Michael Baker International
Michael Baker has a rich legacy as an engineering consulting firm founded in 1940, with continued growth and
expansion since then. Specializing in engineering, planning, environmental compliance, program management, and
full life cycle support services as well as information technology and communications solutions, the firm provides a host
of differentiated and innovative services that enhance client projects. Through more than 3,000 employees and 90
offices worldwide, Michael Baker’s focus is on the safety and security of people in our local communities and across
the globe.
Michael Baker has an extensive background in the analysis and development of comprehensive traffic control
measures. Michael Baker offers technical excellence and innovative problem solving within the context of an effective,
proven management approach in addition to the requirements associated with roadway improvements. We bring
together experts in the field of transportation engineering to accomplish these goals - experts that are familiar with the
region and that have participated in similar projects. Our proposed team of design professionals is experienced in
watershed modeling techniques, including state of the art hydrology and hydraulic computer models programs.
Michael Baker has selected a highly qualified team of professionals who have worked together on similar projects. The
team is led by Project Manager, Daniel Koravos, PE. Mr. Koravos possesses a diverse civil engineering background
obtained from nearly 39 years experience, resulting in the ability to design a safe and efficient environment for the
Coachella Valley community.
Daniel Koravos 39
B.S., Applied Science &
Technology, Thomas Edison State
Professional Engineer –
Civil: California, 1983, No.
C36718; Massachusetts,
1994, No. 37752; New
Hampshire, 1994, No. 8795
Christopher Alberts 24
Coursework, San Jacinto College
Coursework, General Studies,
South Dakota State University
Professional Land
Surveyor, California, 2008,
No. 8508 Immediate
Gary Warkentin 40 Certificate, Traffic Engineering,
University of California, Irvine
Certificate of
Transportation Studies Immediate
Octavio Hernandez 14
B.S., 2004, Civil Engineering,
California State University at Long
Professional Engineer -
Civil, California, 2011, No.
Cathy Johnson 26
B.S., 1978, Ornamental
Horticulture, Washington State
Landscape Architect,
California, 2001, No. 4545 Immediate
Page Garner 38
A.A., Survey Technology, The
Pennsylvania State University,
Mont Alto Campus
Land Surveyor, California,
1989, No. 6155 Immediate
Bill Pope 25
Vocational/Technical, 2005,
Surveying and Mapping Course,
Mount San Jacinto Community
Alan Ashimine 18
B.A., 2000, Environmental Analysis
and Design, University of California,
Siri Champion 18
M.A., 2008, Urban Planning,
University of Southern California;
B.A., 2000, Geography and Urban
Planning, Macalester College
Representative Project Experience
Date Palm Drive over Whitewater River | Cathedral City, California
Michael Baker prepared PS&E for the Date Palm Drive Bridge which is a four-
lane bridge approximately 757 feet long and 56 feet wide over the Whitewater
River and is functionally classified as an urban minor arterial. The project
involved preparation of hydrology and hydraulics report that formed the basis
of design. The tributary watershed was delineated and hydrology performed,
per the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
(RCFC&WCD) Hydrology Manual. Flows were analyzed for the 3, 6, and 24-
hour durations for the 100-year storm event. The project also involved detailed
hydraulic calculations using Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis
System (HEC-RAS) hydraulics computer
program. The project required preparation
of traffic control plans that would ensure
that the Arterial Highway would remain
open to traffic during construction. Michael
Baker also prepared the Delineation of
Jurisdictional Waters and Natural Environment Study – Minimal Impact (NES-MI) for the
Date Palm Drive over the Whitewater River Project, located in the City of Cathedral City,
Riverside County.
Avenue 50 Extension| Coachella, California
Michael Baker prepared PS&E for 50 Extension project for the City of Coachella
to connect existing Avenue 50 at Fillmore Road to the proposed Avenue 50
Interchange on Interstate 10. The Project involved design of approximately
7,200 lineal feet of 6 lane arterial roadway with NEV and bike lanes. These
improvements will facilitate the necessary infrastructure, including utilities
corridors, for the La Entrada Specific Plan.
The roadway alignment requires crossing the Coachella Canal and the existing
30-foot high East Side Dike, both owned and maintained by the Bureau of
Reclamation. The project included design of a reinforced concrete box structure
within the Coachella Canal, precast arches to convey flood flows along the north
side of the existing levee and extensive storm drain systems to support the
roadway improvements and adjacent development. Michael Baker performed
detailed design hydrology and hydraulic analysis for this project following the
procedures outlined in the RCFC&WCD Hydrology Manual and City design guidelines. The project was coordinated with
the Coachella Valley Water District to obtain approvals for impacts to the Coachella Canal and Eastside Dike.
