ERSC (Engineering Resources of Southern California)Proposal for Professional Engineering Services Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes Project 2017-01 Approach and Understanding ........................................................................................................................1 Project Work Plan ..........................................................................................................................................3 Project Team ..................................................................................................................................................7 Organizational Chart................................................................................................................................... 11 Relevant Project Experience ...................................................................................................................... 12 Quality Assurance/Quality Control .............................................................................................................. 16 Appendix A: Budget Schedule ........................................................................................................... Appdx 1 Appendix B: Resumes ....................................................................................................................... Appdx 2 Table of Contents ERSCs Approach – Team Selection Engineering Resources of Southern California, Inc. (56& EHOLHYHVWKDWWKH¿UVWVWHSLQDQ\SURMHFWLV identifying the key items and then matching the team to meet the needs of our clients. The Washington Street at Fred Waring project is no different, and as can be seen in the provided Organizational Chart, ERSC has combined its key team members with our project partners to meet the needs of the City of La Quinta on this very important project. Key Issues Once in place, our team does advance research on the proposed project to try to identify any major or key issues that need to be addressed early on. This can include scouring the City’s General Plan, reaching out to our local contacts to gain important information, as well as our own internal knowledge. Some of the items we have looked at early on in this project that will need to be addressed are listed below: 1. ADA Compliance – While the intersection and LPPHGLDWHVXUURXQGLQJVDUHUHODWLYHO\ÀDWZH are aware of the myriad issues that must be addressed when improvements such as those proposed in this RFP are undertaken. Street widening within limited ROW will normally present ADA-clearance issues that must be mitigated. For that reason, we have included on our design team, Mr. John Egan, P.E., not only as the QA/ QC engineer but to assist us in addressing clearances and to ensure conformance with ADA requirements. Mr. Egan has 50 years of experience and is the staff engineer to several municipalities. He has designed, supervised, and/or plan checked, literally, thousands of public and private ADA-compliant improvements over his career. His knowledge and experience will be a key component in the success of this project. 2. Environmental – Even though most of the proposed work is in the existing ROW, our team is sensitive to the fact that there can be challenges in this arena. The City has anticipated that a CE/ND will be appropriate due to the minor intersection improvements. However, in the event that further CEQA requirements must be met, we have the professional environmental services of Lilburn Corporation (Lilburn) available to our team. Lilburn; if needed, can complete all necessary documents to be in compliance with all CEQA requirements. See Task 2 below for further discussion. 3. Right of Way – This project will require the acquisition of right-of-way on the southwest quadrant of the intersection. To assist us with the task of Right-of-Way and legal description SUHSDUDWLRQZHKDYHLQFOXGHG2YHUODQG3DFL¿F & Cutler (OPC) on our team. We feel that this will provide the City a package that is not only correct, but gives the City the ability to continue working with OPC beyond the design and into the acquisition phase should they choose to move forward. 4. Local Communication – This is where the ERSC team really steps up to the plate, communication Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 1 is key. This does not just stop with the City of La Quinta. Due to the nature of the work that ERSCs project team performs, our ability to establish contact with key stakeholders makes us a valuable resource for the City. This largely comes from the fact that ERSC has focused on serving Public Agencies and Special Districts throughout the life of the company. This means that we have years of experience with local agencies as well as regulatory agencies allowing us to establish contact early and open lines of communication. ERSCs Understanding – Project Area A key to understanding this project is also understanding the region in which it is being developed. Just looking at recent aerial pictures will tell us a lot about the surrounding area but having ‘hands on’ experience gives us a larger overall picture of the existing businesses and adjacent residential neighborhoods and the impact that our design and ultimate construction will have on the public. Our design will take into account the number of pedestrians who utilize the existing bus stops and we will strive to minimize the impact on their commutes. Exhibit A illustrates the need for ROW acquisition along the frontage of the property on the southwest quadrant to accommodate the proposed improvements. We understand the sensitive nature of this process and will be cognizant of our design impacts on this parcel. We will also research and locate all irrigation and landscaping areas that will be impacted by the proposed improvements and address DFFHSWDEOHPRGL¿FDWLRQVWRH[LVWLQJLUULJDWLRQV\VWHPV and planters as needed. 7KHWUDI¿FVLJQDOZLOOEHLPSDFWHGVLJQL¿FDQWO\E\WKH proposed widening to accommodate the additional ODQHV2YHUODQG3DFL¿F &XWOHU 23& ZLOOUHVHDUFK existing utilities and their locations and, if needed, pothole areas that may be of concern. This will be a FUXFLDOSDUWRIWKHVLJQDOPRGL¿FDWLRQVLISROHVZLOOEH removed and or relocated. In addition to the regional understanding, our team is well versed in the City of La Quinta design standards as well as the unique characteristics of the city’s topography. We understand that the city is relatively µÀDW¶DQGWKDWWKHZLGHQLQJRIWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQZLOO present a few challenges for proper drainage and ÀRZ:HKDYHDGGHG.'00HULGLDQ .'0 WRRXU team. KDM will survey the area accurately and provide us with the information we need to adequately address these issues. ERSC Relevant Experience In the last three years, ERSC has completed or is in the design phase of numerous transportation projects with similar features described in the City’s RFP. The below projects can be considered as most applicable to the Lakewood/Florence project. These projects are IXUWKHUGHVFULEHGLQWKH4XDOL¿FDWLRQVDQG([SHULHQFH section of this proposal: Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 2 1. State Street Gap Closure and Extension Project, City of San Bernardino: Provide design and environmental clearance to complete connection of gap between two segments of roadway. 2. Riverside Drive Widening Project, City of Lake Elsinore: Provide design for widening of roadway approaching La Laguna RV Resort. 3. La Cadena and 8th6WUHHW5HFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ: 3URYLGHGHVLJQRIUHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRI LQWHUVHFWLRQWRDOORZLPSURYHGWUDI¿FÀRZ Project Work Plan We have read the City of La Quinta RFP No. 2017-01 – Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes Project Scope of Services, Tasks Nos.1-7 and all sub-tasks for this project and; for the sake of brevity, accept them in their entirety within our Scope. However, we’ve summarized the overall tasks of our scope and the project Deliverables below. Task 1 - Project Management Project Kick-Off and Monthly Status Meetings ERSC will work with the City of La Quinta to schedule a project kickoff meeting as well as planned monthly status meeting with the City. ERSC’s team will also facilitate additional meetings (as necessary) with City Departments as well as other key stakeholders (other agencies, utility districts/companies, businesses and residents) as necessary and will create meeting agendas with input from City staff and prepare and distribute meeting minutes. Monthly Progress Reports On a monthly basis, ERSC will issue invoices and progress reports to the City detailing major items worked on during the billing period as well as percentage complete for each task. This report will include all necessary back up, and will serve to establish internal accounting methods and procedures acceptable to the City for documenting and monitoring contract costs. Project Work Plan ERSC will develop a detailed Work Plan for the project, which will house a detailed work program and project schedule. The Work Plan will include details of methodology, sequence of tasks, lists of deliverables, milestone submittal schedule and a summary of organization responsibilities and contacts, reporting and invoicing procedures. Task 2 – CEQA Document ERSC’s team has navigated the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under similar circumstances and has considered the proposed project with regard to recent changes to CEQA Guidelines. Such improvement projects for improving public safety at existing public facilities would previously qualify for a Categorical Exemption under CEQA Section 15301(c). However, amendments to the CEQA Guidelines adopted in late December 2018 and required to be followed by Lead Agencies by late April 2019 add language that such safety improvements cannot create additional automobile lanes. That exemption therefore no longer applies. The City however may have adopted other statutory exemptions that could allow it to consider the project exempt from CEQA. As stated above, if the need arises for further documentation, we have the environmental services of Lilburn Corporation at our disposal for an additional fee. If needed; upon completion of the project’s 65% design, Lilburn will attend a site visit and meeting with City and/or ERSC representatives to document the site conditions, review the engineered plans, and determine