NV5Bryan McKinney, PE City Engineer 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92553 ON-CALL ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK SERVICES (RFP NUMBER CLQ052319) JUNE 13, 2019 Prepared For: Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, ST 000000 PM Name Phone: 555.555.5555 | Email 42-829 Cook Street Suite 104 Palm Desert, CA 92211 VIckie Bridenstine, PE Phone: 760.341.3101 | vickie.bridenstine@nv5.com P27519-0004357.00 June 13, 2019 City of La Quinta Attn: Bryan McKinney, PE, City Engineer 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services (RFP Number CLQ052319) Dear Mr. McKinney, The City of La Quinta (City) has been serving the people of its community for many years and is very proud of that service. You value the health and safety of your neighborhoods. Similarly, NV5 has a 70 year history of providing professional consulting services to public and private clients. We have built our business on the value of developing solutions that improve the lives of communities. This shared value of community focus is just one example of how NV5 can be the professional engineering firm to provide consistent and timely plan check services for you. NV5 has provided these specific types of services for the past 30 years throughout southern California. We have developed a balanced plan check process that keeps in mind the City’s standards and goals and current regulations governing development. Our goal in preparing this proposal is to convey our ability to be proactive and work seamlessly with your staff towards successful completion of assigned plan reviews. NV5’s capacity to provide excellent service to our clients has been refined through many years of service on similar projects throughout southern California. Choosing NV5 provides you with the following benefits: Expertise in On-Call Consulting Services and Plan Check Services. NV5 is a leader in providing on-call civil engineering consulting services to public agencies, having performed on-call and as needed services for more than 50 agencies throughout California. We are currently performing these services for many local agencies, including the following: • City of La Quinta On-Call Surveying Services • City of Beaumont On-Call Inspection and Plan Checking • City of Menifee On-Call Plan Check Services • City of Lake Elsinore On-Call Plan Check Services • City of Indio On-Call Surveying • City of Coachella On-Call Engineering Services Local Knowledge and Commitment. The City values working with experienced local consultants and NV5 is committed to providing the highest quality professional plan check services in the industry. Our office is located just 20 minutes away and several of our staff members live just a short drive from the City. We are invested in the City’s goal of providing excellent customer services and high quality infrastructure. High-Quality, Responsive Service. Our highest priority is exceeding your desired goals, so we will strive to constantly provide you with top-notch customer service. Our project manager, Vickie Bridenstine, PE, will provide hands-on, customer-oriented, proactive management of your on-call contract. NV5’s experienced leadership combined with the effective team we have assembled will build on the already strong working relationships with City staff allowing us to seamlessly interface with you and your stakeholders, maximizing efficiency and quality. As Regional Managing Director, I am authorized to bind NV5 for this opportunity. My contact information is as follows: Carmen Kasner, PE Regional Managing Director NV5, Inc. 42-829 Cook Street, Suite 104 Palm Desert, CA 92211 &RRN6WUHHW6XLWH_3DOP'HVHUW&$_ZZZ19FRP_2IÀFH_)D[ &216758&7,2148$/,7<$6685$1&(,1)5$6758&785((1(5*<352*5$00$1$*(0(17(19,5210(17$/ NV5 has fully reviewed Addendum Number 1, dated June 5, 2019 and understands the scope and requirements that the City is requesting. This proposal will be valid for a period of 180 days. The City needs a partner to provide the highest quality plan check services and NV5 has the team and experience to support your efforts. We look forward to continuing to build upon our strong working relationship with you. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, feel free to reach out to either myself at 858.385.0500 or FDUPHQNDVQHU#QYFRPRU9LFNLH%ULGHQVWLQHDWRUYLFNLHEULGHQVWLQH#QYFRP Sincerely, NV5, Inc. Carmen Kasner, PE Vickie Bridenstine, PE Regional Managing Director Project Manager/Development Review Engineer P27519-0004357.00 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - INFRASTRUCTURE - ENERGY - PROGRAM MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 4XDOLÀFDWLRQV5HODWHG([SHULHQFHDQG5HIHUHQFHV __________________ 01 3URSRVHG6WDIÀQJDQG3URMHFW2UJDQL]DWLRQ _________________________ 07 :RUN3ODQ7HFKQLFDO$SSURDFK ___________________________________ 08 &RVWDQG3ULFH _________________________________________________ 12 $SSHQGLFHV 5HVXPHV ,QVXUDQFH$FNQRZOHGJPHQW 1RWHG([FHSWLRQV 6LJQHG1RQ&ROOXVLRQ$IÀGDYLW)RUPV NV5.COM City of La Quinta | On-Call Construction Surveying Services SUCCESS... )RUWKHSDVW\HDUV19 has provided professional expertise to public and private sector agencies. We talk with our clients and, more importantly, we listen. As a result, our clients trust us to provide the integrated consulting and management solutions that enable their success—regardless of project size or complexity. EXPERIENCE... NV5’s team of civil engineering professionals offer the essential plan check experience, as well as all other required services for this contract. NV5 has PDLQWDLQHGDQRIÀFHLQWKH Coachella Valley for over 25 years. During that time we have worked in or for all of the cities within the Valley. COMMITMENT... 19LVFRQÀGHQWRXU expertise in development review, combined with our extensive local knowledge, makes us your ideal partner. With a strong local presence we have a personal commitment to the success of your projects and hope to build on the excellent partnership we have begun with the City. HEADER NV5.COM | 1City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES NV5.COM | 1City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services FIRM INTRODUCTION NV5 is a provider of professional and technical engineering and consulting solutions to both private and public sectors. We provide services through five business verticals: LQIUDVWUXFWXUHFRQVWUXFWLRQ TXDOLW\DVVXUDQFHHQHUJ\SURJUDPPDQDJHPHQW DQGHQYLURQPHQWDOVROXWLRQVOur services are traditional: engineering, planning, surveying, construction management and construction support, but our attitude, approach and delivery are unique. The relationships we establish with our clients, our commitment to sustainability and our involvement in the communities we live and work in set us apart from other companies. PLAN CHECK EXPERIENCE Protecting the public’s health and interests is the number one goal of municipal development review. Responsiveness is not only about being quick, but also about being complete and correct. Accurate, thorough and timely deliverables are our highest priority. Within the last three years alone we have delivered more than 350 plan check/development review projects