Adept CommunicationsAnthonyMoreno From: Josh Hogue <joshh@adeptcomm.com> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2017 4:42 PM To: Anthony Moreno Cc: Chris Escobedo; Martha Mendez; Lisa Chaudhry; Tustin Larson Subject: Re: Public Safety/City Wide Camera System Attachments: Avigilon Product Brochure - English.pdf; Avigilon Case Study Town Of Addison.pdf Hello Anthony, :'attached is the Avigilon Product Brochure as well as a Ci case study. Do you know if there will be any RFI's for specifics on camera types as far as requirements for each of the cameras and their locations? Thank You, Joshua Hogue President Adept Communications 72128 Adelaid Street Suite B Thousand Palms, CA 92276 Main: 760-296-1845 Ext.100 Fax: 760-477-7332 Cell: 760-989-0282 www.adeptcoiiim.com On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 3:42 PM, Anthony Moreno <amoreno(a?la-quinta.� wrote: Mr. Hague: Thank you and Ion with Adept Corn municatians for contacting me and sending your Notification of Interest for the City --Wide Carte; a System for the City -of La Quinto as set forth in Lhe Request For Qualifications. We too{, forward to receiving your submittal, aInc! ereiy 78495 Caile Tampico o La Quints CA 92253 P:760.777.7027 Fax:760.777.1231 amoreno@la-quinta.org �vebsite: www.la❑uintaca.gov From: Josh Hogue [mailto:loshh@adeptcomm.com] Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2017 3:36 PM To: Anthony Moreno Subject: Public Safety/City Wide Camera System Hello Anthony, Thank you for taking the time to speak with Ian and myself on the phone just now. Notification of Interest 12-7-2017 Dear Mr. Moreno: Our firm is interested in submitting a proposal for a City -Wide Camera System for the City of La Quinta as set forth in the Request for Qualifications. Thank You, Joshua Hogue President Adept Communications 72128 Adelaid Street Suite B Thousand Palms, CA 92276 Main: 760-296-1845 Ext.100 Fax: 760-477-7332 Cell: 760-989-0282 www.adeptcomm.com avlGlLon TM TRUSTED SECURITY SOLUTIONS" Avigilon high -definition surveillance solutions provide the image detail, value and intuitive software you need to protect what's most valuable. To learn more, visit avigilon.com c 2016-2017, Avigilon Corporation All rights reserved AVIGILON, the AVIGILON logo, AVIGILON CONTROL CENTER, ACC, ACCESS CONTROL MANAGER, ACM, HIGH DEFINITION STREAM MANAGEMENT (HDSM), HDSM, LIGHTCATCHER, HDSM SmarlCodec, AVIGILON APPEARANCE SEARCH, AVIGILON PRESENCE DETECTOR, APD, and TRUSTED SECURITY SOLUTIONS are trademarks of Avigilon Corporation. App Store is a trademark of Apple Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc Other names or logos mentioned herein may be the Lrademaiks of their respective owners. The absence of the symbols and . in proximity to each trademark in this document or at all is not a disclaimer of ownership of the related trademark Avigilon Corporation protects its innovations with patents issued in the United States of America and other jurisdictions worldwide (see avlgilon.com/patents) Unless staled explicitly and in writing, no license is granted with respect to any copyright, industrial design, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights of Avigilon Corporation or its licensors. 1a717 . Connect With Avigilon 0 Subscribe to the Avigilon YouTube channel to preview exciting new Avigilon technologies, watch in-depth product videos and follow tutorials to get the most out of your Avigilon system. Enroll in an instructor -led class or sign up for online training to learn how to install, configure and operate Avigilon products and software from our in-house experts: avigilon.com/training. Contact our global sales team to speak to a representative in your region and find out about events where you can demo Avigilon products for yourself: asksales@avigilon.com. Video Encoders Get the benefits of Avigilon high -definition surveillance while leveraging existing surveillance systems in a cost-effective way. Avigilon analog video encoders enable you to integrate your existing NTSC or PAL analog cameras into an Avigilon high -definition surveillance system. Analog Video Encoders Avigilon analog video encoders reduce bandwidth and storage requirements while capturing high -quality surveillance footage (in full resolution of up to 30 images per second per analog camera) for greater coverage and enhanced overall protection. The analog video encoder integrates with Avigilon Control Center (ACC) software and our line of hardware solutions to create a network -based surveillance solution. 30 VIDEO ENCODERS KEY FEATURES BENEFITS High Image Rates Records up to 30 IPS at 4CIF resolution from each port for a total of 120 IPS from all four ports. PTZ Support RS-485 Port available for controlling standard PTZ units. Alarm Inputs and Synchronizes recording with external alarms and Outputs integrates camera motion detection into existing alarm systems. HD Video Appliances .. a Imo_ L L� G_I Co 29 HD VIDEO APPLIANCE Storage Total PoE Output Avigilon Control Center (ACC) Software Edition The Avigilon HD Video Appliance is a powerful security combination that offers a video recorder, network switch and storage, all integrated into a single easy -to -install solution. This simplified system design reduces costs and installation times, helping you avoid the issues typically associated with installing a full security system. 