2019-2020 DSUSD MOU - School Resource Officerta QW�Kra MEMORANDUM TO: Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager FROM: Martha Mendez, Public Safety Manager DATE: June 19, 2019 RE: MOU between the Desert Sands Unified School District and the City of La Quinta for the funding and placement of two school resource officers Re uestin de artment shall check and attach tf�e items below as appropriate: -)L Contract payments will be charged to account number:101-2001-60168 N/A Amount of Agreement, Amendment, Change Order, etc.: Approximately: $182,000 N/A A Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from Consultant(s) is attached with no reportable interests in LQ or reportable interests N/A A Conflict of Interest Farm 700 Statement of Economic Interests is not required because this Consultant does not meet the definition in FPPC regulation 18701(2). Au-th orft,Mexecute tins ag reement is ba sod u n: X Approved by the City Council - June 18, 2019 N/A City Manager's signature authority provided under Resolution No. 2018-014 for budgeted expenditures of $50,000 or less. This expenditure is $ and authorized lay i-he above resolution under Department Head's signing authority. N/A Initial to certify that 3 written informal bids or proposals were received and considered in selection e followin re uire documents are joltached to the agreement. N/A Insurance certificates as required by the agreement (approved by Risk Manager on date) N/A Performance bonds as required by the agreement (originals) N/A City of La Quinta Business License number N/A N/A A requisition for a Purchase Order has been prepared (amounts over $5,000) N/A A copy of this Cover Memo has been emoiled to Finance Revised May 2017 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR THE FUNDING AND PLACEMENT OF TWO SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into for Fiscal Year 2019- 2020 by and between Desert Sands Unified School District, hereafter referred to as DISTRICT and the City of La Quinta, hereafter referred to as CITY. The purpose of this MOU is to document the parties' understanding of the financial commitment for each agency to share the cost of two School Resource Officers. The CITY and DISTRICT each agree to pay 50% of the cost of two School Resource Officers for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020. The parties agree to explore partnership opportunities through grants and available resources throughout the term of this agreement. The School Resource Officers will be assigned to provide services at the following schools: La Quinta High School, Summit High School, Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School and La Quinta Middle School. The CITY agrees to reimburse the DISTRICT for 50% of the two SROs' contracted hours. Special events, including interscholastic athletic events and graduation ceremonies shall be covered by the DISTRICT. By signing this MOU, the DISTRICT and CITY agree to financially contribute the matching portions of the funds. All rates are estimates. The DISTRICT will submit an invoice to the CITY using the percent of actual costs received from the Riverside County Sheriff's Department as the basis for invoicing. ino, Assistant Superintendent siness Servi Frank . Spev!l k, City Manager City o rota, California William H. Ihrke, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California Date Date AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR THE FUNDING AND PLACEMENT OF TWO SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into for Fiscal Year 2019- 2020 by and between Desert Sands Unified School District, hereafter referred to as DISTRICT and the City of La Quinta, hereafter referred to as CITY. The purpose of this MOU is to document the parties' understanding of the financial commitment for each agency to share the cost of two School Resource Officers. The CITY and DISTRICT each agree to pay 50% of the cost of two School Resource Officers for the Fiscal Year 2019-2020. The parties agree to explore partnership opportunities through grants and available resources throughout the term of this agreement. The School Resource Officers will be assigned to provide services at the following schools: La Quinta High School, Summit High School, Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School and La Quinta Middle School. The CITY agrees to reimburse the DISTRICT for 50% of the two SROs' contracted hours. Special events, including interscholastic athletic events and graduation ceremonies shall be covered by the DISTRICT. By signing this MOU, the DISTRICT and CITY agree to financially contribute the matching portions of the funds. All rates are estimates. The DISTRICT will submit an invoice to the CITY using the percent of actual costs received from the Riverside County Sheriff's Department as the basis for invoicing. Jordan Aquino, Assistant Superintendent Business Services FranA*kSpe cek, City Manager City of La Quinta, California William H. Ihrke, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California Date 1 ate Date 0) DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT contract# C-0004167 DESERT 47-950 DUNE PALMS ROAD, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SANDS UNIFIED orig FY 2020 SCHOOL Contract Vendor Copy Orly Date 12-04-2019 DISTRICT RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT Vendor 26012 Buyer ANALISA MAGGIO RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT Phone 760-771-8569 ACCOUNTING & FINANCE BUREAU Fax 760-771-9574 3423 DAVIS AVENUE, STE. A Terms & Conditions SEE PURCHASING WEB PAGE RIVERSIDE, CA 92518 Payment Terms NET30 Phone BIZSrVcs Ship To Bill To DESERT SANDS WAREHOUSE FISCAL SERVICES 47950 DUNE PALMS RD. 47950 DUNE PALMS RD. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contract # must appear on all packages and documents. Fax 760-771-8816 Fax 760-238-9652 originators PAULINE ELDERS(R0097978) Line item Funding Total 1 CONTRACT $331.130.00 CONTRACT SERVICES FOR (2) SROS AT LA QUINTA HS 2019-20 03-815-0812-0-0000-8300-5800 50.0% SY 03-949-0000-0-0000-8300-5800 50.0% Note Total Line Items: $331,130.00 Discount: $0.00 Sub -Total: $331,130.00 Tax: $0,00 Freight: $0.00 Order Total: $331,130.00 Authorized sWature e e 83 Of ! GlIny COMM Page 1 of 1 1/1 Original 3 of 3 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND THE DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE COUNTY SHERIFF'S PROVISION OF SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision ofthe State oruifomia, on behalfof its Sheriff's Department. hereinafter "SHERIFF" and the DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter "DISTRICT'. WHEREAS, SHERIFF and DISTRICT have identified a need to provide additional law enforcement among DISTRICT'S school sites; and WHEREAS, SHERIFF and DISTRICT share common goals that include the provision of programs within DISTRICT's jurisdiction that address the needs of students at risk; and WHEREAS, SHERIFF and DISTRICT desire to work cooperatively toward these goals by entering into this Agreement to place Deputy Sheriffs as School Resource Officers, herein after SROs, on DISTRICT campuses as needed to work in partnership with DISTRICT to provide a safe environment for leaming that encourages the development of social responsibility among the students, and to be a visual deterrent to aberrant behavior and thereby enhance DISTRICT's campus control and student protection; IT IS THEREFORE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. TERM. This Agreement shall be effective from July 1, 2019 through June 30. 2020, unless sooner terminated as provided in Paragraph 8. SCOPE QF-,5ERVICES. A. SHERIFF agrees to provide two (2) SROs. These SROs will be assigned to provide services at the following schools: La Quinta High School, Summit High School, Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School and La Quinta Middle School. The SROs' duties may include provision of class presentations on relevant law enforcement issues, patrol of said high schools and middle schools, investigation of crimes, counseling of students and their parents, and serving as liaison at elementary school sites. SROs will also serve as liaison between the educators employed by DISTRICT, the School Attendance Review Boards (S.A.R.B.), the Probation Department and ether law enforcement officials, and perform other related duties. It is understood that these SROs will be assigned to DISTRICT on a full-time basis. B. DISTRICT agrees to comply with all reasonable requcsts of SHERIFF necessary to the performance of SROs' duties under this Agreement. DISTRICT agrees to furnish space at each school for use by SROs while performing the above -described services. o - 2 2 z0a9 3. )8 3. MODIFICATION OF SERVICES. No portion of the services or responsibilities of either party described in this Agreement maybe eliminated, reduced, or appreciably changed without the mutual written consent of both parties. 4. COMPENSATION. DISTRICT shall reimburse SHERIFF the full cost ofrendering service pursuant to this Agreement. Such cost of services shall be established by the County Board of Supervisors in the form ofan hourly rate for an unsupported deputy sherifFand a mileage rate, and shall include all items ofcost and expense to" Sheriff for providing the services hereunder. In FY 2019-20 the total cost to DISTRICT under this Agreement is estimated to be $331,130. SHERIFF has based this cost estimate on a projection of service hours and mileage for FY 2019.20 and anticipated contract rate adjustments. Payment for services shall be rendered on a monthly basis upon receipt by DISTRICT of a proper invoice submitted by SHERIFF. DISTRICT will notify County prior to February of each year of any reduction of services necessary due to lack of funding. In May of each year, DISTRICT can request a service cost estimate from SHERIFF. S. VACATION AND HOLIDAY TIME. SROs` vacation time shall not conflict with the schedule of duties mutually developed by DISTRICT and SHERIFF. Because DISTRICT and SHERIFF holidays may not correspond, holiday time will be taken by SROs in accordance with DISTRICT holidays during the contract period. The excess days shall be taken with reasonable notice to DISTRICT, but shall not conflict with the schedule of duties mutually developed by DISTRICT and SHERIFF. b. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION. SHERIFF (or designee) shall administer this Agreement and supervise DEPUTIES on behalf of the County of Riverside. The Superintendent of DISTRICT (ordesignee) shall administer this Agreement on behalf of DISTRICT. 7. COUNTY 9MEIM SROs shall remain employees of SHERIFF on special assignment to DISTRICT for the purposes set forth in this Agreement, and shall not be considered agents, employees, or deputies of DISTRICT. 9. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving written notice to the other party ofsuch termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of such termination. In the event of termination, compensation will be paid only for the period of time this Agreement is in effect. A. DISTRICT shall indemnify and hold harmless the County, its Agencies, Districts, Special Districts and Departments, their respective directors, officers, Board of Supervisors, elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and representatives from any liability, claim, damage or action whatsoever, based or asserted upon any act or omission of DISTRICT, its officers, employees, contractors, agents or representatives arising out of or in any way relating to this Agreement, including but not limited to property damage, bodily injury, or death. 