The Development of an Area Plan for the Highway 111 Corridor
City of La Quinta
ATTN: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director
Design and Development Department
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
NOVEMBER 16, 2018
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 1
City of La Quinta
ATTN: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director
Design and Development Department
78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253
Re: Request for Proposal for the Development of an Area Plan for the Highway 111 Corridor
Dear Mr. Castro,
We are pleased to present our qualifications for professional planning services for the City of La Quinta Development of an Area
Plan for the Highway 111 Corridor. We have assembled an outstanding team with extensive experience with urban revitalization,
complete streets design, active transportation planning, mixed-use development and economic analysis. Our team has an
excellent track record of successful projects of similar scope and in the surrounding Palm Springs area, including:
• City of El Cajon - El Cajon Transit District Specific Plan - M.W. Steele Group, Inc. (MWSG), Chen Ryan, Schmidt Design
Group and Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. (KMA)
• City of La Quinta Library and Museum - MWSG
• City of Palm Desert - Hotel Analyses - KMA
• Indio General Plan Update - Mobility Element - Indio, CA - Chen Ryan
• Fiesta De Vida Conceptual Design Plan - Indio, CA - Schmidt Design Group
Our firm is well known for a broad range of design and planning assignments that have sought to create or have directly
contributed to successful, mixed-use districts. As we prepared this proposal, several distinguishing characteristics of our
team set us apart:
We have experience in master planning for mixed-use, transit-oriented districts. From the “refresh” of aging retail centers to
the master plan for a mixed-use transit district, we have a breadth of experience with commercial and residential mixed-
use that includes the design of mixed-use building projects. We understand the land use strategies it takes to revitalize
and breathe new life into commercial centers and residential neighborhoods.
We are a fully integrated practice, with planning and architecture expertise. Most firms will claim they can do both, but
we have a 35-year history of completed work in both planning and architecture. This integration of architectural and
planning skills in our office provides our firm with a depth of “real world” understanding. We know what it takes to build
what we plan, and conversely, we know how what we build affects the urban environment.
We are context-driven and client-focused. We have worked in the area, with several significant projects in the cities of
Palm Desert, Indio, and La Quinta. We do not apply formulas or impose best practices until we fully understand the
client’s needs and the community context. Our plans are custom-made to fit the needs of the project and we rely on our
experience to validate proposals and ideas, rather than a rule book.
We have experience in Complete Street Design and Active Communities. Our recent experience includes specific plans
and corridor plans for transit-oriented districts with Complete Streets, last-mile connections and pedestrian safety and
traffic calming techniques.
We are known for our work in environmental justice and our Award-Winning Public Outreach. Stakeholder participation
and engagement is a critical component of any successful planning process. Community stakeholders are the cornerstone
of a plan, without which positive change is not possible. M.W. Steele Group leads community engagement processes,
from workshops, to “charrettes”, public meetings, one-on-one interviews and on-the-ground advocacy. Our Pop-up
Outreach and planning work with the ethnically diverse yet economically disadvantaged community of Southeastern
San Diego was recognized in 2015 with a National Achievement Award for Public Outreach from the American Planning
Association and subsequently by the San Diego APA with a Planning Firm of the Year Award in 2017. We are proud of this
work and look forward to partnering with the City of La Quinta on this project.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 2
We carefully selected a consulting team to meet the needs of the project and based on the core competencies of each
firm. Our entire team has worked together on a recent project of similar scope and scale, with great success. The project
received unanimous approval and was completed on time and under budget. The following constitutes our team:
• M.W. Steele Group, Inc. - Architecture and Planning | Prime Planning Consultant responsible for the day-to-day
project management serving as the primary point of contact. Responsibilities include design guidelines, new and
standard code revisions, implementation program, and the draft and final area plan documents.
• Chen Ryan - Mobility | Responsible for the multimodal analysis of existing transportation network and
recommendations to enhance mobility through infrastructure and operational improvements.
• Schmidt Design Group - Landscape Architecture and Design | Corridor landscape program development and
• Keyser Marston Associates, Inc (KMA) - Real Estate, Financial and Economic Consulting | Perform a Market
Opportunity Analysis and Financial Feasibility of development prototypes.
Danny, we have carefully prepared this proposal in a format that we hope responds directly to the scope of work and opportunities
of the project. Detailed firm profiles, resumes and project sheets are enclosed with the proposal for your reference. We propose
approximately a nine month schedule to complete the work and, should we be selected, are prepared and staffed to meet
that schedule. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need additional information or for any reason.
We look forward to the opportunity to present our qualifications in person if that is a preference for your organization.
Diego Velasco, AICP
M.W. Steele Group Inc.
1805 Newton Avenue
San Diego, California 92113
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 3
Section 2 | Statement of Qualifications
Section 3 | Project Understanding and Approach
Section 4 | Scope of Work
--Non-Collusion Affidavit Form
Section 5 | Schedule/Timeline
Section 7 | Cost Proposal
Section 6 | References
Section 8 | Appendices
M.W. Steele Group acknowledges receipt of Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan RFP Addendum No. 1
Posted 11/9/18: Addendum No. 1 to RFP.
M.W. Steele Group certifies that its staff and subcontractors do not take any exceptions/
considerations to the Standard Agreement for Contract Services.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 4
We have assembled an outstanding team of professional planners, mobility experts, economic advisors and designers
to lead you in the development of the corridor area plan. We selected this team because all team members have long-
standing relationships and shared work experiences. We work well together. In fact, we recently completed a Specific
Plan for a Transit District in the City of El Cajon. The project scope, budget and schedule match closely with those of
the Hwy 111 Corridor Plan.
The following table outlines our services and proposed team members and their related responsibilities.
M.W. Steele Group • Full Service Planning, Architecture, Urban Design Services and Project Management
• Community Outreach
• Code Analysis
• Project Management
• Specifications
• Permitting
Diego Velasco, Principal - Primary Firm Contact
Gaelle Brasseur, Senior Urban Planner
Chen Ryan and Associates • Transportation Planning and Traffic
• Multimodal Analysis
Monique Chen, Principal
Ross Duenas, Senior Transportation Engineer
Andrew Prescott, Transportation Planner
Schmidt Design Group • Landscape Architecture and Design
• Corridor Landscape Program And Branding
JT Barr, Vice President
Todd Schechinger, Principal
Keyser Marston Associates, Inc.• Fiscal Analysis Kevin Engstrom, Senior Principal
Courtney Holt, Senior Associate
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 5
We have maintained an integrated practice comprised of planning, urban design, and
architecture. Starting with the planning and urban design considerations for each project,
we often carry those concepts forward with architectural design that is sensitive to
context and environment.
The Corporation is owned solely by Mark Steele. There are two managing principals, Steve
Miles and Diego Velasco. Our 16 person firm has successfully completed hundreds of
projects within the private and public sector spanning across disciplines - retail, hospitality,
residential, planning and civic. While well known for our award winning architectural
work, the firm has consistently directed and participated in planning and urban design
efforts at many levels since its founding. The integration of architectural and planning
skills in our office provides our firm with a depth of “real world” understanding. We know
what it takes to build what we plan and conversely we know how what we build affects
the urban environment.
Our planning and urban design work encompasses all scales and types of urban settings
from a streescape design to the plan for an entire city. Our approach to planning focuses
on the stakeholders and citizens that are affected by the decisions that result from the
process. This has resulted in a process that is based on outreach, citizen involvement
and a meaningful dialogue.
Much of our work is the establishment of a vision and the implementing guidelines and
standards that ensure the vision becomes reality. Some recent examples of this approach
and scope is evidenced in:
• El Cajon Transit District Specific Plan - Community Outreach, TOD Feasibility Study
• City of Fresno General Plan Update - Urban Form and Development Code
• Solana 101 - Mixed Use Development
• Otay Village Specific Plan - Urban Design and Master Planning
• Liberty Station - the Naval Training Center Re-use Plan and Specific Plan
• City of San Diego - Mixed-Use Zoning Code
This work illustrates our firm’s primary emphasis in planning; creating human scale liv-
able communities, primarily in the urban environment through urban design. We have
developed design techniques that combine land use, streets, sidewalks and paths, natural
features and terrain with anticipated building forms to create a satisfying and supportive
urban form and public realm. This is at the very core of what we do and what we do best.
Architecture and Planning experience
at the M.W. Steele Group is vested in
the individual experience of our pro-
fessional staff. That experience allows
us to offer genuinely comprehensive
and fully-integrated services.
• Architecture
• Master Planning
• Policy Planning
• Urban Design
• Visioning
• Project Management
• Site Evaluation / Feasibility Studies
• Sustainability Consulting
• Programming
• Interior Design
• Graphic Design
M.W. STEELE GROUP, INC. | Firm Description
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 6
Diego Velasco, aicp , leed ap
selected relevant experience
City of El Cajon Transit-Supportive Land Use and Mobility Plan |
El Cajon, CA | Project Manager | Urban Design and Outreach for a
260-acre Specific Plan situated around the El Cajon Transit Center.
Also developed the community outreach program and transit-
oriented feasibility study.
Discovery Village South Specific Plan | San Marcos, CA Specific
Plan for a 250 dwelling-unit community in the City of San Marcos.
