SA 2009-1369 (SIGN)Tay"" v ri .. P.O. Box 1504 LL LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 �slrJf i1� �Y� 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (760) 7 7 7 - 7 0 0 0 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 March 23, 2009 Mr. John Cross Best Signs, Inc. 1550 Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 SUBJECT: SIGN APPLICATION 2009-1369; AMORE RISTORANTE ITALIANO Dear Mr. Cross: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for one permanent building - mounted sign for Amore Ristorante Italiano, located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Via Marquessa. The approval is subject to the following Conditions: 1. This sign permit is for one permanent building -mounted reverse -channel letter sign. The sign may be illuminated. The sign color, materials and location are per approved plans on file with the Planning Department. 2. The approved sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in area. 3. The signs text is limited to read "Amore Ristorante Italiano". Letter color is limited to black. 4. A building permit shall be obtained from the Building & Safety Department prior to installation of the signs. I have included two stamped approved copies of the sign. One copy is for your submittal to the Building and Safety Department, the other copy is for your records. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, 45:�_ ERIC CEJ Assistant P anner c: Building & Safety Department 4" Sign Elevation (Night View) - Scale: 1/8" = V-0" 4'-6" 11'-0" 10r4" Sign Elevation (Day View) - Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0- aluminum reverse pan channel letters, faces and returns painted Black (satin finish), illuminated with White LED modules aluminum pan channel letters, returns painted Black (satin finish), 3/16' Day\Night acrylic faces, 3/4" Black trimcap, illuminate with White LED modules Ristoran to 1ta1ia-no-k---------�LA u,NTA 10'-6 '` ' AF ETY KEPT. Sign Area Total = 49.50 Sq. Ft. f r _, J i1 Manufacture & Install Scale- 1/2" as 1'-0" . 4 r �j �J FOUR-ONSTRVCT}CN One (1) Set Illuminated Wall Mounted Channel Letters NOTE: Sign to be installed on radius wall, field check required prior to manufacturing L" LA MISWM INCORPORATED IMS. GRm Autry Tra Pin SprwgP CA 922" T,k 760.220.3M I— 760.320.2090 W ` CLIENT: Amore Ristoranto hwhano 47 474 Washington Street Le Quints CA 92253 PROJECT: Exterior Signs DESCRIPTION: Sign Reface ACCOUNT REP: John Cross FILE NAME: Amore\ Main Fascia Sign.cdr DRAWN BY: Art Ruiz SCALE: As Shown DATE: 02-26-09 REVISIONS 1O�n . n .1ywr+rl ✓P�� a�W rrxy w..way.we.. p�0.1 W.rlrp., Rc LISTING SUBSCRIBER-E237461 1 Bin # City of La Quinn Building & Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # Project Address: Owner's Name: 12- I &(4. b A. P. Number: Address: Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: Contractor: ����� �� - Telephone: Address: Project Description: City, ST, Zip: P-TWEIZ81E Li r C tt ftNN EI Telephoner S State Lic. # : Arch., Engr., Designer: City Lic. #: Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: N, _P' Construction Type: Occupancy: Project type (circle one): ew Add'n Alter Repair Demo State Lic. #: Name of Contact Person: Sq. Ft.: -/ ,� # Stories: # Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: Estimated Value of Project: =0 0 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Reed- TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amount Structural Calcs. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Cates. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Energy Cates. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2" d Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE: '"' Review, ready for corrections/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees n.' V CsM&I ,�, �[rG �t - A5 Project La Quinta Arts Society - Stone Monoliths Job Ref.0314 Section Sheet no./rev. California Professional Engineer 54-625 Avenida Bermudas Installation of Monoliths S- 1 La Quinta, California 92253 Calc. by Date Chck'd by Date App'd by Date 760-56"884 (phone $ fax) DSW 5/30/03 DSW 5/30l03 DSW 5/30/03 City of La Quinta Arts Society Granite Monolith Sculpture by Roger Hopkins Outside of Omri & Bonnie's Restaurant Washington Street - La Quinta, California Engineer: Dennis S. Wish, PE 54-625 Avenida Bermudas, La Quinta CA. 92253 (760) 564-0884 (Phone and Fax) Artist: Roger Hopkins Sculptures 44489 Town Center Way — Suite D, Palm Desert CA. 92260 �11ZI1z�QFESS/n G. DENNIS S. WISN NO.C•041250 E�( P x cjvll. �q )Z�dFCA�'1 .J c V ewta �. K/G¢�t Phi California Professional Engineer Project La Quinta Arts Society - Stone Monoliths Job Ref. 0314 Section Sheet no./rev. 54-625 Avenida Bermudas Installation of Monoliths S- 2 Calc. by Date Chck'd by Date App'd by Date La Quinta, California 92253 760-564-0884 (phone &fax) DSW 5/30/03 DSW 5/30/03 DSW 5/30/03 DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODS The Stone Monoliths started as a project for Omri and Bonni's restaurant under construction on Washington Street in the city of La Quinta. The project was funded by the La Quinta Arts Society and consisted of three granite monoliths weighing approximately 6,500-pounds each with a roof or "Cap -stone" that weighed 13,000-pounds each. The vertical stones are pyramidal in shape and the base is approximately 5-feet x 2-feet with each stone varying in shape within these dimensions. They taper to a near point — often no more than 4 or 6-inches in width and a 2 to 3 inches in depth. They extend approximately 6.5-feet above the finished grade (although, again, each stone varies by nature). The stones are relatively thin in the weak direction. The shape used in this analysis package for the design of the foundation is assumed to be an Obelisk that represents the approximate limits of the exterior dimensions. They are as they would appear in nature although the stones are intended to provide the viewer with the impression that they exist naturally and are protruding from deep in the ground. In reality, the stones are cut with a flat base and sit upon a foundation to distribute the weight of the stone to soil below and also upon a Pile or Cantilevered Column foundation intentionally designed to help control the motion of the stone in a moderate earthquake. Life Safety Issues The sculpture is intended to draw the public to the artwork and allow them to interact with it — move around it, sit on some of the stones, consider the possibility of climbing on the smaller surrounding stones, pushing against the monoliths etc. The interaction of the work with the public raised great concerns for me as to how I was going to design the structural system so as to protect those who would be interacting with it while a seismic event may occur. The bottom line is that the stones are unreinforced monoliths as they appear in nature and will crack, fracture or fail in the event of a strong motion earthquake. There is no practical means to tie the stones together or internally reinforce them without impairing the aesthetic value of the sculpture. Furthermore, the Art Society and the Artist are adamant that the public be allowed access to interact with the art. The only solution possible, given the constraints of the project is to attempt to design the foundation and connection of the monoliths to the foundation in such a manner as to control the movement of the stones and attempt to keep them rocking without "shearing" or fracturing long enough to allow people to get safely away. Controlled Rocking Mode The retrofit of Unreinforced Masonry taught us that there are three modes of motion during an earthquake on URM masonry piers — shear strength, rocking mode and failure. The shear resisting elements of URM materials are allowed to rock in the hopes that rocking modes will not lead to overturning of the piers and that in cyclical dynamic motion the subsidence of the gradual ground motion will bring the piers back to stability. Shear design attempts to balance rocking modes with strength of the masonry at the grouted joints (head and bed joints as well as the keying of the wythes of masonry as a unit. Shear failures lead to total failure, but generally occur where the piers n', • / c V ww'Q �. (v[�t A Project La Quinta Arts Society - Stone Monoliths Job Ref. 0314 Section Sheet no./rev. California Professional Engineer 54-625 Avenida Bermudas Installation of Monoliths S- 3 La Quints, 92253 La Quanta, CaliforniaC iphone Calc. by Date Date App'd by Date &fax) DSW 5/30/03 IC!