Dudek78-075 Main Street, Suite G-203 . La Quinta, CA 92253 . 760.341.6660 . dudek.com Request for Proposals On-Call Planning Services PREPARED FOR City of La Quinta July 5, 2019 On-Call Planning Services Page i Cover Letter July 5, 2019 Cheri Flores Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Subject: On-Call Planning Services Dear Ms. Flores: Dudek is pleased to provide the City of La Quinta (City) with this proposal for On-Call Planning Services. Dudek has provided environmental and planning services to municipal clients since 1980, and has successfully completed more than 2,750 environmental documents for a range of projects throughout California. As an on-call consultant, we offer the City the following strengths: Local, Responsive Project Management. Project Manager Audrey Nickerson and her dedicated staff of task managers and technical experts have the experience and expertise to assist the City with all necessary planning and environmental tasks, based on years of experience with municipal and private projects throughout Southern California. Ms. Nickerson has assisted local developers with environmental compliance and entitlement processing throughout the Coachella Valley. She will apply her knowledge, based on local experience, to provide services that meet City standards and expectations. She will manage this project from Dudek’s La Quinta office, located within 1 mile of City Hall, with support from staff from our Encinitas and Pasadena offices. Nimble Leadership and Diverse Technical Specialties. As a medium-size firm, Dudek is small enough for project managers to make nimble decisions, quickly draw from our pool of technical resources, and stay engaged with the City from start to finish. We are large enough that our diverse staff can tackle a spectrum of environmental and planning challenges to meet the City’s needs. Team leaders can quickly mobilize the right technical experts for a project. A deep bench of professionals is available for this contract, and our analysts conduct research and other tasks supervised by senior staff, providing a cost-effective approach while maintaining high-quality products. Unmatched Experience Providing On-Call Environmental and Planning Services. Fostering long-standing relationships with clients is a guiding pillar of our work and, coupled with our depth and breadth of services, yields trusted, lasting, and successful partnerships. Dudek currently holds 67 active on-call environmental services contracts throughout Southern California. This proposal is valid for 180 days from the date of this submittal. Dudek acknowledges receipt of addenda June 28, 2019. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Nickerson at 760.601.3414 or anickerson@dudek.com. Sincerely, __________________________________ _____________________________________ Joseph Monaco Audrey Nickerson President Project Manager Joseph Monaco is authorized to sign on behalf of Dudek. On-Call Planning Services Page ii Table of Contents SECTIONS Cover Letter ........................................................................................................................................................................................... i Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................ ii Qualifications, Related Experience and References ......................................................................................................................1 Proposed Staffing and Project Organization ...................................................................................................................................7 Work Plan/Technical Approach ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Cost and Price .................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 TABLE 1 Key Personnel .......................................................................................................................................................................8 FIGURE 1 Organizational Chart ............................................................................................................................................................7 APPENDICES A Resumes B Insurance Acknowledgement/Certificate of Insurance C Non-Collusion Affidavit Form D Request for Proposal Evaluation On-Call Planning Services Page 1 Qualifications, Related Experience, and References Qualifications The Dudek Advantage Dudek assists municipalities on a broad range of projects that improve California’s communities, infrastructure, and the natural environment. From planning, design, and permitting through construction, we move projects through the complexities of regulatory compliance, budgetary and schedule constraints, and conflicting stakeholder interests. With more than 170 successful on-call California municipal contracts, Dudek has built a reputation for providing exemplary supplementary environmental, planning, regulatory, engineering, construction management, operations, and funding expertise, offering municipalities a cost-effective way to accomplish short- and long-term goals. Dudek’s project managers are empowered to make nimble decisions and quickly draw from our pool of technical experts, including the following:  California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)/National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) specialists  American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) certified land use planners  California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)– and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service– certified biologists  Registered professional archaeologists  Registered landscape architects  Certified arborists and foresters  Noise and air quality specialists  Certified geographic information system (GIS) professionals  Certified hydrogeologists  Licensed geologists  Licensed professional engineers (PEs)  Licensed contractor We will expand the City’s ability to tackle more projects with our skilled staff, and will expedite complex project processing by leveraging our long-standing relationships with regulatory agencies. We will integrate into your team in the most seamless and productive way possible, mobilizing specialized technical professionals quickly to meet your project needs. We can provide the personal service of project managers who stay with your project from start to finish, combined with the breadth and depth of capabilities characteristic of larger firms to satisfy a broad range of project requirements. Our project managers are empowered to be problem-solvers, with the ability to make decisions in a timely fashion to keep project momentum moving forward. We are proud of our low employee turnover; our staff’s long tenure means that the project manager you see at the bidding stage will likely be with you at project completion, even for the most complex projects. Dudek at a Glance  Multidisciplinary environmental and engineering services  Ten California offices  39 years in business; employee-owned  600+ employees  Top 140 U.S. Environmental Firms (Engineering News- Record)  Dun & Bradstreet 92% rating for reliability, timeliness, and responsiveness  More than 170 on-call contracts throughout California On-Call Planning Services Page 2 Dudek History The firm was co-founded in 1980 in Encinitas, California, by Frank Dudek as a small civil engineering consulting practice working for municipal wastewater agencies and private land developers in San Diego County. The firm steadily grew its civil engineering practice through the 1980s, expanding throughout Southern California. In 1990, the firm started an environmental practice in response to expanding state and federal environmental regulations. Primarily through organic growth and limited acquisitions of small firms, Dudek has grown to a 600- person multi-discipline environmental and engineering firm with offices throughout California, Hawaii, and Oregon. Dudek is ranked as one of the Top 140 U.S. Environmental Firms (Engineering News-Record 2017). Joe Monaco serves as president, and Frank Dudek is CEO/chairman of the board. Early on, the firm enabled direct purchase of shares by employees. In addition, the firm started an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) in the early 2000s, and has regularly funded the ESOP from profits. As a result, the company is positioned to successfully fund ownership transfer and to continue as an independent, employee-owned firm. The firm maintains a flat organizational structure that empowers project managers to be entrepreneurial decision-makers. In-house administrative processes are kept to a minimum to limit internal bureaucracy and to enable project managers to be flexible and responsive to meet client needs. Litigation There are no conditions or organizational conflicts that we are aware of that would affect Dudek’s ability to perform. We certify that Dudek has not been debarred, suspended, or otherwise declared ineligible to contract with any other federal, state, or local public agency. Related Experience and References Planning Services South Colton Livable Corridor Plan Client: SCAG and City of Colton Client Contact: Steve Weiss, Planning Manager, City of Colton; 909.370.5523; sweiss@coltonca.gov Project Dates: 2018–Ongoing South Colton is a proud neighborhood with strong Latino roots, tracing its history to agricultural settlements along the Santa Ana River from circa the 1840s. It remains a visible outpost of Chicano urbanism, displaying glimpses of vibrancy despite long-standing physical and social impediments. Residents with few resources have used their imagination and resourcefulness to alter landscapes in ways that are intimate in scale and personal in nature. The South Colton Livable Corridor Plan aims to strengthen these grassroots tactical urbanist approaches and create guidelines and policies that will provide a regulatory framework for formalizing complete streets. Dudek is providing urban design, land use planning, market analysis, and community outreach services in support of South Colton Livable Corridor Plan development. A critical goal of the outreach effort is to proactively engage traditionally underserved groups (e.g., women, older adults, youth, racial minorities, and immigrants). Dudek is a registered California corporation with headquarters at 605 Third Street, Encinitas, California, 92024, 760.942.5147. On-Call Planning Services Page 3 Eastern Coachella Valley’s Action Plan for Climate Resilience Client: Coachella Valley Association of Governments Client Contact: Erica Felci, Governmental Projects Manager; 760.346.1127; efelci@cvag.gov Project Dates: 2018–Ongoing Dudek is leading the team preparing the Eastern Coachella Valley’s Action Plan for Climate Resilience. Dudek is working with local stakeholders and regional agencies to identify policy gaps in creating projects that are resultant to climate-related hazards and eligible for grant funding. Dudek is also performing a disruptive trend analysis to discuss trends and technology in housing and sustainability that have emerged since many of the regional plans were written. The final Action Plan will serve as an air quality implementation document to fund green infrastructure, affordable housing, parks, and transportation projects with broad community support and specific funding sources. Burbank Complete Streets Plan Client: City of Burbank Client Contact: Hannah Woo; 818.238.5840; hwoo@burbankca.gov Project Dates: 2018–Ongoing Dudek staff is currently managing the City of Burbank’s ongoing Citywide Complete Streets Plan. The plan analyzes Burbank’s entire street network and proposes improvements via prioritized projects to address needs of all users of Burbank’s streets, including pedestrians, bicyclists, individuals with disabilities, electric scooters, rideshare users, transit users, and automobile users. The plan places a special emphasis on access and connectivity within disadvantaged communities, transit districts, and neighborhood schools. Canyon Springs Healthcare Campus Specific Plan Amendment and Canyon Springs Business Park Specific Plan Project Client: City of Riverside Client Contact: Bill Foulkes, National Vice President; 949.334.8854; bfoulkes@ccorpusa.com Project Dates: 2015–2017 This project includes a new Specific Plan (SP), an amendment to an existing SP, and preparation of an associated EIR for a new healthcare campus in the City of Riverside. The 50.85-acre project site is currently located within the Canyon Springs Business Park SP area. The Canyon Springs Business Park SP was amended to remove the project site from the SP area and to create a new Canyon Springs Healthcare Campus SP. The overall project site is broken up into three smaller sites within the new Canyon Springs Healthcare Campus SP area. Site A is proposed to be developed with an approximately 375,000-square-foot, three-story, 234-unit “age-restricted” senior multi-family housing facility. Site B is proposed to be developed as an independent living/memory care, assisted living, and skilled nursing facility. Site C is proposed to be developed with a hospital, five medical office buildings, a central energy plant, and two parking structures, as well as associated landscaping and infrastructure improvements. Key issues for this project were aesthetics, land use compatibility, and traffic circulation. Dudek staff presented at all hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. Long Beach Globemaster Corridor Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report/ Environmental Impact Statement Client: City of Long Beach Client Contact: Linda Tatum, Planning Bureau Manager; 562.570.6261; linda.tatum@longbeach.gov Project Dates: 2015–Ongoing The SP represents the next step in the overall transition of the former Boeing C-17 site and surrounding study area. Dudek’s approach for preparing the SP is to build on our recent work performed as part of the Boeing C-17 Transition Master Plan, as well as other relevant planning initiatives that have occurred or are underway in the City of Long Beach. The SP provides a framework for the development and improvement of the former Boeing C- On-Call Planning Services Page 4 17 site, Cherry Avenue corridor, and surrounding area. The SP includes a vision, goals, and policies; integrated land use and mobility plan with a complete streets network; development regulations and design guidelines; and an implementation program to direct future development within the SP area. Each of these components is being prepared through ongoing support and participation from the community. Dudek has facilitated four workshops to present the components of the SP at each milestone, drawing members of the business community, residential neighborhoods, property owners, and interested residents of Long Beach for each workshop. Dudek has incorporated community comments into the SP at each stage, ensuring that the SP reflects the vision of the community. Dudek is also preparing a joint programmatic EIR/Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in full compliance with CEQA and NEPA. Environmental Services On-Call Environmental Services Client: City of Colton Development Services Department Client Contact: Jay Jerrin, AICP, Senior Planner; 659 North La Cadena Drive, Colton, California 92324; 909.370.5596; jjarrin@coltonca.gov Project Dates: 2018–Ongoing The City of Colton selected Dudek as an on-call consulting firm in 2018 to provide full-service environmental assistance for the preparation of CEQA and NEPA documents. During the first year of our on-call contract, Dudek has prepared the following environmental documentation:  NEC 10 Pepper Project: Dudek recently completed an addendum to Colton’s Hub City Centre Master Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Planning Area 22. The project included construction of three restaurant/retail use buildings and outdoor dining areas totaling 14,430 square feet near Interstate 10.  CF Equipment Yard: Dudek’s technical specialists prepared an Air Quality and Health Risk Assessment, Noise Impact Assessment, and Traffic Impact Assessment for an equipment staging yard.  Litton Bostick Residential Project: Dudek prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for development of 88 single-family residential units on 49 acres of vacant land at the base of La Loma Hills. La Quinta Village Build-Out Plan Environmental Impact Report Client: City of La Quinta Client Contact: Bryan McKinney, PE, City Engineer; 760.777.7045; bmckinney@laquintaca.gov Project Dates: 2014−2016 Prior to joining Dudek, Ms. Nickerson prepared the La Quinta Village Build-Out Plan for the City of La Quinta. The Build-Out Plan proposed development of vacant parcels and redevelopment of underutilized properties within 137 acres of traditional downtown area in the City of La Quinta to incorporate mixed-use development and encourage the use of alternative transportation. The Build-Out Plan required a zoning code amendment to increase the maximum permitted building height, permanently reduce parking requirements, and increase land use intensity in the area to provide maximum flexibility for development. Transportation improvements were also proposed, including multiple roundabouts that are currently under development. The EIR analyzed potential impacts associated with higher-density development and capacity-increasing roadway improvements. Additionally, the project area was inundated by a 700-year storm in 2014, so a regional drainage study was incorporated into the project-specific hydraulic analysis. Special attention was given to historic structures in the Village that could be affected by redevelopment. The EIR was certified in January 2016. On-Call Planning Services Page 5 California Public Utilities Commission, On-Call CEQA/NEPA Services, Multiple Projects Client: California Public Utilities Commission Client Contact: Eric Chiang, Project Manager; 415.703.1956; eric.chiang@cpuc.ca.gov Project Dates: 2015−Ongoing Dudek has prepared a number of CEQA and NEPA documents for the California Public Utilities Commission. Currently, Dudek is overseeing the complex CEQA/NEPA environmental impact analysis for the Ten West Link Transmission Project, consisting of a 114-mile, 500-kilovolt interstate transmission line between Tonopah, Arizona, and Blythe, California. Key issues in the analysis include aesthetics, potential development within wildlife refuge lands, impacts to Native American lands, and alternatives to minimize impacts. This project includes coordination with the Bureau of Land Management, as well as other federal, state, and local cooperating agencies. Dudek is also preparing an EIR for the Martin Substation/Egbert Switching Station Project in San Francisco for Pacific Gas & Electric’s proposed substation/230-kilovolt transmission line project. Dudek’s responsibilities include review of the proponent’s Environmental Assessment; completion of all CEQA tasks relative to document preparation, noticing, and distribution; responses to public comments; outreach; preparation of certification documents; and compliance management during construction. March Joint Powers Authority On-Call Environmental Services Client: March Joint Powers Authority Client Reference: Dan Fairbanks, Planning Director; 951.656.7000 Project Dates: November 2016–Ongoing The March Joint Powers Authority is a land use authority with a unique history and set of responsibilities serving the member sites of Perris, Moreno Valley, and Riverside, along with the County of Riverside. As of 2010, Dudek has had an on-call contract with March Joint Powers Authority to provide environmental services. Those services include CEQA and NEPA compliance, air quality studies, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions studies, health risk assessments, noise studies, biological resource studies, cultural resource surveys, and Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. Part of Dudek’s contract also included use of several subconsultants to provide traffic studies, airport noise studies, and geotechnical analyses, as well as conducting peer review of studies provided by the project applicant; however, Dudek now provides all of these services in house.  Freeway Business Center Project. Dudek prepared an EIR for the Freeway Business Center Project, located within the jurisdiction of the March Joint Powers Authority. The approximately 39.4-acre project site is located at the southwest corner of Alessandro Boulevard and Old 215 Frontage Road in unincorporated Riverside County, California. The proposed project would include the construction of an approximately 709,083-square-foot industrial warehouse. Key issues for this project were noise and hazards resulting from the project site’s proximity to the March Air Reserve Base runway, traffic, biological resources, air quality, and GHG emissions. Haven + Arrow Multi-Use Retail Office Development EIR Client: City of Rancho Cucamonga Client Reference: Vincent Acuna, Associate Planner, City of Rancho Cucamonga; 909.774.4323 Project Dates: December 2018–Ongoing Dudek performed a peer review of the technical studies prepared for the Haven + Arrow Multi-Use Retail Office Development Project, and is currently preparing an EIR. The project site is 9.37 acres in Rancho Cucamonga. Upon buildout, Haven + Arrow would include construction of a 200,175-square-foot multiuse retail/office development consisting of six buildings, one two-story parking structure, and surface parking. During the scoping period in February 2019, traffic and noise were the primary concerns for the project. Dudek is working with city Planning Department staff and the project applicant to ensure that all potential impacts are avoided. On-Call Planning Services Page 6 Northside Specific Plan EIR Client: Rick Engineering Client Reference: Brian Mooney, Principal, Community Planning and Landscape Architecture; 619.291.0707 Project Dates: January 2017–Ongoing Dudek prepared baseline technical studies and is preparing an EIR for a SP plan that overlaps three jurisdictions: the City of Riverside, the City of Colton, and Riverside County. The SP area covers approximately 1,423 acres of topography, ranging from urban centers to hillside developments. Dudek worked with a planning team to create a series of alternatives to bring economic development and community services to an underserved neighborhood. Dudek worked with City and County of Riverside planners, community representatives, and the overall planning team to conduct public meetings, design charrettes, and constraints presentations to the community. This EIR is still in the preparation phase. On-Call Planning Services Page 7 Proposed Staffing and Project Organization Providing the City with successful on-call planning services requires a project team that can balance multiple task orders with a thorough understanding of local planning policies, goals, and foreseeable constraints. We have developed a diverse team of planners, urban designers, and technical specialists that will bring a high level of creativity and expertise to every project we take on. Project Manager Audrey Nickerson will lead this contract from Dudek’s La Quinta office, less than 0.5 miles from La Quinta City Hall, with support from team members based in Southern California. The Dudek team presented in this proposal is fully committed and available for this contract. There will be no substitutions made to the team without prior consent from the City. No subconsultants are proposed at this time, and none will be added to the team without prior consent from the City. The key professionals who make up the Dudek team have experience in and direct knowledge of development and infrastructure projects in communities similar to the City of La Quinta. Figure 1 outlines Dudek’s team organization. Table 1 provides a list of the Dudek team’s qualifications and roles. Resumes for key personnel are provided in Appendix A. Figure 1 Organizational Chart On-Call Planning Services Page 8 Table 1. Key Personnel Name and Contact Information Project Role Education and Certifications Experience Audrey Nickerson Project Manager Texas A&M University BS, Bioenvironmental Sciences Minor in Meteorology 6 years’ experience La Quinta Village Build-Out Plan EIR, City of La Quinta, California Coachella Village Multi-Family Residential IS/MND, Coachella, California Coachella Valley Association of Governments Regional Signal Synchronization Project Carey Fernandes, AICP Principal in Charge San Diego State University MA, Public Administration University of California (UC), Santa Barbara BA, English 23 years’ experience Northside Specific Plan EIR, Riverside, California As-Needed Environmental Services, City of San Diego, California Otay Ranch Extension of Staff, City of Chula Vista, California Wendy Worthey Environmental Lead University of Louisville MS, Biological/Life Sciences (Environmental Biology) Southwest Missouri State University BS, Conservation/Natural Resources (Wildlife Conservation and Management) 27 years’ experience On-Call Environmental Services, Riverside Public Utilities – Water Projects On-Call Environmental Services, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Contract Staff, Project and Peer Review, Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority CEQA On-Call Environmental Services, March Joint Powers Authority Principal Environmental Planner, City of Lake Elsinore Ruta Thomas, REPA Planning Lead Brown University MA, Environmental Studies Lehigh University BA, Biology/Economics 23 years’ experience Canyon Springs Healthcare Campus Specific Plan Project, City of Riverside, California Northeastern Sphere of Influence Annexation Project, City of Rancho Cucamonga, California Charles Greely, PE, LEED AP, QSD Engineering Lead and Plan Review University of Washington BS, Civil Engineering 21 years’ experience Washington Street Drainage Improvements, City of La Quinta, La Quinta California Confidential HOA, Flood Damage Assessment, La Quinta, California Coachella Canals Wasteways Improvements, Coachella Valley Water District, Coachella, California On-Call Planning Services Page 9 Table 1. Key Personnel Name and Contact Information Project Role Education and Certifications Experience Shannon Wages, AICP Long-Range Planning University of Southern California MA, Urban Planning/Design Brigham Young University BA, Humanities/Spanish 17 years’ experience General Plan Update, Zoning Code Update, Climate Action Plan, Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan and EIR, City of Upland, California Flair Spectrum Specific Plan, EIR, and Associated Entitlements, City of El Monte, California Gaurav Srivastava, AICP Urban Design Massachusetts Institute of Technology MCP, City Planning School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi BArch, Architecture 16 years’ experience Golden State Specific Plan and High- Speed Rail Station Area Plan, City of Burbank, California Vision Downtown, City of Los Angeles, California Sunset Strip Specific Plan Update, West Hollywood, California Skid Row and Central City East Vision Plan, City of Los Angeles, California Rose Kelly, AICP Long-Range Planning California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo MCRP, Environmental Planning and Sustainability Humboldt State University BS, Environmental Management and Protection/Natural Resources Planning 3 years’ experience Eastern Coachella Valley Action Plan for Climate Resilience, Coachella Valley, California Palomar Heights Specific Plan Addendum, Escondido, California 2035 General Plan EIR, City of San Juan Bautista, California 2040 General Plan EIR, City of Wasco, California Josh Saunders, AICP Aesthetics/ Land Use New School of Architecture and Design MS, Architecture, Concentration in Landscape Architecture UC San Diego BA, Urban Studies and Planning AICP 14 years’ experience Otay Ranch University Villages, Chula Vista, California Crimson Solar Project, CDFW, Riverside County, California Dana Link- Herrera Aesthetics California State Polytechnic University, Pomona MURP, Urban and Regional Planning UC San Diego BA, International Studies 1 years’ experience Costco, Vineyard II, and Vineyard III, Murrieta, California Creek at Dominguez Hills, Carson, California Jennifer Reed Air Quality/ Greenhouse Gas Emissions/ Energy UC Santa Barbara BA, Environmental Studies BA, Geography 13 years’ experience Highway 41 Quarry, Madera County Emissions Inventory for Idaho Maryland Mining Corporation On-Call Planning Services Page 10 Table 1. Key Personnel Name and Contact Information Project Role Education and Certifications Experience Adam Poll, LEED AP BD+C, QEP Air Quality/ Greenhouse Gas Emissions/ Energy University of Denver - MS, Environmental Policy and Management, Energy and Sustainability UC Santa Barbara BS, Environmental Studies LEED AP BD+C, No. 10364581 International Organization for Standardization, No. 14001, Lead Auditor Qualified Environmental Professional, No. 0312000  13 years’ experience  5-Megawatt Solar Photovoltaic, UC Santa Barbara  Permitting, Inventory, and Compliance, Medtronic Inc., Goleta, California  San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Demolition, Southern California Edison, San Clemente, California Britney Strittmater Biological Resources Humboldt State University BS, Botany CDFW Plant Voucher No. 2081(a)-12-02-V Certification  12 years’ experience  The Cameron, Davidson Communities Inc., Palm Springs, California  South Palm Canyon Improvements– Phase III, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, California Anna Cassady Biological Resources UC San Diego BS, Environmental Systems, Environmental Chemistry CDFW Plant Voucher Collecting Permit Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard Level II Surveyor  6 years’ experience  Costco Wholesale Project, Murrieta, California  Nandina Distribution Center, FR/Cal Moreno Valley LLC, Riverside County, California  Plunge-Elder Improvement Project, County of San Bernardino, California Micah Hale, PhD, RPA Cultural/Tribal Cultural Resources UC Davis PhD, Anthropology BS, Anthropology CSU Sacramento MA, Anthropology Register of Professional Archaeologists  23 years’ experience  San Clemente Canyon Survey, City of San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department  Lake Murray Survey, City of San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department Linda Kry Cultural/Tribal Cultural Resources UC Los Angeles BA, Anthropology Cerritos College AA, Anthropology  12 years’ experience  Kaiser Permanente Moreno Valley Medical Center Master Plan, Moreno Valley, California  Litton Bostick Residential Project, City of Colton, Colton, California Samantha Murray, MA Historic Resources CSU Los Angeles MA, Anthropology CSU Northridge BA, Anthropology  13 years’ experience  Gaffey Street Pool and Bathhouse Project, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works  Ponte Vista Project in San Pedro, City of Los Angeles On-Call Planning Services Page 11 Table 1. Key Personnel Name and Contact Information Project Role Education and Certifications Experience Susan Smith, PG Hazardous Materials/ Phase I Assessments CSU Fullerton BS, Geological Sciences Professional Geologist (PG), CA No. 9176 OSHA 40–Hour HAZWOPER OSHA Site Supervisor Health and Safety Training Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and Department of Transportation Hazardous Waste Handler Training  17 years’ experience  Consulting Services for Property Divestiture, California Public Utilities Commission  Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Los Angeles Counties Dylan Duvergé, PG Hydrology and Water Quality/ Geology and Soils San Francisco State University MS, Geosciences UC Santa Cruz BA, Environmental Studies PG, CA No. 9244 Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer, CA No. G09244 40-Hour HAZWOPER, as per 29 CFR 1910.120(e), and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Department of Transportation  13 years’ experience  APNs on Hemet-Ryan and Jacqueline Cochrane Airports, Riverside County EDA, California  Southern California Edison Lakeview Substation Project, California Public Utilities Commission, Riverside County, California  Metropark/Brown Field Airport Redevelopment Plan EIR, City of San Diego, California Perry Russell, PG, CEG Hydrology and Water Quality/ Geology and Soils CSU Northridge MS, Geological Resources UC Santa Barbara BA, Geological Sciences PG, CA No. 5777 Certified Engineering Geologist, CA No. 1837  33 years’ experience  Addison and Rising Tree Wind Farm EIRs, City of Mojave, California  City of Goleta Fire Station 10 EIR, City of Goleta, California  The Villages – Escondido Country Club EIR, City of Escondido, California Terrileigh Pellarin Land Use Whittier College BA, Environmental Science and English Literature  3 years’ experience  Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Expansion EIR, City of Moreno Valley, California  Sand Canyon Resort Project EIR, City of Santa Clarita, California Dennis Pascua Multi-Modal Planning and Traffic Demand Management UC Irvine BA, Social Ecology (Environmental Analysis and Design)  26 years’ experience (1 year at Dudek)  On-Call Services, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power  On-Call Services, Los Angeles Community Services District On-Call Planning Services Page 12 Table 1. Key Personnel Name and Contact Information Project Role Education and Certifications Experience Sabita Tewani, AICP Multi-Modal Planning and Traffic Demand Management New Castle University MSc, Transportation Engineering and Operations School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi MA, Planning (Transportation Specialization)  9 years’ experience  Baseline-Alder Warehouse Project, City of Rialto, California  EIR Addendum for the Meridian South Campus Specific Plan Amendment, Riverside, California  Bixby Avenue Apartments Parking Study, Garden Grove, California Mark Storm, INCE Bd. Cert. Noise Massachusetts Institute of Technology BS, Aeronautics and Astronautics Institute of Noise Control Engineering Board Certified County of San Diego – Approved CEQA Consultant for Noise  28 years’ experience  2018 Long Range Development Plan EIR, UC San Diego  Crimson Solar Project, Recurrent Energy, Riverside County, California  La Costa Valley Middle School IS/MND, San Diego County, California Connor Burke Noise University of San Diego BA, Environmental Studies  5 years’ experience  Cypress College, Campus Master Plan EIR, Cypress, California  Ord Mountain Solar Energy Project, San Bernardino County, California Sarah Siren, GISP Paleontology South Dakota School of Mines and Technology MS, Paleontology George Washington University BS, Geology Geologist-in-Training, No. 167 California, 2007 Certified GIS Professional, 2013 40-hour HAZWOPER Training, 2008 Qualified Paleontologist, Riverside County  20 years’ experience  Winchester 1800 Project, City of Temecula, California  Mira Loma Commerce Center, County of Riverside, California  Otay Ranch, Parcels B and C, Chula Vista, California  Old Otay Mesa Road Improvement Project, City of San Diego, California Michael Williams, PhD Paleontology Louisiana State University PhD, Geology and Geophysics BS, Zoology Qualified Paleontologist; Orange, Riverside, and San Diego Counties Bureau of Land Management California Paleontological Resource Use Permit  16 years’ experience  As-Needed Environmental Services, City of San Diego  As-Needed Environmental Services, Department of General Services Carolyn Somvilay Population and Housing/ Public Services/ Recreation/ Utilities UC San Diego BS, Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution  2 years’ experience  Assistant Biologist for Southern California Edison, San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, and Riverside Counties, California On-Call Planning Services Page 13 Table 1. Key Personnel Name and Contact Information Project Role Education and Certifications Experience Patrick Cruz Population and Housing/ Public Services/ Recreation/ Utilities UC Santa Barbara BA, Environmental Studies BA, Geography (GIS emphasis)  1 year experience  Haven + Arrow Development EIR, Rancho Cucamonga, California  San Jacinto II Wind Energy Repower Project, Palm Springs, California  Vineyard Phase III Retail Development IS/MND, Murrieta, California Shelah Riggs Regulatory Permitting California State University (CSU), Fullerton MS, Environmental Studies BA, Geography Wetland Training Institute Certificate in Wetland Delineation Certificate of Plant ID  20 years’ experience  CEQA, Regulatory Permitting, Western Riverside County MSHCP  On-Call Contract, San Bernardino County Special Districts  On-Call Contract, City of Yucaipa  On-Call Contract, City of Calimesa Scott Eckardt, RPF Wildfire CSU Long Beach MA, Geography California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo BS, Forestry and Natural Resources Management Registered Professional Forester, No. 2835 Certified Arborist, No. WE-5914A Association for Fire Ecology Certified Wildland Fire Professional  20 years’ experience  Mountain Park Post-Burn Oak Woodland Assessment, Anaheim Hills, California  Emergency Fire Response Plan for the Newhall Spineflower Conservation Areas, Santa Clarita, California  Fire Department Response Modeling for the Carrari Ranch Subdivision, Rancho Cucamonga, California On-Call Planning Services Page 14 Work Plan/Technical Approach The City has developed over time to fuse the surrounding natural environmental with a strong economic center that can support seasonal tourism and residents alike. At this time, the City is focusing on infill development and smart redevelopment of notable areas (e.g., Highway 111 and La Quinta Village) to improve accessibility and support multi-modal transportation. Entitlements for proposed development will likely become more complex, since developer desires and remaining properties may not be consistent. Dudek’s team has extensive project experience and superior technical knowledge of all issues related to planning and environmental services. We understand the impacts of new issues; properly interpret and translate design proposals into construction methods; anticipate potential challenges in the regulatory, physical, or local environment; develop effective analyses; and expeditiously prepare well-written documents that clearly communicate appropriate solutions and conclusions. Importantly, we see ourselves as an extension of staff, and will work the way you work to make sure each project flows smoothly from start to finish. Planning Project Management Dudek will assist the City with management of planning projects to maintain a high quality of service at times when staff workload and project demand increase. Ms. Nickerson will serve as the City’s point of contact, and will be responsible for assigning the most appropriate staff for each task order. She will oversee each assignment to verify that the Dudek team complies with technical, regulatory, scope, schedule, and budget requirements. With support and quality control from Planning Lead Ruta Thomas, REPA, Environmental Lead Wendy Worthey, and Engineering Lead Charles Greeley, P.E., Ms. Nickerson will implement the following: Availability and Collaboration. Effective project management requires careful communication with the City and among project participants. Ms. Nickerson is fully available to manage this as-needed contract and ensure that the City has access to the appropriate Dudek team members for each individual task order. Ms. Nickerson is willing to set up a schedule to work from City Hall at the City’s discretion. She will be available to attend meetings with the City or applicants in person at City Hall, and coordinate attendance of other Dudek team members, either in person or via teleconference, as needed. Clear, Continuous Communication. Ms. Nickerson will develop a management framework that defines clear lines of communication among Dudek team members and City staff, which is key to the successful implementation of concurrent, as-needed services. Dudek team members will attend a kickoff meeting for each task order, either in-person or via teleconference. This meeting will be critical to the ultimate success of the project, as it provides an opportunity for all parties to discuss the project, review the scope, and formalize key assumptions. We approach every project with the understanding that attention on the front end can save substantial time and costs in the long run. Ms. Nickerson will coordinate with each team member regularly to ensure that tasks are completed on time and within budget. Flexibility. Our project management structure and depth of staff allow us to be responsive to multiple, concurrent task orders and to remain flexible to changing requirements and unforeseen planning issues. Ms. Nickerson will develop and use individual project work plans for each task order, and ensure the most appropriate Dudek team members are assigned. In the event that the City requires immediate assistance beyond our project team’s capacity, we can draw on the resources of more than 600 Dudek environmental and engineering professionals working throughout California to respond quickly and effectively (subject to City approval). On-Call Planning Services Page 15 Quality Assurance and Quality Control. Ms. Nickerson will work closely with Dudek’s Publications team to apply the highest standards of quality to all City deliverables. For a typical Dudek work product, the following process is used:  Style Guide Development. The Dudek technical editing team will create a project-specific style guide in accordance with the City’s standard requirements, prior to document preparation  Technical Review. An appropriate third-party technical reviewer will be assigned to all written work products, with focus on the legal adequacy and technical accuracy of all deliverables.  