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Bank of America
The following tables describe the available previous-day standard reports, which contain your entitled account information for the prior business day in a predefined format. Instmction; Click a letter below to link to report descriptions grouped in alphabetical order. lAIBICIDIURISITIWI Report Name Description Account Activity Report ACH Report View Sample Ail Data Summary and Details with Text Report View Sample Balance History Report View Sample The report lists debit and credit transactions for up to 30 days, depending on account entitlement. The report is ordered by date and provides a running balance. The report is the same as Detail with Text Report, except it includes only Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions. Refer to the Detail with Text Report for more information. The report displays balances, summaries, and detailed transactions (the previous day's credits and debits) for each entitled account. It also includes non-posted transactions, such as float adjustments for United States accounts. The report provides a quick look at historical account balances based on selected dates. For each entitled account, the report displays the following: date, closing ledger balance, collected/ closing available balance, total credits, total debits, and averages for displayed balances. B Report Name Balance Report (Horizontal) View Sample Balance Report (Vertical) View Sample Brazil Demand Deposit Account (DDA) Report Description The report displays one or more of the following for each entitled account: n International accounts - opening ledger balance, closing ledger balance, collected/closing available balance, total credits, total debits, 1-day future available balance, and 2-day future available balance • United States accounts - opening ledger balance, closing ledger balance, collected/closing available balance, opening available balance, total credits, and total debits, 1-day float, and 2+/-day float The report displays one or more of the following for each entitled account: • International accounts - opening ledger balance, closing ledger balance, collected/closing available balance, one to five days of future available balances, total credits, and total debits n United States accounts - previous-day opening ledger balance, previous-day closing ledger balance, previous-day collected/closing available balance, average dosing ledger balance M-T-D, opening available balance, collected balance, average collected balance M-T-D, 1-day float, 2+/-day float, total credits, and total debits The report displays balances and transaction information for either a single day or for multiple days. CashPro* Online Quick Reference Card Report Name Description^' Controlled Disbursement Detail Report View Sample The report is the same as the Detail Report, except it includes only Controlled Disbursement checks. Refer to the Detail Report for more information. The report is available for United States accounts only. Report Name Descrfption Returns Item The report is the same as the Detail with Text Report, except It Report includes only Returned Items. Refer to the Deto/7 with Text Report for more information. Report Name Description Report Name Description Deposit Report Detail Report View Sample Detail with Text Report View Sample International Summary and Detail with Text Report View Sample The report is the same as the Detoil with Text Report, except it includes only deposit transactions. Refer to the Detoil with Text Report for more information. The report displays the breakout of the previous day's credits and debits for each entitled account. For each transaction, the report includes the amount, customer reference number, and bank reference number. International accounts display the value date, while United States accounts display Immediate availability, l-day float, and 2+/-day float. The report is the same as the Detoil Report, except it includes additional text on transactions, such as Wire Transfers. Refer to the Detail Report for more information. Report Name Description The report displays balance and summary information and previous day's credits and debits. For each transaction, the information includes the amount, customer reference number, bank reference number, and any additional text associated with the transaction. Transactions are sorted by value date and amount. Statement View Report View Sample Summary and Detail Report View Sample Summary and Detail with Text Report View Sample The report provides a month-to-date listing of select summary balances and all detail transactions sorted by date. This report resembles the monthly Account Statement. The report combines the Summary and Detail Report for each entitled account. The report provides summary balances, summary totals, detail debits, and detail credits for all entitled accounts. It also displays the text associated with the individual debits and credits. Report Name Description Transaction Credit Advice Report View Sample Transaction Debit Advice Report View Sample Transaction Detail Report (TDR) The report displays credit transactions with parsed text. This report is available only for international accounts. This report is available in PDF format only and cannot be customized. The report displays debit transactions with parsed text. This report is available only for international accounts. This report is available in PDF format only and cannot be customized. The report displays a single payment status for all transactions. It must be entitled at a user level as confidential payroll information may be displayed. Customization options are available for this report. It is available for all clients globally who are processing transactions on our new international payments platform. Please consult your Servicing representative for more details. CashPro" Online Quick Reference Card Return Home w Report Name Wire Report Description The report is the same as the Detail with Text Report, except it includes only Wire Transfer Transactions. Refer to the Detail w/th Text Report for more information. General disclaimer for Sank of America Merrill Lynch, visit bankof»iicfic.i eom'dlsclaimcf CashPro' Online Quick Reference Card Return Home Account Activity Report Previous Day Account Activity Report Company: Client Education Mana Requestor: Roger Gilmartin Run Date: 01/29/2019 09 34:27 GST Query Range: 12/29/2018 - 01/29/2019 B Bank Of America Bank of America. Connecticut | 011900571 B Account: 3022^0011111 | SC ODA i fUSDi B Details Bankof America Merrill Lynch Date Description Trensaction Amount Ledger Balance 01/28/2019 Check-# 1919991534 Indtv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581)(6.005 86)DOO 01/23/2019 Check# 2109992835 Indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (5«1)(4.228.55)6.005 86 01/28/2019 Check# 21Q9992844 Indiv Controlled DrsDursemt DR (581)(3.352.51)10.234 41 01/28/2019 Check# 2108880911 Indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581)(3.019 17)13.586 92 01/23/2019 Check# 2128681352 Indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581)(1.967 50)16.606 09 01/23^019 Check# 2^09992841 Indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581)(1.690 50)18,57359 01/23/2019 Check# 2108880909 Indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581)(1.198.74)20.264.09 01/23/2019 Check# 2138880557 indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581)(1.117 37)21.40283 01/28/2019 Check# 1909991007 Indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581)(990 59}22.580 20 01/23/2019 Check# 2109992836 indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581)(977 78)23.670 79 01/28/2019 Check# 2127771355 Indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581)(767 04)24.548 57 T Return Home 01/23/2019 B 01/28/2019 T«l(t CT CTRL 01S 226002222222 OR Chftck# 1912221533 CT CTRL DtS 226002222222 CR 01/25/2019 01/25/2019 01/25/2019 Check# 1919991534 Check# 2109992844 Indiv Controlled Disbu^sent DR (581) Controlled Disb Pundlng Credit (739) Indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581) tndiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581) Indiv Controlled Disbursemt DR (581) (16.70) 30.224 30 30.241 00 30,241 00 *-19 Create RaauMt ^ Prtnt Email (6,005 86) (4.228,55) (3.352.51! 0.00 6,005.86 10.234,41 Return Home ACH Report Previous Day ACH Report Company: Client Education Mana Requestor: Roger Gitmartin Run Date: 01/29/2019 09:43:34 GST HAS of 01/28/2019 H Bank Of America Bankof America Merrill Lynch Rank of America. Viroinia 1 051Q00017 H Account: 43501 S999&59! ACME SoeciaiHUSDJ E Details B Debits Jnnsaction Ammint BankRef Gust Ret a Preauthorizea ACH Debit (455) Text BANKING MERCHNT OES DISCOUNT ID 8:5534534«8t NDN FRENCH CANDY CO 10:1599977343 CCD 5364 1 902341567763941 OOODOOOOOODO Preauthorized ACH Debit (4551 20 24 902341002999994 OOOOOOOOOOOO IS Preauthonzed ACH Debit (455)19 95 902341002999073 oooooooooooo s Preauthorized ACH Debit (455) Debit Totals 3.00 96.83 902341002999243 OOOOOOOOOOOO -9 cwTOPggwwt ^ Return Home AM Data Summary and Detail with Text Report D8^ JW Dtrtai ■fepoft aiHintl iJ-iTeMt Bank of America Merrill Lynch : nzn lOM B larrrie Bsr Dti3U«nB Tranttadlon ABHWfrt 'AB.SI&fia S3«.aCk1B «i rgK.«i S(B.7S4.1B 44S.71&ia 9B.7IML«B QjnssoB bcn iM.8auii ii.4S7jaa Bjaa lUB Transaction ■ Oaf azr^Ksi zsr.ra&ca aa7,i7&tB 31.7ll7.ia a3.7TI7.1B lOaifFICMt BajBaLin ain a^iMynoBt auoiJoa ceiBil 5 1 3 1 1 1 Transsclion ABieuirt BOfly 1 Day Float 2«-Day Float Bank Rat matRar leiTii Mwsnxnans TWrt COM8INED DO LOiM4: 006SB4S4 i \ Return Home Incoming Money Transfercrotst Cias) a4.7ES/43 £03702132139473 QDCODOaaoaD G Text WlRSTYPemiRS IN CATE:D21312T1ME:i[X]BEr 7HNt2ai2a21300189593 SNDR REF^ZQ120213a KJOSSSS SERMCS R9^12a213F1XXXEeCaO063a RELATED REP.MOKROVU91S7673ai2 OHIGMONRCy/V PLLC CART TRUST ACCT lOLTA 3333 NAT10NA1. OR STE 999 CART NC 27660 ID;G00QS71119756 OHG BX; ID: INSBfCOK SND BKSANXINS BANK tD;DaiD0!>222 B NF:Mr BANKING HOUSINGS UC 344 S. MAIN STREET STB 999 R EX NC 26222 [Z>:00a6^6&5912 BNF BK: ID: PAYMENT DETAILS: IMONROW9197668B12 BIG CHAPEL LOT 999 lyOO RROW CB4 GVMBI Wll^ TYPEIWIRS IN DA'TE:D21312TIME:1627Er TRN2012D21321255E95 SNDRRERXXXg67SS9 SSWICS REr:2II12DS13XXX7832FCCa5g9 RELATED IREF: ORIGCWALTER MASON PLLC 9S99 FREET/AY RO STE 999 REX NC 2622»IC0a 10:1009839 ORG BKrPASIK P LACE BANK 0^053012777 INS BIC tD: SNO BKA9EST B>ID BANKERS BANK 10:121042084 BNRM ONRCnV LLC ASB OPERATING 9599 PARK PLACE DRIVE REX NC2B 222101100655333912 SNFBK: ID: PAYMENT DETAILS: XXXX-PROCEEDS LOT 999 fASSION PLACE Incoming Money Transfer CieflPt ns5) 58^65 503702132132139 ODCOOGaaCCO 0 Text WIRSTYPEA9IRE IN DATE:D21312TIMS:1DQ5Er 7RN20120C13aai3213a SNDR REP2ai2a213aD0a9^ SHRVJCe R£F:2012D213XXXXX5aCOD0744 RELATED R^MOKROVlSig787S462 CRlGcVMLTSt MASON PLLC CARYTRUST ACCTIQLTA 9998 RESBK RCH OR STE 999 GARY NC 27G22 EDDflDa571571756 ORG BIC o: INS BIC IDISNDBKIB ANKING BANK 101061000104 BNFdl£ORRO WLLC939S. MAIN STRSTSTE 999 REX NC262221 10:0006 55355512 BNF BIC ID: PAYMENT DETAILS: MONnOW91976757S2 PARK PLACE LOT999 CARMOOY LfUXtDHIlBtn^pn}miina«a 4flGBlSg istmnm BLDfJIl atBOBGIBSSTSI D CMmtTotals 527.840.08 4.899.59 C3.O39L0l>24.851.00 ] [Transaction ' Anwunt BankRsr 'Cuet Rer 33^107.18 aasmsni-iiii Text NO CTRL 018002212222236 OR oeoctTotals 5S.7D7.1B "(2} Return Home BankoT Amsffcap fttartn coroDna [ D53O0D196 (USD}, .. . . j Summary Qoiancsa 1 Count [Amount* |[ „ 1 •msBGm SMfitSAB aB:r5«.iD ^m^isAa 9D;7B«JS BSIJBPJP ntm AUBIJB ni»> nt»t stimiQaiy Totals Count Amount ItMrCRCCNQi CRpiq a7,0«GJB a7^9UB SOTATBSB tp-«nn«aa SiTCr.lD SiTSr.lB USD Somnary Bslani»a Caont Amount SMjHSLia 1EB/B&UD 44B^1S.1B S^7D4JE ntt tlJiETJO nit nit Suminary Totals Count Amount otpi^ 27^SJa> ZTT.ITDJB a<gBL» Return Home 1 SJDT.'B•n*<CBrikei«Eiitt*hgiKp*t i"(2} Return Home Balance History Report Ba nk of America Merrill Lynch RSIBHnVI IMO Opwing OOMng nnnnfcin CO«»el»€lF Oato Ledgw Ladgw Closing AvMl ToMCntfte ToM DsMIs lOsyPtoat Bslaios Balms avb« oewocs Days Float ZB.gy-'B 1B6.1ga.« 1S6.1BgHB ISSJJg.'B aPJUUMl SOi/Caa* I^TTUD nm isG.isa.«19S.1SQLV 1S«.9n.«on mn in ee^Bus 1^14J1I Currancy Avaragaa 299,627.12 1S6.193.ia ise. 193.16 154.979.16 SOO.OOOJID 643.433.94 1.21A00 aoo ij- Return Home Balance History Report Horizontal Ba nk of America Merrill Lynch Dia^Kia nrsiar EST iDIOSnDIB AcccMint Ninnbw UBD1 Aa BC aui Account Nairn osnmv SOVM opanvtg Ladgar Balanea .^BLE7.XZ ctoang Ladgf Bahmoa ise.iga.-B CoMactaW ctoaaig AvaSDal 1S4.n9.-B Opanffig Avaa Balaioa ise.iga.B Total Cradlta ■mrmm BCjicsaM i.2i4jn zorMora Oaya Float niai Aocotmto USD Tolala 299.627.12 156.193119 154.979.19 156.193.19 500.900.09 643.433.94 1.21400 OjOO % Return Home Balance History Report Vertical Repot Bank of America Merrill Lynch Traneadion Amount aBLfixr.u i9i.isAia «S«.1SA1B ijndD Trwmsctton Amount • D«ir imarnoet tun am 2«- Do]r noot Count -1 B BMift or Amortco. VBffBiiB | esieooeir (ueo) Total* Count AnMMMit TBblCMrt^B OLoa enuCa B am Sunwiwy Bataneo*count a?m—un^follimtlBJ^- Suminory Total* a9si.iazr.t2 TSC.t91.1B TSC.tSL1B T94.gtr9.1B Count T B. AnHMBli snjaoom 6«a.4319« omait Aiaoiad TC^OBO*i B am -ROB OajtA B am Return Home Summaiy Boianc&a Count AnioDrtt 3 IS^ISL'B ISG.ISl'B 15a.97g.lB ijrujii Summary ToCale Count AmooTit snjnmi 6IBj«33LBt. ^ Return Home Controlled Disbursement Detail Report COfrtnalledDfeKlMii ■.TAoamwarsnmcsT UBa Bank of America Merrill Lynch Tranuctlen Amowft BaidtRer Cuet Rer Mftr DoNbMM DH(S1>tfWWi giapoBSBEomoi (B131 SOB *534 Intflv Controller] OlatKiremnt DR (581)4,228 55 a133C696999722S Q021D9992835 ■itfw DontaMM mean}3,e2S1 SimBSa9II73t4 (■BIIBEBaM4 mmv contraiiM DiatKirwint or (SBI)3.019.17 813009999040075 002108880911 iMCgl)ijB7jn SI SnBBfiBB4TZai 41d2Bai13S! Indtv ControllKl OI»tHir9«Tnt DR (581]1.G9D.50 81300999975762 002103992841 t—r ciiB*«i—i peett—n* mpan}i.i9a7«BianrasncTzr iaPlBBIW—> lrMf?v Controller] OlMxireeint DR (581)1.117 37 e133C9S99B47229 002138880567 MirDiJifc^MOl 1 gsds auaBsiarr iniW Controller) OlstMireeint DR (581)97T78 81300777750985©1X12109992836 HAr m^>TKTJJS B1«mVT775rei HEm/z/taas m«v controller] DletMireeml OR (581)583 30 813007097771822 002109882642 lm^>•em rwi BiaiRZ7777Sf7B (BtaBmoEis IndTv Controileo OletKireeirrl DR (561)484 57 ei30(»77772l481 0O21O9992846 fc—■ Milm^)^Mtai msnFvmii^q Indiv controlled DletHirBeint DR (581)461.02 81^09959248371 002103992837 Mhr cvMm mpxi)Mom SmEBOSOMIS Indtv Controller] OletMirseirrt DR (581)326 54 313006888451919 002906661657 im^}nun tnMMnr/fwr±i <lBl»aBS3W9 irMitv Controller) OleOureemt OR (581)287 60 813QC9999S84563 Q01909991C04 im^>27a£a M^aaaa—eivwa (■dSUBUil Indtv Controlled DleOwreaint OR (581)237 00 813007777013451 001913331532 MifCie^aMni 1 imc»i>144JDD giawiMTTtTn nnyttpvi swi, indtv Controlled Dleoureeint OR (581)130.00 913000888307146 D01901777657 Mhr cnMM mpm>la&JB 813aM7777T7SM Indtv Controlled DIstKireeint DR (581)11620 813009444401837 0O21&88O13O3 imcggi>sawn Rt n*mn«K>ru s OIISBmtllB Indtv Controlled Dletxireeint DR (581)2588 813009999601013 00218881347 an m smBasmoosH tntdl 333*58 Indtv Cotrtroller) DletMirBemt OR (581)20.OQ 813004666602301 00190122266S *L7n Biam^BoaBTa 0191^0*50 DebM Totals Return Home BanKafAcnM>c«.oon»^cut[Oii9arenfUSO> . - i |: TotalsCooiit1 Axnount -tk^obMbnnim31niossiiUSD" -. Totals1 Count1 ADtotntt- , : n n I .TttMOaMsDn Bn■ntaaa^31amiiJB'£}■ Return Home Deposit Report Bank Of America-^ Merrill Lynch nsiiKMOfy luaai Transaction Amount 0 Day 1 Day float 2* Day noaf Bank Rsr cuat Rar sMtfii avMKna 5ee.oeo.ae c^radilTolaia 5eci.oeo.oe Bw* or Amertea, vegeee I esieoeeir (uso} Toteia Count Amoml nil nil*1 ^nisntai iiAa aaieh o ft Ul USD TOtaM Count Amount fill*1 fmjan m D ntai V Return Home Detail Report DeUI Itepott MflssMB an«in6 csr Bank of America Merrill Lynch OICSODIB Tran*ac(>on Amount 0 osy 1 Day Float »» Day Float BanitRor cuatfiar ICITll IM 9«7)UBI2 Cradft Totals 90«ilKMiAa 1 1 Tnswaction AiauMWl Bank nor Oust nor Mon^wtBaSACH camtt(e^S3L£4 BtDaieETzaBai fnoDonnn PnMutnortzsd ACH osoit (<ss)20.2<902341002999994 COOOOOCOOCOQ A01 Tuwn DOBMiEmsBnTa loaioaiiai—■ PTMutnorSsd ACH DeOlt (455)3O0 902341002999248 CCKSCOOCOOCO} 3Zj«77^Dusm f^sai aa (■ra213T3DG D^H- TransTsr OaOM <KB)409.53D 5S 9C©aD2i32222617 tXOlXKICOOOOQ 1S4..ai7^ !MHlBt3^QBtS Dap* Tranaftr DaM <6*8)<7,023 09 906000132222622 ODOOOOOOOOOO OaM Totals e43.43«^1 Bank or Aiaonca. viriynia | anaooair (USD) Totals Count Amount TtnaCMElfc 1 ■m lan im Tktai OBbte B BOjGG^ USD TotBM Count Amount Tiil niiifc 1 ajojoiuia 11*8 «lfe a BOjO&Df Return Home Detail with Text Report CMbI wWi T«ct Repoft nk of America Merrill Lynch imoccitcaans TranMdlon AinounI • nay tuaynoat 2«-Day Float Bank rm-cuatfur iP"!9V7WD13 CrodttTotata SIMI.OM.M 1 1 Trvwsctlon AiBOunt BsnkRsr ciwtRsr no^toortMi ACH DHttceai^5U4 BCBPaietij wa*i emoiniiai Pmauthortsed ACH oebtt (45^20-24 9C23413C239939id COaCO3CO3CO0 ACH loss gciB4iimm7a aaionaAM Pmsutnorizad ACH Dobit (45^3-oa 9G2341CC299924e CO3CODCO3CO0 1 1 [ i i ! S!if77JB6 9«B(Bt3naiZB dBTtziataiG Tranoror Oobit <8«8)409.S30.5B 90eD02132222617 CO0CO3COSCO0 [HAI -|5«.XI7^inumomai o«p* TnHwrar oooir (8C«)4rr.ae3L99 906002T32222622 roOCODOOOOOQ DOOM Totals C43u43C^ BflMt or AfMrtea, w^aa | •^immwi? (usd) TotsM Count Amount -nil nil*1 ■mnmnn B 6Cl.dB.gl USD Talaw Ootart Anount 1 aNumiNi Ttibi [MSbi a BCljOeLgl Return Home International Summary and Detail with Text Report SuriHBfyanfl Oeiafl wHtft Bank of America Merrill Lynch csr IIMxyl |Tifr|Jis.nr tn/asmta Trarmacllon Amcwtil lEJlTLT* Tvanudton A«Miunl cnMt ra&Aa « 4 TTamacflon Vatae Dote cuatRsr AnNwnl auucs T4«t 000543426 AX-MCSSUPABXIPR ODE 20120319 XX MacallanMUB Cradll t369}03/l3«2ai2 NOMREF 205JZ1 TWi 000543426 AX-VS SSUP ABC IPW ODC 20120319 XX mrrsnnz mjB -nod 000S43426AX-V8SSt.lPXrZODe20120313XX:1. M«c*(laneo(n Cradll (990)03/13/2012 NOt«^EF 21 66 -md 0GO543428 Ax-Mc ssup XYZ coe 20120319 xx:a D OQOS43428 AX-VS SSLIP XYZ TOPLCP 20120319 Wdcailaneocw Debit (093)aa'13/2012 NONREF 1.62 Ibed 000543426 AX-MC SSUP ABC mm TOPLCP 20120313 mnannz Ibtd 000543426 AX-VS SSLIP ABC iPRTOPLCP 20120313 Mtecenanaotta oeeit («99}03/13/2012 NONREF 022 Taod 00O54342BAX-MCSSUPXYZTOP1.CP2012O313 Pi Return Home AKBANK TASI AKBKTRiaXJCX rncy).Summary Balances . , /.einq'inqCount'AmountISLaSlfiGIBJHI.TtSummary ToialaCountAmduntTD&aTKfsinnmary BsasncM• inqipiqcount; AmnontisiSBBeeIGJMI.I*Summaiy TotalscountAmount□4J5ZRqsXReturn Home Statement View Report LBQ OICBWDtO Ba nk of America Merrill Lynch TiimwlBuh ajTfT.MHLSO Dflte Trsfiosclton AAioant • Day 1 Day Float 2*OByFtoBt Bank nor Cue* nor •inaiBis fiAi'i 'iTrwrrmwrm V (nnw2i>ie moiviauai Loan Depoeit cmat P71) soo.ooooo 9474021300999 99 COOOOOCOOCOO •inaiBiB ion mn *n nni B oinc»oie tmnvidiMl Loan Depoati cre<st n7i) SOO.CDD.OO 94740213C0999 99 OCKIGOOCOOCOO VtnBOBIS •iziiaHiLMn 1 iiriwm tae' —*947«KnacaEieB B Cra<HTotMi 2.5«0.W0^ ! 1 08l»TTsnMcflon Amount BanN Her Cunt ROT •uraKis PMWtoonHMl ACH IMtf c«a3(sa£4 9(D34TI4>//dUM.1 laiiaiiHiBii (nnsnoie PrBOHilnortzad ACH OaOtt 4435)2D24 902341-302309394 ooocoocooooo ■imna ACH DBM tqan ■■uu—irs aenaranzHn 01/13/2018 Pre«u(nort2»d ACH [>M>rt 4455)300 902341002999249 DQOCOOCOOCOO airiama r ■ ■ iiw ■ r ■ yn iZ fnaq Sye77.BG BdVOSIXBHTUt <HDB1«V6 oin3/20ie Dap* Tranaftr Dsoit (868)409.530 58 9D60O2132222617 oooooocooooo ■maoBiB n—>r DizAt |i^1S4.V7.9S 9194114 tSMyjJBt 5 raemmnra 01/131/2010 Dap* Tranefer oeOft (868)47.023 93 906002T32222622 OOOOCKIDCKICOO ■inasis MHAnnBHl ACH iMfl sajH 9aSd3S77aa»13 onnonnn 01/10/2018 PntattflwiTad ACH CVtbrt 4455)2D 24 902341 ni>?999'»94 OOnOOOOODOOD ■tnacKis nHAabad ACH BHM taas ■■■awaira,1————. 01/18/2018 Praairthonzad ach Dabrt 4455)300 902341002999249 ooocoocooooo •tnacBia n 8 ■ iiwaini ■yniia aZyf77.EG Msrrtaaaa^s 191/2 UI213IG 01/18/2018 Dap* Tranefar Datott <8884 409.S30.5S 906302132222617 0O0CO30O3CO3 •l/IMBtS 154.V7.96 (mnmatn 01/18/2018 Dap* Transfer OeMt (868)47,023.99 9C60D2132222622 OOOCOOCOOOOO annzisfz ACH DMri sa£4 gfBJ41Ui/nHlMT laseasiaeaasi 01/17/2018 Preavlhoftzed ACH DaPft <455)2D.24 902341002999994 D03COOCOOCOO •iflzaais PMiBMrtaM ACH (C^isias miJ.i4'aai!J*ii'aBirA ! 1 Return Home OinTlZflIB i^aatttarfmt ACM Debit (4^3.ca gG2SeiDa2^5C48 ocoocoocoaca nimii DBritaVM iiMii=Manfi iMMtfa)3Z.47rjGS acsDziaEmaG nmutziatB otnTTzaiB Dflp« Traitafar Debit ^8]4IS,55a.58 5aE03213222Zl617 OCOGCOOEOGCO nnnviR okp-^UHHiBB 151^fl7A BDBBn32Z£an5 oin7r2aiB Dap«- Triansfar Debit 47^23.89 SaEaQ2i32222622 OCOOCOOCOOCO mnaani n—dd*#*^5&6i aiZMIKTTBBtl 0tn€/2tl1Q PiaautltarlzM ACM Debit (4^2a.2it 9a28t1Ga2999934 Qcaacoacaaco VUISBII nBBjieiiMiinninrfii|i~|laz Miliaimijj QifiGraaiB PraaothanzBil ACM Debit {45S)3.ca Sa2341Da293E«B ocaacaacooco ■VI 1 1 1 1 1 13 3ijtjrja aoaizfaaBUK iHLumnaap om 02018 Dep^-TraicsfSr Debit 4C9.58a.S6 906002132222817 Gcooccocoaco ■viaaii DDp^TlMlB 111.^^i5ei^ffr.s5 aosBziazazris IHUHUMUHU 0inGf2018 Dep* Transiar Debit 47.023.89 906002132222622 opoocaocaaco ■vi^mi JUH aea aiQ41B77BGB«1 01/192018 Preaottiorlzwl ACM Debit (455)2aJ24 9a28310C1299Eg94 OCOOCOOCGOCO ■V1S3B1I n—i>BeiMiAninvilHt?Ba las ■WTniinrTrnn 01/192018 PTeaattiorfzB<S ACM Debit [45^3.C<]gG2341G02S9S24B OCCDCOGCOOCO nnsBii t i f i 1 1 3M7rja aaaozia^Biae m&iaiziatK 01/192018 Dap* 'mnsrsr Daoit (bsb)4C9.SSa.SS 506002132222617 DEODCOaCOOCO ■Ul^BII fUli HMM^iMaiprn 151^07.2 aiSB213^Bai5 01/19M1B Dap* Tranarar Debit pB8)47.023.E8 906002132222822 aEOOCCOEOOCO Debit TDtalB s;217.-1Bd.55 Return Home Summary and Detail Report rtiiinrl Bank of America Merrill Lynch usa roisatiB Transaction AHIDUnf ^BJBTT.n t9.iacLis t5B.iaa.ia t5«37%ia 1J714.cn lUB tun DOB tTanucOon Aneunl BOay SQDJBUn eUL4PClL9« eia.scz^ 1 Day Float Day Float Count tun BJDB 1 1 D Transaction Amoiaa 4 Day iDsyFioaft 2^ Day Float BmkRsr c^istRsr LBH iBHMftcnMBi cin|0n ran m amuBiama D Crodlt Totals 5IMLOOO.I)a Ttmsacttm Aaaouot Bonk Rsr caislner poo^^atBa JtcH sa£«goBMSTTaBti Prssuthorlzed ACH Debit (455^2D.24 902341302^0904 CD3CO3CO3CO0 ACH nnttfe^lass 91^341IHH^BTa cemzoEDai Prsautnortzed ACH Detiit <45^300 902341302999248 COQCO3CO3CO0 M^n n m arnmp^Si«770G DU9IDt3BBaiZJB <1^2121313I& □op* TranstSf Deoit <Be8)409.53D.5B 91^02132222617 COaCO3CO3CO0 15SJD735 BOBlBIXUiUblS cmoionai D^M- TransTsr DscMt <B08)47.023.99 906002132222622 oooocncoocoo osMt Totals «4BL49«.ai I t Return Home 1 BanKarAn»ri«^viigmiB|osTDoain7CU8D) .' j „ ^ ..... . ...... . . ..... ........ . ., ... fi Sunrmiaiy saiancM , Ij coci^-"11 jSu3iaartt - is^igoL/B ISG.ISQl'B nm sumtna^Tc^is '^ , S. , ^ ^n j|c(R^ 1 Amauret <" ' . jj . . ....... V,-/i 1 1 Wl 1 a 6<3iC3aB«. 4 SBjas a GtlUBZjCZ 1 JBATT^S USD ' # - ........ .. .. • .... .■■;1 Summary BaJahcOT ' . . ■[ count ■ i AmacDit '" .; ••' " •" — "rr 'V" f. AM H 1 D^Fk^fia^ JWMBBllBfl TM^r OtMV 1 Ffeirtpaq 2SLBCr.'B ISG.igB.'B 190.19113 isa^n/Di i;n«jD nwi nil nm 1 Summary ffjfala jcount Amaqnt SK^HlUn SMVniJDD GdifSLM SlBG GmjBUB. ■XlJfTTSB Return Home Summary and Detail with Text Reporl Test flfaport ELank of America Merrill Lynch iCiMi ejuuMB9 |#cme: nwyi»)f | usa | oicsodib Traneftclton AfiNwnt t9.iB.ia t9.iBta t5i.9ma 1.714.(11 lUB fun lun Transaction qi ■■■nM 6U.4B9I O 1 DayFloat tun ana 61DJ8K4a 32j«77j9 2*-Day ftoat coiatf 1 1 B 4 3 T Transaction Amotatf aiMy iDayFiooft 2« Day Float Banx Ret cuatRaf BsnBra I—nap-eo.^ tini timnLna D cradrtTotoia 500.0M.M TranaadkMi Amount BanXRsr Cuet Ret AMitatBaiiCH iMHi 1 5U4 90134.101^ HIEM1 anmnm Prsauthortzed ach [>eCklt (455)2D.24 902341002959994 CXMCOOCOOCOQ jtcH mss ■raEMimnmn Praauinortzed ACH Deoit (455)3.00 902341002999246 EOOCOOCOOCOQ 3Zj*77JB6 94saaf3BB9iai (1^2tZtai3IG D«p« Tranatar Dooit (S4B)4a9.S3&5S 9CB0t»132222617 Doocoocxiacoo ■ay Hi9ra-ii9d fi 1S4.3B735 goHiBia^seis Oop^ Trarafsr Daon <8C8)47,023.39 906002132222622 DOOCOGCOOCOQ OMMtToteM C43.43C.91 IJl Return Home ' ^nK or/onsrica. Virginia lE^qoonrcusD},•• ^ °, .. ft ':; 1 1 Summaiy Balancaa n . • - ',.|[coont >I^Amount ' n -' ■■■'11' ■■■'■ ■'■-.."I ^B.VEr.TZ ISQ.ISL'B ISQ.ISL'B isa.am'B ijrwjn nm ntw nil SumniBry ToialB t-Count Amaunt TMri MM iHte Eiag iMi ZQA DiAte isam [iKtm 1 1 SKumni a GtSJOSSA A mjos 3 GIIUKjC 1 xzjnrsG USD Sunnnaiy Baianeoa Count ]['Amount ..J ISGLIS.'B ISB.IBB.'B i;n«jn ^r\ Symmafy ToSaia couiit 1 Amonnt 1 azuznm 1 SHjBUll a SBJtSSA A mx 3 GIEVKjC 1 3Zif77JBG ^ Return Home Summary Badancea Count Amount iD^rFk^pn) ivrnmn/^nMpn^ IMqr ^-EhrnorfpRt 2^X£r.TZ ISQ.ISSl'B ISB.ISl'B 15M39.V 1.2UJD nm nm ntn Summary Tc^s co^Amomit iMDAtfaim m nem anjiiiiii anjiiun GCiiiSS» 5BJBG GIOIBZjC Bjmns Return Home Transaction Credit Advice Report Ti Bank of America Merrill Lynch tMMM TranssacsKm Type ACH tnecmJng Receipt <169) Cielewr RefaH^BAMC BanR Reference Nwntier 52QtXXXCM4XXX27 VMBOcrite iBNaana AOittlanal infdmdkxi EFT S3XXX-41099 /ENTRY-IS MARTRP/FEP 5201XXXD44XXXZ7 33X)0C-4109 9 Return Home Transaction Debit Advice Report Ti 12LL 'It—1 Ba nk of America Merrill Lynch na n n n d TransaCHon Type otieei Debtt Payment <451) aam Refe«nce NumDer 5201 XXX044J(XX66 iMeOoie iBfiaaya ^ctitttcnal inftHmaDon EFT A&C XY2 SYSTEM /ENTRY-13 MAR "mF/T^F £a01XX>CQ44XXX6a PAYROLL - 9599 •f.,; Return Home Wire Report < DagrlNire IH fiijit Bank of America Merrill Ljrnclt ■iBeasas|M Tranaactlon Amount 0 Day 1 Day Float 2* Day Float Banx Rsr cuatRar 31371En 92199473 B WIRE rypE-wire in date:dci312 time;ioo6 et 'mN2D12D21303159593 SNDR RBF:2at2a213!}000555« SERVICE n£F2D12CC13F1XXXfieCCIOCe35 RELATED REF:MONROVW197S78fl 12 ORJG MCNROW PU.C GARY "mcST ACCT lOLTA 3333 NATIONAL OR STE999 GARY NC 27660 IO:COa0571119756 ORG BK: D: INS 9K: lO: SND BK.-SANK1NG BANK 10:061000222 8 NFIMY BANKING HOLDINGS LLC A44 S. MAIN STR^T STE 999 R ex NC 2S222 fO;OOC65S655912aNF BIC ID: PAYMENT DETAILS: MONRO*>V9197566612 9G CHAPEL LOT 999 MO RROW Incoming Money Tranafer Credtt {195) 64.043.81 S037D2132135598 ODOOQOOaOOO 0 WIRE TYPE--WIRE IN DATE:a21312 T1Pi4E:ieiZ7 ET TRN20120213213655% SNDR REF:XKX967999 SERVICE r^F2D120213XXX7632FD00999 RELATED REF: ORIGtWALTER mason PLLC 9999 FREEWAY RD STE 999 REX r4C 28222-0000 ID: 10D9999 ORG BK:PARK P LACE BANK 10:053012777 INS BK EX SND BK.WEST END BANKERS BAM< 10:121042464 Bf^M ONROW LLC ASB OPERATING 9999 PARK PLACE DRTVE REX NC 28 222 ID0OO6S6333912 BfsFBK: KX PAYMENT DETAILS: XXXX-PROCffiDS LOT 999 MSSION PLACE rB9 SltSSLSS SB71B1S1SIXI Wlf« ~YPe:>VlRE IN DATE:C21312 "^IME:1CI05ET TRN2D12D2130ai3213a SNDR REF;2ai2a21»0CI09999 SERVICE RSF2D12D213XXXXX63C0a0744 RELATED R^:MONROVV9tS797'5462 ORIG: WALTER MASON PLLC CARY TRUST ACCTiOLTA 9999 RESCA RCH OR STE 999 CARY NC 27622 100100571571756 ORG BIC e3: INS BK: O: SND BK.B ANKING BAFK IDOeiOOQICM BNF:MORRO W LLC 999 S. MAIN STREET STE 999 REX NC 262221 ID:0CX}6 5535S512 BNF DK; ID: PAYMENT DETAILS: MONRC3W9197678782 PARK PLACE LOT 999 CARMOOY CradttTetela aor.-iTBjDB p" Return Home Eunk orAnisrtcau ftortn cmoamM | ossoDOise (Usp)Totals '||catint |].Ania^ ||SSnifTSiiBlUbaUSDTot^SCoantAoioont2irr.f78JBTl^flfii^}" Return Home Returned Items Report (Returns and Notifications of Change) Example 1: Notifications of Change CR03220 SITE: (TX or VA) 13) ACH SERVICES RETORNED ITEMS REPORT (2) RTN:021200339 ACC'T #:1234555555 CO ID: 2954567890 CO NAME: ACME ROCKET CO. ENTRY DESC:SALARY SEC:PPD EFF DATE: 05/07/03 CO P0INT[4): ACMEROCKl APPL: ACMEAPP2 TYPE: 11] DATE/TIME: 05/11/XX EOD CONFIDENTIAL ** DISC DATA:PAYROLL PROCESS L234 NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE REASON CODEfS): COl INCORRECT ACCT NO [61 RETORN POST DATE: 05/11/XX [7] 05/05/XX 05/05/XX 05/05/XX 053-9876 056-9876 005-9876 [111 TOTALS FOR CO 1 INDIVIDUAL NAME INVALID INFORMATION [«] VALID INFORMATION [9] TC ORIG ITEM TRACE ORIGINAL PAR RETURN TRACE RETURN PAR TONYA ROBINSON 0041202420 9612245684 22 021200331063755 021200331085467 CR 2001261063755 20XX1271085467 SANDY OTOOL 123456789 987654321 22 021200331063756 021200331085469 CR 20XX1261063756 20XX1271085469 JEAN WALK 00111223344 4433221100 22 021200231063605 021200331085464 CR 20XX1261063605 20XX1271085464 # DEBITS:DEBIT AMOUNT:0.00 # CREDITS:CREDIT AMOUNT:0.00 Example 1 (Continued): Returned Dollar Items CR03420 SITE: (TX or VA) [3] [21 BANK OF AMERICA, N.A ACH SERVICES RETURNED ITEMS REPORT RTN:021200339 ACC'T #:1234555555 PAGE 2 UJ DATE/TIME: 05/11/XX EOD *♦ CONFIDENTIAL CO ID: 1234567990 CO NAME: ACME ROCKET CO. ENTRY DESC: SALARY SEC:PPD EFF DATE: 05/05/XX CO DISC DATA:PAYROLL PROCESS 1234 POINT: 14) ACMEROCKl APPL: ACMEAPP2 TYPE: RETORN REASON C0DEI5): R03 NO ACCT/CANNOT LOCATE [6] RETURN POST DATE: 05/08/03 GRIG DATE INDIVIDUAL ID INDIVIDUAL NAME [71 AMOUNT RTN ACCOUNT NDMBER TC ORIG ITEM TRACE RETURN TRACE 19] ORIGINAL PAR RETURN PAR 05/05/XX 004-9876 G5/05/XX 047-9876 [llj TOTALS FOR R03 # BILLY BATHGATE CHARLIE BLACK 903.16 021200339 0041601716 529.37 021200339 0041701848 DEBITS: 0 DEBIT AMOUNT; RETURN REASON CODE: R16 ACCOUNT FROZEN ORIG DATE INDIVIDUAL ID INDIVIDUAL NAME 0.00 AMOUNT RTN # CREDITS: ACCOUNT NUMBER 22 021200331063751 021200331085477 CR 20XX1261063751 20XX1271085477 22 021200331063752 021200331085479 CR 20XX1261063752 20XX1271085479 2 CREDIT AMOUNT: 1432.53 RETURN POST DATE: 05/06/XX TC ORIG ITEM TRACE RETURN TRACE ORIGINAL PAR RETURN PAR 05/05/XX 003-9876 05/05/XX 051-9876 TOTALS FOR R16 # JON NELSON JANA PORTER DEBITS:DEBIT AMOUNT: 0.00 111000025 492.50 056007387 0.00 39-0100-028819 8800997168 # CREDITS: 2 22 021200331063597 021200331085459 CR 20XX1261063597 20.XX1271085459 22 021200331063601 021200331085461 CR 20XX12610636D1 20XX1271085461 CREDIT AMOUNT:492.50 SUMMARY TYPES OF RETURNS [12] DOLLAR RETURNS REDBPOSITED ITEMS NON-DOLLAR RETUPHS PRENOTIFICATION RETURNS NOTIFICATIONS OF CHANGE # ITEMS DEBITS- # ADDENDA AMOUNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 END OF REPORT # ITEMS CREDITS- # ADDENDA AMOUNT 1,925.03 O.OO 0.00 0.00 Exampie 2: Return of One Item with Originated Addenda Record CR03320 SITE: (TX or VA) 13] BANK OF AMERICA. N.A. ACH SERVICES RETURNED ITEMS REPORT [2] RrN:021200339 ACC'T #:1234555555 PAGE 1 [IJDATE/TIME: 05/11/XX 05:00 *•*• CONFIDENTIAL ** ^■^•^•^^''56789 CO NAME: ACME CORPORATION ENTRY DESC: TAXPAYMENT SEC:CCD EFF DATE: 05/05/XX CO DISC DATA; ACME AP#1234567 P0INT14J: ACMEC0RP2 APPL: ACMEAPPLl TYPE: RETURN REASON CODE [5]: R06 PER ODFI REQUEST ORIG DATE INDIVIDUAL ID INDIVIDUAL NAME AMOUNT RTN (61RETDRN POST DATE: 05/11/XX ACCOUNT NUMBER TC ORIG ITEM TRACE RETURN TRACE [7] 05/05/XX 74185296 ACME CORPORATION 200.20 122000496 3333344444 1 OF 1: 705TXP*74185296*55810*03051S*T*20020\ 0 DEBIT AMOUNT: 0.00 # CREDITS: ORIGINAL ADDENDA (101 TOTALS FOR R06 # DEBITS: 111 (91 ORIGINAL PAR RETURN PAR ] SUMMARY TYPES OF RETURNS [12] DOLLAR RETURNS REDEPOSITED ITEMS NON-DOLLAR RETURNS PRENOTIFICATION RETURNS NOTIFICATIONS OF CHANGE # ITEMS 0 0 0 0 DEBITS- « ADDENDA AMOUNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 END OF REPORT 22 021200331063664 021200331085456 CR 20XXl2ei063664 20XX1271085456 1 CREDIT AMOUNT: # ITEMS 1 0 0 0 CREDITS- # ADDENDA 1 0 0 0 200.20 AMOUNT 200.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Returned Items Report (CR03420, CR03320 and CR03220) The Returned Items Report provides you with a detailed listing of items which were returned by the Receiving Depository Financial Institutions (RDFI), rejected prior to distribution or deleted according to your request, if you were set up for the delete and return option. Returned Items Reports provide the reason code for the return along with information about your original item. The report is consolidated and sorted by return reason code for each Company Identification Number (Company ID) and application. Within each return reason code, the returns arc listed in dollar amount order. Also included in the report are Notillcations of Change (NOCs). which are zero dollar infoiTnation entries sent to you by the RDFI, usually because the original transaction had to be corrected before it could be posted. It is important that you update your records as soon as you receive a Notification of Change. To facilitate the keying of valid information into your database, NOCs are sorted by return reason code and the invalid and valid fields are displayed side by side. You need to correct your records with the information that is labeled "valid". Three return reporting options are available, depending on your cutoff preferences. These are the AM Report, the Intraday Report and the End of Day Report . If you need information on returns as soon as possible, then you may prefer the AM Report which is available 8 a.m. local time at your processing site, or even a report created as we process returns throughout the day, our Intraday Report option. The sample report shown above simulates the End of w- Day Report and provides information on all returns settling that business day. The report is available early the next day, generally about two hours after end of day runs. 1. DATE/ TIME. Date and time that Bank of America created this report. 2. RTN & ACCOUNT NUMBER. Settlement account for your Return Entries. 3. COMPANY ID/ COMPANY NAME/ SEC/EFF DATE & CO DISC DATA. Information from the batch header record of your original entry, including Company ID, Company name, the Standard Entry Class code (SEC), the effective date and the optional Company Discretionary Data field. If you have elected to settle for each of these returns individually, the settlement entry that posted to your account will include the original Individual ID number and any Company Discretionary Data you have included in your original batch. 4. POINT/ APPL. Information regarding your unique file and batch delivery setups. 5. RETURN OR NOTIFICATION OF CHANGE REASON CODE. Three-digit Return Reason Code or Notification of Change code supplied by the Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI). A list of these codes is provided at the end of this section. If you have elected to have single item deletes treated as returns, they will be listed under Return Reason 17 and identified as deleted items. 6. RETURN POST DATE. Settlement date when the offset Bank of America generates for these returns will post to your account. 7. ENTRY DETAIL INFORMATION. Information identifying your original entry, including the original Effective Date, the Individual ID and Name of the Receiver, the amount, the transit routing and account number of the Receiver's account and the Transaction Code of the original item. This information is as you sent it in your original entry. If you have elected to settle for each of these returns individually, the settlement entry that posted to your account will include the original Individual ID number and any Company Discretionary Data you have included in your batch. 8. INVALID/ VALID INFORMATION. For Notifications of Change, invalid information is the data contained in your original entry that is in error. You must correct this with the valid information on your database before you originate another entry to this Receiver. 9. ORIGINAL TRACE/ RETURN TRACE/ ORIGINAL PAR/RETURN PAR. The set of numbers that uniquely identifies the original transaction and the returned transaction, including the Original Trace Number assigned by Bank of America or from your file, depending on your setup (either option is available on request). The Return Trace Number is assigned by the Receiving Depository Financial Institution. The "PAR AND Return PAR" numbers are numbers generated within our processing system. 10. ORIGINAL ADDENDA. If you included a single addenda record with your original entry, it will be reported to you in this field. If you included multiple addenda records, then the first one will be reported in this field. 11. TOTALS. Subtotals calculated by Return or Notification of Change Reason Code to facilitate your reconcilement. 12. TYPES OF RETURN. Grand totals showing type of return (dollar or non-dollar), including item and dollar sums. a> A guide to reading your analysis statement Bank of America Merrill Lynch The Bank of America analysis statement is designed to efficiently meet your account information needs. To better understand this analysis statement, please review the headings and examples in this guide. If you have any questions, contact your Bank of America Merrill Lynch account representative. Basic Account Information 1. 2. Statement Period The calendar month for which the information is presented. Parent & Account Number Parent number and/or subsidiary number, bank number and deposit account number. Account Position 3. Balance Balances used to calculate the account's settlement position for the statement cycle. Details on these balances are listed below. 4. Earnings Allowance Current month's earnings allowance calculated on the Investable Balance. (Investable Balance x Earnings Allowance Rate x Days in Mo/Days in "Vr) 5. Interest Charges The total of the current month's charges for negative collected balances. 6. Activity Charges The total of the charges for services used during the current month as detailed in the Activity Charge Detail section of the statement. 7. Excess/Deficit Position The result of subtracting the Total Interest and Activity Charges from the Earnings Allowance. If the result is positive, the account is in an excess position. A deficit is created when the result is negative. The following tines (8 & 9) will be displayed only when prior period balance adjustments are made in the current month and are detailed in the Adjustment Detail Sections of the statement. 8. Earnings Allowance Adjustments Total adjustments to prior months' earnings allowance amounts resulting from adjustments to the ledger or float balances in those prior months. 9. Interest Charge Adjustments The total of adjustments to prior months' negative collected balance charges resulting from adjustments to the ledger or float balances In prior months. 10. Average Positive Ledger Balance for Month The account's average positive ledger balance for the month. This balance is used in the calculation of Deposit Bank Assessment charges. 11. Ledger Balance Displays the average of all positive and negative or overdrawn ledger balances during the calendar month. 12. Float Shows the average daily dollar amount of items in the process of collection during the calendar month. 13. Collected Balance Denotes the Average Ledger Balance less Average Float. 14. Negative Collected Balance This is calculated by totaling the daily negative collected balances during the month and dividing that total by the number of days in the month. 15. Positive Collected Balance This is calculated by totaling the positive collected balances during the month and dividing this total by the number of days in the month. 16. Investable Balance This balance is used to calculate earnings allowance. It equals the Positive Collected Balance when the Reserve Requirement Rate is 0.00%. Rate Information 17. Earnings Allowance Rate The Earnings Allowance Rate (EAR) on your account is used to calculate your Earnings Aliowance, which is based on your average investable balance. Your EAR may vary and, at our discretion, we may change this rate at any time. When determining the EAR rate. Bank of America considers a number of prevailing market indicators. 18. Reserve Requirement Rate Percentage of demand deposit collected balances Bank of America is required to keep on deposit with Federal Reserve in non-earning accounts.(Although the reserve rate is currently set to zero (0.00%), the rate is subject to change without prior notification.) 19. Collected Overdraft Interest Charge Rate The Collected Overdraft Interest Charge Rate on your account is used to calculate your Negative Collected Balance Interest Charge, which Is based on your average Negative Collected Balance. The rate on your account may vary and at our discretion, we may change this rate at any time. When determining this rate, Bank of America considers a number of factors and generally bases this rate on our Prime Rate plus a margin. The margin may change from time to time. 20. Multiplier The Multiplier Is the amount of investable balance required to support $1.00 of service charges. (1/(Earnings Allowance Rate x Days in Mo/Days in Year]) interest Charge Detail This section of the statement summarizes charges on negative collected balances and Is included only if such activity occurs. 21. AFP Service Code An industry established standard code used to identify individual services as well as groups of services, termed product families, on an account analysis statement. 22. Balance Required The investable balance required to compensate for the service charges shown. The calculation is: (Service Charge x Multiplier) 23. Negative Collected Balance Interest Charges Total charges for negative collected balances maintained during the current month. Charges are detailed by day in the Negative Collected Balance and Interest Charge Detail section of the statement. (Average Neg Collected Balance x Collected Overdraft Int Rate x Days in Mo/360) Activity Charge Detail 24. Service Description Identifies the services used by the account during the current period. 25. Price The per unit charge for each service. At the detail account level, the unit price is the actual price. At the parent level, the average unit price is the total service charge divided by the total volumes. If the client has different unit prices at the account level, the unit price displayed at the parent or subsidiary level will be a "blended" unit price. If the client's per unit price is carried out to the third or fourth decimal place and the client's volume is small, the unit price displayed at the parent or subsidiary level may not match due to rounding of cents (two decimal places) at the account level. 26. Volume The number of units used for each service. 27. Service Charge Shows total charge to the customer for each service. (Volume X Price) 28. Deposit Bank Assessment Bank of America may, at our discretion, charge you a Deposit Bank Assessment. The assessment rate is variable and we may change it at any time without notice. We display the amount of the assessment on your statement. The assessment Is based on an account's average positive ledger balance for the month and can be offset with earnings credits on eligible collected balances. 29. Price Code A code used to identify special pricing methods. An "R" indicates one of up to four prices, applied to the total service volume, is selected based on aggregate service volumes. A "T" indicates that up to four different prices may be applied to incremental service volume. Lockbox Activity Detail This section of the statement details lockbox activity on the account, by lockbox, and is included only if such activity occurs. 30. Number The number of the lockbox receiving the services shown. The two alphabetic characters indicate the lockbox processing site. Prior Period Earnings Allowance Adjustment Detail This section of the statement details prior period balance or float adjustments that affect the prior period positive collected balance and consequently, the prior period earnings allowance. It is included only if such activity occurs during the current statement period. 31. Service Description This column is used to describe the type of balance adjustment made, affecting the prior period earnings allowance. 32. Effective Date The date that requires a balance adjustment. 33. Adjustment Date The date the balance adjustment was made. 34. Transaction Amount The amount of the adjustment required to correct the balance as of the effective date noted. 35. Number of Days The number of days the balance requires adjustment. 36. Poslllve Collected Balance Effect The total effect of the transaction noted on the positive collected balance as of the effective date noted. 37. Earnings Allowance Rate Earnings allowance rate as of effective date of the adjusting transaction. 38. Earnings Allowance Adjustment The increase or decrease to the earnings allowance based on the adjusting transaction and the earnings allowance rate shown. This is calculated as follows; (Pos Coll Bal Effect x [EAR/Days in Yrj) Prior Period Interest Charge Adjustment Detail Details prior period balance or float adjustments that affect the prior period negative collected balance and consequently, the prior period negative collected balance charges. It is included only if such activity occurs during the current statement period. 39. Negative Collected Balance Effect Total (based on the number of days indicated) effect of the transaction noted on the negative collected balance as of the effective date noted. 40. Interest Rate The Collected Overdraft Interest Rate as of the effective date of the adjusting transaction. 41. Interest Charge Adjustment The increase or decrease to the prior period negative collected balance charge based on the adjusting transaction and the interest rate shown. Calculated as follows: (Negative Coll Bal Effect x Interest Rate)/360 Prior Period Activity Charge Adjustment Detail This section of the statement details prior period activity charge adjustments. It is included only if such activity occurs. Bank of America ACCOUNT ANALYSIS STATEMENT DETAIL ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ANALYSIS SERVICES P.O. BOX 37000 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94137 CLIENT NAME 1234 ANY STEREET ANYTOWN. US 99999 1 STATEMENT PERIOD: 3/01 /YYYY THROUGH 3/31 /YYYY 2 PARENT NUMBER: SUBSIDIARY NUMBER: ACCOUNT NUMBER: OFFICER CODE: 355 12345 00001 0001912345 012345 30 □ ACCOUNT POSITION AMOUNT AMOUNT 3 BAUNCE 4 EARNINGS ALLOWANCE 5924 348.774.35 5 INTEREST CHARGES 92.00 6 ACTIVITY CHARGES 369.94 TOTAL INTEREST AND ACTIVITY CHARGES 461.94 2,719.485.50 7 DEFICIT POSmON (402.70)(2,370,733.88) 8 EARNINGS ALLOWANCE ADJUSTMENTS .23 9 LESS:INTEREST CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS (7.631 AOJUSTEO DEFICIT POSITION (410.10)(2.414,296.40) a BALANCE INFORMATION BAUNCE 10 AVERAGE POSITIVE LEDGER BALANCE FOR MONTH 1260,880.00 AVERAGE MONTHLY BALANCES 11 LEDGER BALANCE 392,743.39 12 LESS: FLOAT 56,538.70 13 COLLECTED BALANCE 336204.69 14 NEGATIVE COLLECTED BALANCE (12,569.66) IS POSITIVE COLLECTED BALANCE 348.774.35 16 INVESTABLE BALANCE 348,774.35 □ RATE INFORMATION 17 EARNINGS ALLOWANCE RATE .2000% 18 RESERVE REQIRMENT RATE .0000% 19 COLLECTED OVERDRAFT INTEREST CHARGE RATE 8-5000% 20 MULTIPLIER (INVESTABLE BALNCE REQUIRED PER SI .00 OF SERVICE CHARGE)5.887.0968 □ INTEREST CHARGE DETAIL 21 AFP CODE SERVICE DESCRIPTION INTEREST CHARGE 22 BALANCE REQUIRED 000210 NEGATIVE COLLECTED BALANCE INTEREST CHARGES 23 92.00 541,612.91 TOTAL INTEREST CHARGES 92.00 541,612.91 Price/rate information Is for Illustrative purposes only □ ACTIVTY CHARGE DETAIL 25 PRICE 26 VOLUME 27 SERVICE BALANCE AFP CODE SERVICE DESCRIPTION 24 CHARGE REQUIRED 00 0230 BALANCE AND COMPENSATION INFORMATION CONI S DEPOSIT BANK ASSESSMENT 0.1461 US!184.23 1,084,592.21 TOTAL BALANCE & COMPENSATION INFORMATION 164.23 1,084.592.21 GENERAL ACCOUNT SERVICES 01 0000 ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE 30.0000 1 30.00 176,612.90 01 TOTAL GENERAL ACCOUNT SERVICES 30.00 176,612.90 LOCKBOX SERVICES 05 0000 WLBX LOCKBOX MAINT PER BOX 175.0000 1 175.00 1,030,241.94 05 0100 WLBX IMAGE PROC PER ITEM 0.3500 48 16.80 98,903.23 05 0104 WLBX MINIMUM CHARGE 8320 489,806.45 TOTAL LOCKBOX SERVICES 275.00 1,618,951.62 DEPOSITORY SERVICES 100141 CHANGE ORDER-AUTO OR STNDG-VLT 29 R 6.0000 10 60.00 353,225.81 100146 COIN SUPP/ROLL-BOX-VLT 0.1000 745 74.50 438,588.71 TO TOTAL DEPOSITORY SERVICES 134.50 791,814.52 UNDEFINED SERVICES 99 9999 PRIOR PERIOD CHARGE ADJUSTMENT (253.79)(1.494,086.30) 99 TOTAL UNDEFINED SERVICES (253.79)(1,494,086.30) TOTAL ACTIVITY CHARGES 369.94 2,177,872.59 □ LOCKBOX[)ETAIL NUMBER 30 AFP CODE DESCRPTION PRICE VOLUME SERVICE CHARGE TX 59423 05 0000 WLBX LOCKBOX MAINT PER BOX 175.0000 1 175.00 TX 59423 05 0100 WLBX IMAGE PROC PER ITEM 0.3500 48 16.80 TX 59423 05 0104 WLBX MINIMUM CHARGE 83.20 TOTAL 275.00 O NEGATIVE COLLECTED BALANCE AND INTEREST CHARGE DETAIL TRANSACTION DATE NEGATIVE COLLECTED BALANCE 03/09/YYYY (389,659.33) TOTAL 389,659.33 DAYS IN PERIOD 31 AVERAGE NEGATIVE COLLECTED BALANCE (12,569.66) INTEREST RATE 8.5000% TOTAL INTEREST CHARGE 92.00 a PRIOR PERIOD EARNING ALLOWANCE ADJUSTMENT DETAIL 31 SERVICE 32 EFFECTIVE DESCRIPTION DATE LEDGER 01/28/YY FLOAT 01/28/YY NET ADJUSTMENT 33 ADJUSTMENT DATE 03/05/YY 03/05/YY 34TRANSACTI0N AMOUNT 62305.28 51,746.67 35 NO.OFDAYS 3 3 36 POSITIVE COLLECTED BALANCE EFFECT 187,515.84 (155.240.01) 37 EARNINGS ALLOW. RATE .2000 2000 38 EARNINGS ALLOWANCE ADJUSTMENT 1.03 (.85) .23 □ PRIOR PERIOD INTEREST CHARGE ADJUSTMENT DETAIL SERVICE DESCRIPTION LEDGER FLOAT NET ADJUSTMENT EFFECTIVE DATE 01/28/YY 01/28/YY ADJUSTMENT DATE 03/05/YY 03/05/YY TRANSACTION AMOUNT 62,505.28 51.746.57 NO OF DAYS 1 1 39 NEGATIVE COLLECTED BALANCE EFFECT 42,032.00 (9,714.67) 40 INTEREST RATE 8.5000 8.5000 41 INTEREST CHARGE ADJUSTMENT (9.92) 2.29 (7.63J Q PRIOR PERIOD ACTIVITY CHARGE ADJUST MENT DETAIL TRANSACTION DATE 02/02/YYYY ADJUSTMENT DATE 03,'05/YYYY DESCRIPTION VAULT CR ADJUSTMENT TOTAL AMOUNT (253.79) (253.79) Price/Rate information is for illustrative purposes only. General disclaimer for Bank of America Merrill Lvnch. 12018 Bank of America Coiporatlan. Example: Analyzed Interest Checking Bankof America Merrill Lynch Bank off America Account Number 12340678 IDS Statement sample OS 19©5r ABC Company Attn: Mr Smith Street Name City, State Zip Code Last Statement This Statement 10/31/2016 11/30/2016 of an Analyzed Interest Checking account. The statement will ANALYZED INTEREST CHECKING reflect the Account Statement Period 11/01/2016-11/30/2016 Number of Deposits / Credits Number of Checks Number of Other Debits 1 1 0 Statement Beginning Balance Amount of Deposits / Credits Amount of CItecks Amount of Other Debits Statement Ending Balance $ 563,538 $ 231 S 25 $ $ 563,743 Rate at the beginning of the month and each time the balance or rate Number of Enclosures Amount of Interest Paid Annual Percentage Yield Earned 1 230.95 0.50% Ser\«ce Charge Interest Information Interest Paid Year-to-Date Transaction Detail $ 2,573.72 changes. It will also show the APY, Interest Paid and Interest Paid Date Customer Posted Reference 10-Nov 1234S 30-Nov Amount 25.00- 230.05 Descriptions Check INTEREST PAID ON 30 DAYS AVERAGE COLLECTED BAL OF Daily Balances $ 563,526.71 Bank Reference 9999999 9999999 YTD. Date Ledger Balance Colected Balance Rate Date Ledger Balance Collected Balance Rate 31-Oct 563,537.54 18-Nov 563.512.54 563,537.54 563,512.54 0.500 30-Nov 563,743.49 0.500 563,743.49 0.500 Example: Analyzed Checking Bankof America Merrill Lynch Account Nurrbef 12340678 U.^T Last This Statemerrt Ststemant 10/31/2018 11/30/2016 ABC Company Ann: Mr. SntlH Street Name City. Slate 2p Code Customer Services ANALYZED CHECKIN8 Aeeourtt Summary Information statement Period 11/O1/2016 - 11/30/2019 Number of Deposits / Credits Number of Checks Number of Other Debits 11 ID 5 Stetemeni Begtnnlrvg Balance Amount of Deposits / Credlte Arrount of Checks Amount of Other Debits Statement £r>cllno Balance S 123,490.26 8 S 45,147.74 S 1,906,574.18 S 141,924.00 NurrSser of Ertclosures 10 Ser\^ce Charge $ Deooslts and Cradtts Date Posted Customer ftvferenoe Amount OeserlDtlofw Bank 11 / *7.34O.20 aaa Payroll 9999999 11/4 11,612.23 aaa Payrol 9999999 11 / 4 730.000.00 Wire In date xxx 9999999 1 / ©916.20 OA BANKING CENTER DEPOSIT 9999999 Wtthdrswails and Dsblts Choeks ChesH Number Amount Date Posted Bank Cheek Refsrenee Number Amount Date Posted Bank 1234 e.ooo.oo 11 f 10 9999999 1237 5,457.38 11/17 9999999 123S 240,r7 11/17 9999999 1238 240.77 11/30 9999999 1236 8.500.00 11 / 23 9999999 1240 8.5O0.OO 11 / 02 9999999 Othor Doblts Dste Posted Customer Referenoo Amount Deserlotion Bank Refsrenee 11 / 04 730.000.00 Loan Payment 999999 11/09 360.000.00 Loan paymorrt 999999 11 f 15 eio.i5 Account Anal/A^ Fee 999999 11 / 2B Loan Payment 999999 11 / 30 6,064.01 Daily Balancds Wire Transfer >eoeoe<999999 990999 Date Posted Ladder B^aftae Conaeted Balanea Data Posted 10 / 31 %123.490.26 S 123.490.26 11/14 132,775.28 132,775.28 11 / 02 %123.496.26 S 123.496.26 11/1S 130.427.80 130,427.80 11 / 03 S 109.463.26 S 109.463.26 11/17 124.729-65 124,729.65 11/07 S 129.332.61 S 129,332.61 11/18 123.000.00 123,000.00 IDS Statement sample of an Analyzed Checking (NIB DDA). Example: Public Fund Interest Checking Bankof America Merrill Lynch Bank of America Axolt fAr'Oer •I34S57S51-: .^SBBnert •03*.2-:*c Tnig SSEr^t •• x2':-e AeC CoTsry Ar; W. S"^ Strest^€'rB Cv SeeZc Ccoe PUBLIC FUriD iriTEREST CHECKITJQ SBErert=»->o3 '" ?* 2-?*? -' ^30.20^6 '*t€r c' DsxsB CfiC Is 'y c-' Ct-ar DattS hLrrt-sr ff'S'XjCS.'fiS ArrxiT <sf I rfe'asi F»: Arn.S ?ar:arB'gB V«a Eanta Pc^arsnrft TM It't tt.2 11-3 ir-3 11/3 it-3 IT'S SBanertEeg""^"g 3s8"06 Anos.-t r'Dexss Cj-xb A^-trOs^^s Aro.-tr Crar Daats SeEnertEX'rg 3asxa S6'<»2?3'g6 kttrnt birfomration f 4s 0.2^; i-er&3t=»3 Yas'-c-DaB PipoBitBand CiatftB An-cu't Dsay^ft-y K.>D K.M ^^e4.3S- 55.M 3X/>: f'44/X 5? .M 74S/>: -9e'.'X SSIT'aasJK SSlT'sas* SSiT'aasw CA\3JtD6X: SSI Trass ;ec SSI Tress » SSI Tress xc SSIT'gssxt SSI Tress xc }oocoeoeoK«oeoDOKiec« >coe<xoeoBC«oeoeo9oec«c )COe090e0«X0K)KXSK>i< >ce«oec«c«ownQogo»oK K<XOKtOKOOKWXV». ;OOK«090KXC«MOeO»9K ^OOeOKVOKXCOOKXCCOK »cec«c«cc9»soeo»909c S SBX"s S 2:'.sXT4 5 22.-:J*.34 S 5 Z-.7c^4-: 47.01 =3'K%fe'Brie »5&5e ss-s 3&3&3e 3S3&3& IDS Statement sample of an Public Fund Interest Checking account. Same as Analyzed Interest Checking except the name on the statement Is "Public". Example: Balance Surcharge (APX Statement)Bankof America Merrill Lynch ABC COMPAh/Y ATTN: MR SMITH STREET NAME CITY. STATE ZIP CODE Account Analysis Stalement Parent Summary Statement Period 10/01/20ia through 1O/31/2O10 No Of subsidiaries in the parent 4 Officer code Customer Service 1-aSB-400-9009 .'•.UMMAICY Of- l'l..>.SITIC.>N EARNINGS ALLOi/VANCE It^TEREST CHARGES ACTIVITY CHARGES TOTAL INTEREST AND ACTIVITY CHARGES DEFICIT POSITION AMC >l JN ! $ 14.356 AMOtiNI S 8,830 14.356 5,725 I'.Ai ANc;i-rs $ 30.DOG.GOG 48.424.775 19,313,165 BALANCE INFORMATION AVERAGE POSITIVE LEDGER BALANCE FOR MONTH AVERAGE MONTHLY BALANCES: LEDOTR BALANCE LESS: FLOAT COLLECTED BALNACE NEGATIVE COLLECTED BALANCE POSITIVE OOLELCTED BALANCE INVESTABLE BALANCE 30,250,000 30,250.000 250.000 30,000,000 30,000.000 30,000,000 RATE INFORMATION EARNINGS ALLOWANCE RATE RESEF?VE REQUIREMENT RATE MULTIPLIER (INVESTABLE BALANCE REQUIRED PER SI.OO OF SERVICE CHARGE) 0,35% 0,00«4 3,373.25 ACTIVITY CHARGE DETAIL AFP CCX5E OO 0230 CO 0230 01 OOOOO 01 OOOO 01 OOOO SERVICE DESCRIPTION BALANCE «■ COMPENSATION INFORMATION DEPOSIT BANK ASSESSMENT BALANCE RELATED FEE TOTAL BALANCE & COMPENSATION GENERAL ACCOUNT SERVICES ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE DEPOSITORY + SUB ACCT MAIIsTT REMOTE DEP-ACCOUNT MAINT OTHER DETAILS SUMARIZEO TOTAL ACTIVITY CHARGES AVG PER UNIT CHG 0.1461 1 7,O00 SERVICE CHARGE BAL REQUIREED 13 5 25 VARIOUS VARIOUS 274 $ 2 $ 3 $ S 4.420 7,COO s 14.908.163 1 s 23.612.7SO s - 11.419.83 $38. S20.913 351,OO $1,184.011 10,00 s 33,733 75,00 $252.994 2.500,00 s 8,433.125 14,356.63 s 48.424,775 APX Statement sample of an Analyzed Checking where a client is assessed a balance related fee (aka balance surcharge). This is a discretionary fee that is used in unique situations and requires special client notification. Please work with your LPSS partner before discussing with client. j% Work i'Complete Task Name Duration Resource Names 0% Sample Impfementatlon Project Pfan 90 days 0%PLANNING 9 days 0%Planning Steps 9 days 0%Review Project Scope and High Level timeline with client 1 day lA.sales.client 0%Determine weekly project status meeting date and time 1 day lA.client 0%Distribute the project plan, project contact list and targeted timeline to team 1 day [A 0%Send legal documentation to client 1 day lA, sales 0%Complete legal documentation and return to bank 5 days client 0%EXECUTION 62 days 0%Account Reconciliation 26 days 0%Check Positive Pay 26 days 0%Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed 5 days IPC.IA,client,sales 0% Provide client materials: issue file deadlines / input data transmission sample file layouts / AR 2 days IPCUser Guide / Postitlve Pay Authorization Form 0%Return to IPC: technical resource Information / signed Positive Pay Authorization Form 2 days client 0%Submit implementation request 1 day :IA 0%Process implementation request 1 day ARP 0%Payee Positive Pay (if applicable)8 days 0% Provide client with the Payee Positive Pay Client Checklist and request 25 voided checks from 3 days IPCeach client site producing checks for image testing 0%'Provide 25 voided sample checks to IPC from each client site for image testing 4 days client 0%'Fonivard sample checks to Check Quality Support - PPP Check Testing 2 days lA 0%Notify client if checks passed or failed 3 days IPC o%i Submit request to Bank of America Data Transmission Service (DTS)for set up ID(s).3 days ARP 0%'Contact client to initiate connectivity testing 1 day ARP 0%Test issue / positive pay file transmission 2 days ARP.client 0%|Ensure CashPro entitlement steps have been completed 1 day ilA.IPC 0%i If current check activity, must provide current outstanding check file 1 day client 0%i Activate positive pay for exception viewing 1 day ARP 0%Issue file format approved and moved to production 2 days ,ARP.client 0%:Teller Poative Pay (if applicable)1 day 0%,Ensure check cashing contact(s) on GTS Locator 1 day lA.IPC 0%Notify client to start monitoring CashPro Online for positive pay exceptions 1 day IPC 0%'Verify with client that the service is operating as expected 3 days IPC.cllent 0%J CashPro Connect Payments 39 days 0%Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed 5 days 'lPC,IA.cllent.sales 0%:Submit implementation request 1 day lA 0%^Process Impfementation request 1 day 'EDI Ops 0%^Confirm file format and version, if applicable 1 day IcIlent.EDI Ops 0%;Determine test sender ID 1 day 'client,EDI Ops 0%:Determine production sender ID 1 day jdlent.EDI Ops 0%:Confirm EFT key that will be used In the BAML originator profile setup 1 day IcIlent.EDI Ops 0%;Determine If Human Readable email acknowledgements are required 1 day ;client,EDI Ops 0%i Determine if XML PSR data file transmission acknowledgements are required 1 day 'client,EDI Ops 0%Provide file specifications for inbound file 1 day ;EDI Ops 0%Provide file specifications for outbound file 1 day 1 EDI Ops 0%'Provide CashPro Connect Payments and Transmission User Guides 1 day EDI Ops 0%:Develop test plan 2 days lEDI Ops oVo!Telecom ; .12 days 1 0%'Confirm telecom method 1 day 'client.EDI Ops 0%1 Submit DTS TransAct request (MSR if required)3 days [ed\ Ops 0%'Determine b2bl transmission ID 3 days iOTS 0%:Establish communication link and test connectivity and transmission 5 days DTS,client o%!" CPCWires 26 days 0%|Review setup requirements ^1 day ' IPC.sales,client 0%!Confirm Fedwires (domestic) / SWIFT (internalionai) / FX Currency wire needs 1 day client.EDI Ops 0%:Review FX Reconciliation (if applicable)1 day FX 'Product.saies.ciient 0% _o%i 0%" 0%' 0%) 0%i 0%' 0% 0%, 0%; o%j 0%. 0%' 0%; 0%^ 0%| d%; 0%| o%J 0%! 0%i 0%, 0%' 0%] 0%, 0%: Q%] 0%! 0%^ 0%' 0%' 0%i 0%[ 0%| 0% o%!_ 0%\ 0% 0%; 0%'_ 0%; 0% 0%. 0%\ 0%i 0%j ^oi q%^_ o%r 0%] oVoi o%l 0%] 0%j o%;_ 0%i 0%: 0%i o%| Confirm intermediary bank requirements (if applicable) Corrfirm wire acknowledgement requirements Develop payment test files Process test files Sign off upon successful testing Determine production date Review UAT / PROD profiles for comparison match (must match prior to going live) Determine production date Schedule full live transmission CPCACH Review setup requirements Confirm Standard Entry Class Code{s); CCD/CTX/PPD Confirm all credit/debit payment needs Create and provide ACH lD(s) as necessary Determine ACH POINT ID and ECS PROFILE ID for setup Develop payments files Complete ACH testing Sign off upon successful testing Detennine production date Review DAT/PROD profiles for comparison match (must match prior to going live) Determine production date Schedule full live transmission Verify with client that the service is operating as expected CashPro Conned Receivables Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed Notate delivery schedule for combined files (if applicable) Submit implementation request Process implementation request Teiec^ Confirm telecom method Submit DTS TransAct request (MSR if required) Determine b2bi transmission ID Establish communication link and test connectivity and transmission ACH Confirm ACH setup readiness Configure ACH via CPC Produce first test output file - ACH Confirm Wire setup readiness Configure Wire via CPC Produce first test file output - Wire Lockbox Confirm file orginalion movement (CPC to client / LBX to client) Validate set-up($) and template(s) between CPC and Lockbox Process first test file output - Lockbox Confirm status of initial tests and takeaways 1 day 1 day 10 days 5 days 3 days 1 day 1 day 3 days 3 days 39 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 5 days 5 days 10 days 5 days 3 da^ 1 day 1 day 3 days 3 days 3 days [62 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 12 days 1 day 3 days 3 days 5 days ,7 days 1 day 1 day 5 days 7 days 1 day 1 day 5 days 7 days 1 day 1 day 5 days 1 day Produce subsequent test file(s) output • ACH / Wire / Lockbox (iterate tasks as appropriate) Client acceptance / test results Sign off upon successful testing pelermine production date ' Review UAT / PROD profiles for comparison match (must match prior to going live) Confirm delivery schedule for combined fifes (if applicable) Confirm / revise live date Move file(s) into production Stage transmission for production Receive first production file Complete end to end validation of first production file Confirm with client that all Implementation objectives are delivered Verify with client that the service is operating as expected CasnPro Online 10 days 1 day 2 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 5 days 1 day 2 days 3 da^ 3 days [32 days client,EDI Ops client.EDI Ops client EDI Ops,client client EDI Ops.client EDI Ops.lPC EDI Ops.client EDI Ops.client IPC.sales,client client.EDI Ops client,EDI Ops ACH ACH 'Client client,EDI Ops client EDI Ops.client EDI Ops.lPC ECS.client ECS,client IPC,client IPC.IA.clienLsales IPC.EDI Ops.client lA EDI Ops EDI Ops.client EDI Ops DTS DTS,client EDI Ops EDI Ops.client EDI Ops.client EDI Ops EDI Ops.client EDI Ops.client EDI Ops,LBX LBX.EDI Ops EDI Ops.client EDI Ops.client 10 days EDI Ops.client client client client.EDI Ops EDI Ops.lPC.client EDI Ops.client EDI Ops TC < client LBX.ED1 Ops.clIerit ^client llPC.client 0% 0%. 0%! 0%' 0%; 0%' 0% 0%' 0% 0%' 0%)" 0%' 0%^ 0%' 0%' 0%' Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed Complete country specific documentation Submit Implementation request Process implementation request Confirm set-up of CashPro and services Notify client that service has been established Direct client to CashPro University Establish new CashPro Online users as required Entitle users to accounts and services Vertfy with client that the service is operating as expected CashPro Remote Deposit Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed Submit implementation request Process implementation request Verify that scanner has shipped. Verify that scanner was received 5 days 3 days 1 day 1 day 2 days 1 day 1 day 10 days 5 days 3 days 21 days 5 days 1 day 3 days 1 day IPC.IA.client.sa!es lA lA CashPro IPC.IA (PC IPC client client IPC,client IPCJAxlient.sales lA RDS lA IPC ' 0%Schedule training 2 days Client Education.clientJPC 0% 1 Conduct Client Training 3 days Client Education 0%Follow up with client upon completion of training to ensure operability 2 days IPC 0%'Verify with client that the service is operating as expected 1 day IPC 0%Image Cash Letter |45 days 0%,Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed 5 days IPC.IA,client.sales 0%I Client welcome package sent to client including ICL cover letter. ACCL, Set up and testing 2 days IPC.ICLoverview, ICL User Guide, ICL Input File and Acknowledgement File Specifications 0%' 0%; Conduct client interview Client returned required documentation 1 day 3 days IPC.client.Check 21 Ops client 0%'Submit implementation request 1 day lA 0%'Process implementation request 3 days ICL 0%|Tistecom 12 days 0%i Confirm telecom method 1 day ICL.client 0%:Submit DTS TransAct request (MSR if required)3 days ICL 0%;Determine b2bi transmission ID 3 days :dts 0%:Estat:rfish communication link and test connectivity and transmission 5 days DTS,client 0%}P^efnine productkHi date 2 days I 0%!Review UAT / PROD profiles for comparison match (must match prior to going live)i1 day I1CL.IPC 0%'Confirm delivery schedule for combined files (if applicable)1 day ilCL, IPC,client 0%'Confirm / revise live dale 1 day :lCL,client 0%j Move file(s) Into production 1 day ilCL 0%'Stage transmission for production 5 days ;TC b%'Receive first production file 1 day ; Client 0%.Complete end to end validation of first production file ' 2 days :LBX.ICL.clienl 0%"Confirm with client that all implementation objectives are delivered 3 days ' Client 0%Verify with client that the service is operating as expected 3 days IPC.client 0%|Lockbox [47 days 0%:Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed 5 days IPC,IA.client,sales 0%[Lodcbox - Nnage . '42 days 0%'Request new lockbox number 1 day lA 0%.Submit implementation request 1 day lA j Provide lockbox samples to bank 10 days ;Client o%i Determine if client interview is required Odays IPC 0%]Process Implemeniallon request 10 days Lockbox 0%l I FedEx CO Rom Encryption / Exchange CD Rom Encryption Key 5 days 1 Lockbox.client , 0%|Test lockbox samples S days 'Lockbox 1 0%i Provide test file to client, If appllcaWe 10 days Lockbox _Run test file, if applicable S days iClient 0%l Sign off upon successful testing, if applicable 0 days 1 Lockbox.client 0%'Move Lockbox to production 2 days Lockbox 0%i Provide client with lockbox number and payment address 1 Odays IPC 0%'Notify remitters of new payment address 1 day client 1 0%Verify with client that the service is operating as expected 3 days IPC 0%Vault Depository [21 days 0%Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed t 5 days iPC,IA,client,sales 0%Confirm armored carrier agreement is finalized, if applicable 1 day :IPC.$a!es.clieni 0% Complete the DIW. including method of delivery for Deposit Correction Notices (DCNs), if applicable 1 day lA 0% Process implementation request and forward to individual vaults / banking centers to set up the deposit instructions 6 days BDIU 0%Send Change Order Welcome Package to client (based on address in DIW), if applicable 3 days BDIU 0%Provide deposit preparation Instructions to client 1 day \\K 0% Arrange for armored carrier to begin servicing the client with any applicable delivery and pick up services, if applicable 1 day client 0%Verify with client that the service is operating as expected 3 days IPC,client 0%Wrre Transfer 11 days 0%Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed 5 days ,IPC.IA,client,sales 0%Submit implementation request 1 day lA 0%Process implementation request 2 days Wire 0%Verify with client that the service is operating as expected 3 days IPC,client 0%2BArrFR/TFR+/Dep+11 days 0%Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as neeoed 5 days IPC,IA,client.sales 0%Submit implementation request 1 day lA 0%Process impiementation request 2 days ZBA 0%Verify with client that ttie service is operating as expected 3 days IPC,client ; 0%MONITOR 19 days 1 0%Monitor to ensure no production Issues 19 days IPC 0%CLOSING 0 days 0%,Impfementation Hand-Off "' -'Tj;'.0 days 0%Conduct wamn hand-off and transition to client service Odays IPC,Client Service 0%'Conduct close out meeting with Client 0 days IPC 0%|Provide client with post implementation contact list Odays IPC 0%J Complete Client Satisfaction Survey Odays 'client City of La Quinta RFP Interview April 11,2019 Lori Becker Senior Vice President; PSB Client Manager William Shimada Vice President; Treasury Solutions Analyst Team Manager Bankof America n/lerriii Lynch Bankof America Merrill Lynch Introductions Client Team Cash Pro Reporting/Overview City Questions Implementation Closing Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning. - Benjamin Franklin Offering a dedicated local team... CLIENT TEAM Lori Becker Sr. Vice President, PSB Client Manager T; 213.621.7184 F: 213.457,2802 lbecker(5? baml.com@baml.com Rosa Machado AVP Sales Support Associate T: 213-621-7133 F; 415.796.6072 Rosa.m.machado@bami.com William Shimada VP Treasury Sol Analysts Team Mgr. T: 657.216.5322 F: 877.734.2454 william.k.shimada@baml.com txtended Team CLIENT CONTACT CENTER General request can be submitted via email to: Email: dedlcatedwQov@bankofamerlca.com This will insure that request receives prompt attention even when your dedicated customer service person is not available. Lawrence Pan AVP; Treasury F&S Advisor-Service T: 877.715.1000 x 63010 lawrence.pan@baml.com Alison Nutlmeyer Vice President; Treasury Services Manager T: 657.216.5455 F: 415.796.1389 alison.nullmeyer@baml.com dient Team City of La Quinta IMPLEMENTATION Sharon Rafanan AVP: Treasury F&S Advsr Implementation T: 925.675.2810 sharon.rafanan@baml.com ...backed by strong, committed resources Bankof America Merrill Lynch Treasury Fulfillment, Service & Operations Dedicated Service Director: Lawrence Pan 1.888-715-1000 Extension 63010 Fax: 1.877-206-8490 Email: DedicatedWGov^bankofamerica.com My HOURS: 7:00 AM PST to 4:00 PM PST My Teammates available to support your phone requests Dora Ferenczy Dianne Saavedra Valerie Nelson Noe Vasquez-Benitez Mv support for E-mails Betty Mejia Toni Esparza Rene Maldonado Team Hours 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM Treasury Fulfillment, Service & Operations Manager Alison Nullmeyer 657.216.5455 Cash Pro -. ... ....-i'Vi'vi-.l "jl Bank of America Merrill Lynch Integrated tool for all your treasury activities Access methods to meet your needs Bank of America Merrill Lynch Online channel Services Information Reporting n Information Reports n CashPro Assistant Analytics n Image Access* Payments n Global Payments n Foreign Exchange n ACH* n Check Management* n BiilPay* n Asia Tax* • Italy Tax* Receivables n Reports " Transaction Search n Remote Deposit n Biiler Gateways Notifications Credit* Assistant* Escrow* Invest* Express* CASHPRO SOLUTIONS API channel Payment Initiation Balance Inquiries Transaction Inquiries U.S. Real Time Payments Funds Check Global Digital Disbursements: o initiations o Cancellations o Statuses Mobile channel Web uri accessible from mobile devices Mobile application • Account balances n Account transfers n Check Positive Pay • Payment initiation • Payment approval • Check deposit** File-based channel Services Connect Information Reporting Connect Payments Connect Receivables SWIFT Corporate Access MyStandards Not available in all regions/markets Deposit into remote deposit account only CashPro Online Administration Enhanced controls and flexibility Bank of America Merrill Lynch User entitlements and maintenance Assign users access to applications, activities and accounts New user set up • A wizard-like process simplifies the new user setup • "Clone" function helps increase efficiency User roles • Manage groups of users with the same entitlements and help eliminate the need to update users individually Account groups • Assign accounts to users applications in a single step Approval queue Access, modify and manage all requests for users and company in a centralized queue Reporting .h Access to company, user and application level reports online, as well as the ability to search detailed audit events Secure access controls n Help reduce risk of fraudulent payment activities with dual administration and security tokens Save time. Simplify processes CashPro Information Reporting Bankof America Merrill Lynch CashPro Information Reporting ^ Previous Day Reporting - 24 month retention ^ Current Day Reporting Account and analysis statements Check Images Global Reporting Hub CashPro Information Reporting online CashPro Connect Reporting file transmission CashPro Assistant Analytics for spreadsheet Convenient Multibank Reporting CashPro Reporting offers multibank balance and transaction reporting to bring all of your bank account information together in a single location Gain efficiencies with your bank data in one place — Minimize time and effort spent accessing multiple bank systems — Locate any transaction quickly and easily Flexible solutions n Make your job easier with innovative features like custom reports, scheduling, host to host connectivity and 24 months of data storage n Flexible format options deliver a convenient way to integrate data into your treasury system or accounting software — PDF — Microsoft® Excel — CSV — BAI2 — MT940, MT942 — QuickBooks® and Quicken® (U.S.-based accounts only) — ISO 20022 XML.camt.053 and camt.052 — Robust spreadsheet capabilities for detailed analysis of your reporting data using CashPro Assistant Analytics Evolve how your data works for you Transform from a tedious, tactical process to a strategic solution Bank of America Merrill Lynch REDUCE PAPER n Retrieve information instantly from the website, STORAGE instead of storing paper documents INTEGRATE SEAMLESSLY SPEED RECONCILIATION PERSONALIZE YOUR EXPERIENCE Receive information, files and reports in custom layouts and formats for seamless integration with your existing financial systems Research any transaction quickly and easily to assist In reconciling your accounts Personalize screen views, formatting and language preference with extensive, flexible options Connect to everything you need in a custom dashboard Leverage Service Center to view and manage account signers, account information and service requests electronically, as well as open new accounts and add treasury services at your convenience CashPro Information Reporting 24 months ^ previous-day history account statements bank, analysis, account reconciliation and more CashPro Payments Simplify your end-to-end payment process from creation to reconciliation Bank of America Merrill Lynch CashPro Payments Global Payment high value Execute transactions faster and more efficiently Receive customized information reporting Reduce risk through robust security features and user controls Input payment Instructions using local language capabilities Spans 200+ countries & territories; Supports 140 currencies Check Management p. *»« 11 h 1 • n 1« 11 mil 1 ^ i 1 I- domiciled accounts) 10 • Inquiry and approval: Paid checks. Positive Pay, Reconciliation and Stop Payments • Positive Pay: Submit Issue files, Pay/Return decisions • Reconciliation: Submit or cancel check issues, including future-dated Items n Stop Payments: Easily stop pay on lost, stolen, or any check that should not be paid Efficient check management control ACH n Idw value Global) Initiate low-value payments domestically or globally Improve: Satisfaction of your payees; Automation for non-urgent, low-value payments; Accuracy of cash flow forecast Reduce: Transaction costs associated with wire transfers & paper checks; Exposure to losses resulting from check fraud Low value payment BillPay n Enter-Email, fax or scan bills and other documents Approve-Automatic approval routing with bill Images. Your approval rules are built In Pay - Pay bills easily with a few clicks through check or ACH. We handle check production Reconcile - Update accounting software, streamline reconciliation. Robust controls and audit trails Paperless, automated , efficient, secure CashPro Receivables Simplify receivables processing, from exception item resolution to workflow efficiency Bankof America Merrill Lynch CashPro Receivables Healthcare Revenue Manager (U.S.) Receivables (U.S., EMEA, Asia) Remote Deposit (U.S.) Faster access to funds Extended processing day n Overcome challenges of making deposit deadlines n Deposit during non traditional banking hours Increased efficiencies n Make deposits via desktop scanner and mobile device. n Reduce fees associated with transportation n Associate data with check payment for reconciliation Flexible retention: n Access Lockbox information and images online from 3 months up to 10 years Comprehensive reporting; n Reporting of Incoming payment types received: ACH, wire, check and card - with print, download and email output capabilities Robust search: n Perform targeted searches that provide immediate image viewing for checks, wire and full addenda for ACH n Faster access to funds n Flexible payment options n Accept ACH or card payments received through multiple channels - online, via mobile device, over the phone or with a CSR n Achieve efficiencies n Spend less time managing payments from your customers n Comprehensive reporting n Obtain the current day's collected transactions and dollar amounts of all your card and ACH transactions 11 Addressing the challenges of depositing check payments Enabling single point of access to receipts information and images Making your receipts easier to manage CashPro® Notifications (Alerts) Access to information virtually anytime, anywhere Bankof America Merrill Lynch CashPro Notifications Get immediate alerts on critical account activities 24/7 Choose to receive alerts for your selected accounts Easy to set up balance, transaction and payment related alerts Convenient way for non-CashPro users to receive alerts Customize the alert criteria on specific transaction type, amount limit or reference number Alert can contain detail or summary information Broad choice of delivery options including email, SMS, voice message and fax BaflhelAewke" MwriiLpicli CashPro" Online My Favorites | Reporting | Payments | Receipts | Service Notification: Settings jj- ^ ACH PsyiTtents RecerveUes Reporthtg Reporting • Prevloua Day Name 1 Inactive Aceeonu (BanMO \ Account number}1 Active Aeeounta (BanMD | Accoum number) i011900571 1 CI022400t11t1 10510000171435019999999 A '052001633 1 446022555555 1053000196 ] 000655333333 111000012 1 4427165444 >125000024 1 000015432100 v 1321370765 j 000009331122333 1 i 1 > 1 1 < 1 I«1 'A Transaction Type 1 Select an Opticm O MCodeorNane Aatitini'ill CrrtH'ia f.uslritrre' RelerprK.e Barrti Wetetorico Lii?5tr>ptKjn KeywO'rt Select an Option v Select on Ooiion v □ Individual Marts for each irsisaction CashPro® Security Multi Token Support Bankof America Merrill Lynch n Use both tokens at the same time — OTP Authentication (login, payments, admin) — eSig Authentication (payments) Mobile token SafePass token Mobile token + SafePass token Valid CombinationsCapabilities Providing users convenience and flexibility CashPro supports the ability to have both the SafePass and CashPro Mobile Token active at the same time. This provides users the convenience and flexibility to use either token interchangeably for CashPro authentication and payment release. 13 < Back CMhPre MobUa TWwn ©9 CashPro® Mobile Token Security and convenience from your mobile device Bank of America Merrill Lynch Secure and convenient strong authentication for CashPro One Time Passwords Supports One Time Passwords for strong authentication and payment authorization Transaction Signing Supports Transaction Signing for payment authorizations when required Multi-token Support • Multiple tokens on one device • Ability to add/delete tokens • Ability to rename tokens Biometric Support Simplifies the user experience by replacing token PIN with fingerprint/touch ID or face ID scanning capabilities on supported devices Device Binding Token is bound to a single device at activation to insure secure operation Compatible Available for both Apple® and Google® supported mobile devices 4 21PM < CashPro lokcn + trSiPU t < CashPro Token 123456 o 14 Apple* is a registered trademark of Appie inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android* and Google* are registered trademarks of Googie. inc. City Questions Bank of America Merrill Lynch Please explain your bank's approach to customer service. Who is on your team and how would we interact with them? Including, how often do you currently meet with other government clients and If any are in the Coacheiia Valley? The City's Core Client Team A dedicated client team that supports government entitles Senior Client Manager Lori Becker is responsible for providing strategic solutions and Informing you of new products and services that are available. Lori will work closely with the City to continue to support all of your banking needs. Lori has been In banking for 40 years and has covered both northern and southern Public Sector clients since 2010. Senior Client Manner Lori Becker Sr. Treasury Sc^utions Analyst Will Shimada S^es Support Associate Rosa Machado Senior Treasury Solutions Analyst Will Shimada assists Lori with potential treasury solutions and analysis. Will has been with Bank of America for 28 years and has extensive knowledge of treasury products and implementation procedures. He has been In Treasury Management the last eight years as a Public Sector Treasury Solutions Analyst, supporting over 100 California municipalities. He is responsible for supporting business development and retention efforts and Identifies potential treasury solutions to customer cash management needs. He assists in relationship building through frequent client contact, service fulfillment and ensuring client satisfaction. Client Services Support the city will be assigned a Client Services Associate that will assist with the City's daily needs and service-related issues. Our Client Services Associates have specialized Public Sector experience and support only this sector. The average tenure of our associates Is 15 years. Aligned under one umbrella, our service teams perform three core functions: implementation, client service and technical support. 15 ^ - • BankofAmericaCity Questions MemllLynch What steps does your bank take to ensure we remain educated on new services and on issues Impacting our banking services? Your Client Manager will notify you In advance of new product releases and enhancements. Also, following implementation, users can access CashPro Assistant and select Support and Education to access quick reference, user guides, weblnar and training resources on CashPro services. CashPro Assistant Is a centralized hub of information, education and support; designed to enhance your CashPro experience. The City can find information about system upgrades through the In the Spotlight feature on the CashPro Online home page. Here, you can learn about each change and enhancement made to the CashPro Online system during the most recent release. 16 City Questions Bankof America Merrlil Lynch The City keeps an average daily bank balance of $1 million. Explain your approach to Account Analysis and how the earning credit (ECR) is calculated? How often would our ECR change and how will we be notified if it does change? How long do you carry earnings in excess of analysis fees (monthly, quarterly, annually)? Lastly, how often do you meet with current government clients to discuss their fees? Earnings credit - U.S. ■<mk of AiMffea' t lineli Earnings Credit poiitive foiiwied is catiiiUterl by ^11 positive codecled b^lancn in noninteresi bearing demand deposit accounts during the month jnd dividing l>v the numl>er ot days in tin? month Average collected balances earn a preferred Earnings Credit Rale (ECR) The resuiting value is an "earnings allowance" used to offset all or part of your servtfe fees Managed via monthly Account Analysis statement tvMKercdl sutnck veal l!tn.;wnlnpOf«flit p»»«.tilei<"?H»f» »*v itiirfvtlar tis •.o'liti MWn.y f- iCM at Ban ovi SIMM in aaln-w* fW Wr •fleLfcLHtiSb Amwcr SIMA nrSfi-.lia imo u ni Mrv<«^afg M ft TBlKSdrontM# 17 Bank of AmericaCity Questions KiVynch' The banking industry has experienced signHFicant changes in the past decade, in your opinion, what does the banking environment iook like in 10 years? * *The bank does not make position statements regarding potential future outcomes. However, there are three critical variables that are publicly recognized as change agents that may potentially impact banks and consequently, their customers. Technoiogy* Legacy infrastructure; a combination of disparate systems, platforms, software, and tools will force a continued focus on efficiencies that only accelerated technology can provide. It will be Imperative for strategy, technology, and operations to seamlessly work together In order to best service its customers. This technology need will continue to evolve on both infrastructure and future product development such as Al, real time and same day payments and even new currencies such as Bitcoln. Regulation The focus on refining or even replacing existing regulations remains. A new bill, Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, amending certain provisions In the Dodd-Frank Act was recently signed Into law. On example of this bill Is the enhanced prudential regulations, such as stress tests and capital and liquidity ratios which are standardized measurements of financial stability. As for the Volcker Rule, several changes are still pending. The proposal intends to modify the scope of applicability based on trading size, amend proprietary trading provisions, and simplify compliance reporting. The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), requiring banks to serve the credit needs of their communities, may also be revised. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has begun seeking public comment on ways to amend this act. With such a dynamic regulatory landscape, banks may make compliance modernization a priority with a focus on soundness and safety. 18 t. \ t..- <■ ^ i ^ V ' \...' V ' l_' k> ^s, ^ v.,,. 'w ^ .-■ ^,-- ^-> •-■ v.- A*. A ■• Bankof AmericaCity QUBStlOnS Merrm Lynch Risk The risk management function appears to be entering a new stage in Its evolution, as digitization and automation gain ground. Notable advances in how to assess and mitigate risk have been made. Traditional risks will likely not subside anytime soon. Going forward, personal accountability is expected to be a key focus area in mitigating conduct risk, such as market abuse or leakage of consumers' confidential data. Further, managing emerging risks is evolving due to technology strides. Algorithms, for instance, enable smarter decisions, but their growing complexity and prevalence could be problematic. Before such applications become the norm, risks from, and to, the algorithms, in addition to the ethics of Al, should be addressed at the design stage itself. Also, as more data is used In AI applications, concerns over data protection and privacy could escalate institutions' risk profile. 19 City Questions Bankof America Merrill Lynch The City prides itself on providing excellent internal and external customer service, health and wellness, having a vibrant and safe community, and embracing cultural diversity. What sets you apart from other banking institutions? Describe your Bank's work culture and the company's future vision? At Bank of America, we have leading capabilities across all our businesses and a strategy that Is focused on connecting our capabilities to deliver for our customers and clients. In every situation, we're committed to growing responsibly and sustainably - ensuring everything we do aligns to our purpose of helping people live better financial lives. Our central goals are focused on: n Ensuring families have the tools and support they need to live more successful financial lives. n Helping neighborhoods build on a solid foundation of responsible home lending and economic development. n Delivering financial and Intellectual capital to businesses, small and large. n Providing organizations, nonprofits and companies addressing society's toughest problems with the resources and expertise of the company and the efforts of more than 200,000employees behind them. 20 Bank of America is in the business of building successful client relationships and delivering outstanding service. Our people and their expertise are what separate us from the competition. At onboarding and ongoing, you'll get outstanding servicing and support, leaving the City with more time to focus on your business and your customers. These five key principles define our award-winning service methodology. Deliver with (pcpd and accuracy Take ownership Keep you informedMake it simple for you Understand your business Industry knowledge Deeper relattonship understanding Avoid duplKaie requests Knowledgeable employees Simple solutions formal training and loHow up One consistent process Follow through on commrtments Advocate for accurateand timely resoluiion Clear direction rimely updates Personal contact Meeting clterrt's expecUtrons Get it right the first time V. ^ W \ . V..' The City has banked with Wells Fargo since 1995. If the City were to change banks as a result of this process how would your bank assist the City with the transition of services? How long do you anticipate the process will take? The success of a new business relationship depends on how the Implementation process is managed. We take this to heart v/ith a collaborative implementation approach. This approach boasts a solid track record of implementing tailored solutions that suit what you need, when you need it. Project management methodology is applied to every implementation. This popular approach employs two project teams: one from the City and the other from the bank. These teams will collaborate to create a detailed project plan that outlines the tasks and activities required for the project, along with a list of required resources. Because tracking progress and continuous communication throughout the process is critical, the City and your assigned implementation team will agree on a rollout strategy and use the project plan to reflect key objectives and milestones during the process. Our training team will guide you through the functionalities of each application, supply helpful hints to maximize efficiencies and share best practices. And, for complex projects, an implementation project consultant may be assigned to facilitate overall management and technical guidance. Bankof America Merrill Lynch 21 City Questions 22 How does the bank ensure its information technology is secure from data breaches, hacks, fraudulent attempts, or other external threats? Where is your banks Information technology center located and what redundancy is in place? We take extraordinary security measures to keep confidential Information and data just that: confidential. The security of customer Information is of utmost importance to the bank, and all our customer data and Information, including the Cit/s information, will be protected and kept confidential. The bank has employed the highest level of security safeguards that provide significant risk reduction associated with misuse of stolen client information and access to our applications. As a part of these safeguard measures, we are using corporate Enterprise Information Management (EIM) policy to support the administrative, technical and physical security of information and applications. EIM is a division within the bank. EIM also protects the information in our care and maintains the bank's ability to serve even under difficult conditions. To meet these responsibilities, EIM has enterprise accountability for architecture, policy standards, access, delivery, analytics and security. EIM is made up of the following teams: n Cyber security and identity management leads the bank's relationships with public and private partners In cyber security and identity management reporting. O t'; 1 ") ') T"; n ; "■) : j ) ""i D ' ) , ) city Questions tSXSSr'*' Global information security protects the bank's Information assets by managing external and internal risks. To meet that responsibility, the team provides security policy, processes and controls, security assessments, consulting, threat management and remediation. Information operations analytics and management manages operational processes Including the bank's data warehouse (The W) production and delivery, access operations and governance, eDIscoveryand cyber forensics. The City's data Is protected by stringent requirements for system authentication, firewalls, virus detection, intrusion detection, and system access and change control methodology. All automated systems housing customer data have the highest level of security in order to protect that data. Access to Information is restricted to personnel with a need to know. All access to source files Is restricted to users/production IDs that need to have access to the files for essential job duties. Ail data is routinely backed up for data integrity and security purposes. Any data transmitted outside of the bank must be encrypted and follow Corporate Information Security guidelines or It will be rejected and never leave the bank system. Additionally, Bank of America is highly regulated by multiple entities. Including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Federal Reserve, etc., and maintains Payment Card Industry, or PCI, compliance. 23 City Questions 24 To your knowledge are there any internal control weaknesses reported in the company's last System and Organization Controls (SOC1) report? Bank of America views SOC Type 1 and Type 11 reports as confidential and our policy prevents us from disseminating them for public consumption. We can deliver the SOC Type I (SSAE16) report for oiir CashPro Online platform and the SOC Type II report for our Commercial Card programs to the City via secure email upon award and once the City has executed a non disclosure agreement Is there anything we haven't asked or that is not conveyed in your proposal that we should know? This Is difficult to ascertain as this is a subjective question. To the best of our knowledge and based on our experience, we don't see any open Issues or gaps. Do you have any questions for us? What are your top 3 expectations of your financial partner? Do you have any concerns you wish to share with us? Have we answered all your questions? What do you see as your "next steps"? What is your decision timeline? Implementation Bank of America Merrill Lynch Notice to Recipient "Bank of America Merrill Lynch" is the marketing name for the global banking and global markets businesses of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, derivatives, and other commercial banking activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation ("Investment Banking Affiliates"), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp., both of which are registered broker-dealers and Members of SIPC. and, in other Jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates; Are Not FDIC Insured • May Lose Value • Are Not Bank Guaranteed. This document is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute a binding commitment to enter into any type of transaction or business relationship as a consequence of any information contained herein. These materials have been prepared by one or more subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation solely for the client or potential client to whom such materials are directly addressed and delivered (the "Company") in connection with an actual or potential business relationship and may not be used or relied upon for any purpose other than as specifically contemplated by a written agreement with us. We assume no obligation to update or otherwise revise these materials, which speak as of the date of this presentation (or another date, if so noted) and are subject to change without notice. Under no circumstances may a copy of this presentation be shown, copied, transmitted or otherwise given to any person other than your authorized representatives. Products and services that may be referenced in the accompanying materials may be provided through one or more affiliates of Bank of America, N.A. We are required to obtain, verify and record certain information that identifies our clients, which information includes the name and address of the client and other information that will allow us to identify the client in accordance with the USA Patriot Act (Title III of Pub. L. 107-56, as amended (signed into law October 26, 2001)) and such other laws, rules and regulations. We do not provide legal, compliance, tax or accounting advice. For more information, including terms and conditions that apply to the servlce(s), please contact your Bank of America Merrill Lynch representative. Investment Banking Affiliates are not banks. The securities and financial Instruments sold, offered or recommended by Investment Banking Affiliates, including without limitation money market mutual funds, are not bank deposits, are not guaranteed by, and are not otherwise obligations of, any bank, thrift or other subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation (unless explicitly stated otherwise), and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") or any other governmental agency (unless explicitly stated otherwise). This document is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation or an offer or solicitation, and is not the basis for any contract to purchase or sell any security or other instrument, or for Investment Banking Affiliates or banking affiliates to enter into or arrange any type of transaction as a consequent of any information contained herein. With respect to investments in money market mutual funds, you should carefully consider a fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before investing. Although money market mutual funds seek to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in money market mutual funds. The value of investments and the income derived from them may go down as well as up and you may not get back your original investment. The level of yield may be subject to fluctuation and is not guaranteed. Changes in rates of exchange between currencies may cause the value of investments to decrease or increase. We have adopted policies and guidelines designed to preserve the independence of our research analysts. These policies prohibit employees from offering research coverage, a favorable research rating or a specific price target or offering to change a research rating or price target as consideration for or an inducement to obtain business or other compensation. Copyright 2019 Bank of America Corporation. Bank of America N.A., Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender. 26 m r - .ii 1.- TFt Ll The Power of Global Connections Bank of America's response to the City's request for proposal for Banking and Merchant Services Submitted by: Lori Becker Senior Vice President, PSB Senior Dlent Manager 213.621.7184 lbecker@baml.coni February 15,2019 I CONFIDENTIAL Bankof America Merrill Lynch -J r\:' a: . \ • .\ >'11 ■■u -■■i- 0^ -ji 1.1 -('A The Power of Global Connections Bank of America's response to the City's request for proposal for Banking and Merchant Services Submitted by; Lori Becker Senior Vice President, PSB Senior Client Manager 213.621.7184 lbecker@baml.coni February 15, 2019 I CONFIDENTIAL Bankof America Merrill Lynch lUMMMkyVr W' s . v:-.,.... ni i-":. • "■•'-rfiT V' .■ 1 ^1^\ February 15, 2019 Karla Campos City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Ms. Campos: Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your Bank RFP for full banking and Merchant Services. Bank of America is poised to deliver secure and efficient deposit, disbursement, receipt, cash management and card-based services to the City to help you obtain the most efficient, high quality services at the most reasonable cost. Our service offerings deliver robust functionality and flexibility to meet the City's varying and continuously evolving business needs. Our aim Is to serve as an advisor to the City, to provide expert advice and support regarding new technologies and banking services, and to deliver the best-in-class and best-value solutions you require. The attached proposal outlines our Treasury solutions which will position the City to achieve its strategic goals in an efficient and cost-effective manner. As an additional incentive, we offer the /o/Zow/ng options: • An Earnings Credit Rote (ECR) of 1.25% for the operating account. This ECR will completely offset your account analysis fees, providing additional savings to the City. • A separate interest-bearing checking account that will pay a 1.80% interest rate, providing the city with extra earnings. We welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Lori Becker Senior Vice President, PSB Senior Client Manager Bank of America Merrill Lynch 213.621.7184 lbecker@baml.com Table of Contents Tab A-Transmittal Letter 1 Executive Summary 2 Solution Summary 6 Tab B-Bank and Personnel File 7 Tab C - References 14 Tab D - Demand Deposit Accounts 15 Tab E - Collateralization of Deposits 18 Tab F - Bank Compensation 19 Tab G - Deposit Activity 22 Tab H - Bill Concentration Service 26 Tab I - Wire Transfers 27 Tab J - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements ACH Direct Deposit of Payroll 30 Tab K - Payroll Tax Processing 37 Tab L ~ State Actlvity/LAIF Transfers 38 Tab M - On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting 39 Tab N - Account Reconcilement 46 Tab 0 - Daylight Overdraft Protection 51 Tab P - Merchant Bankcard 52 Tab Q- Purchasing Card 64 Tab R - City Disaster Preparedness Program 71 Tab S - Implementation Plan 72 Tab T - Service Enhancements 74 Tab U - Banking Services Bid Form 76 Tab V - Sample Account Analysis Statement and Users Guide 79 Tab W- Relevant Cash Management Agreements 83 Tab X - Financial Statements and Ratings 84 Exceptions and Clarifications 85 Building a sustainable future 86 Disclosures 89 Appendices 86 Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Table of Contents [ I Executive Summary As the City of La Quinta continues to move towards Its strategic goals, Bank of America Is ready to serve as your strategic financial provider. As your financial provider, we can position the city to achieve its business-critical Initiatives. Fulfilling your evaluation criteria This response is based on our deep experience working with entities such as the City. We understand that it Is your goal to work with a provider that delivers cost effective, efficient, flexible and expandable services. Experience and service are key priorities for the City, as they are for Bank of America. Through a century of working closely with public sector clients. Bank of America has honed our client service model and has developed a consultative approach that differentiates us from the competition. We will strive to help the City succeed with a world-class client-service experience that adheres to the Industry's most rigorous performance standards. Public sector leadership Bank of America has provided services to the public sector since 1910. In 1982, we formed our Public Sector Banking group to address specific needs of federal, state and local government clients. We have relationships with the vast majority of state governments, as well as with the top 50 cities and counties by population. 100+1 of commitment to the public sector As a leading provider of banking services to the public sector, we have a unique depth of experience supporting organizations such as yours. Our Innovative treasury management solutions help clients like the City Improve visibility, optimize working capital and manage risk. Deposit, disbursement and cash management leadership results from investment in our core business Bank of America is at the forefront of deposit, disbursement, receipt and cash management services because we actively Invest In our people and products to better serve our clients. We lead from our market position and capabilities. The bank has developed an all-encompassing plan for technology investments and is focused on delivering the latest technological innovations for our clients. Our clients' changing business needs drive our new product Initiatives. An understanding of these needs Is developed through regular communication with clients, changes In the banking Industry and advancements In technology. By using techniques such as client calls, focus groups, Six Sigma methodology and cross-discipline advisory boards, we receive the input necessary to ensure our development plans are focused In the right direction. This Intense focus on, and Investment In, our core businesses and clients enables us to bring numerous competitive advantages to the table: Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Executive Summary 12 n We are widely recognized across the industry for providing leading services to our clients. The company continues to be recognized as the "Best Bank for Cash Management in North America" and is a leading global treasury provider, serving 93% of the 2017 U.S. Fortune 500 companies and 70% of the 2017 Global Fortune 500. n In 2017, J.D. Power recognized the Bank of America Corporate & Commercial Banking Centers, which handle nearly four million calls annually, for "An Outstanding Customer Service Experience" for the Live Phone Channel for the eighth year in a row. This prestigious certification program focuses on improving and benchmarking client delight and validating excellence. n For 10 consecutive years. Bank of America was awarded "Best Fraud Prevention" by Javelin Strategy & Research, a leading provider of nationally representative, quantitative research for financial services. n While we are proud of our global treasury awards and recognition, what is most important is our focus on our clients and their satisfaction in doing business with Bank of America. Delivering client service excellence to ensure the City's satisfaction Building client relationships and delivering outstanding service go hand-in-hand. We will continue to work to earn the City's trust every day. From providing industry expertise to delivering advanced solutions, to ensuring any issues you encounter are resolved quickly and efficiently, client servicing is paramount. Our people and their ability to deliver are what differentiate Bank of America from our competitors. A client team that supports government entitles As a public sector banking client, the City's relationship with Bank of America is managed by a client team consisting of public sector banking professionals with decades of cumulative banking experience. You are supported by our product management, implementation and service teams, who work together to help ensure the City's goals are met. Each member of the team has a specific focus on the public sector industry. This client-focused framework allows us to create value continuously by serving as consultants, sharing best practices of other governmental agencies and delivering fresh ideas. A powerful relationship with a client team that knows the City well The City's Bank of America client team will deliver the personalized service you deserve from your financial partner. This team consists of public sector experts with a thorough understanding of the complexities of the public sector landscape. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Executive Summary 13 Sales Support Associate Senior Client Manager Lor! Becker is responsible for providing The City's Core Client Team strategic solutions and informing you of new products and services that are available. Lori will work closely with the City to continue to ^ ^ support all of your banking needs. Lori has been in banking for 40 years and has covered both northern and southern Public Sector clients since 2010. Senior Client Manager Lori Becker Senior Treasury Solutions Analyst Will Shimada assists Lori with potential treasury solutions and analysis. Will has been with Bank of Sr. Treasury Solutions Analyst America for 28 years and has extensive knowledge of treasury Will Shimada products and implementation procedures. He has been in Treasury Management the last eight years as a Public Sector Treasury Solutions Analyst supporting over 100 California municipalities. He is responsible for supporting business development and retention efforts and identifies potential treasury solutions to customer cash management needs. He assists in relationship building through frequent client contact service fulfillment and ensuring client """" satisfaction. Client Services Support the city wtll be assigned a Client Services Associate that will assist with the City's daily needs and service-related issues. Our Client Services Associates have specialized Public Sector experience and support only this sector. The average tenure of these associates is IS years. We're better when we're connected The bank continuously invests in developing and improving the way we serve our clients, with an emphasis on introducing new concepts and sharing information to help support your business. Aligned under one umbrella, our service teams perform three core functions: implementation, client service and technical support. Delivering innovative services to support the City's goals When innovation and experience come together, new possibilities emerge to meet the City's goals. The bank fully embraces technological advances and applies these directly to our relationship with the City to achieve new efficiencies throughout your entire organization. Our long-term target is to help guide the City towards achieving its strategic goals. Connecting to communities locally and across the globe through the power of our people Our expertise, reach and resources provide us the opportunity to play an important role in helping build thriving economies around the world. We are deeply involved in this through working with partners to foster economic mobility and workforce development, enable access to capital for small businesses, entrepreneurs and nonprofits, support the arts, and empower women. We're helping build thriving communities by addressing issues fundamental to economic health and sustainability. We are advancing economic mobility by addressing issues related to workforce development and education, community development, and basic needs. As a financial institution, we respond in two ways—by helping to address the Immediate need as well as longer term solutions for economic self-sufficiency. And we're investing $2 billion over ten years in this effort. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Executive Summary 14 As the "World's Best Bank for Corporate Social Responsibility" {Euromoney Awards of Excellence, 2017), we live our purpose to make financial lives better by fulfilling our environmental, social and governance responsibilities. As part of this work, we develop strong partnerships with nonprofit organizations serving community needs, bringing our collective networks and expertise to help communities grow and thrive. We're committed to advancing a more diverse and inclusive society by expanding opportunities and supporting equitable solutions that will enable low-income communities to grow and prosper. Through our philanthropic efforts and the power of our employee volunteers, we're working to create thriving economies and a better future for us all. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Executive Summary|5 Solution Summary Bank of America welcomes the opportunity to become your valued financial partner. Our service team, financial systems and colleagues are closely Integrated and we are committed to your long term success. In this proposal, we demonstrate our ability to drive efficiencies and savings through the deployment of our state of the art Treasury solutions. Your Public Sector Banking team Is dedicated solely to government clients. This is an Important competitive distinction for us and a significant benefit to you. This specialization goes beyond your local client team to primary product areas, support staff and technical experts who truly understand your needs and customize our service to you. As a result, we have relationships with 84% of state governments and 74% of the top 50 cities and counties by population. Bank of America is here to support and advise the City on your long-term banking goals and can help you achieve these goals through a full-suite of innovative services. With cutting-edge Ideas and proven strategies, we will deliver a strong foundation and reliable support. We will continue to adopt or develop technologies that make Internal processes easier and more cost efficient. That Is our enduring commitment and our plan to create a lasting Impact for the City, your customers and the people of La Quinta. Bankof America Merrill Lynch • Confidential SolutionSummary|6 Tab B - Bank and Personnel File Please respond to the following: Bank Overview - Provide a general overview of the bank's operations, fundamental management, and customer service philosophy, and financial strength. Identify the primary office or branch that the City will be assigned to and where the City will conduct its primary banking business. Bank profile Bank of America Corporation (BAG) is a publiciy traded corporation, a bank holding company and a financial holding company with our principal executive offices located in Charlotte, N.C. We were incorporated in 1998 in the State of Delaware. The corporation provides a diversified range of banking and non-banking financial services and products domestically and internationally. With more than 1,500 direct and indirect subsidiaries, foreign and domestic, we operate in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and in more than 40 countries. Bank of America N.A. (BANA) is a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Bank of America Corporation, a federally chartered national banking association under the authority of The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and authorized to do business in all states within the United States. As a national bank. Bank of America N.A. is not subject to licensing and supervision by state regulators due to preemption under Federal law. In the U.S., the bank has a 230+ year history with stable multiple-decade client relationships and dominates in treasury, serving 93% of the 2017 U.S. Fortune 500 and 70% of the 2017 Global Fortune 500. A key priority for Bank of America Merrill Lynch has been to strengthen our balance sheet by selling non-core assets, generating capital and maintaining strong liquidity levels. Trends show sustained improvement in capital generation, which is a clear demonstration that our execution is in line with our priorities. Customer service philosophy Our objective is to be recognized as the global Industry leader in client service. We aim to achieve this by ensuring that we understand the individual needs of our clients and by working closely with you in a way that will not only meet, but exceed your expectations. Our aim is to make working with BofAML as consistent and as simple as possible. This philosophy is centered on five key principles that enable us to provide a better service for you. Know our clients I Make it simple ■A dedicated service team that knows you and your industry •Dedicated to your requests ■One-to-one contact with direct phone numbers ■Simple structure for escalation Take ownership I Keep you informed ■First-time resolution •The authority to follow through on commitments 'Timely updates 'Proactive and frequent contact Deliver with speed and accuracy ■Gettingit right firsttime ■Meeting your expectations Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab B - Bank and Personnel File! 7 A superior client experience Servicing is a key differentiator between BofAML and our competitors. This is evidenced by the fact that we frequently gain business as a direct result of our servicing capabilities and excellent reputation in the marketplace. We will work closely with the City to identify manageable solutions to your cash management needs. This is the base from which we would expect to develop our servicing relationship with you. The City will be supported by a team of dedicated service advisors, located in the UK, who will have a deep understanding of your industry and will build expertise around your working practices as our partnership develops. As a result the City will benefit from: n A single point of contact: the City will be assigned a dedicated service team with a dedicated telephone number. Your team will navigate the bank on your behalf and make it simple for you to do business with us on a day-to-day basis. n Consistency and responsiveness: With a dedicated service team, the City will have access to individuals that will take ownership of your issues until resolution. Your team will proactively deliver accurate, effective and timely updates and resolutions to your servicing requests. n Established escalation structure: The provision of a clearly defined escalation process ensures full accountability for our actions. The management within the Client Services group is empowered to escalate issues between the various units of the bank to resolve your queries on a timely basis. n An ongoing relationship: Your dedicated team will work closely with the City to understand and anticipate your needs. They will provide support to improve your day-to-day processing and establish a productive and ongoing relationship. Financial highlights Q3-18 net income of $7.2 billion^ n Revenue, net of interest expense, increased 4% to $22.8 billion from $22.6 billion. n This marks the 15th consecutive quarter of positive operating leverage, driven by deposit growth, client balances in wealth management, solid loan growth and disciplined expense management. Capital and liquidity remain strong^ n More than $2.3 trillion in total assets, $1.3 trillion in deposits and $930 billion in loans/leases. n Global Liquidity Sources was $537 billion. Strong credit/loan activity^ All statements speak as of, and only at, October 15,2018, unless otherwise noted. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab B - Bank and Personnel File 18 n Provision for credit losses decreased $118 million to $716 million. Net charge-offs increased to $932 million primarily driven by credit card portfolio seasoning and loan growth. Net charge-off ratio remained low at 0.40%. n Global Banking loans Increased 2% to $353 billion. The Bank of America Merrill Lynch web address is www.bank0f3merica.com. For the latest financials and credit ratings, visit www.bankofamerica.com/investor. Servicing branch details The City's account will be serviced from the following: List of financial centers within 10 miles from La Quinta, CA 92253 Financial Center Address Distance Name (in miles) Point Happy 78-400 Highway 111, La Quinta, CA 92253 2.7 Indio Main 81800 US Highway 111, Indio, CA 92201 3.9 Jackson Square 83017 Avenue 48 Coachella, CA 92236 4.9 Palm Desert 73820 El Paseo, Palm Desert, CA 92260 5.4 Washington 6 Marketplace 39355 Washington St, Palm Desert, CA 92211 71799 US Highway 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 7.9 Rancho Mirage 92270 Desert Gateway 34420 Monterey Ave, Palm Desert, CA 92211 9.9 Experience - Describe the bank's direct experience in servicing public sector clients. Please include the information such as the number of nationwide and California public agency clients, the dollar amount of public funds on deposit for each of these categories, and the bank's knowledge of and adherence to the California Government Code and other applicable laws. Bank of America has provided services to the public sector since 1910. In 1982, we formed our Public Sector Banking group to address specific needs of federal, state and local government clients. We have relationships with the vast majority of state governments, as well as with the top 50 cities and counties by population. We have proven, deep expertise and demonstrated adherence to California Government Code and applicable laws. Due to confidentiality reasons, we do not disclose the specific number of nationwide and California Public Sector clients and related information. