Kimley-HornPROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN LANES PROJECT 2017-01 Proposal for: Prepared by: PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 „ 45-25 Manitou Drive, Suite 11 Indian Wells, CA 92210 TEL 714.786.6340 A. COVER LETTER March 27, 2019 Bryan McKinney, P.E., City Engineer City of La Quinta Design and Development 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive, Triple Left Turn Lanes, Project 2017-01 Dear Mr. McKinney and Members of the Selection Committee: The intersection of Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive is a vital link in the Cities of La Quinta, Palm Desert, and Indian Wells transportation network that provides connectivity to major regional destinations. The City of La Quinta has done an admirable job of identifying much needed improvements along the Washington Street and Fred Waring Corridors, as well as implementing many of these LPSURYHPHQWV7KHSURMHFWKDVEHHQKLJKOLJKWHGDVRQHRIWKHNH\HOHPHQWVRQWKH&LW\pVHIIRUWWRLPSURYHWUDIƂFPRYHPHQWDQGLWV transportation network. Kimley-Horn has a proven history of successful implementation of major intersection improvement projects just like Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive. As you will see in our proposal, the Kimley-Horn team has the technical expertise and depth of staff skills needed to make this project a success. We are prepared to move this project forward, improving the operation of intersection as one of the key intersections for local transportation, and developing it as an important link to the I-10 freeway and pedestrian and bike route network. Kimley-Horn offers the City a combination of informed team leadership, relevant design experience, local team resources, and a unique project understanding and approach that supports providing exceptional engineering solutions. We are committed to delivering timely, responsive, and thorough services to the City. Our team is the right choice for this project and brings the following strengths: A Team of Experts. Aryo Rad, P.E., QSD/P will serve as the project manager for this effort. Aryo is an expert in the planning, design, DQGFRQVWUXFWLRQRIURDGZD\SURMHFWVVSHFLƂFDOO\IRUFRPSOLFDWHGLQWHUVHFWLRQLPSURYHPHQWV+HKDVZRUNHGRQDPXOWLWXGHRIVLPLODU intersection projects including the Ramona Boulevard at Valley Boulevard Intersection Improvement Project, which is a key intersection at two major arterial roadways in the City of El Monte. He will use his depth of expertise and lessons learned to take your project from a goal to an implementable reality. Aryo will lead a team of engineering experts who possess broad expertise related to roadway design, JHRPHWULFDSSURYDOWUDIƂFHQJLQHHULQJELF\FOHDQGSHGHVWULDQGHVLJQGUDLQDJHDQGHQYLURQPHQWDOGRFXPHQWDWLRQ:HKDYHKDQGVRQ experience and technical competency dealing with designs in and around the City and are fully equipped to address all aspects of this project. Experienced Subconsultant Team Members. Kimley-Horn is a full-service engineering consultant that provides various services related to public works projects. We will support the City for this project mainly with our in-house staff. We also have assembled a KLJKO\TXDOLƂHGORFDOWHDPZLWKRXWVWDQGLQJH[SHULHQFH2XUWHDPLQJSDUWQHUVLQFOXGHCalvada Surveying to provide surveying services and Petra Geosciences to provide geotechnical engineering services (Optional Task). Understanding of Project Challenges and Solutions.2XUWHDPWKULYHVRQƂQGLQJQHZDQGEHWWHUZD\VWRVROYHSUREOHPV:HQRW only consider the latest standards and approaches, but also lessons learned from previous projects when crafting our approach. We carefully consider every recommendation, making sure that we are not sending the City down a path that will be costly to construct and maintain. For this project, our team has looked closely at the opportunities and constraints presented, and we have developed creative solutions, especially with the design of the proposed signal system. We appreciate your consideration of our proposal and are committed to providing the City with a responsive, cohesive team that can support the completion of this project. All the information presented within this proposal is true and correct. If you have any questions regarding our proposal during the remainder of the selection process please contact Project Manager, Aryo Rad, by telephone at 714.786.6340, via email at Aryo.Rad@Kimley-Horn.com, or at the address listed above. PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 ii Sincerely, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Aryo Rad, P.E., QSD/P Mike Sutton, P.E. Darren Adrian, P.E. Project Manager/Associate Principal-in-Charge Vice President 'DUUHQ$GULDQKDVWKHDXWKRULW\WRQHJRWLDWHDQGFRQWUDFWXDOO\ELQGWKHƂUP7KLVRIIHULVYDOLGIRUGD\V :HDFNQRZOHGJHUHFHLSWRI$GGHQGXPGDWHG0DUFK TABLE OF CONTENTS A. COVER LETTER .................................................................................................................I B. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS .....................................................................................1 C. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH ....................................................................9 D. SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM ..........................................................................................14 E. PROJECT SCHEDULE ......................................................................................................19 F. APPENDICES .................................................................................................................A-1 PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 1 B. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FIRM BACKGROUND Kimley-Horn is a full-service engineering, planning, and HQYLURQPHQWDOFRQVXOWLQJƂUPSURYLGLQJVHUYLFHVWRERWKSXEOLF and private sector clients nationwide. Since our founding in 1967, .LPOH\+RUQKDVJURZQIURPDVPDOOJURXSRIWUDIƂFHQJLQHHUVDQG WUDQVSRUWDWLRQSODQQHUVWRDƂUPRIPRUHWKDQHPSOR\HHVLQ RIƂFHVQDWLRQZLGHLQFOXGLQJLQ&DOLIRUQLD7RGD\ZHDUHRQH RIWKHODUJHVWHQJLQHHULQJFRQVXOWLQJƂUPVLQWKH862XUJURZWK over the last 52 years is the direct result of our commitment to integrity and dedication to providing quality services. Our clients UHFHLYHWKHORFDONQRZOHGJHDQGUHVSRQVLYHQHVVRIDVPDOOƂUP EDFNHGE\WKHUHVRXUFHVRQO\DQDWLRQDOƂUPFDQRIIHU 2XUSURSRVHGWHDPKDVDGLYHUVLƂHGSRUWIROLRRIH[SHUWLVHUHODWHG to roadway design for urban, rural, primary, secondary, and interstate roadways for clients ranging from municipalities and state Departments of Transportation to private developers. We are well- equipped to address any aspect of roadway design. A summary of our experience in service areas relevant to this project is provided on the following pages. ROADWAY AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS $URDGZD\LQWHUVHFWLRQLVDG\QDPLFHOHPHQWLQ\RXUWUDQVSRUWDWLRQLQIUDVWUXFWXUH7KHHIƂFLHQF\RILQWHUVHFWLRQRSHUDWLRQPD[LPL]HVWKHHIƂFLHQF\RIWKH entire roadway system. As travel patterns change and grow, intersections need to be “retuned” to provide long-term safe operation and meet the future capacity needs of the City’s transportation network. As with most things, sooner is better than later for everyone involved. Every intersection has a unique combination of features—roadway layout, signal equipment, and mix and volume of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles. As a result, every intersection UHTXLUHVFDUHIXOVWXG\WRGHYHORSDQGDSSO\VDIHHIƂFLHQWDQGƃH[LEOHGHVLJQ.LPOH\+RUQLVFRPPLWWHGWRWKLVW\SHRIEDODQFHGGHVLJQDQGDSSURDFKHV this project with a “large toolbox” and a clear understanding of regional and local intersection planning and design. Our in-house staff, based in our ORFDO&RDFKHOOD9DOOH\5LYHUVLGHDQG2UDQJHRIƂFHVLVHTXLSSHGWRDGGUHVVDOODVSHFWVRIURDGZD\GHVLJQLQFOXGLQJLQWHUVHFWLRQJHRPHWULFVXWLOLW\ UHORFDWLRQVWUDIƂFFRQWUROVLJQDOL]DWLRQVVLJQLQJDQGPDUNLQJODQGVFDSLQJDQGKDUGVFDSLQJDQGZDWHUTXDOLW\ TRAFFIC ENGINEERING :HRIIHUFRPSOHWHWUDIƂFHQJLQHHULQJVHUYLFHVLQKRXVH.LPOH\+RUQKDVFRPSOHWHGWKRXVDQGVRIWUDIƂFHQJLQHHULQJSURMHFWVUDQJLQJIURPPDMRU DUHDZLGHV\VWHPVLQYROYLQJKXQGUHGVRILQWHUVHFWLRQVWRVLQJOHLQWHUVHFWLRQGHVLJQVDQGDQDO\VHV2XUWUDIƂFHQJLQHHULQJVWDIILQFOXGHVOLFHQVHGWUDIƂF HQJLQHHUVWKDWDUHH[SHUWVLQDOODVSHFWVRIWUDIƂFHQJLQHHULQJDQGRSHUDWLRQV2XUVSHFLDOWLHVLQFOXGH • Intersection design •7UDIƂFVLJQVDQGPDUNLQJSODQV •7HPSRUDU\WUDIƂFFRQWUROSODQV •6FKRRO]RQHVLJQVDQGPDUNLQJSODQVDQGVFKRROURXWHSODQV •6SHHG]RQHVWXGLHV •7UDIƂFVDIHW\DQGRSHUDWLRQVVWXGLHV • Accident analysis and expert testimony • Pedestrian and bicycle safety programs • Innovative parking, access, and circulation studies and designs •7UDIƂFFDOPLQJSODQV • Signal system design, coordination, and operations STREET LIGHTING .LPOH\+RUQKDVOLJKWLQJVSHFLDOLVWVZKRGHVLJQDQGVHOHFWOLJKWƂ[WXUHVWKDWDUHWKHPDWLFDOO\DQGIXQFWLRQDOO\VXLWDEOHIRUHDFKSURMHFW$SSURSULDWH lighting—both aesthetically and functionally—can help to provide clarity of directional cues for cars, service providers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The DSSURSULDWHOHYHORIOLJKWLQJLQSXEOLFVSDFHVUHVXOWVLQDƂ[WXUHTXDQWLW\HQKDQFLQJWKHRYHUDOOGHVLJQH[SHULHQFHDQGSURYLGLQJXVHUVHFXULW\\HWQRW spilling over to adjacent uses. Kimley-Horn has performed lighting analysis and design using IES design standards and the Federal Roadway Lighting Handbook standards to address street lighting and parking/area lighting across the country. Where required or desired, Kimley-Horn also has designed lighting systems in accordance with Dark Sky ordinances and guidelines. LED lighting requires the use of software tools that can accommodate this technology’s differences from traditional lighting sources. Kimley-Horn uses the latest version of AGI32, which is capable of handling LED photometric calculations, to layout the preliminary design for pole locations and modeling the predicted lighting levels for the site. 52YEARS 88 OFFICES 3,500+ EMPLOYEES PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 2 DRAINAGE AND WATER QUALITY Our drainage engineering services include the design of canals, culvert crossings, water control structures, roads, levees, bridges, and pump VWUXFWXUHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYHSURMHFWDUHDVUDQJHLQVL]HIURPRQHWRPRUHWKDQDFUHVDQGRXUHQJLQHHUVKDYHEHHQFDOOHGXSRQE\QXPHURXV public agencies and major agricultural, industrial, and residential developers. Our staff has the expertise to conduct preliminary studies and drainage consultation, hydraulic analysis and modeling, prepare stormwater management plans, conduct bridge scour analysis, prepare FEMA map revisions, SHUIRUPƃRRGSODLQDQDO\VLVDQGFRRUGLQDWHSHUPLWDSSOLFDWLRQVRQEHKDOIRIRXUFOLHQWV UTILITY COORDINATION Every project is unique and presents its own special design challenges; however, the most frequent challenge we face in local road design projects are related to existing utilities. The majority of the projects under this category are located in developed areas where utility facilities are currently within the proposed project area and any roadway improvement will generally affect or be affected by the location of the utility facilities. Making matters ZRUVHXWLOLW\FRPSDQLHVFDQQRWDQGZLOOQRWYHULI\WKHGHSWKRIWKHLUIDFLOLWLHVDQGWKHGHSWKFDQQRWW\SLFDOO\EHƂHOGFKHFNHGWKHUHIRUHWKHUHLVDOZD\V WKHSRWHQWLDOIRUDXWLOLW\FRQƃLFWGXULQJFRQVWUXFWLRQ.LPOH\+RUQpVXWLOLW\FDSDELOLWLHVHQFRPSDVVDOOSODQQLQJGHVLJQSHUPLWWLQJFRRUGLQDWLRQDQG construction observation services required from the onset of a project through the approval process to completion of construction. Our professionals ZRUNFORVHO\ZLWKXWLOLW\RZQHUVDVZHOODVRWKHUSURMHFWVWDNHKROGHUVWRPDNHVXUHXWLOLW\FRQƃLFWVDUHLGHQWLƂHGHDUO\LQWKHSURFHVVDQGDUHTXLFNO\ UHVROYHG7KLVSURFHVVKDVSURYHQWRVLJQLƂFDQWO\UHGXFHWKHXWLOLW\FRQƃLFWVGXULQJWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQSKDVHVDYLQJWLPHDQGPRQH\ LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 7KHEDVLFWHQHWRIURDGZD\ODQGVFDSLQJLVWRSURYLGHDQHQMR\DEOHGULYLQJH[SHULHQFHZKLOHUHFRJQL]LQJWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIVDIHW\DQGPDLQWHQDQFH Kimley-Horn has designed many roadway landscapes and each represents the challenges associated with limited space, water conservation, plant VXUYLYDELOLW\XWLOLW\FRQƃLFWVDQGWUDIƂFFRQJHVWLRQ2XUODQGVFDSHGHVLJQDSSURDFKLVWRXVHSODQWPDWHULDOLQDPDQQHUWKDWFUHDWHVDqUK\WKPrRU “theme” for the roadway corridor. Varying tree heights, combining different plant species for textural interest, and spacing plant material are methods of creating aesthetically pleasing vehicular corridors. Practical restrictions related to federal requirements, City and County standards for plant selection, application of xeriscape principles, and roadway design and road lighting will often dictate design. The effective use and placement of vertical features including trees, signs, and light poles will result in a landscape treatment that provides optimum safety, pleasing aesthetics, and low maintenance. PROPOSED PROJECT PERSONNEL .LPOH\+RUQNQRZVWKDWZKHQ\RXFKRRVHDFRQVXOWLQJƂUP\RXDUHUHDOO\FKRRVLQJWKHSHRSOHZKRZLOOEULQJ\RXWHFKQLFDOH[SHUWLVHKDQGVRQ H[SHULHQFHZLWKVLPLODUSURMHFWVDQGDFRPPLWPHQWWRWLPHO\ƂUVWUDWHGHOLYHUDEOHVDQGFOLHQWVHUYLFH7KHSURSRVHG.LPOH\+RUQWHDPKDVDKLVWRU\ of successfully completing similar intersection improvement projects for local agencies across Southern California and has been structured to provide strong support to the City’s project manager. With Kimley-Horn as your consultant, you can rest assured that your project will not only be completed within time and budget, but also with the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices in mind. Our team will be led by Aryo Rad, P.E., QSD/P, a successful Kimley-Horn project manager with over two decades of experience partnering with local public agencies on a variety of intersection improvement projects. Aryo will serve as your day-to-day contact, making sure that our team establishes DQGPDLQWDLQVDFORVHZRUNLQJUHODWLRQVKLSZLWK&LW\VWDIIWKURXJKRXWWKHSURMHFW$U\RZLOORYHUVHHDWHDPRIZHOOTXDOLƂHGHQJLQHHUVDQGDQDO\VWV VSHFLDOL]LQJLQFLYLOHQJLQHHULQJDQGURDGZD\GHVLJQGUDLQDJHDQGZDWHUTXDOLW\GHVLJQWUDIƂFHQJLQHHULQJDQGVWUHHWOLJKWGHVLJQXWLOLW\FRRUGLQDWLRQ landscape and irrigation, and surveying. PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 3 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 7KHRUJDQL]DWLRQDOFKDUWEHORZGHOLQHDWHVWKHQDPHVDQGUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVRIERWK.LPOH\+RUQSHUVRQQHODQGRXUVXEFRQVXOWDQWVpVWDII,IVHOHFWHG$U\R DQGWKHUHVWRIWKHLGHQWLƂHGWHDPZLOOEHDYDLODEOHWRWKHH[WHQWSURSRVHGIRUWKHGXUDWLRQRIWKHUHTXLUHGVHUYLFHV1RSHUVRQGHVLJQDWHGDVqNH\rVKDOO be removed or replaced without the prior written concurrence of the City. Resumes for our proposed key team members are included in the Appendix section of our proposal, as instructed in the RFP. TEAMING PARTNERS In an effort to provide the City with the depths of resources necessary to seamlessly complete this project, Kimley-Horn has partnered with a few VSHFLDOW\VXEFRQVXOWDQWV7KHVHƂUPVDUHQRWRQO\WDOHQWHGIURPDWHFKQLFDOVWDQGSRLQWEXWDOVRKDYHDQXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKHORFDOHQYLURQPHQWDQG VWURQJZRUNLQJUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKPHPEHUVRIWKH.LPOH\+RUQWHDP%ULHIƂUPSURƂOHVIRURXUWHDPLQJSDUWQHUVDUHSURYLGHGEHORZ Calvada Surveying, Inc. is a Disabled Veteran and Minority Disadvantaged-Owned land surveying business established in 1989. They provide professional land surveying services for various industries, including the Transportation, Real Estate, Telecommunications, Construction, and Environmental industries. They pride themselves not only as a pioneer of advanced ODQGVXUYH\LQJWHFKQRORJ\EXWDOVRDVDFRPSDQ\ZLWKDQLPPHQVHO\GHGLFDWHGDQGH[SHULHQFHGVWDIIWKDWLQFOXGHVSURIHVVLRQDOODQGVXUYH\RUVTXDOLƂHG ƂHOGDQGRIƂFHSHUVRQQHOLQKRXVHVXSSRUWVWDIIPDSSLQJWHFKQLFLDQVDQGSURMHFWPDQDJHUVDOORIZKLFKPDLQWDLQVWULFWSURIHVVLRQDOLVPDQGH[SHUWLVH Petra Geosciences, Inc.LVDJHRWHFKQLFDODQGHQYLURQPHQWDOFRQVXOWLQJƂUPIRXQGHGLQDV(DUWK5HVHDUFK Associates and incorporated in 1988 as Petra. Their workforce consists of an interdisciplinary group of professionals including licensed engineers, geologists, environmental scientists, hydrogeologists, technicians, and administrative support staff. Petra has been serving the Coachella Valley with a permanent presence since 2006. They have been providing geotechnical project services for public agencies since inception, which include preliminary investigations, grading plan reviews, observation and testing VHUYLFHVGXULQJHDUWKZRUNRSHUDWLRQVDVZHOODVJHRKD]DUGVUHSRUWVDQGUHPHGLDWLRQPHDVXUHVHUYLFHVWKURXJKRXW6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLDHQFRPSDVVLQJ various phases of new construction, transportation projects, rehabilitation and additions to existing structures. Project Manager Aryo Rad, P.E., QSD/P* Principal-in-Charge Mike Sutton, P.E.