US Bank AddendumFrom: Perez, Eileen L <Eileen.Perez@usbank.com> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 11:11 AM To: Karia Campos Subject: RE: RE: UPS Delivery Notification, Tracking Number 125441740190169692- LA QUINTA RFP - DUE 11/2/19 USBANK - DUE 2/15/19 Attachments: City of La Quinta Addendum to Depository Merchant Services FINAL 02 15 19.pdf Hello Ms. Campos: It is with pleasure I submit this addendum to the City of La Quinta's RFP for Banking and Merchant Services proposal due by 2/15/19. if needed, please ensure you print hard copies of this addendum to be included with our original response submitted last Nov 2, 2018. Please let me know if you wish to have an electronic copy of the original RFP as well. We want to reiterate our excitement in regard to providing a proposal to the City of La Quinta. We feel this is truly an opportunity for the City to partner with U.S. Bank to expand our relationship. To demonstrate our commitment, we re-confirm we meet each of the minimum qualifications outlined in your request for proposals. We have read and will comply with all the terms and conditions of the RFP. U.S. Bank confirms that the pricing, information and terms provided in the proposal submitted to the City of La Quinta on October 26, 2018 are effective until May 30, 2019 as requested along with the additions of the modifications submitted via electronic to this email. Our hope is to exceed your expectations. Our conversion incentives remain the same with an update to interest earnings and our bank managed earnings credit rate: n Five years fixed unit pricing with option to renew for five additional one-year periods. n Transitional Earnings Credit Adjustment of $4,500 n New Service Incentive of $1,500 n Initial Earnings Credit Rate at 1.75% based on market rates (increased from 0.95%) n Interest Earnings Rate of 0.50% (optional interest-bearing account offered) At the end of the day, U.S. Bank wants to be your bank and we feel confident that we have provided a thorough and complete response for the City of La Quinta. Please confirm receipt of this email. Thank you. Sincerely, A /' . - Eileen Lew Perez US BANK Government Markets Vice President- Relationship Manager 0. 213.326.0522 | o. 213.615.6661 | eileen.Derez@usbank com U.S. Bank Tower Los Angeles 633 W 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90071 | LM-CA-T25D | www.usbank.com/qovernment 1 U.S. Bank Commercial Government Customer Service p. 877.295.2509 [ f. 877,324.1680 | commercialcustserviceDortland2@usbank.com From: Karia Campos [mailto:KCampos@laqutntaca.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2019 7:29 AM To: Perez, Eileen L <Eileen.Perez@usbank.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: RE: UPS Delivery Notification, Tracking Number 1Z5441740190169692- LA QUINTA RFP - DUE 11/2/19 USBANK I EXTERNAL email. Use caution when opening attachments or links from unknown senders. Happy Valentine's Day, I can accept an electronic response. Karla Campos | Finance Director/Treasurer City of La Quinta /S-^95 Calle Tampico n La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7073 kcampos@la-quinta.org From: Perez, Eileen L <Eileen.Perez@usbank.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 3:37 PM To: Karla Campos <KCampos@laQuintaca.gov> Subject: RE: RE: UPS Delivery Notification, Tracking Number 1Z5441740190169692- LA QUINTA RFP - DUE 11/2/19 USBANK Hi Karla: I will be submitting an addendum to the original RFP submitted on 11/2/18. Will you accept an electronic response or do you require both electronic and hard copy? Thank you and Happy Valentine's Day! Eileen Eileen Lew Perez US BANK Government Markets Vice President- Relationship Manager c. 213.326.0522 | o. 213.615.6661 | eileen.Derez@usbank.com U.S. Bank Tower Los Angeles 633 W 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90071 | LM-CA-T25D | www.usbank.com/aovernment U.S. Bank Commercial Government Customer Service p. 877.295.2509 [ f. 877.324.1680 | commercialcustserviceDortland2@usbank.com From: Karla Campos [mailto:KCamDOS(5)laouintaca.govl Sent: Monday, December 17, 2018 7:31 AM To: Perez, Eileen L <Eileen.Perez(S)usbank.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: RE: UPS Delivery Notification, Tracking Number 1Z5441740190169692- LA QUINTA RFP - DUE 11/2/19 USBANK i EXTERNAL email. Use caution when opening attachments or links from unknown senders. Good Monday morning Eileen, Yes, the letterhead confirmation and any revised information Is acceptable. We can start reviewing the other content from the proposal (excluding the pricing). Thank you for your response. Please let me know If there are any other questions. 2 Banking and Merchant Services Proposal Addendum Presented to City of La Quinta February 15, 2019 Eileen Perez Vice President Relationship Manager 213.326 0522 eileen.perez@usbank.com Alice Warren Vice President Treasury Management Consultant 949.863.2416 alice.warren@usbank.com [^bank [^bank Februar)' 15,2019 Karla Campos Finance Director Qrj- of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 RE; Addenda - Banking Services Proposal Dear Ms. Campos, Enclosed, please find U.S. Bank's re\-ised addendum to the Banking and Merchant Ser\nces Proposal submitted to the Cit\' of La Quinta in November 2, 2018. We want to reiterate our excitement in regard to providing a proposal to the City of La Quinta. W^e feel this is truly an opportunity- for the City to partner with U.S. Bank to expand our relationship. To demonstrate our commitment, we re-confirm we meet each of the minimum qualifications outlined in your request for proposals. We ha\^e read and will comply with all the terms and conditions of the RFP. U.S. Bank confirms that the pricing, information and terms pro\aded in the proposal submitted to the Qty of La Quinta on October 26, 2018 are effective until May 30,2019 as requested along with the additions of Ae modification included in the text following this letter. Our hope is to exceed your expectations. Our conversion incentives remain the same with an update to interest earnings and our bank managed earnings credit rate: n Five years fixed unit pricing with option to renew for fi\-e additional one-year periods. • Transitional Earnings Credit Adjustment of $4,500 n New Service Incentive of $1,500 n Initial Earnings Credit Rate at 1.75% based on market rates (increased from 0.95%) n Interest Earnings Rate of 0.50°'b (optional interest-bearing account offered) At the end of the day, U.S. Bank wants to be your bank and we feel confident that we have provided a thorough and complete response for the City of La Quinta. Sincerely, Eileen Perez Vice President Relationship Manager 213.326.0522 U.S. Bank City of La Quinta Table of Contents Section I - Purpose of Request for Proposal and General Terms and Conditions 4 Tab F - Bank Compensation 5 Tab G - Deposit Activity 5 Tab H - Bill Concentration Service 5 Tab 0 - Daylight Overdraft Protection 5 Tab P - Merchant Bankcard 