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab B - Bank and Personnel File19 Relationship Management - Identify the size and scope of your California-based public banking unit, banking officers responsible for the City's accounts, what each person's role and responsibilities will be, and the relevant credentials and experience of each person on the relationship management team. The City will have the benefit of a group of bank professionals designated to support your treasury needs. Our approach of providing multiple levels of expertise and support has proven to be very successful. We are pleased to present the team that is responsible and accountable for the mutual success of our relationship. Your Bank of America Merrill Lynch Team Lori Becker Senior Vice President, PSB Senior Client Manager T: 213.621.7184 F: 213.457.2802 lbecker@baml.com Lori Becker is responsible for providing strategic solutions and informing you of new products and services that are available. Lori will work closely with the City to continue to support all of your banking needs. Lori has been in banking for 40 years and has covered both northern and southern Public Sector clients since 2010. William Shimada Vice President, Treasury Solution Analysts Team Manager T: 657.216.5322 F: 877.734.2454 william.k.shlmada@baml.com Will has been with Bank of America for 28 years and has extensive knowledge of treasury products and implementation procedures. He has been in Treasury Management the last eight years as a Public Sector Treasury Solutions Analyst, supporting over 100 California municipalities. He is responsible for supporting business development and retention efforts and identifies potential treasury solutions to customer cash management needs. He assists in relationship building through frequent client contact, service fulfillment and ensuring client satisfaction. Client Service Associate-To Be Determined Title; Client Service Associate All of our Public Sector Client Service Associates have at least ten years of industry experience. You will have a dedicated Associate and an additional designated back-up to support your relationship. They will be assigned upon award of the contract. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab B- Bank and Personnel File 110 Your Bank of America Merrill Lynch Team Implementation Advisor To Be Determined Title: Implementation Advisor All of our Implementation Advisors have at least five years of industry experience. Upon award of the contract, a dedicated advisor will be assigned to the city. Customer Service - Describe how the bank handles problem resolution, customer service, day-to-day contact, and ongoing maintenance for governmental entities. Specify whom the City will be calling for day-to-day banking and treasury management Issues. Explain the process for elevating an issue to a higher level to obtain a quick resolution when the day-today contact Is not responsive. Your relationship will be assigned to a dedicated team of service advisors, responsible for ensuring your complete satisfaction with your treasury management products at the bank. A team of highly skilled associates will be available to service each transaction and will become familiar with your business and business needs. This specialized team approach allows you to receive consistent service, while offering service coverage from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern. Since calls are serviced by a team of associates, you will have the opportunity to get to know your service advisors and they will get to know your business. As a result, any of our service advisors will be able to service the needs of your organization. The Dedicated Service Team is empowered to escalate issues to a service team manager or regional manager for resolution. The management within the client services group is empowered to escalate Issues among the various units of the bank to resolve issues on a timely basis. For eight consecutive years. Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Corporate and Commercial Banking Contact Centers have been recognized for providing "An Outstanding Customer Service Experience" by J.D. Power.* Building client relationships and delivering outstanding service go hand-in-hand. Our client service advisors specialize in business deposit and treasury management issues and can address most standard requests in a single conversation. * For J.D. Power 2017 Contact Center Program Certification Information, visit www.idoower.cQm/ccc. The client service advisors are empowered to escalate any issue to a service team manager or regional manager for resolution. The management within the client services group is empowered to escalate issues among the various units of the bank to resolve issues on a timely basis. Compliance and Exceptions • Include a statement to confirm the bank's compliance to specific minimum qualifications, listing any exceptions to required services. We confirm we are in compliance with the following: Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab B- Bank and Personnel Filejll Be a Federal or State of California chartered institution. b. Be a member of the Federal Reserve System and have access to all services. c. Be a qualified State depository for public funds. d. Be a full-service bank in good standing among other comparable banks. e. Be capable of providing the services sought by the City, to include a wide range of electronic payment and deposit services. f. Agree to assign experienced and dedicated staff committed and capable of servicing the Cit/s accounts. g. Be in compliance and good standing with the Community Reinvestment Act. h. Be sufficiently capitalized to accommodate the City's cash management needs and ensure collateralization of funds. EXCEPTION-an IDC rating is not provided. Responsible Banking Description - Describe the bank's responsible banking policies and practices. Discuss any current efforts, or those that may be implemented in the City of La Quinta, if the bank were awarded the City banking contract. Lastly, describe any other efforts/contributions the bank has made/would make relative to investment in the local community (such as fraud prevention seminars hosted at the City's multi-generational Wellness Center.) We're committed to keeping client personal and financial information protected and secure through responsible information collection, processing, and use practices. As part of that effort, we have comprehensive global information security and privacy programs led by the Bank's Chief Information Security Officer and Chief Privacy Officer. In addition, the bank is subject to ongoing regulatory oversight and examination related to information security and privacy, and an independent Corporate Audit function conducts examinations of our lines of business to ensure compliance with standards and applicable legal requirements. Bank of America also partners closely with industry associations such as the American Bankers Association, the Financial Services Roundtable, the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), the Center for Information Policy Leadership, and the Future of Privacy Forum to develop global solutions for privacy and the responsible use of data as well as to identify, prevent and protect against industry or bank targeted cyber events. We are one of eight banks that came together to proactively identify ways to enhance the cybersecurity resilience of the U.S. financial system. The Financial Systemic Analysis & Resilience Center (FSARC) was an outcome of that effort and the bank continues to play a leading role in its evolution. In addition. Bank of America has aligned its information security controls to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (Cybersecurity Framework). The bank incorporated the NIST Cybersecurity Framework into its annual Policy management cycle and has designed and implemented internal risk-based frameworks that align with NIST. In accordance with applicable laws globally, the bank provides clients with Privacy Notices that clearly explain our information collection, sharing, and use practices. Clients can also access privacy notices Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab B- Bank and Personnel File 112 and additional information about privacy and information security online through our privacy and security web pages. Our commitment to environmental sustainability Since 2007, we have deployed more than $87 billion in financing for low-carbon and sustainable business activities. As part of our second commitment established in 2012, and increased in 2015, we will provide $125 billion in capital, along with significant intellectual capital, to develop solutions to climate change and other environmental challenges. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab B-Bank and Personnel File 113 Tab C- References Please provide three (3) references. References should include other California cities of similar size and scope of service utilization as the City of La Quinta. Select both long standing and recent customers. Include the following information for each reference: • Contact name and title • Name of agency • Telephone number and email address • Services provided The bank values our relationships with our clients. As a best practice, and out of respect for our clients' time and confidentiality preferences, we prefer to wait until we have been named as a finalist before we provide contact information. Bank of America Merrill Lynch ¨ Confidential Tab C - References 114 Tab D - Demand Deposit Accounts The City currently uses three (3) demand deposit accounts (DDAs). One is a Zero Balance Accounts with the Deposit Account serving as the Parent ZBA. Checks are issued using the Accounts Payable Account and Payroll Account. 1. How many days after month-end will the City receive its bank statements? Demand deposit account statements are available via CashPro® Online the business day following the end of the statement cycle. Paper statements are mailed within seven days of the cycle cutoff date. 2. Are the bank statements available on-line? Yes. Demand deposit account statements are available online via CashPro® Information Reporting In a variety of formats such as in PDF and CSV formats via Image Transmission. 3. Does the bank offer Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA's)? If so, please describe the service. Are the transfers to or from the Parent Account automatic? Yes. To streamline cash concentration and funding activities, Bank of America offers Zero Balance Account (ZBA) to its clients. A Zero Balance Account (ZBA) can help minimize idle cash balances by concentrating balances, on an automated basis, from a designated group of Bank of America Merrill Lynch accounts that belong to the same legal entity, to a master (lead) account — leaving zero balances in the subsidiary accounts. A ZBA simplifies management by automatically concentrating balances and eliminating manual transfers. Each business day, balances automatically move to the master account making liquidity decisions easier and more effective. How the Zero Balance Account works The City identifies a master account for funding and/or concentration, and as many subsidiary accounts as needed for disbursements and collections. Transfers between the subsidiary accounts and the master account are made on an automated, daily basis, leaving zero or your designated target balance in all subsidiary accounts. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidentiai Tab D - Demand Deposit Accounts 115 The City may choose from having ending balances only or all detailed transactions automatically transferred to the master account. For multistate ZBA relationships in the U.S., specified balances move to or from the master concentration account on a next business-day transfer basis. Master Account Master Account Koith Cari})ina indolcby tnd of (by r&A (ndo' doy Z9A tra e' dJY trinifn AT. riM doy :ba Nnddoy m N»<d«Y (rini'tr ZBA Nmtcby |r«niFy> SlMAlrvO Example - Zero Balance Arrangement Sjoiktiry A ♦SnWM Subiidury B Tti« -SlOMM SuOiUsry C AMioni ♦S30MM Subiidiary 0 Matucbuyett', -S2SMM Example - Multistate Zero Balance Arrangement Automatic funding We offer zero balance subaccounts that may be funded automatically from a designated funding account. Zero Balance Account (ZBA) functionality provides automated funds transfer between a subsidiary account(s) and a master concentration account. 4. Does the bank offer ACH blocks or filters? If so, please explain. Yes. To offer a high level of protection against unauthorized incoming ACH transactions, we provide ACH Generic and Specific Blocks. ACH Generic and Specific Blocks Generic blocks - the City instructs Bank of America Merrill Lynch to block incoming ACH debit and/or credit^ transactions from posting to your account. As per these instructions, blocked incoming transactions are rejected and returned to the originating financial institution and company as unauthorized. Specific blocks - the City may be more selective about the incoming ACH transactions you choose to block from your account: ■ Transactions from a specific Company ID ■ Transactions with specific Standard Entry Class codes Specific blocks apply to debit and credit transactions. Transactions returned by the specific block process to the originating bank and company have a return reason code as unauthorized. Transaction history can be displayed online for inquiry. In addition to this, the City may subscribe to one or a combination of the following services: • Companies typicailv want to block debit activity as credit transactions can be researched and returned if they are unauthorized. Clients that are restricted by regulation against accepting credits to their account are the exception to this standard. Please inform us if this applies to you. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab D - Demand Deposit Accounts 116 n ACH Authorizations - the City designates authorized trading partners and incoming transactions, based on a list of designated criteria. Incoming authorized ACH transactions are applied to your account and all other ACH transactions are rejected from the account. n ACH Positive Pay - Using CashPro Online, the City reviews and returns incoming ACH transactions that are considered unauthorized based on previously defined criteria. n Universal Payment Identification Code (UPlC) ~ the City receives a code that is used to replace your bank account number during the initiation and processing of ACH credits by your trading partners. UPlC allows you to Increase incoming ACH credit payments without distributing a payee bank account number. 5. Does the option exist to create sub-accounts under the primary account? Yes. The City can hold an unlimited amount of subaccounts, in up to nine tiers. The majority of clients only use up to five. This allows for much greater customization than many of our competitors that can only provide three tiers. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab D - Demand Deposit Accounts 117 Tab E - Collateralizatlon of Deposits The bank is required to collateralize public funds deposits under the California Government Code, Sections 53651 and 53652. Copies of the reports filed with the State of California shall be made available to the City upon request. Please detail the bank's procedures for collateralizing public funds deposits. 1. What types of securities are used as collateral? The Bank pledges collateral defined as eligible under the California Government Code and acceptable to the Local Agency Collateral Pool Administrator, the California Department of Business Oversight. 2. Which bank department is responsible for tracking deposits and monitoring collateral? Corporate Treasury 3. What is the bank's current level ($ amount) of California public funds deposits and the related collateral? Local Agency Deposits Sl-833 Billion, with FDIC coverage of $80 Million and collateral pledged with market value of $2,447 Billion 4. What is the frequency of reporting to the State Treasurer's Office? The Bank files weekly and quarterly reports with the California Department of Business Oversight, the Pool Administrator. 5. Please include a copy of the Bank's Contract for Deposit of Moneys in this section. Calif Contract For Deposit of Moneys.dc Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab E - Coltateralization of Deposits 118 Tab F - Bank Compensation The City has historically paid for bank services with a combination of hard-dollar fees and compensating balances. Please indicate the following in this section: 1. Can the City compensate the bank for services with fees, balances, or a combination of the two at its own election? Please describe any differences in related costs to the City with either option. Yes, we accept fees, balances or a combination of the two for service compensation. The account analysis system includes the value of balances when calculating service charges. Schedules are the same for all compensation methods; however, a surcharge may be added to net deficit positions. 2. Can the City choose between paying for analysis deficiencies by check, auto debit, or ACH credit? Account analysis fees are automatically debited from the account monthly. 3. What is the bank's Earning Credit Rate (ECR) based on, and how Is it calculated each month? The Earnings Allowance Rate (EAR) is a bank managed rate. When determining the rate, Bank of America Merrill Lynch considers a number of prevailing market indicators. 4. List the bank's average ECR for each of the last eight months (January-August, 2018). For the past eight months, our standard ECR has been 0.25. 5. Using the ECR for the month of August 2018, please calculate the level of compensating balances (after float and reserves) needed to offset one dollar of the bank services. ($1 in services = $ in compensating balances.) The Earnings Credit (ECR) on your account is used to calculate your Earnings Allowance, which is based on your average investable balance. The ECR is applied to the monthly average positive collected balances net of reserve requirement (investable balance). As of March 1, 2009, the reserve requirement is 0%. This may be changed at any time. Specifically, the formula for calculating earnings is; Investable Balance x ECR x Davs in Month Number of Days In the Year 6. Please explain in detail, how and when the FDIC assessment is computed and charged. The Bank Deposit Assessment and Financing Corporation (PICO) assessment, when applicable, is based on an account's average positive ledger balance for the month. The Bank Deposit Assessment may include deposit insurance, FiCO assessment and other charges provided by law. This charge can be offset with earnings credit on eligible collected balances. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab F- Bank Compensation 119 7. What is the bank's settlement period for account analysis and billing purposes - monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually? How long can any excess balances be carried forward to apply to charges in future billing periods? The standard billing cycle is monthly. The designed account is direct debited on the calendar day of the month following the close of the billing cycle or the first business day following when It falls on a weekend or holiday. Excess balances or excess allowances are not carried forward to apply to a future analysis period. 8. How long will the bank's pricing, as indicated in this proposal and the Banking Services Bid Form, be fixed? The proposed pricing will be honored for 90 days. 9. Please detail which types of items and services can be applied against the account analysis in addition to the standard bank services, such as merchant bankcard processing, messenger service, armored carrier (currently with Garda World picked up weekly), check stock, supplies, custody services, etc. Is there a markup for any of the items? If so, how much? Other services such as Merchant bankcard processing, messenger service, armored carrier, check stock, supplies, custody services, etc. cannot be applied against the account analysis. 10. How does the bank charge for overdrafts? Does the bank charge for the use of uncollected funds? If so, how is the charge calculated? Fees are typically assessed for each day an account Is In ledger overdraft. Collected overdraft interest Is assessed on an account when the end of day balance is uncollected. The formula used to calculate overdraft Interest Is: Avg. Negative Collected Balance x Avg. Negative Collected Balance Rate* x Number of Days In the Month/360 *Daily negative collected balance rates for the month are averaged. Fees related to overdrafts are charged via account analysis. Please refer to the Analysis section for further details on account analysis charges. 11. Please state the negative collected balance charge that the City will pay and, in detail, explain how this charge is computed. Is the rate quoted in this proposal good for the term of the contract? The bank uses a monthly average methodology for calculating positive and negative collected balances separately. Positive balances are aggregated for each detail account and divided by the number of days In the month to reach an average positive collected balance for the month. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab F- Bank Compensation 120 Likewise, negative balances are aggregated and divided by the number of days in the month to determine an average negative collected balance for the month. To determine the average positive and negative collected balances for the relationship, detail account balances are summed to the relationship level. Quoted pricing will be guaranteed for the term of the contract. 12. Are Account Analysis Reports available on-line? If so, specify the cost. Yes. Account analysis statements are available via CashPro® Information Reporting in a variety of formats. 13. What procedure is used to make any adjustments to the Account Analysis statements and how long does it take for adjustments to take effect? Same-period adjustments are included in the current analysis computation. Prior-period adjustments may be detailed on the current statement and included in that month's compensation calculations. Adjustments made by the 25th of the month are on that month's account analysis statement. Adjustments requested after that date are reflected on a subsequent analysis statement. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab F- Bank Compensation 121 Tab G - Deposit Activity The City currently utilizes a variety of methods to process daily deposits. The City requires weekly deposit pick-up from City Hall. Total monthly deposits consist of approximately 600 to 800 un-encoded checks and approximately $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 in coin and currency. Deposited items should be automatically re-cleared once. Checks that are returned are mailed to the City. The City requires the ability to use the branch to make branch deposits, to get change, to allow employees to cash payroll checks, and for other miscellaneous activities. The City currently visits a local branch once per month. 1. Please identify your branch locations within the City of La Quinta. Do all locations provide night depository services? Bank of America operates a branch at 'Point Happy' located at 2.7 miles from the City's office. This branch provide night depository services. Point Happy 78-400 Highway 111 La Quinta CA 92253 2. Please describe the bank's deposit requirements. How should the coin and currency deposits be prepared? How should un-encoded check deposits be prepared? Deposit preparation is covered during training and in our detailed user guide. We accept coin deposits prepared in the following manner, depending upon where the coin deposit is delivered. Financial center - Coin deposits of less than $10 may be rolled or loose. Coin deposits in excess of $10 should be placed loose, sorted or unsorted, in a plastic coin bag with its own deposit ticket. Coin bags delivered to a financial center should not exceed more than 25 pounds. Quick Business Deposit® deposits may not contain more than $10 in coin. Cash vault - Coin deposits less than $25 can be included with currency deposits and should be placed loose in a coin envelope with the amount of coin written on the outside of the envelope. Coin deposits in excess of $25 should be placed loose, sorted or unsorted, in a plastic coin bag and listed on a separate deposit ticket. Coin bags should not exceed more than 50 pounds and should be packaged in special bulk coin plastic deposit bags. Coin consisting of less than $25 that is included within a currency deposit bag incurs no additional fee other than the per $100 deposited fee that also applies to the currency. For separate bags of bulk coin, there is a per bag fee in addition to the per $100 deposited fee. Applicable fees are listed in the attached Pricing Pro Forma. Un-encoded check deposits - As most checks are deposited as images rather than paper (through remote deposit or image cash letter), we no longer differentiate between encoded and non- encoded items. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab G - Deposit Act!vity|22 However, in the event the City deposits physical paper checks, which may Include non-encoded items (through Quick Business Deposits or night depositories), the City will receive Check Processing Deposit instructions. 3. How would the City order cash vault supplies? How is payment made for such supplies? Deposit supplies, such as deposit tickets and plastic bags, may be ordered through the bank or from a vendor of your choice. Currency straps and coin rollers will have to be purchased by the City. When buying through the bank, charges are debited against the account you specify when placing the order. 4. Please describe In detail the bank's procedures for handling deposit adjustments. What documentation on discrepancies does the bank provide? For most deposits, discrepancies below the bank adjustment threshold are written off. The bank threshold is subject to change without notice and may vary based on the type of deposit and deposit channel. A separate debit or credit is posted to the account for an adjustment amount. To make it easy for the City to reconcile deposit activity, declared deposit amounts are not altered. The information for deposit adjustment includes: the dollar amount of the adjustment, the deposit bag number (last four digits), the account number and the store location number. Denominational breakdown is available on cash vault adjustments. For security purposes, deposit correction notices delivered by fax display the account number in truncated form. In addition, for cash vault deposits, to receive the bag number on the deposit correction notice, the deposit bag number must be written on the deposit ticket. When you opt to receive deposit correction notices via mail, a courtesy phone call may be provided for cash adjustment differences greater than $500, on the business day following the adjustment posting. 5. Is the deposit adjustment documentation different from cash deposits and check deposits? What Is the minimum adjustment amount? How soon would support documentation of a deposit discrepancy be provided to the City? Currently there is no difference between a cash or check deposit adjustment documentation. For most deposits, discrepancies below the bank adjustment threshold are written off. The bank threshold is subject to change without notice and may vary based on the type of deposit and deposit channel. Deposits received at cash vaults or financial centers that require adjustments are reported through the following methods. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab G - Deposit Activity [23 Deposit discrepancy reporting Channel Description Information reported CashPro Information Reporting Demand deposit account statement Deposit Correction Notice Secure email or fax Previous-day reporting includes debit and credit adjustments. Deposit adjustments are reported at the account level and can be seen at the sub-account level for zero balance accounts. Delivers adjustment information by fax or U.S. Postal Service mail the day after the deposit has been verified and the deposit correction has been posted. Available when adjustments are processed through our Research & Adjustments department. For all channels, the following information is reported: • Dollar amount of the adjustment • Deposit bag number (last four digits) n Account number n Store location number 6. Please describe the bank's returned item handling and notification procedures. Is an automatic re-clear option available? How long does it take for returned items to be sent to the City? Include any online tools available for this purpose. Yes, items returned unpaid by a drawee bank for insufficient or uncollected funds upon first presentment can be automatically recleared once; however, a special instruction setup is required. Special instructions indicate whether all eligible items or only Items above a specified dollar amount are to be recleared. Items recleared are not charged back, but are redeposited and sent for collection. The City will see a line item charge on your account analysis statement for Returned Item Reclear that represents the number of items that have been recleared by the bank. If the same item is returned unpaid a second time, the item will be charged back to the designated account. The account analysis statement will show a line item charge for Returned Items that represents the number of items that have been charged back by the bank. By using our Re-presented Check via ACH (RCK) service, the City can represent a returned Item up to two additional times. The City can receive a notice of items that have been redeposited at the depositing location or central office. Images of recleared items are available on a same-day basis by fax, or secure email. Return information is made available via the bank's Electronic Return item Notification (ERIN®) system. ERIN reports are offered by 8 a.m. local time the morning after the item has been redeposited through CashPro® Online, our information reporting system, or a data transmission file. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab G - Deposit Activity j 24 7. What are the cut-off times for deposits at the bank's local branch and at the bank's Processing Center to ensure same day credit? Where Is the Processing Center/Cash Vault located? Will the City deal directly with the Cash Vault on deposit adjustment or with a local representative? Financial Center - Same-day credit is based upon the lobby hours of the financial center. Individual financial centers may have different cutoff times, which are posted at those locations. Cash Vault - When depositing directly to a cash vault, depending on the site and type of deposit, competitive deadlines range from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. local time for cash and mixed deposits, and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time for check deposits. Your dedicated service director/service team is the first point of contact. If unable to resolve your inquiry directly, he or she will conference in, or work individually with, a technical support representative. The dedicated service director is accountable for a satisfactory resolution. Cash Vault location The nearest Cash vault from the City is located at 77 miles at Ontario, CA. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab G - Deposit Activity j 25 Tab H - Bill Concentration Service 1. Does the bank have the capability to provide a bill concentration service? If so, please describe the service and any costs associated. The City currently does not use Bill Concentration services nor has large volume of bills for collection. Electronic payments are encouraged; however, the City would like to know if the bank. The Bank does not currently provide this Treasury solution. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab H - Bill Concentration Service 126 Tab I-Wire Transfers The City currently transacts wire transfers on-line, initiating approximately five (5) wires and book transfers a month and receiving approximately two (2) incoming wires per month. 1. Please describe the bank's on-line wire transfer capabilities. What Is the deadline for initiating wire transfers? By using CashPro Payments, the City can initiate wire payments. CashPro Payments is available through CashPro Online, our distinguished treasury management portal. CashPro Payments Once a user is entitled to the CashPro® Payments application, a variety of payment types can be initiated. Administrators define the authority for entry and approval based on user, account and payment type for freeform and repetitive transactions. Simple, complex and panel approval configurations are available. Once the criteria are met for entry and approval of a payment transaction, the payment is released for processing. As a security feature, CashPro Payments requires a minimum of one approval for all payment types. A SafePass® token response is also required on approval. Deadline for initiating wire transfers To meet processing deadlines, wire transfer requests must be received and processed by the bank prior to the times listed below. Transfer Type CashPro Payments (All times listed are Eastern) U.S. dollar domestic Wire Transfer deadlines (With exception of book/internal transfers, payments are sent by FedWIre and/or CHIPS.) Book Transfer/Internal 5:30 p.m. Same Day Outgoing Transfer 5:30 p.m. Tax Payment Transfer 4 p.m. U.S. dollar international Wire Transfer deadlines Outgoing Transfer 5:30 p.m. Foreign Exchange Wire Transfer deadlines (Please see notes 1-3 below) Outgoing Transfer 5 p.m. 1 Operating hours available for telephone initiation until 7 p.m. Eastern for domestic, U.S. international and Foreign Exchange (FX) wires unless where noted. 2 Due to international time zone differences and different country clearing system cutoffs, beneficiaries may not be credited with funds the same day the client releases the payment. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab I - Wire Transfers ] 27 3 The times reflected represent payments processing cutoff times, not FX currency trading times. As a standard, trading cutoffs are 5 p.m. Eastern each day. Payments received after 5 p.m. Eastern may result in the next available value date being assigned. 2. What safeguards and security measures does the bank have in place to protect the City? Our expertise in internet security has resulted in a reliable system with robust security. To protect sensitive information residing at the bank, multiple firewalls guard against unauthorized access. Access is only granted to users who successfully complete a host of security tests. In addition, a user Is prompted to enter a company-level security code, operator-level ID and password. All three security codes must be entered correctly to continue a session. We also employ the following security methods for wires that you Initiate and release online. Security method Features/Benefits One Time Password Token {CashPro® Payments) Application-specific Administration Transaction Level Controls System requires mandatory use of a token device for the signing of payment transactions online. Advanced algorithms generate unique six-digit, one-time passwords to help authenticate each online transaction. A unique one-time password synchronizes with the bank's backend system to prove that the person signing the transaction physically possesses the token. Enjoy robust protection against fraud and identity theft, as the code expires as soon as it is used. Once access is obtained, information passed to the user is encrypted. (Once the message leaves the bank, it is unreadable outside of the CashPro Online application.) When using CashPro Online, you must assign primary administrators (dual administration is required), to create users, change passwords and entitle users to application-specific administration for any application to which you subscribe. (Please note: Primary administrator entitlement is only required for those administrators who are responsible for setting up administrators of new CashPro Online services). Assign dual application-specific administrators for the CashPro Payments application. Create approval limits, controlled at the user and account level, to restrict the users who can approve extraordinary transactions: - Entitle each user to a specific transaction limit, approval limit and dally cumulative limit. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab I - Wire Transfers 128 Security method Features/Benefits - Establish dynamic approval ranges that require additional approvals for transactions above specific amount thresholds. Leverage up to nine additional approvers per transaction. - Employ the panel approval function that defines groups of users to approve transactions with explicit amount ranges. Use easy-to-use input and template screens for non-repetitive and repetitive wire transactions. For the latter, you can create a repetitive template, which helps streamline the process. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab I - Wire Transfers |29 Tab J - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements ACM Direct Deposit of Payroll The City utilizes direct deposit services for bi-weekly payroll for the City. Approximately 95% of the 110 City's employees take advantage of the direct deposit service. Please address the following: 1. Describe the bank's direct deposit services, including the software requirements and transmission options available. We can accept PPD payroll files for next day credit; however, NACHA requires the receiver's financial institution to make funds available to the receiver at the opening of business on settlement day. Because compliance with Bank of America Merrill Lynch deadlines does not guarantee that the receiver's financial institution is able to collect ACH files in compliance with the NACHA rules, or memo post ACH entries for teller/ATM access, we recommend that payroll files be transmitted to the bank by 11:30 p.m. Eastern two days prior to the effective date. Software requirements When you originate ACH items using CashPro Online, no software is required except a standard web browser. CashPro Online is our premier internet-based suite of treasury management services that allows you to monitor and manage payments, receipts, treasury, and trade activities. To use this web- based client access platform, your system must meet the minimum hardware and software requirements; the City will achieve better results when your system meets or exceeds the recommended configuration. Equipment Manufacturer Minimum Recommended Device Operating System Personal Computer Apple® Microsoft® Apple Personal Computer OEM Personal Computer OEM MAC MAC RAM {Memory) Monitor Internet connection File Viewer Software Adobe Meets minimum standards for Windows 7 Meets minimum standards for MAC OS X 10.10 2 GB or greater SVGA 1024 x 768 resolution 4 Mbps or higher Acrobat Reader® vll.O Meets minimum standards for Windows 8.1 Meets minimum standards for MAC OS X 10.10 4 GB or greater SVGA 1024 x768 resolution 10 Mbps or higher Acrobat Reader vll.O or higher In addition to the above requirements, the following services within CashPro Online have supplemental requirements. Bankof AmGrica Merrill Lynch • Confidential Deposit of Payroll 130 Tab J - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements ACH Direct Service Equipment Supplemental equipment Receivables Java® Version JRE 1.4.2 or higher Transmission options The City can use the following data transmission methods: HTTPS, SFTP, SFTP-PGP, FTPS, FTPS-PGP, AS2, Connect:Direct® with Secure+, VPN/dedicated Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) connection or SWIFT FileAct to exchange files to Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Transmissions to the bank use access and integrity controls through the use of unique IDs, password, encryption and other applicable authentication methods. 2. Discuss screening measures that the bank uses to minimize errors on files sent to the bank. Describe the process and timing available for file/error correction. As a general rule, the security method employed is a function of the data delivery type. You must use the security procedure required for your file delivery type, but you may add an additional procedure. One commonly-used tool is discussed below. Secure interactive voice response access with validation totals - Our Voice Response Unit (VRU) file confirmation service is available 24/7. Callers identify your company using a user identification number and password, and then enter your debit and credit file totals. These entered totals are compared to the file we received. When the file totals submitted match the file totals received, you are given a confirmation number to record. Callers may also use the VRU to check matched and unmatched file history for the past five business days and change their password. Please note: Several types of security procedures are available. Our Business-to-Business Interface (B2Bi) Technical Guide, available upon request) describes the processing flows and security procedure requirements applicable to the transmission protocols. (The purpose of these security procedures is to verify the authenticity of files delivered in your company's name and not to detect an error in the transmission or content of files.) The City may request a deletion or reversal of an erroneous debit, or originate a credit to offset the erroneous debit and then originate a debit for the amount originally authorized by your customer. Requests can be submitted to delete or reverse an entry via the bank's secure email or fax. When the erroneous entries are a batch or file that were previously originated, you may also transmit a NACHA-formatted reversal batch or file. To resolve the erroneous entries by originating correcting entries, CashPro® Online offers ACH origination and reporting services. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab J - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements ACH Direct Deposit of Payroll |31 3. Indicate the transmission deadlines for direct deposit ACH files, including date and time when the bank needs the file from the City and when the funds are debited from the City's account. We can accept PPD payroll files for next day credit; however, NACHA requires the receiver's financial institution to make funds available to the receiver at the opening of business on settlement day. Because compliance with Bank of America Merrill Lynch deadlines does not guarantee that the receiver's financial institution is able to collect ACH files in compliance with the NACHA rules, or memo post ACH entries for teller/ATM access, we recommend that payroll files be transmitted to the bank by 11:30 p.m. Eastern two days prior to the effective date. Funds will be deducted from the City's account on value date. 4. Discuss any employee benefit programs for City employees and indicate if the bank would be able to participate in City-hosted employee benefits presentations. Distinctive financial wellness capabilities Our mission is clear — our strategic efforts revolve around helping individuals and companies pursue financial wellness. We focus on Improving client outcomes through a strategic combination of plan design, educational outreach, guidance and support, with active measurement guiding and shaping our efforts. The bank's approach to financial wellness is guided by our experience in serving customers, businesses and employees, and dedication to making their financial lives better. With an array of financial products, tools and educational resources, clients have access to a variety of options to help their employees with their holistic financial needs, now and in retirement. Support for the City In addition to the wealth of web-based resources, we believe our ability to provide access to personalized support through our dedicated call centers or locally through Bank of America financial centers or group meetings, benefit fairs and one-on-one sessions, differentiates us from other service providers. A breadth of educational topics Bank of America Corporation's family of companies is focused on helping individuals manage their day-to-day financial demands, while pursuing long-term goals. We believe that by engaging individuals to look at their entire financial picture, they have the potential to develop the skills they need to manage and gain control of their finances. We'll educate employees about connecting their finances to their life priorities, and balancing them in the short- and long-term. This includes: n Helping your employees feel In control, managing and living their best financial lives n Confidence not shaken by bumps in the road n Making the connection between today's choices and tomorrow's needs Our comprehensive approach to our financial wellness program spans across life and wealth stages to address the broad needs of your employees. Our multi-channel program leverages the banking Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab J - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements ACH Direct Deposit of Payroll 132 capabilities of Bank of America, N.A. and investing capabilities of Merrill Lynch to share insights, financial education and tools, as well as personalized services to help improve the financial lives of all employees. Whether starting out or preparing for retirement, we work with them to understand their unique situation and provide guidance to meet their needs. How we deliver With the Bank of America at Work® program, employees have full access to easy-to-use educational tools at their convenience, as well as actionable insights and one-on-one guidance from Merrill Edge"" to help invest for retirement or pursue other investment goals. Through a range of specialists and tools across the financial center, telephone, mobile and online channels, they can learn about saving, budgeting, homeownership and ways to manage credit wisely. Resources such as the Bank of America at Work website may also help your employees understand and manage their finances and long-term goals. Let's meet to discuss ways to optimize educational opportunities through the range of channels we offer. Our educational services can be delivered through the following methods: n Onsite seminars-Targeting larger groups of employees in one centralized location for an in-person workshop n Webinars - Leveraging WebEx technoiogy to deliver live, interactive workshops online for geographically disbursed employees n Self-directed online modules - Members can browse our library of online, pre-recorded educational videos through our website n E-newsletters - Helpful and relevant articles sent electronically with built-in capability to easily distribute to your network of employees "Bank of America Merrill Lynch" is the marketing name for the retirement services businesses as well as the global banking and globai markets businesses of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, derivatives, and other commercial banking activities are performed globally by banking affiiiates of Bank of America ("BofA Corp."), including Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of BofA Corp. {"Investment Banking Affiliates"), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner& Smith Incorporated ("MLPF&S") and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp., all of which are registered broker-dealers and Members of SIPC, and. In other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. MLPF&S and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Neither Bank of America nor any of its affiiiates provide legal, tax or accounting advice. You should consult your legal and/or tax advisors before making any financial decisions. Investing in securities involves risks, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Merrill Lynch offers a broad range of brokerage, investment advisory (including financial planning) and other services. There are important differences between brokerage and investment advisory Bank of America Merrill Lynch ¨ Confidential Tab J - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements ACM Direct Deposit of Payroll 133 services, including the type of advice and assistance provided, the fees charged, and the rights and obligations of the parties. It is important to understand the differences, particularly when determining which service or services to select. Investment products offered through Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (MLPF&S) and insurance and annuity products offered through Merrill Lynch Life Agency, Inc. (MLLA): Are Not FDIC Insured Are Not Bank Guaranteed May Lose Value MLPF&S is a registered broker-dealer, registered investment adviser and Member SIPC. Merrill Lynch Life Agency, Inc. MLLA is a licensed insurance agency. Both are wholly owned subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Banking, mortgage and home equity products are provided by Bank of America, N.A. and affiliated banks. Members FDIC and wholly owned subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Credit and collateral are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply. This is not a commitment to lend. Programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Merrill Edge is the marketing name for two businesses: Merrill Edge Advisory Center, which offers team-based advice and guidance brokerage services; and a self-directed online investing platform. Both are made available through Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated (MLPF&S). Merrill Lynch makes available products and services offered by MLPF&S and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. The Private Banking and Investment Group is a division of MLPF&S that offers a broad array of personalized wealth management products and services. Both brokerage and investment advisory services (including financial planning) are offered by the Group's Private Wealth Advisors through MLPF&S, a registered broker-dealer and registered investment adviser. The nature and degree of advice and assistance provided, the fees charged, and client rights and Merrill Lynch's obligations will differ among these services. Investments involve risk, including the possible loss of principal investment. The banking, credit and trust services sold by the Group's Private Wealth Advisors are offered by licensed banks and trust companies, including Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC, and other affiliated banks. U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management operates through Bank of America, N.A. and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC. Merrill Edge Financial Solutions Advisor and BankAmericard Cash Rewards are trademarks and Merrill Lynch, Bank of America at Work, Merrill Edge, U.S. Trust, BankAmericard Travel Rewards, Bank of America and the Bank of America logo are registered trademarks of Bank of America Corporation. Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender ta» All programs subject to credit approval and loan amounts are subject to credltworthiness. Some restrictions may apply. Bank of America may prohibit use of an account to pay off or pay down another Bank of America account. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab J - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements ACH Direct Deposit of Payroll 134 5. Is there direct support for file testing? Yes, there is full, direct technical support for the duration of file testing. ACH Vendor Payments: The City would like to make payments electronically. Describe the program used by the bank to facilitate these payments. The City currently uses Tyler Incode 10 for Its financial software. With Paymode-X Connect, the all-digital payment system, the City exchanges electronic payments with detailed remittance data with your suppliers, customers and employees. Paymode-X Connect can help lower administrative costs, strengthen relationships with trading partners and efficiently manage working capital. Why Paymode-X Connect n Payments and remittance information together digitally - Send and receive electronic payments in your preferred digital format with unlimited remittance capabilities. A single payment file can contain electronic and paper disbursements. n Financial incentives - Use Paymode-X Connect at no cost, assuming minimum spend thresholds are achieved, plus earn valuable dividends on eligible spend to Premium suppliers in the network. n Integration with A/P and A/R Systems - Paymode-X Connect integrates with your existing A/P and A/R systems, accounting software and business processes; no additional software installation is required. n Works with any bank - Paymode-X Connect works with any bank, using existing inter-bank settlement networks to move funds between accounts at different banks. n Intelligent Engagement Supplier Enrollment Model - Paymode-X Connect implements a strategic, multi-phase program on your behalf to enroll your suppliers to receive electronic payments, allowing you to gain the full benefits in the least amount of time. n Supplier Network - Gain access to one of the largest supplier networks in the industry with more than 300,000 suppliers currently enrolled in the network for electronic payment processing. n Real-time, customized reporting - Generate standard and/or customized payment reports. Email notifications and the ability to view payment and invoice history are also part of the robust web reporting. n Award-winning service that puts you first - Enjoy a world-class service model that provides strategic relationship management, implementation and servicing. How the service works Paymode-X Connect provides seamless, secure digital interaction with your AP systems. The process is as follows: 1. An authenticated user from the City securely transmits a payment file from your accounts payable system, including the related remittance information for each payment. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab J - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements ACH Direct Deposit of Payroll 135 2. Paymode-X Connect creates a digital payment authorization (DPA) for each payment, including payment details such as your Paymode-X Account ID, payment amount, the disbursement account and the Paymode-X Account ID of the company being paid. 3. A Paymode-X Connect user, or other authorized signer, reviews and approves the transaction details. 4. Each DPA is securely transmitted to the Paymode-X transaction engine using password authenticated signatures and encryption. 5. Once received, the DPA is authenticated against your previously-defined business rules and MFAs are validated. 6. Payments are sent through established inter-bank settlement networks, where your pre- specified bank account is debited and your suppliers' bank accounts are credited. 7. As payments move through the Paymode-X settlement networks, they can be viewed and tracked by you and your suppliers. 8. Upon settlement, notification emails are sent to you and the paid supplier. Additionally, suppliers receive the remittance information associated with each payment, which can be downloaded in a variety of file formats. Remittance information may be uploaded directly into accounts receivable systems for posting and reconciliation. ERP integration Paymode-X® Connect electronic funds transfer (EFT) integration Interface is flexible in nature and does not require the City to meet or adhere to any specific file format. For each interface, a module is configured to read the payment and remittance data that is sent in your predefined format. The Paymode-X Connect platform accepts a transmission from your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform{s) and subsequently processes that file. This does not require a direct connection between your ERP system(s) and Paymode-X Connect. ACH Auto Debit: The bank must have the capability to accommodate an online bill collection services. The Bank does not currently provide a Treasury solution for online bill collection services. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Conftdenlial Tab J - Automated Clearing House (ACH) Service Requirements ACH Direct Deposit of Payroll 136 Tab K - Payroll Tax Processing Please describe the bank's payroll tax withholding services and its related costs. The City requires the ability to report and pay state and federal tax withholdings automatically online or by telephone. CashPro ACH allows the City to deliver ACH payments to the bank using the convenience of a web- based tool. You can originate direct deposit of payroll, pre-authorized debits, corporate payments, federal and state tax payments, internal transfers and other payments. CashPro® ACH CashPro ACH delivers the ability to send ACH payments to the bank using the convenience of a web- based tool. Users can originate direct deposit of payroll, pre-authorized debits, corporate payments, federal and state tax payments, internal transfers and other payments. ACH database and batch approval In CashPro ACH provide flexible security options for enhanced payment control. The setup of your ACH tax payment databases is separate from the initiation and release of payments. Users choose the tax type when setting up the payments and enter/select the given tax information. The bank manages the tax information and tax updates. In the event that you need to make a payment with updated instructions prior to the bank making the requested updates, we provide a generic tax payment format. An example of this is the addition of a new Tax Type Code. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab K- Payroll Tax Processing (37 Tab L - State Activity/LAIF Transfers The City transacts State of California Local Agency investment Fund (LAIF) transfers on a regular basis and receives State electronic payments. 1. Please describe the LAIF transfer process. Are the transfers done by telephone, email, fax, wire transfer, etc.? How is the accuracy of transfers assured? LAIF transfers can be done using the telephone, email, fax and wire transfer. The preferred method of transfer request would be via email. 2. What is the charge per transfer to LAIF? From LAIF? There is no charge for LAIF transfers. 3. Does the bank have an office in Sacramento that maintains a direct DDA banking relationship with the State Treasurer's office and the State Controller's office? Yes. 4. is the bank an approved State of California depository? Yes. BofAML is a qualified public fund depository in the State of California. 5. What is the charge for the deposit of State electronic payments? State warrants? This pricing is currently under review and will be finalized in 2019. 6. What is the bank's position on past issuance of iOU's by the State of CA? Does the bank accept lOU'sfor deposit? Bank of America does not have a position on State issued lOUs or Registered warrants. Should the State consider issuing registered warrants all relevant parties will be part of the discussion to develop a mutually agreed upon action plan. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab L - State Activity/LAIF Transfers j 38 Tab M - On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting The City currently utilizes a web-based on-line system to perform a variety of processes, such as placing stop payments and accessing online balance reporting information for all accounts. 1. Please describe the banks on-line banking and information reporting system(s) Including a list of all services provided. CashPro Online represents a shared vision to create the industry's best online corporate banking experience. From initiating payment transactions and funding disbursements, to managing receivables and investing excess funds, this web-based banking platform delivers simple access and stringent control over virtually all the financial services your business uses — wherever and whenever you choose. Timely, flexible reporting keeps the City's authorized users up-to-date on everything from account activity to the status of outgoing wires. Whenever you need to obtain information or perform an activity, simply log in to CashPro Online and access the tools tailored to your needs, through customized user preferences. CashPro On ine © information Payments Receivables Notifications Reporting jO , -vA- Service Center* Invest* Escrow* Trade Credit* Personalization Each user can customize his dashboard to quickly access frequently used services and view Information important to his role. They can establish a language preference that extends from the login process, through user administration, online reference materials, mobile access, payments and reporting services. Available languages include: Spanish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, U.S. English, UK English, French, German, Japanese, Korean and Italian. This language preference may be set as a default for all users within a company or be modified by each user. Online security strategy CashPro Online uses transport layer security (TLS) encryption protocol, which continuously verifies the identity of each user during the session. Messages are encrypted so that they remain private and unaltered. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab M - On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting 139 Services CashPro Online allows you to manage cash, payments and receipts, Investments, foreign exchange, credit (loans) and trade from an intuitive, easy-to-use, platform. CashPro Online services Reporting SQ Information Reporting Receive standard current- and previous-day reports to access the information you need. Build custom report templates by selecting from a number of available data fields and formatting options. Retrieve up to 24 months of transaction data history. CashPro Assistant Analytics and Forecasting Calculate your cash position with this easy-to-use spreadsheet that contains the required formulas. With one click, this tool automatically retrieves your bank account information. Image Access View and retrieve images of paid items, credits, deposits with associated items and returned items. Notifications and Alerts Receive alerts on important, time-sensitive information so that you can receive critical information about your treasury accounts without logging in to CashPro Online. Users select the communication channel that best suits their business needs including email, voicemail and text message. Payments Global Payments CashPro Foreign Exchange Simplify your end-to-end payment process from creation to reconciliation. Streamlined workflow with enhanced straight-through processing rule validation, global routing codes, competitive foreign exchange (FX) rates, local language, customizable display, ad- hoc, template and file-import-based payment processing. Enter foreign exchange trades, including swaps and forwards. ACH transactions Initiate, inquire and protect your ACH transactions. Check Management BillPay Access to check products including; Positive Pay, Stop Pay, Paid Item Inquiry and Account Reconciliation. This new design enhances your workflow and increases efficiency with time-saving features and user-friendly pages. Streamline your payables processes — from invoice receipt through payment — with one intuitive interface. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab M - On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting 140 Receivables 4 X-. Gain immediate access to funds and timely information about cash flow and funds availability including lockbox and ACH receipt information. This innovative suite of receivables services help you streamline internal processes and accelerate cash flow without requiring costly investments in sophisticated technology. From electronically depositing checks to comprehensive reporting capabilities, the City has the choice of an extensive line of services to help you increase efficiency. Reports Transaction Search Image Lockbox Remote Deposit View payment information across multiple lockboxes, date ranges and payment types through easy-to-use reports. Create, edit and save customized lockbox reports that fit your needs. Examine images through a viewer that allows you to enhance the image for better viewing and navigation. Categorize transactions for easier identification and reporting. Enter remitter information directly on the transaction for easier cash application. Search payment information using criteria from any captured of the data elements. Return targeted results with immediate image viewing for checks and full addenda for ACH credits. Access lockbox reports that include check and document images, ACH and wires, as well as credit card payments. Make electronic deposits using bank-approved scanners. Authorized users can scan check images, document images and MICR data of U.S. dollar items drawn on U.S. banks. Make deposits during non-traditional banking hours. Associate data with check payment for easier reconciliation. Assistant Visit this centralized hub of research, analytics, notifications, Information, document center, and education and support. Credit Quickly and easily access your credit information. Authorized users can monitor balances, view details and make payments and advances on your loans. Escrow Maintain and track multiple escrow accounts online, conveniently and reliably. One master account is established with an unlimited number of . subaccounts to avoid co-mingling of funds. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab M - On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting141 Investments Place U.S. dollar mutual fund investment orders and bank liability orders including; Bank of America, N.A. certificates of deposit, Eurodollar time deposits, repurchase agreements, federal funds and Bank of America Corporation commercial paper. Authorized users can also view investment account balances, research funds, and download statements and transaction history. 2. What are the current computer hardware and software specifications for most effectively utilizing the bank's on-line system? CashPro Online is our premier internet-based suite of treasury management services that allows you to monitor and manage payments, receipts, treasury, and trade activities. To use this web- based client access platform, your system must meet the minimum hardware and software requirements; the City will achieve better results when your system meets or exceeds the recommended configuration. Equipment Manufacturer Minimum Recommended Device Personal Computer Apple® Operating System Microsoft® Apple RAM (Memory) Monitor Internet connection File Viewer Software Adobe Personal Computer OEM Personal Computer OEM MAC MAC Meets minimum standards for Windows 7 Meets minimum standards for MAC OS X 10.10 2 GB or greater SVGA 1024 X 768 resolution 4 Mbps or higher Acrobat Reader® vll.O Meets minimum standards for Windows 8.1 Meets minimum standards for MAC OS X 10.10 4 GB or greater SVGA 1024 X 768 resolution 10 Mbps or higher Acrobat Reader vll.O or higher In addition to the above requirements, the following services within CashPro Online have supplemental requirements. Service Equipment Supplemental equipment Receivables Java®Version JRE 1.4.2 or higher 3. At what time is prior day information available? Previous-day information is normally available by 4 am PST (7 a.m. Eastern), Monday through Friday. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab M - On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting 142 4. is the per item fee for prior day reporting based on the number of items reported or accessed? The per-item fee for prior day reporting is based on the number of items reported. 5. Can the reports be customized? Exported to Excel? Yes. The City can also choose from a variety of predefined, standard report templates or easily modify them for individual needs. Custom reports can be created as private or shared among your users. Reports can be scheduled to arrive in your inbox — or be delivered by email directly to anyone you want — in an easy-to-access, no-login-required format through CashPro Information Reporting. CashPro® Information Reporting allows custom reports to be created and generated in PDF, HTML, Excel, CSV, MT940/942, ISO 20022 XML camt.052 and camt.053 V2 or BAI2 formats. \A/e also support Quicken and QuickBooks formats. 6. What types of security measures are In place? How is the assignment of user KD/s and passwords managed? CashPro Online employs a broad range of enhanced security measures, including advanced security technology, security tokens, transport layer security encryption protocol, computer firewalls, PC registration, integrated email validation and fraud monitoring, as well as user entitlements and passwords. Our token management functionality is also available through a mobile token app for iPhone and Android users, making our CashPro Mobile service even more secure. Controls, mechanisms and processes used to keep data confidential and maintain integrity The City will access CashPro Online using unique user identification numbers (company ID, user ID) and passwords, along with risk monitoring authentication. Data encryption protects transaction information as it travels over the internet. Multiple levels of approval and security tokens provide an additional safeguard and control for select higher-risk transactions. You have the option of requiring these additional levels of approval and security tokens at login, as well. Risk monitoring authentication at login validates a user's credentials using a number of factors, such as network information, user information, positive device identification and user profiling. All sessions use transport layer security encryption protocol, which continuously verifies the identity of each party during the session, encrypting messages to help protect their privacy and prevent alteration. For an additional layer of user security, the City can require each user to enter a token response at login. The Bank of America Merrill Lynch security operation center provides around-the-clock monitoring to help detect unauthorized network and application activity. Audit logs, customized authorization, entitlements and dual administration allow you to control system access and privileges. In the event of a network failure, CashPro Online has 24/7 support and contingency plans to facilitate your continued receipt of critical data and maintenance of normal business operations. Bank of America Merrill Lynch security starts with stringent security controls during the development of new services, followed by code scanning and security testing to strengthen the overall application. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab M - On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting |43 Payment applications Payment applications include enhanced security, involving a token which Is an "event-based" device that provides a one-time password that expires as soon as it Is used. CashPro Mobile users can also enjoy this physical token functionality in a mobile iPhone® or Android® app. This can provide mitigation against certain risks associated with keystroke logging. Payment authentication A panel authorization system is in place, which can accurately reflect your signing mandate. The system can be set up to mirror the mandate that you wish to operate, with whatever permission levels you need. With up to nine levels of authentication, it is unlikely that you will have to compromise your settings to fit in with our systems. Individual permissions can be set specially for that user's remit. To maintain flexibility, levels can be set by transaction, transaction type or aggregate transactions within a defined period. When entering payment details into a template, the system automatically deselects redundant options, automatically filtering the options available to make payment setup simple and as accurate. Online administration of company access CashPro Online supports a delegated administration model whereby the bank initially establishes administrators selected by the City. Your administrators then have the ability to add, delete and entitle users to services and accounts, as appropriate. As a result, there is no need to contact the bank to establish new users. A company administrator plus a mandatory secondary approver maintain user security. The administrator defines the functions, accounts and limits to which users have rights. Users can view only the accounts and access the functions for which they are authorized. CashPro Online allows for dynamic limits and segregation of those limits between free-form and repetitive transactions at the account and user level. The enhanced dual-administration feature incorporates best operating practices by requiring a second administrator to approve changes to user authorization. The dual approval feature achieves segregation of duty and helps prevent a single person from initiating and approving a payment. User password management Users can reset their passwords, view their profiles and entitlements, and review or change their personal preferences. When entitled, they can chat and initiate service requests, as well as take advantage of online training and education. Physical and environmental security Our data center houses the servers supporting CashPro services. To access the data center, a request form must be completed and approved by a designated bank manager. The approved request form is forwarded to the operations site manager for final, secondary approval and setup. Key cards are used throughout the data center to restrict access, and only a limited number of individuals are granted access based on their job responsibilities. The bank's operations team has Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab M - On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting 144 formal termination procedures in place to retrieve and disable magnetic key card badges immediately upon employee termination or transfer. 7. What is the bank's contingency plan for providing this information in the event of an unexpected bank system problem or natural disaster? CashPro® Online maintains dual production environments located in different cities, which allows the bank to switch quickly between sites should an issue arise that results in a serious outage in the current site. This capability allows us to validate contingency availability several times a year through the course of genera! maintenance activities. Both sites are capable of handling 100% of the production volume without an adverse impact to system performance. During the course of a business day, the production environment databases are synchronized, so that a switch can be made to the alternate production site at any time without losing data. The procedures for switching to the alternate production site are tested on a regular basis in accordance with corporate program guidelines. In the event of a network failure, CashPro Online has 24/7 support and contingency plans in place to achieve continuity for receipt of critical data and maintenance of normal business operations. 8. Does the bank offer electronic delivery of statements, reports, and notices? Yes. In addition to previous- and current-day information reporting, CashPro® Online offers the access to various statements and reports, Including demand deposit account statements, account reconciliation reports, account analysis statements. Sweep statements. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) statements, loan reports and others. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab M - On-line Bank Processes and Information Reporting! 45 Tab N - Account Reconcilement The City currently issues approximately 400 Accounts Payable and Payroll checks monthly and utilizes Full Account Reconcilement with Positive Pay services for Its disbursement accounts. 1. Does the bank offer Full Account Reconcilement Services with Positive Pay? If so, please describe the service including accepted methods for receiving the Positive Pay data and the format specifications for that data. Yes, full and partial account reconciliation services are available and can be used in conjunction with Traditional, Teller and Payee Positive Pay. Full Account Reconcilement Services The City electronically provides information to Bank of America Merrill Lynch on the individual checks being issued prior to issuance. This information includes serial number, date issued and dollar amount. You can also include additional data for payee name and/or other discretionary data on each issue record. As checks are presented and posted to your Demand Deposit Account, we match the paid items to the issued items on file and produce reports at the end of your accounting cycle showing the results of the match. In addition to the standard reconciliation reports, a file can be transmitted that includes paid check and/or outstanding check information. Positive Pay The City must submit check issue information, for example, check numbers, issue date and dollar amounts, to the bank. You may send check issue information daily, weekly or on any schedule that precedes the release of checks. As items are presented for payment and posted against your account{s), we compare check MICR information to your file in order to identify the exception items. The City receives notification of exception items by 10 a.m. local time the following morning through CashPro Online. You have until 4 p.m. local time to notify the bank of a Pay or Return decision on each exception item. The following actions can be taken: n Pay - When the check is valid and Bank of America Merrill Lynch should pay this item. n Pay and Update Issue - When the check should be paid and the issue on file requires an update. This decision type is only available for the exception reason Issue Amount Differs. If the account subscribes to Payee Positive Pay, the exception reasons of Payee Mismatch and Payee Not Found also apply. n Return - Fraud - When the check is fraudulent and should not be paid. n Return - Refer to Maker - When the check should not be paid for any reason other than fraud. A "default decision" is established at the account level during implementation. In the event that you are unable to respond by the established deadline, we will Pay or Return all exception items per your default instruction. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab N - Account Reconcilement|46 An online confirmation report is available the following business day. It details the action taken on each exception item by the City and the bank. Positive Pay data transmission and format To use Positive Pay, the City must transmit check issue information, such as check numbers, the issue date and dollar amounts, to the bank. You may send these electronic files daily, weekly or on any schedule that precedes the release of checks. The following types of transmission methods can be used. Protocols Delivery Channels HTTPS Open Internet SFTP{SSH) SWIFT FileAct FTPS (TLS) Dedicated Connection/Virtual Private Network (VPN) AS2 (HTTP/HTTPS) Connect:Direct® with Bank of America Merrill Lynch can receive issued and voided checks through our Data Transmission Services into the Account Reconciliation platform directly or through our EDI channel in multiple formats. ARP file input specifications If you will be implementing Positive Pay, Teller Positive Pay, Payee Positive Pay or Full Reconcilement, you are required to provide your check issue information to the bank. For transmitted files, we recommend you use the standard input format provided below. J- Account Reconciliation Posit' 2. Does the bank offer Teller Positive Pay and Payee Positive Pay? Yes. Bank of America offers Teller Positive Pay and Payee Positive Pay to its clients. Teller Positive Pay Teller Positive Pay establishes a link between the bank teller and account reconcilement systems. When a check is presented for cashing in a financial center, the teller system queries a database to determine if the City submitted an issue file for the check and validates the serial number and amount. When there Is no valid issue record for the account, the item is not paid by the teller. In addition to providing check issue information (serial number and amount) to our financial center teller system, we pass payee name information* (where provided) for those accounts flagged as Payee and Teller Positive Pay. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab N - Account Reconcilement^? Payee Positive Pay To determine if the payee has been altered, Intelligent Character Recognition software reviews the payee information on the check image and compares it to the City-supplied payee name on the positive pay issue file. Payee discrepancies are reported for review and the decision whether to Pay or Return the item. 3. How are the exception items under the Positive Pay reported to the City? What Is the procedure and timeline for paying or returning exception items? The City receives notification of exception items by 10 a.m. local time the following morning through CashPro Online. You have until 4 p.m. local time to notify the bank of a Pay or Return decision on each exception item. A "default decision" is established at the account level during implementation. In the event that you are unable to respond by the established deadline, we will Pay or Return all exception items per your default instruction. An online confirmation report is available the following business day. It details the action taken on each exception item by the City and the bank. 4. How are manual checks Issued by the City sent to the bank for Inclusion In Positive Pay? Users may update an issue file by simply adding the correct corresponding issue through CashPro Online or including the issue on the City's next transmission to the bank. 5. Does the bank provide on-line check imaging for exception items? Yes. Users can view images of positive pay exceptions using CashPro® Online. Check images and related Index information are available through multiple channels including CashPro® Online (internet) and image transmission. 6. Describe the bank's check truncation service. Is on-line check Imaging available for paid Items? Deposit slips? Bank correction advices? Yes. As check truncation is a requirement, physical checks are destroyed immediately. Check images are retained for seven years. Bank of America Merrill Lynch offers convenient online access to images through CashPro Online. The City retrieves images of paid items, deposited items, debits/credits and returned items as early as they are presented or captured by the bank. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab N - Account Reconcilement 148 Images of paid items and debits/credits are available for 90 calendar days, 180 calendar days, one, two, seven or 10 years, with online access. Returned Items, deposited items for cash letter, image cash letter, over-the-counter, remote deposit, ATM and mailed-in deposits are available with the above options, up to seven years. 7. Does the bank offer a CD-ROM imaging service? If so, please describe the service and associated costs. No, we have exited the CD-ROM imaging service; this is a legacy solution that has been replaced with a CLOUD version. 8. Describe the bank's on-line stop payment, void, and cancellation services and features. How long is a stop payment effective via any method available? The City can enter stop payments via our online platform or by calling your service specialist. Our online Stop Payment service allows the City to place, manage and cancel stop payment transactions. Users can enter up to 25 entries at a time, and create or cancel a stop in the same session. Stop payments can be place for six, 12,18, 24 and 36 month durations. When placing a stop, the user is advised when a stop payment exists or when the check was paid within the last 365 days. Real-time validation is also available for when a user cancels a stop. Via Inquiry Stop Payment, users can confirm the status of a stop payment placed or cancelled. Stop Payment Transmission allows the City to transmit single and range orders directly to the bank and receive confirmation notifications for each transaction. Stop payments may be placed for a duration of six, 12,18, 24 or 36 months. The transmission must be sent to Bank of America Merrill Lynch prior to 10:45 p.m. Eastern. Stop payment transactions reject when a Paid item exists that matches the specified criteria (within a 90-day history), or when an active stop payment exists. An electronic confirmation file is transmitted to the City within 30 minutes. Stop payments included in transmission files received during business hours are available to our tellers within 15 minutes. Stop payments included in files received after business hours, but prior to 10:45 p.m. Eastern, are available to tellers the following morning. 9. Describe how long online images are available for display and what type of Images are available. Bank of America Merrill Lynch offers convenient online access to Images through CashPro Online. The City retrieves images of paid items, deposited items, debits/credits and returned items as early as they are presented or captured by the bank. Images of paid items and debits/credits are available for 90 calendar days, 180 calendar days, one, two, seven or 10 years, with online access. Returned items, deposited items for cash letter, image cash letter, over-the-counter, remote deposit, ATM and mailed-in deposits are available with the above options, up to seven years. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab N-Account Reconcilement j 49 Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab N - Account Reconcilement!50 Tab O - Daylight Overdraft Protection The City currently requires daylight overdraft protection. Sweep account services are currently not used but may be included in the response if upon evaluation of services needs there is a benefit to resume using this service. The City currently maintains an average of $1,000,000 in the bank and has both LAIF and CAMP accounts for liquidity purposes. 1. Describe any issues, concerns, and charges associated with the use of daylight overdraft facility. Bank of America Merrill Lynch does not have an explicit daylight overdraft charge. Credit decisions and pricing are made on a dient-by-client basis. Given the fiscal soundness of the city, we are confident that we can reach a mutuaiiy agreed-upon overdraft faciiity that meets the operating needs of the city. 2. Will the bank guarantee payment of all the items even if it results in the account being overdrawn temporarily for the day? We will work with the city to estabiish a Daylight Overdraft facility that will support same-day overdrafts. With or without this facility in place, we cannot guarantee payments of overdrafts. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab 0 - Daylight Overdraft Protection j 51 Tab P - Merchant Bankcard The City currently accepts Visa and MasterCard credit card payments approximating $62,000.00 in collections per month, with transactions averaging at approximately 500 per month. The City currently has three (3) merchant locations or I.D.s accepting payment for the City for services. The City prefers a single point of contact for technical issues, configuration changes, upgrades, maintenance, and troubleshooting for any merchant bankcard issues. Current payments received are for business licenses, permits, construction permits, wellnesses center classes and membership dues, merchandise from the museum gift shop. The City does not collect any form of utility payments. Current credit card terminals utilize EMV chip reader technology and are compatible with Canadian license exempt RSS Standards, and are part 15 of the FCC rules. 1. Please describe the bank's Merchant Bankcard and Point-of-Sale processing capabilities.We will work with the City to understand your needs and determine how we can support your gateway and equipment requirements. We offer a wide array of proprietary and third-party gateways, and technology solutions for rental, lease, or sale. This way we can tailor an equipment solution to fit your specific processing needs. If you prefer an advanced POS device, an online virtual terminal, or an integrated check reader and card terminal, we have a technology solution for you. Based on our knowledge of your environment to date, we recommend our eCommerce Payment Platform, Global Payment Platform and Clover® suite to meet your payment acceptance needs. eCommerce Payment Platform Online transactions are up 39% year over year.' eCommerce growth will continue to outpace brick-and-mortar sales growth by a more than three-to-one margin.^ So the City should consider using the eCommerce Payment Platform. This solution can empower the City with fully integrated, turnkey services to drive your business' success. Services include online payment acceptance and processing, secure storage of sensitive data, automated recurring billing, fraud prevention^ and digital invoicing. It is a modern toolset for developers that includes flexible and intuitive APIs. It also includes a live testing console and extensive sample code. So the City can quickly complete the payment portion of your site. Components include;^ • Accept Payments includes all major credit cards, signature debit cards and digital payment solutions, such as Visa Checkout® and Apple Pay®, through one platform. n Secure Data Storage via Customer Information Manager tokenizes and stores your customers' sensitive payment information on secure servers. This can help simplify your PCI DSS compliance and the payments process for returning customers and recurring transactions. n Automated Recurring Billing is a convenient and easy-to-use tool for submitting and managing recurring or subscription-based transactions. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant Bankcard 152 n Advanced Fraud Detection Suite helps the City identify, manage and prevent suspicious and potentially costly fraudulent transactions. n Digital invoicing is a simple, fast way to send bills to customers via their email addresses and in turn receive secure credit card payments online. n Account Updater is an optional service the City can elect to enroll. It will automatically update customer card-on-file information once a month. The updates include detection of a new account number, new expiration date, a closed account or an anomaly with the account. With the eCommerce Payment Platform, your business is open 24/7. the City can leverage the power of our gateway API. You can store customer information securely and consolidate automated recurring billing and subscriptions. You can identify, manage and help prevent suspicious transactions. And digital invoicing helps simplify your billing process. ^ Bank of America Consumer Spending Snapshot, August 2016. ^ ^https://www.emarketer.com/Report/Worldwlde-Retail-Ecommerce-Sales-eMarketer-Forecast- 2016/2001849, August 2016. ^ We make no assurances that the available fraud prevention tools will accurately identify every instance of fraud, or that every transaction that may appear fraudulent is in fact so. Global Payment Platform eCommerce has created a borderless, global economy. Consumers can now purchase from a variety of devices in numerous currencies using multiple payment methods. So they are demanding consistent yet localized experiences across different channels around the world. To meet evolving consumer demand, the City should embrace the future of commerce with digital payment technology designed to help you reach your customers more effectively. Our Global Payment Platform, powered by CyberSource®, offers true end-to-end support, platform agility, integrated billing and streamlined contract management. It is one integrated platform to deliver a global eCommerce solution. Merchant Payment Channels U Systems ^ Contact center □ mPOS Social O Web BusinaM Manefetnem Payment Accaptanca Acperttflf and RMenctlianon ProctiMfifand UMt iMfnastnwM eandAAKrOB Global Payment Procaating Card DIflM Puimna Mumnv* PmncmMMhsA Snon Miatng MX) P)Oc*«snf ftltfcand Compiianoa Milnf and Payablas Common brfrastructura DM* V*uR OinloptiTeMt Supped Global Commerce Services Acquirers Non-Card Schamas Loyalty Sarvicas Data Servicas With this solution, the City's customers can pay in their preferred payment method, including including credit, debit, digital payment service or alternative payment method. We help simplify acceptance of APMs^ via a single API, reconciliation and contract. Global Payment Platform also includes fraud protection. Decision Manager is a fraud detection radar with patented real-time fusion modeling. It uses insights from more than 68 billion Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P- Merchant Bankcard|53 transactions, third-party data and more than 260 sophisticated detection tests to deliver a highly accurate risk score. Rules-based Payer Authentication gives the City better control over your customer experience. You can preconfigure the authentication experience, choosing when to authenticate. This can help reduce cart abandonment. With the Enterprise Business Center, the City has access to transaction, funding, dispute and fee data in a secure environment. You can analyze payment trends by payment type, location and more. Its consolidated reporting suite can help you understand customer payment preferences. And you can drill down into specific locations, transaction types and more. Together Bank of America Merchant Services and CyberSource are able to supply a payment platform that provides the City with the rich data analytics, global reach, compliance and product strategy necessary to lead the market. ^ Services are provided by CyberSource. Requires a separate contract with CyberSource. Clover Pomt-of-Sale Solutions Merchants like the City need business tools to help you build customer relationships and save time. As you tend to work longer hours, focus on building relationships and minimize exposure to security risks, you need POS solutions that integrate card payments with essential business management tools to help make managing your business easier. Let Clover Point-of-Sale Solutions be that solution. ^ Clover point-of-sale solutions help the City to do it all. Take payments, view inventory, track sales, manage Make Life Easier employees and add custom apps to suit your business needs. •4 Enhance Customer Experience Mobility and Flexibility Provide an optimized checkout experience with a sleek, easy-to-use device that helps enable secure, fast and reliable transactions for your customers. Choose a mobile solution that enables you to accept payments on the go. Plus, access your business data (inventory, sales, pricing and more) In real time from any web-enabled device. Clover POS solutions include business apps to help run your business more efficiently, cloud based storage for every device and transaction, TransArmor® Data Protection to help protect the City's business and acceptance of credit, signature debit, EMV® and NFC transactions. Overviews of the specific Clover POS solutions that would be valuable to the City follow. Clover Station Clover Station Clover Station is a customizable business management an all-in-one integrated system for business management payment acceptance. The high-resolution touchscreen for customer engagement. Integrated chip card and stripe card readers make payment acceptance easy. system. It is and can swivel magnetic Included Is Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant Bankcard 154 3 Standard printer, plus there is an optional receipt printer with customer-facing display that supports NFC for contactless payments. The processor is state-of-the-art so you can do more faster. A fingerprint sensor supports secure login, the City can streamline operations by linking to optional cash drawers, kitchen printers, barcode scanner and more. Plus you have access to 300+ apps. Clover Mini Clover Mini Is a touchscreen payment terminal that provides a — professional edge. The smart touchscreen is customizable and can grow with your business, the City can accept swipe, chip card and NFC payments. You can scan barcodes with the built-in camera to speed up lines. This solution offers robust functionality but is compact in size so it can be used virtually anywhere in your business. Clover Mini includes offline payments mode if internet access is lost and access to 200+ apps. Clover Flex Clover Flex is an all-in-one smart payment device that offers mobility convenience. It connects via Wi-Fi or the LTE wireless network to accept payments virtually anywhere. Flex accepts swipe, chip card and NFC payments. It includes a built-in printer, scanner and camera for fast order and payment processing. The scanner can help the City manage inventory. The device lasts up to eight hours on a single charge. You can use this solution as main your POS or integrate it with any other Clover device. It includes access to 200+ apps. Clover Go With Clover Go, the City can accept payments virtually anywhere l-^j with your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth. You can accept payments, including EMV, swipe and contactless (Apple Pay, Samsung Pay® and Google Pay®. Clover Go supports on-screen signature so you can send receipts to ^ * customers via email or text. This device provides a low-cost entry into credit card acceptance. The Clover name and logo are trademarks owned by Clover Network, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of First Data Corporation®, and registered or used in the U.S. and many foreign countries. Apple Pay is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. EMV is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. EMV is a registered trademark owned by EMVCo LLC. We make no assurances that Decision Manager will accurately identify every instance of fraud, or that every transaction that may appear fraudulent is in fact so. TransArmor data protection is not a guarantee that your systems will not be breached or cause you to be compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard or Card Organization Rules. There is an additional monthly cost for TransArmor data protection. Requires eligible equipment. Clover Go is compatible with the majority of Apple and Android platform enabled smortphones and tablets. Requires wireless internet or cellular connection. Must download the free Clover Go by Bank of America Merchant Services app onto your smartphone or tablet. Clover Go cannot accept PIN Debit, EBT or gift cards. The Clover Go Bluetooth reader accepts NFC transactions, but the non- Bluetooth version does not. Clover Go does not support offline transaction processing. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant BankcardlSS Clover Station requires Clover Mini to accept PIN Debit Clover Station requires Clover Mini or an NFC Display Printer to accept NFC transactions. In jurisdictions that require a cardholderfacing display, Clover Station requires a Clover Mini, NFC Display Printer or a display pole. Samsung Pay Is a trademark of Samsung Electronics, Co. Google Pay Is a trademark of Google Inc. 2. Please describe your reporting methodology and how adjustments and charge backs and other debit adjustments are netted from daily proceeds or debited from daily proceeds or debited separately? Is the discount fee refunded when a charge back or refund occurs? What is the rebuttal process? You want to be able to go to one place to see all of your transactions. This makes It easier to see where payments are coming from and what Impact It has on your business. Our CllentLlne® online reporting and reconciliation solution can help the City view and manage almost every aspect of your transaction and payment processing account activity. You can securely access reports using only a web browser. You can also schedule reports to be emailed to your report Inbox, and you can download reports to Import into your back-office systems. These features allow your administrators to access your data from anywhere and analyze transactions according to your needs. CllentLlne provides a wide variety of Information about your transactions. You can access reports that contain sales and funding, dispute, compliance, rate analysis and authorization data. With the report wizard, the City's administrators can easily select the date range, detail or summary data and additional criteria to target the data they need. They can further customize a report by manipulating the columns (e.g., subtotaling, removing, reordering) to help prioritize the data. This depth and flexibility In visualizing Information gives you transparency and Insight Into your payment program. CllentLlne can generate reports on demand (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly) In a variety of formats (e.g.. Excel, PDF, HTML, CSV). Chargeback amounts and other debit adjustments can be either netted from gross sales settled to you or debited dally from your account, as the City prefers. Should you prevail in a chargeback dispute, we will deposit the transaction amount back to your account. We can debit funds from either an operating account or escrow account. We would just need the right to perform ACH debits from (and credits to) your selected account. Discount fees are calculated on gross sales. Settlements to the City generally will be Initiated on a dally basis and be based upon gross sales, minus the following: n Interchange and other transaction fees set by the Card Organizations n Credit drafts n Adjustments n Chargebacks n Fees, fines, assessments and other amounts imposed upon us by a Card Organization or Issuer as a result of the City's or your contractors' or subcontractors' acts or omissions Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant Bankcard 156 n The amounts above are not part of our fees. We usually collect all other amounts due on a daily basis by either deducting these amounts from settlement funds or separately debiting your account. Through the implementation, the City can designate which accounts will be used for posting deposits and debiting fees. 3. When and how will the City receive funds for each day's transactions? Is the settlement by ACH or Fed wire? Are settlement amounts listed separately on the bank statement or will they appear in one lump sum? Will the bank break out settlement amounts by merchant location? To maintain positive cash flow, the City needs quick access to your funds. We can help. We can acquire most Card Organizations for you and generally deposit funds into your Bank of America business checking account the next business day if we receive your transactions by 11:30 p.m. Pacific. Meeting our cutoff time and using your Bank of America business checking account creates the most favorable schedule. If you don't deposit settlement funds to a Bank of America business checking account, funding typically occurs the second business day. Timing may be affected by your depository institution's posting procedures. And Card Organizations you contract directly with (e.g., American Express®, Discover®) will fund based on their capabilities. We typically settle via ACH at no cost. We can also settle using Fedwire for an additional cost. We are flexible in presenting settlement information to our clients. As needed by the City, we can list settlement amounts separately or as a lump sum. Since we do not fund on Saturday and Sunday, the deposits on Saturday and Sunday can post on Monday as separate entries to help you track and reconcile transaction activity. Each merchant ID will have their own statement which will show the monthly settlement amounts by batch. 4. What is the cutoff time for card transactions? The City should submit all transactions by 11:30 p.m. Pacific to ensure timely settlement. 5. The City has three (3) credit card terminals with third party vendor settlements (Ingenico brand with chip reader technology). Can the bank supply the City with additional terminals if needed? Does the bank have a preferred credit card third party vendor for daily settlements? We have various capabilities with a number of Ingenico terminals and card readers. The third party solution as well as the specific terminal will be assessed in each case to determine gaps etc. Bottom line - we can work with most third parties and most Ingenico terminals depending on the specifics. 6. is the bankcard relationship managed by a separate unit of the bank, or by the Account Relationship Manager? Please briefly describe the structure of this area. The bankcard relationship will be managed by Bank of America Merchant Services. Our Customer Service agents will handle your daily needs for your merchant card program. These agents assist with: n Daily account maintenance Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant Bankcard 157 n Settlement Inquiries, billing inquiries, bank change requests, reports, and reconciliation n Updates to software as needed after implementation n Research of transactions and funding on your behalf n Technical troubleshooting n One-call resolution 7. When and how are the discount rate fees charged to the City? Can this fee be paid through analysis? Is tiered pricing available? A discount percentage rate (percentage of annual sales) and a per authorization rate is offered in our proposal. We could discuss volume based or tiered pricing If the City desires. Discount fees are calculated on gross sales. Settlements to the City generally will be initiated on a daily basis and be based upon gross sales, minus the following: Interchange and other transaction fees set by the Card Organizations Credit drafts Adjustments Chargebacks Fees, fines, assessments and other amounts imposed upon us by a Card Organization or issuer as a result of the City's or your contractors' or subcontractors' acts or omissions 8. Is reporting information available online? What is the fee associated with this service? Is a "corporate level" view available to see all the merchant accounts? Yes. Reporting information is available online through our ClientLine reporting tool (see response to question two in this section for more information on ClientLine). There is no additional fee associated with our standard ClientLine reporting solution.ClientLine supports the following hierarchical levels: 1. Master chain "corporate level" 2. Chain 3. Merchant 4. Location Many reports allow the City to start at one level and drill down to the lower levels in the hierarchy. 9. What network will be used for front-end and back-end operations? Our platform is engineered to support the City as your business grows. You get access to numerous capabilities and advanced services. Payments are routed into your business checking account. Communication with your equipment and software is accomplished using standard interfaces. This flexibility means you can incorporate our services into your existing business processes and seamlessly adopt new technologies. You can also add new payment types, protect your customers' transactions and ensure you never lose a sale. Additionally, we offer a variety of settlement methodologies. Including host capture, terminal capture and aggregated direct send settlement, to suit your industry and business requirements. To connect into our platform, we recommend Rapid Connect®. It reduces front-end integration complexity by simplifying a multichannel authorization environment. You code once and can access Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant Bankcard 158 an abundance of features. Rapid Connect allows fast integration of future products and services. Customized SDKs are available for the City's developers. And there's potential for faster certification with self-testing and automated diagnostic tools. A wealth of information on integrating to our Rapid Connect platform can be found here. To access settlement and other file specifications, visit the specifications portal and register. 10. Please explain your rate Increase policies. Can the rates be fixed for any period of time during the City's contract? Our pricing proposal is valid for 90 days after the submission of our RFP response. The fees we set generally will remain fixed for the duration of the original contract. Card Organization mandated fees and assessments, such as interchange rates, are passed on to the City. They are governed by the Card Organizations and subject to change during the term of the contract. We reserve the right to adjust our discount fees and transaction fees (including authorization fees) if your annual volume or average transaction size set forth on the Fee Schedule are not as expected or if you significantly alter your method of doing business. Please see our standard agreement See appendix for more information regarding fees. 11. What payment gateway platforms are accepted or provided? We can work with any third party solution that is certified to our platforms, or one of our gateways including: eCommerce Payment Platform Online transactions are up 39% year over year.^ eCommerce growth will continue to outpace brick-and-mortar sales growth by a more than three-to-one margin.^ So the City should consider using the eCommerce Payment Platform. This solution can empower the City with fully integrated, turnkey services to drive your business' success. Services include online payment acceptance and processing, secure storage of sensitive data, automated recurring billing, fraud prevention^ and digital invoicing. It is a modern toolset for developers that includes flexible and intuitive APIs. It also includes a live testing console and extensive sample code. So the City can quickly complete the payment portion of your site. Components include:^ n Accept Payments includes all major credit cards, signature debit cards and digital payment solutions, such as Visa Checkout and Apple Pay, through one platform. n Secure Data Storage via Customer Information Manager tokenizes and stores your customers' sensitive payment information on secure servers. This can help simplify your PCI DSS compliance and the payments process for returning customers and recurring transactions. n Automated Recurring Billing is a convenient and easy-to-use tool for submitting and managing recurring or subscription-based transactions. n Advanced Fraud Detection Suite helps the City identify, manage and prevent suspicious and potentially costly fraudulent transactions. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant Bankcard|59 Digital Invoicing is a simple, fast way to send bills to customers via their email addresses and In turn receive secure credit card payments online. Account Updater is an optional service the City can elect to enroll. It will automatically update customer card-on-file information once a month. The updates include detection of a new account number, new expiration date, a closed account or an anomaly with the account. With the eCommerce Payment Platform, your business is open 24/7. the City can leverage the power of our gateway API. You can store customer information securely and consolidate automated recurring billing and subscriptions. You can identify, manage and help prevent suspicious transactions. And digital invoicing helps simplify your billing process. ^ Bank of America Consumer Spending Snapshot, August 2016. ^ ^https://www.emarketer.com/Report/Worldwide-Retail-Ecommerce-Sales-eMarketer-Forecast- 2016/2001849, August 2016. ^ We make no assurances that the available fraud prevention tools will accurately identify every instance of fraud, or that every transaction that may appear fraudulent is in fact so. Global Payment Platform eCommerce has created a borderless, global economy. Consumers can now purchase from a variety of devices in numerous currencies using multiple payment methods. So they are demanding consistent yet localized experiences across different channels around the world. To meet evolving consumer demand, the City should embrace the future of commerce with digital payment technology designed to help you reach your customers more effectively. Our Global Payment Platform, powered by CyberSource, offers true end-to-end support, platform agility, integrated billing and streamlined contract management. It is one integrated platform to deliver a global eCommerce solution. Merchant Payment Channels Q Mobile 4^ Systems ^ Contact center £3 mP05 0 Social OWab Bmlnass BgOCrt>ng antf R«co<V>liAlon 9 pitf towptawce Ctobal PeymeiW Procesainc C«Rf Bsymenu (Nloe Vvfncnti MMmMn*aorntn MMhodi Smm KQUtnc an) ProoBini RItli and Contpilanca Ultns and Payabtaa Canwnoe Infraatnictufe vwft Oa—lopf Toott Support Global Commerce Services Acquirers Non-Card Schemes LoyaRy Servkas Data Services With this soiution, the City's customers can pay in their preferred payment method, including credit, debit, digital payment service or alternative payment method. We help simplify acceptance of APMs^ via a single API, reconciliation and contract. Global Payment Platform also includes fraud protection. Decision Manager is a fraud detection radar with patented real-time fusion modeling. It uses insights from more than 68 billion transactions, third-party data and more than 260 sophisticated detection tests to deliver a highly accurate risk score. Rules-based Payer Authentication gives the City better control over your Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P- Merchant Bankcard|60 customer experience. You can preconfigure the authentication experience, choosing when to authenticate. This can help reduce cart abandonment. With the Enterprise Business Center, the City has access to transaction, funding, dispute and fee data in a secure environment. You can analyze payment trends by payment type, location and more. Its consolidated reporting suite can help you understand customer payment preferences. And you can drill down into specific locations, transaction types and more. Together Bank of America Merchant Services and CyberSource are able to supply a payment platform that provides the City with the rich data analytics, global reach, compliance and product strategy necessary to lead the market. ^ Services are provided by CyberSource. Requires a separate contract with CyberSource. 12. The followmg pertains to the associated discount rate and other applicable charges. Please provide the following: a. Visa Authorization Fee b. MasterCard Authorization Fee c. Monthly Service Fee d. Monthly Statement Fee e. Please list any and all other applicable fees that the City would be charged. f. List any other credit cards accepted (Discover, American Express, etc.) and provide information answering the questions in this section for such other services. Pricing Proposal Assumptions: " $744,000 sales volume n 7,000 transaction volume Price Schedule Processing Fees Fee Amount Mastercard®/Visa/Discover authorization fee $0.10 Mastercard/Visa/Discover discount rate 0.10% Non-bankcard transaction fee (includes all third-party cards authorized and/or settled-American Express, JCB®, Diners etc.]$0.10 Application fee Waived PIN debit transaction fee $0.20 Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant Bankcard [61 Debit network interchange fee Service Fees Monthly service fee Monthly minimum fee Chargeback fee Batch settlement fee Voice authorization and IVR authorization fee AVS transaction fee ACH reject fee ClientLine fee FD130 Terminal FD410 \A/ireless Terminal OPTIONAL -TransArmorTokenization - per MID per month - gives access to TrustWave portal for preparation and upload of PCI 5AQ, Scans, etc OPTIONAL-TransArmorTokenization - per item fee - should the City NOT need or want access to the Trustwave® portal See attached schedules in Appendix Fee Amount Waived Waived SlO.OO Waived S0.65 $0.65 $15.00 Waived $599.00 per device $837.00 per device $19.99 $0.08 The fees listed above are the fees that Bank of America Merchant Services currently intends to set and charge you for our services. In addition to the fees listed above, you will be responsible for any interchange fees, pass-through fees, assessments and other amounts set by Card Organizations or other third parties. Disclosures The Merchant Processing Agreement (the "Agreement"), a sample of which is being provided with this proposal, will contain the terms and conditions of the merchant services to be provided by Bank of America Merchant Services and Bank of America. The Card Organizations such as Visa, Mastercard and Discover (the "Card Organizations") require Bank of America Merchant Services and Bank of America, as the acquirer member and processor of credit card transactions, to include certain terms and conditions in the Agreement. In addition, certain terms of the Agreement are driven by federal banking laws applicable to Bank of America. Accordingly, if we are selected to provide merchant services to you, our relationship with you will be governed by the terms Included in the Agreement which will be controlling and take precedence over the RFP, any other documents contained in the RFP and this proposal. Also note, any services outside of merchant services are offered by Bank of America only and will require a separate contract with the Bank for those services. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant Bankcardl62 Exceptions to Terms and Conditions The Merchant Processing Agreement {the "Agreement"), a sample of which is being provided with this proposal, will contain the terms and conditions of the merchant services to be provided by Bank of America Merchant Services and Bank of America. The credit card organizations such as Visa, MasterCard® and Discover (the "Card Organizations") require Bank of America Merchant Services and Bank of America, as the acquirer member and processor of credit card transactions, to include certain terms and conditions in the Agreement. In addition, certain terms of the Agreement are driven by federal banking laws applicable to Bank of America. Accordingly, if we are selected to provide merchant services to you, our relationship with you will be governed by the terms in the Agreement, which will be controlling and take precedence over the RFP, any other documents contained in the RFP, and this proposal. Also note, any services outside of merchant services are offered by Bank of America only and will require a separate contract with the Bank for those services. 