Editorial Review. Once technical review is complete, Dudek editors conduct an editorial review of deliverables following the agreed- upon style guide, and formatted by publications staff.  Document Production. Dudek’s Publications team will produce Web- ready versions of project deliverables, and any hard copies requested. Specialized Planning-Related Studies Urban planning is an interdisciplinary field that includes, social, engineering, and design sciences. Successful urban planning is achieved through analysis of various technical aspects to achieve a community’s strategic, policy, and sustainability goals. The City may require specialized planning-related studies to guide development and regulate land uses to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the community while protecting the environment. Dudek can provide the City with a deep bench of available professionals with vast technical experience to tackle any planning or environmental challenge that may arise under this contract. Dudek’s approach to preparing plans and regulatory documents is generally based on a four-phase work program that is tailored to individual work orders: Phase 1. Mobilization and Discovery. Plans succeed through strong project management, effective community engagement, and sound analytical underpinnings. This phase enables our team to set the project up for success and thoroughly understand what exists in the physical environment and in the expectations of the local community. More specifically, this task includes the following:  Develop Work Plan, Schedule, and Project Management Approach. Prior to kicking off a project, Dudek will work with the City to refine a work plan; prepare a detailed schedule with clear deadlines, specific action items, and critical path milestones; and implement an agreed-upon project management approach. We keep projects on schedule and within budget through up-to-date tracking systems and critical path milestones.  Develop and Implement Community Outreach and Information Strategy. At the heart of comprehensive planning is public engagement. Dudek will customize an outreach strategy that is specific to the project and plan area, meet people where they are (e.g., community events, churches, schools), and provide flexibility in both timing and the avenues through which input is gathered. Our goal is to create an accessible and engaging outreach program that empowers participation from all community members.  Conduct Baseline Information and Evaluation. Following the mobilization described in the first bullet, Dudek will embark on the “discovery process.” This will involve thoroughly understanding existing conditions in the plan area across all relevant land use, environmental, demographic, cultural, and regulatory topics. Dudek will collect data and documents from the City and other sources, and may provide site visits, field surveys, stakeholder coordination, records search, and technical studies. Importantly, this process culminates with an understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the community. On-Call Planning Services Page 16 Phase 2. Scenario Planning. Dudek will develop and test alternative future planning scenarios via an iterative process shaped by sound analysis and public input. Unlike traditional planning approaches that begin with forecasting, scenario planning starts with the mindset that we can’t predict the future, but we can better prepare for it. Dudek will work with the City, community members, and stakeholders to consider the various futures they may face—good, bad, and unexpected—and create policies and programs that are adaptable and effective. Phase 3. Plan Development. Dudek will prepare and submit drafts of the specialized planning documents and/or zoning ordinances in a format as requested by the City. The plans and/or ordinances will be prepared through an iterative process based on community input, consistency with guiding principles, and client direction. The individual elements of the plan and/or ordinances will be refined and developed through multiple review cycles, as needed. Phase 4. Adoption and Implementation. This final phase includes the environmental review, adoption, and implementation process. Often, plans are one step in a series of actions needed to enact change and achieve community visions. From pursuing funding to entitling developments, Dudek is experienced in a broad range of implementation strategies. We will provide options and ways of implementing planning policies, goals, and objectives to ensure an adaptable plan consistent with our scenario planning approach. We will also attend and present, as needed, at the adoption hearings. Technical Research and Land Use Entitlements Dudek’s project team will provide the level of support requested by the City on a project-by-project basis to assist review and approval of land use entitlements within the City. In coordination with the City’s Design and Development Department, Planning Division, and using any relevant information found on state and local agency websites, Dudek will prepare a permitting framework to identify the steps that will need to be completed for processing each entitlement project. A list of potential permits that will be needed from the City, and any other applicable agency, will be provided. Dudek will meet with the project applicant to outline the specific entitlement requirements for their project, and be available for follow-up questions as the applicant prepares their application. Once the entitlement application is submitted to the City, Dudek will review the application for completeness. This typically includes routing the application through other departments to verify inclusion of required information. Dudek staff will coordinate directly with various departments to facilitate timely completion. Once we receive a complete development application, we will evaluate the project for potential issues or concerns related to planning and environmental issues, including consistency with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, compliance with the Subdivision Map Act and applicable design guidelines, demands for public services and utilities, and critical environmental concerns. Facilitating input and coordinating comments from City departments is crucial, so we maintain effective working relationships with City staff, outside consultants, and agency representatives during the review and processing of project applications. Dudek planners work independently, follow direction, and seek clarification when needed. Once the entitlement package is deemed complete (including environmental compliance), Dudek can prepare staff reports, conditions of approval, and resolutions to support the project at the public hearing for review and/or approval. Dudek can attend public hearings to make presentations to decision makers, record public comments received, and respond to questions. Prepare CEQA and NEPA Documentation Dudek can provide the full range of environmental consulting and CEQA compliance needs for the City (including peer review of environmental documentation and associated technical analyses). This section summarizes the general tasks that Dudek will complete for each project, and the key considerations we would apply in developing a project-specific work program. Because CEQA would be the main environmental compliance required under this contract, the following work plan applies to CEQA only. Dudek has vast experience preparing all levels of NEPA documents, and we would provide a full understanding and scope of work if a project requires NEPA services (i.e., federal funding, federal land, and/or federal permits). On-Call Planning Services Page 17 Environmental Document and Technical Study Peer Review. Dudek’s task managers and technical staff are prepared to conduct a thorough peer review of any documents submitted to the City by project applicants. We will ensure that all modeling, analysis, and regulatory summaries are up to date and follow current CEQA/NEPA case law and agency requirements. Comments are typically provided in tracked changes and/or through written peer review comment letters. Our staff will work quickly and efficiently to finalize our reviews, and will be available to discuss all comments with the City and outside consultants. Review for CEQA Exemptions: Statutory or categorical exemptions may apply to activities that otherwise meet the definition of a “project” under CEQA. Dudek is available to consult on applicable exemptions and to prepare studies or reports that may support such findings. In addition, this step is an appropriate time to identify potential streamlining provisions that may apply, such as tiering from a programmatic document; infill and Senate Bill 743 (Sustainable Communities) streamlining; or site-specific streamlining for projects consistent with a General Plan, SP, or zoning EIR. Project Initiation: If it is determined that a project is not exempt from CEQA, Dudek will attend a project kickoff meeting with the City and/or applicant to discuss project objectives, critical issues, and approach. Dudek will prepare a detailed project description to be used as the basis for the technical impact assessments and CEQA analysis. Technical Studies: Dudek will prepare technical studies, as necessary, to provide sufficient data and evidence to support the CEQA analysis. Dudek is happy to coordinate with technical consultants chosen by the City or project applicant. The following list provides a summary of common technical studies required for CEQA documentation that Dudek can perform in house, for convenience:  Air Quality and GHG Emissions: Dudek’s air quality specialists use standardized approaches and methodologies, as recommended by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, and use the latest air emissions estimation model (CalEEMod) and other emissions estimation tools (e.g., EMFAC2011 and OFFROAD2007), as appropriate, to address a project’s air quality and GHG impacts.  Biological Resources: Our team’s training and project experience includes the fields of botany, mammalogy, herpetology, entomology, ornithology, environmental biology, riparian and wetland ecology, spatial analysis, urban forestry, regulatory permitting, watershed management, and habitat conservation planning. Our team has particular expertise with the various state and federal laws and regulations governing natural resources throughout California, including the state and federal Endangered Species Acts, California Native Plant Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act, California Fish and Game Code, Clean Water Act, Porter-Cologne Act, and city/county tree ordinances.  Cultural Resources Evaluation: Our team includes registered professional archaeologists who supervise projects in accordance with state and federal regulations, including CEQA, NEPA, and National Historic Preservation Act Section 106. Services include prehistoric and historic archaeological site identification, significance testing, and mitigation programs; architectural historical assessments; federal Section 106 investigations and documentation; paleontological resource assessments; cultural resources management plans; and project site constraints analyses. Dudek can also assist the City in the Senate Bill 18 and Assembly Bill 52 Native American consultation process.  Energy: Dudek has experience in providing energy analysis, summarizing electricity, natural gas, and petroleum energy sources, as well as the relevant regulation framework relative to a project, per the CEQA Guidelines.  Geology and Soils: Dudek will peer review the applicant-provided geotechnical study with respect to methodology, thoroughness, and appropriateness for the project location. We will compile an analysis of the data and prepare draft and final reports providing our findings, conclusions, and geotechnical recommendations.  Hazards and Hazardous Materials: Our phase I Environmental Site Assessments adhere to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards, and if a property is known to need soil sampling prior to the site assessment, Dudek can combine those Phase II efforts with Phase I, which can result in an On-Call Planning Services Page 18 enormous time and money savings. Dudek has also prepared reports outlining the presence of underground storage tanks and other hazardous material storage units.  Hydrology, Water Quality and Supply Studies, Stormwater/Wastewater Control and Management, and Floodplain Encroachment: The Dudek team has significant experience performing hydrologic, hydraulic, water quality, and sediment transport analysis in support of a broad range of permitting efforts, including Clean Water Act (401/402/404) and CDFW (1600) permits, as well as EIR and CEQA/NEPA-related documents. Dudek can also assist with Federal Emergency Management Agency and local floodplain mapping (CLOMR and LOMR processing), requirements for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program for stormwater runoff, and stormwater pollution prevention plans and water quality management plans. Dudek can also assistance in the Senate Bill 610 water supply assessment process.  Noise: Dudek’s noise specialists will prepare an acoustical analysis evaluating noise impacts generated by temporary (construction and demolition) and long-term (traffic noise and on-site operational) impacts associated with a project. Noise measurements can be taken to establish an existing baseline. Future on- site traffic noise levels at the proposed facilities will be determined based on the results of the noise measurements and modeling of future traffic volume using the Federal Highway Administration’s Traffic Noise Model 2.5.  Traffic Studies: Dudek provides technical transportation planning, traffic impact assessment, and CEQA expertise, quantifying the effects of a project using the appropriate metrics and methods for project-specific concerns. We also provide municipal-level traffic engineering and design services to assist in street, sidewalk, and bicycle lane design projects, as well as safety studies and traffic control plans. Services include transportation impact, access, and circulation analysis; due diligence and project trip generation quantification; vehicle miles traveled calculations and reductions; Senate Bill 743 compliance; transportation demand management plans and implementation; complete streets and active transportation planning; bicycle and pedestrian safety and planning; parking studies; and traffic control plans.  Visual Simulations: Dudek can create photographic simulations of a proposed project to address visual impacts, which can be a key tool for use in CEQA documents and at workshops and meetings. We also provide 3D visual simulations that include existing site photographs as backgrounds and true-scale 3D models for the proposed expansion rendered into background photos. The renderings include the proposed buildings or structures, retaining walls, grading, and landscaping.  Regulatory Permitting: Dudek consistently secures development permits, agreements, and approvals from federal, state, regional, and local agencies, as well as from other relevant agencies, groups, and entities that have jurisdiction in a project region. Our success stems directly from the relationships and reputation we have fostered with these agencies. Dudek provides reliable, scientifically based information tailored to address the specific requirements and standards of the relevant agency for permit application packages. Dudek project managers have worked extensively with state and federal resource agencies, including CDFW, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Bureau of Land Management. Initial Study (IS), Negative Declaration (ND), or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Dudek will prepare an IS to determine if the project would have potentially significant environmental impacts that would require preparation of an EIR. If no potentially significant impacts are identified, or design features are proposed that would clearly reduce any potentially significant impacts, a ND or MND may be prepared. If it is apparent that an EIR will be required, the IS process may be skipped (unless an IS would aid in “scoping out” certain topics for a Focused EIR). The IS will include all of the topics in the CEQA Guidelines Appendix G Checklist. Dudek can assist the City with preparation of all necessary notices and distribution for public review. Dudek will prepare a Final IS/MND (or ND) that includes the following sections, as needed: responses to public review comments, revisions to the Draft IS, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP). On-Call Planning Services Page 19 Environmental Impact Report: When an EIR is warranted, Dudek will work with City staff to prepare a Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the EIR. The NOP will present a sufficient level of detail to allow members of the public and outside agencies to make meaningful comments regarding environmental impact concerns. Dudek can participate in public scoping meetings, including brief presentation delivery, exhibit production, and summary of all public comments received. Dudek will prepare a Draft EIR that evaluates impacts that may result from development of a proposed project. Dudek will work collaboratively with City staff to draft the EIR for public review, including preparation of necessary public notices, production, and distribution for public review. After the 45-day public review period ends, Dudek will prepare a Final EIR, including responses to all comments received from agencies and members of the public on the draft CEQA document, revisions to the Draft EIR, and an MMRP. Dudek can prepare the findings of fact, documenting the procedural history, project background, project objectives and description, record of proceedings, and specific findings for each impact of the proposed project, including a discussion of how the mitigation measures identified in the EIR will effectively reduce or avoid project impacts. The findings also review the project alternatives evaluated and the feasibility of each, the potential for the project to induce growth, and the project’s contribution to cumulative impacts. Public Hearings. Dudek’s project manager and/or relevant technical staff can attend public hearings to make presentations to decision makers, record public comments received, and respond to questions. Dudek can also provide support to City staff in reviewing project submittals for completeness and adequacy, and in preparing or contributing to staff reports. Parking Surveys Ms. Nickerson prepared the EIR for the Village Build-Out Plan, certified in 2016, which included several parking management strategies to ensure the proposed reduction in parking requirements within the Village would not result in parking deficits. The City implemented a Village Parking Management Program in 2016, requiring annual parking surveys to document on-street and off-street occupancy in peak season (January) and off-peak season (August). Dudek will use staff from our local office in the La Quinta Village to conduct the bi-annual parking survey, eliminating travel costs. Our staff will coordinate with City staff to schedule optimal dates for the parking surveys and determine the established methodology and requirements for the surveys. Dudek will conduct parking surveys on the scheduled date(s) and submit a memo to the City with a summary of the survey results and a comparison with previous survey results after each survey. Plan and Map Review (Bluebeam Revu Standard Software) Dudek can provide plan, map check and technical document review services on an as-needed basis for the City. Dudek has provided plan and technical document review for cities throughout the Coachella Valley and Inland Empire. Our approach to review services is predicated on the belief that plan review is not intended to provide alternate design approach or alternatives, but is intended to ensure that plans and documents meet municipal code requirements, minimum requirements from conditions of approval, meet or exceed ADA and California Building Code requirements and are generally safe for public and private use. Our technical staff regularly used Bluebeam Revu to coordinate both internally and externally to communicate plan review and redline comments. On-Call Planning Services Page 20 Cost and Price Dudek will invoice the City using an hourly billing system at fully burdened rates. We will prepare a scope and cost estimate for each work order, broken down by task and hour allotment for necessary staff utilizing the hourly rates below. Reimbursable expenses are charged at cost plus fifteen percent, except mileage, which is charged at the latest Standard Mileage Rate issued by the IRS. Dudek will submit invoices on a monthly basis. Make checks payable to Dudek, unless otherwise indicated, within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Appendix A Resumes Page 1 Audrey Nickerson Environmental Planner Audrey Nickerson is an environmental planner with 5 years’ experience preparing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents for various development and capital improvement projects. Ms. Nickerson’s strong technical background complements her ability to read and interpret specialized environmental studies and describe the information so it is easily understandable by the public. Project Experience La Quinta Village Build-out Plan EIR, City of La Quinta, California. Served as Planner for preparation of a Program EIR, including the review and incorporation of multiple technical studies. The La Quinta Village Build-out Plan, sponsored by the City of La Quinta, proposed development or redevelopment of underutilized properties within 137 acres of traditional downtown area to incorporate mixed-use development and encourage the use of alternative transportation methods. . I worked closely with City staff through the public review process and prepared the response to comments and CEQA findings prior to certification of the EIR. The EIR was certified in January 2016. Desert Land Ventures Specific Plan EIR, City of Desert Hot Springs, California. Served as project manager for preparation of the EIR. The Specific Plan proposed development of 123.4 acres of vacant land north of the Interstate 10 with approximately 1,897,799 square feet of mixed use and commercial uses to develop a unique industrial/technology park with the potential for destination hospitality and commercial/retail uses. Completed the Draft EIR per City comments, distributed the Draft EIR for public review, responded to public comments, and prepared the Final EIR. The City Council certified the EIR in May 2018. Thousand Palms 278 Specific Plan IS/MND, Thousand Palms in Unincorporated Riverside County. Served as Planner for preparation of the IS/MND. The applicant, Noble and Company, proposed development of a Specific Plan, which included development of a 118-acre residential master-planned community consisting of up to 590 residences in seven planning areas, and an 8-megawatt community solar array to provide a secondary source of power to project residents. The project site had to be designed around sensitive cultural resources and regional drainage issues. The IS/MND was approved in June 2018. Coachella Village Multi-Family Residential IS/MND, City of Coachella, California. Served as Project Manager for the preparation of the IS/MND and coordinated directly with the client representative during the entitlement process. The applicant, Coachella Village Partners, LLC, proposed development of approximately 9.7 acres of vacant land with a 242-unit multi-family residential gated community, daycare facility, recreation building, pools, and shared recreation areas. In addition to environmental analysis, tasks included assisting City staff with public review process, preparing response to comments, and attending the City Council meeting on behalf of the client for approval of the IS/MND. The City Council approved the IS/MND in February 2018. Education Texas A&M University BS, Bioenvironmental Science (Meteorology minor), 2012 Page 2 Coachella Green Industrial Park IS/MND, City of Coachella, California. Served as Manager for preparation of the IS/MND and appropriate technical studies. The project applicant, Coachella Green, LLC, proposed development of a 49.19-acre site with approximately 644,567 square feet of light industrial land uses. The applicant proposed cannabis land uses on the project site so a Change of Zone and Conditional Use Permit was required to provide consistency with the zoning code. In addition to environmental analysis, tasks included close coordination with Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission staff for project review, and preparation a Final IS/MND. Also prepared project updates, schedules, and invoicing. City Council approved the IS/MND in November 2017. Date Palm Business Park, City of Coachella, California. Served as Planner for preparation of the IS/MND. The applicant, Date Palm Business Park, LLC, proposed development of 1.2 million square feet of light industrial development and accessory uses in place of an existing date palm orchard. The applicant also designed the site to include solar panels of 75% of the rooftops to offset the carbon emissions and provide a secondary source of power for the site. Additional tasks included close coordination with project manager to develop a project description consistent with the applicant’s goals and objectives, review and incorporation of technical studies into the IS/MND, distribution of the IS/MND for public review and attendance at the public hearing for approval of the project in November 2017. Ramon 19 IS/MND, Cathedral City, California. Served as Planner for preparation of the IS/MND. The applicant, CP Logistics LLC, proposed development of two permanent greenhouse buildings totaling approximately 490,000 square feet on a 19.1-acre site. The buildings would be designed for cannabis cultivation, a dispensary and accessory uses. Development of the project site would require drilling of two new wells and compliance with the Agua Caliente Tribal Habitat Conservation Plan. Additional tasks included with the technical subconsultants, and review and incorporation of the technical reports into the IS/MND. The IS/MND was approved in September 2017. Tower Energy IS/MND, Coachella, California. Severed as Planner for preparation of the IS/MND. The applicant, Tower Energy Group, proposed development of 115 medium density dwelling units, approximately 30,000 square feet of general commercial development and a 10,000 square foot market and fueling station. The applicant requested a Change of Zone to allow for development of the commercial uses and a CUP to allow for development of the fueling station. The IS/MND was approved in July 2016. Wildrose Village Residential Development, Colton, California. Served as Planner for preparation of the IS/MND and Specific Plan Amendment. The project included development of an 18.7-acre residential development consisting of 175 dwelling units within the Colton’s Hub City Centre Specific Plan. The project required a specific plan amendment to change the zoning to allow for higher density residential development and to revise the roadway classification for surrounding roadways. Additional tasks included coordination with the biological resources specialist to ensure proper avoidance of the designated Delhi Sands Fly habitat within the project area. The IS/MND was approved in December 2016. Virada Specific Plan IS/MND, Indio California. Served as Planner for preparation of the IS/MND. Served as Planner for preparation of the IS/MND. The applicant, Family Development, proposed development of a 656-acre master planned community at the base of the Indio Hills in northwestern Indio, consisting of 1,339 dwelling units, 167 acres of open space for parks, an 8-acre solar array, and 26 acres of drainage and flood control. Project constraints included adjacent CVMSHCP Conservation Areas, drainage from Indio Hills, and close proximity to Bermuda Dunes Airport. Additional tasks included completion of FAA Obstruction Evaluation, preparation of public review notices, and distributed the document for public review. The IS/MND was approved in January 2016. Rialto 77 Residential Development, Rialto California. Served as Planner for preparation of the IS/MND. The project applicant, Crestwood Communities, proposed development of a 77-unit single-family residential subdivision on 7.3 acres of land occupied by a citrus orchard. Although the site was designated Residential in the General Plan, the applicant requested a Change of Zone from Agricultural with and Historic Agriculture Overlay to be consistent with the undated General Plan. The IS/MND was approved in March 2016. Page 1 Carey Fernandes, AICP Principal, Senior Project Manager Carey Fernandes is a senior project manager with 23 years’ planning- related experience specializing in the planning, environmental, and development industries. Ms. Fernandes’ diverse background of education and experience includes permit processing with local jurisdictions, coordination with public agency staff, preparation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents, project management, due diligence, and feasibility analysis. As a senior project manager, she has worked on a number of planning documents, such as specific plans, comprehensive plans, and general plan updates. In addition, Ms. Fernandes has served as on-call planning staff for several public agencies. She has also served as project manager and primary author of many environmental review documents throughout San Diego and Imperial counties. Ms. Fernandes also works with several Native American tribes in the western United States in the preparation of tribal environmental documents. Through this experience, she has developed a broad understanding of policy, planning, and environmental issues. Project Experience Emerald Ridge Residential Project, City of Jurupa Valley, California. Served as project manager for the preparation of a project-level EIR for a residential development located in Jurupa Valley, a newly incorporated city in Riverside County. The project proposes 399 dwelling units, recreational amenities, and public trail. Environmental issues included traffic, air quality, and greenhouse gases. Imperial Valley Mall EIR, City of El Centro, California. Served as project manager for the preparation of an EIR for a large-scale regional mall and associated commercial and residential land uses. Key issues include land use, economic feasibility, agricultural lands, public services, traffic, and biological resources. Countryside South Tentative Subdivision Map, City of El Centro, California. Served as project manager for the preparation of an EIR for 152 single-family residential lots on 39.8 acres of land. Environmental issues included agricultural resources, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials, public services, and traffic. 