% W 5/30/03 DSW 5/30/03 are incapable of rocking because they are either too long in relationship to their height or are too narrow (such as a column. Analysis in strong and weak direction for stones Weight of stone; Wdi = 6500 Ibs Height of stone; H = 6.5 ft Lateral weight of stone; Fi.t = 0.46xWdi = 2990.00 Ibs Applied at approx. 1/3 of H; Hi.t = H/3 = 2.17 ft Assumed base of stone; L= 5 ft; D = 2 ft; (Rocking on edges of stone) Overturning in strong direction; Mot = HiacxFiat = 6478 lb—ft Resisting Moment; Mres = Wd,xU2 = 16250 lb—ft Therefore — rock is stable in strong direction: Check weak direction; Mrw2 = Wd,xD/2 = 6500 lb—ft There is not a sufficient factor of safety (1.5 times the Overturning moment) to prevent the stones from failing over in the event of a strong motion earthquake, however, if the stones are not narrower than 24-inches at the base they will most likely rock without failing. Prevention of Overturning Should the stones overturn in the weak direction we have taken precautions to prevent or minimize the collapse by pinning the stones to the foundation at the center of gravity where shear would be equal to zero force. The reason for this is that if we attempt to prevent the stones from rocking, the uplift would be sufficient to disintegrate the stones by pulling out the Holddown device. In the weak direction, the uplift for would be too close to the center of mass to be of any value in resisting uplift. A 2-inch diameter SAE 1018 bar stock is being used to connect the stone to a 24" diameter Sonotube filled with a light slurry concrete mix. The other end of the rod is secured T-0" minimum into a clean cored hole (T) up through the center of the stone base. To prevent the bar stock from shattering the stone, the bar will only be held in place by a non-drying, non -shrink elastomeric type product (Deco-Seal"m) The end of the stock in the Sonotube is intended to break up the slurry mix in the event of an earthquake and dampen the acceleration of ground motion to prevent the shearing or fracturing of the stone. The goal is to allow the stones to rock while accommodating their failure in the bending of the bar stock (as it pulls out of the Deco-SealTm and slowly lower the stone toward the ground allowing for people to get safely away. The stones themselves will be 2-inches below grade and will bear on a 12-inch thick pad that will distribute their weight to the soil below. �J�� -- // V iNW-V .5. W" A Project La Quinta Arts Society - Stone Monoliths Job Ref. 0314 Section Sheet no./rev. California Professional Engineer 54-625 Avenida Bermudas Installation of Monoliths S- 4 La Quinta, California 92253 Calc. by Date Chck'd by Date App'd by Date 760-564-0884 (phone & fax) DSW 5/30/03 DSW 5/30/03 DWI 5/30/03 CONCLUSION: It is my professional opinion that the design set forth for this sculpture has considered the life safety of the public while accommodating the forces of nature in compliance with the 97 UBC (R value of 2.2). The stones were treated like columns or flag poles and the overturning calculations were done based upon conservative values. The Stones connections to their foundations are designed to provide time for people to get safely away from the structures but not to prevent their breakage or collapse. The use of bar -stock steel is intended to dampen and slow the rate of decent of the rock should an earthquake cause it to overturn. There is no guarantee or means to anticipate the effect of the sculpture on life safety without resorting to elaborate base isolation systems similar to those used in museums. The concept of base isolation, motion dampening to accommodate movement so as to avoid fracturing the stone and causing failure was fully considered in this design in order to protect the safety of the public. Furthermore, the original design required a 13,000 pound cap stone which was negotiated