CRM Tech Tel: 909 824 6400 Fax: 909 824 6405 May 15, 2019 City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Cheri Flores, Planning Manager SCOPE OF WORK AND COST PROPOSAL Cultural Resources Assessment For the X Park Project In the City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California CRM TECH is pleased to submit to the City of La Quinta ("Client") this proposal concerning a cultural resource assessment for the project referred to above. The project site, consisting of some 2.5 acres of land (more or less), is located on the southeast corner of Dune Palms Road and Westward Ho Drive in the City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California. The study is required by the City of La Quinta, Lead Agency for the proposed project, to ensure that the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Title 7 of the City of La Quinta Municipal Code (Historic Preservation) regarding cultural resources are satisfied for the project area. CRM TECH has conducted numerous similar studies in and around the City. As a result, a substantial amount of information regarding cultural resource studies and resources is available in our office. That information, while possibly not up-to-date and complete for the project (but which will be updated and completed for this study), indicates that the property has not been previously surveyed for cultural resources. During the Citywide Historic Building Survey completed in 2006, CRM TECH recorded two historic-in-age buildings within the X Park project area. Recent aerial and street view images, however, indicate that those residences are no longer present on the project. The fact that the buildings are no longer present needs to be documented by producing a brief site record update (using standard DPR forms) for each building. Besides those site record updates, given the disturbed nature of the property, we do not expect to find any cultural resources on the surface during this investigation, and this proposal is crafted under that assumption. We can never be sure, though, so a caveat to deal with any unexpected cultural resources is included. Scope of Work In order to comply with the requirements of the cultural resource assessment, CRM TECH would accomplish the following tasks: La Quinta Skatepark Page 2 of 3 Cultural Study 1. Digitize the project area boundary into our GIS mapping program and produce maps of it and the vicinity on General Land Office plat maps and historic-period and current USGS maps for use during the records search, prehistoric and historical background research, Native American scoping, field inspection, and for inclusion in the report. 2. Conduct a historical/archaeological resources records search of the project area and vicinity using the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) and other sources at the Eastern Information Center located on the campus of the University of California, Riverside. 3. Pursue general prehistorical and historical background research using ethnographic, archaeological, and historical literature as well as early maps to develop the prehistorical and historical context of the area and to learn about previous land uses and development trends within and around the project area. 4. Request a sacred lands file search from the Native American Heritage Commission and contact the appropriate Native American representatives from the list supplied by the Commission to see if they have any knowledge of Native American resources in and around the project area or have any concerns regarding the project. 5. Contact the Agua Caliente Cultural Resources Center to see if they want to accompany us on the field survey, as requested by them. 6. Conduct a field survey of the project area following professional archaeological procedures appropriate to the setting, which would include, among other standard procedures, systematically inspecting the entire project area, taking overview photographs, and recording information regarding the vegetation, soils, current conditions, etc. 7. Prepare site record update (using standard DPR forms) for the buildings that used to be on the property and submit them to the Eastern Information Center and the City, as required. 8. Prepare a report to document the methods and findings of Tasks 1-7, stating our results, conclusions, and recommendations regarding cultural resources for the property. Cost CRM TECH proposes to complete the tasks listed above for the archaeological study in order meet CEQA and City guidelines regarding the historical and archaeological resources for a cost of $4,680.00. Caveat The above Scope of Work and Cost are based on the assumption that we will only need to produce two brief site record updates for Sites 33-015617 and 33-015618. If, however, any new historical/ archaeological resources are found then we would need to also complete field recording of the finds, conduct site-specific historical research, prepare site record(s) and submit the forms to the Information Center, and discuss the resources in the report. If we find new cultural resources on the property, the cost of completing the archaeological study would necessarily increase to cover the time and effort required to complete these additional tasks. (This usually is about an additional $1,400.00 but depends on the type, quality, and quantity of the resources). Reimbursable Expenses The price includes all anticipated costs including mileage, copies, printing, Information Center charges, and administrative fees. No reimbursable expenses, overhead, or indirect costs will be added to our invoice. La Quinta Skatepark Page 3 of 3 Cultural Study Payment Schedule The full amount will be due upon completion of the study. Project Schedule Start date: Immediately upon authorization to proceed. Completion date: To be determined in consultation with the Client. Agreement If the Client agrees to the terms and conditions of this proposal, this document can be incorporated into the City's standard subconsultant agreement. Submitted by: Michael Hogan CRM TECH