeable of design standards for roadway, highway, landscape architecture/urban planning, drainage, utility, and bridge projects. Their solutions have benefited all types of public works and transportation projects, from local roadways, intersection modifications and improvements, active transportation facilities, to grade separations, highways, and interchange improvements. Mark Thomas is a recognized industry leader in the planning, design, and delivery of transportation, infrastructure and operational improvement projects including local roadway improvements such as bicycle and pedestrian mobility improvements; vehicle/bicycle separation projects; active transportation facilities; parks and recreation facilities; intersection modifications; highway/railway at-grade crossing improvements; and highway and interchange improvement projects throughout the state. They have extensive working knowledge of design manuals and guidelines for the implementation of active transportation and complete streets projects. 1.5 References References from similar projects completed are provided below. References Project Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) - Mr. Eric Cowle, Transportation Program Manager (760) 346-1127 | ecowlecvag.org ƒ Coachella Valley Traffic Signal Synchronization Program City of Coachella - Mr. Oscar Espinoza, Senior Civil Engineer (760) 398-5744 | oespinoza@coachella.org ƒ City of Coachella Five Traffic Signal Improvements Orange County Transportation Authority - Mr. Ron Keith, Principal Traffic Engineer (714) 560-5990 | rkeith@octa.net ƒ Beach Blvd TSS ƒ Kraemer Boulevard-Glassell Street-Grand Avenue Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization (RTSS) Subconsultant References: Mark Thomas City of Beaumont - Mr. Amer Jakher (Former Director of Public Works) (909) 334-3265 |ajakher@citiofchino.com ƒ SR-60 at Potrero Improvements (Beaumont, CA) City of Fullerton - Ms. Yelena Voronel, PE, Principal Civil Engineer (714) 738-6852 | yelenav@ci.fullerton.ca.us ƒ State College Boulevard (Fullerton, CA) Subconsultant References: DUDEK City of Indio - Mr. Tom Refferty 760-541-4270, trafferty@indio.org ƒ On-Call Environmental Services (Indio, CA) PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 5 1.6 Project Team Qualifications The ADVANTEC Team brings a group of highly specialized personnel with a defined work history on previous similar public works projects. Our expert team is committed to the City of La Quinta success and will provide the appropriate technical expertise as required by the City of La Quinta. ADVANTEC’s proposed project team is committed to providing responsive service to the City of La Quinta. The proposed key team members are intended to serve in their respective roles throughout the duration of the agreement. Our team members are experienced in delivering successful planning, engineering, and construction support on similar contracts. Our key staff is familiar with City of La Quinta roadways, traffic signals and signal communication system, and knowledgeable about the community. In addition, our Project Manager provided similar professional services for the Washington Street at Highway 111 Triple Left-Turn Lane Project. PROJECT MANAGER - Mr. Carlos Ortiz, PE, TE, PTOE will serve as Project Manager, leading our team and functioning as primary point of contact to the City. Mr. Ortiz has managed many traffic and transportation planning/engineering and public works projects throughout southern California. He has work experience with the City of La Quinta and brings over 30 years of traffic and transportation planning/engineering, ITS planning/engineering, public works engineering and project management experience on local agency streets and arterials, Caltrans projects, and public transportation funding measures throughout Southern California. He will be supported by experienced California-registered Civil and Traffic Engineers, and others qualified professionals capable of managing day-to-day tasks under this contract. ADVANTEC’s project staff meets all the technical engineering and planning needs of the City of La Quinta. Figure 1.1 illustrates the proposed organizational structure of our project team. Mr. Ortiz has worked on many complex projects and has the ability to resolve problems quickly and efficiently by drawing on his 30 years of experience. Mr. Ortiz has provided professional planning, engineering, and construction support services for all the agencies in the Coachella Valley since early 1990. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE x La Quinta - Washington Street at Highway 111 Triple Left-Turn Lanes Improvements x La Quinta – Citywide ITS Services x Coachella – Five Traffic Signal Improvements x CVAG Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization and ITS Program x Palm Desert – Fred Waring Dr at Monterey Ave Widening x La Quinta, Indian Wells, Palm Desert – Washington Street Widening x Palm Desert – Highway 111 at Highway 74/Monterey Avenue Widening x Palm Desert – Highway 111 at San Pablo Avenue Widening x Indian Wells – Indian Wells Tennis Stadium Off-site Improvement Years of Experience: 30 Registration: Civil Engineer, CA, C057535 Traffic Engineer, CA, 2025 Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, US, 426 Education: B.S. Civil Engineering Professional Affiliations: Board Member, ITS California Board Member Institute of Transportation Engineers, International and Western District Figure 1. 1 – Organization Chart Figure 1.1 – Organization Chart PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 6 Keith Rand, PE, TE | QA/QC Manager, ADVANTEC - Mr. Rand is Director of Operations with ADVANTEC’s Diamond Bar location. Keith brings more than 25 years of specific technical experience and expertise in the areas of design build implementation, traffic and transportation engineering and planning, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). His broad- based experience in public works, traffic and transportation engineering provides a solid foundation for both large scale and site-specific transportation projects. He has planning, design and traffic operations experience on both small and large-scale transportation projects. Keith has strong management and communications skills coordinating with multiple project team members and stakeholders. He recently served as the Design Manager on the SR-91 Corridor Improvement Project Design Build in Corona, California during the construction phase of the project. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE x RCTC - I-15 Express Lanes Design Build Project x Metro - Interstate 5 (I-5) Pavement Rehabilitation Value Engineering Change Process x RCTD - Hamner Ave Bridge Replacement over Santa Ana River x RCTD - Ethanac Road at Sophie Street / Mountain Avenue Improvements x RCTD – Clinton Keith Road Widening x RCTD – Palomar Street Widening John Dorado, PE | Traffic Engineering PS&E Task Leader, ADVANTEC - Mr. Dorado professional experience includes planning, design, and construction support of traffic engineering and intelligent transportation systems. Mr. Dorado has managed Mr. Dorado has a wide range of knowledge of various traffic control systems (TCS), adaptive control systems, Ethernet communication systems, and ITS elements. He has been involved with upgrading various citywide traffic signal systems, controllers, communication systems, and traffic management centers. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE x La Quinta - Washington Street at Highway 111 Triple Left-Turn Lanes Improvements x La Quinta – Citywide ITS Services x Coachella – Five Traffic Signal Improvements x CVAG Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization and ITS Program x Indio – Jefferson Street Widening x Claremont Boulevard and First Street Traffic Engineering Improvements x Palm Springs – HSIP 14 Intersection Improvements Darin Johnson, PE| Street Improvement PS&E Task Leader, Mark Thomas - Darin brings more than 34 years of experience in transportation and municipal engineering, project management, and QA/QC reviewing for a range of transportation improvement projects including new bridges, bridge rehabilitations, replacements, and widenings, retaining walls and sound walls, interchange and roadway widenings, and traffic and operational improvement projects. He has extensive relationships with agencies and staff throughout the Inland Empire, including Interwest, Riverside County, and City of Chino. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE x Lake Elsinore - SR-74 Roadway Widening x Indio - I-10/Jefferson Street Interchange Improvements x Caltrans District 8 On-call Civil Engineering Services x Moreno Valley – SR-60/Theodore Street Interchange x Beaumont – SR-60/Potrero Josh Cosper | Survey and Mapping Task Leader, Mark Thomas - Josh has more than 16 years of experience in civil engineering and professional land surveying. His expertise includes providing full surveying and civil engineering design services for local roadway, highway, and utility projects. His responsibilities have included survey and mapping, project management, QA/QC, right of way mapping and analysis, drainage design, cost analysis, and the preparation of property acquisition documents. Years of Experience: 20 Registration: Civil Engineer, CA, 74405 IMSA Certified Level I and II Education: B.S. Civil Engineering Professional Affiliations: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Years of Experience: 16 Registration: Civil Engineering, CA #71667 PLS, CA L8774 Education: BS, Civil Engineering Years of Experience: 26 Registration: Civil Engineer, CA, C60090 Traffic Engineer, CA, 2103 Education: B.S. Civil Engineering Professional Affiliations: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Intelligent Transportation Society of California (ITS-CA) Years of Experience: 34 Registration: Civil Engineering, CA, 46405 Education: B.S., Civil Engineering Professional Affiliations: American Public Works Association PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 7 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE x Moreno Valley – Heacock Street South Extension x Bakersfield – Centennial Corridor Improvements x San Bernardino – SR-60/Archibald Interchange x Corona – SR-91 Improvements Audrey Nickerson | Environmental Services Task Leader, Dudek – Ms. Nickerson is an environmental planner with 5 years’ experience preparing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents for various development and capital improvement projects. Ms. Nickerson’s strong technical background complements her ability to read and interpret specialized environmental studies and describe the information, so it is easily understandable by the public. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE x CVAG - Coachella Valley Association of Governments Regional Signal Interconnect Project x Indio - On-Call Environmental Services x Indio – Road Diet x Palm Springs - 14 HSIP Intersection Improvements SECTION 2: PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 2.1 Project Understanding The City of La Quinta is requesting proposals from selected firms to provide design and construction support services for the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for the Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive, Triple Left-Turn Lanes Project. The purpose of the proposed project is to achieve a Level-OF-Service (LOS) E or better during the peak hours and peak season. The proposed improvements will alleviate traffic congestion at the intersection and improve traffic flow by constructing the following improvements: 9 Adding a third left-turn lane for northbound, southbound, eastbound, and westbound directions 9 Maintain existing lane configurations with reduced lane widths 9 Modify existing raised medians and driveways 9 Minimize right-of-way take 9 Minimize utility relocation 9 Modify traffic signal 9 Maintain access for pedestrian, bicyclists, and transit The proposed addition of a third left-turn lane in each direction will require the following improvements: Northwest Quadrant - Widening of the north leg of Washington Street will include curb, gutter, and sidewalk in front of the Washington Plaza businesses. Included in this widening will be the reconstruction of the driveway into the business park, as well as the reconstruction of an under-sidewalk drain. Almost 800’ of curb, gutter and sidewalk will be reconstructed on the north side of Fred Waring Drive. This includes an under sidewalk drain, a driveway, and relocation of a catch basin. While designing the reconstruction of the two driveways mentioned above, attention will be paid to providing an ADA path of travel across/around both driveways. The Palm Desert City monument sign in the NW corner of the intersection will be surveyed in detail to assure we are able to protect the monument in place. When performing research of the improvements at this location, we identified an abnormally high Q10/Q100 per the Tract 19478 improvements and we want to confirm there aren’t any historic ponding/drainage issues in the NW quadrant of the intersection. Southwest Quadrant - Widening the west leg of Fred Waring Drive will require reconstruction of approximately 350’ of curb, gutter, and sidewalk, including relocation Years of Experience: 5 Education: BS, Bioenvironmental Sciences PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 8 of an existing catch basin. Preliminary plans indicate a widening of 3’ to the south. We will identify any potential impacts to the existing drywell and existing retention basin south of Fred Waring Drive and we will identify options to minimize or eliminate any impacts to the drywell or the capacity of the retention basin. Southeast Quadrant - Widening of Washington Street south of Fred Waring Drive will be accomplished by restriping the traffic lanes between the existing curb locations. The only impacts to the southeast quadrant occur on Fred Waring Drive. The preliminary plans indicate sidewalk will be located adjacent to the existing perimeter wall on the south side of Fred Waring Drive. We will have our survey team locate the wall footing at a few locations to assure it is below the elevation of the sidewalk and insure there aren’t any conflicts between the sidewalk and perimeter wall footing. If the footing is a potential conflict, a retaining curb or small stem wall will be designed to protect the structural integrity of the perimeter wall. Northeast Quadrant - Improvements in the northeast quadrant will be fairly straightforward. It includes curb and gutter reconstruction on Fred Waring Drive and Washington Street, as well as the reconstruction of the sidewalk and bus bay on Washington Street. The City has a 20’ sidewalk/landscape easement as dedicated per Parcel Map No. 31876 that we will constrain construction limits too as part of our design efforts to minimize right of way/temporary construction rights. We have also identified the following “other” potential improvements that the RFP did not emphasize, which should be considered as part of the project improvements: 9 Align all traffic signal heads with oncoming traffic based on triple left-turn lanes and through lanes (as applicable) 9 Modify landscaping and irrigation per proposed improvements 9 Maintain new fiber optic communication system and ITS elements that will be installed by CVAG’s Traffic Signal Synchronization Program. 9 Provide new signal timing plans due to the additional left-turn lanes 9 Relocate Sunline bust stop shelter (or upgrade facility) In order to achieve the project goals, the selected firm must have a complete understanding of the project elements involved, an understanding of the planning the Cities of La Quinta, Indian Wells, and Palm Desert have conducted; an understanding of local, state and federal requirements; and most importantly a methodical and innovative preliminary engineering and planning process to complete the final design and preparation of bid documents. We assure that ADVANTEC is the best qualified firm to successfully deliver the Design Services for the Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive, Triple Left-Turn Lanes Project. 2.2 Key Project Elements and Strategies Based on our project understanding, we have identified some key project elements and proposed strategies leading to the successful completion of the project. It is essential to understand the following key project elements and strategies to facilitate the planning and design process. These key project elements may have an impact to the project if not properly addressed in the planning and design process. The strategies that we propose will reduce potential project impacts, including project delays; it will help expedite and facilitate the planning, design and completion of the improvements; and provide cost savings solutions to the City of La Quinta. Field Review Goal: To ensure consistency of the data collected during our field review and inventory, and evaluation of existing conditions. Strategy: The ADVANTEC Team uses senior level staff to conduct the field re views. ADVANTEC uses standard field review forms and worksheets to ensure consistency of the field review. The ADVANTEC Team will perform an in-depth field review of the roadway, drainage, and landscaping improvements, traffic signal and communications, and signing/striping. Each item inventoried will include an identification number, description, and an assessment of the condition while in the field. ADVANTEC will use our standard field review forms in order to document this information in clear concise manner that will ensure consistency of the field review and inventory. ADVANTEC’s task leaders and team members that are assigned to conduct the field review and assessment are senior civil PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 9 and traffic engineers. This benefits the City by providing results are accurate