Mission Valley Community Plan Update | San Diego, CA | Project
Manager | Urban Design for the Mission Valley Community Plan
Euclid and Market Land Use and Mobility Plan | San Diego, CA |
Project Manager | Station Area Plan for the Market & Euclid Trolley
Station Area , Southeastern San Diego | funded with a SANDAG
Smart Growth Incentive Grant
Otay Central Village Specific Plan | San Diego, CA | Project Man-
ager | Urban Design and Master Planning for a 227-acre Master
Planned Community in Otay Mesa, San Diego
Fresno General Plan and Development Code Update | Fresno, CA |
Senior Urban Designer and Project Manager for the urban design
element and primary author of the Development Code base zone
regulations and form-based code
Hanford Downtown East Corridor Plan
Encanto and Southeastern Community Plan Updates
project role
project manager : Oversees all
aspects of plan documentation:
communication with city planning
staff and city consultant team,
evolution of the project, and quality
s elected p rofessional a ffiliations
Lambda Alpha International | Member
ULI San Diego/ Tijuana | Member
ULI Partnership Forum | Acting Mentor
C-3 | 2014 President
Move San Diego Alliance | Acting Panelist
University of San Diego | Adjunct Faculty
American Planning Association | Member
American Institute of Certified Planners | Certified Planner
Centre City Advisory Committee | Served 2008 - 2009
The University of Washington: Master of Urban Planning
University of California, Berkeley: Bachelor of Arts,
Architecture and City Planning emphasis
Diego Velasco is a Principal at M.W. Steele Group Architecture and Planning
with more than 17 years of experience. Trained as both an urban planner and
architect, he maintains a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to design
that makes him versatile and diverse in his skills. He leads the planning work of
the firm, which ranges in scale and scope from Master Planned Communities
to General Plans, Community Plans, Streetscape Design, Design Guidelines and
Community Outreach.
Integral to this work, Diego often organizes and conducts innovative public
outreach, including workshops, charrettes and presentations with community
stakeholders across San Diego and California. At the same time, Diego leads the
affordable housing projects of the firm, engaging in design, documentation and
construction of several multi-family residential buildings in the City of San Diego.
He has worked in both the private and public sectors, and over the years, has
been involved in his community at several levels. He was an elected member
of the Centre City Advisory Committee from 2009 to 2010, served as President
of the Board of Citizens Coordinate for Century Three (C-3), a panel member of
the Move San Diego Alliance and a speaker at San Diego APA events. He is also
Adjunct Faculty at the University of San Diego and the NewSchool of Architecture
and Design, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate urban design studio
courses focused on critical planning areas in the City of San Diego.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 7
Gaëlle Lechenard-Brasseur
Senior Urban Planner
selected relevant experience
City of El Cajon Transit-Supportive Land Use and Mobility Plan | El
Cajon, CA | Project Designer | Urban Design and Outreach for a 260-acre
Specific Plan situated around the El Cajon Transit Center. Also assisted
with developing portions of the community outreach program and
transit-oriented feasibility study
Rams Hill Master Site Plan | Borrego Springs, CA | Redevelopment and
expansion of the existing Golf Resort Community toward an integrated
Desert Community. Site Area: 3,000 acres - 2,000 dwelling units, hotel
SPA, commercial retail and services. Responsible for Golf Cottages, The
Cove, parking lots, and Specific Plan.
USD Master Site Plan | San Diego, CA | Project Designer | Master Site
Plan and Architectural Guideline for the University of San Diego
Campus including the expansion of the academic program, residential
accommodation, sports facilities and utilities
Roles prior to M.W. Steele Group
Nimes Transit Oriented District and Farm Community | Nimes Manduel,
France | Master Plan and architectural guideline for the 70 acre mixed-
use district around the new High Speed Train Station and interchange
Hub. Program includes common residential, single family homes, offices,
hotel and resort while preserving farming activity on site
Kirchberg Transit Oriented District | Kirchberg Plateau, Luxembourg
Master Plan for the remodeling of the 30 acre Exhibition Center Area
including mixed-use development of common residential, commercial,
entertainment center and an interchange hub toward the airport
Lyon National School of Architecture (ENSAL): Master’s
Degree in Architecture (Architect D.P.L.G.)
Specialty: Sustainable Development and High
Environmental Quality Certification (HQE)
INSA Lyon National Institute of Applied Sciences: Master’s
Degree in Civil Engineering and Urban Planning
project role
urban planner
Gaelle is a French Architect and Urban Planner whose creativity and sensitivity
as a designer can be seen in her past 10+ years of experience. She has led large
urban planning and transportation projects in Europe, Asia, Africa and Middle
East for renowned French firms AREP and EGIS Group.
Just prior to coming to the United States, she had the opportunity to be a
part of the creation of the new Business Line “My City by EGIS” and led a cross-
functional team (urban and landscape designers, transport and mobility engineers,
sociologists and programming experts) toward delivering innovative, sustainable
and integrated solutions for new city planning, neighborhood revitalization, and
Transit Oriented Districts in Europe and worldwide.
Inspired by her cosmopolitan and versatile experiences, she forms an integral part
of M.W. Steele Group’s Planning Team and contributes to our perpetual desire to
challenge ourselves, our designs and our way of doing things.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 8
Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. brings a fresh vision and a balanced perspective to transportation
planning, operations and design within the Southern California region. We are committed
to developing transportation systems and creating mobility improvements that enhance
and support vibrant and sustainable communities.
We provide a full-service multimodal approach, by building upon the multi-dimensional
experiences of our staff, along with our dedication to serving the full range of client
needs. We understand the quality-of-life and health benefits of developing transportation
infrastructure that is integrated with the surrounding land uses, consistent with smart
growth principals and incorporates a balance between the modes of travel. Our experience
and capabilities in these areas allow us to take on a wide range of transportation projects,
bringing strong technical expertise combined with practical experience in a variety of
environments and applications. Our staff members have consistently demonstrated
expertise in conducting creative designs, accurate analyses and evaluations, and in
making the critical decisions required to move a project forward with the successful
resolution of key issues.
Chen Ryan offers specialized
expertise in the following areas:
• Multimodal Planning and
• Civil Engineering/Design
• Traffic Impact Studies
• Active Transportation
Planning an Design
• Traffic Calming
• Traffic Operations and
• Traffic Engineering Design
• Transportation/Land Use
3900 Fifth Avenue | Suite 310
San Diego | CA | 92103
619 468 2793
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 9
Monique Chen, PE | Chen Ryan Associates, Inc.
selected relevant experience
City of Indio General Plan Update – Mobility Element & TIS, Indio |
CA | Mobility Project Manager. The City of Indio Mobility Element
Update takes a holistic approach to transportation, addressing
the user needs of all ages, abilities, and transportation modes.
Multimodal planning was greatly facilitated by the existing wide
roadways, which will enable the planned improvements to be
implemented through minimal modifications, like diets, greatly
reducing construction costs and having minimal effects on
vehicular operations. The community placed particular emphasis
on creating quality connections to the planned CV Link, a regional
multi-use pathway spanning the Coachella Valley. A series of
“spurs” are planned to ease active transportation connections to
this future community asset.
Palm Avenue Revitalization Plan, San Diego | CA | Principal in
Charge. The Palm Avenue Revitalization Plan provides a blueprint
for improving multimodal mobility along a 1.25-mile long corridor
in the Otay Mesa-Nestor community of San Diego. The preferred
alternative design reduces all travel lane widths to 11’ as a traffic
calming mechanism and to provide for an 8’ raised cycle track
along each side of Palm Avenue. Bus stops were incorporated
into the design to limit conflicts with cyclists and vehicular traffic.
Pedestrian access to the Blue Line Trolley Station will be improved
through the installation of high visibility crosswalks and lead
pedestrian interval (LPI) signal phasing.
LADOT Vision Zero 2017 Priority Corridors Technical Analysis, San
Diego, CA | Project Manager. Chen Ryan recently prepared
a Technical Analysis for 14 priority corridors in support of the
City of Los Angeles’ 2017 Vision Zero initiative. The 14 priority
corridors were gleaned from the City’s High Injury Network
(HIN). The recommended roadway safety improvements employ
strategies such as reduction of travel or peak-hour lanes to
accommodate alternative travel modes such as bus-only
or bike lanes. The Technical Report documents project
impact significance, change in delay for motorists, and
implications to overall corridor travel time after project
Downtown San Diego Mobility Plan, San Diego, CA |
Project Manager. Chen Ryan Associates served as the
prime consultant preparing the Downtown San Diego
Mobility Plan. The Plan identifies a multimodal mobility
network and establishes policies, programs and projects
to improve overall mobility throughout the Downtown
San Diego area for all modes. The Downtown San
Diego Mobility Plan is supported a layered network
approach, prioritizing specific corridors for specific
modes, while allowing for travel by the non-prioritized
modes. This approach results in well-connected “layered”
networks across the community, providing multimodal
mobility in a manner that minimizes conflicts and
provides for comfortable and convenient travel choices
prof essional affiliations
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS)
Registered Traffic Engineers of America (RTEA
e ducation
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
r egis tered t raf fic e ngineer , l icense n o . 2272
project role
mobility project manager
Monique Chen has 20 years of experience providing engineering and planning
services to the transportation industry, including both public and private sector
clients. As a registered traffic engineer, she has been responsible for project
management on numerous projects ranging from general plans, master plans,
specific plans, mobility studies, corridor studies, transportation impact analysis,
operational and demand assessments to conceptual engineering. Specific
areas of experience and expertise include traffic engineering and operations,
local and regional transportation planning, smart growth planning, multimodal
planning, development of specifications and cost estimates, and traffic impact
studies. Monique has served as the Project Manager for several planning and
engineering projects, such as the Downtown San Diego Mobility Plan, the
National City General Plan Mobility Element Update, and the County of San
Diego Mobility Element Update.
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Andrew Prescott | Chen Ryan Associates, Inc.
Transportation Planner
selected relevant experience
Palm Avenue Revitalization Plan, San Diego, CA | Transportation
Planner. The Palm Avenue Revitalization Plan provides a blueprint
for improving multimodal mobility along a 1.25-mile long corridor
in the Otay Mesa-Nestor community of San Diego. The preferred
alternative design reduces all travel lane widths to 11’ as a traffic
calming mechanism and to provide for an 8’ raised cycle track
along each side of Palm Avenue. Bus stops were incorporated
into the design to limit conflicts with cyclists and vehicular traffic.