on schedule. Many of the reviews involve grading, drainage and improvement plans for residential, commercial, and industrial developments; however, we also have the capabilities and experience to provide reviews of a variety of water/wastewater plans, as well as review of more specialized technical documents and plans such as structures, ZDWHUTXDOLW\FRPSOLDQFHGRFXPHQWVDQG)(0$ related studies. LOCAL KNOWLEDGE Through NV5’s previous experience in Riverside County, and specifically with agencies within the City’s local area, we have a thorough understanding of local laws, design criteria and standards, and permitting requirements. In addition, our team is intimately familiar with the City’s design standards, as well as other applicable design and construction standards such as: Caltrans Highway Design Manual (HDM), Traffic Manual and Standard Specifications; the California Building Code, as well as RWQCB Region 7 water quality standards and the Professional Engineers’ and Professional Land Surveyors’ Acts. Our team has a solid understanding of the local environment and design issues through delivery of many capital projects for public agencies within Riverside County. We have also successfully coordinated many projects involving multiple stakeholders such as utility companies, regulatory agencies, and municipal agencies. DAYS AND HOURS OF OPERATION 0RQGD\)ULGD\ 7:30am to 5:00 pm EMPLOYEE/LOCATION INFORMATION 180%(52)(03/2<((6 2,200 180%(52)2)),&(6 100 PRIMARY POINT OF CONTACT Vickie Bridenstine, PE Project Manager/Development Review Engineer 42-829 Cook Street, Suite 104, Palm Desert, CA 92211  vickie.bridenstine@nv5.com BACKGROUND INFORMATION <($5)281'(' 1949 /(*$/1$0( NV5, Inc. $''5(66 42-829 Cook Street, Suite 104, Palm Desert, CA 92211 &25325$7,21 A California Corporation 3$5(17&203$1<19*OREDO,QF HEADER NV5.COM | 2City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES NV5.COM | 2City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services OFFICE LOCATIONS With offices located worldwide and with extensive resources to provide services locally, we strive to bring projects from conception to completion. NV5 currently has 22 offices throughout California with almost half located within Riverside, Orange and San Diego Counties. We currently have established offices in the cities of Palm Desert, Corona, Murrieta, Irvine, Long Beach and San Diego. NV5 will provide your requested services with our in-house staff in Palm Desert. Our experience, local presence, and commitment to the City allows our team to be even more responsive to your needs. LITIGATIONS, CLAIMS & STATUS NV5 has been established for many decades. The industry in which we provide professional services yields claims that arise from time to time. Claims that arise consist predominantly of general allegations related to professional errors or omissions for work performed under a contract or project. NV5 maintains adequate insurance coverage to protect against such claims. We believe there are no claims or lawsuits either threatened or pending that would impair its ability to perform on this request for proposal. NV5 is not debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to contract with any other federal, state or local public agency. ON-CALL PLAN CHECK REFERENCES NV5 can perform all plan check services in-house. NV5’s goal is to be responsive to the developer and their consultants with a “customer oriented” approach while preserving the City’s interest and acting as an extension of City staff. While assuring technical accuracy and adherence to federal, state and local regulations it is also critical that agency and resident concerns, City driven time-lines, and developer schedules are considered throughout the process. Client Name Dates Contact Information City of Beaumont 2QJRLQJ Jeff Hart, PE | Public Works Director/City Engineer (WK6WUHHW%HDXPRQW&$ _MKDUW#EHDXPRQWFDJRY City of Menifee 2015 - Ongoing Jonathan Smith, PE | Director of Public Works +DXQ5RDG0HQLIHH&$ _MVPLWK#FLW\RIPHQLIHHXV City of Coachella 2008 - Ongoing Jonathon Hoy, PE | City Engineer, Public Works 6L[WK6WUHHW&RDFKHOOD&$ _MKR\#FRDFKHOODRUJ City of Indian Wells 2018 - Ongoing Ken Seumalo, PE | Public Works Director 44-950 El Dorado Drive, Indian Wells, CA 92210 _NVHXPDOR#,QGLDQZHOOVFRP City of Lake Elsinore 2017 - Ongoing Rita Thompson | Senior Engineering Technician 130 South Main Street, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 _UWKRPSVRQ#ODNHHOVLQRUHRUJ HEADER NV5.COM | 3City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES NV5.COM | 3City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services NV5 is providing review of private development projects and public works inspection services to the city. NV5’s team of professionals reviews a variety of development applications—from several thousand lot, multi-phase planned residential developments to proposed floodplain development and structural review of bridges. We review all plans and associated technical reports for clarity, format, completeness, and conformance to the city’s grading and roadway criteria, industry- standard design procedures, permit requirements, and conditions of development. Reviews include improvement, grading, and erosion control plans, sewer and storm drain plans, hydrology and hydraulic reports, water quality reports, geotechnical reports, structural calculations and cost estimates. ON-CALL PLAN CHECK, INSPECTION AND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SERVICESCITY OF BEAUMONT | BEAUMONT, CA 5()(5(1&( Jeff Hart, PE Public Works Director/City Engineer  jhart@beaumontca.gov • Plan Checks • Inspection • Water Quality Compliance Reviews • *HRWHFKQLFDO5HYLHZ • Structural Review • *UDGLQJ • Permits RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Past experience is the key indicator of future success. At NV5, we go out of our way to meet the increasingly complex needs of projects. NV5 has been providing on-call plan check services to nearby cities for many years. We invite you to contact the references provided and view our relevant experience with similar work below. NV5 has also been providing storm water management support for construction, MS4, and Industrial permits as staff extension to the city. We actively participated in assisting the city with a recent RWQCB audit. NV5 has also been instrumental in helping the city create templates and tracking logs to assist in enforcement efforts and regularly visit active construction sites to observe contractor compliance. NV5 has helped write storm water guidance for developers and city staff to use as well as their Local Implementation Plan (LIP) which is submittal to the RWQCB each year. 6(59,&(6 HEADER NV5.COM | 4City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES NV5.COM | 4City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services NV5 was awarded two contracts by the City of Menifee to support development review and to provide design of capital projects. NV5 was retained to work with city staff in providing conditions of approval and reviewing development projects for conformance to city codes and other development standards. Areas of work include