* QC/QA Darren Adrian, P.E.* Jean Fares, P.E.* Drainage & Water Quality Sam McWhorter, P.E.* Tammie Moreno, P.E., QSD/P Tim Brown, EIT, CFM Civil Engineering and Roadway Design Leo Espelet, P.E., T.E.* Stephanie Lam, P.E. Gyan Sinha, P.E. Othman Elmezain, EIT 7UDIƂF(QJLQHHULQJ Street Lights Jason Melchor, P.E.* Tim Chan, P.E. Utility Coordination Jason Marechal, P.E., LEED AP* Lucas Teani, P.E. Kameron Qureshi, EIT Environmental Studies Kevin Thomas, CEP, ENV SP* Dana Privitt, AICP Kari Cano Ace Malisos Landscape & Irrigation Michael Madsen, PLA, CLIA, ASLA* Randall Kopff, PLA Matthew Morgan, PLA, ASLA Geotechnical Engineering Siamak Jafroudi, Ph.D., P.E., GE, REA1 Alan Pace, PG, CEG1 Surveying Michael Knapton, P.E., PLS* Armando DuPont, PLS*2 Saul Melgarejo, LSIT2 *Key Staff Subconsultants 1. Petra Geosciences, Inc. 2. Calvada Surveying, Inc. PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 4 KIMLEY-HORN RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Our team has the necessary experience to make this project a success. We offer the City the high level of attention to detail and client service that has become a trademark of Kimley-Horn, as well as creative approaches to meeting your project’s needs. The following projects highlight our team’s comparable experience. Our clients know that with Kimley-Horn, they can expect more and experience better. That’s why, in addition to reading the ways in which we have served our clients below, we invite you to contact them personally regarding our work history and quality of service. Ramona Boulevard at Valley Boulevard Intersection Improvements, El Monte, CA The City of El Monte intends to improve the arterial level of service and increase vehicular capacity at the Ramona Boulevard/Valley Boulevard intersection by widening DQGUHFRQƂJXULQJWKHH[LVWLQJƂYHSRLQWLQWHUVHFWLRQWRDIRXUSRLQWLQWHUVHFWLRQ7KH City selected Kimley-Horn to assist with the proposed improvements, which involve ULJKWRIZD\DFTXLVLWLRQVJHRPHWULFDOGHVLJQPRGLƂFDWLRQVDW9DOOH\0DOOWRDOORZIRU ULJKWLQDQGULJKWRXWWUDIƂFPRYHPHQWYDULRXVXWLOLW\DGMXVWPHQWVUHORFDWLRQVWUDIƂF signal improvements; bus stop and bus shelter relocations; and parkway and sidewalk PRGLƂFDWLRQV7KHSURMHFWZLOOUHVXOWLQDFRPSOHWH36 (SDFNDJHIRUELGGLQJDQG construction purposes. The project’s scope of work includes right-of-way acquisition, LQWHUVHFWLRQZLGHQLQJWUDIƂFVWXG\DQGHYDOXDWLRQWUDIƂFVDIHW\HQKDQFHPHQWWUDIƂF circulation, CEQA, Phase I site assessment, active transportation, community engagement and public outreach, drainage analysis, water quality management plan, and landscaping and street amenities. Client Name: City of El Monte Client Reference: Branden Yu, Public Works and Utilities Director; 11333 Valley Blvd., El Monte, CA 91731; 626.580.2087; byu@elmonteca.gov Year Completed: Ongoing Project Design Cost: $570,262 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Aryo Rad, Jason Melchor, Randall Kopff, Stephanie Lam, Alan Huynh, Kameron Qureshi Harbor Boulevard/Lambert Road Intersection Widening, La Habra, CA This project involved the intersection widening at Harbor Boulevard/Lambert Road to provide DGGLWLRQDOWUDIƂFODQHVRQDOODSSURDFKHVWRWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQ7KLVSURMHFWFRQVWUXFWHGGXDO left-turn lanes on all approaches and right turn lanes on the northbound and southbound DSSURDFKHV7KHSURMHFWDOVRLQYROYHGWUDIƂFVLJQDOPRGLƂFDWLRQVVLJQLQJDQGVWULSLQJFDWFK basin relocations, power pole relocations, construction of sidewalk access ramps, constructing and removing driveways, and utility manhole and valve adjustments. Client Name: City of La Habra Client Reference: Chris Johansen, City Engineer; 201 E. La Habra Blvd., La Habra, CA 90631; 562.905.9720; chris@lahabracity.com Year Completed: 2016 Project Design Cost: $372,860 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Darren Adrian, Jason Melchor, Jason Marechal Gene Autry Way Improvements, Anaheim, CA Kimley-Horn has provided design and construction support services to improve and widen Gene Autry Way and the west side of State College Boulevard adjacent to an Angel Stadium ingress/egress point. The project will widen both streets to increase capacity while providing space for bicyclists and facilities for pedestrian circulation. Multiple bio-retention facilities are being provided to comply with SWRCB requirements. The project also includes right-of-way DFTXLVLWLRQQHFHVVDU\PRGLƂFDWLRQVWRDGMDFHQWSURSHUWLHVXWLOLW\UHORFDWLRQV WUDIƂFVLJQDOVOLJKWLQJDQGVSHFLDOFRQVLGHUDWLRQVUHODWHGWR$QJHO6WDGLXP HYHQWWUDIƂF Client Name: City of Anaheim Client Reference: Jimson Gutierrez, Associate Engineer; 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 276, Anaheim, CA 92805; 714.765.5251; jgutierrez@anaheim.net Year Completed: Under Construction Project Design Cost: $623,783 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Aryo Rad, Darren Adrian, Jason Melchor, Michael Madsen, Stephanie Lam, Alan Huynh, Kameron Qureshi PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 5 Ocean Park Boulevard Complete Green Street Project, Santa Monica, CA .LPOH\+RUQSURYLGHG36 (VHUYLFHVIRUWKH2FHDQ3DUN%RXOHYDUG&RPSOHWH*UHHQ6WUHHW Project. The Kimley-Horn team designed improvements to provide connections between the neighborhoods on the north and south side of Ocean Park Boulevard and create an inviting environment for residents. A major requirement of this project was to provide an active transportation, bicycle and pedestrian facility along the entire project. Kimley-Horn designed access and connectivity improvements to include the addition of three proposed crosswalks, HQKDQFHG&ODVV,,ELF\FOHODQHVWUDIƂFFDOPLQJPHDVXUHVVXFKDVODQGVFDSHGPHGLDQV pork-chops and curb extensions, and pedestrian level lighting along the thoroughfare. In addition, Kimley-Horn provided watershed improvements to help reduce pollutants for urban runoff while also reducing the overall volume of stormwater runoff reaching Santa Monica Bay. Sustainable design elements include the addition of curb extensions, bio-retention areas, and permeable paving in areas outside of public travel ways. Client Name: City of Santa Monica Client Reference: Carlos Rosales, Civil Engineering Associate; 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401; 310.458.8291; carlos.rosales@smgov.net Year Completed: 2014 Project Design Cost: $574,500 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Jean Fares, Darren Adrian, Jason Melchor Proposition 84 Green Streets Demonstration Project, Glendale, CA 7KH&LW\RI*OHQGDOHUHFHLYHGD3URSRVLWLRQ*UHHQLQJ3URMHFW*UDQWZKLFKUHVXOWHGLQWKH&LW\pVƂUVW Green Streets project. For 5,539 linear feet of roadway along South Louise Street and East Harvard Street. With a strong emphasis on urban greening, the City’s objective was to combine multimodal infrastructure improvements with enhancements to water quality and stormwater management. One key element that Kimley-Horn worked closely with the City on was the creative protection of existing catch basins and building the bioswale/bio-retention around the inlets to save cost. This concept also required interface with LACFCD for the protection of their drainage system. Kimley-Horn provided FRQVWUXFWLRQ36 (WRFRPSOHWHWKHGHVLJQRIWKLVSURMHFW6FRSHRIZRUNHOHPHQWVLQFOXGHGWKH GHYHORSPHQWRIVWUHHWLPSURYHPHQWSODQVWUDIƂFVLJQLQJDQGVWULSLQJSODQVWUDIƂFVLJQDOPRGLƂFDWLRQ SODQVƃDVKLQJEHDFRQSODQVELRVZDOHLPSURYHPHQWSODQVGHWDLOVDQGVWRUPGUDLQLPSURYHPHQW plans. This project was so successful that it was awarded Project of the Year in 2017 by the Southern California Chapter of APWA. Client Name: City of Glendale Client Reference: Sarkis Oganesyan, Engineering Project Specialist; 613 E. Broadway, Ste. 209, Glendale, CA 91206; 818.937.8242; Soganesyan@glendaleca.gov Year Completed: 2016 Project Design Cost: $201,751 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Jean Fares, Jason Melchor Santa Ana Boulevard and 5th Street Protected Bike Lane, Santa Ana, CA .LPOH\+RUQLVSURYLGLQJ36 (WRWKH&LW\RI6DQWD$QDWRFRQVWUXFWDSSUR[LPDWHO\ two miles of one-way median protected cycle track, and 0.4 miles of two-way median protected cycle track to connect cyclists from the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center (SARTC) to the downtown and Civic Center areas along Santa Ana Boulevard and 5th Street. This project, which is funded by the Statewide Active Transportation Program, is an important element of the City’s efforts to promote Complete Streets with multiple transportation options. The bike lane integrates into the OC Streetcar Project on Santa Ana Boulevard, with bikeways along the corridor which Kimley- Horn is also working on. Client Name: City of Santa Ana Client Reference: Jason Gabriel, Principal Civil Engineer; 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701; 714.647.5653; JGabriel@santa-ana.org Year Completed: Ongoing Project Design Cost: $626,700 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Aryo Rad, Darren Adrian, Jason Melchor, Michael Madsen, Stephanie Lam, Gyan Sinha, Kameron Qureshi PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 6 ,PSHULDO+LJKZD\7UDIƂF6LJQDO)LEHU2SWLF&RPPXQLFDWLRQ6\VWHPDQG8SJUDGHV3URMHFW'RZQH\&$ 7KLVSURMHFWLQYROYHGWKHH[WHQVLRQRIDQH[LVWLQJ&LW\ƂEHURSWLFFRPPXQLFDWLRQVV\VWHPWRLQWHUFRQQHFWWKHWUDIƂFVLJQDOVDORQJ,PSHULDO+LJKZD\ LQFOXGLQJDOORWKHU,76ƂHOGGHYLFHVLQVWDOOHGDORQJWKHFRUULGRU.LPOH\+RUQSURGXFHGGHVLJQWRƂOOƂEHUJDSVIURP%HOOƃRZHU%RXOHYDUGWR:RRGUXII $YHQXHDQGSURYLGHGGHVLJQIRUVLJQDOXSJUDGHVLQFOXGLQJYLGHRGHWHFWLRQDORQJWKHFRUULGRUWKDWZRXOGWLHLQWRWKHQHZDQGH[LVWLQJ&LW\ƂEHU RSWLFVQHWZRUN7KHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVQHWZRUNHVVHQWLDOO\FRQVLVWVRIDULQJWRSRORJ\RIƂHOGKXEVDQGWKH70&DVZHOODVVWDUWRSRORJ\RIVLJQDOL]HG LQWHUVHFWLRQV7KHSURMHFWOHQJWKLVDSSUR[LPDWHO\WKUHHPLOHVDQGLQFOXGHVHLJKWVLJQDOL]HGLQWHUVHFWLRQV Client Name: City of Downey Client Reference: Edwin Norris, Deputy Director of Public Works; 11111 Brookshire Avenue, Downey, CA 90241; 562.904.7110; enorris@downeyca.org Year Completed: 2017 Project Design Cost: $73,567 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Jean Fares, Jason Melchor Seal Beach Boulevard Street Widening Improvements, Seal Beach, CA Kimley-Horn provided design services to add a third southbound through lane between Saint Cloud Drive and Old Ranch Parkway. This project was LPSOHPHQWHGWRFRQIRUPWRWKHWUDIƂFVWXG\UHFRPPHQGDWLRQVIRUWKHDGMDFHQW+29&RQQHFWRU3URMHFWDQGWRPDWFKWKHQXPEHURIODQHVWR the south on the freeway overcrossing structure. This was accomplished through shifting and narrowing the existing raised medians and widening the existing east curb between Lampson Avenue and Saint Cloud Drive. Client Name: City of Seal Beach Client Reference: Michael Ho, Director of Public Works/City Engineer; 211 Eighth Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740; 562.431.2527 x 1322; mho@sealbeachca.gov Year Completed: 2013 Project Design Cost: $193,206 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Darren Adrian, Jason Melchor Azusa Avenue/Amar Road Intersection Improvements (Triple Left Turn Lanes), West Covina, CA .LPOH\+RUQSUHSDUHGWKHLQLWLDOWUDIƂFVWXGLHVRSHUDWLRQDODQDO\VLVFRQFHSWXDO GHVLJQDOWHUQDWLYHVDQGƂQDOGHVLJQ36 (IRULPSURYHPHQWVWRWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRI $]XVD$YHQXHDQG$PDU5RDG7KLVLQWHUVHFWLRQLVRQHRIWKHEXVLHVWLQWKH&LW\DQG has been ranked as one of the busiest in all of the San Gabriel Valley. Total daily approach volumes average approximately 70,000 vehicles per day (38,000 on $]XVD$YHQXHDQGRQ$PDU5RDG 7KHLQWHUVHFWLRQZDVDQDO\]HGDVSDUWRI VHYHUDOGLIIHUHQWGHYHORSPHQWWUDIƂFLPSDFWDQDO\VLVUHSRUWVWUDIƂFVLJQDOWLPLQJDQG coordination projects, and a state-funded capacity enhancement project. Kimley-Horn developed three different alternative intersection improvements: • An at-grade improvement that added lanes to each intersection approach • $QDWJUDGHURXQGDERXW WUDIƂFFLUFOH  • A grade-separated improvement 7KHƂUVWDOWHUQDWLYHZDVVHOHFWHGIRUƂQDOGHVLJQ7KLVUHTXLUHGZLGHQLQJDORQJHDFKOHJRIWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQLQDWLJKWO\FRQVWUDLQHGDUHD,QDGGLWLRQ WRDGGLQJWKURXJKODQHVDQGULJKWWXUQODQHVRSSRVLQJWULSOHOHIWWXUQODQHVZHUHDGGHGDORQJ$]XVD$YHQXH6SHFLƂFGHVLJQFKDOOHQJHVHQWDLOHG DFFRPPRGDWLQJWUXFNRIIWUDFNLQJWKURXJKWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQPLQLPL]LQJULJKWRIZD\DFTXLVLWLRQVDQGMRLQLQJH[LVWLQJLPSURYHPHQWV'HVLJQHOHPHQWV LQFOXGHGFXUEZLGHQLQJPHGLDQPRGLƂFDWLRQVUHWDLQLQJZDOOVVWRUPGUDLQPRGLƂFDWLRQVWUDIƂFVLJQDOPRGLƂFDWLRQVLJQLQJDQGVWULSLQJDQGWZR$'$ compliant pedestrian ramp structures. Client Name: City of West Covina Client Reference: Miguel Hernandez, Public Works Projects Supervisor; 1444 W. Garvey Ave. South, West Covina, CA 91790; 626.939.8731; Miguel.hernandez@ westcovina.org Year Completed: 2009 (Construction) Project Design Cost: $109,827 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Jean Fares, Darren Adrian, Jason Melchor PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 7 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Camino Las Ramblas Local Streets Pavement Rehabilitation Project, San Juan Capistrano, CA Calvada was contracted to perform a topographic survey of 16,200 linear feet along various local streets within the Camino Las Ramblas Community in the City of San Juan Capistrano. The survey was used as the base map for future street rehabilitation designs. The topographic survey included detailed FURVVVHFWLRQRIDOOWKHORFDOVWUHHWV7KHVXUYH\DOVRLQFOXGHGWRSRJUDSKLFLQIRUPDWLRQRIDOOWKHFXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHVVLGHZDONVDQGDOOYLVLEOH XWLOLWLHV0RVWRIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQFDPHIURPDQDHULDOVXUYH\KRZHYHUWKHIRRWVXUYH\GDWDZDVXVHGWRSURGXFHD&LYLO'VXUIDFHWKDWZDVXWLOL]HG by the design group to aid in the design. Project also consisted of researching and plotting the record boundary with the respective Assessor’s Parcel 1XPEHUIRUHDFKDGMDFHQWSURSHUW\ Client Name: City of San Juan Capistrano/GHD Client Reference: Sarmad Farjo; 320 Goddard Way, Irvine, CA 92618; 949.293.8690; sarmad.farjo@ghd.com Year Completed: 2017 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Armando DuPont, Saul Melgarejo City Creek/Alabama Street Bikeway PS&E, Highland, CA 7KH&LW\&UHHN$ODEDPD6WUHHW%LNHZD\V 3URMHFW DQRQPRWRUL]HGWUDQVSRUWDWLRQSURMHFWDORQJFRQWLJXRXVPLOHVRIVWUHHWVDQGHDVHPHQWVLQWKH&LW\ of Highland, will construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements including pavement widening, curb ramps, sidewalks, pavement markings and striping, Class I and II bikeway/pedestrian paths, bicycle/pedestrian bridge, bike racks, bollards, bike signals, in-roadway bicycle detection, pedestrian heads, enhanced crosswalks, roadway and bikeway signage and lighting. Calvada Surveying Inc. was contracted to perform aerial and terrestrial land surveying VHUYLFHVZLWKLQWKHSURMHFWOLPLWV7KHVXUYH\ZLOOEHXVHGDVWKHEDVHPDSIRUWKHƂQDO36 (IRUDOOVWUHHWELNHZD\DQGSHGHVWULDQLPSURYHPHQW SODQVDQGSURƂOHVLQFOXGLQJUHPRYDOVXWLOLW\UHORFDWLRQVDQGDGMXVWPHQWVSDYHPHQWZLGHQLQJFXUEDQGJXWWHUFXUEUDPSVPHGLDQFXUEVVLGHZDONV pavement widening, pavement rehabilitation, slurry seal, pavement markings and striping, Class I and II Bicycle/Pedestrian paths, bike racks, bollards, ELNHVLJQDOVLQURDGZD\ELF\FOHGHWHFWLRQSHGHVWULDQKHDGVHQKDQFHGFURVVZDONVZDUQLQJEHDFRQVURDGZD\DQGELNHZD\VLJQDJHOLJKWLQJDQGWUDIƂF control. Client Name: City of Highland/KOA Corporation Client Reference: Ming Guan; 3190 C Shelby Street, Ontario, CA 91764; 909.230.7207; mguan@koacorp.com Year Completed: 2018 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Armando DuPont, Saul Melgarejo Cycle 7 Citywide Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Enhancements, Moreno Valley, CA The client requested for a detailed topographic survey of Perris Blvd., Alessandro Blvd., and Brodiaea Ave. (2,660 linear feet) for design purposes. This LQFOXGHGGHWDLOHGFURVVVHFWLRQVRIWKHPDMRUVWUHHWVVXUURXQGLQJWKHVLWH,WDOVRLQFOXGHGWRSRJUDSKLFLQIRUPDWLRQRIDOOWKHFXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHV VLGHZDONVDQGDOOYLVLEOHXWLOLWLHV7KHWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\DOVRLQFOXGHGFRQWRXUVWKDWZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKHGHVLJQ3URMHFWDOVR included boundary analysis based on the provided title report, plotting existing easements and creating street dedication legal