Pedestrian access to the Blue Line Trolley Station will be improved
through the installation of high visibility crosswalks and lead
pedestrian interval (LPI) signal phasing.
Morena Corridor Specific Plan, San Diego, CA | Transportation
Planner. The Morena Corridor Specific Plan serves to transform
the auto-oriented Morena Boulevard corridor into a pedestrian-
friendly village, supported by mixed-use development and a
balanced transportation network. As the mobility consultant,
Chen Ryan Associates assisted with identifying alternatives that
leverage two of the planned Mid-Coast Trolley stations, as well
as an existing Green Line Trolley station. A key component of the
recommended network is a two-way cycle track along the west
side of the roadway, taking advantage of the existing rail corridor
alignment to limit bicycle-vehicle conflicts. Bicycle and pedestrian
access to the all three trolley stops will be supported by a series
of intersection curb bulb-outs, high visibility crosswalks, lead
pedestrian and bicycle intervals at signalized crossings, and new
bicycle facilities.
City of San Diego Systematic Safety Analysis Report Program
(SSARP), San Diego, CA | Transportation Planner. Chen Ryan
Associates is currently working with City of San Diego staff
to develop and implement a Systemic Safety Analysis Report
Program (SSARP). The SSARP serves to formalize a process
for performing multimodal collision analyses as a means to
identify roadway network safety issues and recommend
countermeasures. The project entails conducting a detailed
collision analysis coupled with roadway characteristic
data collection at each location. This information will be
used to populate a matrix to identify potential trends and
environmental characteristics that may influence collisions.
A list of systemic, low-cost countermeasures is also being
developed that can be applied to the varying roadway
environments where deficiencies are identified.
City of Indio General Plan Update – Mobility Element &
TIS, Indio, CA | Transportation Planner. The City of Indio
Mobility Element Update takes a holistic approach to
transportation, addressing the user needs of all ages,
abilities, and transportation modes. Multimodal planning
was greatly facilitated by the existing wide roadways, which
will enable the planned improvements to be implemented
through minimal modifications, like diets, greatly reducing
construction costs and having minimal effects on vehicular
operations. The community placed particular emphasis
on creating quality connections to the planned CV Link, a
regional multi-use pathway spanning the Coachella Valley.
A series of “spurs” are planned to ease active transportation
connections to this future community asset.
profess iona l affiliations
American Planning Association
Master of City Planning
Bachelor of Arts, International Security and Conflict
Andrew Prescott has over five years of experience as a practicing transportation
planner. He contributes to a wide range of mobility projects, including corridor
studies, circulation/mobility elements, parking studies, transportation impact
studies, active transportation plans, and health related research. He regularly
serves as the primary author for key project deliverables and conducts a variety
of planning level analyses. Mr. Prescott has served as project manager on
corridor studies, site analyses, and transportation impact studies in support of
environmental documentation. Andrew has contributed to the development
of policies supporting improved multimodal transportation safety. Mr. Prescott
stays current with industry trends through his involvement with the American
Planning Associates (APA).
project role
transportation planner
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 11
Ross Duenas, pe | Chen Ryan Associates, Inc.
Senior Transportation Engineer
selected relevant experience
County Road Reviews, San Diego, CA | Traffic Engineering Task
Lead. ChenRyan is providing traffic engineering services to
support the County of San Diego’s traffic engineering department
perform a road review along two corridors: South Grade Road
and Pala Temecula Road. Each review focuses on evaluating
five years of collision history, existing roadway conditions, and
performing an analysis of the roadways using the AASHTO
Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM). Each model is
calibrated to prepare a baseline existing conditions collision rate
as well as predictive collision rate through the variation of site
specific mitigation measures. Through this analysis, improvement
recommendations for the roadways are provided in each report.
Bayshore Bikeway Barrio Logan Segment, San Diego, CA | Traffic
EngineeringTask Lead. Chen Ryan is providing traffic engineering
services for the proposed Class I bikeway along Harbor Drive. The
project involves the modification of six traffic signals, including
close coordination with MTS and BNSF railroad operators, and
approximately 2.5 miles of street lighting improvements. The
project will also modify and/or replace existing lighting and
electrical conduit affixed to an existing pedestrian bridge.
El Portal Pedestrian Undercrossing, Encinitas, CA | Traffic
Engineering TaskLead. Chen Ryan is currently working with TY
Lin to provide traffic engineering services for the proposed
pedestrian undercrossing. The project involves the design and
construction of a grade separated pedestrian and bicycle rail
crossing and an at-grade crossing of Hwy 101.
Convoy Street Traffic Control, San Diego, CA | Traffic
Engineering Task Lead.Chen Ryan provided traffic
engineering services to support the City of San Diego’s
AC Water and Sewer Group Project 1042-1. The project
involved an analysis of the proposed utility construction
and a determination of required work zones. Traffic
control plans were then prepared and processed through
the City of San Diego’s Field Services Division for approval.
profe ssional affiliations
American Public Works Association (APWA)
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering
p rofessional e ngineer (c ivil ), c alifornia ,
a rizona , l icense n o . 84324
project role
senior transportation engineer
Ross has more than 12 years of experience designing and managing
transportation and public works projects for public agencies. He has managed
multi-disciplinary projects involving multimodal Complete Streets, park design,
traffic calming, and active transportation elements. Ross’ responsibilities include
grading and improvement plan preparation, roadway design, site design,
stormwater analysis and water quality design, and wet utility design.
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Schmidt Design Group, Inc. is
headquartered in San Diego, California
with branch offices in Fairfield and
Connecticut. A portfolio of the firm’s
award-winning work can be viewed at
Experience includes:
• Streetscapes and Complete Streets
• Parks and Open Space
• Urban In-Fill/Mixed Use Development
• Design/Build Collaborations
• Campus Planning and Design
• Low Impact Design and Stormwater
• Commercial and Industrial Sites
• Healthcare and Healing Gardens
• Affordable Housing
Schmidt Design Group, Inc. integrates an artistic approach to landscape architecture and
planning with technical expertise and environmental sensitivity. We are client-centered,
service-oriented, and dedicated to creating signature spaces that reflect the character
and vision of the communities in which we work.
Schmidt Design Group specializes in private and public-realm design and has provided
innovative design solutions and community facilitation for dozens of public municipalities
throughout California. The staff includes 20 employees, comprised of nine licensed
landscape architects, three LEED accredited professionals, two SITES accredited
professionals, a certified arborist, a certified playground safety inspector, two qualified
SWPPP developers/preparers, and a certified landscape irrigation auditor.
The firm is recognized as a Small Business Enterprise by the California Department of
General Services (No. 10702). Schmidt Design Group, Inc. currently holds Landscape
Architecture and Planning Licenses in the states of: California, Nevada, Arizona, Ohio,
Connecticut, New York, Vermont, Rhode Island, Michigan, Massachusetts, and Colorado.
Founded in 1983, Schmidt Design Group has received more than 130 local, state, and
national awards for design and technical excellence. These include thirty-one American
Society of Landscape Architecture, San Diego, Honor, Merit, and Presidents awards;
twenty-three American Public Works Association Awards; and 13 San Diego Architectural
Foundation, People’s Choice Orchid Awards.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 13
Jeffrey “JT” Barr, PLA, ASLA
Vice President
selected relevant experience
El Cajon Transit District Specifc Plan | El Cajon, CA | Collaborating
with MW Steel, Mr. Barr led landscape architectural services for
this 259-acre district within the city of El Cajon. Each primary street
within this district was assigned a specific multimodal role and
associated aesthetic typography. Solutions included dedicated
bike lanes, urban multi-use trails, landscaped parkways, and
widened sidewalks to accommodate public gathering and cafes.
Fiesta De Vida | Indio, CA | Mr. Barr‘s design efforts ensured a
concept design plan which paid homage to the visceral and
spiritual connection Native American people have historically
had with their land. Each of the activity oases was designed to
be surrounded by a robust desert plant palette which gently
transitions into the native desert.
Arts District at Liberty Station | San Diego, CA | Mr. Barr acted as
the Principal Landscape Architect for the Arts District at Liberty
Station. Amenities include an outdoor game room and lounge
area with a signature fire pit, ping-pong tables, custom furniture,
shade structures, and a flexible turf area. These improvements
create a unique and vibrant town square feeling while providing
an elegant outdoor experience.
Rimrock Cove | Palm Springs, CA
Median Island Improvements | El Cajon, CA
selected professional affiliations
Member, American Society of Landscape Architects (Past San
Diego Chapter Vice President of Public Relations)
Member, California Parks and Recreation Society
Member, Council of Landscape Architectural Registration
Building Resource Council Board Member, BIA San Diego
Ohio State University: Bachelor of Science, Landscape
r egistered a rchitect , s tate of c alifornia ,
l icense n o . 5209
project role
p rincipal l andscape a rchitect
Jeffrey T. (JT) Barr is a licensed landscape architect with over a decade of
experience. His professional expertise includes the design and implementation
of dynamic urban spaces including parks, streetscapes, plazas, civic spaces,
commercial, and mixed-use developments. Mr. Barr is inspired by creating
signature spaces informed by an intimate understanding of context; with
each project presenting a new opportunity to build community, celebrate
culture and create sustainable systems. Mr. Barr provides leadership for
projects of varying scales and budgets with an emphasis on developing
comprehensive multidisciplinary solutions. His expertise encompasses the
design and implementation of spaces that provide sustainable, context-
responsive environments. He spent three years with Schmidt Design Group
from 2002 to 2005 and has been back with the firm since early 2012.
In addition to his private practice work, Mr. Barr has a passion for engaging
the academic community. He received an Auxiliary Faculty Appointment at
his alma mater, The Ohio State University, in 2009 and has been a visiting critic
for numerous accredited universities.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 14
Todd Schechinger, PLA, ASLA
selected relevant experience
Fiesta De Vida | Indio, CA | Mr. Schechinger provided landscape
architecture services for the concept design of Fiesta de Vida. His
efforts shaped a design which celebrates both recreation and res-
toration, linking the two uses into one dynamic park environment.
