MSA ConsultingMSA Consulting, Inc. 34200 Bob Hope Drive Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
(760)320 - 9811
July 5, 2019
Cheri Flores
Planning Manager
City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
RFP Request for
Proposal for On-Call
Planning Services
Work and Cost Proposal
Table of Contents
Section A Qualifications, Related Experience and References
A.1 Firm Profile 1
A.2 Firm Values 2
A.3 Capabilities 4
A.4 Representative Projects 6
A.5 References 8
Section B Proposed Staffing and Project Organization
B.1 Proposed Staffing Summary 9
B.2 Key Personnel 10
B.3 Administrator 13
B.4 Organizational Chart 13
Section C Work Plan and Technical Approach
C.1 Understanding of Work Assignments 14
C.2 Methodology 15
C.3 Project Management Tools Required from City 17
Section D Hourly Rates
D.1 Payment Method 18
D.2 Hourly Labor Rates and Reimbursables 18
Letter of Recommendation – Municipal Staff Support
Resumes for Key Personnel
Insurance Acknowledgement
Signed Non-Collusion Affidavit Form
Addendum Number 1
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Section A: Qualifications, Related Experience and References
A.1 Firm Profile
MSA Consulting, Inc. (MSA) is a multi-disciplinary
Planning, Environmental, Civil Engineering and
Land Surveying firm providing professional services
to public agencies, tribal interests, non-profits,
schools and private develsopment since 1976.
Known prior to 2004 as Mainiero, Smith and
Associates, MSA is located in Rancho Mirage, California and is the Coachella Valley’s largest
locally owned, full-service planning, environmental, engineering and surveying company. MSA
became an employee-owned company with an ESOP Trust in 2016. In January 2019, MSA
welcomed RGA Landscape Architects, Inc., the Coachella Valley’s leading Landscape Architecture
firm, into the firm.
MSA’s local presence in the Coachella Valley has allowed our staff to develop an extensive
understanding of regional and local issues. This includes over 40 years of historic knowledge of
the City and the Valley across a range or disciplines unmatched by competing firms. Since many
of MSA’s employees are La Quinta residents, our team has a vested interest in maintaining and
enhancing the existing environment and systems of the City and the Coachella Valley and we are
available, ready and willing to respond immediately to any City need.
MSA’s Planning/Environmental department has ten staff members dedicated to providing
physical/ policy planning and CEQA/regulatory services for both public and private sector clients.
In addition, our planners have immediate access to in-house engineers, surveyors, and landscape
architects to consult on the technical aspects of land development. Included in the current staff
of 62 are nine registered civil engineers and land surveyors, two registered landscape architects
as well as AICP, LEED and QSD Accredited Professional certifications. MSA has an integrated GIS
monitoring and data management program and highly qualified support staff that stay in step
with the constant regulatory and technical changes that impact the broad foundation of planning
and environmental analysis.
Equipped with a state-of-the-art network of computer technology, computer applications, high
resolution color plotting, and surveying systems, MSA today continues to serve a broad range of
repeat clientele from small developers to the Federal government. Over the past 40 years, the
firm has successfully completed over 2,500 projects and studies, involving the environmental
analysis, planning, design, surveying or construction administration of public works, residential,
institutional, resort, or commercial developments. MSA is actively involved in assisting local
community groups through participation in organizations such as Urban Land Institute (ULI),
Desert Valleys Builders Association (DVBA), American Planning Association (APA), Association of
Environmental Professionals (AEP), U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), American Public Works
Association (APWA), and Desert Roundtable.
● Firm’s Complete Name: MSA Consulting, Inc.
● Date of Incorporation: December 21, 1976
● Type of Firm: California Corporation
● Address of Corporate and only office:
34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage
● Number of Employees: 62
● Hours of Operation: 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; M-F
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MSA discloses no conditions (bankruptcy, pending litigation, planned office closures, mergers,
etc.) or organizational conflicts of interest would affect MSA’s ability to perform the required
duties. MSA is not debarred, suspended or otherwise declared ineligible to contract with any
other federal, state or local public agency.
A.2 Firm Values
Client Service
MSA is committed to the highest level of Client service through understanding, anticipating and
addressing our Client’s needs before a problem can arise. We consider your success to be the
measure of our success.
We understand the importance of keeping projects on track. MSA has a proven record of
responding to demanding project schedules and only accepts projects when we are confident of
meeting timing commitments. As a full-service firm, MSA has the management and staffing
capabilities to meet ambitious project schedules and accelerate work levels, if needed, to hit
critical milestones.
Cost Effectiveness
MSA strives to apply resources efficiently, resulting in budgets proportionate to the total effort
and time required for a given project. We base this on a complete understanding of Client needs,
a clearly defined scope of work, and the application of all available cost saving measures. Our
managers are able to monitor each project budget at a detailed task level using accounting
tracking software. Project reports can be generated at any time to measure project performance
against each individual project budget.
MSA places a priority on accessibility and responsiveness. As a professional ethic, we strive to
return calls and e-mails the same day. Our central location in Rancho Mirage allows for quick,
face-to-face meetings with Clients situated throughout the Coachella Valley and convenient
access to all parts of Riverside County.