1.18: The Merchant Processing Agreement (the "Agreement"), a sample of which is being provided with this proposal, will contain the terms and conditions of the merchant services to be provided by Bank of America Merchant Services and Bank of America. The credit card organizations such as Visa, MasterCard® and Discover (the "Card Organizations") require Bank of America Merchant Services and Bank of America, as the acquirer member and processor of credit card transactions, to include certain terms and conditions in the Agreement. In addition, certain terms of the Agreement are driven by federal banking laws applicable to Bank of America. Accordingly, If we are selected to provide merchant services to you, our relationship with you will be governed by the terms in the Agreement, which will be controlling and take precedence over the RFP, any other documents contained in the RFP, and this proposal. Also note, any services outside of merchant services are offered by Bank of America only and will require a separate contract with the Bank for those services. Contracting Entitles Domestic Acquiring The Acquiring Solution we are proposing is offered by Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC, a company formed by Bank of America, N.A. and First Data Corporation. Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC and Bank of America, N.A. are the entities that will contract with you to provide the services. Pricing Our pricing proposal is valid for 90 days after submission date. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab P - Merchant Bankcard[63 Tab Q - Purchasing Card The City currently has a purchasing card program in place for employees to make various types of purchases and incur expenses for City-related business. The approximate annual spend of the program Is estimated at $1,000,000 with an average transaction size of $5,000 and 5 to 10 cards being issued. Online monitoring an administrative management is preferred. 1. Does the bank offer a purchasing card service? If so, please describe the service. The Bank of America Merrill Lynch Corporate Purchasing Card is an all-in-one solution that can help increase your purchasing power, reduce costs associated with routine business purchases and streamline your reporting and accounts payable activities. Our Corporate Purchasing Card helps you: n Save hard and soft dollars when converting checks to card payments n Control unauthorized spending when you leverage greater security features n Negotiate discounts with preferred suppliers n Consolidate reporting in multiple languages, across multiple currencies and countries Spending controls n Enforce corporate and individual spending policies and practices with flexible spending controls n Centrally bill certain types of transactions, such as airline expenses, through diversion accounts Multiple billing and payment options n Select the frequency cycle and payment mode that's right for your organization Powerful tools Web-based tools allow you to manage your program locally, regionally or globally. Simplified processing and robust reporting capabilities can help you gain greater control over your travel and procurement expenses throughout the world. n Make payments locally and globally n Capture enhanced point-of-sale data required for auditing, tax reporting robust transaction reconciliation n Consolidate reporting across multiple currencies and countries Value-added protection n Protection from card misuse with liability insurance up to $100,000 n Travel protection with Automatic Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance of up to $500,000 n Lost Luggage Insurance for both lost checked and carry-on luggage not covered by the common carrierl up to $3,000 coverage Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab Q- Purchasing Card 164 Real time account activity alerts Monitor your corporate card account and prevent fraudulent transactions. Companies and cardholders can set up and manage alerts online through our user-friendly website. Convenient and recognized customer service n Take advantage of dedicated 24/7 customer service n Receive implementation and servicing through our world-class service model n Build a strategic relationship with a provider who understands your industry, unique payments cycle and processes 2. Please detail all of the fees associated with the service and/or any rebate available with the program. Please see the Schedule of Fees and rebates in the Appendices. Rebates are offered to our clients when the annual amount of spending surpasses a pre determined threshold. Once you meet that threshold, rebates are based on basis points that coincide with your achieved volume, cycle and grace period. Credit losses and late payments are also considered when formulating the rebate payout amount. Rebates are paid through an ACH credit to a checking account of your choice. Typically, rebates are paid annually. For additional information please see the attached Pricing Schedules. 3. How often are the statements and reports remitted to the City? Is the reporting available on line? Yes. All reports generated by the Works application are available anytime online, 24/7 and are easy to use and access. Transactions are updated nightly, so all data up until the current day's transactions will be available for reporting. Reports can be viewed online, printed and downloaded as Adobe PDF files, Microsoft Excel files or text files (with a variety of delimiter options) that can be exported into standard reporting packages or commonly used applications like Microsoft Access. 4. Is there an interface available to download cardholder purchase information, either in an Excel format or directly to the City's accounting system? Yes. Authorized users may generate reports within any Bank of America Merrill Lynch reporting option. Spend reporting is available from Works via the configurable report functions. Filters available in Works can be used to create individual reports, or the department field can be added to reports for sorting using Excel or another application. Reports can be viewed online, printed or downloaded as Adobe PDF, Microsoft Excel or text files (with a variety of delimiters to choose from) that can be exported into standard reporting packages/ERP system or commonly used applications like Microsoft Access. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab Q - Purchasing Card 165 5. Do you provide an online application to review/approve procurement card transactions and to manage other aspects of the program? Yes. Works® encompasses the most advanced control technology available in the marketplace. Its patented Active Card Control® technology allows the City to tailor controls to your unique needs. Your organizational hierarchy is mapped in the application so controls can be set as desired by each group. The control features of Works include the following. Dynamic management of available funds • With the easy-to-use, web-based management application, card administrators can adjust available funds on any card within five to seven seconds, allowing for ease in emergency purchases and more. n Zero dollar cards serve cardholders that have an infrequent need for the use of a card. The City adds funds to the card only when a purchase is required. This allows you to maximize the use of your card program through extended cardholder issuance while minimizing your exposure, as the cards are virtually useless without funds. Zero dollar cards may also be used for supplier cards that allow you to control how, when and how much you pay suppliers. Purchase pre-approval workflow n Cardholders request the addition of funds to their cards based on the approval of their manager or others. In fact. Works is configured to map approvals to the City's hierarchy and spending authority based on your defined corporate commitment authority. When a purchase requires multiple approvals based on hierarchy and/or spending authority, the system automatically routes the purchase request for approval, and upon final required approval, instantly adds funds to the requester's card. n Users can also use purchase requests to replace a paper-based Purchase Order process, with the added option to pre-allocate upcoming transactions. n When a transaction is processed against the request, the City can require the cardholder to reconcile the transaction. Upon reconciliation, when the amount of the transaction is less than the request, funds remaining on the card are removed. This limits the exposure to your organization for misuse of the card. n Using the Works technology, you can blend cardholder privileges, allowing for a set amount of discretionary funds {generally available on the card) and requested funds (only available post-approval). Post-purchase approval n Works can be configured to mandate that all or select transactions be reviewed by the cardholder and a manager or designee after the transaction has occurred. This rule can be set at the company, department or cardholder level. Post-purchase reviews ensure that the cardholder's purchases are within policy and minimize opportunities for misuse. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab Q- Purchasing Card 166 n The City also benefits from additional interactive elements for cardholder and manager review, including: requiring comments, allowing changes to a transaction's accounting code allocation, stating whether a receipt was received or not, disputing and more. Merchant Category Code (MCC) restrictions n Within Works, you can easily set and adjust MCC privileges in real time. n The City can also require audits of all transactions under specific MCC codes. For example, you can review all MCC purchases for entertainment category merchants. An audit log is created and available for review at any time. This allows for increased flexibility in card use, while maintaining your ability to control spending. Transaction limits Within Works, users can easily set and adjust transaction limits for cards or groups of cards. You can set transaction limits by: n Maximum transactions allowed per day n Maximum transaction amount Spend Monitors for budget management n Within Works, Spend Monitors can be established for the management of budgets for special projects, grants or other budget items. The City can create a Spend Monitor and assign it to monitor one or more specific general ledger or project/budget codes. The Spend Monitor monitors card activity across the organization and reports total spending against a pre-set spending budget. n The Spend Monitor provides instant email warnings when a budget is reaching certain thresholds of spending, such as 80% of budgeted dollars, so that project managers and/or management can monitor progress and adjust the budget or project as needed. At any time, those individuals assigned access to view a Spend Monitor can review spending at a summary level or by transaction. Declining balance card Issuance n Using the card administration tools, the City can issue cards with declining balance functionality. This is ideal for managing set budgets on projects or special expense types such as relocation assistance. n You can couple the use of declining balance cards with Spend Monitors to easily manage budgets with little to no card management or oversight required. 6. Identify how fraud protection Is Identified, prevented, and monitored. Screening transactions - Fraud Prevention Unit A dedicated Fraud Prevention team proactiveiy monitors cardholder activity for suspicious transactions based on various characteristics, such as Merchant Category Codes (MCCs), known to be high risk for fraud. In these cases, the first transaction may be allowed to authorize; however, subsequent transactions will refer or decline, pending a contact with the cardholder or program administrator, to determine the acceptability of the transactions. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab Q- Purchasing Cardje? The Fraud Prevention Unit also monitors patterns of activity to identify transactions that are consistent with fraud. When fraudulent activity Is detected, the cardholder, program administrator or account specialist may be contacted. The authorizations also may be temporarily blocked for positive verification. Our fraud strategies constantly compare the risk of adversely impacting cardholders conducting legitimate transactions and the benefit of catching fraud. As a result, while our tools may indicate that it is prudent to decline an authorization, we weigh in the client relationship with us, the dollar amount of the transaction, the type of merchant, the location of the merchant and more — all within the short time it takes to process an authorization attempt. As with all of our servicing, our clients are in the forefront of our decisions in this matter. We strive to provide world-class service regarding fraud transactions with our Zero Liability policy. You are not responsible for any third-party fraudulent charges on your accounts. Our focus is on balancing fraud risk, while maintaining the highest level of client satisfaction. Protected from unauthorized charges When fraudulent activity is detected, the cardholder, program administrator or account specialist may be contacted. The authorizations also may be temporarily blocked for positive verification. The City will not be liable for transactions resulting from unauthorized use (fraud) of a lost or stolen cardholder account as long as: n Notice is given to Bank of America Merrill Lynch as soon as practically possible within the first 24 hours following discovery of the loss, theft or possible unauthorized use. n The City and the cardholder assist Bank of America Merrill Lynch in investigating facts and circumstances relating to the loss, theft or possible unauthorized use. It should be noted that the City will be liable for unauthorized charges on virtual cards outside of a Virtual Payables program. These cardless accounts are not designated to an actual individual, but designated to a vehicle identification number, license number, department name or authorized representative. Due to the large number of authorization restrictions typically placed on these cardless account types, unauthorized transactions are infrequent. If fraud has occurred, we will make the necessary credits back to the cardholder. Unauthorized charges by the cardholder are classified as employee misuse by the Associations. The Liability Waiver program protects the City against card misuse up to $100,000. This is automatically provided at no cost. It is important to note that, as part of the liability program, the City must terminate the employee before a claim can be submitted. There are other qualifications for this insurance protection, which we will facilitate on your behalf if this exception transpires. 7. Describe if credit cards can be managed online? Including requesting additional cards, editing purchasing limits, editing availability of vendors for each card, making online payments, and any other online services available for the management of credit cards. Works® encompasses the most advanced control technology available in the marketplace. Its patented Active Card Control® technology allows the City to tailor controls to your unique needs. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab Q - Purchasing Card j 68 Your organizational hierarchy is mapped in the application so controls can be set as desired by each group. New Card Issuance The program administrator requests cards online in real time. Alternately, associates can apply for new cards using the online account request feature. The portal links to a company site where final reviews and approvals are completed by a purchasing card administrator. This allows the administrator to decline or approve the new card request. The excel file upload mentioned above can be used when you are adding large groups. The cards are mailed to the program administrator or the individual cardholder(s) as designated by the City. Program Controls The City can establish unique authorizations for each cardholder at the company, individual cardholder or departmental level. Additionally, our customizable and flexible cardholder restrictions allow you to establish control parameters in line with a given cardholder's authority. The controls to restrict card use and cash advances can include one or a combination of the following: Monthly spending limits Single-purchase spending limits Daily spending limits Number of daily or monthly transactions Number of daily transactions Cash advances Card cancellation/deletion and removal of invalid cards To delete, cancel or remove cards, the program administrator uses an automated search engine to perform a simple card search and then marks the card as cancelled. Once marked, card cancellations usually take effect within five to seven seconds, and at that time all further card transactions are declined. Cards can also be cancelled by contacting our service center. This is especially helpful when you have cards that need to be cancelled In bulk. Lost or stolen card reporting The cardholder or program administrator should contact our call center immediately upon becoming aware that their card or account information has been lost or stolen. Once the card is reported lost or stolen, the client and the cardholder are no longer held liable for any charges. Replacing cards (including "emergency" situations) To replace cards, which may include for emergency situations, cardholders must contact our 24/7 toll-free call center, available 365 days a year, to arrange for card cancellation and replacement. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab Q-Purchasing Card 169 Replacement cards can also be requested by your program adminlstrator{s) through the online application. For emergency replacements, your program administrator should contact the call center directly to expedite delivery of the replacement cards. Modifying a cardholder's profile Program administrators have the ability to establish unique card settings for Individual cardholders or card profiles that apply to multiple cards on a real-time basis. For example, a profile can be created for the City's supervisors who have similar spending needs with Identical settings. When the purchasing or payment needs of that group change, the program administrator can simply make a single adjustment to the profile and the cards for all supervisors within that profile will be updated. Reahtlme updates Our online application allows the program administrator to make updates to cardholder profiles and accomplish common card maintenance tasks online and In real time. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab Q - Purchasing Card j 70 Tab R - City Disaster Preparedness Program 1. Please describe any processes in place to assist the City in the event of a natural disaster. In accordance with Bank of America Merrill Lynch standards, all applications have documented disaster recovery and business continuity plans. In addition, each back office supported by our applications has a plan to follow in the event of an outage. These extensive plans are monitored by our Risk Management and Business Resiliency teams to make sure a review/update and testing are performed annually, at a minimum. Plans are revised throughout the year to reflect application, infrastructure and work area changes. When a test occurs — required annually at a minimum — extensive verification is performed and signoff is received. In addition, a "post-mortem" is conducted to discuss lessons learned, and then appropriate steps are taken to enhance the plans based on the findings. CashPro Online and its associated applications are tested regularly several times a year as part of routine maintenance. The results of the last test were "passed." ^ A Business_Continuit CashPro Online - y_Program_Custome Business Continuity Cards The Works® Disaster Recovery Plan is maintained In accordance with Bank of America Merrill Lynch guidelines. It is kept offsite for safekeeping, along with the backup tapes needed for restoration. One hour to full recovery capability While our internal service level standards specify 24 to 48 hours for disaster recovery, Works' annual tests indicate that it takes approximately one hour from the start of the disaster recovery process to bring the disaster recovery site to full recovery capability. Alternate centers In the event of a disaster to the production data center, the disaster recovery site in a different geographic location will be used. A backup electrical power system for the primary data center and the disaster recovery data center in a different geographic location include an uninterruptible power supply module, batteries and a turbo-charged diesel generator. We have installed environmental controls to protect both data centers. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab R - City Disaster Preparedness Program 171 Tab S - Implementation Plan As part of any conversion, the City requires an efficient transition to the new bank or to enhanced services with its existing bank. 1. Please describe the overall plan the bank would coordinate to ensure such a conversion. To maintain the highest level of quality, we provide extensive assistance to clients during the Implementation process. Specifically, an assigned Implementation advisor/Implementation project consultant acts as the primary point of contact, coordinating ail project components Including document completion. The Implementation team will collaborate with you throughout the development and Implementation process as we install and test your system setup, as needed. Using a structured approach, based on Project Management Institute principles, the team facilitates training so your users are efficiently able to take advantage of the product capabilities that are Implemented. Local language support Is available. User guides and product manuals facilitate a smooth transition to the new products and services. Operating manuals and ongoing service and support is provided to you after the Implementation Is completed. A Sample Implementation Schedule is In the Appendices. 2. Please detail all costs and the responsible party (bank or City) associated with the conversion of all new services. Please refer to pricing sheet. 3. What size conversion allowance will the bank provide to the City? Please state a specific dollar amount or identify those supplies, products, or services Included. A conversion allowance Is not offered. Our proposed fixed, discounted pricing and market exception Earnings Credit Rate (ECR) and Interest-bearing checking account rate produce significant savings and value over the life of the contract. 4. Will the bank provide on-slte training for City personnel for all the services selected? How is the training typically structured? Training is arranged by the Implementation project consultant/implementation advisor and delivered by our Client Education Team. Our most popular method of training Is via a weblnar. In-person training may also be arranged with your Implementation project consultant/Implementation advisor. The City can request refresher training or training for new associates by contacting your dedicated service director/service team. For 24/7 access to user guides and reference manuals, users can visit CashPro Assistant. This centralized hub of information, education and support was designed to enhance your CashPro experience. CashPro Assistant offers complimentary CashPro Online workshops, links to chat and CashPro specialist support. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab S- Implementation Plan|72 5. The target implementation date is July 1, 2019. Acknowledged. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab S-Implementation Plan [73 Tab T -Service Enhancements Based on the Information provided In the RFP and your firm's knowledge of the public sector, please describe any services or technological enhancements, not previously mentioned, that should be considered for further Improving effectiveness of the City's treasury management operations. Recent enhancements to CashPro include the following: n CashPro Information Reporting balances dashboard - To reduce the time from insight to decision making, CashPro Online offers a graphical display of Previous Day ledger and available account balances. n Cross currency ACH - Initiate cross-currency, low-value payments to countries without a local branch presence; this is more cost-effective than wire payments. n CashPro Payments batch option - Manage single transactions and batch-based file transmissions in one place with CashPro Payments. n CashPro Administration-Simplified new user set-up and ability to clone existing user. n CashPro Assistant - Single point of access that serves as a centralized hub of information, education and support — a complimentary suite to enhance your CashPro experience. This includes Analytics and Forecasting, our unique cash positioning tool that uses Microsoft Excel. n CashPro Mobile app - Recognizing that more and more clients are conducting business away from their desks, a CashPro Mobile app is available for download for Apple® and Android® devices. Users can download from the Apple App store or Google Play. CashPro Mobile also supports Face ID, Touch ID or fingerprint features. n CashPro security mobile token - The new (June 2018) token functionality available for Apple and Android devices offers: - A seamless payment experience - Biometric support (fingerprint scanning and facial recognition) - One Time Password (OTP) authentication and payment authorization - eSlgnature transaction signing for payment authorizations - Multi-token support (add, delete, rename) Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential TabT-Service Enhancements|74 Exhibits for Banking Services Submittais Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab T - Service Enhancements 175 Tab U - Banking Services Bid Form Complete the Bid Form with pricing information. Please refer to the following page. Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab U - Banking Services Bid Form 176 SEaiON VII BID FORM- utilize AFP codes when applicable? Tab U — Banking Services Bid Form: Please complete all items on this attachment. If the bank does not or cannot provide the specific requested service, please indicate "no proposal" and if appropriate, recommend an alternative service and include as a specified attachment. Per unit cost x Estimated Monthly Unit Volume = Total Monthly Cost x 12 = Estimated Total Annual Cost. Where fees vary for this formula, please indicate and provide an estimate of the total annual cost. Volumes indicated represent average monthly activity. The City shall provide client analysis statements and responses shall be based on the analysis from April 2018, which most closely resembles average citv banking service needs. Banking Services Bid Form Bank Name: Bank of America AFP Code - Estimated Monthly Unit Volume Total Monthly Cast EstimatedE Total 1 Annual 1 CostsJ Balance & Compensation Information Services 000230 Deposit Insurance-Bank Assessment $0.1461 3300 $482.13 $5,785.56 Sub Total $482.13 $5,785.56 General Account Services 010000 Account Maintenance $30.00 4 $120.00 $1,440.00 010020 ZBA Depository + Master Maint $40.00 1 $40.00 $480.00 010021 ZBA Subsidiary Account Maint $25.00 2 $50.00 $600.00 010100 Debits Posted-Other $0.35 27 $9.45 $113.40 010101 Credits Posted-Other $0.35 26 $9.10 $109.20 010310 Paper Deposit Statement Mailed $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sub Total $228.55 $2,742.60 Depository Services 100000 Banking Center Deposit-CA $3.50 22 $77.00 $924.00 100100 Vault Deposit-CA $1.50 44 $66.00 $792.00 100106 Dep Conditioning-Surchg-Vault $5.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 lOOllZ Curr/Coin Dep/$100 Vault-CA $0.12 666 $79.92 $959.04 Vault Deposit-Extended Hours-CA $1.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 10022Z CKS Dep Un-Encoded Items $0.20 21 $4.20 $50.40 100400 Returns-Chargeback $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 3rd Party Courier-Vault (TBD)0 $0.00 $0.00 109999 Mail Notification-Receipt-Vault $2.00 44 $88.00 $1,056.00 100501 Deposit Correction-Cash $8.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 100502 Deposit Correction-Non Cash $8.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Sub Total $315.12 $3,781.44 Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab U - Banking Services Bid Form 177 Banking Services Bid Form Bank Name: Bank of America UnitL» CosWirfl Paper Disbursement Services 150030 ARP PPay Maint-No Recon $50.00 1 $50.00 $600.00 150102 General Checks Paid Truncated $0.10 327 $32.70 $392.40 150340 NSF Items Paid/Returned $25.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 150122 Payee Positive Pay Maint $10.00 1 $10.00 $120.00 150210 Payee Positive Pay-Issue Match $0.03 400 $12.00 $144.00 150310 Positive Pay Exceptions $5.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 150410 Stop Pay Automated-12 months $6.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 151099 ARP PPay No Recon Input Item $0.03 6 $0.18 $2.16 151350 CD Rom Maintenance $25.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 151350 Image Maintenance $10.00 1 $10.00 $120.00 115208 Image Retrieval CPO (90 days)$0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 151351 On Line Image Retrieval CPO $0.02 327 $6.54 $78.48 151353 CD Rom Disk $15.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 151353 CD Rom per Image $0.04 0 $0.00 $0.00 200305 ARP Positive Pay Notif $20.00 2 $40.00 $480.00 200305 ARP Issue Posted Notif $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 200305 ARP Issue Reed Notif $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 200110 ARP PPay Input File Trans $0.03 327 $9.81 $117.72 Sub Total $171.23 $2,054.76 Paper Disb Recon Services 200110 ARP Void Cancel items $0.05 47 $2.35 $28.20 Sub Total $2.35 $28.20 General ACH Services 250000 ACH Monthly Maintenance (w)$100.00 2 $200.00 $2,400.00 250100 ACH Corporate On Us Credits $0.03 0 $0.00 $0.00 250101 ACH Corporate Off Us Credits $0.03 0 $0.00 $0.00 250101 Consumer Credit On Us Credits (w)$0.03 0 $0.00 $0.00 250101 Consumer Credit Off Us Credits (w)$0.03 0 $0.00 $0.00 25010B PC Tax Payment $3.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 250150 ACH Blocks Auth Instructions $1.00 1 $1.00 $12.00 251050 ACH Blocks Auth Maintenance $20.00 3 $60.00 $720.00 250150 ACH Blocks Auth Add-Change $1.00 1 $1.00 $12.00 250200 ACH Debit Received Item (w)$0.05 138 $6.90 $82.80 250201 ACH Credit Received Item (w)$0.05 160 $8.00 $96.00 250302 ACH Return Item (w)$0.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 250501 ACH Input-Transmission (w)$20.00 6 $120.00 $1,440.00 Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab U - Banking Services Bid Form 178 Banking Services Bid Form Bank Name: Bank of America s I^Wnnual^ostB General ACH Services (cont'd) 250640 ACH Delete/Reversal (w)$16.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 251017 ACH Notif of Change (NOC)$0.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 250400 ACH Optional Reports-Electronic $0.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 250701 ACH Optional Reports-Fax (w)$0.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 259999 ACH Optional Reports-Mall (w)$20.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 259999 ACH Standard Reports-Mail (w)$5.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 259999 ACH Standard Reports-Electronic $0.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 259999 ACH Standard Reports-Fax (w)$0.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 Sub Total $396.90 $4,762.80 Wire & Other Funds Transfer Svc 350000 GP Mthly Maint Basic $25.00 1 $25.00 $300.00 350103 Electronic Wire Out-Domestic $12.00 5 $60.00 $720.00 350320 Book Credit $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Outgoing Wire Confirm Notif $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Wire Payee Advising $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 GPS Confirms $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Pend Wire Approval Notif $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Incoming Wire Notif-Emall $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 350599 GP Gust Mant Temp Storage $1.00 2 $2.00 $24.00 350300 Incoming Domestic Wire $12.00 2 $24.00 $288.00 350412 Wire Advice-Phone $12.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Sub Total $111.00 $1,332.00 On Line Information Services 400052 Previous Day Account Fee $20.00 3 $60.00 $720.00 400272 Previous Day Standard item $0.05 633 $31.65 $379.80 Previous Day Maintenance $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Email Notification Schedule $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 400299 Online Subscription $100.00 1 $100.00 $1,200.00 151351 Per Image Access $0.02 756 $15.12 $181.44 Sub Total $206.77 $2,481.24 Service Enhancements/Other 010000 Remote Deposit Services $25.00 1 $25.00 $300.00 309999 Image Cash Letter Deposits $0.06 890 $53.40 $640.80 Sub Total $78.40 $940.80 Sub Totals ^ Monthly and Annual Fees $1,992.45 $23,909.40 Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab U - Banking Services Bid Form 179 Banking Services Bid Form Bank Name: Bank of America We include some services line items for which the bank may charge in conjunction with services specified by the City. ....... ...M C- 251070 ACH NOTIF OF CHANGE (NOG)$0.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 250622 DELETE/REVERSAL BATCH/FILE $50.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 25010B EX TAX (EFTPS) FED PMT-PHONE $5.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 250711 EXPRESS TAX FAX RECEIPT $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010101 REALTIME PAYMENT RECEIVED $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 200305 CPOARP ONLINE REPORTS $20.00 2 $40.00 $480.00 200299 TELLER PPAY ISSUE NOT F0UND>1%$10.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 150410 ARP STALE TO STOP ITEM $9.00 47 $423.00 $5,076.00 200301 ARP RECON OUTPUT FILE $15.00 21 $315.00 $3,780.00 200209 ARP VOID CANCEL ITEMS $0.05 0 $0.00 $0.00 200325 ARP REPORTS ADDL DUP ANCILLARY $10.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 200010 ARP FULL PPAY MAINT-PPR SUPP $75.00 1 $75.00 $900.00 150322 ARP POSITIVE PAY RETURN-OTHER $5.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 200210 ARP DATA ENTRY ISSUE ITEM $5.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 000202 LEDGER OVERDRAFT PER DAY $25.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 100105 ENVELOPE DEPOSIT-NO DETAIL $1.00 1 $1.00 $12.00 100141 CHANGE ORDER-AUTO OR STNDG-VLT $6.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 400299 SECURITY ACCESS $30.00 1 $30.00 $360.00 100419 LARGE ITEM RETURNED $10.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 100200 CHECK DEPOSIT-PAPER $1.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 100400 RETURNS-CHARGEBACK $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 100402 RETURNS-RECLEAR $1.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 10022Z CHECKS DEPOSITED-CASH VAULT $0.20 0 $0.00 $0.00 100310 CKS DEPOSITED FOREIGN ITEMS $3.00 1 $3.00 $36.00 400810 SWEEP ACTIVITY REPORT $10.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010112 ZBA PER TRANSACTION $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010610 PHOTOCOPY-SELF SERVICE $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010600 GCS-STOP PAYMENT $6.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010600 CASHIER'S CHECK/MAILING $7.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010610 STATEMENT COPY $10.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010610 PHOTOCOPY-MANUAL $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010310 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010600 GCS TRANSACTION HISTORY $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010600 GCS TRANSACTION HISTORY $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010600 GCS MANUAL INFO REPORTING $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 010600 GCS MANUAL INFO REPORTING $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 150421 RANGE STOP $10.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 150230 ARP STALE DATE MAINT $40.00 1 $40.00 $480.00 Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab U - Banking Services Bid Form 180 Cont'd: We include some services line items for which the bank may charge in conjunction with services specified by the City. AFP Code Item Per Unit Cost Estimated Monthly Unit Volume m. Total Monthly Cost Estimated Total Annual Cost 150240 ARPMAX DOLLAR MAINT $30.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 150413 CPO STOP PAYMENT CANCEL $1.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 150500 NON-RELATION CUST CK CASHED CA $8.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 100200 CHECK DEPOSIT-ICL orRDSO $1.25 20 $25.00 $300.00 100502 DEPOSIT CORRECTION-RDS $5.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 100310 REMOTE DEPOSIT FOREIGN ITEM $3.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 019999 REMOTE DEP REMIT PROCESSING $0.05 0 $0.00 $0.00 350541 ELEC WIRE OUT-DOMESTIC REPAIR $10.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 350103 ELEC WIRE OUT-DOMESTIC $12.00 5 $60.00 $720.00 350412 WIRE ADVICE-PHONE $12.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 350123 ELEC WIRE OUT-BOOK DB $2.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 350300 INCOMING DOMESTIC WIRE $12.00 2 $24.00 $288.00 350560 WIRE INVESTIGATION $30.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 350599 CPO GP CUST MNTTEMP STORAGE $1.00 2 $2.00 $24.00 350550 PH OR STND ORDER TEMP STORE $0.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 Sub Totals — Monthly and Annual Fees $1,038.00 $12,456.00 Grand Totals — Monthly and Annual Fees $3,030.45 $36,365.40 Pricing for products/services not listed above to be determined between bonk and City, prior to implementation on the then current market conditions. Pricing is valid for one hundred eighty days (180) from the proposal due date. Earnings Credit Rate for August 2018 0.20% Uncollected Funds Rate (%)015 Prime + 5.00 Overdraft Rate {%}Prime + 5.00 Fixed Pricing Guarantee (# of Years)5 year contract term Bank Information Name of Contact Bank Officer Lori Becker Signature of Authorized Bank Officer Bank Officer's Telephone Number 213.621.7184 Bank Officer's E-mail Address Ibeckeri® baml.com Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential 181 Tab V - Sample Account Analysis Statement and Users Guide The Bank of America analysis statement is designed to efficiently meet your account information needs. To better understand this analysis statement, please review the headings and examples in this guide. A Account Analysis Guide -IDS.pdf Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab V - Sample Account Analysis Statement and Users Guide 182 Tab W - Relevant Cash Management Agreements • Acceptance of Treasury Services • Deposit Agreement • Contract For Deposit of Moneys Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab W - Relevant Cash Management Agreements [83 Tab X - Financial Statements and Ratings Provide the most recent audited financial statements or annual report for the bank (a reference to electronic availability will suffice). Also include the bank's most current Standard and Poor's, Moody's, and/or Fitch credit ratings, where available. A current IDC rating should also be provided. *Please note that a current IDC rating is not included. The IDC measures more than 30 key financial ratios while stressing the most importance on capital ratios, ROE and COE. Our Annual Report comprehensively details our financial performance that includes all accepted financial industry measurements. .A copy of our Annual report for 2017 is provided below: n BOAML.Annual Report_2017.pdf Credit Ratings as of December 17,2018 Moody's Standard & Poor's Fitch Bank of America Corporation Outlook Review for Upgrade Stable Stable Long-term senior A3 A-A+ Short-term P-2 A-2 F1 Subordinated Baa2 BBB+A Trust Preferred Baa3 BBB-BBB Preferred Stock Bal BBB-BBB- Bank of America, N.A. Outlook Review for Upgrade Stable Stable Long-term senior Aa3 A+AA- Long-term deposit AaB A+AA Subordinated A1 A-A Short-term P-1 A-1 F1+ Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Tab X - Financial Statements and Ratings|84 Exceptions and Clarifications • IDC rating-an IDC rating Is not reported Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Exceptions and Clarifications [85 Appendices Purchasing Card-Schedule of Fees & Rebates Sample Implementation Schedule Merchant Processing Sample Agreement Interchange Rate Schedule Merchant Services Debit Network Fees Schedule CARD Association Fees Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Appendices 186 Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Appendices|87 Building a sustainable future Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) refers to three central standards to measure the ES6 sustainability and ethical impact of a business. Environment Social Governance How the business performs as a steward of the natural environment. ^ Our Focus Finance the transition to a low-carbon economy and lessen the impact of our own operations. A firm's diversity and inclusion policy and relationships with suppliers, clients and communities. Our Focus Promote economic mobility and social progress in our communities. Ensure diversity and Inclusion are an integral part of our culture and encourage volunteering and skill sharing. A company's management structure, employee relations, audit/control and executive compensation. Our Focus Accountable for exemplary conduct and transparent business practices, managing risk and non-financial regulation, with quarterly reporting to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Operating Committee. Sample goals and progress $125 billion environmental business initiative by 2025 Purchase 100% of electricity from renewable sources by 2020 Since we launched this goal in 2013, the bank has provided more than $66 billion in financing for low carbon and other sustainable business. In 2017, we delivered $17 billion toward this goal. In 2017, Bank of America purchased 1.7 million MWh of renewable electricity, which amounts to 83% of our global energy use. Social progress in our communities Reduce water use by 45% by 2020 We have worked with more than 1,800 non-profits globally in 2017 and funded more than 2,000 arts organizations worldwide. In the U.S. we have increased our minimum wage to $15 per hour. As of 2017, we reduced our annual global water usage by nearly 1.4 billion gallons since 2010 — a 39% reduction — primarily by consolidating space and implementing water conservation projects. Best bank for global leadership in Corporate Social Responsibly Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Building a sustainable future|88 Disclosures Please note that the quoted terms, conditions and pricing are valid for 90 days from the proposal due date, unless expressly reaffirmed in writing. Some services offered to the City of La Quinta within this proposal response are subject to the initial and subsequent satisfactory review of the financial statements of the City of La Quinta, approval by Bank of America, N.A. and satisfactory completion of any necessary bank documentation. Bank of America continually evaluates, adapts and modifies our financial center retail network, operations centers and platforms to fit the evolving needs of our clients and customers, as well as our business. Therefore, the financial center, vault and/or processing center hours of operation, locations and platforms, while current as of this proposal, are subject to change In the future. Changes will be communicated in a timely and comprehensive manner. Bank of America, N.A. offers a wide array of services to Its clients. Each service has many features and options. In the course of providing these services we may employ agents, employees or subcontractors (vendors) to service all of our clients using a service In general, rather than to service a particular client. In general, we will disclose in a proposal response any agents, employees or subcontractors (vendors) retained by us exclusively for, and which are dedicated solely to, the provision of services to a specific client and/or contract. © 2018 Bank of America Corporation "Bank of America Merrill Lynch" is the marketing name for the global banking and global markets businesses of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, derivatives and other commercial banking activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N.A., member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory and other Investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation ("Investment Banking Affiliates"), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp., both of which are registered broker-dealers and Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Disclosures] 89 members of SIPC, and, in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates Are Not FDIC Insured * May Lose Value * Are Not Bank Guaranteed Bank of America Merrill Lynch • Confidential Disclosures j 90 Acceptance of Services Part I - Certification The person(s) signing this Acceptance of Services ("Acceptance") certifies/certify that; a) The person(s) signing the Acceptance Is/are an authorized signer of the client entity or entities identified below (each a "Client"). b) Client has accessed and/or received and agrees to be bound by the Service Documentation, as may be further defined in the terms and conditions governing the relevant service, but in all cases includes the following: (1) This Acceptance: (2) The Service Terms for each treasury management service (each, a "Service") utilized by Client now or in the future, which may be found in the Global Transaction Services Terms and Conditions or in Service specific amendments, supplements or addenda; (3) The General Terms, which may be found in the Global Transaction Services Terms and Conditions: (4) User Documentation, which includes any information Bank may make available regarding a Service, including user guides, details about how a Service works, any terms of use for that Service, technical specifications, and software licenses; and as any and all Service Documentation may be amended restated, supplemented, terminated and/or otherwise modified from time to time, for each Service utilized by Client whether as of or after the effective date of the Acceptance, without necessity of execution or delivery of any additional documentation for any such future utilized Service If there is a conflict among the documents that make up the Service Documentation, the documents will govern in the order set forth above. Service Documentation will govern in the event of a conflict with any Account Agreement, except as applicable law requires otherwise. Service Documentation may be posted in electronic format on a Website provided by Bank (including but not limited to Bank's CashPro® platform and any successor portal or access point). Any terms not defined in this Acceptance will have the meaning given to them in the Global Transaction Services Terms and Conditions. c) All information provided to Bank regarding the beneficial ownership of the Client is, to the best of each Client's knowledge, complete and correct, and to the extent it is not or becomes outdated, each Client agrees to provide Bank with updated information as required by law. d) Client has taken all action required by its organizational or constituent documents to grant each person(s) signing this Acceptance the authority on Client's behalf to (i) execute this Acceptance, (ii) add or delete Services, (iil) enter into other agreements or execute documents that Bank may require for Services Bank offers, (iv) agree to amend, terminate or otherwise act on behalf of Client with respect to this Acceptance and the Service Documentation entered into by execution of this Acceptance; (v) enter into all transactions related to the utilized Services, including but not limited to giving the Bank instructions regarding Electronic Funds Transfer Services; and (vi) designating other individuals to act in the name and on behalf of Client. Client will produce such organizational or constituent documents upon requt—' Part II» Electronic Signatures Electronic signatures. All persons authorized to execute agreements and instructions on behalf of Client or Bank may do so electronica.,,, at the Bank's option, and in such form and according to such processes and procedures as Bank may specify Client agrees that each agreement or instruction executed electronically will be fully enforceable and may be relied upon by Bank as if it had been otherwise executed on paper by manual signature. Electronic Communication. Client agrees that subject to applicable law. Bank may communicate with Client electronically and provide Client with, or make accessible, any or all of the Service Documentation (and any amendments, modification or supplements to such documents) electronically. Client's agreement may be evidenced using a technical process, including the following: (a) an electronic image fite(s). e.g., in PDF format, containing a manuscript signature; (b) an electronic signature protocol; (c) click to accept functionality; (d) an email exchange in which Client expresses agreement; and/or (e) an approval by Client through the Bank's CashPro® platform or third-party electronic platform utilized by Client and Sank. Part III - Delegation of Authority ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY DELEGATED TO SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS Client hereby grants authority to sign documents, accept amendments and setup and/or modify Services on behalf of Client to each person with the below specified title or each person below specified by name, regardless of title. To Grant Authority to Specific Indmdual(s): Name Service Entity Signature Add Addttional Signer 00-35-5282NSBW 04-16-2016 AS Page 1 of4 Bank of America - Confidential ®2018 Bank of America Corporation CASHPRO® Client has granted the person(s) signing this Acceptance the authority on Client's behalf to identify and delegate authority to its CashPro® Primary Administrators. Client is authorizing each person listed in this section to identify the users of Services and control the scope of any iser's access to Services (including but not limited to setting up entitlements, completion of setup forms and any subsequent amendments and le initiation or approval of payment transactions) on Client's behalf. This authorization includes that ability of the Primary Administrator to lesignate himself or herself, or to designate others, any of whom may be authorized to initiate, amend, cancei, confirm or verify the authenticity of instructions to the Bank for Services, whether given orally, electronically or by facsimile instructions, and to revoke any authorization granted to any such person. The Bank is entitled to rely upon this delegation in its provision of Services until written notice of its revocation is received by the Bank and the Bank has had a reasonable opportunity to act thereon. CashPro® Primary Administrators (for CashPro IDs with which Client is associated), listed below and added in the future (or current Primary Administrators, If such exist), unless otherwise indicated, may also be responsible for various electronic onboarding activities, including but not limited to the receipt and processing of important updates to this document or the Service Documentation that may be communicated from time to time. 1. CASHPRO USER ADMINISTRATION SECURITY - Please select one □ Dual Administration with Token - One of the primary administrators will create user abilities and set entitlements within CashPro. The second administrator will review and approve before the abiiities and/or entitlements take effect. The second administrator approving such an administrative action will be prompted to enter the token one time password. □Dual Administration- One of the primary administrators will create user abilities and set entitlements within CashPro. The second administrator will review and approve before the abilities and/or entitlements take effect. 2. DESIGNATION OF CASHPRO PRIMARY ADMINISTRATORS Primary Administrator #1 Name:Postal Code: Phone:Mobile #: Email:Fax#: Business Address:City: State/Province:Country: .Primary Administrator #2 Name:Postal Code: Phone:Mobile #: Email:Fax#: Business Address:City: State/Province:Country: 3. SECURITY PROCEDURES WITHIN THE CASHPRO PORTAL 1. Strong Authentication Upon Login - Companies configured for strong authentication upon login require all users to be prompted to authenticate using a token one time password when logging in to CashPro Online. a. Select below: □ YES I □ NO b. PLEASE NOTE: Certain jurisdictions mandate bv law the use of strong authentication. If a user has access to an account In such a jurisdiction, strong authentication upon login will be required for that user, regardless of the selection above. 2. Strong Authentication Accessing Applications - Companies that choose not to be configured for strong authentication upon login may be required to use strong authentication when accessing certain high risk applications, as determined by Bank. 3. Strong Authentication Approving Transactions - Several applications require additional authentication (token one time password or e-signature) to release or approve a transaction, regardless of company's strong authentication upon login configuration. 00-35-5282NSBW 04-16-2018 AS Page 2 of4 Bank of America - Confidential © 2018 Bank of America Corporation iPart ly -^ Signature and Effective Date Address for Bank Notices:. Bank of America, N.A., Documentation Management (CA4-706-04-07) P.O. Box 27128, Concord, OA 94527-9904, Fax{925)675-7131 Seiect One:□ New □ Supersede Existing T&C Agreement CLIENT ENTiTY LEGAL NAME (Must match legal riame of entity indicated In, company formation documents) - ' DATE: 1^'Authorized Officer's Signature: (Must match Banking Resolution or Formation Documents) 1^'Authorized Officer's Name: Title DATE: 2'"' Authorized Officer's Signature: (Must match Banking Resolution or Formation Documents) 2"^ Authorized Officer's Name: Title 00-35-5282NSBW 04-16-2018 AS Page 3 of4 Bank of America *- Confidentlai © 2018 Bank of America Corporation Bankof America Attestation to the Merrill Lynch 1 Acceptance of Services the undersigned certify that each person signing the Acceptance of Services ("Acceptance") for Client is authorized to accept and execute the Acceptance on behalf of Client. Further, including through the use of electronic signatures, each such person has the authority to (i) accept and execute all banking agreements related to the Services provided under the Acceptance and related Service Documentation, (ii) execute and deliver all related forms, and (iii) provide and authorize all related instructions. I further certify that I have full authority to execute this attestation on behalf of Client. The Bank is entitled to rely upon this attestation until written notice of its revocation is delivered to the Bank. Date: Client Name (Certifying signature) (Certifying Name) (Certifying Title) 00-35-5282NSBW 04-1 e-ZO"" 4 AS Page 4 of 4 Bank of America - Confidential © 2018 Bank of America Cor^ration Effective February 2018 Deposit Agreement and Disclosures Facts about corporate and commercial deposit account programs Welcome to Bank of America Mernll Lynch, and thank you for opening an account with us. When you open a corporate deposit account with us, you agree to the terms and conditions discussed in this publication. Please read this publication carefully and keep it for your records. Throughout this publication, the words "you," "your" and "yours" refer to the accountholder(s). "We," "us" and "our" refer to Bank of America, National Association. Bankof America Merrill Lynch Table of contents General provisions 1 General matters 1 Accessing services via the internet 2 Changes of address 4 Changes to agreement 4 Charging an account 4 Closing an account or suspending and terminating a service 4 Compliance 5 Using and disclosing information 7 Fees 9 Freezing your account 9 General inquiries 9 Governing law 10 Information you give us 10 Liability. 10 Electronic Communications 10 Notices 11 Protecting your account 12 Resolving disputes or controversies 14 Checking and money market savings accounts 16 Account conversions 16 Transaction limits for money market savings accounts 16 Interest on your funds 17 Statements 18 Combined statements 19 Additional provisions and related services 20 Account reconcilement service 20 Automatic transfer service 20 Automated Clearing House (ACH) blocks and authorization services 21 ACH debits and credits 21 Automated Clearing House (ACH) review service 22 Cash transactions reporting 22 Check cashing 23 Check handling 23 Check legends 24 Check stock and ink 24 Check transformation services 24 CHECK 21 24 Circumstances beyond our control 25 Client-encoded deposits 25 Collection items 26 Death or incompetence 26 Deposit error correction 26 Electronic statements 27 Endorsing checks 27 Examining checks 27 Examining statements and reporting problems 28 Facsimile and Other Non-Written Signatures 30 Foreign currency checks 31 Foreign exchange transactions 31 Funds availability: When funds are available for withdrawal 31 Funds transfer services 33 Image cash letter service 38 Image statement 38 Information reporting services 38 Legal process 39 Lost, destroyed or delayed check 41 Monitoring and recording telephone calls and electronic communication 41 Notice of withdrawal 41 Notification service 41 Overdrafts and insufficient funds 42 Overpayments and Reversals 43 Paying checks and other items 43 Postdating orders 43 Processing and collecting foreign items 44 Processing transactions and posting orders 45 Provisional Credit 46 Purchasing or creating checks or deposit slips 46 Reclear service 47 Registered warrants 47 Remote deposit service 49 Returned items 49 Right of setoff 50 Sample signatures 51 Signature requirements 51 Stale-dated checks 51 Stop payment orders 52 Sub-accounts 55 Substitute checks, indemnified copies, images, and image replacement documents 55 Third-party endorsements 56 Transferring ownership 56 Unclaimed property 56 Unpaid items 57 Value-dating 57 Zero balance accounts service 57 Taxpayer Information 60 Exempt foreign person or entity 61 Penalties 62 Glossary 63 General provisions General matters • We may obtain credit reports and make other inquiries about you. • Transactions that you perform are not effective until we process them. • We may accept a check or other item for deposit to your account from anyone. We are not required to question the authority of the person making the deposit. • We may refuse to honor a request to withdraw funds in cash from your account if we believe that the amount Is unreasonably large and that honoring the request would cause us an undue hardship or security risk. • If another person or entity makes a claim against funds In your account, or If we believe that a conflict exists between signers on the account or that there is a dispute over matters such as the ownership of the account or the authority to withdraw funds, we may take one or more of these actions without our being liable to you: continue to rely on current signature cards and other account documents; honor the competing claim upon receipt of evidence we deem satisfactory to justify such claim; freeze all or part of the funds until the dispute is resolved to our satisfaction; close the account and send a check for the balance in the account, payable to you or to you and each claimant; or pay the funds to an appropriate court for resolution. We may charge your account for expenses and fees. Including attorneys' fees, we Incur. • If you deposit a demand draft (an unsigned draft) or remotely-created check into your account, you warrant and guarantee that such draft is authorized by the person identified as drawer, according to the terms on its face. • if you deposit a substitute check or image replacement document (IRD) into your account, you give to us the same warranties and indemnities that we, as a reconverting bank, would give under Check 21 regulations. • The services you receive pursuant to this Agreement are for business use only and not primarily for personal, femily, or household use. • We may require ID or impose other conditions before accepting a deposit. • We reserve the right to refuse or return any deposit to your account or to charge you a balance related fee if we believe that our acceptance of such deposit may create any legal, financial or other risk or cost to us. In making any such determinations, we may consider factors such as the amount and anticipated 1 duration of the deposit; and whether you gave us advance notice of the deposit. If we determine not to maintain deposits that were credited to your account by Fed wire or other electronic fund transfers, you authorize us to send the funds on your behalf to their origin by wire transfer or by other means. We also reserve the right to assess a daily balance related fee on balance fluctuations over a certain threshold. The balance threshold and dally fee may change from time to time without notice. The fee will appear on your monthly analysis statement as a "Balance Related Fee" and will not be eligible for earnings credit offset. • This Agreement Is binding upon you and us and each of our respective successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement is not for the benefit of any other person, and no other person has any right under this Agreement against you or us. Nothing contained in this Agreement creates any agency, fiduciary. Joint venture or partnership relationship between you and us. • All persons authorized to execute agreements on behalf of you or us may do so electronically, at our option, and In such form and according to such pro cesses and procedures as we may specify. You agree that any agreement executed electronically will be as enforceable as if it had been executed on paper by manual signature • Please contact your bank representative if your depos it account with us contains the proceeds of municipal . securities or municipal escrow Investments, as define in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Otherwise, we will assume that your deposit account contains no such proceeds. • Please contact your bank representative if your deposit account with us contains, or will contain, the assets of an employee benefit plan (such as a pension, retirement, health or welfare plan) or other entity subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, the prohibited transaction rules under section 4975 of the Intemal Revenue Code, or any similar law or rules. Otherwise, you represent to us that your deposit account will contain no such assets. Accessing services via the internet We may make certain Services available via one or more Websites. In addition to any other terms and conditions applicable to your use of such Websites, you agree as follows: We reserve the right to suspend your access to, and use of, a Website upon notice of a violation of any of the terms and conditions applicable to such access and use. In addition, we may suspend your access to, and/ or use of, a Website Immediately without notice where such action may be required to prevent interference with or disruption to services to other customers, to protect the integrity of our systems, or as may be required by law or regulation. Websites shall be used only for lawful purposes. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree not to use a Website in any way that would: • infringe any third party copyright, patent, trademark, service mark, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy • be fraudulent or involve the use of counterfeit or stolen items • violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including, without limitation, those governing export control, unfair competition, anti-discrimination, defamation or false advertising) • violate any contractual provision by which you are bound • be false, misleading or inaccurate • create liability for us or any service provider{s) or cause us to lose (in whole or in part) the services of any service provider • be defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing • interfere with or disrupt computer networks connected to the network(s) used by you • interfere with or disrupt the use by any other customer of the Website and/or of any services accessed via the Website Violations of system and network security are prohibited, including but not limited to unauthorized access to, or use of, systems or data. You agree not to attempt to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or to breach security or authentication measures or to seek to interfere with any system or network security. We will investigate violations of system and/ or network security and may involve law enforcement if criminal conduct Is suspected. Indirect or attempted violations of these terms and conditions by you, and any actual or attempted violations by a third party on your behalf, shall be considered violations by you. You agree to follow all our procedures and requirements with respect to security In accessing and using a Website and not to misrepresent your identity. Where passwords or other access information may be required, you are solely responsible for the security of such access information and will hold us harmless from any unauthorized access to or use of systems that may result from your failure to properly maintain the security of such access Information. You agree to cooperate with us and any service provider(s) with regard to your access to, and use of, a Website, including providing such technical assistance and information as we may reasonably request. You agree to access and use Websites only for the purpose intended and not for any purpose of commercial exploitation. Changes of address You must notify us if you change your physical address or Client Email, if we receive notice from the United States Post Office or one of its agents that your address has changed, we may change your address on our records to the address specified by the Post Office: and we may send statements and other notices regarding your accounts to that new address. Changes to agreement We may change this Agreement at any time. For example, we may add, delete or modify terms. These terms include, but are not limited to, fees and charges for our services. We generally will try to inform you of any changes prior to the effective date of the change. Your continued use and maintenance of your account will constitute your receipt, review of, and acceptance of the Agreement as changed. Charging an account We may deduct fees and other amounts you owe us under this Agreement from your accounts with us or our affiliates at any time without prior notice of any deduction, except that this provision does not apply to any consumer credit covered by the Federal Truth In Lending law. If there are not enough funds in your account to cover the fees and other amounts you owe us, we may overdraw your account. You agree to immediately pay us all amounts you owe us. Closing an account or suspending and terminating a service You or we may generally close your account at any time without advance notice. This Agreement continues to govern matters related to your account even after your account closes. If at any time we believe (i) that our provision of any Service to you may create a risk of financial loss for us or result In an unacceptable credit exposure to us, or (II) that an account associated with any Service may be subject to irregular, unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal activity, we may, in our sole discretion, immediately, without prior notice to you, suspend or modify our provision of any such Service until such time that such risk, exposure, or activity is eliminated or otherwise resolved, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement. Either you or we may terminate any or all Services upon 30 calendar days' prior notice to the other party. Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, we may terminate any or all Services effective Immediately, and we will notify you of the termination, if any of the following occurs: • You breach any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement or any other agreement with us. • You terminate, liquidate or dissolve your business or dispose of a substantial portion of your assets. • You fail generally to pay your debts as they become due. • You, voluntarily or Involuntarily, become the subject of any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or other similar proceeding. • You initiate any composition with your creditors. • You experience a material adverse change in your fi nancial condition or your ability to perform your obligations under the terms and conditions in this Agreement. • Any guaranty of your obligations to us terminates, is revoked or its validity is contested by the guarantor, or any of the events set forth in the above six bullet points attributable to you occur to the guarantor. • The account necessary to provide any Service is closed. If a Service you are using is terminated for any reason, you will do the following: • Immediately stop using any materials relating to the terminated Service. • Erase or delete any software we have provided relating to the terminated Service to the extent it is stored in your computers. • At our option, either return to us or destroy all materials relating to the terminated Service and certify to us that you have done so. These obligations will continue after a Service you are using has been terminated. Termination of a Service you use does not affect your payment obligations for services we provide to you before the Service is terminated, and any such termination is in addition to our other rights under applicable law and under the terms of this Agreement. Also, termination of any Service you use does not release you or us from any of our respective obligations which arose or became effective before such termination. Upon termination, all amounts owed by you and outstanding will become immediately due and payable, and we may debit your account for all amounts owed. Compliance All financial institutions are required by law, including the USA Patriot Act, to obtain, verity and record information that identifies each customer who opens an account with that financial institution. On each day you use your account or Service under this Agreement or any other agreement between us you make the following representations and warranties to us: You are duly organized and in good standing under the laws of the Jurisdiction of your organization. You have all powers, licenses, authorizations and approvals to operate your business as now conducted. You are responsible for full compliance with all anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist fi nancing and other laws and regulations of all applicable Jurisdictions, including without limitation the United States. All information you may have provided to us regarding the beneficial ownership of your organization is, to the best of your knowledge, complete and correct, and to the extent it is not or becomes outdated, you agree to provide us with updated information as required by law. If you are required to implement an Anti Money Laundering program pursuant to the USA Patriot Act, Its implementing regulations, or any non U.S. law or regulation applicable to you then you shall: 1. (a) monitor, for the purpose of identiiying suspicious activities, all transactions of its customers conducted through the Accounts or using services provided by Bank, and (b) file suspicious activity reports ("SARS") and any other reports as required by applicable law relating to transactions conducted through the , Accounts; and 2. (a) take all reasonable and necessary actions to enable sharing of information in accordance with Section 314(b) of the USA PATRIOT ACT and its implementing regulations (including maintaining a current registration on FinCEN's 314b list of participants) or as permitted by local law; and (b) promptly share with the Bank or the Bank's registered 314(b) designee, unless prohibited by applicable law, all unusual or suspicious activities that relate to an Account that my involve potential money laundering or terrorist fi nancing. You will notify the Bank if you become aware of any material event, investigation, litigation, indictment, conviction, or enforcement action involving you, your officers, directors, employees, or agents, and involving any non-compliance with any Anti Money Laundering or economic sactions law or regulation. You will not use our products and Services to engage either directly or indirectly in business with Shell Banks. You perform on-going customer due diligence in a manner that ensures compliance with applicable jurisdictional requirements. You will not allow your customer to directly access the correspondent banking services provided by us without our prior knowledge and express consent. • You have implemented reasonable processes and controls to identify and prevent the criminal misuse of the products and Services provided by us. • You acknowledge we may intercept and Investigate payment instructions; make further inquires and, where required, block or reject services due to domestic or global economic or trade-based sanctions. • You must not use your account or any Service for iilegal transactions, for example those prohibited by the Uniavrfui internet Gambling Enforcement Act. 31 U.S.C. Section 5361 et. seq. • You agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations includes United States economic sanctions laws and regulations, including regulations issued by the Office of Foreign Assets Control {OFAG) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and Executive. Regulations issued by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") of the U.S. Department of the Treasury contain certain prohibitions regarding banking transactions involving certain countries or their nationals. For the most current information regarding countries subject to OFAC sanctions, refer to the OFAC website at http://www.treas.gov/ofac; or call OFAC at 202.622.2490 or 800.540.0FAC. We will not be liable for any related loss or negative outcome resulting from the failure of your compliance with these representations and warranties. Unless expressly permitted by us, you will not provide downstream correspondent services that enable any third-party direct access to our products and services, in the event that such usage is permitted by us, you will provide us evidence, upon our request, of the anti-money laundering controls of the third parties to whom you offer these services, including but not limited providing a list of customer names and information that allows us to readily identify them in a manner consistent with our AMI (Anti-Money Laundering) program requirements. Using and disclosing information We may access, analyze, and use, for any lawful purpose (including research, relationship management, marketing, analyzing market trends, data analysis and audits, and developing or providing products and services to our customers), information about you, your accounts, your transactions, or any other information that we obtain in connection with providing our products and services. Such permissible uses include, for example, the generation and analysis of de-identified or aggregated information for our own internal use and for sharing with other customers or third parties as described in the paragraphs below concerning disclosure. We may disclose information about your accounts to credit reporting agencies and to other persons or agencies who, in our Judgment, have a legitimate purpose for obtaining information. We may charge you for providing such information. From time to time, subject to any applicable financial privacy laws or other laws or regulations, we may provide information on you and your accounts for other reasons, including: • To anyone whom we reasonably believe is conducting a legitimate credit inquiry, including inquiries to verity the existence or condition of an account for a third party such as a lender, merchant or credit bureau • In response to any subpoena, summons, court or administrative order, or other legal process which we believe requires our compliance • In connection with collection of indebtedness or to report losses incurred by us • In compliance with any agreement between us and a professional, regulatory or disciplinary body • In connection with potential sales of businesses • In connection with a service, we may provide ourselves or through a third party or vendor, including, for example, audit confirmations and industry or sector analyses • At our discretion internally within our company, and to our affiliates and subsidiaries • To our agents and service providers who help us meet your needs, assist us in providing or offering our products or services, or help us in analyzing or processing information • In de-identified and/or aggregated form to you, other customers, business partners, and other third parties, including as part of the products and services we make available to our customers, such as benchmarking reports and cash forecasting • in order to complete transfers and transactions • To an account verification or account information service in order to substantiate ownership or with regard to account closures, or for the other reasons. information disclosed may include, but Is not limited to, your name, address, TIN, driver's license number and the date and reason for an account closure, and the service may supply this information to others. For reasons other than stated above, with your consent, or upon your request (for example, to third parties you work with to process your requests for products or services). This section does not limit our ability, or that of our affiliates to acess, use, disclose, deidentify, aggregate, or othenwise process transaction data related to any service or account provided to you In connection with our or their business. 8 The provisions of this section will govern our uses and disclosure of data, notwithstanding any contrary terms contained in other agreements applicable to your use of any Service. Fees When you open your account, we may make available a list of charges for our deposit services. The list of charges that applies to your account is part of the contract between you and us. You agree to pay for our services in accordance with the fees that we tell you apply to your account. The fees for many of our products and services may vary from state to state or between regions within a state. We set our fees based on many factors, including the value we offer, our competitive position, deterrence of misuse of an account by our customers, consideration of profit and the safety and soundness of the Bank. We may also consider costs in setting fees, but we do not set our fees based only or primarily on the direct or overall costs and expense associated with providing the particular account or service involved. Your account fees and terms may differ from those of other customers with the same type of account, based on our assessment of your overall relationship with us. We may send or make available a notice if your account fees or terms vary from the information described in this Agreement. Deposit Bank Assessment -Bank of America may, at our discretion, charge you a Deposit Bank Assessment on your average positive ledger balances. The assessment rate is variable and we may change it at any time without notice. "Freezing" your account If we decide to close your account, we may freeze it. If we do this, we may in our discretion either accept or return credits and debits including deposits, checks and other items including ACH and wires that we receive after we freeze your account without being liable to you. If at any time we believe that your account may be subject to irregular, unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal activity, we may, in our discretion, freeze the funds in the account and in other accounts you maintain with us. without any liability to you, until such time as we are able to complete our investigation of the account and transactions. If we do freeze your account funds, we will provide notice to you as soon as reasonably possible. We may not provide this notice to you prior to freezing the account if we believe that such notice could result in a security risk to us or to the owner of the funds in the account. General Inquiriesenerai inquiries For questions regarding this agreement or general A inquiries, please contact your account representative or the phone number which appears on your bank statement. Governing law For purposes of this Agreement you make with us, you and we agree that your account is maintained in the state where the Bank's principal office is located. This Agreement, and the rights and obligations we both have, will be governed by the laws and regulations of the United States and the state where the Bank's principal office is located, unless otherwise required by your state law. Any lawsuit regarding your account or any service provided by us must be brought in a proper court In the state in which your account is maintained. You hereby submit to the personal Jurisdiction of the state in which your account is maintained. A determination that any part of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable will not affect the remainder of this Agreement. Information you give us When you open a deposit account with us, you give us information about yourself and confirm that it is correct. We enter the information into our records. We may rely on that information until you notify us of a change and we have had a reasonable time to act on the new information. Liability We will not be liable for any failure to act on our part if we reasonably believe that our action would have violated any law. rule, regulation or court order or decree, in no event will we be liable for any indirect, consequential or punitive loss, damage, cost or expense of any nature or any economic loss or damage, expense and loss of business, profits or revenue, goodwill and anticipated savings, loss of or corruption of your data, loss of operation time or loss of contacts, even if advised of the possibility of such loss, damage, cost or expense. Electronic Communications Electronic communications include methods of conveying messages through a Website or any technology having electronic, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic or similar capabilities. You agree that ail electronic communications will constitute a "writing." such that any reference to a "writing" or a "written instruction" or similar phrase in this Agreement will include electronic communications. You agree that all references to a signature may include a Non-Written signature. You agree that, subject to applicable law. we may (1) communicate with you electronically; (2) provide you with, or make available, any or all of the documentation (and 10 any amendments, modification or supplements to such documents) electronically and (3) rely on the following Indicia of Consent which is defined to include, but is not limited to: (a) PDF files of the relevant signed document(s); (b) electronic or digital signatures on relevant signed document(s); (c) click to accept functionality employed with respect to the relevant document(s); (d) email exchange in which you express agreement to the relevant document(s); (e) authenticated communications through SWIFT and/ or SCORE; (f) instructions provided through the host to host transmission of files. Physical Copies. Generally, we will not provide physical copies of Communications executed or delivered electronically. You may obtain a paper copy of a Communication by printing it or by requesting that we send a physical copy. To request a paper copy, you may contact your Bank representative, and may be assessed a fee, In accordance with law. Withdrawal of Consent. We may, in our sole discretion and without notice, discontinue the use of or change the terms and conditions pursuant to which we accept electronic Communications and Non-written signatures in transactions with you. Hardware and Software Requirements. You are responsible for installation, maintenance, and operation of your own computer, browser and software, which includes a Compatible Version of a web browser, access to the Client Email, computer storage space to save Communications, a printer to print Communications, and a computer or mobile device with internet or mobile connectivity utilizing a Compatible Version of an operating system capable of supporting all of the foregoing requirements. "Compatible Version" means a version of the software that supports access to the Bank's Website and other approved access channels. Notices Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, any Communication or notice by us to you in connection with a this Agreement and your accounts ("Notice") may be: (a) mailed, faxed or sent by electronic means (Including email or hyperlink) to your address, using the details given by you when you opened an account, or agreed to this Agreement, or any other address or details subsequently communicated by you to us; (b) included with or on your Account Analysis Statement or deposit account statement; or (c) made available on Bank of America CashPro® Online (or any successor application) and/or any other Website. When providing Notice, we may specify that the content of the Notice is available on a Website or by contacting an account representative. Notice is effective upon the earlier of the date the Notice Is made available to you on a Website, mailed to you via post or electronic means, or upon receipt, where confirmation of such receipt has been requested. If, at your request, we hold your Notices and you do not call for them in 30 days, we may either make them available to you by any means permitted under this Agreement for Notice or destroy them. If we hold a Notice at your request, or one is returned to us, the actions, disclosures, changes or amendments contained in the Notice will be effective. A retumed Notice will be effective upon the earlier of the date it is made available to you on a Website or mailed to your last known address (including email address) and held Notices are effective on the date of the Notice. Protecting your account Your role is extremely important in the prevention of wrongful use of your checks or account. You must promptly examine your statement upon receipt. If you find that your records and ours disagree, or if you suspect that a check, endorsement or other withdrawal order is altered or forged, call us immediately at the telephone number on your account statement. Bookkeepers or Third Parties. In the event you authorize any third person to retain possession of or prepare or transmit items for you, you agree to assume full responsibility for any errors or wrongdoing by such third person if we should pay or process such items. Cellular/cordless phones or wireless devices. Caution should be used when using cellular or cordless telephones or other wireless devices to conduct your transactions with us. Confidential account information can be intercepted over airwaves without your knowledge or authorization. Electronic Mall. If you choose to use unencrypted electronic mail to communicate with us, you agree to bear the risk that such electronic mail may be corrupted, modified, garbled, hacked, or its confidentiality may be breached by a third party: and that you will bear risk that we will rely on such mall, which appears to be from you but which is unauthorized: and that such reliance will result In a loss. Protecting your checks. To safeguard against potential misuse of your account, never leave unused checks, check stock, signature plates or passwords out In the open or in an easily accessible location. These items can be stolen or misused, so it is important for you to keep them locked In a safe place, preferably under dual control. When discarding checks, ensure that they are properly destroyed by shredding or other means so that tiiey cannot be copied or used. 11 12 If unused checks disappear, either individually or several at a time, call us immediately at the telephone number on your account statement. We may recommend that you close your current account and open a new one. If we recommend you close your account and you do not do so, we are not liable to you for subsequent losses on the account. You must notity any third parties that need to know your new account number. By taking prompt action, you help us protect your account. In addition to the precautions that you can take, we may make available certain products and services that are designed to detect and /or deter check fraud, and to reduce the likelihood that a fraudulent unauthorized or altered check or other item will be paid. You acknowledge that your failure to use such products and services could substantially increase the likelihood of fraud. You agree that if you fa\\ to Implement any of these products or services, or you fail to follow these and other precautions reasonable for your particular circumstances, you will be precluded from asserting any claims against us for paying any unauthorized, altered, counterfeit or other fraudulent item that such product, service or precaution was designed to detect or deter, and we will not be required to re-credIt your account or otherwise have any liability for paying such item. We may deny a claim or monetary loss due to forged, altered or unauthorized checks, if you do not guard against Improper access to your checks. When you write checks, you agree to use a dark colored permanent ink, make sure the written and numeric amounts match and are readable, and ensure there are no blanks or open spaces in the places where words and numbers are to be inserted. Check processing. We receive checks in great volume and process them for payment by automated means. We do not individually examine most checks. It is critical for you to take care of your checks, promptly review your statement, and immediately report any fraudulent activity to us. Helping to prevent fraud. Fraud can be a serious problem for businesses. To help you prevent embezzlement and other types of fraud, and to protect your business assets, the following are some of the preventive measures you should consider. • Assign responsibilities for opening mall, reconciling bank statements and Issuing checks to different individuals. • Reconcile bank statements as you receive them. • Watch for out-of-sequence checks and checks made payable to cash. • Review your transaction activity for unexpected fluctuations. • Convert as many payments as possible to an 13 electronic format, and subscribe to blocks and filters or other fraud mitigation tools where available. • Use Positive Pay or Teller Positive Pay or Payee Positive Pay service (where available) on all paper disbursement accounts. Failure to use these services may be considered lack of "ordinary care" as defined by the Uniform Commercial Code. Review your Positive Pay exceptions daily and respond to the bank by the published cutoff time. • Make frequent, unannounced audits of your check stock and electronic payment system. • Limit the number of authorized signers, and Immediately notity us of any changes In this authority. • Be cautious about giving someone your account number. If you give your account number to a third person and authorize that person to Initiate one or more transactions on your account, you may be liable for all transactions Initiated by the third person, even if you did not intend to authorize a particular transaction. These suggestions are by no means a complete list of the preventive measures you may take; other or additional actions may be appropriate for your particular circumstances, including closing your account and opening a new account that has not been compromised. Protection from third parties To the extent permitted by law, you will indemnify us . against and hold us harmless from and defend us against any and all liabilities, claims, costs, expenses and damages of any nature (including legal expenses) arising out of or relating to disputes or enforcement of laws, fines or rules, legal actions, by parties other than you and us concerning any Service. The obligations contained in the preceding sentence will continue after a Service you are using is terminated. This section does not apply to any cost or damage attributable to our gross negligence or intentional misconduct. Further, with respect to any Service where we receive payment from a third party on your behalf, the amounts received (less related charges, disbursements and/ or expenses) will be paid to you, except that if we are required to return any such payment received upon the insolvency, bankruptcy or reorganization of such third party or for any other reason, you will repay to us the amount paid to you together with interest thereon from the date we returned the payment and so notified you at the rate specified by us in our schedule of charges with regard to the applicable Service. Resolving disputes or controversies If you or we request, any controversy or claim ("controversy") concerning your deposit account relationship with us or your use of any service described in this Agreement, including any claim based on or 14 arising from an alleged tort, will be deterrriined by arbitration, reference, or trial by a judge, as provided below. A controversy that involves an amount in dispute of less than $1 Million - except for a dispute or controversy that arises from sending an electronic funds transfer - will be determined by arbitration, as described below. Any other controversy, including one that arises from sending an electronic funds transfer, will be determined by Judicial reference of the controversy to a referee appointed by the court or, if the court where the controversy is venued lacks the power to appoint a referee, by trial by a Judge without a jury, as described below. The arbitration. Judicial reference or trial by a Judge will take place on an individual basis, without resort to any form of class action. WHETHER THE CONTROVERSY IS DECIDED BY ARBITRATION, BY JUDICIAL REFERENCE. OR BY TRIAL BY A JUDGE, YOU AGREE AND UNDERSTAND: (I) THAT YOU AND WE ARE GIVING UP THE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY, AND THERE WILL BE NO JURY, AND (II) THAT THIS AGREEMENT PRECLUDES YOU AND US FROM HAVING THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE OR BE REPRESENTED IN ANY FORM OF CUSS ACTION OR ANY OTHER LITIGATION FILED IN COURT BY OTHERS. Arbitration. Since this Agreement touches and concerns interstate commerce, an arbitration under this Agreement will be conducted in accordance with the United States Arbitration Act (Title 9, United States Code), notwithstanding any choice of law provision in this Agreement. Arbitration, including selection of an arbitrator, will be conducted in accordance with the then-current rules for arbitration of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). You may contact the AAA at 800.778.7879 to obtain rules and forms to initiate arbitration or visit their Website at www.adr.org for more information. If the AAA is unable or unwilling to serve as the provider of arbitration or to enforce any provision of this Resolving Disputes section, we may substitute another national aitjitration organization with similar procedures. The arbitrator(s) will follow the law and will give effect to statutes of limitation in determining any claim. Any controversy concerning whether an issue is arbitrable will be determined by the arbitrator(s). The award of the arbitrator(s) will be in writing and include a statement of reasons for the award. The award will be fi nal. Judgment upon the award may be entered in any court having Jurisdiction, and no challenge to entry of judgment upon the award will be entertained, except as provided by Section 10 of the United States Arbitration Act or upon a finding of manifest injustice. Judicial reference or trial by a Judge. If you or we request, any controversy concerning your deposit account relationship with us that Is not submitted to arbitration as provided above will be determined by reference to a referee appointed by the court who, 15 sitting alone and without a jury, will decide ail questions of law and fact. The referee will be an active attorney or retired Judge. If the court where the controversy is venued lacks the power to appoint a referee, the controversy instead will be decided by trial by a Judge without a Jury. Self-help and provisional remedies. Either you or we may exercise self-help remedies (such as setoff) or obtain provisional or ancillary remedies from a court of competent jurisdiction before, after, or during the pendency of any arbitration or reference. Neither the obtaining nor the exercising of any such remedy will waive the right of either parly to demand that the related or any other controversy be determined by arbitration or reference as provided above. Jurisdiction and venue. Any arbitration, lawsuit or other proceeding regarding your account must be brought in the state where we opened or, if different, currently maintain your account; and you submit to the personal jurisdiction of that state. Checking and money market savings accounts We offer a variety of business checking and money market savings accounts. Our non-interest-bearing and interest-bearing checking accounts are for businesses, including non-profit organizations and sole proprietorships and government entities, that quality for our deposit services and have unlimited activity. Our money market savings accounts are for businesses, including non-profit organizations and sole proprietorships, that qualify for our deposit services and have limited transact ons. Account conversions We may either close your account or convert it to another type of account, when we consider it appropriate or necessary to do so. As examples, we may close, revoke privileges, or convert your account to another account type if: • You frequently exceed the transaction limits on a money market savings account. • Your account frequently has debits against uncollected funds. • Your account has excessive deposit activity. If we convert your account, we may send you information about your new account. Interest-bearing accounts are converted to non-interest-bearing accounts. Transaction limits for money market savings accounts For all money market savings accounts, you may make an unlimited number of withdrawals from your account 16 and transfers to your other Bank of America deposit accounts each statement period, at one of our banking centers or by mail. Federai regulation limits you to six transactions each monthly statement cycle (each month for a quarterly statement cycle) from among the following: • Pre authorized transfers from your account • Telephone transfers from your account. Telephone transfers include instructions sent to us by facsimile or data transmission. Our practice is to monitor the number of limited transactions, if you are counting the number of transactions you make each statement period, you should know that we count an item on the date we post it to your account. This date may be different than the date you authorize, transfer or write the item, which means the item may not be counted until a later statement period. If you frequently exceed the transaction limits, we may revoke your privileges on that account or convert it to another type of account. (See "Account conversions" in this Agreement.) For some accounts, we may charge you a fee for each transaction that exceeds the limits described above. Interest on your funds If you have an interest-bearing checking or money market savings account, your funds earn a variable rate of Interest. We set interest rates at our own discretion. Your interest rate and annual percentage yield may change, and pay no interest. At our discretion, in response to changes in market interest rates and/ or other factors we may change your interest rate and annual percentage yield and reserve the right to pay no interest on your account. We normally compound and credit any interest paid, if any, monthly. If you have an account that combines earnings credit and interest-bearing features, your funds earn a variable rate on balances that are defined as excess balances (balances above the amount required to offset service charges). On these accounts we use the monthly- balance method to calculate interest. For applicable accounts, the monthly rate is (days in mo/365) - or In a leap year, we may use (days in mo/366) - of the interest rate. Interest Is not accrued daily, and payment of the Interest occurs in arrears. For all other accounts, we use the daily-balance method to calculate the interest on your account. For applicable accounts, the daily rate Is 1/365 - or In a leap year, we may use 1/366 - of the interest rate. For accounts that are eligible to earn dally Interest, this method applies a dally rate to the collected balance In the account each day. When you make a deposit, into an account that accrues interest daily, the interest begins to accrue no later than the business day 17 on which we receive credit for non-cash items, such as checks. For interest-bearing checking accounts, we may deduct from the collected balance an amount that we determine applies for reserves, applicable generally to transaction accounts under the rules of the Federal Reserve. The rate we pay may depend on the tier Into which the balance in your account falls. A tier is a range of account balances. We may change the tiers that apply at any time without notice. Different tiers may apply to different types of accounts. Different rates may apply to different tiers. Statements We provide you with a statement when there Is activity on your checking or money market savings account. When there is no activity on your account, we may choose not to provide a statement. You must promptly review your statement and any accompanying items and notify us immediately of any dispute, error or other problem. We mail your statement and accompanying items, if any, to you at the address we have in our records for your account, unless we have agreed to provide statements electronically, if you use a website or other information reporting channel, you may receive a statement electronically, unless you opt out. if you are not currently receiving statements electronically, we reserve the right to switch you to receipt of electronic statements unless you notify us that you wish to opt out. if you elect to receive your statement electronically, we reserve the right to suppress the mailing of your paper statement and accompanying items. You may opt out of suppression by contacting your bank representative. We may elect to charge you a fee for receiving the statement electronically and through the mail. Refer to the Electronic statement section for additional information on electronic statements. You agree to notify us if you change your address including Client Email. We are not responsible for checks or statements lost while not In our possession. We may destroy statements and accompanying items that are sent to you and returned to us as being undeliverable. If one or more statements are returned, we may stop sending statements and accompanying items until a new address Is provided to us. Statements that are received at a banking center are deemed to be delivered to you at the time that they are received at the banking center. We provide a single statement. You may generally obtain an additional copy of your statement, or an interim "snapshot" statement, for a fee. For ail checking accounts and money market savings accounts, we provide you with a monthly statement, 18 unless you and we agree to a different schedule. Statement periods generally vary from 28 to 33 days and may end on different days during the month. For analyzed business checking and money market savings accounts, we provide an additional monthly account analysis statement. This statement includes balance and float information, an itemization of services used during the period, fees and charges for these services, and the earnings allowance, if any. We may give you or make available a brochure that describes this statement and the method for computing your charges and fees. The time frames and terms set forth in this Agreement under "Examining statements and reporting problems" will also apply to your account analysis statement. You and we agree that If you use one of our other electronic information reporting channels, and we provide statements through that channel, that information is made available at the time it Is posted. Combined statements With combined statement service, where available, we provide a single statement that reports activity for all accounts linked for this service, Instead of separate statements for each linked account. Accounts with at least one common owner may be linked and reported on a combined statement, either automatically or at your request. When accounts are reported on a combined statement, you understand and agree that each owner and each signer of any linked account can review information about all linked accounts. As an example: If you own a checking account jointly with others and you link your Individual savings account to this checking account for combined statement service, then each of the other owners and signers of the joint checking account can review information about both the checking account and your individual savings account. You should not link accounts for combined statement service that you do not want others to see. You must generaily request combined statement service and tell us which accounts you want us to link and report on a combined statement. In some cases, however, we may automatically send you a combined statement. As an example: we may automatically link accounts that have the same owners and provide a combined statement for those accounts. We may restrict what accounts can be linked for a combined statement. Please note that combining accounts on a single statement does not mean they are also linked for pricing. To determine which accounts can be linked, or to link accounts, for combined statements, please contact us. 19 Additional provisions and related services This section contains additional provisions that apply to your corporate deposit account and describes other services we offer, where available, for use with your account. You agree to provide us with such information as we may request, including financial information, in connection with your use of a service. If at any time we believe (i) that our provision of any service to you may create a risk of financial loss for us or result in an unacceptable credit exposure to us, or (ii) that an account associated with any service may be subject to irregular, unauthorized, fraudulent or illegal activity, we may, in our sole discretion, suspend or modify our provision of any such service until such time that such risk, exposure, or activity is eliminated or otherwise resolved. You and we agree that if you use one of our other electronic information reporting channels, and we provide statements/reports through that channel, that information is made available at the time it is posted. Account reconcilement service This service helps you reconcile and manage the activity in your demand deposit account with us. Detailed information regarding this service is available in the Account Reconcilement user documentation. Your use of this service does not affect any of your obligations, which are described in this Agreement, to discover and report unauthorized signatures, alterations or endorsements on checks drawn on your account. Your use of this service or our receipt of information associated with this service does not increase our duty with respect to your account and the payment of checks. To request this service, ask your account representative. Automatic transfer service This service may not be available on some accounts. You may have funds transferred automatically from most checking or savings accounts with us to another checking or savings account with us or to pay a loan or credit card account or safe deposit rental fee with us. Federal regulation and this Agreement place limits on the number of automated transfers you may make from savings accounts each month. Please see "Transaction limits for money market savings accounts". Certain other restrictions apply. You must schedule transfers to pay a loan with us for the due date each month. In most other cases, you may schedule transfers periodically on the dates and for the amounts that you specify. Transfers can only be made on a business day. If a scheduled transfer date fails on a weekend or bank holiday, we may make the transfer on the next business day. If we are unable to complete 20 a transfer because you do not have enough available funds in your account, we may cancel this service. Automated Clearing House (ACH) blocks and authorization services This section applies only to ACH blocks and authorization services for Entries received in the United States of America. With the ACH blocks and authorization services, you provide us with the authorization criteria for Entries you desire to receive for debit or credit to your account. We return automatically any Entry which does not meet your criteria. We may also return an Entry for any reason that an Entry may be returned under the National Automated Clearing House Association ("NACHA") Rules. The ACH blocks and authorization services will not apply to Entries settled against your account that are originated under our ACH Services that we provide to you. We may also pay any Entries, reversals or adjustments which we are required to accept under the NACHA Rules, operating circulars or any other applicable rule, guideline or regulation. You provide authorization criteria in a manner and form acceptable to us. In your authorization criteria, you may specify a maximum amount or a fixed amount for the Entries. In either case, you must specify the amount in dollars and cents. You agree to comply with the NACHA Rules for all Entries. Under the NACHA Rules, credit Entries are provisional and may be revoked prior to final settlement. If the credit Entry Is revoked before final settlement and we do not receive final settlement, we may charge your account for any amount credited. The person who sent the credit Entry is considered not to have paid you. If this happens, we do not send a separate notice; we notify you of these credits and charges on your account statement. When an ACH blocks and authorization service is terminated for any reason, we will no longer be obligated to monitor Entries against your authorization criteria; and we will receive, and accept, or return Entries to your account in accordance with our normal procedures. You still have the right to return Entries in accordance with the NACHA rules. ACH debits and credits From time to time, originators that you authorize may send automated clearing house (ACH) credits or debits for your account. For each ACH transaction, you agree that the transaction is subject to the National Auto mated Clearing House Association (NACHA) Operating Rules, and as applicable, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Green Book), and any local ACH operating rules then in effect. You agree that we may rely on the 21 representations and warranties contained in these operating rules and either credit or debit your account, as instructed by the originator of the ACH transaction. You acknowledge and agree that if you request Bank of America to transmit an ACH return transaction in con nection with any problem, including a claim of erroneous or unauthorized ACH debit posted to your account, the related originating depository financial institution has no obligation to accept that return transaction if the return request is not made within the applicable time frame set forth in the NACHA Rules, and even if such time frames are shorter than the time frame stated in this or other Sections of this Agreement. Bank of America may respond to your reported problem arid attempt to pursue it with the originating depository financial institu tion even If it is submitted to us beyond the NACHA time frames; however, we do not guarantee that we will be able to help you. In some cases, depending on the facts, your claim may not be honored and you could incur a loss. You should be careful about giving someone your ac count number to help prevent unauthorized transactions on your account, and utilize blocks and authorizations services if available. You must notify us immediately of unauthorized activity. For Information about stop ping payment of an ACH transaction, see Stop payment orders in this agreement. Automated Clearing House (ACH) review service See "information reporting services" in this Agreement. Cash transactions reporting Federal law requires us to submit a Currency Transaction Report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for any cash transactions of more than $10,000 and for multiple cash transactions you perform that total more than $10,000 on any one day. This Information aids federal authorities in controlling the flow of cash generated from illegal activities. We usually prepare the report when the transaction occurs. We are required to obtain certain information about the individual who performs the transaction and the individual or organization for whom the transaction is being performed. We include the individual's and/ or organization's full name; permanent street address; Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN); driver's license or major credit card number; and business, occupation or profession. Federal law makes It a crime for a person to cause a financial institution to file an incorrect report or for a person to arrange or structure a transaction specifically to avoid this reporting requirement - for example, by breaking a single cash deposit of more than $10,000 into several smaller cash deposits. 