Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. CITY OF CITY OF LA QUINTA PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ON-CALL PLANNING SERVICES Prepared for City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Prepared by Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc.® 42635 Melanie Place, Suite 101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 341-4800 July 2019 TERRA NOVA PLANNING & RESEARCH, INC. 42635 MELANIE PLACE, SUITE 101, PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 341-4800 July 1, 2019 Ms. Cheri Flores Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Response to RFP for On-Call Planning Services Dear Ms. Flores: Terra Nova is pleased to submit this proposal in response to the City’s Request for Proposals for On-Call Planning Services. The Terra Nova team will be led by Nicole Sauviat Criste, who is also the primary point of contact for this proposal. I am a Principal with the firm, and have more than 30 years of experience in current planning and the preparation of Initial Studies, Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), and other CEQA and NEPA documents. My qualifications are provided in greater detail below. In addition to the current planning services we provide the City, Terra Nova has also been privileged to prepare your General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, as well as a number of Initial Studies and EIRs for a number of City and development projects. Terra Nova has been providing municipalities in southern California with planning and environmental review services since 1984, and to La Quinta since 1998. In addition to the services we provide for La Quinta currently, we are providing planning and environmental services for the cities of Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs, Rancho Mirage, Indio and Coachella on an on-call basis. We hope to have the opportunity to continue to provide La Quinta with planning and environmental services, and look forward to continuing our association. This proposal will remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of this letter. We also acknowledge receipt of Addendum #1. I look forward to having the opportunity to discuss our proposal with you further. If you have any questions, or require additional information, you can contact me at 760-341-4800, or by email at ncriste@terranovaplanning.com. Sincerely, Nicole Sauviat Criste Principal Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER LETTER A. Qualifications, Related Experience And References ..................................... 1 1. Terra Nova Qualifications ............................................................................. 1 2. Relevant Project Experience ........................................................................ 2 3. References ................................................................................................... 8 B. Proposed Staffing And Project Organization ................................................ 10 1. Terra Nova ................................................................................................. 10 2. Terra Nova Team Members ....................................................................... 11 C. Work Plan/Technical Approach ...................................................................... 14 1. Approach To Planning Support Services ................................................... 14 2. Proposed Services ..................................................................................... 16 D. Cost And Price ................................................................................................. 18 Appendix A Terra Nova Resumes .......................................................................... A-1 Appendix B Team Member Resumes ..................................................................... B-1 Appendix C Non-Collusion Affidavit ........................................................................ C-1 Appendix D Insurance Acknowledgement .............................................................. D-1 Appendix E Team Member Rates ........................................................................... E-1 Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 1 City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services A. Qualifications, Related Experience and References Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. was founded in 1984, and has maintained its primary offices in the Coachella Valley over the past 35 years. Terra Nova is a full service land use and environmental planning firm with a highly professional team of experienced urban and environmental planners and technical support staff. We are a California corporation whose primary office is located in Palm Desert. We also have a satellite office in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Our firm consists of 8 people, including 5 planners. We have no pending or active legal issues or conflicts of interest, nor have we ever been declared ineligible to contract with any federal, State or local agency. As regards the services specifically requested in the RFP, should Terra Nova be selected by the City, it will continue to be the City’s prime contractor for any planning assignments, planning studies, application processing and environmental documents, and would provide all project management and CEQA and NEPA document drafting. Terra Nova would also prepare all air quality and greenhouse gas analyses, Phase 1, 2 and 3 environmental site assessments, and water supply studies or assessments necessary for any given project. We currently use the City’s Bluebeam Revu software, and are familiar with its functions. Should technical studies be required for environment documents, including biological resources, cultural resources, noise, traffic or parking studies/surveys, we would call upon members of our consulting team with specialties in these areas. Information on our professional consultants has been provided below. 1. Terra Nova Qualifications Terra Nova has provided public sector planning, environmental and other analytical services to a wide range of public agencies, including all cities of the Coachella Valley, the Towns of Yucca Valley and Apple Valley, the County of Riverside, the City of San Bernardino, the City of Riverside and others. Terra Nova has provided on call planning and environmental services to the City of La Quinta continuously since 1998. The firm's experience is wide ranging and includes the preparation of EIR/EISs for major projects, Comprehensive and General Plans, Zoning Ordinances, and large scale mixed-use development. We have also prepared CEQA Initial Studies for dozens of jurisdictions and hundreds of projects, and NEPA EAs for the Bureau of Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 2 Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, California Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, the US Economic Development Administration and the US Department of Energy. 2. Relevant Project Experience The following summarizes recent relevant projects. References are provided in Section A.3. The listing below is a sampling of the projects Terra Nova has undertaken. As can be seen from the listings, we tend to be called upon for multiple projects by the jurisdictions in which we work. Most of the references listed below will be able to describe additional projects we have completed for them. City of La Quinta Projects Terra Nova staff have, since 1998, assisted the City with a wide range of current planning projects, as well as drafting most Initial Studies for projects processed through the Planning Division. Ms. Criste currently provides a staff presence at the City, and undertakes current planning projects as assigned. Her most recent projects have included the Indian Springs Site Development and Tentative Tract Map amendment, the Desert Club Apartments Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Permit, and the peer review of the Travertine Specific Plan EIR. We have also recently completed the Dune Palms Specific Plan Amendment Initial Study, which included a complex traffic analysis, and are currently helping to coordinate mitigation monitoring on the Eisenhower Retention Basin project. The following provides a sample of recent projects processed by Terra Nova in the City. We are responsible for all project reviews, completeness and design review letters, staff reports, conditions of approval and resolutions. We also make all presentations to the Planning Commission and City Council. Dune Palms & Highway 111 Specific Plan Amendment IS/MND Terra Nova prepared a detailed IS which led to a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a 10 acre portion of this 20 acre Specific Plan. We prepared the Specific Plan EIR for this City-owned project in 2010, when affordable housing was proposed for the southerly 10 acres, and auto dealerships for the northerly half of the site. Since that time, the affordable housing component has been constructed, but the northerly 10 acres have remained vacant. The City has sold a portion of the remaining land to a hotel developer, and wished to assure that future projects which could occur on the balance of the 10 acres would be covered by the Specific Plan Amendment. As a result, the IS/MND analyzed build out of the 10 acres to include the hotel and mixed use development for the balance of the property. We tiered off the certified EIR, but prepared a comprehensive traffic impact analysis to assure that the more intense development scenario’s impacts are fully addressed. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 3 Beazer Homes Watermark Project, City of La Quinta (2015 & 2018) This 20-acre, 82 home project required a General Plan Amendment, Change of Zone, Specific Plan Amendment, Site Development Permit and Tentative Tract Map. We prepared the Initial Study, in addition to being responsible for processing the case. Issues of concern included traffic, aesthetics and land use compatibility. The applicant has gone through several iterations of both the project’s architecture and site plan in order to satisfy City Council concerns. In 2018, we processed another Site Development Permit for the same project, when the applicant let the previous approval lapse. We have been responsible for all project reviews, staff reports, conditions of approval, resolutions and ordinances, as well as presentations to the Architecture and Landscape Review Board for the first proposal, and Planning Commission and City Council for both the 2015 and 2018 applications. Travertine Specific Plan EIR Peer Review Ms. Criste has been working closely with Cheri Flores, Planning Manager, over the last two years in trying to move this project forward. We have been actively participating in Specific Plan review, in addition to peer review of the Notice of Preparation, portions of the first submittal of the EIR document (which was stopped by the applicant), and coordination of the resubmittal of plans and environmental documentation. Eisenhower Retention Basin Initial Study The City purchased a parcel of land on Eisenhower Drive, immediately north of the La Quinta Resort, to install a regional retention basin designed to prevent flooding in this area during significant storms. We completed the Initial Study and coordinated with staff for its adoption, and have since helped to implement the project, including selection of biological monitoring, and coordination with two Native American tribes to assure cultural resource monitoring. City of Palm Springs Projects The following have been prepared under the direction of various City Planning Department staff. References are provided in Section A.3, below. In addition to our most recent work, Terra Nova provided “Fast Track” planning services for a number of projects being processed by the City. These included the Delgrano condominium project, the Hard Rock and Starwood hotels, the Eagle Canyon project, the Port Lawrence project, and the Palm Springs Convention Center expansion, among others. Our supervising planner for the City was Mr. Edward Robertson. Downtown Palm Springs Specific Plan Amendment and EIR Addendum Terra Nova assisted the City in the revision of this Specific Plan, which controls development for a site located at the corner of Tahquitz Canyon Drive and Palm Canyon Drive, formerly known as Museum Market Plaza. Terra Nova prepared the original Specific Plan and EIR, which is further described under Environmental Impact Reports, below. The Specific Plan Amendment focused on changed development conditions on the site, and addressed the addition of a City-owned park and a Virgin hotel to the development plan. The EIR Addendum updated environmental impacts, and focused on the park and hotel components of the Plan. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 4 Dream Hotel Project, City of Palm Springs The proposed project will result in the construction of a 175-room hotel and 30 condominium units on approximately 10.47 acres. We prepared both the original IS/MND in 2008, and the Subsequent IS/MND for the revised project in 2017. The project is located adjacent to a well-established condominium community whose residents had significant concerns about the increased traffic, noise and blocking of views of the local mountain range. We coordinated the preparation of traffic and noise impact analyses, as well as visual simulations for the project. These analyses, and the developer’s sensitivity to the neighbors, resulted in a number of voluntary mitigation measures, including the replacement of windows for units adjacent to the project to reduce interior noise levels. Linea EIR Peer Review Terra Nova was asked to assist the City when staff received a focused EIR that did not meet CEQA or City standards. Over a short three week period, we provided direction, instructions and corrections to the firm that had prepared the work, in order to assure that the City released a defensible document. This was particularly critical in this case, because the EIR’s primary role was to address the federally listed Casey’s June Beetle. The City also asked us to distribute the document to its responsible agencies, the State, County of Riverside and others, in order to relieve staff of that responsibility, given the expedited time frame. City of Rancho Mirage Projects Terra Nova has provided planning and environmental services to the City of Rancho Mirage since the late 1980’s. In recent years, we have completed a number of Initial Studies and have also supplemented staff resources in the processing of development projects. The following are representative of the projects we have been assigned. Section 19 Specific Plan EIR Addendum The Specific Plan was approved by the City some years ago, but has been dormant. Terra Nova was asked to prepare an Addendum to the certified EIR for a hotel and retail project located at the northeast corner of Bob Hope Drive and Gerald Ford Drive. The primary issues were associated with intensification of land use, and changes in proposed traffic patterns. Jaguar Dealership Project Terra Nova was assigned this project for processing. Staff was responsible for all application reviews, including site plan and architectural review associated with the project’s conformance with an existing Specific Plan. In this case, the project was exempt from CEQA as infill development. Terra Nova also was responsible for all staff reports, conditions of approval, resolutions and presentations to the Architectural Review Committee, Planning Commission and City Council. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 5 Rancho Mirage Chart House Initial Study The Chart House restaurant building was heavily damaged by fire in late 2010. The building, however, had been designated a locally significant historic structure, and required considerable analysis prior to demolition. Terra Nova managed the historic resource analysis, coordinated extensively with the City Attorney and City Manager, and completed the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Monterey Avenue Widening Project Initial Study: Terra Nova prepared all the environmental documentation for this project, which involves CalTrans funding. Included in the documents were an Initial Study, federal Categorical Exclusion, and special studies for noise, traffic, cultural and biological resources. Other Planning Projects and Initial Studies As described elsewhere in this proposal, we have assisted cities throughout the Coachella Valley and the High Desert in the preparation of environmental documents. Three representative projects are described below. Jupiter Distribution Warehouse IS/MND, Town of Apple Valley Terra Nova prepared an IS/MND for a 106.5-acre parcel to accommodate a 1,360,875 square foot distribution center and associated ancillary facilities. CEQA issues includes land use compatibility, aesthetics, air quality/GHGs, biological resources and hazards. The air quality and GHG issues centered on the concentration of heavy truck tips generated by the project. Biological resource issues included the protection of endangered Desert tortoise and Kit Fox, as well as the alteration of an on-site streambed. The IS/MND tiered off the North Apple Valley Industrial Park Specific Plan EIR (please see below) we had prepared for the Town, and took advantage of previous studies relating to water resources (including a WSA), and others in its analysis. Vineyard Resort Project, City of Coachella Terra Nova recently completed an IS/MND for this 48 acre site, which is proposed to include an RV resort with 186 lots, 100 condominiums and a 200 room, 11 story hotel. Issues of concern included the project’s location within an Alquist Priolo Fault Zone, traffic generated by the mix of uses, and aesthetics associated with the height of the hotel. This project included a combination of technical reports prepared by the developed, including extensive geotechnical trenching, and those prepared under our scope of work. The air quality and GHG analysis we completed was also impacted by the project’s net zero energy use goal, which included on-site generation. The site is also proximate to archaeological resources, and in an area of concern for local Tribes. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 6 Whitewater River Bike Path/CUP 16-001, City of Cathedral City This project involved the construction of a 2.5±-mile, 16-foot wide bike path along the Whitewater River in Cathedral City and Palm Springs. Cathedral City served as the CEQA Lead Agency with Palm Springs and the Riverside County Flood Control District serving as Responsible Agencies. Major issues included compatibility with existing flood control facilities and adjoining residences, biological resources, traffic and access, noise and visual impacts (visibility and privacy). Project construction was completed in 2018. Project Phoenix Initial Study, City of Twentynine Palms This Initial Study was prepared for a downtown revitalization project in the City of Twentynine Palms. The project included a General Plan Amendment, Zone Text Amendment and development plans for the redevelopment of a 12.8 acre site. The project plans were for a Community Center, Special Event venue, public parking lot and affordable senior residential units. Issues of concern included historic resources and traffic flow, as the project would intensify land uses in the area. Terra Nova managed the preparation of a historic resource assessment, and prepared the Initial Study. Environmental Impact Reports Terra Nova has prepared numerous environmental documents on a variety of projects in compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Washington’s State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The firm's experience is wide ranging and includes the preparation of EIS/EIRs for multiple species habitat conservation plans, major stormwater and bridge and highway projects, Comprehensive and General Plans, Zoning Ordinances, resource extraction, large scale mixed-use resort development and other projects. We have also prepared a variety of NEPA documents for the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, California Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, US Economic Development Administration and the US Department of Energy. DSRT SURF Specific Plan and EIR, City of Palm Desert This project includes a Specific Plan and EIR, both of which are being prepared by Terra Nova. The project is proposed on 17 acres of vacant land within the City’s municipal golf course, and will include 350 hotel rooms and a 5.5 acre surf lagoon. Terra Nova is responsible for the preparation of all technical reports, including biological resources, cultural resources, a Water Supply Assessment, traffic and noise impact analyses. The project’s traffic patterns, particularly during special events when large numbers of spectators are expected at the surf lagoon, results in a complex analysis Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 7 that includes mainline and off-ramp analysis at the Interstate 10 freeway. Noise and aesthetic issues are also important to the surrounding residential communities. Final, the efficient use of water for such a large water body in a desert environment is requiring a complex analysis of the water use for the facility, as well as an offsetting turf-reduction program on the adjacent golf course. CV Link Multi-Modal Transportation Facility, Coachella Valley Association of Governments CV Link is a 50± mile long multi-modal roadway that extends from Palm Springs to Coachella and recently completed construction of its first segment in Cathedral City. It intersects with numerous arterial roadways, parks and neighborhoods and is the new backbone facility supporting a much larger network of regional and local multi-modal facilities. Terra Nova prepared a CEQA EIR and NEPA EA, and was part of the project design team in resolving numerous design and location issues. Comprehensive demographic and socio- economic analysis conducted for eight valley cities and the county has also informed Terra Nova’s modeling of regional and municipal constraints and opportunities. Terra Nova also processed Clean Water Act permits and state streambed agreements for more than 30 sites impacted by CV Link. College of the Desert Indio Educational Center EIR, City of Indio The College of the Desert/Desert Community College District (COD) partnered with the City of Indio in securing a downtown block for the design and construction of the Indio Educational Center (IEC) of the College of the Desert. The three story IEC provides classrooms, laboratories, meeting rooms and administrative offices within the 40,000 square foot satellite campus. The ground floor includes approximately 10,000 square feet of retail commercial, including Starbucks, a book and supplies store, light dining and other outlets that serve the college and the surrounding downtown area. The EIR addressed land use compatibility, traffic management, air quality, drainage and utilities, sustainability and other issues. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 8 Museum Market Plaza Specific Plan and EIR Terra Nova prepared the Museum Market Plaza Specific Plan and EIR for the redevelopment of the Desert Fashion Plaza, in the center of the City of Palm Springs. The project at the time included the redevelopment of a defunct regional shopping center into 900 residential units, 300,000 square feet of commercial retail space, and 600 hotel rooms. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the project on historic structures in the downtown, the construction of 5-7 story structures in an area of one and two story structures, the fiscal impacts to the General Fund and the Redevelopment Agency of all project alternatives, and the impacts on existing public services. Hillwood Warehouse Complex EIR, City of San Bernardino Terra Nova prepared this EIR for the City of San Bernardino Economic Development Agency. The project consisted of two million square feet of warehouse space on 154 acres located adjacent to I-215 at the University Parkway exit. Issues of particular concern included the site’s previous use as a bomb-making factory during World War II; traffic associated with both City streets and the I-215 main line; the construction of a grade separation for existing railroad tracks in the vicinity and its relationship to the proposed project; and aesthetics from the I-215 right of way. 3. References Mr. Edward Robertson, Principal Planner City of Palm Springs 3200 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way Palm Springs, CA 92262 760-323-8245 Email: Edward.Robertson@palmspringsca.gov Terra Nova currently provides on-call services for the City, and has for over 15 years. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 9 Ms. Lori Lamson, Director of Community and Economic Development Town of Apple Valley 14955 Dale Evans Parkway Apple Valley, CA 92307 760-240-7000, ext. 7204 Email: llamson@applevalley.org Terra Nova last worked for the Town in the completion of an annexation in 2018. Current planning services have been provided as needed since 2005. Mr. Pat Milos, former Community Development Director (retired) City of Cathedral City 21076 Viking Avenue NW, #308, Poulsbo, WA 98370. 760-972-9405. Email: pmilos@cathedralcity.gov. Terra Nova is currently completing the City’s General Plan Update, for which Mr. Milos continues to represent the City, and has provided current planning services for the last 20 years on an as needed basis. Ms. Cheri Flores, Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. 760-777-7067 Email: clflores@laquintaca.gov. Terra Nova is currently providing the City with current planning services, and has since 1998. Mr. Mac McGinnis, Program Manager College of the Desert Bond Management Office 43-500 Monterey Avenue Palm Desert, CA 92260 760-776-7219 Email: mmcginnis@bond.collegeofthedesert.edu Terra Nova is currently preparing feasibility studies for the purchase of three properties by the College. We have been providing on-call planning services as needed for 14 years. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 10 City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services B. Proposed Staffing and Project Organization This section addresses both Terra Nova staff qualifications, and those of our technical consultants. As described above, Terra Nova staff will undertake all planning activities requested by the City, and would be principal author for environmental documents, air quality analysis, water resource studies, and Phase 1, 2 or 3 Environmental Site Assessments. The City’s Requested Services also include the potential for technical studies for biological and cultural resources, noise and traffic studies, and parking surveys. For these services, Terra Nova would work with its team of consultants, including: • Biological Resources: Wood Environmental • Cultural Resources: CRM Tech • Noise: Urban Crossroads • Traffic & Parking Studies: Urban Crossroads Company summaries are provided below, and key personnel resumes are provided in Appendix B. 1. Terra Nova Terra Nova staff work as a team on most projects, dividing responsibilities based on particular areas of expertise. If selected for this assignment, the City would have one constant primary contact, who will continue to be: Nicole Sauviat Criste Principal Telephone: 760-341-4800 Fax: 760-341-4455 Email: ncriste@terranovaplanning.com Ms. Criste’s resume is provided below. She will call on other staff persons as needed for individual projects. The resumes of these staff members are provided in Appendix A. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 11 NICOLE SAUVIAT CRISTE Principal and Project Manager Ms. Criste has been with Terra Nova since 1985 and would continue to serve as the Project Manager for City projects. Ms. Criste has been providing La Quinta with current planning and environmental services since 1998, and was also the Principal in Charge for both General Plan Updates (2002 and 2013). She has extensive experience in the preparation of planning and CEQA documents, including the DSRT SURF Specific Plan and EIR, Museum Market Plaza Specific Plan and EIR, the Dune Palms & Highway 111 Specific Plan EIR in La Quinta, and the North Apple Valley Industrial Specific Plan EIR. She also worked with Palm Springs as a contract planner on “fast track” projects including the Hard Rock Hotel, Mondrian Hotel (now Dolce), Oceo residential project, Eagle Canyon project, Port Lawrence and Delgrano projects, among others. In addition to La Quinta’s, she has conducted and managed the preparation of several General Plans, including those for the cities of Apple Valley and Banning. She was the Project Manager for the Patterson Park Neighborhood Revitalization Strategic Plan for the City of Riverside, and is currently project manager for several current planning projects in Desert Hot Springs. Among her public sector clients, Ms. Criste has provided land use and environmental planning services to a number of cities, including Coachella, Indio, La Quinta, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, Cathedral City, San Bernardino, and Rancho Mirage. Ms. Criste has also taught CEQA classes for City staffs, and prior to the demise of redevelopment agencies, for the California Redevelopment Association’s certification program for redevelopment professionals. Ms. Criste also works with a number of attorneys as a CEQA expert, providing technical analysis in support of court actions in southern California, San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties and Sacramento. Ms. Criste is a graduate of Scripps College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in European Studies. 2. Terra Nova Team Members Terra Nova Planning & Research would be the City’s prime contractor for both planning services and CEQA documentation. Should technical reports be required, Terra Nova would prepare air quality, greenhouse gas, hazardous materials and water supply studies/assessments. For biological resource, cultural/historic resources, noise and traffic or parking studies, Terra Nova works with long-standing partners, with whom we have worked on a number of projects. The following provides a summary of each firm’s expertise. Brief resumes of key staff members are provided in Appendix B. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 12 Wood Environmental – Biological Resources Analysis Wood Environmental & Infrastructure’s (formerly Amec Foster Wheeler) team of biologists have a collective 150-years of experience conducting biological resources services in the Coachella Valley. Each of their staff members has extensive experience in providing reconnaissance-level surveys, focused surveys for threatened and endangered species, wetland delineations, streambed impact evaluation, environmental impact avoidance advice, and construction support services. Wood has a diversified staff that can provide any type of biological resources support for all of the City of Palm Springs’ needs. Wood has extensive consulting experience in preparing and processing environmental documents and permits for a number of clients with similar types of projects for the last two decades in Southern California. Wood’s biologists have been a trusted Terra Nova team member for more than twenty years, and have worked together on the CV Link EIR, the South Palm Canyon Bridge expansion project, and the DSRT SURF EIR in Palm Desert. Wood’s client list includes Southern California Gas, Coachella Valley Water District, Caltrans, Phillips 66, Kinder Morgan, Los Angeles County Sanitation District, Southern California Edison, and the City of Beaumont. Wood’s depth of staff and our company resources enable us to offer a range of services and expertise applicable to each project phase from pre-planning to project completion. Wood biologists have federal and state permits to survey for all federally or state listed threatened or endangered species potentially occurring within the city, including Casey’s June Beetle. CRM TECH – Cultural/Historic Resources Analysis Established in 1993, CRM TECH was formed to provide a broad range of cultural resources management services throughout California. Services provided by CRM TECH include all phases of archaeological, historical, and paleontological investigations. The firm also provides a wide range of historical and ethnohistorical research, Native American consultations, archaeological, paleontological, and historical surveys, and mitigation and recovery plans. CRM Tech provided the historic analysis for the Project Phoenix Initial Study for the City of Twentynine Palms in 2011. Since its creation, CRM TECH has completed more than 1,700 cultural resources studies throughout the State of California, the majority of them in southern California. CRM TECH's professional team brings over 60 years of combined CEQA/NHPA expertise in California archaeology, history, paleontology, ethnography, anthropology, and historical architecture. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 13 Urban Crossroads – Traffic, Parking and Noise Analysis Urban Crossroads’ staff has provided traffic analysis studies in response to CEQA/NEPA requirements throughout California. Services offered by Urban Crossroads range from conceptual planning/feasibility studies to detailed design recommendations. Their team of experts evaluates both existing conditions and the effects of future development upon infrastructure requirements. To accommodate the needs of its clients, Urban Crossroads offers a wide range of traffic engineering and related services, including site plan development and access, traffic calming studies, trip generation studies, traffic impact reports, parking analysis, and traffic mitigation assessments. Most recently, Urban Crossroads prepared the traffic impact analysis for the Dune Palms Specific Plan Amendment, which analyzed a complex build out scenario, including a hotel and mixed use development. Parking analysis has included the Parking Assessment for the Washington Park Specific Plan in La Quinta, The Village Shopping Center Parking Analysis in Indian Wells, and the Apple Valley Commons Parking Assessment. Urban Crossroads provides a wide range of noise impact assessment including Residential Noise Studies, Transportation Noise Analysis, Construction Noise Analysis, Caltrans Noise Study Reports, General Plan Noise Elements, Existing Noise Barrier Analysis, Noise Monitoring, Abatement Design and Noise Control Compliance. Urban Crossroads has a strong technical background in the application and development of traffic noise prediction models. They utilize the latest noise modeling tools and have developed a number of proprietary tools using accepted highway noise policies. Noise impact studies have included tentative tract map/building permit approval, heavy industrial facilities, commercial/retail buildings, railroads, helicopters, aircraft, roller hockey rinks, and skateboard parks. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 14 City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services C. Work Plan/Technical Approach Terra Nova has provided services to the City of La Quinta since 1998. In that time, we have modified the manner in which we serve the City based on the City’s needs. We currently provide a staff presence two days per week, and as needed for meetings and hearings. We have also completed casework off-site, without maintaining a presence at City, and have completed Initial Studies and EIRs as needed throughout our tenure. If selected, we will modify our current activities to suit the City’s needs, based on consultation with City staff. 