CC Resolution 2019-025 Records Retention Schedule RESOLUTION NO. 2019 - 025
WHEREAS, the maintenance of numerous records is expensive, slows
document retrieval, and is not required after a certain period of time for the
effective and efficient operations of the government of the City of La Quinta
(“City”); and
WHEREAS, State of California Government Code Section 34090
provides procedures whereby any City record which has served its purpose
and is no longer required may be destroyed; and
WHEREAS, the State of California has adopted retention period
guidelines for various government records; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds there are benefits to adopt a Records
Retention Schedule governing the retention, disposition, and destruction of
official City records in accordance with state and federal laws, and records
management best practices; and
WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the City’s Records Retention
Schedule on February 16, 2010, which was subsequently amended on March
15 and April 19, 2011, and August 6, 2013; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2013-036 adopted on August 6, 2013 is
hereby repealed and superseded by this Resolution.
WHEREAS, the City Attorney has reviewed and approved the attached
Records Retention Schedule for the City.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of La Quinta, California, as follows:
SECTION 1. Resolution No. 2013-036 adopted on August 6, 2013 is
hereby repealed and this Resolution supersedes all prior Records Retention
Schedule Resolutions adopted by the City Council.
RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULEAdopted July 02, 2019Table of ContentsCouncil Resolution 2019-025 EXHIBIT APAGE100ADMINISTRATION101 Correspondence and Reference7102 [OPEN]7103 Policies and Procedures7104 Awards, Proclamations, Certificates, Plaques7105 Information Technologies7106 Records Management7107 Forms and Templates - Citywide8200PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT201 [OPEN]8202 Historic Preservation8203 Planning8204 Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)9205 [OPEN]9206 [OPEN]9207 Redevelopment9208 Housing9300ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETING301 Economic Development10302 Marketing10303 Photographs10304 Public Relations10305 Publications11CITY OF LA QUINTACity of La QuintaPage 1 of 6Revised: June 4, 2019
RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULEAdopted July 02, 2019Table of ContentsCouncil Resolution 2019-025 EXHIBIT APAGECITY OF LA QUINTA400FINANCIAL AND FISCAL401 General Accounting11402 Banking Records12403 Audits12404 Payroll12405 Bonds12406 Retirement13407 Investments13408 Revenue13409 Taxes14410 Budgets14411 Cost Analysis and Fee Studies 14412 Accounts Payable and Purchasing14413 Bids15450BUSINESS LICESNSES AND VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM451 Business Licenses15452 Vacation Rental Program15500HUMAN RESOURCES501 Human Resources Administration15502 Personnel Records15503 Salary and Benefits16504 Classifications17505 Personnel Management17506 Recruitment and Selection17507 Education and Training17508 Safety and Medical Records18509 Labor Relations18City of La QuintaPage 2 of 6Revised: June 4, 2019
RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULEAdopted July 02, 2019Table of ContentsCouncil Resolution 2019-025 EXHIBIT APAGECITY OF LA QUINTA600CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS601 [OPEN]19602 Contracts and Agreements19603 Inventory, Supplies, and Maintenance19700LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVE701Legislative Files (includes all Agendas, Packets, Resos, Ordiannces, etc)19702 Elections20703 Legal Investigations and Litigations21704 Legal Operations 21705 Assessment and Special Districts22706 Public Records Requests22800CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING801 General Administration22802 Engineering Permits and Inspections22803 Engineering Maps, Plans, and Specifications22804 Building Permits and Inspections23805 Building Plans and Specifications23806 Capital Projects23807 Maintenance Projects - Project Files24808 Storm Drainage, Flood Control, Sanitation24809 Traffic Engineering24810 Parking24City of La QuintaPage 3 of 6Revised: June 4, 2019
RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULEAdopted July 02, 2019Table of ContentsCouncil Resolution 2019-025 EXHIBIT APAGECITY OF LA QUINTA900RISK MANAGEMENT901 Risk Management - City Business related24902 Risk Management - City Personnel related251000 PROPERTY1001 Right-Of-Ways251002 Real Property251003 Boundary Files251004 Annexations251005 SilverRock Property251100 PUBLIC FACILITIES1101 City-Owned Facilities (maintenance and operations)261102 Parks, Open Space, and Golf Courses261200 UTILITIES, COMMUNICATIONS, AND TRANSPORTATION1201 [OPEN]261202 [OPEN]261203 [OPEN]261204 [OPEN]261205 [OPEN]261206 Transportation261207 Waste and Recycling27City of La QuintaPage 4 of 6Revised: June 4, 2019
RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULEAdopted July 02, 2019Table of ContentsCouncil Resolution 2019-025 EXHIBIT APAGECITY OF LA QUINTA1300 PUBLIC SAFETY1301 General Administration271302 Emergency Services271303 Police Services (public safety)281304 Fire Services281305 Animal Control281306 [OPEN]281307 Code Enforcement and Permits281350 ENVIRONMENTAL AND CONSERVATION1351 Environmental and Conservation291400 ARTS, RECREATION, AND EDUCATION1401 Cultural Arts291402 Recreation Programs and Experiences301500 GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS AND OFFICES1501 [OPEN]301502 State of California Departments, Organizations, and Offices301503 Local and Regional Organizations301504 Riverside County Departments, Organizations, and Offices311505 Inter- / Intra-City Files311506 International Offices and Organizations31City of La QuintaPage 5 of 6Revised: June 4, 2019
RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULEAdopted July 02, 2019Table of ContentsCouncil Resolution 2019-025 EXHIBIT APAGECITY OF LA QUINTADEPARTMENTS AND DIVISIONSRETENTION SCHEDULE CITATIONSAnimal Control - contracted serviceBuilding (a division of Design & Development Dept)B&PBusiness and ProfessionsCity Attorney's Office - contracted serviceCACCalifornia Administrative codeCity Clerk's OfficeCCPCode of Civil ProcedureCity Manager's OfficeCCRCode of California RegulationsCode Compliance (a division of Community Resources Dept)CEQACalifornia Environmental Quality ActCommunity Resources DepartmentCFRCode of Federal RegulationsDesign & Development DepartmentECElection CodeElections (a division of City Clerk's Office)FMLAFamily and Medical Leave Act, 1993Emergency Operations (a division of Community Resources Dept)GCGovernment CodeEngineering (a division of Design & Development Dept)H&SHealth and Safety CodeFacilities DepartmentHUDHousing and Urban DevelopmentFinance DepartmentLQCC / CMLa Quinta City Council Resolution / City Manger approvalHousing (a division of City Manager's Office)LQCC / CALa Quinta City Council Resolution / City Attorney approvalHUB Permitting Center (a division of Design & Development Dept)OMBFederal Office of Management & BudgetHuman Resources (a division of Community Resources Dept)OSHAOccupational Safety and Health ActInformation Technology (a division of City Manager's Office)PCPenal CodeMarketing (a division of City Manager's Office)POSTPost Office Standards TrainingPlanning (a division of Design & Development Dept)UFCUniform Fire CodePolice & Fire - contracted servicesUSCUnited States CodeRisk Management (a division of Community Resources Dept)WICWelfare and Institutions CodeTraffic Operations (a division of Design & Development Dept)City of La QuintaPage 6 of 6Revised: June 4, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image100 ADMINISTRATIONADMIN. 101CORRESPONDENCE AND REFERENCE:101.01Correspondencecurrent year + 2 years all departments CC:noGC34090(d)101.02Conferences and Meetings (external)destroy at willall departments CC:nonon-record101.03City Boards, Commissions, Committees - Generalcurrent year + 2 years supporting dept CC:noGC34090(d)101.04Council Chamber Reservations / Facility Usecurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC34090101.05Suspense and Tickler Files, General Subjectcurrent year + 2 years all departments CC:noGC34090101.06Department Documents - generalcurrent year + 2 years hosting deptCC:noGC34090101.07Work and Vacation Schedulesuntil supersededall departments CC:no Preliminary Draft101.08Telephone Directoriesuntil supersededall departments CC:no Preliminary Draft101.09Reference Materials until supersededall departments CC:no Preliminary Draft101.10Instruction for Completing Specific Tasksdestroy at willissuing deptCC:no Preliminary Draft101.11Telephone Logs / Message Padsdestroy at willall departments CC:no Preliminary DraftADMIN. 102[OPEN]ADMIN.103POLICIES AND PROCEDURES103.01 Mission Statementsuntil superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER shared drive GC34090; 40801103.02 Administrative Policiesuntil superseded + 5 yearsCLERKshared drive GC34090d103.03 Authorizations by Council (signing, property transfer, etc)until superseded + 2 yearsCLERKshared drive and LFGC34090103.04Goals and Objectivescurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERshared driveGC34090103.05Project Action Teams (PAT) - working docsdestroy at willmanaging deptnonon-recordADMIN. 104AWARDS, PROCLAMATIONS, CERTIFICATES, PLAQUES - CITY ISSUED104.01 Awards, Proclamations and Donations Presented by the Citycurrent year + 2 years unless of historic valueissuing dept CC:no GC34090ADMIN. 105INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES105.01Computer Software, programs and manualsuntil supersededIT SERVICES IT:yesNon-Record105.02Telephone System, programs and manualsuntil supersededIT SERVICES IT:yesNon-Record105.03 Software Licensesuntil superseded + 2 years IT SERVICES IT:yesGC34090105.04[OPEN]105.05Warranties on Software and Equipmentuntil supersededIT SERVICES IT:yesNon-Record105.06 Configuration Maps and Plans of Systems (CONFIDENTIAL)current yearIT SERVICES IT:yesPreliminary Drafts; GC34090;105.07Daily backup of system files14 daysIT SERVICESNAPreliminary Drafts105.08Weekly backup of system files14 daysIT SERVICESNAPreliminary Drafts105.09Telephone or Radio Communication Recordings100 daysIT SERVICESNAG34090.6105.10Text Messages60 daysIT SERVICESNAPreliminary Drafts105.11E-Mail inbox and sent folders(60 days to move records out, remainder are preliminary draft60 daysevery employeenoPreliminary Drafts105.12E-Mail deleted items folder (7 days to retrieve deleted items)7 daysevery employeenoPreliminary DraftsADMIN. 