the appropriate environmental documentation that may be required. At a minimum, ZHUHFRPPHQG¿HOGVXUYH\VDQGPHPRUHSRUWVEH completed to document that no biological, cultural, or KLVWRULFDOUHVRXUFHVZRXOGEHVLJQL¿FDQWO\LPSDFWHG by extending the right-of-way onto properties that are either vacant, or support nesting bird habitat. Any need for additional protocol, or pre-construction surveys would be recommended for the City’s consideration. If the City concurs with a CE being the appropriate determination for compliance with CEQA, we will then prepare a Notice of Exemption (NOE). The NOE ZRXOGEH¿OHGE\WKH&LW\ZLWKWKH6WDWH2I¿FHRI Planning and Research and the County Clerk upon approval of the project. The NOE would document the appropriate project Class for exemption and the Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 3 ¿QGLQJVRIQRSRWHQWLDOIRULPSDFWVWRZDWHUTXDOLW\ air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, or WUDI¿FWRUHVXOWIURPWKHSURMHFW Task 3 – Utility Coordination )RUWKLVWDVNZHKDYHLQFOXGHGRQRXUWHDPWKH¿UP RI2YHUODQG3DFL¿FDQG&XWOHU 23& 23&KDV provided services of this type throughout southern California since it’s founding in 1980. For the purpose of this proposal several assumptions were made in consideration for utility coordination. OPC will act as WKHSULPDU\FRQWDFWZLWKDQ\FRQÀLFWLQJXWLOLW\RZQHU They’ll obtain all relevant “as-built” information from all utility owners within the project limits. The ERSC team will then review, verify and determine what; if any, FRQÀLFWVDUHZLWKLQWKHSURSRVHGLPSURYHPHQWV23& will then: x,VVXH5HORFDWLRQ&ODLP/HWWHUVWRFRQÀLFWLQJ RZQHUV (VWFRQÀLFWV  xCoordinate and plan with the utility owners and their designers as needed to discuss SURMHFWGHVLJQSRWHQWLDOFRQÀLFWVUHORFDWLRQ DOWHUQDWLYHVDQGUHVROXWLRQWRFRQÀLFWV HVW FRQÀLFWVZLWKGLIIHUHQWRZQHUV  PHHWLQJV LQFOXGLQJ¿HOGPHHWLQJV  x'HWHUPLQHOLDELOLW\SULRUULJKWVIRUDOOFRQÀLFWLQJ owners. xObtain detailed scope of work from the utility owner for relocation, estimated start and completion dates. xIssue Notice to Owner to relocate utility (Est.4 Notices). Task 4 – Base Maps Research Our Project Manager was a part of a similar median conceptual planning along the City of Ontario Holt Boulevard Corridor. Our team has a thorough understanding of the desires of the City of La Quinta as well as a solid understanding of the prevailing design criteria. We will focus on an early understanding such that as our work progresses, obstacles have already been accounted for. Design Survey/Mapping ERSC’s Team will conduct topographic survey and mapping of the project limits. Survey effort will involve research of available survey records to establish control required and will involve cross-sectioning at 50-foot intervals from centerline to existing top of curb. Our team will locate storm drain curb inlets and outlets in regard to existing detention basins. With this information, base sheets will be prepared at a scale of 1” = 40’. Separate signal/intersection base sheets will also be prepared at a scale of 1” = 20’. Roadway Investigation ERSC’s Team will evaluate and list existing asphalt SDYHPHQWGH¿FLHQFLHVDSSURDFKLQJWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQ via a visual inspection. Locations where there are failed areas will be charted. Based on the pavement deterioration and conditions, repair/rehabilitation methods will be recommended. Upon completion of the initial review, data and recommendations will be presented to City representatives as to how to proceed. 7DVN±3ODQV6SHFL¿FDWLRQVDQG(VWLPDWH Preliminary Design – 35% Concept Review Utilizing the data acquired during the previous tasks, ERSC’s team will prepare preliminary plans (base sheets) for the entire project. The work will include LGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIDOOH[LVWLQJDQGSURSRVHGURDGZD\ geometry, stationing, existing utility locations and will include preliminary alignments including the proposed widening. Recommended alignments will be based on location of the existing utilities, regulatory separations, drainage, and proper connection to existing facilities. The goal is to maintain a project that not only accomplishes the goals of the City, but provides the best, lowest cost solution that is the least disruption to the traveling public. During this phase of work, the following plans are anticipated to be compiled: 96WUHHW,PSURYHPHQW3ODQV 3UR¿OHV 90HGLDQ,PSURYHPHQW3ODQV 3UR¿OHV 9Grading and Drainage Plans 9Detail Sheets as needed 97UDI¿F6LJQDO0RGL¿FDWLRQV 9Signing and Striping Plans 9Staging Plans Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 4 9 Landscaping and Irrigation Plans (if needed) In addition to the submittal of the plans, ERSC will prepare and submit a Draft Preliminary Design Report. This report will be used to document all of the decisions made during the design of the 30% plan stage. It will discuss potential pit-falls, cost concerns and make logical recommendations for the project to expeditiously move forward. Prepare 65% PS&E Our Project Team will prepare the PS&E package based on the project requirements for street widening to accommodate a triple left turn in all four directions. 'XULQJWKLVSKDVHWKHWHDPZLOOEHJLQWR¿QDOL]HWKH designs of the roadway geometry. Our team will also setup and move design forward with design plans. 7KLVWDVNZLOOEHJLQWR¿QDOL]HDOOKRUL]RQWDODQG vertical alignments. In addition to the design of the LPSURYHPHQWVVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGELGTXDQWLWLHV (Engineer’s Estimate) will be put together based on City preference. It is assumed that Greenbook will be the recommended format for the majority of the work, EXW&DOWUDQV6WDQGDUG6SHFL¿FDWLRQVPD\EHXWLOL]HG IRUYDULRXVLWHPVRIZRUNVXFKDV7UDI¿F6LJQDOVDQG Signing and Striping. Prepare 95% PS&E Upon receipt of the 65% Plan review comments, the Project Team will advance the plans to the next step, RUFRPSOHWLRQ$VWKHGHVLJQUHDFKHV¿QDOL]DWLRQ RIWKHKRUL]RQWDODOLJQPHQWVLJQDOPRGL¿FDWLRQV DQGVLJQLQJ VWULSLQJSODQV$OOVSHFL¿FDWLRQV and bid quantities will be updated to the 95% completion stage. Final utility notices will be sent and coordination with affected utility stakeholders will be undertaken for relocation of existing facilities, as needed. Prepare Final PS&E Upon receipt of the 95% Plan review, the Project WHDPZLOODGYDQFHWKHSODQVWRWKH¿QDOVWHSRU FRPSOHWLRQ7KHZRUNZLOO¿QDOL]HWKHGHVLJQDVZHOO DVWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGELGTXDQWLWLHV At the Project Kick-off Meeting, a schedule of deliverables will be presented to City Staff for approval. Our team will submit progress plans according to the agreed upon schedule and as reasonably requested by city staff. Task 6 – Right-of-Way Engineering It has been determined that right-of-way acquisitions will be required along the frontage of the parcel on the southwest quadrant of the intersection. We’ve LQFOXGHGRQRXUWHDPWKH¿UPRI2YHUODQG3DFL¿F and Cutler to prepare the required documents. They have reviewed the RFP, the site, and have developed a comprehensive approach that will include the following: Right of Way Project Management and Document Support 1.Preparation of a comprehensive project planning worksheet designed to ensure all project elements are considered and the work plan and client’s policies are clearly understood. 2.Comprehensive initial project planning, including policy and budget analysis, and participation in meetings with client and project design staff. 3.Tracking/managing all budgetary-related aspects of the project associated with OPC’s Scope of Work. 4.Assisting with the development of administrative policies, procedures, and forms necessary to carry out the initial program. 5.Ongoing general consultation and project coordination with the client, governmental entities, and project team members. 6.Preparation of tracking reports that monitor the completion of project milestones of the various disciplines involved on the project. 7.Preparation and presentation of a monthly written status report based on the agreed-upon guidelines on information to be provided. Confer weekly with client verbally on general status, problem areas, and progress. Participate in Project Development Team Meetings to report on acquisition progress. 8.Subcontracting for and managing of all necessary Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 5 disciplines needed for the project. Title Investigation Services 1.6HFXUHYHVWLQJGHHGSURSHUW\SUR¿OHDQGWD[ map for each property. 2.Secure preliminary title report which will remain valid for a minimum of six (6) months or until there is an ownership change. 3.Secure copies of recorded back-up documents as needed. 4.Share preliminary title information with right of way engineer, surveyor, and real estate appraisers for their use on the project. 5.Prepare list of title exceptions to be cleared; FRQ¿UPPDQQHURIGLVSRVLWLRQLVFRQVLVWHQWZLWK approved project plan. 6.Facilitate changes to preliminary title reports after the preparation of the legal descriptions, if necessary, for partial acquisition projects. Appraisal Services – Fee Appraisal 1.23&ZLOOPDLODQRWL¿FDWLRQOHWWHUDQGDFTXLVLWLRQ policies brochure to the property owner requesting permission to conduct an on-site inspection of the property, advising them of their right to accompany the appraiser at the time of the inspection, and requesting information regarding WKHSURSHUW\DSSUDLVHGZKLFKFRXOGLQÀXHQFHWKH appraised value. 2. Appraiser will review title information pertaining to respective ownerships and will review drawings and other pertinent information relative to the parcel. 3. Appraiser will inspect the property personally with the owner (if possible) and document the inspection with photographs for use in the report. 4. Appraiser will perform market research to support the selected appraisal methodologies DQGZLOOGRFXPHQWDQGFRQ¿UPFRPSDUDEOHVDOHV information. 5. Appraiser will prepare a narrative appraisal report that conforms to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and the appraisal-related portions of the California Code of Civil Procedure. The appraisal study and report are intended to serve as an acquisition appraisal and will be prepared in a summary format FRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVIRUQDUUDWLYH appraisal reports. Assumptions/Exclusions A.Valuation will be a “land only” appraisal as the acquisition lies within a landscaped area along perimeter of the property. We have assumed the proposed acquisition will not interfere with the existing use of the property and valuation of the improved larger parcel is not necessary. Fee-Interest Owner Acquisition 1. Establish and maintain complete, current record ¿OHIRURZQHUVKLSLQIRUPDFFHSWDEOHWRWKHFOLHQW 2. Receive and analyze title information, approved appraisal report, and legal descriptions in VXI¿FLHQWGHWDLOWRQHJRWLDWHZLWKSURSHUW\RZQHU and other parties. 