out of the artwork due to its impracticality of maintaining a useful connection of the vertical stones to the cap stone in the event of an earthquake (similar to Stonehenge). The Commission and artist were advised by this office to create a barrier that would prevent the public from interacting with the art — yet this was considered an important part of the project and was finally rejected. Based upon the full constraints of this project, the attached design represents, in my professional opinion, the most practical solution to the problem of insuring the public safety while providing a foundation (hidden) for these Granite monoliths. Title : Job # Dsgnr: Date: 9:21 PM, 29 MAY 03 Description Scope: Rev: 560100 User, KVV- 60390, Ver5.61.25-Qct-2002 General Footing Analysis & Design Page 1 f (c)1.483-2A02 ENERCALC Englneering S*fr are c:\program files\e65\0314 ecw:Calculations Description Gravity load support for 6,500 Ibs granite stone (traiangular Oblesk) General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing 1,500.0 psf Dimensions... Short Term Increase 1.330 Width along X-X Axis 5.000 ft Seismic Zone 4 Length along Y-Y Axis 4.000 ft Biaxial Applied Loads Footing Thickness 12.00 in Live & Short Term Combined Col Dim. Along X-X Axis 0.00 in fc 2,000.0 psi Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis 0.00 in Fy 60,000.0 psi Base Pedestal Height 0.000 in Concrete Weight 145.00 pcf Min Steel % 0.0014 Overburden Weight 20.00 psf Rebar Center To Edge Distance 3.50 in Loads Applied Vertical Load... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Summary 5.00ft x 4.00ft Footing, 5.00ft x 4.00ft Footing, Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X' Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Resultant X-X Min. Stability Ratio Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio Footing Design 6.500 k k k Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k k ..ecc along X-X Axis 0.000 in ..ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k k Footing Design OK 12.Oin Thick, w/ Column Support 0.00 x O.00in x O.Oin high 12.Oin Thick, w/ Column Suppo DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable 490.0 490.0 psf Max Mu 1.422 k-ft per ft 1,500.0 1,995.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.143 in2 per ft 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in Shear Stresses.... Vu Vn `Phi 1-Way 7.952 76.026 psi No Overturning 1.500 :1 2-Way 30.738 152.053 psi No Overturning Shear Forces ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two -Way Shear 26.22 psi 30.74 psi 19.76 psi 152.05 psi One -Way Shears... Vu @ Left 7.95 psi 7.95 psi 5.11 psi 76.03 psi Vu @ Right 7.95 psi 7.95 psi 5.11 psi 76.03 psi Vu @ Top 6.04 psi 6.04 psi 3.88 psi 76.03 psi Vu @ Bottom 6.04 psi 6.04 psi 3.88 psi 76.03 psi Moments ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru / Phi As Req'd Mu @ Left 1.42 k-ft 1.42 k-ft 0.91 k-ft 21.9 psi 0.14 in2 per ft Mu @ Right 1.42 k-ft 1.42 k-ft 0.91 k-ft 21.9 psi 0.14 in2 peril: Mu @ Top 0.91 k-ft 0.91 k-ft 0.58 k-ft 14.0 psi 0.14 in2 per ft Mu @ Bottom 0.91 k-ft 0.91 k-ft 0.58 k-ft 14.0 psi 0.14 in2 per ft Title : Job # Dsgnr: Date: 9:21 PM, 29 MAY 03 Description: Scope: iRev' 5W100 Page 2 User: KV44W390,Ver5.6.1,25-opt-2002 General Footing Analysis & Design g {c)1983-2002 ENERCAIC Engirwering Software m4mgram files\ec55\0314 ecw:Calculations Description Gravity load support for 6,500 Ibs granite stone (traiangular Oblesk) Soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures Bottom- Top -Rig Bottom- Top-Lef DL + LL 490.00 490.00 490.00 490.00 psf DL + LL + ST 490.00 490.00 490.00 490.00 psf Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 686.00 686.00 686.00 686.00 psf ACI Eq. 9-2 686.00 686.00 686.00 686.00 psf ACI Eq. 9-3 441.00 441.00 441.00 441.00 psf j ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 LIBC 1921.2.7 " 1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 ....seismic = ST 1.100 Title : Job # Dsgnr: Date: 9:22PM, 29 MAY 03 Description: Scope: Rev: W100 User KW-OWaW. Ver."'