2019-22 Earth Systems - On-Call Materials Testingfor Additional Services shall constitute a waiver of any and all right to adjustment of the Contract Sum or time to perform this Agreement, whether by way of compensation, restitution, quantum meruit, or the like, for Additional Services provided without the appropriate authorization from the Contract Officer, or assigned designee. Compensation for properly authorized Additional Services shall be made in accordance with Section 2.3 of this Agreement. 1.8 Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in "Exhibit D" (the "Special Requirements"), which is incorporated herein by this reference and expressly made a part hereof. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Special Requirements and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of the Special Requirements shall govern. 2. COMPENSATION. 2.1 Contract Sum. For the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Contracting Party shall be compensated in accordance with "Exhibit B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars {$150,000.00) per year for the life of the Agreement, encompassing the initial and any extended terms (the "Contract Sum"), except as provided in Section 1. 7. Contractor expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Contract Sum in this Agreement is the annual aggregate total amount covering this Agreement, that certain Agreement for Contract Services by and between the City and Converse Consultants, of or about even date as this Agreement, such that the Contract Sum as defined herein is the maximum amount available for services provided under both agreements. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may incl_ude a lump sum payment upon completion, payment in accordance with the percentage of completion of the Services, payment for time and materials based upon Contracting Party's rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other reasonable methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. The Contract Sum shall include the attendance of Contracting Party at all project meetings reasonably deemed necessary by City; Contracting Party shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for attending said meetings. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, transportation expense, telephone expense, and similar costs and expenses when and if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Regardless of the method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation, Contracting Party's overall compensation shall not exceed the Contract Sum, except as provided in Section 1. 7 of this Agreement. -3-