Quality is a part of everything we do, from the attention to detail evident in MSA’s state -of-the-
art headquarters to the knowledgeable staff we hand select to be part of the MSA family…and
ultimately in every deliverable we provide to our Clients. We have found that a commitment to
quality equates to few problems, faster approvals and increased profitability for our Clients.
Integrity is an old fashioned term that relates to steadfastness and solidity in one’s ethical and
professional commitments. As a company and as individuals, we seek to maintain a high standard
of integrity in the way we approach our work and how we treat our Clients.
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Local Knowledge
MSA has been part of the Valley’s growth since 1976. Consequently, we know the people, events,
and the fabric of change that forms the backdrop to our planning and environmental projects.
Our project managers have an average tenure of 14 years with MSA which adds greatly to the
stability and continuity of the firm and our working knowledge of local issues.
Solutions Orientation
Projects inevitably face challenges. For every challenge, MSA seeks to bring forward the best
possible solution or range of solutions for our Clients to consider. We see our job as more than
just providing a product, but rather as working alon gside our Client to bring each project to a
successful conclusion, regardless of the obstacles it may encounter.
Professional Networks
Successful projects require extensive collaboration and support, not just with the Client, but also
with other team members and regulatory agencies. MSA has developed positive working
relationships with private developers, resource agencies, utilities and local government
stakeholders throughout the Coachella Valley to facilitate a collaborative approach to solving
planning and environmental issues.
At MSA, we seek to continually improve the cost effectiveness, efficiency and quality of our
products by staying at the forefront of technological innovation. MSA updates its hardware and
software systems regularly to maintain the highest quality engineering, planning, environmental
and GIS plans and documents.
MSA is committed to integrating sustainable and “green” practices wherever
possible. We support LEED, are members of the U.S. Green Building Council and
promote innovative sustainable solutions both in our office and in our professional
work. We recycle over 80% of our office refuse stream. Passive solar techniques, shaded parking
and water efficient landscape are incorporated into our building and grounds and we have
worked with clients, agencies and through our professional groups to incorporate sustainability
into the built environment. MSA uses recycled paper and products and is always looking for ways
to reduce our carbon footprint. MSA is green and we invite others to join us.
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A.3 Capabilities
Municipal Planning Support
MSA’s planning staff includes lead municipal services contractors and allows us to offer a
practical, experience-based approach to Municipal Planning assignments. Combined with our
physical planning and environmental skills, MSA is able to provide insightful technical review of
current planning projects, constructive mediation with project applicants, and sensitivity to the
political realities that affect public planning operations. Also, because we understand the private
sector “from the inside”, we are able to recognize and identify “win-win” solutions that project a
business friendly reputation while also actively looking out for and protecting the public interest.
Services Offered:
▪ Project Reviews
▪ Staff Reports
▪ Hearing Presentations
▪ Applicant Interface
▪ Conditions of Approval
▪ General Plans
▪ Specific Plans
▪ Codes & Ordinances
▪ Technical Reports
▪ 3rd Party Reviews
▪ GIS Mapping & Management
Project Spotlight: Indian Wells Tennis Garden Expansion
Paul DePalatis, MSA’s Director of Planning, provided municipal support services to process plans,
prepare staff reports, perform CEQA analysis and make staff presentations for the Indian Wells
Tennis Gardens, a high-profile project known internationally for its spring tournament that
attracts world class tennis talent to the desert. The project included a new tennis stadium, grand
entry and expanded parking facilities. The project was processed through the City’s Architectural
Review Committee, Planning Commission and City Council in only four months to facilitate an
aggressive construction schedule. All parties involved were highly complementary of the quality
and effectiveness of the consulting effort.
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Environmental Support
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA)
and the Tribal Environmental Policy Act (TEPA). These documents are of critical importance to
developers and jurisdictions alike, since environmental litigation is one of the most common
avenues to delay or stop a project. MSA’s combined knowledge of the development and
environmental processes as well as significant field experience results in practical solutions that
keep projects on track while also reducing or eliminating their negative impacts. The team works
seamlessly with the lead agency to ensure that documents are timely, thorough, factual and
legally defensible. All necessary CEQA/NEPA/TEPA protocols are followed. Services offered
▪ Initial Studies/Environmental Assessments (IS/EA)
▪ National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
▪ Categorical Exclusion (CE)
▪ Negative Declarations/Findings of No Significant Impact (ND/FONSI)
▪ Mitigated Negative Declarations (MND)
▪ Environmental Impact Reports/Environmental Impact Statements (EIR/EIS)
▪ Tribal Environmental Impact Statements (TEIS)
▪ Statements of Overriding Considerations (SOC)
▪ Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Programs (MMRP)
Project Spotlight: North City Extended Specific Plan EIR (Cathedral City)
In 2014, MSA prepared the Environmental Impact Report for a 684-acre Annexation and North
City Extended Specific Plan, north of the Interstate 10 Freeway and one of the largest projects
in Cathedral City history. The EIR covered all required topics in the CEQA checklist, involved the
management and coordination of multiple technical consultants and was certified by the City.
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A.4 Representative Projects
The following representative projects performed exclusively by our team serve as a sample of the
expertise and success we can translate to your projects. Each of these projects was delivered to
the client on budget and in accordance with the required schedule.
