Rating SheetsREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EVALUATION t Name: ,isultant: C IJ Reviewer: 1J .1�J . Date: / Z_ '//­o 13 Score each category from 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. Project Understanding Project Approach Pertinent project experience Personnel (Prime Consultant and Sub -consultants if any Score 1-20) / g Work Proposal: Format f 4 Presentation %rYCL!&&J4 Schedule Gofll v C4 se.A-e-Jobe • Scope of Work Intangibles: (Explanation) to b a-.x" o n. n Intangible Score (10 Point Maximum): Comments: , ] r�11 Clail, Work. G���. b� L'v 8r,dc& Ar-4nrec4s . L,_,3e_jnL ne)ra ve u0 51,Pbri ? Plus TOTAL Reviewer's initials q span REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EVALUATION e Project Name: Consultant: V Reviewer: IV. n/. Date: /2"'/A—�:3 Score each category from 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. Project Understanding $ Project Approach Pertinent project experience �b Personnel (Prime Consultant and Sub -consultants if any Score 1-20) g Work Proposal: Format Presentation Schedule - a. Scope of Work Intangibles: (Explanation)IDno1,etJ urt _ rr.S�R�x�'r�15 Intangible Score (10 Point Maximum): Comments: `r _ Duct k Gee. [tip D or Sc.o A e J r140 41 C. t44 .r- m r._ [.$)ho p'-+r JZ -r ►t•...5 to e5 t V-I-; e er, s��d► �e-s L d "11, ,mod. TOTAL '03 Reviewer's initials _ N A46o C/io W-5 vi" / '.0- tz "Vol— o ecrp Per `,� A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EVALUATION Project Name: Consultant: Z Reviewer: Al- A/ _ Date: 12 —/0 - /3 Score each category from 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. Project Understanding �q Project Approach_ Pertinent project experience / b Personnel (Prime Consultant and Sub -consultants if any Score 1-20) Work Proposal: Format /0 Presentation / Schedule , -1 • S y r S -,C/— Scope of Work Intangibles: (Explanation). �_t dU, r r S to r-vr!!� (L's _-PR G.-re h(&VC a. 10-� are b-`. V c 1 eoL r c,.- ^cJ eo v i s e- Pro e CAJ es 1,,4_1,;3 0-kz a.?P,00LCh. Intangible Score (10 Point Maximum): 10 Comments: - Ay —con- IVoln wlS &009 5 sus t c a ry t o -- w+'4-Ij a 10 ` � of L.0 /Jo4 cIto-e will w c wov( i .'r► e, 5 Gov &AQ I C. Reviewer's initials r e,i v c a. +- L' V WS f �c a �Y► d b eS n04 10/!O TOTAL_dme,- 4-1 61 5-poa n REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EVALUATION Project Name: Consultant: Reviewer: 1V o Date: / 2. /Z - /.3 Score each category from 1 to 10 with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best Project Understanding ^� Project Approach_ Pertinent project experience Personnel (Prime Consultant and Sub -consultants if any Score 1-20) Work Proposal: Format /i Presentation /d Schedule _ Scope of Work Intangibles: (Explanation)_�1hr rw_ 1 SQL.% �� o,, �j �� c�G c.. ri : 44 -C f Z La Intangible Score (10 Point Maximum): Comments: Pr i A4 ' / *3! P ,r pal E TOTAL 4'0 " Reviewer's initials /V -Iy. ��fy�Ck - q e010114n � apart, br�2 14-0 A