106RECORDS MANAGEMENT106.01 Filing Systems and Procedures until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090;106.02Retention SchedulePERMANENT CLERK CC:yes LFGC34090;106.03Records Destruction Authorizations PERMANENT CLERK CC:yesGC34090106.04Records Inventories, Inactive in basementPERMANENTdepositing dept CC:noGC34090106.05Records Indexing ListsPERMANENTfiling deptCC:noGC34090106.06Records Inventories, ActivePERMANENTfiling deptCC:noGC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 7 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescription TOTAL Primary Scan /CitationNumberRETENTION Responsibility Image106.07 Records Management Manual until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; 40801106.08Records Management Projects - Citywide until project completed CLERK CC:no Non-RecordADMIN. 107FORMS ANDTEMPLATES - CITYWIDE107.01Agendas, Staff Reports, Minutes, Resolutions, Ordinances until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.02Agreements, Insurance Certificates for Agreements, Form 700 for Agreementsuntil superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.03City Letterhead, Memo, FAX cover sheet, Press Release until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.04Labelsuntil superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.05Appeal Applications until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.06Permit Applications until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.07Insurance and Risk Management until superseded Preliminary Draft107.08Finance and Budget until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.09Legal and Legislative until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.10City Facility Rental Applications until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.11Record Mgmt: Record Requests, Legal Hold, Destruction, etc until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.12Customer Service Suggestion Cards and Response Templates until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.13Personnel Mattersuntil superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.14EOC-Related forms and templates until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.15Websiteuntil superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.16Self-Hauler Registrations and Requirements until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.17Holiday Door Signs until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft107.18RFP and RFQ Samples until superseded CLERK CC:yes Preliminary Draft200 PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENTPLAN/REDEV201[OPEN]201.00[OPEN]PLN/REDEV202HISTORIC PRESERVATION202.01Historic Site Inventories PERMANENT PLANNING CC:no GC34090d202.02Master PlansPERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090202.03Preservation Case Files PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090202.04Archeological Collections PERMANENT PLANNING PL: no GC30490PLN/REDEV203PLANNING203.01Tentative Tract Maps PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.02Tentative Parcel Maps PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.03Zone ChangesPERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.04VariancesPERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.05Minor AdjustmentsPERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.06Minor Use PermitsPERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.07Temporary Use Permits / Special Event Permits until expiration + 2 years PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.08Conditional Use Permits PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.09Zoning Interpretations (Maps) / Director's Determinations PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.10 Certificates of Compliance PERMANENTPLANNING<11/2011 PUBLIC WORKS> 11/2011PL:yes GC34090203.11General Plan and Amendments PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.12 Lot Line Adjustments PERMANENTPLANNING<11/2011 PUBLIC WORKS> 11/2011PL:yes GC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 8 of 31 City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image203.13CEQA (Calif Environmental Quality Act) - Environmental Imparct Reports (EIRs), Categorical Exemptions, Environmental Assessments, etc.PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090203.14Modification by ApplicantPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090203.15Sign ProgramsPERMANENT PLANNING PL:yesGC34090203.16Temporary Signs (Real Estate, Political, Semi-Permanent, etc.)until expiration + 2 years PLANNINGPL:noGC34090d203.17Monument / Sign PermitsPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090203.18 Directional Signs, City-owned (Wayfinder)until superseded + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:noGC34090203.19 Parcel Mergers w/o Parcel MapsPERMANENTPLANNING<11/2011 PUBLIC WORKS> 11/2011PL:yesGC34090203.20Site Development PermitsPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090203.21Specific PlansPERMANENT PLANNING PL:yesGC34090203.22MoratoriumsPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090203.23WaiversPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090a203.24Plot PlansPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090203.25Pre-Application ReviewsPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090203.26Advanced PlanningPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090203.27Case LogsPERMANENT PLANNING PL:yesGC34090203.28 SCAQMD / South Coast Air Quality Management District - AB 2766current year + 5 yearsPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090203.29 Quimby Fees, Studies, Logo, InfoPERMANENTPLANNING/FINANCE PL:yesGC34090203.30Agricultural PreservesPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090a203.31 Regional Planninguntil superseded + 2 years PLANNINGPL:noGC34090203.32 Appeals - case filesPERMANENTdept. managing case PL:yesGC34090203.33StudiesPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC34090dPLN/REDEV204COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM (CDBG)204.01 General CDBG Grantsuntil completed + 7 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:no24CFR570.502(a); OMB Cir A-110 (attach C), A-133; 2 CFR 200.333, GC8546.7, 34090204.02Applications - filed by yearuntil completed + 4 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:noGC34090PLN/REDEV205[OPEN]PLN/REDEV206[OPEN]PLN/REDEV207REDEVELOPMENT (MOVED FROM 208)207.01Redevelopment Plan and Amendments (moved from 208.01)PERMANENTCLERKCC: yes-LFGC34090.7207.02Project Areas (moved from 208.02)PERMANENTCLERKCC: yes-LFGC34090207.03 Implementation Plans (5-year / Project Areas) (moved from 208.12)PERMANENTCLERKPL:noGC34090207.04Dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency: general information and correspondence20 yearsCLERK/CITY MANAGERCC: yes-LFGC34090 keep minimum of 20 yearsper City AttorneyPLN/REDEV208HOUSING208.01Housing Programs (all) - Insurance Certificatesuntil expired + 2 yearsCLERKDept:noGC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 9 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image208.02Complaints (Housing)until resolved +2 yearsHOUSINGDept:noGC34090(d)208.03 Housing Loan Programs (case files) PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes24CFR570.502(a); OMB Cir A-110 (attach C), A-133; 2 CFR 200.333, GC8546.7, 34090208.04Housing Loan Correspondencecurrent year + 2 yearsHOUSINGCC:noGC34090208.05Rental Program: Multi-Family Housing (case files)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090208.06Rehab Program: Residential (case files)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090208.07Sewer Subsidy Program (case files)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090208.08Rental Program: Single-Family Housing (case files)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090208.09Assessment Subsidy Program (case files)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090208.10 Affordable Housing Database (Excel)until superseded + 2 years HOUSINGDept:yes (website)GC34090208.11Rehab Program: Commercial (case files)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090208.12 Relocationscurrent year + 5 yearsHOUSINGDept:no24 CFR 92.508(a)&(c); GC34090208.13Housing Annual Reports (to Council and State)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yes HSC Section 34328 208.14Housing - Surplus Real Property Listuntil closed + 2 yearsHOUSINGDept:noGC34090208.15Homeless Data and Informationcurrent year + 2 yearsHOUSINGDept:noGC34090300 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MARKETINGECON/MKT301ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT301.01Economic Development PlanPERMANENTCITY MANAGERCC:noGC34090301.02Studies / Research / Demographicsuntil completed + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC34090d301.03Business Development / Projectsuntil completed + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC34090dECON/MKT302MARKETING302.01Marketing Studiescurrent year + 2 years MARKETINGCM:noGC34090302.02Promotional Activities and Materials (general)current year + 2 years MARKETINGCM:noGC34090302.03 Newspaper Clippings about CityPERMANENTCLERK CC:noNon-records historic value302.04[OPEN]302.05 City Seal, Logo - Bird, Flower, Tree and Trademark Info PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 historic value302.06[OPEN]302.07 City FlagPERMANENT FACILITIES FAC:no GC34090 historic value302.08 Web Site filesdestroy at will MARKETING CM:noPreliminary Drafts GC34090302.09 Postings to Social Media Accounts destroy at will MARKETING CM:noPreliminary Drafts GC34090302.10 Awards and Donations Received by the Citycurrent year + 2 years unless of historic valueCITY MANAGER CM:no GC34090ECON/MKT303PHOTOGRAPHS303.01Photos - Official City Use while useful + 2 years MARKETING CM:yesGC34090 303.02Videos - Official City Usewhile useful + 2 years MARKETING CM:yesGC34090 303.03Photos - Staff Events and Sharingdestroy at willMARKETING CM:yes Preliminary DraftECON/MKT304PUBLIC RELATIONS304.01Public Inquires and Complaintscurrent year + 2 years receiving dept CC:noGC34090304.02Public Ceremonies and Events, Produced by Citycurrent year + 2 yearsproducing dept CS:noGC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 10 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image304.03City Anniversary Eventscurrent year + 2 yearsproducing dept CS:noGC34090304.04Other Special Events, Produced by Citycurrent year + 2 yearsproducing dept CS:noGC34090304.05Public Surveys/Questionnaires, Issued by Citycurrent year + 2 years issuing deptCC:noGC34090304.06 Pillars of the Community ProgramPERMANENTCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:yesGC34090304.07 Senior Inspiration Award ProgramPERMANENTCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:yesGC34090304.08 Community Educationuntil superseded + 2 years issuing deptCC:noGC34090304.09 Acknowledgment Areas ProgramPERMANENTCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:yes GC34090 historic value304.10 Keys to the CityPERMANENTCITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 historic