On Call Planning & Environmental Services | Desert Hot Springs
MSA Consulting, Inc. is responsible for providing City with on -call planning and environmental
consulting services performed on behalf of various developers in connection with the
development of various projects located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City of Desert
Hot Springs. Services include environmental review, entitlement processing, plan check,
inspections, and miscellaneous tasks as directed by the City.
City of Indian Wells Municipal Planning Services | City of Indian Wells
MSA Consulting, Inc. was responsible for providing City of Indian Wells with professional
municipal planning counter services including staff assigned to counter services, preparation of
staff reports and other planning tasks as assigned.
Indian Wells Tennis Garden Stadium 2 Expansion | City of Indian Wells
MSA provided municipal support services to process plans, prepare staff reports, perform CEQA
analysis and make staff presentations for the Indian Wells Tennis Garden, a high profile project
known internationally for its spring tournament that attracts wor ld class tennis talent to the
desert. The project included a new tennis stadium, grand entry and expanded parking facilities.
The project was processed through the City’s Architectural Review Committee, Planning
Commission and City Council in only four months to facilitate an aggressive construction
Indian Wells Tennis Garden Stadium 3 Renovation | City of Indian Wells
MSA provided municipal support services to process plans, prepare staff reports, perform CEQA
analysis and make staff presentations for the Indian Wells Tennis Garden, a high profile project
known internationally for its spring tournament that attracts world class tennis talent to the
desert. The project included a renovation of Stadium 3 from a temporary to permanent bowl
style stadium. The project was processed through the City’s Architectural Review Committee,
Planning Commission and City Council in less than three months to facilitate an aggressive
construction schedule.
On Call Environmental Assessment (CEQA) Services | City of Palm Springs
MSA Consulting, Inc. is responsible for providing the City of Palm Springs with as -needed, on-call,
environmental assessment services performed for a variety of private and public sector
development applications to the City. Services include environmental review, initial study
preparation, determination of significance of environmental effects resulting in Negative or
Mitigated Negative Declaration and subsequent filings and Environmental Impact Reports with
comprehensive mitigation monitoring and reporting programs.
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North City Extended Specific Plan | City of Cathedral City
In 2013, MSA was retained to prepare a 590-acre mixed use Specific Plan and annexation to the
City of Cathedral City, north of the Interstate 10 Freeway and adjacent to the unincorporated
community of Thousand Palms. This included an IFD Study (Infrastructure Finance District) to
provide a regional drainage solution and explore use of the Study as a funding mechanism to
acquire property and construct facilities. MSA pro vided a full range of services, including
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) preparation, preliminary engineering, survey, conceptual land
planning, Specific Plan preparation, Water Supply Assessment, oversight of the IFD Study and
annexation processing through LAFCO. The MSA team represented the project with
presentations and outreach for Agency meetings and hearing (including CVWD and LAFCO) as
well as community workshops. Key challenges of the project included the need to address
complex hydrology issues and an extensive outreach effort to Cathedral City residents,
businesses, public agencies, and the Thousand Palms community prior to City approvals. In 2014,
the City of Cathedral City North City Extended Specific Plan was presented with the Economic
Planning & Development award from the Inland Empire Section (IES) of the American Planning
Association (APA).
Section 19 Specific Plan EIR Peer Review | City of Rancho Mirage
MSA Consulting, Inc. was responsible for providing a peer review of the Screen Check copy of the
EIR prepared by the Planning Center for the Section 19 Specific Plan. The comprehensive review
of the SCEIR resulted in modifications to the text to insure an accurate document based on unique
conditions within the City of Rancho Mirage and the standards and requirements of CEQA and
the State CEQA Guidelines.
Section 13 Land Annexation | County of Riverside
In 2011, MSA was retained by the City of Rancho Mirage to proceed with annexation of
approximately 193 acres of land under the jurisdict ion of Riverside County within the City of
Rancho Mirage Sphere of Influence, more specifically west and east of Bob Hope Drive, north of
Ramon Road and south of Interstate 10, a portion of Section 13. The annexation allows the City
to have direct influence over the design and service impacts on this property with an interest in
developing this area as a gateway to the City.
MSA provided Planning and Environmental services, including agency representation, necessary
to process the annexation through the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). This
included LAFCO Coordination and meetings as well as preparation of the Plan of Services
identifying the public facilities and service providers responsible to serve the project and detailing
the impact, cost and benefit of the service to the annexed property. In addition, a General Plan
Map and Text Amendment, a Zoning Map and Text Amendment, and Amendment to official City
Boundary Maps were prepared. Further, an Initial Study was completed resulti ng in adoption of
a Negative Declaration.
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Municipal Support Services | Desert Hot Springs
Under the direction of the City of Desert Hot Springs Planning staff, MSA provided Planning Case
Processing support on behalf of the City for multiple Medical Marijuana Cultivation facilities. MSA
Consulting, Inc. was responsible for Case Management, Agency Distribution for project review,
architectural and landscape review packet assembly, staff report and case presentation, Planning
Commission and City Council project review, documentation preparation and case presentation
for issuance of Conditional Use Permits.
Indian Wells Highway 111 Corridor Master Plan Project | City of Indian Wells
MSA Consulting, Inc. was responsible for providing the City of I ndian Wells with RFP technical
support services for the City of Indian Wells Highway 111 Corridor Master Plan project. Services
included review and organization of all relevant project documentation for City Council,
individual interviews with City Council members to establish project vision, determine interest in
master planning effort, and identify and compile comprehensive list of groups and individuals to
be included in outreach efforts of the process.