General Atomics Recreation Center | Poway, Ca Mr. Schechinger
acted as project manager for the design of this 20-acre recreation
center for General Atomics’ Poway campus. The design includes a
fitness/recreation center, swimming pool, baseball fields, soccer
field, tennis courts, volleyball courts, and parking lot.
Arts District at Liberty Station | San Diego, CA | As Project
Manager, Mr. Schechinger provided landscape design services for
the development of a unique and vibrant town square focused
on maintaining the historic integrity of the former Naval Training
Center, while providing an elegant outdoor experience. Amenities
include an outdoor game room and lounge area with signature
fire pit, ping-pong tables, custom furniture, shade structures, and
a flexible turf area.
Friars Road Placemaking | San Diego, CA | Project Manager
Costa Verde Center | San Diego, CA | Project Manager
Millenia Civic Park | Chula Vista, CA | Project Manager
Parkway Plaza Stage & Streetscape | El Cajon, CA | Project Manager
project role
project manager , landscape
selected professional affiliations
Design Awards Co-Chair, American Society of Landscape
Architects, San Diego (Past Chapter Secretary)
Member, Building Industry Association
Associate Member, American Institute of Architects
North Carolina State University : Master of Landscape
University of Tennessee-Knoxville: Bachelor of Science, Plant
Sciences and Landscape Systems
r egistered a rchitect , s tate of c alifornia ,
l icense n o . 6155
Mr. Schechinger is a skilled Landscape Architect with more than 10 years of
experience in community parks, hospitality, higher education, and healthcare
design projects, both domestic and international. He has significant experience
managing projects from the conceptual phase, including design and visioning,
through working drawings and the construction administration. He has processed
landscape plans through various municipalities in order to gain approval for
construction. Mr. Schechinger has a passion for team collaboration and creating
meaningful and environmental sensitive designs. In addition to his professional
work, he currently serves as the Co-Chair of Design Awards for the San Diego
Chapter of ASLA.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 15
After more than 45 years, KMA has held the
same commitment to clients: to provide
creative pragmatic solutions to complex
urban development. Our practice areas
• Public-private real estate transactions
• Fiscal and economic impacts
• Transit-oriented neighborhoods
• Public benefits and entitlements
• Affordable and inclusionary housing
• Economic development
• Commercial and Industrial Sites
• Healthcare and Healing Gardens
• Affordable Housing
Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. (KMA) is a full service real estate, financial, housing and
economic consulting firm. Founded in 1973, the firm has served over 600 clients on more
than 2,000 projects, including some of the most high-profile public/private partnerships
in California. The firm’s public-sector clients include nearly every major municipality in
California, as well as counties, ports, special districts, universities, and former military bases.
While we are best known for our role as advisors to public sector and institutional clients,
we also have an extensive private sector practice, which primarily serves corporations, law
firms, and landowners. KMA presently has 29 professional staff persons in three offices
located in Los Angeles, Berkeley and San Diego.
We approach all our assignments from a reality-based perspective. Our objective is to
provide decision-makers with sound advice supported by strong technical analysis of all
economic factors that impact success, including:
• Market conditions
• Financial investments requirements
• Community needs and benefits
• Development issues
KMA’s unique strength is the depth, continuity and availability of our principals who
average more than twenty years of practical experience in working with business and
government. Their personal involvement is a key factor in the firm’s ongoing success.
Their knowledge and expertise bring clarity to the complexities of real estate development.
It also allows them to clearly speak on complex projects to senior management and at
executive sessions and public meetings. KMA’s principals are frequent speakers to such
industry groups as the Urban Land Institute and the California League of Cities. They
have also served on policy-advisory committees for the State Legislature and Governor
on issues such as affordable housing, economic development and military base reuse.
For more information about KMA, please visit our website at www.keysermarston.com.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 16
Kevin Engstrom
Senior Principal, Los Angeles Office
selected relevant experience
Market and Feasibility Studies
During his tenure at Keyser Marston, Mr. Engstrom has conducted
a number of market and feasibility studies for cities throughout
California. For these analyses Mr. Engstrom assessed current
market conditions; projected future demand for residential, retail,
office, industrial and hotel development; tested the financial fea-
sibility of prototypical projects; prepared fiscal impact projections;
and created implementation strategies. Projects have included
general plan updates, specific plans, master plans, corridor stud-
ies, economic development strategies and highest and best use
analyses. These studies have occurred throughout Orange, Los
Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura and Fresno counties.
Market and Financial Services for Hotel Projects
Mr. Engstrom has provided consulting services for over 75 hotel
projects throughout California, including the Olympic North
Hotels, Beverly Hills Montage, Huntington Beach Grand Hyatt,
Anaheim Doubletree and the Glendale Embassy Suites. The
analyses include, market assessments, financial feasibility analyses,
public revenue projections, reviewing EB-5 financing strategies
and developing financial assistance programs.
project role
p rovide real estate economic
and economic development
considerations .
selected professional affiliations
American Planning Association - California Chapter Conference
Instructor on Real Estate Finance and Development
California State University Fullerton - Instructor
University of Arizona: Master of Arts
Villanova University: Bachelor of Arts
Kevin Engstrom is a Senior Principal in the Los Angeles office of Keyser Marston.
For 20 years he has provided public and private clients with real estate and
financial expertise including: market and financial feasibility studies, fiscal impact
analyses, economic revitalization consulting, financial modeling, developer
selection and disposition consulting.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 17
Courtney Holt
Senior Associate, Los Angeles Office
project role
p rovide economic studies , and
demographic profiles .
selected relevant experience
Affordable Housing Strategies
Ms. Holt has assisted in the analysis of numerous affordable hous-
ing projects and studies in Los Angeles, Monterey, and Orange
County. Past projects have included the physical and financial
assessment of public housing developments in the City of Los
Angeles, affordable housing monitoring and compliance review,
including review of financial pro formas, and an analysis of rent-
stabilized housing and recommendations for affordable housing
preservation in the City of Santa Monica.
Market Studies
Ms. Holt has participated in preparing market demand analyses,
economic studies, and demographic profiles for public sector
clients around the Southern California region, including the cities
of Long Beach, Irvine, Anaheim, and Los Angeles, as well as Los
Angeles and San Bernardino Counties.
selected professional affiliations
American Planning Association
Urban Land Institute - Young Professionals Group
ULI Transit-Oriented Development Committee - previously
University of Southern California: Master of Planning
degree; Real Estate Development certificate
University of Washington: Bachelor of Arts in
International Studies
Courtney Holt is a Senior Associate in the Los Angeles office of Keyser Marston
Associates, Inc. (KMA). She joined KMA in 2017 with a background in asset
management, economic and market analysis, and land use planning. Prior to
joining KMA, she worked as a consultant for public sector clients on a wide
variety of projects including the creation of hybrid zoning codes and enhanced
development standards to spur economic revitalization and affordable housing
development. Ms. Holt’s work at KMA focuses on affordable housing and nexus
analyses, market and demographic studies, and inclusionary housing studies
and agreements for public sector clients.
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Understanding of the Project
The Highway 111 Corridor is a conduit of regional, commercial and economic activity
for the City of La Quinta. The primary objective of planning efforts for the Highway 111
Corridor should be to ensure the long-term prosperity and growth of the corridor as
we embrace a new direction for retail experiences, mixed-use development and active
transportation. That future includes greater opportunities for multimodal mobility,
with the extension of the CV Link through the area, strategies for accommodation
of automated and rideshare vehicles, scooters and other types of private vehicles,
and better pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and environments. It also includes
opportunities for mixed-use development as the corridor and surrounding areas
transform in the next decade into the many great places that will offer unique life
experiences for residents and visitors alike.
Prior studies and plans for the corridor provide a sound and compelling framework
that we should build-upon and detail. We have the opportunity to design Complete
Streets that fit in with the context of the corridor and La Quinta and provide benefits
for enhanced mobility, storm water management, and safety while reinforcing a sense
of place and an authentic “brand” for the corridor. We have the chance to detail and
demonstrate what mixed-use development in the corridor looks like and how it works.
This effort should be grounded in a sound understanding of the economic and market
feasibility of different development types and scenarios. Ultimately, the plan allows
us to bring together for you all the various plans and studies done for the area into
one cohesive and consistent vision that landowners, residents, city leaders and other
stakeholders can get behind as the city grows.
Project Approach
Our approach to the Highway 111 Corridor Area Plan hinges on five primary imperatives
for the project:
• Build upon, not reinvent, prior planning and community driven visions for the area.
• Show what is possible and focus on visual simulations and accurate representations
of the vision through more detailed site design and architectural concepts.
• Ensure the plan is feasible and implementable by testing development scenarios
and building types in close partnership with economic analysis and financial
• Integrate Complete Streets, multimodal mobility, branding and themeing with
development types and site design opportunities so there is a cohesive and solid
vision for the corridor.
• Involve key stakeholders and encourage positive change for the corridor.
Approach to Stakeholder Engagement
Our steadfast focus on building community sets us apart from other design firms.
Over the years, we have designed innovative and engaging techniques that bring
community stakeholders together during the design process - uniting them towards
a common plan and goals. Most recently, our Pop-Up Outreach Program for the City
of San Diego was recognized at the national level with a National Achievement Award
for Public Outreach by the American Planning Association.
Corridor Plan for Southern Blackstone Avenue,
Fresno, CA
Land Use Exercise using Land Use “Play Cards”, El
Cajon Transit District Specific Plan
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 19
The El Cajon Transit District Specific Plan envisions a multimodal, safe, and pedestrian/bike-friendly environment with
streetscape enhancements that include Complete Streets concepts (such as storm water treatment, multimodal facilities,
traffic calming techniques and shade) as well as roundabouts and curb extensions that create opportunities for placemaking
and gateways in the community.