6 Tab Q - Purchasing Card 19 Tab U - Banking Services Bid Form 20 U.S. Bank City of La Quinta J C I I. t rfW-jr_t=i I J l.i K ±1 Section I - Purpose of Request for Proposal and General Terms and Conditions 1.14 LOCAL BUSINESS PREFERENCE Local vendors are encouraged but not required. For purposes of this section, a "local" shall be defined as an individual, partnership or corporation which regularly maintains a place of business within a_40-mile radius of the Citythe corpornte limits of the City. We are pleased to pro\dde the Cit}- with a local branch located across the street feom Qty Hall at: 50991 Washington St La Quinta, California, 92253 760.564.0019 Claudia Contreras, Branch Manager 1.17 TERM OF CONTRACT The period of services shall be five years with the option to renew for fivetwe-additional one-year periods. Annual renewals shall be automatic and based on satisfactory performance of service and unless terminated by either party with thirty (30) days written notice prior to the expiration of each renewal. Contract Services Agreement (Exhibit A) shall be approved as to form. If modifications are desired, they shall be disclosed in the response for legal review and approval. U.S. Bank understands and agrees. U.S. Bank City of La Quinta Tab F - Bank Compensation The City has historically paid for bank services with a combination of hard-dollar fees and compensating balances. Please indicate the following in this section: 9. Please detail which types of items and services can be applied against the account analysis in addition to the standard bank services, such as merchant bankcard processing, messenger service, armored carrier (currently with Garda World picked up weekly), check stock, supplieSr custody sorvicos, etc. Is there a markup for any of the items? If so, how much? The afore menrioned items can be applied through analysis at the request of the Cit\', we do not traditionaUy "mark-up" any of these services when ran through analysis. U.S. Bank does prefer diat merchant bankcard processing would be processed with standard protocols. Tab G - Deposit Activity The City currently utilizes a variety of methods to process daily deposits. The City requires weekly deposit pick-up from City Hall. Total monthly deposits consist of approximately 600 to 800 un-encoded checks and approximately $20,000.00 to $30,000.00 in coin and currency. Deposited items should be automatically re-cleared once. Checks that are returned are mailed to the City. The City requires the ability to use the branch to make branch deposits, to get change, to allow employees to cash payroll checks, and for other miscellaneous activities. The Citv currently visits a local branch once per month. U.S. Bank understands, the Citv will have access to our local branch located uithin the Qtv" of La Quinta. Tab H - Bill Concentration Service 10. Does the bank have the capability to provide a bill concentration service? If so, please describe the service and any costs associated. The Citv currently does not use Bill Concentration services nor has large volume of bills for collection. Electronic payments are encouraged: however, the Citv would like to know if the bank provides centralized bill payment processing should it be needed In the future. U.S. Bank has tlie capacitv* to provide the City with Bill Concentration Service. This service is outlined in the previously submitted proposal. Tab O - Daylight Overdraft Protection The City currently requires daylight overdraft protection. Sweepaccountservlcesare currentlvnotusedbutmavbeincludedintheresponse if upon evaluation ofservices needs there Is a benefitto resunrte using this service. The Citv currently maintains an average of $1.000.000 In the bank and has both LAIF and CAMP accounts for liquidity purposes. U.S. Bank understands and will work witli the Citv to provide the services necessarv to alleviate issues that may arise. Yoiu: U.S. Bank Government Banking Relationship Manager wiU work closely with the Citj" to determine die best solutions available. U.S. Bank City of La Quinta msj^BSS Tab P - Merchant Bankcard The City currently accepts Visa and MasterCard credit card payments approximating $62,000.00 in collections per month, with transactions averaging at approximately 500 per month. The City currently has three (3) merchant locations or I.D.s accepting payment for the City for services. The City prefers a single point of contact for technical issues, configuration changes, upgrades, maintenance, and troubleshooting for any merchant bankcard issues. Current payments received are for business licenses, permits, construction permits, wellnesses center classes and membership dues, merchandise from the museum gift shop. The Citv does not collect any form of utility payments. Current credit card terminals utilize EMV chip reader technology and are compatible with Canadian license exempt RSS Standards, and are part 15 of the FCC rules. U.S. Bank understands. 1. Please describe the bank's Merchant Bankcard and Point-of-Sale processing capabilities. THE RIGHT HARDWARE FOR THE JOB. These compact terminals allow vou to easilv and securely process payments. We support a full range of payment options including credit. PIN debit, gift cards, electronic benefits transfer (EBT^ and electronic check ser\-ice (ECS). The Ingenico and VeriFone terminal lines support emerging technology for PIN- based transactions as well as EM\'^ chip cards, encryption and tokenization, mitigating the risk of counterfeit card fraud. All of the terminals we support offer the following features and payment types: • Credit • PIN Debit • Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) • Contacdess payment capabilities providing your constituents with a convenient way to pay with cards, key fobs or mobile wallets • PIN Entry- De\4ce (PED) compliant • Supports both EMV and magnetic stripe cards • Quick Payment Service (QPS) allowing a 'TSJo Signature" option for qualifying transactions • Automated download feature keeps your payment application up to date with the latest enhancements VeriFone VX 520 - This is a compacr, all-in-one counrertop terminal designed to work with our Service Fee program. It is easy to use and accepts a full range of payment options. It also features a built- in secure software authentication process, which prevents unauthorized software applications from downloading. It connects to the internet via an Ethernet connection. Please see a ^ddeo demonstration of the ^'X 520 device here: https://youtu.be/9sM3zdOq2qo U.S. Bank City of La Quinta VX 820 - This consumer-facing PIN pad can be packaged with the XTC 520 terminal for a handover solution, providing an additional layer of security for your customers. This sleek, ergonomically designed PIN pad occupies minimal counter space. tCT 220 - This all-in-one countertop terminal has a "magic box" cable management system that prevents cable tangle and clutter. The terminal has a black and white display for crisp clarit)*. Combine with the iPP310 for a consumer-facing solution to support contacdess payments. logemco iCT 250 - This smaU and light all-in-one countertop terminal boasts a color display for improved readabilitv and ease of use. It accepts all payment t^-pes, including Ei\I\' chip and PIN, magstripe and near-field communication (NFC)/contactless payment, and enables new NFC couponing and wallet applications. It uses IP connectivir\- for speedy transaction processing, with dial-up as an altemadve. It can be coupled with a PED-compliant consumer facing PIN pad or can be used as an all-in-one solution that can be handed over to your customer. iPP 320 — This compact and robust countertop PIN pad is optimiaed for fast checkout. It accepts all payment t}-pcs, including EMV chip and PIN, magstripe and NFC/contactless payment - and supports NFC couponing, wallets and Quick Response (QR) codes. It connects to an Electronic Cash Register (ECR), a point of sale or a PC \-ia a direct connection, such as Ethernet, RS232, or Tailgate. 