providing pre-application and entitlement package reviews, assigning engineering conditions of approval for multiple Tentative Maps and Conditional Use Permits. Projects to date include: ON-CALL PLAN CHECK SERVICESCITY OF MENIFEE | MENIFEE, CA • Plan Check • Water and sewer improvements • Offsite improvements • Water quality management plans • )ORRGSODLQLVVXHV • Permitting requirements • *UDGLQJGHVLJQ 6(59,&(6 5()(5(1&( Jonathan Smith, PE Director of Public Works  jsmith@cityofmenifee.us • 3URYLGHGUHYLHZRI3UHFLVH*UDGLQJ3ODQIRUD regraded 20 unit single family subdivision. • Reviewed the preliminary drainage study, site plan and water quality management plan for 7HQWDWLYH7UDFW0DSDODUJHVLQJOH family development. • Prepared engineering conditions of approval for previously entitled Tentative Maps and other projects by the County of Riverside (prior to city incorporation), revising the previous MXULVGLFWLRQ·VFRQGLWLRQVWRUHÁHFWDSSOLFDEOH city adopted standards and guidelines. HEADER NV5.COM | 5City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES NV5.COM | 5City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services NV5 is providing civil engineering services, under a multi-disciplinary on-call engineering services contract. Work has included providing professional on-call survey services since July 2002. Through this contract we have successfully completed the following projects: Aerial Topography: Aerial topography of three city parks for the City of Coachella: Bagduma Park, De Oro Park, and La Colonia Park II). Managed the survey team that placed aerial targets for all of the sites and provided field surveying and mapping of the existing utilities DQGVWUHHWFURVVVHFWLRQVIRU)UHGHULFN6WUHHWDW Bagduma Park. Also prepared topographic maps, along with record boundary information for the client, prepared and processed plats and legal descriptions for the acquisition of additional right- RIZD\IRU)UHGHULFN6WUHHW Bagduma Park Expansion Phase 1 & 2: Services consisted of staking a new soccer fields with underground drainage system, parking lot and playground area along with the staking of the ZLGHQLQJRI)UHGHULFN6WUHHW3ODQVZHUHSUHSDUHG by NV5 and an as-built survey was done at the completion of the project. Grapefruit Blvd./Avenue 52 Grade Separation: &RQVWUXFWLRQVWDNLQJVHUYLFHVIRUWKH*UDGH Separation including all street improvements, underground and overhead utilities, bridge abutments, bridge deck and right-of-way lines. Avenue 50 Bridge at Coachella Valley Storm Channel: Network control survey conducted to Caltrans standards along with aerial topography of the proposed site. NV5 staff provided a base map from record information along with network survey and aerial survey to the client. ON-CALL SERVICESCITY OF COACHELLA | COACHELLA, CA 5()(5(1&( Jonathon Hoy, PE City Engineer, Public Works  jhoy@coachella.org HEADER NV5.COM | 6City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services QUALIFICATIONS, RELATED EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES NV5.COM | 6City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services NV5 is currently under contract with the City of Indian Wells to provide survey and construction inspection services within the city. In the past NV5 has served as an extension of city staff to review projects including grading, street and drainage improvements, encroachment permits and mapping documents for conformance with city standards, regional and State regulations and generally accepted engineering design practices. NV5 has also provided stormwater management support to the city. ON-CALL GENERAL ENGINEERING/ CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION/ SURVEYING SERVICESCITY OF INDIAN WELLS | INDIAN WELLS, CA 5()(5(1&( Ken Seumalo, PE Public Works Director  kseumalo@indianwells.com NV5 is providing review of private development projects and public works inspection services for the City of Lake Elsinore. NV5 reviews Water Quality Technical Reports, grading plans, tract improvement plans, parcel mergers and lot line adjustments. The team reviews all plans and associated technical reports for clarity, format, completeness and conformance to the city’s grading and roadway criteria, industry-standard design procedures, permit requirements and conditions of development. Due to the nature of Lake Elsinore’s sensitivity to water quality measures, NV5 has developed delineating maps to distinguish “Highest and Best Use” areas for the city to aid our plan review process. ON-CALL PLAN CHECK SERVICESCITY OF LAKE ELSINORE | LAKE ELSINORE, CA 5()(5(1&( Rita Thompson Senior Engineering Technician  rthompson@lake-elsinore.org • Plan Check Services • Urban Stormwater • Engineering Review • Inspection Services 6(59,&(6 • Plan Check Services as staff extension • Urban Stormwater Engineering Review & Inspection Services • Surveying & Mapping • Construction Inspection Services 6(59,&(6 HEADER NV5.COM | 7City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services PROPOSED STAFFING AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION NV5.COM | 7City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services KEY STAFF Over the years, NV5 has achieved a reputation for a high level of quality, integrity, and responsiveness to our clients. Because of this, we attract individuals who are excited by their work. Our employees bring a vast amount of experience, commitment, and HQWKXVLDVPWRHDFKQHZSURMHFW)XUWKHUHDFKRIRXU employees has a personal commitment to quality. By selecting NV5, the City will gain experienced, knowledgeable on-call specialists that you can trust. We will place top priority on providing exceptional services, completing assignments on time, and using our assigned engineer, Vickie Bridenstine, who has a thorough understanding of all guidelines and standards. This will assure continued quality and responsive service while maintaining our effective working relationship with City staff and stakeholder agencies. The organization chart below depicts the overall program structure of our team for this on-call contract, including lines of responsibility and communication. Resumes providing detailed qualifications for our team members can be found in the appendix. STAFFING AND AVAILABILITY All plan check services will be performed by or under the responsible charge of our assigned engineer, Vickie Bridenstine, who is a California licensed professional eligible to prepare and sign the plan or professional study being reviewed. PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE Carmen Kasner, PE* PROJECT MANAGER/ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ENGINEER Vickie Bridenstine, PE* QA/QC Tamara O’Neal, PE* *Key Personnel *HRWHFKQLFDO5HYLHZ Structural Review Environmental Review Map Review SUPPORT DISCIPLINES AS NEEDED (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO) HEADER NV5.COM | 8City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH NV5.COM | 8City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services COMMUNICATION It has been our experience that communication is key to a successful business relationship. Regular, clear communication of project progress, milestones, challenges