22 Check cashing Check cashing services may not be available at some banking centers. If a payee of a check you have issued wants to cash the check in one of our banking centers, we may require identification satisfactory to us. If the payee does not have a deposit relationship with us, we may also require a fingerprint before we cash the check; and we may charge the payee a fee for cashing the check. From time to time, we may also Impose other requirements that we consider appropriate. For example, we may refuse to cash the check at any banking center other than the address displayed on the check. If the payee fails or refuses to satisfy our requirements, we may refuse to cash the check. We have no liability to you for refusing to cash the check or charging a check cashing fee. Check handling Check truncation. We report on your statement information about canceled checks (check number, amount, and date posted) that posted to your account during the statement cycle. You do not receive your canceled checks or other paper items paid against your account. Checks are deemed to be made available to you at the same time your statement is made available. We store copies (digital image or other media storage channels) and destroy the items. Copies are generally available for seven years from the date paid. If you usually receive your checks and other paper items with your statement but we are unable to return them because of circumstances beyond our reasonable control, we may convert your account to the check truncation service for the period that the circumstances persist. (See "Circumstances beyond our control" In this Agreement.) We may also convert your paper statement, to an electronic statement. (See "Electronic Statements" in this agreement.) Requesting copies. You may request a copy of a canceled check, or other paper Items paid against your account, online via one of our information reporting services, by calling us at the telephone number on your statement or by asking your account representative. Generally, we mail or make a copy available within seven business days. We may charge you a fee for providing copies. For some accounts, you receive a monthly allowance of copies. The fees are described in the list of charges we may make available to you. To produce a copy, we need the following information: • Your account number • The check/serial number • The exact amount of the item • The date the item was paid Unavailable copies. If we cannot provide a copy of a paid item, and you lose money as a result, we may cover 23 the loss up to the amount of the item. We are not liable to you for any special or consequential loss or damage of any kind. Check legends Some customers print or write legends or restrictions on their checks. Sometimes either you, or the payee - the person to whom the check is payable - prints or writes a legend or restriction on a check. Legends and restrictions include conditions, special or restrictive instructions, and other notations. Some examples are: "not valid after 60 days," "not valid over $1,000" or "paid in full." We may disregard legends and restrictions. We may process or pay the item even if the legend or restriction has not been met. We are not liable to you for any claims, costs, losses or damages that result from the placement of these legends restrictions on your checks, or from our failure to abide by them. Check stock and Ink See "Purchasing or creating checks or deposit slips" in this Agreement. Check transformation services Image cash letter service. The image cash letter service allows you, or a third party acting as your agent, to transmit an image cash letter to us. We may create on your behalf a paper substitute check or image replacement document (IRD) from such electronic Image transmission or process via image, as described in the applicable user documentation. Remote deposit service. The remote deposit service truncates, on your behalf, an original paper item and transmits the image and Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) data of that item for clearing via image exchange or ACH as described in the applicable user documentation. To request the Image cash letter service or Remote deposit service, ask your account representative. Additional service agreements may be required. CHECK 21 Check 21 (the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act) is a U.S. federal law, which provides that a properly prepared substitute check that meets the requirements for legal equivalence is the legal equivalent of the original for all purposes. A substitute check Is the legal equivalent of your original check for all purposes, including under any provision of any federal or state law, and for all persons, if the item: • Accurately represents all of the information on the front and back of the original check, as of the time 24 at which the original check was truncated. • Bears the legend: "This is a legal copy of your check. You can use it the same way you would use the original check." • includes ail endorsements. • Includes the identification of the party creating it. • Otherwise meets the requirements of Check 21 regulations. See "Substitute checks, indemnified copies, images and image replacement documents" in this Agreement. Circumstances beyond our control We are not liable to you if circumstances beyond our reasonable control cause us to take any action with regard to your account, including acting based on a legal or governmental action, rule, guideline or constraint or emergency situation. We are not liable to you if circumstances beyond our reasonable control prevent us from, or delay us In, performing our obligations for a service, including acting on a payment order, processing a transaction or crediting a ^nds transfer or other transaction to your account. Circumstances beyond our reasonable control Include: a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or a flood; emergency conditions, such as a war, riot, fire, theft, or labor dispute; a legal constraint or governmental action or Inaction; the breakdown or failure of our equipment; the breakdown of any private or common carrier communication or transmission facilities, any time sharing supplier or mall or courier service; the potential violation of any guideline, rule or regulation of any government authority: suspension of payments by another bank; or your act, omission, negligence or fault. Client-encoded deposits You may want to encode the dollar amount of checks on the MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) line of items you deposit with us. We permit this under certain circumstances, and we provide you with instructions for preparing and encoding your deposits. We are not liable for any claims, costs, losses, or damages you may incur when you encode your own items. You must be able to provide us with replacements or copies of the original checks, if the deposit is lost or destroyed. We are not liable to you if you are not able to do so. If our equipment is unable to read what we consider to be a significant number of your encoded items, we may impose additional charges, as described in the list of charges we give you. If you make an encoding mistake that results in costs or losses to us, you agree to reimburse us for the costs 25 or losses, including reasonable attorneys' fees we may incur. Collection Items We may accept certain items - such as securities and checks payable in foreign currencies or at foreign locations - on a collection basis only. We route and process these items separately. We normally credit your account for these items only after we receive payment for them; but if we do credit your account and then do not receive payment, we may debit your account. We may charge fees for processing collection items. The fees apply even if the collection item is returned unpaid. The fees are described in the list of charges we may make available to you. The financial institution on which the item is drawn may also charge you fees. If the other financial Institution requires payment of a fee before that institution will process the collection item, we may pay the fee and charge you. Otherwise, the other financial institution may subtract its fee from the amount of the payment they remit. These fees apply even if the item is returned to us unpaid. When another fi nancial Institution submits an Item drawn on your account to us on a collection basis, we charge the other financial institution a fee. When you do not have enough funds in your deposit account for us to process a collection item drawn on your account, we may charge you an insufficient funds - fee. (See "Overdrafts and Insufficient funds" In this Agreement.) Death or incompetence You agree to notify us promptly if any owner or authorized signer on your account dies or Is declared Incompetent by a court. Until we receive such notice of death or incompetency, we may act with respect to any account or services as If all owners, signers or other persons are alive and competent and we will not be liable for any action or Inaction taken on that basis. We may place a hold on your account and refuse to accept deposits when an owner dies or is declared incompetent. We may retain any funds in your account until we know the identity of the successor. Deposit error correction When we receive your deposits, we m^ provisionally credit your account for the amount declared on the deposit slip, or other deposit record, subject to later verification by us. You must ensure that the amount declared on the deposit slip or other deposit record Is correct, even If you did not prepare the deposit slip or other deposit record. If we later determine that the amount declared on the deposit slip or other deposit record Is Incorrect, we may adjust (debit or credit) your account. However, If 26 the error in completing the deposit slip or other deposit record was inadvertent and Is less than our standard adjustment amount, we may not adjust your account, unless you notify us of the error within one year of the date of your periodic statement that shows the deposit. After this notice period has passed without your bringing an error to our attention, the deposit amount Indicated on the statement will be considered finally settled. That Is, If the actual amount deposited was less than the amount declared on the deposit slip or other deposit record, the difference will become your property; and If the actual amount deposited was more than the amount declared on the deposit slip or other deposit record, the difference will become our property. We may change our standard adjustment amount from time to time without notice to you. Electronic statements You may elect to receive account statements and other Information relating to account activity or services, transactlonal activity and/or cash management services with the Bank and/or Its affiliates ("Statements") electronically. We may at our option discontinue the delivery of the paper statement if you are receiving or have elected to receive an electronic statement through a Website or other Information reporting channels. If you request to receive both paper and electronic statements, we may charge an additional fee. You and we agree that If we provide statement through a Website or other electronic information reporting channels, that Information Is made available at the time It Is posted on the applicable Website or channel. Endorsing checks We may endorse checks for you that we receive for deposit. We may cash or deposit all checks payable to any authorized signer on your account when endorsed by any other authorized signer. We restrict both how you endorse checks that you ask us to cash or deposit and what you may place or have preprinted on the back of your checks. You must endorse checks in the area that is 11/2 Inches from the trailing edge of the back of the check. The trailing edge is the left side of the check when you look at It from the front. You must also confine Information that you place or have preprinted on the back of your checks to the area described above. You may not place or Imprint any endorsements of any kind outside the area described above. If any Information or endorsement you place or print obscures our bank's endorsement, you are liable for checks that are returned late and unpaid. Examining checks We receive checks In great volume. This and 27 compliance with expedited funds availability laws require us to use automated check processing procedures. Although we may visually review a sample of checks and other items from time to time, reasonable commercial standards do not require us to do so. We select some checks for review based on certain criteria that change from time to time. This means that most checks are processed on the basis of MICR line printed along the bottom edge of the check, and are not Individually examined for dates, maker signatures, legends or endorsements. You agree that we will have exercised ordinary care if we examine only those Items that we have Identified according to the criteria that we may establish In our discretion for Inspection. If we do visually review any check or other Item, we may disregard any restrictive Instructions or notations. We may return the item unpaid If, in our opinion. It does not bear a signature matching any specimen signature we have on file for your account. You agree, however, that we will not be liable to you for honoring any check or other Item bearing a signature that, in our sole opinion, resembles the specimen signature on file with us. Since we do not Individually examine most checks, It Is critical for you to take care of your checks, promptly review your account statement, and Immediately report any suspicious or unauthorized activity to us. You agree that automated processing of your checks Is reasonable and that you accept responsibility for preventing and reporting forgeries, alterations, and other unauthorized uses of your checks or accounts. You agree that the exercise of ordinary care will not require us to detect forgeries or alterations that could not be detected by a person observing reasonable commercial standards Since some types of check fraud have become more difficult to detect, we may elect in some cases to make further Inquiries about certain checks or other Items that are presented for payment against your account. If we are unable to contact you, or take other steps, to determine with reasonable certainty that you authorized these payments, we may either pay the checks or other items or return them unpaid without any liability to you. Examining statements and reporting problems This section applies to any problem or unauthorized transaction on your account, except electronic transactions that are subject to Regulation E. You agree to promptly and carefully review your statement and any accompanying Items and/or images. You must report problems or unauthorized transactions to us immediately, by calling the telephone number on your statement. You agree that 60 days after we send a statement and/or Items and/or images (or otherwise make them available) Is the maximum reasonable amount of time for you to review your statement and/ or items and/or Images and report any problem or 28 unauthorized transaction related to a matter shown on the statement and/or items and/or Images. In addition, If you do not notify us In writing of suspected problems or unauthorized transactions within 60 days after we send (or otherwise make available) your statement and/ or items and/or Images, you agree that you cannot make a claim against us relating to the unreported problems or unauthorized transactions, regardless of the care or lack of care we may have exercised in handling your account. There are exceptions to the 60 day period. For forged, unauthorized or missing endorsements, you must notify us within the period specified by the state law applicable to your account. In addition. If you fall to report an unauthorized transaction on your account within 30 days (or such lesser period as Is specified In the state law applicable to your account) following the closing date of the statement containing information about the first unauthorized transaction, we are not liable to you for subsequent unauthorized transactions on your account by the same person. You may not bring any legal proceeding or action against us to recover any amount alleged to have been improperly paid out of your account, unless you have given us the notice described above. If you experience missing, stolen, or unauthorized Items and/or Images, we recommend that you close your current account and open a new one. If you do not do so, we may not be liable to you for subsequent losses or damages on the account due to forgery, fraud or other unauthorized use. When you open a new account, you are responsible for notifying any third parties that need to know your new account number. If you report to us that a forgery, alteration or other unauthorized transaction has occurred on your account, you agree to provide us with an affidavit containing the Information we require concerning the transaction. Any failure by you to do so may result In a denial of your claim. You also agree to cooperate with us In the investigation of your claim and any attempt to recover funds. Including identifying and processing the suspected wrongdoer(s). If you fall to exercise ordinary care and that failure contributes to an alteration of your check or to the making of a forged signature on your check, you are precluded from asserting the alteration or the forgery against a person including us, who. In good faith, pays the check or takes it for value or for collection. If we fall to exercise ordinary care in paying or taking the instrument and that failure contributes to the loss, the loss Is allocated between you and us, to the extent to which the failure of each to exercise ordinary care contributed to the loss. You agree that we have a reasonable period of time to Investigate the fects and circumstances surrounding any claimed loss, and that we have no obligation to provisionally credit your account. Our maximum liability is the lesser of your actual damages proved or the amount of the missing deposit or the forgery, alteration or other unauthorized withdrawal, reduced In all cases by the amount of the loss that could have been avoided by your use of ordinary care. We are not liable to you for special or consequential losses or damages of any kind. Including loss of profits and opportunity, or for attorneys' fees Incurred by you. You agree to Immediately give us notice of any claim you may have against us. You agree to pursue all rights you may have under any insurance coverage you maintain, before pursuing such claim against us, in connection with any transaction involving your accounts. You also agree to provide us with all reasonable Information about your coverage. Including the name of your Insurance carrier, policy number, policy limits and applicable deductlbles. Our liability Is reduced by the amount of all insurance proceeds you receive or are entitled to receive. At our request, you agree to assign to us your rights under your insurance policy. Facsimiles and Other Non-Written Signatures You may wish to use a Non-Written Signature for your convenience, if you choose to use a Non-Written Signature, we may require that you provide us In advance with a specimen Non-Written Signature of each authorized person and/or to execute additional documentation. We will not be liable to you If facsimile device, or other device used to affix your Non-Written Signature, was unauthorized. You are responsible for any withdrawal from your account that bears or appears to us to bear your Non-Written Signature, regardless of by whom or by what means the Non-Written Signature was placed on the check. If you choose to use a Non- Written Signature, you are responsible, and we may pay a withdrawal and debit your account for any such wl^drawal, even if (i) you have not presented us with a specimen signature; (ii) the size, color or style of the check Is different from that of the check you normally use; or (lii) the size, color or style of the Non-Written Signature differs from the Non-Written Signature specimen you provided. You agree to compensate us for all losses, claims, damages or expenses. Including reasonable attorneys' fees, that result from our payment of a withdrawal bearing a Non-Written Signature that resembles either the specimen or other Non- Written Signatures provided by you. You are responsible for taking security measures and Implementing procedures to prevent the forgery, theft or fraudulent or unauthorized use of your Non-Written Signatures. 29 30 Foreign currency checks You may not write checks or give other withdrawal orders on your account, which order payment in foreign currency. If we receive such a check or order, we may refuse to accept or process it without any liability to you. Foreign exchange transactions If we assign a currency exchange rate to your foreign exchange transaction, such exchange rate will be determined by us based upon market conditions. We consider many factors in setting our exchange rates, including and without limitation: exchange rates charged by other parties, desired rates of return, market risk and credit risk. You acknowledge that exchange rates for retail and commercial transactions, and for transactions effected after regular business hours and on weekends, are different from the exchange rates for large inter bank transactions effected during the business day, as reported in The Wall Street Journal or elsewhere. Exchange rates offered by other dealers, or shown at other sources (including online sources) may be different from our rates. We do not accept any liability if our rates are different from rates offered or reported by third parties, or offered by us at a different time, at a different location, for a different transaction amount, or involving a different payment media (bank-notes, checks, wire transfers, etc.). Funds availability: When funds are available for withdrawal We may negotiate a separate funds availability agreement with you. If we do not do so, then the following funds availability terms will apply to your account. Your ability to withdraw funds. Our policy Is to make funds from electronic direct deposits and incoming wire transfers available to you on the day we receive the deposit. Our general policy is to make funds from check deposits available to you no later than the first business day after the day we receive your deposit, when the check is drawn on a fi nancial institution within the same local Federal Reserve district. Check deposits drawn on financial institutions In other districts may be made available on subsequent days. Once they are available, you can withdraw the funds in cash; and we will use the funds to pay checks that you have written. For determining the availability of your deposits, every day is a business day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays. If you make a deposit at a banking center before 2:00 p.m. local time, or such later time as may be posted at that banking center, on a business day that we are open, we consider that day to be the day of your deposit. However, if you make a deposit in a banking center after such time, or on a day when we are not open, we consider that the deposit was made on the next business day we are open. Other deadlines may apply for deposits made through other channels. Government, official and other special types of checks, if you make a deposit in person to one of our employees, and meet the other conditions noted below, our policy is to make funds from the following types of deposits available no later than the first business day after the day of your deposit: • U.S. Treasury checks that are payable to you • State and local government checks that are payable to you and are deposited to an account In the same Federal Reserve District that issued the check • Cashier's, certified and teller's checks that are payable to you Other delays may apply. There are other situations that may affect funds availability. Depending on the type of check that you deposit, we may place a hold on certain checks and not make funds available until the fifth business day after the day of your deposit. In such a case, we generally notify you at the time you make your deposit. We also tell you when the funds will be available. If your deposit is not made directly to one of our employees, or if we decide to take this action after you have left the premises, we mail you the notice by the next business day after we receive your deposit. If you need the funds from a deposit right away, you should ask us when the funds will be available. In addition, we may delay the availability of funds you deposit by check for a longer period under the following circumstances: • We believe a check you deposit will not be paid. • You deposit checks totaling more than $5,000 on any one day. • You redeposit a check that has been returned unpaid. • You have overdrawn your account repeatedly In the last six months. • There is an emergency, such as failure of communications or computer equipment. We will notify you if we delay your ability to withdraw funds for any of these reasons, and we will tell you when the funds will be available. They will generally be available no later than the eleventh business day after the day of your deposit. Cash withdrawal Hmltatlon. If we delay availability of your deposit, we place certain limitations on withdrawals in cash or by similar means. In general, $200 of a deposit is available for withdrawal in cash or by similar means no later than the first business day after the day of deposit. In addition, a total of $400 31 32 of other funds becoming available on a given day is available for withdrawal in cash or by similar means at or after 5:00 p.m. on that day. Any remaining funds will be available for withdrawal in cash or by similar means on the following business day. Similar means Include electronic payment, Issuance of a cashier's or teller's check, certification of a check, or other Irrevocable commitment to pay, such as a debit card transaction. Holds on other funds. If we cash a check for you that Is drawn on another financial Institution, we may withhold the availability of a corresponding amount of ftjnds that are already in your account. If we accept for deposit a check that Is drawn on another financial Institution, we may make funds from the deposit available for withdrawal Immediately but delay your ability to withdraw a corresponding amount of funds that you have on deposit In another account with us. In either case, we make these funds available In accordance with our policy described above for the type of check that was cashed or deposited. Special rules for new accounts. If you are a new customer, the following special rules may apply during the first 30 days after the account Is open. Funds from electronic direct deposits to your account are available on the day we receive the deposit. Funds from deposits of cash, wire transfers, and the first $5,000 of a day's total deposits of cashier's, certified, teller's, traveler's, and federal, state and local government checks are available no later than the first business day after the day of your deposit. If the deposit meets certain conditions. For example, the checks must be payable to you and deposited In person to one of our employees. The excess over $5,000 Is available by the ninth business day after the day of your deposit. If your deposit of these checks (other than a U.S. Treasury check) is not made in person to one of our employees, the first $5,000 will not be available until the second business day after the day of your deposit. Funds from all other check deposits are generally available by the ninth business day after the day of your deposit. However, we may place longer holds on certain items for other reasons, such as large deposits. (See "Other delays may apply" In this section.) Funds transfer services A funds transfer Is the process of carrying out a payment order that leads to paying a beneficiary. The payment order Is the set of Instructions you give or we receive regarding a funds transfer. The beneficiary is the person who receives the payment. The following provisions apply to fijnds transfers you send or receive through us. If you have a specific agreement with us for these services, these provisions supplement but do not contradict that agreement. The terms "funds transfer," "payment order" and "beneficiary" are used here as they are defined In Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code - Funds Transfers, as adopted by the state whose law applies to the account for which the funds transfer service Is provided. We may charge fees for sending or receiving a funds transfer. These fees are described In the list of charges we may make available to you. If you transfer funds In U.S. dollars to a non-U.S. dollar account, your payment may be converted Into the local currency of the non-U.S. dollar account by an Intermediary bank or the receiving bank (and we may receive compensation in connection with any such conversion.) Fedwire. Fedwire is the electronic funds transfer system of the U.S. Federal Reserve Banks. When you send a payment order or receive a funds transfer, we or other banks Involved In the funds transfer may use Fedwire. If any part of a funds transfer Is carried out by Fedwire, your rights and obligations are governed by Regulation J of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board. Sending funds transfers. You may subscribe to certain services we offer, or you may give us other Instructions to pay money or have another bank pay money to a beneficiary. This "Sending funds transfers" section applies to wire transfers and transfers we make between Bank of America accounts. It does not apply to Automated Clearing House ("ACH") system funds transfer services. You may only give us payment orders for ACH system funds transfers (where ACH services are available) If you have a separate agreement with us for these services. For blocking or filtering ACH receipts, see "Automated Clearing House (ACH) blocks and filters services" in this Agreement. You are solely responsible for ensuring that payment Instructions that are sent on your behalf are valid Instructions authorized by your organization. While we may In some circumstances Implement Internal controls to monitor customer payments. Including mechanisms that may evaluate the risk of possible fraudulent activity, such monitoring is done solely at our discretion and Is not a component of the Security Procedures. You hereby acknowledge that we do not guarantee or ensure that such monitoring will be effective In preventing frauds against your accounts and agree that we may process payments verified by the Security Procedure regardless of the results of transaction monitoring. We will be considered to have acted In good faith and in compliance with the Security Procedures, regardless of the results of transaction monitoring. 33 34 Security Procedure You agree to use the applicable security procedure as described in the Materials in connection with your use of a Service for your data delivery type or Service for the purpose of verifying the authenticity of any (i) electronic funds transfers or payments instructions, including, without limitation, cancellations, amendments or reversals thereto; and (li) any instructions, data, transactions or other information sent between you and us (collectively, for this section of the agreement, "transactions"). The purpose of the security procedure Is to verify the authenticity of any such transactions between you and us or our third party processor and not to detect any errors in the transmission or content of any such transactions. Each time you use a Service, you represent and warrant that, in view of your requirements, the security procedure is a satisfactory method of verifying the authenticity of any such transactions. You agree that we or our third party processor may act on any transactions, the authenticity of which we or our third party processor, as applicable, have verified through use of the security procedure. You agree that we may act on transactions, including, without limitation, electronic funds transfers and payments requests, even if they are unauthorized, if we act in good faith and comply with the applicable security procedure and any written agreement with you restricting our action on such transactions. In such cases, we may enforce or retain your payment to us for such transactions; provided, however, we may not enforce or retain payment if you prove that the unauthorized transactions were not caused by a person (i) entrusted at any time to act for you with respect to any such transactions or the applicable security procedure, (11) who obtained access to your premises, computer equipment or transmitting facilities or (iii) who obtained, from a source controlled by you, information (such as keys and passwords) which facilitated breach of the applicable security procedure. You have sole responsibility for the custody, control and use of all Materials. You agree that no Individual will be allowed to initiate a Request or other instruction contemplated In this Agreement or to have access to any Materials without proper supervision and strict security controls. We will be fully protected in relying on the correct user identification codes and passwords, as described In the relevant User Documentation. Cutoff times for payment orders. We have cutoff times for processing payment orders. Cutoff times vary depending on the particular office of our bank and the type of payment order. We may treat payment orders we receive after a cutoff time as if received the next banking day. We tell you our cutoff times upon request. Amending or canceling payment orders. You may not amend or cancel a payment order after we receive it. If you ask us to do this, we may make a reasonable effort to act on your request, if your request is timely and if we verity the request using the applicable security procedure. However, we are not liable to you if, for any reason, a payment order isn't amended or canceled. You agree to reimburse us for any costs, losses or damages that we incur In connection with your request to amend or cancel a payment order. Identifying beneficiaries and banks. The beneficiary's bank may make payment to the beneficiary based solely on the account or other Identifying number, even if the name on the payment order differs from the name on the account. We or an intermediary bank may send a payment order to an intermediary bank or beneficiary's bank based solely on the bank identifying number, even if the payment order indicates a different bank name. Sending payment orders. We may select any intermediary bank, funds transfer system or means of transmittal to send your payment orders. Our selection may differ from that Indicated in your instructions. Notice of rejection. We may reject payment orders. We notify you of any rejection orally, electronically or in writing. If we send written notices by mail, we do so by the end of the next banking day. We are not liable to you for the rejection or obligated to pay you interest for the period before you receive the notice of rejection. Errors or questions about your payment orders. We notify you about funds transfers by listing them on your account statement. In some cases, we also may notify you electronically, in writing or by a report produced through one of our information reporting services. You must notify us at once if you think a funds transfer shown on your statement or notice is incorrect. You must send us written notice, Including a statement of relevant facts, no later than 14 days after the date you receive the first notice or statement on which the problem or error appears. If you fail to notify us within this 14-day period, we are not liable for any loss of Interest because of an unauthorized or erroneous debit, or because your statement or notice is incorrect. We are not required to compensate you, and we are not required to credit or adjust your account for any loss of interest or interest equivalent. Compensation. If we are obligated to pay for loss of interest that results from our error or delay regarding your payment order, we calculate compensation as follows: • For an analyzed account, we credit the account to refiect the applicable value date or otherwise adjust the account under our account analysis 35 36 procedure, to recalculate earnings credits for the period involved. • For a non-analyzed, non-interest-bearing account, we use a rate equal to the average of the Federal Funds rates set by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, less a reserve factor. • For an interest-bearing account, we use the rate(s) applicable to the account. If we have a separate agreement with you specifying a different calculation method, we use that method instead. Conditional Requests. Do not send conditional requests to us. If we receive from you a conditional funds transfer request (i.e., a request which purports to Impose one or more conditions, such as the occurrence of a specified event or act, as a condition to the making of the payment), we will, at our sole discretion, either (1) not act upon It, or (2) handle it as if your request were unconditional. In no event will we bear any liability or responsibility for any claim or liability you or any other person may assert or incur in connection with a conditional request. You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless against any and all liabilities, claims, costs, expenses and damages of any nature (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees incurred in enforcing this provision) in any way arising from or relating to your sending us a conditional request. Receiving funds transfers. We may receive instructions to pay funds to your account. We may receive funds transfers directly from the sender, through a funds transfer system such as an Automated Clearing House (ACH) system, or through some other communications system. This includes wire transfers, ACH transfers (including those processed directly to an account with us) and transfers between Bank of America accounts. ACH provisional payment rules. Under NACHA Rules, funds transfers sent through an ACH are provisional and may be revoked prior to final settlement. You agree to these rules. If the funds transfer is revoked before final settlement and we do not receive final settlement, we may charge your account for any amount credited. The person who sent the payment order is considered not to have paid you. If this happens, we do not send a separate notice: we notify you of these credits and charges on your account statement. Notice of funds transfer. We notify you that we have received funds transfers by listing them on your account statement. We send statements by mail and/or electronically. If you use one of our information reporting services, you may receive notice through that service. Generally, we do not send you a separate notice of 37 funds transfers. However, we may send a separate notice for wire transfers. If we send the wire transfer notice, we do so within two banking days after the day we credit the wire transfer to your account. If you are expecting a funds transfer and want to find out if it has been credited to your account, call us at the telephone number on your statement or ask your account representative. We are not obligated to pay you interest for the period before you receive notice. Posting your customers' payments. We credit to your account any electronic payments (such as bill payments) that we receive from your customers. If you do not apply a payment to an account of your customer, you must promptly return the payment to us. Image cash letter services See "Check transformation services" in this Agreement. Image statement With the service you do not receive your cancelled checks or other items paid against your account. We generally destroy the items, and instead we provide you with Images of the items on your paper/electronic statement or other statement. We offer a Front Only Image Statement and a Front and Back Image statement. We reserve the right to change the number of images that appear on your statement without notice to you. When you use this service, checks are deemed to be made available to you at the same time your statement Is made available. Information reporting services Our Information Reporting Services make certain account, transaction and related information available to help you control and manage your accounts. This may include information generated from other services you use. You may have information reported directly to you or, with certain of our Information Reporting Services, reported at your direction to another financial institution or other entity. Information reported on a current day basis is subject to updating and, therefore, at any point in time may not reflect the information on our records at such time. In addition, such information may be subject to adjustment upon fi nal posting. Detailed information regarding an Information Reporting Service is available in the applicable user documentation. To request Information Reporting Services, ask your account representative. Accounts of other companies. You may elect to have accounts of another company/organization reported to you with any of our Information Reporting Services. You agree that, for each such account, the company/ organization will provide us with its written authorization, in a form acceptable to us, for us to make its account 38 information available to you. However, you do not need to provide us such written authorization if the other company/organization is a U.S. Subsidiary and its accounts are domiciled in the United States of America. In that case, you represent and warrant that such other company/organization Is a U.S. Subsidiary and that it has authorized us to make its account information available to you. "Subsidiary" means any entity in which more than 50% of the ownership interest is owned directly or indirectly by you. Accounts at other banks. You may also elect to have your accounts, or accounts of another company/ organization, that are maintained at another financial institution reported through certain of our Information Reporting Services, if you do so, you agree that you and the other company/organization will authorize such other financial institution to make the reporting information available to us and to take all other actions necessary for us to provide Information Reporting Services to you. We shall not be responsible for the accuracy or timeliness of any information provided to us by any such financial institution. Third Party information, if you gain, through your use of one or more Services, access to any information relating to any person other than us, you or any of your Subsidiaries which have authorized your receipt of such information, you agree that you will treat such third-party information as strictly confidential and you shall not disclose it to any person outside your company or to any persons within your company except those who have a need to know. Further, you shall ensure that adequate measures have been taken to prevent the unauthorized use of any such third-party information. You agree that you will not use any such third-party information for your own purposes other than in a communication to us relating to the Service. Confidential information. When you subscribe to our information reporting services, we provide you with user identification codes, passwords and the applicable user documentation. This information is confidential. You must safeguard the information and adopt security controls to prevent disclosure of the passwords and codes and unauthorized use of the user documentation. You may not make any copies of the user documentation without our prior consent. Notify us promptly by telephone, confirmed in writing. If any information is lost or its confidentiality is compromised. Legal process We may accept and act on any legal process that we believe to be valid without any liability by us to you, whether sen/ed in person; by mail; by facsimile transmission; at locations other than the banking center or office at which the account, property or records are held; or In one state for property or records held in another state. "Legal process" includes a subpoena, restraining order. Injunction, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment, tax withholding order, search warrant, forfeiture or other similar order relating to your account. Our cutoff time for receipt of a restraining order, writ of attachment or execution, levy, garnishment or similar order relating to your account is 10:00 a.m. local time each banking day. The cutoff time relates to our obligation to pay or return checks and other items. If we receive an order before this cutoff time, we may review checks and other items presented for payment against your account on the previous banking day, to determine whether we need to return any of them to comply with the order. If we receive the order after the cutoff time, we may not review checks and other items presented on the previous banking day. For example, if we receive a levy before the cutoff time and you do not have enough funds in your account to cover the levy, we may return checks or other items presented against your account the previous banking day and apply the funds to the levy. If an order directs us to turn over funds or other property, then, depending on the ty pe of order, we either immediately deliver the funds or property or hold them for a legally permitted period - usually no longer than 21 days. We do not pay interest on the funds during the period we hold them. If we use funds from a time deposit account, we may impose an early withdrawal penalty. We may charge your account a legal process fee for each order. You agree to pay our fees and expenses for research and copying of documents and all other expenses, including administrative expenses, we incur in responding to any legal process related to your account. These may include attorneys' fees. We may deduct these fees and expenses from any of your accounts, without prior notice to you. Any garnishment, attachment or other levy against your account is subject to our right of setoff and any security interest we have in the account. We may produce documents held at, or provide access to property that is located in, any of our facilities or any faciiity operated by third party on our behalf, even if the facility Is not designated as the place to be searched in the legal process. We are not liable to you for not paying items because we have withdrawn funds from your account, or In any way restricted your access to funds, because of a legal process. 39 40 Lost, destroyed or delayed checks When we cash a check for you or accept a check or other item for deposit or other item to your account, we are acting as your agent in collecting the check or other item. We are not responsible if the check or other item is lost or delayed in the collection process. If a check or other item we cashed for you is lost during the collection process, we may charge your account for the amount of the check or other item. If a check or other item we accepted from you for deposit is lost during the collection process, we may deduct from your account the credit we gave you for the check or other item. You must be able to provide us with replacement checks or copies of the original checks or other item, if a deposit is lost or destroyed. We are not liable to you if you are not able to do so. A lost, destroyed or delayed check or other item may not be returned to us for some time. Despite any delay, we may charge your account when we receive the check or other item, or an image. If a check you wrote or deposited or we cashed for you is lost, destroyed or delayed, but we receive a photocopy of the check or an image replacement document, an image, an ACH entry, or a debit slip representing the check or other item, we may charge your account for the amount of the check or other item. Monitoring and recording telephone calls and electronic communication We may record or monitor telephone calls between you and us. You authorize us to monitor, and to record, telephone conversations and other electronic communications you have with us and with our representatives for reasonable business purposes, including security and quality assurance. We need not remind you of our recording or monitoring before each call, unless required to do so by law. Notice of withdrawal Federal regulations require us to retain the right to require all Savings and all NOW account depositors to give us seven days prior written notice before making a withdrawal. It is unlikely, however, that we would require this notice. Notification Service Our Notification Services, where available, allow you to receive certain types of Notices. The types of Notices relating to a particular Service are further described in the applicable User Documentation. Notices are in addition to and not a replacement of or substitution for the Services received by you under the Agreement or any other applicable agreement between you and us. As set forth In the User Documentation, your system administrator(s) shall instruct us with respect to your use of Notification Services. You acknowledge and agree that Notices are provided as a convenience as such you (a) acknowledge and agree that you may not rely on the receipt or expected receipt of a Notice, or the contents (or lack thereof) or any Notice, to relieve you of any of your obligations or duties under the terms of this Agreement or such other agreement between you and us. Notwithstanding any terms to the contrary, you agree that we shall not be liable in any case: (I) for any failure to provide, or any delay in providing, any Notice, (ii) If any Notice is intercepted or received by an unauthorized person or entity, and (lii) If any Notice is inaccurate or incorrect in any way. Overdrafts and insufficient funds You can avoid fees for insufficient funds and the possibility of returned items by ensuring that your account contains sufficient available funds for all of your transactions. When you do not have enough available funds in your account to cover a check or other item, we consider the check or debit an insufficient funds item. Whether we return or pay the item depends on a number of factors, including the amount of the item and the past activity ir your account. In either case, we charge you insufficient i funds fee(s). The insufficient funds fee(s) that apply to your account are described in the list of charges we may make available to you. Funds in your account are not available if we determine that they are subject to a hold, dispute or legal process that prevents their withdrawal. We may without notice to you and In our sole discretion, either return, decline or reject any insufficient funds item unpaid or pay it and overdraw your account. In any case, we overdraw your account to pay an item; you agree to immediately repay us, without notice or demand from us. We may use deposits you or others make to your account to pay overdrafts, fees and other amounts you owe us. You also agree to pay all collection costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. If we pay items by overdrawing your account on one or more occasions, we are not obligated to continue paying any future insufficient funds items. We may stop paying your insufficient funds items without notHying you. When you do not have enough available funds to pay all items on a given day, we may pay one or more items, and return other items, in any order we deem appropriate. We may change our processing order at any time without notice to you. Some processing orders may result in more insufficient funds fees than others. In any case, we may charge you a fee for each 41 42 insufficient funds item whether we pay, permit, return, decline or reject the item. We may also charge you an overdraft fee for overdrafts created by fees or by deposited items that are returned to us unpaid. For some business accounts, if your account is over drawn, we may also charge you Interest on the overdraft amount up to the highest rate permitted by law. Overpayments and Reversals If funds to which you are not entitled are deposited or credited to your account by mistake or otherwise, we may deduct these funds from your account, even if this causes your account to become overdrawn. If the fijnds were transferred from your account, we may reverse the transfer. We can do this without giving you any prior notice or demand. Paying checks and other items We may debit your account for a check or other Item drawn on your account either on the day it is presented to us for payment, by electronic or other means, or on the day we receive notice that the check or item has been deposited or cashed at another financial institution - whichever is earlier. Items include all orders and instructions for the payment, transfer, or withdrawal of funds from your account. As examples, item includes a check, draft, image, substitute check, I ACH transaction, pre authorized payment, automatic transfer, telephone-initiated transfer, withdrawal slip, and in-person payment, transfer or withdrawal instruction, if you have insufficient funds to cover the check or item, we decide whether to return it or to pay it and overdraw your account. (See "Overdrafts and insufficient funds" in this Agreement.) We may determine your balance and make our decision on an insufficient funds item at any time between our receipt of the check, item or notice and the time we must return the item. We are required to determine your account balance only once during this time period. When you deposit checks or other items that are drawn on another account with us, we may treat such items as presented to us for payment on the banking day that they are received by our office that processes checks drawn on the other account. Postdating orders If you write and postdate a check - that is, date the check for presentment on a future date - we may pay it and charge it to your account, even if it is presented for payment before its date. You may ask us not to pay a postdated check before its date, if the check has not already been paid. If you do not want us to pay a postdated check, you must place a stop payment order on it. (See "Stop payment orders" in this Agreement.) Processing and collecting foreign items We may refuse to accept a foreign item for deposit or collection. If we accept a foreign Item for deposit or collection, you assume all the risks relating to or arising from: the collection process, a late retum and changes in currency exchange rates. If we accept a foreign item for deposit or collection, we may decide not to credit the value of the foreign item to your account until we receive the proceeds in cleared funds from the paying bank. However, if we do credit your account, the credit is provisional and we may reverse the credit at any time. If we accept an item for deposit which we later deter mine to be a foreign item, we may decide that the item needs to be sent for collection. If so, we may reverse any credit given for the item and mail the foreign item to you at the address we have for your account statement. You may ask us to send the item for collection. When we send a foreign item for collection, you under stand that the foreign item is sent solely for you and at your risk and that we are not liable for any event in the collection process which is beyond our control. As examples, we are not liable for a default by any bank or agent involved in the collection process or for the loss of the foreign item in transit. We may send the foreign item through a correspondent bank or directly to the paying bank. We may deduct our fees and the fees and charges assessed by the paying bank and any agents involved in the collection process from any amount col lected or from your account. If you request, we will try to determine the status of a collection. You agree to pay all fees and chaiges related to such a request. We may refuse your request if less than 30 business days have passed since we first pro cessed the collection. If a foreign item is returned to us unpaid for any reason at any time or is initially paid but then subsequently returned unpaid, we may charge your account for the foreign item and mail the foreign item to you at the address we have for your account statement. Even though the Item is returned unpaid, we may charge you for our collection fees and for fees and charges assessed by the paying bank and any agents involved in the collection process. When we credit your account for a foreign item, we use our applicable currency exchange rate on the day we credit the item to determine the amount of the credit. When we reverse a credit for a foreign item, we use our applicable currency exchange rate on the day we reverse the credit to determine the amount of the debit. Currency exchange rates are highly volatile and our rate on the day of the credit is likely to be different (sometimes very different) than our rate on the day of the debit. You understand and agree that this may result In a currency exchange loss to you. 43 44 Processing Transactions and Posting Orders Processing and Posting Orders. Posting transactions to your account impacts your account baiance. Posting a credit Increases your balance. Posting a debit or hold reduces your balance. We use automated systems to process transactions and then to post transactions to accounts. When we process multiple transactions for your account on the same day, you agree that we may in our discretion determine our posting orders for the transactions and that we may credit, authorize, accept, pay, decline or return credits, debits and holds in any order at our option. We may accept, pay, or charge checks and other items to your account in any order we choose, at our discretion. We may establish different priorities or categories for checks and other items, and process checks and other items, according to the priorities we establish. As examples, we may process checks in the order we receive them at the processing center, in check number order or in dollar amount order (either from highest to lowest dollar amount or from lowest to highest dollar amount). We may use different methods in different states. We may also use some combination of these methods. We may change the order that we use to process checks and other items at any time without notice to you. Even if we provisionally post checks or other items to your account during the day, we may treat them as if we received ail of them at the end of the day and process them in any order we choose. In many states, we use the dollar amount order and process checks starting with the highest dollar amount first. When you do not have enough available funds in your account to cover all the Items presented that day, this method may allow some of your more important items to be paid; however, it may also result in more insufficient funds fees than other methods. We may choose our processing method at our sole discretion, regardless of whether additional fees may result. Changing Posting Orders. You agree that we may determine in our discretion the orders in which we post transactions to your account. You agree that we may determine in our discretion the categories, the transactions within a category, the order among categories, and the posting orders within a category. We sometimes add or delete categories, change posting orders within categories and move transaction types among categories. You agree that we may in our discretion make these changes at any time wi^out notice to you. Debit Categories. We may establish different categories for different types of debits, move debits types among categories, and determine posting orders within each category and among categories. A category may include more than one type of debit. Some categories may have different posting orders than other categories. We may change categories and orders within categories at any time without notice. Transactions Made After Business Day Ends. Some transactions that you make late in the day, after our business has ended, are stili included In the balance for your account that we use to process your transactions for that day. We show these transactions as posting to your account on our next business day, even though we included them In the balance we use to process your transactions on our prior business. Provisional Credit In connection with any dispute regarding an account, we may choose to credit the account pending completion of our Investigation of the matter. If we determine the account is not entitled to such credit, then we may reverse the provisional credit to the account, even if that reversal results in an overdraft. Purchasing or creating checks or deposits slips When you write checks on your checking or money market account, you should use checks that we provide. We offer checks in a number of styles and at various prices. We may subtract from your account any , fees for checks you purchase from us. If you create or someone else creates your checks, the checks must meet our check printing specifications. If you create or someone else creates demand drafts or remotely-created checks that are drawn on your account, the demand drafts or remotely-created checks must meet our check printing specifications. You should always use your personalized deposit slips with your preprinted name and account number. If you use a blank deposit slip from our banking center, rather than your personalized deposit slip, we are not liable to you for any encoding errors. If you create, use or deposit checks, substitute checks, demand drafts (drawn on your account or another account), or remotely-created checks that do not meet our specifications, we may refuse to accept them. If you have deposited them, we may return them. If they contain features that do not allow for accurate imaging, we have no liability to you and we may return them to you. You are liable for any costs or losses that may result from the use or creation or deposit of nonstandard checks, substitute checks, demand drafts, or remotely- created checks - for example, if our equipment is unable to read or process them. You may obtain a copy of our check printing 45 46 specifications by calling the telephone number on your statement or by asking your account representative. Checks you write or deposit may be converted into electronic images during the check collection and return process. If you elect to have your checks printed by a vendor that has not been approved by us, or you use check stock or features (such as security features) that cause critical data to disappear or be obscured upon Imaging, or you complete your check In a way (such as using a lightly colored ink), that causes critical data to disappear upon imaging, or you deposit an item with any of these features you agree to bear the risk of loss. You also agree to bear the risk of loss If you use or deposit items with check stock that contains defects, such as printing inaccuracies, faulty magnetic ink, faulty encoding, or duplicate serial numbers. Reclear service With this optional service, if a check you deposit or we cash is returned to us unpaid for certain reasons, we submit the check for payment a second time to the financial institution on which it is drawn. This is known as reclearing the check. We reclear checks that are returned to us for the following reasons: "nonsufficient funds" and "uncollected funds." Generally, we do not notify you that an item has been returned unpaid before we reclear It. If a recleared check is returned to us unpaid again, * we charge your account for the amount of the check. We generally total these checks each day, debit your account for the total amount and send the checks to you. The checks serve as a notice of nonpayment. We charge a fee for each recleared check. This fee is described in the list of charges we give you. To request this service, call us at the telephone number on your statement or ask your account representative. For more information, see "Returned Items" in this Agreement. Registered Warrants Issuance of Registered Warrants. Certain statutes may allow public agencies or other entities to convert checks to interest bearing warrants, or to issue interest bearing warrants payable at a future date, generally referred to as "Registered Warrants." You may not issue Registered Warrants drawn on your account with us, prior to receipt of our agreement, which may contain additional terms, on a case by case basis. If you issue Registered Warrants, we reserve the right to require that you open and use a separate account. We also reserve the right to accept or reject, deposit or negotiate Registered Warrants, with or without paying interest, as set forth below, and we will have no liability to you for doing so. Depositing or Cashing Registered Warrants. Registered warrants are subject to special rules. Registered warrants are essentially a state or other entity's "promise to pay" or "lOU," and may accrue interest. Registered warrants may not be immediately payable and may bear a maturity date stating when they become redeemable. We have no obligation to accept registered warrants from you, whether for deposit, encashment, or otherwise even if that warrant is redeemable. We generally will not cash registered warrants. If we inadvertently or otherwise cash a registered warrant for you, as consideration for our providing cash to you for the registered warrant, you agree that we may keep any and all interest paid to us for such registered warrant upon redemption. We may also debit your account if a Registered Warrant Is returned unpaid or we receive notice that the Registered Warrant will be returned unpaid. If we accept a Registered Warrant for deposit, you represent that the registered warrant is payable to you, valid, that you are eligible to receive interest on the registered warrant, and that it is free of liens and claims by others. We may, at our discretion, accept registered warrants for deposit from you subject to the certain terms and conditions, including but not limited to the following examples. • We may require that you be an existing customer, and we reserve the right to decide which customers may be eligible on a case by case basis. • We may require that such deposits are made in certain ways or channels, such as in person and over the counter by the payee. We may reject or not accept Registered Warrants payable to a third party. We may restrict certain channels, such as not accepting Registered Warrants for deposit through ATMs or remote capture. • We may place a hold on a Registered Warrant that may be longer than our standard hold or funds availability policies. • We may refuse to accept any registered warrant you attempt to deposit, with or without cause or prior notice to you, even if we have accepted registered warrants from you In the past for deposit. Regardless of the period of time you may have held the registered warrant prior to its transfer to us, as consideration for our agreeing to accept a registered warrant for deposit from you, you agree that we may either keep any and all interest paid to us or we may credit interest to your account. At our option, should we determine to pay to you the amount of interest due, we will credit the amount due to the account into which you deposited the registered warrant, generally within 30 days of the date of deposit, provided that we have 47 48 first received the Interest, and provided such account is then open. If you have not provided certified taxpayer identification number to us. this interest payment, if any, may be subject to backup withholding. As a condition to accepting a Registered Warrant from you, you agree to execute and deliver to us any document we request to evidence the assignment and to ensure payment of the registered warrant, and all related accrued interest to us, if the interest is kept by us in accordance with this agreement. Remote deposit service See "Check transformation services" in this Agreement. Returned items This section applies to items that are deposited to your account or that we cash for you, and to items drawn on us as well as items drawn on other financial institutions. If a cashed or deposited item Is returned to us at any time for any reason, including for any breach of warranty claim, or according to any law, regulation or rule (including a clearing house rule) by the bank on which it Is drawn or any collecting bank, we may accept that return and charge the item back to your account, without regard to whether the other bank finally paid the item or retumed the item in accordance with any applicable midnight deadline or clearing house rule (i.e., the check has "cleared"). We may also debit your account for any interest you may have provisionally earned on the item. We charge you a fee for each returned item. Different fees may apply to domestic and foreign Items. These fees are described in the list of charges we may make available to you. We may debit your account for a retumed item, including an indemnified copy of the original item, or an image replacement document ("IRD"), and/or image at any time on or after the day it is returned to us by electronic, automated clearing house ("ACH") or other means, or on the day we receive notice that the item is being returned to us - whichever is earlier. We are not liable for any action or inaction to recover payment of a returned deposited item. If one of your cashed or deposited Items has been paid by the financial institution on which it is drawn and Is later retumed to us with a claim that there is a breach of warranty (for example, it bears a forged or missing endorsement or is altered in any way), that the item is counterfeit or a duplicate, bears an unauthorized signature, contains an encoding error or should not have been paid for any other reason, we may debit your account for the amount of the item (plus any associated fees) and pay the amount to the claiming party. We are not obligated to question the truth of the facts that are asserted, to assess the timeliness of the claim or to 49 assert any defense. We do not need to notify you in advance of our actions related to the claim. If you have insufficient funds to cover a returned Item, we may overdraw your account. (See "Overdrafts and insufficient funds" in this Agreement.) We are not liable to you If there are insufficient available funds to pay your items because we withdraw funds from your account, or in any way restrict your access to funds due to a hold or debit to your account, in connection with a returned item. You agree to immediately repay an overdraft caused by the return of a cashed or deposited item. For each returned item drawn in a foreign currency, we charge your account the U.S. dollar equivalent of the item. We calculate the U.S. dollar equivalent by using our applicable exchange rate that's In effect when we process the retumed item. We charge your account for the amount of the returned items, either individually or for the total amount of such checks each day, and send any retumed checks to you. The checks serve as a notice of nonpayment. In some cases, the financial Institution on which the original item is drawn may send us an electronic notice of retum, an indemnified copy of the original item, an image of the original item, or an image replacement document ("IRD"), instead of returning the original item. We may act on, and you agree to be bound by and to accept, such electronic notice of return, indemnified copy, image or IRD, Just as if the original Item had been retumed. If we receive advance notice from another financial institution that it Is returning to us unpaid a check of $2,500 or more, we generally send you a notice. We do not send a notice about returned checks of less than $2,500. Unless we are reclearing your items, we may charge your account for a returned item at any time on or after the day it Is returned to us by electronic or other means, or the day we receive notice that the Item Is being retumed to us - whichever is earlier. (See "Reclear service" in this Agreement.) Right of setoff We may exercise the right of setoff - that is, the right, under certain circumstances, to use funds in your account to pay any debts you owe us, either before or after any default. We may recover funds you owe us from any of your accounts with us or our affiliates. If your business is a sole proprietorship, we may also charge any of your personal deposit accounts. If your business is a partnership, we may also charge the personal deposit accounts of any general partner. For accounts with more than one owner, we may treat any name on the account as the sole owner and agent of that account; and we may exercise this right to pay individual debts of any owner. If we use funds from a 50 time deposit account, the funds withdrawn are subject to the early withdrawal penalty. After we exercise this right, we mail a notice to the address you gave us for your account. We may take or setoff funds from your account before we pay checks and other items drawn on the account. We are not liable to you for dishonoring items where our action results in insufficient funds in your account to pay your checks and other items. This section does not limit or reduce our rights under applicable law to charge or setoff funds in your ac counts with us for direct. Indirect and acquired obliga tions you owe us. Sample signatures To determine the authenticity of your signature, we may refer to the signature card for any signature specimen, you give us, or refer to a check or other documents upon which your signature appears. We may use an automated process to reproduce and retain your signature from a check upon which your signature appears. If you create your own checks or obtain them from someone else, and we cannot accurately verity your signature on a check by comparing it with a cheok that posted to your account, you are responsible for any losses that may result from our inability to use that check to verity your signature. Signature requirements We may transfer funds between your accounts, transfer your account to another banking center, and take other aotion on the oral or written instructions of any signer. We may require hand-written authorization for some actions. We may require the signatures of all signers, If we are aware that there are conflicts among you. We do not offer accounts on which two or more signatures are required for a withdrawal or to take other actions. If you indicate on your signature card, on any other account opening documents, or on the physical check that more than one signature is required for a withdrawal or to take other actions, this indication Is for your own internal procedures and is not binding on us. We may pay out funds from your account if the check, item, or other withdrawal instruction Is signed by any one of the persons authorized to sign on the account. We have no liability to you if we do this. Stale-dated checks If a stale-dated check - that is, a check dated more than six months in the past - is presented for payment against your account, we may pay the check and charge it to your account. If you do not want us to pay a stale- dated check, you must place a stop payment order on it. (See "Stop payment orders" in this Agreement.) Stop payment orders You may ask us to stop payment on individual ohecks, or on two or more checks with consecutive numbers, if the item or items have not already been paid, if you give us oral instructions, we may require you to confirm them in writing. We charge a fee for a stop payment order based on the length of time you select and regardless of the reason for the stop payment. This means that if you report a check as lost or stolen, we may charge a fee for the stop payment we place on the oheck. Fees for the various stop payment periods are described in the list of charges we may make available to you. You may cancel ^e order at any time. If you give us oral instructions, we may require you to confirm them in writing. We cancel the order automatically when the account on which the check is drawn is closed or transferred. The stop payment order expires after the stop payment period ends, unless you reissue or renew the stop payment order. If the check is presented for payment after the stop payment order expires or is canceled, we may pay the check. You agree to review your account statements prior to requesting any stop payment order. You also agree to not request any stop payment order relating to a check that is shown as paid on such statements. In some cases, we may pay a check even if a stop payment order is In effect. For example, if an office of this bank, or another person or entity, becomes a "holder in due course" of a check that you ask us to stop, we may still pay the check. Our cutoff time for receipt at a banking center of a stop payment or postdating order relating to your account is 10:00 a.m. local time or, if later, one hour after the banking center opens each business day. The cutoff time relates to our obligation to pay or return checks and other items. If we receive an order before this cutoff time, we may review items presented for payment against your account on the previous business day, to determine whether we need to return any of them to comply with the order. If we receive the order after the cutoff time, we may not review items presented on the previous business day. For example, if you give us a stop payment order after our cutoff time and the item you want to stop was presented for payment the previous business day, your order comes too late to stop payment on the item. For a stop payment order, we need the following: • Your name • Your telephone number • Your account number • The check/serial number (as shown in the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition [MICR] line) 51 52 • For two or more checks with consecutive numbers, we will need the beginning and ending numbers. • The exact amount of the check, If known. If you give us the amount of the check, we need the exact amount in dollar and cents. If you give us the wrong amount, we may pay the check. We may also need the date of the check and the name of the party to whom the check was made payable. Manual stop payment orders. You may request a stop payment order in writing, by telephone or by facsimile transmission. If you give us oral instructions, we may require you to confirm them in writing. The stop payment takes effect after we verify that the check is unpaid and has had a reasonable opportunlly to act upon your request. We examine our records for your account for only the last 90 calendar days. You may choose to have the stop payment order last for specific periods, up to 36 months. To obtain cutoff times for manual stop payment orders call us at the telephone number on your statement or ask your account representative. Online stop payment orders. Our Online Stop Payment Service allows you to electronically place or cancel stop payment requests. The specific procedures for using these services, the applicable stop payment periods, and the bank operating hours and cutoff times are described in the applicable user documentation. To request more information, call your account representative. An online stop payment request will not be effective until we review our records for the time period specified in the applicable user documentation, determine that we have not paid the check during that period, and respond to you with an acceptance. For a stop payment order placed electronically, we need the MICR serial number, the exact amount (dollars and cents) of the check for which payment is being stopped, and the account number on which the check is drawn. You understand and agree that we can only stop the payment of a check that shows exactly the same MICR serial number and amount as that included in the related stop payment order, since our computer system Identifies a check on the basis of the MICR serial number and the exact amount of the check. Confidential information. With the Online Stop Payment Service, we provide you with user identification codes, passwords and user documentation. This information is confidential. You must safeguard the Information and adopt security procedures to prevent disclosure of the passwords and codes and unauthorized use of the user documentation. You may not make any copies of the user documentation without our prior consent. Notify us promptly by telephone. confirmed in writing, if any information is lost or its confidentiality Is compromised. Automated Clearing House (ACH) stop payment orders. From time to time, you may receive ACH debits to your account from senders you previously authorized to debit your account. You may ask us to stop payment on a future ACH debit to your account, if the item has not already been paid. You are responsible for notifying your sender that you have revoked your previous authorization for ACH debits. You may request an ACH stop payment order in writing or by telephone. If you give us oral Instructions, we may require you to confirm them in writing. If you do not, we may remove the stop payment after 14 days. Otherwise, your order will be effective for six months. For an ACH stop payment order, we need the following Information: • Your name • Your telephone number • Your account number • The type of account (checking/savings) • The exact amount of the ACH debit (if known) We may also ask for the date that the prior ACH debit from this sender posted to your account, so that we can obtain the company name and company identification number used by your sender and printed on your statement. Otherwise, you must provide us with the company name and the company identification number. If you give us the amount of the ACH debit item, we need the exact amount in dollars and cents. If you give us the wrong amount, we may pay the item. If you do not know the amount, we can place the stop payment based on the company name and company identification number of the sender; but this may stop all ACH items from this sender. If you give us the wrong company Identification number, or if the sender changes the company identification number, we may pay the item. The ACH stop payment takes effect within three banking days. A banking day is Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. We charge a fee for the ACH stop payment order. Fees for the stop payment are described in the list of charges we may make available to you. You may cancel the ACH stop payment order at any time by notifying us in writing. We cancel the order automatically when the account on which the item is drawn is closed or transferred. The ACH stop payment order expires after the stop payment period ends, unless you reissue the stop payment order. If the ACH item is received after the stop payment order expires, we may pay the item. 53 54 For more information about this type of stop payment, ask your account representative. Sub-accounts For regulatory accounting purposes, we may classify checking accounts as two sub-accounts: a checking sub-account and a savings sub-account. For interest- bearing checking accounts, we calculate and pay interest at the same rate and in the same way on both sub-accounts. For non-interest-bearing checking accounts, we do not pay interest on either sub-account. We may transfer funds between these sub-accounts. We record the sub-accounts and any transfers between them on our internal accounting records only. Otherwise, the sub-accounts are subject to the same terms as the checking and savings accounts described in this Agreement. Substitute checks, Indemnified copies, images and image replacement documents To make check processing faster, federal law permits banks to replace original checks with "substitute checks." These checks are similar in size to original checks with a slightly reduced image of the front and back of the original check. The front of a substitute check states: "This is a legal copy of your check. You can use it the same way you would use the original check." You may use a substitute check as proof of payment Just like an original check. You agree that you will not deposit "substitute checks," as defined by federal law, or image replacement documents ("IRD") that purport to be substitute checks and have not been previously endorsed by a bank, unless we have agreed in advance with you to accept them. If you deposit such an item, you give us the same warranties and indemnities that we, as a reconverting bank, would give under CHECK 21 or applicable law or regulation; and you agree to reimburse us for losses, claims, costs and expenses we may incur. If you provide us with an electronic representation of the original check (for example, via an image cash letter) or a substitute check or image, for deposit into your account instead of an original check, you agree to reimburse us for all losses, claims, costs and expenses we incur because the substitute check or image resulting from the electronic representation does not meet applicable substitute check standards or image standards or causes duplicate payments. In some cases, we may be sent an indemnified copy of your original check, an IRD, a substitute check, or an image. Instead of the original Item. We may act upon presentment of an IRD, indemnified copy or substitute check or image, and pay these items against your account, just as if the original item had been presented. Third-party endorsements Checks and other items you want to deposit or cash must be endorsed by all parties to whom the items are payable. We may require that any third parties have their bank verily or guarantee their endorsements. Transferring ownership You may not transfer ownership of an interest- bearing deposit account or any other account to another party, unless we close the account and open a new account in the name of the new account holder. Unclaimed property Unclaimed property laws require us to turn over abandoned accounts to the applicable state. The applicable state is generally the state listed in the address for your account statement. Your account is usuaily considered abandoned if you have not performed at least one of the following activities for the period of time specified In the applicable state's unclaimed property law: • Made a deposit or withdrawal • Written to us about the account •'Otherwise shown an interest in the account, such as asking us to keep the account active You usually need to perform such activity. There fore, bank charges and interest payments, and automatic deposits and withdrawals, are not con sidered activity. Before we turn over an abandoned account, we may send a notice to the address we currently show for the account statement. If mail we previously sent to this address was returned, we may not send this notice. If you have not performed at least one of the activities described in this section for a period of time that we consider substantial, then (unless prohibited by the law of the state where we maintain your account) we may charge dormant account fees on the account, in addition to regular monthly maintenance and other fees; and, if the account received interest, we may stop paying interest on the account. We may also refuse to pay items drawn on or payable out of the account. If you re-establish contact with us, we do not have to reimburse you for these fees; and we are not liable to you for any interest that would otherwise have accrued on your account. 55 56 Unpaid Items If we decide not to pay a check or other Item drawn on your account, we may return the original or image or remote deposit or substitute check or a copy of the item; or we may send an electronic notice of return and keep either the original or copy of the item In our records. If we send an electronic notice or image of return you agree that any person who receives the electronic notice or Image may use it to make a claim against you to the same extent and with the same effect as if we had returned the original item. Value-dating if you or we suspend, incorrectly post,-or Incorrectly route a transaction, we may value-date the transaction - that is, we may assign to the transaction the correct dollar value for the date it should have taken place, had it not been incorrectly handled. Zero balance accounts service Our Zero Balance Account (ZBA) Service ("ZBA Service") allows you to have funds transferred, on an automated basis, between accounts with us, as described below. This Service may be restricted to certain account types. With this Service, you may have funds transferred to an account when the balance falls below a certain amount, or from an account, when the balance rises above a certain amount, or both. We transfer the amount required to meet the account balance you specify, provided there are sufficient funds and no account restrictions on the account. Unless you and we have otherwise agreed in writing, you may elect to have funds transferred to or from accounts of a U.S. Subsidiary, provided that (i) the U.S. Subsidiary's accounts are domiciled in the United States of America, (ii) you represent and warrant that such U.S. Subsidiary has authorized us to transfer funds between its accounts and your accounts and between its accounts and other accounts in the Service relationship via transfers through your account, and (ill) you provide us with such documentation as we may request in connection with such transfers. In addition to any other representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement, on and as of each day we provide this Service to you, you represent and warrant to us that: • The debiting of your ZBA account is not inconsistent wilii any legal, contractual or other restriction on use of the account. • Each entity linked to your ZBA account is a Subsidiary, unless expressly agreed to in writing by us. Each entity linked to your ZBA account is located and organized in the United States. • You maintain your books and records separately from each of the other ZBA account owners, con duct your business solely in your own corporate name and In such a manner so as not to mislead creditors or other third parties with whom you are dealing, or otherwise observe ail requisite corpo rate formalities as a separate and distinct entity; • You will not permit any lien, encumbrance, security Interest or any interest, right or claim of any third party (other than ours or as may arise by operation of law) to exist with respect to any ZBA account, unless expressly agreed to in writing by us. • Each ZBA funds transfer using the ZBA Services and fees paid to us in connection with these Ser vices will be made strictly on an arms-length basis for valid business purposes as Inter-company transactions between you and your affiliates. Each such transfer is not made for the purpose of concealing assets, hindering, delaying or defrauding any other ZBA account owner or any third party, and is for consideration at least equivalent in value to the amount of each such fund transfer. • You are solvent on the date that any funds transfer is made and such transfer would not render you insolvent. • No case, proceeding or other action under any law in any jurisdiction has been filed or initiated (!) relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganiza tion, or other relief of debtors, seeking to have an order for relief entered against you, or seeking to adjudicate you as bankrupt or insolvent, or seeking reorganization, arrangement, adjustment, winding-up, liquidation, dissolution, composition or other relief with respect to you or your debts or (ii) seeking appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian, conservator or other similar official for you or for ail or any substantial part of your assets. • You have not made a general assignment for the benefit of creditors. You agree that you will notify us in writing upon becoming aware that the representations and warranties in any of the last three bullet points above have become untrue in any respect or that there is a reasonable prospect that any of the conditions described in such bullet points will exist in the future. Designated Balances Excesses. You acknowledge and agree that funds in any ZBA account in excess of any Designated Balance will be swept into the 57 58 concentration account at the end of each business day and commingled with the funds of other ZBA account owners. Some or all of such funds will be used to pay the obligations and liabilities of other ZBA account owners and/or to repay overdrafts occurring in the concentration account or any other ZBA account. Such funds will not be reimbursed to a ZBA account through the ZBA Services, nor are we responsible for ensuring any such reimbursements. You assume the risk of any loss of funds from your ZBA account by reason of the above transfers. We have no duty to Investigate or monitor. You are responsible for, and we shall not be responsible for, the (i) making appropriate accounting entries in your books and records as shall be necessary to give proper effect to the ZBA funds transfers, (ii) tracking or tracing the flow of funds among ZBA accounts pursuant to the ZBA Services, (lil) reviewing or monitoring the use of funds that are transferred out of any ZBA account, (iv) repaying any transfers that are deemed loans, and (v) paying any interest due on funds held in the ZBA accounts. Furthermore, we are not responsible for, nor be required to inquire into, your accounting treatment of the ZBA funds transfers or of the bona fides of the representations and warranties set forth in the Agreement and (a) through (e) above. We are not a party to or aware of agreements between affiliates, transactions, corporate structure, authorizations or relationships as you have represented herein, and are providing the ZBA Services based on the premise that each account owner is dealing with one another, ourselves and other third parties on an arms' length, good faith basis, and that the representations and warranties herein remain true and correct for the duration of the ZBA Services. Setoff. We may set off any amount owed to us by you in connection with these ZBA Services, including any transfers or parents invalidated, declared to be fraudulent or preferential, set aside or required to be repaid to a trustee, receiver or any other party. In connection with any bankruptcy, administration, receivership, liquidation, reorganization, insolvency, receivership, moratorium or other such action affecting creditors generally or otherwise, against any balance standing to the credit of your ZBA account or any other account you hold with us or our affiliates at any of our branches or banking centers, whether or not such account is part of the ZBA Services, and may do so whether or not the deposit is in the same currency as your liability to us. Resolving Disputes or Controversies. Without regard to the "Resolving Disputes or Controversies" sections of this Agreement, any dispute or con troversy that arises from an ZBA Services will be decided by a judge without a jury In a United States of America federal or state court (except as you and we expressly agree otherwise in writing). This means that In these instances you waive any right to a trial by Jury In any action or proceeding and agree that such action or proceeding will be tried before a judge without a jury. Taxpayer information We are required to report annually to you, to the internal Revenue Service (IRS) and to the appropriate state revenue authority, interest payments that total $10 or more during the year on each of your checking or money market savings account with us. Accordingly, when you open an account, we are required to obtain - and each U.S. citizen or resident must give us - a certified U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and correct information regarding your backup withholding status. (See below.) You are required to provide a TIN for all accounts that you open. Typically, we require that you provide your TIN before we will open an account. If a valid TIN Is not provided after a reasonable amount of time, your account will be closed. When you sign the agreement for an account, you sign under penalty of perjury that you have provided the correct name, TIN and backup withholding status. For sole proprietors, the TIN Is usually your Social Security Number (SSN). For all other entities, the TIN is the entity's Employer Identification Number (EIN). If you fail to furnish us with a certified TIN, if the IRS notifies us that the TIN you gave us is Incorrect, or if the IRS notifies us that you failed to report all your interest and dividends on your tax return, we are required to withhold at the prescribed statutory percentage on the Interest credited to your account and pay it to the IRS. This percentage - known as backup withholding - is not an additional tax. You may claim amounts withheld and paid to the IRS as a credit on your federal Income tax return. Accounts held by U.S. corporations and non-profit organization qualified under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code are generally exempt from backup withholding. Accounts held by exempt foreign persons or entitles may also be exempt from information reporting, as discussed below. 59 60 We comply with Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) as mandated by U.S. federal tax law. We will withhold on certain payments when required by such law. Exempt foreign person or entity Accounts held by a foreign person are exempt from taxpayer information reporting, with the following exceptions: • If you are a foreign individual and you reside in a country in which we are required to report deposit interest of $10 or more paid on your account, interest income will be reported to you and the IRS on IRS Form 1042-S. • If you certify on a Form W-8ECI that your deposit account is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the United States, interest of $10 or more paid on your account will be reported to you and the IRS on IRS Form 1042-S. For accounts with joint or multiple owners, all owners must qualify and certify their status as foreign persons. For U.S. tax purposes, you generally qualify as a foreign person exempt from backup withholding, if you are the beneficial owner of the account and you meet all of the following conditions: • You are not a citizen or resident of the United States; • You do not have a U.S. Immigration Card; and • You are not present in the United States for at least 31 days during the current year; or if you are present for this period of time, the total number of days you were present in the United States during the current and two preceding years does not equal or exceed 183 days, when multiplied as follows: for days in the current year, multiply by one; for days in the first preceding year, multiply by 1/3; and.for days in the second preceding year, multiply by 1/6. The definition of an exempt foreign person or entity also generally includes foreign corporations, partnerships, estates and trusts - provided that the entity is formed under the laws of a foreign country. Some additional limited exemptions exist. For more information, consult your tax advisor. If you are married to a U.S. citizen or resident and have made an election under section 6013(g) or (h) of the Internal Revenue Code, you may not claim to be an exempt foreign person. As an exempt foreign person or entity, you must pro vide the address of your permanent foreign residence or the entity's principal foreign office on the Form W-8 that you give us. You must also renew your status as an exempt foreign person or entity prior to the end of the third calendar year following the year in which you last certified your status. During that year, we send you the necessary forms. If you fall to renew your status by the last day of the fourth calendar year, your interest payments are subject to backup withholding. Some limited exemptions from this renewal process exist. For more information, consult your tax advisor. If you become a U.S. citizen or resident after opening your account, you must notify us within 30 days and provide us with your certified name and TIN. Penalties if you fail to furnish a correct TIN, you may be subject to a $50 IRS fine, if you make a false statement that has no reasonable basis and that results in no backup withholding, you may be subject to a $500 IRS penalty. If you deliberately give false information, you may be subject to criminal penalties. 61 62 Glossary The following are some important terms that appear in this publication. Average Dally Ledger Balance - Sum of your daily ledger balances for the month, divided by the number of calendar days in the month. Bank of America - Bank of America, N.A. Banking Centers - Our banking centers also include financial centers. Banking days - Monday through Friday, excluding bank holidays. Sometimes referred to in this Agreement as business days. Check 21 - The Check Clearing Act for the 21st Century Act, 12 CFR 229 or any successor legislation. Any IRD created and deposited to your account must comply with ail the requirements mandated by Check 21. Client Email - Any electronic email address designated by you through any means acceptable to the Bank Communications - Ail notices, periodic statements, disclosures, agreements. Internal Revenue Service forms, and all other documents and communications related to any products, Services or accounts offered, or made accessible, by us. Electronic image - An image conforming to the applicable industry standard for images. Designated Balances - Such dollar amount as may be designated in writing from time to time by the concentration account owner on behalf of each zero balance account (ZBA) holder in connection with the ZBA account such holder owns, subject to our prior written agreement. Unless otherwise agreed, the Designated Balance for each ZBA account shall be zero. The concentration account owner shall provide us with at least five Business Days' prior written notice of any change In the Designated Balance. Image - An Electronic or a Paper image. With regard to an image of an original paper check, the check image that is deposited with us pursuant to any account /^reement between you and us shall be a "check" and/or an "Item" relating to the collection of checks generally, the Uniform Commercial Code, the Expedited Funds Availability Act, Regulation CC, any other federal or state check law, and federal and clearing house rules, to the same extent as that original is a "check" or an "item," as applicable. Ledger Balance - Preceding day's balance, plus current day credits, minus current day debits. Materials - The Software, user identification codes, passwords, codes, keys, test keys, security devices, embedded algorithms, digital signatures and certificates, other similar devices and information. User Documentation and related documentation we provide to you. Ncn Written Signature - A facsimile, stamp, digital, electronic or other type of non-written signature. Paper Image - An image that Is paper reproduction of the related physical check (the original paper item or substitute check created from an image of the original paper item) created with image technology. Request - A request by means permitted under the relevant Wire Transfer Service or international Electronic Funds Transfer Service to transfer funds to or from a specified account or beneficiary (including standing Instructions) or to amend or cancel a prior request to transfer funds. Website - Any Internet website, digital or online access channel (including access through an application on any type of device, including but not limited to, mobile devices for use in accessing your accounts or any services) Service - A treasury management service provided in a specific Bank location and/or covered by another agreement with the Bank. Shell Bank - A financial institution that does not have a physical presence in any country. Subsidiary - Any entity in which more than 50% of the ownership interest is owned, directly or indirectly, by you. User Documentation - Any written information we provide you, including information in electronic format, as amended from time to time, which contains detailed instructions regarding the use of a Service. User Documentation may vary from one Jurisdiction to another. Current applicable User Documentation is available upon your request. 63 64 Bankof America Merrill Lynch ©2018 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Corporation Member FDIC. AD-AH-1350B I 02-2018 I 49309 BankofAmerica Contract for Deposit of IMoiicvs DR #) FOR SAMPLE LSE ONLY BROOOOOOOOO This CONTRACT, relating to the deposit of moneys, is made as of the of 2003, between (Signer of Contract), ("Treasurer") acting in his or her official capacity as (Signer's Title) of (Legal Entity Name) ("Depositor"), and BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. ("Bank"), having a shareholders' equity of Fifty One Billion Two Hundred Thirteen Million Dollars $51,213,000,000 on December 31, 2002. The Treasurer proposes to deposit in the Bank from time to time, moneys in his or her custody in an aggregate amount on deposit at any one time not to exceed the total shareholders' equity of the Bank. The Government Code of the State of California requires the Treasurer to enter into a contract with Bank setting forth the conditions upon which said moneys are deposited. In the judgment of the Treasurer, this contract is to the public advantage. The parties agree as follows: 1. This contract cancels and supersedes any previous contracts between the Treasurer and the Bank relating to the method of collateralization of Depositor's deposits. 2. This contract, but not deposits then held hereunder, is subject to termination by the Treasurer or the Bank at any time upon 30 days' tten notice. Deposits may be withdrawn in accordance with (he agreement of the parties and applicable federal and stale statutes, rules and filiations. This contract is subject to modification or termination upon enactment of any statute, rule, or regulation, state or federal, which, in the opinion of the Administrator of Local Agency Security of the State of California ("Administrator"), is inconsistent herewith, including any change relative to the payment of interest upon moneys so deposited by the Treasurer. The Treasurer may withdraw Depositor's deposits from the Bank immediately upon receiving notice from the Administrator that the Bank has failed to pay assessments, fines or penalties assessed by the Administrator. The Treasurer may immediately upon receiving notice from the Administrator withdraw authorization for the placement of securities with the Agent of the Bank in the event that the Agent of the Bank fails to pay fi nes or penalties assessed by the Administrator. 3. If interest may legally be paid on the account into which the moneys are deposited, then all moneys deposited shall bear intere.st at a rate agreed upon by the Treasurer and the Bank. In the case of active accounts, interest (at a minimum) shall be computed on the average daily collected balance for the calendar quarter. In the ca.se of inactive accounts, interest shall be computed on a 360-day basis. 4. The Bank shall issue to the Treasurer for each deposit a receipt on a form agreed to by the Bank and the Trea.surer. stating the interest to be paid, if any, the duration of the deposit, whether interest is to be paid to the fund which contains the principal on which the interest accrued, and if not the frequency of interest payments, which shall be no less frequent than quarterly, and the terms of withdrawal. Each such deposit receipt is by reference made a part of this contract. 5. The Bank will maintain at all times with the Agent of the Bank as security^ for Depositor's deposits: (a) eligible securities of the classes described in Government Code Section 53651 (except subdivisions (m) and (p)) having market value at least 10 % in excess of the total amount of deposits secured by those securities, (b) eligible securities of the class described in subdivision (m) of Government Code Section 53651 having a market value at least 50% in excess of the total amount of deposits secured by those securities and (c) eligible securities of the class described in subdivision (p) of Government Code Section 53651 having a market value at least 5% in excess of the total amount of deposits secured by those securities. If the Administrator determines that a security is not qualified to secure public deposits, the Bank will substitute other securities to comply with the requirements of this Paragraph. If the Bank uses eligible securities of the class described in subdivision (m) of Government Code Section 53651. the Bank shall, within 90 days after the close of each calendar year or within a longer period as the Administrator may specify, fi le with the Administrator a report of an independent certified public accountant regarding compliance with this Article 2 with respect to eligible securities of that class. BankofAmerica Contract for Deposit of Moneys 6. Eligible securities arc those listed in Government Code Section 53651. 7. The Treasurer hereby waives security for that portion of the total amount on deposit which is insured pursuant to Federal Law. 8. The Agent of the Bank, which the Treasurer and the Bank hereby authorize to hold the eligible securities posted, as collateral under this contract is the BNY Western Trust Company, Los Angeles, California 90017. The Agent of the Bank has filed with the Administrator an agreement to comply in ail respects with ail provisions of the Local Agency Deposit Security Law and Local Agency Deposit Security Regulations of the Government Code of the State of California. 9. Authority for placement of securities for safekeeping in accordance uith Government Code Section 53659 is hereby granted to the Agent of the Bank, including placement with any Federal Reserve Banks or branches thereof. 10. If the Bank fails to pay all or part of any moneys on deposit of the Depositor which are subject of this contract when ordered to do so in accordance with the terms of withdrawal set forth on the deposit receipt (which is by reference made a part hereof), the Treasurer will immediately notify, in writing, the Administrator. Action of the Administrator in converting the collateral required by Paragraph 5 above for the benefit of the Depositor is governed by Government Code Section 53665. 11. The Bank may add, substitute or withdraw eligible securities being used as security for deposits made hereunder in accordance with Government Code Section 53654. provided the requirements of Paragraph 5 above are met. The Bank shall not interchange classes of secu"tv (as defined in Government Code Section 53632.5) without the prior written approval of the Treasurer. 12. The Bank shall have and hereby reserves the right to collect the interest on the securities except in cases where the securities are liable to sale or are sold or converted in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Section 53665. 13. The Bank will pay all expenses incurred in transporting eligible securities maintained as collateral for moneys on deposit to and from the Agent of the Bank. The Depositor will pay (or promptly reimburse the Bank for or otherwise compensate the Bank for) all expenses incurred in tran.sporting all moneys deposited with the Bank to and from the Treasurer's office. The Depositor will pay the Bank (or otherwise compensate the Bank for) the fees and charges stated in the Bank's then current Schedule of Charges (unless the Bank and the Treasurer otherwise agree) for handling, collecting and paying all checks, drafts, and other exchange or securities according to the Bank's normal practices. 14. This contract, the parties hereto, and all deposits governed by it, shall be subject in all respects to Title 5, Division 2. Part 1, Chapter 4, Article 2 (commencing with Section 53630) of the Government Code of the State of California, and of all other state and federal laws, statutes, niles and regulations applicable to such deposits, whether now in force or hereafter enacted or promulgated, all of which are by this reference made a part hereof. 15. This contract shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties. This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 16. All written notices, consents, directions, approvals, restrictions, requests, or other communications required or permitted to be delivered hereunder shall be given to the parties hereto, effective upon delivery, at the addresses and in accordance with the means of delivery specified on Schedule A attached hereto, provided either party may change its address for notice purposes or the means by which such notices may be delivered, by delivering written notice of the new address to the other party. BankofAmerica Contract for Deposit of Moneys IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this contract as of the date and year first above written. (LEGAL ENTITY NAME) By Name: (Signer's Name) Title: (Signer's Title) BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. By Name: Dan Van Vooren Title: Vice President Bankof America Contract for Deposit of Monevs SCHEDULE A NOTICES Written notices to the Treasurer shall be deemed to have been properly given when delivered in person, when sent by facsimile or electronic mail, provided an electronic confirmation of error free receipt is received, or when sent by certified or registered United Slates mail, provided the return receipt is received. Legal Entity Name Signer's Name Signer's Title Address City, State, Zip Phone Number Fax Number Written notices to the Bank shall be deemed to have been properly given when delivered in person, when sent by facsimile or electronic mail, provided an electronic confirmation of error free receipt is received, or when sent by certified or registered United States mail, provided the return receipt is received. NCl-004-03-06 Bank of America, N.A. Collateral Management 200 N. College Street Charlotte, NC 28255-0001 704-387-3755 800.583.6408 800-896-6996 fax Collateral.ManagemenKg bankofamerica.com Tssk Name % Worts Comiriete 0% Sample Implementation Project Plan o-i Planning Steps Review Project Scope and High Level timeline with client Determine weekly project status meeting date and time Distribute the project plan, project contact list and targeted timeline to team Send legal documentation to client Complete legal documentation and return t© bank 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%|;" 0% EXECUTION Account Reconciliattsjn 0% 0%' 0%! 0% b%r 0% 0% 0%! 0%' 0%; 0%: 0%' 0% 0%' 0%' 6%i 0%I 0% 0% 0%' 0%j 0%. 0%' 0%' _0%" 0% 0%" 0% 0%^ 0%' _0%' 0%' 0%J 0% CheckPorthiBf^y Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed Provide client matenals issue file deadlines / irvsit data transmission sample file layouts / AR User Guide / Postitive Pay ^thonzalion Form Return to IPG: technical resource information / signed Positive Pay Authonzaiion Form Submit impfemeniation request Process implementation request Payee Po^tive Pay (if applicable) Provide client with the Payee Positive Pay Client CheckNsi and request 25 voided checks from MCh client site producing checks for image testing Provide 25 voided sample checks to IPG from each client site for image testing Forward sample ctiecks to Check Quality Support • PPP Check Testing Notify client if checks passed or failed Submit request to Bank of America Data Transmission Service (OTS) for set up IO(s). Contact client to initiate connectivity testing Test issue' positive pay file transmission Ensure CashPro entitlement steps have been completed if current check aclivrty. must provide current outstanding check file Activate positive pay for exception viewing Issue file format approved and moved to production Tetitf Positive Pay (if applicable) Ensure check cashing contact(s) on GTS Locator Notify client to start monitoring CashPro Online for positive pay exceptions Verify A tr ci-eni tra; '."le ser.'ice is ODerav"': as 6■ settee CasnPrc Connect Payments Gather service aeisiis. complete forms anu eiygage aodiuor.al resources as needed Submit implementation request Process implementation request Confirm file format and version, if aj^licable Delermirte lest serxfer ID Determine production sender ID Confirm EFT key that will be used in the BAML ongmtor profile setup Determine if Human Readable email acknowledgments are required Determine if XML PSR data file transmission acknowledgemeKs are required Provide file specifications for inbound file Provide file specifications for outbound file Provide CashPro Connect Payments and Trar^ission User Guides Develop test plan 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%: 0%[ 0%! 0%' o%io%[ 0%! 0%i 0%t 0% 0%' 0%' Confirm telecom method Siijmt DTS TransAct request (MSR If required) Determine b2b< transmission ID Establish communication link and test connectivity sr>d transmission Review setup requirements Confirm Fedwires (domestic) / SWIFT (International) / FX Currency wire needs Review FX Reconciliation (if applicattfe) Confirm intermediary bank requirements (if applicable) Confirm wire acknowledgement requirements Develop payment test files Process test fi fes Sign off upon successful testing Detennine production date Review UAT / PROD profiles for companson match (must match prior to going live) Determine produaion date Schedule full live transmission ^Duration Resource Names 1 Start ;F1r^ 90 days Mon 4/1/19 Fri 8/2/19 19 days Mon 4/1/19 Thu 4/11/19 _ 9 days Mon4/1/19 Thu 4/11/19 it day IPG,sales,client ^ Mon 4/1/19 Mon 4/1/19 |1 day IPC.client 'Tue 4/2/19 Jue 4/2/19 1 day IRC Wed 4/3/19 Wed 4/3/19 1 day tPC Thu 4/4/19 Thu 4/4/19 '6 days cifeni iFri 4/5/19 Thu 4/11/19 162 days iFri 4/12/19 Mon 7/8/19 126 days 'Fri 4/12/19 Fri 5/17/19 "26 days Fri 4/12/19 Fri 5/17/19 5 days IPC.IA.cifent.saies Fri 4/12/19 Thu 4/18/19 2 days IPG Fri 4/19/19 Mon 4/22/19 2 days client Tue 4/23/19 Wed 4/24/19 1 day lA ilhu 4/25/19 Thu 4/25/19 t day ARP iFrl 4/26/19 Fri 4/26/19 8 days IfiI 4/19/19 Tue 4/30/19 3 days IPC IFri 4/19/19 Tue 4/23/19 4 days client iTue 4/23/19 Fri 4/26/19 2 days LA Thu 4/25/19 Fri 4/26/19 3 days IPC Fri 4/26/19 Tue 4/30/19 13 days ARP {Men 4/29/19 Wed 5/1/19 1 day ARP 1 Thu 5/2/19 Thu 5/2/19 i2d8ys ARP.client Fri 5/3/19 Mon 5/6/19 'Iday tA.IPC Tue 5/7/19 Tue5ff/19 1 day client :wed 5/6/19 Wed 5/6/19 1 day ARP Thu 5/9/19 Thu 5/9/19 2 days ARP.clieni ■Fri 5/10/19 Mon 5/13/19 1 day j Thu 4/25/19 Thu 4/25/19 1 day lA.fPC jlhu 4/25/19 Thu 4^5/19 1 day IPC Tue 5/14/19 Tue 5/14/19 3 days IPC.ctienI Wed 5/15/19 Fn 5/17/19 |39 days ,Fri 4/12/19 Wed 6/5/19 5 days iPC.IA.client .sales Fri 4/12/19 Thu 4/18/19 1 day lA Fri 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 1 day EDI Ops Mon 4/22/19 Mon 4/22/19 t day dfenl.EDI Ops Tue 4/23/19 Tue 4/23/19 1 day client,EDI Ops Wed 4/24/19 Wed 4/24/19 t day client.EDI Ops Wed 4/24/19 Wed 4/24/19 1 day client.EDI Ops Wed 4/24/19 Wed 4/24/19 1 day client,EDI Ops jWed 4/24/19 Wed 4/24/19 1 day client,EDI C^s Wed 4/24/19 Wed 4/24/19 1 day EDI Ops Thu 4/25/19 Thu 4^25/19 1 day EDI Ops Thu 4/25/19 Thu 4/25/19 1 day EDI Ops Thu 4/26/19 Thu 4/25/19 2 days EDI Ops Fri 4^/19 "Mon 4/29/19§12 days ,Tue 4/30/19 Wad 5/16/19 i1 day clienl.EDI Ops 'Tue 4/30/19 Tue 4/30/19 3 days EDI Ops Wed 5/1/19 Fri 5/3/19 3 days DTS ^Ikton 5/6/19 Wed 5/8/19 i 5 days DTS.client iThu 5/9/19 Wed 5/15/19§26 days |Fri 4/19/19 Fri 5/24/19 1 day :IPC.safes,client Fri 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 i1 day client,EDI Ops ;Fri 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 1 day FX Product.safe5,client Fn 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 1 day client,EOl Ops 'Fri 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 1 day ciiem.EDI Ops Fri 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 i10 days Clfeftt Mon 4/22/19 Fri 5/3/19 :5days EDI Ops.cliant Mon 5/6/19 Fn 5/10/19 13 days client Mon S/13/19 Wed 5/15/19 1 day EDI Ops.cllent Thu 5/16/19 Thu 5/16/19 1 day EDI Ops.lPC Thu 5/16/19 Thu 5/16/19 3 days EDI Ops.cllent Fri 5/17/19 Tue 5/21/19 3 days EDI Ops.client Wed 5^22/19 Fn 5/24/19 0% 0% 0%: 0% 0%; 0%' 0%; 0%^ 0% 0%] 0%i 0%: 0% 0%' 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Review setup requirements 39 days 1 day Confirm Standard Entry Class Code(s): CCD/CTX/PPD Corftrm all credil/debit payment needs Create and provide ACH tO(s) as necessary Determine ACH POINT ID and ECS PROFILE ID for sell® Develop payments files Complete ACH testing Sign off upon successful testing Determine productiort date Review UAT/PROD profiles for comparison match (must match prior to going five) Determine production date Scfiedule full live transmission Verify with client that the service is operafing as expected Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed Noiaie deliveryscnedule for combined files (if applicable) Submit imptementalion request Process implementation request o%f-" V 0% Confirm telecom method 0% Submit DTS TrarsAct request (MSR if required) 0% Determine b2l}i transmission ID 0% Establteh commimicatlon link and test connectivity and transmission 0% Confrni ACH setup readiness 0% Configure ACHvia CPC 0% Produce first l«l ou^ut file - ACH m": .'' 1 day J_d8y 5 days 15 days jlOdays 15 days ,3 days 1 day 1_day 3 days 3 days 3 days 62 days 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day 12 days 1 day ^ays 3 days 5 days 7 days 1 day 1_^ 5 days 0% 0%' 0%| 0%j 0%' 0%, o%! 0%i 0% Confirm Wire setup readiness Configure Wire via CPC Produce first lest file output - Wire Confirm file orginaion movement (CPC to client'LBX to cBwit) Validate set-up(s) and lempiatefs) between CPC and LocM>ox Process first test file output • Locktiox Confirm status of initial tests and takeaways 1 day Sdays 1 day Produce subsequer^ test fiie(s) output - ACH / Wire I Lockt>ox (iterate tasks as appropriate) 0% Client acceptartce / lest results 0% Sign off upon successful testing 0% Review UAT / PROD profiles for comparison match (must matcti pHor to 90^ fve) Confirm delivery schedule for ccxnbined files (If applicable) Confirm / revise live date Move file(s) into production Stage transmission for production Receive first production file Complete end to end validation of first production file Confirm with client that all implementation objectives are delivered Verify with ciiern ifiat the service Is operating as expected 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% i10 days 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% todays 32 days Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed Complete country specific documentation Submit implementation request Process implementation request Confirm set-up of CasW^ and services Notify client ttiai service has been establlsfied Direct client to CashPro University Establish new CashPro Online users as required Entitle users to accounts and services Verify with client that the service Is operating as expected Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed Submit impiemeniation request Process implementation request Verify that scanner has shipped. Verify that scanrier was received j2 days [1 day 110 days 13 days 21_days S^ys J day 3 days 1 day 13 days Frl 4/12/19 ■Wed 6/5/19 JPC.sales.dleni FrI 4/12/19 ■ Fn 4/12/19 client,ED! Ops Fri 4/12/19 'Fri 4/12/19 client,EDI Ops Ffi 4/12/19 Fri 4/12/19 ACH Mw» 4/15119 Fri 4/19/19 ACH Mon 4/22/19 Fri 4/26/19 Client Mon 4/29/19 Fri 5/10/19 client,EDI Ops Mon 5/13/19 Fri 5/17/19 Client ^Mon 5/20/19 Wed 5/22/19 EDI Ops,diem Thu S/23/19 Thu 5/23/19 lEDIOps.lPC"Thu 5/23/19 TTiU 5/23/19 |ECS,ciiem Fh 5/24/19 Tue 5/28/19 : ECS,diem Wed 5/29/19 Frl 5/31/19 1 IPC.client Mon 6/3/19 Wed 6/5/19jFri 4/12/19 Mon 7/8/19 !IPC.IA,cllent,sales Fri 4/12/19 Fri 4/12/19 IPC.EOI Ops.dieni Mon 4/15/19 Mon 4/15/19"]lA Tue 4/16/19 'Tue 4/16/19 :EDI Ops Wed 4/17/19 Wed 4/17/19 J Thu 4/18/19 Fri 5/3/19 EDI Ops.cBent Thu 4/18/19 Thu 4/18/19 EOIC^Fn 4/19/19 Tue 4/23/19 DTS Wed 4/24/19 Fn 4/26/19 •DTS.cliem Mon 4/29/19 Fri 5/3/19 Mon 5/6/19 Toe 5/14/19 EDI Ops Mon 5/6/19 Mon 5/6/19 EDI Ops.cBent Tue 5/7/19 Tue 5/7/19 iEDIOps.cllent VVed 5/8/19 Tue 5/14/19 Mon 5/6/19 Tue 5/14/19 ; EDI Ops l4on 5/6/19 Mon 5/6/19 ; EDI Ops.clieni Tue 5/7/19 Toe 5/7/19 iEOI Ops.cHent Wed 5/8/19 ,Tue 5/14/19 Mon 5/6/19 Tue 5/14/19 _EDI Ops.LBX Mon 5/6/19 'Mon&6/19 LBX.EOIOps Toe 5/7/19 Tue 5/7/19 EDI Ops.client Wed 5/8/19 Tue 5/14/19 EDI Ops.client Wed 5/15/19 ^Wed 5/15/19 EDI Ops.client Thu 5/16/19 Wed 6/29/19 [clieni TThi 5/30/19 Wed 6/12/19 cliem * Thu 6/13/19 Thu 6/13/19 Fri 6/14/19 Mon 6/17/19 [dient.EDI Ops Fri 6/14/19 Fn 6/14/19 EDI Ops.IPC.client MoT 6/17/19 Mon 6/17/19 lEOI ^>s.client Mon 6/17/19 Mon 6/17/19^EDl^Tue 6/18/19 Tue 6/18/19 TC Wed 6/19/19 Tue 6/25/19 ' Cliem Wed 6/26/19 Wed 6/26/19 IlBX.EDI Ops.client Thu 6/27/19 ■Frl 6/28/19 cliem [Mon 7/1/19 ■Wed 7/3/19 IPC.cliem Thu 7/4/19 'Mon7/8/19 Ffi 4/12/19 kton 5/27/19 , iPC.IA.clienl.sales Fri 4/12/19 Thu 4/18/19 I IA Frl 4/19/19 Toe 4/23/19 1 'lA 1 Wed 4/24/19 ■ Wed 4/24/19 ' CashPro Thu 4/25/19 Thu 4/25/19 1 .IPC.IA !Frl4/26/19 Mon 4/29/19 ' |IPC Tue 4/30/19 Tue 4/30/19 jPC Wed 5/1/19 Wed 5/1/19 Cll«lt Thu 5/2/19 Wed 5/15/19 diem Thu 5/16/19 ,Wed 5/22/19 IPC.client Thu 5/23/19 ■Mon 5/27/19 1 ^Fri 4/12/19 Fn 5/10/19 ^ ' IPC.IA,dient,s8ies Fri 4/12/19 Thu 4/18/19 lA Fri 4/19/19 Fn 4/19/19 1 RDS Mon 4/22/19 Wed 4/24/19 !ia"Thu 4/25/19 ;Thu 4/25/19 IPC Fri 4/26/19 Tue 4/30/19 0%; 0% 0%" _0%! 