RFP Addendum No. 1 - Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan
Addendum No. 1 Page 1
DATE: November 9, 2018
TO: All Prospective Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan Consultants
RE: Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan RFP
The shall be considered as incorporated into the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the
above referenced services. Portions of RFP not specifically mentioned in this
Addendum remain in force.
The following are the City’s responses to the questions received:
1.) Does the City have a specific budget for this project?
The Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan is budgeted for $205,000.
2.) Is Corridor Branding intended to be a standalone deliverable, or part of one of the
other deliverables?
This can be a standalone deliverable but should be coordinated with the
components of the Complete Streets Plan (Task 3). The intent of the
Corridor Area Plan is to set a comprehensive vision for Highway 111
development, however, if there are components of the Plan that can be
implemented earlier than others due to a development project(s) or City
initiation of improvements, then features of the Plan such as branding can
be implemented.
3.) Are the Corridor Design Guidelines intended to be a standalone deliverable, or
part of one of the other deliverables?
The design guidelines can be a standalone deliverable but should be
integrated/coordinated with the other deliverables. The intent of the
Corridor Area Plan is to set a comprehensive vision for Highway 111
development, however, if there are components of the Plan that can be
implemented earlier than others due to a development project(s) or City
initiation of improvements, then features of the Plan can used.
4.) How would you characterize this project? A plan for repositioning retail and the
under-utilized properties associated with the existing land uses? Or is it primarily
a corridor/mobility/In-fill/revitalization study?
The project encompasses both repositioning retail/underutilized properties
and corridor revitalization. We see that all these components fit together
in visioning for the Highway 111 Corridor in La Quinta.
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5.) Stakeholders would be property owners and businesses (Nationals, regionals,
locals), in the main, but are you considering surrounding residents as
Primarily the stakeholders will be the property owners and businesses
within the Highway 111 Corridor area. However, throughout the outreach
effort, we are interested in feedback and input from all surrounding property
6.) Will you expect a full-blown citizen involvement program involving surrounding
neighborhoods or is this more focused involvement?
We do want involvement from a core focused area, however, outreach
efforts such as a pop-up event can include collecting input from a broader
audience, including those who patronize the area.
7.) Only one new project (housing) was outlined for the corridor in the ULI study, are
there any other new projects anticipated?
The City is not aware of any new housing development within the Corridor
at this time, but there is potential for new housing developments since the
adoption of the Mixed Use Overlay in 2016.
8.) The ULI study talked about mixed use – do you envision going “up” anywhere
over two stories anywhere in the study area in the future? What’s the attitude
in LaQuinta about increased density?
This corridor would be a good candidate for a bit of density. The City
adopted a Mixed Use Overlay district in 2016; regulations are in code section
9.140.090 of the Municipal Code. The City wants to utilize the Mixed Use
Overlay district to its potential in the Corridor, which allows for increased
density and height. There are current land use constraints in the Corridor
that will need to be audited and examined in this study.
9.) How do you see the current branding to be integrated with branding and
wayfinding elements of the corridor planning process?
This is part of the area plan effort, to determine how current branding will
be integrated into corridor planning.
10.) In review of the sample contract for the Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan, there
were terms believed to not be necessary to the scope of planning services to be
provided. For example, there is an “Addendum to the Agreement” exhibit which
contains unusual clauses for a planning project, including a liquidated damages
requirement. This addendum appears to be pertinent to a certain set of services
which are identified in the opening paragraph. Please confirm that this addendum
will be removed from an award contract, and would the City be willing to consider
comments to other contract terms?
Attachment 2 to the RFP is a standard Agreement for Contract Services
(draft). The Addendum to Agreement will be removed because the scope of
Addendum No. 1 Page 3
services do not include construction, alteration, demolition, installation, etc.
The City will consider comments to other contract terms.
11.) The RFP states there is a 25-page limit. Does this include front and back or
The 25-page limit is for single-sided pages.
12.) How can I get copies of the Specific Plans adopted along the 111 Corridor?
Link to Laserfiche website for City docs:
Map on City of La Quinta website that shows where all the SPs in the City
are located.
Highway 111 SPs are as follows:
1. Point Happy Shopping Center
2. One Eleven Shopping Center
3. La Quinta Court
4. Washington Park
5. Centre at La Quinta
6. La Quinta Corporate Center
7. The Pavilion at La Quinta
8. Dune Palms Plaza
9. Jefferson Plaza
10. Komar Desert Center
11. Highway 111 and Dune Palms Road (referred to as SP 2008-085 Coral
Mountain Apartments on website)
13.) What is the source of the funding and is the 9-month window tied to the
application of those funds?