and precise, which allows decision making about our next steps (e.g. recommended improvements) to be made concisely and made with confidence. Line of Sight Analysis Goal: Provide the proper line of sight clearance based on the drivers’ point of view due to the roadway improvements and various horizontal and vertical roadway curvature. Strategy: Use the Highway Design Manual sight distance guidelines to determine the line of sight clearance, which takes into consideration the roadway classification, design or posted speed limit, stopping sight distance (in feet), and the horizontal and vertical roadway curvature. ADVANTEC will prepare a sight distance analysis from the driver’s perspective at the project intersection. This will be prepared during the preliminary engineering process to determine if there are any line of sight issues that should be addressed due to existing conditions or due to the proposed project improvements and to provide correctable solutions. Intersection Level-Of-Service (LOS) and Queuing Analysis Goal: Provide the intersection LOS based on current and forecast traffic volumes to determine the existing and future traffic demands. Provide left-turn lane queuing analysis to provide proper lane capacity at all left-turn lanes. Strategy: Use similar analysis that was conducted for the Washington Street and Highway 111 Triple Left-Turn Lane Project. This analysis was conducted by our Project Manager Carlos Ortiz. ADVANTEC will prepare intersection LOS using current 2019 traffic counts that have been collected as part of CVAG’s Traffic Signal Synchronization Program during peak season. In addition, ADVANTEC will forecast the traffic volumes to anticipated opening year volumes (2020) and determine the LOS with the proposed improvements. In addition, a queuing analysis will be provided to determine adequate left-turn pocket storage lengths for forecast year 2020 with recommended intersection improvements scenario. Similar intersection analysis was provided the ADVANTEC Team (Carlos Ortiz and John Dorado) during the planning phase of the Washington Street at Highway 111 Left-Turn Lane Project. Vehicle and Truck Turning Analysis Goal: Ensures that vehicle and trucks have the proper turning clearance within the proposed triple left-turn lanes, minimize encroachment into the adjacent lane, and eliminate conflicts of opposing left turns. Strategy: Use the Highway Design Manual truck turning templates or software (AutoTURN), and guidelines at the intersection to ensure adequate clearance is provided including opposing left-turn conflicts, and proper set back of striped median noses. This is a simple exercise that should not be overlooked because it can be critical to the design and operations of the signalized intersection. For example: If the intersection is not wide enough, there may be conflicts between opposing left-turns. In this case, we would recommend the signal operations to be lead-lag to avoid simultaneous left turns. ADVANTEC considers this as best practice and will provide truck turning analysis at the intersection to ensure potential truck turning conflicts are avoided as well as taking into consideration of the roadway, traffic signal and signing/striping design and operations. Roadway Cross Slopes Goal: Address “adverse” roadway cross-slope and excess roadway paving against curb and gutter, and inlets. Strategy: Evaluate pavement sections to ensure most cost-effective roadway paving improvement approach; grind and overlay and/or remove and reconstruct. PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 10 ADVANTEC’s public works engineers will evaluate the roadway cross slopes and recommend improvements that minimizes impacts to the existing cross slopes and drainage. The existing super-elevated roadway segment on the south leg of Washington Street shall be maintained. Our goal is to minimize the variation in the cross slope in order to maintain the drainage and impacts due to the new improvements. The same process will be taken into consideration for all inlets within the project limits. The ADVANTEC Team will conduct a thorough pavement analysis to ensure the most effective pavement improvement strategy is selected which addresses the existing roadway efficiencies and provides for an adequate roadway pavement life spam. ADA Compliant Pedestrian Ramps Goal: Assess deficiencies and provide recommendations and/or prepare design improvements to comply with ADA requirements for the proper clearance width and ADA compliant pedestrian ramps. Strategy: ADVANTEC will perform a thorough review of the project locations in order to identify non-ADA compliant pedestrian ramps and clearances. This includes documentation of other constraints and locations may require special design considerations. It’s important to address the need for ADA compliance. ADVANTEC’s public works and traffic engineers will evaluate ADA compliance at the project locations by examining the sidewalk pathways and pedestrian ramps. We are assuming that our project limits for ADA compliant improvements extend between curb return areas. Based on our thorough field investigation, ADVANTEC will discuss with City staff the recommended improvements that will necessary to meet ADA standards. The ADA standard minimum clearance width is 4 feet along walkways without obstructions, and ADA compliant ramps must have truncated domes with the proper cross slopes. This will also include an evaluation pedestrian push button types and locations for ADA compliance. Utilities Goal: Notify and coordinate with all utility companies along the project limits. Strategy: Coordinate with utility companies during the preliminary engineering and design phase in order to stay clear and/or identify potential utility impacts and provide alternative solutions. This project will require close coordination with utility companies to avoid any conflicts during the construction and minimize utility relocations. Coordination with the utility companies will be required to determine the location of the existing utility lines along the project limits and intersection, in order to provide proper vertical and horizontal clearance at locations where new improvements, including new traffic signal poles. Field verification of other physical constraints must be addressed during the preliminary engineering and design phase in order to avoid change orders during construction. Landscape Improvements Goal: Maintain landscaping “theme” and minimize visual impacts to existing decorative monuments. Strategy: It is anticipated that impacts to existing landscaping and hardscape will be minimized. The ADVANTEC Team will provide a through review and identify existing landscaping areas and property monuments. It is anticipated that landscape theme will be maintained. Relocation of traffic signal cabinet and installation of new signal poles will take into consideration the existing properties’ monuments to minimize visual impacts. PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 11 New Traffic Signal Pole, Signal Heads, and Signal Equipment Upgrades Goal: To verify that new traffic signal poles are required based on the roadway improvements, the additional lanes, and new lane alignments. This includes providing the proper signal head alignment for oncoming vehicles including other potential signal equipment upgrades. Strategy: ADVANTEC will conduct a thorough investigation and layout of the existing traffic signal poles, mast arms and signal heads to determine if they can accommodate the new roadway improvements and oncoming traffic lanes. This will be based on Caltrans and CAMUTCD requirements. This strategy also includes developing an inventory list and criteria justify other recommended improvements. ADVANTEC will provide assessments of the existing traffic signal equipment using criteria we develop with the City’s approval in order to clearly indicate the reasons why certain traffic signal equipment are replaced, while others are not. Our layout of existing conditions will clearly identify if new traffic signal poles are needed due to the addition of a 3rd left-turn lane on each approach. An inventory matrix will be provided, and it will include our assessment of existing conditions and recommended upgrades. This will be used help determine our preliminary engineering construction costs to ensure that are within the budget allocated for construction. New Traffic Signal Pole and Potholing Locations Goal: Determine if there are utility conflicts prior to ordering and/or installing a new traffic signal; and as a result, to determine the proper traffic signal pole location. Strategy: Determine new traffic signal pole locations per on CAMUTCD standard pole pl acement and to provide clearance from existing underground utilities, and avoid any conflicts during construction of the project. In order to determine the new traffic signal pole locations, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration such as: conducting the proper research and layout all existing underground utilities, the clearance between pedestrian ramps and the proposed pole location (typically 1’), and the CAMUTCD standard pole placement – typically 5’ from back of crosswalk or limit line, and 3’ offset from curb face – if the pole cannot be placed within the CAMUTCD parameters, then an additional pedestrian push button pole will be recommended. If new traffic signal poles are required, then our initial recommendation is to remove the existing traffic signal poles and foundations, and install the new traffic signal poles at the same location. This would minimize any utility conflicts because it is assumed that there would not be any utility conflicts since we are using the same pole location. Although during construction, it would require a temporary traffic signal pole and overhead wiring to maintain the signal and facilitate the work. If we cannot use the same pole location as existing, then we would make sure the new pole location is clear of all below ground and above ground utilities, and determine if potholing will be required. We are including Potholing Services as Optional Services in Section 3. Signing and Striping Assessment Goal: Incorporation of clear and concise signage, striping and markings consistent with the project objectives. Strategy: Evaluate existing conditions and need for enhancements to improve circulation, visibility and minimize delays. Prepare comprehensive plans consistent with the proposed improvements and that meet the latest CAMUTCD requirements. The proposed improvements will include re-striping and modifying existing crosswalks, advance signage and pavement markings, and re-striping of traffic lanes along the project limits including bicycle lanes and right-turn and left-turn lanes. All existing regulatory, warning and guide signs will be evaluated to determine if they meet the latest California MUTCD (CAMUTCD) requirements, including reflectivity requirements. If required, additional signage will be recommended. Based on our project understanding and key project elements and strategies, ADVANTEC has a thorough understanding and a proven process to successfully deliver the project improvements that provides the City of La Quinta with the tools to meet their project goals. Figure 2.1 illustrates the proposed project improvements per the RFP, and other potential improvement opportunities that ADVANTEC has identified along the project limits and the Washington PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 12 Street/Fred Waring Drive intersection. We are recommending increasing the lanes adjacent to opposite left-turn lanes and adjacent to raised medians to 12-ft. Also, lane widths reduction at the intersection to minimize right-of-way take. Other design opportunities are highlighted on the exhibit. 2.3 Project Approach Based on our understanding of the key project elements, ADVANTEC’s project approach and methodology will ensure successful delivery of the professional civil, and traffic engineering planning, design, and construction support services for the proposed improvements. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING Initial Project Team Meeting - ADVANTEC will meet with the City to obtain additional information and discuss critical items that may affect the preparation of the street improvements, drainage, landscape improvements, traffic signal improvements, signing/striping improvements, and stage construction/traffic handling. In addition, plans and technical preparation standards will be discussed with City staff. Coordination and review process with the cities of La Quinta, Indian Wells, and Palm Desert will be discussed. Finally, the project schedule will be discussed in detailed, including construction moratoriums and construction activities during the high season. Data Collection - ADVANTEC will request all existing reference documentation from the City of La Quinta, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, and other agencies, including improvement plans (street, storm drain system, landscape, water, sewer, traffic signals, signal communication, signing/striping, etc.), aerial photographs, right-of-way information and other applicable data. Initial Utility Coordination - During this phase, ADVANTEC will start establishing utility company contacts and request record drawings to show on our improvement plans, and identify if our proposed project improvements impact their facilities. If any utility relocations are required, ADVANTEC will provide reference plans and data to the agencies so they can plan any relocations of their utilities. A notice and final plans will be transmitted to the affected utility companies requesting them to contact the City to coordinate any adjustments and relocations. The information will be maintained in a matrix and will be updated periodically and provided to the City of La Quinta. Field Review - Experienced senior civil and traffic engineers will perform an in-depth field analysis to verify record information along the project limits. A photo log of each of the project intersections and corridors will be maintained. ADVANTEC will provide the field notes on a Project Notebook to the City for their use during the review process. The Project Notebook will have field note check lists, photographs, marked as-built plans, and field notes including possible issues and/or constraints. Project Survey and Mapping - Our subconsultant, Mark Thomas, will complete the survey services within fifteen working days upon our authorization to proceed. They will perform a field topographic survey of the proposed project sites to document existing site topography and planimetrics. Additional details are provided in the Scope of Work section. Prelminary Improvement Plans and Budgetary Cost Estimates - ADVANTEC will prepare the preliminary improvement plans that will include base mapping from the as-built information, topographic survey and information we obtained from our detailed field review. It will include intersection LOS, vehicle and truck turning analysis, recommended improvements, high level design, pertinent details, potential conflicts and concerns, and alternatives and associated budgetary cost estimates. ADVANTEC will set up a meeting with City staff to review our recommended improvements and budgetary cost estimates. We will identify any critical issues and/or constraints that may impact our design. Our goal is to obtain buy-off on the recommended improvements by City of La Quinta, Indian Wells, and Palm Desert staff and move toward the final engineering design phase. This will be considered our preliminary design phase at 35% submittal. It is anticipated that all project improvements will be determined in order to move forward to the final engineering and design stages. 2.4 Project Management Approach The ADVANTEC Team's management approach has been proven on past similar Civil / Public Works / Traffic Engineering Projects to be effective in meeting or exceeding client goals for completing assigned projects on or ahead of schedule and within or below budget. Comprehensive work planning and developing a proactive project team relationship will be critical to the successful management and delivery of this project. 2.5 Quality Assurance (QA) / Quality Control (QC) Plan The ADVANTEC Team’s QA / QC Program is a continuous process used not just at project milestones, but also on a daily basis as work flows from desk to desk, discipline to discipline and consultant to client. Our manager and task leaders will oversee their staff on a daily basis. We will identify key contacts for ease of inquiries regarding project status. Mr. Carlos Ortiz will work with Mr. Keith Rand with the management and implementation of our QA/QC plan. They have served in this role for similar projects and are an expert in specification requirements such as those needed for federally funded projects. PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 13 Figure 2.1 – Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Proposed Project Improvements PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 14 SECTION 3: SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM 3.1 Scope of Work This section provides ADVANTEC’s detailed approach and scope of work program to complete the City of La Quinta’s Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left-Turn Lanes Project. We have developed our scope of work by task, subtask and deliverables based on the professional services indicated in the RFP, the project elements, and our project understanding and approach. We will coordinate with City staff at the onset of the project to discuss project goals, objectives, constraints, requirements and schedule with a clear path to success. Task 1 Project Management - ADVANTEC will provide Project Management activities through all the aspects of the project including project administration, monthly progress reports, invoices, and