1. Approach to Planning Support Services Terra Nova uses an integrated team approach and is proactively engaged in issues identification and resolution, project facilitating and team coordination. Our services to legal counsel and our success with defensible analysis have been hallmarks of our work. We are a trusted provider of services to private development and government, and are especially focused on establishing common ground and consensus. Unlike larger firms, the Principals at Terra Nova remain actively involved in our projects, and take personal responsibility for the timely and accurate preparation of documents. The following describes our approach and methodology in performing our work. Integration into City Work Flow: Our long-standing relationship with the City has enabled us to develop a thorough understanding of the City’s workflow, and we have successfully integrated our tasks into City processes. This includes not only our understanding of the City’s commitment to customer service and prompt processing, but also extends to the technical systems which the City has in place, including Trakit and ETrakit. As a result, we believe that we are currently integrated into the Planning Division’s systems and processes, and would continue to participate seamlessly in the processing of applications, preparation of documentation, and preparation of environmental documents. Terra Nova’s long relationship with the City also enables us to provide institutional memory for newer staff members. Ms. Criste has been called upon to provide project history, past actions and documents that otherwise were not known by current City staff. She also is called upon to provide CEQA advice and consultation on a wide range of issues, from exemptions to contents and processing of EIRs. If selected, we believe that we are best qualified to continue to support City staff in this manner. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 15 Project Management and Coordination: The Principal in Charge for City projects would continue to be Nicole Sauviat Criste. She would be the primary point of contact for the City, would supervise both in-house staff and consultants, draft documents, review all materials, and would represent projects at City staff and public meetings. Ms. Criste would continue to complete case work as assigned, including the coordination with other departments and agencies, the preparation of staff reports and public notices, and the presentation of projects before the Planning Commission and the City Council. Terra Nova does not anticipate a change in its role at the City, and can accommodate the fluctuations in work load and assist the Planning Division in processing all types of projects. Terra Nova would also be available to continue to prepare Initial Studies for other staff’s projects as needed, as we currently do. Terra Nova’s management style, as described elsewhere in this proposal, is to become an extension of City staff to the greatest extent possible. Because of our long-standing relationship with the City, we understand the City’s requirements, and keep projects on track through personal contacts and project timelines. We take responsibility for our projects, and operate independently to the greatest extent possible, so as to minimize the impact on City staff. Administrative Services: Terra Nova provides on-going administrative support to the City through project coordination functions and the preparation of notices and assistance with approval documentation, such as staff reports and resolutions. Terra Nova can also assume responsibility for the preparation and mailing of environmental documents and notices, including the Notice of Intent to Adopt a (Mitigated) Negative Declaration (NOI), Notice of Preparation (NOP), Notices of Completion (NOC), Notice of Availability of a Draft EIR and Notice of Determination (NOD). We undertake these activities on request to assist City staff as needed. EIR or Initial Study Drafting: Terra Nova has worked with City staff to prepare Initial Studies and EIRs for projects assigned to the firm, and for those being processed by other Planning Division staff members. Terra Nova takes great care in preparing documents that are understandable to the lay person as well as the professional planner. We also detail existing conditions and impacts to make clear what the build out of the project will do to impact both the built and natural environment, and describe mitigation measures clearly to show how the effects of the project will be reduced. Technical Analysis and Special Studies: Research and analysis associated with environmental issues will identify current conditions and focus on the potentially significant impacts associated with the implementation of a proposed project. We actively participate in the preparation of special studies for each project, whether prepared by our firm or a specialist, and take responsibility for the findings of our sub- consultants. All reports will be reviewed internally for accuracy, completeness and adequacy prior to being submitted to the City. We have worked with our team of consultants for a number of years, and have developed a clear understanding with them of the quality of work we expect. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 16 Peer Review and Legally Defensible Environmental Documents As with all CEQA projects, care must be taken to assure the highest level of research, documentation and analysis. Also essential is a thorough, multi-disciplinary approach that keeps special studies and other analysis on point. Terra Nova's approach to legally defensible environmental analysis and documentation has served our clients well. In the case of La Quinta, the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the Swenson Residence CUP, which was challenged by a neighboring property owner, was upheld by the Courts (including the Court of Appeal) in 2017 and 2018. In addition to preparing CEQA documents, the City has also called on Terra Nova to peer review applicants’ Initial Studies and EIRs, including the recent Shopoff Centre at La Quinta Initial Study, and the currently active Travertine Specific Plan EIR. We have a strong understanding of the requirements of CEQA, and assure that all the City’s environmental documents are completed to the highest standards. Terra Nova staff has also provided expert witness testimony in state and federal courts on planning and environmental issues. Ms. Criste has taught CEQA classes for Planning Department staffs, and also for the California Redevelopment Association, before the demise of redevelopment in California. She is frequently asked to provide peer review of other firms’ documents, and has been a resource to other cities’ Planning staff when CEQA questions arise. 2. Proposed Services This section provides a description of the tasks which we understand the City to need as part of this on-call service contract. 1. Case Management: At the City’s option, Terra Nova will undertake specific application assignments as needed. These could range from single family plan checks to General Plan and Zoning map or text amendments. Terra Nova will take responsibility for all case activities, including: • the distribution of project plans intra- and inter-agency; • the scheduling of applicant meetings; • the review of applications for completeness and design adequacy; • the preparation of public hearing and CEQA notices; • the preparation of staff reports, resolutions, ordinance, conditions or approval and other materials for hearing; • the presentation of projects before the Planning Commission and City Council; • the completion of final resolutions and conditions of approval upon approval by the reviewing authority; and • the logging of projects throughout the process in the City’s Trakit system. 2. On-Call Tasks: Terra Nova has taken on, and would propose to continue with the preparation of special projects, ranging from assistance with the annual General Plan status report to the State Department of Housing and Community Development Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 17 to the coordination of landscape architects and sign companies for the City’s current Auto Dealership improvement program. Special projects may also include CEQA documentation and mitigation monitoring for special projects, such as the Eisenhower Drive Retention Basin. 3. CEQA Documents: Ms. Criste would be responsible for peer review of other firms’ documents when required. In addition, Ms. Criste would assign the preparation of exemptions, Initial Studies and EIRs to in-house staff, and provide quality control for all documents. She would also be responsible for the management and review of all technical studies prepared by our team of sub-consultants, when needed. The clear and concise documentation of the project description, current environmental conditions and project impacts is critical to the successful completion of any CEQA document. We also detail existing conditions and impacts to make clear what the build out of the project will do to impact both the built and natural environment, and describe mitigation measures clearly to show how the effects of the project will be reduced. Direct and indirect impacts on the environment and community are identified and described in detail. Immediate near-term impacts resulting from the build out of a project, as well as long-term and cumulative impacts, when applicable, are assessed and described. This assessment includes a discussion of all relevant specifics, environmental and man-made resources, alterations to physical systems, traffic, drainage issues, changes induced by land use patterns and health and safety issues. Where necessary and appropriate, special studies are prepared to address these technical issues. Our past experience with the City tells us that some projects will provide the City with special studies, while others will require that we manage and/or complete them. Either approach can easily be integrated into our review and document drafting processes. 