8 PORT 2 or 4 TB 120 W Core with 8 channels (Standard and Enterprise compatible) 16 PORT KEY FEATURES BENEFITS Pre -loaded with Reduces setup time and provides quicker access ACC Software to high-deflnition video footage. Embedded PoE Quick and easy installation, with 8,16 and 24 Managed Switch port options. Range of Storage Addresses varying retention requirements with Capacities 2 TB to 24 TB storage options. Field Replaceable Reduces maintenance and repair time. Video Storage Drives 6, 9 or 12 TB (RAID 5) 240 W Standard with 16 channels (Enterprise compatible) 24 PORT 12,18 or 24 TB (RAID 5) 360 W Standard with 24 channels (Enterprise compatible) HD VIDEO APPLIANCES 29 Avigilon Presence Detector (APD) Sensor aviGiLon w 28 AVIGILON PRESENCE DETECTOR The Avigilon Presence Detector (APD) is a sensor that combines self -learning analytics with impulse radar technology to detect the presence of a person with up to 99% accuracy, even if they have stopped moving or are hidden. This sensor is designed for indoor locations such as ATM rooms and other closed indoor vestibules within banks, pharmacies, retail stores and health care facilities. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS Accurate Detection Extremely high accuracy in detecting the presence of a person at distances up to 9 meters from the sensor. Small and Discreet Can be hidden above ceiling panels or behind interior walls. Ensures Complete Privacy No ability to see ATM keypad or faces. Impulse Radar Technology Can be used in constrained environments and those with challenging conditions. Has the ability to detect presence through blankets, cardboard, wood and drywall. Intelligent Analytics The indoor impulse radar sensor, combined with Avigilon self -learning analytics, scans and learns the environment, continuously adapting to reduce false positive events ACC Edge Solution (ES) ACC Edge Solution (ES) HD Recorder The ACC ES HD Recorder embeds core Avigilon technologies in a compact device to intelligently store HD video remotely, helping to eliminate bandwidth issues for centralized monitoring of remote sites. Choose storage capacities of 2 TB or 4 TB to store HD video up to 7K (30 MP) resolution with a recording rate of 80 Mbps and up to 30 images per second per channel. ACC Edge Solution (ES) Analytics Appliance The ACC ES Analytics Appliance is an all -in -one device that brings video analytics with edge video storage to a broad range of surveillance deployments. It adds Avigilon self -learning video analytics, network video recording and remote management to any connected video stream, whether it's an IP camera or an encoder. Enable self -monitoring mobile video surveillance features and direct mobile access to ACC ES Analytics Appliances with the ACC Mobile 3 Preview app, which is available for download from the App Store'" online store and the Google Play'" store. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS Complete Video Embedded with ACC video management software. Management Compact Form Flexible installation with a small form factor for easy Factor installation in an enclosure at a remote site. Choice of Storage Addresses varying retention requirements with 2 TB Capacities and 4 TEl storage options. Exceptional Supports up to 7K (30 MP) resolution to deliver Resolution Support superior image detail and coverage. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS Complete Video Embedded with ACC video management software. Management Self -Learning Quickly detects and learns the surrounding scene Video Analytics upon initial setup, adapting to changes without manual calibration. Choice of Storage Addresses varying retention requirements with 2 TB Capacities and 4 TB storage options. Remote Enables streaming and playback through our Management high-performance remote monitoring workstations with ACC client software. ACC EDGE SOLUTION 27 Network Security Workstations Avigilon offers a suite of high-performance workstations to support your security system. HD Network Video Recorder (NVR) workstations are configured to enable standalone viewing and recording from a single machine. HD remote monitoring workstations add another viewing station to your system with support for up to four high -resolution monitors, and up to 144 video streams. 26 NETWORK SECURITY WORKSTATIONS HD NVR WORKSTATION HD-NVRWS3-8TB Storage 8 TB Monitor Outputs 2 Gigabit Ethernet Connections 2 System Drives 1 4 MONITOR REMOTE MONITORING WORKSTATION HD-RMWS3-4MN Number of Cameras - Up to 144 Maximum Resolution 2560x1600 2 MONITOR REMOTE MONITORING WORKSTATION HD-RMWS3-2MN Number of Cameras Up to 72 Maximum Resolution 3840x2160 (4K) HD NVR3 MODELS PRODUCT NUMBER STORAGE MAXIMUM RECORDING RATE GIGABIT ETHERNET CONNECTIONS 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET CONNECTIONS HD NVR Premium HD-NVR3-PRM-137TB 137 TB 10 GbE: 1350 Mbps 4 2 1 GbE: 600 Mbps HD-NVR3-PRM-84TB 84 TB 10 GbE: 1350 Mbps 4 2 1 GbE: 600 Mbps HD-NVR3-PRM-48TB 48 TB 10 GbE:1160 Mbps 4 2 1 GbE: 600 Mbps HD NVR Standard HD-NVR3-STD-36TB 36 TB 1 GbE: 450 Mbps 4 Optional HD-NVR3-STD-24TB 24 TB 1 GbE: 450 Mbps 4 Optional HD NVR Value HD-NVR3-VAL-18TB 18 TB 1 GbE: 256 Mbps 2 None HD-NVR3-VAL-12TB 12 TB 1 GbE: 256 Mbps 2 None HD-NVR3-VAL-6TB 6 TB 1 GbE: 256 Mbps 2 None HD-NVR3-VAL-3TB 3 TB 1 GbE: 256 Mbps 2 None HD NVR3 Standard and Premium models are equipped with RAID 6 video storage array and RAID 1 system drive redundancy. HD NVR3 Value models are equipped with RAID 5 video storage array. HD NETWORK VIDEO RECORDERS 25 LI I I a 11' L'!. IL •. NVR Standard The HD NVR Standard line provides high throughput and retention without sacrificing availability. With the separation of its operating system from its video storage volumes and redundant hot-swappable components, the NVR Standard makes servicing simple, while helping to minimize disruptions from security operations. NVR Value The HD NVR Value line provides high performance and retention at a lower cost of ownership. It is a ready -to -deploy solution designed for single -site surveillance or when deploying across multiple remote sites. 