460 Gomez 2019 from 01/01 - 06/30Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page Statement covers period from — 1/1/2019 Date of election If applicable; (Month, Day, Year) Date Stamp RECEIVED , ,Q JUL 25 2019-- COVER PAGE 1 of 6 Rof Official use Only SEE INOTRt1CT1ONS ON REVERSE through - 7/30/2019 November 8, 2018 CITY OF LA QUINITA CITY CLERK DEPARTMENJ I 1. Type of Recipient Committee; All Committees - Complete Ports 1,1; 0, and 4. 2. Type of Statement: ® 9ffleeholder, Condldate Controlled Committee ® Primarily Farfii@d ®allot Measure ® Preelection Statement ® Quarterly Stat@fn@Rt State Candld€lte Election Cotiffmitten Committee ® Semi-annual Statement ® Special Odd=Y@af Report ® Recall ® Controll@d ® Termination Statement (Also s Paa J) i) Spornuf'iJ (Also file a Form 410 Temlinotion) rAlso Cnmprera Pod 0® @neral Purpose Canimittee ® Amendment (Explain below) Sponsored ® Primarily Foffri@d Candidate/ Imall Contributtif Committ o Officehold@r Committee - Political Party/C@ntral Committ@@ ihlsoCwPinta€aril) 3. Committee Information i,D. NUMBER 1410351 GOMMITTEE NAME (OR A ]DATE'S NAM6 IF NO COMMITTE ) Go with Gomez 2018, LQ City Council 4. T ET ADDRESS (Ng P,g: BOX) 78070 Via Melodia CITY STATE ZIP CODE ARRACODE/PtCNS La Quinta CA 92253 714 474 9680 A LI G ADDRESS (Ir 911PriMENT) NO. A IJ BTREET OR P.C, ®C)t Saba 5 TY STATE ZIP 069E A RA CODE! Flp OPTl9 AL: FAX / - AIL APPRESS 188gmail.Com Treasurer(@) F TREAOUMMM ®ante Gomez MAILING ADDR - T 70070 Via Melodic 0' r STATE____An0DE AREA GOD V 115 HO NE La Quinta CA 92253 714 474 9880 NAMI' OF ASSIS'[A.N T Ts FASURER, It ANY N/A G ADDRESII STATE ODE AREA COffli* @Nl=� C , NAL: FAX I E=MA L ADDRESS I hav@ Used all reasonabl@ diligence In pf@paring and reviewing this stotem@nt and to tho best of my knowl@dg@ thrMrmoflon contained heroin and in the ahoched schedules is tftl@ and complete: I c@Ftify under pennity of p@rjury under th@ lows of the State of California that the foregoing Is tru@ arq"rmul, ,-2 Executed on. _ 7/26/19 AW Executed on 7/25/19 aW Executed on Id Executed on By By By SigrwlUF@ ® @RlFolling officiholoaf, rarididete, Slal@ M@@§klF@ Proponent By Sign@ldF@ @F D@filfolling OffioBh@ @F, 9aFldidele, Stela M@@§IlF@ Proponent FPPC form 460 (len/2016) FPPC Advlc@I advicet9f00&0:aov 1866/275.17721 COVER PAGE - PART 2 Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page — Part 2 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE Dent@ Gomez OrriCk rOUGKT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DIBfiKICT NUMBER IP APPLICABLE) La Quinta City Council Member RL810-EVIAUIBUSiNESS A DRESS (@, AND STREET) C TY IitATE ZIT'' 76070 Via Melodle La Quints CA 92253 Related Committees Not Included in this Statement: Liatanycommhtees Hot included in this statement that are controlled by you or are primarily formed to recelvv contributions or make expenditures off behalf of your candidacy. CI' TATE ZIP CODE AlItA CODEIPHONE 00MMWFEE NAME I.D. NUMBER ❑ YES ® NO CITY @TATE ZIP CODE A-REA CODE/PH 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF BALL0 Mi A!;iIRE BALLOT No. OR Page 2 of a ® SUPPORT OPPOSE Idwitify the controlling officeholder, candidate, or state measure proponent, if any, NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE, OR PROPONENT 7. Primarily Formed Candidate/Officeholder Committee Liatnamesof otficoholder(s) or candidate(s) for which this committee is primarily formed, NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CAWIDATE OFFICE BOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANOIQAT€ OFFICE BOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDAT€ OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOS€ Attach continuation sheets if nece$a@ry FPPC Form 460 (Jon/3016) FPPC Advice) edvic@@fppc,ca,gov (866/276.2772) www.f ppc, €a,gov Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE _ NAME OF FILER Dante Gomez - Go With Gomez 2018, LQ City Council Amounts may be rounded to wholo dollars. Ststement covers period from 1 /1 /2019 through 7/30/2019 Contributions Received Column A TOTAL THIaPERIOD Column B CAL€NDARY€AR (FROM ATTACH€D SCHEDUL€®) TOTAL TIP DATE 1. Monatory Contributions.................::.::::::::....................... schedule A, Lilt@ a $ 0 1 2456.95 2. Loans Received :::::::::::: .................. ::::::::::........................ Schedule 0, Lim a 0 2478.86 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS: ........................ :::.. Add Llnm 1 * 2 $ 0 111 4969.86 4. Nammonetary Contributions ......... :::::::::::...................... .. Schedule C, Lin@ 0 0 576.00 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED: .................. __,,,,,,_.Add Llnm a * 4 $ 0 111 6535.86 Expenditures Made 6. Payrfl@nts Made ........ ::I.: .............. ..................,,::: Scheduie E Lin@ 4 $ 84.87 Ill 4796.91 7. Loans Made ........ :..::.::::::.......... ......::::::::::::.................... ::. Schedule a, LiR@ a 0 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS::.- ::::::::........... Add Lin@& a * 7 $ 84.87 1 4796.91 9. Aooruad Expenses (Unpaid Bills) ::::::::::::...............:.::.:::::::::: Schedule F, Lift @ 0 0 1 o. Nommonetary Adjustment ...........:::::::::::::::::..............:::.::::::::::: Schedule C, Lin@ a - � - - -- 0 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE,,,,,:,,:::,:; .................. ::::::.: Add Lines e * !I * i® $ 84. 4796.91 Current Cash Statement 12. B®ginning Cash Balance.........,< ...::::::::::.... Previous StintlijeryPage, Lin@ 10 13. Cash Receipts ,,,,,,,,,;,,;,;,,,,,,_.......:,::::::::::::, ............... C@Idlnn A, Line a @lt@v@ 14, Mlsc@II@neous Incre®ses to Cash ::::..::...................... .:. Schedule 1, Lin@ 4 $ 84.87 0 0 � calculate Column B, add amounts In Column A to the corresponding amounts from Column B 15. Cash Payments .......::::::...............:::::::::::::. .............: Column A, Line @ @h@v@ 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE ............::::::Add Lines 12 + 19 * 14, th@n subtract Lim 19 If ffiia is @ termination at@tement Lft 10 must be zero, $ _ 84.87 _ 0 of your last report: Some amounts In Column A may b@ negative^ figures that should be [iubtr@@tad from previous period arnounts. if this is the first report being filed for this calendar year, only carry over Ilia smounLz from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if any). 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED -:::I ...................... '' Schedule ®, ✓�@rt 0 $ 0 ' Cash Equivalent@ and Outstanding Debts 18. Cash Equivalents-,,:,, ................. ........... Sm InsfWctions an r@V@rg@ $ 0 19. outstanding Debts-::, ............... Add Line 2 * Lin@ ®in Column 0 @tlov@ $ _ 2478.86 SUMMARY PAGE e � • 1 Pegs 3 of 5 I:C: NUMBER 1410351 Calendar Year Summary for Candidates Running in Both the state Primary and General Elections ill through 6130 V1 to Dat@ 20: Contribution+; Received $ - -- $ 21: Expenditure- Made $ _ _ $ - Expenditure Limit Summary for State Candidates 22. Cumulstiv@ Expenditures Mad@" (If lukieat to Wlunlary EaHantlltura Loot) Date of Election Total to Data (mm/dd/yy) $ 'Amounts in this section may be diffor@nt from amounts r@ported in Column 0, FPPC Form 460 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advlcet sdvic@@fppc.ca,gov (066/275.3772) vvww,fppc,Cs,gov Schedule B — Part 1 Loans Received Amounts mmy bm rounded to whole dollars. statement covers perlou from 1/1/2019 SCHEDULE B - PART 1 through 7/30/2019 page 4 of 5 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER — _ - - — _ — - - — _ - - I:D: NUMBER Dante Gomez - Go With Gomez 2018, LQ City Council 1410351 FULL NAME, STREEfiA®@RESSANDSIP 'ODE IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION OUTSTANDING AMOUNT AMCUNfi RAID oUT6fi' &DING CE AT INTEREST ORIGINAL CUMULATIVE OF LENDER (IF 90MMITTEEs, AL®® €NT€R LD. NUM®€R) €LEI EMPL0yE6, €N p-fi NAME OFBU8IN€^N! BEGINNINGBALANCE RECEIVED THIS � R&®D OR FORGIVEN* C ALE PAID THIS PERIOD AMOUNTOF LOAN CONTRI®UfiIONS To DATE IERIOD THIS PERIOD PERIOD Dante Gomez Attorney, County of ® PAID CALENDAR YEAR 78e70 VI@ Melodle Riverside $ 84.87 s� �� s 56 25 6 La Quint@, CA 92283 m ;`OWIV€N HATE PER ELECTION*' $_2606:86 s 0 S 2479:86 Non@ tm IND [J COM ® OTb ❑ PTY I 1 @CC — — DATE DUE DATEI14:.'UNR1ED ❑PAID — — CALENDAR YEAR �— ---- — $ $ ❑ FOROIVEN PER EL€CTION'* RATE t❑ IND ® COM I!I OTb ❑ PTY 0 RCC s s s $ � DATE [)WE DATE INOWIED ❑ PAID CALENDAR YEAR $ a ❑ FOROIV€N PER ELECTION" HAT€ 1 ❑ IND ® COM ® OTb ❑ PTY ® 6Cc 5 s S S § SUBTOTALS $ $ DATE DUE $ $ DATE INOURRED Schedule B Summary 1. Loan@ received this period ....... ::::::............... ........:.................... ....... -:::,:....... ...,.,,:$ _ ^ (Total Column (b) plus uniternlz@d loans of less than $100,) 2. Loans paid or forgiven this period: .................... ::. ............. 2—:::: ....................................... —:,P ............. $ (Total Column (c) plus loans under $100 paid or forgiven.) (Include loans paid by a third party that are also Itemized on Schedule A,) 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1.)...:::::::..................... t,: ........... ,,:,,,:::::...... NET $ _ Enter the net here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 2. (May be an@ggtly@Rdlfil€ar) *Amount@ forgiven or paid by another party also must be reported on Sch@dwl@ A. ** If r@gwif@d. Mnliff (@) oil Sch@dwI@ €, Lim 3) tCmiributor Codes INC = Individu@I COM = Realpl@I9t Corti fllttee (oth@r then PTY or SOO) OTH = Other (@:g., bD@iRess entity) PTY = Polit&oal Party SCC = Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 660 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advl6@E edvl€@fflDfppC:€o,gov (166/275=1772) www,fpPC,€a,gov E Schedule E Amounts may be rounded Statement coven psrlod to whole dollars. ■ Payments Made from 1/1/2019 1 FORM SEE INSTRUf-TIDN& ON AEVgRSE _ through _. 7/30/2019 Page 5 - of 5 NUM149IR Dante Gomez - Go With Gomez 2018, LQ City Council 1410351 CODES; If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the code, Otherwise, describe the payment. CMP campaign parephernalla/misc. M®P member communication§ RAD radio airtime and productlon ®®ate CNS campaign consultants MT® meetings and appearanoeb RFD roWn0 contributions CTB contribution (explain nonmonetery)" Oro office exponwe SAL campaign worker,' F @lanes CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL t,v, or cable airtlrne and production costs FIL candidate filing/ballot fees Pb® phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and m@als FND fundraising event � POL polling and survey research TRS sfaftlgpouse travel, Iodping, and nisale IND lad@p@ndent expenditure supporting/opposing others (@xphln)• POS postage, delivery and meseeng@r services TSF tran9flor between committees of the s§rtl@ candidate/sponsor LEG I@gal defense PRO profewdonal a@rvices (legal, accounting) VOT vot@r registration LIT Campaign literature and mailings FIRT print ad° WEB information technology costs (Int@met, @=mail) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYFF (IF COMMITTtti AM ENTER IA NUM@€R) Dante S: Gomez, 78070 Via Melodic, La Quints, CA 92253 CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Partial loan repayment of I$64,87 with remainder of CTB ®ash to Dante S: Gomez for loan amount of $2,565.86; remainder of loan forgiven: AMOUNT PAID $8417 * Paym@nta that are contributions or ind@p@nd@nt expendituf@a must also be agmmarized on Soh@dule D. SUUTOTAL j 8417 Schedule E Summary 1. Itemized a menu, made this period. include all Schedule E subtotals. $ 84,67 P Y p ( )..::::::............::.:,:,.:.:.:.........:.,..:,::::............::::,:::::,..................:::......:::::. 2. Uniteliilted payments made this period of . under$100....... ..::::::................ :.::::............ :.:.:,,::,_.:... .............. ,::............... ,::::::............. ,.... -...:.....::::::, $ .. _ . . 3. Total Interest pold this period on loans. Enter amount from Sohedule B Part 1, Column e 0 4. Total payments mad® this period: (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summery Page, Column A, Line ®:).::::........... TOTAL $ — 84,87 FPPC Form 460 (Jan/8016) FPPC Advla@► advic@L10ppc:ca.gov (866/275.2772) www.fppc.co.gov