and developments greatly improves quality, efficiency, and transparency for the interested public. Every project requires oversight and management to stay on task and on schedule. NV5 will work closely with City staff in the most complete, cost-effective, and efficient manner to keep task orders focused. Having worked on many municipal projects, our understanding of the procedures, staff, and public concerns will provide results that stay within budget and schedule. LINES OF COMMUNICATION TO MAINTAIN SCHEDULE Our project manager, Vickie Bridenstine, PE, will be the direct, day-to-day point of contact for City staff. She is a very hands on project manager and understands the details of design as well as the big picture. Progress and resolution of design and schedule issues will be communicated through regular face-to-face meetings, e-mails and telephone contact, and supplemented by monthly written progress reports. We prepare a detailed, task-driven schedule for every task order under on-call contracts. Setting specific dates for intermediate milestones allows us to monitor progress, and determine if remedial action is necessary to correct slippage in the schedule. SCHEDULE AND COST CONTROL MEASURES Through our extensive as-needed civil engineering experience NV5 places a premium on utilizing proven schedule measures and tools to maintain project momentum and successfully complete projects within schedule. Some of these tools include: • Regularly Updating the Schedule • Holding Weekly Resource Allocation Meetings • Action Items Listing • Monthly Progress Meetings • Budget Tracking • Progress Reporting PROJECT MANAGEMENT Our managerial approach is based on shared expectations, and clear and consistent communication with City staff throughout the delivery of projects. Our approach is described in the following pages along with the deliverables and the items we expect would be furnished by the City. 5(9,(:2)3/$1663(&,),&$7,216 (67,0$7(6$1'&$/&8/$7,216 67$1'$5' 19 6(59,&(6 *UDGLQJDQG Improvement Plans Water Quality Management Plans Utility and Storm Drain Plans Erosion and Sediment Control Plans Storm Drainage Plans Engineer’s Reports Hydrology and Hydraulic Calculations and Reports Drainage Studies, Cost Estimates, *HRWHFKQLFDO5HSRUWV HEADER NV5.COM | 9City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH NV5.COM | 9City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services APPROACH TO PLAN CHECK PROJECTS Our plan check process highlights the tools and techniques we will employ to deliver quality, accurate, timely, and responsive plan checks: • 5HOLDEOHDQG5HVSRQVLYH6HUYLFH Our project manager will provide proactive communication, utilize proven project management tools and best practices, and will anticipate your needs and quickly respond with accurate and detailed information every step of the way. We are available to meet with the City at kickoff and progress meetings to discuss procedures, projects, and to maintain momentum and project schedules. • (IÀFLHQWO\0HHW7XUQDURXQG'HDGOLQHVDQG 0DLQWDLQ'HYHORSPHQW0RPHQWXP An emphasis will be placed on our staff’s experience with the City and project requirements to proactively facilitate communication and processing. We will work to assure proven quality assurance and schedule control measures are implemented. • 0DLQWDLQ$FFXUDF\DQG&RVW6DYLQJV7KURXJK 3URYHQ3URFHVVHVDQG&RQWLQXLW\ We can implement integrated, standardized processes including electronic plan checks that will be utilized by our seasoned staff member who deliver plan check comments that are consistent, thorough, DFFXUDWHDQGGRQHULJKWWKHÀUVWWLPH INTEGRATED PLAN CHECK PROCESS The step-by-step review process that we follow for every plan check/map review assures that review standards are consistently implemented on each and every project. We will implement a comprehensive program based on best practices to validate that each and every review is thorough, accurate, consistent, and timely. This system’s success is based on thousands of hours of practical, real-world experience by our dedicated personnel and their unique ability to interact quickly and efficiently with your staff. The specific action items in our process include: • &RRUGLQDWLRQDQG&RPPXQLFDWLRQ: Our staff will handle the necessary administrative functions, such as project tracking, managing project controls, maintaining and distributing communications, reviewing agendas and ordinance LVVXHVDQGÀHOGLQJFDOOVRQSURMHFWVWDWXV • $QDO\]LQJ6XEPLWWDOV Our staff will review and assess initial submittals for completeness, review title sheets and non-technical issues; PDLQWDLQÀOHVPRQLWRUGXHGDWHVPRQLWRU contract budget and status tracking reports; and coordinate invoicing. Consistency will be maintained by assigning the project to the same reviewer that performed the previous reviews, unless circumstances dictate otherwise. • )DFLOLWDWLQJ4XDOLW\5HYLHZV Our experienced public works plan reviewer will routinely review agency standards, ordinances, guidelines, and update checklists, write comment letters, coordinate project returns, attend review meetings, and communicate comments to the applicant and designers. Because of our depth of resources and project tools (checklists, comment letters), reassigned projects can be reviewed without missing deadlines or causing unnecessary rechecks. • 3URYLGLQJ([SHUWLVH Our expert will provide a quality, comprehensive review of plans, studies, maps and reports in accordance with all accepted engineering practices, the Subdivision Map Act, applicable regulations and City development standards. Our expert is also available to meet with the project’s designer to clarify comments and discuss solutions, as well as provide full and complete reviews for each project that will minimize the number of resubmittals by the customer. HEADER NV5.COM | 10City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH NV5.COM | 10City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services PLAN REVIEW CHECKLISTS One of the key elements to providing quality, consistent plan checks and map checks is the development of a review checklist based on the standards of the agency. As noted above, we have developed checklists for review of grading and improvement projects in the City and several other local agencies, a sample of one is shown below. ELECTRONIC PLAN REVIEWS Benefits to electronic plan checking include reducing turnaround times, streamlining record keeping, and reducing paper waste. Another benefit is that it allows for online meetings, where City staff, developers’ engineers, and plan reviewers can coordinate, review details, and discuss review comments in real time without the added necessity of travel. NV5 staff has experience using Bluebeam Revu software for our review and comment process, and is prepared to use this tool for City plan checks. PROJECT DELIVERABLES Deliverables for a typical plan review or map check project include: • &RVWFRQÀUPDWLRQOHWWHU LIUHTXLUHG • Signed and sealed comment letter with checklist KDUGFRS\DQG3') • 5HGOLQHGSODQVPDSV KDUGFRS\DQG3') PLAN CHECK SUBMITTALS SEQUENCE Each submittal will generally conform to the following sequence. FIRST PLAN CHECK The