A.5 References
We encourage the City to contact our client references to confirm our team’s performance.
▪ Indian Wells Municipal Services (2015 – 2019)
Contact: Warren Morelion, Project Planner (Formerly City of Indian Wells Director of
City of Chino - 13220 Central Ave., Chino, CA 91710
Contact: Jon Berg, Senior Planner
City of Indian Wells - 44-950 Eldorado Drive, Indian Wells, CA 92210
▪ Desert Hot Springs Municipal Services (2015 – 2019)
Contact: Martin Magana, Director of Transportation (Formerly DHS City Manager)
Coachella Valley Association of Governments
Contact: Scott Taschner, Senior Planner
City of Desert Hot Springs - 65-950 Pierson Blvd., Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
▪ City of Cathedral City
Contact: Leisa Lukes, Cannabis Licensing Manager (Formerly Planning Director)
68770 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234
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▪ General Contact
John Peña, City Council Member
City of La Quinta
Section B: Proposed Staffing
B.1 Proposed Staffing Summary
The MSA Team would be led by Paul DePalatis, Director of Planning Services, who will serve as
Project Manager and the City’s primary contact. His contact information follows:
Mr. Paul DePalatis, AICP, Director of Planning Services
34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Mr. DePalatis will work closely with the City to ensure that project requirements are satisfied and
share in the day-to-day responsibilities in his respective fields of expertise. Chris Brizuela, having
provided staff support in multiple Cities, would be an integral part of the Team, will provide
immediate response to the day to day needs of the La Quinta Planning Department.
The Managerial staff and in-house individuals whose abilities best fit the City’s Municipal
Planning needs will assist Chris and Paul as appropriate.
Strong, uniquely qualified in-house teams would be assembled, based on each individual project
scope, to develop the most-effective approach for the implementation of the requested planning
services. Our project team consists of senior-level professionals who will oversee the required
services, taking a hands-on approach to maintain in-depth and intimate knowledge of each
project, while assigning day-to-day tasks to individually qualified support staff. This approach
improves overall project management, reduces the chances of costly mistakes and time delays,
and will provide timely, efficient services at an optimal value . . . resulting in successful projects.
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B.2 Key Personnel
Key team members are listed in the summaries that follows:
Paul DePalatis, Vice President / Director of Planning Services
Mr. DePalatis has worked as a professional planner for over 30 years with a focus
on the Inland Empire and Coachella Valley areas of Southern California. He joined
MSA Consulting, Inc. in April of 2013 after serving as Planning Director for various
major California planning, engineering and environmental firms and running his
own consulting practice in the Coachella Valley during the mid-2000’s. He earned
his Bachelor of Arts in Urban Planning from Stanford University in 1979. Because
Mr. DePalatis has served as a consultant to public agencies and private developers, he
understands the needs, goals and priorities of each. He has managed scores of private
development, CEQA/NEPA and municipal planning projects and clients have consistently rated
his customer service and product quality as among the highest they have experienced. Mr.
DePalatis is AICP certified, a member of the American Planning Association (APA) and the
Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) and, during his career, has also served as a
Planning Commissioner, a board member for the APA California Chapter, Inland Empire Section
and a general member of the Building Industry Association. In April, 2018, Mr. DePalatis became
a Vice President of the firm.
Christopher Brizuela, Planner
Mr. Brizuela joined MSA’s Planning Department at the end of 2015 after intern
and contract work with the Engineering and Planning Departments of the City of
Hemet. His previous experience includes work for the Cities of Temecula and
Perris. As Planner for MSA, he works closely with clients and Project Managers to
ensure a timely submittal and quality entitlement process, while also managing
sub-consultant and agency interactions. His other responsibilities include specific
plan writing, CEQA document research, and preparing GIS exhibits for presentations and senior
staff. Having worked in the public sector for multiple municipal agencies, he understands the
importance of a close working relationship between local government, developers, and the
public. Mr. Brizuela’s work in the public sector includes counter assistance, field work, grant
writing, staff report and ordinance writing, participation in development review committees, and
presenting at commission and council meetings. With his firm understanding of city government,
land use policies, and general plan and zoning regulations, Mr. Brizuela produces quality reports,
plans, and exhibits that are both communicative and effective.
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Michelle Witherspoon, Director of Environmental Services
Ms. Witherspoon joined the Planning Department of MSA Consulting in June of
2000. With a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from CA State
Polytechnic University, Pomona and a BS in Zoology from the University of
Oklahoma, she enhances MSA’s ability to help Lead Agencies as well as Clients in
identification of Environmental challenges and solutions that work. She was
instrumental in the formation and management of Environmental Services in
2000 and GIS Services in 2005. She is responsible for all aspects of the firm’s environmental
planning, including proposals, staffing and the technical integrity of completed documents. In
addition, Ms. Witherspoon brings an understanding of the convergence of natural systems,
technical research and planning. She is a LEED Accredited Professional, Registered Environmental
Property Assessor, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, Qualified SWPPP
Developer and holds a certification in Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust Control from South Coast Air
Quality Management District and CALTRANS 24 Hour SWPPP Training. As Director of
Environmental Services and a project manager for the firm, she oversees the preparation of the
firm’s environmental documents/plans including CEQA Initial Studies and Environmental Impact
Reports, NEPA Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements, PM-10
Fugitive Dust Mitigation Plans, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, Water Quality
Management Plans, Water Supply Assessments, Designated Waters Permitting and Phase I
Environmental Site Assessments.