This project is budgeted for this year and next year. The 9-month timeframe
is a maximum timeframe for completion of the Plan and is not tied to the
availability of funds.
14.) Will the City assist in establishing a working list of stakeholders with interests
in this project, or will the consultant be required to assemble one?
The City will assist with a list of stakeholders.
15.) Complete streets, corridor branding and code/ordinance review and revisions
– do you foresee the need for a detailed urban design/urban form plan along with
the aforementioned scope items? Certainly, those elements must be tied to a
strategy, but is the City looking for an over-all urban design effort with illustrative
plans, etc?
Addendum No. 1 Page 4
The Plan is intended to be a vision document and to provide direction. While
a detailed urban design/urban form plan is great to have, we look to be
inspired with concepts before looking at detailed specific design and urban
form. The City is interested in visual representations to help communicate
and realize the vision for all stakeholders (City staff and decision-makers,
community members, and business and property owners within the
16.) Can you give me a read on how the ULI study was received by the stakeholders
and decision makers? There was a clear emphasis on economic viability of the
corridor – do see this being an important aspect of this project – the re-positioning
of commerce in the cyber-age?
Overall, the ULI study was well-received. There were many ideas and
recommendations introduced in the study, and now we would like direction
to form a vision via an Area Plan. Economic viability is an important aspect
of this project for the very reason that we want to address the rapid changes
in commerce, and the dying big box and traditional retail model.
17.) Submittal date is Nov. 16 - With the holidays, vacations, etc. coming up what
is your schedule for short list and interviews?
The City plans to develop a short list and conduct interviews on the first and
second weeks of December.
18.) RFP Work Proposal Item #7 Cost Proposal – Is the City looking for each
consultant member of the proposing team to submit one rate per staff
classification level which includes all direct and indirect costs, or a breakdown of
the direct/indirect costs associated with each rate per staff classification level?
The City would like to see Option A, to include the assignment of hours of
each classification and by task.
19.) Is the City expecting any intersection level-of-service analysis? Current count
data is available for LOS analysis.
The Area Plan should focus on qualitative traffic analysis and a complete
streets plan.
20.) Would you mind clarifying if any of the following content counts toward the
page limit?
Cover Page: Does not count towards the 25-page single side limit.
Cover Letter: Does not count towards the 25-page single side limit.
Table of Contents: Does not count towards the 25-page single side limit.
Appendix: Does not count towards the 25-page single side limit.
Addendum No. 1 Page 5
21.) In the Cost Proposal section, can you please clarify what you mean by
“extended billing rates”?
Extended billing rates needs to include all direct and indirect costs like
overhead, etc. for each personnel
22.) Does the study area include all the streets and intersections from CV Link to
Ave 48?
No, I have attached the map that shows the extents of the study area. It
only goes to Ave. 47 in some areas.
23.) Please confirm it is OK to print the proposal double-sided, and whether
divider pages count toward the page limit.
You can print double sided, 25 pages total so it would be 12.5
sheets. Divider pages don’t count in the page limit.
24.) We could not find any specific complete street related improvements
recommended or analyzed for impacts within the 2035 General Plan EIR.
Complete street related improvements were not considered in the 2035
General Plan
25.) Please clarify what level of traffic and safety analysis is desired by the City
with this scope. Does the City desire a high-level assessment or a detailed
disclosure and mitigation of traffic and safety impacts -- typically found in an EIR
accompanying a Plan?
The area plan should focus on qualitative traffic analysis and complete
streets plan
25.) Is the cost proposal to be part of the proposal, or in a separately sealed
The cost proposal is to be part of the proposal, not in a separately sealed
26.) Will you be using QBS (Qualifications Based Selection) for this proposal?
27.) Would you like billing rates and overhead rates, or just one or the other?
The billing rates should be one number that includes the overhead.
28.) On page 3 of the RFP, it is noted that there will be an audit for 12 Corridor-
related Specific Plans. Attachment 1 of the RFP only denotes 11 Specific Plans.
Please advise if there are 12 or 11 Specific Plans associated with the Corridor?
Yes, there was an error in the RFP for the number (12) of Corridor-related
Specific Plans. The correct number is 11.