RBF ConsultingProposal AO Dune Palms Road Low Wa Crossing Reny City of La Quinta JA It M � 41 •• 1 �r S rF Io November 25, 2013 e J J J :."-1 N il :-1 --i J N — fission Statem( Our Mission at RBF Consulting is to: Make the world a better place through the application of the pr.- development by providing professional design services that enh and the environment. Provide development, infrastructure, planning and environment to private and public clients in local, regional and global market,, Lead as professionals specializing in planning, design and consti Look forward to the future with a commitment to building opportUalties and value for our clients and ourselves. As ONaULMOM aker Q� . . . Delivering Solutions Mike Sutton, PE A711cipalIn Change 19 Years of experience in the Coachella Valley related to public works and land development projects. Brad Mielke, PE, SE Project illaaager 35 Years of structural design experience on PW projects throughout SOCal. Experience in HBP funded projects. POO INCO ,OO chi OF 1E Michael Sutton, PE Biological Resources -Tom McGill, PhD Regulatory Permitting - Richard Beck, PWS, CEPSC, CEP Hazardous Waste/ISA - Kristen Bogue, CEI Air Quality/GHG/Noise - Eddie Torres, INCE Visual/Aesthetics - Cathy Johnson, PLA Cultural/Paleontological Resources - Sherri Gust, RPA (2) Mario Zamora, PE Engineeizng Lead 9 years of broad experience on transportation projects throughout the Coachella Talley: Court Morgan, MEP Enuironnrental Lead 16 years of experience providing environmental and permitting services for surface transporta- tion and infrastructure projects. •.............. ............ Sal Sheikh, PE Tim Haile, PE Brad Mielke, SE, PE Structural -Jessica Mosquera, PE Independent Check Calculations - Hernan Montoya, PE, SE (5) Hydrology - John McCarthy, PE, CFM Water Quality - Anna Lantin, PE, CPESC,CPSWQ Traffic Control - Carlos Ortiz, PE,TE Geotechnical - Lino Cheang, PE, GE (3) Dry Utilities - Butsko Utility Design (6) Over 5,000 Support Staff Firm -Wide Right of Way Acquisition - John Cutler(4) Subconsultants: 1. Power Engineers,Inc.- Environmental Document 2. Cogstone- Cultural Resources (DBE) 3. Earth Mechanics, Inc.- Geotechnical (DBE) 4. Overland Pacific - Right of Way Acquisition 5. Arcon Engineers (DBE) 6. Butsko Utility Design J' Timely Approval of Environmental Document RBF's established working relationship with the City and Caltrans, coupled with its intimate knowledge of the project area and poten- tial environmental issues, as well as interests of the community at large, will enable us to hit the ground running and expedite environ- mental approval for this project. Channel Hydraulics RBF provided channel hydrology and hydraulics for the bridges in the immediate project area including Jefferson Street, Adams Street, Dune Palms Road (Preliminary Analysis and Modeling) and other local projects along the CVSWC. Bridge Typical Section and Design The nearby Adams Street and Jefferson Street Bridges are cast -in -place post -tension box girder due to superior structural characteristics, aes- thetics, and least cost for this span length range. Construction Staging Impact of construction to the Community and particularly local schools will be minimized by effective Construction Staging. J' Roadway Design Jessica Mosquera, PE Stl.1011zd Engineer Lead bridge engineer with over 25 years of experience in the design of transportation related structures. Dave Petterson Dry Utility Coon&nator 30 years of experience in the utility industry. Expert in HD require- ments and dry utilities with excellent relationships. I& Expert Leadership Local Project Manager and Team that has successfully worked together on La Quinta bridge and roadway projects for over 20 years. We have a local vested in- terest in successful project delivery. Local Knowledge RBF has managed numerous bridge design improvement projects through- out the Coachella Valley, fostering an excellent understanding on water cross- ing facilin- design standards and proce- dures, as well as the environmental and multi -agency coordination required to complete such a project. Specialized Project Team To better serve the Cit-\- with a more comprehensive project team, we have teamed with Power Engineers to lead our Environmental Documentation and NEPA/CEQA clearances, Earth Me- chanics to assist with the geotechnical engineering, and OPC to provide full service right of ,vay acquisition process. RBF prepared the street improvement plans for Dune Palms Road North of the CVSWC to Black -hawk Way. Although the profile will be revised to match the new bridge, the plans contain valuable data related to utility locations, slope lining, and properties affected by the proposed improvements. Utility Coordination Early, continual and meaningful coordination with the utility compa- nies in the project area as well as identification of utility facilities will reduce the potential or possible conflicts and delays during the plan development and/or construction phase of the project. Regional Trail Facility Incorporation Experience with Adams Street revealed that a minor undercrossing does not affect the SPF water surface profile to a degree where it causes concern with CVS vVD. However, the current desirable trail section being proposed will require the analysis of the trail bench within the hydraulic model for this project. One Stage construction saves time and money! L I ms`+I CCIT1"1MV-lMM 3aker - r,7LI�- City Project No. 2011-05 January 17, 2014 The RBF Team offers the Cite of La Quinta several advantages on this particular project and will show that our Experience + Innovation = Value! Experience RBF bridge engineers are familiar with the latest Caltrans requirements. Recently completed projects include: Adams Street Bridge, Hiles Avenue Bridge over the white -water River, Jefferson Street Bridge over the Whitexvater River, Date Palm Drive Bridge over the White,,vater River. Each of these projects passed the "Type Selection" stage the first time, without comments, leading to efficient bridge design approval. Innovation RBF incorporates the use of Civil 3D and Infra -works modeli ig to create interactive engineering documents that delineate all project elements understood by engineers, contractors, and non -technical stakeholders. Improvements to past projects will be implemented to identify cost and schedule enhancements that deliver the project ahead of schedule and within budget. Value RBF will build on our previous experience to deliver the Dune Palms Road project in the most efficient -\vay possible - benefiting both the Cin- and the Community! ` Creating valne by dclivcriqo, 74-130 Country Club Drive, Suite 201 i.lwotwtire alld sustaiirablc solntiots Palm Desert, CA 92260 ,for iu f i ast1 1u-tm e and the cituirolimeW. CONSULTING Ph 760-346-7481, Fa 760-346-8315 R City of La Quinta Presentation Ly Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement 9W. CONSULTING November 25, 2013 Mr. Tim Jonasson, PE Director of Public Works / City Engineer City of La Quinta Public Works Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 74-130 Country Club Dr, Suite 201 Palm Desert, CA 92260-1687 760.346.7481 760.346.8315 Fax www.rbf.com www.mbakercorp.com RE: Proposal for Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel in the City of La Quinta, CA (City Project No. 2011-05) Federal Aid Project No. BRLKS-5433(014) Dear Tim, RBF Consulting (RBF) is pleased to present this proposal to the City of La Quinta for the Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement project. We are proud of our relationship with the City by providing multi- discipline consulting services for completing major infrastructure projects over the past several years including Jefferson Street, Miles Avenue, and Adams Street bridges that replaced similar low water crossings. RBF will build on this past experience to deliver the Dune Palms Road project in the most efficient way possible. We recognize the importance of this project to the community. It will provide long term benefits including increased public safety by providing an all-weather crossing for vehicles and pedestrians over the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel that is currently inaccessible during flood events and is costly to repair. We also understand the importance of timing of design and construction to limit the construction so that impacts are limited to only one winter season. By selecting the RBF Team, the City will be gaining an experienced team of proven professionals that has successfully delivered a number of bridge projects for the benefit of the valley residents and agencies. Advantages that distinguish the RBF Team are: ❖ Expert Leadership. Project Manager, Brad Mielke, SE, PE, has 35 years of experience in the management, analysis, design, and construction support of civil engineering structures for major local public works projects, including the Adams Street, Jefferson Street, Miles Avenue and Date Palm Drive Bridges over the Whitewater River Channel as well as the Jefferson Street/ I-10 Interchange. ❖ Local Knowledge. RBF has managed numerous bridge design improvement projects throughout the Coachella Valley, fostering an excellent understanding of water crossing facility design standards and procedures, as well as the environmental and multi -agency coordination required to complete such a project. ❖ Specialized Project Team. To better serve the City with a more comprehensive project team, we have teamed with Power Engineers to lead our Environmental Documentation and NEPA/CEQA clearances, Earth Mechanics to assist with the geotechnical engineering, and OPC to provide full service right of way acquisition process. Our proposal was prepared in compliance with the City's Request for Proposal (RFP), including our cost proposal provided in a separate envelope. Additionally, we acknowledge the release of Addendum #1. We look forward to assisting the City in its mission to provide a safer and more reliable transportation facility for the Community's benefit. Please contact me at 760/346-7481, to discuss any aspect of this Proposal. Respectf ly submitted, JIn adley R. Mielke, PE, �'__ Senior Vice President Table of Contents 4 Dune Palrrs Road L ow Water Crossing Replace mnt at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel City+ Project Na 2011- 05 1 Federal A ui Pnz ctt Na BRL IDS- 5433(014) Cover Letter Section 1 Statement of Qualifications Team Overview .................... ........ ............................... ......1-1 Project Team Organization Chart ........... ........................... 1-3 Project Team Resumes ........................... ......................... .1-3 Experience — Representative Projects............................1-24 Section 2 Project Understanding and Approach Project Description.............................................................2-1 KeyIssues.........................................................................2-4 Section 3 Scope of Work Program Phase 1— Environmental Clearance & PSR Equivalent ...3-1 Phase 2 — Final Design...................................................3-17 411111V Section 4 Project Schedule Section 5 Forms 10F Certification of Consultant, Commissions and Fees ... 5-1 10-01 Local Agency Consultant DBE Commitment .......... 5-2 10-02 Local Agency Consultant DBE Information ............5-3 Cost Proposal (Located in Envelope #2) r L J ■ ■ ■ A Company City of La Quinta Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement Statement Section ualifications Durr PalnT Raul L ow Water Cnxs1'r'9 Replaajrxnt at tlx Cwdxella Valley Storm Water ChamE( ".ejar No. 2011-05 1 Fai-ml A ul P?zjed No BRLKS-54-33-3(014) Section i Statement of Qualifications Team Overview RBF Consulting (RBF) will be the Prime consultant for this project and managed from our local Palm Desert office. RBF is proud to have served the City of La Quinta and all other cities within ■ ■ ■ the Coachella Valley for over 40 years with engineering and planning services for major public C g3N Su LTI N G works projects. With the merger into Michael Baker International in 2011, RBF/Baker has A M Company expanded both its capacity and its capabilities. Now over 5,000 professionals strong, the RBF/Baker team provides everything from Planning and Environmental, through Design, Survey, and Construction Management for a wide variety of fields. These fields include: Public Works, Transportation, Bridge Design, Water/Wastewater, Surface Water, and Land Development. Our team includes the following subconsultants selected for their specialized experience to assure successful project delivery: Alf" POKIER POWER Engineers will lead the Environmental related efforts based on recent success ENGINEERS on similar projects with RBF, particularly with special relationships within Caltrans to expedite the environmental approval process. Their Environmental Business Unit includes more than 214 environmental planners and scientists who are leaders in environmental services, and has focused on providing comprehensive environmental consulting services to clients for over 30 years. POWER staff that would work on the Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement Project are located in Anaheim, California and specializes in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance required by California Department of Transportation. POWER has worked closely with, and has been contracted directly to perform work for, numerous federal agencies including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE), U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and various state, regional, and local agencies in developing more than 150 CEQA and NEPA compliance documents, management plans, and associated permits. Providing Right of Way Acquisition assistance is Overland Pacific & Cutler, Inc. (OPC). OPC, VANestablished as a California Corporation in 1980, provides all disciplines associated with right of way acquisition, including right of way data sheets and utility coordination. OPC is the PA C I F I C & preeminent Right of Way services firm in California focusing exclusively on public projects. The firm is organized into functional disciplines covering Right of Way Estimating and Program Management, Appraisal, Acquisition, Relocation, Utilities and Property Management. OPC is particularly skilled in transportation projects using rules and procedures adopted by Caltrans. OPC delivers right of way using a variety of funding sources and oversight guidelines. Right of way expertise and collaboration with Caltrans makes OPC a preferred provider of Caltrans and the regional transportation agencies that rely on federal funding authorizations or routinely work on the state highway system. _ Providing Geotechnical services is Earth Mechanics, Inc. (EMI), a certified Earth Mechanics, Inc. — � I�h-4 QW1 l . IhFIJMA C I ndnMi149 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firm. Founded as a California `�- Corporation in 1989, EMI is a geotechnical and earthquake engineering consulting firm specializing in major geotechnical site investigations and testing, seismic hazard and earthquake retrofit evaluations, and foundation design for projects related to transportation infrastructure including freeways, 1-1 A Company Durae Falrrs Road L ow Water Crcssirg Replacerrerrt at dx Caadaella Valley Storm Water Chard No 2011-05 1 Fakal A ul AVA' t No. BRLKS-5433(014) roadways, bridges, transit, and tunnels. EMI is experienced in providing services to FHWA, Caltrans headquarters and District 8, and regional transportation agencies in the Inland Empire (SANBAG, RCTC). With a staff of 33, EMI has offices located throughout California. EMI has provided similar services to RBF since 1994, for over 50 bridge projects. cogsto e Providing Cultural Resource services will be Cogstone Resource Management Inc. 11 (Cogstone) is a California corporation formed in 2001, specializing in paleontology, PALEONTOLOGY- ARCHAEOLOGY- HISTORY archaeology, and history. Cogstone is a certified DBE/SBE/WBE/8(a) firm. It is certified by Caltrans under the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP). For over 12 years, Cogstone has provided quality environmental services to assist clients in meeting project compliance requirements for federal, state, and local regulations, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), among others. Its team of qualified paleontologists, archaeologists and architectural historians meet or exceed the qualifications required by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation and the standards outlined in Attachment 1 to Caltrans Section 106 Programmatic Agreement with the FHWA. They address the impacts to paleontological, cultural, and historical resources associated with new construction and improvements for bridges, interchanges, roads, freeways, grade separations, as well as light and heavy rail in urban and rural environments. Cogstone is currently the on -call paleontologist in Districts 6, 8, 9, 10, and the Ventura County portion of District 7. I ARCON Structural Engineers, a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) A R C O N firm, will provide Independent Check Calculations for the Bridge Design- ARCON STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC specializes in the structural design of civil structures related to transportation and infrastructure construction for a wide variety of public works projects, including design of bridge structures, earth retaining structures, channel linings, reinforced concrete boxes, underground vaults and seismic retrofit of bridge structures. The firm is experienced in providing these services for private sector projects led by civil engineering firms, architects, developers and constructors, and public sector projects under the jurisdiction of the California Department of Transportation and local agencies. Unique Expertise: ■ Worked with RBF on over 38 projects between 1998 and 2013 • Expert with codes and specifications published by AASHTO, ATC, and Caltrans • 20 Years of experience with Caltrans DOS. /M B UTSK0 Dry utility coordination will be provided by Butsko Utility Design, Inc. BUTSKO has iiI tl I Ik F I1 m .iw,. im:. worked with RBF in the Coachella Valley on major infrastructure projects in Indio, Indian Wells, Coachella, and Palm Springs related to electrical, telephone, cable television, fiber optics and natural gas facilities providing planning, management, design and engineering needs. The have an excellent understanding of local design and construction requirements as well as solid working relationships agency staff members which is essential for this project. 1-2 . . . . A �ComPany Dune Palms Rand Low Water Crcssing Revlamr mt at the Ca, Alla Valley Storm Water Champ] No. 2011-05 1 Federal A ul Pnictt Na BRLKS-5433(01•1) iEm Project Team Organization Chart Michael Sutton, PE Sal Sheikh, PE Tim Haile, PE Biological Resources -Tom McGill, PhD Regulatory Permitting - Richard Beck, PWS,CEPSC,CEP Hazardous Waste/ISA - Kristen Bogue, CEI Air Quality/GHG/Noise - EddieTorres, INCE Visual/Aesthetics - Cathy Johnson, PLA Cultural/Paleontological Resources - Sherri Gust, RPA (2) Brad Mielke, SE, PE Structural - Jessica Mosquera, PE Independent Check Calculations - Hernan Montoya, PE, SE (5) Hydrology -John McCarthy, PE, CFM Water Quality- Anna Lantin, PE, CPESC, CPSWQ Traffic Control - Carlos Ortiz, PE,TE Geotechnical - Lino Cheang, PE, GE (3) Dry Utilities - Butsko Utility Design (6) FMCOver 5,000 Support Staff Firm -Wide Project Team Resumes I Right of Way Acquisition - John Cutler(') Subconsultants: 1. Power Engineers, Inc.- Environmental Document 2. Cogstone - Cultural Resources (DBE) 3. Earth Mechanics, Inc.-Geotechnical (DBE) 4. Overland Pacific - Right of Way Acquisition 5. Arcon Engineers (DBE) 6. Butsko Utility Design RBF has pulled together a team of professionals with the qualifications and passion to see the Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing project through to a successful completion. Resumes for these team members can be found on the following pages. 1.3 ■ ■ a A �C.mpany Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replac nor at the CcaoWla Valley Storm Water Channel No. 2011-05 1 Fabal A ul Az icy1 No. BRLNS-5433(014) Michael Sutton, PE Principal In Charge Mr. Sutton is the RBF Palm Desert Office Manager with 19 years of professional engineering experience in the Coachella Valley related to public works and land development projects. His strengths include civil engineering design of infrastructure and entitlement requirements. Mr. Sutton has managed design teams on large multi -disciplined engineering projects including coordination with the client, governing agencies, sub -consultants, and utility purveyors. He has also acted in the capacity of Inspector/Construction Manager. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Bob Hope and Dinah Shore Widening Project (Rancho Mirage, CA) - Mr. Sutton served as Project Manager for the Bob Hope and Dinah Shore Widening Project. The $6 million project consisted of approximately 9,000 feet of roadway widened to ultimate street width. The project entailed close coordination with Southern California Edison due to the relocation of many large transmission poles within the proposed right-of-way. The plans were processed and reviewed by, The County of Riverside, The City of Rancho Mirage, and The City of Palm Desert. Highway 111 Widening San Marcos to Larkspur Way (Palm Desert, CA) - Mr. Sutton served as Project Manager for the Highway 111 San Marcos to Larkspur Way Widening Project. The project consisted of approximately 2,200 feet of roadway widened to ultimate street width. The project was contracted with the City of Palm Desert, but also required close coordination with Cal Trans due to Highway I I I being within Cal Trans Right of way. The plans were processed and reviewed by The City of Palm Desert and Cal Trans. Much of the street fronted on commercial areas causing the need for close coordination with local businesses. Highway 111 Widening Plaza Way to San Marcos (Palm Desert, CA) - Mr. Sutton served as Project Manager for the Highway I I I Plaza Way to San Marcos Widening Project. The project consisted of approximately 2,600 feet of roadway widened to ultimate street width, the design of 1,100 feet of storm drain, and the location and conflict resolution of multiple existing utilities. Due to the extensive history of Highway 111 many of the utilities within the street were undocumented requiring extensive potholing. The project was contracted with the City of Palm Desert, but also required close coordination with Caltrans due to Highway 111 being within Caltrans right-of-way. The plans were processed and reviewed by The City of Palm Desert and Caltrans. Much of the street fronted on commercial areas causing the need for close coordination with local businesses. Years of Experience: 19 Registrations: 1997, Civil Engineer, CA, C057667 Education: B.S., 1994, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 1-4 = . . . A Company Dune Palrrr Road Low Water Crossing Replaczma at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011-05 1 Falbal A ul ATixt No. BRLKS-5433(014) Brad Mielke, PE, SE Project Manager Mr. Mielke is responsible for engineering design and project management for civil and structural engineering projects within RBF. His experience includes a strong background in engineering design, project management, and construction support for private and public sector clients. Mr. Mielke has significant experience in the design of civil engineering structures for public works, including bridges, flood control and water resource facilities, and all types of earth retaining structures. Bridge design experience includes new steel and concrete bridges, inspections, evaluations, repairs, and seismic retrofit design of existing bridges using AASHTO and Caltrans standards. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Adams Street Bridge Construction Project (La Quinta, CA) - Mr. Mielke served as the Principal In Charge responsible for the environmental clearance and oversight of the bridge and roadway improvements for this 440 foot bridge project over the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. This project, which has Federal HBRR funds, replaces the existing low water crossing with a bridge which will provide the City with a more reliable arterial roadway during inclement weather for both the general public as well as emergency personnel. This $9.2 million project will provide a four lane roadway and bridge with raised median north of Highway I I I to Westward Ho Drive. Interstate 10 / Jefferson Street Interchange Improvements (Indio, CA) - Structures Manager for the Project Report, Modified Access Report, and PS&E for the interchange including the bridge overcrossing at I-10, sound walls, retaining walls (standard cantilever and MSE type) overhead sign structures and drainage structures. Several stakeholders including City of Indio, County of Riverside, Caltrans District 8, and FHWA are involved in this on -going project. It is currently in the PS&E phase. Date Palm Drive Bridge over the Whitewater River (Cathedral City, CA) - Project Manager. RBF prepared the Delineation of Jurisdictional Waters and Natural Environment Study — Minimal Impact (NES-MI) for the Date Palm Drive Over the Whitewater River Project, located in the City of Cathedral City, Riverside County. In addition, RBF Regulatory Staff is currently processing resources agency permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Nationwide Permit No. 14 Linear Transportation Projects), California Department of Fish and Game (1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement), and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Section 401 Water Quality Certification). Years of Experience: 35 Registrations: 1981, Civil Engineer, CA, 33334 1986, Structural Engineer, CA, 2817 1991, Civil Engineer, AZ, 17917 1991, Structural Engineer, AZ, 32611 1989, Civil Engineer, IN, 7269 1989, Structural Engineer, NV, 7269 2009, Structural Engineer, UT, 7287726-2303 Registered Disaster Service Worker, CA, SA0158 Education: B.A., 1978, Management Engineering, Claremont Men's College, Claremont, CA B.S., 1978, Architectural/ Structural Engineering, California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA 1-5 . . . . A Company Dune Palm Rcad L ow Water Crossing Replawnm at the CawWla Valley Storm Water Chanrrl Cite Pniect No 2011-05 I Fe(iial A ul Prjca No BRLIKS-5433(014) Sal Sheikh, PE QA/QC Mr. Sheikh has over three decades of experience related to bridges, water resources, public works, transportation, and environmental engineering for public and private sectors. Projects include bridges, flood control channels, water and wastewater treatment plants, reservoirs, pump stations, lift stations, well facilities, culverts and encasements, soundwalls and retaining walls. Mr. Sheikh has extensive experience in the development of project specifications and estimates for bridge and transportation projects, having prepared bridge special provisions for over 100 bridge projects throughout Southern California. Mr. Sheikh will serve as the Quality Control Engineer, ensuring for consistency of design and quantities, and that all items of work are covered in the contract documents. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Adams Street Bridge Construction Project (La Quinta, CA) - Mr. Sheikh served as the QA/QC Structural responsible for the bridge and roadway improvements for this 440 foot bridge project over the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. This $9.2 million project will provide a four lane roadway and bridge with raised median north of Highway 111 to Westward Ho Drive. Jefferson Street and Varner Road Intersection Improvements (City of Indio) — QA/QC and Structural Specifications for the final street improvement plans, traffic signal plans and coordination with the larger Jefferson and I-10 Interchange project. The proposed project will improve Varner Road, east and west of Jefferson Street north, and Jefferson Street north to the require roadway sections per the Interchange traffic analysis report. The improvements are anticipated to be under construction by the fall of 2013 with completion in early 2014. Miles Avenue Bridge - Phase 1 (Riverside County and City of Indio, CA) — QA/QC Structural for the final roadway and bridge PS&E. The initial phase of the project consisted of construction of a 595 foot long five lane bridge over the Whitewater Storm Channel, 1,200 lineal feet of storm drain and approximately 1,600 lineal feet of street approach widening. This phase of the project was constructed at a cost of $9.53 million and was completed in June 2009. Jefferson Street Widening / Reconstruction Project - Phase II (La Quinta and Indio, CA) - QA/QC responsible for the review of the final structural design services for the reconstruction of approximately 2.5 miles of Jefferson Street. Years of Experience: 39 Registrations: 1981, Civil Engineer, CA, 32677 1976, Civil Engineer, OIL 41224 2000, Civil Engineer, AZ, 34539 2000, Civil Engineer, NV, 14418 2013, Civil Engineer, UT, 8546772-2202 Education: M.S., 1971, Civil Engineering (Structures), University d Michigan, Ann Arbor B.S., 1970, Civil Engineering 1-6 A Z=Company Dune PaInE Road L ow Water Crcss1r1gRep&ffnvr at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Chamd Na 2011-05 1 Falhal A id Arkt Na BRLAS-5433)(014) am Tim Haile, PE QA/QC Tim Haile has 16 years of experience on public works and transportation projects, of which six years were with Caltrans. He is an expert in Caltrans design policies, procedures, and standards for transportation projects. Tim has developed geometrics and managed civil engineering support, such as drainage, structures, and water quality for over 40 miles of freeway improvements and interchange improvements for the PSR and PANED phases. Tim is recognized for his leadership and ability to coordinate and develop solutions collaboratively with multiple stakeholders to complex project challenges. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Interstate 10/Jefferson Street Interchange Improvements (Indio, CA) Ongoing - Project Manager. Mr. Haile served as Project Manager responsible for the preparation of the Project Report (PR), Modified Access Report (MAR), and Environmental Document (ED) for the interchange improvements. The modifications include replacement and relocation of the Jefferson Street/I-10 overcrossing, additional loop on -ramps, realignment of Varner Road and Jefferson Street. Mr. Haile managed the alternative analysis and design, roadway design, traffic studies, drainage studies, and structure advance planning studies. He has been coordinating with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Caltrans District 8, RCTC, Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), County of Riverside, and City of Indio to execute the FHWA High Profile Project Agreement. He is currently managing the revisions to all of the project documents and re- circulation of the environmental document due to the project limits being revised by FHWA, Caltrans, County of Riverside, and City of Indio. Interstate 10/Monterey Avenue Interchange (County of Riverside, CA) Ongoing - Project Manager. Mr. Haile serves as Project Manager for the Plan, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for the interchange improvements. The project consists of realignment of the existing westbound off ramp and construction of a new westbound loop on ramp. Based on revisions to the project scope relative to maintenance and access, Mr. Haile is managing the revisions to the 100% PS&E. He is managing revisions to the proposed sound wall, driveway to existing development, and maintenance access. He is responsible for developing the revised right-of- way requirement maps, right-of-way appraisal maps, legal descriptions, and accusations of proposed access control from existing development. He is coordinating with Imperial Irrigation District in preparing final electrical plans for the service point for the proposed traffic signal. He is leading the project design efforts and helped to coordinate in-house design teams, and subconsultants, for ultimate approvals by City of Palm Desert, County of Riverside, and Caltrans District 8. Years of Experience: 16 Registrations: 2008, Civil Engineer, 72109 Education: B.S., 2003, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 1-7 . . . A =Company 7, .r ' Dune Palm Rand L o� Water CrassingReplac�rnt �� at tlae Cazdaella Valley Storm Water Charvael ' City Prr�c�r No, 2011-OS � Ferlc�al A id Prryi�rt Na 13R1_KS-543.3(014) Court Morgan Environmental Lead Mr. Morgan is a Project Manager/Senior Environmental Planner with over Yeats of Experience: 16 16 years of experience. He has provided environmental planning and permitting services for numerous surface transportation and infrastructure projects, including road widening projects in both rural and urban Education: M.S., 2000, Environmental environments. Court has coordinated and managed several such projects to Planning, Arizona State meet requirements set forth by Caltrans, CEQA, NEPA, and FHWA, and University other state, federal and local regulatory agencies such as, but not limited to, B,p,_, 1993, Environmental the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Regional Water Quality Analysis and Design, Control Boards, South Coast Air Quality Management District, and the U.S. University of California, Army Corps of Engineers. Irvine Managing the Riverside County Transportation Department's environmental services on -call contract has afforded Mr. Morgan the opportunity to establish long-term working relationships with County and Caltrans District 8 staff so as to fully understand expected reporting requirements and strategies for successfully obtaining project approval. The in-depth experience that Mr. Morgan has attained through delivering projects to meet County, Caltrans, and regulatory agency requirements provides the foundation for successfully executing the Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement Project. RELEVAN'r EXPERIENCE Riverside County Transportation Department, On -Call Environmental Consulting Services Contract (Riverside County, CA) — Project Manager for preparation of CEQA and NEPA compliance documents and supporting technical studies, including those pursuant to requirements set forth by Caltrans (District 8), and regulatory permitting studies and applications for County -proposed highway and roadway projects. Mr. Morgan also manages client and project -related interface with pertinent agencies, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and San Diego and Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Frank Sinatra Drive at Whitewater River Low Water Crossing Replacement Project (City of Rancho Mirage, CA) — Consulting Environmental Task Manager for preparation of the CEQA and NEPA documentation and supporting technical studies per Caltrans requirements for the City of Rancho Mirage's proposed grade separation, via construction of a new bridge, at the existing Frank Sinatra Drive low-water crossing at Whitewater River. Key project -related issues include biological and cultural resources; water quality and hydrology; noise and community impacts; and regulatory agency permitting. POWER s ENGINEERS 1-8 A �_ Company Durie Palm> Rand Low Water Grassing Repboo-7 rrt at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011-05 1 Fatml A ul Pn jcrl Na BRLKS-5433(014) to Tom McGill, PhD Biological Resources Dr. McGill has more than 30 years of experience in preparing all types of biological reports, including resource management plans, habitat conservation plans (HCP), multi -species habitat conservation plans (MSHCP), sensitive species surveys, and biological assessments under Section 7 of the federal endangered species act. He provides the unique combination of being and environmental consultant as well as an attorney having passed the California State Bar in 1990. Dr. McGill has directed numerous habitat conservation planning, land use planning, and environmental efforts throughout the Inland Empire, including the cities of Chino, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana, Rialto, San Bernardino, Highland, Redlands, Riverside, San Jacinto, and Hemet. Dr. McGill is also one of the authors of the multiple award -winning first ever Tribal Multi - Species Habitat Conservation Plan prepared for the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians which established the benchmark for all future similar documents for Sovereign Nations. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE MSHCP Consistency Analyses for the Western Riverside County and Coachella Valley Association of Governments - Dr. McGill has conducted several dozen MSHCP consistency analysis reports for projects throughout Western Riverside County and the Coachella Valley. Several of these analyses have included the preparation of habitat evaluation and acquisition negotiation strategies (HANS) reviews and determination of biological equivalent or superior preservation (DBESP) analyses. Alabama Street Bridge (San Bernardino County, CA) - Prior to joining RBF, Dr. McGill worked closely with the County of San Bernardino to prepare the necessary biological and environmental documents required to clear the Alabama Street bridge project which increased the capacity of the existing undersized culvert which, during the 2005 winter storms, became plugged with debris. The County proposed to construct two additional 48- foot long by 11-foot rise arch culverts under Alabama Street. An initial study (IS) and an environmental assessment (EA) were prepared for the reconstruction of Alabama Street and bridges, in addition to wetland permits and a Section 7 consultation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service due to the presence of San Bernardino kangaroo rat (SBKR) and Santa Ana River woolly star. Boulder Creek Bridge (Highland, CA) - Prior to joining RBF, Dr. McGill oversaw the preparation of wetland permits and a Section 7 consultation with USFWS for repairing the Boulder Creek Bridge. The 2005 winter storm caused severe flooding and resulted in a leak at the bridge. District 8, City of Temecula, County of Riverside, Rancho California Water District, Eastern Municipal Water District, and various utility companies. Years of Experience: 33 Education: Ph.D., Genetics, University of California, Santa Barbara 1978 M.A., Ecology, University of California, Santa Barbara 1978 B.A., Biology, Harvard University Cambridge Massachusetts, 1971 1-9 . 0 . Duw Palm Road Low Water Crcssirag Replaarrent at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Chad P7nid No. 2011-05 1 Federal A ul P u'ftt No BRLIKS-5433014i REM Richard Beck, PWS, CEPSC, CEP Regulatory Permitting Richard Beck has extensive experience in the regulatory and environmental disciplines. He successfully leads federal, state, local, and private -sector clients through the Clean Water Act, California Porter -Cologne Act, California Fish and Game Code, Endangered Species Act, and the California Coastal Act. Mr. Beck, a Professional Wetland Scientist, has conducted hundreds of jurisdictional delineations throughout the southwest. Mr. Beck proactively leads delineation field crews and regulatory specialists that effectively draft, coordinate, and process regulatory agency applications. Utilizing his accurate jurisdictional mapping, Mr. Beck effectively drafts and negotiates state and federal regulatory applications for all types of projects. Overall, Mr. Beck's years of significant regulatory coordination has led to trusted relationships with regulatory staff at all levels. Mr. Beck excels in the restoration of riparian ecosystems, both as standalone projects and mitigation for jurisdictional impacts. Mr. Beck has prepared a variety of successful restoration and monitoring plans for projects throughout California. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Eagle Canyon Dam - Mr. Beck prepared the Delineation of Jurisdictional Waters for the proposed Eagle Canyon Dam and Debris Basin, located in Cathedral City, County of Riverside. The Applicant proposes to construct an earthen dam with outlet works that will connect to the North Cathedral Canyon Channel (tributary to the Whitewater River). Since portions of the project site overlaps tribal jurisdiction, Mr. Beck secured the USACE (Section 404 Nationwide Permit); Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); the CDFG (1602 Streambed Alteration Agreements); the RWQCB (Section 401 Water Quality Certification); and the Agua Caliente Tribe. Multiple Bridges Spanning the Whitewater River - Mr. Beck prepared the Delineation of Jurisdictional Waters and successfully negotiated permit approvals for multiple bridges (i.e., Miles Avenue, Date Palm, Adams Street, Jefferson Street) over the Whitewater River (Adams Street, Miles Avenue, and Jefferson Street). Resource agency approvals included a USACE (Section 404 Nationwide Permit); CDFG (1602 Streambed Alteration Agreements); and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) (Section 401 Water Quality Certification). Wilson Creek and Wildwood Creek Roadway Crossings (Yucaipa, CA) - Mr. Beck served as the Regulatory Specialist for the preparation of state and federal regulatory approvals for the ultimate channel configuration at these existing street dip crossings in the City of Yucaipa. Based on the results of the type selection reports, RBF prepared final plans, specifications and estimates for the construction of ultimate channel facilities across the street right-of-way. RBF also processed plans through Caltrans local assistance, and San Bernardino County for a flood control encroachment permits. Years of Experience: 14 Certifications: 2011, Professional Wetland Scientist, 2160 2010, California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) Trained Professional (Riverine) 2010, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control" , 5611 2010, Certified Environmental Professional, 10050455 2002, Certified Wetland Delineator (Section 307(e), Water Resources Development Act of 1990) Education: B.A., 2000, Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz 2008, Watershed Management Academy, EPA 2010, Occupational Certificate in Ecological Restoration, Saddleback College, CA • 1-10 MF A Company Dune Palms Road L ow Water Crossing Replaomm at the CozMla Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011-05 1 Federal A ul Projat No. BRLIG-543.3(014) Kristen Bogue, CEI Hazardous Waste/ISA Ms. Bogue assists in the preparation of environmental and planning studies Yeats of Experience: 8 for public and private sector clients, with a focus on due diligence planning activities. Ms. Bogue prepares Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Initial Site Assessments (ISAs) for the California Department of Registration: 2007, Certified, Environmental Transportation (Caltrans), Preliminary Hazardous Materials Assessments Inspector, 9924 pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and Environmental Baseline Surveys (EBSs) for the Department of the Navy. Additionally, Ms. Bogue is involved with Visual Impact Assessments in Education: conformance with appropriate agency standards, including the Federal B.A., 2005, Environmental Highway Administration (FHWA) "Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) for Analysis and Design, Highway Projects," United States Bureau of Land Management guidelines, University of California, and California Energy Commission (CEC) guidelines. Ms. Bogue assists in Irvine the preparation of documents with respect to CEQA and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). RELEVAN'r EXPERIENCE Interstate 10/Avenue 50 Interchange (Coachella, CA) - Environmental Analyst for the preparation of an Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment for the City of Coachella in consultation with Caltrans and the U.S. Department of Transportation. The project involved the development of a new interchange along Interstate 10. Yucaipa Master Plan of Drainage Update - Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (Yucaipa, CA) - Served as Environmental Analyst for the preparation of an Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for the City of Yucaipa. The City's Master Plan of Drainage facilities are proposed to include a total of 12 detention basins along various existing drainages throughout the City. The detention basins would reduce peak flow rates along each of these drainages, thereby adding capacity to the Citywide and regional system. Issues of concerns included special status species and habitat concerns. Foothill Parkway Westerly Extension (Corona, CA) - Served as Environmental Analyst for the preparation of an environmental document for the extension of Foothill Parkway. The project includes the design of two miles of roadway and two new local street intersections located at the south end of the City adjacent to the Cleveland National Forest. The analysis includes a visual analysis of the proposed roadway, bridge and retaining wall plans, roadway grading, traffic signals, and vegetation alteration. Analysis was also performed for the potential public health and safety impacts as a result of construction and operations. . . . . A Company Dune Palnz Rand L ow Water Crossing Replaanxt at the Ca Khella Valley Storm Water Chard Project No 2011- 05 1 Federal A ul Azc 7 Na BRL KS- 543 3(014) Eddie Torres, INCE Air Quality/GHG/Noise Mr. Tones serves as the Director of Technical Studies, with a specialty in Acoustics, Air Quality, Climate Change, and Visual Impact Assessments. Mr. Torres is also proficient in the preparation of CEQA and NEPA studies (EIR's, EIS's, Negative Declarations, Environmental Assessments), as well as due diligence studies. Projects have included residential, commercial, industrial, infrastructure, and redevelopment projects. Mr. Torres' responsibilities also include staff training, public hearing presentations, and coordination of our extensive in-house team of experts as well as various subcontractors. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE • State Route 186/Interstate 8 Interchange Quechan Indian Tribe (Imperial County, CA/Yuma, AZ border) • Interstate 10/Jefferson Street Interchange (Indio, CA) • State Route 57 - Northbound Widening (Orange County, CA) ■ Interstate 15/State Route 79 South Interchange (Temecula, CA) • Interstate 5/Culver Drive Interchange (Irvine, CA) • Highway 152 Widening (Gilroy, CA) ■ Irvine Transit Center (Irvine, CA) • Clinton Road/Miles Avenue Improvements (Indio, CA) • Alicia Parkway Roadway Widening (Mission Viejo, CA) • Airport North/Route 101 Interchange (Camarillo, CA) • Crown Valley Parkway Widening (Mission Viejo, CA) • Apple Valley Road Improvement Project (Apple Valley, CA) • Interstate 5/Ortega Highway Interchange (Orange County, CA) • Interstate 15/Indian Truck Trail Interchange (Riverside County, CA) ■ Rockfield/Oldfreld Intersection Improvements (Irvine, CA) ■ Culver Drive Widening (Irvine, CA) • College Boulevard Widening (Oceanside, CA) ■ Coronado Semi-Diverter Removal Project (Coronado, CA) • Interstate 5/Culver Drive/Trabuco Road Interchange (Irvine, CA) • State Route 18/Alamos Canyon Road Interchange (Simi Valley, CA) • Campus Drive/Cornell Street Signalization (Irvine, CA) ■ Interstate I0/Monterey Drive Interchange (Palm Desert, CA) ■ Interstate 15/California Oaks Avenue Interchange (Murrieta, CA) • Interstate 10/Avenue 50 Interchange (Coachella, CA) • Yucaipa Low Water Crossing Bridge Projects (City of Yucaipa, CA) ■ Highway 111 Widening CEQA (City of La Quinta, CA) • State Route 241 Loma Segment Widening Project (Orange County, CA) ■ Main Street Widening (Orange, CA) • Jackson Avenue Bride Widening (Murrieta, CA) Years of Experience: 14 Registration: Institute of Noise Control Engineering Education: M.S., 2005, Mechanical Engineering, University of Southern California B.S., 2000, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Irvine B.A., 2000, Environmental Analysis and Design, University of California, Irvine ■ o 1-12 ■ ■ ■ A Company Dune Palms Road L ow Water Grassing Replac in at the CaAhdla Valley Storm Water Channel No 2011-05 1 Federal A id Pmjcv Na BRLKS-54_3.3(014) Cathy Johnson, PLA, CPESC Visual/Aesthetics Ms. Johnson is a member of the landscape architecture design group at RBF. Her experience includes responsibility for the management and design of over 40 public works and transportation projects on California's Highway System. Prior to joining RBF, Ms. Johnson was employed for five years by California's Department of Transportation in District 7, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. She is credited with projects having a cumulative construction value of over $350 million that involved the design of landscaping and irrigation systems. In addition, Ms. Johnson employs her skills and vision in the development of context -sensitive architectural treatments, is often consulted regarding the use of sustainable erosion control measures, and in the development of restorative vegetation plans for native habitat areas, wetlands, trails, and recreational facilities, and for the development and coordination of themes and aesthetics for freeway corridor master planning. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Interstate 10 / Monterey Avenue Interchange (Palm Desert, CA) 2009 - Landscape Architect. The project realigned the westbound interchange to include a new loop on ramp. Ms. Johnson and RBF's landscape architecture group were responsible for the completion of landscape and irrigation plans, development and incorporation of themed structural aesthetics for proposed retaining walls and concrete barriers and coordination for the inclusion of storm water BMP facilities. Landscape improvements completed the existing desert landscape scheme. Architectural aesthetics were based on an established natural theme outlined in a corridor master plan published by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments and creatively rendered for use on the proposed new walls. Plans met the design and drafting standards of the California Department of Transportation. State Route 62 - Apache Trail to Palm Avenue Landscaped Medians and Hardscape Improvements (Yucca Valley, CA) 2009 - Landscape Architect. RBF was selected by the Town of Yucca Valley for the preparation of conceptual design and construction documents for landscape and hardscape improvements along State Route 62, from Apache Trail to Palm Avenue. RBFs Landscape Architects, under Ms. Johnson's guidance, crafted a planting palette comprised of native and indigenous plant species, combined them with locally sourced stone and cobble materials to yield a landscape rich in the textures and colors of the region and expressed in fluid lines, similar to those cut by local streams and washes. Years of Experience: 21 Registration: 2001, Professional Landscape Architect, CA 4545 2001, Registered Landscape Architect, WA 816 Education: B.S., 1978, Ornamental Horticulture, Washington State University, Pullman . . . . A Company Dune Palm Road L ow Water Crossing Replacenxmt at the Cawklla Valley Storm Water Channel No. 2011-05 1 Federal A id Ar17'rr No. BRLKS-5 F.3.3014) 1 Sherri Gust, RPA Cultural Resources Ms. Gust is a Qualified Principal Paleontologist and Registered Professional Years of Experience: 34 Archaeologist with more than 34 years of experience. She holds paleontological and cultural BLM permits in California and Nevada. She is a certified/ qualified principal paleontologist in most California cities and Registration: 2001, Professional Landscape counties that maintain lists. Ms. Gust has experience with bridge, Architect, CA 4545 interchange, roadway, and grade separation projects. She has managed 2001, Registered Landscape multiple projects with Caltrans/FHWA/FTA/FRA as the lead agency and is Architect, WA 816 knowledgeable of the processes and procedures required to obtain NEPA, NHPA Section 106 and CEQA environmental approvals. Ms. Gust meets national standards in archaeology set by the Secretary of Interior and the Education: standards outlined in Attachment 1 to Caltrans Section 106 Programmatic M.S., 1994, Anatomy Agreement with the FHWA. Ms. Gust meets or exceeds the qualifications (Evolutionary Morphology), University of Southern required by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for California Archaeology and Historic Preservation. She is accepted as a principal B.S., 1979, Anthropology investigator for both prehistoric and historical archaeology by the State (Physical), University of Office of Historic Preservation's Information Centers. Ms. Gust has special California Davis expertise in the fossil identification and analysis. Cogstone is currently the on -call paleontologist in Districts 6, 8, 9 and 10 and the Ventura County portion of District 7. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE I-15 Cenda Ditch Bridge and Wheaton Wash Bridge Replacement, Caltrans District 8, San Bernardino County, CA. Prepared a combined PER/PIR to identify resources within the Project Study Area located on 15.5 acres along westbound 1-15 in eastern San Bernardino County. BLM and FWHA served as lead agencies. The Project Study Area was surveyed in 5- 10 meter transects using a BLM Class III cultural survey strategy. No paleontological resources were encountered during the survey. Principal Paleontologist. Date Palm Drive Bridge Widening, Caltrans District 8, Cathedral City, Riverside County, CA. Conducted cultural studies, including survey, and completed an Archaeological Survey Report (ASR) and a narrative Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) for the Date Palm Drive Bridge Widening Project located on approximately 20-acres in Cathedral City. Project Manager/Principal Archaeologist. Avenue 52-UPRR Grade Separation, Caltrans District 8, Coachella, Riverside County, CA. Identified and evaluated paleontological resources within the proposed Avenue 52 Grade Separation over Grapefruit Boulevard Project Study Area (PSA). Performed paleontological record searches, y� background research, reconnaissance survey, and prepared a combined CO�to le Paleontological Identification/ Evaluation Report (PIR/PER) to Caltrans standards. Principal Paleontologist. PALEONTOLOGY - ARCHAEOLOGY- HISTORY f • RB1-14 ■ ■ ■ A �_ComPany Durae Pdn-E Road Low Water CrossircRepbwam at the Caidxlla Valley Storm Water Chamd Na 2011-05 1 Fakal A ul !'rt*v No. BRLKS-54a3(014) Sig Mario Zamora, PE Engineering Lead Mr. Zamora has a broad array of experience on various projects throughout Yeats of Experience: 9 Southern California. At RBF, as a Civil Engineer, he has been responsible for preparing street improvement plans, sewer and water pipeline design, grading plans, and the design of roadway alignments. Registration: 2008, Civil Engineer, 72298 Mr. Zamora will provide engineering support to the Project Manager and will assist with coordination of technical experts in compiling a Education: comprehensive set of construction plans, specifications and estimates. B.S., 2004, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic RELEVANT EXPERIENCE University, Pomona Jefferson Street and Varner Road Intersection Improvements (Indio, CA) — Project Engineer responsible for the right of way acquisition, property negotiations on obtaining possession and use agreements, final street improvement plans, traffic signal plans and coordination with the larger Jefferson and I-10 Interchange project. The proposed project will improve Varner Road, east and west of Jefferson Street north, and Jefferson Street north to the require roadway sections per the Interchange traffic analysis report. Varner Road will be widened to four through lanes, with dual left turn lanes in the eastbound to northbound direction, dual right turn lanes in the eastbound to future southbound direction, and triple left turn lanes in the westbound to future southbound direction. Adams Street Bridge Construction Project (La Quinta, CA) - Mr. Zamora served as the Project Engineer responsible for the environmental clearance and oversight of the bridge and roadway improvements for this 440 foot bridge project over the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. This project, which has Federal HBRR funds, replaces the existing low water crossing with a bridge which will provide the City with a more reliable arterial roadway during inclement weather for both the general public as well as emergency personnel. This $9.2 million project will provide a four lane roadway and bridge with raised median north of Highway 111 to Westward Ho Drive. Clinton Street and Miles Avenue Widening and Bridge Construction Project (City of Indio and Riverside County, CA) - Project Engineer. Mr. Zamora was responsible for layout of alignment and all utility coordination. This estimated $15 million project consists of the construction of an all weather crossing of the Whitewater Channel, and widening from two lanes to four lanes for 0.90 miles along Miles Avenue and 0.50 miles along Clinton Street. 1-15 A Company Dure Palrrs Raul L ow Water Crossirg Replac�nt at the Cwdxlla [galley Storm Water Charmed Y. No. 2011-05 j Federal A id P?4ett No BRLKS-5433,(014) Jessica Mosquera, PE Structural Jessica Mosquera is RBF's lead bridge engineering with over 25 years of Years of Experience: 25 professional experience in the design of transportation related structures. Her experience includes structural design and PS&E preparation for bridge structures, retaining walls, and culverts. She is experienced in all phases of Registration: 1993, Civil Engineer, CA, bridge design from preparation of advance planning studies and general C51049 plans to final PS&E. Her PS&E roles in structures have varied and include project engineer, specifications engineer, as well as bridge design engineer, independent check and bridge engineering construction support. She has Education: also worked in bridge structures construction at Caltrans earlier in her career. M.S., 1988, Civil Engineering, Structures, University of Ms. Mosquera will provide structural engineering services to the team. California, Berkeley B.S., 1986, Civil Engineering, RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Building Science, University of Southern California Miles Avenue Bridge over Whitewater River (Riverside County, CA) - Bridge Project Engineer/ Specifications Engineer. RBF prepared preliminary design, environmental documents and Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for this project. In addition to the design of the new bridge over the Whitewater River, RBF's work included channel hydraulics analysis and the design of more than one mile of roadway widening along Miles Avenue and Clinton Street. The new 585-foot long, four -lane bridge provides a critical all-weather crossing of the Whitewater River in the City of Indio and replaces the existing two-lane dip crossing which was highly susceptible to flooding and required costly reconstruction following moderate storm events. The bridge is designed as a cast -in -place, post -tensioned, concrete box girder, supported on four -column bents with large diameter drilled shaft foundations. Critical profile and hydraulic constraints led to the use of a "haunched" girder design to meet freeboard requirements while passing the Standard Project Flood. This minimized impact to the roadway profile and extent of reconstruction of the approach roadways. Channel scour was also a critical issue and was addressed in the design by utilizing large diameter drilled shaft foundations. The bridge also had special aesthetics for the barrier and luminaires. Adams Street Bridge over the Whitewater River (La Quinta, CA) - Independent Check Engineer. The proposed bridge will replace the existing low-water crossing at the Whitewater River. The four span 440 ft long prestressed box girder bridge will be on 10 ft diameter pile shafts. RBF also provided hydrology, hydraulics and scour analysis at the bridge crossing. The bridge met the freeboard requirements for a Standard Project Flood as required by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). Jefferson Street (La Quinta, CA) - Ms. Mosquera was the Design Engineer for this six -span, reinforced concrete slab bridge on pile extensions. Her responsibilities included design and construction support for this slab bridge as well as a single span voided slab bridge. 1-16 M ■ ■ ■ A �Campany o Dune Pal�kal Rand L ozv Water CrassingRep/arerrt .■� at laVaStormWaterChanr�lCity Project No. 20105 1 Fe A ul A'r ' No. BRL KS 543��014� Hernan Montoya, PE, SE Independent Check Calculations Mr. Montoya has over thirty five years of experience as a structural engineer Years of Experience: 36 designing a wide variety of structural projects, in charge of engineering, quality assurance, coordination with clients, other consultants and building Registrations: officials, and field support for civil and public works projects. Municipal Structural Engineer (CA) and public sector experience include the design of bridges, sewage lift and # S002819 Professional Civil Engineer (CA) water pump stations, earth retaining structures, channels, culverts, towers for # 36919 wireless communications, refuse transfer stations and landfill gas to energy Professional Civil/Structural project structures. Professional experience also includes repair and Engineer (OR) # 15595PE retrofitting of existing bridge structures. Professional Civil/Structural Engineer (NV) # 13354 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Education: Avenue I Undercrossing - Lancaster, CA MS Civil Engineering CSULB 1977 Served as Project Manager/ Project Engineer for the structural design of this BS Civil Engineering cast -in -place, prestressed concrete box girder freeway off -ramp to be Universidad del Valle, constructed over Avenue I. The Project included tie -back and pile supported Colombia, 1977 retaining walls for the widening of Avenue I under the existing freeway under crossing and the new off -ramp. Nason Street Bridge/ Channel "F" - Moreno Valley, CA Served as Project Manager/Project Engineer for this City -built vehicle bridge over a new concrete lined channel constructed for the Aquabella Development owned and maintained by the City of Moreno Valley. "C" Street Bridge/ Channel "F" - Moreno Valley, CA Served as Project Manager/Project Engineer for this developer -built private vehicle bridge over a new concrete lined channel for the Aquabella Development in the City of Moreno Valley. California Oaks Road UC Widening - City of Murrieta, CA Served as QA/QC engineer for the widening of this is cast -in -place, prestressed concrete box girder freeway overpass over California Oaks Road. Ramona Expressway OC Widening - City of Perris, CA Served as independent check engineer for the widening of this is cast -in - place, prestressed concrete box girder widening along each side of Ramona Expressway over Route 215. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS, INC ! P 1-17 A Company Dune Palm Rand Low Water CrassingReplac,n77m at the CaaoWa Valley Storm Water Chamrl No. 2011-051 FerbalAofPnikaNo. BRLKS- 5433(014) John McCarthy, PE, CFM Hydrology Mr. McCarthy is experienced in the development, final design, and construction of flood control and drainage projects for public works and private sector projects. Mr. McCarthy's experience is concentrated in the field of storm water management including: hydrology studies, floodplain analysis, drainage studies and runoff management plans, detailed hydraulic analyses, and improvement plan preparation. He has prepared plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for public and private sector clients including: California Department of Transportation, Army Corps of Engineers, County of Riverside, County of Orange, County of Ventura, and various cities and private sector clients throughout California. Mr. McCarthy will act as Senior Hydrologist. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Santa Ana River Reach 9 - Phase 2B - Access Roadway, Bridge and Bike Trail Detour (Riverside and Orange Counties, CA) - Deputy Project Manager. RBF, as part of the Genterra Consultants, Inc. team, was requested to simultaneously complete two fast -track task orders for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Los Angeles District for the Santa Ana River Reach 9 - Phase 2B project adjacent to and within State Route 91 (SR-91) right-of-way from just east of the Coal Canyon wildlife corridor crossing to just east of the Orange -Riverside County Boundary. Task Order 1 included the design of the new access driveway and bridge for the Green River Golf Club. Date Palm Drive Bridge over Whitewater River (Cathedral City, CA) — Drainage Manager for the hydraulic and scour analyses for a 760-foot long bridge project consisting of widening from four lanes to six lanes of traffic, seismic retrofit, and roadway improvements including pedestrian and bike lane enhancements. Prepared updated hydraulic modeling and developed scour protection countermeasures for protecting existing piles while new pile foundations were placed at sufficient depth to resist high scour conditions. Garnet Street Bridge Replacement (Redlands, CA) — Drainage Manager. Responsible for development and processing of channel hydraulics for a regional drainage facility associated with the construction of a bridge over the 300 foot wide channel. Tasks included development of channel hydraulics and scour analyses. The project required 25, 50, and 100-year channel hydraulics using HEC-RAS computer modeling to determine channel depths and velocities. FLO-213 two-dimensional computer modeling was also prepared to determine flow patterns in the wide abraded channel. The result of the analysis were used to support the bridge design. Yeats of Experience: 25 Registration: 1991, Civil Engineer, CA, 47583 2002, Civil Engineer, NV, 15419 2010, Civil Engineer, AZ, 51805 2005, Certified Floodplain Manager, US, 05-01596 Education: B.S., 1989, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Certificate, 1997, Light Construction and Development Management = . . . A �ComPany Dune Palrrs Raid Low Water Crossing Replammlt at the C'aioVla Valley Storm Water Chanyxl t Na 2011-05 j Faknd A id Prol'ea Na BRLKS•5433(01.1) Zia Anna Lantin, PE, CPESC, CPSWQ : Water Quality Ms. Lantin's engineering experience involves civil and water resources Years of Experience: 23 engineering, specializing in storm water management and water quality. She has extensive experience in storm water management projects in the State including storm water quality research studies, Best Management Practices Registration: 1996, Civil Engineer, CA, 55043 (BMP) design, construction oversight, BMP implementation, water quality 2000, Civil Engineer, AZ, 34529 monitoring, operation and maintenance, and performance data analysis. Her 2006, Civil Engineer, TN, experience includes drainage master plans, hydrologic analysis of 109830 watersheds, water resources analysis, hydraulics analyses, erosion and 2008, Civil Engineer, NV, 19813 sedimentation analyses, floodplain management, floodplain economic 2009, Civil Engineer, UT, analyses, feasibility studies, alternative analysis, concept design, cost 7224380-2202 estimating, and report writing. Ms. Lantin has experience working with 2004, Certified Professional in numerous agencies including California Department of Transportation Erosion and Sediment (Caltrans), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles County Control, 2781 2004, Certified Professional in Department of Public Works, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Storm Water Quality, Olin Orange County, Federal and State Wildlife agencies of California, Arizona, 2010, Qualified SWPPP Colorado, Nevada, Illinois, and local agencies. Developer/Practitioner, CA, 00064 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 2010, Construction General Permit Trainer of Record (CGP-ToR), CA Riverside County Transportation Department National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Assistance (Riverside County, CA) - Principal. RBF holds an on -call contract with Riverside County Education: Transportation Department (RCTD) to provide assistance with B.S., 1990, Civil Engineering, implementation of its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Colorado State University (NPDES) Program. Assistance provided has included: construction site Post Graduate Studies, Colorado inspection for construction general permit compliance on Caltrans oversight State University projects and non-Caltrans projects; SWPPP review, including redlines, specific comments, and assistance to RCTD staff in developing a document review procedure; best management practice (BMP) evaluation and recommendations for highway and roadway sites; post construction BMP selection and design, including WQMP development; and development and delivery of extensive CGP and MS4 compliance training for RCTD plan checkers and inspectors. Caltrans On -Call Technical and Professional Storm Water Services (Contract Nos. 43AO182 and 43A0286) (Statewide, California) - Project Manager. RBF, under a three-year contract with the State of California, Department of Transportation (Caltrans), provided on -call statewide storm water services. Work under this contract is related to continued development and refinement of Caltrans' statewide Storm Water Management Program, whose goal is to integrate appropriate storm water control activities into ongoing activities and thus make control of storm water pollution a part of Caltrans' normal business practices. 1-19 A ■ r ■ A Company Dun- Palms Road L ow Water Crossing Replawnnt at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Charnrel MIT, City Arv, x1 No 2011-05 1 Falbvl A Md Atyitt Na BRLI(S-54 33(014) Carlos Ortiz, PE, TE, PTOE Traffic Control Mr. Ortiz manages the traffic engineering aspects for RBF's transportation projects. Mr. Ortiz's professional experience includes the planning and design of, intelligent transportation systems, traffic signals, traffic signal communication systems (twisted pair, fiber optic, wireless), ramp metering systems, traffic monitoring systems, dynamic message sign systems, roadway and highway lighting, stage construction/traffic handling, and signing and striping. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Jefferson Street from Highway 111 to Indio Boulevard (La Quinta and Indio, CA) - This project involved street widening, utility relocation and intersection improvements of Jefferson Street from Highway 111 to Indio Boulevard. Mr. Ortiz served as the Traffic Manager. Mr. Ortiz was responsible for the preparation of plans, specifications and probable cost estimates for four new traffic signals, modification of four traffic signals, traffic signal interconnect, intersection lighting, bridge lighting, signing and striping, and staged construction/traffic handling. The project involved preparation of staged construction/traffic handling plans for the construction of the proposed bridge over the Whitewater River. The project involved coordination with Caltrans. Eisenhower Drive Improvements (La Quinta, CA) - This project involved street widening, utility and median improvements of Eisenhower Drive from Coachella Drive to Washington Street. Mr. Ortiz served as the Traffic Manager. Mr. Ortiz was responsible for the preparation of plans, specifications and probable cost estimates for signing and striping improvements. Interstate 710/Firestone Boulevard Phase III (South Gate, CA) - The project involved street widening, utility relocation and median improvements of Firestone Boulevard from El Paseo to the easterly City's limits. Mr. Ortiz serves as the Project Manager. Mr. Ortiz was responsible for the preparation of plans, specifications and probable cost estimates for roadway lighting, bridge lighting, signing and striping, and staged construction/traffic handling. The project involves preparation of staged construction/traffic handling plans for the construction of the proposed bridge widening over the Rio Hondo. Yeats of Experience: 24 Registration: 1997, Civil Engineer, CA, 57535 1999, Traffic Engineer, CA, 2025 1999, Civil Engineer, AZ, 34333 1999, Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, US, 426 Education: B.S., 1989, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 1 - 20 . . . A �Compa y Dune Palms Rand L ow Water Cressing Replacement at the CaioWla Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011-05 1 Federal A ul P uktt No. BRLKS-543 3(014) M Lino Cheang, PE, GE Geotechnical Mr. Cheang has provided foundation design for close to 1,000 new, replaced Years of Experience: 31 and widened structures, statewide, for various transportation and public works agencies. These structures include railroad bridges, major water crossings, long viaducts, and overcrossings and undercrossings at major Registration: 1997, Geotechnical Engineer, interchanges. He is familiar with Caltrans design philosophy and criteria, and CA, GE 2345 the review process. Mr. Cheang has designed bridge foundation under 1987, Civil Engineer, CA, RCE highly liquefiable sites; he has used deformation -based analytical techniques 41401 to minimize foundation costs to mitigate liquefaction. He is also experienced in the design and construction of large -diameter drill shafts in wet conditions. He has conducted geotechnical investigation consisting of Education: drilling, testing, design and report preparation for all types of bridge MS, Civil Engineering, foundations, including providing construction support services. Mr. Cheang University of Texas at has worked closely with civil and structural engineers to develop and refine Austin, 1979 BS, Civil Engineering, University cost -saving schemes for foundations. of Texas at Austin, 1978 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Jefferson Street over Whitewater River, Cities of Indio and La Quinta, CA. Collected subsurface data to provide geotechnical and foundation recommendations for roadway widening and a new bridge crossing Whitewater River. Miles Avenue over Whitewater River, Indio, CA. Collected subsurface data to provide foundation design recommendations for a new bridge crossing Whitewater River. Bridge foundation consisted of large -diameter drilled shafts at the pier locations. Rehabilitation of Seven Bridges Crossing Santa Ana River, Orange County, CA. This project is part of the Santa Ana River improvement project by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Provided soil design parameters for rehabilitation of foundations damaged by scour and upgraded capacity for earthquake loads. Glassell Street over Santa Ana River, Orange County, CA. Planned and supervised field exploration consisting of rotary drilling, and cone penetrometer testing; analyzed the collected data to develop idealized soil profiles for pile capacity calculations. Seismic Retrofit of Mojave River Bridge along SR-18, Victorville/Apple Valley, CA. Reviewed as -built data and collect supplemental soil boring data to determine the loading carrying capacity of the existing foundations. Worked with structural designers to develop foundation retrofit schemes and alternatives for seismic retrofitting of the bridge structure. 1-21 FT . A Company Dum Palms Read L ow Water Crassing Repla mt at the Ca%oklla Valley Storm Water Chamrl Na 2011-05 1 Federal A ul A tieu No. BRLKS- 5433014) Chris Alberts, PLS Right of Way / Survey Lead Mr. Alberts has many years of combined experience in field surveying and office mapping. As a project surveyor, he is responsible for survey support, calculations, coordination, and supervision of all field and office operations. Additionally, Mr. Alberts has broad knowledge of title research, map preparation including right-of-way documents and legal descriptions, tentative and final maps. His experience includes ALTA surveys, boundary, topographic, subdivision, control, monitoring, and construction surveys. Mr. Alberts is experienced in using various types of surveying equipment, including GPS, reflectorless total stations, lasers, CAD programs, computers and data collectors with surveying and construction software. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Adams Street Bridge Project (La Quinta, CA) - Project Surveyor. RBF provided civil and structural design, right-of-way mapping, horizontal and vertical control surveys, aerial photogrammetry and design surveys for the four lane bridge over the Whitewater Storm Channel. The work program included preparation of base maps, legal descriptions for right-of-way acquisitions, temporary construction easements and construction surveying for the bridge structure, concrete slope lining and associated street improvements. Avenue 42 / Monroe Street Widening (Indio, CA) - As Project Surveyor, Mr. Alberts was responsible for field operations to facilitate infrastructure improvements for one mile of street widening. Work included right-of-way acquisition, monument preservation, as -built surveys, and construction staking. Interstate 10 / Monterey Avenue Interchange (Palm Desert, CA) - Project Surveyor. RBF provided environmental planning, civil, structural engineering, and surveying services for the reconfiguration and improvement to the Interstate 10 / Monterey Interchange. The work program included preparation of three (3) alternative improvement concepts and extensive coordination with the City of Palm Desert, County of Riverside and Caltrans, District 08. Survey and mapping services included horizontal and vertical control, softcopy photogrammetry and existing right of way mapping. Downtown Indio Infrastructure - Phase 1 Civil Improvements - Design Services (Indio, CA) - Project Surveyor. RBF provided full engineering, planning, urban design, landscape architecture, and construction management services for the revitalization of downtown Indio. RBF prepared the landscape concept plan, final construction plans, specifications and estimates, and provided construction management services. Years of Experience: 17 Registration: 2008, Professional Land Surveyor, CA, 8508 Education: Coursework, Mt. San Jacinto College Coursework, University of South Dakota on F 1 - 22 W . A Z=Company Dune Palm Raul L ow Water Crossing Replam mri at dx Cardxlla Malley Storm Water Channel No. 2011-05 1 Fe�lbnl A idl'rt ai No. BRLKS- 543.3(014) John Cutler Right of Way Acquisition An expert in right of way program management, project management, and project implementation functions, Mr. Cutler has served public and private agencies since 1968. His experience includes large and small scale right of way projects in all aspects of right of way. These services have been provided to an exclusive list of over 250 agencies, including transportation agencies, public works departments, counties, cities, redevelopment agencies, school districts, and numerous other public and private entities. All services have been provided both as an Agent and a former employee with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City of Indio, Jefferson Street and Varner Road Improvement Project. Provided project management for the appraisal, acquisition, and escrow coordination services for this project that involved 3 partial take parcels at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Varner Road. City of Indio, Avenue 44 Bridge Project. Provided project management for the initial cost estimate for this bridge project. City of Coachella, Avenue 52/Grapefruit Road Grade Separation Project. Provided project management and implementation for this project which included the relinquishment of access to a major thoroughfare for numerous business properties. City of Cathedral City, Cathedral Canyon/Whitewater Bridge Project. Provided project management for this project that involves the appraisal and acquisition of permanent and temporary easements from approximately ten parcels of property from both individual and BIA controlled properties. The project also involved title analysis, right of entry, an initial right of way cost analysis, and right of way analysis of the project planning activities. County of Kern, 7th Standard Road Grade Separation Project. Acted as Project Manager to provide oversight and implementation of a road widening and grade separation; a Caltrans oversight project implemented by County of Kern, designed/engineered by LAN Engineering. Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), State Route 22 HOV Improvements Project. Provided overall right of way program management and acted as principal -in -charge. Project involved right of way management, oversight, right of way acquisition, relocation assistance, and interim property management. This design -build freeway project was for the expansion/ widening of a major arterial highway to relieve traffic congestion. Yeats of Experience: 45 Registration: Real Estate Broker, CA 00372712 Education: B.S. Business Real Estate, Sacramento State University Post Graduate Study, RE Courses, UCLA Extension . • 1 - 23 A Company Dune Palm Raid Low Water Grassing Replam7m at the CawWla Valley Storm Water Chamrl Na 2011-05 1 Federal A ul AT?jct1 No. BRLKS-543_3(014) Experience — Representative Projects With the completion of the Adams Street Bridge project as well as several others in the vicinity of the Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing, RBF is uniquely qualified to see this project through to a successful completion. Following are example projects from the RBF Team. Adams Street Bridge La Quinta, CA RBF provided complete PAED/PS&E and worked closely with the City of La Quinta and Caltrans Local Assistance for the proposed bridge improvement project, which spans the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel at Adams Street. This project replaced the existing low water crossing with a bridge which provides the City with a more reliable arterial roadway during inclement weather for both the general public as well as emergency personnel. The bridge is 440 feet long and 76 feet wide. The project was constructed within the existing roadway right-of-way. The typical section includes a six-foot sidewalk on both sides of the bridge, a twelve foot raised curb median island, and four travel lanes. In addition, the design provided for a recreational trail undercrossing of the bridge at the southern abutment for the future Whitewater Channel trail system. As a grantee of FHWA's Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation (HBRR) Program, the City of La Quinta is addressing both NEPA and CEQA regulatory requirements. RBF managed the preparation of several technical studies to support a joint Initial Study/Categorical Exclusion (IS/CE). This $9.2million project provides a four lane roadway and bridge with raised median north of Highway 111 to Westward Ho Drive. The project was completed in Novemecber 2013. HIGHLIGHTS ■ CEQA / NEPA Clearance * Utility Coordination / Relocation R Channel Hydraulics Analysis • Bridge Design ■ Roadway Design REFERENCE City of La Quinta Tim Jonasson, PE Public Works Director/City Engineer 760/777-7042 1 - 24 M ■ a ■ A Company Dune Palm Road Low Water Cyos5zng Repbv3nmt at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Chamrl No 2011-05 1 Fc(kil A ul Aricv No. BRLKS•543.3(014) Miles Avenue Bridge over the Whitewater River Indio, CA RBF prepared environmental documents and final Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for this project. In addition to the design of the new bridge over the Whitewater River, RBF's work included channel hydraulics analysis and the design of more than one mile of roadway widening along Miles Avenue and Clinton Street. The new 585-foot long, four -lane bridge provides a critical all- weather crossing of the Whitewater River in the City of Indio and replaces the existing two-lane dip crossing which was highly susceptible to flooding and required costly reconstruction following moderate storm events. The bridge is designed as a cast -in -place, post -tensioned, concrete box girder, supported on four - column bents with large diameter drilled shaft foundations. Critical profile and hydraulic constraints led to the use of a "haunched" girder design to meet freeboard requirements while passing the Standard Project Flood. This minimized impact to the roadway profile and extent of reconstruction of the approach roadways. Channel scour was also a critical issue and was addressed in the design by utilizing large diameter drilled shaft foundations. Ilk HIGHLIGHTS ■ New 585-Foot Long, 4-Lane Bridge ■ Structural Design ■ Channel Hydraulics Analysis ■ Over 1 Mile of Roadway Widening ■ Landscape Design ■ Traffic Signal Design ■ Environmental Documentation and Permitting ■ Survey/ Right -of -Way ■ Utility Coordination / Relocation ■ Special Bridge Aesthetics ■ Retaining Wall Design REFERENCE Riverside County Transportation and Land Management Agency (TLMA) Ms. Cindi Wachi 951/955-1863 1 - 25 w ■ ■ ■ A �-C.,_' Dune Pala; Rand Low Water Crossing Revlam7ort at the CwdAdla Valley Storm Water Channel Cite A* No 2011-05 I Fe N71 A ul Njit7 No. BRLKS-543->(014) Jefferson Street Bridge over the Whitewater River La Quinta, CA ------------ .................. ............ . ... .... RBF prepared environmental documents and Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for this project. In addition to design of the new bridge over the Whitewater River, RBF's work included channel hydraulics analysis and design for the widening of more than 2'/2 miles of Jefferson Street, from Highway 111 to Indio Boulevard. Right of way surveying included analysis and calculations for land base map and the preparation of over 100 legal descriptions for acquisition. The new 500-foot long, six -lane bridge provides a critical all-weather crossing of the Whitewater River in the City of La Quinta and will replace the existing two-lane dip crossing which was highly susceptible to flooding and required costly reconstruction following moderate storm events. The bridge was designed as a cast -in -place, post - tensioned, concrete box girder, supported on four -column bents with large diameter drilled shaft foundations. Critical profile and hydraulic constraints led to the use of a "haunched" girder design to meet freeboard requirements while passing the Standard Project Flood. This minimized impact to the roadway profile and extent of reconstruction of the approach roadways. Channel scour was also a critical issue and was addressed in the design by utilizing large diameter drilled shaft foundations. The bridge was constructed in stages to maintain traffic during construction. HIGHLIGHTS m Structural Design for 500- Foot Bridge 0 Special Architectural Bridge Railing Design ■ Channel Hydraulics Analysis / Storm Drain Design ■ 2'/2 Miles of Roadway Widening, 2 to 6 lanes ■ Traffic Signal Design ■ Environmental Documentation ■ Survey / Mapping ■ Utility Coordination / Relocation ■ Retaining Wall Design REFERENCE City of La Quinta Mr. Tim Jonasson 760/777-7045 1-26 ■ a a A Company Dtrae Palrrs Rand Low Water Crossing Replamnm at the CawWla Valley Storm Water Chamr] No. 2011-05 1 Falb -al A id Pn4-0 No. BRLhS-54.33(014) Date Palm Drive Bridge over the Whitewater River Cathedral City, CA RBF prepared the Delineation of Jurisdictional Waters and Natural Environment Study — Minimal Impact (NES-MI) for the Date Palm Drive Over the Whitewater River Project, located in the City of Cathedral City, Riverside County. In addition, RBF Regulatory Staff is currently processing resources agency permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Nationwide Permit No. 14 Linear Transportation Projects), California Department of Fish and Game (1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement), and the Regional Water Quality Control Board (Section 401 Water Quality Certification). The Date Palm Drive Bridge is a four -lane bridge approximately 757 feet long and 56 feet wide and is functionally classified as an urban minor arterial. Due to structural and operation deficiencies, the applicant has proposed to widen and retrofit the existing Date Palm Drive Bridge. To preserve and expand the service life of the existing bridge, the project is proposing to: rehabilitate the existing bridge deck; widen the bridge width from four to six lanes; replace deficient portions of the existing structure; and include highway safety measures, such as adding sidewalks, matching medians, railings and approaches, which will enhance highway safety. HIGHLIGHTS ■ Delineation of Jurisdictional Waters Natural Environment Study Minimal Impact • Corps Section 404 NWP No. 14 Linear Transportation Projects ■ RWQCB Section 401 Certification ■ CDFG Section 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement REFERENCE City of Cathedral City Mr. Bill Simons, P.E. 760/770-0360 1-27 . . . . A �-Com Pany Durr Palma Rand L ow Water Cnessirg Replacomr at the Cmo lla Valley Storm Water Channel City Pn*-xi No. 2011.05 j Federal A 1dPn3ixt No. BRLKS-5433(014) I-10 / Jefferson Street Interchange Improvements Indio, CA ....... ... REFERENCE Riverside County POWER was retained by the Riverside County Transportation Department, under Transportation and Land contract to RBF Consulting, Inc., to prepare the joint CEQA/NEPA document (i.e. Management Agency (TLMA) Initial Study/Environmental Assessment) and manage preparation of the associated Ms. Cindi Wachi requisite technical studies per Caltrans guidelines for the County's proposed 951/955-1863 reconstruction of the existing Interstate 10/Jefferson Street interchange in the City of Indio, California. Key project -related issues include biological and cultural resources, air and water quality, noise/acoustics, and visual and community impacts. �� POWER ENGINEERS Gilman Springs Road Shoulder Widening and Realignment Riverside County, CA .................. .................................... ........ REFERENCE Riverside County POWER was been retained by the Riverside County Transportation Department to Transportation Department prepare the requisite NEPA document and associated technical studies per Caltrans Mr. Russell Williams guidelines for the County's proposed widening and realignment of a stretch of 951/955-2016 Gilman Springs Road extending approximately two and a half miles south of its junction with U.S. Highway 60. Key project -related issues include biological and cultural resources, water quality, noise/acoustics, and traffic and community related impacts. ''+ POWER S�ENGINEERS On -Call Environmental Consulting Services Riverside County, CA .......... ..... ........................................................... REFERENCE Riverside County POWER Engineers has been retained by the Riverside County Transportation Transportation Department Department to provide on -call environmental consulting services including, but not Mr. Russell Williams limited to, preparation of CEQA and NEPA compliant documents and supporting 951/955-2016 technical studies in accordance with, as applicable, Caltrans reporting requirements for County -proposed highway and roadway projects. Work performed under this contract also includes obtaining regulatory agency permits from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Regional Water Quality Control Boards, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. POWER `ENGINEERS 1 - 28 . . . . A Company Duane Palms Raul L ow Water Crossing Replacernerrt at the CasoVla Valley Storm Water Chaanrel Go) A- rr i Na 2011- 05 1 Faleral A ul Pnt cy No. BRL IG- 5433(014) Avenue 52 Grade Separation Riverside County, CA ..----------------------------------------------------- ................ --- REFERENCE Cogstone was retained by ECORP, on behalf of Caltrans District 8, to identify and evaluate paleontological resources within the proposed Avenue 52 Grade Separation over Grapefruit Blvd. Project Study Area (PSA) in the City of Coachella, in Riverside County. The project consisted of construction of a new 6- lane Grade Separation overhead structure spanning over UPRR mainline tracks and Grapefruit Blvd/Hwy 111, from Shady Lane to approximately 600 feet east of the Industrial Way/Tyler Street intersection along Avenue 52. The proposed improvements included a new connection road from Avenue 52 to Grapefruit Blvd/Hwy 111, bike lanes, sidewalks, retaining walls, reconstruction and addition of traffic signals and driveways, and removal of the existing at -grade crossing. The area of the Direct Impact Study Area was 27.6 acres, maximum vertical PSA (subsurface) 15 feet at the proposed bridge bents and abutments. Grading for the roadway would reach about 2 feet below the existing surface. Cogstone conducted a paleontological records search, reconnaissance survey, and GIS mapping. Cogstone drafted a Paleontological Identification/Evaluation Report (PIR/PER) documenting these results, and recommended that a Paleontological Mitigation Plan (PMP) also be prepared for the project. Sub to ECORP Mr. Rover Mason 714/648-0630 cogstone Date Palm Drive Bridge Widening Riverside County, CA ---------------- -------- ........ .-............ .