SP 2004-773} P.O..Box 1504. 78-495 CAL.I e TAMPIco (760),777-7000 EBF tib''FAX (760): 7774101 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA'922`53 April. 14, 2004 �. Mr. Richard Christie Promotional .Signs 203.61 Hermana Circle. Lake Forest, California 92630 SUBJECT: SIGN PERMIT 2004-773, STARBUCKS Dear Mr..Christie:. On April 13, , 2004; "the', .'Planning Commission, -on a 5-0 vote, approved modifications.to the La Quinta Village Sh.opping. Center Sign Program by adoption. of Minute Motion 2004-007, subject to the attached conditions. This decision maybe appealed to.the City Council, provided a-written request and a filing fee . of $175.00 are . received by April 2'8, 20040 pursuant to Section 9.200.120 of the Municipal Code.., Once the appeal period expires.. Starbucks. may request a permit: with the. City's. Building and Safety Department tti install the south-facing facade sign per the attached information. Should you have questions regarding this letter, please contact the undersigned -at 760-777-7067, or via e-mail at gtrousde@la-quinta.org. The 'City's Municipal Code . can be accessed by logging ,onto www'.la-quinta.org: Very truly urs, JE H MA COM U EVELOPMENT DIRECTOR U DELL As anner Enc. , c: LQ Investments, LP Ed Randall, -B&S Dept. Counter Technician G:\SIgn.04 773 Starbucks\Lt PC Action Starbucks.doc