0%) 0%, 0% 0% Schedule training Conduct Client Training Follow up with cUeni upon completion of training to ensure ^>erablllty Verify with cbent that the service is operating as expected Imago Cash Letior Gather service details, complete forms and er>gage addrtiwial resources as needed Client vwfcome package sem to client including ICL cover letter. ACCL, Set and ti ICL User Guide. ICL Input File and Acknowledgement File Specifcations 0%, 0% 0%" 0%| _0% 0%" 0% 0%, 0%] 0%, 0% _0%j q%i q%i _q% 0% 0% 0%' 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%' d%' o%J 0% 0%; 0% 0%^ d%: 0% 0%J 0% 0%[ 0%: Q%' 0%" q%: _q%! 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% q% o_% 0% CortducI client interview Olent returned required documentation Submit implementation request Process impiementabon request .T«acm ' Confirm telecom method Submit DTS TrarrsAct request (MSR if required) Determine 02bi transmission ID Establish communication link end lest cont>ectivity and iransmlssiDn I production date Review UAT I PROD profiles for companson match (must malch prior to going live) Confirm Oelivery schedule for combined files (if applicable) Confinn / revise live date Move file(s) into produclion Stage transmission for production Receive first production file Complete end to erKt validation of first production file Confirm with client that all implementalion objeclrves are delivered Verify with client that Ihe service is operating as expected Gather service de'a''s. complete forms and engage additional resources as needed Lockbox - Image i:,; Request new lockbox number Submit implementalion request _ _ _ Provide lockbox samples to bank Determine if client interview is required Process implementation request FedEx CD Rom Encryption / Exchange CD Rom ErKryption Key Test lockbox samples Provide test file to client, if applicable Run test file, if applicable Sign off upon successful testing. If applicable Move Lockbox to production Provide client with lockbox number and payment address Notify remitters of new payment address Verify writi ci-en; ;hai ihe service is operaiin.g as e-pe.ried 0% 0% Gather se^-.ce ceta.is. conpiete tur.ms and e-ngage szz,:.^r^. .resources as neeced _AIS-Automatic Investment Servioe _ - '' nn Confirm start date with client Submit implementation request Process implementation request Verify with AIS Ops that sweep has been activated Verify with client that the service is operating as expected •Hiquidl^ MartagemsrH Confirm start date with client Submit Impiemertation request Process implementation request Verify wrth LMS Ops thai sweep has been activated Verify with client that the service is operating as expected Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed Confirm armored carrier agreement Is finalized, if applicable Complete trie OIW, including method of delivery for Deposit Correction Notices (OCNs). if ^licable 1 day Process Implementalion request and forward to individual vaults / banking centers to set up the deposit instructions 0%! Send Change Order Welcome Package to client (based on address in DiW). if applicable r — Provide d^iosit preparatiwi irslructiwts to client0%: 12 days Client Education.cllent.lPC Wed 5yifl9 Thu 5/2/19 '3 days Client Education Ffi 5/^19 Tue 5/7/19 2 days IPC Wed S/8/19 Thu 5«/19 1 day IPG Fri 5/10/19 Fn 5/10/19 f 45 days ,Fn 4/12/19 Thu 6/13/19 .5 days IPC,tA,client.sales IFri 4/12/19 Thu 4/18/19 ' 2 days IPC.ICL Fh 4/19/19 Men 4/22/19 1 day |IPC.cienl.Check21 Ops iTue 4/23/19 iTue 4/23/19 13 days client Wed 4/24/19 :Fn 4/26/19 1 day lA n Mon 4/29/19 Mon 4/29/19 13 days ICL Tue 4/30/19 Thu 5/2/19 12 days Fri 5/3/19 Mon 5/20/19 1 day TCL.clienI :Fn Sa'19 ;Fn 5/3/19 3 days ICL Mon 5/6/19 Wed 5/8/19 3 days DTS ThuS/9/19 Mon 5/13/19 5 days OTS.client Tue 6/14/19 Mon 5/20/19 12 days Tue 5/21/19 Wed 5/22/19 1 day ICL.IPC Tue 5/21/19 Tue 5/21/19 .1 day ICLIPC.clleni Wed 5/22/19 Wed 5/22/19 1 day iCL.client Thu 5/23/19 Thu 5/23/19 1 day ICL Fri 5/24/19 Fri 5/24/19 ^Sdays TC Mon 5/27/19 Fri 5/31/19 1 day client Mon 6/3/19 Mon 6/3/19 ,2 days LBX.ICLclleni Tue 6/4/19 Wed 6/5/19 :3days client Thu 6/6/19 Mon 6/10/19 3 days IPC.diertt Tue 6/11/19 Thu 6/13/19 |47 days Fri 4/12/19 Mon 6/17/19 5 days IPC,lA.ciient.sales Fn 4/12/19 Thu 4/18/19 42 days Fri 4/19/19 Mon 6/17/19 1 day lA 'Fri 4/19/19 >ri 4/19/19 1 day iA Mon4/22(T9 Mon 4/22/19 to days Client Tue 4/23/19 Mon Sr-S/ig Odays IPC Fri 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 10 days Lockbox Mon 4/22/19 Fri 5/3/19 5 days Lockbox.ciieni Mon 5/6/19 Fn 5/10/19 5 days Lockbox Mor5/13f19 Fri 5/17/19 todays Lockbox Mon 5/20/19 Fri 5/31/19 i5 days client Mone/afig Fri 6/7/19 0 days Lockbox.ciieni Fri 6/7/19 Fri 6/7/19 2 days Lodcbox Mon 6/10/19 Tue 6/11/19 Odays IPC Tue 6/11/19 Tue 6/11/19 1 day client Wed 6/12/19 Wed 6/12/10 3 days IPG ,Thu 6/13/19 Mon 6/17/19 19 days 'Fri 4/12/19 Wed 4/24/19 5 days IPC.lA,dient.sales Fri 4/12/19 Thu 4/18/19 ,.8 days Fri 4/12/19 Wed 4/24/19 1 day IPC Fri 4/12/19 Fri 4/12/19 1 day IA Mon 4/15/19 Mon 4/15/19 3 days AIS Tue 4/16/19 TTig 4/18/19 t day IA Fn 4/19/19 Fn 4/19/19 i3days IPC.client Mon 4/22/19 Wed 4/24/19 fo days Fri 4/12/19 Wed 4/24/19 1 day IPC Fri 4/12/19 Fn 4/12/19 1 day IA Mon 4/15/19 Mon 4/15/19 3 days LMS Tue 4/16/19 'Thu 4/18/19 1 day IA Fri 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 3 days IPC.clieni Mon 4/22/19 Wed 4/24/19 |21 days Fn 4/12/19 Fri 5/10/19 5 days IPC,lA.clieni .sales Fri 4/12/19 Thu 4/18/19 1 day IPC,sales.client Fri 4/19/19 ,Fri 4/19/19 1 day IA Mon 4/22/19 Mon 4/22/19 ,6 days BDIU Tue 4/23/19 Tue 4/30/19 3 days Ibdiu Wed 5/1/19 jFri 5^19" it day lA Mon 5/6/19 Mon 5/6/19 0% Arrange for armored carrier to begin servicing trie cfient with any applicable delivery and pick up services, if applicable 1 day client Tue 5/7/19 iTue 5/7/19 0%Verify u^h client that trie service is operating as expected 3 days IPC.CIient Wed S/8/19 Fri 5/10/19 0%11 days Fri 4/12/19 Vri 4/26/19 0%Gather service details, complele forms and engage additional resources as needed 5 days IPC.lA.c9ient.saie$Fri 4/12/19 Thu 4/18/19 0%Submit impfementalJon request 1 day ilA Fri 4/19/19 Fri 4/19/19 0%Process implementation request 2 days Wire Mon 4/22/19 Tue 4/23/19 0%Vertfy with client that the service is operating as expected 3 days :iPC.cllent Wed 4/24/19 Fri 4/26/19 0%ZB;. irr< ;rR- 2-;-:-11 days Fri 4/12/19 Fri 4/26/19 0%Gather service details, complete forms and engage additional resources as needed 5 days 1 iPC.lA.cJient.sales Fri 4/12/19 Triu 4/18/19 0%Submit implementation request 1 day llA Fri 4/19/19 !Fri 4/19/19 0%Process implementation request 2 days ZBA iMon 4/22/19 Tue 4/23/19 0%3 days ilPC.cB«it Wed 4/24/19 Fri 4/26/19 0%MONITOR 19 days Tue 7/9/19 Fn 8i2/19 0%;Monitor lo en:- ,■■■ -- rrooo'iion issuer..19 days ;ipc Tue 7/9/19 ■Fri 8/2/19 o%i CLOSING 10 days Fn 8/2/19 Fri 8/2/19 0%j Imi^ementation Hartd-Off " ~ ^ r-- ~Odays Fri 8/2/19 Vri 8/2/19 0%Conduct warm hand-off and transition lo client service Odays IPC.CIient Service Fri 8/2/19 Fri 8/2/19 0%'Conduct close out meeting with Client jo days IPC Fri 8/2/19 iFri 8/2/19 0%,Provide client with post implementation contact list jo days 'iPC Fri 8/2/19 'Fri 8/2/19 0%Complete Client Satisfaaion Survey lO days client [Fri 8/2/19 Fri 6/2/19 MERCHANT PROCESSING APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT (Page i of 6) COMPLETE SECTIONS ( Merchant #:.TeleCheck Client #: Add'l TeleCheck Product Client #:.Loo... of. (I) TELL US ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS nt (Your Business LEGAL Name):Store #: l: i^nie as Legal Name or Provide DBA/Outlet Name:First/Last Contact Name: Legal Physical Address (No P.O. Box allowed):Suite 8:City:State:Zip Code: DBA Address (No P.O. Box or Mall Address allowed. Provide official designation of your location space by leaser It space Is rented or leasing space.): Suite #:City:State:Zip Code: Your Business Phone:□ Same as Business Phone or Merchant's Customer Service Phone: Your Fax Phone:Select One for Retrleval/Chargeback (Dispute) Notice Delivery Method: □ (02) Dedicated 24 Hour Fax □ (03) No fax; mall □ (OS) elDs □ (09) Information Only YourE'Mall Address: (RequlretlforlPorTeteCheek)Your Customer Service E>MaiI Address:Website Address: (Required if you have any IrtlertKi sales) (2) MASTERCARD- / VISA" / DISCOVER- / AMERICAN EXPRESS' Your Total Cash and Credit Sales: (For Af/ Outlets) Total Annual Mastercard/Visa Volume: (ForMIOuUets) Total Annual Discover Volume: (For All Outlets) Total Annual American Express Volume: (For All Outlets) $_ $_ Estimated Mastercard/Visa Average Ticket/Sales Amount for this Outlet: Estimated Discover Average Ticket for this Outlet: Estimated American Express Average Ticket for this Outlet: Annual Mastercard/Visa Volume for this Outlet: (For Multiple Outlets Only) EsL Discover Annual Sales Volume for this Outlet: (For Multiple Outlets Only) $. EsL American Express Annual Sales Volume for this Outlet: (For Multiple Outlets Only) $. Highest Ticket Amount: $. (3) ENTITLEMENTS □ Mastercard □ Visa □ Discover (Including Diners Club tntemationar, JCB, UnlonPay and BCcard) □ American Express* (Includes credit and prepaid cards) □ American Express OptBlue*^ Franchise Name: □ EBT (SNAP) FNS # (XREF): □ Voyager Fleet Annual Voyager Volume: $ □ WEX Full Acquiring Annual WEX Volume: $ □ PIN Debit Card Acceptance Participation In Voyager Tax Exem □ Discover Direct □ American Express Direct: □ lATA/ARC Code: (for MCC 4722 only) pt Program: DYes D No (It yes, additional request form required) □ WEX (Non-Full Svc) □ Mastercard Fleet □ Gift Card (A separate set-up form Is required.) i American Express OptBlue program, and our pricing (or it set forth on page 3 of this document are available to you if you are, and as long as you remain, qualified to participate in this program as described in Sectionif this document: fees for American Express processing, on pages 2 and 4 of this document,'apply to ail American Express programs. <4) PROVIDE MORE BUSi NESS DATA State Incorp. Month/Year Started: Check one: TIN Type: □ EIN (Fed Tax ID #) □ SSN □ Sole Ownership □ Partnership □ Public Corp. □ Private Corp. □ LLC. □ Franchisee Owned D&B #: No. of Employees: IMPORTANT IRS INFORMATION □ Non-Profit □ Non-Profit/Tax Exempt as descritred In 26 USC Section 501(c)(3) OR a Tribal (Native American) government or Tribal govemirtent-cvimed. □ GoYL EntityIf tax exempt, provide copy of IRS Determination Letter; If Tribal governmenL provide evidence of tribal recognltldn, and proof of tribalownership If separate entl^, NOTE: Failure to provide accurate Information may resuH In a withholding of merchant funding per IRS regulations (See Part IV, SecOon A.3 of your Program Guide for further Information.) Name (as It appears on your Income tax return)^□ Federal Tax ID#: (as it appears on your Income tax return)^□ I certify that I am a for^gn entity/nonresident alien. (If cheeked, please attach IRS Form W-B.) 2 If Client is a disregarded entity under IRS regulations and has provided its owner's taxpayer filing name and FederalTax ID above, then please attach an IRS Form W-9. EMV/Mag Swipe % + Keyed Manually % s 100% Please provide a brief description of the product/services you sell: POS Card Present (EMV/MAG Swipe end/or Martual Imprint).. % + Mail Order/Direct Mariceting.% + Phone Order..% + Internet.%100% Do you use any third party to store, process or transmit cardholder data? □ Yes □ No (e.g., providers of merchant gateway, electronic data capture, or Loyalty program sendees). K yes, give name/address: Please Identify any Software used for storing, transmitting, or processing Card Wansactlons or Authorization Requests: (5> PROVIDE INFORMATION ON THE OWNER(S) AND PRIMARY DECISION MAKER PLEASE PROVIDE INFORMATION ON THE PRIMARY DECISION MAKER AND ON INDIVIDUALS WHO OWN TWENTY FIVE PERCENT OR MORE OF YOUR BUSINESS Owner/Primary Decision Maker Name:D.O.B.:Social Security#:Home Phone:% of Ownership: Home Address:City:State:Zip:1 Country: Owner Name:D.O.B.:Social Security #:Home Phone:% of Ownership: Home Address:City:State:Zip:l^untry: Owner Name:D.O.B.:Social Security #:Home Phone:% of Ownership: Home Address:City:State:Zip:1 Country: \>r Name:D.O.B.:Social Security #:Home Phone:% of Ownership: . .jj Address:Citv:State:Zip:[country: Owner Name:D.O.B.:Social Security #:Home Phone: 11% of Ownership: Home Address:City:Slate:Zip:1 Country: Client Initials. MERCHANT PROCESSING APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT (Page 2 of 6) DBA Name:Loc...of. <6> DESCRIBE EQUIPMENT DETAILS Rental • Purchase Cust-Oivned • Lease' Installment Purchase (circle one)QTY IP Equipment Type (i.e., Terminal/ VAR/lntemet) Retail'Restaurant • MOTO/lntefnet • Lodging • Supermarket-Car Rental • Quick Service Restaurant • Petro Model Code and Name Unit Purchase Price (w/o 'Rue) Monthly Payment Due ^/o Tax) For Customer-0 Equlpmenl.t, Track/Version/S □$$ u $$ □$$ □$$ □$$ □$$ □$$ u S $ connection with aHerallons to Equipment, fneluding nprogramming of ^ulpment separate approval by, and non-cancelable lease asreenient wi»h. First Data Merihanl Services LLC (through its business unit. Rrst Daa Global Leasing) are required: thai lease agfeemeni contains the tenns and conditions for leased equipmenl I NOTE: Any Special Instructions must be included on About Merchant's Business document. I □ MAQ/MIG to Train □ Sales Rep. to Train (Receive training via phone, 1'60lh430-?162, M-F 8:00 am - 10:00 pm EST & Sat 10:00 am • 2:00 pm EST)□ No Merchant Training □ Installer/in-House (Check training via phone, 1-800^e6-10S4, M-F 8:00 am • 10:00 pm EST & Sat 10:00 am • 2:00 pm ES^ Rrst/Last Contact Name: Contact Phone #: Best Time To Call: (w/o Tax) Wireless Provider: □ GPRS AT&T or □ COMA Sprint □ Payeezy Gateway □ VSAT^ □ Frame □ Other: Installation/Training: Imprinter Purchase: □ Yes O No if Yes $ Check one: □ Gateway Solutions □ Dial Solutions X Qty:. P Global Gateway, VAR/lnternet/Software: Name:(NashvilleOnly: Product ID#.Vendor ID #NOTE: 'Requires separate agreement between Client and Its VSAT provider prior to Implementation of this telecommunications protocol. (7) ACQUIRING FEE SCHEDULE {Please refer lo Part IV, Section A.3 of the Program Guide for Important Information about certain fees. Regardless of how we describe fees to you, all fees,Including any that reference a Card Organization or Debit Network name in their description, are billed by and owed to Bank of America Merchant Services.) .) Start'Up Fees (One-Vme Charge)Billed Monthly Fees (hApplicable)Internet Account Set'up Fee Reprogramming Fee Debit Set-up Fee (339) S. {31A) S_ (31B) $_ Monthly Service Charge (335) $ (will also be billed Inactive monffts for seasonal merchants) Minimum Processing Fee (953) $. .Clover.Go Set-up Fee fe eAM/oi.(62S),$ Load Pee (Clover)(2ML) $_ GRPS Vending Download Fee (per nO) Vending Wireless Activation Fee (per vo) Wireless Fee (terminal download) Miscellaneous Fee Equip. Purchase (ACH)° Other: (BlU) $_ (61S) S. (31E) $. (31J) $. S. ) s_ Total Amount $_. w/otax 3 You will be charged the applicable State/Ci^/Local Sales Tax Monthly Service Charge^ (Deferred Billing only) Minimum Processing Fee^ * (Deferred Billing only) Monthly Wireless Fee^ (per VD) Vending Gateway Service Fee Wireless (iperTTD/ ClientUne* (OnUne Reporting)^ Paper Statement Fee^ Premium Equip Service Program^ □ Yes ONo (perVD) Online PCI Validation Access Fee (329) $_ Global Gateway Set-up Fee (31X} " FEE PER Tib $: X eOFTlDs o TOTAL $_ (90B) $_ (60J) $_ Payeezy Gateway Set-up Fee FEEPERT1D 5 X HOFTTOs. Autharlze.Net Set-up Fee FEEPERTID $ X fOFTIDs. Internet Set-up Fee FEEPERTID $X rOFTIDs. (40B) TOTAL S_ {30R) TOTAL $_ (30R) TOTAL $_ (61T) $_ (32R) $_ (323) $. Billed Monthly Fees Global Gateway^ FEE PER TID $X #0FT1Ds. (31Z) TOTAL $_ TVansArinor® Fees Clover Security Plus - Monthly Fee (formerly known asItansAmor Solution") (3CM) $_ TransArmor Monthly Fee* TransArmor per Device^ TransArmor Minimum Monthly Fee* TransArmor Token & Encrypt(RSA or TOES Encryption) TTansArmor Token & Encrypt-VF (VeriFone Encryption) (121) $_ iransAmior Token Only (12G) $_ TransArmor Token Reglstrstlon(Get Token) (12H) $_ (SOL) $_ (M2A) $_ (959) $_ (12E) $. (32U) $. (33Q) Payeezy Gateway* FEEPERTTD $ Authorize.Net* FEEPERTID $ X «OFTlDs. X fOFTTDs. Monthly PCI Support Package* (49A) $. Clover Go Monthly Fee* (per MID) (32Y) $_ Clover Services Fee* (2ST) $_ Clover Insights formerly known as "Inslghtlcs Solution") (49M) $_ Internet Service Fee* FEEPERTID $ X SOFTIDs. Authorixations/Other Fees IntemeLLGIobal Gatewij? Mastercard, Visa,American Express, cKeck (03R, 04R, 061, Payeezy Gateway (40A) s TOTAL $_ (44M) B TOTAL $_ (394) = TOTAL S_ Discover, 071, L19) S_ (CFC) $_ Perka (2D6) $_Defeired Billing Option Other:. Other:. Other:. Other: ( )S- ( )S_ ( )S- ( )S_ Month:.Year:.("Deferred Billing flfonth*'- See footnote 4 for more Information) .Maintenance Fees □ Annual Maintenance Fee (billed in November) or □ Quarteriy Mainlenanee Fee (49D) $_ (49B) $1* If a Deferred Billing Month is Indicated in the Deferred Billing Option box, these fees will Inltiaily be charged in that Deferred Billing Month; if no Deferred Baling Month Is indicated, then these fees will be charged on the date indicated on your first statement from us.® One-lime fee applicable fo each unit of your equipment that is (1) enabled for TransArmor Enciyption, as part of the TransArmor Data Protection service or Clover Security Plus, (2) connected to a merchant point of salenetwork and (3) either a non-Verifone device, using the TransArmor Verifone Edition encryption method, or a Verlfone device. Client initials. MERCHANT PROCESSING APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT DBA Name; Pricing Type:Global Fee Table i (Page 3 of 6) Loc. of. Visa/Mastercard/Discover Schedule Version:American Express OptBlue Schedule Version: (7) ACQUIRI NG FEE SCHEDULE (confd) (Regardless of how we describe fees to you, all fees, including any that reference a Card Organization or Debit Network name in their description. are billed by and owed to Bank of America Merchant Services.) Discount Fees Accept all Mastercard, Visa, Discover and American Express OptBlue Transactions (presumed, unless any selections below are checked) Ma«tnpRerd AftcontaneA Viaa Aeeeatanee PlfCQVer NetWCfK AFeePtpnyfl □ Accept MC Credit transactions enfy □ Accept Visa Credit transactions only □ Accept Discover Network Credit transactions unly O Accept MC Non-PIN Del>lt trsns. only □ Accept Visa Non-PIN Debit trans, ontv □ Accept Discover Network Non-PIN Debit trans, flnly See Part 1, Section 1.10 of ttie Program Guide for details regarding Ifmfted acceptance. Mastercard/Visa/Discever/AmerieanExpress OptBlueInteichange Plus You will be charged theapptleabte intercliange rate from Mastmerd, or Discover, plus a MastercardAssessment Fee of 0.13%,plus0.01%^aV1saAssessment Fee of 0.13%^, or a Discover As sessmetd Fee of 0.13%. Addltfonally you wS be charged the applicableProgram imeiiM for American^ress tolBiue, plus anAmofean upress Network Fee of 0.15%. Thesa fees are In eddftlon to any other fees Indicated on ttds Acqufrtng Fee Schedule. PricinG Method: (Select One: AH Discount Rates are charged based on Gross sales volume, nol the number of transactions.) Hastereaid/Vita/ Ditcover/Amerfean Eipreti OptBlue Ktcount Rate Hasieicanl/Visa/ DiteeverfAmeriean ExpreM OptBlue 2-Tler liestercaid/Vifa/ Dieeever/Ameilean Exprete OptBlue 3-Tier Mastercard/Visa/Discover Interchange Plus (Key 0-273,0-237,0-274,0-27L, 0-234)mam □ G 549,564,527 (key-0) Auto BE s P Auto RB B N ■1^1 □ N 553,563,528 (key-0) American Express OptBlue IC Plus (Key 0-286)iiaSilKBBIl ■■■■WBOBm □ 57B (key4)) QUAUFIED VOLUME DISCOUNT RATES ■ Mastereard/Vlsa/DIscover Credit Discount Rate (440,444,984)%%%% American Express OptBlue Discount Rate (84A)%%%% Mastercard/Vlsa/DIscover Non-PIN Debit Discount Rate (690,694,948)%%%% Regulated Mastercard/Vlsa/Dlscover Non-PIN Debit Sales Discount Rate^ (27D)%%% ' julated Mastercard/Visa/Diseover Non-PIN Debit Auth and Return Transaction Fee^ (OCD, 28D)s S s ..'count Rate for Mastercard World/Visa Reward/Discover Premium Sales (660,664,7AA)i—r % ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT RATES FOR MID-QUALIFIED V0LUME2 (Does not apply to Uastercaird/Visa/Discover/Air erican Express OptBlue 2 Tier) Addl Discount Rate lor Mid-Qualified Mastercard/Visa/Discover Credit^ (810,614,990)mMwuiw ■■H %llliWIillllllHIIIIMI Add] Discount Rate for Mid-Qualified American Express OptBlue' (61C)iptiiiiBI %iiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiniii iii Addl Discount Rate for MId-Quallfled Mastercard/Visa/Discover Non-PIN Debit' (870,874, 968)% Discount Rate for MId-OuaOfled Mastercard World/Visa Reward/Discover Prem. Sales (670,674,7AE)PHBUMWHi % .ADDITIDNAL DISCOUNT RATES FOR NON-QUALIFIED VOLUME^ ' ' . Addl Discount Rate for Non-Qualified Mastercard/VIaa/Dlscover Credit' (620,824,994) AutoBBsP AutoRBsN %% Addl Discount Rate for Non-Quallfled American Express OptBlue' (82A)SiRiin %% Addl Discount Rate for Non-Qualified Mastercard/Vlsa/DIscover Non-PIN Debit' (880,864,978)%% Discount Rate for Non-Qualified Mastercard Wortd/Vlsa Reward/Discover Prem. Sales (660,684,7/U)■nm % Mastereard/Visa/DlscoverAuth & Return Trans Fee (10A, 10D) (002,006) (10J,016)s 5 s S American Express OptBlue Auth & Return Trans Fee (10P, 014)9 s s s ^PEOmON-SWIPEO, DISCOUNT RAT^s Mastncard/VIsa/Discover/American Express OplBlue/PIN Debit Swiped Discount Rate^ (232) Auto BB B P Auto RB B N % Mastercard/Vlsa/Dlscover/American Express OptBlue/PIN DebH Non-Swiped Discount Rate" (240)% Non-Swiped - Mastercard/Visa/Discover/American Express OptBIue/PIN Debit Transaction Fee"(24B)s nnHnH DEBIT RATES Network Plus PIN Debit (key 0-590,0-593, tk-597,0-567,0.0014-180)^ (018,42R)s s s S * ^^.^fliesto Non-PIN/signature Debit transactions identified by issuers and Card Organizab'ons as being subject to the June 29,2011 Final Rule on Debit Card Interchange. ' .56 rates are in addition to the above applicable Qualified Volume Discount Rate(s). stercard will assess an additional 0.01% for all consumer and commercial credit transactions of SI ,000 or greater. _ ><.r wID be charged the applicable pass-through fees from the Debit Networlis, plus any other fees indicated on this Acquiring Fee Schedule. B For Swiped / Non-Swiped, the Card Organization Fees on the foUowing page do not apply.® Visa Assessment Fee for Credit Cards vnll increase to 0.14%, effective January 1,2019.^ The Swiped Discount Rate will be charged where both the customer and Card are present and the Card Information Is not manually keyed Into a device.^ The Non-Swiped Discount Rate/Non-Swiped Transaction Fee will be charged where the Card is manually keyed into a device or where either the customer or the Card Is not present for the transaction, such as online, phone, and mail order transactions. Client Initials ERCHANT PROCESSING APPLICATION AND AGREE E N T (Page 4 of 6) DBA Name; (7) acquiring fee S C H E D U L E (confd) (Regardless of how we describe lees to you, all fees. Including any that reference a Card Organization or Debit Network name in their description, are billed by and owed to Bank of America Merchant Services.) other Fees Loc,.of. Card Drganiaatlon Fees Mastercard Cross Border Fee USD (605) Mastercard Cross Border Fee Non-USD (606) Mastercard AVS Card Not Present (10Z) $ Mastercard Acquirer AVS Billing (OFB) $. Mastercard Processing Integrity Fee-Pre-Auth (D3H) $_ Mastercard Processing Integrity Fee - Undefined Auth (031) $_ Mastercard Processing integrity Fee - Final Auth (03J) Mastercard Processing Integrity Fee - Final Auth Minimum (03K) $_ Mastercard Processing Integrity Fee - Detail Report (03L) $_ Mastercard License Volume Feef (618) Mastercard Merchant Location Fee (Key 0-241) $_ Mastercard US Acct Status Inq Service Interregional (11G) $_ Mastercard US Acct Status inq Service Intrareglonal (flH) S_ Mastercard CVC 2 Fee (11M) $_ Mastercard Auth Suspect Fraud Reversal Rebate (03N) $_ Mastercard Digital Enablement Fee (24E) Mastercard Global Travel Transaction Program Buslness-to-Buslness Fee (22W) Mastercard SecureCode" Pee (03E) $_ Mastercard/Visa Ntwk Access Fee (504, 505) $_ Mastercard NW Access Auth Fee (0B4) $_ Mastercard NW Access Settle Fee (60M) Mastercard Kilobyte Fee Visa APF Credit Visa APF DB/PP \^sa BASE II Credit Voucher Fee Credit Visa BASE II Credit Voucher Fee DB/PP Visa BASE II System File Fee Visa International Svc Fee Base (22A) % Visa international Svc Fee Enhanced (22Z) % Visa Zero Amt + AVS Fee Visa Zero Amount Fee Visa Misuse of Auth Fee Visa Zero Floor Limit Visa Partial Auth NP TVans Fee Visa Transaction Integrity Fee Visa Late Acceptance or No Response to Dispute Fee^ Visa Late Response to Dispute Fee* Visa Staged Digital Wallet Fee Visa Fixed Acquirer Network Fee (Key (VNF1, Key 0-NF2) Bate's?hedute (278)S (04H)$ (04J)S (47P)$ (470)$ (47N)$ (22A) (22Z) (10X)$ (10Y)S (04G)S (041)S (12D)$ (238)s (25R)$ (25V)$ (24H)s Visa Int'l Acquirer Fee (for MCC codes 5962, 5966,5967 only) (22F) Discover Data Usage Fee (22E) $_ Discover Network Auth Fee (OBC) $_ Discover Int'l Service Fee (22H) _ _% Processing Fees Additional Fees (hApplicable) IfChargeback Fee (205,725,20L) $_ Mastercard/Visa/Dlscover/American Express (10B, IDE, 10K, 10Q, 039,03A, 049, 04A, 069, 06A} S_ Discover VoIce/AVS AVS Mastercard/Visa/American Express ECR/Autobats AVS Discover ECR/Autobats AVS American Express Direct Auth Fee ACH Deposit Fee ACH Refect Fee Batch Settlement Fee EBT Mastercard Global ePrlcIng Svc Visa Global ePrlcIng Svc Monthly Funding Advantage^ Amex Sales Discount' Discover Sales Discount' Mastercard/VIsa/Dlscover Transaction Fee Amex QptBlue Transaction Fee Other: (079, 07A) (405, 406, 407, 408,435) (03B, 03C, 04B, 04C. 06B, 06C) (07B, 07C) (10P) (225) (401) (227) (18E, 181, 02X, 18H) (897) (898) (158) (164) (170) (001, 002, 005, 006, 015, 016) (013, 014) ( ) Other: Other: Other: Other: ( ( ( ) ( ) ) 5- ) S. Card Reader Statement Credit Card Reader Statement Credit (96U) $_ To be eligible for the Card Reader Statement Credit set forth above ("Statement Credit") you must: (1) apply for and be approved for a new Bank of America Merchant Services Clover Go business account; (2) purchase from us In this Merchant Processing Application and Agreement a Clover Go reader or a Clover Go bluetooth reader; (3) submit to us at least $1500.00 In transactions for processing on your Clover Go business account within three (3) months of the date that such account Is approved by us; and (4) satisfy all other requirements (collectively, the "Eligibility Requirements"). If you satisfy all of the Eligibility Requirements, the Statement Credit win be credited toward your merchant account no later than the sixth month after you begin processing Card transactions with us. The Statement Credit will be applied towards any amounts you owe us. To the extent the Statement Credit exceeds the amounts you owe us, the Statement Credit will be credited to your Settlement Account Neither the Clover Go charging stand nor any other equipment or supplies are eligible for this offer. Please note the following additional terms and conditions that apply to this offer and to the Statement Credit: (a) there Is a limit of one Statement Credit per Location; (b) your Clover Go business account must be in good standing and you must be actively processing with us on the date the Statement Credit Is due to tre applied to your account In order to receive the Statement Credit; (c) any applicable taxes are the responsibility of the account holder; (d) the Statement Credit may not be combined with any other offer; and (e) this offer Is subject to change without noUce. Early Termination Note: See Part IV "Additional Important Information Page for Card Processing" in Section A.3 Additional and Early Termination Fees; Information Regarding Fees, Equipment and IRS Reporting of the Program Guide and the terms below for complete information. If you are not a Group Member or If the Group Owner Agreement is not In effect, the two paragraphs under the heading "Liquidated Damages', contained in Part IV, Section A.3 of the Program Guide, remain in full force and effect If you ere a Group Member and the Group Owner Agreement Is In effect the two paragraphs under the heading "liquidated Damages", contained In Part IV, Section A.3 of the Program Guide, are hereby deleted In their entirety. ^ This fee Is based on a good faith effort to recover and allocate among our customers Mastercard's annual fees for licensing and third party processing and calculated by multiplying your settled Mastercard dollar volume by the above percentage rate (which rate be adjusted to rellect changes in those Mastercard fees and/or our allocation). ^ Applicable only to monthly billing and will be assessed on monthly Gross sales volume, not the number of transacUons. ^ The Visa Late Acceptance or No Response to Dispute Fee of $0.50 Is assessed on each Visa chargeback for which either the merchant provides no response to the chargeback notification or replies back to the chargl notification with acceptance of the liability more than 20 days after the date from which Visa initiates the chargeback with Bank of America Merchant Services. This date on which Visa initiates the chargeback with Ban America Merchant Services should not be confused with, and may be earlier than, the date on which you receive notice of the chargeback. As a best practice, you should respond to all chargebacks by the due date provided on the chargeback nob'ficab'on from Bank of America Merchant Services to help minimize these fees. * The Visa Late Response to Dispute Fee of SI.35 is assessed on each Visa chargebackfor which the merchant replies back to the chargeback notification with documentation to refute the chargeback more than 20 days after the date from which Visa initiates the chargeback with Bank of America Merchant Services. This date on which Visa initiates the chargeback with Bank of America Merchant Services should not be confused with, and may be earlier than, the date on which you receive notice of the chargeback. As a best practice, you should respond lo aO chargebacks by the due date provided on the chargeback notification from Bank of America Merchant Services to help minimize these fees. Client Initials DBA Name: Loc.of RCHANT PROCESSING APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT (Page 5 o« 6) (7) acquiring fee schedule (cont'd) (Reaardless of how we describe fees to you. all fees, including any that reference a Card Organization or Debit Network name in their description. are billed by and owed to Bank of America Merchant Services.) WEX Full Acquiring Fees WEX Auth Fee (dD4) S WEX Sales Discount (840)% WEX Refund Discount (M1)% WEX Chargeback Discount (842)% WEX Chargeback Reversal Dlsc't (843) . WEX Chargeback Fee (29H) $_ WEX Retrieval Fee (291) $. Buypass Fees Datawlre Mlcronode _ Yes No Datawire Micronocle Monthly Fee (354) S_ Voyager {10W) S. Vwaert Sales Dlsc't Rate (786) Aiithoriiation Fees _ WEX (Noit-Full Svc) (004) $. Other Payment Fees % Credit Disc't Rate (767) (••eh) % Fleet Fees Fleet One Auth Fee (0B2) $. FleetCor* Auth Fee (0B3) $. (8) TELECHECK RATES, SERVICE FEES. AND SET UP TeleCheck Service*, Inc. P.O. Box 451't fiS. Houston, TX 77210-4514 1-800-366-1054 INFORMATION i of Physical TeleCheck Locations: TELECHECK PRODUCTS, RATES, AND FEES Clover Check Accefitance Product Faaturea Average Ck Size Monthly Ck Volume Monthly Minimum inquiry Rate Tranaaction Fee Max Warranty Fhccessing Fee December Risk Surcharge In-Person Warranty Clover Device □ Corp Ck $s %s $ In-Person Warranty Non-Clover Device □ Corp Ck $$$%$$$% In-Person Vertflcatlon Non-Clover Device □ Corp Ck $s $%$$s By Mali/Drop Box Warranty Clover Device □ Corp Ck $$%s $ or □ Face $ By Mail/Drop Box Verification Clover Device □ Corp Ck $$$$ By Mali/Drop Box Warranty Non-Clover Device $$%%$$s % By Mail/Drop Box Verification Non-Clover Device s $$%$$$ In-Person Paper Warranty (P^>er) Non-Clovef Device $s s %$$$% In-Person Paper Verification (Paper) Non-Clovee Device $s s %$$$ Online Warranty □ Corp Ck □ Recurring $$$%$$$% See TeleCheck Agreement for tfefinltiens, warranty reqtdrements and any additional feas. Note: See Section S.2, "Early Termination Fee" of the TeleCheck Agreement for early termination fees/Hquidated dwnages. TELECHECK BILL TO INFORMATION Your Head Office/Bill To Name:First/Last Contact Name:Phone Number: Address:Suite #:City:State:Zip:Your Fax Pttone: □ TeleCheck Auto Settle Time:hh ET (Must be at leaat 1 hour after Card Auto Settle Time)Existing Client No.:. TELECHECK REPORT INFORMATION Funding Reports □ Bill To □ Location Delivery Method: □ E-Mail □ Fax □ US Mall Contact Name: Contact Telephone #: Report Fax #: Report E-Mail Address: Batch Closing Options:Format: □ CSV (E-Ma// only) □ PDF TELECHECK BANKING INFORMATION Funding: □ Per Bill To □ Per Location ACH Credits to TeleCheck by Client (For invoice Payment): Deblts/CredHs (Settlement) to Client by TeleCheck and/or Franking Information: ABA TVansIt «t n Same as above or ABA TVansit «! Account #: □ Same as above i Account «: Special Instructions wMch are part of this Agreement; Please note on separate funding check or bank lettertMad the designated TeleCheck Service. A separate funding check or bank lettertiead/logo for TeleCheck Services is NOT required UNLESS Merchant will be using different banking account(s) for TeleCheck Services. Client Initials processin g application and agreeme DBA Name: Loc. (9) AGREEMENT APPROVAL .Of. cK'afknowIe^e^hS^m*!?!^ nViJiSteH imUfllP a" PROGRAM: By signing below, the undersigned, lor themselves and for and on belr .wi'. tnrf ^ I qualified under the Ainerlcan Express OptBlue Program, Client must meet the qualification criteria set forth In Section 46 of the Pr< •,dwSribId In SMHon^e orth™Pr^^ o* t^e Program Guide, provided Client may opt out of certain uses as undersigned represents that he or she has read and Is authorized to sign this Merchant Processing Application fhorfw^ioronA^f ill M il" ® Buslness document ("AMB"), which are attached hereto and made a part of this Merchant Processing Application by reference in Processing Appli^tion Include the AMB), for the above named Client ("Client"). The undersigned further represenU and warrants thatall Infoiroatlon provided In this Merchant Processing Appilcabon, Including the owner and primary decision maker Information provided In Section S of this MPA, Is true, I JSf! #!f' . t® undersigned is authoraed to disclose the owner and other Information provided In this MPA; and that the undersigned Is a primary decision ilflJ!!! c®"*' aclwowledges haying received and read a copy of (I) the Nonqualified Rate Schedule (specific to Client's Industry), Interchange Rate Schedule rm »h OptBlue Proyam Rate Schedule, If applicable) or Qualification Tier Rate Schedule, as applicable to Client's Pricing Method, (il) the Debit NetworitFees Schedme, (111) the Prograni Guide, consisting of Parts hV (which Includes terms and conditions for each of the services, Operating Procedures, TeleCheck Solutions Agreemen^ Electronic Funding AuthoriMtlon, Additional Important Information for Card Processing, Electronic Disclosure Consent, and a Confirmation Page), and (iv) the Merchant Processing Application, consisting of Sections 1-11, (together, the Merchant Processing Application, Its attachments and schedules and Parts I and IV of theProgram Guide are referred to In Sections 9 and 11 of this MPA as the "Merchant Agreemenf^, as modified from time to time In accordance with the applicable provisions of the Program Guide, and agrees to be bound by all provisions as printed therein. This signature page also serves as the signature page to the TeleCheck Solutions Agreement, appearing In Part III of the Program Guide, If selected. « i- o u s By signing below, the undersigned, for himself or herself and for and on behalf of Client, authorizes Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC ("Processor*0 and Bank of America, NA ( Bank") (together, Processor and Bank are "Servlcers" and also referred to as "our," "us" and "we" In this Section 9) to (a) request and obtain from consumer reporting agencies. Individual and business credit reports (collectively, "Credit Reports"), In connection with the approval of this Merchant Processing Application and any maintenance, ui^atlng, renewal or extension of the Merchant Agreement (If this Merchant Processing Application Is approved), and (b) exchange Credit Reports, account and transaction Information regarding the undersigned's and/or Client's accounts virith Bank or Bank's affiliates and any other Information about the undersigned personally and/or Client with First Data Merchant Services LLC, TeleCheck Services, Inc. and any other service providers, to the extent such parties provide services that Client has selected on this Merchant Processing Application (or as hereafter elected by Client). The undersigned furthermore agrees that all references. Including banks and consumer reporting agencies, may release any and all Individual and business credit financial information to us. The undersigned further authorizes us to disclose any Information obtained from any source In connection with this Merchant Processing Application, including Credit Reports, to any governmental, administrative or regulatory entity, upon request, or to each other and our respective vendors and Affiliates, as necessary to provide the products and services elected under the flilerchant Agreement, or to comply with appliireble law or order, Including, without limitation, the USA Patriot Act To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, we obtain, verify, and record certain Information Including your full name, physical address, and any other Information needed for identity verification purposes while processing this Merchant Processing Application, as described In the USA Patriot Act. Applicable for TeleCheck iCA/CBP Warranty Verification within AMB: By signing below. Client and each personal guarantor (If any) represents and warrants that the answers provided In the TeleCheck ICA/CBP Warranty/Verification section of the AMB are true and correct. Card Services Electronic Funding Authorization: Client hereby designates the bank accounl(s) Identified below In the Card Banking Information subsection of this Section 9 as the Settlement Account (as defined In the Merchant Agreement) for purposes of the Merchant Agreement, Including, but not limited to. Section 19.7 (Part 1 of the Program Guide) and the Electronic Funding Authorization set forth in Part IV, Section A.1 of the Program Guide, and by signing below, the undersigned, on behalf of Client, hereby authorizes Servlcers to credit and debit such bank accounl(s) via ACH transactions for all amounts due and owing under the Merchant agreement and as further described In and subject to the Merchant Agreement. Client certifies, under penalties of perjury, that the federal taxpayer Identiffcation number and corresponding filing name provided herein are correct. THIS MERCHANT PROCESSING APPUCATION AND AGREEMENT HAS BEEN EXECtTTED ON BEHALF OF AND BY THE AUTHORIZED MANAGEMENT OF CLIENT AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE. Client's Business Principal: (Please sign below) X Signature Print Name Title: □ Pres. □ V.P. □ Member LL.C. □ Owner □ Partner □ Other: IF TELECHECK SERVICES HAVE BEEN SELECTED, PLEASE SIGN BELOW: X signature Date PROCESSOfl: BANK: ;X Signature Bane of America Merchant Services, LLC Bank of America, N.A.By: Banc of America Merchant Services, LLCikfor itself and for and en behalf of Dank of Ameii^r N.A., pursuant to a limited power of attorney c Date:. > Appraved TeleCheck Kfanager 4. ACCOUNT ONE (MANDATORY) First/Last Contact Name: Phone 8: ACCOUNT TWO (OPTIONAL) Rrst/Last Contact Name: Phone 8: Bank Name:Bank Name:. Account Name:. ABA#: Account Name:, ABA#: Account#:.Account #:. For each Settlement Account listed above, please attsch a voided check for the Settlement Account or a letter from the financial Institution where It Is maintained (if other than Bank) on that financial institution's letterhead and signed by one of Its officers that Includes Hs typed ABA number and the typed Settlement Account Number, if you list two accounts, we will endeavor to use Account One for credits (I.e., amounts paid to you) and Account TWo for debits (i.e., amounts paid to us). However, pursuant to the terms of the Merchant Agreement, Account One and Account TWo Is the Settlement Account and we may exercise, with respect to both Account One and Account TWo, all rights related to the Settlement Account arising under the Merchant Agreement, Including by way of example and wifhout limitation debiting and crediting both Account One and Account TWo for all amounts arising In connection with the Merchant Agreement ( I O) TELECHECK ACH AUTHORIZATION ACH Debit and Credits Authorization: Client authorizes its financial institution to pay and charge to its account the amount(8) due TeleCheck under this Agreement and to accept air credits and debits made to its account by TeleCheck via electronic funds transfer In connection with TeleCheck's 8ervice(8) under this Agreement This authorization will remain In effect until 30 days after re voked In writing. X signature Print Name/Title:. Date:. Authorized Signature on TeleCheck Account (or ACH (I I) PERSONAL GUARANTY AND CONSENT TO REVIEW CREDIT REPORTS In exchange for acceptance by Banc of America Merchant Services, LLC, Bank of America, N JL, and TeleCheck Services, Inc. (each Individually a "Guaranteed Party" and collectively, the "Guaranteed Parties"), as applicable, of the Merchant Processing Agreement and TeleCheck Solutions Agreement, the undersigned ("Guarantor") unconditionally and Irrevocably guarantees the lull payment and performance of the Client's obligations under the foregoing agreements, and payment of ail sums due thereunder, and in the event of defaulL hereby waives notice of default and agrees to indemnify the other parties for any and all amounts due from Client under any c*foregoing agreements. Guarantor understands that this Is a guaranty of payment, and not of collection, and that the Guaranteed Parties are relying upon this Pen ' Guaranty and Consent to Review Credit Reports in entering Into, as applicable, the foregoing agreements. In addition to the foregoing, 1 authorize the Guaranteed Parties to obtain credit reports and other credit-related and financial-related Information about me (collectively, "Cr.' Reports") In connection with each Guaranteed Party's evaluation of whether to provide services to Client and this Personal Guaranty and Consent to Review Credit Reports. I also consent to the Guaranteed Parties obtaining, using, reviewing, and sharing Credit Reports In connection with any review, maintenance, modification, renewal, or extension of the Merchant Processing Agreement, the TeleCheck Solutions Agreement, or this Personal Guaranty and Consent to Review Credit Reports. Signature (Please sign below): Signature (Please sign below): ., an Individual ., an Individual ABOUT MERCHANT BUSINESS Bank Code: Merchant ID: Buypass Merchant #:. □ TR □ TU {Z4 characters) NAME:. Group#: Service By Region: District Code: ISRRepID: SIC# Check Assoc. Code: Current Check Vendor: CHECKLIST INFORMATION MCC:.Merchant IVpe:RELM:.Regional Office Received Date: Pricing Grid# □ Special Pricing Model □ Association Grid DLinkback# NRPT: NCPT: Sales Support ID: Office Admin.: Print Sales Rep. Name: HIERARCHY: Bank: initial:. Card Rep.# TeleCheck Rep. # Sales Lead Tracking #: Agent: 1 CLIENT VISITATION 1 POS Card Present (EMV/MAG Swipe and/or Manual Imprint)% * Mali Order/Direct Marketing % + Phone Order % + Internet % = 100% □ Site completed by Sales Rep □ Site completed by Third Party (attach document) □ Website Review completed for Virtual merchants only. □ Site completed by Personal Banker Virtual merchants are those that conduct 100% of their business via the Internet and have no direct interaction with the Cardholder. 1. Zone: □ Business District □ Residential □ Industrial 2. Location: □ Mail □ Shopping Area □ Isolated □ Office □ Apt □ Home □ Other: 3. Seasonal: □ No DYes, Mos. in Operation: Mos. Open Between..to 4. External Facility Description: {e Levels/ Floors): □ 1 0 2-4 nS-IO 011+ 5. Merchant Occupies: □ Ground Floor □ Other: 6. Remaining Floor(s) Occupied by: □ Residential □ Commercial □ Combination 7. Advertising Name Displayed: □ Window □ Door □ Store Front 8. Approximate Square Footage: □ 0-250 0 251-500 □ 501-2,000 □2,0014- 9. # of Registers:. 10. Is the Merchant currently operating? □ Yes □ No If No, SUrt Date: 11. Is the signer present? □ Yes □ No If No, name of contact: 12. is there evidence of Products/inventory? □ Yes ONo if No, current location of inventory: ■.Cv.iments to Credit Officer/Other Depository/Primary Savings Account Number and Additional Information (40 Characters): COMPROMISED DATA EVENT QUESTIONNAIRE □ Yes □No1. Are you currently, or have you ever been, involved with a Compromised Data Event (as defined in Part 1, Section 27.3 of the Program Guide}? n yes, please answer the following: (1) Date of the Compromised Data Event? (2) Do you have proof of PCI Compliance since that Compromised Data Event? O Yes □ No TELECHECK CBP'S E RV I C E N QUESTIONNAIRE (Required only if Client elects any of these services) The following questions apply to tx)th the Client and any personal guarantor(s) signing the Merchant Processing Application and Agreement to which this About Merchant'sBusiness document ("AMB^ is attached (such entity and/or individual are individually and collectively, the "Client" for purposes of the questions trelow). 1. □Yes ONo Sells anti-telemarketing devices? 2. □ Yes □ No Sells "credit enhancements" services/products? 3. □ Yes □ No Sells identity theft protection services/products? 4. □ Yes □ No Sells services/products that facilitate the obtaining of grants? 5. □ Yes □ No Obtains 25% or more of annual revenues from sales solicitations initiated by Company via telephone, fax, or e-mail to customers for which the Company has had no existing relationship with for the past two (2) years? 6. □ Yes □ No Has been subject of a law enforcement or government investigation? 7. □ Yes □ No Has had any state-issued or business license revoked? 6. □ Yes □ No Has had contracts with other TEL Processor involuntarily terminated within the past two (2) years? If answering Yes to questions 6, 7, or 8 above, please explain on a separate page which will also become part of this AMB by this reference to it. MAIL CARD S TAT E M E N T S/D O C U M E N TS Statement Recap Information: (check one) □ 01 » Outlet □ 02 s Stmt to Bill To/No Recap □ 07 = Suppress Stmt (No Stmt) □ 08 s Produce Recap, No Stmt □ 09 s Bill to Address/Stmt and Recap □ 10 = Recap to Bill To/Stmt to Outlet Statement Type: (check one) □ Detail □ Summary Statement Delivery Method: (check one) □ E-Mail O Online □ Print and Mall Statement E-Mail Address:^ Head Office/Bill To Name:First/Last Contact Name: Iress:City:State:Zip:Phone #; ON YOUR BUSINESS ACCOUNT CHECKING STATEMENT ROLLUP: (check one) □ O = Each Transfer □Is Debit/Credit Grouped (By Category) 02 = Net Transfer Amount Only □ 3b Net Transfer EOM Fee Combined N F O R M AT I O NC A R O PR O C E S S I N G ABOUT 1. Return Policy: □ Full Refund □ Exchange Only □ None 2. Do you have a refund policy for your MC/Vlsa/ Discover* Network/American Express* sales? □ Yes □ No If yes, Check one: □ Exchange □ Store Credit □ Refund Cardholder If MC/Vlsa/Dlscover Network/American Express Credit, within how many days do you submit credit transacticns? □ 0-3 0 4-7 0 8-14 □ Over 14 days 3. Proper License Visible (Liquor, Tax ID, etc.): □ Yes □ No, explain:. 4. Your Previous Processor: 5. Your Previous Merchant #: 6. Check Reason for Changing: □ Rate □ Service □ Terminated □ Other; 7. Do You Have Previous Processor MC/Vlsa/ Discover Network/American Express Statements? □ Yes □ No 6. Are customers required to leave a deposit? □ Yes GNo If Yes, % of deposit required: Time Frame for Delivery:.Days 9. Time frame from transaction to delivery: % of orders delivered In: 0-7 days 18-30 days. _% + 8-14 days. _% + 30+ days _ _% + 10. Processing mode: □ EDC: f''~ □ Paper Voice □ Tape □ ECR □ Paper Tei 11. Funding will be processed DAILY via: □ ACH □ Bankwire 12. Bank will fund: □ Outlet □ Head Office 13. d of Plates: Long Short 14. Fire Safety Act: □ Yes □ No 15. Ship Equipment & Vlfelcome Packet to (eheekone): □ Outlet □ Head Office □ Other, give mailing Info below □ No Welcome Packet & Supplies □ No Welcome Packet _%= 100% Name:First/Last Contact Name: Address:City:State:Zip: 16. Debit Bill Payment Ttansaction Type: □ Internet GVRU □ Recurring □ Call Center Sponsoring Debit Network: □ NYCE □Pulse □ Star □ ACCEL (Buypass) 17. Additional Terminal Features: (Cheek all that apply lo ensure timely terminal programming) □ Auto Settle Time hh ET (military) O Bar Tab □ Clerk/Server Entry □ Debit Cash Back Delayed Ship Date: □ Dial Prefix: □ Dial 9 □ Other: □ Dial Suffix: □ E-Commerce □ If IP (Ust Current Provider) □ QSR-CR/SMT (Canvenlenee^mell Ticket) □ QSR Print Option □ Invoice Number □ Multi-Trans (PC/Reglster^oftware only) □ No Server/Ticket ID □ Remove Room # Prompt □ Remove Ticket d Prompt □ Retail Gas □ Retail With Hp □ Ship Method (Overnight) □ Tip % Option □ Verify Amount Prompt □ Partial Approval □ Purchase w/ Balance Return □ Standalone Balance Inquiry □ Amex Prepaid Program Preference (Choose One) □ Partial Auth □ Balance Back □ Other Terminal Features: (cont'd) Key Password Disable or Protect PINPad: □ DES Encryption □ DUKPT □ Access Code # Credits □□ Voids □□ Forces □□ Reviews □[ Bal/Settle □□ Auth Only □□ Reports □□ Hp Adjustment □□ Comments: (NOTE; Completing the Comments field will result In a 48 hour terminal programming delay) MERCHANT PROCESSING CREDIT ADDENDUM Client's DBA Name OTHER ENCLOSURES (Check) Financial Statements (2 years most recent) required for:□ Low to Moderate Risk n Mail/Telephone Order □ Business To Business □ Internet $3MM or greater S1 MM or greater and exceeding percentage requirements SIMM orgreater SIMM orgreater 2. Method of Advertising: □ Catalog □ Brochure/Direct Mail □ TV/Radio(Attach at least one) Rhone □ Newspaper/Journal □ Internet □ Other (specify) 3. Brochures/Marketing Materials/Advertisement required for □ Mall/Telephone Order (exceeds percentage requirement) □ Business to Business (exceeds percentage requirement) 4. Internet (Required):□ Web Page Attached - OR - □ LIstWeb Site Address: 5. Other: □ Are Your Business Premises: □ Owned □ Rented BUSINESS PREMISES If rented, please complete the following: Renting Since:Lease Expires: Landlord Name: First/Last Contact Name:Phone: MAIL/TELEPHONE ORDER / BUSINESS TO BUSINESS / INTERNET INFORMATION 'All Questions Must Be Answered) What % of total sales represent business to business (vs. business to consumer)? 2. What % of bankcard sales represent business to business (vs. business to consumer)? Business to Business.% + Business to Consumer._% = 100% (total sales) Business to Business.% + Business to Consumer._% = 100% (bankcard sales) 3. Time frame from transaction to delivery: % of orders delivered in:0-7 days..% + 8-14 days..% + 15-30 days._% + over 30 days.% = 100% 4, MasterCard/Vlsa/Dlscover* Network/American Express* OnePoint sales are deposited (check one): □ Date of order □ Date of delivery □ Other (specify): 5. Who performs product/service fulfillment? Direct._? Vendor.If Vendor, add name, address, phone.□ Other (specify): Describe how the transaction works, from order taking to merchant fulfillment (attach additional sheet, If necessary): Does any of your cardholder billing Involve automatic renewals or recurring transactions (l.e., cardholder authorizes Initial sale only)7 □ Yes □ No Comments: This Interchange Rate Schedule contains a summary of the pnmaiy qualification cntena established by Visa®, Mastercard®, and Discover® Network (sometimes referred to as Discover) for most interchange programs - it is not all inclusive. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict, the interchange requirements established by the Card Organizations (sometimes referred to as associations) will determine the interchange programs at which your transactions qualify. Regardless ofhow we describe fees to you, all fees, including any that reference a Card Organization or Debit Network name in their description, are billed by and owed to Bank of America Merchant Services. For a complete list, call the number on your merchant statement Please note that Discover Network fees apply only to Discover transactions acquired by Bank of America Merchant Services. For more information regarding your Rates and fees, please call Customer Service. Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item VISA CPS / Retail Credit CPS / Retail Debit CPS / Retail Prepaid 1.51% 0.80% 1.15% SO.IO $0.15 $0.15 Consumer Traditional Cards. Cord Present / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Authorized. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Unattended Terminal transactions at Local & Suburban Commuter PassengerTranspoit (4111), Passenger Railways (4112), and Bus Lines (4131). For Hotel and Car Rental: Folio/Rental Agreement number and check-in/check out dates required. For Passenger Transport: full itineraiy required (including ticket number, passenger name, and trip leg data); transactions that include ancillary data (ancillary service category 1, ancillary ricket document mtmber. issued in connection with ticket number, and passenger name) are not eligible for this pro^ia Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Authorization and settlement amount on debit and prepaid card transactions do not have to match for Taxis & Limousines (4121), Bars and Taverns (5813). Beauty and Barber Shops (7230), Health and Beauty Spas (7298), and Amuserrrcnt Paries, Circuses, Carnivals, & Fortune Tellers (7996). Supermaricets (5411), Service Stations (5541), Restaurants (5812,5814), and High Risk (5962,5966,5967) not eligible forihis program. Consumer debit and prepaid transactions at Hotels (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441,7512.7513), Passenger Transport (3000-3300,4511,4112), Cruise Lines/Steamships (4411), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722) not ellgtble for this program. Maximum 14 days to deposit & settle for Boat Rentals & Leasing (4457), Trailer Parks & Carr?igrounds (7033), Equipment, Tool. Furniture, & Appliance Rental and Leasing (7394), Motor Home & Recreational Vehicle Rentals (7519), and Recreation Services (7999), 2 days to deposit & settle for all other merchants. Regulated Debit 0.05%$0.22 Regulated Consumer Debit and Prepaid. Business Debit, and Commercial Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. Authorization required. CPS requirements recommended but not required. Regulated Consumer Debit and Prepaid transactions that meet qualifications for the CPS/Small Ticket Regulated Debit program are not eligible for this program. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. , CPS / Restaurant Credit CPS / Restaurant Debit CPS / Restaurant Prepaid 1.54% 1.19% 1.15% $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer Traditional Cards. Same requirements as CPS/Refail. Authorized amount does not have to match transaction amount Authorization required and Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read. Purchase date must be within 1 day of auth date. Eligible Merchants: Restaurants (5812)andFast Food Restaurants (5814). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Rewards 1 1.65%$0.10 Consumer Traditional Rewards card that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail orCPS/Supermarkct, Visa Signature and Infinite cards at non-Travel Service merchants (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722, 5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Visa Signature cards at merchants that participate in the Retail or Supermarket Performance Threshold (Tier) MW interchange programs. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS! Rewards 2 1.95%$0.10 Consumer Traditional Rewards card that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/Retail Key Entry, or CPS/E-Commeree Basic, CPS/E-Commerce Preferred: Hotel/Car Rental & Passenger Transport. CPS/Hotcl & Car Rental: Card Present / Card Not Present, and CPS/Passenger Transport and CPS/RcstauranL Signanire and Infinite cards that meet existing CPS/Card Not Present, CPS^etail Key Entry, and CPS/E-Commerce Basic by Non-Travel Service merchants (3000-3999.4112.4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011.7512,7513). Maximum2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Small Ticket Credit CPS / Small Ticket Debit CPS / Small Ticket Prepaid CPS / Small Ticket Debit Regulated 1.65% 1.55% 1.60% 0.05% $0.04 $0.04 $0.05 $0.22 Traditional, Traditional Rewards. Signature and Infinite consumer cards. Regulated Consumer Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as bebg subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rale on Debit Card interchange are eligible for the CPS/SmaU Ticket Regulated Debit rate. Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Unattended Tenninal / Electrom'cally Authorized. Signature not required. Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Eligible Merchants include all merchants with the exception ofi Money Transfer (4829), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Direct Mariccting- Insurance (5960), Direct Mariceting - Travel Arrangement (5962), Direct Marketing n Catalog (5964), Direct Mariceting - Combination Catalog & Retail (5965), Direct Marketing - Outbound Telemarketing (5966), Direct Marketing - Inbound Telemarketing (5967), Direct Marketing - Contmuity / Subscription (5968), Direct Maiketing - Oilier (5969), Manual Cash (6010), Automated Cash (6011), Financial Institutions n Merchandise & Services (6012), Betting/ Casinos / Race Tracks (7995), Intra-Govemmem Purchases (9405), UK Supermarkets (9751), UK Petrol Stations (9752), and Intra-Corapany Purchases (9950). Transaction amount must be less than or equal to $15.00. Small Ticket transactions from mercliants tliat participate in Retail or Supermarket Performance Threshold (Tier) MVV interchange programs are eligible for lliis program. Small Ticket Credit eligible transactions will qualify for the following M W interchange programs: Utilities and Debt Repayment. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Retail Key Entered Credit CPS / Retah Key Entered Debit CPS / Retail Key Eiuered Prepaid 1.80% 1.65% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Key-Entered due to inability to read magnetic stripe. All requirements ofCPS/Retail except magnetic stripe read. Authorization required. Address Verification Required with a positive match on Zip Code or foil address. For hotel and car rental (3300-3799,7011,7512,7513): Folio/Rental AgreenKnt number and check-in/check-out dates required. For Passenger Transport (3000- 3300,4112,4511): ticket number and itinerary required; transactions that iiKlude ancillary data (ancillary service category l.aiKillaty ticket document ruimber, issued in connection with ticket number, and passenger name) are not eligible for this program. Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Purchase date must be within 1 day of auth date. Automated Fuel (5542), Direct Mariceting (5960, 5962,5964-5969), Cardholder Activated Terminal merchants are not eligible for this program. Credit transactions at Quasi-Cash (6051) merchants not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Card Not Present Credit CPS / Card Not Present Debit CPS / Card Not Present Prepaid 1.80% 1.65% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Card Not Present / Signature Not Obtained / Mail or Phone Order. Address Verification required unless Healthcare (4119,5975, 5976,7277,8011,8021,8031,8041,8042,8043, 8049,8050,8062,8071.8099). EmergingMarket (9211,9222,9399,8211,8220,8299, 5960,6300,4899,4814,6513,5968, 5983,8351,8398), or Utilities (4900). Invoice/ordernumber required. C^tome'r Service phone number in the merchant city field OR Customer Service phone number, merchant URL, or email address in the merchant city field for recuning paymeru transactions. Authorization required. Purchase date must be within 7 days ofauth date. Authorization and settlement amounts must match. Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / E-Commerce Basic Credit CPS / E-Commerce Basic Debit CPS / E-Commerc j- ' ''Jjrepaid 1.80% 1.65% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Same requirements as CPS/Card Not Present but transaction takes place in a secure Internet environmenL Authorization required. Address Verification required unless Fmprging Market (9211,9222,9399,8211,8220,8299,5960,6300,4899,4814,6513,5968,5983,8351,8398), or Utilities (4900). E-Commerce requires additional data fields in authorization and settlement Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Purchase date must be within? days ofautli date (or within 3 days for Transaction Aggregation transactions). Authorization amount for Transaction Aggregation transactions must not exceed S15.00. Maximum 2 days (' il. & settle. (IPI)BAMS.M^.i2.IC Gross 1-2019 Page 1 INTERCHANG_ SCHEDULE (Effecuvv jdnuary, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transnction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item CPS / E-Commerce Prefeired Credit CPS / E-Commercc Preferred Debit CPS / E-Comm Preferred Prepaid 1.80% 1.60% 1.75% SO.IO $0.15 $0.20 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer cards. Same requirements as E- Commerce Basic, except require Cardholder Authentication Value (CAVV). Authorization required. Requires Verified by Visa. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Supennariiet Credit CPS / Supennaikct Debit CPS / Supenna^et Prepaid 1.22% 0.00% 1.15% $0.05 $0.30 $0.15 Consumer Traditional Cards. Merchant is certified with Visa. Same requirements as CPS/Retail. No signature required if transactions $25.00 or less. Authorization required and Magnetic Stripe Read/ Contactless / Chip Read. Authorization and settlement amounts must match for consumer debit and prepaid transactions. Cap of $0.35 for consumer prepaid transactions only. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofautlidatc. Eligible Mcrcliants: Supermarkets (5411). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS/Hotel/Car CP Credit CPS/Hotel/Car CP Debit CPS / Hotel / Car CP Prepaid 1.54% 1.19% 1.15% $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer Traditional Cards. Hotel/Car Rental merchant. Autliorized. Card is present. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read/Signature Obtained. Estimated length of stay required in autliorizatioa Folio/Rental Agreement number and check-in/check-out dates required. One or more authorizations obtained. Authorization amount within 15% oftransaction amount for Hotel or within 15% oftransaction amount or $75.00, whichever is greater, for Car Rental. Purcliase date must be the same as hotel check-out date or car return date. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Hotel / Car CNP Credit CPS / Hotel / Car CNP Debit CPS / Hotel / Cor CNP Prepaid 1.54% 1.70% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Hotel / Car Rental merchant. Authorized Card not present. Estimated length of stay and Preferred Customer indicator required in authorization. Folio / Rental Agreement number, no show indicator, and check-in / check-out dates required. One or more auiliorizations obtained. Authorization amount witliin 15% oftransaction amount for Hotel or within 15% oftransaction amount or $75.00, whicirever is greater, for Car Rental. Purcliase date must be the same as hotel check-out date or car rctum date, Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Hotel / Cor E-Commerce Preferred Credit CPS / Hotel / Car E-Commerce Preferred Debit CPS / Hotel / Car E-Commerce Preferred Prepaid 1.54% 1.70% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Hotel / Car Rental merchant. Autliorized. Card not present. Estimated lenglli of stay and Preferred Customer indicator required in authorization. Folio / Rental Agreement number, no show indicator, and check-in/check-out dates tequtrcd. One or more authorizations obtained. Autliorization amount witliin 15% oftransaction amount for Hotel or within 15% oftransaction amount or $75.00, whichever is greater, for Car Rental. Purchase date must be the same as hotel check-out date or car return date. E-Commeree requires additional data fields in authorization and settlement. Requires Verified by Visa. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / RetaQ 2 Credit CPS / Retail 2 Debit CPS / Retail 2 Prepaid 1.43% 0.65% 0.65% $0.05 $0.15 $0.15 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer cards tliat meet the existing requirements of CPS/Retail, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, orCPS/E- Commerce Preferred, with the exception that Address Verification Service (AVS) is not required for the CPS/Caid Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, and CPS/E-Commerce Preferred programs. Consumer debit and prepaid transactions that meet CPS/Retail or CPS/Retail Key Entry are not eligible for this program. Authorization required. Eligible Merchants: Colleges / Universities / Professional Schools (8220), Elementary & Secondary Schools (8211), Schools-Other (8299), Insurance (5960,6300), Subscriptions (5968), Fuel Dealers (5983), Child Care Services (8351), and consumer debit arid prepaid transactions only at Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398), Religious Organizations (8661), Telecommunication Services (4814), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentals (6513), and Cable and Other TV Services (4899). Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398) and Religious Organizations (8661) must also be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as having tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) ofthe Internal Revenue Code. Cap of $2.00 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Government Credit CPS / Government Debit CPS / Government Prepaid 1.55% 0.65% 0.65% $0.10 $0.15 $0.15 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature, Infinite, and Signature Prefbrred consumer cards that meet the existing requircttients ofCPS/Retail, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred, with the exception that Address Verification Service (AVS) is not required for the CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, and CPS/E-Commerce Preferred programs. Consumer debit and prepaid transactions that meet CPS/Retail or CPS/Retail Key Entry are not eligible for this program. Authorization required. Eligible Merchants: Court Costs (9211), Fines (9222), Tax Payments (9311), Government Services (9399), and Government-Owned Lotteries (7800). Cap of$2.00 on consumerdebit and prepaid transactions. Maximum2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Recurring Bill Payment Credit 1.43%$0.05 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer credit cards that meet the existing requirements ofCPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Authorization required. Eligible Merchants: Telecommunication Services (4814), and Cable and Other TV Services (4899). Must iiKlude bill payment and recurring payment indicatots. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Charity and Religious Organizations Credit 1.35%$0.05 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature, Infinite (High Net Worth), and Signature Preferred consumer credit cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/E-Commeree Basic, CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Must be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as having tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) ofthe Internal Revenue Code. Eligible Merchants: Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398) and Religious Organizations (8661). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Auto Fuel Dispenser Credk CPS / Auto Fuel Dispenser Debit CPS / Auto Fuel Dispenser Prepaid 1.15% 0.80% 1.15% $0.25 $0.15 $0.15 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer cards. Fuel Dispensing merchant who is certified with Visa. Same requirements as CPS/Retail except signature obtained. Must be less than or equal to $125.00 (or $500.00 for transactions submitted via Real Time Clearing). May be authorized for fiill amount or for $1.00. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read required. Cardliolder Activated Terminal (CAT) indicator must be present Purcliase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Eligible Merchants: Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542). Cap of$0.95 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions, and cap of $1.10 on consumer credit transactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & senle. CPS / Retail Service Station Credit CPS / Retail Service Station Debit CPS / Retail Service Station Prepaid 1.15% 0.80% 1.15% $0.25 $0.15 $0.15 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer cards. Same requirements as CPS/Retail. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauthdate. Eligible Merchant: Service Stations (5541). Cap of $0.95 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions, and cap of$1.10 on consumer credit transactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle, CPS / Passenger Transport Card Present Credit CPS / Passenger Transport Card Present Debit CPS / Passenger Transport Card Present Prepaid 1.70% 1.19% 1.15% $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer Traditional Cards. Airline (3000-3300,4511) or Passenger Railway (4112) tnercham. Authorized. Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Unattended Terminal at Passenger Railway (4112). Full itinerary required including ticket number, passenger name, and trip leg data. Last 13 positronsofiiKrchant name must contain either description ofancillary purchase or ticket number. Ancillary data must be present (ancillary service category 1, ancillary ticket document number, issued in connection with ticket number, and passenger name). One or more clearing records for a single authorizatioa Purchase date is same as aulh date. Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. (IPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 1-2019 Page 2 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item CPS / Passenger Transport Card Not Present Credit CPS / Passenger Transport Card Not Present Debit CPS / Passenger Transport Card Not Present Prepaid 1.70% 1.70% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Airline (3000-3300,4511) or Passenger Railway (4112) merchant. Authorized. Card Not Present/Not Magnetic Stripe Read. Full itineraiy required including ticket number, passenger name, and trip leg data. Last 13 positions ofmercliant name must contain either description ofancillaiy purchase or ticket number. Ancillary data must be present (anciUaiy service category I, ancillary ticket document number, issued in connection witlt ticket number, and passenger name). One or more clearing records for a single authorizatioa Purchase date is same as auth date. Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Passenger Transport E- Commerce Preferred Credit CPS / Passenger Transport E- Commetce Preferred Debit CPS / Passenger Transport E- Commerce Preferred Prepaid 1.70% 1.70% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Airline (3000-3300,4511) or Passenger Railway (4112) mercliant. Authorized. Card Not Present / Not Magnetic Stripe Read. Full itinerary required including ticket number, passengername, and trip leg data. Last 13 positions ofmerchant name must contain either description ofancillary purchase or ticket number. Ancillary data must be present (ancillary service category I, ancillary ticket document number, issued in connection with ticket number, and passenger name). One or more clearing records for a single authorizatioa E-Commerce requires additional data fields in authorization and settlement. Requires Verified by Visa. Purchase date same as auth date. Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Utilities Consumer CPS / Utilities Cons Debit & Prepaid CPS / Utilities Business CPS / Utilities Bus Debit & Prepaid 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0.75 $0.65 $1.50 $1.50 Traditiortal, Traditional Rewards, Signature, Infinite, Infinite (High Net Wortli), Signature Preferred Consumer cards and Business, Signature Business, and Business Enhanced cards that meet the existing requirerDenls for CPS/Retail, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Small Ticket, CFS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Consumer and Business debit and prepaid transactions that meet CPS/Retail, CPS/Relail Key Entry, or CPS/Small Ticket are not eligible for this program. Eligible Merchants: Utilities (4900). Requires registration with Visa and MVV must be present. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Account Funding Credit CPS / Account Funding Debit CPS / AccourU Funding Prepaid 2.14% 1.75% 1.80% $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 Constiuier Traditional, Rewards, and Signature card transactions to fund a pre-paid product, a brokerage account, or escrow account Identified as E-Commerce transactions processed in a secure environment Card is not present Full Address Verification Service (zip code and full address) required. E-Commerce requires additional data fields such as the mercliant order number, valid E-Commerce indicator, and the Customer Service phone number, URL, or email address in authorization and settlement. Autliorization and settlement amounts must match. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Debt Repayment - No Fees 0.65%$0.15 Consumer Debit and Prepaid cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Debt repayment indicator must be present in both authorization and clearing, Eligible transactions ore payments on all loan types, except for payday loans, cliarged-offdebt not collected by the originating financial institution, and time-barred debit. Eligible Merchants: Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services (6012) and Non-Financial Institutions - Foreign Currency, Money Orders - Not Wire Transfer, and Travelera Checks (6051). Cardholder cannot be charged a convenience fee. Requires registration and MW must be present in the transaction. Priority debit routing commitment required. Cap of $0.65 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Debt Repayment 2 0.65%$0.15 Consumer Debit and Prepaid cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commcrce Basic, or CPS/E-Commcrce Preferred. Debt repayment indicator must be present in both authorization and clearing. Eligible transactions are payments on all loan types, except for payday loans, charged-oEFdebt not collected by the originating financial institution, and time-barred debit Eligi"ble Merchants: Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services (6012) and Non-Financial Institutions - Foreign Currency, Money Orders - Not Wire Transfer, and Travelers Checks (6051). Cardholder may be charged a convenience fee. Requires registration and MW must be present in the transaction. Priority debit routing commitment required. Cap of$2.00 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions. Maxinnim2 days to deposit & settle. Electronic (EIRE) Credit aitd Signature Electronic Electronic (EIRF) Debit Electronic (EIRF) Prepaid 2.30% 1.75% 1.80% $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 Key-Entered due to unreadable magnetic stripe and did not meet CPS/Retail Key-Entered requirements. Authorized. Mail or phone order and did not meet CPS/Card Not Present requirements. Did not meet other CPS market specific requirements. Unattended Terminal transactions greater than $15.00, except for Local & Suburban Commuter Passenger Transport (4111), Passenger Railways (4112), and Bus Lines (4131). For Passenger Transport (3000-3300,4112,4511): last 13 positions of merchant name must contain either description ofancillary purchase or ticket number; ancillary data must be present (ancillary service category 1, ancillary ticket document number, issued in connection with ticket number, and passenger name). Autliorization is Referral / Voice-Authorized transaction. Transaction date is 3 days old. Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Signature or Infinite card transactions, CPS qualified at Travel Service Mercltants including, Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railway (4112). Cruise Lines (4411), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441,7512,7513), Travel Agencies (4722), Restaurants (5812), and Fast Food (5814). Cap of$0.95 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions and cap ofSl.lO on consumer credit transactions at Service Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542). Maximum3 days to deposit & settle. Signature Preferred Electronic In^n'ie (High Net Worth) Electronic 2.40% 2.40% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Wortli) cards tliat meet existing requirements for EIRF. CPS-qualified, Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) transactions at Travel Service merchants (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Infinite (High Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualificationthresliold set by Visa. Maximum! days to deposit & settle. Signature Preferred Retail Infinite (High Net Worth) Retail 2.10% 2.10% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Relail, CPS/Supermarket, CPS/Retail Key Entry, or CPS/Small Ticket at Non-Travel Service (3000-3999,4112, 4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513) merchants. Infinite (Higli Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualificationthresliold set by Visa. Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398) and Utilities (4900) not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Signature Preferred Card Not Present Infinite (High Net Wortli) Card Not Present 2.40% 2.40% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, CPS/E-Commerce Preferred, CPS/Account Funding at Non-Travel Service (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513) merchants. Infinite (High Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualification threshold set by Visa. Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398) and Utilities (4900) not eligible for this progratiL Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Signature PrefBusiness to Business Infinite (Hi^ Net Wo"h> Business to Business \ 2.10% 2.10% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards that meet existing requirements for any CPS program. Infinite (Higli Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualification Uireshold set by Visa. Eligible Merchants: Business-to-Business MCCs 0780,1799-274.'. 7-791,2842,4214,5021,5039,5044,5046,5047.5051,5065,5074,5085,5099,5131,5137,5139,5169, ">93,5198,5199, 7311,7333,7349,7361,7372,7375,7379,7392,7399,7829,8734, ' ' ,99. Maximum 2 days to deposit & setUe. / ^ INTERCHANGE ^fE SCHEDULE (Effecuvc January, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Signature Prefeired Fuel Infinite (High Net Worth) Fuel 1.15% 1.15% $0.25 $0,25 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Service Station, CPS/Automated Fuel Dispenser, and GPS/Small Ticket Infinite (High Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualification threshold set by Visa. Eligible Meichants: Service Stations (5541) or Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542). Purchase date must be within 1 day of auth date. Cap of $ 1.10 per transaction. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Signature Preferred Standard Infinite (High Net Worth) Standard 2.95% 2,95% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards. Inftnite (High Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualification threshold set by Visa. Transaction date is more than 2 days old. Not CPS qualified, Autliorizntion required. Staged Digital Wallet transactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholders. Cap ofSl.IOon transactions at Service Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542). Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Standard Credit and Signature Standard Standard Debit Standard Prepaid 2.70% 1.90% 1.90% $0.10 $0.25 $0.25 Transaction date is more tlian three (3) days old. AuthoiizatioD required. Signature or Infinite cards NOT CPS qualified at a Travel Service Mercliants, including Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railway (4112), Cruise Lines (4411), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441,7512,7513), Travel Agencies (4722), Restaurants (5812), and Fast Food (5814). Hi^-risk telemarketing transactions (5962, 5966,5967). Non-secure E-Coinmerce transactions. Staged Digital Wallet transactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholders. Maximum 30 days to deposit & senle. Cninmereial 1.70% 2.15% $0.10 $0.10 Business Debit cards and Business, Signature Business, Business Enlianccd, Corporate, and Purcliasing Prepaid cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Small Ticket, CPS/Supemiarket, CPS/Rcstaurant, CPS/Service Station, CPS/Automated Fuel Dispenser, CPS/Hotel & Car Rental Card Present, or CPS/Passenger Transport Card Present. Quasi-Cash (6050,6051) are eligible for this program Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Card Present Debit Commercial Retail Prepaid Business Card Not Present Debit Commercial Card Not Present Prepaid 2.45% 2.65% $0.10 $0.10 Business Debit cards and Business, Signature Business, Business Enhanced, Corporate, and Purchasing Prepaid cards that meet existing rcqulrements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, CPS/E- Commerce PrefeiTed, CPS/Hotel & Car Rental Card Not Present, CPS/Passenger Transport Card Not Present, or CPS/Account Funding. Business Debit and Prepaid transactions at Utilities (4900) merchants can continue to qualify for the Utilities program Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Tier 1 Level 2 Business Tier 2 Level 2 Business Tier 3 Level 2 Business Tier 4 Level 2 Corporate Card Level 2 Purchasing Card Level 2 2,05% 2.05% 2.05% 2.20% 2.50% 2.50% $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, and GSA Purchasing Cards. CPS requirements met Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Level 2 data required; Sales Tax (must be between 0.1% and 22% ofthe sales amount • tax exenpt transactions do not qualify). Fuel transactions processed using Real Time Clearing on Business cards can supply either the Sales Tax information or additional fuel data (Business Format Code, Type ofPurchase, Fuel Type, Unit of Measure, Quantity, Gross Fuel Price, Miscellaneous Fuel Tax Exemption Status) to meet Level 2 data requirements. Corporate and Purchasing card transactions at Marinas, Marine Services, and Supplies (4468), Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets (5499), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), and Fuel Dealers • Fuel Oil, Wood, Coal, and Liquefied Petroleum (5983) not eligible for this program Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on oiuiual cardholder spend: Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (formerly known as Business Enhanced) - spend >$20,000 and < $40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend >$40,000 and <$100,000 (formerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend >$100,000. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle, Corporate Card Level 2 Fuel Ehirchasing Card Level 2 Fuel 2.05% 2.05% $0.10 $0.10 Corporate and Purchasing Cards. CPS requirements met. Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Level 2 data required: Sales Tax for Corporate card transactions (must be between 0.1% and 22% ofthe sales amount-tax exempt transactions do not qualify) and Customer Code for Purchasing card transactions. Purchasing with Fleet card transactions also require fiieldata requirements: type ofpurchase (1 is fuel purchase or 3 is fuel and non-fiiel purchase) and fleet liieldata. Fuel transactions processed using Real Time Clearing on Corporate cards can supply cither the Sales Tax information or additional fiicl data (Business Format Code, Type ofPurchase, Fuel Type, Unit ofMeasure, Quantity, Gross Fuel Price, Miscellaneous Fuel Tax Exemption Status) to meet Level 2 data requiremctUs. Eligible Merchants: Marinas, Marine Services, and Supplies (4468), Miscellaneous Food Stores • Convetuence Stores and Specialty Markets (5499), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), and Fuel Dealers - Fuel Oil, Wood, Coal, and Liquefied Petroleum (5983). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Purchasing Card Level 3 Corporate Card Level 3 1.90% 1.90% SO.IO $0.10 Purcliasing, GSA Purchasing, and Corporate cards. CPS requirements met. Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Level 3 data required, which includes Summary Record - Discount Amount, Freight / Shipping Amount, Duty Amount and Account Number and Line Item Detail Record - Item Sequence Number, Item Commodity Code, Item Descriptor, Product Code, Quantity, Unit ofMeasure, Unit Cost, Discount per Lmc Item, Line Item Total, and Line Item Detail Indicator. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. GSA Government to Goveminent 1.65%$0.10 GSA Purchasing Cards. Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Authorized. CPS qualified. Eligible Merchants: Goveminent Services (9399), Postal Services - Government (9402). Federal government merchants only. Requires registration with Visa and MW must be present. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Tier 1 Electronic Business Tier 2 Electronic Business Tier 3 Electronic Business Tier 4 Electronic 2.40% 2.75% 2.85% 2.95% $0.10 $0.15 S0.20 $0.20 Business cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Supeimarket, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Small Ticket, CPS/Seivice Station, CPS/Auto Fuel Dispenser, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E- Commerce Preferred. CI^/E-Commercc Basic, CPS/Rctafl2, orCPS/Accl Funding for Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112, 4411,4511,4722, 5812, 5814, 7011, 7512, 7513), Direct Marketing- Travel-Related Arrangement Services (5962), Direct Marketing - Outbound Telemarketing Merchants (5966), and Direct Marketing - Inbound Telemarketing Merchants (5967) and non-secure E-Commeree transactions are not eligible for tliis program Business card transactions will qualify for progmins based on annual cardholder spend: Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (formerly known as Business Enhanced) - spend > $20,000 and < $40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend > $40,000 and <$100,000 (formerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier4 - spend >$100,000. Maximum! days to deposit & settle. Business Tier 1 Retail Business Tier 2 Retail Business Tier 3 Retail Business Tier4 Retail Corporate Card Present Purchasing Card Present Purchasing Fleet 2.20% 2.30% 2.40% 2.50% 2.50% 2,50% 2.50% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, and Purchasing (mcluding Fleet) cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Supcrmarkei, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Small Ticket, CPS/Service Station, or CPS/Auto Fuel Dispenser. Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5312,5814,7011,7512,7513). Level 2 data requirements (Sales Tax and Customer Code) are not met. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend: Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (formerly known as Business Enhanced) - spend > $20,000 and < S40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend > $40,000 and < $100,000 (fbnnerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend > $100,000. Purchasing Fleet cards chat include Level 2 data but that are not CPS-qualilied are eligible for this program Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. (IP 1) BAMS.MVD.F18.2. IC_Gross 1-2019 Page 4 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Business Tier 1 Card Not Present Business Tier 2 Card Not Present Business Tier 3 Card Not Present Business Tier 4 Card Not Present Corporate Card Not Present Purchasing Card Not Present 2.25% 2.45% 2.60% 2.70% 2.70% 2.70% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 SO.IO Business. Corporate, and Purchasing cards that meet existing requiremenls for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commcrce Basic, CPS/E-Commerce Preferred, or CPS/Account Funding. Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Business cards require AVS. Level 2 data requirements (Sales Tax and Customer Code) are not met. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend; Business Tier I - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (fomierly known as Business Enhanced) - spend > $20,000 and < $40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend > $40,000 and < $100,000 (formerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend > $100,000. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Tier 1 Bus to Business Business Tier2 Bus to Business Business Tier 3 Bus to Business Business Tier 4 Bus to Business 2.10% 225% 2.40% 2.50% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business cards that meet existing requirements for any CPS program by Non-Travel Service merchants. Eligible Merchants: Business to Business MCCs 0780, 1799,2741,2791,2842,4214,5021,5039,5044, 5046,5047,5051,5065.5074,5085,5099,5131.5137,5139,5169.5192,5193,5198.5199,7311,7333,7349,7361,7372,7375,7379,7392,7399,7829,8734,8931,8999. Level 2 data requirements (Sales Tax and Customer Code) are not met. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend; Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (fonnerly known as Business Enhanced) - spend > $20,000 and <$40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend > $40,000 and < 5100,000 (formerfy known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend > $100,000. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Corporate Card Travel Service Purchasing Card Travel Service 2.65% 2.65% $0.10 $0.10 Corporate and Purchasing cards that meet existing requirements for any CPS program at Travel Service merchants (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Maximum2days to deposit & settle. Purchasing Standard with Data Corporate Standard with Data 2.95% 2.95% $0.10 $0.10 Non-GSA Purchasing and Corporate cards. Level 3 data requirements met but CPS requirements not met for Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512, 7513). Level 3 data requirements include Summary Record - Discount Amount, Freiglrt / Sliipptng Amount, Duty Amount and Account Number and Line Item Detail Record - Item Sequence Number, Item Commodity Code, Item Descriptor, Product Code, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Cost, Discount per Line Item, Line Item Total, and Line Item Detail Indicator. Maximum2 days to deposit & settle. Straight Through Processing (STP) rierl Straight Through Processing (STP) Tier 2 Straight Through Processing (STP) Tier 3 Straight Through Processing (STP) ricr4 Straight Through Processing (STP) Tiers 2.00% 1.30% 1.10% 0.95% 0.80% SO.IO $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 Corporate, Purcliasing, and GSA Purchasing cards that meet the existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Authorization required. Must include the Market-Specific Data Indicator of"J" identifying the transaction as Straight Through Processing. Visa Straight-Through Processing is a buyer-initiated transaction service that automates invoice-based payments for buyers and suppliers and allows cardholders to submit a transaction directly to the merchant's acquirer tlirough the Visa Payables Automation Service. Tier 1 < $7,000; Tier 2 > $7,000 and < $15,000; Tier 3 > $15,000 and <$50,000; Tier 4 > $50,000 and < $100,000; Tier 5 > $100,000. Level 2 and 3 data is not required, Maximum 2 days to deposit and settle. Global Business-to-Business Virtual Payments 2.00%$0.00 Virtual Commercial Credit cards issued in country used for transactions between online travel agencies (OTAs), travel service providers, and other travel payment providers (both domestic and iiUemational) and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines, hotels, and car rental companies) under tlie Visa Business-to-Business Virtual Payment Prograia Key-Entered / Authorization required. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liave to match. Transaction must be less than $749,999.99. Eligible Merchants: Hotels (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441,7512), Truck & Utility Trailer Rentals (7513), Passenger Transport (3000-3300,4511,4112), Cruise Lines/Steamships (4411), Bus Lines (4131), Airports. Hying Fields, & Airport Teiroinals (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Mariicting-Travel-related Arrangement Service (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentals (6513), Timesliares (7012), Sporting & Recreational Camps (7032), Trailer Parks & Campgrounds (7033), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Motor Home & Recreational Vehicle Rentals (7519), Tourist Attractions & Exhibits (7991), Membership Clubs, Country Clubs, & Private GolfCourses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Business Tier 1 Standard Business Tier 2 Standard Business Tier 3 Standard Business Tier 4 Standard Business Standard Debit Corporate Standard Purchasing Standard Continercial Standard Prepaid 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.25 $0,10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, and Purchasing Cards. Transaction date is more than 2 days old. Not CPS qualified, Authorization required. SUged Digital Wallet transactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholders. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend; Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (formerly known as Business Enhanced) - spend > $20,000 and < $40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend > $40,000 and < $100,000 (formerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend > $100,000, Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Lnrrc Ticket GSA Purchasing Card Large Ticket 1.20%$39.00 GSA Purchasing cards that meet exbtir^ requirements for CPS/RclaiL CPS/Key Entry, CPS/Service Station, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Level 2 (sales tax and customer code) and Level 3 (Summary Record - Discount Amount, Freight / Sloping Amount, Duty Amount and Account Ntrmber and Line Item Detail Record - Item Sequence Number, Item Commodity Code, Item Descriptor, Product Code, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit CosL Discount per Line Item, Line Item TotaL and Line Item Detail Indicator) data is required. Not applicable to Travel Service (3000- 3999.4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Authorization required. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. (IPI) BAMS.M': 2.IC Gross 1-2019 Pages INTERCHANG_ SCHEDULE (Effeciiv^i January, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Commercial Product Large Ticket Purchasing Card Large Ticket Prepaid 1.45% 1.45% $35.00 $35.00 Non-GSA Purchasing and Corporate cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Supermarket, GPS/Key Entry, CPS/Service Station, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E- Commerce Preferred and non-GSA Puicliasing prepaid cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Level 2 (sales lax and customer code) and Level 3 (Summary Record - Discount Amount, Freight / Shipping Amount, Duty Amount and Account Number and Line Item Detail Record - Item Sequence Number, Item Commodity Code, Item Descriptor, Product Code, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Cost, Discount per Line Item, Line Item Total, and Line Item Detail Indicator) data is required. Non-Travel Service transactions (3000- 3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814, 7011,7512,7513). Autliorization required. Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. Large Purchase Advantage 1 Large Purchase Advantage 2 Large Purchase Advantage 3 Laige Purchase Advantage 4 0.70% 0.60% 0.50% 0.40% $49.50 $52.50 $55.50 $58.50 Visa Large Purchase Advantage (VLPA) cards, including both GSA Purchasing and non-GSA Purcliasing cards, that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E- Commerce Preferred for Non-Travel Service merchants (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Transaction amount must be greater than $10,000 (Rate 1 > $10,000 and< $25,000; Rate 2 > $25,000 and < $100,000; Rate 3 > $100,000 and < $500,000; Rate 4 > $500,000). Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. Interremonal 2.05%$0.00 Consumer cards. NonU.S. issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cards issued in a diifercnt region at a U.S. Terriloiy ornon-U.S. locatioa Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee.Interregional Standard Interregional Electronic 1.55%$0.00 Consumer cards. Non U.S. issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cards issued in a diflerent region at a U.S. Territory or non-U.S. location. Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read / Conlaclless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Authorized. Airline transactions (MCCs 3000-3300 or 4511) must Iiavc itinerary data and ancillary purchase data, when applicable. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Regulated Debit 0.50%$0.22 Regulated Consumer Debit and Prepaid, Business Debit, and Commercial Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as beingsubject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final mie on Debit Card interchange. U.S. Territory Issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or U.S. issued cards at a U.S. Territoiy location. U.S. Territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islaitds, and U.S. Minor Outlying Islands in the AP region and Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands in the LAC region. Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Inteiregional Business Interregional Corporate Interregional Purchasing 2.45% 2.45% 2.45% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Business, Signature Business, Plaitnum Business, Infinite Business, Corporate, and Purchasing cards, including Business Rewards cards issued in the Asia Pacific region and Prepaid Fleet cards issued in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Non U.S. issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cards issued in a different region at a U.S. Territory or non-U.S. locatioa Maxirmim 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Consumer Premium 2.25%$0.00 Platinum cards issued in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC), Asia Pacific (AP), Central Europe / Middle East / Africa (CEMEA), and Europe regions; Platinum Prepaid cards issued in tlie LAC, AP, CEMEA, and Canada regions; Traditional Rewards cards issued in the CEMEA region; Infinite cards issued in Canada; and Select cards issued in the Europe region at a U.S. merchant location and Signature cards issued in the U.S. region at a non-U.S. or U.S. Territory merchant locatioa Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Consumer Super Premium 2.42%$0.00 Infinite and Signature cards issued in the Asia Pacific, CEMEA, Europe, and LAC regions; Infinite Privilege Consumer cards issued in Canada at a U.S. merchant location; Signature Preferred cards bsued in tlie U.S. region at a non-U.S. merchant location; Ultra High Net Worth cards issued in the Asia Pacific and CEMEA regions; Infinite (High Net Worth) cards issued in the U.S. region at a non-U.S. merchant locatioa Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional E-Commcrcc Merchant 1.89%$0.00 Consumer cards. Non U.S. issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cards issued in a different region at a U.S. Territory or non-U.S. locatioa Authorized within 7 days ofpurchase (shipping) date. Authorized amount must match clearing amount. Transactions must be Card Not Present, Key-Entered, E-Commerce transactions. Requires Verified by Visa. Transactions must be channel encrypted and include the E-Commcrce Indicator, and utilize 3-D Secure Verification Service processing requirements. Airline transactions (MCCs 3000-3300 or 4511) must have itinerary data and ancillary purchase data, when applicable. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Secure E-Commerce 1.89%$0.00 Consumer cards. Non U.S. issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cards issued in a different region at a U.S. Territory or non-U.S. locatioa Authorized within 7 days ofpurchase (shipping) date. Airthorized amount must match clearing amount. Transactions must be Card Not Present, Key-Entered, E-Commerce transactions. Requires Verified by Visa. Transactions must be channel encrypted and itKlude the E-Commerce Indicator, and utilize 3-D Secure Verification Service processing requirements. Airline transactions (MCCs 3000-3300 or 4511) must have itinerary data and ancillary purchase data, when applicable. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Issuer Chip 1.65%$0.00 Consumer cards. Non U.S. Issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cards issued in a different region at a U.S. Territory ornon-U.S. locatioa Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read (not Chip Read) / Signature Obtained/Authorized. Card issuer must be cliip qualified. Airline transactions (MCCs 3000-3300 or4511) must have itinerary data and aiKillaiy purchase data, when applicable. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Visa Assessments - Credit Visa Assessments - Debit & Prepaid 0.14% 0.13% $0.00 $0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Visa transactions. Transaction Integrity Fee 0.00%$0.10 Fee charged on each signature debit transaction (including Consumer and Business debit cards and Consumer and Commercial Prepaid cards) and each credit transaction (including Consumer Credit, Corporate, Purchasing, and Business cards) that does not meet the qualification criteria defined under the Visa U.S. Custom Payment Service (CPS) program, including Staged Digital Wallet transactions. Fee will also apply to International Airline Program (TAP) transactions on U.S. issued cards at U.S. mercliant locations. (IPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 1-2019 Page 6 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective January, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Zero Dollar Verification Messa^ Fee 0.00%$0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Verification messages, including both approved and declined, AVS, and SMS account verification transactions. Account Verification transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVV2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual authorization. Partial Authorization Non Participation Fee (PANPF)0.00%$0.01 Fee assessed on Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) transactions that do not support partial authorization. Global Business-to-Business Virtual Payments Program Fee 1.55%$0.00 Fee applies to transactions that qualify for tlie Visa Global Business-to-Business Virtual Payments Program for virtual card transactions between online travel agencies (OTAs), travel service providers, and other travel payment providers (both domestic and international) and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines, hotels, and car rental companies). Eligible Merclianis: Hotels (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441, 7512), Track &UtilityTrailcrRenlals (7513), Passenger Transpoit (3000-3300,4511,4112), Cruise Lines / Steamships (4411), Bus Lines (4I3I), Airports, FlyingFields,& Airport Terminals (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Marketing - Travel-related ArrangenKnt Service (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managen - Rentals (6513), Timeshares (7012), Sporting & Recreational Camps (7032), Trailer Parks & Campgrounds (7033), Health & Beaufy Spas (7298), Motor Home & Recreational Vehicle Rentals (7519), Tourist Attractions & Exhi"bits (7991), Membership Clubs, Country Clubs, & Private GolfCourses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). In^lementationoftlus fee has been delayed to a future date. Authorization System Misuse Fee 0.00%$0.09 Fee assessed on all Visa approved authorizations which are not followed by a matching Visa clearing transaction (or not reversed in the case ofa cancelled transaction). Following processing integrify limeframes apply: Travel & Entertainment authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Car Rental Agencies (3351-3500,7512), Lod^g - Hotels, Motels, and Resorts (3501-3999,7011). Steamship and Cruise Unes (4411), Truck and Utility Trailer Renlab (7513) have up to 30 calendar days to process an authorization reversal and up to 30 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for both card present and card not present authorizations. Transit and Rental authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Local / Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation, including Ferries (4111), Passenger Railways (4112), Bus Lines (4131), Boat Rentals and Leasing (4457), Trailer Parks and Campgrounds (7033), Equipment, Tool. Furniture and Appliance Rental and Leasing (7394), Motor Home and Recreational Veliicle Rentals (7519), Recreation Services - notebewhere cbssified (7999) liavc up to 7 calendar days to process an authorization reversal and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction forbothcard present and card not present authorizations. Authorizations with an estimated autliorization indicator at Taxicabs and Limousines (4121), Eating Places and Restaurants (5812), Drinking Pbces - Bars, Taverns, Niglitclubs, Cocktail Lounges, and Dbcotheques (5813), and Amusement Paries, Circuses, Camivab, and Fortune Tellers (7996) have up to 1 calendar day to process an authorization reversal for card present authorizations and up to 3 calendar days to process an authorization reveisal for card not present authorizations and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for all authorizations. Authorizations at aiv MCC without an estunated authorization indicator have up to 1 calendar day to process an authorization reversal for card present auttiorizations and up to 3 calendar days to process an authorization reversal for card not present authorizations and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for all auiliorizations. Billed on a one month lag. Zero Floor Limit Fee 0.00%$0.20 Fee assessed on all Vba clearing transactions tliat are not authorized. Processing integrity timcframes tliat apply to the Visa Authorization System Mbuse Fee abo apply to the Vba Zero Floor Limit Fee. Staged Digital Wallet Fee 0.00%$0.10 Fee assessed on all Vba Staged Digital Wallet purchase transactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to inillnte purchases for Visa cardholders. Fee docs not apply to Staged Digital Wallet credit voucher (sales return / refund) transactions. International Service Assessment (ISA) Base 0.80%$0.00 Fee assessed on international transactions where the merchant b in the U.S. and the bsuer country b non-U.S, and the transaction b settled in U.S. dollars. International Service Assessment (ISA) Enhanced 1.20%$0.00 Fee assessed on international transactions where the merchant is in the U.S. and the issuer country b non-U.S, and llie transaction b NOT settled in U.S. dolbrs. Late Acceptance or No Response to Dispute Fee 0.00%$0.50 Fee assessed on each Visa chargeback for which cither the merchant provides no response to the cliargeback notificalion or replies back to the chargeback notification with acceptance oftlic iiability mote than 20 days after the date from which Visa initiates the cliargeback with Bank ofAmerica Merelianl Services, This date on which Visa initiates Ihc chargeback willi Bank ofAmerica Mercliant Services should not be confused with, and may be earlier than, the date on which you receive notice ofthe cliargeback. As a best practice, merchanb should respond to all chargebacks by tlie due date provided on the chargeback notification from Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services. Late Response to Dispute Fee 0.00%51.35 Fee assessed on each Visa chargeback for which the merchant replies back to the chargeback notification with documentation to refute the cliargeback more than 20 days after tiie date from wJiich Vba initiates the chaigeback with Bank of America Merchant Services. Thb date on which Vba initiates tlie chargeback with Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services should not be confused with, and may be earlier than, the date on which you receive notice ofthe chargeback. Asa best praaice, merchants should respond to all chargebacks by the due date provided on the chaigeback notification from Bank of America Merchant Services. (lPl)BAMS.M\v .;2.IC Gross 1-2019 Page 7 Visa® Pass-thk uiigii Fees Schedule (Effeciivi^ January, 2019) The following fees result from chafes assessed to Servicers from Visa and arc subject to increases, decreases, and additional new fees imposed by Visa. Fee Category Rates Visa Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Visa Assessments - Credit Visa Assessments - Debit & Prepaid 0.14% 0.13% $0.00 $0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Visa transactions. Netwoik Acquirer Processing Fee (NAPF) - Credit Network Acquirer Processing Fee (NAPF) - Debit & Prepaid 0.00% 0.00% $0.0195 $0.0155 Fee assessed on all Visa authorization attempts. Does not apply to $0 Account Verification messages. Real Time Clearing pre-authorization requests, autlrorization reversals, authorizations ofpurchase return or refund trartsactions, chargeback responses, and other administrative messages. Visa BASE 11 Credit Voucher Fee - Credit Visa BASE 11 Credit Voucher Fee - Debit & Prepaid 0.00% 0.00% $0.0195 $0.0155 Fee assessed on all Visa credit voucher (sales return/ refund) transactions. Visa BASE 11 System File Transmission Fee 0,00%$0.0013 Fee assessed on all Visa transactions transmitted through the Visa BASE 11 settlement system, including sales / purcliases, sales returns / refunds, sales reversals, chargebacks, and cltargeback reversals. Zero Dollar Verification Message Fee 0.00%$0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Verification messages, including both approved and declined, AVS, and SMS account verification transactions. Account Verification transactions must be submitted for $0 and are tised to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVV2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual aulhorizalioa Authorization System Misuse Fee 0.00%$0.09 Fee assessed on all Visa approved authorizations which are not followed by a matching Visa clearing transaction (ornot reversed in the case ofa cancelled transaction). Following processmg integrity timefiames apply; Travel & Entertainment authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Car Rental Agencies (3351-3500,7512), Lodging - Hotels, Motels, and Resorts (3501-3999,7011), Steamship and Cruise Lines (4411), Truck and Utility Trailer Rentab (7513) have up to 30 calendar days to process an authorization reversal andup to 30 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for both card present and card not present authorizations. Transit and Rental authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Local / Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation, including Ferries (4111), Passenger Railways (4112), Bus Lines (4131), Boat Rentals and Leasing (4457), Trailer Parks and Campgrounds (7033), Equipment, Tool, Furniture and Appliance Rental and Leasing (7394), Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rentals (7519), Recreation Services-not elsewhere classified (7999) have up to 7 calendar days to process an authorization reversal and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for both card present and card not present authorizations. Authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Taxicabs and Limousines (4121), Eating Places and Restaurants (5812), Drinking Places - Bars, Taverns, Nightclubs, Cocktail Lounges, and Discotheques (5813), and Amusement Parks, Circuses, Carnivals, and Fortune Tellers (7996) have up to 1 calendar day to process an authorization reversal for card present autltorizations and up to 3 calendar days to process an authorization reversal for card not present autliorizations and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for all authorizations. Authorizations at ai^ MCC without an estimated authorization indicator have up to 1 calendarday to process an authorization reversal for card present authorizations andup to 3 calendar days to process an authorization reversal for card not present authorizations and up to lOcalendardays to process a clearing transaction for all autliorizations. Billed on a one month lag. Zero Floor Limit Fee 0.00%$0.20 Fee assessed on all Vba clearing transactions tliat are not authorized. Processing integri^ timeframes that apply to the Visa Authorization System Mbuse Fee also apply to the Visa Zero Floor Limit Fee. Partial Authorization Non Participation Fee (PANPF)0.00%$0.01 Fee assessed on Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) transactions that do not support partial authorization. Global Business-to-Business Virtual Payments Program Fee 1.55%$0.00 Fee applies to transactions lliat quali^' for the Vba Global Business-to-Business Virtual Payments Program for virtual card transactions between online travel agencies (OTAs), travel service providers, and other travel payment providers (both domestic and international) and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines, hoteb, and car rental companies). Eligible Merchants: Hotels (3501-3999, 7011), Car Rental (3351-3441, 7512), Truck & Utility Trailer Rentab (7513), PassengerTransport (3000-3300,4511,4112), Crube Lines / Steamships (4411), Bus Lines (4131), Airports, Flying Fields, & Airport Terminals (4582), Travel AgeiKies& Tour Operators (4722), Direct Marketing-Travel-related Arrangement Service (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentab (6513), Timeshares (7012), Sporting & Recreational Can^s (7032), Trailer Parks & Campgrounds (7033), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Motor Home & Recreational Vehicle Rentals (7519), Tourbt Attractions & Exlubib (7991), Membership Clubs, Country Clubs, & Private GolfCourses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Irrplementation ofthb fee has been delayed to a future date. Staged Digital Wallet Fee 0.00%$0.10 Fee assessed on all Visa Staged Digital Wallet purchase transactions lliat use a separate, non-Vba account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholders. Fee does not apply to Staged Digital Wallet credit voucher (sales return / refund) transactions. Transaction Integrity Fee 0.00%SO.IO Fee charged on each signature debit transaction (including Consumer and Business debit cards and Consumer and Commercial Prepaid cards) and each credit transaction (including Consumer Credit, Corporate, Purchasing, and Business cards) that does not meet the qualification criteria defined under the Vba U.S. Custom Payment Service (CPS) program, including Staged Digital Wallet transactions. Fee will also apply to Internationa! Airline Program (lAP) transactions on U.S. bsued cards at U.S. merchant locations. International Service Assessment (ISA) Base 0,80%so.oo Fee assessed on international transactions where the merchant b in the U.S. and the bsuer countiy b non-U.S, and the transaction is settled in U.S. dollars. International Service Assessment (ISA) Enhanced 1.20%$0.00 Fee assessed on international transactions where the merchant b in the U.S. aitd the bsuercountiy b iK>n-U.S, and the transaction is NOT settled in U.S. dollars. (VPT) VS Pass-through Fees Schedule 1-2019 Page 1 Visa® Pass-through Fees Schedule Fee Category Rates Visa Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item International Acquirer Fee (lAF)0.45%$0.00 Fee assessed on all transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. issued card. Billed as part of the applicable interchange fees. International Acquirer Fee (lAF) High Risk 0.45%$0.00 Fee assessed on all transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. issued card for High Risk merchants in Direct Marketing - Travel-Related Arrangement Services (5962), Direct Marketing - Oulboimd Telemarketing Merchants (5966), and Direct Marketing - Inbound TelemaAeting Merchants (5967). Late Acceptance or No Response to Dispute Fee 0.00%$0.50 Fee assessed on each Visa chargeback for which either llie merchant provides no response to the chargcback notification or replies back to tlie chargeback notification with acceptance of llie liability more than 20 days after the date from which Visa initiates Uie chargeback witli Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services. TTiis dale on which Visa initiates the cliaigeback with Dank ofAmerica Merchant Services should not be confused with, and may be earlier tlian, the date on wliich you receive notice ofthe chargeback. As a best practice, merchants should respond to all chargebacks by the due date provided on the chargeback notiftcation from Bank of America Merchant Services. Late Response to Dispute Fee 0.00%$1.35 Fee assessed on each Visa chargeback for which the merchant replies back to the chargeback notification with documentation to refute the chaigeback more than 20 days after the date from which Visa initiates the chargeback with Bank of America Merchant Services. This date on which Visa initiates the cliargeback with Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services should not be confused with, and may be earlier than, the date on which you receive notice ofthe chaigeback. As a best practice, merchants should respond to all chargebacks by the due date provided on the chargeback notification from Bank of America Merchant Services. (VPT) VS Pass-li Fees Schedule 1-2019 Page 2 INTERCHANG;L^x«rE SCHEDULE (Effecuvc October, 2018) This Interchange Rate Schedule contains a summary of the primary qualification criteria established by Visa®, Mastercard®, and Discover® Network (sometimes referred to as Discover) for most interchange programs - it is not all inclusive. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict, the interchange requirements established by the Card Organizations (sometimes referred to as associations) will determine the interchange programs at which your transactions qualify. For a complete list, call the number on your merchant statement Please note that Discover Network fees apply only to Discover transactions acquired by Bank of America Merchant Services. For more information regarding your Rates and fees, please call Customer Service. Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item MASTERCARD Merit III Merit III Enhanced World Merit III High Value Merit HI World Elite Merit III Merit m Debit 1.58% 1.73% 1.77% 2.20% 2.20% 1.05% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer, Enlianced, World, and World Elite cards. Face to Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Eligible merchants include Retail and Restaurants (5812). Airline (3000-3300,4511) and Passenger Railways (4112) transactions require general ticket information and trip leg data. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10% (up to 25% for Beauty and Barber Shops - 7230 for transactions up to $25). Authorization and settlement amounts do not liavc to match for Restaurants (5812), Bats (5813), Fast Food (5814), Airlines (3000-3300, 4511), Passenger Railways (4112), and Limousiiws& Taxis (4121). Key-entered transactions. Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542), Utilities (4900), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512, 7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Cruise Lines (4411), Insurance (6300), and Real Estate Agents & Managers (6513) axe not eligible for this program. Worid and World Elite transactions at Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railways (4112), Restaurants (5812), Travel Agencies (4722) are not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit 0.05%$0.21 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards Identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. Issuer has NOT ceitified its fraud prevention procedures. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations of B (Base). Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit with Fraud Adjustment 0.05%$0.22 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cords identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. Issuer has certified its fraud prevention procedures. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations of 1 (Base plus Fraud Adjustment). Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Key Entered Key Entered EnhaiKed World Key Entered High Value Key Entered World Elite Key Entered Key Entered Debit Key Entered Prepaid 1.89% 2.04% 2.05% 2.50% 2.50% 1.60% 1.76% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 so. 10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer, EnhaiKcd, World, and World Elite cards at a non-T&E Meiclianl. Face to Face/Signature Obtained/Electronically Authorized. World & World Elite transactions at Restaurants (5812) are not eligible for this program. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814). T&E (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511, 7011,7512,7513,7519), Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542), Real Estate Agents & Managers (6513), Insurance (5960, 6300), Utilities (4900), Travel Agencies (4722), Telecommunications (4812,4814), Cable / Satellite (4899), Barber & Beauty Shops (7230), and Mail / Telephone Order (5962,5964,5965,5966,5967,5968,5969) not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Merit I Merit I Enhanced World Merit 1 Hi^ Value Merit I Worid Elite Merit I Merit I Debit Merit I Prepaid 1.89% 2.04% 2.05% 2.50% 2.50% 1.60% 1.76% SO. 10 so. 10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $020 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized / does not meet Key-Entered or Lodging & Auto Rental requirements. E-Commerce, Mail or Phone order. Airlines (3000-3300,4511) and Passenger Railways (4112) transactions require general ticket informalioa AuthoiizationandsettlementanKiunls can differ up to 10% (up to 25% for Beauty & Batbcr Shops - 7230 for transactions up to $25). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Lodging (3501-3999 or 7011), Vehicle Rental (3351- 3500,7512,7513,7519), Cruise Line / Steamship (4411), Limousines & Taxis (4121), nonFace to Face transactions (mail order and phone order), and E-Commerce transactions ifall E-Commerce indicators present. Utilities (4900), Insurance (5960,6300), and Real Estate Agents & Managers (6513) not eligible for this program. World and World Elite transactions at Restaurants (5812), Airlines (3000-3300, 4511), Passenger Railways (4112), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512, 7513,7519), Cruise Lines / Steamships (4411), Travel Agencies (4722) not eligible for this program. Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions williaQ E-Commerce identifiers are exempt from tinKliness edits. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511), 3 days for all other merchants. Small Ticket Debit 1.55%$0.04 Consumer Debit cards. Transaction amount $15.00 or less / Magnetic Stripe Read/Contactless/Chip Read / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: CommuterTransport (4111), Limousines & Taxis (4121), Bus Lines (4131), Bridge & Road Fees/Tolls (4784), Variety Stores (5331), Convenience Stores (5499), RestauratUs (5312), Fast Food (5814), News Dealers /Newsstands (5994), Laundry Services- Family & Commercial (7211), Dry Cleaners (7216), Quick Copy - Reproduction & Blueprinting Services (7338), Paricing Lots and Garages (7523), Car Washes (7542), Government Owned Lottery (7800), Motion Picture Tlicatres (7832), Videotape Rental Stores (7841), and Postal Services - Government (9402). Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to tnatch for Restaurants (5312), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), and Limousines & Taxis (4121). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit Small Ticket Regulated Debit Small Ticket with Fraud Adjustment 0.05% 0.05% $0.21 $0.22 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations ofS (Regulated Small Ticket Base). Transaction amount $10.00 or less/Card Present / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Meichants; Fast Food Restaurants (5814) and Videotape Rental Stores (7841). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Restaurant Debit 1.19%$0.10 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Electronically Autliorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants; Fast Food (5814) and Rcstauratus (5812). Trartsaction amount $60.00 or less for Restaurants (5812). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. World Restaurant Hi^ Value Restaurant World Elite Restaurant 1.73% 2.20% 2.20% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 World and World Elite cards. MagrKtic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized / Trans3Ciion.s amount $60.00 or less. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to matcli. Eligible Mercliants; Restaurants (5812). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Convenience Purchase Convenience Purchase Enhanced World Convenience Purchase High Value Convenience Purchase World Elite Convenience Purchase 1.90% 1.90% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer, Enhanced, Worid, and Worid Elite cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Fast Food (5814), Convenience Stores (5499), Movie Theaters (7832), Limousines and Taxis (4121), Variety Stores (5331), and Government Owned Lotteiy (7800). Transaction amount $25.00 or less for Limousines and Taxis (4121). Authorization and settlement ainouiUs can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Fast Food (5814) and Limousines & Taxis (4121). Service Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. (MPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.1C_Gross 10-2018 Page 1 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Emerging Markets Debit 0.80%$0.25 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic Sw^e not required / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Transportation (4111), Cable / Satellite / Other Pay Television / Radio Sutions (4899), Direct MaAeting Insurance Services (5960), Insurance Sales. Underwriting and Premiums (6300), Bridges & Road Fees / Tolls (4784), and Passenger Railways (4112). Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liaveto match for Passenger Railways (4112). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Emerging Markets Debit - Education and Government 0.65%SO. 15 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Eligible McrchanU: Government Owned Lottery (7800), Court Costs (9211), Fines (9222), Bail / Bond Payments (9223), Tax Payments (9311). Government Services (9399), Schools - Elementary & Secondary (8211), Colleges / Universities / Professional Schools / Junior Colleges (8220). Schools and Educational Services not elsewhere classified (8299), and Postal Services - Government (9402). Autliorization and settlement amounts can difier up to 10%. Cap of$2.00. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Merit 1 - Real Estate Merit I Enhanced - Real Estate World Merit I - Real Estate High Value Merit I - Real Estate World Elite Merit I - Real Estate Merit I - Real Estate Debit 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 2.20% 2.20% 1.10% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.10 $0.10 $0.00 Consumer, Enhanced, Worid, aiul Worid Elite cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized / docs not meet Key-Entered requirements. E-Commcrce, Mad or Phone order. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for non Face to Face (mail order and phone order) and E-Commerce transactions ifall E-Commeice indicators present Eligible Merchants: Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals (6513), Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce identifiers are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Merit I — Insurance Merit I Enhanced - Insurance Worid Merit I - Insurance High Value Merit I -- Insurance World Elite Merit 1 — Insurance 1.43% 1.43% 1.43% 2.20% 2.20% $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer. Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Magnetic swipe not requited / Electronically Amliorized / does not meet Key-Entered requirements. E-Commerce, Mail or Phone order. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for non Face to Face (mail order and phone order) and E-Commerce transactions ifall E-Commcrce indicators present. Eligible Mcrchams: Direct Marketing Insurance Services (5960) and Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums (6300). Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E- Commcrce identifiers are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Merit I Consumer Loan 0.80%$0.25 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized / does not meet Key-Entered or Lod^g & Auto Rental requirements. E-Commeice, Mail or Phone order. Eligible Merchants: Quasi-Cash - Merchant (6051) and Merchandise & Services - Financial Instimtions (6012). Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10% and do not have to match for non Face to Face transactions (mail order and phone order) and E-Commerce transactions if all E-Commerce indicators present Requires registration and Mastercard Assigrred ID (MAID) must be present. Merchant can charge a convenience fee up to $4.95. Cap of$2.95. Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions witliall E-Commeice identifiers are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 3 days. Supermarket Supennarket Enhanced World Supermarket Eligli Value Supennarket World Elite St^ermaikel Supermaritet Debit 1.48% 1.48% 1.58% 1.90% 1.90% 1.05% $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO SO.IO $0.10 $0.15 Consumer. Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Face to Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Cap of$0.35 on consumer debit transactions only. Eligible Meicliants; Supermarket (5411). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Public Sector Public Sector EnhaiKed World Public Sector High Value Public Sector World Elite Public Sector 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO SO.IO Consumer, Enhanced, Worid and Worid Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants; Government Owned Lottery (7800), Court Costs & AlimoiQ' and Child Support (9211), Fines (9222), Bail and Bond Payments (9223), Tax Payments (9311), Government Services (9399), Transportation - Suburban & Local rnmmiiter (4111), Bridges & Road Fees / Tolls (4784), Postal Services - Government (9402), and Passenger Railways (4112). Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amouius do t>ot have to match for Passenger Railways (4112). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Charities Credit Charities Debit 2.00% 1.45% SO.IO $0.15 Consumer, Enhanced, Worid, World EUte, Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business Worid, and Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required! Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchant: Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398), Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Non Face to Face and E-Coinmerce transactions with all E-Commeice identifiers are exenqrt from timeliness edits, and authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Humanitarian Standard 1.65%$0.00 Prepaid cards issued in the U.S. used for humanitarian aid. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts to not have to match. Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Standard Standard Enhanced World Standard High Value Standard World Elite Standard Standard Debit 2.95% 2,95% 2.95% 3.25% 3.25% 1.90% $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 SO.IO $0.25 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Lodging & Auto Rental Lodging & Auto Rental Enhanced Lodging & Auto ^bit 1.58% 1.80% 1.15% $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer and Enhanced cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Requires enriched data fields in authorization and settlemenL Transactions must include mandatory fields ofVehicle Rental (Rental Agreement Number, Renter Name, Rental Return Address. Rental Return Date, Rental Check-out Date, Customer Service Phone Number) or Lodging Addendum record (Arrival Date, Departure Dale, Folio Number, Property Phone Number. Customer Service Phone Number). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants: Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513, 7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), and Cruise Lines (4411). Maximum to deposit & settle. (MPl)BAMS.^l 18.2.IC Gross 10-2018 Page 2 INTERCHANGE iv^TE SCHEDULE (EfTeciivc wctober, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item World T&E High Value T&E World Elite T&E 2.30% 2.75% 2.75% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Worid and Worid Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required/Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Airimes (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999 or 7011), Travel Agencies (4722), Cruise Line / Steamship (4411) and Restaurants (5812). Worid Elite transactions at Airlines (3000-3300,4511) are not eligible for this program. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Airline, Vehicle Rental, and Lodging transactions must be accompanied by a PassengerTransport, Vehicle Rental, or Lodging addendum record, respectively. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511), 3 days for all other mercliants. High Value T&E Large Ticket World Elite T&E Large Ticket 2.00% 2.00% $0.00 $0.00 High Value World and Worid Elite cards. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300 or 4511), Automobile / Vehicle Rental (3351-3500, 7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999 or 7011), Ciuise Line/ Steamsliip (4411), Travel Agencies (4722), and Restaurants (5812). Magnetic Swipe not required/Electronically Autliorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Transaction amount $2,500 or greater. Airline, Vehicle Rental, and Lodging transactions must be accompanied by a Passenger Transpoit, Vehicle Rental, or Lodging addendum record, respectively. Maximum of3 days to deposit and settle. Petroleum CAT / AFD Debit 0.70%$0.17 Consumer Debit cards. Transaction at CardholderActivatedTeiminal or Automated Fuel Dispenser. Electronically Authorized. Magnetic Stripe Read/Contactless/Chip Read or completion authorization advice with the total amount spent by the cardholder is submitted within 60 minutes ofthe authorization for Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) merchants. CAT level indicator of I or 2 must be present Eligible Merchants: Automated Fuel Dispettser(5542). CapofS0.95.Maximtun2days to deposit & settle. Petroleum Service Station Debit 0,70%$0.17 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Service Station (5541). Cap of$0.95. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Petroleum Petroleum Enlianccd World Petroleum High Value Petroleum World Elite Petroleum 1.90% 1.90% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Eligible Mercliants: Service Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542). Electronically Authorize. Magnetic Stripe Read/Contactless/Chip Read or completion authorization advice witli the total amount spent by tlie cardholder is submitted within 60 minutes ofthe authorization for Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) merchants. Cap of $0.95. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Passenger Transport PassengerTransport Enhanced Passenger Transport Debit 1.75% 1.90% 1.60% $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer and Enhanced cards. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511). Magnetic Swipe not rcquiitd/Electronically Authorized. Ainhoiization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Additional addendum data required, including Passenger Name, Ticket Number, Issuing Carrier and Itinerary Data in Settlement. Maximum 9 days to deposit & settle. High Value Airiine World Elite Airline 2.30% 2.30% $0.10 $0.10 High Value Worid and World Elite cards. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511). Magnetic swipe not required/Authorized. Airlines / Passenger transport detail - General Ticket data (Passenger Name, Ticket Number, and Issuing Carrier), Trip Leg data (Travel date. Carrier Code, Service Class Code, City oforigin / Airport code, City ofdestination / Airport code). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to imtch. Maximum 9 days to deposit & settle. Full UCAF FuU UCAF Enhanced Worid FuU UCAF High Value Full UCAF World Elite FuU UCAF Full UCAF Debit 1.78% 1.93% 1.97% 2.40% 2.40% 1.25% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards and Onlbe Checkout Service transactions. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Mercliant must support SccureCode software. Teiminal type must indicate Electronic Commerce Transactions and merchant and issuer's participation in Mastercard UCAF. UCAF indicator of2 must be present. Must have valid Security level indicator / Securi^ Protocol and Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV) in authorization. T&E merchants require addendum data. Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Cruise Lines (4411), Utilities (4900), and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542) not eligible for this program. Debit transactions at Insurance (5960,6300) and Worid and Worid Elite transactions at Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railways (4112), Restaurants (5812), and Travel Agencies (4722) not eligible for this program. E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce indicators are exenqrt fiom timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Merchant UCAF Merchant UCAF Enhanced World Merchant UCAF High Value Merchant UCAF World Elite Merchant UCAF Merchant UCAF Debit 1.68% 1.83% 1.87% 2.30% 2.30% 1.15% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards and Online Checkout Service transactions. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Mercliant must use SecureCodc software. Terminal type must indicate Electronic Commerce Transactions and merchant's participation in Mastercard UCAF. UCAF indicator of 1 must be present. Must have valid Securi^ level indicator / Security protocol and Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV) in authorization. T&E mercliants require addendum data, Veliicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999, 7011), Cruise Lines (4411), Utilities (4900), and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542) not eligible for this program. E)ebit transactions at Insurance (5960,6300) and Real Estate Agents & Managers (6513) and Worid and World Elite transactions at Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railways (4112), Restaurants (5812), and Travel Agencies (4722) not eligible for this program. E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce indicators are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Service Industries Service Industries Enhanced World Service Industries High Value Service Industries Worid Elite Service Industries Services Industries Debit 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and Worid Elite cards. Requires a recurring payment transactioa Cardlioldermust not be present and authorization request must have value of4 in Point of Sale data. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Phone Setvice (4814) and Cable TV/Satellite (4899). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Payinent Transaction Payment Transaction Debit 0.19% 0.19% $0.53 $0.53 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Autliorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to tnatch. Program Registration ID must be Person-to-person Payment. Eligible Merchants: Payment Service Provider - Member Financial Institution (6532) and Payinent Service Provider - Merchant (6533). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Payment Transaction - Government- Owned Lottery Payment Transaction - Government- Owned Lottery Debit 0.00% 0.00% $0.10 $0.10 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Gaining Payinent Transactions used to transfer winnings related to a lottery managed by a U.S. state govemmem to U.S. bsued cards. Magnetic Swipe not required but must not be E-Commerce. Electronically Authorized. Transaction amount must be <$10,000. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Program Registration ID must be Gaming re-pay. Eligible Merchants: Government Owned Lottery (7800). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. (MPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 3 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Lrg Mkt Corp World Payment Iran Lrg Mkt Corp Wrid Elite Pynml Tran Business Payment Transaction Bus World Payment Transaction Bus Wrid Elite Payment Transaction 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% $0.53 S0.53 $0.53 $0.53 $0.53 $0.53 Busbess, Coiporate, Purchasing, Corporate World, Corporate Worid Elite, Busbess World. Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Stripe not lequired / ElectronicaUy Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liave to match. Program Registration ID must be Peison-to-person PayitKnt. Eligible Merchants: Payment Service Provider - Member Financial Institution (6532) and Payment Service Provider - Merchant (6533). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Utilities Utilities Enhanced Utilities World Utilities High Value Utilities World Elite Utilities Debit Utilities Prepaid Utilities Busiitess Utilities Business Debit Utilities Business Level 2AVorld Utilities Bus Level 3/WorId Elite Utilities Business Level 4 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0.65 $0.65 $0.65 $0.75 $0.75 $0.45 $0.65 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 Consumer, Enlianced, Worid, Worid Elite, Business, Busbess World, and Busbess World Elite cards. Registration not required. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%, Eligible nBrchant: Utilities (4900). Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard)- Busbess - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend> $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000, Cable, Satellite. TV and Radio (4899) and Telecommunications (4812) merchants are not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Comml Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 1 Comml Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 2 Comml Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 3 Comml Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 4 Cotrunl Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 5 1.20% 1.00% 0.90% 0.80% 0.70% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Commercial Payments Account cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Provide Tax Amount and Customer Code (when provided by customer). Lodgbg requires Lodgbg summary addendum data. Transactions will qualify based on transaction amount; Tier I • > $7,255 and < $25,000; Tier 2 - > $25,000 and < $100,000; Tier 3 - > $100,000 and < $500,000; Tier 4 - > $500,000 and < $1,000,000; Tier 5 - > $1,000,000. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Bars (^813), Fast Food (5814), Lodgbg (3501- 3999,7011), Cniise Lines (4411). Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), and Limousbes& Taxis (4121), Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) not eligible for this program. Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce identifiers are exenpt fiom timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Commercial Busincss-to-Business Global Wholesale Travel 2.00%$0.00 Virtual Business-to-Business cards issued b any country used for transactions between travel agents (both domesUc and international) and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines. Iwtels arei car rental companies) under the Mastercard Global Wholesale Travel Transaction program. Magnetic swipe not required / Authorization required. Autliorization and settlement amounts do not liavc to match. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511). Cniise/Steamship (4411), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Railways (4112), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Bus Lines (4131), Airports/Airport Terminals/Rybg Fields (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Maiketbg n Travel-Related Arrangement Services (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentals (6513). Recreational & Sportmg Canqss (7032) Campgrounds & Trailer Parks (7033), Timeshares (7012), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Tourist Attractions & Exhibits (7991), Clubs - Country Clubs / Athletic, Recreation, Sports Membership Clubs / Privlte GoIfCoutses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Large Market Corp Large Ticket I Large Market Corp Worid Lrg Tkt I Lrg Mkt Corp Worid Elite Lrg Tkt I Business Large Ticket I Business Debit Large Ticket I Lrg Mkt Purcbasmg Large Ticket I Large Market Fleet Large Ticket I Bus Level 2AVorld La^e Ticket I Bus Level 3AVorid Elite Large Tkt I Business Level 4 Large Ticket I 1.25% 1.25% 1.25% 1.20% 1.25% 1.25% 1.25% 1.36% 1.41% 1.51% $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 Business, Corporate. Purchasbg, Heet, Corporate Worid. Coiporate Worid Elite, Business World, Busbess World Elite cards. Magnetic Stripe read required only for Hect card transactions at fuel locations / Electronically Authorized. Transaction amount greater than $7,255 and less than $25,000. Provide Tax Amount, Customer Code (when provided by customer). Corporate Ibe item transaction detail (Product Code, Item Description, Item Quantity, Item Unit ofMeasure, Extended Item Amount, Debit or Credit Indicator). Fleet card transactions (at fuel locations) for fuel and non-liiel purohases must provide transaction mfonnation addendum. ID Number. Driver Number, and Vehicle Number must match in autliorization and clearing for Fleet card transacUons. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 25%. Autliorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Cruise Lines (4411), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Bars (5813). Fast Food (5814), and E-Commerce transactions with all E- Commerce indicators. Busbess card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and <$50,000; Business Level 3 - spend >$50,000 and < $100,000; Business Uvcl 4-spend >5100.000. Airlbes (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351.3500,7512, 7513,7519), Lodgbg (3501- 3999,7011). Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) merchants not eligible for this program. Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce bdicatois are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Large Market Corp Large Ticket II Large Market Corp World Lrg Tkt II Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite Lrg Tkt 11 Dusmess Large Ticket II Business Debit Large Ticket 11 Lrg Mkt Purchasing Large Ticket II Large Market Fleet Large Ticket II Bus Level 2/World Large Ticket II Bus Level 3/World E!i»? L?"ge Tkt II Busbess Level 41 'iet II 1.20% 1.20% 1.20% 1.20% 1.25% 1.20% 1.20% 1.36% 1.41% 1.51% $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $40.00 $40.00 $60.00 $60.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 R Busbess. Coiporate. Pureliasing, Fleet, Coiporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Busbess Worid EUte cards, Magnetic Stripe read required only for Rcet card transactions at fuel locations / ElectronicaUy Authorized. Transaction amount greater than $25,000 and less than $100,000. Provide Tax Amount, Customer Code (when provided by customer). Corporate line item transaction detail (Product Code, Item Description, Item Quantity, Item Unit ofMeasure, Extended Item Amount, Debit or Credit Indicator). Fleet card transactions (at fuel locations) for fuel and non-fuel purcliases must provide transaction information addcndura ID Number. Driver Number, and Vehicle Number must match m authorization and clearing for Fleet card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 25%. Authorization and settlement amoimls do not have to match forCniise Lbes (4411), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), and E-Commerce transactions with all E- Commerce mdicators. Busbess card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterfy by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Busbess Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Busbess Level 3 - spend>$50,000 and < $100,000; Busbess Level 4 - spend > $100,000. Airlbes (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500, 7512, 7513,7519) Lodging (3501- 3999,7011), Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) merchants not eligible for Uiis prograra Non Face to Face and E-Commeice transactions with all E-Commerce mdicators are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. INTERCHANGE, ^TE SCHEDULE (Effective October, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Large Market Corp Large Ticket III Lrg Mkt Coip World Ijg Tkt III Lrg Mkt Corp Wrld Elite Lrg Tkt III Business Large Ticket HI Business Debit Large Ticket III Lrg Mkt Purchasing Large Ticket III Large Maricet Fleet Large Ticket 111 Bus Level 2/World Large Ticket 111 Bus Level 3/World Elite Lig Tkt III Business Level 4 Large Ticket III 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.20% L.25% 1.15% 1.15% 1.36% 1.41% 1.51% $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $40.00 $40.00 $30.00 $80.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Stripe read required onfy for Fleet caid transactions at fuel locations / Electronically Autlwrized. Transaction amount greater than $100,000. Provide Tax Amount, Customer Code (when provided by customer). Corporate line item transaction detail (Product Code, Item Description, Item Quantity, Item Unit ofMeasure, Extended Item Amount, Debitor Credit Indicator). Fleet card transactions (at fuel locations) for fuel and non-fuel purchases must provide transaction information addendum. ID Number, Driver Number, and Vehicle Number must match in authorization and clearing for Fleet card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 25%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Cruise Lines (4411), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commcrce indicators. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on aimual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > 5100,000. Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) merchants not eligible for this program. NonFace to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce indicators are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Electronic Payment Account 0.19%$0.53 Electronic PaymerU Account Magnetic swipe not required / Authorization required. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Must include the actual Payment Reference Number, Tax Amount, and Customer Code (when provided by customer). Eligible Mercliants: Cruise Lines (4411), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Mail/Telephone Order (5960,5962,5964,5965, 5966,5967,5968, 5969), Supermarkets (5411), Telephone (4813,4814), and Warehouse Club (5300). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Large Maricet Corp Data Rate I Lrg Mkt Corp World Data Rate 1 Large Market Corp World Elite DRI Business Data Rate I Business Debit Data Rate I Business Level 2/Wortd Data Rate I Bus Level 3/World Elite Data Rate I Business Level 4 Data Rate I 2.70% 2.70% 2.70% 2.65% 2.65% 2.81% 2.86% 2.96% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 SO. ID Busmess, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite, and Electronic Payment Account cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Corporate Fleet card (at fuel locations) for fiiel and non-fuel purchases provide transaction infoimation addendurrc Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Busmess Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - sp«nd> $100,000. Airlines (3000-3300. 4511), Vcliicle Rental (3351-3500, 7512,7513. 7519). Udging (3501-3999, 7011), Passenger Railways (4112). and Restaurants (5812) merchants are not eligible for this program. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Large Market Data Rate I Healthcare Business Debit Data Rate 1 Healthcare 1.00% 1.00% $0.00 $0.00 Commercial Payment Account, including Prepaid, cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match, Eligible Merchants: Doctors (8011), Dentists & Orthodontists (8021), Osteopathic Physicians (8031), Chiropractors (8041), Optomeliists & Ophtlialmologists (8042), Opticians, Optical Goods & Eyeglasses (8043), Chiropodists & Podiatrists (8049), Nursing & Personal Care Facilities (8050), Hospitals (8062), Dental & Medical Laboratories (8071), and Health Practitioners & Medical Services (8099). Cap of$5.00. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Large Market Corp Data Rate 11 Lrg Mkt Corp World Data Rate 11 Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite DR II Business Data Rate 11 Business Debit Data Rate 11 Lrg Mkt Purchasing Data Rate II Large Market Fleet Data Rate 11 Business Level 2AVorId Data Rate II Bus Level 3/Worid Elite Data Rate 11 Business Level 4 Data Rate II 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.00% 2.20% 2.50% 2.50% 2.16% 2.21% 2.31% $0.10 $0.10 so. 10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite, and Electronic Payment Account cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read required only for Fleet card transactions at fiiel locations / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Provide Tax Amount & Custonsr Code (when provided by customer) for all Business & Corporate card transactions and for Purchasing and Fleet card transactions at non-fuel locations. Tax Amount must be between 0.1% to 30% of the sales amount, except for Transportation - Suburban & Local Commuter Passenger (4111), Bus Lines (4131), Courier Services (4215), Marinas (4468), Bridge & Road Fees / Tolb (4784), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Corwenience Stores (5499), Fuel Dealers (5983), Schools (8211), Colleges / Universities / Professional Schools (8220), Charitable Organizations (8398), Religious Organizations (8661), Court Costs / Alimony / Cliild Support (9211), Fines (9222), Tax Payments (9311), Govenutient Services (9399), Postal Services - Government (9402), and UK Petrol Stations (9752). Corporate Fleet card (at fuel locations) for fuel and non-fuel purchases provide transaction information addendum. Business card transactions wilt qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend <$25,000; Business Level 2 • spend > $25,000 and <$50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000, Airlines (3000-3300, 4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), PassengerRailway (4112), and Restaurants (5812) merchants are not eligible for this program. Non Face to Face transactions are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Lrg Mkt Corp Data Rate II Petro Lrg Mkt Corp World DR H Petro Lrg Mkt Corp Wrld Elite DRIl Petro Business Data Rate II Petroleum Bus Debit Data Rate II Petroleum Lig Mkt Purchasing DR II Petto Lrg Mkt Fleet Data Rate II Petro Bus Level 2/World DR II Petroleum Bus Level 3/World Elite DR 11 Petro Business Level 4 DR 11 Petroleum 2.20% 2.20% 2.20% 2.00% 2.05% 2.20% 2.20% 2.16% 2.21% 2.31% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO Corporate, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business, Business World, Business World Elite, Purchasing, and Fleet cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read required only for Fleet card transactions at fuel locations / Electrortically AutliorizedL Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Provide Tax Amount and Customer Code (when provided by customer) for all Business & Corporate card transactions and for Purchasing and Fleet card transactions at non-fiiel locations. Eligible Merchants: Marinas (4468), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542), Convenience Stores (5499), Fuel Dealers (5983), U.K. Petro (9752). Non Face to Face transactions are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. (MPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.1C_Gross 10-2018 Page 5 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE Rates Program Rate Category Fee Per Sales S Per Item Transaction Qualiflcatlon Information Large Market Coip Data Rate 111 1.90%SO. 10 Lrg Mkt Corp World Data Rate III 1.90%so. 10 Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite DR III Business Data Rate 111 Business Debit Data Rate III Lrg Mkt Purchasing Data Rale III Large Market Fleet Data Rate III Bus Level 2AVorld Data Rate III 1.90% 1.75% 1.80% 1.90% 1.90% 1.91% SO.IO $0.10 SO.IO SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Reet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite. Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liavc to match. Provide Tax Amount, Customer Code (when provided by customer). Corporate line item transaction detail (Product Code. Item Descriptloa Item Quantity, Item Unit ofMeasure, Extended Item Amount, Debit or Credit Indicator) for all Business & Corporate card transactions and for Purchasing and Fleet card transactions at non-fuel locations. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Uvel 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000. Mastercard Corporate Fleet card at fiicl locations arc not eligible for this program. Airlines (3000-3300.4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500.7512,751*3, 7519),Lodging(350I-3999.7011).PasscngcrRaiIways(4112).andRestauronts(5812)mcrchantsarenoteligibleforthisprogram.Maximura3daystodeposit& settle. Business Level 3/World Elite DR III 1.96%SO.IO Business Level 4 Data Rate III 2.06%SO.IO Large Market Corporate T&E I 2.75%$0.00 Large Maricet Corp World T&E I 2.75%$0.00 Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite T&E I Business T&E I Business Debit T&E I Large Market Punrhasing T&E I Large Market Fleet T&E I Business Level 2/World T&E I 2.75% 2.50% 2.50% 2.75% 2.75% 2.66% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Autliorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not havctomatclL Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011). Passenger Railways (4112), Restaurants (5812). Airlines (3000-3300,4511) & Passenger Railways (4112) require Passenger Transport addendum data (Passenger Name. Ticket Number, Issuing Carrier). Business canl transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend >$100,000. Restaurants (5812) not eligible for Business Level 3 and Business Level 4 rales. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511), 3 days for all other mercliants. Bus Level 3AVorld Elite T&E I 2.71%$0.00 Business Level 4 T&E I 2.81%$0.00 Large Market Corporate T&E 11 Large Market Corp World T&E 11 Lge Mkt Coip World Elite T&E II Business T&E II Business Debit T&E II Large Market Purchasing T&E 11 Large Market Fleet T&E II Business Level 2/WorId T&E II Bus Uvel 3AVorId Elite T&E II 2.60% 2.60% 2.60% 2.35% 2.35% 2.60% 2.60% 2.51% 2.56% SO.IO $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 Business. Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World EUte cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), VeWcle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), and Passenger Railways (4112). Airlines (3000-3300.4511) & Passenger Railways (4112) require Passenger Transport addendum data (Passenger Name, Ticket Number, Issuing Carrier) and Trip Ug Data (Travel Date, Carrier Code, Service Class Code, Origin City. Destination Cify) or Rail Data (Travel Date. Start Station, Destination Station, Passenger Description), Veliicle Rental (3351-3500.7512.7513,7519) requires Rental Detail'addendum data (Rental Agreement Number, Renter Name, Rental Retum City. Slate. Country. Location ID, Return Date, Chcck-Out Date, Customer Service Phone Number). Lod^g (3501-3999,7011) requires Lodging Summary addendum data (Customer Service Phone Number, Arrival Dale, Departure Date, Folio Number. Property Phone Number). Business card transactions will qualify for proems based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511). 3 days for all other merchants. Business Level 4 T&E IT 2.66%$0.10 Large Market Corporate T&E III 2.55%$0.10 Large Market Corp World T&E III 2.55%$0.10 Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite T&E III Business T&E III Business Debit T&E III Business Debit T&E III Airlines Large Market Purchasing T&E III Large Market Fleet T&E HI Large Market T&E III Airlines Business Level 2AVodd T&E III Bus Uvel 3AVorId Elite T&E 111 2.55% 2.30% 2J0% 2.30% 2.55% 2.55% 2.55% 2.46% 2.51% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512.7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), and Passenger Railways (4112), Airlines (3000-3300,4511) & Passenger Railways (4112) require Passenger Transport addendum data (Passenger Name, Ticket Number, Issuing Carrier, Total Fare) and Trip Leg DaU (Travel Date, Carrier Code. Service Class Code. Origin City, Destination City. Stop Over Code, Fare Basis Code, Flight Number, Departure Time) or Rail Data (Ticket Number, Travel Dale, Service Type. Start Stalioii, Destination ' Station, Passenger Description). Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513.7519) require Rental Detail addendum data (Rental Agreement Number, Renter Name. Rental Retum City, State, Country, Location ID, Retum Date, Check-Out Date, Customer Service Phone Number, Rental Rate, Rental Location City, Sute, Country, Rental Class ID, Tax Exen?)t Indicator, Days Rented). Lodging requires Lodging Sutranaiy ' addendum data (Customer Service Phone Number. Arrival Date, Departure Date. Folio Number, Property Phone Number, Room Rate, Room Tax, Total Room Nights, Fire Safety Act Indicator). Business cairi transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000, Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511), 3 days for all other merchants, Business Uvel 4 T&E III 2.61%$0.10 Large Market Corporate Standard 2.95%$0.10 Large Maricel Corp World Standard 2.95%$0.10 Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite Standard Business Standard Business Debit Standard Business Uvel 2/WorId Standard 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 3.11% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purcliasing, Fleet, Corporate Worid, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite, and Electronic Payment Account cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Aulliorization required. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on onniSal cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Bus Uvel S/World ^'indard 3.16%$0.10 Busbess Uvel 4 5 3.26%$0.10 (MPl) BAMS.N .8.2.IC Gross 10-2018 Page 6 INTERCHANGr; 'ruiTE SCHEDULE (Effect vv October, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualiflcation InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Intenegional Electronic InteiTCgional Premium Electronic Interregional Super Premium Electronic 1.95% 2.70% 2.83% $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 Consumer cards issued in any region, Premium (Platinum and Titanium cards issued in the Asia Pacific (AP), South Asia/Middle East/Afiica (SAMEA), and Latin America and Canlibean (LAC) regions; Platinum cards issued in Europe; World Elite cards issued in Canada; Prepaid Platinum Travel cards issued in the LAC region; and World cards issued in the U.S.), and Super Premium (World and Black cards issued in the AP, Europe, LAC, and SAMEA regions; World Black Edition Credit and Debit and World Debit Embossed cards issued in Europe; and World Elite cards issued in the U.S., AP, and SAMEA regions) where the country code ofthe merchant dilTcrs from the country code ofthe cardholder. Face to Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Cltip Read / Signature Obtained/Electronically Authorized. Key-Entered transactions not eligible for this program. For Consumer canls only, authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10% (up to 25% for Beauty and Barber Shops - 7230 for transactions up to $25). Autliorizatlon and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Lodging (3501-3999 or 7011), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Cruise Line/Steamship (4411), and Passenger Railways (4112). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Platinum, World, World Elite, and Black transactions for all merchants. Automated Fuel Dbpcnser(5542) and Mail/Telephone Order (5960,5962,5964,5965,5966,5967,5968,5969) merchants not eligible for this program. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Standard Interxegional Premium Standard I/R Super Premium Stindnrd 2.45% 2:70% 2.83% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer cards issued in ai^ region. Premium (Platinum and Titanium cards issued in the Asia Pacific (AP), South Asia / Middle East / Afiica (SAMEA), and Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) regions; Platinum cards issued in Europe; World Elite cards issued in Canada; Prepaid Platinum Travel cards issued in the LAC region; and Worid cards issued in the U.S.), and Super Premium (World and Bbck cards issued in tlie AP, Europe, LAC, and SAMEA regions; World Black Edition Credit and Debit and World Debit Embossed cards issued in Europe; and World Elite cards issued in the U.S., AP, and SAMEA regions) where the countiy code of the merchant differs from the country code ofthe cardholder. Transaction date more than 5 days old. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Humanitarian Standard 2.50%$0.00 Prepaid cards issued in a foreign country used for humanitarian aid. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts to not Iiave to match. Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Intenegional Electronic Consumer 1.95%$0.00 Electronic Consumer Cards. Face to Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Key-Entered transactions not eligible for this pro^aia Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10% (up to 25% for Beauty and Barber Shops - 7230 for transactions up to $25). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Ban (5813), Fast Food (5814), Lodging (3501-3999 or 7011), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Cruise Line/Steamship (4411), and Passenger Railways, (4112). Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542) and Mail/Telephone Order (5960,5962,5964,5965,5966,5967,5968,5969) not eligible for this program. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rate iiKludes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Electronic Corporate 2.70%so.oo Electronic Coiporale Cards. Face to Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Aulliorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Key- Entered transactions and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542) not eligible for this program. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rale iiKludes lire Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Regulated Debit - U.S. Territory 0.90%$0.21 Regulated Consumer and Conunercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final lule on Debit Card interchange. U.S. Territory issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or U.S. issued cards at a U.S. Territory locatioa U.S. Territories iiKlude American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Issuer has NOT certified its fiaud prevention procedures. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations ofB (Base). Aullrorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Regulated Debit with Fraud Adjustment - U.S. Territory 0.90%$0.22 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards ideiuified by Issuers and Card Oiganizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. U.S. Territoiy issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or U.S. issued cards at a U.S. Territoiy location. U.S. Territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Issuer lias certified its fiaud prevention procedures. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card O^nizations of 1 (Base plus Fraud Adjustment). Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Regulated Debit Small Ticket - U.S. Territory Regulated Debit Small Ticket witli Fraud Adjustment - U.S. Territory 0.90% 0.90% $0.21 $0.22 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interclumge. U.S. Tenitoiy issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or U.S. issued cards at a U.S. Territory location. U.S. Territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Pueito Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Rale Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations ofS (Regulated Small Ticket Base). Transaction amount $10.00 or less/Card Present/Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Fast Food Restaurants (5814) and Videotape Rental Stores (7841). Authorization and settlement amounts do not Iiave to match. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Purchasing Data Rate 11 2.55%$0.00 Purchasing or Fleet Cards, and Electronic Payment Accounts (at non-fiiel locations) issued in a foreign countiy. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Autfnrized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Provide sales Tax Amount and Customer Code (when provided by the customer). Tax Amount must be betweenO.1% to30% oftlie sales amount, except for Marinas (4468), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Convenience Stores (5499), Fuel Dealers (5983), and UK Petrol Stations (9752). Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Intenegional Purcliasing Large Ticket 1.75%$30.00 Purchasing or Fleet Cards, and Electronic Payment Accounts issued in a foreign country. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liavc to matclu Transaction amount must be greater than $2,727. Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) not eligible for this prograia Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Suppoit Fee. Interregional Purchasing 2.85%$0.00 Purchasing or Fleet Cards, and Electronic Payment Accounts issued in a foreign countiy. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Corporate Interregional Premium Commercial 2.85% 2.85% $0.00 $0.00 Business, Corporate, and Premium Commercial (Platinum, World, World Elite, and Black) cards issued in a foreign countiy, including Business Premium Debit cards issued in Australia. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. (MPI)BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gtoss 10-2018 Page 7 Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualiflcation InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Interregional UCAF - Full Interregional Premium UCAF - Full I/R Super Premium UCAF - Full 2.39% 2.70% 2.83% $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 Consumer cards issued in any regioii, Premium (Platinum and Titanium cards issued in the Asia Pacific (AP), South Asia / Middle East / Africa (SAMEA), and Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) regions; Platinum cards issued in Europe; Worid Elite cards issued in Canada; Prepaid Platinum Travel cards issued in the LAC region; and World cards issued in the U.S.), and Super Premium (World and Black caids issued in the AP, Europe, LAC, and SAMEA regions, World Black Edition Credit and Debit and World Debit Embossed cards issued in Europe; and World Elite cards issued in the U.S.. AP, and SAMEA regioiu) where tlie countiy code ofthe merchant dilTers from the country code ofthe cardholder. Applies to all intra and Interregional transactions except for U.S. Region and Canada Region. Terminal type must indicate Electronic Commerce Transactions and merchant and issuefs participation in Mastercard UCAF. UCAF indicator of2 must be present, and must have valid Security level indicator / Security Protocol. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Aulliorizcd. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liave to match. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Suppoit Fee. Interregional UCAF - Merchant Interregional Premium UCAF - Merchant I/R Super Premium UCAF - Merch 2.29% 2.70% 2.83% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer cards issued in any region, Premium (Platinum and Titanium cards issued in the Asia Pacific (AP), South Asia / Middle East / Africa (SAMEA), and Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) regions; Platinum cards issued in Europe; World Elite cards issued in Canada; Prepaid Platinum Travel cards issued in the LAC region; and World caids issued in the U.S.), and Super Premium (World and Black cmds isswd in the AP, Europe, LAC, and SAMEA regions; World Black Edition Credit and Debit and World Debit Embossed cards issued in Europe; and World Elite cards issued in the U.S., AP, and SAMEA regions) where the countiy code of the merchant differs from the countiy code ofthe cardholder. Applies to all intra and inter regional transactions except for U.S. Region and Canada Regioa Terminal type must indicate Electronic Commerce Transactions and merchant's participation in Mastercard UCAF. UCAF indicator of 1 must be present, and must have valid Security level indicator / Security Protocol. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liavc to match. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rale includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. International Payment Transaction International Corporate Payment Transaction 1.04% 1.04% $0.53 $0.53 Consumer and Corporate cards only. Applies to all intra and inter regionai transactions except for U.S. Region and Canada Regioa Magnetic Swipe not required. Authorization and settlement amounts do not Iiave to matck Eligible Merchants: Payment Service Provider - Member Financial Institution (6532) and Payment Service Provider - Merchant (6533). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Rate Includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Assessments 0.13%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross doUaramount ofall Mastercard transactions. Assessments (>=$1,000)0.01%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofMastercard Consumer and Commercial credit transactions that are $1,000 or greater. Cross Border - U.S.0.60%$0.00 Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with the countiy code ofthe merchant diflferent from the countiy code ofthe cardholder, where the transaction is settled in U.S. dollars. Cross Border - Nort-US Cross Border Fee - Asia Pacific Cross Border - LAC 1.00% 1.00% 0.80% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fee assessed on all Consumer. Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with llic country code of the mercliant different from llie countiy code oflhe cardholder, wliere Uk transaction is settled in a currency other than the merchant's local currency. Address Verification Service Fee - Card Present 0.00%$0.01 Assessed on all Mastercard Card Present authorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more than $0. Address Verification Service Fee - Card Not Present 0.00%$0.01 Assessed on all Mastercard Card Not Present aullmrizations lliat use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more than $0. Account Status Inquiry Fee - Intraregional 0.00%$0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiry Service messages where the countiy code ofthe mcrcliant is llic same as the country code ofllie cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obuining an actual authorization. Account Status Inquiry Fee - Interregional 0.00%$0.03 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiry Service messages where the countiy code ofthe mercliant is different from the countiy code ofthe cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS. prior to obuining an actual authorizatioa Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) Fee 0.00%$0.0025 Fee assessed on all authorizations that include Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) validatioa CVC 2 is an optional service fiom Mastercard that was inqjlemenled to help reduce the risk of fiaud and is part ofthe screening tools used by merchants to ensure that the penon phcing the order has the card. Does not apply to Account Stetus Inquiry transactions. SecureCode Fee 0.00%$0.03 Fee assessed on all Mastercard SecureCode verification requests. Mastercard SecureCode is an optional service for E-Commerce merchants that allows for an additional level ofshopping security by requiring cardholders to enter additional log-in credentials tliat are verified by the issuer when completing an online sale (ifthe issuer participates in the service). Global Wholesale Travel Business-to- Business Fee 1.57%$0.00 Fee applies to transactions that qualify for tlie Mastercard Busincss-to-Busincss Global Wholesale Travel Transaction program for virtual card transactions between travel ageiUs and travel suppliers (c.b. airlines, hotels and carrenul companies). Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Cruise/Steamship (MCC 4411). Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Railways (4112), Car RenUl (3351-3500,7512,7513, 7519), Bus Lines (4131), Airports / Airport Terminab / Hying Fields (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722). Direct Marketing - Travel-Relatcd Arrangement Services (5962), Real EsUte A^nts & Managers n RenUb (6513), RecnMtional & Sporting Canps (7032). Campgrounds & Trailer Parks (7033), Timeshares (7012), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Tourist Attractions & Exhibits (7991), Clubs - ..ouDtiy Clubs / Atliletic, Recreation, Sports Membership Clubs / Private GolfCourses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Transactions assessed Ihb fee are not subject to the Masteicard Network Access and Brand Usage (NABU) fee, the Mastercard Cross Border fee, the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. and the Mastercard Card Present and Card Not Present Address Verification Service (AVS) fees. (MPI)BAMS.IV;-,'I.2.IC Gross 10-2018 Page 8 INTERCHANGE IE SCHEDULE (Effec'.u'i. E^tober, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Processing Integrity Fee - Pre- Authorization 0.00%$0,045 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions are met: (i) authorization is fiilly approved, (iO authorization is identified as a pre-authorizatioQ, and (iii) authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or authorization reversal within 30 calendar days. Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), contactless transit aggregated transactions, debt recovery transactions, pre-authorizations with an expired chargcback protection limefhime and oflline approved transactions not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. Processing Integrity Fee - Undefined Authorization 0,00%$0,045 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when llie following conditions are met: (i) autliorization is fully approved, (ii) authorization is identified as an undefined authorization, and (iii) authorization is not followed by either a clearing transactions or authorization reversal within 7 calendar days. Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), contactless transit aggregated transactions, debt recovery transactions, pre- authorizations with an expired chargeback protection timeframe and offline approved transactions not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. Processing Integrity Fee - Final Authorization 0.25%Min $0.04 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions are met; (i) authorization is fully approved, (ii) authorization b identified as a final autliorization, and (iii) either authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or authorization reversal within 7 calendar days or the final clearing amount is submitted for an amount different from the approved authorization amount or submitted in a difierent currency than the authorization amount. Billed on a one month lag. Minimum fee amount of $0.04. Processing Integri^ Fee • Detail Report Fee 0.00%$0,015 Fee assessed on all Mastercard authorizations that are subject to the Processing Integrity fees for Pre-Authorization, Undefined Authorization, or Final Authorizatioa Humanitarian Progmm Clearing Fee 0.25%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar volume of Humanitarian prepaid card transactions that are used to Irelp humanitarian aid organizations deliver aid more cost effectively and more efficiently. Digital Enablement Fee 0.01%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard Card Not Present transactions. License Volume Fee 0.0071%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard transactions (credit and signature debit). Fee based on a good faitheffort to recover and allocate among all customers Mastercard's annual fees for licensing and third party processing. Merchant Location Fee 0.00%$1.25 Fee assessed monthly per active merchant locatiotL An active location b defined as a mereliant location that processed at least one Mastercard transaction during the month. Merchant locations that have less than $200 in Mastercard gross sales feir the month are not subject to the fee for that month. Merohant locations in MCCs 8398 (Charitable Organizations) and 8661 (Religious Organizations) are not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. (MPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 9 Mastercard® Pass-through Fees Schedule (Effective October, 2018) The following fees result from charges assessed to Servicers from Mastercard and are subject to increases, decreases, and additional new fees imposed by Mastercard. Fee Category Rates Mastercard Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Assessments 0.13%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard transactions. Assessments (>=S1,000)0.01%so.oo Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofMastercard Consumer and Commercial credit transactions that are $1,000 or greater. Netwodc Access & Brand Usage (NABU) Fee 0.00%$0.0195 Fee assessed on all Mastercard authorization attempts and credit (sales rciuin) transactions th.il are processed with a U.S. issued card at a U.S. mercliant locatioa Does not apply to autlwrization reversals and $0 Account Status Inquiry transactions. Mastercard Kilobyte Fee 0.00%$0.0035 Fee assessed per kilobyte on all settled transactions for the transmission ofclearing data. Mastercard License Volume Fee 0.0071%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard transactions (credit and signature debit). Fee based on a good felth effort to recover and allocate among all customers Mastercard's annual fees for licensing and third party processing. Mastercard Digital Enablement Fee 0.01%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard Card Not Present transactions. Address Verification Service Fee - Card Present 0.00%$0.01 Assessed on all Mastercard Card Present aulliorizations lliat use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more llian $0. Address Verification Service Fee - Card Not Present 0.00%$0.01 Assessed on all Mastercard Card Not Present authorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that arc submitted for more than $0. Account Status Inquiry Fee - Intraregional 0.00%$0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Stanrs Inquiry Service messages where the country code ofthe merchant is the same as the country code ofthe cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to vaUdate cardliolder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual authorization. Account Status Inquiry Fee - Interregional 0.00%$0.03 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiry Service messages where the country code ofthe merchant is different from the country code ofthe cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS. prior to obtaining an actual authorizatioa Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) Fee 0.00%$0.0025 Fee assessed on all authorizations that mclude Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) validatioa CVC 2 is an optional service from Mastercard that was inplementcd to help reduce the risk of fraud and b pan of the screening took used by merchants to ensure tlrat the person placing the order has tire card. Does not apply to Account Stams Inquiry transactions. SecureCode Fee 0.00%$0.03 Fee assessed on all Mastercard SecureCode verification requests. Mastercard SecureCode b an optional service for E-Commerce merchants that allows for an additional level ofshopping security by requiring cardholders to enter additional log-in crcdentiab that ate verified by the bsuer when corepleting an online sale (ifthe bsuer participates in the service). Global Wholesale Travel Business-to Business Fee 1.57%SO.OO Fee applies to transactions that qualify for the Mastercard Business-to-Business Global Wholesale Travel Transaction program for virtual card transactions between travel agents and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines, hotels and car rental companies). Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Cruise / Steamship (MCC 4411). Lodging (3501-3999.7011), Raflways (4112), Car Rental (3351-3500,7512, 7513,7519), Bus Lines (4131), Airports / Airport Terminals / Flying Fields (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Marketing - Travel-Related Atrangemertt Services (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentab (6513), Recreational & Sporting Camps (7032), Catt^grounds & Trailer Parks (7033), Timeshaies (7012), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Tourist Attractions & Exhibits (7991), Clubs - Country Clubs / Atliledc, Recreation, Sports Membership Clubs / Private Golf Courses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Transactions assessed thb fee are not subject to the Mastercard Network Access and Brand Usage (NABU) fee, the Mastercard Cross Border fee, the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee, and the Mastercard Card Present and Card Not Present Address Verification Service (AVS) fees. Processing Integrity Fee - Pre- Autborization 0.00%$0,045 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions are met: (i) authorization b fully approved, (ii) authorization b identified as a pre-aulhorization, and (iii) aullrorization b not followed by eitlier a clearing transaction or authorization reversal within 30 calendar days. Automated Fuel Dbpensers (5542), contactless transit aggregated transactions, debt recovery transactions, pre-authorizations with an expired chargeback protection timefiame and offline approved transactions not subject to thb fee. Billed on a one month lag. Processing Integrity Fee - Undefined Authorization 0.00%$0,045 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions ate met: (i) authorization is fiiUy approved, (ii) authorization b identified as an undefined authorization, and (iii) authorization b not followed by either a clearing transactions or authorization reversal within 7 calendar days. Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), contactless transit aggregated transactions, debt recovery transactions, pre- authorizations with an expired chargeback protection timeframe and offline approved transactions not subject to thb fee, Billed on a one month lag. Processing Integii^ Fee - Final Authorization 0.25%MinS0.04 Fee assessed on Mastercard autliorizations when tlic following conditions are met (i) authorization b fully approved, (ii) authorization b identified as a final authorization, and (iii) either authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or authorization reversal within 7 calendar days or llie final clearing amount is submitted for an amount difTerent from the approved authorization amount or submitted in a different currency than tlie authorization amount. Billed on a one month lag. Minimum fee amount of$0.04. Processing Integrity Fee - Detail Report Fee 0.00%$0,015 Fee assessed on all Mastercard authorizations that are subject to the Processing Iniegrify fees for Pre-Authoiizalion, Undefined Authorization, or Final Authorizatioa Humanitarian Program Clearing Fee 0.25%$0,000 Fee assessed on the gross dollar volume ofHumanitarian prepaid card transactions that are used to help humanitarian aid organizations deliver aid more cost effectively and more efficiently. (MPT) MC Pass-tii_i^( .-ecs Schedule 10-2018 Page 1 Mastercard® Pass-wn oagh Fees Schedule (Effecti vw October, 2018) Fee Category Rates Mastercard Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Cross Border-U.S.0.60%$0.00 Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with the country code ofthe merchant different from the country code ofthe cardholder, where the transaction is senled in U.S. dollars. Cross Border - Non-US Cross Border Fee - Asia Pacific Cross Border - LAC 1.00% 1.00% 0.80% so.oo $0,00 $0.00 Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions,that are processed with tire country code of tlie merchant different from the country code of the cardholder, where the transaction is settled in a currency other tlian the merchant's local currency. Acquirer Program Support Fee 0.85%so.oo Fee assessed on all U.S. region acquired Mastercard Consumer Credit, Consumer Debit, and Commercial Card transactions for cards issued outside the U.S. regioa Fee is not refunded on credit voucher (sales returns) transactions. Billed as part ofthe applicable interchange fees. Merchant Location Fee 0.00%$1.25 Fee assessed monthly per active merchant locatioa An active location is defined as a merchant location that processed at least one Mastercard transaction during the month. Merchant locations that have less than $200 in Mastercard gross sales for tfte month are not subject to the fee for that month. Merchant locations inMCCs 8398 (Charitable Organizations) and 8661 (Religious Organizations) are not subject to tliis fee. Billed on a one month lag. (MPT) MC Pass-through Fees Schedule 10-2018 Page 2 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective October, 2018) This Interchange Rate Schedule contains a summary ofthc primary qualification criteria established by Visa®, Mastercard®, and Discover® Network (sometimes referred to as Discover) for most interchange programs - it is not all inclusive. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict, the interchange requirements established by the Card Organizations (sometimes referred to as associations) will determine the interchange programs at which your transactions qualify. For a complete list, call the number on your merchant statement. The Discover Network Reference ID (NRID) and Transaction Data Condition Code must be submitted with all transactions. The NRID is a unique numeric identification generated by Discover that remains unchanged for the life of the transaction. The Transaction Data Condition Code is a value received in authorization that indicates the card presence and processing status of the transaction. Please note that Discover Network fees apply only to Discover transactions acquired by Bank of America Merchant Services. For more information regarding your Rates and fees, please call Customer Service. Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item DISCOVER NETWORK Retail Core Retail Debit Retail Prepaid Retail Rewards Retail Premium Retail Premium Plus 1.56% 1.10% 1.10% 1.71% 1.71% 2.15% $0.10 $0.16 $0.16 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Autliorized. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on cliip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10% (up to 20% for Taxis & Limousines-4121 and Beauty/Barber Shops-7230). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match fbr Bars (5313), and Digital Goods (5815,5816,5817,5818). Utilities (4900), Real Estate (6513), Insurance (5960,6300), Supcrmafkets / Warehouse Clubs (5300,5411), Emerging Markets (4899,5968,5983,6533,8211,8220,8299,8351,8398). Public Services (4784.9211,9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), Petroleum (5541,5542), Restaurants (5812,5814), Hotels/Car Rentals (3351-3441, 3501-3999,7011,7012,7512,7513,7519), PassengerTransport (3000-3350,4112.4411,4511)- Quasi Cash(4829,6050,6051,6540,7800,7801,7802,7995), and High Risk (5962,5966,5967) merchants not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit & Prepaid 0.05%$0.21 Non-exempt (regulated) Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. Issuer has NOT certified its fraud prevention procedures. Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit & Prepaid with Fraud Adjustment 0.05%$0.22 Non-exempt (regulated) Consunsr and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. Issuer has cettified its fiaud prevention procedures. Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Restaurants Core Restaurants Debit Restaurants Prepaid Restaurants Rewards Restaurants Premium Restaurants Premium Plus 1.56% 1.10% 1.10% 1.90% 2.20% 2.40% $0.10 $0.16 $0.16 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Same requirements as Retail. Authorization and Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read required. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in tlie Sales Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Autliorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants: Restaurants (5812) and (5814) Fast Food Restaurants. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Supcnnadcet / Warehouse Core Supermarket / Warehouse Debit Supermarket / Warehouse Prepaid Supennadcet / Warehouse Rewards Supemiaiket / Warehouse Premium Supeimaricet / Whse Premium Plus 1.40% 1.10% 1.10% 1.65% 1.65% 1.90% $0.05 $0.16 $0.16 $0.05 $0.05 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Same requirements as Retail. Authorization and Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read required. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Codevaluesmust be present in the Sates Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required onciiipcaid transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Cap of$0.36 fordebit/prepaid transactions onty. Eligible Merchants: Supeimaiket (5411) or Warehouse Club (5300). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Recurring Payments Core Recurring Payments Debit Recurring Paynsnts Prepaid Recurring Payments Rewards Recurring Payments Premium Recurring Payments Premium Plus 1.35% 1.20% 1.20% 1.35% 1.45% 1.80% $0.05 $0,05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Recurring Billing, Installment, or Subscription indicator must be present. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data and valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data if Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on cliip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Subscription (5968), Member Clubs / Sport (7997), Child Care Services (8351), Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398), and consumer debit and prepaid transactions only at Phone Service / Equip Utility (4814) and Cable TV Services (4899). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Real Estate Core Real Estate Debit Real Estate Prepaid Real Estate Rewards Real Estate Premium Real Estate Premium Plus 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 2.30% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and seuleinent amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Real Estate Agents and Managers-Rentals (6513). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Public Services Core Ehiblic Services Debit Public Services Prepaid Public Services Rewards Public Services Pr?— Public Services Pi: 'iis 1.55% 0.90% 0.90% 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Bridge & Road Fees/Tolb (4784), Court Cost/Alimony/Support (9211), Fines (9222), Bail and Bond Payments (9223), Tax Payments (9311), Government Services (9399), and Intra-Govemment Purchases - Government Only (9405). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. (VPl)BAMS.N. J.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 1 INTERCHANGE .vATE SCHEDULE (EffecuVc October, 2018) Rates Program Rate Category Fee Per Sales $ Per Item Transaction Qualification Information Petroleum Core 1.55%$0.05 Petroleum Debit Petroleum Prepaid Petroleum Rewards Petroleum Premium 0.76% 0.76% 1.80% 1.80% SO. 16 $0.16 $0.05 $0.05 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premiuni, and Premium Phis cards. Card must be present and Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaetless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on cliip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liaveto match. Elipble Mercliants: Service Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Petroleum Premium Plus 1.80%$0.05 Passenger Transport Core 1.75%$0.10 PassengerTransport Debit Passenger Transport Prepaid PassengerTransport Rewards PassengerTransport Premium 1.59% 1.59% 1.90% 2.30% $0.16 S0.I6 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CVV) data must be present on the authorization Track Data and valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data if Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaetless / Chip Read. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants: Airline (3000-3350,4511), Passenger Railway (4112), or Steamship/Cruise Lines (4411). Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. Passenger Transport Premium Plus 2.40%$0,10 Key Entry Core 1.87%$0.10 Key Entry Debit Key Entry Prepaid Key Entry Rewards Key Entry Premium 1.75% 1.75% 1.97% 2.00% $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premiuni, and Premium Plus cards. Face-to-Face / Key-Entered / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10%(iq) to 20% for Taxis and Limousines-4121 and Beauty/Batber Shops-7230). Authorization and settlement amounts do not liavc to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Petroleum (5541,5542), and Digital Goods (5815,5816,5817,5818). Utilities (4900), Real Estate (6513). Insurance (5960,6300), Emerging Markets (4899,5968,5983,6533,8211,8220,8299, 8351,8398), Public Services (4784,9211.9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), Hotels/Car Rentals (3351-3441,3501-3999,7011,7012,7512,7513.7519), PassengerTransport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), Quasi Cash (4829,6050,6051,6540,7800,7801,7802,7995), and High Risk (5962,5966,5967) merchants not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Key Entry Premium Plus 2.40%$0.10 Card Not Present Core 1.87%$0.10 Card Not Present Debit Card Not Present Prepaid Card Not Present Rewards Card Not Present Premium 1.75% 1.75% 1.97% 2.00% $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Card Not Present / Signature Not Obtained / Authorized / Mail or Phone Order. Address Verification Service required, except for recurring payment transactions. Customer Service phone number and invoice number required. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Utilities (4900), Real Estate (6513), Insurance (5960, 6300), Emerging Markets (4899.5968,5983,6533,8211,8220,8299, 8351,8398), Public Services (4784,9211,9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), Hotels / Car Rentals (3351-3441,3501-3999,7011,7012, 7512,7513,7519), PassengerTransport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), Quasi Cash (4829,6050,6051,6540,7800,7801,7802,7995), andHt^ Risk (5962, 5966,5967) mercliants not eligible forlhis program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Card Not Present Premium Plus 2.35%$0.10 E-Commerce / Internet Core 1.87%$0.10 E-Commerce / Internet Debit E-Commerce / Internet Prepaid E-Commerce / Internet Rewards E-Commeree / Internet Premium 1.75% 1.75% 1.97% 2.00% $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Card Not Present / Signature Not Obtained / Authorized / E-Commerce Order/Mobile Payment. Address Verification Service required, except for mobile payment and recurring payrrsnt transactions. Customer Service phone number and invoice number required. Auiliorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Utilities (4900), Real Estate (6513), Insurance (5960.6300), Emerging Markets (4899,5968,5983,6533,8211, 8220.8299,8351,8398), Public Services (4784.9211,9222,9223,9311.9399,9405), Hotels / Car Rentals (3351-3441,3501-3999,7011,7012,7512,7513,7519), PassengerTransport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), Quasi Cash (4829,6050,6051,6540,7800,7801,7802,7995), and High Risk (5962, 5966,5967) merchants not eligible for tills program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. E-Cotrtmetce / Internet Premium Plus 2,35%$0.10 Hotels / Car Rentals Core 1.58%$0.10 Hoieb / Car Rentals Debit Hotels / Car Rentals Prepaid Hotels / Car Rentals Rewards Hotels / Car Rentals Premium 1.35% 1.35% 1.90% 2.30% $0.16 $0.16 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premiuni, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on llie authorization Track Data and valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data ifMagnetic Stripe Read / Contaetless / Chip Read. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Autliorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants; Car Rentals (3351-3441,7512,7513,7519) and Hotels (3501-3999,7011,7012). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Hotels / Car Rentals Prem Plus 2.40%$0.10 Express Services Core Express Services Debit Express Services Prepaid Express Services Rewards Express Services Premium 1.95% 1.80% 1.80% 1.95% 1.95% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Prcmium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaetless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CVV) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Eligible Merchants: Local Commuter (4111), Limousines and Taxis (4121), Bus Lines-Charter& Tour (4131), Toll/Bridges Fee (4784), Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores & Specialty Markets (5499), Restaurants (5812), Fast Food (5814), News Dealers / Newsstands (5994), Laundries (7211), Dry Cleaners (7216), Quick Copy / Repro Services (7338), Auto Parking Lots / Garages (7523), Car Washes (7542), Movie Theater (7832), and Video Tape Rentals (7841). Card saleamount must be less than or equal to $15.00 for all merchants except for Limousines and Taxb (4121), which is $25.00. Authorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10% (up to 20% for Taxis and Limousines-4I21).a\ut])orizationandsettlement amounts do not Irave to match for Restaurants (5812) and Fast Food (5814). Maximum 2 days to deposit Express Services Premium Plus 2.05%$0.05 & settle. (VPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 2 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Insurance Core Insurance Debit Insurance Prepaid Insurance Rewards Insurance Premium Insurance Premium Plus 1.43% 0.80% 0.80% 1.43% 1.43% 2.30% $0.05 $0.25 $0.25 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Eiectronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Direct Marketing Insurance Services (5960) and Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums (6300). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Emerging Markets Core Emerging Maricets Debit Emerging Ma^ts Prepaid Emerging Markets Rewards Emerging Markets Premium Emerging Markets Premium Plus 1.45% 0.90% 0.90% 1.45% 1.45% 2.30% $0.05 $0.20 $0.20 $0.05 $0.05 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards. Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Cable / Satellite / Other Pay Television / Radio Stations (4899), Subscription (5968), Fuel Dealers (5983), Payment Service Provider - Mercliam - Payment Transaction (6533), Schools - Elementary & Secondary (8211), Colleges / Universities / Professional Schools / Junior Colleges (8220), Schools and Educational Services not elsewhere classified (8299), Child Care Services (8351), and Charitable / Social Services (8398). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Utilities Core Utilities Debit Utilities Prepaid Utilities Rewards Utilities Premium Utilities Premium Plus Commercial Utilities Conmrercial Utilities Debit Commercial Utilities Prepaid 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0.75 $0.75 $0.75 $0.75 S0.75 $0.75 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards and Commercial cards, including Business, Executive Business, and Corporate cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Autliorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Electric, Gas, Heating Oil, Sanitation, Water (MCC 4900). Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay TV & Radio Services (4899) and Telecommunications (4812,4814) mercliants are not eligible for tliis program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Mid Submission Level Core Mid Submission Level Debit Mid Submission Level Prepaid Mid Submission Level Rewards Mid Submission Level Premium Mid Submission Lvl Premium Plus 2.40% 1.80% 1.80% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards that do not meet the requirements for any Prime Submission Level Program or the Key-Entered Program. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) missing on cliip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10% (up to 20% for Taxis and Limousines-4121 and Beauty/Baiber Shops-7230). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Hotel/Motel (3501-3999,7011, 7012), Car Rcnul (3351-3441,7512,7513,7519), Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), and Digital Goods (5815,5816, 5817, 5818). Gaming & Lottery merchants (7800,7801,7802) eligible for this program; registration with Discover is required or transaction will reject, Higli Risk merchants (Direct Marketing Travel - 5962, Direct Marketing Outbound Telemariceting - 5966, and Direct Marketing Inbound Telemariceting - 5967) not eligible for this prograia Premium and Premium Plus card transactions at Hotels / Car Rentals (3351-3441, 3501-3999,7011,7012,7512,7513,7519) and Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511) not eligible for this program. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 8 days for Passenger Transport (3000- 3350,4112,4411,4511), 3 days for all other merehants. Base Submission Level Core Base Submission Level Debit Base Submission Level Prepaid Base Submission Level Rewards Base Submission Level Premium Base Sub Level Premium Plus 2.95% 1.89% 1.89% 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% $0.10 $0.25 $0.25 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards that do not meet tlie requirements for the Mid Submission Level Program or Key Entered Program or have been submitted with an invalid or missing Acquirer Interchange Program Code. Validation not required for Magnetic Stripe or Chip Read, Authorization, or MCC. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) missing on chip card transactions. Transaction missing the Discover Network Reference ID (NRID), which is a unique numeric identification generated by Discover that remains unchanged for the life ofthe transaction. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Commercial Electronic ComitKrcial Electronic Debit Commercial Electronic Prepaid 2.30% 2.30% 2.30% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Commercial cards including Business, Executive Business, and Cotporote cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CVV) data must be present on the authorization Track Data and valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in tlie Sales Data if Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10% (up to 20% for Taxis and Limousines - 4121 and Beauty / Bather Shops - 7230). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have tomatchforRestaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814). Hotel/Motel (3501-3999.7011,7012), CarRental (3351-3441,7512,7513,7519), PassengerTransport (3000-3350,4112,4411, 4511), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), and Digital Goods (5815,5816,5817,5818). Address Verification Service required for Card Not Present transactions, except for mobile payment and recurring payment transactions, for all merchants except for Insurance (5960,6300), Emerging Markets (4899,5968,5983,6533,8211,8220,8299,8351,8398), Public Services (4784,9211, 9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), Hotels/Car Rentals (3351-3441,3501-3999,7011,7012,7512,7513, 7519), and Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411.4511). Utilities (4900) and High Risk (5962, 5966,5967) are rtot eligible for this program. Maximum days to settle is 8 days for PassengerTransport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), 3 days for Emerging Markets (4899,5968,5983,6533,8211,8220, 8299,8351,8398) and Public Services (4784,9211,9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), 2 days for all oilier merchants. Commercial Base Submission Commi Base Submission Level Debit Coimnl Base Submission Lvl Prepaid 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Commercial cards, Including Business, Executive Business, and Corporate cards, that do not meet the requirements for the Commercial Electronic Level Program Validation not required for Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read, Authorization, or MCC. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Commercial Large Ticket Conunercial Large Ticket Debit Commercial Large i^^^Prepaid 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% $20.00 S20.00 520.00 Commercial cards including Business, Executive Business, and Corporate cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized, Authorization and settlemeni amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: MCCs 2741,2791,2842,5013,5021,5039,5044,5045,5046,5047,5051,5065,5072,5074,5085,5094, 5099,5199,5111,5122,5131,5137,5139,5169,5172,5192,5193, 5198. Transaction amount greater tlian or equal to $5,000. Maximum j^^ko deposit & settle. (VPl) BAMS.M^18.2.10 Gross 10-2018 Page 3 INTERCHANGE, ivaTE SCHEDULE (Effective uctober, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Interaational Consumer Credit International Consumer Debit / Prepaid 2.15% 1.70% $0.00 $0,00 Consumer Discover, Diners Club Intematioiial, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard cards issued in a foreign country. Face-to-Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) lequiied on chip card transactions. Key-Entered transactions not eligible for this program. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. High Risk (5962, 5966,5967) are not eligible for this program. Mobile Payment transactions not eligible for this program. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle, 8 days for Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511). Rate includes the Discover International Processing Fee. International Consumer Base Submission Level 2.20%$0.10 Consumer Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard cards Issued in a foreign country that do not meet the requirements for the International Consumer Credit or Debit / Prepaid programs. Validation not required for Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read, Authorization, or MCC. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) missing on chip card transactions. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Discover International Processing Fee. International Commercial 2.40%$0.10 Commercial Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard cards issued in a foreign country. Validation not required for Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read, Authorization, or MCC. Sirpplemental Data Record (SDR) missing on chip card transactions. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Discover International Processing Fee. Discover Assessments 0.13%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard transactions. Data Usage Fee 0.00%$0,0195 Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard sales and credit (return) transactions. International Service Fee 0.80%$0.00 Fee assessed on all Discover. Diners Club IrUemational, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. issued card. Network Authorization Fee 0.00%$0,0025 Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard authorizations. (VPI)BAMS.MVD.Fl8.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 4 Discover® Network Pass-through Fees Schedule (Effective October, 2018) The following fees result from charges assessed to Servicers from Discover Network (sometimes referred to as Discover) and are subject to increases, decreases, and additional new fees imposed by Discover Network. Please note that Discover Network fees apply only to Discover transactions acquired by Bank of America Merchant Services. Fee Category Rates Discover Network Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Discover Assessments 0.13%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard transactions. Data Usage Fee 0.00%$0.0195 Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club Iniemntional, and Korea BCcard sales and credit (return) transactions. International Service Fee 0.80%$0.00 Fee assessed on all Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions at a U.S. rrrerchant location with a non-U.S. bsued card. International Processing Fee 0.50%$0.00 Fee assessed on all Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions where the country code ofthe merchant is different from the country code ofthe card issuer. Billed as part of the applicable interchange fees. Netwoik Authorization Fee 0.00%$0.0025 Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard authorizations. (DPT) DS Pass = Fees Schedule 10-2018 Page 1 Visa® Fixed AcquI Effective >twork Fee (FANF) 11,2018 Table 1 - Customer Present^' 1 la: High-Volume MCCs^ lb: All Other MCCs^ Tier # of Locations (Per Taxpayer ID) 4 Price per Location per Month 1 1 $2.90 $2.0022 3 3 4 4 $4.00 $2.9055 6 6-10 7 11-20 $5.00 $4.00 8 21-50 9 51-100 $8.00 $6.00 10 101-150 $12.00 $8.00 11 151-200 $18.00 $10.00 12 201 - 250 $25.00 $14.00 13 251 - 500 $35.00 $24.00 14 501 -1,000 $45.00 $32.00 15 1.001 -1,500 $55.00 $40.00 16 1.501 -2,000 $65.00 $50.00 17 2,001 - 4,000 $75.00 $60.00 18 > 4,000 $85.00®$65.00® 19"Monthly Gross Visa Sales Volume < $200 (any number of locations)$0.00 $0.00 20" Monthly Gross Visa Sales Volume a $200 and <$1,250 (any number of locations) 0.15% of monthly gross sales volume 0.15% of monthly gross sales volume High-Volume MCCs: Applies to merchants for which i 50% of monthly Customer Present Sales Volume is associated with High-Volume MCCs MCC MCC Description MCC MCC Description 3000-3299, 4511 Airlines 5532 Automotive Tire Stores 3300-3499, 7512 Auto Rental 5541 Service Stations 3500-3999, 7011 Lodging 5542 Automated Fuel Dispensers 4411 Steamship / Cruise Lines 5651 Family Clothing Stores 4829 Wire Transfer Money Order 5655 Sports / Riding Apparel Stores 5200 Home Supply Warehouse Stores 5712 Fumiture / Equipment Stores 5300 Wholesale Clubs 5732 Electronic Stores 5309 Duty Free Stores 5912 Drugstores and Pharmacies 5310 Discount Stores 5943 Stationery Stores 5311 Department Stores 7012 TImeshares 5411 Grocery Stores and Supermaikets 7832 Motion Picture Theaters 5511 Car and Truck Dealers - New & Used Table 2^' - Customer Not Present^ Unattended Terminals^ and Fast Food Restaurants® Tier Monthly Gross Visa Sales Volume Fee per Taxpayer ID per Month l"< $200.00 $0.00 2"$200.00-$1,249.99 0.15% of monthly gross sales volume 3 $1,250.00-$3,999.99 $7.00 4 $4,000.00-$7,999.99 $9.00 5 $8,000.00-$39,999.99 $15.00 6 $40,000.00-$199,999.99 $45.00 7 $200,000.00 - $799,999.99 $160.00 8 $800,000.00 - $1,999,999.99 $450.00 9 $2,000,000.00 - $3,999,999.99 $1,000.00 10 $4,000,000.00 - $7,999,999.99 $2,000.00 11 $8,000,000.00 - $19,999,999.99 $4,000.00 12 $20,000,000.00 - $39,999,999.99 $8,000.00 13 $40,000,000.00 - $79,999,999.99 $16,000.00 14 $80,000,000.00 - $399,999,999.99 $45,000.00 15 g $400,000,000 $70,000.00 Fast Food Restaurants and Vending Machines (MCC 5814): Applies to merchants with £ 50% of Customer Present Sales Volume associated with MCC 5814. ^Customer Not Present volume includes transactions originating with an ECl/MOTO indicator of 1-9, and Customer Present volume includes transactions NOT originating with an ECl/MOTO indicator of 1-9. Cap of 4,001 maximum billable locations Vable 2 fees are allocated and billed to each individual outlet or merchant account number based on a weighted average of the Customer Not Present volume each outlet represents within the taxpayer ID. Vll Other MCCs: Applies to merchants where < 50% of Monthly Customer Present Sales Volume Is associated with High Volume MCCs 4 Locations: The number of locations associated with each Taxpayer ID as of the last day of the month in question. A location is an individual outlet or merchant account number as referenced in our agreement with you for merchant services. The fee will be charged for each location that processes at least one Visa purchase transaction during the month. Service fees processed as a separate transaction (both Customer Present and Customer Not Present volume) by Visa Government and Education Payment Program providers are subject to Table 2 fees only. 9 Transactions at Unattended Terminals In all MCCs, except for Automated Fuel Dispensers (MCC 5542), are subject to Table 2 fees only if all of the Customer Present volume at the location is from Unattended Terminals. Unattended terminal transactions must have a Base ii Acceptance Terminal Indicator of 3 or SMS Terminal Type of 3. Excludes Visa Straight Through Processing transactions Identified with a Market- Specific Data Indicator of "J" on the purchase transaction. ^Vll of the Visa volume under the Taxpayer ID must be with one acquirer to be eligible for this tier. (VFI)VSFANF 4-2018 Ba ni^ of America MorcHant Services DEBIT NETWORK FEES SCHEDULE Effective February 1,2019 (Please se below for specific dates for each corresponding network.) Merehints must ssilsfv (he proarem reoukements established by each respective OebH Network in order to qualify for special tiered pricing programs. Category / MCC Code accel (Effective July 9, 201B) ALL OTHER MERCHANT TYPES GROCERY I SUPERMARKET! WHOLESALE CLUB (MCC S3M. 8411) PETROLEUM (MCC SS41.6843) Q8R (MCC 8914) ALL P08 RATE CATEGORIES Program I Daacrlplion AIL OTHER STANDARD Smtfi Tichel ($15 and undaf) MEM6ER ADVANTAGE Ad'^nlsge Smsfl Tickat (S15 and undar) ACCElASSURANCE Aasufartca Small TicMt (S1S and undar) MEkSER SPECIAL Sp«cial Smatl T»cA«( (S15 and under) Group 1 iSOfS (Tvtfcepn ■•01 A VI Groups fBKSIKrarencr pwrrr Qrojp 1 <r3l Groups (SmSl'Miaeirn van •OO/n Tier Qualificallone Other Hiee- NelworA-Fo' cOeeee Pie Hem Gap rfienge PerNeoi cAange Partoei Cap SUPERMARKET STANDARD Smen Tckel {S15 and under) MEMBER ADVANTAGE Advantage Small Tlckal [916 and under) ACCEL ASSURANCE Aaaurance SmeU DckeliSIB and under) MEkSER SPECIAL Special Small Ticket (915 and under] PETROLEUM STANDARD Smell Ticket (916 end under) MEMBER ADVANTAGE Adveniage Smak ticket (St 5 and under) ACCEL ASSURANCE Asauranca Sn^afl Tlckal (91 Sand under) MEMBER SPECIAL Specrai Small Tickal (SIS and under) QSR STANDARD Smell Ticket (915 and under) MEMBER ADVANTAGE Advantage Small Tlckal (915 and under) ACCElASSURANCE Aaaurence Smell Ticket (915 end under] MEMBER SPECIAL Special Small Ttckel (915 and under) oecTii 1 ocrt. BBCAj 1 005s 080*5 1 OCAS 0 90% 1 00% N'A N'A 1 00% NiA NA 0 60% 1 00% BB01S 1 00% 0 80% 1 00% 0 80% 1 00% ) 00% 1 00% 1 00% 1 00% ) 00*5 1 00% 1 00% 1 00% $0.14 so 06 so 225 90.08 $014 90.06 90 226 90 06 90.29 $0 06 90.29 90.29 90 29 SO 06 90 29 90 29 SO 15 90 06 90 15 90 08 90.15 SO OB 90.15 90 08 SO 06 SO 06 $0 08 90 08 90.08 SO 08 90 21 • SOflf 0.85% 1 00% 0.90% 1.00% 0.85% 1,00% 0.60'e 0,90% 1 00% 1 00% 1 00% 1 00% N/A 0 75% 1 00% 0 80% 1 00% 0 75% 1 00% 1 00% 1 00% 1 00% 1 00% 1 ODAS $0 14 90 06 90 225 90 08 9014 90 06 90 225 $0 225 9014 $0 06 SOU S0» 90.14 90 06 90 53 SO 53 SO 14 90 06 SO 15 90 08 90 14 90.06 90 15 90 15 SO 06 90 06 $011 90 08 SO 08 90 08 $0 11 SO 11 S021 • SODf SO 33 WA N'A NA 90 33 NA NlA N.'A 90 95 NA 0 60T. 1 00% 1 00% 1 10% 1 10% NA 1 00% 1 10% 1 10% N'A 1 00% 1 10% 1 10% 0 80% 1 00% 0.76% 0 76% 0 60% 1 00% 0 76% 0 76% 1 00*/. 1 00% 1 10% 1 10% 1 D0% 1 OCrti 1 10*.. 1 lOAs $0115 $0,115 $0.14 90.06 $0115 SOUS $0 29 $0.06 $0,115 90.115 $0,29 90 05 SO 115 SO 115 $0 15 SO 06 $0 115 $0,115 $0.15 SO OS $0,115 N'A NA SO 95 NA NA (No Van}. luuars mtri 910 Brllian and above <n aeaeta * Cvd lasuerc mar certify comp'ranca ivrm rHe rnrarrm fraud pravent/cn standeritc will sdcUicn $0 or fraud plktwance Pr»>Autha, Compietiom, PurchaeM, Declines, Raiuma 90 04 Revenah Approved 40 04 Declined NC ALL MERCHANTS I Enccptron Item Fees Catogpry / MCC Code J^ccei'.^cfchsni Parucipstion Fe Prc^ram (0«ftcription SietJ p6' mercriont locatiC'^ tules einua/jy tn Octobc Interchange Ralo Tier Qtiatificfltions Other Misc. Network Fees (Eftecllve October 1, 2014) MAJOR MERCHANTS (MCCOIbr R31r648e, 691Z 76116399. 6402) Uejo' UerthsfiU- Grtaler then or atjual lo $1S Ltajor Merchants • Less than $15 0 60% \ 20% $0.10 1 9002 ' $0.50 NA tNo Tiers) 1 Pre*Authe. Comp(elion«r PureHaaeSr DeeUnee.m REGULATED • Maiof Merchants 0 05%$0.21 • SOOi'N'A fssuere Mttfi $10 SiHion end above in auele STANDARD MERCHANTS (All Other MCCs) SlanOera Merchants 0 75%$0 1?90 00 (No Tiers) RSCULATED* StanOard Merchar;(s 0 05%$0 21 'SOOV N'A (sauers Mith SiC Slilion and above tn aeseie PETROLEUM (MCC 5541, 6S421 Petroleam • Greatet Than or Equal lo $1S Petroleum • L048 Than $15 ObO'Jt 1 20% SO ID $0 02 SO 50 N'A {No Tiersj REGULATED • Pelreleum 0 05%$0 21 • SOOT N'A lesuere wttn $i 0 8<ll)on and above in aesela SUPERMARKET (MCC 5306.5411) Supermarket Ni'A $0 23 N'A 1 (No Tiers) REGULATED - Supermarket N/A $0 22 N'A isauets Moih $10 Billion end above in aeeeta QSR {MCC SB14) 05R 1 15%$0 02 NA (Wo Tiers) REGULATED-QSft 0 05%$C 21 -SOOT N'A isauei's witr^ $10 Billion and above in aeeeta ALL MERCHANTS EMieotjon ite*" Pees $? 00 Per Adf usrmenf (Effective October t. 2611) PUERTORICO MERCHANT SPECIFIC if'eries Vmiez Varleis (Mercherrt specific. Sank cfAmerice Mercnert Services ewilch or^iy) St>00 Deelinee Trantacbon fee SO 2SREGULATED0 30%$0 20 N/A lesue'evAth $lOfiillk)n ar\d above in aoaet^ (hSeixiterr tve^ln:. Sen* ut Aiiienco Uerctxaii S«rv$vi9B awj/cn vJy} ALL 5 RCHANTS E&ceptfon Item Feas SdOO Per Adjoslment | Pfopjielarv Ifj Bank ot Amor..:,-) Services Page* 1 nf <UtvJaied M?i\0 Effc-clive Febru Ban Ic off IVIercHarvt: Services DEBIT NETWORK FEES SCHEDULE 1. 2019 (Please see below for soeciflc dates for each corresoondina network.) Watwoit Category' MCC Coda Program 1 Doaeriptlon Interchanga Rala P«r hein C«p Ttor QualKicallOM SwMi Fee Olher yise. Network Foee STANDARD' ALL OTHER POS MERCHANTS (All olhar MCC Codsa) All OImER POS - StanasrB PRIME PROGRAM w7i1. 0.80%%C 14S N(A l.lfinthrv rnhi»r>rA POS TfanA4»f.ftr>n Vrvliimp 1 • 490 909 Trsn&actlons SUPERMARKET (MCC 8300. &<11| SUPERMARKET - Standar!) PRIME PROGRAM MA MA 50 275 $0 295 WA N/A MAnfh-v riiii»nr.»» POA Tr»n^rMn Vnlnm® T . 499 999 IranMctloriB Fr«eAtfths» CompNtieoa, CUJANCE C'( 24 ' (Efieellve October S, 2017) PETROLEUM (MCCSSai,5S42, 7511) PETROLEUM • Slandard PRIME PROGRAM 3 80% 0 50% SO 13 SO T45 N/A SU 94 1 • 499.999 TranftactJona FurcKeaea. Deellnea. Ra^ufp^ SC 03 Ravweefe •SO 03 UfA QSR (MCC 5812, 5814) QSR PRIME PROGRAM 1 25% 1 16% sc oe so 0«5 N/A N/A /No Twsl ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES REGULATED 0 05%50 n • S0C1*N/A is&ii«rs M^th $10 Siiiicn enfl eDove in dssais ' FfT fK9uer« Oio/ (•'TvB dOFTj/fuif IC CL/2d Cfitrf l/tgy rr* fv.y>efu ir u/ffwfiN ALL MERCHANTS Eicaplion Item Fees S5 CK> RETAIL Retail ; f',SO 16 N'A /No Tt9rsJ Retail Prepaid 1 16%SO 15 Ni'A SUPERMARKET SapermadiBl NiA $0 30 N/A (No TfffraJ (MCC 6411) Superiea'ket Prepaid 1 16%$0 15 S0i35 FUEL Fuel c atft,SO 15 $Qi96 (No (MCC 5541, 5542) Fuel Prepaid 1 15%SO 15 SO 95 TRAVEL SERVICE Travel Service 110%SC 10 M'A (No Tfirs} 4411.4811,4722.5812, U14,7ai1,4iKl 7812)Travel Service Prepaid $0 15 N/A CompltliDnt. 0 COMMERCIAL PREPAID Euetnesa Corporate enc] Purchasirtg Prepaid 1 1S%to 10 n;a (No capped ai SO 03$ Pr»-Authff ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES SuemBss ' 70"«so 10 N/A i'No Tr^rsf <App<ov»d & Daclined)^ Ravaraata l^piKvyti') N/A lober 1. 2010) ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES REGULATED $0 22*N/A fasufifs vnPi SlOBillfon and abo^'am asaaLs '/neJi/des t/5 SO Of fraud prevartf^on 'nrai'C/'an^e aO/wsrmanr for cer1/f>90 rsaua^s Deeltnee. Ralurm SO 036 INTERREGIONAL Iniertegional Fee 1 iCrte N,'A intat'ey»onai faai wfil 6e assasMd wKen tha ■nar^nant and i&auer are irt differant t^owntries REGULATED Inarregiprtai 0i05^SO 22*N(A laaoara wiUi SID 6(irion and atfav« (n aa&«ta 'InsJjoes if79 US $0 Ot fr auOpravanOon rfTfarcPanja sdjusfment for certffied is^uors INTERNATIONAL SERVICE ASSESSMENT (ISA) Intemational Service AsseasmeftI jlSAi c KA N/A iriWnabenai iran^TjciB will ha daAnM aa a trwfaactET «i*f«ra iha iB&L'ttr« counlry js (rcm pE® merctLBT.ro cQur^try Beea ISA lae wiK ba ucauad er tfi mlernjtionol IntarHnk putchasas and eaan dfCwPMprianr tranBacitona tvhara tna i&Mr bca&on rfi ncn-V S and fnetcharK fTATisacim C4trrencv ie USD INTERNATIONAL ACQUIRING FEE (lAF) Npn.High Risk MCC High Risk MCC '5662 SS66. 5967) 0 45S 0 90% H-A KA N/A N/A intemsOTitf imnwcUono will be dafr^ao a% a birueMn <ivn«i« ehv tbEuaf't couFilry 4 diffseri (nyn mafcHant e cuwniry The lAF fee wnii m at •dA^<ri ta tha ftKruung ISA iniernaiieoai Aasaaenient of C S0% ALL MERCHANTS Partial Aulhoosalrcih Non.Parliclpatipn Fee $0 01 AppJ.es 10 each Automalad Fuel Dsper-&?' {•arpfii auf-oniarion partir.rpalion indiratc' APu ^ fi -Jhocrjii-in Ihut does not contsir r, f laio fO 10 cl ti>e aut^otizatiOM mftr.iitge Excepirprt Item Fees SO 456 P«rAd r^Trrienr RETAIL PAUD Retail 0 $0%Sv 16 N(A (No Tiers) PAVD Retail Piepad 1 16%SO 15 N/A SUPERMARKET PAVD Supermarkel N/A SO 30 N/A (No TfersJ(MCC 5411) PAVD SupermaiAel Prepaid 1 16%$0 15 $0 35 ComptaOons» PIN AUTHEN TICATED VISA DEBIT (PAVD) FUEL PAVD Fuel oeos SO 15 50.95 (No Tiers} 0 06% • SO 0229, cappad at SO 035 (MCC 5541, 6542) PAVD Fuel Prepaid 1 16%so IS 50 B5 Fre^Autha (Approved & Dee(lr>ad}< Ravaraala (AeofovadiTRAVEL SERVICE PAVD Travel Service 1 10%50 10 N/A (No Tiers)4411. 4511. 4722, H12, 6814 7011. and 78121 PAVD Travel Service Prepaid 1 16%SO 16 N/A (EfNctlve October 1, COMMERCIAL PREPAID PAVDSusiness Corporate Purchasing Prepaid 2 16%SO 10 N/A (No Tiers) (0 035 2018) ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES PAVD Busihese 17cn*so 10 N/A (No TiOrg) ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES PAVD REGULATED 0 05%iO 22'N/A Issuers dvitn SiO Nilon and above m asaeta V/re/uflaa ffra t/S SO 0 / fraud preyenfion mrerehenge edjosfmerit far cerVfieO lASUO'S ALL MERCHANTS Partial Authoriraiipn Non.Partlcipation Fee $0 01 Applies IP each Aulsrnated Fuel QtSDaoser /AFQ) authoriufjcn d>8l does not con[j>'n fr e partaf aulhon^ation partlclpatlOft inaicaiOf in Fia/a 50 10 o4 the authpr(?alicin messaQa EitcepPoh Hem Fees $0 A&5 Per Aifjvsirrrem Prof^ffPtar/ (ci Uaf*'- of Anio-'r.n f.Sc-- -han: "^ifrviceo Pager. J ■:>( 4 UfAiaiBd BanIc of America "" ^ fvieroltant Servic* DEBIT NETWORK FEES SCHEDULE . /OIS (Please see below for soecific dates for each corresoondina network.) Catagory 1 MCC Code Program' Deecriptlon imerohaDBe Role Per Item Cap Tier Quiltficatioiis SwKoh Foe OlIiorMiec. Network Foes AtJ. OTHER All other • TIER 3 (SIANDARD) Jaania Prefened 0 75% 0 80% 60 14 80 20 su.oa S6 99 < 2 milien annual transacupna SEQULATEO All Other • Tier 3 iStenderd) 0 05%$0 21 SOOl*N/A iHueri rvdhSlO Btbcr and apevern asoate 10 0* Am i44Wn»M a «jGMi} Sw a*fi(lBf0*m'britM Abbwmt SUPERMARKET (MCC S300.6411) SUf^RMARKET • TIER 3 (STANDARD) Jeanie Preferred N/A N/A $0 26 $0 3« N/A N/A < 2 miO>9» annual tranaaclana Pr»-Au1hl. Compleiioha. Purchaaaa, Daciinae. REGULATED Supermarhet • Tier 31 Standard) 0 06%SO 21 - SO or N/A lumn M«i $^0 Bilon itkI aifcnm m 'C0O1 frtuaAifiMTm'UwiHbmktduthatktuvfrmta a cKMO fm tiattKv4i mlhf trm pQwmm SO 056 ttUO' wrrftT^j jeane (Effective July t.2017) PETROLEUM (MCC 6641,6642) PETRO-EUM Jeenie Preierred 0 60% 0.90% SO 10 SO 10 SO 95 50.96 REGULATED Petroleum 0 06%$0.21 SO or N/A luiMn SlO &III91 ma «tcv« m noao toOi wuitm f mam mrnm 9 SfOMO «M lAfUMrOBMf Of (/»« AbMRTM QSR (MCC 6614) OSR Jeanio Preferred 1.55% 1 55% SO 04 SO 04 $9.99 $9.99 /Mo Ji9fS) Pre-AuiAa, Coni|>latH>ns» Purchaaea. Deelinee. REGULATED OSR 0 06%$021 soor N/A f&Man <n4T $10 DllfQn and abo%a asaA 'too* A#efdil**»T*#K»lff6»«»dwMlf«eoiwiiw» SO 035 ALL MERCHANTS Eeleption Item Fees 55 00 S'eiA-;'" r.1err:i»flnl Participation Fee 612 OC Anruai' /?e assesserf mt'cnaTr ^c-rafiC" tu'eo ar<f\ua('-,' t Sep/erriher ALL OTHER (HCC'i othaf then 1h««e Included In ellhef the SueermerllBl / Wereheise rete or the Convenience rete) All Older Baee fl 90%$0 15 N.'A Ttorz) CONVENIENCE (MCC 5489. 6541, 6642. 9614, 7632) Convenience Base 0.75%so 17 SOBS {No Ttets) SUPERMARKET! WAREHOUSE (MCC 6300, 6411) Supermarhel r Warehouse Base 1 05%so IS $0.35 {No TiafsJ Pre-Awtha. Purehaeee. Decflnn. Raturns, $0 D2S (Effective Hay 1.2016) ALLPOS RATE CATEGORIES REGULATED REGLILATEO with Fraud Ad)uslfTient 0.05% 0 05% $0.21 SO 22 N/A N/A itfuan mih $1D QiUion and abova In asaata N/A CROSS BORDER FEE 0«5%N/A N/A A9pl>«» 10 any transacUon in Mhleh m« country coda ot iNa morehant diHara f<ofri ipa ccuniry code asaodated wiih the cardholder A0plicat4e Ta Sup»rn^arV.ei, Cooven^enca and An Other Marchanta $0 02 CROSS BORDER ASSESSMENTS ACQUIRER CROSS-BORDER ASSESSMENT FEE o.eo%N/A N/A The Acquirer Cresa-Botdar Aaaaaamant Fee isbdlad on all U,S Raglon-acouirvd tranaacDona for Maaabo cards laeuad ovlitda the U.S Region ACQUIRER PROGRAM SUPPORTFEE 0 65%l«A N/A The Acquirer Program Supped Fee la billed ort an U $ Ragion-ecQuired transact^ona for Maestre oerdefsaued outelda the U S Region ALL MERCHANTS Easeption Item Fees $3.00 Par AQiustmant ALL OTHER ALL OTHER . TIER 3 ISTANDARD) PREMIER ISSUER 0 75% 0 60% $0 13 50 13 N/A N/A < 1 MllMen SUPERMARKET (MCC 6300,6411) SUPERMAIWET - HER 3 (STANDARD) PREMIER ISSUER KL'A N.'A $0 27 SO 29 N/A N.'A NVCF Mnnlhlv POS Volume « 1 Million Pre-Authe, Purchaeee. Oecltnee. Returna PETROLEUM (MCC 6641, 6642) PETROLEUM - TIES 3 (STANDARD) PREMIER ISSUER 0 70% 0.75% SO 14 so IS SO 95 $0.90 1 . SOO.MO 5W,M1 • I.OOOrCOO SO CM 1.000.00) • 2,500,000 SO ©75 2,500.001 > 5.000.000 SC 0025 5.000.001 * SO 0275 Jnfraatrueiure (Effective Feltruery 1, 2019) QSRISmall Ticket (MCC 6814, 5310") OSR .'SMALL "nCKFT PREMIER ISSUER 1 30% 1 30% so 03 $0 03 N/A N/A -MCCCorlrrSaiO Average prvor calendar year ticket le S20 or leaa and i nnlikHi Uonihly NVCE PCS Tranaaetinne. 10 DOS Ryfara^lf NIC lr>C4C0tf ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES NICE EBT POS Transaotlons NiA NrA N/A App^icobtt toNYCE EB7 POS freneacT'cr>e acce^red by ANY merchants (unless prcnitwfe<y from accepfmg EBT cosfi benefrl cards/ Compiliena SO 02 t^fanr>nW» PUfcWy ACCS»«:*A ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES REGULATED TransaoOone <615.00 REGULATED Transaelieiw a 616.00 REGULATED PREMIER ISSUER 1 00% 0 05% 0.05% $0 025 $0 21 ¨ soor $0 21 • soor N/A N/A N/A laauer&vMtn %\Q BiHtun and above In aaaaia ' SO Of ccdecred and pe'd wlh /especJ tc the fra6/d<vert«ffon ediustmeiU unOsf the new Interchange reQulatlons, ifthe Issuer is eligible for the adjustment unde' 4uch rept/larfcins NIC Data File Acllviiy Fae SO 0014 The Oala File AoUviiy Fee a briied per KYCE Authorizsuon, ALL MERCHANTS EvcepIJon Kern Feas 64 00 Per Adjusfme"! 1 .PrKi„rin.„.,.,„!vo <14 IJO ProprieSaiy to Bank of Amenca Merchant Services Peges 3 of 4 Banic of America IVIorchnnt Servlcei DEBIT NETWORK FEES SCHEDULE 2010 (Please see below for soectfic dates for each corresoondlna network.) pulmrn Cattgory/ MCC Cedi Program / Oescrlplion Intorchengo Rate Pgr Hem Cnp Twr QuallfioMieni Switch Fm OthorMiac. Network Fees RETAIL PULSEPAY1 PULSE PAY Choice 080S SO 15 N/A IHo Tms) 6ENERAL RETAIL (MCCill otiwra) PULSE PAY Limited 1 ISK,SO 15 N/A AorPes I'TPt/LSEPIN POS aobn [reneeccue ctwAicfM Vpi/h Itvtt petlfcip^^ m PULS^PAyUmilnd PULSE Prepaid 1 ISki SO 15 N(A AfftcB toPUL$€ PIN POS (NM tranaaccpm* corv&ftod wflfi €aSt I'tai fjaliwele /n PVlS£ Prfioaa REGULATED Retail 0.05«y S021 SOOr N(A isaar%«Ain $10 B<ll«ri ovl flb«v« in aue& *Fix 'Uua » I'^a tiover owlf)9d lo PUi^ Oia ir«> r«ve ttjKiet arn tn ;i«*ce fo m«wir mn trrua rofn/»(*ifwH» PETROLEUM PULSE PAY ( PULSE PAY Choice 0 60%SO 15 $0 95 iNo PETROLEUM (MCC S641. 6S42) PULSE PAY Limited 1 15%SO 15 $0.95 ro PULSE FIN POS dim lf<gi»6eifVii owAA/rfHr mill r.meli i/itf prrlK-tpaie i" PULSE Pay UmMAtt PULSE Prepaid 1.15%SO IS SO 95 Afr»d4 lij PVLSe PiN POS Ihtvt /ransacAtfu cattdMlcd n*t/i c»da l'\al fMgVo'pao i/i PULSE Prea»i7 Pr**Au1ha, CoTn|>l«1lona. Purehaaei, Deallnga, Returns. Revereala Unreglalered Mf chants Natwork SacuiHy Fm REGULATED Petrataum 0 05%SO 21 SO or N/A Isftuari <v(tn $10 BAon and ebov« in •fa IBM Art ma Uifvo cgfiifad rci Pulse ma iiwy havo pvooi and frrKaSixe* lo i>I/ko r/otiiyiod lo meet lh« htttfd reaiuromerYt SO 005 /Af|««tite to nfj/rnvn/A, p's-m/th L'OanaQ iryquinof GROCERY PULSE PAY 1 PULSE PAY Choice NIA so 30 N/A iNc Tl§rs) ctiafrvTier crudiN demeM. a*i PULSE PAY Limited t 15%$0 15 50 3S AfiptM rn PULSE PIN POS iMul iransAeCirvw cddbck<d M^cri ccrdM tltei /wrf/cipda ur mccmphna traraaeiicriAi GROCERY {MCC S411) Q 08% • SO 0175 max erf SO 03 Raiiwaah •SO.DOSPULSE Prepaid 1 15Y.so 15 SO 35 Ar«iAM ro PULSE PIN POS dfUl frefUcMirrt comKfed **ti\ c/rdn ihal pirl'opalo m PutSE Prviiffit REGULATED Grocery 0 05%$0.21 • SOOr N(A )t4u«r& Miin StO Bilior aod tbvva in atsert •f cr rn# cor/zfirHf m PULSE f wf 109, n«vte a/Ki tr^xetUfe* in iieetcpod !•: r*>*a< Vf YfHMj iooiif«'i>enl» SMALL TICKET PUIK PAY 1 PULSE PAY Oioice 1 55%SO 04 N/A arxl Ki ffjafptnq MCCi Ml rocfdvo SnWI ricltaf pncng 4**il kr Lrrvist«f«M mwotwib (HCTAll 1 SMALL TICKET (MCC4111.4121, 4131, 47»4. S814. PULSE PAY Limited 1 60%so 05 N/A PVlSE PiN P0$ detit Iraniiml/msi csndu^rvd all' cteds llHfl ot^Ucipan n PULSE PA V Umitert 5«4, 7211, 7216. 7338,7623,7542, 7632. 7641) PULSE Prepaid 1 60%S0.05 N/A Acr*«* '0 PULSE PIN POS drCMi irmtacl"^ ciMcifd p"ll> c/tfTTB (itnr paiio/r.k9e in PULSE PtttlMCf REGULATED Small Ticket 0 05%S021 'SO.Or N/A 'ttuan rnar tlOBfieri and abo\« ir> astatx fry Mk* rvrvo cigf'ivfl 1" PULSE If a IMy how pctKici aid ^ccvdLrcra /ri uJoep deetfr^ '<• meet the hmM aevPnllcf rwQukwmenrR ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES INTERNATIONAL PIN DEBIT 1 10%N.A N/A ApB/'^s ?c P//» POS Eransscf/ons WI&- non-U S cards U S m^chanls Vmon Pa/ fransact/ons are include Pra-Adjdia. Convlet*enB, Pxrefwee. Deehnse, Relimt. ReverMto UlC F.urepDon Item Fees Sa CO Pc Ai3'/L7fic*"^-rT ALL MERCHANTS $1 00 Per Perv^crnfment Pulse Nehvon Merrhsm Psrllcipstcri re»S-7CC AnnuQ} assessed par m^TChant locaticx^ and i»Bbs/fe df/i'ed annually »n Junt Category / MCC Code Program (Oeaerlpllen Schedulo A iBKSimiaapifi ■Mrie-47 Mac daMfa Schedulo B (SaiS M aeen ■* e 7 a euamai -5nxiai>aa«a9-i Uac- ehanfi ParMm Ca* Schedulo C (anSirwt eencapirlra SdetitfeX 7/ 01 Mar* diaii^ ^ilam Cap TlgrQuallfjcafions Switch Foe Other Mlac. Network Fees GENERAL RETAIL Geoeial Retell C 851,$0 15 NiA 0 90%SO 13 HA 0 05%SO 10 N'A iNc- Tidr&} GROCERY & WHOLESALE IMCC5300. 