Jefferson Street and Varner Road Improvement Project| Indio, California
Michael Baker prepared PS&E for the Jefferson Street and Varner Road
improvement project which involved roadway widening and realignment to
accommodate anticipated future traffic volume due to the I-10 interchange. The
project included roadway design plans, drainage plans, signal design plans,
road work, right-of-way, utility coordination, and CEQA documentation for the
project. Detailed local hydrology and hydraulics studies per performed to
evaluate floodplain impacts in conjunction with State requirements for the
project improvements. The hydrology was performed per the hydrology
performed per the RCFC&WCD Hydrology Manual and guidelines. Hydraulics
was performed using WSPGW and HEC-RAS hydraulics programs. The project
required the acquisition of street easements, along with a slope easement, for
the subject improvements from three large properties in various stages of development.
Relevant Highlights:
Street and storm drain
Hydrology and hydraulic analysis
CVWD review and coordination
Phased construction and traffic
control plans
Regional channel hydraulics
Mr. Bryan McKinney
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
p. 760.770.0360
e-mail: bmckinney@laquintaca.gov
Relevant Highlights:
Street and storm drain
Final PS&E
Utility coordination
Hydrology and hydraulic modeling
CVWD coordination
Mr. Jonathan Hoy
City of Coachella
1515 Sixth Street
Coachella, CA 92236
p. 760.398.5744
e-mail: jhoy@coachella.org
Relevant Highlights:
Street drainage improvements
Final PS&E
Mr. Eric Weck
City of Indio
83-101 Avenue 45
Indio, CA 92201
p. 760.625.1838
e-mail: eweck@indio.org
To achieve a Level of Service (LOS) of “E” or better,
the Cities of La Quinta, Palm Desert and Indian
Wells propose to modify the intersection at
Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive for peak
hour traffic during the peak season. To accomplish
this, adding a third left turn lane in each direction is
proposed. Currently the intersection has the
following configuration: Northbound – one right turn
lane, three thru lanes, two left turn lanes;
Southbound – one right turn lane, three thru lanes,
two left turn lanes; Eastbound – one right turn lane,
three thru lanes, two left turn lanes; Westbound –
one right turn lane, three thru lanes, two left turn lanes. Based on the diagram included in the project RFP, existing lane
widths will be adjusted slightly and portions of the existing curb, gutters and sidewalks on both Washington Street and Fred
Waring Drive will be removed and reconstructed further from street centerline to allow for the additional ten (10) foot wide
left turn lanes in all directions.
Because of the proposed intersection modifications, the following improvements will be required at various locations entering
and existing the intersection.
Washington Street Southbound:
•Begin right turn lane transition approximately 400 feet from the curb return.
•Reconstruct the driveway entering the Washington Plaza commercial site.
•Reconstruct the northerly curb return and access ramp and shift northerly to allow for the additional westbound
•Shift the right turn lane line to the west.
•Shift median curb to the east approximately six (6) feet.
•Shift to the west and re-stripe the left turn lanes and add an additional lane.
•Shift and re-stripe the three (3) thru lanes to match the shifted lane lines exiting the intersection.
•Re-stripe the east-west cross walk lines.
Washington Street Northbound:
•Reconstruct the southerly curb return and access ramp and shift southerly to allow for an additional eastbound
•Shift and re-stripe the right turn and thru lane lines to the east approximately three (3) feet.
•Shift bus turnout and shade structure approximately four (4) feet to the east and coordinate with Sunline Transit
•Shift to the west and re-stripe existing left turn lane lines and add a new left turn lane.
•Re-stripe the east-west cross walk lines.
Fred Waring Drive Westbound:
•Reconstruct northerly curb return and access ramp and shift to the north to allow for additional lane.
•Begin right turn lane transition approximately 400 feet from the curb return.
•Shift and re-stripe right turn lane north approximately six (6) feet.
•Shift and re-stripe three (3) thru lanes to match the shifted lane lines exiting the intersection.
•Shift to the south and re-stripe left turn lanes and add additional left turn lane.
•Re-stripe the north-south cross walk lines.
Fred Waring Drive Eastbound:
•Reconstruct the curb return and access ramp and shift southerly to allow for additional eastbound lane.
•Begin the right turn lane transition approximately 350 feet from the curb return.
•Shift and re-stripe the right tun lane south approximately three (3) feet.