value304.11 Sister City ProgramPERMANENTCITY MANAGER CC:no GC34090 historic valueECON/MKT305PUBLICATIONS305.01Public Hearing PostingsPERMANENTissuing deptCC:noGC34090305.02 Public Hearing Notices returned undelivered by Post Office (Planning) current year + 2 yearsPLANNINGPL:noGC34090305.03Display Ads and Miscellaneous (non-legal)current year + 2 years issuing deptCC:noGC34090305.04Subscriptions (non-City publications)destroy at willreceiving dept CC:nonon-record305.05Publication Ratesuntil supersededFINANCECC:nonon-record305.06Web Site filescurrent year + 2 yearspublishing dept CC:noGC34090305.07IOIs = Items of Interest (weekly email blast)current year + 2 yearsCM deptCC:noGC34090305.08Press Releases, Issued by Citycurrent year + 2 years issuing deptCM:noGC34090305.09 Newsletter, Created by Cityuntil superseded + 2 years issuing deptpartialGC34090305.10 Other Publications, Created by Cityuntil superseded + 2 years issuing deptnoGC34090305.11 City Brochures, Visitor Maps, and Calendars, Created by Cityuntil superseded + 2 years issuing deptnoGC34090400 FINANCIAL AND FISCALFINANCIAL 401GENERAL ACCOUNTING401.01Chart of Accounts until audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090401.02Budgetary Accountinguntil audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090401.03Budget Adjustmentsuntil audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090401.04Check Registersuntil audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090401.05Fixed Assets: Inventory, Valuation and Disposaluntil audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090401.06[OPEN]401.07[OPEN]401.08Petty Cashuntil audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090401.09Statements of Indebtednessuntil audited + 7 yearsFINANCECC:noGC34090401.10[OPEN]401.11Annual Financial Statements and Reports (CAFR)PERMANENTFINANCEF:yesGC34090401.12State Revenues (Mandated Costs)until audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090401.13 Fiscal Analysiscurrent year FINANCEF:noPreliminary draft, compilation401.14 Revenue Studiescurrent year FINANCE F:noPreliminary draft, compilation401.15[OPEN]401.16 Gann Regulations (see 410.10 for Gann Limit)until superseded + 2 years FINANCE CC:no GC34090401.17[OPEN]401.18Waste Management Feeswhile current + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 11 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescription TOTAL Primary Scan /CitationNumberRETENTION Responsibility Image401.19Grants and Sponsorships (granted BY City)until audited + 7 years managing dept. F:no GC34090401.20Journal Entriesuntil audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090FINANCIAL 402BANKING RECORDS402.01Bank Deposit Slips until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090402.02Bank Statements until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:noGC34090; 26CFR16001-1402.03Check Stubs, Canceled Checks until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090402.04Signature Cards and Authorizations until separated + 5 years FINANCE F:no GC34090402.05[OPEN]402.06Bank Reconciliation until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090402.07Daily Cash Reports (renamed from Daily Balance Reports from Bank Reconciliation) until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090402.08 Bad Checks / Stale/Dated Checks / Voided Checks / Stop Payments until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090FINANCIAL 403AUDITS403.01Audit Reports, Internal until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090403.02Audit Reports, External until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090403.03 Audit Guidelines until superseded + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC34090403.04Audit Preparation Documents until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090403.05Audit Working Files until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090FINANCIAL 404PAYROLL404.01 Payroll Records, Active until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2404.02 Payroll Records, Terminated until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2404.03 Payroll Deductions and Authorizations until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; 29CFR516.2404.04 Payroll Schedules (Salary Schedules / Rate of Pay) until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:noGC12946; 29CFR516.6(2) & 1602.14404.05 Time Sheetsuntil audited + 7 years FINANCE F:noGC34090; 29CFR516.2;IRS Reg 31.6001-1(e)(2); R&T19530; LC1174(d)404.06W-2 Formsuntil audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090404.07Vacation and Sick Leave Balance Reports current year + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC34090404.08Payroll RegistersPERMANENT FINANCE F:no GC34090FINANCIAL 405BONDS405.01 Municipal Bondsuntil paid + 10 years FINANCE F:noGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)405.02 Assessment Bonds until paid + 10 years FINANCE F:noGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)405.03 Surety Bonds (Notary Public, etc.) until paid + 10 years CLERK CC:noGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 12 of 31 City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image405.04 Revenue Bondsuntil paid + 10 years FINANCE F:noGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)405.05 General Obligation Bondsuntil paid + 10 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)405.06 Tax Allocation Bondsuntil paid + 10 yearsFINANCEF:yesGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)405.07 Bond Annual Statementsuntil paid + 10 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)405.08 Bond Registeruntil paid + 10 years FINANCE F:noGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)405.09 Dev. Performance Bonds, CDs, Letters of Cr (w/o SIAs) until paid + 10 years CLERK CC:noGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)405.10 Bond Foreclosureswhile current + 10 years FINANCEF:noGC34090, 43900; CCP337.5, 336; 26 CFR 1.6001-1(e)FINANCIAL 406RETIREMENT406.01 Public Employees Retirement System PERS PERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no29CFR1627.3 (2); GC12946; GC34090406.02 Deferred Compensation PlansPERMANENTHUMAN RESOURCES CC:no29CFR1627.3 (2); GC12946; GC34090406.03PARS Trust (Public Agency Retirement Services) / OPEB Trust (Other Post Employment Benefits) /Supplemental Pension PlanPERMANENT FINANCE F:yes GC12946; GC34090FINANCIAL 407INVESTMENTS407.01Investment Statements until audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:yes GC34090; CCP337;407.02Investment Confirmations until audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:no GC34090; CCP337;407.03 Investment Policyuntil superseded + 5 years FINANCEF:yesGC34090(d)407.04Investment Monthly Reportsuntil audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:yesGC34090FINANCIAL 408REVENUE408.01Accounts Receivable until audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090408.02Daily Cash Receiptsuntil audited + 7 yearsFINANCEF:noGC34090408.03[OPEN]408.04[OPEN]408.05[OPEN]408.06 Development Impact Feesuntil audited + 7 yearsPUBLIC WORKS and FINANCECC:noGC34090408.07 Development Agreement Feesuntil closed + 7 yearsPLANNING and FINANCECC:noGC34090408.08Fee Waiver Requestsuntil audited + 7 yearsPLANNINGF:noGC34090408.09[OPEN]408.10[OPEN]408.11[OPEN]408.12 Grants Received and Donations TO Cityuntil completed + 5 years or grant close-out procedureapplying dept some24CFR570.502(a); OMB Cir A-110 (attach C), A-133 2 CFR 200.333, GC8546.7, 34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 13 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescription TOTAL Primary Scan /CitationNumberRETENTION Responsibility Image408.13Collection Agency Records (Data Ticket)until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090408.14[OPEN]408.15Surplus / Auction Sales until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337408.16Promissory Notes TO Cityuntil satisfied + 7 years FINANCE F:no GC34090; CCP337408.17Grant Applications, Unsuccessful until rejected + 2 years applying dept no GC34090FINANCIAL 409TAXES409.01 Sales Taxuntil audited + 7 years FINANCE F:noR&T 19530; 26 CFR 31.6001-1(e)(2); 29CFR 516.5 - 516.6, GC34090 409.02 Property Tax, Applied Refuse Levy, etc until audited + 7 years FINANCE F:noR&T 19530; 26 CFR 31.6001-1(e)(2); 29CFR 516.5 - 516.6, GC34090 409.03 Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) [also see 452 for STVR operational info] until audited + 7 years DESIGN & DEV. D&D:noR&T 19530; 26 CFR 31.6001-1(e)(2); 29CFR 516.5 - 516.6, GC34090 409.04 Gas Taxuntil audited + 7 years FINANCE F:noR&T 19530; 26 CFR 31.6001-1(e)(2); 29CFR 516.5 - 516.6, GC34090 FINANCIAL 410BUDGETS410.01Budget Preparation Files current year + 2 yearspreparing dept F:no GC34090410.02[OPEN]410.03[OPEN]410.04Capital Improvements Budget, Approved PERMANENT FINANCE F:yes GC34090410.05[OPEN]410.06Budget Status Reports current year + 2 years FINANCE F:no GC34090410.07Budgets, Approved (CC, RDA, FA)PERMANENT CLERK F:no GC34090410.08Budgets, Special Projects PERMANENT supervising dept F:no GC34090410.09Financial Support Requests current year + 2 years department F:no GC34090FINANCIAL 411COST ANALYSIS AND FEE STUDIES411.01 Development Impact Fee (DIF) Studies until superseded + 2 years DESIGN & DEV. D&D:no GC34090d411.02 Fee Studiesuntil superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090d411.03 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Studies until superseded + 2 years DESIGN & DEV. D&D:no GC34090dFINANCIAL 412ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND PURCHASING412.01Accounts Payable until audited + 7 years FINANCE FIN:yes GC34090 412.021099 Formsuntil audited + 7 years FINANCE FIN:yes GC34090 412.03W-9suntil vendor not active FINANCE FIN:yes GC34090 412.04Purchase Orders until audited + 7 years FINANCE FIN:yes GC34090 412.05Authorization to Purchase (other than bids - Credit Card Users, Home Depot, etc.)until audited + 7 years FINANCE FIN:yes GC34090 412.06Products, Services, and Catalogs (reference)destroy at will all departments Dept:no non-record412.07[OPEN]412.08Vendors Lists and Brochures destroy at will FINANCE FIN:no non-record412.09Pricing Listsdestroy at will FINANCE Dept:no non-record412.10Office Supplies Ordered by Depts. (w/o POs)destroy at will all departments FIN:yes non-record412.11Travel Request and Expense until audited + 7 years FINANCE FIN:yes GC34090 Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 14 of 31 City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescription TOTAL Primary Scan /CitationNumberRETENTION Responsibility Image412.12 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules (re RDA Dissolution) until final payment + 7 years FINANCE FIN:yes GC34090FINANCIAL 413BIDS413.01Invitation to Bid until audited + 7 years CLERK CC:no GC34090413.02Unsuccessful Bids, Cap Improv Projects and Formal >$25K current