2. Please describe your reporting methodology and how adjustments and charge backs and other debit adjustments are netted from daily proceeds or debited from daily proceeds or debited separately? Is the discount fee refunded when a charge back or refund occurs? What is the rebuttal process? The right data for insight into your operations. From our interactive online portal, to chargebacks and custom reports, our seiwice and solutions are designed to facilitate reconciliation and pro\tide insight into your operations. Comprehensive reporting. What you need to know when you need to know. We utU work with you to provide the information necessart- to consolidate and manage setdement and transaction data through advanced custom reporting systems designed to meet your specific needs. Detailed data is summarized through a variet^• of liierarchies, from chain level, region, department batch U.S. Bank City of La Quinta and individual transactional level. To enhance sennce to our merchants, Elavon offers various t}pes of reporting tools. payments insider Account Details at Your Fingertips Payments Insider®, our interactive customer portal, empowers you to manage all aspects of your payments business. Designed from the ground up to be intuitive and easy to use, the portal gives you secure online access to vour business information, and engaging content like the latest industry news, security and compliance articles and important notifications. youiSutem»s VouriteporB > Your Stalements Depostts, diargcbads, foes, and more Your Account View dnd menage your accoiVH Informattor Product Announcement; New reports and Excel download support! • re* ass'.jotc . -'.s -a ? -ssasMr.-.c li.-. ^ C-Uiecic-s r »7 -sil l if.n -tr .c.TS Q- ..Ca'f"j-jsc3C. «•« •er-e.a en-.ii.. 'c .ea-s ssnres*-sx-s a-e-f. 'me jflers" ;.-ds'r*"?eeo^ sen.o" ArK-ie.-**u\ 'e«u*etf«t ^ ace i-n-'eaia'.fij . ^-ou can noa. cto.vn'oaoa reoofaT3ai»ti.eE*fei(.»iS>i •u.neaaswe cc'f-jetcc'^ij's-ejcc^neA'Ms.j'eseno'ircor'j-ry Bn^voomenafejoj'euenoB sees* Payments I S1,990.00 lastieDays $0.00 Fees so.oo -3>E!me-i:5 io.oo lna-jeo3c«s Payments Insider offers comprehensive and interactive reporting functionality. You can access up to a years' worth of reporting (up to two years for chargeback and retrieval) information on multiple MlDs and "drill down" into your data to \-iew batches of transactions grouped by components Uke card type, batch number, settlement amount and more. Hierarchical reporting enables you to a^egate data from multiple locations. n Customi2able reports include useful funding, sales, chargeback and downgrade Intel n Download reports and statements in universal .CSV or formats for easy reconciliation n User-friendly interactive dashboard widgets display at-a-glance information n Interactive online statements that drill down to detailed information Downgrades Summary Report ®Oowiigi ddes Summary [Omtmload in .uv tormM) it DwH<p*desStnmtfy(D(MntMd^lnJtltirsnB«0 i Fesw Cede 3- rKfcrdPgeOKe '■r2&-2C'"-n.Ca'2C** • I'.'vif fi«Enpltiw> Bp U.S. Bank City of La Quinta Payments Insider pro\ides quick tour functionalin- to get you up and running in no time. You can access j the tours when you first log in or go to them when needed. You can view short "how-to" \ndeos within Payments Insider to learn about reporting functionalit}-. -iU*. i IMnc Ptytnantx intidw ^9 Do I Get AddiOonai Support? xm Do I Manage Eamoc Use' On Peymems mstdcr? -tun Do I Add A Hew Lotaoon To My Payments insider Proftler tow Do I Access My Interacove Online statement? tOK Do I Add A Hew User To My Payments insider Accttunt? ii7>\ Do' Update My Persona' in^nnauon? Ake A To-j' Paytnems 'JWdef Unique identifier for Transactions In most instances, you can pass us custom data during transaction authorization so that you can access that information through all our reports. We work with you to identify your requirements during the implementation planning and process. Billing Statements Our billing statements are available online for up to 13 months for Pa\mcnts Insider users. These statements help merchants reconcile funding activit\' with their accounting systems and banking activity. We offer a variety of statement tj'pes, each containing vary ing levels of detail. Merchants with multiple locations use the Chain Merchant Summary statement. This statement combines several current chain statements into one chain summary le\-el statement and provides summaries of total fees paid by the chain, as well as for each chain location. The statement includes the following features: n Merchant recaps are month-to-date and year-to-date data. n Store number sorts merchant's locations, if that information is provided. n The deposit section of the statement includes batch numbers and all card types. This section displays the amount deposited by Elavon and by otlier card organizations. In addition, the customer may- select further deposit detail by card type (\hsa®. Mastercard®, American Express and Discover® etc.) The fee sections break out fees for Visa/Mastercard, i\merican Express, and Discover, etc., chargebacks, the payment dc\nce, debits and other fees. Fee information is organized in an easy-to- understand format. n Billing statements are tied to a customer's billing cycle. The statement frequency can be daily, weeldy or monthly as requested. • Statements can be delivered by USPS mail and/or electronically. U.S. Bank City of La Quinta All ^atemems > S€pttmbe?2017 Pa>'m^t SoutOf^sSiawment AoMtf Period; 9M/2017 n 9/30/2017 DBA NF/. EVES MIO; S0169'8S3<: D^osits posted to acct *■. X)000000({^9 Fees posted to acn #; >OOOCCCO(C»9 CJ-05' «£$. ($50.66) Deposit History^ Chargeback Refund Chargebacks are submitted as an ACH separate from } our daily batch deposits. The City of La Quinta will have the option of selecting separate checking accounts for chargebacks and adjustments from your deposit checking account. Chargebacks are debited/credited from/to you when the item is