•Shift and re-stripe the three (3) thru lanes to the south approximately three (3) feet to match the shifted lane lines
exiting the intersection.
•Shift to the north and re-stripe left turn lanes and add additional left turn lane.
•Re-stripe the east-west cross walk lines.
Note – Additional Right of Way will be required to construct the new curb return.
The Michael Baker Team understands that both Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive are major thoroughfares for all
three Cities and that traffic volumes are high even in the non-peak months of the year. For that reason, the proposed
improvements will require phasing as to provide the least amount of traffic congestion and safety through the work zones
during construction.
The Michael Baker International (Baker) Team has reviewed the RFP, Addendum No. 1 and the project sites to provide the
following scope of services for the Washington Street at Fred Waring Drive Triple Left Turn Lanes, Project No. 2017-01 in
the City of La Quinta. The following Scope of Work provides a general overview of the work efforts for the project.
1.1.PROJECT KICK-OFF: Baker will conduct a project kickoff design meeting with City staff to refine and clarify the
project’s objectives and schedule.
2.1.SITE INVESTIGATION: Baker’s key staff will visit the site to familiarize themselves with the project site conditions.
Project staff will take ground level photos to document field conditions and highlight critical areas. Project staff will
visit the site after completion of the base map to verify base map accuracy.
2.2.FIELD SURVEY: Baker’s field survey work of the roadway for Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive shall
include cross sections, roadway profiles, existing visible surface utility locations, utility poles, traffic signal poles
and equipment, raised medians and topographic features within approximately seventy-five (75’) north and south
from the centerline of Fred Waring Drive and approximately seventy-five (75’) east and west from the centerline
of Washington Street and extend 700 feet north and south from the intersection along Washington Street and 400
feet east and west from the intersection along Fred Waring Drive.
2.3.BASE MAP PREPARATION: Baker shall prepare the base map including features along Washington Street and
Fred Waring Drive including the intersection. The base map will include existing lane striping, cross walks, traffic
signal poles and traffic signs. The base will extend 100 feet (100’) beyond the transition lanes or limits of the work
area. Base maps will be developed with a one foot contour interval at a scale of one inch equals forty feet (1”=40’)
along the roadway alignment, and at a scale of one inch equals twenty feet (1”=20’) at critical locations, and
existing ground line profiles will be plotted from the field survey information. Base mapping will be tied to existing
monumentation and defined on the plans.
2.4.UTILITY COORDINATION: Baker shall add the existing utility locations are per the available as-built plans. As-
builts shall be obtained from the utility purveyors by the Baker and shall be provided to the City upon request.
Baker shall initiate utility research immediately and maintain a log of all utility request letters sent and data
received. For those utilities that require a letter directly from the City, Baker will send an electronic copy of the
letter to the City to include on their letterhead and for the City’s signature. Baker Project Engineer will visually
field verify the aboveground utilities based on the documents received. The anticipated Utility Purveyors will
include, Southern California Edison, Coachella Valley Water District, Southern California Gas Company, Verizon
and Spectrum. Baker’s staff shall prepare a Utility Base Map that will be utilized for project the improvement plans.
The base map will show researched existing utilities.
3.1.CEQA / N.O.E.: Baker will prepare a Notice of Exemption (NOE) as required under CEQA. The NOE will cite the
relevant portion of the CEQA Guidelines citing the justification for the exemption. The NOE will provide a brief
project description, a description of the project site and affected area, graphics to support the project
description/location, and substantiation for the exemption. The NOE will be filed with the County Clerk and State
Clearinghouse upon approval by the City. This task includes consultation with City staff at the onset of the project
to verify the approach and key issues and verify/confirm that use of a Categorical Exemption is appropriate and
defensible under CEQA.
4.1.Project Plans shall be prepared based upon the Baker’s preliminary improvement layout drawings to be reviewed
and approved by the City. The project plan set is anticipated to include a Title Sheet, Design Sheets (1”=40’ scale),
and applicable Detail Sheets. The plans shall be prepared in accordance with the standards set forth by the City
of La Quinta. The project plans shall be prepared using AutoCAD electronic drafting software program, or a
compatible equivalent.
4.2.Plans shall include demolition plan of existing lane striping, cross walk striping, curb, gutters, sidewalks and curb
returns, plan and profile sheets for the curb, gutter and curb returns on all four curb returns at the intersection of
Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive, a striping plan, and typical sections and notes that may be required.
4.3.Baker will coordinate utility relocations with the utility providers as necessary based on the design of the street
4.4.Baker shall perform an internal QA/QC review to identify potential conflicts, check design accuracy, verify
constructability, determine plans are complete, etc.
