Miovision Technologies, Inc.i
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Miovision RFQ Response
City of La Quinta — City Wide Camera Deployment
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com mIo.rlsion
Notification of interest
Date: January 2"d, 2018
Dear Mr. Moreno:
Miovision is interested in submitting a proposal for a City-wide camera system for the City of La
Quinta as set forth in the Request for Qualifications.
Miovision is submitting as the prime contractor on the project. We will also be collaborating
with Advantec Consulting Engineers, Inc. who will be the sub -contractor in this bid.
We look forward to the opportunity to work with the City of La Quinta. Please let me know if
you have any questions.
Miovision Technologies Inc
137 Glasgow St, Kitchener
Ontario, Canada
N2G U8
Justin King
Director of Sales, West
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com miovision
Executive Summary
With the rising cost of public safety and need to utilize
technology solutions, the City of La Quinta is exploring
a city wide public safety camera system. The system
aims to achieve the following objectives.
• To provide efficiencies in the delivery of Public
Safety in light of ever-increasing costs and
budgetary constraints.
• To enhance Public Safety without putting more
police on the street.
• To increase the quality of life for our residents.
• To reduce crime by utilization of cameras to
deter crime from occurring, to reduce time in
investigations, and provide corroborating
evidence helpful in obtaining convictions.
■ To provide real-time information
geographically to enhance emergency
management for first responders to be able to
determine resource allotment, and deployment
necessary to manage an incident.
• To be able to identify vehicles, and/or persons
departing the scene of a crime or an accident.
LA _
Miovision is the prime contractor on this bid, and will be collaborating with Advantec Consulting
Engineers, Inc. as the sub -contractor to help manage and deliver on this project.
Miovision's TrafficLink technology platform is an ideal fit for the above requirements. Miovision is a
market leader in video streaming technology. The video is very easy to share and configure across
different departments (police, traffic, etc), and also provides extended value with video analytics
leveraging Al built into the platform. This is used by customers such as Caltrans, LA County, and over 50
agencies in California to help improve the citizen experience and quality of life.
Advantec Consulting Engineers, Inc. bring a strong local knowledge of La Quinta, this specific project, and
the collaboration that will be needed between the different departments of the city. Advantec also brings
extensive project design and planning experience that will bring value to this bid.
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com
mi�t -vision
Miovision Technologies will be the prime contractor in this bid. The company has been in
business since 2005 and has nearly 200 full time staff based throughout North America.
Miovision's mission is to provide the foundation for tomorrow's smart cities. With offices in
Kitchener, Canada, Cologne, Germany, and San Francisco, Miovision serves over 17,000
municipalities worldwide in 65 countries. In 2015, Miovision raised 530 million dollars in venture
financing to advance this mission. For more information, please visit www.miovision.com
In California, Caltrans is a key account for Miovision and uses our video based technology across
all districts in Safety, Operations, and Planning. Caltrans has been provided as a reference in this
RFQ response document. Miovision also works with nearly 50 agencies in California with our
video based technology.
Tom Schnekenburger. Account Executive. tschnekenburger@miovision.com
Consulting Engineers
Founded in 1998, ADVANTEC Consulting Engineers, Inc. (ADVANTEC) focuses on providing
innovative solutions for their transportation clients and their communities. Their name espouses
on their strength to implement ADVANCEMENTS in TECHNOLOGY and to adopt innovations to
benefit their clients and communities.
ADVANTEC's continued success relies upon strong principal involvement, client centered
management, and team leadership bringing together the right blend of talent on every project.
ADVANTEC is currently managing multiple Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects in the
Coachella Valley including the City of La Quinta Signal Interconnect Project and the Coachella
Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) Coachella Valley Traffic Signal Synchronization
Program. They bring professional and technical experience in planning, design, and integration
of ITS technologies including, fiber optic and wireless communication systems, and closed-circuit
television systems. Starting in 2018, ADVANTEC is planning to open an office in the Coachella
For more information, please visit www.advantec-usa.com
Main Contact — Carlos Ortiz, PE, TE, PTOE
Chief Operating Officer and Principal, cortiz@advantec-usa.com
Miovision Technologies Inc. � miovision.com mIoVisIOn
Miovision's Public Safety Portal
With a city wide deployment of Miovision cameras, the City of La Quinta will be able to deploy a
city wide camera system to help deliver on the stated objectives in the RFQ document.
Miovision has deployed such systems in cities like Detroit (Michigan) to help provide essential
video to different services across the city.
Leveraging Miovision's Public Safety Portal, the City of La Quinta will be able to:
• Live and historical video streaming at intersection locations across the city.
• Video shared between public services (fire, police, traffic engineering, etc) to help
provide operational efficiencies for each group.
• Remotely access historical video near the time and place that a crime has occurred.
• Additional benefits for the traffic engineering group with video analytics to understand
traffic movements, optimization, etc.
• The Miovision software has a built in integration to Waze data. This means that city
employees would be able to see real time alerts to traffic accidents and emergencies.
• Potential for integrating directly with emergency vehicles for traffic signal pre-emption.
