BRES2019-018978-495 CALLE TAMPICO T4t�t D i4P Quin& VOICE (760) 777-7125 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7011DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Type/Subtype: BUILDING RESIDENTIAL/REMODEL Owner: Application Number: BRES2019-0189 LORI COLELLA Property Address: 57600 BALLYBUNION 219 ROYAL DOULTON CT APN: 762360001 GIBSONIA, PA 92253 Application Description: COLELLA / GAS AND ELECTRIC FOR FUTURE BBQ+ NEW POOL COPING Property Zoning: �\ Application Valuation: $1,000.00 D Applicant: Contractor: TESERRA JUN 17 2019 DI TESERRA P O BOX 1280 L P 0 BOX 1280 COACHELLA, CA 92236 CITY OF LA QUINTA COACHELLA, CA 92236 DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (760)389-9222 Llc. No.: 656128 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 {commencing with Section 70001 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: C27 D12 ice se No.�656128 Date;;O ,f 1 Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DE71ON I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that Ia from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031. Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: Date: 6/17/2019 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance af�r ,r which this permit is issued. ave and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by action 0 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier: BENCHMARK INSURANCE COMPANY Policy Number: CSTS014959 _ I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with hose ovisions. - Date: Applica WARNI G: F URE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPE lON COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMIN ENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalfthis application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above - mentioned open y for inspection purposes. e Date Signature (Applicant orAgen Date: 6/17/2019 Application Number: Property Address: APN: Application Description Property Zoning: Application Valuation: Applicant: TESERRA P 0 BOX 1280 COACH ELLA, CA 92236 BRES2019-0189 Owner: 57600 BALLYBUNION LORI COLELLA 762360001 219 ROYAL DOULTON CT COLELLA / GAS AND ELECTRIC FOR FUTURE BBQ+ NEW POOL COPING GIBSONIA, PA 92253 $1,000.00 Contractor: TESERRA P 0 BOX 1280 COACHELLA, CA 92236 (760)389-9222 Llc. No.: 656128 ------------------------------------------- .-t-,=--------.------------------------ -------- - - - - - - Detail: COLELLA / UNDERGROUND GAS PIPING AND ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FOR FUTURE BBQ+ REPLACE POOL COPING. PERMIT REQUIRED FOR ANY FUTURE ELECTRICAL OUTLETS OR EQUIPMENT. PER 2016 CALIFORNIA B.Uf,LDING CODES„ FINANCIAL DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA: $1.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT DEVICES, FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 0 $26.68 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT DEVICES, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $26.68 Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $53.36 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $101.40 Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $101.40 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT GAS SYSTEM, 1-4 OUTLETS 101-0000-42401 0 $13.34 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT GAS SYSTEM, 1-4 OUTLETS PC 101-0000-42600 0 $26.68 Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $40.02 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $10.00 Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $10.00 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT SMI - RESIDENTIAL 101-0000-20308 0 $0.50 Total Paid for STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI: $0.50 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 PERMIT # %ZS),oCY% —Otgj PLAN LOCATION: Project Address: p Il A Project Description: Pool, Remodel, Add't, Elect, Plumb, Mech APN #: /I -V-,p r M Ila tl-,g I E� Applicant Name: • r Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone:? . ,9- Z5-- I Email: ll / 