year + 7 years CLERK CC:no GC34090d413.03Unsuccessful Bids, Services and Informal <$25K current year + 7 years CLERK CC:no GC34090d413.04Bids, Vehicles and Equipment, Invitation, Results, etc until audited + 7 years FINANCE PL:no/F:no GC34090d413.05 Bidders List, Pre-Qualified destroy at will PUBLIC WORKS CC:nopreliminary draft, reference; GC34090413.06[OPEN]413.07 RFPs / RFQs / RFIs / Bids - Unsuccessful (no State or Federal Funding) current year + 7 years CLERK CC:yes GC34090d413.08RFPs / RFQs / RFIs / Bids - Successful until audited + 7 years CLERK PL:yes GC34090d413.09 RFPs / RFQs / RFIs / Bids - Successful (with State or Federal Funding)until audited30 yearsCLERK PL:yes GC34090d450 BUSINESS LICENSES AND VACATION RENTAL PROGRAMBL & STVR 451BUSINESS LICENSES451.01BL - Licenses and Applications, Renewals until expired + 4 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090451.02BL - Renewal Notices (software can Re-create these)until renewal + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090451.03BL - Refund Claims - investigation until resolved + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090BL & STVR 452VACATION RENTAL PROGRAM452.01STVR - New Applications until expired + 4 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090452.02STVR - Permitsuntil expired + 4 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090452.03STVR - Permit Renewals (software can Re-create these)until expired + 4 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090452.04STVR - TOT Payments until audited + 7 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090452.05STVR - Refund Claims - investigation (TOT)until resolved + 2 DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090452.06STVR - Resident Info, Education, Workshops current year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090500 HUMAN RESOURCESHR & RM 501HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION501.01 Personnel Policy until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE shared drive GC34090501.02HR Formsuntil superseded HUMAN RESOURCE HR:yespreliminary drafts501.03 Employee Onboarding until superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090; GC12946501.04Employee Rosteruntil superseded HUMAN RESOURCE HR:yes GC34090501.05Employee Newsletters current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:yes GC34090; GC12946501.06Employee Incentive and Service Awards while current + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090; GC12946501.07Employee Social Events - City Sponsored destroy at will HUMAN RESOURCE HR:nopreliminary drafts501.08 Temporary Employment Agencies until terminated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090; GC12946501.09Volunteer Program(s)until completed + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090; GC12946501.10Unpaid Intern Program until completed + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090; GC12946501.11Annual Notices2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090; GC12946HR & RM 502PERSONNEL RECORDS502.01 Full-time Employees (Performance Evaluations, etc.) until separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.30.31, 516.6 et seq; GC12946, 34090,502.02Contract Employees until separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 15 of 31 City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image502.03 Part-Time Employeesuntil separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.30.31, 516.6 et seq; GC12946, 34090502.04 Temporary Employeesuntil separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.30.31, 516.6 et seq; GC12946, 34090502.05 Terminated Employeesuntil separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.30.31, 516.6 et seq; GC12946, 34090502.06 Retired Employeesretirement + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.30.31, 516.6 et seq; GC12946, 34090502.07 Volunteersuntil separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.30.31, 516.6 et seq; GC12946, 34090502.08 Boards and Commission Membersuntil separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.30.31, 516.6 et seq; GC12946, 34090502.09 Oaths of Office - all Employees, all classificationsuntil separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.30.31, 516.6 et seq; GC12946, 34090502.10 Paid Internsuntil separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.30.31, 516.6 et seq; GC12946, 34090502.11 Appointments to Acting City Manager, Acting Clerk, Acting Directors, etc. current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:noGC34090HR & RM 503SALARY AND BENEFITS503.01 Benefit Plansuntil superseded/expired + 2 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); 29 USC 1027; GC12946, 34090503.02 Benefits: Medical Insuranceuntil superseded/expired + 2 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); 29 USC 1027; GC12946, 34090503.03 Benefits: Life Insuranceuntil superseded/expired + 2 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); 29 USC 1027; GC12946, 34090503.04 Benefits: Retirement until superseded/expired + 2 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); 29 USC 1027; GC12946, 34090503.05 Benefits: Visionuntil superseded/expired + 2 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); 29 USC 1027; GC12946, 34090503.06 Benefits: Dentaluntil superseded/expired + 2 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); 29 USC 1027; GC12946, 34090503.07 Benefits: TASC Flex Systemuntil superseded/expired + 2 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); 29 USC 1027; GC12946, 34090503.08 Benefits: Wellnessuntil superseded/expired + 2 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); 29 USC 1027; GC12946, 34090503.09Salary Surveyscurrent year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC12946;34090;503.10Salary Schedulescurrent year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC12946;34090;Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 16 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescription TOTAL Primary Scan /CitationNumberRETENTION Responsibility Image503.11 Disability Case Files until separated + 30 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29CFR1602.31; 1602.32; 1627.3; 29USC1027;503.12 Leaves - Family Medical until separated + 30 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no 29CFR1602.30 to .32; 503.13Employee Assistance Program(s) (was in 501.02)until completed + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090;12946503.14Computer Loan Program until separated + 6 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090503.15COBRA Notices (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) / Offer to Spouse after a Divorce, etc.until completed + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090HR & RM 504CLASSIFICATIONS504.01 Position Classifications until superseded + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no29 CFR 1602.30.32; GC 12946, 34090504.02 Job Descriptions until superseded + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no29 CFR1602.32, GC 12946, 34090504.03 Classification Surveys current year + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no29CFR516.6(2), 1602.14; GC12946, 34090504.04 Reclassification Requests until separated + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no29CFR516.6(2), 1602.14; GC 12946, 34090HR & RM 505PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT505.01Personnel Progress and Activity Reports (Quarterly Reports)current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090, 12946505.02[OPEN]505.03 Personnel Questionnaires current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no29CFR516.6(2), 1602.14; GC12946, 34090505.04 Personnel Actions current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no1602.30.31; 516.6;GC 12946, 34090,505.05Planning and Organization current year + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090505.06 Organization Charts until superseded + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090HR & RM 506RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION506.01Applications for Employment / Tests and Examinations / Eligibility Lists / Recruitment Advertising / Notifications of Appointment / Interview Panel Noteswhile current + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:noGC12946, 34090; 29CFR1602 et seq, 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(i)HR & RM 507EDUCATION AND TRAINING507.01Conferences and Seminars destroy at will attending dept HR:no Non Records507.02 Educational Programs current year + 7 years sponsoring dept HR:no8 CCR 3203, 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(ii), LC 6429(c); GC 12946, 34090, 53235.2(b)507.03Educational Reimbursement Program current year + 7 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no GC34090,507.04 Training Programs current year + 7 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no8 CCR 3203, 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(ii), LC 6429(c); GC 12946, 34090, 53235.2(b) Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 17 of 31 City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image507.05 Succession Planning (eg LInKS, The LQ Academy) current year + 7 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no8 CCR 3203, 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(ii), LC 6429(c); GC 12946, 34090, 53235.2(b) HR & RM 508SAFETY AND MEDICAL RECORDS508.01Individual Medical Records / Pre-employment Physicals / Employee Accident Reports / Physical Exams, etc.until separated + 30 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no8 CCR 3204(d)(1) et seq., 29 CFR 1910.1020(d)(1)(i), LC 1198.5 29CFT1627.3, 1602.30.32; Lbr Rltns Sec 1174; GC 12946, 34090508.02 Public Incident Reports (no claim filed)current year + 2 years RISK MANAGEMENT HR:noGC34090508.03First Aid Kits / AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Checks, Spreadsheetscurrent year + 5 years RISK MANAGEMENT HR:no GC34090508.04 Safety Reportswhile current + 5 years RISK MANAGEMENT HR:no 8 CCR 3203(b)(1), LC 6429c OMB1220-0029; 29CFR1904.4; GC34090508.05 Safety Investigation Files (OSHA, etc.) until disposition + 5 years RISK MANAGEMENT HR:no GC34090508.06 Safety Policy and Procedures29 CFR 1627.3(b)(1)(v), GC 12946, 34090; 49 CFR 655.71 et seq.; 49 CFR 38+C5812.401 et seq. 49 CFR 653.71+A576:F584RISK MANAGEMENT HR:no GC34090508.07 DOT Testing - All Results 5 years HUMAN RESOURCE HR:no29 CFR 1627.3(b)(1)(v), GC 12946, 34090; 49 CFR 655.71 et seq.; 49 CFR 382.401 et seq. 49 CFR 653.71508.08 Safety Committee (in house) while current + 5 years RISK MANAGEMENT HR:no8 CCR 3203(b)(1), LC 6429c OMB1220-0029; 29CFR1904.4; GC34090 same as 508.04HR & RM 509LABOR RELATIONS509.01 Labor Relations Policyuntil superseded + 2 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090, 12946509.02Fair Labor Laws and Standardsdestroy at willHUMAN RESOURCE CC:noNon