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com micivision
SmartView 360
360" video monitoring of your intersectioi
q'I Realllm6 of histonc rnanittorl6g
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5riar"i-or,ei j6Q thro;;* Mlc-a5�n Traf.. i rr
Budget sirnpific-ity
A Srr.:I,p I C� rC.ver-, jil s mart
%-Jdr %- ImAdrjro
ni;� -SeCLII-e mc-mitorling
360" 1 LTE I - 4L:
Miovision SmartView 360
I High -resolution intersection
monitoring with Miovision
i Vehicle Detection
0 Complete Streets
• Engineering Studies
• Traffic Classification
0 Event Detection
Easy install 360 Camera
Spend your time focused an traffic probileanse not IT problems
Installs in .minutes, not mouths —ands take care of unlg-aing - —
management in our secuae boud.
Video access
integrates Seamlessly with Miovision TrafficLink to S�eeureiy
:rend and Store your videu data for instant arceas through t'ho
Traf ficLink portal
Rugged system
Designed, tested, and built to withstand extreme L-aiher
i - I
For more information Vfslt us online at rniovision_c Jill miwision
Detailed Technology Specifications
a. Description:
The work shall consist of complete furnishing, installation, integration and testing of an
environmentally hardened, purpose built device and service coordination with the Customer to
provide a video capture and streaming system and all other material, labor and equipment
necessary to provide a complete and operating job as specified herein.
The device provides a permanently mounted IP video camera which can be used to generate
imagery that will support remote video monitoring and traffic video analytics. This work must
be performed in accordance with the standard specifications as specified herein.
b. Materials:
1. General. Furnish, install, integrate and test all equipment and required components,
including cables and all components necessary to provide full and complete functionality in all
respects, without additional expense to the Customer.
2. Functional and Performance Requirements Groupings.
Video Capture
Power Requirements
Video Streaming
Camera Construction
Technical Support
Supported Applications and Systems
Reference Installations
3. Materials. Provide equipment that meets the following requirements.
1. Video Capture
a. shall support at least 9 megapixel (MP) capture
b. shall support ability to capture 4K video
c. Shall provide H.264 and MJPEG image compression
d. shall provide 360 degrees of visibility
e. shall support RTSP streaming
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com movision
f. shall provide ability to control and configure bitrate and video
g. shall support generation of video imagery in either a 360-degree
"fisheye" format, or as a quad -view normalized image showing
four separate approaches
h. shall support maximum aperture ratio of 1:1.9
i. shall support focal length of 1.38mm
2. Power Requirements
a. shall be powered via Power over Ethernet (PoE) and be
IEEE802.3af compliant
3. Video Streaming
a. shall support at least 2 simultaneous and parallel video streams
b. shall be Onvif compliant
4. Environment
a. shall be at least rated to IP66 using IEC60529 standard
b. shall be fully NEMA tested and compliant, including shock,
vibration, voltage, and thermal articles 2.2.7-2.2.11
c. shall be NEMA U compliant
d. shall support NEMA operating temperature specification -34 *C to
74 -C (-29 -F to 165 -F)
e. shall support NEMA storage temperature specification -34 T to
74 T (-29 -F to 165 7)
f. shall support humidity operating requirements of 5% - 95% RH
non -condensing
g. shall be ROHS compliant
h. camera shall include electronic dehumidification device
i. shall be shock proof to IK10 (IEC 62262)
j. shall be compatible with EN50155
5. Camera Construction
a. shall not exceed 154mm in diameter x 60.5mm in height with a
dome radius of 35mm and 900g in weight
b. shall include a clear polycarbonate resin based dome.