64] Valuation of Projectle-we-1 Contractor Name: New SFD Construction: Address: �� ' Conditioned Space SF City, St, Zip 9 Garage SF Telephone: Patio/Porch SF Email: Fire Sprinklers SF State Lic:% City Bus Lic: Arch/Eng Name: Construction Type: Occupancy: Address: Grading: City, St, Zip Telephone: Bedrooms: Stories: # Units: Email: State Lic: City Bus Lic: Property Owner's Name: Address: City, ST, Zip Telephone: Email: New Commercial / Tenant Improvements: Total Building SF Construction Type: Occupancy: 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 760-777-7000 „_DocuSign Envelope ID: 2F083816-DDCC-40A6-9BB6-DE6B9F8879E1 PRINnNG GROUP ( sal 347-sass TESER�A Builders o�' iixceptional Outdoor Living Job: 24330 FA Doc: Landscape Date: 03/12/2019 86-100 Ave. 54 - P.O. Box 1280 - Coachella, CA 92236 - (760) 398-9222 • Fax: (760) 398-9255 • Ca Lic No. 656128 PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT This agreement is by and between _—TeC sf,,a m C o-'ir-OA here in after called 'Contractor' and 'Owner.' (Project Owner's Name)_ M &C L- t�ct_ C t _ __ _ _____ _ (Phone) (___ (Home Address) 6b C7 __ i -A - 4 3/� t O+-_ _ (City) r4 l (Phone) ( ] ( Work Address) / f — ! 4 -� L---- (Phone) (,j (Job) .,...—�— /. �. --.-- Yam-- (..�.� Address City State & Zip Phone Legs] Description: Lot # Tract # Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to install items described in paragraph below, at the above referenced job address, per approved pt pecificattons attachments hereto / other (circle) Description OF WORK: Contractor shall furnish material and install improvements as follows: a4tIao I. Ci) �—LrL-,&. 2-es i. oe j,,- t ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, EXCLUSIONS OR ADDENDUMS: ('6f 0 See' (r M-FS 4, I TIN« FOR STARTING AND C051PLETING PROJECT: Work shall commence within ten days after the last to occur of the following:(]) Receipt by the Contractor of all necessary building permits and/or FIOA approval: (2) Receipt by the Contractor of notice from Lender, lien Holder andfbr Title Company (if any) that all documents required to be recorded prior to commencement to construction have been properly recorded: (3) Owner lies complied with all Terms and Conditions of the Agreement to date: (4) Receipt of all construction funds by Escrow or Funding Control orany). Subject to adjustment for the above conditions, work shalt begin approximately on and be substantially completed on approximately , with additional time to be allowed as detailed in paragraph 5 of the Terms and Conditions on the back hereof. Substantial Commencement of work shall be defined as (Briefly desedbu type ofwcuk mprewniing Cnrnmeacamrnr) Contractor's failure to substantially commence work without lawful eeeuse, within twenly (20) days from the date specified above is a violation of the Contractors' License Law. NOTICE TO THE BUYER: (1) Do not sign this agreement before you read it or if It contains any blank spaces. (2) You are entitled to a completely tilled In copy'of this agreement Owner acknowledges that he has react and received a legible copy of this agreement signed by Contractor, including all terms and conditions on the reverse side, before any work was done, and that he has read and received a legible copy of every do4ument that Owner has signed during the negotfatlao. If Owner cancels this agreement after the right of recision has expired, and before commencement of construction, be shall pay Contractor the amount of expenses Incurred to that date plus loss of profits. CONTRACT PRICE AND MANNER OF PAYMENT: In consideration of materials, Il11lor•-and services- Owner agrees to pay PAYMENT SCHEDULE $ ' Contractor in the cash sum of 10% Upon Execution of Contract 40% Upon Completion of 04ErntJ e-lF-OZC4,L. 45% Upon. fs S N O r LV r:.t+.t p1t.3 "t 5% Upon Completion of Jobs All payments will be made upon presentation of invoice, Overdue payments will bear interest at the mnxiotum legal[yperutissible rate. Ifany paytncnt is not made when due: Contractor cony keep the job idle until