24 HD NETWORK VIDEO RECORDERS KEY FEATURES BENEFITS ACC Server Software Plug -and -play network video recording solution for managing multi-megapixel IP Preloaded and Configured cameras and analog cameras. High -Performance Provides up to 900 Mbps of total throughput. Video Management High Storage Density Achieves up to 36 TB of effective recording capacity in a RAID 6 hard drive configuration. Avigilon Appearance With an additional kit, Avigilon Appearance Search technology enables users to Search Technology locate a specific person or vehicle of interest across an entire site. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS ACC Server Software Plug -and -play network video recording solution for managing megapixel IP and Preloaded and Configured analog cameras. Flexible and Efficient Provides up to 384 Mbps of total throughput. Video Management Great Combination of Achieves up to 18 TB of effective recording capacity in a RAID 5 hard drive Recording and Redundancy configuration. HD Network Video Recorders (NVRs) Avigilon HD NVRs provide superior performance and reliability for video surveillance applications. Every Avigilon HD NVR model includes pre -installed ACC video management software, high-performance, optimized recording technology, and a three-year Avigilon warranty with dedicated support. All HD NVRs are pre -configured with operating system and hard drive volumes, enabling quick deployment and RAID technology that provides increased system uptime and availability. Simply choose the HD NVR model that provides the storage and throughput that your system requires — exceptional reliability and performance is built in. NVR Premium The HD NVR Premium delivers the highest throughput, retention and availability in our NVR line. With the separation of its operating system from its video storage volumes and redundant hot-swappable components, the NVR Premium makes servicing simple, while helping to minimize disruptions from security operations. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS ACC Server Software Plug -and -play network video recording solution for managing Preloaded and Configured multi-megapixel IP cameras and analog cameras. Supports Enterprise Provides up to 1670 Mbps of total throughput. Video Management High Storage Density Achieves up to 137 TB of effective recording capacity in a RAID 6 hard drive configuration. Avigilon Appearance With an additional kit, Avigilon Appearance Search technology Search Technology enables users to locate a specific person or vehicle of interest across an entire site. HD NETWORK VIDEO RECORDERS 23 License Plate Recognition (LPR) HD License Plate Recognition provides single- and multi -lane LPR with HD accuracy from a single camera. Fully integrated within ACC software and combined with Avigilon HD LPR Capture Kits, high -definition LPR captures license plates with high accuracy in a wide variety of conditions, 24 hours a day. 22 CAMERAS KEY FEATURES BENEFITS High -Definition High -definition resolution delivers images captured in Resolution accurate and precise detail. ---------- Single Camera, Provides wide coverage with fewer cameras, helping to Multiple Lanes reduce installation and maintenance costs. ... ........ .... I—, I .................................. ................................................................ ..... ... . . ... ........................... Automatic Worldwide Supports a broad range of global license plate types. License Plate Recognition JPEG2000 HD Panoramic, Dome Cameras JPEG2000 HD panoramic dome cameras feature four 2 MP sensors for a total resolution of 8 MP. Suitable for ti + monitoring indoor and outdoor environments for sectors such as education, banking and retail, a single installation provides 180 or 360-degree, high -resolution coverage with lenses that are pre -focused for no -fuss installation. °VIWAW HD Micro Dome Cameras The HD Micro Dome camera, available in 1 MP and 2 MP resolutions, is our smallest high -definition IP dome camera, enabling a cost-effective transition to HD video surveillance and all the advantages of ACC software. Operating on the H3 platform, it features HDSM technology to intelligently manage storage and bandwidth. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS Panoramic Four 2 MP sensors provide 180' or 360' coverage in Wide -Area high -definition from a single camera, reducing Coverage installation needs. Easy Installation Factory -installed, pre -focused lenses do not require adjustment during installation. Multi-Megapixel Live- and post -incident digital PTZ reduce the number of camera installations. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS Flexible Installation Extremely small form factor makes it easy tc install, allowing for a multitude of installation possibilities in retail and commercial settings, or building entrances and hallways. High -Definition Provides exceptional image detail in 1 and 2 MP Resolution resolutions. Three Axes of Enables the camera to achieve almost every angle Rotation with flexible pan, tilt and rotation options for wide scene coverage. CAMERAS 21 H4 Mini Dome Camera Line S The H4 Mini Dome is the smallest and most discreet camera within the Avigilon H4 platform avtGtLon that combines Avigilon quality at an entry level price point. It provides exceptional image quality with an innovative and modular design that snaps into place, allowing users to easily switch between surface and in -ceiling mounts. -4VIGILon HD Multisensor Cameras y The HD Multisensor camera delivers superior image detail and offers a flexible approach to covering vast areas. Available in 3K (9 MP) or 4K (12 MP) sensor configurations, each equipped with a remote zoom and focus lens, one HD Multisensor dome can replace a PTZ camera or multiple fixed cameras. 