descriptions and exhibits. The scope also included the detailed survey of 36 Ramps for aiding the team in ADA Compliant designs. The ramps were spread out throughout the City of Moreno Valley. Client Name: City of Moreno Valley/GHD Client Reference: Sarmad Farjo; 320 Goddard Way, Irvine, CA 92618; 949.293.8690; sarmad.farjo@ghd.com Year Completed: 2016 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Armando DuPont, Saul Melgarejo Various Street Rehabilitation Projects, Lynwood, CA Calvada provided professional land surveying services for this project which consisted of a Topographic Survey of 8,005 Linear Feet and 22 intersections. The survey for design purposes was completed under the supervision of Mr. DuPont. The map included detailed cross sections of the major VWUHHWVVXUURXQGLQJWKHVLWH,WDOVRLQFOXGHGWRSRJUDSKLFLQIRUPDWLRQRIDOOWKHFXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHVVLGHZDONVEXLOGLQJVDQGDOOYLVLEOHXWLOLWLHV7KH WRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\DOVRLQFOXGHGFRQWRXUVWKDWZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKHGHVLJQRILPSURYHPHQWV7KHSURMHFWDOVRLQFOXGHGD5LJKW RI:D\ERXQGDU\DQDO\VLV7KHWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\LQFOXGHGDOOWKHFXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHVVLGHZDONVEXLOGLQJV LIZLWKLQIHHWRIIURPWKHULJKWRI ZD\ PDMRUVLWHIHDWXUHVDQGDOOYLVLEOHXWLOLWLHV&DOYDGDSURYLGHGIHHWFURVVVHFWLRQV'HOLYHUDEOHVZHUHDQ$XWR&$'DQG3')ƂOHRIWKH7RSRJUDSKLF Survey. The base map was in scale 1”=20’ with 1-foot contours and the Civil 3D surface was provided to the design group. Client Name: City of Lynwood/NV5 Client Reference: Amy Amirani; 9890 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92618; 949.295.5189; amy.amirani@nv5.com Year Completed: 2016 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Armando DuPont, Saul Melgarejo PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 8 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Essential Transportation Infrastructure Phase II, Desert Hot Springs, CA 3HWUDSHUIRUPHGDƂHOGLQYHVWLJDWLRQWRGHWHUPLQHWKHFRQGLWLRQVRIWKHSDYHPHQWRQH[LVWLQJURDGZD\VDQGUHVLGHQWLDOVWUHHWV7KHLQYHVWLJDWLRQLQFOXGHG documentation of the existing conditions, coring the existing asphalt, excavating and sampling the subgrade materials and laboratory testing of the asphaltic concrete cores and subsurface soil samples. A report was prepared providing recommendations for street rehabilitation. Client Name: City of Desert Hot Springs/DUDEK Client Reference: Chuck Greeley; 78075 Main Street, La Quinta, CA 92253; 760.341.6660; cgreely@dudek.com Year Completed: 2009 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Alan Pace, Siamak Jafroudi Enterprise Way Extension Project, Coachella, CA Petra conducted a preliminary geotechnical investigation for the extension (approximately ¾ mile) of Enterprise Way for the City of Coachella. The investigation was to determine earthwork and subgrade conditions and recommendations as well as pavement structural section design. The investigation also included the provision of recommendations for construction of sewage and water pipelines within the right of way. Client Name: City of Coachella/MSA Engineering Client Reference: Marco Celedon; 34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270; 760.320.9811; MCeledon@msaconsultinginc.com Year Completed: 2010 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Alan Pace, Siamak Jafroudi Vista Chino Improvements, Cathedral City, CA Petra conducted a preliminary geotechnical investigation for the improvements to Vista Chino in Cathedral City between Gene Autry and Date Palm Drive. The investigation was to determine earthwork and subgrade conditions and recommendations as well as pavement structural section design. Client Name: City of Cathedral City Client Reference: John Corella; 68700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234; 760.770.0327; JCorella@cathedralcity.gov Year Completed: 2017 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Alan Pace, Siamak Jafroudi CV Link Project, Coachella Valley, CA As Geotechnical Engineer of Record for the CV Link Project, Petra conducted a preliminary geotechnical investigation. The investigation was to determine earthwork and subgrade conditions and recommendations as well as pavement structural section design and bridge design. Client Name: Coachella Valley Association of Governments Client Reference: Martin Magana; 73710 Fred Waring Dr. #200, Palm Desert, CA 92260; 760.346.1127; mmagana@cvag.org Year Completed: 2018 Project Team Staff Who Worked on the Project: Alan Pace, Siamak Jafroudi PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 9 C. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH UNDERSTANDING OF SERVICES Kimley-Horn and our subconsultant teaming partners have completed numerous projects with services similar to those required for the successful implementation of the Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Intersection Improvement Project. We understand that a complex intersection improvement project with right-of-way acquisition will need a team of experts that can work together and with the project’s stakeholders seamlessly. For this project we will provide the City with planning, engineering, and right-of-way services involving: • Civil Engineering and Roadway Design • Intersection Geometric Design • 7UDIƂF(QJLQHHULQJDQG6LJQDO'HVLJQ • 8WLOLW\'HVLJQDQG&RRUGLQDWLRQ • Environmental Documentation • Water Quality and Low Impact Design • Surveying and Mapping • Geotechnical Investigation (optional) • Right-of-Way Engineering Support • Potholing (optional) • Construction and Bid Support PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 7KH:DVKLQJWRQ6WUHHWDW)UHG:DULQJ'ULYH7ULSOH/HIW7XUQ/DQHV3URMHFWLVDVLJQLƂFDQWVWHSIRUZDUGWRLQFUHDVHWUDQVSRUWDWLRQQHWZRUNFDSDFLW\DQG VDIHW\IRUWKH&LW\RI/D4XLQWDpVFRPPXQLW\7KHSURMHFWZLOODOVRHQKDQFHRWKHUFRUULGRUHOHPHQWVVXFKDVSDYHPHQWDHVWKHWLFVWUDIƂFPRYHPHQWVDQG VXVWDLQDELOLW\7RLPSOHPHQWWKHSURMHFWWKH&LW\LVUHTXHVWLQJƂQDOGHVLJQ3ODQV6SHFLƂFDWLRQVDQG(VWLPDWHV 36 ( WRZLGHQWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQ approaches and add additional left-turn pockets to all four legs of the intersection. PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 10 Our project understanding comes from our careful review of the City’s General Plan, project’s history and background, preliminary utility research, City’s Engineering Bulletins, site reconnaissance, aerial photographs, and extensive working experience on similar design and implementation of intersection improvement and roadway widening projects. :DVKLQJWRQ6WUHHWDQG)UHG:DULQJ'ULYHDUHERWKLGHQWLƂHGDVPDMRUDUWHULDOFRUULGRUVLQWKH&LW\pV General Plan Circulation Chapter. Per the City’s General Plan, major arterials consist of six travel lanes, a median divider, and single or double-left turn lanes at intersections. Both Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive are among the major arterials in the City with the highest existing and projected average daily trips. The project is located in an area with general commercial, and 0HGLXP+LJKGHQVLW\UHVLGHQWLDO]RQLQJSHUWKH&LW\pV*HQHUDO3ODQ/DQG8VH&KDSWHU ([LVWLQJODQGVFDSLQJIHDWXUHVLQFOXGHORZSURƂOHGURXJKWUHVLVWDQWSODQWLQJLQWKHPHGLDQLVODQGV Major impacts to the existing private properties are not anticipated as existing improvements within the acquisition or widening areas are mostly landscape and irrigation. There are existing curb opening catch basins within the project limits that will need to be relocated to the proposed curb location. Our exhibit at the end of this section illustrates some of the private improvements that we anticipate being impacted. :DVKLQJWRQ6WUHHWDQG)UHG:DULQJ'ULYHDUHLGHQWLƂHGDVWUXFNURXWHV:DVKLQJWRQ6WUHHWDOVRLVDEXVWUDQVLWURXWHIRU6XQOLQHEXVOLQH:DVKLQJWRQ 6WUHHWDQG)UHG:DULQJ'ULYHDUHDOVRLGHQWLƂHGDV&ODVV,,%LNH)DFLOLW\LQ&LUFXODWLRQ&KDSWHULQWKH&LW\pV*HQHUDO3ODQ%RWKVWUHHWVDUHPDMRUXWLOLW\ corridors. There is no anticipated impact to the existing power pole on the north side of the intersection due to the project. From our preliminary research we understand that, at a minimum, utility coordination is needed for the following utility companies: Coachella Valley Water District, SCG, SCE, and Imperial Irrigation District. 7KLVSURMHFWLVDJUHDWFDQGLGDWHIRUDFRPSOHWHVWUHHWVSURMHFW7DNLQJWUDIƂFPRELOLW\LPSURYHPHQWVLQWRDFFRXQWHQKDQFLQJIHDWXUHVOLNHSHGHVWULDQ safety, transit mobility, street aesthetics, and water quality will provide an opportunity for the City for a future fully-functioning complete streets corridor along both Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive. Feasible and cost-effective solutions are key components for the implementation of an intersection improvement design. From our experience on similar projects we envision the following project goals and look forward to discussing these further with the City: • (QKDQFHDQGLPSURYHWUDIƂFPRYHPHQWDQGRSHUDWLRQWKURXJKRXWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQ • Provide and implement cost effective design solutions that enhances safety for all modes of transportation. • Encourage use of alternate modes of transportation including biking and walking. • Collaborative design approach with the City, stakeholders, and utility purveyors to meet the community’s needs and obtain timely approvals. • Reduce impacts to existing private properties while meeting project’s goals. • Improve City’s commitment to green street by implementing LID measures and providing a sustainable design. • &RPSOHWHDSURMHFWWKDWLVWKH&LW\pVWRSSULRULW\LQWUDIƂFFRQJHVWLRQ OUR APPROACH TO YOUR PROJECT Below is our approach to the implementation of design and delivering the project to the City as well as handling major design elements of the project. • Strong Relationships: The Kimley-Horn team has developed relationships with different departments at the City of La Quinta and local utility agencies which allow us to effectively communicate and build project consensus in a timely manner. In addition, we have long standing working relationships with our team members on similar intersection improvement projects and know how to work collaboratively as a team. • Involvement in Project Development:)RUVXFFHVVIXOSURMHFWGHOLYHU\LWLVFULWLFDOWKDWVFRSHVDUHFOHDUO\GHƂQHGWRKHOSHQVXUHERWKWKH&LW\ and Kimley-Horn project managers have the same project understanding and expectations at the start of the project. We strive to be on the same page with the City’s project manager regarding expectations of work included in the project scope, including deliverables and schedule, before we FRPPHQFHWKHGHVLJQZRUN7KLVKDVKHOSHGXVWRZRUNZLWKRXUFOLHQWVHIƂFLHQWO\DQGFRVWHIIHFWLYHO\ • Project Management Structure: Our project manager is responsible for providing exceptional, proactive client service by maintaining overall FRQWURORIWKHSURMHFWGHOLYHU\PDQDJLQJWKHƃRZRILQIRUPDWLRQERWKLQWHUQDOWRWKHSURMHFWWHDPDQGZLWKWKHDJHQF\DQGNH\VWDNHKROGHUV PDQDJLQJLQWHJUDWLRQRIRXUWHDPPHPEHUVPDLQWDLQLQJDGKHUHQFHWREXGJHWDQGVFKHGXOHDQGEHLQJUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHTXDOLW\FRQWURORIƂQDO GHOLYHUDEOHV2XUSURMHFWPDQDJHUVXWLOL]HDSURYHQVHWRISURMHFWFRQWUROWRROVWRSURDFWLYHO\PDQDJHVFKHGXOHFRVWVUHVRXUFHQHHGVDQGPLQLPL]H risks. The extensive management and design experience of our project manager, Aryo Rad, P.E., QSD/P, will ensure that the Kimley-Horn team will be able to deliver the various tasks for the project in a timely manner and within the budget. .LPOH\+RUQKDVGHVLJQHGPRUHWKDQPLOHVRIELNH ODQHVLQ&DOLIRUQLD PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 11 • Project Delivery Team Structure: 2XUSURMHFWVSHFLƂFWHDPLVVWUXFWXUHGWRPHHWWKHFRPSOH[LWLHVRIDQLQWHUVHFWLRQLPSURYHPHQWSURMHFWDQG requirements of the scope and schedule. As we have established on our other local projects, each of our projects has a dedicated core team, who provide consistency from project initiation to closeout. In addition, we staff our projects from a pool of resources with specialty skills and technical DELOLWLHVUHTXLUHGE\WKHSURMHFW2XUSRVLWLRQDVDPLGVL]HGƂUPFRQWULEXWHVWRRXUFRPIRUWZLWKPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDU\ZRUN,QODUJHUƂUPVVWDII PHPEHUVPLJKWEHH[SHFWHGWRVSHFLDOL]HLQQDUURZGLVFLSOLQHDUHDVZKLOHVWDIIDWVPDOOHUƂUPVPD\QRWKDYHWKHH[SHULHQFHUHTXLUHGE\ODUJH multi-discipline projects. • Budget, Scope, and Schedule Adherence: For the Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes project, our project manager has developed a work plan which includes project scope, budget, and schedule to help ensure that the overall delivery of the project remains consistent with the expectations of the City of La Quinta. We will share our detailed work plan and updated target schedule with the City’s Project Manager in the kick-off meeting to obtain the City’s concurrence with overall project delivery. Our advance work planning and constant coordination with key stakeholders has allowed us to deliver projects in short time frames using innovative methods. • Project Ownership: Our project managers are successful because they are passionate about delivering key projects for their clients. Our team takes pride in successful implementation and delivery of several similar projects for various cities in Southern California. • Effective Communication: Communication between our design team and the City is critical to thoroughly understanding your vision and implementing the innovative and cost-effective solutions that our team is known for. Effective communication begins with the Kimley-Horn team listening to the City of La Quinta’s ideas, concerns, and goals. Making certain that our team and your staff are on the same page throughout the course of the project will help avoid or mitigate potential problems or issues that may arise. In our experience, successful techniques include monthly progress development team meetings (PDT) and bi-weekly progress reports, regular conference calls to keep you abreast of critical issues, and ongoing electronic communications among all members of the project team, including e-mail and an internet ftp site dedicated to the project. • Responsive and Cost-Effective Solutions: 5HVSRQVLYHQHVVLVPXFKPRUHWKDQSUR[LPLW\RUGLVWDQFHIURPRXURIƂFHWRWKHFOLHQWpVRIƂFH Responsiveness is providing the client with information on short notice. It’s promptly returning phone calls. It’s meeting the client’s needs. And it’s ZKHUH.LPOH\+RUQH[FHOV:HSXWRXUFOLHQWpVQHHGVƂUVW:KHQ\RXFDOOZHZLOOEHWKHUH:HVWURQJO\EHOLHYHWKDW.LPOH\+RUQpVFRQWLQXLQJVXFFHVV UHVWVRQWKHVWUHQJWKVRILWVGD\WRGD\PDQDJHPHQWYLVLRQIRUWKHƂUPHPSKDVLVRQTXDOLW\DQGUHVSRQVLYHQHVVWR\RXRXUFOLHQW:HKDYHZRUNHG with multiple public agencies on their capital improvement projects, so we understand the importance of providing cost-effective solutions in the early stages of design. DESIGN ELEMENTS Based on our experience working on similar projects, as well as our recent working history on various intersection improvement design and implementation, we have prepared our approach to primary elements of the project. 7UDIƂF&LUFXODWLRQ(QKDQFLQJWUDIƂFƃRZUHGXFLQJWKHLPSDFWRIWKHSURSRVHGLPSURYHPHQW on the intersections operation during construction, and meeting the City’s General Plan goals for future level of service are some of the challenges of the project. City of La Quinta Engineering Bulletin #06-13 mandates that the City maintains the minimum level of service of D for its intersections. Balancing the turn pockets capacity with available space through right-of-way acquisition and meeting the City’s standard for minimum lane widths to have a safe and XQGLVUXSWLYHWUDIƂFƃRZWKURXJKRXWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQDUHRWKHULPSRUWDQWREMHFWLYHVIRUWKHSURMHFW Various design treatments can be considered at the intersection to enhance the intersection operation such as signal phasing with no or minimal cost impact to the project. Utility Research and Coordination:8WLOLW\FRRUGLQDWLRQLVDQLQWHJUDOHOHPHQWLQWKHGHVLJQDQG implementation of the project. Complete and accurate mapping of existing utilities is critical to the overall project schedule and budget. The success of this task is based on proactively managing the relationships with the utility providers involved. We anticipate utility relocations or adjustments for the project, which will be addressed in our plans. Alternative designs can be evaluated to UHGXFHXWLOLW\PRGLƂFDWLRQFRVWZKLOHPHHWLQJWKHSURMHFWpVREMHFWLYHV)URPRXUH[SHULHQFH working on several projects with major utility relocation or undergrounding, as well as our extensive utility coordination anticipated for the project, we understand the importance of this task and will work continuously throughout the design phase with the utility providers to support the City with utility coordination. 