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For the Highway 111 Corridor Plan, we propose a multi-pronged approach that includes one-on-one interviews with key
landowners, tenants and community leaders, a workshop/ charrette with community members at large, focus group meetings
at key checkpoints in the process and an online survey. Together, these engagement methods will ensure that we reach out
to a diversity of stakeholders with a wide range of exercises and tools that allow them to contribute in ways they feel most
comfortable. Our team will prepare graphics, visuals and worksheets to assist in the outreach process, and we will make sure
the result is effective and also fun.
Summary of Project Tasks
We have thoroughly read and understand the project scope of work as outlined in the RFP. From your proposed scope, we
envision our work will focus on the following key tasks:
• A robust and comprehensive mobility analysis of the corridor, leading to Complete Streets strategies and recommendations.
• A thorough financial feasibility study of development scenarios and building types, focused on testing the viability of
future mixed-use and retail. This study will be informed by a market opportunities analysis based on assessment of current
market conditions and future plausible scenarios.
• A marketable plan that illustrates a clear and compelling vision, with visuals that show development, placemaking and
streetscape concepts for the area.
• A detailed and developed theme or brand for the area that builds upon the concept of Pedestrian Themed Districts that
has been proposed in the ULI TAP Study completed for the corridor.
• An Implementation Program that includes financing mechanisms and zoning code and development standards to encourage
mixed-use, walkable and urban environments, rich with experiences.
The traditionally auto-dominated corridor will be revaluated using a multimodal perspective to identify opportunities for improving
the mobility, connectivity, comfort, and safety of all roadway users. The assessment will utilize mode specific evaluations to quantify
conditions from the perspective of pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and motorists.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 21
Proposed Framework Plan
From Transit to Neighborhood
Village Area / Commercial Node
Proposed Village Area / Commercial Node
School - Administration - Civic Center
Park - Recreation - Community center
Trolley Station & Rail
Bus Transit
Proposed Buffer
Stable Residential
Proposed Transit Core (Soft modes, active use,
street scape, pedestrian friendly)
Specific Plan, TOD
Feasibility Study
Client City of El Cajon
Melissa Devine
El Cajon, CA
Services Community Out-
reach, transit
oriented feasibility
Awarded 2015
Completed Anticipated Adop-
tion Spring 2018
Fees $75,000
Project Team Diego Velasco
Gaelle Brasseur
• Complete street solu-
tions including three
roundabouts on El
Cajon Blvd. to serve as
traffic calming devices
while establishing
“green gateways” into
the city.
• Plan introduces
dedicated bike lanes,
urban multi-use trails,
landscaped parkways,
and widened sidewalks
for public gathering
and cafes.
• Community outreach
and engagement was a
critical component of
the planning process.
Process included two
public workshops, four
working group meet-
ings, pop-up outreach,
intercept surveys and
public hearings.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | Relevant Project Experience
Street Section Diagram
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Community Plan Update
Client City of San Diego
Nancy Graham
City of San Diego
Size 100 acres
Completed In Progress
Fees $100,000
Diego Velasco
Gaelle Brasseur
• Urban design vision
for the Mission Valley
Community of San
Diego, CA.
• Anticipated adoption
• Notable outcomes
include: enhanced
pedestrian connec-
tivity, placemaking
concepts, visualization
of multiple develop-
ment scenarios, and
suburban super-block
redevelopment con-
M.W. STEELE GROUP | Relevant Project Experience
Community Plan Update
Urban Design
Client City of San Diego Plan-
ning Department
Marlon Pangilinan
Location San Diego, CA
Services Urban Design Pla-
cetypes, Community
Awarded 2018
Completed October 2018
Diego Velasco
• Produced urban design
placetypes intended to
demonstrate how TODs
can be integrated con-
ceptually within older
lower-density multi-
family corridors and
commercial centers
and nodes.
• Illustrate how design
and architecture help
shape spaces and
places for walkability
and compatibility with-
in an existing suburban
• Community outreach
and engagement was a
critical component of
the planning process.
Process included a
community meeting to
gather input from the
public on proposed
building heights and
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 23
Specific Plan, Re-use
Master Plan, Urban
Design Guidelines
for adaptive reuse
for Naval Training
Center (Liberty Sta-
Client Rick Engineering |
City of San Diego
300 acres /
Point Loma, CA
Completed 2007
Award Wins 2007 Base Redevel-
opment Community
of the Year
$1.3 million
Mark Steele
• Conversion and adaptive
reuse of the Naval Training
Center to an Award-Winning
Mixed-use Commercial and
Residential Village
• Public/Private Partnership
(P3) between the City of San
Diego and the Corky McMillin
• Extensive Community Out-
reach Program
• Balanced preservation and
adaptive re-use of existing
historic structures with an
increase in density and a
combination of mixed-use
features such as restaurants
and retail uses
M.W. STEELE GROUP | Relevant Project Experience
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 24
Mixed-Use Develop-
ment on Highway 101,
Solana Beach
Client Zephyr
Ryan Harrell
Services Renovation and New
Completed SD Phase Completed
Mark Steele
• Solana 101 has been designed as a
one and two-story mixed use proj-
ect organized around substantial
open space.
• Restaurants, retail, offices and apart-
ments all are located on the east-
west open space plaza.
• The single level retail and food and
beverage structures that front 101
form an inviting pedestrian scale
while achieving the objectives of
the Highway 101 Corridor Specific
M.W. STEELE GROUP | Relevant Project Experience
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 25
Project Type General Plan Update – Mobility
Element & TIS
Client City of Indio (subconsultant to
Project Design Consultants)
Chris Morrow, Project Design Con-
sultants (PDC)
Indio, CA
Services Transportation planning, traffic
engineering, community outreach
Awarded September 2014
Completed November 2016
Fees $121,032
Monique Chen
Andrew Prescot
The City of Indio Mobility Element Update takes a holistic approach
to transportation, addressing the user needs of all ages, abilities, and
transportation modes. A large emphasis was placed on improving
bicycle and pedestrian mobility through the provision of protected
bicycle facilities and multi-use paths, largely focused around schools,
parks, and connections to City’s downtown area. Multimodal planning
was greatly facilitated by the existing wide roadways, which will
enable the planned improvements to be implemented through
minimal modifications, like diets, greatly reducing construction costs
and having minimal effects on vehicular operations. The community
placed particular emphasis on creating quality connections to the
planned CV Link, a regional multi-use pathway spanning the Coachella
Valley. A series of “spurs” are planned to ease active transportation
connections to this future community asset. Chen Ryan Associates
was also responsible for preparing the greater General Plan Update’s
Traffic Impact Study, identifying impacted roadway segments and
intersections and appropriate mitigation measures.
INDIO GENERAL PLAN UPDATE-Mobility Element | Indio, CA
CHEN RYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. | Relevant Project Experience
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 26
CHEN RYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. | Relevant Project Experience
Project Type Corridor Study
Client City of San Diego
Nancy Graham, City of San Diego
1.25-mile corridor
San Diego, CA
Services Transportation planning, traffic
engineering, community outreach
Awarded January 2015
Completed February 2016
Fees $229,680
Monique Chen
Andrew Prescot
The Palm Avenue Revitalization Plan provides a blueprint for improving
multimodal mobility along a 1.25-mile long corridor in the Otay Mesa-
Nestor community of San Diego. Existing conditions include a 45MPH
posted speed limit, 6-lanes of vehicular travel, high traffic volumes (>60k
ADT), and multiple freeway ramps, resulting in uncomfortable conditions
pedestrians and cyclists.
The preferred alternative design reduces all travel lane widths to 11’ as a
traffic calming mechanism and to provide for an 8’ raised cycle track along
each side of Palm Avenue. Bus stops were incorporated into the design
to limit conflicts with cyclists and vehicular traffic. Pedestrian access to
the Blue Line Trolley Station will be improved through the installation
of high visibility crosswalks and lead pedestrian interval (LPI) signal
phasing. Four freeway on-/off-ramps are recommended to be squared
as a means to improve pedestrian and cyclist visibility to motorists, and
slow vehicles as they transition off the freeway.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 27
Project Type Citywide safety study, collision
Client City of San Diego
Julio Fuentes, City of San Diego
26,000 collision records, citywide
San Diego, CA
Services Multimodal safety analysis,
transportation planning, traffic
Awarded September 2017
Completed Anticipated 2018
Fees $247,500
Monique Chen
Andrew Prescot
Chen Ryan Associates is currently working with the City of San Diego
to develop and implement a citywide Systemic Safety Analysis Report
Program (SSARP) for all transportation modes. The SSARP serves to
formalize a process for performing multimodal collision analyses as a
means of identifying roadway network safety issues and recommending
viable countermeasures. The project entails conducting a detailed
collision analysis coupled with roadway characteristic data collection
at each location. This information will be used to populate a matrix
to identify potential trends among behaviors and environmental
characteristics that may influence collisions. A list of systemic, low-cost
countermeasures is also being developed for application to the varying
roadway environments where deficiencies are identified.
CHEN RYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. | Relevant Project Experience
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 28
Project Type Corridor Specific Plan
Client City of Poway (subconsultant to
Rick Barrett, MIG
235 acres; 3.5-mile corridor
San Diego, CA
Services Transportation planning, traffic
Awarded December 2014
Completed February 2017
Fees $114,120
Monique Chen
Andrew Prescot
The Poway Road Corridor Specific Plan seeks to re-evaluate 3.5-miles
of Poway Road through an analysis of the transportation system and
a detailed land use assessment. The study area is lined by a variety
of commercial and housing uses and noted for high traffic volumes
and high speeds. As the mobility consultant, Chen Ryan Associates
evaluated existing multimodal transportation conditions, identified
deficiencies and opportunities, and worked closely with the project
team, City staff, and the community to devise recommendations to
improve multimodal mobility. A number of complete streets features
are planned to enhance pedestrian and bicycle mobility, improve access
to transit and open space, and support the planned intensification of
land uses while maintaining adequate vehicular operations.