Nicole Vann, Planner
Nicole Vann joined the Planning Department at MSA Consulting, Inc. in 2004. As
Planner for both traditional planning and environmental services, she
coordinates all components of the Department. She also works with the
Engineering and Survey Departments to coordinate the generation and submittal
of closely associated Environmental and Entitlement products. Nicole is involved
with projects from Due Diligence to Final Design, playing a vital role in managing
resources and documents as well as Client, subconsultant and agency interactions. She assists in
the preparation and processing of the firm’s Environmental and Planning documents/plans
including CEQA and NEPA Analyses, PM-10 Fugitive Dust Mitigation Plans, NPDES Construction
and Management Permits, Designated Waters Permitting, Phase I Environmental Site
Assessments and Specific Plans.
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The following table reflects the key MSA Consulting, Inc. team members who may be involved in
any of the City’s requests
Staff Member Title Description of Tasks
Municipal Planning Services – MSA Consulting, Inc.
Paul DePalatis, AICP Director of Planning Services
Project Manager; Senior
Oversight; Project Review,
Public Presentation
Christopher Brizuela Planner
Current and Advanced
Planning; Counter Support;
Public Presentation
Taylor Libolt Varner Planner Technical Writing; Public
David Dewegeli Design Development Coordinator Planning Exhibits;
Environmental Assistance
Derek Gallerani Environmental/Planning CADD Technician Environmental/Planning
Environmental/GIS Services – MSA Consulting, Inc.
Michelle Witherspoon Director of Environmental Services Environmental Documents;
Plans Content and Compliance
Nicole Vann Planner Planning and Environmental
Support; Public Notices
Jesus Herrera-Cortez Planner / GIS Specialist Environmental Writing; GIS
Asia Lee Assistant Environmental Planner Technical Writing/Support
Jonathan Reisfeld Assistant Environmental Planner Technical Writing/Support
Technical Support – MSA Consulting, Inc.
Mike Rowe, PE Vice President / Principal Engineer Senior Advisor; Engineering;
Grading; Utilities
Ron Gregory, ASLA Vice President/Landscape Architect Senior Advisor; Landscaping
Chuck Harris, RLS Survey and Mapping Director Senior Advisor; Survey and
For a complete description of the entire MSA Team please visit our website at
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B.3 Administrator
Paul DePalatis will serve as Firm Administrator to provide a single contact for the City. Paul will
oversee all contractual and planning aspects of the project and engage on selective assignments
requiring senior-level involvement. Chris Brizuela will assist with day-to-day services for the City.
B.4 Organizational Chart
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Section C: Work Plan and Technical Approach
C.1 Understanding of Work Assignments
MSA provides a full range of planning and environmental consulting services including
development review, environmental analysis, policy planning (general plans, specific plans,
zoning codes), and municipal planning staff support (staff reports, zoning ordinances, hearing
notices, applicant interface, etc.). The following describes the types of assignments anticipated.
▪ Project Management
Management of specialized and complex projects may include City-wide advanced planning
assignments (e.g. General Plans, Zoning Ordinances) or large, high-profile privately proposed
land developments. MSA has managed large project teams, prepared planning policy
documents and complex large-project CEQA documents. MSA can function in the capacity of
lead project manager including City Staff and contract consultants. The MSA team will work
hand in hand with City Staff to ensure the implementation of City goals and successful
completion of these projects.
▪ Planning Studies
The MSA team believes that good planners are professionals that can facilitate the decision-
making process by producing well written, comprehensive, and thoroughly r esearched
reports and analysis that allow decision-makers to implement the best actions for their
community. Effective planning requires thorough research and understanding planning
challenges from many perspectives. Our extensive project experience, in both the public and
the private sector, gives our team a unique perspective on the planning process as we
understand planning issues from both sides of the counter. Furthermore, our commitment to
accurately identifying and evaluating planning issues ensures that our work is insightful,
logical, and comprehensive.
▪ Development Reviews
The development review process is an essential part to producing well planned and quality
development that is consistent with City policies and the General Plan. The collaborati on
between a developer, the Planning Division, and various City departments is crucial for
creating a smooth, constructive, and efficient development process. Having both private and
public sector experience, the MSA team has the technical knowledge and p rocessing
expertise to provide appropriate project management, design review of specialized or
complex entitlement projects. The MSA team will provide municipal support and work
alongside as an extension to City staff. MSA staff will be available for the preparation of staff
reports, plan reviews, meetings, research, and other planning tasks as assigned. The MSA
team will also assist City Staff with meeting attendance and case presentation support for
City functions and public hearings as needed.
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▪ Parking Surveys
MSA is very familiar with the parking needs of residential, commercial, industrial and mixed
use projects and uses it as one of the key parameters to drive effective site design. There are
changes currently in process with traditional parking ratios due to the phenomenon of social
media ride sharing (Uber, Lift) and the effects of on -line retail on the traditional brick and
mortar centers. La Quinta has recently taken a progressive approach to revisit/reduce parking
ratios in commercial areas. MSA is prepared to assist the City with parking surveys to assess
development options, especially in the Hwy 111 commercial the corridor.
