La Quinta Golf Estates 2IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA LA QUINTA GOLF.ESTATES N O. 2. PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1 AND N V2 OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2- IN SW 1/4 OF SECTION 31, T5S, R7E, AND PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN THE NE 1/41 AND GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN THE SE V4 OF SECTION 36, T5S,R6E, S. B.M. 41,- hereby cer7`1fy 7'ho7' We ore the o,/vners af, or hove some 1--7yh7`, fit/e or ii7terest 7%7 or7o' 7b the /ono ii7clelded rv/thii7 the su,6chi-isibr7 shoran upon the o1?r7e.red 12?420 cor7si'stii7y of 6V0 sheep`s; 7'he2l eve vre the only ,persons R-hose c012sQr7 t' is .necessary to pass o clear ti"l/Q 7'o stoic' /oco'/ Ihot i�-e consent 7'0 t/ie . rr7c7lri%79 4/-,d t0111 7g of M716 mop oriel subdivision os shown /vii`hii7 the co loved border M,2,-, and we hereby offer for . dedibo7`ion 7`0 ,ou.6 /ic Us e for Cons74ruc7`/60 onto' o{pelb//7c w5llb-,l 7`he S 7`007' Q42Se127e/77'S-, U'eS/ rlCl7�Cd c7s S'ol/.E� /e>/s .4 E g shourn hemoo cui�hlri i 12e Colored boeder�lne Qre r�ar'ned as privoye s�reefsAr �he-6eoell'� o-Pa// 7V9 /d OWOars wi A/r1 /lie sabdivisian. L-eEE CORPORA T/O/V G Presio'ent c r e y`or, y S`.r-UQJTY TITLE (N5URANC MFAN�I . q M. TCHGE, Trustee vice -President Ass+. Secretory S 7-A TE OF t COUNTY 0/ On this /D day of /9�1, .before me o Alo7'ory Pu 6/ic in on /or 7`6e County o 7` S74cfe Qf, , ,o¢rso7io//y appeared W71/tom P Br ht , kr7o�vr7 to me to he he Pres7Q'Pnt, 017o' Me/v/h ✓ Ehrlich, LrnorUn 7104W to -/W 7ehe SeCre 7441-y of EZ- KEE CoROORA7-/ON, the cor00ro7476n 7`17074 e recute4' Me �vithii� ii7sfrurr7en7`, Gr7cl /mown 7b rr7e 7''o be the persons W12o e recc77`eo' 7 same on beho/f o7e'77h,- sold CorPorQ7'1617, and oc/rno.y/edyPd 7`o 127e 7eho7` sgio' corpo rot�or7 e recu74eo' the so172e. //V kv/T/VESS Wh'EREOF, /have hereU177`o set my hoed and 47�firPd my Motor7�7/ Seo/, the d4y ono' year / 7 this cer7'i-�eicC774e lirsf moor%- syr7fter7. /Vofo�y Dub/ic ii7 ono' fo`r so/r'o' Cour77`y qnd s'7`o7`e tiry r77r77/ss erpii es l� l _� j�G d STATE dF' /1-1-/NC31.5 . Co uN TY OF COOK 3 On, lhr s l a daty o raze, a /ti/ofar,� Pub/ic m and or lie Coun'ty o/' . Coc7/c, Sfahe o / Ir7ois Personally appeared 4-A9- TEND? /c7 OW/7 Tome to be Me Persvr/ rir//lose 17(7l 7e �:s subsc ibeal -10 the obac� cer/�/icv/e as T,2U5TEE, ole pod aokootciyGd �o.me h/afshe execu/,ed the some as T,eas7"Exr. //Y W 1 T NE55 WHIEselEQF, 1 ha tie be,-eaoly ra7Y hand aOd o' MY'oe d MY o 4uca /spa / /n sa7'c/ C'o vn /y a nc/ s 71e, -/fie day 'load _ !n 1he above urrilleQ- /Vo �a ry Ft76/i c %n a nGd/ for ai Co un¢y and Sy 14y Commiss/an e�C�iresi �`�`''�J 6 I1u9c7.51 /9.5.9. JOHM R. BOTSFORD C. E. R.E. 6219¢. / hereby certir`y thQt oceoro'ii79 to the records of this offi'ee os of this dole, that there ore no liens ogc77i7st the property shown on the Wl*lhli7 n700 for ur7,00%'_Sta1e, COU,17/y or /oco/ 7`0,res, or• Spec%/ Assessments collected Qs taxes, e.rceot taxes or7d s,0ec7'o/ ossessrr7ents -.7oHl o lien ,6471 ,?ot yet y - po able, n-hic•h Ore estirnofPd of y�'1�0 D 4 to e/ this o f A w jt Don//VA M. B o U R Co 111'7 ty TV r Co Ile ctor Deputy / hereby certify 1b,71 o bond in the surn of has been P,rcce11ec' ono' 711Yed rvifh the Board of Supervisors of the County of Rivers7o'e , SA774e of Co/ifornTo cor7a'1i'1'o77eo' elpon the ,00yrnentt of o// A7,res,. 