CHEN RYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. | Relevant Project Experience
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 29
Project Type Corridor Study
Client Port of San Diego
Lesley Nishihira, Port of San Diego
5.5-mile long corridor
San Diego, CA
Services Transportation planning, traffic
Awarded November 2017
Completed Anticipated December 2018
Fees $225,000
Ross Duenas
Andrew Prescot
The North Harbor Drive Mobility & Access Study provides an analysis
of the transportation facilities, operations, and access points along the
North Harbor Drive corridor, connecting the San Diego International
Airport to Downtown San Diego. The study focuses on how to accom-
modate the growth projected along key areas along the corridor, includ-
ing Shelter Island, Harbor Island, the San Diego International Airport,
and various neighborhoods in the Downtown community. Extensive
stakeholder coordination informed the development of a unified vision
that can be supported by the numerous invested stakeholders. Project
recommendations consist of a variety of site specific and corridor-wide
improvements targeted at improving mobility and access for all travel
modes. A multimodal analysis was used to evaluate the proposed
alternatives and determine which concepts are best suited within the
context of this critical connection.
CHEN RYAN ASSOCIATES, INC. | Relevant Project Experience
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 30
Specific Plan &
Design Guidelines
Client City of El Cajon
Melissa Devine
El Cajon, CA
Services Community Out-
reach, transit
oriented feasibility
Awarded 2015
Completed Anticipated
Adoption Spring
Fees $21,000
Project Team JT Barr
• The public realm
strategy sought to
employ significant
“road diets” throughout
the District to increase
multimodal connectivity
and enhance the public
realm experience.
• Recommended
improvements included
the creation of three
roundabouts on El Cajon
Boulevard to serve as
traffic calming devices
while establishing “green
gateways” into the City.
• The plan also
recommended the
establishment of street
tree master plan to
promote urban greening,
reduce the urban
heat island effect, and
reinforce a pedestrian-
centric experience.
Conceptual Design Plan
Client Touchstone
Kerry Garza
Touchstone Communities
100-acres / Indio,
Completed 12/31/2014
Fees $49,664
JT Barr
Todd Schechinger
• Interconnected
Oases mimic historic
settlement patterns
and natural desert
oases found in
adjacent foothills to
honor native history of
the site.
• Series of iconic shade
structures present
dramatic silhouettes
against mountain
• Like natural desert
oases, the activity
oases act as sites for
celebration, discovery,
exploration, and quiet
SCHMIDT DESIGN GROUP, INC. | Relevant Project Experience
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 31
KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES, INC. | Relevant Project Experience
KMA has represented the City as an economic
consultant for a wide variety of projects including
hotel and retail development, as well as affordable
housing projects and strategies since the late 1970s.
KMA provides ongoing assistance to the City on a
variety of real estate projects ranging from theme
parks and one-of-a-kind entertainment venues to
industrial, commercial, hotel and residential projects.
KMA provides a multitude of real estate services to
the City, including market evaluation and financial
feasibility analyses for a variety of land uses. A small
sample of projects in which KMA assisted the City of
Anaheim include the preparation of a community
based specific plan for the West Anaheim area,
Corridor redevelopment strategies, the Radisson
Blu Hotel, the Packing House Redevelopment and
Residential Project, Downtown Anaheim and the
proposed ARTIC station. For these projects, KMA
prepare market and feasibility analyses, reviewed the
projected development costs, evaluated the operating
parameters and assisted the City throughout the
negotiation process for the subject properties.
KMA acted as the principal real estate advisor to
City of Anaheim, helping to structure public-private
partnerships which included providing assistance to
the projects.
Recent assignments & Land Uses Evaluated: Market Opportunities for
Moderate Density Residential
• Anaheim Corridors Market Opportunities Analysis
• Beach Boulevard Corridor Market Opportunities
• Lincoln Avenue Corridor Market Opportunities
• Radisson Blu Hotel – Feasibility and Public Revenue projections
Client Reference:
John Woodhead, Executive Director
City of Anaheim, Community Development Department
714-765-4332 | jwoodhead@anaheim.net
Over the past ten years KMA has represented Palm
Desert as an economic consultant for a number of hotel
projects proposed in the City. For these analyses KMA
conducted market studies, reviewed development
costs, evaluated hotel operating parameters,
estimated project feasibility and projected public
revenues available. These projects include proposed
hotels located on Highway 111, located adjacent to the
Willowick Golf Course and developments integrated
into the City’s El Paseo District. KMA acted as the
principal real estate advisor to the City for the recently
opened Hotel Paseo, helping to evaluate market
conditions, estimate project feasibility and structure
a public-private partnership which included providing
assistance to the project.
Client Reference:
Martin Alvarez, Director of Economic Development City of Palm Desert Economic Development Department760-346-0611 | malvarez@cityofpalmdesert.org
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 32
Section 4 | SCOPE OF WORK
Our team reflects a breadth of experience, and we have carefully selected firms with complementary skills in order to offer a
well-rounded approach to the project. We pride ourselves on providing the hands-on and focused attention of our principals
and firm leaders and see ourselves working closely with you.
Team member bios and roles are enclosed in Section 2. Below is a team chart summarizing our team members and a list of
tasks and key roles for each team member on the project.
M.W. STEELE GROUP will be the prime consultant, day-to-day contact and lead the team with quality project management,
responsive community outreach and innovative and solid planning alternatives. M.W. Steele Group will work closely with
KMA to develop building types and development scenarios that can be tested for financial feasibility. We will also manage
the coordination of mobility improvements with proposed Complete Streets concepts to ensure that the result is a cohesive
and robust plan.
CHEN RYAN ASSCOCIATES will provide technical analysis and unique expertise in multi-dimensional, multimodal transportation
and land use planning to verify and evaluate the proposed street design alternatives and proposals. This will include initial
reconnaissance of traffic volumes, counts and prior studies. We anticipate Chen Ryan Associates will need to work closely with
Schmidt Design Group and the rest of the team to develop viable Complete Streets Alternatives.
SCHMIDT DESIGN GROUP will lead the creation of streetscape design alternatives and Complete Streets concepts, including
branding and themeing concepts, planting and street tree design palettes, signage, monumentation and wayfinding, and
placemaking ideas for public and private open spaces along the corridor.
KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES will rely on prior experience with other corridor oriented developments in cities throughout
Southern California to evaluate the market feasibility and financing of development proposals for the corridor, including
evaluation of building types and mixed-use proposed for the corridor.
Team Approach
planning , urban design and
project management
transportation planning and traffic engineeringlandscape architecture financial analysis
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 33
Tasks & Deliverables
Task 1 - Project Management
1.1 Attend a kick off meeting
1.2 Four (4) project team meetings
1.3 Eight (8) status update phone calls
1.4 Manage subconsultants
DELIVERABLES: Monthly Progress Reports, Invoices
Task 2 - Stakeholder Engagement
2.1 Participate in and provide outreach materials for up to three (3) Focus Group
2.2 Participate in and provide outreach materials for up to one (1) community
2.3 Online Survey
2.4 One-on-one interviews (max. of 10)
DELIVERABLES: Outreach Materials, Summary of Community Input from Each Event,
Online Survey
Task 3 - Audit/ Document Review/ Market & Financial Feasibility
3.1 Analyze physical conditions, economic conditions, opportunities and
3.2 Review and evaluate effectiveness of Hwy 111 Design Guidelines, Zoning District
Standards, Specific Plan Standards and other relevant documents
3.3 Financial Feasibility & Site Testing: Identify specific underutilized sites for
redevelopment and conduct site analysis and testing for three (3) prototypical
sites and up to two (2) land uses per prototype
3.4 Market Opportunities Analysis providing overview of existing residential, retail
and lodging market conditions
DELIVERABLES: Marketable sites summary that the City may use to actively engage
with development partners, Opportunity and Constraints Analysis, All background
and base data including GIS maps and digital data files
Task 4 - Mobility Needs Assessment & Complete Streets Recommendations
4.1 Needs Assessment - Conduct a multimodal analysis of the existing
transportation network, including connectivity, quality, demand, and safety to
identify existing and future needs, opportunities and constraints.
4.2 Mobility Recommendations - Identify opportunities to enhance multimodal
mobility through infrastructure, streetscape design and operational
DELIVERABLES: Two (2) Mobility / Complete Streets Alternatives; Summary of
Mobility Recommendations
Section 4 | SCOPE OF WORK
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 34
With approximately nine months to complete the project, we will need to move quickly through the first three tasks so that
we have the adequate time to detail the proposed concepts. If selected, our team is staffed, mobilized and ready to start work
immediately on the project.
Task 5 - Complete Streets Plan / Area Plan
5.1 Corridor Branding Program, Landscape Program, Landscape Palette
5.2 Signage, Wayfinding and Monumentation
5.3 Visual Corridor Design Guidelines
5.4 Photorealistic Simulations
5.5 Building Development Types and Standards
5.6 New Code and Standard Revisions
5.7 Implementation
5.8 Plan Revisions (max. 3 draft revisions)
DELIVERABLES: Landscape Tree and Planting Palette; Signage and Monumentation
Concepts; Photo Sims; Complete Streets Plan & Design Guidelines (3 Drafts and 1
Final); Implementation Menu summarizing relevant options/ approaches; 30 bound
copies of plan
Task 6 - Hearings
8.1 Attend up to three (3) hearings for the project
8.2 Provide visual resources, as required
DELIVERABLES: Visual Resources; Presentation
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 35
Section 6 | REFERENCES
M.W. Steele Group El Cajon Transit District Specific
City of El Cajon Melissa Devine, Senior Planner
Mission Valley Community Plan
City of San Diego Nancy Graham, Development Project
Clairemont Urban Design City of San Diego
Planning Department
Marlon Pangilinan
City of La Quinta Library and
Museum Architectural Design
City of La Quinta Thomas Hartung, Building & Safety DirectorCity of La Quinta
Chen Ryan and
Indio General Plan
Update - Mobility Element
City of Indio
to Project Design
Chris Morrow,
Project Design Consultants (PDC)
Schmidt Design
Fiesta De Vida Conceptual
Design Plan, Indio, CA
Kerry Garza, President 858-204-1342
Keyser Marston
Associates, Inc.