.1, 25-opt-2002 SC11903-2002 "ERCALC Engineering Software Pole Embedment in Soil Page 1 c:Vprogram files\ec5510314 ecw:Calwlations Description foundation support for 6,500 Ibs - consider 46% for R=2.2 to resist lateral support in the side to side motion General Information r Allow Passive 250.00 pcf Applied Loads... Max Passive 1,500.00 Psf Point Load 3,000.00 Ibs Load duration factor 1.330 distance from base 2.500 ft Pole is Circular Diameter 24.000 in Distributed Load 16.00 Nft Restrained G Surface distance to top 3.000 ft distance to bottom 6.500 ft Summary Moments @ Surface... Point load 7,500.00 ft-# Total Moment 7,234.00 ft-# Distributed load 266.00 Total Lateral 2,944.00 Ibs With Surface Restraint... Req'd Depth 3.589 It Pressure @ Base... Actual 1,193.37 psf Allowable 1,193.37 psf Surface Restraint Force 5,673.41 Ibs I REVISIONS REV DESCROnM DATE I APPROVED F APPROXIMATE SHAPE OF STONE MONOLITH 2" DIA. SAE1018 SOLID BAR STOCK - 24" DU. SONOTUBE W/ SLURRY CONCRETE MIX TO HELP DAMPEN MOTION OF BAR STOCK DURING SEISMIC EVENT - TO 4'-0' I BELOW GRADE. SEE SECTIONS 1 ' FROM ACTUAL EDGE OF STONE — TYP. #5 REBAR O 12" O.C. BOTH WAYS F1"\ I it 121 � o / m ti L L 0 a Q a ALL CONCRETE TO BE 2,000 4' APPROXIMATE PSI CONCRETE. TOP OF CONCRETE TO BE 2-INCHES BELOW TOP OF GRADE SO AS TO BE HIDDEN FROM VIEW. Dennis S. Wish, PE — Structural Engineering 54-625 Avenida Bsrmudas, La Oainia California 92253 760.564.0884 OFFICE — 208.361.5447 E—Fax PROJECT La Quinta Art's Society Gmntir Oblssk foundation for Royer Hopkins DATE DWG NO. REV. NO. SCALE. ENG. DSW SHEET- 1 Of. REV DESCRIPTION REVISIONS DATE APPROVED NOTE. SHAPE OF STONE VARIES BUT SHOULD NOT EXCEED THE SIZES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN - - 24" DIA. SONOTUBE W/ CONCRETE SLURRY MIX. BRACE STONE IN PROPER ORIENTATION ON CONCRETE PIER AT BASE OF SONOTUBE AND PLACE BEARING FOUNDATION AT SAME TIME 12" THICK CONCRETE FOUNDATION W/ 15 (Fs=60 KSI) REBAR AT 12" O.C. IN EACH DIRECTION NOTE: THE PURPOSE OF THE CONNECTION OF THE MONOLITH TO THE SONOTUBE FOUNDATION WITH TWO INCH BAR STOCK IS TO ALLOW THE STONE TO ROCK IN THE EVENT OF AN EARTHQUAKE. THE USE OF A SLURRY MIX AND THE DECO -SEAL CONNECTION OF 2-INCH BAR STOCK IS INTENDED TO DAMPEN THE ENERGY CAUSING THE ROCKING SO THAT THE STONE MAY ROCK AND NOT SHATTER AT THE BAR CONNECTION. - PRE -MADE 18-INCH SQUARE CONCRETE PIER TO USE AS TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF THE BAR STOCK AND STONE UNTIL SLURRY AND SURROUNDING 2BEARING PAD ARE PLACED. Dennis S. Wish, PE — Structural Engineering 54-625 Awnkia Bnmudas. La Qukda Catifwnlo 92253 760.564.0884 OFFICE — 208.301.5447 E—Fox PROJECT La Quinta Arts Society Grontir Oblwk foundation for Roger Hopkins DATE DWG NO. REV. NO. SCALE. ENG: Ow SNEET. 2 OF: REVISIONS REV I DESCRIPTION I DATE 1 APPROVED I 2" NOTE: THE PURPOSE OF THE CONNECTION OF THE MONOLITH TO THE SONOTUBE FOUNDATION WITH TWO INCH BAR STOCK IS TO ALLOW THE STONE TO ROCK IN THE EVENT OF AN EARTHQUAKE. THE USE OF A SLURRY MIX AND THE DECO —SEAL CONNECTION OF 2—INCH BAR STOCK IS INTENDED TO DAMPEN THE ENERGY CAUSING THE ROCKING SO THAT THE STONE MAY ROCK AND NOT SHATTER AT THE BAR CONNECTION. GRANITE OBLESK — SHAPE VARIES WITH EACH STONE AS DOES THE RELATIVE HEIGHT. 2—INCH DIAMETER SOLID BAR STOCK lay —' (SAE Iola OR BETTER) IN 3—INCH m DIAMETER HOLD. CENTER ROD N HOLE Q WITH RUBBER GASKET AT TOP AND BOTTOM AND FILL CAVITY WITH DECO —SEAL NON —SHRINK ADHESIVE. DECO SEAL ALLOWS SOME 'DAMPENINGOF THE BAR STOCK TO SHATTERING OF STONE INREVENT LATERAL w MOVEMENT. 4' 10 — 4 x 7 is 12" THICK F NISHED GRADE OVER BEARING PAD (SEE PLAN CONCRETE FNDT. VIEW) W/ 14 REBAR AT 12" O.C. EACH WAY N 24" DIAMETER SONO—TUBE FILLED WITH SLURRY MIX CONCRETE TO ALLOW FOR THE CONCRETE TO BREAK UP IN A SEISMIC EVENT — SEE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND REPORT ATTACHED PREMADE 18" SQUARE CONCRETE PIER TO 2' TEMPORARILY SUPPORT THE 2—INCH BAR STOCK WITHIN SONOTUBE Dennis S. Wish, PE — Structural Engineering 54-625 Awn1da Bermudas. La QubHa CalHomio 92233 760.5"ow4 OFFICE - 20B.361.5447 E-Fax PROJECT La Quinta Art's Society GmnRo Oblak foundation for Romer Hopkins DATE I DWG NO. SaUE: I ENG: DSW I SHEET: 3 OF: REV. NO.