3URMHFWUHTXLUHVH[WHQVLYHFRRUGLQDWLRQZLWKWKH&LWLHVRI 3DOP'HVHUWDQG,QGLDQ:HOOV PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 12 R/W Acquisition:%DVHGRQRXUH[SHULHQFHZRUNLQJRQLGHQWLFDOLQWHUVHFWLRQZLGHQLQJSURMHFWVWKH5:DFTXLVLWLRQSURFHVVKDVWKHPRVWVLJQLƂFDQW impact to the project schedule. We understand that the City is leading R/W acquisition efforts and will retain a consultant for this task. Our solution to PLQLPL]HVFKHGXOHFUHHSFRPHVIURPRXUWHDPpVH[WHQVLYHH[SHUWLVHDQGOHVVRQVOHDUQHGLQPDMRUFRUULGRUDQGLQWHUVHFWLRQZLGHQLQJSURMHFWVVXFKDV Gene Autry Street Improvements (Anaheim) and Ramona Boulevard at Valley Boulevard Intersection Improvements (El Monte). We are ready to assist by providing design and engineering support to meet the City’s deadlines for R/W process. Conceptual Design: Based on our experience involving intersection improvement and street widening projects, we understand that corridor constraints VXFKDVH[LVWLQJLPSURYHPHQWVGULYHZD\VDQGXWLOLWLHVKDYHWKHPRVWVLJQLƂFDQWLPSDFWWRWKHSURMHFWGHVLJQDQGVFKHGXOH2QHRIWKHFKDOOHQJHV for this project will be to integrate the proposed improvements with minimal Right-of-Way (R/W) acquisition while minimum lane width and ADA requirements as well as existing or proposed utilities. These design elements should be considered and resolved in the conceptual design phase (35% design level) to reduce schedule impact to the design at the plan production stage. 6WUHHW%HDXWLƂFDWLRQ7KHSURMHFWSURYLGHVDQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUDVWUHHWEHDXWLƂFDWLRQIHDWXUH7KLVFRQVLGHUDEO\UHGXFHVLPSDFWVRIDPDMRUDUWHULDO URDGZD\WKURXJKDQHLJKERUKRRGFRPPHUFLDODUHD%RWK:DVKLQJWRQ6WUHHWDQG)UHG:DULQJ'ULYHDUHLGHQWLƂHGDV,PDJH&RUULGRUVLQWKH&LW\pV*HQHUDO Plan. Design consideration for impacts to existing corridor features will enhance corridor aesthetics while meeting the project’s overall objectives, such as intersection level of service and construction budget. Smart Streets:6PDUWVWUHHWVGHVLJQIHDWXUHVLQFOXGHWUDIƂFVLJQDO V\QFKURQL]DWLRQEXVWXUQRXWV,76LPSOHPHQWDWLRQZD\ƂQGLQJVLJQDJHDQG monitoring features. The project provides a great opportunity to enhance PXOWLPRGDOWUDIƂFƃRZE\WDNLQJWKHVHIHDWXUHVLQWRDFFRXQW$QRWKHUIHDWXUHWKDW FDQEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUWUDIƂFVLJQDOGHVLJQLVDJULGVPDUWGHWHFWLRQV\VWHPZKLFK SURYLGHVUHDOWLPHXSGDWHVDQGWUDIƂFFRXQWV:HUHFHQWO\XVHGWKLVV\VWHPLQRXU smart intersection design for other projects including the Ramona Boulevard at 9DOOH\%RXOHYDUG,QWHUVHFWLRQ,PSURYHPHQWVWRDVVLVWWKH&LW\pVWUDIƂFHQJLQHHUVp decision-making. We have conducted a preliminary analysis of the City’s conceptual design and prepared the following exhibit to highlight challenges and potential solutions for the project. The preferred cross section versus existing conditions and site restrictions were reviewed, and adjustments were applied based on our recent experience on similar street and intersection widening projects, such as the Ramona Boulevard at Valley Boulevard Intersection Improvements, to enhance WUDIƂFPRELOLW\DQGSURYLGHPRUHFRVWHIIHFWLYHGHVLJQDOWHUQDWLYHV City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.1913PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NESPROJECT 2017-01City Of Palm DesertCity Of Indian WellsSOUTHWEST CHURCHPALM ROYALE COUNTRY CLUB= CITY BOUNDARIESFred Waring DriveWashingt o n S t r e e t DESIGN TO CONSIDER PROTECTING IN PLACE THE EXISTING PLACE CITY OF PALM DESERT MONUMENT SIGNWashingt o n WaWa sWaashassh ishhinhiin ginngtnggt ogttontoonon REDUCING WIDTH OF THROUGH LANES TO 10 FEET CAN BE CONSIDERED TO PROVIDE A WIDER RIGHT TURN POCKET LANE. THIS WILL REDUCE THE IMPACTS TO THE CURB RETURNS, CURB RAMPS AND NEED FOR SPECIAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN. (10’ THROUGH, 14’ RIGHT TURN)DESIGN TO CONSIDER PROTECTING IN PLACE THE EXISTING SOUTHWEST CHURCH MONUMENT SIGNDESIGN COORDINATION WITH THE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND CATCH BASIN RELOCATIONTRAFFIC SIGNAL OPERATION TIMING FOR LEFT TURN POCKET LENGTHS GREATER THAN 250 FEET SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IN SIGNAL PHASINGLARGER LEFT TURN TAPER TRANSITION FOR TRIPLE LEFT TURNS WILL ENHANCE TRAFFIC MOVEMENTINSTALLATION OF BOLLARDS CAN BE CONSIDERED TO PREVENT VEHICLES FROM USING CURB RAMP TO ACCESS VACATED LOT65-FOOT TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAST ARMS REQUIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ADDITIONAL LEFT TURNStototo65-FOOT TRAFFMAST ARMS RETO ACCOMMODADDITIONAL LELARGER CURB RETURN RADII (45’ OR LARGER) SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TO ACCOMMODATE TRUCK TURNING MOVEMENTS. THIS MAY RESULT IN SPECIAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL DESIGN (LONGER MAST ARM).WB-67 TRUCKBIKE ROUTE CONNECTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDEREDDESIGN COORDINATION WITH THE CITY OF PALM DESERT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND CATCH BASIN RELOCATIONPOTENTIAL NEED FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION DUE TO THE PROPOSED TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE. (SEE DETAIL ABOVE) PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 14 D. SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM SCOPE OF SERVICES The tasks below are intended to supplement and clarify the scope items in the RFP, to demonstrate phases of our services, tasks, and deliverables to be completed. Design plans, reports, and deliverables indicated will follow the City’s standard format or as outlined in the RFP unless indicated otherwise in the scope of work below. Additional items that may be required to complete the scope of services are described at the end of the matrix under the heading Optional Items. A drawing list indicating anticipated sheet count is included with our fee in a separate sheet. We assume a ten-month schedule for design beginning May 2019 with design services completed by February 2020. Any references to “Consultant” shall mean Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. and its subconsultants. References to “City” shall mean the City of La Quinta. TASK 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND MEETINGS The Consultant Team will provide project management and coordination for the duration of the design phase. The following management and administrative duties will be performed: • Supervise project staff, subconsultants, coordinate, and monitor work for conformance with set standards and policies. • Conduct internal meetings with project staff and subconsultants. • 3UHSDUHFLUFXODWHDQGƂOHFRUUHVSRQGHQFHDQGPHPRUDQGD • 0DLQWDLQ3URMHFWƂOHVXVLQJVSHFLƂHG3URMHFW)LOLQJ6\VWHP Consultant will conduct monthly conference calls and will prepare monthly progress reports, as part of the invoice package. We will conduct meetings DQGSURYLGHSHUWLQHQWPHHWLQJDJHQGDVPLQXWHVDQGDFWLRQLWHPVIRUXSWRƂYHPHHWLQJVZLWK&LW\VWDIIDVIROORZV • One Kick-off Meeting • Three PDT Meetings • One City Council Meeting Project Schedule As part of this task, a Gantt Chart format Target Schedule based on Critical Path Method (CPM) will be provided showing primary tasks and review periods/processing, as agreed with the City. Consultant will maintain a Progress Schedule showing actual progress versus target and provide to the City on a monthly basis. Quality Control Consultant will prepare and maintain a Quality Management System (QMS) throughout the performance of services. The intent is to monitor quality to FRQƂUPWKDWUHSRUWVSODQVVWXGLHVHVWLPDWHVDQGRWKHUGHOLYHUDEOHVVXEPLWWHGDUHFRPSOHWHDFFXUDWHFKHFNHGFRQIRUPWR&LW\VWDQGDUGVDQGPHHW professional engineering practice standards in effect at the time of execution. 'HOLYHUDEOHV0HHWLQJDJHQGDVPHHWLQJPLQXWHVDFWLRQLWHPVSURJUHVVUHSRUWVLQYRLFLQJGUDIWWDUJHWVFKHGXOHPRQWKO\XSGDWHGVFKHGXOH TASK 2: RECORD RESEARCH AND UTILITY COORDINATION Consultant will obtain readily available record drawings and data pertinent to the scope of services such as record drawings, GIS mapping, and utility DWODVHV:HZLOOLQLWLDWHWKHXWLOLW\FRPSDQ\QRWLƂFDWLRQSURFHVVHDUO\LQWKHGHVLJQSURFHVVDQGLGHQWLI\SRWHQWLDOFRQƃLFWV:HZLOOPDLQWDLQDXWLOLW\ DJHQF\WUDFNLQJOLVWWRLQGLFDWHWKHVWDWXVRIFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGDGGDFRQWDFWOLVWIRUVXEVWUXFWXUHDQGXWLOLW\RZQHURSHUDWRUVIRUWKHVSHFLƂFDWLRQV:H ZLOODVVLVWWKH&LW\ZLWKDXWLOLW\QRWLƂFDWLRQOHWWHUFRQVLVWLQJRIWKHIROORZLQJ 1. 8WLOLW\,QIRUPDWLRQ5HTXHVW 2. 3UHSDUHWR5HORFDWH1RWLFH)LQDO8WLOLW\1RWLFH)RUP 3. 1RWLFHWR5HORFDWH We assume that utility notices will be on the City’s letterhead. $VVXPSWLRQV$OOUHODWHGIHHVIURPXWLOLW\FRPSDQLHVDUHH[FOXGHGIURPWKLVSURSRVDO 'HOLYHUDEOHV8WLOLW\$JHQF\7UDFNLQJ/LVW8WLOLW\1RWLƂFDWLRQ/HWWHUV PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 15 TASK 3: FIELD SURVEYING 7KH&RQVXOWDQWWHDPZLOOSURYLGHDWRSRJUDSKLFƂHOGVXUYH\LQJDWDVFDOHRIr pIRUWKHSURMHFWOLPLWVSHUWKHH[KLELWVLQWKH5)37KHWHDPZLOO FROOHFWVXUYH\UHFRUGVHVWDEOLVKRIKRUL]RQWDODQGYHUWLFDOFRQWUROVSUHVHUYHPRQXPHQWDQGFHQWHUOLQHWLHDQGULJKWRIZD\)LHOGVXUYH\VKRWVZLOO FRQVLVWRIEDFNRIZDONWRSRIFXUEƃRZOLQHHGJHRISDYHPHQWFURZQOLQHVDQGJUDGHEUHDNVDWDSSUR[LPDWHO\IRRWLQWHUYDOV([LVWLQJIHDWXUHVVXFK as utility covers, pavement limits, private property improvements, curb ramps and landing pads, driveways, curb and gutters, sidewalks, street lights and SROHVDQGWUDIƂFVLJQVDQGVWULSLQJZLOOEHVXUYH\HGZKHUHUHDGLO\DFFHVVLEOHDQGQHHGHGIRUWKHSURSRVHGGHVLJQDQGDGGHGWRWKHEDVHPDSV([LVWLQJ right-of-way and easements will be shown per readily available records. 'HOLYHUDEOHV$XWR&$'&')LOHVRI7RSRJUDSKLF6XUYH\5LJKWRI:D\5HFRUGRI6XUYH\'70RIH[LVWLQJVXUIDFHIHDWXUHVDQG3')PDSVLJQHGE\ /LFHQVHG6XUYH\RULQWKH6WDWHRI&DOLIRUQLD TASK 4: ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION Task 4.1. Mobilization 7KH&RQVXOWDQWWHDPZLOOUHYLHZDYDLODEOH3URMHFWLQIRUPDWLRQSODQVDQGVWXGLHVDVZHOODVDYDLODEOHUHOHYDQWLQIRUPDWLRQ&RQVXOWDQWZLOOFRQƂUPWKH overall approach and schedule with the City. Consultant will conduct a site visit to review existing conditions and surrounding environment. For the purposes of this proposal, we assume that a CE will be prepared to satisfy CEQA requirements. Task 4.2. Prepare Project Description The Consultant team will use information obtained in Task 4.1 and work with City staff to prepare a draft project description for the CEQA CE. The draft Project Description will be sent to the City for review and will be used as the basis for the Categorical Exemption. Task 4.3. Complete CEQA Technical Analyses Consultant will prepare the following technical studies to support the CEQA document for the Project. For each technical report, this proposal allows for two rounds of staff review, assuming that for all submittal reviews staff comments are consolidated into one comment set, and subsequent comments focus on the adequacy of addressing prior comments and do not raise new issues. A) Biological Resources Assessment )LHOG6WXG\ 1. Literature/Database Review. Consultant team will review state and federal databases of sensitive species known to occur in the area. 2. Field Review. Consultant team’s biologists will conduct a pedestrian survey of the Project area, encompassing a standard 200-foot buffer area, and review the Project area for both common and sensitive wildlife and the CVMSHCP required species. Trees or vegetation that may be removed as part of the project will also be noted in the report. 3. Jurisdictional Delineation (JD). Consultant team will review the jurisdictional waters information through examining historical aerial photographs to gain an understanding of the impact of land-use on natural drainage patterns in the area. Where possible, surface drainage systems will be traced XVLQJDHULDOLPDJHU\WRGRZQVWUHDPUHFHLYLQJZDWHUV7KH86):61DWLRQDO:HWODQG,QYHQWRU\DQG(QYLURQPHQWDO3URWHFWLRQ$JHQF\ (3$ :DWHU Program “My Waters” data layers will also be reviewed to determine whether any hydrologic features and wetland areas had been documented ZLWKLQWKHYLFLQLW\RIWKHVLWH6LPLODUO\WKH8QLWHG6WDWHV'HSDUWPHQWRI$JULFXOWXUH 86'$ 1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHV&RQVHUYDWLRQ6HUYLFH 15&6 :HE Soil Survey will be used to identify any hydric soils. Based on review of the aerial imagery, there does not appear to be any surface drainageways on the vacant parcel within the proposed alignment. 2XU-'ZLOOSURYLGHWKHWHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQQHFHVVDU\WRVXSSRUWDQ\IXWXUH&(4$1(3$GRFXPHQWVDQGWKHUHJXODWRU\SHUPLWDSSOLFDWLRQVIRU SURMHFWUHODWHGLPSDFWVWRqZDWHUVRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVrDQGqZDWHUVRIWKH6WDWHr6RLOWHVWLQJIRUZHWODQGVDUHQRWDQWLFLSDWHGWREHQHHGHGDWWKLV time. 4. CVMSHCP Consistency Review – Consultant team will review the CVMSHCP for how the Project is consistent with policies, goals, and objectives, where applicable. 5HSRUW3UHSDUDWLRQ Once the site visits are conducted and the project site baseline information is obtained, a Biological Resources/Jurisdictional Delineation/CVMSHCP Compliance report will be prepared that will discuss the biological and drainage resources found on site. Findings will document existing conditions and resources and regulatory approvals that may be required for impacts to these resources. The written report will consist of photographs of the site GHWDLOLQJUHVXOWVRIWKHKDELWDWDVVHVVPHQWLQGLFDWLQJZKHWKHURUQRWWKHSURMHFWVLWHFRQWDLQVVXLWDEOHKDELWDWIRUVSHFLHVLGHQWLƂHG PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 16 B) Cultural Resources Assessment 5HVHDUFK The records search for cultural resources (archaeological and historical) will be conducted through the South Central Coastal Information Center (SCCIC) DW&DOLIRUQLD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\)XOOHUWRQ7KLVUHVHDUFKZLOOFKDUDFWHUL]HWKHVWDWXVDQGH[WHQWRISUHYLRXVFXOWXUDOUHVRXUFHVWXGLHVFRPSOHWHGLQWKHSURMHFW area and will help predict the types of resources expected within the project site boundaries. )LHOG6XUYH\ Consultant team will perform a pedestrian cultural resources survey of the accessible portions of the project alignment using 15-meter transect intervals. 7KLVƂHOGZRUNZLOOEHFRPSOHWHGXQGHUWKHVXSHUYLVLRQRIDFXOWXUDOUHVRXUFHSURIHVVLRQDOWKDWPHHWVWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV6HFUHWDU\RIWKH,QWHULRUpV 3URIHVVLRQDO4XDOLƂFDWLRQ6WDQGDUGVIRU$UFKDHRORJ\DQGIRU$UFKLWHFWXUDO+LVWRU\7KHJRDORIWKLVWDVNZLOOEHWRLGHQWLI\FXOWXUDOUHVRXUFHVZLWKLQWKH project site boundaries (such as prehistoric and historic archaeological and historic architectural resources), and to produce or update the site records. )RUWKHSXUSRVHVRIWKLVSURSRVDOQHJDWLYHƂQGLQJVDUHDQWLFLSDWHG 5HSRUW A cultural resources report will be produced consistent with CEQA requirements, in a format acceptable to the City. The report will encompass a project description, cultural setting, methods, results, and recommendations sections. Relevant maps and photographs will be added and Department of Park DQG5HFUHDWLRQ '35 IRUPVZLOOEHDWWDFKHGWRUHFRUGFXOWXUDOUHVRXUFHVLGHQWLƂHGIRUWKHSURMHFW 3DOHRQWRORJLFDO2YHUYLHZ Consultant team will initiate a paleontological overview for the project for the project. Consultant team will review relevant paleontological sensitivity maps and reports completed in the vicinity of the project to assess sensitivity for buried paleontological resources (i.e., fossils). The resulting report will be appended to the cultural resources report. 1DWLYH$PHULFDQ+HULWDJH&RPPLVVLRQ6DFUHG/DQGV)LOH6HDUFK The City will perform Assembly Bill (AB) 52 Consultation with the appropriate tribes. If requested to participate, BCR Consulting will be available to GLVFXVVDQ\WULEDOFRQFHUQVGXULQJRQHFRQIHUHQFHFDOO%&5&RQVXOWLQJZLOOFRQWDFWWKH1DWLYH$PHULFDQ+HULWDJH&RPPLVVLRQ 1$+& WRUHTXHVWD 6DFUHG/DQGV)LOH 6/) 6HDUFK5HVXOWVRIWKH6/)ZLOOEHVXPPDUL]HGLQEULHIOHWWHUDQGVXPPDU\PDWUL[ Task 4.4. Prepare CEQA Categorical Exemption Consultant will prepare a Categorical Exemption, which will entail the Project Description above and an exhibit developed by the engineering team. &RQVXOWDQWZLOOVXEPLWWKH&(WRWKH&LW\IRUUHYLHZZLOOUHYLVHWKH&(DQGZLOOƂOHWKH1RWLFHRI([HPSWLRQZLWKWKH&RXQW\&OHUN,IUHTXHVWHGE\WKH&LW\ Consultant will attend up to one public hearing for the project. TASK 5: RIGHT-OF-WAY ENGINEERING We have assumed one parcel will be impacted by the project based on our preliminary analysis of design alternatives. Consultant will work with the City to explore opportunities to reduce R/W impacts where possible to meet City’s goal of no R/W acquisition for the project. Our team will prepare legal descriptions and plat maps for the impacted property at the southwest corner of the intersection. $VVXPSWLRQV&LW\ZLOOSURYLGH7LWOH5HSRUWIRUWKHLPSDFWHGSURSHUWLHV 'HOLYHUDEOHV/HJDOGHVFULSWLRQDQGSODWPDSV TASK 6: WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Consultant will develop a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project in compliance with and meeting the requirements of urban runoff from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4 permit). The WQMP will incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) Best Management Practices (BMP) to the Maximum Extent Practical (MEP). If traditional LID BMPs cannot be incorporated, appropriate proprietary BMPs will be selected to improve water quality. If proprietary items are needed, these will be indicated in compliance with the City’s adopted public contracting code. 