3. Prepare all offer letters, summary statements in accordance with state/federal regulations and the City. 4. Present written purchase offer to owner/ representative in person, when possible. Secure receipt of delivery of offer as practical and present and secure tenant information statements, as applicable. 5. Follow-up and negotiate with property owner, as necessary; prepare and submit recommended VHWWOHPHQWMXVWL¿FDWLRQVWRFOLHQWIRUUHYLHZDQG approval; review any independent appraisal secured by property owner; and coordinate reimbursement of appraisal fees (up to $5,000) with client. Ongoing negotiations and settlement discussions will continue until settlement or impasse is reached. 6. Prepare and assemble acquisition contracts, deeds, and related acquisition documents required for the acquisition of necessary property interests. Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 6 5. Review settlement statement for accuracy. 6. Coordinate deposit of acquisition price and estimated closing costs with escrow. 7. After the closing, review the title insurance policy for accuracy. 8. Prepare and mail a letter to County Assessor requesting cancellation of taxes if appropriate Task 7 – Construction Support ERSC’s team realizes that once the plans are done and the project is bid, our job has not ended. Our team of experts will be here to help the City of La Quinta until the very end. ERSC’s Project Manager and key personnel will provide review of shop drawings and materials/product submittals for FRQIRUPDQFHZLWKWKHSODQVDQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQVSULRU to and during construction. In addition, our staff will be available to review and respond to Contractor’s Requests for Information (RFI’s), review any change RUGHUVDQGSURYLGHFODUL¿FDWLRQRIGHVLJQLQWHQWZKHQ necessary. ERSC will also assist in the preparation of addenda and any plan revisions due to construction changes. At the completion of construction, ERSC will update and prepare Final “as-built” plans based on changes PDGHLQWKH¿HOGGXULQJFRQVWUXFWLRQDQGIXUQLVKHGE\ the contractor and resident engineer. ERSC’s Proposed Team ERSC team members are exceptionally familiar with the demands, expectations, and accountability required to successfully execute public works projects. The expertise of ERSC’s individual team members in municipal engineering and public works disciplines is well renowned in local agencies. Numerous municipalities have continued to utilize (56&¶VVHUYLFHV\HDUDIWHU\HDUVLQFHRXU¿UVW\HDURI business. 7. Maintain diary report of contacts made with property owners or reps and a summary of the status of negotiations indicating attitude of owner, problem areas, and other pertinent information. Copies of all applicable written correspondence ZLOOEHPDLQWDLQHGLQ¿OHV 8. Prepare an impasse letter for any parcel where, after diligent attempts to settle by negotiation, it appears eminent domain will be needed or prudent to acquire the needed interest. 9. Litigation support: in the event an acquisition is unable to be settled via voluntary means, the negotiation staff will provide a condemnation- UHDG\FDVH¿OHDOOUHOHYDQWQHJRWLDWLRQVKLVWRU\ and meet with client as needed to provide relevant acquisition content. 10. Transmit executed acquisition documents to client. Each transmittal package shall include a fully executed and properly notarized deed(s), fully executed acquisition contract with attachments, and a brief settlement memorandum which summarizes the pertinent data relative to the transaction. Assumptions/Exclusions A. Legal descriptions to accompany easements or to accompany partial acquisition deeds are not included in this Scope of Work. Escrow Coordination 1. Coordinate opening escrow and receiving closing instructions for title insurance coverage at settlement amount with the City. 2. &RRUGLQDWHZLWK&LW\WRSURYLGHHVFURZRI¿FHUZLWK fully executed acquisition contract and notarized deed. 3. Work in conjunction with the City and the escrow RI¿FHUWRIDFLOLWDWHWKHFOHDUDQFHRIWLWOHPDWWHUV as set forth in the settlement memorandum and escrow instructions. 4. Assist City/Escrow to secure full/partial reconveyance/subordination instruments from lien holders. Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 7 ERSC’s project team has been formed based on familiarity, experience, and merit in complete projects similar to those described in the RFP. In selecting staff which have previously navigated the strategies LQDYRLGLQJXWLOLW\FRQÀLFWVHDUO\FRRUGLQDWLRQZLWK UHJXODWRU\SHUPLWWLQJDJHQFLHVPLQLPL]DWLRQRIWUDI¿F impacts, evaluation of hydraulic requirements, con- structability analysis, and material selection, ERSC aims to provide a team who can provide a complete SURMHFWZLWKÀH[LELOLW\WRPHHWWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVDQG expectations of the City. ERSC Professionals John M. Brudin, PE Principal In Charge Over the past 30 years, Mr. Brudin has been involved in a large number of complex planning, design and construction projects for public agencies. His ability to effectively communicate with agency personnel and team members provides the vital link between client and consultant that will ensure that the goals of each project are met. Mr. Brudin has a broad base of experience in various disciplines including site development, streets and roads, grading and GUDLQDJHZDWHU VHZHUDQGÀRRGFRQWUROIDFLOLWLHV Steve Latino, PE, TE Project Manager 0U/DWLQRLVDSURIHVVLRQDOFLYLODQGWUDI¿FHQJLQHHU registered in the State of California. He serves as WKHKHDGRIRXUWUDQVSRUWDWLRQDQGWUDI¿FGLYLVLRQDQG LVWKHSULQFLSOHLQFKDUJHRISODQFKHFNLQJDOOWUDI¿F signal, street light plans and singing and striping related projects for the City of Ontario. Mr. Latino’s professional career has focused on providing services as a local municipal employee. This includes work LQWKHDUHDVRI7UDI¿FDQG7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ&DSLWDO Improvement Projects (both design and construction management), and Land Development. Mr. Latino most recently served as the Engineering Director/City Engineer for the City of Hemet where he oversaw a department of 8 staff members. Mr. Latino was responsible for all aspects of municipal engineering during his tenure at the City of Hemet, including: the review and approval of public LQIUDVWUXFWXUHSODQVODQGGHYHORSPHQWUHYLHZWUDI¿F and transportation related design and planning, as well as CIP management and delivery. Assignments of Accountability ERSC Professionals Assigned to this Project Name Licenses/Certs Experience Team Role Title John M. Brudin PE, QSD 30 Years Principal In Charge President Steven Latino PE, TE 20 Years Project Manager Sr. Principal Engineer John Egan PE, QSD 50 Years QA/QC Principal Engineer Moe Ahmadi PE, QSD 30 Years Drainage/Water Quality Principal Engineer David Alcala TSOS 30 Years Roadway and Traffic Principal Associate Trent Brudin EIT 4 Years Roadway/Drainage/Traffic Engineer II Ben Booth EIT 4 Years Roadway/Drainage/Traffic Engineer II Stephania Hernandez 1 Year Roadway/Drainage/Traffic Engineer I ERSC Partner Firms Selected to Serve this Project Firm Role Established Firm Project Manager Location KDM Meridian Survey/Mapping 2000 Richard Maher, PLS Lake Forest, CA Lilburn Corporation Environmental 1989 Cheryl A. Tubbs San Bernardino, CA OPC, Inc.ROW/Legals/ Utility 1980 Roy Guinaldo Riverside, CA Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 8 the applicable WDID numbers from the SWQCB prior to construction. David Alcala, TSOS Assistant Project Manager Mr. Alcala has almost 30 years of transportation and WUDI¿FHQJLQHHULQJGHVLJQDQGSODQQLQJH[SHULHQFH LQFOXGLQJFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWUDI¿FVLJQDOVDQG,76 FRPPXQLFDWLRQ¿EHUV\VWHPVSURMHFWV He has been responsible for managing on-going projects for cities throughout Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties and other agencies in Southern California. In addition, he has VLJQL¿FDQWH[SHULHQFHZLWK&DOWUDQV'LVWULFWV  12 and is very familiar with the State of California 6WDQGDUGV6SHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGWKHODWHVWYHUVLRQRIWKH CA-MUTCD. As a Construction Manager he has been responsible for obtaining work permits, interviewing and recommending contractors, and shop drawing approval, troubleshoots emergencies, scheduling walkthroughs and keeping clients informed on work timetables and progress. He ensures all work is conducted in accordance with client policies and procedures in support of the client objectives and is knowledgeable of the requirements for prevailing rates on all construction work and ensure client is receiving competitive rates for quality work. Project Partners KDM Meridian | Survey/Mapping KDM Meridian is a professional Land Surveying consulting ¿UPVSHFLDOL]LQJLQ GPS, LiDAR Scanning, conventional land surveying, and map checking. Established in February 2000, KDM Meridian has rapidly built a growing clientele by offering professional and technical services to public and private clients. Our client’s range between local, regional, state, and federal agencies. They also LQFOXGHRWKHUVXUYH\LQJ¿UPVXWLOLW\DJHQFLHV GHYHORSPHQWJURXSVSULYDWHFRQVXOWLQJ¿UPV FRQVWUXFWLRQ¿UPVSURIHVVLRQDODUFKLWHFWVDQG attorneys. Additionally, KDM Meridian has worked directly on a project-by-project basis with City John G. Egan, PE QA/QC Review Mr. Egan has over 50 years of professional civil and environmental engineering experience. As a Principal Engineer with ERSC, Mr. Egan is responsible for direction of conceptual project development, planning and design, preparation of construction documents and planning studies for a variety of public works projects. In this capacity, he directs and/or supervises preparation of planning, derivation and analysis of alternatives and design efforts and is responsible for project administration, client coordination, and construction services. Work in recent years has included direction and oversight of design for construction or rehabilitation of 18 street improvement projects in the City of Highland, 9 site