8th Street Tentative Subdivision Map, City of El Centro, California. Served as project manager for the preparation of an MND for the development of a tentative subdivision map consisting of industrial and multifamily uses in the northern part of El Centro. Potential issues included traffic, noise, air quality, and potential public safety conflicts due to the proximity of a railroad. Education San Diego State University MA, Public Administration, 1998 University of California, Santa Barbara BA, English, 1993 Certification American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), No. 016067 Professional Affiliations American Planning Association, Board of Directors, 2005–Present Association of Environmental Professionals Lambda Alpha International Page 2 Linda Vista Subdivision Map, City of El Centro, California. Served as project manager for the preparation of an EIR for the annexation, general plan amendment, and change of zone. The project included single-family residential development on 80 acres. Environmental issues included agricultural resources, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hazardous materials, hydrology/water quality, land use, noise, population and housing, public services, and traffic. McPhetrige MND, City of El Centro, California. Served as project manager for the preparation of an MND for a proposed change of zone and tentative subdivision map for 55 acres. The project included commercial, multifamily, and single-family land uses. Environmental issues included traffic and biological resources. Western Annexation EIR, City of El Centro, California. Served as project manager for the processing and preparation of an EIR for a three-tract subdivision. Key issues included traffic, air quality, and public services. Southern Annexation EIR, City of El Centro, California. Served as project manager for the preparation of an EIR for a large-scale subdivision in the City of El Centro. The project site was located on an area adjacent to large-lot rural residences, which potentially created land use inconsistencies. Also adjacent was a water treatment plant and an associated firing range utilized by local law enforcement agencies. Close coordination was required to ensure the project objectives were balanced against public safety and land-use concerns. Luckey Ranch EIR, City of Brawley, California. Served as project manager for the preparation of a program/project- level EIR for a general plan amendment, annexation, specific plan, and tentative map submittal for the City of Brawley to assess impacts associated with build-out development of more than 500 acres adjacent to the existing city boundary. Important issues included land use and public safety; circulation and traffic volumes; roadway and aircraft noise and emissions; infrastructure and public services requirements for police, fire, and schools; light and glare; surface drainage/hydrology; preservation of prime and statewide important farmlands; population and housing; and preservation of sensitive species, such as the burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia). Prepared a service area plan to determine appropriate levels of service. Grossmont Union High School District CEQA Services, La Mesa, California. Serving as program manager for as- needed environmental services for the Grossmont Unified School District. Task orders include preparation of initial studies (ISs), MNDs and EIRs. University High School Athletic Field Improvement Project, San Diego Unified School District, California. As part of San Diego Unified School District’s Environmental As-Needed contract, served as project manager for the preparation of a series of technical studies and environmental documents to support funding and construction of a lighted multiuse field for the school and City of Santee’s use as a baseball field. As-Needed Environmental Services, City of San Diego, California. Served as principal in charge on project for a variety of professional environmental services, including preparing CEQA/NEPA documents, construction monitoring, and preparation of conceptual plans and detailed plans and specifications for revegetation. Specific projects Dudek worked on included site assessments for two wetlands mitigation banks and preparing a weed management plan grant application for San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) TransNet funding. Dudek performs tasks in a timely manner, working closely with City of San Diego staff to identify an appropriate scope of work, budget, and schedule. Dudek is performing quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) to provide high quality services throughout each task. Otay Ranch Extension of Staff, City of Chula Vista, California. Served as environmental planner for the preparation of a series of tiered environmental documents consisting of an amendment to an EIR for the Otay Ranch General Development Plan, as well as two specific planning area supplemental EIRs for the City of Chula Vista. Key issues include land use/community character, historic/cultural resources, traffic, and biological resources. Page 3 As-Needed Associate Planner, City of El Centro, California. Served as on-call associate planner in all capacities needed for the processing of negative declarations, major use permits, and staff reports. Acts as an extension of city staff. As-Needed Planner, City of Brawley, California. Served as on-call planner in multiple capacities in the daily processing and review of projects at the City of Brawley. Service Area Plan, City of El Centro, California. Served as project manager for the preparation of a service area plan in compliance with the Imperial County LAFCO requirements. Issues analyzed included all services provided by the City of El Centro and those provided by others. The document was prepared to ensure that adequate services would be provided to existing users in the event of future annexations and helped to determine thresholds and standards for city services. Federal Magistrate Courthouse MND, City of El Centro, California. Served as project manager and primary author for the preparation of an MND and planning services for the processing of a CUP. The project issues involved traffic and site plan review to ensure land use consistency in the city. Page 1 Wendy Worthey Senior Project Manager Wendy Worthey is an environmental senior project manager with 27 years’ experience in environmental assessment. Ms. Worthy specializes in the preparation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents; implementation of regional habitat conservation plans (HCPs); and coordination with various state, federal, and local regulatory agencies. She also has experience with permitting assistance and compliance; mitigation monitoring and compliance; staff management; contract management; construction management; and conducting field investigations for biological resources, jurisdictional waters, water quality, and hazardous materials. Ms. Worthey is highly organized, solution-oriented, objective, and has a diverse background in both the private and public sectors, including experience with complex development projects, large utilities, and transportation. Project Experience Freeway Business Center Project, On-Call Environmental Services, March Joint Powers Authority (JPA), California. As part of Dudek’s On-Call Contract with March JPA, Dudek prepared an EIR for the Freeway Business Center Project, located within the jurisdiction of the March JPA. The approximately 39.4-acre project site is located at the southwest corner of Alessandro Boulevard and Old 215 Frontage Road, in unincorporated Riverside County, California. The proposed project would include the construction of an approximately 709,083-square-foot industrial warehouse building. The proposed building would consist of 694,083 square feet of warehouse space, approximately 7,000 square feet of ground floor office space and 3,000 square feet of mezzanine office space at the northeastern end of the building, and approximately 5,000 square feet of ground floor office space planned for the southwestern end of the building. Key issues for this project were noise and hazards due to the project site’s proximity to the March Air Reserve Base runway, traffic, biological resources, air quality, and greenhouse gas emissions. Costco Commercial Center EIR, Costco Wholesale, Komar Development, and City of La Quinta, California. Served as project manager for this EIR. Costco Wholesale and Komar Development proposed to develop a 26.84-acre site into an integrated shopping center. In addition, off-site improvements included a waterline located on the adjacent vacant parcel to the east, within the City of Indio. Project team prepared a specific plan, draft EIR, and final EIR, including responses to comments, findings of fact, and an MMRP. Subcontracted and managed subconsultants for air, noise, biology, cultural, geotechnical, hazardous materials, and traffic. Team also obtained the required permits for the project. Issues regarding the proposed project included biological resources, the Draft Coachella Valley MSHCP, cultural resources (including Senate Bill 18 compliance), hydrology/water quality, and traffic impacts. Because of Costco’s need for definitive budgeting, team determined all mitigation costs early in the project’s processing. Education University of Louisville MS, Biological/Life Sciences (Environmental Biology), 1993 Southwest Missouri State University BS, Conservation/Natural Resources (Wildlife Conservation and Management), 1983 Professional Affiliations Association of Environmental Professionals Page 2 Martin Substation/Egbert Switching Station Project, On-Call CEQA/NEPA Services, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), San Francisco, California. Served as senior project manager overseeing Dudek’s environmental team review of the Pacific Gas and Electric’s proposed Martin Substation/Egbert Switching Station Project and 230 kV transmission line. Dudek’s responsibilities include review of the Proponent’s Environmental Assessment, preparation of an Initial Study and Environmental Impact Report, all tasks relative to noticing and distribution, responses to public comments, outreach, preparation of certification documents, and compliance management during construction. Ten West Link Transmission Project, On-Call CEQA/NEPA Services, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), California and Arizona. Served as project manager, Reviewed the environmental impact analysis for proposed construction and maintenance of a 114-mile, 500-kV interstate transmission line between Tonopah, Arizona, and Blythe, California. This line will utilize federal, state, and local lands and provide another interconnection between Arizona and California and will strengthen the electrical grid and improve reliability. This environmental process for this project is unique in that the Dudek is reviewing the work of other consultants preparing the NEPA Environmental Impact Report to determine if the federal document may be acceptable as a CEQA equivalent document pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15221. Key issues considered in the analysis include aesthetics, potential development within wildlife refuge lands, impacts to Native American lands, and alternatives to minimize impacts. This project includes close coordination with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as well as other local, state and federal cooperating agencies. Southern California Edison (SCE) Extension of Staff, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, California. Served as extension of SCE staff, including project management and day-to-day support, for eight years. Responsibilities associated with these large transmission and substation projects crossing multiple jurisdictions include constraints analysis, oversight of project mitigation monitoring and compliance before and during construction, and during operations and maintenance; organizing biological survey teams; consultant management; creation of risk-based strategies; restoration planning; environmental document preparation and review; waters and endangered species permitting; a detailed understanding of all environmental laws, regulations, and policy, including CEQA, all regional HCPs, including the Western Riverside MSHCP, and the Clean Water Act (CWA); budget development and reviews; conflict resolution; and training of SCE staff and construction crews on biological and MSHCP requirements. This assignment necessitated leadership, complex problem solving, extensive coordination between various divisions within SCE as well as with local jurisdictions, state and federal regulatory agencies, the California Public Utilities Commission, and their consultants. On-Call Environmental Services, City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), California. Serving as CEQA/NEPA and biological support for several task orders ranging from the evaluation of new pipeline construction to emergency repair of infrastructure damaged in wildfires, and future operation and maintenance needs of hydroelectric and transmission line infrastructure. Environmental Master Services Agreement and On-Call Services, San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) and Sempra Energy, San Diego County, California. Served as environmental scientist for on-call contract for environmental and stormwater consulting services. Provided services including biological inventory, endangered species assessments, and stormwater compliance for agency facilities and planning efforts. Contract Environmental Services, City of Moreno Valley, California. Served as on-call contract manager. Oversaw a team that will perform peer review of prepared technical studies and environmental reports including, but not limited to: environmental impact reports; environmental impact statements; and mitigated negative declarations. Dudek will provide recommended revisions and additional action items to assist the City in the efficient approval of legally defensible documentation. Page 3 Contract Environmental Services, City of Lake Elsinore, California. Served as principal environmental planner. Solely responsible for environmental review of all private and public projects proposed in the City of Lake Elsinore. This included, but was not limited to, CEQA review and compliance of all projects; MSHCP review and compliance; preparation of Requests for Proposals/Qualifications (RFP/Q); consultant and contract management; budgets; processing annexations; handling public outreach, general plan amendments, and zoning code changes; Senate Bill 18 compliance; working with the Redevelopment Agency to obtain grant funds for improvement projects; reviewing capital improvement projects for environmental compliance; and regulatory permitting of City of Lake Elsinore projects. Processed over 30 projects, 5 of which involved annexations and successful public involvement. CEQA On-Call Contract, City of Calexico, California. Awarded all CEQA compliance work as part of the growth and improvements goals of the city. This included residential growth proposed to double the existing number of dwelling units, and environmental compliance associated with commercial development and other mixed uses. All projects involved pre-application coordination through completion of draft and final CEQA documentation and public hearings. Notable projects included Jasper Corridor Master Plan, Estrella, Los Lagos, and Santa Fe EIRs; Remington and Riverview MNDs, and Eady Sphere Expansion Program. The overall effort also included processing annexations and handling all public outreach, including educational workshops. On-Call Biological Services, Alameda County Public Works Agency, California. Served as environmental scientist and provided on-call environmental services relating to biological setting and impact studies. Services provided to date have included restoration and revegetation plans, review of environmental documents, wetlands delineations, permitting assistance, vegetation surveys, special-status species reconnaissance surveys, fish sampling and studies, cliff swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) monitoring, bat monitoring, and preconstruction surveys for nesting birds, kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis), and California red-legged frogs (Rana draytonii). CEQA Projects, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), California. Served as senior project manager for numerous CEQA projects as part of Dudek’s On-Call Contract, including managing preparation of an EIR for the San Jacinto Wildlife Area Land Management Plan. Worked closely with the CDFW and team to evaluate all environmental issue areas, including but not limited to, biological resources, cultural resources, hydrology and water quality, air quality, utilities and service systems, and recreation. This project involves complex public opposition and outreach to the public and environmental groups. Biological Services On-Call Contract, Caltrans, California. Served as environmental scientist and conducted several wildlife road mortality surveys focusing on state- and federally listed threatened, endangered, proposed, and candidate species and species of concern found deceased on or adjacent to SRs 41 and 33 within the project boundaries. All deceased wildlife identified during those surveys were documented and described in a final road mortality survey report. As-Needed Biological and Environmental Services, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, California. Serving as contract manager and senior project manager for CEQA/NEPA and all technical support for task orders ranging from the evaluation of new pipeline construction and flood control facilities to emergency repair of infrastructure damaged due to aging, and future operation and maintenance needs flood control infrastructure. Dudek has provided as-needed services, including a variety of projects over the past 8 years, including the Nason Basin Project, Perris Lateral-B Projects, Day Creek Channel 6 Projects, Salt Creek Project, Gavilan Hills–Smith Road Channel, and Debris Basin Project. These projects were typically long, linear projects intended to control floodwaters. On-Call CEQA and Technical Services, Eastern Municipal Water District, Riverside County, California. Served as project manager. Overseeing the Murrieta Road Booster Pump Station (BPS) Replacement Project located in the City of Perris. Replacement of the Murrieta Road BPS has been identified as a prioritization in the Water Facilities Mater Plan, Energy Management Plan, and BPS Condition Assessment. Page 1 Josh Saunders, AICP Environmental Analyst Josh Saunders is an environmental analyst with 14 years’ experience in various transportation planning and land development capacities. Mr. Saunders specializes in the research, coordination, and preparation of environmental documents subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). He provides analytical, technical and project management support on a variety of projects and environmental topics focusing on land use, visual, and recreation resource analyses. Project Experience Bodega Energy West Solar Project, Juniper Energy LLC, Sonoma County, California. Project manager responsible for the MND, visual impact assessment, biological resources evaluation, and cultural resources inventory report for a small, 25-acre solar facility proposed on hilly grazing lands outside of Petaluma. The project the first in Sonoma County to propose the addition of the County’s Reenewable Energy Combining District onto the subject Exclusive Agriculture zoned parcel. In addition to visual impacts associated with visual change, primary issues identified in the MND and technical reports included potential construction disturbance to federally listed wildlife species and impacts to an identified seep. In addition to the MND, provided as-needed client support in the preparation of a NEPA equivalent document required for federal loan funding through the USDA. Crimson Solar Project, California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Riverside County, California. Lead analyst tasked with technical review of applicant-prepared visual resources report for the 2,500-acre, solar and energy storage project near Blythe in Riverside County, California. Canyon Springs Healthcare Campus Specific Plan, City of Riverside, California. Provided technical support for the Project EIR that evaluates impacts associated with construction and occupancy of the 50.85-acre medical facility campus that would include a new six-story hospital, four-story medical office buildings and parking structures, and multistory assistant and independent living facilities. Located adjacent to commercial uses to the north, I-215 to the westm and residential uses to the south, land use and visual compatability were key environmental topics examined in the Project EIR. As land use and visual resouces lead, prepared both sections of the EIR and coordinated directly with City staff to ensure that necessary information was included. In addition, oversaw the preparation of the land use policy consistency analysis. Various Projects, California Department of General Services Project Management and Development Branch, Central and Southern California. Served as assistant project manager and lead analyst, for the 5-year as-needed contract. Under the as-needed contract, Dudek provides a variety of technical and CEQA documentation support for projects proposed by various state agencies including the Air Resources Board, Department of Conservation, State Hospitals, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and Department of Motor Vehicles. For example, Dudek- prepared historical, paleontological, and biological surveys for a kitchen reconstruction project at Patton State Education New School of Architecture + Design MS, Architecture (Landscape Architecture concentration) University of California, San Diego BA, Urban Studies and Planning Certifications American Institute of Certified Planners Professional Affiliations American Planning Association Association of Environmental Professionals Page 2 Hospital located in San Bernardino County, California. Dudek also prepared biological and cultural technical reports for a communication tower replacement project proposed by the California Highway Patrol in San Bernardino National Forest. Dudek is in the process of preparing an Initial Study/MND for the construction of a new Department of Motor Vehicles field office in the City of Delano. San Jacinto Wildlife Area Land Management Plan EIR, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, San Jacinto California. Prepared recreation, traffic and circulation, and utilities and service systems section of the EIR. The Project contemplates and evaluates land use and management changes to the 19,000-acre San Jacinto Wildlife Area which supports a diverse array of biological resources, including habitats associated with the San Jacinto River floodplain and the San Jacinto foothill region and is an important stop for a number of migratory birds along the Pacific flyway. In addition to conservation, the SJWA provides active and passive recreational resources including waterfowl and upland game hunting, bird watching, hiking, hunting dog training, horseback riding, nature study, photography, and mountain biking. Issues encountered during preparation of the Draft EIR included increased traffic associated with construction and expanded recreational opportunities and potential conflicts with existing water delivery agreements due to proposed water storage reservoirs and expanded wetland habitat. Campo Wind Project, Terra-Gen LLC, Campo, California. Providing technical support and serving as visual resources lead for the Environmental Impact Statement and Visual Impact Assessment. As proposed, Terra-Gen LLC would of construct and operate up to 60 wind turbines that would generate approximately 4.2 megawatts each on tribal lands of the Campo Kumeyaay Nation. Each turbine would have a hub height of 361 feet, rotor diameter of approximately 450 feet, and blade length of approximately 225 feet. In addition to wind turbines, the Project would include 28 miles of underground electrical cable, and a project collector substation to increase the voltage received from the underground collector system from 34.5 kV to 230 kV. Transform and switching equipment within the project substation would be approximately 25 feet tall. I-215/Keller Road Interchange, City of Murrieta, Murrieta, California. Providing technical support and serving as visual resources lead for the Visual Impact Assessment. Subject to Caltrans approval, the project proposes a new full interchange and auxiliary lanes at I-215 and Keller Road in northeast Murrieta. The Visual Impact Assessment is evaluating a no build alternative and three build alternatives pertaining to the configuration of the interstate interchange. Riverside and San Diego Counties Distribution System Infrastructure Protection Program, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Riverside and San Diego Counties, California. Served as lead aesthetics analyst for the initial stuty that evaluated proposed CIP infrastructure maintenance projects in Riverside and San Diego Counties and the preparation and adoption of an O&M Manual and implementation of covered O&M activities throughout the Riverside and San Diego Operating Region. Page 1 Dana Link-Herrera Environmental Analyst Dana Link-Herrera is an environmental analyst specializing in the California Environmental Quality Act/National Environmental Policy Act (CEQA/NEPA) document preparation. Ms. Link-Herrera is in the final stages of completing her Masters in Urban and Regional Planning with a specialization in environmental planning and policy. She has experience working in environmental conservation, project coordination at public universities, working with tribal communities, and writing and editing, as well as planning, permitting, and environmental analysis. Through her diverse background Ms. Link-Herrera has developed a variety of skills and knowledge pertaining to the field of planning, policy, and the environment. Project Experience Development Costco, Vineyard II, and Vineyard III, Murrieta, California. Assisted in research and preparation of environmental documents for proposed Costco and adjacent retail shopping centers. Collaborated with team members on completing various initial study elements and evaluated impacts for analysis in an EIR. Enclave at Ivanhoe, San Diego, California. Completed land use consistency analysis and community character analysis for the proposed residential development project in San Diego County. Project consisted of 119 single- family residences on a 120-acre project site in semi-rural unincorporated San Diego County. Recreation Creek at Dominguez Hills, Carson, California. Assisted with research and preparation of environmental documents for proposed development of 87 acres of recreational facilities. The project involves replacing an existing golf course with a variety of recreational facilities. Water/Wastewater LADWP Van Norman Complex, City of Los Angeles, California. Assisted in research and preparation of environmental documents for proposed maintenance activities at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Van Norman Complex (VNC). Project includes maintenance activities to ensure water conveyance, retention, and treatment facilities at the VNC operate efficiently. Awards • California Planning Foundation Los Angeles Section Scholar • University of California, Los Angeles Extension Land Use Law and Planning Hagman Scholar • Cal Poly Pomona Margarita McCoy Scholar • APA Bob Goldin Memorial Scholar Education California State Polytechnic (Cal Poly) University, Pomona MURP, Urban and Regional Planning, 2018 University of California, San Diego BA, International Studies, 2011 Professional Affiliations American Planning Association (APA) Page 1 Jennifer Reed Air Quality Specialist, Environmental Planner Jennifer Reed is an air quality specialist/environmental planner with 12 years’ experience. Ms. Reed leads Dudek’s air quality services team, and has been responsible for the management, research, and analysis of projects subject to compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). She has completed numerous environmental documents in support of a diverse range of public and private developments. Ms. Reed specializes in air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions technical analyses, and continues to be on the forefront of evolving science, emissions modeling computer programs, and regulatory framework. Ms. Reed has prepared air quality and GHG assessments for a wide variety of development projects throughout California, including large residential projects, commercial and retail projects, industrial projects, mixed-use developments, colleges and universities, healthcare facilities, energy projects, water and wastewater infrastructure, and transportation improvements, including California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) air quality analyses. Additionally, she has considerable experience in project planning and regulatory compliance pursuant to the California Coastal Act (CCA) and has experience in project management, land-use permit processing, constraints analysis, development feasibility studies, due diligence investigations, and various other land-use planning projects. Project Experience Gless Ranch EIR and Air Quality and GHG Technical Report, City of Riverside, California. Prepared the air quality and GHG technical report and EIR section for the proposed 40-acre commercial development in Riverside. The project included approximately 420,000 square feet of retail and commercial space with three major stores and several small stores. The air quality assessment included an analysis of the project’s GHG emissions and the impact on climate change, along with a review of project features and possible mitigation measures to reduce those emissions. Murrieta 180 Project, Bel Air Murrieta LLC, Riverside County, California. Prepared the air quality and GHG emissions assessments for the construction of a 196-unit multifamily residential community on a vacant 9.85-acre parcel. The units will be located in nine three-story buildings, situated around community open space, and will include amenities such as a two-story community center and pool, children’s play area, and barbecue areas. The Villages at San Jacinto Specific Plan, City of San Jacinto, California. Contributed to an air quality assessment for a large specific plan in western Riverside County. The project included up to 1,329 residential units, a high school, 196,963 square feet of commercial and office space, and parks. The air quality assessment included an analysis of the project’s GHG emissions and the impact on climate change, along with a review of project features and possible mitigation measures to reduce those emissions. Education University of California, Santa Barbara BA, Environmental Studies, 2007 BA, Geography, 2007 Professional Affiliations Association of Environmental Professionals Air and Waste Management Association Page 2 The Festival Specific Plan EIR, City of San Jacinto, California. Contributed to the EIR air quality section and modeling of estimated project-generated emissions associated with the construction and operation of a large-scale, multiphase commercial/retail project. Rubidoux Child Development Center, County of Riverside, California. Prepared the air quality and GHG analysis for an IS/MND for the proposed Child Development Center facility located in the community of Rubidoux. The Child Development Center is planned to be about 15,000 square feet on 1.5 acres next to a new library facility. Dudek prepared the MND and circulated it for public review in less than three weeks from notice to proceed. Jurupa Business Park Project Addendum, City of Fontana, California. Prepared the GHG report for an addendum to the Final EIR for the Jurupa Business Park project. The addendum was prepared to clarify minor changes to the Final EIR, which analyzed the development of three distribution/manufacturing buildings for various industrial and commercial uses, totaling 1,277,728 square feet of gross building area. New Student Services and Administration Building, Riverside Community College District (RCCD), California. Prepared the air quality and GHG analysis for the proposed project, which includes construction of a new, two-story Student Services and Administration Building with one-story elements to consolidate all student services and administration into an approximately 45,000-square-foot building that will include up to 132 existing employees. Moreno Valley Campus Parking Structure and Surge Space, RCCD, Riverside, California. Prepared the air quality and GHG technical report and associated IS/MND sections for the proposed project. The project included demolition of an existing 140-space surface parking lot and replacement with an 800-space, four-story (one floor belowground and three floors aboveground) parking garage facility that will house office space for college staff, meeting rooms, and a small retail bookstore and will be designed and built following Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards. Student/Academic Services Phase III, RCCD, Riverside County, California. Prepared the air quality and GHG technical report for construction of a student academic services facility at the Moreno Valley Campus. The proposed project consists of construction of a new three-story academic building to provide additional office and student space to support the continued growth and existing needs of the college. Norco Network Operations Center, RCCD, Riverside County, California. Prepared the air quality and GHG technical report associated IS/MND sections for the proposed project. RCCD contracted with Dudek to prepare necessary CEQA documentation to build two new structures, a main office and maintenance structure, at the existing RCCD Norco Campus. The total building area was approximately 21,900 square feet on 2.23 acres of land. North South Project, Southern California Gas Company (SCGC), San Bernardino County, California. Contributed to the preparation of the air quality and GHG analysis of the project, which will provide natural gas needed to maintain reliability and balance the available supply with customer demand within the Southern System. Primary components of the project consist of installation of a 36-inch diameter transmission pipeline extending approximately 95 miles within the counties of San Bernardino and Riverside, and rebuilding of the Adelanto Compressor Station. Foundation Windpower IS/MND, Riverside County, California. Prepared the air quality and GHG analysis for the installation of two 1-megawatt wind turbines in unincorporated Riverside County. The wind turbines would be a maximum of 338 feet in height and located one-half mile south of Interstate 10, within an existing gravel mining site for Robertson’s Ready Mix Concrete. California Air Resources Board (CARB) Southern California Consolidation Project, Department of General Services (DGS), Riverside, California. Contributed to the air quality and GHG emissions analysis for the consolidation and relocation of CARB’s motor vehicle emissions standards development and testing to an 18-acre campus style facility. The new campus, which will be a national and international center for air pollution and climate change research, is designed to accommodate approximately 460 employees and will include approximately 800,000 Page 3 square feet of testing space, chemistry laboratory space, office/administrative space, and facilities and support space (e.g., warehouse, shipping and receiving area, and vehicle wash areas). Key issues for the project were air quality and greenhouse gases, due to vehicle miles traveled for the employees traveling to the new campus and CARB's goal to achieve net zero energy for the project. In addition to employee vehicle emissions, emissions were estimated for vehicle testing, vehicle fueling, fuel storage, boilers, a fuel cell plant, an emergency generator, chemistry laboratory, and miscellaneous operations that generate criteria air pollutant, GHGs, and toxic air contaminant emissions. Lakeland Village Master Drainage Plan Program, County of Riverside, California. Contributed to preparation of a program EIR for the District’s Lakeland Village Master Drainage Plan, including air quality and GHG emissions analyses. Master drainage plans are long-term planning documents that identify facilities and locations for future storm drain infrastructure. The storm drain facilities will be built over 10 to 30 years; therefore, a program EIR will be prepared to outline the environmental analysis and framework for future mitigation that may be needed when a specific facility is to be constructed. Temescal and Dawson Canyons Pipelines and Non-Potable Water Tank IS/MND, Temescal Valley Water District, Riverside County, California. Prepared an air quality and GHG assessment for the construction of a 6,700-linear-foot Temescal Canyon Pipeline, an 11,800-linear-foot Dawson Canyon Pipeline, and a 1.5-million-gallon non-potable water tank, located in unincorporated Riverside County. Biodiesel Feedstock Production Facility, Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD), Perris, California. Prepared an air quality assessment for a biodiesel feedstock production facility at the Perris Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility. The facility would process approximately 5 million gallons of trap waste annually, which is anticipated to result in an estimated 200,000 gallons of recovered biodiesel feedstock product for production of biofuels. The assessment included estimates of construction and operational emissions of criteria air pollutants and GHGs. The operational mobile source calculations relied on EMFAC2011-generated emission factors for trucks. Boiler emissions were based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emission factors and compliance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) rule for small boilers and water heater. Page 1 Adam Poll, LEED AP BD+C Environmental Specialist Adam Poll is an environmental specialist with 12 years’ experience, trained in organizational greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting, which provided a thorough understanding of the Western Research Institute (WRI)/World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, while referring to the ISO 14064: Part 1 international standard for GHG inventories. Mr. Poll is experienced in GHG accounting principles, defining applications for GHG inventories, designing and development of GHG inventories, establishing GHG boundaries for an organization, identifying emission sources, tracking emissions over time, recalculations, establishing a base year, setting GHG reduction targets, inventory quality management, preparing a GHG inventory report, and preparing for verification. Relevant Previous Experience California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), and Air Pollution Control District (APCD) Permit Preparation for the Gaviota Terminal Project, Shell Corporation, Gaviota, California. The CEQA/MND package for air quality and GHG emissions was prepared for this remediation project. This also included preparing and coordinating all permitting requirements with the local APCD. All emissions were quantified and an Air Quality Management Plan was prepared to manage emissions during the project. Beacon Solar Air Permitting, sPower, Blythe, California. Prepared dust monitoring and mitigation plans for three solar photovoltaic (PV) projects in the San Joaquin Valley. The permitting package was also prepared for operation of the solar plants, as the APCD is now requiring solar projects to have dust permits. Santa Barbara Emergency Generator Project, Southern California Edison (SCE), Santa Barbara, California. Prepared air and GHG emission calculations for emergency generators deployed at three of SCE’s substations in Santa Barbara. This project included preparation of health risk assessments (HRAs) based on the emissions calculations and notifications were sent to the population affected by the results. Line 200 Air Quality Monitoring Plan, Phillips 66, Concord, California. Prepared an air quality monitoring plan for a remediation site in Concord, California. The site was a result of an oil pipeline leak in a residential neighborhood. The plan focused heavily on volatile organic compound (VOC), fugitive dust, and odor mitigation due to the proximity to sensitive receptors. The plan was accepted by the lead agency, the Bay Area Regional Water Quality Control Board. Emergency Permit for Oil Trucking, Venoco Inc., Goleta, California. Prepared air and GHG calculations for an emergency permit package for Venoco to transport oil from its onshore facility in Goleta to several refineries in response to the Plains All American Pipeline rupture and subsequent shutdown. This information was used in preparation of an MND by the City of Goleta. Education University of Denver MS, Environmental Policy and Management, Energy and Sustainability, 2011 University of California, Santa Barbara BS, Environmental Studies, 2006 Certifications LEED AP BD+C, No. 10364581 International Organization for Standardization (ISO), No. 14001, Lead Auditor Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), No. 03120007 Professional Affiliations Air & Waste Management Association Page 2 Emergency Permit for Oil Trucking, Freeport-McMoRan Inc., Gaviota, California. Prepared air and GHG calculations for an emergency permit package for Freeport-McMoRan to transport oil from its onshore facility in Gaviota to several refineries in response to the Plains All American Pipeline rupture and subsequent shutdown. This information was used in preparation of an MND by the County of Santa Barbara. Title V Permit Renewal, Griffin Energy, Tucson, Arizona. Reviewed and oversaw the completion of the Title V renewal application for the natural gas fired electric generating facility in Arizona. San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Demolition, SCE, San Clemente, California. Quantified the air and GHG emissions impact from the proposed demolition of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. This effort also compared the results to applicable significance thresholds in order to help determine the least impactful method. 