initial plan check will be comprehensive, and identify all significant issues. It is important to present significant issues to the developer as early in the review process as possible, so that the developer can respond in a timely manner. In addition to the typical scope of services, the first plan check will include the following • Plan Review Checklist • Review of Tentative Map and Conditions of Discretionary Approval • Review of Previously Established Environmental Conditions • Analysis of Easement Requirements and Right-Of- Way Needs • ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQRI5HTXLUHG&RRUGLQDWLRQZLWK,QWHU Agency Jurisdictional Issues SUBSEQUENT SUBMITTALS Plan check resubmittals are reviewed for completeness and to determine if all previous comments have been fully addressed. If the developer has made significant changes to the submittal, new review comments may be necessary. The NV5 plan checker will identify remaining deficiencies in the documents for subsequent reiterations of the plan check submittals. NV5 will also review bond estimates for the City to prepare the bond and agreement documents. ,QFRPSOLDQFHZLWK6WDWHODZDOOSODQFKHFN VHUYLFHVZLOOEHSHUIRUPHGE\RUXQGHUWKH UHVSRQVLEOHFKDUJHRID&DOLIRUQLDOLFHQVHG SURIHVVLRQDOHOLJLEOHWRSUHSDUHDQGVLJQWKH W\SHRIPDSSODQRUSURIHVVLRQDOVWXG\EHLQJ UHYLHZHG$OOSODQUHYLHZPHPRVZLOOEHVLJQHG DQGVHDOHGE\DGXO\OLFHQVHGSURIHVVLRQDO Sample Grading Plan Checklist (Excerpt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³GD\OLJKW´DQGOLPLW OLQHV  7\SORWGUDLQDJH JUDGLQJJUDGLQJRI VWUHHW VHFWLRQ  7\SEHUPVZDOHDW WRSRI ILOOVVORSHDQGEURZ GLWFK  3HUFHQWRI JUDGHRI VWUHHWVDQGGULYHZD\V OHQJWKRI YHUWLFDOFXUYHV%9&DQG(9& &DXWLRQQRWHVIRUDOOH[LVWLQJWHOHSKRQHDQG XWLOLW\OLQHV  HEADER NV5.COM | 11City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services WORK PLAN/TECHNICAL APPROACH NV5.COM | 11City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services FINAL REVIEW We anticipate that after no more than three plan checks, NV5 will request that the developer submit final plans and associated documents, as required by the City for final review. NV5 will confirm that plans and/or maps are complete and that all associated documents have been submitted. NV5 will then provide an approval letter and other required documents and transmittals, depending on the type of review. MEETINGS If the City feels that a pre-submittal meeting is necessary, depending on the size and complexity of the project, NV5’s project manager will participate in a pre-submittal meeting with the City’s staff and developer. Typically, meetings with City staff and the engineer of work are necessary for large or complex projects at the completion of the first plan check. An additional meeting may be necessary prior to request for final submittal, to assure that all conditions of approval and City requirements have been met. RETURN COMPLETED COMMENTS NV5 will deliver the completed review documents directly to the applicant’s representative. When necessary, the NV5 plan check team will review all comments and findings with City staff. City staff may also suggest changes or revisions to NV5’ review comments through the established QA/QC process. QC PROCESSES NV5 will prepare transmittals for routing to the applicant/developer and re-submittal checklists for subsequent plan checks. FINAL COMPLETED DOCUMENTS As a final step, NV5 will deliver the approved plans and related documents to the City. In addition, NV5 will maintain a set of review documents in the firm’s files for future reference. Every project requires oversight and management to stay on task and on schedule. NV5 will work closely with City staff in the most complete, cost-effective, and efficient manner to keep the Task Orders focused. Having worked on many municipal projects, our understanding of the procedures, staff, and public concerns will provide results that stay within budget and schedule. REVIEW SCHEDULES Our team is familiar with the legal requirements of &DOLIRUQLD*RYHUQPHQW&RGH6HFWLRQDVLW relates to the completeness of submittals and review turnaround times by local agencies. Our team will screen every submittal for completeness, and we have no reservations about rejecting incomplete development submittal packages if justified. We are committed to maintaining turnaround times for reviews that will follow the standards we have previously established in working with City staff. These review times are measured from the time we receive the submittal, to the time when we return the comment letter to City staff. Plan Check Turnaround Times • )LUVWSODQFKHFNVZLOOEHUHYLHZHGDQGUHWXUQHG not more than 15 working days from being picked up at City Hall • Second and subsequent plan checks will be reviewed and returned within 10 working days from pickup at City Hall HEADER NV5.COM | 12City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services COST AND PRICE NV5.COM | 12City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services  Schedule A – Service Term, Schedule & Cost Proposal Consultant _______________________________________________ shall provide services for a term of three years beginning July 2, 2019 and terminating on June 30, 2022. OFFICE HOURS The Consultant shall maintain normal office hours between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Consultant shall be available to meet with City Staff during normal working hours with 48 hours advance notice. SCHEDULE The Consultant shall adhere to the following plan check schedule: Plan Submittal Plan Check Turn-Around (From Receipt from City Staff) 1st Plan Check 15 Working Days 2nd Plan Check 10 Working Days 3rd Plan Check 10 Working Days For larger, more complex projects such as golf course developments, one (1) additional week for the 1st and 2nd plan check shall be provided, if necessary to complete a thorough plan check. The consultant shall advise the Contract Officer, in writing, if additional time is needed. Normal plan check operations will be conducted as follows: 1st Submittal Upon completing the 1st review, the Consultant shall submit the “red lined” plans and a copy of the applicable Plan Check List to the City. The City will provide supplemental comment as necessary and forward “red lined” plans to the applicant. 