20 CAMERAS KEY FEATURES BENEFITS Small Camera Standard surface mount model has a footprint of only 2.8 inches, Footprint and Profile extending 2.0 inches from the installation surface. The in -ceiling adapter offers a profile of only 1.5 inches, with a footprint of 3.5 inches. HDSM SmartCodec HDSM SmartCodec technology automatically optimizes compression Technology levels for regions in a scene to maximize bandwidth savings`, minimize storage consumption and maintain high -quality imaging. Wide Dynamic Range Dual exposure true Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology captures (WDR) clear images in simultaneous dark and bright lighting conditions. Adaptive IR Automatically adjusts the IR beam width and illumination levels to Technology provide consistent lighting regardless of scene conditions. -... _ .......................................................... ­..,,,...,_........ 'When activated, HDSM SmartCodec technology can reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared to standard H.264 compression. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS Superior Image Available in 9 MP or 12 MP resolutions for high -definition imaging, Detail all powered by HDSM technology. Flexible Manually configurable sensors move on three axes for a variety of Installation coverage options in virtually any environment. Remote Zoom .. With remote zoom and focus included in the lens, installation only and Focus requires mounting and aiming. CIVIGILon H4 Fisheye Camera Line The H4 Fisheye camera line offers a high -resolution, 360-degree panoramic view with no blind spots. Available in 6 and 12 MP camera resolutions, this cost-effective, easy -to - install solution provides broad coverage with fewer cameras. H4 PTZ Camera Line L0000 L The H4 PTZ camera line combines high performance with self -learning video analytics, providing users the versatility, functionality and intelligence to proactively respond to events as they occur. The H4 ovlatl_an PTZ camera line is available in 1 and 2 MP camera resolutions, both featuring continuous 3601 rotation, enabling operators to track activity in any direction and collect detailed video evidence. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS HDSM SmartCodec HDSM SmartCodec technology automatically optimizes compression Technology levels for regions in a scene to maximize bandwidth savings', minimize storage consumption and maintain high -quality imaging. Fisheye Lens High -resolution 360-degree panoramic view of a scene with no blind spots. ............................................................... Adaptive IR Automatically adjusts the IR beam width and illumination levels to provide Technology consistent lighting regardless of scene conditions- High Frame Available in 6 and 12 MP camera resolutions, providing leading frame Rate Support rates of up to 30 and 20 frames per second (fps) respectively. ............... .............................. ...............••---•-----------.-.-.- .-... 'When activated, HDSM SmartCodec technology can reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared to standard H.264 compression. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS HDSM SmartCodec HDSM SmartCodec technology automatically optimizes compression Technology levels for regions in a scene to maximize bandwidth savings', minimize storage consumption and maintain high -quality imaging. Self -Learning Can detect and learn the home position scene upon initial setup, adapts Video Analytics to changes without manual calibration and notifies operators when important events occur. High Frame Rate Up to 60 frames per second (fps) for highly detailed imaging of fast-moving objects. Up to 45x Zoom For high -quality, detailed images when zooming in. Capabilities - ............... _..............»....- .w.. »M 'When activated, HDSM SmartCodec technology can reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared I standard H,264 compression. - CAMERAS 19 H4 Edge Solution (ES) Camera Line The H4 ES camera line combines high -definition imaging, self -learning video analytics, network video recorder functionality, and embedded Avigilon Control Center (ACC) video management software to create an all -in -one intelligent surveillance solution. This camera line records video directly to an onboard solid-state drive, eliminates the need for a separate network video recorder and reduces installation and system costs. i� J H4 SL Camera Line The H4 SL camera is our easiest -to -install camera yet, decreasing installation time by up to 50 percent. Available in bullet and dome formats, it supports a variety of configurations, including surface, in -ceiling and pendant mounts that can easily be alternated. The H4 SL camera comes in 1.3, 2 and 3 MP camera resolutions, providing exceptional image quality in a broad range of lighting environments. 18 CAMERAS ACC KEY FEATURES BENEFITS HDSM SmartCodec HDSM SmartCodec technology automatically optimizes compression levels for Technology regions in a scene to maximize bandwidth savings', minimize storage consumption and maintain high -quality imaging. Self -Learning Detects and learns the surrounding scene upon initial setup, adapts to changes Video Analytics without manual calibration and notifies operators when important events occur. Onboard Storage Up to 256 GB onboard storage in a solid-state drive (SSD), for continuous operation. Complete Video Embedded with ACC video management software. Management • .......... ....................................... .. ........... ...,_........... _ — ••-•• ---- -- 'When activated, HDSM SmartCodec technology can reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared to standard H.264 compression KEY FEATURES BENEFITS HDSM SmartCodec HDSM SmartCodec technology automatically optimizes compression levels for regions in Technology a scene to maximize bandwidth savings`, minimize storage consumption and maintain high -quality imaging. Quick and Flexible The H4 SL camera's modular design enables it to snap into the base of your choice. Installation Exceptional Using LightCatcher, Content Adaptive Infrared (IR) and Dual Exposure WDR technologies, Image Quality our 1.3, 2 and 3 MP H4 SL cameras provide exceptional image quality in a broad range of lighting environments. W..._......