County Ord 468 Livestock DiseaseORDINANCE NO. 468
The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, State of California, do ordain
as follows:
Section 1. For the purposes of this ordinance the following definitions apply:
a. "Livestock" means any horse, mule, burro, cattle, sheep, goat, swine, poultry,
rabbit or any animal or bird which is kept in captivity for any purpose.
b. "Stockyard" means any place, establishment, or facility commonly known as
stockyards, conducted or operated for compensation or profit as a public market,
consisting of pens, or other inclosures, and their appurtenances, in which livestock
are received, held or kept for sale or shipment in commerce.
C. "Infectious disease" means any infectious, contagious or communicable disease
which is hazardous to the livestock industry.
d. "Livestock Disease Control Officer" means County Veterinarian or other official
having equivalent functions and powers or his designated representative.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall be construed to supplement and harmonize with the provisions
of the laws of the State of California pertaining to the livestock industry.
Section 3.
The Livestock Disease Control Officer is hereby authorized and directed to enforce
all the provisions of this ordinance and for such purpose he shall have the powers of a
peace officer. Upon presentation of proper credentials, he may enter any premises on
which he has reason to believe that livestock is kept, in order to enforce the provisions of
this ordinance.
a. If the Livestock Disease Control Officer determines that an infectious disease exists
among livestock in any other county or area of the State of California and that the
importation of livestock from such county or area may spread such disease among
the livestock in the County of Riverside, he shall notify the Board of Supervisors and
with their approval and the approval of the Director of Agriculture of the State of
California, he shall establish necessary quarantine restrictions against such county
or area. The Livestock Disease Control Officer shall refuse to permit shipments of
livestock from such areas to enter the County of Riverside unless accompanied by a
Certificate signed by a state, federal or accredited veterinarian. Such certificate
shall indicate that the livestock for which the certificate is issued, are not infected
with and have not been exposed to an infectious disease. Any such livestock
entering the County of Riverside without a certificate shall be quarantined and shall
be subject to such testing as may be necessary to determine that the livestock is
free from disease.
b. Whenever the Livestock Disease Control Officer has reason to believe that an
infectious disease affecting livestock exists within the County of Riverside, he may
quarantine, for observation or for tests, any livestock suspected of being infected
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with or exposed to the disease. If the Livestock Disease Control Officer determines
that an infectious disease does exist, he shall establish such quarantines, tests,
immunizing, cleaning, disinfecting, and other regulations necessary to control or
eradicate the disease. He may quarantine any livestock which may have been
exposed to the disease or which may have been upon the land or premises where
diseased livestock has been kept. A quarantine order shall be kept in effect until the
Livestock Disease Control Officer shall determine that there is no further danger of
the spread of the disease to other livestock.
C. Whenever the Livestock Disease Control Officer determines that any livestock is
infected with a disease known as glanders, or dourine, or farcy, he shall order the
owner to kill, and cremate or bury the livestock, and have the premises thoroughly
cleaned and disinfected. If the owner fails, neglects or refuses to do so within a
period of 24 hours from the issuance of such order, the Livestock Disease Control
Officer shall cause the livestock to be killed and buried or cremated and the expense
shall be charged against the owner.
d. When the Livestock Disease Control Officer determines that there is a possibility
that Foot and Mouth Disease exists on any premises, he may place thereon such
animals as may be necessary to determine the presence of Foot and Mouth Disease
in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Agricultural
Research Service and keep them there under his supervision and control for a
period not to exceed 50 days.
e. No person shall move any livestock in or out of a quarantined area without a permit
from the Livestock Disease Control Officer, or remove or interfere with any notice of
quarantine placed by the Livestock Disease Control Officer.
f. No person shall allow any quarantined livestock to have access to any river, stream,
lake or irrigation channel or allow quarantined livestock to come in contact with
unquarantined livestock, or permit the deposit in running water of any manure, offal,
excrement or material which might carry infection.
Section 5.
No person shall remove, or allow to be removed, except for immediate slaughter any
livestock from any stockyard without a permit from the Livestock Disease Control Officer
indicating that the livestock is free from any infectious disease. A permit may be granted
conditionally on such treatment, immunizing, dippings or other curative or preventive
measures as may be necessary for the public welfare.
Section 6.
No person shall bring into, or receive within, the County of Riverside, any livestock
infected with an infectious disease, except such diseased animals as are specifically
permitted to enter the State of California under Federal or California Regulations. Such
excepted livestock shall be moved only under the conditions and for the purposes,
prescribed in the Federal and State Regulations governing the movement of such livestock,
and the Livestock Disease Control Officer shall be notified immediately upon the arrival of
such livestock in the County of Riverside.
Section 7.
No person shall transport from place to place within the County of Riverside, except
for purposes of immediate slaughter, any livestock infected with any infectious disease,
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without a permit issued by the Livestock Disease Control Officer.
Section 8.
All livestock brought into the County of Riverside for immediate slaughter must be
moved directly to a stockyard or to the premises upon which they are to be slaughtered,
except that livestock in transit may be temporarily unloaded enroute in compliance with
Federal and State provisions regulating their care.
Section 9.
All stockyards shall be operated in a humane manner and shall be so constructed as
to prevent the escape of animals. They shall permit animals to be fed, rested and watered,
with sufficient potable water. Proper drainage and facilities for disinfection, and provisions
for the removal of manure and for the prevention of the formation of mud and wallow shall
be maintained.
Section 10.
Any person having knowledge of the presence of any infectious disease in livestock
shall notify the Livestock Disease Control Officer. It shall be the duty of any person owning
or having control of livestock to assist the Livestock Disease Control Officer in enforcing the
provisions of this ordinance, to obey all orders of the Livestock Disease Control Officer
made for the control and eradication of livestock diseases, the sanitation of premises,
destruction of livestock, and disposal of carcasses, manure, offal and refuse.
Section 11.
A. Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the
mandatory requirements of the ordinances of the county shall be guilty of an
infraction unless the violation is made a misdemeanor by ordinance.
B. Except in cases where a different punishment is prescribed by any ordinance of the
county, any person convicted of a misdemeanor for violation of an ordinance of the
county is punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by
imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both such fine and imprisonment.
C. Any person convicted of an infraction for violation of an ordinance of the county is
punishable by a penalty of not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
D. Each such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day
during any portion of which any violation of any provision of the ordinances of the
county is committed. Continued or permitted by any such person, and such person
shall be punishment accordingly.
Adopted: 468 11/28/1960 (Eff: 12/28/1960)
Amended: 468.1 02/15/1972 (Eff: Urgency)
Amended by Ordinance 802 03/14/2000 (Eff: 04/13/2000)
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