'HOLYHUDEOHV'UDIW:DWHU4XDOLW\0DQDJHPHQW3ODQ)LQDO:DWHU4XDOLW\0DQDJHPHQW3ODQ TASK 7: STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS Consultant will develop a street improvement plan for the construction of roadway improvements consisting of roadway widening, sidewalks, curb ramps, driveways, and roadway pavement improvements for the project limits per the City’s RFP. These improvement plans will be based on the approved FRQFHSWXDOGHVLJQSODQVSDUWRIWDVN5RDGZD\SODQVZLOOEHr[rDQGZLOOEHSUHSDUHGDWDVFDOHRIr pKRUL]RQWDODQGr pYHUWLFDOIRU SURƂOHV%DVHGRQRXUH[SHULHQFHr pVFDOHZLOOSURYLGHDEHWWHUSODQSUHVHQWDWLRQLQWKHZLGHQLQJDUHDV:HZLOOXVHWKHƂHOGVXUYH\VREWDLQHG LQ7DVNIRUEDVHPDSSLQJ'HWDLOVDQGW\SLFDOVHFWLRQVZLOOEHDGGHGDVLQGLFDWHGLQWKHGUDZLQJOLVWSURYLGHGZLWKRXUIHH1HFHVVDU\DGMXVWPHQWV WRVXUIDFHXWLOLW\IHDWXUHVZLOOEHLGHQWLƂHGDQGDGGUHVVHGZLWKFDOORXWVDQGFRQVWUXFWLRQQRWHV:HZLOOSUHSDUHGHWDLOVIRULWHPVWKDWGHYLDWHIURP SXEOLVKHGVWDQGDUGV3ODQSUHSDUDWLRQZLOOEHFRRUGLQDWHGZLWKWKH&LW\DQGXWLOLW\FRPSDQLHV:HZLOODWWHQGRQHƂHOGUHYLHZPHHWLQJZLWKWKH&LW\DW GHVLJQOHYHO:HZLOOUHVSRQGWRRQHURXQGRIFRQVROLGDWHGQRQFRQƃLFWLQJ&LW\FRPPHQWVDWHDFKUHYLHZSKDVH PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 17 Consultant will provide offsite improvement design to address necessary improvements within private property such as parking lot adjustment(s), lighting UHORFDWLRQVDQGODQGVFDSHDQGLUULJDWLRQPRGLƂFDWLRQV2IIVLWHLPSURYHPHQWGHVLJQZLOODGGUHVVPRGLƂFDWLRQVWRWKHIURQWDJHRIWKHSURSHUWLHVUHVXOWLQJ RIURDGZD\ZLGHQLQJ0DMRUSDUNLQJORWUHFRQƂJXUDWLRQEXLOGLQJDQGVWUXFWXUDOPRGLƂFDWLRQVDUFKLWHFWXUDOGHVLJQDQGRIIVLWHXWLOLW\PRGLƂFDWLRQDUH excluded from this scope of services. 'HOLYHUDEOHVDQG)LQDO3ODQVHOHFWURQLFƂOHVLQ$XWR&$'&'DQG3') ƂQDOSODQVZLOOEHVHDOHGDQGVLJQHG DQGUHVSRQVHVWR SUHYLRXVUHYLHZFRPPHQWVIURPWKH&LW\ TASK 8: SIGNING, STRIPING, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS We will prepare striping and signing plans on 24” x 36” plan sheets and at a scale of 1” = 40’ for the proposed improvements within the limits of the SURMHFW6LJQLQJDQGVWULSLQJSODQVZLOOFRPSO\ZLWKWKH&LW\pVVWDQGDUGV&DOWUDQVDQGWKH&DOLIRUQLD087&'$VSDUWRIWKLVWDVNZHZLOOSUHSDUHWUDIƂF FRQWUROSODQVVKRZLQJDQWLFLSDWHGFRQVWUXFWLRQVWDJLQJIRUWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQ2XUVFRSHHQWDLOVSUHSDUDWLRQRIWUDIƂFFRQWUROSODQVEDVHGRQWZRSKDVHVRI FRQVWUXFWLRQ7UDIƂF&RQWUROSODQVZLOOFRPSO\ZLWKWKH&LW\pVUHTXLUHPHQWDQGRUGLQDQFHVDQGWKH&DOLIRUQLD087&' 'HOLYHUDEOHVDQG)LQDO3ODQVHOHFWURQLFƂOHVLQ$XWR&$'&'DQG3') ƂQDOSODQVZLOOEHVHDOHGDQGVLJQHG DQGUHVSRQVHVWR SUHYLRXVUHYLHZFRPPHQWVIURPWKH&LW\ TASK 9: TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLANS &RQVXOWDQWZLOOSUHSDUHWUDIƂFVLJQDOPRGLƂFDWLRQSODQVWRLQFRUSRUDWHWKHLPSURYHPHQWVDWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQZLWKLQWKHSURMHFWOLPLWVDQGWRDOLJQWUDIƂF VLJQDOKHDGVZLWKWKHPRGLƂHGDSSURDFKHV7KHWUDIƂFVLJQDOPRGLƂFDWLRQSODQVZLOOEHSUHSDUHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKFXUUHQW&LW\RI/D4XLQWDDQG &DOWUDQVVWDQGDUGVDQGZLOOEHSUHSDUHGDWVFDOH r p RQr[rIXOOVL]HVKHHWV $VVXPSWLRQV6SHFLDOIRRWLQJRUVLJQDOSROHGHVLJQDUHQRWDQWLFLSDWHGIRUWKHSURMHFW,WLVDVVXPHG&DOWUDQV6WDQGDUG3ODQVZLOOEHXVHGIRUWUDIƂFVLJQDO FRPSRQHQWVLQFOXGLQJIRRWLQJV7UDIƂFVLJQDOWLPLQJLVDVVXPHGWREHGRQHE\RWKHUV7UDIƂFVWXG\RUDQDO\VLVDUHQRWLQFOXGHGLQWKLVVFRSHRIVHUYLFHV 'HOLYHUDEOHVDQG)LQDO3ODQVHOHFWURQLFƂOHVLQ$XWR&$'&'DQG3') ƂQDOSODQVZLOOEHVHDOHGDQGVLJQHG DQGUHVSRQVHVWR SUHYLRXVUHYLHZFRPPHQWVIURPWKH&LW\ TASK 10: OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST Consultant will prepare an Opinion of Probable Construction Costs (OPCC) based on quantities, for comparison to project budget and assistance during WKH&RQWUDFWRUpVELGGLQJSURFHVV8QLWSULFHVZLOOEHGHULYHGIURPUHDGLO\DYDLODEOHFXUUHQWELGLQIRUPDWLRQEDVHGRQVLPLODUSURMHFWVZLWKLQWKHDUHD Backup will be generated for lump sum items. Contingencies will be shown, as agreed upon with City staff. 'HOLYHUDEOHV3UHOLPLQDU\DQG)LQDO(VWLPDWHVHOHFWURQLFƂOHVLQ3') TASK 11: SPECIFICATIONS &RQVXOWDQWZLOOSUHSDUHWHFKQLFDOVSHFLƂFDWLRQVEDVHGXSRQWKHERLOHUSODWHVXSSOLHGE\WKH&LW\%LGLWHPVZLOOEHGHVFULEHGDVUHDVRQDEO\UHTXLUHGLQ the General Provisions and will be included in the Contractor’s bid list. References for the technical provisions to the City’s Standards and Standard 6SHFLƂFDWLRQVIRU3XEOLF:RUNV&RQVWUXFWLRQ *UHHQERRN &DOWUDQVRURWKHUDSSURSULDWHVSHFLƂFDWLRQVZLOOEHVKRZQ 'HOLYHUDEOHVDQG)LQDO6SHFLƂFDWLRQVHOHFWURQLFƂOHVLQ3')DQG:RUGIRUPDW ƂQDOVSHFLƂFDWLRQVZLOOEHVHDOHGDQGVLJQHG DQGUHVSRQVHV WRSUHYLRXVUHYLHZFRPPHQWVIURPWKH&LW\ TASK 12: BID PHASE Consultant will provide services during the bid phase. Consultant will attend one pre-bid meeting, respond in writing to requests for information (RFI)/ FODULƂFDWLRQVDVVLVWWKH&LW\LQWKHLVVXDQFHRIDGGHQGDWRWKHELGSDFNDJHDQGPDNHGHVLJQFKDQJHVDGGUHVVFODULƂFDWLRQV2WKHUGHVLJQFKDQJHVVXFK as those for the contractor’s preference, are not included in this scope. Changes in the overall design concept are not accounted for in this scope. 'HOLYHUDEOHV5HVSRQVHVWRWKUHH5),VGHVLJQUHYLVLRQIRURQH$GGHQGXP TASK 13: CONSTRUCTION PHASE &RQVXOWDQWZLOODVVLVWWKH&LW\GXULQJWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQSKDVHE\UHVSRQGLQJWRWKHFRQWUDFWRUpV5),VSUHSDULQJDGGHQGDDQGSURYLGLQJFODULƂFDWLRQV Changes in the overall design concept are not part of this scope. A six-month construction duration is assumed. Our scope entails responding to up to ƂYH5),VXSWRƂYHFRQWUDFWRUVXEPLWWDOUHYLHZVDQGXSWRWZRDGGHQGD:HZLOOSUHSDUHUHFRUGGUDZLQJVE\XSGDWLQJWKHDSSURYHGGHVLJQGUDZLQJV EDVHGRQRQHVHWRIUHGOLQHPDUNXSVSURYLGHGE\WKHFRQWUDFWRURU&LW\VWDII,QGHSHQGHQWYHULƂFDWLRQLVQRWLQFOXGHGLQWKLVVFRSH6LJQLƂFDQWGHYLDWLRQV from the original design documents are not accounted for in this scope. The purpose of the record drawings is to create a deliverable that will represent the built condition for the City’s records as recorded by the Contractor. 'HOLYHUDEOHV5HFRUG'UDZLQJV2QHKDUGFRS\DQGRQHHOHFWURQLF ERWK3')IRUPDWDQG$XWR&$'&'  PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 18 OPTIONAL ITEMS TASK O-1: GEOTECHNICAL STUDY ,QƂOWUDWLRQ7HVWDQG6RLO6XLWDELOLW\7KH&RQVXOWDQWWHDPZLOOFRQGXFWDJHRWHFKQLFDOƂHOGUHYLHZDVIROORZV • Percolation rate test at one location to the depth of 8 feet • Obtain bulk, soil samples at selected depths 7KH&RQVXOWDQWWHDPZLOOFRPSLOHGDWDDQGJHRWHFKQLFDODQDO\VLVRIWKHƂHOGDQGODERUDWRU\WHVWVWRDQDO\]HHYDOXDWHDQGSURYLGHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV pertaining to the following: • Percolation rate characteristics of the soils • *UDLQ6L]H'LVWULEXWLRQDQG$WWHUEHUJ/LPLWV3ODVWLFLW\,QGH[ • Moisture content 7KH&RQVXOWDQWWHDPZLOOSUHSDUHDUHSRUWSUHVHQWLQJWKHUHVXOWVRIƂHOGH[SORUDWLRQJHRWHFKQLFDOODERUDWRU\WHVWLQJHQJLQHHULQJDQDO\VHVDQG recommendations relative to the project. Pavement Evaluation: The Consultant team will conduct a: • 6XEVXUIDFHH[SORUDWLRQFRQVLVWLQJRIWKHH[FDYDWLRQVDPSOLQJDQGORJJLQJRIWKUHHKDQGH[FDYDWHGFRUHVWRGHSWKVRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\ƂYHIHHWRU refusal within the project limits. The purpose of the pavement borings will be to observe the existing structural pavement sections and collect soil samples for geotechnical laboratory testing. 7KH&RQVXOWDQWWHDPZLOOFRPSLOHGDWDDQGJHRWHFKQLFDODQDO\VLVRIWKHƂHOGDQGODERUDWRU\WHVWVZLWKDQDO\VHVWRHYDOXDWHDQGSURYLGHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV pertaining to the following: • Evaluate the R-value and in-place moisture content of subsurface soils. • Evaluate Expansion Index of subsurface soils. • Excavation and compaction requirements, including suitability of the on-site soils for subgrade material for the proposed improvements. • Analysis and design of new pavement construction and pavement rehabilitation alternatives. The analysis will be performed in general accordance with the Caltrans Highway Design Manual design method. • Provide recommendation for sidewalk improvement. $VVXPSWLRQV:HDVVXPHWKDWWKHDQG\HDUGHVLJQWUDIƂFLQGLFHV 7, IRUWKHVXEMHFWVWUHHWVZLOOEHSURYLGHGWRXVE\WKH&LW\IRURXUDQDO\VHV :HDVVXPHWUDIƂFFRQWUROIRUSDYHPHQWERULQJVDQGSHUFRODWLRQWHVWVZLOOEHEDVHGRQ:RUN$UHD7UDIƂF&RQWURO+DQGERRN :$7&+ PDQXDO3UHSDUDWLRQ RIWUDIƂFFRQWUROSODQVKRWPL[DVSKDOWSDWFKLQJDQG)XOO'HSWK5HFODPDWLRQ5HFRPPHQGDWLRQVDUHH[FOXGHGIRUWKLVWDVN 'HOLYHUDEOHV'UDIW3DYHPHQWDQG6RLO0DWHULDO5HSRUW)LQDO3DYHPHQW5HSRUWDQG6RLO0DWHULDO5HSRUW TASK O-2: POTHOLING 2XUWHDPZLOOSURYLGHXSWRƂYHYDFXXPH[FDYDWLRQSRWKROHVWRSRVLWLYHO\LGHQWLI\XWLOLWLHVZKHUHFRQƃLFWVPD\H[LVW3RWKROLQJLQIRUPDWLRQZLOOEHXVHGWR LGHQWLI\SRWHQWLDOFRQƃLFWVZLWKWUDIƂFVLJQDOIRRWLQJVQHZFDWFKEDVLQVZDOOIRRWLQJVDQGZDWHUTXDOLW\GHYLFHV$GGLWLRQDOSRWKROHVLIQHHGHGZLOOEH DQRSWLRQDOLWHPSHUHDFKSRWKROH:HDVVXPHWUDIƂFFRQWUROIRUSRWKROLQJZLOOEHEDVHGRQ:$7&+PDQXDO3UHSDUDWLRQRIWUDIƂFFRQWUROSODQVKRWPL[ DVSKDOWSDWFKLQJKDOIVDFNVOXUU\EDFNƂOODJJUHJDWHEDVHEDFNƂOODUHH[FOXGHG:HDVVXPHWKH&LW\ZLOOLVVXHDQRIHHSHUPLWIRUSRWKROLQJ 'HOLYHUDEOHV3RWKROLQJUHSRUW TASK O-3: HYDRAULIC/HYDROLOGY ANALYSIS Our team will prepare a Drainage memorandum to address hydrology and hydraulics for the site per the Riverside County Hydrology Manual requirements and will provide design recommendations. Calculations will consist of comparing the pre- and post-project conditions at the site. Evaluation and recommendations are limited to the impacted portion of the storm drain within the project site. Evaluation of the downstream or upstream H[LVWLQJVWRUPGUDLQV\VWHPLVQRWDQWLFLSDWHGIRUWKLVWDVN8SVL]LQJRIH[LVWLQJVWRUPGUDLQPDLQLVQRWDQWLFLSDWHGDQGQRWDSDUWRIRXUVFRSHDQGIHH &RQVXOWDQWZLOODGGUHVVRQHURXQGRIFRQVROLGDWHGQRQFRQƃLFWLQJ&LW\FRPPHQWVEHIRUHSUHSDULQJWKHƂQDOGHOLYHUDEOH 'HOLYHUDEOHV'UDIWK\GURORJ\DQGK\GUDXOLFDQDO\VLVDQGGUDLQDJHPHPRUDQGXPƂQDOK\GURORJ\DQGK\GUDXOLFDQDO\VLVDQGGUDLQDJHPHPRUDQGXP City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.1919PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NESPROJECT 2017-01E. PROJECT SCHEDULE2XUGUDIWSURMHFWVFKHGXOHuLOOXVWUDWLQJWKHSURMHFWHGWLPHOLQHIRUHDFKVFRSHRIZRUNWDVNDVZHOODVNH\PLOHVWRQHVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHGXHGDWHVIRUHDFKWDVNDVVSHFLƂHGLQWKH&LW\pV5)3uLVSURYLGHGEHORZ7KHVFKHGXOHDVVXPHVD0D\1RWLFHWR3URFHHGDQGSURSRVHVD6HSWHPEHUFRPSOHWLRQGDWH2XULQWHQWLVWRUHYLHZWKLVGUDIWVFKHGXOHZLWK\RXDWWKHVWDUWRIWKHproject, make any desired adjustments, and track through the project work as a progress schedule by providing regular updates.ID Task Name Duration Start Finish1Design Phase199 daysWed 5/15/19Mon 2/17/202Notice to Proceed0 daysWed 5/15/19Wed 5/15/193Kick-Off Meeting1 dayWed 5/15/19Wed 5/15/194Project Coordination199 daysWed 5/15/19Mon 2/17/205Record Research and Utility Coordination151 daysThu 5/16/19Thu 12/12/196Surveying30 daysThu 5/16/19Wed 6/26/197Geotechnical Study (Optional)30 daysThu 5/16/19Wed 6/26/19835% Plans and Estimate25 daysThu 6/27/19Wed 7/31/199City Review (No. 1)10 daysThu 8/1/19Wed 8/14/1910Comment Resolution5 daysThu 8/15/19Wed 8/21/1911R/W Engineering25 daysThu 8/8/19Wed 9/11/1912Environmental Documentation60 daysThu 8/8/19Wed 10/30/191365% Plans, Specifications and Estimate40 daysThu 8/22/19Wed 10/16/1914Water Quality30 daysThu 9/26/19Wed 11/6/1915City Review (No. 2)15 daysThu 10/17/19Wed 11/6/1916Comment Resolution5 daysThu 11/7/19Wed 11/13/191795% Plans, Specifications, and Estimate20 daysThu 11/14/19Wed 12/11/1918City Review (No. 3)15 daysThu 12/12/19Wed 1/1/2019Comment Resolution5 daysThu 1/2/20Wed 1/8/2020100% Plans, Specifications and Estimate10 daysThu 1/9/20Wed 1/22/2021City Review (No. 4)5 daysThu 1/23/20Wed 1/29/2022Comment Resolution3 daysThu 1/30/20Mon 2/3/2023Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate10 daysTue 2/4/20Mon 2/17/2024Bid Support40 daysWed 2/19/20Tue 4/14/2025Construction Support120 daysWed 4/15/20Tue 9/29/205/15Kick-Off MeetingProject CoordinationRecord Research and Utility CoordinationSurveyingGeotechnical Study (Optional)35% Plans and EstimateCity Review (No. 1)Comment ResolutionR/W EngineeringEnvironmental Documentation65% Plans, Specifications and EstimateWater QualityCity Review (No. 2)Comment Resolution95% Plans, Specifications, and EstimateCity Review (No. 3)Comment Resolution100% Plans, Specifications and EstimateCity Review (No. 4)Comment ResolutionFinal Plans, Specifications, and EstimateBid SupportConstruction SupportAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprM20192020TaskMilestoneSummaryCRITICALBaselineBaseline MilestoneBaseline SummaryProgressSlippage765 The City Drive, Suite 200Orange, CA 92868 PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-1 F. APPENDICES 1. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM 2. INSURANCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3. STAFF RESUMES 4. CONTRACT EXCEPTIONS NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, __________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows: I am ______________________________ of _________________________, (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: _______________________________________ Proposer Name: _______________________________________ Proposer Title: ______________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ rjury y yyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy under the laws _____________________________________________________________________________ Darren J. Adrian Darren J. Adrian Vice President Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Vice President Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 45-25 Manitou Dr., Ste. 11, Indian Wells, CA 92210     March20,2019 To:CityofLaQuinta  ThisletteristoconfirmthatKimleyͲHornandAssociatesInc.willprovidethefollowinginsurance coverage(certificate&requiredendorsements)andamountsifawardedtheprojectforTheCityofLa Quinta. GeneralLiabilityͲ$1,000,000perOccurrence;Personalandadvertisinginjury$1,000,000&Products andcompletedoperations$2,000,000Aggregate AutomobileLiabilityͲ$1,000,000combinedsinglelimit Umbrella/ExcessLiabilityͲ$5,000,000(umbrellafollowsform) WorkersCompensationͲ$1,000,000eachincident;$1,000,000disease,eachemployee& $1,000,000diseasepolicylimit ProfessionalLiabilityͲ$2,000,000PerClaim&$2,000,000Aggregate TheCityofLaQuintaandotherentitieswhererequiredbywrittencontractwillbenamedasan AdditionalInsured&Primary&NonͲContributorywithrespectstoGeneralLiability.Waiverof SubrogationwillapplywithrespectstoWorkersCompensation. Sincerely, Matias Ormaza – Sr. Vice-President  PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-2 ARYO RAD, P.E., QSD/P Project Manager Aryo has over 20 years of civil engineering experience in the areas of planning, permitting, designing, ELGGLQJDQGFRQVWUXFWLQJURDGZD\VVWUHHWVFDSHVELNHZD\VVWRUPGUDLQVWUDIƂFDQGWUDQVSRUWDWLRQ projects in Southern California. He has led complex multidisciplinary transportation and streetscape projects with a track record of successful implementation. Aryo has worked with public works and planning departments for more than 20 regional municipalities, assisting with roadway improvement, pavement rehabilitation, and pedestrian and bike facility projects. Aryo is familiar with the challenges surrounding roadway and intersection projects through his experience working on identical projects. In addition, his role as project manager for several intersection and ADA improvements projects provide him with unique understanding of the City of La Quinta’s needs, potential residents’ concerns, and design constraints for the Washington at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes project. His expertise in developing and implementing creative, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions for municipal infrastructure projects is directly applicable to the improvements proposed in this proposal. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Ramona Boulevard and Valley Boulevard Intersection Improvement, El Monte, CA – Project Manager • Gene Autry Way Improvements, Anaheim, CA – QC/QA Manager • Santa Ana Boulevard and 5th Street Protected Bike Lane PS&E, Santa Ana, CA – QC/QA Manager • Hazard Avenue Protected Bikeway, Orange County, CA – Project Manager • South Main Street Corridor Improvements, Santa Ana, CA – Project Manager • Beverly Boulevard and Wilcox Avenue Intersection Improvement, Montebello, CA – Project Manager* • Citywide Sidewalk and Curb Ramp Evaluation, Montebello, CA – Project Engineer* • Frazier Street Pedestrian Safety and Bike Lane, Baldwin Park, CA – Project Manager* • Washington Boulevard Improvements, Montebello, CA – Project Manager* • *DUƂHOG$YHQXHDQG&ODUD6WUHHW,QWHUVHFWLRQ:LGHQLQJ%HOO*DUGHQV&$– Project Manager* • Rosemead Boulevard and Mines Avenue Intersection Improvement, Pico Rivera, CA – Project Manager* • Residential Area 6 Access Ramp Improvement, Diamond Bar, CA – Project Engineer* • Atlantic Boulevard and Slauson Avenue Business District Revitalization, City of Maywood, CA – Deputy Project Manager* • Fairmont Boulevard Widening, Anaheim, CA – Principal Design Engineer* • Culver Drive Street Improvement, Irvine, CA – Project Engineer* • 2nd Street Realignment and 2nd Bridge Widening, Calexico, CA – Project Manager* 3ULRUWRMRLQLQJ.LPOH\+RUQ Professional Credentials • Master of Science, Civil Engineering, California State 8QLYHUVLW\)XOOHUWRQ • Master of Science, Systems Engineering, Industrial Management Institute • Bachelor of Science, Civil (QJLQHHULQJ$]DG8QLYHUVLW\ Tehran • Professional Civil Engineer in California #81231 • 4XDOLƂHG6:333'HYHORSHU Practitioner in California #81231 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • American Association of State Highway and Transportation 2IƂFLDOV0HPEHU • American Public Works Association (APWA), Member • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Member • American Water Work Association (AWWA), Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-3 MIKE SUTTON, P.E. Principal-in-Charge Mike is a professional engineer with more than 25 years of broad-range experience covering many types of land development and public works projects. His strengths are in on- and off-site planning and design for master planned communities as well as managing design teams on multiple industrial, commercial, and resort projects. He also has many years of design and management experience on local public works projects. His duties typically include supervision of the design team, client coordination, coordination with governing agencies, administration and management of VXEFRQVXOWDQWVFLUFXODWLRQSODQQLQJDQGWHQWDWLYHWUDFWPDSSLQJDQGƂQDOPDSSLQJ RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Highland Springs, Cougar Way, and Starlight Avenue Street Improvement Plans, Beaumont, CA – Project Manager • Highway 111 Widening San Marcos to Larkspur Way, Palm Desert, CA – Project Manager • Highway 111 Widening Plaza Way to San Marcos, Palm Desert, CA – Project Manager • Bob Hope and Dinah Shore Widening Project, Rancho Mirage, CA – Project Manager • Downtown Core Streets, Cathedral City, CA – Inspector/Construction Manager • /D(QWUDGD6SHFLƂF3ODQDQG(,5&RDFKHOOD&$– Project Manager • Veteran’s Park, Coachella, CA – Principal-in-Charge • Four Seasons Terra Lago, Active Adult Residential Project, Indio, CA – Project Manager • Garden of Champions Tennis Stadium Complex and Expansion Project, Indian Wells, CA – Project Manager • Sundance Master Plan Community, Beaumont, CA – Project Manager • Las Montanas Multi-Use Project Master Plan and EIR, Indio, CA – Project Manager • Tournament Hills Master Plan Community, Beaumont, CA – Project Manager • Bighorn Master Planned Development, Palm Desert, CA – Design Engineer • Heimark Distribution Center, Indio, CA – Project Manager • El Paseo Hotel, Palm Desert, CA – Project Manager • Marriott Shadow Ridge, Palm Desert, CA – Project Manager/Project Engineer • Ramon Roadway Widening for Agua Caliente Casino, Riverside County, CA – Project Manager • Eisenhower George and Julia Argyros Health Center, La Quinta, CA – Project Director • Sterling Estates II, City of Rancho Mirage, CA – Project Manager • Sonrisa Subdivision, La Quinta, CA – Project Manager • SilverRock Golf Course Repair, La Quinta, CA – Project Manager • Uptown Village Commercial Development Project, Cathedral City, CA – Project Manager • The Crossings Commercial Mixed-Use Project, Cathedral City, CA – Project Manager • Legacy Apartments Affordable Housing, Thousand Palms, CA – Project Director • Hovely Gardens Apartments, Palm Desert, CA – Project Manager Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, California State 3RO\WHFKQLF8QLYHUVLW\3RPRQD • Professional Civil Engineer in California #57667 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • 7KH1DWLRQDO&LYLO(QJLQHHULQJ Honor Society, Chi Epsilon • American Society of Civil Engineers • Salton Sea Action Committee, Board Member • American Public Works Association, Board Member- Desert Branch, Acting Vice President PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-4 DARREN ADRIAN, P.E. Quality Control/Quality Assurance Darren has more than 27 years of civil engineering and project management experience. His VSHFLDOL]HGH[SHUWLVHOLHVLQWKHSODQQLQJGHVLJQDQGPDQDJHPHQWRIURDGZD\VWUHHWVFDSHFRPSOHWH streets, interchanges, at-grade intersections, railway grade separations, widenings, and rehabilitation projects. Darren has extensive experience with developing and implementing local roadway improvements in a downtown environment. His strength encompasses coordinating with multiple stakeholders to maintain the vision and goals of a project while implementing practical engineering solutions that are affordable. This involves the most recent elements of complete streets, active transportation, and water quality/LID, as well as necessary items such as drainage conveyance, utility UHORFDWLRQDQGWUDIƂFKDQGOLQJ RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • I-10/Pennsylvania Interchange, Beaumont, CA – Project Manager • Pennsylvania Widening Project, Beaumont, CA – Project Manager • Sunset Avenue Grade Separation, Banning, CA – Senior Engineer • I-10 Bypass - Banning to Cabazon, Riverside County, CA – Deputy Project Manager • Mission Bridge Replacement, Riverside County, CA – Senior Roadway Engineer • Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) On-Call Services, Riverside County, CA – Project Manager • I-215/Cactus Avenue Interchange Improvements PSR, Moreno Valley, CA – Project Manager • Harbor/Lambert Intersection Widening, La Habra, CA – Principal-in-Charge • Gene Autry Way Improvements, Anaheim, CA – Project Manager • Ocean Park Boulevard Complete Green Street Project, Santa Monica, CA – QC/QA Manager • Santa Ana Boulevard and 5th Street Protected Bike Lane PS&E, Santa Ana, CA – Project Manager • Seal Beach Boulevard Improvements, Seal Beach, CA – Project Manager • Azusa Avenue/Amar Road Intersection Improvements, West Covina, CA – Senior Engineer • Artesia Boulevard Improvements, Buena Park, CA – Project Manager • Expo Metro Line Construction Authority, Design of LRT Phase 2, Los Angeles, CA – Subconsultant Project Manager • OC Loop – Segment D, F, and H, Orange County, CA – Engineering Advisor • South Main Street Corridor Improvements, Santa Ana, CA – Principal-in-Charge • Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Documentation for the 17th Street Grade Separation Project, Santa Ana, CA – Project Manager • OC Streetcar, Santa Ana and Garden Grove, CA – Project Manager • Anaheim Rapid Connection Streetcar, Anaheim, CA – Engineering Project Manager • Alameda Corridor East Construction Authority, Fullerton Road Grade Separation Phase II, Los Angeles County, CA – Project Manager • East Coast Highway Signal Rehabilitation Design, Newport Beach, CA – Project Director • $XWR&HQWHU'ULYH7UDIƂF6LJQDODQG0HGLDQ'HVLJQ%XHQD3DUN&$– Project Director Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, California State 3RO\WHFKQLF8QLYHUVLW\3RPRQD • Professional Civil Engineer in California #53031 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • American Public Works Association (APWA), Member • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Board Member • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-5 JEAN FARES, P.E. Quality Control/Quality Assurance Jean has 30 years of experience—including 25 years at Kimley-Horn—in the planning and design RIWUDIƂFDQGWUDQVSRUWDWLRQHQJLQHHULQJSURMHFWVWKURXJKRXW&DOLIRUQLDDQGWKHZHVWHUQ8QLWHG6WDWHV $VDUHJLVWHUHG3URIHVVLRQDO(QJLQHHU 7UDIƂF -HDQKDVSURYLGHGWUDIƂFVLJQDOGHVLJQDWPRUHWKDQ ORFDWLRQVVLJQDOV\VWHPGHVLJQDWPRUHWKDQORFDWLRQVDQGWUDIƂFVLJQDOWLPLQJDWRYHU ORFDWLRQV-HDQDOVRKDVZLGHUDQJLQJH[SHULHQFHZLWKWUDIƂFRSHUDWLRQVVLJQLQJDQGPDUNLQJ SODQSUHSDUDWLRQWUDQVSRUWDWLRQPDQDJHPHQWSODQVDQGWUDIƂFFRQWUROSODQV+HKDVSURYLGHGVLPLODU intersection improvements to improve walkability and pedestrian safety for local agencies throughout the region. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • &LW\ZLGH7UDIƂF6LJQDO(TXLSPHQWDQG,QIUDVWUXFWXUH$VVHVVPHQW6WXG\5DQFKR0LUDJH CA – Project Manager • &9$*7UDIƂF6LJQDO6\QFKURQL]DWLRQ3URMHFW&RDFKHOOD9DOOH\&$– Project Manager • -DFNVRQ6WUHHW7UDIƂF6LJQDO,QVWDOODWLRQDQG,QWHUFRQQHFW,QGLR&$– Project Manager • 2Q&DOO7UDIƂF(QJLQHHULQJ6HUYLFHV5LYHUVLGH&RXQW\&$– Project Manager • ,PSHULDO+LJKZD\7UDIƂF6LJQDO)LEHU2SWLF&RPPXQLFDWLRQ6\VWHPDQG8SJUDGHV Project, Downey, CA – Project Manager • Paramount Boulevard Fiber-Optic Communication System, Downey, CA – Project Manager • Imperial Highway at Columbia Way, Downey, CA – Project Manager • Ocean Park Boulevard Complete Green Street Project, Santa Monica, CA – Principal-in- Charge • Azusa Avenue/Amar Road Intersection Improvements, West Covina, CA – Project Engineer • Expo Metro Line Construction Authority, Design of LRT Phase 2, Los Angeles County, CA t4&5HYLHZHU7UDIƂF • Proposition 84 Green Streets Demonstration Project, Glendale, CA – QC/QA Reviewer • 6DQWD$QLWD$YHQXH&RUULGRU7UDIƂF6LJQDO,PSURYHPHQW'HVLJQ$UFDGLD&$– Project Manager • Bicknell Avenue Green Complete Street, Santa Monica, CA – Principal-in-Charge • 7UDIƂF6LJQDO7LPLQJ3ODQV3KDVH,96DQWD0RQLFD&$– Principal-in-Charge • Moorpark Road Sidewalk and Bike Lane Improvements, Thousand Oaks, CA – Project Manager • PS&E for San Fernando Class I Bikeway, Burbank, CA – QC/QA Reviewer • San Fernando Boulevard/Burbank Boulevard Intersection Improvements, Burbank, CA – Project Manager • I-5 Arterial Improvements, Burbank, CA – Project Manager • Washington Boulevard and National Boulevard Street Off-Site Improvements, Los Angeles/Culver City, CA – QC/QA Reviewer • 1RJDOHV6WUHHW7UDIƂF6LJQDO,PSURYHPHQWV3URMHFW/RV$QJHOHV&RXQW\&$– Project Manager • Alameda Corridor East Construction Authority, Fullerton Road Grade Separation Phase II, Los Angeles County, CA – Project Engineer Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Science, Architecture, California State 3RO\WHFKQLF8QLYHUVLW\3RPRQD • 7UDIƂF(QJLQHHULQ&DOLIRUQLD #TR2097 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-6 LEO ESPELET, P.E., T.E. Civil Engineering and Roadway Design Task Lead Leo has more than 14 years of experience in transportation planning and design. He has completed WKHHYDOXDWLRQDQGLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIPRELOLW\HOHPHQWVRIVHYHUDOVSHFLƂFSODQVDQGFRPPXQLW\SODQV within the region. Leo’s broad planning experience includes pedestrian, bicycle, and transit corridor evaluations; multimodal level-of-service/quality evaluations; roundabout feasibility studies; and signal timing and operation analyses. In addition to his planning efforts, Leo has completed the design and construction support of several award-winning complete street projects. Leo’s combination of planning and design experience, combined with his public outreach and consensus building abilities, have been instrumental in the completion of multimodal projects for Caltrans and other agencies. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Mission Avenue Streetscape – A Green/Complete Street, Oceanside, CA – Project Engineer • Euclid Avenue Pedestrian and Bicycle Enhancements, National City, CA – Project Engineer • Community Corridors Improvement Project, National City, CA – Project Engineer • 18th Street Improvements, National City, CA – Project Engineer • Coolidge Avenue Safe Routes to School, National City, CA – Project Engineer • D Avenue and 12th Street Roundabout (Safe Routes to School), National City, CA – Project Manager • North Park Mid-City Bike Corridors, San Diego, CA – Project Manager/Project Engineer • Central Avenue Bikeway, San Diego, CA – Project Engineer • Urban Bikeways, San Diego, CA – Project Manager • Broadway Corridor/BRT Station Engineering and Environmental Compliance, San Diego, CA t/HDG7UDIƂF(QJLQHHU • Clairemont Mesa Boulevard/SR-163 PSR/PR/ED and PS&E, San Diego, CA – Project Engineer • Design of Street Improvements at the Intersection of University Avenue and Yale Avenue, La Mesa, CA t/HDG7UDIƂF(QJLQHHU • Allison Avenue Improvements, La Mesa, CA t/HDG7UDIƂF(QJLQHHU • North Spring Street Improvements, La Mesa, CA t/HDG7UDIƂF(QJLQHHU • SR-94 Improvements – NEPA, EIR, PA/ED, and PS&E, Jamul Indian Village, CA – Project Manager Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, San Diego State 8QLYHUVLW\ • Professional Engineer in California #71532 • 7UDIƂF(QJLQHHULQ&DOLIRUQLD #TR2678 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • American Public Works Association (APWA), Member • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Member • Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP), Member • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-7 SAM MCWHORTER, P.E. Drainage and Water Quality Task Lead Sam has more than 20 years of experience in a variety of complex civil engineering water works and wastewater projects. His experience includes designing and managing projects involving water and wastewater planning and design, as well as hydrology and hydraulics planning and design. His drainage experience includes designing and managing projects involving storm drain systems, complex large watershed hydrologic analysis, river hydraulic modeling, detention basin design, water quality best management practices planning and design, stormwater quality studies, scour analysis, VHGLPHQWDWLRQZDWHUVKHGK\GURPRGLƂFDWLRQUDLQZDWHUKDUYHVWLQJDQGPDVWHUSODQQLQJ6DPKDV worked on a wide variety of public works projects for local cities and agencies. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Intersection and Drainage Improvements at Frank Sinatra Drive and Portola Avenue, Palm Desert, CA – Project Engineer • Fred Waring Drive and Monterey Avenue Roadway Improvements, Palm Desert, CA – Task Manager • I-215/Van Buren Blvd Interchange PA&ED and PS&E Phases, Riverside County, CA – Project Engineer • Interchange Improvements for I-215 at Cactus Avenue PSR, Moreno Valley, CA – Project Engineer • I-10 Bypass PA&ED, Riverside County, CA – Task Manager-Drainage • Sunset Avenue Grade Separation, Banning, CA – Task Manager-Drainage • Alameda Corridor East Construction Authority, Fullerton Road Grade Separation Phase II, Los Angeles County, CA – Project Engineer • SR-76 Widening from Melrose Drive to South Mission Road – PS&E Support, San Diego, CA – Task Manager • I-5/Genesee Avenue Interchange PA&ED, PS&E, and Construction Phase Services, San Diego, CA – Project Engineer • I-5 North Coast - PA&ED and PS&E, San Diego, CA – Task Manager • I-805 Managed Lanes South, Alignment Studies for Unit 3 PA/ED Support, San Diego, CA – Task Manager • Safari Park Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, San Diego, CA – Project Manager • Cedar Street/8th Avenue Waterline Replacements, San Diego, CA – Project Engineer • Otay Mesa Drainage Master Plan, San Diego, CA – Project Engineer • Otay Valley 24-inch Water Transmission Line, San Diego, CA – Project Engineer • Palm Avenue and I-805 Interchange Widening (Bridge), San Diego, CA – Project Engineer • Otay Valley Regional Park Trails Feasibility Study, Chula Vista, CA – Project Engineer • Otay Valley Road Channel Design, San Diego and Chula Vista, CA – Project Manager • Willow Street Bridge Replacement Phase II, Chula Vista, CA – Task Manager • Bayfront Master Plan, Chula Vista, CA – Project Engineer • A.E. Write Middle School Pedestrian Bridge, Calabasas, CA – Task Manager Professional Credentials • Master of Science, Civil Engineering (Water Resources), 6DQ'LHJR6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, San Diego State 8QLYHUVLW\ • Professional Engineer in California #61788 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-8 JASON MELCHOR, P.E. 7UDIƂF(QJLQHHULQJ6WUHHW/LJKWV7DVN/HDG -DVRQLVDSURIHVVLRQDOHQJLQHHUZLWKPRUHWKDQ\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHLQWUDIƂFHQJLQHHULQJDQG transportation planning. He has worked with clients in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San 'LHJRFRXQWLHVWRFRPSOHWHWUDIƂFLPSDFWVWXGLHVDQGSHUIRUPWKHWHFKQLFDODQDO\VLVIRUDYDULHW\RI transportation planning projects, parking studies, transit analysis, site plan reviews, and circulation VWXGLHV+LVWUDIƂFHQJLQHHULQJH[SHULHQFHLQFOXGHVWUDIƂFVLJQDOGHVLJQVLJQLQJDQGVWULSLQJWUDIƂF control, and signal interconnect design plans. He has acted as in-house staff for the cities of Irvine and Huntington Beach to review development studies and design plans. In this role, Jason worked directly with developers and City staff to provide comments on plan and document submittals. Jason DOVRKDVH[SHULHQFHZRUNLQJZLWKDYDULHW\RIWUDIƂFHQJLQHHULQJVRIWZDUHSURJUDPVDQGFRPSXWHU design packages. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Cactus Avenue Grade Separation Improvements, Moreno Valley, CA – Project Engineer • Mission Bridge Replacement, Riverside County, CA – Project Engineer • Etiwanda Avenue Bike Lane Striping, Jurupa Valley, CA – Project Engineer • Harbor Boulevard/I-405 Interchange Improvements, Costa Mesa, CA – Project Manager/ Lead Engineer • Ramona Boulevard and Valley Boulevard Intersection Improvement, El Monte, CA – Project Engineer • Harbor Boulevard/Lambert Road Intersection Widening, La Habra, CA – Project Engineer • Gene Autry Way Improvements, Anaheim, CA – QC/QA Reviewer • Santa Ana Boulevard and 5th Street Bikeway, Santa Ana, CA – Project Engineer • Seal Beach Boulevard Street Widening Improvements, Seal Beach, CA – Project Engineer • Azusa Avenue/Amar Road Intersection Improvements, West Covina, CA – Project Engineer • Ocean Park Boulevard Complete Green Street Project, Santa Monica, CA – Project Engineer • Proposition 84 Green Streets Demonstration Project, Glendale, CA – Project Engineer • Expo Metro Line Construction Authority, Design of LRT Phase 2, Los Angeles, CA t7UDIƂF Design Lead Engineer • Citywide Bike Lanes Striping, Santa Monica, CA – Project Manager • Complete Streets Master Plan, Buena Park CA – Project Engineer • $XWR&HQWHU'ULYH7UDIƂF6LJQDODQG0HGLDQ'HVLJQ%XHQD3DUN&$– Project Manager • 6DQWD$QLWD$YHQXH&RUULGRU7UDIƂF6LJQDO,PSURYHPHQW'HVLJQ$UFDGLD&$– Project Engineer • Alameda Corridor East Construction Authority, Fullerton Road Grade Separation Phase II, Los Angeles County, CA – Project Engineer • East Coast Highway Signal Rehabilitation Design, Newport Beach, CA – Project Manager • ,PSHULDO+LJKZD\7UDIƂF6LJQDO)LEHU2SWLF&RPPXQLFDWLRQ6\VWHPDQG8SJUDGHV Project, Downey, CA – Project Engineer • Paramount Boulevard Fiber-Optic Communications System, Downey, CA – Project Engineer Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Science, Civil (QJLQHHULQJ6SHFLDOL]DWLRQLQ 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ8QLYHUVLW\RI California, Irvine • Professional Engineer in California #C65218 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-9 JASON MARECHAL, P.E., LEED AP Utility Coordination Task Lead Jason has nearly 20 years of experience in civil engineering design and management, primarily focused on public and private land development projects. His technical expertise includes all civil design aspects of land development projects including utility design, grading, and drainage, along with extensive knowledge of hydrology and hydraulics and water quality standards. Jason is well-versed in all Southern California post-construction water quality requirements, including the 2011 MS4 permits IRUERWK1RUWKDQG6RXWK2UDQJH&RXQW\+LVLQQRYDWLYHDSSURDFKWRGUDLQDJHDQGZDWHUTXDOLW\ GHVLJQLQFOXGHVH[SHULHQFHZLWKORZLPSDFWGHYHORSPHQW /,' K\GURPRGLƂFDWLRQJUHHQVWUHHWVDQG large watershed studies. He has worked extensively in all counties in Southern California, and has successfully completed the design of several projects in Orange County ranging from one acre to over DFUHVLQVL]H RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Harbor Boulevard/Lambert Road Intersection Widening, La Habra, CA – Project Engineer • The Village at Tustin Legacy, Tustin, CA – Project Manager • 5HG+LOO&RUULGRU6SHFLƂF3ODQDQG(,57XVWLQ&$– Project Engineer • La Reina Court Alley Complete Streets Project (Green Street Design), Long Beach, CA – Project Manager • Douglas Park, Long Beach, CA – Project Engineer • Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Master Plan Implementation, Los Angeles, CA – Project Engineer • Newhall Land, Valencia Commerce Center, Santa Clarita, CA – Project Engineer • The Colonies Drainage Litigation (DRC), Upland, CA – Project Engineer* • Orange Lutheran High School, Orange, CA – Project Engineer* • Rusty Leaf Plaza, Orange, CA – Project Engineer* • Coyote Hills Golf Course, Fullerton, CA – Project Engineer* • Burbank Empire Center, Burbank, CA – Project Engineer* 3ULRUWRMRLQLQJ.LPOH\+RUQ Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 8QLYHUVLW\RI&DOLIRUQLD%HUNHOH\ • Professional Engineer in California #63164 • LEED Accredited Professional 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Member • International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), Member • 86*UHHQ%XLOGLQJ&RXQFLO Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-10 KEVIN THOMAS, CEP, ENV SP (QYLURQPHQWDO6WXGLHV7DVN/HDG Kevin has managed and prepared environmental and planning studies for public and private sectors FOLHQWVXQGHUWKH&DOLIRUQLD(QYLURQPHQWDO4XDOLW\$FW &(4$ DQG1DWLRQDO(QYLURQPHQWDO3ROLF\ $FW 1(3$ .HYLQGUDZVRQKLVEURDGEDFNJURXQGDQGXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIHQYLURQPHQWDOFRQVWUDLQWV to provide technical and CEQA compliance review and environmental documentation, in addition to research, analysis, and writing. He’s managed a wide range of environmental planning projects, including environmental documents for land development projects, air quality and noise studies, community participation programs, and highly controversial hillside development projects. Kevin has QHYHUKDGD&(4$RU1(3$GRFXPHQWVXFFHVVIXOO\FKDOOHQJHGLQFRXUW2QWKH/D(QWUDGDSURMHFW Kevin led the environmental impact report preparation, which was ultimately uncontested and approved. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • On-Call Environmental Services Contracts Caltrans Districts 7, 8, and 12 - Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange Counties, CA • /D(QWUDGD6SHFLƂF3ODQDQG(,5&RDFKHOOD&$ • McNaughton Ranch Annexation IS/MND, Coachella, CA • McNaughton Road/Interstate 10 Preliminary Environmental Assessment Report, Coachella, and Caltrans District 8, CA • El Dorado Bridge Widening Project Initital Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, Rancho Mirage, CA • Garden of Champions EIR, County of Riverside, Indian Wells, CA • %XWWHUƂHOG6SHFLƂF3ODQDQG(,5%DQQLQJ&$ • 0XUG\5DQFK(,56SHFLƂF3ODQ5LYHUVLGH&RXQW\&$ • Jefferson Street Widening/Reconstruction Project, La Quinta and Indio, CA • Riverside County Transportation Department, Various Road Projects, County of Riverside, CA • Desert Cities Automall Revised EA/MND, County of Riverside, CA • Wine Country Community Plan Program EIR, Temecula, CA • Chapman Ranch Planned Development Subsequent EIR, Yucaipa, CA • Canyon Crest EIR, Brea, CA • Crafton Hills Planned Unit Development Final Supplemental EIR, San Bernardino County, CA • 0DGLVRQ&ORYHUOHDI6SHFLƂF3ODQ$UHD6SHFLƂF3ODQ0RQURYLD&$ • 5LWWHU5DQFK6SHFLƂF3ODQ(,53DOPGDOH&$ • :RRG5DQFK6SHFLƂF3ODQ)LQDO(,56LPL9DOOH\&$ • Foothill Aliso Planned Community/Canada Community Park EIR, OrangeCounty and Lake Forest, CA • Bridlewood Planned Community EIR, Orange County, CA • Del Webb’s Sun City MND, Riverside, CA Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Arts, Environmental (QJLQHHULQJ8QLYHUVLW\RI California, Los Angeles • &HUWLƂHG(QYLURQPHQWDO Professional, #99040383 • Envision Sustainability Professional 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • American Council of Engineering Companies, Chair • American Water Works Association, Member • 1DWLRQDO$VVRFLDWLRQRI Environmental Professionals • CalDesal, Chair, Regulatory Working Group • $PHULFDQ5RDG 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ Builders Association, Co-Chair Environmental Committee, Chair 1(3$6XEFRPPLWWHH )HGHUDO Issues Oversight) PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-11 MICHAEL KNAPTON, P.E., PLS 6XUYH\LQJ7DVN/HDG Michael has nearly 20 years of experience blending the tools of civil engineering, land surveying, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to serve the needs of widely varied projects. His experience includes boundary and topographic surveys, easement plats, parcel maps, tentative mapping, subdivision mapping, condominium maps, legal descriptions, right-of-way surveys, boundary surveys, $/7$VLWHVXUYH\VDQG*,6SURMHFWV0LFKDHOLVDOVRDGHSWDWXWLOL]LQJ*,6V\VWHPVWRLQWHJUDWHSURMHFW mapping data with spatial information to support the project decision-making process. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Mission Avenue Streetscape – A Complete/Green Street, Oceanside, CA – Surveyor • La Mesa Avenue and El Cajon Avenue Complete Streets Improvements, La Mesa, CA – QC/QA Reviewer • Palm Street and Golden Avenue Safe Routes to School, Lemon Grove, CA – Surveyor • 0DUWLQFRLW5RDG7UDIƂF&DOPLQJ3RZD\&$– Surveyor • North Park Mid-City Bike Corridors, San Diego, CA – Project Engineer • Bayshore Bikeway Environmental Documentation and Final Design, San Diego, CA – Surveyor • I-5/Genesee Avenue Interchange PR/ED, PS&E, and Construction Phase Services, San Diego, CA – Surveyor • Clairemont Mesa Boulevard/SR-163 PSR/PR/ED and PS&E, San Diego, CA – Surveyor • Genesee Avenue Widening, San Diego, CA – Designer • SR-94 Improvements – NEPA, EIR, PA/ED, and PS&E, Jamul Indian Village, CA – Project Engineer • I-215/Van Buren Blvd Interchange PA&ED and PS&E Phases, Riverside County, CA – Surveyor • Otay Valley Regional Park Trails Feasibility Study, Chula Vista, CA – Project Engineer • Rehabilitation of Willow Street Bridge Over Sweetwater River, Chula Vista, CA – Surveyor Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Montana State 8QLYHUVLW\ • Professional Engineer in California #65627 • Professional Land Surveyor in California #8012 PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-12 ARMANDO DUPONT, PLS 3ULQFLSDO6XUYH\RU Mr. DuPont started his career in the surveying industry in 1977. As President and founding member of CAL VADA, he is responsible for all business activities of the company including executive PDQDJHPHQWRIWHFKQLFDOƂHOGHQJLQHHULQJGHVLJQDQGODQGVXUYH\SHUVRQQHO+LVSURMHFWH[SHULHQFH includes topographic mapping, boundary surveying and analysis, ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, construction and control surveying, preparation of tract and parcel maps, earth work calculations and quantities, and targeting and control for photogrammetry observations. 0U'X3RQWLVƃXHQWLQPDQDJLQJFRPPHUFLDOLQGXVWULDODQGJRYHUQPHQWDODVZHOODVSULYDWHVHFWRU projects. He leads a team of professionals at CAL VADA providing insight and leadership based on his years of experience as a Party Chief, Project Surveyor and Project Manager on a wide array of projects. He has provided work for a number of industries, including providing services to the engineering, telecommunications, transportation, environmental and real estate industries. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Topographic Survey of a Portion of the Long Beach Airport Long Beach, CA – Mr. DuPont served as the lead surveyor for the topographic survey for engineering purposes. A detailed topographic survey of the southeast portion of the airport for design purposes was completed under the supervision of Mr. DuPont. The map included detailed cross sections of the major streets VXUURXQGLQJWKHVLWH,WDOVRLQFOXGHGWRSRJUDSKLFLQIRUPDWLRQRIDOOWKHFXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHV sidewalks, buildings and all visible utilities. 7KHWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\DOVRLQFOXGHGFRQWRXUVWKDWZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKH GHVLJQRIDZDWHUGHWHQWLRQDQGƂOWUDWLRQV\VWHP$XWLOLW\VXUYH\ZKHUHDWKLUGSDUW\SHUIRUPHG a geophysical investigation of all the underground utilities was also under the supervision of Mr. 'X3RQW&DOYDGD6XUYH\LQJVXUYH\HGDOOWKHREVHUYDWLRQVPDGHDQGUHSRUWHGWKHƂQGLQJVRQWKH topographic map. The utilities included water lines, gas/petroleum/jet fuel lines, storm drain lines and sewer lines. An in depth research of As-Built utility maps was performed to accurately provide the design team a clear representation of the underground utilities. Depths were measured at DOOPDQKROHVDQGGUDLQLQOHWVZLWKLQWKHSURMHFWERXQGDULHVWRVKRZWKHƃRZLQDOOVWRUPGUDLQV and sewer lines. A property investigation was performed where a third party provided all the legal documentation. Calvada Surveying then used all the legal documentations and reported the ƂQGLQJVRQDERXQGDU\PDS • Topographic Survey of I5 North HOV Lanes, Stevenson Ranch, CA – Mr. DuPont served as the lead surveyor for the topographic survey for engineering purposes. A highly detailed topographic survey of 10 miles of the I5 freeway near Stevenson Ranch, CA was performed. 7KHVKRXOGHUVƂUVWODQHVIDUODQHVYDULRXVVORSHVYLVLEOHXWLOLWLHVDQGEULGJHVFURVVLQJVZHUH surveyed. The map included 50’ cross sections along the 10 miles and detailed contours and surfaces throughout the sloped areas of the project area. The survey had to be surveyed conventionally due to the nature of the accuracy that was required and an aerial survey would not VXIƂFH • Topographic Survey of Public Right of Way, San Juan Capistrano, CA – Mr. DuPont served as the lead surveyor for the topographic survey for ADA engineering purposes. A detailed topographic survey of the 33 ramps for design purposes and 3 miles of public right-of-way was completed under the supervision of Mr. DuPont. The topographic map included an aerial survey of all the streets within the project site. It also included detailed topographic information of all WKHFXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHVVLGHZDONVEXLOGLQJVDQGDOOYLVLEOHXWLOLWLHV7KHWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\ LQFOXGHGFRQWRXUVLQ&LYLO'WKDWZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKHGHVLJQRI$'$ compliant ramps. Professional Credentials • Associate of Arts, Civil Engineering, Fullerton College, Fullerton, California • Land Surveying, California 3RO\WHFKQLF6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ Pomona, California • Professional Land Surveyor, State of CA PLS #7780 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • California Land Surveyors Association, Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-13 • Cycle 7 Citywide Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Enhancements, Moreno Valley, CA – Mr. DuPont served as the lead surveyor for the detailed topographic survey of Perris Blvd., Alessandro Blvd. and Brodiaea Ave. (2,660 linear feet) for design purposes. This included detailed cross VHFWLRQVRIWKHPDMRUVWUHHWVVXUURXQGLQJWKHVLWH,WDOVRLQFOXGHGWRSRJUDSKLFLQIRUPDWLRQRIDOOWKHFXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHVVLGHZDONVDQGDOOYLVLEOH XWLOLWLHV7KHWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\DOVRLQFOXGHGFRQWRXUVWKDWZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKHGHVLJQ3URMHFWDOVRLQFOXGHGERXQGDU\ analysis based on the provided title report, plotting existing easements and creating street dedication legal descriptions and exhibits. The scope also included the detailed survey of 36 Ramps spread out throughout the City of Moreno Valley. The topographic surveys included contours in Civil3D that ZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKHGHVLJQRI$'$FRPSOLDQWUDPSV • Topographic Survey of a Portion of Naval Air Force Base, El Centro, CA – Mr. DuPont served as the lead surveyor for the topographic survey IRUYROXPHTXDQWLWLHVDQGHQJLQHHULQJSXUSRVHV$KLJKO\GHWDLOHGWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\RIWKHVRXWKZHVWSRUWLRQRIWKH1DYDO%DVHIRUYROXPHTXDQWLWLHV and design purposes was completed under the supervision of Mr. DuPont. The map included detailed contours and surfaces of all the different dirt/ FRQFUHWHPLVFSLOHVWKURXJKRXWWKHVLWH7KHFRQWRXUVDQGVXUIDFHVZHUHXWLOL]HGE\RXUWHDPWRDLGLQREWDLQLQJWKHYROXPHTXDQWLWLHVRIWKHYDULRXV piles. The survey covered about 49 ACRES and had to be surveyed conventionally due to the nature of the accuracy that was required. Grading FDOFXODWLRQVDQGƂHOGVWDNLQJLVFXUUHQWO\EHLQJSHUIRUPHGWRDLGWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQJUDGLQJWHDP$WRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\RIWKHJUDGHG$&5(6LVWKHQ UHTXLUHGWRSURYLGHWKH1$9<ZLWKXSGDWHVRIWKHSURMHFW PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-14 SAUL MELGAREJO JR, LSIT /DQG6XUYH\RU 0U0HOJDUHMRKDVZRUNHGLQWKHƂHOGRIODQGVXUYH\LQJVLQFH-XQHRILQWKHFDSDFLW\RI3URMHFW Manager for the Environmental Division. He is experienced in topographic mapping, boundary survey, HQYLURQPHQWDOFRPSOLDQFHDQGDQDO\VLVDVZHOODV+LJK'HƂQLWLRQ/DVHU6FDQQLQJ0U0HOJDUHMRpV educational background is well rounded to include photogrammetry, highway engineering, public land VXUYH\VYHFWRUG\QDPLFVƃXLGPHFKDQLFVK\GUDXOLFHQJLQHHULQJZDWHUVXSSO\HQJLQHHULQJVWUXFWXUH analysis and geotechnical engineering. In his present capacity as Environmental and Topographic Survey Project Manager he is responsible for CAD team oversight, QA/QC, Management and Technology development, project coordination, supervision and delivery. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE •Topographic Survey of a Portion of the Long Beach Airport, Long Beach, CA – Mr. Melgarejo served as the project manager for the topographic survey for engineering purposes. A detailed topographic survey of the southeast portion of the airport for design purposes was completed under the management of Mr. Melgarejo. The map included detailed cross sections of the major streets surrounding the site. It also included topographic information of all the FXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHVVLGHZDONVEXLOGLQJVDQGDOOYLVLEOHXWLOLWLHV7KHWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\DOVR LQFOXGHGFRQWRXUVWKDWZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKHGHVLJQRIDZDWHUGHWHQWLRQ DQGƂOWUDWLRQV\VWHP$XWLOLW\VXUYH\ZKHUHDWKLUGSDUW\SHUIRUPHGDJHRSK\VLFDOLQYHVWLJDWLRQRI all the underground utilities was also under the management of Mr. Melgarejo. Calvada Surveying VXUYH\HGDOOWKHREVHUYDWLRQVPDGHDQGUHSRUWHGWKHƂQGLQJVRQWKHWRSRJUDSKLFPDS7KHXWLOLWLHV included water lines, gas/petroleum/jet fuel lines, storm drain lines and sewer lines. An in depth research of As-Built utility maps was performed to accurately provide the design team a clear representation of the underground utilities. Depths were measured at all manholes and drain inlets ZLWKLQWKHSURMHFWERXQGDULHVWRVKRZWKHƃRZLQDOOVWRUPGUDLQVDQGVHZHUOLQHV$SURSHUW\ investigation was performed where a third party provided all the legal documentation. Calvada 6XUYH\LQJWKHQXVHGDOOWKHOHJDOGRFXPHQWDWLRQVDQGUHSRUWHGWKHƂQGLQJVRQDERXQGDU\PDS An in-depth research of record maps and legal deeds were performed to accurately provide the legal team a clear representation of the property boundaries. •Topographic Survey of I5 North HOV Lanes, Stevenson Ranch, CA – Mr. Melgarejo served as the project manager and point of contact for the topographic survey for engineering purposes. A highly detailed topographic survey of 10 miles of the I5 freeway near Stevenson Ranch, CA ZDVSHUIRUPHG7KHVKRXOGHUVƂUVWODQHVIDUODQHVYDULRXVVORSHVYLVLEOHXWLOLWLHVDQGEULGJHV crossings were surveyed. The map included 50’ cross sections along the 10 miles and detailed contours and surfaces throughout the sloped areas of the project area. The survey had to be surveyed conventionally due to the nature of the accuracy that was required and an aerial survey ZRXOGQRWVXIƂFH •Topographic Survey of Public Right of Way- San Juan Capistrano, CA – Mr. Melgarejo served as the project manager for the topographic survey for ADA engineering purposes. A detailed topographic survey of the 33 ramps for design purposes and 3 miles of public right- of-way was completed under the management of Mr. Melgarejo. The topographic map included an aerial survey of all the streets within the project site. It also included detailed topographic LQIRUPDWLRQRIDOOWKHFXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHVVLGHZDONVEXLOGLQJVDQGDOOYLVLEOHXWLOLWLHV7KH WRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\LQFOXGHGFRQWRXUVLQ&LYLO'WKDWZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKH design of ADA compliant ramps. Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Geospatial Engineering, California Polytechnic State 8QLYHUVLW\3RPRQD • Land Surveyor in Training, State of CA LSIT #7771 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • California Land Surveyors Association, Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-15 • Cycle 7 Citywide Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Enhancements - Moreno Valley, CA – Mr. Melgarejo served as the project manager for the detailed topographic survey of Perris Blvd., Alessandro Blvd. and Brodiaea Ave. (2,660 linear feet) for design purposes. This included detailed cross VHFWLRQVRIWKHPDMRUVWUHHWVVXUURXQGLQJWKHVLWH,WDOVRLQFOXGHGWRSRJUDSKLFLQIRUPDWLRQRIDOOWKHFXUEVJXWWHUVƃRZOLQHVVLGHZDONVDQGDOOYLVLEOH XWLOLWLHV7KHWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\DOVRLQFOXGHGFRQWRXUVWKDWZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKHGHVLJQ3URMHFWDOVRLQFOXGHGERXQGDU\ analysis based on the provided title report, plotting existing easements and creating street dedication legal descriptions and exhibits. The scope also included the detailed survey of 36 Ramps spread out throughout the City of Moreno Valley. The topographic surveys included contours in Civil3D that ZHUHXWLOL]HGE\WKHGHVLJQJURXSWRDLGLQWKHGHVLJQRI$'$FRPSOLDQWUDPSV • Topographic Survey of a Portion of Naval Air Force Base El Centro, El Centro, CA – Mr. Melgarejo served as the lead surveyor for the WRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\IRUYROXPHTXDQWLWLHVDQGHQJLQHHULQJSXUSRVHV$KLJKO\GHWDLOHGWRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\RIWKHVRXWKZHVWSRUWLRQRIWKH1DYDO Base for volume quantities and design purposes was completed under the management of Mr. Melgarejo. The map included detailed contours and VXUIDFHVRIDOOWKHGLIIHUHQWGLUWFRQFUHWHPLVFSLOHVWKURXJKRXWWKHVLWH7KHFRQWRXUVDQGVXUIDFHVZHUHXWLOL]HGE\RXUWHDPWRDLGLQREWDLQLQJWKH volume quantities of the various piles. The survey covered about 49 ACRES and had to be surveyed conventionally due to the nature of the accuracy WKDWZDVUHTXLUHG*UDGLQJFDOFXODWLRQVDQGƂHOGVWDNLQJLVFXUUHQWO\EHLQJSHUIRUPHGWRDLGWKHFRQVWUXFWLRQJUDGLQJWHDP$WRSRJUDSKLFVXUYH\RI WKHJUDGHG$&5(6LVWKHQUHTXLUHGWRSURYLGHWKH1$9<ZLWKXSGDWHVRIWKHSURMHFW PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-16 MICHAEL MADSEN, PLA, CLIA, ASLA Landscape and Irrigation Task Lead Michael has 15 years of landscape architectural experience in master planning, streetscapes, site design, pool and amenity areas, planting and irrigation design, and the preparation of tree mitigation plans. His background includes coordinating multidisciplinary design projects involving civil engineering, roadway design, transportation design, landscape architecture, urban planning, and architecture. Much of Michael’s project experience has been on streets and pedestrian thoroughfares, transportation corridors, and parks. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Gene Autry Way Improvements, Anaheim, CA – Landscape Architect • Santa Ana Boulevard and 5th Street Protected Bike Lane, Santa Ana, CA – Landscape Architect • Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Documentation for the 17th Street Grade Separation Project, Santa Ana, CA – Landscape Architect • Community Corridors Improvement Project, National City, CA – Landscape Architect • Coolidge Avenue Safe Routes to School, National City, CA – Landscape Architect • D Avenue and 12th Street Roundabout (Safe Routes to School), National City, CA – Landscape Architect • A Avenue Green Street, National City, CA – Landscape Architect • Broadway Corridor/BRT Station Engineering and Environmental Compliance, San Diego, CA – Landscape Architect • I-5/Genesee Avenue Interchange PA&ED, PS&E, and Construction Phase Services, San Diego, CA – Landscape Architect • 11th Avenue Improvements, San Diego, CA – Landscape Architect • Rancho Road Sidewalks and Bike Lanes, Thousand Oaks, CA – Landscape Architect Professional Credentials • Master of Landscape $UFKLWHFWXUH8QLYHUVLW\RI Florida • Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Florida State 8QLYHUVLW\ • Professional Landscape Architect in California #5798 (and in BC, FL, and WA) • &HUWLƂHG/DQGVFDSH,UULJDWLRQ Auditor #92638 • Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards #21623 3URIHVVLRQDO$IƂOLDWLRQV • American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), Member • 86*UHHQ%XLOGLQJ&RXQFLO Member PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-17 ALAN PACE, PG, CEG 6HQLRU$VVRFLDWH*HRORJLVW 0U3DFHKDVEHHQLQWKHJHRWHFKQLFDODQGJHRORJLFƂHOGVVLQFH+HKDVSHUIRUPHGFRQVWUXFWLRQ management and in-grading geologic observation of large earthwork projects involving several million FXELF\DUGVRIH[FDYDWLRQDQGFRPSDFWHGƂOOVDQGQXPHURXVW\SHVRIPDWHULDOV3URMHFWW\SHVLQFOXGH ODQGƂOOLPSURYHPHQWVUHVLGHQWLDOLQGXVWULDOSURMHFWVURDGVSLSHOLQHVGDPVDQGWXQQHOV+HKDV performed geologic investigations addressing the potential effects of adverse geologic conditions (e.g., DFWLYHIDXOWLQJODQGVOLGHVVORSHVWDELOLW\VXLWDELOLW\RIƂOOIRXQGDWLRQPDWHULDOVDQGGHSWKWREHGURFN and groundwater), seismic refraction surveys to aid in subsurface mapping and rippability studies, and QXPHURXVWUHQFKLQJVWXGLHVWRHYDOXDWHIDXOWLQJDQGFKDUDFWHUL]HQHDUVXUIDFHPDWHULDOV6HOHFWHG project experience is listed below. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • La Quinta Eisenhower Retention Basin, CA • Madison Street Widening, Indio, CA • Transportation Infrastructure Phase II, Dudek Engineering for City of Desert Hot Springs, CA • Water Tank Location Feasibility Investigation, SunCal Homes for City of Desert Hot Springs, CA • 1400 Zone Water Transmission Main, Hacker Engineering for Mission Springs Water District, Desert Hot Springs, CA • El Centro Sewer Rehabilitation Investigation, Dudek Engineering for City of El Centro, CA • Enterprise Way, MSA Engineering for City of Coachella, CA • Groundwater Recharge Investigation, Indio Water Authority, Indio, CA • 230/92 KV Transformer Foundation Design, Imperial Irrigation District, El Centro and Dixieland, CA • Orange County Gateway, City of Placentia, Placentia and Anaheim, CA • 7UDIƂF'LYHUVLRQ7XQQHO&LWRI&RURQDGR&RURQDGR&$ • Children’s Museum Tower, City of San Diego, San Diego, CA • 2OLQGD$OSKD/DQGƂOO$FWLYH)DXOW,QYHVWLJDWLRQ2&,:0'2UDQJH&RXQW\&$ • Madison Square Development, Sobel Enterprises, La Quinta, CA • Foothill Transit Maintenance Facility, Geotechnical Study, Foothill Transit District, Irwindale, CA • Palmilla Resort Expansion/New Cabo Del Sol Resort, Koll Company, Baja California Sur, Mexico • Planning Area 52 North Geologic Monitoring During Grading, Mission Viejo Company, Aliso Viejo, CA Professional Credentials • Bachelor of Science, Geology, 1987 • Professional Geologist in CA #6229 • California Engineering Geologist #1952 PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-18 SIAMAK JAFROUDI, PH.D., P.E., GE, REA 3ULQFLSDO*HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHU 'U-DIURXGLKDVEHHQLQWKHƂHOGRIJHRWHFKQLFDOHQJLQHHULQJVLQFH+LVDUHDRIVSHFLDOL]DWLRQ LVqPDWHULDOFKDUDFWHUL]DWLRQrLQUHODWLRQWRVORSHVWDELOLW\HYDOXDWLRQOLTXHIDFWLRQDQDO\VLVSDYHPHQW design, collapse potential, earth retaining structures and earthquake engineering. Dr. Jafroudi’s experience encompasses the design and supervision of a multitude of soil mechanics laboratory tests and drilling programs. With a broad range of project experience, he has served as a Principal Engineer on several key projects for such clients as public agency, school, university and college districts, transportation agencies, residential and commercial developers, as well as private sector clients. Acquiring a doctorate degree in Geotechnical Engineering as well as a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering, Dr. Jafroudi maintains extensive working knowledge and experience with respect to WKHVHFKDOOHQJLQJƂHOGV RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • Transportation Infrastructure Phase II, Dudek Engineering for City of Desert Hot Springs, CA • Water Tank Location Feasibility Investigation, SunCal Homes for City of Desert Hot Springs, CA • 1400 Zone Water Transmission Main, Hacker Engineering for Mission Springs Water District, Desert Hot Springs, CA • El Centro Sewer Rehabilitation Investigation, Dudek Engineering for City of El Centro, CA • Enterprise Way, MSA Engineering for City of Coachella, CA • Madison Square Development, Sobel Enterprises, La Quinta, CA • Groundwater Recharge Investigation, Indio Water Authority, Indio, CA • 230/92 KV Transformer Foundation Design, Imperial Irrigation District, El Centro and Dixieland, CA • Forensic Investigation, Imperial Irrigation District, Imperial County, CA • City Library Extension and New City Hall, City of Mission Viejo, CA • Various As-Needed Projects, City of Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA • El Toro Road Slide Repair, City of Mission Viejo, El Toro, CA • Third-Party Review, City of Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA • Crown Valley Road Widening, City of Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA • El Toro Road Slide Repair, City of Mission Viejo, El Toro, CA • Environmental Site Assessments for Eleven Sites, City of Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA • Youth Athletic Park, City of Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA • Edwards Movie Theater Cinema, City of Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA • On-Call Environmental Projects, City of Mission Viejo, Mission Viejo, CA • Various As-Needed Projects, City of San Clemente, San Clemente, CA • Third-Party Review, City of San Juan Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, CA • Third-Party Review, City of Buena Park, Buena Park, CA Professional Credentials • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, 1983 • Master of Science, Civil Engineering, 1978 • Geotechnical Engineering in CA #2024 • Professional Civil Engineer in CA #36641 PROPOSAL FOR WASHINGTON STREET AT FRED WARING DRIVE TRIPLE LEFT TURN NES PROJECT 2017-01 City of La Quinta | RSRD77009.19 A-19 CONTRACT EXCEPTIONS .LPOH\+RUQKDVUHYLHZHGWKHVDPSOH$JUHHPHQWIRU&RQWUDFW6HUYLFHVDQGZRXOGOLNHWRGLVFXVVWKHIROORZLQJPRGLƂFDWLRQVZLWKWKH&LW\WKDWDUHFRQ- sistent with previously negotiated terms, or are necessary to allow compliance with commercially available insurance coverage. From the Draft Agreement: 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, […]. Contracting Party represents and warrants that Contract- ing Party is DSURYLGHURIƂUVWFODVVZRUNDQGRUVHUYLFHVDQG&RQWUDFWLQJ3DUW\LV experienced in performing the Services contemplated herein and, >f@qLQGXVWU\VWDQGDUGVrVKDOOPHDQWKRVHVWDQGDUGVRISUDFWLFHUHFRJQL]HGE\RQHRUPRUHƂUVWFODVV ƂUPVSHUIRUPLQJVLPLODUVHUYLFHVXQGHU similar circumstances. 1.2 Compliance with Law. All Services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all applicable ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations, and laws of the City and any Federal, State, or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 2.1 Contract Sum. For the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Contracting Party shall be compensated in accordance with “Exhibit B” […]. The Contract Sum shall include the attendance of Contracting Party at all project meetings VSHFLƂFDOO\RXWOLQHGLQWKH6FRSHRI6HUYLFHV$WWHQ- dance at any other meetings reasonably deemed necessary by City; Contracting Party shall not be entitled to any considered additional services compensation for attending said meetings. […]. 7.3 Ownership of Documents$OOGUDZLQJVVSHFLƂFDWLRQVPDSVGHVLJQVSKRWRJUDSKVVWXGLHVVXUYH\V>f@VKDOOEHcome the property of City upon payment for such services or work product DQGVKDOOEHGHOLYHUHGWR&LW\XSRQUHTXHVWRIWKH&RQWUDFW2IƂFHURUXSRQWKHH[SLUDWLRQRUWHUPLQDWLRQ of this Agreement, […]. From Exhibit A - Addendum to Agreement: 6. Liquidated Damages. Delete this section in its entirety. From Exhibit E – Insurance Requirements E.1 Insurance. 3URIHVVLRQDO/LDELOLW\RU(UURUVDQG2PLVVLRQV,QVXUDQFHDVDSSURSULDWHVKDOOEHZULWWHQRQDSROLF\IRUPFRYHUDJHVSHFLƂFDOO\GHVLJQHGWRSURWHFWDJDLQVW negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Contracting Party […]. CONTACT: Aryo Rad, P.E., QSD/P Aryo.Rad@kimley-horn.com Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 45-25 Manitou Drive, Suite 11 Indian Wells, CA 92210 714.786.6340 / www.Kimley-Horn.com