-._..._...... 'When activated, HDSM SmartCodec __„_................... .......................................................... ................ ....... .,............................. .................... .............,. technology can reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared to standard H.264 compression, t H4 Bullet Cameras a — �v""-0n H4 Bullet cameras, available in 1 MP to 5 MP and 4K Ultra HD (8 MP) resolutions, are suitable for seeing objects and activity in complete darkness. These cameras also feature WDR support, HDSM SmartCodec technology, adaptive IR technology and innovative LightCatcher technology for superior low -light performance.* CJVIGII_on H4 Dome Cameras H4 Dome cameras, available in 1 MP to 5 MP and 4K Ultra HD (8 MP) resolutions, I operate on the Avigilon H4 platform. These cameras offer WDR support, self -learning video analytics, HDSM SmartCodec technology and innovative LightCatcher technology for superior low -light performance.* KEY FEATURES BENEFITS HDSM SmartCodec HDSM SmartCodec technology automatically optimizes compression levels Technology for regions in a scene to maximize bandwidth savings", minimize storage consumption and maintain high -quality Imaging. Self -Learning Detects and learns the surrounding scene upon initial setup, adapts to changes Video Analytics without manual calibration and notifies operators when important events occur. Adaptive IR Adaptive IR technology automatically adjusts the IR beam width and illumination levels to provide consistent lighting regardless of scene conditions. Lens Options 3-9 mm, 9-22 mm and 4.3-8 mm lens. .......... ....... .............. ........ 'WDR technology available ......- -1 -- ------------- ------------------ - - -----•- -- ....--.....-......._- -. -. on 1 MP to 3 MP models only. LightCatcher technology available on 1 MP to 5 MP models "When activated, HDSM SmartCodec technology can reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared to standard H,264 compression. KEY FEATURES BENEFITS HDSM SmartCodec HDSM SmartCodec technology automatically optimizes compression levels Technology for regions in a scene to maximize bandwidth savings", minimize storage consumption and maintain high -quality imaging. Self -Learning Detects and learns the surrounding scene upon initial setup, adapts to changes Video Analytics without manual calibration and notifies operators when important events occur. Adaptive IR Adaptive IR technology automatically adjusts the IR beam width and illumination levels to provide consistent lighting regardless of scene conditions. This feature is optional for H4 Dome cameras. 'WDR technology available on 1 MP to 3 MP models only. LightCatcher technology available on 1 MP to 5 MP models "When activated, HDSM SmartCodec technology can reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared to standard H 264 compression CAMERAS 17 HD Pro Cameras Avigilon Pro cameras start at 4K and go up to the industry's first single -sensor 7K (30 MP) camera, capturing high -quality, detailed images over vast areas, while providing wide area coverage options. Avigilon 4K, 4.5K, 5K, 6K and 7K cameras are built on the H4 platform, to deliver greater processing power, increased frame rates and improved image quality, while High Definition Stream Management (HDSM) and HDSM SmartCodec technologies intelligently manage storage and bandwidth. r H4 Cameras H4 cameras, available in 1 MP to 5 MP and 4K Ultra HD (8 MP) resolutions, operate on the Avigilon next -generation H4 platform to offer self -learning video analytics, greater resolution performance, and Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) support. They also feature HDSM SmartCodec bandwidth -management technology and LightCatcher technology for superior low -light performance.' 16 CAMERAS KEY FEATURES BENEFITS HDSM SmartCodec HDSM SmartCodec technology automatically optimizes compression levels Technology for regions in a scene to maximize bandwidth savings', minimize storage consumption and maintain high -quality imaging. Self -Learning Detects and learns the surrounding scene upon initial setup, adapts to changes Video Analytics" without manual calibration and notifies operators when important events occur. LightCatcher'" Collects significantly more detail from a low -light scene to deliver higher Technology quality color images with far less image noise than other low -light cameras. -- ---------------- ..___ .............. ................ ... ............. .................. ...................... ._...... _..................................... _—.-._... 'When activated, HDSM SmartCodec technology can reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared to standard H.264 compression - "Self -learning video analytics available on all resolutions except for 6K (24 MP) and 7K (30 MP) KEY FEATURES BENEFITS HDSM SmartCodec HDSM SmartCodec technology automatically optimizes compression levels Technology for regions in a scene to maximize bandwidth savings", minimize storage consumption and maintain high -quality imaging. Self -Learning Detects and learns the surrounding scene upon initial setup, adapts to changes Video Analytics without manual calibration and notifies operators when important events occur. Remote Zoom With remote zoom and focus included in the lens, installation only requires and Focus mounting and aiming. Automatic IR Provides superior low -light performance and sensitivity to IR illuminators that Cut Filter enable true color imaging throughout the day. 