2019 Hwy 111 Tax Proration Letterta Q"fra
June 11, 2019
Peter Aldana
Riverside County Assessor's Office
County Administrative Center
P.O. Box 12004
Riverside, California 92502
Re: Request for Proration of Property Taxes and Assessments
Por. APN 600-020-053
Dear Mr. Aldana:
On June 3, 2019, the City of La Quinta sold legal title to a fee interest in a portion of APN
600-020-053 through negotiated purchase. Legal title was transferred by Instrument No.
2019-0197421. Therefore, the City hereby requests proration of property taxes and
assessments for the interests sold as of the date title was transferred.
In accordance with California Revenue and Taxation Code Sections 5091, please confirm
the proration of taxes and assessments on this property effective on the date above in which
the deed recorded.
Feel free to call me at (760) 777-7114 if you have any questions.
City of La Quinta
City Manager's Office
Angela errei
Management Analyst
Enclosure -Deed
cc: Riverside County Auditor/Controller (w/encl.)
Riverside County Treasurer -Tax Collector (w/encl.)