0002-042 (SFD) Structural CalcsG O U VISENGINEER ING • C A L I F O R N I AL-ei • l A E-MAIL TO • SUPPOR7@GOUVISGROUP.COM . SALES@GOUVISGROUP.COM CALIFORNIA - August 18, 2000 T.D. Desert Development c% Sparks Construction 79295 Rancho La Quinta Dr. La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Nolan Sparks Re: Montanas Address drilled beams at lot 62 G.E.C. 20914 Dear Nolan, Pursuant to the request of Ken McGuire at T.D. ,Desert Development regarding the above captioned. project ;, we.submit the, following: :. . At the plan 3 on lot #62 of Parcel 20, a 2" diameter hole was drilled through the 5 1/8" x 12" glu- lam beam (beam #6) which is located across the entry hall into the master bedroom. The hole is at mid depth and approximately 24" away from the end of the beam by the living room. We reviewed the design calculations for this beam and the hole as drilled does not affect the structural integrity of the beam. No fix is required. This information was taken over the phone and the exact condition should be verified. Note: Please verify the above with the building department prior to construction. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, — GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Christina R. Silva Q .0 ESS/ Vice President CRS: cb fl'c1 #081800a No. C37201 'M 0 �: • -..z fie. �: a: �' GO UVIS ENGINEERING GRO UP OF. COMPANIES- WITH OFFICES IN: WEB -SITE: WWW. GOUVISGROUP. COM 4400 CAMPUS DRIVE, SUITE * NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 * (949) 752-1612 * FAX (949) 752-5321 2150 EAST TAHQuiTz CANYON, SUITE 9 * PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 * (760) 323-5090 * FAX (760) 325-2863 FIELD OFFICES * SAN DIEGO * PLEASANTON * INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: VIETNAM A49-31-00 03:21P GOUVIS ENGINEERING 19497525321 GO UVIS ENGINEERING t . C A L I F O R N 1 -A • J F -MAIL TO . SUAP0R7Z4000YISGRUUP.CON SALaQGOUVISGROUP.COM CAUFORN/4 August 28, 2000 T.D. Desert Development c/o Sparks Construction 79295 Rancho La Quinta Dr.; La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Nolan Sparks Re: Montanya Drilled beam at plan 3 2 G_ E. C. 20914 Dear Nolan, c Pursuant to the request of Sparks Development ,regarding the above captioned project, we submit the following: Plan 3; . It is structurally acceptable to drill a 2" diameter hole at 3" +/- away from the left and of the 5 118"x 12 glu-lam beam #7. Please see the attached partial framing plan and calculation sheet. Note: Please verify the above with the building department prior to construction, If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, GOUV S EIVGI MG CALIF, ORNL9 F S e Steve Stinebaugh President Project Manager SJB:SS:cb Attachments (2) c�D 40828004 pa276 GoVVI,S EArGINEERINC CRUL/P OF COMPANIES W1 TI! OFFICES 1N: WF•R-SITE: www.cuuw56ROup.com 4400CAupusDRIFE, SuIrEA NFwrnnTBBA[:N, CALIFORNIA 92660 (949)752-1612 • FAX(949) 752-5321 2150 9Asr TAuPw77 CANyQN, SurrF 9 • PALAf SYRINcs, CALIFORNIA 92262 • (760) 323-50.90 • FAX (760) 325-2863 . FIF,LD OFFICES; SAN DIECO PLEASANTON • INTERNATIONAL OFFI(:F.; VIFTNAM Aug -31-00 03:21P GOUVIS ENGINEERING-,, 19497525321 P_02 3 a (f1 b O TYr • 4 t NWAN K LN ; r1T- K LOT b 9V4- X 12- w/ V4 - Al L 4"ALL Sti CAMWX 24F V4 VFXF FLIM _r` r ~� 4mb `M1 5D2 GLT 6 r/8-xl2 24F v4 OFAM W. CAMM •94Xa HM MW r , . 17 / I *A b RL 4X6 HM _ - _ 4X -HM - iF J Aug -31-00 03:21P GOUVIS ENGINEERING,,-- 19497525321 P.03 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA (UBC 97).� SHEET JOB N0: 20914-202.