5.1.The City shall provide bidding and contractual documents and general provisions for the project. Baker shall
prepare the technical specifications and verify that the technical specifications/special provisions do not conflict
with the project drawings and add any additional special provisions as required. Specification samples will be
provided to the Baker in electronic file format and final Specifications shall be delivered to the City electronically
(Word format).
6.1.Baker shall prepare construction quantity and cost estimates of proposed improvements based on the preliminary
plans, 65% complete drawings and final plan submittal.
7.1.Baker shall prepare Temporary Encroachment Permit applications and Additional Right-of-Way Dedication
documents as required to facilitate the proposed street and intersection improvements. Right-of-Way Dedication
documents will prepare in coordination with the City or the City’s right-of-way acquisition consultant.
8.1.Baker shall submit, for plan review, at the 35% (conceptual), 65%, and 95% design stages by electronic submittal
in pdf format at the appropriate sheet size and scale. A red line copies of the City’s plan check review comments
will be provided to Baker.
8.2.The final submittal for the construction bid package shall include: one (1) set of the plans on 24”x36” size bond
copy and pdf files; the project specifications pdf files; the quantity and cost estimates pdf files; and one (1) CD
disk containing electronic files of approved plans (AutoCAD DWG and PDF files), project specifications (Word
format) and quantity and cost estimate (Excel format). If revisions are required for purposes of Addenda to the bid
package, Baker shall provide revised bond copies and electronic file copies as directed by the City.
9.1. MBI shall attend meetings and provide coordination with Client and other personnel. A maximum number of 32
hours has been budgeted for this task and is identified in Exhibit B. Any additional efforts will be provided as
additional services as defined herein.
10.1.Baker shall attend the pre-bid meeting to answer questions regarding the design. They shall also respond to
Requests for Information (RFI) that the City forwards to them during the bid review process or during the
construction period. Construction Surveying is not included in this proposal, since it is part of the Construction
Engineering phase of the project. If the Design Consultant does not acquire the contract for Construction
Surveying, they shall cooperate with whoever is doing the surveying to make sure that they have enough
information to set up survey alignments consistent with the plans. Record Drawings on paper will be requested
from the contractor that does the construction, so are not part of this proposal either.
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MBAKERINTL.COM75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100Palm Desert, CA 92211Phone: (760) 346-7481N
Daniel Koravos, PE | Project Manager, Main Point of Contact
Mr. Koravos possesses a diverse civil engineering background obtained by
over thirty-nine years’ experience. He was responsible for all civil engineering
aspects of a given project including engineered conceptual layout, grading,
earthwork analysis, storm drainage design, sewer design, roadway layout and
design, septic system design, project design review, project management and
regulatory processing. He has been involved in the design of numerous
residential and commercial projects in the states of California, Massachusetts
and New Hampshire.
While working in the private sector, Mr. Koravos has performed public works
and plan review services for various towns and cities in California,
Massachusetts and New Hampshire. As Director of Subdivision Engineering
at Michael Baker in Irvine, CA, he was responsible for all aspects of design,
permitting and construction coordination on large residential subdivisions. As
Senior Project Engineer for small engineering firms in Massachusetts and New
Hampshire, he worked on both commercial and residential projects throughout
southern and central New Hampshire and eastern Massachusetts.
SilverRock Backbone Infrastructure. City of La Quinta. Project Manager. Responsible for the design of SilverRock
Way, approximately 6,300 linear feet of roadway. Work efforts included preparation of the final construction documents
including street, sewer, water, storm drain and canal crossing improvement plans; quantity and cost estimates; PM-10
Fugitive Dust Plans; Notice of Intent (NOI); Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); Water Quality Management
Plan; hydrology and hydraulics.
The Links at Monarch Beach and Villas at Salt Creek, Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, California. Project
Manager. Responsible for project management, project design and construction coordination. Final design and project
management for the Monarch Beach Development, a planned community development in Laguna Niguel, California,
consisting of approximately 800 single family lots, 200 condominium units, 100 luxury custom lots, a tennis facility and park
site. The scope of work included preliminary layout, grading design, survey calculations, sanitary sewer, domestic and
reclaimed water and storm drain design, arterial highway design, retaining wall plan and profile design, parking analysis and
layout, utility design, earthwork analysis, cost estimating, final roadway design, permitting and construction coordination.