5 Megawatt (MW) Solar PV, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). Managed an electrical and structural engineering contract with SunPower in support of a 5 MW solar PV project on six different sites on the UCSB campus. CEQA Air Quality Support, Santa Maria Energy LLC (SME) and Freeport-McMoRan Inc., Santa Barbara County, California. In support of CEQA analyses for SME and Freeport-McMoRan, addressed various comments from regulatory agencies directed towards the air quality analyses done in regards to the CEQA projects required under the proposed land use permits. This support required the development of project-specific emission factors, detailed emission calculations, and in-depth regulatory analyses. Air Quality Permit Support, SME, Santa Maria, California. Completed Authority to Construct and Permit to Operate permit applications for SME oil field operations. This included the permitting of a tank vapor recovery unit, expansion of current operations, and application of a thermal oxidizer. California Electronic GHG Reporting Tool (Cal e-GGRT) Submittal, SME, Santa Maria, California. Completed the online submittal of the calendar year 2013 emission inventory through the Cal e-GGRT reporting tool. Permitting, Inventory, and Compliance, Medtronic, Inc., Goleta, California. Completed several projects for Medtronic, including an initial emissions verification and inventory. Managed three Authority to Construct projects and one Triennial renewal. In addition, helped navigate local APCD regulations. Title V Permit Renewal, Kaiser Aluminum, Los Angeles, California. Completed the Title V permit renewal for an aluminum extrusion facility located in the SCAQMD. This facility is subject to the maximum achievable control technology (MACT) and Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) programs with the SCAQMD. VOC Consulting and Environmental Audit, Incotec Corporation, Mojave, California. An initial Phase I was performed for the client which led to an environmental health and safety (EH&S) audit of their manufacturing facility. Led additional projects including a VOC inventory, hazardous waste consulting, and air regulatory analyses for the client. EPA Climate Leaders Consultation, Union Bank, California. Provided GHG data management and verification services for Union Bank with regards to participating in the EPA Climate Leaders program. The work consisted of establishing an Inventory Management Program for Union Bank in addition to aligning the internal GHG management software with the Climate Leader program. Provided guidance for GHG baseline establishment and creating the Climate Leader goal. Air Quality Compliance Support, SpaceX, Hawthorne, California. Developed the emission inventory for the Hawthorne manufacturing facility for SpaceX and reported emissions using the SCAQMD Annual Emission Reporting (AER) tool. Supported various permitting projects and air quality rule interpretations. Conducted an air unit emission inventory to determine permit applicability for the Hawthorne facility and associated buildings. Page 1 Britney Strittmater Biologist Britney Strittmater is a biologist with more than 9 years’ professional experience in general biological assessments, focused rare plant surveys, wildlife surveys, vegetation mapping, wetland delineations, biological monitoring, and preparation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents and biological technical reports (BTR). Ms. Strittmater’s field experience includes extensive biological surveys of flora and fauna, including special-status species investigations for state-listed endangered San Fernando Valley spineflower (Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina), federally endangered Coachella Valley milk-vetch (Astragalus lentiginosus var. coachellae) and burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia); vegetation mapping for both native and developed land uses based on Gray and Bramlet, Holland, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) habitat classification systems; and biological monitoring in biologically sensitive areas to ensure avoidance of impacts to potentially occurring threatened, endangered, and sensitive species. She has experience conducting wetland delineations in accordance with the methods prescribed in the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Wetlands Delineation Manual, the 2008 Regional Supplement to the ACOE Wetland Delineation Manual: Arid West Region (Version 2.0), and the 2008 ACOE and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Rapanos Guidance. Ms. Strittmater has experience working on projects in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, specifically with the Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) and the Coachella Valley MSHCP. She has prepared BTRs, regulatory compliance packages, and biological sections for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and CEQA documentation. She has also successfully completed a background course in CEQA. Project Experience Indian Wells Crossing, Michael Kiner Associates Inc., Riverside County, California. Served as project biologist and performed an updated jurisdictional delineation of wetlands and waters, verification of vegetation communities mapping in accordance with the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP), and evaluation of the potential for special-status plant and wildlife species covered under CVMSHCP. Assisted in report preparation and writing of jurisdictional delineation report. The Cameron, Davidson Communities Inc., Palm Springs, California. Served as project biologist. Performed general habitat assessment and jurisdictional delineation of the project area. Alessandro Business Park, Western Realco, Riverside, California. Assisted in formal (routine) wetland delineation in accordance with the methods prescribed in the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Wetlands Delineation Manual, the 2008 Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Arid West Region (Version 2.0), and the 2008 ACOE and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Rapanos Guidance. Assisted in report preparation and writing of jurisdictional delineation report. In accordance with mitigation measures, conducted biological resource monitoring during initial grading activities. Ensured avoidance of sensitive resources on site including riverine/riparian resources, buffer avoidance for nesting species detected on site, jurisdictional resource on site, and additional specified mitigation measures. Provided a daily report of biological resources Education Humboldt State University BS, Botany, 2007 Certifications CDFW Plant Voucher No. 2081(a)- 12-02-V Professional Affiliations California Invasive Plant Council California Native Plant Society Southern California Botanists Page 2 Smoke Tree Environmental Services, Confidential Client, Riverside County, California. Served as project biologist. Performed a general reconnaissance survey, conducted vegetation mapping, and performed focused special- status plant surveys including species covered under the CVMSHCP: mecca aster (Xylorhiza cognate), Coachella Valley milk-vetch, triple-ribbed milkvetch (Astragalus tricarinatus), orocopia sage (Salvia greatae), and Little San Bernardino Mountains linanthus (Linanthus maculatus). Assisted in report preparation of the BTR. Blythe Solar Power Project, NextEra Energy Resources, Riverside County, California. Served as biologist and performed protocol pre-construction burrowing owl surveys. Bark Beetle Infestation Project, SCE, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California. Served as biological monitor for tree removal and pole maintenance activities in biologically sensitive areas to ensure avoidance of impacts to potentially occurring U.S. Forest Service (USFS) threatened, endangered, and sensitive species. As-Needed Biological Services, SCE, Various Locations, California. Served as assistant project manager. Assessed and monitored pole maintenance activities in biologically sensitive areas to ensure avoidance of impacts to potentially occurring special-status species and USFS threatened, endangered, and sensitive species and BLM sensitive species. Prepared biological assessments and biological evaluations associated with pole maintenance activities. As-Needed Biological Consulting, SCE, Southern California. Conducted mountain yellow-legged frog (Rana muscosa) surveys within the San Bernardino Mountains. Also provided as-needed biological services including biological assessments, monitoring, and preparation of BTRs for various projects throughout Southern California. Devers–Palo Verde No. 2 500 kV Transmission Line, SCE, Riverside County, California. Served as biologist. Performed focused botanical surveys for the federally endangered Coachella Valley milk-vetch and mapping of jurisdictional drainage and vegetation for approximately 170 miles of future transmission line towers in the Sonoran Desert. This included familiarity with the local flora and fauna of the desert, vegetation keys, and specific field mapping forms. In addition, conducted biological surveys for protected species along the route of the proposed electrical transmission line. Wildlife-specific species surveyed included Stephens’ kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi), Blainville’s horned lizard (Phrynosoma blainvillii), pallid San Diego pocket mouse (Chaetodipus fallax pallidus), Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard (Uma inornata), and western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea). Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) Extension-of-Staff Services, California. Provides extension-of-staff services to RCA and is responsible for implementation of the MSHCP. As contract staff to the RCA, provides ongoing processing, project reviews, and consultation on implementation procedures and policies. Conducts coordination and guidance to all permittees, including 17 cities and the County of Riverside, as well as non-permittee participating special entities. Habitat Assessment and Biological Monitoring, SCE, Riverside County, California. Performed a habitat assessment for the Quino checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino), a federally endangered species. The habitat assessment consisted of documenting butterfly species and surveying for host plants for the Quino checkerspot butterfly. Keller Road/Interstate (I)-215 Interchange Environmental Studies, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., Riverside County, California. Served as lead biologist for focused botanical surveys, vegetation mapping and jurisdictional delineation surveys. Served as field biologist that conducted protocol-level burrowing owl surveys. Assisted with pond checks in support of fairy shrimp surveys, and assisted with a wildlife corridor study within the project area. South Palm Canyon Improvements–Phase III, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, California. Served as project biologist. Conducted vegetation mapping in accordance with the Tribal Habitat Conservation Plan (THCP) and performed a jurisdictional delineation of waters within a desert wash as well as the preparation of the biological resources report. Page 1 Anna Cassady Biologist Anna Cassady has 3 years’ professional experience as a biologist. Ms. Cassady performs a variety of biological surveys, including general habitat assessments, jurisdictional delineations, pre-construction surveys and environmental monitoring. She has focused wildlife species survey experience with blunt-nosed leopard lizard (BNLL, Gambelia sila), burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia), coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica), and San Bernardino kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus). Additionally, Ms. Cassady has experience with various rare plant surveys. She conducts pre-field review of special- status resources using aerial and historical databases, and has experience preparing biological reports, jurisdictional delineation reports, and environmental constraints analyses. Project Experience Costco Wholesale Project, Murrieta, California. Served as project biologist. Conducted habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, and MSHCP consistency analysis, as well as prepared a biological resources letter report in support of the project. Vineyard II Curci Project, Scott-215, L.P./Lambda, LLC, Tenants in Common, Murrieta, California. Served as project biologist. Conducted habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, MSHCP consistency analysis, and focused survey for special-status plants, as well as prepared a biological resources letter report in support of the project. Nandina Distribution Center, FR/Cal Moreno Valley LLC, Riverside County, California. Served as project biologist. Conducted focused burrowing owl surveys in accordance with the Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) protocol, as well as a pre-construction nesting bird survey. Interstate 10 Distribution Center, Desert Harvest Development, Palm Springs, California. Served as project biologist. Inspected project site for potential environmental constraints and prepared follow-up letter report. The Cameron, Davidson Communities Inc., Palm Springs, California. Served as project biologist. Performed general habitat assessment and jurisdictional delineation of the project area. Assisted with permit applications for project. Smoke Tree Environmental Services, Confidential Client, Riverside, California. Served as project biologist. Performed rare-plant and reconnaissance surveys before updating the existing biological resources report. Assistance to RCA in MSHCP Implementation, Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority, Riverside, California. Provides extension-of-staff services to Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) and is responsible for implementation of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP). As contract staff to the RCA since 2017, provides ongoing project reviews and consultation on implementation procedures and policies. Conducts coordination and guidance to all permittees, including 17 cities and the County of Riverside, as well as non-permittee, participating special entities. Education University of California, San Diego BS, Environmental Systems, Environmental Chemistry, 2014 Certifications CDFW, Plant Voucher Collecting Permit Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard Level II Surveyor Professional Affiliations California Audubon Society Western Section of The Wildlife Society, Southern California Chapter Page 2 On-Call Environmental Services, County of San Bernardino, California. Assisted with several projects in support of San Bernardino County Special Districts. • Prado Regional Park: Served as project biologist performing pre-construction nesting bird survey at three retention basins, in addition to a marsh-side nesting bird survey conducted via kayak. Served as biological monitor while maintenance was being performed in three basins during spring 2016 and again in the lake during spring 2017. During the permitting phase, served a project biologist by conducting routine jurisdictional delineation and biological reconnaissance survey (including habitat assessment and vegetation mapping) at three retention basins, as well as various areas within Prado Regional Park. Prepared biological letter report in support of this work during fall 2016. • Morongo Basin Crisis Residential Treatment Facility: Served as project biologist to update an existing biological resources letter report. Conducted habitat assessment, updated vegetation mapping, conducted protocol burrowing owl surveys in accordance with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) protocol, set up and led a camera study for desert kit fox (Vulpes macrotis), assisted in a subsequent burrow collapse of non-active potential burrows, and assisted with a camera study for Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Prepared updated biological resources letter report and letter reports for subsequent surveys conducted within the project site. • Fontana Crisis Stabilization Unit Facility: Served as project biologist and conducted habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, and impacts analysis for biological resources letter report. • Fontana Crisis Residential Treatment Facility: Served as project biologist and conducted habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, and impacts analysis for biological resources letter report. • Little Morongo Heights Uranium Treatment System Improvement: Served as project biologist. Conducted habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, and impacts analysis for biological resources letter report. • Hacienda Heights Uranium Treatment System Improvement: Served as project biologist. Conducted habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, and impacts analysis for biological resources letter report. • Reservoir 3A and 2MG Tank Expansion: Served as project biologist and conducted habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, and impacts analysis for biological resources letter report. • CSA 70J Muscatel and Aster Road Waterline Extension: Served as project biologist and conducted habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, and impacts analysis for biological resources letter report. Keller Road/I-215 Interchange, Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., Riverside, California. Served as a project biologist that conducted habitat assessments, jurisdictional waters delineations, protocol-level burrowing owl surveys in accordance with the MSHCP burrowing owl protocol, assisted with pond checks in support of fairy shrimp focused surveys, and assisted with a wildlife corridor study within the project area. Also co-authored various environmental reports in support of the project, including a Natural Environment Study (NES) and a Western Riverside MSHCP Consistency Report. South Palm Canyon Improvements–Phase III, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, California. Served as project biologist in South Palm Canyon. Assisted with jurisdictional delineation of a desert wash as well as the preparation of the biological resources report. Industrial Stormwater Monitoring Support, Frog Environmental, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California. Served as a subconsultant to Frog Environmental, conducting stormwater sampling during high rain events in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Mockingbird Canyon Wash Restoration Project, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Woodcrest, California. Served as a project biologist for this flood control project within the City of Riverside. Conducted a habitat assessment, vegetation mapping, jurisdictional waters delineation, focused least Bell's vireo surveys, and focused special-status plant surveys. Also assisted in preparing various environmental reports in support of this project, including its BTR. Design of Recharge Basin on Victoria Site, Western Municipal Water District, Riverside, California. Served as project biologist. Conducted biweekly water sampling at proposed basin location in order to determine presence of mosquito larvae. Work included identification of aquatic invertebrate species collected within time frame. Page 1 Micah Hale, PhD, RPA Senior Archaeologist Micah Hale is Dudek’s cultural resources practice manager and lead principal investigator, with technical expertise as a lithic and groundstone analyst, invertebrate analyst, and in ground penetrating radar. Over the course of his 23-year career, Dr. Hale has served as a principal investigator in the public and private sector for all levels of archaeological investigation, as a public outreach coordinator and as an assistant professor at the University of California (UC), Davis. As Dudek’s cultural resources practice manager, he currently functions as a principal investigator in project oversight including proposals, research designs, fieldwork, artifact analysis, and report authorship. Dr. Hale’s experience is both academic and professional spanning California, Arizona, Nevada, and Oregon, including work for Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southwest, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Western Area Power Administration, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California State Parks, various city and county agencies, and directly for Native American groups. Dr. Hale has supervised numerous large-scale surveys, test excavations, data recovery programs, and geoarchaeological investigations, served as a third-party review consultant, and an expert witness in legal proceedings. He has authored research designs, management and treatment plans, proposals, preliminary and final reports, and technical analyses. Dr. Hale has integrated his personal research interests into projects and participated in professional symposia at local and national venues, including the Society for American Archaeology and the Society for California Archaeology. Additionally, he has conducted academic research in the Polar Arctic, Greenland. Dr. Hale’s current focus is on hunter-gatherer archaeology of California and the Great Basin, applying theoretical premises of cultural evolution and human behavioral ecology. Dr. Hale currently assists in the preparation of technical descriptions and analyses for environmental impact statements and reports at the state and federal levels for Dudek projects. Examples of completed environmental sections include those prepared for the Yokohl Ranch, Rio Mesa Solar, Soitec Rugged and Tierra Del Sol Solar, San Diego Gas and Electric’s (SDG&E) Wood to Steel project, and various others. Project Experience Data Recovery of Locus O, Star Canyon Development, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, Riverside County, California. As field director, supervised field crews for data recovery mitigation of an archaeological deposit and human remains near Tahquitz Canyon. Coordinated with Native American representatives and prepared portions of the technical report. (2004) Third-Party Compliance Monitoring for the Rio Mesa Solar Project, Riverside County, California. As principal investigator, oversaw and implemented compliance assistance to the BLM to ensure adherence to mitigation measures and proper treatment of cultural resources. (2012–2013) Education University of California, Davis PhD, Anthropology, 2009 BS, Anthropology, 1996 California State University, Sacramento MA, Anthropology, 2001 Certifications Register of Professional Archaeologists (RPA) Professional Affiliations Antelope Valley Archaeological Society San Diego Archaeological Society Society for American Archaeology Society for California Archaeology Page 2 Mitigative Screening, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, Riverside County, California. As field director, supervised archaeological mitigation of an impacted burial site on the Agua Caliente Reservation. Prepared mapping of the project, coordinated field efforts with Tribal representatives, oversaw monitoring of the project, and prepared portions of the technical report. (2003) Lee Lake Cultural Resources Inventory, Lee Lake Water District, Riverside County, California, 2013. As project manager, supervised Dudek’s principal investigator to coordinate and implement cultural resources inventory for the construction of a new pipeline and water storage facility. Class III Cultural Resources Inventory for Soitec’s Fort Irwin Solar Project, San Bernardino County, California. As project manager and co-principal investigator, oversaw and implemented cultural resources inventory. Class II Survey of 4,700 Acres for the Silurian Wind Project, Iberdrola Renewables, San Bernardino County, California. As project manager and principal investigator, supervised Section 106 inventory of proposed renewable energy project. Kaiser Permanente Murrieta Valley Medical Center Preliminary Environmental Impact Report (PEIR), City of Murrieta, California. Acted as Principal Investigator on the Kaiser Murrieta project, overseeing a Phase I cultural resources inventory and Phase II archaeological significance evaluation of one prehistoric resource. Assisted the City with Tribal communication and analysis of potential impacts to a viewshed considered sensitive by local Native Americans. All studies were completed to comply with CEQA guidelines in support of an EIR. Western Acquisition Survey, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Twentynine Palms, San Bernardino County, California. As principal investigator, managed the survey of 10,000 acres on land administered by the BLM in Johnson Valley, west of the base. Duties included project management, coordination with BLM Barstow field office and MCAGCC 29 Palms personnel, coordinating and supervising field crews, as well as document preparation. Phase I Survey of Selected Parcels in Five Training Areas, MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, San Bernardino County, California. As project manager and principal investigator, supervised survey of 4,500 acres in the Blacktop, Lava, Lavic Lake, Sunshine Peak, and Quackenbush training areas. Phase I Survey of Aerial Maneuver Zones for the 53 Aerial Maneuver Zone (AMZ) Project, MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, California. As project manager and principal investigator, supervised survey of 72 AMZ’s. Archaeological Evaluation of Eight Prehistoric Sites in the Emerson and Quackenbush Training Areas, ACOE, MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, San Bernardino County, California. As field director, supervised excavation of eight prehistoric sites on the Marine Corps base in Twentynine Palms, California. Archaeological Evaluation of 22 Sites on Edwards Air Force Base, ACOE, San Bernardino County, California. As field director, supervised the National Register evaluation of 22 sites at Edwards Air Force Base. Evaluation of Nine Prehistoric Sites, Edwards Air Force Base, San Bernardino County, California. As field archaeologist, evaluated nine sites through excavation to determine overall sensitivity and value of the archaeological remains that characterize the region. Archaeological Survey and Excavation, ACOE, MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, San Bernardino County, California. As field archaeologist, participated in nine field rotations averaging 10 days each. Conducted survey of portions of the Marine Corps base to determine the distribution of cultural materials, and subsequently excavate sites based on priority. This area is characterized as high desert with the typically associated flora and fauna and archaeological sites that range in age from Early to Late Holocene. Page 1 Linda Kry Archaeologist Linda Kry is an archaeologist with 12 years experience in cultural resource management specializing in various aspects of cultural resources investigations. Ms. Kry’s experience includes archival research, reconnaissance surveys, archaeological excavations, artifact analysis, and authoring technical reports pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Project Experience San Jacinto II Wind Energy Repowering Project, Terra-Gen, LLC, Palm Springs, California. The project involves the decommissioning of approximately 126 existing wind turbines and the construction and operation of up to seven new wind turbines on private lands under the jurisdiction of the City of Palm Springs and on federal lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management. Responsibilities as technical lead include the management of a Phase I cultural resources study in compliance with the provisions of local regulations, CEQA, and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. (December 2018–Present) Kaiser Permanente Moreno Valley Medical Center Master Plan, Kaiser Permanente, Moreno Valley, California. Kaiser Permanente is proposing the development of an approximately 400-bed hospital, hospital support buildings, outpatient medical office buildings, a central utility plant, and surface and structured parking within their existing hospital campus through a three-phase plan. The City of Moreno Valley is the lead agency under CEQA. As the technical lead for the project, responsibilities include the management of a Phase I cultural resources study. (November 2018–Present) City of Colton Modern Pacific 88-DU Residential Project, City of Colton, Colton, California. Technical lead for a Phase I cultural resources study and Extended Phase I subsurface probing effort in accordance with CEQA. The City of Colton is proposing the development of 89-detatched single-family homes on an approximately 41.58-acre site within a single tract. (November 2018–Present) Relevant Previous Experience Amapa Archaeology Project, Amapa, Oaxaca, Mexico. Served as excavator and lab analyst for an archaeological academic research project in the town of Amapa, located in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Amapa was founded in 1769 by black runaway slaves, who fled sugar plantation slavery in central Veracruz. Using a 1770 plan map and colonial documents, the project focused on excavations around an 18th century church where shallow colonial period deposits were previously encountered in 2017. The fieldwork was conducted in an effort to address research questions regarding the town’s use of architecture and space, and whether the evidence is accurately reflected in the 1770 map. (June–July 2018) Education University of California, Los Angeles BA, Anthropology, 2006 Cerritos College AA, Anthropology, 2004 Page 2 Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Division Creek, Inyo County, California. Served as deputy project manager providing consultation and support in U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management consultation for the assessment of historical structures associated with the Division Creek Power Plant and Los Angeles Aqueduct. Responsibilities included assisting with work plans, project permitting, budgeting, and reporting. In addition, served as crew chief for archaeological surveys and testing. Conducted lab analysis of artifacts, prepared these resources for curation, and co-authored reports on the results of all findings. (July 2013–November 2017) Genesis Solar Energy Project, Blythe, California. Served as archaeological monitor. Monitored the placement of transmission lines, large-scale excavations for the placement of solar panels, and caisson drilling for solar panel footings. Responsibilities also included survey, testing, and artifact collection. Coordinated with the client, archaeologists, Native American monitors, and general contractors. Provided daily updates, reviewed daily archaeological monitoring logs, and collected/stored resources daily. (June 2011–February 2014) Solar Millennium Blythe Project, Blythe, California. Served as crew chief for archaeological survey of a proposed solar electric facility in the Chuckwalla Valley. Project included survey of the project site and buffer zones, recordation of historical and pre-colonial archaeological sites, and documentation on Department of Parks and Recreation Forms. (June 2009–March 2010) Beacon Solar Energy Project, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Kern County, California. Archaeological monitoring for the Beacon Solar Energy Project. Monitored excavation for the placement of solar panels. Aspects of the project included monitoring, survey, testing, and artifact collection. Responsibilities included recordation and collection of cultural resources discovered during monitoring and scheduling with Native American and construction crews. Oasis Solar Field, NRG Solar, Environmental Assessment for the City of Palmdale and the United States Air Force, Palmdale, California. Served as Crew Chief for an archaeological survey. Responsibilities include data collection for historical resources and recordation of field data on Department of Parks and Recreation Forms. Page 1 Samantha Murray, MA Senior Architectural Historian Samantha Murray is Dudek’s historic built environment lead and a senior architectural historian with 13 years’ experience in all elements of cultural resources management, including project management, intensive-level field investigations, architectural history studies, and historical significance evaluations in consideration of the California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR), the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), and local-level evaluation criteria. Ms. Murray has conducted hundreds of historical resource evaluations and developed detailed historic context statements for a multitude of property types and architectural styles, including private residential, commercial, industrial, educational, medical, ranching, mining, airport, and cemetery properties, as well as a variety of engineering structures and objects. She has also provided expertise on numerous projects requiring conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Ms. Murray meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for both Architectural History and Archaeology. She is experienced managing multidisciplinary projects in the lines of transportation, transmission and generation, federal land management, land development, state and local government, and the private sector. She has experience preparing environmental compliance documentation in support of projects that fall under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)/National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). She also prepared numerous Historic Resources Evaluation Reports (HRERs) and Historic Property Survey Reports (HPSRs) for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Project Experience HABS Written Documentation for Camp Haan, Riverside County, California. Dudek was retained by the County of Riverside Economic Development Agency (EDA) to prepare HABS documentation for approximately 28 building foundations associated with the Camp Haan property located on March Air Reserve Base. Provided project management and QA/QC of the final HABS documentation and submittal package. (2017) Mt. San Jacinto College (MSJC) Master Plan Project, City of San Jacinto, Riverside County, California (2015). Served as architectural historian, archaeologist, and lead author of the cultural resources study. As part of the study she evaluated 11 buildings for NRHP, CRHR, and local level criteria and integrity requirements. The buildings were constructed prior to 1970 and proposed for demolition as part of the project. The study also entailed conducting extensive archival and building development research at District offices, a records search, and Native American coordination. Education California State University, Los Angeles MA, Anthropology, 2013 California State University, Northridge BA, Anthropology, 2003 Professional Affiliations California Preservation Foundation National Trust for Historic Preservation Registered Professional Archaeologist Society of Architectural Historians Page 2 Tequesquite Creek Maintenance Project, City of Riverside, Riverside County, California (2017). Dudek was retained by the City of Riverside to conduct a cultural resources study for the proposed Tequesquite Creek Maintenance Project. The Tequesquite Creek Channel was constructed circa 1962-1966 and required evaluation for historical significance. The resource was found ineligible under all designation criteria and integrity requirements. Co- authored the significance evaluation and provided QA/QC of the cultural resources report. Northside Specific Plan, Cities of Riverside and Colton, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California (2017). Dudek prepared cultural resources constraints analysis in support of the proposed Northside Specific Plan Project located in the City of Riverside in Riverside County and the City of Colton in San Bernardino County, California. The report presents the results of a cultural resources records search and literature review and preliminary Native American coordination, including an inventory of identified historical resources within the plan area. Provided QA/QC of the final cultural resources report. Chino Annexation Area Project, City of Chino, San Bernardino County, California. The Chino Annexation Area Project involves annexation of an approximately 40-acre site (project site or annexation area) into the City of Chino, as well as approval of General Plan Amendments and pre-zoning designations for this site. Seven previously unrecorded historic-age resources were identified within the project area and were recorded and evaluation for historical significance. All properties were found not eligible for designation. Prepared the evaluations and conducted QA/QC of the cultural resources MND section. (2017) Duke Fontana Warehouse Project, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California (2017). Dudek was retained by the City of Fontana to conduct a cultural resources study for the proposed Duke Fontana Warehouse Project. The proposed project would include construction of a 288,215-square-foot (gross), one-story industrial/warehouse building on an approximately 13.45-acre site at the intersection of Santa Ana Avenue and Oleander Avenue. As part of the cultural resources study, Dudek evaluated 8 residential properties over 45 years old for historical significance. The resources were found not eligible under all designation criteria and integrity requirements. Assisted with background research, co-authored the report, and provided QA/QC of the final cultural resources report. Pacific Freeway Center Project, City of Fontana, San Bernardino County, California (2017). Dudek was retained by the City of Fontana to conduct a cultural resources study for the proposed Pacific Freeway Center Project. The project would include construction and operation of two “high cube” warehouse/distribution/logistics buildings with associated office spaces, surface parking, and loading areas. As part of the cultural resources study, Dudek evaluated the former Union Carbide Site for historical significance. The resource was found not eligible under all designation criteria and integrity requirements. Assisted with background research, co-authored the report, and provided QA/QC of the final cultural resources report. North Montclair Downtown Specific Plan EIR, City of Montclair, San Bernardino County California (2016). The project proposes expansion of the Montclair Plaza (the Mall)— a regional shopping center— which would involve the demolition of portions of the existing Mall, construction of new retail/entertainment/restaurant space, renovation and refurbishment of portions of the existing mall, and the construction additional structured and surface parking. Prepared the cultural resources MND section. Montclair Plaza Expansion Project, City of Montclair, San Bernardino County, California (2014). Prepared the cultural resources MND section, which included an evaluation of several department store buildings proposed for demolition. All buildings were found ineligible for listing. The project proposes to expand the existing Montclair Plaza Shopping Center. Page 1 Charles Greely, PE, LEED AP, QSD Principal Engineer Charles Greely is a civil engineer with 21 years’ experience working with public and private entities on infrastructure improvement projects throughout California. Mr. Greely provides a diverse skill set, having provided project management and design services on water resource, wastewater treatment, environmental mitigation and restoration, stormwater management and quality control, transportation, and site development projects. As a LEED AP (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional), he specializes in the application of low-impact development techniques for infrastructure improvement projects. Mr. Greely is experienced in federal, state, and regional permits and requirements for construction work within sensitive environmental settings, and can therefore successfully bridge the gap between environmental concerns and cost-efficient, field-tested construction solutions. Project Experience Washington Street Drainage Improvements, City of La Quinta, La Quinta