▪ Environmental Documents
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the National Environmental Protection Act
(NEPA) and the Tribal Environmental Policy Act (TEPA). These documents are of critical
importance to developers and jurisdictions alike, since environmental litigation is one of the
most common avenues to delay or stop a project. MSA’s combined knowledge of the
development and environmental processes as well as significant field experience results in
practical solutions that keep projects on track while also reducing or eliminating their
negative impacts. The team works seamlessly with the lead agency to ensure that documents
are timely, thorough, factual and legally defensible. All necessary CEQA/NEPA/TEPA protocols
are followed. Services offered include:
▪ Bluebeam Review Software
MSA has Bluebeam Revit software in house and is familiar with its application to plan review
& comment processes. MSA has used this software for entitlement projects in various
jurisdictions and is familiar with posting comments and using online collaboration to facilitate
development reviews.
C.2 Methodology
The set of techniques and methodologies used by MSA to manage projects are governed by the
high level of complexity and low error tolerance on representative projects. To make sure that
scopes for every project are completed in a timely and professional ma nner, MSA’s project
management will include the following processes.
▪ Contract Administration
Each individual agreement is reviewed in detail to ensure compliance with specific
requirements. Special attention is given to City processes, project products, financial
reporting and other requirements.
MSA Consulting, Inc. City of La Quinta
July 5, 2019 On-Call Planning Services
On-Call Planning Services P a g e | 16
▪ Project Initiation
Project Manager will hold a team kick-off meeting to coordinate contact information,
communication protocols; chain of command within both the City staff and teams;
anticipated project schedules; clarification of scope items, expectations of the City not
expressed in the RFP; known public concerns to be addressed; data collection from City;
identification of all products required, and other items as applicable.
▪ Project Timeline
For each assigned project, identify project milestones and target dates. Microsoft Project
software is available for use at project initiation if necessary for complex projects. Tasks,
resources, project interdependencies of events and tasks, and constrain ts are identified and
updated as the project progresses. The resulting Gantt chart easily displays the critical path,
project schedule and project status.
▪ Project Review
MSA possesses Blubeam Revu Standard software that will be used for electronic review of
plans and maps.
▪ Coordination/Meetings
Effective communication and coordination with City, Consultants, and subconsultants is
essential to properly manage a project to a successful conclusion and minimize conflict and
delay. This is achieved by close working relationships with key team members and regular
tracking of progress in working toward upcoming milestones. Participation in meetings will
occur as needed and MSA is centrally located in the Valley for prompt response to City
meeting requests.
▪ Mitigation
For environmental reviews, identify and address special project concerns and implement
mitigation measures, if applicable. Ideally, potential impacts would be identified early and
mitigations incorporated into project design to ensure most efficient project processing.
▪ Public Notification and Involvement
When appropriate, notify and engage the public of the project, and continue communication
throughout the project.
▪ Quality Assurance/Quality Control
MSA has an established QA/QC program to ensure deliverables are complete, accurate and
withstand internal peer review. This Program provides a strategy and framework for
continuously improving performance across the full spectrum of services. MSA personnel
consider it his/her responsibility to follow the procedures set forth in MSA’s Program, as well
as using common sense and good judgment during all facets of work.
MSA Consulting, Inc. City of La Quinta
July 5, 2019 On-Call Planning Services
On-Call Planning Services P a g e | 17
▪ Documentation
MSA understands the value of accurate and reliable documentation. From project inception
to record drawings, MSA documentation will be thorough including e-mail correspondence,
contracts, sub-consultant contracts, agendas, meeting notes, schedules, plans, specifications
and cost estimates. All documentation will be available in commonly accepted format.
▪ Financial
MSA effectively works with project support staff to monitor and control projects to achieve
financial targets. Team members will have the ability to effectively monitor the budget of
each project using company software that will track the budget at a detailed task level.
Project reports can be generated at any time to measure project performance against each
individual project budget.
▪ Mentoring
MSA mentors and coaches project team members and provides constructive feedback on
team member performance.
▪ Relationships
MSA maintains good relationships with City personnel, agency contacts, consultants,
subconsultants, and project team members through continual communication and
C.3 Project Management Tools Required from City
MSA will require the City to provide the following:
▪ Desk and internet access (when Staff required to be present at City).
▪ Access to City forms and sample documents in electronic format.
▪ Access to City data files if GIS mapping is requested.
▪ Staff collaboration and direction as needed to facilitate project work.
MSA Consulting, Inc. City of La Quinta
July 5, 2019 On-Call Planning Services
On-Call Planning Services P a g e | 18
Sections D : Hourly Rates
D.1 Payment Method
Charges to be in accordance with Section 2. Compensation in the City’s draft Professional
Agreement, should we be successful in our proposal efforts. Specific billing method to be
determined at the time of contract award.