such time as all payments due have been made. A failure of paylnsnt for R period in excess of five($)days shall be cons'sdered a malerinI hrcach. The Contractor shall. prior to any further payment rx:in& made, furnish to tke person contacting for the Home ImproreIn ell t a fall and unconditional relonse from any claim or Mechanic's Licn pursuant to Section 3114 of llte CIVt-L CODE, for that portion of the work for which payment has teem madc. Contractor or Own prior to cornmencemcnt of construction and subject to fending institution (if any) approval, may request funds to be placed in Escrow or Binding Voucher Control Sovico prior to eommencemcnt of work whit funds to be distributed to Cot ttractor in accordance with the escrow instntedars or voucher nrdars signed by the Contractor. In absence of an Escrow or funding Control Service, funds will be paid directly to Cite Contractor in accordance with the progress payments schedule rercirtd to above YOU, AS THE OWNER OR TENANT, HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THE CONTRACTOR TO HAVE A PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND. The expense of lho bond may be done by the Owner or tenant. This proposal shall only be valid for days from the dote of presentatinn as shown below. To accept this contract Owners must sign and date below and deliver an original signed copy to Contractor. Owncr acknowledges that lie hits race€red a "Notice to Owner;” which should read as !fit were already typed in full in this contract, and "Notice of CattcelRtion:' Signatnrc orOcvnc WE HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO ALL TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE, AND WE ACCEPT THIS PROPOSAL AND pAGREE TO BE SO BOUND. Fume of Contractor 1'�,i'yr _ _ ^� 1S License 4 DDcuSlgntrd by: 3/6/2019 -A_ r�t"� /J / _ • I A. _.l / _1 if By Accepted by Contractor Signature Datc Date Co.--8CRA41A5C40E499... --C`b OwtterBuyer Signature Date You, the buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction Qdf t L rs cant for the repair of damages resulting from an earthquake, flood, fire, hurricane, riot, storm, tidal wave, or other similar catastrophic occur. rence for which a state of emergency has been declared, you the buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the seventh business day after the date of this transaction. See the attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right. " fiN l_ NP S6E >' Nm � ` NO EXISTING LANDSCAPE LIGHTING IN REAR YARD " NO EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES IN REAR YARD " PATIO FURNITURE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY DEMO AND REMOVE ALL EXISTING CONCRETE DECKING AND INSTALL NEW BELGARD-CATALINA STONE- VICTORIAN WITH BORDER PAVER DECKING SAND SET OVER COMPACTED ROAD BASE WITH 1„OF BEDDING SAND, MUD SET PAVER SOLDIER COURSE EXISTING FIREPIT TO REMAIN ADD HEADER BOARD TO EXISTING FLOWER BED ADD 3" MINUS OVER FILTER FABRIC 118'-20 AMP ELECTRIC CONDUIT TO NEW BBQ ISLAND LOCATION BY OLC 161'-1"" POLYPROPYLENE GAS PIPE TO NEW BBQ ISLAND LOCATION PL I Ti - ' Ih' .L y T I T • FORM AND POUR NEW 15'WIDE CONCRETE COPING AROUND -----PLD. _Trelmrn I I I 15� I .fE - EXISTING EXISTING i - 1 SPA POOL L EL- r f Li I - 1 I = T L 1 - q ti T_ I f L I 2. i L -_ 1 {- .�y�L 1 -J i}�f I ,! 1 Ili1 '�E #T L lY I� _ H T _ l 1 iii 1 .] l L 1 I L- i , 4 L L} L k'. 1 _ I] T ``LL f r d 1 L ! � 1,{'{ F_, -I �' S 1 L}f}c ,tr - ,(, 1 i4L P 4 I - Ip{ IrfL ] r I 1 - ♦t-L } 1 1 1)J17 1- d lr. ! 1 d F] REMOVE ALL EXISTING PAVERS + REPLACE WITH NEW PAVERS 159-11" -______—______- --� -- 1 1 I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100 __ PL 121 EQ.FT. LIGHT BROOM FINISH CONCRETE COPING 2213SCLFT RECR YARD AREA PAVER DECKING 503 SG, FT. 3- MINUS LIGHT BROOM FINISH COLORED EXISTING POOL ADD 3" MINUS OVER FILTER FABRIC DEMO EXISTING BARBECUE ISLAND,F NEW BARBECUE ISLAND EQUIPMENT BY HOMEOWNER 011clNGFa1YLY- EXISTING CONCRETE WALKWAY TO REMAIN �2SZo l g P �v/R clyrY O I i s l l l�v , �y DIVISION BUILDING iN BUILE SIN,ppppGy(J FOR 6J REVIEWED IF ED FO 6 (� CODE /' O JIPLIAN'VE V iW& (I%�, pV I 1 DATE �B1=e_���— f : r �WE Nir /J Gfi� E ✓� SBa * NL^^� f�p(- �'�°j^'� S PERIMETER P SPECIFICATIONS PE J�n .. % 9�- N NW mll WmT a a N n m= B fff b' !a RFACE AREA OF POOL ONLV —DEPTHS MIN._ L&SPA COMBINED EPA SPECIFICATIONS �_�.FT.