---- REFERENCE Cogstone was retained by RBF Consulting to prepare an Archaeological Survey Report (ASR) and a Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) to determine the potential effects on cultural resources of construction -related activities for the proposed widening of Date Palm Drive Bridge, which was built in 1981 over the Whitewater Stormwater Channel within Cathedral City. The Project is located within the city limits between Perez Road and Gerald Ford Drive in western Riverside County, California. The proposed Project would rehabilitate the existing bridge deck, widen the bridge from four to six lanes within the existing right-of- way, replace deficient portions of the existing structure, and would include highway safety measures such as adding sidewalks, matching medians, railings, and approaches. The cultural study was completed in compliance with NEPA and CEQA, with Caltrans District 8 acting as the Lead Agency on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration. Cogstone conducted a record search, survey, background research, and Native American Consultation. Sub to RBF Consulting Ms. Renee Gleason 909/974-4912 cog -stone 1-29 ■ ■ ■ A Company Dum Palms Raul Low Water Crossing Replacerym at dxe Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel Prior Na 2011-05 1 Federal A id Prny'cct Na BRLKS->43 3(014) Jefferson Street and Varner Road Improvement Project Indio, CA The project involves the improvement of the Jefferson Street and Varner Road intersection along with the intersection improvements near the entrance to Sun City. The project required the acquisition of street easements, along with a slope easement, for the subject improvements from three large properties in various stages of development. Because of the need for timely possession of the project right of way, working with the project team, OPC secured Possession and Use Agreements for the properties where the'A0'OMOMwA��rt�prfr�uArwTIKrwwA<awwwufroa acquisition agreements A had not been - negotiated and assisted in obtaining the Caltrans Certification necessary to secure the project funding. Avenue 52 / Grapefruit Grade Separation Project Coachella, CA ----------- .............__.._.__.._-. The project entails the development of an overpass grade separation project of Avenue 52 over Grapefruit Boulevard (Hwy 111) and the UPRR railroad tracks. The project was very complex in the fact that it eliminated the access to Avenue 52 to various industrial and commercial uses, including markets, service station, CVWD main facility, required the installation of alternate points of access and circulation and, in many cases, required the complete reorientation of the existing improvement to function with the newly created point of access. The project also required the full acquisition and relocation of three single family residential properties and a solar development company. HIGHLIGHTS Services included appraisals, acquisition, escrow coordination and legal support Accelerated time schedule to secure Caltrans Certification and CTC funding REFERENCE City of Indio Mr. Eric Weck, PE 760/625-1838 HIGHLIGHTS Grade Separation UPRR Railroad Coordination CVWD Coordination REFERENCE City of Coachella Mr. Jonathan Hoy, City Engineer 760/398-3502 x.134 r . 1-30 A Company Dune Palm Rcad L ow Water Crcssirg Rep&ffnvrt at the CawVla Valley Storm Water Channel i Na 2011-05 1 Federal A ul Pnitt No. BRLKS-5433(014) J- Cathedral Canyon / Whitewater Bridge Project Cathedral City, CA OPC provided all right of way consulting services to CNS, the City of Cathedral City, and the project team in the PA/ED phase of this bridge project and is initiating the PS&E phase. OPC provided the title information and analysis, provided rights of entry, prepared an initial right of way cost analysis, and provided the right of way analysis portion of the project planning activities. The majority of this project involves property within or close to the Whitewater Channel and involves working with Allottees, Tribal lands, and the BIA, along with CVWD and RCFCD. The project requires appraisal and acquisition of both permanent and temporary easements from approximately ten parcels of property from both individual and BIA controlled properties. The properties are located within and adjoining the Whitewater Channel and involve lands that have multiple layers of ownerships, leases, and easements that need to be worked with. Araz Road Bridge over the All -American Canal Imperial County, CA The County of Imperial is currently conducting retrofit/replacement analysis on several bridges throughout the county and, due to the need for HBP funding, all of the studies are required to conform to Chapter 7, "Seismic Safety Retrofit" of Caltrans' Local Assistance Program Guidelines. The Araz Road Bridge over the All -American Canal was constructed in 1936 by the US Bureau of Reclamation and relinquished to Imperial County in 1974. The four - span, simply supported steel girder bridge is approximately 300 ft. in length and is supported on three pier walls and two abutments all of which are founded on spread footings. The geotechnical scope of work for the project consists of conducting a field investigation consisting of three borings including one boring conducted in the canal through the deck of the existing bridge. A Preliminary Foundation Report has been prepared presenting a seismic evaluation of _ - _. } the existing structure foundation. A bridge foundation report report will be prepared with an evaluation of the existing structure foundation as well as foundation recommendations for seismic retrofit and/or replacement structure alternatives. HIGHLIGHTS • Title research • Right of Way Analysis • Take of propertywithin Channel • Tribal Lands Coordination with CVWD and RCFCD REFERENCE City of Cathedral City Mr. Bill Simons, PE, City Engineer 760/770-0360 HIGHLIGHTS • F BP Funding • Borings, one in canal Foundation Report • Seismic Evaluation of Existing Structure Foundation REFERENCE Imperial County Mr. Jose Castaneda 760/482-4462 Earth Mechanics, Inc. 1-31 a ■ ■ ■ A�ComPany Dune Palm Rcad L ow Water Crossing Replawnrrff at doe CawVla Valley Storm Water Channel No. 2011-05 1 Falcnd A ul P)z)ied No. BRLKS-5433(414) M Glassell Street Bridge Widening at Santa Ana River Channel HIGHLIGHTS Orange County, CA The project involved widening each side of the existing Glassell Street Bridge spanning the Santa Ana River. The field investigation included drilling a total of ten borings located at the bridge abutments, on the levees, and within the Santa Ana River and off -river recharge basin. The field investigation required securing permits from the following agencies: the Orange County PFRD, Orange County Health Care Agency, Orange County Water District, City of Orange Public Works and Water Department, Regional Water Quality Control Board, California Department of Fish and Game, and the - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. After OL completion of the field investigation, EMI performed laboratory soil testing rr• and geotechnical analyses in order to provide recommendations for the foundation supporting the new bridge structures. Field Investigation 10 Borings Bridge foundation recommendations REFERENCE County of Orange Mr. Rich Hoisington 714/834-2792 Earth Mechanics, Inc. f a 1-32 A Company City of La Quinta Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement Section Project Understan pproach Dune Parrs Road Low Water Crcssing Replaawrrt at the CawWla Valley Storm Water Channel Na ? 011- 05 I Fcclbnl A ul Pnt crr Na BRL IDS- 5433(014) Section 2 Project Understanding and Approach In this section, our understanding of the project is presented along with our approach to addressing key issues along with specific examples of how RBF has successfully managed to resolve them on similar projects. In order to gain a complete understanding of the project requirements we thoroughly reviewed the RFP, site conditions, existing available utility and improvement plans, and met with various local agency staff members. What sets RBF apart from other firms? We believe the RBF team offers the City of La Quinta several advantages on this particular project and will show that our Experience + Innovation= Value. Project Description The City of La Quinta is requesting proposals from qualified professional engineering consultants to prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) for the replacement of the Dune Palms Road low water crossing with a new all-weather bridge, "Bridge No. OOL0070, Dune Palms Road Bridge over Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel", City Project No. 2011-05, Federal Aid Project No. BRLKS-5433(014). The purpose of the proposed improvements is to replace the existing low water crossing spanning the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel at Dune Palms Road with an all-weather access bridge. During severe winter and summer storms, the existing Dune Palms Road low water crossing is frequently inundated and damaged due to debris flows within the storm water channel. In the interest of public health and safety, and in response to community concerns regarding frequent closures of the low water crossing, the City has determined that replacement of the low water crossing with a new bridge is the best way to ensure all weather access is maintained to the community. The proposed improvements will provide Coachella Valley motorists and pedestrians a safe path of travel across the Whitewater River at Dune Palms Road regardless of adverse weather. The project will also provide reliable access for emergency vehicles and improve traffic circulation on Dune Palms Road and the surrounding project areas. In addition, pedestrians and bicyclists use this route to La Quinta High School and nearby businesses. Of particular note is the planned Regional Trail (CV Link) project sponsored by CVAG that will increase mobility for bicycles, pedestrians as well as Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV). The unique CV Link project is a 35 mile long facility that will link the Coachella Valley communities with responsible and sustainable circulation for residents and tourists. RBF is on the team to plan and develop the CV Link from the west valley (Palm Springs and Desert Hot Springs) to the east valley (Salton Sea area). 2-1 A Company Dune Palrrs Road Low Water Crossing Repbac 77M at the CaaMla Valley Storm Water Channel City Project No. 2011-05 1 Fe(leral A i4 Proktt Na BRLKS-54-33(014) Brad Mielke and Mario Zamora are currently involved with infrastructure engineering support for this major facility. The preferred alignment for this multi -use path is along the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel and will cross under the proposed Dune Palms Road Bridge. New bridge and channel improvements will take into account the new paths by providing clear access below the bridge and concrete trail and slope protection that were also implemented by RBF in the recently constructed Adams Street Bridge. The proposed project improvements will: 1. Replace the existing low water crossing with a new all-weather bridge consisting of a curb to curb roadway width of 76 feet with a 6-ft sidewalk on each side of the bridge. The proposed bridge is anticipated to be approximately 480 feet long and approximately 90 feet wide. The typical section will include a 6-ft sidewalk on both sides of the bridge with 1 ft. wide barriers, two (2) 8-ft wide golf cart/shared bike lanes , two (2) 12-ft outside lanes, two (2) 12-ft inside lanes, and a 12-ft painted median. This is a departure from the original bridge general plan in the HBP funding application that anticipated two (2) 6 ft. shoulders. The project will also include special architectural treatment to achieve the community design goals. RBF will perform a project specific aesthetics study during Phase 1 of the project. RBF is proud of our reputation in this area having designed aesthetic features for numerous bridge projects including architectural barriers, railing, pilasters, monuments, walkway and street lighting throughout the Coachella Valley for over 20 years. 2. Construct channel improvements immediately upstream and downstream of the proposed bridge consisting of concrete slope protection and cutoff walls to protect the bridge foundations from scour. As noted below, the slope protection will allow for the planned CV Link path that will incorporate a multi -use trail within the concrete slope protection improvements. Construct bridge approach roadway improvements (including drainage) to accommodate the raised profile for the proposed bridge. To the north of the bridge, the Dune Palms Road street improvement plans (95% complete and prepared by RBF) will be incorporated into the new bridge plans. It is our understanding the bridge will be constructed first and the street improvements to Blackhawk Way will be constructed after the bridge is complete. Also, all utility relocation and Right -of -Way acquisition efforts shall be coordinated appropriately in addition to meeting all the resource agency permit requirements. Project Funding - RBF Consulting assisted the City in preparing the application for Caltrans Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funds. The City has successfully obtained funding obligation to prepare Phase I - Project Approval and Environmental Documents; and Phase II - Plans, Specifications, and Estimate. It 2-2 r ■ ACompany I� at the Ccadaella Valley Storm Water Charnael Crty+ Ps7�c�t Na 2011-OS � Federal A icl Pynjccz No. BRL KS- 5433(414� is envisioned that Phase I will allow the project to be developed through approximately 35% of the engineering phase. Phase II will not be authorized until the City obtains approval of all environmental documents and project study reports. The project is partially funded with Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funds administered through the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). As such, RBF will comply with the requirements of 48 CFR, Federal Acquisition Regulations System, Chapter 1, Part 31 et seq.; 49 CFR, Part 18, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments, and Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) Processing Procedures for Implementing Federal and/or State Funded Local Public Transportation Projects. RBF has experience with complying to these requirements by successfully delivering over $100 Mil projects with HBP funding. RBF has successfully completed a pre -award audit with Caltrans in the past but not within the last twelve months. The forms from Caltrans LAPM required as stated in the RFP including Exhibits 10-01, 10-02, and 10-I are provided later within our proposal. With the HBP Funds associated with this project, RBF will coordinate with Caltrans District 8 Office of Local Assistance on necessary approvals and certifications all in accordance with Local Assistance Procedures Manual Assistance Program Guidelines. RBF is familiar with these processes and requirements, having followed these guidelines on our recent Whitewater River Channel/CVSWC Bridge projects including Adams Street Bridge and Date Palm Drive Bridge. RBF and its team members have extensive experience in providing planning, environmental documentation, right of way acquisition, structural engineering and civil services that are necessary for the successful completion of this project. We will rely upon our past professional experience in providing similar services for roadway bridges listed below: Miles Avenue Bridge over Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel, Indio, CA Jefferson Street Bridge over Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel, Indio, CA and La Quinta, CA Adams Street Bridge over Coachella Valley Stone Water Channel, La Quinta, CA Mid -Valley Parkway Bridge over Coachella Valley Stone Water Channel, Palm Springs, CA Date Palm Drive Bridge over Coachella Valley Stone Water Channel, Cathedral City, CA (Currently being designed) El Dorado Bridge over Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel, Indian Wells, CA Del Webb Boulevard Bridge, Sun City, CA Avenue 48 Bridge Widening over All -American Canal, Indio, CA Sun City Boulevard Bridge over All -American Canal, Indio, CA Avenue 40 and Avenue 50 Bridges over All -American Canal, Indio, CA Jackson Street Bridge over the All -American Canal, Indio, CA Jefferson Street / I-10 Interchange, La Quinta and Indio, CA After our review of the project site and the RFP requirements, the RBF Team has identified the following Key Issues and solutions that will affect this project design and delivery. 2-3 F r ■ A Company Dune Palms Rand L aw Water CnxsingReplam, at the CaioVla Valley Storm Water Chanrml Project No. 2011-05 1 Fec ral A id Pny'ftl Na BRL KS- 54 ? 3(d14) Key Issues ✓ Timely approval of the Environmental Document ✓ Channel Hydraulics ✓ Bridge Typical Section and Design ✓ Roadway Design ✓ Utility Coordination ✓ Regional Trail Facility Incorporation Timely Approval of the Environmental Document The RBF Team brings with it a proven track record of success working directly for the City of La Quinta (e.g., Adams Street Bridge Improvements Project) and coordinating closely on its behalf with Caltrans District 8 Local Assistance to obtain environmental documentation approval for roadway improvement projects; our team is intimately familiar with the reporting requirements required by each agency. Furthermore, RBF has in-depth knowledge of the project area and the potential issues associated with this project through RBF's preparation of the Application for Highway Bridge Program funds. The RBF Team's established working relationship with the City and Caltrans District 8, coupled with its intimate knowledge of the project area and potential environmental issues, as well as interests of the community at large, will enable us to hit the ground running and expedite environmental approval for this project. For the proposed project, the City will serve as Lead Agency under CEQA whereas Caltrans will serve as the Lead Agency J ) for NEPA compliance as assigned under the NEPA Assignment Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) administered under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21" Century Act (MAP-21) codified at Title 23 United States Code (USC) 327 (effective October 1, 2012). To that end, and because the project is a Caltrans Local Assistance project, the City is entitled to prepare a separate CEQA document as opposed to a joint CEQAINEPA document — doing so will allow the City to retain complete control over the CEQA approval process. NEPA Documentation It is understood that the City intends to utilize federal funds for the proposed project. Utilization of federal funds requires that the project be environmentally cleared pursuant to NEPA in coordination with Caltrans and in accordance with MAP-21 and associated NEPA Assignment MOU. Based on our current understanding of the project, RBF recommends that the City, in coordination with Caltrans, pursue utilizing a Categorical Exclusion pursuant to the Categorical Exclusion MOU to streamline project approval under NEPA. More specifically, it is anticipated that the proposed project would meet the definition of a type of project that would qualify for a Categorical Exclusion pursuant to 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 771.117(d)(1) (i.e., modernization of a highway by resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes [e.g., parking, weaving, turning, climbing]). Preparation of the requisite technical studies would confirm that the project would not result 0 ■ ■ ■ A Company Dune Palma Rand L oze� Water CmssingRep/aa�ycrnt •��,„ s at thie Cacahella ljalley Strnm Water Charaael 0i 1, P,r it Na 2011 05 1 Fecbral A ui Prrry�et Na BRLKS 54� >(014� in of any "unusual circumstances," as defined in 23 CFR 771.117(b), that would otherwise preclude utilization of a Categorical Exclusion under NEPA. CEQA Documentation RBF has reviewed available project materials and has conducted preliminary reconnaissance of the project area, and considered the City's concerns regarding potential project issues and impacts associated with the proposed project. After careful consideration, we expect that all project -related impacts can be mitigated to a less -than -significant level; therefore, we anticipated that an Initial Study, leading to a Mitigated Negative Declaration, is the appropriate CEQA document/approval for the project. Our recommendation is based on our knowledge of the project area and our collective experience with preparation of environmental documents for similar projects. If an impact is identified that appears cannot be mitigated to less than significant, RBF will discuss the matter with the City and adjust the scope of work to prepare a focused EIR; however, we do not believe this will be necessary. On the other hand, if after having completed the technical studies it is confirmed that the project would clearly not result in significant impacts, the RBF Team, in consultation with the City, will explore the option of approving the project under the "general rule" exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines § 1 5061(b)(3). An activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects that have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA and the general rule exemption, therefore, applies to that activity. Technical Studies Caltrans' approval of the Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) Form will confirm what technical studies are required for the project; the technical studies that are prepared will support both NEPA and CEQA approvals. Based on the preliminary work that the RBF Team has conducted for the project to date, several technical studies will be required to support the environmental document: ■ Air Quality • Biological Resources • Cultural and Paleontological Resources • Floodplains • Hazardous Materials and Wastes • Noise • Right -of -Way Acquisition / Relocation Impacts • Visual Resources/Aesthetics • Water Quality Although air quality, cultural resources, hazardous materials and wastes, paleontological resources, and visual/aesthetics will be important elements to consider as part of the environmental evaluation for this project, this proposal, due to space limitations, provides specific discussion in the below table regarding what we believe are the five most critical environmental disciplines associated with the proposed project. 2-5 M ■ ■ ■ A Company Dune Palm, Road L ow Water Crossing Replacerrerrt at the CoxMla Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2 011- 05 J Federal Aid Arim No BRLKS- 5433(014) Issue Description Biological The Coachella Valley MSHCP does not list any survey requirements for the site. In addition, the Resources / project site is not located within any MSHCP-designated Conservation Areas; therefore, there Regulatory will be no conservation requirements for the proposed project. The MSHCP does however Agency mention the need to comply with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act — in that regard, of project Permitting construction occurs during breeding season a pre -construction survey is needed to make sure they are no nesting birds within the project boundaries. The Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel is a drainage feature that is subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Consequently, permits will need to be obtained from these agencies to account for impacts to the channel. Floodplains RBF will prepare a Location Hydraulic Study (LHS) of the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel in accordance with Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, The Location Hydraulic Study prepared will include a National Flood Insurance Program map; an evaluation and discussion of the practicability of alternatives; a discussion of environmental impact for the viable alternative(s); and document the consultation with the local, state, and federal water resources and floodplain management agencies. Information from the hydraulic analysis of the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel will be used to determine the increase in the base floodplain elevation (BFE) and floodplain impacts. If the Location Hydraulic Study concludes that there is no encroachment and/or a minimal impact, a Summary Floodplain Evaluation Report will be prepared. If the Location Hydraulic Study determines that there is a significant encroachment and/or impact to the base floodplain, a Floodplain Evaluation Report will be prepared. The detail of the Floodplain Evaluation Report prepared will be proportionate with the risks and impacts associated with the encroachment. We anticipate the increase the BFE due to the bridge columns will be less than one foot, therefore Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) will not be required. We do not anticipate a significant increase in BFE; therefore, a Floodplain Evaluation Report and Conditional Letter of Map Revision are not anticipated at this time. Noise The project area and vicinity include noise -sensitive land uses; this includes residential development and La Quinta High School; grade separating and elevating the profile of the existing low-water crossing will further expose these land uses to potentially increase levels of traffic noise. The noise analysis will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Caltrans Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol (May 2011). The traffic noise report will quantify the existing and projected future traffic noise associated with the project, evaluate temporary noise effects from the construction of the project, identify locations where noise impacts may occur, and evaluate measures to abate potential noise impacts associated with construction and operation of the project. Right -of -Way It is understood that the proposed project will potentially result in the displacement of residences Acquisition / and/or businesses due to anticipated right-of-way requirements, depending on final design. For Relocations the proposed project, RBF assumes that a Relocation Impact Memorandum (RIM) will be prepared. Specifically, pursuant to Caltrans' Right -of -Way Manual, Chapter 10 (Relocation Assistance), Subsection (Relocation Impact Documents), RIMs can be prepared for projects that require fewer than ten displacements and there is ample replacement property. Preparation of a RIM, as opposed to a more intensive Relocation Impact Report, will help 2-5 W.. A �Compaoy Issue I� Dune Palms Raul L oze� Water Cr�zssing Replacerrertt at the C�d�lla Valley Storm Water Charv�l ��r,; � �i}+Proje�7 No. 2011-OS � Fcc/c�rralfl irllrrr�je�1 Nn. 6RLICS-5�3_�(014� streamline the environmental documentation process for the City. The approved RIM will be signed by the appropriate Caltrans right-of-way representative. Water Quality The proposed project is located within the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board boundary and currently is subject to the NPDES Order R9-2010-0016 (which expires on November 10, 2015). The project will be required to comply with the Clean Water Act, the California Porter -Cologne Act, and applicable water quality standards for the region. The project would also be subject to the State General Construction Permit, a risk -based permit. A Scoping Questionnaire for Water Quality Issues will be prepared to confirm the appropriate level of water quality analysis and associated documentation. Regulatory Agency Permitting The proposed project is expected to require permit approvals from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Section 404 Permit), Regional Water Quality Control Board (Section 401 Water Quality Certification), and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement) as a result of impacts to the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel. The RBF Engineering and Environmental teams will work closely together to ensure that project -related impacts to the channel are, to the extent practicable, minimized to help expedite permit approvals through the above -referenced regulatory agencies. RFB's regulatory specialists have permitted numerous projects in this region through consultations with these agencies; RBF will bring to this project the positive working relationships that our staff has established with these agencies to help expedite regulatory agency permitting approvals. As a part of Phase I- Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED), RBF will prepare the Project Study Report Equivalent. This document will evaluate all elements involved with the design and construction of the proposed bridge improvements. Channel Hydraulics - 1W RBF understands the hydraulics of the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel (CVSWC) / Whitewater River Channel based upon our past experiences with multiple bridge designs within the Coachella Valley. More specifically, RBF provided channel hydrology and hydraulics for the bridges in the immediate project area including Jefferson Avenue, Adams Street, Dune Palms Road (Preliminary Analysis and modeling) and other local projects along the CVWC included identified above in the Bridge Experience matrix. We understand the nature of the soft bottom channels, associated scour dynamics and necessary scour protection methods that are a part of each bridge project with the Whitewater River Channel watershed. Early coordination between RBF, CVWD and the City will be critical in order to gain concurrence on 2-7 M ■ ■ r A �.mpany Durae Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replant at dx Ca oWla Valley Storm Water Channel I _ 00, PI gkyl No 2011-05 ) Federal A id l`nay No BRL KS- 5 i.i(014) criteria and modeling methods as well as on any additional facilities the District will require as a result of the proposed project. Recently, in 2013 CVWD completed the construction of major channel improvements within the CVSWC near the Jefferson Street Bridge which is downstream of the Dune Palms Road crossing. The new 100 ft. deep concrete grade control structure will have a positive impact on the scour depths related to upstream bridge foundations and channel slope lining. Our analysis of channel hydraulics and scour will take this into consideration for the Dune Palms Road Bridge. Another aspect of the CVWD channel improvement project included the repair and protection of the sewer pipeline located in the CVSWC. In addition, a portion of the Mid -Valley Pipeline (54" dia. steel pipe for recycled water) was protected with articulated concrete block. This pipeline is aligned with the channel and located beneath Dune Palms Road. The bridge column and foundations shall be placed to protect pipeline as was the case for Adams Street bridge. CVWD is responsible for the operations and maintenance of the CVSWC. In past project low water crossing removal projects, CVWD issues encroachment permits for the placement of a bridge structure through the channel (depending on the underlying fee ownership at the location of the bridge sub -structure), construction operations, and