development projects for Environmental Systems Research Institute in Redlands, design for reconstruction of Agua Mansa Road in Colton, and for the Victoria Avenue %HDXWL¿FDWLRQDQGSDYHPHQWUHKDELOLWDWLRQSURMHFWVIRU the City of San Bernardino. Moe Ahmadi, PE, QSD, QSP Principal Engineer Over the past 30 years Mr. Ahmadi has actively participated in the preparation of numerous feasibility studies, design reports, construction plans, VSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGFRVWHVWLPDWHVIRUGUDLQDJHDQG ÀRRGFRQWUROIDFLOLWLHVWKURXJKRXW6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD He is also experienced in preparation of Stork Water Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as required by the NPDES Industrial General Permit and the Construction General Permit (CGP), which identify BMPs used to reduce or eliminate potential pollutant discharges in storm water runoff. The plans have been prepared for various residential, commercial, and industrial projects in the Counties of Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange. As part of the requirements of 2009 CGP, Mr. Ahmadi has provided SWPPP services to address new requirements. This work included Data Submitter services, conducting the risk assessment; an evaluation of a project’s sediment risk and receiving water risk, and then determining the overall Risk Level for traditional projects, or LUP Type for linear utility projects, and assisting clients to register and submit applications in the SMARTS System to obtain Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 9 agencies providing topographic and mapping services for the purpose of public works design improvements. At least three-quarters of the projects currently SHUIRUPHGE\RXU¿UPDUHUHODWHGWRSXEOLFZRUNV improvement. The staff at KDM Meridian has a complete understanding of the objectives and needs of our agency clients. Lilburn Corporation | Environmental Lilburn Corporation’s expertise is in reviewing projects for compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. Lilburn Corporation is experienced in preparation of the appropriate environmental documents and notices, conducting the public scoping/review process, and responding to SXEOLFFRPPHQWV7KH¿UP¶VH[SHULHQFHLQFOXGHVWKH preparation of Categorical Exemptions, Environmental Assessments, Initial Studies, Environmental Impact Reports, and Environmental Impact Statements. Lilburn Corporation has completed projects in the vicinity of the road improvements project including the Chino Airport Groundwater Remediation Program CEQA document and a land use survey/hazardous site assessment and habitat valuation assessment for ten County-owned properties totaling 443 acres within the prior San Bernardino County Agricultural Preserve. In 2018, a CEQA Initial Study was completed under contract to the City of Eastvale for the Eastvale Storage Facility (Gossett Development) located at Hellman Avenue and Walters Street. 7KH¿UPKDVFRPSOHWHGERWK&(4$DQG1(3$ environmental documents for various transportation projects including road extensions, road realignments, and bridges. 2YHUODQG3DFL¿F &XWOHU_5LJKWRI:D\ 2YHUODQG3DFL¿F & Cutler (OPC), established in 1980, provides professional services for clients with projects involving right of way program management, acquisition & relocation, r/w engineering, utility FRRUGLQDWLRQDQGSURSHUW\PDQDJHPHQW7KH¿UP is organized into multiple functional disciplines associated with right of way program management, including, right of way research, cost estimating, title consultation, and utility coordination & relocation. ransportation projects, OPC brings valuable insight to property and utility impacts and will help identity solutions to minimize impacts to private property interests. OPC’s team of cost estimators, risk managers, and utility professionals understand the complexities and sensitivities of widening highways in highly urbanized areas and help the team balance those complexities with the infrastructure needs of the project. Our devoted team calls upon its in-house staff utility coordinators, acquisition agents, relocation agents, and property management professionals to produce the most accurate cost estimates based on LQWKH¿HOGREVHUYDWLRQVDQGUHDOZRUOGGDWD Our right of way expertise and experience with the project area real estate market and utility owners makes OPC a preferred provider of right of way services for local city, county, and regional transportation agencies that routinely work on projects involving roads, highways, and bridges. Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 10 John Egan, PE * QA/QC Review Moe Ahmadi, PE, QSD/QSP * Principal Engineer Hydrology/Drainage/Water Quality David Alcala, TSOS * Assistant Project Manager Roadway and Traffic Trent Brudin, EIT Project Engineer Roadway/Drainage/Traffic Ben Booth, EIT Project Engineer Roadway/Drainage/Traffic Stephania Hernandez Project Engineer Roadway/Drainage/Traffic Cassandra Silva Administrative Support KDM Meridian Design Survey and Mapping Lilburn Corporation Environmental Report, Study and Assessment Overland, Pacific & Cutler Right-of-Way/Utility Coordination SUBCONSULTANT TEAMERSC TEAM Steve Latino, PE, TE * Project Manager Roadway and Traffic John M. Brudin, PE * Principal In Charge * - Denotes key personnel who will be available to the extent proposed for the duration of the Professional Services Agreement and no person assigned to a project will be removed or replaced without the prior written concurrence of the City. Key personnel resumes have been included. Organizational Chart Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 11 ERSC provides specialized services to the public sector related to planning and design of transportation, water resources, wastewater, water quality, drainage, and other public works infrastructure. ERSC typically offers a myriad of services encompassing planning, design, survey, right-of-way engineering, construction management, inspection, constructability review, and related City staff assistance for the construction of diverse public works infrastructure and facilities. The following presents an overview of services and professional capabilities of ERSC in these specialized engineering disciplines that are specifically responsive to the requirements of the City’s Project. ERSC is well versed in the discipline of civil engineering design as it relates to the development of infrastructure ranging from transportation facilities to water storage tanks. Given our experience, ERSC has developed the skills required to provide the City with a complete project. Lane configuration, utility reconnection, water quality, and drainage measures will be adequately addressed to avoid the common issues that arise during transportation design projects. References One of our main goals as a firm is client retention. And, over the past 20 years, we have had great success in achieving this goal. We offer the following list of client references and encourage the City staff to contact each of them. We believe their testimonials will provide the City with clear understanding of our commitment to our clients and their project. The references provided apply to ERSC as a whole. The following includes past projects completed by ERSC which have been selected due to their similarity in size, scope, and complexity to the proposed projects described in the City’s RFP. By including the selected projects for reference, we hope to convey to the City that any project awarded to ERSC will be completed by a team which is experienced in all the typical tasks certain project types may entail. Projects have also been selected to display ERSC’s experience in circumventing contingencies that have been exclusive to past ERSC projects that may apply to projects described in the RFP. References from Clients of Similar Services City of San Bernardino Public Works Division 300 North "D" Street 3rd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92418 Michael Grubbs Project Manager grubbs_mi@sbcity.org City of Lake Elsinore 130 South Main Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 Gus Papagolos Contract Project Manager (951) 764-2417 gpapagolos@verizon.net City of Colton 160 South 10th Street Colton, CA 92324 Victor Ortiz City Engineer (909) 370-5065 vortiz@coltonca.gov Planned State Street Ext in San Bernardino, CA, an ERSC Project Releveant Project Experience Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 12 City of San Bernardino State Street Ga[ Closure Project San Bernardino, CA State Street in the City of San Bernardino is a vital transportation corridor. The street currently exists in segmented portions throughout the western portion of the City. The City contracted with ERSC to provide roadway design and environmental clearance for State 6WUHHW7KH¿QDOIRXUODQHURDGZD\ZLOOLPSURYHWUDI¿F circulation from Baseline Street to SR210 Freeway. 8SRQ¿QDOGHVLJQ6WDWH6WUHHWZLOOEHDIRXUODQH URDGZD\ZLWKDFHQWHUPHGLDQDQGELNHODQHV connecting Baseline Street to State Route 210. The ERSC team is designing a new roadway in the portion of the project where no transportation infrastructure H[LVWVUHKDELOLWDWLQJH[LVWLQJSRUWLRQVWRXSGDWHG VWDQGDUGDQGFRQQHFWLQJWRH[LVWLQJSRUWLRQVWR the north and south. ROW acquisition is required to complete the project. $Q01'LVEHLQJSUHSDUHGIRUWKHSURMHFWZLWK VLJQL¿FDQWDWWHQWLRQWRQRLVHFRQFHUQVRIQHLJKERULQJ UHVLGHQWVDQGELRORJLFDOUHVRXUFHV6DQ%HUQDUGLQR .DQJDURR5DW+DELWDWLVGHVLJQDWHGRYHUWKH alignment. The new planned alignment runs over the Department of Water Resources’ Santa Ana Valley 3LSHOLQHD¶GLDPHWHUSRUWLRQRIWKH6WDWH:DWHU 3URMHFW6LJQL¿FDQWFRRUGLQDWLRQZLWKWKHDJHQF\LV required to complete a DWR encroachment permit. City of Lake Elsinore Riverside Drive Widening Lake Elsinore, CA ERSC is providing design services to widen Riverside Drive near the entrance to the La Laguna RV Resort. 