'WDR technology available on 1 MP to 3 MP models only. LightCatcher technology available on 1 MP to 5 MP models. "When activated, HDSM SmartCodec technology can reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared to standard H,264 compression, Cameras Avigilon offers a broad range of high -definition cameras — from 1 MP to 5 MP and 4K to 7K (based on horizontal resolution) — that are available in a variety of formats, including dome, bullet and fixed. H4 SL Camera Line 'H4 Camera Line, H4 SL Camera Line, Avlgilon HD Pro Cameras HD Micro Dome Cameras, H4 PTZ Camera Line, 4K (B MP), 4.5K (12 MP), 5K (16 MP), 6K (24 MP) and 7K (30 MP) H4 Mini Dome Camera Line CAMERAS 15 Enhanced Bandwidth Management Avigilon cameras and software offer exceptional high -definition video quality while reducing bandwidth from the camera to the Avigilon Control Center (ACC) client. Idle Scene Mode Technology Idle Scene Mode technology allows the camera to reduce storage and bandwidth for continuous recording of scenes with no activity. When there is no classified object detection or pixel change motion, the camera will conserve bandwidth by switching to a reduced frame rate. 14 ENHANCED BANDWIDTH MANAGEMENT HDSM SmartCodec'" Technology HDSM SmartCodec technology enables Avigilon H4 Platform cameras to enhance compression levels for regions in a scene to reduce bandwidth by up to 50 percent compared to standard H.264 compression. High Definition Stream Management (HDSM)T" Technology HDSM technology reduces bandwidth from server to client by dynamically sending the optimal image detail for the user's viewing requirements. ;slim+ �� -- - Dynamically Full image Secondary Video switches between detail stream storage streams based on client viewing selection Self -learning Video Analytics Technology Avigilon self -learning video analytics technology uses advanced video pattern -based algorithms to recognize the movements and characteristics of people and vehicles, while ignoring any activity that isn't relevant to a scene. Teach -by -example technology enables users to provide feedback about the accuracy of alarms, to refine the device's self -learning capabilities. Easy to install and use Avigilon self -learning video analytics technology is designed to detect and learn the surrounding scene upon initial set up, adapting to changes without manual calibration. VIDEO ANALYTICS 13 Video Analytics Avigilon self -learning video analytics extends the effectiveness of your security personnel by providing effective monitoring and enabling proactive, real-time response from your team. Built from the ground up to manage high -definition video, Avigilon offers analytics embedded in Avigilon cameras up to 5K (16 MP) resolution, with analytics events and alarms that can be managed, viewed and searched through an intuitive user interface. 12 VIDEO ANALYTICS l 1 p H4' T` q E ACC' °GE s RRiFCRIM SOEIt'/AfiE ACC 6 Software with Avigilon Appearance Search Technology ACC software records and manages video from the Avigilon line of megapixel cameras — from 1 MP to 5 MP and 4K to 7K. Its easy -to -use interface enables personnel to evaluate and respond to events with minimal training. ACC software is a securely -distributed network platform with enterprise -class reliability. It efficiently captures and stores high -definition video while intelligently managing bandwidth and storage using HDSM 'technology. Pre -installed on HD Video Appliances, HD Network Video Recorders (NVRs), HD NVR Workstations, ACC Edge Solution (ES) HD hardware and the H4 Edge Solution (ES) camera line, ACC software also works as standalone software to meet the needs of a wide variety of installations. Avigilon Appearance Search technology is the new way to search video This innovative, deep learning, artificial intelligence (AI) search engine sorts through hours of footage with ease to quickly locate a specific person or vehicle of interest across an entire site. It dramatically improves incident response time and enhances forensic investigations by enabling operators to build robust video evidence and create a powerful narrative of events. 10:25 AM-1030 AM 1 12-15 PM-12:50 PM VIDEO MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 11 Video Management Software Avigilon Control Center (ACC) 6, the latest and most advanced version of our video management software, enhances the way security professionals manage and interact with high -definition video. Enabling faster responses and reduced investigations times, ACC 6 software combines a powerful and intuitive interface with an advanced search technology called Avigilon Appearance Search'". ACC 6 software natively interacts with our Access Control Manager (ACM) system for a full -featured security solution. 10 VIDEO MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE L— .. }Y:aw �. �. i l ,.