received by Visa/Mastercard. Then, it is processed by our Automated Disputes Resolution Processing system. For non-chargeback adjustments, our backend system. Merchant Processing System (MPS), generates an ACH debit or credit to the location where the original transaction occurred. Customer refunds may be initiated by the Cit)- of La Quinta at any time and will be processed upon receipt by Elavon, in which case funds would be deducted from your daily batch total. In the event that debits to any of tliese accounts reject, Elavon reserves the right to net items from daily transaction proceeds. Our Dispute Resolution department processes an average of 60,000 chargebacks and 15,000 retrieval requests per month, maintaining an average retrieval fulfillment rate of 97.5° o, and handles approximately 15% to 20% of chargebacks v^'ithout customer mvolvement, effectively lowering the cost of card acceptance for our customer base. ■ Chargebacks that require documentation fr om tlie issuing bank are processed within an average of 10 days. ■ Chargebacks that do not require documentation from the issuing bank are processed within an average of 5 days. A dedicated and experienced Chargeback team uses our proprietary Automated Dispute Resolution Processing (ADRP) system to handle all cardholder-merchant disputes. This single point of entry system stores data related to each dispute. The auto decision functionality integrates into the system based on pa^-ment brand regulations for specific reason codes. This logic allows the sptem to determine if items should be re-presented to the issuing bank or debited to the merchant. Retrieval and Chargeback R Address di^xites with in an average 8 days & customer re^nses within 10 days. On average. 15-20% of issues are handled without customer involvement. Annual representment rate average 31.94% (industry average is 15-17%). On average, charge- backs with compeling evkjence alleviated 2nd cycle dispxjtes tor 55.3% of cases. U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 10 3. When and how will the City receive funds for each day's transactions? Is the settlement by ACH or Fed wire? Are settlement amounts listed separately on the bank statement or will they appear in one lump sum? Will the bank break out settlement amounts by merchant location? W'e offer the flexibility' of eitlier posting batches separately (pay by batch) or we can lump them toother daily (pay by day), as long as they are ail paid to the same bank account. Our standard process for funding is via ACH. Davs that the federal government is not open (weekends and federal holidays) affect your setdement times. Saturday and Sunday acri\*ity uill typically deposit on Monday as separate deposits, if your bank account is with the Member bank. Otherwise, the timing of such deposits is outside of our control but generally occurs within 2-3 business days after processing. Tlie funding and setdement can take place either at the chain or MID level based on the preference of the Cit%''s specific needs. Listed below are funding times. Day of Batch Settlement Time of Batch Settlement - Eastern (ET) Funds Post to U.S. Bank DDA \*ia internal system transfer Monda^Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fridav Monday AM PM Memo l'<.st / PM 1 lard I'lisi AM ^ 9:5<J I'M PM Matd Post 1.0:WI I'M - 11:59 I'M PM Memo Post /PM 1 l..rd Post Tuesday 12AX) AM - 2;.59 AM PM Memo Post . PM I iard Post PM PM Hard Post 10:110 PM-11:59 I'M I'M Memo Post Wednesday lZ<)0.\M-2;59A\i I'M Memo Post / PM Haal Post 13:00 AM-9:59 PM PM 1 lard Post 10:00 PM - ll;59PM I'M Memo Post / PM Hard Post Thursday 12:00 .'VM - 259 AM I'M Memo Post / I'M 1 lard Post '^AM-9:59?M PM Hard Post 10:OUPM-11:59 I'M PM Memo Post /I'M 1 lard Post Friday 12H;tO.\M -259.AM PM Memo Post / PM 1 lard I'o.si '3:00 AM-9:59 rW 1' I'M Hard Post KHMPM- 11:59 PM Its-- - . - --•» n 11 AM Memo Post / I'M 1 lard Post U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 11 Saturday i2:0n.\M-11:59PM |1 .\M Nfc-ino Pc.si / PM I tird Piisr Sunday I2:(NiAM-'J:5VPM n AM Memo Posi / I'M 1 l.irJ Posi 1(1:110 I'M- n;59PM PM Mtfno Post / PM 1 liirti Posi Funding bv card npe is not negouable. Funds deposited into a U.S. Bank DDA are settled next da\\ another Financial Instdtution uill add an additional dav. 4. What is the cutoff time for card transactions? Customers depositing into a U.S. Bank DDA (checking account) and processing on Elavon's network tj^ically receive same business day funding widi ledger credit applied against debits, provided batch settlement is completed before 7:00 p.m. PT. American Express will be handled according to the contract the Git}' has in place with tliis card brand. Elavon is an approved settlement and billing pro\ider of American Express full service transacdons (i.e., the authorization, processing and settlement performed through Elavon). If our mutual contracts allow Elavon to acquire ^-Vmerican Express transactions for the client then these transactions can be included with batch deposits. Weekends and federal banking holidays will affect funding times. Saturday and Sunday batch settlement wiU typically be deposited on Monday as separate deposits. If a federal holiday lands on a weekday, typically funds will be deposited to the DDA the following business day. For merchants not depositing to a U.S. Bank DDA, funds are sent \'ia ACH and are generally available in approximately two business days, depending on the depository bank's ACH windows, provided batch settlement is completed before 7:00 p.m. PT. Elavon deposits funds to any DDA account linked via the Federal Rcser\-e banking system. 5. The City has three (3) credit card terminals with third party vendor settlements (Ingenico brand with chip reader technology). Can the bank supply the City with additional terminals if needed? Does the bank have a preferred credit card third party vendor for daily settlements? Yes. U.S. Bank/Elavon works with Ingcnico and \'cnfonc terminals and we can supply, at cost, additional terminals/chip card readers. U.S. Bank's processor is Elavon, a wholly-owned subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp. Elavon is one of the few processors witliin the industry that performs most bankcard processing functions in-house and owns our own platforms for both acquirii^ and processing. ^ e choose not to use third-party processing vendors for these key functions in order to maintain direct control of these critical processes, minimize outside risk, and deliver better ser\-ice and reliability for you. All bankcard interchange and settiement processing Exception item handling (le., retrieval requests and chargebacks) Accounting and billing Reporting and statement production New card acceptor implementations and training Customer sendee There are circumstances, however, where Elavon chooses to partner with certain approved third-party providers for specialized sendees. If a third-party pro\dder is used, Elavon will oversee and remain U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 12 accountable to you for the performance of tliese ser\-ices. .