City of Palm Desert - Hotel
City of Palm Desert Martin Alvarez, Director of Economic
Key references for each firm are provided for convenience in table below. Additional project references are available in the
project sheets within the body of this proposal.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 36
Principal Planner Admin Principal Planner/
Senior GIS Planner Principal Senior
Associate Tech Staff Principal Project
$180 $120 $80 $230 $125 $115 $270 $187.50 $95 $185 $120 $85 Hours
1.1 Attend a kick off meeting 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32
1.2 Four (4) project team meetings 10 10 4 10 4 4 4 46
1.3 Eight (8) status update phone calls 8 2 8 4 4 26
1.4 Manage subconsultants 20 4 24
Deliverables: Monthly Progress Reports, Invoices 0
Sub-total Hours 22 34 10 22 0 8 12 4 0 12 4 0 128
Sub-total Costs $3,960 $4,080 $800 $5,060 $0 $920 $3,240 $750 $0 $2,220 $480 $0
Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTALS MWS $8,840 CR $5,980 KMA $3,990 SDG $2,700 $21,510
2.1 Participate in and provide outreach materials for up to
three (3) Focus Group Meetings 24 30 20 9 18 9 9 119
2.2 Participate in and provide outreach materials for up to
one (1) community workshop 10 40 20 10 10 9 9 108
2.3 Online Survey 8 20 8
2.4 One-on-one interviews (max. of 10)16 8 2 16 8 50
Deliverables: Outreach materials, summary of
community input from each event, online survey 0
Sub-total Hours 58 98 50 19 0 28 0 0 0 34 26 0 313
Sub-total Costs $10,440 $11,760 $4,000 $4,370 $0 $3,220 $0 $0 $0 $6,290 $3,120 $0
Material Costs $1,200 $0 $0 $0 $1,200
TOTALS MWS $26,200 CR $7,590 KMA $0 SDG $9,410 $43,200
3.1 Analyze physical conditions, economic conditions,
opportunities and constraints 8 20 20 48
Review and evaluate effectiveness of Hwy 111 Design
Guidelines, Zoning District Standards, Specific Plan
Standards and other relevant documents
8 8
Financial Feasibility & Site Testing: Identify specific
underutilized sites for redevelopment and conduct site
analysis and testing for three (3) prototypical sites and
up to two (2) land uses per prototype
4 40 32 4 0 80
3.4 Market Opportunities Analysis providing overview of
existing residential, retail and lodging market conditions 8 36 4 48
Deliverables: Marketable sites summary that the City
may use to actively engage with development partners,
opportunity and Constraints Analysis, All background
and base data including GIS maps and digital data files
Sub-total Hours 20 60 0 0 0 0 40 40 4 0 20 0 184
Sub-total Costs $3,600 $7,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,800 $7,500 $380 $0 $2,400 $0
Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTALS MWS $10,800 CR $0 KMA $18,680 SDG $2,400 $31,880
Needs Assessment - Conduct a multimodal analysis
of the existing transportation network, including
connectivity, quality, demand, and safety to identify
existing and future needs, opportunities and constraints.
10 16 48 60 134
Mobility Recommendations - Identify opportunities to
enhance multimodal mobility through infrastructure,
streetscape design and operational improvements.
10 20 12 36 26 10 40 154
Deliverables: Two (2) Mobility / Complete Streets
Alternatives; Summary of Mobility Recommendations 0
Sub-total Hours 10 30 0 28 84 86 0 0 0 10 40 0 288
Sub-total Costs $1,800 $3,600 $0 $6,440 $10,500 $9,890 $0 $0 $0 $1,850 $4,800 $0
Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTALS MWS $5,400 CR $26,830 KMA $0 SDG $6,650 $38,880
Principal Planner Admin Principal Project
Engineer Planner Principal Analyst Administrati
ve Staff Principal Project
5.1 Corridor Branding Program, Landscape Program,
including Landscape Palette 8 6 20 34
5.2 Signage, Wayfinding and Monumentation 4 2 4 6 11
5.3 Visual Corridor Design Guidelines 20 8 10
5.4 Photorealistic Simulations 20 60 20
5.5 Building Development Types and Standards 10 30
5.6 New Code and Standard Revisions 20
5.7 Implementation 4 2 28 4 1 39
5.8 Plan Revisions (max. 3 draft revisions)40 10 12 62
Deliverables: Landscape Tree and Planting Palette;
Signage and Monumentation Concepts; Photo Sims;
Complete Streets Plan & Design Guidelines (3 Drafts
and 1 Final); Implementation Menu summarizing
relevant options/ approaches; 30 bound copies of plan
Sub-total Hours 86 130 0 12 0 24 28 4 0 13 63 0 360
Sub-total Costs $15,480 $15,600 $0 $2,760 $0 $2,760 $7,560 $750 $0 $2,405 $7,560 $0
Material Costs $3,500 $0 $0 $0 $3,500
TOTALS MWS $31,080 CR $5,520 KMA $8,310 SDG $9,965 $54,875
8.1 Attend up to three (3) hearings for the project 18 18 9 9 54
8.2 Provide visual resources, as required 10 20 30
Deliverables: Visual Resources; Presentation 0
Sub-total Hours 18 10 20 18 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 84
Sub-total Costs $3,240 $1,200 $1,600 $4,140 $0 $0 $2,430 $0 $0 $1,665 $0 $0
Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTALS MWS $6,040 CR $4,140 KMA $2,430 SDG $1,665 $14,275
MWS Labor:$88,360 CR Labor:$50,060 KMA Labor:$33,410 SDG Labor:$32,790 $204,620
% of Total:43.18%% of Total:24.46%% of Total:16.33%% of Total:16.02%
MW STEELELa Quinta Hwy 111
Corridor Plan
The following table outlines our estimate of fees associated with the tasks enumerated in Section 4. We look forward to the opportunity
to discuss budget and scope with you and are open to alternative approaches to the scope and budget, as required, to meet your goals.
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 37
CHEN RYAN KEYSER MARSTON SCHMIDT DESIGN TotalsPrincipalPlannerAdminPrincipalPlanner/ Senior GIS Planner Principal Senior Associate Tech Staff Principal Project Manager Landscape Designer$180 $120 $80 $230 $125 $115 $270 $187.50 $95 $185 $120 $85 Hours1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT1.1 Attend a kick off meeting 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 321.2 Four (4) project team meetings 10 10 4 10 4 4 4 461.3 Eight (8) status update phone calls 8 2 8 4 4 261.4 Manage subconsultants 20 4 24Deliverables: Monthly Progress Reports, Invoices 0Sub-total Hours 22 34 10 22 0 8 12 4 0 12 4 0 128Sub-total Costs $3,960 $4,080 $800 $5,060 $0 $920 $3,240 $750 $0 $2,220 $480 $0Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0TOTALSMWS$8,840 CR $5,980 KMA $3,990 SDG $2,700 $21,5102. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT2.1 Participate in and provide outreach materials for up to three (3) Focus Group Meetings 24 30 20 9 18 9 9 1192.2 Participate in and provide outreach materials for up to one (1) community workshop 10 40 20 10 10 9 9 1082.3 Online Survey 8 20 82.4 One-on-one interviews (max. of 10)16 8 2 16 8 50Deliverables: Outreach materials, summary of community input from each event, online survey 0Sub-total Hours 58 98 50 19 0 28 0 0 0 34 26 0 313Sub-total Costs $10,440 $11,760 $4,000 $4,370 $0 $3,220 $0 $0 $0 $6,290 $3,120 $0Material Costs $1,200 $0 $0 $0 $1,200TOTALSMWS$26,200 CR $7,590 KMA $0 SDG $9,410 $43,2003. AUDIT/ DOCUMENT REVIEW/ MARKET & FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY 3.1 Analyze physical conditions, economic conditions, opportunities and constraints 8 20 20 483.2 Review and evaluate effectiveness of Hwy 111 Design Guidelines, Zoning District Standards, Specific Plan Standards and other relevant documents 8 83.3 Financial Feasibility & Site Testing: Identify specific underutilized sites for redevelopment and conduct site analysis and testing for three (3) prototypical sites and up to two (2) land uses per prototype 4 40 32 4 0 803.4 Market Opportunities Analysis providing overview of existing residential, retail and lodging market conditions 8 36 4 48Deliverables: Marketable sites summary that the City may use to actively engage with development partners, opportunity and Constraints Analysis, All background and base data including GIS maps and digital data files 0Sub-total Hours 20 60 0 0 0 0 40 40 4 0 20 0 184Sub-total Costs $3,600 $7,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,800 $7,500 $380 $0 $2,400 $0Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0TOTALSMWS$10,800 CR $0 KMA $18,680 SDG $2,400 $31,8804. MOBILITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT & COMPLETE STREETS RECOMMENDATIONS4.1 Needs Assessment - Conduct a multimodal analysis of the existing transportation network, including connectivity, quality, demand, and safety to identify
existing and future needs, opportunities and constraints.
10 16 48 60 134
Mobility Recommendations - Identify opportunities to
enhance multimodal mobility through infrastructure,
streetscape design and operational improvements.