thorough quality control. ADVANTEC will prepare a detailed work plan, project schedule and prepare progress reports. The monthly progress reports will include accomplished tasks for the month, anticipated progress for the next month, pending issues and schedule completion target dates. ADVANTEC will schedule and conduct a kick -off meeting with the City to discuss the overall project, planning and design objectives, constraints, requirements, schedule, develop action items, and understanding next steps. During the kick-off meeting, ADVANTEC will coordinate with City staff to determine if we need to assemble a Project Development Team (PDT) and following up with PDT meetings. ADVANTEC will schedule and conduct meetings for project status and to review comments for milestone submittals to ensure all City staff members and participants aware of the project status, critical milestones and decision points including review of project schedules, planning activities, concepts, design, and specifications. ADVANTEC will prepare and distribute meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and an action item matrix to the project team for each meeting that is held. For this task, we propose to conduct the kick-off meeting and up to six meetings at City Hall. Deliverables: Project management and coordination, kick-off meeting attendance, six (6) meetings at City Hall including monthly progress reports, project schedule updates, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and action item matrices. Task 2 CEQA Documents - The ADVANTEC Team will conduct environmental documentation in support of the Project. Based on preliminary review of the vicinity map provided in the RFP, a brief site visit to log existing conditions of the project site, and experience with other roadway improvement projects, our Team believes that the Project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), under a Class 1 exemption for existing facilities. The addition of left-turn lanes is not a capacity-increasing improvement, so the Project would not result in any substantial environmental impacts associated with greater through traffic. Additionally, the Project is proposed within the public right- of-way (ROW) of at the intersection of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive. Developed (disturbed) land surrounds the intersection except for a vacant parcel to the northeast. Project improvements would result in minimal land disturbance (area and depth) and evidence of disturbance within the public ROW on the vacant lot vastly reduces the potential for environmental impacts from development of the Project. A review of aerial maps dating back to 1996 indicate that the soils on the perimeter of the vacant parcel were previously disturbed and soil stabilizer applied. Additionally, in the absence of sidewalks, a visible path has been etched into the ground where people utilize the vacant property to access the intersection and the bus stop on Washington Street. A CNDDB search yielded negative results, but due to the high volume of rain experienced this winter, various vegetation is present on the vacant site adjacent to the Project intersection. Although our Team biologists do not expect to encounter any sensitive species on the site, we recommend a biological field survey be conducted prior to preparation of the Notice of Exemption (NOE) to ensure Project development would not significantly affect any special-status species, because a CE only applies if the project would not result in any significant impacts. Task 2.1 Project Initiation / Coordination – Our subconsultant’s Project Manager will attend a kick-off meeting with the project team and City Staff to discuss the scope of work and schedule for CEQA Compliance for the Project. At this meeting, Our Team will take a close look at the location and nature of specific proposed activities associated with the Project. The City will provide us with all project data prior to preparation of the Notice of Exemption. Deliverables: Project Initiation / Coordination Task 2.2 Prepare CEQA Notice of Exemption – Our subconsultant will prepare a Notice of Exemption (NOE) for the Project, which will include the following: (1) a cover letter to the County Clerk, (2) the NOE including findings for a CEQA Categorical Exemption (CE), and a map of the project site and surrounding area. Dudek will file the NOE with the County Clerk for a review period of 35 days. Our subconsultant will also provide a copy of the NOE to the State Clearinghouse. We anticipate that the City will provide one set of consolidated comments on the cover letter, findings and NOE prior to submittal to the County Clerk and the State Clearinghouse. Deliverables: One (1) electronic copy of Screen-check and Final NOE to City Staff PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 15 Task 3 Utility Coordination - Utility notification and coordination will be required to ensure quality design and help eliminate utility conflicts during construction. Utility notifications will be provided to the various utility owners within the sphere of each project intersection; the notifications will be prepared using the City’s letterhead. ADVANTEC will request locations for existing and proposed underground and overhead utilities, including high risk utilities. The utility information provided by the agencies will be delineated on the plans based on their record drawings and our field review. The location of our proposed improvements will take into consideration of the existing utilities. In the event of any utility conflicts, ADVANTEC will coordinate the relocation of all utilities affected by the project. Our goal is relocating their facilities prior to the start of construction of the project improvements. ADVANTEC will compile all utility coordination and information in a matrix format to include dates of notification, persons/utility notified and responses from the utility company. Letters will be sent to the utility companies requesting their review and verification of their facilities during the preliminary and final plan submittals in order to obtain their concurrence with the information shown on the plans. Copies of this information will be updated periodically and provided to the City of La Quinta at the scheduled project meetings and/or as the information has been received. ADVANTEC will conduct utility coordination throughout the design phase of the project. Please note: ADVANTEC’s fees do not include fees or costs associated with the processing and collection of as-built plans or documentation from the utility companies. Typically, fees are waived when submitting utility requests using the City’s letterhead. Deliverables: Utility notification and coordination, utility letters, utility plans and utility coordination matrix. Task 4 Base Maps Task 4.1 Research of Record Documentation and Field Review - ADVANTEC will coordinate with City of La Quinta, Indian Wells, and Palm Desert staff, collect and review available data for use and reference associated with the project improvements. ADVANTEC will conduct a thorough field review of existing conditions along the project limits for the proposed street and drainage improvements, any landscape improvements, traffic signal improvements, signing/striping improvements and ADA compliance. All topographic, control, and right-of-way survey efforts will be led by Mark Thomas’ in- house land surveyors. Our understanding of the limits of topographic survey are generally identified below: x Fred Waring Drive – Approximately 1000’ west and east of the Washington Street intersection. x Washington Street – From the northerly Southwest Community Church driveway entrance just south of Fred Waring Drive to the Las Brisas South intersection. x Supplemental topography along the landscaping/retention basin facility adjacent to the public sidewalk on both the northwest and southwest quadrants of the Fred Waring Drive/Washington Street intersection. The following research efforts will be performed by our Team prior to commencement of any field surveying activities: x Secure a minimum of three (3) California Spatial Reference Network (CSRN) published primary control data sheets within the greater project area to tie results to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), California State Plane Coordinate System Zone 6. x Secure vertical benchmark data sheets located within the general project area from the County of Riverside and the Cities of La Quinta, Palm Desert, and Indian Wells to tie results to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). x Perform as necessary research with the local Cities to obtain centerline monument ties. x Secure available parcel/tract/records of survey/corner records/record mapping from Riverside County to identify all local control/cadaster. x Secure as-built information and pertinent records from both Riverside County and the City of Indian Wells for the existing 24” storm