Records509.03Employee Associations and Unions10 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE CC:noGC34090509.04Negotiations / Meet and Confer10 yearsHUMAN RESOURCE CC:noGC34090509.05Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)PERMANENTCLERKCC:noGC34090509.06Impasse ProceduresPERMANENT HUMAN RESOURCE CC:no GC34090509.07 Grievancesuntil separation + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:noGC12946; 34090 29CFR1602; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(ii),Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 18 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image509.08 Discrimination Complaintsuntil separation + 3 years HUMAN RESOURCE CC:noGC12946; 34090 29CFR1602; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(ii),600 CONTRACTS, SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENTC, S & E 601[OPEN]C, S & E 602CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS602.01 Contracts and AgreementsPERMANENTCLERKCC:yes-LFGC37090, CCP 337Employees Requested PERM for research value602.02 Document Tracking Logwhile in useCLERKCC: shared drivePreliminary Draft602.03Promissory Notes (loans) and Grants to Residents for Code Compliance AssistancePERMANENTCLERKCC:yes GC34090, CCP 337602.04 Lease AgreementsPERMANENT (State requires exp+5 yrs)CLERKCC:yes-LFGC37090, CCP 337Employees Requested PERM for research value602.05 Franchise AgreementsPERMANENT (State requires exp+5 yrs)CLERKCC:yes-LFGC37090, CCP 337Employees Requested PERM for research value602.06 Subdivision Improve Agr (includes related bonds)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yes-LFGC37090, CCP 337Employees Requested PERM for research valueC. S & E 603INVENTORY, SUPPLIES AND MAINTENANCE603.01Office Equipment Inventory and Manualsdestroy at willusing deptCC:nonon-record603.02Office Supply Inventory and Informationdestroy at willusing deptCC:nonon-record603.03Vehicle Titles and Registrationsuntil disposedCLERKCC:noGC34090603.04Vehicle Maintenance Recordsuntil disposed + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:noGC34090603.05Large Equipment Inventory and Manualsuntil disposed + 2 years using deptCC:noGC34090603.06Large Equipment Maintenance Recordsuntil disposed + 2 years BUILDINGCC:noGC34090603.07 Work Orders and Service Requestsuntil disposed + 2 yearsissuing/receiving deptCC:no GC34090603.08 Vehicle Inventoryuntil superseded CLERK CC:noPreliminary drafts compilation700 LEGAL AND LEGISLATIVELEGAL/LEG 701LEGISLATIVE FILES701.01Minutes: CC, RDA, FA, HA, SAPERMANENTCLERKCC:yes-LFGC34090e701.02Agendas, Staff Reports and Planning Guides: CC, RDA, FA, HA, SA(including CONFIDENTIAL Closed Session reports)paper = CY+2 yrs electronic = PERMANENT CLERKCC:yes-LFGC34090 State requires 2 yrs PERM = Staff request - research value701.03Resolutions and Index: CC, RDA, FA, HA, SAPERMANENTCLERKCC:yes-LFGC34090e701.04Ordinances and IndexPERMANENTCLERKCC:yes-LFGC34090e701.05 Agenda Packets, etc: All City Ad Hoc, Advisory, SubCommitteespaper = CY+2 yrs electronic = PERMANENT CLERKCC:yes-LFGC34090 State requires 2 yrs PERM = Staff request - research valueRevised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 19 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescription TOTAL Primary Scan /CitationNumberRETENTION Responsibility Image701.06 Agenda Packets, etc.: ALL Boards, Commissions, Committeespaper = CY+2 yrs electronic = PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes-LFGC34090 State requires 2 yrs PERM = Staff request - research value701.07Minutes: Drafts of ALL Boards, Commissions, Committees destroy at will supporting dept CC:yes-LF Preliminary Draft701.08Resolutions and Index: Planning Commission PERMANENT supporting dept CC:yes-LF GC34090e701.09Successful Applications - Boards, Commissions, Committees until expiration + 5 years CLERK CC:no GC34090701.10Unsuccessful Applications - Boards, Commissions, Committees until disposition + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 701.11State Legislative Info (i.e. Brown Act)until superseded CLERK CC:no non-record701.12Federal Legislative Info until superseded CITY MANAGERCC:no non-record701.13 Ethics Certificates - all elected/appointed (re GC53235.2) until expiration + 5 years HUMAN RESOURCES CC:no GC34090, 53235.2701.14La Quinta Muni Code, Supplements and Charter PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes-LF GC34090701.15 City Council Appointments to Outside Agencies + FPPC Form 806 until expiration + 7 years CLERKCC:yes- website2 CCR 18705.5; 2 CCR 18702.5(b)(3); 81009(e) GC34090, 81009€701.16 Historical Files and City Incorporation docs PERMANENT all departments CC:yes-LF GC34090 historic value701.17 City Council Member History and Vacancy History PERMANENT CLERKCC:yes-shared driveGC34090701.18 Handbook: Boards, Commissions, Committees until superseded + 2 years CLERKCC:yes-shared driveGC34090701.19Housing Authority By-Laws PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes-LF GC34090701.20Financing Authority By-Laws PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes-LF GC34090701.21Redevelopment Agency By-Laws PERMANENT CLERK CC:yes-LF GC34090701.22 City Council / Boards / Commissions Rules of Procedure until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:yes-LF GC34090701.23Lobbyist Forms and InfoPERMANENTCITY MANAGERCC:no 2 CCR 18615(d)701.24 Oversight Board of Former RDA (agendas, minutes, resolutions, etc)PERMANENTCLERK CC:yes-LF GC34090€701.25 LQ Redevelopment Agency (files of all Depts) dissolution + 20 years CLERK CC:partialGC34090 keep a minimum of 20 years per City AttorneyLEGAL/LEG 702ELECTION FILES702.01Election Record (filed by year)PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 702.02Voter Registration, Roster of Voters current year + 5 years CLERK CC:no EC17300702.03Ballot Measures (filed by year)PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 702.04[OPEN] < moved to 702.07a and b702.05aElection Ballots (all except 702.05b)election date+ ½ year CLERK CC:no EC17302702.05b Election Ballots re: Assessments, Property-related Fees (Prop 218) PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC 53753(e)(2)702.06 Oaths of Office - Elected and Appointed non-employees until expiration + 6 years CLERK CC:no GC34090; 29USC1113702.07aNomination Filings, Committee, Candidate and Campaign Statements, FPPC Filings - UN-ELECTED Candidateselection date+ 5 years CLERK CC:no EC17100; GC81009(b); 702.07bNomination Filings, Committee, Candidate and Campaign Statements, FPPC Filings - ELECTED CandidatesPERMANENT CLERK CC:no EC17100, GC81009(b);702.08 Election Historical Files PERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC34090 historic value702.09 Handbook: City Council until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090 702.10Major Donor and Independent+B728 Exp. Cmte Stmts current year + 7 years CLERK CC:no GC81009(c)(g) 702.11 Candidate Election Manuals until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 20 of 31 City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image702.12 Petitions: Recalls8 mos after election results are certifiedCLERK CC:no Election Code 17400(a)702.13 Petitions: Initiatives, Referendums, Charter Amend.8 mos after election results are certifiedCLERK CC:no Election Code 17200(a)702.14 Candidate Statement - Fee Deferral Criteria until superseded + 2 years CLERK CC:no GC34090LEGAL/LEG 703LEGAL INVESTIGATION AND LITIGATION703.01Requests for Public Records [moved to 706.01]703.02[OPEN]703.03Litigations (City a Party to Suit - Summons, Subpoenas)until settled + 2 yearsCLERKCC:yesGC34090703.04[OPEN]703.05Protests / Petitions, submitted to Councilcurrent year + 1 yearCLERKCC:noGC50115703.06Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Notices (non-City properties - City has an interest eg. lender, contractor, etc)same as related fileCLERKCC:nonon-records703.07Legal Investigations, Civiluntil closed + 2 yearsCLERKCC:noGC34090703.08Subpoenas to Appear / Depositions (City not a Party)current year + 2 yearsCLERKyesGC34090703.09Subpoenas for Public Records (City not a Party)current year + 2 yearsCLERKyesGC34090LEGAL/LEG 704LEGAL OPERATIONS704.01Legal Operations, General Referencewhile current + 2 years related deptCC:noGC34090704.02 Notices of Violation / Citations / Incident Reports / Appeals: ISSUEDuntil settled + 2 years issuing deptCC:noGC34090704.03Notices of Violation: RECEIVED by Cityuntil settled + 2 years receiving dept CC:noGC34090704.04Compliance Certification (ie Prop. 218 property fees/taxes)current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:noGC 53753(e)(2)704.05Judgments and Dismissalscurrent year + 2 yearsCLERKCC:noGC34090704.06 Proof of Publication (legal published notices)current year + 2 years publishing dept CC:yes, PL:yes GC 34090704.07Statements of Economic Interest (Form 700)until separated + 7 yearsCLERKCC:noGC81009(e)704.08Notices of Pendency and Corresponding Releases - RECORDEDPERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090(a)704.09Nuisance/Weed Abatements RECORDED RESOLUTIONS(also see 1307.02)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090(a)704.10Code Enforce/Animal Control: Administrative Hearingsuntil disposition + 2 years BUILDINGCC:noGC34090d704.11 City Attorney Opinions and correspondence (confidential)until superseded + 2 yearsCLERKCC:noGC34090704.12City Attorney Correspondence, Generalcurrent year + 2 years receiving dept CC:noGC34090704.13 Audio Recordings - Public MeetingsCouncil, RDA, FA, HA, SA, OB, Planning Com = PERMANENTAll others = 5 years recording dept CC/PL:FTRGC34090.7, LQ Council Resolution 2011704.13a Video Recordings - Council MeetingsPERMANENT(State requires 90 days)IT SERVICES yes: website GC34090.6704.14FPPC Regulations (not filings)until supersededCLERKCC:nonon-records704.15Notary Public Certificationuntil separated + 5 yearsCLERKCC:no GC 12946, 34090704.16Small Claimsuntil settled + 5 yearsCLERKCC:no GC34090; GC25105.5704.17Federal Laws (Labor, Public Works, etc.)until supersededinterested dept CC:nonon-records704.18 Maddy's Act Posting Lists (re B+C appointments)until term expiration + 5 yearsCLERK CC:no GC34090704.19(OPEN) 704.20Amicus Briefs / Amicus curiae until settled + 2 yearsCLERKCC:noGC34090704.21(OPEN)704.22Accidents Involving City Vehiclescurrent year + 2 years RISK MANGEMENT CC:noGC34090704.24Public Safety Noticescurrent year + 2 yearsCLERKCC:noGC34090704.25 Conflict of Interest Code, Maps, Lists, Cases, Opinions, Infountil superseded + 5 yearsCLERKCC:no GC34090 FPPC Opinions704.26[OPEN]until settled + 5 yearsCLERKCC:no GC34090; GC25105.5Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 21 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescription TOTAL Primary Scan /CitationNumberRETENTION Responsibility Image704.27[OPEN]704.28[OPEN]704.29Ticket Distribution Records (FPPC Form 802)7 years CLERK CC: websiteLEGAL/LEG 705ASSESSMENT