2 DISTRICT shall defend, at its sole cost and expense, including but not limited to attorney fees, cost of investigation, defense and settlements or awards, the County, its Agencies, Districts, Special Districts and Departments, their respective directors, officers, Board of Supervisors, elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and representatives in any such action or claim. With respect to any action or claim subject to indemnification herein by DISTRICT, DISTRICT shall, at its sole cost, have the right to use counsel of its own choice and shall have the right to adjust, settle, or compromise any such action or claim without the prior consent of County; provided, however, that any such adjustment, settlement or compromise in no manner whatsoever limits or circumscribes DISTRICTS indemnification of County. DISTRICTS obligations hereunder shall be satisfied when DISTRICT has provided to County the appropriate form ofdismissal (or similar document) relieving the County from any liability for the action or claim involved. Any insurance coverage shall in no way limit or circumscribe DISTRICTS obligations to indemnify and hold harmless the County. B. County shall indemnify and hold harmless the DISTRICT, its Agencies, Districts, Special Districts and Departments, their respective directors, officers, elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and representatives from any liability, claim, damage or action whatsoever, based or asserted upon any act or omission of County, its officers, employees, contractors, agents or representatives arising out of or in any way relating to this Agreement, including but not limited to property damage, bodily injury, or death. County shal I defend, at its sole cost and expense, including but not limited to attorney fees, cost of investigation, defense and settlements or awards, the DISTRICT, its Agencies, Districts, Special Districts and Departments, their respective directors, officers, elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and representatives in any such action or claim. With respect to any action or claim subject to indemnification herein by County, County shall, at its sole cost, have the right to use counsel of its own choice and shall have the right to adjust, settle, or compromise any such action or claim without the prior consent of DISTRICT; provided, however, that any such adjustment, settlement or compromise in no manner whatsoever limits or circumscribes CounVs indemnification of DISTRICT. County's obligations hereunder shall be satisfied when County has provided to DISTRICT the appropriate form of dismissal (or similar document) relieving the DISTRICT from any liability for the action or claim involved. Any insurance coverage shall in no way limit or circumscribe County's obligations to indemnify and hold harmless the DISTRICT. 10. ASSIGNMENT. NehherthisAgreement nor any duties orobligations underthis Agreement may be assigned by DISTRICT without prior written consent of SHERIFF. 11. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement supersedes any and all agreements, either oral or written, between the parties, and contains all ofthe covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Each party acknowledges that no other agreement, understanding or promise, oral or otherwise, relative to this subject matterexists between the parties at the time of execution of this Agreement. Any modification ofthis Agreement shall be effective only if it is in writing and signed by both parties. 3 12. NOTICES. Any notice required or desired to be served by either party upon the other shall be addressed to the respective parties as set forth below: Sheriff District Chad Bianco, Sheriff Desert Sands Unified School District Riverside County Sheriffs Department 47 950 Dune Palms Road Post Office Box 512 La Quinta, Califomis 92253 Riverside, California 92502 Attn.: Superintendent An information copy of any notice to Sheriff shall also be sent to: Cleric of the Board of Supervisors County of Riverside 4080 lemon Sew, Ist Floor Riverside, California 92501 13. NAIVER. Any waiver by SHERIFF of any breach of any one or more of the terms of this agreement shall not be construed to be a waiver of any subsequent orother breach ofdw same or of any other term thereof. Failure on the part of SHERIFF to require exact, full, and complete compliance with any term of this Agreement shall not be construed in any manner as changing the terms hereof, or estopping SHERIFF from enforcement hereof 14. SEVFRABILITY. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. ll 1l ll fl 1/ 11 ll ll ll ll ll 1l 1l 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duty authorized representatives of the parties hereto have signed in confirmation of this Agreement on the dates indicated below. Date: 4 DESERT SANDS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT B�Jo D ssistant Superintendent ATTEST: Name: Title: By: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE Dated: OCT 2 2 2919 Kevi�nJ c ffr i �esChair Riverside County Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Kecia Harper4hem Clerk ofthe Board By: Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg P. Priamos County Counsel By: sanna Oh Deputy County Counsel