—w.Fr WALL Wl°i! pJET6 TILE LAssnL _ s NppM WATERLIN REB.TI WJ 6P1 SP .O&PA AT VUYTYP CW.NOi DECKING E BE BE EL DE CAVATION / STEEL Ed IT. ES6FR° DPANSIMdRTNTS CMiR1EVER anaa DOUBLE CVITILEVFR DXAIN END RAMP ESEAT ON RN. LOAD CO 6O BEEVES REMOVM LO EgEMuvAL ev DAT1GN REMovAL By GADONREPAIR STEPS 6TEPRACE Ta wR In ;a ED 60 TA Ro GE E SANDANOVISWEE SANES eea MOWSTPIP FANPOTEMNL BONOINGGRI _ Eq¢a�B.EcuEc°uurem°P 0. s.e. BB sHELFDEPTH PocKET s NABON Rv WAIN... SPILLWAYIttPE 81g HE FnEq IN,PWAP-6DE AO N UMBING SIZE PER PUMF SIZE 1.1512E L uMP 6VE TER SBE ESPEED NDR PR�FRMLL6 pEl'AINING WALL ..'NWM16 PIREPN &IRBEN CO iROL 6Y Wil"4TO ELEBSCGNTROL MERTYPE urvE LINE SN . ATTACHED TOPML 6.WD 6ET PAVED ve NG H W W. USITS" PAINT PEBBLE PLASTER IIOHESP EYYE"ELFTi1N SWISS DRAIN DEEPHEATAMRN MIT VgiTBx T61NI ib IN $PA 61NW.F ��,� 0 N LI LI 9 PL DE O EC BEAPI M. DCCHNFLMR BRUEONPMENT MB'NGSU FENCING FENCET'PE NEIGHi HEATPMNAGE WILDER AgTE PSEDPNN GATE gEYEg6LL -- .., OgTK RMW 6RE NG i I� I II I' I I l DEEENDgAMP D Ex NITS NDzmsTEP LBT. LAY oa„a.nmN COIL weoT FEE6.-SEE MISCELLANEOUS-""-"'::"--1 MISTING SYSTE iPELLI STEEL O 1�1 INr IN 9 ri O 61 NER RESPONSIBILITIES ER iO'XETXEMPWMMOTE EIEVPiIOXOFPoOLOPaPA Ai LAYUJf Ox OAYOF �?T �a m Po: o o:omo sTAXDEDE IyEXCpLaONNCONCPEiE6MELL iT�TETY�EPVL'YFXCOP SEVEx MVPnEeEn PXELLIb INSTPaLEP rod a6MSNA� MY Ta Mm FMAX DLBNE���6�M. NABT NSPE xaGw n� B E TL n� EDPA on.Exn� xRE ; OMWNCMnn'.1LF "`I W.lTEYFMAPVFATPMVU5ENITIWVT LFSPERNy61ONOFTESTRA.1POHI6IThLBYU mwwMrFA Iww.POOL.wOLawwnFxi�aGmwsAwoxas PEromvEmwxxuln-saxOxoilrfsA N GATE RE �+to W z W N' 'J Q J � 0 u A CUSTOM PROJECT FOR: NA E C�LELLA RESIDENCE C AUDITS PGA WEST ADDRESS 57-600 BALLYBUNON CITY LA OUINTA W( MEDWhIER H MEOWNER EMAILE PRJECT MANAGER MOBILE(T6M 2504499 PR ECTMANA'EREMAIL dann@mseneouwoon:.wm NOTE CHECK ALL EXISTING DRAIN LINE RUNNING TO STREET. REPLACE AS NEEDED BY CHANGE ORDER @ 8.00 LN.FT. CALE °=1' DATE 03/05/19 DESIGNEDBY JT. / KG PROJECTMGR DANIEL H. C CKEDBY j 11 ll D . 2H330 REVISIONS DATE: SAFETY FEATURES: x6T aTw M�NNGGgRENT 6T NBM D6DE E ERIc M.;�PM6DRTNEM,�IGAXBDMEIYDENEGR.mGALE�IN�Pb1AMILL CE ELECTRICAL: MUIPo N4L DINGRMUIRPME"ISSR BEING LI TOELIMNUTEVOLTAGE CR401EH181N THE p W L MFA A6 PFA CEC Mi. fi60.M. 2016 CALWORNIA BUILDING CODE(E55PDONEWISC) 2016 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (ESSEDON ONSUMC) 2016 CALIFORNIA PLUNGING CODE (SASEDON206GUPC)l- 2O16 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE(E95EDON3ID6NEC) 2D 16 CALIFORNIA ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS I I I G HINMENT C°pESECTIOX<2163.IL)1 SML'PTINANEMERGENCY, ANYPEPSON PIRNHINGTOCON°UCFMIY E%CAVAT°N6NALL COMKTTHE4PPR°PRIATEREGIONAL NOT OATIONCEIBEq ATLFA6TIWJNVRKINODAYS. GUT NOTMOREl1UX 1I CALENDAR DAYS PRIORCVAMERCWGTNT FXLAVAibX, KTHEEXCAVATON'MLLOECONDUCTEO INMVDPAE4TXAT I6 MNM RFAW MY6"OULDBEKNOWN,TOCONTNNSUBSURFACE E%�,��MD$FP - � °;GnS` MI�,EMFMI� NToaE DmER.RAS,F.NGTHEBRETDaEHLCAVAHAD SELECTIONS CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION S ONE INSTALLATION OF POOL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT WILL COMPLY WITH SECTION 114- MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS TIE DIG PRE-GUNITE SALES FIELD PAVERS S EXIT ALARMS TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL DOORS WITH DIRECT ACCESS TO THE POOL C NCRETE P TSBOWLS POOL HEATERS I PUMP EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANU FACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS UNDERGROUND p BB/PEAS MASONRY DECK B ULDERS ALL DECKING EXPANSION JOINTS FOR REPRESENTAION ONLY, FIELD LAYOUT WILL VARY �E /\ ALL I I ��I I�'O� V AINAGENOTE: D`Mwe and irrigation for planRrs and Pala, by ottlers, IlnIMADRDRAwBa noted. PRE -PEBBLE