\11 EIa\ on third part}- providers go through an extensive certification and compliance process. 6. Is the bankcard relationship managed by a separate unit of the bank, or by the Account Relationship Manager? Please briefly describe the structure of this area. Elavon has a customer service organization specifically focused on Public Sector relationships, recognizing that they have different needs. Your Customer .'\ccount Manager (CAM), as described below, is assigned to your relationship and is responsible for evaluating vour needs and carefhlly mapping them to present and future Elavon products and sciences, to ensure your satisfaction and your objectives are met. This team is in-house located in Knowille, Tennessee allowing U.S. Bank | Elavon to ensure full accountabilit}- and control of your sendee. This team consists of the following: Cuslonier--Xccoun! Miimigr (Ci LMi Your CAhf representative is responsible for the overall management of the Qt\% including business development, strategic direction, overall client satisfactioo and contract renewal execution. C\M's provide consultative servdce, develop relationships and add overall value to our relationship with clients. Tliey work together with the Cit\- to reduce costs, pro\'ide education, provide client advocacy, drive initiatives and offer additional services that pro\*ide value to die client. 7. When and how are the discount rate fees charged to the City? Can this fee be paid through analysis? is tiered pricing available? U.S. Bank/Elavon t^yjicallv fund as a gross settlement; we will then pro\ide statements on a monthly basis for the billing of discount fees. Elavon recommends daily setdement to achieve the best interchange rates possible. .Authorizadons setded late (24 hours for face-to-face transacdons, and 7 days for non-face-to-face transacdons) will downgrade to a more expensive interchange rate. Delayed setdements will cause downgrades and higher interchange rates. Tiered pricing is available; however, interchange plus pricing is more transparent and better suited for our Public- Sector customers. 8. Is reporting information available online? What is the fee associated with this service? Is a "corporate level" view available to see all the merchant accounts? Yes, available at no additional cost to the City, our Payments Insider® portal provides online reporting that can be \iewed at the single merchant level and the corporate Ie\'eL [ ^ payments insider ACCOUNT DETAILS, AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Payments Insider, our interactive customer ponal, and Payments Core 365, our flat data file, empowers you to manage all aspects of your payments business. Designed from the ground up to be intuitive and easy to use, the portal gives you secure online access to your business information, and engaging content like the latest industr)- news, security- and compliance articles and important notifications. Paj-ments Insider and Payments Core 365 offers comprehensive and interactive reporting functionality. You can access up to a \'ear's worth of reporting (up to two years for chargeback and retrieval) information on multiple MIDs and "drill down" into your data to \iew batches of transactions grouped U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 13 by components like card type, batch number, settlement amount and more. Idierarcliical reporting enables you to a^regate data from multiple locations. n Customi2able reports include useful funding, sales, chargeback and downgrade intel n Download reports and statements in universal .CSV or .XLSX formats for easy reconciliation n User-friendly interactive dashboard widgets display at-a-glance information n Interactive online statements tliat drill down to detailed information Payments Insider provides quick tour functionalitj' to get you up and running in no time. You can access the tours when you first log in or go to them when needed. You can view short "how-to" videos within Payments Insider to learn about reporting functionalit)'. 9. What network will be used for front-end and back-end operations? U.S. Bank/Elavon has built redundancy into its transaction authorizing and processing system, with our Stratus systems regularly achie\ting 99.9% uptime, which extends peace of mind during peak sales seasons. Elavon's IP backbone allows us to use packet switcliing of data for maximum speed, efficiency and reliability. The processing environment uses a fault tolerant Stratus infrastructure that provides the necessary redundancy required in tliis industry. The &ont-eadprocessing systems are comprised of load balanced Stratus V series computers, located in two cities. The Stratus systems are a hardware-based fault tolerant system using duplexed hardware components to ensure system integrity and uninterrupted availability. This architecture results in a tightly coupled operating system environment that requires no special programming techniques or skills to achieve fault tolerance. Additional system components such as processors, memorj'^ and disk drives can be added without taking the system down. Built-in checking and diagnostic aids allow the system to automatically diagnose and isolate faulty system components and remove them from service. The Stratus CAC (Customer Assistance Center) monitors the system 24 hours per day for hardware failures. All macltines run the same VOS Stratus proprietarj' operating system. Transaction authorization, settlement and clearing applications are processed in the Stratus environment. U.S. Bank/Elavon's back-endprocessing platform is tlie Merchant Processing System (MPS). No matter how the merchant settles transactions, balanced batches are sent from our frontend Stratus systems, to our backend MPS for funding. MPS has the ability to calculate certain types of fees at various hierarchical levels witliin the system. Fees can be accessed for the: • Merchant Account • Chain Account • Entity Account Merchant Billing includes die charges that are applied against a merchant account on MPS. These charges can be broken into five categories: • Monetary Charges and Fees • Authorizations Charges and Fees • Equipment Fees • Miscellaneous Fees • Minimum Bill Fees U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 14 Merchant Billing can occur on various cycle periods: • Cut-off (C) - A day set at the client group level that is the default to cycle billing activity for merchant under a specific client group. • Daily (D) - Billing calculations and statements are done on a daily bases. • Daily Discount/Monthfy Statement (N) - Calculates billing daily and sends a statement to the merchant monthly. • Weekly — Billing calculation is done every Friday. • Monthly — Billing occurs on a specific day of the month that is different from the client group day. • Bi-Monthly — Billing occurs for the merchant on the IS**" and