57'o74e, County mUn/'C`/;Oo/ Or loco/ c717o' ell Spec/c7/ oSSPSSr77entS CO/%efed os A7 res /vh7ch of the trine of filthy of the 0nr7e rep' rno,o W/A' /he County Recorder orIr 47 /�'er7 c717s7` Soid pro,erty but not yet ,00yc7b/e qno' solo' bond fios been duly po,oroi-ed by said Board of Supervisors. Do7'e d : /.9-4 7 GoRDOIV -I. PEQC/EGMAT County C/er/r and of the Board or, SUp�rrisorS ey De,O el ty / hereby certj'yry tho7` /hove exon7ii7ed the :rvii'hrn mop,• that the 0 n shown hereon 7's SUbs7`or7tib//y thesori7e os it opoeored on the tentOt/'ve /77q,0 Oi70' any o7ooroveQ /ter07'iOr7S /hereOf�' 7`hCl/ G7// �orovisi"oils of S7'ofe Low and Coc7nty Ordii7gnce No. 33C hove been eor77,o/7'ed With and / 4n7 satisfied that this r7740 IS tec17171'co/ly correct .9. C'7-1-1 County Surveyor - ay Dep u 7`y The County o7' Riverside, State of Co/ifor/7io, by o17d throUyh its o'u/y authorized officers, hereby o,oprnves this fir7c7/ moo, or7d occe,ots /be /oreyo7i7g dedications. Ooteo' /9-ZJ / COUNTY OF R/l�ERS/DE, STATE OF ClZ1FORM/.4 ATTEST GOR/OOn/ A. PEQUEGN,4T County C/erLr or7d er-o7S�icib C/erlT By o f the Board of SUpe r v7s o rs Cho7i-m� Board ot'Suoervisors ay Deputy Q 1959. r•y ,n e'er r .Sl P 0 Ac/{ ,q• ,Qo5 s b9 n 0 cow D6puTY Fee- . 00 - SU[3DN. GT�C• STI Co • (-iced uyl:ptjN��. /, hereby cer7`ify lhot / 0r77 o Registered C/'vi% Fl7gl lee,- of Xhe Sto/e of Co/ifornio oriel /hot /his r77oo co/7s7st//7y 01' 2 Sheets correct/y ,oreser7ts e7 survey i77o42e under my .supervision during st 4.147 e7nd Sep-le/nber /9 59 ono that 4// r770r74/r77e,7ts shorvi7 hereo17 octuv//y e r/st and lheli- ,00s7'tio12s ore correct/y shoran. Doted- Auqusl, 29, /9 59 yistered C7'vi% ny/veer Mo.6284 i9poroveo' by the A/Yerside CoUrlfy P/onr7i%79 C01721771:ss16n ii7 oCcoroonce with thereyeiirerr�et7y`s of the /ory in duly authorized /77eetir7y held Phis ir.�C day o it/�lte�p�•7 SeCre'Tory Riversioe C041177`y O/or7nii7g Comrn/ssion S7'A 7-C OF CAL! FO2N/,9 S- S. CouH TY OF' e/VC2-1 3�, - o„ fh�s 1 day 070 A u V t T /9.59, before'rne, the undersigned H/c�/Dry �6/.e /i� and for 7<he Coon{y of el" erside S-10-le of Cah*orn,4, Qrsona//y c7ppecrec/ RoaZAT E. 8cA11 known he 7'6 me, 74,-.-46e #e We-Pres den,r One RoN. 6 uo W- A y t i s kn o cu n -/o me jo ' be j �5Ses4anr .Secretory al'.�curr� 7,/Ie insurance Coin�rny, the Ca'/�ora on �/►a� executed die . � jj4 ,h it s7ivrnen7L dnd known to me yo beAe persons who pie'e dec/ the iuiXi 1nsJrurne4on behad --P sate and ackoowladyei A me -MoU said Corp o ra4 (o� exe cu/e d AO, -some- /t/ W /7 Me SS W"ekeEor-, / h a ve here olo sc-�k my hand al)w aft rued m y yoloria/ 56al, //e day and //ear iA hrsf oh'o ve. curd en . � f, cd- o ry Pvb/lc'n and -por svid fbun*l es7laA My cornmisslon 0 1 G o S /-/ 7- 2 O F 2 S TO in\ IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA LA QUINTA GOLF ESTATES No. z. PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOT I AND N V2 OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN SW 1/4 OF SECTION 31, T5S, R7E, AND PORTIONS OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2 IN THE NE 1/4, AND GOVERNMENT LOT 3 IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 36, T5S,R6E, S.B.M. Lq N J NZ -Col- SeG. /TSS R 6 E S.B. e M. mod. Gs�ni � Sfone 19u9u.57' / /959. ✓0 /-/N R. B o TSFoRID, C. E. R. E. 628¢ CURl�E DfJTA No . Ad R 7- L / 96° OS' 0/" 2o' 2 2. 24' 3 3 .S4' 2 76 °5 ¢' ¢7" 2o' /5. BB ' 26 . ss 88' /0.02, 20.35' ¢ 86 3owr 2Q' 1,9-93' 1 3o.2/' v .sco% /" =/00' L EGE/VD /3/7. 07' Q /ndicofPs monuinen�`s {ound c7s show-n. o //7dic19fes 3/.d" /.G. �v�fh f;g R. E. 628-¢set` un/ess ofher�/se no%C. 2.r2 Reew000' hub q-/fh toy R. E. 628¢ % be Sef 4 f o// /o f co r/72rs. P. U. E. /ndi�4fes oub/ic L��`i/ify EosernPnfs o f s' l-i h s s hoh-,7. B. S.L. /na'icof�s bu/%d/i7g sef bock o /5' onG 20' os shown. 0.45/5 OF BE/+R//vGS •' The Zosf of fhe l�Yesf //2 of '3// Qs shown by //70,o 1W'a.23/99 R/�ersio'� C'ounfy RPcoro's, os /V 0'c'3' W CR 85-215 LOT 5 CR 88-125 LOT 9 CR 90-155 LOT 27