Michael Baker has provided engineering and planning services for major infrastructure and subdivision improvements to a
600-acre golf course-related residential community. Michael Baker's services have included the preparation of final golf
course grading plans and precise grading plans for the overall project.
Marblehead Development, San Clemente, California. John D. Lusk Company. Project Manager. Responsible for project
management, project design and construction coordination. Final design and project management for the Marblehead
Development, a planned community development in San Clemente, California, consisting of approximately 900 single family
lots, 100 condominium units and a 150 unit apartment complex. The scope of work included preliminary layout, grading
design, survey calculations, sanitary sewer, domestic and reclaimed water, and storm drain design, retaining wall plan and
profile design, parking analysis and layout, utility design, earthwork calculations, cost estimating, final roadway design,
permitting and construction coordination. Michael Baker provided site planning, engineering, environmental services, and
construction staking services for the development of the 1,000-acre Marblehead Planned Community. Michael Baker
prepared a general plan amendment, specific plan, public access plan, habitat management plan, tentative tract map, and
site plans for Marblehead Coastal, the remaining 248 acres with 313 residences, a 60-acre regional commercial center, and
125 acres of open space. Michael Baker also obtained a Coastal Development Permit for the project.
Years with Michael Baker: 10
Years with Other Firms: 29
B.S., Applied Science & Technology,
Thomas A. Edison State College
Professional Engineer - Civil
California, 1983, C 36718
Massachusetts, 1994, 37752
New Hampshire, 1994, 08795
Christopher Alberts, PLS | Principal In Charge, Palm Desert Office Manager, Surveying
Mr. Alberts has extensive years of combined experience in field surveying and
office mapping. As Project Surveyor, he is responsible for survey support,
calculations, coordination, and supervision of all field and office operations.
Additionally, Mr. Alberts has broad knowledge of title research, map preparation
including right-of-way documents and legal descriptions, tentative and final
maps. His experience includes ALTA Surveys, boundary, topographic,
subdivision, control, monitoring, 3D modeling and construction surveys. Mr.
Alberts is experienced in using various types of surveying equipment, including
GPS, reflectorless total stations, lasers, CAD programs, computers and data
collectors with surveying and construction and grading software on various
Jefferson Street and Varner Road Improvement Project, Indio, California.
City of Indio. Surveyor. Responsible for field surveys. Michael Baker prepared roadway designs to widen Jefferson Street
and realign Varner Road to accommodate anticipated future traffic volume due to the I-10 interchange. The proposed project
will improve Varner Road, east and west of Jefferson Street north, and Jefferson Street north to the required roadway
sections per the Interchange traffic analysis report. Varner Road will be widened to four through lanes with dual left turn
lanes in the eastbound to northbound direction, dual right turn lanes in the eastbound to future southbound direction, and
triple left turn lanes in the westbound to future southbound direction. Jefferson Street will be widened to six through lanes
within the project limits, dual left turn lanes in the southbound to eastbound direction and a free right turn lane in the future
northbound to eastbound direction.
Adams Street Bridge, La Quinta, California. City of La Quinta. Surveyor. Responsible for field surveys. Michael Baker
provided environmental clearance and oversight of the bridge and roadway improvements for a 440-foot bridge project over
the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. The project, which used Federal HBRR funds, replaced the existing low-water
crossing with a bridge to provide the city with a more reliable arterial roadway during inclement weather for the general public
and emergency personnel. The project provided a four-lane roadway and bridge with raised median north of Highway 111
to Westward Ho Drive.
SilverRock Resort Canal Realignment Improvements, La Quinta, California. Skanska USA
Civil. Surveyor. Responsible for surveying and base mapping. Michael Baker was responsible for canal improvements
including design surveys and base mapping for road crossings consisting of box culverts, canal lining, and diversion channels
to maintain continuous flows in the canal. The project involved construction layout for 4,800 lf of canal, the associated
structures and roadway improvements.