D.2 Hourly Labor Rates and Reimbursables
The following is a summary of costs to provide the services outlined in the Request for Proposal
(RFP) for On Call Contract Planning Services and will be used as the basis for negotiating a
Professional Services Agreement (PSA):
Professional Planning Staff Hourly Rate
Director of Planning $220.00
Director of Survey and Mapping $220.00
Director of Design Services $220.00s
Director of Environmental Services $185.00
Design Development Coordinator $145.00
Environmental Planner / GIS Specialist $140.00
Planner $125.00
CADD Technician $115.00
Assistant Environmental Planner $105.00
Assistant Planner $105.00
Reimbursables Cost per Unit
B/W Print $0.10
Color Print $0.15
B/W Bond $0.50 per sq. ft.
Color Bond $0.75 per sq. ft.
Mylar $3.00 per sq. ft.
Labor, materials and incidental expenses such as vehicle mileage, postage, and toll calls are
included in the above referenced rates.
Consultant may request a price adjustment not to exceed the Bureau of Labor Statistic's
Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the LA/Riverside/Anaheim region for the prior 12-month period
effective on the anniversary date of the contract. Optional renewal years and any associated CPI
increases are at the mutual consent of the City and Contractor.
Paul has managed scores of private
development, CEQA/NEPA and
municipal planning projects and
clients have consistently rated his
customer service and product quality
as among the highest they have
Bachelor of Arts, 1979
Urban Planning
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
38 years
• American Institute of Certified
Planners AICP #6686
• Project Manager Certification
• Member, American Planning
• Member, Association of
Environmental Professionals
Vice President / Director of Planning Services
Paul De Palatis, AICP
Mr. DePalatis has worked as a professional planner for over
30 years with a focus on the Inland Empire and Coachella
Valley areas of Southern California. He joined MSA
Consulting, Inc. in April of 2013 after serving as Planning
Director for various major California planning, engineering
and environmental firms and running his own consulting
practice in the Coachella Valley during the mid-2000’s. He
earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Urban Planning from
Stanford University in 1979. Because Mr. DePalatis has
served as a consultant to public agencies and private
developers, he understands the needs, goals and priorities
of each. He has managed scores of private development,
CEQA/NEPA and municipal planning projects and clients
have consistently rated his customer service and product
quality as among the highest they have experienced. Mr.
DePalatis is AICP certified, a member of the American
Planning Association (APA) and the Association of
Environmental Professionals (AEP) and, during his career,
has also served as a Planning Commissioner, a board
member for the APA California Chapter, Inland Empire
Section and a general member of the Building Industry
Indian Wells Tennis Garden Expansion Planning
Palm Springs Aerial Tramway Modernization MND; Palm
California High Speed Rail EIR-EIS; Los Angeles
West Anchorage District Plan; Municipality of Anchorage,
Redlands General Plan and MEA/EIR; Redlands
Vista Laguna/Paradiso Project Master Plan/TTM, Indio
Centex Homes, Eastvale Tract Entitlements, Co of Riverside
Lennar/U.S. Homes, Murrieta Springs Golf Course Tentative
Tract Entitlements
Rilington Communities, Dolce; Palm Desert
Rilington Communities, Nickelcreek; Coachella
Shopping Center EIR; City of Riverside
Eagle Mountain Landfill EIR; County of Riverside
Crescendo Residential MND; City of Palm Springs
Rimrock Heights MND; City of Palm Springs
Seawest Windpower EIR; County of Riverside
Mountain Falls Golf Preserve EIR, Palm Springs
• B.A. Economics,
University of California Los Angeles
UCLA, Luskin School of Public Affairs
Urban and Reginal Planning
5 years
• Member, American Planning
• Member, Association of
Environmental Professionals
Christopher Brizuela
Mr. Brizuela joined MSA’s Planning Department in 2015
after contract work with the Engineering and Planning
Departments of the City of Hemet. His previous experience
includes work for the Cities of Temecula and Perris. As a
Planner for MSA, he works closely with clients and design
teams to ensure a timely submittal and quality entitlement
process, while also managing sub-consultant and agency
interactions. His other responsibilities include specific plan
and CEQA writing, municipal code research, and presenting
to City Council and various committees. Having worked in
the public sector for multiple municipal agencies, he
understands the importance of a close working relationship
between local government, developers, and the public. Mr.
Brizuela’s work in the public sector includes counter
assistance, field work, grant writing, staff report and
ordinance writing, participation in development review
committees, and presenting at commission and council
meetings. With his firm understanding of city government,
land use policies, and general plan and zoning regulations,
Mr. Brizuela produces quality reports, plans, and exhibits
that are both communicative and effective
Del Webb at Rancho Mirage (Section 24 SP), Rancho Mirage
Vista Soleada Specific Plan, County of Riverside
Trilogy at The Polo Club, Indio
Skyborne Specific Plan, Desert Hot Springs
Highway 111 West Specific Plan, Rancho Mirage
Hemet Downtown Specific Plan, City of Hemet
General Plan Zoning Cosistency Plan, City of Hemet
Temecula Valley Entrepeneures Exchange, City of Temecula
NPDES Review and Master Strom Drain Plan, City of Perris
Director of Environmental Services
Michelle Witherspoon
Ms. Witherspoon has over 20 years’ experience
understanding the convergence of natural systems, technical
research and planning for land development. She joined
MSA Consulting, Inc. in 2000 as a member of the Planning
Department and was instrumental in the formation and
management of Environmental Services in 2001 and GIS
Services in 2005. With a Master’s Degree in Urban and
Regional Planning from CA State Polytechnic University,
Pomona and a BS in Zoology from the University of
Oklahoma, she enhances MSA’s ability to help Lead Agencies
as well as clients in identification of Environmental
challenges and solutions that work. As Director of
Environmental Services and a project manager for the firm,
she oversees the preparation of the firm’s environmental
documents/plans including, but not limited to: CEQA Initial
Studies, Environmental Impact Reports, NEPA
Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact
Statements, Fugitive Dust Control Plans, Stormwater
Pollution Prevention Plans, Water Quality Management
Plans, Water Supply Assessments, Designated Waters
Permitting and Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. In
addition, she provides consultation for various projects
which have particularly challenging site assessment issues or
environmental constraints.