the last business day of the month. The Billing Cycle field rises to the parent chain tables, then to the client group tables. If the merchant is not chained, then the fields default directly from the client group table. All merchants under a chain must cycle together. MPS online edits prevent us from changing die cycle code fields if the merchant belongs to a chain. Distribution is the revenue sharing among the entity structure that the merchant is attached to based upon merchant billing. MPS is able to perform both positive and negative distribution of funds. Distribution calculations are performed any time a merchant's billing is calculated. The distribution calculation is done at the product level for monetary and authorizations. It is done at the charge type for miscellaneous and equipment Six programs drive distribution: • Discount Distribution Program • Per Item Distribution Programs • Authorization Distribution Programs • Equipment Distribution Programs • Miscellaneous Distribution Programs • Minimum Bill Distribution Program As the end-to-end owner of all the systems diat support our network and operations, we make sure diat when you choose U.S. Bank/Elavon, excellence is more than just a catchword; it is our way of doing business. 10. Please explain your rate Increase policies. Can the rates be fixed for any period of time during the City's contract? U.S. Bank/Elavon offers the best possible pricing based on interchange, dues and assessments plus a small mark up (this pricing is referred to as Interchange Plus Pricing). U.S. Bank/Elavon will pass through to the merchant all such increases imposed by third parties, upon written notice to the merchant of the increased fee. This provides die lowest cost business model. Our Interchange Plus pricing markup will remain unchanged for the life of die contract. 11. What payment gateway platforms are accepted or provided? U.S. Bank/Elavon has certified over 300 gateways and software providers to our host, dirough our proprietary specifications. Numerous odier gateways and software providers have certifications to the Elavon acquiring specifications. A growing subset of these partners have completed an EMV certification or are in the process of doing so. U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 15 12. The following pertains to the associated discount rate and other applicable charges. Please provide the following: " Visa Authorization Fee n MasterCard Authorization Fee " Monthly Service Fee n Monthly Statement Fee n Please list any and all other applicable fees that the City would be charged. n List any other credit cards accepted (Discover, American Express, etc.) and provide information answering the questions In this section for such other services. Please review the Schedule A provided on the following page for pricing. U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 16 I ~ Schedule A Visa/MasterCard/Discover Interchanoe Fees Interchange Card IvCvel PASS THROUGH Association Dues and Assessments PASS THROUGH Encr\ption-Tokcni2ation, if desired S0.06/per transaction Other Fees VISA/MasterCard/Discover Processing Fee SO. 10 per item Visa/MasterCard/Discover Processing Fee 0.30% /Vmencan Express Fee, (settlement)PASS THROUGH + $0.10 & 0.30% Online (PIK) Debit Fee Network Interchange/Switch Fees $ 0. Electromc Check Acceptance, Verification S0.22/per check Voice Authorization Fee $0.85/per authorization Chargeback/Return NSF Item Fees S15/S15 Paper Statement fees, if desired SlO/monthlv PCI MonthK' Fee (Financial Reimbursement Program) *$10 per MID PCI Non Compliance Fee**S59.95 monthly SafeT SMB***Silver Sl5/Gold $25 monthly Equipment EMV/NFC Terminals-Peripherals Ingemco i(Cr23b Terminal-Printer $395 purchase/S23 - 48 mo l^ase Ingemco iPP320 PIN Pad $299 purchase/$l 1 - 48 mo lease Ingeiiico iPP310 PIN Pad $299 purchase/$ll - 48 mo lease VeciFonc \'x520 Terminal-Printer $299 purchase/$23 - 48 mo lease VenFone \ x820 PIN Pad $299 purchase/$l 1-48 mo lease Povnt 5 Terminal $699 purchase/$19 - 48 mo lease Povnt 3G Temiinal $899 purchase/$28 — 48 mo lease SIM Card 250MB S20 per de\ice Wireless Montlilv Fee $19.99 per device Povnt P2PE Montlilv Fee****S15 per device Equipment Options-Mobile Converge ICMP EM\'-NFC Reader w/ PIN Pad $175 purchase Converge Ingemco RP457C EM\' Card Reader S95 purchase Star SM-220i Bluetootli Printer S350 purchase Star SM-300 Bluetooth Printer $375 purchase Equipment Options-Software Converge License Fee, Mobile/Terminal/\X"eb (Unlimited $800 purchase + $10 monthly MIDs/Users), one-time Converge Ingenico iSC250 EMX'^-NFC Reader, Signature $595 purchase Capture PIN Pad Converge Ingenico ICMP EMV-NFC Reader (Virtual $175 purchase Terminal) \v/ PIN Pad Epson ReadvPnnt T20 Printer $250 purchase Star 1SP 650III $325purchase RDM-7HIf. Check Imager $495 purchase Reporting Tool Options W cb reporting tool (Pavmcnt Insider)FREE Web Reporting Tool (MC Premium 1-5 Users)$20/montlilv U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 17 Discover, MasterCard and Visa Interchange, and Assessments, pricing are dependent upon interchange and other fees imposed on all Associations members and other Acquirers. Elavon will pass through increases or decreases of these fees imposed by the Association members upon written notice. The Card Association members offer over 300+ cards that may be presented for pajment; tlie latest Interchange and Assessment spreadsheet for each card type is provided in another document. Pricing Provisions; 1. 2. Pricing implies that all hardware and software is certified to U.S. Bank's Paj'ment Provider network/ platform (Elavon). If another Payment Provider Network (PPN) is necessary to autliori2e.and settle transactions; we will pass through any additional fees. Fees vary by specific 'TPN". U.S. Bank will provide same day credit and next day funds availability for Discover, MasterCard and Visa transactions provided the settlement is received by 10:00 PM EST, funds are deposited into a U. S. Bank checking account American Express and Diners transactions are submitted directly to American Express for processing, payment and settlement. Additional Comments *This fee is a protection policy for PCI. We will provide monetary coverage up to 20K for forensic/investigation cost associated with breach and/or security fraud. **This fee is only assessed if the Agencies have not provided its required PCI SAQ (Self-Assessment Questionnaire) within 90 days of MID issuance. ***Available on the following devices Ingenico iCT250, Ingenico iPP320, ^'^eriFone Vx520, VenFone Vx820, Converge and Ingenico ICMP. Both SafeT packages offer EMV, Encryption, Tokenization, and reduced PCI Scope. In addition, Data Breach coverage is offered up to lOOK Silver, 250K Gold. ****A11 of Elavon's Poynt solution come with SafeT, therefore ail level 4 MIDs will have PCI scope reduction to SAQ P2PE. There is a monthly fee assessed (per device) which provide Encryption, Tokenization, Breach Coverage (up to $100,000 per occurrence) and Enrollment into our QSA (Sysnet) for compliance (thus no monthly PCI fee). In addition, enrollment into Sysnet (Basic) reduces the SAQ P2PE questions to approximately 10 from standard 38. U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 18 ■M. .i'-: -' . / Tab Q - Purchasing Card The City currently has a purchasing card program in place for employees to make various types of purchases and incur expenses for City-related business. The approximate annual soend of the program Is estimated at $1.000.000 with an averaoe transaction size of $5.000 and 5 to 10 cards being Issued. Online monitoring and administrative management is preferred. U.S. Bank understands U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 19 Tab U - Banking Services Bid Form SECTION VII BID FORM- utilize AFP codes when applicable Tab U ~ Banking Services Bid Form: Pleaftft complete all items on this attachment. If the bank does not or cannot provide the specific requested service, please indicate "no proposal" and if appropriate, recommend an alternative service and include as a specified attachment. Per unit cost x Estimated Monthly Unit Volume = Total Monthly Cost x 12 = Estimated Total Annual Cost. Where fees vary for this formula, please indicate and provide an estimate of the total annual cost. Volumes indicated represent average monthly activity. The Citv shall provide client analysis statements and responses shall be based on the analysis from April 2018. which most closely resembles average citv banking service needs. KM Item Per Unit Cost Estimated Monthly Unit Volume Total Monthly Cost Estimated Total Annual Cost Balance & Compensation Information Services Deposit Insurance-Bank Assessment SO. 1290 3290 $424.41 $5,092.92 General Account Services Account Maintenance S7.00 1 $7.00 $84.00 ZBA Depository + Master Maint $10.00 1 $10.00 $120.00 ZBA Subsidiary Account Maint $10.00 2 $20.00 $240.00 Debits Posted-Other $0.12 49 $3.24 $38.88 Credits Posted-Other $0.12 160 $19.20 $230.40 Paper Deposit Statement Mailed $5.00 Depository Services Banking Center Deposit-CA $1.00 22 $22.00 $264.00 Vault Deposit-CA $1.00 44 $44.00 $528.00 Dep Conditloning-Surchg-Vault n/a $0.00 $0.00 Curr/Coin Dep/$100 Vault-CA $0.10 666 $66.60 $799.20 Vault Deposit-Extended Hours-CA $0.10 1 $0.10 $0.10 CKS Dep Un-Encoded Items $0,075 26 $1.95 $23.40 Returns-Chargeback $2.50 0 $0.00 $0.00 Party Courier-Vault Pass through Mail Notification-Receipt-Vault $0.75 0 $0.00 $0.00 Deposit Correction-Cash $6.00 1 $6.00 $72.00 Deposit Correction-Non- Cash $6.00 1 $6.00 $72.00 Paper Disbursement Services ARP PPay Malnt-No Recon $35.00 1 $35.00 $420.00 General Checks Paid Truncated $0.12 327 $39.24 $470.88 NSF Items Paid/Returned $37.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Payee Positive Pay Maint $20.00 1 $20.00 $240.00 Payee Positive Pay-Issue Match $0.02 327 $6.54 $78.48 U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 20 Banking Services Bid Form Bank Name: U.S. Bank N.A. R3? mTfnwftiTiTra Paper Disbursement Services (Con't.) Positive Pay Exceptions $2.00 1 $2.00 $24.00 Stop Pay Automated-12 months $9.00 1 $9.00 $108.00 ARP PPay No Recon Input Item $0.04 327 $13.08 $156.96 CD Rom Maintenance $5.00 1 $5.00 $60.00 Image Maintenance $5.00 3 $15.00 $180.00 Image Retrieval CPO $3.00 1 $3.00 $36.00 On Line Image Retrieval CPO $0.75 8 $6.00 $72.00 CD Rom Disk $5.00 1 $5.00 $60.00 CD Rom per Image $0.03 327 $9.81 $117.72 ARP Positive Pay Notif $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ARP Issue Posted Notif $0.00 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 ARP Issue Reed Notif $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ARP PPay Input File Trans $5.00 n 4 $20.00 $240.00 Paper Disb Recon Services ARP Void Cancel Items $0.25 1 n $0.25 $3.00 General ACH Services ACH Monthly Maintenance (w)$10.00 1 $10.00 $120.00 ACH Corporate On Us Credits $0.07 16 $1.12 $13.44 ACH Corporate Off Us Credits $0.07 251 $17.57 $210.84 Consumer Credit On Us Credits (w)$0.07 1 $0.07 $0.84 Consumer Credit Off Us Credits (w)$0.07 1 $0.07 $0.84 PC Tax Payment $4.25 0 $0.00 $0.00 ACH Blocks Auth Instructions $0.10 1 $0.10 $1.20 ACH Blocks Auth Maintenance $10.00 3 $30.00 $360.00 U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 21 Banking Services Bid Form Bank Name: U.S. Bank N.A. mhflTjTOrftTnrra "iSiM /lymnHfl General ACH Services (Con't.) ACH Blocks Auth Add-Change 51.00 1 51.00 512.00 ACH Debit Received Item (w)50.10 137 513.70 5164.40 ACH Credit Received Item (w)50.10 1 50.10 51.20 ACH Return Item (w)52.00 1 52.00 524.00 ACH Input-Transmission (w)53.00 5 515.00 5180.00 ACH Delete/Reversal (w)525.00 0 50.00 50.00 ACH Notif of Change (NOC)52.00 1 52.00 524.00 ACH Optional Reports-Electronic n/a 0 50.00 50.00 ACH Optional Reports-Fax (w)n/a 0 50.00 50.00 ACH Optional Reports-Mail (w)n/a 0 50.00 50.00 ACH Standard Reports-Mail (w)n/a 0 50.00 50.00 ACH Standard Reports-Electronic 52.00 1 52.00 524.00 ACH Standard Reports-Fax (w) Wire & Other Funds Transfer Svc GP Mthly Maint Basic 510.00 1 510.00 5120.00 Electronic Wire Out-Domestic $7.00 1 57.00 584.00 Book Credit 57.00 0 50.00 50.00 Outgoing Wire Confirm Notif 50.00 0 50.00 j 50.00 Wire Payee Advising 50.10 0 50.00 50.00 GPS Confirms 50.00 0 50.00 50.00 Pend Wire Approval Notif 50.00 0 50.00 50.00 Incoming Wire Notif-Email 50.00 0 50.00 50.00 GP Cust Mant Temp Storage n/a 0 50.00 50.00 U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 22 Banking Service Bid Form Bank Name: U.S. Bank N.A. 1 Per Unit Cost Estimated Monthly Unit Volume Total Monthly Cost Estimated 1 Total 1 Annual 1 Cost 1 Wire & Other Funds Trans Svc (Con't.) Incoming Domestic Wire $7.00 2 $14.00 $168.00 Wire Advice-Phone $3.00 1 $3.00 $36.00 On Line Information Services Previous Day Account Fee n/a included Previous Day Standard Item $0.03 633 $18.99 $227.88 Previous Day Maintenance S5.00 3 $15.00 $180.00 Email Notification Schedule $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 Online Subscription N/A 0 $0.00 $0.00 Per Image Access $0.03 301 $9.03 $108.36 Service/Other Remote Deposit Services $50.00 1 $50.00 $600.00 Remote Deposit Web Maintenance $20.00 1 $20.00 $240.00 Remote Deposit - per deposit $0.85 21 $17.85 $214.20 Remote Deposit - per Item deposit $0.08 890 $71.20 $854.40 Image Cash Letter Deposits $0.85 0 $0.00 $0.00 Totals - Monthly and Annual Fees $1,152.86*$13,834.32* *Based on compensating balance of $3.2M virith ECR of 1.75% this fee would be $0.00 - see pricing proforma in following pages for full detail of services as requested. Other Information Earnings Credit Rate for August 2018 1.75% Uncollected Funds Rate (%)015 (prime rate + 4%) = 9.25'"o Overdraft Rate (%)(prime rate + 4°'o) 9.25% Fixed Pricing Guarantee (# of Years)5 years with option to renew for 5 additional (1) vear terms Bank Information Name of Contact Bank Officer Eileen Perez Signature of Authorized Bank Officer Bank Officer's Telephone Number 213-615-6661 Bank Officer's