AND SPECIAL DISTRICTS705.01Assessment Districts, General (Formation, Proposals)while current + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090705.02Assessment Districts, Studies PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090705.03Assessment District 1988-01 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.04Assessment District 1989-01 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.05Assessment District 1989-02 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.06Assessment District 1989-03 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.07Assessment District 1989-04 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.08Assessment District 1990-01 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.09Assessment District 1991-01 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.10Assessment District 1992-01 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.11Assessment District 1993-01 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.12Assessment District 1995-01 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.13Assessment District 1997-01 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.14Assessment District 2000-01 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.15Assessment District 2000-02 PERMANENT CLERK D&D:yes GC34090705.16Historic Preservation Districts PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090705.17CSA 152 (Cty Service Areas Assessment- NPDES)PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090705.18Assessment Districts, Release of Liens PERMANENT CLERK No GC34090705.19Solid Waste Collection Assessment on Tax Rolls (Burrtec)PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090LEGAL/LEG 706PUBLIC RECORD REQUESTS706.01 Requests for Public Records until completed + 2 years CLERKCC:yes-shared drive (S drive)records kept electronically onlyGC34090800 CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERINGCNSTR/ENG801GENERAL ADMINISTRATION801.01 Dept Statistic Reports until superseded + 2 years DESIGN & DEV CC:no GC34090d801.02CondemnationsPERMANENT DESIGN & DEV CC:no GC34030a801.03[OPEN]801.04[OPEN]801.05Infrastructure Improvement Standards PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV CC:no GC34090CNSTR/ENG802ENGINEERING PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS802.01Permits - Encroachment PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090802.02[OPEN]802.03Permits - GradingPERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090802.04Permits - Mobile Home PERMANENT BUILDING D&D:yes GC34090802.05Permits - Haul / Oversize Vehicles until expiration + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090802.06Plan Checksdestroy at will DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090802.07Inspection Daily Logs PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090802.08Permits - DrivewayPERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090CNSTR/ENG803ENGINEERING MAPS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS803.01Final Tract MapsPERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090803.02Final Parcel MapsPERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090803.03Grading Plans, Precise and Rough PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090803.04Street Improvement Plans PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090803.05Drainage Improvement Plans PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 22 of 31 City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image803.06Sewer Improvement PlansPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090803.07Water Improvement PlansPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090803.08Survey MapsPERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090803.09Construction Codes, EngineeringPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090A803.10Standard Drawings, EngineeringPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090A803.11Landscape SpecificationsPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090A803.12Water Quality Management PlanPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090CNSTR/ENG804BUILDING PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS804.01 Building PermitsPERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090a; H&S 19850; 804.02 Demolition Permits (see 805.09 re: demo plans) current year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090a; H&S 19850804.03 Building Inspection Reports current year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:no GC34090d; CBC 104.7804.04[OPEN]804.05[OPEN]804.06Permits, temporary structures/trailersuntil expired + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:noGC34090d804.07 School Fee Receipts for Bldg PermitsPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:no GC34090a; H&S 19850CNSTR/ENG805BUILDING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS805.01[OPEN]805.02a Residential Plans - FINAL - no common interest PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090; H&S19850; CBC 104.7 & 107.5805.02b Residential Plans - FINAL - common interest or 3+ stories PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090; H&S 19850, CBC 104.7 & 107.5805.03 Multi-Family Residential Plans - FINAL PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090, H&S 19850, 19853, CBC 104.7 & 107805.04 Commercial Plans - FINAL PERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090, H&S 19850, 19853, CBC 104.7 & 107805.05 Construction / Building Codes - State of CA, all editionsuntil superseded + 2 years DESIGN & DEV CC:no GC 50022.6 GC34090a 805.06Permit Application Packets w/ Plans (New applications - prior to permit issuance)current year + 1 year DESIGN & DEV D&D:noGC34090805.07 Building Plans (Permit Issued, No Final)PERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:noGC34090, H&S 19850, 19853, CBC 104.7 & 107805.08Address Creation MapsPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:noGC34090805.09Demo Plans and Bldg Plans for demolished buildings, Res/Comuntil closed + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090; H&S19850CNSTR/ENG806CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS806.01 Five - Year Plan until superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER D&D:no GC34090806.02 Ten - Year Plan until superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER D&D:no GC34090806.03[OPEN]806.04[OPEN]806.05Projects - CompletedPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090 CC337.15806.06[OPEN]806.07Building Plans, City Capital ProjectsPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090 CC337.15806.08 CIP Project Number Log PERMANENT CLERKCC:yes-shared driveGC 34090, historical value; staff referenceRevised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 23 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility ImageCNSTR/ENG807MAINTENANCE PROJECTS - PROJECT FILES807.01Street Improvements, Generaluntil supersededDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.02Street Planning, Generalcurrent year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.03Street Maintenance and Repairscurrent year + 2 years FACILITIES D&D:yesGC34090807.04Striping: Crosswalks, Bike Lanescurrent year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.05Street Naming and Signs (IISNS) PERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.06[OPEN]807.07Medianscurrent year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.08Sidewalks current year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.09Curbs and Gutterscurrent year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.10Driveway Approachescurrent year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.11[OPEN]807.12[OPEN]807.13[OPEN]807.14Street Lightingcurrent year + 2 years FACILITIES D&D:yesGC34090807.15Bridges and OverpassesPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.16Street Closures and Detour Plans - Temporarycurrent year + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090807.17Street Closures - Permanent (City Ownership Retained)PERMANENTCLERKD&D:yesGC34090a807.18Right-of-Way - Case LogsPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090CNSTR/ENG808STORM DRAINAGE, FLOOD CONTROL, SANITATION808.01Storm Drain Atlas, MapsPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090808.02Flood Control, Projects and Studies (eg Stormwater Report by Bechtel 1989)PERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090808.03Evacuation ChannelsPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090808.04Flood Maps, by FEMAdestroy at willDESIGN & DEV D&D:yes not a City record808.05 NPDES - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit until superseded + 3 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes40 CFR 122.21, 122.41, 122.44808.06Sewer and Septic Systems, Generaldestroy at willDESIGN & DEV D&D:nonon-record808.07 NPDES - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Monitoring3 yearsDESIGN & DEV D&D:yes40 CFR 122.21, 122.41, 122.44CNSTR/ENG809TRAFFIC ENGINEERING809.01Traffic Control, General Infodestroy at willDESIGN & DEV D&D:nonon-record809.02Work Orderscurrent year + 10 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090809.03Traffic Signals Maintenancecurrent year + 10 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090809.04[OPEN]809.05Traffic Studies and Surveyscurrent year + 10 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090d809.06Traffic Consultants / Marketingdestroy at willDESIGN & DEV D&D:yesnon-record809.07Speed Zoning Studiescurrent year + 10 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC34090dCNSTR/ENG810PARKING810.01[OPEN]810.02[OPEN]810.03[OPEN]810.04[OPEN]810.05[OPEN]810.06 Street Parking: Limited and Restricted Zones until superseded + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:yes GC34090900 RISK MANAGEMENTRISK MGMT 901RISK MANAGEMENT - BUSINESS RELATED901.01Claims for Damages Against the Cityuntil disposition + 5 yearsCLERKCC:no GC34090, CCP 337901.02Claims for Damage to City Propertyuntil disposition + 5 years RISK MGMTCC:no GC34090, CCP 337Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 24 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image901.03Litigation Against City (stemming from Claims)until settled + 2 yearsCLERKCC:no GC34090, CCP 337901.04Insurance Programs and Policies (including property schedules)PERMANENTRISK MGMTCC:yesGC34090901.05Indemnification Requirements for City Contractsuntil superseded + 2 years RISK MGMT CC:yes GC34090901.06Certificates of Insurance - required by the City from Parties to Contracts, Permits, Events, etcfollow retention of file to which it relatesrequiring dept CC:no GC34090; CCP 337901.07Property Loss History and Summaryuntil disposition + 7 years RISK MGMTRM:yes GC34090, CCP 337901.08Property Loss Control Inspections and ReportsClosed + 5 yearsRISK