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com miovision
6. Mounting
a. shall include all mounting hardware with device
b. mounting fixture shall be constructed of weatherproof painted
c. mounting hardware shall be fully assembled to camera and ready
to attach to pole or extension arm
d. mounting hardware shall support vertical pole installation,
horizontal pole installation, or attachment via a 1 %" threaded
e. mounting fixture shall not exceed 483mm x 356mm x 204mm in
size, and 2.5kg in weight
f. shall include 40 feet of shielded ethernet cable for connection to
PoE power source and internet access
g. shall include two-way ethernet coupler rated to IP68 for
connection to cabinet ethernet cable
1. Video Streaming and Recall
a. shall support live video streaming and video recall to desktop browsers
without any third party plugins
b. shall support live video streaming and video recall on tablet browsers using
the HLS protocol
c. shall support recall of video content stored to the solid state drive of the
cabinet installed hardware device for at least 1 week
d. shall support live video streaming with a latency of no more than 10 seconds
at a frame rate of at least 15 fps
e. shall support live video streaming with an initial load time of no more than
10 seconds
f. shall support at least 20 concurrent video streams from a single camera to be
viewed in multiple browsers
g. shall support at least 40 concurrent video streams from all cameras active in
the system, to be viewed in multiple browsers
2. Video Analytics
a. shall support generation of traffic studies based on recorded Video Data
including Turning Movement Counts (with vehicle classifications), Vehicle
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com micivision
Volume Counts (with vehicle classifications), Pedestrian Counts, Bicycle
Counts utilizing a 360-degree camera
b. shall support generation of all above mentioned traffic studies within 72
hours of submission of report request
c. shall support 95% guaranteed accuracy on all above mentioned traffic
d. shall support export of traffic study data in the Universal Traffic Data Format
(UTDF) for easy import into applications such as Synchro
e. Data Reporting
i. shall support generation of any of the below listed Travel Time, Signal
Performance Metrics, or Preemption Analysis for any 24hr period in
under 5 seconds, for all captured data up to 3 years in the past
Travel Time
ii. shall support generation of point-to-point travel time calculations
from the Vehicle Identification Data for any two devices in the
iii. Shall support generation of corridor travel time calculations from the
Vehicle Identification Data for any corridors in the network
iv. shall support calculation and viewing of travel time data within 15
minutes of capture
V. shall support generation and overlay of historical travel time trends
over any period (minimum 3 months) throughout the 3 year data set
vi. shall support ability to statistically compare differences between data
series, including single -day metrics and historical trends
Preemption Analysis
vii. shall support generation and recall of logs of preemption events,
including their time of occurrence and duration
viii. shall support ability to query historical occurrences of pre-empt
events into tabular format for export, in perpetuity
Aggregate Corridor Performance Reports
ix. shall support the generation of normalized travel time index values
for per corridor for all corridors in the network
X. Shall support the generation of normalized travel time interquartile
range index values per corridor for all corridors in the network
xi. Shall support the generation of corridor average arrivals on green per
corridor for all corridors in the network
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com
Project Team
Miovision Technologies will act as the prime contractor for the project. There will be a
collaboration on the project, with Advantec Consulting Engineers, Incas the sub-
Roles and
Tom Schnekenburger
Account Executive
Brent Rogerson
Head of Customer Success
Justin King
Director of Sales, West
Erin Skimson
Director, Market Development
Carlos Ortiz, PE, TE, PTOE
Advantec Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Chief Operating Officer
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com
• Work together as the first points of contact
to ensure the project is successful.
■ Miovision Solution Engineer will help scope
work, manage installation, and track
project rollout with La Quinta to ensure
success of the project.
Miovision leadership.
a Customer success.
• Grant Writing Support.
• Recommendations on the best grants to
• Project Planning.
• Project Timelines and Implementation.
• Coordination with Contractor for system
installation and testing.
• Integration work required between the
police and traffic departments.
• Grant Writing Support.
Grant Writing Services Available
Both Miovision and Advantec Consulting Engineers, Inc. support grants applications to
help aid customers in obtaining the necessary funding required to help deliver key
Erin Skimsom is Miovision's Director of Market Development, and is the functional
leader of our group who partners with agencies in helping to write grant applications.
Erin Skimson is a leading expert in traffic signal technology. She's worked with cities,
states and provinces across North America in implementing smarter, data -driven and
cost effective traffic signal solutions. Erin has spent 15 years successfully managing,
marketing and doing business development for academia, medical device and
biotechnology industries. Erin joined Miovision in 2015 to head up marketing for the ITS
This team's mandate is to help unlock federal and regional grants leveraging a number
of funding pools such as the FHWA, CIMAQ, AID, etc.
For example, this team has successfully helped unlock a $2M grant opportunity focused
on Public Safety in the City of Detroit. Erin worked in partnership with the grant writing
team in the City of Detroit to help unlock this funding opportunity. Details of the award
can be found here: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/pressroom/fhwal 717e.cfm
Erin Skimsom
Director, Market Development
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com micivision
Customer References
1) Caltrans'
Dean Samuelson
Traffic Safety Investigations Branch Chief
d ea n.sa muel so n @dot.ca. gov
Caltrans have been a key account for Miovision for years. Traffic Operations, Traffic Safety, and
Traffic Planning all leverage Miovision video technology. Our products and services are widely
dispersed across all Caltrans districts.
2) City of Detroit
Sunny Jacob, Traffic Engineer
City of Detroit
(313) 628-5604
Miovision has worked with the City of Detroit for over 3 years. Miovision has deployed our
solution in over 50% of the intersections in the City. The deployment in the City of Detroit has
included a number of different features and capabilities available with the Trafficl-ink solution.
The services provided by Miovision included installation, support, training and project
management. The website for the City of Detroit can be found here: httpalwww.detroitmi.g
3) City of Pleasanton
Mike Tassano
Director, Traffic Engineering
City of Pleasanton, Traffic Engineering
mtassano @cityofpleasanton. F� ❑v
(925) 931-5670
Miovision Technologies Inc. I miovision.com micivision
Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal
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(name) hereby declare as follows:
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(Title) (Company)
the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest
of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association,
organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham;
that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer
to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired,
connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that
anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly
or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix
the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit,
or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any
advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the
proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and,
further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal
price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or
data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership,
company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent
thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Proposer Signature: T V.
Proposer Name;
Proposer Title:
Company Name:
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