drain facility. Additionally, secure roadway as-built facilities from Riverside County and the Cities of La Quinta, Palm Desert, and Indian Wells. Deliverables: Data collection inventory matrix, field review notes, and photos Task 4.2 Control Survey - Upon completion of all research efforts, our Team will deploy field crews to perform a Control Survey using both conventional and GPS based survey methods. Field surveying efforts will include location of CSRN primary control stations, local centerline monuments/property corners necessary to retrace/re-establish rights of way and street centerlines, and vertical benchmarks. Our Team will compile all data and generate a Project Control Base Survey Map illustrating found data, field notes, and vertical/horizontal datums to be utilized for the project. This map will be utilized for the basis of all survey control efforts as part of this project and will support future construction staking efforts. Deliverables: Project Control Survey Base Map in PDF and AutoCAD formats Task 4.3 Design Topography - Due to the level of detail and accuracy needed for design level topography, our Team will perform ground survey using conventional methods to locate all hardscape, drainage features, utility facilities, break lines, driveways, and other pertinent improvements. Supplemental ground survey efforts will include cross sections at 50-foot intervals and at midpoints of driveway approaches along Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive within the limits identified previously. Additionally, it is understood the retention basin, parking lot adjacent to the two driveway entrances northwest PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 16 of the intersection, and sloped areas within the vacant lands northeast of the intersection will require supplemental spot elevations. It is assumed the property owners/City will provide sufficient access to support these efforts. Lastly, our Team will hand dig two areas adjacent to the perimeter wall between the Palm Royale Country Club/Fred Waring Drive to provide spot elevations of the top of footing to review for potential daylighting in the proposed condition. The design survey data will be downloaded, processed and tied to the horizontal and vertical control established for the project. Our Team will generate a Topographic Survey Base Map at 1” = 40’ scale. Mapped features will generally include edge of pavement/curb and gutter/sidewalk, driveways, landscape features such as monument signs/irrigation control valves/significant vegetation, manholes, drop inlets, walls, signs, utility/light/signal poles, above ground utility service facilities, storm drain facilities, and other visible improvements at the surface elevation. Break lines will be collected along all mapped improvements listed above to create continuous contours with a 1.0’ interval and a Digital Terrain Model (DTM). Deliverables: Topographic Survey Base Map in PDF and AutoCAD formats plotted at a 1”=40’ scale Digital Terrain Model (DTM) in electronic format Task 4.4 Existing Right-of-Way - In addition to research efforts identified in Section 4.1 above, our Team will secure preliminary title reports for the privately-owned landscaped home owner’s association parcels northwest of the intersection (APNs 637-340-035, 068 & 069) and the Southwest Community Church parcel (APN: 633-350-015). Our Team will analyze the title reports, record mapping, and found project control to establish existing street centerlines, rights of way, and property lines of record using industry accepted boundary retracement practices. All resolved linework will be illustrated in an Existing Right of Way Base Map (Land Net) depicting found local monuments/cadaster, pertinent notes on means/methods of retracement efforts, assessor’s parcel numbers, ownership of record, and measured bearings/distances. The Existing Right- of-Way Base Map (Land Net) will serve as the basis in identification of property interests (R/W, Temporary Construction Permits/Rights of Entry, etc.) necessary to construct the project. Based upon preliminary research, it appears much of this area was surveyed recently with sufficient record documents illustrating material location and disposition of key centerline/right of way monuments within our project limits and our assumption is a Record of Survey filed with the County of Riverside per the requirements of Section 8762 of the California Land Surveyor’s Act (Business and Professions Code §§ 8700 – 8805) is not required. Should field conditions dictate otherwise, Mark Thomas will notify the City with a recommended action plan/additional cost. Deliverables: Up to two (2) Preliminary Title Reports; Existing Right of Way Base Map (Land Net) in PDF/AutoCAD formats Task 5 Plans, Specifications, and Estimate - Based on our assessment of the proposed improvements and associated details, we have determined this project will require approximately 24 plan sheets for the Washington Street/Fred Waring Drive intersection improvements. The following table provides a breakdown of the number of sheets, the types of plans, plan scale, and number of sheets per project intersection. All plans will be signed and sealed by a California registered Civil Engineer. Sheet Description Plan Scale No. of Sheets Title Sheet Varies 1 Details/Typical Section Sheet Varies 2 Street Improvement Plan and Profile Sheets 1”=40’/1’=10’V 3 Construction Details Varies 3 Drainage Plan, Profile, and Details Varies 2 Cross-sections Varies 3 Traffic Signal Modification Plans 1”=20’ 2 Traffic Signal Communication Plans 1”=40’ 2 Signing and Striping Plans 1”=40’ 2 Staging Plans 1”=80’ 4 Total 24 Preliminary and Pre-final Submittals (35%, 65% & 95%) - This task will provide for milestone deliverables at levels of completion of35% (Conceptual), 65% (PS&E) and 95% (Complete PS&E Screen Check). Final Submittals (100%) - This task will provide for milestone deliverables at level of completion of 100% (Final). Plans will be prepared as a result of the completion, review and approval by the City for the 95% level of completion as provided in the previous task. Final signed mylars will be provided upon review and incorporation of final comments. Deliverables: Preliminary and Pre-final submittals (35%, 65% & 95%) PDF and/or AutoCAD Final submittal (100%) PDF and/or AutoCAD as requested PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 17 Task 5.1 Title Sheet - ADVANTEC will prepare a project Title Sheet per project intersection. The project Title Sheet will include project title, vicinity map, general notes, benchmark with basis of coordinates, dig alert information, list of utility companies with contact name and telephone number, list of standard plans grouped by agency (i.e. GREENBOOK, City of La Quinta, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, APWA, etc.) and legend of symbols. Deliverables: Title Sheet (One Sheet) Task 5.2 Details/Typical Section Sheets - ADVANTEC will prepare Details/Typical Section Sheets for the proposed improvements. Typical cross sections will be included showing right-of-way lines, dimensions between curbs, existing pavement surface and curb/gutter, existing roadbed, proposed improvements and grading/cross fall slopes. Pavement cross falls will be evaluated to maintain 2% optimal cross falls but will not be less than 1% as may be needed to accommodate existing conditions and to minimize reconstruction. Construction notes related to proposed improvements shall be included on this sheet. Cross sections will be discussed with the City at the 65% submittal to identify potential constraints/issues. Deliverables: Details/Typical Section Sheet (Two Sheets) Task 5.3 Street Improvement Plan and Profile Sheets, Construction Details, and Drainage Plan Profile and Detail Sheets, and Cross-Sections - ADVANTEC will prepare the Street Improvement Plan and Profile Sheets. The project street improvement plans will show all existing improvements, as shown on the base sheets and all existing underground utilities (sewer, water, gas mains and associated laterals, storm drains, catch basins and laterals, storm drains, manhole and valve covers, meter boxes etc.) and above ground utilities. At 35%, a conceptual alignment will be submitted to the City showing limits of improvements, right-of-way impacts and conceptual drainage improvements. As part of the 35% design, ADVANTEC will provide recommendations to minimize right-of way take; provide vehicle/truck turning analysis, evaluate lead-lag traffic signal operations for all left-turn movements, and provide other innovative solutions. At 65%, all plan sheets will be identified and included in the project submittal. Some elevations and final details may not be included in the 65% submittal. At 95%, this submittal represents a complete Final PS&E, biddable plan package. Major design features have been reviewed; however, because of the review comments received for the 65% submittal, there