MGMTRM:yesGC34090901.09Underwriters' Reportsreference JPIA No not a City record901.10Risk and Cost-Benefit AnalysisClosed + 5 yearsRISK MGMTRM:noGC34090901.11Asbestos Survey ReportsPERMANENTRISK MGMTRM:noGC34090901.12Retrospective Computations - Annual and Invoices7 yearsRISK MGMTRM:noGC34090 901.13Asset Inventory (for Insurance)until disposition + 7 years RISK MGMTRM:noGC34090901.14CJPIA Info - Trainings, Forms, Opinions, Manuals, Audits, etc.referenceRISK MGMTRM:no not a City recordRISK MGMT 902RISK MANAGEMENT - PERSONNEL RELATED902.01[OPEN]902.02[OPEN]902.03[OPEN]902.04[OPEN]902.05Workers' Compensation, Case Files / Employee Accident and Injury Reportsuntil separated + 30 years RISK MANAGEMENT HR:no29CFR1602.31; 1602.32; 1627.3; 29USC10271000 PROPERTYPROPERTY 1001RIGHT - OF - WAYS1001.01Easements, Granted BY the CityPERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090a1001.02[OPEN] was Irrevocable Offers to Dedicate, combined with 1002.011001.03EncroachmentsPERMANENT DESIGN & DEV CC:yesGC340901001.04Easements, Granted TO the CityPERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090aPROPERTY 1002REAL PROPERTY1002.01Property Acquisitions - Grant Deed TO City (property purchased)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090a1002.02[OPEN]1002.03Street Vacations (City ownership relinquished)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090a1002.04[OPEN]1002.05CV LinkPERMANENT CLERK CC:no GC340901002.06[OPEN]1002.07Grant Deeds - Granted BY the City (sold property)PERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090aPROPERTY 1003BOUNDARY FILES1003.01 City Boundary DescriptionsPERMANENTPLANNING and CLERKCC:yesGC340901003.02Sphere of Influence FilesPERMANENTCLERKCC:yesGC34090PROPERTY 1004ANNEXATIONS1004.01Annexation, Generaluntil supersededDESIGN & DEV PL:no non-record, reference1004.02 Annexation, Studies and Reports (Potential)until disposition + 10 years DESIGN & DEV PL:no GC340901004.03AnnexationsPERMANENT CLERKyesGC34090PROPERTY 1005SILVERROCK PROPERTY1005.01Property Ownership, Purchase and AppraisalsPERMANENTCLERKCC: yesGC34090a1005.02Developers and Development PlansPERMANENTCITY MANAGERCM:noGC340901005.03BuildingsPERMANENT CITY MANAGERCM:noGC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 25 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image1005.04Facility Operations and Maintenancecurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESFAC:noGC340901005.05CIP ProjectsPERMANENT ENGINEERING ENG:yesGC340901005.06Environmental FilesPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC340901005.07Maps - Parcel, GIS, APN Lists, etcPERMANENTENGINEERING ENG:yesGC340901005.08Master Plan and Specific PlanPERMANENTPLANNINGPL:yesGC340901005.09Legal and Recorded RecordsPERMANENTCLERKCC: yesGC34090a1005.10DOF - State Dept of Finance Docs (re RDA Dissolution and SRR)Disolution + 20 years CITY MANAGERCM:noGC340901005.11Marketing, Press Releases and News Articlescurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCM:noGC340901005.12Committees - Council Ad Hoc and Resident Committeescurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCM:noGC340901100 PUBLIC FACILITIESFACILITIES 1101CITY-OWNED FACILITIES, maintenance and operation1101.01City-Owned Facilities, General Infountil supersededFACILITIESCC:no Preliminary drafts1101.02City Hall (construct. in project file)current year + 2 years FACILITIESCC:noGC340901101.03Wellness Centercurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCC:noGC340901101.04Librariescurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCC:noGC340901101.05Police Facilitiescurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCC:noGC340901101.06Fire Stationscurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCC:noGC340901101.07Museumscurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCC:noGC340901101.08Corporate Maintenance Yardcurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCC:noGC340901101.09Swimming Pool Chemicals, Readingscurrent year + 5 years FACILITIESCC:noGC34090FACILITIES 1102PARKS, OPEN SPACE AND GOLF COURSES1102.01Park Studies, General and Master PlanPERMANENTFACILITIESCS:yesGC340901102.02Parks, Specific Plans and Master PlansPERMANENTFACILITIESCS:yesGC340901102.03 Park Naming and Acceptance DatesPERMANENTFACILITIES & CLERK CC:yesGC34090d1102.04Park Operations and Maintenancecurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCS:noGC34090d1102.05Park Construction and Capital ImprovementsPERMANENTDESIGN & DEV CC:noGC340901102.06Recreation Centers (not city-owned - Middle School Lighting Maintenance, etc.)current year + 2 years FACILITIESCS:noGC34090 1102.07Dog Parkscurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCS:noGC34090 1102.08Skate Parkscurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCS:noGC34090 1102.09Adopt-a-Park Programcurrent year + 2 years FACILITIESCS:noGC340901102.10 SilverRock Golf Coursesale of property + 2 years FACILITIESCS:noGC340901200 UTILITIES, COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSPORTATIONU, C & T 1201[OPEN]U, C & T 1202[OPEN]U, C & T 1203[OPEN]U, C & T 1204[OPEN]U, C & T 1205[OPEN]U, C & T 1206TRANSPORTATION1206.01Regional Transportation, Generaluntil supersededinterested dept CC:no non-record, reference1206.02Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF)until auditied + 7 years DESIGN & DEV CC:noGC340901206.03 Bus Shelters / SUNLINEuntil supersededDESIGN & DEV CC:no non-reference reference1206.04 Taxi Service / Auto for Hire - Licenses and Permitsuntil termination + 4 years FINANCECC:noGC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 26 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility ImageU, C & T 1207WASTE AND RECYCLING1207.01State Code, Legislation, and Billsuntil supersededCITY MANAGERCM:no not a City record1207.02Solid Waste and Recycling Franchisees (lists, info, corresp, etc - not contracts)current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CM:noGC340901207.03 Green and Sustainable Policies and Programsuntil superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER CM:noGC340901207.04 Recycling Programs and CAL-Recycle until superseded + 2 years CITY MANAGER CM:noGC340901207.05Community Events and Outreachcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCM:noGC340901207.06Ratescurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCM:noGC340901207.07AssessmentsPERMANENTFINANCEFIN:noGC340901207.08ProjectsPERMANENT DESIGN & DEV D&D:yesGC340901300 PUBLIC SAFETYSAFE/ENV1301GENERAL ADMINISTRATION1301.01 Public Safety, Generaluntil superseded + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCC:noGC34090SAFE/ENV1302EMERGENCY SERVICES1302.01 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) current year + 10 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCES / PUBLIC SAFETYCC:no GC340901302.02 Emergency Operations Plan (Standard OP) until superseded + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCES / PUBLIC SAFETYCC:no GC340901302.03 Emergency Communications (FCC Radio License) until superseded + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCES / PUBLIC SAFETYCC:no GC340901302.04 Emergency Events / Disaster Reporting / FEMA Claims / OES Claims current year + 10 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCES / PUBLIC SAFETYCC:no GC340901302.05 Hazard Materials Contingency Plans until superseded + 2 years FACILITIES CC:no GC340901302.06 Evacuation Plans - Public Buildings until superseded + 2 years FACILITIES CC:no GC340901302.07 Emergency Shelters until superseded + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCES / PUBLIC SAFETYCC:no GC340901302.08[OPEN]1302.09[OPEN]1302.10 FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency Grants / Funding current year + 10 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCES / PUBLIC SAFETYCC:no GC340901302.11[OPEN]1302.12CERT Training Materials / CERT and Disaster Volunteers (CERT Applications)until superseded + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCES / PUBLIC SAFETYCC:no GC340901302.13 CERT and Disaster Volunteers (CERT Applications) until superseded + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCES / PUBLIC SAFETYCC:no GC340901302.14 Disaster Exercise Materials and Records until superseded + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCES / PUBLIC SAFETYCC:no GC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 27 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility ImageSAFE/ENV1303POLICE SERVICES (PUBLIC SAFETY)1303.01 Law Enforcement Services, Generalcurrent year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC340901303.02 Crime and Incident ReportsSheriff recordCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared drivenon-City record1303.03a Accident Reports (no fatalities)Sheriff recordCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared drivenon-City record1303.03b Accident Reports (involving a fatality(s)Sheriff recordCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared drivenon-City record1303.04(see 1307.10 Code Enforcement) [OPEN]1303.05 Vehicle Code Enforcement, copy (orig to Court) Sheriff recordCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared drivenon-City record1303.06(see 1307.12 Code Enforcement) [OPEN]1303.07 Public Safety Body Camera System (NOT Peace Officers) 1 yearCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC340901303.08 Public Safety Special Projects until completed + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC34090dSAFE/ENV1304FIRE SERVICES1304.01 Fire Service, Generaluntil superseded + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC340901304.02Occupancy Files: Annual Inspections / Biennial Inspections / New Contstruction / Fire and Life Safety Inspections (Businesses, Hotels, etc.)PERMANENTCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR: Go EnforceCFC 104.6 – 104.6.4; GC340901304.03 Finaled Permits - FirePERMANENTCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:TRAKiTGC340901304.03 Active / Expired Permits - Fireuntil completed + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:TRAKiTGC34090SAFE/ENV1305ANIMAL CONTROL1305.01[OPEN]1305.02[OPEN]1305.03[OPEN]1305.04[OPEN]1305.05 Animal Case Files and Logs / Hearings current year + 3 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveFA 32003(e), PC 597.1(d); CCP 337 et. seq., 3 CCR 1180.15; GC340901305.06 Restraining Orders, Vicious AnimalsLife of Animal + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC34090SAFE/ENV1306[OPEN]SAFE/ENV1307CODE ENFORCEMENT AND PERMITS1307.01 Abatements, Weed - General (also see 704.09) current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC340901307.02 Abatements, Weed, Property, Vehicle - Case Files (also see 704.09) until closed + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC340901307.03 Permits - Home Occupation / Home Businesses PERMANENTCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC34090PERM