'XULQJRQVLWHJUDGLQJGHVLJQOLIWVWDWLRQUHORFDWLRQ DQGRQVLWHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHGHVLJQ(56&ZDVDOVR retained to provide services regarding the widening RIWKHVWUHHWUHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQDQG UHORFDWLRQRIWUDI¿FVLJQDOV Riverside Drive (State Route 74) near the La Laguna 593DUNHQWUDQFHLVFXUUHQWO\DWZRODQHDUWHULDO street with no designated right turn deceleration or acceleration lanes. The City and Caltrans have initiated the additional improvements in anticipation RIKLJKHUWUDI¿FYROXPHVWXUQLQJLQDQGRXWRIWKH QHZO\UHQRYDWHG59SDUN:RUNLQFOXGHVZLGHQLQJRI WKH6WUHHWUHORFDWLRQRIH[LVWLQJLQIUDVWUXFWXUH52: GHGLFDWLRQWUDI¿FVLJQDOUHORFDWLRQDQGPRGL¿FDWLRQ and relocation of an existing lift station. ERSC also provided and coordinated design for DOOSHGHVWULDQLPSURYHPHQWV1HZFXUEUDPSV ODQGVFDSLQJVLGHZDONFXUEDQGJXWWHUDQG SHGHVWULDQFURVVLQJVDUHWREHLQVWDOOHGDORQJWKH project’s frontage. City of Colton /D&DGHQDDQGWK6WUHHW5HFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ Colton, CA The intersection of La Cadena and 8th Street in the City of Colton is located in a residential area. In its H[LVWLQJVWDWHWUDI¿FRQWKHZHOOWUDYHOHG/D&DGHQD Drive would navigate a directional change as well Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 13 DVWUDI¿FMRLQLQJIURPWZRRWKHUDGMDFHQWUHVLGHQWLDO VWUHHWV2IWHQGULYHUVIDLOHGWRQDYLJDWHWKH LQWHUVHFWLRQFUHDWLQJDGDQJHURXVVLWXDWLRQIRUQHDUE\ residences. (56&FRQWUDFWHGZLWKWKH&LW\WRUHFRQ¿JXUHWKH intersection. Staff created a concept considering the ZLVKHVRI&LW\VWDIIDQGFRXQFLOPHPEHUVWKDWZRXOG UHFRQ¿JXUHWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQ7KHQHZFRQFHSWZRXOG LQFOXGHDIUHHULJKWE\SDVVODQHSURWHFWHGE\UDLVHG PHGLDQIRUQRUWKZHVWWUDI¿FRQ/D&DGHQD7UDI¿F from surrounding residential streets would stop at the new intersection with turn restrictions and channeled WKURXJKUDLVHGPHGLDQVIRUDGGLWLRQDOWUDI¿FFDOPLQJ 7KHUHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQDOVRUHTXLUHG UHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIH[LVWLQJGUDLQDJHLPSURYHPHQWV ERSC used employed multiple different standards and guidelines including the Caltrans Highway Design 0DQXDO$$6+72087&'DQG&LW\6WDQGDUGV 0HGLDQVZHUHDOVRGHVLJQHGWREHFRQVWUXFWHGZLWK decorative features. City of Colton /D&DGHQDDQGWK6WUHHW5HFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ Colton, CA :LWKWKHFRQWLQXLQJEHDXWL¿FDWLRQHIIRUWVRIWKH&LW\ of Highland, ERSC was retained to complete the sidewalk and street improvements along 9th Street. The project encompassed widening, including sidewalk and handicap ramp improvements, on the south side of 9th Street between Elmwood Road to Sterling Avenue, a distance of approximately 2,300 linear feet. The project, included match-up paving with placement of a curb desired at 32 feet in a 44- foot half right-of-way. The project also included right- of-way acquisition from nine parcels. Construction improvements also included clearing and grubbing of existing AC and PCC pavement, curb ramps, cross gutter and spandrels, fencing, driveways, and signal PRGL¿FDWLRQ During the course of the project, ERSC was also awarded to conduct construction services for the project, which included contract administration and ¿HOGLQVSHFWLRQ&RQWUDFWDGPLQLVWUDWLRQLQYROYHG award services, scheduling, coordination of pre- construction meeting, preparation of weekly statement of days, pay estimates and contract change orders, requests for information, attendance at meetings, site visits by the Construction Services Manager, review of Contractor’s payroll submittals, and post construction VHUYLFHVLQFOXGLQJ¿QDOSD\HVWLPDWHDQGSUHSDUDWLRQ of record drawings. Field inspection included inspection of all removals, construction of concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveway approaches and driveways, street subgrade, EDVHDQGSDYLQJDQGVLJQDOPRGL¿FDWLRQ'DLO\ inspection reports were provided to the City. Before After Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 14 Street Improvement Projects | City of Moreno Valley x Atwood Ave. Street Improvements Indian St. to Perris Blvd. Design x Traffic Signal at Alessandro Blvd and Moreno Beach Dr. Design Street Improvement Projects | City of Aliso Viejo x Pacific Park Drive Improvements – Chase St. to SR-73 Street Improvement Projects | Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works x Springdale Ave. Street Rehabilitation Project Design x West 170th Street – Avenue A to Avenue D Design Street Improvement Projects | City of Lake Elsinore x Riverside Dr. Widening and Signal Modifications Design Street Improvement Projects | City of Rialto x Cactus Avenue Widening Project Design Street Improvement Projects | City of San Bernardino x 40th Street Widening and Improvements x Victoria Avenue Street Improvements Beautification and Sound Wall x State Street Expansion and Improvements Street Improvement Projects | San Bernardino County Special Districts Dpt x CSA 18 Road Improvements Big Deer Rd to Fir Street x San Moritz Way Widening Project Street Improvement Projects | City of Hemet x State Street Widening Improvements Alignment Study and Design x Warren Rd. and Esplanade St. Traffic Signal Improvements x Cawston Ave. Street Improvement Project – Menlo to Esplanade x Route 79 Realignment Project Street Improvement Projects | City of Yucaipa x E Street Widening to Wildwood Canyon Drive x 7th Street Park Street and Sidewalk Improvements x 8th Street improvement Project Design x Oak Glen Road Widening - Avenue E to Yucaipa Blvd. x I-10 Off-ramp at Oak Glen Road Design x 13th Street Improvements - Chapman Heights to Yucaipa Blvd Design x Yucaipa Blvd Improvements – 11 th St. to 13th St. Design x Yucaipa Blvd Improvements – 11 th St. to 13th St. Traffic Signal Design Street Improvement Projects | City of Indio x Fred Waring Drive Widening Project Design x Avenue 48 Traffic Signal Interconnect Street Improvement Projects | City of Highland x Design of CDBG Street Rehabilitation and Overlay Projects Years 2004 to 2015 x Greenspot Road “S” Curve Realignment and Reconstruction x 14th St. Street Improvement Project Design x 5th St. and Greenspot Rd. Bikeway Improvement Project Design x Victoria Ave. Improvements at 5th Street Design and Const. Mgmt. x Sterling Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project x Boulder Ave. & Highland Ave. Pavement Rehabilitation Project x Baseline Ave. Signal Interconnect and Striping Design x Water St. Widening at Cram School Design and Const. Services x 5th St. and Palm Ave. Signal Interconnect Design Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 15 ERSC’s size allows us to be flexible to the needs of our clients. ERSC is ready and able to adapt to and apply the City’s preferred methods of project, budget, and schedule management. Summarized below is ERSC’s typical approach to managing the many facets of a successful project. Budget The budget for any project is a function of the work plan and tasks within the plan. At ERSC we approach a budget the same way we approach a work plan and Fee Schedule. ERSC projects are loaded into our accounting and time tracking program, Deltek Ajera, broken down by each task. Each task is preloaded identically to the work plan and Fee Schedule with the time allotted per billing rate and the total project budget. Any employee working within the project is able to account for their hours billed to a project as well as remaining hours available for a task. Accountability and ease of access to this information aims to eliminate overruns. Schedule Schedule maintenance can be as simple as ensuring that adequate resources are dedicated to the project. At ERSC, project teams are developed on a project-by-project basis from a pool of engineers and technicians. Staff meetings are held on a regular basis to discuss project needs and deadlines for the given period. Staff is maintained or enhanced for projects on an as-needed basis to ensure that project schedules are upheld. Staff assigned to a particular project will always have the necessary experience when added to a project team. It is our goal to maintain continuity within a given project team at all times. ERSC schedules are always tied directly to our budget which lends all employees the incentive to remain at or ahead of any project schedule. Quality Assurance and Quality Control Quality control begins when the Request for Proposals is received. After analyzing the project, a team of engineers and technicians is established to complete the project. The team is selected based on the project requirements and the experience of the individual team members. Typically, the proposal will be prepared by the Project Manager and the Project Principal with the assistance from staff engineers and technicians. This ensures the entire project team has a full understanding of the project requirements prior to proceeding. For the City of La Quinta Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Project, ERSC has assigned Mr. John Egan, PE, as the QA/QC Manager. In this role, Mr. Egan will be responsible to review Quality Assurance/Quality Control Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 16 every document prior to completion and submittal to the City. In addition to having a QA/QC Manager, ERSC will create a Project Work plan for this Project. This document, which is signed by the Project Manager, Project Principal and QA/QC Manager, houses all of the pertinent project details. A sample table of contents from a recent project can be seen below: A copy of this document, which will be a first order of business, will be provided to the City. Any revisions to this document are then tracked and logged so that the City always maintains a current copy and understands our processes. Proposal for City of La Quinta - Project 2017-01 Page 17 This space left intentionally blank Appendix AAppendix A IDTask NameDurationStartFinish1City of La Quinta2Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive 3Triple Left Turn Project 2017-0145Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive - Triple Left Turn202 daysWed 5/15/19Thu 2/20/206NTP (Assumed)1 dayWed 5/15/19Wed 5/15/197Task 1 - Project Management1 day?Wed 5/15/19Wed 5/15/198Task 2 - CEQA Documentation60 daysThu 8/1/19Wed 10/23/199Task 3 - Utility Coordination145 daysThu 8/1/19Wed 2/19/2010Task 4 - Base maps25 daysThu 5/16/19Wed 6/19/1911Task 5 - PS&E175 daysThu 6/20/19Wed 2/19/2012Preliminary Design (35%)15 daysThu 6/20/19Wed 7/10/1913City Review of Preliminary Design (35%)15 daysThu 7/11/19Wed 7/31/191465% PS&E25 daysThu 10/24/19Wed 11/27/1915City Review of 65% PS&E15 daysThu 11/28/19Wed 12/18/191695% PS&E20 daysThu 12/19/19Wed 1/15/2017City Review of 95% PS&E10 daysThu 1/16/20Wed 1/29/2018Final PS&E15 daysThu 1/30/20Wed 2/19/2019Task 6 - Right-of-Way Engineering100 daysThu 8/1/19Wed 12/18/1920Task 7 - Construcion Support (Duration TBD)1 dayThu 2/20/20Thu 2/20/20MayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebQtr 3, 2019Qtr 4, 2019Qtr 1, 2020Page 1 DESCRIPTIONPrincipal -Matt Brudin, PEQA/QC Manager - John Egan, PEProject Manager -Sr. Principal EngineerSteven Latino, PE, TEDrainage/WQMP -Principal/VPMoe Ahmadi, PE, QSDAssistant Project Manager - Principal Engineering AssociateDavid Alcala, TSOS, TSIProject EngineersAdministrative SupportERSC SUBTOTALLilburn Corporation -CEQA/EnvironmentalKDM Meridian -Design Survey/MappingOverland, Pacific & Cutler - Right-of-Way/Utility CoordinationSUBCONSULTANT SUBTOTALTOTAL$220 $185 $190 $185 $175 $110 $64*1.01.1Project Kick-off and Monthly Status Meetings - 8.00 - 24.00 - 4.00 5,976.