construction of maintenance ramps on one or both sides of the channel. As modeled by RBF in past projects, the installation of ramps normally do not have a significant impact on the SPF surface water elevation. Bridge Type Selection and Design As mentioned above, proposed bridge is anticipated to be approximately 480 feet long and approximately 90 feet wide. The typical section will include a 6-ft sidewalk on both sides of the bridge with 1 ft. wide barriers, two (2) 8-ft wide golf cart/shared bike lanes , two (2) 12-ft outside lanes, two (2) 12-ft inside lanes, and a 12-ft painted median. This is a departure from the original bridge general plan in the HBP funding application that anticipated two (2) 6 ft. shoulders. Dune Palms Road shall remain open to vehicle and pedestrian traffic at all times during construction. Therefore, a temporary at grade road widening will be required while the bridge is constructed in two stages as noted on the RFP exhibits prepared by RBF. The most suitable bridge type is a cast -in -place post -tensioned box girder due to superior structural characteristics, aesthetics, and least cost for this span length range. One desired feature of prestressed concrete is that the bridge is in compression and prevents water from penetrating into the structure resulting in little or no maintenance during the lifetime of the bridge. This bridge type is identical to nearby Adams Street and Jefferson Street Bridges which will not only be structurally efficient, facilitate two- stage construction, but will also reflect the uniform architecture of the bridges in the City of La Quinta. q r 2 8 own A Company Durr Palms Raul L ow Water Crossing Replacement at the Cwdadla Valley Storm Water Champ] City Pr4al Na 2011-05 1 Federal A ul Awild Na BRL KS- 54.3.3(014) The 4- span arrangement of 110', 130', 130', and 110' considers the balance span arrangement recommended by Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications. The depth of structure may be slightly reduced to 5'-6" based on the span to depth ratios allowed by Caltrans. Two (2)- column pier arrangement is most efficient for staged construction. We prepared preliminary seismic and service load calculations for column refinements, and it appears oblong columns (5'-6" x 8'-0') will be recommended in lieu of the circular columns noted in the HBP application. These changes in bridge design will not impact the funding requested in the original application. In addition, with the highly scour susceptible soils in the channel bottom, large diameter (1Oft) cast -in -drilled -hole (CIDH) concrete pile shafts provide an excellent scour countermeasure, thus eliminating the need for additional scour countermeasures in the channel bottom thus reducing possible delays as a result of Corps of Engineers review and approvals for channel bottom modification. The abutments will be supported on small (24in.) diameter CIDH piles with concrete slope protection. From our recent experience with address scour in the eastern valley, the depth from the bottom of the channel to the bottom of the potential scour for the SFP ranges between 30 to 40 feet, which will affect the overall depth of the slope protection. RBF is very familiar with CVWD slope protection and actually assisted CVWD in developing their standard details for Channel Slope Protection. RBF has implemented the most recent revisions to Caltrans Bridge Design requirements into our bridge designs including Seismic Design Criteria (SDC), Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and 2010 Bridge Specifications, and updated 2011 Standard Plans, all of which will be used on this project. Roadway Design and Street Improvements RBF prepared the street improvement plans for Dune Palms Road North of the CVWC to Blackhawk Way that will be modified and used once the bridge has been constructed. Although the profile of - Dune Palms Road will be revised to match the new bridge elevations, the plans contain valuable data related to utility locations, slope lining, and properties affected by the proposed ti improvements. RBF has similar knowledge of Dune Palms Road l south of the CVWC to Highway 111 by preparing grading, street, and channel improvement plans for the proposed commercial site on the southeast corner of the bridge. The existing low water crossing removal and replacement with a bridge will require profile modifications to address such concerns as SPF plus freeboard clearance with the low bridge member, design speed, sight distance and accommodation of storm drainage facilities. CVWD's requirement for the placement 2-9 MF ■ A =Company Dune Palms Raul L ow Water Crc5sing Replawrrea at the CowWla Valley Storm Water Charnel No 2011-05 1 Falbal A ul Pnyc'd No 6RLKS-543 i(01-1) of bridges over the CVSWC is to use the SPF plus one foot minimum of freeboard. The design of an efficient roadway profile will assist in the overall project costs and expenses for the project. In addition, RBF assisted the City by preparing the technical data supporting the HBP funding application. With this knowledge and background RBF has a unique understanding of the issues associated with the project. For instance, right of way acquisition will be required on the northeast and southeast corners of the proposed bridge as well as the acquisition of one single family residence and one mobile home in Dune Palms Mobile Estates. As a result of the proposed improvements and the associated construction activities, it is assumed that various interests, including fee simple, permanent slope, and/or temporary easements, will be needed from three (3) separate parcels. APN OWNER USE LOT SIZE 600-010-009 CVCWD Flood Control Channel 47.18 Ac. 600-030-010 Chin Family Prop Ltd Partnership Mobile Home Park with SFR. 11.29 Ac. 600-030-018 DWCG1 Vacant Commercial 8.92 Ac. It is anticipated that various permanent slope and temporary easements will be required from the flood control parcel (APN 600-010-009) in order to accommodate the new, all-weather bridge, as well as all proposed channel improvements such as slope protections and cutoff walls. The maintaining of thorough, proactive, and consistent communications with the Coachella Valley Water District and the City of La Quinta will be crucial to avoiding any delays in acquiring all necessary interests. Impacts to the mobile home park (APN 600-030-010) at the northeast corner of the existing bridge may prove complicated. It appears that the raised profile of the new bridge, as well as the proposed bridge approach roadway improvements will require enough additional right of way from the mobile home park, that two structures immediately adjacent to Dune Palms Road will be directly impacted. One structure is a mobile home coach, while the other is a single family home. Separate appraisal reports will be completed for each structure, as well as for the impacted parcels. It is assumed that the single family home and the right of way required from that parcel will be negotiated together with a single owner. A separate acquisition case will be opened for the owners of the impacted mobile home coach. As such, occupants of both structures will necessarily require displacement and relocation assistance, which OPC will manage and facilitate. Because of the relative complexity of the impacts to this parcel, careful management of multiple appraisal activities, and close communication with several interested parties, will be of utmost importance. Lastly, it is anticipated that additional right of way will be required from the parcel at the southeast corner of the existing bridge (APN 600-030-018). This is a vacant commercial property that will likely require relatively simple negotiations with a single owner. An important aspect of the bridge construction is to maintain safe vehicle and pedestrian access along Dune Palms Road at all times. A temporary bypass road located to the east side of the existing roadway 2-so A �iom pa ny Dum- Palms Road Low Water Crossing Repl awrnt at the CaioWa Valley Storm Water Channel No. 2011-05 1 Federal A t 11) rout Na BRLKS-5433(014) will allow for staging traffic and construction of the bridge in two phases. Once stage 1 of the bridge is complete, 2 lanes of traffic and pedestrian access will be rerouted on to the bridge structure. This method of staged construction was successfully used for Adams Street bridge. The roadway improvements will also provide for CVWD maintenance road access at each end of the bridge. RBF is keenly aware of the importance of Quality Control on this and all Public Works projects. We acknowledge there have been some recent issues related to rechecking of plans before they go out to construction. Therefore, for this project we have added Tim Haile, PE to provide thorough QA/QC of all design plans, specifications, and environmental documents. Mr. Haile is well versed in all roadway, public works, utility coordination, Caltrans environmental, processing, and PS&E requirements. Utility Coordination Bridge replacements of low -flow roadway crossings typically involve a combination of overhead and underground utilities which are generally impacted by the proposed construction improvements and thus will require coordination on location and possible relocation of the facility. Through our reconnaissance of the project site, RBF anticipates coordination efforts with I11), Verizon and Time Warner Cable on their relocation and location within the proposed bridge section, relocation and protection of CVWD Water facilities outside of the bridge abutment limits and possible relocation onto the bridge or trenched to a deeper elevation below the scour potential limits, relocation of Gas Company facilities to outside of the bridge abutment limits and possible relocation onto the bridge or trenched to a deeper elevation below the scour potential limits. Discussions and research with utility owners within the project area confirmed the presence of several utility facilities that will be impacted by the construction. Based on preliminary research, several utility owners have facilities within the project or its surrounding area. The exact locations of the following facilities have not been verified. UTILITY OWNER FACILITY CVWD 18" Sewer CVWD 54" Reclaimed water CVWD 18" Water Imperial Irrigation Dist. Electric There currently is an adjacent utility pole line to the east of the existing road bed, a 54-inch reclaimed water line within the existing CVWD wash, an 18-inch water line within existing Dune Palms Road, and sewer facilities to the north end of the project. It appears all of these facilities will be impacted by the proposed construction. Construction staging indicates that a detour road will be built to the east of existing Dune Palms Road. The best plan would be to temporarily relocate the water and the overhead ■ d 2-11 WF A Company Dur& Paps Rcad L ow Water Crcssing Repbanznt at the C=hella Valley Storm Water Cham d Na 2011-05 1 Federal A id Pmirr Na BRLIG-5433(014) power pole line into the detour area and abandon the existing facilities while the bridge is being constructed. The relocation of all facilities (including the reclaimed water line and sewer facilitie should be done prior to the construction of the bridge. Some utility owners may want to be placed in the new structure and early contact will be made with all utility owners within the area to confirm any desire to do so. IID's approved power source shall be shown on the plan for permanent electrical power. All utility conflicts must be noted at this time so advance preparations for clearing the utilities can begin. It should be noted that the "concept review" stage frequently involves revisions and re -submittal before the consultant is authorized to proceed to the next stage. Getting the concept correct is a critical aspect to efficiently completing a custom design. We are aware of the importance of thorough communication and documentation of meeting related to utility providers. RBF will keep a thorough log of all communications with each utility provider. RBF will coordinate with the City as well as all dry utility companies in the area to determine any current or possible future utility conduit space requests within the bridge section. Early, continual and meaningful coordination with the utility companies in the project area as well as identification of utility facilities will reduce the potential or possible conflicts and delays during the plan development and/or construction phase of the project. Regional Trail Facility Incorporation CVAG is leading an effort to develop a Master Plan for the overall development of a multi -use facility from Palm Springs to the Salton Sea, referred to as the CV Link. The final undercrossing details are currently being finalized; however the current desirable section for the facility is a 22 feet wide. Regardless of the final requested section for the undercrossing, the project coordinate with CVAG and their consultant team, which RBF is team member providing design services for undercrossing and overcrossing details. With the possible inclusion of a regional trail undercrossing at the abutments of the proposed bridge, the slope protection along the channel banks in the project area will accommodate the bench area for the proposed undercrossing and trail facility. It has been our recent experience with Adams Street that a minor undercrossing does not affect the SPF water surface profile to a degree where it causes concern with CVWD through the channel hydraulics review process. However, the current desirable trail section being proposed will require the analysis of the trail bench within the hydraulic model for this project. 2-12 ■ ■ ■ ■ A Company City of La Quinta Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement Work Section Dune Palm Road Low Water CrossingReplaceum at the Cozdaella Valley Storm Water Channel Project Na 2011- 05 1 Federal A9 / 11nrjctir No. BRL KS- 54.33(014) Section 3 Scope of Work Program Phase i - Environmental Clearance & Project Study Report Equivalent Task 1 Project Management RBF will manage project duties for the Phase 1 component of the project in order to assure a cost-efficient, quality process. As the prime contractor, our staff will provide a suite of disciplines to effectively coordinate and communicate leading to project approval. Within this task, RBF will do the following: 1. Prepare and maintain the environmental quality control plan 2. Prepare monthly project documentation and invoicing 3. Prepare and maintain the project schedule for environmental approval activities L RBF will take an aggressive approach to ensure the timely resolution of issues. Note: This budget assumes tthe/ project EA/IS phase will take no more than 14 months. If this project phase lasts longer, the budget for proje management will be adjusted to accommodate additional meetings, monthly documentation, etc. Coordination with City of La Quinta. RBF will prepare for and attend monthly meetings with the City of La �rf Quinta (City) regarding environmental processing of documents, resolution of issues, strategy development, etc. �D v� 5 Project Coordination and PDT Meetings. RBF will prepare for and attend meetings of the Project Development Team (PDT). RBF assumes 14 PDT meetings. Coordination with Caltrans District 8. RBF will coordinate with the Caltrans District 8 Environmental Office in order to prepare and process the appropriate and necessary documentation. Agency Coordination. RBF will coordinate with appropriate agencies through PDT meetings, an agency scoping meeting, and direct contact. Concerns and issues expressed by agency representatives will be documented in a database to ensure that expressed concerns are recorded, communicated to the full PDT, and addressed. The following agencies are likely to be among those included in the coordination effort: City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, Caltrans, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Deliverables: • Meeting Agenda, Exhibits, Deliverables Log, and Schedule • Maintain decision and deliverable log • Maintain project schedule Task 2 Environmental Approval This task will be completed in the following five subtasks in conjunction with the above task. Task 2.1 Project Kick -Off and Project Description. Our work program will be initiated with an Early Coordination Meeting with the PDT that will define the parameters of the analysis, scheduling and understanding of the project. Based upon concept plan information and supporting data developed under separate engineering tasks, 3-1 . . . . A Company 1 `� Dune Palrrs Rc�rd L oze� Water Grassing Replace>�nt �, at the Cazahella Valley Storm Water Channel �� r � Cit)� Pr�ry��t Na 2011-OS � Fey%ral A ul Prr�jert No. 6RLI�S-543>(014� RBF will draft a preliminary project description for review and approval by City, District 8 staff, and other PDT members as determined necessary. Task 2.2 Research and Investigation. RBF will evaluate the necessary information with respect to the proposed project. Project research will include coordination with appropriate City departments to acquire relevant environmental data, previous studies for the area and other available files, exhibits, maps and reference documents. The initial investigation will include a site visit with PDT members, review of existing land uses and environmental conditions and a photographic recording of on -site and surrounding uses. Task 2.3 Preliminary Environmental Study (PES). RBF will prepare the Preliminary Environmental Studies (PES) Form in coordination with the City and Caltrans' District 8 Local Assistance Office Chief, and pursuant to Chapter 6 (Environmental Procedures) of Caltrans' Local Assistance Procedures Manual. The PES Form is utilized exclusively for local federally -aided projects off the State Highway System (SHS), and is used to confirm the type and breadth of technical studies and the ultimate required NEPA-compliant document for the project. The PES Form will require signatures from Caltrans' Professionally Qualified Staff regarding the level of required cultural resources (i.e., Section 106) documentation for the project. Caltrans' District Senior Environmental Planner and Local Assistance Engineer will also review and sign the PES Form. It is anticipated that a site meeting to include City representatives, including the RBF team, and pertinent staff from Caltrans would be performed as part of the PES Form submittal to assess site -related conditions and potential impacts warranting further study. In addition, an Initial Site Assessment Checklist and Visual Impact Assessment Questionnaire will be completed and included as part of the PES Form submittal. The draft PES will be reviewed and revised, if necessary, per discussions at the field meeting. Then, the PES will be submitted to Caltrans for signature and distribution to the project team. RBF's technical staff will attend one field meeting (site visit) as required by Caltrans to discuss possible environmental issues with its staff. Task 2.4 Technical Studies. In accordance with Caltrans and FHWA current procedures and guidelines, RBF and others will prepare the required technical reports for the project, which will be included as appendices to the environmental documentation. It is anticipated for this project to obtain federal approval, the following technical studies will be required: Hazardous Waste Initial Site Assessment; Cultural Resources, Noise Analysis, Traffic Study, Air Quality Report, Water Quality Assessment, Floodplain Evaluation Report, Visual Impact Assessment, Land Use and Community Impact Analysis, and Biological Resources/Natural Environment Study (NES) The proposed scope of these environmental studies will be reviewed and confirmed with Caltrans at the initial field review meeting. The following technical studies will be prepared by RBF: [Biologiical) Natural Environment Study -Minimal Impact (NES-MI). RBF will conduct a literature review to assist in determining the existence or potential occurrence of sensitive plant and animal species on the project site or in the vicinity. Federal and State lists of sensitive species and current database records, including the California Natural Diversity Data Base (California Department of Fish and Game, 2007) and the California Native Plant Society's Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California (Skinner, et al., 2007), will be examined. In accordance with Caltrans guidelines, RBF will submit a letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requesting a list of threatened and endangered species known from the project vicinity. The results of the records search will be summarized in a table and included in the NES. The Biological Study Area (BSA) will be determined through coordination with a Caltrans Biologist The fieldwork will be conducted by qualified RBF biologists in order to document the presence/absence of sensitive biological resources (e.g., species or habitats), or to determine the potential for occurrence of such resources that may not be detectable when the fieldwork is conducted. The location of any sensitive biological resources present on site, including plants and plant communities, will be mapped. For optimal results, RBF recommends conducting the 3-2 A �_Ccmpany Dune Palms Rcad L ow Water Crcssing Replace at the CatMla Valley Storm Water Chard Na 2011-05 I Federal A ul Project Na 6RLKS- 513.3(014) fieldwork in the springtime (i.e., April or May), if possible. This will maximize our ability to effectively detect and positively identify sensitive species, particularly plants. A jurisdictional delineation, described below, will be conducted as part of this NES. Additional focused surveys that may be required are described in the Potential Additional Technical Studies section below. RBF will prepare an NES that will include a description of the field methods used and the results of the biological assessment of the project area. The report will include a list of plant and animal species present within the project area and a general description of the plant communities occurring. If any sensitive resources are found on the site, RBF will prepare and include in the NES a graphic displaying the location of the sensitive plant communities on site and any sensitive biological resources observed. Tables describing sensitive species and their habitats that are present or potentially present will also be provided in the report. Our report will also identify and assess project impacts on the existing biological resources, including any sensitive species. Mitigation measures will also be included as necessary. These mitigation measures may be conceptual (i.e., specific restoration plans are not included in this scope). The proposed scope of services includes preparation of a draft NES to be reviewed by (1) the City of La Quinta, and (2) Caltrans. RBF will prepare and distribute up to five copies of the NES for each of the three review cycles and will respond to comments and update the NES as needed for completion of each cycle. The RBFs biologist will be available to attend up to three team meetings, including PDT meetings. Deliverables: Four (4) copies of Draft NES-MI Six (6) copies of the Final NES-MI Comments will be addressed until final approvals are obtained Jurisdictional Delineation. RBF will complete a focused wetland delineation according to the Corps 2006 Interim Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Arid West Region, the new currently accepted methodology. RBF anticipates that a routine delineation, tailored to the site characteristics, will be adequate. If the City has access to photographs of the roadway during previous storm events, such information will be very useful. RBF also will complete a jurisdictional "waters of the U.S." determination according to current Corps standards. The results of the delineation will be presented in a detailed report that will include mapping of any wetland areas and jurisdictional areas. Please note the results of the delineation are subject to verification by the Corps and CDFG, which verification will be conducted as part of this task. Note: This task is needed for the EA/IS. Further actions coordinating the delineation will be completed while permitting the project. Deliverables: Four (4) copies of Draft Delineation Report Six (6) copies of the Final Delineation Report Comments will be addressed until final approvals are obtained Cultural and Paleontological Resources. The purpose of the project's cultural and paleontological studies will be to comply with applicable laws, notably the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Because compliance with NHPA is accepted by the State as evidence of CEQA compliance, our approach will be to implement the consultation process 3-3 A Company Dune Palms Rand L ow Water CrassingReplawno t at the Cazo lla Valley Storm Water Cham-el City ProjatNo 2011-05 1 FabralAulNyixiNo. BRLKS-54.3.3(01,1) specified in the NHPA regulations (36 CFR 800) by following the detailed guidance set forth in Caltrans' Standard Environmental Reference, Vol. 2: Cultural (SER). This will also result in NEPA compliance with respect to cultural and paleontological resources. Because the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has delegated to Caltrans its responsibilities for compliance with NHPA Section 106 as it pertains to administration of the Federal -Aid Highway Program in California, notably the Federal Bridge Replacement Program, our performance of the work specified in the SER will ensure that Caltrans, and thus FHWA, fully meets its obligations under NHPA and NEPA with regard to the projects potentially significant cultural and paleontological resources. In accordance with Caltrans' SER, deliverables at the completion of our studies will be a Historic Properties Survey Report (HPSR) with an appended Archaeological Survey Report (ASR). The work will consist of: • Coordinate APE map with Caltrans • Record search to determine the existence of previously recorded resources at Eastern Information Center • Record search for sacred lands from the Native American Heritage Commission • Follow up contact with all Native Americans the Commission recommends • Prepare log of Native American contact results • Research to prepare project environmental, prehistoric and historic settings ■ Intensive field survey of the project APE location ■ Documentation of sites discovered (not expected) • Prepare Historic Properties Survey Report with an appended Archaeological Survey Report In addition, we believe a Paleontological Identification Report (PIR) will be required as the project area is within the known boundaries of prehistoric Lake Cahuilla which has previously produced scientifically significant fossils. All work will comply with the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference Volume 1, Chapter 8 on Paleontology. The work will consist of: • Record search to determine the existence of previously recorded resources at Western Science Center • Research to prepare project geological and paleontological settings • Paleontological Sensitivity Analysis • Prepare Paleontological Identification Report Deliverables: • Four (4) copies of Draft HPSR, Draft ASR, and Draft PIR Six (6) copies of the Final HPSR, Final ASR, and Final PIR ■ Comments will be addressed until final approvals are obtained Air Quality Report. RBF will prepare an air quality analysis per Caltrans and the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) CEQA regulations for the Salton Sea Air Basin (SSAB), NEPA, CEQA, and FHWA requirements and guidelines, as well as consultation with Caltrans staff. The following outlines the analysis that will be prepared for inclusion into the air quality technical study: Carbon Monoxide _Screening. At the local level, Carbon Monoxide (CO) concentrations will be analyzed per the methodology contained within the Transportation Project Level Carbon Monoxide Protocol (UCD- LTS-RR-97-21) developed by the Institute of Transportation Studies. Particulate Matter Hot Spots. As of March 10, 2006, fixture qualitative PM2.5 and PMIO hot -spot analyses should be based on the Transportation Conformity Guidance for Qualitative Hot -Spot Analyses in PM2.5 and PMIO Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas, which was adopted on March 2006. The PM10 Interagency Consultation Form will be prepared and submitted to the Southern California Association of 3-4 A Company Dune Faln-5 Rand L ow Water Crossing Repbcarm at the CwoWla Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011-05 1 Fe<lc wl A ul Arsgt Na BRLKS-543.3(01.0 Governments Transportation Conformity Working Group. The findings of the interagency consultation will be documented in the Air Quality Report. Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSAT). Given the emerging state of the science and of project -level analysis techniques, there are no established criteria for determining when MSAT emissions should be considered a significant issue. RBF will utilize the FHWA tiered approach for analyzing MSATs. The MSAT analysis will address benzene, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, diesel particulate matter/diesel exhaust organic gases, acrolein, and 1,3-butadiene. Air Quali�y Management Plan Consistency. A review of the project's consistency with the Southern California Association of Governments Regional Transportation Plan will be performed to verify if the project meets Federal Conformity requirements as set forth by the Clean Air Act Amendments. An examination of the projects regional impacts will be provided in the Technical Air Quality Assessment. Construction Emissions. Air quality impacts from grading and construction sources will include the equipment used, length of time for a specific construction task, equipment power type (gasoline or diesel engine), horsepower, load factor, and percentage of time in use. Exhaust and dust emissions from worker commutes and equipment travel will also contribute to the construction emissions. Fugitive dust emissions would result from wind erosion of exposed soil and soil storage piles, grading operations, and vehicles traveling on paved and unpaved roads. RBF will qualitatively evaluate the construction emissions commensurate with available project -specific information. Standard measures for construction activities recommended by the SCAQMD will be identified and incorporated as part of the project's standard conditions. Additionally, the analysis will address Caltrans Standard Specifications for Construction. Naturally Occurring Asbestos. RBF will qualitatively assess naturally occurring asbestos based upon a review of the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) Preliminary Geological Map. The review will determine whether the site is underlain by Serpentine and Peridotite deposits. FHWA Conformity. In August 2007 the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) began requiring a specialized Federal Conformity Analysis and Checklist for all projects, which had Federal funding or involvement. Based on this new submittal requirement, RBF will complete the Conformity Analysis Documentation and prepare additional air quality documentation for submittal to FHWA. Pursuant to recent guidance from FHWA and Caltrans, separate air quality documentation is required for FHWA review and approval. Additionally, FHWA requires a separate standalone Air Quality Assessment document, focusing only on conformity provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA). The additional FHWA documentation includes the Conformity Analysis checklist, which highlights criteria from the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR 93.102 through 93.123) and US DOT and EPA Guidance. RBF will evaluate the proposed project's impacts to long-term mobile source air toxics (MSAT) using the Interim Guidelines on Air Toxic Analysis in NEPA Documents (FHWA, February 2006). In addition, RBF will discuss the proposed project's impact on global warming and climate change. Construction would occur during implementation of the proposed project. Air quality impacts from demolition, grading, and construction sources will be analyzed based on the equipment used, length of time for a specific construction task, equipment power type (gasoline or diesel engine), equipment emission factors approved by the EPA (AP-42 Handbooks), horsepower, load factor, and percentage of time in use. Exhaust and dust emissions from worker commutes and equipment travel will be calculated based on available information regarding these activities. Fugitive dust (PM2.5 and PM10) emissions would result f • 3-5 WF A Company Dune Palms Road L ow Water Crossing Replacerrm at the CaaMla Valley Storm Water Chamr] CityPnjea Na 2011-05 1 Fakm1 Aul PrrY_crt No BRLKS-5433(014) from wind erosion of exposed soil and soil storage piles, grading operations, and vehicles traveling on paved and unpaved roads. Emissions associated with asphalt paving will be calculated when specific data are available. Emission factors included in the SCAQMD's CEQA Air Quality Handbook will be used for construction dust emission estimates. These emissions will be calculated based on construction information available and provided to RBF. Deliverables: Four (4) copies of Draft AQR Six (6) copies of the Final AQR Comments will be addressed until final approvals are obtained Noise Impact Analysis._ RBF will prepare a Noise Impact Analysis assessing the project's potential effects on existing and future noise conditions. RBF will review applicable State (Caltrans), City of La Quinta (City), and land use compatibility criteria for the project area. Noise standards regulating impacts, including the Caltrans Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC); standards included in the City Noise Ordinances will be discussed for land uses adjacent to the project. Using land use information, aerial photographs, and field reconnaissance, RBF will identify areas with potential future noise impacts and will include a discussion of any existing sensitive uses in the project vicinity. Existing roadway traffic noise will be calculated as baseline conditions, using traffic data included in the traffic study for the proposed project. Construction Noise Impacts. Construction would occur during implementation of the proposed project. RBF will analyze noise impacts from construction sources based on the equipment expected to be used, length of specific construction task, equipment power type (gasoline or diesel engine), horsepower, load factor, and percent of time in use. EPA -recommended noise emission levels will be used for the construction equipment. The construction noise impacts will be evaluated in terms of maximum noise levels (dBA Lma,), and the frequency of occurrence at adjacent sensitive locations. Analysis requirements will be based on the sensitivity of the area and the Noise Ordinance specifications of the City. Initial Site Assessment ISA . RBF will prepare a Hazardous Waste Initial Site Assessment (ISA) in accordance with Caltrans guidelines and in general accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Designation E 1597-05, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process. The following tasks will be conducted as part of this evaluation: • RBF will conduct an agency records database search to identify hazardous waste sites located within and in the vicinity of the study area and classified as hazardous waste under State law. The records search will also identify business types located within and in the vicinity of the study area that store, transfer, or use large quantities of hazardous materials. This information will be obtained from records maintained by federal, State and local agencies. RBF will utilize a database service to perform this search. • Historic land use information for the study area will be reviewed to determine whether previous uses in the project area may have resulted in hazardous waste contamination. This information may include historic aerial photographs, historic USGS maps, Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, Oil and Gas maps, groundwater depth/flow data, City directories, County Assessor's data, and building permits. • RBF will conduct a visual survey of the study area via public right-of-way to identify any obvious areas of hazardous waste contamination. • If hazardous waste sites are identified within the study area (via governmental records and/or the visual survey), RBF will review available public records for up to three parcels at the appropriate oversight agency to determine the potential impact to the project. A • 3-6 . A Z. Company Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replant at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Champ] CityPr4at Na 2011-05 1 Ferlhul A ul Agcv No. BRLKS•5433(014) RBF will prepare a report that presents findings and recommendations based on the site survey and historical records review. This scope of work does not include review of private records or interviews with private property owners. Land Use and Community Impact Assessment. If required by Caltrans, RBF will prepare a Community Impact Assessment (CIA) in accordance with the guidelines found in the FHWA Technical Advisory T6640.8a and Caltrans Community Impact Assessment Handbook (1997). Based on the scope of the project as presented in the RFP, relevant discussions of socioeconomic impacts might be included in the IS without a separate report. The CIA will evaluate the proposed project's socioeconomic impacts utilizing current demographics and current assessor parcel information and complying with guidelines provided in the Caltrans community impact assessment handbook (June 1997). The CIA will provide a description of existing land use, housing, employment, and population conditions near the project site. The discussion of socioeconomic impacts shall address the potential impacts on the residential population and local business community, including land use compatibility, neighborhood cohesion, tax revenue loss, and employment impacts. Socioeconomic impacts are anticipated to be minor considering the nature of the proposed property acquisitions. The CIA shall also address the project's consistency with relevant local, regional, and state regulations and plans. The CIA will also address environmental justice considerations. A summary will be included identifying the conclusions of the draft relocation impact statement. Recommendations to avoid, minimize, or mitigate potential socioeconomic impacts shall be identified where feasible. Deliverables: Four (4) copies of Draft CIA Six (6) copies of the Final CIA Comments will be addressed until final approvals are obtained Water Quality Assessment (WQA), RBF will prepare a Water Quality Assessment (WQA) Report for the proposed project. The report will: (1) identify the sources of sediment and other pollutants affect the quality of storm water discharges and (2) to describe practices to reduce sediment and other pollutants in stormwater discharges generated from the construction site. Standard control measures will be recommended. The WQA will provide a preliminary broad overview of available methods to reduce sediment, pollutants, and other construction related debris from impacting stormwater quality. Deliverables: * Four (4) copies of Draft WQA Report * Six (6) copies of the Final WQA Report * Comments will be addressed until final approvals are obtained Traffic Technical Memo Analysis. RBF will conduct a traffic analysis for the Dune Palms Road bridge improvements. RBF will collect AM and PM peak hour intersection counts and will collect 24 hour traffic counts. Based on the traffic data, level -of -service calculations will be generated for the intersections existing and future average daily trips (ADTS) will be generated. The Dune Palms Road bridge improvements are not capacity increasing, therefore no traffic mitigation is anticipated and a traffic technical memo is expected to adequate. Deliverables: • Four (4) copies of Draft Traffic Technical Memo • Six (6) copies of the Final Traffic Technical Memo • Comments will be addressed until final approvals are obtained 3-7 . . . A =Compaf y Duree Palrrs Road L ow Water Cussing Repla nt at the CawVla Valley Storm Water Channel City Pnz uy Na 2011-05 1 Federal A it Prr#ter No BRLKS-54 33(014) Visual Technical Memo. A Visual Technical Memo (VTM) should be considered for every project that has the potential to change the "visual" environment. The level of assessment for the VTM can range from "no formal analysis" to a "complex analysis" and is determined by many factors such as: numbers of viewer groups affected; existence of scenic resources; degree and totality of the proposed changes in the visual environment; local concerns or project controversy; and cumulative impacts along the transportation corridor. In order to establish the need and level of study for a VTM, a preliminary evaluation is performed to determine if the project will cause any physical changes to the environment. Projects that replace or rehabilitate existing facilities (e.g., pavement overlay, striping, sign replacement), and do not constitute a change in character to those facilities, will not require a formal analysis. This preliminary evaluation includes activities such as conducting a site visit to inventory the scenic resources of the project site, estimating potential changes to that character, and identifying viewer groups and public concerns or opposition to the proposal. The intent of the screening is to formally document that a full VIA is not required for the project or to utilize the screening analysis as the scenic resource evaluation should no scenic resources be identified. The RBF team has had significant success with this approach on projects similar in scope; however, this approach is ultimately subject to approval by the Department. Deliverables: ■ Four (4) copies of Draft VTM • Six (6) copies of the Final VTM • Comments will be addressed until final approvals are obtained Floodplain Encroachment Report. Summary Floodplain Evaluation Report will be prepared based on the findings of the local hydraulic study and the hydraulic modeling of the proposed project. The report will detail the project description; alternatives to encroachment; impacts of the project on incompatible development; impacts of the project on natural and beneficial floodplain values; and measures to minimize floodplain impacts. This report will be prepared using the Summary Floodplain Encroachment Report format provided in the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference (SER). Deliverables: • Four (4) copies of Draft Floodplain Evaluation Report • Six (6) copies of the Final Floodplain Evaluation Report • Comments will be addressed until final approvals are obtained Task 2.5 Relocation Impact Memorandum. It is understood that the proposed project will potentially result in the displacement of residences and/or businesses due to anticipated right-of-way requirements, depending on final design. For the proposed project, RBF assumes that a Relocation Impact Memorandum (RIM) will be prepared. Specifically, pursuant to Caltrans' Right -of -Way Manual, Chapter 10 (Relocation Assistance), Subsection (Relocation Impact Documents), RIMs can be prepared for projects that require fewer than ten displacements and there is ample replacement property. The approved RIM will be signed by the appropriate Caltrans right-of-way representative. Task 2.6 Environmental Documents. This task will be provided by RBF in conjunction with its subconsultant Power Engineers, together referred to as RBF. . o 3-s • • A Company Dune Palm, Road L ow Water Crassing RepLw7m at the CwoVla [alley Storm Water Chawrl City Pnr xr Na 2011-05 Federal A OP? -(at No. BROG-54<33-3)(014) Draft Preliminary Environmental Evaluation. Working in consultation with the relevant agencies, RBF will prepare a draft statement of NEPA purpose and need, along with the CEQA Project Objectives. In cooperation with the agencies and the project engineer, RBF will use the project description for each of the alternatives to be considered to meet the purpose and need. The establishment of purpose and need along with the project description are critical to the success of the project. The purpose and need/project objectives will require approval by the City and Caltrans. This scope of work is based upon a no -build and one build alternative. RBF will prepare separate environmental documents for NEPA and CEQA compliance. We anticipate the documents will consist of a Categorical Exclusion (CE) per Caltrans and FHWA guidelines, and an Initial Study (IS) per the City of La Quinta The format will be determined in discussions with the agencies. Final Preliminary Environmental Evaluation. RBF will incorporate the City and Caltrans comments into the Environmental Evaluation. Screencheck Draft Environmental Document. RBF will incorporate the purpose and need/project description from prior task(s) and the technical studies into the Screencheck document. Based upon available data, RBF will prepare sections for land use, public safety, public services, recreation, and utilities. RBF will rely on RBF's engineering support to obtain the geotechnical and hydrology along with their biologist information. The separate CE and IS will determine the following: • Whether the project will have any significant adverse effects on the environment under both State and federal standards • What potential mitigation measures are appropriate for such impacts • Whether the mitigation measures reduce all impacts below a level of significance RBF will provide the Screencheck of the IS to agencies for review and comment, then revise it in response to the agencies' comments; then, a revised Screencheck IS will be provided to the agencies for review and comment, and it will be revised again in response to the agencies' comments. Draft Environmental Document. Based on the previous task, RBF will draft the IS for public review. The critical objective of the IS will be to provide the general public and responsible agencies with the means to participate in the environmental process via written comments on issues addressed in the IS. RBF will prepare the requisite public notices under State and federal law for distribution of the IS. RBF will prepare the requisite number of copies of the document itself, accompanied by its technical documents; most copies likely will be in a CD format. RBF will coordinate the preparation of the distribution list with the City and Caltrans, and the firm assumes that the agencies will distribute the document. Responses to Comments. At the close of the public review period for the IS, RBF would meet with City staff to review any received comments on the IS and to discuss potential responses to these comments. Then, RBF would formulate responses to the comments and submit the response document to the agencies for review and comment. The agencies' comments will be incorporated into the Response to Comments document, which will be submitted to City as an appendix to the IS. RBF would also prepare the draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) Sheet for attachment to the IS. Mitigation Monitoring Program/Environmental Commitments Record. Prior to Caltrans and City approval of the proposed project, RBF will prepare a mitigation monitoring plan/environmental commitments record, including monitoring forms, to assist the City in implementing the mitigation measures contained in the MND. 3-9 . A Company Duane Palms Rand L ow Water CrossingReplacermi at the Cat Wla Valley Storm Water Cbamrl No 2011-05 1 FA-ral A ul Parajtct Na BRLKS-54� >(014) Final Administrative Record. Prior to Caltrans action on the CE and City action on the MND, RBF will assist the City and Caltrans to prepare appropriate findings and the Administrative Record. Final Environmental Process. Following public review of the IS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) will be prepared by RBF. The final steps in the NEPA process are dependent on Caltrans/FHWA procedures and any agreements with the cooperating agencies. The most likely outcome is the preparation of a CE. RBF has included a lump sum budget amount for the completion of the federal process that would include preparation of the Environmental Commitments Record for Caltrans use. Deliverables.• • Five (5) Copies of Screencheck Draft IS/MND • Five (5) Copies of Final Draft IS/MND " Sixty -Five (65) Copies of Public Review IS/MND ■ Ten (10) Copies of Final IS/MND Task 3 Utility Coordination RBF and its subconsultant, Butsko Utility Design together will be referred to as RBF for this task. RBF will review existing utility information available from the City and contact utility owners to identify major facilities located in the project area. This information will be shown on the project base maps, and be used to determine significant impacts to facilities and the cost estimates resulting from those impacts. The utilities that are affected for this project include: • CVWD (Water, Sewer, and Recycled Water) • Southern California Gas Company ■ Verizon Telephone Company • Time Warner Cable Company • Imperial Irrigation District (Electrical) Utility Information Requests and Coordination. Utility company information and contacts will be assembled and compiled in a matrix format. An initial utility information request letter will be mailed and followed up with a phone call. RBF will request information for existing and proposed improvements planned by the utility owners in the project area. Dates of contacts, mailings and document receipts will be logged into the matrix. A follow-up mailing will include sending copies of the Utility Base Map to the utility owners, showing known utilities and requesting verification of existing facilities. RBF will provide the necessary notifications via phone calls, email and letter to ensure that the utility companies provide known facility information and are aware of all necessary relocation as a result of the project. The relocation will also include anticipated temporary and final relocations necessary for the future bridge crossing of the storm channel. This Scope of Work excludes utility relocation design. Utility companies will perform design work with their own forces in preparing final utility relocation plans. No design fees have been included for the preparation of final signed plans, specifications, and cost estimates for any interim or permanent utility relocation. Utility Coordination Documentation_. From the start of the project, all utility information including project contacts, correspondence dates, meeting minutes and other coordination will be maintained in a three ring binder. The first sheet on the inside cover will contain a matrix of each utility company, contact name, and dates of milestone coordination efforts. A copy of the final utility coordination binder will be provided to the City at the project bidding phase of the project.. '1 -� o n . r:O{ 3-10 . . . . A Company Dune Palm, Rcad L ow Water Cressing Replacenert at the CciwWla Valley Storm Water Champ] t No. 2011-05 1 Federal A id Pttxeet Na BRLKS- 34 3(014J Utility Potholing Exhibit and Field Data Collection. RBF will show the location of utilities to be potholed, if any, on the utility sheets and submit the sheets to the City for verification and approval. Prior to initiating potholing activities, RBF will prepare an exhibit showing the proposed locations for potholes. The exhibit will show the RBF recommended number and locations for potholing to sufficiently identify known underground utilities within the construction limits. RBF will collect pothole data based on the City approved pothole location exhibit. All pothole information will be placed on the utility base map for future use and reference. Depending on the final City Staff approved number of potholes, potholing will be bill per each basis according to the fee proposal. For the purposes of this proposal, RBF has assumed twelve (12) pothole locations. RBF will review record drawings and proposed future utility improvements as provided by the Utility companies as mentioned above. This information will be placed on the utility base file. Deliverables: • Utility company plat maps depicting facility locations • Utility base map • Pothole Exhibit Pothole Data Collection Task 4 Topographic Base Mapping RBF will provide aerial mapping of the proposed project from 1,000 feet north and south of the centerline of Coachella Valley Strom Water Channel (CVSWC) along Dune Palms Road for a corridor 200 feet right and left of centerline. In addition, RBF will obtain aerial topographic data along the CVSWC 1,500 feet up and downstream of the proposed bridge crossing which will be used in the analysis of the channel hydraulics. The roadway topography shall include, but not limited to, all features within the ROW and beyond to locate existing facilities, including but not limited to existing utility manholes, valves and above ground structures, and top of any manhole cone, rim and invert elevations, obscured areas, other hard scape features that may be affected by the new roadway construction limits. In addition, RBF will also provide field surveying to obtain accurate elevations on the existing top of curb and gutter for use in verifying or redefining the profile of Dune Palms Road. Additionally, field topographic data collection will obtain data to provide adequate information for runoff and drainage analysis, provide ample detail and range for detailed design and quantity estimating, and conduct appropriate hydrology studies. RBF shall research the records, perform a field walk and compile on the construction plans the monumentation (including, but not limited to, centerline, right-of-way and section corners) that may be vulnerable to disturbance, destruction, or covering by material as a result of construction, reconstruction or maintenance. Prior to construction, the City shall have a qualified land surveyor field locate each monument and set and measure sufficient reference tie accessory points to each monument, as required under Section 8771 of the Professional Land Surveyor Act, and file a preliminary Corner Record document with the County Surveyors Office, also required under Section 8773.3 of said Land Surveyors Act. After completion of construction, reconstruction or maintenance, the City shall have a qualified land surveyor replace any disturbed or destroyed monuments as required under said Section 8773.3, and submit a final Corner Record to the County Surveyors Office for filing as a public record, said final Corner Record document showing the monument(s) destroyed, tied out and replaced. Deliverables: • Topographic base mapping . . A Company M5 Task 5 Geotechnical Report Dune Palms Road L ow Water Crassing Replawnvrt at the Cmdaella Valley Storm Water Champ] City Pne -v No. 2011-05 1 Fabnl A i'dAzictt No BR.LKS-5433(014) RBF's subconsultant, Earth Mechanics Inc. (EMI) will conduct a field investigation, performing laboratory tests, and conducting analyses to develop geotechnical parameters and recommendations for the design and construction of the proposed structures (bridge and retaining wall) and roadway pavement. Field Investi ag tion. The goals of this task are to document observations of subsurface conditions and collect soil samples for laboratory testing. We propose the following boring program: Design Element No. of Borings Approx. Depth (ft) Bridge 2 80 3 135 Retaining Walls 2 50 Pavement 2 10 Large bulk samples will be collected for the near -surface soil. Relatively undisturbed and disturbed samples will be collected at approximately 5-foot intervals. The California sampler will be used alternating with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler. Three disturbed samples from each of the two deep borings will also be collected for grain -size distribution; results of the grain -size distribution will be used for scour analysis. Laboratory Testing. The field boring logs will be reviewed and analyzed to select bulk and undisturbed samples for laboratory testing. The following laboratory tests are envisioned: • In -place moisture and unit weight • Maximum density • Grain -size analysis • Corrosivity • Collapse potential • Sand Equivalent • Direct Shear 0 R-Value Additional tests may be necessary depending on the subsurface conditions. All tests will be conducted in general accordance with Caltrans Test Methods and/or ASTM Standards. Engineering Analyses. Results obtained from the field and laboratory testing program will be used to establish an idealized soil profile and strength parameters for bridge and retaining wall foundation design, and slope stability and settlement calculations for the approaches. EMI will provide information on remediation measures if the site soils are corrosive to concrete or steel structures. R-value will be used to determine composite pavement structural sections using Traffic Indices provided by you. Report Preparation. EMI will prepare three reports: a Preliminary Foundation Report (PFR) for the Bridge Type Selection, a Foundation Report (FR) for the bridge PS&E submittal, and a brief letter report for the roadway pavement and embankment, and retaining wall foundation. Format and content of the PFR and FR will follow Caltrans guidelines. Five copies of the draft version of the reports will be submitted for review. Review comments will be incorporated into final reports and five copies will be submitted. Deliverables: • Preliminary Foundation Report Foundation Report 3-12 • ■ • ACompany Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Repl anrnt at the CatoWla Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011-05 1 Fuleral A ul A jca No. BRLKS- 543.3(014) Geotechnical Report for Roadway and Retaining Walls Task 6 Preliminary Design Plans RBF will develop a 35% street plan and profile showing the proposed roadway section and proposed profile as based on the results of the channel hydraulics, top of the proposed channel lining and the Bridge Type Selection. In addition, this plan will show all known utility conflicts caused by the proposed construction. RBF will submit 3 copies of the plans to the City for review, comment and approval. Deliverables: Geometric Layout 35% Plans Task 7 Bridge Type Selection/Preliminary Engineering Report RBF will perform a Bridge Type Selection Study on the preferred structure type brought forward from the Structures Advance Planning Study. The Consultant will update the APS and perform preliminary calculations to determine the substructure dimensions and foundations. Consultant will then prepare a Bridge Type Selection Report consisting of a Bridge Type Selection Recommendation making note of all critical assumptions of the design, Bridge General Plan, preliminary construction cost estimate, preliminary hydraulics report and preliminary foundation report. The General Plan will present plan, elevation and cross -sectional views of the selected bridge type. The Bridge Type Selection Report will be submitted to the Client for review and authorization to begin final design of the bridge. Deliverables: • Bridge Type Selection Report Task 8 Preliminary Engineers Estimate RBF will prepare a preliminary cost estimate of the proposed improvements based upon the approved preliminary design plans, the Bridge Type Selection Report, utilizing the current edition of the Caltrans Contract Cost Data Book for unit costs. The preliminary cost estimate will include construction items, private property improvements, utility relocations, right-of-way, and water quality measures. Deliverables: • Preliminary Engineers Estimate Task 9 Whitewater River Channel Hydraulics Task 9.1 Channel Hydraulics. RBF will perform supporting water surface profile hydraulic analysis of the Whitewater River crossing to verify that the minimum freeboard requirements and flood protection levels are provided which are consistent with local and federal jurisdiction requirements. Water surface profiles will examine several different sets of conditions including multi -frequency analysis (2, 10, 25, 100-year and Standard Project Flood (SPF)). Per Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) requirements, the crossing will convey the Standard Project Flood (SPF). A "baseline" hydraulic model will be developed utilizing HEC-2 or HEC-RAS, which is representative of the existing channel configuration. The existing hydraulic model will establish the baseline hydraulic parameters which are representative of the average channel characteristics. Geometric data for the floodplain analysis will be based . . 