California. Quality Control and Quality Assurance engineer for drainage analysis and preparation of construction documents for two of the five major flooded areas in the City. Dudek prepared a refined XPSWMM 1D/2D analysis of the 250-year/1-hour storm event for both sites. Using a finer 2D grid, previous drainage solutions were modified to identify more feasible drainage solutions. In addition to refining the storm drain sizes and alignments, Dudek identified custom water quality treatment devices, hybrid outlet structures, and dual “clog resistant” catch basin inlets. Recently completing Phase 1 of the projects, Dudek is in the process of preparing Final Design Documents. Confidential HOA, Flood Damage Assessment, La Quinta, California. Provided project management and engineering technical analysis for investigations of residential flooding following a late season monsoon storm event. The investigation indicated possible contributing factors to the flooding, including encroachment of private landscaping improvements into the flood channel, failure of berms located in a nearby golf course, and original design deficiencies in the drainage channel system located within the residential properties. To further investigate the problem, Dudek's engineers broad work tasks included site review, reconnaissance, and research; topographic survey; flood event research; flood event hydrology analysis; design conditions hydraulic analysis; existing conditions hydraulic analysis; flood damage assessment and mitigation; and final report preparation for use in litigation. Village Area Sidewalk Improvements, City of La Quinta, California. Project Manager providing civil engineering services for the Village Area Sidewalk Infill Improvements Project. Services included arranging and conducting project meetings; arranging topographic surveys and the project base map; utility location and coordination; preliminary and final design plans and specifications; and associated bidding and construction support services. Education University of Washington BS, Civil Engineering, 1998 Certifications Professional Civil Engineer (PE) CA No. 69056; WA No. 40823 South Coast Air Quality Management District Fugitive Dust Control Certification, No. 05-08- 3112 LEED AP Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD), No. 69056 Professional Affiliations California Water Environment Association, State Board of Directors 2013–2019 Page 2 On-Call Plan Checking and Engineering Services, City of Coachella Engineering Department, Riverside County, California. Provided on-call technical services, including counter-technical services; review and plan check services for engineering plans and maps; design conformance to General Plan and City of Coachella ordinances, conditions of approval, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, City of Coachella plan checklists, and other engineering references; issuance of grading and encroachment permits; and writing engineering conditions of approval for development projects. Aqua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, South Palm Canyon Improvements – Phase III, Palm Springs, California. Served as project manager and technical lead for engineer and environmental services for the South Palm Canyon – Phase 3 projects, consisting of: roadway reconstruction (mix of full structural rehabilitation and cold-in- place recycling); demolition of existing culverts and low water crossings and replacement with new bridge structures (with post tensioned concrete decks); embankment stabilization to eliminate ongoing road reconstruction due to wash outs (utilizing micro piles to reduce excavation costs and permitting impacts); parking lot improvements (using a mix of AC, permeable pavers, and stabilized DG); building structures (including new restrooms with incinerating toilet technology); and water pipeline infrastructure upgrades. The project included preliminary design and assessment utilizing hydrology and hydraulic modeling (HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, Flo-2D), hydraulic system evaluation for the water pipeline upgrades; technical studies including geotechnical investigations and survey work. Environmental services included jurisdictional delineations; cultural resource investigations; biological investigations; NEPA document preparation; and permit applications. Five Peaks at Rancho Mirage, City of Rancho Mirage, California. Provided project management, LEED Certification coordination, permitting assistance, hydraulic analysis, and engineering design services for the on-site paving, grading, utilities, and stormwater facilities of the 60-acre commercial and retail center. The project required substantial coordination with the Coachella Valley Water District, Riverside County Flood Control, and City of Rancho Mirage for relocating existing flood-control facilities on the project site, and for analysis of pre- versus post-developmental hydrology conditions and their impact of the West Magnesia Storm Channel and the White Water River. Key design considerations included the installation of rooftop and parking structure solar panels, water-efficient landscaping that reduced potable water consumption in excess of 50%, installation of an underground detention system, an open channel Portland cement concrete ditch structure and energy dissipation structures to capture stormwater from surrounding mountainous terrain, and the installation of pervious hardscape materials to reduce surface runoff volumes. Super Target Center, City of Indio, California. Provided project management, permitting assistance, and quality assurance/quality control review of the design of on- and off-site stormwater facilities for the 30-acre commercial center. On-site stormwater systems consisted of a series of localized depressions, with standard Riverside County catch-basin structures, and high-density polyethylene pipelines for transmission of the stormwater to an off-site detention basin. Off-site improvements consisted of a detention basin and associated inlet and outlet structures for full developmental flow of the commercial center, as well as duel 96-inch-diameter reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), city-maintained regional storm drains. Sacred Heart Church and School Expansion, Catholic Diocese of San Bernardino, City of Palm Desert, California. Performed due diligence services, survey mapping services, and entitlement assistance; and prepared improvement plans including domestic water, sanitary sewer, grading and paving, and storm drain and hydrology. Performed technical oversight during the construction phase, including responding to requests for information, reviewing submittals, reviewing change orders, and construction survey staking. The project included expansion of existing junior high classroom facilities, a new classroom building for kindergarten and 1st grade classes, expansion of parking facilities to accommodate an additional 297 cars (an increase of nearly 80%), an open play field that also functions as both a retention basin and overflow parking for an additional 200 cars, and a new Parish Hall building. Page 3 Las Plumas, City of Indio, California. Provided assistance with lot layout, preliminary grading and hydrology design, and tentative map preparation for this 38-acre residential subdivision. General Entitlement Consulting and Civil Engineering Design, Alpine Development Group, Coachella Valley, California. Provided consulting and design for various residential communities. 54th Street LLC, City of Coachella, California. Provided plans for rough grading, street, sewer, and water design for a 40-acre residential subdivision. Vision Agua Caliente Project, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, California. Served as the project manager and lead civil engineer for the Vision Agua Caliente project in downtown Palm Springs. The project was completed in phases, the first phase included demolition of an existing multistory hotel and spa building on a 10-acre site, installation of a pump and bypass pipeline system for the natural hot spring water on the site (a historic and culturally sensitive resource for the Tribe), coordination of multiple utility disconnects while planning for future redevelopment of the site, traffic control and environmental compliance (SWPPP, dust control, etc.) The second phase of the project included a new 400-stall parking lot designed to utilize recycled material (concrete, asphalt) from the previous demolition phase, ADA facility (sidewalk, curb ramps) for the perimeter of the site and the adjacent Casino building, and traffic pattern modifications including new curb signage and striping to accommodate street closures and a relocated valet pick up and drop off location. The third phase of the project included demolition of the Casino surface parking lot and construction of a new three-story parking garage structure. Page 1 Susan Smith, PG Project Manager, Geologist Susan Smith has 16 years’ experience in environmental consulting and project management. Ms. Smith’s experience is diverse in nature and covers much of the environmental project spectrum from Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) to litigation support for Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) designation rebuttal. Her project experience includes oil field remediation, gas station investigation and remediation, soil sampling, soil vapor sampling, groundwater sampling, asbestos surveys, lead-based paint surveys and abatement, litigation support investigations, quality assurance and quality control reviews, as well as a large-scale plume characterization study for a former refinery. Additionally, Ms. Smith has written work plans, health and safety plans, reports, developed compliance-based standard operating procedures, and performed as the liaison between regulatory agencies and her clients. She has also successfully applied and obtained payment for her clients through the California State Water Resources Control Board’s Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Program. Ms. Smith has managed projects for a range of clients from small gas station owners to municipal sanitation districts. Project Experience Hazards Assessments for Linear Alignments, Orange and Riverside Counties, California. As a project geologist, Ms. Smith conducted hazard assessments for proposed linear alignments. The linear alignments included the proposed installation of brine water and recycled water pipelines within city/county right-of-ways. Key tasks performed included aerial photograph review, database review, and report preparation to include a compilation of known and potential hazards within the project footprint. Based on the known and potential environmental hazards within one project footprint, Ms. Smith prepared a construction contingency plan to identify areas of concern and outline contractor protocols should impacted media be encountered. Initial Site Assessments for Projects within/adjacent to California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) Right-of-Way, San Diego and San Bernardino Counties, California. As a project geologist, Ms. Smith prepared Initial Site Assessments for projects located within or immediately adjacent to Caltrans’ right-of-way. Key tasks included site inspections, aerial photograph review, database review, evaluation of aerially deposited lead, and report preparation. Remediation of Petroleum-Hydrocarbon-Impacted Vadose Zone, A&H Gasoline Service Station, Ontario, California. As project manager, Ms. Smith provided consulting and remediation services at an active gasoline service station with petroleum hydrocarbon-impacted vadose zone. Key tasks included obtaining client acceptance into the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund, financial management of the project, remediation oversight, remediation status reviews, correspondence with the state to obtain reimbursement, and communication with the local regulatory agency to verify remediation compliance. Education California State University Fullerton BS, Geological Sciences, 2008 Certifications Professional Geologist (PG), CA No. 9176 OSHA 40–Hour HAZWOPER OSHA Site Supervisor Health & Safety Training RCRA and DOT Hazardous Waste Handler Training Page 2 Underground Storage Tank Characterization and Sampling, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), Shafter, California. As project manager, Ms. Smith was responsible for coordinating efforts to confirm or refute the presence of purported underground storage tanks. She was also responsible for contractor procurement and oversight, utility clearance oversight, lithologic logging, confirmation soil sampling, data management, report preparation, and financial management of the project. Consulting Services for Property Divestiture, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Los Angeles County, California. As a project geologist, Ms. Smith provided consulting services to determine whether historic use as oil and gas production wells impacted the environmental conditions of properties included in a CPUC divestiture proposal. Key tasks performed included aerial photograph review, well permitting, lithologic logging, soil sampling, soil vapor well installation, groundwater monitoring well installation, soil vapor sampling, groundwater sampling, methane sampling oversight, contractor management, data management, and report preparation. Oil Well Abandonment and Tank Farm Remediation, Confidential Client, Los Angeles County, California. As project manager, Ms. Smith provided consulting services and litigation support necessary for the client to quit the claims occupied by their oil extraction equipment. Tasks performed included excavation oversight and sampling at a decommissioned tank farm, negotiation with regulatory agencies regarding cleanup levels, mapping and confirmation soil sampling at abandoned oil wells, document compilation, and report preparation. Large-Scale Plume Delineation, Shell Oil Products US, Los Angeles County, California. As field operations manager/site safety officer, Ms. Smith was responsible for the day-to-day management of multiple field investigations related to large-scale groundwater plume delineation. Field responsibilities included health and safety training or contractors, contractor procurement and management, permitting, lithologic logging, groundwater monitoring well installation, waste management, and aquifer pump testing. Ms. Smith also met with City officials, state officials, and off-site property owners to determine and coordinate negotiations regarding additional subsurface investigation locations. Additional responsibilities included data management and interpretation, data review (Quality Assurance /Quality Control), report preparation, lithologic interpretation, well permitting, and providing weekly project status updates to the client and other contractors. Phase I ESAs, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego and Los Angeles Counties, California. As project geologist, Ms. Smith performed Phase I ESAs for multiple properties slated for commercial and residential development. The property types inspected for the Phase I ESAs include vacant land, commercial/mixed use, industrial, oil fields (active and abandoned), and a landfill. The Phase I ESAs were completed in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard and All Appropriate Inquiries rule. Tasks performed included site reconnaissance, owner and user interviews, file reviews, data reviews, and report preparation. Phase I and Phase II ESAs, Confidential Client, Huntington Beach, California. As project geologist, Ms. Smith performed Phase I ESAs for multiple parcels of land as part of an Estate valuation. The Phase I ESAs were completed in accordance with the ASTM Standard and All Appropriate Inquiries rule. The Phase I ESAs identified recognized environmental conditions (RECs) related to the current and former uses of the properties and Phase II ESAs were conducted to confirm or refute the suspected impacts. The tasks performed included site reconnaissance, owner and user interviews, file reviews, data reviews, soil vapor survey, soil sampling, trenching/potholing, and report preparation. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Document Development, Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), Orange County, California. As project manager, Ms. Smith works with the Orange County Sanitation District to develop SOP documents and training assessment criteria necessary to substantiate the client’s compliance with Waste Discharge Requirements. Key tasks include the coordination with the OCSD management and employees, field review of draft SOPs, photo documentation of tasks, review of documents with OCSD employees and supervisors, document finalization and preparation, and financial management of the project. Page 1 Dylan Duvergé, PG Senior Hydrogeologist Dylan Duvergé is an environmental analyst and hydrogeologist with 12 years’ experience assessing program and project impacts to surface water and groundwater resources; geologic and hydrologic hazards; and soil, mineral, and paleontological resources. Mr. Duvergé assists large-scale planning efforts and individual project proposals through California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance. He has prepared, contributed to, and/or peer reviewed groundwater resource investigations, hydrology and drainage studies, geotechnical reports, Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, and paleontological resource assessments for various projects throughout California, effectively communicating scientific and regulatory aspects of hydrologic and geologic issues. Project Experience Riverside County Economic Development Administration’s (EDA’s) Select APNs on Hemet-Ryan and Jacqueline Cochrane Airports, California. Assisted in the preparation of a Phase I Environmental Due Diligence Audit for Federal Aviation Administration real property transactions on the Hemet-Ryan and Jacqueline Cochrane Airports. Conducted the site visit and collected historical use data and environmental records. Assisted in the preparation of the Phase I EDA Report. Palo Alto Unified School District On-Call Contract, Palo Alto, California. Wrote the paleontological resources section for four school projects related to seismic upgrades. Desert Renewables Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP), Aspen Environmental Group, Various, California. Dudek is assisting the California Energy Commission in the preparation and environmental analysis of the DRECP. The plan will help provide effective protection and conservation of desert ecosystems while allowing for the appropriate development of renewable energy projects. The DRECP is focused on the desert regions and adjacent lands of seven California counties: Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego. Developed a new baseline dataset identifying the paleontological sensitivity of rock formations within the 22 million-acre planning area. He also authored the paleontological resources section of the EIS/EIR, which assessed the potential desert-wide effects of renewable energy development on paleontological resources. Rio Mesa Solar Electric Generating Facility CEQA Studies, BrightSource Energy, Inc., Riverside, California. BrightSource Development LLC, based in Oakland, California contracted with Dudek in October 2012 to perform environmental consulting services on behalf of and under the direction of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and BrightSource, specifically to provide support services to complete an EIS and California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment for its Rio Mesa Solar Energy Generating System. Authored several chapters of the administrative draft of Draft EIS, including visual resources, geology and soils, paleontology, and recreation. Additionally, performed extensive quality control and consistency review of the entire document and coordinated production, including figures, formatting, and editing. Education San Francisco State University MS, Geosciences, 2011 University of California, Santa Cruz BA, Environmental Studies, 2005 Certifications Professional Geologist (PG), CA No. 9244 Qualified SWPPP Developer, CA No. G09244 40-Hour HAZWOPER, as per 29 CFR 1910.120(e), and RCRA DOT Professional Affiliations Association of Environmental and Engineering Geology Association of Environmental Professionals Groundwater Resources Association of California Page 2 SCE Lakeview Substation Project, CPUC, Riverside County, California. Wrote the geology, visual, paleontological resources, and mineral resources sections of the EIR; provided GIS/graphics support; and assisted with technical review. This project involves the construction of a new 115/12-kilovolt (kV) substation, installation of two new 115 kV subtransmission source line segments, construction of two new underground 12 kV distribution getaways, installation of fiber-optic routes, and decommissioning of two existing substations to serve the growing Riverside County communities of Lakeview and Nuevo. Key environmental issues include construction-related air emissions and conversion of agricultural land. The Draft EIR was issued for agency and public review in January 2012. North Norco Stage 11 IS/MND, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Norco, California. Authored the bulk of the IS/MND for a stormwater channel improvement project in the City of Norco, proposed by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Proposed improvements included channel deepening, road crossings, and stormwater best management practices to reduce the extent and frequency of nuisance flooding caused by inadequate channel capacity. Utility-Scale Solar Energy Development (Five Projects), BLM, Desert Region, California. Played a key role in analysis of visual resources for five fast-track solar energy projects in BLM’s California Desert District: (1) the 1,000-MW Blythe Solar Power Project EIS, (2) the 250 MW Genesis Solar Energy Project EIS, (3) the 500 MW Palen Solar Power Project EIS, (4) the 550 MW Desert Sunlight Solar Project, and (5) the 750 MW McCoy Solar Energy Project. Identified and resolved critical data gaps, crafted a workable approach to visual resource management (VRM) issues, and coordinated directly with BLM’s National Lead for VRM to ensure proper assessment and mitigation of visual resource issues. Provided technical review and support for the analysis of geology and soils, paleontological resources, and mineral resources. Prior to the EIS phases of these projects, conducted application for certification and plan of development reviews in the areas of geology, soils, mineral resources, paleontological resources, and visual resources. SCE Falcon Ridge Substation Project, CPUC, San Bernardino County, California. Authored the geology, visual, paleontological resources, and mineral resources sections of the EIR; provided GIS/graphics support; and assisted with technical review. This project includes construction of a new 66/12 kV distribution substation, two new 66 kV subtransmission source lines, three new underground 12 kV distribution getaways, and new telecommunications facilities to ensure that safe and reliable electric service is available to serve utility customer needs in and near the cities of Rancho Cucamonga, Rialto, and Fontana, as well as surrounding areas of unincorporated San Bernardino County. The Draft EIR was issued for agency and public review in January 2012. Level 3 Powerline Road Fiber Optic Installation, HP Communications, Inc., Fort Irwin, San Bernardino, California. Dudek was contracted to provide environmental and project management services necessary for the approval and construction of the Level 3 Powerline Road Fiber Optic Installation Project for HP Communications Inc., located in Fort Irwin, San Bernardino County, California. Level 3 Communications (Level 3), owner of a current Right-of-Way (ROW) Grant for a fiber optic communications line traversing public lands, through their agent Coastal Communications, requested to amend their ROW grant to include lands within the Fort Irwin Military Reservation administered by both the Department of Defense and the BLM. Helped craft the project description and prepared numerous technical sections of the Administrative Draft of the Environmental Assessment; he also assisted with GIS tasks, production of figures, and general project support and coordination. Page 1 Perry Russell, PG, CEG Geologist Perry Russell is a geologist with 32 years’ experience, including more than two decades specializing in completing geology/soils, hydrology/water quality, hazards/hazardous materials, and utilities sections for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents. Mr. Russell has also completed erosion control studies, geologic hazards surveys, and Phase I environmental site assessments (ESAs). Mr. Russell has completed CEQA sections for a wide range of projects located throughout California, including commercial developments, large- scale residential development, water supply projects, on- and of-shore telecommunication cable projects, wind farm projects, oil field development projects, a nuclear power plant project, and large-scale port redevelopment projects (including joint CEQA/NEPA projects). His NEPA experience has included projects for the U.S. Navy, Marines, Air Force (USAF), Army, Department of Energy (DOE), Bureau of Reclamation, and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), on sites located throughout the western United States. These projects included water supply, construction, land withdrawal, and landfill projects, as well as a large-scale nuclear waste treatment. Mr. Russell began his career as an engineering geologist, working for several years completing geologic/seismic reports, landslide investigations, fault studies, and geologic monitoring at large grading/ construction sites. His experience also includes 6 years working on projects involving soil and groundwater contamination. Project Experience Geotechnical Engineering Projects, Various Locations, California. Performed geotechnical investigations, including fault trenching, slope stability evaluations, corridor studies, groundwater evaluations, and geologic-seismic report preparation for properties in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties. Also completed geologic construction monitoring at large commercial grading sites. Formerly Used Defense Sites, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Arizona, California, and Utah. Completed site assessments under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program at properties in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Orange, Riverside, and Los Angeles counties of California, as well as in the vicinity of the Utah Testing and Training Range and Flagstaff, Arizona. These efforts involved performing site visits, reviewing historical documents, and interviewing people familiar with former site use to determine whether Department of Defense- generated contamination or ordnance remained on the property. Phase I ESAs, Various Locations, California. Completed approximately 75 Phase I ESAs for a variety of commercial clients throughout Southern California. Alon Bakersfield Refinery Expansion EIR, City of Bakersfield, California. Evaluated potential impacts associated with proposed construction within a 100 year flood plain and surface water and groundwater quality impacts associated with a potential major oil spill. Education California State University, Northridge MS, Geological Resources, 1988 University of California, Santa Barbara BA, Geological Sciences, 1984 Certifications Professional Geologist (PG), CA No. 5777 Certified Engineering Geologist (CEG), CA No. 1837 Page 2 Addison and Rising Tree Wind Farm EIRs, City of Mojave, California. Evaluated potential impacts associated with sensitive paleontological resources in areas of wind turbine construction. Solar Thermal Electric Generating Facility Environmental Assessment (EA), New Mexico. Evaluated potential impacts associated with seismic stability of proposed structures, surface water quality during construction, and water supply. ESA/Remediation Projects, Various Locations, California. Project manager for ESA/remediation projects in Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties. Duties included proposal preparation, client interaction, field work scheduling and completion, report preparation, budgetary analyses, and concurrent marketing for additional work. Los Alamos Laboratory Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building EIS, DOE, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Evaluated potential impacts related to seismicity and construction over a geotechnically weak volcanic layer. Update of Existing Training Ranges EA, Marine Corps Logistics Base, City of Barstow, California. Evaluated impacts associated with potential contaminated soils and associated contaminated surface water runoff, ordnance safety, potentially active on-site faults, nearby active faults, flash flooding, and erosion. EA for Relocation of Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron One (VMU-1) from Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms to Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, California. Evaluated potential health and safety impacts to personnel during demolition and construction, as a result of contaminated soil and hazardous waste in old building materials. San Bernardino County Flood Control District, Master Stormwater System Maintenance Program EIR, San Bernardino County, California. Evaluated geology/soils and hydrology/water quality impacts associated with implementation of a stormwater maintenance plan for all basins, dams, and channels within San Bernardino County jurisdiction, including federal, state, and local facilities, to ensure flood protection. Geology/soils impacts evaluated included slope stability, subsidence, liquefaction, lateral spreading, differential settlement, and associated collapse. Water quality impact evaluations were separated into Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) regions with the county and were evaluated with respect to beneficial uses in each RWQCB water body and associated County Flood Control District Watershed. In addition, impact evaluations included potential alteration of drainages and associated erosion and increased surface flows. Santa Ana River Water Rights Application for Supplement Water Supply EIR, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, California. Evaluated potential impacts related to large-diameter pipeline construction across the San Andreas Fault, construction related erosion and sedimentation of local drainages, and potential groundwater contaminant plume dispersal and liquefaction due to recharge of diverted water. Also contributed to determination of groundwater flow and basin boundaries for the Bunker Hill/Lytle Creek Basin in association with the EIR. Groundwater Recharge Basins EIR, City of Palmdale, California. Evaluated potential seismic stability of proposed dams and downstream flooding associated with potential failure of those dams. Page 1 Terrileigh Pellarin Environmental Analyst Terrileigh Pellarin environmental analyst with 3 years’ experience with a broad range of California Environmental Quality Act/National Environmental Policy Act (CEQA/NEPA) technical writing and research experience. Ms. Pellarin has worked in CEQA/NEPA compliance in both the San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles, and has worked with clients to prepare legally defensible documents covering an extensive range of project types and sizes. Her senior thesis looked at the effects of deforestation on populations of Colobus and Mangabey monkeys in the Tana Forests of Kenya. Project Experience Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Expansion Environmental Impact Report (EIR), City of Moreno Valley, CA. Assisting in the preparation of the EIR. Sand Canyon Resort Project EIR, City of Santa Clarita, California. Assisting in the preparation of the EIR. Industrial Avenue Redevelopment Project Initial Study (IS)/Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), City of San Jose, California. Assisting in the preparation of the IS/MND. Western Trunk Line Replacement Project IS/MND, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, California. Assisting in the preparation of the IS/MND. Relevant Previous Experience California High-Speed Rail, Palmdale to Burbank. Worked on the Palmdale to Burbank section of the California High-Speed Rail Project, specifically, working on the Public Services and Parks and Recreation sections of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Unpublished). The California High Speed Rail, Palmdale to Burbank Section is a 40-mile segment of the first phase of the CHSR system, connecting the Antelope Valley to the San Fernando Valley with the goal of bringing high-speed rail service to Los Angeles. Geary Boulevard Bus Rapid Transit Project, San Francisco. Worked exclusively on responding to the public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report. The Geary Bus Rapid Transit Project, led by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority, aimed to increase the efficiency of public transit on Geary Boulevard by providing dedicated transit lanes, utility upgrades and other streetscape improvements. Due to the nature of the project, including the 38 Geary Local’s extensive bus service (Serving approximately 52,000 people), there was widespread public concern regarding the viability of the project and its long-term effects on the neighborhoods adjacent to the corridor. Ball Estates Subdivision Project, Contra Costa County. Worked with the Ball family and with Contra Costa County on the Ball Estates Subdivision project, a proposed subdivision of an approximately 61-acre project site in the unincorporated Alamo area of Contra Costa County. Ms. Pellarin specifically worked on analyzing the project’s consistency with the existing land uses, namely, navigating the subdivision’s compatibility with the surrounding low-density, single-family custom homes. Education Whittier College BA, Environmental Science and English Literature, 2015 Page 2 3200 Scott Boulevard Office Redevelopment Project, City of Santa Clara. Worked extensively on the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the 3200 Scott Office Boulevard Redevelopment Project in the City of Santa Clara. The project entailed the demolition of the on-site single-story office building, and the redevelopment of the project site with a sustainable, Miesian-inspired, six-story, 230,000-square-foot office building as well as a seven-story, 324,450 square-foot parking structure. 