2nd and Subsequent Submittals Upon receipt of the 2nd round plan check submittal from the applicant and upon completing the 2nd review, the Consultant shall submit “red lined” plans and a copy of the applicable 2nd review Plan Check List to the City. The City will provide supplemental comment as applicable and forward 2nd review “red lined” plans to the applicant. The process of applicant correction, Consultant review followed by City 19 HEADER NV5.COM | 13City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services COST AND PRICE NV5.COM | 13City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services  review and “red lined” plan return to applicant shall continue until approvable plans are generated and a plan approval letter is submitted to the City by the Consultant. If necessary, the Consultant shall be available to meet with City staff and/or the applicant to review the plan check comments. The Consultant will communicate directly with the applicant regarding plan check issues and clarifications. The City desires an average of no more than 3 plan check rounds before final plan approval. The Consultant shall be required to use the City’s TRAKiT software in the plan check process. The Consultant shall also be required to purchase or obtain the Bluebeam Revu software to allow electronic review and commenting of plans. The Consultant shall maintain all files for a period of three years. Copies of requested files will be furnished to the City upon request. Plan Check Compensation Plan check payment shall be made in full at a “fixed fee” rate of: $ _____ per sheet (submittals with 1-5 sheets in quantity) $ _____ per sheet (submittals with 6-15 sheets in quantity) $ _____ per sheet (submittals with 16 or more sheets in quantity) Sheet counts are based on the number of sheets submitted for plan check. Sheets may include title and detail sheets, street plans, storm drain plans, meandering sidewalk and parkway grading plans, rough & precise grading plans at 30, 40 or 50 feet per inch scale. Consultant receives no additional compensation for review of supporting documents including, but not limited to hydrology and hydraulic calculation reports, soils reports & engineer’s cost estimates, conditions of approval, tentative tract and parcel maps. Consultant receives no additional compensation for delivery or postage fees necessary to transmit or receive plans from City. Consultant receives no additional compensation for travel to and from City Hall. This rate shall be compensation for up to three (3) plan checks. Supplemental payment for additional plan checks after the third check or for special engineering reports including Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP) or other engineering    HEADER NV5.COM | 14City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services COST AND PRICE NV5.COM | 14City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services  reports, shall be in made at the rates listed in the Schedule of Billing Rates attached herewith for the actual hours submitted in conformance with Section 2.2 of the Agreement. An estimate of hours to complete the plan check (after the third plan check) or for special reports shall be made in writing to the Contract Officer for approval as specified in Section 1.6 - Additional Services of the Agreement. Compensation for the first three plan checks shall be distributed at the following schedule: First Plan Check 65% of the Total Plan Check Fee Second Plan Check 20% of the Total Plan Check Fee Third Plan Check 15% of the Total Plan Check Fee The Consultant shall be compensated upon the completion of each plan check as indicated in the above schedule and in conformance with Section 2.2 of the Agreement. If a project is suspended, either definitely or indefinitely, the Consultant shall be compensated based on the last completed plan check. If the plan check process is completed prior to the third plan check, 100% of the plan check fee will be paid upon completion of the final plan check. The Consultant shall separately invoice per plan and per plan check. No exceptions will be allowed to the payment schedule. Consultant also may be requested to provide general civil consulting services for specific development related engineering projects for the City as applicable. Payment shall be made in full at an hourly rate of: $______ per hour – no overtime, travel time, expenses or other administrative charges will be allowable over and above the stated hourly rate schedule. Prevailing Wage - In accordance with Section 1770 of the Labor Code, the City has ascertained and does hereby specify that the prevailing wage rates shall be those provided in Article 1110-20.0, WAGE RATES. The said rates shall include all employer payments that are required by Section 1773.1 of the Labor Code. The City will furnish to the Contractor, upon request, a copy of such prevailing rates. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to post a copy of such prevailing wages at the job site.  HEADER NV5.COM | 15City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services COST AND PRICE NV5.COM | 15City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services  CONSULTANT: By: Date: Name: Title:  9LFNLH %ULGHQVWLQH 3( 3URMHFW 0DQDJHU'HYHORSPHQW 5HYLHZ (QJLQHHU HEADER NV5.COM | 16City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services COST AND PRICE NV5.COM | 16City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services OFFICE: Technical Services NV5 CHARGE RATE SCHEDULE INSPECTION AND PLAN CHECK Engineering Aide/Planning Aide $55.00/hour Project Assistant $70.00/hour Project Administrator $85.00/hour CADD Technician I $90.00/hour CADD Technician II $110.00/hour CADD Technician III $115.00/hour Senior CADD Technician/Designer $120.00/hour Design Supervisor $130.00/hour Professional Junior Engineer/Planner/Surveyor $75.00/hour Assistant Engineer/Planner/Surveyor $100.00/hour Associate Engineer/Planner/Surveyor $115.00/hour Senior Engineer/Planner/Surveyor $130.00/hour Manager $165.00/hour Structural Engineer $150.00/hour Associate $165.00/hour Principal $210.00/hour FIELD: Construction Management Junior Field Engineer ____________________________________________________________ $180.00/hour Assistant Field Engineer _________________________________________________________ $140.00/hour Associate Field Engineer _________________________________________________________ $152.00/hour Senior Field Engineer ___________________________________________________________ $159.00/hour Construction Manager ___________________________________________________________ $174.00/hour Prevailing Wage Surveying 1-Person Survey Crew ___________________________________________________________ $150.00/hour 2-Person Survey Crew ___________________________________________________________ $240.00/hour Non-Prevailing Wage Surveying 1-Person Survey Crew ___________________________________________________________ $120.00/hour 2-Person Survey Crew ___________________________________________________________ $175.00/hour Survey Manager ________________________________________________________________ $160.00/hour EXPENSES: Plotting and In-house Reproduction 1.15 x Cost Subsistence 1.15 x Cost Other Expenses - Including Subconsultants & Purchased Services through Subcontracts 1.15 x Cost Mileage - Outside local area Per accepted IRS rate Rates are effective through June 30, 2022. If contract assignment extends beyond that date, a new rate schedule will be added to the contract. Litigation support will be billed at $300.00 per hour. ('8&$7,21 BS Civil Engineer (;3(5,(1&( 29 years 5(*,675$7,216 3URIHVVLRQDO(QJLQHHU&$& Professional Engineer - AZ #50589 AFFILIATIONS Society of Women Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers, Past President, San Diego Section American Public Works Association $'',7,21$/352-(&7 (;3(5,(1&( As-Needed Engineering Services, City of Del Mar, CA On-Call Land Use Planning and Engineering Services, Orange County, CA As-Needed Engineering Services, City of San Diego, CA As-Needed Civil Design Engineer Services, City of Lake Havasu, AZ As-Needed Compliance Services, City of Coronado, CA Annual Street Resurfacing, Drainage and Sidewalk Projects, City of Del Mar, CA Street Design Standards Update, City of La Mesa, CA Melinda Road Resurfacing from SR 241 to Altisima, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA As-Needed City Engineering DQG7UDIÀF(QJLQHHULQJ Services, City of Dana Point &$50(1.