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,976.00$ 1.2Monthly Progress Reports - - 5.00 - 5.00 - 4.00 2,081.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,081.00$ 1.3Project Work Plan2.00 4.00 4.00 - 4.00 - 4.00 2,896.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,896.00$ SUBTOTAL 440.00$ 740.00$ 3,230.00$ -$ 5,775.00$ -$ 768.00$ 10,953.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 10,953.00$ 2.02.1CE/ND Preparation- - 2.00 - 2.00 - - 730.00$ 12,485.00$ -$ -$ -$ 730.00$ SUBTOTAL -$ -$ 380.00$ -$ 350.00$ -$ -$ 730.00$ 12,485.00$ -$ -$ -$ 730.00$ 3.0**3.1Utility Coordination- - 2.00 - 4.00 - - 1,080.00$ -$ -$ 16,060.00$ 16,060.00$ 17,140.00$ SUBTOTAL -$ -$ 380.00$ -$ 700.00$ -$ -$ 1,080.00$ -$ -$ 16,060.00$ 16,060.00$ 17,140.00$ 4.04.1Research- - 4.00 - - 8.00 8.00 2,152.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,152.00$ 4.2Design Survey/Mapping-- 2.00 - 2.00 12.00 - 2,050.00$ -$ 15,015.00$ -$ 15,015.00$ 17,065.00$ 4.3Roadway Investigation- - - - 8.00 8.00 4.00 2,536.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,536.00$ SUBTOTAL -$ -$ 1,140.00$ -$ 1,750.00$ 3,080.00$ 768.00$ 6,738.00$ -$ 15,015.00$ -$ 15,015.00$ 21,753.00$ 5.05.1Preliminary Design - 35% Concept Review - 4.00 6.00 4.00 16.00 32.00 - 8,940.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 8,940.00$ 5.2Prepare 65% PS&E1.00 8.00 40.00 2.00 40.00 180.00 4.00 36,726.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 36,726.00$ 5.3Prepare 95% PS&E1.00 6.00 32.00 2.00 30.00 80.00 4.00 22,086.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 22,086.00$ 5.4Prepare Final PS&E1.00 6.00 18.00 2.00 20.00 40.00 4.00 13,276.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 13,276.00$ SUBTOTAL 660.00$ 4,440.00$ 18,240.00$ 1,850.00$ 18,550.00$ 36,520.00$ 768.00$ 81,028.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 67,752.00$ 6.06.1Right-of-Way Project Management and Documents Support - - 2.00 - 2.00 - - 730.00$ -$ -$ 8,976.00$ 8,976.00$ 9,706.00$ 6.2Title Investigation-- - - - - - -$ -$ -$ 605.00$ 605.00$ 605.00$ 6.3Appraisal Services-- - - - - - -$ -$ -$ 4,400.00$ 4,400.00$ 4,400.00$ SUBTOTAL -$ -$ 380.00$ -$ 350.00$ -$ -$ 730.00$ -$ -$ 13,981.00$ 13,981.00$ 14,711.00$ 7.07.1Respond to Request for Information (RFIs)- - 4.00 - 2.00 - - 1,110.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,110.00$ 7.2Prepare Final "as-builts" as specified - - - - 4.00 8.00 2.00 1,708.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,708.00$ 7.3Project Close-out--2.00-4.00-2.00 1,208.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,208.00$ SUBTOTAL-$ -$ 1,140.00$ -$ 1,750.00$ 880.00$ 256.00$ 4,026.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,026.00$ 500.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 500.00$ 105,785.00$ 12,485.00$ 15,015.00$ 30,041.00$ 45,056.00$ 137,565.00$ *- ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION; IF REQUIRED PER UPDATED CEQA Section 15301(c)12,485.00$ **-Potholes will be determined during design. Cost per pothole is $850Total with additional CEQA Documentation150,050.00$ Base MapsPlans, Specifications, and EstimatesRight-of-Way EngineeringFEE ESTIMATE SCHEDULE City of La QuintaWashington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Project 2017-01TASK NO. PROJECT TOTALProject Management Reimbursable Expenses (Repro, Plotting, Shipping, Mailing and Mileage)TOTALSUtility CoordinationConstruction SupportCEQA Documentation This space left intentionally blank Appendix B John M. Brudin, PE | President Education BS, Civil Engineering, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA 5HJLVWUDWLRQV&HUWL¿FDWLRQV CA, Civil Engineer No. C41836 QSD/QSP No. 00707 $I¿OLDWLRQV American Public Works Association Floodplain Management Association Areas of Expertise Water/Wastewater Engineering Flood Control Engineering Project Management Quality Control Over the past 25 years, Mr. Brudin has been involved in a number of complex planning, design and construction projects. His ability to effectively communicate with agency personnel and team members provides the vital link between client and consultant and ensures that the goals of each project are met. Mr. Brudin has a broad base of experience in various disciplines including water resources, site development, streets and roads, grading DQGGUDLQDJHDQGÀRRGFRQWUROIDFLOLWLHV Projects recently undertaken by Mr. Brudin involving the planning and design of water, sewer and recycled water SLSHOLQHVLQFOXGHWKHIROORZLQJVLJQL¿FDQWDVVLJQPHQWV Select Project Experience: 5LYHUVLGH'ULYH6WUHHW:LGHQLQJ6LJQDO0RGL¿FDWLRQV Signing and Striping, Lake Elsinore, CA - Project Principal in the development of program documents and planning and design activities related to the reconstruction of an existing campground located along Riverside Drive on the westerly end of Lake Elsinore. Steven coordinated completion of all CalTrans requirements to facilitate completion of the project. Second Street Storm Drain and Street Improvements, City of Yucaipa, California — Project Manager for the City of Yucaipa during their improvement to one-half-mile of CDBG-funded street and drainage design for Second Street between Yucaipa Boulevard and Avenue “E.” The project involved widening the street to its ultimate width, installation of curb and gutter, acquiring the necessary right-of-way and providing drainage structures in conformance with the City’s Master Drainage Plan. Design of Storm Drain Line “LL” Improvements, Dracaea Avenue and Old 215 Frontage Road — Project Manager during the preparation of an Engineer’s Report which analyzed various alignment alternatives and recommended the most appropriate alignment. Services included base mapping, utility research, hydrology studies, alternative development and analysis, hydraulic calculations, SUR¿OHVFRVWHVWLPDWHVDQGDZULWWHQUHSRUW Cactus Avenue Widening, Rialto, California — Located between the Metrolink rail crossing to the south and First Street to the north, this portion of Cactus Avenue was fully improved on the west side of the street widening from a 12-foot half width to 36 feet. The project included curb and JXWWHUGUDLQDJHLPSURYHPHQWVWUDI¿FVLJQDOLPSURYHPHQWVDWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRI5LDOWR$YHQXH right-of-way support, improvements to a San Bernardino County Flood Control facility, and project coordination with Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) for their signal gate installation at the Metrolink rail crossing. Southeast Valle Vista Storm Drain, Hemet, California — Project Manager to Lake Hemet Municipal Water District during the design of 48- and 60-inch storm drains in Southeast Valle Vista. East Cathedral Creek, Cathedral City, California — Project Manager during the development of construction drawings for one-quarter-mile of soft-bottom channel along East Cathedral Creek. Major elements of the project included design surveys, hydraulic analyzes, alternative development, and SUHSDUDWLRQRI¿QDOSODQVVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGTXDQWLW\DQGFRVWHVWLPDWHV7KH¿QDOSURMHFWUHTXLUHG Riverside County Flood Control District and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approval. Storm Drain Development Standards, Storm Drain Criteria and Drainage Design Manual, City of Hemet — Project Manager during the preparation of a focused manual to provide for the planning and implementation of planned storm drainage systems in the City of Hemet. Major elements of the manual addressed the goals and objectives of the City, provided written policy statements related to the development of drainage systems, preparation of preliminary drainage design and submittal, and HVWDEOLVKHGFULWHULDIRUWKHGHVLJQRIVXUIDFHDQGVXEVXUIDFHGUDLQDJHDQGÀRRGFRQWUROIDFLOLWLHV Los Alisos School Design — Project Principal during the preparation of construction drawings to remedy drainage problems around existing locker rooms and to facilitate the construction of relocatable classrooms adjacent to existing hardcourt areas. Services included topographic surveys, design of pavement removal and replacement, grading for new relocatable classrooms and the SUHSDUDWLRQRIVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGFRVWHVWLPDWHV Midway General Mail Facility Renovation, San Diego, California — Project Principal during the development of plans for the renovation of the Midway General Mail Facility in San Diego, California. The design process involved four phases including the investigative (10 percent) phase, and 30, 70 and 100 percent submittals. The investigative phase included the development of local agency UHTXLUHPHQWVLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRISURMHFWLVVXHVZLWKORQJOHDGWLPHUHVROXWLRQDQGWKHSUHSDUDWLRQ RISURMHFWEDVHVKHHWVDQGH[LVWLQJXWLOLW\PDSV7KH¿QDOSKDVHLQFOXGHGWKHGHYHORSPHQW of construction drawings for proposed improvements, pavement removal and replacements, VSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGFRVWHVWLPDWHV Steve Latino, PE | Principal Engineer Education BS, Civil Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN MS, Business Administration University of Redlands, Redlands, CA 5HJLVWUDWLRQV&HUWL¿FDWLRQV CA, Civil Engineer No. C73430 &$7UDI¿F(QJLQHHU1R $I¿OLDWLRQV American Public Works Association Institute of Transportation Engineers Areas of Expertise Quality Assurance/Quality Control Municipal Fiber Optic Design Services 7UDI¿FDQG7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ Municipal Engineering Mr. Latino’s professional career has focused on providing services as a local municipal employee. This LQFOXGHVZRUNLQWKHDUHDVRI7UDI¿FDQG7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ Capital Improvement Projects (both design and construction management), and Land Development. Mr. Latino most recently served as the Engineering Director/City Engineer for the City of Hemet where he oversaw a department of 8 staff members. Mr. Latino was responsible for all aspects of municipal engineering during his tenure at the City of Hemet, including: the review and approval of public infrastructure plans, land GHYHORSPHQWUHYLHZWUDI¿FDQGWUDQVSRUWDWLRQUHODWHG design and planning, as well as CIP management and delivery. Due to his extensive time served in the Public Sector, Mr. Latino is very knowledgeable of local regulations as well as working with various agencies including Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG), Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC), San Bernardino Association of Governments (SANBAG), and Caltrans. He is well versed in project delivery and the challenges projects face due to local, regional and statewide regulatory requirements. With his experience prior to Hemet in the City of Ontario, Mr. Latino is familiar with both Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. His ability to design and review plans includes intuition that can easily be overlooked by someone who may not have delivered a municipal SURMHFWIURPVWDUWWR¿QLVK$GGLWLRQDOO\KHLVYHU\IDPLOLDUZLWKWKHDVVHPEO\RIFRQVWUXFWLRQ VSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGELGSDFNDJHVDQGLVZHOOYHUVHGLQWKH*UHHQERRN6WDQGDUG6SHFL¿FDWLRQVIRU 3XEOLF:RUNV&RQVWUXFWLRQDVZHOODVWKH&DOWUDQV6WDQGDUG6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Select Project Experience: 40th Street Widening Project, City of San Bernardino, CA – Project Engineer during the design of the 40th Street Widening Project in San Bernardino. 