may be some plan details that will be submitted for the first time. From this point, all minor “clean-up” revisions will occur. Plans are at the level ready for a detailed quality control check. Our Team will perform a site review with plans in hand to assess constructability of the project and make changes prior to the PS&E package submittal. At 100%, this submittal represents a completed Bid Set, ready for bidding. Major design features have been reviewed at least twice at this stage. The plan package is to a point where the City project manager can verify that the previous comments were incorporated, and no internal City circulation is required. Deliverables: Street Improvement Plan and Profile Sheets (Three Sheets); Construction Details (Three Sheets); Drainage Plan, Profile and Detail Sheets (Two Sheets); Cross-Sections (Three Sheets) Task 5.4 Traffic Signal and Intersection Lighting Modification Plans - ADVANTEC will prepare traffic signal modification plans for the modification of the existing traffic signal system. The traffic signal modification plans will include all base mapping, as-built information and utilities, relocation of exiting traffic signal equipment, and all existing and proposed traffic signal poles, new signal mast-arms and equipment, pole schedules, conductor schedules, construction notes, and any details necessary to facilitate the installation and construction of the project improvements. Upon request, ADVANTEC will coordinate potholing the final location of the proposed new signal mast-arm poles. Deliverables: Traffic Signal Modification Plans (Two Sheets) Task 5.5 Traffic Signal Communication Plans - ADVANTEC will prepare traffic signal communication plans for the relocation and/or upgrade of the fiber optic communication system. The traffic signal communication plans will include all base mapping, as-built information and utilities, relocation/replacement/installation of fiber optic communication equipment that will be impacted by the proposed roadway widening. The traffic signal communication plans will be prepared at 1” =40’ scale in AutoCAD in accordance with the latest State, County, and City Standards. The design will conform to the latest State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Standard Plans and Specifications and the California MUTCD. Deliverables: Traffic Signal Communication Plans (Two Sheets) Task 5.6 Signing and Striping Plans - ADVANTEC will prepare signing and striping plans for the proposed roadway and intersection improvements. The signing and striping plans will show existing features to remain, existing features to be removed or relocated, and the installation of new features. The plans will include the specified border, title block, signature block, legend; general and construction notes; and any construction details necessary to facilitate installation of the signing and striping design. The signing and striping plans will be prepared at 1” =40’ scale in AutoCAD in accordance with the latest State, County, and City Standards. The design will conform to the latest State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Standard Plans and Specifications and the California MUTCD. Deliverables: Signing and Striping Plan (Two Sheets) PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 18 Task 5.7 Staging Plans - ADVANTEC will prepare “schematic” construction staging/traffic handling plans for the proposed roadway and intersection improvements. The construction staging/traffic handling plans will show graphically the proposed construction areas and available traffic lanes adjacent to the work area. The purpose of the plans is to provide the agencies and contractor the multiple number of cosntruction stages that will be required in order to minimize the reduction of travel lanes and impacts to the adjacent businesses and the community, and provide a workable and safe area. The plans will be prepared at 1” =80’ scale in AutoCAD in accordance with the latest State, County, and City Standards. The design will conform to the latest State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Standard Plans and Specifications and the California MUTCD. It is anticipated that the Contractor will be prepared and submit “detailed” stage construction/traffic handling/detour plans prior to construction. Deliverables: Staging Plans (Four Sheets) Task 5.8 Technical Specifications - ADVANTEC will prepare the project Technical Specifications and Bid Documents based on the project design plans and the associated improvements per the City of La Quinta requirements and the latest Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications; California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), and/or the GREENBOOK. The technical specifications will include a project description, preparation of bid schedules, bid item descriptions, payment methods, special provisions, technical specifications, and any specification detail sheets or standard plans. The project Technical Specifications will be signed and sealed by a California registered Civil Engineer. Deliverables: Technical specifications. Submittals will be provided at 65%, 95% and final including hard copies, and electronic files in Word and PDF, as requested. Task 5.9 Final Estimate of Quantities and Costs - ADVANTEC will prepare construction quantity take-offs and construction cost estimates for the project proposed project improvements associated with the roadway and drainage improvements, traffic signal improvements, and signing/striping improvements. The unit costs will be based on current cost data and historical cost data associated with the identified bid items. Preliminary and final quantities and construction cost estimates will be provided to the City. Deliverables: Construction Quantity Take- offs and Construction Cost Estimates. Submittals will be provided at preliminary 65%, 95% and final including hard copies, and electronic files in Word and PDF, as requested. Task 6 Right-Of-Way – Based upon a preliminary review, the following table/maps illustrate anticipated property impacts as a result of this project. Additionally, Our Team will secure the Right of Entry/Temporary Encroachment Permit templates from the City of La Quinta and prepare up to six (6) Packages for temporary construction rights. It is assumed improvement plan sheets developed as part of Task 5 can be used as the map exhibits for these packages. Acquisition/property owner negotiations are not included within this scope of work. Property Impacts/Right of Way Interests Parcel ID APN/Address Owner Property Impacts 1 APN: 637-340-035, 068 & 069 No Address (Palm Desert) Desert Breezes Masters Association (HOA Landscaped Area) Potential Right of Way Easement/ Temporary Encroachment Permit/Right of Entry for grading along new sidewalk area. 2 APN: 637-340-037 43785 Washington St (Palm Desert) Omilana Family Trust (Miscellaneous Commercial/Residential) Temporary Encroachment Permit/Right of Entry for AC repair at driveways. 3 APN: 637-340-029 78000 Fred Waring Dr (Palm Desert) First Interstate Bank of California / Lyle Hall (Miscellaneous Commercial) Temporary Encroachment Permit/Right of Entry for AC repair at driveways. Property Impacts Summary Map PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 19 Deliverables: Up to two (2) Deed Jackets, Legal Descriptions and Plat Map Exhibits (1 per parcel) Up to six (6) Right of Entry/Temporary Encroachment Permit Packages. Task 7 Construction Support - ADVANTEC will provide construction support services for the construction plans and specification interpretation and consultation during the bidding and construction phases, including the following: Attend pre-bid meeting Review/respond to shop drawings for conformity with the plans and specifications Respond to bidders’ questions Review and respond to Request for Information (RFI) or Change Request (CR) from the City or Contractor Assist the City with preparation of Addenda Maintain a documentation of all changes (either clouded or clearly described) to approved plan set (e.g. delta revisions) Review and evaluate bids Assist City’s Project Manager in review and making recommendations to contract change order; and prepare cost estimates for cost analysis based on the change order work Attend pre-construction meeting As-built drawings will be prepared based upon completion of the project and the Contractor’s and Resident Engineer’s red lined plans Deliverables: Construction Support Services and preparation of as-built plans Optional Services - The following tasks are optional services and they are presently excluded from this Agreement: Task 2.3 Biological Survey (OPTIONAL) – Upon request, our subconsultant will conduct an assessment of biological resources and prepare a memorandum to be included in the project file as substantial evidence to back up to Categorical Exemption. The majority of the project site and buffer is developed; however, a portion overlaps native habitat