3-13 MF A Company c Dune Palms Rcl L oz� Water Cn�ssing Replant rr1� at the Cazdaella Valley Storm Water Channel Cit}� P�r�ietir Nu 2011 05 I Fulc�'J A ul Prc�jczt Na tMLI�S-54_> ;(01 �� upon digital topographic mapping and supplemented with field surveyed cross sections. The surveyed cross sections and the hydraulic model will extend approximately 1000 feet upstream and downstream of the proposed bridge crossing. The proposed bridge section will be incorporated into the model to determine the effects of the bridge construction on the channel hydraulics. The channel hydraulics will be used to verify that minimum freeboard requirements and flood protection levels are provided which are consistent with local and federal jurisdiction requirements. Development of adequate effective flow area for the bridge channel section is the critical element to ensure adequate level of flood protection and service life of the bridge. Bridge hydraulics must consider the effect of debris accumulation which impinge and collect on the bridge piers. The primary criteria for the design of the bridge requires determination of the (1) maximum water surface for the low -chord of the bridge deck and (2) maximum scour depth in order to protection the piers and abutments. Evaluation of the maximum water surface is sensitive to the streambed material which affects the roughness coefficient Task 9.2 Scour Analysis. The introduction of manmade structures into the river geometry will cause local scour or the removal of streambed material resulting from vortices induced by flow obstructions. Long-term trends of the river system may change the service life of the bridge. The total scour at bridge crossings is comprised of three components which include: (1) long-term aggradation and degradation, (2) contraction scour, and (3) local scour. RBF will perform a qualitative evaluation of the long-term aggradation/degradation potential based on previous studies of the Whitewater River for the purposes of establishing the bridge foundation requirements. The procedures outlined in the Federal Highway Administration "Stream Stability at Highway Structures," HEC-20 will be used for the analysis. This analysis will determine potential long-term aggradation/degradation of the river at the bridge crossing location. This scope of work is based on the preparation of a Level 1, "Qualitative Analysis". Level 2, "Basic Engineering Analysis" studies and Detailed Level 3 mathematical and physical model studies are not included in this scope of work, and can be completed for an additional fee if determined to be necessary. Bridge Local Scour Analysis — RBF will develop the local scour analysis to evaluate the potential adjustment of the streambed profile in the vicinity of the bridge because of local modifications to the hydraulics with the bridge structure, such as piers, or encroachments by the abutments. Evaluation will include applying various empirical relations to quantify the amount of local scour. In addition, the procedures outlined by the Federal Highway Administration, Evaluating Scour at Bridges, HEC-18, will be applied to estimate total local scour. To meet CVWD criteria, pier scour will also be assessed using the Blench Regime Equation will also be used to estimate pier scour. This task shall also include the calculation of contraction scour based on the results of the hydraulic analysis. Local hydrology analysis - Peak discharges, runoff quantities and flood hydrographs for the 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, 25-year, 50-year, 100-year return periods and for the SPF will be prepared for use in designing the local drainage system impacted by the Project improvements. Deliverables: Preliminary and final hydraulic reports documenting the analysis of both the hydraulic and scour analysis will be prepared which summarized the engineering investigation. Reports will be prepared for the 65%, 95% and Final submittals. These reports shall include the background for the hydraulics, watershed hydrology, design criteria, constraints, design assumptions, references, and flood protection requirements for the project. The reports will be prepared in a format suitable for review by the governing agencies. 3-14 M ■ ■ ■ A Company Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replamnxrrt at the CctwVla Valley Storm Water Channel No 2011-05 1 Fe4lhal A ul Prr#(v No. 6RLKS-543.3(014) Task 10 Conceptual Bridge Railing Aesthetics RBF shall develop an Aesthetics Plan and coordinate the structural and landscape aesthetic treatment concept of the railing with the design team. RBF will develop up to two (2) bridge railing aesthetic treatment concepts for review, comment and approval by the City staff. All working sketches and exhibits in strip map, 8'/z x 11, and 11 x 17 formats will illustrate general dimensions and proportions of the aesthetic treatments. All final design elements and aesthetics construction details will be prepared by the individual design functional discipline and incorporated into their respective plans and specifications. No 3-D renderings, models, or visual graphics are assumed as a part of this scope of work. RBF shall back -check the final details, dimensions, and constructed design elements prepared by the individual design functional discipline and incorporated into their respective plans and specifications for consistency and conformity to the intent of the approved Aesthetics Concept Plan. Deliverables: • Two railing aesthetics concepts • Detailed Exhibit for Railing Concept Task 11 Preliminary Right of Way Cost Study RBF's subconsultant Overland Pacific Cutler (OPC) will provide support for this task. The proposed bridge improvement design may require the acquisition or partial acquisition of up to three (3) parcels surrounding the project site. As a result of the proposed improvements and the associated construction activities, it is assumed that various interests, including fee simple, permanent slope, and/or temporary easements, will be needed from three (3) separate parcels. 600-010-009 CVCWD Flood Control Channel 47.18 Ac. 600-030-010 Chin Family Prop Ltd Partnership Mobile Home Park with SFR. 11.29 Ac. 600-030-018 DWCG1 Vacant Commercial 8.92 Ac. It is anticipated that various permanent slope and temporary easements will be required from the flood control parcel (APN 600-010-009) in order to accommodate the new, all-weather bridge, as well as all proposed channel improvements such as slope protections and cutoff walls. The maintaining of thorough, proactive, and consistent communications with the Coachella Valley Water District and the City of La Quinta will be crucial to avoiding any delays in acquiring all necessary interests. Impacts to the mobile home park (APN 600-030-010) at the northeast corner of the bridge may prove complicated. It appears that the raised profile of the new bridge, as well as the proposed bridge approach roadway improvements will require enough additional right of way from the mobile home park, that two structures immediately adjacent to Dune Palms Road will be directly impacted. One structure is a mobile home coach, while the other is a single family home. Separate appraisal reports will be completed for each structure, as well as for the impacted parcels. It is assumed that the single family home and the right of way required from that parcel will be negotiated together with a single owner. A separate acquisition case will be opened for the owners of the impacted mobile home coach. As such, occupants of both structures will necessarily require displacement and relocation assistance, which OPC will 3-15 M . . . A Company Dune Palms Raad L ow Water Cussing Replacesrent at the C toVla Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011- 05 1 Fculeral A ul Pr ca Na BRL KS- 54.3.3(014) manage and facilitate. Because of the relative complexity of the impacts to this parcel, careful management of multiple appraisal activities, and close communication with several interested parties, will be of utmost importance. Lastly, it is anticipated that additional right of way will be required from the parcel at the southeast corner of the existing bridge (APN 600-030-018). This is a vacant commercial property that will likely require relatively simple negotiations with a single owner. The right of way cost study will analyze the costs of the acquisitions from the affected parcels considering the value of the land and improvements being acquired, whether the take will be a full or partial take, and it will evaluate any severance damage and relocation costs that might be caused by the proposed improvements. The project cost study will estimate the probable costs of the real estate and associated damages, the relocation exposure, business damages and goodwill exposure, and the myriad of incidental costs that will be encountered along the project. 1. At the 35% Plan stage, OPC will ascertain all relevant design plans available for review of project impacts and coordinate with Project Design Team to review impacts and confirm impact assumptions. The Scope of Work for the Cost Study includes: 1. OPC will physically view each site and record appropriate data. 2. Online data of individual properties will be incorporated into field research, where necessary. 3. Field research data will be integrated into appropriate OPC cost estimating formats. 4. OPC Field Agent and Property Analysts will meet to discuss data and draw impact conclusions and property remediation strategies. These initial property conclusions and strategies will be reported to Design Team to consider opportunities for creative problem -solving either in design or property remediation strategies. 5. Once property remediation and design assumptions are finalized and property impact conclusions are confirmed, data is finalized into the approved cost estimating formats. The scope of work will be performed and delivered in a report containing a textual description of the project areas studied; a summary of total probable costs of the study area itemized by major component, and will include detailed spreadsheets showing how the summary sheets were calculated. The spreadsheets contain a parcel -by -parcel breakdown of all probable costs. In the event that the acquisition program is to be phased or determined to be implemented at a future date, formulized spreadsheets will be created which apply the appropriate cost escalation factors to reflect the projected schedule. The final cost information determined from the spreadsheet accumulation of data will then be transferred into the appropriate format for application to the Right of Way Data Sheets or other format required by the project. Deliverables: • Cost Estimate Worksheet for R/W • a 3-16 [MF A =Company x`c Dune Palrrr Rand L oze� Water Cr�ssirzg Revlacrn at tlae Cazdrella Valley Storm Water Charvael �r. City Projc�t No. 2011- 05 j Federal A id Prriaj Na BRL KS 54 >3�014J Phase 2 - Final Design Task 2-1 Project Management RBF will manage project duties for the Phase 2 component of the project in order to assure a cost-efficient, quality process. As the prime contractor, our staff will provide a suite of disciplines to effectively coordinate and communicate leading to project approval. Within this task, RBF will do the following: Prepare and maintain the quality control plan Prepare monthly project documentation and invoicing Prepare and maintain the project schedule for design approval activities RBF will take an aggressive approach to ensure the timely resolution of issues. Note: This budget assumes that the project design phase will take no more than 12 months. If this project phase lasts longer, the budget for project management will be adjusted to accommodate additional meetings, monthly documentation, etc. Coordination with City of La Quinta. RBF will prepare for and attend monthly meetings with the City of La Quinta regarding the design processing, resolution of issues, strategy development, etc. Project Coordination and PDT Meetings. RBF will prepare for and attend meetings of the Project Development Team (PDT). RBF assumes 12 PDT meetings. Agency Coordination. RBF will coordinate with appropriate agencies through PDT meetings, an agency scoping meeting, and direct contact. Concerns and issues expressed by agency representatives will be documented in a database to ensure that expressed concerns are recorded, communicated to the full PDT, and addressed. The following agencies are likely to be among those included in the coordination effort: City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, Caltrans, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Deliverables: • Meeting Agenda, Exhibits, Deliverables Log, and Schedule • Maintain decision and deliverable log ■ Maintain project schedule Task 2-2 Environmental Permitting RBF will obtain all necessary environmental (regulatory) permits for the project within the CVSWC. RBF will prepare and process applications for project permits required for compliance with Sections 401 and 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act. Section 401 permits are under the regulatory authority of the RWQCB; Section 401 certifications are under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps); Section 1602 Agreements are under the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). Section 7 Consultation falls under the regulatory authority of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). This scope is based upon the assumption that the project will qualify for a Corps Nationwide Permit. Under the Nationwide Permit (NWP) program, no individual crossing (or multiple crossings of a single watercourse) may exceed 0.5 acres of temporary or permanent impact. Until the jurisdictional delineation and the NES have been 3-17 . . . . A Company Dune Palm Rand L ow Water Crcssing Re bffn ent at the CaioVla Valley Storm Water Chamd City Projcct No 2011-05 1 Fak-ml A ul 1'r lia No. BRLKS-5433(014) completed, the cost for permitting actions cannot be accurately estimated. Based on a preliminary field review, RBF believes that the project would qualify for an NWP. The firm's permitting services include the following: Coordination with Project Team. RBF will coordinate with members of the project team to review the anticipated permitting approach, discuss and identify any additional information needs, and review the projected permitting schedules, mainly via telephone, mail, and fax, but up to six team meetings also will be required. Objectives of the coordination will include identifying feasible mitigation options and preparing for initial and final coordination with regulatory agencies. RBF will arrange meetings, prepare agendas and distribute minutes and other relevant materials. Initial Coordination with Regulatory Agencies. RBF will schedule, arrange, and prepare any necessary materials for a pre -application consultation with the involved agencies to describe the proposed project, discuss permitting approach, and identify potential mitigation options. RBF will arrange meetings with representatives of the Corps and RWQCB. RBF will summarize and document the results of agency coordination and will submit this information in a letter to the respective agencies, with copies to project team members. Permit Applications. Based on the results of the jurisdictional determination and the outcome of the initial coordination with the involved agencies, RBF will prepare and submit the necessary permit application materials. RBF anticipates the following actions: The Corps will provide Section 404 authorization under a NWP. The RWQCB will issue Section 401 Water Quality Certification. The CDFG will issue a 1602 Agreement. Note: The removal of the existing low water crossing in the channel, the construction of a bridge and the removal of the existing fill materials will have a positive benefit to Waters of the United States. Section 401 certification Application. RBF will prepare permit applications accordingly. Each application packet will be reviewed with the project team, and any required changes will be made prior to submittal to the respective agencies. The permit application materials will include the following: • The jurisdictional delineation completed by RBF. • An Nationwide Permit Application, including a cover letter to the Corps, an explanation of the project, description of impacts, site plans, graphics, and an Alternatives Analysis. • A preliminary mitigation and monitoring plan based on Corps guidelines, including information on mitigating on -site impacts to replace jurisdictional areas that will be lost and areas that will return Corps jurisdiction. • A final mitigation plan to be prepared and submitted following Corps review of the application packet, incorporating appropriate conditions based on the agency review and comment. • Complete copies of the Section 401 application will be included. • All necessary graphics and other supporting materials, using existing materials wherever feasible, in order to minimize costs. Section 401 Water Quality Certification Application. RBF will prepare written correspondence requesting water quality certification including the following materials: ■ Information prepared for the 404 application used to provide a complete project description, including the purpose, location, total site acreage, types of water bodies within the site, and total acres of waters of the U.S. 3-1s A Company "p Dune Palm, Road L ow Water Crossing Replaanva at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel Cite f'rt yr No 2011-05 1 Fnrlbal A I'd Prtyizt Na 13RL KS- 543;;(p1 4) ■ An assessment of water quality impacts addressing types of fill material to be discharged, impacts to beneficial uses of the water body, and any expected water diversions ■ A complete copy of the Section 404 application • A copy of the final environmental document for the project, including the certification of the final document • Other appropriate material as may be required by the RWQCB • Coordination with the project's civil engineer, to ensure that the proposed project does not result in an increase in the volume of runoff to be discharged from the site and to ensure that all runoff from developed surfaces is treated for water quality purposes before it is discharged from the site. Section 1600 Et Seq. Streambed Alteration Notification. RBF will submit the following materials to the CDFG: • A standard CDFG Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration form executed by the client • A CDFG Lake and Streambed Alteration Program —Project Questionnaire • A copy of the report on the delineation of wetlands and jurisdictional waters prepared for the 404 application • A copy of the Section 404 application to the Corps • A copy of the preliminary mitigation and monitoring plan prepared for the 404 • A copy of the Section 401 application to the RWQCB • A copy of the final environmental (CEQA) document for the project • Appropriate plans, exhibits, and maps • Filing fee to be provided by the City based on the cost of the portion of the project that requires a Streambed Alteration Agreement (i.e., the portion of the project where the road crosses the streambed) Follow -Up Coordination. Consultation and coordination will be required among the applicant, project team, and involved regulatory agencies during the review of application materials. Following submittal of the applications, RBF will coordinate with the involved regulatory agencies to respond to agency questions and submit any additional information that may be requested. We have assumed that coordination will take place primarily by telephone, fax, and mail. The proposed schedule and cost estimate includes attendance at three meetings. During this process, RBF will coordinate closely with the project team with regard to any agency concerns, questions, or request for additional materials that may arise. Deliverables: ACOE 404 Permit Application ■ Two (2) Copies of Draft 404 Application ■ Two (2) Copies of Final 404 Application RWQCB 401 Water Quality Certification Application • Two (2) Copies of Draft 401 Application • Two (2) Copies of Final 401 Application CDFG 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement Application • Two (2) Copies of Draft 1602 Application ■ Two (2) Copies of Final 1602 Application . . . A Company Durae Palms Raid L ow Water CrossingReplaoxm at the CowWla Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011- 05 1 Fakal A ul Arr 4-u Na BRL I(S- 5433(014) Task 2-3 Street Improvement Plans RBF will prepare the necessary roadway improvement plans using AutoCAD 2010 including a project title sheet, typical cross sections, construction details, horizontal alignment layout plans, vertical profile, grading, drainage, and cross sections of the proposed roadway improvements and submit to the City for review and comment. This task includes: • Preparing a project title sheet consisting of the City standard sheets along with pertinent notes and location maps. • Preparing typical cross sections for the roadway at intervals that adequately represent changes in roadway cross-section. The typical sections will identify existing and proposed improvements. ■ Developing the final horizontal layout and the vertical profile alignment for the proposed roadway based on the approved alignment layout and City comments. Street reconstruction length is assumed to be 1,200 lineal feet including the bridge. • Preparing street layout plan and vertical profile drawings for all roadway improvements. The street layout plans will also include removals, grading, and drainage schemes based on the approved preliminary design. • Preparing roadway cross sections identifying existing and proposed ground at 50 foot intervals over the Project length for the purpose of earthwork calculations. • Preparing traffic signing and striping plans for the proposed reconstruction length. • Preparing traffic detour plans for anticipated street closure for construction. A pedestrian crossing shall be designed along the current Dune Palms Road for use for the public during construction. ■ Slope protection improvement plans including any requested details for maintenance ramps, slope protection and regional trail undercrossing. Slope protection plans shall be for a maximum length of 500 LF on the north side and 500 LF on the south side of the channel. • Retaining wall plans and profile. It is anticipated two retaining walls (900 LF total) will be required for design, located along the east side of Dune Palms Road on each end of the bridge. ■ Preparing storm drainage plans and outlet details as necessary. Drainage plans will only include the necessary conveyance of local drainage low points as created by the project. Plan and profile construction drawings based on City and CVWD standards for storm drain and associated laterals. This storm runoff will be discharged into the CVSWC. Once the final storm drain plans have been submitted and approved by the City, specific sheets will be sent to CVWD for approval and inclusion in the permanent encroachment permit. • RBF will prepare final roadway plans in conformance with the approved preliminary alignment plans and submit to the City for review at 65% and 100% completion. Mylar plan sheets will be submitted after the approved of the 100% plan submittal package. RBF will prepare plans at 40 scale (1"=40') where applicable. Signing and Striping Plans will include all new/existing signs and striping, pavement markings, pavement legends, sign and striping removals. At the project limits to the east, west, north and/or south, RBF will reference in existing striping based on topographic information and field review. Deliverables: ■ Street Improvements plans at 65%, 100%, Mylar Check and Mylar stages a 3 - 20 A Company Duree Palma Road Low Water Crossing Replacement at the CaaoVla Valley Storm Water Channel Cin, Pf icu No 2011-05 1 Federal A id Perjzy No 6RLIG-54.33(014) Task 2-4 Hydrology and Hydraulics Report This project will only consider storm water runoff developed within the roadway right of way. RBF anticipates that the existing catch basin on the west side of Dune Palms Road will need to be removed and replaced as a result of the change in roadway profile in the area. RBF will need to determine the drainage area for the proposed catch basin and place it at the proposed low point of the roadway. RBF will prepare design level hydrology analysis to determine proposed and ultimate design flows within the proposed Dune Palms Road right-of-way to verify that the 25-year storm will not exceed curb height and the 100-year storm will not exceed right-of-way. Street hydraulic analysis will be performed to evaluate flooded width requirements. A final hydrology/hydraulics report summarizing all pertinent design criteria and calculations will be submitted for review by the Agencies. Deliverables: • Hydraulics Report Task 2-5 Final Bridge Plans Task 2-5.1 65% PS&E. Upon receipt of the City's written approval of the selected bridge type, Consultant will prepare the 65 percent plans (unchecked details). All structure design calculations and plans will conform to Caltrans and any Client requirements and will be submitted for review by the client. The bridge will be designed by a California -registered civil engineer in accordance with the current version of the following manuals: • Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications (LRFD) • Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria (SDC) • Caltrans Bridge Memos to Designers • Caltrans Bridge Design Aids The level of effort is based on the baseline cast -in -place post -tensioned concrete box girder bridge. The scope of work and design fee may need to be adjusted if a different structure alternative is selected for final design. A set of draft plans (unchecked details) will be prepared in AutoCAD 2010 in accordance with the applicable provisions of the following Caltrans manuals and in conformance with any Client requirements: Caltrans Bridge Design Details; Plans Preparation Manual; and Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) Guide. The assumed baseline alternative is a cast -in -place post -tensioned concrete box girder bridge. The following bridge plan sheets are anticipated: 1. General Plan 2. Index to Plans 3. Deck Contours 4. Foundation Plan 5. Abutment 1 Layout 6. Abutment 5 Layout 7. Abutment Details No . . . . A Company DurE Palm Road L ow Water Cressing Revlant at the Cwdvlla Valley Storm Water Chard No. 2011-05 1 Federal A id Prrojcat No. BRLKS-543 3(014) 8. Abutment Details No. 2 9. Abutment Details No. 3 10. Pier Layout 11. Pier Details No. 1 12. Pier Details No. 2 13. Typical Section 14. Girder Layout 15. Girder Reinforcement 16. Girder Details 17. Barrier Details 18. Railing Details No. 1 19. Railing Details No. 2 20. Utility Details 21. Miscellaneous Details 22. Joint Seal Assembly 23. Structure Approach 24. Structure Approach Drainage Details 25. Log of Test Borings (by others) A complete bound set of design calculations will be prepared and submitted to the Client for review. Deliverables: • Structural Design Calculations • Plans (Unchecked Details) Task 2-5.2 Bridge Independent Check. A California -registered RBF civil engineer who is not directly involved in the initial design of the structure will independently check the bridge design. The independent check will be performed in accordance with the applicable design criteria and will include generating independent check design calculations and review of the plans and special provisions. This also includes a QA/QC review of the plans and specifications by a senior bridge engineer. Any significant differences between the initial design and the independent check will be resolved between the two licensed engineers until substantial agreement on the final design is achieved. Any required changes will be made to the design and construction documents. The level of effort is based on the baseline cast -in -place post -tensioned concrete box girder bridge. The scope of work and design fee may need to be adjusted if a different structure alternative is selected for final design. Task 2-5.3 95 % PS&E. RBF shall prepare 95 percent PS&E for review and approval of the City. The 95 percent PS&E shall include 65 percent PS&E updated in response to comments from the City and the bridge independent checker. In addition, a 3"d party engineer within RBF shall perform a check of all non -bridge plans, specifications, and engineer's estimate for completeness and accuracy. The Special Provisions for the roadway and bridge will be based upon Caltrans Standard Special Provisions (SSP's). Consultant will prepare technical Special Provisions for bidding to be included by the client in their bid documents. It is understood the Client will incorporate the Caltrans Standard Specifications and project SSP's into their bid documents (i.e. Notice to Contractors, Instructions to Bidders, Contractor Forms, etc.) and coordinate the specifications with any other non -bridge bid items. . a 3-2z F. A =Company Dune Palms Road L ow Water Crcssing Replacerrm at the CoadVla Valley Storm Water Chamr] CityPrc at Na 2011-05 1 Federal A u!PPrn'Crr No. 13RLKS-54.3.3(014) The Consultant will prepare itemized quantity take -off calculations and a construction cost estimate for the bridge and roadway construction. Deliverables: • Plans • Bridge Design Calculations • Independent Check Design Calculations • Draft Special Provisions • Itemized Cost Estimates Task 2-5.4 100% PS&E. Following the reviews by the City, agreed -upon revisions shall be made to the 95% PS&E. The specifications, half-size plans, and other bid documents will be submitted to the City for final approval. Deliverables: • Half-size set of Plans • Final Special Provisions ■ Itemized Cost Estimate Task 2-5.5 Final PS&E. After receipt of final approval, an original set of stamped and signed plans and an engineer's estimate will be submitted to the City for its use in developing bid documents and soliciting construction bids. The Consultant shall provide the quantity calculations to the City for use in administering the contract. Once the final plans have been submitted and approved by the City, specific sheets will be sent to CVWD for approval and inclusion in the permanent encroachment permit. Deliverables: Full-size "D" size Mylar set of Plans signed and stamped Final Plans Technical Special Provisions Engineer's Estimate Task 2-6 Final Itemized Engineering Cost Estimate Starting with the 65% Package Submittal, RBF shall prepare a Final Quantity and Cost Estimate. The estimate will be submitted with both the 100% and Mylar plan check reviews. Deliverables: • Engineer's Estimate at each Package Submittal Task 2-7 Specification and Bid Document RBF shall prepare construction specifications, using the City "boilerplate" for the contract documents and general provisions. Technical specifications shall be prepared for construction of each item of work in the Project. It is anticipated that all of the above mentioned plans, (street and bridge), will be bid under one construction bid document. Deliverables: • Specifications and Bid Package at each Package Submittal r•• 3 - 23 A Company Dune Palms Rcad L ow Water Crossing Replaa'rrent at the Caa Vla Valley Storm Water Channel NN'(IerNa 2011-05 j FederalAulNa BRLKS-343.3(014) Task 2-8 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) RBF will prepare a conceptual Storm Water Pollution Plan (SWPPP) for the project. The project is anticipated to result in more than 1 acre of disturbed soil area and will require a SWPPP and an erosion control plan layout sheet. It is assumed the SWPPP will be prepared in accordance with the current MS4 Permits requirements. Deliverable: • Completed SWPPP for Project Construction Task 2-9 CVWD Encroachment Permit RBF shall fill out the appropriate CVWD encroachment forms for the construction, operation and maintenance of the Dune Palms Road Bridge by the City. This task will also include meeting time and coordination with CVWD on any additional items they may request throughout the design process (i.e. access gates, ramps to the bottom of the channel, etc.). Deliverable: • Completed CVWD Encroachment Permit Task 2-10 Legal and Exhibits RBF shall prepare up to nine (9) Legal Description and Exhibits for either temporary construction easements or right of way acquisition. The temporary construction easements will encompass an area as needed to provide the contractor the sufficient room to perform the anticipated construction activities for the widening project. Deliverables: • Nine (9) Legal Descriptions