Interstate 10/Jefferson Street Interchange Improvements, Indio, California. County of Riverside Transportation
Department. Mapping Specialist. Responsible for mapping. Michael Baker performed environmental and engineering
services for the preparation of the project report (PR), modified access report (MAR), and plans, specifications, and estimates
for I-10/Jefferson Street interchange improvements. This project will balance several complex geometric constraints to
eliminate the discontinuity of the arterial street through movements within the interchange. The interchange is included in
the I-10 Corridor Plan, prepared by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), which requires specific
architectural and landscape treatments to the improved or new interchanges located within the plan. The modifications
include replacement and relocation of the Jefferson Street/I-10 overcrossing, additional loop on-ramps, and realignment of
Varner Road and Jefferson Street. Michael Baker was responsible for alternatives analysis and design, environmental
investigations, roadway design, traffic studies, drainage studies, and structure advance-planning studies. In addition, Michael
Baker developed the final plans, specifications, and estimates. Preparation of construction plans included roadway layouts
and profiles, bridge plans, retaining walls, grading, drainage, signing and striping, traffic signal, lighting, and staged
Years with Michael Baker: 16
Years with Other Firms: 6
Coursework, San Jacinto College
Coursework, General Studies, South
Dakota State University
Professional Land Surveyor, California,
2008, 8508
Gary Warkentin | QA / QC
Mr. Warkentin’s background includes experience in developing
transportation improvement projects for Municipal Agency, Caltrans, and
County, review and approval. He has served in a lead preliminary design role
or managed over 40 Highway Design Reports that have ranged from
intersection modifications to major freeway-to-freeway interchange
improvement projects. In the QA/QC role for this project, he will ensure
consistency between engineering and environmental tasks in the preliminary
phase of the project and that final PS&E implements commitments
established in the planning phase of the project.
Washington Street Widening, Indian Wells, La Quinta, P.D., California. County of Riverside Transportation
Department. Technical Manager. Mr. Warkentin managed project study report preparation and preliminary environmental
analysis for improvements to three miles of Washington Street, from Highway 111 to Country Club Drive. Michael Baker
prepared a project study report (PSR) and preliminary environmental analysis for improvements to three miles of Washington
Street from Highway 111 to Country Club Drive. Michael Baker was subsequently retained to prepare final plans,
specifications, and estimates for installation of landscaping, irrigation, and decorative lighting. Items included desert plants,
boulders, river cobble, decomposed granite, and drip irrigation.
Historic Old Town Specific Plan and S.R. 62 Streetscape Master Plan, Yucca Valley, California. Town of Yucca
Valley. Transportation Planner. Mr. Warkentin participated in a community-driven process to craft a specific plan that taps
existing downtown assets in Yucca Valley and leverages local and regional resources to uplift the vitality of the community’s
historic heart. He worked with Caltrans and the town on the development of alternative alignment plans for S.R. 62, which
currently divides the downtown area. The community-based plan resulted in a proposed realignment of S.R. 62 and concept
for relinquishing and reconfiguring the highway to a downtown roadway with diagonal parking. Michael Baker prepared a
specific plan, program environmental impact report, and a streetscape master plan for seven miles of S.R. 62.
Interstate 10/Avenue 50 Interchange, Coachella, California. Ram Investments. Technical Manager. Managed
preparation of the Project Study Report. Michael Baker prepared a project study report and provided state and federal
environmental documentation for the I-10/McNaughton Parkway Interchange project. The work was processed through
Caltrans District 8. The project involved significant agency coordination, including Federal Highways Administration, U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, State Historic Preservation Office, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Bureau of Land
Management. The environmental document was a joint initial study/environmental assessment (IS/EA). Michael Baker
facilitated the preparation of all required CEQA/NEPA studies, which included an initial site assessment (ISA), historic
property survey report (HPSR)/archaeological survey report (ASR), historical architectural evaluation, natural environment
study/biological assessment with focused surveys, acoustical analysis (per TNAP), Section 4(f) evaluation, CO hotspots
analysis, location hydraulic study, and air quality conformity analysis.
Golf Cart Transportation Program, Palm Desert, California. City of Palm Desert. Project Manager. Developed the
scope of work and managed the work program. Michael Baker developed the first golf cart transportation program in the
nation. Using existing electric and motoring technologies as well as newly developed technologies, the program was intended
to develop a convenient transportation system that is safe, environmentally sensitive, and offers zero-emissions. Objectives
included providing links between residential neighborhoods, civic center, parks, educational facilities, shopping areas, and
recreational facilities; providing continuous routes designated on or adjacent to local roadways with proper striping and
signing throughout the city; and developing off-street paths through open space corridors, flood control areas, and utility
easements to minimize cross traffic with automobiles where possible. The engineering study identified a golf cart circulation
system, golf cart lane signage and pavement marking design criteria, minimum operator safety requirements, and minimum
golf cart modification requirements.
Years with Michael Baker: 31
Years with Other Firms: 9
Certificate, Traffic Engineering, University
of California, Irvine
Certificate of Transportation Studies
Octavio Hernandez, PE | Traffic
Mr. Hernandez has technical experience in transportation and traffic
engineering. He is actively involved in the field of traffic and transportation
engineering and ITS. He has experience using AutoCAD, Microstation,
Autoturn, Visual 2012 (lighting analysis software), SignCAD, Arcview GIS and
various Microsoft Office applications.