$61(53( 35,1&,3$/,1&+$5*( Carmen has over 29 years of experience in public works, focusing on design of capital improvement program (CIP) projects, including water, sewer, and storm drain facilities; pipelines; street improvements; and site development. She offers vast insight into public participation, permitting and coordination, project and design standards, and site and access constraints. Her solid design experience enables her to quickly identify issues of concern during the design or construction phase. Her experience also includes extensive work and coordination involving flood control, development, transportation issues, water system capacities, sewer conditions, and public meetings. PROJECT EXPERIENCE 21&$//38%/,&:25.6,163(&7,21$1'3/$1&+(&.6(59,&(6 &,7<2)%($80217_%($80217&$ Principal-in-charge for the review of as-needed private development projects and public works inspection services. NV5 reviews all plans and associated technical reports for clarity, format, completeness, and conformance to the city’s grading and roadway criteria, industry-standard design procedures, permit requirements, and conditions of development. Reviews include improvement, grading, and erosion control plans, sewer and storm drain plans, hydrology and hydraulic reports, water quality reports, geotechnical reports, structural calculations and cost estimates. 21&$//3/$1&+(&.6(59,&(6 &,7<2)/$.((/6,125(_/$.((/6,125(&$ Principal-in-charge overseeing the review of Water Quality Technical Reports, grading plans, tract improvement plans, parcel mergers and lot line adjustments. Due to the unique nature of Lake Elsinore’s water conservation requirements, NV5 has developed delineating maps to distinguish “Highest and Best Use” areas for the city to streamline the plan review process. 21&$//3/$1&+(&.$1'(1*,1((5,1*6(59,&(6 &,7<2)0(1,)((_0(1,)((&$ Principal-in-charge providing oversight and guidance to the project team on this contract awarded by the City of Menifee to support development review and to provide design of capital projects. NV5 was retained to work with city staff in reviewing development projects for conformance to city codes and other development standards. (1*,1((5,1*$1'3/$1&+(&.6(59,&(6 &,7<2),03(5,$/%($&+_,03(5,$/%($&+&$ Principal-in-charge providing oversight for services for this beach-side community. Services consist of three major elements: City Engineer services, plan check/development review, and design of capital projects. +2//<:22'3$5.&+(&.6(59,&(6 &,7<2),1*/(:22'_/26$1*(/(6&2817<&$ Principal in charge for plan checking services for redevelopment of Hollywood Park, Phase A, Phase 1, and a portion of Phase 2 Infrastructure improvements for the City of Inglewood. $33(1',; NV5.COM City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services ('8&$7,21 BS Civil Engineering (;3(5,(1&( 23 years 5(*,675$7,216 3URIHVVLRQDO(QJLQHHU&$& AFFILIATIONS American Public Works Association $'',7,21$/352-(&7 (;3(5,(1&( Hollywood Park Redevelopment Plan Check Services, City of Inglewood, CA As-Needed Engineering Services, City of Del Mar, CA Master Water Quality Management Plan, Disney Resort, Anaheim, CA Water Quality Technical Support Service for the Cities of Del mar, Coronado, and Encinitas, CA Interim City Engineer/Associate (QJLQHHU&LW\RI/HPRQ*URYH&$ Associate Engineer, City of Encinitas, CA 7$0$5$2·1($/3( 352-(&70$1$*(5 Tamara is a professional engineer with more than 23 years of experience in municipal and private engineering services including capital improvement and development review project management, sewer rehabilitation design and planning, storm water quality regulatory, reporting and review services, asset management, floodplain development services, and environmental restoration services. Tamara has provided extension of staff services on a consultant basis for numerous cities, water and sanitation districts in San Diego, Orange, Riverside and Los Angeles Counties. PROJECT EXPERIENCE 21&$//38%/,&:25.6,163(&7,21$1'3/$1&+(&.6(59,&(6 &,7<2)%($80217_%($80217&$ Project manager for the review of as-needed private development projects and public works inspection services. NV5 reviews all plans and associated technical reports for clarity, format, completeness, and conformance to the city’s grading and roadway criteria, industry-standard design procedures, permit requirements, and conditions of development. Reviews include improvement, grading, and erosion control plans, sewer and storm drain plans, hydrology and hydraulic reports, water quality reports, geotechnical reports, structural calculations and cost estimates. 21&$//3/$1&+(&.6(59,&(6 &,7<2)/$.((/6,125(_/$.((/6,125(&$ Project manager overseeing the review of Water Quality Technical Reports, grading plans, tract improvement plans, parcel mergers and lot line adjustments. Due to the unique nature of Lake Elsinore’s water conservation requirements, NV5 has developed delineating maps to distinguish “Highest and Best Use” areas for the city to streamline the plan review process. 21&$//3/$1&+(&.$1'(1*,1((5,1*6(59,&(6 &,7<2)0(1,)((_0(1,)((&$ Project manager leading the project team on this contract awarded by the City of Menifee to support development review and to provide design of capital projects. NV5 was retained to work with city staff in reviewing development projects for conformance to city codes and other development standards. (1*,1((5,1*$1'3/$1&+(&.6(59,&(6 &,7<2),03(5,$/%($&+_,03(5,$/%($&+&$ Project manager providing consultant City Engineer services for this beach-side community. The suite of services consists of three major elements: City Engineer services, plan check/development review, and design of capital projects. '(9(/230(175(9,(:6(59,&(6 &,7,(62)&$5/6%$'(1&,1,7$6'$1$32,17_6287+(51&$/,)251,$ Project manager. Provided engineering development review services, serving as point of daily contact for the client as well as developers, working closely with City Planning staff and directing the efforts of subconsultants for a variety of projects. $33(1',; NV5.COM City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services ('8&$7,21 *HRWHFKQLFDO(QJLQHHULQJ (;3(5,(1&( 34 years 5(*,675$7,216 Professional Engineer - CA #C57142 LEED Accredited Professional AFFILIATIONS Past Planning Commissioner/ Chairperson, Town of Yucca Valley Past Board of Directors President/Member Boys & *LUOV&OXERIWKH+L'HVHUW Yucca Valley Chamber of Commerce, Past Board of Directors President/Member American Public Works Association, Desert Chapter Member, American Society of Civil Engineers $'',7,21$/352-(&7 (;3(5,(1&( Palm Springs Train Station, City of Palm Springs 7KH*DUGHQVDW(O3DVHR&LW\RI Palm Desert Redevelopment Agency Canyons at Bighorn, Bighorn Development Company Brehm Youth Sports Park, Town of Yucca Valley Rio Vista Assessment