2015 02 11 CC MinutesSPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2015 A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Franklin, Osborne, Pena, Radi, Mayor Evans ABSENT: None COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Architectural and Landscaping Review Board • Richard Gray • Kevin McCune Community Services Commission • Heather Engel • Mark Johnson • Sharrell Blakeley • Paula Simonds Construction Appeals Board • Bob Edwards Historic Preservation Commission • Kevin Maevers • Linda Williams Housing Commission • Michele McDonough • Sue Liedner Investment Advisory Board • Jennifer Donais • Katherine Godbey Planning Commission • Frank Blum • Kathleen Fitzpatrick • Robert Wright • Robert Wilkinson • Philip Bettencourt Mayor Evans led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 1 February 11, 2015 PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CLOSED SESSION — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA — Confirmed PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION REGARDING CITY REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND SERVICES AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT INITIATIVES, AND CITY COUNCIL, BOARD AND COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mayor Evans stated that this meeting has become a tradition as well as an opportunity for all the commissions/boards to get together. City Manager Spevacek, along with Deputy City Manager Hylton, Community Development Director Johnson, Public Works Director Jonasson, Finance Director Conrad and Assistant to City Manager Escobedo, gave a brief presentation designed to kick off the next phase of community dialogue and ideas. Copies are available in the City Clerk's office or may be viewed on the City's website. Presenters restated the "Big Rock Priorities" from the January 10, 2015 City Council Workshop, which included: Enhance Revenues; how can the City continue to enhance revenue; earn more and be prudent with what it has • Undesignated reserve disposition • Police services; review service levels, delivery options; conduct survey, rising cost • Fees; new, increase, taxes Economic Development; further promote economy in La Quinta • Village; entitlements and development; a gem • Silverrock Resort; precise plan, Palmer Course resident tee times,. clubhouse funding • La Quinta Art Festival; location, parking, maintain quality • Development standards; reevaluate municipal code, code compliance measures • Brand refresh; brand expansion, marketing strategy; social media, contemporary SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2 February 11, 2015 Infrastructure and Facility Investments; how can City further refurbish and enhance public facilities • North communities; parkways and communities; low landscape pallets • Storm water; retention, transmission capacity; higher standard • Parks and recreation facilities; new, refurbish; needs assessment survey City Manager Spevacek concluded the presentation by asking what role participants want to play in these discussions - to be a bystander or an active participant - and how to enlist more people into the discussion. He added that Council and staff are interested, ready to listen and hope to gain everyone's input. Discussion/comments from Commissioners and Board Members included: Reach out efforts: engaging and involving young people by working with Desert Sands Unified School District and going directly to La Quinta High School principals to engage youth; tapping local colleges; expanding City's public works youth intern program to all City departments to promote youth development; leadership - developing a student intern program for all boards and commissions; develop City Council youth mentoring program by forming special committees for a precise purpose to identify their roles/mission i.e., north La Quinta; utilizing and expanding social media to youth — flash mob with Facebook; placing selfie video kiosk at different locations; utilizing survey monkey; contacting and making council presentations to homeowners associations/management companies, service clubs, church gatherings, youth sports leaders; engage voters; continue and promote community relationship building; planning commission — strive to be development friendly in review of projects/excited about development department changes; economic standpoint — streamline processes — fast track options; noted that California is difficult with California Environmental Quality Act and litigation; revive energy commission and seek out/utilize community member assets — define purpose, prioritize then "ask" for these individuals based on their skill set; business mentoring — Coachella Valley Economic Partnership in the east valley; repurposing buildings and certain areas; one million budget for Capital Improvement Projects must be improved. Must look at new revenue sources; sales tax increase and selling the need to the community; City Council taking "show" on the road and tell the La Quinta story; need to start discussion now on revenue measure; educate the voters; forming committees with a specific role; revisit and engage north La Quinta residents to help fund and generate revenue in some capacity; maintaining quality of life; identifying what development standards are important to the City. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 3 February 11, 2015 APPROVAL OF MINUTES — None CONSENT CALENDAR — None BUSINESS SESSION — None STUDY SESSION — None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS — None DEPARTMENT REPORTS — None MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBER'S ITEMS Councilmembers expressed appreciation input and service to the City. There meetings should be held more often. to all participants for their involvement, was a consensus that joint/discussion Mayor Evans stated that the City is soliciting nominations for the Pillars of the Community and that the nomination form is available on the City website. She announced that the next Mayor and Council walk will be held on Saturday, February 21 at 8:00 a.m., starting at La Quinta Park and added that over 500 memberships were sold for the.. Wellness Center. The Mayor also issued a reminder that Black History month events will be at the Library and the La Quinta Arts Festival will be held March 5-8, 2015. PUBLIC HEARINGS — None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Osborne/Pena to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Teresa Thompson, Deputy City Clerk City of La Quinta, California SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 4 February 11, 2015