Jerusalem Verano, PE | Roadway/Civil
Mr. Verano has helped design, rehabilitate, and improve upon over 30 miles of
roadway. His project experiences include new, existing, and proposed
municipal, state highway, and county road improvement projects. He has
worked under senior civil engineering staff in managing and executing project
tasks. Specific tasks include geometric design of intersections, round-a-bouts,
roadway alignments, supers, tapers, medians, ADA curb ramps, HOV system
to system connectors, freeway ramp terminals; highway planning
studies; developing preliminary and final project plans in AutoCAD, Civil 3D,
Microstation, and InRoads; drafting presentation and report exhibits; and
quantity and cost estimate calculations.
Cathy Johnson, PLA | Landscape Architecture
Ms. Johnson's experience includes the management and design of over 75
major public works landscape projects, and more than 45 on California’s
Highway System. Her additional roles include production of planning phase
analyses and reports, design and implementation of sustainable and erosion
control measures and landscape construction oversight and inspection.
Page Garner, PLS | Mapping
Mr. Garner has extensive years of municipal office land surveying experience,
having worked for two local, desert cities during the last three decades. As
Senior Surveyor, he is responsible for survey support, research, calculations,
review and quality control and assurance of in-house survey work
products/mapping, as well as out-sourced contracts for reviews of subdivision
maps, lot line adjustments, parcel mergers, and the preparation of legal
descriptions for land boundaries and easements. Mr. Garner has a broad and
in-depth knowledge of the Subdivision Map Act and Land Surveyors Act, as well
as the requirements for the vacation and abandonment of public street rights of
ways and easements.
Years with Michael Baker: 5
Years with Other Firms: 1
B.S., 2012, Civil Engineering, California
State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Professional Engineer - Civil, California,
2016, 85582
Years with Michael Baker: 3
Years with Other Firms: 35
A.A., Survey Technology, The
Pennsylvania State University, Mont
Alto Campus
Land Surveyor, California, 1989, 6155
Years with Michael Baker: 3
Years with Other Firms: 11
B.S., 2004, Civil Engineering, California
State University at Long Beach
Professional Engineer - Civil, California,
2011, C78085
Years with Michael Baker: 14
Years with Other Firms: 12
B.S., 1978, Ornamental Horticulture,
Washington State University
Landscape Architect, California, 2001,
William Pope | Mapping
Mr. Pope works in Michael Baker's Palm Desert Office. He has resided in the
Coachella Valley all of his life and has seen the many changes that have shaped
the landscape of this beautiful valley. He is experienced with Autocad Land
Development Desktop software including Civil and Survey modules, Autocad
Civil 3D, along with various data-base packages for hydrology/hydraulics and
map checking protocols. Mr. Pope has extensive knowledge in the writing of
legal descriptions, area calculations and mapping which includes Parcel Maps,
Tract Maps and Lot Line Adjustments. He works closely with the Michael Baker’s Public Works personnel in providing
necessary base mapping, right-of-way analysis and property research through various parcel information programs and
close contact with various title companies locally. With 20 years of experience in the consulting engineering industry, Mr.
Pope has developed unique skills in the preparation of parcel, tract and ALTA/ACSM plats along with civil design plans
including sewer, water, storm sewer, hydrology calculations, as well as street plan and profile design.
Alan Ashimine | Environmental
Mr. Ashimine prepares environmental and planning studies for public and
private sector clients under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). He has extensive experience
in the research, analysis, and writing of environmental documentation for a
variety of projects involving infrastructure, redevelopment, residential, and
industrial uses. Using his broad background and understanding of
environmental constraints. Mr. Ashimine has expertise related to processing
environmental documentation for local and regional transportation projects. He has managed a range of highly technical
CEQA/NEPA studies for locally-funded roadways, Federally-funded roadways through Caltrans Local Assistance, and
projects on the State Highway System.
Siri Champion | Public Involvement
Ms. Champion is a senior planner at Michael Baker International with experience
managing special projects including the preparation of plans to address active
transportation, sustainability, renewable energy, open space, and community
development, tourism, and health, wellness, and recreation. She accumulated
experience worked across public, private, nonprofit and academic sectors where
she has taught, conducted, built partnerships, secured grant funding, and worked
as both a current and long-range planner. Key accomplishments include attracting
unprecedented rates of public participation, securing over a million grant-funded
dollars for active transportation, conservation, and sustainable community planning, developing policies for and managing
special events in public spaces, and serving as a trusted liaison for diverse stakeholder populations.