� i �4 Enabling faster, more efficient video search Avigilon is rapidly expanding its artificial intelligence driven video analytics technology to allow users to quickly search volumes of video data to identify important information. Our new search features are designed to enhance the way users interact with their systems, dramatically improve event response times and help make video actionable. Solutions that help bring focus and attention to what's important At Avigilon we believe that deep learning artificial intelligence (Al) has the potential to solve some of the most critical challenges our industry faces today. By applying Al to our video analytics technology, we can focus human attention on what matters most, so our systems can provide powerful insights for effective decision making. ow I . k AA eExceptional Customer Service Avigilon provides extensive customer service and 24/7 technical support (by phone or online chat) for installed hardware and software. Advance replacement is available for products under warranty and we offer hassle -free returns under our return policy to ensure you are satisfied with your Avigilon solutions. a ONorth American Manufacturing Facilities Avigilon is proud to be a North American manufacturer of trusted security solutions, with Canadian and American expertise and globally sourced materials. Our state-of-the-art facilities in Richmond, British Columbia, and Plano, Texas ensure quality control and efficiency throughout the manufacturing process. By manufacturing in North America we are better able to control every aspect of the process, while continually enhancing the customer's experience. Avigilon designs, develops, and manufactures solutions in video analytics, network video management software and hardware, surveillance cameras, and access control. Our solutions have been installed at thousands of customer sites, including school campuses, transportation systems, healthcare centers, public venues, critical infrastructure, prisons, factories, casinos, airports, financial institutions, government facilities, and retailers. With manufacturing facilities in Plano, USA and Richmond, Canada, as well as regional offices around the world, Avigilon solutions are sold and supported throughout the global security market. CONTENTS Avigilon Quality and Support Our Technological Vision Video Management Software Video Analytics Enhanced Bandwidth Management Cameras HD Network Video Recorders (NVRs) Network Security Workstations ACC" Edge Solutions (ES) Avigilon Presence Detector (APD) Sensor HD Video Appliances Video Encoders Connect With Avigilon 4 7 10 12 14 15 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 WORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS �VANCOUVER Canada U.S. • BOSTON Lisa • MI LAN itaiy, HEADQUARTERS O PLANO USA • LISBON Portugal • DUBAI United Arab Emirates •SINGAPORE avlGlLon TRUSTED SECURITY SOLUTIONS" 172- Em Video Surveillance Solutions Product Brochure Town of Addison Challenge - Provide a safe, high -quality living experience for residents, and visitors and protect against theft, vandalism, and injury. Solution At the 150,000 square -foot Athletic Club, 33 Avigilon HD 1 MP, 2 MP, and 5 MP cameras monitor the entrances, swimming pools, racquetball courts, gymnasium, surrounding parking lots and outdoor areas. Twenty-six Avigilon HD 1 MP and 8 MP 180' JPEG2000 HD Pano Dome cameras monitor key areas across the 44,000 square -foot Conference and Theatre Centre, and 33 Avigilon HD 3 MP cameras were installed at the 20-acre Addison Circle Park, with another 18 portable Avigilon HD 1 MP cameras added during large events. The Town manages the Avigilon high -definition surveillance system using the Avigilon Control Center Network Video Management Software (NVMS) and stores up to 30 days of continuous surveillance video at the Athletic Club and Conference and Theatre Centre and 90 days of footage at Addison Circle Park on four Avigilon Network Video Recorders (NVRs.) Benefits - Faster search and export times - High -quality image detail - Effective liability protection - Greater reliability in all conditions - Lower support and maintenance costs - Faster response for better overall protection aViGiLon -- _ ----------------------- Market: Municipal Location: USA Partner: Convergint Technologies Featured Products ACC Software 1 MP, 2 MP, 3 MP and ME 5 MP HD Camera i 8 MP 180° HD Pano Dome Camera Network Video Recorder SUPPORT 1.888.281,5182 1 sales�:bavigilon,com I avigilon.com CASE STUDY Town of Addison Deploys Avigilon High -Definition Surveillance System at Key Facilities to Enhance Community Living and Provide Better Overall Protection Blending the diversity of a big city with the charm of a small town, Addison, Texas is one of the Dallas area's most popular destinations, offering more than 170 restaurants, 22 hotels, and 118 parks, all within an area of four square miles. With just 13,000 residents, Addison boasts a business and daytime population of.more than 100,000 people looking J for lodging, dining, and shopping opportunities. Driven to provide superior services, an - _-_ enhanced sense of community, and a safe, high -quality living experience for residents and _ N2 visitors alike, the Town of Addison has invested in the Avigilon high -definition surveillance system to protect people and property against theft, vandalism, and injury. Ala In with the New "The Town of Addison With an outdated surveillance system that was difficult to manage and Pan -Tilt -Zoom (PTZ) cameras that were unreliable, the Town of Addison decided to upgrade to a more specified ease -of- advanced and user-friendly surveillance system that could deliver excellent image clarity use, performance, and and better performance. "Many of our PTZ cameras were failing and the OnSSI software was complicated and cumbersome, making it difficult to effectively monitor key areas affordability as key across town," explained Chad Hancock, network specialist at the Town of Addison. After System requirements. looking at several options, the Town of Addison selected the Avigilon high -definition surveillance system based on the recommendation of Convergint Technologies, a local We recommended the provider of surveillance system design, installation, and support. "The Town of Addison specified ease -of -use, performance, and affordability as key system requirements;' Avigilon high -definition explained Phil Kertz, sales manager at Convergint Technologies, LLC. "We recommended surveillance system the