4. Parking Analysis: There are two types of analysis which could constitute a parking survey for the City. The first is the inventory and usage analysis of existing parking areas, such as the Village parking survey regularly undertaken by City staff. The second is the analysis of shared parking and parking reductions sometimes requested by applicants. In the first case, Terra Nova would provide staff to inventory and quantify usage of parking spaces, and work with the City’s existing models to report on Village parking conditions. In the second case, we would call on Urban Crossroads to prepare or peer review an applicant’s request. These studies are undertaken using established and well-regarded technical resources, including the Institute of Traffic Engineers and the Urban Land Institute, both of which have extensively documented parking demand for a broad range of land uses. 5. Use of Bluebeam Revue: As part of its current services, Terra Nova currently uses the City’s Bluebeam Revue program to comment on applications. As the City moves more and more toward ETrakit submittals, the use of the Revue tool is essential to providing applicants’ with comprehensive comments from Planning and Public Works. Terra Nova would continue to expand its use of Revue as needed for assigned applications, and when asked to review projects by Public Works staff. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services 18 City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services D. Cost and Price Terra Nova’s hourly rates are provided below. Any technical studies would be scoped and budgeted on a case-by-case basis, with a not-to-exceed total cost. Our consulting team’s hourly rates are provided in Appendix E. Terra Nova would provide the City with a monthly invoice, including itemized billings for each project or task undertaken during the previous month. Terra Nova Fee Schedule Staff Member Hourly Rate Principal Planner $ 195.00 Senior Planner $ 160.00 Associate Planner $ 140.00 Assistant Planner $ 115.00 Graphic Design Specialist $ 65.00 Administrative Assistant $ 45.00 Photo Copies (8.5” X 11” BW) $ 0.15 ea. (8.5” X 11” Color) $ 0.30 ea. (11” X 17” BW) $ 0.30 ea. (11” X 17” Color) $ 0.60 ea. Large Format Plots BW $ 1.00/SF Color $ 5.00/SF Telephone Toll Charges Cost FAX Transmittals Cost Reproduction, Special photographic services, document printing, aerial photogrammetry, postage, etc. Cost Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services A-1 Appendix A Terra Nova Resumes Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services A-2 JOHN D. CRISTE Principal Planner Mr. Criste has more than 35 years’ experience in land use, urban and regional planning, environmental assessment and impact analysis, land use feasibility analysis, and energy development management and regulation. He has worked in the Southern California region since 1979. He has extensive experience in public policy planning regarding land use and environmental issues on local, state and federal levels. His experience covers all aspects of CEQA and NEPA. He has been a CEQA instructor for the Association of Environmental Professionals and the American Planning Association. Mr. Criste was Principal in Charge for the College of the Desert EIR in Palm Springs, Panorama Specific Plan and EIR in the east Valley, College of the Desert (COD) Educational Center EIR in Indio, and Paradise Valley Specific Plan EIR in Riverside County. He provides on-going planning services to Eisenhower Medical Center, COD and other institutional clients. His experience includes management of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and Mirada Resort EIRs in Rancho Mirage, the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan EIR/EIS and the Stone Eagle EIR. Mr. Criste graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Architectural History from Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). ANDREA RANDALL Senior Planner Since joining Terra Nova in 1998, Ms. Randall has been actively involved in the preparation of General Plans and associated environmental analysis for a number of cities within Riverside County; as well as environmental assessments for planned communities and major recreation projects. Ms. Randall has also assisted in the preparation and processing of a variety of NEPA and CEQA documents, and has secured Streambed Alteration Agreements from the California Department of Fish & Game and Section 404 Permits from the Army Corps of Engineers. Most recently, she is a key staff member in the preparation of Initial Studies for Terra Nova’s client cities, and in the preparation of the EIR for the College of the Desert Palm Springs campus and was lead planner for the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission Bighorn Sheep Barrier EIR. She also had a primary role in the preparation of the Valley-wide CV Link EIR. She was primary author of documentation related to a 10,000-acre annexation and associated analysis on lands near the Colorado River, and has assisted in securing state and federal incidental take permits for major developments in the Coachella Valley of Southern California. Ms. Randall has also conducted predevelopment planning analysis Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services A-3 for a variety of projects, including the City of Cathedral City Sphere of Influence Fiscal Impact Analysis, Paradise Valley Market Feasibility Study and Fiscal Impact Analysis, the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Fiscal Impact Analysis, and analyses for a number of annexations and residential subdivisions. Ms. Randall graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Urban Affairs and Planning from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. KELLY CLARK Associate Planner Ms. Clark joined Terra Nova in 2011 and since that time she has provided research and analysis required for CEQA and NEPA documents, local green building policies and various development projects throughout the Coachella Valley, including Initial Studies for projects in Desert Hot Springs, Palm Desert, San Bernardino and Twenty-nine Palms. She also contributed to the preparation of the College of the Desert Palm Springs Campus and Indio Educational Center EIRs. She has developed a strong technical understanding of air quality and greenhouse gas modeling, and prepares air quality models, including most of the air quality and GHG analyses for more than 50 Initial Studies, Mitigated Negative Declarations, EIR and NEPA documents. She has recently completed or is currently the project manager for a variety of projects, including the CEQA EIR and permitting for the Coachella Valley Stormwater Improvement project, and the Coachella Valley Water District's Chromium-6 Compliance Project. Ms. Clark was a part of the planning team for the Rancho Cucamonga Foothill Boulevard BRT corridor study, a SCAG Compass Blueprint Demonstration Project. She has also prepared more than a dozen Water Supply Assessments in the counties of Riverside, Kern, San Bernardino and Los Angeles. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Conservation and Resource Studies. Ms. Clark’s coursework emphasized sustainable urban development, environmental policy and community design. KHADIJA NADIMI Assistant Planner Ms. Nadimi has been with Terra Nova since 2015. She is a Fulbright Scholar from Pakistan, and a graduate of California State University, Fullerton, receiving a Master of Science degree in geological sciences. Prior to coming to this country, she completed her first master’s degree in geophysics from Quaid-i-Azam University in Pakistan. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services A-4 Ms. Nadimi conducts planning research and land use planning studies, and prepares technical environmental reports, manages special projects, researches planning issues and regulations, conducts field studies, and provides data and analysis on land use and planning issues. Ms. Nadimi was a team member for the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission’s Bighorn Sheep Barrier EIR, the recently completed CV Link EIR and CWA permitting, and has participated in the preparation of several initial studies for residential and commercial projects in La Quinta, Palm Springs, Hemet and Rancho Mirage. Ms. Nadimi has also developed valuable permitting skills, conducting hydrology meta- analysis assisting with the preparation of materials for the US Army Corps of Engineers for Section 404 permits, US EPA and California Regional Water Quality Control Board CWA 401 certifications. She has also prepared and process a number of streambed alteration agreements pursuant to Section 1600 of the California Fish and Game Code. Ms. Nadimi has represented Phi Beta Delta “The Honor Society for International Students” as a Student President and served Delta Epsilon Iota (Academic Honor Society) as an Internal Liaison. She is a member of the American Planning Association (APA) and the South Coast Geological Society. QUIN KINNEBREW, CEG, REA II Senior Geologist/Environmental Site Assessments Mr. Kinnebrew will provide environmental site assessment services and associated technical support if needed. Mr. Kinnebrew’s project experience includes environmental site assessments (ESAs), contaminated site investigations, and site remediation. He has conducted more than 350 Phase I ESAs in Southern California for commercial, industrial, residential, oil fields, railroads, and roadway properties. He has also conducted more than 500 soil, soil gas, and groundwater investigations throughout Southern California. Mr. Kinnebrew also has extensive experience in the preparation of Remedial Action Plans for the removal of contaminants in soil and/or groundwater. Contaminants of concern have included gasoline, diesel, volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, metals, pesticides, herbicides, and waste oil. Remedial alternatives used have included vapor extraction technologies, injection of hydrogen releasing compounds, injection of oxygen releasing compounds, and excavation and offsite disposal. Each completed remedial action conducted to date by Mr. Kinnebrew has received agency closure. He holds a Masters of Science in Geology and a Bachelor's of Science in Engineering, both from Texas A&M University. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services B-1 Appendix B Team Member Resumes Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services B-2 Wood Environmental – Biological Resources Analysis Mike Wilcox has over 25 years of professional consulting experience conducting a wide variety of biological studies throughout the southwestern United States (California, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico). Mr. Wilcox authors Biological Assessments (BAs), habitat conservation plans (HCPs), Natural Environmental Studies (NESs), Habitat Mitigation and Management Plans (HMMPs), Determinations of Biological Equivalency or Superior Preservation (DBESP) and Consistency Analyses reports for Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (WRMSHCP) and Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP) compliance, relocation and translocation plans for special-status species such as the Peninsular Bighorn Sheep and burrowing owl, habitat suitability assessments for sensitive species, and comprehensive field inventories of flora and fauna (vertebrates and invertebrates). Mr. Wilcox has been authorized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to independently perform focused surveys for the federally endangered Casey’s June Beetle. Nathan Moorhatch has over 26 years consulting experience performing a wide variety of biological surveys throughout California, spanning from the Sacramento Valley to the International Border. Mr. Moorhatch has conducted rare plant species surveys; plant species inventory and vegetation mapping; revegetation plan preparation and implementation; general wildlife species surveys; focused sensitive wildlife species surveys and habitat quality assessments; sensitive wildlife species monitoring and relocations; small mammal trapping studies; Corps Section 404 waters/wetlands delineation and jurisdictional determination; CDFG 1601-3 stream and riparian habitat assessments and jurisdictional determinations; and preparation of biological assessment reports and sections of EIS and EIR documents for federal, state, and/or county agency CEQA and NEPA environmental review. Mr. Moorhatch has been authorized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to independently perform focused surveys for the federally endangered Casey’s June Beetle. Scott Crawford has conducted biological resource surveys throughout California since 1994. He is experienced in conducting general biological resources assessments, feasibility studies, wetland delineations, protocol surveys for sensitive plant and wildlife species, regulatory permitting, and mitigation negotiations. Mr. Crawford is well seasoned in GIS (Geographic Information Systems), vegetation mapping, and forensic plant community identification. He is well experienced in preparing biological reports as well as biological sections for General Plans, Specific Plans, and EIR/EISs. He previously worked with the Aqua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians and completed a vegetation map for all of the Indian Reservation Lands. He also conducted focused surveys for Coachella Valley milk-vetch, palm springs pocket mouse, Coachella Valley round-tailed ground squirrel, and flat-tailed horned lizard. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services B-3 CRM TECH – Cultural/Historic Resources Analysis Bai ‘Tom’ Tang has over 25 years cultural resources management experience, and is a recognized expert in California history and architectural history. He has authored, co- authored, and contributed to hundreds of cultural resource management documents subject to both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Mr. Tang has been involved in a wide range of project types, including the Cathedral Canyon and Ramon Road bridge projects, freeway and highway improvement projects, railroad improvements projects, large scale residential development ventures, downtown redevelopment projects, the cultural resource elements of master plans and general plans, and other projects. He has conducted research and managed large- and small-scale projects for the CVWD, La Quinta and all of the other Coachella Valley cities, Riverside County Transportation Department, the Mojave Desert Resource Conservation District, the Victor Valley Wastewater Reclamation Authority, County of San Bernardino, City of San Bernardino, SANBAG, Caltrans, the Bureau of Land Management, the Federal Communications Commission, and others. Michael Hogan is a CRM TECH Principal Investigator and Project Manager. He received a B.S. degree with honors in Anthropology from the University of California, Riverside, in 1981, and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of California, Riverside in 1991. Mr. Hogan has extensive professional experience as a Principal Investigator and Archeologist. He has conducted and managed a number of cultural resources investigations throughout southern California and especially the Coachella Valley. His familiarity with settlement and exchange patterns, specialization and stratification, Native American Culture, and cultural diversity ensure thoughtful review and evaluation of cultural resources. Bai "Tom" Tang received a B.A. degree in History from the Northwestern University in Xi'an, China, in 1982, and a M.A. in American History from Yale University in 1987. Between 1988 and 1992, Mr. Tang underwent further training as a public historian and cultural resources specialist in the graduate program in Historical Resources Management at the University of California, Riverside. Mr. Tang has been a Principal Investigator with CRM Tech since 2002. He is one of the foremost architectural historians in California and is able to record, evaluate, and, when necessary, create a plan to mitigate project effects to historic-period buildings. His experience includes numerous General Plans, including the cities of Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, La Quinta and many others. Other projects directly associated with Terra Nova include the CV Link EIR, Chicago Linden Neighborhood Strategic Plan in Riverside, and the Apple Valley Industrial Specific Plan. Mr. Tang exceeds the Secretary of Interior's Standards for historians and architectural historians. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services B-4 Urban Crossroads – Traffic, Parking and Noise Analysis John Kain, AICP would be the Principal-in-Charge for projects in La Quinta, and is particularly skilled at the integration of traffic projections with meaningful designs that improve elements of the built environment and expand our mobility choices. Mr. Kain’s 40 years of professional experience stretches through the spectrum of transportation domains. These include plans for new communities, traffic impact analyses, non- motorized transportation plans, parking studies, and “complete streets” strategies. Mr. Kain is a Fellow in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Marlie Whiteman, PE would be the Lead Modeler/Engineer for La Quinta projects. She has worked professionally in transportation planning and traffic engineering since 1995, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from the University of California, Irvine. She has worked on a variety of transportation planning and traffic engineering projects, with experience in travel demand forecasting, traffic impact analysis, mobility assessments, shared parking, transit usage, non-motorized (bicycle / pedestrian) demand, and vehicle miles travelled (VMT) projections. Bill Lawson, P.E., INCE, is a Registered Professional Traffic Engineer, and a Certified Acoustical Consultant. Mr. Lawson maintains a wide range of technical expertise that includes transportation planning, traffic engineering, neighborhood traffic control, and noise impact analysis. Mr. Lawson has over 24 years of community noise experience and has personally prepared and directed the development of well over 2,000 noise study reports throughout southern California. His work as a noise consultant focuses on helping communities identify and control noise impacts by developing meaningful solutions to complex noise issues. Alex Wolfe, INCE, has worked on over 500 noise studies for Urban Crossroads. He has been involved in the analysis and reporting of noise impacts to and from development projects using the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Noise Model (TNM) and utilizes Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to graphically represent existing and future noise environments. His technical expertise includes environmental noise measurements and modeling. He received his bachelor’s degree in Urban Studies from the University of California, Irvine in 2012, and is a registered Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) USA Member. Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services C-1 Appendix C Non-Collusion Affidavit Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services D-1 Appendix D Insurance Acknowledgement Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. City of La Quinta On-Call Planning Services E-1 Appendix E Team Member Rates WOOD ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS, INC. 2019 RATE SCHEDULE The hourly labor rates set forth below are valid from January 1, 2019 and are subject to annual revision thereafter. Wood will provide CLIENT thirty days advance written notice of any such revisions. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CLIENT agrees to reimburse Wood for all hours worked by professionals at the following classifications and associated hourly labor rates. For expert witness testimony and related services in connection with litigation, CLIENT agrees to reimburse Wood for all hours worked by professionals at the following classifications, but at one and one half times the associated hourly labor rates. CLASSIFICATION RATE/HOUR CLASSIFICATION RATE/HOUR Professional Levels 1 $55.00 Professional Level 19 $165.00 Professional Levels 2 $60.00 Professional Level 20 $170.00 Professional Levels 3 $65.00 Professional Level 21 $180.00 Professional Level 4 $70.00 Professional Level 22 $190.00 Professional Level 5 $75.00 Professional Level 23 $200.00 Professional Level 6 $80.00 Professional Level 24 $210.00 Professional Level 7 $85.00 Professional Level 25 $220.00 Professional Level 8 $90.00 Professional Level 26 $240.00 Professional Level 9 $95.00 Professional Level 27 $250.00 Professional Level 10 $100.00 Professional Level 28 $260.00 Professional Level 11 $105.00 Professional Level 29 $270.00 Professional Level 12 $110.00 Professional Level 30 $280.00 Professional Level 13 $115.00 Professional Level 31 $290.00 Professional Level 14 $120.00 Professional Level 32 $300.00 Professional Level 15 $130.00 Professional Level 33 $310.00 Professional Level 16 $140.00 Professional Level 34 $320.00 Professional Level 17 $145.00 Professional Level 35 $330.00 Professional Level 18 $150.00 TECHNICIAN SERVICES CLIENT agrees to reimburse Wood for all hours worked by technicians at the following classifications and associated hourly labor rates. CLASSIFICATION RATE/HOUR OVERTIME CLASSIFICATION RATE/HOUR OVERTIME Technician Level 1 $27.50 $41.25 Technician Level 16 $85.00 $127.50 Technician Level 2 $30.00 $45.00 Technician Level 17 $90.00 $135.00 Technician Level 3 $32.50 $48.75 Technician Level 18 $95.00 $142.50 Technician Level 4 $35.00 $52.50 Technician Level 19 $100.00 $150.00 Technician Level 5 $37.50 $56.25 Technician Level 20 $105.00 $157.50 Technician Level 6 $40.00 $60.00 Technician Level 21 $110.00 $165.00 Technician Level 7 $42.50 $63.75 Technician Level 22 $115.00 $172.50 Technician Level 8 $45.00 $67.50 Technician Level 23 $120.00 $180.00 Technician Level 9 $47.50 $71.25 Technician Level 24 $125.00 $187.50 Technician Level 10 $55.00 $82.50 Technician Level 25 $130.00 $195.00 Technician Level 11 $60.00 $90.00 Technician Level 26 $135.00 $202.50 Technician Level 12 $65.00 $97.50 Technician Level 27 $140.00 $210.00 Technician Level 13 $70.00 $105.00 Technician Level 28 $145.00 $217.50 Technician Level 14 $75.00 $112.50 Technician Level 29 $150.00 $225.00 Technician Level 15 $80.00 $120.00 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CLIENT agrees to reimburse Amec Foster Wheeler for all hours worked by administrative staff at the following classifications and associated hourly labor rates. CLASSIFICATION RATE/HOUR OVERTIME CLASSIFICATION RATE/HOUR OVERTIME Administrative Level 1 $35.00 $52.50 Administrative Level 8 $70.00 $105.00 Administrative Level 2 $40.00 $60.00 Administrative Level 9 $75.00 $112.50 Administrative Level 3 $45.00 $67.50 Administrative Level 10 $80.00 $120.00 Administrative Level 4 $50.00 $75.00 Administrative Level 11 $85.00 $127.50 Administrative Level 5 $55.00 $82.50 Administrative Level 12 $90.00 $135.00 Administrative Level 6 $60.00 $90.00 Administrative Level 13 $100.00 $150.00 Administrative Level 7 $65.00 $97.50 Administrative Level 14 $110.00 $165.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES – 6% of Labor Charges CLIENT agrees to reimburse Amec Foster Wheeler for miscellaneous expenses incurred, such as consumable supplies, telephone & facsimile charges, photo processing, and small tools, etc., not otherwise invoiced as other direct expenses, at the rate of 6% of labor charges. OTHER DIRECT EXPENSES CLIENT agrees to reimburse Amec Foster Wheeler for all other direct expenses incurred at the following rates, except as otherwise specified by Amec Foster Wheeler in its proposal: Travel Expenses: Transportation (mileage, air travel, car rental, etc.), lodging, meals, & incidental expenses Cost plus 15% Subcontract Expenses: Supplies or services furnished to Amec Foster Wheeler in support of project activities by any supplier or firm, except temporary agency or consultant staff charged at above hourly rates Cost plus 15% Direct Expenses: Other expenses in support of project activities Cost Plus 15% Tel: 909 824 6400 Fax: 909 824 6405 CRM TECH 1016 E. Cooley Drive, Suite B Colton, CA 92324 CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS Current Billing Rates: Principal Investigator $110.00/hour Project Director/Project Manager $110.00/hour Principal Archaeologist $110.00/hour Principal Historian/Architectural Historian $110.00/hour Principal Paleontologist/Geologist $110.00/hour Ethnographer/Ethnohistorian $100.00/hour Laboratory Analyst $100.00/hour Field Director $90.00/hour Historian/Architectural Historian II $90.00/hour Project Archaeologist/Paleontologist (Crew Chief) $85.00/hour Archaeology/Paleontology Monitor $85.00/hour Field Crew Person $70.00/hour Laboratory Technician $70.00/hour Report Technician $70.00/hour Office Technician $70.00/hour Information Centers charge $150.00 per hour plus copies for records searches, which would be billed as a reimbursable expense. Special studies conducted by outside laboratories will be billed at their cost plus 15%. Note that these rates normally include expenses such as copies, printing, administration fees, and mileage, unless otherwise noted for particular projects. Per diem and mileage, however, will be added when it is a long distance to the project area and/or overnight stays are needed. BILLING RATES FOR URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. Position Hourly Rates Principal $180 – 250 Senior Associate $130 – 200 Associate $100 – 150 Senior Analyst $80 – 120 Analyst $70 – 110 Assistant Analyst $50 – 90 Administrative Support $60 – 100 General (1)Reimbursable direct costs, such as reproduction, supplies, messenger service, long-distance telephone calls, travel, and traffic counts will be billed at cost plus ten (10) percent. (2)Hourly rates apply to work time, travel time, and time spent at public hearings and meetings. For overtime work, the above rates may be increased 50 percent. (3)Client payment for professional services is not contingent upon the client receiving payment from other parties. (4)Billing statements for work will be submitted monthly. Statements are payable within thirty (30) days of the receipt by client of statement. Any statement unpaid after thirty (30) days shall be subject to interest at the maximum permitted by law.