Years with Michael Baker: 3
Years with Other Firms: 15
M.A., 2008, Urban Planning, University
of Southern California
B.A., 2000, Geography and Urban
Planning, Macalester College
Years with Michael Baker: 6
Years with Other Firms: 19
Vocational/Technical, 2005, Surveying
and Mapping Course, Mount San Jacinto
Community College
Years with Michael Baker: 18
Years with Other Firms: 0
B.A., 2000, Environmental Analysis and
Design, University of California, Irvine
We appreciate the opportunity to submit a proposal for this project. The RFP requires qualifying statements regarding the
proposed agreement for Contract Services. We respectfully request limited changes as explained below:
1.Services of Contracting Party.
1.1 Scope of Services
The second sentence currently states “Contracting Party represents and warrants the Contracting Party is a provider of first-
class work and / or services… “
The fourth sentence currently states “For purposes of this Agreement, the phrase “industry standards” shall mean those
standards of practice recognized by one or more first-class firms performing similar services under similar circumstances”
We request “first-class” be replaced with “professional” in both the second and fourth sentence of Section 1.1
1.Services of Contracting Party.
1.2 Compliance with Law
We request the word “applicable” be added after “all” and before “ordinances” in the first sentence.
1.Services of Contracting Party.
1.5 Familiarity with Work
The first sentence currently states “By executing this Agreement, Contract Party warrants that (a)…”
We request the word “warrant” be replaced with “represents”
2.1 Contract Sum
This section states the compensation for this Agreement is a total amount not to exceed amount of $2,500 dollars per year.
We request the amount be revised to show actual fees as proposed herein.
3Performance Schedule.
3.1 Time of Essence
We request text be added to this section to state as follows “Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement,
subject, however to the exercise of the Contracting Party’s Professional Standard of Care in the performance of the
services. If the Services not completed in accordance with the Schedule of Performance, as set forth in Section 3.2 and
Exhibit “C”, it is understood that the City may suffer damage.
3.3 Force Majeure
We request three words, being “other than City” be removed from the first sentence. The text should be removed because
if the City’s actions or inactions create the force majeure event, the Contracting Party should not be held liable.
3Performance Schedule.
3.1 Time of Essence
We request this section be removed in its’ entirety.
Exhibit A, Addendum to Agreement Re: Scope of Service, Page 5 of 5
6Liquidated Damages.
We request this section be removed in its entirety.
Exhibit E
It is understood that the sample contract provided in the RFP is an example intended to cover all services that could be
required for a City project where an agreement is required for certain services. Regarding Exhibit E, Insurance Requirements,
the insurance commercially available to a design professional firm provides limited coverage for subconsultants hired. For
this reason, we require coverage kept by subconsultants to be consistent with any requirements we have under our client
agreement. Additionally, for the security and protection of our employees, we do not provide their private information outside
of the company. We are willing, however, to keep evidence of personal auto coverage on file ourselves for any employee
who will be using a personal vehicle for project purposes.
The professional liability insurance commercially available to a design professional firm protects only against negligence or
errors in the performance of professional services and does not include contractual liability wording. This is because the
policy provides coverage whether or not a contract exists.
We believe it is unreasonable to allow the City to include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention
of coverage. Most professional firms carry deductibles on their insurance policies. For over twelve years we have carried the
following deductibles: $100,000 Auto; $250,000 CGL; $500,000 Workers Compensation.
Exhibit F
As stated above, it is understood that the sample contract provided in the RFP is an example intended to cover all services
that could be required for a City project where an agreement is required for certain services. Regarding Exhibit F,
Indemnification, we will be responsible for any mistakes we make, but cannot take on liability for the actions of parties outside
our control. Additionally, we wish to ensure that any duty to indemnify can be insured under professional liability insurance,
which will not provide for the hiring of defense counsel for any party except the policy holder.
We’d also like to add a Waiver of Consequential Damages:
F.3 Waiver of Consequential Damages: Neither party shall have any claim or right against the other, whether in contract,
warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages
of any kind or nature whatsoever, such as but not limited to loss of revenue, loss of profits on revenue, loss of customers or
contracts, loss of use of equipment or loss of data, work interruption, increased cost of work or cost of any financing,
howsoever caused, even if same were reasonably foreseeable.
We expect the preceding items can be negotiated with the City as we have been working with the City of La Quinta and
completed numerous successful projects over the last 20 years.