225 California Drive, City of Burlingame. Prepared the Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the four-story, 45,000-square-foot mixed-use building. Specifically, Ms. Pellarin assisted Project managers in analyzing the proposed project’s viability given that the project site was registered as an “Open-Site Assessment” for a Leaking Underground Storage tank pursuant to government code 65962.5. Page 1 Shannon Wages, AICP Urban Planner Shannon Wages is an urban planner with 17 years’ experience specializing in managing long-range planning documents as well as complex land use entitlement projects. Ms. Wages has successfully managed the preparation of multiple general plans, specific plans, zoning ordinances, housing elements, downtown plans, visioning plans, corridor studies, and economic feasibility studies. She has received several awards from the American Planning Association (APA) for her planning projects. Ms. Wages also helps cities implement their plans through entitling development projects or assisting with funding and financing mechanisms. She combines her experience in planning, urban design, development, and community outreach to achieve desired projects that realize the community’s goals and objectives. From planning and conceptual design, to certificates of occupancy, she is involved throughout the process, facilitating positive growth and change in the communities she represents. Project Experience Canyon Springs Healthcare Campus (CSHC) Specific Plan Amendment (SPA), City of Riverside, California. Dudek is currently working on an SPA for the CSHC in the city of Riverside. The CSHC Specific Plan provides a roadmap to guide and clearly define the extent and location of future development on the project site. The Specific Plan outlines design and development requirements for all uses associated with CSHC including the hospital, medical service facilities, senior housing, independent living facility, assisted living facility, skilled nursing facility; and supports uses to facilitate a cohesive and efficient orientation for the public, employees, and customers of the future CSHC operator. The Specific Plan includes both short- and long-range planning goals that cover construction over a 10-year period. General Plan Update, Zoning Code Update, Climate Action Plan, Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan and EIR, City of Upland, California. Served as project manager for the processing of long-range comprehensive updates to the City’s General Plan, Zoning Code and Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan, a new Climate Action Plan, and Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). Managed the project from the beginning, first with PlaceWorks (formerly The Planning Center (DC&E)) and then directly for the City of Upland. The plans were adopted by City Council in October of 2015. Plan preparation commenced in 2008, and has been informed by ongoing input from residents, businesses, developers and decision makers. Key General Plan themes include strengthening community identity, growing the local economy, growing “green”, demonstrating responsible leadership, and maintaining Upland’s excellent quality of life. The Cable Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan was prepared in conjunction with the General Plan to ensure compatibility between Cable Airport and the land uses that surround it. The General Plan’s policies and actions will be implemented by the updated Zoning Code, which will ensure that future development reflects and implements the Upland General Plan; as well as the new Climate Action Plan, which provides a framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Upland. Education University of Southern California MA, Urban Planning/Design, 2003 Brigham Young University BA, Humanities/Spanish, 2000 Certifications American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Page 2 Grapevine Project, Tejon Ranch Corporation, Bakersfield, California. Dudek is assisting the Tejon Ranch Company prepare the Grapevine Specific and Community Plan in Kern County. The Grapevine Specific Plan is a landowner- initiated master-planned community located at the base of the Grapevine in southern Kern County. Grapevine is envisioned as a new residential community and employment center that will build on the economic expansion and job growth occurring nearby while maintaining 40 percent of the land uses for grazing and open space. The overall land use plan is designed to allow flexibility to create a livable community defined by a series of villages with convenient access to employment, shopping, parks, schools and housing the complements the thousands of jobs being created at Ranch properties, all while embodying the rural agricultural character and values of Kern County. Dudek is assisting with the preparation of the Specific Plan as well as a Special Plan that provides the implementing mechanism and development standards for the Grapevine Specific Plan. Hassen Development Project, City of Covina, California. Dudek is processing several entitlement applications for the City of Covina in their Town Center. One project is a Tentative Tract Map (TTM) and Site Plan Review (SPR) for eight residential units and 2,070 square feet of retail/office space. Dudek is working with the applicant to address concerns related to the compatibility of the project with adjacent projects and ensure compliance with the City’s Town Center Specific Plan. Importantly, an historic structure that is located on site and was built in 1931, is one of the last remaining historic structures contributing to the historic ambiance and character of Downtown Covina. Therefore, Dudek and the City are working with the applicant to revise the plans to preserve and adaptively reuse the historic structure. Another project is for a SPR for a three-story mixed-use project consisting of 2,330 square feet of retail space and 10 residential units. Dudek is working with the applicant to address design-related concerns associated with the mixed-use building. The applicant is being asked to incorporate “plan ahead” design provisions such as sufficient ceiling height, a roof deck area for grease-hood installation, ventilation, and grease interceptors to ensure that the commercial space can accommodate restaurant uses. Such design installations will minimize the potential for the tenant space to remain vacant due to inadequate provisions fit for restaurant use. Flair Spectrum Specific Plan, Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and Associated Entitlements, City of El Monte, California. Served as project manager for the processing of applications for the development of a high-profile and iconic project along the Interstate 10 Freeway known as Flair Spectrum. Managed the six month, expedited processing of the project from kickoff to building permits, including a General Plan Amendment (GPA), Zone Change, Specific Plan, Tentative Parcel Map, two Conditional Use Permits (CUPs), Design Review, and EIR. The proposed development will consist of 640,000 square feet of luxury outlet retail stores on two levels, up to 50,000 square feet of destination restaurants on the roof of the retail center, a 13-story Sheraton hotel with up to 250 rooms, and two high-rise residential towers (19 floors above an eight-level parking podium) with a combined total of 600 units. The rooftop areas for the non-residential components will consist of large public gathering spaces and usable, passive landscaped areas. The rooftop areas between the residential towers will provide recreational and gathering spaces for residents. The project will provide up to 3,491 parking spaces to support the proposed mixed use project. A series of interconnecting sidewalks and pathways will connect the multiple land uses. The project was on a fast track entitlement process, commencing in July 2014 and breaking ground January 2015. The hotel and retail components of the project are slated for completion in July 2016, with the residential towers being finished in October 2019. Henry Mayo Hospital Specific Plan, Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital (HMNH), Valencia, California. Dudek recently completed preparation of a Specific Plan and addendum to an EIR for a hospital expansion project in Valencia. The HMNH Specific Plan codifies the development parameters of the 2008 HMNH Master Plan and provides a framework for future modifications to the 2008 Master Plan. The 2008 Master Plan, as amended, continues to exist independent of the Specific Plan. A Development Agreement covering the 2008 Master Plan area was approved by the City in December 2008. The Development Agreement will terminate in December 2023, unless extended. The Development Agreement, as amended, continues to exist independent of the Specific Page 3 Plan. The Specific Plan contains development plans, infrastructure development plans, development regulations, design guidelines, and an implementation program for the HMNH campus. The purpose of the Specific Plan is to outline existing uses, including those approved in the 2008 Master Plan, as well as to address modifications to the HMNH campus. Modifications to the 2008 Master Plan are necessitated by 1) amendments to the California Building Standards Code that impose mandatory new requirements related to the design and construction of hospitals and 2) the expansion of the Obstetric Services Unit through construction of two new Caesarean section rooms, in order to accommodate the growing need for obstetric services in the Santa Clarita Valley and better contract services from insurance providers. The intent of the Specific Plan is to guide the orderly growth and development of the hospital, medical office buildings, and associated outpatient services to create a visually cohesive, operationally organized, and successful campus that balances the needs for medical service expansion with the need to preserve the character of the neighborhoods that surround this regional institution. Additionally, Dudek assisted with preparation of an addendum to the original Master Plan EIR. The potential environmental effects of the Master Plan and Development Agreement were addressed in the certified Master Plan EIR. However, the proposed project now includes a proposed General Plan and Zone Change, and proposed amendments to the 2008 Master Plan and Development Agreement, which we were covered in the addendum. C-17 Transition Master Plan, City of Long Beach, California. Dudek recently completed work on the Boeing C-17 Transition Master Plan for the City of Long Beach, as part of a larger C-17 Globemaster Plant Closure Transition Project. This was a highly important project for the City of Long Beach as it helped the City commence a program to recover from the significant loss in direct and indirect local and regional jobs, reduction in local and regional earnings, and the displacement of hundreds of workers from the closure of the C-17 production plant. This was a multipronged and multiagency effort involving economic development planning; land use and infrastructure planning; and assistance to impacted defense firms and workers. Dudek took the lead on facilitating the land use and infrastructure process, which included performing a detailed assessment of existing conditions on the C-17 site and surrounding area, formulating alternative land use alternatives for the C-17 site, facilitating public workshops to receive and integrate community comments, and prepare a detailed annotated outline for the next phase, which is anticipated to be a Specific Plan for the C-17 study area. Page 1 Rose Kelly, AICP Planner Rose Kelly is a planner with 3 years’ experience specializing in master plans, long-range environmental analysis, and climate change adaptation. Ms. Kelly has worked for a wide verity of clients across California both authoring and implementing sustainability and resilience policy through the general plan update process, specific plan implementation, and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review. Ms. Kelly has extensive experience preparing public outreach events and customized data collection and processing techniques to ensure meaningful community engagement that is easily translatable into local planning documents. Ms. Kelly’s wide-ranging knowledge of natural sciences coupled with her background in municipal policy and planning give her a unique perspective on implementing measurable and effective local policy. Project Experience Municipal Eastern Coachella Valley Action Plan for Climate Resilience, Coachella Valley, California. Serving as deputy project manager for the Eastern Coachella Valley’s Action Plan for Climate Resilience. Working with local stakeholders and regional agencies to identify policy gaps in creating projects that are resultant to climate related hazards and eligible for grant funding. Also preforming a disruptive trend analysis to discuss trends and technology in housing and sustainability that have emerged since many of the regional plans were written. Also coordinating schedule, sub consultants, and drafting the final work product. Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, City of Placentia, California. Prepared a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the City of Placentia as part of the Safety Element Update to fulfill the requirements of the 2017 General Plan Guidelines and (Gov. Code § 65302(g)(4)(A)). Utilized CalAdapt and the California Adaptation Planning Guides to catalog and analyze anticipated climate related impacts and vulnerable populations. Using this information, determined the potential impacts, when and where the impacts are most likely, and a prioritization metric. Palomar Heights Specific Plan Addendum, Escondido, California. Prepared a Specific Plan Addendum to the City of Escondido Downtown Specific Plan to include a new district allowing for the site-specific redevelopment of the Palomar Medical Center into a mixed-use infill site. Authored specific standards to meet the need of the development team, City staff, and the general public. General Plan, City of Lemon Grove, California. Served as member of the planning team for the City’s General Plan Update Process in charge of the Climate Adaptation Chapter. The project is a vision document which guides development policies informed by community goals. Tasks included assessing vulnerable communities within the City, collecting climate change data, processing public input, and crafting local climate adaptation policy. Education California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo MCRP, Environmental Planning and Sustainability, 2016 Humboldt State University BS, Environmental Management and Protection/Natural Resources Planning, 2014 Certifications American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), No. 31064 Professional Affiliations American Planning Association Association of Environmental Professionals Page 2 2040 General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR), City of Wasco, California. Served as deputy project manager. The project evaluated the potential environmental impacts of adopting the General Plan, including increasing industrial uses and residential density. Tasks included air quality and GHG analysis, quality assurance (QA), and geographic information systems (GIS). Master Parks Plan, City of Woodland, California. Served as member of the planning team for the City’s Master Parks Plan. The project included both broad-based policy for the operation and maintenance of parks, as well as specific park design. Tasks included evaluating the capacity and quality of the parks and authoring facilities management policy and programs focusing on managing limited water resources. 2035 General Plan EIR, City of San Juan Bautista, California. Served as research assistant. The project evaluated the potential environmental impacts of adopting the General Plan, including utility improvements to meet regional water quality standards and accommodating a 70 percent increasing in population. Tasks included utilities and public services analysis, alternatives assessment, and responding to public comment. Development San Diego State University Mission Valley Campus Guidelines, San Diego, California. Prepared vision, planning, and development regulations for the redevelopment of the Qualcomm Stadium site into the SDSU Mission Valley Campus. Tasks included: crafting a vision plan, defining land use districts and uses, and crafting specific development standards for a variety of uses. Sea World Master Plan, San Diego, California. Prepared the Sustainability section of the Sea World Master Plan. Tasks included client meetings, data collection, and describing theme park specific sustainability measures, park facilities, environmental education, and animal rescue procedures. Del Mar Resort, City of Del Mar, California. Served as air quality and sustainability planner for the Del Mar Resort. The project was a controversial resort located within the coastal zone. Tasks included, drafting sustainability policy, analyzing consistency with local Climate Action Plan, evaluating effective greenhouse gas reduction strategies, and presenting to community members. Proctor Valley EIR, County of San Diego, California. Served as air quality and greenhouse gas analyst. The project was a large residential development which required extensive construction and operational modeling. Tasks included communicating with the client and subconsultant on model assumptions, modeling project impacts in CalEEMod, preforming CO hotspot analysis in CALINE, and drafting project-specific mitigation measures. Torrey Highlands, City of San Diego, California. Served as greenhouse gas specialist for the Torrey Highlands EIR. The project required a consistency analysis with the City of San Diego Climate Action Plan (CAP), including modeling the greenhouse gas intensity of the existing and proposed land uses. Tasks included property and zoning research, quantifying project emissions, and determining the project's consistency with the CAP checklist. Page 1 Dennis Pascua Senior Transportation Planner Dennis Pascua is a senior transportation planner and Dudek’s transportation services manager with 25 years’ experience in transportation planning/engineering in Southern California. Mr. Pascua has successfully managed a variety of projects for local agencies and private developers, including traffic and circulation impact analyses and parking demand studies in both highly urbanized and rural areas. He is highly experienced with California Environmental Quality Act/National Environmental Policy Act and transportation topics and policies surrounding active transportation, context sensitive solutions, and complete streets throughout California. Mr. Pascua also offers an international perspective, having managed transportation planning projects in the Philippines, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates. Project Experience Energy Sanborn Solar and Gen-Tie Route Project, Kern County, California. Managed the in-house Transportation team that prepared a TIA that identified potential construction-related traffic impacts associated with a proposed photovoltaic solar facility and associated infrastructure (gen-tie) necessary to generate up to a combined 300 megawatts of renewable electrical energy. The proposed project consisted of two sites: the northern site is approximately 1,118 acres; and, the southern site is approximately 983 acres. The southern site is directly north of Edwards Air Force Base Solar project. The project impacts were evaluated under CEQA and NEPA. The TIA evaluated existing traffic conditions, including roadway segment and intersection levels of service along or in proximity to the gen-tie route options; estimated trip generation and trip characteristics for construction-related activities of the gen-tie options; analyzed the potential for traffic impacts to occur as a result of construction of the gen-tie; described the significance of the potential impacts; and, identified mitigation measures, for construction- related traffic impacts. LADWP On-Call Environmental Services, Los Angeles, California. Managed Traffic Impact Analysis (TIAs) for the following projects prepared under an on-call contract with the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), the nation’s largest municipal utility: Power Plant 1 and Power Plant 2 Transmission Line Conversion; Tujunga Central Groundwater Station; North Hollywood Groundwater Station; De Soto Avenue Trunk Line Replacement; De Soto Water Tanks; and Van Norman Complex Vegetation and Maintenance Projects. The TIAs prepared, or currently being prepared, involve the analysis of construction-related traffic and potential lane closures on major public thoroughfares. Construction mitigation measures include the preparation of a Construction Traffic Management Plan that includes traffic control plans for roadway construction, and transportation demand management for construction worker traffic. Dudek has also coordinated with the Department of Transportation and Bureau of Engineering on those projects. Education University of California, Irvine BA, Social Ecology (Environmental Analysis and Design) Professional Affiliations American Planning Association Association of Environmental Professionals Institute of Transportation Engineers Orange County Traffic Engineering Council Page 2 Gen-Tie Routes for Edwards Air Force Base Solar Enhanced Use Lease Project, Kern County, California. Managed the in-house Transportation team that prepared a traffic impact analysis (TIA) that identified potential construction-related traffic impacts associated with the proposed 230-kilovolt gen-tie route options that would connect the Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB) solar generation site with the existing Westwind Substation in the first phase of the project, and to the Southern California Edison Windhub Substation in subsequent phases of the project. The project impacts were evaluated under CEQA and NEPA. This project is located south of the Sanborn Solar and Gen-Tie project. The TIA evaluated existing traffic conditions, including roadway segment and intersection levels of service along or in proximity to the gen-tie route options; estimated trip generation and trip characteristics for construction-related activities of the gen-tie options; analyzed the potential for traffic impacts to occur as a result of construction of the gen-tie; described the significance of the potential impacts; and, identified mitigation measures, for construction-related traffic impacts. Municipal LACSD On-Call Environmental Services, Los Angeles County, California. As part of an on-call contract with the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD), Mr. Pascua managed the TIA for the Stormwater Capture System at Puente Hills Material Recovery Facility in County Sanitation District No. 2 to meet the Industrial General Permit’s industrial stormwater requirements. The project would primarily involve construction of a proposed basin and supporting conveyance facilities (piping) that would involve grading, excavating, and fencing. The TIA analyzed the potential traffic impacts for the temporary construction phase of the project, which would generate construction- related traffic (due to construction workers, vendor trucks, and haul trucks) to and from the project site. Recreation Marsh Park Access Evaluation and Recommendations, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, Los Angeles, California. Conducted an evaluation of the existing access conditions at the driveways in Marsh Park in the City of Los Angeles. The project was intended to address safety concerns at the park access including obstructed sight distance, failure of vehicles to yield to bicyclists and pedestrians, and lack of visibility for drivers to see when park gates are closed. Provided recommendations to improve safety for park users including placement of stop signs, reflective markers for park gates, and signage to alert drivers to the presence of pedestrians. Recommendations were made consistent with guidance provided in the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Relevant Previous Experience • Tres Amigos Solar Project, Merced County, California • Jensen Solids Handling Facility Canoga Park, Metropolitan Water District, Los Angeles, California • Warner-Canoga 150-Dwelling Unit Apartment Transportation Demand Management Plan, Warner Center, Los Angeles, California • North Hollywood High School Renovation, LAUSD, Los Angeles, California • Rose Hills Courts Rehabilitation, Housing Authority of City of Los Angeles, California • LA Trade-Technical College Master Plan, Los Angeles Community College District, California • Grandview Park Expansion, Rancho Palos Verdes, California • Recology Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) Expansion, Sun Valley, California • California Department of Transportation SR 126/Commerce Center Drive PR/ED, Newhall Ranch, California. • Terminal Expansion and Renovation Project EIRs, Port of Los Angeles, California • Campus Parking Management Plan, County of San Bernardino, California Page 1 Sabita Tewani, AICP Transportation Planner Sabita Tewani is a transportation planner with 9 years’ experience in traffic impact assessments and transportation analysis for due diligence planning. Ms. Tewani is experienced in all phases of traffic impact study analysis, including data collection, trip generation calculations, level of service analysis for freeway and roadway segments as well as intersections, signal warrant analysis, all-way stop-control warrant analysis, shared parking calculations, and evaluation of internal circulation and access. She has utilized Synchro, Traffix, Highway Capacity Software (HCS), and the Intersecting Lane Vehicle (ILV) methodology for traffic data analysis. Relevant Previous Experience Mariposa 32, City of Hesperia, California. Prepared a traffic impact study for Mariposa 32, a mixed-use development consisting of residential, commercial, and light industrial uses, located on Avenal Street and Live Oak Street in the City of Hesperia. As part of the traffic impact assessment, utilized the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s (ITE) Trip Generation Manual to estimate projects’ trip generation and Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) traffic model to estimate trip distribution and assignment for the project under existing, opening day, and future year conditions. (April 2005–August 2005) Sanborn Solar and Gen-Tie Route Project, Kern County, California. Prepared the TIA that identified potential construction-related traffic impacts associated with a proposed photovoltaic solar facility and associated infrastructure (gen-tie) necessary to generate up to a combined 300 megawatts of renewable electrical energy. The proposed project consisted of two sites: the northern site is approximately 1,118 acres; and, the southern site is approximately 983 acres. The southern site is directly north of Edwards Air Force Base Solar project. The project impacts were evaluated under CEQA and NEPA. The TIA evaluated existing traffic conditions, including roadway segment and intersection levels of service along or in proximity to the gen-tie route options; estimated trip generation and trip characteristics for construction-related activities of the gen-tie options; analyzed the potential for traffic impacts to occur as a result of construction of the gen-tie; described the significance of the potential impacts; and, identified mitigation measures, for construction-related traffic impacts. (February 2018–April 2018) Gen-Tie Routes for Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) Solar Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) Project, Kern County, California. Prepared a traffic impact study to identify potential construction-related traffic impacts associated with the proposed 230-kilovolt gen-tie route options that would connect the Edwards Air Force Base solar generation site with the existing Westwind Substation in the first phase of the project, and to the Southern California Edison Windhub Substation in subsequent phases of the project in the southeastern portion of Kern County. The project impacts in the EIR were evaluated under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The TIA evaluates the gen-tie route options to: document existing traffic conditions including roadway segment and intersection levels of service along or in proximity to the gen-tie route Education Newcastle University MSc, Transportation Engineering and Operations, 2004 School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi MA, Planning (Transportation specialization), 2002 Certifications American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Professional Affiliations American Planning Association Association of Environmental Professionals Institute of Transportation Engineers Page 2 options; estimate trip generation and trip characteristics for construction-related activities of the gen-tie options; analyze the potential for traffic impacts to occur as a result of construction of the gen-tie; describe the significance of the potential impacts; and identify mitigation measures, for construction-related traffic impacts. Baseline-Alder Warehouse Project, City of Rialto, California. Prepared the traffic impact study for the proposed 261,500 square foot warehouse located on the northwest corner of Alder Avenue/Baseline Road in the City of Rialto, at its border with the City of Fontana. Per the City of Rialto guidelines, a Scoping Agreement for the TIA was submitted to the City for review and approval. Since the project has truck intensive uses, the trip generation estimates included PCE and non-PCE volumes. The level of service analyses is consistent with the City’s requirements, the San Bernardino County Congestion Management Plan, and Caltrans requirements. The following scenarios were analyzed for potential project traffic impacts at the study roadway segments and intersections: Existing Conditions, Existing plus Project, Project Completion (existing + ambient background growth + project) and Cumulative Conditions (existing + ambient background growth + project + cumulative development). For any significant project traffic impacts found, mitigation measures and fair share calculation to offset significant project impacts were identified in the study. City of Rialto’s Transportation Commission approved the traffic study in September 2018. (March–September2018) Millennia (Eastern Urban Center), Chula Vista, California. Worked on the intersection capacity analysis, recommended lane configuration, and traffic control for projected future volumes, utilizing the Synchro software for Millennia, a mixed-use village proposed by McMillin Companies in the Otay Ranch are of the City of Chula Vista. The project proposed on 227.5 acres will contain office, residential, retail, and hotel space as well as a dense town center development that is intended to mix lower level retail and office space with upper level residential units. (February 2006–August 2008) Site Access and On-Site Circulation Analysis for the Walnut/Alder Warehouse Project, City of Rialto, California. Prepared a Technical Memorandum for a 195,000-square-foot, one-story industrial/warehouse building on an approximately 9-acre site at the southwest corner of the intersection of Walnut Avenue and Alder Avenue. The memorandum evaluated the site access, on-site circulation analysis (including truck-turning radii), on-site parking requirements and pedestrian, bicycle, and transit accessibility for the warehouse project located within the City of Rialto. The review of site access and on-site circulation utilized the requirements and standards provided in the Renaissance Specific Plan and City of Rialto’s Code of Ordinance. (November 2017–January 2018) Trip Generation Analysis Ord Mountain Solar Energy Project, County of San Bernardino, California. Prepared a Trip Generation Analysis for short-term construction and long-term operation-related traffic from the proposed Ord Mountain Solar Energy Project located east of SR 247, north of Haynes Road and west of Meridian Road, approximately 8 miles north of Lucerne Valley, in unincorporated San Bernardino County. The project would be a 60- Megawatt alternating current photovoltaic solar energy facility with associated on-site substation, inverters, fencing, roads, and a supervisory control and data acquisition system that would connect with the Southern California Edison (SCE) electrical transmission network via the proposed Calcite Substation. Construction-related trip generation for the project is primarily based on the number of construction employees as well as the quantity of construction and delivery-related truck estimate. Operational traffic is estimated utilizing the information available for periodic inspections and maintenance related activities for solar energy facilities. (August 2017–February 2018) Trip Generation and Parking Requirement for Bonita Vista High School Track and Field Improvement Project, City of Chula Vista, California. Prepared a Technical Memorandum to estimate trip generation and parking requirements for the proposed increase in stadium seating capacity at Bonita Vista High School (BVHS) associated with the proposed Bonita Vista High School Track and Field Project, located near the intersection of East H Street and Otay Lakes Road in Chula Vista, California. The trip generation analysis included a comparison of published rates (Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual and San Diego Association of Governments’ Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region) for similar sports Page 3 facilities and traffic impact analyses available for similar high school athletic facilities. Parking requirement analysis included a parking supply estimate and a parking demand estimate utilizing existing BVHS football games ticket sales. (June–July 2017) San Diego Correctional Facility, County of San Diego, California. As transportation planner, prepared the traffic study for San Diego Correctional Facility, a minimum/medium security male facility that would house Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainees and U.S. Marshall’s Service prisoners and would be operated by Corrections Corporation of America. As part of this traffic study, worked on estimation of trip generation for the proposed expansion of the project, since the (Not So) Brief Guide of Traffic Generators for the San Diego Region published by SANDAG and ITE’s Trip Generation Manual do not provide trip generation rates for a facility similar to the proposed project. Also worked on the traffic impact analysis associated with the proposed project on local roadways and intersections under opening day, near term cumulative, and future year 2030 conditions, with and without project. (June 2006–August 2008) Venture Christian High School, City of El Cajon, California. Prepared the trip generation and traffic impact study for a high school located at 2321 Dryden Road in El Cajon, California. The project proposed a high school relocation and expansion from a commercial area to a residential district. The initial traffic study for the project received many objections from the residents who raised concerns regarding the traffic generated by the school site and the nuisance due to the increased traffic. Prepared the traffic study for the project to provide a detailed analysis of existing and the proposed traffic conditions including trip generation, increases in traffic on residential streets, proximity to an existing elementary school, pedestrian and vehicular safety, potential overflow of school traffic onto the residential street, and adequacy of on-site parking. The information in the study addressed the neighborhood concerns and the Planning Commission approved the project. The project was then presented to the City Council and was approved. (September 2005–June 2006) EIRs Environmental Impact Report for the Mira Costa Community College District (MCCCD) Oceanside Campus Project, Mira Costa Community College District, Oceanside, California. Managed the transportation subconsultant (LLG) for the proposed Mira Costa Community College District (MCCCD) Oceanside Campus Project EIR. The Facilities Master Plan recommendations for future development for the campus through 2020 include construction of new buildings; renovation of existing facilities to support program needs; the modernization of many buildings, facilities and support amenities to address safety, accessibility and maintenance issues; an expanded parking program; outdoor athletic facilities; infrastructure improvements; landscaping and other campus improvements. The project would be developed in three phases, with Phase 1 projects evaluated at a project level and Phases 2 and 3 analyzed at a programmatic level. The Transportation and Traffic subsection of the EIR was prepared using the traffic impact study that addressed that addressed long-term traffic impacts to roadways and intersections based on total new project trip generation for 306 students under existing, existing plus cumulative, and buildout (year 2030) conditions. The section also addressed short-term traffic impacts during construction of the project. (December 2017–January 2018) Environmental Impact Report for the Seventy-Eight Eleven Santa Monica Boulevard Project, City of West Hollywood, Community Development Department. Managed the transportation subconsultant (KOA Corporation) for the proposed 7811 Santa Monica Boulevard Mixed-Use Project EIR. The project would involve demolition of the existing commercial building, parking lot and a multifamily structure to construct a 74-room hotel, restaurant, 82 residential units, and an art gallery. The Transportation and Traffic subsection of the EIR was prepared using the traffic impact study that addressed long-term traffic impacts to roadways, intersections and transit, and short- term traffic impacts during construction of the project. (November 2017–Ongoing) Page 4 Addendum to Environmental Impact Report for the Meridian South Campus Specific Plan Amendment, Riverside, California. Managed the transportation subconsultant (Urban Crossroads/VRPA technologies Inc.) for the 48.02- acre Business Park use site within the South Campus of the March Business Center Project. The approved industrial building on the project site would be occupied by UPS parcel delivery service and would accommodate multiple employee operational shifts throughout the day. The Transportation and Traffic subsection of the addendum was prepared using the traffic impact study that addressed the net new trip generation of the proposed UPS parcel delivery service building compared to the approved land uses in the current Meridian South Campus Specific Plan. The TIA analyzed intersections, roadway segments and freeway segments under existing, cumulative and buildout conditions with and without the project to determine impacts and required mitigation measures. (July 2017–Ongoing) Parking Studies Bixby Avenue Apartments, City of Garden Grove. Prepared a Focused Traffic and Parking Analysis for a 10 dwelling unit (DU) apartment project proposed at 9691 Bixby Avenue in the City of Garden Grove. Three of the DUs would be designated as low-income units allowing for a density bonus for the project. While the project was processed as a Categorical Exemption under CEQA, a focused analysis was required to assess traffic and circulation on Bixby Avenue due to the circulation patterns of the nearby Brookhurst Elementary School; and, a neighborhood on- street parking demand analysis was required to assess the available on-street parking in the surrounding neighborhood. (October 2017–December 2017) Coral Cove Subdivision, City of Encinitas, California. Worked on a parking study for the proposed Coral Cove Subdivision, a medium-scale residential development located on Vulcan Avenue and Ashbury Street in the City of Encinitas. (2005) Artists’ Colony Development, City of Encinitas, California. Worked on the shared parking analysis report for the proposed artists’ colony, a mixed use development located on North Coast Highway 101 in the City of Encinitas. (2005) Page 1 Mark Storm, INCE Bd. Cert. Senior Acoustician Mark Storm is a senior acoustician with 28 years’ experience as a noise control engineer specializing in environmental noise assessment, mechanical systems noise control and architectural acoustics. Mr. Storm evaluates noise impacts from residential, manufacturing, industrial (e.g., fossil-fueled and renewable power generation and transmission), municipal, and commercial facilities upon sensitive human and wildlife receptors. His services include development and direction of noise and vibration measurement and prediction programs, mitigation recommendations, participation in public meetings, and expert witness testimony. Mr. Storm has authored or managed many California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)/National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) noise technical reports and sections. He has also handled noise for several client Applications for Certification (AFC) brought before the California Energy Commission (CEC). Project Experience Riverside Transmission Reliability Project, Southern California Edison (SCE), Riverside County, California. Directed baseline noise field surveys, corona audible noise studies and preparation of report to update the project’s aging EIR noise section and respond to California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) comments. Crimson Solar Project, Recurrent Energy, Riverside County, California. Directed preparation of a noise study that included a baseline sound level survey of the proposed vicinity and predictive analysis of aggregate operation noise emission from power conversion units and substations for a proposed 350-MW PV electricity generation project. Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range (CMAGR), LEIS – Phase II, Imperial County, California. Prepared noise section for legislative EIS (LEIS), including summarized aviation and ground-based operation noise impact assessments, relating to the congressionally approved continuation of CMAGR at its present area east of the Salton Sea. 2018 Long Range Development Plan EIR, University of California, San Diego. Directed operation (stationary and transportation sources) and construction noise impact analyses for update of UC San Diego long-range development planning of capital improvements and concurrent on-campus infrastructure development (e.g., Mid- Coast Trolley). The work included development of a cost-efficient campus-wide representative baseline sound level measurement survey, authorship of a noise technical report that included prediction results from usage of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Noise Model (version 2.5), draft environmental impact report (EIR) noise section, and response to client and public comments. Torrey Wind Project, Torrey Wind LLC, San Diego County, California. Revised and enhanced a noise study to evaluate potential noise impacts to community receptors near a proposed 126 megawatt (MW) wind turbine generator (WTG) project composed of thirty 4.2-MW wind turbines. Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology BS, Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1991 Certifications Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) Board Certified County of San Diego – Approved CEQA Consultant for Noise Professional Affiliations INCE, Board of Directors, Vice President of Public Relations Page 2 Campo Wind Project, Terra-Gen Development LLC, San Diego County, California. Revised and enhanced a noise study to evaluate potential noise impacts to community receptors near a proposed 250-MW WTG project composed of sixty 4.2-MW wind turbines and a proposed Boulder Brush electrical switchyard. Responded to client comments and prepared EIR and EIS noise sections. JVR Energy Park, JVR Energy Park LLC, San Diego County, California. Directed preparation of a noise study and EIR noise section to evaluate potential noise impacts to Jacumba Hot Springs community receptors near a proposed 90-MW utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) solar electricity generation facility. Burney K2 Compressor Replacement, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Burney, California. Authored noise study including predictive analysis of natural gas compressor station (CS) upgrade and associated facilities on an existing site. Provided acoustical consulting to AECOM design/build team for piping system noise control, building shell sound insulation, and review of subconsultant submittals. Directed post-construction outdoor sound level survey to evaluate successful compliance with Burney community noise regulations and PG&E design standards. Santa Barbara Emergency Generator Project, SCE, Santa Barbara County, California. Directed and conducted baseline noise field surveys, onsite noise monitoring of emergency generators at three SCE substation sites; provided predictive operation noise analysis (via 3-D modeling) and mitigation guidance at two of the studied sites to reduce noise emission to nearby residential communities. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 22nd District Agricultural Association (22nd DAA), San Diego, California. Directed multiple outdoor sound level monitoring surveys to assess baseline ambient conditions for a variety of representative Fairgrounds activity levels and events, including summer and fall concerts hosted by the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club and the annual KAABOO festival. Prepared noise control plan revisions and provided guidance to 22nd DAA management on development of a new noise ordinance. Managed preparation of multidisciplined (noise and biology) technical reports to evaluate potential effects of noise and light pollution on sensitive avian species observed on surrounding wetlands of the San Dieguito Lagoon. Juvenile Justice Campus Renovation, County of San Diego – Department of General Services, San Diego, California. Prepared noise section for CEQA Initial Study (IS), including study of proposed project changes to localized traffic flow noise, and increased outdoor ambient noise due to new HVAC systems, other electro- mechanical equipment, and vehicle back-up alarms. The multi-phased project would modernize juvenile detention facilities at the existing site north of the Birdland community of San Diego. Qualcomm Stadium Replacement EIR, City of San Diego, California. Directed predictive 3-D noise models for analysis of multiple hosted events (pop music concert, motorsports, and football) to assess potential impacts to community due to proposed relocation of traditional San Diego Chargers stadium. Heil Avenue Stormwater Rehabilitation, City of Huntington Beach, California. Directed baseline-noise-level surveys, predictive operation noise analyses via 3-D sound propagation models, and multi-phase acoustical guidance to AECOM team and client on design of a replacement pump station for stormwater pumping facilities. Eastwood Recycled Water Pump Station, Irvine Ranch Water District, Irvine, California. Directed baseline-noise- level surveys, predictive operation noise analyses via 3-D sound propagation models, and multi-phase acoustical guidance to AECOM team and client on design of a new pump station surrounded by newly built residences. Baker Water Treatment Plant – Pump Building Acoustical Upgrades, Irvine Ranch Water District, Lake Forest, California. Managed investigation of multiple pump noise emission to surrounding community, performance of exterior and interior sound level surveys, development of sound insulation upgrade recommendations (based on 3-D predictive noise modeling), review of manufacturer-supplied submittals, and a post-installation community sound level measurement survey to confirm acoustical upgrade performance and effects. Page 1 Education University of San Diego BA, Environmental Studies, 2014 Certifications Certified Environmental Specialist PADI Divemaster, No. 344699 Emergency First Responder British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) Boat Handling Professional Affiliations Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) Connor Burke Environmental Analyst Connor Burke is an environmental analyst with 2 years’ professional experience specializing in noise studies, stormwater, wildlife surveys, and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Mr. Burke has hands-on experience in environmental field research, including extensive water sampling, wildlife surveys, and conservational outreach. He has used GIS for field research and SPSS and Excel for statistical analysis. Mr. Burke also has a strong knowledge of regulations relating to water resources and the environment including the California Coastal Act (CCA), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the County Water Authority (CWA), and the federal Clean Air Act (CAA). Project Experience Education Cypress College, Campus Master Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Cypress, California. Responsible for the completion of the noise analysis and reporting for the project. Supervised the noise measurements, modeling, analysis, and results reporting, which involved analysis of potential effects from traffic, on-campus facilities, and operations and construction noise. Energy Joshua Tree Solar, NextEra Energy Resources, San Bernardino County, California. Conducted the noise analysis for a proposed 60-megawatt solar energy facility with associated on-site substation, inverters, fencing, roads, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. Ord Mountain Solar Energy Project, San Bernardino County, California. Conducted the noise analysis for a proposed 60-megawatt solar energy facility with associated on-site substation, inverters, fencing, roads, and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. Relevant Previous Experience Resource Management Fishery Management Stock Assessment, South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. Served as field researcher. Conducted a stock assessment of the queen conch (Lobatus gigas) around several islands in Turks and Caicos to determine appropriate management strategies for the overfished species. Data was collected through the Turks and Caicos Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs. Responsibilities included utilizing SCUBA to run 100-meter belt transects at over 100 different sampling sites, generating several GIS marine maps showing density and abundance of queen conch, and working with local stakeholders to determine new management strategies. Page 2 Invasive Species Study, South Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands. Serving as field researcher, utilized SCUBA and distance sampling to research the distribution of the invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) around South Caicos. The project focused on lionfish removal and population size in order to reduce their impact on local reef fish communities. At depths of up to 40 meters, lionfish were observed and captured from the Admiral Cockburn Land and Sea National Park (ACLSNP). This protected area encompasses part of the “wall” where the Caicos Bank drops off hundreds of meters and thus is an ideal habitat for lionfish. Responsible for leading divers safely around the reefs while maintaining accurate data collection. Page 1 Sarah Siren Senior Paleontologist Sarah Siren is a senior paleontologist with 20 years’ experience as a paleontological resources consultant. Ms. Siren has served as paleontologist for numerous projects throughout California, with extensive experience in Imperial, Orange, Riverside, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties. These projects involved multiple agencies, public and private sector clients, a variety of resources, and multidisciplinary staff supervision. She specializes in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) compliance standards. She taught at Saddleback Community College in Mission Viejo, California as an associate geology professor, and worked as a curatorial assistant with the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and, more recently, as a field manager with the San Diego Natural History Museum. Ms. Siren has conducted studies at both the Smithsonian Institution and Badlands National Park, and supervised as lead research scientist for various field activities, curation projects, and laboratory preparations. Her diverse experience includes recovering, identifying, mapping, and preparing fossils. Ms. Siren is able to effectively manage projects and complete deliverables from assessments to final technical reports in a timely manner. Project Experience Winchester 1800 Project, City of Temecula, California. Project manager and principal investigator responsible for a paleontological resources survey and report prepared for this development located in the City of Temecula. Also provided editorial comments on the cultural resources report for the same project. Mira Loma Commerce Center, County of Riverside, California. Project manager and principal investigator, responsible for cultural and paleontological resources monitoring during the construction of two commercial buildings on 31 acres and completion of a final technical report. Otay Ranch, Parcels B (Village 8 West) and C (Village 9), Otay Land Company, City of Chula Vista, California. As field manager and co-principal investigator, conducted the pedestrian field survey of an approximately 600 acre site in the City of Chula Vista. Also co-authored the paleontological assessment for the project. Olympic Pointe (East and West) Project, Alta Geotechnical Inc., City of Chula Vista, California. As field manager and co-principal investigator, responsible for oversight of field studies conducted as part of the paleontological mitigation program for the project. The findings of this paleontological mitigation program were included in a final technical report co-authored by Ms. Siren. Education South Dakota School of Mines and Technology MS, Paleontology, 2002 George Washington University BS, Geology, 1999 BA, French Language and Literature, 1999 Certifications Geologist-in-Training, No. 167 California Certified GIS Professional (GISP) 40-hour HAZWOPER Training Qualified Paleontologist, City of San Diego and Counties of Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and San Luis Obispo Affiliations Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Museum Associate Society of Vertebrate Paleontology South Coast Geological Society Page 2 Sunrise Powerlink, SDG&E, Counties of San Diego and Imperial, California. As field manager and co-principal investigator, responsible for implementation of the field mitigation program for the project. Additionally, aided in the preparation of the SDG&E Sunrise Powerlink Paleontological Records Search, Monitoring and Treatment Plan, and co-authored Final Technical Report on paleontological resources for submittal to the BLM. Paleontological Services On-Call Contract, SDG&E, Counties of San Diego and Imperial, California. As field manager investigator, responsible for oversight of paleontological monitoring being conducted as part of several work orders for SDG&E. Over thirty work orders ongoing or completed under the on-call contract. Also responsible for co-authoring final project reports (both mitigation and assessment). Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Imperial to Dixieland 230 kilovolt Transmission Line and Expansion of Dixieland Substation, AECOM, County of Imperial County, California. As field manager and co-principal investigator, responsible for field studies oversight and preparation of the paleontological assessment report. The paleontological assessment program included completion of a paleontological records search and literature review, completion of a field survey, and preparation of a final report summarizing findings and proposing appropriate mitigation measures to reduce potential adverse impacts to a level below significance. The findings of this paleontological assessment report indicated that the potential adverse impacts to a variety of marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks could be avoided. SCG Imperial Valley Loop, Insignia Environmental, City of Brawley, California. As field manager, responsible for oversight of monitoring and fossil salvage being conducted on site by another consultant. Mitigation efforts consisted of monitoring during mass grading activities, recovery of fossils discovered, laboratory preparation and curation of fossils, and preparation of the final report. A series of fossil producing strata were discovered and collected from ~14,000 to 7,000 year old lacustrine sedimentary rocks ancient Lake Cahuilla. Recovered fossils consisted of significant fossil remains of late Pleistocene- to early Holocene-age marine invertebrates. Paleontological Services On-Call Contract, Caltrans, Counties of San Diego and Imperial, California. As field manager investigator, responsible for oversight of paleontological monitoring being conducted as part of Caltrans road improvement projects along the SR-52, SR-76, SR-78, SR-94, SR-805, SR-905, and I-15 freeways. Numerous concurrent work orders were issued and completed under the on-call contract. Also responsible for co- authoring final project reports (both mitigation and assessment). San Ysidro School District (SYSD) Vista Del Mar School, RBF, County of San Diego, California. As field manager and co- principal investigator, responsible for preconstruction WEAP training and supervision of paleontological monitoring program for the project. A series of fossil producing strata were discovered and collected from approximately 2–3 million year old San Diego Formation consisted of significant fossil remains of marine invertebrates. Jacumba Solar, County of San Diego, California. Served as senior paleontologist. Provided paleontological resources recommendations and guidelines during the design phase, and oversite during mitigation monitoring. Page 1 Michael Williams, PhD Paleontologist Michael Williams is a paleontologist and crossed-trained archaeological field technician with 16 years’ experience with fieldwork, fossil vertebrate specimen processing, and writing of reports for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE). Dr. Williams has project experience in all aspects of paleontological mitigation, including Phase I preconstruction surveys and report preparation and writing paleontological mitigation plans, initial studies (ISs)/mitigated negative declarations, and environmental impact reports (EIRs). He also has experience attending pre-grade meetings; preparing and presenting on-site Worker Environmental Awareness Programs (WEAPs); monitoring for paleontological resources and supervising paleontological monitoring; coordinating spot checks and monitoring with construction superintendents and foremen; collecting and processing sediments for vertebrate microfossils, writing final monitoring reports; and accessioning fossils to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County Museum and the Cooper Center in Orange County. Dr. Williams has California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and private company paleontological mitigation experience in San Diego, Imperial, Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Kern, Inyo, Fresno, San Francisco, and Alameda counties. In addition, he has worked as a cross-trained archaeological surveyor and monitor on several field projects. Project Experience Double D Mine Project, Mitchell Chadwick, Blythe, California. Co-wrote the paleontological resources survey report. Interim Ranch-Wide Management Plan, Tejon Ranch Corporation, Kern County, California. Presented the WEAP and provided senior paleontological support to field monitors. ISEC West Paleontological Services, Tenaska Inc., Imperial County, California. Curated fossil invertebrate fauna, accessioned fossil invertebrates to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, and co-wrote the final paleontological resources final report. FTHL Habitat Management Lands, Tenaska Inc., Imperial County, California. Curated fossil invertebrate fauna, accessioned fossil invertebrates to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, and co-wrote the final paleontological resources final report. Biology and Cultural Resource Review for Mapleton Park Centre Site Land Purchase, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc., Murrieta, California. Wrote the final paleontological monitoring report. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Continuing Services Agreement, AECOM Technical Services, California. Assisted with review of monitoring field logs. Education Louisiana State University PhD, Geology and Geophysics, 2009 BS, Zoology, 2002 Certifications Qualified Paleontologist; Orange, Riverside, and San Diego Counties BLM California Paleontological Resource Use Permit Professional Affiliations Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Page 2 As-Needed Environmental Services, Department of General Services, Southern California. Co-wrote the paleontological resources final monitoring report. SANDAG General On-Call Environmental Compliance, California. Co-wrote the final paleontological resources monitoring report. San Jacinto Wildlife Area EIR, California Wildlife Foundation, Riverside County, California. Reviewed the paleontological resources section of the EIR. Palm Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, W.M. Lyles Co. Southern District, California. Conducted paleontological resources monitoring. Relevant Previous Experience Altair Development Project, Ambient Communities, Temecula, California. Served as principal paleontologist and wrote the paleontological resources section of the EIR. Cahuilla Gold Project, Consolidated Goldfields Corporation, Imperial County, California. Served as staff paleontologist and participated in survey for paleontological resources. Path 46 Clearances Project, LADWP, San Bernardino County, California. Served as principal paleontologist and archaeological surveyor. Surveyed for paleontological and archaeological resources and wrote the paleontological resources assessment. Plains Exploration and Production Company Project, Kern County, California. Served as staff paleontologist. Surveyed for paleontological resources and co-wrote the paleontological resource assessments. Rio Mesa Solar Project, BrightSource Energy Inc., Blythe, California. Served as staff paleontologist. Participated in paleontological survey on both BLM and private lands. Assisted with writing the paleontological resources section for the Application for Certification and final report. Sonoran West Solar Project, BrightSource Energy Inc., Blythe, California. Served as staff paleontologist. Participated in paleontological survey on both BLM and private lands. Assisted with writing the final report. Proposed Oasis Date Gardens Development, Golden Sands Properties, Thermal, California. Served as principal paleontologist. Conducted paleontological survey and wrote paleontological resources assessment. Proposed Cascade Solar Project, Cascade Solar LLC/Axio Power Holdings LLC, San Bernardino County, California. Served as principal paleontologist. Conducted paleontological survey and co-wrote the paleontological resources assessment. Calico Solar Project, San Bernardino County, California. Served as staff paleontologist and participated in survey for paleontological resources. Proboscidean Recovery Effort, LADWP, Lone Pine, California. Served as principal paleontologist. Organized and led the field crew in the recovery of a proboscidean tusk found in a borrow pit at the Lone Pine Landfill and wrote the final report. Mountain View Acres Drainage Improvement Project, San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), Victorville, California. Served as principal paleontologist and paleontological monitor. Monitored excavations for paleontological resources and wrote the final monitoring report. SR-91 Corridor Improvement Project, Riverside County Transportation Commission/Caltrans, Corona, California. Served as paleontological monitor. Monitored geotechnical drilling for paleontological resources, collected and processed sediment samples for microvertebrates, and assisted in the recovery of a fossil bison. Page 3 I-15/I-215 Interchange Improvement Project, Caltrans, Devore, California. Served as paleontological monitor and monitored excavations for paleontological resources. I-10/Cherry Avenue Interchange Improvement Project, SANBAG/Caltrans, Fontana, California. Served as principal paleontologist. Supervised paleontological monitoring, processed sediment samples, and participated in writing the final monitoring report. I-10/Citrus Avenue Interchange Improvement Project, SANBAG/Caltrans, Fontana, California. Served as principal paleontologist and supervised the paleontological monitor. Collected and processed sediment samples for vertebrate microfossils, and co-wrote the final paleontological mitigation report. I-215 Murrieta Hot Springs Road to Scott Road, Caltrans, Murrieta, California. Served as staff paleontologist. Participated in survey for paleontological resources, monitored excavations for paleontological resources, and wrote the final monitoring report. I-215 Scott Road to Nuevo Road, Caltrans, Riverside County, California. Served as staff paleontologist and wrote the paleontological mitigation plan. I-215 Newport Overcrossing Bridge Reconstruction Project, Caltrans, Grand Terrace, California. Served as principal paleontologist. Conducted paleontological survey and wrote combined Paleontological Identification Report (PIR)/Paleontological Evaluation Report (PER). Page 1 Ruta Thomas, REPA Principal Ruta Thomas has 23 years’ experience managing the preparation and coordination of highly complex, controversial, and visible environmental documents for urban and rural development projects throughout California. Ms. Thomas is well versed in all areas of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), including facilitation of community outreach workshops and events to effectively address participants’ concerns. Her experience includes managing projects that involve large multidisciplinary teams consisting of several teaming partners. Ms. Thomas successfully navigates her projects through complex regulatory requirements and oversight, such as those imposed by Regional Water Quality Control Boards, Sanitation Districts, Public Works Departments, the Department of Toxic Substances Control, and other municipal agencies. As a Registered Environmental Property Assessor (REPA), Ms. Thomas has been determined by the national program to have the academic training, occupational experience, and professional reputation necessary for registration as an environmental property assessor qualified to objectively conduct one or more aspects of environmental assessment and site cleanup activities. She brings scientific rigor to the projects on which she works, and with demonstrated expertise in writing and negotiation, she effectively communicates and collaborates with agencies and colleagues to successfully achieve clients’ goals. Due to her extensive CEQA experience and knowledge, the Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) has asked Ms. Thomas to instruct CEQA courses for new and seasoned practitioners regularly since 2007. Ms. Thomas has managed a number of large-scale, on-call environmental contracts with clients such as the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW), Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation (LACDPR), City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks (LADRP), City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering (LABOE), City of Santa Monica, City of Simi Valley, City of Irvine, Orange County Department of Public Works (OCDPW) and the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Project Experience Northeastern Sphere of Influence Annexation Project, City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. The project proposes the pre-zoning and annexation of a portion of the City’s northern sphere of influence. The City would like to annex the project area and establish a land use framework that creates a balance of conservation and development opportunities. The area to be annexed is currently within the jurisdiction of the County of San Bernardino and consists of 4,115 acres of mostly undeveloped space. The City envisions a significant portion, approximately 2,915 acres, of the northerly portion of the annexation area to remain as open space area or allow for very limited development. The remaining 1,200 acres in the southern portion of the annexation area is envisioned to be developed as a residential "village" with a distinct sense of place and use of sustainability principles, such as walkable, compact design, mix of uses, and multi-modal transportation options. The project requires a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, creation of a new Specific Plan, Development Code Amendment, Education Brown University MA, Environmental Studies, 1995 Lehigh University BA, Biology/Economics, 1993 Certifications Registered Environmental Property Assessor, No. 596576 Professional Affiliations Association of Environmental Professionals Urban Land Institute (ULI), ULI Leadership Council Page 2 Annexation Application and associated documentation. Historically, very little development has occurred in the annexation area, which is characterized by mostly undeveloped and rural properties. A majority of the area is devoted to public facilities and uses, and features resources or conditions that have constrained development and offer a significant opportunity to provide for contiguous open space and wildlife habitat, as depicted in the City's General Plan. Challenging issues for this project include biological resources and hydrology. Coordinating with multiple public resource agencies, the County and the City has been an integral part of the planning process. Canyon Springs Healthcare Campus Specific Plan Project, City of Riverside, California. The project proposes a new specific plan, amendment to an existing specific plan, and preparation of an associated EIR for a new healthcare campus in the City of Riverside. The 50.85-acre project site is currently located within the Canyon Springs Business Park Specific Plan. The Canyon Springs Business Park Specific Plan is proposed to be amended to remove the project site from the specific plan area and create a new Canyon Springs Healthcare Campus Specific Plan. The overall project site is broken up into three smaller sites within the new Canyon Springs Healthcare Campus Specific Plan. Site A is proposed to be developed as a senior housing facility with an approximately 375,000-square-foot, three-story, 234-unit senior “age-restricted” multi-family housing facility. Site B is proposed to be developed as an independent living/memory care, assisted living, and skilled nursing facility. Site C is proposed to be developed with a hospital, five medical office buildings, a central energy plant, and two parking structures, as well as associated landscaping and infrastructure improvements. Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) 2001 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Update, Southern California. The 2001 RTP Update is a long-range regional transportation plan that provides a blueprint for future transportation improvements based on specific transportation goals, objectives, policies, and strategies. The plan included management of existing and proposed transportation systems and travel demand. Many projects from the 1998 RTP are included in the 2001 RTP Update, as well as new transportation improvements. Some transportation projects from the 1998 Plan were considered committed or at least reasonably foreseeable. Bergamot Transit Village Station, City of Santa Monica, California. The project includes construction of a five- building, approximately 766,000-square-foot transit-oriented development at the former Papermate site, across Olympic Boulevard from the Expo Line Station. Project attributes include an approximately 1,960-space subterranean parking garage, public open space areas (two parks), a playground, and other residential amenities. Key issues included traffic and circulation, primarily due to the unique intersection of main city arterials at the project site, interface with the Expo station, and compliance with the City of Santa Monica’s Land Use and Circulation Element Update (LUCE) goal of zero net new PM peak-hour trips; aesthetics, primarily due to the height, massing, and design of the proposed buildings; and utilities, primarily the ability of utility providers (water) to serve the site. Palisades Village Project, City of Los Angeles, California. The project proposes redevelopment of an underutilized commercial site to accommodate a pedestrian-friendly, human-scaled streetscape of neighborhood-serving commercial/retail uses within one- and two-story structures. The project would include restaurant, office, and cinema uses, in addition to commercial retail uses. The project also proposes to convert an existing surface parking lot into a two-level subterranean parking area. Structures would be developed to be in keeping with the character of the Brentwood–Pacific Palisades Community Plan Area and the Pacific Palisades Commercial Village and Neighborhoods Specific Plan Area. The applicant’s objectives include providing a visionary mode of development of high quality neighborhood-serving commercial uses that are pedestrian-friendly and adjacent to major public transportation lines. Additionally, the applicant desires to develop a project that is a community asset, include retail that provides goods and services needed in the community, and incorporate housing opportunities and services oriented to the pedestrian. As part of the proposed project, the applicant conducted an extensive cleanup of the site due to historic use of a portion of the site as a gas station. Extensive community outreach was conducted as part of the planning process. Participated in all public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. Page 3 Market Gateway Transit Oriented Redevelopment Project, City of Inglewood, California. The project proposed a mixed-use transit oriented infill redevelopment in downtown Inglewood. The project site is made up of six interrelated properties. The largest property was a vacant, irregularly shaped parcel occupied by a small parking lot. The remaining five properties were vacant or commercial parcels located on either side of Market Street, the main thoroughfare of downtown Inglewood. The project is proposed to transform the six sites in Inglewood’s downtown core into a unifying mixed-use project that connects Main Street, downtown Inglewood, and the new Florence/La Brea Metro stop. The project has been proposed to “create a vibrant and walkable residential and commercial district where area residents live, shop, dine, and grow the community.” Unique issues for this project were traffic, aesthetics, and community compatibility. Participated in all public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. Covina Forward Transit Oriented Development Specific Plan Project, City of Covina, California. The proposed project would involve a General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan to develop a mixed-use transit oriented development project. The proposed project would consist of three primary components: 1) a Transit Center and Park & Ride facility; 2) the Covina Innovation, Technology, and Event Center (iTEC)—an event center and professional office/business incubator space; and 3) residential townhome units. The proposed project is a result of coordination between three distinct entities, each of which would design, own, and operate their respective portion of the overall mixed-use development. The City would design, own, and operate the iTEC component; MLC Holdings Inc./Meritage Homes (MLC) would develop the residential townhome component; and Foothill Transit would design, own and operate the Transit Center and Park & Ride facility. Key issues for this project were noise, traffic, and parking. Dudek presented the project at all Planning Commission and City Council hearings. The project was completed on an accelerated schedule of seven months. Extensive community outreach was conducted as part of the overall planning process. North Montclair Downtown Specific Plan Amendment Project, City of Montclair, California. The Proposed Amendment would amend the Montclair Downtown area that was defined in the North Montclair Downtown Specific Plan (NMDSP) prepared in 2006. Montclair’s Downtown is an approximately 150-acre subset of the 640- acre North Montclair area that was defined by the North Montclair Specific Plan, prepared and adopted in 1998. The NMDSP area is surrounded by both developed properties, and number of underutilized or vacant sites on all sides. The NMDSP area is currently characterized as a mix of industrial, commercial, residential and vacant land uses. All properties have undergone disturbance previously resulting from development of the existing commercial and residential uses that make up the planning area. Approximately 10 percent of the planning area is vacant, 30 percent is developed as surface parking and 20 percent is developed with residences, with the remainder (approximately 40 percent) in low- to high-density commercial uses and transit facilities. Vegetation in the NMDSP area is limited to ornamental landscaping associated with existing development and several ornamental trees that line the streets. The planning area is served by all basic infrastructures. The concrete lined San Antonio Flood Control Channel runs through a portion of the planning area. Two water storage basins associated with the San Antonio Wash are located west and north of the NMDSP area. Typical residential development in the planning area ranges from one to three stories in height. Most of the surrounding commercial structures are one story in height. Traffic and circulation was a key issue for this project. Presented at all Planning Commission and City Council hearings for the project. Montclair Plaza Specific Plan Project, City of Montclair, California. The project proposes redevelopment and expansion of Montclair Plaza, an indoor, two-story shopping mall that opened in 1968, last renovated in 2008. The entire Specific Plan area is 72 acres. The applicant’s goal is to revitalize (and increase the gross leasable area of) the current shopping center site for greater walkability and a more upscale shopping experience. Part of the project would demolish the former Broadway structure. The project proposes to construct 300,000-square feet of commercial space. Additionally, a portion of the existing parking lot would be repurposed with a parking structure and 15-screen cinema (on top of the parking structure). The proposed project would create a new zoning district for the shopping plaza. Presented at all public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council for Phase I of this project. Phase II of the project, which includes the Specific Plan, is currently underway. Page 4 Beach Boulevard–Edinger Avenue Corridor Study (Specific Plan), City of Huntington Beach, California. The corridor study determined and implemented a clear and comprehensive vision for growth and change along Beach Boulevard and Edinger Avenue in the City of Huntington Beach. The specific configuration that new public and private investment along the corridor will take, will be determined by a planning process involving City officials, citizens, stakeholders, and City staff. Specifications to guide land use and development intensity, site layout, building design, site landscaping, and signage were detailed in the corridor study. Land use and development standards were drafted to replace preexisting zoning regulations and to assist the community to more effectively attract investment and improve the evolving image and identity of the city along in these areas. The Specific Plan allowed for future development to include up to 6,400 new dwelling units, 738,400 square feet of retail uses, 350 hotel rooms, and 112,000 square feet of office uses within the 460-acre area. Participated in all public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. East Third Street Specific Plan, County of Los Angeles, California. The Specific Plan area is located in the geographic center of the East Los Angeles Community, which is located approximately five miles east of downtown Los Angeles. The Proposed Plan defines a vision and establishes standards and strategies for the revitalization of the East Los Angeles community using the principles of transit oriented development (TOD). TOD takes advantage of its location near transit to create a vibrant community, walkable streets, and safe access to transit. Components include vibrant and diverse commercial corridors; well-designed buildings, attractive streetscapes, and engaging public spaces; multi-modal streets accommodating pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles; a mix of uses, with residential and employment densities that support transit use; and a range of housing options. The Proposed Plan is a form-based code-regulating plan that will replace the East Los Angeles Community Standards District and Community Plan as well as supersede the zoning ordinance. The Proposed Plan proposes eight zones, five of which are mixed use with discrete development and design standards. Implementation of the Proposed Plan would also amend the East Los Angeles Community Plan to add a Specific Plan Overlay in order to provide a renewed vision for the Plan Area, with corresponding