Avigilon high -definition surveillance system because we knew it would effectively meet the Town's current and future needs" because we knew it would effectively meet the Town's current and future needs." SUPPORT 1.888.281.5182 1 salesaavigilon,com I avigilon,com CASE STUDY TwN & ADDISON ,MILETIC CLUB Protecting Key Facilities Addison is committed to providing friendly, personal, and considerate service to all EMIT residents and visitors. With a first-class athletic club, acclaimed theatre, state-of-the-art conference centre, and beautiful park in the heart of town where special events are wR ,"ncc held 29 weekends of the year, Addison offers a unique — and welcoming — community experience. At the 150,000 square -foot athletic club, 33 Avigilon HD 1 MP, 2 MP, and 5 MP cameras monitor the entrances, swimming pools, racquetball courts, gymnasium, l ••.,, .,-. surrounding parking lots and outdoor areas. Twenty-six Avigilon HD 1 MP and 8 MP 180' JPEG2000 HD Pano Dome cameras monitor key areas across the 44,000 square -foot Conference and Theatre Centre, and 33 Avigilon HD 3 MP cameras were installed across the 20-acre Addison Circle Park, with another 18 portable Avigilon HD 1 MP cameras AL added during large events. The Town manages the Avigilon high -definition surveillance system using the Avigilon •. •:. Control Center (ACC) software and stores up to 30 days of continuous surveillance video at the Athletic Club and Conference and Theatre Centre and 90 days of footage at Addison Circle Park on four Avigilon Network Video Recorders (NVRs.) "Avigilon offers a very impressive surveillance solution supported by a responsive team of experts for greater overall reliability;' noted Hancock. "We are very pleased to be working with Avigilon" Faster Search and Export "It was critical that the new The Town's previous surveillance system was very slow, making it difficult to search, playback, and retrieve video in a timely fashion. "It was critical that the new surveillance surveillance system be easy system be easy to manage with advanced search and playback features to expedite the to manage with advanced investigation process;" said Hancock, who also wanted a faster way to export recorded video to share with key stakeholders. Before, the process of exporting video would bog search and playback down the Town's server, which was both frustrating and counter -productive. Avigilon's use of image compression technologies has dramatically reduced bandwidth and storage features. With Avigilon, requirements as well, leading to even faster search times. "With Avigilon, the ease of the ease of searching and searching and exporting recorded video is unmatched." exporting recorded video is unmatched." SUPPORT 1.888;281.5182 1 sale&aavigilon.com I avigilon.com CASE STUDY A r e � Y r t Liability Protection "The exceptional image The Avigilon high -definition surveillance system plays a key role in protecting the Town from a liability standpoint — particularly at the Addison Athletic Club, where members may clarity and zooming suffer injury or fall victim to theft or assault. "We've witnessed the occasional fight at the capabilities of the gym — particularly on the basketball court — and a few instances of theft in the parking lot;" explained Hancock. Theft can be a problem at the Addison Conference and Theatre Centre Avigilon high -definition as well, where the facility has'also experienced vandalism. "The exceptional image clarity surveillance system, make and zooming capabilities of the Avigilon high -definition surveillance system, combined with the advanced search and playback features of the ACC software, make it much easier to it much easier to identify identify perpetrators and resolve incidents quickly and accurately." As a result, the Town can perpetrators and resolve better protect itself against false liability claims and save costly payouts. incidents quickly." Crowd Management "Liability protection is an important requirement at special events as well, where there is almost always a disturbance of some sort that needs to be investigated after the fact;" claimed Hancock. To effectively manage these large crowds, the Town is required to store video of all special events for one year in case a liability claim is filed, "It is absolutely crucial that we be able to effectively search through reliable and high -quality video to correctly identify individuals involved and quickly share with the local police for further investigation" Performance in All Conditions With the Avigilon system installed at Addison Circle Park, the Town can also be assured "It is absolutely crucial that a reliable, high-performance surveillance solution at all times of the day and night and in all conditions. "Our old PTZ cameras failed regularly because they could not withstand we be able to effectively the weather," noted Hancock. "The Avigilon cameras not only provide a vast field of search through reliable coverage, they were also designed to handle the elements, providing greater reliability in all weather conditions." and high -quality video Budget -friendly Performance to correctly identify As a small municipality, cost was also a key consideration for Addison. "Delivering the individuals involved and performance we need at a price we could afford combined with lower maintenance and quickly share with the support costs, Avigilon is an incredibly cost-effective solution;' concluded Hancock. "With the Avigilon high -definition surveillance system installed at key facilities across town, we local police for further can confidently deliver a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable "small town' experience to all our residents and visitors." investigation." SUPPORT1.888.281.5182 1 saleseLavigilon,ccm I avigilon.com CASESTUDY