Tierra Environmental Services
May 3, 2019
Cheri Flores
Planning Manager
78495 Calle Tampico,
La Quinta, CA 92253
Re Proposal to Conduct a Cultural Resource Study for the X Park Skatepark Project in the
City of La Quinta, California
Dear Ms. Flores,
Tierra Environmental Services (Tierra) is pleased to provide you with this proposal to conduct a cultural
resource survey for a skatepark development project (Project) in the City of La Quinta (City), Riverside
County, California. Tierra has successfully conducted numerous cultural resource studies throughout
southern California since 1993.
Tierra specializes in conducting the full range of cultural resource studies for federal, state, and local
projects. Directed by Dr. Michael Baksh, the Cultural Resources Division provides the entire range of
archaeological studies for projects that require compliance with NEPA, NHPA, other Federal laws, and
CEQA. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has issued Tierra Cultural Resource Use Permits since
1999 for use on BLM administered lands in California under the authority of the Federal Land
Management Policy Act and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act. We are also routinely issued
Archaeological Resource Protection Act (ARPA) permits from the BIA for work on federal trust lands.
Tierra also specializes in projects that require Native American consultation and ethnographic,
ethnohistoric, and historic research pursuant to Section 106 of the NHPA, including the identification
and evaluation of Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) under the guidelines of National Register Bulletin
In addition to specializing in cultural resource studies for local CEQA projects, we have completed
several cultural resource studies for Federal agencies including the BIA, USFWS, ACOE, BLM, National
Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, International
Boundary and Water Commission, and U.S. Air Force. All our archaeological, Native American
consultation, and other Section 106-mandated studies have successfully resulted in approval and
concurrence by the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO).
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Our cultural resources expertise and services include the following:
> Literature, archival, and archaeological records searches
> Intensive and reconnaissance-level archaeological surveys
> Archaeological testing and significance/eligibility evaluations
> Preparation of Treatment Plans
> Data recovery programs
> Section 106 Native American Consultation
> Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) evaluations
> Ethnohistoric and historic research
> Ethnographic site inventories, evaluations, and mitigation
> Memorandum of Understanding development
> Feasibility analyses for pre-design planning
Understanding of The Project
We understand that the City of La Quinta proposes construction of an outdoor skate park consisting of
87,000 square feet (SF) in improved park area, 30,000 SF dedicated to facilities designed for
skateboarders and BMX rides, an approximately 2,000 SF building, and an improved parking lot area
proposed to accommodate 20 vehicle parking spaces on a vacant 6-acre site located at the southeast
corner of Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive. A cultural resources study is required by the City of
La Quinta as part of this agency’s compliance with CEQA, and specifically to ensure that no potentially
significant cultural resources are inadvertently impacted by the Project. The remainder of this proposal
presents our proposed scope of work and cost estimate to conduct the necessary cultural resource
Scope of Work
The cultural resources study will commence by obtaining and reviewing an archeological records search
from the Eastern Information Center (EIC) of the California Archaeological Inventory at the University of
California, Riverside. The records search will identify any prehistoric and historic archaeological sites
recorded within the approximately 6-acre project area, as well as a half-mile search radius. In addition,
the records search will also provide the locations of previous cultural resource studies conducted within
the half-mile search area. This records search will be reviewed to determine the locations and nature of
any previously recorded cultural resources.
Upon receipt and review of the records search, Tierra will conduct an intensive pedestrian survey of the
Project area using industry standard 10-15-meter-wide transects. The field survey will focus on
relocating any previously recorded sites identified by the records search and on identifying and
documenting any other resources not previously identified. All cultural resource sites (prehistoric and
historic) will be recorded and mapped on standardized site record forms, and their locations will be
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identified with GPS receivers.
Our proposal assumes that no more than two sites will be revisited or recorded and that they can be
evaluated for significance without testing. Sites most likely to occur in disturbed lots such as at this
location include lithic scatters, ceramic scatters, and historic trash dumps. No artifact collection or
subsurface testing will be conducted as part of this proposal.
Tierra will prepare a cultural resources report that documents the results of the records search and
intensive field survey of the Project area. The report will provide background cultural history for the
Project area, discuss survey methods, and identify any cultural resources located on the Project site and
impacts that would occur to those resources. The report will meet or exceed City and CEQA guidelines.
Tierra will prepare a Draft Cultural Resources Report for submittal to you for review. Upon review of the
report by the City, we will incorporate any requested revisions and finalize the report for use in the
CEQA review process.
We are prepared to commence the cultural resource study immediately, and are committed to
complete the process in the timeliest manner possible. We anticipate that the records search
procurement will require two weeks, and that fieldwork and the preparation of the Draft Cultural
Resources Report will require an additional week. Any revisions needed to prepare the Final Report will
likely be accomplished within a few days.
Our estimated cost to conduct the cultural resources study is $3,980. An itemized cost estimate
including labor and reimbursable expenses is attached.
We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and thank you for your consideration. Please
contact me if there is anything you would like to discuss.
Michael Baksh, Ph.D.
Principal Archaeologist
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Cost Estimate for the Proposal to Conduct a Cultural Resource Study for the X Park Skatepark
Project in the City of La Quinta, California
Cultural Resources Study
Records Search Procurement and Review
Associate Archaeologist 4 $70 $280
Records Search (EIC) -- -- $750
Archaeology Field Survey
Senior Archaeologist 10 $120 $1,200
Report Preparation
Principal Archaeologist 2 $150 $300
Senior Archaeologist 4 $120 $480
Associate Archaeologist 8 $70 $560
Graphic Artist 2 $80 $160
Mileage, Report Reproduction, Other Expenses $250
Cultural Resources Study $3,980