E-mail Address Eileen.perez@usbank.com U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 23 [T^bank. Account Analysis & Billing City of La Quinta 38495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Consolidated Ana^to Suifimaiy Volume Lead Account Number Earnings Credit Rate Balance SumiHiMyiCJ Average Ledger Balance Average Float Average CoUected Balance Settlement Analysis Collected Balance Available for Earnings Credit Services Earrdngs Credit® 1.75% Interest Paid on Balances @ 0.50% Earrings Credit Based Sen/ice Charges Current Moitb Sun>lus/(Deficit) Position Net Service Charges Net Of Intteost and Service Ctite Interest Earned on Merest Bearing Checking Net Senrice Charge Interest Earned Less Service Charges Unit Price Total Price New 1.75% 3.289,160.10 42.784.00 3.246.376.10 m 3,245.023.44 4,732.33 1.352.66 1.495.96 1.883.71 1,352.66 1,352.66 "■ ^ Unit Total Service Volume Price Price Depository Services Accourt Mairtenance 1 $7.00 $7.00 Paper Credits 49 $0.30 $14.70 Electronic Credits 171 $0.12 S 20.52 Paper Debits 327 $0.12 $39.24 Electronic Debits 40 $0.12 $4.80 Deposited Item 26 $0.075 $1.95 Returned Deposited Hems 1 $3.75 $3.75 Returned Hem Special Instruc 1 $2.00 $2.00 Redeposited Retimed Hem 1 $2.50 $2.50 Returned Hem Image Copies 2 $1.00 $2.00 Deposit Coverage 3290 $0.129 $424.41 Subtotal Depository Services s 522.87 U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 24 [^bank Account Analysis & Billing Unit Total Volume Price Price Account Reconcilement Services Full/Positive Pay Main! ForFifSt 1 PerAcct !S 35.00 $35.00 Each Additional Reconciliation per Cycle Over 1 Per Acct $!5.00 $- Full/Positi\e Pay- per Item 327 $0.04 s 13.08 SP bsue/Cancei Input !S 0.25 $0.25 SP AdjiBtmeft Request 1 $0.00 $- SP Positive Pay Exceptions !$2.00 $2.00 SP ARP Recon Reports Mairrt !$20.00 $20.00 SP ARP Daily Outstanding Mairt !$!5.00 $15.00 SP ARP Daily OiAstanding Item 327 s 0.025 $8.18 Transmission kipu 4 $5.00 $20.00 ARP Transmission Oi^ul 23 $5.00 s 115.00 ARP Transmission - per Item 327 $0.02 $654 Payee Positive Pay Maintenance !$20.00 $20.00 Payee Positive Pay-per Item 327 $0.02 $6.54 Subtotal Account Reconcilement Services $261.59 SInglePoint Sp PrevioLB Day Per Acct For First!1 $5.00 $5.00 For Over 1 2 $5.00 $10.00 Sp Prewous Day Per Hem 633 $0.03 $1899 Account Analysis Report PDF For First 1 !$5.00 $5.00 For Over 1 $0.00 $- MonBily DDA Statement PDF 3 $2.00 $6.00 ACH Return arxJ NOG Report 1 s 2.00 s 2.00 ACH Return and NOG Report !$0.00 s - SP Token Moithiy Maintenance 3 $3.50 $10.50 SP Gash Vault Mo Maintenance 2 $20.00 $20.00 SP Gash Vautt per Order 1 $0.00 3 - SP - Gash Vautt File Upload Mm 1 $0.00 s - SP - Gash Vault Upload per Fil 1 $0.00 $- SP Stop Payments Mo Maint For First!1 $10.00 $10.00 For Over!$0.00 s - SP Stop Paymenls-per Stop 1 s 9.00 $9.00 SP AGH Origination Mo Maint For First!1 $10.00 $10.00 For Over!$0.00 $- SP AGH Positive Pay Mo Mailt 3 s 10.00 $30.00 SP Wires Monthly Maintenance For First 1 1 $10.00 $10.00 For Over!$0.00 s - SP AGH POS Pay Authorization 1 s 1.00 $1.00 SP AGH POS Pay per Paid Item 1 $0.10 $0.10 U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 25 [^bank. Account Analysts & Billing SInglePoint SP Issue MaiiK Mo Maintenance For First 1 For Overt SP Image Access Mo Main! SP Rtn Rem Decision Mo Maint For First 1 For Next 48 For Over 49 SP External Message Mo Maint For First 1 For 0\«r 1 SP External User Message Sent SP E)iemal User Task Sent Siiitotal SinglePoint Wire Transfers Wire Monthly Maint Voice-Pin Incoming Fedvwre Bank- btemal Repaired Outgoing Wire SP Fedvwire RepeBttve SP Fedwire NorvRepetitive Wire Advice Phone Subtotal Wire Transfers Zero Balance Accounts ZBA Lead ZBA Subsidiary Sibtotal Zero Balance Accounts Image Services SP Cks Pd per item Stored Image Archive MontMy Maint knage Archive per Check Image Image Archive - per CD-ROM Image Archive per Ck/Dep Image SP Short Term Imgs Retrieved Sibtotal image Services ACH Services ACH Originated Addenda Rem ACH Received Rem SDA Special Processing SPACHOn-USRem SP ACHTrarsit Rem Volume 1 S $ 3 $ 1 1 $ 2 $ 297 $ 3 $ 327 $ 1 301 $ $ 8 S 9 $ 159 $ $ 14 $ 279 $ Unit Price 10.00 $ 0.00 $ 3.00 S 5.00 $ 1.00 $ 0.00 $ 10.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ s 2.50 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 S 2.50 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $ 3.00 S s 10.00 $ 10.00 $ $ 0.02 S 10.00 $ 0.03 $ 5.00 $ 0.03 $ 0.75 $ S 0.04 $ 0.10 $ 150.00 0.07 $ 0.07 S Total Price 10.00 9.00 5.00 10.00 181.59 2.50 28.00 7.00 5.00 21.00 14.00 3.00 80.50 10.00 20.00 30.00 5.94 30.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 71.94 0.36 15.90 0.98 19.53 U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 26 Account Analysis & Billing Unit Total Volume Price Price ACH Services SinglePoint SDA Transit Item $0.50 SP ACH Process Run 5 S 3.00 $15.00 SP ACHRtnltem 1 $2.00 $2,00 SP UnauOi ACH Ret - per Item 1 $3.00 $3.00 SP ACHNOCItem 1 $2.00 $2.00 Subtotal ACH Services $58.77 Brancti Coin/Currency Services Cash Deposited-per $100 1 $0.14 $0.14 Branch Deposit Processing Fee $1.00 Loose CurrencyOrdered/SlOO 6.5 $0.14 $0.91 Standard Chng Order-per Order 1 $4.00 $4.00 Non Customer On US Ck Cashing 2 s 5.00 $10.00 Subtotal Branch Coin/Currency Services $15.05 CVS Coin/Currency Cash Dep-per$100 666.039978 $0.10 $66.60 Cash Vaiit Deposit 44 $1.00 $44.00 Siitotal CVS CoirVCumency $110.60 Electronic Deposit Services EDM MoriWy Maint - per Acct For First 1 1 $50.00 $50.00 For Over 1 $15.00 $- Web Monttily Maint - per Wrkstn If1-10 1 $20.00 $20.00 If 11 -50 s 20.00 s - If Over 50 $20.00 $- Deposit Credit 21 $0.85 $17.85 Image Check Item - OrvUs 217 $0.08 $17.36 Image Check Item - Transit 673 $0.08 $53.84 Subtotal Electronic Deposit $159.05 U.S. Bank City of La Quints 27 embank Account Analysis & Billing International Banking Canadian (CAD) Check Deposited Subtotal Hemational Barking Total Service Charges Volume 1 $ Unit Price 4.00 $ S $ Total Price 4.00 4.00 1,495.96 Prices quoted in tNs proposal are only for those Treasury Managemert Sendees requested by the customer. Additional Treasury Management Services will be separately priced at the ti me of customer's request- Pri(»s quoted are valid for 180 days following customer's receipt, after which they vmB be subject to change by U.S. Bank. Ail prices are subject to change, at anytime and at Bank's sole discretion, due to changes in business conditions, volumes, quality of work provided by the customer and rormal pricing change cycles. Notwithstanding anytfting contained herein to the contrary, all Treasury Managemer^ Services provided to customer are subject to U.S. Bank's Services Terms and Conditions, as tiie same may be anrended from time to ti me- Branch Cash services availability is sii>ject to change based on client processing requirements and branch capacity. Pricing for Branch Cash Services is subject to change when non-standard processing is requested. U.S. Bank City of La Quinta 28