40th Street is to be widened to allow 4 travel lanes, new sidewalk, and drainage improvements. The project stretches from Victoria Ave to Kendall Drive. The project requires ROW take from existing residences and businesses in the SURMHFWYLFLQLW\WRSURYLGHDGHTXDWHOHQJWK$OVRLQFOXGHGLVWUDI¿FVLJQDOPRGL¿FDWLRQVDW(OHFWULF $YHDQGGUDLQDJHPRGL¿FDWLRQV Golden Avenue Bridge, Placentia, California — Project Manager during the development of plans IRUWKHEULGJHUHSODFHPHQWSURMHFWLQ2UDQJH&RXQW\3ODQDQGSUR¿OHYLHZVZHUHFUHDWHGIRUWKH SURSRVHGEULGJHOD\RXWDQGWKHH[LVWLQJ&DUERQ&UHHNÀRRGFRQWUROFKDQQHOEHORZ&RQVLGHUDWLRQV GXULQJJHRPHWULFOD\RXWLQFOXGHGDOLJQLQJZLWKH[LVWLQJVWUHHWVLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIH[LVWLQJXWLOLWLHVDQG storm drains, proposing new storm drain locations, an adequate bridge width to accommodate future WUDI¿FSHGHVWULDQDQGELNHÀRZVDQGWKHSODFHPHQWRIWKH2&%LNH/RRSWKDWLVSODQQHGWRUXQZLWKLQ the Carbon Creek channel which has entrance/exit ramps on either side of the bridge. Bridge design was provided by Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. 5LYHUVLGH'ULYH6WUHHW:LGHQLQJ6LJQDO0RGL¿FDWLRQV6LJQLQJDQG6WULSLQJ/DNH(OVLQRUH&$ Project Manager in the development of program documents and planning and design activities related to the reconstruction of an existing campground located along Riverside Drive on the westerly end of Lake Elsinore. Steven coordinated completion of all CalTrans requirements to facilitate completion of the project. Riverside Drive Widening Project, Jurupa Valley, CA – Project engineer during widening of Riverside 'ULYHWRDFFRPPRGDWHWZRODQHVLQHDFKGLUHFWLRQSOXVDFRQWLQXRXVOHIWWXUQODQHSDLQWHGPHGLDQ from Day Creek Channel on the east to Wineville Avenue, a distance of approximately 4,700 linear feet. Riverside County Transportation Commission Metro Link Projects, Riverside CA – Assisted in the update of PS&E package to current standard for the Downtown Station Ticket, Vending and ADA Upgrades as well as La Sierra Parking Lot Expansion. This included the redesign of plans, coordination with the City of Riverside, Utility Relocation, and Water Quality Management Plans. City of Ontario Municipal Fiber Optic Network Project, Ontario, CA – Project manager for the design of WKH&LW\¶V0XQLFLSDO)LEHU2SWLF1HWZRUN7KHZRUNFRQVLVWHGRISURR¿QJOLQHDUIHHWRIH[LVWLQJ GXFWEDQNVDQGWKHGHVLJQDQGLQVWDOODWLRQRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\OLQHDUIHHWRIQHZFRQGXLWDQG ¿EHURSWLFFDEOH7KHZRUNDOVRLQFOXGHGGHVLJQRI3RLQWVRI3UHVHQFH 3236 HQWUDQFHVLQWR PXQLFLSDOEXLOGLQJVZHOOVLWHVDQGWUDI¿FVLJQDOV +LJKZD\6DIHW\,PSURYHPHQW3URJUDP7UDI¿F6LJQDOV2QWDULR&$±Wrote, obtained and managed JUDQWVIRUWKUHHWUDI¿FVLJQDOVLQWKH&LW\RI2QWDULR *URYH$YHQXHDW6L[WK6WUHHW*URYH$YHQXHDW 3ULQFHWRQ6WUHHWDQG9LQH\DUG$YHQXHDW)UDQFLV6WUHHW 3URMHFWFRVWZDVDSSUR[LPDWHO\ for the three locations and included roadway realignments, utility coordination, new signal equipment LQVWDOODWLRQDQGWUDI¿FVLJQDOLQWHUFRQQHFW7KLVSURMHFWUHTXLUHGLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIWKH&DOWUDQV/RFDO Assistance Procedures Manual for reimbursement and project management. *URYH$YHQXHDW)LIWK6WUHHW7UDI¿F6LJQDO2QWDULR&$±'HVLJQHGELGDQGFRQVWUXFWHGDQHZWUDI¿F signal at the intersection of Grove Avenue and Fifth Street. The project features two closely spaced 7LQWHUVHFWLRQVZKLFKUHTXLUHGWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIDUDLVHGPHGLDQDWRQHRIWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQVWROLPLW WUDI¿FWRULJKWWXUQLQJUHVVHJUHVV John Egan, PE | Principal Engineer Education BS, Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA MS, Business Administration, University of Southern CA, Los Angeles, CA Environmental Options, Graduate School of Civil Engineering, University of Southern CA 5HJLVWUDWLRQV&HUWL¿FDWLRQV CA, Civil Engineer No. C14853 $I¿OLDWLRQV American Public Works Association American Water Works Association American Society of Civil Engineers American Academy of Envir.Engineers Areas of Expertise Transportation Lift/Booster Stations Quality Control Project Management Mr. Egan has over 50 years of professional civil and environmental engineering experience. As a Principal Engineer with ERSC, Mr. Egan is responsible for direction of conceptual project development, planning and design, preparation of construction documents and planning studies for a variety of public works projects. In this capacity, he directs and/or supervises preparation of planning, derivation and analysis of alternatives and design efforts and is responsible for project administration, client coordination, and construction services. Work in recent years has included direction and oversight of design for construction or rehabilitation of 18 street improvement projects in the City of Highland, 9 site development projects for Environmental Systems Research Institute in Redlands, design for reconstruction of Agua Mansa Road in Colton, and for the Victoria $YHQXH%HDXWL¿FDWLRQDQGSDYHPHQWUHKDELOLWDWLRQ projects for the City of San Bernardino. Select Project Experience: 40th Street Widening Project, City of San Bernardino, CA – Project Manager during the design of the 40th Street Widening Project in San Bernardino. 40th Street is to be widened to allow 4 travel lanes, new sidewalk, and drainage improvements. The project stretches from Victoria Ave to Kendall Drive. The project requires ROW take from existing residences and businesses in the project vicinity to provide adequate length. Also LQFOXGHGLVWUDI¿FVLJQDOPRGL¿FDWLRQVDW(OHFWULF$YH DQGGUDLQDJHPRGL¿FDWLRQV 9LFWRULD$YHQXH%HDXWL¿FDWLRQ3URMHFW6DQ%HUQDUGLQR&DOLIRUQLD±To help allay concerns of QHLJKERUVWKH&LW\RI6DQ%HUQDUGLQRKDVXQGHUWDNHQWKHEHDXWL¿FDWLRQDQGLPSURYHPHQWRI Victoria Avenue from Highland Avenue to entry to the San Manuel Tribal Casino, consisting of approximately 4,000 linear feet. Mr. Egan heads up a multi-disciplinary team consisting of ERSC and six subconsultants conducting the work of planning and design for the City of San Bernardino. Initial phase of the work included analysis and derivation of alternatives, presen- tation at public meetings, and derivation of resident preferences. This information, then, was utilized by planning and environmental analyses for the development of recommendations to the City. Mr. Egan oversaw preparation of Phase 1 and Phase 2 design and construction documents for the project which has resulted in the construction of sound walls adjacent to residential neighborhoods, a landscaped median extending the length of the project, preparation of documents for acquisition of additional right-of-way from the County of San Bernardino’s Patton Basin including coordination with the Regional Water Quality Control Board, State Department of Fish and Game, and Corps of Engi- neers concerning facilities on the Basin property. The work also included construction of three new VLJQDOVDQGPRGL¿FDWLRQRIH[LVWLQJVLJQDO Riverside Drive Widening Project, Jurupa Valley, CA – Project manager during widening of Riverside Drive to accommodate two lanes in each direction plus a continuous left-turn lane/painted median from Day Creek Channel on the east to Wineville Avenue, a distance of approximately 4,700 linear feet. Recent projects completed for the City of Highland under Mr. Egan’s management and direction in- clude: 5th Street Reconstruction, SR 210 to Boulder Avenue, $1.45M; FHWA funded; design and Resident Engineer services; environmental clearance required. Greenspot Road “S” Curve Realignment and Reconstruction, ±4,100 lf., $562,000; FHWA funded; de- sign and Resident Engineer services; environmental clearance and right-of-way acquisition required. 5th Street/Greenspot Road Bikeway, included widening of 2.4 miles to accommodate new bike lanes entailing grading, drainage design, and geotechnical services, plus signage for the entire ten-mile project. Article III Transit/Pedestrian Access Improvement and Base Line and Palm Avenue Sidewalk Closure and Widening Project. Nearing completion - West Base Line Bikeway and Pavement Rehabilitation Project. Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Redlands, California – Mr. Egan is responsible IRUGLUHFWLQJSODQQLQJDQGGHVLJQIRUWKHVLJQL¿FDQWDQGDJJUHVVLYHFDPSXVH[SDQVLRQEHLQJFDUULHG RXWE\(65,DVLWVHHNVWRDFFRPPRGDWHDGGLWLRQDOVWDI¿QJ3URMHFWVLQFOXGHGHVLJQRIQHZVWUHHWV planning for construction of a parking lot over an existing drainage channel, design for replacement of water and sewer lines from a street to be vacated, and preparation of grading, water quality manage- ment, and storm water pollution prevention plans for ESRI’s several building projects. Moe Ahmadi, PE | Principal Engineer Education BS, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University College Station, TX MS, Civil Engineering Construction Management, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 5HJLVWUDWLRQV&HUWL¿FDWLRQV CA, Civil Engineer No. C58784 QSD/QSP No. 00706 $I¿OLDWLRQV American Society of Civil Engineers National Society of Prof.Engineers Areas of Expertise Water Resources Engineering Flood Control Engineering Hydraulics and Hydrology Erosion Control Over the past 30 years Mr. Ahmadi has actively participated in the preparation of numerous feasibility studies, design reports, construction plans, VSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGFRVWHVWLPDWHVIRUGUDLQDJHDQG ÀRRGFRQWUROIDFLOLWLHVWKURXJKRXW6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD Mr. Ahmadi is experienced with numerous computer programs including AutoCAD 2015, CivilCAD Hydrology SURJUDPV:DWHU6XUIDFH3UR¿OH*UDGLHQW :63*  DQG+(&5$6ÀRRGSODLQDQDO\VLVVRIWZDUH0U Ahmadi is also experienced in preparation of Stork :DWHU3UHYHQWLRQ3ODQ 6:333 DVUHTXLUHGE\WKH 13'(6,QGXVWULDO*HQHUDO3HUPLWDQGWKH&RQVWUXFWLRQ *HQHUDO3HUPLW &*3 ZKLFKLGHQWLI\%03VXVHGWR reduce or eliminate potential pollutant discharges in storm water runoff. The plans have been prepared for various residential, commercial, and industrial projects in the Counties of Riverside, San Bernardino, and 2UDQJH$VSDUWRIWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRI&*30U Ahmadi has provided SWPPP services to address QHZUHTXLUHPHQWV7KLVZRUNLQFOXGHG'DWD6XEPLWWHU services, conducting the risk assessment; an evaluation of a project’s sediment risk and receiving water risk, and then determining the overall Risk Level for traditional projects, or LUP Type for linear utility projects, and assisting clients to register and submit applications in the SMARTS System to obtain the applicable WDID numbers from the SWQCB prior to construction. Similar Project Experience: 40th Street Widening Project, City of San Bernardino, CA – Project Engineer during the design of the 40th Street Widening Project in San Bernardino. $0th Street is to be widened to allow 4 travel lanes, new sidewalk, and drainage improvements. The project stretches from Victoria Ave WR.HQGDOO'ULYH7KHSURMHFWUHTXLUHV52:WDNHIURPH[LVWLQJUHVLGHQFHVDQGEXVLQHVVHVLQWKH SURMHFWYLFLQLW\WRSURYLGHDGHTXDWHOHQJWK$OVRLQFOXGHGLVWUDI¿FVLJQDOPRGL¿FDWLRQVDW(OHFWULF $YHDQGGUDLQDJHPRGL¿FDWLRQV %DVH/LQH:DWHU6WUHHWDQG*UHHQVSRW6WRUP'UDLQ,PSURYHPHQWV&LW\RI+LJKODQG — Managing (QJLQHHUGXULQJSUHSDUDWLRQRIFRQVWUXFWLRQSODQVVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGFRVWHVWLPDWHVIRUVWRUP drains ranging from 24-inch to 48-inch in size in East Highland in Base Line, Water Street, Club 9LHZDQG*UHHQVSRW7KHZRUNDOVRLQFOXGHGK\GURORJ\DQGK\GUDXOLFDQDO\VLVFRQVWUXFWLRQ management and inspection of the project. San Jacinto Area Master Drainage Plan Line “E-2” - Mr. Ahmadi served as Managing Engineer to prepare construction plans for MDP Lines E-2 and E-2A in the City of San Jacinto and Hemet. The project reach for MDP Line E-2 is over 7100 feet along State Street between Menlo Avenue and MDP Line E and over 250 feet for MDP Line E-2A along Esplanade Avenue. The size of the storm drain facilities are from 36-inch to 72-inch diameter. The scope of work included hydrology analysis to determine the 10-and 100-year storm runoff within the MDP facilities watershed. using CivilDesign software. The Hydraulic calculations for the proposed MDP facilities was performed utilizing Water 6XUIDFH3UR¿OH*UDGLHQW :63* SURJUDPODWHVWYHUVLRQE\&LYLO'HVLJQ San Jacinto Area Master Drainage Plan Line “H” - Managing Engineer to prepare a feasibility study to evaluate alternative alignments for MDP Line H, H-2 and H-3 per the current City of San Jacinto MDP. The scope of work also included preparation of construction plans for the most cost-effective alignment of the above facilities. The project included evaluation of the existing drainage facilities DWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRI5DPRQD([SUHVVZD\DQG6WDWH6WUHHWWRPLWLJDWHGUDLQDJHGH¿FLHQFLHVDV UHTXLUHG,WDOVRLQFOXGHV5DWLRQDO0HWKRG+\GURORJ\XVLQJ&LYLO'HVLJQVRIWZDUHWRGHWHUPLQHWKH and 100-year storm runoff. The Hydraulic calculations for the proposed MDP facilities was performed XWLOL]LQJ:DWHU6XUIDFH3UR¿OH*UDGLHQW :63* SURJUDPODWHVWYHUVLRQE\&LYLO'HVLJQ7KHGHVLJQ RIWKHVH0'3IDFLOLWLHVFRQVLGHUHGVDIHFRQYH\DQFHRIWKHFRQFHQWUDWHGÀRZVIURPWKHDERYH LQWHUVHFWLRQWRWKHH[LVWLQJGRXEOHIRRWE\IRRW5HLQIRUFHG&RQFUHWH%R[ 5&% QRUWKRI:HVW Community College Drive at State Street, in San Jacinto, California. The construction plans were developed to include a series of catch basins and connector pipes to LQWHUFHSWWKHVXUIDFHUXQRIIDQGWRPLQLPL]HÀRRGLQJDWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRI5DPRQD([SUHVVZD\DQG 6WDWH6WUHHWDQIRRWZLGHE\IRRWKLJK5&%DFURVV5DPRQD([SUHVVZD\DLQFK5&3 0'3 /LQH+ VWRUPGUDLQV\VWHPDORQJ6WDWH6WUHHWHDVWRIWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQDQGDLQFK5&3 0'3 /LQH+ LQ6WDWH6WUHHWWRFRQYH\ÀRZWRWKHSURSRVHG5&%DWWKLVLQWHUVHFWLRQ Montgomery Channel Repairs, City of Banning — Mr. Ahmadi served as project Manager for preparation of plans for reconstruction of Montgomery Channel at Wilson Street for the Riverside &RXQW\)ORRG&RQWURODQG:DWHU&RQVHUYDWLRQ'LVWULFW 5&)& :&' 7KHZRUNLQFOXGHG PRGL¿FDWLRQWRWKHPDLQFKDQQHOWKHH[LVWLQJMXQFWLRQVWUXFWXUHK\GUDXOLFDQDO\VLVFRQVWUXFWLRQ GHWDLOVFRVWHVWLPDWHVDQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQV7KHSODQVZHUHSUHSDUHGSHUWKH5&)& :&'JXLGHOLQHV and the drafting standard. &63'/LQHDQG0DVWHU'UDLQDJH3ODQ 0'3 8SGDWH&LW\RI&ROWRQ— Managing Engineer for a Master Plan Update and the design of a regional drainage facility to convey 1,000 cfs from a 2,045-acre area. The MDP included hydrology and hydraulic analysis, preliminary design and sizing of drainage facilities, cost estimates and a project report for the 3-5 and 3-8 watersheds within the &LW\RI&ROWRQ6WRUP'UDLQ3URMHFWUHTXLUHGWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIIHHWRIDQGLQFK reinforced concrete pipe from Valley Boulevard south to the Santa Ana River, including the installation of approximately 1,700 feet of 108-inch RCP by boring and jacking methods at multiple locations. 7KH¿QDOGHVLJQRIWKHIDFLOLWLHVLQFOXGHGWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIFRQVWUXFWLRQSODQVDQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQV PHHWLQJWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKH6DQ%HUQDUGLQR&RXQW\)ORRG&RQWURO'LVWULFWXWLOLW\FRRUGLQDWLRQDQG relocation, preparation of right-of-way documentation and coordination of construction permits from WKH6WDWHRI&DOLIRUQLDDQGWKH8QLRQ3DFL¿F5DLOURDG David Alcala, TSOS Education California State University San Bernardino (Pending) Westech College, ACCSCT, Pomona, CA 5HJLVWUDWLRQV&HUWL¿FDWLRQV 7UDI¿F6LJQDO2SHUDWLRQV6SHFLDOLVW (TSOS) 7UDI¿F6LJQDO,QVSHFWLRQ 76, &HUWL¿HG3XEOLF,QIUDVWUXFWXUH ,QVSHFWRU &3,,  3HQGLQJ $I¿OLDWLRQV ,QVWLWXWHRI7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ(QJLQHHUV $PHULFDQ3XEOLF:RUNV$VVRFLDWLRQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO0XQLFLSDO6LJQDO Association $UHDVRI([SHUWLVH 0XQLFLSDO(QJLQHHULQJ6HUYLFHV &RQVWUXFWLRQ0DQDJHPHQW 7UDI¿FDQG7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ 0U$OFDODKDVDOPRVW\HDUVRIWUDQVSRUWDWLRQDQG WUDI¿FHQJLQHHULQJGHVLJQDQGSODQQLQJH[SHULHQFH LQFOXGLQJFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWUDI¿FVLJQDOVDQG,76 FRPPXQLFDWLRQ¿EHUV\VWHPVSURMHFWV +HKDVEHHQUHVSRQVLEOHIRUPDQDJLQJRQJRLQJ SURMHFWVIRUFLWLHVWKURXJKRXW/RV$QJHOHV2UDQJH6DQ Bernardino and Riverside Counties and other agencies LQ6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD,QDGGLWLRQKHKDVVLJQL¿FDQW H[SHULHQFHZLWK&DOWUDQV'LVWULFWV DQGLV YHU\IDPLOLDUZLWKWKH6WDWHRI&DOLIRUQLD6WDQGDUGV 6SHFL¿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razil Street and Chevy Chase Drive; &LW\RI*OHQGDOH3URYLGHG&0DQGRYHUVLJKWVHUYLFHVIRUWKLVWUDI¿FVLJQDOLQWHUFRQQHFWV\VWHP DQGVWUHHWLPSURYHPHQWSURMHFW,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHVLJQDOFRQVWUXFWLRQWKHSURMHFWFRQVLVWHGRI WKHLQVWDOODWLRQRI$&SDYHPHQWFXUEDQGJXWWHUFDWFKEDVLQVDQGGURSLQOHWVDVZHOODVWKH FRQVWUXFWLRQRIDQ´VWRUPGUDLQDORQJ6DQ)HUQDQGR5RDG%URDGZD\%UD]LO6WUHHWZDV ZLGHQHGDWWKH0HWUROLQNJUDGHFURVVLQJZLWK$&RQWKHDSSURDFKHVDQGWUDQVLWLRQHGWR3&& DGMDFHQWWKHUDLOURDGWUDFN2Q6DQ)HUQDQGR5RDGDQHZVRXWKERXQG¶ZLGHULJKWWXUQ SRFNHWZDVLQVWDOOHG7KHJUDGHZDVDGMXVWHGWRDFFRPPRGDWHWKHUDLVHGJUDGHFURVVLQJZKLFK UHVXOWHGIURPWKHZLGHQLQJRIERWKURDGZD\V0U$OFDODFRRUGLQDWHGZLWKWKHRQVLWHLQVSHFWRU DQGWKHRQJRLQJDFWLYLWLHVLQDQHIIRUWWRPDLQWDLQWKHVFKHGXOHVRIPXOWLSOHGLVFLSOLQHV+H VFKHGXOHGHPSOR\HHLQWHUYLHZVDQVZHUHG5),¶VDQGDSSURYHGPLQRUFKDQJHVLQWKH¿HOG 6RQRUD$YHQXH$LU:D\DQG*UDQGYLHZ$YHQXH$LU:D\&LW\RI*OHQGDOH&0DQGSURYLGHG RYHUVLJKWRIWKHLQVSHFWLRQDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWUDI¿FVLJQDOXSJUDGHVDQGVWUHHWLPSURYHPHQWV DWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQVRI6RQRUD$YHQXH$LU:D\DQG*UDQGYLHZ$YHQXH$LU:D\7KHVFRSHRI ZRUNLQFOXGHGWKHLQVSHFWLRQRIQHZFXUEDQGJXWWHUVLGHZDONVGULYHZD\VDQG$&SDYHPHQW LQVWDOODWLRQGXHWRURDGZLGHQLQJ&RRUGLQDWHGDFWLYLWLHVEHWZHHQWKHLQVSHFWLRQDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQ FUHZVDQGZDVWKHOLDLVRQZLWKWKH&LW\¶V305HYLHZHGVKRSGUDZLQJVDQGVFKHGXOHVDQGDSSURYHG PRQWKO\LQYRLFHVDQGTXDQWLWLHV 7UDI¿F6LJQDODQG)LEHU2SWLF&RPPXQLFDWLRQV3URMHFW%6&LW\RI%XUEDQN± Provided oversight RIWKHLQVSHFWLRQDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKHWUDI¿FVLJQDOVDQGWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRI¿EHURSWLFFRQGXLW YDXOWVPDQKROHVSXOOER[HVDQGFDEOHIRUWKH&LW\RI%XUEDQNDORQJ+ROO\ZRRG:D\7KRUQWRQ $YHQXH9HUGXJR$YHQXHDQG3DVV$YHQXHIURP65WR2DN6WUHHW$PHGLDQLVODQGµSRUNFKRS¶ ZDVLQVWDOOHGLQH[LVWLQJJRUHSRLQWSDYHPHQWDUHDDWWKHFRQYHUJHQFHRIDWKLUGVWUHHW*UDGHVZHUH DGMXVWHGWRDOORZIRUZDWHUVKHHWLQJLQWRWKHQHZJXWWHUVLQWRH[LVWLQJGURSLQOHWVWRDOOHYLDWHSHULRGLF ÀRRGLQJ+HZDVWDVNHGZLWKWURXEOHVKRRWLQJPLQRUGLVFUHSDQFLHVEHWZHHQWKHSODQVDQGDFWXDO¿HOG FRQGLWLRQVVFKHGXOHGZDONWKURXJKVDQGNHSWWKH&LW\30LQIRUPHGRIZRUNWLPHWDEOHVDQGSURJUHVV &RRUGLQDWHGZLWKWKHRQVLWHLQVSHFWRUWRHQVXUHWKDWDOOZRUNZDVFRQGXFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK&LW\ VWDQGDUGV 0XOWLSOH&,36WUHHW,PSURYHPHQW3URMHFW&LW\RI'RZQH\±3URYLGHG&0RYHUVLJKWDQGFRRUGLQDWHG WKHGDLO\DFWLYLWLHVZLWKWKHRQVLWHLQVSHFWRUDQGXWLOLW\SHUVRQQHO7KLVSURMHFWFRQVWUXFWHGVHYHUDO WUDI¿FVLJQDOVDQGPLQRUVWUHHWZLGHQLQJLPSURYHPHQWVLQFOXGLQJFXUEDQGJXWWHUVLGHZDONDQG$'$ FRPSOLDQWDFFHVVLEOHUDPSV6WUHHWZLGHQLQJLQFOXGHGWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIFURVVJXWWHUDQGVSDQGUHO &RRUGLQDWHGWKHRYHUDOOZRUNHIIRUWRIWKHFRQWUDFWRUWRHQVXUHWKHVFKHGXOHZDVPDLQWDLQHG 6FKHGXOHGHPSOR\HHLQWHUYLHZVDQVZHUHG5),¶VDQGDSSURYHGPLQRUFKDQJHVLQWKH¿HOG &ROODERUDWLRQWKHGHVLJQHQJLQHHUVWKH&LW\30DQGFRQVWUXFWLRQIRUHPDQZDVQHFHVVDU\WRNHHS GHOD\VWRDPLQLPXP