development standards and an implementation program. The four station areas along 3rd Street would be transformed into transit centers, with a mix of uses. Mixed-use buildings will incorporate amenities such as public plazas, outdoor dining, and public art. The transit centers will serve residents, visitors, and employees. An increase in the variety and quality of goods and services is expected. The Plan area’s corridors would experience moderate change, with sensitive infill development, an improved streetscape, and an increase in the variety and quality of goods and services. Minor changes would be expected in the residential neighborhoods, consisting of improvements in streetscape, improvement in private property maintenance, and an increase in open space and green elements, such as street trees and landscaping. South Los Angeles (SLA) Redevelopment Plan Amendment, City of Los Angeles, California. The project consisted of the merger of seven existing redevelopment project areas located in the SLA region of Los Angeles. Four of the project areas that were adopted in response to the 1992 civil disturbances are referred to as recovery redevelopment project areas. The remaining three project areas were adopted to address conditions of blight in the project area, and are referred to as redevelopment project areas. The purpose of the SLA Redevelopment Plan Amendment project was to merge, modify, and extend certain provisions of the seven redevelopment project areas into a single project and one SLA Redevelopment Plan. Objectives, goals, and tools/programs included as part of the proposed SLA Redevelopment Plan would expand on current redevelopment project area plans. San Pedro New Community Plan Update and Granada Hills–Sylmar New Community Plan Update, City of Los Angeles, California. Updated three of the thirty-five Community Plans that comprise the Land Use Element of the City of Los Angeles’ Comprehensive General Plan. The community plans are intended to promote the arrangement of land uses, streets, and services that will encourage and contribute to the economic, social, and physical health, safety, welfare and convenience of the people who live in, work in, and visit these communities. The proposed plans allocate land for the range of uses that each community will need through 2030, including land for housing, Page 5 jobs, services, and recreation, and improve the link between land use and transportation in a manner that is consistent with the City’s Framework, which is the citywide growth strategy. The community plans’ goals, policies, design guidelines, and programs are specific, action-oriented ideals, which the City will promote during the lifespan of the proposed plans. Land Use and Circulation Element (LUCE), City of Santa Monica, California. The City of Santa Monica’s LUCE establishes citywide goals of “no net new evening peak period trips” and a reduction in citywide greenhouse gas emissions consistent with Assembly Bill 32 goals. In doing so, the LUCE represents a marked shift in City of Santa Monica planning practices to emphasize transit-oriented and mixed-use development, along with creation of complete neighborhoods. With implementation of the LUCE, future land use changes within the city would be restricted to approximately 4% of the city’s land area and emphasize the promotion of alternative means of transportation (light rail, bus, bicycle, walking). The LUCE would allow for approximately 4,955 residential units and 3.1 million square feet of nonresidential space within the city limits by 2030. Additional Municipal Planning Projects • Long Beach General Plan Land Use and Mobility Elements Update, City of Long Beach, California. • The Uptown Newport Village Specific Plan, City of Newport Beach, California. • Laguna Niguel Gateway Specific Plan, City of Laguna Niguel, California. • Bear Creek South Master Development Plan, City of Stockton, California. • Salida Community Plan Update and Related Specific Plan Updates, County of Stanislaus, California. Page 1 Carolyn Somvilay Environmental Analyst Carolyn Somvilay is an Environmental Analyst with 2 years’ experience, specializing in ecology, biological resource conservation, monitoring, and research in various positions. Ms. Somvilay’s project experience includes pre-construction surveys, special-status species surveys, and vegetation surveys. She has worked with multiple non-profits in San Diego County, including San Diego Zoo Global, San Diego Audubon Society, Living Coast Discovery Center, and the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve. Project Experience Off-Cycle Inspection (OCI), Southern California Edison, San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California. Served as assistant biologist. With a push to reduce fire hazard risk in Southern California within Southern California Edison’s utility lines and rights-of-way, conducted pre-construction, nesting bird, and focused species surveys. Worked as a biological monitor for vegetation clearing activities, which included communication with client and crews, updating field data using ArcGIS Collector and daily report writing in Survey123. Vegetation Management, Southern California Edison, San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties, California. Served as assistant biologist. Conducted pre-construction surveys, nesting bird surveys, special-status species surveys and habitat assessments for weed abatement and line clearing activities. Duties included biological monitoring during construction, collecting field data, and daily report writing. Relevant Previous Experience Using 3-D Photogrammetry to Evaluate Progress of Prickly Pear Cactus Plantings toward Coastal Cactus Wren Habitat Restoration, San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research, Escondido, California. Served as a 2018 Plant Conservation Summer Fellow. Led an independent research project utilizing 3-D photogrammetry techniques to aid with SDZG’s coastal cactus wren (Camplyorhynchus brunneicapillus sandiegensis) species conservation project. Created 3-D models of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia litoralis) at different ages and at different restoration location sites to extrapolate growth trajectories. Duties included using sub-meter GPS data collection to map coastal cactus wren nests in ArcCollector, drafting a photogrammetry workflow protocol to be used as a reference by future scientists, extrapolating data with R programming, and presenting findings at San Diego Zoo’s 2018 Tech 2 Reconnect symposium. Issues with computation of the 3-D photogrammetry models led to long rendering times. For example, it could take 12 hours or more for a single model on a standard computer. This presented a logical issue because there were over 60 models to be rendered and analyzed by the end of the month. With her mentor, solved the issue and found that a cloud computing system would by the most cost-efficient solution. This solution saved an average of 8 hours per cactus model, and over 350 hours across the entire project. Education University of California, San Diego BS, Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution, 2018 Professional Affiliations American Planning Association Association of Environmental Professionals Page 2 California Least Tern Conservation Program, San Diego Audubon Society, San Diego, California. Served as conservation team leader. Assisted SDAS in managing critical California least tern (Sternula antillarum browni) nesting sites in Mission Bay by identifying and removing invasive vegetation, conducting vegetation surveys, and installing signage. During volunteer events, educated volunteers on the significance of their work, how to identify native and invasive plants, and answered any inquiries. Stewardship and Research Assistant, Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve, Imperial Beach, California. Served as stewardship and research assistant. Duties included collecting phytoplankton samples in part of the Marine Biotoxin Monitoring Program, identifying native bird species, conducting vegetation surveys, conducting aquatic biota surveys, determining soil salinity, and managing the native plant nursery. David Holway Lab, University of California – San Diego, La Jolla, California. Served as student lab volunteer at David Holway’s etymology lab. Worked under a PhD student studying pollination biology with a focus on native bees. Duties included creating and tending to the experimental squash garden, performing bee surveys, collecting and analyzing pollen samples, and data entry. Specialized Training • Introductory Birding Course, 2019. Tecolote Nature Center, San Diego, California. • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), 2019. Successfully completed introductory 6-week course on CEQA with UCSD Extension. Page 1 Education University of California, Santa Barbara BA, Environmental Studies, 2017 BA, Geography (GIS emphasis), 2017 Professional Affiliations American Planning Association Patrick Cruz Associate Analyst Patrick Cruz is a CEQA/NEPA Analyst, specializing in planning and permitting, California Environmental Quality Act/National Environmental Quality Act (CEQA/NEPA) compliance, and environmental impact analysis. Mr. Cruz has worked as a planning intern for the County of Santa Barbara’s Long Range Planning Division. He has experience assisting with all facets of the ordinance creation process including crafting ordinance language, identifying best practices, and creating data and visualizations to facilitate public outreach and decision making. Relevant Previous Experience Municipal Cannabis Permitting, Licensing, and Ordinance Creation, Santa Barbara County, California. Served as planning intern for creation of County-wide cannabis program to permit and license 1000+ projected cannabis operators. The project sought to revolutionize agriculture and enforcement operations in the County by bringing hundreds of non- conforming actors into determined standards of compliance and offer a boon to County resources through tax increases. Tasks include data creation, zoning analysis, and drafting early iterations of ordinances. Short-Term Rental Ordinance, Santa Barbara County, California. Assisted senior staff with creation of an ordinance to regulate short-term rentals in unincorporated areas throughout the County. The project protected neighborhood character by creating comprehensive development standards to limit impacts from transient activity and preserved historic tourism by establishing historic overlay to fully allow short-term rentals. Tasks include data creation, researching best practices, and creating visualizations to be used in presentations to decision makers and the public. Conference Presentations “Urban Vegetation: Correlation with Drought Management and Regional Affluence.” 2017. With Julia Choi, Samuel Crane, and Steven Shimbo. Poster presented at Spatial@UCSB Conference. Santa Barbara, California. “Grocery Store Location Analysis in Los Angeles County.” 2016. With Iris Campbell, Alex Claiborne, and Qi Si. Poster presented at Spatial@UCSB Conference. Santa Barbara, California Awards • Outstanding Academic Achievement Award in Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2017. • Outstanding Academic Achievement Award in Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2017. Page 1 Shelah Riggs Senior Regulatory Specialist/Project Manager Shelah Riggs is an accomplished project manager with 13 years’ experience in preparing California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act (CEQA/NEPA) documents and regulatory compliance documents under the Clean Water Act (CWA), Sections 404 and 401; the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), Sections 7 and 10; California Coastal Act; California State Porter- Cologne Act; California ESA (CESA); and California Fish and Game Code Sections 1600–1616. Ms. Riggs has conducted numerous wetlands and streambed delineations in accordance with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual and Arid West Region Supplement methodology throughout Southern California. She maintains an excellent rapport with resource agency staff and has successfully negotiated and assisted in implementing favorable mitigation conditions for a variety of public and private projects located within environmentally sensitive areas. Ms. Riggs has provided regulatory compliance training through the University of California, Los Angeles Extension Service, as well as client-customized training for Southern California Edison (SCE), San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA), and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. Project Experience Western Realco Alessandro Business Park Environmental Impact Report (EIR), City of Riverside, California. As project manager, conducted the jurisdictional delineation and authored the EIR for the proposed Alessandro Business Park project located adjacent to and within the Sycamore Canyon Business Park Specific Plan area. The project included grading, construction, and operation of a 36.62-acre business center for light industrial, warehouse distribution, and office uses. The business center would consist of four buildings totaling approximately 662,018 square feet, ranging in size from approximately 36,243 to 440,374 square feet. Arroyo Flood Control and Enhancement Project, University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside), Riverside, California. Served as regulatory compliance task manager on this project, which involved construction of flood control mechanisms consisting of buried conveyances, surface channels, and detention basins to safely convey the 100-year storm flow through the UC Riverside campus. Prior to implementation of the project, a substantial portion of the campus was subject to flooding. The project included a significant riparian enhancement component that required revegetation of reconfigured drainage channels and basins with native habitat. Currently conducting the annual monitoring and reporting effort for the project, as required under condition of the 404 authorization. Ms. Riggs also acted as project manager responsible for preparing a CEQA initial study and obtaining permits under Section 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act and Section 1602 of the California Fish and Game Code. Education California State University, Fullerton MS, Environmental Studies, 2002 BA, Geography, 1998 Certifications Wetland Training Institute • Certificate in Wetland Delineation, April 2003 • Certificate in Plant ID, June 2005 PSMJ Resources Inc., Project Manager’s Boot camp, 2002 and 2004 Professional Affiliations Association of Environmental Professionals Society of Wetland Scientists California Native Plant Society Page 2 Clinton Keith Road/Interstate 215 Interchange (Project Study Report and Initial Study/ Environmental Assessment), City of Murrieta, California. Served as permit task lead. Prepared the 1602, 404, and 401 applications and coordinated issuance of the permits and approval of the habitat mitigation and monitoring plan for this project, which would reconstruct the Clinton Keith Road and the Interstate 215 interchange to facilitate future traffic flows resulting from nearby development. Limonite Storm Channel Maintenance Agreement, Riverside County Land Management, Riverside, California. Served as project manager for this project; helped with preparation of technical studies and obtaining a 5-year agreement with ACOE and CDFG to allow Riverside County to conduct maintenance activities within the Limonite Storm Channel, which discharges directly to the Santa Ana River. Delayed maintenance resulted in significant flooding of an adjacent golf course and horse ranch. Key issues involved potential impacts to migratory water birds and the federally listed Santa Ana Sucker (Catostomus santaanae), least Bell’s vireo, and southwestern willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus). CEQA, Regulatory Permitting, Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) Review On-Call Services, County of Riverside, California. As project manager since 2006, conducted reviews during the plan-check phase of approval for Riverside County Flood Control projects, as a subconsultant to Bureau Veritas, which included construction, modification, or other work within flood control facilities. The reviews evaluated project compliance with CEQA and ensured that each project conformed to the District’s requirements for permits under Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Act, Section 404 and 401 of the CWA, and the Western Riverside MSHCP requirements. To date, has received and/or completed the following task orders: • Task Order No. 1 – Tract 30850. Environmental review for project that involved work within the Perris Valley Channel System. This project required additional coordination to ensure that the 1602 Operation by Law letter included verbiage required by Flood Control that would allow for long-term maintenance activities within the channel. • Task Order No.2 – Tract 30921. Environmental review for project that involved work within the Quincy Street Channel. This project required additional coordination to ensure that the focused surveys required under the MSHCP for the project were conducted. • Task Order No. 3 – Tract 31098. Environmental review for project that involved work within the Romoland Master Drainage Plan (MDP) Line A-2. This project required additional review of the landscaping and maintenance plan for a grass-lined channel to be constructed by the applicant and dedicated to the District. • Task Order No. 4 – Tract 31305. Environmental review for project that involved work within the Moreno Valley MDP Area. This project required additional review and coordination to ensure that the 401 Water Quality Certification and the 404 Nationwide Permits were amended by the RWQCB and ACOE, respectively, to address construction, operation, and future maintenance of the facility to be constructed. • Task Order No. 5 – Tract 31968. Environmental review for the Springs Commercial Center. This project required documentation review to ensure that the requirements of the Coachella Valley MSHCP were met. • Task Order No 6 – Tract 32702. Environmental review for Stormwind Ranch at Oak Valley. This project required additional review and coordination to ensure that the MSHCP requirements for focused biological surveys for Narrow Endemic Plant Species (NEPSSA 8- Allium marvinii and Dudleya multicaulis), burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia), and riparian birds (least Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, and yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus)) were met. Page 1 Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology MCP, City Planning, 2001 School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi BArch, Architecture, 1997 Certifications American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Professional Affiliations American Planning Association ULI Rose Center for Public Leadership, Faculty Advisor Guarav Srivastava, AICP Senior Urban Designer Gaurav Srivastava is a city planner with 16 years’ experience. Mr. Srivastava leads Dudek’s city planning practice and has authored plans that range from grassroots neighborhood visions to comprehensive downtown redevelopments. His award-winning work, for both private and public-sector clients, is driven by twin passions: to reduce the footprint of human habitation via compact redevelopment of city centers, and to always reinforce the importance of the pedestrian experience as the defining experience of cities. Mr. Srivastava is adept at faciliating workshops and shaping discussions before a variety of audiences. He is an accomplished project manager and experienced at directing complex, multidisciplinary teams. In addition, Mr. Srivastava serves as a visiting lecturer and teaches urban design at the University of California, Los Angeles’ Luskin School of Public Affairs. Relevant Previous Experience Microsoft Campus Master Plan, City of Redmond, Washington. Served as urban design lead for the proposed redevelopment of Microsoft’s Redmond headquarters, which is globally associated with the firm’s origins and success. The bike-and-walk-only master plan manifests Microsoft’s vision for its physical legacy, its aspirations for the built environment, and the programmatic requirements of its business operations. The development program proposes three million square feet of new construction spread over 18 new buildings on 72-acre site. About 20 acres of the site are dedicated to open space and programmed with a mix of active and passive recreational uses. Golden State Specific Plan and High-Speed Rail Station Area Plan, City of Burbank, California. Led a three- pronged planning effort for the Golden State District (District) is a 640-acre commercial-industrial area adjacent to Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, California. The project included a station area plan in anticipation of Burbank’s proposed high-speed rail station, the Golden State Specific Plan, and an environmental impact report that will analyze environmental impacts of plan recommendations and recommend mitigations. The plan leverages the District’s current and future infrastructure assets and explores mechanisms to maximize Burbank’s housing supply, diversify land uses, and solidify Burbank’s role as the media capital of the world. Vision Downtown, City of Los Angeles, California. Directed Vision Downtown, an effort that provides guidance to Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council’s (DLANC’s) board as it performs a review and advisory role for projects within its jurisdiction. The DLANC is the first Neighborhood Council in Los Angeles that has sought to craft its own vision for the future. Part vision and part manifesto, Vision Downtown provides a community-endorsed set of goals that offer input to City leaders and assembles in one place a comprehensive set of aspirations that embody the vision of this generation of the Downtown community. Page 2 Fashion District Specific Plan, City of Los Angeles, California. Led planning efforts in the Fashion District, one of the most vibrant neighborhoods that make up the tapestry of downtown Los Angeles. FashionYourDistrict set ambitious goals to make the District a laboratory for innovative ideas in energy consumption, green infrastructure, land use, mobility, street life, and public art. Avalon Waterfront Plan, Santa Catalina Island, California. Outlined a sustainable approach to optimize Avalon’s infrastructure needs and update it with a new vision that will guide its development for the rest of this century, while also unlocking the value of waterfront land in and around Avalon. Sunset Strip Specific Plan Update, West Hollywood, California. Led the effort to update the existing Specific Plan with new standards and guidelines for off-site signs on the Sunset Strip (i.e., billboards, tall walls, and digital signs). The Strip is arguably the most iconic urban boulevard on the west coast, if not the entire United States. Situated entirely within the City of West Hollywood, it is the epitome of a bright-lights, big-signs corridor. The Strip has a long- established tradition of innovative signage, while simultaneously also creating value for property owners. Skid Row and Central City East Vision Plan, City of Los Angeles, California. Central City East (CCE) lies in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, adjacent to and overlapping Skid Row, the nation’s largest cluster of homelessness. The plan addresses a growing concern: “how does a downtown industrial district address the dramatic changes that are occurring at its doorstep, while also being subject to long-standing policies that make it the primary location of homeless services for the entire region?” Focused on land use, urban design, and economics, issues that are often placed on the back burner whenever the future of CCE is discussed. Transit-served Housing Capacity Analysis, Los Angeles, California. Led a research study for the Mayor’s Office and C40 Cities to analyze the ability of the City to expand its housing supply within transit-served areas and also proposed facilitating housing policy revisions. Los Angeles has a population of about 4 million residents, expected to grow by 500,000 people over the next 20 years. Fewer than half of the City’s residents live within a quarter of a mile of a Major Transit Stop. Western Avenue Vision Plan, City of Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Led a team of public realm and transportation professionals that recommended strategies to elevate Western Avenue into a complete street, where the needs of all users (auto, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit) are equally met. Western Avenue is the primary corridor of the South Bay, Palos Verdes Peninsula, and San Pedro communities in southern Los Angeles County. Park 101, City of Los Angeles, California. Managed a conceptual re-visioning of Los Angeles’ downtown with the proposed capping of the 101 Freeway which currently occupies a deep trench, severing the historic El Pueblo from City Hall and Civic Center. The study area covers 150+ acres, centered at Union Station. Awards Planning Award, American Planning Association – Los Angeles Chapter, 2017 for Vision Downtown Los Angeles. Planning Award, American Planning Association – Los Angeles Chapter, 2010 for Park 101 Freeway cap proposal. Page 1 Scott Eckardt, RPF Project Manager, Licensed Forester Scott Eckardt is a project manager and licensed forester with 19 years’ professional experience in the natural resource management field, specializing in forest resource and fire management issues in open- space and wildland–urban interface (WUI) areas throughout California. Mr. Eckardt’s project experience includes assessment and inventory of woodlands and forests; monitoring of woodland and forest resources on development sites; assessment of fire and fuel hazard conditions; WUI inspections for local fire departments; preparation of fire protection plans (FPPs) and community wildfire protection plans (CWPPs); GPS mapping; environmental monitoring; and preparation of assessment reports, oak woodland management, preservation plans, and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) technical documents. In addition, he routinely utilizes geographic information system (GIS) data and aerial imagery in mapping, analysis of resource data, preparation of project plans, conducting project impact analyses, evaluating mitigation opportunities, and modeling fire behavior and wildfire hazard conditions. Mr. Eckardt previously worked for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) in South Lake Tahoe, where he conducted fuel reduction, vegetation thinning, and forest rehabilitation projects. Project Experience Oak Resource Management Plan (ORMP) for Tejon Mountain Village, DMB Associates, Lebec, California. Served as a technical expert, performed qualitative oak woodland analyses, and conducted oak woodland canopy cover mapping and assessments in support of the ORMP for the Tejon Mountain Village Environmental Impact Report (EIR). In order to satisfy Kern County oak woodland impact and preservation regulations, an evaluation of oak woodland canopy cover is required for CEQA analysis. Project tasks involved detailed site evaluations, conducting and supervising oak type mapping and field sampling efforts, conducting detailed analysis of aerial imagery, and processing significant amounts of data with GIS spatial analysis tools. The resulting data were used in determining project impact/preservation ratios and informed the preparation of the ORMP. The project was approved by the Kern County Board of Supervisors. FPP for Tejon Mountain Village, DMB Associates, Lebec, California. Served as a technical expert, performed fuel loading and vegetation distribution analyses, and performed GIS-based fire behavior modeling in support of the FPP for the Tejon Mountain Village EIR. Detailed vegetation, topographic, and climate data were collected or retrieved and processed in developing GIS-based data files for inclusion in FlamMap fire behavior modeling efforts for the FPP. The resulting data were incorporated into the FPP and were critical in determining appropriate defensible space setback distances for proposed project improvements. Further, the fire behavior modeling results were critical in determining appropriate fire protection standards for buildings to be included as a component of the project. The project was approved by the Kern County Board of Supervisors. Education California State University, Long Beach MA, Geography, 2006 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo BS, Forestry and Natural Resources Management, 1998 Certifications Registered Professional Forester (RPF), No. 2835 Certified Arborist, No. WE-5914A Association for Fire Ecology Certified Wildland Fire Professional Professional Affiliations Cal Poly Forestry and Natural Resources Management Department Advisory Council Society of American Foresters International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Page 2 Fire Department Response Modeling for the Lytle Creek Subdivision, Hunt Research Corporation, Rialto, California. Served as the project manager and developed GIS-based fire department response models for the Lytle Creek Subdivision in Rialto, California. Working closely with Hunt Research Corporation, an analysis of the travel-time, response-coverage potential for existing and proposed fire station locations was conducted to determine coverage gaps and the percentage of the proposed subdivision that could be reached under current fire department response standards. Additionally, the coverage models helped to effectively place a new fire station. The analysis was conducted using Network Analyst tools within GIS software, and the output data included time (minutes) and distance (miles) totals from existing and planned station locations to the proposed project site. Arboricultural Consulting and Landscape Review Services, City of Elk Grove, California. Currently serving as project manager, providing the City of Elk Grove with on-call arboricultural and landscape architecture review services. Project tasks included third-party review of proposed landscape plans and tree removal/mitigation plans and development of recommendations for plan revisions to adhere to the City’s landscape, water conservation, and native tree protection ordinances. The project is ongoing through 2012. Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat FMP, Riverside Habitat Conservation Authority, Riverside, California. Served as a technical expert and assisted in development of the fire response and fuel management components of the habitat management plan. The project goal was to detail fire response and fuel management protocols aimed at maintaining or improving overall habitat for Stephens’ kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi). Extensive GIS mapping and fire behavior analysis was completed to determine appropriate response efforts by reserve management unit and identify potential hazards, access, and site constraints. An analysis of fire history, vegetation dynamics, and post-fire vegetative response was conducted in developing management strategies for the preserve. On-Call Arboricultural Consulting, Department of Transportation, County of El Dorado, California. Currently serving as project manager for on-call arboricultural consulting services for the County of El Dorado Department of Transportation. To date, has completed an arborist report for the Tennessee Creek Bridge Replacement project in Rescue, California, which involved an evaluation of existing trees on site and development of tree protection, pruning, and replacement recommendations consistent with the project mitigated negative declaration and the El Dorado County Oak Woodland Management Plan. In addition, currently providing management and monitoring services for an oak woodland mitigation project in El Dorado Hills, California, which involves tracking and reporting of oak establishment success, as well as oversight of Dudek’s in-house maintenance contractor, Habitat Restoration Sciences Inc. This project is ongoing, with oak maintenance efforts continuing through 2011. San Joaquin Reservoir Project, Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD), Orange County, California. Served as project phase manager and was responsible for implementing the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the conversion of the 3,000-acre-foot potable-water reservoir to a reclaimed water storage reservoir. Mitigation monitoring outlined in the EIR prepared for the site was conducted both during and following construction over a 12-month period and focused on protecting coastal sage scrub (CSS) habitat adjacent to reservoir construction activities. Impacts to CSS habitat were also mapped and quantified in the field, and monitoring reports were consistently submitted to IRWD discussing current conditions and recommendations for additional protection measures consistent with criteria set forth in the project EIR. Mitigation efforts also involved on-call inspection services and routine coordination between contractors and IRWD management personnel. Appendix B Insurance Acknowledgement/Certificate of Insurance The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CERTIFICATE HOLDER © 1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2014/01) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CANCELLATION DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE LOCJECT PRO-POLICY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: OCCURCLAIMS-MADE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES (Ea occurrence)$ DAMAGE TO RENTED EACH OCCURRENCE $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $RETENTIONDED CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR $ AGGREGATE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF (MM/DD/YYYY) POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY)LIMITS PER STATUTE OTH- ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ $ $ ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below (Mandatory in NH) OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ $ $ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSD ADDL WVD SUBR N / A $ $ (Ea accident) (Per accident) OTHER: THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: INSURED PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): PRODUCER ADDRESS: E-MAIL FAX (A/C, No): CONTACT NAME: NAIC # INSURER A : INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 8/24/2017 Hall & Company A/E Insurance Services 19660 10th Ave NE Poulsbo WA 98370 Dudek 605 3rd Street Encinitas CA 92024 Zurich American Insurance Company Steadfast Insurance Company 16535 26387 Allison Andrus License #0K93926 360-626-2007 360-598-3703 aandrus@hallandcompany.com 25 679282944 A GLO014631101 8/28/2017 8/28/2018 1,000,000 100,000 10,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 X X X X OCP/XCU/BFPD Cross Liability X A X XX BAP014632901 8/28/2017 8/28/2018 1,000,000 AX X X 0 AUC014640701 8/28/2017 8/28/2018 1,000,000 1,000,000 A N WC014633001 8/28/2017 8/28/2018 X 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 B Professional Liab Claims Made Contractors Pollution Liab: Occur PEC014631401 8/28/2017 8/28/2018 $1,000,000 Per Claim $2,000,000 Aggregate For Informational Purposes Appendix C Non-Collusion Affidavit Form NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, __________________________________ (name) hereby declare as follows: I am ______________________________ of _________________________, (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that tall statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: _______________________________________ Proposer Name: _______________________________________ Proposer Title: ______________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ Joseph Monaco President Dudek Joseph Monaco President Dudek 605 Third Street, Encinitas, California 92024 Appendix D Request for Proposal Evaluation REQUEST FOR PROPSAL EVALUATION City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services Consultant: ______________________________ Reviewer: ______________________________ Date: _______________ Refer to Scoring Breakdown on next sheet. Experience and Qualifications 30 Staffing and Scope of Work 25 Understanding and Approach 20 Cost 10 Unique Qualities 10 Presentation/Format 5 Total 100 Unique Qualities (Intangibles): (Explanation)________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Comments:_________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ TOTAL ______ Reviewer’s Signature ______________________________________ Contract Administrator's Initials _________ Date ________________ Dudek Scoring Breakdown: Experience and Qualifications - 30 points maximum 0-10 points: Consultant does not include previous experience or has very minimal experience. 11-20 points: Consultant lists previous experience, but experience is not relevant or similar. 21-30 points: Consultant lists relevant previous experience with similar work. Quality of staff for work to be done/Scope of Work - 25 points maximum 0-10 points: Resumes not included or staff has little to no experience with similar project. 11-17 points: Staff list includes resumes, but experience is not relevant or similar. 18-25 points: Staff has relevant experience and is competent to perform scope requested. Understanding of work to be done and approach - 20 points maximum 0-10: Scope of work is off topic or is missing more than 5 key elements. 11-15: Scope of work is understandable but missing a few key elements. 16-20: Scope of work well justified and most or all key elements are included. Cost – 10 Points maximum 0-4 points: Consultant rates significantly vary from standard rates for similar services, and/or there are significant errors in calculations. 5-7 points: Consultant rates vary from standard rates for similar services and/or there are minor errors in calculations. 8-10 points: Consultant rates are within standard rates for similar services. Unique Qualities (Intangibles) - 10 points maximum Presentation/Format - 5 points maximum 0-2: Scope of work is not or barely organized into tasks and subtasks, does not flow clearly. 2-4: Scope of work is organized into tasks and subtasks, but not in a clear logical order. 4-5: Scope of work is well organized into logical tasks and subtasks to complete a project. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Encinitas (Main) La Quinta Pasadena Riverside San Juan Capistrano CENTRAL COAST Santa Barbara Santa Cruz NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Auburn Oakland Sacramento HAWAI'I Kailua, O‘ahu OREGON Portland HABITAT RESTORATION SCIENCES A Dudek Subsidiary 800.450.1818 | DUDEK.COM | HELLO@DUDEK.COM