and Exhibits Task 2-11 Right of Way Acquisition Services After initial investigation of the potential impacts of the project, OPC assumes that three (3) parcels, one (1) single family home, and one (1) mobile home will need to be formally appraised. The result will be four (4) acquisition cases (the single family home and its associated parcel being acquired together), and two (2) relocation cases (single family home and mobile home). As the agency's right of way engineering team completes legal descriptions and plat maps for all impacted parcels, OPC will review to ensure that the latest design elements are incorporated and that all ownership interests are accurate in preparation for the appraisal and negotiations efforts. During this process, OPC will review preliminary title reports to determine potential title clearance activities that will need to take place. Once the review of the design team's legal descriptions and plat maps is complete, OPC's fee appraisal team and our sub consultants' appraisal review teams will provide valuation services for each temporary and permanent interest and impacted tenant -owned improvement. As these reports are finalized, the agency will review the findings and establish the Determination of Just Compensation for each property owner offer package. OPC will subsequently draft the offer packages and all applicable acquisition agreements, submit them to the agency for final approval, and negotiate owner settlements. Relocation efforts will be completed per the Uniform Act and subsequent relocation claims will be processed through the agency. Once an amenable agreement is reached with the property owner, a Purchase and Sale Agreement will be executed by each respective ownership and an escrow account will be established to facilitate agency payment and any required title clearance activities. When the transaction closes and owner payments are disbursed, OPC will begin coordination with the appropriate state and federal oversight authorities to secure right of way certification. Where voluntary agreements are not possible, OPC will coordinate 3 - 24 . . . A Company Dune Palm RcadL ow Water Cmsing Repl mwr at the Caz Wla Valley Storm Water Channel 00ATYcdr Na 2011-05 1 Fatal A ul b4ca No. BRLKS-5433)(014) with the agency's legal counsel in eminent domain proceedings and provide all relevant property and negotiations details to support the condemnation task. Utility Coordination/Relocation. At the completion of 65% plans OPC will discuss and determine utility conflicts based on potholing results and design requirements. It is anticipated that there will be 4 conflicts (identified above). OPC will coordinate and attend meetings with utility owners and the design team. OPC will issue Relocation Claim Letters to utility owners, and request relocation plans, cost estimates, possible easement requirements, schedule, and claims of liability from each utility owner. OPC will confirm with the design team that relocation plans will comply with the requirements of the construction of the project. OPC will continue to coordinate meetings with the design team and utility owners. OPC will deliver a Notice to Owner to relocate utilities, Report of Investigation or similar document that illustrates "prior rights" information, easement requirements (if any), cost estimates, final liability determinations, schedule, and performance of work (by contractor or utility owner). OPC will prepare Utility Agreements, if necessary, and have them executed by each utility owner in conflict. Also, while not necessarily needing to be a key issue, the displacement of occupants can be politically charged, as well as delay a project if appropriate relocation procedures are not followed, payment of relocation claims are not expeditious, or described policies and timing described to occupants are not followed. OPC will follow all regulations and provide exemplary advisory services throughout the relocation process to keep the occupant(s) informed and aware of their eligibility and how to claim benefits. OPC, in advance of relocation eligibility, will coordinate with the City on their approval process for relocation documents and claims, as well as understanding of the timing to receive payments for eligible relocation expenses. Upon environmental approval of the project, OPC will implement and manage a comprehensive ROW program to cover all aspects involved in the public acquisition process. In general, this process usually includes project management, fee appraisal, appraisal review, F&E appraisal, title and escrow, environmental, property acquisition, relocation assistance, utility coordination, site clearance and right of way certification. OPC has the properly licensed, experienced, local resources to provide precise staffing levels exactly when needed, and the expertise necessary to secure the remaining ROW for the project. OPC will develop and implement a formal ROW program in compliance with the applicable City and state policies and procedures. For this project specifically, it is understood that federal funding is expected and therefore Caltrans guidelines and procedures will guide the process. OPC will provide overall ROW program management, leadership, and direction of all phases of the right of way process, policies, and scheduling. Right of Way Project Management and Document Support 1. Track and manage all budgetary -related aspects of OPC's Scope of Work. 2. Assist with the development of administrative policies, procedures, and forms necessary to carry out the initial program. 3. Maintain ongoing general consultation and project coordination with the client, City, and any other project team members as necessary. 4. Provide representation of the client at public meetings, hearings, and litigation related matters. 5. Prepare and present a monthly written status report based on the agreed -upon guidelines regarding information to be provided. Confer weekly with client verbally on general statuses, problem areas, and progress. 6. Participate in up to 4 Project Development Team Meetings to report on acquisition progress. 7. Manage subcontractor and all necessary disciplines needed for the project. 8. Provide quality assurance and quality control for the right of way program and all right of way components. so 3 - 25 W . A �ComPany Dune Palms Rand L ow Water Crossing Re[2lacer m at the Caadaella Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011-05 1 Federal Aid Air4v No 6RLKS-5433(014) go Deliverables: • Monthly status reports • R/W Schedule Title Investigation Services — Up to (3) Preliminary Title Reports 1. Secure vesting deeds, back up documents, property profiles, and tax maps for each property. 2. Secure preliminary title report which will remain valid for a minimum of 6 months or until there is an ownership change. 3. Secure copies of recorded back-up documents, as needed. 4. Share title information with right of way engineer, surveyor, and appraisers for their use. 5. Prepare list of title exceptions to be cleared; confirm manner of disposition is consistent with approved project plan. 6. Facilitate changes to preliminary title report after the preparation of the legal description, if necessary for partial acquisition. Deliverable: • Three (3) preliminary title reports with back-up documentation Appraisal Services - Up to (S) Appraisal Reports (3 parcels, 1 SFR, 1 mobile home) 1. OPC will mail a notification letter and acquisition policies brochure to the property owner requesting permission to conduct an on -site inspection of the property, advising them of their right to accompany the appraiser at the time of the inspection, and requesting information regarding the property appraised which could influence the appraised value. 2. Appraiser will review title information pertaining to respective ownership and will review drawings and other pertinent information relative to the parcel. 3. Appraiser will inspect the property personally with the owner (if possible) and document the inspection with photographs for use in the report. 4. Appraiser will perform market research to support the selected appraisal methodologies and will document and confirm comparable sales information. 5. Appraiser will prepare a narrative appraisal report that conforms to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The appraisal study and report are intended to serve as an acquisition appraisal and will be prepared in a summary format consistent with the specifications for narrative appraisal reports. 6. OPC will receive and analyze the completed appraisal report accordingly. Deliverables: • (5) Appraisal Reports Negotiate Right of Way Settlement/Prepare Acquisition Documents - (4) Owners (3 parcels, and mobile home owner) 1. Establish and maintain a complete and current record file in a form acceptable to the client. 2. Receive and analyze title information, approved appraisal report, and legal description in sufficient detail to negotiate with the property owner and other parties. 3. Prepare offer letter, summary statement, and list of compensable items of fixtures and equipment, in accordance with state or federal regulations and the approval of the client. 4. Present written purchase offer to owner or their representative in person, when possible. Secure receipt of delivery of offer as practical and present and secure tenant information statements, as applicable. 3-26 A Company Dune Palm Rand L oze� Water CrassingReplacerrerrt at the Cazd�lla Valley Storm Water Channel ,.�..,. Ci[} P;rycrt Nc� 20105 Fecic�al A icf Py�jc�t No. 13RLI S 5I3.3(014J 5. Follow-up and negotiate with property owner, as necessary; prepare and submit recommended settlement justification to client for review and approval; review any independent appraisal secured by property owner; and coordinate reimbursement of appraisal fees (up to $5,000) with client. Ongoing negotiations and settlement discussions will continue after the initial offer or until we reach settlement or impasse, as dictated by the overall Project Schedule. 6. Prepare and assemble acquisition contracts, deeds, and related acquisition documents required for the acquisition of all necessary property interests. 7. Maintain a diary report of all contacts made with property owner or representative and a summary of the status of negotiations indicating attitude of owner, problem areas, and other pertinent information. Copies of all applicable written correspondence will be maintained in files. 8. Prepare an impasse letter where, after diligent attempts to settle by negotiation, it appears eminent domain will be needed or prudent to acquire the needed interest. 9. Litigation support: in the event an acquisition is unable to be settled via voluntary means, the negotiations staff will provide a condemnation -ready case file, all relevant negotiations history, and meet with client as needed to provide relevant acquisition content. 10. Transmit executed acquisition documents to client. Each transmittal package shall include a fully executed and properly notarized deed(s), fully executed acquisition contract with attachments, and a brief settlement memorandum which summarizes the pertinent data relative to the transaction. Deliverables: • (4) Acquisition Documents Escrow Coordination If by Negotiated Settlement: Assist the escrow/title company in the following: 1. Open escrow and coordinate execution of closing instructions providing for title insurance coverage at the settlement amount. 2. Provide escrow officer with fully executed acquisition contract and notarized deed. 3. Work in conjunction with escrow officer to facilitate the clearance of title matters as set forth in the settlement memorandum and escrow instructions. 4. Assist escrow to secure full or partial reconveyance or subordination instruments from lien holders of record. 5. Review settlement statement for accuracy. 6. Coordinate deposit of acquisition price and estimated closing costs with escrow. 7. After the closing, review the title insurance policy for accuracy. 8. Prepare and mail a letter to County Assessor requesting cancellation of taxes if appropriate. Deliverables: • Recorded deeds, Policies of Title Insurance Eminent Domain Assistance (if necessary) If Settlement by Eminent Domain: Assist eminent domain counsel with the following: 1. Prepare a letter for the client signature to eminent domain counsel, requesting proceeding to condemnation. 2. Provide eminent domain counsel with available right of way maps and legal descriptions, preliminary title reports and title review documents, and information on how to contact each owner or interest holder. 3. Provide eminent domain counsel with a duplicate copy of the parcel file, together with a copy of the appraisal, offer to purchase, correspondence, acquisition contract, and deed as presented. 4. Convert preliminary title reports to litigation guarantees for eminent domain counsel's use. Title company fees (based on the value of the interest required) are additional. 3 - 27 = . . . A Company Dune Palms Road L ow Water Crossing Replacerrern at the CaaMIa Valley Storm Water Chamr] City Project Na 2011-05 1 Federal A ul Aq'C-rt No. BRLKS-5433(014) Deliverable: • Case file and all other requested/relevant documents, Litigation Guarantee Relocation Plan Preparation Services 1. Interview all potentially affected occupants to determine relocation needs. The interviewer will query household information such as: the number, ages and gender of all occupants, income of the household, distance to employment and utilized neighborhood services, special needs of the household, etc. 2. Research the marketplace for available replacement locations and/or establish rent schedules for compiling project costs. 3. Compile statistics on available housing replacement sites. 4. Calculate potential project costs with regard to relocation assistance. 5. Present draft relocation plan to client. 6. Distribute plan to project participants and make it available for public review. 7. Make any needed revisions brought up during the 30-day public review period. 8. Participate in adoption presentation meeting. Deliverable: • Relocation Plan for the displacement of up to 2 households Relocation Assistance Program Implementation Services (2 residential relocations) 1. Secure basic case information and set up case file; maintain the necessary case documentation and contact diary throughout the course of our involvement with the claimant. 2. Conduct initial in-depth field interview with claimant: document rents, income, family size, names/ages of occupants, and determine relocation needs, preferences and special requirements; provide general information notices and brochure; explain relocation process, rights and benefits available. 3. Provide on -going advisory assistance to minimize hardships on claimants, including referrals to and coordination with community service resources, public housing, and other public services as needed. 4. Document rent with rental agreement, receipts or economic rent if needed. 5. Document/verify income using pay stubs, budget worksheets, tax returns, certification and/or cash affidavit as necessary. Use rent -to -rent method if income cannot be verified. 6. Create rent schedule for project as appropriate and if authorized by client. 7. Search for and document comparables for each claimant, provide initial referrals and three sets of additional housing referrals every 4-6 weeks, as necessary. 8. Prepare letter of eligibility based on most appropriate comparable or rent schedule and seek authorization of client. 9. Deliver letter of eligibility to claimant and discuss findings and impacts to occupants' particular needs. Amend the letter of eligibility one additional time if the economics of the comparable's availability changes over the course of our assignment. 10. Prepare and deliver 90-day notices to vacate no later than 12 weeks after general information notices have been delivered. 11. Arrange for transportation to view replacement sites if needed. Assist Claimants with their selection of a replacement site, with lease offers, with review of rental agreements and with move bids or fixed moving payment. 12. Inspect selected site to ensure it meets decent, safe, and sanitary requirements. 13. Monitor the replacement site escrow and explain the relocation process to agent and escrow officer as necessary. 14. Verify vacation of the displacement site and secure a certificate of abandonment. e 3-28 M ■ ■ r A �-Co 11 1 Dune Palms Road Low Water Cussing Replacement at the CawVla Valley Storm Water Channel Na 2011-05 1 Federal A id Aticu No BRL IG- 54-33(014) 15. Determine eligibility for proposed amount of relocation benefits, including actual and reasonable moving payments, rental/purchase differential payments and fixed payments as applicable. 16. For residential moves, secure and process an advance claim to assist with the move and a second final claim incorporating the moving costs and rental/purchase differential payment once family has moved to selected displacement site. 17. Each claim will be signed by the claimant, supported by appropriate back-up (schedules, receipts, etc.) and will be reviewed by OPC's project manager for recommendation before submitting to client for approval. Each claim check will be delivered to claimant in person (as feasible) and a receipt of payment will be secured. Deliverables: ■ Relocation assistance documents and case files (2) • Comparable housing valuations (2) • Relocation claims (4) Right of Way Certification Services 1. Coordinate and attend certification planning meeting with City, Caltrans Right of Way Local Assistance Coordinator, and project team to determine project requirements and certification level required to meet project construction schedule. 2. Coordinate with the project engineer, and utility relocation, property acquisition, and relocation managers to confirm their respective activities have been completed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 3. Prepare certification forms in coordination with engineer and City to include the compilation of all necessary back-up documents required including; deed, final order of condemnation, access easements, cooperative agreements, permits, right of entries, etc. 4. Attend and coordinate pre and post -audit submittal meetings. Deliverable: • R/W Certification form and back-up documents Utility Investigation and Relocation 1. Be the primary point of contact with utility owners for identifying and verifying all utility facilities lying within existing and proposed rights of way of planned construction. 2. Actively participate on Project Development Team. 3. Prepare the utility portion of the Right of Way Data Sheet. 4. Forward a letter of introduction to the utility owners. 5. Review and verify with the Design Team the conflicting utility facilities based on the results of the potholing. 6. Coordinate and plan with the utility owners and their designers, as needed, to discuss project design, potential conflicts, relocation alternatives, and resolution to conflicts. 7. Issue Relocation Claim Letters to conflicting utility owners. 8. Determine liability for each utility company that is impacted by the project. Clearly document this information in a formal Report of Investigation. 9. Obtain detailed scopes of work from the utility companies for relocation, estimated start and completion dates, and proposed cost to perform and complete the job. 10. Issue Notice to Owner to relocate utilities. 11. Work with the project manager and utility owner to ensure the Utility Relocation Plan is compatible with permit requirements and utility agreements are accurately and properly prepared. 3 - 29 M . . . A Company Drw Palrra Road Low Water Crossing Replaarrerrt at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel City Project Na 2011- 05 1 Federal A id Prr*y No BRL KS- 5433(014) 12. Assist in obtaining permits, licenses, and replacement easements as necessary for utility relocations. 13. Process invoicing and payments for utility relocation work. 14. Obtain final drawings and as-builts from the utility owners and confirm that all items of work have been completed by the utility owner. 15. Ensure all easement and property rights have properly conveyed to utility owners as necessary. 16. Prepare the Utility Section of the Right of Way Certification and any required Federal Aid documentation. Task 2-12 Services during Bidding The City will complete the bid documents, advertise the project for bidding and distribute the plans to prospective bidders. The City's project coordinator will be the designated person to receive contractor inquiries. RBF's project manager and project staff will assist the City as requested during the bidding. The work may include answering questions, providing consultation and interpretation of the construction documents, and assisting the City in preparation of addenda to the PS&E during the advertisement period. Attending pre -construction meetings or bid opening and analysis of bids will also be provided. Deliverables: • Answering and/or preparing RFI responses for Bidding Addendum • Attendance at Pre -Bid Meeting Task 2-13 Construction Services RBF's project manager and project staff will be available to assist the City during construction. A budget amount has been prepared to provide a minimal amount of construction services. This budget may require adjustment depending on the level of Consultant involvement required during construction. Upon written request by the City, the Consultant shall provide the following construction support services. Deliverables: • Prepare a Resident Engineer's Pending File consisting of information including 4-scale drawing and special instructions critical to the proper construction of the project. • Assist the City during construction by responding to Request for Information (RFI), clarifying drawings, and generally assisting the City to ensure that the project is constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications. • Perform periodic site visits during construction as requested by the City. • Provide advice and technical support for construction change orders. Reimbursable Expenses The City will reimburse RBF for costs associated with reproduction services, delivery, and other related expenses for the project. This includes all reprographics and photocopying for submittals, all photocopying for progress plots, quality control check plots, and in-house reproductions. City will reproduce plans and special provisions, and other construction documents for bidding and construction. A budget for Reimbursable Expenses is provided in the Cost Proposal. Other costs such as those related to permits and permit applications required for the project will be paid directly by the City and not treated as a reimbursable expense. 3 - 30 M • in ■ A=Comps 1 City of La Quinta Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement Section 4 Project Schedule ID Task Name 1 Authorization to Proceed Phase 1 2 Anticipated Authorization to Proceed Phase 2 3 Utility Coordination 4 Base Mapping 5 Geotechnical Report 6 'Environmental Phase 7 PES Phase 8 + Environmental Technical Studies 9 ^ Environmental Document 10 Deliver Environmental Document 11 Permitting Phase 12 Bridge Type Selection 13 Final Bridge Design 14 Channel Hydraulic Analysis 15 Channel Plans 16 Preliminary Street Design 17 Final Street Design 18 65% Plan Package 19 100% Plan Package 20 Mylar Package Submittal 21 Right of Way Acqusition 22 Prepare Legal and Exhibits 23 Preliminary Acquisitions Activities 24 Aqusition Activities 25 1 Right of Way Certification - Caltrans 26 Authorization to Bid (Council) 27 Bidding Process Avenue 44 Thu 11/21/13 Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel City Project No. 2011-05 1 Federal Aid Project No. BRLKS-5433(014) Duration Start Finish 0 days 0 days 480 days 30 days 60 days 474 days 60 days 105 days 174 days 0 days 150 days 170 days 160 days 180 days 95 days 71 days 155 days 105 days 50 days 0 days 484 days 30 days 60 days 230 days 60 days 0 days 30 days 2014 2015 12016 _ Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Mayl Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mon 1/6/14 Mon 1/6/14 1/6 �;, Authorization to Proceed Phase 1 Thu 4/2/15 Thu 4/2/15 Tue 1/7/14 Mon 11/9/15 Tue 1/7/14 Mon 2/17/14 Fri 4/3/15 Thu 6/25/15 Tue 1/7/14 Fri 10/30/15 Tue 1/7/14 Mon 3/31/14 Tue 4/1/14 Mon 8/25/14 Fri 8/1/14 Wed 4/1/15 Wed 4/1/15 Wed 4/1/15 Mon 4/6/15 Fri 10/30/15 Mon 4/7/14 Fri 11/28/14 Fri 4/3/15 Thu 11/12/15 Mon 2/17/14 Fri 10/24/14 Mon 4/27/15 Fri 9/4/15 Wed 3/26/14 Wed 7/2/14 Fri 4/3/15 Thu 11/5/15 Fri 4/3/15 Thu 8/27/15 Fri8/28/15 Thu 11/5/15 Thu 11/5/15 Thu 11/5/15 Mon 7/7/14 Thu 5/12/16 Mon 7/7/14 Fri 8/15/14 Mon 7/28/14 Fri 10/17/14 Thu 4/2/15 Wed 2/17/16 Fri 2/19/16 Thu 5/12/16 Fri 6/3/16 Fri 6/3/16 Mon 6/6/16 Fri 7/15/16 4/2 4.,Anticipated Authorization to Proceed Phase 2 4/1 Deliver Environmental Document W... CONSULTING A � company 01 YV it 1 j b yr o-0 10 rr 11/5 Mylar Package Submittal ir �a Authorization to Bid (Council) 6/3 City of La Quinta Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement Section Forms Dune Palm Road L ow Water Crossing Repbam,? t at the Cazdaella Valley Storm Water Channel City Project No 2011- 05 j Federal A id Pi4w Na BRL IDS- 543.3(014) Section 5 Forms EXHIBIT 10-F CERTIFICATION OF CONSULTANT, COMMISSIONS & FEES I HEREBY CERTIFY that I am the Senior Vice President, and duly authorized representative of the firm of RBF Consulting, A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Michael Baker International, whose address is, 74-130 Country Club Drive, Suite 201, Palm Desert_ CA 9�, and that, except as hereby expressly stated, neither I nor the above firm that I represent have: (a) employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee, or other consideration, any firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant) to solicit or secure this contract; nor (b) agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this contract, to employ or retain the services of any firm or person in connection with carrying out the contract; nor (c) paid, or agreed to pay, to any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above consultant) any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind, for or in connection with, procuring or carrying out this contract. I acknowledge that this Certificate is to be made available to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in connection with this contract involving participation of federal -aid highway funds, and is subject to applicable state and federal laws, both criminal and civil. November 25, 2013 (Date) (Signature) 5-1 I\L� A Company Dune Pab7s Raul L ow Water Crossing Replawnrrrt at the Car Vla Valley Storm Water Cham-d Na 2011-05 1 Fabal A ld h4at Na BRLKS-543_3(014) EXHIBIT to-Ol CONSULTANT PROPOSAL DBE COMMITMENT (Inclusive of all DBEs listed at bid proposal.) Consultant to Complete this Section 1. Local Agency Name: City of La Quinta 2. Project Location: Dune Palms Road at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel 3. Project Description: Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement PS&E 4. Consultant Name: RBF Consulting, A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Michael Baker International 5. Contract DBE Goal %: 1 DBE Commitment Information 6. Description of Services to be Provided 7. DBE Firm Contact Information 8. DBE Cert. Number 9. DBE % 0 0 ai Local Agency to Complete this Section 10. Total %Claimed 9.2 16. Local Agency Contract Number: . 17.Federal-aid Project Number: 18. Proposed Contract Execution Date: Local Agency certifies that all DBE certifications are valid and the information on this form is complete and accurate: VPrep2rers Sign lure Rrarl Mielke 12. Preparer's Name (Print) Senior Vice President 19. Local Agency Representative Name (Print) 20. Local Agency Representative Signature 21. Date 22. Local Agency Representative Title 23. (Area Code) Tel. No. 13. Preparer's Title 11/25/13 760-346-7481 14. Date 15. (Area Code) Tel. No. Distribution: (1) Original — Consultant submits to local agency with proposal (2) Copy —Local Agency files a r r ■ A Company Durte Palm Raul Low Water CrnssingReplaanvr at tlx Caadaella Valley Storm Water C19amr] No. 2011-05 1 Talbvl A Na 6RLKS-5 33(014) EXHIBIT 10-02 CONSULTANT CONTRACT DBE INFORMATION (Inclusive of all DBEs listed at contract award.) Consultant to Complete this Section 1. Local Agency Name: City of La Quinta 2. Project Location: Dune Palms Road at the Coachella Valley Storm Water Channel 3. Project Description: Dune Palms Road Low Water Crossing Replacement PS&E 4. Total Contract Award Amount: $ 1,100,000 5. Consultant Name: RBF Consulting, A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Michael Baker International 6. Contract DBE Goal %: 1 7. Total Dollar Amount for L Subconsultants: $ _ 103,000 S. Total Number of all Subconsultants: 3 Award DBE/DBE Information 9. Description of Services to be Provided 10. DBUDBE Firm 11. DBE Cert. 12. DBE Dollar Contact Information Number Amount cag—Qwnc 33150 1 1 0 o/ Local Agency to Complete this Section 13. Total Dollars Claimed $ 103,000 20. Local Agency Contract Number: 21. Federal -aid Project Number: 22. Contract Execution Date: 14. Total % Claimed 9.2 Local Agency certifies that all DBE certifications are valid and the information on this form is complete and accurate: 23. Local Agency Representative Name (Print) 24. Local Agency Representative Signature 25. Date 26. Local Agency Representative Title 27. (Area Code) Tel. No. 10, Preparer's Sign ure 16. Preparer's Name (Print) Brad Mielke Caltrans to Cott> plete this Section Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE) certifies that this form has been reviewed for completeness: 17. Preparer's Title Senior Vice President 18. Date 19. (Area Code) Tel. No. 11/25/13 760-346-7481 28. DLAE Name (Print) 29. DLAE Signature 30. Date 5-3 w a ■ a A �--CO Pany Creating Value .. . Camarillo 5051 Verdugo Way, Suite 300 Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone: 805-383-3373 Fax: 805-383-3371 1�9arbad ls ()50 Avenida Encinas, Suite 260 Carlsb- i.'hone•. 3 1760-476-9198 Ir" 14725 Alto.:n lrvinc. UA 92618-2027 Phone: (49-472-3505 Fax: 949-473 LQ5 1ingeles 801 + th (; Nnd AV .- ue, Suite 250 Cs At e.sICA sal. ie: 213- So Cafi Ontario 3300 East Guasti Rote 100 Ontario, CA 91761 Phone: 909-974-4900 Fax: 909-974-4004 Palm Desert 74-130 Country Club Drive, Suite 201 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Phone: 760-346-7481 Fax: 760-346-8315 San Diego 9755 Cl,uremont Mesa Boulevard, State 100 San Diego, CA 92124 Phone: 858-614-5000 Fax: 858-614-5001 Temecula 40810 County Center Drive, State 100 Temecula, CA 92591 Phone: 951-676-8042 Fax: 951-676-7240 ... Deliver'ng Solutions 1` I Creating value by delivering innovative and sustainable solutions for infrastructure and the environment. i 74-130 Country Club Drive, Suite 201 �L Palm Desert, CA 92260 ` ` Ph 760.346.7481 �:C,,;��;�,.,,,�, , Fx 760.346.8315 r3�ker ,L,, wwwRBF.com www.mbakercorp.com . _ �4� •iw �r. 1 • r