Morongo Entertainment Center – NEPA EA, SWPPP Cabazon
Imagine Schools – CEQA MND, Indio
North City Extended SP – CEQA EIR, WSA, Annexation, Cathedral City
Children’s Museum of the Desert- CEQA MND, QSD SWPPP, Rancho
Coachella Valley Housing Coalition – CEQA MND, WQMP, QSD/QSP,
College of the Desert Campuses – QSD/QSP, Palm Desert
Annenberg Center at Sunnylands – WQMP, QSD/QSP, Rancho Mirage
DHS Boys and Girls Club – QSD SWPPP
Indian Wells Tennis Garden – CEQA EIR Addendum, Indian Wells
Rancho MIrage Section 19 – CEQA EIR Peer Review, Rancho Mirage
Riverside Convention Center- WQMP, SWPPP, Riverside
Van Horn Youth Center – QSD SWPPP, Riverside County
CVLink – GIS, Coachella Valley
Palm Springs Park – WQMP, SWPPP, Palm Springs
On-Call Environmental Consultant – City of Palm Springs
On-Call Environmental Consultant – City of Desert Hot Springs
On-Call Environmental Consultant – City of La Quinta
Michelle Witherspoon joined MSA
enhance MSA’s ability to help Lead
Agencies as well as clients in
identification of Environmental
challenges and solutions that work.
M.A. Urban and Regional Planning,
Cal Poly Pomona
B.S. Zoology, University of Oklahoma
20+ years
• Coachella Valley Fugitive Dust
Control Certification CV1502-
• Certified Professional In Erosion and
Sediment Control #5971
• Qualified SWPPP
Developer/Practitioner #20152
• LEED AP BD+C #10187135-AP-BD+C
• Registered Environmental
Property Assessor #897425
• American Planning Assn
• US Green Building Council
• Association of Environmental
Nicole is involved with projects from Due
Diligence to Final Design, playing a vital role
in managing resources and documents as
well as client, sub-consultant and agency
Land Use Environmental Planning
Certificate; University of California,
Land Use Planning
CEQA, Map Act and Zoning Law
Project Review and Planning Practices
MSA Consulting, Inc. (11 years)
Nicole Vann
Nicole Vann joined the Planning Department at MSA
Consulting, Inc. in 2004. As Planner for both traditional
planning and environmental services, she coordinates all
components of the Department. She also works with the
Engineering and Survey Departments to coordinate the
generation and submittal of closely associated Environmental
and Entitlement products. She assists in the preparation and
processing of the firm’s Environmental and Planning
documents/plans including CEQA and NEPA Analyses, PM-10
Fugitive Dust Mitigation Plans, NPDES Construction and
Management Permits, Designated Waters Permitting, Phase I
Environmental Site Assessments and Specific Plans and LAFCO
North City Extended Specific Plan EIR
North City Extended Annexation, Plan of Service
Rancho Mirage Annexation, Plan of Service
City of Palm Springs Serena Park EIR
Imagine Schools, City of Coachella
Alta Verde, Linea, Palm Springs
Desert Palisades, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Lake
or Streambed Alteration Permit
City of Desert Hot Springs Municipal Services
City of Palm Springs Desert Palisades Specific Plan and EIR
City of La Quinta La Paloma Specific Plan
City of Indio Fred Young Specific Plan and MND
Borrego Springs Water District Wilcos Reservoir Initial Study
City of Palm Springs Monte Sereno Channel Permitting
City of La Quinta Coral Mountain Apartments Stormwater Outlet
Insurance Acknowledgement:
After review of Exhibit E, Insurance Requirements in the City’s draft Professional Agreement, MSA
acknowledges the requirements and can meet them should we be successful in our proposal efforts.
DATE: June 28, 2019
TO: All Prospective On-Call Planning Services RFP Consultants
RE: On-Call Planning Services RFP
The shall be considered as incorporated into the Request for Proposal (RFP)
for the above referenced services. Portions of RFP not specifically mentioned
in this Addendum remain in force.
The following are the City’s responses to the questions received:
1) Will the successful Consultant be prohibited from processing
entitlement projects for private applicants while under contract with
the City to avoid conflict of interest?
No, this would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure there
are no conflicts.
2) Would the City consider awarding multiple on-call contracts for added
flexibility, to have access to various pre-approved consultants should a
conflict arise?
No, the City intends to contract with one consultant to provide On-
Call Planning Services.
3) Is there an Insurance Acknowledgement form that is to be appended
to the proposal submittal?
No, there is not an Insurance Acknowledgement form. For the
insurance acknowledgement, a sample of your insurance COI
(certificate of insurance) is sufficient to satisfy this requirement.
Planning Manager