% CLIENT 1. �•� _ PLAN NO.: 3 DATE 10/07/99 ENGINEER: CHIEN(VER5.50) BEAM NUMBER:,7 FL BM ® DINING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 13.75 REACTION AT: 0.00 13.75 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT 30.0 LB FROM 0.0' TO 13.8' PRIMARY ROOF 490 ,' P'LF=28.0*(19+16)/2' FROM 0.00' TO 13.75' PRIMARY ROOF 254 PLF=14.5*(19+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 13.75' EXTERIOR WALL. 30 PLF = 2.0' *.15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 13.75' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT, RIGHT DOWNWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) 5326/5326 15326/5326 UPLIFT (DL+LL%MAX.) 0/0 0/0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 5 1/8 x 12 *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 .TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 27-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD ***0.250" CAMBER UP @ SPAN( 6:9') CRIT MOMENT = 18309 LB*FT @ 6:92' RATIO=0.595(Fb= 3000 S= 123.00) CRIT- DEFLTN, = -0.469 INCH® 6.83' BASED ON (L/ 240) = 0.688 CRIT SHEAR = 4455 LB @: 1.12' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.362(Fv=300 A= 61.50) +ko t -k_ (A - S��1 y -pt�.1 'x^[,& _ T GO UVIS -ENGINEERING C` " GO C A L I F R N • O I A —� E-MAIL TO • SUPPORY@GOUVISGROUP.COM + SALES@GOUVISGROUP.COM CALIFORNIA ; August 28; 2000 T.D. Desert Development - c%o Sparks Construction 79295 Rancho La Quinta Dr. La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Nolan Sparks Re: Montanya Drilled beam at plan 3 'Lot 62 G. E. C. 20914 Dear Nolan; Pursuant to the request of Sparks Development regardingthe above captioned project, we submit the following: Plan 3: It is structurally acceptable to drill a 2" diameter hole at 3" +/- away from the left end of the 5 1/8" x 12 glu-lam beam V. Please see the attached partial framing plan and calculation sheet. Note: Please verify the above with the building department prior to construction. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sinaa GONG CALIFORNIA S Steve Stinebaugh President Project Manager SJB: SS: cbQ�pFESS10Nq Attachments (2) O J. BFir,,.l�, #082800a � 2 m c% No. C38276 r*' Ul• Exp. ��� (J �c • CM r�rF OF CAL GOUVIS.ENGINEERING GROUP OF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN. WEB -SITE: WWW.GOUVISGROUP.COM 4400 CAMPusDRIvE, SuITEA * NEWPORTBEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 * (949) 752-1612 * FAX (949) 752-5321 2150 EAST TAHQUITZ CANYON, SUITE 9 * PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 * (760) 323-5090 * FAX (760) 325-2863 FIELD OFFICES' * SAN -DIEGO * PLEASANTON * INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: VIETNAM 3 Trp • - 8 (� 60 S 5t�2 NOWSEAMNI-I'�'� 3 F o '• 1- MALLS : I 15 WA35 q, (L• -tom SD2 sib' OAC.. 1.100 dell- K6 Tom'• b 3/4' X 120 6LB MI{/ 1/4' ALL GAS 24F V4 DFAPIF I _10 44 a�� sv2 I/8'xl2 241' V4 FL, dM. �,� • � E'�TT. � IOi-OTS%4TGAA�: � pp V O4XOI HOR Xb— W2` job ,SHA 4.2f °L -� �_—_ • 1 � m• .. � I �ol k 16A �+!rx / 4X6 HM L -- • i 00 GOUVIS.ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA V ` (UBC 97) Z SHEET JOB NO. r.2 0914-202 CLIENT — PLAN NO.: 3 DATE c 10/07/99 ENGINEER: CHIEN(VER5.50) BEAM NUMBER: 7 FL BM @ DINING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT) 13.75 REACTION AT: 0.00 13.75 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT :.30.0 LB FROM 0.0'. TO 13.8' PRIMARY ROOF : 490 PLF=28.0*(19+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 13.75' PRIMARY ROOF : 254PLF=14.5*(19+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO:13.75' EXTERIOR WALL : 30 'PLF = 2.'0' * 15.0 FROM "0.00' TO 13.75' ,REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT. DOWNWARD(DL+LL/MAX.) 5326/5326 5326/5326 UPLIFT (DL+LL/MAX.) 0/0 0/0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 5 1/8 x 12 *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 272x6 TRIMMER/STUD. ***0.250" CAMBER UP @ SPAN( 6.9') .CRIT MOMENT = 18309 LB*FT @ 6.92' RATIO=0.595(Fb= 3000 S=123.00) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.469 INCH @' 6.83' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.688 CRIT SHEAR =4455 LB @ 1.12' 1.5*8HEAR/Fv*A=0.362(Fv=300 A= 61.50) �a = S'1Zsx. \ 31, v7- to''" - S�rx o� _ _ _- S{� r 0.3(9)- 'x W.�/0 1 •`""' T 0. �3 L (.6 �ol�• . J•�' c�\�ZL rl t'q l Wit; d� k Ku