10 20 12 36 26 10 40 154
Deliverables: Two (2) Mobility / Complete Streets
Alternatives; Summary of Mobility Recommendations 0
Sub-total Hours 10 30 0 28 84 86 0 0 0 10 40 0 288
Sub-total Costs $1,800 $3,600 $0 $6,440 $10,500 $9,890 $0 $0 $0 $1,850 $4,800 $0
Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTALS MWS $5,400 CR $26,830 KMA $0 SDG $6,650 $38,880
Principal Planner Admin Principal Project
Engineer Planner Principal Analyst Administrati
ve Staff Principal Project
5.1 Corridor Branding Program, Landscape Program,
including Landscape Palette 8 6 20 34
5.2 Signage, Wayfinding and Monumentation 4 2 4 6 11
5.3 Visual Corridor Design Guidelines 20 8 10
5.4 Photorealistic Simulations 20 60 20
5.5 Building Development Types and Standards 10 30
5.6 New Code and Standard Revisions 20
5.7 Implementation 4 2 28 4 1 39
5.8 Plan Revisions (max. 3 draft revisions)40 10 12 62
Deliverables: Landscape Tree and Planting Palette;
Signage and Monumentation Concepts; Photo Sims;
Complete Streets Plan & Design Guidelines (3 Drafts
and 1 Final); Implementation Menu summarizing
relevant options/ approaches; 30 bound copies of plan
Sub-total Hours 86 130 0 12 0 24 28 4 0 13 63 0 360
Sub-total Costs $15,480 $15,600 $0 $2,760 $0 $2,760 $7,560 $750 $0 $2,405 $7,560 $0
Material Costs $3,500 $0 $0 $0 $3,500
TOTALS MWS $31,080 CR $5,520 KMA $8,310 SDG $9,965 $54,875
8.1 Attend up to three (3) hearings for the project 18 18 9 9 54
8.2 Provide visual resources, as required 10 20 30
Deliverables: Visual Resources; Presentation 0
Sub-total Hours 18 10 20 18 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 84
Sub-total Costs $3,240 $1,200 $1,600 $4,140 $0 $0 $2,430 $0 $0 $1,665 $0 $0
Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTALS MWS $6,040 CR $4,140 KMA $2,430 SDG $1,665 $14,275
MWS Labor:$88,360 CR Labor:$50,060 KMA Labor:$33,410 SDG Labor:$32,790 $204,620
% of Total:43.18%% of Total:24.46%% of Total:16.33%% of Total:16.02%
MW STEELELa Quinta Hwy 111 Corridor Plan
(Cost Proposal Continued)
CHEN RYAN KEYSER MARSTON SCHMIDT DESIGN TotalsPrincipalPlannerAdminPrincipalPlanner/ Senior GIS Planner Principal Senior Associate Tech Staff Principal Project Manager Landscape Designer$180 $120 $80 $230 $125 $115 $270 $187.50 $95 $185 $120 $85 Hours1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT1.1 Attend a kick off meeting 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 321.2 Four (4) project team meetings 10 10 4 10 4 4 4 461.3 Eight (8) status update phone calls 8 2 8 4 4 261.4 Manage subconsultants 20 4 24Deliverables: Monthly Progress Reports, Invoices 0Sub-total Hours 22 34 10 22 0 8 12 4 0 12 4 0 128Sub-total Costs $3,960 $4,080 $800 $5,060 $0 $920 $3,240 $750 $0 $2,220 $480 $0Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0TOTALSMWS$8,840 CR $5,980 KMA $3,990 SDG $2,700 $21,5102. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT2.1 Participate in and provide outreach materials for up to three (3) Focus Group Meetings 24 30 20 9 18 9 9 1192.2 Participate in and provide outreach materials for up to one (1) community workshop 10 40 20 10 10 9 9 1082.3 Online Survey 8 20 82.4 One-on-one interviews (max. of 10)16 8 2 16 8 50Deliverables: Outreach materials, summary of community input from each event, online survey 0Sub-total Hours 58 98 50 19 0 28 0 0 0 34 26 0 313Sub-total Costs $10,440 $11,760 $4,000 $4,370 $0 $3,220 $0 $0 $0 $6,290 $3,120 $0Material Costs $1,200 $0 $0 $0 $1,200TOTALSMWS$26,200 CR $7,590 KMA $0 SDG $9,410 $43,2003. AUDIT/ DOCUMENT REVIEW/ MARKET & FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY 3.1 Analyze physical conditions, economic conditions, opportunities and constraints 8 20 20 483.2 Review and evaluate effectiveness of Hwy 111 Design Guidelines, Zoning District Standards, Specific Plan Standards and other relevant documents 8 83.3 Financial Feasibility & Site Testing: Identify specific underutilized sites for redevelopment and conduct site analysis and testing for three (3) prototypical sites and up to two (2) land uses per prototype 4 40 32 4 0 803.4 Market Opportunities Analysis providing overview of existing residential, retail and lodging market conditions 8 36 4 48Deliverables: Marketable sites summary that the City may use to actively engage with development partners, opportunity and Constraints Analysis, All background and base data including GIS maps and digital data files 0Sub-total Hours 20 60 0 0 0 0 40 40 4 0 20 0 184Sub-total Costs $3,600 $7,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,800 $7,500 $380 $0 $2,400 $0Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0TOTALSMWS$10,800 CR $0 KMA $18,680 SDG $2,400 $31,8804. MOBILITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT & COMPLETE STREETS RECOMMENDATIONS
Needs Assessment - Conduct a multimodal analysis
of the existing transportation network, including
connectivity, quality, demand, and safety to identify
existing and future needs, opportunities and constraints.
10 16 48 60 134
Mobility Recommendations - Identify opportunities to
enhance multimodal mobility through infrastructure,
streetscape design and operational improvements.
10 20 12 36 26 10 40 154
Deliverables: Two (2) Mobility / Complete Streets
Alternatives; Summary of Mobility Recommendations 0
Sub-total Hours 10 30 0 28 84 86 0 0 0 10 40 0 288
Sub-total Costs $1,800 $3,600 $0 $6,440 $10,500 $9,890 $0 $0 $0 $1,850 $4,800 $0
Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTALS MWS $5,400 CR $26,830 KMA $0 SDG $6,650 $38,880
Principal Planner Admin Principal Project
Engineer Planner Principal Analyst Administrati
ve Staff Principal Project
5.1 Corridor Branding Program, Landscape Program,
including Landscape Palette 8 6 20 34
5.2 Signage, Wayfinding and Monumentation 4 2 4 6 11
5.3 Visual Corridor Design Guidelines 20 8 10
5.4 Photorealistic Simulations 20 60 20
5.5 Building Development Types and Standards 10 30
5.6 New Code and Standard Revisions 20
5.7 Implementation 4 2 28 4 1 39
5.8 Plan Revisions (max. 3 draft revisions)40 10 12 62
Deliverables: Landscape Tree and Planting Palette;
Signage and Monumentation Concepts; Photo Sims;
Complete Streets Plan & Design Guidelines (3 Drafts
and 1 Final); Implementation Menu summarizing
relevant options/ approaches; 30 bound copies of plan
Sub-total Hours 86 130 0 12 0 24 28 4 0 13 63 0 360
Sub-total Costs $15,480 $15,600 $0 $2,760 $0 $2,760 $7,560 $750 $0 $2,405 $7,560 $0
Material Costs $3,500 $0 $0 $0 $3,500
TOTALS MWS $31,080 CR $5,520 KMA $8,310 SDG $9,965 $54,875
8.1 Attend up to three (3) hearings for the project 18 18 9 9 54
8.2 Provide visual resources, as required 10 20 30
Deliverables: Visual Resources; Presentation 0
Sub-total Hours 18 10 20 18 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 84
Sub-total Costs $3,240 $1,200 $1,600 $4,140 $0 $0 $2,430 $0 $0 $1,665 $0 $0
Material Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
TOTALS MWS $6,040 CR $4,140 KMA $2,430 SDG $1,665 $14,275
MWS Labor:$88,360 CR Labor:$50,060 KMA Labor:$33,410 SDG Labor:$32,790 $204,620
% of Total:43.18%% of Total:24.46%% of Total:16.33%% of Total:16.02%
MW STEELELa Quinta Hwy 111 Corridor Plan
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 38
Section 8 | APPENDICES
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal
I, __________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows:
I am ______________________________ of _________________________,
(Title) (Company)
the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf
of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the
proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced
or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly
colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal,
or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or
indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price
of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal
price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding
the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in
the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or
her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data
relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company,
association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a
collusive or sham proposal.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true
and correct.
Proposer Signature: _______________________________________
Proposer Name: _______________________________________
Proposer Title: ______________________________________
Company Name: _______________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
Diego Velasco
Principal M.W. Steele Group, Inc.
Diego Velasco
M.W. Steele Group, Inc.
1805 Newton Ave. San Diego, CA 92113
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 39
Section 8 | APPENDICES
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FPM.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 40
Section 8 | APPENDICES
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal
I, __________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows:
I am ______________________________ of _________________________,
(Title) (Company)
the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf
of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the
proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced
or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly
colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal,
or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or
indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price
of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal
price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding
the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in
the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or
her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data
relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company,
association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a
collusive or sham proposal.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true
and correct.
Proposer Signature: _______________________________________
Proposer Name: _______________________________________
Proposer Title: ______________________________________
Company Name: _______________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
Jeffrey T. (JT) Barr
Vice President Schmidt Design Group, Inc.
Jeffrey T. (JT) Barr
Vice Preisdent
Schmidt Design Group, Inc.
1111 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101
M.W. STEELE GROUP | P ROPOS a L f OR T h E L a Q uinta H ig H way 111 C orridor a rea P L an r FP 41
Section 8 | APPENDICES
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