District, Cathedral City 9,&.,(%5,'(167,1(3(/(('$3 352-(&70$1$*(5'(9(/230(175(9,(:(1*,1((5 Vickie is a California registered engineer and has over 34 years of civil engineering experience in public and private sectors. Her engineering background includes over five years of plan check services for various cities throughout Southern California. Cities within the Coachella Valley /Inland Empire include Beaumont, Cathedral City, and Rancho Mirage. In addition to performing plan check reviews, Vickie was tasked with developing check lists to be used in ensuring plan completeness. She has prepared designs and specifications as well as managed the design of many private and municipal engineering projects. Her special areas of expertise are sanitary sewer, water distribution, street design including reconstruction and rehabilitation, storm drain, hydrology and hydraulics, rough and final grading design. Through hands-on experience with state-of-the-art computer-aided design and drafting, combined with practical field experience, Vickie has provided comprehensive consulting services from the preliminary planning stages through construction for private sector and public works projects. PROJECT EXPERIENCE 21&$//38%/,&:25.6,163(&7,21$1'3/$1&+(&.6(59,&(6 &,7<2)%($80217_%($80217&$ Plan check Engineer for the review of as-needed private development projects and public works inspection services. NV5 reviews all plans and associated technical reports for clarity, format, completeness, and conformance to the city’s grading and roadway criteria, industry-standard design procedures, permit requirements, and conditions of development. Reviews include improvement, grading, and erosion control plans, sewer and storm drain plans, hydrology and hydraulic reports, water quality reports, geotechnical reports, structural calculations and cost estimates. 3('(675,$15$03,03529(0(17352-(&7 &,7<2)5$1&+20,5$*(_5$1&+20,5$*(&$ This project included the survey and analysis of over 450 pedestrian access ramps within the City of Rancho Mirage to determine the level of ADA compliance. Based upon a complex ranking system and physical locations of the ramps, 100 were selected to be replaced with ramps that PHHWWKHFXUUHQW)HGHUDODQGVWDWH$'$UHTXLUHPHQWV9LFNLHZDVWKHOHDG GHVLJQHULQWKHSUHSDUDWLRQRIWKHSODQVDQGVSHFLÀFDWLRQVIRUWKLVSURMHFW 352-(&73+2(1,; &,7<2)7:(17<1,1(3$/06_7:(17<1,1(3$/06&$ Project manager overseeing civil design for the downtown redevelopment project call Project Phoenix. The project includes DSSUR[LPDWHO\DFUHVVRXWKRI+LJKZD\EHWZHHQ7DPDULVN Avenue and Cholla Avenue in the downtown area. The development plan includes a multi-purpose community center, a housing facility, public parking lots, associated paseos, plaza, roadways, street improvements, sewer and water improvements, utility undergrounding, landscaping and lighting improvements. $33(1',; NV5.COM City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services HEADER NV5.COM | 20City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services NV5.COM INSURANCE ACKNOWLEDGMENT NV5 has reviewed and confirms that we carry sufficient insurance to meet or exceed the City’s required coverage as outlined in Exhibit E of the 5HTXHVW)RU3URSRVDO If awarded this contract, NV5 will provide the City with appropriate certificates of insurance evidencing this coverage. $33(1',; City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services HEADER NV5.COM | 21City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services NV5.COM NOTED EXCEPTIONS We at NV5 pride ourselves in quality service, satisfied clients, and a cooperative approach to working relationships. This is borne out by a decades-long track record of successful projects and clients offering repeat business. The request for proposal requested a description of possible exceptions to the sample Professional Services Agreement. Our review of the agreement has determined that we respectfully request the following edits. We have every confidence that mutually agreeable language can be found for this detailed provision of the agreement. Our requested exceptions are as follows (items in red to be removed; items in blue to be added and items in green for explanation only): $77$&+0(17$*5((0(17)25 CONTRACT SERVICES 3(5)250$1&(6&+('8/( 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. If the Services not completed in accordance with the Schedule of Performance, as set forth in Section 3.2 and “Exhibit C”, it is understood that the City will suffer damage. Contracting Party acknowledges the importance to City of City’s project schedule and agrees to perform the services in a manner consistent with that schedule. City understands, however, that Contracting Party’s performance must be governed by sound practices. ,1'(01,),&$7,21. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contracting Party shall indemnify, protect, defend (with counsel selected by City), and hold harmless City and any and all of its officers, employees, DJHQWVDQGYROXQWHHUVDVVHWIRUWKLQ´([KLELW)µ (“Indemnification”) which is incorporated herein by this reference and expressly made a part hereof. 8. (1)25&(0(172)$*5((0(17 8.8 Termination for Default of Contracting Party. If termination is due to the failure of Contracting Party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, Contracting Party shall vacate any City-owned property which Contracting Party is permitted to occupy hereunder and City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 8.2, take over the Services and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Contracting Party shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the Services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to Contracting Party for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City. (;+,%,7$$''(1'8072$*5((0(17 Re: Scope of Services  Liquidated Damages We respectfully request removing the liquidated damages section. NV5 is not a contractor and has no control of the project schedule. (;+,%,7),QGHPQLILFDWLRQ )Indemnity for the Benefit of City. We respectfully request that the following be added to the beginning of this section. “Consultant’s Services are subject to Civil Code Section 2782.8, the below indemnity shall be limited to the extent required by Civil Code Section 2782.8” $33(1',; City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services HEADER NV5.COM | 22City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services NV5.COM  NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM 0XVWEHH[HFXWHGE\SURSRVHUDQGVXEPLWWHGZLWKWKHSURSRVDO I, __________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows: I am ______________________________ of _________________________, (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: _______________________________________ Proposer Name: _______________________________________ Proposer Title: ______________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ ____________________________________ Carmen Kasner, PE Regional Managing Director NV5 Carmen Kasner, PE Regional Managing Director NV5 42-829 Cook Street, Suite 104, Palm Desert, CA 92211 City of La Quinta | On-Call Engineering Plan Check Services $33(1',;