per dept request1307.04Permits - Garage Saleuntil expiration + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:TRAKiT GC34090d1307.05 Permits - Handbill Distribution until expiration + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC34090d1307.06Permits - Soliciting or Peddlinguntil expiration + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:TRAKiT GC34090dRevised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 28 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescription TOTAL Primary Scan /CitationNumberRETENTION Responsibility Image1307.07 Permits - Photography / Film until expiration + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC34090d1307.08Permits - Pool Draininguntil expiration + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:TRAKiT GC34090d1307.09 Permits - Massage Therapist Backgrounds, Envorcement and Inspections until expiration + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC34090d1307.10 False Alarm Activations and Notices - Case Files current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC340901307.11[OPEN]1307.12[OPEN]1307.13 Municipal Code Violations - Case Files until closed + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC34090 PERM per dept request1307.14 Stat Reports: Code Compliance destroy at willCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared drivePreliminary draftcompilations1307.15Permits - Golf Carts until completed + 2 years DESIGN & DEV D&D:TRAKiT GC340901307.16 Short-Term Vacation Rental Property Cases until completed + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC340901307.17 Administrative Hearings (file with Case Files) until settled + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC34090d1307.18 Code Compliance Outreach Campaigns current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC340901307.19 Festivals and Events - Code Operations current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCR:shared driveGC340901350 ENVIRONMENTAL AND CONSERVATIONENV/CONS 1351ENVIRONMENTAL AND CONSERVATION1351.01Environmental - EA files (Environmental Assessment)PERMANENT PLANNING PL:yes GC34090 1351.02 Landscaping Guidelines until superseded + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090 & 408011351.03Air Quality, Tests/Studies while current + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090d1351.04Noise Control, Tests/Studies while current + 2 years PLANNING PL:no GC34090d1351.05Water Quality, Tests/Studies while current + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:no GC34090d1351.06 Water Conservation - Programs and General Info while current + 2 yearsPLANNING and CITY MANAGERCC:no GC34090d1351.07Conservation AreasPERMANENT PLANNING CC:no GC340901351.08 Hazardous Waste, General Info until supersededPLANNING and CITY MANAGERCC:no GC34090 1351.09Underground Storage Tanks, locations/issues PERMANENT BUILDING B+S:no GC340901351.10 Energy Conservation, General Info until supersededPLANNING and CITY MANAGERCC:no GC34090 1351.11City-Wide Clean Up Campaigns while current + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC340901351.12Tree Trimming and Removal current year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS PW:no GC340901351.13[OPEN]1351.14Landfills, General Info destroy at will PLANNING CC:no non-record, reference1351.15Archaeological Surveys PERMANENT PLANNING PL:no GC340901400 ARTS, RECREATION, AND EDUCATIONART/REC 1401CULTURAL ARTS1401.01 Art in Public Places - fund, program, inventory, receipts PERMANENTCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:yesGC34090 Dept request-historic (State requires 2 yrs)1401.02 Community Services Grants (City General Fund to Non-Profits) current year + 5 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:yes GC340901401.03 Cultural Master Plans / Cultural Center Master Plans until superseded + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:yes GC340901401.04 Performing Arts current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:yes GC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 29 of 31 City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image1401.05 Art Foundations, Associations, Organizations, Committees current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:yes GC340901401.06 Library and Museum current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:yes GC34090ART/REC 1402RECREATION PROGRAMS AND EXPERIENCES1402.01 Recreation Programs and Program Evaluations current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:no GC340901402.02[OPEN]1402.03[OPEN]1402.04 Trails, Hiking, Biking, Equestrianuntil completed + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:noGC340901402.05 Experiences: Parades, Pageants and Community Eventsuntil completed + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:noGC340901402.06[OPEN]1402.07 Rentals and Permits - Park and Facility Use current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:no GC340901402.08 Registrations, Adults while current + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:no GC340901402.09 Registrations, Minors while current + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:no GC340901402.10 Wellness Center Administration current year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCS:no GC34090d1500 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS AND OFFICESGOV/ORG 1501[OPEN]GOV/ORG 1502STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENTS, ORGANIZATIONS, AND OFFICES1502.01(LIST ALPHABETICALLY)current year + 2 years interested dept CC:noGC34090GOV/ORG 1503LOCAL AND REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS1503.01Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO)current year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.02PS Desert Resorts Conv and Visitors Authority: CVAcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.03PS International Airport Commissioncurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.04Coachella Valley Enterprise Zone Authoritycurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.05Western Riverside Council of Gov't (WRCOG)current year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.06Coachella Valley Recreation and Parks Districtcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.07So. Calif. Association of Governments (SCAG)current year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.08Coachella Valley Mts Conservancy Commissioncurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.09Salton Sea Authoritycurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.10Coachella Valley Assoc. of Governments (CVAG)current year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.11Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP)current year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.12Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Districtcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.13Coachella Valley Joint Powers Insurance Authoritycurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.14Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport Authoritycurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.15Chamber of Commerce, La Quintacurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.16Chambers of Commerce, Other Areascurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.17South Coast Air Quality Management Districtcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.18 (OPEN) 1503.19Cal PERScurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.20Coachella Valley Rescue Missioncurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.21Marth's Village and Kitchencurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.22Concerned Citizens of La Quinta organizationcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.23Soboba Band of Luiseño Indianscurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC34090Revised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 30 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019
UFFSDescriptionTOTALPrimaryScan /CitationNumberRETENTIONResponsibility Image1503.24Cove Neighborhood Associationcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901503.25"Next Door" Neighborhood Communications current year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC34090GOV/ORG 1504RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENTS, ORGANIZATIONS, AND OFFICES1504.01Riverside County, Generalcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.02County Recorder and County Clerkcurrent year + 2 yearsCLERKCC:noGC340901504.03Auditor / Controllercurrent year + 2 yearsFINANCECC:noGC340901504.04Board of Supervisors and Executive Officecurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.05Office of Disaster Preparednesscurrent year + 2 yearsBUILDINGCC:noGC340901504.06Flood Control / Water Conservation Districtcurrent year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:noGC340901504.07Housing and Community Development Dept.current year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.08Public Works Departmentcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.09Registrar of Voterscurrent year + 2 yearsCLERKCC:noGC340901504.10Sheriff's Departmentcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.11Traffic Advisory Commissioncurrent year + 2 years PUBLIC WORKS CC:noGC340901504.12Treasurer / Tax collectorcurrent year + 2 yearsFINANCECC:noGC340901504.13Public Health Servicescurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.14Riverside Cty Transportation Commission (RCTC)current year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.15Department of Animal Controlcurrent year + 2 yearsBUILDINGCC:noGC340901504.16Economic Development Programwhile current + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.17Department of Planning and Land Usecurrent year + 2 yearsPLANNINGCC:noGC340901504.18Assessor's Officecurrent year + 2 yearsFINANCECC:noGC340901504.19Department of Social Servicescurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.20 Riverside County Library Systemcurrent year + 2 yearsCOMMUNITY RESOURCESCC:noGC340901504.21Department of Parks and Recreationcurrent year + 2 years FACILITIES DEPT CC:noGC340901504.22County Court Systemcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.23Department of Vector Controlcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.24Fire Departmentcurrent year + 2 years CITY MANAGERCC:noGC340901504.25 Riverside Cty Airport Land Use Commission / COCHRAN Regional airport current year + 2 years CITY MANAGER CC:noGC34090GOV/ORG 1505INTER / INTRA CITY FILES(LIST ALPHABETICALLY)current year + 2 years interested deptCC:noGOV/ORG 1506INTERNATIONAL OFFICES AND ORGANIZATIONS(LIST ALPHABETICALLY)current year + 2 years interested deptCC:noRevised by Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (909) 337-3516 Page 31 of 31City of La Quinta - July 2, 2019