in particular at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive. The project is within the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan and is outside of MSHCP conservation areas. The project is also a covered activity under the MSHCP; therefore, impacts to species covered by the MSHCP would be covered through consistency with the MSHCP and payment of applicable fees. Our subconsultant will conduct an assessment of biological resources that may occur within or adjacent to (within 500 feet) the proposed project. We will conduct a literature review to identify the potential for special- status species that are known to occur or may potentially occur near the site. Following the literature review, we will conduct a general survey of the project site and a 500-foot buffer where accessible (study area), to identify existing biological resources and potential biological constraints. Deliverables: Biological Survey (OPTIONAL) Task 5.9 Utility Potholing (OPTIONAL) – The ADVANTEC Team, through our sub-consultant, AZTEC Engineering will perform the utility potholing (if necessary) to determine if there are any utility conflicts at locations where new traffic signal pole foundations are proposed to be installed (4 locations). The final locations will be determined after the layout of our base mapping, utilities, and proposed traffic signal pole locations. If there are any apparent utility conflicts or locations that are subject to question, these will be the priority locations for potholing. Once the locations are determined, they will be submitted to the City for their review and approval. Following our notice to proceed from City staff, the ADVANTEC Team will pothole for underground utilities to determine the depth for clearance or conflicts. Exclusions Consulting services relating to any of the following tasks may be completed by ADVANTEC if negotiated under a separate contract for an additional fee; but are presently excluded from this Agreement: Additional Environmental Studies Utility Potholing Services Geotechnical Studies Additional Roadway Improvements Pavement Analysis Studies Landscaping and Irrigation Plans Engineering Reports Traffic Signal Timing and Coordination Plans Processing fees from utility companies Stage Construction/Traffic Handling/Traffic Control Plans Encroachment Permit Fees Temporary Traffic Signal Plans 4 APN: 633-350-015 44175 Washington St (Indian Wells) Southwest Community Church of Palm Desert (Southwest Community Church) Right of Way Easement/Temporary Encroachment Permit/Right of Entry for grading along new sidewalk area. 5 APN: 604-020-041 No Address (La Quinta) Palm Royale Country Club Home Owner’s Association (HOA Landscaped Area) Potential Temporary Encroachment Permit/Right of Entry for grading along new sidewalk area. 6 APN: 609-070-053 No Address (La Quinta) Mayer Villa Capri LP (Commercial Vacant Land) Potential Temporary Encroachment Permit/Right of Entry for grading along new sidewalk area. PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 Page | 20 SECTION 4: PROJECT SCHEDULE 4.1 Project Schedule ADVANTEC is proposing to expedite this project within the six-month schedule for the delivery of the PS&E package for City Council approvals and bid advertisement for construction by October 2019. One of the key elements in order to meet this schedule is to maintain communication, status, and identifying and resolving issues expeditiously. In our eyes, this is a fast-track project and we have the resources and a proven project management approach to successfully deliver this project with our timeframe. We pride ourselves in delivering projects on-schedule and within budget, and look forward to working with the cities of La Quinta, Indian Wells, and Palm Desert. Description 1613 20 27 3 10 17 24 1815 22 29 5 12 19 26 2916 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2916 23 30 4 11 18 25 1 Project Management and Meetings 2CEQA Documents 2.1 Project Initiation / Coordination 2.2 Prepare CEQA Notice of Exemption 3 Utility Coordination 4Base Maps 4.1 Research of Record Documentation and Field Review 4.2 Control Survey 4.3 Design Topography 4.4 Existing Right-of-Way 5 Improvement Plan Preparation 5.1 Title Sheet 5.2 Details/Typical Section Sheet 5.3 Street Improvement Plan and Profile Sheets Construction Details Drainage Plan, Profile and Detail Sheets Cross-Sections 5.4 Traffic Signal and Intersection Lighting Modification Plans 5.5 Traffic Signal Communication Plans 5.6 Signing and Striping Plans 5.7 Staging Plans 5.8 Technical Specifications 5.9 Final Estimate of Quantities and Costs 6Right-Of-Way 7 Construction Support Legend ADVANTEC Team Work-in-Progress Kick-off Meeting City Council Approval Advertise for Construction City Review PDT Meetings Milestone Submittal 2020 Oct CITY OF LA QUINTA WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE - PROJECT 2017-01 PROJECT SCHEDULE Task June July 2019 May Dec Jan NovAugustSept 3/25/2019 (Approx.2-3 weeks) 65%Submittal 95% Submittal 100%Submittal``35%Submittal PProfessional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes – Project 2017-01 APPENDIX APPENDIX Non-Collusion Affidavit Form Insurance Acknowledgement SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER F : INSURER E : INSURER D : INSURER C : INSURER B : INSURER A : NAIC # NAME:CONTACT (A/C, No):FAX E-MAILADDRESS: PRODUCER (A/C, No, Ext):PHONE INSURED REVISION NUMBER:CERTIFICATE NUMBER:COVERAGES IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. OTHER: (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBR WVD ADDL INSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS ONLY AUTOSAUTOS ONLY NON-OWNED SCHEDULEDOWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below If yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT EROTH-STATUTEPER LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EFFPOLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTRINSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO-JECT LOC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE HOLDER The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HIRED AUTOS ONLY  'HDOH\ 5HQWRQ $VVRFLDWHV  ( &RORUDGR %OYG  3DVDGHQD &$  /LF  0DULH 6ZDQH\   PVZDQH\#GHDOH\UHQWRQFRP 7UDYHOHUV 3URSHUW\ &DVXDOW\ &R RI $PHUL  $'9$1&216 7UDYHOHUV ,QGHPQLW\ &R RI &RQQHFWLFXW $GYDQWHF &RQVXOWLQJ (QJLQHHUV ,QF  5RRVHYHOW ,UYLQH &$   $UJRQDXW ,QVXUDQFH &RPSDQ\  $; ; ;&RQWUDFWXDO /LDE  ;;&8 ,QFOXGHG   ; <<+  % ;; ;1R2ZQHG $XWR <<%$/ $;;<&83'<  ; &3URIHVVLRQDO /LDELOLW\$(  SHU FODLP $QQXDO $JJUHJDWH ,QVXUHG RZQV QR FRPSDQ\ YHKLFOHV WKHUHIRUH KLUHGQRQRZQHG DXWR LV WKH PD[LPXP FRYHUDJH WKDW DSSOLHV 8PEUHOOD 3ROLF\ LV IROORZIRUP WR LWV XQGHUO\LQJ 3ROLFLHV */$872 /LDELOLW\(PSOR\HUV /LDELOLW\ $0 %HVW 5DWLQJV RQ DOO SROLFLHV DERYH $;,, RU JUHDWHU $6 (9,'(1&( 2) &29(5$*( 6  'D\ 1RWLFH )25 352326$/ 385326(6 &$ SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER F : INSURER E : INSURER D : INSURER C : INSURER B : INSURER A : NAIC # NAME:CONTACT (A/C, No):FAX E-MAILADDRESS: PRODUCER (A/C, No, Ext):PHONE INSURED REVISION NUMBER:CERTIFICATE NUMBER:COVERAGES IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBR WVD ADDL INSR THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS AUTOSAUTOSNON-OWNEDHIRED AUTOS SCHEDULEDALL OWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below If yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT EROTH-TORY LIMITSWC STATU- LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EFFPOLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTRINSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO-JECT LOC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2010/05) © 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE HOLDER The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ATIVE 8-2010 ACORD CORP of ACORD 30 Day NOC/10 day for nonpayment of premium 03/21/2019 Charmaine Lim Farmers Insurance Agency 20 Pacifica Suite 1450 Charmaine@FarmersAtSpectrum.com Irvine, CA 92618 Charmaine Lim 949-387-9999 949-788-1337 Advantec Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1200 Roosevelt Irvine, CA 92620 Mid Century Insurance Company 21687 A Y A09475420 11/12/2018 11/12/2019 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 smart cities connected vehicles traffic engineering traffic signal synchronization intelligent transportation systems transportation planning/design landscape architecture active transportation civil engineering public works 1200 Roosevelt ‡ Irvine, CA 92620 ‡ Tel: (949) 861-4999 21700 Copley Drive, Suite 350 ‡ Diamond Bar, CA 91765 445 S. Figueroa St., 31st Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90071 73710 Fred Waring Dr., Suite 120, Palm Desert, CA 92260 1300 Clay Street, Suite 600 ‡ Oakland, CA 94612 3200 E. Guasti Rd., Suite 100 ‡ Ontario, CA 91761 111 North Market Street, Suite 300 ‡ San Jose, CA 95113 1008 W. Ave. M14, Suite A/D115 ‡ Palmdale, CA 93551 506 Second Ave., Suite 1400 ‡ Seattle, WA 98104 www.advantec-usa.com