64111 Grocery and Wliolesale 0 90%SO 1C $0 34 1 05%SC 14 $0 35 0 60%SO 16 $0 35 INd 7/a/sJ Pre*Autha, Purchsaaai Deellrtsa ,.Relu rna. RovriBto soce (lAifeM efohjitad end QSR (MCC 5814)QSR c ecs SOlTi NiA 0 75%SC 14 $0 91 2^1%$0 05 N'A (No 7/arcJ PETROLEUM (MCC SS41, 6642)Petroleum c ac'-e $P Id SO 96 C 60%$0 14 $C< it 1 0 eo'd $0 13 N'A (No 7(a/sJ c^rvrwiM* l>y SHA2A*.' a rt rn^f.harv N/A ALL PCS RATE CATEGORIES Bosihsss DeOlt 1 $0 09 N'A 0(10%$0 H N.A 1 70%JDC6 N A Will 10*© pr©oadeni*.© over all other caiegcry interchange rates Comptattona ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES BECUlATF.D C 05«f SO 21 • SO or NA 0 US",50 71 •NA 0 05%SO 21 • SO or N'A Issuers with $10 &ii)ion end above tn assets •'i^e haud-f^avcnhon ad/uctmant of SO C* s fit, a»ailBOla to Ihaa "ictiluliom that nave c«rt/Sed the" aliOidi"l¥ w/fft SHAZAM ALL MERCHANTS EuepUon llem Feea St Qfi Pa* Ad/u«trnenf Category / MCC Code PrograiTi' Dcscriplion iour Riirc Per llc'in Cn|,T tot Ounlilu aitions Switch Foo Olhcu Mieit. Nolwuik Foes ALL OTHER MERCHANTS RETAIL - TIER 3 (STANDARD) PREFERRED PROGRAM P 90S 0 90S JO 195 40 25 N/A N/A 1 li. 4 999 999 t'dnsacljcns per month GROCERY S WHOLESALE IMCC 6300. 64111 SUPERMARKET • TIER 3 (STANDARDi PRFi^ERRED PROGRAM p eos 0 60'>6 SO 22 SO 25 50 33 SO 40 1 uj 4 9 99 9^ traneacuons per month PETROLEUM (MCC 5641, 5642) PETROLEUM . TIER 3 tSTANOARDi PREFERRED PROGRAM 0 BSK P 85^1 $0 17 SO 205 N/A N/A t to 4 969.999 transecbons per month RESTAURANTS (MCC 5812, 5814) RESTAURANTS PREFERRED PROGRAM 1 15S t 15% $0 05 $0 105 N/A N/A {AH tiansactori amoonta)Deeitnes, Pro-Auths,POS Admlnlatrallve Fae SO 01SMALL TICKET (MCC 4111. 9496. 5M4. 7211, 7338. 7523.7542,7832, 7841) SMALL TICKET. Trenesclionai$1500 PREFERRED PROGRAM 1 55% ^ 55% SO 04 $0 04 N/A N/A Transaettona s S15 OC so 0325 PmhcMC and CetnoleUBnm $0 0625 SMALL TICKET . Tfansacliona >$1501 PREFERRED PROGRAM C 80% 0 80% SO 185 $0 25 N/A N/A Trareactiona i $1& 01 (Apf/icaOia ro Pirchinat atd CcmpSa/KviB anfyi MEDICAL MERCHANTS (MCC 5B12. 8011, 8062. 80961 MEDICAL MERCHANTS PREFERRED PROGRAM 0 soil 0 60% SO 15 SO If N/A N/A No r/ansacf/on AmOi/rjl L/m/ts ALL POS RATE REGULATED Heaiihcan) (FSAihRA)1 1 10%$0 14 N/A wTtT $10 BUkri mS tfrose m aeaeU AixPcft^ tf STAP PreptrO Hoe/l'Ktrn rr FSA.1YR* cadi a^fti/ad h\/ ANYifefttm'li 1 CATEGORIES REGULATED 0 05%S021 • SOOr N/A issue's *nrri gghcr ird above in aasats *An aoatVBW $P Of t<* rrHidf /(tffiJA/sn wt AOrfoO to err« rsar c/<an^ tse I9 menibesi UiS ae ALL MERCHANTS E*ceplion Item Feoe seoo Pot Adu/slman! | STAR NetAvir, Merchant Participation Fee SU 00 Annual faa a&sesoed per ma'chant locat'ce aerf eets'la b'Hed aemra'/y In Auperl | S1AZ.VM. Sure (Effeetivo Octoter 1» 2018) July 1. 2017) Notes • 9.ink o'Amerjca Morchflni ScrvKcs t mftirmec a merchant riu.-ilrfies tor ancthnr fwr Merrrh.tnN must tie afipfOv«>d for Tierert Pf<ing Uj f|>« OebM Nofwork papt'rwvfk a lovotveO This j*i>d does i\oi mcltrtii iiM<srriation.-i aMv«, norvmnreninQa uarysMtienft. aueh as MclmM. avsrsatt, pr**autnorizAlien4 and ratums. ara typKahy eharpad a awnch faa. Other DeOU Natworli specific fees may app^ to biliabiB iransacuene and noiMnterchange eansactions ai Tha prima/y bualtneatien crHeria and clearing requiistnents fistad here fop the varloua interchange levels supersedes anystmllar Infonnatron provided on the tntarchange Quallfieatton Watrtx CnM'}; the IQM Is no longer available and Kn i notwithstanding any provisions of our agrvement with you (including any conflrmatkin paga) that reference iha DM or us having provided the DM Id you Ail fees, Includtrkg arty based on PIN Debit Nerworic fees charged to us, are billed by and owed to Bank ot Amanca Merchant Sarvlees regardltsa of pricing method or (lr>e Ham billing deseriptiofle we may use. ' Ragulaud (or nen-esempt) Consumer and Commercial Oebftand Prepaid Cards ktentifiad by bsuers and Card OrganiaaUons as being siApci to (he June 29.2011 federal Reserve firtal rule en Debh Card inlarehange. Poges 4 of -4Proprielary to Sank of America Mercharil Servicas U I Except as noied reflactad above, el baan provided !e you, pdaled 1/2/16 VISA FEES: The followine fees result from charges assessed to SERVICERS from Visa and are subiect to increases, decreases and additional new fees imposed by Visa. Fee/Name Fee/Descrintion VISA ASSESSMENT - Debit & Prepaid 0.13% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all Visa signature Debit and prepaid card transactions. VISA ASSESSMENT - Credit 0.13% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all Visa Credit card transactions. VISA BASE n SYSTEM FILE TRANSMISSION FEE $0.0018 Fee assessed on all Visa transactions transmitted through the Visa BASE n settlement system, including sales / purchases, sales returns / refunds, sales reversals, chargebacks, and chargeback reversals. VISA ZERO DOLLAR VERIFICATION FEE $0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Verification messages, including both approved and declined, AVS, and SMS account verification transactions. Account Verification transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVV2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual Authorization. VISA ZERO FLOOR LIMIT FEE $0.20 Fee assessed on all clearing transactions that are not authorized based on matching the Transaction ID on the Authorization to the Transaction ID on the Clearing transaction. Fee also applies if the Transaction ID is missing. VISA NETWORK ACQUIRER PROCESSING FEE (NAPF) - Credit $0.0195 Fee assessed on all Visa Credit card Authorization attempts. Does not apply to $0 Account Verification messages. Real Time Clearing pre-Authorization requests. Authorization reversals, chargeback responses, and other administrative messages. VISA NETWORK ACQUIRER PROCESSING FEE (NAPF) - Debit & Prepaid $0.0155 Fee assessed on all Visa signature Debit and prepaid card Authorization attempts. Does not apply to $0 Account Verification messages, Real Time Clearing pre-Authorization requests, Authorization reversals, chargeback responses, and other administrative messages. VISA BASE n CREDIT VOUCHER FEE - Credit $0.0195 Fee assessed on all Visa credit voucher (sales return / refund) transactions for Credit cards. VISA BASE n CREDIT VOUCHER FEE - Debit & Prepaid $0.0155 Fee assessed on all Visa credit voucher (sales return / refund) transactions for signature Debit and prepaid cards. VISA AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM MISUSE FEE $0.09 Per Authorization that is not followed by a matching Visa clearing transaction (or is not properly reversed in the case of a cancelled/voided transaction) as shown by a matching transaction ID. Billed on a one month lag. VISA INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FEES - BASE (FOR PURCHASE TRANSACTIONS) 0.80% of the source amount on U.S. Acquired Original Purchase transactions when the Issuer Country is different from the Merchant Country and the transaction is settled in U.S. dollars. VISA INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FEES - ENHANCED (FOR PURCHASE TRANSACTIONS) 1.20% of the source amount on U.S. Acquired Original Purchase transactions when the Issuer Country is different from the Merchant Country and the transaction is not settled in U.S. dollars. VISA INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FEES (FOR CASH ADVANCE TRANSACTIONS) 0.40% of the source amount on U.S. Acquired Cash Disbursement transactions when the Issuer Country is different from the Merchant Country. VISA INTERNATIONAL ACQUIRER FEE (lAF) 0.45% Assessed on all transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. issued card. Billed with applicable international/interregional interchange fees. VISA INTERNATIONAL ACQUIRER FEE (lAF) - HIGH RISK 0.45% Fee assessed on all transactions conducted at U.S. merchant locations with a non-U.S. issued card; applicable to high-risk merchants in MCCs 5962 (Direct Marketing -Travel-Related Arrangement Services), 5966 (Direct Marketing - Outbound Telemarketing Merchants), and 5967 (Direct Marketing - Inbound Telemarketing Merchants). LATE OR NO RESPONSE TO DISPUTE FEE S.50 Fee assessed on each VISA Chargeback for which ither no respose is received or a response is received 20 days after the date from which Visa initiates the CB VISA US DEBIT INTEGRITY TRANSACTION FEE $0.10 charged on each signature Debit Card and Non-PIN Debit Card transaction (including Visa Consumer and Business debit cards and Visa Consumer and Commercial Prepaid Cards) that does not meet the qualification criteria defined under the Visa U.S. Custom Payment Service (CPS) program. VISA FIXED ACQUIRER NETWORK FEE See Visa Fixed Acquirer Network Fee section of rate schedule for Visa/MasterCard/Discover Interchange referenced in Interchange Schedules section above. Billed on a one month lag. VISA PARTIAL AUTHORIZATION NON PARTICIPATION FEE (PANPF) FOR AFD MERCHANTS $0.01 Fee assessed on Automated Fuel Dispenser (MCC 5542) transactions that do not support partial Authorization. PARTIAL AUTHORIZATIONNON PARTICIPATION FEE (PANPF)1.55% Fee applies to transactions that qualify for the VISA Global B2B Virtual Payments Program for virtual card transactions between online travel agencies VISA STAGED DIGITAL WALLET FEE $0.10 Fee assessed on all Visa Staged Digital Wallet purchase transactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholders. MasterCard Fees: The following fees result from charges assessed to SERVICERS from MasterCard and are subject to increases, decreases and additional new fees imposed by MasterCard. Fee/Name Fee/Description MASTERCARD ASSESSMENT FEE 0.13% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all MasterCard transactions. MASTERCARD ASSESSMENT FEE (>=$1,000) 0.01% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of MasterCard Consumer and Commercial credit transactions that are $1,000 or greater. MASTERCARD KILOBYTE FEE $0.0035 Fee related to transmission of clearing data. Charged per kilobyte. MASTERCARD CROSS BORDER FEE (U.S.) 0.60% Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with the country code of the merchant different from the country code of the cardholder, where the transaction is settled in U.S. dollars. MASTERCARD CROSS BORDER FEE (Non U.S.) 1.00% Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with the country code of the merchant different from the country code of the cardholder where the transaction is not settled in U.S. dollars. MASTERCARD NETWORK ACCESS AND BRAND USAGE (NABU) FEE $0.0195 Fee assessed on all MasterCard Authorization attempts and credit (sales return) transactions that are processed with a U.S. issued card at a U.S. merchant location. Does not apply to Authorization reversals and SO Account Status Inquiry transactions. MASTERCARD ADDRESS VERIFICATION SERVICE (AVS) CARD NOT PRESENT ACCESS FEE SO.Ol Fee assessed on all MasterCard Card Not Present Authorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more than $0. MASTERCARD ADDRESS VERIFICATION SERVICE (AVS) CARD PRESENT ACCESS FEE $0.01 Fee assessed on all MasterCard Card Present Authorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more than $0. MASTERCARD ACCOUNT STATUS INQUIRY FEE - INTERREGIONAL $0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiry Service messages where the country code of the merchant is different from the country code of the cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual Authorization. MASTERCARD ACCOUNT STATUS INQUIRY FEE - INTRAREGIONAL $0.03 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiry Service messages where the country code of the merchant is the same as the country code of the cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual Authorization. MASTERCARD PROCESSING INTEGRITY FEE - PRE- AUTHORIZATIONS (effective April 21, 2017) $0,045 Fee assessed to each pre- Authorization if all of the following conditions are met: (i) Authorization request is fully approved by the Issuer, (ii) Authorization is identified within the Authorization request message as a pre- Authorization and (iii) the Authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or Authorization reversal within 30 calendar days. Fee does not apply to (i) Automated Fuel Dispensers (MCC 5542), (ii) contactless transit aggregated transactions or transit debt recovery transactions, (iii) offline approved transactions and (iv) private label transactions. MASTERCARD PROCES SING INTEGRITY FEE - UNDEFINED AUTHORIZATIONS (effective May 14,2017) $0,045 Fee assessed to each undefined Authorization if all of the following conditions are met: (i) Authorization request is fully approved by the Issuer, (ii) Authorization is identified within the Authorization request message as an undefined Authorization and (iii) the Authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or Authorization reversal within 7 calendar days. Fee does not apply to (i) Automated Fuel Dispensers (MCC 5542), (ii) contactless transit aggregated transactions or transit debt recovery transactions, (iii) offline approved transactions and (iv) private label transactions. MASTERCARD PROCESSING INTEGRITY FEE - FINAL AUTHORIZATIONS (effective June 4,2017) 0.25% with a minimum of $0.04 Fee assessed to each final Authorization if all of the following conditions are met: (i) Authorization request is fully approved by the Issuer, (ii) Authorization is identified as a final Authorization in the Authorization request message, and (iii) the Authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or Authorization reversal within 7 calendar days or the final clearing amount is submitted for an amount different from the approved Authorization amount or submitted in a diferent currency than the Authorization amount. MASTERCARD PROCESSING JNTEGRTTY FEE - DETAIL REPORT FEE (effective April 21, 2017) $0,015 Fee applies to each Authorization that is subject to the MasterCard Processing Integrity Fee for pre-Authorizations, undefined Authorizations or final Authorizations. Fee will apply to undefined Authorizations effective April 21,2017, in advance of the MasterCard Processing Integrity Fee for undefined Authorizations going into effect on May 14,2017. Fee will apply to final Authorizations effective April 21,2017 in advance of the MasterCard Processing Integrity Fee for final Authorizations going into effect on June 4, 2017. MASTERCARD LICENSE VOLUME FEE 0.0071% of MasterCard volume. Fee based on a good faith effort to recover and allocate among our customers MasterCard's annual fees for licensing and third party processing and calculated by multiplying your settled MasterCard dollar volume by the percentage rate (which rate may be adjusted to reflect changes in those MasterCard fees and/or our allocation). MASTERCARD e-COMMERCE SUSPECT FRAUD INDICATOR REBATE $0,015 Rebate for every e-Commerce/Card Not Present Authorization reversal that includes the suspect fraud indicator. The suspect fraud indicator is used in the e- Commerce/Card Not Present environment when an Authorization reversal is processed for an approved MasterCard Authorization where the merchant suspects fi^ud. MASTERCARD ACQUIRER PROGRAM SUPPORT FEE 0.85% Fee assessed on all U.S. region acquired MasterCard Consumer Credit, Consumer Debit, and Commercial Card transactions for cards issued outside the U.S. region. Billed with applicable international/interregional Interchange fees. MASTERCARD CARD VALIDATION CODE 2 (CVC 2) FEE $0.0025 Fee assessed on all Authorizations that include Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) validation. CVC 2 is an optional service fi-om MasterCard that was implemented to help reduce the risk of fraud and is part of the screening tools used by merchants to ensure that the person placing the order has the card. Fee does not apply to Account Status Inquiry transactions. MASTERCARD SECURECODE FEE $0.03 Fee assessed on all MasterCard SecureCode verification requests. MasterCard SecureCode is an optional service for E-Commerce merchants that allows for an additional level of shopping security by requiring cardholders to enter additional log-in credentials that are verified by the issuer when completing an online sale (if the issuer participates in the service). MASTERCARD DIGITAL ENABLEMENT FEE 0.01% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all MasterCard Card Not Present transactions. MASTERCARD GLOBAL WHOLESALE TRAVEL BUSINESS TO BUSINESS FEE 1.57% Fee applies to transactions that qualify for the MasterCard Business to Business Global Wholesale Travel Transaction program for virtual card transactions between travel agents and travel suppliers (merchants in MCCs 3000- 3999,4112,4131,4411,4511,4582,4722, 5962,6513,7011,7012,7032,7033,7298, 7512,7513,7519,7991,7997, and 7999). Transactions assessed this fee will not be subject to the MasterCard Network Access and Brand Usage (NABU) fee, the MasterCard Cross Border fee, the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee, and the MasterCard Card Present and Card Not Present Address Verification Service (AVS) fees. MASTERCARD MERCHANT LOCATION FEE $1.25 Fee assessed monthly per active merchant location. An active location is defined as a merchant location that processed at least one MasterCard transaction during the month. Merchant locations that have less than $200 in MasterCard gross sales for the month are not subject to the fee for that month. Merchant locations in MCCs 8398 (Charitable Organizations) and 8661 (Religious Organizations) arc not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. Humanitarian Program Clearing Fee 0.25% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of Humanitarian prepaid card transactions that are used to help humanitarian aid organizations deliver aid more cost effectively and more efficiently. Discover Network Fees: The following fees result from charges assessed to SERVICERS from Discover Network and are subject to increases, decreases, and additional new fees imposed by Discover Net>vork. Please note that Discover Network fees apply only to Discover transactions acquired by Bank of America Merchant Services. Fee/Name Fee/Description DISCOVER NETWORK ASSESSMENT 0.13% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard transactions. DISCOVER NETWORK DATA USAGE FEE $0.0195 Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard sales and credit (sales return) transactions. DISCOVER NETWORK INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FEE 0.80% Fee assessed on all Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. issued card. DISCOVER NETWORK INTERNATIONAL PROCESSING FEE 0.50% Fee assessed on all Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions where the country code of the merchant is different from the country code of the card issuer. Billed with applicable international interchange fees. DISCOVER NETWORK AUTHORIZATION FEE $0.0025 Fee Assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International and Korea BCcard Authorizations. CALIFORNIA PUBLIC SECTOR GROUP SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES Program Overview: California Public Sector Group (CAPSG). CAPSG is an association of Bank of America's Purchase Card, Travel Card and ePayables public sector clients. The purpose of the Califomla Public Sector Group is to help state and local government agencies, public schools and municipalities to grow their card programs and earn rebates on their annual Transaction Volume. To help all members maximize their earning potential, the CAPSG program aggregates all members annual spend volume and pay's each member based on their Individual contribution. /. GENERAL PRODUCT FEES AND CHARGES CorporatiB'Billed- LCNAC498..Fee, 5 ^ j. ' Annual Card Fee Waived Late Fee (An account is assessed a late fee three (3) days after cycle. The fee will be assessed as a % of the past due amount for the current month's charges and any unpaid balances when the account is past due 01-30 days) 2.5% of total due (minimum $250; maximum $3500) Late Fee Assessment > Assessed 3 days after CYCLE date Periodic Finance Charge Fee (Finance charges accrue on all balances that are 31-60 days past due) > Prime Rate + 1 % Over limit Fee {Assessed when aggregate charge limit is exceeded) > No Fee Cash Advance Fee > 2.5% of transaction amt ($5 min/no max) > N/A for ePayables Logo Fee (Choose one color ftom the following six colors: 1) black; 2) white; 3) blue; 4) red; 5) green; 6) burgundy). > Waived > N/A for ePayables Unique Custom Design Fee > As quoted > N/A for ePayables Return Check Fee > $29.00 International Transaction Fee (Fee cannot be waived) Up to 1% of USD amount If you make a Transaction in currency other than U.S. dollars, Visa or MasterCard will convert the charge or credit into a U.S. dollar amount. The conversion rate on the processing date may differ from the rate on the date of your Transaction. The exchange rate used by Visa will either be (i) a rate selected by Visa from a range of rates available in wholesale currency markets for the applicable central processing date, which rate may differ from the rate Visa receives, or (ii) the government-mandated rate in effect for the central processing date. MasterCard will use an exchange rate of either (I) a wholesale market rate or (ii) a government-mandated rate. We may add a 1% fee to the U.S. dollar amount of any Transaction that is made in foreign currency or that is made outside the United States even if you pay in U.S. dollars (the "International Transaction Fee"). The International Transaction Fee will be shown In the Activity section on your billing statement. The International Transaction Fee will be aggregated in the Other Fees category on the Summary section of your statement. CAPSG Sched of Fees/Charges Revised Feb 13 2015 1. GENERAL PRODUCT FEES AND CHARGES rePayables'- LCNAC495 , - ^ V n , >;- Annual Card Fee Waived Late Fee (An account is assessed a late fee three (3) days after cycle. The fee will be assessed as a % of the past due amount for the current month's charges and any unpaid balances when the account is past due 01-30 days) 2.5% of total due (minimum $250; maximum $3500) Late Fee Assessment > AssessedS days after CYCLE date Periodic Finance Charge Fee (Finance charges accrue on all balances that are 31-60 days past due) > Prime Rate+ 1% Return Payment Fee (NSF) > $29.00 International Transaction Fee (Fee cannot be waived) Up to 1% of USD amount If you make a Transaction In currency other than U.S. dollars, Visa or MasterCard will convert the charge or credit Into a U.S. dollar amount. The conversion rate on the processing date may differ from the rate on the date of your Transaction. The exchange rate used by Visa will either be (i) a rate selected by Visa from a range of rates available In wholesale currency markets for the applicable central processing date, which rate may differ from the rate Visa receives, or (ii) the government-mandated rate in effect for the central processing date. MasterCard will use an exchange rate of either (I) a wholesale market rate or (ii) a govemment-mandated rate. We may add a 1% fee to the U.S. dollar amount of any Transaction that Is made in foreign currency or that Is made outside the United States even if you pay in U.S. dollars (the "international Transaction Fee"). The International Transaction Fee will be shown In the Activity section on your billing statement. The Intemational Transaction Fee wll be aggregated in the Other Fees category on the Summary section of your statement. CAPSG Sched of Fees/Charges Revised Feb 13 2015 II. ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES Visa: Works > Fee Waived MasterCard: Works > Fee waived Custom Requests for development outside of the Works application normal Implementation: Custom Development > $150.00 per hour Custom Maintenance > $150.00 per hour Works Receipts Imaging OPTIONAL > Free END OF SCHEDULES I AND II CAPSG Sched of Fees/Charges Revised Feb 13 2015 C. AMENDED SCHEDULE OF REBATES (Cycle and Grace Days) REBATE DEFINITIONS: Capitalized terms, which are not defined in this Schedule, have the meanings ascribed in the applicable Card Agreement. "Calculation Period" means each subsequent three month period after the Initial Calculation Period. The Initial Calculation Period will commence on July 01 - September 30 2012 as the first quarter. "Credit Losses" means any balances which remain unpaid by Company, Participant or a Cardholder six (6) billing periods after the closing date on the Billing Statement in which the Transactions, fees and charges appeared for the reporting period. / "Cycle Days" means the number of days from the start of the billing period to the Billing Statement date. "Grace Days" means the number of days after the Billing Statement closing date within which payment is due. "Large Ticket Interchange Transactions" means certain transactions which, based upon the type of merchant and/or transaction dollar amount, are subject to a Visa or MasterCard large ticket interchange program, as determined by and amended by Visa and MasterCard from time to time. "Rebate Multiplier" means the muitiplier corresponding to the Standard Transaction Volume and Cycle and Grace Days as set forth in the Standard Transactions Rebate Multiplier Table, and the multiplier corresponding to the Large Ticket Interchange Transaction Volume and Cycle and Grace Days set forth in the Large Ticket Interchange Transactions Rebate Multiplier Table below. "Standard Transactions" means the Transaction Volume not meeting the criteria for Large Ticket interchange Transactions. "Total Credit Losses" means, for any Calculation Period, the sum of (i) Bank of America's Credit Losses on the Card Accounts for the Calculation Period and (ii) Bank of America's Credit Losses on the Card Accounts for any previous Calculation Period which have not been applied against any rebate payable under the Agreement. "Transaction Volume" means, for any Calculation Period, the total dollar amount of purchase Transactions made with the Cards during the Calculation Period, less the total dollar amount of: retumed purchases, credit adjustments, Transactions resulting from Unauthorized Use, and disputed charges. Cash advances and Convenience Checks are not included in Transaction Volume. REBATE CONDITIONS: During the Calculation Period, the program must meet ail of the following conditions in order to qualify for a rebate: Local Public Body pays Bank of Amerioa the total amount of the new balance shown as due on each Billing Statement on or before the Payment Due Date; and Local Public Body has not breached any obligation, covenant, representation or warranty contained in this Agreement; and Calculation Period Transaction Volume meets the minimum volume requirement as set out in the Standard Transactions Rebate Muitiplier Table; and CAPSG Sched of Fees/Charges Revised Feb 13 2015 REBATE CALCULATION AND PAYMENT: In the event that all of the above Rebate Conditions are met with respect to the Calculation Period, Bank of America will pay a rebate to Local Public Body, which shall be calculated at the end of the Calculation Period. The rebate multiplier will be determined based on (1) The combined transaction volume from all participating political subdivisions, and (2) The transaction volume from the individual Local Public Body and (3) the cycle and grace period for the individual Local Public Body. The rebate multiplier will be determined based on the quarterly transaction volume times four. The rebate multiplier will be applied to the quarterly transaction volume. ((Quarterly Transaction Volume for Standard Transactions x applicable Rebate Multiplier as determined above) + (Quarterly Transaction Volume for Large Ticket Interchange Transactions x Ticket Interchange Transaction Rebate Multiplier)-Total Credit Losses Within 90 days after the end of each agreement year. Bank of America will "true up" and pay the annualized rebate based on the following equation: (((Annual Transaction Volume for Standard Transactions x Standard Transaction Rebate Multiplier) + (Annual Transaction Volume for Large Ticket Interchange Transactions x Large Ticket Interchange Transaction Rebate Multiplier) - Rebate paid for Quarters 1,2 and 3 of the Agreement year) - Fourth Calculation period Credit Losses After the end of each agreement year, Bank of America will calculate the annualized rebate amount due Company based upon the formula above. Any adjustment between the rebate amount due for the agreement year and rebates previously paid for that period will be made to the last quarterly rebate payment for the agreement year. Bank of America will pay Company any amount due within 90 days following the end of each agreement year. Should Company owe Bank of America more than the rebate amount due for the last quarter of the agreement year, Company shall pay Bank of America any amount due within 90 days following the end of each agreement year. ((Transaction Volume for Standard Transactions x Rebate Multiplier) + (Transaction Volume for Large Ticket Interchange Transactions x Large Ticket Interchange Transaction Rebate Multiplier)) - Total Credit Losses The Standard Transactions rebate multiplier will be determined based on the Calculation Period cumulative total of all Standard Transactions volume, including Standard Transactions volume from travel rewards participants, however. Standard Transactions volume that is applied to travel rewards points will not be included in the rebate payout calculation. This paragraph Is applicable for products with Travel Rewards only. Payment of any rebate vwll be made by ACH credit or other means determined by Bank of America, within ninety (90) days following the end of the Calculation Period. Should one or more of the above Rebate Conditions not be met, Bank of America will be under no obligation to pay any rebate, although Bank of America may, in its sole discretion, determine to pay a rebate in an amount determined by Bank of America. Bank of America's payment of a rebate in such circumstance will in no way obligate Bank of America to pay a rebate with respect to any subsequent Calculation Period. CAPSG Sched of Fees/Charges Revised Feb 13 2015 STANDARD TRANSACTIONS REBATE MULTIPLIER TABLE* California Public Sector Group Volume 30/25 cycle grace period Annual Transaction Volume Tier Excludes Large Ticket Transactions (1) Political Subdivision Volume (2) 3^" Item is below in next grid 500,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 7,000,000 13,000,000 20,000,000 999,999 1,999,999 2.999,999 6,999,999 12,999,999 19,999,999 + Rebate Basis Points $0 $4,999,999 28 113 120 127 134 141 142 $5,000,000 $9,999,999 29 114 121 128 135 142 143 $10,000,000 $24,999,999 30 119 126 133 140 147 148 $25,000,000 $34,999,999 31 121 128 135 142 149 150 $35,000,000 $49,999,999 32 123 130 137 144 151 152 $50,000,000 $59,999,999 33 126 133 140 147 154 155 $60,000,000 $69,999,999 34 128 135 142 149 156 157 $70,000,000 $79,999,999 35 130 137 144 151 158 159 $80,000,000 $89,999,999 36 132 139 146 153 160 161 $90,000,000 $99,999,999 37 133 140 147 154 161 162 $100,000,000 $114,999,999 38 134 141 148 155 162 163 $115,000,000 $129,999,999 39 135 142 149 156 163 164 $130,000,000 $149,999,999 40 136 143 150 157 164 165 $150,000,000 $174,999,999 41 137 144 151 158 165 166 $175,000,000 $199,999,999 42 138 145 152 159 166 167 $200,000,000 +43 139 146 153 160 167 168 Each Local Public Body must have a minimum annual card Transaction Volume total of $500,000.00 before that Local Public Body will be eligible to receive an individual rebate payment. The Calculation Period cumulative Transaction Volume from all Local Public Body members Transaction Volume will determine the rebate volume tier for each rebate- qualified consortium member. CYCLE DAYS AND GRACE DAYS REBATE MULTIPLIER ADJUSTMENT Increase Standard Transaction Rebate Multiplier based on Cycle and Grace Days (3) Cycle Days Grace Days 7 14 14 30 30 30 30 30 3 3 7 3 7 14 20 25 Rebate Basis Point Increase 23 21 18 15 13 8 4 0 LARGE TICKET INTERCHAiVGE TRANSACTION RiEBATiEMULTIPLIER Large Ticket Interchange Qualified Transactions Annual Volume Cycle Days Grace Days 7 14 14 30 30 30 30 30 3 3 7 3 7 14 20 25 REBATE BASIS POINTS + ! o 88 86 83 80 78 73 69 65 Note: The Rebate Multiplier Is stated In basis points. One (1) basis point is equal to 0.01% or .0001 stated as a decimal. Ninety (90) basis points are therefore 0.90% or .0090. Rebates for Transaction Volume from individual liability cardholders will be five basis points (0.05%) less than the Standard Transactions Rebate Multiplier for the applicable volume tier during the Calculation Period. CAPSQ Sched of Fees/Charges Revised Feb 13 2015 Nothing In this Schedule of Fees and Charges is intended to state a term for the Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, any period of time set forth in the Schedule of Fees and Charges applies solely to pricing terms, but only to the extent the Agreement has not been terminated as set forth in the Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary In the Agreement or this Schedule of Fees and Charges, all fees and charges are subject to change upon 30 days prior written notice to you if an event external to Bank of America increases the cost or decreases the revenue to Bank of America (e.g., decreases to interchange revenue paid to Bank of America by a card association, increases to funding costs due to interest rate changes or deterioration in your financial condition) in connection with providing this card program to you. Payment of any incentive will be made by ACH credit or other means determined by Bank of America, within ninety (90) days following the end of the applicable Calculation Period. No incentive will be paid to any Participant. Nothing In the Schedule of Fees and Charges or Addendum is intended to state a term for the Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, any period of time set forth in the Schedule of Fees and Charges applies solely to pricing terms, but only to the extent the Agreement has not been terminated as set forth in the Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement or this Schedule of Fees and Charges, all fees and charges are subject to change upon SO days prior written notice to you if an event external to Bank of America increases the cost or decreases the revenue to Bank of America (e.g., decreases to interchange revenue paid to Bank of America by a card association, increases to funding costs due to interest rate changes or deterioration in your financial condition) in connection with providing this card program to you. END OF SCHEDULE IV END OF AMENDED SCHEDULE OF REBATES ACKNOWLEDGEMENT By signature of an authorized representative(s), you agree to the terms and conditions of this Schedule of Fees and Charges presented herein. This form must be signed in ink by an authorized representative(s) and submitted with the original signature to your Bank of America representative. COMPANY Bank of America, N.A. [COMPANY NAME] By: By; (Signature) (Signature) Name: Name: (Print or Type) (Print or Type) Title: Title: (Print or Type) (Print or Type) Date: Date: CAPSG Sched of Fees/Charges Revised Feb 13 2015 INTERCHANGj .TE SCHEDULE (Effec'iivc January, 2019) This Interchange Rate Schedule inclusive. In the event of any am Regardless ofhow we describe f the number on your merchant sta Customer Service. :ontains a summary of the primary qualification criteria established by Visa®, Mastercard®, and Discover® Network (sometimes referred to as Discover) for most interchange programs - it is not all biguity or conflict, the interchange requirements established by the Card Organizations (sometimes referred to as associations) will detennine the interchange programs at which your transactions qualify, ies to you, all fees, including any that reference a Card Organization or Debit Network name in their description, are billed by and owed to Bank of America Merchant Services. For a complete list, call tement. Please note that Discover Network fees apply only to Discover transactions acquired by Bank of America Merchant Services. For more infonnation regarding your Rates and fees, please call Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item VISA CPS / Retail Credit CPS/Retail Debit CPS / Retail Prepaid 1.51% 0.80% 1.15% $0.10 $0.15 $0.15 Consumer Traditiomil Cards. Card Present / Magnelic Stripe Read / Conlactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Authorized. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Unattended Terminal transactions at Local & Suburban Commuter Passenger Transport (4111), PassengerRailways(4112), and Bus Lines (4131). For Hotel and Car Rental: Folio/Rental Agreement number and check-in/check out dates required. For Passenger Transport Mitmeiary required (including ticket number, passenger name, and trip leg data); transactions that include ancillary data (ancillary service category 1, ancillary ticket document number, issued in coimection with ticket number, and passenger name) are not eligible for lliis prograta Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Authorization and senlement amount on debit and prepaid card transactions do not have to match for Taxis & Limousines (4121), Bars and Taverns (5813), Beauty and Barber Shops (7230), Health and Beauty Spas (7298), and Amusement Parks, Circuses, Carnivals, & Fortune Tellers (7996). Supermaricets (5411), Service Stations (5541), Restaurants (5812,5814), and HIgli Risk (5962,5966,5967) not eligible for this program. Consumer debit and prepaid transactions at Hotels (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441, 7512,7513), Passenger Transport (3000-3300,4511,4112), Cruise Lines / Steamships (4411), Travel Agettcies & Tour Opentors (4722) not eligible for this program. Maximum 14 days to deposit & settle for Boat Rentals & Leasing (4457), Trailer Parks & Campgrounds (7033), Equipment, Tool. Furniture, & Appliance Rental and Leasing (7394), Motor Home & Recreational Vehicle Rentals (7519), and Recreation Services (7999), 2 days to deposit & settle for all other merchants. Regulated Debit 0.05%$0.22 Regulated Consumer Debit and Prepaid, Business Debit, and Commercial Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29.2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. Autliorization required. CPS requirements recommended but not required. Regulated Consumer Debit and Prepaid transactions that nwet qualifications for tlie CPS/Small Ticket Regulated Debit program arc not eligible for this prograriL Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Restauiaot Credit CPS / Restaurant E)ebit CPS / Restaurant Prepaid 1.54% 1.19% 1.15% $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer Traditional Cards. Same requirements as CPS/Retail. Authorized amount does not have to match transaction amount Authorization required and Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read. Purchase date must be witWn 1 day ofauth date. Eligible Merchants: Restaurants (5812) and Fast Food Restaurants (5814). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Rewards 1 1.65%$0.10 Consumer Traditional Rewards card that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail orCPS/Supermarket Visa Signature and Infinite cards at non-Travel Service merchants (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722, 5812,5814,7011, 7512,7513). Visa Signature cards at merchants that participate in the Retail or Supermarket Performance Threshold (Tier) MVV interchange programs. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Rewards 2 1.95%$0.10 Consumer Traditional Rewards card that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/Retail Key Entry, or CPS/E-Commerce Basic, CPS/E-Commctce Preferred: Hotel/Car Rental & Passenger Transport, CPS/Hotel & Car Rental: Card Present / Card Not Present, and CPS/Passenger Transport and CPS/RestauranL Signature and Infinite cards Uiat meet existing CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/Retail Key Entry, and CPS/E-Commerce Basic by Non-Travel Service merchants (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011.7512,7513). Maximum2 days to deposit & settle. CPS/SmaU Ticket Credit CPS / Small Ticket Debit CPS / Small Ticket Prepaid CPS / Small Ticket Debit Regulated 1.65% 1.55% 1.60% 0.05% $0.04 $0.04 $0.05 $0.22 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer cards. Regulated Consumer Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange are eligible for the CPS/Small Ticket Regulated Debit rate. Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Unattended Terminal / Electronically Authorized. Signamre not required. Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Eligible Merchants include all merchants with the exception of: Money Transfer (4829), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Direct Maiketing - Insurance (5960), Direct Marketing - Travel Arrangement (5962), Direct Mariceting - Catalog (5964), Diiect Marketing - Combination Catalog & Retail (5965), Direct Mariceting - Outbound Telemarketing (5966), Direct Marketing - Inbound Telemarketing (5967), Direct Marketing - Continuity / Subscription (5968), Direct Marketing - Otlicr (5969), Manual Cash (6010), Automated Cash (6011), Financial Institutions - Merchandise & Services (6012), Betting/ Casinos / Race Tracks (7995), Intra-Govemment Purchases (9405), UK Supermaricets (9751), UK Petrol Stations (9752), and Intra-Conqjany Purchases (9950). Transaction amount must be less than or equal to $15.00. Small Ticket transactions fiem merchants that participate in Retail or Supermarket Performance Threshold (Tier) MVV interchange programs are eligible for this program Small Ticket Credit eligible transactions will qualify for the following MW inteteliange programs; Utilities and Debt Repayment Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Retail Key Entered Credit CPS / Retafl Key Entered Debit CPS / Retail Key Entered Prepaid 1.80% 1.65% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Key-Entered due to inability to read magnetic stripe. All requirements of CPS/Retail except magnetic stripe read. Authorization required. Address Verification Required with a positive match on Zip Code or fiill address. For hotel and car rental (3300-3799,7011,7512, 7513): Folio/Rental Agreement number and check-in / check-out dates required. For Passenger Transport (3000- 3300,4112,4511); ticket number and itinerary required; transactions that include aiKillary data (ancillary service category 1, aiKillary ticket document number, issued in connection with ticket number, and passenger name) arc not eligible for this program. Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Automated Fuel (5542), Direct Marketing (5960,5962,5964-5969), Cardholder Activated Terminal mercliants are not eligible for tliis program Credit transactions at Quasi-Cash (6051) merchants not eligible for this program Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Card Not Present Credit CPS / Card Not Present Debit CPS / Card Not Present Prepaid 1.80% 1.65% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Card Not Present / Signature Not Obtained / Mail or Phone Order. Address Verification required unless Hcaltlicare (4119,5975,5976,7277,8011,8021,8031,8041,8042.8043. 8049,8050,8062,8071,8099), EmergingMarket (9211,9222,9399,8211,8220.8299,5960,6300,4899.4814,6513,5968,5983,8351,8398), or Utilities (4900). Invoice / order number required. Customer Service phone number in the merchant city field OR Customer Service phone number, merchant URL, or email address in the merchant city field for recurring payment transactions. Authorization required. Purchase date must be within 7 days ofauth dale. Authorization and settlemerrt amounts must match. Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Maximum! days to deposit & settle. CPS / E-ConuiBrce Basic Credit CPS / E-Coiniiierce Basic Debit CPS / E-Commercc Basic Prepaid 1.80% 1.65% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Same requirements as CPS/Card Not Present but transaction takes place in a secure Internet environmetu. Authorization required. Address Verification required unless Emerging Market (9211,9222,9399,8211,8220, 8299,5960,6300,4899,4814,6513,5968, 5983,8351,8398), or Utilities (4900). E-Commerce requires additional data fields in authorization and settlement. Bill payment transactions must include biU payment indicators. Purchase date must be within 7 days of auth date (or within 3 days for Transaction Aggregation transactions). Authorization amount for Transaction Aggregation transactions must not exceed $15.00. Maximum! days to deposit & settle. (IPl)BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 1-2019 Page 1 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective January, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item CPS / E-Cononerce Prefeired Credit CPS / E-Commerce Prefened E)ebit CPS / E-Comin Prefeired Prepaid 1.80% 1.60% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer cards. Same requirements as E- Commerce Basic, except require Cardliolder Authentication Value (CAW). Authorization required. Requires Verified by Visa. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Supermarket Credit CPS / Supermarket Debit CPS / Supermarket Prepaid 1.22% 0.00% 1.15% $0.05 $0.30 50.15 Consumer Traditional Cards. Merchant is certified with Visa. Same requirements as CPS/Rctail. No signature required iftransactions $25.00 or less. Authorization required and Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaclless / Chip Read. Authorization and settlement amounts must match for consumer debit and prepaid transactions. Cap ofS0.3S for consumer prepaid transactions only. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofaullidate. Eligible Merchants; Supermarkets (5411). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS/Hotel/Can CP Credit CPS/Hotel/Can CP Debit CPS / Hotel / Can CP Prepaid 1.54% 1.19% 1.15% $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer Traditional Cards. Hotel/Car Rental merchant. Authorized Card is preseiU. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaclless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained. Estimated length ofstay required in authorization. Folio/Rental Agreement number and check-in / check-out dates required. One or more authorizations obtained. Authorization amount within 15% ofliansaction amount for Hotel orwitliin 15% oftransaction amount or $75.00, whichever is greater, for Car Rental Purchase date must be the same as hotel check-out date or car retum date. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Hotel / Can CNP Credit CPS / Hotel / Can CNP Debit CPS / Hotel / Can CNP Prepaid 1.54% 1.70% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Hotel/Car Rental merchant. Authorized. Card not present Estimated lcn0hofstay and Preferred Customer indicator required in autliorizatioa Folio/Rental Agreement number, no show indicator, and check-in/check-out dates required. One or more authorizations obtained. Authorization amount whhin 15% of transaction amouiU for Hotel or within 15% oftransaction amount or $75.00, whichever is greater, for Car Rental Purchase date must be the same as hotel check-out date or car retum date. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Hotel / Can E-Commerce Preferred Credit CPS / Hotel / Can E-Commerce Preferred Debit CPS / Hotel / Can E-Commerce Preferred Prepaid 1.54% 1.70% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $020 Consumer Traditional Cards. Hotel/Car Rental merchant. Authorized. Card not present. Estimated length of stay and Preferred Customer indicator required in authorizatioa Folio/Rental Agreement number, no show indicator, and check-in/check-out dates required. One or more authorizations obtained. Authorization amount within 15% ofliansaction amount for Hotel or within 15% oftransaction amount or $75.00, whichever is greater, for Car Rental Purchase date must be the same as hotel check-out date or car retum date. E-Commeree requires additional data fields in authorization and settlement. Requires Verified by Visa. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Retail 2 Credit CPS/Retail 2 Debit CPS / Retail 2 Prepaid 1.43% 0.65% 0.65% $0.05 $0.15 $0.15 Traditional Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer cards that meet the existing requiicments of CPS/Retail, CPS/Retafl Key Entry, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E- Commerce Prefeired, with the exception that Address Verification Service (AVS) is not required for the CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, and CPS/E-Ccmmerce Preferred programs. Consumer debit and prepaid transactions that meet CPS/Retail or CPS/Retail Key Entry are not eligible for tills program. Authorization required. Eligible Merchants: Colleges / Universities / Professional Schools (8220), ElenietUaiy& Secondary Schools (8211), Schools - Other (8299), Insurance (5960,6300), Subscriptions (5968), Fuel Dealers (5983), CliildCare Services (8351), and consumer debit and prepaid transactions only at Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398), Religious Organizations (8661), Telecommunication Services (4314), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentals (6513), and Cable and Other TV Services (4399). Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398) and Religious Organizations (8661) must also be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as having tax-exen^t status under Section 501(c)(3) ofthe Internal Revenue Code. Cap of$2.00 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Government Credit CPS / Government Debit CPS / Government Prepaid 1.55% 0.65% 0.65% $0.10 $0.15 $0.15 Traditional Traditional Rewards, Signature, Infinite, and Signature Preferred consumer cards that meet the existing requirements ofCPS/Retail CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Card Not Presenl CPS/E-Commeice Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred, with the exception that Address Verificatioti Service (AVS) is not required for the CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, and CPS/E-Commerce Preferred programs. Consumer debit and prepaid transactions that meet CPS/Retail or CPS/Retail Key Entiy are not eligible for this prograiiL Authorization required. Eligible Merchants: Court Costs (9211), Fines (9222), Tax Payments (9311), Government Services (9399), and Government-Owned LoHeries (7800). Cap of$2.00 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Recurring Bill Payment Credit 1.43%$0.05 Traditional Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer credit cards that meet the existing requirements ofCPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Prefeired. Authorization required. Eligible Merchants: Telecommunication Services (4814), and Cable and Other TV Services (4899). Must include bill payment and recurring payment indicators. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Charity and Religious Organizations Credit 1.35%$0.05 Traditional Traditional Rewards, Signature, Infinite (High Net Wcttli), and Signature Preferred consumer credit cards tliat meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Must be recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as having tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) ofthe Internal Revenue Code. Eligible Merchants: Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398) and Religious Organizations (8661). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Auto Fuel Dispenser Credit CPS / Auto Fuel Dispenser Debit CPS / Auto Fuel Dispenser Prepaid 1.15% 0.30% 1.15% $0.25 $0.15 $0.15 Traditional Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer cards. Fuel Dispensing merchant who is certified with Visa. Same requirements as CPS/Retail except signature obtained. Must be less than or equal to $125.00 (or $500.00 for transactions submitted via Real Time Clearing). Maybe authorized fbrfiill amount or for $1.00. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaclless / Chip Read required. Cardholder Activated Terminal (CAT) indicator must be present. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofaulh date. Eligible Merchants: Autonuted Fuel Dispensers (5542). Cap of $0.95 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions, and cap of$1.10 on consumer credit tiansactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Retail Service Station Credit CPS / Retail Service Station Debit CPS / Retail Service Station Prepaid 1.15% 0.80% 1.15% $0.25 $0.15 $0.15 Traditional Traditional Rewards, Signature and Infinite consumer cards. Same requirements as CPS/Retail. Purcliase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Eligible Mercliant: Service Stations (5541). Cap of S0.95 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions, and cap of$1.10 on consumer credit transactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Passenger Transport Card Present Credit CPS / Passenger Transport Card Present Debit CPS / Passenger Card Present Prepaid 1.70% 1.19% 1.15% $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer Traditional Cards. Airiine (3000-3300,4511) or Passenger Railway (4112) merchant. Aulliorized. Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaclless/Cliip Read/Unattended Terminal at Passenger Railway (4112). Full ilineraiy required including ticket number, passenger name, and trip leg data. Last 13 positions ofmerchant name must contain ehherdescription ofancOlaiy purchase or ticket number. Ancillary data must be present (ancillaiy service category 1, ancillary ticket document number, issued in connection with ticket number, and passengername). One or more clearing records for a single authorizatioa Purchase date is same as auth date. Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. (IP1)BAMS.M',2.IC Gross 1-2019 Page 2 INTERCHANGE .e. JE SCHEDULE (Effec.v._ ,.dnuary, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item CPS / Passenger Transport Card Not Present Credit CPS / Passenger Transport Card Not Present Debit CPS / Passenger Transport Card Not Present Prepaid 1.70% 1.70% 1.75% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Airline (3000-3300,4511) or Passenger Railway (4112) merchant. Autliorized. Card Not Present/Not Magnetic Stripe Read. Full itinerary required including ticket number, passengername, aitd trip leg data. Last 13 positions ofmerchant name must contain either description ofancillary purchase or ticket number, Ancillary data must be present (ancillary service category 1, ancillary ticket document number, issued in cormectton with ticket number, and passenger name). One or more clearing records for a single outhorizalioa Purchase date is same as aulh date. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Passenger Transport E- Commerce Preferred Credit CPS / Passenger Transport E- Commerce Preferred Debit CPS / Passenger Transport E- Commerce Preferred Prepaid 1.70% 1.70% 1.75% SO. 10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer Traditional Cards. Airlirje (3000-3300,4511) or Passenger Railway (4112) merchant. Authorized. Card Not Present / Not Magnetic Stripe Read. Full itinerary required mcluding ticket number, passengernaine, and trip leg data. Last 13 positions ofmerchant name must contain either description ofancillary purchase or ticket number. Ancillary data must be present (ancillary service category 1, ancillary ticket document number, issued in connection with ticket number, and passenger name). One or more clearing recotds for a single authorizatioiL E-Commeice requires additional data fields in authorization and settlement Requires Verified by Visa. Purchase date same as auth date. Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Utilities Consiuner CPS / Utilities Cons Debit & Prepaid CPS / Utilities Business CPS / Utilities Bus Debit & Prepaid 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0.75 $0.65 $1.50 $1.50 Traditional, Traditional Rewards, Signature, Infinite, Infinite (High Net Worth), Signature Preferred Consumer cards and Business, Signature Business, and Business Enhanced cards that meet the existing requirements for CPS/Rctail, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Small Ticket, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Consumer and Business debit and prepaid transactions tliat meet CPS/Rctail, CPS/Retail Key Entry, or CPS/Small Ticket are not eligible for this program Eligible Merchants: Utilities (4900). Requires registration with Visa and MW must be present. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Account Funding Credit CPS / Account Funding Debit CPS / AccouiR Funding Prepaid 2.14% 1.75% 1.80% $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 Consumer Traditional, Rewards, and Signature card transactions to fund a pre-paid product, a brokerage accoimt, or escrow accoimt Identified as E-Commercc transactions processed in a secure environmenL Card is not present Full Address Verification Service (zip code and full address) required. E-Commerce requires additional data fields such as the merchant order number, valid E-Commercc indicator, and the Customer Service phone number, URL, or email address in authorization and settlement. Authorization and settlement amounts must match. Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Debt Repayment - No Fees 0.65%$0.15 Consumer Debit and Prepaid cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Comraerce Preferred. Debt repayment indicator must be present in both authorization and clearing. Eligible transactions are payments on all loan types, except for payday loans, charged-off debt not collected by the originating financial institution, and time-baned debit. Eligible Merchants; Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services (6012) and Non-Financial Institutions - Foreign Cunency, Money Orders - Not Wire Transfer, and Travelers Checks (6051). Cardholder cannot be cha^d a convenience fee. Requires registiation and MW must be present in the transactioa Priority debit routing commitment required. Cap of $0.65 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. CPS / Debt Repayment 2 0.65%$0.15 Consumer Debit and Prepaid cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commercc Preferred. Debt repayment indicator must be present in both authorization and clearing. Eligible transactions are payments on all loan types, except for payday loans, chaiged-offdebt not collected by the ori^nating financial institution, and time-barred debit Eligible Meichants: Financial Institutions - Merchandise and Services (6012) and Non-Financial Institutions - Foreign Currency, Money Orders • Not Wire Transfer, and Travelers Checks (6051). Cardholder may be chaiged a convenience fee. Requires registration and MW must be present in the transaction Priority debit routing commitment required. Cap of $2.00 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Electronic (EIRF) Credit and Signature Electronic Electronic (EIRF) Debit Electronic (EIRF) Prepaid 2.30% 1.75% 1.80% $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 Key-Entered due to unreadable magnetic stripe and did not meet CPS/Retail Key-Entered requirements. Authoiized. Mail or phone order and did not meet CPS/Card Not Present requirements. Did not meet other CPS market specific requirements. Unattended Terminal transactions greater than $15.00, except for Local & Submban Commuter Passenger Transport (4111), Passenger Railways (4112). and Bus Lines (4131). For PassengerTransport (3000-3300,4112,4511): last 13 positions of merchant name must contain eillier description ofancillaiy purchase orticket number, ancillary data must be present (ancillary service category 1, ancillary ticket document number, issuedinconncction with ticket number, and passenger name). Authorization is Referral/Voice-Authorized transaction. Transaction date is 3 days old. Bill payment transactions must include bill payment indicators. Signature or Infinite card transactions, CPS qualified at Travel Service Merchants including. Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railway (4112), Cruise Lines (4411), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441,7512,7513), Travel Agencies (4722), Restaurants (5812), and Fast Food (5814). Cap of$0.95 on consumer debit and prepaid transactions and cap ofSl. 10 on consumer credit transactions at Service Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Signature Preferred Electronic Infinite (High Net Worth) Electronic 2.40% 2.40% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (Hi^ Net Worth) cards that meet existing requirements for EIRF. CPS-qualified, Signature Preferred and Infinite (Hi^ Net Worth) transactions at Travel Service merchants (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Infinite (High Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualification threshold set by Visa. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Signature Preferred Retail Inflnite (High Net Worth) Retail 2.10% 2.10% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Supcrmarket, CPS/Retail Key Entry, or CPS/Small Ticket at Non-Travel Service (3000-3999,4112, 4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513) merchants. Infinite (High Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qaalificaiion threshold set by Visa. Ciiaritable & Social Service Organizations (8398) and Utilities (4900) not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Signature Preferred Card Not Present Infinite (High Net Worth) Card Not Present 2.40% 2.40% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, CPS/E-Commerce Preferred, CPS/Account Funding at Non-Travel Service (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513) merchants. Infirutc (High Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualification threshold set by Visa. Charitable & Social Service Organizations (8398) and Utilities (4900) not eligible for this ptogtaiiL Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Signature Pref Business to Business Infinite (High Net Worth) Business to Business 2.10% 2.10% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards that meet existing requirements for ai^ CPS program. Infinite (High Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualification threshold set by Visa. Eligible Merchanls: Business-to-Business MCCs 0780, 1799,2741.2791,2842.4214,5021.5039,5044, 5046,5047,5051,5065, 5074,5085,5099,5131.5137,5139,5169,5192.5193,5198,5199, 7311,7333,7349,7361,7372,7375,7379,7392,7399,7829,8734,8931.8999. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. (IPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 1-2019 Page 3 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective January, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Saks S Per Item SignaUue Preferred Fuel [nfinite (Hi^ Net Worth) Fuel 1.15% 1.15% $0.25 $0.25 Signamre Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Service Station, GPS/Automated Fuel Dispenser, and CPS/Small Ticket Infinite (High Net Worth) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualification threshold set by Visa. Eligible Merchants: Service Stations (5541) or Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542). Purchase date must be within I day ofauth Cap of $1.10 per transaction. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Signature Preferred Standard iniinite (High Net Worth) Standard 2.95% 2.95% $0.10 $0.10 Signature Preferred and Infinite (High Net Worth) cards. Infinite (Hi^i Net Wortii) cards must meet that annual cardholder spend qualification threshold set by Visa. Transaction date is more than 2 days old. Not CPS qualified. Authorization required. Staged Digital Wallet transactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholders. CapofSl.lOon transactions at Service Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542). Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Standard Credit and Signature Standard Standard Debit Standard Prepaid 2.70% 1.90% 1.90% $0.10 $0.25 $0.25 Transaction date is more than three (3) days old. Authorization required. Signature or Infinite cards NOT CPS qualified at a Travel Service Mcrcliants, including Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railway (4112), Cruise Lines (4411), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441,7512,7513), Travel Agencies (4722), Restaurants (5812), and Fast Food (5814). High-risk telemaiketing transactions (5962, 5966,5967). Non-secure E-Commerce transactions. Staged Digital Wallet transactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholden. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Commercial 1.70% 2.15% $0.10 $0.10 Business Debit cards and Business, Signature Business, Business Enhanced, Corporate, and Purchasing Prepaid cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Small Ticket, CPS/Supermarket, GPS/Restaurant, CPS/Service Station, CPS/Automated Fuel Dispenser, CPS/Holel & Car Rental Card Present, or CPS/Passcnger Transport Card Present Quasi-Cash (6050,6051) are eligible for Uiis program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Card Present Debit Conunercia] Retail Prepaid Business Card Not Present Debit Coinntercial Card Not Present Prepaid 2.45% 2.65% $0.10 $0.10 Business Debit cards and Business, Signature Business, Business Enhanced, Corporate, and Purchasing Prepaid cards that meet exbting requirements for CPS/Caid Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, CPS/E- Commerce Preferred, CPS/Hotel & Car Rental Card Not Present, CPS/Passenger Transport Card Not Present, or CPS/Account Funding Business Debit and Prepaid transactions at Utilities (4900) merchants can continue to qualify for lite Utilities program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Tier I Level 2 Business Tier 2 Level 2 Business Tier 3 Level 2 Business Tier 4 Level 2 Con>orate Card Level 2 Purchasing Card Level 2 2.05% 2.05% 2.05% 2.20% 2.50% 2.50% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing and GSA Purchasing Cards. CPS requirements met Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Level 2 data required: Sales Tax (must be between 0.1% and 22% ofthe sales amount - tax exen^it transactions do not qualify). Fuel transactions processed using Real Time Clearing on Business cards can supply either the Sales Tax information or additional fuel data (Business Format Code. Type ofPurchase, Fuel Type, Unit ofMeasure, Quantity, Gross Fuel Price, Miscellaneous Fuel Tax Exen^tion Status) to meet Level 2 data requirements. Corporate and Purchasing card transactions at Marinas, Marine Services, and Supplies (4468), Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets (5499), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), and Fuel Dealers • Fuel Oil, Wood, Coal, and Liquefied Petroleum (5983) not eligible for this program. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend; Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (fonnerly known as Business Enlianced) - spend > $20,000 and <$40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend >$40,000 and <$100,000 (formerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend > $100,000. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Corporate Card Level 2 Fuel Purchasing Card Level 2 Fuel 2.05% 2.05% $0.10 $0.10 Corporate and Purcliasing Cards. CPS requirements met Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812, 5814,7011,7512,7513). Level 2 data required: Sales Tax for Corporate card transactions (must be between 0.1% and 22% ofthe sales amount - lax exen^t transactions do not qualify) and Customer Code for Purchasing card tratisactions. Purchasing with Fleet card transactions also require fuel data requirements: type ofpurchase (I is fuel purchase or 3 is fuel and iwn-fiiel purchase) and fleet fuel data. Fuel transactions processed using Real Time Clearing on Coiporate cards can supply either the Sales Tax infonnation or additional fiiel data (Business Format Code, Type of Purchase, Fueliype, Unit of Measure, Quantity, Gross Fuel Price, Miscellaneous Fuel Tax Exenption Status) to meet Level 2 data requirements. Eligible Merchants: Marinas, Marine Services, and Supplies (4468), Miscellaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores and Specialty Markets (5499), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), and Fuel Dealeis - Fuel Oil, Wood, Coal, and Liquefied Petroleum (5983). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Purchasing Card Level 3 Corporate Card Level 3 1.90% 1.90% $0.10 $0.10 Purchasing GSA Purchasing and Corporate cards. CPS requirements met Non-Travel Service transaclbns (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Level 3 data required, which includes Summary Record - Discount Amount, Freight / Shipping Amoiml, Duty Amount and Account Number and Line Item Detail Record - Item Sequence Number, Item Commodity Code, Item Descriptor, Product Code, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Cost, Discount per Line Item, Line Item Total, and Line Item Detail Indicator. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. GSA Government to Government 1.65%$0.10 GSA Purchasing Cards. Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactlcss / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Authorized. CPS qualified. Eligible Merchants: Government Services (9399), Postal Services - Government (9402). Federal government merchants only. Requires registration with Visa and MW nuist be present Purchase date must be within 1 day ofauth date. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Tier 1 Electronic Business Tier2 Electronic Business Tier 3 Electronic Business Tier4 Electronic 2.40% 2.75% 2.85% 2.95% $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 $0.20 Business cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retafi, CPS/Supeimaiket CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Small Ticket, CPS/Service Station, CPS/Auto Fuel Dispenser, CPS/Catd Not Present, CPS/E- Commerce Preferred. CPS/E-Commerce Basic, CPS/Retail 2. orCPS/Acct Furrding for Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814.7011,7512,7513), Direct Marketing- Travel-Related Arrangement Services (5962), Direct Marketing — Outbound Telemarketing Merchants (5966), and Direct Marketing — Inbound Telemarketing Merchants (5967) and non-secure E-Commerce transactions are not eligible for lliis program. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend: Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (formerly known as Business Enhanced) • spend > $20,000 and < $40,000; Business Tier 3 • spend > $40,000 and < $100,000 (fbtmerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 • spend > $100,000. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Tier I Retail Business Tier 2 Retail BusinessTier3 Retail Business Tier4 Retail Corporate Card Present Purchasing Card Present Purchasing Fleet ' 2.20% 2.30% 2.40% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, and Purchasing (including Fleet) cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Supermarket, CPS/Retail Key Entry, CPS/Small Ticket, CPS/Service Station, or CPS/Auto Fuel Dispenser. Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Level 2 data requirements (Sales Tax and Customer Code) are not met. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on attnual cardholder spend: Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (formerly known as Business Enhanced) - spend > $20,000 and < $40,000; Business Tier 3 - spends $40,000 and <$100,000 (formerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend > $100,000, Purchasing Fleet cards that include Level 2 data but that are not CPS-qualified are eligible for tiiis program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. 3 INTERCHANGE, AA IE SCHEDULE (Effective January, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualiricatlon InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Business Tier 1 Card Not Present Business Tier 2 Card Not Present Business Tier 3 Card Not Present Business Tier 4 Card Not Present Corporate Card Not Present Purchasing Card Not Present 2.25% 2.45% 2.60% 2.70% 2,70% 2.70% SO.IO $0.15 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, and Purchasing cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, CPS/E-Commerce Preferred, or CPS/Account Funding. Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814, 7011,7512,7513). Business cards require AVS. Level 2 data requirements (Sales Tax and Customer Code) are not met. Business card transactions will quali^' for programs based on annual cardholder spend; Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (formerly known as Business Enhanced) - spend > $20,000 and < $40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend > $40,000 and < $100,000 (formerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend > $100,000. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Tier I Bus to Business Business Tier2 Bus to Business Busiiess Tier 3 Bus to Business Business Tier 4 Bus to Business 2.10% 2,25% 2,40% 2.50% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Busincsscards that meet existing requirements for any CPS program by Non-Travel Service merchants. Eligible Merchants: Business to Business MCCs 0780, 1799,2741,2791,2842,4214,5021,5039,5044, 5046,5047,5051,5065,5074,5085,5099,5131,5137,5139,5169,5192,5193.5198,5199,7311,7333.7349.7361,7372,7375,7379,7392,7399,7829,8734,8931,8999. Level 2 data requirements (Sales Tax and Customer Code) are not met. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend: Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (formerly known as Business Enhanced) - spend > $20,000 and < $40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend > $40,000 and < $100,000 (formerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend > $100,000. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Corporate Card Travel Service Purchasing Card Travel Service 2.65% 2,65% $0.10 $0.10 Corporate and Purchasing cards that meet existing requirements for any CPS program at Travel Service merchants (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Purchasing Standard wiili Data Corporate Standard with Data 2.95% 2.95% $0,10 $0.10 Non-GSA Purchasing and Corporate cards. Level 3 data rcquiremcnis met but CPS requirements not met for Non-Travel Service transactions (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814.7011,7512, 7513). Level 3 data requirements include Summaiy Record • Discount Amount, Freight/Shipping Amount, Duty Amount and Account Number and Line Item Detail Record - Item Sequence Number, Item Commodity Code, Item Descriptor, Product Code, Quantity, Unit ofMeasure, Unit Cost, Discount per Line Item, Line Item TotaL and Line Item Detail Indicator. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Straight Through Processing (STP) Tier] Straight Through Processing (STP) Tier 2 Strai^t Through Processing (STP) Tier 3 Strai^t Through Processing (STP) Tier 4 Straight Through Processing (STP) Tiers 2.00% 1.30% 1.10% 0.95% 0.80% $0.10 $35,00 $35,00 $35,00 $35.00 Corporate, Purchasing, and GSA Purchasing cards that meet the existing requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Authorization required. Must include the Market-Specific Data Indicator of"J" identifying the transaction as Straight Through Processing Visa Straight-Through Processing is a buyer-initiated transaction service that automates invoice-based payments for buyers and suppliers and allows cardholders to submit o transaction directly to the merchant's acquirer through the Visa Payablcs Automation Service, Tier I < $7,000; Tier 2 > $7,000 and < $15,000; Tier 3 > $15,000 and <550,000; Tier 4 > $50,000 and <5100,000; Tier 5 > $100,000, Level 2 and 3 data is not required. Maximum 2 days to deposit and settle, Global Business-to-Business Virtual Payments 2,00%$0.00 Virtual Commercial Credit cards issued in any country used for transactions between online travel agencies (OTAs), travel service providers, and other travel payment providers (both domestic and international) and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines, hotels, and car rental con^janies) under the Visa Business-to-Business Virtual Payment Program. Key-Entered / Authorization required. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Transaction must be less llian $749,999.99. Eligible Merchants: Hotels (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441,7512), Truck & Utility Trailer Rentals (7513), Passenger Transport (3000-3300,4511,4112), Cruise Lines/Steamships (4411), Bus Lines (4131), Aiiports, Flying Fields, & Airport Terminals (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Marketing - Travel-related Arrangement Service (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentals (6513), Timesharcs (7012), Sporting & Recreational Catrqrs (7032), Trailer Parks & Campgrounds (7033), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Motor Home & Recreational Vehicle Rentals (7519),Tourist Attractions & Exhibits (7991), Membership Clubs, Country Clubs, & Private GolfCourses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Business Tier 1 Standard Business Tier 2 Standard Business Tier 3 Standard Business Tier 4 Standard Business Standard Debit Corporate Standard Purchasing Standard Commercial Standard Prepaid 2.95% 2,95% 2,95% 2,95% 2,95% 2,95% 2.95% 2,95% $0,20 $0.20 $0.20 $0,25 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, and Purchasing Cards. Transaction date is more than 2 days old. Not CPS qualified. Authorization required. Staged Digital Wallet trarrsactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to initiate purchases for Vba cardholders. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend: Business Tier 1 - spend < $20,000; Business Tier 2 (formerly known as Business Enhanced) • spend > $20,000 and <$40,000; Business Tier 3 - spend > $40,000 and < $100,000 (formerly known as Signature Business); Business Tier 4 - spend > $100,000. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Larf^eTifket 1.20%$39.00 GSA Purchasing cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/Retail, CPS/Key Entry, CPS/Service Station, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Level 2 (sales tax and customer code) and Level 3 (Summary Record - Discount Amount, Freight / Shipping Amount, Duly Amount and Account Number and Line Item Detail Record - Item SequetKe Number, Item Commodity Code, Item Descriptor, Product Code, Quantity, Unit ofMeasure, Unit Cost, Discount per Line Item, Line Item Total, and Line Item Detail Indicator) data is required. Not applicable to Travel Service (3000- 3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814, 7011,7512,7513). Authorization required. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. GSA Purchasing Card Large Ticket (IPI) BAMS.MVD.FI8.2.1C_Gross 1-2019 Page 5 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective January, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item ComnKTcial Product Large Ticket Purchasing Card Large Ticket Prepaid 1.45% 1.45% $35.00 $35.00 Non-GSA Purchasing and Corporate cards that meet existing requirements for CPS/RetaiT, CPS/Supermarfcet, CPS/Key Entry, GPS/Service Station, CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commcrce Basic, or CPS/E- Commerce Preferred and non-GSA Purchasing prepaid cards that meet exbting requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Comroerce Basic, or CPS/E-Commerce Preferred. Level 2 (sales tax and customer code) and Level 3 (Summary Record - Discount Amount, Freight / Shipping Amount, Duty Amount and Account Number and Line Item Detail Record - Item Sequence Number, Item Commodity Code, Item Descriptor, Product Code, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Cost, Discount per Line Item, Line Item Total, and Line Item Detail Indicator) data b required. Non-Travel Service transactions (3000- 3999,4112,4411,4511,4722,5812, 5814,7011,7512,7513). Authorization required. Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. Large Purchase Advantage 1 Large Purchase Advantage 2 Large Purchase Advantage 3 Large Purchase Advantage 4 0.70% 0.60% 0.50% 0.40% $49.50 $52.50 $55.50 $58.50 Visa Large Purchase Advantage (VLPA) cards, including botli GSA Purchasing and non-GSA Purchasing cards, tliat meet exbting requirements for CPS/Card Not Present, CPS/E-Commcrce Basic, or CPS/E- Commerce Preferred for Non-Travel Service merchants (3000-3999.4112,4411,4511,4722,5812,5814,7011,7512,7513). Transaction amount must be greater than $10,000 (Rate 1 > $10,000 and < $25,000; Rate 2 > $25,000 and <$100,000; Rate 3 > $100,000 and <$500,000; Rate 4 > $500,000). Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. Iiilerreginnal 2.05%$0.00 Consumer cards. Non U.S. bsued caidsat a U.S. mercliant location or cards issued u a different region at a U.S. Teiritoiy ornon-U.S. location. Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Standard Interregional Electronic 1.55%$0.00 Consumer cards. Non U.S. bsued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cords issued in a diircrenl region at a U.S. Tcnitoiy ornon-U.S. location. Card Present/Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read/ Signature Obtained / Authorized. Airline transactions (MCCs 3000-3300 or 4511) must have itinerary data and ancilb^' purchase data, when applicable. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Regulated Debit 0.50%$0.22 Regulated Consumer Debit and Prepaid, Business Debit, and Commercial Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card inieichange. U.S. Teriitoiy bsued cards at a U.S. meichaiit location or U.S. bsued cards at a U.S. Territory locatioa U.S. Territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and U.S. Minor Outlyii^ Islands in the AP region and Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands in the LAC regioa Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Vba International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Business Intenegional Corporate Interregional Purchasing 2.45% 2.45% 2.45% $0.00 $0.00 50.00 Business, Signature Business, Platinum Business, Infinite Business, Corporate, and Purchasing cards, including Business Rewards cards issued in the Asia Pacific region and Prepaid Fleet cards bsued in tlie Latin America and Caribbean regioa Non U.S. bsued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cards bsued in a difierent region at a U.S. Teiritoiy or non-U.S. locatioa Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Vba International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Consumer Premium 2.25%SO.OO Platinum cards bsued in tlie Latin America and Caribbean (LAC), Asia Pacific (AP), Central Europe / Middle East / Africa (CEMEA), and Europe regions; Platinum Prepaid cards issued in the LAC, AP, CEMEA, and Canada regions; Traditional Rewards cards issued in the CEMEA region; Infinite cards bsued in Canada; and Select cards bsued in the Europe region at a U.S. merchant location and Signature cards bsued in the U.S. region at a iton-U.S. or U.S. Teiritoiy merchant locatioa Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Consumer Super Premium 2.42%so.oo Infinite and Signature cards bsued in the Asia Pacific, CEMEA, Europe, and LAC regions; Infinite Privilege Consumer cards bsued in Canada at a U.S. merchant location; Signature Preferred cards bsued in the U.S. region at a non-US. merchant location; Ultra High Net Worth cards bsued in the Asia Pacific and CEMEA regions; Infinite (High Net Worth) cards issued In the U.S. region at a non-U.S. merchant locatioa Maxinnun 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional E-Commerce Merchant 1.89%$0.00 Consumer caids. Non U.S. issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cords Issued in a different region at a U.S. Territory ornon-U.S. locatioa Authorized within 7 days ofpurcliase (shipping) date. Authorized amount must match clearing amount. Transactions must be Card Not Present, Key-Entered, E-Commerce transactions. Requires Verified by Visa. Transactions must be cliannel ctKiypted and include tlie E-Commercc Indicator, and utilize 3-D Secure Verification Service processing requirements. Airline transactions (MCCs 3000-3300 or 4511) must liavc itinerary data and ancilloiy purchase data, when applicable. Rate includes the Visa International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Secure E-Commerce 1.89%$0.00 Consumer cards. Non U.S. bsued caidsat a U.S. merchant location or cards issued in a different region at a U.S. Territory ornon-U.S. locatioa Authorized within 7 days ofpurchase (sliippin^ date. Authorized amount must match cleaiii^ amount. Transactions must be Card Not Present, Key-Entered, E-Commerce transactions. Requires Verified by Visa. Transactions must be cliannel encrypted and include the E-Commerce Indicator, and utilize 3-D Secure Verification Service processing requirements. Airline transactions (MCCs 3000-3300 or 4511) must have itinerary data and ancillary purchase data, wlien applicable. Rate includes the Vba International Acquirer Fee. Interregional Issuer Chip 1.65%so.oo Consumer cards. Non U.S. issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or cards issued in a different region at a U.S. Territory or non-U.S. locatioa Card Present / Magnetic Stripe Read (not Chip Read) / Signature Obtamed / Authorized. Card bsuer must be cliip qualified. Airline transactions (MCCs 3000-3300 or 4511) must have itinerary data and aiKilbiy purchase data, when applicable. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Visa Inlcmational Acquirer Fee. Visa Assessments - Credit Visa Assessments - Debit & Prepaid 0.14% 0.13% $0.00 $0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all Vba transactions. Transaction Integrity Fee 0.00%$0.10 Fee charged on each signature debit transaction (includii^ Consumer and Business debit cards and Consumer and Commercial Prepaid cards) and each credit transaction (including Consumer Credit, Corporate, Purchasing, and Business cards) that does not meet the qualification criteria defined under tlie Vba U.S. Custom Payment Service (CPS) program, including Staged Digital Wallet transactions. Fee will also apply to International Airline Program (lAP) transactions on U.S. isst V '--"rfr at U.S. merchant locations. (IPl)BAMS.M',2.IC Gross 1-2019 Page 6 INTERCHANGii, ixaTE SCHEDULE (Effeciivc January, 2019) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qtialiflcation InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Zero Dollar Verification Message Fee 0.00%$0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Verification messages, itKludii^ both approved and declined, AVS, and SMS account verification transactions. Account Verification transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVV2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual authorization. Partial Authorization Non Participation Fee (PANPF)0.00%SO.Ol Fee assessed on Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) transactions that do not support partial authorization. Global Business-to-Business Virtual Payments Program Fee 1,55%$0.00 Fee applies to transactions tliat qualify for tlie Visa Global Business-to-Business Virtual Payments Program for virtual card transactions between online travel agencies (OTAs), travel service providers, and other travel payment providers (both domestic and international) and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines, hotels, and car rental companies). Eligible Merclrants: Hotels (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441, 7512), Truck & Utility Trailer Rentals (7513), Passenger Transport (3000-3300,4511,4112), Cruise Lines / Steamships (4411), Bus Lines (4131), Airports, Flying Fields, & Airport Terminals (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Maiketing-Tiavel-related Arrangement Service (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentals (6513), Timeshares (7012), Spotting & Recreational Can^s (7032), Trailer Parks & Canpgrounds (7033), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Motor Home & Recreational Vehicle Rentab (7519), Tourbt Attractions & Exhibits (7991), Membership Clubs, Counny Clubs, & Private GolfCourses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Irr^jlementationofthb fee has been delayed to a fiiture date. Authorization System Misuse Fee 0.00%$0.09 Fee assessed on all Visa approved authorizations wliichare not followed by a matching Vba clearing transaction (or not reversed in the case ofa cancelled transaction). Following processing integrity timcfiames apply: Travel & Entertainment authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Car Rental Agencies (3351-3500,7512), Lodging - Hotels, Motels, and Resorts (3501-3999,7011), Steamship and Cruise Lines (4411), Truck and Utility Trailer Rentals (7513) have up to 30 calendar days to process an authorization reversal and up to 30 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for both card present and card not present authorizations. Transit and Rental autliorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Local / Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation, including Ferries (4111), Passenger Railways (4112), Bus Lines (4131), Boat Rentals and Leasing (4457), Trailer Parks and Can^igrounds (7033), Equipment, Tool, Fuminire and Appliance Rental and Leasing (7394), Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rentab (7519), Recreation Services-not elsewhere cbssified (7999) liavcup to 7 calendar days to process an authorization reversal and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for both card ptesent and card not present authorizations. Authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Taxicabs and Limousines (4121), Eating Places and Restaurants (5812), Drinking Pbces-Bars, Taverns, Niglitclubs, Cocktail Lounges, and Dbcotheques (5813), and Amusement Parks, Circuses, Camivab, and Fortune Tellers (7996) have up to 1 calendar day to process an authorization reversal for card present authorizations and up to 3 calendardays to process an authorization reversal for card not present authorizations and up to lOcalendardays to process a clearing transaction for all authorizations. Authorizations at any MCC without an estimated authorization indicator have up to 1 calendar day to process an authorization reversal for card present authorizations and up to 3 calendar days to process an authorization reversal for card not present authorizations and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for all autliorizations. Billed on a one month bg. Zero Floor Limit Fee 0.00%$0.20 Fee assessed on all Vba clearing transactions tliat are not authorized. Processing integrity timeframes tliat apply to the Visa Authorization System Misuse Fee abo apply to the Vba Zero Floor Limit Fee. Staged Digital Wallet Fee 0.00%$0.10 Fee assessed on all Vba Staged Digital Wallet purchase transactions that use a separate, non-Vba account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholders. Fee does not apply to Staged Digital Wallet credit voucher (sales return / refund) transacdons. International Service Assessment (ISA) Base 0.80%$0.00 Fee assessed on international transactions where tlie merchant b in the U.S. and the issuer country b non-U.S, and the transaction is settled in U.S. doUars. International Service Assessment (ISA) Etthanced 1.20%so.oo Fee assessed on international transactions where the merchant is in the U.S. and the bsuer country b non-U.S, and the transacdon b NOT settled in U.S. dolbrs. Late Acceptance or No Response to Dispute Fee 0.00%$0.50 Fee assessed on each Visa cha^back forwhich either the merchant provides no response to the cliatgeback notification or replies back to tlie chargeback notificadon with acceptance of the liability more than 20 days after the date fi'om wliich Visa initiates die chargeback with Bank ofAmerica Mercliant Services. This date on wliich Vba initiates die cliargeback with Bank of America Merchant Services should not be confused with, and may be earlier than, die date on which you receive nodce of the chargeback. As a best practice, merchanb should respond to all chargebacks by die due date provided on the chargeback notification ftom Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services. Late Response to Dispute Fee 0.00%$1.35 Fee assessed on each Visa chargeback forwhich the merchant replies back to the chargeback notificationwithdocumentadon to refute the chargeback more than 20 days after the date from which Vba inidates die chargeback with Bank of America Mercliant Services. Tlib date on which Visa initbtes the chargeback with Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services should not tie confused with, and may be earlier than, the date on which you receive notice ofthe chargeback. As a best practice, mercfiants should respond to all cliargebacks by the due date provided on the cliargeback nodficadon fixim Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services. (IPl) BAMS.MVD.Fl8.2.IC_Gross 1-2019 Page 7 Visa® Pass-through Fees Schedule (Effective January, 2019) The following fees result from charges assessed to Servicers from Visa and are subject to increases, decreases, and additional new fees imposed by Visa. Fee Category Rates Visa Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Vba Assessments - Credit Visa Assessments - Debit & Prepaid 0.14% 0.13% $0.00 $0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all Visa transactions. Network Acquirer Processing Fee (NAFF) n Credit Network Acquirer Processing Fee (NAPF) - Debit & Prepaid 0.00% 0.00% $0.0195 $0.0155 Fee assessed on all Visa authorization attempts. Docs not apply to $0 Account Verification messages. Real Titrte Clearing pre-authorization requests, autlwrization reversals, authorizations ofpurchase retum or refund transactions, chargcback responses, and other administrative messages. Visa BASE II Credit Voucher Fee - Credit Visa BASE II Credit Voucher Fee - Debit & Prepaid 0.00% 0.00% $0.0195 $0.0155 Fee assessed on all Visa credit voucher (sales return / refund) transactions. Visa BASE 11 System File Transmission Fee 0.00%$0.0018 Fee assessed on all Visa transactions transmitted througli tire Visa BASE II scRlement system, including sales / purcliases, sales returns / refunds, sales reversals, cliargebacks, and chargeback reversals. Zero Dollar Verification Message Fee 0.00%$0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Verification messages, including both approved and declined, AVS, and SMS account verification transactions. Account Verification transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardliolder account numbers and other elements, such as CVV2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual authorizatioa Authorization System Misuse Fee 0.00%$0.09 Fee assessed on all Visa approved authorizations which are not followed by a matching Visa clearing transaction (or not reversed in the case ofa cancelled transaction). Following processing integrity limeframes apply: Travel & Entertainment authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Car Rental Agencies (3351-3500,7512), Lodging-Hotels, Motels, and Resorts (3501-3999,7011), Steamship and Cruise Lines (4411), Truck and Utility Trailer Rentals (7513) have up to 30 calendar days to process an authorization reversal and up to 30 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for both card present and card not present authorizations. Transit and Rental authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Local / Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation, including Ferries (4111), Passenger Railways (4112), Bus Lines (4131), Boat Rentals and Leasing (4457), Trailer Parks and Campgrounds (7033), Equipment, Tool, Furniture and Appliance Rental and Leasing (7394), Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rentals (7519), Recreation Services • not elsewhere classified (7999) have up to 7 calendar days to process an authorization reversal and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for both card present and card not present authorizations. Authorizations with an estimated authorization indicator at Taxicabs and Limousines (4121), Eating Places and Restaurants (5812), Drinking Places - Bars, Taverns, Nightclubs, Cocktail Lounges, and Discotheques (5813), and Amusement Parks, Circuses, Carnivals, and Fortune Tellers (7996) have up to 1 calendar day to process an authorization reversal for card present autliorizations and up to 3 calendar days to process an autliorization reversal for card not present authorizations and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for all authorizations. Authorizations at any MCC without an estimated authorization indicator have up to 1 calendar day to process an authorization leveisal for card present authorizations and up to 3 calendar days to process an authorization reversal for card not present authorizations and up to 10 calendar days to process a clearing transaction for all authorizations. Billed on a one month lag. Zero Floor Limit Fee 0.00%$0.20 Fee assessed on all Visa clearing transactions that are not authorized. Processing integrity timeframes tliat apply to tlie Visa Authorization System Misuse Fee also apply to the Visa Zero Floor Limit Fee. Partial Authorization Non Participation Fee (PANPF)0.00%$0.01 Fee assessed on Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) trairsactions that do not support partial autliorizatioa Global Busincss-to-Business Virtual Payments Program Pec 1.55%$0.00 Fee applies to transactions tliat qualify for lire Visa Global Business-to-Business Virtual Payments Program for virtual card transactions between online travel agencies (OTAs), travel service providers, and other travel payment providers (both domestic and itUemational) and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines, hotels, and car rental companies). Eligible Merchants: Hoteb (3501-3999,7011), Car Rental (3351-3441, 7512), Truck & Utility Trailer Rentals (7513), Passenger Transport (3000-3300,4511,4112), Cruise Lines / Steamships (4411), Bus Lines (4131), Airports, Flying Fields, & Airport Terminals (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Marketing - Travel-related Arrangement Service (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentals (6513), Timeshares (7012), Sporting & Recreational Canqrs (7032), Trailer Parks & Campgrounds (7033), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Motor Home & Recreational Vehicle Rentals (7519), Tourist Attractions & Exhibits (7991), Membership Clubs, Country Clubs, & Private GolfCourses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). lnq)Iementationofthis fee lias been delayed to a future date. Staged Digital Wallet Fee 0.00%$0.10 Fee assessed on all Visa Staged Digital Wallet pureliase transactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholders. Fee does not apply to Staged Digital Wallet credit voucher (sales return / refund) transactions. Transaction Integrity Fee 0.00%$0.10 Fee charged on each signature debit transaction (including Consumer and Business debit cards and Consumer and Commercial Prepaid cards) and each credit transaction (including Consumer Credit, Corporate, Purchasing, and Business cards) tliat docs not meet the qualification criteria defined under the Visa U.S. Custom Payment Service (CPS) program, including Staged Digital Wallet transactions. Fee will also apply to International Airline Program (lAP) transactions on U.S. issued cards at U.S. merchant locations. International Service Assessment (ISA) Base 0.80%$0.00 Fee assessed on international transactions where the merchant is in the U.S. and the issuer country is non-U.S, and the transaction is settled in U.S. dollars. International Service Assessment (ISA) Enhanced 1.20%$0.00 Fee assessed on international transactions where the merchant is in tlie U.S. and the issuer country is non-U.S, and the transaction is NOT settled in U.S. dollars. (VPT) VS Pass-:, , .r Fees Schedule 1-2019 Page 1 Visa® Pass-th Fees Schedule (Effeeiivd January, 2019) Fee Category Rates Visa Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item International Acquirer Fee (lAF)0.45%$0.00 Fee assessed on all transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. issued card. Billed as part ofthe applicable interchange fees. [ntemational Acquirer Fee (lAF) High Risk 0.45%$0.00 Fee assessed on all transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. issued card for Hi^ Risk merchants in Direct Mad;eting - Travel-Related Arrangement Services (5962), Direct Marketing - Outbound Telemarketing Merchants (5966), and Direct Marketing - Inbound Telemarketing Merchants (5967). [^tc Acceptance or No Response to Dispute Fee 0.00%$0.50 Fee assessed on each Visa chargeback for which either the merchant provides no response to the cliargeback notification or replies back to the chargeback notification with acceptance ofthe liability more than 20 days after the date from which Visa initiates the chargeback with Bank of America Merchant Services. This date on which Visa initiates the chargeback with Bank of America Merchant Services should not be confused with, and may be earlier tlian, the date on which you receive notice ofthe chargeback. As a best practice, merchants should respond to all chargebacks by the due date provided on the chaigeback notification fiom Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services. Late Response to Dispute Fee 0.00%$1.35 Fee assessed on each Visa chargeback for which the merchant replies back to the chargeback notification with documentation to refute the chargeback more than 20 days after the date from which Visa initiates the chargeback with Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services. This date on which Visa initiates the chargeback with Bank of America Merchant Services should not be confused witli, and maybe earlier than, the date on which you receive notice ofthe chargeback. As a best practice, merchants should respond to all chargebacks by the due date provided on the chargeback notification fiom Bank of America Merchant Services. (VPT) VS Pass-through Fees Schedule 1-2019 Page 2 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective October, 2018) This Interchange Rate Schedule inclusive. In the event of any am For a complete list, call the num and fees, please call Customer S( jontains a summary of the primary qualification criteria established by Visa®, Mastercard®, and Discover® Network (sometimes referred to as Discover) for most intcichange programs - it is not all liguity or conflict, the interchange requirements established by the Card Organizations (sometimes referred to as associations) will determine the interchange programs at which your transactions qualify. )er on your merchant statement. Please note that Discover Network fees apply only to Discover transactions acquired by Bank ofAmerica Merchant Services. For more information regarding your Rates Tvice. Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item MASTERCARD Merit III Merit III Enhanced World Merit III High Value Merit 11! World Elite Merit III Merit lU Debit 1.58% 1.73% 1.77% 2.20% 2.20% 1.05% $0.10 SO. 10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer, Enlianccd, World, and World Elite cards. Face to Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaclless / Cliip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Eligible merchants include Retail and Restaurants (5812). Airline (3000-3300,4511) and Passenger Railways (4112) transactions require general ticket information and trip leg data. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10% (up to 25% for Beauty and Barber Shops - 7230 for transactions up to $25). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5312), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Airlines (3000-3300, 4511), Passenger Railways (4112), and Limousines & Taxis (4121). Key-entered transactions. Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542), Utilities (4900), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512, 7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999, 7011), Cruise Lmes (4411), Insurance (6300), and Real Estate Agents & Managers (6513) are not eligible for this program. World and World Elite transactions at Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railways (4112), Restaurants (5812), Travel Agencies (4722) are not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit 0.05%$0.21 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. Issuer has NOT certified its fraud prevention procedures. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations of B (Base). Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit with Fraud Adjustment 0.05%$0.22 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Oiganizations as being subject to the June 29.2011 Federal Reserve final nile on Debit Card interchange. Issuer has certified its fiaud prevention procedures. Rale Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations of 1 (Base plus Fraud Adjustment). Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. ICcy Entered Key Entered Enhanced World Key Entered High Value Key Entered World Elite Key Entered Key Entered Debit ICey Entered Prepaid 1.89% 2.04% 2.05% 2.50% 2.50% 1.60% 1.76% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards at a non-T&E Mercliant. Face to Face / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Worid & World Elite transactions at Restaurants (5812) are not eligible for this program. Authorization and settlement amounts can difTer up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814). T&E (3000-3999,4112,4411,4511,7011,7512,7513,7519), Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542), Real Estate Agents & Managers (6513), Insurance (5960,6300), Utilities (4900), Travel Agencies (4722), Telecommunications (4812,4814), Cable / Satellite (4899), Barber & Beauty Shops (7230), and Mail / Telephone Order (5962,5964, 5965,5966,5967,5968,5969) not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Merit I Merit I Enhanced World Merit I High Value Merit I World Elite Merit I Merit 1 Debit Merit I Prepaid 1.89% 2.04% 2.05% 2.50% 2.50% 1.60% 1.76% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 $0.20 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized / does not meet Key-Entered or Lodging & Auto Rental requirements. E-Commeree, Mail or Phone order. Airlines (3000-3300,4511) and Passenger Railways (4112) transactions require general ticket information. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10% (up to 25% for Beauty & Barber Shops - 7230 for transactions up to $25). Authorization and settlement amounts do not liave to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Lodging (3501-3999 or 7011), Vehicle Rental (3351- 3500,7512,7513,7519), Cruise Line / Steamship (4411), Limousines & Taxis (4121), non Face to Face transactions (mail order and phone order), and E-Commcrce transactions if all E-Commerce indicatore present Utilities (4900), Insurance (5960,6300), and Real Estate Agents & Managers (6513) not eligible for this program. World and World Elite transactions at Restaurants (5812), Airlines (3000-3300, 4511), Passenger Railways (4112), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Cruise Lines/Steamships (4411), Travel Agencies (4722) not eligible for this program. Non Face to Face and E-Commeree transactions with all E-Commerce identifiers are exenpt fiom timeliness edits. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511), 3 days for all other merchants. Small Ticket E)ebit 1.55%$0.04 Consumer Debit cards. Transaction amount $15.00 or less / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Cliip Read / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Commuter Transport (4111), Limousines & Taxis (4121), Bus Lines (4131), Bridge & Road Fees/Tolls (4784), Variety Stores (5331), Convenience Stores (5499), Restaurants (5812), Fast Food (5814), News Dealers/Newsstands (5994), Laundry Services- Family & Commercial (7211), Dry Cleaners (7216), Quick Copy - Reproduction & Blueprinting Services (7338). Parking Lots and Garages (7523), Car Waslies (7542). Govenimcnt Owned Lottery (7800), Motion Picture Theatres (7832), Videotape Rental Stores (7841), and Postal Services - Govemment (9402). Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), and Limousines & Taxis (4121). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit Small Ticket Regulated Debh Small Ticket whh Fraud Adjustment 0.05% 0.05% $0.21 $022 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card inferchar^. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations ofS (Regulated Small Ticket Base). Transaction amount $10.00 or less / Card Present / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Fast Food Restaurants (5814) and Videotape Rental Stores (7841). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Restaurant Debit 1.19%$0.10 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Cliip Read / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to matclu Eligible Merchants: Fast Food (5814) and Restaurants (5812). Transaction amount $60.00 or less for Restaurants (5812). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. World Restaurant HIgli Value Restaurant World Elite Restaurant 1.73% 2.20% 2.20% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 World and Worid Elite cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized / Transactions amount $60.00 or less. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Mercliants: Restaurants (5312). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Convenience Purchase ConvenieiKe Purchase Enhanced World Convenience Purchase High Value Convp^it-'^ P-irchase Worid Elite Convi-' ;jrchase 1.90% 1.90% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaclless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Fast Food (5814), Convenience Stores (5499), Movie Theaters (7832), Limousines and Taxis (4121), Variety Stores (5331), and Government Owned Lotteiy (7800). Transaction amount $25.00 or less for Limousines and Taxb (4121). Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%, Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Fast Food (5814) and Limousines & Taxis (4121). Seivice Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. (MPl) BAMS.b 8.2.IC Gross 10-2018 Page 1 INTERCHANGE ivATE SCHEDULE (Effeccivc vcictober, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Emeiging Mailcets Debit 0.80%$0.25 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic Sw^ not required / Electronically Authorized. Eligble Merchants: Transportation (4111), Cable/Satellite/Other Pay Television/Radio Stations (4899), Direct Marketing Insurance Services (5960), Insurance Sales, Underwriting and Premiums (6300), Bridges & Road Fees/Tolls (4784), and Passenger Railways (4112). Authorization and settlement amounts can diiferup to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liave to match for Passenger Railways (4112). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Emerging Marfcets Debit - Education and Goventmcnl 0.65%$0.15 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic Swipe not required/Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants; Government Owned Lottery (7800), Court Costs (9211), Fines (9222), Bail / Bond Payments (9223), Tax Payments (9311), Government Services (9399), Schools - Elementary & Secondary (8211), Colleges / Universities / Professional Schools/Junior Colleges (8220), Schoob and Educational Services not elsewhere classified (8299), and Postal Services - Government (9402). Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Cap of$2.00. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Merit 1 - Real Estate Merit I Enhanced - Real Estate World Merit I - Real Estate High Value Merit 1 - Real Estate Worid Elite Merit I - Real Estate Merit I - Real Estate Debit 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 2.20% 2.20% 1.10% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.10 $0.10 $0.00 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized / does not rrreet Key-Entered requirements. E-Commerce, Mail or Phone order. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for non Face to Face (mail order and phone order) and E-Commcrce transactions ifallE-Corrunetce indicators present. Eligible Merchants; Real Estate Agents and Managers - Rentals (6513). Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce identifiers are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Merit I - Insurance Merit I Enhanced - Insurance Worid Merit I — Insurance Hi^i Value Merit I - Insurance World Elite Merit I - Insirrance 1.43% 1.43% 1.43% 2.20% 2.20% $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized / does not meet Key-Entered requirements. E-Cotnmcrce, Mail or Phone order. Authorization and settlement amounts can diiferup to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match fornon Face to Face (mail order and phone order) and E-Commcrce transactions ifall E-Commerce indicators present Eligible Merchants: Direct Marketing Insurance Services (5960) and Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums (6300). Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E- Commerce identifiers arc exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Merit I Consumer Loan 0.80%$0.25 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized / does not meet Key-Entered or Lod^g & Auto Rental requirements. E-Commerce, Mail or Phone order. Eligible Merchants: Quasi-Cash-Merchant (6051) and Merchandbe & Services - FinaiKiai Institutions (6012). Authorizationandsettlement amounts can differup to 10%anddonot have to match for non Face to Face transactions (mail order and phone order) and E-Commerce transactions ifall E-Commerce indicators present Requires registration and Mastercard Assigned ID (MAID) must be present. Merchant can charge a convenience fee up to $4.95. Cap of$2.95. Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce identifiers are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum days to deposit & settle b 3 days. Supermarket Supermarket Enhanced World Supermarket High Value Supermarket World Elite Supennaritet Supermarket Debit 1.48% 1,48% 1.58% 1.90% 1.90% 1.05% SO. 10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Face to Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Cap ofSO.35 on consumer debit transactions only. Eligible Merchants; Supermaiket (5411). Maximum! days to deposit & settle. PubUc Sector Public Sector Enhanced Worid Public Sector High Value Public Sector Worid Elite Public Sector 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 Consumer, Enhanced, World and World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Government Owned Lottery (7800), Court Costs & Alimony and Child Support (9211), Fines (9222), Bail and Bond Payments (9223), Tax Payments (9311), Government Services (9399), Transportation - Suburban & Local Commuter (4111), Bridges & Road Fees/Tolb (4784), Postal Services - Government (9402), and Passenger Railways (4112). Aulliorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Passenger Railways (4112). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Charities Credit Charities Debit 2.00% 1.45% $0.10 $0.15 Consumer, Enhanced, World, World Elite, Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, and Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchant; Cliarttable & Social Service Organizations (8398). Authorization and settlement amounts can differup to 10%. Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce identifiers are exerr^t from timeliness edib, and authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Humanitarian Standard 1.65%$0.00 Prepaid cards issued in the U.S. used for humanitarian aid. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amouDts to not have to match. Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Slandard Standard Enhanced World Standard High Value Standard World Elite Standard Standard Debit 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% 3.25% 3.25% 1.90% $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 $0.25 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Lodging & Auto Rental Lodging & Auto Rental Enhanced Lodging & Auto Rental Debit 1.58% 1.80% 1.15% $0.10 $0.10 $0,15 Consumer and Enhanced cards. Magnetic swipe not required/Electronically Authorized. Requires enriched data fields in authorization and settlemenL Transactions must include mandatory fields ofVehicle Rental (Rental Agreement Number, Renter Name, Rental Return Address, Rental Return Date, Rental Check-out Date, Customer Service Phone Number) or Ixjdging Addendum record (Arrival Date, Departure Date, Folio Number, Property Phone Number, Customer Service Phone Number). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Mercliants: Vehicle Rental (3351-3500, 7512,7513, 7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), and Cruise Lines (4411). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. (MPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.1C_Gross 10-2018 Page 2 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective October, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item World T&E High Value T&E World Elite T&E 2.30% 2.75% 2.75% $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 World and Worid Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999 or 7011), Travel Agencies (4722), Cruise Line / SteamsWp (4411) and Restaurants (5812). Worid Elite transactions at Airiines (3000-3300,4511) are not eligible for this program. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Airline, Vehicle Rental, and Lodging transactions must be accompanied by a Passenger Transport, Vehicle Rental, or Lodging addendum record, respectively. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511), 3 days for all othcrmerchants. High Value T&E Large Ticket World Elite T&E Large Ticket 2.00% 2.00% $0.00 $0.00 High Value Worid and World Elite cards. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300 or 4511), Automobile/Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999 or 7011), Cruise Line/ Steamship (4411), Travel Agencies (4722), and Restaurants (5812). Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to matcli Transaction amount $2,500 or greater. Airline, Vehicle Rental, and Lodging transactions must be acconq)anied by a Passenger Transport, Vehicle Rental, or Lodging addendum record, respectively. Maximum of3 days to deposit and settle. Petroleum CAT / AFD Debit 0.70%$0.17 Consumer Debit cards. Transaction at Cardholder Activated Terminal or Automated Fuel Dispenser. Electronically Authorized. Magnetic Stripe Read / Cootactless / Chip Read or completion authorization advice with the total amount spent by the cardholder is submitted within 60 minutes ofthe authorization for Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) merchants. CAT level indicator of 1 or 2 must be present Eligible Merchants: Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542). Cap of$0.95. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Petroleum Service Station Debit 0.70%$0.17 Consumer Debit cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized. Eligible Mercliants: Service Station (5541). Cap of $0.95. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Petroleum Petroleum Enhanced World Petroleum High Value Pctroleiun World Elite Petroleum 1.90% 1.90% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Eligible Merchants: Service Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542). Electronically Authorize. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read or completion autliorization advice with the total amount spent by the cardholder is submitted williin 60 minutes of the authorization for Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) merchants. Cap of $0.95. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Passenger Transport Passenger Transport Enhanced Passenger Transport Debit 1.75% 1.90% 1.60% $0.10 $0.10 $0.15 Consumer and Enhanced cards. Eligible Mercliants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511). Magnetic Swipe not required/Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not Itave to match. Additional addendum data required, including Passenger Name, Ticket Number, Issuing Carrier and Itinerary Data in Settlement Maximum 9 days to deposit & settle. High Value Airline World Elite Airline 2,30% 2.30% $0.10 $0.10 High Value World and World Elite cards. Eligible Merchants; Airlines (300t)-3300,4511). Magnetic swipe not required / Authorized. Airlines / Passenger transport detail - General Ticket data (Passenger Name, Ticket Number, and Issuing Carrier), Trip Leg data (Travel date, Carrier Code, Service Class Code, City oforigin / Airport code. City ofdestination / Airport code). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Maximum 9 days to deposit & settle. Full UCAF Full UCAF Enhanced World Full UCAF High Value Full UCAF World Elite Full UCAF Full UCAF Debit 1.78% 1.93% 1.97% 2.40% 2.40% 1.25% SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO $0.15 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards and Online Checkout Service transactions. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Mercliant must support SecuieCode software. Terminal type must indicate Electronic Commerce Transactions and merchant and issuer's participation in Mastercard UCAF. UCAF bdicator of2 must be present Must have valid Security level indicator / SecuriQ- Protocol and Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV) in authorization. T&E merchants require addendum data. Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Cruise Lines (4411). Utilities (4900), and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542) not eligible for this program. Debit transactions at Insurance (5960,6300) and Worid and World Elite transactions at Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railways (4112), Restaurants (5812), and Travel Agencies (4722) not eligible fortliis program. E-Commerce transactions with all E-Coromerce indicators are exempt fiom timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settJe. Merchant UCAF Merchant UCAF Enhanced World Merchant UCAF High Value Merchant UCAF World Elite Merchant UCAF Merchant UCAF Debit 1.68% 1.83% 1.87% 2.30% 2.30% 1.15% SO.IO SO.IO SO.IO SO.IO SO.IO so. 15 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards and Online Checkout Service transactions. Magnetic swipe not requited / Electronically Authorized. Merchant must use SecureCode software. Terminal type must indicate Electronic Commerce Transactions and merchant's participation in Mastercard UCAF. UCAF indicator of 1 must be present. Must have valid Security level indicator / Security protocol and Accountholder Authentication Value (AAV) in aulhorizatioa T&E mercliants require addendum data. Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Cruise Lines (4411), Utilities (4900), and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542) not eligible for tliis program. Debit transactions at Insurance (5960,6300) and Real Estate Agents & Managers (6513) and World and World Elite transactions at Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Passenger Railways (4112), Restaurants (5812), and Travel Agencies (4722) not cligible for this program. E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce indicators are exempt fitim timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Service Industries Service Industries Enhanced World Service Industries High Value Service Industries World Elite Service Industries Services Industries Debit 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% 1.15% S0.05 S0.05 S0.05 S0.05 S0.05 $0.05 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Requires a recurring payment transaction. Cardholder must not be present and authorization request must have value of 4 in Point ofSale data. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Phone Service (4814) and Cable TV / Satellite (4899). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Payment Transaction Pp; n.ent Transaction Debit 0.19% 0.19% S0.53 $0.53 Consumer, Enhanced, World, and World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Program Registration ID must be Person-to-person Payment Eligible Merchants: Payment Service Provider - Member Financial Institution (6532) and Payment Service Provider - Merchant (6533). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle, Payment Transaction - Government- Owned Lottery Payment Transaction - Government- Owned Lottery Dehi^^^ 0.00% 0.00% $0.10 SO.IO Consumer, Enhanced, Worid, and World Elite cards. Gaming Payment Transacrions used to transfer winnings related to a lottery managed by a U.S. state govenunent to U.S. issued cards. Magnetic Swipe not required but must not be E-Commerce. Electronically Authorized. Transaction amount must be <$10,000. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Program Registration ID must be Gaming re-pay. Eli^Ie Merchants: Government Owned Lottciy (7800). Maxirmm^O days to deposit and settle. (MPl)BAMS.r r8.2.IC Gross 10-2018 Page 3 INTERCHANGiJ SCHEDULE (Effeci./i^CJtober, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Lrg Mkt Coip Payment Transaction Lig Mkt Coip World Payment Iran Lrg Mkt Corp Wrid Elite Pymnt Tran Business Payment Transaction Bus World Payment Transaction Bus WrId Elite Payment Transaction 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% 0.19% $0.53 $0.53 $0.53 $0.53 $0.53 $0.53 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Stripe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Program Registration ID must be Person-to-peison Payment. Eligible Mercliants: Payment Service Provider - Member Financial Institution (6532) and Payment Service Provider - Merchant (6533). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Utilities Utilities Enhanced Utilities World Utilities High Value Utilities World Elite Utilities Debit Utilities Prepaid Utilities Business Utilities Business Debit Utilities Business Level 2/Worid Utilities Bus Level 3AVorld Elite Utilities Business Level 4 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0,65 $0.65 $0.65 $0.75 $0.75 $0.45 $0.65 $1.50 Sl.SO $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 Consumer, Enhanced, World, World Elite, Business, Business World, and Business World Elite cards. Registration not required. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can dififer up to 10%. Eligible merchant: Utilities (4900). Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000. Cable, Satellite, TV and Radio (4899) and Telecommunications (4312) merchants are not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Comml Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 1 Comml Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 2 Comml Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 3 Comml Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 4 Comml Payments Acct Lrg Tckt 5 1.20% 1.00% 0.90% 0.80% 0.70% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Commercial Payments Account cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronicaify Authorized. Provide Tax Amount and Customer Code (when provided by customer). Lodging requires Lodging summary addendum data. Transactions will qualify based on transaction amoimt: Tier I - > $7,255 and < $25,000; Tier 2 - > $25,000 and < $100,000; Tier 3 - > $100,000 and < $500,000; Tier 4 - > $500,000 and < $1,000,000; Tier 5 -> $1,000,000. Authorization and settlement amounts can diiferup to 10%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Lodging (3501- 3999,7011), Cruise Lines (4411), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), and Limousines & Taxis (4121). Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) not eligible for this program. NonFace to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commeice identifiers are exempt fiom timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Commercial Business-to-Business Global Wholesale Travel 2.00%$0.00 Virtual Business-to-Business cards issued in any country used for traitsactions between travel agents (both domestic and international) and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines, hotels and car rental companies) under the Mastercard Global Wholesale Travel Transaction program. Magnetic swipe not required / Authorization required. Authorization and settlement amounts do itot have to match. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Cruise/Steamship (4411), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Railways (4112), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512, 7513,7519), Bus Lines (4131), Airports / Airport Terminals / Flying Fields (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Mariceting-Travel-Related Arrangement Services (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentals (6513), Recreational & Sporting Camps (7032), Campgrounds & Trailer Parks (7033), Timeshares (7012), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Tourist Attractions & Exhibits (7991), Clubs - Country Clubs / Athletic, Recreation, Sports Membership Clubs/Private GolfCourses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Large Maricet Corp Large Ticket I Large Maricet Corp World Lig Tkt I Lig Mkt Coip World Elite Lrg Tkt 1 Business Large Ticket I Business Debit Laige Ticket 1 Lrg Mkt Purchasing Large Ticket I Large Market Fleet Large Ticket I Bus Level 2/Worid Large Ticket I Bus Level 3/Worid Elite Large Tkt I Business Level 4 Large Ticket I 1.25% 1,25% 1.25% 1.20% 1.25% 1.25% 1.25% 1.36% 1.41% 1.51% $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Stripe read required only for Fleet card transactions at fiiel locations / Electronically Authorized. Transaction amount greater than $7,255 and less than $25,000. Provide Tax Amount, Customer Code (when provided by customer). Corporate line item transaction detail (Product Code, Item Description, Item Quantity, Item Unit ofMeasure, Extended Item Amount, Debit or Credit Indicator). Fleet card transactions (at fuel locations) for fuel and non-fuel purchases must provide transaction information addendum ID Number, Driver Number, and Vehicle Number must match in authorization and clearing for Fleet card transactions. Authorization and settlement amoimtscan differ up to 25%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Cruise Lines (4411), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), and E-Commerce transactions with all E- Commerce indicators. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business • spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and <$50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000. Airlines (3000-3300, 4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512, 7513, 7519), Lodging (3501- 3999,7011), Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) merchants not eligible for this program Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce indicators are exenqit from timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Large Market Corp Large Ticket II Large Maricet Coip World Lrg Tkt II Lig Mkt Corp World Elite Lrg Tkt 11 Business Large Ticket 11 Business Debit Large Ticket II Lrg Mkt Purchasing Large Ticket 11 Large Market Fleet Large Ticket n Bus Level 2/Worid Large Ticket 11 Bus Level 3/World Elite Large Tkt II Business Level 4 Large Ticket 11 1.20% 1.20% 1.20% 1.20% 1.25% 1.20% 1.20% 1.36% 1.41% 1.51%oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Stripe read required only for Fleet card transactions at fiiel locations / Electronically Authorized. Transaction amount greater than $25,000 and less than $100,000. Provide Tax Amount, Customer Code (when provided by customer), Corporate line item transaction detail (Product Code, Item Description, Item Quantity, Item Unit ofMeasure, Extended Item Amount, Debit or Credit Indicator). Fleet card transactions (at fuel locations) for fuel and non-fuel purchases must provide transaction information addendum ID Number, Driver Number, and Vehicle Number must match in authorization and clearing for Fleet card transactions. Authorization and settlement anuunts can differ up to 25%. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Cruise Lines (4411), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), and E-Commerce transactions with all E- Commerce indicators. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < 550,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < 5100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000. Airlines (3000-3300, 4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500, 7512, 7513, 7519), Lodging (3501- 3999,7011), Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) merchants not eligible for this program NonFace to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce indicators are exempt fiom timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. (MPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 4 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective October, 2018) Rates Program Rate Category Fee Per Sales S Per Item Transaction Qualification Information Large Market Corp Large Ticket III 1.15%$80.00 Lrg Mkt Corp World Lrg Tkt III Lrg Mkt Corp Wrld EIhe Lig Tkt III Business Large Ticket III Business Debit Large Ticket HI Lig Mkt Purchasing Large Ticket III Large Maricet Fleet Laige Ticket III Bus Level 2/World Large Ticket III Bus Uvel 3AVorId Elite Ijg Tkt III 1.15% 1.15% 1.20% 1.25% 1.15% 1.15% 1.36% 1.41% $80.00 $80.00 $40.00 $40.00 $80.00 $80.00 $40.00 $40.00 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Str^e read required only for Fleet card transactions at fiiel locations / Electronically Autliorized. Transaction amount greater than $ 100,000. Provide Tax Amount, Customer Code (when provided by customer), Corporate line item transaction detail (Product Code, Item Description, Item Quantity, Item Unit ofMeasure, Extended Item Amount, Debit or Credit Indicator). Fleet card transactions (at fiiel locations) for fiiel and non-fuel purchases must provide transaction information addendum, ID Number, Driver Number, and Vehicle Number must match in authorization and clearing for Fleet card transactions. Autliorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 25%, Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Cruise Lines (4411), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814). and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce indicators. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard); Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level3-spend>$50,000and<$100,000; Business Level4-spend>$100,000. Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500, 7512,7513, 7519), Lodging(3501-3999, 7011), Passer^er RaUways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) merchants not eligible fbr this program. Non Face to Face and E-Commerce transactions with all E-Commerce indicators are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Business Level 4 Large Ticket III 1.51%$40.00 Electronic Payment Account 0.19%$0.53 Electronic Payment Account Magnetic swipe not required / Authorization required, Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Must include the actual Payment Reference Number, Tax Amount, and Customer Code (when provided by customer). Eligible Merchants: Cruise Lines (4411), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Mail / Telephone Order (5960,5962,5964,5965,5966,5967,5968,5969), Supermaikcts (5411), Telephone (4813,4814), and Warehouse Club (5300). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Large Market Corp Data Rate 1 2.70%$0.10 Lrg Mkt Coip World Data Rate I 2.70%SO.IO Large Market Corp World Elite DRI Business Data Rate 1 Business Debit Data Rate I Business Level 2/World Data Rate I Bus Level 3/World Elite Data Rate I 2.70% 2.65% 2.65% 2.81% 2.86% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite, and Electronic Payment Account cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Corporate Fleet card (at fuel locations) for fuel and non-fuel purchases provide transaction information addendum. Business card transactions will qualify fbr programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly hy Mastercard); Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend> $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend> $100,000. Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500, 7512. 7513, 7519), Lodging<3501-3999, 7011). Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) merchants are not eligible for this program. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Business Level 4 Data Rate I 2.96%$0.10 Large Maricet Data Rate I Healthcare Business Debit Data Rate 1 Healthcare 1.00% 1.00% so.oo $0.00 Commercial Payment Account, including Prepaid, cards. Magnetic Svripe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants: Doctors (8011), Dentists & Orthodontists (8021), Osteopathic Physicians (8031), Chiropractors (8041), Optometrists & Ophthalmologists (8042), Opticians. Optical Goods & Eyeglasses (8043), Chiropodists & Podiatrists (8049), Nursing & Personal Care Facilities (8050), Hospitals (8062), Dental & Medical Laboratories (8071), and Health Practitioners & Medical Services (8099). Cap of$5.00. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Large Market Corp Data Rate n 2.50%$0.10 Lrg Mkt Corp World Data Rate 11 L^ Mkt Coip World Elite DR H Business Data Rate II Business Debit Data Rate II Lrg Mkt Purchasing Data Rate II Laige Market Fleet DaU Rate 11 Business Level 2AVorld Data Rate 11 Bus Level 3AVorid Elite Data Rate n 2.50% 2.50% 2.00% 2.20% 2.50% 2.50% 2.16% 2.21% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite, and Electronic Payment Account cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read required only fbr Fleet card transactions at fuel locations / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Provide Tax Amount & Customer Code (when provided by customer) for all Business & Corporate card transactions and for Purchasing and Fleet card transactions at non-fuel locations. Tax Amount must be between 0.1% to 30% ofthe sales amount, except for Transportation - Suburban & Local Commuter Passenger (4111), Bus Lines (4131), Courier Services (4215), Marinas (4468), Bridge & Road Fees /Tolls (4784), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Convenience Stores (5499), Fuel Dealers (5983), Schools (8211), Colleges / Universities / Professional Schools (8220), Charitable Organizations (8398), Religious Organizations (8661), Court Costs / Alimony / Child Support (9211), Fines (9222), Tax Payments (9311), Government Services (9399), Postal Services - GovemmeiU (9402), and UK Petrol Stations (9752). Corporate Fleet card (at fiiel locations) fbr fiiel and non-fuel purchases provide transaction information addendum. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on armual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard); Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000. Airlines (3000-3300. 4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Passer^r Railway (4112), and Restaurants (5812) merchants are not eligible for this program. Non Face to Face transactions are exempt from timeliness edits. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Business Level 4 Data Rate II 2.31%$0.10 Lrg Mkt Corp Data Rate II Petro 2.20%$0.10 Lrg Mkt Corp Worid DR 11 Petro 2.20%$0.10 Lrg Mkt Corp Wrld Elite DRll Petro 2.20%$0.10 Business Data Rate II Petroleum Bus Debit Data Rate 11 Petroleum Lrg Mkt Purchasing DR II Petro Lrg Mkt Reet Data Rate II Petro 2.00% 2.05% 2.20% 2.20% $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 Corporate, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business, Business World, Business World Elite, Purchasing, and Fleet cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read required only for Fleet card transactions at Riel locations / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liave to match. Provide Tax Amount and Customer Code (when provided by customer) for all Business & Corporate card transactions and for Purchasing and Fleet card transactions at non-fuel locations. EUgible Merchants; Marinas (4468), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542), Convenience Stores (5499), Fuel Dealers (5983), U.K. Petro (9752). Non Face toFace transactions are exempt from timeliness edits. Maxiitium3 days to deposit & settle. Bus Level 2/World DR II Petroleum 2.16%$0.10 Bus Level 3/World Elite DR n Petro 2.21%$0.10 Business Level 41.'<; ' " \«oleum 2.31%$0.10 (MP1)BAMS,N.J 5.2.IC Gross 10-2018 Page 5 INTERCHANGi:, .xATE SCHEDULE (Effeciivc October, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Fee Per Sales $ Per Item Transaction Qualification Information Large Maricet Coip Data Rate III Lig Mkt Corp World Data Rate III Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite DR III Business Data Rate III Business Debit Data Rate III Lrg Mkt PuTcliasing Data Rate III Large Market Fleet Data Rate III Bus Level 2/World Data Rate III Business Level 3AVorld Elite DR III Business Level 4 Data Rate III .90% ,90% 90% .75% .80% 90% 90% 91% 96% 06% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronical^ Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Provide Tax Amount, Customer Code (when provided by customer). Corporate lirre item transaction detail (Product Code, Item Description, Item Quantity, Item Unit of Measure, Extended Item Amount, Debit or Credit Indicator) for all Business & Corporate card transactions and for Purchasing and Fleet card transactions at nomfiiel locations. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 • spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and <$100,000; Business Level 4- spend >$100,000, Mastercard Corporate Fleet card at fuel locations are not eligible for this program. Airlines (3000-3300.4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513, 7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) mercliants are not eligible for this program. Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Large Market Corporate T&E I Large Market Corp Worid T&E I Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite T&E I Business T&E 1 Business Debit T&E I Large Market Purchasing T&E I Large Market Fleet T&E I Business Level 2/World T&E 1 Bus Level 3/World Elite T&E 1 Busmess Level 4 T&E I .75% ,75% ,75% .50% 50% .75% ,75% 66% 71% 81% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Autliorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Elipble Mercliants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), PassengerRailways(4112), Restaurants (5812). Alriines (3000-3300,4511) & Passenger Railways (4112) require Passenger Transport addendum data (Passenger Name, Ticket Number, Issuing Carrier). Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quaiterly by Mastercard); Business • spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 • spend > 550,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend >$100,000. Restaurants (5812) not eligible for Business Level 3 and Business Level 4 rates. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511), 3 days for all other mercliants. Large Market Corporate T&E II Large Market Corp World T&E 11 Lge Mkt Corp World Elite T&E 11 Business T&E II Business Debit T&E II Large Market Purchasing T&E 11 Large Market Fleet T&E 11 Business Level 2/World T&E II Bus Level 3/World Elite T&E II Business Level 4 T&E 11 60% 60% .60% .35% .35% 60% .60% .51% .56% 66% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Busmess, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate World, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Busmess World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vcliicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), and Passenger Railways (4112). Airlines (3000-3300,45II) & Passenger Railways (4112) require Passenger Transport addendum data (Passenger Name, Ticket Number, Issuing Carrier) and Trip Leg Data (Travel Date, Carrier Code, Service Class Code, Origin City, Destination City) or Rail Data fTravel Date, Start Station, Destination Station, Passenger Description). Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519) requires Rental Det.*)!! addendum data (Rental Agreement Number, Renter Name, Rental Return City, State, Country, Location ID, Return Date, Chcck-Out Date, Customer Service Phone Number). Lodging (3501-3999,7011) requires Lodging Summaiy addendum data (Customer Service Phone Number, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Folio Number, Property Phone Number). Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarteiiy by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and <$50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend >$100,000. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511), 3 days for all other merchants. Large Market Corporate T&E III Laige Market Corp Worid T&E 111 Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite T&E III Business T&E III Business Debit T&E III Business Debit T&E 111 Airlines Large Market Purchasing T&E 111 Large Market Fleet T&E III Large Market T&E III Airlines Business Level 2/World T&E 111 Bus Level 3/World Elite T&E 111 Business Level 4 T&E III 55% 55% .55% .30% .30% .30% 55% 55% 55% 46% 51% 61% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate Worid, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business World Elite cards. Magnetic Swipe not required / Electronically Autliorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liave to match. Eli^Tilc Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vcliicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), and Passenger Railways (4112). Airlines (3000-3300,4511) & Passenger Railways (4112) require Passenger Transport addendum data (Passenger Name, Ticket Number, Issuing Carrier, Total Fare) and Trip Leg Data (Travel Date, Carrier Code, Service Class Code, Origin City, Destination City, Stop Over Code, Fare Basis Code, Flight Number, Departure Time) or Rail Data (Ticket Number, Travel Date, Service Type, Start Station, Destination Station, Passenger Description). Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519) require Rental Detail addendum data (Rental Agreement Number, Renter Name, Rental Return City, State, Country, Location ID, Return Date, Check-Out Date, Customer Service Phone Number, Rental Rate, Rental Location City, State, Country, Rental Class ID, Tax Exempt Indicator, Days Rented). Lodgii^ requires Lodging Sununary addendum data (Customer Service Phone Number, Arrival Date, Departure Date, Folio Number, Property Phone Number, Room Rate, Room Tax, Total Room Nights, Fire Safety Act Indicator). Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business - spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000. Maximum days to deposit & settle is 9 days for Airlines (3000-3300,4511), 3 days for all other merchants. Large Maricet Corporate Standard Large Market Coip Worid Standard Lrg Mkt Corp World Elite Standard Business Standard Business Debit Standard Business Level 2/World Standard Bus Level 3/Worid Elite Standard Business Level 4 Standard 95% .95% .95% .95% .95% ,11% ,16% ,26% $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO $0.10 Business, Corporate, Purchasing, Fleet, Corporate Worid, Corporate World Elite, Business World, Business Worid Elite, and Electronic Payment Account cards. Magnetic swipe not required / Authorization required. Business card transactions will qualify for programs based on annual cardholder spend (reviewed quarterly by Mastercard): Business • spend < $25,000; Business Level 2 - spend > $25,000 and < $50,000; Business Level 3 - spend > $50,000 and < $100,000; Business Level 4 - spend > $100,000, Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. (MPl)BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 6 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective October, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Intenegional Electronic [nlerregtonal Premium Electronic Interregional Super Premium Electronic 1.95% 2.70% 2.83% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer cards issued many region, Premium (Platinum and Titanium cards issued in the Asia Pacific (AP), SouthAsia/Middle East/Afiica (SAMEA), and Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) regions; Platinum cards issued in Europe; World Elite cards issued in Canada; Prepaid Platinum Travel cards issued in the LAC region; and Worid cards issued in the U.S.), and Super Premium (World and Black cards issued in the AP, Europe, LAC, and SAMEA regions; World Black Edition Credit and Debit and World Debit Embossed cards issued in Europe; and World Elite cards issued in the U.S., AP, and Si\MEA regions) where llie country code ofthe merclrant differs from the country code ofthe cardholder. Face to Face/Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactlcss / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Autliorized. Key-Entered transactions not eligible for tills program. For Consumercards only, autliorizationand settlement amounts can differup to 10% (up to 25% for Beauty and Bather Shops-7230 forlransactions up to $25). Autliorizationand settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Lodging (3501-3999 or70n), Veliicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Cruise Line / Stcamsliip (4411), and Passenger Railways (4112). Aulhoiization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Platinum, World, World Elite, and Black transactions for all merchants. Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542) and Mail / Telephone Order (5960,5962,5964,5965,5966,5967,5968,5969) merchants not eligible for this program. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Standard Intenegional Premium Standard 1/R Super Premium Standard 2.45% 2.70% 2.83% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer cards issued in any region. Premium (Platinum and Titanium cards issued in the Asia Pacific (AP), South Asia / Middle East / Afiica (SAMEA), and Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) regions; Platinum cards issued in Europe; World Elite cards issued in Canada; Prepaid Platinum Travel cards issued in the LAC region; and World cards issued in the U.S.), and Super Premium (World and Black cards issued in the AP, Europe, LAC, and SAMEA regions; World Black Edition Credit and Debit and World Debit Embossed cards issued in Europe; and World Elite cards issued in the U.S., AP, and SAMEA regions) where the country code of the merchant differs from the country code ofthe cardholder. Transaction dale more than 5 days old. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate Includes the Masteicaid Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Humanitarian Standard 2.50%$0.00 Prepaid cards issued in a foreign country used for humanitarian aid. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Autliorization and settlement amounts to not have to match Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Rale includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Intenegional Electronic Consumer 1.95%$0.00 Electronic Consumer Cards. Face to Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Conlactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Key-Entered transactions not eligt"ble for this program. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10% (up to 25% forBeauty and Barber Shops -7230 forlransactions up to $25). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Lodging (3501-3999 or 7011), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Cruise Line/Steamship (4411), and Passenger Railways, (4112). Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542) and Mall/Telephone Order (5960,5962,5964,5965,5966,5967,5968,5969) not eligilile for this program. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Intenegional Electronic Corporate 2.70%$0.00 Electronic Corporate Cards. Face to Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Conlactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Key- Entered transactions and Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542) not eligible for this prograia Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Regulated Debit - U.S. Territory 0.90%$0.21 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. U.S. Territory issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or U.S. bsued cards at a U.S. Territory locatioa U.S. Territories include American Samoa, Guam, Noithem Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Issuer has NOT certified its fraud prevention procedures. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations ofB (Base). Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rale includes Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Regulated Debit with Fraud Adjustment - U.S. Territory 0.90%$0.22 Regulated Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. U.S. Territory issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or U.S. issued cards at a U.S. Teiritoiy locatioa U.S. Territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Issuer has certified its fraud prevention procedures. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations of 1 (Base plus Fraud Adjustment). Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. * Regulated Debit Small Ticket - U.S. Territory Regulated Debit Small Ticket with Fraud Adjustment - U.S. Territory 0.90% 0.90% $0.21 $0.22 Regulated Consumerand Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card intercliange. U.S. Territory issued cards at a U.S. merchant location or U.S. issued cards at a U.S. Territory location. U.S. Territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Rate Indicator value identified by Issuers and Card Organizations ofS (Regulated Small Ticket Base). Transaction amount $10.00 or less/Card Present/Electrouically Authorized. Eligible Merchants; Fast Food Restaurants (5814) and Videotape Rental Stores (7841). Autliorizationand settlement amounts do not have to match. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Purchasing Data Rate II 2.55%$0.00 Purchasing or Fleet Cards, and Electronic Payment Accounts (at non-fiiel locations) issued in a foreign country. Magnetic swipe iwt required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to matcli. Provide sales Tax Amount and Customer Code (when provided by the customer). Tax Amount must be between 0.1% to 30% oftlie sales amount, except for Marinas (4468), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), Convenience Stores (5499), Fuel Dealers (5983), and UK Petrol Stations (9752). Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Purchasing Large Ticket 1.75%$30.00 Purchasing or Fleet Cards, and Electronic Payment Accounts issued in a foreign country. Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Aulhoiization and settlement amounts do not liave to match. Transaction amount must be greater than $2,727. Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Vehicle Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513,7519), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Passenger Railways (4112), and Restaurants (5812) not eligible for this program. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interre^onal Purchasing 2.85%$0.00 Purchasing or Fleet Cards, and Electronic Payment Accounts issued in a foreign country. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Interregional Corporate InterregionalPrenj'' "' iimercial 2,85% 2.85% $0.00 $0.00 Business, Corporate, and Premium Commercial (Platinum, World, World Elite, and Black) cards issued in a foreign country, including Business Premium Debit cards issued in Australia. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Sup"^^ (MPl) BAMS.li'. ._,.H:8.2.1C_Gross 10-2018 Page 7 INTERCHANGE k^TE SCHEDULE (Effecuvc October, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Interregional UCAF - Full Int""- jgional Premium UCAF - Full l/R Super Premium UCAF - Full 2.39% 2.70% 2.83% so.oo $0.00 so.oo Consumer cards issued in any region, Premium (Platinum and Titanium cards issued in the Asia Pacific (AP), South Asia / Middle East / Afiica (SAMEA), and Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) legions; Platinum cards issued in Europe; World Elite cards issued in Canada; Prepaid Platinum Travel cards issued in the LAC region; and World cards issued in the U.S.), and Super Premium (World and Black cards Issued in the AP, Europe, LAC, and SAMEA regions. World Black Edition Credit and Debit and World Debit Embossed cards issued in Europe; and World Elite cards issued in the U.S., AP, and SAMEA regions) where the counliy code ofthe merchant differs finmthe couniiy code ofthe cardholder. Applies to all intra and interregional transactions except for U.S. Region and Canada Rcgioa Terminal type must indicate Electronic Commerce Transactions and mercliant and issuer's paiticipation in Mastercard UCAF. UCAF indicator of2 must be present, and must have valid Security level indicator/Security Protocol. Magnetic swipe not required / Electroitically Authorized. Autliorizaiion and settlement amounts do not have to match. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rate itwludes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Inienegional UCAF - Merchant Intenegional Premium UCAF - Merchant l/R Super Premium UCAF - Merch 2.29% 2.70% 2.83% $0.00 $0.00 so.oo Consumer cards issued in any region. Premium (Platinum and Titanium cards issued in the Asia Pacific (AP), Soutli Asia / Middle East / Africa (SAMEA), and Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) regions; Platinum cards issued in Europe; World Elite cards issued in Canada; Prepaid Platinum Travel cards issued in the lAC region; and World cards issued in the U.S.), and Super Premium (World and Black cards issued in the AP, Europe, LAC, and SAMEA regions; World Black Edition Credit and Debit and World Debit Embossed cards issued in Europe; and World Elite cards issued in the U.S., AP, and SAMEA regions) where tlie countiy code ofthe merchant differs fiomthe countiy code ofthe cardholder. Applies to all intra and inter regional transactions except lor U.S. Region and Canada Regioa Terminal type must indicate Electronic Commerce Transactions and merchant's paiticipation in Mastercard UCAF. UCAF indicator of 1 must be present, and must have valid Securi^ level indicator/Security ProtocoL Magnetic swipe not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Intcmalional Payment Transaction Inlcmatiooal Corporate Payment Transaction 1.04% 1.04% $0.53 $0.53 Consumer and Corporate cards only. Applies to all intra and inter re ponal transactions except for U.S. Region and Caaida Region. Magnetic Swipe not required. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to matcli. Eligible Merchants: Payment Service Provider - Member Financial Institution (6532) and Payment Service Provider - Merchant (6533). Maximum 30 days to deposit and settle. Rate includes the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee. Assessments 0.13%SO.OO Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard transactions. Assessments (>=$1,000)0,01%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofMastercard Consumer and Commercial credit transactions that are $1,000 or greater. Cross Border- U.S.0.60%SO.OO Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with the country code ofthe merchant different from the country code ofthe cardholder, where tlie transaction Is settled in U.S. dollars. Cross Border - Non-US Cross Border Fee - Asia Pacific Cross Border - LAC 1.00% 1,00% 0.80% so.oo $0.00 $0.00 Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with the country code ofthe merchant different from the countiy code ofthe cardholder, where tire transaction is settled in a currency other than the merchant's local currency. Address Verification Service Fee - Card Present 0,00%$0.01 Assessed on all Mastercard Card Present authorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted fijr more than SO. Address Verification Service Fee - Card Not Present 0.00%SO.OI Assessed on all Mastercard Card Not Present autliorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more than SO. Account Status Inquiry Fee - Intraregional 0.00%$0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiiy Service messages where the countiy code oftlic merchant is the same as the countiy code ofthe cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for SO and are used to validate cardholder account tnimbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual authoiizatioa Accoimt Status Inquiry Fee - Interregional 0.00%S0.03 Fee assessed onaU Account Status Inquiiy Service messages where the country code oftlie merchant is different from the countiy code ofthe cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted fbr $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual authoiizatioa Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) Fee 0.00%$0.0025 Fee assessed on all authorizations that include Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) validatioa CVC 2 is an optional service from Mastercard that was inqilemented to help reduce the risk offinud and is part ofthe screening tools used by merchants to ensure that the person placing the order has the card. Does not apply to Account Status Inquiry transactions. SccureCode Fee 0.00%$0.03 Fee assessed on all Mastercard SecureCodc verificationrequests. Mastercard SecureCode is an optional service for E-Commerce merchants that allows for an additional level ofshoppingsecurity by requiring cardholders to enter additional log-incredentials that are verified by the issuer when completing an online sale (ifthe issuer participates in the service). Global Wholesale Travel Business-to- Business Fee 1.57%$0.00 Fee applies to transactions that qualify for the Mastercard Business-to-Business Global Wliolcsale Travel Transaction program for virtual card transactions between travel agents and travel suppliers (e.g. airlines, hotels and car rental companies). Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511), Cruise / Steamship (MCC4411), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Railways (4112), Car Rental (3351-3500,7512,7513, 7519), Bus Lines (4131), Airports / Airport Tenninals / Flying Fields (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Mariceting-Travel-RelatedAnangement Services (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers • Rentals (6513), Recreational & Sporting Canqrs (7032), Campgrounds & Trailer Paries (7033), Timeshares (7012), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Tourist Attractions & ExIuTrits (7991), Clubs- Countiy Clubs / Athletic, Recreation, Sports Membership Clubs / Private Golf Courses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Transactions assessed this fee are not subject to the Mastercard Network Access and Brand Usage (NABU) fee, the Mastercard Cross Border fee, the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee, and the Mastercard Card Present and Card Not Present Address Verification Service (AVS) fees. (MPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 8 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective October, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Quallflcation InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Processing Integrity Fee - Pre- Authorization 0.00%$0,045 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions are met (0 authorization is fully approved, (ii) authorization is identified as a pre-authoiization, and (iii) authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or authorization reversal within 30 calendar days. Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), contactless transit aggregated transactions, debt recovery transactions, pre-authorizations with an expired chargeback protection timefiume and offline approved transactions not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag Processing Integrity Fee - Undefined Authorization 0.00%$0,045 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions are met; (i) authorization is fiilly approved, (ii) authorization is identified as an undefmed authorization, and (iii) authorization is not followed by eitlier a clearing transactions or authorization reversal witliin 7 calendar days. Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), contactless transit aggregated transactions, debt recovery transactions, pre- authorizations with an expired chargeback protection timeftame and offline approved transactions not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. Processing Iittegri^ Fee - Final Authorization 0.25%Min$0.04 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions are met: (i) authorization is fully approved, (ii) authorization is identified as a final authorization, and (iii) either authorization is not followed by cither a clearing transaction or authorization reversal within 7 calendar days or the final clearing amount is submitted for an amount different from the approved authorization amount or submitted in a different currency than the authorization amount Billed on a one month lag. Minimum fee amount of$0.04. Processing Integri^ Fee - Detail Report Fee 0.00%$0,015 Fee assessed on all Mastercard authorizations that are subject to the Processing Integrity fees for Pre-Authorization, Undefined Authorization, or Final Authorization. Humanitarian Program Clearing Fee 0.25%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar volume of Humanitarian prepaid card transactions that arc used to help humanitarian aid organizations deliver aid more cost effectively and more efficiently. Digital Enablement Fee 0.01%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard Card Not Present transactions. License Volume Fee 0.0071%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all Mastercard transactions (credit and signature debit). Fee based on n good faith effort to recover and allocate among all customers Mastercard's annual fees for licensing and lliird party processing. Merchant Location Fee 0.00%31.25 Fee assessed monthly per active merchant locatioa An active location is defined as a merchant location tliat processed at least one Mastercard transaction during the month. Merchant locations that have less than $200 in Mastercard gross sales fi)rthe month are not subject to the fee for that month. Merchant locations in MCCs 8398 (Charitable Organizations) and 8661 (Religious Organizations) are not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. (MPI) BAMS.i :;,_../:8.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 9 Mastercard® Pas:'igh Fees Schedule (Effeviivc October, 2018) The following fees result from chaises assessed to Servicers from Mastercard and are subject to increases, decreases, and additional new fees imposed by Mastercard. Fee Category Rates Mastercard Transaction Qualification informationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Assessments 0.13%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard transactions. Assessments (>=$1,000)0.01%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of Mastercard Consumer and ConuiKrcial credit transactions that are $1,000 or greater. Network Access & Brand Usage (NABU) Fee 0.00%$0.0195 Fee assessed on all Mastercard authorization attenqits and credit (sales retum) transactions that are processed with a U.S. issued card at a U.S. merchant locatioa Does not apply to authorization reversals and SO Account Status Inquiry transactions. Mastercard Kilobyte Fee 0.00%$0.0035 Fee assessed per kilobyte on all settled transactions for the transmission ofclearing data. Mastercard License Volume Fee 0.0071%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard transactions (credit and signature debit). Fee based on a good &ith effort to recover and allocate among all customers Mastercard's armual fees for licensing and third party processing Mastercard Digital Enablement Fee 0.01%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Mastercard Card Not Present transactions. Address Verification Service Fee - Card Present 0.00%$0.01 Assessed on all Mastercard Card Present authorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more than $0. Address Verification Service Fee - Card Not Present 0.00%$0.01 Assessed on all Mastercard Card Not Present authorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more than $0. Account Status Inquiry Fee - Intiaregional 0.00%S0.025 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiry Service messages where the country code ofthe merchant is the same as the country code ofthe cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual authorizatioa Account Status Inquiry Fee - Inteiregional 0.00%$0.03 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiry Service messages where the country code ofthe merchant is different ficm the country code ofthe cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual authorizatioa Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) Fee 0.00%$0.0025 Fee assessed on all authorizations that include Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) validation. CVC 2 is an optional service from Mastercard that was inplemented to help reduce the risk offraud and is part of the screening tools used by merchants to ensure that the person placing the order has the card. Does not apply to Account Status Inquiry transactions. SecureCode Fee 0.00%$0.03 Fee assessed on all Mastercard SecureCode verification requests. Mastercard SecureCode is an optional service for E-Commerce merchants that allows for an additional level ofshopping security by requiring cardholders to enter additional log-in credentials that are verified by the issuer when convicting an online sale (ifthe issuer participates in the service). Global Wholesale Travel Business-to Business Fee 1.57%$0.00 Fee applies to transactions that qualify for the Mastercard Business-to-Business Global Wholesale Travel Transaction program for virtual card transactions between travel agents and travel suppliers (e.g airlines, hotels and car rental companies). Eligible Merchants: Airlines (3000-3300,4511). Cruise / Steamship (MCC 4411), Lodging (3501-3999,7011), Railways (4112), Car Rental (3351-3500.7512, 7513,7519), Bus Lines (4131). Airports / Airport Terminals / Flying Fields (4582), Travel Agencies & Tour Operators (4722), Direct Marketing - Travel-Related Ammgement Services (5962), Real Estate Agents & Managers - Rentals (6513), Recreational & Sporting Camps (7032), Campgrounds & Trailer Parks (7033), Timeshares (7012), Health & Beauty Spas (7298), Tourist Attractions & Exhibits (7991), Clubs - Country Clubs / Athletic, Recreation, Sports Membership Clubs / Private GolfCourses (7997), and Recreation Services (7999). Transactions assessed this fee are not subject to the Mastercard Networic Access and Brand Usage (NABU) fee, the Mastercard Cross Border fee, the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee, and the Mastercard Card Present and Card Not Present Address Verification Service (AVS) fees. Processing Integrity Fee - Pre- Authorization 0.00%$0,045 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions are met (i) authorization is fiiUy approved, (ii) authorization is identified as a pre-authorization, and (iii) authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or authorization reversal within 30 calendar days. Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), contactless transit a^gated transactions, debt recovery transactions, pre-authorizations with an expired chargeback protection timeframe and offline approved transactions not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. Processing Integrity Fee - Undefined Authorization 0.00%$0,045 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions are met: (i) authorization is fully approved, (ii) authorization is identified as an undefined authorizatioa and (iii) authorization is not followed by either a clearing transactions or authorization reversal within 7 calendar days. Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), contactless transit aggregated transactions, debt recovery transactions, pre- authorizations with an expired chargeback protection timeframe and offline approved transactions not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. Ptocesstag Integrity Fee - Final Authorization 0.25%Min $0.04 Fee assessed on Mastercard authorizations when the following conditions are met; (i) authorization is folly approved, (ii) authorization is identified as a final authorization, and (iii) either authorization b not followed by either a clearing transaction or authorization reversal within 7 calendar days or the final clearing amount is submitted for an amount different from the approved authorization amount or submitted in a different currency than the authorization amount. Billed on a one month lag. Minimum fee amount of$0.04. Processing Integrity Fee - Detail Report Fee 0.00%$0,015 Fee assessed on all Mastercard authorizations that are subject to the Processing Integrify fees for Pre-Authorization, Undefined Authorization, or Final Authorization. Humanitarian Program Clearing Fee 0.25%$0,000 Fee assessed on the gross dollar volume of Humanitarian prepaid card transactions that are used to help humanitarian aid organizations deliver aid more cost effectively and more efiSciently. (MPT) MC Pass-through Fees Schedule 10-2018 Page 1 Mastercard® Pass-through Fees Schedule (Effective October, 2018) Fee Category Rates Mastercard Transaction QuaUflcation InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item Cross Border-U.S.0.60%$0.00 Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed withthecountiy code ofthe merchant different from the country code ofthecaidholder, where the transaction is settled in U.S. dollars. Cross Border - Non-US Cross Border Fee - Asia Pacific Cross Border - LAC 1.00% 1.00% 0.80% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with tlie country code ofthe merchant different from the country code ofthe cardholder, where the transaction is settled in a currency other than the merchant's local currency. Acquirer Program Support Fee 0.85%$0.00 Fee assessed on all U.S. region acquired Mastercard Consumer Credit, Consiuncr Debit, and Commercial Card transactions for cards issued outside the U.S. region. Fee is not refunded on credit voucher (sales returns) transactions. Billed as part ofthe applicable interchange fees. Merchant Location Fee 0.00%$1.25 Fee assessed monthly per active merchant location. An active location is defined as a merchant location that processed at least one Mastercard transaction during the month. Merchant locations that have less than $200 in Mastercard gross sales for the month are not subject to the fee for ttet month. Merchant locations in MCCs 8398 (Charitable Organizations) and 8661 (Religious Organizations) are not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. (MPT) MC Pass-uuiJu^i Fees Schedule 10-2018 Page 2 INTERCHANGE SCHEDULE (Effec:;.w uJtober, 2018) This Interchange Rate Schedule contains a summary of the primary qualification criteria established by Visa®, Mastercard®, and Discover® Network (sometimes referred to as Discover) for most inteiehange programs - it is not all inclusive. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict, the interchange requirements established by the Card Organizations (sometimes referred to as associations) will determine the interchange programs at which your transactions qualify. For a complete list, call the number on your merchant statement. The Discover Network Reference ID (NRID) and Transaction Data Condition Code must be submitted with all transactions. The NRD is a unique numeric identification generated by Discover that remains unchanged for the life of the transaction. The Transaction Data Condition Code is a value received in authorization that indicates the card presence and processing status of the transaction. Please note that Discover Network fe« apply only to Discover transactions acquired by Bank of America Merchant Services. For more information regarding your Rates and fees, please call Customer Service. Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales S Per Item DISCOVER NETWORK Retail Core Retail Debit Retail Prepaid Retail Rewards Retail Premium Refa" Premium Plus 1.56% 1.10% 1.10% 1.71% 1.71% 2.15% SO.IO so. 16 $0.16 SO.IO SO.IO SO.IO Consumer Core, Debit! Prepaid, Rewards, Prcmiuin, and Premium Plus cards. Card Piesent / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CVV) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10% (up to 20% forTaxis& Limousines-4121 and Beauty / Baiber Shops • 7230). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Bars (5813), and Digital Goods (5815,5816,5817, 5818). Utilities (4900), Real Estate (6513), Insurance (5960,6300), Supermarkets / Warehouse Clubs (5300,5411), Emerging Markets (4899.5968,5983,6533,8211,8220,8299,8351,8398), Public Services (4784,9211,9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), Petroleum (5541,5542), Restaurants (5812,5814), Hotels/Car Rentals (3351-3441, 3501-3999,7011,7012,7512.7513.7519), Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), Quasi Cash (4829,6050.6051,6540,7800,7801,7802,7995), and Hi^ Risk (5962.5966,5967) merchants not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit & Prepaid 0.05%S0.2I Non-exempt (regulated) Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card interchange. Issuer has NOT certified its fraud prevention procedures. Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Regulated Debit & Prepaid with Fraud Adjustment 0.05%S0.22 Non-exempt (regulated) Consumer and Commercial Debit and Prepaid Cards identified by Issuers and Card Organizations as being subject to the June 29,2011 Federal Reserve final rule on Debit Card mterchange. Issuer has certified its fraud prevention procedures. Authorization required. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Restaurants Core Restaurants Debit Restaurants Prepaid Restaurants Rewards Restaurants Premium Restaurants Premium Plus 1.56% 1.10% 1.10% 1.90% 2.20% 2.40% SO.IO SO. 16 S0.16 SO.IO $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Same requirements as Retail. Authorization and Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read required. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants: Restaurants (5812) and (5814) Fast Food Restaurants. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Supermarket / Warehouse Core Superrrrarket / Warehouse Debit Supenrradffit / Warehouse Prepaid Superrrrarket / Warehouse Rewards Supenrraiket / Warehouse Prerrrium Supermarket / Whse Premium Plus 1.40% 1.10% 1.10% 1.65% 1.65% 1.90% $0.05 SO. 16 $0.16 $0.05 $0.05 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Same requirements as Retail. Authorization and Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read required. Card Verification Value (CW) data nnist be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Cap of $0.36 for debit / prepaid transactions only. ElipTjle Merchants: Supermaricet (5411) or Warehouse Club (5300). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Recurring Payrrrcnts Core Recurring Payments Debit Recurring Payments Prepaid Recurring Payments Rewards Recurring Payments Pretrrium Recurring Payments Prerrrium Plus 1.35% 1.20% 1.20% 1.35% 1.45% 1.80% $0,05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Cliip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Recurring Billing, Installment, or Subscription indicator must be present. Card Verification Value (CVV) data must be present on the authorization Track Data and valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data if Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read. Supplemental Data Recoid (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants; Subscription (5968), Member Clubs / Sport (7997), Child Care Services (8351), Charitable & Social Service Organization (8398), and consumer debit and prepaid transactions only at Phone Service / Equip Utility (4814) and Cable TV Services (4899). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Real Estate Core Real Estate Debit Real Estate Prepaid Real Estate Rewards Real Estate Premium Real Estate Pretrrium Plus 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 1.10% 2.30% $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Autliorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Real Estate Agents and Managers-Rentals (6513). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Public Services Core Public Services Debit Public Services Prepaid Public Services Rewards Public Services Premium Public Services Pretitium Plus 1.55% 0.90% 0.90% 1.55% 1.55% 1.55% $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 SO.IO Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Bridge & Road Fees/Tolls (4784), Court Cost/Alimony/Support (9211), Fines (9222), Bail and Bond Payments (9223), Tax Payments (9311), Government Services (9399), and Intra-Govcmment Purcliases - Government Only (9405). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. (VPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.1C_Gross 10-2018 Page 1 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective October, 2018) Rates Program Rate Category Fee Per Sales $ Per Item Transaction Qualification Information Petroleum Core 1.55%$0.05 Petroleum Debit Petroleum Prepaid Petroleum Rewards Petroleum Premium 0.76% 0.76% 1.80% 1.80% $0.16 $0.16 $0.05 S0.05 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Card must be present and Magnetic Stripe Read / Contaciless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be presem in the Sales Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to matclt Eligible Mercliants: Service Stations (5541) and Automated Fuel Dispenser (5542). Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Petroleum Premium Plus 1.80%$0.05 Passenger Transport Cote 1.75%SO.IO Passenger Transport Debit Passenger Transport Prepaid Passenger Transport Rewards Passenger Transport Premium 1.59% 1.59% 1.90% 2.30% $0.16 $0.16 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CVV) data must be prcsenl on the authorization Track Data and valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in tlie Sales Data ifMagnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Eligible Merchants: Airline (3000-3350,4511), Passenger Railway (4112), or Steamship / Cruise Lines (4411). Maximum 8 days to deposit & settle. Passenger Transport Premium Plus 2.40%$0.10 Key Entry Cote 1.87%$0.10 Key Entry Debit Key Entry Prepaid Key Entry Rewards Key Entry Premium 1.75% 1.75% 1.97% 2.00% $0.20 $0.20 SO.IO $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Face-to-Face / Key-Entered / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Auiliorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10% (up to 20% forTaxis and Limousines-4121 and Beauty / Bather Sliops - 7230). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812), Bats (5813), Fast Food (5814), Petroleum (5541,5542), and Digital Goods (5815,5816,5817,5818). Utilities (4900), Real Estate (6513), Insurance (5960,6300), Emerging Markets (4899.5968,5983,6533,8211,8220,8299,8351,8398), Public Services (4784,9211,9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), Hotels / Car Rentab (3351-3441.3501-3999,7011,7012,7512,7513,7519), Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), Quasi Cash (4829,6050,6051,6540,7800,7801,7802,7995), and High Rbk(5962,5966,5967) merchants not eligible fitrthbprogranL Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Key Entry Premium Plus 2.40%$0.10 Card Not Present Core 1.87%$0.10 Card Not Present Debit Card Not Present Prepaid Card Not Present Rewards Card Not Present Premium 1.75% 1.75% 1.97% 2.00% $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Card Not Present / Signature Not Obtained / Authorized / Mail or Phone Cider. Address Verification Service required, except for recurring payment transactions. Customer Service phone number and invoice number required. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Utilities (4900), Real Estate (6513), Insurance (5960, 6300), Emerging Maricets (4899,5968,5983,6533,8211,8220,8299, 8351,8398), Public Services (4784,9211,9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), Hotels / Car Rentals (3351-3441,3501-3999,7011,7012, 7512,7513,7519), Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), Quasi Cash (4829.6050,6051,6540,7800,7801,7802,7995), and High Risk (5962,5966,5967) merchants not eligible for thb program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Card Not Present Premium Plus 2.35%$0.10 E-Commerce / Internet Core 1.87%$0.10 E-Conunerce / Internet Debit E-Conunerce / Internet Prepaid E-Commerce / Intemet Rewards E-Commerce / Inlentct Premium 1.75% 1.75% 1.97% 2.00% $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Card Not Present / Signanire Not Obtained / Authorized / E-Commerce Order/ Mobile Payment Address Verification Service required, except for mobile payment and recurring payment transactions. Customer Service phone number and invoice number required. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. Utilities (4900), Real Estate (6513), Insurance (5960,6300), Emerging Markets (4899,5968,5983,6533,8211,8220,8299,8351,8398), Public Services (4784,9211.9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), Hotels / Car Rentab (3351-3441,3501-3999,7011.7012.7512,7513,7519), Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411.4511), Quasi Cash (4829,6050,6051,6540,7800,7801,7802,7995), and High Rbk(5962, 5966,5967) mercliants not eligible for tliis program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. E-Commerce / Intemet Premium Plus 2.35%$0.10 Hotels / Car Rentals Core 1.58%SO.IO Hoteb / Car Rentals Debit Hotels / Car Rentals Prepaid Hotels / Car Rentals Rewards Hotels / Car Rentals Premium 1.35% 1.35% 1.90% 2.30% $0.16 $0.16 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be pieserH on llie authorization Track Data and valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data if Magnetic Stripe Read/Contactless/Chip Read. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amounts do not liave to match. Eligible Merchants: CarRenlab (3351-3441,7512,7513,7519) and Hoteb (3501-3999,7011,7012). Maximum2days to deposit & settle. Hotels / Car Rentals Piem Plus 2.40%$0.10 Express Services Core Express Services Debit Express Services Prepaid Express Services Rewards Express Services Premium 1.95% 1.80% 1.80% 1.95% 1.95% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CVV) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in the Sales Data. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on cWp card transactions. Eligible Mercliants: Local Commuter (4111), Limousines and Taxis (4121), Bus Lines - Charter & Tour (4131), Toll/Bridges Fee (4784), Mbccllaneous Food Stores - Convenience Stores & Specialty Markeb (5499), Restaurants (5812), Fast Food (5814), News Dealers / Newsstands (5994), Laundries (7211), Dry Cleaners (7216), Quick Copy / Repro Services (7338), Auto Parking Lots / Garages (7523), Car Washes (7542), Movie Theater (7832), and Video Tape Rentab (7841). Card sale amount must be less than or equal to $15.00 for all merchanb except for Limousines and Taxis (4I2I), which b $25.00. Authorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10% (up to 20% forTaxis and Limousines-4121). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for Restaurants (5812) and Fast Food (5814). Maximum2days to deposit Express Services F," ci ?lus 2.05%$0.05 & settle. (VPOBAMS.M'^ j.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 2 INTERCHANGE kE.. E SCHEDULE (EffecliVv October, 2018) Rates Program Rate Category Fee Per Sales $ Per Item Transaction Qualification Information Insurance Core 1.43%$0.05 Insurance Debh 0.80%$0.25 Insurance Prepaid Insurance Rewards 0.80% 1.43% $0.25 $0.05 Consumer Core. Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Direct Marketing Insurance Services (5960) and Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums (6300). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Insurance Premium 1.43%$0.05 Insurance Premium Plus 2.30%$0.05 Emerging Markets Core 1.45%$0.05 Eme^ing Markets Debit Emerging Markets Prepaid Eme^ng Markets Rewards Emeiging Markets Premium 0.90% 0.90% 1.45% 1.45% $0.20 $0.20 $0.05 $0.05 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Autliorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: Cable / Satellite / Other Pay Television / Radio Stations (4899), Subscription (5968), Fuel Dealers (5983), Payment Service Provider - Merchant - Payment Transaction (6533), Schools - Elementary & Secondary (8211), Collets / Universities / Professional Schoob / Junior Colleges (8220), Schoob and Educational Services not elsewhere classified (8299), Child Care Services (8351), and Cliaritable / Social Services (8398). Maximum 3 days to deposit & settle. Emerging Markets Premium Plus 2.30%$0.10 Utilities Core 0.00%$0.75 Utilities Debit 0.00%$0.75 Utilities Prepaid 0.00%$0.75 Utilities Rewards Utilities Premium Utilities Premium Plus 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% $0.75 $0.75 $0.75 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards and Commercial cards, including Business, Executive Business, and Corporate cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Mercliants: Electric, Gas, Heating Oil, Sanitation, Water (MCC 4900). Cable, Satellite, and Other Pay TV & Radio Services (4899) and Telecommunications (4812,4814) merchants are not eligible for this program. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. Commercial Utilities 0.00%$1.50 Commercial Utilities Debit 0.00%$1.50 Commercial Utilities Prepaid 0.00%$1.50 Mid Submission Level Core Mid Submission Level Debit Mid Submission Level Prepaid Mid Submission Level Rewards Mid Submission Level Premium Mid Submission Lvl Premium Plus 2.40% 1.80% 1.80% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% $0.10 $0.20 $0.20 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards that do not meet the requirements for any Prime Submission Level Program or the Key-Entered Program. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) missing on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10% (up to 20% for Tnxb and Limousines - 4121 and Beauty / Baiter Shops - 7230). Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match for ResUurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Hotel/ Motel (3501-3999,7011, 7012), Car Rental (3351-3441,7512,7513,7519), Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dispensers (5542), and Digital Goods (5815,5816,5817, 5818). Gaming & Lottery merchants (7800,7801,7802) eligible for thb program; regbtration with Dbcover b required or transaction will reject. High Rbk merchants (Direct Marketing Travel - 5962, Direct Marketing Outbound Telemaiketing - 5966, and Direct Martceting Inbound Telemarketing - 5967) not eligible for thb program. Premium and Premium Plus card transactions at Hoteb / Car Rentals (3351-3441, 3501-3999,7011,7012,7512,7513,7519) and PassengerTransport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511) not eligible for thb program. Maximum days to deposit & settle b 8 days for Passenger Transport (3000- 3350,4112,4411,4511), 3 days for all other merchants. Base Submission Level Core 2.95%50.10 Base Submission Level Debit Base Submission Level Prepaid Base Submission Level Rewards Base Submbsion Level Premium 1.89% 1.89% 2.95% 2.95% $0.25 $0.25 $0.10 $0.10 Consumer Core, Debit / Prepaid, Rewards, Premium, and Premium Plus cards that do not meet the requirements for the Mid Submission Level Program or Key Entered Program or have been submitted with an invalid or missing Acquirer Interchange Program Code. Validation not required for Magnetic Stripe or Chip Read, Authorization, or MCC. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) missing on chip card transactions. Transaction mbsing the Discover Network Reference ID (NRID), which is a unique numeric identification generated by Discover that remains unchanged for the life ofthe transaction. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Base Sub Level Premium Plus 2.95%$0.10 Commercial Electronic Commercial Electronic Debit Commercial Electronic Prepaid 2,30% 2,30% 2,30% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Commercial cards including Business, Executive Business, and Coiporate cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data and valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in tltc Sales Data ifMagnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on chip card transactions. Authorization and settlement amount can differ up to 10% (iq) to 20% for Taxis and Limousines - 4121 and Beauty / Baiber Shops - 7230). Authorization and settlement amounts do nothaveto match for Restaurants (5812), Bars (5813), Fast Food (5814), Hotel/Motel (3501-3999,7011,7012), Car Rental (3351-3441,7512,7513,7519), PassengerTransport (3000-3350,4112,4411, 4511), Service Stations (5541), Automated Fuel Dbpenseis (5542), and Digital Goods (5815,5816,5817,5818). Address Verification Service required for Card Not Present transactions, except for mobile payment and rccutring payment transactions, for all merchants except for Insurance (5960,6300), Emerging Mariccts (4899,5968,5983,6533, 8211,8220,8299,8351,8398), Public Services (4784,9211, 9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), Hotels / Car Renuls (3351-3441,3501-3999,7011,7012, 75)2, 7513,7519), and Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112.4411,4511). Utilities (4900) and High Risk (5962, 5966,5967) are not eligible for thb program. Maximum days to settle is 8 days for PassengerTransport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511), 3 days for Emerging Markets (4899, 5968,5983,6533, 8211,8220, 8299,8351,8398) and Public Services (4784,9211,9222,9223,9311,9399,9405), 2 days for all otiicr merchants. Commercial Base Submission Comml Base Submbsion Level Debit Comml Base Submbsion Lvl Prepaid 2.95% 2.95% 2.95% $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Commercial cards, including Business, Executive Business, and Corporate cards, that do not meet tlie requirements for the Commercial Electronic Level Program. Validation not required for Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read, Authorization, or MCC. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Commercial Large Ticket Commercial Large Ticket Debit 0.90% 0.90% $20.00 $20.00 Commercial cards including Business, Executive Business, and Corporate cards. Magnetic Swipe or Chip Read not required / Electronically Authorized. Authorization and settlement amounts can differ up to 10%. Eligible Merchants: MCCs 2741,2791,2842,5013,5021.5039,5044, 5045,5046,5047, 5051,5065,5072,5074,5085,5094,5099,5199,5111,5122,5131,5137,5139,5169,5172,5192.5193, Commercial Large Ticket Prepaid 0.90%$20.00 5198. Transaction amount greater than or equal to $5,000. Maximum 2 days to deposit & settle. (VPl) BAMS.MVD.F18.2.IC_Gross 10-2018 Page 3 INTERCHANGE RATE SCHEDULE (Effective October, 2018) Program Rate Category Rates Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item International Consumer Credit Intcmational Consumer Debit / Prepaid 2.15% 1.70% so.oo so.oo Consumer Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcaid cards issued in a foreign country. Face-to-Face / Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read / Signature Obtained / Electronically Authorized. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) required on cliip card transactions. Key-Entered transactions not eligible for this program. Card Verification Value (CW) data must be present on the authorization Track Data. Valid Transaction Data Condition Code values must be present in tlie Sales Data. Authorization and settlement amounts do not have to match. High Risk (5962,5966,5967) are not eligible for this program. Mobile Payment transactions not eligible for this program. Maximum 5 days to deposit & settle, 8 days for Passenger Transport (3000-3350,4112,4411,4511). Rate includes the Discover International Processing Fee. International Consumer Base Submission Level 2.20%$0.10 Consumer Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard cards issued in a foreign country that do not meet tlie requirements for the Intcmational Consumer Credit or Debit / Prepaid programs. Validation not required for Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read, Authorization, or MCC. Supplemental Data Record (SDR) missing on chip card transactions. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Discover International Processing Fee. International Commercial 2.40%$0.10 Commercial Discover, Diners Chib Iniemational, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard cards issued in a foreign country. ValidatioQ not required for Magnetic Stripe Read / Contactless / Chip Read, Authorization, or MCC. , Supplemental Data Record (SDR) missing on chip card transactions. Maximum 30 days to deposit & settle. Rate includes the Discover International Processing Fee. Discover Assessments 0.13%$0.00 Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount ofall Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard transactions. Data Usage Fee 0,00%$0.0195 Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard sales and credit (return) transactions. International Service Fee 0.80%$0.00 Fee assessed on all Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions at a U.S. mercliant location with a noivU.S. issued card. Networic Authorization Fee 0.00%$0.0025 Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard authorizations. {VP1)BAMS.M , .2.IC Gross 10-2018 Page 4 Discover® Network I iiirough Fees Schedule (Effeciivc October, 2018) The following fees result from cI Discover Network fees apply on! arges assessed to Seivicers from Discover Network (sometimes referred to as Discover) and are subject to increases, decreases, and additional new fees imposed by Discover Network. Please note that y to Discover transactions acquired by Bank of America Merchant Services. Fee Category Rates Discover Network Transaction Qualification InformationFee Per Sales $ Per Item Discover Assessments 0.13%$0.00 Fee assessed on tlie ^ss dollar amount ofall Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard transactions. Data Usage Fee 0.00%S0.019S Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard sales and credit (return) transactions. International Service Fee 0.80%$0.00 Fee assessed on all Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. ksued card. International Processing Fee 0.50%so.oo Fee assessed on all Discover, Diners Club Imernailonal, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions where the country code ofthe merchant is diflerent fiom the country code ofthe caid issuer. Billed as part of the applicable interchange fees. Network Authorization Fee 0.00%$0.0025 Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard authorizations. (DPT) DS Pass-through Fees Schedule 10-2018 Page 1 Visa® Fixed Acquirer Network Fee (FANF) Effective April 1,2018 Table 1 - Customer Present 1 la: High-Volume MCCs^ lb: All Other MCCs^ | Tier # of Locations (Per Taxpayer ID)4 1Price per Location per Month 1 1 1 $2.90 $2.0022 3 3 4 4 $4.00 $2.9056 6 6-10 7 11-20 $5.00 $4.00 8 21 -50 9 51 n 100 $8.00 $6.00 10 101-150 $12.00 $8.00 11 151-200 $18.00 $10.00 12 201 - 250 $25.00 $14.00 13 251 - 500 $35.00 $24.00 14 501 -1.000 $45.00 $32.00 15 1.001 -1.500 $55.00 $40.00 16 1.501 -2.000 $65.00 $50.00 17 2.001 -4.000 $75.00 $60.00 18 > 4.000 $85.00®$65.00® 19^^Monthly Gross Visa Sales Volume < $200 (any number of locations)$0.00 $0.00 20" Monthly Gross Visa Sales Volume & $200 and <$1,250 (any number of locations) 0.15% of monthly gross sales volume 0.15% of monthly gross sales volume High-Volume MCCs: Applies to merchants for which 2 50% of monthly Customer Present Sales Volume is associated with High-Volume MCCs MCC MCC Description MCC MCC Description 3000-3299, 4511 Airiines 5532 Automotive Tire Stores 3300-3499, 7512 Auto Rental 5541 Service Stations 3500-3999, 7011 Lodging 5542 Automated Fuel Dispensers 4411 Steamship / Cruise Lines 5651 Family Clothing Stores 4829 Wire Transfer Money Order 5655 Sports / Riding Apparel Stores 5200 Home Supply Warehouse Stores 5712 Furniture / Equipment Stores 5300 Wholesale Clubs 5732 Electronic Stores 5309 Duty Free Stores 5912 Drugstores and Pharmacies 5310 Discount Stores 5943 Stationery Stores 5311 Department Stores 7012 Timeshares 5411 Grocery Stores and Supermarkets 7832 Motion Picture Theaters 5511 Car and Truck Dealers-New & Used Table 2 - Customer Not Present\ Unattended Terminals^ and Fast Food Restaurants® Tier Monthly Gross Visa Sales Volume Fee per Taxpayer ID per Month l"< $200.00 $0.00 2"$200.00-$1,249.99 0.15% of monthly gross sales volume 3 S1,250.00-$3,999.99 $7.00 4 $4,000.00-$7,999.99 $9.00 5 $8,000.00 - $39,999.99 $15.00 6 $40,000.00-$199,999.99 $45.00 7 $200,000.00 - $799,999.99 $160.00 8 $800,000.00 - $1,999,999.99 $450.00 9 $2,000,000.00 - $3,999,999.99 $1,000.00 10 $4,000,000.00 - $7,999,999.99 $2,000.00 11 $8,000,000.00 - $19,999,999.99 $4,000.00 12 $20,000,000.00 - $39,999,999.99 $8,000.00 13 $40,000,000.00 - $79,999,999.99 $16,000.00 14 $80,000,000.00 - $399,999,999.99 $45,000.00 15 a $400,000,000 $70,000.00 Fast Food Restaurants and Vending Machines (MCC 5814): Applies to merchants with i 50% of Customer Present Saies Volume associated with MCC 5814. Customer Not Present volume includes transactions originating with an ECl/MOTO indicator of 1-9, and Customer Present volume includes transactions NOT originating with an ECl/MOTO indicator of 1-9. ^Cap of 4,001 maximum billable locations ^Table 2 fees are allocated and billed to each Individual outlet or merchant account number based on a weighted average of the Customer Not Present volume each outlet represents within the taxpayer ID. ^All Other MCCs: Applies to merchants where < 50% of Monthly Customer Present Sates Volume is associated with High Volume MCCs 4 Locations: The number of locations associated with each Taxpayer ID as of the last day of the month in question. A location is an individual outlet or merchant account number as referenced in our agreement with you for merchant services. The fee will be charged for each location that processes at least one Visa purchase transaction during the month. g Service fees processed as a separate transaction (both Customer Present and Customer Not Present volume) by Visa Government and Education Payment Program providers are subject to Table 2 fees only. g Transactions at Unattended Terminals in all MCCs, except for Automated Fuel Dispensers (MCC 5542), are subject to Table 2 fees only if ^ of the Customer Present volume at the location is from Unattended Terminals. Unattended terminal transactions must have a Base II Acceptance Terminal Indicator of 3 or SMS Terminal Type of 3. Excludes Visa Straight Through Processing transactions identified with a Market- Specific Data Indicator of "J" on the purchase transaction. ^ Vll of the Visa volume under the Taxpayer ID must be with one acquirer t^^ eligible for this tier. (VFI)VSFANf 4-2018 i®® ilk off IS^erctiant Services DEBIT NETWORK FEES SCHEDULE Eff«:tK'«' Fehnjsfv 1 2019 (Please see below for specific dates for eacti corresponding network.) respeeiivt Pefcff Wemor* in order to qualify tor spacM Ihrwd prie/ftg t>rogrins. Cat»90fy / UCC Cod* Program I Descrlpiion Group 1 Gv«up2 pvro/Ov r 9 9 Group 3 bnyri Alffi 'Wlfl Tipr QuAllflcrMons accel (EftocUve July e. 2018) chente Per Hem Cap eCi»9»fNrHaai Cw pMfigt Par Ittm C9 ALL OTHER STANDARD } CMS 80 14 NIA 0 e&%%0 14 HJA 0 60%SO 14 HA SiTiai TicAel (8l8«nd under)1 1 ecs 80 08 N'A 1 00s socc fiA 1 00%SO 06 H'A MEtiSEiT AOVAHTAQE j osos 80.225 WA ow%$0,225 H'A 1 10%so.tis HA ALL OTHER MERCHANT TYPES Adisnuge Small Tiekel (818 snd under) ACCEL ASSURANCE 1 1 DCS j CMS 80 08 80 14 NrA NiA T Q0% ou% SO OB SO 14 HfA %A 1 10% OBC% so Its $0 14 HA HA (Ne Tmeif As4uranc4 Small Tkktt (815 and under)j 100s SO 08 N'A \ ocs SO 06 H'A 1 00%scoe N'A MEMSER SPECIAL 1 0 60*1.80 223 N/A oeos SO 225 H'A 1 10%so.115 HA SeeciaS Small Tickal (8t8 and underi -L—80 08 NA 0 SO 225 H'A 1 10%SO 115 HA SUPERMARKET STANDARD 1 N.-A 1 80 26 NA 1 CCS SO 14 SO 33 H'A so 29 N'A Smai Ticker 18TS and under)1 1 ocs ( 80 08 NA 1 CC*»SO 06 HA 1 00%sooe HA GROCERY) MEMSER ADVANTAGE 1 NiA 1 80 26 NFA NfA SO 33 M'A t 10%$0,115 HA SUPERMARKET) WHOLESALE CLUB (MCCS3», 8411) Advantage SmaB TIcrLar (8tS and under; ACCEL ASSURANCE Aasurance Srnall Tioket (818 and under) 1 NA 1 1 KA 1 1 1 O-JS 1 80 26 »20 80 08 NA NlA NA h^A 1 ocfs 1 COS 50 33 SO 14 SO 06 H'A SO 33 10s HA 1 00% so 115 SO 29 SC.06 HA HA HA ftV9 Tmt) MEMSER SPECIAL f N'A 1 80 29 NA ^i/A SO 33 HA 1 lOAe SO 115 HfA Sgecia' Sman Tickel (8I8 and unrtei)i HA 80 OS N'A N'A SO 33 KA 1 1(34,SO 115 H'A PETROLEUM STANDARD i C 60«« 1 80 15 80 65 C7$S S014 S0S5 0 BOS so 16 SO 95 Small Tickel (818 and undar) 1 1 1 oos 1 80 ce NA 1 00%scoe HA 1 D0^1»$0 06 HA UEKeSR ADVANTAGE 1 1 odos t 8015 NA 0 60%so 15 N'A o'e%SO 115 HA PETROLEUM [MCC 8841, 8842) Aduvilaga SmaB TkAai (SIS and undari ACCEL ASSURANCE j 1 CCS 1 1 0 9O** 1 80 08 8015 N'A 80 65 1 00% 0 75S so oe so 14 N A SO 95 0 76% 0 80% SO 115 SO 15 HA SO 95 OVff Tms) Asauranoe Smal TidtatlSIS end undari 1 1 1 1 $0 08 NA 1 CM2%so 06 KA 1 00%$0 06 HA MEIAER SF^CIAL 1 1 O&C-e 1 SC15 N'A D BCr'.b so ii H4 0 76%S0115 N'A Spaiuai Small Ticket (S18 artd undari 1 1 I CC*t SO 08 N'A oeos S015 HA 0 ''OS SO 115 N'A OSR STANDARD 1 T 00»ni 80 06 NIA 1 COS 50 06 HA 1 00%SO oe N/A SmaB Ticket 1S18 and undeu \ j 1 CCS 80 08 N'A 1 OMh SOW HA 1 COS so oe N'A MEkQER ADVANTAGE i 1 1 00*e 80 08 N/A T 00%SO T1 N A r 10s so 11s HA QSR (MCC 8514) Advanlaga Small Tickal (818 and undari ACCEL ASSURANCE 1 j 1 oon 1 1 1 ocn# 80 08 80 08 N/A NA 1 00% 1 00% SO OB $0 06 N A HA 1 10«ik 1 00% so 115 so 06 N/A N/A (No Tiors) Aaauiance SmaH Ticket 1S18 and under 1 1 I 1 oc**$0 08 N'A 1 00s $0 06 HA 1 00««SO 06 N.A MEMBER SPECIAL 1j 100s 80 05 N'A 1 ocs SO 11 H'A 1 10s SO 115 N.'A Speoai Small Tickel (818 end under) 11 1 00*e $0 08 NA 1 ou%SO 11 N'A 1 10%$0 116 Ni'A ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES RECUuATED H 1 coes 1 i 80 21 • $0 ov NA 0 «s so :■ • $0 L'1 •HA C 05»e son • $0 01-NA S*0 BiKton and above m auals ' C*'Sl r*>9i eo<noi*^c* tr-e {yei,*enr>pn sionwet wn So 01 a//ow»n;e Pf Autfw. C«>Tipl«l*on». PurchAM, D»cUna«, so 04 ll4««fMh ApproMd -SOM Ovdln^O (EflBctive Oetabei 1 mjj (Ett«cuvv 0c1o6«r 1, 20511 ALL MERCHANTS CaweeryJ UCC Cods MAJOR MERCHANTS lltcc aio. U91. MM. Stit 7iiv 8M9. 0402) STANDARD MERCHANTS (All OUid MCC4) PETROLEUM (MCC SM1.SS42I SUPERMARKET (MCC 8000. 8411) QSR (MCC 5414) ALL MERCHANTS PUERTO RiCO ALL MERCHANTS Pn:..;vwftaiy loBaii* ..FAn Ejaaptlon Item Fees Pef Adfujfmeef Pnerom I Oooeriptten kitordunga Rato stsp^rsd|T«' TMr OuaUficallORS iCC»r .V. jrj; REGUL^^t D • N5aff>i MercKa^'s Sundii* Mofchanla REGUL^^ED* StaAflBTd March an li Palroiaurn . 0«aata' Than or gqualto $15 RaVolflum • La&s Than $15 REGJuAT^O • Patroieun REGULATED • Suparmarkot REGJL ATEC-OSR Exception llarn Faaa MERC KANT SPECIFIC ilia SefVK C- ODS 1 20^^ SO 21 • S3 CT- SO 1C $0 02 t $10 6i^i>on and abo «n ) «vi^ $10 EiBton and abova iri aaaats ) Aitt $10 SiAicn and above m aaMia !&4uar% vnir. 5^0 Blltion and above in aaMtS i amT' %' C' Si'kvjn and above ir aaaeta gp«cj(5c eooe uf We/jhanf Sarv*da8 switcft o^iyj ss^n't nish $10 6iil<on and abcve in a&Mt , AVvi 'kirX B fte.TrN. BflFiti rif A.i\atn'.H Wiy R Pf^Aiiiha. C«mplaitoAa. PurchMM, OffcHnaa. Ralurna. RawaaM $0 035 0«cliA«a Tranaaction Fa# SO 25 F«r JgjtaSfnif UpvM»W 1/2'10 Bank off America iviorctiant Servlcei DEBIT NETWORK FEES SCHEDULE 1 NMWOtfc Category I MCC Code Program / Deaorlpllcn lrttorch«n9« Rftto Per Uem Cop Tier QiiilKlcMlone Fee STANDARD' ALL OTHER POS MERCHANTS lAII olhet MCC CodKl PRIME PROGRAM o.me $:• '65 50 145 N.'A N/A 1 •A99 eOOTranaacUoni Supermarket . siandare NA 50J75 K-A (MCC 5300, 5411) PRIME PROGRAM SO 20S N/A 1 • 466 666 Tronaaclione Pre-Autha. CenvieUete. OAMNCE flarr>*r(y <'r»4 ' PETROLEUM PETROLEUM • SlanCare '> 60S 5013 uja Pvreheeee. Deelm**, Rftuma SO 03 Bavreela N/A 7511)PRIME PROGRAM 0 BOS SO 145 SO &4 1 • 466,666 Trdt^eacitone October 9, 2017)QSR (MCC 5912. 6514) OSR PRIME PROGRAM 1 25^. 1 1P^» $0.» SO 095 WA N.'A (No Tiers} ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES REGULATED 0 OS^e $0 21 • 50 01*N/A iMua»a with S'C BiIIiOa and aboie in »««elA ' liAuTf* nier rwoT rn C0<4 ffMir niiy luisv erxT [ac^Kith ui iilnro Iv moi*/ llie ALL MERCHANTS S-: RETAIL RfiUiil 0 90S so 15 N/A RbUiI Prepaid 1 '5S SO IS N/A SUPERMARKET SupBrmortiaf K'A 50 30 N/A (MCC 5411) SupdrmdrVdt Pr«M>d t 15S SO 15 SO 35 FUEL FuBl 0 dOS 50 15 SO 65 IMCC 9541. 5542) Fi;«l Pr«pBid 1 tss SO 15 SD65 TRAVEL SERVICE (MCC 3000-1996. 4111. Travel Service 1 tes $0 10 N/A 4411. 4611. 4722. B12. 6414 Ten. and 7612)'^ravei Se'vHee Prepaid • T5S SO T5 NA Complaltene. Pufch—^ OOS^'50 0225 capped at SO 035 Pre-Autha (AppreeeiJ A Dedined) Reeereala fAeeaevedt COMMERCIAL PREPAID SLj^na&s Cotporete and Puichaainij Prepakl 2 15V.50 >0 WA (No Tters) KrA (Effecttve ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES Busine&s 170-.SO 1C N.'A (No T'9fz) October 1. 2019) ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES 0 05S so 22*N'A iMue/$ vvtih $10 BiiFion end above m eeaela 'incSuMs Iht US $O0^ fr#Udp^even^4n rnfe'cA^pe hi certified rssi^s 50 005 D>i:llitM.RMum» INTERREGIONAL lntatreB>cinal Fee 1 tos Kt,N/A iniarre^'ene* *ee$ wiii be sssessed 'tvhen fn« mercnant and leeuer are in di^renl counlries REGULATED iD^rregional 0 05%50 22'K-A r&&ue's vnb'. 5*0 BiHron and dbo>e <n eeseta me US JO 05 prevenpCFn infe'snarpe ad'A'S7'"dnr for eeitfted 'i4<i9'S INTERNATIONAL SERVICE ASSESSMENT (ISA) intamaapi^ar Service AaMaimanr ((SA)C ^.A H'A inwmaMnai ttanaacttonc will be defined m « trwitaci<v> <»nere 9>e iftiuer s ceunVy it ddfe/are tron r>« '-■vtAerti s i 8m (SA fM «« be eseeeted en af revnjtcnjf inivink rii~*'atrn «rd ZAV> ditbLT tnrtJctou wtiere the ittLiar loceBer^ rt ncr-v S and mercriftni rrwtscto^ INTERNATIONAL ACQUIRING FEE (lAF) Non-KrOh R(**t MCC H.gh Ris^ MCC I5»62 SdM Sl»7) OAsn 0 90S N.A N,'A N/A N/A irntmatoW fanbacbons will be defined at • tii*i*p» me <(toer t etmniry it ^Pererr fp'^it ffte m#T*w? t ccL/Tt7*v lAf fee wre ee n •sotoL b dw eittC^ ISA ertarnetNmi Serwe 4«»ettrfi«n| 0* 0 ALL MERCHANTS Parija' A'„ihi5n;aticn Nor.-Paplicipalton Fee %'j or Appliei »ci earK Aulomaled Fue' C>i»enee' p**ta' {/art'CipsiK/n ind'Cau^/ AFO^ aulhonzatior* fha! r.©5 r)ot Cfinlai'* the i2ation iDoi'.e^ EL^epton (;em Fees SO 4&S ^9' 4d USfrrwnT RETAIL PA r D Reum L.-N.a PAv'O Retail Prep 1 15'4 5C *5 N/A SUPERMARKET RAVD SupermerKel ^.'A SO 30 N/A <Nc(MCC 5411) RAVD Suparmerlet Prepaid 1 5C 15 50.35 ConpieUone, 0 08% • K022S. cap^d at 10 035 PIN AUT1HEN- nCATED VISA DEBIT (PAVO) FUEL PAVO Fuel osos SO IS 50 65 (No Tjers/(MCC 5541.6542) PAvC F Prepaid t T5S 50 15 SO 95 Pre-Autfia N/A TRAVEL SERVICE (Hce Koo-3ne,4ii}. PAVO Travel Service t 10S SO 10 N/A iNo T>orsj Reeeraato Uoermwd^ 4411. 4(11. 4722. 6512. UI4 7011. and 7512)PAVO Travel &e'AC9 Prepaid 1 15S SO IS N/A SO oos (Efbettve Octotief t, COMMERCIAL PREPAID PAvOgvsmaSe Ccirporale Purehsa<n(f Prepaid 2 ns $0 10 N/A (No Tiei&f so 035 ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES FAvD BuBir%eS8 t 70S so 10 N/A (No Tiers) ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES PAVD REGULATED ooss S0 22-Ni'A ieaoer& S^O diUor. and abc/e m aeaete *fr^ciu«i t*>9 uS Jo 01 Aevd pr9t'9'*ocr .rrrev-.Tarpe aC/uslmerrr foi cerdfteo issi/ois ALL MERCHANTS Pai'tiat AuVri>rizahon Non'Partlcipailon Fee 50 Ot Aopi«t to eactr Aulomaiad Fuel Dspeneer i partial authonzatior^ partcipaM:in 4fidieau>r n AFDt avtnenfation thai d< 1 Field CO 10 el ine aulhc as r^ot contjJr) lha iration nassage 5C AfiS Pf 4{7rjS»»>erf PrepnMaiy lo Sank at Atnenca UeichanI Servk:a»Pages 2 of 4 UpdalM) 1/7/19 Bank of America IVIorcHant Services DEBIT NETWORK FEES SCHEDULE ^ybrnan' i. 2019 fPlcascsee below for specific dates for each corresponding networfc.) MaOerfc Category/ MCC Code Pfogram i 0*«erlpt1on Por Item Cap TiarQuallfkaMonB Switch Fee OlherMtoc. Nstworli FoM AU OTHER AL- - ••E«' 3 ^STiNpApr, Jflsnre Prnferred 0 0 80%so?o $9 69 2 milliQn a/rnuftl Uaneactione REOlfLATYD All Olh«< • 3 (Sldndirdi 0«%$0 2' • $0 0'*N>A Kifi $10 EAqo and Aoe r* eean 'IC ei Aav tm / aeir SUPERUARKET (MCC 5300, 5411) SgPSRMfrRK£T . TIER 3 (STANDARD) jA»ni« Pr«fftri64 N/A K'A $0 26 $0 36 N/A N>'A < 2 ffliHfon annual Iraneac'joris Pr.-Autfi«, CiMnptelloAt, PurchasM. 0*cllnM, REGULATiD SupftTHKrhtti. Tier 3 fStandfl'd)0 MH $0 21 ¨ $0 01*N/A i»iman wtei $10 Bihor and ibeve ir mmU *tc OT ^smm^aieevAiviii te rMtuflUtf' aM/ wwa <w »6j»igmr>»p(fcpflB etfrr KBdwJflrmrt* »0« jeane (Eflseitve Jufy 1,2017) PETROLEUM (MCC S541.SS42) PTTROLEUM Prvfened 0 60S D 80% $0 10 SO ID S095 $0 95 (Nq 7>9rs) REGULATED ReUol6u<ri 0 05%SO 21 • $0 01*K'A lewerenffi SlOMon and ibcva it auu *>60* rie>aBiM lU a*tm meHidtHttmu rvaa » Bio—itf Wa nndwea e/ftvM FrSpiW Ambw QSR (MCC 5614) QSR JMrxa Pr^Urrfd 1 15% 1 55% $0 04 SO 04 $9 99 SO 99 r.No Tie's; Pr.-Atfth>. Cvnplallsiu, PiirchMM, DvclknM, REGULATED QSR 0 05%$0 21 • $001'N/A istuvt $10 fiAoPi eid rrT-im $0 035 ALL MERCHANTS Euapticin llein F0€S $5 00 Pf A!/jur"}9n! 1 !-:r-Fflnre-nf- ALL OTHER {UCC'a ctbf th«n IhoM ndudtd W •I0i«r tft« Sup*mwk*t 1 WvehoaiM niM or Da ConvaiSone* ru*) A'l Oth«r Ba5«=.,15 N A rWo 7ws) CONVENIENCE (MCC 54M, 5541, 5542.5414. 7432) C««'-v«rtence C 75%SO 17 SO 95 (No T/are) SUPERMARKET/ WAREHOUSE (MCC 5300.5411) Sf^parmahiet ^ Waraheuw Ba«a 1 05%$0 15 SO 35 (So T>0rs) ALL POSRATE CATEGORIES REGULATED REGULATE DiM9t Fraud Ad^uitmeni 0 05% 0 06S $0 21 $022 N^A N/A lieuers $io Biuion and aDovo m eeae(e Oeoimaa. Reiuma. Revaraala $0 025 N/A yay 1,2016) CROSS BORDER FEE 0 65%N/A N/A Appi^a te any tranMcUon m which ihe counirycede o1 Lhe morchanldillere From ih* counUyeode associated with ttie cardholder Aooi>cao)e to Sopermarket Convanience end An Other Marchanta $0 02 CROSS BORDER ASSESSMENTS ACQUIRER CROSS-BORDER ASSESSMENT FEE 0,60%N/A N/A The Acquire' CrDevBrnHr Aeaassmenl Fee IS billed on all U S Re9ron.acquirea trarriacDcno for Maeslre cards issued eutade the U 5 Region ACQUIRER PROGRAM SUPPORT PEE 0 85%N-A N/A The Aequ'rer Program Support Fee is biQed onaBUS Region.a CQuired transaclions lor Maestro sards issued outside lhe U 5 Regioit ALL MERCHANTS £jc*pt}OA Kam Fa«s $3 0C Pf AO ALL OTHER ALL OTHER - TIER 3 (STANDARD) RREViER ISSUER 0 75% 0 80% $0 13 SO n N'A N A Nvf.F Mr/iifilvPO/^Vnlumn ¨ ' Wiil»sn SUPERMARKET (MCC 5300.5411) SUPERMARKET .TIER3 (STANDARD) PREMIER ISSUER N.'A N*A 50 27 $0 29 N/A N/A NYrFMncilhlvPOS Volum. < 1 MiUior^ Pra'Awtha. Pvrehaeea, DecKnee. Retuma PETROLEUM (MCC 5541.5542) PETROLEUM • TIER 3 (STANDARD) PREMIER ISSUER 0 70% 0 75S SO 14 SO 1$ SO es $0 90 N CE_AOftlhW PM Volume 1 . 690.000 1 600,001 .1,000,000 $0M 1,000.001 • 2.690.000 tnfraatruclura fCfhc1rv« ffbrujry 1 2019) QSR/Small Tiekel (MCC 5414.5310") OSR SMALL TICKET PREMIER ISSUER T 30% • 30^. SO 03 SD03 N.'A N'A Avara^ pnor calendar fear Itckat la $20 or i«Sa arrd 1 mill«/( UonS*ily NYCE PO$ SO 0375 2.600,001 • 6,900.000 $0 0325 $.000,001 « $0 0275 SO DOS ReveceaN N'C ft4«r Kc«^ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES NVCE EBT POS Tranaacljor^a SA N.'A N/A Appltc^o 10 NYCE £67 P05 tronsaojons ascatnaa by ANY marchafm funtau ;yjy»4>.Tfr3 frc'rr advena^g £07 cash benaft car an $0 02 IfVS W 'tM off f^rnman rm»>ci0t9. ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES REGULATED Tr»flMCt)or>t« $15 00 RSGLAjATED Trwtuam A $1 S.OO REGULATED PREMIER ISSUER 1 oc% 0 05S 005% $0 025 $0 21 •» SOOf $0 21 • SOOl- N/A N/A N/A Isauara vaih $10 Billion and above In eaaets * $0 Oi ecHaetad and pa/d wth faipacf to tf>a travd-pravarnicn aajusin^nt wndar rne naw •nrercAa/v^ re^Wcona it rh# <sauer 4 aligibla ibr Me eO/u&fmenl under suOh ragutations N'C Data File Aetr.'ily Fee SOOOW The Data File Acliyity Fee is 1Sifted pe» N'«'CE Author»2at>dri | ALL MERCHANTS Eueption ilem Foes U 00 Par AOiuzJ-ntn' | 5.4<vi "> Uav Propttetsryto Bank of Amenea MarCwrn Servteas Pages 3 of 4 upoaied irz'ie 1 ^019 (Plea BanK of America IVIoroMant Servlcei DEBIT NETWORK FEES SCHEDULE I see below for soecific dates for each corresDondlna network.) putaip (Ef(*ctlva Aeni 1.2017) Category f HCC Codo Program 1 Doscriplron Inlofchnng^f RMo Per lioni C1(.Trrt 0,j.-ilr1ir nlirrrra Switr h Fee Othof M<%<, Ne-lwofh fees RETAIL PULSE PAY ; PULSE PAY Oho CO o.$o%5015 NlA /No T/ersJ PULSE PAVUmilad 5015 N/A Afryaaa ro PUI.SE PtV POS defvt mam In i a coivanrteo arm crvOv thai prvkctpara m PULSE Pi r Umiod GENERAL RETAIL (HCC»a)l olbare)PULSE Pr«pant 1 15S 50 15 NIA AncOao JO PULSE Pm/ POS dchr trsnaacncna tfonftjcM w^Vt crniS* fhai parVcipete "i ^1.4.S£ REGULATED Retail 0.05^$0.21 • SOOV N/A ts&jsr) SiO wd r acMts Ttir rr^ Fiave eettl'\^lo PViS€ ir^ 'Aoy rtflyYi nfii iTixttditV 'n jVnr* (hMrgnstf lo ffis ^mjO erfvmVKf^ mafromnnit PETROLEUM PU.SEPAY PULSEPAYCnoico 0 ftos 50 15 $0 OS Ti^s) PULSE PAYLimllad 1 1SS 50 IS $0 95 Affdm fo ^(.flaSg PIN POS iMMf OVMCfrena CtSrtducM Mfft earOt IIM ptrUciptga m PiJiSS P* y UintlntJ (MCC SMV0S42)PULSE Propaid 1 15%50 15 50*3 to PTJtSg PW A>S My/ ccnAxAt? (ftaf ptrfK/Mv PCA.2C Pre>Awth*.Kolwerk Sacuiity Faa REGULATED Pobolaum 0 05%50 21 • SOOf N/A ishiffK Ii0 Bcvi dbeve oi bmts tci 'vvve cnr/z/M fc PVLSf iim llioy hovYt n) pywdirvt lit /Vsv /o fnoM Bm Pm^O PureheMe. Decl^M. Return*. ReuMeele Unre^tared Maftrhaala 50 COS f4CTT//c«*Va rc oppovdi. haimxm rvvrw^ GROCERY PULSE PAY 1 PULSE PAY Chora 50 30 N/A (No 'iPfS) CuMVfW ttama/a m*3 ifKOfiH'la'a trmaaoti'y*) PULSE PAY Llmlltd t 15%$0 IS %0 05 lo PULS6 P>N POS OelMI l/anueOtm (onOLitM Cfve* iNtI p^ticipba GROCERY (MCCS41t) OOeS • »017S me>or$O03 Reversals 40 CO*PULSE Prepaid 1 15%50 IS 50.35 RU.Sc POS Mv/ tr^^maewu cniOjclPtf w*\ llml prrrtcr»W Promri REGULATED Groctry 0 WS 50 21 • 50 01"N'A wHK itC BliMr •bow «•«*« T<r tnue^ ttm ewiAed lo PULSS r/« iimr cctfz^' vC hr «• lo iiJMf ■p«Lf3 fysMMiffOri rnoia/nrrm^t SMALL TICKET PULSE PAY r PULSE PAY Chorea 1 55%50 04 N/A TcMf UvcMrd wkli ttO iMCyvn? MT.M 5 <M» n>C4VVti ^uvril I iMu* p/ctftg Umiy»l«ed nwUSRU e>a««tl*fSTYD U}(;« Mil ftutrw Bi« atteil rM« k* itm-OMVtnl nwunnta (RET (UL i SMALL TICKET (MCC4111.4121. 4131, 47g4, 5614, PULSE PAVL'milBd 1 COS 50 05 NA AjTpJw /'u P^S£ PiN POS OvM c rytJijcfwtJ (vcm c vfiB Hinf p«vnf2p«tf9 yt PLTCScPArumflort 60*4. 7211, 7216, 7336,7523.7642, 7632, 7541) PULSE Prepaid 1 90%50 05 N/A As»*0P 10 PULSe PIN POS i/eNI freripocl/VA senAKVi wir- e-^i iltnf j/i POLSS ^aema REGULATED Small Tickoi 0 05%$0 21 - SO DI N/A mby (1C B*on and rcow dt •satt fml havt emPf^ to PULS£ rri«r f wy 'Mbv frrcmhrf^ In 1^0:0 dns/ir^ to mom' 9« Pood iroiviiw rocju/'Vioriip AU POS RATE CATEGORIES INTERNATIONAL PIN DEBIT 1 lCr%NS N/A tc P/\ POS tonS9C1'OOS conajHea 9-ii "Or-U S Ml U S fryeJcnar.n un/c^'f /'•"sartwfs ura meluOaJ PrMAue««. CemtAeberw. PwrcbeM*. Oedbwe. Ratiana. Ravaraala KC Ercopuon Horn Peaa 00 Pe/ Atf uclmanl ALL MERCHANTS St 00 Pfir Petr Pulse Sarvnira Marchani PenicrpatiDfi Foe S^2 00 AnjTwJJ ans tatSJiP b/i'ad an nuallf tr. Jun. Schedule A SchMfcitoB dehodule C MCC Coda .IbagnRitOaacftpUon •r.-ccor-Tier Quehflcahone SwHch Fee Metwerh c*fi ParBam Cap Pm N*m cte GENERAL RETAIL Gf neial C ACS $0 T5 NIA ooos $0 13 NA C 95%so.ie 1 N(A 1 fNc Tiirs) GROCERYS WHOLESALE IMCC 530Q. 54111 aT<<3 WiQiasaie C yCs s? le SO 34 C5%50 -4 $0 Si i 90%%o ie 1so 35 j .-hc 1 Pr^ Auiha. PurehaaM. | Dee llne«^Returr9. sooe i'c#iM*« Pvamatnd mid OSR (MCC 5814)OSR 0 80%so 1?N'A 0 75%SO 14 ISO M J 1 25fi $0 05 NA (No 7/msJ PETROLEUM (MCC 5541,55421 Pelroieuf^so 14 S3 *5 1 0 80».SO 14 SO 55 j1 0 ey-t SO o NA 1 ,'Sc -rerj/ 1 tf'NTMw m a nrncNnra %'A ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES Bu&nftfis Debll t 70S so 00 N/A j 0 00%S011 ' NA j 1 70S $0 od N.A 1 Will t«i5« p'octdence n»«r ell oUwt r.elegory iniefchaD^e raios ComptadoM ALL POS RATE CATEGORIES REGULATED 0 05**so2: • SC' Of 1 NA j 0 ass so ;i • SCO'- 1NA 1 1 1 0 05S $0 ri ' saof 1NA 1 1 i«ANie*&w>th B'ifinn end eoow m aspats '7na C'prp• enton aoyoalmani of SO >t on', a.-6,,aC\}o to f*-os® innS/Totona Waf «•.» tacijiUd rrt®./ alt^ibiMv wnh SH^ZAM K'C 91UA.H. Sure (Efteetim October 1. 201«) (Efhctlve July 1,2017) AU. MERCHANTS CMBgoryl UCCCede EjLcepUon F1«rr FefrS I OvicrtptkHi M«icKsnga Rate Tief Quelrficetione OHwrMiftc Notworli Fees ALL OTHER MERCHANTS - .sTA\C;AH'i, PftCFgRREUPCOCiftAM : 9'^-', 0 00^1 5:; 50 25 N - N.'A 1 ic 4 9W 9UM ireii&acLjona pei moniri GROCERY A WHOLESALE (MCC 5300.5411) -Tier SiSTANDARO^ PREFERRED PROGRAM 0 6C% 0 60% K 2: $0 25 50 33 SO 40 1 tc 4 995 00s Lransactionfl tef PETROLEUM (MCC 5541, 5S42) PETROLEUM • TIER 3 (STANDARD) PREFERRED PROGRAM C 055*, U 05S $0 1? SO 205 N/A N;A 1 to 4 909 009 (TanMcUona p«i m»nV> RESTAURANTS (MCC 5S12. 5514) RESTAURANTS PREP ERREO PROGRAM 1 15S 1 15% 80 C« 8C 10s N'A N(A lAji tfansaaion amouttol Oecllnaa. Pre>Au(h*. SMALL TICKET (MCC4111, S4M, $004. 7011, 7)30, 7523. 7542, 7832. 7841) SMALL TICKET - TfanMcUons « $15 00 PREFERRED PROGRAM 1 55% t sss 80 04 to 04 N/A WA Ttansactione s |15 00 80 0335 PureKaaaa and ComoUttana 80 0825 SMALL TICKET • TrinaacLona > 815 01 PREFERRED PROGRAM 0 8(?S 000% SO 185 8c?e N'A N/A TfansaetKns 2 Sl5 01 MEOiCAL MERCHANTS <WCC 8912. 8011, 8882 00001 MEDICAL MERCHANTS 0 80^»80 15 N'A \c Tr#ns»»©n Arnooni Lvrm PRE P E RRED PROG RA M 0 80*,SO 15 N'A ALL POS RATE REGULATED Haa)0*itare (FSA/HRA)1 10%so u N/A Mnh $10 BgTi and abewn acMts AcvTc^iAe Ic STAP P/ettod Haelt/fowa m ^SiANRA tm<n aacw/ad fyr ANY nttytt>arfa CATEOORJES REGULATED 0 05S 80 21 • SC 0^-NrA 'tv-ei $1C aV abo^am ai«aQ vJitana Sf fa saM meoEty •# Pm aojma li. Tia r>h» .'^wv* ^' T'snieo'a thm ma ak^tm ALL MERCHANTS Excopirftn Hem Foes Pa'Ad izin-.ari POS Admlnlslritlvc P«« $0 01 Jo PircAww our CeroeWiorvi roVyl Hsm. BocA of AinirK*H*f«lunlS<rvieMa mformM wh*n*march>nI<)u<M» lorinolhw ut MorchonB miisItM aoprovod foi Tared TKlng by tf<« DotiK NoMotk Sona paporaotk b ifrrelvod ThB grid don noi includo Imomownol prKOig EicoptrenMod dOowo, nod'Oitorc hdng« oan«ocikono,Buc)i ds dniom, rovereob, preauthorluilona ind roooni.art lyplcolir chargad a ftwttch te a. Othaf OaOit Nafwofk apocffic Naa may apply lo bUlabIt danaeUona and non-intarchanga Irenaaeijoas aa raflactad abovaTlw primary quallftcailon ottiaiia and cUarlng raqutremanu llalad ha'a for lha various InteicUnga to vab suparsadas any almllar Infonnauon provUad on tho inlarohanga OualrflcaUon Hatra (nOM'); lha lOU b no longai avalabia and hat not baon prevldad Id you, nofwtthaarvding any provbloftt of our agraamant artbi you ftncludlng any conflrmalion paga) thai rafararrca tha IQM or ua having provldad tha IQM to youAH toaa, oickidng aoy batadon PM OabK Nafwen faat chaigad to ua. art biDad by andowadtt Bank olAmarKa MarchamSarvicat ragvdlaat of pricing malhod or kna bam billing datenpUona aremoy isa. ' Ragutotod (or nomnmpi) Conaumar and Commarcial Dabri and Prepaid Carda tdamrhadby Bauaraand Card Organuaborta B baing lubftct to lha Juna 2«. 2011 Fadaral Reaarva Anal ruk on OabH Cvd lidarchanga. Proprietary lo Bank of Amartca Mercfiant Servic«Pages 4 ol4 Updated 1/2/10 VISA FEES: The following fees result from charges assessed to SERVirF.RS from Visa and are snhjerf to increases, decreases and additional new fees imposed by Visa. Fee/Name Fee/Descrintion VISA ASSESSMENT — Debit & Prepaid 0.13% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all Visa signature Debit and prepaid card transactions. VISA ASSESSMENT - Credit 0.13% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all Visa Credit card transactions. VISA BASE n SYSTEM FILE TRANSMISSION FEE $0.0018 Fee assessed on all Visa transactions transmitted through the Visa BASE II settlement system, including sales / purchases, sales returns / refunds, sales reversals, chargebacks, and chargeback reversals. VISA ZERO DOLLAR VERIFICATION FEE $0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Verification messages, including both approved and declined, AVS, and SMS account verification transactions. Account Verification transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVV2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual Authorization. VISA ZERO FLOOR LIMIT FEE $0.20 Fee assessed on all clearing transactions that are not authorized based on matching the Transaction ID on the Authorization to the Transaction ID on the Clearing transaction. Fee also applies if the Transaction ID is missing. VISA NETWORK ACQUIRER PROCESSING FEE (NAPF) - Credit $0.0195 Fee assessed on all Visa Credit card Authorization attempts. Does not apply to $0 Account Verification messages, Real Time Clearing pre-Authorization requests. Authorization reversals, chargeback responses, and other administrative messages. VISA NETWORK ACQUIRER PROCESSING FEE (NAPF) - Debit &$0.0155 Fee assessed on all Visa signature Prepaid Debit and prepaid card Authorization attempts. Does not apply to $0 Account Verification messages, Real Time Clearing pre-Authorization requests, Authorization reversals, chargeback responses, and other administrative messages. VISA BASE n CREDIT VOUCHER FEE - Credit $0.0195 Fee assessed on all Visa credit voucher (sales return / refund) transactions for Credit cards. VISA BASE n CREDIT VOUCHER FEE - Debit & Prepaid $0.0155 Fee assessed on all Visa credit voucher (sales return / refund) transactions for signature Debit and prepaid cards. VISA AUTHORIZATION SYSTEM MISUSE FEE $0.09 Per Authorization that is not followed by a matching Visa clearing transaction (or is not properly reversed in the case of a cancelled/voided transaction) as shown by a matching transaction ID. Billed on a one month lag. VISA INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FEES - BASE (FOR PURCHASE TRANSACTIONS) 0.80% of the source amount on U.S. Acquired Original Purchase transactions when the Issuer Country is different from the Merchant Country and the transaction is settled in U.S. dollars. VISA INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FEES - ENHANCED (FOR : PURCHASE TRANSACTIONS) 1.20% of the source amount on U.S. Acquired Original Purchase transactions when the Issuer Country is different from the Merchant Coimtry and the transaction is not settled in U.S. dollars. VISA INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FEES (FOR CASH ADVANCE TRANSACTIONS) 0.40% of the source amount on U.S. Acquired Cash Disbursement transactions when the Issuer Country is different from the Merchant Country. VISA INTERNATIONAL ACQUIRER FEE (lAF) 0.45% Assessed on all transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. issued card. Billed with applicable international/interregional interchange fees. VISA INTERNATIONAL ACQUIRER FEE (lAF) - HIGH RISK 0.45% Fee assessed on all transactions conducted at U.S. merchant locations with a non-U.S. issued card; applicable to high-risk merchants in MCCs 5962 direct Marketing — Travel-Related Arrangement Services), 5966 (Direct Marketing - Outbound Telemarketing Merchants), and 5967 (Direct Marketing - Inbound Telemarketing Merchants). LATE OR NO RESPONSE TO DISPUTE FEE $.50 Fee assessed on each VISA Chargeback for which ither no respose is received or a response is received 20 days after the date from which Visa initiates the CB VISA US DEBIT INTEGRITY TRANSACTION FEE $0.10 charged on each signature Debit Card and Non-PIN Debit Card transaction (including Visa Consumer and Business debit cards and Visa Consumer and Commercial Prepaid Cards) that does not meet the qualification criteria defined under the Visa U.S. Custom Payment Service (CPS) program. VISA FIXED ACQUIRER NETWORK FEE See Visa Fixed Acquirer Network Fee section of rate schedule for Visa/MasterCard/Discover Interchange referenced in Interchange Schedules section above. Billed on a one month lag. VISA PARTIAL AUTHORIZATION NON PARTICIPATION FEE (PANPF) FOR AFD MERCHANTS $0.01 Fee assessed on Automated Fuel Dispenser (MCC 5542) transactions that do not support partial Authorization. PARTIAL AUTHORIZATIONNON PARTICIPATION FEE (PANPF)1.55% Fee applies to transactions that qualify for the VISA Global B2B Virtual Payments Program for virtual card transactions between online travel agencies VISA STAGED DIGITAL WALLET FEE $0.10 Fee assessed on all Visa Staged Digital Wallet purchase transactions that use a separate, non-Visa account number to initiate purchases for Visa cardholders. MasterCard Fees: The following fees result from charges assessed to SERVICERS from MasterCard and are subject to increases, decreases and additional new fees imposed by MasterCard. Fee/Name Fee/Description MASTERCARD ASSESSMENT FEE 0.13% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all MasterCard transactions. MASTERCARD ASSESSMENT FEE (>=$ 1,000) 0.01% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of MasterCard Consumer and Commercial credit transactions that are $1,000 or greater. MASTERCARD KILOBYTE FEE $0.0035 Fee related to transmission of clearing data. Charged per kilobyte. MASTERCARD CROSS BORDER FEE (U.S.) 0.60% Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with the country code of the merchant different from the country code of the cardholder, where the transaction is settled in U.S. dollars. MASTERCARD CROSS BORDER FEE (Non U.S.) 1.00% Fee assessed on all Consumer, Commercial, Credit and Debit transactions that are processed with the country code of the merchant different from the country code of the cardholder where the transaction is not settled in U.S. dollars. MASTERCARD NETWORK ACCESS AND BRAND USAGE (NABU)FEE $0.0195 Fee assessed on all MasterCard Authorization attempts and credit (sales return) transactions that are processed with a U.S. issued card at a U.S. merchant location. Does not apply to Authorization reversals and $0 Account Status Inquiry transactions. MASTERCARD ADDRESS VERIFICATION SERVICE (AVS) CARD NOT PRESENT ACCESS FEE $0.01 Fee assessed on all MasterCard Card Not Present Authorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more than $0. MASTERCARD ADDRESS VERIFICATION SERVICE (AVS) CARD PRESENT ACCESS FEE $0.01 Fee assessed on all MasterCard Card Present Authorizations that use the Address Verification Service (AVS) that are submitted for more than $0. MASTERCARD ACCOUNT STATUS INQUIRY FEE - INTERREGIONAL $0,025 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiry Service messages where the country code of the merchant is different from the country code of the cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual Authorization. MASTERCARD ACCOUNT STATUS INQUIRY FEE - INTRAREGIONAL $0.03 Fee assessed on all Account Status Inquiry Service messages where the coxmtry code of the merchant is the same as the country code of the cardholder. Account Status Inquiry Service transactions must be submitted for $0 and are used to validate cardholder account numbers and other elements, such as CVC 2 and AVS, prior to obtaining an actual Authorization. MASTERCARD PROCESSING INTEGRITY FEE - PRE- AUTHORIZATIONS (effective April 21,2017) $0,045 Fee assessed to each pre- Authorization if all of the following conditions are met: (i) Authorization request is fully approved by the Issuer, (ii) Authorization is identified within the Authorization request message as a pre- Authorization and (iii) the Authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or Authorization reversal within 30 calendar days. Fee does not apply to (i) Automated Fuel Dispensers (MCC 5542), (ii) contactless transit aggregated transactions or transit debt recovery transactions, (iii) offline approved transactions and (iv) private label transactions. MASTERCARD PROCESSING INTEGRITY FEE - UNDEFINED AUTHORIZATIONS (effective May 14,2017) $0,045 Fee assessed to each undefined Authorization if all of the following conditions are met: (i) Authorization request is fully approved by the Issuer, (ii) Authorization is identified within the Authorization request message as an undefined Authorization and (iii) the Authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or Authorization reversal within 7 calendar days. Fee does not apply to (i) Automated Fuel Dispensers (MCC 5542), (ii) contactless transit aggregated transactions or transit debt recovery transactions, (iii) offline approved transactions and (iv) private label transactions. MASTERCARD PROCESSING INTEGRITY FEE - FINAL AUTHORIZATIONS (effective June 4,2017) 0.25% with a minimum of $0.04 Fee assessed to each final Authorization if all of the following conditions are met: (i) Authorization request is fully approved by the Issuer, (ii) Authorization is identified as a final Authorization in the Authorization request message, and (iii) the Authorization is not followed by either a clearing transaction or Authorization reversal within 7 calendar days or the final clearing amount is submitted for an amount different from the approved Authorization amount or submitted in a diferent currency than the Authorization amount. MASTERCARD PROCESSING INTEGRITY FEE - DETAIL REPORT FEE (effective April 21,2017) $0,015 Fee applies to each Authorization that is subject to the MasterCard Processing Integrity Fee for pre-Authorizations, undefined Authorizations or final Authorizations. Fee will apply to undefined Authorizations effective April 21,2017, in advance of the MasterCard Processing Integrity Fee for undefined Authorizations going into effect on May 14, 2017. Fee will apply to final Authorizations effective April 21,2017 in advance of the MasterCard Processing Integrity Fee for final Authorizations going into effect on June 4, 2017. MASTERCARD LICENSE VOLUME FEE 0.0071% of MasterCard volume. Fee based on a good faith effort to recover and allocate among our customers MasterCard's annual fees for licensing and third party processing and calculated by multiplying your settled MasterCard dollar volume by the percentage rate (which rate may be adjusted to reflect changes in those MasterCard fees and/or our allocation). MASTERCARD e-COMMERCE SUSPECT FRAUD INDICATOR REBATE S0.015 Rebate for every e-Commerce/Card Not Present Authorization reversal that includes the suspect fraud indicator. The suspect fraud indicator is used in the e- Commerce/Card Not Present environment when an Authorization reversal is processed for an approved MasterCard Authorization where the merchant suspects fraud. MASTERCARD ACQUIRER PROGRAM SUPPORT FEE 0.85% Fee assessed on all U.S. region acquired MasterCard Consumer Credit, Consumer Debit, and Commercial Card transactions for cards issued outside the U.S. region. Billed with applicable international/interregional Interchange fees. MASTERCARD CARD VALIDATION CODE 2 (CVC 2) FEE $0.0025 Fee assessed on all Authorizations that include Card Validation Code 2 (CVC 2) validation. CVC 2 is an optional service from MasterCard that was implemented to help reduce the risk of fraud and is part of the screening tools used by merchants to ensure that the person placing the order has the card. Fee does not apply to Account Status Inquiry transactions. MASTERCARD SECURECODE FEE $0.03 Fee assessed on all MasterCard SecureCode verification requests. MasterCard SecureCode is an optional service for E-Commerce merchants that allows for an additional level of shopping security by requiring cardholders to enter additional log-in credentials that are verified by the issuer when completing an online sale (if the issuer participates in the service). MASTERCARD DIGITAL ENABLEMENT FEE 0.01% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all MasterCard Card Not Present transactions. MASTERCARD GLOBAL WHOLESALE TRAVEL BUSINESS TO BUSINESS FEE 1.57% Fee applies to transactions that qualify for the MasterCard Business to Business Global Wholesale Travel Transaction program for virtual card transactions between travel agents and travel suppliers (merchants in MCCs 3000- 3999, 4112,4131,4411,4511,4582,4722, 5962, 6513,7011, 7012,7032,7033,7298, 7512,7513,7519, 7991,7997, and 7999). Transactions assessed this fee will not be subject to the MasterCard Network Access and Brand Usage (NABU) fee, the MasterCard Cross Border fee, the Mastercard Acquirer Program Support Fee, and the MasterCard Card Present and Card Not Present Address Verification Service (AVS) fees. MASTERCARD MERCHANT LOCATION FEE $1.25 Fee assessed monthly per active merchant location. An active location is defined as a merchant location that processed at least one MasterCard transaction during the month. Merchant locations that have less than $200 in MasterCard gross sales for the month are not subject to the fee for that month. Merchant locations in MCCs 8398 (Charitable Organizations) and 8661 (Religious Organizations) are not subject to this fee. Billed on a one month lag. Humanitarian Program Clearing Fee 0.25% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of Humanitarian prepaid card transactions that are used to help humanitarian aid organizations deliver aid more cost effectively and more efficiently. Discover Network Fees: The foIlowlDg fees result from charges assessed to SERVICERS from Discover Network and are subject to increases, decreases, and additional new fees imposed by Discover Network. Please note that Discover Net^vork fees apply only to Discover transactions acquired by Bank of America Merchant Services. Fee/Name Fee/Description DISCOVER NETWORK ASSESSMENT 0.13% Fee assessed on the gross dollar amount of all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard transactions. DISCOVER NETWORK DATA USAGE FEE $0.0195 Fee assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International, and Korea BCcard sales and credit (sales return) transactions. DISCOVER NETWORK INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FEE 0.80% Fee assessed on all Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions at a U.S. merchant location with a non-U.S. issued card. DISCOVER NETWORK INTERNATIONAL PROCESSING FEE 0.50% Fee assessed on all Discover, Diners Club International, JCB, UnionPay, and Korea BCcard transactions where the country code of the merchant is different from the country code of the card issuer. Billed with applicable international interchange fees. DISCOVER NETWORK AUTHORIZATION FEE $0.0025 Fee Assessed on all Discover, JCB, UnionPay, Diners Club International and Korea BCcard Authorizations.